Islam: The Iranian Version

By: Amil Imani

Before the Islamic invasion of 1979, Iranian people had a different view of Islam. The kind of Islamic version people believed did not exist beyond their own imagination. To them, that was the real Islam. Kind, perfect and peaceful. With the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, ‘real’ Islam was reintroduced to the populace and it turned Iran and Iranians’ fictitious beliefs into a nightmare.

Most people around the world are not aware of this fact. I believe, historians conclusively need to elucidate this reality so that Iran is not referred to as an Islamic country.

Before the invasion of 1979, Iranians in general, lived in a peaceful and relatively calm country which did not impose religion of any kind on its citizens. Major events in Shi’a Islam was only celebrated during certain days of the year. These innocent and naïve Iranians had a completely imaginary and unrealistic vision of ​​Islam without the slightest idea what the real Islam was, what the Qur’an said, what the Prophet of Islam did and did not do. Irrespective of any and all, they attributed Islam with their own vision, fantasy, ideals and beliefs. In other words, Islam was only as good as the person practicing it.

Let us be clear. When someone said, the real Islam is what the Quran and prophet Muhammad said it is, many Iranians ignored it with disbelief. They continued to nurture the version of Islam they created in their mind as the most benevolent religion on Earth. All the beauty that existed on our planet was due to the presence of their Islamic version, and anyone, including the Ayatollahs who were the guardians of Islam, were looked upon as conmen. This trend of thought took the nation to the peak of ignorance. If those us who knew the true nature of Islam said the slightest negative view against their beloved Shi’a Imams, your life would literality end.

This way of thinking, without any scientific research or evidence was prevalent in Iran during the reign of the Shah. The Shah himself was  superstitious and allowed the country to fall into the hands of Mullahs. That is despite the fact his own father, Reza Shah the Great had forced these leaches to run and hide to the four corners of Iran and elsewhere. But his son, the Shah of Iran did exactly the opposite. He brought back the Mullahs and Ayatollahs from their deathbed into society and in his court. On February 4, 1949, an unsuccessful assassination attempt on the Shah of Iran made him even more religious. He said many times that he believed he was protected by the Shi’a Imams. He gave too much power to the clergy.


Forty-one years has passed since the Islamic invasion of 1979. Today, many Iranians are incorrigibly disaffected from the fraudulent and oppressive Islamic rulers. Although Islam was imposed on the Iranian people some 1,400 years ago, Iranians still deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to Arab culture.

We Iranians, castigated by the barbaric cult of Islam as infidels, heathens, unbelievers, and apostates, have recognized Islam for what it is: an intolerant primitive chauvinistic belief system incompatible with the tenets of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Currently, millions of Iranians consider the mullahs, their lackeys and lobbyists as the true enemies of Iran, the country of my birth. Iranians are very proud people. All they are asking is that people and countries that are at clear risk from the mullahs ought to step up to the plate and help the Iranians, in numerous effective ways to get rid of these usurpers, these religious fanatics who are hell-bent on promoting their deadly agenda.

The Iranian people will most assuredly dislodge these wolves and try them for their crimes with all due process, the due process that they have completely denied for the people of Iran for the past forty-one years. But, tried they will be and they need help from our friends to destroy the common enemy before it escalates its bloodletting program, both in Iran, against Israel and eventually engulfing the entire world.

I bemoan the plight of my native land and the people who have suffered and continue to suffer under Islam. Without Islam, there would not be any Muslims to hoist the banner of hate and violence against non-Muslims.

The Iranian people now recognize that dysfunctional Islamic indoctrination is deeply ingrained in the minds of many Muslims who opt to remain in mental bondage rather than purge their minds and join the rest of the human family with a new emancipating program for life and liberty.

In the end, the mullahs and Imams do not abuse Islam, but use it to further their agenda. The mullahs and Imams are bad because Islam is bad. The mullahs and Imams are criminals because Islam is a religion of crime. Time for humanity to unite against the rule of the criminal Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) and those who promote it.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A Conversation with Allah

By: Amil Imani

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

Hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim right at the entry level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble humanity greatly.

From the first breath of life to the last pang of death, Islam relentlessly bombards us: surrender yourself fully to Allah, pray for his help, let him make all the decisions for you and run your life, don’t ever question anything, since questioning is the whisperings of the accursed Satan who strives to take you astray.

Islam says that Allah is the javaab-ul-doaa (answerer of supplications/prayers) and that to him we should supplicate for any and all help in all matters.

Well, I am doing exactly as I am advised. I am supplicating Allah in the form of this open letter, to provide me with answers to some of my numerous and troubling questions.

It must be a peculiarity about me. I am loath to surrender my inquiry about things and allow others, divine or not, to do the thinking for me. If I am to let Allah do all the thinking and deciding for me, then why am I given my own brain? I have challenged the Islamic divines.

See, I have already failed the test since I have not surrendered fully to Allah and, by questioning, did not place my total faith in him.

I have been studying much of my life trying to get some satisfactory answers to my questions about Islam from Islamic scripture and authorities without success. More often than not, I get conflicting answers, confusing responses and even outright contradictory statements.

Hence, I decided to pose some of my perplexing questions in this open letter directly to the god of Islam, Allah, earnestly hoping deliverance from the anguish of doubt.

I will do my very best to conduct myself with decorum and courtesy toward Allah. At no time will I behave rudely toward him, just in case he is indeed the sole author of this awesome universe, as Islam claims. To be discourteous and rude is not my habit. I don’t even behave rudely toward anyone, much less so in dealing with a purported unfathomably magnificent being.

The list of my questions is long indeed. Here are some of my questions, not necessarily in order of importance, presented in all meekness to Allah, the Lord of Islam. To me, all questions are important and assigning relative importance to them is arbitrary. So, I get started.

I have no illusions of grandeur and no pretense at knowing very much. I am a sincere seeker after truth and it is in this spirit that I am humbly composing this missive to you, Allah. I hope that I am not being discourteous by simply addressing you as Allah. I mean without preceding invocation of your name by honorifics.

I fully realize that I really am most insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But, again, you have created me so I must be worth something. It is this realization that gives me the courage to address you with my questions, your lordship.

Without further ado, here are some of my questions.

* Islam says that you are the uncreated creator. I have a very hard time with that claim. Of course, I am a most finite being and my intellect is hardly capable of imagining that something comes from nothing. There is that old refrain, “nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could” that humans take as an article of faith and fact. But, again, we humans are hardly capable of fathoming things that transcend the limits of our finite rational mind. Any clarification of this assertion would be immensely helpful.

* Speaking of creating, Islam says that you created the universe by the command: kon va yakoon (become and became). The universe appeared instantly in obedience to your command. There are different views about this whole topic of creation that I don’t want to trouble you about. For now, my simple question is: Lord, by this simple command of kon va yakoon, you brought about this indescribably magnificent universe, yet you took some twenty years to write your smallish book, the Quran. Why did it take you so long to write it? I fear a thunderbolt might strike me dead for posing this intrusive question. I hope you hold off and allow me to continue.

So, I think maybe I can supply a rationalization, not a plausible reason, for it. I said to myself, your lordship, perhaps it took you twenty years because Muhammad was illiterate and slow in getting your dictates and taking them to a scribe to jot them down. That’s why. Yet, finding someone who could actually write things down among the horde of savages was not an easy task.

A follow up question! Why a supremely august being, as you are, with all the indescribably exulted powers and attributes, chose an illiterate Arab, a hired-hand of a rich widow, as your messenger is a mystery. Couldn’t you have chosen a Rabbi from nearby Medina, a Zoroastrian Mobed (priest), a Christian Priest from Mecca itself, a Hindu Monk, a Buddhist Clergy? These were people who had specialized in matters of religion, rather than an Arab whose only skill was helping drive caravans of camels.

I have seen Islam’s pat answers to all questions: to no one is given the right to ask Allah about his doings, he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants. But this is no answer. It is a copout.

*Are you male, your lordship? Pardon me for asking a personal question. The reason I ask is that you have much against women. You stipulate that women are worth one-half of men. You ordain that men are rulers over women and much more. I really don’t see that. My lifelong experiences with women have convinced me that women are every bit as worthy as men, if not even better in many respects. For one, women are the life-givers and nurturers of life. Men, by contrast, are forever in the business of life-taking.

Science tells us that women are as capable as men in every sphere other than those that require brute force. But, machines are much more superior to men in brute force and women can and do operate those machines as well as men.

Is there something inherently inferior or evil about women? If so, then, pardon me, your lordship. It is you who designed them that way. Didn’t you?

Is it not a fact that the savage chauvinist Arabs of Muhammad’s time are the ones who instituted this oppressive scheme against women and Muhammad stamped his approval of the fraud in your name?

*My next question is about the role of religion. My limited understanding is that the major function of religion is to bring disparate people together. That is, bring unity and amity among the diverse and quarreling human groups. Islam fails miserably on this major point. While Muhammad was alive, he kept preaching the gospel of divisiveness. He taught a gospel of us against them, believers against the unbeliever. Since his death, Muhammad’s followers have doggedly followed his gospel of divisiveness.

How can fueling the fire of polarization bring about the peace of unity after what Muhammad did and his disciples continue to do, killing the unbelievers en mass and without the least bit of mercy?

Compounding the problem is the fact that as Muhammad was still gasping his last breath, his senior disciples were busying themselves with the business of killing one another in their lust for power and leadership. And Islam has been on a mission with the internecine as well as infidel killing ever since.

Whether or not I receive answers to these questions, I will persist in posing more of them in the future. Who knows? As unlikely as it may seem, Allah may indeed deem it appropriate to send another of his archangels with a Quran addressing these and other troubling questions.  Keep in mind that he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants.

© 2020 Amil imani – All Rights Reserved


By: Amil Imani

For those interested in disaster preparedness, there are numerous lessons throughout “Contagion.” Many miss the movie’s intent if they only watch it once. (I’ve watched it several times). It teaches more about the ramifications of a viral pandemic than any other movie in the genre, yet it has some major facts omitted or misrepresented. I will address those in a moment.

The movie is about the emergence of a new, highly infectious pathogen and how those responsible for mitigating its spread must go about doing their business with minimal rending of the “social fabric.”

The ripping apart of “social norms” is the inevitable outcome when inhibitions, regard for criminal law, moral, ethical and personal standards and values are cast aside as a direct result of fear, denial, ignorance and psychological responses that, once they coalesce into muddled confusion, cause many people to panic. Conversely, those who keep their wits about them are often compelled to aid anyone in need.

When faced with deprivation, especially shelter, food, water and restrictions from free movement (i.e. being unable to drive into another state), many people’s individual psychological dynamics are disrupted. The human mind severs ties to inhibitions that keep us emotionally well-adjusted when there is no threat present. In principle, the brain ignores all the “programming” done by parents, schools, peer groups, churches, and life’s circumstances, etc. and reverts to primal instinct. If in need of food and water, those driven by instinct would do anything to obtain what they seek, even if that means taking out a close friend to gain access to supplies he/she has stored up over years. For lack of a better term, I will call this state of mind Catastrophe Denial Syndrome (CDS) and it is most prevalent in those who have failed to prepare for a cataclysm so severe it shreds societal norms.

This is not a constant, of course, and indications are that many people would simply give up in the face of major calamity. Once that happens, their chances for survival plummet.

As “Contagion” progresses, we see Matt Damon’s character and the girl playing his daughter go through the phases of an evolving pandemic that tears up “social norms,” yet they keep their wits about them. Social norms begin to unravel when the CDC gets involved and begins implementing processes to contact anyone who may have come in contact with an infected person. Any time federal government agencies arrive, the dynamics shift, sometimes to the resentment of those in power locally who are pushed aside.

In “Contagion” the CDC is alerted to the plight of Gwyneth Paltro’s character and that of her son. While the movie made no mention of it, the CDC can go to an outbreak only if invited to get involved unless a virus infects so many so quickly that their intervention becomes a matter of national security. But those writing the “Contagion” storyline erred.

Even though there were only a couple of cases, as more presented with symptoms at the local E.R., the CDC would have sent a small army into the Minnesota town to do the “cover interviews,” which involves questioning everyone who may have come in contact with Gwyneth Paltrow’s character or that of her son. The need for more help was evident when Kate Winslet’s character spoke with Lawrence Fishburne’s character by phone and he asked when she had last had a meal not from a vending machine and telling her to get some rest. By that point, the epidemic had stricken many not only in the town, but in the state and nation, then globally. In fact, it is unlikely that the CDC would have sent just one epidemiologist in the first place. They would have sent several of them to conduct interviews.

The impact on social norms are evident in the scene in which Kate Winslet’s character is meeting with what appears to be the town’s city council. The discussion gets contentious when a cynical, councilwoman, becomes negative and confrontational, if not outwardly hostile. In a real scenario such as this, a reaction like that would not be out of the ordinary. From the Councilwoman’s viewpoint, the breakdown of social norms sends her into denial when Winslet’s character starts making decisions without that woman’s input. This is a problem for CDC and NIH (the National Institutes of Health) personal who are invited into a town or city to address the problem. In the interests of getting the contagion under control, Kate Winslet’s character had to push back by citing facts, such as how most humans touch their faces more than 3,000 times a day, and that is how they get infected. Viruses of this type can enter the body through the nose, eyes, mouth or even a cut in the skin.

To its credit, the movie gave us an object lesson in something every “preparedness expert” will tell you is their prime and inviolate directive: No matter how much you believe you can trust another person, you must never, under any circumstances, tell anyone that you are preparing or that you have a suitable bug out shelter in preparation for any calamity that might befall the nation. That may seem very selfish, but adhering to it may be what determines whether you survive or not. Lawrence Fishburne character’s mistake, though different in context, came when he called his fiancée and told her to leave Chicago. Strongly insisting that she tell no one. When she ignores the admonition, and tells a close friend about the outbreak, she, too, insists that her friend tell no one, yet the news winds up on Facebook and the crisis is made public.

In addition, in various scenes when Damon’s character took his daughter out to shop, the chaos they encountered had completely obliterated the social fabric. That became even more relevant when what appeared to be National Guard members were doling out meals ready to eat from trucks. When the supplies ran out, violence superseded chaos. This scene had some subliminal messages, as well. You may have noticed the tents with the FEMA logo on them. Their presence tears what is left of social fabric because it creates a new and unwelcome reality.

In my view, and I’ve been studying survival since the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, it was almost too mild of a reaction when the food ran out. A component of primal instinct is mob mentality, and that was observed less than it should have been.

Nonetheless, this movie is a great choice, even if not perfect.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Myth of War on Terror

By Amil Imani


Since the tragic events of 9-11-2001, tens of thousands of books and articles have been written about this enigmatic ideology: Islam.

There have been too many definitions by Islamic scholars of exactly what Islam means.

Islam is a theocratic political ideology that hides behind the mask of religion to accomplish its mission of a worldwide caliphate. What most Americans don’t understand is that it is a totalitarian “theo-political” belief system and a social dogma based on the Quran, Sirah and Hadith that encompasses the life of a Muslim from the moment he is born until the day he dies.

The ultimate objective of Islam is the rule of the entire world under the Islamic Ummah – never mind that these life-in-hand soldiers of Allah disagree with one another regarding the Ummah itself and who is to reign over it. That’s a “family dispute” that they will resolve by their usual favorite method: Jihad.

What’s problematic is, too few Americans are aware of it and organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are taking full advantage of our naiveté. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the First Amendment was designed to protect—our God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

War on Terror

On Sept. 20, 2001: “In a speech addressing Congress and the nation, former President George W. Bush announces the War on Terror, saying, “Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”

America’s Recent War

In the not too long ago past, American soldiers bravely fought and defeated Nazism and Fascism in Europe and Imperialism in the Far East. Before the nation could have a respite, however, the flame of international communism raged, consumed many parts of the world in its wake, and posed a great threat of scorching our land. Yet, Americans did not waiver, did not appease, and did not surrender. We stood and fought the scourge of communism on multiple fronts. Once again, the forces of freedom succeeded in reducing the communist menace to little more than a nuisance.


And now we are faced with the insidious, multifaceted, and most deadly threat of jihadism.  Once again, we went to war, this time with an ideological enemy and called it the “war on terror.” More than eighteen years have come and gone since those dreadful attacks of 9/11 which killed close to 3000 people.

Homeland Security

The U.S. government took many steps in an attempt to make the country safer, including strengthened security at airports and in public buildings. A new cabinet-level department—the Department of Homeland Security – was created. The DHS’s original intent was to protect the United States from terrorism, but in fact that has never happened. During Obama’s presidency, he directly ordered all the materials collected related to Islamic terrorism to be expunged, according to the late whistleblower Philip B. Haney, one of  the founding members of the Department of Homeland Security, a former customs and border protection officer, and co-author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

This American hero who worked day and night to educate Americans of the danger of Islamic groups to our nation and had a photographic memory, was found dead on February 2020 with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was my friend and loved America very much. Are we ever going to find out who murdered this man?


From President George W. Bush who wastefully used nearly $2 trillion in the Iraq war to Barack Obama’s apology tour, we failed miserably in the “war on terror.” This time around not only did we fail to obliterate the enemy, but we created more terrorists and committed an unforgivable sin, we started to bring Muslims inside the continental USA as refugees and redistribute them around the country. We hired them at our airports, inside our Law Enforcement Agencies, the FBI, CIA, NSA and even the White House.

The next question is why we failed? We failed in the war on terror because we were fixated on the perpetrators, the terrorists and their worldwide network and ignored the cause that produces jihadists: Islam. Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses that are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth, that most diehard jihadists emerge.

It is the bargain the jihadist makes. He surrenders totally to the religion of surrender in exchange for blanket security. Islam gives him all the answers he really seeks for dealing with this world and promises him a most lush and eternal paradise of Allah once he leaves it. And leaving this world in perfect submission as the foot-soldier of the paradise’s creator gives the faithful unimaginably glorious sensual eternal reward in his next life.

In Short

To get to the point, we need to remove some disinformation and myths about the “war on terror”:

America cannot afford to continue down this current path of appeasement, hoping Islamic terror will simply go away by itself.

It is not “fanatical”, “radical,” or “extreme” Islam that we are fighting, but normal, orthodox, canonical, typical, accepted, conventional Islam, straight from the mouth of Muhammad.  Islam is violent in direct proportion to its mission and scripture.

Why Did We Lose the War on Terror?

The reason we lost the war on terror is because Islam is an ideology. You cannot defeat an ideology. We went after the terrorists but not what makes them commit acts of terror. There is no such thing as “peace” in Islam.  Its theology and practices make it inherently evil and dangerous to all of mankind.

It has already spread and infected the world like a Coronavirus except a million times more dangerous, like cancer.  How do you nuke it out of existence?  You can’t. George Bush couldn’t do it, so he joined them and then eight years of Obama solidified it and President Trump sold $110 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia. The same country that brought down the world Trade Center, the same nation that just two months ago, whose military cadets, in a training center at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida killed three Americans in an act of jihad. When do we wake up?

Yes, America has already lost the war on terror. Other than being a deadly political ideology that pretends to be a religion, Islam has been embedded with an invisible psychological code that controls everything a Muslim does from the moment he is born to the day he dies.

This doctrine has been intentionally formulated with perpetual fear so that their subjects will never have the courage to leave it.

“Those who blasphemed and back away from the ways of Allah and die as blasphemers, Allah shall not forgive them.” [Qur’an 4:4]

“Kill whoever changes his religion.” Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57


The US is a great country, faced by numerous challenges. Its people can ill afford to become complacent or disheartened. Our elected officials are non-factors and don’t care. But, if we band together in a common cause with devotion to our nation’s principles, values and the Constitution, we can meet and defeat any threat of any type or magnitude.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Soft Jihad in America

Amil Imani

Dr. Tariq Ramadan is a known Islamic scholar and the grandson of Hassan al-Banna who in 1928 founded the “Muslim Brotherhood” Organization.  On July 27, 2011, I covertly attended an Islamic fund raising at the Hyatt Regency Hotel , in Richardson, Texas, that was arranged by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and their key speaker was Tariq Ramadan.

Never mind how I managed to enter this highly guarded Islamic venue, but I witnessed their fund-raising methods and their goal to make America an Islamic land and eventually make Sharia Law accepted by elected officials without a single bullet to be fired. Yes, Tariq Ramadan encouraged Muslim attendees not to assimilate to American culture, but stealthily engage in political institutions, universities and run for political office. Then they will be in a position of power to drastically alter our way of life through what we know as “Cultural or Stealth Jihad.”

Tariq Ramadan was banned from coming to the US, but the Obama Administration and the Sec. of  State,  Hillary Clinton had signed an order to lift the ban which allowed Ramadan to enter the country and in  order to preach to his fellow Muslim followers.

Just because violent jihad has diminished recently, especially after the demise of  ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and founder of the Islamic caliphate, we should not be complacent. There is a more serious scheme in progress called stealth jihad. It is in full motion in every corner of the United States with the help of their invaluable allies, the Democrat Party. The formula is working. America the land of the free, is under assault by the deadly ideology of Islamic subversion.

Muslim organizations have been busy and working “stealthily” changing America in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad,” or Stealth Jihad” in the United States. Soft Jihad is practiced where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe their sword, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the public would likely stamp them out.

A critical tool of soft jihad, involves penetration of the American educational system, by use of means such as Da’wa-a religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims in order to strengthen the Islamic Ummah.

Many of our elected officials don’t even have the courage to challenge Islam and its barbaric rules. They normally avoid any questions about the nature of Islam when speaking with their constituents or just deceive them by telling them not to worry about the horrific things that are happening on the other side of the world. If Muslims act heinously toward non-Muslims, it is just the way things are in those countries and it is hardly any of our business. This is the same attitude that set the Islamization of Europe on a seemingly irreversible track. One European country after another is rapidly buckling under the weight of Islamic ideology. But Islam is already in America and has no intention leaving or stopping their cultural jihad. It is unbelievable that America, the greatest superpower on the planet, is gradually losing its own power to political correctness.

This is alarming. But regrettably, too few Americans are aware of all this, and organizations such as the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations are taking full advantage of our naïveté. CAIR is only one of many Islamic organizations that provides refuge to stealth jihad.

Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the Bill of Rights was designed to protect: our God-given inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Understand that Sharia is very complex, and it’s derived from multiple Islamic sources.

As put it, “CAIR is not in the United States to promote the civil rights for Muslims — CAIR is here to make Islam the dominant religion in the United States and convert our country into an Islamic theocracy.”  Moreover, “CAIR receives direct funding from Islamic terrorist-supporting countries.”

CAIR’s true intention was revealed during the largest terrorism financing trial in the nation’s history: the 2007–2008 Holy Land Foundation trial.

Notice that Muslims are the only minority in the world who will never submit to the Western laws or assimilate into the culture! In fact, they are the only migrants who actively work around the clock to impose Sharia Law on everyone else. To most Muslims, the highest US authority and documents is considered a heresy. In a parallel attack, “Legal Islam” exploits every provision of the law in free societies to promote Islam and silence its critics through expensive legal shenanigans.”

Mild Islamists may indeed be a minority in America. Yet this deadly cancer has metastasized throughout all fifty states and is attempting to devour Michigan, with Dearborn as its capital. Urgent confrontation of this advancing disease is imperative to stave it off. We must resist the intrusion of this seventh-century mentality into our country and our way of life.

Even if most Muslims seek to adopt an American lifestyle, a great many Muslims are dead-set on using violence to make America conform to their barbaric way of life. Islam is cancer. Cancer cells are always few at the beginning, and if they are left unchecked, they keep on multiplying, eventually devouring the non-cancerous.

It is beyond the call of duty for all of us to find a pragmatic solution to stop Islam from expanding its reach to every institution, cultural and governmental agencies before it’s too late. We have no choice. Islam must be defeated politically and swiftly in our era, otherwise, our children and grandchildren could be engaged in a religious and ideological bloody war the likes of which has never been seen on American soil. Islam is not a religion, it hides behind the mask of religion to accomplish its mission of worldwide domination. We must treat Islam as a totalitarian doctrine based on the Quran, Sira and the Hadith in what Dr. Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam aptly calls the “Trilogy of Islam.”

Here is the truth, as bitter as it may be. Islam is the culprit. Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslim’s holy book, the Qur’an, in many verses.

Islam has mandates for every facet of life, and those mandates are enforced and regulated by the barbaric criminal and civil code known as Sharia. The precise definition of a Muslim becomes clear when you read the trilogy of Islam. Bottom line: you are to be an Allah-fearing, Quran-believing and Muhammad-following zealot who forces people to submit, convert, and comply with Islam and Sharia or be killed. Those are the facts.

We must stop lying about Islam. Political correctness in the face of evil is equivalent to death and decay of our Western society. One thing for sure, Islam and Muslims will never coexist with the infidels.

It is past time that we confront Islam’s advancement in America. But we still must try. We need to remove this scourge of humanity from this land, move away from an exclusionary, primitive, and tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Stunning Sham Impeachment of Donald Trump

By: Amil Imani

From day one, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the entire leftist media, law enforcement establishment, former President Obama, and minions of former President Obama, to include Hillary Clinton, Hollywood celebrities, and the Democratic Party had one mission: To force President Trump out of office.  They drove investigation after investigation, and after three years, along with tens of millions of dollars spent at taxpayers’ expense, they found nothing on him to force him out. ZERO.

The Russian hoax turned out to be a hoax. Trump said “[Special counsel Robert] Mueller showed the Democrats not only have nothing, now they have less than nothing.”

But that did not please the appetite of hungry leftist wolves who were after blood. Since the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats, they contrived a fake excuse to impeach Trump.

“House Democrats have long wanted to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans.  They have determined that they must impeach President Trump because they cannot legitimately defeat him at the ballot box. The Democrats’ use of a phone call with the president of Ukraine – with a transcript the president himself released — served as their excuse for this partisan, gratuitous, and pathetic attempt to overthrow the Trump administration and reverse the results of the 2016 election.”

It was 100% sham.

Even the Democrats’ witnesses stories were based on hearsay and what they had heard and what they had been told, but no one seemed to be able to offer direct “I heard it directly from the president himself” testimony — except, of course, Ambassador Gordon Sondland, who testified that the president had told him directly that he wanted no quid pro quo.

Nevertheless, the House — on a purely partisan basis, — voted to impeach President Trump.

So, what would be “fair” in the Senate? Democrats’ demand for witnesses who did not testify in the House is absurd. A Democrat majority of the House impeached the president based on the evidence that they presented. That’s the evidence that should be presented to the Senate — no more, no less.

After the impeachment, Nancy Pelosi did something that had never been done before. She refused to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for a month. When a reporter asked about the possibility of her not forwarding the articles of impeachment, she quickly shut him down, and in so doing, also proved the impeachment fiasco had less to do with “protecting democracy” and more to do with partisan political motivation and the November 2020 general election.

President Trump, during three years in office has done more for this country than any other in our lifetime.

We have the best economy in decades. Highest stock market numbers ever. Lowest unemployment amongst Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, ever. Trade victories with Japan and China, now coming into view.

More equity in NATO cost-sharing. Massive reduction of regulations and bureaucratic red tape. Conservative judicial court appointees that will stop activist overreach.  All without drawing a salary, and while putting up with non-stop harassment.

The Democrats, instead of letting American voters decide if President Trump stays or goes in November, went ahead with a sham impeachment based on rumors and hearsay — and now it likely will cost them their electoral viability in many other races.

Trump’s impeachment had absolutely nothing to do with a Russian hoax or Ukrainian fiasco. It was about Trump winning the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton. Hillary simply could not accept the loss. Then she mobilized her radical army to take Trump out by hook or crook. These Democrats wanted to impeach President Trump in the worst possible way. Literally.

They wanted to impeach him even before he took the oath of office. They’ve called for impeachment every day he’s been on the job. Democrats have asserted they can impeach him multiple times. Hard to believe we live in America! Democrats are desperate and at their wits’ end.

Since the Democrats tragically failed in their Constitutional obligation to provide clear evidence of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors, bearing true faith and upholding allegiance can only bring about one ethical vote.


© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump’s America

Amil Imani

“We are making America stronger, prouder, and greater than ever before.” —President Donald J. Trump

No President in the history of the United States has achieved as much in his first three years in his first term in office, as has President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, no President in the history of America has been subjected to such incessant vile and unjustified attacks as has President Trump. Why? Because he believes in American exceptionalism not globalism.

“Make America Great Again.” Just a slogan, the people of failure shout back. The Obama/Biden team had failed us for eight years in every aspect of our lives. To the leftists, failure is not only normal, it is expected.

The list of their failures for the previous administration is so long and glaring that I hardly need to repeat all of them here. Under the previous administration, once well-paid manufacturing jobs had disappeared and were relocated to other countries. President Trump managed to reverse this trend and brought back many manufacturing jobs. Before President Trump at the helm, huge swaths of this nation from northern New York to the great states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and many others, previously vibrant manufacturing regions, looked like ghost towns, but now have come back and people are optimistic about the future of this country.

“During a PBS town hall, Obama referenced Trump’s promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said.

“He just said, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?”

If I may, on President Trump’s behalf, allow me respond to the former President:

“Mr. Obama, I wake up every morning and I see a winner. Every day of my life a winner has looked back at me from the mirror with a smile, encouraging me to go out there and have another winning day.

“And I do that. And I am doing the same thing for our country. My wand is made of people. I can lead people to do miraculous feats. I’ve done it all my life, and after three years in office, I have done it again and that’s just the beginning. Before America hired me, I had built some of the most magnificent buildings in the world by the combined efforts of tens of thousands of talented people. These men and women each brought their skill and energy to their jobs. They worked for living wages, that’s for sure. But, they didn’t go through the motions only to get a paycheck. They worked their very best and their hardest because they were contributing in building something beautiful. These men and women felt the priceless joy of working for something that no money can buy, the pride of being in a team of winners accomplishing greatly challenging tasks.”

“Now, the winner who looked at me in the mirror and asked me to do the same exact thing for our country. This time with a team comprised of millions of competent men and women who are lining up to build a better America while they are seeking a better life for themselves and their children. This is how I have accomplished and brought back so many businesses and manufacturing jobs to our country. Something you failed to do.”

President Trump won against them. Why? Because the American people want a leader who believes in them and believes in America. A leader who is willing and able to put an end to the corrupt decay of Washington, D. C. The American people are sick and tired of letting a band of losers give away the store and what’s left of it.

Although the Obama/Biden team, made a wreck of our country, they have done very well for themselves personally, and I mean hugely well.

Strange as it may seem, the above paragraphs may tell us something important about the motivation of Donald Trump, “to Make America Great Again.”  His monumental egotism should be viewed with the above ideas in mind.  This would have been readily understood by Alexander Hamilton, whose founding of the First National Bank, along with his famous “Report on Manufactures,” establishes him as the father of American capitalism.

In short, most Americans are convinced that President Trump has reversed the disastrous course of Obama/ Biden and has made America great for every man, woman, and child of every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and all other variations.

Our responsibility as Americans to Keep America Great, is to reelect President Trump who selflessly has sacrificed his comfortable life for the sake of America and American people.

The Rage of the Democrats

By: Amil Imani

What underlies the rage of the Democrat Party and of the leftist Democrat Establishment vis-a-vis President Donald Trump?

Over forty years ago, during my high school years in Iran, my father and I had a conversation. He was an avid Republican, even though he lived on the other side of the world. Right before I prepared to leave Iran for the US, he gave me some fatherly advice. He explained why the Democrat Party was bad for America, bad for Iran and bad for the world. He advised me if I ever became a US citizen, to never vote for Democrats. After all these years, I now understand what he meant by those words of wisdom.

For over twenty years I did not vote simply because I was not a US citizen. Even after I became one, I was not fully aware of the depth of this party’s evil ideology. Although, eight long years of Obama’s presidency was enough to make me realize where America was headed and what brand of Democrats were in charge, but it was not until the election of President Trump that exposed just how corrupt the Democrats and every government institutions were. Now that genie is out of the bottle, they cannot put it back in. Public trust is out the door. All because it was Hillary’s turn to be president.

After the election was over, Clinton and her campaign staff were stunned and angry. So, they went on a crusade and would remain there. They blamed everyone in the book for her loss, except the very person who lost the election. For the past three years, these phony investigations cost American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. They were fully aware of it was just a hoax and fraud. In the process, they hurt the country and the American people.

President Trump’s opponents, mostly are from the camp of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama supporters. Both Obama and Clinton were students of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky was a self-professed radical, obsessed with leftist ideology. Moreover, the Left, rooted in Marxism, is atheistic and steeped in multicultural moral relativism. Hence, the pro-American nationalism of President Trump–his campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again” — infuriates the Left, which flatters itself as being internationalist or “cosmopolitan” as well as the trend of the future.

Lastly, the Left is pantheistic and thus abhors the basic differential nature of existence, which is opposed to the Left’s unqualified egalitarianism.

If you think of Harry Truman’s electoral victory over the Thomas Dewey, you have a precedent for what is happening today.  Truman’s victory stunned the Media, just as Trump’s victory has done. “Give’m hell Harry,” who worked as a haberdasher, reminds us of Trump, despite Trump being a billionaire.

Since the election of Donald Trump, the left has lost its collective mind. They have gone into a stage of sheer lunacy and have not returned. It seems the entire liberal world has combined their efforts to take Trump out at all cost. But in this devilish process, the left has exposed its true nature. I have stated many times that multiculturalism and the doctrine of moral relativism is destroying the moral fabric of America. Moral relativism is the core of the social sciences, hence of sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science.  It corrupts judges, opinion makers, policy and decision makers.

Moral relativism denies the existence of evil. This doctrine is evident in the writings and pro-Palestinian attitude of former President Barack Obama.  It was evident in the American policy of detente vis-a-vis the Soviet Union.  It was denounced by Andre Solzhenitsyn in his book “Being Silent about Evil.”

This Democrat Party no longer hides its agenda. They now openly encourage millions of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free healthcare and free education. And of course, the right to vote with the help of their ACE in the hole, the “Fake News” media.

What is the Democrat Party’s mantra? It is basically “We’re not Trump” and Hillary Clinton tried it and it did not work well. And given the uncertainty that is about to envelop us, it is time for us to step out, and fight back, and although it will be difficult, and many won’t join us, I think it’s our only hope. Let’s just make up a story and impeach him. Just do everything we can to disrupt the conscience of the nation.

The Democrats have thrown all their eggs into the “Hate Trump” basket, but that doesn’t seem to be helping their poll numbers.

It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America and they are not interested in stopping any time soon.

The radical left enjoys controlling people from cradle to grave. (sounds like Muslims).  They want socialism. They want to be in charge for eternity. The leftist agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and fosters government reliance, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, promotes Sharia law, denigrates the sanctity of marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship and much more.

For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backwards to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power and nothing else – even if it means sacrificing our safety and security.

In short, America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and our Constitution we have cherished for over 200 years. We must accept that the current Democrat Party is no longer the party of Kennedy. It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Iranians Want Regime Change

Amil Imani

Four decades ago, former President Jimmy Carter interfered in Iran’s affairs by sending a message to Iran’s generals via his ambassador, William Sullivan and General Huyser to make sure that Iran’s military remained neutral during the revolution. Sullivan oversaw secret talks with opposition leaders even as he pressed the Shah to restrain his security forces. He was in favor of the Shah’s departure from Iran and Khomeini’s return from exile.

That decision from the US administration and the Shah’s terminal illness accelerated the mullahs’ determination of ending the rule of monarchy in Iran.

Meanwhile, new documents about General Huyser’s secret mission to Iran reveal US plans after the Shah’s departure. I left Iran in 1978, at the beginning of the Islamic invasion. But I witnessed with my own eyes what was happening. Iran was falling into the hands of Islamic thugs with full blessing of Jimmy Carter. The question that still rings in many Iranians’ ears is why?

The Shah of Iran was America’s greatest ally and was instrumental in maintaining peace in the Middle East. Why would America want him gone? After the arrival of Khomeini, a radical Shi’a cleric, almost overnight Iran was transformed from a modern and progressive country, to a 7th century Islamic backward state. By the time the Shah left for exile in January 1979 he had curtailed his own position to a constitutional figurehead, and made no effort to save his throne through force.

The Shah of Iran I knew was kind and loved his country and worked very hard to transform Iran from a backward nation into a modern country. The Shah left Iran because he was against bloodshed. Unlike President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the Shah voluntarily relinquished power rather than unleash the army and start a civil war. That was his style.

It is worth mentioning that the leftist media in the west falsely accused the Shah of human rights abuses while they never mentioned Khomeini’s mass killings in the name of Islam. Jimmy Carter’s allegation against the Shah for holding many political prisoners was a false allegation. At the minimum, there were not more than a few hundred political prisoners who were a threat to Iran.

“The problem was not only the realization that Pahlavi state might have been telling the truth but the fact the Islamic Republic had justified many of its excesses on the popular sacrifices made,” observed historian Ali Ansari.

During Khomeini’s decade in power, from 1979 to 1989, an estimated 12,000 monarchists, liberals, leftists, homosexuals, and women were executed and thousands more tortured. The Khomeini 1988 fatwa killed up to 30,000 in Iran.

The Islamic revolution happened because the Shah trusted his immediate cabinet members and generals to tell him the truth. But they did not. They left him in the dark about the situation inside Iran.

U.S. ambassador Sullivan compared Khomeini to Gandhi, the pacifist leader of India knowing full well Khomeini was no Gandhi. Only a democrat can be that foolish.

For the past forty years, President after President was elected to office, promising to stand with the Iranian people in their struggle to achieve freedom and democracy and instead, they gave legitimacy to the illegitimate Islamic government by secretly working with the mullahs.

The US and Islamic regime have been adversaries for roughly four decades, and that contentious relationship has at times sparked acts of extreme aggression — including the assassination of Iran’s top general, Qassem Soleimani, on last Friday.

The killing of the Islamic Republic top general opened a new chapter of a cold war between the mullahs’ regime and the United States. This assassination was immediately praised by the Iranian people who had lost sons and daughters in the recent uprising. To them, the killing of Soleimani was a relief for murder of their children. Although the main adversaries are the U.S. and Iran, much of the world has a huge stake regarding this potentially catastrophic confrontation. Israel, the Persian Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq as well as nations farther away from the region are willing and unwilling parties to this unfolding crisis.

It is obvious that the current situation is dire indeed. Anyone who believes that sane rational people on both sides are engaged in brinksmanship to secure the best advantage would eventually work out a compromise, is deluding themselves. President Trump did something which his previous predecessors were incapable of.

The EU, Russia and PRC must stop appeasing this terrorist regime. If you don’t believe me, wait until they get their bloody hands on their long-cherished ultimate weapon. To state an overused cliché: keep kicking the can down the road, like both George Bush and Obama did, and let someone else worry about it.

Well, that someone else now is President Trump. Is he going to follow suit or is he going to do the painful thing that his predecessors had eschewed? A tough call. A truly tough call. A call that must be answered now or at a much tougher time ahead.

In some cases, time works as a healer and even as a solution to thorny problems. Yet, this problem will not go away, and time would only make the cataclysmic clash more likely and deadly. There is, however, a non-violent solution, without appeasement that offers the best chance to resolve the impasse.

The United States has a moral duty and obligation to rectify its 1979 mistake by helping the Iranians to achieve their goal of Regime Change.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Ignore Islam At Our Peril

By Amil Imani

There is no shortage of Islamic materials on the market for anyone curious enough to seek the truth for himself. I personally have written hundreds of articles about Islam and the threat it poses to our Constitution. The painstaking task of educating the American public about this threat has not stopped Islam’s advancement in America. I am puzzled as to why no one takes this threat seriously? Europe is already badly infected with Islamism. It is the canary in a coalmine. It is telling us Islam’s next stop is America.

Many Americans have the common sense to see that Islam and Western values are incompatible. They would like to see Muslims assimilate and become part and shareholders of this great nation. On the contrary, however, it has been the complete opposite. Not only do Muslims not assimilate, they are actively involved in imposing their ideology on non-Muslims, in the hope that someday America will be conquered and fall under the rule of Islam. To Muslims, no other religion or manmade law is deemed worthy of recognition, much less accommodation.

When American officials opened the gate to the hordes of Muslims and permitted massive numbers of them to enter America, our culture and our way of life was forever altered. Just look at Minnesota or Dearborn, Michigan. Minneapolis’ Somali community has become the terrorist recruitment capital of the US. At the same time, elected US officials do absolutely nothing to combat this vital threat to our society and culture.

We have a serious problem that no one wants to discuss simply because they fear to be called Islamophobe or racist. The American people don’t have the means or power to stop the wrecking ball that is Islam. They rely on their elected officials to be on top of this. But these elected officials play politics by avoiding the issue. In fact, many of them appease these newcomers with open arms and allow them to impose anything and everything their hearts desire. Why? Very simple, money.

It is a sad fact that money drives politicians to power and keeps them there. Without money, they would never make it to first base. Without more money, they might just languish at first base. To advance further to real power, politicians need large sums of money. And people who have money, as a rule, do not give them money without exacting payback. The higher the politician goes, the greater is his IOU to the people within the organizations that own him.

Like every transaction in life, dealing with moneyed people is a barter system. The politician becomes an employee of the funder(s). The contract, as it is generally the case, favors the employer—the money. The employee, the politicians, often finds himself in a trap. He is, in effect, a purchased agent with little or no leeway. If he deviates in the least from his commitment, he may find himself out of work and more.

Islamic organizations with great interests in promoting Islam are fully familiar with the power of money to recruit people to do their bidding. That’s why many non-Muslims work at all levels of government and the society at large to further Islam. In short: they are paid to do a job.

It is worth mentioning, because it is obligatory for a Muslim to follow Islamic laws and not man-made laws like the US Constitution, a Muslim can never be both a Muslim and an American at the same time. Hence, a Muslim is, first and foremost, an Ummahist– a citizen of international Islam. Thus, it is crucial for Muslims to donate money to those politicians in order to advance the cause of Islam.

What can the voters do? They can start by vetting the candidate. If the candidate has no knowledge of Islam’s Stealth Jihad that currently moves at the speed of light in the US and refuses to be direct and transparent with his constituents, that candidate has absolutely no business to run for office. In fact, he would be a disaster. It falls into the hands of voters alone to decide whether to vote for the survival of America or for their favorite candidate no matter what.

Frankly, We the People, are outmanned and outgunned by these group forces. Lone rangers win only in make-belief movies. In real life, governments, institutions and organizations are the ones who prevail. They have the funds to buy the services of the media; employ lawyers, politicians, and mercenaries of all stripes.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Why Did Iran’s Revolution Succeed?

Amil Imani

December 2018 was my 40th anniversary since I made it to this blessed land, America. Like many of my fellow Persians, I never even imagined to extend my stay in the US beyond the 4 years of the university. Let me remind you that Iranians are not beggars. We don’t ask for charity. We are an extremely proud people. Most of us never ever impose anything on the host country or demand any special privileges. Most of us have assimilated nicely. A major reason for the Iranian assimilation and success in the U.S. is the U.S. itself which provides an ambience conducive to self-advancement, be it in science, business or any other field of endeavor. Another reason is that Iranians inherently share and cherish the same values that America’s founding fathers enshrined in this nation’s charter of life.

Although, the Islamic Revolution forced the removal of the Shah of Iran and the war with Iraq was imposed on our motherland, I was still determined to go back home. What deterred me from returning was my family.

Mother kept telling me that this is not the same Iran you left. This is a different Iran. She also warned me if I went back, the Islamic regime would immediately recruit me and send me to the front lines. The same war zone that took the lives of many of my school friends. It was a terrifying feeling. Now adrenalin was rushing through my veins and fighting an enemy was all I could think of. I said, Mom, my friends lost their lives to defend their country. I find it my duty to come home and do the same. Please say no more. To no avail, she kept begging me not to come back and wait until the war ended. She continued, the Khomeini’s regime doesn’t care about Iran, or the lives of Iranians. In fact, he despises Iran. She convinced me that I could do more for Iran in a free US than a war zone where I would most likely not survive. I listened to her motherly advice and stayed while continuing with my higher education.

Fast Forward

Forty-years has passed and the Islamic Republic is still doing what it did forty-years ago. Iran has been under the rule of Islam since 1979. The Iranian people have attempted on several occasions to end the rule of these barbarians, but each time they were faced with the ruthless regime’s apparatus and many of them were slaughtered while the world watched and did nothing.

In four decades of its existence, the Islamic Republic has managed, notably, to produce more hunger, more anger, more frustration, prostitution at a record pace, drug addiction beyond control, child executions without any regard to international human rights and much more. There are many reports regarding cases of child sexual abuse and molestation reaching epidemic proportions.

Prosecution and imprisonment of the innocent and the systematic and illegal abuse of detainees and hundreds of gruesome acts of torture and rape in the prisons have skyrocketed. Meanwhile, the United Nations did not even blink while European countries continued to expand their businesses within the Islamic regime.

Year 1979

In 1979, the U.S. Government, particularly, Jimmy Carter, along with Western allied forces, were responsible for the formation, perhaps, the greatest Islamic terrorist nation on the face of the earth which led to worldwide Islamic terrorism. President Jimmy Carter, betrayed the most valued friend to the West, the late Shah of Iran. Former President Ronald Reagan, was right in his assessment.

Let me be clear, as a person who partiality witnessed how this revolution began, I don’t entirely blame Mr. Carter for this revolution. Iranians, from all walks of life bear the responsibility too. It would be unfair to only blame one man as the cause of this untimely revolution. Iranians themselves are also to blame. That is why I have referred to the 1979 revolution, as a “perfect storm.”

Brief Break Down

During the revolution of 1979, (Some Iranians call it the Islamic invasion), the communists were as always active and biding their time for an uprising against the Shah. Later, an unholy alliance took place amongst a variety of opposition groups, including Islamists (clergy), pro- Soviet Union Communists (Tudeh), an Islamist-Marxist group of Mojahidin Khalgh, or MEK, landowners, intellectuals, and Baazari merchants who sent large amounts of money to the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iraq. Although these groups inherently despised one another, they managed to bury their hatchets in favor of “unifying” the nation for a “common” cause, under the pretense of democracy and political freedom.

Unbeknownst to many gullible Iranians who jumped on the bandwagon with these two main groups, the communists had the dream of socialism and the Islamists wanted to bring about Islamic fascism. They both deceived the people and betrayed their trust. The Islamists used the notion of “taqiyya” an Islamic deception. And when the opportunity presented itself, they took the nation hostage and hijacked the revolution. Then the Islamists started to arrest and execute the communists and the MEK members and just about anyone they found to be against the establishment of an Islamic Ummah or as they referred to it: “Velâyat-e Faqih or the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist.”

Why Did Iran’s Revolution Succeed?

The question that everyone wants to know is why the West decided to remove the man who was perhaps the greatest ally of the United States and was busy modernizing Iran. Also, why did they replace and install a radical, illiterate Islamist, with a 7th century mentality, the Ayatollah Khomeini? This is the subject of historical debate. There are several factors that came together to create this perfect storm. Without it, it would have never succeeded. I briefly mention a few factors:

1 —Jimmy Carter: A Democrat was the President and Democrats historically were bad for Iran. “New information has come to light, showing how former US President Jimmy Carter blindly accepted false promises and helped Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini carry out the Iranian Revolution.” “Documents seen by BBC suggest the Carter administration paved the way for Khomeini to return to Iran by holding the army back from launching a military coup.”

“On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini – founder of Iran’s Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States “the Great Satan” – sent a secret message to Washington. From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.”

2 —PMOI (MEK): The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) was considered a terrorist organization. This was the first Iranian organization to develop systematically a modern interpretation of Islam. An interpretation that drastically differed from both old conventional Islam of the traditional clergy and a new accessible version invented in the 1970s by Ayatollah Khomeini and his disciples. Furthermore, the MEK, together with Fada’yan Islam (Devotees of Islam), had a critical role fighting the Pahlavi regime. The MEK grew quickly after the Islamic Revolution, and became a major force in Iranian politics. Although the MEK was one of the most powerful and effective organizations during the revolution, the Khomeini regime would not share his power with anyone and especially the MEK. In less than 2 years, the Islamic regime systematically executed over 9,000 members of the MEK. Like other major revolutions, this revolution too devoured its own children.

3 —Strikes: In the fall of 1978, waves of unrest and strikes—led largely by Iran’s oil workers then continued by civil services that spread like a wildfire across Iran. Basically, every governmental institution was shut down. The nation ceased to run.

4 —Iranian Military Declared Neutrality:  Iranian generals were in constant contact with the United States, even long before the revolution. Iran’s general staff by the nods of the United States declared neutrality of the armed forces and troops were ordered back to their barracks, assuring the Islamic Revolution’s success.

In short, while there are many other factors that contributed to 1979, the Iranian revolution, without the perfect storm, would have never succeeded. All pieces came together at the same time. The idea was: let’s get rid of the Shah first, then all various groups will be the shareholders in the development of Iran. Well, that never happened. What happened was that history repeated itself. After 1400 years of the Arab conquest of Persia, once again, the Arab-Islamic values, with its barbaric exclusionary and primitive beliefs overtook Iran in 1979 and brutally strove to replace the traditional lofty Iranian belief in human rights and diversity.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Mujahedeen Khalgh’s New Deceptive Tactic

Recently, I came across a website by the name of Organization of Iranian American communities or (OIAC). Its mission statement says: “OIAC works to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Iran. This includes advocating for a democratic secular government in Iran, founded on respect for human rights, religious tolerance, and equality among all citizens.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Well, it appears OIAC or better known as the MEK is following in the footsteps of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), an influential Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) lobby in Washington, DC, one which has long sought rapprochement between Washington and Tehran and has infiltrated the US Congress promoting Iran’s Mullahs agenda while claiming “NIAC promotes an active and engaged Iranian-American community in the US and celebrates the community’s deep historical and cultural roots and traditions.” Pure garbage.

Hassan Dai, an Iranian activist and political analyst, in an OP-ED slammed this despised and deceptive group that used the White House (during the Obama administration) to advance The Islamic Republic’s agenda.

OIAC or MEK is an Islamist-Marxist cultish group headed by Maryam Rajavi, the wife of the deceased co-founder of MEK, Massoud Rajavi. During the 1970’s they rebelled against the Shah and were involved in bombing and shooting American and Iranian targets. The MEK or (OIAC) executed U.S. Army Lt. Col. Lewis Hawkins in 1973 as he was walking home from the U.S. Embassy and in 1975 killed two American Air Force officers in their chauffeur driven car, an incident that was studied and subsequently used in CIA training as an example of how not to get caught and killed by terrorists. Between 1976 and 1978, the group bombed American commercial targets and killed three Rockwell defense contractors and one Texaco executive.

Republican and Democratic US officials back the MEK against the government in Iran [Reuters]

Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) is known for its cultish Foreign Terrorist Organizations and represents a critical threat to Iran’s indigenous democratic movement. Unlike Iran’s democratic opposition, which advances the principles of democracy and human rights through nonviolence, the MEK is an undemocratic organization that pursues its agenda through violence.

Michael Rubin, penned an Op-Ed stating:  The Mujahidin e-Khalq Aren’t America’s Friends.

“The Trump administration, however, is reportedly reconsidering the pariah status of the MEK within U.S. diplomacy. Barbara Slavin, an American analyst often apologetic to the Islamic Republic, reports that “US administration talking points no longer exclude the Mujahidin-e Khalq as a potential replacement for the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” While there remains a great difference between “refuses to exclude” and “supports,” Slavin is correct to raise concern.

Houston, we have a problem. The MEK cult was listed as a terrorist group in the US until 2012 – but its opposition to Tehran has attracted the backing of John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani and others bent on regime change.

John Bolton and the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran.

After the American invasion of Iraq, Maryam fled to France. Her headquarters in Auver sur d’oise in the suburb of Paris was raided by the French Police in June 2003. She was placed under arrest together with 160 of the group members and the assets of the MEK were frozen by the French judiciary. The Police seized millions of dollars from the group’s headquarters. The group was accused of preparing to commit or finance acts of terrorism and money laundering.

A dozen diehard supporters of the Cult of Rajavi set themselves on fire to protest the arrest of Maryam. Two women were killed eventually.

French Police released the cult leader to stop the horrible scenes of self-immolations in European capitals. In France, Maryam became the administrator of Massoud’s office. The close relationship between Maryam and Massoud in the office led to their dramatic marriage in 1985 immediately after her divorce from Medi Abrishamchi. The marriage was celebrated as an ideological revolution in the history of the group. Maryam Rajavi was named the co-leader of the MEK.

Maryam Rajavi is highly admired by America’s mayor, Rudy Giuliani. For years, Giuliani has been one of the most prominent American officials to advocate on behalf of the MEK, a Marxist Iranian opposition group that claims to be the legitimate government of Iran and more resembles a cult.

Giuliani went so far as to call Maryam Rajavi a heroic woman. He tweeted: “2018 Iran Uprising Summit #FREEIRAN2018 is focused on the uprising in Iran posing an alternative to the homicidal regime. The regime has announced that the MEK is the only organization that can realistically replace them. The movement is led by Maryam Rajavi, a heroic woman.”

Maryam Rajavi, a self-styled president in exile is another Khomeini like leader. Like her deceased husband, she is extremely narcissistic and an Islamist-Marxist fanatic.  If she ever grabs the power in Iran, the first thing she would do is to eliminate the opposition and use the mass media to brainwash the people just as the MEK has done to their handful of followers. They will create a Stalinist dictatorship that would make both Iranians and Westerners nostalgic for the mullahs. Don’t do it!

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam and Dogs

There is a deep-seated hatred of dogs among Muslims. Not among all Muslims, but among devout Muslims.  Dogs are considered “najes,” (unclean).

I have always loved dogs. It is said, “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.” Is there a saying for a case when both stupidity and malice team up together? I remember a gang of Muslim kids who tried to attack the street dogs. I was young and terrified. The gang managed to get a hold of a piece of meat from a nearby butcher shop as the bait. Bait for whom? The moment of truth arrived. I watched the unfolding drama from a distance with tremendous anticipation.

With the watering can hidden behind his back in one hand and the other hand held in front of him, dangling the bait, Hassan kept making friendly calls, “Here, here, good dog. Here, see what I’ve got for you. You’re our pet, you nice doggie, you,” as he slowly kept closing in on the dog. Uncharacteristically, the dog, while still on its side, started wagging its tail. It must’ve smelled the meat, the poor thing. I held my breath.

Then, the next thing I saw was Hassan’s mouth open, screaming like hell. The dog was dangling off the ground, hanging by its snout from Hassan’s hand, as if it preferred the meaty paw of the boss to the mostly boney bait. Hassan kept screaming, trying furiously to free his hand. The dog wouldn’t let go. Suddenly, to my horror, I saw Hassan bend over and bite the dog on the snout. Then the two of them howled in a harrowing duet. I had enough. I ran away as fast as I could. I feared that the dog was going to come after me, or worse, Mother might hear the commotion, catch me at the scene and summon Father with his sharp knife to finish me off.

Fanatical Muslims hate, literally hate, dogs. You might wonder why, since all dogs are considered man’s best friend by non-Muslims. And dogs have earned that privileged designation by their service as well as their devotion to people. Dogs have helped hunters, stood watch as hunters slept, and supplied people with an abundance of love. Why, then, single them out as deserving of hatred and even slaughter? It makes no sense.

One explanation for many Muslims’ hatred of dogs goes back to the time of Islam’s founder, Muhammad. The claims are that the Arab caravans were invariably accompanied by watchdogs. This presented a serious problem for Muhammad’s followers who routinely raided the caravans, often in a stealthy manner. The dogs detected the robbers, alerted the people and helped prevent attacking Muslims from robbing caravans and killing the traders. It was thus that Muhammad declared dogs as najes—untouchable— and condemned them to death.

To this day, no observing Muslim allows a dog anywhere near himself or his household. And in Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, dogs are severely persecuted and considered fair game for maltreatment. Nonetheless, these very observant Muslims don’t have any qualms about using the invaluable assistance of dogs in chores to herd and guard sheep. In general, the Muslim hatred for dogs, as even many non-Muslims now know, has its origin in a celebrated hadith from the most authoritative collection, that by Bukhari:

Two Hadith from Sahih Muslim clearly convey Muhammad’s hatred of dogs: Abdullah (b. Umar) (Allah be pleased with them) reported:

Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered the killing of dogs and we would send (men) in Medina and its corners and we did not spare any dog that we did not kill, so much so that we killed the dog that accompanied the wet she-camel belonging to the people of the desert. (Sahih Muslim 3811)

Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: “What about them, i. e. about other dogs?” and then granted concession (to keep) the dog hunting and the dog for (the security) of the herd, and said: “When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time.” (Sahih Muslim 551)

In short, for the past 1400 years, every misery upon humanity and animals originated from the source of Islam: The prophet Muhammad and his fictional God, Allah. Humanity has suffered too much, yet, the civilized world caters to these savages and ignores their actions. Why you might ask? Because they have oil.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Muslim Terrorists Are True Muslims

There are some 1.4 or so billion Muslims in the world, the overwhelming majority of which are cultural Muslims. Muslims who are born into Islam, where a great many never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslim. It is not a religion that they choose, it is a belief they inherit. For whatever reason, this great majority of cultural Muslims are Muslims of a sort without fully toeing the line of Islam. The real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.

Let’s cut to the chase: “True Muslims” are those who strap explosive vests and detonate themselves in a crowd of what they consider fake or deviant Muslims. They also bomb each other at mosques, funeral processions and marketplaces packed with women and children. All in service to promote true Islam and cleanse Allah’s earth from kefirs as they are repeatedly and emphatically instructed to do in the Quran.

Hence, a true Muslim is someone who actively follows the Quran verbatim and works to transmit this disease to others, while he himself is engaged in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate his unconditional obedience to the dictates of Islamic ideology.

There is virtually no chance to reason with the brain-dead jihadists whose eyes are fixed on the promised lush paradise of Allah. It isn’t that they love death, just for the sake of death itself as Muslim leaders such as Hasan Nasrallah, the head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah proclaimed: “we love death more than you love life.”

They love death and happily embrace it because of what they have been brainwashed to believe is awaiting them as a reward. Death in carrying out the work of Islam earns them entry into Allah’s eternal sensuous male paradise, so they believe. It is in keeping with propagating this fraud of afterlife paradise that portraits and names of Muslim killers, glorified as martyrs, which festoon the length and breadth of Muslim cradles of Islamism such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. To the wild-eyed robot jihadist even a day on this “heap of dirt” earth is simply another day of unbearable delay from winging their way to the lasting abode of lust.

Tragically, over the years, media pundits, leftist academics, and politicians have constructed a formidable alliance that successfully keeps both cultural Muslims as well as the non-Muslim general public in a slumber of complacency. All along, the campaign of the jihadists have been moving forward. On the one hand are the well-financed Islamists with their hordes of simpletons who are ready to die for the cause. The horrific acts of these villains are daily occurrences in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, and Pakistan. On the other hand, are the people of the free world who are lulled into the complacency they seek and lack the will to confront the deadly danger of real Islam.

Cultural Muslims hold the balance of power in their hands. They are not active jihadists. Yet, they knowingly or unknowingly, constitute the most vital support for Islamists. It is this majority that projects an image of normalcy and even tolerance of others while supplying funds as well as foot-soldiers to the work of Islamists.

Islamic apologists often point to Muslim communities in non-Muslim lands as peaceful religious communities like any other and deny that these Muslims pose any threat to the way of life of free people. Yet, the facts convincingly argue against this fraudulent contention because, when jihadists gather enough local strength, cultural Muslims like docile sheep will submit to the rule of their co-religionist killers.

This is not a hypothetical prognostication. The capitulation of cultural Muslims has already played out in many parts of European towns and cities. It is worth repeating that as Islamists wage their war under the banner of Islam, they receive immense direct and indirect support from the rank-and-file of cultural Muslims. Their support is the life-blood that keeps Islamists alive.

Extreme Islam claims to be the true Islam and strives to force humanity into submission to a system of beliefs and practices of Sharia which are anathema to freedom. Even Muslims who do not agree with extremist Islam are intimidated, pressured into silence, and even condemned to death by fanatics. It is wishful thinking on the part of the non-Muslims to believe that one can be a Muslim moderate, given that Islam is radical at its very core. To be a moderate Muslim demands that the person explicitly renounce much of the violent, exclusionary, and radical teachings of the Quran.

By so doing, the individual issues his own death warrant in Islamic countries, is condemned as apostate if he lives in a non-Islamic land, and may even earn a fatwa on his head. Yet, if the masses of the cultural Muslims, in ones, twos, and droves leave Islam, the Islamists will be eviscerated since cultural Muslims are indeed their life-blood. It is deadly, in any confrontation, to assess the adversary through one’s own mental template, because the two templates can be vastly different from each other.

In short, America is unable to win the war against Islamic terrorism because U.S. officials refuse to call the enemy by its real name. The enemy is none other than Islam.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam: Faith vs. Facts

There are instances that one may use faith to accept things, and other cases where observable facts must settle issues. Religion in general relies, if not exclusively, at least primarily on faith. When you challenge a religious person about the reality of religion by saying, “I have to see it to believe it,” he may respond, “You have to believe it to see it.”

And when it comes to something of such great import as religion and its implications, I am hesitant to believe it first and hope to see its redeeming qualities later. Believing people’s claims without supporting evidence runs counter to reason. Simply because someone believes something, does not make it so. Even when over a billion and half people claim they believe Islam is the handiwork of a supreme creator and his book is the eternal charter of goodly life for all of mankind, I am not swayed.

To further explain, beliefs are private experiences and may have full validity for one individual, but others should not be expected to accept them unquestioningly. A person suffering from schizophrenia, for instance, may have conversations with all kinds of extraterrestrials and report seeing them. The individual may be fully and honestly convinced that his experiences are real. Yet his faith in the reality of his experiences does not constitute a proof of reality to those who are unable to verify them.

With respect to religion, one may be willing to accept its usefulness based on constructive roles it may play in serving society, without the need to be shown that it is indeed a mandate of life from the Supreme Being. Religion, at the very least, must have some tangible redeeming qualities. The Iranian’s ancestral religion, the Zoroastrian faith, was meritorious, for it preached three simple, yet extremely vital dictums of life: good thoughts, good speech, and good deeds.

Judaism, irrespective of the contention that it is a divine religion, introduced the greatly valuable Ten Commandments to civilize us. Christianity championed practices such as love and charity. Islam, by contrast, lacks any redeeming qualities. The book of Allah is a manual for violence, divisiveness and hatred. We see the proof of Islam’s lack of merit in the nonstop daily horrific acts of Muslims, all justified based on Islamic scripture.

Simply because someone claims he is a divine messenger and his discourse is dictated to him by a creator called Allah, it is not sufficient for us to abandon the observable proof needed and simply accept the claim even though the claimant and his message have inflicted great harm on mankind from day one to the present.

Many people adhere to religion because it provides them with comfort and a compass in life. It is these assumed benevolent features of religion that confer upon it a special status. Yet, concern with religious overreach has led societies to enact safeguards against that possibility. Some, for instance, feared that Christ was a rebellious Jew aiming to challenge the ruling Romans. Perhaps to assuage this fear, Christ emphatically proclaimed, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” To this day, there are those who still believe that the Christ was a mere social revolutionary.

In the case of Islam, there is no ambiguity at all. The mosque and the state were one and the same from the very start. During his lifetime, Muhammad embodied in his person all three branches of worldly secular governance — the legislative, the judiciary and the executive — as well as the religious domain. As a messenger of Allah, he transmitted Allah’s laws, adjudicated according to those laws, and implemented Allah’s design. He also prescribed a set of religious instructions for the spiritual life of the faithful.

Final analyses

As I have many times stated in the past articles, there is no such thing as “radical Islam.” I have refused to accept several organizations that seek to combat or expose the antics of “radical” or “extreme” Islam, because I know that it is not extremism that causes the violence…it’s mainstream, typical, normal, traditional, specified, canonical Islam.

In general, if those peaceful and non-violent Muslims make a herculean decision not to toe the line with active jihadists and come out of their comfortable shelters by spreading love and peace without ever resorting to violence while they condemn it whenever or wherever they see it, the world will welcome them with open arms.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

U.S.-Iran Tensions Rising

Hostility between Washington and Tehran have intensified since May 2018, when Trump, withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA), under P5+1, with the presence of the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. That agreement pushed Tehran’s nuclear ambitions to rest. (but not really)

The Iran Nuclear Deal agreement was simple: Tehran had to agree to limit its nuclear capacity, and in return, the economic sanctions would be lifted. That easy! But, the devil is always in the details. The Obama administration foolishly permitted Iran, flexibility for ballistic missile testing. Security Council Resolution 2231 certified the deal, replacing the embargo with encouraging language:

“Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.”

Also, under the deal, the Islamist regime would gain access to more than $100bn in assets frozen overseas, and was able to resume selling oil on international markets and using the global financial system for trade.

The inspection of the sites came with some stipulations. The Iranian mullahs must completely comply with IAEA. (Highly unlikely)! Iran’s rulers have a long history of cheating and lying about its nuclear program, and there is no reason to believe them now.

“At the time of the agreement, then-US President Barack Obama’s administration expressed confidence that the JCPOA would prevent Iran from building a nuclear program in secret. Iran, it said, had committed to “extraordinary and robust monitoring, verification, and inspection.”

After President Donald Trump abandoned the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Global nuclear watchdog the IAEA says Iran has already increased production of enriched uranium – but it is not known by how much.

Back a Decade Ago:

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), “Iran: Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities,” contained a startling bombshell: the conclusion that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. It is not known what prompted this unprecedented reversal of intelligence analysis, since the unclassified report contained only a summary of key judgments and excluded the evidence on which the judgments were made. Already, however, several knowledgeable experts have charged that the NIE is critically flawed.

As time went on, President Bush vowed that Iran would never be allowed to achieve its goal  on his watch. Bush kept using all kinds of threats and promises in order to persuade the mullahs to drop the project, to no avail. When a belligerent end-of-the-worlder, Holocaust-denier Ahmadinejad, became the Islamic Republic of Iran’s president, things started heating up a great deal.

Time and again, the bellicose Ahmadinejad vilified the Great Satan and its sidekick Israel for having the gall to demand Iran abandon its program while his two main adversaries had their own arsenal of nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad informed the world that what the Islamic Republic does is within its own national rights. He shored up his credibility cleverly by dispatching an endless series of negotiators to meet with the Europeans. He was successfully stalling for time, while working around the clock to get to Surge Capacity.

The NIE report assured us that the IRI abandoned its nuclear weapon program some three years ago So, there is really nothing to fear and even less reason to maintain the dangerous game of brinksmanship with the mullahs. Upon superficial reading of the report one may get the impression that the mullahs are not exactly the saints of Allah as Jimmy Carter had thought them while he helped bring them to power. Yet, they neither are as scheming un-repenting villainous zanies that their enemies portray them.

The best predictor of the future is the past. The religious fanatic mullahs’ record is one of deception, dissimulation, treachery, violence and much more. These Quran-trained and directed agents of a wrathful Allah are neither Iranian and can never be trusted. They are master schemers. They have been at the business of scheming for centuries. They have perfected the art of deception, doubletalk, double-dealing and treachery. Hence, for the NIE’s report to be based primarily on supposed interception of secret conversations of high-ranking Iranian leaders, it is nothing more than a practice in gullibility. Prudence demands better proofs, much better proofs.

If indeed the IRI has abandoned its entire program to achieve Surge Capacity, then why is it that it did not allow the IAEA unimpeded access to over some 30 known facilities? The IAEA is allowed to visit only a handful of them, and only with prior notice.

Bleeding-heart liberals, otherwise known as the Useful Idiots, cite the NIE demand in chorus that we should immediately begin negotiating with the mullahs with no pre-conditions at all. We never had much leverage with the mullahs. What little leverage we had is wiped out by our own NIE. What these Useful Idiots don’t seem to understand is that one can only negotiate with a party who is indeed interested in negotiation.

In short, yes, the mullahs are mass killers. Civilized people cherish and celebrate life. The Islamists relish death as stated in their ideology and practiced daily. Recall what Hassan Nasrallah; the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah had to say about why his people would prevail in the war with Israel. He said, “Israelis love life. We Muslims love death.” These fanatics firmly believe in an incomparably magnificent pleasure-filled next world that awaits the faithful Muslim. To them, this world is nothing but a heap of dust, while the next is a paradise of eternal lust.

NO, Iran’s mullahs must never be allowed to acquire a delivery system to carry their nuclear bomb. That would be the end of the world.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Iran’s Mullahs Feeling The Trump’s Pinch

Many pundits and experts have speculated that it is just a matter of time before the confrontation between the world and Iran’s Mullahs. Especially, after President Donald Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal, which could possibly set off a catastrophic conflagration. The present standoff is bound to change, either by the U.S. use of force to make good on its threat that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable, or the Mullahs will manage to make the unacceptable an accomplished fact.

Although the main adversaries are the U.S. and Iran, much of the world has a huge stake in regard to this potentially catastrophic confrontation. Israel, the Persian Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq as well as nations farther away from the region are both willing and unwilling parties to this unfolding crisis.

The situation is dire indeed. Anyone who believes that sane rational people on both sides are engaged in brinksmanship to secure the best advantage would eventually work out a compromise, is deluding himself. In some cases, time works as a healer and even as a solution to thorny problems. Yet, this problem will not go away, and time would only make the cataclysmic clash more likely and deadly. There is, however, a non-violent solution, without appeasement that offers the best chance to resolve the impasse: change of regime in Iran.

Selected President Hassan Rouhani’s bellicosity notwithstanding, the Islamic Republic of Iran is on the verge of collapse upon on the heads of the despised Mullahs and their emblematic Revolutionary Guards, (IRGC). A few pushes from the outside world would serve as the tipping point for long-suffering Iranians to rise and bury the Mullahs in the graveyard they so richly deserve and have made of Iran.

Here are some indicators of how seriously the Islamic Republic is ailing:

♦   The $100 barrel of oil is no more. It is down to around $54. Oil money is the Mullahs’ lifeblood. The Mullahs are strapped. They can’t pay the salaries of teachers and other government employees, including their terrorist proxies. Rouhani’s largess to buy and hold his constituency has exacerbated the problem. The Islamic Republic is unable to continue to finance their terrorist clients abroad.

♦   The great majority of Iranians are fed up with the misrule of the Islamic Republic and are willing to endure the sanctions. Students, workers, and women’s groups have been in the forefront in their fight with the Islamists. Even among the high-ranking clergy, a significant widespread dissension is surfacing. Ayatollahs in the twin holy cities of Qom and Mashhad, are in trouble. There are pockets of uprisings around the country.

♦   Tehran was already quivering under some mild sanctions imposed by the international community over the its nuclear ambition, until President Donald Trump ditched the Obama nuclear deal a year ago and imposed numerous crippling sanctions against the Islamic regime. New tougher sanctions have hit the Iranian oil and metals sectors, as well as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) along with the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Iran’s economy is suffering badly and it is threatening to breach some of the terms of the nuclear agreement it reached with the other major powers.

♦   The Islamic Republic finds itself isolated and seeks a way out of this crisis without losing face.  President Trump’s sanctions against Iran have triggered a collapse in economic growth, pushing the Islamic republic into a deep recession and lifting inflation toward 40 per cent or higher. The British Royal Marines seized the supertanker Grace 1 on Thursday for trying to take oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions, a dramatic step that drew Tehran’s fury and could escalate its confrontation with the West.

♦   Even after the nuclear deal, the perception was that Iran’s economy will excel. But it backfired. The Rial, Iran’s currency is shaky, the business community is deeply worried, and thousands of contracts remain unsigned due to the uncertainty of what might happen next.

♦   Experts predict that hundreds of thousands of Iranian workers will join the already swelled ranks of the unemployed in short order. Senior foreign diplomats report a significant “moderation” in the Mullahs behavior and signs that they wish to get themselves out of the present predicament. Yet Tehran threatens it will increase enrichment because Europe has ‘indirectly violated’ the nuclear deal.

♦   Fear of a possible attack by the U.S. has badly shaken the morale of the ruling elite who see their ill-gotten wealth and power in serious jeopardy. The multi-billionaire mullahs, are moving their assets out of the country and transferring it to a safer place.

♦   The Islamic Republic is facing serious setbacks in Lebanon, in the Palestinian Territory, in Syria, and even in Iraq. The Mullahs’ attempt to seize power in Lebanon has aroused much of the Lebanese population against them and their proxy, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, is in disarray. The Iraqi thug-cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army, the Mullahs’ mercenary force, face serious problems due to the pressures from the U.S. and Iraqi government.

♦   The above is by no means an exhaustive list of troubles the Mullahs face. Yet, they should make us realize that both Rouhani and the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his gang are on shaky ground now that the Iranian people in all strata of life in Iran despise them. A nudge here, a nudge there will likely topple the Islamofascist’s regime and save everyone a lot of trouble.

It is both dangerous and unnecessary to attack Iran militarily, nor does the U.S. need to go the route of appeasement with a seriously weak adversary, as the IRI under the rule of the mullahs is now proving itself to be. The most effective and prudent solution is to change the regime in Iran. This idea is hardly new. What is new, however, is a list of non-violent undertakings that holds considerable promise in disposing the homicidal-suicidal Mullahs. Governments should enact the following:

♦   Declare unequivocally the commitment to respect the territorial integrity of Iran, as well as the rights of Iranians to decide, through a democratic process, all matters pertaining to their life and their country.

♦   Initiate, without delay or equivocation, a comprehensive program of assistance to all democratic Iranian opposition groups, including Mr. Reza Pahlavi who is very popular inside and outside of Iran, in their struggle to accomplish the regime change themselves.

♦   Proclaim far and wide, the cardinal reason for taking these measures against the Mullahs’ “Reign of Terror” is to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons, the threat they pose to the region as well as to the world, and the stimulus they provide for other nations to develop their own nuclear arsenal.

♦   Force other countries to enforce even more crippling sanctions by inspecting every vessel headed for Iranian ports to make sure they do not ferry prohibited material. Other than vessels known to be carrying foodstuffs and medicine, each ship should be subjected to an elaborate inspection.

♦   We should once again persuade Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and other Persian Gulf Arab oil producers to significantly increase their output and drastically cut the price. It is the least they can do to forestall the emergence of a nuclear Shiite Iran bent on ruling the region.

♦   Obtain court orders to freeze the overseas assets of Iranian leaders, since they are clearly ill-gotten funds that rightfully belong to the nation.

♦   Shut down, or severely restrict the operation of the Mullahs’ businesses in Dubai and other Persian Gulf states.

♦   Shut down Iranian missions. Severely restrict Iranian officials and nuclear scientists from foreign travel. Recall your ambassadors from Iran.

♦   Deny the Iranian Airline operation and encourage non-Iranian airlines to cease serving the country.

♦   File legal charges against the leaders of the Islamic Republic’s wanton violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; for their crimes against humanity, genocidal actions against religious and political groups; for support of international terrorism; for the demolition of religious sites and cemeteries; for rape, torture, and summary execution of prisoners of conscience; for forgery of documents, for acts of blackmail and fraud, and much more.

♦   Declare and treat the clerical regime as illegitimate.

♦   Shut down the Islamic Republic’s web sites and block their television and radio broadcasts.

♦   Provide Internet & Wi-Fi Access across Iran.

♦  Identify the agents of the Islamic Republic and prosecute them as promoters of international terrorism. Investigate individuals and organizations that lobby or front for the Islamic Republic.

♦   Take all necessary steps to stop investments in Iran. Persuade banks to refrain from dealing with Iran and the issuance of letters of credit.

♦   Pressure businesses to stop dealing with Iran. Warn countries such as China and Russia against commercial adventurism.

In short, the Iran problem is urgent. It is a world problem. A warning to the world: You need to act now. Apathy is sleep. If you sleep, you weep.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam: America’s Trojan Horse

Allegorically, a “Trojan Horse” has come to mean any trick or plot that causes a target to summon an enemy into a firmly enduring fortress or place. The Greeks tricked the people of Troy by pretending that they had abandoned the war. Meanwhile, the Greek army rolled a giant wooden horse outside the gates of Troy, and then sailed off to the island of Tenedos nearby. One unarmed Greek stayed behind to convince the Trojans that the horse was indeed a present. Exulted by the gift, Trojans hauled the wooden horse inside the city walls and locked the gates.

Using it as a mental model, we can apply the Trojan Horse story to a range of restraints and situations. As a theory, it can be used for both good and evil.

The Islamic doctrine of Hijrah or conquest via immigration is still alive, active and well. The recent arrival of Muslim migrants in Western countries, who don’t migrant here to embrace our Western civilization, but to enforce their own barbaric dogma on the host country has been compared to a Trojan Horse.

The Islamic hydra, with Saudi Arabia and the oil-money bloated Emirs and Sheiks of the Persian Gulf lead the Sunni charge from one side and the end-of-the-world bomb-seeking Shiites of the Islamic Republic of Iran along with its proxies of Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah, Houthis of Yemen and the Sadrists in Iraq closing from the other side, have the intention of devouring the free world.

Meanwhile, America is under the effect of Islamic subversion, Muslim escapees of the misery of Islamic countries, exhibit such incredible gall and audacity as to shamelessly demand that their benevolent hosts surrender their liberty and legalize and adopt Sharia in our society.

The Muslims’ presence in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Belgium, represent the tip of the sword of the Islamists protruding from the Trojan horse. Once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule, not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also those that may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Presently, America is faced with a formidable enemy in a Trojan Horse: Islam.

Islam was birthed by primitives some 1400 years ago and over time invaded much of the world at the point of the sword. Presently, Islamists, with their treasuries flushed with petrodollars, are in a great position to realize their ongoing dream of bringing the world under the rule of Muhammad’s Ummah. On the one hand, Pakistan is already a nuclear power and the Islamic Republic of Iran aims to be one before too long. On the other hand, Muslim governments and wealthy Sheikhs are funding Islamic schools, centers and front organizations in the West to work from within at the unraveling of non-Islamic democratic systems.

This danger makes it imperative to revisit the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and make the necessary adjustments to legally defeat Islam’s subversion of our democratic system.

Some people may ask, why others on our planet are not subjected to severe restriction? Because Muslims have been taught to ignore the laws of the host country and never assimilate. To a Muslim there is only one law and that is Sharia law. Muslims, like other nationalities, do not migrate in order to live in peace and achieve the Western dream. They migrate in order to change the host country in a manner they have been indoctrinated from their childhood. They can’t help it. It is part of their identity. Wherever Muslims go, so goes their ethos.  This has become a huge problem for the 21st century civilized world.

As more and more Muslims arrive in non-Islamic lands, as they reproduce with great fertility, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, (Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is judged as an apostate and automatically condemned to death) and as petrodollar-flush Muslims and Muslim treasuries supply generous funds, Muslims gather more power to undermine the democratic rule of a host country.

The hydra of Islam reveals itself when Muslim jihadist lash out with sophisticated and well-funded lawyers, terrorist groups, and terror-sponsoring governments who have the bomb and those who race non-stop to acquire the ultimate weapon. There is no time to waste. We must steadfastly confront Islam since it is the only way to defeat a fanatical enemy who does not believe in negotiation or compromise. For Islam, it is winner take all. And the way that permissive, oblivious, and well-meaning free societies are reacting does not bode well for liberty.

Islam must be recognized for what it is: a Trojan Horse carrying in its belly what will assuredly slaughter any and all who stand in its way without compunction.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Is Islam A Religion?

Whereas a representative Republic is defined as the rule of the people, by the people, for the people, Islam is defined as the rule of Allah, by Allah and his emissaries, for the pleasure of Allah. And when people, out of concern for political correctness or ignorance, describe Islam as a religion, (forget the peace) they are, at the very least, guilty of misrepresenting it.

Islam is a comprehensive totalitarian form of slavery. It is the opposite of freedom. Islam means submission or surrender. True to its name, Islam strives for nothing short of enslavement of the body of humanity as well as the bondage of its mind. This non-negotiable surrender to Islam requires the individual, as well as the society, to disenfranchise themselves of many fundamental and deeply cherished human rights.  Islam seeks nothing less than total global domination.

Islam is an unabashed politico-expansionist movement wrapped in the trappings of religion and bent on universal conquest by any and all means or tricks available at its disposal.

In the interest of impartiality, the authors of the Constitution did not define what constitutes a religion. Presently, a plethora of sects, cults and orders-all claiming to be religion-cover the length and the breadth of the land. So, as long as these “religions” minister to the legitimate spiritual needs of their congregations without threatening the rights of others, there is no reason for concern. However, when one or more of these claimants strive to undermine the very Constitution that protects them in order to impose their beliefs and way of life, serious problems arise.

The problem is, too few Americans are aware of it and organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are taking full advantage of our naiveté. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the First Amendment was designed to protect—our God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Islam considers itself the three branches of government. It enacts laws as it sees fit, adjudicates laws, and executes them as it deems. Islam is anathema to the provisions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and much more.

Islam proclaims itself as the only legitimate religion for the entire world, grudgingly granting minor recognition to Judaism and Christianity from whom it has liberally plagiarized much of its dogma. Jews and Christians are allowed to live under the rule of Islam as “dhimmis” and must pay a special religious tax of jizyah. Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, members of other religions, agnostics and atheists are not even allowed to practice their belief or disbelief. Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians.

There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques are tolerated and welcomed in Western non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is considered an apostate and is automatically condemned to death.

Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam. The word is Allah’s, his chosen divines such as Ayatollahs and Imams are the only ones who have the power to make pronouncements squarely based on Allah’s word, the Quran. Any expression that deviates in the least from the Quran, the Hadith or the edicts of Islamic high divines is heresy and severely punishable. Hence, stifling of free expression is the major mechanism by which the Islamic clergy retain power and prevent constructive change in Islamic societies.

Freedom of the press is completely alien to Islam, since a free press tends to express matters as it sees it, rather than as it is stated in the Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything Islamic.

Peaceful assembly of the people is not allowed.  Backward oppressive Islamic societies inflict great hardship on the citizenry and any assembly of the victims presents a threat to suffocating rule. Islamic governments routinely prevent peaceful assemblies from taking place. Failing to do so, they unleash their hired thugs, the police and even the military against any assemblage no matter how peaceful and how legitimate is its grievance. The Islamic Republic of Iran which is vying with Saudi Arabia as the leader of true Islamic rule, routinely attacks any and all gatherings of its people, arrests them, imprisons them without due process, tortures them, and even executes them in secret dungeons.

As harsh as it is, here is the reality…

Devout Muslims literally have turned into walking missiles. You can’t reason with Muslims blinded by hate. You can’t argue with Muslims blinded by Islamic faith. Islam hates the power of the individual. Islam hates the achievements of women. Islam hates progress. Islam hates the religious freedom of others. Islam hates the pre-Islamic heritage of other nations. Islam is against free-will and hates democracy, liberty and justice for all. Islam simply loves to devour you alive.

The greatest threat facing the United States today is its own ignorance about Islam. Until American citizens understand the threat of Islam on American soil — people will continue to die. Until there is a true understanding of this satanic faith and means to control it, people will continue to die.

No, Islam has never been hijacked by militant or radical Muslims. In fact, radical Muslims are true Muslims. Islam itself has hijacked humanity for almost 14 centuries. Unfortunately, American politicians ignore this, lie to their citizens and portray Islam as a religion of peace. What a shame!

Any dogma, doctrine, cult or a religion that seeks to create its own governance, its own legal system and seeks to mobilize its own militia is itself not interested in separation of Church and State, and has no right to use that separation to create hegemony. In fact, such a doctrine is not even a religion at all.  It is a totalitarian regime, and must be considered the enemy of the US Constitution and everything Americans believe in.


Islam is not a religion by any standards. It is a militant, political and violent cult created by one man: Muhammad. It is time that we treat Islam as the greatest threat to the human race. The Islamic treasury, flushed with oil extortion money together with the help of Marxist-Democrats and Hollywood celebrities (“Muslim Brotherhood front-groups have targeted Hollywood as one of many vehicles through which to conduct its civilization jihad.”) are having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom.

Time is of the essence. Americans must act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. If we don’t defeat it politically and do it swiftly, our children and grandchildren could be engaged in a religious and ideological bloody war, the likes of which has never been seen on American soil.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Teach Your Children True Islam From A Young Age

Start to immediately tell them that to know Islam is not a race and Islamophobia is a term used by groups of Muslims and non-Muslims apologists in order to protect Islam from scrutiny. Make sure they understand the term Islamophobia is itself misleading. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. In the case of Islam, however, it often makes practical sense to be afraid. Even most former Muslims themselves, have genuine fears about a religion that advocates the murder of its apostates and victimizes its own members, especially innocent women and children.

Make sure they understand that the criminalization of homosexuality, under the teachings of Islam. Homosexuality is not only a sin, but a crime. As a crime against God, it is permissible, according to many Muslim scholars, to punish the offender with death.

Be sure they understand once a Muslim leaves the religion of Islam, he or she is condemned to death for turning their back against Islam. Educate them about the founder of Islam, the prophet Muhammad and his crimes against humanity.  They must know any criticism against Islam in public can be punished by death. Do not allow them to learn the sanitized version of it in public schools. Make sure they understand that. Most school texts are written by Muslims and it is a pure fabrication.

For a starter, remember the Somali Muslim cabbies of the Minneapolis airport and their refusal of blind fares with seeing-eye dogs, because dogs are unclean according to their belief. The same cabbies that had a virtual monopoly at the airport also rejected passengers who had alcoholic beverages in their possession.

Be honest and firm about it. Explain that the Muslim book, the Quran, discriminates against women:

[Quran 4.34] “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the others and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you take no further action against them. Allah is high, supreme.”

Muslims always blame others for their misery. They blame the Jews, Christians and America for their fate. No, it is not the Jews or the Christians who are misrepresenting Islam and make them unhappy. It is Muslims and Muslim organizations who are guilty of dissimulation and fraud. Muslims act meekly when they lack sufficient power. Once in power, the real Islam emerges from its shell of dissimulation and puts free people and their way of life to the sword.

First, let’s grasp the definition of indoctrination.

Indoctrination occurs when we present opinions as fact without presenting opposing views. Saying that Islam teaches “Allah is the one true God” is of course a fact, but the statement itself is widely disputed by billions of Christians worldwide, who believe the claim is false. When schools present Islamic beliefs, without balancing those beliefs with opposing views from other religions or even to present secular opposition, then a line has been crossed into indoctrination.

It’s ancient wisdom that our actions speak louder than our words—or when it comes to our children, our screaming.  As parents, most of us seek advice on best parenting tips so that our children listen to us and follow our values and ideals.

The prophet Muhammad understood human motivation and learning styles very well.  At his farewell khutbah (sermon) on Mount Arafat, he reminded believers that he had left behind him the Qur’an and his Sunnah, and anyone who adhered to them would not err.  Thus, the prophet’s Sunnah is the demonstration of the Qur’an which he had modeled to his Ummah, as the Qur’an by itself may not be fully understood by all.

Recognizing that people will do exactly what he did in his life for generations to come, even at the level of imitating how he dressed and ate, he was very careful about each and every one of his actions and words. With all his actions, the prophet not only considered his current generation, but also the future ones.

In short, to Westerners, just about all matters range from black to white with an array of gray shades in between the two poles. To Muslims, by contrast, nearly everything is in black and white and with virtually no shades of gray. The former type of thinking is typical of more mature minds, while the latter is that of young children and the less enlightened.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Officials Ignore Islamist Threat At Our Peril

The United States is in the middle of a “cultural jihad.” In fact, global Islamist jihad is at war with all of Western civilization. Many Americans wonder why their elected officials completely ignore this fact and don’t talk or do anything about it.  A quick answer: They fear being called racist! Even though Islam is not a race. They are willing to annihilate future American generations via political correctness than risk their own political career! Many of our elected officials know Islam (perhaps not in full details) is not a religion (forget the peace), but a political ideology, yet, they are willing to sacrifice America’s children and grandchildren, including their own, for the sake of their political ambition. They don’t like to rock the boat (as the saying goes in DC), because it may hurt their chances to be re-elected! SAD!

That is precisely why (even after 9/11 attacks) designated terrorist organizations such as the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) and hundreds of others still exist in the US and freely work around the clock to undermine America’s justice system while proselytize the disenchanted Americans. I am afraid there are no elected officials with the guts to do the right thing!

Politicians are devotees of the “art” of the political correctness. We all know that. If our lawmakers did what they were elected to do and stood by their oath of office to defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, the counter jihadists patriots, to name a few, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, John Guandolo, Clare Lopez, Janet Levy, Frank Gaffney, Steven Emerson, Dr. Andrew Bostom, Dr. Jamie Glazov, Dr. Bill Warner, myself and a few others would not have to stand up to them incessantly and educate the public.

On top of that, America’s leftist politicians, power-hungry for votes, bend over backwards to accede to Islamists’ demands while Muslims happily ally with them in their goal to undermine and weaken America from within. Many Americans who elect these people to represent them are now baffled as to why many of their elected officials back Islamist ideology, honor and celebrate their holidays such as “Iftar” and promote it as a religion of peace, knowing full well that Islam is not a religion of peace, but an ideology of terror! We are losing this war, so it appears. The hour is already late to defeat this growing scourge.

An Iranian man who lives in Iran wrote this to President Trump on the occasion of Ramadan and the “Iftar” dinner at the White House:

“Dear Mr. President Trump, as an Iranian living inside Iran I’m telling you from the bottom of my heart that Islam is very, very, very dangerous for the US and the lovely and wonderful American people. Islam has a big problem with peace and democracy. Please don’t hesitate to overthrow the Islamic dictatorships in the world. First and foremost, start with Iran aka the Axis of Evil. Please don’t negotiate with Iran’s theocratic regime. For 40 years, they’ve killed and imprisoned Americans and have done much, much worse to their own people as well.”

So, why our elected officials on both sides of the aisle ignore Islam’s threat? Where are the Geert Wilders of America? Why so many lies and deceptions about Islam? “Because Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among non-Muslims. A new generation of “Useful Idiots,” the sort of people Lenin identified living in liberal democracies who furthered the work of communism. This new generation of Useful Idiots also live in liberal democracies, but serves the cause of Islamofascism—another virulent form of totalitarian ideology.”

Islam is not a typical religion but an extreme ideology. All extreme elements operate outside of the constraints of checks-and-balances. That is, once it starts, the extreme becomes more and more extreme until it self-destructs and takes the larger system down with it. Cancer is a case in point. It begins with only a few cells. Left unchecked, the few cells continue expanding and stop only with the death of the host.

Fanatical Islam may indeed be a minority. Yet it is a deadly cancer that has metastasized throughout the body of the world. Urgent confrontation of this advancing disease is imperative to stave it off.

Europe is on its way and will ultimately lose its independence while it is forced to fully embrace Islam. That’s a no brainer. Everyone can see it. America will be next, tragically, no elected official is doing anything to stop this trend.

You, the voter, are the guardian of the Constitution. Your vote determines the health and survival of America. You the citizens, take your responsibilities to heart. Examine the candidates, make the right choices. Elect those candidates who truly understand the threat of Islamic ideology to our country and our way of life.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Justifying Islamophobia

All phobias are, by definition, irrational fears. I’m not an Islamophobe, because my “fear” of Islam is completely rational. Avoiding a poisonous snake is a rational fear. Not a phobia. The emotion of fear, when utilized rationally, is of immense value. The key point is that the person, as well as the society, must base their assessment on facts. My assessment of Islam, conclusively supported by indisputable facts, is that it is a dangerous, destructive and death-bearing belief system of a long-ago savage people that has inflicted and continues to inflict misery and death to people.  According to Christopher Hitchens, Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.

Let me add this, I will speak the truth about Islam. In no way am I falsely defaming Islam. Islam is its own best defamer. Speaking the truth usually entails risks. I’m aware of that. Sharia law stipulates that any Muslim who turns his back on Islam should be given a chance to revert to the religion. For an un-repenting male apostate, death is the punishment and life imprisonment for a female apostate.

“Kill whoever changes his religion.” Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57

Some Muslims call us Islamophobes while others call us racists, even though they know Islam is not a race, but they know how to get under the skin of Americans by calling us racist.

Ever since the massive arrival of Muslims to the Western hemisphere, our Western culture and world have been forever altered, thanks to the ceaseless attempts of the left to create a failing Utopian multiculturalist paradise while forcefully jamming it down the throats of unsuspecting citizens. Here is the problem:

The West has been tolerant, but “tolerance in the face of evil is not tolerance, it is a crime.”  It wasn’t long ago; we were defending ourselves at the Gates of Vienna from a Muslim invasion. Now, we welcome Muslims with open arms and generous welfare policies. Any push back to these open immigration practices is labeled Islamophobia, racism, bigotry, etc. But what cost do these changes bring?

The battle with these barbarians has been proven to be arduous and long. It is the duty of all enlightened individuals to work their hardest to fumigate these leeches from the body of humanity. Civilized people refuse to accept that Muslims have not evolved. They are at least 2,000 years behind humanity. The conflict with Islam and Muslims is due to evolution. Evolution takes time.

That is precisely why the percentages of rape have gone from non-existent in Europe, to 5,000%.  Whether we like to accept it or not, reality is reality.  We will eventually come to terms with reality and accept that Muslims are pure savages. It is impossible to co-exist with this 7th century mentality.

People fear Islam because Islam kills you. They fear Islam because they don’t want to lose their heads. Islamophobia is completely justified. It is important that we take a close look at the Quran, the inviolable, immutable charter of Islam, since it enjoys such sanctified standing. Muslims believe that the Quran is written by Allah himself. Allah handed down the book, piece by piece and chapter by chapter, to the Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel, in turn, whispered these words to Muhammad himself over the course of some 23 years.

Allah is so angry in the Quran. It seems to me that Allah is angry at himself. Much of the smallish book, the Quran, that he authored over 23 years is devoted to expressions of displeasure, anger, threats and violence. Didn’t Allah create people, animals and everything else? Didn’t he instill in us and in everything else his own design? Then why all these venomous expressions in the Quran? Why not devote the book to saying that which would make us better, if that is possible, since Muslims claim that his work is perfect?

Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslims’ holy book, the Quran in many Suras. That is why people fear Islam, hence, Islamophobia is justified.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Forget The Bomb: Beware Of Islamofascism

The world has been infatuated with nuclear Iran for the past forty years. However, they never mention the more devastating bomb: Islam.

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) regarding Iran’s bomb project cannot truly be trusted. We know that. There is a great deal of controversy whether the Islamic Republic (IRI) already has the bomb or not. In my opinion, they do have it, but there is not much they can do with it. The IRI is trapped between a rock and a hard place. Some have suggested they will use it as an EMP or electromagnetic pulse if they are under heavy pressure. Well, they have been under pressure for the past forty years.

This controversy aside, the irrefutable fact is that the Jihadist belief of Islam itself poses existential danger to the world. Beliefs energize and direct actions. Beliefs are as indispensable as the air we breathe. Rationality does not have full charge of the human mind. Emotions, fantasies, misperceptions and a host of other operations make us the muddling fuzzy-thinkers that we are. A constant upheaval rages in the arena of the mind where all kinds of clashing forces and conflicting information vie for a place.

All along, some mysterious housekeeper of the mind works to maintain a semblance of coherence and order. It is in the chaotic, fallible and conflict-ridden battlefield of the mind that beliefs are subjected to constant assaults as well as reinforcement.  Somehow, usually in early life, the foundation for a belief system forms.

In the Islamic world, for instance, Islam permeates every aspect of life with overbearing severity. The young mind has little access to compete with non-Islamic input. As the child’s foundation of belief forms, the mind works to protect it, further reinforce it, and bar, falsify, or dismiss any ideas that may clash with its already in-place contents. As humans, we lack comprehensive preprogrammed software and instincts, to direct us in life. We, however, are born with a pre-disposition which is the rudiment of software programs that will be further elaborated in interaction with life.

We are, therefore, importantly dependent on how we and others, and in what fashion, our rudimentary software function.

However, if a person’s ideas keep on changing gradually, they may swing the balance in favor of a total belief change. This is how Muslims usually become apostates, for example. Therefore, it is imperative that the belief of Islamofascism be challenged at every turn to make Muslims start to think and re-examine their ideas of faith.

Islamofascism is a pandemic fiercely-promoted belief system that enjoys a huge advantage over the competition.

Some of the reasons for Islamofascism longevity and success are listed below:

* It is a crusading belief. Early on, it forced itself by the sword and as time went on it employed any and all schemes to promote itself while destroying the competition.

* It mandates prolific procreation on the faithful. It allows a man to have as many as four wives concurrently, in part to cater to the lust of the men and in part to produce more children who would, in turn, swell its ranks.

* It gets the first crack at imprinting its dogma on the blank slate of the child’s mind from the very first day of birth. The imprinting is usually deeply engrained and makes it difficult for the person to fully erase it, or replace it altogether. Even when successful, an ex-Muslim, or a “cultural” Muslim retains on his slate some traces of the early imprint. It may take more than one generation to fully erase the Islamic imprint.

* It does not allow anyone the choice of leaving its fold at the penalty of death for apostasy.

* It holds that the earth is Allah’s and no non-Muslim is entitled to the same rights and privileges reserved for its own members. Even the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians, must pay the religious tax of jazyyeh to be allowed a subservient place under Islamic rule.

* It campaigns ceaselessly to propagate itself by any and all means, while banning other religions from so doing. Islamic proselytizers invade the lands of unbelievers and work relentlessly to convert others while non-Muslim faiths are even barred from having a place of worship in lands such as the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia.

* It is anathema to many of civilized humanity’s values, such as those enshrined in the First Amendment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

* It is a caste system where the male believer enjoys valued privileges denied to all minorities, women and slaves. This discriminatory provision guarantees generation after generation of avowed in-power adherents who would shrink at nothing to maintain their privileged status granted to them by Allah.

 * It is a powerful carrot-and-stick system of belief. It maintains its stranglehold on its obedient followers by promising them unimaginable compensations, if not in this world, then most assuredly in the next, while anyone who strays from the mandated path is threatened with a raft of unending horrid torture from a vengeful Allah.

* The extortion-high oil prices that oil-rich Muslims extract from addicted and oblivious non-Muslim world fuel the Islamic jihad throughout the world. Muslim kings, emirs and sheiks enjoy an opulent life and aim to have it the same in Allah’s next world by funneling a portion of their huge parasitic income to madrasahs (religious indoctrination schools), mosques, storefront recruiting centers and charitable outlets that would enlist and hold masses without choice and fanatical believers. By funding these activities in the service of jihadist Islam, these in-power Muslims believe that they can have it both ways: a material existence of great enjoyment here and an eternal life of hedonism in Allah’s promised paradise. In the bargain, these ringleader menaces of the world, aim to assuage their guilt feeling resulting from oppressing the impoverished exploited masses of Muslims with the delusion they are furthering Allah’s cause.

The danger of the bomb in the hands of the Mullahs has not disappeared, in spite of what the mainstream media and the Useful Idiots claim by misrepresenting the NIE report. The NIE guesses that the Mullahs seem to have ceased the construction of the warhead in 2003. How can the CIA be sure that this is the case and that the Mullahs are not secretly constructing it? Yet, the IRI, by its own admission, is on a crash program to develop long range missiles and operates cascades of centrifuges to make enriched weapon-grade uranium needed for the bomb.

The handwriting is on the wall. Huge numbers of Muslims, overwhelmingly poor, under-educated, and deeply indoctrinated in the jihadist belief are invading the world. It is this human bomb that must be diffused as well as keeping a vigilant eye on the other one that Iran’s Mullahs are relentlessly pursuing. In short, never mind the nuclear bomb, if you like. But we must do all we can to erase the suicide-homicide belief-vest that Islamofascists straps on their masses of the poor, the undereducated, and their deluded followers. “Think globally, act locally,” is the rallying cry of the environmentalist movement. The same exhortation even more urgently applies to the fight against the deadly spread and menace of Islamofascism.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

America: Willful Blindness

It is hard to believe how quickly we’ve forgotten the largest terrorist attack on American soil. So, let me remind our readers once again:

On September 11, 2001, nineteen Muslim terrorists, mostly Saudi Arabian citizens, hijacked four commercial aircraft. In a synchronized attack, the hijackers deliberately flew two of the planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, and a third into the Pentagon. The passengers on the fourth plane launched a counterattack, spurring the hijacker pilot to crash the plane into a field in Pennsylvania.

Approximately 3,000 people died on that day, the single largest loss of life that resulted from a terrorist attack on American soil.

After these attacks, I saw many stickers on many cars saying “Everything I Needed to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11.” Well, apparently not.

Islam and Sharia continue to stealthily creep into every aspect of American culture. And too few people know it or are talking about it. Why? Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals and values. That would be wonderful in a Utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization—much less American culture. We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom and liberty is more fragile than at any other time since WWII. And while we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the exact same enemy who resides on our own soil and in broad daylight.

This is no longer an alarm. Our enemies are already here and busy making plans to make America just like another European country. If we don’t defeat Islam politically, lawfully and swiftly, our children and grandchildren may well be engaged in an endless religious and ideological bloody war, the likes of which has never been seen on American soil.

For those who have forgotten what Islam is.:

Islam is a theocratic political violent ideology that hides behind the mask of religion to accomplish its mission of a worldwide caliphate. Americans must understand Islam is a totalitarian “theo-political” belief system and a social doctrine (the two go hand-in-hand) based on the Quran, Sira and Hadith, what Dr. Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam aptly coins the “Trilogy.” It has mandates on every single aspect of life and those mandates are enforced and regulated by the barbaric criminal and civil codes known as Sharia Law. The precise definition of a Muslim becomes crystal clear when you read the trilogy of Islam. Bottom line: you are to be an Allah fearing, Quran believing and Mohammed following zealot that forces people to submit, convert, and comply with Islam and Sharia or be killed. Those are the facts.

Does every Muslim follow the commands of the Quran? No, thank God. But as they superficially assimilate themselves into communities and increase in numbers, they become more militant and less tolerant of that community’s laws and regulations.

Any religion or ideology whose “holy book” commands its followers to commit crimes that are antithetical to the laws of this country should not only lose its tax-exempt status, but lose its 1st Amendment protections and be banned from the United States altogether. In case you are not familiar with some of the condoned atrocities of Islam and Sharia law, let me tell you a few facts:

Are you aware that women are stoned to death for committing adultery and according to interpretation of Islam, gays should be thrown from a high building then stoned if they are not dead when they hit the ground? Or that the genitals of little girls are mutilated ((FGM) in an attempt to control her sexuality, and that children may be murdered in the name of family honor? And last, Islam does not recognize separation of church and state and doesn’t follow our Constitution or any manmade laws. They have their own laws: Sharia or Islamic laws.

In countries where Islamic enclaves and ghettos have emerged, as in France, Britain, Sweden, Belgium and North African countries, local Imams or mullahs enforce Sharia law regardless.  What most Americans fail to understand is that Sharia law is the foundation of Islamic theocracy and totalitarianism. The establishment of global Sharia law is their final goal. The Quran is unequivocal in its directive to Muslims to establish a global Islamic state (Caliphate) over which the Islamic messiah, or Mahdi, will rule with Sharia as the only law of the land. Make no mistake, that is the intent of influential Islamic elements in America.

The problem is too few Americans are aware of it and organizations like the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Brotherhood are taking full advantage of our naiveté and our lenient laws. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the Declaration of Independence was designed to protect—our God-given unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Sharia law is very complex and it’s derived from multiple Islamic sources: the Quran, considered the “unmitigated word of Allah” is the primary source of Sharia law. The Hadith (sayings and actions of Muhammad) is the second most important document in Sharia and Sira (the life of prophet Muhammad). Historic rulings by jurists over the years and so-called reasoning by analogy make up the other two, less-influential sources of Sharia. Together they constitute Islam’s theological core and they result in a totalitarian way of life for Muslim followers and non-Muslims (kafirs and infidels). Sharia law is in complete contradiction with American values because it enslaves people and encourages acts of violence and barbaric behavior. Sharia demands the death of those who renounce Islam.

In short: Mild Islam is not all that obtrusive, since it is like the early stages of pregnancy. Yet, pregnancy it is. And before long the full-term beast will make its appearance. If we don’t want to deal with the beast, we need to prevent the pregnancy in the first place.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam In America

While the Islamic fire appears contained, Muslim organizations across the United States are busy and work “stealthily” to change and alter America from within in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad.’ Soft Jihad is in place where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not powerful enough to unsheathe their sword.

An important tool of soft jihad involves penetration of the US educational system by use and means such as Da’wa-a (a religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims to strengthen the Islamic Ummah).

Devout Muslim believers are the enforcers, hit men and mercenaries for their god, in order to establish a global Caliphate for their parasitic clergy.  Their targets are artificially constructed adversaries.  Believers are instructed to fear the “great Satan.” and are told that if they do not live up to Allah’s calls to Jihad, they themselves are offensive to Allah and to their families.  It’s a “you’re either for me or against me” strategy.

Islam seeks to instill a political regime in all non-Muslim countries and to enforce its provisions.  When such a political doctrine declares that “resistance is futile,” it is referring to corporeal enforcement by people.  Islam believes in the rule of Islam, Caliphate to the Sunnis and Imamate to the Shi’as. Hence, to Muslims all other forms of government represent the handiwork of Satan and infidels. Therefore, one and all non-Islamic systems of government must be purified by Islamic fire.

In Islamic theocracy, governments are accountable only to Allah and the people must serve at the pleasure of the government. And one can see the result of Islamic total or partial rule in fifty-seven or so countries which rank among the highest nations of the world on every index of misery. However, the road to freedom is perilous.  Nothing as worthwhile as freedom can be purchased easily. But the cause is worth it.

We live in a society which worships “experts” and specialists.  However, our distorted society of “experts” have continually failed us.  Almost nothing they have told us has turned out to be true.  Thus, I believe much of what we believe is true is utterly false. Islam is theocracy, the rule of the clerics. It runs from the top to the bottom in a strict hierarchy with Allah at the top, to his Prophet, to the Caliphs or the Imams, to the lesser men of cloth along the chain of command. No one is allowed to contest or dispute the word and actions of the authorities or dispute the verses in the Quran. Islam and democracy, therefore, are inherently irreconcilable.

Jihadists are the army of Allah. The use of violence as an instrument of policy has been and continues to be central to Islam. Muslims war under the firmly-believed and widely-cherished set of ideas that are rabidly militaristic. No matter which side is killed, Islam is the victor, “You kill them, you go to paradise, you get killed, you go to paradise,” are two examples of exhortation to jihadism and war.

Keep in mind that there are also internationalists, dictatorial, globalist forces who actively seek to use the Islamic conflict in order to create an international government and a unification of all religions by the destruction of nationalism, patriotism and individual rights.

We must learn and remember that it is not “fanatical,” “radical,” or “extreme” Islam that we are fighting, but normal, orthodox, canonical, typical, accepted, traditional Islam, straight from the mouth of the prophet Muhammad.  Islam is violent in direct proportion to its mission and scripture.  The so-called fanatics are only upholding the truth of their principles.  There are those who do not openly engage in terrorism or warfare, but are in support of it, or are working in other ways to spread Islam by force or fraud.

Islam is evil by any accepted definition of the word, and must be seen as such by all rational non-Islamists.  There is no such thing as “peace” in Islam except perhaps the peace that comes after a successful war against infidels.

Islam works by brute force and by the lengths to which the believers will go to perpetuate it.  Its theology and practices make it inherently evil and dangerous to all of mankind.  It has already spread and infected the world like a cancer.  How do you eradicate it? You can’t…in fact and most likely, they will eradicate us first. When this happens, all hell will break loose, and most freedoms will be up in smoke.

We must begin to declare Islam evil, not from a sectarian perspective, but from a universal, humanist one.  Every encroachment of Islam as a religion must be rejected, harassed and discouraged by all people everywhere.

Any leftist attempts to give aid and comfort to this religion of hate must be denounced and frustrated at every turn.

Today, the greatest threat facing the United States is its own ignorance about Islam. Until citizens of the United States understand the threat of Islam to its society and on its own soil — people will continue to die in these sporadic attacks. Until there is a true understanding of this faith and a means to control it, people will continue to die. The threat of Islam is real. Until all Americans understand that all violent Islamic fundamentalist groups, including al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and hundreds of others are true Muslims and wish to kill all non-believers, we will continue to be at their mercy.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A New Growing Strain Of Anti-Semitism

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar of Minnesota, a Somalian by birth and Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan, of Palestinian descent are the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the US Congress. They have been given carte blanche to do and spew anything they wish without any retribution or repercussions.

These two freshman Jew hating anti-Semites did not waste any time in attacking Israel and the Jewish people the moment they arrived at Capitol Hill.  Like their fellow Muslims, they consider Jews and Israel the sworn enemies of Islam. This hostility dates to the time of Muhammad’s own treatment of the Jews in Medina. At first, expediently, Muhammad called the Jews “people of the book,” and accorded them a measure of tolerance until he gained enough power to unleash his devastating wrath upon them.

“Israel has hypnotized the world,” Omar tweeted in 2012. “May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

Anti-Semitism sentiment has always existed throughout the ages for no valid reason. However, there is new strain of violent anti-Semitism now widespread throughout the left, permeating well into the Democrat party’s lowest and highest echelons of their left-wing. It is a raw Jew-hatred that covers itself as “anti-Zionism.”

For days, the Democrats struggled with whether or not to discipline lawmaker Ilhan Omar for her anti-Sematic views, arguing over whether Omar, one of two Muslim women in Congress, should be singled out, what other types of bias should be decried in the text and whether the party would tolerate opposing views on Israel. But they could not come up with a way to condemn her simply because she is a Muslim. Muslims all over the world get a free pass simply because the elected officials are fearful of being labeled racist, even though Islam is not a race.

By granting Omar a free pass, the Democrat Party officially announced that using anti-Semitic diatribes will be tolerated at the highest level of the Democrat Party. Twenty-two Senate Democrats, including five presidential candidates, voted against legislation aimed at curbing the anti-Semitic boycott movement.

It appears anti-Semitism is being normalized at the top levels of government. Is it shocking that the hatred of Jews has seeped into academe where thousands of professors support the anti-Semitic boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement?

Many universities in the U.S. are bastions and incubators of Useful Idiots. Far left professors do more than teach their specialty subjects. They feel that they have license to pontificate on any and all matters. That is why they are called “professors.” These self-appointed prima donnas cover themselves with the shield of academic freedom. Academic freedom is like liberty-it can be abused often and abused greatly. That is the price of freedom. Yet, these abusers of freedom, the far left, will be among the first to be buried under the rubble of a free society’s collapse they work so doggedly to bring about.

An example: a university professor refused to write a letter of recommendation for his student, when he discovered she was planning to study in Israel.  Then, more than 1,000 of his colleagues signed a petition in his support which stated they would do the same thing. This is an unbelievable response and unconscionable in the extreme to witness such bigoted behavior on display at an American university.

Unfortunately, the social media has become a gutter filled with anti-Semitic websites, posts and comments that reinforce, encourage and publicize Jew-hatred. I personally have been banned by both twitter and Facebook for no reason at all except telling the truth and posting a picture of a Palestinian terrorist. There is no accountability whatsoever as to why Muslim terrorists and their fellow Democrats are free to say and post anything without any repercussions, but a conservative is banned or his account is closed for expressing his factual and accurate opinion.

It is long overdue in needing responsible journalists and editors to oversee news and editorials, who will put an end to the anti-Israel or anti-Jewish, bias much of which has anti-Semitic undertones.  We need to present the unfiltered facts.

This does not imply that Israel cannot be criticized, but it does mean that it should be covered with the same level of objectivity as other countries and that its actions be placed in historical and synchronous context.

In short, the Democrat Party has officially joined with anti-Semitic groups all over the world.

The Democrat Party has deliberately put America on a precarious path to lose its religious freedom, American values and so much more.  We must reject these actions and be as vocal as possible to declare the current Democrat Party an adversary of the United States and our Constitution. Their racist and tacit actions against the Jewish people must be condemned at all levels. The Democrat Party is no longer the party of JFK or Harry Truman. It has become the greatest threat to our national security and America’s survival as a nation.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam: America’s Historical Failure

Will America stand a chance to defeat Islam? A short answer is, it all depends! Thus far, sounding the alarm for decades about the ever-increasing menace Islam poses to America has not worked. Honestly, I don’t know what will work! Apathy, political correctness, and massive Islamic lobbying have successfully prevented the public from truly grasping the all-pervasive, invasive Islamic assault.

As usual, the sworn enemies of the United States, leftist politicians, hungry for votes, who despise America and hate our Constitution, delightfully embraced and brought this ‘Trojan Horse’ army inside our gates. It was a perfect marriage. Both sides needed one another to survive.

These desert dwellers and the Quran trained people with the help of our leftist politicians and took advantage of the provisions of the most benign system known to humanity, our representative republic, to destroy it from within.

Islamists, by sheer numbers, eventually will be in a position to vote out our republic in many countries. They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Quran.  Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal Sharia, and there’s nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.

Oddly enough, our elected officials have completely ignored the Islamization of European cities. Many European elected officials have acted out of tremendous fear, and have given Muslims the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden, England, the Netherlands, France and Belgium.  Within these countries they control their own populations via Sharia Law without any accountability.

America, the greatest superpower on the planet, is slowly losing its own power to these newcomers and out of the fear of the racist label, they look the other way and remain silent.

The United States, was in an excellent place to learn from their fellow European allies and stop this mess of Islamic immigration before it was too late. However, even the attacks of 9/11 were not convincing enough for many of our fellow American citizens to wake up!!

Instead of finding a drastic solution to stop Islam from moving forward, some of our fellow countrymen and elected officials brought more Muslims here for resettlement and handed over more goodies at the taxpayer’s expense to build more mosques.

By now, we know the apparatus that moves the Islamic ideology is the life manual of Islam, the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunna. Unfortunately, Muslims themselves are the ones who are most victimized by Islam. They have inherited this viral psychological disease of hate and violence that they live by it, and transfer it to their children as well as sympathetic people to their cause.

It is generally assumed that peaceful religions address matters of importance to daily life as well as matters that transcend it. Religion is thought to exercise a civilizing influence by ordering social life, promoting spirituality, as well as advancing an array of human virtues. Zoroaster, for instance, based his faith on the triad of goodly thoughts, goodly speech and goodly deeds: Moses framed the fundamentals of his faith in the Ten Commandments; and Jesus placed love at the core of his faith.

Many people adhere to religion to provide themselves with comfort and a compass in life. It is these assumed—benevolent features of religion that confer it special status. Yet concern with religious overreach has led societies to enact safeguards against that possibility.

The bottom line is Islam is still a paradox to many people, including America’s law enforcement agencies.  Except for a few people who I personally know, many so called experts have been unable to decipher and understand this ideology.

It is a virtue to take action to oppose the hateful and a vice to ignore it. It is a virtue to hate tyranny, misogyny, discrimination of every sort, oppression, and all manners of violations of the legitimate rights of individual and peoples. Islam is a form of religious fascism, a destroyer of liberty and much of what free people cherish. Therefore, it must be confronted and destroyed ideologically.

Fellow Americans, it is past time that we confront Islam’s advancement in America. The destiny and the survival of the free world is in the balance. Shirking of this responsibility would be an unpardonable act of every enlightened human being and organization that values human life, liberty and dignity.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Mr. President: No Deals With Iran, Only Regime Change

In occupied Iran last Wednesday, the Islamic rulers stated plans to restart some nuclear activity as Trump sent warships closer to the area. Well, to be clear, the Islamic Republic of Iran never stopped its ambition to develop means to advance a nuclear delivery system.

Devotees of Islamic ideology, whether the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State (meaning all Sunni States) or other Islamic actors around the globe wish to accelerate their own apocalyptic vision of the “End Times.”

Iranian leaders hold to a Shia brand. The Sunnis leaders hold to their own version. But both are obsessed by a belief that their messiah is coming. The Iran Shiites believe they must lay the groundwork for the messiah (Mahdi) to come and build their Kingdom or Imamate. The Sunni counterparts aren’t really waiting. They have started with Stealth Jihad inside the United States and in every Western country in the world, until such time that jihadists are strong enough to declare a Caliphate.

After years of watching, researching and experimenting by our well-equipped intelligence agencies, we know now that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is yet another toothless U.N. body that is in for a whirlwind of frustration when it inspects Iran’s nuclear weapons’ sites. The provisions of the agreement negotiated by former Secretary of State John Kerry and his team of sycophants make Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” negotiations with Hitler look like a stroke of genius.

The American people deserve to know the truth of why we are still negotiating with a terrorist state that took the American diplomats hostage for 444 days.

Let us get to the bottom of this scenario! Former President George W. Bush, at his many annual State of the Union addresses, spoke many times about of the plight of the Iranian people. He once said, “If the Iranian people stand up for themselves, the United States will stand with them.”

Throughout his presidency, the Iranians, of all people, hailed Bush as a courageous President and an angel of freedom. While his popularity was surging in Iran, his approval rating at home was going down. Finally, the Iranian people realized that Bush’s love affair was all about Tehran’s nuclear ambition, not freedom and liberty for the Iranian people. Like his predecessors, it was “all hat, no cattle.”

As time went on, Bush vowed that the Islamic Republic would never be allowed to achieve its goal of developing nuclear bombs on his watch. He kept using all kinds of threats and promises, in order to persuade the mullahs to drop the nuclear project, to no avail. When a belligerent end-of-the-world, Holocaust-denier Ahmadinejad, became the Islamic Republic of Iran’s selected president, things started heating up. Time and again, the bellicose Ahmadinejad kept vilifying the ‘Great Satan’ and its sidekick Israel for having the gall to demand Iran abandon its program while his two main adversaries had their own arsenal of nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad informed the world that what the Islamic Republic does is within its own national rights.

We are now witnessing the same pattern with the Trump administration.

Fast forward:

With the last administration at the helm, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) reached a nuclear deal on July 14, 2015, known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ that intended to limit Iran’s nuclear program and enhanced monitoring in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions. This appeared to benefit the Islamic Republic while leaving the door open for Iran secretly to continue with its nuclear ambition.

On May 2018, President Trump, withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, and restated a crippling sanction on Iran.

The best predictor of the future is the past. The Mullahs are proven vicious mass killers. The religious fanatic mullahs’ record is one of deception, dissimulation, treachery, violence and much more. These Quran-trained and directed agents of a wrathful Allah can never be trusted. They are master schemers. They have been in the business of deceptions for centuries. They have perfected the art of duplicity, doubletalk, double-dealing and treachery. Prudence demands better proof, much better proof. History will prove that President Trump did the right thing.

This raw, despicable regime represents the inevitable result of Islam, and its calling card of terrorism is now marching from the Iranian focal point to all parts of the globe. For the past forty years, people in the West, especially in the United States, have been on the receiving end of a very sophisticated and convoluted campaign of disinformation and propaganda, dished out by the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and its lobbyist organizations in the U.S.  MOIS, learned its methodology directly from the Soviet KGB and many of the Islamists who supported Khomeini were trained in the old Soviet Union.

My advice to the current administration is don’t let down your guard and make sure that no one lulls you into the deadly trap of complacency.

The United States has, in secular Iranians, its best friends in the entire Islamic world. It is imperative for the U.S. to help these Iranians to dislodge the vicious doomsday Mullahs, not as an act of altruism, but as a prudent measure of enlightened self-interest.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump Should Push For “Islamic Reformation”

For decades, I delved into all sorts of Islamic books, read them and made notes of them. I contemplated, profoundly researched, spoke with some high-level Islamic scholars, tried to find a small hole, something that would lead me to believe that it is a possible to either put the genie back into the bottle or, somehow, erase the elements of violence within Islam. But each time, I ran into a wall. How could this be? Like hundreds of others before me, I too realized, without violence, fear, anxiety and blood, Islam would slowly weaken and eventually die.

There are some brave activists who are currently working hard to somehow erase a few Suras and make a new Quran that is free from violence. While their intentions are honorable, they basically try to make a new religion out of old one with no divine authority that was, supposedly, bestowed upon Muhammad to launch his religion. This is impossible.

My efforts to find a solution to reform Islam is not about prosperity, it is about the survival of the human race and the ability for all non-Islamic ideologies to survive. However, in the absence of evangelism and without the ability to reveal the peace-loving belief to the Muslim world, people just don’t wake up and suddenly denounce it. Does a seed grow in less than fertile ground?  Those who are brave are the ones who enable personal conversion, not those who justify Islamic slavery by alluding to salvation in nations possessed by evil.

Our Western politicians who actively aid and support Islamic regimes, are in fact doing a disservice to humanity, but try to please the Islamist bedfellows and use them as pawns. In the not too distant past, it was the socialist evils of Nazism and Communism that also used Muslim hatred to further their goals.  Apparently evil wears many masks.

For one, millions of professionally paid agents of this chauvinistic male-serving, women-enslaving fraud, all of them men, are busy around the clock and all over the world promoting the “religion of peace” by any and all means that seem to work. Often, customizing what they claim to be the word for word of Allah to suit their objectives.

They keep the fraud going and make it thrive so that these unscrupulous agents, the mullahs and imams, can keep on leading their charmed lives on the back of the ignorant masses. A huge factor working in their favor is the people’s death anxiety and the concern about what becomes of them after they die. The Islam fraud addresses this paramount existential dread craftily and with great success. You do as Allah commands and you will end up in immortal life in his unimaginably glorious and sensuous paradise. You fail to do so and your abode is the indescribably horrific hell from which you shall never escape.

Huge promises of goodies both in this as well as the next world are reserved for men including pleasure objects, women. Four wives and as many concubines as a man desires and can afford. What do women get, if they are servile to men and satisfy them? They will be also admitted to paradise. No specific goodies for them there. Perhaps even there they must continue to service men’s lust. Not a bad fraud launched by Muhammad and perpetrated by hook or crook by a bunch of his savage follower men.

Another factor that keeps Muslims from leaving Islam en mass, is the notion of apostasy. Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own belief.

The notion of apostasy is best understood within the overall Islamic dogma. Islam forms a binding covenant with the believer. Once a person is Muslim, he and his issue are considered Muslim forever. In this covenant, Islam promises to bestow its beneficence on the faithful conditional on the person’s total and unquestioned surrender to it in all matters. Some of the rewards offered by Islam to the truly obedient believer, particularly privileged males, are of this world as well as a great deal more promised to him in the next. If a Muslim faithful does not reap the rewards of his devotion in this world, Islam assures him of his inestimably cherished and limitless compounded rewards in the next world.

Islam demands subjugation of the individual’s will to that of Allah and permeates the thinking, the actions and the speech of Muslims by prefacing commitments they make contingent on the will of God (inshallah).

Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him’ – Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57).

Islam is the greatest gift that Muhammad bequeathed on charlatan men to exploit the masses of fools. For as long as there are donkeys, there are those who would ride them, is a Persian metaphor that explains why the cast of Muslim clergies are so intent at keeping the donkeys they have and doing all they can to get more donkeys with fresh legs and strong backs to continue with their joyride.

Final Analysis

If a reform should ever occur within Islam, the Islamic religious high authorities can play a critical role in steering the masses toward or away from hatred and violence. This is the only solution. The late Pope’s public pronouncement, for instance, absolving the Jews as the Christ killers has reduced anti-Semitism among rank and file Christians. Fatwas—religious decrees—by Islamic Muftis and Ayatollahs carry considerable weight with their respective followers. It is my opinion that President Trump has the power to pressure these high ranking Islamic religious authorities to make a decree to remove the hatred and violence towards the Jews, Christians and non-believers from their holy books.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Why Is Islam Growing In The US?

The Muslim population is growing, and in the next two decades Muslims could become the second-largest religious group in the United States, according to a Pew Research study.

Well, there are a variety of reasons. For the most part, many Americans do not understand why after the 9/11 attacks, when close to 3,000 Americans died, the percentage of Muslims and their house of prayer, better known as mosques, rapidly increased. There is no question that our own government is the culprit. Ninety-nine percent Muslim, 43,000 Somali refugees were settled in the US under Obama.

Bush told Muslims they belong in America. “America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.”

The American people are confused and frustrated. They don’t understand why more Muslims migrate to the United States and why Muslims refuse to assimilate. Why they are creating their own enclaves as they have done in Europe? Here, as in Europe, they have captured town after town, while our own elected officials look the other way in the name of political correctness and the fear of the racist label personally attached to them.

A new appraisal shows the radically changing face of religion in America, “with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks. Data released from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000.” According to Pew Research, just two countries – Syria (12,486) and Somalia (9,012) – were the source of more than half of fiscal 2016’s Muslim refugees. The rest are from Iraq (7,853), Burma (Myanmar) (3,145), Afghanistan (2,664) and other countries (3,741).

Knowing what we already know about the Islamic ideology and that Muslims are infected with it, why would we even allow one Muslim to move to America? That is criminal. The nature of Islam is based on violence. It not only condones jihad; it recommends it and promises great reward for the jihadist. It is obvious that our elected officials don’t work for us. They work for the highest Muslim bidder.

So, it is understandable when they bend over backwards to accommodate and appease Muslim demands such as Halal foods in public restaurants, in public universities, in prisons and elsewhere. Muslim demands are in accordance with Sharia Law. i.e., Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis refused to let their passengers carry alcohol or pets in their cabs, and claim it is against the Islamic Sharia [laws] and so on. This now occurs more frequently in the United States.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is our external enemy. Saudi Arabia is our enduring internal enemy, already within our borders and permitted to poison American Muslims with its Wahhabi cult.”

The U.S.-Saudi Arabia relationship goes back decades when both nations mutually benefited from their strong commercial ties. Many Americans are unhappy with this relationship. As history reveals, the Saudis were involved in the 1973 US oil embargo and 9/11 attacks, in which fifteen of the nineteen passenger jet hijackers were Saudi citizens. Meanwhile, our Presidents, one after another keep going back to this Arab state to receive a Gold Medal. Why American Presidents even accept a Gold Medal from the greatest Islamic terrorist country on the planet is something of a mystery.

On top of all that, Saudi citizens are permitted access within the US (so much for the Muslim ban) while they continue to build their mosques and send their radical Imams to guide their followers and preach the Quran, the book of hate. We know these mosques are a breeding ground for radicalization, yet we do nothing to stop it. We just hope they become Americanized. They have no intention of becoming that.

There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerant and welcoming non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “People of the Book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution.

With each passing day, Islamic ideology is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands. Here we must ask ourselves, why Muslim countries do not replicate America’s lenient laws to build churches or synagogues in a non-Christian land? As much as President Trump has a passion for the economic trade deficit, wouldn’t it also be reasonable to commit to the same type of arrangement with Islamic countries in an equitable and comparable trade about churches and mosques?

For now, Saudi Arabia has been given carte blanche in the United States. This scenario has been in motion for the past 40 or so years non-stop. If you were wondering why Islam is growing in the United States and we cannot do anything to stop it, now you know. In addition, the Saudis contribute untold amounts of money to many American universities. They also send radical Wahhabi professors to systematically brainwash American youth. All under the eyes of our elected officials.

In short: America has been heavily infiltrated by radical Muslims and is under Saudi Arabia’s spell. Islam is growing and no one can stop it because our elected officials seem to be in bed with the Saudis and perhaps other Arab Persian Gulf countries as well. If this policy continues, America will eventually lose its sovereignty to a large population of barbarians.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Islam: The Enemy Of The US Constitution

Islam with its rule of Sharia presents an imminent threat to subvert and replace the Constitution that governs our lives.

Muslims are the only minorities in the world who will never submit to Western laws and in fact, they are the only minority who actively works around the clock to dismantle it. To Muslims, the highest US authority and document is considered a heresy. In a parallel attack, “Legal Islam “exploits every provision of the law in free societies to promote Islam and silence its critics through expensive legal shenanigans.

So, our Constitution and even State and local laws are essentially meaningless to a Muslim, and the Bill of Rights, once its usefulness as a means to perpetuate Islam in America is no longer necessary, will certainly be disparaged and ignored.

Islam not only is incompatible with the United States Constitution; it is its greatest enemy. Muslims will always consider Sharia law as the supreme law of Allah and will do anything and everything to replace our laws. Hence, it is imperative that we fight Islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism. It is, therefore, imperative that the Constitution be revisited in such manner that it no longer grants a pass to any cult simply calling itself a religion. A Muslim can never ever be a Muslim and an American at the same time.

This is an admission that Islam is not just a religion.  It is a cult.  It seeks total control over a person’s mind and body.  And, as such, our Constitution is totally in contradiction with Islam.  They will push politicians for local control and self-determination of their own laws.  In this way, America will become two nations; a weakened traditional one, and a growing, menacing Islamized one.

In the interest of impartiality, the authors of the Constitution did not define what constitutes a religion. Presently, a plethora of sects, cults, orders, all claim to be a religion and cover the length and the breadth of the land. So, as long as these “religions” minister to the legitimate spiritual needs of their congregation without threatening the rights of others, there is no reason for concern. However, when one or more of these claimants strive to undermine the very Constitution that protects them in order to impose their belief and way of life, serious problems arise.

One such ideology is Islam in all its forms. Islam is more than a cult. It is an ideological superstructure encompassing all institutions, social, economic, political, military, civil, legal, educational, and even private affairs. It is of relatively recent arrival on the continent and is rapidly burgeoning in both numbers and influence. Therefore, it is imprudent to ignore the threat it poses to the larger religious and secular communities.

Can a religion or a cult become so powerful and so uncivilized that it can hide behind the Constitution to preach an ideology of hatred and advocate a plan to destroy our society and subvert our government? We need to consider whether our Constitution enables and protects “religions” that are being used to put our very society and our freedoms in jeopardy.

Islam seeks nothing less than a total global domination.  The word Islam literally means “submission” or “surrender.”  Its scripture must be taken literally, its provisions are intended to dominate every waking moment in the life of a believer.  There is no room for being a half-hearted Muslim and no toleration of watering down its invocations.

The true nature and the threat of Islam is evident in the Quran, a document of exclusion, hatred and violence that shapes Muslims’ thinking and behavior.

The problem is, too few Americans are aware of this, and organizations such as CAIR while other Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations are taking full advantage of our naïveté. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the First Amendment was designed to protect: our God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Understand that Sharia is very complex, and it’s derived from multiple Islamic sources.

I say humanity must remain strong and resolute.  People must stop deluding themselves.  Islam will never, ever coexist with the infidels.  We must remove this cancer from this land, move away from an exclusionary, primitive, and tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Jihad And Mental Immune System

It is safe to say that before the 9/11 attacks; most Americans did not have the slightest knowledge of Islam and why a group of Arabs murdered so many innocent people in the name of their God. Some 18 years has passed since that dreadful day.

I think many of the same people who had no way of knowing of Islamic ideology during the 9/11 tragedy, some eighteen years ago, are still in a state of denial and live in a Utopian world, an ideal world where everything is as good as it can possibly be for everyone. But when reality hits again, they don’t know where to run and hide. This unconscious denial of a thought or an emotion, is referred to by psychologists as “mental block.” A mental block runs through their entire system of belief. This philosophy is clearly demonstrated after numerous horrific terrorist attacks in the United States in the aftermath of 9/11.

Let’s not blame the people, but instead, briefly try to decipher this phenomenon of the human mind.

Our beliefs and ideas make us human, and their quality determines the kind of human we are. We shield and fiercely defend our beliefs and ideas for good reason: without their integrity and internal harmony, the mind becomes disorganized and even dysfunctional. While our inborn immune system fights off viruses and bacteria that aim to kill us, another immune system, the mental immune system—MIS—gradually formed after birth, protects the mind and takes every measure to keep the mind’s ideas and beliefs on the same page. Humans are living information machines, receiving input from both external sources as well as the body, processing it in some fashion and producing output: our thoughts and behavior. From the moment of birth, parents, siblings, and others play pivotal parts in supplying the input and influencing how it is processed.

The raw material for ideas and beliefs reaches us through the senses. The brain takes the massive barrage of input and attempts to organize it and incorporate it in an orderly fashion: a monumental task that is taken for granted until something goes seriously wrong. Relatively minor glitches in the workings of the mind, such as misunderstanding, misperception, and making poor decisions, occur daily and may not present serious problems. Over time, however, even these minor glitches in the mind, caused by faulty input, poor processing or both, can add up and significantly compromise its integrity.

The MIS is not limited to the sole task of preventing intrusion of the disruptive or undesirable input. It also actively seeks ideas that are harmonious and confirmatory of the ones already in the mind. Through the active admission of the supporting ideas, the MIS reinforces its defenses and reduces its vulnerability. Given the tabula rasa—blank slate—nature of the mind, early input becomes of paramount importance in determining its further development. It was in recognition of this reality that the famed behavioral psychologist, J. B. Watson proclaimed:

“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. I am going beyond my facts and I admit it, but so have the advocates of the contrary and they have been doing it for many thousands of years.”

What Watson said may not hold perfectly in every case. Yet, the essence of his boast is indeed supported by numerous studies as well as naturalistic observations. Early environmental influences play the cardinal role in programming the mind—setting it on its course. In actuality, the brain seems to say: first come, first served. It is for this reason that Muslims are overwhelmingly born to Muslim parents, Hindus to Hindu parents, Catholics to Catholic parents, and so on. This is not to say that changes, even major changes, are not possible after the early years. They are possible and they do happen in some instances. However, in order to make major changes, happen, major re-working must take place in the mind. Change is effortful and the law of conservation of energy also applies to the working of the mind and mitigates change unless the incentives to do so overcome the default mode of inertia.

The parents, other adults and children, as well as the prevailing culture are powerful teachers and trainers of the young mind. In the Islamic world, Islam permeates every aspect of life with overbearing severity. The young mind has little access to competing non-Islamic input. As the child’s foundation of belief forms, the MIS works to protect it, further reinforce it, and bar, falsify, or dismiss any ideas that may clash with the mind’s already in-place contents. As humans, we lack comprehensive pre-programmed software—instincts—to direct us in life.

We, however, are born with pre-dispositions—rudiments of software programs that will be further elaborated in interaction with life. We are, therefore, importantly dependent on how we and others, and in what fashion, further elaborate the rudimentary software. Somehow, there has been a trade-off. As our brain evolved both in size and power, what few instincts we may have had gave way. In a real sense, we took charge of our own destiny. Science is learning more and more about the brain/mind, considered by many experts as the most complex and enigmatic entity in the universe. With each passing day, another piece of the brain/mind puzzle falls into place. During the Presidency of George W. Bush, psychologist Drew Western and his team at Emory University used FMRI—functional magnetic resonance imaging—on 15 strong Republicans and 15 staunch Democrats to literally pinpoint the parts of the brain involved in what is called “confirmation bias,” the lead faculty of the MIS.

The participants were asked to evaluate statements by George W. Bush and John Kerry where the candidates clearly contradicted themselves. The researchers found that the Republicans were as critical of John Kerry as the Democrats were of George W. Bush, while both fiercely defended their respective political comrade. The surprising part of the study is that while the confirmation bias was at work, the brain areas ordinarily associated with rational decision-making were inactive. By contrast, an elaborate network of brain structures that process emotion and conflicts were highly activated. In short, confirmation bias has its own brain resources that shunt out the reasoning parts in order to protect the already in-place beliefs and preferences. The confirmation bias, the mainstay of the MIS, protects beliefs values and ideas, be they political, religious, or of any other type; it is also helped in the discharge of its functions by the mind’s defense mechanisms such as rationalization (faulty reasoning) and denial (refusing to accept the reality of the irrefutable).

Allocation of extensive faculties of the brain to content protection demonstrates the critical importance to its normal functioning of safeguarding the mind’s contents. It is important to remember that rationality is not the master faculty of the brain. Emotions also play major parts in even tasks that are ordinarily thought to be the purview of rationality, particularly when one’s beliefs, values, and ideas are at stake. Much of the work of the MIS is done without the person himself being fully aware of it. Confirmation bias seems to be almost automatic and autonomous—a first line of defense against unwelcome intruders and a means of summoning other resources of the mind to defeat the unwelcome invaders.

Because this subject is so extensive and detailed, I will now cut to the chase.

There is nothing inherently wrong with religion. Religion can be a tremendous force for good. However, when religion, this feeling-based belief, is filled with superstition, intolerance and hatred, then the beholder of that religion embodies those qualities and becomes a veritable menace to the self and to others. Feelings energize actions. Destructive feelings energize destructive actions.

Muslims living in theocratic states tend to be victims of their own religious brains: their religious brains are indoctrinated, from the moment of birth, by an extensive ruthless in-power cadre of self-serving mullahs and imams who are intent on maintaining their stranglehold on the rank and file of the faithful—their very source of support and livelihood. The mullahs and imams, as well as parents and others, envelop the receptive mind, feed it their dogma, and shield it from information that may undermine or falsify their version of belief. For as long as there are bigoted, self-serving clergy and their collaborators with first exclusive access to the blank slate, the problem of supplying wave after wave of Islamofascists will persist.

Let’s get to the bottom line in this: it is the brain/mind that assesses things, makes decisions, and orders actions. To the extent that the in-place software of the religious brain is exclusionary in nature, hateful in orientation, and violent in tendency, to that extent the individual is both the perpetrator and the victim of barbaric acts. The surest way of dealing with Islamofascism is through effective inculcation of a religious software that promotes tolerance of diversity, freedom of faith and conscious, goodwill to all, as well as purging of all the vile and discriminatory dogma that permeates this outdated primitive belief of some 1400 years ago.

While we must work through civilized means to find a cure to a deadly virus, we should also not spend our time in an imaginary Utopia ourselves. Have no doubt about it, the Quran is an extremely dangerous book that must be brought under control by any means available to us before the Islamic fire eradicates us all.

This book of Allah with many direct commands to its believers to commit Jihad, an Islamic holy war against anyone who does not submit to Islam. Even the people of the Book, Jews and Christians, are specifically targeted. Now, the only question that remains is the extent of the Muslim’s obedience to the Quran, the Sunna and the life examples of Muhammad. To be sure, a great many Muslims are not following the dictates of the Quran perfectly, as they should, since they consider it to be the literal immutable perfect words of Allah. Hence, what I’m saying is in fact patently true and far from being patently false as you adjudicate.

Furthermore, nowhere do I say they believe in shedding the blood of others automatically, makes every Muslim go on a killing spree. Yet, the commandments of the Quran to the believers are clear and emphatic.

I am not speaking about those Muslims who are born into this religion. These individuals have not voluntarily chosen Islam as their faith and need not recite the Shahada. They are Muslims automatically by virtue of birth.

They may or may not become diehard jihadists. I reference those who voluntarily become Muslims and take the oath of faith– the shahada. Deciding to join or converting to Islam, means committing oneself to the creed and its goal. One cannot join an order without adhering to its precepts and practices. It is absurd, for instance, for a person to voluntarily join the military while saying that he doesn’t believe the military’s objective of killing the enemy. All these Muslims who are not rabid advocates of jihad are in clear violation of their creed. Even these people are complicit in the mayhem and murderous acts of their co-religionists by financial support and other ways.

My intention overall is and has always been to make sure as many Americans as possible understand Islam and its goal. I hope by working together, we can distinguish between the jihadists that are ready to commit mass murder in an instant, and those cultural Muslims who are most likely are as ignorant of Islam as non-Muslims.


Let me be honest, no realistic cure that would end the deadly virus of Islam has yet been discovered. But for now, here are a few suggestions.

The best place to start is clearly the home, then schools, and perhaps religious institutions where the deeply-entrenched mullahs and imams of vested interest must be compelled by law to refrain from preaching messages of hate and violence against unbelievers. Perhaps free societies should constitute a diverse panel of citizens to scrutinize all religious teachings and screen the software programs for destructive viruses. Once these viruses are introduced into the mind, clearing them, as we said before, becomes difficult if not impossible. A religious brain programmed by the message of justice, love and respect for all is bliss, while the discriminatory, hateful, and violent religious brain is a curse.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Europe Is Finished: America Is Next

Europe once again has entered the Dark Ages. Europe no longer is the old Europe. It is just a matter of time that Europe falls into the hands of the Islamists. There is nothing we or anyone can do to reverse this process. America would be better off to save itself than following the path of Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of being rescued from Islam. Let us not fool ourselves, Europe will become an Islamic continent in our life time.

Immigration based on merit can strengthen a nation. Immigration from third world countries by lottery, can destroy a nation. Recent massive Muslim migration into Europe has completely altered and reshaped itself and its culture. It is almost unrecognizable. Wherever Muslims go, so goes its ethos.  You cannot separate Muslims from Islam. Islam is a monolithic-cult: the barbarian culture of Islam. As Islam gains more power, it will inevitably impose itself and its ways on all others. Islam should have been eradicated from the face of the Earth hundreds of years ago. But it is here and it is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands. Islam is a dangerous ideology that erroneously is referred to as a “religion.” Forget the peace.

Here we must ask ourselves, why Muslim countries do not replicate America’s lenient laws to build churches and synagogues in a non-Christian land?

As much as President Trump has a passion for the economic trade deficit, wouldn’t it also be reasonable to commit to the same type of arrangement with Islamic countries in an equitable and comparable trade with regard to churches and mosques?

Question: Why is it that these followers of Allah don’t mention any other religions beside Islam for the privilege they are seeking?

Answer: Because to Muslims, Islam is the super-religion and final religion of Allah. Judaism and Christianity are the only other two religions that are granted a grudging minimal recognition by Islam. All other religions and those without religion are considered blasphemy and blasphemous by the faithful.

In a non-Muslim land, Muslims are completely taking advantage of Western equanimity and acceptance of customs and traditions that are not their own. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect a legitimate religion and enhance liberty, but it is completely the opposite. Its mission, as it was 1400 years ago, is to conquer the non-Islamic lands.

Presently, America is faced with a Trojan horse called “Islam.” Regrettably, we have a long history of protecting religious freedom which still clings to the “hands off” policy of leaving any doctrine or practice billed as religion alone. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. This is an important question that must be researched, evaluated and provides a result to the American people.

What Attracts People to Islam?

Excellent question and hard to answer. Many may not quite understand, but Islam is like a contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victims, it can transform them into helpless pawns that have no choice but to execute what they are directed to do.

It’s true that the vast majority of the victims of Communism were people living in Communist states. Some 38 million Soviets were killed (this number fluctuates from 10 to 60 million depending on the source) because of Communism. Close to 65 million Chinese citizens were killed because of Communism. That the victims of Communism were largely members of socialist societies says a great deal about the ideology itself.

Nearly 270 million people have been murdered since the inception of Islam, 1400 years ago. It is also true with Islam. Muslims are the main victims of Islamic ideology. The political nature of Islam, just like fascism and communism, is a dysfunctional creed that needs to be discarded. Islam’s charter Quran is the root cause of Islamic violence, just as Marxism was the root cause of international Communist totalitarianism. Of the reported 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions more are rapidly joining them while still other millions are being proselytized.

Islam Is a Mental Disease

The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult. A devout Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the ideology of Islam, “submission,” leads everything up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The raison d’être for the Muslim is unconditional submission to the will and dictates of Allah.

Many Europeans are fleeing their ancestral homeland ahead of the Islamic fire which is engulfing their countries. These are the affluent and the ones with foresight. Others are either oblivious to the threat, aim to accommodate it as the holy grail of multiculturalism, or will end up one day seeing themselves in the fight of their lives. For Islam does not believe in multiculturalism. And there will be those who will eventually wake up from their stupor, they will either completely capitulate or fight the Muslims in bloody block-by-block, street-by-street battles.

Fellow Americans: I have been sounding the alarm for nearly 25 years. This is our last chance to do all we can to prevent the Islamic fire from devouring our civilized democratic republic.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Why Muslims Refuse To Assimilate

It is not that they refuse to assimilate, it is that they can’t. Muslims, irrespective of the country of their origin, (except Iran or Turkey) were raised in such way that they can never assimilate into Western culture. True Muslims unanimously abide by and live under the laws of Sharia and not the Constitution of the United States of America or other man-made laws in other countries.

People who live in the West must understand that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, one must adhere to and perform many rituals, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadiths/Sunna, every waking moment of his entire life. Disobeying these rituals does not make one a moderate Muslim, but rather it would make him a non-Muslim, facing an uncertain future. It is not their fault that they adhere to their customs and traditions. They were born with it. It is our fault that we bring them here and force them to assimilate. They won’t.

Keep this in mind, it is mandatory for a Muslim to adhere to Islamic laws and not to a man-made law like the US Constitution. A Muslim can never be both a Muslim and an American at the same time. If an American politician does not understand this common theme within Islam and its political nature, it is a disservice to those who elected them into office.

Now that Muslims are here in the United States, they do not shy away to demand an accommodation according to their own Islamic Law which is unconstitutional. We are left with no choice but to allow them to do as they please. Like any good dhimmi would do. That is Sharia law.

What is incredible is the gall and audacity of Muslims to demand Western democracies legalize Sharia in their own societies. Large populations of Muslims, most recent arrivals, in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, Sweden and the USA are now experiencing the insistent demands by Muslims to have Sharia rule their Islamic communities. This is just the beginning and it may seem relatively harmless to the political simpletons in our midst. Yet, once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also to those that may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Under Sharia, a Muslim man married to a non-Muslim woman can divorce the woman at will, automatically have custody of the children, and literally toss the wife out of “his” home with no compensation.

What Can Be Done at This Stage?

We need to establish a review board to study this ideology with a mission to ensure that no “religion” preaches and practices in violation of the United States’ Constitution. Islam is incompatible with democracy and subversive of our way of life and one that blesses this nation. It is imperative that we fight Islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism.

I say humanity must remain strong and resolute.  People must stop deluding themselves.  Islam will never, ever coexist with infidels.  We must move on – move away from an exclusionary, a primitive, and a tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

While we frivolously waste, our precious time talking about it without any drastic action taken, Islam and sharia continues to creep into every aspect of our American culture.  There are only too few dedicated, freedom-loving people are sounding the alarm.  That’s not enough.  Why do most of our fellow citizens not get it?  Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals, and values.

That’s wonderful in a Utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization – much less American culture.  We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom is more fragile than at any time since WWII.  While we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence, and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the same exact enemy who resides on our own soil in broad daylight.

While we still face the threat of International Communism, America is facing a deadlier threat than communism. We are facing the multipronged threat of Islamic terrorism. How to deal with this new enemy is something we are still not ready to deal with.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Democrats And Stealth Jihad

The relationship between the Muslim community in America and the Marxist Democrats is commonly described as a marriage of convenience, where Muslims will ally with leftist politicians, who will joyfully yield some of their authority to this group of enforcers so principled conservative politicians and Christians who advocate sane social policies are kept out of office. To acquire power has always been the goal of the Democrat party.

While America is in hibernation, Muslim organizations with the help of Democrats have been busy, working “stealthily” to change America into what is called “soft jihad.”  Soft jihad is practiced where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe the sword of jihad, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the public would likely stamp them out.  A critical tool of soft jihad involves penetration of the American educational system, such as Da’wa, the religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims and strengthen the Islamic Ummah.

The Democrat Party has intentionally put America on a precarious path to lose its freedom and American values we have cherished for over 200 years.  We, not only must accept, but be as vocal as we can to declare the current Democrat Party and enemy of our country. This party is no longer the party of Kennedy.  It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.

Question: Why do the Democrats support every radical group, back Islamic ideology, honor their holidays and customs, and promote Islam as “the religion of peace,” while they know that Islam is not a religion of peace? In fact, it is an ideology of death. The answer is quite simple: The Democrat Party stands with anyone who dislikes America and the Republican Party.  History has proven that once Muslims reach close to 10% in population, they institute Sharia law and adopt their own legal system – a government within a government. They also will be in a position of hard jihad.

While most Americans have been snoozing, Muslim organizations have been busy and working “stealthily” changing America slowly. Keep in mind that Islam operates by stealth when not yet quite powerful, just the way Muhammad himself operated. Then, gradually builds its power to the point that the soft approach no longer is necessary to subdue others and imposes its will.

The stealth soft strategy is presently playing out in the United States. Islam’s tentacles are expanding into the body of this free and welcoming nation. The total numbers of mosques, these warehouses of terror, have exponentially expanded. No one really knows the exact numbers of these terror centers, but it is still growing like a weed. Try to find one Church or a synagogue in the House of Saud! This 7th century mentality, with the help of our Democrats and some establishment Republicans have managed to increase their house of terror at least by 500% since the 9/11 attacks. Go figure!!

The left is chronically unhappy about America, because it is looking in the mirror and rightfully sees its own miserable reflection. As an example, for the past two years, these mentally retarded people known as the Democrats created the “Russian Collusion Witch Hunt Hoax” in order to impeach the President of the United States. The hoax was based largely on an anti-Trump “dossier” conjured from the fertile imaginations of two nefarious characters: ex-British spy Christopher Steele; and Fusion GPS Founder, Glenn Simpson.

Meanwhile, the Democrat lawmakers who never seem to miss an opportunity to advance their cause, sent a personalized letter to a the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a designated terrorist group in the United States for future fundraising and assist these terrorist groups to infiltrate our Congress.

Any time anyone arises to serve this great nation and aims to keep it on its course toward its glorious destiny, the left recoils. In the West, an unholy coalition of mentally-deranged suicidal-homicidal liberals, together with self-aggrandizing Islamic apologists, are doing their best to assist Islamists in the destruction of the existing order of freedom and liberty. To make matters worse, a vociferous clique of local leftists, “useful idiots,” with a suicide wish, are doing all they can to take the country with them to the grave they so earnestly seek.

When the Democrats and their new found allies don’t like what they hear they resort to ridicule, accusations and name-calling. In fact, they call everyone their favorite word “racist.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these people would, for once, abandon their primitive mindset and use a civilized method of dialogue?

If Muslims wish to live among civilized people, they must be encouraged to reject, if not Islam itself, one of its deadly derivatives, Islamism, which has become a sharp thorn, inflicting huge pain in our civilized society. They must be encouraged to combat radicalism. They must know that the free people of the world eagerly embrace them with open arms once they rise to the occasion and defeat Islamism.

We, in the United States of America must resist both Marxist Democrats and Islamists’ ideology with all we have. The survival of this country depends on that.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Is Islam Inherently Violent?

To some people perhaps, the title of this article sounds Islamophobic. And as is the case, Muslims always rush to defend their religion by stating there is violence in “All religions.” Fortunately, the non-Muslim world has in its possession Islam’s document, the holy book of Islam, the Quran which is filled with many Suras, verses and orders of violence.

“The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually based on their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may hide. Muslims who do not join the fight are called  ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.”

Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslims’ holy book, the Quran in many Suras.

Right from the start, violence served as the engine of Islam under the command and supervision of Muhammad himself. For one, the Prophet’s son-in-law and cousin, Ali, was titled the Commander of the Faithful for his unsurpassed feats of butchery. Ali with the assistance of one or two of his thugs, beheaded some seven hundred captives, most of them Jews, in only one day. This man, highly esteemed by the prophet of Allah, had a sword that had its own name—Zolfaghar. Ali’s portrait, holding the menacing sword, adorns the homes and shops throughout Shi’a’-lands. And this man, Ali, is revered by the Shiites at the same level as Muhammad.

On the Sunni side, Muhammad’s equally revered is Umar, another unabashed killer of untold numbers. And of course, the choice weapon of these champions of the religion of peace was the sword. And to this day, a sword adorns the flag of the birthplace of the religion of peace, Saudi Arabia.

And Islam, by the nature of its very doctrine, appeals to man’s baser nature. It promotes intolerance, hatred, discrimination, and much more:

A pious Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the religion of Islam—Submission—everything is up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The raison d’être for the Muslim is to be unconditionally submissive to the will and dictates of Allah. Everything that a “good” Muslim does is contingent upon the will and decree of Allah, he is indoctrinated to believe. Humanity is facing a deeply troubling dilemma.  Not only does Islam support violence, even its Prophet Muhammad commands:

“Kill whoever changes his religion.” Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57

Islam is tantamount to violence. Violence is the lifeblood of Islam and it has been ever since the time of Muhammad in Medina by Muhammad’s own edict and conduct.

Without violence of all types, Islam would undergo a slow death. Violence is in the fabric of this crooked ideology.  Take away violence and you shut down the blood supply from the body of ‘ISLAMS.’ Islam is violent, not only against non-Muslims, but it is also violent against its own numerous sects and offshoots. Even within every sect and offshoot violence in the most savage ways is practiced.  Just to name some examples: public lashing, cutting off hands for stealing even a morsel of bread, blinding convicts or hanging them, stoning so-called adulteresses, castrating sexual offenders and the hanging of homosexuals.

Muslims, instead of march out of the suffocating swamps of submission to the meadow of liberty, Allah’s faithful aim to drag the rest of humanity into the deadly Islamic quagmire.

Islam may have been an improvement to the life of the savages that roamed the Arabian deserts some 1400 years ago. However, the 21st century world is not willing to surrender to the clearly failed and failing Islamic experiment, simply because of the claim that it is the one and only true religion of Allah.

Islam is a belief of blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be animal blood, enemy blood or even its own blood. Consider the horrific practice of self-flagellation. Shiite faithful march en masse in public places, beating themselves with chains, cutting themselves with knives on their heads, torso and arms, causing blood to gush out and all this to commemorate religious historical events.

Truth be told: violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, raised by violence, thrives on violence and dies without violence.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Rise Up In The Spirit Of Paul Revere

Paul Revere was an American silversmith who took part in the American Revolution as a member of the Boston Tea Party and alerted the Lexington Minutemen before the approach of the British in 1775. Paul Revere has become a household name in America. Revere was a hero, a patriot and a symbol of the American Revolution because he risked his life for the Colonies. Due to his bravery, courage and patriotism, Revere was immortalized by the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem (Paul Revere’s Ride). This poem is perhaps the main reason that both are memorialized today.

The cliché that history repeats itself may be true or may be open to debate. But the same events do occur at different times and eras that we sometimes wish our past heroes could come back and rescue us again. We live in an era that could use a few Paul Reveres.

Heroes like Paul Revere never die, they will be remembered forever. Why? Because Paul Revere is the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is a Paul Revere. Muslims and their paid for media constantly attack those of us who sound the alarm about Islam, the deadliest ideology in human history and erroneously call us “Islamophobes.” People have no idea that we are at war with an enemy as savage, as voracious and as heartless as the Nazis.

Meanwhile, this enemy is on the march through “stealth jihad,” and it aims to obliterate anything and anyone that stands in its way. Sounding the clarion call about this deadly ideology is not Islamophobia, as many as these apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Warning of the danger of Islamic ideology is based on irrefutable facts, and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative.

Iran, the country of my birth, has been at war with Islam for over 1400 years and currently, Iran is under the occupation of the same savages who propagate Islamophobia immediately when you criticize this cult of death. I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for over three decades. The Islamic treasury flush with oil extortion money together with the help of the left enjoys the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism. It is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. We need to act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

We have a saying in Persian that the way you take your first step, points your path for the rest of your journey. To elucidate this, please allow me to elaborate and give a brief account of Islam.

Islam’s very first step was that of violence aimed at the decimation of any people that stood in its path of conquest. It all started with Muhammad when his own Quraysh tribe chased him out of his hometown of Mecca. He was a troublemaker that earned the “crazed poet” epithet.

He escaped from Mecca and settled in Medina where a large tolerant Jewish community lived. There he found enough peace to start his campaign to gather a bunch of thugs with the promise of booty in this world as well as eternal pleasures of a sensual paradise if people followed his edict.

The rest is history. One of the very first things he did was to turn on the Jews of Medina – an easy and convenient target to kill, loot and enslave. Being amply rewarded for this thuggery, his followers expanded their range. To this day, the goal is the same, destroy any and all people who refuse to surrender everything they have to this creed of savagery and slavery.

Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to galvanize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism and totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable doctrines of hate and violence remain confined to their place under the “shameful” classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program for life. Hence, it is people who are guilty of bringing them to life, the dogmas of savagery.

In the same way that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense in a court of law, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts, practices and blindly following Islam’s bidding, constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carrying out its ruthless instructions at great harm to non-believers.

A vast cadre of Islamic apologists, generally from the ranks of the well-pampered parasitic clergy, labor greatly at defending Islam and keeping the masses in servitude. In practice, these sheepdogs of Islam earn their very livelihood by devouring the sheep they herd.

The apologists cover a wide spectrum. On one extreme are the unrepentant and shameless bigots who adhere to and promote every provision of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. These robots pride themselves on being diehard obedient literal believers of Allah.

Then, there are those apologists who do their best to walk a tightrope. They skillfully straddle a zone with one foot in the Islamic muck and the other out of it. These illusionists—the smoke and mirror artists—are masters of double-speak and are very difficult to pin down. Yet, they are most effective in their work. They manage, through their clever tactics of half-truth-half lies, to keep the faithful in line and fool gullible non-Muslims.

And then there are the sheep— rank – and – file Muslims. They are indictable because they are the ones who keep Islam alive by feeding and supporting it. It is this rank that supplies the Islamic foot-soldiers—those servants of the All Kind and All Merciful Allah who do not have a grain of kindness or mercy in their dark hearts. These easily programmable robots detonate explosive vests not just to kill the kefirs, but to kill even other Muslims. They slaughter innocent kidnapped people as cheerfully as they slash a lamb’s throat. With exhortation passages from the Quran pasted on the wall of their slaughterhouse, they shamelessly fire their katyusha rockets, not at the military but directly at the civilian population.

Are all Muslims the leeching clergy, or actively involved in terrorism and included in the blanket indictment, you ask?

The fact is that being a Muslim is a clear admission of wrongdoing, the extent of which depends on the degree of a person’s Muslim-ness. If he is only a Muslim who does not practice Islam, then he is, at the very least, guilty of hypocrisy. If he is somewhat of a Muslim by tithing, from time to time, following the ranting of the local mullah or imam, and swallowing whole the pronouncements of the high divines, then he is guilty of significantly contributing to the evildoing of Islam.

Lastly, there are those Muslims who simply lack the courage to leave Islam and exercise their gift of humanness. They are the pathetic crowd guilty of remaining in the fold of tyranny and withholding support from the forces of liberty and human dignity. Also, to use an old cliché, if a person is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. Islam is indeed a huge problem.

Some Muslims have objected to my taking Islam to task and not addressing the atrocities of others, both in the past and in the present. Let me answer that. I do not see myself as an ombudsman for mankind, commissioned either by God or self-appointed. I am not egoistical enough to see myself as a universal arbiter of all wrongdoing. I, however, unreservedly condemn all genocide, religiously-based or otherwise, and all wrongs visited upon any individual or people irrespective of time, place and any other considerations.

My focus is Islam, because I, my people and my native country, Iran, have been victimized by a primitive alien ideology for far too long. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascim visits on people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate and violence.

I enjoy and deeply cherish the liberty that America has generously afforded me, enabling me to raise a cry from the heart regarding the tragic plight of millions of Iranian victims—my compatriots who dare not speak against the wicked mullahs and their mercenaries.

I am the voice of tens of thousands of Iran’s best children, many of them literally children, who have been imprisoned, brutally tortured, shamelessly raped and viciously slaughtered by Allah’s beasts presently ruling Iran.

The heartless religionists of Allah have plundered and continue to plunder the people’s vast oil income, fill their bottomless pockets with the ill-begotten funds, and finance adventurism in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and anywhere and everywhere they find willing clientele.

In the meantime, over the past four decades of their Islam-authorized dastardly theocracy, they have driven masses of the Iranian people to abject poverty. They have created a culture of nihilism and despair that has spawned one of the world’s most drug-addicted societies and have compelled a great many women to sell their bodies in order to survive.

It is, so, I find it both my sacred duty and inalienable right to indict Muslims as either criminals themselves or accessories to the crimes, seek justice, and warn others of the dangers of Islamism in all its forms. I also challenge all Muslims to abandon the demonic cult of Muhammad and join the forces of liberty and justice of free people with no turbaned masters or masters of any kind.

Fellow patriots: It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus, in the spirit of our past American patriot and hero, Paul Revere, I beg, each and every one of you to rise up, speak up and urge other good patriotic men and women of this great nation to unite and defend, protect and safeguard America before this insidious enemy of all persuasions would try to silence us by ever-creeping Islamofascism.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Promotion Of Virtue And The Prevention Of Vice

Islam has many strange verses in the Quran. There are two significant commands which exist in the Quran that gives Muslims authority to look out over an Islamic society for any signs deemed indecent or un-Islamic in public. One of many of these strict rules, is hijab – obligatory rules requiring women to cover their hair and bodies and avoid make-up. Normally, from better off social groups – who try to push the limits of the dress code. This involves wearing the headscarf as far back on the head as possible, or by wearing baggier clothing, particularly in the heat of summer, though men sporting “Western” hairstyles are also at risk. These commands are called Amr beh Maroof va Nahi az Monker. “you enjoin what is right and forbid what is reprehensible”

These two short commands are the central part of Islamic doctrine for all Muslims. It encourages all Muslims, whether men or women, to question anyone if they notice un-Islamic appearances in public. The Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding wrong, suggests to the duty of Muslims to promote moral decency and interfere with another Muslim if they perform improperly.

What are some of the consequences if people refuse to obey?  Women get attacked with acid thrown on their face, men are flogged for non- compliance with Islamic haircuts. These are only a few barbaric examples of what Islamists routinely do, based upon the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, many Iran’s laws oblige women to completely cover their hair and wear loose garments to hide most of their body and skin.

The first photo is a before and after, the second is a mother and her one-year old daughter after acid attacks.

“Amr bil Ma’roof and Nahi ‘anil Munkar is a Fard Kifaayah, collective responsibility of the Islamic Umma.”

The Iranian people, almost every day, are subject to severe interrogation, intimidation, harassment and frightening situations by the beasts of Allah who on their motorcycles look for anyone who does not appear Islamic enough and especially those who have challenged the Ayatollah Khamenei’s direct order. That’s precisely why Iranians leave Islam by the thousands.

Promoting virtue and preventing vice is mandatory by all Muslims to do what is thought good according to Islamic law.  The Islamic Republic of Iran routinely terrorizes its peaceful population. These Bedouin Islamic rules have taken the society over the edge of the cliff. Angry people refuse to obey these non-Iranian Arab worshipers who despise anything Persian and they continue to challenge their command.

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the people of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient. (Quran, Surah Aal Imran 3:110)”

These orders come directly from the Quran and Sunnah.

Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri reported that the prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of faith” 40 Hadith Nawawi 34

The importance  of Amr Be Maroof Va Nahi Az Monkar in Quran and Hadith

“Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slay the prophets wrongfully, and slay those of mankind who enjoin equity: promise them a painful doom (Al-e Imran/21). Recommends of Quran to Muslims many:”

“Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the Scripture had believed, it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-livers (Al-e Imran/110).”

“The committee’s rationale is based on the classical Islamic doctrine of hisba, which is associated with the Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding wrong, and refers to the duty of Muslims to promote moral rectitude and intervene when another Muslim is acting wrongly.”

The Hisbah  has the following major aspects:

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs. Traditionally, a muhtasib (al-Muhtasib) was appointed by the caliph to oversee the order in marketplaces, in businesses, in medical occupations, etc. The position of muhtasib may be approximately rendered as “inspector“. See Hisbah (business accountability) for this aspect.”

“For example, in Saudi Arabia the state establishment responsible for hisbah is the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, or Hai’a.

“In a minority of Islamic states, namely Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Aceh province of Indonesia and Iran, there is an establishment of Islamic religious police. In some places, it is state-established; in others, it is independent of the state.”

“Hisbah doctrine has been invoked by Islamic prosecutors in cases of apostasy and acts of blasphemy. For example, in EgyptNasr Abu Zayd, a Muslim scholar “critical of old and modern Islamic thought” was prosecuted under the doctrine when his academic work was held to be evidence of apostasy.”


According to the Ummah, all Muslims are responsible for commanding good and forbidding evil, or promoting virtue and preventing vice. If Muslims avoid and ignore and follow those commands, it then is interpreted as a great sin because it was ignored. Muslims are obligated to regulate and watch over their community non-stop. They are also responsible for removing what is perceived by Muslims as evil, although Islam itself is an evil ideology.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Can The Islamization of America Be Stopped?

The credit for the phrase “Islamization” should go to my friend, Pamela Gellar. Pamela has not only been active, but for the first time she came up with this word which correctly defines our state of affairs in America and elsewhere.

While some people prefer to refer to the violent version of Islam as “political” or “militant” Islam, I refused to accept this characterization. Why? Because I believe it is not “fanatical,” “radical,” or “extreme” Islam that we are fighting, but normal, orthodox, canonical, typical, accepted, traditional Islam, straight from the mouth of Muhammad. Islam is violent in direct proportion to its mission and scripture. The so-called fanatics and terrorists are only upholding the truth of their scripture.

Today, our country is faced with a strong opponent in the Trojan Horse called Islam. This clear and present danger makes it imperative to revisit the U.S. Constitution and see if freedom of religion gives Muslims a license to break other American laws.

I have also observed that more Americans have come to understand that Islam has established itself as a formidable enemy and recruits disenchanted and delusional liberals with its promises.  Islam promises to bestow its beneficence on the faithful, conditional on the person’s total and unquestioned surrender to it in all matters. Some of the rewards offered by Islam to the truly obedient believers, particularly privileged males, are of this world, as well as a great deal more promised to them in the next.

The recent migration and redistribution of Muslims to non-Islamic lands and rising numbers by their high birth rate has worried some Americans. In addition, Muslims revert to their intolerance, for instance and demand legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past. And this concerns many citizens.

Undoubtedly, there is no place on the planet where Muslims live that is at peace from the religion of peace. America, Spain, France, the Netherlands, England, Thailand, France, India and Indonesia have already been attacked, while others will lose their independence.

Americans are forced to learn about these new Muslim migrants who have managed to infiltrate into many of our institutions so quickly. Sharia law which is Islamic law, disenfranchises women from their legitimate equal rights with men, prescribes vicious punishments such as stoning, amputation of limbs and death.

Sharia law, contrary to what its advocates claim, does not limit application of its draconian provisions to Muslims only: it considers any and all disputes involving Muslims with non-Muslims also in its purview to adjudicate. Wherever Sharia law rules, injustice prevails. Non-Muslims, women, and even children are victimized by its biased and cruel provisions.

Because it is obligatory for a Muslim to follow Islamic laws and not man-made laws like the US Constitution, a Muslim can never be both a Muslim and an American at the same time. Hence, a Muslim is, first and foremost, an Ummaist– a citizen of international Islam.

People in the West are accustomed to relativistic rather than absolutistic thinking. To Westerners, just about all matters range from black to white with an array of gray shades in between the two poles. To Muslims, by contrast, nearly everything is either black and white with virtually no shades of gray. The former type of thinking is typical of more mature minds, while the latter is that of young children and the less enlightened.

This absolutist thinking is enshrined in the Quran itself. When the starting point for a Muslim is the explicit fanatical words of Allah in the Quran, then the faithful are left with no choice other than to literally obey its dictates or even take it to the next level of fanaticism. Good Muslims, for instance, do not shake hands with women, even though the Quran does not explicitly forbid it. Although the Quran stipulates that men rule over women, good Muslim men take it upon themselves to rule women not much better than they treat their domesticated animals.

All extreme systems operate outside of the constraints of checks-and-balances and according to the principle of the negative feedback loop. That is, once it starts, the extreme becomes more and more extreme until it self-destructs and takes the larger system down with it. Cancer is a case in point. It begins with only a few cells. Left unchecked, the few cells continue expanding and stop only with the death of the host.

Fanatical Islam may indeed be a minority. Yet it is a deadly cancer that has metastasized throughout the body of the world. Urgent confrontation of this advancing disease is imperative to stave it off.

Europe is on its way and will ultimately lose its independence while it is forced to fully embrace Islam. That’s a no brainer. Everyone can see it. America will be next; ironically, no one is doing anything about it!

Humanity has experienced horrific wars in the past. Yet, the present multi-form and multi-front war waged by Islamists has the potential to inflict more sorrow and destroy more lives than ever before. Ruthless Islamic forces advance rapidly in their conquests while those of freedom acquiesce and retreat. This is exactly what happened to Persia.  Before long, Islam is poised to succeed in its Allah-mandated goal and cleanse the earth of all non-Muslims through ‘grand Jihad’ and establish the Islamic Ummah.

America must wake up and wake up fast to defend the land before she becomes another vulnerable Islamic victim.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Wake UP America! The Trojan Horse Is Here!

With the arrival of massive Muslims to America, our culture and our way of life is forever altered. By now, most Americans know that Islam and the US Constitution are incompatible. Then what should be do? We, in the United States of America need to resist Islam’s encouragement while it is still gathering momentum, unless we wish to end up in the same fix as Europe.

For instance, to ignore the smoldering fire and relying on a few local “firefighters” to keep them from spreading is either naive or outright criminal, but it is certainly the easiest thing to do. That’s why I have decided to fight the fire and I am calling for help to put out Islam, the source that raises arsonists — the minority that they may be. It takes one arsonist to set a fire that a thousand firefighters will have difficulty to put out. The few Muslims who are brave enough to advocate reform of their religion are tossed out of mosques or, very likely, much worse.

We no longer can deny that Muslim jihadists live amongst us. It is only a matter of time before they show up and expose their aggression. Jihadists deem themselves the army of Allah. They use violence as an instrument of policy. This continues to be central to Islam. Muslim jihadists and their well-paid leftist apologists use the multicultural umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticism that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the “religion of peace.”

You don’t need to listen to me, and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators.  Please search it out for yourself.  See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, is ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form whatsoever in Muslim countries.

The West has been tolerant for so long, but “tolerance in the face of evil is not tolerance, it is a crime.”  It wasn’t long ago; we were defending ourselves at the Gates of Vienna from a Muslim invasion. Now, we welcome Muslims with open arms and generous welfare policies. Any push back to these open immigration practices is labeled Islamophobia, racism, bigotry, etc. But, at what cost do these changes bring?

You need to open your eyes and see how the scheme played out in Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of no return. This is not a game. This is real. This ideology will devour your entire family, if not now, soon enough. You need to wake up now and stop it from growing to the point of no return.

The battle with these people has been proven to be arduous and long. It is a duty of all enlightened individuals to work their hardest to fumigate these leeches from the body of humanity.

Through a highly effective indoctrination, the jihadist has come to believe firmly in Islam’s absolute delusion. He believes that Allah is the one and only supreme creator of the heavens and the Earth, that it is his duty and privilege to abide by Allah’s will and carry out his plans at all cost. He believes firmly in a gloriously wonderful immortal afterlife in paradise, for which a martyr’s death is the surest quickest admission. Although the dominating theme of the delusion is quasi-spiritual, the promised rewards of the afterlife awaiting the martyr are sensual and material.

All the things and activities that the jihadist desires and cannot attain or practice, and rejects in his earthly life, will be purified and proffered to him in the paradise of the next life. Thus, goes the delusion.

Pay close attention, after 1400 years, Islam is still on a campaign of conquest throughout the known world. Hordes of life-in-hand foot-soldier fanatical Muslims are striving to kill and get killed. All they want is the opportunity to discharge their homicidal-suicidal impulses, on their way to Allah’s promised glorious afterlife. And in the background, granting the foot-soldiers’ wishes, are their handlers, the puppeteers, who pull the strings and detonate these human bombs.

Here is what the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini said many years ago:

“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. Islam, however, allows marksmanship, horseback riding and competition. Meeting in Qom.”

You need to Wake up America: Your highest priority is the preservation of this nation of the free. We have done what it took in the past and we must do what it takes now and, in the future, to safeguard liberty. Defeating the encroaching Islam is this generation of Americans greatest challenge. We must meet the threat and defeat it. The alternative is to suffer the fate of the Europeans, many of whom are voting with their feet: fleeing to other lands and abandoning their ancestral homes to the Islamists.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Holding Politicians Accountable And The Danger Of Political Correctness

In the land called America, citizens exercise their power through the ballot box. Hence, when you vote in America, you vote for our freedom. When you decide to vote for a candidate, it is your civic duty to make sure that person has been thoroughly vetted and has answered your questions openly and publicly.

America is faced with an insidious, multifaceted, and the deadly threat of Islamic fundamentalism. Since Islam has been around for centuries, there is a tendency to ignore or even deny the threat it poses to humanity. Various concessions are made, some of them as good faith offerings and some in the hope of placating devout Muslims. Yet, concessions to threats are appeasement. And appeasement has never solved any problems. They only whet the appetite of the aggressor, give it more power, and make it even more dangerous.

Frankly, if the candidate of your choice has no knowledge of Islam’s Stealth Jihad that currently moves at the speed of light in the US and refuses to be direct and transparent with his constituents, that candidate has absolutely no business to run for office. In fact, he would be a disaster. It falls into your hands alone to decide whether you to vote for the survival of America or for your favorite candidate no matter what.

You must keep in mind that the vote you cast will not simply replace one politician with another. At this point in time, every vote has great existential implications. Whether we like it or not, we are truly in a war of survival in the era of Islamic terrorism. You cannot negotiate co-existence—live and let live—with Muslims. Eradication of the Islamic ethos is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent persistent pandemic disease. Muslims have been deeply indoctrinated since they were babies.  They will never assimilate. You need to elect a person who will stand and fight against Islamism and not cut and run!

To call Islam, a great religion and misrepresent it is not simply a harmless gesture of goodwill and peacemaking. This ignites the fire with every intention of consuming us. Therefore, it is imperative that we choose our elected officials with great care. We must entrust the helm of our nation to the hands of a person of impeccable integrity who is unconditionally loyal to the American Constitution, who does not sacrifice principles and truth at the altar of expediency and political correctness, and who does not shirk from what he must do to ensure our nation’s survival in the face of internal and external assaults.

Once again, it is election season. Once again, the slick easy-answers politicians give while they do and say everything to get our votes. Our Marxist Democrats promise us everything and more. They will bring the troops home and will give us a raft of goodies, so they promise. But, when the barbarians are inside our gate, it is suicidal to run and hide in the cellar. Islamists are not at the gate. They already have breached the fortress America in significant numbers. They wait for the opportunity to open the gate fully to their co-cultists and make the land of the free a graveyard of Islamic slavery.

A sobering statement: The actual king in a democracy or in our Republic is not the voter, (as they have made you believe) but the forces or powers that steer him in his vote. The Golden Rule means he who has the gold makes the rule, it is said cynically, yet there is a large dose of truth in it. Democracies are plutocracies — the rule of money. It is a sad fact that money drives politicians to power and keeps them there. Without money, they never make it to first base.

Without more money, they may just languish at first base. To advance further to real power, politicians need large sums of money. And people who have money, as a rule, do not give politicians money without extracting payback. The higher the politician moves, the greater is his IOU to the people and the organizations that own him.

Moneyed Muslims and Muslim organizations with vast interest in promoting Islam are thoroughly familiar with the power of money to recruit people to do their bidding. That’s why many non-Muslims work at all levels of government and the society at large to further Islam. In short: they are paid to do a job.

We need accept that jihadists live among us. It is only going to get worse. Jihadists consider themselves the army of Allah. Muslim organizations have been busy and working “stealthily” changing America in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad,” in the United States. Soft Jihad is practiced where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe their sword, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the general public would likely stamp them out.

A critical tool of soft jihad, therefore involves penetration of the American educational system, by use of means such as Da’wa-a religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims in order to strengthen the Islamic Ummah. Then they use violent Jihad. Also, don’t bank on politicians, they are master practitioners of the art of the politically correct, to protect liberty. Politicians must be urged by the citizens to safeguard liberty, scrutinized closely that they do the work, and are held accountable if they fail to do so. You, as a citizen, also have a job to do. Take a few minutes a day and do what you can to protect freedom. “Freedom is not free,” may be a cliché. Yet, it is the most profound four-word sentence in the lexicon of the free.

We, individual Americans, more often than not, are outmanned and outgunned by these group forces. Lone rangers win only in make-believe movies. In real life, governments, institutions and organizations are the ones who prevail. They have the funds to buy the services of the media; employ lawyers, politicians, and mercenaries of all stripes.

In short: For as long as our elected officials bend over backwards protecting Islam, Islam will thrive and flourish. It is long past the time for our elected officials to wake up and do the job they were elected to do and they must be held accountable.

EDITORS NOTE: At the Siege of Vienna, September 11, 1683, Islam poised to overrun Christian Europe.  We are in a new phase of a very old war. You can order Siege of Vienna September 11, 1683 this most excellent movie from Australia but, you need a Multi-Region DVD player to view it. You can also order this movie from Amazon for $16. It plays in German or English. Or, you can watch it on your computer by Amazon’s Prime Video.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

U.S Lists Iran’s Elite Guard A Terrorist Organization: Long Overdue

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is the Islamic Republic’s elite military force which was created by the late supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Its primary responsibility was to defend the regime from internal and external threats. However, its mission went beyond its original objective. Today, the IRGC possesses an enormous power structure with influence over almost every aspect of Iranian life. Unlike the regular armed forces which is responsible for defending Iran’s territory, the IRGC was explicitly designed to protect the Islamic revolution itself and to eavesdrop on the regular military. Khomeini never trusted the regular military.

The country’s primary security establishment of more than one hundred thousand strong, the IRGC fields an army, navy, and air force, while managing Iran’s ballistic missile arsenal and irregular warfare operations through its elite Quds Force and proxies such as Hezbollah. The balance of power in Iran favors the regime, mainly because the powerful Iranian mullahs have coup-proofed themselves from the military and created an equivalent paramilitary organization, referred to as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), in addition to the Basij and Al-Quds forces, and other such intelligence and security organizations.

The IRGC and its proxies have gone beyond Iranian territory and into Iraq, Syria. Oman and elsewhere. The Islamic government of Iran has also deployed its Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Quds Force to assist Bashar al Assad’s military. It has also provided a great deal of financial, intelligence and an advisory capability to Assad’s military.

The Islamic regime in Iran has been helping Bashar Al Assad’s Alawite sect, an offshoot of the Shiite branch, fight predominantly Sunni rebels. This includes a presence on the ground of the IRGC actively murdering Sunni brethren.

Mohsen Sazegara was one of the original architects and founding members of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and now he is a U.S.-based dissident. He says “though the original charter of the elite force was to create a “people’s army,” years of political and military changes have transformed the unit into a shadowy behemoth (a monster).”

The IRGC has been compared to the Nazi’s SS in Germany. “Both SS and IRGC had similar reasons to be created, The Nazi Party was weak and any coup against them was expected at first, when they started to recruit forces who was loyal only to Adolf Hitler and answer to no one but him. The very core of the SS was initially to be Hitler’s body guards.” The same thing applies to Ayatollah Khamenei., the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic.

The IRGC is Iran’s most powerful economic actor, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, which has labeled the National Iranian Oil Company “an agent or affiliate of the Revolutionary Guards.” Within the IRGC, the Quds Force exerts control over strategic industries, commercial services, and black-market enterprises. According to a 2007 Los Angeles Times report, the IRGC has ties to over 100 companies, controlling over $12 billion. These funds are used to exert influence in Iran and Iranian proxies.”

Iran started its military involvement in Syria in 2011, at the outbreak of the civil war. Tehran’s immediate objective was to defeat the Syrian opposition militarily to save Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The maintenance of the Shia-Alawi-dominated regime in Damascus was key to the Islamic Republic’s long-term regional strategy, the creation of a contiguous Shia arc of influence in the region, linking Iran through Iraq to Syria and Lebanon. The Syrian theater also witnessed changes to Iran’s traditional use of proxies, militias, and plausible deniability.

The Iranian security and intelligence communities, advise and assist the Syrian military to ensure Bashar al-Assad’s holds onto power. These works have developed into an expeditionary training mission using the (IRGC) Ground Forces, Quds Force, intelligence services, and law enforcement. The deployment of IRGC Ground Forces to conflict abroad is a notable expansion of Iran’s willingness and ability to project military force beyond its borders.

So, what led the United States to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terror group?

The IRGC was already sanctioned by the US: under the Department of Treasury. It has imposed sanctions on the military organization in October 2017  under a 9/11-era executive order issued during the George W. Bush administration.

More than five years after President George W. Bush’s declaration of a global war against terrorism, the Iranian regime continues to embrace suicide terrorism as an important component of its military doctrine.”

“The IRGC has played a central role to Iran becoming the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror. Iran’s pursuit of power comes at the cost of regional stability, and Treasury will continue using its authorities to disrupt the IRGC’s destructive activities,” Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said at the time.

The US has ample evidence of the IRGC’s terror activity mainly because of its military support for Hezbollah and Hamas, organizations that the US and EU have both designated as terrorist groups. Trump has argued that Iran’s backing for such groups violates the essence of the nuclear deal.

The IRGC commander Mohammad Ali Jafari warned in 2017 that if Trump went ahead with the move “then the Revolutionary Guards will consider the American army to be like Islamic State all around the world”.

In short, not only is the IRGC a terrorist organization, but the entire apparatus of the Islamic Republic is involved in terrorism. The litany of Islamic death-based beliefs and actions is long indeed. It is, therefore, understandable that Iran’s Mullahs are obsessed agents of death. Islam, the Mullahs and their fanatic follower’s system of belief, denigrates life and glorifies death. To these people, death is not death. It is martyrdom, a sure passage to the unimaginably magnificent eternal paradise promised in the Quran.

Iran has been under the rule of these fanatics since 1979. The Iranian people have attempted on several occasions to end the rule of these leaches, but each time they were faced with the ruthless Islamic apparatus. Many of them were massacred while the world watched and did nothing.

The Islamic Republic has subjected all aspects of Iranian society to strict control and terror. It does not even tolerate the slightest expression of local initiative, let alone political unorthodoxy. The regime’s leadership feels especially threatened by the intelligentsia, the writers, the poets, the journalists and the human rights activists whom they started to kidnap and murder in 1998. This action is known as “the chain murders.”

The people of Iran wish nothing less than a complete regime change through a democratic process of a free referendum. They believe it is the surest, safest and the fastest way to achieve a democratic Iran and end the world’s nightmare of nuclear holocaust that is currently facing us all. Iranians are hopeful that this time around, a US President will deliver instead of making empty promises.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

US And Iran: Natural Allies

Four decades of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has not only failed to achieve the security and well-being of its people, it has ensnared the nation in a stifling theocracy where the rights of the governed are routinely violated for the benefit of the governing.

In 1979, the U.S. Government, notably, Jimmy Carter  and his European allies decided it was time for the Shah of Iran to go. Meaning, leave Iran for good and hand over the country to an unknown Islamist character by the name of Ayatollah Khomeini. That was an unpardonable act by Western governments. The Western nations, especially, the US, had no idea of the consequences that would follow. Nonetheless, they forced a great ally and friend, the Shah of Iran, to leave his beloved country. What ensued after his departure was the installation of the most oppressive theocratic Islamic system known in the history of mankind. It also renewed an era of Islamic terrorism and the revival of its never-ending passion for world Islamic domination.

On November 4, 1979, it resulted in Islamists storming the United States Embassy in Tehran and take approximately seventy Americans captive. This terrorist act provoked one of the most tragic policies of Carter’s presidency. It was the start of a long ordeal for Jimmy Carter and the American people that lasted 444 days.

This tragedy never had to happen. It was purely a miscalculation on Jimmy Carter’s administration. Ronald Reagan said it best in this video.

On April 1980, President Carter broke diplomatic relations with Iran and ordered Iranian diplomats and officials to leave the US. It also created a state of perpetual deadlock between the U.S. and Iran.

The estrangement between Iran and the US is one of the great tragedies of Middle Eastern history. Iran and the US are natural allies. America has no strategic interests that conflict with Iran’s and the two nations share several enemies (if only the American State Department could wean itself from its strange, self-defeating fascination with the House of Saud and its willful blindness regarding Pakistan). America’s role in toppling the Shah and its unwillingness to assist Iran’s Green Revolution were regrettable failures of diplomatic skill and strategic vision.

Iran has been under the rule of Sharia law since 1979. To their credit, the Iranian people have attempted on numerous occasions to end the rule of the Mullahs, but each time they were faced with the ruthless Islamic regime and the backing of Western powers. In the Green Revolution, many of them were massacred while the world watched and did nothing.

It is time for the US to change its policy and ditch the Arabs and join the Persian team. The Trump administration must make every effort to engage the Iranian people to free themselves at the hands of the butcher of Allah.

We all know that the Arabs cannot escape from the slaveholder, Islam. It is tied up with their identity. Only Iranians, with their long history as a non-Arab people with a non-Islamic religion, offer a real prospect of throwing off the yoke of Islam and create a chance for peace and prosperity in the region.

But, how do we start? Or, more accurately, how do the Iranians start in such a way that their movement influences American policies? Let us not forget that other than the Israelis, Iran forms the only real state and national culture in the Middle East. But, admiration and good wishes only go so far in this dangerous world. The accumulated mistakes of two generations of Americans and Iranians are now building to a flash-point. America’s policy choices are narrowing. The need to deal with the nuclear ambitions of the Mullahs is real and pressing. Let us hope the heirs of Cyrus the Great find some way to give both Iran and America a little more room before we go to war.

We need to be reminded again that for the past forty years, the Iranian people have been kept hostage in their own county by a group of non-Iranians who despise everything Persian and have been slowly purging the remnant of pre-Islamic Persia as well as Persian textbooks. These pro-Arab invaders are not Iranians by any means.

I am confident that many Americans recognize that young Iranians do not buy into the murderous philosophy of Islam and the Quran. But, there will be collateral damage if they do not overthrow the Mullahs who are currently rule Iran. We should support these freedom loving Iranians both overtly and covertly because they may be the difference between a free Iran who would join the rest of the world or a devastated country with these young people killed and wounded in a terrible war that they don’t want and don’t care about.

The time for regime change is overdue. Many Iranians refuse to obey and be intimidated by the Islamic regime. With a little help, here and little help there, these brave people can be transformed overnight from seemingly subdued and helpless sheep into mighty lions.

“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” Said William Arthur Ward–we need to recognize and seize the moment with every chance we got. The Iranian people have made up their minds. We should too before it is too late.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

America: Stealth Jihad On Steroids

Psychologically, Islam has become part and parcel of our society and the American mind. In other words, Islam has managed to merge into Western culture as though it has always been here. Whose fault is that? Much of academia and many universities throughout the land are generously funded by Islamic governments and organizations to market a highly sanitized and distorted version of Islam to young and impressionable minds. Even at the primary school level, a hugely dishonest portrayal of Islam is included in books pupils are required to study.

In these deceptive presentations, Islam appears to be a religion of peace, tolerance, and brotherhood. To further lull the people into accepting this dishonest “taqiyya-driven” fraud, Islam is marketed simply as another version of the Abrahamic religions—Judaism and Christianity. Thus, there is nothing alien about Islam the scheme aims to promote.

Everyone knows Politicians Empower Islam. Why not? Rich Muslims contribute huge amounts of money to politicians and money talks.

“Moneyed Muslims and Muslim organizations with vast interest in promoting Islam are thoroughly familiar with the power of money to recruit people to do their bidding. That’s why many non-Muslims work at all levels of government and the society at large to further Islam. In short: they are paid to do a job.”

The non-Muslim world is at the end of its wits. No accommodation or kindness seems to stop Islam from growing. Islam is rapidly advancing on two fronts. In every Islamic country, it is cowing non-radicals while recruiting more and more radicals into its ranks. In non-Muslim lands, flush with petrodollars, Islam is establishing itself as a formidable force by enlisting the disaffected and attracting delusional liberals with its promises. For the faithful, there is the added incentive of Allah’s heaven and its irresistible attractions.

Dearborn, Michigan now boasts the largest and most diverse Arab community in the US, and of the city’s 98,000 residents, more than 30 per cent identify as Arab-American or claim some form of Arab descent.  Below is a photo of Dearborn, Michigan’s Islamic Center of America.

Partial-Muslims are seemingly harmless, may appear normal, and are under the radar. What gets our attention is the die-hard, the real Muslims who are a small minority. Yet this virulent combative minority is campaigning simultaneously on two major fronts. It works to herd the partial-Muslim majority into its fold and vanquish all other non-believers by any and all means necessary.

It is prudent to keep in mind that all important events in the history of humanity have been instigated by either an individual or a small group. These individuals or groups have been the sheep dogs that have directed the movements and activities of the masses, the sheep.

This is exactly what real Muslims, the Islamists, are doing in the world today. It is suicidal to dismiss the Islamists as a bunch of zealots of no consequences or as a fringe group that will burn itself out. Sadly enough, it is the bulk of Muslims that pundits portray as “peaceful” and are either irrelevant or often serve as an instrument in the hands of the Islamists. A couple of examples from recent history conclusively prove the point that it is the fanatical minorities that launch and implement campaigns that inflict immense suffering on the larger society.

In the 1930s, very few Germans were Nazis, but many basked in the resurgence of German pride and many others were too busy with their own lives to care. Thus, Germany presented a wide-open unchallenged opportunity for the Nazis to push forward their agenda and gather power to a point that it was too late for any other force to stem the tide.

And we all know what suffering this gang of radical supremacists inflicted on millions of people before their own demise.

The Khomeinism of Iran was started by a band of Shiite fanatics who rode the tide of opposition to the rule of the Shah and promised the masses Islamic Nirvana. No sooner had the Khomeinists ascended to power than they made the entire nation captive by murdering tens of thousands of complacent and late-to-awaken oppositions, imprisoned and tortured untold thousands more, and created a state of Islamic menace that threatens the entire free world to this day.

Before and after:

The fact is that too many die-hard Islamists continue to leave the failed Islamic states and settle in the lands of the Kefir. These new arrivals bring with them the deeply engrained hatred of infidels and believe that they are indeed the rightful owner of the entire Earth and all other non-Muslims are mere squatters that must be either subjugated or eliminated altogether.

How to stop Islam from its ultimate goal of taking over America?

A Constitutional amendment must be passed quickly defining Islam as a hostile political force with a global totalitarian agenda, and as such is totally inimical to our Constitution and our national security, and that to further to this definition, all practicing Muslims must either renounce this cult or be deported to their countries of origin; and all mosques must be demolished, since their goal is to propagate political propaganda, which has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘religion’ – let alone one of ‘peace.’

That’s going to be the final ‘solution’ for Islam in America.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Iranians Leaving Islam By The Thousands

The rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) is collapsing. The previously solid castle shows many cracks that continue to grow. In the past, when individuals were willing to sacrifice their life under any circumstances for the sake of Islam and any criticism of Islam, even in their own mind, considered sin, today it is easy to criticize and challenge religion. A nation that, at the forty years ago, preferred to speak of Ayatollah Khomeini, saint like and almost godly, now he is openly reviled without any fear of retribution.

What is the first Muslim country in the world that has the smallest number of true Muslims, you might ask? Such a country is none other than Iran. And this is seen in the virtual world of Facebook or Twitter and other Iranian websites that criticize and reject Islam. This is not possible in other Muslim countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Arab countries where you cannot joke about Islam without dire consequences, except when it comes to the Iranian nation.

Examples of this is the Imam Naghi Campaign. Of course, there are still people who are trying to convince the nation that this is not true Islam, and Islam is a righteous and a true belief.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran. Those considered part of native Christian communities are permitted to practice their religion with limitations, but a Muslim converting to Christianity is considered an apostate. The Iranian government jails converts, especially those who proselytize. The authorities see it as a Western plan to turn Iranians against Islam and the Islamic regime, according to converts in Turkey.

The antigovernment rallies that erupted in Iran in the last days of 2017 exposed that millions of Iranians are now disillusioned with the Islamic Republic. Furthermore, there are signs that quite a few Iranians are now also disenchanted with Islam itself. Often silently and covertly, they are abandoning their faith. Some opt for other faiths, often Christianity.

Before the Islamic invasion (Revolution) of 1979, most Iranians were uninformed as to the core values of Islamic ideology simply because they could not read Arabic. So, they created their own version in their minds. Regrettably, in the seventh century AD, the Persian Empire (Sasanian Dynasty) lost the war to the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula in the Battle of Qadisiyyah. Why they were defeated is a long story. For years Iranians resisted and fought back, but to no avail. With that defeat, the Islamic creed was imposed on an enlightened, tolerant and free people at the point of a sword.

Zoroastrianism, the original Iranian religion, was not an effective barrier against the radical and backward religion from the Arabian desert.

Forty years has passed since the Islamic invasion of 1979. Today, many Iranians are incorrigibly disaffected from the fraudulent and oppressive Islamic rulers. Although Islam was imposed on the Iranian people some 1,400 years ago, Iranians deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to Arab culture.

Today, Iranians have finally awakened and search for their roots and identity. Some people have thanked Ayatollah Khomeini for this enlightenment. For revealing the true Islam, not the figment of their imaginations about Islam. Many have already started to refer to this period as an era of Persian renaissance or awakening.

Historically, Islam has always contradicted Persian values, costumes, traditions and culture, as is evident from the glorious pre-Islamic Iranian festivities and celebrations such as Nowruz. The current anti-Islam movement in Iran has recently gained serious momentum, especially among the younger generation who are savvy and aware of world events via the Internet.

Many Iranians continue to abandon slaveholder Islam: they break loose from the yoke of an exploitive clergy, renounce Islamic dogma, purge the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and leave the suffocating tent of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam: A Multi-Trillion Conglomerate

To look objectively at Islam, it becomes clear that Islam is simply another globally entrenched profitable enterprise.

Islam has a product to sell. A product it sells by any and all means to consumers for over fourteen centuries. As business ventures go, Islam has been both durable and highly successful.

Islam’s founder, Muhammad, formed his enterprise in the Arabian Peninsula at a perfectly opportune time. The primitive tribes of Arabia had no less than 360 idols they worshiped, somewhat akin to the more civilized Greeks who believed in numerous gods.

Muhammad found it very rough when he started his movement. On the one hand, even his own people, the Quraysh, custodians of the idolatry of Mecca, turned against him. In a real sense, he aimed to put them out of their lucrative business and start one of his own. On the other hand, there were several other claimants to prophethood who gathered various and numerous followers. It seemed to be a very bad time for Muhammad to make headway. People of Mecca ridiculed him and called him insane. They rejected the unintelligible verses he claimed were words of Allah, as the nonsensical mutterings of a crazed poet.

Some did not bother to call him crazy. They simplified the allegation and felt he was out of his mind. In those days and age, among the highly backward people of Arabia and other societies, insanity was viewed as punishment meted out as to a person by the gods. Thus, any unfortunate mentally ill individual was treated very harshly.

Some contemporary mental health professionals, retrospectively examining Muhammad’s life, his Quran, and other material attributed to him, have concluded his condition of a man who suffered from mental seizures. These specialists claim that the young Muhammad periodically experienced seizures that induced visual and auditory hallucinations. They cite, among other things, Muhammad’s repeated reports of being visited by jinns.

Enter the much older wealthy widow Khadijah who married the young Muhammad. She greatly loved her husband and acted protectively to shield him from harm and accepted and even promoted his claim as a messenger from Allah. If Allah wanted to reveal his verses piece by piece in a fashion that people saw as mumbo jumbo, it was not Muhammad’s fault. He was simply a messenger who conveyed the words of Allah.

Before long, the tide turned in Muhammad’s favor. Some influential people, such as Abu Bakr, Uthman and Umar, as well as his brutal cousin Ali, rallied around him. Others, recognized his momentum and began to flock to him. None the less, after the death of his cardinal supporter, Khadijah, Muhammad still found Mecca most inhospitable and left, with many of his followers to Medina.

It was in Medina, a city of a large Jewish population, where he encountered no animosity, where other Arab tribes, either as an expedient move, or by force, swore loyalty to him and his religion. Power begets power. This was indeed the case. As Muhammad gathered more and more followers, he turned on the Jewish community of Medina, killed the men, plundered their belongings, and captured their women and children as slaves. That was the birth of “Jihad.” Be meek and deceptive first, until you gather enough power then unsheathe the sword. It worked then and it works today.

Muhammad immensely expanded his base and increased his power by a variety of means. Among others, he managed to wipe out his other contemporary contenders for prophethood. The most notable claimant was Aswad, better known as Abhala bin Ka’b who had his own holy book and had proposed an alliance with Muhammad. Muhammad, however rejected Aswad’s proposal, had him killed in a battle and all Aswad’s followers became Muhammad’s. To the victor goes the spoils.

It was in Medina that the Islam Conglomerate was born. An organization headed by one man, who got his orders from none other than the fashioner of the universe, named Allah, who in turn dictated his orders to all his followers without the least room for debate or deviance.

Responsibilities and privileges were integral parts of membership in the conglomerate. Blind obedience to a system of authority was the prime requisite. Allah knows best. Allah knows all. Allah ordains. Allah rewards the obedient and punishes the wayward. Allah dictates his will through his one and only beloved messenger, Muhammad. It is up to Muhammad to organize the faith of Allah in such a way that serves Allah’s pleasure.

The first and foremost duty of the faithful is to surrender himself, in the full meaning of the term, to the good-pleasure of Allah. In return the faithful will avoid Allah’s dreadful wrath and earn his incredible rewards, if not delivered to him in this world, will assuredly be reserved for him in Allah’s indescribably magnificent sensual eternal paradise.

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad—you kill you get the booty from your victims in this world—you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah—sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

No Negotiating With Iran’s Mullahs

On July 14, 2015, during the Obama presidency, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ with the intention to marginalize Iran’s nuclear program and monitor it in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions. This deal clearly benefited the Islamic Republic and left the door open for Iran to secretly continue with its nuclear ambitions. In other words, it was a terrible deal. President. Trump must understand that no new deal will ever change the Mullahs’ behavior.

“The Iran Deal is a symptom; the Mullahs are the disease.”

On the campaign trail in 2016, Donald Trump called the Iran nuclear deal “the worst ever.” Keeping his campaign promises, on May 2018, President Trump, withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, and restated crippling sanctions on Iran. While Israel stood firmly with the President’s action, European allies Germany, France and the UK said they had regret and concern” about Trump’s decision and planned to continue abiding by the agreement.

The best predictor of the future is the past. The fanatic Mullahs are proven liars. Their record is one of deception, dissimulation, treachery, violence and much more. These Quran-trained and directed agents of a wrathful Allah must never be trusted. They are master schemers. They have been in the business of scheming for centuries. While Trump has perfected the “Art of the Deal,” the Mullahs have perfected the art of deception. History will prove that President Trump did the right thing.

In dealing with the ever-cheating and conniving Mullahs, the President needs to realize that these vile men of Allah are also long-term planners. They have messianic plans to rule the world someday. They are also superb practitioners of the art of cheating. In this practice, like in the game of poker, much depends on how one plays their hand. In the game of deal-making, beating around the bush is a standard operating procedure. They know that weak-willed Westerners feel productive when they “talk,” and engage in “negotiations.” These activities do nothing; but then again, accomplishing anything other than advancing their own careers and generating an undeserved sense of self-importance is never the goal of pinheaded diplomats.

The villain Mullahs have been deceiving and playing the Iranian people, particularly the masses of the religiously fanatic, long before either Israel or the U.S. existed. They are very good at their game. For as long as there are donkeys there will be those who ride them is a Persian saying. That should explain the rule of the Mullahs. They ride, they have been riding for centuries, and they like it.

As I see things now, the world is headed toward a dangerous path. The danger of the bomb in the hands of the Mullahs has not disappeared, despite what the mainstream media and the Useful Idiots claim. The Mullahs are intent on getting the bomb and the U.S. and Israel are equally intent at not letting them get it. Israel has a huge stake in this since it is easily within the range of the Islamists’ fire.

Now, there are those simpletons that contend that mutual deterrence will prevent the Mullahs from ever firing their nuclear missiles at Israel because that would amount to mutual annihilation. The “mutual deterrence” argument may work in state-to-state confrontations. It apparently has worked in the past and the hope is that it will work in the future. However, the mutual deterrence argument fails when a non-state entity is the adversary. The Mullahs don’t have to lob a bomb at Israel or at anyone else to inflict huge damage. They can pursue their cause of death and destruction by simply providing their killers with dirty bombs in a suitcase.

They will secretly share some of their smaller nuclear devices to their fanatical followers to sneak them into Israel or for that matter anywhere else in the world! There are so many problems with this terrible fix that I don’t want to bore you with them. As I see it, this lunacy must be stopped. We just can’t sit idly by and watch this insanity play out.

My greatest hope is the Iranian people would somehow free themselves from the Islamic yoke and dislodge the Mullahs off their bent backs. A non-Islamic democratic Iran is an answer to a prayer for our people and the world. But the genocidal Mullahs and their goons have no compunction about beating, arresting, raping and killing anyone who dares to oppose them.

As the saying goes, power is prized, and it is very addictive. No one likes to give it up if they don’t have to. It is even aphrodisiac, according to Henry Kissinger, who was one of the most powerful men during the Nixon era. He was asked why so many women swoon over him given that he was neither young nor handsome. He answered, “power is aphrodisiac.” It’s amoral, just like science and technology. They are tools. In the hand of the righteous they do immense good. In evil’s hands, they wreak great harm. While the Mullahs are busy dragging Iran to the brink of a nuclear holocaust, they are dipping the name of our great nation together with us Iranians into sludge.

The world leaders must realize that the delusional Mullahs are in this deadly game to the very end. They believe they can win by either bringing the non-Islamic world to its knees and ruling the world or setting up the conflagration that supposedly will prompt their hidden Imam to appear and establish his kingdom. Not even the all-out nuclear exchange can be ruled out. Islam is a religion centered on death with the eyes of the faithful fixed on the afterlife and its promised eternal pleasures.

For years, I have spread the alarm to the world that it is a fatal miscalculation to sit and watch this eventual catastrophic event happen. It is little more than an exercise in denial to believe that nothing bad will happen, and that the inept Mullahs will likely shoot themselves in the foot instead of wreaking havoc on the world.

I also have pled that we should have helped the Iranian democratic opposition such as Prince Reza Pahlavi. In recent days, the Iranian protesters in Iran have chanted his name to return and send the death-bearer Mullahs back to their mosques.

I must strongly warn my fellow Americans not to repeat President Jimmy Carter’s monumental folly that brought the infamous Ayatollah Khomeini to power and birthed Islamist jihadism by standing behind Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the notorious Mujahidin-e Khalq or (MEK), the most dangerous terrorist group that even abused and murdered their own members for trying to defect or escape from Camp Ashraf in Iraq. It would be tantamount to betraying the ideals of America — the flag holder of freedom in the world.

“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it,” Warned George Santayana. By now, the saying has become a cliché. Why has it become a cliché? Because it is true. History is replete with innumerable cases of treachery where promises — some seemingly ironclads — are made and blatantly broken at the earliest opportunities.

In short, former President Obama picked the Mullahs over the Iranian people during the Green Revolution in 2009. The Trump administration must do the opposite and support proud Iranians and call for freedom right now and help them to end this regime once and for all.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Persian Awakening

Persian or Iranian civilization and its culture undoubtedly has marked a significant era in the history of the world. In addition, to get a better picture of how the events ensued, we need to briefly address Persia’s history and unravel some of its perplexing names and origins, both before and after the Islamic period.

For many historians, it is difficult to imagine the survival and continuity of Persia, knowing full well the avalanche of assaults by extremely powerful and ruthless armies during its tumultuous history. Professor Robert Payne  has eloquently described this paradox:

“There are good reasons for the continuity of Persian features and Persian character. Invaders have swept over the land: Arabs, Mongols, Greeks, Turks, and Scythians. They came in floods, stayed for a little while, and then the floods subsided, leaving the original Persians unharmed.”

He continues: “The Persian Empire swallowed up the Babylonian and Assyrian Empires, and went beyond them. It was the greatest empire the world had ever known, and for two centuries its capital was the capital of the world. Today only the core of this empire remains. But the Persians, who rarely regret the past, do not believe the glory has departed. Speaking quite confidently, as though it were the most natural thing in the world, they will say: “Glory lay over this land from the beginning.”

“For them Persia is far more than a country: it is a place of splendor, where the gods dwell and the ancient heroes still walk in the land, where the remote past and the immediate present live side by side. For them all other lands are disappointing, for the sun does not shine so brightly elsewhere and there are almost no buildings beyond the boundaries of Persia which shine so brightly as their blue-tiled mosques.”

According to Bernard Lewis

“Iran was indeed Islamized, but it was not Arabized. Persians remained Persians. And after an interval of silence, Iran reemerged as a separate, different and distinctive element within Islam, eventually adding a new element even to Islam itself. Culturally, politically, and most remarkable of all even religiously, the Iranian contribution to this new Islamic civilization is of immense importance. The work of Iranians can be seen in every field of cultural endeavor, including Arabic poetry, to which poets of Iranian origin composing their poems in Arabic made a very significant contribution. In a sense, Iranian Islam is a second advent of Islam itself, a new Islam sometimes referred to as Islam-i Ajam. It was this Persian Islam, rather than the original Arab Islam, that was brought to new areas and new peoples: to the Turks, first in Central Asia and then in the Middle East in the country which came to be called Turkey, and India. The Ottoman Turks brought a form of Iranian civilization to the walls of Vienna.”

During my generation, Iran was overall a modern and secular country. Islam was not an important aspect of life to most Iranians. Islam was performed for only special occasions such as burials, weddings and by a very devout Shi’a minority Muslims, during the month of Muharram, specifically, during the days of Ashura and Tasua.

Forty years has passed since the Islamic invasion of 1979. Today, many Iranians are incorrigibly disaffected from the fraudulent and oppressive Islamic rulers. Although Islam was imposed on the Iranian people some 1,400 years ago, Iranians deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to Arab culture.

Today, Iranians have finally awakened and search for their roots and identity. Some people have thanked Ayatollah Khomeini for this enlightenment. For revealing true of Islam, not the figment of their imaginations about Islam. Many have already started to refer to this period as an era of Persian renaissance or awakening.

Historically, Islam has always contradicted Persian values, costumes, traditions and culture, as is evident from the glorious pre-Islamic Iranian festivities and celebrations such as Nowruz. The current anti-Islam movement in Iran in recent days has gained serious momentum, especially among the younger generations who are savvy and aware of world events via the Internet.

These brave and young enlightened Persians hold the key to break the chain of Islam that was wrapped around the necks of their forefathers many years ago with the sword of Allah. They were forced to pledge their loyalty with an oath to Allah’s book –the Qur’an– the same charter that they held in one hand while slashing the throats of tens of thousands of innocent Iranians and yelling joyously “Allah is the greatest.”

Free and civilized people must understand that it is not easy to reach the peak of freedom overnight. It takes great vision, effort and courage to ascend from the pit of Islamic slavery to the peak of emancipation.


Iran has always been a diverse empire. From the dawn of its inception to its current existence, diversity has always been its strength. They are the people who have given Iran its enduring strength and continuity throughout the ages. Those natives include Persians, Azaris, Kurds, Balochis, Turkmen, Gilakis, Mazandaranis, Lurs and more. For millennia, these Iranian patriots have all pledged their allegiance to Iran as an idea and a country that they all have shaped and contributed to its lofty culture and beauty. Iran has been a unified nation for thousands of years. I can attest that many Iranians consider themselves to be the spiritual children of Cyrus the Great and adherents to his Charter—the first Charter of Human Rights—that clearly proclaims equal rights and is worthy of the beliefs and practices of all people.

The Birth of Persia

Some 2,500 years ago, the Persian Empire ascended to power and became an Aryan (Iranian) Monarchy. Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II), an Achaemenian King founded the Persian Empire in the sixth century BCE by the unification of the two Aryan tribes, the Medes and the Persians. In that medieval era, Persia controlled an empire that stretched from Europe’s Balkan Peninsula in the West to India’s Indus Valley in the East. It was the largest empire the world has ever known to that point.

Persian or Farsi

Since Arabs lacked the letter P in their Alphabet, Persian or Parsi became Farsi, an Arabized version. The word Farsi is in fact inaccurate nomenclature. Linguistic scholars recommend it not be used. But, unfortunately, Farsi has become part of the lexicon of the free world today and it is used by both Iranians as well as non-Iranians. The earlier exodus of Zoroastrian migrants who fled to India after the Arab invasion of Iran, now use the authentic name of the word ‘Parsi’ as their ethnic group name.

The current Parses or Persians who live in India are the true Persians who were forced to flee Persia in the seventh century to save their lives, culture and religion. They came to India with nothing, but now they are the wealthiest minority. They have always lived in harmony with the local host and assimilated well. They educated themselves, created wealth, supported their own community and helped others.

In contrast, Muslims, wherever they go, loot, murder, rape and plunder. They have ruled Iran for centuries, during which, they oppressed other religions with brute force. They were always in conflict with the hosts, cutting the hand that fed them! They burned the most valuable Iranian books and detested any other kind of education, barring reading of the Quran.

Iran or Persia

Many people and media assume Persia no longer exists and it is now referred to as Iran. The terms Iran and Persia are often used interchangeably to define the people from Iran. I believe Persia should continue to be used for historical purposes in order to connect Persia to its glorious antiquity. In 1935 AD, Reza Shah notified other countries to refer to Persia by its native name, Iran. However, map-makers and writers overlooked this formal request and continued to use Persia as the formal name instead of Iran. The name Iran has always been used among the natives and it was nothing new. Iran means the land of the Aryans. The name Iran has gone through evolutions as well. From Airyana or Airya or Aryans and other names and finally Iran. Even though not all Iranians are Persians, but both names Persia and Iran have become synonymous to include all the residents in Iran.

Islamic Invasion of Persia

Before the Islamic invasion (Revolution) of 1979, most Iranians were uninformed as to the core values of Islamic ideology simply because they could not read Arabic. So, they created their own version in their minds. Regrettably, in the seventh century AD, the Persian Empire (Sasanian Dynasty) lost the war to the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula in the Battle of Qadisiyyah. Why they were defeated is a long story. For years Iranians resisted and fought back, but no avail. With that defeat, the Islamic creed was imposed on an enlightened, tolerant and free people at the point of a sword.

Zoroastrianism, the original Iranian religion, was not an effective barrier against the radical and backward religion from the Arabian desert

Islamic Invasion (Revolution) of 1979

In 1979, the world witnessed another Arab-Islamic invasion on the peaceful nation of Persia. As we mentioned earlier, most Iranians never knew of Islam’s true nature. But after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, it opened their eyes to the Ayatollah Khomeini’s version of Islam: violence, executions, mutilations, torture, rape, harassment, forced hijab, Islamic dungeons and more. They finally tasted the real Islam.

In the past forty years, many Iranians have begun to reject Islam in its entirety with its exclusionary and oppressive dogma. We call on decent and tolerant people of the world who celebrate gender equality, race amity, and liberty for all to join us in once and for all defeating the scourge that is Islam.

Many Iranians continue to abandon the slaveholder Islam: they break loose from the yoke of the exploitive clergy, renounce Islamic dogma, purge the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and leave the suffocating tent of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.

Dr. Jason Reza Jorjani, one of the pioneers and leading intellectuals of the Iranian Renaissance movement, in his powerful presentation, sheds light in a rapidly growing movement of Persian revival.

In short: The Persian awakening has already begun. Islamdom is at a crossroad. Millions in Iran, a hugely important force of sustaining and fanning the Islamic fire, have already turned and are turning against the Islamic credo. They and the rest of the world need to hear the voices of secular decent people who are in league with them and can help to put Islam, the very spawning swamp of the deadly virus that makes for jihadists, out of business.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Birth Of Shi’a Islam

The Prophet Muhammad is an important figure in the Islamic world. In fact, most Muslims believe that humanity could do no better than to follow its dictums as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation.

Following the death of the Prophet Muhammad, his followers went into a state of frenzy as to who should become Muhammad’s successor. This dispute led to the creation of the Shi’a sect of Islam. Due to political motives and the Persians’ resentment of Sunni Arabs for a variety of reasons, they decided to follow the lesser of two evils: Shi’ism.

Although the basic differences between the Sunnis and Shi’as is about power, throughout the centuries, Shi’ites, for instance, considered the Sunnis as traitors to Islam, and Sunnis in return denounced the Shiites as heretics. Each side judges the other worthy of death and hellfire.

In the mind  and eyes of the Shi’as, the crucial evidence of Ali’s legitimacy as the successor to the Prophet is the event of Ghadir Khumm when the Prophet chose Ali to the “general guardianship” (walayat-i ‘ammah) of the people and made Ali, like himself, their “guardian” (wali). But this story has been refuted by Sunnis.

After ‘Ali’s assassination, the fourth Caliph in Kufa, it stipulated that the Caliphate be reinstated to the house of the ill-fated Caliph. This legal privilege on behalf of ‘Ali’s descendants is the creation of Shi’a dogma.

This Islamic war on the religion of peace is not confined to the Shiite-Sunni divide. There are so many internal divisions within each side that listing and exposing them meticulously would be an encyclopedic work.

Study of vast Islamic literature illustrates that the present sect of Shi’a Islam has evolved from a mix of cultural, political, economic, and religious influences.

The Twelver or Imami Shi’a Islam or Twelve-Imamates (ithna ashariyya) is the largest branch of Shi’a Islam.  Adherents of Twelver Shi’ism are commonly referred to as Twelvers, which is derived from their belief in twelve divinely ordained leaders and mediators between Allah and Man.  These are Christ-like figures on earth, also known as the Twelve Imams.  The Twelver’s’ central belief is that the Mahdi is expected to appear and save the world when it has reached the depth of deprivation and despair.  Nearly 85% of Shi’ites are Twelvers, and the term Shi’a Muslim commonly refers to Twelver Shi’a Muslims only.  (Ismailis sometimes are called the “Seveners” instead).

The Shi’as believe in the infallibility of the twelve Imams and in their divine inspiration—vision that the Sunnis consider as contrary to the traditions of Islam.

Over four decades after the dreadful Islamic invasion of 1979 in Iran, the smothering rule of Shi’a Islam casts its death-bearing pall over Iranians. A proud people with an enviable heritage is being thoroughly purged of its sense of identity and forced to think and behave like barbaric and intolerant Muslims.

If we put this in perspective, Persians don’t have a dog in this internal Arab dispute. In fact, Iranians should rid themselves of all Islamic stains, Shi’a, Sunni, or whatever, and with that, stop playing victims of one power or another. Islam, no matter what version, was never able to fully assimilate into the highly-sophisticated Persian culture and it remains solely within the desert dwellers’ culture of the Arabian Peninsula. This is one reason that Iranians, unlike Egyptians and other countries, never surrendered to Islam and refused to become Arabized and kept their language and culture.

To summarize: Muhammad died and did not leave a written will (he was illiterate, that’s understandable). So, his high-ranking disciples began scheming for leadership. The Shi’as claim that Muhammad verbally indicated that Ali was to lead his Ummah.

  1. Well, 90% of Muslims say, no he did not and the Caliphate system was the way to go.
  2. Shortly after Muhammad’s death, Ali was killed by some disgruntled Muslim, (some have suggested it was a Persian man). Violence was part and parcel of Islam from the get-go.
  3. Then, there was a battle between Yazid’s forces and Hussein, wasn’t there? Hussein and his band of relatives-followers got butchered. Well, friends, that’s the nature of the beast called war.
  4. To this day, Shi’as bloody themselves, their children, even their babies with self-flagellation in a most horrid way in aza dari (mourning) for what happened to Hussein, (an Arab thug) some 1400 years ago. What good does this do, other than perpetuate a sense of defeatism and fanaticism that mitigates against Iranians freeing themselves from the yoke of the conniving mullahs?

This event has become the most important event in the Shi’as calendar during the yearly Ashura procession, commemorating the martyrdom of the third Imam, al-Hussein. Processions of thousands of men present a public display of drama and lamentation, in some places including a passion play depicting the story of Imam Hussein’s martyrdom—even though human representation is forbidden in Islam.

In short: the legacies of Imam Ali and his son Hussein continue to be an important motive for the survival of the Shi’a sect and has become part of their yearly ritual. However, many Iranians refer to this era as the Islamic darkness. According to Shi’as, the death of Imam Hussein has also led the Shi’a to believe in the concept of martyrdom at the hands of Islamic false leaders: The Sunnis.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump And European Allies Must End The Dictatorial Islamic Regime

Many Iranians thank President Trump for his courageous decision in re-imposing U.S. sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran–the state sponsor of terrorism. He boldly confronted Iran’s terrorist regime.

However, some have criticized the Trump administration that his action was not enough. He must act decisively not just make proclamations and rhetorical statements. When America acts, it demonstrates its adherence to principles of decency and human rights, overriding commercial considerations and political expedience.

It is no secret that Islamic regime is the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism and that their goal remains to have nuclear weapons. The regime in Iran has proven time and again that it cannot be trusted and that its true intentions are the ultimate destruction of Israel and the United States

The United States has based its decision on numerous justifications, some of which I take the liberty of reciting here.

The Iranian regime has shown:

  1. A blatant disregard for the Vienna Convention and its guarantee of protection for diplomatic personnel.
  2. The wanton violation of human rights in Iran.
  3. The sponsorship of terrorism in much of the world, with a focus on the greater Middle East.
  4. Their support for Hamas and Hezbollah in their belligerence against Israel.
  5. The collaboration with Bashar Assad of Syria’s regime in his genocidal criminal policy.
  6. A commitment to the destruction of the State of Israel.
  7. The persistence in developing a nuclear weapons program to further its misguided aggressive agenda that can prompt other Middle Eastern States to also pursue the course of nuclear proliferation.

There is no question that many in the military are alienated from the Mullahs and the Islamic regime. Yet, the majority of disaffected people are among lower ranking officers since the high commanders are often servile appointees of the leader.

Nonetheless, there is a great deal of disaffection there and, given the right opportunity, history will repeat itself. In the same way that the military turned against the Shah in 1979, it is very likely that a large segment of the military will defect from the Mullahs and join the people in any serious uprising.

It is the regular military rather than the Revolutionary Guard that is most likely to harbor a significant number of people who are opposed to the regime and would be willing to fight on the side of the people

Realistically speaking, there is perhaps 10-15 percent of the population that still supports the clerical system to various degrees. Many in this group are government employees, Mullahs, and hired thugs such as Basiji. Also, the regime has some backers among the poor, the less educated, and the deeply religious. Yet, the alienation from the regime spans the entire spectrum of Iranian society with the intelligentsia and university students leading the determined opposition to end Islamic rule. The supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei is greatly despised by an overwhelming majority of Iranians.

The only way to stop Iran ‘s despotic regime from another holocaust, is to help Iranians change the regime themselves. Notably, the Islamic regime has no fear of any foreign invasion. Their only fear comes from within, by the Iranian people.

Moral Support

Moral support from America has been at most tentative and minimal, a terrible failure of Obama administration. He missed an opportunity to answer the call of the Iranian people: “Obama, you’re either with us or with them.”

Material support? The money appropriated by Congress in the Bush Administration of less than $75 million went mostly to fund a Farsi radio service and their personnel. The support so far from the U.S. and Israel has been far less than it should be. Instead of launching a fusillade of missiles that cost over a half billion in a vain attempt to damage the mullah’s nuclear program, a fraction of that amount would be better spent by supplying the opposition with the means to overcome the Mullahs suffocating censorship and countering their campaign of disinformation.

While Iran continues to develop its missile program that is sharply criticized by the United States and Israel, they simultaneously seek to suppress the people’s desire to keep a share of the country’s wealth. Prosecution and imprisonment of innocent people and the systematic and illegal abuse of detainees, along with hundreds of gruesome acts, have also been reported.

Iranians have witnessed several uprisings, but they have become numb and unable to function and conduct a normal life. The battle against the Islamic regime remains arduous and long. The mullahs will not give up power easily, even if that means the complete destruction of Iran.


President Trump should be praised for his courage and bravery. However, the President should unite all nations to put an end to a regime reminiscent of the Hitlerian menace.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Democrat’s Stealth Jihad Against America

For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backwards to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens and anyone who hates America. The left is only interested in power and nothing else. Even if it means to sacrifice our national security and advocate open borders.

The liaison between American Muslims and the Democrat Party is frequently described as a marriage of convenience where Muslims will ally with leftist politicians, who will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers so conservative politicians and Christians who advocate self-defense and sane social policies are kept out of office.

While America is in hibernation, Muslim organizations with the help of Democrats have been busy and work “stealthily” to change America in what is called “Soft Jihad,” in the United States. Soft Jihad is practiced where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe their sword, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the public would likely stamp them out. A critical tool of soft jihad, involves penetration of the American educational system, such as Da’wa, the religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims and strengthen the Islamic Ummah.

America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and American values we have cherished for over 200 years. We must accept that the current Democrat Party is no longer the Party of Kennedy.  It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.

Many Americans are confused as to why Democrats back Islamic ideology, honor their holidays, customs and promote them as “the religion of peace,” knowing that Islam is not a religion of peace.  In fact, it is an ideology of war.  The answer is quite simple: The Democrat Party stands with anyone who dislikes America and the Republican party. History has proven that once Muslims reach close to 10% in population, they institute Sharia law and adopt their own legal system.  A government within a government.

Some self-appointed prima donnas cover themselves with the shield of academic freedom. Academic freedom is like liberty—it can be abused often and abused greatly. That is the price of freedom. Yet, these abusers of freedom, the far left, will be among the first to be buried under the rubble of a free society’s collapse they work so doggedly to bring about. Muslims love our liberal politicians and will happily ally with them, who then will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers,

I cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this threat. It is indeed urgent that we confront Islamic ideology and its expansionism, close all their chapters across America and declare the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates a terrorist organization. All of us, must pressure our government, at all levels, to abandon the practice of ‘political correctness’ and protect and safeguard it against a truly deadly assault that is Islamic ideology.

Sugarcoating Islam is universally practiced not only by leftist politicians and liberal media, but also by the self-described doctors of Islamic religion. They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation. Use Jihad of the Sword when it can and use Soft Jihad until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job. And don’t forget, the end justifies any and all means in Islam.

Regretfully, America’s fortress is no longer safe. We also need to keep in mind that the breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 is only the first installment of many more forthcoming heinous assaults — unless we abandon our complacency, stop relying on the invincibility of law enforcement agencies, and willingly make the sacrifices that will protect our way of life.

Knowing Islam intimately and having experienced its systemic savagery has compelled me to warn repeatedly of the deadly and imminent threat it poses to all non-Muslims.

For as long as the leftist officials bend over backwards to protect Islam as a endangered species, Islam will thrive and flourish. It is long past the time for our elected officials to wake up and stop their political correctness.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Genocidal Islam

Islam is a religion of peace and the great majority of Muslims are not a party to any plans and actions of the radicals- Islam apologists claim. Who are exactly Islam apologists?  Many politicians, left and right, academic professors throughout America who have been handsomely funded by Islamic governments and organizations market a highly sanitized and distorted version of Islam to young and impressionable minds. Leftist media and journalists, and host of others.

Muslims are radical even in their interfaith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other sects and sub-sects as heretics, worthy of death. Women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights. Hands are chopped off for stealing even a loaf of bread, sexual “violations” and “indiscretions,” as defined and delimited by Islamic Sharia is punishable by stoning, and much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of mainstream “moderate” Muslims living under the Stone-Age laws of Sharia (Islamic jurisprudence). Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the prophet himself.

While Americans are confused, our mainstream media non-stop detracts the populace from finding out the truth and continues the same mantra that there is only a small group of “radical Muslims” who give Islam a bad name. Islam by itself is like any other religion in the world and eventually “moderate Muslims” will march forward and reclaim their “religion of peace,” so they claim.

Let us not forget, the “infidel” world has been complicit in the spreading Islam through its blunders, complacency, and greed. Unfortunately, even some of our well-versed officials fall short when they are put in front of the camera.  They refuse to acknowledge it is Islam that is the source of evil, so they resort to a redundant phrase of how “moderates” can reclaim the faith.

Regrettably, a large segment of the population goes along with these nonsensical euphemisms depicting Islam because it prefers to believe them. It is less threatening to believe that only a hijacked small segment of Islam is radical or politically driven and that the main body of Islam is indeed moderate and nonpolitical.

Stretching the benefit of the doubt beyond limits, one may believe that all these acts and horrors are committed by a small minority of thugs and radicals who happen to be Muslims. Fine, let us ignore all those “fringes” for now – those who are giving Islam a bad name. And never mind Saudi Arabia, the cradle of barbarism, fixed in formaldehyde since Islam’s inception. Also, let us overlook the dastardly Shiite fanatics presently ruling (ruining) the great nation of Iran. Iranian Shiite Hitlerists are hell-bent on wiping Israel off the face of the planet, while viciously devastating Iran’s own largest minority – the Baha’is, people universally-recognized as law-abiding and peaceful.

Would someone account for what is happening in the “civilized” Islamic country of Turkey today? In a very short time under Islamist control, the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has been all but wiped out in Turkey. President Erdogan, is taking Turkey where Iran was 40 years ago. The atrocities of the Turkish government towards the Kurds are unimaginable. The history of  “The Armenian genocide” by Muslim Turks are indescribable.

Who can forget Erdogan’s own statement about moderate Islam: “The Term “Moderate Islam” is ugly and offensive; there is no moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam.”

It cannot be clearer than this. I have a suggestion for the leftist media and Islam apologists. Open the Quran and take a black permanent marker and remove all the passages they believe are not part of “good” peaceful Islam.  Then show their handiwork to the average Muslim in Dearborn, Michigan and see what kind of consensus they receive.

Fascism is exactly what Islam was crafted to be from the very beginning.  It is no coincidence that Islam has historically been so cozy with the fascist left. Anyone who presumes Islam is benign and that Jihadists are “radicals” is blind. He cannot presume to be intelligent, learned, and worldly and be so blind.

The bottom-line is that the non-Islamic world has a huge problem on its hands—ever-encroaching Islam. For as long as there are mosques, madrasahs, and Islamic centers, as long as vast cadres of well-paid, highly indoctrinated and strategically placed mullahs and imams, and, as long as there are people who prefer to be treated as children, Islam will flourish anywhere and will pose an existential threat to non-believers.

All the excuses, grievances and reasons given for the savagery of jihadists and Islamofascists are mere side issues. Our problem is Islam.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Bay’at: A Very Effective Simple Arabic Subservient Practice

Bay‘at (A pledge, swearing unconditional subservience to a powerful person), a longstanding practice among the pre-Islamic Arabs was fully incorporated into Islam by Muhammad and accounts for much of his success in gathering more and more power.

Bay’at is a very effective yet simple practice. A locally powerful tyrant summons less powerful individuals, usually one at a time, and gives them a choice: Become my subservient loyal follower and recognize me as your superior. If you do so, your life is spared and I may reward you in other ways. If you fail to do so, I will take your life and assume lordship over your followers and take possession of everything you have.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the lesser chiefs and leaders fall into line very quickly, realizing the alternative is complete devastation and death for them, their families and their followers. So, with one stroke, the more powerful brute subsumes a significant human and material resource under his reign.

Muhammad practiced this art with consummate skill. The highly scattered, chronically at war with one another tribes of Arabia didn’t have much choice when Muhammad and his superior force offered them the bargain. The great majority of these tribal chiefs did take the bargain, saved their own necks and that of their people. Those who resisted lost everything anyway.

And power begets power, up to a point. And Islam’s power continued long after Muhammad’s death, through the practice of Bay’at on a much larger scale, or using the sword.

Broadly speaking this pledging of allegiance to a person of authority has become the practical meaning of the term “bay‘a” in Islam. It was first and foremost applied to the Prophet but, after his death, also to other leaders of the Muslim community, primarily the caliph, the successor to the Prophet in political affairs and in upholding Islamic rule. This pledge of allegiance to a caliph would ideally take place through his election, but it could also happen through appointment by his predecessor. According to ‘ulama’ (Muslim scholars), the caliph himself had to satisfy several conditions, including ruling on the basis of justice (‘adala), possessing knowledge (‘ilm) of Islamic tradition and law, having physical and mental fitness, being courageous and determined, waging jihad and being a descendant of the Quraysh tribe, which the Prophet Muhammad himself also belonged to. [14]”

When the prophet Muhammad died, the infighting started in earnest among the various factions. Each demanding Bay’at with another clan. People began jockeying for power and doing their Muslim-best to destroy their competition. Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law was elbowed out of the way by the more powerful disciples of the prophet and had to wait his turn to head the already fractured and feuding Ummah. Several of the faithful resented the fact that Ali was not allowed to take over. Some felt victimized by Umar and his powerful conspirators and hated Ali for not standing and fighting like a man. Some real stand-and-fight Muslims decided that Ali should be punished and he was knifed to death on his way to the mosque.

The death of Ali was the real stirring of the hornet’s nest, so to speak. All kinds of power struggle, infighting and bloodletting started among the followers of the religion of peace. Ali’s boys, namely Hassan and Hussein, decided to salvage their dad’s honor by standing and fighting like a good Muslim should, as well as enjoying the perks that come with being the leaders of the gang. So, a real fight was joined. On the one side was Yazid with his mighty army and wealth, and on the other side were Hassan and Hussein with their rag-tag band of followers. Hassan was killed unceremoniously in short order, but Hussein was not about to bow out. Hussein started a dialogue with his adversary, Yazid.

Hussein: I am the rightful inheritor of the house of Muhammad. I demand that all believers, including you Yazid, accept me (bay‘at) as the head of the Ummah.

Yazid: Nothing doing man. Muhammad’s Ummah is not a family business. It is the faith of Allah that must follow his laws. The people select the most righteous man as the head of the faith, just the way the Caliphs did. The faith of Allah is based on meritocracy and not heredity.

Hussein: You are wrong, Yazid. My granddaddy started the business, my daddy gave his life for it, my brother was murdered to claim it, and I intend to take what is rightfully mine.

Yazid: Hussein, you seem to be just as stubborn as Hassan. You are not amenable to reason, so let the sword of justice settle our dispute. So, you know the rest of the story. Hussein stubbornly refused to relinquish his claim to the powerful Yazid and ended up with his head cut off by Shimr, impaled on a spear and presented to Yazid as a trophy.

The followers of the house of Ali and his lineage, a minority of about 10 percent of Muslims, felt victimized by the evil Yazid. Since there was very little these lovers of Ali’s house could do to materially change things, they assumed the role of victims.

Let’s be clear, a Muslim’s loyalty or Bay‘at is to the Islamic Ummah that recognizes nothing other than one worldwide Ummah of Islam with no allowance for independent nationalities. A Muslim is required to abide by and live under the laws of Sharia and not the Constitution of the United States of America or any other laws. Because it is mandatory for a Muslim to adhere to Islamic laws and not to a man-made law like the US Constitution, a Muslim can never be a both a Muslim and an American at the same time.

The Pledge of Allegiance says, “one nation under God,” while a Muslim is required to be part of the Ummah under Allah. It is critically important to realize that Allah is not the same as the Judeo-Christian God. The two are vastly different beings.

In short: Muslims, those who consider themselves good and peaceful, as well as those who want us to accept their ideology of barbarism at the point of the sword, take the fateful step and join the free and emancipated family of humanity and pledge (Bay’at) to the US Constitution or they can move back to the country of their origin.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Is Rudy Giuliani Selling Out America To A Marxist Muslim Religious Cult?

The Cult Of Rajavi

The MEK is also known as Moijahedin Khalgh, best described as a cult rather than as a political movement because of its internal discipline. The MEK were very much like Jim Jones’s religious cult leader who initiated and was responsible for mass suicide and mass murder in Jonestown, Guyana. I cannot find a better comparison with the MEK.

Its members are, according to the testimony of those who managed to escape, were subjected to considerable indoctrination, best described as brainwashing. Though not exactly imprisoned, members were kept isolated and separated insofar as possible and were unable to have any contact with their families or from the outside world . They were even forbidden to watch TV. Some of escapees did not even know that there was life beyond Camp Ashraf in Iraq. They were completely in isolation.

Their possessions were collectivized so they had no money or other resources. If they were in contravention of the numerous rules that guide the organization, they were subject to mental and physical punishment, and there are reports that many members were executed for trying to escape from the camp.

The current head of the group is Maryam Rajavi, the woman that is highly adored by Rudy Giuliani and was the wife of the deceased co-founder of MEK, Masoud Rajavi. She is reported to be politically savvy and speaks English. She learned it in part to enable her to communicate with adoring American politicians.

The group itself was founded in 1965. Its name means “People’s Holy Warriors,” derived from its Marxist/populist roots and its religiosity. It was not unlike the Taliban which developed in adjacent Afghanistan. During the 1970’s, it rebelled against the Shah and was involved in the bombing and shooting American targets. It executed U.S. Army Lt. Col. Lewis Hawkins in 1973 as he was walking home from the U.S. Embassy and in 1975 they killed two American Air Force officers in their chauffer driven car, an incident that was studied and used in CIA training subsequently as an example of how not to get caught and killed by terrorists. Between 1976 and 1978 the group bombed American commercial targets and killed three Rockwell defense contractors and one Texaco executive.

Mr. Giuliani repeatedly states that they are the most organized opposition group against the Mullahs. Yes, they are organized terrorists. Most Islamic terrorist organizations are organized.  Just look at all the Muslim organizations within the US, CAIR; MAS, ICNA etc.…all of them are well funded and organized. They have been dedicated cultist terrorists then and now. People need to study cultism and see their dedication to the cult leader.

Just because the US has a few cult members working for them within the IRI compound and occasionally, they share intelligence with US officials, it does not make them suitable for Iran or make them wonderful people. We cannot replace turban headed Islamist terrorists Mullahs with Marxist cultist terrorists. They are birds of a feather. They are no different than the savage Muslims who kill for the sake of Allah. The MEK is a cultist Marxist group while also is devout Muslims. Strange marriage!

The communists were very active in the original uprisings against the Shah. A very strange marriage took place early on between the Islamists (who were an insignificant minority) and the variety of communist factions with the MEK being on top. They buried their hatchets and supposedly “unified” the nation for a “common” cause, which was supposed to be the achievement of democracy and freedom and to expel the Shah from Iran.

Unbeknownst to most Iranians who jumped on the bandwagon with these two main groups, the communists had the dream of socialism and the Islamists wanted to bring about Islamic fascism. They both lied to the people and betrayed their trust, and of course the Islamists used the idea of ” taqiyah” or Islamic deception and took the nation and its revolution hostage.

Then Islamists started to arrest and kill the communists and anyone else they found to be against the establishment of an Islamic system. This is exactly the way these forms of uprisings turn out. You can see it played out almost as a parallel to the October Revolution in Russia, which was the basis for George Orwell’s book “Animal Farm.”

Ayatollah Khomeini, with his cultural revolution, intended to de-civilize a very rich and civilized nation. This radical Islamist believed non-Muslims and westerners were infidels and began to refer to the U.S. as “the Great Satan.”

A state department report in 1992 identified the MEK as responsible for the killing of six Americans in Iran during the 1970s. They included three military officers and three men working for Rockwell International, a conglomerate specializing in aerospace engineering including weapons, and who were murdered in retaliation for the arrest of MEK members over the killing of the US military officers.”

“The MEK has paid Rudy Giuliani handsomely for years—$20,000 or more, and possibly a lot more—for brief appearances before the group and for lobbying to have it removed from the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), which occurred in 2012.”

It is highly unorthodox that Mr. Giuliani works for foreign clients while serving as Trump’s attorney.


Supporting the MEK by US officials is neither in accordance with American values, nor beneficial to U.S. interests. If we decide to give a hand to the people of Iran, we should fully support Reza Pahlavi and provide him with all the necessary tools needed to free Iran. After all, the Iranian people trust him and want him to return to Iran. The United States and Europe should also respect the will of the Iranian people.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Islamization Of America’s Schools

Soft Jihad in American Schools

A few days ago, I ran across an old article from CNN. Although this is an old article and I hardly consider CNN newsworthy, the subject matter enticed me to write about it. Here is the title: All schools shut down in Augusta County, Virginia, over Islam homework, December 19, 2015.

Well, what can I say? The Islamic paradise is playing out live, but not in living color, only in a mono color — black. Just like Islam itself very black and dreary. Take a chance, if you like, and take a trip to Iran for personally experiencing the horror of Islamic rule, the Shiite version. And while you are in the neighborhood, take a side trip to Saudi Arabia for the Sunni model. Then come back and share your experiences with the folks here. Please make sure to invite me to hear you.

In good conscience, though, I strongly recommend against doing what I have suggested. Particularly since no women should even entertain the idea of doing so. Islamic law, sharia, puts women in the same category as slaves. Yes, Islam thoroughly condones slavery and stipulates their rights at the level of domestic animals.

As I mentioned earlier while I was glancing through an old CNN article the other day, there was a report on some school in Virginia that had their students write the Shahada, in an effort to teach them Arabic calligraphy. Well, this is academic jihad calligraphy by writing out the statement “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Well, okay, if learning Arabic calligraphy is a subject of immense value to any child’s education so that they may become skilled in the sciences of the 21st century, so be it.

Of course, I have a huge problem with this poorly disguised scheme of luring students into the trap of Islam by any and all devious means possible.

I have an even bigger problem with the media, such as CNN. Why? In this case, in reporting, they deleted the most critical part of the Shahada to make it look somewhat harmless. The Shahada is the statement of belief in Islam. When anyone impresses the Shahada in any shape or form, he is confessing his acceptance of Islam. And once you express it, you are a Muslim. And if you ever leave Islam, you become an apostate and subject to death.

Now, here’s the real problem. In CNN’s translation of the Shahada, they (intentionally) left out a critical part. The Shahada starts by: I testify (meaning I accept, I verify) that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.

And the school authorities say that there is absolutely no religious scheme in this practice. Well, I would be shocked if these conniving goons would ever speak the truth and when they stop short of deceiving non-Muslims by any and all means to convert them. It is a central doctrine of their religion– taqiyya –to deceive non-Muslims is a meritorious deed when it serves Islam.

My problem with CNN and their fellow travelers who are complicit in the crimes of doctored or inaccurate reporting that clearly protects and advances the work of these Islamic criminals who are taking advantage of our benign and open society to destroy it from within.

Then I ran across Pamela Geller’s article: Islamizing the Schools: The Case of West Virginia, dated May 23, 2018.  The same outcome:

“This is exactly what I warned about in my book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance, in the chapter “The Mosqueing of the Public Schools.”

“In order to convert to Islam, one says the shahada.  Saying the shahada makes you a Muslim.  The shahada is what is on the black flag of jihad.”

“No non-Muslim student should be forced to write or say the shahada without the qualifier “Muslims believe that…”  This is because it is a statement of faith.  If the school exercise is requiring students to write it, it should be clear from the wording of the exercise that this is Islamic faith, not the student’s faith.  That distinction has been glossed over in many, many school textbook presentations.”

The Clarion Project also reported of Shocking Statistics on Teaching Islam in American Schools:

A retired Florida teacher contacted Clarion Project after we published the article “Why Is This Being Taught in Public Schools?” That piece told the story of a West Virginia parent who was upset after his daughter was asked to write the shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith, as part of “calligraphy practice” in her world religion class.”

Let me explain and expose Islam and its harm. Islam is extremely possessive of its subjects. It is a religion that admits anyone into its fold by the person simply uttering a one sentence statement of faith, the shahadaI bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger. By so saying, one becomes Muslim for life and surrenders the right of ever leaving it. Anyone who leaves the Islamic fold is murtad (revert), apostate.

The notion of apostasy is best understood within the overall Islamic dogma. Islam forms a binding covenant with the believer. Once a person is Muslim, he and his issue are considered Muslim forever. In this covenant, Islam promises to bestow its beneficence on the faithful conditional on the person’s total and unquestioned surrender to it in all matters.

Muslim organizations have been busy and working “stealthily” changing America in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad,” in the United States. Soft Jihad is practiced where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe their sword, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the general public would likely stamp them out.

A critical tool of soft jihad, involves penetration of the American educational system, by use of means such as Da’wa-a religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims in order to strengthen the Islamic Ummah.

For as long as our elected officials bend over backwards protecting Islam as a protected species, Islam will thrive and flourish. It is long past the time for our elected officials to wake up and stop being politically correct.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Why Confront Islamism?

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme.  This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim.  A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islamism is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

It is a virtue to act to oppose the hateful or a vice to ignore it. It is a virtue to hate tyranny, misogyny, discriminations of all sorts, oppression, and all manner of violations of the legitimate rights of the individual and people. Islamism is the progeny of Islam. It is religious fascism, a destroyer of liberty and much of what free people cherish. Therefore, it must be confronted.

Three Scriptures of Islam

The three scriptures of Islam, the Quran, Islam’s holy book, the Hadith, sayings of Muhammad as recorded by his contemporaries, and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad himself, together form the body of Islamic beliefs. They provide an array of frequently confusing, multiple-meaning and even outright contradictory dogma that enable anyone to pick and choose certain teachings of Islam and justify anything they do based on that scripture.

The Quran enjoys a sanctified standing, since Muslims believe it is written by Allah himself. Allah handed down the Quran to Archangel Gabriel, chapter by chapter, to deliver to Muhammad over the course of some 22 years. Muhammad could neither read nor write. So, Gabriel had to whisper the chapters to him and Muhammad in turn would reveal them to any literate person who happened to be around to write them down on anything he could find. To Muslims, every word of the Quran is a literal perfect immutable eternal word of Allah himself.

Therefore, no man or divine is ever to revise, much less dispute, the Quran. The hodgepodge of Islamic scripture is the medium for generating all kinds of mutations, some of which such as Islamism are extremely dangerous. A segment of any society, at any time, is staffed by people who feel disaffected, alienated, and disenfranchised. It is from the ranks of this population that Islamists heavily recruit the soldiers of Islam.

Islamism’s rallying cry is also of attraction for the young since it is rabidly anti-establishment. The young lack a major stake in society but are brimful with action-inclined vitality. They are among the most willing recruits to anti-establishment causes. Older leaders frequently take advantage of the young’s proclivity to act and enlist them as foot-soldiers in their cause.

The Hitler Youth, the Soviet Union’s Young Communists, and the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Basij (young Islamic storm troopers) are some examples of the young’s enlistment by tyrannical systems. Furthermore, there is excitement in action, any action. The greater the risk, the greater is the excitement and this feature is highly attractive to a significant segment of the population. That’s why it is said that war is exciting, while peace is boring. The validation of this dictum is seen daily, for instance, in numerous arenas where battles rage between combatants, be they cocks, dogs, or human. Throngs of spectators pay by time and money to participate vicariously in such socially-approved brutalities. In any physical contest, the more violent side usually prevails.

The Islamists use ruthless force to eliminate the opposition or to intimidate them to join its ranks. Islamism is rapidly advancing on two fronts. In every Islamic country, it is cowing the non-radicals while recruiting more and more radicals into its own ranks. In non-Muslim lands, flush with Saudis petrodollars, Islamism is establishing itself as a formidable force by enlisting the disaffected and attracting delusional liberals with its promises. For the faithful, there is the added incentive of Allah’s heaven and its irresistible attractions. There are those who claim that most Muslims in the world are moderate and non-violent. It may be so. Yet, the silence of this majority is deafening, although, they do speak up from time-to-time by, for instance, claiming that the 9/11 slaughter was the work of the Jews, even when Osama himself proudly admitted the dastardly act.

This very same Muslim majority pours into the streets of the West on a moment’s notice to protest the slightest perceived affront to its sanctities, but they never march to condemn the violent acts of Islamists- or speak up against them. This sort of majority behavior makes it complicit with Islamists. Despite all this, Islam’s apologists and lobbyists want us to accept the notion that present Islamic radicalism is an aberration that given time will dissipate as have all radical movements of the past. These people fail to tell us about the radical movements that inflicted those horrors on humanity before they expired.

Islamism is a pincer, with the world in its jaws between the end-of-the-world Shiism and the jihadist Sunnis. The two jaws aim to crush the life of all non-believers. It is imperative that people who value liberty rise and act to defeat Islamism.

Here are some specific suggestions:

  • Any mosque, Islamic center or front organization that condones or promotes hate or violence must be shut down.
  • Islamic studies centers at universities must be scrutinized to guard against mercenary academes who deceptively preach the gospel of Islamism.
  • Lobbyists and front organizations serving Islamism must be investigated as to their resources.
  • Laws should be enacted to protect all media and individuals against lawsuits, so that they can report the truth without risking ruinous litigations.
  • Imams, mullahs and others who promote Islamic hate doctrine should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

It is urgent that civilized world confront Islam and its mutations. All free people, must demand that their governments, at all levels, abandon the practice of political correctness and act to safeguard liberty against the truly deadly assault of Islamism on the rest of the World.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Defeating Iran’s Mullahs

By: Amil Imani

The Islamic Republic of Iran has entered its fourth decade, and the values and legacy of the Revolution it was founded upon continue to have profound and contradictory consequences for Iranian life. They have ruled over the defenseless Persian people with iron fists and absolute power. As a result, millions of Iranians were forced to flee their home to the four corners of the globe.

Those remaining have been targeted to waves of arrests of largely innocent people. They have been accompanied by widespread torture, rape and mass executions. Tens of thousands more were torn away from their homes and moved to Islamic dungeons. These prisoners of conscience were forced to confess to crimes they never committed, and then either exterminated or sent back to medieval Islamic torture chambers where they simply faded away. It is difficult for many people to even talk about these horrible tragedies under the Islamic rules in Iran. I personally spoke with a few lucky ones who managed to flee the country in the 90s.

In 1979, upon returning from his long exile, Ayatollah Khomeini set the stage for gaining absolute power via primitive Islamic rules and by employing hundreds of thousands of zealous revolutionary guards and militia police against opposition elements within the country. The machinery of coercion went to work against the Iranian people who were unaware of the plot of one the greatest terrorist minded individuals of the twentieth century, the Ayatollah Khomeini. The year 1979 was the beginning of the rejuvenation of the evil empire of Islam.

The propaganda apparatus of the newly emerged empire of evil went to work.  They began with their Cultural Revolution. Numerous political figures, clerics and academics were involved in the cultural revolution between 1980 and 1983. They expelled some 700 University professors from Iran’s academic institutions in a short time. The universities were finally closed in June, 1980, and the purification process began.

The execution of thousands of prisoners of conscience by the direct order of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini in the Summer of 1988 , reached its height.

In his speech, the Ayatollah Khomeini said:

“Those who are in prisons throughout the country and remain committed to their support for the “Monafeqin” [Mojahedin, or the MEK], are waging war on God and are condemned to execution…. Destroy the enemies of Islam immediately. About the cases, use whichever criterion that speeds up the implementation of the [execution] verdict.”

Ayatollah Khomeini’s notable legacy will live alongside the most infamous and hated men in history, such as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein who sent millions of their own countrymen to their deaths! Iran’s leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos.

That is how the Iranians learned of Islamic justice. That is how the Iranian people gained first-hand experience of the rotten laws of Islam in their society. And that is why after 40 years of incessant indoctrination of Islamic propaganda, Iran has the largest anti-Islam population in the entire world, and a huge pro-western youth. The Islamic Republic brainwashing machine has simply backfired on them.

Ironically, the more vociferous Iranian people became in defying the terrorist State, the more European countries were engaging in appeasing the Islamic tyrants. They looked the other way then and they are looking the other way now.

The only way to stop Iran ‘s despotic regime from another holocaust, is to help Iranians change the regime themselves.  Notably, the Islamic regime has no fear of any foreign invasion. Their only fear comes from within, the Iranian people.

On the 14th anniversary of the death of the Ayatollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke “The American threats are not new. They have threatened us since the beginning of the Islamic revolution. They know that militarily attacking Iran and the Iranian nation would mean suicide for the aggressor.”

Millions of Iranians consider the mullahs, their lackeys and lobbyists as true enemies of Iran. Iranians have never asked for charity from anybody, but all they are saying is that people and countries that are at clear risk from the mullahs ought to step to the plate and help the Iranians, in numerous effective ways to get rid of these usurpers, these religious fanatics who are hell-bent on promoting their deadly agenda. The Iranian people will most assuredly dislodge these wolves and try them for their crimes with all due process, the due process that they have completely denied the people of Iran for 40 years. But, tried they will be and we need help from our friends to destroy the common enemy before it escalates its bloodletting program, both in Iran and against Israel and eventually engulfing the entire region.

We have invaluable allies on the ground in Iran. There are some 50 million Iranians who are the best hope of the world in that part of the world. These enlightened Iranians despise the Mullahs and have no animosity toward Israel or the United States. Most of these people are well-educated and smart and have broken away from the slavery and fraud of Islamism. They are in the best position inside to send the Mullahs packing for good. We must also support Prince Reza Pahlavi from the outside who has the full support of Iranians inside. Prince Pahlavi has been advocating a referendum for the people to decide for themselves what type of government they desire.  “Iranians are the ones who decide their own destiny and the future form of their government in a free and democratic referendum.”

In short, European countries must join the United States in ending the rule of these religious fanatics. Instead of throwing a lifeline to the sinking ship of the Mullahcracy, we must act resolutely in doing everything we can to help the Iranian people to defeat the Mullahs. This is our best bet to end the mullahs’ reign of terror.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Forty Years Of Islamic Terror In Iran

It is hard to imagine four decades have passed since the army of Muhammad occupied the proud and peaceful nation of Iran. Almost everyone in Iran is in agreement that this untimely conscious assault (Islamic Revolution) on the 2500-year-old Persian Empire and its modern citizens was a colossal and historical error of epic proportions.  Most Iranians now believe the ouster of the Shah of Iran and replacing him with a ruthless, merciless and fanatical Shia cleric, the Ayatollah Khomeini who despised anything Iranian, was a grave mistake.

Khomeini returned to Tehran in February, 1979 and turned the rejuvenated Islamic passion into rabid anti-Americanism and anti-Western as well as anti-Iranian, especially pre-Islamic Persian values. It is noteworthy Islam is against any national identity and will aim to destroy anything non-Islamic.

With the help of the West, Ayatollah Khomeini succeeded in overthrowing the Shah and accomplished his great aspiration: the enslavement of a free Iran and the establishment of a base for exporting terrorism.

The devastation and mismanagement by incompetent mullahs, has been unimaginable. “At a time when momentum is gathering across the world to abolish capital punishment, the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) currently ranks second for number of executions, after China, and first for per capita executions in the world.”

Iran almost overnight was fundamentally transformed from a secular, Western-friendly nation to a 7th century system of Velayat-e Faqih (the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist), which directly placed Shiite clerics into political affairs, and gave the faqih (representative of the Hidden Imam, al-Mahdi) custodianship over the people. In other words, Iran belongs to Imam Zaman (the lord of the age), and in his absence, a supreme leader is in charge.

Forty Years

In four decades, the Islamic Republic has managed to produce more hunger, more anger, more frustration, more prostitution at a record pace, more drug addiction beyond control and more child execution without any regard to international human rights. Prosecution and imprisonment of innocent people and the systematic and illegal abuse of detainees and hundreds of gruesome acts of torture and rape in prisons skyrocketed. Meanwhile, the United Nations and European countries stood still and watched without a shrug of their collective shoulder.

This genocidal regime has been busy doing all they could to completely wipe out the Baha’is in Iran as well as everywhere else in the world that their blood-drenched hands could reach. The Islamic government condones and promotes every measure of oppression against a minority religious group called the Baha’is.

This ISIS type regime did not even spare the dead. They bulldozed and even uprooted the trees in Baha’is cemeteries. Harassment of other religious minorities and torturing innocent people beyond recognition became part of their modus operandi. They routinely hung dissidents and continued with their 7th century Islamic law, including the amputation of limbs of anyone for petty theft. They are responsible for the unmitigated poverty in an oil-rich country, sex slaves in the Persian Gulf region and the raping of children as young as 2 years of age.

The Bomb

The Islamic Republic years ago started a nuclear program, not for peaceful purposes, as they claim, but only to strengthen their position in the region and prolong their existence long enough to get their hands on the bloody bomb so that they could feel invincible.

What is the probability that the ruling Mullahs will use the bomb? If they stay in power long enough to have it, they are very likely to use it, in one form or another. At the very least, they will use it for blackmail and intimidation in the region. Not even an all-out nuclear exchange can be ruled out. Islam is a religion centered on death with faithful eyes fixed on the afterlife and its promised eternal pleasures.

The Obama “nuclear deal” did nothing to address the full range of Iran’s harmful activities, including ballistic missile expansion, support for terrorism, regional destabilization, and human rights abuses. Iran also still owes American terrorism victims and their families more than $55 billion in unpaid, outstanding damages awarded by American courts.

Propaganda and Fake Crisis

When the Islamic regime is cornered, they immediately use their propaganda machine to cover up their crimes against humanity. They immediately create chaos and crisis. In other words, they create smoke and mirrors and push the dust under the rug again as they did when Islamists took the American diplomats as hostage for 444 days and during the Iran and Iraq war while using their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas to attack Israelis and to escape retaliation. They are masters in the business of distracting the world from their own nuclear ambition as they did during the Gaza crisis. They took the attention away from their nuclear program.

Since 1979, the regime has stigmatized, victimized and murdered people without any due process of law. They particularly go after the writers, poets and artists to harass. The first Islamic Revolutionary Judge, Sheik Sadegh Khalkhali, an infamous psychopath, did not hesitate to demand the execution of intellectuals such as Ahmad Shamlou, a famous Iranian poet who was well-known for his non-adherence to any political party and his non-involvement in any political activity. Khalkhali was responsible for many arbitrary executions. According to Judge Abdolkarim Ardibili, former President of the Supreme Court, many defense lawyers were arrested, imprisoned and in at least one case, executed.

Mullahs Fear Their Own Shadows

After 40 years in power, this regime still fears its own shadow. On the smallest provocation, they will arrest, convict and execute innocent people. Few people would deny any longer that Islamic ideology and its variants mean, in practice, bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal actions, forced ‘hijabs,” show trials and genocide. It is a widespread plague upon humanity. It is disguised as a religion and has penetrated our democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of Sharia Law.

The Mullahs presently ruling Iran are faced with monumental threats. Internally, the great majority of the majority of the populace is against their misrule. Every segment of the Iranian population, including student groups, religious and ethnic minorities, journalists and many others have suffered and continue to suffer inordinate hardship under the heavy-handed Mullahs and their front men. For 40 years, they still use the slogan “Death to America” and Death to Israel” for inside consumption.

Externally, they are still engaged in brinksmanship with the United States and Israel, while trying to wrestle the mantle of Islamic leadership from the Sunni Saudis and their Wahhabi cabal.

Let’s keep in mind that there are many non-turbaned creatures working as the mullahs’ agents, front men and pawns all over the world — including their powerful lobbyists in lobbyists in Washington D.C., They have also hired non-Iranians, including disenfranchised Afghanis, Iraqis and Palestinians as their proxies.


Forty years is a long time. We are hopeful, under the leadership of President Trump, we have a golden opportunity to end this nightmare, not just for the Iranian people, but for the entire free world.

There must not be, however, any compromise, any negotiation or any deals with the Islamists in Iran before making sure that the Iranian people are part of the equation. It’s a do or die scenario for the Iranian people.

The Iranian people want nothing less than a complete regime change through a democratic process via a free referendum. They believe it is the surest, safest and the fastest way to achieve a democratic Iran and end the world’s fear of a nuclear holocaust that is currently facing us all.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Iran’s Tyrannical Regime Is Falling Apart

Despite his predecessors, President Trump is very serious in his efforts to squeeze Iran’s economy as much and as fast as possible. Trump intends to make the Islamic regime fall on its own via crippling sanctions. Iranians are swarming for U.S. dollars as Iran’s currency, the rial, plunges to historic lows amid economic and political uncertainty. Iranian currency, the rial has lost one-third of its value this year alone and is now 60,000 to the dollar. That number is a lot higher in the black market.

During the campaign, Trump promised, he would withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal Obama orchestrated. Trump unwillingly stuck with it for a number of months longer than he wished while Rex Tillerson was Secretary of State, but once Tillerson was moved and replaced by Mike Pompeo, and joined by another anti-Islamic regime expert, National Security advisor, John Bolton. The A team was created.

So, let’s be clear: The new strategy Pompeo laid out is the same as the old strategy — the US plans to impose maximum pressure on Iran to force it to change. (That’s similar to Trump’s strategy toward North Korea, by the way.)

Global Oil

Global oil supply chain easily can handle the loss of 500,000 bpd of Iranian crude, although we may notice some higher prices at the pumps. While both India and China have the scope to lower their imports from Iran, they will possibly be reluctant, especially given the ongoing quarrel over pricing between China’s top refiner Sinopec and Saudi Arabia.

It is becoming quite clear that President Trump’s decision to depart from the Iran nuclear deal was just the first step in the White House’s plan of action towards the regime in Tehran. The administration is engaging all of America’s instruments of national power to isolate and defang the mullahs.

European allies, and even America’s adversaries, appear to be following an aggressive U.S. policy against the Iranian regime, which is backed by sanctions intended to cut off Tehran from the global trade market.

On May 8, 2018, President Trump stated: “The Iranian regime is the leading state sponsor of terror.  It exports dangerous missiles, fuels conflicts across the Middle East, and supports terrorist proxies and militias such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, and al Qaeda. Over the years, Iran and its proxies have bombed American embassies and military installations, murdered hundreds of American service members, and kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured American citizens.  The Iranian regime has funded its long reign of chaos and terror by plundering the wealth of its own people.”

He continued, “while the deal itself contains no provisions for withdrawal, Iran has threatened to reactivate its nuclear program if the United States reneges on any of its obligations under the pact’s terms.”

France and Germany, whose leaders visited Washington, D.C., in recent weeks to appeal to Trump, have warned that nullification of the agreement could lead to all-out war in the Middle East. Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson who recently resigned, said that as far as he knows, the administration has no clear “Plan B” for what to do next.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration isn’t looking to invade and occupy Iran, but it does have a fairly clear goal of regime change. I have no doubt about it. Pompeo, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and other key figures in Trump’s circle, including key Republicans in Congress, are open advocates of overthrowing the Islamic Republic and its ruler, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as are millions of Iranians.

It does also appear that the Iranian regime is facing serious setbacks in Lebanon, in the Palestinian territory, in Syria, and even in Iraq.  The mullahs’ attempt to seize power in Lebanon has provoked much of the Lebanese population against them, and their proxy, Lebanon’s Hezb’allah, is in a state of frenzy.  The Iraqi thug-cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army, the mullahs’ mercenary force, face serious problems due to the pressures from the U.S. and the Iraqi government.

After years of using its proxies and interfering in the reginal countries, the Islamic Republic now finds itself isolated and has decided not to carry out its threat of suspending relations with countries that voted in support of the U.N. sanctions.

We should keep this in mind, before we get involved in Iran, we must declare unequivocally the commitment to respect the territorial integrity of Iran, as well as the rights of Iranians to decide, through democratic processes, all matters pertaining to their lives and their country.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Terror As An Instrument Of Policy

OK, let’s be frank. Iranians passionately love their pre-Islamic history. Most of them can’t even read Arabic and have no idea what’s in the Quran. Islam was imposed on an enlightened Persian people some 1400 years ago and it was always viewed as an invader. Even though most Iranians deeply cherish their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never surrendered to the Arab culture, yet, some are having a difficult time in abandoning Islam cold turkey. That is understandable. Fourteen hundred years of indoctrination can’t be washed away overnight.

However, I bemoan the plight of my native land and the people who have suffered and continue to suffer under Islam. Without Islam, there wouldn’t be any Muslims to hoist the banner of hate and violence against non-Muslims anywhere on this planet.

History tells us whenever the original Arabs conquered a non-Arab country, cruelty and terror became their instruments of policy. Amazingly, after 1400-years of Islamic barbarism, the followers of Muhammad, still torture, rape and execute their ‘slaves’ for the fear of losing control over their subjects. Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in a rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting to the young mind in its formative years is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory and “Watsonian Behaviorism psychology.”

Well, these beasts of Allah are to be ridiculed and despised among men as the wretched, miserable, and entirely loathsome creatures they are.

Violence, executions, mutilations, torture and rape have long been associated with Islamic culture. Wars, rebellions, riots, and even violent crimes have been relatively commonplace across the Arabian Peninsula. This is what happened to Iran after the1979 Islamic revolution. It was as though Iran went back 1400 years. Back to the era when Muhammad’s army simply destroyed anything and everything in its path that was Persian.

The Bedouin Arabs who toppled the Sassanid Empire  were driven not only by a desire for conquest and to steal Persian jewels and treasures, but also to enslave Iranian women and children, while imposing their barbaric ideology upon the entire population.

In free democracies, governments are accountable to the people and serve at the people’s pleasure. In an Islamic theocracy, governments are accountable only to Allah and the people must serve at the pleasure of the government. And one can see the result of Islamic total or partial rule in fifty-six or so countries, which rank among the highest nations of the world on every index of misery.

Islam currently has taken on a predominant role in Europe. It has become so prominent there that the most senior  judge in England has blessed the idea of making Sharia law equal with British civil law in some cases. Many European countries are already on the verge of capitulation to Islamic Law.

The Supreme Guide of terror in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, confidently proclaimed that Europe will be Islamic in a dozen years. He has plausible reasons to say that. Muslims are forming states within states in many European towns and cities. In Britain, for instance, non-Muslims are in serious danger when entering Muslim neighborhoods.

In fact, this is exactly how the Islamists have been ruling over a peaceful and sophisticated country, Iran, for the past 40 years. They have completely restricted the activity and independence of the people of Iran through terror and intimidation.

Briefly speaking, Islam is also extremely possessive of its subjects. It is a religion that admits anyone into its fold by the person simply uttering a one sentence statement of faith, shahadaI bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger. By so saying, one becomes Muslim for life and surrenders the right of ever leaving it. Anyone who leaves the Islamic fold is murtad (revert), apostate.

Back to the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). In the cycle of prison horrors and terrors, the IRI uses many old Soviet techniques, ranging from harassment, intimidation and torture, to mechanical devices designed to inflict gross flesh damage. In addition, to psychological and physiological techniques, such as solitary confinement and sleep deprivation. There are tens of thousands of people who are spending their lives in the Islamic dungeons in Iran. Most of them have no voice to let the world know.

The IRI’s pawns are commonly using these techniques on the Iranian youth while the Islamic Republic dreams of world Shiite domination. Although that dream has started to fade away since the election of President Donald Trump.

Some strategists are supporters of a military that ranges from full invasion of Iran to selective bombardment of its burgeoning nuclear centers and related facilities. Others are proponents of imposing economic sanctions of various types and severity. Still others feel that we simply have to learn to live with the inevitable—those “crazy” Mullahs with the bomb. There are those who have surrounded themselves around the cult of the Mojahedin Khalg (MEK) thugs. However, the best and safest solution is to stand with Mr. Reza Pahlavi, who most Iranians support and respect inside and outside of Iran. Pahlavi has clearly expressed his vision for the future of Iran as a secular, parliamentary democracy.

Quickly, let’s go back to 2009, the ‘Green Movement.’ While the Mullahs were nearly crushed by the Iranian people, Barack Hussein Obama gave them a new lease in life by doing nothing. In return, many were massacred.

It is urgent that we confront Islamic terror now before it gathers more power. Every free man and woman, Muslim or not, must demand that their governments, at all levels, abandon the practice of political correctness and act to safeguard liberty against the truly deadly assault of Islam on the rest of the world.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Change Is Coming To Iran

On a regular basis, longtime friends routinely questioned me how and when the Iranian people would rise up and topple the Mullahs. I replied, when the international community stops doing business and working with the conniving mullahs and invest their future with the Iranian people who have been deprived of basic human rights. Once Iranians realized that help was not coming, they soon adopted a way to live under this brutal regime. Some refer to it as “Stockholm Syndrome.” Meanwhile, the world remained silent. Tens of thousands of innocent Iranians have been executed in the past forty years under the watchful eye of the United Nations.

Also, for the past forty years, the Iranian people have felt hopeless and helpless. Even the UN did not come to their rescue.  From its past performance, rather its absence of performance, we know that the UN watchdog is a true disgrace to dogs, since all it does is eat, sleep and look the other way. Furthermore, it has no teeth.

So, neither the UN nor the cradle of freedom, America, made any attempt to support the Iranian people to free themselves from the yoke of the Islamic butchers. They were the forgotten people.

Iran, under the stranglehold and machinations of the Mullahs, was transformed, in less than three decades, to be the lead perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.

But, something sparked on June 20, 2009. After the fraudulent Presidential elections in Iran, Iranians poured into the streets by the millions, chanting “Where is my vote?” This protest was the birth pangs of the Green Movement. The start of future protests. This movement rapidly evolved into a massive force aiming to sweep aside the current regime. Street slogans have changed from “where is my vote?” to “death to the dictator, in direct reference to Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.

Longstanding slogans, vilifying the U.S. and Israel, have been drowned out by slogans against the supporters of the Islamic regime, such as Russia and China. It appeared that the end of the regime was within reach. The Islamic Republic’s response to the legitimate peaceful demands of the people was an iron fist and bullets. Tens of thousands of Iranians again died during the protests including Neda Agha Sultan.

During their brutally suppressed protests in 2009, Iranian freedom fighters sent the White House an urgent memo calling for help. Under Obama, America completely ignored it and in fact, gave the Mullahs a green light to crush the protesters. Tens of thousands more were massacred.

After the 2009 Green Revolution, the Iranian people realized the previously solid oppressive rule of the Mullahs, no longer holds. Many deep cracks were popping up in the system and among the contending factions that has led to current protests, except, this time around it is widespread across Iran and the mainstream population.

This new social upheaval has frightened the Islamic Regime who believed they were a solid and impenetrable force. But now they feel they have been cornered by the people, especially, after President Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear deal. The Islamic Republic is entering a period of prolonged transition where it will no longer be able to proffer a theocracy with a human face.

The current situation in Iran is indeed dire. Iranians are swarming for U.S. dollars as Iran’s currency, the rial, has plunged to historic lows amid economic and political uncertainty. The Iranian currency, rial has lost one-third of its value this year alone and is now 60,000 to the dollar. That number is a lot higher at black market prices.

Resentment of the Islamic regime aside, political, economic and social grievances have driven Iranians into the streets. The protests are the largest in the country since 2009. Protesters’ chants and attacks on government buildings upended a system that had little tolerance for dissent, with some demonstrators even shouting “Death to the Khamenei!” — referring to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — and asking security forces to join them.

The protesters have been chanting for the return of Prince Reza Pahlavi, the eldest son of the former Shah of Iran, Muhamad Reza Pahlavi. This is particularly significant.  For now, there is no unifying force among the anti-government protesters. While people are demanding the return of  Reza Pahlavi, at the same time, they reject the former Saddam Hussein loyalists the Mujahedin e-Khalq  (MEK)  who are greatly despised, by  almost all Iranians.

The time for a change has arrived.  The majority of the Iranian people refuse to be fooled and intimidated any longer. They refuse to obey orders from the beasts of Allah currently ruling Iran. Iranians have recognized the fundamental weaknesses of their oppressors. With a little help, here and little help there, they can be transformed overnight from seemingly subdued and helpless sheep into mighty lions.

It is time for the Iranians to strike, gather forces, organize, and especially demonstrate in the streets in increasing numbers, even in the face of massive, gruesome, bloody repression by the Islamic rulers who still have a powerful armed apparatus at their disposal. It is time to unleash the wrath of the Iranian people on the Islamic zealots. It is time to become even more defiant and end the barbaric theocratic regime by massive participation in a freedom revolution to end this primitive Islamic nightmare.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Champions Of Freedom: Iran’s Reza Pahlavi And Donald Trump

Why should we support Reza Pahlavi? Because the Iranian people support him. He has the full support of Iranians inside Iran and we must unconditionally respect their will. If we don’t stand with him it would be a colossal mistake. Despite other opposition groups resort to violence, Mr. Pahlavi, repeatedly has stated that “non-violent change is the only way to go.” “Change must come to Iran by civil disobedience and non-violence. I stress that. We can’t have change at any cost.”

In a surprising way, I have noticed some similarity between Prince Reza Pahlavi and President Donald Trump.  A successful billionaire who was happy with his empire and did not need the headache in becoming the President of the United States. But, it was his avocation, passion and destiny to Make America Great Again.

Prince Pahlavi also has led a comfortable life and did not need this kind of distress. But, something big, something more powerful was calling to him that he must fulfill his destiny. Although he pledged his oath to become the next in line as the Shah of Iran, he has spoken that he is not seeking the crown unless and until the Iranian people decide in his favor to do so. For now, his focus is not the revival of the Pahlavi dynasty and on numerous occasions has stated it is up to the people of Iran to decide their future form of government.

Pahlavi said, “After 40 years he still finds exile painful. “I remember my childhood, I remember my country’s scenery, wherever I am in the world I am reminded of it. I live and breathe my country. I want to do something for that piece of real estate I call home. That is my duty.”

Neither President Trump, nor Prince Pahlavi were obligated to engage, endanger and inconvenience their lives. But, they both were destined to be the agents of change. It would be fantastic to see a meeting between these two men, a landmark step towards regime change in Iran.

Iran has seen demonstrations before, but there was something extraordinary about the recent events: many of the protesters called for Reza Pahlavi to return and even chanted: “Bring back the Shah.” This is incredible.

Mr. Pahlavi believes the people in Iran have “trust” in his “vision” for a future Iran. He adds: “The reason they look up to me in some way is because of my own track record.” Indeed, his track record is impeccable and has always emphatically stated that it is up to the people of Iran to decide their own destiny. Perhaps, most Western media are not aware, but Mr. Pahlavi’s popularity in Iran has skyrocketed. They simply love him.

Like President Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ Iranians also want to make Iran great again. Compelled by the inalienable right of the people to institute their government and replace it when it fails to serve its citizens in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Millions of Iranians representing the entire spectrum of society are demanding change from a repressive theocracy to an open secular democracy.

President Trump has been an inspiration to all freedom loving people around the world. In a very short time, he has become a symbol of liberty. The Iranian people, with Reza Pahlavi at the helm, hope to repeat Trump’s motto of MAGA. More than four decades of rule by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has not only failed to advance the security and well-being of the people, it has ensnared the nation in a stifling theocracy where the rights of the governed are routinely violated for the benefit of the governing. Regime change is the only option to bring Iran back to the civilized world.

Mr. Pahlavi guaranteeing equality to all its citizens, therefore, demands no less than full adherence to the principle of unity in diversity, a unity of purpose that draws from the strength and uniqueness of its people.

Mr. Pahlavi said he wants to see Iranians “determine their own fate out of their own free will,” and praised U.S. President Donald Trump and members of his cabinet for speaking in support of the Iranian protesters.

For the past 6 months of continued protests, “Iranians have made it very clear that they do not want the current regime, but they are unarmed and will not use violence. And so, civil disobedience becomes the best means of confrontation. When diplomacy fails and war becomes an unfavorable option, people need to put pressure on the regime from the inside.”

Both President Trump and Prince Pahlavi want to make their nations great. President Trump asked the American people to work together to make America great again. Let’s restore America to her rightful place as the exceptional leader of the free world rather than just another nation amongst many nations. He has already achieved his goal and in under two years. Prince Pahlavi has the support of his people, but needs the support of Western nations, including the United States to fulfill his and Iran’s destiny.

Mr. Pahlavi will assuredly protect the legitimate rights of any and all minorities within Iran as enshrined and outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have had enough parochialism, discriminations of all sorts and oppression of minorities. No one in Iran will be disenfranchised on the basis of any personal belief whatsoever.

In short, once this regime falls, it would be the greatest thing since the fall of Soviet communism. It would remove political Islam by creating a truly democratic secular and strong nation in tandem with Israeli democracy in the heart of the Islamic Ummah. It would indeed be an answer to a prayer just as much for the world as for Iranians.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

America’s Problems With Islam

A relatively recent demographic change—significant increase in Muslim population—poses a serious challenge to the American system of governance—reprehensive democracy.

Historically, people from all over the world came to this land-of-take-all and made it their home. In becoming American, each new aspirant had to meet specific provisions and take the “Pledge of Allegiance” as sworn affirmation of his highest loyalty to his new homeland. After a couple of generations, all hyphenated Americans saw themselves as Americans with a special affection for their ancestral heritage. An Irish-American, for instance, considered himself every bit as American as a German-American, or a Chinese-American.

Traditionally, America did not homogenize its diverse people. The notion of the “melting pot,” is inaccurate. Instead, America did one better. As it welcomed its diverse people, America united them around a set of core values such as respect for human rights, democratic governance, and the rule of law. The large number of Muslims arrival of recent years is posing a serious problem to this nation of all nations. Bluntly speaking, no one can be a faithful Muslim and an American at the same time. Here are some of the reasons.

A Muslim is, first and foremost, an Ummahist—a citizen of international Islam. So, when a Muslim takes the “Pledge of Allegiance,” to serve America and protect our democracy, he is either ignorant of the implication of his pledge or is lying willfully. Ignorance is never a valid reason in the court of law and lying in the process of working for the US military or other federal agencies is a ground for denying the application and even deporting the violator and or prison terms. Sadly enough, Taqqyeh—lying, or dissimulation—is not only condoned, it is recommended to the Muslims in their scripture. Hence, a Muslim can and would lie without any compunctions, whenever it is expedient.

Muslims, by belief and practice, are the most blatant violators of human rights. We hardly need to detail here Muslims’ systemic cruel treatment of the unbelievers, women of all persuasions, and any and all minorities across the board. To Muslims, human rights have a different meaning, and its protective provisions are reserved strictly for Muslims—primarily for Muslim men. Just a couple of examples should suffice for now.

Oppression of women, for one, is so systemic in Islam that to this day women are, at best, second class citizens under Islamic law. Saudi Arabia, the custodian of Islamdom, denies women the right to drive, vote or hold elective offices—the most basic rights of citizens in democratic societies.

For another, no non-Islamic literature is allowed in Saudi Arabia. A visiting Christian, for instance, is denied to enter the Kingdom with a Bible. Further, severe punishment is meted out to anyone daring to disagree with Islam or espouse a different religion. Iran’s resurgent Shi’ism often vies with Saudi Arabia in its mistreatment of religious and non-religious minorities. To the fanatical ruling gang in Iran, it is their brand of Islam or disenfranchisement of rights of citizenship and even death for the “sin” of apostasy. And of course, there is no point at all in talking about the savage Islamic Taliban.

Respect for the rule of law, as it is understood and practiced by civilized people, is an instrument of convenience to be used to advantage and to be violated when it is not, for the Muslim. A Muslim believes in a different law—the Shariah: a set of stone-age rules. Violation of the non-Muslim laws, therefore, is no violation at all to a Muslim.

What is incredible is the gall and audacity of Muslims in demanding that Western and other democracies legalize Shariah in their societies. Due to large populations of Muslims, mostly recent arrivals, in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden, these countries are experiencing the insistent demands by Muslims to have Shariah rule their Islamic communities. This is just the beginning and it may seem relatively harmless to the simpletons in our midst. Yet, once Shariah is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also those that may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Under Shariah, a Muslim man married to a non-Muslim woman is able to divorce the woman at will, automatically have custody of the children, and literally toss the wife out of “his” home with practically no compensation.

As for democracy, the rule of the people, Muslims have no use at all. Muslims believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of Caliphate—a theocracy. Making mockery of democracy, subverting its working, and ignoring its provisions is a Muslim’s way of falsifying what he already believes to be a sinful and false system of governance invented by the infidels.

To Muslims, Ummah-ism—international Islamism—is the legitimate form of government. Ummah-ism is another form of despotism such as Communism and Fascism, with the added feature of enjoying “divine” authority.

The world has good samples of Ummah-ism in practice to scrutinize in Islamic autocracies. Khamenei of Iran is not called “Caliph.” He is called the “Supreme Guide.” The Saudi King is just another Caliph vessel of the “divine.” These Islamic despots are every bit as vile as the Hitlers, the Stalins, the Pol Pots, and the Mussolinis. The government these Islamic autocrats head is infested to the core with the Islamic disease of oppression, corruption and the absence of accountability to the people.

Democracies believe that government must be of the people, by the people, and for the people. Ummah-ism is anathema to this sacrosanct fundamental democratic ideal.

As more and more Muslims arrive in non-Islamic lands, as they reproduce with great fecundity, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar-flush Muslims and Muslim treasuries supply generous funds, Muslims gather more power to undermine the democratic rule. A consortium composed of pandering politicians, blinded with short-term self-interest and egoism; attention and fund-seeking self-proclaimed prima donna professors; and, bastions of useful idiot liberals, universities, is the witting or unwitting promoter of Ummah-ism.

It is human nature to be concerned, first and foremost, with his personal well-being. Some people evolve to a higher level of humanness and place the welfare of the general public above their own. Yet, many remain fixated at the constricted stage of “self-first, self, last.” Even if you belong to this latter group, your self-interest demands that you do all you can to make sure that the disease of Islamofascism does not devour democracy. Democracy is both fragile and corruptible. It takes vigilant citizenry to protect its integrity.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Iran: Ripe For Regime Change

It is hard to believe that four decades has passed since the Islamic revolution was forced upon the Iranian people and their freedom disappeared. Under the rule of these adherents of death, everything in Iran is deteriorating while Iran’s religious government is strong and has a great deal of control on everything. Too much control without independent checks and balances encourages corruption, nepotism and inefficiencies.  As a result, the bulk of the nation’s profits goes to a few select individuals.

This is a wake-up call for Iran’s authorities and the international community. Although denied by many through the past four decades, Iran is literally a political, social and economic time bomb closing in on a colossal detonation.

While Iran continues to develop its missile program which is sharply criticized by the United States and Israel, they simultaneously seek to suppress people’s desire to participate in country’s wealth. Prosecution and imprisonment of innocent people and systematic and illegal abuse of detainees along with hundreds of gruesome acts have also been reported.

Iranians have witnessed several uprisings, in general, but they have become numb and unable to function and conduct a normal life. The battle against the Islamic regime remains arduous and long. The mullahs will not give up power easily, even if that means the complete destruction of Iran.

The people of Iran hoping this current uprising is not a repeat of 2009 when Obama threw a lifeline to the mullah’s regime by not supporting the Iranian people and in effect siding with the genocidal mullahs. These turbaned thugs were taking their final breath, completely broke, and the good old USA comes to the rescue, releasing billions of dollars at the end of Obama’s second term while easing other sanctions. Hard to understand!

With the election of President Trump, once again, the Iranian people are jubilant and hopeful. They are hopeful that President Trump will put pressure on the Islamic regime to make it change its behavior. The
Islamic Republic’s infamous record is replete with instances of child execution, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press, imprisonment of journalists, discrimination against women in general, and persecution of religious minorities (with a particular systematic program of genocide against the  Baha’is and their religion). The regime has ruled over a peaceful people with an iron fist while committing the most heinous crimes against humanity.

A reminder, Iran has the youngest and brightest and the most educated population of any country at this time in history. Iranians, like many other nationalities, have been struggling to achieve the liberty, justice and freedom that are being enjoyed, mostly, in western countries.

The current revolt may not lead to the immediate downfall of the regime, but we are witnessing the death throes of the Islamic Republic. Even if the uprising ends today, it is but one step in a long struggle to achieve a more representative, democratic and popular government led by Reza Pahlavi who has been summoned by the Iranian people to return.

After 40 years, the prosperity envisioned by Khomeini’s followers has yet to materialize, leaving many Iranians disillusioned. The children of the revolution have entered adulthood to find a lack of jobs, limited freedom, and little hope for the future.

What we are observing in Iran now should not be viewed as a selective outcry, but rather a work in progress, a hybrid momentum that started in 1999 and led by students who later became involved in the Green Movement. They are belatedly joining the current unrest, which is evolving to include new social classes of people who were not at the center of previous protests.

Young Iranians, particularly the urban educated, are among the most ardent believers in democracy in the world. Many view America as the country that holds the best hope for spreading and protecting the high ideals of democracy. In a sense, many Iranians feel a closer affinity with a democratic Israel than all the neighboring Arab Muslim dictatorships. Although Islam was imposed on Iran some 1400 years ago, Iranians deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to the Arab culture.

During the bloodletting in the past war, initiated by the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein against Iran, all Arab states sided with the Butcher of Baghdad against Iran. Yet, Israel was the only Middle Eastern country that remained neutral and in fact helped Iran in the struggle. We Iranians don’t forget our friends and we also remember our enemies.

Let me re-emphasize that the current protests in Iran are just as much against the Islamic Republic as they are about Shi’a Islam. In fact, much of it is against Islam itself. People have experienced what a primitive and defective system of belief Islam is and aim to abandon it for good. Many will still hang on to it to some extent for some time.

Time has arrived to end the Mullahs reign of terror. We Iranians and Iranian-Americans in spirit—free people of the world–greatly cherish individual liberty and freedom, where the mind is imbued with enlightenment, and every individual by virtue of being born human is afforded measured freedom. It is within the open expanse of liberty that each and every person can be at his or her best. And when the individual person is at his best, humanity is as well.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Midterm Elections: What Is At Stake?

Mid-term elections are just around the corner. Once again, politicians are doing all they can to get our votes. As always, the Democrats promise their base everything and more.

Polls show that many Americans are very happy with the President’s economy and where the country is headed. That is good news.  The poll also contained additional good news for Republicans heading into the November midterm elections: Seven out of 10 GOP voters told CBS that they prefer a candidate that the president supports.

Again, this is America where the voter is king. And when one is king, he needs to be a wise king. Sadly, the Democrats have been far too busy sabotaging every achievement President Trump has made. Their actions are unprecedented in the history of our republic. It is as though they purposely work with our enemies just to oust Trump from office.

This upcoming November election has become the most important midterm election in our history. Faced with many ruthless enemies on all sides bent on our destruction, we either stand and fight or cut and run hoping that the enemy will not pursue us to our graves. Once again it is decision time. We would do well to recognize that short-sighted people with short memories are prone to make terrible choices, even when they have the best of intentions.

So, let us refresh the voters’ memories to help them in making wise decisions. The vote you cast will not simply replace one politician with another. At this point in time, every vote has great existential implications. Like a wounded snake, the left is desperate and is willing to do anything to disrupt our democratic process in order to grab power. They are no longer the party of Kennedy. That Democrat Party is dead.  The left has become so disoriented that they are now calling 63 million Trump voters “Nazis” and extremists. But why?

Whether we like it or not, we are truly in a war of survival of this great nation. The situation has become so dire that we no longer can negotiate co-existence—live and let live—with the left.  There is no argument or discussion with the insane.

It is always more prudent to go with the facts than fiction. Democrats are now clearly revealing exactly who and what they really are. They are no longer hiding behind facile words and mischaracterizations.

Free people must decide their priorities with foresight and wisdom and shy away from shortsighted simplistic solutions. It is by far more prudent to face the implacable Democrats on the march now than to cut and run. There is no safe place to run. The Left is calling Trump voters “Nazis” and we’re the extremists? With all the madness, we are witnessing from the left, rest assured, it will result in their own demise. Stay positive, remember our best weapon is the voting booth. They couldn’t stop Trump and they won’t stop patriotic Americans!

A New ad recently released by the Republican National Committee is attacking the left by claiming that liberals have become “unhinged.” Yes, the left has become unhinged. And in the process, they’ve proven how crude, crass, classless, and deprived of values they really are.

Democrats are confused as how to get their power back, caught between catering to a base that is seething with anger toward President Donald Trump and appealing to voters in Republican-leaning parts of the country who they’ll need to win control of Congress.

Historically, in every midterm election since the Civil War, the president’s party has lost, on average, 32 seats in the House and two in the Senate.

However, Republican voters are typically more reliable and more loyal than Democrats in non-presidential elections, making it less likely to see the kind of downfall Barack Obama experienced during his two midterm elections in 2010, when his party lost the majority in the House, and in 2014, when they lost the Senate.

Many American are eager to know who the next generation of leaders in the Democratic Party will be? Pelosi and Schumer? Elizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders? I don’t see a farm team over there that would make any Republican operative pessimistic about the GOP’s chances moving forward and winning both the midterm elections and the 2020 Presidential election.

Well, you can’t beat something with nothing. Democrats ineptness and refusal to look inward at their own shortcomings, have no choice but to accept the popularity of President Trump and his victory in November and beyond.

In this election, we must be serious, our highest priority is the preservation of this nation of the free. We have done what it took in the past and we must do what it takes now and, in the future, to safeguard liberty.

Defeating Democrats is only the first phase of many.  The encroaching Islamism in this generation is America’s greatest challenge. We must meet the threat and defeat it. The alternative is to suffer the fate of Europeans, many of whom are voting with their feet: fleeing to other lands and abandoning their ancestral homes to Islamists.

Don’t be fooled by the accusations leveled at this country by the incurably sick leftists at home and America’s ill-wishers abroad.  America is not perfect. Yet, it is the very best hope for a humanity struggling to find its humanness. America is worth defending.

Vote for the candidate who is not going to cut and run in the face of radical Democrats or Islamic jihadists.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Absolutely No Co-Existence With Islam

Time and again I have warned that Islam and the West cannot co-exist. Time and again, it was as though, I was talking to a wall. It appears it has become useless to speak of this issue. No one seems to care.

Fellow travelers, there is no “coexistence” in Islam, there is only subjugation or elimination of infidels. Islam believes in the rule of Islam, Caliphate to the Sunnis and Imamate to the Shiites. Hence, to Muslims, all other forms of government represent the handiwork of Satan and infidels. Therefore, one and all non-Islamic systems of government must be purified by Islamic fire. This is a fact.

Muslim jihadists live among us. It is only going to get worse. Jihadists consider themselves the army of Allah. They use violence as an instrument of policy. This continues to be central to Islam. Muslims war under the firmly-believed and widely-cherished set of ideas that are rabidly militaristic. No matter which side is killed, Islam is the victor, “You kill them, you go to paradise; you get killed, you go to paradise,” are two examples of exhortations to jihadism and war.

For the past twenty years or so, I have been warning to free men and women: remain a spectator at your own peril. It is imperative that you take a stand, denounce the fraud of Islam and do all you can to prevent Islamic fire from devouring our civilized democratic system. Tomorrow will be too late.

I repeat, there is absolutely no chance of co-existence with Islamic doctrine. A simple understanding is to see what is happening in Islamic countries.

Also, don’t bank on politicians, they are master practitioners of the art of the politically correct, to protect liberty. Politicians must be urged by citizens to safeguard liberty, scrutinized closely that they do the work, and are held accountable if they fail to do so. You, as a citizen, also have a job to do. Take a few minutes a day and do what you can to protect freedom. “Freedom is not free,” may be a cliché. Yet, it is the most profound four-word sentence in the lexicon of the free.

 Islam was made for men. Women are playthings of men. Islam is 100% misogynist. Men are superior to women. Women are to obey men and are to be beaten when they disobey or misbehave. Islam is racist. The Quran stipulates that Arabs are superior to all others and it clearly condones slavery. It explicitly stipulates discriminatory laws for slaves. Islam denounces other belief systems and marginally recognizes the validity of only two religions, Judaism and Christianity.

The nature of Islam is based on violence. It not only condones jihad, it recommends it and promises great reward for the jihadist.

Islam is already splintered in a number of major sects and innumerable numbers of secondary sects that harbor huge disagreement and animosity toward one another as well as toward all infidels.

Those who claim that they want to reform Islam, want to transform it by stripping it of a great many provisions that are anathema to civilized humanity. These people are, in fact, trying to make a new religion out of the old with no divine authority that was, supposedly, bestowed upon Muhammad to launch his religion.

Muslims and their frequently well paid leftist apologists use the multiculturalism umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the religion of peace.  You don’t need to listen to me, and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators.  Please search it for yourself.  See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, is ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form anywhere in Muslim countries.

This multiculturalism gambit in is Islam’s manufactured wool to pull over the eyes of non-Muslims while Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating anything and anyone non-Islamic anywhere and everywhere in the world.

After twenty years of preaching the urgency of this threat, people have become numb.  It is past the stage of being urgent that we confront Islamic ideology and its expansionism. Close down all of its chapters across America, and declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. Now, it is a matter of survival. All of us must pressure our government, at all levels, to abandon the practice of “political correctness” and protect the American people and act to safeguard liberty against the truly deadly assault that is representative of Islamic ideology.


A constitutional amendment must be passed quickly defining Islam as a hostile political force with a global totalitarian agenda, and as such is totally inimical to our constitution and our national security, and that further to this definition, all practicing Muslims must either renounce this cult or be deported to their countries of origin, and all mosques must be closed down, since their goal is to propagate political propaganda, which has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘religion’ – let alone one of ‘peace’. That’s going to be the final ‘solution’ for Islam in America or face endless war.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Liberty Under Siege

President Ronald Reagan said: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Using a metaphor, I see our individual liberty as a lamb, surrounded by packs of wolves, hyenas, and hordes of other beasts’ intent on devouring it. Sadly, not many shepherds with big sticks are protecting the lamb.

Liberty is the heart and soul of America. Liberty embodies the most precious treasures of humanity by encompassing seven forms of freedom that collectively make us human. Without liberty, we are simply another species of primates. Islam is anathema to each and every one of these freedoms.

Liberty is a priceless personal treasure given to each and every one of us by the Creator. And it is the case with any treasure, there are those who covet it and do whatever they can to rob us of it.

“Freedom is not free,” it is said adroitly so often that it has become a cliché—a truism. If freedom is not free, and I certainly subscribe to that, then those who don’t work to earn it, yet enjoy its fruits, are either freeloaders, thieves or both.

The attempts to rob us of our freedom either totally or in part takes endless forms. Governments, for instance, find it to their advantage to chip away at our liberty to make their task of ruling us easier by prescribing and proscribing the minutest aspects of our life and actions. I hardly need to list the nearly infinite ways that governments constrict our freedom.

Just one silly example should make the point. Former New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, decided by fiat to ban the sale of large bottles of soda in his fiefdom. He felt it was bad for the citizens to consume too much soda in one gulp. Is it okay, Mr. Bloomberg to imbibe several cans of beer, a few shots of whiskey while we down a 16-ounce steak with all the fixings? I await his ruling on this question.

Then there are religious obligations. They are in fierce competition with governments to tell us what we can do and what we can’t do. And of course, Islam takes the cake in this infringement. Religions, and Islam, in particular, draw so many lines that we feel trapped in a Hampton-Maze type of place with no way out. All these prescriptions and proscriptions literally confiscate power from the individual and enhance that of the institution.

Political parties, social clubs, and endless other organizations adopt platforms, bylaws, and codes of conduct of dos and don’ts to achieve the same objective of robbing our treasure and thereby enriching themselves.

In the unceasing battle between personal liberty and forces that covet it some compromises are unavoidable, necessary, and occasionally useful. We, humans, are gregarious creatures. We live in societies that require common rules, perforce, include such dos and don’ts.

Surrendering some of our personal liberty to a society is a form of payment we must make. Yet, we must also be alert not to overpay by being vigilant members and not simply docile robotic subjects.

In democratic societies, we, the individuals, have a degree of recourse when we feel attempts are being made to rob us excessively of our liberty. We may resort to petitioning our elected officials, vote them out of office if we can, participate in demonstrations, and so forth. We may demand and succeed in having discriminatory laws such as those against minorities and women dropped from the books and laws protecting children from exploitation adopted.

Yet, after all, is said and done, individual liberty is oftentimes a losing battle. Just too many institutional and bureaucratic forces are at work non-stop to rob us of our precious liberty and freedom.

Liberty is your most prized possession and democracy is the shield that protects it. Yet, this shield of democracy is vulnerable and needs to be repaired and strengthened on a regular basis. I am calling on you, the individual freedom-loving person, to play your part in the defense of freedom.

“What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” —Patrick Henry

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Giuliani Fronts For Terrorists

Last Saturday, June 30, 2018, Mayor Rudy Giuliani and a number of high-ranking dignitaries, including generals from countries in the Middle East, Europe and North America participated in a propaganda event in Paris, hosted by NCRI (The National Council of Resistance of Iran or People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), an Islamic Marxist group to support the NCRI’s standing as government in exile.

Giuliani was joined by former U.S. House Speaker (an informal Trump adviser) Newt Gingrich, former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former U.S: Ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, two former French foreign ministers and five members of the British Parliament.

This is not the first-time U.S. officials have attended MEK events. Despite the fact that Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) had been formally designated for 15 years by the US State Department as a “foreign terrorist organization.” Giuliani, along with Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton and former Obama administration National Security Adviser James Jones, have been known to appear in MEK events for years.

The MEK was instrumental in the success of the Islamic revolution and in particular, installing the Ayatollah Khomeini. This group has plenty of American blood on its hands, as well as that of thousands of Iranians killed while the group was a strike force serving Saddam Hussein in the 1980s and ’90s.

The MEK has paid Giuliani handsomely for years—$20,000 or more, and possibly a lot more—for brief appearances before the group and for lobbying to have it removed from the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO), which occurred in 2012 under then, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton. “Other American advocates have been well paid, hired through their speaking agencies and collecting fees of $10,000 to $50,000 for speeches on behalf of the Iranian group. Some have been flown to Paris, Berlin and Brussels for appearances.”

In Giuliani’s case in particular, the deception is rather striking. “America’s mayor” has shown himself as a crusader in the fight against “Islamic terrorism” Yet he appears to feel that feasting at the table of Islamo-Marxist terrorists who have assassinated Americans is in no way inappropriate. Outrageously, Giuliani said the current ruling system in Iran “must be replaced by a democratic government which Madam Rajavi represents” This is like saying Adolf Hitler’s regime should be replaced by Joseph Stalin.

The History of MEK

MEK history stretches back to the 1960s, when it was founded by a group of Iranian (so called) students who opposed the shah and espoused an ideology that mixed Shiism—particularly the cult of martyrdom—and Marxism. Along with the group’s anti-regime sentiment came a hefty dose of anti-imperialism and hatred of the United States and Israel. Some of its members trained in PLO camps in Lebanon and Jordan.

Human Rights Report

According to Human Rights Watch who interviewed several former MEK members, the organization is a cult that has kept its members virtually imprisoned in a compound in Iraq and controlled them psychologically. They eliminated anyone who expressed their intent to leave.

RAND report commissioned by the US DOD found that the MEK is a cult that utilizes mind control and practices mandatory divorce, celibacy, authoritarian control, forced labor, sleep deprivation, physical abuse and confiscation of assets.

Most Iranians inside Iran believe that if Rajavi is given the chance to return to Iran, the MEK would become the Pol Pot of Iran. The expatriate Iranians in the U.S. are indeed diverse. A great majority support a democratic republican form of government. Some support a constitutional monarchy. A very small minority are of the communist-extreme left persuasion. And a few belong to the Islamist-Marxist gang of the People’s Mujahidin. This latter group has about zero support among Iranians, both in Iran as well as abroad. They are thoroughly despised by the overwhelming majority of the people for being cultists, Islamists and at the same time traitors for being in league with Saddam Hussein against Iran during the past Iran-Iraq war.

Assuming that money is not a factor, why would such prominent Americans support once an officially designated Iranian terrorist group? It’s a straightforward, enemy-of-my-enemy proposition: the MEK opposes the theocratic government in Tehran, and so do we. But, the enemy of my enemy is still not my friend.

If we are going to support an overthrow of the Iranian Islamic Republic, we have to pick the right partners who will lead to a secular democracy in Iran.  Not this group. This would be worse than the instalment of the Ayatollah Khomeini by former President Jimmy Carter.  And not to mention, who has given Mr. Giuliani and others the right to impose a terrorist group on the Iranian people after 40 years of compulsory Sharia Law? Haven’t we learned the lessons of history?


Iranians who are living under the Islamic regime in Iran, truly despise the MEK. Even more so that the current Islamic regime. They are asking for a referendum on the theocratic ruling system in the Islamic Republic.

The best option to dislodge the mullahs is to support the Iranian people. We have invaluable allies on the ground in Iran. There are some 50 million Iranians who are the best hope of the world in that part of the world. These enlightened Iranians despise both the Mullahs and the MEK while having no animosity toward Israel or the United States. Most of these people are well-educated, smart and have broken away from the slavery and fraud of Islamism.

They are in the best position to send the Mullahs packing for good. Instead of throwing a lifeline to the sinking ship of the Mullacracy, or supporting terrorist groups, we must act resolutely in doing everything non-violent to help them defeat the Mullahs. It is our best bet.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Muslim Authoritarian Mentality

For thousands of years, Arabs lived in authoritarian paternalistic culture. There was always a headman, a chief, a dictator, or a know-it-all who had the answers or resources that had to be followed and obeyed. This “follower mentality” had a great heuristic value. It freed the masses from the often-arduous task of thinking for themselves, taking responsibility, and tackling problems. It was always easier to let someone else do all those chores and simply follow his directives. This type of mentality was ideal for Muslim who did not want to think for themselves.

Authoritarian paternalistic culture ruled the Arabs for as far back as historical records show.  Arabs were always headed by an autocrat man. At times, there were councils, all male and usually advisory in function with no or little executive power. The headman embodied in himself all authority: the legislative, the judiciary, and the executive.

The system was a top-down hierarchical, where all directives and decisions were dictated from the top and all people were to serve the top and at the good-pleasure of the top.

A father in the family and a father figure of some kind in the larger group always ruled. The man on top, a father or a father figure, was adhered to as the authority, followed, and obeyed.

Islam is custom-made and perfectly-suited for people who are accustomed to being treated like children. Being a Muslim is a bargain of sort. The believer continues to remains a child mentally while aging. His part of the bargain is the total surrender to Islam. In return, Islam promises to supply him surefire answers as well as perfect roadmap for this life and a guaranteed bliss in the afterlife.

In other words, the Muslim’s mind is imprinted with authoritarianism which starts with the supreme authority, Allah, through his one and only prophet, Muhammad, his Caliphs or Imams, and the high-ranking religious divines all the way down to the village clergy. This authoritarian mentality encompasses all aspects of life for the Muslim. The king and his dominion as the viceroy of God, the Emir and his despotic ways, the Khan and his unchallenged rule over the tribe, the village headsman and his extensive power, and finally the father and his iron grip at home over the women and children. All these authority figures are male.

The authoritarian type poses numerous problems and presents many ramifications—ramifications much too important and complex to be comprehensively treated here. For now, it is important to understand that a person with the authoritarian personality is an extremist. He can be docility itself under certain circumstances and a maniacal murdering brute under others. He is the type who would just as happily kill or die, when he is directed to do so. He would, for instance, gladly strap on an explosive vest, in obedience to a superior’s order, and detonate it in a crowd of innocent civilians without the slightest hesitation.

From birth onward, a Muslim’s brain is packed with the notion that everything in life is predicated on the will of Allah. Allah is in charge of all things and at all times. Allah is very much of a hands-on God. He does the thinking, he does the ordaining, and he decides the outcome for everything large and small. And since Allah is the all-knowing as well as the all-everything, the duty of the faithful is unquestioned obedience in all matters, irrespective of any and all contradictory evidence.

All disproving and contradictory evidences about the Islamic precepts are labeled as deceptive machinations of the accursed Satan. Hence, it is the sacred duty of the believer to put his Islamic blinders on and submit wholeheartedly and unhesitatingly to what is preached to him. It is within this deeply engrained mindset of the Muslim that he or she rarely says anything or commits to anything without the preamble of enshallah—if it is the will of Allah. In a way, this is a great out for the Muslim. If he wants to do it and does it, Allah willed it. If he doesn’t want to do it and doesn’t do it, Allah didn’t see it fit.

It is this type of mentality that is, in large, part responsible for Muslim’s fatalistic pathological system—The Islamic powers that be want to protect their valued stranglehold on the masses by keeping them in the darkness of ignorance and preventing them from being exposed to the light of truth.

Question: Why is it that the Muslims are so hellbent on passing laws and resolutions of the sort they are pushing?

Answer: Because Islam is loaded with faulty and bizarre beliefs as well as many primitive, discriminatory and shameful practices. So, they need to build a steel fence around their corral of absurdity to protect it from crumbling under the assaults of truth. They have much to hide and fear exposure the most.

Question: Why is it that these followers of Allah don’t mention any other religion besides Islam for the privilege they are seeking?

Answer: Because to Muslims, Islam is the super-religion and final religion of Allah. Judaism and Christianity are the only other two religions that are granted a grudging minimal recognition by Islam. All other religions and those without religion are blasphemy and blasphemous.

In short: No belief system or set of ideas, be they religious, scientific, philosophical, political or otherwise, should be protected from open honest criticism. It is up to the individual consumer to decide for himself, to the best of his ability and the compelling nature of the information, the value and veracity of any offering in a marketplace of free ideas.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam Is Incompatible With Liberty

As Islam repelled me, something about America attracted me like a powerful magnet. It was the heart and soul of America. It is called liberty. Liberty embodies the most precious treasures of humanity by encompassing seven forms of freedom that collectively make us human. Without liberty, we are simply another species of primates. Islam is anathema to each and every one of these freedoms.

Dennis Prager’s Still the Best Hope succinctly lists what constitutes this overarching charter of being human. Throughout this book, I will present indisputable evidence proving Islam’s incompatibility with them. The choice is either liberty or Islam. We can’t have it both ways.

Political freedom

The right to freely elect the government and the government rule by the consent of the people. Islam by definition is a belief of surrender. The surrender of the people’s right to choose their government to Allah’s rule as ordained by his infallible one and only final emissary, Muhammad. In countries where Islam wields great power, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, people have no choice whatsoever in choosing their governments. Any attempt by the people to exercise this precious form of freedom is brutally dealt with by the authorities. The earth is Allah’s, people are vessels of Allah, and the rulers are Allah’s appointed shepherds of his flock, so goes the belief.

Religious freedom and freedom from religious coercion

The right to practice any religion or no religion, as well as separating religion from state.  Non-Muslim rights are strictly curtailed. Lip service is paid, from time to time, to religions of the book, Judaism and Christianity. Yet, in practice, even these sanctioned minorities are treated discriminatorily. Jewish and Christians are classified as dhimmis, they are subjected to special religious taxes, and disenfranchised from many rights of citizenship. Separation of the mosque and the state is considered another abhorrent frivolity of the non-Islamic heathen societies. The mosque is the state in Islamic lands, either directly or indirectly.

Freedom of assembly

The right to gather and associate with any individual or group. Religious minorities are frequently forbidden from assembling together and freedom of association is an alien concept in Islam.  Muslims are warned against associating with non-Muslims, they are not to come in any contacts with them, much less break bread with infidels.  Non-Muslims are considered najes—unclean. The right of assembly is reserved for the Islamic sanctioned events such as the numerous religious theatrics and government orchestrated demonstrations.

Religious minorities are either banned or greatly restricted in group practices such as worship or observance of holidays. Non-approved religious groups, and that covers all who do not toe the line of the dominating Islamic sect, are harassed and disenfranchised on a graded scale. In Shi’as lands, Sunnis receive less than fair treatments. Others, such as Christians and Jews are next in terms of exercising their rights. Then, a host of other religious minorities, such as Baha’is and Sufis face the severest variety of restrictions and outright persecutions.

Freedom of speech

The right to express oneself, short of “falsely shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre. Freedom of speech indeed exists in Islamic societies, as long as you sing the praises of Islam and the ruling system. Any honest criticism of the ruling system is taken as an attempt to discredit and distort facts. Woe unto anyone who dares to utter the slightest objections to the draconian Islamic laws and its primitive teachings. Expressing disagreement with denigration of women status, for instance, is a sure way of incurring the wrath of the state. Islamic government and powerful Islamic organizations avidly campaign for a universal adoption of what they call blasphemy laws. They propose severe punishment for any individual or organization that in any form and shape speaks unfavorably about Islam, Muhammad, or Islamic sanctity. Conveniently, they neglect to stipulate the same provisions for other religions.

Why stifle free expression? If Islam is indeed the treasure that the Muslims claim, it should be impervious to any criticism. In fact, the more Islam is critically examined it should allow everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims, to make up their own mind.

These blasphemy laws are used as another tool of punishing critical comments by non-Muslims, as well as those of dissenting Muslim.

Economic freedom

The right to engage in a business and keep as much of the earning as legally possible. Where Islam rules, Islam rules all matters, including economic matters. There is a degree of freedom in this area, with some restrictions. You may, for instance, operate a restaurant or work in one. Yet, for one full month every year, your restaurant must shut down from sunrise to sunset to honor the fasting month of Ramadan. Or, financing a business venture must follow the Islamic rule of lending and borrowing money. Subterfuges are used on this matter whenever it suits the state and when it does not the violators are punished by invoking the usury laws.

Freedom of the press

The right of publications and other media to advocate anything legal. There is an inverse relationship between the extent of the Islamic rule and the freedom of the press. The greater the rule, the less is freedom of the press. Where Islam wields great power, the role of the press is to sing the praises of the system and report only on matters approved by the authorities. Legions of journalists are routinely meted short and long-term prison sentences, are heavily fined, and, their publications banned for aiming to report the truth.

Freedom from the state

The ability of the individuals to be free from government interference in their life, as much as possible. Government interference in the life of the individual is legend. In the Islamic system, government is to rule and the individual is to serve the government. The concept of the government being the employee of the people is completely alien in Islam.

Government orders the minutest details of personal life, from mode of dress, to even subjects that women are barred from studying in college—dozens of them The Islamic Republic of Iran currently lags behind the Taliban in Afghanistan where even girls were forbidden to attend school, risking death for violating the savagery. Saudi Arabia still denies women the right to vote or hold elected offices. Women may not travel abroad without written permission from a male parent or husband. Interference into personal life of the individual is legion.

Islam clashes head on with every one of these seven pillars of liberty.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Regime Change Is Coming To Iran

Despite easing down, the sporadic protests have been ongoing across Iran and has been widely energized by the words and support from President Donald Trump – and the hope for more substantial support. Despite its vast oil and gas resources, the Iranian economy is in shambles.

More than three decades of rule by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has not only failed to achieve the security and well-being of its people, it has ensnared the nation in a stifling theocracy where the rights of the governed are routinely violated for the benefit of the governing.

The revolution of 1979 that brought down Mohammad Reza Shah in the hope of instituting a democratic government was quickly usurped by a religious autocracy.

For the past 40 years, the Islamic Republic’s response to the legitimate peaceful protests and demands of the people has been an iron fist in the form of heartless beatings of the demonstrators—both men and women—there have been arrests, torture and rape of some in secretive compounds, and even shooting the unarmed in the streets, a standard stock of dictatorships, yet the surest way of swelling and solidifying the ranks of the dissenters.

Time has arrived to end the Mullah’s reign of terror. Unfortunately, both the New York Times and the Washington Post who have offices in Tehran, and other liberal news media are not reporting accurate stories from inside Iran. Millions of Iranians from all walks of life are gearing up to end this horrific nightmare.

President Donald Trump has a historic mission to redeem a flawed policy followed by his predecessor, President Obama. In 2009 people when in the streets of Tehran were chanting

“Obama are you with us or with them. Regrettably, President Obama stayed with the mullahs which emboldened them to mascara the protesters.

The internal dynamics within Iranian society has drastically changed. Iranians no longer fear the brutal Mullahs and demand regime change. These protests have become mainstream. Even students from an elementary school students in a remote village dare to say: “Death to Khamenei.”

These Islamic rulers are aware they are slowly losing complete legitimacy (by many accounts it has no legitimacy), and will be toppled, in a violent confrontation with similarly sized demonstrations. There may be a handful of regime officials who are struggling activists for reform, but the entire Islamic regime is aware of the looming threat from their citizenry.

The mullahs’ regime still exists because the US and its allies have failed to pursue a workable strategy to end it. It is, at best, appeasement to make any deals with the sworn enemy of the United States of America. How clearly and how often do the mullahs have to proclaim their irreconcilable and irreversible hostility toward the U.S. and Israel? These mullahs believe their own delusions of grandeur. They think that they can win their brinkmanship and they do firmly believe that they will outsmart America, rest of the world and will have their way. In the process, they are more than willing to do whatever services their objective, by any and all devious means. Dealing with the mullahs brings to mind the “peace in our time” that Chamberlin brought to England by his deal-making with the Fuhrer. Except that this time the stakes can be much higher and deadlier.

I am personally opposed to any military action in Iran. So, that’s out. Let us be reminded that we have invaluable allies on the ground in Iran. There are some 50 million Iranians who are the best hope of the world in that part of the world. These enlightened Iranians despise the Mullahs and have no animosity toward Israel or the United States. Most of these people are well-educated and smart and have broken away from the slavery and fraud of Islamism. They are in the best position to send the Mullahs packing for good. Instead of throwing a lifeline to the sinking ship of the Mullacracy, we must act resolutely in doing everything non-violent to help them defeat the Mullahs. It is our best bet.

The only viable approach is not half-hearted but full court press restrictive economic measures against the Islamic rulers. Unfortunately, it would make the Iranian people, particularly those outside the ruling apparatus suffer hugely. Yet, a temporary hurt of this nature is the price that people are willing to pay to get rid of this scourge that is the IRI.

And by full measure, I mean just that — a complete, unyielding crippling of the oil industry and all banking operations. Severe shut-down of the Persian Gulf States’ backdoor for the mullah’s transactions with the world. Entice China for full cooperation. Even bribe Putin to join in. A Herculean task.

The best strategy that stands the greatest chance of success and entails the least risk of starting a cataclysmic chain reaction is for a “coalition of the willing,” to borrow a phrase, to rally behind the Iranian opposition. It is the democracy-seeking secular Iranians who are thoroughly capable of dislodging the tyrannical Mullahs. The call of the opposition should be resoundingly answered by President Trump and all other nations and leaders, not only for humanitarian reasons, but in furtherance of their own national interests.

But, once the regime, falls, it would be the greatest thing since the fall of Soviet communism. It would subvert virulent Islamism by creating a truly democratic secular strong nation allied with Israel in the heart of the Islamic Umma (Muslim world). It would be an answered prayer both for the world and for Iranians. How many Iranians would leave Islam? Millions have already left, in fact, Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Iran.

We need our insightful administration sees the handwriting on the wall and takes drastic action.  The ripple effect throughout the entire Middle East would be monumental. In a nutshell, Islamic terrorism would eventually cease to exist.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

To Know Islam Is To Know Muhammad

Over 14 centuries ago rose Muhammad, a supposedly illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from Allah—the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people had to embrace Islam—surrender—by surrendering their liberty to Muhammad. Up to this day, the Muslim world considers a perfect Muslim as someone who follows in the footsteps of Muhammad, by action and by deeds.

Muslims have been taught from an early age that to be a good Muslim, they should follow the example of Muhammad (Sunnah) and implement it in their daily lives.

You have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah, for all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much. (Surat al-Ahzab :21)

To faithful Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad is a role model and they must follow his Sunnah and learn how to implement its precepts and practices in their lives.  So, to understand Islam is to understand the Prophet Muhammad.

Muslims believe that the invisible unknowable essence Allah, the embodiment of all virtues, the most perfect creator chose Muhammad to be the bearer of his comprehensive ideal prescription, the Quran, for all humans for all times. No true believer in Allah can do better than emulate the conduct of Allah’s perfect handiwork, the messenger of Allah Muhammad. So, goes the refrain of Muslims the word over.

Fortunately, for both Muslims and non-Muslims, Muhammad is not around so that we can personally observe his conduct and be tempted to emulate him. What is possible, however, is to go to authentic Islamic records and discern what Muhammad did during his life and judge it for ourselves.

The absence of Mohammad is fortunate for the Muslims because it enables them to spin many yarns about how virtuous he was. There are more stories about the kindness, his generosity, his forbearance and whatnot than any dozen men could do in ten lifetimes. So, Muslims, heads in the sand keep reciting to each other all these made-up tales.

It is fortunate for non-Muslims that we won’t be inclined to do some of things that he did. Again, many accounts of his actions, as recorded and reported by reliable authoritative Muslim sources would be clearly considered criminal in civilized societies of today.

Special Hatred for the Jews

Muhammad, for one, was a model of spewing hateful speech, cursing all non-Muslims repeatedly with special venom reserved for the Jews. In the Islamic scripture, headed by the Quran, the Jews are cursed and called all kinds of names so many times.

I am curious. Is it Allah so despises the Jews or is it Muhammad? Either way it doesn’t make sense to me. If it is Allah speaking these derogatory terms in the Quran, then I am shocked. It is unbecoming of the creator of the universe, the source of all good to devote so much of his book to cursing a few millions of his own creatures. Recall that the Quran claims that not even a leaf falls without the permission and decree of Allah. So, why is it that he allows the Jews to behave in ways that he condemns?

If it is Muhammad who is angry at the Jews, then it makes sense. The Jews keep rejecting him and telling him to take a walk and take his sale pitch somewhere else. But what doesn’t make sense here is that he claims that every word of the Quran is that of Allah’s. So, which is it? Am I daft, or there is something illogical here?

Abusing Women

Islamic records report that Muhammad had numerous wives. Some even admit that they can’t provide an accurate count, because he took wives so often and with great liberty. A number of his wives were slave women—women taken as booty in battle. Well, okay. Maybe he was doing what the Arabs of his time did. Make war, take everything, including women and children and treat them exactly the way you would treat your own livestock. If you found a woman you desired, she was yours. That simple.

But, he also married a child of one of his most senior followers,

Ayesha. The poor child was nearly a six-year old little girl when he married her and consummated the marriage when she was barely nine and he was pushing sixty. Now, Ayesha was not a slave girl that he could take that kind of liberty with her and treat her like a piece of property, rightfully his. She was Abu-Bakr’s daughter. Did Muhammad bamboozle the old Abu-Bakr or the old Abu-Bakr’s lust for power made him offer his little girl to Muhammad?

Either way, what Muhammad did establish was a shameful and criminal act of marrying little girls as a legitimate practice. Not long ago, a member of the highest Islamic Council of Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa saying that in Islam there is no age limit for marrying even infants. Now, this is the kind of religious sanctions that ought to make you cringe.

Other Practices

Just a couple more points here. Muhammad also declared killing non-Muslims, plundering their possessions and taking their women and children as slaves to be held or sold as acceptable. He legitimized slavery and even described how slaves should be treated as second and even possibly third-class chattel.

Muhammad also established what amounts to a modern-day protection racket. He actively encouraged his followers to attack non-Muslim caravans and habitats, get all the loot they could, give him his cut of 20% and keep the rest.

But again, if you are the representative of the creator and owner of the universe Allah, everyone must give you a wide berth. And people did. It just so happened that men of Muhammad’s time very much liked what he did and preached. Never mind Women. Women did not count in much of Arabia’s birth baby, Islam.

Muhammad’s Praiseworthy Acts

Let us set aside these well-documented unseemly and even criminal activities and look at some of the good things attributed to Muhammad.

One particular case relates to Muhammad’s trying time in Mecca. The story is that an old Meccan woman would throw tumble weeds on Muhammad as he walked by. In response, Muhammad would speak to her kindly and inquire about her well-being. This is often cited as an example of how kind and forgiving he was. Keep in mind that Muhammad was very meek in Mecca and had lots of ill-wishers and very few friends. He was in no position to retaliate in kind to any abuse he was subjected to.

Also, it stands to reason that people are inclined to treat their friends and even total strangers kindly and compassionately. What truly measures the worth of the person is the way he treats his enemies.

Once out of Mecca and in power in Medina, Muhammad hardly bothered inquiring about the well-being of old women. He did, however treat his friends—his followers—kindly. But, he showed absolutely no mercy for his enemies. He had his enemies—anyone and everyone who did not fall into his fold—treated by the sword.

A Muslim’s surrender of liberty is not merely a matter of personal choice. Muslims abandon their most precious rights and are out to make all non-Muslims also do so, by hook or crook.

In short: I, for one, would hardly want to take Muhammad as my exemplar and emulate him.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Who Is A Muslim?

Who is a Muslim? One way to decide is when the individual says he is a Muslim, recites the shahada, and lives more or less according to Islamic belief.

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your unquestioning lord; accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger; and, take the Quran as a literal book of Allah and a perfect prescription for living. The first of the Five Pillars of Islam is the shahada (Arabic, “testimony” or “witness”). The shahada is the Muslim profession of faith, expressing two simple, fundamental beliefs that make one a Muslim:

lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh

There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger

Another way, and in my view, a more precise way of deciding who is a Muslim is to use what science calls an ‘Operational Definition.’ That is, for instance, if you claim that something has mass, then you should be able to document that claim by a set of operations. In this case, by weighing the object with some universally accepted scale. If you claim that something extends in space, then a yardstick of a sort should give a reading about it.

An operational definition for Muslimness, or being a Muslim, goes something like this: Anyone who, by his words or actions, promotes or empowers Islam, irrespective of what he may call himself, is a Muslim. Muslims have operated by this operational definition of Muslimness for fourteen centuries, long before even the concept of an operational definition was invoked in science. Let me explain:

According to the cardinal rule of Islam, non-Muslims are kefirs (infidels). So, the kefirs are fair game to be maltreated, plundered, taken as slaves and slaughtered. It just so happens that the followers of Muhammad before even rasul-ul-allah (Messenger of Allah) was buried, started having disagreements among themselves about who was a real Muslim and who was a pretender and actually a kefir. The house of Muhammad, in no time at all, splintered into sects, sub-sects, and sub sub-sects and whatnot. And each of these “real and true” Muslims started treating other Muslims as they would treat the kefirs, in obedience to their sacred teachings of the Quran.

In short, each sect was a true Muslim and used any and all means to further the true Islam they held, often at purging other sects whenever they could.

It is true that the vast majority of the victims of Communism were people living in Communist states. Some 38 million Soviets were killed because of Communism. Tens of millions of Chinese citizens were killed because of Communism. That the victims of Communism were largely members of socialist societies says a great deal about the ideology itself.   It is also true with Islam. Muslims are the main victims of Islamic ideology. Muslims killing Muslims– has always gone on and continues to this day in places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“True Muslims” strap explosive vests and detonate themselves in a crowd of what they consider fake or deviant Muslims. They also bomb each other at mosques, funeral processions and marketplaces packed with women and children. All in service to promote true Islam and cleanse Allah’s earth from kefirs as they are repeatedly and emphatically instructed to do in the Quran. By the way, apostates are also included in this cleansing process.

Islam itself is a creed of an ignorant people in a primitive and barbaric age. It is fixated in time and place; it harbors the ambition of taking the 21st century world back 14 centuries and ruling it by its dogma of violence, intolerance, injustice and death. Yet, Islam is not only an obsolete vestige of a defunct era, but itself is an infinitely fractured belief that can hardly put its own house in order. The numerous Islamic sects are at each other’s throats; sub-sects and schools despise one another as much as they hate non-Muslims. Hatred, not love, drives Islam.

The faith is divided into Sunni and Shiites sects with numerous sub-sects. The divisions and contentiousness are so profound that members of one sect consider the other Muslims as apostates, worthy of death. The division goes back to the time of the Prophet himself. Shiites believe that the enemies of true faith subverted its chain of authority at Muhammad’s death. They claim that the Prophet, while on his deathbed, asked for a parchment to dictate his will and to appoint Ali, his cousin and son-in-law, as his successor.

The Shiites claim that Umar, an influential disciple and commander of the faith, declined the request saying to the Prophet: hasbena ketab-ul-llah—sufficient unto us is the book of Allah. Before long, division and infighting started in earnest and continues to this day. Oppression of Shiite minorities in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are only two glaring instances of this longstanding and irreconcilable intra-faith hostility. The Shiite majorities in other lands return the favor to the Sunni minorities, as is the case in Iran and Iraq.

There is no such a thing as one Islam. There are hundreds of Islamic sects in the same way that there are hundreds of diseases. In the same way that there are no good diseases, there are no good Islamic sects. And in order to deal with an illness, correct diagnosis is essential to prescribe the right medication. Hence, dealing with various sects of Islam effectively, demands correct understanding of what they are, what they aim to do and their methods of spreading their psycho-social disease.

Some Islamic sects are extremely virulent and deadly. They must be dealt with accordingly. Others are less violent and work their agenda in more subtle ways. Even the latter types are far from harmless. One and all keep to the Quran and pursue the same goal of dominating the world.


A true Muslim is someone who actively follows the Quran word for word and works to transmit the disease to others, while he himself is engaged in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate his unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult.

None of the numerous contending sects is indeed the Islam Muhammad launched. That original Islam died with Muhammad and the belief immediately started splintering and kept on splintering and each time claiming to be the true Islam and renouncing and fighting every other splinter. Yet, they still have the Quran, the manual of intolerance and terrorism in common that allows and even prescribes violence to please Allah.

Disease is disease, irrespective of strain. Islam is Islam, irrespective of sect.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Multiculturalism Umbrella: Islam Manufactured Wool

Ever since the massive arrival of Muslims to the Western hemisphere, our Western culture and world have been forever altered, thanks to the ceaseless attempts of the left to create a failing Utopian Multiculturalism paradise while forcefully jamming it down the throats of its unsuspecting citizens. Multiculturalism in Europe is dead in the water, as every recent election has shown. Even the politicians are admitting it now. Then why they still insisting that we must coexist and keep importing more Muslims who will NEVER assimilate? Let me be clear, multiculturalism spells the demise of our Western culture. Is that what we want?

The controversy is ongoing: whether in Europe or in the US, the leftist intelligentsia and elitists continue to demand that they have seen the truth, that all people can live peaceably together so long as we are tolerant and have the right laws in place.

The West has been tolerant, but “tolerance in the face of evil is not tolerance, it is a crime.”  It wasn’t long ago, we were defending ourselves at the Gates of Vienna from a Muslim invasion. Now, we welcome Muslims with open arms and generous welfare policies. Any pushback to these open immigration practices is labeled Islamophobia, racism, bigotry, etc. But what cost do these changes bring?

The battle with these barbarians has been proven to be arduous and long. It is a duty of every enlightened individuals to work their hardest to fumigate these leeches from the body of humanity.

Billboards have been popping out and sneakily remind the viewers about their kinship with Muslims: “Islam: The message of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad.” Well folks—Christians and Jews—the overwhelming majority of the people in the United States, you need to relax about Islam. Muslims are family. They are your kindred through your shared progenitor, Abraham, so they claim. Having Abraham as an ancestor would demand that the “children” be loving siblings. That’s the message the American Muslims try to convey. And that’s the way they aim to keep us in the deadly slumber of complacency and the delusion of multiculturalism. For one, multiculturalism and multi-religionism are not interchangeable and are not one and the same.

Muslims and their frequently well-paid apologists use the multiculturalist umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the religion of peace. You don’t need to listen to me and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators. Please search it for yourself. See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form anywhere in Muslim countries.

This multiculturalism gambit in is Islam manufactured wool to pull over the eyes of the non-Muslims while Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating anything or anyone non-Islamic anywhere and everywhere in the world.

Trust me, people like us, through reason and a tremendous act of will, who have freed ourselves from the enslaving yoke of Islam placed around our necks from birth, know about all the heinous inside dirt of this plague of humanity. We have experienced Islam first-hand and up close from the inside. We have studied the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. We have seen Islam in action where it wields sway. Yet, the more we studied and the more we experienced Islam, the more our efforts to remain in the fold became untenable. We broke away from Islamic slavery and found it to be our solemn duty to expose this fraud of a religion, help other Muslims to free themselves from it, and warn the good-hearted and gullible non-Muslims of the world against falling prey to it.

The Muslim organizations in America, generously financed by the oil-rich Muslim governments and sheikhs, are directed to sell Islam Lite for long enough until this ideology runs deep roots and real Islam is introduced. One can see how the scheme played out in Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of Islam Lite and knee deep into the quagmire of real Islam. And that’s exactly where things are headed in America.

There are some non-Muslims, good-hearted tolerant people who tend to overlook all the terrible things that Islam perpetrates by pointing to some of its good teachings. These folks contend that the world should direct its effort not at combating Islam, but at those individuals and groups that commit heinous acts in the name of Islam.

There are others who disagree with this benign approach. This latter group sees all the so-called aberrations as an inherent part and parcel of Islam. They believe that it is Islam that actively promotes and is terribly out of sync with the best interests of the 21st century world.

I say, humanity must remain strong and resolute, they must stop deluding themselves. Islam will never ever coexist with infidels. We must move on. To move away from exclusionary, primitive, and a tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

We all need to move on. To move away from exclusionary, primitive, and tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

Again, I say we all need to move on. To move away from exclusionary, primitive, and tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

While we frivolously waste, our precious time talking about it without any drastic action taken, Islam and Sharia continues to furtively creep into every aspect of our American culture. But only too few dedicated freedom-loving people are sounding the alarm. That’s not enough. Why most of our fellow citizens don’t get it? Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals and values.

That’s wonderful in a utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization—much less American culture. We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom and liberty is more fragile than at any time since WWII. And while we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the same exact enemy that resides on our own soil in broad daylight.

In short: I cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this threat. It is indeed urgent that we confront Islamic ideology and its expansionism, close down all of their chapters across America and declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. All of us, must pressure our government, at all levels, abandon the practice of ‘political correctness’ and protect the American people and act to safeguard liberty against the truly deadly assault that is reprehensive of Islamic ideology.

It is long past time our elected officials to wake up.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Religion Of Peace Is In Fact The Religion Of Blood

To propose that the solution to Muslims killings of non-combatant civilian rests with Muslim leaders declaring anyone who does such a thing goes to hell is a product of a delusional mind or an ignorant naive dreamer unfamiliar with the fundamental bases of Islamic violence. Here are a few fatal flaws in this man’s pontification.

*  Muhammad is long dead. There is no one person, a pope-like, in Islam and has never been one the minute Muhammad died. Immediately after Muhammad died, Islam became ISLAMS and kept fractionating and continues to do so to this day. It is not too dissimilar to the death of the founder of a violent gang leader that spawns a whole bunch of contenders for the position that inevitably leads to infighting among the late gang leader’s top lieutenants.

*  Any Islamic leader worthy of his salt would neither dare nor want to issue such fatwa. It is like asking a slave-holder who is leading a very charmed life at the expense of slaves to free the slaves and start working the cotton fields to earn his bread.

*  Furthermore, even this leader who has bought into the system and has reaped the immensely-valued benefits of his position were to in fact give it all up and come up with the fatwa Prager wants, he would be immediately defrocked if not lynched by his own followers as heretic who had betrayed the explicit teachings of the holy Quran where it is repeatedly the faithful is urged to wage war against all kefir, civilians or not.

*  Islam is tantamount to violence. Violence is the lifeblood of Islam and it has been ever since the time of Muhammad in medina by Muhammad’s own examples and conducts.

*  Without violence of all types, Islam will undergo a slow death. Violence is in the fabric of this cult. Take away violence and you shut down the blood supply from the body of ISLAMS. Islam is violent not only against non-Muslims, it is violent against its own numerous sects and offshoots. Even within every sect and offshoot violence in most savage ways is practiced. Public lashing. Cutting of hands for stealing even a morsel of bread. Blinding convicts or hanging them. Stoning the so- called adulteresses. Castrating sexual offenders and hanging homosexuals.

The only answer to a cult born by violence seems to be death by violence. Something like what is going on daily in Iraq and Syria and to some extent in other Muslim lands. The non-Islamic lands will do well to keep this cult of violence out of their countries and let them practice their systemic violence among their contending sects in their own lands.

Here are a few rough thoughts you may want to polish, expand and include in a piece about Prager’s notion:

1. Muslim leaders advance to their positions of leadership in the Islam Inc.’s numerous subsidiaries by cleverly and ruthlessly navigating their way through the hierarchical labyrinth of cutthroat competition. Kissing up and demonstration of unconditional loyalty to the higher ups as well as undeviating total devotion to the charter of the corporation as defined and promoted by the particular subsidiary while vigilantly exploiting any opportunity for climbing up the next rung of the leadership ladder are prime requisites of staying in the game.

The individuals who attain high leadership position in Islam have invested their all with great acumen and gone through a tortuous ringer for years for attaining their positions.

2. The profession of clergy attracts a select segment of men. Men who have already significantly bought into the Islamic charter and its methods. As these men undergo formal indoctrination, a culling process takes place. Hundreds of thousands of these men, for a variety of reasons, do not advance very far. The great majority languish in lower ranks for the rest of their life. They are the drones, so to speak. They loyally keep working the rank and file Muslim believers at villages and towns, making them toe the line and pay their tributes and cash to their parasitic handlers who continue their highly successful smoke and mirror charade going. A significant number may leave the ordination altogether, for a variety of reasons, and begin earning their living like the rest of the people.

3. Another not unimportant complicating factor is that the Islamic leaders actually believe the entire Islamic package, as absurd as much of it may seem to non-Muslims. It is in human nature to start believing even the most absurd after having been preached to you by higher authorities and you, yourself, had parroted them repeatedly to others.

4. Millions of Shiites, for example, pilgrimage a well near the city of Qum in Iran to pay homage and tribute to the Shiite’s 12th imam claimed to be hiding there for over a thousand years. No one forces these millions to believe this patently absurd contention successfully hammered in their minds by the purveyors of Islamic fraud–the high divines.

5. It is also wishful thinking and outright naïveté to believe that Islam can be reformed. Islam is interested in reform only in reforming the rest of humanity to its charter of primitive savagery. Realism, not pipe dream, is needed in the Herculean effort to excise the Islamic cancer from the body of humanity. This highly invasive malignancy will not go away on its own. It is determined to devour every uninflected cell of the body of humanity.

6. No, Islam has never been a religion of peace. What we need to

do is demand that politicians, Islamic apologists, and paid-for media do not abuse freedom by lying about Islam. When these people portray Islam as a religion of peace, they are lying through their teeth. Just take a quick look at Islam’s history as well as what is happening today in the Islamic lands. Islam is not a religion of peace and it has never been. Islam is violent, oppressive, racist, and irrational at its very core. It is treachery for people to present it as otherwise, either out of ignorance or because of their own personal reasons.

Yes, “The religion of peace,” is in fact the religion of blood.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

An Open Letter To Allah

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

Hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim right at the entry level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble me greatly.

From the first breath of life to the last pang of death, Islam relentlessly bombards us: surrender yourself fully to Allah, pray for his help, let him make all decisions for you and run your life, don’t ever question anything, since questioning is the whisperings of the accursed Satan who strives to take you astray.

Islam says that Allah is the javaab-ul-doaa (answerer of supplications/prayers) and that to him we should supplicate for any and all help in all matters.

Well, I am doing exactly as I am advised. I am supplicating Allah in the form of this open letter, to provide me with answers to some of my numerous and troubling questions.

It must be a peculiarity about me. I am loath to surrender my inquiry about things and allow others, divine or not, to do the thinking for me. If I am to let Allah do all the thinking and deciding for me, then why am I given my own brain? I have challenged the Islamic divines.

See, I have already failed the test since I have not surrendered fully to Allah and, by questioning, did not place my total faith in him.

I have been spending much of my life trying to get some satisfactory answers to my questions about Islam from Islamic scripture and authorities without success. More often than not, I get conflicting answers, confusing responses and even outright contradictory statements.

Hence, I decided to pose some of my perplexing questions in this open letter directly to the god of Islam, Allah, earnestly hoping deliverance from the anguish of doubt.

I will do my very best to conduct myself with decorum and courtesy toward Allah. At no time will I behave rudely toward him, just in case he is indeed the sole author of this awesome universe, as Islam claims. To be discourteous and rude is not my habit. I don’t even behave rudely toward anyone, much less so in dealing with a purported unfathomably magnificent being.

The list of my questions is long indeed. Here are some of my questions, not necessarily in order of importance, presented in all meekness to Allah, the Lord of Islam. To me, all questions are important and assigning relative importance to them is arbitrary. So, I get started.

I have no illusions of grandeur and no pretense at knowing very much. I am a sincere seeker after truth and it is in this spirit that I am humbly composing this missive to you, Allah. I hope that I am not being discourteous by simply addressing you as Allah. I mean without preceding invocation of your name by honorifics.

I fully realize that I really am most insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But, again, you have created me so I must be worth something. It is this realization that gives me the courage to address you with my questions, your lordship.

Without further ado, here are some of my questions.

* Islam says that you are the uncreated creator. I have a very hard time with that claim. Of course, I am a most finite being and my intellect is hardly capable of imagining that something comes from nothing. There is that old refrain, “nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could” that humans take as an article of faith and fact. But, again, we humans are hardly capable of fathoming things that transcend the limits of our finite rational mind. Any clarification of this assertion would be immensely helpful.

* Speaking of creating, Islam says that you created the universe by the command: kon va yakoon (become and became). The universe appeared instantly in obedience to your command. There are different views about this whole topic of creation that I don’t want to trouble you about. For now, my simple question is: Lord, by this simple command of kon va yakoon, you brought about this indescribably magnificent universe, yet you took some twenty years to write your smallish book, the Quran. Why did it take you so long to write it? I fear a thunderbolt might strike me dead for posing this intrusive question. I hope you hold off and allow me to continue.

So, I think maybe I can supply a rationalization, not a plausible reason, for it. I said to myself, your lordship, perhaps it took you twenty years because Muhammad was illiterate and slow in getting your dictates and taking them to a scribe to jot them down. That’s why. Yet, finding someone who could actually write things down among the horde of savages was not an easy task.

A follow up question! Why a supremely august being, as you are, with all the indescribably exulted powers and attributes, chose an illiterate Arab, a hired-hand of a rich widow, as your messenger is a mystery. Couldn’t you have chosen a Rabbi from nearby Medina, a Zoroastrian Mobed, a Christian Priest from Mecca itself, a Hindu Monk, a Buddhist Clergy? These were people who had specialized in matters of religion, rather than an Arab whose only skill was helping drive caravans of camels.

I have seen Islam’s pat answers to all questions: to no one is given the right to ask Allah about his doings, he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants. But this is no answer. It is a copout.

*Are you male, your lordship? Pardon me for asking a personal question. The reason I ask is that you have much against women. You stipulate that women are worth one-half of men. You ordain that men are rulers over women and much more. I really don’t see that. My lifelong experiences with women have convinced me that women are every bit as worthy as men, if not even better in many respects. For one, women are the life-givers and nurturers of life. Men, by contrast, are forever in the business of life-taking.

Science tells us that women are as capable as men in every sphere other than those that require brute force. But, machines are much more superior to men in brute force and women can and do operate those machines as well as men.

Is there something inherently inferior or evil about women? If so, then, pardon me, your lordship. It is you who designed them that way. Didn’t you?

Is it not a fact that the savage chauvinist Arabs of Muhammad’s time are the ones who instituted this oppressive scheme against women and Muhammad stamped his approval of the fraud in your name?

*My next question is about the role of religion. My limited understanding is that the major function of religion is to bring disparate people together. That is, bring unity and amity among the diverse and quarreling human groups. Islam fails miserably on this major point. While Muhammad was alive, he kept preaching the gospel of divisiveness. He taught a gospel of us against them, believers against the unbeliever. Since his death, Muhammad’s followers have doggedly followed his gospel of divisiveness.

How can fueling the fire of polarization bring about the peace of unity after what Muhammad did and his disciples continue to do, killing the unbelievers en mass and without the least bit of mercy?

Compounding the problem is the fact that as Muhammad was still gasping his last breath, his senior disciples were busying themselves with the business of killing one another in their lust for power and leadership. And Islam has been on a mission with the internecine as well as infidel killing ever since.

Whether or not I receive answers to these questions, I will persist in posing more of them in the future. Who knows? As unlikely as it may seem, Allah may indeed deem it appropriate to send another of his archangels with a Quran addressing these and other troubling questions.  Keep in mind that he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam Is Not A Religion, It’s A Fraud

From the primitive land of the Arabian Peninsula of over 14 centuries ago rose Muhammad, an illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from God—the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people had to embrace Islam—surrender—by surrendering their liberty to Muhammad.

Islam is the most successful fraud in the history of humanity and has been a great success. Millions of mullahs and imams keep the fraud going and over a billion and a half of the faithful pay for it. They pay in funds, labor and even life, for the IOUs issued to them by the Islamic organizations that glide through life without breaking a sweat for earning their daily bread. Islam is a fraud and Muslims are the victims.

Muhammad, during his Mecca years, was ridiculed for his confused sayings by his own tribe of Quraysh. He was called “shaeron majnoon”—crazed poet.

The death of his first wife and wealthy employer Khadija left Muhammad even more vulnerable to the ridicule and harassment of the Meccans. He fled from Mecca to Medina and in the relative safety of that city with a large tolerant Jewish community, Muhammad found more people willing to join his clique.

Muhammad in Medina 

Once in Medina, Muhammad hit on a most powerful formula for success. He justified everything by claiming that Allah wanted it this way. And Allah was nothing to trifle with. He held the key to the most magnificent paradise as well as to a dreadful hell. The duty of every good Muslim became unquestioning obedience to everything that Muhammad said and wished. Muhammad became Allah’s gatekeeper to paradise and hell.

Muhammad’s formula worked magic with the Bedouins of Arabia who thrived on robbery and killing. His religion spread like a pandemic disease in no time at all.

As Muhammad gathered more and more followers, he turned on the Jewish community of Medina, killed the men, plundered their belongings, and captured their women and children as slaves. That was the birth of “Jihad.” Be meek and deceptive first, until you gather enough power then unsheathe the sword. It worked then and it is working today.

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad—you kill you get the booty from your victims in this world—you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah—sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

Mind Control

As humans, our two legs move us along, but it is our minds that tell us which path to take in life and what to do. As the mind commands so goes the person. Yet, for humans, the mind does not arrive in this world with a set program of instructions. Contrary to many beliefs, we are born neither as demons nor as angels. Within each one of us is a potential for a demon or an angel. Many evolve into a mix of the two, a few fortunate mature into truly angelic and some become personifications of evil. It is the mind’s program that plays the critical role in making us what we are

Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in a rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting early to the young mind is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Watsonian Behaviorist psychology.

Islam Apologists

And here we are in the 21st century facing the onslaught of the Islamists, jihadist and Islam apologists in our culture and way of life. These are the fruits of the tree of fraud, planted by Muhammad some 1400 years ago.

Self-described doctors of Islamic religion universally practice sugarcoating the fraud of Islam. They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation. The masses toe the line, support the clergy’s lavish parasitic lifestyle and the charade continues. It works like a charm. Use the Jihad of the sword when it can and use the “Soft Jihad” until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job. And don’t forget, the end justifies any and all means, Islam apologists keep on preaching to the hordes.

Islam apologists never present the naked face of Islam. They never speak of the Islam that thrives on hate, throws acid in the face of women who fail to don the hijab or girls going to school; flogging people for sporting non-Islamic haircuts,  stoning to death, violators of sexual norms and other forms of Islamic brutalities such as honor killing. They never talk about institutionalized pedophilia in Islam.

The prophet Muhammad “married” a six-year old child and consummated the marriage when Ayesha was only nine, when he himself was pushing sixty. When apologists are confronted with this repulsive behavior of the founder of their “perfect religion,” a few exercise the defense mechanism of denial and say it did not happen, dismissing their own most trusted historical record. Some say that it wasn’t exactly marriage. It was a politically expedient act, an act of the perfect emissary of Allah. Then we have numerous instances of the same child molestation happening in the Islamic world ever since the example set by Muhammad. It is a kind of marriage of pre-pubescent girls to older men. It was not long ago Dr. Salih bin Fawzan a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa proclaiming that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”

Adding insult to injury, Islam has powerful and unwitting allies in the masses of good-hearted gullible Americans who bend over backwards to protect the long-cherished principle of religious freedom. And it is this magnificent provision of our society that made Hillary Clinton, for example, reissue a visa to the likes of Tariq Ramadan who come to exploit the benign provisions of a benevolent system for establishing Islamic enslavement.

Muslims and Liberty

A Muslim’s surrender of liberty is not merely a matter of personal choice. Muslims abandon their most precious rights and are out to make all non-Muslims also do so, by hook or crook. It is said that misery loves company. And the type of misery that the fraud of Islam has visited on Muslims and the Islamic lands is a rapidly spreading plague that must be resisted by all who cherish their God-given liberty.

In spite of massive propaganda by Islamic organizations, more and more people are beginning to recognize Islam for what it is: A Fraud.


I challenge all cultural Muslims or any other kind of Muslim who is not a jihadist, to courageously do what is right, and take that fateful step; inhale the life-nurturing fragrance of freedom, abandon the fraud of Islam altogether and enlist in the ranks of the free where all members of the human tribe can live in peace and harmony.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Why Do Non-Muslims Convert To Islam?

“The Muslim population in the U.S. is growing and highly diverse, made up largely of immigrants and the children of immigrants from all across the world. Indeed, respondents in the survey hail from at least. 75 Nations.

The number of non-Muslims who are converting to Islam is rapidly growing. In the U.S., the majority are African-Americans (a third of all US Muslims according to most authorities), but there have also been significant numbers of others to convert as well, many of them well-educated. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is judged as an apostate and automatically condemned to death.

Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “People of the Book,” Jews and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerant and welcoming non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “People of the Book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution.

With each passing day, Islamic ideology is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands. Here we must ask ourselves, why Muslim countries do not replicate America’s lenient laws to build churches or synagogues in a non-Christian land? As much as President Trump has a passion for the economic trade deficit, wouldn’t it also be reasonable to commit to the same type of arrangement with Islamic countries in an equitable and comparable trade with regard to churches and mosques?

Question: Why is it that the Muslims are so hell-bent on passing laws and resolutions of the sort they are pushing?

Answer: Because Islam is loaded with faulty and bizarre beliefs as well as many primitive, discriminatory and shameful practices. So, they need to build a steel fence around their corral of absurdity to protect it and them from crumbling under the assault of truth. They have much to hide and fear exposure the most.

Question: Why is it that these followers of Allah don’t mention any other religions besides Islam for the privilege they are seeking?

Answer: Because to Muslims, Islam is the super-religion and final religion of Allah. Judaism and Christianity are the only other two religions that are granted a grudging minimal recognition by Islam. All other religions and those without religion are considered blasphemy and blasphemous by the faithful.

In a non-Muslim land, Muslims are completely taking advantage of US laws and the Constitution. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect a legitimate religion and enhance liberty, but in reality, subverts democracy and freedom.

Needless to say, presently, America is faced with a Trojan horse called “Islam.” Regrettably, America, with a long history of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. This is an important question that must be researched, evaluated and provides the result to the American people.

What Attracts People to Islam?

Excellent question and hard to answer. i.e., an Irishwoman on converting to Islam: ‘It excited me.”

Many may not quite understand, but Islam is like a contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victims, it is capable of transforming them to helpless pawns that have no choice but to execute what they are directed to do.

It’s true that the vast majority of the victims of Communism were people living in Communist states. Some 38 million Soviets were killed (this number fluctuates from 10 to 60 million depending on the source) because of Communism. Close to 65 million Chinese citizens were killed because of Communism. That the victims of Communism were largely members of socialist societies says a great deal about the ideology itself.

Nearly 270 million people have been murdered since the inception of Islam, 1400 Years. It is also true with Islam. Muslims are the main victims of Islamic ideology. The political nature of Islam, just like fascism and communism, is a dysfunctional ideology that needs to be discarded. Islam’s charter Quran is the root cause of Islamic violence, just as Marxism was the root cause of international Communist totalitarianism. Of the reported 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions more are rapidly joining them while still other millions are being proselytized.

Islam Is a Mental Disease

The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult. A devout Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the ideology of Islam, “submission,” leads everything up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The raison d’être for the Muslim is unconditional submission to the will and dictates of Allah.

Islam’s Attraction to African-Americans

An article in Christianity Today (Aug 20,1990) reported that in the U.S., the average age of those converting to Islam (31) is about twice that for conversion to the Christian faith (age 16). It listed the main reasons given for becoming Muslim: Islam’s doctrine is simple and rational, all believers are equal, it is a “practical” religion, and lacks a priesthood.  I have heard the same things from African-Americans in Philadelphia more than once. But first on their list is perceived racism in the church. Roughly summarizing

The discrimination that we feel makes Islam attractive to us because it’s a way of rejecting the culture that will not have us. In sociological terms, I think that one of the reasons that many African-Americans go to Islam as opposed to Christianity.”

Here is the what the leader of the Islamic revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini said many years ago: “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. Islam, however, allows marksmanship, horseback riding and competition. Meeting in Qom ”

Broadcast by radio Iran from Qom on 20 August 1979.” quoted in Taheri, The Spirit of Allah (1985) p.259).  [ref]

Commonly, the Quran is full of black and white, right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable verses. When men didn’t convert to Islam, they were labeled infidels and were slaughtered; their women and children were taken along with all their belongings as booty. It was either Islam’s way or the highway. This radicalism is very much in evidence today.

Deciding to join Islam, means committing oneself to the creed and its goal. One cannot join an order without adhering to its precepts and practices. It is absurd, for instance, for a person to voluntarily join the military while saying that he doesn’t believe the military’s objective of killing an enemy. All these Muslims who are not rabid advocates of jihad are in clear violation of their creed. Even these people are complicit in the mayhem and murderous acts of their co-religionists by financial support and in other ways.

Jimmy Carter

The truth in this entire nightmare can be traced back to the liberal democratic policies of Jimmy Carter, who created a firestorm that destabilized our greatest ally in the Muslim world, the Shah of Iran, in favor of a religious fanatic, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Islam, by its very nature, is patriarchal and authoritarian. Once liberty is surrendered for submission, a host of serious consequences present themselves. The individual becomes little more than a passive obedient vessel of Allah and his perspective of himself and life drastically changes. Once he submits to the all-powerful, all-knowing, he is absolved of the responsibility of having to chart his own way in life.

What to Do?

A few short answers:

It is important to understand that the human mind is not a perfect discerner of objective reality. In actuality, reality is in the mind of the beholder. The outside world only supplies bits and pieces of raw material that the mind puts together to form its reality. Depending on the type and number of bits and pieces that a given mind receives, its reality can be very different from that of another mind.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that Islam has been in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its wanton behavior toward others from the day of its inception to the present.

Resist Multiculturalism

For a variety of reasons, during the past decades, Western societies opened their doors to a flood of Muslims from Islamic lands. In so doing, they aimed to make the newcomers feel at home, retain their way of life, and live in harmony with the indigenous population. Some call it a practice in Christian charity. But good-heartedness not only failed, it boomeranged and severely hurt the welcoming hosts. It is wonderful to be charitable. It is great to be good-hearted. But being charitable and accommodating evil can empower evil to literally tear out your good heart.

Islamism and jihadism are on the rampage playing out all over the world and literally tearing out the hearts of innocent people, many of them Muslims. We don’t want to repeat European mistakes. We want no multicultural fantasy to create a nightmare reality. Muslims who live here must become part and parcel of America just like all the other diverse people who have come to this wonderful land. Muslims must abide and honor the same values and laws that have made this nation a beneficent refuge for all people. No separate but equal foolishness that was the banner cry of the segregationists, for Muslims. It must be together, equal, and under the same law.

Challenge the Politicians

The gospel truth is that some politicians are paid agents. They do and say what gets them elected and keeps them in office. As a voter and fund contributor, you are important. Let them know how you feel and how you are going to treat them if they sell their services and become Islam apologists and enablers. Hold them accountable at all levels of government, from the local city council to the resident in the White House

In short, we have a great country, deprived by numerous challenges. We can ill afford to become complacent or disheartened. If we band together in a common cause with devotion to our nation’s principles, values and the Constitution, we can meet and defeat any threat of any type or magnitude. Past generations of Americans have always done so successfully and this generation of Americans must do no less.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

What to Do With Iran’s Mullahs

Many experts believe that it is just a matter of time before the confrontation between the world and Iran’s Mullahs, with the U.S. leading the charge, after President Donald Trump threatened to pull out of the nuclear deal, setting off a catastrophic conflagration. The present stand-off is bound to change, either by the U.S. use of force to make good on its threat that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable, or by the Mullahs managing to make the unacceptable an accomplished fact.

Although the main adversaries are the U.S. and Iran, much of the world has a huge stake regarding this potentially catastrophic confrontation. Israel, the Persian Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq as well as nations farther away from the region are willing and unwilling parties to this unfolding crisis.

The situation is dire indeed. Anyone who believes that sane rational people on both sides are engaged in brinkmanship to secure the best advantage but would eventually work out a compromise, is deluding himself. In some cases, time works as a healer and even as a solution of thorny problems. Yet, this problem will not go away, and time would only make the cataclysmic clash more likely and deadly. There is, however, a non-violent solution, without appeasement that offers the best chance for resolving the impasse: change of regime in Iran.

Selected President Hassan Rouhani bellicosity notwithstanding, the Islamic Republic of Iran is on the verge of collapse upon the head of the despised Mullahs and their emblematic Revolutionary Guards, (IRGC). A few nudges from the outside world would serve as the tipping point for the long-suffering Iranians to rise and bury the Mullahs in the graveyard that they so richly deserve and have made of Iran.

Here are some indicators of how seriously the Islamic Republic is ailing:

♦  The $100 barrel of oil is no more. It is down around $62. Oil money is the Mullahs’ lifeblood. The Mullahs are strapped. They can’t pay the salaries of teachers and other government employees, including their terrorist proxies. Rouhani’s largess to buy and hold his constituency has exacerbated the problem. The Islamic Republic is unable to continue financing their terrorist clients abroad.

♦  The great majority of Iranians are fed up with the misrule of the Islamic Republic. Students, workers, and women’s groups have been in the forefront of fighting the Islamists. Even among the high-ranking clergy a significant widespread dissention is surfacing. Ayatollahs in the twin holy cities of Qom and Mashhad, are in trouble. Recent uprisings started in Mashhad and then spread across the country.

♦  Tehran is already quivering under the mild UN and US sanctions and is desperately trying to avoid a tougher Security Council resolution. The Mullahs’ smiling emissary, former president Muhammad Khatami, presented one of the Mullahs’ initiatives to Americans and European personalities at the latest World Economic Forum in Davos. Khatami’s initiative includes the willingness of the Mullahs to suspend uranium enrichment under some reasonable-sounding conditions. At the moment, the Islamic regime has restricted Khatami’s activity and he is barred from leaving the country.

♦  The Islamic Republic finds itself isolated and has decided not to carry out its threat of suspending relations with countries that voted in support of the U.N. sanctions, nor have the Mullahs summoned the ever-ready thugs on their payroll to demonstrate and harass the embassies of those nations.

 ♦  Iran is timidly putting up with the U.S. arrest and interrogation of their senior Revolutionary Guard commanders in Iraq.

♦  The very mild U.N. sanctions are already rattling the Iranian economy. Even after the nuclear deal, the perception was that Iran’s economy will excel. But it backfired. The Rial, Iran’s currency, is shaky; the business community is deeply worried; and thousands of contracts remain unsigned due to uncertainty of what might happen next.

♦  Experts predict that hundreds of thousands of Iranian workers will join the already swelled ranks of the unemployed in short order, even under the present mild sanctions. Senior foreign diplomats report a significant “moderation” in the Mullahs behavior and signs that they wish to get themselves out of the present predicament.

♦  Fear of a possible attack by the U.S. has badly shaken the morale of the ruling elite who see their ill-gotten wealth and power in serious jeopardy. The multi-billionaire mullahs, are moving their assets out of the country and transferring it to a safer place.

♦  The Islamic Republic is facing serious setbacks in Lebanon, in the Palestinian Territory, in Syria, and even in Iraq. The Mullahs’ attempt to seize power in Lebanon has aroused much of the Lebanese population against them and their proxy, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, is in disarray. The Iraqi thug-cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army, the Mullahs’ mercenary force, face serious problems due to the pressures from the U.S. and the Iraqi government. In recent weeks, hundreds of Mahdi fighters have been killed and many more have been arrested.

♦  The above is by no means an exhaustive list of troubles the Mullahs face. Yet, they should make us realize that both Rouhani and the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his gang are on shaky ground now that the Iranian people in all strata of life in Iran despise them. A nudge here, a nudge there will likely topple the Islamofascist’s regime and save everyone a lot of trouble.

It is dangerous and unnecessary to attack Iran militarily; nor does the U.S. need to go the route of appeasement with a seriously weak adversary, as the IRI under the rule of the mullahs is now proving itself to be. The most effective and prudent solution is to change the regime in Iran. This idea is hardly new. What is new, here is a list of non-violent undertakings that holds considerable promise in disposing the homicidal-suicidal Mullahs. Governments should enact the following:

♦  Declare unequivocally the commitment to respect the territorial integrity of Iran, as well as the rights of Iranians to decide, through a democratic process, all matters pertaining to their life and their country.

♦  Initiate, without delay or equivocation, a comprehensive program of assistance to all democratic Iranian opposition groups, including Mr. Reza Pahlavi who is very popular inside and outside of Iran, in their struggle to accomplish the regime change themselves.

♦  Proclaim far and wide, the cardinal reason for taking these measures against the Mullahs’ “reign of terror” is to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons, the threat they pose to the region as well as to the world, and the stimulus they provide for other nations to develop their own nuclear arsenal.

♦  Enforce the U.N. sanctions by inspecting every vessel headed for Iranian ports to make sure they are not ferrying prohibited material. Other than vessels known to be carrying foodstuffs and medicine, each ship should be subjected to an elaborate inspection.

♦  We should once again Persuade Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and other Persian Gulf Arab oil producers to significantly increase their output and drastically cut the price. It is the least they can do to forestall the emergence of a nuclear Shiite Iran bent on ruling the region.

♦  Obtain court orders to freeze the overseas assets of Iranian leaders, since they are clearly ill-gotten funds that rightfully belong to the nation.

♦  Shut down, or severely restrict the operation of the Mullahs’ businesses in Dubai and other Persian Gulf states.

♦  Shut down Iranian missions. Severely restrict Iranian officials and nuclear scientists from foreign travel. Recall your ambassadors from Iran.

♦  Deny the Iranian Airline operation and encourage non-Iranian airlines to cease serving the country.

♦  File legal charges against the leaders of the Islamic Republic’s wanton violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; for their crimes against humanity, genocidal actions against religious and political groups; for support of international terrorism; for the demolition of religious sites and cemeteries; for rape, torture, and summary execution of prisoners of conscience; for forgery of documents, for acts of blackmail and fraud, and much more.

♦  Declare and treat the clerical regime as illegitimate. Stop or slow down Iran’s import of refined petroleum products.

♦  Shut down the Islamic Republic’s web sites and block their television and radio broadcasts.

♦  Provide Internet & Wi-Fi Access across Iran.

♦  Identify the agents of the Islamic Republic and prosecute them as promoters of international terrorism. Investigate individuals and organizations that lobby or front for the Islamic Republic.

♦  Take all necessary steps to stop investments in Iran. Persuade banks to refrain from dealing with Iran and the issuance of letters of credit.

♦  Pressure businesses to stop dealing with Iran. Pressure governments to stop doing business with Iran. Warn countries such as China and Russia against commercial adventurism.

In short, the Iran problem is urgent. It is a world problem. A warning to the world: You need to act now. Apathy is sleep. If you sleep, you weep.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A Message To Future Generations

Understanding the Identification and Treatment of Special Interest Aliens (SIA)


In 2014, a rogue wave of children and families from Central America overwhelmed our Border Patrol agents (BPAs) on our southwest border. To the government, they are known as “OTMs” the abbreviation for “Other Than Mexican.” The circumstances of their arrival are intriguing in that unlike other illegal aliens, the vast majority of OTMs promptly turned themselves in. Why is not known for certain. There can be no doubt, however, that the scheme has given Mexican drug cartels and—potentially—terrorists a propitious opportunity to simply step over the invisible line that is our border undetected by BTAs because the agents processing the new arrivals could not man their posts.

This paper focuses not on OTMs, per se, but rather a subset tagged “Special Interest Aliens” (SIAs) by the Department of Homeland Security. They come from “Special Interest Countries,” (SICs). SIAs are illegal-immigrants who are believed to be terrorists. They are planning attacks against us, and they are a force with which we will have to reckon.  This paper will explain who they are, from what countries they come and how they may be about to launch a devastating strike. To doubt that is an error. To ignore it is lunacy. To allow it to happen is tyranny. That—unfortunately—is the new status quo.

The Agencies and Departments Watching Our Border

The number of governmental entities assigned to watch our borders, waterways, skies, social media and overall defense is truly remarkable and gargantuan when considered together. Just a quick glance at the list of departments and agencies gives one a sense of the magnitude of the just how serious illegal immigration is—and this does not address illegal aliens already in country. Explaining the raison d’être of each exceeds the scope of this paper, but can be seen in Appendix A. These agencies and departments primarily focused on day-to-day illegal immigration at the borders are:  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS); US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); US Customs and Border Protection (CBP); and the U.S. Coast Guard.[1]

The Department of Homeland Security is the tip of the organizational spear when it comes to protecting the nation against terror attacks. It was formed eleven days after 9/11. Ex-Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge was the first director and, after it was established as a Cabinet-level department, he served as its first secretary. In cobbling it together, Ridge had to navigate the rough waters of entrenched bureaucracies and cultures to form the new defensive entity all under one umbrella, an arrangement from which many agents are still irked to this day. One of its numerous key initiatives was to find and break down the Chinese walls that had thwarted data and information sharing by our many intelligence agencies since WW II and throughout the Cold War.[2] Prior to 9/11, intelligence gathering had been highly territorial (as mandated by law) with the FBI concentrating on domestic intelligence and law enforcement and the CIA being responsible for collecting international information (even though they sometimes worked together and crossed paths).

At its inception, Ridge encountered numerous databases. Had the information within them been in one or two or crosschecked they may have thwarted the 9/11 attacks.  Clearly, departments, agencies and databases had to be merged and then imported into newer and better-designed electronic repositories that enabled the various departments to access shared information far more swiftly.[3] While some databases are separate out of necessity, they are available to the important overseers of our safety and are housed in central places. In addition to databases, then Director Ridge had to pluck previously independent or semi-independent agencies and groups out from under other agencies and departments that had put down decades-old roots and transplant them into DHS soil.[4]

In November of 2000 the Homeland Security Act was passed and signed and DHS became an official department which opened its new doors on March 1, 2003.[5] After Secretary Ridge resigned, Michael Chertoff took the helm on February 15, 2005. Under the Second Stage Review, Secretary Chertoff tasked 18 action teams and 250 members of DHS to evaluate the structures, policies and procedures in place and to determine if they had been properly assigned with clear missions. They also teamed up with public and private partners at the federal, state, local, tribal and international levels. The end result of the study and reorganization comprised a Six Point Agenda that addressed the following:

1. Increase overall preparedness, particularly for catastrophic events;
2. Create better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely and efficiently;
3. Strengthen border security and interior enforcement and reform immigration processes;
4. Enhance information sharing with our partners;
5. Improve DHS financial management, human resource development, procurement an information technology;
6. Realign the DHS organization to maximize mission performance.[6]

In addition, there was an initiative to “Centralize and Improve Policy Development and Coordination.” On the Department of Homeland Security website are listed the actions needed to form a Directorate of Policy, which was created to:

  • be the primary Department-wide coordinator for policies, regulations, and other initiatives
  • ensure consistency of policy and regulatory development across the department
  • perform long-range strategic policy planning
  • assume the policy coordination functions previously performed by the Border and Transportation Security (BTS) Directorate
  • include Office of International Affairs, Office of Private Sector Liaison, Homeland Security Advisory Council, Office of Immigration Statistics, and the Senior Asylum Officer.”

Strengthen Intelligence Functions and Information Sharing.

“A new Office of Intelligence and Analysis was developed to ensure that information is:

gathered from all relevant field operations and other parts of the intelligence community
analyzed with a mission-oriented focus
informative to senior decision-makers
disseminated to the appropriate federal, state, local, and private sector partners led by a Chief Intelligence Officer reporting directly to the Secretary.”[7]

In an effort to forge greater cooperation and to eliminate some of the territorial issues that lingered still, Secretary Chertoff and his team developed an initiative to “Improve Coordination and Efficiency of Operations.” Chertoff assigned a new Director of Operations Coordination to conduct joint operations across all organizational elements

  • coordinate incident management activities
  • use all resources within the Department to translate intelligence and policy into immediate action
  • The Homeland Security Operations Center, which serves as the nation’s nerve center for information sharing and domestic incident management on a 24/7/365 basis, [is] a critical part of this new office.”

“Enhance Coordination and Deployment of Preparedness Assets. The Directorate for Preparedness was created to  consolidate preparedness assets from across the Department

  • facilitate grants and oversee nationwide preparedness efforts supporting first responder training, citizen awareness, public health, infrastructure and cyber security and ensure proper steps are taken to protect high-risk targets
  • focus on cyber security and telecommunications
  • include a new Chief Medical Officer, responsible for carrying out the department’s responsibilities to coordinate the response to biological attacks
  • Managed by an Under Secretary this Directorate will include infrastructure protection, assets of the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness responsible for grants, training and exercises, the U.S. Fire Administration, and the Office of National Capitol Region Coordination.”[8]

The departments, agencies and organizations that play the greatest role in direct border protection are:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which is tasked with securing our borders. It is under this organization that Border Patrol Agents work. They monitor ports and places of entry and, oddly, “facilitating legitimate trade and travel.”  In addition to BPAs, inspectors enforce customs and laws governing agriculture.”[9]

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which is responsible for providing immigration-related services. It is this group that is engaged in processing of immigrants and is responsible for deciding if those crossing our borders are refugees, asylum seekers, those applying for naturalization and/or deciding which immigrants can be granted work permits.”[10]

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). While more involved with interior investigations ICE also handles customs, and is responsible for detaining illegal immigrants and their deportation. It also focuses on national security and is responsible for catching smugglers. Finally, the agency helps trace support given to terrorists and exercises authority over other criminal activities.”[11], [12]

Current Status Quo at the Southwest Border

The current status quo along our southwestern border is a badly snarled and confusing morass. It bears a striking resemblance to groves of Banyan trees, the tangled roots of which make the little enforcement the president will permit under his executive mandates, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA), confusing, obstructive, obfuscating and difficult. As a result, some people being set free may well be SIA terrorists.

To most Americans, the perception has long been that the vast majority of those illegally crossing our southern border are Mexicans, people coming here in search of work, looking to join family or a gang. While that may have been the case in the past, it is no longer supported by the latest immigration numbers today. According to a study done by Pew Research, detention of illegale Mexican aliens is at an all-time low.[13] The primary reasons cited for the reversal are, current mixed economic conditions, fewer job opportunities in the U.S., increases in deportations and better border enforcement.[14] However, the numbers of illegal aliens has not diminished. As Mexicans have opted to stay home, children from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras have quickly filled the vacuum. Numerous sources indicate that President Obama’s executive actions have helped spur these children to make the dangerous journey through Mexico and ultimately up to our border.

Many of them are trying to escape the horrors of poverty, violence and unstable political regimes, but the first motivator, indigence, brings up an interesting question. If their parents are poor, how can they come up with as much as $10,000 to have coyotes (people paid by cartels to smuggle drugs and humans across borders) or others bring their child up to the Rio Grande, the natural boundary flowing between Mexico from the U.S. No sources could be found to suggest that terror groups are funding the trips, but one must wonder who is. If they were arriving in a group of five, that would be understandable. But they are coming in droves and in the same timeframe.

There is no question that the children are diverting BPAs from covering their guard posts so illegal border crossers, in particular members of the Mexican drug cartels, their “mules” (people hired to smuggle drugs into the U.S.), as well as gang members and Special Interest Aliens, can cross the border far more easily. SIAs are of considerable concern to our intelligence and law enforcement agencies for obvious reasons. Stories are appearing with greater frequency on various news websites and blogs about how radical Islamists are being stopped as they try to enter the country. What is not known is how many actually make it into the U.S. for each terrorist caught? According to On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, May 6, 2015, ISIS now claims it has terrorists in 15 U.S. states, a contention not yet verified by either the FBI or CIA.[15] As stories about our borders and immigration imbroglio in general continue to be kicked around, we are hard pressed to cut through the spin to understand the truths about the issues involved.

In 2014, people from 94 different countries have or have tried to illegally enter the United States, many coming across our southern border. According to Terror Trends Bulletin (  the Special Interest Countries of biggest concerns number 34, including: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen and two Palestinian territories, Gaza and the West Bank.

In fact, between October of 2013 and August of 2014, half of 138,000 people was comprised of unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, while the other half were families from the same countries in Central America.[16] As noted, these people have been designated as “Other than Mexican” (OTM) by the U.S. Border Patrol and the various immigration intelligence groups under the Department of Homeland Security.

The growing concern for the intelligence community, the military, Border Patrol, ICE, DEA, Customs and other agencies, is the growing threat posed by SIAs who emigrate from the nations above, all of which are embroiled in, or exporters of, terrorism. For those who keep their eyes on our borders, the search is focused on members of terrorist cells who cross into the U.S., especially those who may be carrying a component of a weapon of mass destruction (WMDs).

Neither SIAs nor SICs are covered by the mainstream media (MSM), a shared ignorance which is deafening. For the MSM, political battles and Bruce Jenner’s gender change are far sexier than delving into the true vulnerabilities that the many children still arriving at our border are causing. In addition, Border Patrol, ICE and DEA agents are thwarted and frustrated by a Justice Department that has ordered that they not enforce immigration laws by unconstitutional executive fiat as those agents desperately struggle to mitigate the threat from SIAs.

In researching this paper, it was noted that hundreds of departments and agencies have abbreviations (see Appendix B) associated with those crossing the Rio Grande and entering the country unimpeded. There are far too many for the scope of this paper. However, two critically important ones SIAs and SICs have percolated to the top and are being used with an unsettling and increasing frequency. Reports have entered news cycles about members of ISIS setting up training camps just south of the border. Members of terrorist cells being stopped by BPAs begs the question: How many have managed to get through? Where are they headed and how do we interdict them when they are aided in their pursuits by cartels, coyotes and gangs running drugs along well-established routes?

One recent report exposes a very troubling situation that is being officially denied by the U.S. and Mexican governments, but the source of the story, Judicial Watch (JW), is solid and, according to JW, the government is holding meetings in Mexico to contemplate how to debunk the reports. Judicial Watch, a highly prestigious and reputable organization that is able to get documents that not even Congress can, is reporting that ISIS has set up a base and has a cell in northern Mexico, both only miles from the border (see Figure 1 above). The base is in Anapra, which is located just west of Ciudad Juárez and is only eight miles south of the border with Texas. That puts it perilously close to El Paso, Texas, and more concerning, in close proximity to Fort Bliss, a U.S. Army Base.[17] According to Judicial Watch (JW), “Two days after JW broke this disturbing news Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supervisors called a “special” meeting at the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juárez. A high-level intelligence source, who must remain anonymous for safety reasons, confirmed that the meeting was convened specifically to address a press strategy to deny Judicial Watch’s accurate reporting and identify who is providing information to JW.”[18]

According to Judicial Watch, the ISIS cell is in Puerto Palomas, also west of Ciudad Juárez, but it “targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming.” The report states, “During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as ‘plans’ of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.”[19] While the government may deny the report, that plans for Fort Bliss and the trappings of Muslim paraphernalia were found just where Judicial Watch said ISIS has a presence, seriously casting into doubt government denials.

The Judicial Watch report also indicates that ISIS is now coordinating with some of the Mexican drug cartels. JW’s story continues, “Law enforcement and intelligence sources report the area around Anapra is dominated by the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Cartel (‘Juárez Cartel’), La Línea (the enforcement arm of the cartel) and the Barrio Azteca (a gang originally formed in the jails of El Paso). Cartel control of the Anapra area makes it an extremely dangerous and hostile operating environment for Mexican Army and Federal Police operations.”[20]

As mentioned, the government has announced that the Terror Alert had been raised to Force Protection Condition Level Bravo, the highest since 9/11, for all military bases. Given ISIS’s almost direct line to Fort Bliss, that may have been the reason for the kicking the threat warning system up a notch inasmuch as military bases in particular are now at risk.[21] In addition, cartel coyotes may be helping ISIS members get across the border, where Judicial Watch reports ISIS has “spotters” in the East Potrillo Mountains (seen in the distance in the photo above).

Special Interest Alien Classification and Entry

In U.S. Response to Special Interest Aliens, A Collaborative Effort, U.S. Border Patrol Assistant Chief Doyle E. Amidon, Jr.[22] discussed the classification of SIAs as people coming from “special interest countries (ASICs) whose ideologies, religious or otherwise, produce a strong anti-American sentiment that could potentially cause individuals to carry out terrorist attacks against the United States.”[23]

Not all SIAs are Islamic extremists. Some may come from North Korea or other countries that do not consider the U.S. to be a friend or ally.  Amidon noted two ways that they enter the United States: “They may legally present themselves for admission at a designated port of entry (POE), or they may enter surreptitiously, both at and between the designated ports of entry.”[24] Importantly, he explains that the vast majority who are in country overstay their visas (classified as “out of status” and “overstays”), and are more likely to be caught by regular law enforcement than by Border Patrol Agents.[25]

The problem, he claims is that when a visitor requests a visa, even if they say they plan just to visit Disneyland, they are issued visas that span six months. He points out a common-sense issue with that policy. A six-month timeframe provides ample opportunity for a terrorist to plan, prepare for and execute a terrorist attack. In addition, at the time he filed his report in 2008, there was no system in place alerting immigration officials to the fact that someone had overstayed their visa.[26] However, he continues, even if such a system were in place, there are not enough enforcement officers to respond to an Overstay’s last known address or location. In essence, Amidon explains that visa holders are on the “honor system,” meaning they are expected to leave when their visa expires. With the system now, a terrorist could enter legally on a six-month visa and after it expires they simply move around the country to avoid detection.

Thus, not having the right kind of notification system in place leaves us open to attack and even if we knew that an SIA’s visa had expired, if they don’t remain where they say they are staying, they can obviously elude capture. What kinds of threats do terror groups entering through our perforated border pose? While in total there are 59 terrorist groups recognized by the U.S. State Department (see Appendix C), in addition to ISIS, those suspected of crossing or planning to cross our borders are more apt to be from the Special Interest Countries known to be tainted by terrorist groups.

Islamic terrorists will gladly be exposed to or injected with highly contagious diseases, such as smallpox, drug-resistant tuberculosis, typhoid or even a highly infectious strain of Ebola. Before being symptomatic, they come into the country and by walking around coughing on others in crowded places such as subways, elevators, restaurants, etc., they trigger a pandemic that could take the lives of thousands or tens of thousands depending on their pathogen of choice.  Sarin gas, ricin, anthrax and a vast array of chemical agents could be used, as well, in addition to all kinds of weapons. In either case, we may never know who the attacker was.

Finally, active cells could carry out an attack on critical electric-grid substations, the failure of which could compromise or cripple our entire electric infrastructure. Other obvious threats are car bombs, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) placed on the side of a busy highway or train tracks and a variety of other devastating attacks.


Clearly, that ISIS is now believed to have a base and camp within miles of the U.S. border near Texas and New Mexico, the need to clamp down the border in the southwest is now more necessary than ever.

The reports cited in this paper, which date back as far as 2003 and as recently as April 2015, are known to all of the various departments, agencies and bureaus assigned to protect the country. One wonders why the Obama administration insists on doing nothing about securing the border in that area. He must know from his Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) what the threats are.

Some euphemistically claim that Obama’s only interest in leaving the border open is to allow more budding Democrats to enter undetected, but given his penchant for the Islamic religion, it is jarring to think that there may be another motivating factor that keeps the border open. As can be seen in one of the photographs above, there is no impediment to anyone wishing to visit New Mexico’s mountains, as ISIS has reportedly done.

Certainly, stopping illegal immigration may not be something President Obama wishes to do, but with recent reports putting ISIS on our southern doorstep, the protection of the country and its populace must be a major top-priority if not with Obama then with Congress. Certainly, just as Iran must demonstrate its nuclear goodwill before sanctions are lifted, any comprehensive immigration plan for illegal aliens already here must be predicated on the construction of effective measures to keep new illegal aliens and terrorists out.

The border needs to be fenced in in the same way Israel has separated itself from its neighbors. The visa system must be revamped and far shorter visas issued, and there must be a system in place that notifies Border Patrol and ICE agents when a visitor’s visa has expired. Finally, we need more agents to find and deport the Overstays and help take care of the Central American kids. Failing that, a greater presence at the border by the National Guard is imperative.

If these measures at the very least are not taken, the underbelly of the United States is fully exposed and vulnerable. It is only a matter of time before ISIS or some other terrorist group south of our border plans a catastrophic terror attack against us.  All they would need to do is learn from the attack on an electric substation that occurred here two years ago. That may well have been a dress rehearsal for an attack on substations without which the grid cannot remain viable. If the grid is compromised, government sources who do not wish to be mentioned indicate that upwards of 90% of the U.S. population will succumb within a year. with our electric grid, down due to a terrorist attack the “wait” time is over.  We need to fence off the border right now or tempt fate.


  1. Public Law 107–296 107th Congress (November 25, 2002).
  2. Guiliani, Rudolph W. (2008). The Resilient Society Guiliani [online article].
  3. Guiliani, Rudolph W. (2008). The Resilient Society Guiliani [online article]. Retrieved from
  4. Vol 4, No 1 (2010) LaFree, Gary (2010). The Global Terrorism Database: Accomplishments and Challenges [online article].
  5. Homeland Security Act of 2002, Title I – Department of Homeland Security.
  6. (August 9, 2012) Department Six-point Agenda.
  7. Ibid
  8. (August 9, 2012) Department Six-point Agenda.
  9. (2002) Homeland Security Act of 2002, Title I – Department of Homeland Security.
  10. Ibid
  11. (August 9, 2012). Department Six-point Agenda.
  12. Ibid
  13. Passel, Jeffery S., Cohn, D’vera and Gonzalas-Barrera, Anna (April 23, 2012). Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero—and Perhaps Less.
  14. Ibid
  15. Purported ISIS warning claims terror cells in place in 15 states (May 06, 2015).
  16. Women’s Refugee Commission, Fact Sheet, Confined Without Care: A Guide to the Detention of Mothers and Children in the U.S. Immigration System.
  17. ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm (April 14, 2015)
  18. Ibid
  19. Reports, Terrorist Acts Corroborate ISIS in Mexico Story JW Broke Last Month (May 5, 2015).
  20. ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm (April 14, 2015)
  21. Diaz, Daniella (May 8, 2015) What is Force Protection Condition Level Bravo?
  22. Amidon, Doyle E Jr. (March 25, 2008) S. Response to Special Interest Aliens, A Collaborative Effort
  23. Ibid, Page 2
  24. Ibid, Page 2
  25. Ibid, Page 3
  26. Ibid, Page 3


Krogstad, J. M., & Passel, J. S. (November 18, 2014). 5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

(N.D.). 8 U.S. Code § 1101 – Definitions.

Mora, E. (January 21, 2014). Border Patrol: 97% of 414,397 Illegal Alien Arrests in 2013 Along Southwest Border Occurred in Texas.

Mora, E. (March 17, 2015). Border Patrol Agent: We are Punished for Reporting Illegal Alien Groups of More Than 20.

Krogstad, J. M., Gonzalez-Barrera, A., Lopez, M.H. (2014, July 22). Children 12 and under are fastest growing group of unaccompanied minors at U.S. border.

Criminal Aliens: The Removal Process. (July 22, 2014).

Mora, E. (September 28, 2011). DOJ: ‘Mexican-Based Trafficking Organizations Control Access to the U.S.–Mexico Border

FY 2014 ICE Immigration Removals. (n.d.).

Schilling, T. (May 20, 2010). Foreign Terrorists Breach U.S. Border.

Mora, E. (November 23, 2011). GAO: Illegals Suspected of Igniting at Least 30 Wildfires Near Arizona-Mexico Border Between 2006 and 2010.

Mora, E. (July 26, 2010). GAO: Some Mexican Drug Traffickers ‘Specialize’ in Smuggling Aliens From Countries With Ties to Terrorism Into the U.S.

Hezb’Allah Teams with Mexican Drug Cartels: “Ten pounds of anthrax in a medium-size suitcase, carried by a Jihad warrior through the tunnels can kill 300,000 Americans in one hour…It will make 9/11 look like peanuts”. (n.d.).

Mora, E. (February 2, 2012). Holder Admits ‘National Security Crisis Along Our Southwest Border.’

Mass, W. (August 5, 2014). Immigrants From Over 75 Countries Illegally Crossing U.S. Border.

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm. (April 14, 2015).

ISIS Terror Camp a Few Miles from Texas. (n.d.).

Jihadist Threat on the Southern Border. (November 21, 2014)

Joint Task Force North. (January 26, 2010). Joint Taskforce North.

Judicial Watch Obtains New Border Patrol Apprehension Statistics for Illegal Alien Smugglers and “Special Interest Aliens.” (MARCH 9, 2011).

Jeffrey, T. P. (April 28, 2010). Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens Using Drugs Predominantly Supplied by Mexican Traffickers.

Star, P. (January 17, 2012). Napolitano: DHS Is Working with Mexico on ‘Special Interest Aliens’ Threat Along U.S.- Mexican Border.

Longmire, S. (March 31, 2015). The Nature and Impact of Illegal Immigration on Security in Texas.’

Evans, Michael. (June 19, 2014). New Report, Declassified Documents, Highlight Security Concerns at “Mexico’s Other Border

Sector Profile – Fiscal Year 2014 (Oct. 1st through Sept. 30th)

Hicks, S. (N.D.). Special Prosecutions.

Stein, D. (March 4, 1999). Temporary Protected Status.

Krogstad, J. M. & Passel, J.S. (2014, December 30). U.S. border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows.

Longmire, S. (May 11, 2011). What Can We Learn from Trends in ‘Special Interest Alien’ Migration Into the US?

Appendix A Departments and Agencies Under the Department of Homeland Security in Coordination with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Justice

Departments and Agencies under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS is responsible for providing immigration-related services such as processing immigrant and nonimmigrant benefits; adjudicating refugee, asylee, and naturalization petitions; and granting or denying work authorization.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). CBP is charged with securing U.S. borders at and between ports of entry and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. It includes Border Patrol agents, as well as inspectors enforcing immigration, customs, and agriculture laws.z

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE handles the interior investigative and enforcement responsibilities of immigration and customs, including detention and deportation. ICE focuses on national security, financial, and smuggling violations to target the support behind terrorist and criminal activities.

US-VISIT. This is a stand-alone program office responsible for implementing the program that uses biometric indicators to track the entry and exit of nonimmigrant visa holders at U.S. air, land, and sea ports of entry.

Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS). OIS is responsible for developing, analyzing, and disseminating immigration-related statistical information, including the annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. 2

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). CBP is charged with securing U.S. borders at and between ports of entry and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. It includes Border Patrol agents, as well as inspectors enforcing immigration, customs, and agriculture laws.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE handles the interior investigative and enforcement responsibilities of immigration and customs, including detention and deportation. ICE focuses on national security, financial, and smuggling violations to target the support behind terrorist and criminal activities.

US-VISIT. This is a stand-alone program office responsible for implementing the program that uses biometric indicators to track the entry and exit of nonimmigrant visa holders at U.S. air, land, and sea ports of entry.

Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS). OIS is responsible for developing, analyzing, and disseminating immigration-related statistical information, including the annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics.

Bureaus Under the State Department

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). PRM is responsible for formulating policies on population, refugees, and migration, as well as administrating U.S. refugee assistance and admission programs.

Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA): CA interprets visa laws and regulations and serves as a liaison between the Department of State and overseas embassies and consulates on visa matters. Oversight of visa policy now rests within DHS. Consular officials issue visas and passports and provide services to U.S. citizens abroad.

Offices and Boards under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice

Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). EOIR is responsible for adjudicating immigration cases and for the interpretation and administration of immigration law. Its components include:

Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). BIA is the highest administrative body for interpreting and applying immigration laws. It has nationwide jurisdiction and is responsible for hearing appeals of decisions rendered by immigration judges or DHS district directors.

Office of the Chief Immigration Judge (OCIJ). This office is responsible for conducting formal court proceedings related to immigration cases. Their decisions are final unless sent to BIA.

Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO). OCAHO oversees the administrative law judges who adjudicate employer sanctions, document fraud, and IRCA-related discrimination cases.

Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL). This office holds jurisdiction over all civil immigration litigation and is responsible for coordinating immigration matters before the federal district courts and circuit court of appeals.

Office of Special Counsel for Unfair Immigration-Related Employment Practices (OSC). OSC investigates and prosecutes employment discrimination based on citizenship status, national origin, document abuse, or retaliation. It also engages in outreach and education regarding employer sanctions’ anti-discrimination provisions. Source: Retrieved from

Appendix B Abbreviations Used by the Department of Homeland Security

ACAP              Alien Criminal Apprehension Program
BOP                Bureau of Prisons
BORCAP       Border Patrol Criminal Alien Program
BTS                 Border and Transportation Security
CAP                Criminal Alien Program
CBP                Customs and Border Protection
DACS             Deportable Alien Control System
DHS               Department of Homeland Security
DOJ                Department of Justice
DRO               Office of Detention and Removal (ICE)
EOIR             Executive Office of Immigration Review
EREM           Enforce Removal Module
FTE                Full Time Equivalent
FY                  Fiscal Year
GAO               Government Accountability Office
HHS               Health and Human Services
ICE                 Immigration and Customs Enforcement
IEA                Immigration Enforcement Agent
IJ                    Immigration Judge
INA                Immigration and Nationality Act
INS                 Immigration and Naturalization Service
IRP                Institutional Removal Program
LACJ             Los Angeles County Jail
OI                   Office of Investigation
OIG               Office of Inspector General
OTM              Other Than Mexican
SIA                Special Interest Aliens
SIC                 Special Interest Countries
SST                State Sponsors of Terrorism
USCIS          United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Source: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of Inspector General

DETENTION AND REMOVAL OF ILLEGAL ALIENS, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Appendix C –  U.S. State Department List of Terrorist Groups

Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB)
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)
al-Mulathamun Battalion
al-Nusrah Front
al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
Ansar al-Dine (AAD)
Ansar al-Islam (AAI)
Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi
Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah
Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis
Army of Islam (AOI)
Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)
Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
Boko Haram
Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA)
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)


Haqqani Network (HQN)
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
Indian Mujahedeen (IM)
Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq)
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT)
Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
Kahane Chai (Kach)
Kata’ib Hizballah (KH)
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) (Kongra-Gel)
Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ)
Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LeT)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC)
National Liberation Army (ELN)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N)
Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
Revolutionary Struggle (RS)
Shining Path (SL)
Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

Source: All terrorist groups as defined by the United States Department of State.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

How Would Muslims Take Control Of America?

American Mosques, Warehouses Of Jihad

They do it first by establishing mosques in every town and city. These meeting places are perfect warehouses of not only indoctrination but future terrorists, who are made to read and understand the principles of Jihad, martyrdom and Dar-al-Harb (“land of war”-anyplace not Islamized).

Mosques cost money, and the money for these warehouses of hate is coming straight from Saudi Arabia. These mosques are being infused with an activist strain of Islam, Wahhabism. If you have to ask where the Saudis are getting their money, you are not paying attention…it’s coming from you. According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US, but today it’s estimated that number has quadrupled.

Mosque Leaders Promote Sharia

Mosque elders tend to be sent to the US with one clear mission: Make Sharia law the supreme rule within the United States, using any and all tactics necessary. Next, from within the safety of their local mosques, they begin to use their revolting practices, riotous youth, and wild sermonizing to force genteel Americans to relocate to safer, less threatening neighborhoods and cities. Of course, not all Americans will move or can afford to do so. And to take control of a town, Muslims will not need to evict everyone. They probably need about 25% in order to make life very unpleasant for those who do not go along with their demands.

Political Islamist Infiltration

They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Quran. Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal Sharia, and there’s nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.

Sharia is the brutal means by which Islam controls its populations by force, intimidation, and punishments for offenses to Allah. Already, in many European countries, national governments have, out of fear, given Islamic fascists the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, and England, where they can control their own populations without accountability. Proposals for Sharia are being taken seriously by Canada.

This is an admission that Islam is not just a religion. It is a cult. It seeks total control over a person’s mind and body. And, as such, our Constitution is totally incompatible with it. They will push politicians for local control and self-determination of their own laws. In this way, America will become two nations: a weakened traditional one, and a growing, menacing Islamized one.

Islamist Ally With Leftists

At the same time, Muslims will ally with leftist politicians who will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers, so conservative politicians and Christians who advocate self-defense and sane social policies are kept out of office. Money that was once used to build mosques will now be used to buy politicians. On university campuses, Islam will be portrayed as righteous and peaceful, while Christianity will be associated with evil Western and American values. Rebellious American youth will eat it up (BLM, OWS, Antifa, etc.).

There will be increasing local and regional incidents of crimes and threats against Christians, Jews, and anybody who speaks out against the religion of hate. Terrorism is a completely legitimate tool of Islam and was widely practiced and advocated by Muhammad. Remember, all words in the Quran are perfect, immutable laws defining an eternal ethic:

“Against them (the unbelievers) make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.” Quran 8.06

Leftist politicians will continue to hold the Bill of Rights over anyone who dares to accuse this religion of wrongdoing. While crime and threats skyrocket, Islamized citizens will ignore the wrongdoing. They will look the other way for fear of retribution, honor killings, and punishments from those who uphold the Islamic requirement to seek revenge on anyone who dishonors or disagrees with Islam.

Eventually, America will become weakened and politicians will allow the Muslims to do whatever they want, as long as the infidels are allowed to be free of terrorist threats. As Christianity wanes, people will reject it as an anachronism that is irrelevant to modern trends. Islamic ethics will prevail and Muslim sects will gain members, money, and influence.

Islam Will Destroy Our Constitution

As government policies lean toward Islamic ideals, the Bill of Rights will be seen as archaic and out of touch with contemporary values and the new direction of the country. It will be just a piece of parchment in a museum, lacking anyone who would be so bold and revolutionary as to fight against a religion, even a religion of hate.

Regrettably, a vast ignorance prevails in this sphere. Academic pundits, leftist journalists, and hired Islamic apologists, useful idiots, proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace and that the great majority of Muslims are not a party to any plans and actions of radicals.

Islam is Irreconcilable with our Culture

So how do we stop this sequence of events? How can our government, which has so effectively protected the rights of peaceful religions, protect us from an aggressive one? How should we put Islam out of business?

By massive allocation of an educational campaign while simultaneously declaring Islam for what it is. An ideology irreconcilable with our core beliefs enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights, the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution. By treating Islam, the way we treated Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Maoists. By preventing Islamization of our country by all legal measures and staunchly resisting the creeping sharia in our society.

Perhaps it is time to realize that not all religions are the same. If a religion does not recognize the constitutional rights of others, it must lose its rights under First Amendment protections. If it seeks to control all aspects of our life by force and fraud; if it seeks exemption from national laws protecting constitutional rights, then it must not be considered a religion.

It must be called something else, and it cannot be recognized as a protected ideology under the First Amendment.

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust.” Quran 5:51

“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Bible (Matthew 5:44)

Any religion or dogma that seeks to create its own government, its own legal system and seeks to mobilize its own militia is itself not interested in separation of church and State and has no right to use that separation to create hegemony. In fact, such a doctrine is not even a religion at all. It is a totalitarian regime and must be considered the enemy of everything Americans believe in.

I’d welcome an inspection of other religions to determine if they are truly peaceful, and I am confident all other faith will remain protected and unaffected because religions are by definition peaceful. There is only one faith which seeks global hegemony for a seamless church-state government and imposition of its law everywhere and that’s Islam.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam Must Be Stopped If Western Civilization Is To Survive

Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for Muslims is not good for the non-Muslims; and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims.

What complicates matters is that there is no way of knowing which of the dozens of at-each-other’s-throat sects is the legitimate Islam. As soon as Muhammad died, his religion of peace became a house of internal war: jockeying for power and leadership started, sects formed and splintered into sub-sects, and bloodletting began in earnest.

The internal infighting in Islam is presently playing in full color – in red – most dramatically, in the Iraq and Afghanistan and other Islamic theaters. Shiite raid Sunni civilians, slaughter them like sheep, and toss their bodies like trash in the streets or the rivers. The Sunnis return the favor with just as much viciousness and savagery.

Question: If this is the way these Muslims treat each other, how would they deal with the infidels if they had the chance?

Answer: These devoted followers of Muhammad would deal with the infidels exactly the way Muhammad did: behead the non-believers, take them as slaves to hold or sell, or make them pay back-breaking jizya – poll taxes.

Some may object that writings like this are little more than hate-mongering and fanning the fire that rages between Islam and the non-Islamic world. They may further play the Islamic apologists’ few, well-worn propaganda cards as evidence for their contention that Islam is not what its detractors claim.

Here are the few favorite cards:

♦ “There is no compulsion in religion,” says the Quran. (But the full context is never shown.)
♦ Islam means “peace,” so Islam is a religion of peace.
♦ “For you, your religion, and for me, my religion,” Muhammad reportedly said.

The Muslims and their apologists quickly run out of their few cards, and the rest of the Islamic deck is all about intolerance, hatred and violence toward the infidels, toward all others who are not true Muslims, and even toward those who consider themselves Muslims. Shiites, for instance, judge the Sunnis as traitors to Islam, and Sunnis condemn the Shiites as heretics. Each side deems the other worthy of death and hellfire.

This internecine Islamic war of the religion of peace is not confined to the Shiite-Sunni divide. There are so many internal divisions within each side that listing and describing them comprehensively would be an encyclopedic work.

So, who is right? What are the facts about Islam and how does Islam impact the ever-shrinking village Earth and its inhabitants? Admittedly, this is a huge question and cannot be answered satisfactorily in one article. However, some facts can be presented to help the reader decide.

There is no need to belabor the point that Islam is not, and has never been, a religion of peace. The word Islam is derived from taslim, which purely means “submission,” while the term for “peace” is solh. Another derivation of the word taslim is “salema”, which means “good health” and so on.

Irrespective of what the term Islam may mean, the facts on the ground conclusively demonstrate Islam’s violent nature from its very inception. No need to go back to the time of Muhammad and examine the historical records. Just a few contemporary events should make the point.

Here is a partial list: the savage Shiite-Sunni bloodletting in Iraq; the barbarism of the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan; the genocide in Sudan’s Darfur region; the Somali killings; the Iranian mullahs’ murder of their own people and support of mischief abroad; the incessant terrorist acts of Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad on Israel, and numerous fatwas on infidels and the apostates; the bombing of Shiite mosques in Pakistan and Iraq and the Shiite retaliation against soft, innocent and civilian targets.

Clearly, there is no place on the planet where Muslims reside that is in peace from the religion of peace. America, Spain, France, Netherlands, England, Thailand, France, India and Indonesia have already been attacked, while others, such as Denmark, have been threatened and sanctioned.

Stretching the benefit of the doubt beyond limits, one may believe that all these acts of horrors are committed by a small minority of thugs and radicals who happened to be Muslims. Fine, let us ignore all those “fringes” for now – those who are giving Islam a bad reputation. And never mind Saudi Arabia, the cradle of barbarism, fixed in formaldehyde since Islam’s inception. Also, let us overlook the dastardly Shiite fanatics presently ruling (ruining) the great nation of Iran. Iranian Shiite Hitlerists are hell-bent on wiping Israel off the face of the planet, while viciously devastating Iran’s own largest minority – the Baha’is, people universally-recognized as law-abiding and peaceful.

Islamic rules are called Sharia law or the Islamic law. Sharia law is a misnomer, for laws must be squarely based on justice and fairness to all, while Sharia law is nothing more than a primitive set of dogmata stipulated by men for the benefit of Muslim men.

Sharia law disenfranchises women from their legitimate equal rights with men; prescribes barbaric punishments such as stoning, amputation of limbs and death. Sharia law, contrary to what its advocates claim, does not limit application of its draconian provisions to Muslims only: it considers any and all disputes involving Muslims with non-Muslims also in its purview to adjudicate. Sharia law is inherently arbitrary, obsolete, and discriminatory to the extreme. Wherever Sharia law rules, injustice prevails. Non-Muslims, women, and even children are victimized by its biased and cruel provisions.

Sharia law represents a twist to the concept of Blind Justice: It is indeed blind to justice. Even a cursory examination of Sharia’s family law, for instance, proves unequivocally its blindness to justice: it makes the shameful past laws, such as Jim Crow laws, seem as paragons of fairness by comparison.

These are the conditions on the ground wherever Sharia rules. Violence of all forms is endemic to Islamic law and is not confined to any fringes. Sharia law itself is the fringe–a fringe that is oppressive, hateful of others and violent to the core. Presently, fanatical Islam is lashing out with mad fury before its own final demise. The “infidel” world has been complicit in the surge of Islamism through its mistakes, complacency, and greed.

Warning: Islam is not a religion but a political ideology which incites hate, violence, intolerance and terror. Islamists are terminators. You cannot bargain with them. You cannot reason with them. They do not feel pity or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until all the infidels are dead or have submitted to Islam. “The only language the Islamists understand is the language of brute force.

In non-Muslim lands, Islamism, flush with Petrodollars, has been accelerating in its drive for the world Caliphate and is moving at the speed of light by building more mosques, printing more indoctrinating Islamic books, imposing more its presence in the western culture, in our schools and university campuses, bullying, intimidating and challenging more Christians and other peaceful people of faith and by using our democratic laws against us.

In the Islamdom, they can dish out insults to non-Muslims; arrest Christians, Bahia’s or the Jews just for praying. They can confiscate their Holy books and toss them in the trash. They call the Jews pigs and monkeys, and spit on anyone that isn’t Muslim. But they go into frenzies of righteous outrage at the slightest criticism of their barbaric and highly dangerous beliefs.

They never need to challenge the existing political order in our country, but can achieve all their goals without bothering or violating the Constitution of the U.S. because that Constitution guarantees complete government non-interference toward religion. Finally, and the most important element perhaps is the extreme coziness and appeasement by the current U.S. administration towards Islam, Muslims and radical Muslims which will recklessly and unknowingly drag the whole country and her citizens into an everlasting Islamic inferno, an inferno similar to the Islamic Republic of Iran and other Islamic terrorist countries.

A constitutional amendment must be passed quickly defining Islam as a hostile political force with a global totalitarian agenda, and as such is totally inimical to our constitution and our national security, and that further to this definition, all practicing Muslims must either renounce this cult or be deported to their countries of origin, and all mosques must be demolished, since their goal is to propagate political propaganda, which has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘religion’ – let alone one of ‘peace’. That’s going to be the final ‘solution’ for Islam in America.

“Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.” Qur’an:9:5

“Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.” Qur’an:9:29

We must also end the deadly practice of “Political Correctness.” Truth, only naked truth, can set us free. And freedom is our greatest gift of life. Life without freedom is death disguised as life. Remember Patrick Henry’s cry: Give me liberty or give me death. Humanity cannot afford, and must not ignore, the emergence of the latest threat to its very existence on this planet. We must fight for life, for liberty, for freedom and end the nightmare of Islamic hellfire.

COMING SOON: Amil’s next article “How Would Muslims Take Control Of America?

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Time Is Ripe For Removal Of The Iranian Mullahs

There were never any questions about the Islamists denigrating Iran and exulting Muhammad. These mullahs owe their very livelihood and very existence to the lucrative business that Muhammad launched for their parasitic and shameful existence. It is vital for these leeches to continue trumpeting the sainthood of their business founder driving all other competition out of Iran. Give these worms credit for paying homage to the source of their shameful livelihood.

The battle against these pseudo-humans is arduous and long. It is with the true sons and daughters of Iran and the rest of humanity with both integrity and conscience to fumigate these leeches from the body of planet Earth.

Iranians hope this new uprising, is not a repeat of 2009 when Obama threw a lifeline to the mullah’s regime by not supporting the Iranian people and in effect siding with the genocidal mullahs. These turbaned thugs were taking their final breath, completely broke, and the good old USA comes to the rescue releasing billions of dollars at the end of Obama’s second term while easing other sanctions. Hard to understand.

Iran is a land of beauty and love, but also a land of turmoil. At this critical crossroad in her history, this old nation, perhaps, the mother of all nations, needs all of you. This very rich culture has given the world many great scientists, in all areas, unparalleled poets, such as Rumi, Ferdowsi and Hafez.

Iran has the youngest and brightest and the most educated population of any country at this time in history. Iranians, like many other nationalities, have been struggling to achieve the liberty, justice and freedom that are being enjoyed, mostly, in western countries.

The current revolt may not lead to the immediate downfall of the regime, but we are witnessing the death throes of the Islamic Republic. Even if the uprising ends today, it is but one step in a long struggle to achieve a more representative, democratic and popular government.

Iran’s Islamic leaders were surprised by the scale and location of the protests that first erupted over economic grievances on Dec. 28, and then quickly turned political and spread to more than 130 cities and towns – many of them long considered conservative bastions of regime support.

What we are observing in Iran now should not be viewed as a selective outcry, but rather a work in progress, a hybrid momentum that started in 1999 and led by students who later became involved in the Green Movement. They are belatedly joining the current unrest, which is evolving to include new social classes of people who were not at the center of previous protests.

As has been reported, there will be two massive rallies in Iran going head to head on February 11, 2018. One, by the unarmed Iranian people in every city and town across Iran, fighting for freedom and liberty. The other rally will be led by the brutal and heavily armed Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Basij forces (a paramilitary terrorist organization) and their paid supporters on the occasion of the 1979 victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

As usual and sadly, the IRI will completely disconnect the Internet, including Instagram, Telegram, the country’s cell phone towers and other methods of communication, in the fear the world will witness the true reality and the real conditions in Iran.

The Islamic Republic has stationed revolutionary and militia troops to actively and deliberately prevent anyone from any demonstrations or objections against the totalitarian regime. They are planning to silence people by any means available to them.

Meanwhile, the regime’s propaganda (media) machine and their allies in the west, the Washington Post and New York Times among others, will broadcast only the IRI’s version of events.

Time has arrived to end Mullahs reign of terror. We Iranians and Iranian-Americans in spirit—free people of the world–greatly cherish individual liberty and freedom, where the mind is imbued with enlightenment, and every individual by virtue of being born human is afforded measured freedom. It is within the open expanse of liberty that each and every person can be at his or her best. And when the individual person is at his best, humanity is as well.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Saluting Pamela Geller And Robert Spencer

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…” -The United States’ Declaration of Independence

Did you hear the deafening sounds of silence at the Golden Globes bash this past Sunday where the hordes of self-proclaimed champions of women’s rights busily applauded each other and didn’t bother to say a single word in support of valiant Iranian women presently risking everything to be free from Islamic fundamentalist misogyny while they threw away their Hijabs?

Indeed, it is times like this when principled freedom fighters are separated, by their words and deeds, from Hollywood frauds.

People such as Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, have set themselves apart from the shameful gang of self-serving loudmouths who find themselves suddenly tongue-tied when speaking up does not serve their myopic and parochial agenda. If President Trump is for it, they are against it, no matter what.

I am certain that I speak for millions of severely tormented Iranians, where women in particular are subjected to unbelievable atrocities, in thanking you. You are true friends of freedom. You are standing with the people of Iran in their life and death struggle. We thank you for your support.

In my opinion, the liberty-loving people of America and the world owe a debt of gratitude to Pamela and Robert, for valiantly exposing the racist and supremacist nature of the barbarity of Islam, for fearlessly braving where others dare not tread, and for passionately defending freedom of speech, rights of the individual and oppressed people of the world.

Both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been sounding this alarm from the very beginning about the true nature of radical Islam and jihadists’ imminent deadly threats to our way of life and American values. While America is the last haven of hope where liberty can reign, Islamic jihadists draw heavily from their treasury flush with oil extortion money to bribe politicians and hire mercenaries to further their evil objectives.

In my opinion, both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are true heroes. They stand for all that is dear to free people. They are in stark contrast to the masses of the politically correct, the apathetic, and the hired Islamic apologists.

It is noteworthy that their work not only serves what is right, it also serves the best interests of America and all of humanity. It proves to the world that these two-liberty loving cherish and support freedom and the rights of all people to speak freely.

“Where are the champions of … what did they call it? Oh yes, the “Arab Spring” — that great euphemism for the oppressive Islamic supremacist movement that sought to overthrow secular rule for the vicious and brutal and sharia. Here, now, when a genuine movement for freedom takes hold in a viciously oppressive Muslim country, the left stands with the murderers and oppressors. The media, aligned with the jihad force, will never report fairly or even remotely accurately on these matters, as they are the tip of the spear of the anti-freedom, anti-American fifth column in this country.” Pamela Geller

“Today, as the Iranian people courageously stand for freedom, it is most fitting that the removal of the hijab has become the symbol of this movement. We can only hope that the protesters will succeed in overthrowing or at least drastically weakening the Islamic Republic, such that the rights of women, and of all people, can flower. Iranian women deserve better than the Islamic Republic. The Iranian people deserve better than the Islamic Republic. The protesters deserve the wholehearted support of all free people.” Robert Spencer

Sadly, during these times of great peril, truth is sacrificed by the politically correct, the myopic self-serving in the liberally dominated media, and the ruling class.  Against this backdrop, two people of great courage and integrity labor tirelessly in speaking the truth and in the defense of liberty.

As US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said it beautifully: “We must not be silent. The people are crying out for freedom. All freedom loving people must stand with their cause. The international community made the mistake of failing to do that in 2009. We must not make that mistake again.”

On behalf of all freedom loving Iranians, I want to say: Thank you. Thank you for reporting the Truth while the MSM blocked the accurate flow of news from reaching the public. Thank you for standing with the valiant Iranian people.

Both Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are champions of freedom, liberty and human rights. They rightfully deserve to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. I am honored to call them my friends.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Dear President Trump

Dear President Trump
As a proud Iranian-American, please accept my infinite gratitude for your valiant stand and resonant voice in support of what is right and good for both my adopted country, America and my beloved homeland, Iran.
Thank you for hearing and supporting the freedom-loving voices of Iranians who despise the rule of terrorist mullahs and wish to end their reign of terror and mischief in the Middle East.
Your courageous support is invaluable for and in the best interests of the United States. Your support and encouragement of Iranian citizens peacefully speaking out against Islamists holds the promise of obtaining a powerful friend for America — a nation equal to Israel as an ally.
Once again, please accept my profound gratitude, representing the voices of a great many Iranians and Iranian-Americans for your much-needed stand with the earnest plea that you maintain your visionary goal of making “America Great Again,” by your deeds.
Please, Mr. President, use all the peaceful means at your disposal and in your arsenal to win a great and lasting victory for both the United States and Iran.
With deepest respect and gratitude,
Amil Imani
© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A New Year’s Message From An American Iranian

Compelled by the unalienable rights of the people to institute their government and replace it when it fails to serve its constituents in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, millions of Iranians representing the entire spectrum of society are demanding change from a repressive theocracy to an open secular democracy.
This is the dawn of a new day for my motherland Iran. Over three decades of darkness has reached its inevitable end. People on the mountaintops are clearly discerning the rays of a new sun that inevitably will chase away the gloom of Islamic darkness. We, the free people of the world, must stand shoulder to shoulder with Iranians to end the Islamic nightmare which has cast a cloud of terror over the past 39 years upon an ancient and peaceful country. This is a momentous occasion. You want to be part of it.
The Islamic regime calls the demonstrators who just want their voices to be heard “terrorists,” “thugs” and “agents of foreign governments.” If they do not shoot people outright, they savagely attack them with axes, chains, batons and any other crude weapons they can get their hands on. The Islamic Republic, perhaps, is the only nation in the world whose leaders work nonstop against their own citizens. It is as though the sole purpose of this regime is to torture, antagonize, fabricate, lie, harass, arrest, murder, and intimidate its innocent citizens for the sake of Islam.
We, Iranians, both inside and out of Iran, urge the leadership as well as people of the world to join us in the non-violent campaign of dislodging the mullahs and helping Iranians to establish freedom and democracy they so desperately deserve and have paid for with their lives.
The Iran problem is both serious and urgent. It is a world problem. A warning to the world governments and others: You need to act now. Apathy is sleep. If we sleep, we will all weep.
To peace and freedom for all
Happy New Year
© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Medina Story In London


Some 1500 years ago, the prophet Muhammad, with a handful of his followers, were barely able to skip Mecca ahead of a mob intent on lynching them. Where to go? To Medina, a city of a large accepting Jewish community that posed no threats to this band of refugees seeking safety and protection.

In no time at all, the prophet Muhammad and his gang started repaying the peaceful Jews for their kindness. You know the rest of the story.

Is history repeating itself? Are Muslims moving into the heart of a Jewish community in London?

History of Golders Green, Barnet

Golders Green is a predominantly Jewish area that hosts the largest Kosher food hub in the United Kingdom:

“After the First World War a large number of Jewish families began moving into the new housing from the crowded East End and synagogues were built to serve the community. Immigrant Jews fleeing Nazi persecution augmented the settlement during the 1930s. At the

same time, the builders Laing laid out the racetrack-shaped Golders Green estate in the south-west corner of the district. Cricklewood Aerodrome had occupied the site from 1916 to 1930. The 1930s also saw the erection of mansion blocks in central Golders Green.”

The famous Golders Green Hippodrome, built in 1913, was also once home to the BBC Concert Orchestra. In early 2007, the Christian group El Shaddai International Christian Centre purchased the Hippodrome for £5million. The building was sold in July 2014 at an auction for £5.2 million to a “Shiite Islamic Charity.” The buyers intended to turn the building into a Shiite mosque or a Shiite Islamic Center. The London-based charity named this venue The Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham or “Centre for Islamic Enlightening. (Arabic: Markaz – El -Tathgheef – El – Eslami), located in northwest London.

Shiite Islamic Charity

Ahmed Al-Kazemi, the charity’s public relations director told the London weekly newspaper Ham and High:

“This is truly a dream come true for us. To get such a wonderful building in a location like Golders Green, it is a huge change for the Shia community. We were based in a warehouse before, but now we have a proper building which we can use to hold conferences, seminars, and our community activities. The Islamic center hopes to open its doors for an initial Open Day in December.”

In September, the new owners engaged in their first Ashura commemoration at the Hippodrome in Golders Green, and thereby breached the original contract and intent of the building’s usage. The building was sold on with the intention to include cultural activities such as music, dance, theater and etc. not exclusively for religious rituals. On the wall, inside the enclosure, you see their late revered Ayatollah Mohammed al Shirazi who according to their promo video, “instructed them 30 years ago to go into the west where there were few of their congregants, in order to propagate their teachings.”

The Shirazi Dynasty

These Shirazi clergies are from Iranian clergy dynasty who for the past 150 years lived in both Iraq and Iran. The Marja al-Taqlid (source of emulation) of the new tenets of Golders Green is Grand Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi who was born in Iraq and currently resides and instructs in the Seminary of Qum and Shiraz, in Iran.

He and his followers practice a pure version of Shiism which is more in line with Iraqi Shiite than the Iranian type. There is, however, bad blood between Ayatollah Shirazi and Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This bickering goes back to the struggle for power between his brother, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad ibn Mahdi al-Hussaini al-Shirazi and leader of the Islamic revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini.  Al-Shirazi expected a greater role in the Islamic Revolution of Iran and he considered Khomeini as only a junior cleric. As the revolution progressed, Al-Shirazi fell out with Ayatollah Khomeini and particularly his successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Many of his followers blame Al Shirazi’s death on the Iranian Secret Service.

Ali Reza Pour Hassan provides analysis about this issue on Asr’e Abadan blog:

“Iranian Shiites blame the British government for continuously creating sectarian division and feuds within Islam and in particular, Shia Islam. They believe the followers of Ayatollah Shirazi are more extreme and a more traditional practitioner of Shi’ism. While making slogans about Imam Hossein, they are at the same time causing a larger gap between the Shia council and the Islamic system. In fact, it should be said that from a logical point of view, the commemoration of Imam Hossein’s slogans have been equated with bloodletting, beating themselves with chains, hitting themselves with the blunt end of swords to self-flagellating, walking on thorns, walking on hot coals and etc. on the day of Ashura. These extreme ceremonial testaments to their faith has been banned by the Iranian authorities and also most Shiite scholars have deemed it to be self-damaging and hence haram (forbidden). But,  Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi has issued a fatwa about this practice and has also advertised and promoted it on his satellite networks around the world.”

Just a few days ago, the BBC Persian  news reported:

“A site close to Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi, one of Shiite authorities (Marja Taqleed) complained against the monthly Journal of the ‘Mobaleghan,’ affiliated with the Qom Seminary, accused the publication of discriminating and insulting the non-governmental Shiite authorities.”

“The BBC also reports that according to Qum Seminary clergy, Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi supporters were compared with such groups as ISIS. Government officials in Iran assert that Ayatollah Shirazi’s Shiite followers are affiliated with the British government and their activities in Iran have been limited. Ayatollah Shirazi’s supporters are the direct critics of Khamenei’s leadership in Iran, and for years their activities have been transferred from Iran to Iraq.”

Notably, despite sharing the same Islamic ideology, there is no unity between Iraq (Arab) Shiites and Iranian Shiites.

“Members of the Jewish community who researched the Muslim charity — a largely Iraqi and Iranian Shiite congregation called Hussainiat Al-Rasool Al-Adham – found no ties to the Iranian regime or extremist incitement, an expert on Islamism who ran some of the checks told Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) on Tuesday.”

Where did the funding come from?

Some of it, apparently has come from their previous Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham converted warehouse and mosque that was sold for a £4.5 million in January 2017.

In July 2017, Haj Razi Mirkhalaf Zadeh,  discusses in Persian (with Arabic accent) the process of purchasing this building and making it into a Hussainiyat:

“With the blessing of God and Ahl al-Bayt, praise be to Allah, we bought this place and called it, Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham, S.A.W. for service to our religion and Shi’ism inshallah (God willing). As we owned Hussainiyat in the past and we served under difficult conditions, we sold the old one and God blessed us to purchase this new venue. We made a down payment, but we don’t have the keys in our hands yet. We have 10 days to come up with somewhere around £400K or half a million dollars. God willing, all the believers, our dear brothers and sisters, will give us a hand, donate and help us manage to finance this building, inshallah.”

Religious make up of Golders Green

“The religious makeup of Golders Green is 37.1% Jewish, 26.1% Christian, 12.2% Muslim, 9.9% No religion, 3.8% Hindu, 0.9% Buddhist, 0.2% Sikh, 0.1% Agnostic according to Golders Green Demographics (Barnet, England)

Objections to Mosque 

On October 23, 2017, a packed community meeting was held, led by attorney Gavin Boby about the discussion of the BBC Hippodrome being turned into a mega mosque.

Josephine Bacon, one of the activists who was present at the meeting said:

“It is very important to write to the local MPs (members of Parliament) who have influence over the city council. I have a degree in Arabic and have been in business with a Sunni Muslim for 12 years. One day, he accidently went to a Shia Muslim mosque to pray. Once the Shiites realized that he was a Sunni Muslim, they all tried to attack him physically and he had to run for his life. That’s the sort of people Shiites are. There are many sects in Islam, and Shiites are one of extremes. They ban music and when they claim they are Iraqis, they are not, they are Iranians and the money is coming from Kuwait. And furthermore, this particular sect has broadcast very inflammatory anti-Sunni messages and I have heard them.”

You can watch the entire video here.

There was also an ePetition that ran from October 4, 2017 to October 25, 2017 and has now finished. 5675 people signed this ePetition against the Golders Green Shia Centre /Mosque.

Shia Vs. Sunni

In order to understand the clerical rulers of Iran and Iraq, we need to learn about the genesis of their religious faith, Shi’a Islam, and the pivotal place of the Mahdi and Imam Hussein.

After the death of the Prophet, the Arab world followed by an elective process to nominate the next in line successor which started with Abu Bakr. This group is known as ahl alsunnah wa-l-jama’ah, “the people of custom and community,” or Sunnis. The imamate or “leadership” – in a non-elective manner would become what we know today as Shi’ism. Shiites say that succession must remain within the family of the Prophet, a blood-line – with Ali the first valid caliph. It should also be noted that this division occurred after the assassination of Imam Ali in Kufa by Ibn Muljim.

After the assassination of Imam Ali, his older son Imam Hassan became the rightful Shiite leader. Not long into his Imamate, Imam Hassan also became a victim to the Banu Umayyad family. Now, here is the defining moment for the entire Shiite division and especially leading to the Iranian version. After Imam Hussein inherited the Imamate, in a decisive battle with Yazid who was the son of Mu’awiya sealed the everlasting “fairy tales” of Shi’ism. It has been reported that Imam Hussein (who was outnumbered) was beheaded by Yazid’s Army in an unfair battle. Imam Hussein, like his father became a martyr, hence, the start of a new era of Shi’ism. Shiites believe the Battle of Karbala was between the forces of good and evil, with Hussain representing good and Yazid representing evil.

Up to this day, Iranians (and other Shiites around the world) mourn the first Imam and the third Imam, Ali ebn-e abi taaleb, and Hussein Ibn Ali, by having lavish mourning ceremonies, commemorating their deaths.

After Iranians were forced to become Shiite by Shah Ismail, the practice of mourning commemoration became prevalent and popular in the mosques and “Tekyeh and Hussainiya” and in many people’s homes. Especially in the Islamic month of Safar and Ramadan, they were devoted to the ceremonies of self-flagellation including (Sineh zani), beating themselves on the chest, (Zanjir zani), with metal chains, with rocks (Sang zani), and wounding themselves with poniards. These activities were conducted during the days of Ashura and Tasu’a, on the 9th and 10th of Mahram. Each year many people died as a result of self-inflicted wounds to the head.  And this is exactly the “extreme” version of this Shiite branch that has moved into the Golders Green Hippodrome.


Based on this investigation, this group is mostly Iraqi Shiites who speak Arabic and have ties to Ayatollah Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi, a non-governmental Iraqi clergyman who was born in Iraq and lives in the city of Qum, Iran. There are clear animosities between the supporters of Ayatollah Shirazi, and the Iranian regime. Shirazi has a list of Islamic centers and mosques with which he is associated, including the Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham in London

Allowing them to have a mega mosque in the heart of the Jewish community in London is a bad idea. Just imagine if it were the other way around, and Jews tried to build a mega synagogue in the middle of a predominantly Muslim population! The Barnet Council could quite clearly reject planning permission for a change of use to a mosque, but it would most likely be overruled by the Muslim Mayor of London.

Why Muslims want to have a mega mosque in the middle of a Jewish community with just over 12% Muslims living there to begin with and these are likely not Shiites? They want to because Muslims want to cleanse the area of all the Jews and eventually, force them to evacuate as was done in Medina during the reign of prophet Muhammad.

This is neither the place, nor is it necessary for the purpose of this essay to provide exhaustive documentation of the historical suffering of the Jewish people. But, sadly, the Jewish people have been used as scapegoats for many centuries by a variety of non-Jews. Regrettably, Muslims for their part, have adopted scapegoating as an article of faith. Muslims blame the Jews for all kinds of heinous things, dating back to the time of Muhammad himself. They say that the Jews of Medina betrayed the holy prophet by their treachery. They charged the poor exorbitant sums for their goods, did no productive work, yet made fortunes through money lending. To make matters worse, the Jews refused to embrace Muhammad’s religion, they say.

Like many places in Europe, the Jews do not feel safe and protected in Britain anymore. The future looks dark. Many Jews, if they are able, are buying homes in Israel and other safe places such as the United States in case they need to move.

 As long as there are Muslims who believe that the entire world rightfully belongs to them and all non-Muslims are usurper infidels, they shall do everything they can to claim the planet for Allah and cleanse it from unbelievers. Muslims are among original believers and practitioners of the abominable genocide of ethnic cleansing. So, a building here, a building there are no more than stepping stones for the ultimate prize. And, as long as non-Muslims remain complacent and even accommodating, the task for Muslims becomes easier.

Sadly, so-called progressives in the West are the greatest enablers and promoters of the Islamic scheme.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Is President Donald Trump Cyrus The Great Of Our Time?

May 14, 1948, almost seventy years ago, was the rebirth of Israel. The conditions surrounding Israel’s re-birth was anything but simple. In fact, it was hard. Israel’s journey from her early beginnings to the present has been fraught with great suffering. It is a tribute to the indomitable will and spirit of the Jewish people that they persisted in their valiant struggle to re-gather again in the land of their birth.

In ancient days, a noble and just Persian king, Cyrus the Great, rescued tens of thousands of Jewish people from captivity in a foreign land and empowered them to return home and rebuild their sacred temple. By his action of freeing an entire people from captivity and restoring their rightful dignity and place in history, Cyrus the Great, the author of the first code of Human Rights, cemented a bond of friendship between the Jews and the Persians.

Next year in Jerusalem was the wish of diaspora Jews, dispersed from their homeland yet acknowledging their spiritual and historical home to Israel, specifically, Jerusalem. Psalm 137 referred to as the well-known lament of the Babylonian Jews who wept ‘by the rivers of Babylon’ and declared, ‘If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither.” The perennial prayer, “Next Year in Jerusalem” has finally been answered.

We, the spiritual children of Cyrus the Great commend President Trump’s foresight and courage to declare that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital. And, we pray that Israel succeeds in taking the steps necessary for making the New Jerusalem a place of hope and lasting safety for the Jewish people as well as people of all religions and for those with no religion at all.

Israel is a sovereign state but hardly safe. She is surrounded by nations and peoples who are bent on her destruction. It is tragic that her neighbors and she have not been able to find an equitable way of living side-by-side with mutual respect and in peace. I earnestly hope that ways can be found for a peaceful resolution to this destructive impasse.

Today, Israel has reunited Jerusalem and provided unrestricted freedom of religion. Access of all faiths to the Holy places in the unified city of peace is assured. The story of the rebirth of Israel is truly a miracle, yet challenges have remained, challenges that threaten the existence of this ancient country filled with so rich a culture.

As we watch, we pray for Israel and the Jewish people, for an everlasting peace and prosperity.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Telling The Truth Is Islam Bashing?

Like my collogues, once we tell the truth about the book of death, we all are bombarded by hate and threats by the Allah-fearing fanatics, simply because we speak the truth about Islam. If telling the truth about Islam is Islam bashing, then mea culpa. Question: Does Islam get a pass because it is a religion? Who says Islam is a religion? Millions do? What is the evidence? The words of masses of brainwashed carriers of the Islamic virus, transmitted to them by their parents, are worthless as evidence. What counts is the irrefutable fact that this creed, claimed to be the one and only religion of Allah, has been and continues to be a source of great suffering for non-Muslims as well as the ignorant masses of Muslims themselves.

I will share with you just a few of the thousands of horrific things that Muslims do to people of other religions or those without any religion at all. In model Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, for instance, women don’t dare complain about their Allah-decreed chattel status. If they protest in the least, they are beaten by their husbands. And if they dare to demonstrate in public for equal family rights with men, they get severe beatings by the police and hauled to jail for additional indignities and violence.

One may wonder then why it is that millions of Muslim women meekly submit in their subservient rank both worshipping and thanking Allah for it. These women are virtually imprinted by their parents and the clergy from birth to adopt the gender inequality as well as the entire pathological Islamic ethos. “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the others and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you take no further action against them. Allah is high, supreme.” Quran 4.34.

Even Egypt, the crown jewel of the Arab-Islamic world is practicing a form of slow genocide against its own Baha’i citizens by depriving them of just about all rights of citizenship. Baha’is are still denied the indispensable identity card, simply because the powerful clergy want to eliminate this peaceful minority. Among other things, Egypt denies education to Baha’i children, taking a page from the “Mein Kampf” of the fascist Islamic Republic of Iran. The record of atrocities performed by the proponents of the “religion of peace” clearly condemns it as an unmitigated cult of the worst kind.

Savage Muslims force their creed of hate and violence at the point of the sword on my people. They did and continue to do everything they can to wipe out any vestige of our magnificent Iranian culture and heritage. Now, they are ruling my native land with an iron fist, demeaning everything that we have treasured in our egalitarian-humanistic exemplary culture. They are forcing our women into prostitution by depriving them of a means of livelihood, compelling hundreds of thousands of Iran’s best and brightest to leave for other lands, spearheading a vicious campaign of terrorism near and far, and muffling any voice that does not sing their praises. The Bible says “By their fruit shall ye know them.”

I said this before and I’ll say it for as long as this vicious cult keeps up with its abominable deeds: Islam is violence. Islam is intolerant of non-Muslims. Islam is a vestige of a barbaric past. Islam must be confronted, shown for what it is and stopped from overtaking the world.

Here are just a few examples of what these people of Allah have done recently. A guy stops a car in the city of Shiraz in Iran and asks the driver to give him some gasoline, pretending that his car has run out of fuel. The total stranger siphons gas from his own car and gives it to him. Suddenly some other guys show up from their hiding places, tie the man to a tree, douse him with the gasoline he had generously given to a total stranger, set him on fire and speed away in the sham “out-of- gasoline” car. Why? The target of the torching was a non-Muslim, a Baha’i. The “sin” of not being a Muslim made him a deserving party for being burned alive. These thugs of Allah, the savage torchers, call themselves the Unknown Soldiers of the Lord of the Age, (Imam Zaman), the Shiite’s much revered and expected savior. To make matters worse, all manner of “good Muslims” walked by and didn’t do a lick to help the man. Miraculously, the man was able to put the fire out and call the police on his cell phone. It took the police over 30 minutes to respond and take the man to the station for questioning. Now that’s the Islam that is on the march. It has penetrated deeply and spread widely in Europe.

It is changing Europe to its ways and holds every promise of doing the same to the United States. Many Europeans are fleeing their ancestral homeland ahead of the Islamic fire which is engulfing their countries. These are the affluent and the ones with foresight. Others are either oblivious to the threat, aim to accommodate it as the holy grail of multiculturalism, or will end up one day seeing themselves in the fight of their life. For Islam does not believe in multiculturalism. Islam is a mono-culturist: the barbarian culture of Islam.

As Islam gains more power, it will inevitably impose itself and its ways on all others. And there will be those who will eventually wake up from their stupor, they will either completely capitulate or fight Muslims back in bloody block-by-block, street-by-street battles. Truth is not always welcome and can often be greatly disturbing. But truth is the best weapon against evil and falsehood. When I point out the horrific teach of Quran,  I don’t make them up. I cite surahs from their holy book, surahs that exhort Muslims to carry out all kinds of evil deeds against non-Muslims This book of Allah is a license to kill. When I point out that Muhammad set terrible examples for his followers by his own deeds, I cite from their own sources to document my assertion. Is there anyone in this messed-up world who doesn’t read, see, or hear about the daily Islamic atrocities performed by these savages, with every act justified on the basis of Allah’s holy book?

Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So, wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”

Qur’an 33:26 “Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.”

Why is it that these self-righteous Islamist villains don’t bother to prove me wrong? Why don’t they document what I say as being false? Instead, I am showered by all kinds of unspeakable profanity. Some of the more civil of Muslims I encounter, don’t stoop as low as their foul co-religionists. These latter types let out a hue and cry that they and their religion are smeared and victimized by people like me. They consider my criticisms of Islam as Islam bashing. They accuse me as a divisive- racist who enjoys Islam bashing. For good measure, they also label me Zionist, in the pay of Israel and Israeli lobbies. Who is bashing whom? Please prove any one of my charges to be false or fabricated and I’ll happily repent. If, on the other hand, you fail to do so, you owe it to humanity to abandon your allegiance to the scourge of Islam.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Islam Conundrum

A dictionary defines religion as,

‘The expression of man’s belief and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the Creator and Governor of the universe.’

By this definition Islam qualifies as religion, and so do numberless other faiths. A definition this broad is ambiguous and must be further defined with the specific tenets and practices of the belief.

Simply because someone or some people say that they believe in a superhuman deity and revere him, the belief is accorded the privileged status of religion?

It is generally assumed that religion addresses issues of importance to daily life as well as matters that transcend it. Religion is thought to exercise a civilizing influence by ordering the social life, promoting spirituality, as well as advancing an array of human virtues. Zoroaster, for instance, based his faith on the triad of goodly thoughts, goodly speech and goodly deeds: Moses framed the fundamentals of his faith in the Ten Commandments; and Jesus placed love at the core of his religion.

Many people adhere to religion for providing them with comfort and a compass in life. It is these assumed benevolent features of religion that confer its special status. Yet concern with religion overreaching has led societies to enact safeguards against that possibility. Some, for instance, feared that Christ was a rebellious Jew aiming to challenge the ruling Romans. Perhaps to assuage this fear, Christ emphatically proclaimed, ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.’ But to this day, there are those who still believe that the Christ was a mere social revolutionary.

In the case of Islam, there is no ambiguity at all. The mosque and the state were one and the same from the very start. During his lifetime, Muhammad embodied in his person all three branches of worldly secular governance—the legislative, the judiciary and the executive—as well as the religious domain. As a messenger of Allah, he transmitted Allah’s laws, adjudicated according to those laws and implemented Allah’s design. He also prescribed a set of religious instructions for the spiritual life of the faithful.

After Muhammad, Islamic rule was continued by Caliphs and Imams. To this day, wherever it is able, Islam governs as the state, either directly as is the case in Saudi Arabia, or indirectly as practiced in places such as the Islamic Republic of Iran.

When religion crosses the line that separates it from the state, serious problems present themselves. In the case of Islam, the rule of the people, by the people, for the people is supplanted by the rule of Allah, by the faithful to Allah, for the pleasure of Allah.

Other problems arise. Liberty, deeply cherished by democracies, is replaced by submission—unquestioning obedience and adherence to the dictates and precepts of the all-knowing and all—wise Allah. It is this total form of submission that, among other things, prompted Muslims to systematically burn libraries of the lands they invaded. They justified their action by contending that the Quran, the comprehensive unerring book of Allah, contained all perfect knowledge that humanity needed. To this day, in places where Islam rules many books are banned, newspapers and magazines are systematically either censored or shut down, and other non-print media are methodically blocked.

The contempt for free inquiry is encapsulated in the statement of Muhammad,

Al—elmo noghtatan katharoho al—jaheloon‘—Knowledge is only one dot, expanded by the ignorant.

Once liberty is surrendered for submission, a host of serious consequences present themselves. The individual becomes little more than a passive obedient vessel of Allah and his perspective of himself and life drastically changes. Once he submits to the all—powerful, all—knowing, and all—alls, then he is absolved of the responsibility of having to chart his own way in life.

There is considerable allure in submission to a powerful being that is willing and able to take care of the person. It is not a bad arrangement. The problem is that all past claimants have invariably been proven as either frauds or failures in honoring their part of the bargain. Islam is no exception. A cursory glance is enough to show the condition of Muhammad’s flock. In spite of huge material wealth, Muslims in the oil—rich countries are imprisoned in the paralyzing mentality of submission and all the terrible ancillaries that go with it.

There is no reason to believe that Muslims have inferior intelligence. Their state of existence is strictly a function of the doctrine of Islam: a doctrine of nihilism, ignorance, and violence that denigrates this life and fixes the starry eye of the faithful on the next life. A case in point is the Islamic madrassahs in places like Pakistan. Never mind the girls. Girls are not in the calculus—women are incidental in Islam. Consider boys. Millions of young boys are enrolled in madrassahs—religious boarding schools—learning very little beside memorizing and reciting the Quran. This is a case of total submission: Islam at its best, as championed by the oil—money—flushed Saudi patrons of the Wahhabi sect.

Sadly enough, instead of Muslims marching out of the suffocating swamps of submission to the meadow of liberty, Allah’s faithful aim to drag the rest of humanity into the deadly Islamic quagmire. Islam may have been an improvement to the life of the savages that roamed the Arabian deserts some 1400 years ago. The 21st century world, in spite of all its problems and challenges, is not willing to surrender to the clearly failed and failing Islamic experiment.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Moderate Islam Is Not Islam

We humans are torn each day by conflict, sometimes in our professions, other times in our family, sometimes in our country and in the world at large. Human beings are unique. We are driven to search for the meaning of things. We want to make sense out of things and find a purpose to continue.

I believe that there is an unfathomable Being who is the Fashioner of this universe, including us. We refer to this Being as God, He, and so forth, in a futile attempt to encapsulate this Being into our extremely finite minds.

I also believe that this Being is not a dot commer. He doesn’t sit around and wait to fill orders or requests. Neither does He interfere in the details of our lives. What He has done and does, to my understanding, is to establish certain rules and parameters that give each one of us tremendous leeway on how to play the game of life.

Each one of us, according to these rules and parameters, receives a “hand” for playing the game. It really doesn’t matter what kind of hand we start with, it matters how well we play the hand we are dealt. Do we enlist ourselves in the service of good and combat evil, or do we just squander away our time?

I believe that prayers are primarily for giving us comfort, for calming us down, for helping us take the steps needed to mend our ways, to do all we can to be worthy humans. Also, to clear our hearts and heads from the dross of daily worldly entanglement, to help put matters in proper perspective, to live at peace with both our gifts as well as our limitations, to aid us in entertaining good thoughts, uttering good speech and doing good deeds.

When prayers are said with the above mindset, they are already answered prayers. Death is inevitable. It is the journey that invariably follows birth, sooner or later. Let us hope that we all do justice to our gift of humanness in this life and wing to the next with a minimal sense of shame and shortcoming.

I believe we all have a purpose in life. We all are here for a reason and we can’t leave before our time is up. We have to put in the time. Putting in the time is the rite of passage, right?

Many people have asked me why I have put my life in harm’s way by tangling with Islam and why I do what I do. Born in a Muslim family and having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascism visits on the people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate and violence. Islam is wrapped in deception as a spiritual dogma or religion and is more dangerous than Nazism, Communism and Fascism.

My writings aim to help people decide if they want to rank with the Islamists or if they want to truly live as free men.  The truth shall set you free, it is said, but first it will shatter the cozy, sweet world you live in.

Nowadays, we hear from the non-Muslim world about the moderate version of Islam and moderate Muslims. In my view, being a Muslim and not being radical is simply not possible. Freedom lets a person make choices and be up-front about it. And that’s where I part with those who would prefer to be sheep and have sheepdogs hem them in.

Many non-Muslims are obviously very well-meaning with regard to Islam, but they are also extremely naïve and ignorant of the facts. They seem to think that Islam is just another religion of love and peace and Muslims should be given full freedom to practice their religion. Do they also believe that thieves, misogynists, rapists, child-molesters and any and all manner of practicing evils should be given complete carte blanche to carry on with what they value and believe? These well-meaning people are just as deluded as the fanatic jihadists by refusing to acknowledge the fact that one cannot be a Muslim and not abide by the dictates of the Quran.

There is no such thing as moderate Islam. It’s the nature of the faith to deny any separation of religion and the state or religion and society. There are numerous sects within Islam. One and all are extremes and not in the least amenable to change. Keep in mind that Islam claims that it is the perfect eternal faith for mankind. Splits have occurred and will continue to occur in Islam. Yet, reformation has not happened in nearly 1400 years and is not going to happen. Islam is carved in granite, just the way it is. No change. Allah’s book is sealed.

There are indeed some Muslims who are moderate in the way they practice their religion. These people, for the most part, are cultural Muslims. They don’t practice Islam the way it is mandated. They pick and choose. Therefore, “moderate Islam,” is no Islam at all. It just is not possible.

Islamists have created fear not only in a non-Islamic world, but in the hearts and minds of those who consider themselves to be Muslims. Islamists wage their war under the name of Islam. They receive immense direct and indirect support from the rank-and-file of ordinary Muslims. It is this passive support of so-called moderate Muslims that keeps the Islamists alive. And it is the Islamists who are intent on showing no mercy to any and all who do not share their ideology, be they Muslims or not. Millions of Iranians who were born into a faith they did not choose, a faith that was inflicted upon them by invaders of a foreign culture, a faith that forbids them to leave or revert to their pre-Islamic heritage and other Iranian religions, remain Muslims in name only.

An example: former fanatic President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmadinejad is a true Muslim who was instilled from his upbringing with Islamic superstitions, prejudices and hatreds. He was indoctrinated, from the moment of his birth, by an extensive ruthless in-power cadre of self-serving mullahs and imams who intended to maintain their stranglehold on the rank and file of the faithful-their very source of support and livelihood.

The fanatic Ahmadinejad is every bit as bloodthirsty as Hitler. Every jihadist is.

The majority of Iranians are against the mullahs’ rule and many are staunchly pro-Western and pro-American. However, a minority supports the mullahs for a variety of reasons, such as jobs, influence and simply for money. And a much smaller minority composed of the people we call the 3Fs — fools, fanatics and frauds, do support the Mullahs. Further, the mullahs have severely dis-empowered the opposition by systematic harassing, jailing and killing.

The mullahs’ days are, however, numbered and we will witness the rule of true Iranians, the majority of whom are worthy human beings. No totalitarian rule can survive without a segment of the population, for one reason or another, supporting it. Yet, time is not on the side of the mullahs. By their mismanagement, thievery and oppression of the masses, they have created explosive internal conditions. Any significant support of the presently splintered Iranian opposition will be the tipping point-a tipping point that will assuredly topple the mullahs.

In conclusion, our best hope for humanity and civilization to survive is to firmly resist Islamofascism in all its forms. As an Iranian-American, I have experienced first-hand the Islamic tyranny as well as the blessings of liberty. I find it my solemn duty to do all I can to battle Islamofascism, the most dehumanizing active threat of our time.

© 2017 Amil Imni – All Rights Reserved

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Understanding The Threat Of Sharia Law In America

I cannot overstate the dangers of Sharia law and its insidious creeping nature. Sharia law is a monumental threat to our laws that are grantors of our liberty. No effort should be spared in denying this Stone Age, misogynistic body of Islamic laws from invading our legal system.

The recent migration of Muslims to non-Islamic lands began as a seemingly harmless, even useful; trickle of desirable cheap needed labor. Before long, greater and greater numbers of Muslims deluged the new territories and as they gained in numbers—by high birth rate as well as new arrivals—Muslims began reverting to their intolerant ways by, for instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past.

What is Sharia?

Islamic rules are called Sharia law or the Islamic law. Sharia law is a misnomer, IMO—-for laws must be squarely based on justice and fairness to all, while Sharia law is nothing more than a primitive set of dogma stipulated by men for the benefit of Muslim men.

Some Examples:

Sharia law disenfranchises women from their legitimate equal rights with men; prescribes barbaric punishments such as stoning, amputation of limbs and death. Sharia law, contrary to what its advocates claim, does not limit application of its draconian provisions to Muslims only: it considers any and all disputes involving Muslims with non-Muslims also in its purview to adjudicate. Sharia law is inherently arbitrary, obsolete, and discriminatory to the extreme. Wherever Sharia law rules, injustice prevails.

Sharia law represents a twist to the concept of Blind Justice: It is indeed blind to justice. Even a cursory examination of Sharia’s family law, for instance, proves unequivocally its blindness to justice: it makes the shameful past laws, such as Jim Crow laws; seem as paragons of fairness by comparison.

These are the conditions on the ground wherever Sharia rules. Violence of all forms is endemic to Islamic law and is not confined to any fringes. Sharia law itself is the fringe–a fringe that is oppressive, hateful of others and violent to the core.

Who is promoting Sharia law:

In infidel lands, the slow acting yet deadly cancer of invasive Sharia is wedged into laws by powerful moneyed Islamic organizations coaxing and greasing the politicians to issue ordinances or legislate seemingly harmless provisions of Sharia. Islamic organizations and clerics who have a vested interest begin their Sharia campaign by asking for an ordinance or legislation for seemingly inconsequential things such as requiring stores to clearly designate and completely separate halal food and meat from the non-halal. What is important here is that ordinances and laws like this are the beginning of getting the government into the business of enforcing Sharia law. That’s the way they get a toehold and the camel’s head pokes into the room, so to speak. Before long, little by little, the rest of the terribly ugly stinking camel gets in the room and there will be no way to get it out

SHARIA is based on the principles found in the Quran and other Islamic religious/political texts. There are no common principles between American law and Sharia.

Sharia in American courts:

Sharia law is also creeping in through the courts. Sadly, some judges are just as corruptible as politicians and are amenable to powerful Islamic influences for handling cases before them.  The center for security policy evaluated “50 appellate court cases from 23 states that involve conflicts between Sharia (Islamic law) and American state law. The analysis finds that Sharia has been applied or formally recognized in state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy.”

Let me say it in other way:

The encroachment of sharia law into American jurisprudence and repeated calls by the left that American courts rely upon international law precedent are emblematic of a larger problem – the hijacking of our legal system by judicial ideologues unaccountable to the people, and virtually impossible to impeach or recall. In many cases, a judgeship is a lifetime appointment. Thus insulated from the electorate they are alleged to represent, leftist judges are free to tamper with our legal system to their heart’s content, ignore popular referenda and laws with which they disagree, and commit assorted other acts of misconduct. The Framers intended that judges be insulated from political pressures and gamesmanship, but the pendulum has swung too far the other way. Corrective action is needed to allow the electorate to recall or dismiss judges who commit judicial malpractice, such as those who rule sharia law acceptable in U.S. courts.

Sharia in Europe Today

When you study Islam in Europe today; you are seeing America in 20 years. Why? The actions by Muslims in Europe are based on Sharia law, the same Sharia law that is beginning to be implemented in America today.

  • Traffic cannot move in London streets as Muslims commandeer the streets to pray-a political result based on Sharia law.
  • Entire areas of Europe are no-go zones for non-Muslims, this includes the police. These are Islamic enclaves where only Muslims live. The Muslim-only policy is based on Sharia.
  • In England, an Anglican bishop calls for the rule of Islamic law for Muslims. The bishop is obeying Sharia law. In the schools only Islamic approved texts can be used. This is based on Sharia law.
  • Christians may not speak to Muslims about Christianity nor may they hand out literature. This is a political result based on Sharia law enforced by British courts.
  • Rape by Muslims is so prevalent that Sweden has forbidden the police to collect any data in the investigation that would point to Islam. Rape is part of Islamic doctrine as applied to non-Muslim women.
  • In London mass demonstrations by Muslims call for the end of British law and Sharia law to rule all people. This political action is based on Sharia.
  • In some English hospitals, during Ramadan fast (an Islamic religious event) non-Muslims cannot eat where a Muslim can see them. The submission of non-Muslims is based on Sharia law.
  • At British hospitals, Muslim women are treated only as Sharia law demands.
  • If a Dane says that he is proud to be Danish near a Muslim, it can be seen as hate speech and racism. This is in accordance to Sharia law.

Sharia in America Today

Here are current and historical events in America that are driven by Sharia law:

  • On September 11, 2001 jihadists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center. This was in compliance to the laws of jihad found in the Sharia law. The attack was a political action based upon a religious motivation.
  • All textbooks in America must be approved by Islamic councils that are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is in accordance with Sharia law.
  • American employers and schools are met with demands for time and space to do Islamic prayer. These demands are based on Sharia law.
  • The American banking system is becoming Islamized with Sharia financing. Our banking system indulges in Sharia financial law and does not know the rest of Sharia law.
  • Universities are asked to close swimming pools and other athletic facilities to be used for Muslim women.
  • Hospitals are being sued for not having Sharia compliant treatment.
  • No course at the college level uses critical thinking in the history and doctrine of Islam. Under Sharia no aspect of Islam may be criticized.
  • Muslim charities give money to jihadists, as per Sharia law.
  • Muslim foot-baths are being installed in airport facilities, using tax money. This is in accordance with Sharia law.
  • American prisons are a stronghold of proselytizing for Islam.
  • Workplaces are being made Islamic worship sites through special rooms and time off to pray. This is in accordance to Sharia law.
  • Islamic refugees bring all of their wives for welfare and medical treatment to America. Authorities will not act even when presented with evidence. Polygamy is pure Sharia.
  • We are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to implement constitutions that have the supremacy of Sharia law as their first article.

Tenets of Sharia Law

Why Do We Need to Know Sharia?

Examples of Sharia Law include the following: (from the authoritative source Reliance of the Traveller, The Sacred Manual of Islamic Law)

  • Requirement of women to obtain permission from husbands for daily freedoms;
  • Beating of disobedient woman and girls;
  • Execution of homosexuals;
  • Engagement of polygamy and forced child marriages;
  • Requirement of the testimony of four male witnesses to prove rape;
  • Stoning of adulteresses;
  • Lashing of adulterers;
  • Amputation of body for criminal offenses;
  • Female genital mutilation;
  • Capital punishment for those who slander or insult Islam;
  • Execution of apostates, or those that leave the religion of Islam
  • Inferior status for all non-Muslims, known as Dhimmitude.
  • Concept of Taqiyya: A Muslim may lie or deceive others to advance the cause of Islam.

To protect yourself, your children and your country.

ISLAMIC SCHOLARS CLAIM: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws of Allah, the Sharia.

Under Sharia law:

  • There is no freedom of religion
    ♠ There is no freedom of speech
    ♠ There is no freedom of thought
    ♠ There is no freedom of artistic expression
    ♠ There is no freedom of the press
    ♠ There is no equality of peoples-a non-Muslim, an infidel or a Kefir, is never equal to a Muslim
    ♠ There are no equal rights for women
    ♠ Women can be beaten
    ♠ A non-Muslim cannot bear arms
    ♠ There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people. Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.
    ♠ Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, Jaliyah, that must submit to Sharia
    ♠ There is no democracy, since that means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim
    ♠ Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens
    ♠ There is no Golden Rule
    ♠ There is no critical thought
    ♠ All governments must be ruled by Sharia law

Unlike our laws, Sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed

Islam wants you to surrender.

Below is a presentation of what this surrender to Islam entails and why it is imperative that all freedom-loving people arise and defeat the menace of Islamofascisim.

Amendment I of the Bill of Rights enshrines some of the most cherished ideals of freedom-loving people:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Islam considers itself the three branches of government. It enacts laws as it sees fit, adjudicates laws, and executes as it deems. Islam is anathema to the provisions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and much more.

Islam proclaims itself as the only legitimate religion for the entire world, grudgingly granting minor recognition to Judaism and Christianity from whom it has liberally plagiarized much of its dogma. Jews and Christians are allowed to live under the rule of Islam as “dhimmis” and must pay a special religious tax of jizya. Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, members of other religions, agnostics, or atheists are not even allowed to practice their belief or disbelief.

Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerating and welcoming non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is judged as apostate and automatically condemned to death.

Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam. The word is Allah’s, his chosen divines such as Ayatollahs and Imams are the only ones who are to make pronouncements squarely based on Allah’s word, the Quran. Any expression that deviates in the least from the Quran, the Hadith or the edicts of Islamic high divines is heresy and severely punishable. Hence, stifling of free expression is the major mechanism by which the Islamic clergy retain power and prevent constructive change in Islamic societies.

Freedom of the press is completely alien to Islam, since a free press tends to express matters as it sees it, rather than as it is stated in the Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything Islamic. The stranglehold of Islam on the individual and society is complete.

Peaceful assembly of the people is not allowed. The backward oppressive Islamic societies inflict great hardship on the citizenry and any assembly of the victims presents a threat to the suffocating rule. Islamic governments routinely prevent peaceful assemblies from taking place. Failing to do so, they unleash their hired thugs, the police and even the military against any assemblage no matter how peaceful and how legitimate is its grievance. The Islamic Republic of Iran which is vying with Saudi Arabia as the leader of true Islamic rule, routinely attacks any and all gatherings of its people, arrests them, imprisons them without due process, tortures them, and even executes them in secret dungeons. Journalists, academics, unionists, students, teachers, women rights groups who dare to petition the government for redress are labeled subversive and are severely punished.

Maltreatment of religious minorities and the non-religious is criminal indeed. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, the government has launched a systematic program of genocide against its largest religious minority—the Baha’is. The government is gathering a comprehensive list of Baha’is, their occupations, locations, properties and the like—action reminiscent of the Nazis. The government is banning Baha’i students from post high-school education unless they recant their religion, deprives them of engaging in numerous forms of occupations and trades, denies them from holding worship gatherings, and razes their holy places and much more. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not satisfied with its cruel treatment of the living Baha’is and has launched a war on their dead by bulldozing Baha’i cemeteries in several cities. Thus, is the rule of fundamental Islamism that is awaiting the complacent and snoozing world.

Oppression of women in general is tragic indeed. Men are allowed to have as many as four wives simultaneously and as many concubines as they wish or can afford. Men can easily divorce their wives and automatically have the custody of the children, if they so decide. Women have subservient status to men in all areas of the law. Equality under the law has no meaning in Islam. Just one example of the dreadful way of treating women in Islam is a case of a Saudi woman who was gang-raped. The Islamic court sentenced the woman to a prison term and lashes for having committed the “sin” of riding in a car with a male who was not her relative. This is a standard form of Islamic Sharia justice—a savage heritage of barbarism that ruled the Arabian Peninsula a few centuries ago.

Islam has a solution for every “problem.” It deals with homosexuals, for instance, by hanging them en mass and gloating about it, even though homosexuality is just as prevalent in Islamic lands as anywhere else. Recently an Ayatollah made a ruling on homosexuals. He said that they should be tortured before they are hanged. In Islam, the rulings of high-ranking clergy constitute the law and are binding.

Not only does Islam not allow freedom of assembly and the press, it is intrusively restrictive in every aspect of a person’s life. The way women should dress, the haircut of men, the music people are allowed, movies to watch, television programs to view, and even parties in the privacy of their home are subject to the ridiculous monitoring of moral police. Islam is hell-bent on outward morality and puritanical conduct while it is rotten to the core just below the pretentious surface.

Islam segregates by gender many public places and events such as beaches, sporting venues, public transportation, and even building elevators. Families are often prevented from attending a sporting event together or swimming together at a beach.

Egypt, the crown of the Arab-Islam world, demands that citizens declare Islam or only one of the two other religions, Judaism and Christianity, as their religion in order to receive the government-issued identity cards. ID cards are required for jobs, healthcare, education, a marriage license and a host of other things. If you are an agnostic, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Baha’i, you are forced to perjure yourself to receive the indispensable ID card. In a real sense, Islam, the pretender of high moral ground, compels people to lie in order to receive what is their birthright as citizens.

The fact that Islam is a splintered house complicates matters greatly. The faith is divided into Sunni and Shiites sects with numerous sub-sects. The divisions and contentiousness are so profound that members of one sect consider the other Muslims as apostates worthy of death.

The division goes back to the time of the Prophet himself. Shiites believe that the enemies of true faith subverted its chain of authority at Muhammad’s death. They claim that the Prophet, while on his deathbed, asked for a parchment to dictate his will and to appoint Ali, his cousin and son-in-law, as his successor. The Shiites claim that Umar, an influential disciple and commander of the faith, declined the request saying to the Prophet: hasbena ketab-ul-llah—sufficient unto us is the book of God. Before long, division and infighting started in earnest and continues to this day.

Oppression of Shiite minorities in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are only two glaring instances of this longstanding and irreconcilable intra-faith hostility. The Shiite majorities in other lands return the favor to the Sunni minorities, as is the case in Iran. The recent horrific sectarian killings in Iraq represent glaring instances of irreconcilable differences among the various claimants to the mantle of true Islam.

Ironically, Islamic associations routinely intimidate many newspapers, if they dare to print the truth about Islam. Legions of lawyers, both Muslims as well as hired guns, are on the lookout to intimidate and silence any voice speaking the truth about Islam. The media organizations that fall in line may receive generous advertising and other incentives from Islamic lobbyists.

I have asserted time and again that I am not against Muslims. I condemn Islam and those who support and promote it. In the same sense that I am not against slaves, I am against slavery and those who advocate and advance it. The very practice of Islam is tantamount to perpetuating and practicing slavery. Slavery enslaves the body, while Islam entraps the mind. Both ideals and practices are abhorrent and detrimental to the realization of our highest hopes as human beings.

In conclusion: Islam is a militant, political and savage cult created by one man: Muhammad. It is time that we treat Islam as the greatest threat to the human race. I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for a number of years. The Islamic treasury, flush with oil extortion money together with the help of useful idiots, is having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism; it is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. Free people must act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Time To Start Making America Great Again

I watched from gavel to gavel coverage, and I thought he was lying based on the hesitance with which he gave his answers and his body language. There were myriad signs that he was not truthful. His agenda was clear: Hit Trump and hit him hard. Now, Mueller is investigating Trump for obstruction, but there is no proof of same. It’s a “he-said-he-said” situation unless Trump really does have tapes.

But, people are missing the statutory and legal definition of obstruction. Saying he hoped that the Flynn case could be handled with empathy does not rise to the level of obstruction. For true obstruction, the following must be proven:

  1. Is “hoping” obstruction? No. Comey’s interpretation that it was “a direction” from Trump is his opinion. Trump never ordered him to stop the investigation, and the conversation was held in private, so again, there’s no proof, and more telling is that the investigation continues.
  2. There must be some element of corruption involved under the law. Had Trump actually asked that the investigation into him be stopped because Flynn was about to be indicted or had been indicted, that would have possibly—possibly—been some element of corruption involved.
  3. Trump is a New Yorker and with the way people like him speak, “hope” means exactly that: “I hope you can go easy on Flynn. He’s a good man” is not corruption by any measure. There is not even an inference that Trump interfered with the investigation.
  4. Once again, the Washington Poststory that Trump was being investigated comes from anonymous sources. Is he really being investigated for obstruction? We don’t know, but I do know that one of the far-left lawyers hired by the special council has a very broad definition of obstruction. He will lose that argument because the relevant statutes are very clear about what constitutes obstruction.

We know that Bill Clinton lied under oath. We don’t have any evidence that Trump tried to obstruct the Flynn investigation. It’s Comey’s word against his. The really stupid mistake Trump made was telling the NBC reporter that Comey was fired over his handling of the Russia investigation. He should have said that the memo from the assistant attorney general, Rosenstein, the letter from Sessions and Comey’s ineptitude and grandstanding should have been the reason for his dismissal. In fact, Trump never should have fired Comey. If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t be in this mess.

That said, nothing Comey says he said rises to the level of obstruction under the appropriate statutes.

Importantly, had Comey determined that Trump had engaged in obstruction, he is mandated by law to report it to Congress or a judge. He met with his top advisors and determined that Trump had not engaged in obstruction, so he did not report it. If he really believed that “hope” was a direct order, he is in legal jeopardy for not reporting it.

As postulated upon, someone has to stand up to Trump and bring him to heel. He must be given talking points to certain questions his team believes he will be asked. If he’s left to his own devices it is guaranteed that he will screw things up, and his statement to Lester Holt was not the wisest thing he could have said. That is why this continues to have legs with the MSM. Someone needs to corral him and have a very serious talk with him about how to be presidential and watch what he says, and, more importantly, what he tweets. He’s not in the campaign anymore. He needs to get with the program and watch carefully what he says.

As the ousted FBI Director James Comey stated:

“There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever. The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did it with purpose, they did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts and measures driven from the top of that government,” he declared.

“It’s not a close call. That happened. That’s about as unfake as you can possibly get and it is very, very serious, which is why it’s so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. Because this is about America.

Trump has repeatedly claimed the probe was a hoax and fake news. Thus far, President Trump has been right. There is no shred of evidence that Russia ever interfered in our election. Every leak comes from unnamed sources.

It is time to put this prolonged “hoax” behind us and start making America Great Again.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump Right To Protect America With Travel Ban

There has been a nonstop discussion about President Trump’s temporary proposed ban of the entry of persons from six Muslim majority nations. While I applaud President Trump for his courageous stand on this important issue, I am disappointed that he did not go far enough.

Here’s Trump’s grand mistake in my opinion:

There are 57 Muslim nations and they all share the same mantra about Islam. They have a common Islamic psychological milieu, and called an Islamic “diet.”

Islamic Diet

People as a group or as individuals are different and none is perfectly healthy psychologically. We all have a loose wheel or two as we travel the bumpy road of life. Yet, most people manage to stay on course most of the time, with perhaps a stop or two at a repair shop of a mental health professional.

Most psychological disorders are exaggerations, deficits or surfeits of the generally accepted norm—whatever the norm may be. When caution, for instance, is practiced past suspicion, then we have paranoia; when reasonable fear is exercised beyond any justification, then there is phobia. The degree and severity of a condition frequently determine the presence or absence of psychopathology.

As mentioned above, Muslims share a particular common Islamic psychological milieu, whether they live in Islamic lands or in societies predominantly non-Islamic. The psychological condition of any Muslim group or individual is directly dependent on the kind and amount of Islamic diet they consume. The Islamic diet has numerous ingredients—some of which are wholesale, some are dangerously toxic, and some are between the two extremes, but they all share exactly the same Islamic fatalism. That’s the will of “Allah.”

Islam Fatalistic View

One of the greatest subtle, yet important differences between the Muslim’s mindset and that of the people in the West is the extent to which Muslims are fatalistic. There is hardly a statement that a Muslim makes without being conditional—conditional on the will of Allah. (Inshallah) “I shall see you tomorrow, Allah willing,” (Inshallah) “You will make it home, Allah willing,” (Inshallah) “Things will work out, Allah willing,” (Inshallah) and on and on and on. To the Muslim, Allah is on the job—on every job. Allah, with his invisible mighty hand, literally does and runs everything.

Allah’s hand is above all other hands, adorns every imaginable space in Islamic lands—a telling point about the Muslim’s fatalism and submission to the omnipotent omnipresent hand. If something happens, it is Allah’s will. If it doesn’t, it is Allah’s will. The rank and file Muslim has little will of his own. It absolves him of any and all responsibility. This mentality is in stark contrast with the “take charge” and “can do” mentality characteristic of Americans and other Western societies.

Islam’s Ideology

Islamic ideology is a creed of an ignorant people in a primitive and barbaric age. It is fixated in time and place; it harbors the ambition of taking the 21st century world back 14 centuries and ruling it by its dogma of violence, intolerance, injustice and death. And all 57 Muslim nations share this view, not just six countries on Trump’s list.

The Left

Well, the Muslims’ allies, America’s left keep asserting that America was built by immigrants from all nations. Here are the facts: the vast majority of those voluntary immigrants were White Christians with a heady leavening of Jews. These groups shared a developed and developing drive in support of “equal justice under the law” and strong traditions against such crimes as murder, genocide, rape, unjust war, robbery, theft and other crimes easily understood by most sane persons.

For the most part, these European immigrants also developed a nation which individuals and private organizations provide help to the unfortunate without regard to race, color, nationality, etc.

Let’s look at history: the number of Muslims who came to the United States (before 1918, when our nation was well established) was too little to be statistically meaningful. Besides, Muslims don’t come here to live and work peacefully; they come here to make Islam the law of the land.

By now, many ordinary Americans are beginning to comprehend that Islam commands a “Perpetual War” (Jihad) against “unbelievers” and allows, encourages and commands those waging Jihad to use murder, rape, genocide, torture and other horrors to forward the world conquest goal of Islam.

The claim that the immigration of Muslims is another face of that incoming as built our nation is another example of “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” as has been attributed to such lovers of liberty as V. Lenin and A. Hitler.

What should Americans do?

Islam in its fourteen hundred years of existence has never been the religion of peace. It has always been at war with infidels. A never-ending war. What should Americans do? They should demand that politicians, Islamic apologists, and paid-for media sycophants do not abuse freedom by lying about Islam. When these people portray Islam as a religion of peace, they are lying through their teeth. Just take a quick look at Islam’s history as well as what is happening today in Islamic lands. Islam is not a religion of peace and it has never been. Islam is violent, oppressive, racist, and irrational at best.
Islam and Women

It is also a fact that Islam teaches that it is proper to sexually use girls as young as nine-years-of-age, that women must have inferior status to males as witnesses in courts and in shares of inheritances and that husbands may beat their wife or wives when those males deem it necessary.

Women are relegated in Islam to a second-class status, depriving them of many rights enjoyed by men. Thus, life goes on for Muslim women with all the trappings of Islamic misogyny. Such is the plight of women under Islam. There is hardly the need to provide an exhaustive list of Islamic misogynies to qualify it as a shameful, discriminatory and oppressive religious apartheid.

Holy Land Foundation Trial (HLFT)                

Perhaps one of the most important outcomes of the HLFT was that the FBI reevaluated its relationship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), after significant evidence emerged during the trial about CAIR’s links to the U.S. – Hamas infrastructure. Again, like some other religious minorities, Muslims are not well-known for extending “charity” to others. However, and in the USA, Muslims have been found guilty of sending “charitable contributions” to terrorist groups.

Toxic mind of Muslim leaders

Over the years, Islamic leaders have found it expedient to feed the masses mainly the toxic ingredients to further their own interests. Individuals and groups, for instance, have used the immense energizing power of hatred to rally the faithful; the cohesive force of polarization to create in-group solidarity; and, the great utility value of blaming others for their real and perceived misfortunes. Jews have been their favorite and handy scapegoats from day one. To this day, as true fascists, like the Nazis, Muslims blame just about everything on Jews.

It is for this present and imminent danger that the free people of the world must rise and do all they can to preserve their birthright of liberty. Muslims in non-Islamic lands may seem harmless, and many of them indeed are. Yet, Islam compels its leaders to uphold and promote its tenets at any and all costs to anyone. It is for this reason that on the one hand the Islamic governments sign the U.N. Charter that condemns apartheid, and on the other hand, they violate every provision of it when they are in power.

Small Victory for the Trump Administration

On June 26. 2017, The Supreme Court asserted it will decide the fate of President Trump’s revised travel ban, agreeing to hear arguments over immigration cases that were filed in federal courts in Hawaii and Maryland and allowing parts of the ban that has been on hold since March to take effect.

On July 15, 2017. “Lawyer General Jeff Sessions discharges explanations after Hawaii Judge puts new limits on the Trump Administrations’ travel restriction from six Muslim Countries.”

President Donald Trump is on the right track.  It is a matter of national security, not just politics. But I believe he should vet every Muslim majority country attempting to enter the US, not just these six.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Linda Sarsour: An Enemy Within

I have repeatedly said in the past that being a Muslim and being American are incompatible. A Muslim is an Ummah-ist. His/her loyalty, first and above all, is to Islamic world rule and not to the country where he/she resides. By allowing Muslims to immigrate to the West, we are literary inviting the biggest enemy of mankind into our homes. Because, Muslims do not assimilate, they come here to make Islam the law of the land.

Attention seeker and jihadist Linda Sarsour, an American-born Arab native, is calling to wage Jihad, a terrorist threat against the President of the United States and the White House staff. In reality, Sarsour has declared jihad (holy war) on the United States Government and its people.

Question…Where is the Secret Service? Where is the FBI? Why is this radical Muslim woman still free to walk? Why isn’t she under investigation? This woman is dangerous and has an ulterior motive.

In her latest speech, she said the “number 1, top priority” was to “protect and defend” the Muslim community and suggested assimilation should not be a goal.

“It is not to assimilate and to please any other people or authority,” Sarsour said. “Our obligation is to our young people, and to our women, and to make sure our women are protected in our community and our top priority, even higher than those priorities is to please Allah and only Allah.”

Well folks—Christians and Jews—the overwhelming majority of the people in the United States, you need to relax about Islam. Muslims are family. They are your kindred through your shared progenitor, Abraham, so they claim.

Having Abraham as an ancestor would demand that the “children” be loving siblings. That’s the message the American Muslims try to convey. And that’s the way they aim to keep us in the deadly slumber of complacency and the delusion of multiculturalism.

For one, multiculturalism and multi-religionism are not interchangeable and are not one and the same. Muslims and their frequently well-paid apologists use the multiculturalism umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the religion of peace.

Don’t listen to me and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators. Find out for yourself. See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form anywhere in Muslim countries. This multiculturalism gambit is Islam manufactured wool to pull over the eyes of the non-Muslims while the Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating anything or anyone non-Islamic anywhere in the world.

Those of us, through reason and a tremendous act of will, who have freed ourselves from the enslaving yoke of Islam placed around our necks from birth, know about all the heinous inside dirt of this plague on humanity.

We have experienced Islam first-hand and up close from the inside. We have studied the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. We have seen Islam in action where it holds sway. Some of us have even tried desperately to cling to this security blanket that was wrapped around us from birth. Yet, the more we studied and the more we experienced Islam, the more our effort to remain in the fold became untenable.

We broke away from Islamic slavery and found it to be our solemn duty to expose this fraud of a religion, help other Muslims to free themselves from it, and warn good-hearted and gullible non-Muslims against falling prey to it.

Muslim organizations in America, generously financed by the oil-rich Muslim government and sheikhs, are directed to sell Islam Lite for long enough until the cult runs deep roots and Real Islam is introduced. One can see how the scheme played out in Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of Islam Lite and knee deep into the quagmire of Real Islam. And that’s exactly where things are headed in America.

It is said that truthfulness is the foundation of all virtues. Islam not only condones, it encourages, lying and dissimulation—Taqiyya — in dealing with non-Muslims. Linda Sarsour’s message is little more than packs of crafty propaganda, distortions and outright lies.

Fellow Americans: Linda Sarsour, the darling of the left, may well be an American, but she remains an enemy from within and must be treated as such, a traitor.

Jihad Factory

Bewildered by what fanatic Muslims do, some conclude that Muslims are brainwashed. Otherwise, how can their totally illogical belief system and barbaric behavior be explained? But the notion of “brainwashing” that is bandied about is the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies such as The Manchurian Candidate.

The human person arrives in this world with his brains already washed in the sense of being what John Locke called tabula rasa, or “clean slate” — ready to be imprinted by experience. John Locke was only partly correct; the brain also arrives with numerous predispositions already in place. It is a combination of life’s influences and a person’s own decisions that determine which of these dispositions develop and which ones fail. It is through this process that a unique human being is formed.

Many animals come with already-in-place programs that automatically run much of their lives. Birds’ migration, mating courtship, and thousands of other complex behaviors are instances of this type of specific programming. A catchword for this type of behavior is “instinct.” As a general rule, the higher the organism, the more diminished its rigid pre-programming and the greater its latitude to exercise choices.

Making choices depends on what there is to choose from and to what extent a given choice appeals to the chooser. And the human newborn enters the arena of life without the means of being anything other than a passive recipient of “things” already chosen for him.

It is like the old joke by Henry Ford, who reportedly told his customers that they could have the choice of color for their car as long as it was black. Things are almost as bleak for the new arrival. He had no say in choosing his parents, his socioeconomic condition, his environment of birth, and much more. All are already in place, and he starts life from the context of his birth.

The development of a newborn in any family is importantly influenced by many factors, among them how hands-on the parents are, how religious they are, and how severely they micromanage him in an attempt to make him not only a good person, but also a better one than they themselves are.

Parents tend to live vicariously through their children by programming them the best they can so the children become or achieve much of what the parents themselves failed to become or to accomplish. This attitude covers all areas of life, such as giving the child the education they didn’t have, helping him with fame and fortune, nurturing him to become a topnotch athlete, and so forth.

It is a fact that early influences play a cardinal role in shaping a person. For this reason, for instance, the overwhelming majority of Muslims have been born into Muslim families, Catholics into Catholic families, Hindus into Hindu families, and so on. It is also a fact that the degree of religiosity ranges from mild to strong, with most people falling somewhere between the two extremes.

Interestingly, two siblings raised by the same set of parents under the same influences may end up at the opposite extremes in their religious views and practices. It is here that the human dynamic of freedom of choice comes into play and steers two people to opposite extremes. Occasional extreme deviations notwithstanding, the great majority of siblings of a given family end up with various degrees of that family’s overall religious and other values. The same general principle of subscribing to a set of common values exists in all human groupings, in some cases with a broad flexibility and inclusiveness, while in others with rigidity and exclusivity.

In order to enjoy the privileges of belonging to a group, the person must also pay his membership dues.

Beginning with the minute he can make some sense of the world, the very young human faces a bewildering array of mysteries, challenges, and enticements. There are questions, fears, and hopes at every step, entangled with the need to survive and possibly thrive.

Who am I? What is this world all about? What’s the purpose? What am I supposed to do and how? Where am I headed? People die; where do they go? And on and on and on. The information booths available to him in the fairground of life provide him with answers that may help relieve his innate existential anxiety. And it is here that religion plays its critical role and holds a great appeal. Religion provides a surefire answer to those who are willing to take it on faith.

And Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses who are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth, that the majority of diehard jihadists emerge.

The jihadist makes a bargain: He surrenders totally to the religion of surrender in exchange for blanket security. Islam gives him all the answers he seeks for dealing with this world and promises him a most lush and eternal paradise of Allah once he leaves it. And leaving this world in perfect submission as the foot-soldier of the paradise’s creator gives the faithful jihadist an unimaginably glorious and sensual eternal reward in his next life. It’s a bargain that some buy in whole, some in part. Others refuse it and seek other means of dealing with their questions and their unrelenting existential anxiety.

The great majority of jihadists emerge from the ranks of those born into the religion of Islam simply because they are the ones most thoroughly indoctrinated and influenced by Islamic dogma in their most receptive early years. Yet there are others who embrace Islam in adulthood, on their own, and enlist themselves as devoted jihadists for the same rewards that Islam offers.

Islam has a great advantage of the first call on the new arrival. It is an omnipresent system with masses of believers, mosques, and madrasahs, and a host of other social and economic organizations that overpower the person and steer him into the same fold. It is a sea of people who seem to know what they are all about, what life and death are all about, and what one must do in general.

Within this sea of surging humanity composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer (a drop), through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply-indoctrinated and poorly-adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. Here, such people find the ironclad, perfect solution to their anxieties and perplexities.

To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of worthless earthly existence and donning the suit for winging joyously to the life of bliss promised by none other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad.

America must come to terms with the reality that orthodox Islam requires unceasing jihad. Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task. Massive education efforts combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy holds the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction.

In the monumental task of dealing with jihadism, every individual, group, and government particularly in the West must combine resources and energies to prevail. The destiny of the civilized world hangs in the balance.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Betrayal At The Highest Level By Former US Officials

America: The Enemy of My Enemy Is Not My Friend

American politicians sometimes wonder why people of other nations show contempt toward America. Perhaps this article will shed some light in the understanding of this enigma.

A few years ago, several high ranking American and European officials and dignitaries attended an NCRI (National Council of Resistance of Iran) rally held in Paris.

The invitees included MG Paul E.Vallely, US Army (Ret.), former Ambassador to the UN John Bolton, former New York City Mayor Rudi Giuliani, former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich and several others. The participants gathered in a conference room supposedly to support Iranian Opposition Groups. Here is the problem: NCRI is not representative of an opposition group, in fact, NCRI is an offshoot of the MEK, (Mujahidin Khalq) organization, a devout Islamist-Marxist entity known for their ISIS style terrorism.

Both NCRI/MEK are controlled by Masoud and Maryam Rajavi, a brutal couple who are no strangers to torture, terror and assassination. They both are responsible for numerous killings of Iranians and even murdering and abusing members of their own group for trying to defect or escape from the MEK (Camp Ashraf in Iraq).

Leaving Iran

After long and arduous bickering between MEK and Iran’s new leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, Masoud Rajavi, the leader of MEK started a series of bomb campaigns against the newly formed Islamic government. In 1981, it attacked the headquarters of the Islamic Republic Party, killing 74 senior officials including the party leader and 27 members of Parliament. A few months later it bombed a meeting of Iran’s national security council, killing Iran’s new president Mohammad-Ali Rajai and his Prime Minister.

To save their lives, Masoud and his companions were forced to flee Iran to Paris. But, the French government expelled the MEK leader, Masoud Rajavi, in 1986. The group then ran into the arms of Iran’s arch enemy, the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein. Iraq provided MEK thousands of fighters, artillery, guns, tanks and then housed them in three camps near Baghdad and along the Iranian border. Baghdad also provided money for the group. Saddam Hussein allowed the Iranian exiles, members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), to set up their paramilitary base at Camp Ashraf in the 1980s. The dissidents oppose Iran’s theocratic regime.

Human Rights Report

According to Human Rights Watch who interviewed several former MEK members, the organization is a cult that has kept its members virtually imprisoned in a compound in Iraq and controlled them psychologically. They eliminated anyone who expressed their intent to leave.

A RAND report commissioned by the US DOD found that the MEK is a cult that utilizes mind control and practices mandatory divorce, celibacy, authoritarian control, forced labor, sleep deprivation, physical abuse and confiscation of assets.

The FBI reported that the MEK’s “NLA [National Liberation Army] fighters are separated from their children who are sent to Europe and brought up by the MEK’s Support Network. […] These children are then returned to the NLA to be used as fighters upon coming of age.  Interviews also revealed that some of these children were told that their parents would be harmed if they did not cooperate with the MEK.”

In a seminar held in Paris ex-MEK members recounted tales of horror from Camp Ashraf, Iraq where their members are kept without any communication with their relatives for decades, they are ordered to divorce, and Masoud Rajavi had sex with female members of those within the cult.

More evidence of the cultic nature of MEK came to light when in 2003 the French police arrested Maryam Rajavi for terrorist charges. The group reacted in a manner consistent with its cultic nature. Ten of them set themselves on fire to protest their leader’s detention.

At one point, the US State Department labelled the MEK as cutting a “swath of terror” across the country in the following years and of “violent attacks in Iran that victimize civilians.”

“Since 1981 the MEK have claimed responsibility for murdering thousands of Iranians they describe as agents of the regime,” the report said.

MEK’s Ideology

Ideologically, the MEK initially sought to blend revolutionary Marxism with Islam. That’s why they are routinely referred to as an Islamist-Marxist organization. The group was shaped in the 1960s by leftist Iranians (supposedly) students opposed to the Shah’s regime. The MEK is responsible for the killing of six Americans in Iran during the 1970s. They included three military officers and three men working for Rockwell International, a conglomerate specializing in aerospace, including weapons, who were murdered in retaliation for the arrest of MEK members over the killings of the US military officers.

The MEK was also responsible for support and seizure of the US embassy in Tehran following the Iranian revolution.  During the 1980s and 1990s, the MEK fought as a private militia on behalf of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein against the Islamic Republic of Iran. (IRI). That angered the Iranian people and they called them traitors.

US Invasion of Iraq

Interestingly enough, in 2003, the MEK’s position became very weak when the US and its allies won the Persian Gulf war and entered Iraq. They made a 180-degree change in their attitude and suddenly, these Marxist terrorists declared they would no longer resort to violence (after being disarmed by the American military and not within the camp) and cast itself as supporters of the democratic opposition in Iran. Not everyone bought the group’s transformation into defenders of liberty, secularism, and women’s equality. Of course, no one believed the cult leader, Masoud Rajavai.

In April 2003, US forces signed a cease-fire agreement of “mutual understanding and coordination” with the MEK. Finally, in May 2003, as a result of negotiations between the MEK and US forces led by General Ray Odierno, the MEK agreed to a “voluntary consolidation” and disarming of its forces in exchange for US protection of Camp Ashraf and its residents.

In 2003,  New York Times reporter Elizabeth Rubin visited the group’s Iraqi compound at Camp Ashraf and described it as resembling a “fictional world of female worker bees … dressed exactly alike, in khaki uniforms and mud-colored head scarves, driving back and forth in white pickup trucks, staring ahead in a daze as if they were working at a factory in Maoist China.”

US Leaving Iraq

As soon as the U.S. troop pullout of Iraq began in 2008, the pressure began to mount on the MEK. The Iraqi government officially ordered that they needed to take over security at Camp Ashraf because the MEK was a “terrorist organization.” Gen. David Petraeus insisted that they were “protected persons” and U.S. forces would defend them. But Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki declared his intention was to “put an end” to the MEK.

Once all U.S. combat forces had left Iraq, he demanded a joint Army and police attack on the camp. In July 2009, U.S. military observers watched desperately as Iraqi forces overwhelmed and then attacked the camp, killing 11 residents (six were shot, the others beaten to death) and wounding hundreds. The operation was apparently intended to terrify the residents into leaving voluntarily, but instead it steeled their resolve.

Secretary Clinton

The MEK has a great deal of money and with that, undeniable political connections across the globe, and this is the one thing it has in common with the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI).

The MEK also began a multiyear, multimillion-dollar lobbying campaign to remove itself from the terrorist list, including possible financial reward to American political figures like Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Howard Dean, MG Paul E. Vallely, John Bolton and others.

Regrettably, because of these political networks and monetary support, the MEK and its leadership was able to enlist the support of Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and have her take them off the list of terrorist groups.  Another reason was they were reportedly passing information from their supporters within the Islamic Republic on nuclear facilities to the U.S. intelligence community and according to some reports, cooperating with the Mossad to assassinate Iranian scientists.


Both Americans and Iranians desire regime change in Iran, but for different reasons. While America wants to remove a threat in the region, the Iranians want democracy.  These two are not mutually exclusive and America would commit an unforgivable sin if it ignores the wishes of Iranians once again.

America’s collusion with the MEK, one of the most dangerous terrorist groups is devious and a blatant double standard.  This is worse than the instalment of the Ayatollah Khomeini by former President Jimmy Carter. It is unfathomable how on the one hand, America claims to be fighting against terrorism and on the other, supports it by aligning itself with the MEK.  What Iran needs is freedom and democracy, not another MEK led dictatorship.

It is the democracy-seeking secular Iranians who are thoroughly capable of dislodging the tyrannical Mullahs. The call of the opposition should be resoundingly answered by President Trump and all other nations and leaders, not only for humanitarian reasons, but in furtherance of their own national security interests.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

It Is Time for A Regime Change In Iran

There were never any questions about the Islamists denigrating Iran and exulting Muhammad. These mullahs owe their very livelihood and very lives to the lucrative business that Muhammad launched for their parasitic and shameful existence. It is vital for these leeches to continue trumpeting the sainthood of their business founder and driving all other competition out of Iran. Give these worms credit for paying homage to the source of their shameful livelihood.

More than three decades of rule by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has not only failed to achieve the security and well-being of its people, it has ensnared the nation in a stifling theocracy where the rights of the governed are routinely violated for the benefit of the governing.

The revolution of 1979 that brought down Mohammad Reza Shah in the hope of instituting a democratic government was quickly usurped by a religious autocracy.

The battle against these pseudo-humans is arduous and long. It is with the true sons and daughters of Iran and the rest of humanity with both integrity and conscience to fumigate these leeches from the body of planet Earth.

I hope this is not a repeat of 2009 when Obama threw a lifeline to the mullah’s regime by not supporting the Iranian people and in effect siding with the genocidal mullahs.

These turbaned thugs were taking their final breath, completely broke, and the good old USA comes to the rescue, releasing billions of dollars at the end of Obama’s second term while easing other sanctions. I will never understand this.

Time has arrived to end the Mullah’s reign of terror. Despite the fact, the Western news media is not reporting it, millions of Iranians from all spectrum of life gearing up to end this horrific nightmare.

Iranian opposition has finally learned that being united rather than working in small groups does not cut it. Thus, the National Council of Iran came into existence as a government in exile of Iran, consisting of a union of 40 parties, seeking the overthrow of the regime. It was created in April 2013 in Paris by Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran.

The National Council of Iran (Showraye Melliye Iran) is one of non-violence and is considered the alternative to the current Islamic butchers of Iran. Many Iranians inside and out have joined the NCI. Interestingly enough, no Western media outlet has reported this monumental event in over 4 years.

The beauty of the National Council of Iran lies in their non-violent position that transcends its pragmatic value. It is inspired by the longstanding Iranian belief that all humans are equal.

Fundamental to this effective change is the replacement of the old faulty and destructive beliefs with universally emancipating principles and behavior. Prejudice in all forms has been the scourge of humanity.

Prejudice in terms of gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs and more has tied humanity to separate chains and has prevented it from living as the true family that it is and from reaping the full benefits of its potentialities on earth.

It is with this firm belief in complete and unconditional equality for all people, irrespective of any and all considerations, that the Iran National Council summons the entirety of the human family for a new beginning.

Warning to the world: The whole world is sitting on the edge. Not knowing if but when the Islamic regime will push the nuclear button. We now have an opportunity of a lifetime to end this nightmare, not by the US military, but by Iranians themselves. Jimmy Carter gave us the Islamic Republic, Mr. Obama gave us the nukes, will President Trump stand with the Iranian people? We shall see.

We Iranians and Iranian-Americans in spirit—free people of the world–greatly cherish individual liberty and freedom, where the mind is imbued with enlightenment, and every individual by virtue of being born human is afforded measured freedom. It is within the open expanse of liberty that each and every person can be at his or her best. And when the individual person is at his best, humanity is as best.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump Needs New Blood

If President Trump cites “loyalty” as being above the concerns of the nation, this must end because this is not business, it’s politics about which he seems very cagy. I have no doubt that the President meant “Loyalty” to our Constitution.

Unfortunately, I doubt that either of the people you suggested will get the nod. Calista Gingrich has just been nominated to be the new ambassador to the Vatican. If she’s approved by the Senate, I think Newt would obviously join her there.

Sununu would be great if he was younger. However, he seems to enjoy being a commentator, but I doubt he’d accept being chief of staff to he was chief of staff to Ronald Reagan. I fear he’d have trouble doing the job because the political paradigm has shifted dramatically. He would find it hard to keep Trump under control and away from the latter’s Twitter account. Tweets not reviewed by his communications should be deleted before he starts typing.

Perhaps at this crucial time, Herman Cain and Karl Rove should be on the list—not ideal, but a lot better than Priebus. Plus, as far as I know, Cain would be the first black Chief of Staff. Also, Deputy FBI Director of the New York office Jim Kallstroemin is plenty tough and because he comes from New York, they’d be simpatico. Rudi Giuliani would also be ideal, but I don’t think he’d accept the job. He’s too powerful to do it. Trump needs someone who will devise a plan and make Trump stick with it. As I have stated in the past, Presidents don’t run the country, Chiefs of Staff do. We have to think way outside the box on this pick.

What he needs is someone like Dick Cheney, someone who stares down the press via the press secretary and keeps Trump under control. In fact, all external communications (including, most of all, his damn tweets—they’re sophomoric, change messages and talking points, manifest as implied threats, and, as I see it, is the number one method of communications that must be stopped. They make him look petty, defensive and childish, and, worst of all, way too thin skinned. Any and all tweets MUST go through the communications team, and if Trump remains incorrigible about Twitter or continues making statements that undercut his communications team’s well-crafted messages, they should resign en masse.

Whomever does get the nod will have to be tough as nails and not fearful of the press, the left-wingers in Congress and the anarchists. He must also engage in crisis management on the president’s behalf, such as addressing “fake news” as soon as it comes out. He should work closely with a politically savvy and highly experienced communication team.

Kimberly Gilfoyle was under consideration to become the new spokesperson, but blew her chances when she talked about her being considered too much on The Five, so Trump is pissed at her in a major way.

Frankly, in my view, Judge Jeanine Pirro would make a sensational press secretary or chief of staff, but I seriously doubt she’d leave Fox.

Her star is rising there. Besides, Trump needs seasoned political pros as both chief of staff and members of the communications team. I would love to see either Dana Loesch of the Blaze or Laura Ingraham to be press secretary. He seems to be calmed better by females.

He also needs to fire his congressional liaison, who has done a lousy job of getting the Republican caucus behind the president’s agenda.

There is much to be addressed in this article, and a new Chief of Staff and director of communications is critical. That’s about 75% of the battle right there, although I’d love to see him fire any cabinet members who came from Goldman Sachs. He has far, far too many Sachs’ people in the cabinet and sub-cabinet posts.

Trump needs to have the most qualified men and women in his administration.

Folks: Make America Great Again. Just a slogan, the people of failure shout back. Failure knows only failure. To these people, the Obama-Hillary team who have failed us for nearly eight years in every aspect of our lives, failure is not only normal, it is inevitable.

The list of their failures for the loser team is so long and glaring that I hardly need to repeat them all here. So, here’s just a few to remind those who are in denial or have a vested interest in keeping the failing system in place.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam Is A Grand And Treacherous Hallucination

The Belief Called Islam

“We are our beliefs,” it is said. Beliefs steer people in life. Some beliefs are harmless, some are the motive force for good, and yet others are delusional, misguided, and even outright dangerous. Every version of the belief called “Islam” ranges from the delusional to the dangerous.

Islam is a Grand Hallucination, birthed by Muhammad’s hallucination he relayed to his first wife and employer, Khadija. Greatly frightened, he told Khadija that he was visited by jinn (devil) in the Hira cave. Khadija comforted the distraught man by assuring him that the episode was Allah’s way of choosing him as his messenger. Muhammad believed his rich wife-employer who was 15 years his senior and the hallucination became a belief — Islam.

Remarkably enough, under the early tutelage of Khadija, Muhammad succeeded in attracting a number of influential followers. Before long, the movement gathered more and more power through violent campaigns and the faith was taken to new people and alien lands. This grand hallucination, Islam, presently has in its stranglehold over a billion humans, posing an existential threat to all non-Muslims.

Resurgent Islam and Their Enemies

Islam is rooted in the primitive tribal mentality of “We against Them,” “We the righteous against the heathens,” “We the servants submissive of the Great Allah against the rebellious enemies of Allah.” Islam is a polarizer. Islam is an enemy-maker. To Islam, a non-Muslim is a combatant against Allah and he is fair game to be subjugated and killed.

When some billion and a half adhere to the pathological belief of Islam and use it as their marching order of life, the rest of humanity can ignore the threat only at its own peril.

Once again, a resurgent Islam is on a campaign of conquest throughout the world. Hordes of life-in-hand foot-soldiers fanatical Muslims are striving to kill and get killed. All they want is the opportunity to discharge their homicidal-suicidal impulse, on their way to Allah’s promised glorious paradise. And in the background granting the foot-soldiers’ wishes are their handlers, the puppeteers, who pull the strings and detonate these human bombs. Those who cherish life must recognize these emissaries of death, what makes them, what motivates them, and how best to defend against them.

Jihadist Training from Birth

The campaign of death waged by the Islamist-jihadist, be he a puppet or a puppeteer, is energized by the belief of delectable rewards that await the faithful implementer of Allah’s dictates. Through a highly effective indoctrination, the jihadist has come to believe firmly in Islam’s grand hallucination. He believes that Allah is the one and only supreme creator of earth and heavens; that it is his duty and privilege to abide by Allah’s will and carry out his plans at all costs. He believes firmly in a gloriously wonderful immortal afterlife in paradise, for which a martyr’s death is the surest quickest admission.

Although the dominating theme of the delusion is quasi spiritual, the promised rewards of the afterlife awaiting the martyr are sensual and material. All the things and activities that the jihadist desires and cannot attain or practice, and rejects in his earthly life will be purified and proffered to him in the paradise of the next life. Thus, goes the hallucination.

It is important to understand that the human mind is not a perfect discerner of objective reality. In actuality, reality is in the mind of the beholder. The outside world only supplies bits and pieces of raw material that the mind puts together to form its reality. Depending on the type and number of bits and pieces that a given mind receives, its reality can be very different from that of another mind.

Islamic Programming

The more prescribed and homogeneous a group, the greater is the group’s consensual reality, since the members share much in common experiential input and reinforce each other’s’ mindset. Thus, members of a given religious order, for instance, tend to think much more similarly to one another than to members of other groups with different experiential histories.

Various approximations of objective reality, therefore, rule the mind. The degree to which these approximations deviate from the larger group’s consensual reality determines its delusional extent and severity.

A cocaine mainliner, for instance, under the influence of the drug, may become convinced that a bug is burrowing under his skin. In his absolute, although clearly false, certitude of the reality of his perception, cocaine users are known to take a knife to their own body to dig the burrowing bug out before it has penetrated too deeply.

A methamphetamine user’s reality is often distorted in a different way. Under the influence of the drug, an intense paranoia overtakes him. His reality is dominated by the belief that one or more people are lurking about to harm or kill him. He may wield a deadly weapon, going from room to room, from closet to closet, in search of the assailants.

If you believe that a bug is camping deeply in your body, then you might go ahead and try to dig the non-existent bug out. If you believe that people are lurking around the house to harm or kill you, you go after them before they get you. If you believe that all the troubles of the world are due to the evil-doings of the non-Muslims who war against Allah, then you do all you can to fight and kill them, particularly since Allah tells you to do so in the Quran.

Drug-induced delusions are hallucinations. They are dramatic and usually transitory, while religiously-based implantation of ideas program the mind with lasting delusions.

Hallucinations, even when they are at great variance from the objective reality, can rule the mind without the need for drugs, or as a result of neurological dysfunctions or other factors. The young and the less-educated are most vulnerable to believe the claims of charlatans, con artists, and cunning clerics, as truth and reality.

Using the Brainwashed Youth

A tragic example of the young’s susceptibility to induced delusion is the case of thousands of Iranian children who were used as human minesweepers in the last Iran-Iraq war. The mullahs issued made-in-China plastic keys for paradise to children as an enticement to go forward and clear the minefield with their bodies ahead of the military’s armored vehicles. The children believed the murderers and rushed to their death, thinking that they were headed for Islam’s glorious paradise.

The repeated intense indoctrination of the children even changed the perception of some of the charlatan mullahs so that they, themselves, believed their own lies, took their own keys to Allah’s paradise and rushed to their death clinging to the plastic trinkets. Hence, some of the puppeteers, in this instance, became puppets themselves. Such are the follies and fallibilities of the human mind.

It is, therefore, understandable that many of the higher-up Islamic puppeteers, who are usually brainwashed from early childhood, devote their fortunes and persons to the implementation of their deeply ingrained hallucinations.

Deluded by the threats and promises of Islam, Muslims, poor or rich, vie with one another in furthering the violent cause of Allah.

Religion of Peace a Delusion

Many non-Muslims are also victims of a different, yet just as deadly, delusion. They believe that Islam is a religion of peace, that only a small minority of Muslims are jihadists, and Muslims can be reasoned with to abandon the Quran-mandated elimination of non-believers. These well-meaning simpletons are just as deluded as the fanatic jihadists by refusing to acknowledge the fact that one cannot be a Muslim and not abide by the dictates of the Quran.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

How Would Muslims Take Control Of America?

American Mosques, Warehouses Of Jihad

They do it first by establishing mosques in every town and city. These meeting places are perfect warehouses of not only indoctrination but future terrorists, who are made to read and understand the principles of Jihad, martyrdom and Dar-al-Harb (“land of war”-anyplace not Islamized).

Mosques cost money, and the money for these warehouses of hate is coming straight from Saudi Arabia. These mosques are being infused with an activist strain of Islam, Wahhabism. If you have to ask where the Saudis are getting their money, you are not paying attention…it’s coming from you. According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US, but today it’s estimated that number has quadrupled.

Mosque Leaders Promote Sharia

Mosque elders tend to be sent to the US with one clear mission: Make Sharia law the supreme rule within the United States, using any and all tactics necessary. Next, from within the safety of their local mosques, they begin to use their revolting practices, riotous youth, and wild sermonizing to force genteel Americans to relocate to safer, less threatening neighborhoods and cities. Of course, not all Americans will move or can afford to do so. And to take control of a town, Muslims will not need to evict everyone. They probably need about 25% in order to make life very unpleasant for those who do not go along with their demands.

Political Islamist Infiltration

They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Quran. Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal Sharia, and there’s nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.

Sharia is the brutal means by which Islam controls its populations by force, intimidation, and punishments for offenses to Allah. Already, in many European countries, national governments have, out of fear, given Islamic fascists the right to establish their own shadow governments within the borders of countries like Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, and England, where they can control their own populations without accountability. Proposals for Sharia are being taken seriously by Canada.

This is an admission that Islam is not just a religion. It is a cult. It seeks total control over a person’s mind and body. And, as such, our Constitution is totally incompatible with it. They will push politicians for local control and self-determination of their own laws. In this way, America will become two nations: a weakened traditional one, and a growing, menacing Islamized one.

Islamist Ally with Leftists

At the same time, Muslims will ally with leftist politicians who will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers, so conservative politicians and Christians who advocate self-defense and sane social policies are kept out of office. Money that was once used to build mosques will now be used to buy politicians. On university campuses, Islam will be portrayed as righteous and peaceful, while Christianity will be associated with evil Western and American values. Rebellious American youth will eat it up (BLM, OWS, Antifa, etc.).

There will be increasing local and regional incidents of crimes and threats against Christians, Jews, and anybody who speaks out against the religion of hate. Terrorism is a completely legitimate tool of Islam and was widely practiced and advocated by Muhammad. Remember, all words in the Quran are perfect, immutable laws defining an eternal ethic:

“Against them (the unbelievers) make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.” —Quran 8.06

Leftist politicians will continue to hold the Bill of Rights over anyone who dares to accuse this religion of wrongdoing. While crime and threats skyrocket, Islamized citizens will ignore the wrongdoing. They will look the other way for fear of retribution, honor killings, and punishments from those who uphold the Islamic requirement to seek revenge on anyone who dishonors or disagrees with Islam.

Eventually, America will become weakened and politicians will allow the Muslims to do whatever they want, as long as the infidels are allowed to be free of terrorist threats. As Christianity wanes, people will reject it as an anachronism that is irrelevant to modern trends. Islamic ethics will prevail and Muslim sects will gain members, money, and influence.

Islam Will Destroy Our Constitution

As government policies lean toward Islamic ideals, the Bill of Rights will be seen as archaic and out of touch with contemporary values and the new direction of the country. It will be just a piece of parchment in a museum, lacking anyone who would be so bold and revolutionary as to fight against a religion, even a religion of hate.

Regrettably, a vast ignorance prevails in this sphere. Academic pundits, leftist journalists, and hired Islamic apologists, useful idiots, proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace and that the great majority of Muslims are not a party to any plans and actions of radicals.

Islam is Irreconcilable with our Culture

So how do we stop this sequence of events? How can our government, which has so effectively protected the rights of peaceful religions, protect us from an aggressive one? How should we put Islam out of business?

By massive allocation of an educational campaign while simultaneously declaring Islam for what it is. An ideology irreconcilable with our core beliefs enshrined in the universal declaration of human rights, the United States Declaration of Independence and Constitution. By treating Islam, the way we treated Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Maoists. By preventing Islamization of our country by all legal measures and staunchly resisting the creeping sharia in our society.

Perhaps it is time to realize that not all religions are the same. If a religion does not recognize the constitutional rights of others, it must lose its rights under First Amendment protections. If it seeks to control all aspects of our life by force and fraud; if it seeks exemption from national laws protecting constitutional rights, then it must not be considered a religion.

It must be called something else, and it cannot be recognized as a protected ideology under the First Amendment.

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust.” —Quran 5:51

“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Bible (Matthew 5:44)

Any religion or dogma that seeks to create its own government, its own legal system and seeks to mobilize its own militia is itself not interested in separation of church and State and has no right to use that separation to create hegemony. In fact, such a doctrine is not even a religion at all. It is a totalitarian regime and must be considered the enemy of everything Americans believe in.

I’d welcome an inspection of other religions to determine if they are truly peaceful, and I am confident all other faith will remain protected and unaffected because religions are by definition peaceful. There is only one faith which seeks global hegemony for a seamless church-state government and imposition of its law everywhere and that’s Islam.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Deadly Contagious Virus Of Islam

The Disease of Islam

Risking the violation of political correctness, decades of closely and carefully studying Islam, has led me to the following observation: Islam is a socio-cultural viral disease that invades any vulnerable host with its malignancy, while simultaneously devouring its own adherents.

In other words, Islam is like a deadly, contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victim, this debilitating disease is capable of transforming him or her to a helpless pawn that has no choice but to execute what he or she is directed to do.

Of the reported 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions of others are rapidly joining them. The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult of violence; for example, the Islamic State or “ISIS”

Islam like a mental retrovirus has mutated into numerous varieties and degrees of severity over the past 1,400 years. Everyone born in a Muslim family, as well as those who convert to Islam, contract a particular mutation of the Islamic virus. As is the case with all retroviruses, the Islamic virus burrows deeply into the person and erupts, from time-to-time with potentially devastating consequences.

The Islamic virus first divests the person of his most fundamental human attribute. It takes away his right to make decisions himself and absolves him and in return, of any responsibility for his actions rendered in blind obedience to it.

Islam’s Backward and Impoverished Societies

The founder of Islam, Mohammad, insured the faith would remain on its intended mission by providing it with its manual of murder and mayhem, the Quran. The Quran is the incubator of the virus of Islam, and Muslims are the carriers of this disease who communicates it to others while they themselves simultaneously are devoured by it.

Even a cursory glance at Islam clearly shows a history of lashing out at non-Muslim societies under the direct leadership of Muhammad, a practice that has remained on its mission to this day. This inherent divisiveness is clearly evident by the internecine violence within the ranks of believers commencing immediately following the death of Muhammad.

At the global level, the pathology and cognitive derangement systemic to Islam have given rise to the world’s most intolerant, backward, and impoverished societies.

Jihadism is Islam’s Core

It is in the very design of Islam to engage in violence. Muslims find ready justifications in the Quran–a book they believe authored word for word by the one and only creator of the universe, Allah–to do so. To a Muslim, anyone, even others who profess the same faith, can be a legitimate target of violence since there is no unifying Islamic doctrine, while the Quran is greatly amenable to self-serving interpretation.

It is indeed simplistic to contend that Islamic terrorism is Islam’s problem and that it is self-defeating or it will eventually defeat itself. Islamic terrorism is indeed that aspect of Islam that has lashed out toward the non-Muslim world from its inception. It is seen when the Islamic armies sallied out of the Arabian Peninsula to vanquish by the sword people far and near. It is indeed a great folly and a pathological denial of reality for the world to turn a blind eye to the ever-virulent acting-out characteristic of Islam, irrespective of its different forms and various degrees of its severity and duration.

As is the case with contagious disease, there is no minimal level of acceptable risk. The only acceptable risk with virulent Islam is its complete decimation. Otherwise, jihadism will raise its head time and again and inflict its deadly venom on its victims.

Islam itself is a vestige of a long-ago primitive people who lived and died by the sword. Muslims do not recognize the legitimacy of coexistence. They never have, and the Quran explicitly divides the world into two camps: The believers and the non-believers. And it is the sacred duty of the believers to cleanse Allah’s world of all non-Muslims.

The Virus Truly is Deadly

In short, Islam is indeed a deadly, socio-cultural communicable virus that is immune to general methods of treatments. The Islam virus has mutated into numerous forms immediately upon the death of its creator. This mutated disease shares only a common name, such as the term used for describing the common cold. In actual fact, Islam is about destruction within itself as well as the “other.”

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Who Mass-Murdered Manchester’s Children?

A deranged Muslim, a UK citizen, Salman Abedi, a son of Libyan parents? That’s what the official disclosure is. Wrong. In the same manner that guns don’t kill people, people who use guns kill people, it is also true with monsters like, Salman Abedi. Those creatures like this betrayer, was an instrument of mayhem and mass murder nurtured and used by his Islamist handlers in complicity with the permissive self-serving left and its politicians.

Draining the swamp has become a popular rallying slogan these days in reference to the Washington D.C. cabal of leeches sucking dry the vitality of this nation to feed their own voracious appetite. Good luck with that, Mr. President. The swamp has been around for a long time and shows the promise of not only surviving but even devouring anyone thinking of disturbing it.

And everyone knows that one can’t kill every single mosquito a swamp produces. It is, therefore, draining it the only sure way of eliminating the mosquitoes — the swamp by its very design produces.

Now, mass murderers like this evil Salman Abedi, are the natural products of the swamp called Islam. For as long as this Islam swamp is around, more and more killers are sent forth into the world. There is no realistic way of keeping track of these individual killers of Allah. Even when they are known to the authorities as clear risks — like the child killer Salman — the nihilist, anything-goes left and its politicians defend the rights of these ticking time bombs.

The swamp is the problem. The vested interest exploiters of this muck called Islam are the Saudis, the mullahs of Iran, and a whole host of other beneficiaries that keep supplying it with the murky muck it needs.

Now, one suicide bomber is dead. Yet, unfortunately the ideology and forces that inflict the world with one Salman Abedi are busily producing thousands of other Salman Abedis in Islamic madrasas, mosques, Islamic front organizations such as Council on American-Islamic Relations and even academic institutions with madrasas in places such a Pakistan; mosques preaching hatred of the infidels to the very young; front organizations such as the Brotherhood, academic centers, and so forth.

As humans, our two legs move us along, but it is our minds that tell us which path to take in life and what to do. As the mind commands so goes the person. Yet, for humans, the mind does not arrive in this world with a set program of instructions. Contrary to many beliefs, we are born neither as demons nor as angels. Within each one of us is a potential for a demon or an angel. Many evolve into a mix of the two, a few fortunate mature into truly angelic and some become personifications of evil. It is the mind’s program that plays the critical role in making us what we are.

Every one of us arrives in this world as a helpless infant at the mercy of others, not only to be fed, cleaned and protected, but also to be informed about the bewildering life we face. Others can teach the new arrivals only what they know and believe. And much of what adults know and believe is a hodge-podge handed down to them by the adults that raised them.

Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in the rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting early to the young mind is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Watsonian Behaviorist psychology.

It is thus that millions of infants annually end up in the care of people who themselves are imbued with a pathological Islamist belief system rooted in the mores and practices of the primitives of the Arabian Peninsula.

From very early on, the young child is indoctrinated in the belief that there is an omniscient, ever-vigilant Allah who observes everything a person does and even everything he contemplates. Nothing whatsoever escapes this omnipresent all-knowing being. Allah keeps tabs, bestows incredibly desirous rewards if one behaves as told while dispensing unimaginably tortuous punishment if one strays.

Let’s recall the bold claim of J.B. Watson: “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.”

It is foolish to underestimate the dangers of Islamic mental manipulation. All Muslims share an Islamic cognitive repertoire with considerable variations. As is the case with any population distribution, a great majority forms the middle while minorities populate the extremes. Islamic apologists and many Muslims point to the middle as true Islam, thereby disassociating themselves from the two extremes and may even denounce them as not being Muslim.

At one extreme are the nominal Muslims. These Muslims adhere loosely to the Islamic precepts and practices, ordinarily pose little threat to non-Muslims, and may even reject some aspects of the religion.

At the other extreme are the diehard fanatical jihadists who present severe threats not only to non-Muslims but also to the so-called Moderate Muslims as well as the nominal Muslims.

To this extremist group nothing is out of bounds in furthering its cause. Dissimulation, deception, and all manner of violence are their Quran-sanctioned tools. As part of their scheme, this malevolent group has adopted highly effective strategies for subjugating the West, its people and its culture.  In keeping with their supremacist racist cult, their god, Allah is proclaimed as the greatest god—Allah-o-Akbar. Yet, in English, one hears only the deceptive translation—God is great, and not the actual Arabic—Allah is the greatest.

In short, it’s best to put Islam, the very spawning swamp of the deadly virus that makes for jihadists, out of business. This Islam swamp, billed as the one and only true religion of Allah must be exposed for what it is and stamped out. The left and its permissive Islam apologists are complicit in the most recent crime of mass murder in Manchester.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump Calls On Saudis To Eliminate Worldwide Islamic Terrorism

President Trump’s Speech

President Donald Trump’s international tour as Commander-in-Chief received a generous welcome on his first stop in Saudi Arabia, where he spoke with strong conviction on an array of issues including Islamic terrorism and then signing an arms agreement worth $110 billion.

Through his widely anticipated epic speech in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, President Trump made a pivotal alliance with the Muslim world. He dropped the use of the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” the same phrase he repeatedly disparaged Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for being reluctant to say. In its place, he decided to go with a less aggressive phrase: “Islamist extremism.”  President Trump was disciplined and persistently on message as opposed to his usual off the cuff remarks at home. He was careful, methodical and very presidential in his speech delivery.

In all honesty, I was not aware that President Trump was in fact planning to meet with fifty Muslim leaders during his Saudi visit. The MSM has been hard at work promoting “fake news” and the “Russian Hoax” collusion story for months and they refused to acknowledge or even cover real stories in preparation for this historic visit, the way it should have been reported.

“We are adopting a principled realism, rooted in common values and shared interests,” Trump addressed the Saudis as well as fifty leaders of Muslim countries on Sunday, May 21, 2017. Well, we should ask what values do we, as ‘Americans’ share with head-choppers, barbaric and despotic Saudis other than arms sales and oil?

In his speech, the President stated, it was up to Muslim leaders to purge extremists from their midst:

“Drive them out,” he said. “Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land. And drive them out of this earth.”

The President is right. Religious high authorities play a critical role in steering the masses toward or away from hate. The late Pope’s public pronouncement, for instance, absolving the Jews as the Christ killers has reduced anti-Semitism among rank and file Christians. Fatwas—religious decrees—by Islamic Muftis and Ayatollahs carry considerable weight with their respective followers.

Sadly, most decrees and adjudications of these high Islamic authorities are exclusionary and even hostile toward out-groups. These high divines are the suppliers of opinions as well as the teachers of the rank and file clergy who take the same ideas to the masses in villages and cities. Madrasahs in Pakistan, schools in Saudi Arabia and Maktabs—religious schools—in Iran, as well as innumerable mosques serve as places where this disease of hate can be transmitted with considerable success to the just too willing believers.

The President said “terrorists do not worship God, they worship death. … This is not a battle between different faiths … this is a battle between good and evil.”

That is correct. Civilized people cherish and celebrate life. Islamists relish death as stated in their ideology and practiced daily. The Khomeinist regime sent tens of thousands of its own children to their death clearing minefields in its holy war with Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. Not limiting itself to this horrific act, the Khomeinists massacred tens of thousands of political dissenters without the least due process. Islam wins when you kill or you get killed.

The President in his speech outlined that it is ultimately up to them to rise up and expunge the “hatred” ideology.  It will be interesting to watch whether or not Saudi Arabia and the other 50 Muslim countries present at the meeting would ever make a 180-degree reversal and take an active and leading role in fighting Islamism!!

It is interesting to note what Obama wasn’t able to accomplish in eight years, President Trump did in one trip and with one powerful presentation.

In my opinion, the President’s speech was superb, to the point and insightful. Perhaps one of his best, considering the sensitivity of the issue. Trump’s speech was epical and in historic proportion which will resonate with powerful impact in the Muslim world as well as across the globe.

While I applaud the President for having the courage and insight to address such important yet sensitive subject matter to fifty Muslim leaders in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, I have a word of caution:

Until the elected officials address the threat of Islam problem as a whole to our society and culture, people will continue to die. If we simply ignore this threat, people will continue to die in these sporadic attacks. Until there is a true understanding of this faith and a means to control its fire, we, along with other people will continue to die. Until United States citizens understand that all violent Islamic fundamentalist groups and all devout Muslims wish to eradicate all non-believers, we will continue to remain at the mercy of Islamic terrorists.

Facts about Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia remains the most prolific sponsor of international Islamic terrorism. Saudi Arabia actively suppresses and even forbids the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians. They don’t tolerate public worship by adherents of religions other than Islam and systematically discriminate against Muslim religious minorities, notably Twelver Shia and Ismailis.

Saudi Arabia, despite their great wealth and many universities, institutes and research centers that are equipped with the latest technologies, their society and culture and way of thinking remain backward.

Saudi Arabia applies Sharia (Islamic law) as the law of the land. Judges decide many matters relating to criminal offenses pursuant to Sharia in accordance with conventional rules of jurisprudence and precedent.

There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques are tolerated and welcomed in non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to countless subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is judged as an apostate and automatically condemned to death.

Saudi Arabia’s discriminatory male supervision arrangement remains intact despite their pledge to eliminate it. Under this system, ministerial policies and practices prohibit women from acquiring a passport, marrying, traveling, or accessing higher education without the approval of a male guardian, usually a husband, father, brother, or son.

Iran’s Regime on Notice

On Iran’s influence, Trump said: “The government that gives terrorists safe harbor, financial backing … it is the regime that is responsible for so much instability in that region. I am speaking of course of Iran. From Lebanon to Iraq to Yemen, Iran funds, arms and trains terrorists, militias and other extremist groups that spread destruction and chaos across the region” and calls for the destruction of Israel and death to America.

President Trump is quite accurate with respect to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The ever-conniving mullahs dread the Iranian people. Granted that a small percentage of Iranians, known as the 3Fs—fools, fanatics and frauds—support the mullahs. No totalitarian rule can ever survive without a segment of the population, for one reason or another, supporting it. Yet, time is not on the side of the mullahs. By their mismanagement, thievery and oppression of the masses, they have created explosive internal conditions.

In dealing with the mullahs ruling Iran, what you see is not what you get, and what you hear is not what they mean. Transparency and honesty are not their strong suit. So, we need a first-rate sleuth to see through their smoke-and-mirrors, as well as beyond their twisted tongues into their warped brains.

For those misguided advocates of working a deal with the Islamic Republic: The Islamic Republic has been denying and violating a long-suffering people all of its human rights. They are guilty of beating, imprisoning and torturing hundreds of women who braved participating in peaceful demonstrations pleading for equal family rights, on the annual International Day of Women and other such occasions.

The regime has systematically beaten, imprisoned, and tortured all manner of citizens, from school teachers to students to union workers, for daring to raise their voices against the plight to which they have subjected them.

They have directed systematic genocidal measures against all non-Shi’a religious minorities, with Baha’is as their prime target. They arrest some Christians — whom even their Quran calls “People of the Book” — for observing Christmas. They have implemented barbaric practices of stoning, hanging and amputations for those who are convicted of crimes in their kangaroo courts without due process. They even imprison those few lawyers who rise in the defense of the innocent. They have plundered, mismanaged and doled out Iran’s national wealth with the result that the great majority of the people are living in poverty. They have forced Iranian women into prostitution to survive or simply are sold as sex slaves in Persian Gulf states.

They spend a fortune on the nuclear program that they claim is only aimed for peaceful purposes, while turning Iran into little more than a gas station nation, with its precious oil wealth squandered and its facilities on the verge of collapse through neglect. They have created a suffocating social atmosphere that has driven masses of the people to the use of hard drugs as a way of numbing their pain.

They look far and wide to support any and all terrorists. The Islamic Republic’s delusional theology mandates the creation of horrific conditions in the world so that the Hidden Imam is compelled to appear and establish his rule. They spared no efforts at sabotaging any settlement between the Palestinians and Israelis. They arm and train all Palestinian factions such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Lebanese Hezbollah.

The Islamic Republic’s hands are dripping with the blood of thousands of Iraqis and Syrians, victims of its bloodthirsty kin mercenaries aiming to kill a budding democracy in Iraq next door and helping Bashir al Assad to massacre and gas his own people.

President Trump is right, of course; the world needs to isolate the Islamic regime in Iran and instead to embrace the people of Iran. Moral support from America has been at most tentative and minimal, a terrible failure of the Obama administration. He missed an opportunity to answer the call of the Iranian people: “Obama, you’re either with us or with them.” Now that Obama is gone, President Trump has an opportunity to become a champion of freedom by his support for the legitimate rights of the Iranian people.

A Persian saying is instructive here: A lion of the forest of Mazendaran cannot be apprehended by other than a Mazendarani warrior. So, let the Iranian people deal with the Iranian problem of the IRI. They are the ones best suited for the job. Don’t try to do it for them. Just help them out and support them.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Understanding The Muslim Mindset

Monday, May 15, 2017

Diffusing the present dangerous confrontation between Islam and the West demands rational, impartial, and cool heads to untangle facts from myth, and understand the Muslim mindset. We need to focus on the general mindset of Muslims which bears heavily on the hostility toward the West — a serious hostility that may bring about the dreaded Armageddon.

Patriarchy and authoritarianism

The Muslim’s mind is imprinted with authoritarianism which starts with the supreme authority, Allah, through his one and only prophet, Muhammad, his Caliphs or Imams, and the high-ranking religious divines all the way down to the village clergy. This authoritarian mentality encompasses all aspects of life for the Muslim: the king and his dominion as the viceroy of God, the Amir and his despotic ways, the Khan and his unchallenged rule over the tribe, the village headsman and his extensive power, and finally the father and his iron grip at home over the women and children. All these authority figures are male.

The authoritarian type possesses numerous problems and presents many ramifications — ramifications much too important and complex to be comprehensively treated here. For now, it is important to understand that a person with the authoritarian personality is an extremist. He can be docility itself under certain circumstances and a maniacal murdering brute under others. He is the type who would just as happily kill, or die, when he is directed to do so. He would, for instance, gladly strap on an explosive vest, in obedience to a superior’s order, and detonate it in a crowd of innocent civilians without the slightest hesitation.

Blind obedience

A dangerous feature of the authoritarian personality is the relative lack of independent thinking. This deficiency makes the person highly amenable to manipulation. Islam, by its rigidly authoritarian makeup, robs a Muslim of independent thinking to the extent that the believer blindly adopts it as his infallible system of belief. Hence, the “religion” of Islam is guilty of conditioning masses of people as easily manipulated instruments in the hands of authority figures.

Studies have shown that the authoritarian personality type can be found among all people, including Americans. And most religions rely on divine authority. The important difference is in the degree and prevalence of the condition. Islam breeds vast numbers of extremists, while in America, for instance, the prevalence is significantly lower and less severe.

Focus on the goal

To Muslims, the goal is everything. Islam condones any and all means to achieve its goals. The ultimate objective of Islam is the rule of the entire world under the Islamic Umma — never mind that these life-in-hand soldiers of Allah disagree with one another regarding the Umma itself and who is going to reign over it. That’s a “family dispute” that they will resolve by their usual favorite method — brute force.

Each Islamic sect believes that it has the Prophet and Allah on its side and that it will prevail over the others. For now, they have to work diligently to achieve the intermediary goal of defeating all non-believers. There are countless instances that substantiate Muslims’ “end justifies the means” guiding principle. This policy dates back to Muhammad himself. Muhammad repeatedly made peace covenants with his adversaries, only to violate them as soon as he was in advantageous position to do so. Betrayal, deception, and outright lies are fully condoned in furthering the work of Islam. In the present-day world, the work of Islam is defined by a deeply entrenched and influential clergy who issue fatwas — rulings — that become directives and laws to the faithful.

Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian Islamic state, for one, made extensive use of the fatwa. Widely-known in the west is Khomeini’s fatwa condemning Salman Rushdie to death for his book. A less-known fatwa of Khomeini during the last Iran-Iraq war led to the slaughter of thousands of Iranian children. Children, nearly all under fifteen years of age, were given plastic keys to paradise as they were commanded by the fatwa of the imam to rush forward to clear minefields for the tanks to follow. The Islamic murderers, in obedience to the fatwa of a bloodthirsty man of Allah, had no problem in deceiving the clueless lads clutching made-in-China plastic keys to paradise.

Such is the existentialistic threat of Islam. It is a rigid stone-age authoritarian system with a stranglehold over many of the nearly one and a half billion people under its command.


One of the great subtle, yet important differences between the Muslim’s mindset and that of the people in the West is the extent to which Muslims are fatalistic. There is hardly a statement that a Muslim makes without being conditional — conditional on the will of Allah. “I shall see you tomorrow, Allah willing,” “You will make it home, Allah willing,” “Things will work out, Allah willing,” and on and on and on. To the Muslim, Allah is on the job — on every job. Allah, with his invisible mighty hand, literally does and runs everything. “Allah’s hand is above all other hands” adorns every imaginable space in Islamic lands — a telling point about the Muslim’s fatalism and submission to the omnipotent, omnipresent hand. If something happens, it is Allah’s will. If it doesn’t, it is Allah’s will. The rank-and-file Muslim has little will of his own. It absolves him of any and all responsibility. This mentality is in stark contrast with the “take charge” and “can do” mental characteristics of Americans and others.

Psychological Uniqueness

People as a group or as individuals are different, and no one is perfectly healthy psychologically. We all have a loose wheel or two as we travel the bumpy road of life. Yet most people manage to stay on course most of the time, with perhaps a stop or two at the repair shop of a mental health professional.

Most psychological disorders are exaggerations, deficits or surfeits of the generally accepted norm — whatever the norm may be. When caution, for instance, is practiced past suspicion, then we have paranoia; when reasonable fear is exercised beyond any justification, then there is phobia. The degree and severity of a condition frequently determine the presence or absence of psychopathology.

Muslims share a common Islamic psychological milieu: They are on an Islamic “diet,” whether they live in Islamic lands or in societies predominantly non-Islamic. The psychological condition of any Muslim group or individual is directly dependent on the kind and amount of Islamic diet they consume. The Islamic diet has numerous ingredients — some of which are wholesome, some toxic, and some between the two extremes.

Over the years, Islamic leaders have found it expedient to feed the masses mainly the toxic ingredients to further their own interests. Individuals and groups, for instance, have used the immense energizing power of hatred to rally the faithful, the cohesive force of polarization to create in-group solidarity, and the great utility value of blaming others for their real and perceived misfortunes. Jews have been their favorite and handy scapegoats from day one. To this day, as true fascists, like the Nazis, Muslims blame just about everything on the Jews.

Providing a comprehensive inventory of the psychological profile of the Muslim is beyond the scope of this essay. Yet there is no question that the psychological makeup of a Muslim, depending on the extent of his Muslim-ness, is different from that of non-Muslims. This difference, often irreconcilable as things stand presently, is at the core of the clash of Islam with the West.


Admittedly, the non-Islamic culture is no panacea. It has, however, one outstanding feature the Islamic culture lacks — it allows for liberty with all its adherents, good, bad, or indifferent. For those who have experienced liberty, no inducement is likely to make them give it up — particularly not the fictional promises of the Islamists that have failed in the past and are doomed to fail even more miserably in the future.

The best, yet most difficult resolution of the conflict is to do what hundreds of thousands of (Iranian) Muslims have already done. They have abandoned the slaveholder Islam: They broke loose from the yoke of the exploitative clergy, renounced Islamofascisim, purged the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and left the suffocating tent of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.

Within the emancipating and accommodating haven of liberty, those who wish to still remain Muslim can retain and practice the early Meccan teachings of Islam (Muhammad led the life of a teacher and prophet. In Medina, he used the threat of the sword to compel people to convert to Islam) but renounce intolerance, hatred, and violence.

It takes great effort and courage to ascend from the degrading pit of slavery to the mount of emancipation. Yet it is both possible and exhilarating to do it, since many have done so successfully and happily. As more and more people leave the shackles of Islamic slavery, more and more will follow, and the long-suffering Muslims, victimized by Islam itself for far too long, will be a free people in charge of their own life and destiny. It is a painful process of growing up, of asserting one’s coming of age, and marching in lockstep with the free members of the human race.

Slavery of the mind is as evil as the slavery of the body. Islamofascisim enslaves both.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Islamization Of France And Europe’s Downfall

Wine, Romance, Architecture, and Weakness

When one mentions the nation of France, what instantly springs to mind are its fabulous architecture, wine and cheese and a taste for romance. But that is not all France is known for. France is also known for capitulating to the enemy in times of crisis. France has never been a reliable partner, the sort of Western country you could count on in times of need. Even though France has been part of NATO, it has deviated from the pact on numerous occasions. France routinely has been unpredictable, unreliable and at times, seemingly unethical.

In WWI 1914-1918, the German army pounded the French – without the rescue mission of Uncle Sam, the French people would be speaking German now. The sore-winner imposed a very harsh “Treaty of Versailles” to ‘punish’ the Germans, only resulting in the rise of an unknown Austrian “thug” by the name of Hitler.

Betrayal and Appeasement

Many French, for one, never seem to miss an opportunity to berate and betray us. In WWII, Germany bullied France into letting them take more territory – France did not even fight – they adopted a policy of ‘appeasement.’ In 1940, France surrendered before Germany.  No sooner were the Nazis defeated, than the Soviet Communists annexed some of the continent and prepared to swallow the rest. Again, it was this “military-love-in” American nation that paid the lion’s share of the bill to defend Europe against the Soviets’ menace while Europe greedily made money and provided a comfortable life for themselves under the shield of American forces. Americans and their allies liberated France from the hands of the Nazis in what was known as “D-Day.”

Former president of France, Jacques Chirac, was a close friend of Saddam Hussein for thirty years or so. Chirac allowed the sale of nuclear facilities to Iraq that were destroyed just in time by Israel before Saddam could use it against the Iranians or the Israelis. He sold Iraq the planes that been used to gas thousands of Kurds as well as Iranian soldiers.

France’s Islamic History of Anti-Semitism

France’s sense of anti-Semitism is not a secret. Even during Sarkozy’s government, French Jews had no sense of physical safety. Jews still get mugged, simply for being Jews. Almost no one pays attention to it. The Jews are not the only victims of France’s identification with Islam. In many French cities with a growing Muslim population, no teenage girl can go out in the evening, at least not without an Islamic hijab. If she does, it translates to: “she is for everybody.”

There are about six to seven million Muslims living in France, at least ten to fifteen percent of whom are Islamists poised on the edge of violence. And these radical Muslims have allies at both ends of the left and right spectrum. France should no longer be considered a Western country: it has become an enabler and tacit supporter of the Arab-Muslim world otherwise referred to as dhimmitude. France is fast becoming an Islamized country and whether one agrees or not, her actions speak louder than any words.

France, Saddam Hussein and Iran

France stood up against the United States and other allies, protesting liberating Iraq from the hands of one of the twentieth century’s most bloodthirsty dictators, Saddam Hussein. It is especially ironic for a country that was liberated twice by Americans; one would think they would understand the value of freedom and liberty. Siding with Saddam was unconscionable. Well, that’s why France is France.

“France is sometimes called America’s oldest friend because of the role she played in the American Revolution. But the history of that period is not a simple story about Lafayette’s heroics and French aid at Yorktown”. Here’s an exclusive excerpt from the book by NR’s John J. Miller and his co-author Mark Molesky.”

Let me briefly take you back to June 2009, Iran’s presidential rigged “selection”  and Iran’s Green Revolution (Remember Iran does not and has never had a free election).

After a fiery month-long campaign and unprecedented passions and tensions, the mass rallies, polished campaign slogans, savvy Internet outreach and worldwide televised debates, which revealed rampant corruption, ineptitude, and illegal and criminal activities of all four candidates, on June 12, 2009, 45 million Iranians went to the polls, challenging not only the incumbent president, Ahmadinejad, but the entire establishment of the Islamic regime. Mr. Mousavi overwhelmingly won that election, but the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared his man, Ahmadinejad, the winner.

Millions of Iranians, (both by their votes and in the streets) loud and clear have declared the Islamic Republic as illegitimate. In return, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the self-styled, supreme leader and representative of “Allah” on earth, said that he would crush anyone who dared to rise against his chosen candidate, the psychopathic killer, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also known as “the Monkey” by Iranians.

Millions of Iranians warned world leaders not to recognize the illegitimate handpicked puppet, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as Iran’s president. They called upon the free governments of the world, as well as all other businesses, organizations and individuals to enlist in a non-violent campaign of ending the reign of terror of the belligerent clerical regime in Iran. They wanted the world to declare and treat the Islamic regime as illegitimate.

France Betrays the Iranian People

In 1978, the French government betrayed the Iranian people by allowing the Ayatollah Khomeini to relocate to France. As protests against the Shah of Iran swept across Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini was living in a cozy house in the Parisian suburb of Neauphle-le-Chateau, engineering an Islamic revolution that would soon shake the world. Under the watchful eye of the French government, Khomeini met regularly with journalists and actively campaigned for the Shah’s overthrow. He distributed cassettes to Iran inciting against democracy, peace in the Middle East, the Jews and Israelis. In fact, when Pahlavi finally fled his country in 1979, Khomeini was provided with a chartered Air France flight to Tehran, where he presided over one of the world’s most repressive regimes until his death in 1989.

The French government announced that it recognized Ahmadinejad’s re-election.  France’s FM, Kouchner said, “Since Ahmadinejad has been proclaimed president, it would be ‘useless and counterproductive’ for France alone to reject this,” reports AFP. The Iranian people strongly condemned France’s position on surrendering to Islamofascists in Iran who have been holding peaceful Iranians hostage for the past 38 years.

The Islamization of France has been the goal for decades, but let’s not forget that there are 88 Sharia courts in London, alone, and Denmark’s native population is in danger of being outnumbered by Muslims by 2020. Belgium and Germany are in the running, as well, as if it were an Olympic marathon event, “Let’s see who can let the most Muslims into our borders.” They have learned nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood and its lofty goals despite France’s recent Islamic terrorist attacks.

France Chooses Globalism

All of this makes the ISIS Caliphate look like a pimple in Syria and Iraq. Europe is headed for disaster, and Macron’s victory merely stalls some planned attacks had Le Pen won. Her victory would likely have precipitated attacks given her dislike of all Muslims in France.

France was given a choice between a communist socialist and a nationalist socialist. Given the history of nationalism in the region, it is not a surprise they voted for the other side, of course, with the immense support of the globalists’ organizations.

On the surface, the candidates appeared very similar to the US election: there was a female whose family has been involved in politics for decades, running against a white male whose background is business and who had never run for political office. In the US, the white male won and those who voted for him were labelled misogynists, etc. yet, in France the white male was victorious and the press and the left tripping over themselves and delighted to report his victory.

Some 20 years ago, a famous psychology professor (emeritus) Richard Lynn predicted that it would be the US that would fall to the Third World first ahead of Europe. But today instead it is Western Europe that is now lost. The Mohammedans are going to outbreed the native population, and turn it into a hellhole. Then they are going to look at the East, including Russia. They will have nuclear weapons from England and France, and they will not be afraid to use them.

The Future is Grim

In Professor Richard Lynn’s own words:

“I am deeply pessimistic about the future of the European peoples because mass immigration of third world peoples will lead to these becoming majorities in the United States and westernmost Europe during the present century. I think this will mean the destruction of European civilization in these countries.”—Interview with Alex Kurtagic, 2011

We no longer can afford to “split the pot” with everyone who wants a piece, especially with the so called “refugees” from Muslim countries. It’s just far too risky. America is struggling enough as it is. Most of us are making below living wage and just had our health insurance forcefully taken away.

Perhaps President Trump ought to call for a summit with Russia and the Eastern European countries to work on nipping this problem in the bud. I am confident that Putin realizes the Mohammedan invasion is a long-term threat.

To comprehend what has been going on in Europe, we need to take a quick look at some of the quirks of the human mind:

Venting, blaming, and loathing provide mental relief, at a price. Venting can be a relatively harmless way of expressing frustration, a get-it-off-your-chest exercise, the kind of thing people do with friends, at a bar or on a psychotherapist’s couch, for instance.

Yet, when it comes to blaming and loathing, the picture changes considerably. It is common for people to blame themselves, deservedly or not, for their problems. It is also not uncommon for people to actually loath themselves. In extreme cases, the self-loather may destroy his own life. Therefore, loathing is a dangerous energy that must find expression. It is by far safer for the person to discharge his loathing venom on others, particularly at others who are not likely to retaliate.

America has become a safe and convenient target for both the calculating as well as the mindless loather. Why America? Because America is big enough, powerful enough, successful enough to be envied by every large and small, also-ran and failed individual and nation. Furthermore, by being venomous you become the voice for the frustrated, resentful and envious. A few words to our European friends are in order.

Islamists Will Overrun by Population

Your leftist gadflies deride America’s way of life while extolling the virtues of your present political and social model. They claim that your model is the wave of the glorious future and it will be adopted by the rest of the world. Strangely enough, ordinary Europeans don’t seem to think so. Demographic trends show that most Europeans don’t even believe in the European ideal in sufficient numbers to want to pass it on to the next generation. According to the European Commission, the average birth rate for the European Union as a whole is now 1.4 children per woman, which is well below the 2.1 replacement rate. According to Germany’s Federal Statistics Office, more people died in that country in 2005 than were born.

Not only are Europeans declining in number, they are aging as well. According to the US Census Bureau, Europe in 2000 had the highest percentage of people aged 65 and older in the world, and this figure is set to double by 2050. Who is going to work and pay for all the entitlement programs you have become accustomed to?

Economists forecast that European budget deficits will skyrocket as governments strain to reconcile declining tax bases with millions of elderly people who force up spending on pensions, health care, and other services.

Politically, Europe is not much better off. Der Spiegel, a leftist German magazine, some ten years ago made the following observation:

“Europe has become a continent of political crises with government in Italy, France, Britain, and Poland all suffereing from paralysis or a lack of voter approval.  Is the continent about to abandon its integration project and return to the old era of national rivalry?”

Europe Victims of Delusion

Those Europeans who have called the American public “moronic muppets” must have earned this designation not only for not demanding war reparations, but for generously giving Europe billions of dollars to help get them back on their feet. In your ethos, generosity of heart is considered moronic?

Sadly enough, dear Europeans, you are victims of your own delusions. Neither America nor Trump is the Big Bad Bully. The really Terrible Bully is Islamism, and it’s right in your midst eroding your social, cultural, religious and political fabric bit-by-bit. You don’t need to fantasize about your future. Your future is already playing out in Islamic lands.

Dear gadfly European, to check out your future, you only need to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, which is one of the most civilized countries that fell to the sword of Islam. While you are there, see for yourself how Iran is quivering under the Stone Age rules of Sharia. Attend a public hanging, not an uncommon event.

The man’s crime, you may ask?

Homosexuality, you are told.

Try hoisting a poster demanding gay rights and see what happens. If you do, you run the risk of being hanged right then and there as another homosexual. The seriously “gay-loath-in'” are the Islamists. They are the very same people who are busily laying the groundwork to perform similar barbaric spectacles in your cities and towns before very long. That’s your future as more and more Islamists invade your countries and supplant human rights with Islamic Sharia.


The French will someday awaken and will find out they live on an Animal Farm where the local French pigs suppress the people for the benefit of the wild boars of vicious globalism. Perhaps the only option left for France and all Europe now is armed struggle. One day, perhaps soon, the Europeans may wake up and find that the US military is simply not there to deal with whatever threat is stirring at the frontiers of Europe.

Although I wish you the best of luck, I fear that this time around America can’t help you. You are on your own. Regrettably, your slurs about us seem like the last words of an ungrateful and doomed people.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Detoxing Islam

Detoxification is a physiological or psychological process of removal of toxic substances from a living organism. Let me use a metaphor to help in understanding this process. Islam is a type of dependence inducing “potion.” In the same way that; let’s say, alcohol is. Millions and perhaps billions imbibe alcohol. A great majority of these consumers qualify as moderate and social drinkers. Drinking alcohol may do them some psychological good but may also exact some physical health problems and a monetary price. Yet, a vast number of human beings find enough “comfort” to put up with the monetary, health, relationships, and other costs of their drinking.

A certain number are the heavy drinkers who are severely dependent and reliant on this drug. And there are those who are infrequent drinkers. They may have some wine at Christmas or on their birthday. And finally, there are those who are teetotalers. They never touch the stuff. So, you have a kind of what statisticians call a normal curve that people distribute themselves along the drinking dimension as a bell-shaped function. Some are on one extreme, some on the other, and the great majority between the two extremes.

The same applies to Muslims. Islam is habit-forming. Just like alcohol. How strongly habit forming? It depends on the person and his circumstances. Is Islam “beneficial” to the person? Apparently yes, it is. For some, it is life itself, just like the skid-row alcoholic, to others it means something, and yet to others it is something to be avoided altogether.

Mind Invasion

Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in a rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting early to the young mind is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Watsonian behaviorist psychology.

Total or major replacement of beliefs, particularly as one gets older, becomes less likely, yet it happens occasionally. Paul’s sudden transformation from a rabid Christian-persecutor to a devoted believer of the faith of Christ is a familiar instance of such a dramatic change. Ideas, on the other hand, are much more amenable to change, replacement or discarded as long as they do not substantially undermine the integrity of the main framework—the belief.

Short Answer

In the same way that people need to go through detoxification programs to free themselves from physical dependencies, they also must undergo detoxification programs to wean themselves from Islam.

How to do that? The best way in my opinion is exactly what many concerned citizens, writers, bloggers and experts are doing. Explain and expose Islam and its harm. They also need to further expand the re-education effort greatly by writing and translating in their native Muslim nations’ languages. Radio and television programs are also vital. It is a long process. Yet, the bottom line is this blind dependency on Islam hooks all classification in an Islamic society: the rich, the middle class and the poor with its greatly enticing promises and thereby provides easy answers for much of humanity or at least that’s the claim.

Persian Enigma

I am very optimistic about the country of my birth. I believe Iran will be the first to carry the torch of liberty. This is indeed the dawn of a new era in Persian history. The Ayatollah Khomeini’s cultural revolution has backfired. We have a true renaissance in the making. Over 1400 years of darkness has reached its inevitable end. People on the mountaintops are clearly discerning the rays of a new sun that inevitably will chase away the gloom of darkness (Ahriman). It is time to celebrate the new day by enlisting us in the work of ushering in the light of freedom and ensuring that never again will it be replaced by the darkness and oppression of evil Islam. I am calling upon all humanity, especially Iranians, whether at home or abroad, to join this natural movement in ushering in the new day and to contribute whatever you can to make it a truly magnificent change of fortune for our homeland as well as all mankind, by leaving Islam in large numbers.

It is going to be a slow process, much slower and much more difficult than we would like it to be. This Islam thing is a long-term deep dependency of numerous attractions for many. It is going to take a great deal of work and perseverance to free Muslims from that grip. As sad as it is, that’s the way this world is: Far, far from perfect, and not even close.

Cultural Muslims

There are some 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, the overwhelming majority of which are “Cultural Muslims” who are generally called moderate Muslims. Why moderate? Because they were simply born into Islam, where a great many of them never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslim. It is not a religion that they choose; it is a belief they inherit. For whatever reason, this great majority of these “Cultural Muslims” are Muslims of this type without fully toeing the line of Islam. Real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.

We also need to make a note here that moderate Muslims are a wedge that will jam open the door to Jihad. Why, because without the financial contributions of this segment of the Muslim population, in a form of Khums or/and Zakat (one of the obligatory principles of Islam – charitable contributions), the jihadists will simply run out of money to operate.

Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses who are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth that the majority of diehard jihadists emerge.

Humanity has matured considerably since the time of Muhammad. In order to continue its forward march, mankind must follow a roadmap appropriate for its age and state of development. It is foolish to insist that a book, which demands terrorism and was written over 1400 years ago, must serve as the one and only guide for humanity. I believe that “Cultural Muslims” hold the key. They hold the balance of power.


The great majority of jihadists emerge from the ranks of those born into the religion of Islam, simply because they are the ones who are most thoroughly indoctrinated and influenced by Islamic dogma in their most receptive and formative years. Yet, there are others who embrace Islam in adulthood, on their own, and enlist themselves as devoted jihadists for the same rewards that Islam offers them.

Within this sea of surging humanity composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer—a drop—through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply indoctrinated and poorly adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. Here, he finds the ironclad perfect solution to his anxieties and perplexities.

To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of the worthless earthly existence and donning an angelic suit to wing joyously to a life of bliss promised by none-other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad.

Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent and persistent pandemic disease. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote detoxification of the mind of this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.

Final Note

Folks: the best, yet most difficult resolution of this conflict is to do what hundreds of thousands of former Muslims have already done. They have abandoned the slaveholder Islam: they broke loose from the yoke of exploitive clergy, renounced Islamofascisim, purged the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and left the suffocating tenet of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Islam Has Expired

Islam has expired, according to Muhammad himself.

“How long your faith shall endure?” Muhammad was asked.

“En salahat ummati fa laha yom. Va en fasadat fa laha nesfe yom. Val yomo ende rabbeka alfe sanaton men ma taedoon”—if my Umma becomes righteous, it shall last one day; if corrupted, it shall last half a day. “And a day of your lord is equivalent of a thousand years of your accounting,” he replied.  [‘Abdu’l-Wahháb Sha‘rání’s “al-Yaváqít wa’l-Jawáhir”, volume 2 (Cairo: Muafá al-Bábí al-alabí and Sons, 1959), page 142]

This account is as recorded by a contemporary chronicler of Muhammad. So, even if his Umma had lived up to his standards of righteousness, one thousand years have come and gone. Yet, a greatly fractured system of belief called Islam is still around as judged by over a billion who call themselves Muslim.

Muhammad’s allusion to “righteousness” and “corruption” deserves a close look. All things on earth are subject to a limited life span, be they bacteria, trees, mountains, humans or ideas—including religions. Renewal seems to be a core principle of the planet Earth and its inhabitants. And in order for renewal to take place, the old by necessity, must give way to the new.

The moment a new entity is formed, an array of forces work to end it. Death, in effect, is pre-birth. Without death, everything freezes in place. Death often provides the raw material for the new birth. The death and decay of a tree, for instance, supplies the needed nutrients for the seed to grow: Newtonian physics’ obsolescence provided the foundation for Einstein’s relativity theory.

Death and renewal are also fundamental to religion. It is for this reason that many religions promised renewal in the person of another savior or the return of the same person. The Jews, for instance, expect the Messiah; the Christians long for the second coming; and some Muslims pray for the appearance of the Mahdi, while other Muslims supplicate God for “Rejateh Hussein,”—the return of Hussein.

What Causes the Expiry of Religions?

The death of a biological entity is caused by trauma, viruses or bacteria. Viruses and bacteria are major killers of humans and present great challenges to medicine. They can be deadly and have the uncanny ability to mutate. Yet, they are there for their mission of ending life.

Poorly understood and little appreciated are psychosocial viruses—PSVs. As is the case with their biological kin, psychosocial viruses also work to corrupt any idea, mental function or belief and help supplant them with new ones. Various forms of mental disorders are the result of interaction between the PSVs and the person’s pre-disposition for the condition. Not all mutations caused by PSVs are pathological. Many serve to advance human enterprise. Without the contributions of the beneficial PSVs, humanity would still be stunted in its development at the level of day one.

In the case of Islam, a special group of PSVs set out to work the minute Muhammad launched his faith, and mutation rapidly followed. First, there was the Islam of Mecca or the Islam of Meekness. For thirteen years, Muhammad’s teachings, as recorded in the early Suras of the Quran, were about many good things. Very few people became attracted to what he preached. In fact, the people scorned the man, harassed him and eventually made him flee his hometown of Mecca for Medina. Then a major mutation took place: the Islam of Medina or the Islam of Tyranny arrived on the scene. The Quran Suras of Medina are replete with exhortations of intolerance, exclusivity, and sanctioning of violence against non-Muslims. This mutation deeply appealed to the temperament of the Arab savages and they flocked to Muhammad’s faith.

The PSV of the time of Muhammad continued to mutate as it reached other peoples and other lands. Each peoples’ own ideas and beliefs—their cognitive immune system—responded differently to the invader. Some completely resisted the assault and defeated it. Others were overwhelmed and forced into submission. Yet some of the vanquished, over time, managed to repel the invader while others incorporated it to various extents into their own system of beliefs. In due course, the mutation among the vanquished people has become so divergent that some of the variants can hardly be recognized as the progeny of the original.

Islam of today is composed of a dozen major sects and hundreds of sub-sects and schools. Just two examples should demonstrate the fact that Muhammad’s Islam has expired and decomposed.

One branch of Sunni Islam, the Wahhabi for instance, has interbred with the Pashtun culture of Afghanistan and Pakistan and the result has been the Taliban version of Islam: a most reactionary, repressive and savage “religion.”

On the Shiite side, for example, there is a sect of the Ghulat Alavi that holds only to one of the five pillars of Islam: the Shehada, an Islamic credo that says, “I testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” This sect does not subscribe to the remaining four pillars of praying five times a day, fasting one month a year, pilgrimaging to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, and paying the religious tax of zakat. The Alavi women are allowed participation in all religious events and are not required to don the hijab—a stark contrast to the Taliban who deny even rudimentary education to women and forbid them from leaving home without being accompanied by a male relative.

The Ghulat Alavis deify the Imam Ali and the other Imams. They particularly revere the Imam Ali and worship him as a co-ranking member of God. They profess, “Ali khoda neest, valee as khoda joda neest”—Ali is not God, but he is not apart from God. This very same sect places Imam Ali above the Prophet Muhammad.

In conclusion, Muhammad’s dating of his faith notwithstanding, the facts conclusively show that Islam has expired. Over time, its component parts have undergone drastic mutations to the extent that the only thing that all Muslims have in common is the name of Islam and the Quran.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Syrian Thanks Our President, Says Assad Has Murdered Thousands

Tomahawk Missiles Launched

The civilized world witnessed in revulsion the graphic images, which emerged showing the aftermath of a dawn poison gas attack that killed at least 86, including 20 children, in rebel-held northwestern Syria. This was one of the worst chemical bombings in Syria that caused a northern rebel-held area into a toxin zone last Tuesday, stirring worldwide outrage over Assad’s lack of accountability in his country’s six-year civil war.

The US launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syria after a chemical weapons attack which struck the airfield where Syria based its warplanes used in the chemical attack, according to Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. Afterward, Trump told the American people it is in their “vital national security interests” to “prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.”

President Trump claims Assad’s forces launched the nerve gas on his own people while the Syrian government has denounced this assessment, calling the accusation, “full of lies.” Who is right?

This Syrian citizen is thanking God and President Trump for finally listening to them. He tells of the many times Assad has murdered his own people, and that for six years they’ve been pleading for help. Watch the 3-minute video and watch the face of the CNN reporter!

Sarin Gas Used

According to the Turkish Health Ministry, the chemical used allegedly by Bashar al-Assad that killed a great number of Syrian civilians was most likely the deadly nerve agent sarin. The gassing of Syrian civilians is a crime beyond the pale, no matter who did it. Yet, where is the rest of the world’s reaction to this atrocity? Some countries, with Russia’s Colonel Putin in the lead, are siding with the alleged gasser.

As for Assad’s gassing, perhaps he was testing America’s new President, Donald Trump and his resolve in a stepwise manner, to make doubly sure that he is only bluster and threats like his predecessor Barack Hussein Obama. It has been reported that Assad used poison gas several times on a smaller scale while Obama as President looked the other way. See what happens when villains go unchecked?

It is time to let those villains know that there is a new sheriff in town, and the world can’t just let a thug like Assad go unpunished for murdering well over three hundred thousand people since the conflict began in March 2011. That would be a travesty and a license for him and his handlers, Iran’s mullahs and the Russians, to go on a rampage.

The Real Assad

I don’t get it! Some people complain that Bashar al Assad would never gas his own people!!! What exactly does that mean? Is dying from a gas attack different from dying from bullets or bombs? How? These poor unfortunate people are still dead. Does it make a difference? Over three hundred thousand Syrian people have been killed by Assad and his looney ally, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Islamic government of Iran has also deployed its Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Quds Force (the IRGC’s elite branch that operates in foreign countries) to assist Assad’s military. It has also provided a great deal of financial, intelligence and advisory assistance to Assad’s apparatus.

Assad has been busy exterminating any and all Syrian opposition for the past 6 years in the same fashion that tens of thousands of democracy’s best children of Iran were slaughtered, maimed, or imprisoned by the Iranian regime since its inception in 1979. With the absence of US engagement in the world arena for the last 8 years, Iran’s mullahs have become emboldened and have tripled their speed in the quest for their ultimate weapon, knowing full well that the US neither can nor will do anything to stop them.

The Iranian Regime’s Control

In my opinion, the chemical attack in Syria is just symptomatic of the broader problem of the Iranian regime’s control of the battles being waged in Syria with the influence of the IRGC. Unless Iranian control is removed from this reckoning, more chemical attacks as in the province of Idlib will occur.

In all honesty, there are no good guys to support in this senseless civil war. The choice seems to be between the devil and the deep blue sea–between Assad’s Ba’ath-o-fascists and the Islamofascists. Fascists are fascists. Even the democratic-appearing “Syrian Free Army” suspiciously seems to be the same old Arab-Muslim hate Israel crowd. Hate Israel. Destroy Israel is the rallying cry of these people.

Bashar Assad is a true son to his genocidal father, Hafiz al-Assad, who had entire towns murdered when they dared raise their voices demanding their God-given rights. Iranian government officials have repeatedly said that Bashar Assad is Iran’s red line. Assad is the Islamic Republic’s puppet. The Islamic government in Iran is helping Bashar Assad’s Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite, fight predominantly Sunni rebels. This includes a presence on the ground of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) actively murdering Sunni brethren.

Bashar Assad’s patron saint Putin and his Kremlin Mafia are not exactly running a world charity when they supply the gasser Assad with all kinds of weapons, including the deadly pricey attack helicopters, as well as the raw chemicals for his chemical weapons. Where then does Assad get the money to pay the cash-and-carry Kremlin Inc. for the weapons? Just trace the money. The purser for this puppet, the genocidal myopic murdering eye doctor is none other than the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mullahs are calling the shots because they control the purse strings.

In conclusion, we can’t let the Putins and mullahs of the world become further emboldened. A little North Korean thug is watching very closely to have his turn at us. This one already has the ultimate weapon and is itching to use it. It is a race between him and the mullahs. This is not the time for America to have shaky knees for the world to see and that’s precisely why President Trump sticking his oar in the water.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Trump Administration Needs A Religious Review Board

It is long past time to establish a Religious Review Board (RRB). Is this an outlandishly absurd proposal? Not at all. Serious problems require equally serious solutions.   The call for establishing a Religious Review Board may be seen as an attempt to curb Islam. The truth is: it is.

Encroaching Islam with its rule of Sharia presents an imminent threat to subvert and replace the Constitution that governs our lives. Unlike Muslims who practice taqiyya -lying or dissimulation-I proudly speak the truth. Truth should never be sacrificed at the altar of any goal. I firmly believe that truthfulness is indeed the foundation of all virtues.

As things stand now, there are numerous boards at most levels of government, business, and community which govern our lives. All of these agencies are charged with the responsibility of looking after the welfare of the people they serve. The Food and Drug Administration, for instance, must pass on the safety and quality of the food we eat; the Aviation Safety Board works to ensure safe flights; a local school board strives to create the environment that best serves the educational and safety needs of the pupils. Boards serve every community and businesses of any size.

The Food and Drug Administration makes sure we don’t use contaminated food and drugs that can harm our bodies. Yet, there are no oversight boards that would check against things that contaminate the mind and present a clear threat of unraveling our democracy’s social compact as we know and cherish it. Shouldn’t these dangers to our beliefs and way of life be monitored and combated, or should they be allowed a free hand to work their damage?

Religion is a powerful force. And as is the case with any force, it can do the work of good or that of evil. And, when there is a multiplicity of religions at loggerheads with one another, the forces clash and any benefit that religion offers is offset by potentially huge costs.

Given that the formerly vast and a largely segregated planet has shrunk into a “global village,” the disparate peoples isolated from one another for millennia are now a village community.

The-thrown-together diverse peoples are in urgent need of adopting a set of common rules that would allow individuals as well as groups maximum latitude of faith, coupled with responsibility, and free of any practices that infringe on the rights of others or demonize them. Islam, as a matter of belief, considers all non-Muslims, even the so-called people of the Book, as infidels-people who are to be subjugated or cleansed from Allah’s earth.

America, with a long history of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call.

The dictionary supplies a sociologically useless definition for religion: “The expression of man’s belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe.” Just about anyone or any group under this definition can start a religion, and they indeed do-and some do so at significant costs to others.

Muslims, under the banner of religion, are infringing blatantly on the rights of others, not only in Islamic countries, but also in much of the non-Muslim world. By their acts of dogmatic savagery, Muslims are finally awaking the non-Muslim democracies to the imminent threat of Islamofascism keen on destroying their free secular societies.

Islam was birthed by primitives of some 1400 years ago and over time invaded much of the world at the point of a sword. Presently, the Islamists, with their treasuries flush with petrodollars, are in a great position to realize their perennial dream of bringing the world under the rule of Muhammad’s Umma. On the one hand, Pakistan is already a nuclear power and Iran aims to be one before very long. On the other, Muslim governments and wealthy Sheikhs are funding Islamic schools, centers and front organizations in the West to work from within at the unraveling of the non-Islamic democratic systems.

The large number of Muslims arrival of recent years is posing a serious problem to this nation of all nations. Bluntly speaking, no one can be a Muslim and an American at the same time. Here are some of the reasons.

1) A Muslim is, first and foremost, an Ummaist-a citizen of international Islam. So, when a Muslim takes the American Pledge of Allegiance, he is either ignorant of the implication of his pledge or is lying willfully. Ignorance is never a valid reason in the court of law, and lying in the process of becoming a citizen is grounds for denying the application and even deporting the violator. Sadly enough, Taqiyya-lying, or dissimulation-is not only condoned, it is recommended to Muslims in their scripture. Hence, a Muslim can and would lie without any compunction, whenever it is expedient.

2) Muslims, by belief and practice, are the most blatant violators of human rights. We hardly need to detail here Muslims’ systemic cruel treatment of unbelievers, women of all persuasions, and any and all minorities across the globe. To Muslims, human rights have a different meaning, and its protective provisions are reserved strictly for Muslims-primarily for Muslim men. Just a couple of examples should suffice for now.

A) Oppression of women, for one, is so systemic in Islam that to this day women are, at best, second-class citizens under Islamic law. Saudi Arabia, the custodian of Islamdom, denies women the right to drive, vote or hold elective offices-the most basic rights of citizens in democratic societies. For another, no non-Islamic literature is allowed in Saudi Arabia.

  1. B) Any Christian, for instance, is denied to entry to the Kingdom with a Bible. Further, severe punishment is meted out to anyone daring to disagree with Islam or espouse a different religion. Iran’s resurgent Shiism often vies with Saudi Arabia in its mistreatment of religious and non-religious minorities. To the fanatical ruling gang in Iran, it is their brand of Islam or disenfranchisement of rights of citizenship and even death for the “sin” of apostasy. And of course, there is no point at all in talking about the savage Islamic Taliban or ISIS.

    3) Respect for the rule of law, as it is understood and practiced by civilized people, is an instrument of convenience to be used to advantage and to be violated when it is not, for the Muslim. A Muslim believes in a different law-the Sharia: a set of Stone Age rules. Violation of the non-Muslim laws, therefore, is no violation at all to a Muslim.

    What is incredible is the gall and audacity of Muslims in demanding that Western and other democracies legalize Sharia in their societies. Large populations of Muslims, most recent arrivals, in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden are experiencing the insistent demands by Muslims to have Sharia rule their Islamic communities. This is just the beginning and it may seem relatively harmless to the simpletons in our midst. Yet, once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also to those that may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Under Sharia, a Muslim man married to a non-Muslim woman is able to divorce the woman at will, automatically have custody of the children, and literally toss the wife out of “his” home with no compensation.

    4) As for democracy, the rule of the people, Muslims have no use at all. Muslims believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of a Caliphate-a theocracy. Making a mockery of democracy, subverting its working, and ignoring its provisions is a Muslim’s way of falsifying what he already believes to be a sinful and false system of governance invented by infidels.

    To Muslims, Umma-ism-international Islamism-is the legitimate form of government. Umma-ism is another form of despotism such as Communism and Fascism, with the added feature of enjoying “divine” authority.

    The world has good examples of Umma-ism in practice to scrutinize Islamic autocracies. Khamenei of Iran is not called “Caliph.” He is called the “Supreme Guide.” The Saudi King is just another Caliph vessel of the “divine.” These Islamic despots are every bit as vile as the Hitlers, the Stalins, the Pol Pots, the Castros and the Mussolinis. The government these Islamic autocrats head is infested to the core with the Islamic disease of oppression, corruption and the absence of accountability to the people.

    Democracies believe that government must be of, by, and for the people. Umma-ism is anathema to this sacrosanct fundamental democratic ideal.

    As more and more Muslims arrive in non-Islamic lands, as they reproduce with great fecundity, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar-flush Muslims and Muslim treasuries supply generous funds, they gather more power to undermine democratic rule. A consortium composed of pandering politicians, blinded with short-term self-interest and egoism; attention and fund-seeking self-proclaimed prima donna professors; and, bastions of useful idiot liberals, universities, is the witting or unwitting promoter of Umma-ism.

There is an urgent need for the establishment of a Religious Review Board by the Trump administration tasked with a mission to ensure that no “religion” preaches and practices in violation of the United States’ Constitution. Islam is incompatible with democracy and subversive of our way of life and one that blesses this nation. It is imperative that we fight Islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism.

Islam and useful idiots

Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among non-Muslims: A new generation of “Useful Idiots,” that Lenin identified living in liberal democracies who furthered the work of communism. This new generation of Useful Idiots also live in liberal democracies, but serves the cause of Islamofascism—another virulent form of totalitarian ideology.

Useful Idiots are naïve, they are foolish, they are ignorant of facts, they are unrealistically idealistic, they are dreamers and they are willfully in denial or deceptive. They hail from the ranks of the chronically unhappy. They are anarchists, they are aspiring revolutionaries, they are neurotics who are at war with life, the disaffected alienated from government, corporations, and just about any and all institutions of society. The Useful Idiot can be a billionaire, a movie star, an academe of renown, a politician, or from any other segment of the population. Arguably, the most dangerous variant of the Useful Idiot is the “Politically Correct.” He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and outright deception.

The Useful Idiot derives satisfaction from being anti-establishment. He finds perverse gratification in aiding the forces that aim to dismantle an existing order, whatever it may be: an order he neither approves of nor feels he belongs to.

The Useful Idiot is conflicted and dishonest. He fails to look inside himself and discover the causes of his own problems and unhappiness while he readily enlists himself in causes that validate his distorted perception.

Understandably, it is easier to blame others and the outside world than to examine oneself with an eye to self-discovery and self-improvement. Furthermore, criticizing and complaining—liberal practices of the Useful Idiot—require little talent and energy. The Useful Idiot is a great armchair philosopher and “Monday Morning Quarterback.”

The Useful Idiot is not the same as a person who honestly has a different point of view. A society without honest and open differences of views is a dead society. Critical, different and fresh ideas are the life blood of a living society—the very anathema of autocracies where the official position is sacrosanct.

Even a “normal” person spends a great deal more energy aiming to fix things out there than working to overcome his own flaws and shortcomings, or contribute positively to the larger society. People don’t like to take stock of what they are doing or not doing that is responsible for the conditions of which they disapprove.

But the Useful Idiot takes things much farther. The Useful Idiot, among other things, is a master practitioner of scapegoating. He assigns blame to others while absolving himself of responsibility, has a long handy list of candidates for blaming anything and everything, and by living a distorted life, he contributes to the ills of society.

The Useful Idiot may even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits him. Terms such as “Political Islam,” or “Radical Islam,” for instance, are contributions of the Useful Idiot. These terms do not even exist in the native parlance of Islam, simply because they are redundant. Islam, by its very nature and according to its charter—the Quran—is a radical political movement. It is the Useful Idiot who sanitizes Islam and misguides the populace by saying that the “real Islam” constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate.

Regrettably, a large segment of the population goes along with these nonsensical euphemisms depicting Islam because it prefers to believe them. It is less threatening to believe that only a hijacked small segment of Islam is radical or politically driven and that the main body of Islam is indeed moderate and non-political.

But Islam is political to the core. In Islam the mosque and State are one and the same—the mosque is the State. This arrangement goes back to the days of Muhammad himself. Islam is also radical in the extreme. Even the “moderate” Islam is radical in its beliefs as well as its deeds. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated compared to believers.

No radical barbaric act of depravity is unthinkable for Muslims in dealing with others. They have destroyed precious statues of Buddha, leveled sacred monuments of other religions, and bulldozed the cemeteries of non-Muslims—a few examples of their utter extreme contempt toward others.

Muslims are radical even in their intrafaith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other sects and sub-sects as heretic worthy of death; women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights; hands are chopped for stealing even a loaf of bread; sexual violation is punished by stoning, and much much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of the mainstream “moderate” Muslims living under the stone-age laws of Sharia.

The “moderate” mainstream of Islam has been outright genocidal from inception. Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and the son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the Prophet himself. The Prophet of Allah and his disciples took the murdered men’s women and children in slavery. Muslims have been, and continue to be, the most vicious and shameless practitioner of slavery. The slave trade, even today, is a thriving business in some Islamic lands where wealthy, perverted sheiks purchase children of the poor from traffickers for their sadistic gratification.

Muslims are taught deception and lying in the Quran itself—something that Muhammad practiced during his life whenever he found it expedient. Successive Islamic rulers and leaders have done the same. Khomeini, the founder of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, for instance, rallied the people under the banner of democracy. All along his support for democracy was not a commitment of an honest man, but a ruse. As soon as he gathered the reins of power, Khomeini went after the Useful Idiots of his time with vengeance. These best children of Iran, having been thoroughly deceived and used by the crafty phony populist-religionist, had to flee the country to avoid the fate of tens of thousands who were imprisoned or executed by the double-crossing imam.

Almost three decades after the tragic Islamic Revolution of 1979, the suffocating rule of Islam casts its death-bearing pall over Iranians. A proud people with enviable heritage is being systematically purged of its sense of identity and forced to think and behave like the barbaric and intolerant Muslims.

Iranians who had always treated women with equality, for instance, have seen them reduced by the stone-age clergy to sub-human status of Islamic teaching. Any attempt by the women of Iran to counter the misogynist rule of Muhammad’s mullahs is mercilessly suppressed. Women are beaten, imprisoned, raped and killed just as men are slaughtered without due process or mercy.

The lesson is clear. Beware of the Useful Idiots who live in liberal democracies. Knowingly or unknowingly, they serve as the greatest volunteer and effective soldiers of Islam. They pave the way for the advancement of Islam and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power.

© 2017 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Christianity and radical Islam: breaking the silence

The American people must hear the truth about the nature of Islamic doctrine continually until they are totally aware of its threat to their way of life and the US Constitution. Sadly, our Churches and other religious institutions dare not speak up for fear of being accused of intolerance toward another religion. Our academia, the university teachers and professors, left or right, dare not, because, most likely, they would be expelled and lose their income. Our elected officials and politicians dare not because they are mostly master practitioners of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and outright deception, and they need your votes as well as your money. Many media contributors and editors dare not because they could lose subscribers and be shut down. Countless entrepreneurs and businessmen dare not because they might lose customers and clientele. Even ordinary workers dare not because they might be fired or called bigots and racists. So, I thought I would tell you!

America is faced with a formidable adversary. This adversary has a name: Islam, not radical Islam or political Islam, just Islam. Muslims don’t call it radical Islam, why should we? I think it is time to revisit the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and see if Islam is qualified as a religion. Is this an outlandishly absurd proposal? Not at all, serious problems require equally serious solutions. The call for evaluation of the First Amendment may be seen as an attempt to curb Islam or other militant cults. The truth is: it is. It is truly a matter of survival of the United States and the free world.

It is long past time to take a stand and shift the debate to orthodox Islam. There is no need to exhaustingly investigate every other religion on the planet in order to compare them or offer an opinion about their relative “goodness” in declaring that on the whole, Islam perpetuates malevolence and violence. Let others devolve into religious disagreements. But for the press and some commentators who would further question: “OK great, so now what? You claim Islam is malevolent. How do we combat that?” Your response is already clear: Through the spread of truth, not deceit. Through voluntary social sanctions and laws in every civilized country that forbid evil practices like Sharia, coercion and violence against women, threats against those who disagree, honor killings, apostasy and other hate crimes. Let the world know the truth and decide for itself. Let Muslims who come to their senses, opt out.

Religion and Islam

America, with a long history of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. The dictionary supplies a sociologically useless definition for religion: “The expression of man’s belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the Creator and Governor of the universe.” Just about anyone or any group under this definition can start a religion, and indeed they do—and some do so at significant costs to others.

Muslims, under the banner of religion, are infringing blatantly on the rights of others, not only in Islamic countries, but also in much of the non-Muslim world. By their acts of dogmatic barbarity, Muslims are slowly awakening non-Muslim democracies to the imminent threat of Islamic terrorism keen on destroying their free secular and free societies.

As more and more Muslims arrive in America, as they reproduce with great fertility, as they convert the disenchanted and minorities, and as petrodollar-flush Muslims and Muslim treasuries supply generous funds, Muslims gather more power and become a serious challenge to the American system of governance—representative democracy. As for democracy, the rule of the people, Muslims have no use for it whatsoever. Muslims believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of a Caliphate. Making a mockery of democracy, subverting its workings, and ignoring its provisions is a Muslim’s way of falsifying what he already believes to be a sinful and false system of government, invented by the infidels.

Quran 5:50 “Do they then seek the legislation of (the Days of) Ignorance? And who is better in legislating than Allah for a people who have Faith.”

Quran 5:45 “And whoever rules not by what Allah has revealed, those are the wrongdoers.”

Quran 12:40 “The rule is only for Allah.”

We must begin to declare Islam evil, not from a sectarian perspective, but from a universal, humanist one. Every encroachment of Islam as a religion must be rejected, harassed and discouraged by all people everywhere. Any leftist attempts to give aid and comfort to this religion of hate must be denounced and frustrated at every turn.


Unlike some peaceful religions such as Baha’i, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity which advocate universally understood principles of good within their Holy books, and perhaps other religious doctrines (with which I am not personally familiar), Islam cannot be reformed. An example, when the Roman Catholic church was reformed, it was the church that was found to be in violation of Biblical teachings. It had in many ways become anti-Christian.

Reform restored orthodoxy to the plain and well-understood concepts revealed by Christ and the disciples (one of the reasons it took so long was the church forbade lay-people from reading the bible or translating it from the obsolete language of Latin…so Europeans were largely ignorant except for what they were told…see the story of Martin Luther). Some evolutionary ideas such as the abolition of slavery were not addressed in the Bible (in part because Christ was after souls not bodies), but the other teachings such as compassion, forgiveness, non-violence, and brotherly love are and were always incompatible with slavery. Therefore, it should be no surprise that eventually Christians in Europe and America led the abolitionist movement (they were scripturally correct). If a Christian bombs an abortion clinic, there is no scriptural commandment supporting this. It is unchristian (however, it is not unchristian to denounce abortion and seek to make it illegal and thus prevent abortionists from practicing their craft).

It is sad when the counter-argument to this definition of Christianity is lame references to Old Testament violence. Old Testament stories are taught in Christianity as historical fact, not prescriptions based on Christian ethics. If to a Christian, God is sanctioned a violent act, it is 100% irrelevant to the New Covenant that is taught by Jesus. So, to say…yeah but the Bible has violence in it too is insultingly banal, simplistic and misleading.

If some Christians abused their doctrine and hid behind the Cross to justify their personal desire to kill, enslave, and conquer, then they are and always were sinners and they are wrong; and this is why Christianity has taken the natural form it has today…as a religion of peace and compassion (even if many supposed Christians continue to sin). This is not to say that Christians are unable to defend themselves, or intervene to stop injustice. Christians are taught to hate the sin and love the sinner…period! The decision to become aggressive is always a burden on the Christian conscience.

In comparison, Islam does not tolerate revisionism in its beliefs or practices over time. Reform is not at play, because one cannot point to Jihadists or terrorists and say Muhammad did not advocate it. He most certainly did, and delighted in his evil thoughts. Islam is a literal religion, taking unabrogated scripture as eternal and absolute. Moreover, there are no calls in Islam for compassion, forgiveness, non-violence, and brotherly love. Instead there are specific prescriptions to retain evil with evil, eternal warfare, religious hegemony, slavery, killing Jews, taxing nonbelievers, stoning, promulgating terror, establishing a caste social system, and perpetuating discrimination against women. The only way to reform Islam is to discard Sharia, but also to purge the Quran itself of its enormous Suras that are not only patently false, but totally repugnant to a civilized humanity. This line of thinking, to sanitize Islam is explicitly forbidden in the Quran:

Quran 2:85: “Do you, then, believe in some parts of the divine writ and deny the truth of other parts? What, then, could be the reward of those among you who do such things but ignominy in the life of this world and, on the Day of Resurrection; they will be consigned to most grievous suffering? For God is not unmindful of what you do.”

Radical Islam

There is no such thing as “radical Islam.” I have refused to accept several organizations that seek to combat or expose the antics of “radical” or “extreme” Islam, because I know that it is not extremism that is causing the violence…it’s mainstream, typical, normal, traditional, specified, canonical Islam.

There are those who with a wink and a nod understand this but continue to work as revisionists because they are afraid of starting a religious war, even as they feel compelled to do something. They tell me, “You can’t openly accuse an entire religion of being evil! That would just incite them and make them hate us even more.” My response: the war started in the 7th century, and if in the 21st century we still refuse to accept that reality, then there is perhaps no hope at all for civilization. Nothing good can come from self-deception.

I argue that any belief system that licenses murder in the name of Jihad and the conquering and subduing of the world of the infidels by the Umma, should be outlawed. The prophet Mohammad brewed up a militant, radical and extremely irrational imperialistic cult that sought world dominance. My fellow travelers, let us make one thing clear; Islam is no more a religion deserving our respect or legal recognition than is cannibalism.

And those who take a “liberal” view of Islam should be forced to back up their nouveau interpretation with unabrogated scriptural facts. Unless such “reformists” can denounce fascist Islam with scripture, they are the true radicals, which is why we never see them pointing to scriptural arguments against jihad…they cannot because they are lying. Islamic terrorists are doing exactly what the prophet Muhammad demanded. And his demands were not suggestions and were not ephemeral. They were “perfect,” eternal ultimata. Islamic terrorists are faithful and true to what is written in the book of Quran.

Islam Enablers

A consortium composed of pandering politicians, left and right, blinded by short-term self-interest and egotism, attention and fund-seeking self-proclaimed prima donna professors; and, bastions of useful idiots, are the witting or unwitting promoters of Umma-ism.

Recall how many times former President George W. Bush praised Islam? Recall President George Bush’s love affairs with the Shaikh Abdullah of Saudi Arabia?

Didn’t President Obama go around the Muslim heartland and sing the praises of Islam at every stop? Didn’t he bow with great deference to the King of Islam in Saudi Arabia? Didn’t he proudly proclaim Islam as the faith of his near and dear kindred? Didn’t he, time and again, tell us that Islam is indeed the religion of peace? Didn’t he with his captivating oratory skills cite passages from the Quran to show how reverent he was toward this religion? Didn’t he appoint a raft of “devoted” Muslims to sensitive and high posts in government? Didn’t the Obama administration pull back all training materials used for law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive?

Here are some statements from both Presidents Bush and Obama:

1. “Ours is a war not against a religion, not against the Muslim faith. But ours is a war against individuals who absolutely hate what America stands for.” GWB
2. “They’re terrorists. And we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.” BHO
3. “Our war is not against Islam, or against faith practiced by the Muslim people. Our war is a war against evil.” GWB
4. “Our enemy doesn’t follow the great traditions of Islam. They’ve hijacked a great religion.” GWB
5. “The terrorists do not speak for over a billion Muslims who reject their hateful ideology.” BHO

6. “There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know — that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion.” GWB
7. “This great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted to justify violence.” BHO

It is long past time for Americans to call upon the lawmakers of the United States of America to immediately create a safety board and commissioner to study and examine the dangers of Islamic doctrine in our society. Islam today is dysfunctional, to say the least. As a matter of fact, Islam went astray from the very beginning and inflicted a great deal of suffering on both its followers and those who resisted its advance.

In the monumental task of dealing with Islam, every individual, group and government must combine their resources and energies to prevail. The destiny of the civilized world hangs in the balance. Shirking this responsibility is an unpardonable act of every enlightened human being and organization that values individual freedom, liberty and dignity.

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