By Frosty
December 11, 2008
As America’s problems and challenges mount by the day, President-elect Obama faces extraordinary national and international quandaries. He finds 14 million Americans out of work with additional unemployment troubles accelerating as auto and manufacturing jobs vanish by the thousands weekly.
He faces an ever growing avalanche of dilemmas that include legal and illegal immigration, infrastructure degeneration, medical systems collapsing, 47 million Americans without insurance, debilitating wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, energy costs, trade deficits, degenerating schools, climate change and crime—just for starters.
Anyone reading national newspapers sees this nation drowning in debt, pelted with foreclosures, simmering with racial and cultural differences from millions of legal and illegal migrants, gasping for fresh air over the cities, praying for water and crying out as poverty and homelessness grow.
Obama faces an ever growing Balkanization of the fabric of America that rips and tears daily with the influx of millions of unassimilated migrants that live in the shadows and undermine the U.S. Constitution.
So, what should Obama do? What kind of a speech should he present to a doubtful America? What actions will he take?
You have a chance to present your ideas to his office staff at his website: Since all government begins at the local level and all human activities start at the local level, you may introduce ideas on that website.
For example, since my greatest issue addresses unending and unsustainable legal and illegal migration that undermines our stable population, I wrote an idea for Obama to introduce a ‘radical’ idea: “National Sustainable Population Policy.” I would like to see the United States stop immigrating the unending millions of people scratching their way to our shores for a better life when they degrade lives of all Americans already here. Not only that, their numbers grow by 77 million annually, so we cannot possibly solve the world’s hyper-population problems—but we can sink ourselves into the same nightmares if we continue on our way by adding 100 million people via immigration into this country within 30 years.
What’s your idea? I bet most American from every state carry ideas of what they want to see changed in America for a better future for their families and communities.
If I were President Obama, on January 20, 2009, I’d promise the American people: (numbered for brevity)
As your new president, I, Barack Obama, will abide by the Constitution, our laws and bring trust back to Washington, DC. I will serve with honesty, logical actions and promote the common good of Americans. I would:
1. Bring manufacturing jobs back to America by stopping massive trade deficits from insourcing, offshoring and outsourcing American jobs. I would make it extremely difficult for corporations to take their operations out of the United States. I would reward them for maintaining their facilities within our borders. I would not allow countries like Bangladesh, China, India, Mexico and other third world countries to rape American jobs by slave wages paid employees in other countries. Name one reason to continue $700 billion a year trade deficits when Americans can make their own products to give Americans jobs and livable wages.
2. Make Detroit produce high gas mileage cars as their biggest priority. Make them produce electric cars and environmentally responsible vehicles. Heavy taxes for cars with eight cylinder engines or low mileage autos.
3. Full speed ahead with billions for research for alternative energy in wind, solar, wave, river, hydrogen and any other method for creating energy that works and remains environmentally safe.
4. Full speed ahead on climate change mitigation with the finest minds and science to find out where we are with it and what we must do to solve it, if in fact, it is happening.
5. Gather the greatest economic minds together in the United States and create a plan for solving our $9.6 trillion national debt.
6. Make sure our citizens are employed before people from other countries take those jobs. Rescind all H1-B, H2-B and L-1 visas immediately and send those foreign workers back to their own countries. Support the American worker, period!
Enforce our immigration laws by locking up and prosecuting employers
of illegal aliens. Do it slowly and methodically! Use presidential
power to create the greatest exodus of illegal aliens out of this
country since Ike in 1954.
For those jobs requiring farm work, create the ‘pink card’
that lasts for three months. It would feature a finger print, picture
ID and tax number. If you break the law by forging it, you instantly
go to prison and you will never be allowed to come back as a seasonal
worker again. If an employer doesn’t check it for authenticity,
the employers is fined and locked up. Guest workers could not bring
their kids. It’s not up to us to educate foreign children whatsoever.
It’s up to their countries of origin.
8. Create a ten year moratorium on all immigration. Understand that when the rate of immigration exceeds the rate of assimilation, it is a recipe for disintegration of our society. At the end of five years, we would allow a maximum of 100,000 annually and only if that maintains a stable population. They must speak English and no dual citizenship allowed. No more diversity visas and chain migration.
9. No amnesty now or ever for anyone breaking into America illegally. Go back home and come in the legal way, the American way. After all, it’s our country and it is the most successful country in the world.
English as our national language. Knowing that a single language is
the most cohesive aspect of a country, I would require all TV, radio,
newspapers and government documents to be in English. If immigrants
didn’t like this 233 year ‘aspect’ of America, they
would be free to return to their own countries of origin. There would
be no, “Push ‘1’ for Spanish and ‘2’
for English and ‘3’ for Arabic.”
Instead of spending billions building Iraq, move men, money, machinery,
materials and supplies to rebuild America’s infrastructure.
10. Promote the greatest minds for creating the fairest
tax system in the world.
End the useless 37 year and $500 billion “War on Drugs”
that has yielded zero results. The DEA exists to exist. Bring in the
finest in law enforcement together with top experts to create a new
plan. Perhaps we may need to legalize illegal drugs and administer
them to addicts in specific settings much like in Europe. We may do
the same with marijuana as we did with alcohol. We need to return
to personal responsibility. We need to change drug use from a crime
to a medical problem that can be treated.
12. Promote term limitation of senators and Congressmen
to a maximum of 10 to 15 years. That would allow experience and wisdom
to prevail while cutting out corruption, cronyism and stagnation in
government. We need fresh minds running our country—not stogy
old men and women. We need 21st century ideas from new political thinkers.
As it is, we have a bunch of old men holding the reins of power long
after their best years. It’s obvious they are doing a horrible
job with the war, our debt, immigration, border security and many
other problems.
13. Stop the abuse of the 14th Amendment. Stop instant
citizenship for any child born in the United States by an illegal
alien parent. The child and mother would be sent back to their home
country and not allowed any services whatsoever in America.
14. Change the drunk driving laws to stop the 22,000
alcohol related deaths in America each year. For anyone caught drinking
or stoned and driving, institute a mandatory two year loss of license
and impoundment of any car whether owned or borrowed for two years.
Owner would have to pay all impound and storage fees as well as severe
insurance rates for any convicted drunk drivers. Taking away their
cars takes away their ability to kill on our highways.
15. End foreign aid other than humanitarian because
such money goes into the hands of those in power and never reaches
the poor people of an intended country.
16. Take our 37,000 troops out of South Korea and
place them on our southern and northern borders along with multiple
surveillance drones to stop any and all illegal migration into the
United States. A country without secure borders is not a country.
It’s a victim.
17. Use money saved by not giving foreign aid, not carrying on foreign wars and not sponsoring military bases in a hundred countries around the world to institute a national health care system for America’s citizens.
18. Create a national 10 cent deposit recycling bill that covers every bottle, can and plastic container sold out of every store in America. I would create a national paper recycling law that proved effective to the greatest use out of our resources again and again. I would create a national junk law to clean up this country via incentives for recycling old cars, machinery, trailers and junk that spreads from one end of this country to the other.
Extricate the United States out of the United Nations. It’s a waste of time and counterproductive to US interests.
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That’s for starters. Obama must run the presidency with common sense, rational thinking and reasonable planning. If these 19 points were implemented immediately, this country would regain its footing and respect in the world community. Above all, he would honor the United States Constitution and the sovereignty of our country so help me God.