Are Moms Going
to Have to Finish
This War!!!
New And
Improved Bill of Rights For
The Left!

Dr. Laurie Roth Ph.D.
December 15, 2006
is a list of helpful tools and suggestions to reach out and touch
those who are different and ever so sensitive.
say Happy Partying and Winter Solstice this season.
May Rudolf wiggle his glowing nose by your environmentally correct
Fireplace, of course which doesn�t burn real wood
May the sausage rolls in your manger seen not be eaten by the
hungry cows and camel looking on this season
May the Holiday, safe sex Condom tree shine with your celebratory
pornaments and more vouchers underneath for plastic surgery
Have a wonderful season, not knowing what you are celebrating,
maxing out your credit cards and returning gifts.
Be kind and pity those who actually have the nerve to wish you
a Merry Christmas and celebrate the birth of Christ. They are
obviously stuck in a fossil era and have lost touch with reality.
Can you imagine honoring and worshiping the alleged Son of God
who came to earth as a baby, did countless miracles witnessed
by others, suffered horribly as he served us, then rose from the
dead and forgave all of humanity???
It would be so much more celebratory to imagine Bill Clinton in
the white house again putting pornaments on the tree in time for
the family tours. I miss those special times with that tree.
There is a deeper problem we must all face when recognizing the
Christ child in a manger. What does that do to the gains of the
abortion movement? Just when we are approaching a world record
in wiping out millions of those pesky babies, we are supposed
to celebrate and stare at one in a manger for a few weeks every
year. Wouldn�t the story have been much more appropriate to today�s
needs if Mary had realized she was too young, not married and
needed to get this thing out of her womb somehow. That would have
been something to really celebrate, the beginning of a liberating
murder cult, where eventually, only animals are left on earth
with precious trees and selfish humans were finally put away.
Why confuse our thinking with anything eternal this season�. wondering
about our meaning, is there any hope after death, is there any
purpose through these trials we are facing, why ask serious questions
about your destiny when you can simply get drunk, sleep around,
cut out the baby in your womb, blaspheme God, and celebrate nature?
hope my few thoughts about the Christmas challenges and issues help
you this season. As for me and my fossilized family, we can�t wait
to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and His unbelievable gift to human
kind, saving us from our own sins and offering us all hope and meaning
through His birth and life. In this world war, moral down fall, stress
and challenges we all face, isn�t it amazing and wonderful that our
God even knows our name and loves us.
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my other fossil friends�..Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Remember,
we really are celebrating Christ�s birth and gift to us all. It�s
not about money, partying, fancy presents and posing. It�s giving
to others and love.
Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in Counseling and held
a small private practice for many years. She earned a black belt in Tae
Kwon Do. In the late 90's, Laurie hosted
and produced a successful PBS television show called "CD Highway" that
aired nationally on 130 TV stations.
Tune in to The Roth Show, Weeknights from 7:00
to 10:00 pm PAC and find out for yourself! You can listen live on cable
radio network (live on the internet) channel 6 or visit The Roth Show
web site and click on "where to listen" www.therothshow.com
Call the Roth Show at: 1-800-837-9680
E-Mail: Drljroth@aol.com
Rudolf wiggle his glowing nose by your environmentally correct Fireplace,
of course which doesn�t burn real wood...
