Other In Violation of Their Oath of Office Chilling Costs of Illegal Alien Migration
Frosty Wooldridge This week, President Bush said in California there's no way to deport millions of illegal aliens. He�s the one that opened the barn door and let them into our country. He�s the one that won�t close the door as tens of thousands pour into our nation weekly. Senator McCain, his side kick and presidential wanna-be touts his ability to lead our nation with his bus ride �Straight Talk Express.� However, he promised the one-time amnesty in 1986 with a pledge to secure our borders. He failed us then and Bush fails us now�miserably. Isn�t it amazing that New Orleans with Katrina rampaging--evacuated two million people within two weeks! Isn�t it amazing that President Dwight D. Eisenhower deported one million illegal aliens in 1954 by enforcing U.S. immigration laws? By the simple act of prosecuting employers of illegal aliens, Ike saved the country from that invasion within a year. Isn�t it amazing that when you let the gate open and all the cows escaped into the pasture that all you have to do is go to the pasture and round them up and drive them back to the barn? Neal Boortz, a radio show host, listed these ways to remove illegals from America: 1.
Close the borders by using troops and flying drone surveillance. You
can shut down the flow to zero in a week. Jim Gilchrist�s Minutemen
proved it can be done with a bunch of old ladies and overweight men. Bush and McCain slip their spindly legs into the same pair of pants. They swim in the same pond with the same scum, i.e., majority of Congress. Both don�t do their jobs and both won�t talk straight. Both B.S. the American public! Their lies become our reality. What is that reality? How about 20 million illegal aliens hitting all 50 states like a human Katrina? How about tens of thousands of illegal aliens marching through our cities with Mexican flags flying? Bush and McCain cannot B.S. their way of out those realities no matter how much they crave an amnesty. Here is what�s happening at the citizen level as opposed to government level B.S: 1.
40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people)
are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are
predominantly illegal aliens, working without a green card. Bush's constant mantra of being compassionate towards immigrants - he needs a dictionary as well. He needs to look up the word illegal. When you allow lawlessness, you invite more of it. Bush/Kennedy/McCain have little news or intelligent commentary; instead they abound with clueless clich�s like "comprehensive immigration reform" manufactured by the pro-business "open-borders" crowd. Their contemporaries and lobbyists force-feed them that illegal aliens are essential. "Without undocumented workers, no one would make your hotel beds, prepare meals or wash dishes!" they self-righteously trumpet. George Bush's "Work Americans won't do, has lost its pump - he is insulting every American Citizen. Plus when will he discuss how much the American taxpayer gives to these lawbreakers due to his compassion. Their B.S shows that twisting perceptions won�t budge reality: 7.
Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
Now we hear the further outrage that the George W. Bush "Guest Worker Bill" amnesty would provide "documentation allowing these workers to obtain drivers' licenses and purchase insurance, and get out of the shadows.� Who's kidding whom? Alien drivers who can't read English or basic road signs shouldn't be driving. The claim of "insuring highway safety by licensing all drivers" is a charade; we all know that state DMV offices will never "flunk" an illegal alien's driving test. Obtaining auto insurance is laughable - illegal aliens who knowingly violate immigration laws will knowingly violate driving and insurance laws. In my state of Colorado, Justin Goodman, Dale Englerth, Don Young and Garrison were killed and left for dead by fleeing aliens. This happens in every state! This is a reality check at the B.S. Bush, McCain and Kennedy spew from their mouths: 12.
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on
welfare. What of the educational nightmare facing American family? Try this on for size compared to the B.S. that Bush and McCain shove down our throats: According to the www.rockymountainnews.com, Denver, Colorado, April 26, 2005, page 6A, �Manual Closing Defended;� �And in all of Denver Public Schools last year, a district of 73,000 students, only 61 Hispanics students and only 33 black students were proficient on the 10th grade math test for the state.� To follow up on the harsh reality facing American students, at DPS, one in five teachers quits or transfers out every nine month teaching cycle while facing students speaking 40 different languages. It's time the B.S. Express start straight talking to American citizens. These open borders advocates need to come clean with citizens and quit the B.S. They continue lying to us about border security while they lie to us as they pretend to bring �democracy� to Islam theocracy-run Iraq. All the while, our country suffers invasion by Mexico. McCain need to take the BS Express to Mexico--he's running for president of the wrong country.
Countering the B.S. Express, we�re leading the �21st Century Paul Revere Ride� beginning May 29, 2006 in Denver, Colorado and will be riding motorcycles with thousands of other Americans to reach all 48 capitols. We�re going to show every American HOW to combat the invasion of our country. You can help with information below. To all red blooded American citizens: If
you ride a motorcycle, we want you to escort the 21st Century Paul
Revere team into your state capitol this summer. Check the web site
for dates and times. Take off from work for an hour or day or week;
ride Starts in Denver May 29, 2006: Ends in Washington, DC August 12, 2006 with massive motorcycle rally at the capitol steps. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ONE IF BY LAND: TWO IF BY SEA: THREE IF FROM MEXICO PAUL REVERE RIDES AN IRON HORSE IN 2006 IN DENVER ON MAY 29, 2006- FOUR MODERN-DAY PAUL REVERES WILL BEGIN A 14,000 MILE MOTORCYCLE RIDE TO ALL 48 STATE CAPITOLS TO WARN AMERICANS OF THE UNARMED INVASION FROM MEXICO. THEY WILL SPREAD THE ALARM THAT AMERICA MUST ACT NOW OR WATCH THE UNITED STATES SLIDE INTO A BILINGUAL, LOW-WAGE COUNTRY. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN THAT RIDES AN IRON HORSE IS INVITED TO RIDE FOR AN HOUR, FOR A DAY, FOR A WEEK, IN YOUR STATE. RVs WELCOME. MAKE PAUL REVERE PROUD! Working in concert with major immigration reform groups www.reformus.com , Frosty Wooldridge, noted immigration activist and author of Immigration�s Unarmed Invasion � Deadly Consequences, will lead the charge and spread the alarm. If you want to assist in any way in your state, for additional details contact Ride Coordinator: Howard J. Wooldridge at 301-695-1739 or wooldridge@leap.cc Or contact: Frosty H. Wooldridge at: 303-666-6186 frostyw@juno.com Remember May 1st letter to Mr. Bush: Want to do something neat to give Bush a piece of your mind? Can you imagine 20 semi-truck trailers delivering 10, 20, 30 million pieces of mail in a few days? Mail your letter on May 1st only. Take five minutes and do this: PRESS RELEASE 04/20/2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FIVE MILLION LETTERS TO BE SENT TO PRESIDENT BUSH MAY 1ST 2006 DEMANDING IMMEDIATE DISPATCH OF TROOPS TO THE MEXICAN BORDER AND IMMEDIATE ENFORCEMENT OF CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS All American citizens by birth or through naturalization are being asked to mail letters addressed to President Bush on Monday May 1st 2006 demanding that the President: 1) Dispatch troops to the Mexican border immediately to stop the human trafficking of illegal aliens. 2) Enforce all existing immigration laws immediately and ask congress for the funding to have them enforced effectively. 3) Through Executive Order outlaw all Sanctuary City policies throughout the United States. Letters are to be addressed to: George W. Bush President of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 Stamp your Envelopes with an upside down American Flag stamp to signify the distress that the country is in. Project
Coordinator and Contact �If You Don�t Think This is an Invasion, Try and Stop it!� Use this template: May
1st 2006 Dear Mr. Bush, It is my patriotic duty as an American Citizen to write you urging you to take immediate action to stop the invasion of our country by illegal aliens. Please uphold your oath of office to protect and defend the United States of America by: 1) Immediately dispatching troops to secure our borders. 2) Immediately enforcing our current immigration laws with a demand on Congress for full funding to have our immigration laws effectively enforced. 3) Issuing an executive order outlawing Sanctuary Cities in the United States Mr. President, do not let us down, we demand immediate action. On behalf of all of America�s citizens I ask that you not turn your back on us. Sincerely, (Your
name) � 2006 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved Frosty's
new book "Immigration's
Unarmed Invasion" E-Mails are used strictly
for NWVs alerts, not for sale
Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents in the past 26 years. He has written hundreds of articles (regularly) for 17 national and 2 international magazines. He has had hundreds of editorials published in top national newspapers including the Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post, Albany Herald and Christian Science Monitor. His first book, "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" by Falcon Press is available nationwide. His second book "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" by the Brookfield Reader published in January 2002. His bicycle books include "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD." His latest book. �IMMIGRATION�S UNARMED INVASION�DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.� Frosty Wooldridge has guest lectured at Cornell University, teaching creative writing workshops, magazine writing at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University. He also lectures on "Religion and Ethics" at Front Range College in Colorado. Website: www.FrostyWooldridge.com
This week, President Bush said in California there's no way to deport millions of illegal aliens. He�s the one that opened the barn door and let them into our country.