Other In Violation of Their Oath of Office Chilling Costs of Illegal Alien Migration
Frosty Wooldridge This past week, an email arrived that marks a poignant aspect of America�s greatest dilemma in the early years of the 21st century. In this country, most of our citizens and all of our leaders stick their heads into the sand, bury their brains in mud and talk about everything but the overpopulation dilemma that defines America in the 21st century. Additionally, by avoiding it at all costs, it gains greater speed like a Rocky Mountain avalanche, like an asteroid headed for the center of our planet and like the Titanic speeding toward that fateful iceberg in the North Atlantic. In spite of one of the most educated citizenry on the planet, our nation drives itself, at increasing rates of speed, over a cliff. Religious groups refuse to talk about it as if Galileo returned to expose their folly of thinking that the universe revolved around Earth. They placed him under house arrest for the rest of his life and he promised not to advocate the sun as the center of this solar system under threat of death. Political groups avoid it like the plague. Yet it�s coming as surely as the dawn! A lady named Jacqueline in Arizona wrote, �Consider my state, dry and water poor, which grew 40 percent between 1990-2000 with a 2000 population of 4,057,208. The 2006 estimate shows us at 6,166,318 population and no restraint in sight. It is not only the presidential candidates who refuse to discuss population, but environmentalists, political parties, and think-tanks much less the Catholic Church or other religious tribes to mention this so obvious problem. �I recently held a meeting to talk about immigration and its relationship to how rapidly the U.S. is growing, and showed Roy Beck's VCR "Immigration by the Numbers.� The County Democratic Party Chairperson walked out calling it �a scare tactic.�� Hundreds of well-meaning readers write me telling me that I�m wrong about overpopulation. They tell me it�s a food distribution problem where millions wouldn�t starve daily if they enjoyed better food distribution. What do they all share in common? Their intellectual grids remain imbedded within the security of the United States of America in the year 2007. Yes! It�s safe here, right now, in this moment. Their emotions remain stuck in paradigms of growth, expansion and unending development. They can�t think past their noses. The United States expects an added 100 million people by 2040. No even blinks at the ramifications facing our children. It�s almost as if we�re contestants on �The Price is Right� and we keep spinning the wheel to hit on the same category: �DUMB�. While attackers of population stabilization enjoy enough gasoline, natural gas and food today�they don�t comprehend their children�s reality. Of course, the residents of the Southeast and in Georgia, specifically, suffer a drought that will prove a national disaster for millions. Never mind that Georgia will grow five to seven million more people in 35 to 40 years! Never think about Arizona�s projected growth to 15.3 million! Forget about California adding its projected 42 million people in America�s version of Bangladesh and China! The imminent population expert, Lindsey Grant wrote, �TOO MANY PEOPLE: The Case for Reversing Growth� with a sobering look into what our civilization faces in the near future. He doesn�t use �scare� tactics. He doesn�t exaggerate. Grant, like Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Copernicus and other great minds before him�presents the facts, the obvious and the reality-check needed in this century. We cannot keep our �sustainable growth� fa�ade much longer. Too much reality piles up on our front door steps. Even the Pope at some point must change his stance or lose millions more to overpopulation consequences. No one can keep running, hiding or pretending. The human raced quadrupled from 1.6 billion to 6.7 billion in the last century. The United States jumped from 75 million to 300 million. Grant�s book proves profound! You cannot hide from its methodical realities. It�s the easiest way to make yourself an expert as to our dilemma: �Too Many People: Case for Reversing Growth� ISBN # 0-929765-91-5 @7.95 www.amazon.com �The migration pressure is a product of overcrowding on the land, of unemployment and wage differentials, all of which are driven by population growth,� Grant said. �Those driving forces would subside if somehow the growth should stop and turn around.� For anyone that thinks Mexico�s massive immigration into the United States will stop, they prove sadly mistaken. Current population predictions show Mexico adding 200 million people in this century. Therefore, America can expect relentless, unending migration from Mexico into the tens of millions. That alone will overload our capacity to sustain any population as to water, food and resources. �We live in an exquisitely balanced ecosystem,� Grant said. �We are tampering with that balance in the pursuit of more food production, and we do not know what we are doing.� As to Georgia�s drought, �Can we imagine how much less tense life would be, and how much less deadly droughts would be in arid areas if there were one third the population and therefore three times as much water per capita as now, coupled with modern capabilities to manage it?� Grant said, �If world population were two billion, one third its present size, 50 million tons of marine fish would mean half again as much, per capita, as the present take from all fisheries. We would not be putting nearly so many pollutants into the sea.� For anyone seeing the degradation of their air and water, their communities via congestion, Brown Cloud and gridlock�this book allows you to wrap your arms around our dilemma. Grant said, �We are already at war with the biosphere that supports us. More than any other proposed solution, a solution on the demand side�population�offers an effective way to end or ameliorate the problem.� Grant illustrates our immigration dilemma: �Two thirds of this country�s growth will result from immigration�given the magnitudes involved, an effort to mitigate the population growth of the less developed world by absorbing it is to put us in their predicament, without making a significant contribution to alleviating their plight.� Grant covers Population and Migration; Economic Growth; Irrigation and Water; Meat and Fish; Climate; Energy; Pollution; Human Survival; New American Mindset in this 102 page book. By reading it, you will find yourself wiser, smarter and more inspired to act.
do I know Grant speaks from reality? I�ve seen what he writes about.
I stepped out of the limited thinking grid of our �apparent� wealth
in this country to see the accelerating tabulation human toll around
the world. This book proves a necessity for anyone with children.
By following his suggestions, the human race might stand a chance
at making it through the 21st century intact. � 2007 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved
new book "Immigration's
Unarmed Invasion" E-Mails are used strictly
for NWVs alerts, not for sale
Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" ; �STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE�; �IMMIGRATION�S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES�; �MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND�A TEEN NOVEL�; �BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION�; �AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTIA.� His next book: �TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP.� He lives in Denver, Colorado. His latest book. �IMMIGRATION�S UNARMED INVASION�DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.� Website: www.FrostyWooldridge.com
In this country, most of our citizens and all of our leaders stick their heads into the sand, bury their brains in mud and talk about everything but the overpopulation dilemma...