By Frosty
January 30, 2014
The pressing question of this commentary: what are we doing to ourselves and why do we keep doing it?
In the past 50 years, scientists and chemists from all over the world created 80,000 different chemicals to work all sorts of havoc on Mother Nature. You can find pharmaceuticals and pesticides in Polar bears as well as seals and fish in the Southern Oceans of Antarctica.
Guess what? You can find many of the same chemicals in human beings. If you look across America’s landscape, 30 years ago, Autism affected 1 in 110,000 births. Today, it affects 1 in 110. (Source: CDC report)
When we poison the plants and animals of the food chain around the planet, we ultimately poison ourselves. Witness cancer rates skyrocketing around the world. Witness Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, lupus and other neurological maladies affecting millions of Americans.
Fukushima reactors spill billions of gallons of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. It circulates to all corners of the planet. But closer to home, we continue injecting drugs and chemicals into our own Great Lakes.
An International Joint Commission report, conducted by scientists from both the US and Canada, discovered that the Great Lakes region suffers severely contaminated waters replete with chemicals and prescription drugs that slipped past treatment methods at sewage treatment plants.
“The commission found that about half of all prescription drug and other chemical contaminants remain in sewage waste after it is treated,” said a Natural News report. “The situation is so dire that the commission is calling out for new water treatment methods, warning residents of the area of "chemicals of emerging concern" that may affect the health of both aquatic life and humans in negative ways.”
The Great Lakes - becoming a cocktail of pharmaceutical and chemical compounds
Antonette Arvai, physical scientist of the International Joint Commission, said, “It is hard to tell how one contaminate may affect the human body, let alone a whole mix of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The compounds, which can't be seen, are showing up in mixed proportions at parts per billion or parts per trillion. As compounds combine randomly and in different proportions, water from the Great Lakes is becoming a wicked cocktail travesty of science.”
According to the commission, “A chemical flood of 4.8 billion gallons of waste water is treated and discharged into the Great Lakes basin every day. All the intermingling, parts per billion of untreated waste chemicals add up. The Great Lakes are basically becoming a pharmaceutical stew, a melting pot of side effects waiting to be drunk.”
This list shows chemicals and pharmaceuticals that accumulate in the Great Lakes region.
• A couple of antibiotics drugs and commercial antibacterial triclosan - Triclosan, the antibacterial compound found in commercial soaps, toothpastes and other body care products is a known toxin to algae and has been shown to be a hormone disruptor to fish. How might triclosan and other antibiotics spawn the creation of dangerous and evolved bacteria strains?
Diana Aga, chemistry professor and chemical researcher of the Great Lakes region said, “Even at low levels you don't want to have people ingest antibiotics regularly because it will promote resistance.”
• An herbicide - How might this destroy nutritional algae and other beneficial plants, which are needed for a thriving ecosystem?
• Acetaminophen and an anti-inflammatory drug called diclofenac. Dicolfenac accumulates in fish. How might continual dosing through water sources accumulate in the cells of humans and tax the liver over time?
• An estrogen, estriol - How might hormones in the water affect mating patterns in wildlife and in humans?
• An anti-seizure drug - How might drugs like these, with side effects including suicidal thoughts and behaviors, effect people over time?
Do you filter your water? Start today!
Commission board member and scientist for the National Wildlife Federation's Great Lakes Regional Center Michael Murray said, "Wastewater plants weren't designed to handle these types of chemicals.”
As wastewater treatment plants fail to keep up with high levels of pharmaceuticals and chemical compounds, obtaining clean water will become the responsibility of the individual family.
Most municipal water sources suffer contaminating with fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals. You must filter your own water. Gravity-fed activated charcoal filtration devices are becoming more popular for their ability to eliminate pharmaceuticals and herbicides from tap water. Other filters that use reverse osmosis help eliminate fluoride and arsenic. Some water filtration systems utilize both methods to free water of practically all contaminates.
Finally, a friend of mine said that my quest to educate all Americans as to the ramifications of adding 138 million people within 36 years fails from the git-go. Most Americans and certainly our Main Stream Media cannot grasp the enormity of it, or if they do, they flee the subject because it proves extremely unsettling. Better to deny it today and deal with it tomorrow.
Unfortunately, that’s like driving a car toward a cliff at 100 miles per hour and start braking within 100 feet of the edge. You certainly know what happens to anyone in that car.
That’s why we need to take action today. We must stop mass immigration into America. We don’t want to become a “refugee nation” and we don’t want our civilization overwhelmed and unsustainable.
Call Speaker of the House John Boehner and demand he not pass S744 amnesty that will flood the country with two million immigrants annually and give amnesty to 20 million plus. The reasonable solution: enforce our current laws against employers. Call him: 202 225 0600.
In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls,” Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:
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“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck; This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!” www.NumbersUSA.org
Empower yourself to stop this immigration invasion of our country. Become a faxer of pre-written letters to your representatives and phone caller: www.CapsWeb.org; www.NumbersUSA.org; www.FairUS.org; www.Alipacus.com; www.TheSocialContract.com
[Join me, Frosty Wooldridge, with Dave Chaffin, host of the Morning Zone at 650 AM, www.KGAB.com, Cheyenne, Wyoming every Monday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., as we discuss my latest commentaries on www.NewsWithViews.com about issues facing America. You may stream the show on your computer. You may call in at: 1-888-503-6500.]
© 2014 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved
Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS"; “STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE”; “IMMIGRATION’S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES”; “MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND—A TEEN NOVEL”; “BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION”; “AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTICA.” His next book: “TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP.” He lives in Denver, Colorado.
Website: www.FrostyWooldridge.com
E:Mail: frostyw@juno.com