Dem Women Pose Nude For Votes

You read the headline correctly. A new ad for the purpose of gaining Democrat votes feature…now brace yourselves…nude photos of Democrat women!

Our first reaction was, is Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein in the photos? The news item states that the “ladies” are going nude to protest GOP with a caption with slight variation, “Grab’em by the Ballot.” Nice.

The purpose, according to news releases, is to urge people to vote against Republicans this Tuesday. Ten women are in the photo to convince people to cast their ballots for Democrats instead of Republicans. Yep, that’ll do it every time.

If you remember, it was proved that the appeal of Democrat women was so powerful and irresistible that these were the only women that Judge Kavanaugh could not control himself around…according to creative news sources.

Breitbart reported that the photos were taken in a Vermont studio on October 28th. It was organized by Dawn Robertson, 48, a Harvard Law School graduate and founder of a recruitment company, who told the Daily Mail she organized the photo shoot because of the rise of the #MeToo movement and hoped to push back on what she says is the Republican Party’s attack on women and transgender rights. How’s that again?

MilesTones is trying to figure out the captions to be used in the photos. One being considered is: Sex Takes a Holiday.  Or perhaps “The reason for Twin Beds.” That department is working on it.

We do thank Lawrence Craig, a frequent contributor to this column for rushing this breaking news to us.


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Attempted Bombing Of Soros’ Mailbox

NEW YORKSomeone just attempted to kill George Soros by placing a bomb in the mailbox in front of his mansion in Katona, New York, in the Bedford Section.

A security guard who checks the mail, found it, rushed it to a thicket near by and left it there, called authorities who came right away, went to the package and detonated it. Nobody was hurt.

Soros is stirring up more and more resentment due to his meddling in governments, including the U.S.A. with the goal of putting America under Communist rule, which would bring in his New World Order. America is the only country standing in the way. He owns the Democratic Party, make no mistake about it.

Several countries have an international warrant out for his arrest including Russia. Why can’t our officials notify Russia that they have permission to come in the U.S., seize and arrest this traitor who has caused so much damage, including to his own people who he sold out during World War 2.

Even though we have not had the opportunity to check this out, we were notified that Hillary Clinton lives in a house right next door to Soros. Cozy.

Soros also has a mansion in the Hamptons of Long Island, where Hillary spend a weekend of August 9th—BEFORE the November election. He has an apartment in Manhattan as well as a business office on W. 56th Street.

Soros is involved with CPUSA (Communist Party USA) that sponsored Obama and has furnished the protest signs for all the Antifa demonstrations. This writer took a close look at the signs on a news cast and saw the notice on the bottom of the manufactured signs which identified the sponsor.

Soros has given his hand and paychecks made out to the caravan that is pushing its way from Honduras and Guatemala to the Southern Mexican border where they intend to enter America. That mob now numbers 10,000 by latest estimates, with new caravans joining them as they march through Mexico.

It looks like there will be a huge backlash against George Soros for his exploits like the latest caravan, planning to break into the United States, with us supporting them when they get here, while they intend to remake this country into the countries they left.

The bomb in the mailbox was a demonstration of the last straw for this Hungarian intruder who intends to be the Potentate of the World. It will not be surprising to see more of this agitated chaos.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Soros Group Kicked Out Of Hungary

After growing pressure from the right-wing-government in Hungary, George Soros’ pro-democracy Open Society Foundation, was shown the door to get out of the country. Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the midst of a crackdown on non-governmental organizations accused Soros–a Jewish emigre’ who survived Nazi-occupied Hungary, of trying to wrest control of their native country from those elected to office. 

The Prime Minister was correct in this assessment. That is exactly what Soros intended to do, take over the country, the same as he is attempting to do with The United States, using the very same tactics.
The way Soros survived the Nazi occupation was to work for them by showing where the prominent Jews lived and where they housed their art collections, gold and other valuables. The Nazi’s paid him handsomely for each family he ratted on, by giving him a commission on the valuables the Nazis sold for top dollar and also for each Jew that was arrested and taken to the concentration camps where they were tortured and many killed in the gas chambers.

Of course, George Soros kicked and screamed that his organizations’ expulsion from Hungary was due to a ‘hate campaign’ that has included propaganda posters and billboards, invoking anti-Semitic imagery from World War 11.

Anti Semitic? The only anti-Semitic action we have seen was George Soros making his first fortune by pointing out where the Jews in Hungary lived and where they kept their valuables for which he was handsomely paid. Now THAT is anti-Semitic.

To further make the case that it was due to hatred of Jews that the Open Society Foundation (OSF) was shown the door and expelled from the country, Patrick Gaspard, president of OSF stated: “The government of Hungary has denigrated and misrepresented our work and repressed civil society for the sake of political gain, using tactics unprecedented in the history of the European Union.”

Orban’s government recently introduced a bill in parliament to tighten restrictions on NGOs, dubbed the “Stop Soros” Law.
Speaking to his right wing Fidesz Party, the Prime Minister accused Soros of promoting Muslim immigration to dilute Hungary’s Christian identity and “sweep away governments which represent national interests.”  These are the very tactics he is employing to destroy the United States.
In another speech, Orban, criticized liberal democracies, saying they are incapable of “upholding Christian Culture.”

George Soros, who has been a financial supporter for NPR, states its mission is “to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people,” according to its website. “We seek to strengthen the rule of law; respect for human rights, minorities, and a diversity of opinions; democratically elected governments; and a civil society that keeps government power in check.” How’s that again?

And remember, this is George Soros speaking, the beast who sold out his own people to make his first fortune, using that fortune to sabotage currency in other countries bringing ruin while his fortune continued to grow.

Soros is a committed Communist who intents to put every country under dictatorship. He has caused irreparable damage to several countries who would like to get their hands on him. Russia has an international warrant for his arrest.

America needs to show some spine and take a lesson from Prime Minister Viktor Orban and expel Soros and his henchmen from the United States without further delay, which would give him extra time to hatch his plot to destroy America.

Readers, write to President Donald Trump and show him this story and then take action. The best way would be to allow Russians to come in, arrest Soros, and take him away. That would also improve our relations with Russia.

Photo Caption: Current Photo of George Soros

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Soros Highly Ethical Principled Man-Sez Reader

Yep, you read the headline right. This writer got a lashing from a reader who is a George Soros fan and supporter who emphatically states that Soros is not a Communist nor is he trying to destroy America, which was news to me.

You will see it all below. How can the respondent, Robert Berger of New Rochelle, New York be so blind even though Soros is doing his traitorous deeds right under our noses?

He had read my column on NewsWithViews and tripped while rushing to his keyboard to set me straight. His letter is published exactly as received, punctuation errors and all. All highlights mine.

—–Original Message—–
From: robert Berger <>
To: chaplainmiles <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 5, 2018 11:27 am
Subject: RE : Soros Women etc .
I’m sorry, Chaplain Miles, but your latest rant at NWV is absolutely ludicrous and shows how utterly deluded,  uninformed and misinformed you are .  George Soros is not a communist, nor is he trying to “destroy America “ and turn it into another Soviet Union.  
There is no one in America or anywhere else in the world who wants t to do this.  It would be absolutely impossible anyway even ever Soros and others actually wanted to .  The Democratic party is  more “  communist “ than you are  a Buddhist or  a Hindu .  
Let me tell you something about Soros .  He is a Hungarian  born  non-observant and secular Jew who managed to escape  the holocaust as a boy  and became a  billionaire  businessman .  He is a US citizen but has no  political power or authority in  this country .  All he does is contribute generously  to  liberal causes .  He is  opposed to totalitarian  government whether right or left  wing , period .
He is not an evil or dangerous man.  in  any way .  The members of the Democratic party in general  approve of the charities  Soros  sponsors  ,  and they are right to do this .
Ludicrous rumors have been circulated , spread by right-wing extremist  fear mongers, about his alleged “sinister influence on the Democratic party “.  For example, the idiotic claim that the peaceful protesters all over America  after the disastrous election of  Trump nearly two years ago were “paid to protest and riot “ by  him.  There were no riots  .  The overwhelming majority of the protesters  marched peacefully through the streets , which was their right as US citizens .
There was only a tiny amount of  violence  by a handful of opportunistic  idiots who  were looking for n excuse to  cause mayhem .  But  right-wing propaganda  exaggerated  this to an idiotic degree .  In  fact, photos of  riots, looting and arson which had occurred long before the  Trump protests  were circulated by the right-wing fake news  to make it look as though there was mass rioting and chaos  at the Trump protests .  
George Soros is actually a highly ethical and principled man  who  has been trying to  fight poverty ,  unemployment  ,ignorance  and  bigotry in America and around the world .  You have been totally hoodwinked, sir,  like so many  gullible and clueless Americans  about Soros, the Democrats and  liberalism in America .
Robert Berger,  New Rochelle, NY.

Now that we have all been set straight, we should apologize and hang our heads in shame.  On second thought maybe Soros’ head should be at the end of a rope for treason and sedition.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Soros’ Women Ambushed Flake In Elevator

One of the most famous TV captures, during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, was an elevator containing Sen. Jeff Flake opening its doors as two women ambushed it keeping Senator Flake unmovable inside. They had heard him say he would vote for Judge Kavanaugh and yelled at him to not do so. Not asked politely, mind you, but yelled at him like savages. And why did nobody interfere?
This writer was fascinated how bold these women were to confront a United States Senator in his private space and talk so rudely to him. Of course, curiosity raised its inquiring head and armed with pencil and pad, this citizen journalist bounded out leaving the cape behind.
The two women, we learned, were Ana (editors don’t panic, only one “n”) Maria Archilaaccompanied by  Maria Gallagher (a Spanish Irish Mix?) and they proved to be what this scribe suspected. They both are useful idiots on the payroll of George Soros.
When any disturbance to disrupt a procedure explodes, one can safely bet that George Soros and his money is the culprit behind the disruption.
So who ARE these women? Archila is the co-executive director for the Center for popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund,which is a George Soros organization to essentially destroy America. The organization is also identified as Big League Politics.
He has a couple hundred such organizations which are….tax free. Yep, we pay for Soros to set up his compounds in America designed to take over our country and put us all under his thumb. All these deceptively named organizations appear to be patriotic.
Soros, who owns and runs the Democratic Party is experiencing the panic of his life. If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, all Soros’ dreams will turn to nightmares since America would become a stronger world force. 
There has been enough written about Soros to show that he is the most evil man on earth. He can and should be arrested for Treason and Sedition. If President Trump would like to improve relationships with Russia, he could allow Russian soldiers to come, arrest Soros and take him back to Russia, that has an international warrant out for his arrest. 
He is the individual who has agitated blacks against whites in anticipation of a big race war which would substantially weaken America. He is behind every riot bringing out the worst among all people. It is time for that to stop.
Numerous so-called stars plan a protest today, Thursday October 4th, against the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Headline seekers, Lena Dunham, John Legend, Amy Schumer, and Alicia Keys are among those scheduled. They are calling this protest #/CANCEL KAVANAUGH.” 
It will be held outside the E Barrett Pretty-man Federal Courthouse in Washington, D.C. around noon.
The organizers have stated that they will target the Senators who have not solidified their vote on Kavanaugh as of yet. Patriots should be welcome.
The goof-ball governor of California just signed a bill. AB 282, stating that it is OK to aid, advise, or encourage people with suicidal thoughts. In other words, this is another twist on the law of euthanasia allowing those to be killed who do not want to be killed, according to Jim Kouri of NewsWithViews.
This bill would allow a doctor or nurse to “aid,” “advise,” and “encourage” you to take suicide pills. And this new law lets a relative, who could financially benefit from your death, to sign an order giving you suicide pills,” said Charles Finneman, a criminal psychologist with the American Federation of Police and Concern Citizens.
“Now the law in California says that it is okay to aid, advise, or encourage people with suicidal thoughts to actually go through with killing themselves,” according to officials with Life Legal, a nonpartisan, non-profit oversight group. “We refuse to stand idly by as California and the rest of the nation proceed down this deadly path.”

Today, the news of the world makes no sense. Things have become so screwy,

that this writer is now going out for a long walk.
We thank Reader Contributor Lawrence Craig for alerting us to this story.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Expert says Ford’s Letter Faked

WASHINGTON, D.C. The talk around the water coolers for the past week has centered around a proclaimed ‘Professor,’ Christine Blase Ford (not acclaimed but self PROclaimed) at the University of California–Palo Alto, who sent a letter of woe to Senator Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat.

The very poorly written letter rambles on about a sexual assault against her by Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh–which supposedly happened–36 years ago when they were teenagers still in school, even though when questioned she did not know where it happened, whose house it happened in, how she got to the house, who brought her back home. She must have really been sloshed.

The so-called witnesses to this sexual assault, four of them, all denied being near them or seeing the conduct described by Ms. Ford and have testified to that fact.

That accusatory letter was sent in July. Senator Feinstein held onto that letter until the confirmation session for Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve the Supreme Court was only a few days from starting. Of course, that is when it would do the most damage. The timing was carefully planned.

The letter that appeared to be written by a sixth grader, accused Judge Kavanaugh of drunkenness and trying to undress her with his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream, so violently, that she (gulp!) feared for her life.

This Democrat woman must have been a real knockout for a fellow student to lose all control in her presence. These Democrat women do have a unique form of beauty as you see in Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and Jackie Spears.

This writer went on an extensive search to learn if Judge Kavanaugh was indeed a fall down drunk, but nowhere I checked possessed that information.

He would drink a beer now and then but he was NOT a lush. HOWEVER, the accuser, Professor Christine Blasey Ford WAS found to be a heavy drinker as testified in her year books, which have conveniently gone missing… scrubbed from websites. Too late. We saw and copied them.

And it is said that people tend to judge others by their own standard of conduct.

The Congressional Committee said they would give her a hearing to determine if the confirmation hearing should take place.  However, she finds no date set by Congress convenient for her. She is supposed to go (tomorrow) Thursday (27th) but it looks like she is going to try to wiggle out of that one as well.

What is this? This woman has viciously slandered a distinguished judge being considered for the Supreme Court and she is given the power to set the date more convenient for her? Really? So she controls Congress?

Lawmakers, wake up. You set the schedule not a rabble rouser. If she comes to testify it will be at the convenience of Congress not her. Her goal is to destroy an excellent Supreme Court Nominee and wants Congress to cater to HER, not Judge Kavanaugh.

She either comes tomorrow (Thursday) or never. We cannot allow her to stall this confirmation any longer.

Fords Letter to Feinstein: As mentioned earlier, that letter looked like it came from a sixth grader, NOT a university professor!  This letter was taken to writing expert Dannielle Blumenthal Ph.D, who after carefully examining the letter, revealed it to be a total FAKE. She stated that the letter was NOT written by Professor Ford. No way. It was written by someone else for the sake of the Democratic Party.

According to Mike Adams of D.C. Clothesline, Dr. Blumenthal showed that “the letter contains 14 glaring errors that could only be committed by a poorly educated writer.”   She went on to say that this letter could not possibly have been authored by Ford. It was filled with inconsistencies.

Dr. Blumenthal, assisted by writer Mike Adams, are eminently qualified to assess the writing level and composition of letters and articles. Dr. Blumenthal has a Ph.D. in sociology and a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on creative writing (h/t to The Gateway Pundit). She has been a professional writer for 30 years and spent 2.5 years handling constituent letters sent to members of Congress.

Mistakes that demonstrate the letter was not written by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:

Ph.D. writers are highly trained in writing. In fact, it is an essential part of their education. Yet the letter released by Sen. Dianne Feinstein is riddled with simple errors that point to a writing level that barely qualifies as “high school” composition skills.

Here are the some of the glaring mistakes and discrepancies in the letter:

“in evaluating” should be “to evaluating”

The opening sentence of the letter states, “I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court.” This is an error. A Ph.D. would correctly state the letter offers information relevant to evaluating the nominee, not “in” evaluating. In fact, a truly intelligent person would write, “I am writing with information relevant to the evaluation of the current nominee…”

The font size is altered in the line that mentions Brett Kavanaugh’s name

The font size of the first line of the second paragraph, where Brett Kavanaugh’s name is first mentioned, is oddly 140% the size of all the other lines in the document. This could indicate one of several things:

1) The line may have been altered after the fact by a person who failed to be careful in carrying out an attempted document alteration.
2) The document may have been printed on a printer that suffered a line feed problem on that one particular line. However, this problem would typically reveal horizontal white stripes in the line, and such lines do not appear.
3) The line may have been added in a rushed, last-minute fashion without careful attention to the font size.

“1980’s” should be “1980s” — and any Ph.D. would immediately spot this obvious error.

Many more writing and composition errors, 14 to be exact, can be found with a Google search.

This link gives many other errors found in the letter to Feinstein. Worth going through since a lot of extra info is given.

It is URGED that authorities check Ford’s bank account to examine deposits and who made those deposits. Could it be George Soros?

Somebody is paying her off to be the anchor of this Democrat plot to sabotage the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, since they fear he will overturn Roe vs.Wade–legalized abortion, and strengthen the Republican Party.

This is the dirtiest politics this writer has ever witnessed during his 85 years. The original letter Ford wrote to Feinstein and the letter Feinstein sent to Senator Grassley can be seen by clicking this link.

We are indeed grateful to Lawrence Craig for alerting us to this story.

It is to be noted that Professor Ford had a lie detector test today and she passed. HOWEVER…it is known that one trained in clinical psychology knows how to beat that test.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Only Democrat Women Accusing Judge Kavanaugh

It is curious that not one Republican woman or a young one with Republican parents have charged Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with violent sexual advances causing him to lose all control.. And there were lots and lots of desirable conservatives of all ages in motion during those years. Probably more than Leftists.

Every one of the accusers of Judge Kavanaugh are Democrats set in concrete under a Marxist flag who, when younger had families with Dem ideals. And it is strongly believed that there were more conservative Republicans in those days than Democrats.

Yet, if we are to believe everything coming down the pike, only Democrat women appealed to Judge Kavanaugh. So much so that he had no control around them… they say.

It is known that Judge Kavanaugh actually had NO sex interest during those early years. He was a true Bible Believing conservative who believed that sex only was to take place in marriage.  Agreed, this is a rare man indeed. But there he is. And this writer knows other men with these principles.

What is more puzzling, there were and are, extremely attractive Republican women around to arrest a man’s attention. That is still true today which is illustrated by our First Lady, Melania Trump, Trump staffer Kellyanne Conway, Trump Jr’s girlfriend Kimberly Gulifoyle, even Nikki Haley.  Indeed, most Republican women look like ads for beauty salons.

Yet not one of the large stable of glamorous Republican women accused Judge Kavanaugh of improper advances…or even proper ones.

Now let us focus on the Democrat women who all believe they are so desirable that even a happily married Judge with a very attractive wife could absolutely not resist them.  Yep, the dem women are all irresistible who spins any man out of control at the very sight of them…men who will take any risk necessary to capture a split second orgasm with one of these beauties.

Let’s take a look at the Democrat Beauty Parade as an example: Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Jackie Spears…….scuse please…cannot go on…this is too terrible to comprehend!

And by the way, Judge Brett Kavanaugh would never have to force himself on ANYBODY. He is a very good looking man. Always has been.

The Leftist women accusers who are lying, are not that great looking that a man would toss away his family and stellar career by cheating on a very attractive wife and his admiring children nor would he have even a desire to do so. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: This is the case, Committee Members.

And remember, that the extreme explosion of opposition to Judge Kavanaugh to be confirmed for the Supreme Court is particularly driven by the fear that democrats will no longer be able to cruelly slaughter inconvenient babies in the womb, which they seem to enjoy,  plus the millions of dollars brought in for precisely killing babies through their business, Planned Parenthood.

Let our voices come out forcefully. Phone calls, faxes, emails, petitions. Let us show the Democrat Communists that our numbers are stronger than theirs.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Kavanaugh Accuser’s Motive Revealed

Christine Blasey Ford, who suddenly remembered that 36 years ago, as a teenager in high school, Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, also a high school student at that time, attempted to rape her. She also tried to convince us all that he was a fall down drunk at the time. Haven’t we gone through something similar before?

Naturally all the left leaning media headlined this story for days on end in an attempt to torpedo Brett Kavanagh’s Supreme Court confirmation which Communist Democrats fear would end Roe Vs. Wade which legalized the cruel slaughter of millions of pre-born babies.

This is a literary example of creating details in order to advance the story line. Authors of fiction do this all the time.

First of all, Judge Kavanaugh is and was very good looking with a winning personality.  He did not have to rape anyone.  Furthermore, having done a diligent search, we found no record of Judge Kavanaugh having a drinking problem.  

The only one here who has a problem is this accuser, Christine Blasey Ford who was unable to name the exact year this attempted rape took place, where it happened, or how she got home. She babbled on that there was another person in the room, Mark Judge, also drunk. However, Mark Judge said that the accuser is absolutely nuts, that this entire imagined episode did not happen. He was not in that room.

She said she remembered only that the house was in Montgomery County near a country club, and that parents were not present. She could not provide any key details of the supposed incident. Plus, she did not tell anyone else about an attempted violent rape where she feared for her life.  Nobody would have just let this go without telling someone or contacting authorities. 

And it is amazing that these teenagers were in that house alone with no adults present. So where did those teens get the booze?

It is to be noted that this accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford strongly supports the Democratic Party and hates President Trump.  Any further questions?  

Meanwhile 65 women have signed a declaration that Judge Kavanaugh is and has always been a good man with manners.

Now it all becomes clear. Christine Blasey-Ford is going after Judge Brett Kavanaugh, strictly for revenge against his family.

And remember the timing of this nefarious action exploded within days of the confirmation hearings. How convenient.  Parents, get your kids out of that California University where this…(rhymes with witch) controls the minds of your kids and shows the application of lying while offending God for “bearing false witness.”  This is a serious offense to God and it will be a terrifying moment when she faces Him.

Here are some of the references in The Bible concerning the sin of “bearing false witness,” which is part of the 10 Commandments.
Proverbs: 19:5
Exodus 20:16
Revelation 21:8
Matthew 19:18
1John 4:1
Romans 13:9

So this lying California professor doesn’t care that she has offended God and will face punishment, since she does not believe in God.  She WILL eventually in great terror.
And so will the Communist Democrats.

Readers, get on this. Contact your representatives in Washington, D.C. urging them to confirm Judge Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court without delay; to the editor of every newspaper who prints these demoncrap lies and tell them to cease and desist.

And this vicious democrat accuser MUST be charged with Defamatory Statements, which is actionable per se (in themselves) without proof of special damage. These are words imputing a crime (attempted rape), words disparaging a person in his trade (influencing a judicial appointment), business office or profession (He’s a judge), and it becomes “special Damage” as the victim could lose a Supreme Court Judgeship.

The law clearly states that the very intention of a crime is actionable. The intention of this defamation was clearly to torpedo Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Appointment.  Christine Blasey Ford must be charged and jailed.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a learned and respectable man who should not have to endure Democrat character assassination. He must be confirmed since his credentials are solid.

Photo Caption: Accuser  Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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70th Emmy Awards Show Surprise

First the good news. A huge surprise in the Emmy Awards tonight was that there was not one anti-Trump message. No “F” words were hurled out by the actors and actresses. Indeed everyone showed respect with the exception of one actress near the last who won an award and had to be bleeped out. She just had to try and slip some vulgar language into the mix. Fortunately, this was the only time in the entire endless telecast where a vulgarity had be be bleeped out. So this is an improvement.

So this is the good news. However, the badly produced program itself left the ship at the dock. It opened with an awful song with a terrible melody and frankly made no sense.  Plus it was badly performed.

They had the presentation couples mixed with one black and one white. And many racist references were hurled out during the entire show which was unnecessary.  This writer is uncomfortable with dialogue referring to white guys and the “Oh so white Oscars,”  and the many references to black dudes, even to the point of showing a presentation of “Reparation Awards” filmed on the street showing presenters going to any black personality and officially presenting these reparation (participation) ‘awards.’

Let’s forget about dividing by skin color and simply treat each other as a viable human being with respect. We are all people, nothing less for corns sake. We are all in the same family, the family of God. Let’s act like it.

And it is to be noted that the LGBT were very much in view as they came to the stage to accept awards. Ru Paul and his drag queen race won one of the awards as the audience applauded enthusiastically.

The couples who presented the awards attempted to be funny with back and forth patter which had no substance and resulted in the presenters tying to act out the dialogues, which were not funny, but silly. They looked awkward doing this and frankly, the interaction between the couples looked like the performers were part of the Evansville Community Theater group on rehearsal night.

A highlight was the presentation of Betty White, who is 96 years old and still working. She is a trouper. Her appearance was a good one and she did not pepper her talk with anything suggestive. Actually she was a highlight of the Awards Show. She still has charm and is a pro.

Another happy surprise was when a producer was called up to receive an award. He began thanking people which included his long time girl friend in the audience, then said, “I don’t want to refer to her as my girl friend. I want to refer to her as my wife.”  This prompted a burst of appreciative applause from the famous audience.

He called the startled young woman to the stage, reached in his pocket, took out a ring which he said had belonged to his mother, put it on her finger, then got down on one knee to ask her the question and she said, “yes.” That was a wonderful, touching moment.

Even though the show was long,  it was tight and those who received awards did very short acceptance speeches. This too was a great improvement.

It was with hesitation that I tuned into this awards show since those that had been seen in the past used curse words, was totally political as they slammed our president and told everything they see as wrong with our country.

We were spared all that tonight, which was a blessing.  Here’s hoping all the other award shows take a cue from the 70th Emmy Awards Show tonight.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Kaepernick Finances Abortion Clinics

This piece is admittedly published with bias against the subject, Colin Kaepernick. This writer is a veteran who was hit with Mustard Gas during the Korean Conflict which left me with severe lifetime health issues including horrific constant pain that I live under to this day. 
So to see millionaire football player Colin Kaepernick literally spitting on the American Flag, the flag I served under, and the flag that gave this black man the opportunity to become a wealthy football star, makes my blood boil.
Kaepernick gave $25,000 to the Center for Reproductive Rights, which carries out the slaughter of pre-born babies. This is the outfit who took part in the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Rode Vs. Wade with the tag line: “Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby.”  This is not only sick, it is depraved. How can anyone hate little babies that much?
Kaepernick gave another 25 grand to the Lower East Side Girl’s Club including $8000 for travel to Detroit to march with with radical pro-abortion women.
Birds of a Feather: Nike who recently announced that their new spokesperson would be Colin Kaepernick, gives matching grants to the nation’s biggest abortion chain.
He is able to do these things due to the money fans have given the ticket office to see him play with the NFL. 
Here is what this rich black “persecuted” man has to say about America: “Radicalized oppression and dehumanization are woven into the fabric of our nation.” Really!
Oh yes, it has been reported that Kaepernick has a Muslim girlfriend and has himself become a Muslim. Figures.
This bag of trash should be railroaded out of the United States of America without delay.
Woman Pastor Pushes Abortion, What?
Over the centuries, continuous controversy has played out over women being ministers and pastors. One objection is that women are driven by emotions which cloud accurate biblical decisions, such as performing same sex “marriages”. Others point to the Bible declaring that there is no place in the Bible showing that women should to be ordained. 
Alicia Baker, an ordained minister from Indianapolis went to Washington, D.C. on September 7th (last Friday) to testify against the approval of Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. She bolstered her testimony by stating, now get this, ‘the Bible endorses forcing Christians to fund abortion drugs.’  How’s that again? What Bible is she reading??
Baker urged the Senate to oppose Kavanaugh’s confirmation because of his decision to grant religious exemptions to the Obamacare HHS mandate.
Ms. Baker remembers that In 2015, Kavanaugh sided with Priests for Life in its challenge of the Obamacare HHS mandate while serving on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. He said the government should not force religious employers to provide drugs and devices that may induce abortions.
We are grateful to LifeNews who alerted us to these stories.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Secret Op-Ed Trump-Bashing Published By NYT

The Gray Lady has become bald since, by a hair, the New York Times has scored it’s greatest triumph, so it thinks.  By publishing an elaborate thought out piece proclaiming that Trumps’ own cabinet hate him and wants to force him out, stimulates public suspicion about him. (Why even his own cabinet sees what he is!! my my)

Yep, that’s the idea which is a typical Communist strategy to destroy those they wish to destroy: using suspicion, confusion and of course, downright lies. Again, typical communist strategy; This is what’s in their lunch boxes.

HOWEVER, this columnist is pushing for a defamation lawsuit to be filed against the writer of the piece, New York Times Op-Ed editor, JAMES DAO.  And the case is there.

The writer of a news piece is identified with the story by his or her name being listed under the title. One cannot  publish a story without the writers name connected with it, even with the name ‘anonymous’ as the ‘source.’ This does not make if legit.

Didn’t anyone from the New York Times go to journalism school? A reporter cannot publish defaming-libel claims on someone and then state that the writer is anonymous, or in other words, secret, as a way to attribute dirt assault on someone they do not like.  However, that N.Y Times writer is not anonymous.

The person who writes the story is RESPONSIBLE for the story. And in this case, his employer, The New York Times, was the instrument of making these claims to the world, so they are responsible as well.

So who is the actual writer? Everyone in the president’s cabinet denies writing and having that piece published. We know who the writer is, James Dao, since his own name is on the story.

It was not anyone in President Donald Trump’s cabinet who was the traitor to publish that story as an ‘insider’ who wants Trump to be taken out of office as every Communist wishes.

The New York Times’ manufactured, created, wrote that story and published it in what was at one time America’s most respected newspaper.  Pity.

This is now a legal problem. A lawsuit is proper under these circumstances. Subpoena James Dao and The New York Times and charge them with slander. The intent was there by the very publishing of this false story in order to undermine our president.

The reason for such prattle is, according to the law, a reference to one who is engaged in trade or business. It is defamatory and actionable per se’. because a business man must have credit to succeed in his calling.

This would certainly apply to the President of The United States. Plus threatening the president is a serious crime which can bring stern punishment.

The law states: Defamatory statements actionable per se’. There are three classes of defamatory statements which are actionable per se’ in themselves; that is, without proof of special damages. These are: words imputing crime, words disparaging a person in his trade (running the country), business, OFFICE, or profession, and words imputing a loathsome disease.  Special damage is not required to be shown, probably because these are among the most serious charges that can be made; the law allows the plaintiff to sue at once without making sure that he can prove damage, and thus gives him better legal protection. (This is straight out of the law books.)

Read that carefully for this is the law. And this shows that James Dao and the New York Times itself can be sued and rightfully so. Let us insist that this happens.

We urge ALL NEWS SITES and readers to get on this and demand that these charges be filed without delay.

(Rev. Austin Miles attended Law School when much younger.)

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Lawsuit Collides With Words In Bible

JEFFERSON CITY, MO. —The ‘Show me’ State has done it again. This time the Missouri legislators passed a law prohibiting any plant-based products from being labeled as “MEAT.’ And now the scrapping has begun with a food fight for the masses. Only animal MEAT can qualify as meat doncha know? Plants for meat? Fooey!

Today, plant-based meat powerhouse, Tortuky and a coalition of animal protection and social justice organizations have filed a lawsuit challenging that law, joined by the ACLU of Missouri, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and the Good Food Institute.

That law is scheduled to go into effect today, August 28th, 2018. This is happening when diners are now turning away from animal products and becoming vegetarians. There are many reasons for this sociometry change.

Animal lovers began to realize the truth of the horrific method of slaughtering animals for food as shown on videos. The animals suffer greatly with the crude slaughtering methods with no concern whatsoever for the sacrificial animal who has the same nervous system and feel pain the same as we do. The methods are cruel and brutal.

Of course the cattle industry wants nothing to interfere with their well paying industry of products that people feel they must have and consume. Many will remember the time that Oprah was sued by the cattle beef industry in Texas and hauled into court due to her negative comments about beef on her TV show.

Meanwhile it has been proved by health professionals that meat is NOT good for your bodies. Indeed, it can cause problems. THIS is why so many have become Vegans.

During a successful time in my life I toured constantly and ate only gourmet food at top of the line restaurants. The meals were consistently, Filet Mignon, with baked potato and sour cream with all the fixings. Living like this showed success….so it was thought. Food in those days were judged by taste only. That was all that mattered to those of us who simply did not know better.

Coming back from a tour I suddenly felt sharp pains in my stomach, collapsed in my New York apartment, was taken to the hospital and almost died. These fancy restaurants cooked all the nutrients out of the food which was needed for my body. Naturally I consulted a nutritionist, drastically changed my diet and my strength slowly came back. That is MY vegan story.

According to the news release sent to me, as more and more consumers are making the conscious choice to remove animals from their plates, Missouri is putting its thumb on the scale to unfairly  benefit the meat industry and silence alternative producers, says Animal Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Stephen Wells. “This law violates various constitutional principles, including free speech–which should be a concern for everyone, regardless of diet.” he stated.

The explicit aim of the law is to protect the animal agriculture industry, as producers of meat products from slaughtered animals, They perceive that this is a growing threat to their market share. The state’s consumer protection agency admits it has no evidence of consumer confusion over the labeling of plant-based meat.

The Show Me state has sued to prevent any representation of a plant as meat. Has anyone consulted The Bible for counsel in this?

Perhaps we should spend more time in The Holy Book.

Did you know that Adam and Eve were vegetarians? Eating flesh was out of the question, even among the animals.  This is proved in The Holy Scriptures.  “And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb, yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.”  Genesis 1:11

Then he instructed Adam and Eve: And God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed; to you it shall be FOR MEAT.” Genesis 1:29

Now, mind you, the same instructions were given to the animals. “And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb FOR MEAT.” And it was so. Genesis 1:30.

Yes, even the animals were vegetarians.

This writer believes that this counsel from God as written in The Bible settles this issue once and for all.

Again, their ‘meat,’ was not flesh, but herbs. That was all the body needed to replenish and keep strength. So it cannot be illegal for plants to be referred to as meat.

So Missouri Legislators, perhaps you should rethink this issue, in which you are clearly opposing the Bible, which can come to no good.

Photo Caption: Missouri State Capitol where Debate Reigns


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Inventions Of Genius Woman Saves Lives

480 people killed each year by rollover tractors-grass cutters

Liza Hart appears to be an everyday woman who could be encountered in any downtown area in Tennessee where she lives and works quietly. She is an attractive woman on the mature side with sparkling eyes that would break down any barriers that would prevent anyone from talking to her. And everybody seems to want to.

Even after a pleasant conversation, those in her company had no idea whatsoever that they had just conversed with one of the most extra-ordinary women on earth, a living genius with an Einstein mind who can comfortably work through any electronic technical problems and reach a conclusion, such as inventing a radiation detector to save lives.

Even though she will not claim astrophysic skills, if a problem came up in that field this writer has no doubt she would figure out to solve it.  It is to be noted that Liza was a support person for 3 nuclear physicists.

While doing work related to the NASA deep space probe she worked with a unit to monitor the Space Shuttle’s computer power while attached to the Test Platform.

She designed the high power Xray tube assembly for the detection of explosives that is now in service at Dubai Airport in baggage inspection machines which was done through Tomography.

Liza also created medical devices, working with a cardiovascular surgeon to make something that would provide the stimulus he needed that would be put around an ankle band. The doctor tested the device and found that it did in fact increase blood flow in the legs.

She designed a portable battery powered controlled field surgical light that would be worn with a headband by the surgeon. It monitored the power as well as control the intensity android-1 to warn the surgeon when a battery charge was going to be coming in five minutes so its backup battery could be exchanged. Plus it was highly efficient and made the batteries last longer.

Liza Hart (now this is ONE woman we are talking about not 10) did some consulting work for a company on a control system for a portable oxygen concentrator. She was able to change parameters for the first time that made it possible to increase the efficiency, making it easier to change parameters and optimize the units.

Always a genius, Liza’s career began as a chief TV engineer for a world-wide network, that aired The PTL (Praise the Lord) Club out of Charlotte, North Carolina.

She quickly solved any sort of mechanical or electrical failure that arose while on the air which was a frequent occurrence, more than one of which took the program off the air for a couple of seconds before Liza got it back on the air, seemingly without missing a beat. She is a fast worker who can make fast decisions.

Liza genuinely cares for people, studied and became an ordained Certified chaplain where her work with prisoners has been spectacular. She has the utmost level of respect from area pastors and is a member of a church.

She doesn’t mingle as much as she would like since she spends most of her time in a small space behind her house known as, Liza’s Lab, where all her inventions are constructed. Accompanying her throughout her daily activities is her little dog Gracie who doesn’t care where they are or or what they do just so they are together.

Liza is a very accepting person, easy to be around, and whatever perils threaten people she gets to work to invent something that will protect them from injury or death.

When she saw the stats showing that 480 people a year are killed by tip-over tractors and machine lawn mowers, she went to work in her little lab, determined to create a device that would prevent these deadly rollovers. The number of non-fatal injuries is much higher.

Apparently those who are driving tractors and machine lawn mowers make a turn while going up a hill, weight shifts and the machines roll over, oftencrushing the driver. This is a constant threat. Golf carts often turn over so she has a device for them as well.

The incredible woman named Liza has just completed the tipover devices she invented to sound an alarm when a tractor or mobile lawn mower tips over and shut off the motor.

This writer would hope every farmer and landscape worker would have this for their machines. We want you all to be safe.

Check out this website for any questions you may have. The phone number is on this website:

NOTE FROM EDITORS: The writer of this story, is not involved financially with any part of Liza’s Lab. No gifts are involved or any other consideration.  This has been written as a public service with the goal of safety and protection for all farmers and landscape personnel.

Photo Caption: Liza Hart-A Woman Einstein

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Slanting Journalism Becomes Art Form

New York –Columbia University Journalism Dept. has trained many prominent journalists and TV news commentators. They publish a newsletter that examines how national stories are handled. It is titled, Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) for which this writer is a subscriber.

The Editor/writer is Pete Vernon, who released a story today with the headline:The Media Today: How Trump Turned Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder into a National Story. How’s that again? President Donald Trump manipulated that tragedy into a national story?  Why? For what purpose? One thing it did do was iron into the mind of the public that Trump is an opportunist.

Then this jab below the belt by Mr. Vernon was to explain this event using atail wagging the dog scenario to misdirect people from the actual story.

Sayeth he;  “As the fallout from the guilty plea of longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and the conviction of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort continued to lead most national news outlets, the White House attempted to turn the focus to Iowa, where the murdered girl lived.”

Notice how skillfully Mr. Vernon brought in two of Trump’s former associates who had been convicted of nefarious conduct to make President Trump look bad (by the company he keeps). And Vernon wove the web to cover Trump as well to make him a party to malfeasance, getting eyes off the girl’s murder by an illegal who will always vote Democrat.

This illegal immigrant, who had no business being in this country, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, grabbed Mollie Tibbetts while she was jogging, yanked her off the trail and brutally murdered her. She had nothing to do with him and was minding her own business.

The following was written by Mr. Vernon. Notice the skillful negative slant:

This fueled the immigration debate turning the story into political football. The New York Times charged that the Tibbetts murder has been used by Trump and covered in conservative media.

Reporter Alan Gomez of USA Today described this as a conservative media frenzy that erroneously casts immigrants as dangerous while attempting to provide “concrete evidence” that “immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.” What???

Alan Gomez should take a little time in research for stats, as this writer has done. In the last 10 years, 44,000 Americans have been killed by illegals. Today there are 24 citizens killed EACH DAY BY ILLEGALS according to Google stats.

Observing the concocted negative slants regarding President Trump sown throughout the piece, I wrote the following email to the editor/writer, Pete Vernon.


Your story of the illegal who killed the Iowa girl is a classic example as to how the media SLANTS stories to make President Trump, who was put into office by millions of voters, look bad in order to boost the Socialist Democrat position. And it was a stretch so blatant that even the least experienced journalist could detect it.

As an active journalist I am ashamed of what the political newspapers today have done to an otherwise honorable profession in order to push a personal political point which is a blatant conflict of interest.  This should come under malpractice.

This piece is so telling that I plan to do a feature on it.

Rev. Austin Miles

A most gracious email was sent to me in response by the editor/writer Pete Vernon:

Hi Rev. Miles,

Thanks for taking the time to write. I’m unclear what part of the newsletter you found factually incorrect? Happy to discuss, but I can’t tell what you’re objecting to.


Staff writer
Columbia Journalism Review

I think it is clear what my objections are by what I wrote in response. The CJR story is filled with innuendo and assumption. And again, I very much appreciate the gracious response Mr. Vernon sent me.

He did  state that President Trump’s “hard-line immigration stance” is grounded in, now get this, THE FALSE BELIEF that undocumented immigrants represent a clear and present danger to American Citizens.

False belief?  Perhaps it would be worthwhile to take a trip to the morgue in Brooklyn, Iowa and look at the body of 20 year old, Mollie Tibbets, and then rethink that “false belief.”

It is time that the media cease and desist from trying so hard to make the President of the United States appear to be incapable or to profile him as an undesirable person. This is the dirtiest political season ever seen during my lifetime.

Yes there have been some dirty ones in the past but this one really takes the cake since this is not just a dispute between political faction, it is a major battle of Good vs. Evil. Watch for a feature coming out on that.

I’ve even seen this spontaneous wind elimination published in newspapers–now get this: Supposedly quoting someone who nobody even heard of, this phantom person, they say, ‘according to the Hilltop Book Club,’ states that ‘the problem with Donald Trump is that he is crazed by power, which is dangerous. And the puppets run with that.

President Donald J. Trump is not a politician….thank God. He is a patriot who intensely loves this country who rose to become a billionaire and could have simply lived a life in luxury.

He was so concerned by the direction this country was steamrolling us into, that he walked away from his businesses to run for and then win the election as President of The United States. He refuses to take the allotted salary for a president, about 400 thousand a year, but takes that money instead and gives it all to veterans’ causes.

What’s more, he has kept every promise he has made, has improved our economy, sat face to face with world leaders who had never sat with a President of the U.S., strengthened our military, and nations know not to mess with him or the consequences will be severe.

Democrats, you are pushing for a Communist takeover of the U.S. You will not like it if this happens. This writer has spent time behind the Iron Curtain, and life under those conditions is brutal. The only consolation this writer will have if the Communist Democrats are successful, is in approaching each democrat I know and saying, ” How’s this working out for you?” And I guarantee that I will be met with very sad eyes. The same sad eyes observed in everyone I saw behind the iron curtain.

For the sake of everyone, Republicans and Democrats, we should not stand in the way of the man rightfully in The Oval Office who is absolutely working to make America Great Again. Let us all help him do it. We will ALL benefit as a result.

President Donald Trump has done everything he has said he would do and will continue to do so. What more could we want?


Photo Caption: Columbia University, New York

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Blasphemy! Colleges Queering The Bible And God

This is a column I never expected to write. But how could it really NOT be expected as the stage was being carefully set to sodomize the world. Little by little this LGBTQ band of perverts began to become more and more visible. And the public just sat and watched. The churches were silent. Not a peep from the pulpits.

Then the Pride Parades emerged, where, with police protection, they sashayed down the main streets of the various towns and cities with elaborate floats with the participants in bizarre costumes and makeup, with some of the participants chanting….”We are queer and we are here.”

Then they started with LGBT clubs in the educational system. I remember seeing a sign at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California stating; “523 gays, lesbians and transgenders welcome you to Los Medanos College.”

Who are they to welcome incoming students?  They had no official position there. But they are driven by assumption that was never stopped or even challenged.

Next they began bringing in “queer writers” to speak to the student body. Open homosexuals were hired as teachers and professors.I remember one young woman who had written a book that came there to speak to the student body. She was crude and used the “F” word frequently in her talk. Then she said, “I hope I didn’t offend anyone.” I had to say, “Too late. You already did.”

She made several references to her sexual orientation, saying things like, “I don’t want you to see me as just another queer writer.”

I asked the psychology professor, whom I was sitting with, if she kept referring to herself as a “queer writer,” attempting to convince the audience, or…herself that it was OK to be what she was proclaiming.

The Psyche professor agreed with me that this was exactly what was going on. This showed she was not that secure in her lifestyle choice.

Next, transgenders in full regalia were allowed to read stories to children in libraries. I guarantee you that nobody would be allowed to have a spot in a public library to read Bible stories. I know because I petitioned to do so but was refused.

That same week, the NAMBLA, (North American Man Boy Love Association) that is working to make pedophilia – sex with children LEGAL- was given a ‘community room’ to have their demented meeting.  Yes that was perfectly OK for our government but never to talk about the Bible.

The sodomites had the audacity to go to Zondervan book publishers and demand there be changes in the Bible that would delete all references to homosexuality. I kid you not.

They began to interrupt church services. At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City they crashed a mass taking place, throwing condoms to the congregation. And who can forget the scene in San Francisco when these deviants, dressed in their gaudy clothing and make-up came in and demanded to be served Communion. This is blasphemy.

And by the way, it is a felony to interrupt a religious service. Preachers, remember this and file charges if this happens in your church.

It has reached a point that if anyone does not agree to participate in sin, such as churches allowing same sex ‘marriages’ to take place in their sanctuaries or providing services like baking a cake with an LGBT message, those who refuse to follow their orders and join in the “celebration,” can be ruined by the government.

Here is one of the ‘rewards’ of homosexuality. AIDS! A horrific disease due to “anal intercourse.”  AIDS patients die slowly. But for the totally obsessed, it is worth it.  When the AIDS disease was first discovered I remember seeing a young sodomite on TV stating, “Well, now every time I make love I don’t know if it will be my last time.”

Even knowing the fatal risk of sodomy they are still so consumed by perverted lust that they simply can no longer control themselves. They are enslaved.

It should be noted that many confused married men demand to have anal sex with their wives.  WHAT? How can they improve what God gave us for satisfying sex?  HOWEVER, when a man enters a woman’s rectum, then goes back into her vagina, it is a totally unnatural use of the human body and THIS is what causes the disease known as AIDS since it mixes up bacteria.  So, many so-called straights are also subject to this disease.

Governor Moonbeam of California recently announced that he would require regular LGBT classes of study in the public school system, even though he, nor anyone else, will allow parents to see what is actually being taught. Hiding something like this proves malfeasance.

One of his first things is to incorporate, now get this, GAY PORN, to show school CHILDREN!  This is sick! Porn of any kind is totally unacceptable for  children to view…but GAY PORN???

Now the closets are empty as all the perverts have come out. The latest is: Colleges offering courses on….now sit down…Queering the children, The Bible, and, the most shocking of all….the queering of…God! They are all guilty of blasphemy and will all go to hell for it.

Sixteen colleges have now signed on with these lug-headed bastards. Don’t get your knickers in a twist over this word which is in The Bible meaning questionable birth details. It is accurate as these people are in Satan’s family, not God’s family.

Journalist Tyler Durden of Campus Reform, writes: “Students at Pomona College in Claremont, California have the opportunity to enroll in a brand new course titled; “Queering Childhood.”

According to the college,, the course “explores secular philosophies of queer and post-colonial theory as well as their critical and constructive application to religion,” focusing on topics like “the sexual ethics and ritualization found in the S&M community, transgender Christs, and the mestiza (or mixed) cultures of Latin America.”

Harvard University–yes HARVARD–Divinity School offers a course on “Queer theologies, Queer Religions” this fall, and how it relates to “larger aspirations of queer religion or spirituality in America.”

The course information of Harvard states: “Students will begin by sampling the efforts to revise traditional Christian theologies in order to accept or affirm same-sex loves.”  There it is in their own words.

And there are many more outrageous statements coming from this bastion of higher education.

The most outrageous of all comes from Swarthmore College with courses named; “Queering the bible, and Queering God.’ What???  Gwynn Kessler, the Swarthmore religion professor teaching the course had this to say:

“By reading the Bible with the methods of queer and trans theoretical approaches, this class destabilizes long held assumptions about what the Bible-and religion says about gender and sexuality.”

The University of Pennsylvania’s “Gender, Sexuality, and Religion” course will read religion through a variety of feminist and queer theory lenses.

University of San Francisco has the course,”Christian Feminist Theology that aims to develop and understanding of how feminist scholarship provides one fruitful means towards re-appropriation of central Christian insights about God.

The City by the Bay adds, “We will also look at the central significance of gender to the field of religious studies generally, with particular attention to non-binary genders.”

The real kicker is the statement that God is neither male or female. This is the basis for Queering God as they proudly proclaim.

And this is the new, modernized church coming your way? Or is it already here?

Pastors, this cannot be allowed to happen. Too many have simply stood aside and watched as this blasphemy and war against God has multiplied, increasing so much that it is now at a point of no return unless stern measures are taken.

This article has been written to fulfill a commission given to all ministers when they are ordained. The commission to be a defender of the faith.

See this story I wrote a couple of years ago about a boy named Trevor, a wonderful kid who after going to a public high school and college denounced God, turned on me the best friend he ever had, and became part of the LGBT crowd. This can happen to any and all of your children you surrender to government schools. Here is the link.

Pastors, man your pulpits and tell it like it is. We must preach against sin. Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not a natural state. It has introduced AIDS since biologically you cannot practice anal sex as is exclusive with sodomites, or combined with vaginal sex.

Pride Parades must be stopped, introducing sick sexual practices in public schools must be stopped, that is NOT why children are sent to school. This has been Satan’s greatest victory. It is now up to the pastors to preach the Word and MAN YOUR PULPITS.

WHAT WE CAN DO:  First of all, saturate your lives with God. There are plenty of good Bible-believing churches everywhere. Without God in your active lives, you can be yanked in any direction evil people pull.

Meet with your pastors to encourage them to start a Christian School. It is not difficult to do. And help support that effort by volunteer work. It is the life of your children at stake.

Be alert and ready to defend your family.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Death Panels Alive And Well

After researching all that was behind this diabolical Marxist plan, I wrote an article showing the deception of this bill that nobody in government would even see or read before jamming it through. And this was deliberate. This story was published on May 6, 2013, Here is the link.
It is suggested that you read this first (above) before my current story since it shows how this was really pushed on the people by Obama, then later the shocking outcome.

While these 2013 revelations may seem prophetic, I am not a prophet but simply analyzed what was taking place at that time with the deadly Obamacare hoax becoming law with nobody seeing the bill or knowing what was in it. 

Who can forget Nancy Pelosi stating to the committees: “Just sign the bill, then you can see what’s in it.” Yep, that’s how they do it in D.C. They did, and the likely outcome was verified.  

Who can forget that horrible decision in the U.K. when children Charlie Gard and little Alfie Evans were disconnected from life giving machines, even though other doctors and medical professionals disagreed that ‘they had no chance of living.’ However, the death panels had spoken.

In the Netherlands, euthanasia has been legal since 2002, and there have been a whole slew of problems ever since.  In one recent case in the Netherlands involving an elderly woman who had dementia – she realized that the doctor was trying to kill her, so she put up such a fight that the family forcibly held her down, and then the doctor proceeded to kill her with a lethal injection.
This woman did NOT want to die, so her own family held her down as she was given the fatal injection.  This is MURDER!

Judges have ruled that doctors should be able to withdraw food and fluids without going to court. Let’s put this in proper perspective. This is deliberately starving people to death. It is a horrible death that slowly kills the patient by dehydration and starving within two or three long weeks. Here is what happens to them:

They get dizzy, their stomachs cramp until every move hurts, then stabbing sensations in the colon area. They are left with a painful emptiness in their stomachs. Their mouths and throats become dry because of no water to drink. They get to the point that no position is comfortable.  This is barbaric!

Who can forget the story of Terri Schiavo, who had lain in bed for 13 years, severely brain-damaged caused by her husband Michael who, it was reported, regularly beat her severely.  She had been abused by her husband throughout their marriage. and was beaten so severely by him that she received brain damage, was fed by a tube and unable to communicate with the outside world. 

The ordeal began. During the following days a national uproar came about regarding Terri’s case. There were petitions, one had 180,000 signatures, this writer tried to intervene but it was hopeless. The system had long before made up it’s mind.

After 14 grueling, painful torturous days, Terri Schiavo died. Her husband Michael was free to do whatever he wanted and with whomever he wanted.

It is to be said that Governor Jeb Bush did all he could to prevent the starvation murder of Terri Shiavo.

This must never happen again.  We are better than this. It all started with theimplementation of Obamacare. Now the insurance company controlled things. The more patients who were cared for, the more money it cost them. So to save millions of dollars,euthanasia was created to get rid of patients requiring further treatment. 

That’s the story, plain and simple. It is all about…money, the love of which is the root of all evil. 1 Timothy 6:10. A word to the wise is sufficient…hopefully.

Meanwhile, the death panels are alive and well–UNTIL they are stopped.

Photo Caption: Terri Shiavo Victim of Early Death Panel

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Gov. Jerry Brown’s Gay Porn Push In Schools

SACRAMENTO, CAL. —A column, written by Coach Dave Daubenmire, told about the war we are in, not with opposite political parties or foreign invaders, but “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places,” Yes, it is a spiritual battle between good and evil as The Bible reveals accurately who will oppose us.

Here is the link to Coach Dave’s column which gives full background of this warfare.

So there is no question that California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, better known as “Governor Moonbeam” is a footman for the devil. Exactly the individual described in Coach Dave’s column, that everyone must read, for gaining understanding of what is going on during this time.

At the first of the year, Gov. Brown mandated that, now sit down, all public (govt) schools MUST show Gay Porn….yes, PORNOGRAPHY to grade school kids! And this made California the first in the nation to order ‘Gay’ Pornography to be shown to grade school children. Indeed, no kind of pornography was ever allowed to be shown to school children. But California is advanced dontcha know.

Then on the first of the  year, Gov. Moonbeam ordered all California public schools to add lessons about gays and lesbians to Social Studies classes in those pubic schools where you surrender your children every day.

The bills were pushed by State Senator Mark Leno who authored the bills, who himself has lace in his pants.

“Today, we are making history in California,” Leno burped, “by ensuring that our textbooks and instructional materials no longer exclude the contributions of LGBT Americans.”

This daily instruction of our children details, now listen to thisthe various sexual choices a gay person has. Yep they have plenty of choices for sure.  And here is the closing statement: “There is no room for “discrimination” of any kind in our classrooms, our communities, or the state,” said Dean Vogel, President of the California Teachers Association. So there.

We wonder if those LGBT lessons will discuss the one NORMAL activity they include in their sex lives? Again, to them, this is a normal activity. It is called

“Scatting,” where rubber sheets are put on their bed.

We suggest that sensitive people skip this next paragraph.

Scatting is when the partners defecate on each other, then lick the excrement off the other. This is pure insanity. Yes, and it is absolutely true. The first time I knew about this perverted sickness was when glancing through a free newspaper from a plastic rack in San Francisco.

Thumbing through it I came across an advice column for sodomites. So what else could be expected…this WAS in San Francisco after all.  The first writer complained that “when scatting, his partner would initially be turned on but when they ‘got into it,’ the partner could not stand the smell and went limp.” The whole glorious experience went down the toilet–which should have been done BEFORE the ultimate sport of Scatting ever began.

It will come as no surprise that a powerful entity, The United Nations, has  Partnered with this evil organization to force-feed this sick agenda on the entire world. As if this could not get worse, the Document proclaims that these new so-called rights supersede any claims of religious freedom.

Now, all manner of sexual activities would be a human right to be protected by governments and courts. There is even a renewed effort to push acceptance for pedophilia, adults having sexual relations with children. Even this would be protected by what is now known as “the Yogyakarta Principles.”

I can write no more on this nasty sickening practice. So will just say that all parents should be aware that sending their children to public schools will expose your precious kids to be forcefully instructed in practices that could only be found in Insane Asylums back in earlier days.

Parents reading this: Please talk to your church pastor about starting a Christian School at your church. It is not complicated to put together and operate. We must get our children out of this madness. It is our profound duty to protect our children. And they do indeed need to be protected from the Public School System.

Most sane people would assume that this would have to end. That is not true. Once something like this gets released into the atmosphere, it will only increase with more atmospheric pressure.

Now this sick perversion has taken the next step, since it was not stopped when it started, which it could have been. The richest and most powerful bodies in the world have now banded together to promote a radical homosexuality/transgender document called the Yogyakart Principles according to Center for Family and Human Rights, based in New York. And that partner is–The United Nations.

The Yogyakarta Principles is a document about human rights in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity, published as the outcome of an international meeting of human rights groups in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The Document was drafted by activists including a disgraced Catholic priest namedMichael O’Flaherty in order to force “gay marriage” on Ireland.  It is a wicked document that seeks to impose the gay ideology on the whole world, The Yogvakart Principles declare that all forms of human sexuality are a human right.

They say that anything anyone wants to do with anyone else is, now get this,  protected by international law.

Citizens, it is time to push back against this sick agenda. If we do not stand firm on this by phone calls, letters to the editors, radio program call-ins, and from the pulpits, then we are doomed to live the rest our lives surrounded by perversion.

We cannot further allow this to happen.

Our profound thanks to Center for Family and Human Rights, Austin Ruse-President/C-Fam, for alerting us to this story and providing us with undeniable facts.

Photo Caption:  California Capitol flying Gay Flaggets

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Incoming Mexican President Vows To Cooperate With Trump

This columnist waited several days to see if the ‘main stream media’ MSM, would release this very important story that makes President Trump look good. They would NOT publish this. No surprise. So here it is. 

President Elect of Mexico, Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador, who will take office December 1st, sent a seven page letter to President Trump this month regarding a new relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Mr. Obrador has already talked with President Trump on the phone with a follow up by our terrific Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo who visited him to begin opening lines of communication between the two countries.

The seven page letter Mr. Obrador sent to President Trump stating that his incoming administration’s aim is to start a new chapter in the relationship with Mexico and outlined his hopes of the two countries working together to improve security at the border and discourage Mexican migration.

Obrador stated in his letter that the incoming administration’s goal is to “start a new chapter in the relationship between Mexico and the United States based on mutual respect.”

Pompeo said that he and Obrador discussed how the two countries could advance common goals on economy, trade, as well as resolve border issues.

“I am encouraged by the fact that we both know how to do what we say,” Mr. Obador wrote in his letter, “and we both have faced adversity with success. We manage to put our citizens at the center and displace the establishment.”

Mr. Obrador singled out migration, economic development and security as the primary areas he would like to collaborate with President Trump. He believes economic development of Mexico and other Central American countries would improve conditions in those areas and dissuade people from believing they must flee flee to the U.S.

“My government is wiling to present to our congress, the initiative and budgetary proposal to contribute economic resources and experiences in this joint effort,” he wrote.

The president-elect also wants to jump start talks of a modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada. These talks began last year after Trump said NAFTA must be reworked to better suit America’s interest.

Last week, President Donald Trump said he had “very good discussions” with Mr. Obrador and may look at negotiating a separate trade deal with Mexico.

Now it can be seen why the so-called main stream media had desperately attempted to keep this quiet.  President Donald J. Trump is the ultimate president. He has accomplished more in his short time in office than all the other presidents that have occupied The Oval Office.

He has fulfilled every promise he has made so far. He is the only U.S. President to visit numerous heads of state and dictators and dialogue with them. He will not nor cannot back down. He is tough keeps his word and stands firm, something that puzzles the world since Obama appeared to work for the enemies of America. President Trump works for the American people.

He has stabilized the U.S. economy, has stood firm to those world leaders who expected him to back down, like Obama, who bowed deeply to Muslim leaders and actually apologized for America. (?)

The relationship between Mexico and America has been shaky…until now thanks to our elected president, put in the Oval Office by MILLIONS of voters.

The Democrat Communists constantly work to bring disrespect to our duly elected president, yet, thanks to citizen journalists and internet news services, the public receives TRUTHFUL news. Wherever you read this column you can trust the news on that site to give you an accurate account about what is REALLY going on.

The demoncrats hate it when Trump is recognized for doing what a president has sworn to do. They want to weaken, then overthrow this government to put America under Communist control. We won’t let that happen since Trump is our president, and most of the millions of people in the United States are armed and ready to lock and load.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Goverments Axing Wild Animal Protections

ST. PAUL  —Do governments not have two obligations–to protect people and to protect animals, which God has also created?

You bet they do. So why are many governments at this moment devising methods to basically wipe off the face of the earth God’s amazing animals?

To do this, they intend to do away with the (Federal Endangered Species Act -ESA).  This is a bill Congress passed in 1966, calling it the Endangered Species Preservation Act, providing a means for listing native animal species as endangered and giving them protection. The act authorized the Service to acquire land as habitat for endangered species.

A 1973 conference in Washington, D.C. was the setting for 80 nations to sign the convention on International Trade which restricted international commerce in plant and animal species believed to be harmed by trade.

The Federal Endangered Species Act has saved countless animal lives through this law. However, this animal protection act is now under siege as an all out war on wolves has been declared and activated.

Just a couple of days ago, the Congressional Western Caucus (Minn) released a package of bills that undermine and weaken the federal Endangered Species Act.

Maureen Hackett, MD, founder and president of Howling for Wolves, a public advocacy organization to protect wolves, said in response to the announcement:

“Howling for Wolves strongly opposes weakening the Endangered Species Act. The ESA is a last resort for many species that we will lose forever if not protected. Almost all species placed on the list are prevented from going extinct.

“The wolf in Minnesota continues to need federal protection because without it our state can implement wolf trophy hunts. In 2012 state politicians and the Minnesota DNR disregarded effective, science-based, and nonlethal strategies and held a three-year wolf trophy hunt immediately after wolves lost federal protections.

“Although today’s proposal is touted as “modernization,” it should instead be called the “Eliminating Species Act” because it relies on the same “local control” that nearly wiped out the wolf forever.

“We need to keep the wolf-and other endangered and threatened species-protected for future generations.”

And this is happening in Minnesota that once had Jesse Ventura as a governor,
and has a university that will now fire any professor who does not use the proper pronoun for any individual with sex identity confusion–and by the way there are 53 pronouns to choose from. Professors who use the wrong one out of the 53 are outta here!  Men with white coats come forth!

The major danger to the wolves comes from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service whom one would think would be a friend of wildlife.  Unfortunately, that does not appear to be true. They too have agreed to encourage the dismantling of the Endangered Species Act.

According to Jen Mihills, adviser to  Mid-Atlantic Region of National Wildlife Federation, one casualty of this reckless disregard of animals is the red wolf which is rapidly disappearing. Today there are less than 40 remaining in the wild. What is worse, the public is encouraged to harass and kill all wolves wherever they they can be found.

Sarah Palin brags about being a hunter, loves to kill and joyously took it to heart when war on wolves was declared. All wolves are portrayed as enemies and must be taken out.

This writer will never forget seeing a video on TV of Palin in her airplane with the side open to hunt for wolves. She flew over 200 miles to find them in Alaska. That area was not near any homes, farms towns or settlements. It was out in the middle of nowhere, where wolves could live their lives. There was no danger whatsoever to people or farm animals since only the wolves were out there.

But this great white hunter woman had made the trip to find them. Sitting by the opening of the side of the plane with a gun in her hands,  she began killing these beautiful creatures. But it is worse than this.

As she flew low over packs of wolves, they looked up at the plane with innocent curiosity. As they did, Palin, with a smirky smile on her face, began shooting them. The wolves screamed, yes, screamed as they were hit and fell on their backs kicking their feet in the air during a horrible time of agony.

Remember, I saw this complete video, everything, so this is all painfully true.

I will never like Sarah Palin after witnessing this tragedy at her hands and would never support her in any way. How could she be so cruel as to go out to an area only the wolves live in, to savagely shoot them down?

Farmers are especially eager to take out any wolves since they do attack farm animals. However, organizations like Howling for Wolves believes in relocating wolves via non-lethal means. That is what the goal should be, can be, and has proven to be.

Wolves are magnificent creatures. Unfortunately they have received bad press by children’s books making the wolf into the bad guy. Remember Little Red Riding Hood?

The wolf is the first cousin of the dog and can be tamed. The wolf mates for life, will never cheat on his mate and if the mate dies, the wolf never takes another.
They remember those who help them. I once wrote about a movie where four wolf cubs were rescued and adopted by a man who raised them after a hunter killed their mother.

The man turned them loose back in the wild when they grew up and sometime later those wolves saved the man’s life when he was about to be killed. They never forgot this man that took them in and were his friends for life, which was the name of the movie, Friends for Life.

Howling for Wolves, is a Minnesota-based Wolf advocacy organization to foster understanding and tolerance and to ensure their long-term survival in the wild and supports effective, science-based and NONLETHAL wolf plans to support and promote human and gray wolf coexistence into the future.  Visit their website.

The National Wildlife Federation can be contacted at:

Animals Australia is an extremely effective animal protective service based in Australia that brings great results for animal protections. Email them at:

Get on their mailing list and by all means sign petitions from these organizations. That is one way you can indeed help animals. It will cost you nothing but a few minutes of time.ed.


Photo Caption: Baby Red Wolf

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Little House On The Prairie Now Declared Racist And Homophobic

Here is another classic series of books, made into a film series, that now must be burned, psychologically.  Not only does the headline display the (imagined) shocking details of this book series, it also has been kicked in the back cover for, now get this, ‘lack of inclusiveness.’  Inclusiveness was totally unknown in those days. Today it signifies LGBTQ which was not visible back then.

Author Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote colorful books on frontier life, was such an esteemed author that the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) named their annual award for children’s book authors after her. 

HOWEVER…..with the Soros Democrat-Communist puppeteers agitating blacks, homosexuals and misfits in general to declare war with anyone not looking or acting like them, they now want Americans to find fault with everyone with a fault-line that can be turned to hatred. The author of the classic, Little House on the Prairie, is the latest classic writer to be condemned for depicting (mentioning) the biases of a bygone era.

Biases’ and attitudes were very much a part of earlier life in America. To write about that time in history must be accurate to truly capture the thinking of that time in society along with the lives that the people lived.

Yet, The Association for Library Service to Children, voted over the weekend to remove Wilder’s name from the award, the Washington Post reports, and rename it,The Children’s Literature Legacy Award.

The Association cited “anti-Native and anti-Black sentiments in her work,” and that “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent  with ALSC’s core values of inclusiveness, integrity and respect and responsiveness.”

Remember the history of that time did not require inclusiveness (LGBTQ) and there was segregation during that time.

The “Little House” series told versions of Wilder’s own life, as her family traveled the United States’ western frontier in the nineteenth century. She once said, “In my own life, I represented a whole period of American history.” 

The real issue just recently pounced upon by the Soros Democrat Communists is the fact that those stories often reflected the era’s prevailing attitudes about blacks and Native Americans, particularly the hatred and fear between settlers and natives.

As for the “lack of inclusiveness” complained about, there was no LGBTQ in those days and those who call themselves “gay” today and flaunt their deviant lifestyle, stayed invisible back then since that lifestyle was so repugnant to virtually everyone that violence could have resulted .

Among the offending passages are characters who say things like, “the only good Indian is a dead Indian” along with depictions of men wearing black face as part of minstrel shows. These were words and things people did in those frontier days. To attempt to cover up those feelings and actions in telling the story, is a perverted betrayal of depicting true history.

Life Site News where we were alerted to this story, said: “Recent years have seen a steady increase in academics, educators, and left-wing activists pushing to purge (delete) controversial cultural artifacts from modern institutions, others will say that whitewashing such works from the public memory does more harm than good.”

You bet it does. It serves to erase its own history which is deadly to any nation. How can a nation improve its presence in the world when it does not even know the accurate facts of its own history?

Author Laura Ingalls Wilder deserves continued recognition for supporting libraries and educational initiatives across America, and or representing “the ability of an individual to not only overcome a difficult past and upbringing, but also to tell the story of these obstacles so that future generations may grow and learn.

As for George Soros and his Communist Democrat Party, they will look for anything to criticize anything and anyone in order to agitate, divide and conquer. Yes, conquer. Soros is working to complete his New One World Government where he will sit on a throne as the emperor of the world, as soon as he manages to get the U.S., the only country standing in the way, to join the fold. And this will be accomplished by force.

This is why he is trying to erase the history of the U.S. and turn people against one another in order to weaken the country. Don’t let him do this. Meanwhile, push back and let your voices be heard about censoring a beautiful book.

We must stand against censorship which now is in full force on Facebook and other social media along with the so-called, Main Stream Media. This must be stopped when it comes to books.  It now feels like we are all back in the first century. Authors, arise. We must stand and protect our ground.

And stop this nonsense of being “Politically Correct.” Do you know who coined that phrase and used it to maintain his evil power?  Adolf Hitler.

And check this out: The then president of the ALSC Board of Directors was Nina Lindsay (March 2017-June 2018). The current ALSC president is Jamie Campbell Naidoo, author of children’s books, like Rainbow Family Collections: Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content
This explains it all, which means that  The ALSC is floating in the clogged LGBTQETC toilet which is desperately attempting to relocate us all into that location. We cannot let that happen.
Perhaps Laura Ingalls Wilder would be pleased her name is no longer associated with an award from an organization like ALSC.
(1) Original “Little House” book cover
(2) Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
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Karma Can Be A Poachers’ Surprise

SIBUYA GAME RESERVE South Africa 7/5/18.  Karma can be a female dog–(the advanced version of that identification has been rejected since we have high level readers).

Have you noticed this? Some days, everything seems to go great and you are graced with untold favors, probably because you did something good for someone. Other days go horribly wrong with everything going the opposite of what you had hoped for. So who did you hurt today? Worth thinking about.

This phenomenon is known in Buddhist circles as, KARMA, or, what goes around comes around. Now don’t rush to your keyboards to scream that I have now gone Buddhist or Hindu. I have not embraced ‘new age.’  However I did study “other religions” in seminary.

If you were to have walked into the protected but closed African wildlife grounds on Tuesday, as darkness began covering the land, you would have found a spooky area with a human head on the ground along with various human body parts and no doubt pools of blood along with hunting rifles, axes, enough food to last for several days and three pairs of shoes.

This would have indicated that there were three on this mission. There may have been more since there was thick brush around the area.

This scattering of bones, arms, legs and a head was all that was left of a group of poacherswho had come to violently kill rhinos for their horns, which supposedly, when ground up, perform as a fast acting aphrodisiac, which is hoax medicine-man garbage.

They skillfully made their ways around the closed gate of the park without detection, to sneak their way to the rhinos. However they were met by a surprise committee, a pride of lions who had not had supper. The lions pounced on them and yes ate them. One could experience severe indigestion just thinking about that.

Family members were found, notified and came to identify the remains of the poachers the next day. One had only a head left but identification was made.

Fortunately the massacre was stopped in that wild game park. And again, the reason those low life poachers want to brutally amputate a rhino’s horn is…now get this….sex. Yes SEX. Tribesmen have been hoodwinked into believing that grinding up a rhino’s horn and putting it into a drink, will make men sturdier (no explanation necessary) and make them King of the Sex Pad. This is the sole reason the horn is sought after…based on a fable.

So that is the ONLY reason these poachers kill a rhino for its horn, thinking by doing such a horrible deed, they can have a better sex life.  Why can’t some caring soul simply buy crates of Viagra to send over there?  It would be much cheaper and no precious lives would be lost.

It seems that sex is the greatest motivation for the most dastardly deeds performed to satisfy a lust. The sex crazed individual does not care who he hurts, what he hurts, even who he kills or what he kills. He is so driven by lust that he could be certified as clinically insane.

Both Rhinos and Elephants are specifically targeted but for different reasons. One for lust, the other for prestigious art objects.

There is no ivory in a rhino’s horn. The rhino horns are useless for artistic figures. Their murders for those horns are strictly to enhance sex, so the buyers mistakenly believe. How downright stupid! A deranged stupidity at that.

Yes, the use of ivory for artistic items that people admire is why so many elephants are killed. In only a very few years, the entire elephant population will be wiped out, never to be seen again UNLESS we take serious action to stop the slaughter. A slaughter for greed. The suffering these gentle beasts endure in order to feed the egos of unbalanced people who only wish that their belongings be admired. This must be stopped.

Some of the elephants are still conscious when these savages saw off their tusks. It would be like having your teeth drilled without Novocaine. It is a violent death for each elephant.

This writer managed to work with a Senator to craft and present a petition on the floor to make the import and export of ivory illegal. That bill was presented before congress and passed, not only in the U.S. but in The United Kingdom.

There is a well known quote, “Pride goes before the fall.”  Interesting that these poaching misfits are driven by PRIDE. They have developed human pride as “great hunters.”  And ironically, it was a PRIDE of lions that took down these savages and had them for supper. And it is pride of possession that people want expensive artistic items in their homes for all to see, items made of ivory.

People, just get over yourselves and live life. God created our lives and the lives of all creatures on purpose for a purpose. Life should be celebrated and ALL creatures MUST be treated humanely. Never should anyone cause anyone or anything to suffer.

Our sincere thanks to syndicated columnist, radio host and on camera personality on the D.James Kennedy ministries on TBN, Mr. Jerry Newcombe for alerting us to this story.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Wild Wolves Represented In Minnesota Court Battle

ST. PAUL, MINN.  There are mental cases who ENJOY causing innocent animals to suffer. There are others who get perverted thrills from simply killing an animal. Not for food or even their fur, but to satisfy a sick joy in seeing the animals suffer and die. It makes these idiots feel powerful. The same with those in uniform who torture human beings to death.

Then there is Trophy Hunting where one kills an animal in order to cut off their heads, stuff them, and hang the heads on a wall in their home for all visitors to see.

This column has advocated for special courts and lawyers to handle cases of animal mistreatment and cruelty.  As a result, three such animal courts have been established to make sure that those who harm animals receive proper punishment while making the public aware.
Meanwhile, citizen animal advocacy groups have formed to help animals including, Howling for Wolves, helmed by Dr. Maureen Hackett and Leslie Rosedahl who hop into action to stop trophy and “recreational” hunting.

Today, the Itasca County Court heard a case against defendants Stephen Bemboom and Brad Dumonceaux who face 67 charges related to illegally snaring wolves and bears in Northern Minnesota.

Snaring, a horrible practice, uses a cheap wire noose to trap animals which usually encircles an animal’s neck, like a noose, causing prolonged suffering for the victim that is restrained to starve to death for up to 19 days while the poor animal continually gasps for breath right up to the last. This is inhuman and must stop!

Howling for Wolves is there to urge the court to apply animal cruelty charges and punish the trappers to the full extent of the law–otherwise there won’t be any deterrence and a pattern of illegal trapping will continue.

Minnesota should end all recreational snaring, said Dr. Maureen Hackett, founder and president of Howling For Wolves.

The next “omnibus” court hearing of this case will be held on September 17, 2018. Animal advocates, be there. Fill that courtroom to show that there is heavy support for animal welfare. Remember, the wolf is the first cousin to the dog.

Howling for Wolves is a Minnesota based wolf advocacy organization to educate the public and policy-makers about wolves, to foster understanding and tolerance, and to ensure their long term survival in the wild. Howling for Wolves supports effective, science-based, and nonlethal wolf plans to support and promote human and gray wolf coexistence into the future.

Image Caption: Pencil Sketch of Wolf by Artist Cathy Taibbi.
© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
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Time Cover Photo Of Trump A Fake

An outraged world is fuming over the new Time magazine cover photo showing President Donald Trump standing tall, looking superior over a tiny “refugee” girl at his feet, her head down and sobbing, who (the photo implies) had been torn away from her parents during Trump’s handling of the refugee crisis.

‘Yep, that’ll do it,’ the Democrat Communist Trump-haters boasted when the new phony Time issue came out. President Trump is a monster with no heart for anyone but himself—the democrats say. Dirty politics at its finest.

Those of us who made inquires learned that this little girl is NOT a refugee and she has parents. She was never separated from her parents!

This entire photo fraud was staged fake news to make President Donald Trump look bad which has become a full time occupation of the Communist Democrats who plan to take over America.

They go so far as to state that someone whose identity is known only to them, says that they think Trump is a mental case, and that gets published.  If the very elegant Melania,wears shoes or a jacket that prompts made-up criticism, that non-event gets full coverage.

ANYTHING to make the Trump Family look bad and unstable. This is an example of DIRTY POLITICS.

The parents of the children the left focuses on, have committed a crime of entering The United States illegally, and are arrested. They could have gone through the process to enter this country legally and gain legit citizenship.

Think about this: Arrests take place every day of those who break the law; criminals, thieves, murderers, rapists, drug and human trafficking, weapon charges. The children of the law-breakers never have been sent to jail with their parents who committed the crimes. They are placed in the home of relatives.

And nobody has ever questioned that. But now, the world is questioning the status of the children of the accused border-crashers since it has become a powerful political issue to give a particular side an advantage.

It is also interesting to note that the Dems are now so very sensitive to the children of the lawbreakers, and HOWL at the inhuman mistreatment of these young people. so they say. Yet they do not think twice about brutally butchering little innocent babies about to be born because they are inconvenient! Abortion has become the most visible issue for the Dem-Communists. This is nuts!

And the word butchering is accurate. A device is inserted into the womb that snips and pulls off each limb of the baby—not a fetus but a BABY! The baby’s heart beat means that they have feelings and silently scream as they are literally ripped apart. Horrible cannot describe what they feel.

Yet, the Democrat Communist have NO interest in this. They only want to use illegal refugee children to make their point. The Democrats take good care of them while murdering babies in the womb. Does this make sense? No! The Dem Communists have only one thing in mind, to put America and the world totally under their sick control.

America, wake up and push back!

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Public School Teachers Cruelly Kill Animals In Front Of Class

OCALA, FloridaYou read that headline right. This is why this writer suggested some time ago that Animal Legal Rights and Courts be established. Thankfully, due to those stories, three have already been formed and more will be formed. Animals who are treated cruelly now have legal courts to protect them and to hand out severe punishment to those who abuse them.

Check out this outrage, caught on video by a student, showing Ocala, Forida’s  Forest High School teacher DEWIE BREWTON-(caps used to make sure this name is remembered)-having students fill up buckets of water to fill an execution chamber, a large garbage can.

Two living raccoons and an opossum, described by Science-Agriculture public school teacher, DEWIE BREWTON, as ‘nuisance creatures,’ were then forcibly submerged into the water, and students held sticks to push them down under water if they came near the top. DEWIE BREWTON is a science-agriculture teacher in the public school system and this is what he is teaching in the government public schools?  Oh yes, they also teach little boys how to wear skirts.

Even though that “progressive” teacher caused a cruel death in front of children, he was NOT charged.  WHAT??  In that case the public is commissioned to deal with DEWIE BREWTON by calling on the animal protection courts.  These terrified animals were killed simply for being animals.

It is to be noted that before snuffing out the lives of three innocent animals, TEACHER DEWIE BREWTON said the students were forbidden to video anything. This is a generality in any and every public school. However, one student DID. So the proof is undeniable.

It doesn’t stop there. These things are happening regularly. In March, the State of Idaho charged a middle school teacher with animal cruelty for allowing a snapping turtle to eat a terrified live puppy! And children were present to see it.

Preston Junior High School BIOLOGY TEACHER ROBERT CROSLAND who did this horrible thing, was charged with a misdemeanor (should be a felony) for animal cruelty, reported The Washington Post.

At least in this case, the State charged the trash bag that did this. A tip of the beret for Idaho.

Readers, we MUST work to get rid of the government propaganda schools. Christians, meet with your pastor and encourage him to form a Christian School at the church. It is not complicated to do, but can have an everlasting influence upon your children. For the sake of your children and society at large, please do this.

Earlier it was pointed out that we now have animal courts of law to deal with those who mistreat animals.

The animal  legal defense fund has sent out this notice regarding a FREE webinar for those like this writer who is an advocate for animals. All online sessions are again, free and open to anyone interested in animal law, current and future law students, attorneys, legal professionals and animal advocates.

*  On July 10th at 12:00 pm PST, hear from Amanda Howelll and Lindsay Larris, attornies at the Animal Legal Defense Fund, about the latest developments in litigation and legislation related to captive wildlife.

*  On August 3rd at 12:00 pm PST, David Casslelman, trial attorney and Founder of the Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary and Executive Producer of “Love and Bananas,” an Elephant Story,” will discuss the ten years he spent litigating pro bono against the Los Angeles Zoo in an effort to protect the elephants housed there.

Again, registration is free, but spots fill up early! Register for one or all of this year’s Animal Law Summer School Sessions. If you can’t make one of the sessions, don’t worry. Recordings will be available on the Animal Legal Defense Fund website.

For the animals,
Stephen Wells,
Executive Director
525 East Cutati Avenue
Cotati, Califonria 94931

Personal Note to Readers: Please treat all creatures humanely. All animals have feelings. When you see two birds fighting, notice how they are glaring, one at the other, with their beaks open. This is displaying anger. Anger means feelings. And that means feelings of pain and fear. They physically feel every injury incurred. Please remember this.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Gov. Moonbeam Changes President’s Day

The one and only Governor Moonbeam of California has done it again. He now proposes changing “President’s Day” to…now get this….SOCIALIST DAY!!

This bill, AB-3042 is sponsored by Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, (no surprise here) a Sacramento Democrat.

Legislative analysis states that the bill would change California law, which now requires schools to close for two days in February–once in honor of George Washington, once for Abraham Lincoln–to combine the days for only one holiday in February.

This new free day will be made available for schools to close on May 1st in honor of…”International Workers’ Day.” So they have dropped a day to honor Washington or Lincoln to honor international socialism. And is to be remembered that May 1st is a day still honored by Communists world wide.

This stupid butt (last word substituted for the more advanced description) bill has, of course, passed the Democrat-dominated assembly’s education’s and appropriations committees to make it to the assembly floor.

President Trump Saving us Money

This information that the news media refuses to acknowledge, was sent to us by Bob and Geri Boyd, hosts of the national radio program, Issues in Education. Readers, do join us by getting this out to the public including on your social media. Here it is:

On Friday, the Trump administration released their annual report to Congress on White House Office Personnel. It includes the name, status, salary and position title of all 377 White House employees.

The report also said that Trump decided not to take a dime of his salary; instead he donated it to an amazing cause! See below.

The report also showed that President Trump is far better at saving money than Obama was.
The total annual White House salaries under Trump are 35.8 million vs. $40.9 million under Obama, a savings of $5.1 million.

Here are some other key findings:

There are 110 fewer employees on White House staff under Trump than under Obama at this point in their respective presidencies.

Nineteen fewer staffers are also dedicated to The First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS). Currently, there are only five staffers dedicated to Melania Trump vs. 24 staffers who served Michelle Obama (FY2009)

However, it’s what the report said Trump did with this salary that has everyone talking.

Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries! AMAZING!
It’s so great to have a President who loves our brave military men and women so much!

Oh, and where’s the media coverage of this? That’s right, they don’t cover anything decent that the President does…but we can change this. Every time the media publishes a falsehood about President Donald trump, let us FLOOD each outlet with our anger at their false news. And make phone calls and use email.

And let us really be militant when the fake news media does a story like this: A friend of someone stated that Trump is a mental case, which the phony news media makes a feature story about, spend a bit of time coming down HARD on the media who fans such garbage. Media, you are check-mated.

The Democrats try to block absolutely everything President Trump tries to do making it all but impossible for him to do the work he pledged to do, and was voted in to do. This must stop. Surely charges could be filed against Demoncrats for impeding the work of the American People who legally voted President Trump into office.

Our thanks to Bob and Geri Boyd for this info that you will not see elsewhere.


The money you spend at Starbucks is used by them to support Planned Parenthood. Yes, that’s where some of that coffee money goes. Surely you remember that Starbucks signed a string of legal briefs for Same sex Marriage. They are NOT a company with American interests. Plus you can get better coffee elsewhere.

Here are more companies that use the profits they get from YOU to support Planned Parenthood. They have given matching gifts to that barbaric murder factory. Others who follow the footsteps of Starbucks include, Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss, Microsoft, Nike, Pepsi, Tostitos and more.


Donnie Moore whose ministry included a power team for evangelistic services and who was also the Chaplain of The Oakland A’s, passed away yesterday. We are still awaiting details. At one of his programs, our grandson, Brandon, received Jesus as his savior.

Chuck Missler, of  Koinonia House, passed away at age 83 in his home in Reporoa, New Zealand on May 1,2018. He was a first class Bible teacher & Scholar. This writer met him while filming, Ancient Secrets of The Bible where I was a writer, technical consultant and researcher. He was welcoming and friendly.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Behind The Pageantry Of The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier

The nation took this past weekend to remember all the young men and women in military service who died serving our country. I have conducted many Memorial Day services over the years and still feel the impact every time I do.

And I shed some quiet  tears each time. I am an army veteran, having served during the Korean Conflict. My company was exposed to Mustard Gas.

That is a horrible experience. It is like a blow torch scorching through every gut in your body.  Two young soldiers died right next to me. The rest of the company died within a short time of their discharge. I was the only one in my company who survived. And I’ve fought severe health problems ever since.

On Jeopardy the other night, in view of Memorial Day, the final question was, How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the Tomb of the Unknowns? —— All three of the contestants missed it —

The continual ceremony of The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier in Washington, D.C. should be seen by everyone.  It is an awesome sight of rightful respect shown to our service men and women.

Not everyone knows these facts that the Jeopardy contestants could not answer. So here they are:

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

1. How many steps does the guard take during his
walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why?

Twenty one steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the
highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.

2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin
his return walk and why?

Twenty one seconds for the same reason as answer number one

3. Why are his gloves wet?

His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle.

4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and if not, why not?

He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb.
After his march across the path, he executes an about face and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder.

5. How often are the guards changed?

Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.

6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?

For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must be between 5′ 10′ and 6′ 2′ tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30.’ Other requirements of the Guard:
They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives.

They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400 presently worn.

The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their lives or give up the wreath pin.

♠ The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.
♠ There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform.
♠ Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror.
♠ The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor watch TV.
♠ All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National
♠ Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred.

Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {the most decorated soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame.

Every guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for guard duty.

In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington, DC , our US Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment.

They respectfully declined the offer, ‘No way, Sir!’  While soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a service person.
The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.


God Bless and Keep Them
We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve.

Duty – Honor – Country

Photo Caption: Unknown Soldier Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Pastors To Blame For America’s Downfall

Back in the 40’s church pastors had a certain mystique for those who knew who they were and observed them. Vandalism to any church was considered unthinkable.

First of all, a church was considered a sacred place even to those who did not believe. Churches kept their doors open 24 hours a day so people could come in at any hour and pray or simply think quietly. Even the hardest of hearts would not even THINK of vandalizing or stealing from a church.

What was the secret of this invisible protective power surrounding the pastor and even an empty church that kept everyone on their best behavior?  Simple, it was the consistent moral behavior of those devoted men at all times.

Preachers, please take note.

We are not supposed to be like very body else. We are set apart. We don’t yell and scream at someone, ogle a female, or have a drink to prove that we’re just one of the guys, or ‘just like everyone else.’  That would be hurtful to any minister, especially this one, if that were said about me. No we are not, nor were we intended to be ‘just like everyone else.’

People will try to tempt you to be “one of the guys.” Don’t fall for it. Years ago when I was in my preteens, a very popular pastor in town was Reverend Zapp (first name lost in the dustpan of history), a Methodist minister back when that church was a church.

Rev. Zapp became a member of the Shriners, beginning with the Masonic Lodge. I personally was not in favor of that since the Masons take a sideways approach to Christianity. But he was a member. One day he walked in the Shriners Club, and the whole room came alive to greet him as he came through the doors. Then some wise acre said, “Hey preacher, how ‘bout buying us all a drink.”  “Sure,” Rev. Zapp replied, “Bartender, give everyone here a cup of coffee….on me.”

Everybody of course laughed but with that laugh came new respect. So he still remained, ‘set apart.’

With the respect of preachers and the churches and the positive way they presented themselves in public, the public itself made sure their own conduct was above reproach, wherever they went. They didn’t want the town preacher to see them going into a burlesque show or a bar. This rubs off on the community.

Everyone had a respect for the pastors, since they no doubt walked with God. They never compromised, but were always approachable and friendly. They lived what they represented.

And Christians, YOU are sometimes the only Bible anyone reads. With that mystique, simply for living your testimony and stated beliefs, this also creates a bit of fear along with the respect. In other words, people are often challenged simply by being in the vicinity of a minister. And that is not a bad thing if it keeps us on our toes.

A minister’s presence should be a healthy challenge to everyone they interact with. Indeed, notice how any man who is a respectable man with unwavering integrity who moves in confidence and in authority at all times will automatically be shown courtesy and respect.

I remember back in high school, when young men did not know what to do with their raging hormones, and most every girl was mentally undressed by these little bucks on the prowl.  That is, except for one whom I will never forget.

His name was Jimmy Sanders. He was a very good looking Irish boy who played basketball, had a beautiful tenor Irish voice and sang in assemblies and special programs.

Once I walked into the gym as the players were practicing. A very cute curvy girl in shorts, walked by the team. Everyone looked her up and down fantasizing ‘what it would be like with her.’ That is with the exception of one handsome young man,Jimmy Sanders, who also went to church every week. He kept his eyes straight ahead with no lewd looks.  And what’s more, he was very popular and well liked by everybody.

Yes, it impressed me too, very much so. I too wanted to be known and respected. And here was a living illustration as to how to achieve that. And Jimmy Sanders was an example to me all my school life.  He would become a professional singer last we heard.

I do know that back then, in the 40’s, life was much more peaceful and enjoyable. Rarely was a preacher busted for not keeping his zipper activated, misusing church funds or being seen with nefarious people and taking part in their activities.  And certainly not partnering with Planned Parenthood, a horrific baby killing factory.

And yes, this was the way it was until the 1960’s, when Billionaire Communist George Soros stirred up the “question-authority” movement, which promoted free love everywhere and drugs to get smashed out of reality. Until then the churches had healthy attendances on Sunday mornings and any other time a church activity was planned.

The 60’s uproar did not just happen spontaneously, Think about it. How could every teenager to early 20’s, all over America, suddenly, at the same time, get the same idea, to leave their walk-up apartments and cover every city and town with chaos like a huge blanket? Greenwich Village became Hippie Town.

This was not a spontaneous movement, but was all carefully planned, organized and implemented. People were PLACED in the various churches to sabotage the pastor and his message along with the people of the congregation. Yep, money talks.

Are you aware that years ago, George Soros managed to get inside the Vatican? Yes he did, is still there, and has been shaping the Catholic Church ever since.

How else could one explain Pope Francis?  Nobody had any idea who he was until suddenly he was paraded to the center of the College of Cardinals who had ‘voted’ him in as the new pope. So it is true. Money not only talks but conquers.

This writer had absolutely no knowledge of him even being in The College of Cardinals. He was placed there by Soros.  This new ‘pope’ then said to us, now get this, “the first thing I intend to do is to Redistribute the Wealth.”  That is right out of the Book of Marx.

It did not take long to realize that the so-called Pope Francis is an out and out Communist.  He has scuttled many of the sacred Catholic doctrines and recently told a young homosexual who had come to him; “God made you homosexual and that you should simply enjoy and accept your life.”

The churches in Europe are some of the most beautiful in the world. However I never saw one with more than a hand-full of people on Sunday mornings. The Salvation Army Church in Oslo, was one of the only ones that was full.

The other churches don’t worry about collections. A mandatory church tax is imposed on everyone to keep the churches open. But the pastors, were highly respected, and when I spent time in Europe (before the Muslim invasion) the people were well behaved.

In Switzerland, a woman pointed out a man going into a store, and stated to me that he was a pastor. She went on to say that he was very well educated and well respected in the community. He was invited to speak to the schools and other gatherings because of his intellect and wisdom.

Meanwhile, churches in America were mostly filled on Sunday mornings. Then, the 60’s brought in disrespect for ALL authority and especially targeted the churches.  And they were able to persuade pastors that their messages are no longer relevant for today, that we are living in a whole new age, and that his messages needed to be updated or the church will go downhill.

The pastor’s began watering down the Gospel so as to not offend anyone with the sin question. The pastors began acting in worldly ways, not living like a Pastor in words, deeds or overall carriage. And crime began to rise. To be conned into “fitting in with the world,” torpedoed their moral authority.  This of course, disturbed citizens, causing their respect for pastors to diminish. And as they coasted downhill, they picked up speed.

This was fatal. When the respect was there due to the proper conduct of all pastors, crime was not a major event. When pastors were persuaded to be like everyone else, and began acting like it, the crime rates began to rise, indeed even churches began to be vandalized and robbed. Church doors had to be double locked when no services were scheduled.

Out and out public attacks on Christianity, the church and Jesus Christ Himself began to climb with a new boldness of atheists, the sexually confused and criminals,

Pastors’ began promoting sexual deviance, defiling marriage as proclaimed by God and began, of all things, doing “wedding ceremonies” for same sex couples. They allowed LGBT folk to become workers in the church, even ordaining some as pastors. All of this which angers God.

Then some joined in providing “blessing services” to the baby murder factory, Planned Parenthood, which brutally kills babies about to be born who are simply “inconvenient” for the parents.

More and more pastors were caught in adultery with many pastors being charged with sexual harassment by…women…and men.  This made a splotch on the whole church and pastors were no longer a figure of respect and authority. People in general became argumentative, rude, and disrespectful to one another.

Life morphed into a chaotic free-for-all.  Lawlessness was able to take over and kept all people on edge. Confused people became weak. The Soros’ Communists’ became bolder as church attendance began to drop away. A peaceful everyday life evolved into violent unrest. Any why? Pastors had simply abdicated their authority, integrity, moral compass and then manipulated the Gospel.

This is why our lives are what they are today. Had the pastors been totally dedicated to the truth of God and held their pulpits throughout the years, and not been so weak as to be influenced by people like George Soros, America, would be a much better place today.

So the headline reads: Pastors to Blame for America’s Downfall and that is no exaggeration. This is exactly what has taken place. Pastors would not man their pulpits, were not as totally dedicated as they should have been. How could Soros convince them to water down the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Money, women, and recognition. The greatest weakness of mankind. Three of the devil’s most effective weapons.

Most pastors today are corrupt. Yes, MOST. However we still have enough true ministers that we call, Remnant Pastors, to turn this series of events around. These are Faithful, true men of God. They can be found. Let us strive to get together, and work together to reclaim our pulpits and drive out the fakes.

This CAN be done. CHARGE!


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Planned Parenthood “Chaplain” Is a Presbyterian Minister?

This story is painful to write since this writer grew up in the Presbyterian Church, which was considered THE church to go to. It was known as the church where ‘the best people’ attended. That of course came about since The York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., immediately became known as “The Church of Presidents” since President Abraham Lincoln faithfully attended every Sunday until he died on April 15, 1865.

The presidents following Lincoln worshiped in that church which is still there, at the same location where this columnist once visited.  My family attended North Park Presbyterian Church in Evansville, Indiana from the time I was a toddler. It was a little brick church in walking distance from our home. I was baptized there and graduated from the Cradle Roll Bible Class (with honors of course). Yep, I wore my first cap and gown when I was three.

We loved that church I grew up in. We could not imagine it with any other pastor than Rev. Addison Chapin, who had served as a missionary in Africa before becoming a pastor. With his little square mustache, he looked like a cross between Charlie Chaplin and Adolph Hitler, with a resonant deep voice that held everyone’s attention. That was in the days before microphones or sound systems.

It would have been unthinkable to imagine this church partnering with the world’s blasphemous thinking, tossing out morals, and embracing the most disgusting sexual excursions that could be thought up, and encouraging it.

The church eventually broke into two factions, Presbyterian USA which turned disgustingly liberal, and Presbyterian EPC which stands for Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the side that believes and preaches what the Bible says.

So it is the Presbyterian U.S.A. who has sold out to Satan and has partnered with Planned Parenthood, a billion dollar a year killing industry that tears apart little pre-born babies, limb by limb, who are simply inconvenient for the parents.

As for this ‘Presbyterian minister’ who has joined Planned Parenthood, it is especially distasteful to be forced, by tradition, to call this religious fraud, “The Reverend” Marvin Ellison who has turned his back on the God he pledged to serve by helping an abortion business in Portland, Maine that earns a fortune by horrifically killing little-about to be born babies.  We have heard of other locations where a minister “serves” at these places.

The Portland, Maine abortion factory was ‘blessed in God’s Name by “Rev.” Marvin Ellison. This pus bag wrote a column for The Press Herald, to defend his abortion advocacy. That Portland abortion chamber aborts babies up to 18 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy, long after they already have heart beats, brain waves, fingers, toes and their own unique fingerprints.

Their nervous systems also are formed and they can feel everything that touches them. They use a device that goes up into the womb, grips a little leg or arm, slice it off, then pull it out to go back in and do it with the other limbs. And these helpless babies SCREAM.

Indeed, one of the butchers who was new to the job, bragged to impress the others, that she slit the throats of the babies so they could not scream. So what did she expect, for her audience to yell BRAVO? Probably.

Micaiah Bilger writing for the newspaper in Augusta, Maine, said that the impostor ‘minister’ described Planned Parenthood’s work as, now get this, “Life Affirming.” Are they all mad?

That gastric accumulation that calls himself “a man of God,” went on to flatulate; “We’re proud to be part of a highly professional and highly caring health care team,” he said of himself and four other volunteer chaplains.”Along with our Planned Parenthood colleagues, we’re committed to showing care and respect for the whole person, including her (or his) physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.”

It gets even nuttier as Ellison sputtered on that he is an abortion supporter because of his Christian faith and values. How’s that again?Then that pile of food that has been eaten and dispelled from the body, then bragged about his influence on patients’ religious views.

Recently Ellison and other “chaplains” hosted a service to bless the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. And Ellison and the other fake chaplains will have to explain all this to God at the White Throne Judgment which they all are facing. How I would like to be there to witness this as the trap doors open.

At that ‘blessings service,’ Ellison burped on by stating: “We believe in its mission (Planned Parenthood) and its life affirming values, As we said during the blessing, ‘We Thank God for Planned Parenthood and for the amazing work you do, day in and day out, with passion, courage, wisdom and grace.

“As chaplains, we recognize that planned Parenthood is called many names. Some of those names are hate-filled, disrespectful and terribly misguided. At the blessing, we concluded the event by saying, “Hear this loud and clear. In the name of all that is holy and good, Planned Parenthood your name is blessed. Each staff member is a blessing to this community and to those for whom you provide health care, education and advocacy. You are the blessing, and we thank God for you.”

These flattering words were flung out to embrace those who most cruelly murder little babies about to be born!  This is nuts!

For Marvin Ellison, that fake minister whom Satan himself ordained: Sir, it would be better for you to leave the ministry NOW, flee the ministry and stop dabbling with Holy things. You have no business handling any sacred objects.
Flee the corrupt ministry you head before it is too late. And this includes any misfits who hang out with you.  You are a mental case, making you and those who associate with you think that what you are doing is service to God. IT IS NOT!

Read the story of Molech in The Bible. There were idols in those days, made of brass in the shape of a being. The ignorant masses bowed down to to this Idol as if he were God. He was known as ‘the fire god.’ Babies and little children were brought to his brass idol, placed on the outstretched hands of it where flames embraced the children who screamed loudly. They were either burned alive, as a sacrifice to please Molech or fell between the outstretched arms to a roaring fire below.

And guess what? To drown out the screams of the innocent children who had done no wrong, they had drums and musicians playing to drown out the screams of the babies and children.

We are doing the same things today. And we have many distractions to virtually drown out the screams of the little babies being aborted.

I urge you who follow Ellison to get away from corrupt pastors like him, for the sake of your own souls. And anyone else who has a corrupt pastor like like that wretch, get out of that church immediately. There are many great Bible believing churches out there that can be found.

Since the beginning of this column many years ago, I have stated over and over that the world has gone to pieces due to the failure of the pulpits. Ministers have started flirting with the world, others being spotlighted in the newspapers for the wrong reasons. Yes, sin. Careless conduct, being irresponsible, having that drink, all tear down the image we should all have. Again, we are not supposed to be like everybody else.

Preachers have abdicated their leadership position in society by compromising the Word of God, watering down the sin problem, being caught in adultery, misappropriating money.

Since beginning this column years ago, I have stated over and over that the reason the world has gone so wacko is due to the failure of the pulpit. Pastors are not supposed to be ‘one of the guys,’ or he’s just like us.  We are NOT. We have been entrusted with a sacred appointment.

Let us carry that out with honor. Otherwise, preachers like Ellison will pull you down through that trap door with him.

LAST WORDS: Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in America, aborting approximately 320,000 babies every year. Now that is BABIES, not a fetus.

It’s most recent annual report showed a record income of $1.46 BILLLION for the ‘NON-PROFIT,” with about half a billion dollars coming from the taxpayers.

Any Christian who takes part in this barbarity will indeed go through the trap door and straight into hell. Christians are called to protect and defend the most vulnerable members of society, and today, no one is more vulnerable than a baby in his or her mother’s womb. Indeed, me must protect ALL of God’s living creatures. And Pastors: MAN YOUR PULPITS!


Hillary’s New Book Reviews

Hillary has written a book about herself–naming names of those who thwarted her election to the Oval Office as President of The United States. Hillary slipped down Hill with that book project that, she thought, would set all of America straight. LGBT BEWARE!

Her Sponsor, George Soros was so sure that she would be swept into the Oval Office that at his invitation, Hillary spent the weekend with Soros in his Southampton, Long Island mansion, beginning August 9th, 3 months before the election.

Soros had Newsweek Magazine put the ‘Election Day photo’ of Hillary on their cover, with the title, Madam President,  which was released a couple of days before the election. A book store in New York told me about it when the magazine was received.

The fuming began. Her rightful election was sabotaged, saith she, so she later wrote a book telling how this defeat REALLY happened. She would have been elected had the Republicans stopped undermining her.  Pity!

Here are some of the reviews of her book of pity:

“Hillary Clinton’s 506-page memoirs has come out.  So much of her personality shines through, that in the end, you, too, will want to sleep with an intern.” ~ Craig Kilborn

“In Hillary Clinton’s new book ‘Living History,’ Hillary details what it was like meeting Bill Clinton, falling in love with him, getting married, and living a passionate, wonderful life as husband and wife. Then on page two, the trouble starts.” ~ Jay Leno

“In the book she says when Bill told her he was having an affair, she said ‘I could hardly breathe, I was gulping for air.'”  No, I’m sorry, that’s what Monica said. ~ David Letterman

“Hillary Clinton, our junior senator from New York , announced that she has no intentions of ever, ever running for office of the President of the United States .  Her husband, Bill Clinton, is bitterly disappointed. He is crushed. There go his dreams of becoming a two impeachment family.” ~ David Letterman

“Last night, Senator Hillary Clinton hosted her first party in her new home in Washington . People said it was a lot like the parties she used to host at the White House. In fact, even the furniture was the same.” ~ Jay Leno

“CNN found that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. Women admire her because she’s strong and successful. Men admire her because she allows her husband to cheat and get away with It.” ~ Jay Leno

“Hillary Clinton is the junior senator from the great state of New York . When they swore her in, she used the Clinton family Bible – the one with only 7 commandments.” ~ David Letterman

And this review by your website host: “That book wasn’t released, it escaped–anyway it will be useful as a door stop.” On the plus side, what she lacks in quality, she makes up in quantity (506 Pages).

Our thanks to reader-contributor Lawrence Craig for Alerting us to this story.

Photo Caption: Don’t Make Her Mad!


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

High Funeral Costs Can Kill Ya

Bob and Geri Boyd are the knowledgeable and cordial hosts of the radio program,”Issues in Education,” which is aired on stations nation wide. The Boyds’ send me vital information from time to time along with very funny things that give me my morning chuckle.

This, just received this morning, would be considered VITAL INFORMATION. Too often we fail to prepare for things that inevitably come, being too distracted by things of the world. Bob and Geri also have an excellent news letter that keeps one on top of the things that affect us all. For further info, check this site.

You Can Limit Death’s FINANCIAL Costs

This was in the Wall Street Journal and something most Folks don’t know. This man’s wife died and he was shocked by the unknown rules.

There are 5 Things:

Issue one:  When we opened our own checking and savings accounts, we never named beneficiaries. He had assumed, incorrectly, that our accounts would simply transfer to the other in case of death. The banker who opened the accounts never suggested otherwise.

With a named beneficiary, her accounts would have simply been folded into mine. Instead, I had to hire a lawyer – at $ 465 an hour – to petition the court to name me as the executor of her estate.

I needed this power to transfer her accounts. Filing costs in New York city for the necessary document was $ 1, 286.00   The running bill for the lawyer stands at $ 7,402. 00 and I expect it to rise.

He also needed the documents for the companies that managed her retirement accounts and a mutual fund, because, as at the bank, we never named a beneficiary. By the way, this paperwork also required signature guarantees or a notary seal, which can take up an afternoon.

Issue Two:  The highly charged question regarding funeral and burial. Last summer when he was told his wife would not survive her illness, he tried to raise the issue of burial with her. She refused to have the conversation, but he quietly went ahead and purchased a plot of graves in the cemetery in Wisconsin where his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents are buried. That was something he actually did right.

I had to employ two funeral homes – one in New York and one in Wisconsin – for her body to make the journey out there. All told, he spent $ 46,359 to cover funeral expenses, graves, transportation, a headstone and a basic casket.

You don’t want to have to make this decision at the time someone close to you dies.  You simply will not be thinking straight.

Issue Three:  Their health insurance plan covered the long hospital stays and doctors visits. However, shortly after his wife died, he still received bills, even though their deductibles and copay had long since been covered. HE PAID THEM IMMEDIATELY , WHICH WAS A MISTAKE !  He was incorrectly billed and he has been fighting the hospitals and insurance company since January to get a refund, even though everyone agrees the bills were incorrect.  Before you pay any medical bills, make a simple call and determine their legitimacy. Mistakes are constant:  The systems are so complicated, even people in these offices don’t always understand the intricacies.

Issue Four:  His wife had two life insurance policies – one through her work and the other we purchased privately. The former was handled quickly and efficiently by her job and a check arrived almost immediately. Although the insurance company sent me a check for her private policy soon after her death, it took three months of constant calls and emails to determine a refund of the premium he had already paid for three months past her death.  He kept getting wrong information from the company, because the people he dealt with didn’t understand it themselves.

Issue Five: Over the coarse of his wife’s working life- from her first job at a fast food restaurant to medicine-she paid more than $100,000 to Social Security. Since she died at age 60, and their19 year old daughter is one year past the age of receiving a monthly benefit, all the money has simply disappeared into the lockbox in Washington. Nothing we can do about this one.

Finally, there is the major psychological trauma of grief. Most people believe death will never intrude on their lives and when it does, we will be so old and decrepit that it won’t much matter.

Trust him on this, – even when its been expected for a while, it still shocks deeply.

There is absolutely no way you can prepare yourself for the shattering heartbreak of loss. When it did come to him, he found the support of friends, family and faith to be invaluable.

Amazingly, that cost nothing.

Testimony from Warren Kozak


Be sure to check the website above for the Issues-in-Education Newsletter. It is up to date with truthful news. Mr. Boyd is such a good writer we have suggested that he should write a syndicated column.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Fresno State Muslim Prof Now Making Terrorist Threats

That well-fed Muslim Fresno State “Professor,” Randa Jarrar, who publicly cheered the death of much loved Barbara Bush, is now making public terrorist threats against us–The United States–(which is a crime) while this blimp brags publicly; “I cannot be fired because I am a tenured professor!”  Yeah, you go girl. You no doubt will when this is published.

Meanwhile a new video discovered by The Fresno Bee, about this ship wreck PRAISING THE 9/11 PLANE HIJACKERS, whom she called, “resistance fighters,” as well as calling for acts of domestic terrorism against specific individuals….wait… didn’t she cross a line here?

The video shows her discussing Fresno’s agriculture industry, noting that “a lot of the farmers are Trump supporters and just f—ing stupid.” Farmers, take note of this.  She also stated that she cannot stand “the white, hetero patriarchy.”

She goes on to ramble in her own Fresno classy professor way: “I don’t give a f—, I’m ‘buying guns. I’m an American (really!), I’m buying gunsThe other side is, like, doing some stupid s–t, I’m gonna do some stupid s—t, I’m tired of, like, being the bigger person (at last truth)–literally am usually–but like, I’m also just tired of the left being, like, f—-ing stupid and being, like, ‘No we have to, like, be gentle…no don’t be f—ing gentle.’

Remember parents, this is who you are paying a fortune to indoctrinate your kids, and what does this ‘tenured’ professor teach? ENGLISH!!!  Yea. we can see that.

Later in the video, Jarrar calls for attacks against someone named Spencer, asking why “Spencer’s house is still standing.  “It needs to be f—ing broken into it. I don’t give a f—” (Robert Spencer is an author who writes the truth about Islam)

Mr. President, arrest this dyke woman (as other newspapers describe her), punish her severely and keep her in prison for the safety of our country. You are the only one who will handle this outrage properly. This is why you were overwhelmingly voted into office. The other politicians and D.C. Department heads. including Homeland Security and DOJ are peopled by Muslims and Communists. This is insane!

From this viewpoint, we are seeing America’s stupidity being the forerunner to America’s doom. It is unfolding before our very eyes with no rightful interference from our politicians who belong to George Soros. How can we be so dumb as to see and hear these things and do nothing.

So Mr. President, it is now in your corner. This is why you are now in the Oval Office.

Haven’t you noticed Readers? We are witnessing the closing days of history when it will all be over…the world, the knowledge of the world and… The Bible lays it all out in detail to forewarn us so we can prepare our destiny with God before it happens. Remember,  practically all the prophecies given before Jesus came have been fulfilled….proven to be accurate. The rest will be fulfilled as well in the coming days.

As the former spokesman for Men’s Wearhouse would say–(go to deep voice):

“I guarantee it.”

Again, The Bible foretold these closing days over 2000 years ago, predicting exactly the way the end will come about, along with clues God has been giving us throughout The Holy Scriptures, showing extraordinary events that cannot be overlooked since they are clues showing the end coming closer and closer. And at this moment we are closer than anyone suspects.

No wonder Satan is so obsessed with turning people away from God and His Word. After all, if people do not read the Bible, learn about God and Jesus, they will fail to accept Jesus as their savior thus receiving salvation, meaning being saved, while the devil will delight in taking the biblically ignorant down with him to the fiery pits of hell, where they will live in agony forever.

Satan has his evil army on duty at all times to prevent us from believing in God, ridiculing us for going to church and reading the Bible. Satan wants the souls of every man, woman and child and spends full time trying to snatch all our souls out of God’s Hand. Don’t let him do it.

This is why the Democrat-Communists have worked so hard to get prayer and Bible reading out of the schools and have done so successfully. 

They have worked to destroy the Church and have his chief disciple, George Soros, order the media that he virtually owns, to always write negative things about Christians, pastors and churches, in order to discourage anyone from having anything to do with the church. This is why there is so much slanted fake news.

And this is carried over to Hollywood that portrays Christians, churches and pastors in a negative light in their powerful persuasive movies that bring realistic emotions to those foolish enough to buy a ticket to see that propaganda.

These movies make audiences sympathize with criminals, murderers and adulterous married couples, along with the sexually confused, convincing the targets that here is where the truth lies based upon the producer’s lies.

In the movies, Bible believers are portrayed as bumpkins while atheists are portrayed as the intellectual caring people. Haven’t you noticed this?

So we see, in these last days, how desperate the devil is to take as many of us down with him as can possibly be snared. Satan wants to persuade people to get away from God, Jesus or church itself. That is why he hates the Church and the Bible that snatches people’s souls out of his hands.

Wait–hold on! Something just clicked!  Satan wants the church and all Christians destroyed. Isn’t that precisely what the Communist Party wants? Of course since they know that a Christian mind cannot be enslaved. And the Communists want the entire world to be enslaved to them.

They are panicked since they have not succeeded in establishing a New World Order, under Communist tyranny, where George Soros will sit on a global throne as Potentate of The World.  And why have the failed to do that?

Because ONE country is standing in the way of the New World Order–The  United States of America!  Americans have so many Christians and churches standing in the way of the “progressive” takeover that it makes the goal nearly impossible.

So the Democrats are actually the Communist Party, which is why they are so active in their attempts to close churches and to actually to make the Bible illegal, prohibiting military chaplains from having a Bible in sight or to read from one, even during military funeral services! And Jesus is not to be mentioned at any time. Beg Pardon?

We of course have proof of all of this…a heavy sponsor of the Democratic Party is: CPUSA–Communist Party USA. They were the force that shoe-horned Obama into the Oval Office.

And it was the DEMOCRATS who are known to have spurred these actions. We mentioned above how the devil had enforcers to carry out his goal to see Christianity abolished. These enforcers also are referred to as Satan’s Angels.

OK, here it comes: Since the Democrats have for years created relentless attacks on Christians, even trying to find a way to close down churches, we now have the correct description of the Democratic Party. They are correctly, yes, CORRECTLY known in the Spirit world as Satan’s Angels.

To vote for a democrat is to openly vote for Satan. I kid you not. This writer feels like the voice crying in the wilderness, pastors, man your pulpits. Readers, recommit yourselves to God. This is your final opportunity to defeat Satan. Begin with defeating Satan’s ‘Angels.’ You now know exactly who those are.

We acknowledge that the Democrats today are not anything like the democrats of yesteryear. Back then they were decent human beings who had character, dignity, and who served the people. That is BEFORE communist infiltrators got in the Party, multiplied and took it over to serve their own ends.

EXTRA NOTE TO READERS.  Do not question my belief in God and the Bible. I actually died in 2003 after a stroke and made the ultimate field trip. Yes it is all real, and by the way, when you do leave your body it is not at all scary. Indeed, there was no fear, but perfect calm and it felt totally natural. So please make Bible reading a normal part of your days. And spend more time in church. Your future eternity depends upon it.

Photo Caption: Fresno State’s Muslim Professor Randa Jarrar (L) Talks Terrorism with Colleagues.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Easter Special: How Jesus Might Look Back At The Cross

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990’s a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus during the Crucifixion as they reflected on that event. When this writer was asked to “be Jesus” the answer was no, since no-one is worthy to portray Jesus. It DID seem right to present how Jesus might give His thoughts and what He might say instead of actually pretending to BE Jesus, so the writing began. The reception of it was so strong that it was decided that it be written for publication where it also received solid approval, so much so that it became an annual Easter Feature since in publications throughout the world.)

The world today is in chaos. There are no restraints in human conduct. Absolute values have long been abolished. Good is considered evil, and evil is considered good. And never has The Cross been more offensive to society than it is today. Sin abounds. Any mention of the name Jesus Christ brings contempt and ridicule. His name is blasphemed and many public displays of Christianity have been declared illegal, while at the same time, pagan religions are readily endorsed and encouraged. Seeing all of this, would Jesus have second thoughts about Calvary? How would He look back on his sacrifice today? Think about it.

Prayerfully pondering these questions, this writer speculates what Jesus might say to us today as He looks back to the Cross:

“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Our time reference is much different in Heaven than it is on earth. If you were to be with us in Heaven, you would see an entire life spin out from birth to death in a matter of seconds.

“This is why coming to earth to face Calvary’s Cross was the greatest challenge I have had to face during my existence. First I had to come under the earth’s time system of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months and years.

“Even more challenging was agreeing to inhabit an earthly human body with its inherited sinful nature. A body that would feel the driftings and currents of the world as well as the pain.

“And it may surprise you to learn that I had to exercise extreme faith to go through with this. Remember, I began my sacrificial life on earth as a baby… a new birth on earth. As a baby I had to be fed, bathed, and diapered like any other baby. I had to learn to take my first steps, learn to understand and speak words, and, experience the growing pains of adolescence.

“The time passes slowly for young people and soon there was such a feeling of distance between where I was at that time, and my time in Heaven with my Father, that it almost seemed a memory that may or may not have actually been.

“And while instinctively I wanted to be about my Father’s business, the Jews in the synagogues would curtly ask, “Who is this boy who asks such questions? Isn’t this Joseph the carpenter’s son?”

“I eventually faced the appointed day… a day where I would take on all the sins of mankind, a day where I would (in a human body) die a disgraceful, excruciatingly painful death while the Roman soldiers ridiculed me and religious leaders mocked in the distance.

“And yet, this was the only way that mankind could be redeemed, saved by Grace, and reconciled to God. Without this sacrifice, all would perish, which had been Satan’s plan since the Garden of Eden.

“My human body was capable of the same temptations and stress as yours. This is why that in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing what I faced the next day, I sweated great drops of blood. And yes, at one point (giving into the body I inhabited), I cried out: ‘Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take this cup from me… nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt.’

“The reality of what I faced was now before me – the unspeakable pain – having to endure all the sins of mankind in my body…to be taken to hell and back, to be ridiculed and to have one of my own disciples betray me… for money.

“I had to call on every ounce of faith I possessed to go through with this. But I had no choice. The world itself was at stake. And my love of mankind was such that I would have none perish.

“As my Father promised me, and, as explicitly detailed throughout the prophecies, the entire event went exactly as foretold, ending in great victory. Lucifer suffered his greatest defeat as the keys of death were snatched from his hands. Death was conquered, giving instead, to all who believe in me, everlasting life with me in Paradise.

“Looking at the world today… a world filled with violence, chaos, sin, unspeakable crimes against humanity… and even seeing those who call themselves My servants cutting down each other and distorting my Word, one could well ask, ‘Was it all worth it?’ If you could go back, would you go through the crucifixion again?’

“Yes I would. I would go through the whole thing for any ONE of you here. That is how much I love you. When you join me in Heaven, you will understand why I would want to share this Paradise with you. Heaven (you will see) is filled with exquisite peace and joy, and a place where you will inhabit perfect heavenly bodies… bodies free from aches, pains and disease.

“On second thought, let me clarify something. There will be one imperfect body in Heaven. And every time you see the nail holes in my hands and feet, and the scar in my side, you will be constantly reminded of how much I love you. And let me add, it was all worth it.

“So come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Florida School Shooting Account Fake

Let’s cut to the chase. Do you actually believe the facts as given of that Florida school shooting? Has anyone actually taken the time to THINK of the glaring problems with the accounts given of the attack as planted by the Soros Communist Controlled “news media”?

What was the purpose of the murderous school attack followed by national protests by CHILDREN?  The purpose is gun control. Meaning all guns must be confiscated from all citizens for, now get this, “the safety of our children.”  Now there is a benevolent switch to the narration. New tactic but very effective.

The most evil man in the world, George Soros, is also an evil genius. He has tried his best to create a reason to strip Americans from their guns by staging killings, but nothing worked.

But to recruit children to stage mass protests against gun ownership in order to protect THEM, now that is indeed ingenious.

And indeed, we are to believe that all these students in that school suddenly were able to arrange and hire buses to transport them to various capitol buildings to demand gun control with the protests instantly exploding all over the country.

Some Communists volunteered their private airplanes to transport students to various cities for protests. Examine this fact. We did.

And we noticed the protest signs that instantly appeared. This writer is certain they were prepared some time before the shooting.

I remember seeing a demonstration in Ferguson and Maryland. The signs were professionally done, thousands of them. Taking a closer look, this writer clearly saw a logo at the bottom of the protest signs stating:

CPUSA-Communist Party USA.

While visiting Italy a communist riot was taking place, destruction, chaos, fights, cars set on fire. They actually had a COMMUNIST party in Italy. We actually have one here, only it is called a different name. Here it is called, Democrat Party.

Then a very articulate, nice looking young man, David Hogg, presumably a student at the school that was shot up, like Obama, suddenly appeared and was immediately a media star appearing on everything. He claimed to be in the school when the shooting took place.

He immediately became the de facto leader of the “spontaneous” movement to demonize private gun ownership in the U.S.

Now let that soak in.

Now, as the late Paul Harvey would say, “You will now hear,  the REST of the story”.

We’ve now learned that David Hogg was nowhere near the school during the shooting. What? Where was he and how did he become the leader and organizer of the protests??  It all came together rather quickly. Too much so.

Something else of interest: It is reported that Hogg’s father is a retired FBI agent. Something very fishy in all of this. Billionaire George Soros owns most of the government which would include FBI men.

By Soros using children to influence personal gun confiscation, by pleading for their own safety, how can most people fail to back them?  Yes, an ingenious plan by Soros

So how many non-staged school shootings over the years actually happened?

Years ago a school yard shooting took place in Stockton,California. This writer drove there to examine the school yard. By what was observed in the yard and surrounding areas convinced me that this shooting was staged.

Staged shootings for a personal political reason has an interesting history. Wars have broken out over money—there’s a lot of money in war.  Yes, MONEY. What have we become?

In 1898, The M.S Maine blew up in the Havana Harbor. A war against Spain was for some reason desired. Newspaper icon William Randolph Hearst cabled Cuba and told his workers, “You get me the photos and I will give you the war.” And the war broke out.

But here is something little known: It was discovered many years later that it was not a Spanish bomb that destroyed the M.S. Maine, killing 160 of 400 American Soldiers. It happened due to a fire that broke out in the munitions section of the MS Maine. Didn’t matter. Mission accomplished.

Since this Florida school shooting has turned into a national protest, led by children, financed by George Soros to provide a reason to disarm all Americans—and considering his skills, what do you think?


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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New Portrait Of Trump Driving Liberals MAD(ER)

Frequent contributor to this column, Lawrence Craig sent us this note and portrait which affected this writer deeply, and included this note:


Mr. Craig could not have described this painting better. I personally felt a lump in my own throat when seeing it, due to the gratitude I felt for Mr. Trump for putting his own wealthy life on hold to dive into the mess America has become due to a faulty steering wheel, which he will fix.

Embrace this portrait with your eyes and THINK how fortunate we are that God sent him to us.

The gifted artist who created this image of President Trump, Jon McNaughton, was inspired by the NFL’s ugly protests against the American Flag when The National Anthem is played before their games, the very flag under which they all became famous multi- millionaires. Strange protests indeed. Nuts if one wishes to be precise.

This is what led portrait artist Jon McNaughton to place his subject in the middle of a football field, titling the work, “Respect the Flag.” The love and respect President Trump’s face and body posture displays as he clutches the American Flag over his heart says it all. The reception of this portrait was hugely embraced by the public

The only protests against this portrait is from the Democrat-Communists, defined as ‘dead from the head.’ They only want to tear down anything of beauty, passion and patriotism. They produce gloom wherever they gather, attack people and slander anyone in the news. They want every American to be just like them and want America to become a third world progressive dictatorship

So let us examine what the opposite kind of “art” would look like from a Democrat Communist. Here’s that headline: HOLLYWOOD Actor ATTACKS Sarah Huckabee Sanders via Democrat”art”(?)

It is pathetic to see one pretend have talent such as being an actor or entertainer or even an artist even though they have no talent. Yet they are all over the place.

We now put the spotlight on alleged movie actor Jim Carrey, who fancies himself as an artist and proceeded to paint a portrait of The President’s Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and had it published for the world to see. That horrfic political painting was a deliberate insult because she is a conservative. Why would Carrey do this to a very respected and kind woman? Simple. Carrey is a Hollywierd Democrat, and Ms. Sanders is a Conservative with a conservative father, Michael Huckabee.

Unlike the REAL artist, Jon McNaughton, who painted the portrait of President Trump, which was his intention, Carrey’s work was created to insult his subjects making them look like angry constipated zombies.

How dare the totally untalented Carrey portray Ms. Sanders in such a degrading manner!  How dare he?

Ms. Sanders is absolutely the best, most knowledgeable, efficient, press secretary in history.  She is a gracious young woman who does her homework and is always thoroughly prepared. She looks good, dresses properly and inherited her father’s manners and decorum.

So, forget anything Jim Carrey does. His movies have long ago been forgotten. This “sick painting by him is only in the news since a REAL artist was recognized after painting a very beautiful, accurate, and right on target portrait of the most powerful man on earth which is rightfully getting all the attention.

RECOMMENDED. Go to the facebook page for artist Jon McNaughton and order a copy of his painting. That is the way to fight back and support a great artist who is also a patriot. You can also find that trashy “portrait” that Jim Carrey did of Ms. Sanders.

So there dear readers, we have exhibited a tutorial of how conservatives and leftists differ, whatever they do.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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God, The Astronaut, Endless Space And The Moon

In the beginning there was nothing. How about the endless space of which there is no beginning or end?  Outer Space goes on and on…and on forever.

If there was nothing in the beginning, wouldn’t space have had to be created? Some of these question will be brain busters but do not strain too hard to find the answers. I wouldn’t want any of my readers to get a mental hernia. Throughout this examination, I stay braced as a precautionary measure.

In the beginning, there would not have been any construction companies or tools, yet, through the winds of time it all came together including the planets scattered all over the heavens. And here we are today. First question:

What was the first liquid and food consumed on the moon? I’m betting that most are unaware of this story.

Forty-five years ago, two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon.

But, what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it.  I’m talking about the fact that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the surface of the moon.  Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guideposts magazine.

The background to the story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian Church in Texas during this period in his life; and, knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt that he should mark the occasion somehow.

He asked his minister to help him and so the minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine. Buzz Aldrin took them with him out of the Earth’s orbit and onto the surface of the moon.  He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following public statement:

“This is the LM (Lunar Module) pilot. I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way.”  He then ended radio communication, and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John, and he took communion.

Here is his account of what happened:

“In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine.  I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me.  In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup.  Then I read the scripture:  ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit … Apart from me you can do nothing.’

“I had intended to read my communion passage back to Earth, but at the last minute [they] had requested that I not do this. NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew’s reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at Christmas. I agreed reluctantly.”

“I ate the tiny toast and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility.  It was interesting for me to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the moon and the very first food eaten there were the communion elements.”

“And, of course, it’s interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon – and who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the “Love that moves the Sun and other stars.”

How many of you knew this? Too bad this type of news doesn’t travel as fast as the bad does.

Share with others you know.

The nicest place to be is in someone’s thoughts, the safest place to be is in someone’s prayers, and the very best place to be is in the hands of God.

Fact check by TRUE

Our deepest thanks to Lawrence Craig for alerting us to these facts that are little known to most.

After that event in space, I was standing in front of a 7-11 store in California. A man walked over to me, started clearing his throat as I thought, “oh here we go.”  It seems that whenever anyone comes into my presence it seems to stimulate the biographical impulse.

Clearing his throat again he said, “I see you are wearing a cross.”
“Do you know what I think about religion?”
“I’m confident I’m going to find out.”
“For me religion is just a crutch.”
“Crutch nothing. It’s a whole wheel chair.”

The man studied my face, then said, “How can you believe that stuff, that God has always been here and will always be here…no beginning, no ending. That’s impossible!”

Motioning to him I said, “Walk out here with me. I want to show you something.”  I then said to him, “Look up there. What do you see?”  “Sky” the man said. ‘Now look past that and what do you see. “ummm  more sky.”

‘And now look past that and what do you see?”  The man’s face became strained as he said….’m o r e  s k y.’ ‘Yep’ I said to him, more sky…it goes on and on…and…on…FOREVER. There is no ending. Now you see this endless space with your own eyes. Here it is, right in front of you. Can you explain this? No you cannot. Nor can I, or anybody else.

“Now that you have seen this, can you truthfully state, after seeing what you just saw, that it would be impossible for God to have always been here and will always be?”

The man with a confused look subtly nodded his head up and down, wished me a good night and he went his way silently.


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Who IS Obama?

A recent article written by a Chicago union man was recently forwarded to me by a frequent contributor to this column, Lawrence Craig who asks the question millions have asked and have been fluffed off for asking. So Who IS Obama? That is the question.

Obama managed to become an Illinois Senator. His position there did not receive a great deal of attention.His quiet placement in the Senate was to buy time.
Next he was on a campaign trail announcing his candidacy for President of the United States. His position on running the U.S. was made abundantly clear when he was asked on the street by Joe the Plumber, what would be the first thing he would do if elected? 

Without missing a beat Obama said he would “redistribute the wealth.” And nobody questioned that Communist mission statement. This writer saw and heard that since it was shown on live TV.

And who can forget that major campaign speech on an outdoor stage with two Greek columns that he would stand in between. 

This represented a royal setting where he looked and sounded like a gay Greek philosopher.

His was a strange campaign since absolutely NO personal information about him was disclosed. Yet his charisma carried him through the entire process.

As the nation watched on election day, the “results” showed that Obama won the election. We now had our first ‘black president,’ in our nation’s history. At least that was half right since he was only half black.

Now get this: a couple of hours later on that election day, Grant’s Park in Chicago suddenly came alive, with a prepared stage, seats that covered the entire park being filled with thousands of people for the “Election Night Victory Party,” which was soon underway.

A miracle obviously had occurred. An undecided election had just been called, the president named, and within two hours, Grants Park had been fully put together for this huge public gathering. That was either a miracle or a colossal demonstration of optimism.

Furthermore, we dove in a bit deeper and learned that Obama had deposited a million dollars to secure Grants Park for that, again, Election Victory Party–SIX MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION even took place!  So it was a done deal.

All personal information about Obama was blocked from view. It was not even certain if he was born in the U.S. since no birth certificate was provided despite repeated requests. 

We understand Obama’s sponsors including George Soros and The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) spent millions of dollars for lawyers who skillfully blocked any and all information about him, including his college records, wedding records or birth information about his two daughters.

Yes, Obama, who was shoe-horned into the Oval Office, will go down in history as the perpetrator of the greatest fraud in history. And Obama was not VOTED in. He was put in by a subtle 
There was total election fraud, voting machines rigged, dead people voting. Nothing about it was legit.

His eight years in office were the most disastrous years ever as the U.S. was being re-structured. The Democrat Party, actually The Communist Party, had prepared for America to become ruled by them which would be the last country to give in to the New World Order making it possible for them to now take over the entire planet.

The American public begin to demand his birth certificate. As the pressure began to build, Obama announced that he would provide his birth certificate from Hawaii where, he said, he was born.

It was good I found it when I did since they scrubbed that off the newspaper site as more and more inquiries came in.

Since Obama left office after his 8 year whirlwind of destruction, he would not leave D.C. He (his sponsors) bought a mansion within walking distance to The White House for him to live in. He still seems to be making decisions as the George Soros Communists plan to move him back in along with Hillary.

transition where he will be reinstalled.

The recent school shooting in Florida was directed by George Soros who ingeniously devised a way for kids, high school students to protest nation-wide, against the private ownership of guns. Talking about innocent kids being used for political propaganda in order to take over The United States!

Did anyone question how these students in different high schools managed to book tour buses to take them to state Capitols and one coming up in the United States Capitol in D.C.? We need to ask more questions. First of all, this will require a lot of money to pull off.

How could they raise that much money for renting buses, paying drivers, traveling, hotels and food? They didn’t have to. George Soros and his demoncrats took care of all these pesky details in order to focus all attention to disarming America so it will be easier for Communists to come in with a bang and take charge of this country. 

It is time to question more, write opinions to your area newspapers, and refuse to accept what the Democrats are trying to push on us. There are two sides to this. The Communist Democrats who represent only those whose goal is to dismantle the United States and put us all under THEIR command.

The other side is the true citizens of America who want our country as founded by our forefathers. The true citizens of America love our country and are the millions who voted in Donald J. Trump as our president. 

Let us stand firm, never give up, give in, or get out. This is OUR country, not a Communist country. Let us never forget that. Everyone should be prepared to fight for our freedom.

Photo Caption: Obama and Gay Lover in College

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Morally Bankrupt And Losing Money, Hollywood Now Demands Moral Conduct In Film Industry

Strict Morality Code Making a Comeback

For years, Hollywood deftly swept all the sexual exploits, (straight gay and inventive), under the red carpet. That carpet was difficult to peek under since everyone walked or marched over it.

Hollywood’s bizarre secrets were located right under everyone’s noses, so close that nobody actually noticed. If they did, everyone kept their mouths shut.

Something not so secret from the early days, was the infamous Casting Couch, which was a multi-functional office fixture that served many purposes including casting parts for new films.

They were clearly seen in every producer’s office.  Even though well known, when it was mentioned in discussions, people spoke in whispers.

Movies began changing tone–which all started when Clark Gable in the final scene of Gone with the Wind said to Vivian Leigh, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”  

Shocked audiences gasped. That was to be the first time that a swear word had ever been uttered on screen.

From there language in film gradually became street talk, then “F” words, even blasphemous words and just plain gutter talk. Then the movies began having explicit sex scenes. So much so that one actor said, “Now they are doing on screen what they used to do off screen in order to get on screen.”

In the early days, there was indeed a strict morality code. Any hanky panky on or near the set would make the front pages while ending careers. Adultery, when found out, even while overseas would hit headlines and the careers of both went down the tubes.

This means that in their private lives as well as their public lives, they had to exhibit appropriate conduct at all times and present themselves properly at all times. They had to be well groomed, neatly dressed, (mostly in suits), anytime they were in public. After all, they represented millions of dollars in investments in their films.

You would never see an actor or actress on an interview program with unwashed hair going in all directions, “five o’clock shadow”–remember that?– when one had a partial beard (fuzz) simply for not shaving and dressed like they had just fallen out of a trash bin.

One would never hear curse words, vulgar words, gutter talk in general. Today movie dialogue contains many “F” words, “S” words (advanced word for bowels) and all slang street talk, not only in their films, but constantly in their personal lives.

A good example is reading interviews in The Hollywood Reporterespecially the actresses–women, who constantly use those words which are printed in full. Why do the women use more “F” words in everyday conversation than the men?

Then cometh Harvey Weinstein, who was under the impression that all women in his path were created solely to satisfy his out-of-control lusts.

Weinstein was one of the wealthiest most influential people in Hollywood who could make or break a career simply by his word. Nobody dared cross him.

In the early days of Hollywood, movie stars were really movie stars by the way they conducted and carried themselves. There was a strict code of ethics and morality. Even portrayed married couples slept in twin beds. Every movie first was screened before the Hayes Movie Code, basically censors, who checked all content.

That board also had a code book that went to every producer’s office, explaining among other things, ‘no scene shall be shot that will stimulate the lower emotions’.

There would be a credit before each movie stating that this movie has met the criterion of the Hayes Movie Code.

Restraints gradually loosened as movies became more daring, raunchy and political to move from entertainment to persuasion.

Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy a Senator from Wisconsin was a patriot who was appalled at the number of Communists he found in government positions. In the 1940’s he found 205 Communists working on Capitol Hill in the State Department!

He then focused on the motion picture industry where he saw subtle Communist references. In the 1950’s he joined the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) and trials were held to determine if an actor was or had ever been a member of the Communist Party. The Senator feared that the Party would influence movie audiences to embrace Communism.

Those actors, writers and producers who were tried, wound up on a “black list” meaning that no one in Hollywood could hire them.

Dalton Trumbo, a gifted writer was one of those blacklisted. Even though a brilliant writer nobody would hire him to write the screen play of an upcoming movie. In later years, he started again, but using a new name. Most of the producers knew who he was and the quality of his work so they went along with the name change for the screen credit.

Senator McCarthy knew his history. When Hitler was coming into power he wanted to purge all Jews from Germany, indeed from humanity. Several Communist Jews there worked in films and quickly escaped Germany to come to the U.S. where they almost immediately found employment in the fledgling movie business.

And they brought their Communist roots with them. These filmmakers, very skilled, grew in power as the movies turned from entertainment to indoctrination. This was the concern of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The movies became anything BUT entertainment as they glamorized every form of filthy lifestyles, increasing movie-goers taste for the bizarre and bringing us to Harvey Weinstein who sexually harassed, raped and fondled too many women to count.

Movie attendance had already begun to drop with less box office returns. Business became worse. Then, Producer Harvey Weinstein blew up due to sexual accusations. He was kicked out of his own studio while more sexual violations exploded from all studios. Even Fox News made the front pages for Sexual harassment crimes that took place there.

Millions of dollars have been lost, millions spent on re-shooting scenes in order to put another actor in place of the one who could not keep his zipper activated.

The movie, All the Money in the World had already been shot with Kevin Spacey in the lead role. Spacey who preferred little boys was caught.  It cost the movie company an extra $10 million to re-shoot those scenes with Christopher Plummer taking over the lead role.

[Must see DVD “Hollywood’s War On God“]

Moral Turpitude is now included in every studio contract with broad morality clauses into its talent deals, giving it the ability to terminate any contract “if the talent engages in conduct that results in adverse publicity or notoriety or risks bringing the talent into public disrepute, contempt, scandal of ridicule.”

There has been talk about Sex Abuse Insurance. That is a gamble that any insurance agency should refuse. That is too much of a risk. Hollywood actors, producers, directors have proved to be too passionate to really be trusted. (Passionate was a more sophisticated word than horny).

It’s about time that morality, decorum and responsibility return to those in a public life.  Movies that glorify brutality, glamorize thieves, criminals, adultery, and even hookers make a huge impression on young people. They need to see movies that give positive examples of life and conduct that they could emulate.

Instead of allowing movies to train us and our children, perhaps it is time to devote more time to your church, support your pastor and socialize with those with family values who successfully encourage one another to live a life without reproach with dignity, joy, love,  and  determining to grow closer to God and Jesus.

It has been proven that the other way does not work. This one absolutely does. As the former spokesman for Men’s Warehouse would say; (lower your voice)  “I guarantee it.”

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats Cheer Republican Train Crash

This is a piece nobody, including Democrats, thought would be written. Nobody, even democrats could be this low. It defies all ideas of humanity along with just plain consideration, manners, class, and dignity along with displays of downright lack of intelligence.

A train carrying members of the GOP congress to a Republican retreat in West Virginia yesterday (Wednesday) smashed into a garbage truck that was on the tracks at a crossing.

Several GOP congressmen and their aides were injured and the driver of the garbage truck was killed

Democrat CNN writer and talking head Jonathan Tasini delightfully wrote on Twitter that this was the result of God getting rid of his political opponents, say they. “The accident was a form of divine intervention aimed at ‘cleaning up Washington, D.C.”  He went on to say that “God is working hard today to clean up the stink’ because a ‘train full of Goopers slammed into a dump truck.”

Tasini was an avid supporter of Socialist (Communist) Bernie Sanders, who refused to stand with those on the senate floor during the SOTU address when a statement about the American Flag was spoken by President Donald Trump resulting a burst of applause bringing the audience to its feet.

Bernie Sanders with a sour face remained sitting defiantly. No surprise as Commie Bernie took his wife to Russia for their honeymoon.

At another point in President Trump’s speech, the audience began shouting, “USA, USA USA”  That was too much for Democrat Representative Louis Gutierrez who jumped out of his seat, into the aisle and dramatically stalked out of the chambers.The dem-wits hate the USA.

Other Democrats mocked the train wreck by stating this was “Karma” coming back to bite the Republicans in the butt. But how about the garbage truck driver who died when his truck was smashed to pieces?

Even Stephen King, the horror book author jumped on the Karma train to say the wreck which tossed about GOP members was payback. It is time to boycott his sick books. Yes sick. A depraved mind would have been necessary to create his books. And King looks like one of the horror characters in those books.

Here’s an example of why this writer does not like Stephen King: I did a funeral for a teenager in Northern California who committed suicide after reading one of King’s books. That guy is a freak.

And let it be mentioned that everybody on that train was thrown out of their seats to the floor receiving bruises and cuts. IMMEDIATELY, four of the congressmen who were doctors went to work treating those who were injured.

Some people object to my comments against democrats since it is not becoming to the Reverend title before my name, say they, and I must not be a real minister.

Gather around: I am indeed a devoted minister of the gospel. I am also appointed to be a “defender of the faith.” Got that? So when democrats slam the churches, Christians, and belief in Jesus I must step in and call them out.

The Democratic Party is actually the Communist Party. It was the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) that sponsored Obama and fixed his elections to make sure he would occupy the Oval Office.

The head of the Democratic Party is Communist George Soros who has funded over 100 organizations to put the Communist Democrats in power. Soros wants to sit on a thrown as the potentate of the world….a world run by Communist Dictators. America is the only country that he cannot rope in. Why? It is because of the number of Christians and churches in America.

A Christian mind cannot be enslaved. That is what is necessary for the reds to prevail. Soros Needs America for total world conquest.

Having spent time behind the Iron Curtain in my younger years, I saw first-hand what life is like in a Communist Country. It is horrible. If space allowed, I would like to tell you what that was like.

We are very close to that since I know the exact plans they have. Briefly, due to space restraints, one tactic is to sabotage our power, meaning electricity, our water, dams. Everything would stop.

They have already had rehearsals to see if they can hack the power sources in Europe and in the U.S. When that happens, when everything is in the dark, there will be a knock at your door and your neighborhood block captain will hand you a paper and say, “Here are your orders.”

The democrats will be the ones visible throughout this horror. So yes, as a minister, chaplain, and defender of the faith, I will not fail to address the enemies of our country and God. It is my duty to do so.

And oh yes. If that should happen, I will see those same democrats whining and screaming at their new living conditions.

The photo of Nancy Pelosi was taken at the State of the Union Address. And what about the strange look on her face. Her upper plate had come loose and she was trying to get it back up with her tongue, since it would have looked awkward if she would have plunged her hands into her mouth to deal with that stiff upper plate.

A reader commented on the photo of Pelosi in this story:

Elaine Benson

I hope Pelosi’s mortician does a better job on her makeup next time she is on display.

Our sincere thanks to the Einstein Woman, Liza Hart, for alerting us to the train crash shortly after it happened.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats Scowl during Trump’s SOTU Address

WASHINGTON,D.C. —There were more standing ovations at President Trumps’ State of The Union address tonight than any I have seen over the years.He hit the ball out of the park with every other line. The left side of the senate chambers were unresponsive.

Those weakly standing on that side, if at all, were the Communist Democrats with strained faces. They of course do not want people to be happy, prosperous, free or safe. That is not the communist way. Everyone MUST be directed in all activities doncha know.

Nancy Pelosi had such a scowl on her face that she must have been weaned on sour pickles. The man sitting next to her, had a face so long that I looked closely to see if there were any exit signs on it. They sat on their butts during the whole time and just stared, as did most of those in that section.

One line said by President Trump was so powerful that loud applause erupted, a communist on the left side started to stand and a man next to him grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back down to his seat. That was fully captured on camera and very telling.

The President laid out his plans for America bolstered by the incredible things he DID accomplish during his first year in office more than any new president in history. It was a positive, uplifting speech of hope, that covered every area of life today and ahead.

As the grumpy faces of the Democrat Communists remained glued, the audience cheered President Trump’s message. We could not help but wonder, how any group of people could not be happy of what our president has done already but what he promises for the future which will enrich our lives.

All those on the left side of the chambers’ floor, the Communist Democrats, were not happy. They do NOT want the people to be happy, enriched or prosperous since they want everyone to be in poverty with no freedoms including freedom of movement or traveling without their permission. That IS the Communist way.

The speech went an hour and 40 minutes with at least 40 standing ovations.

Then came the rebuttal to the speech by Joe Kennedy 3rd, the grandson of Bobby Kennedy. The speech was televised from Massachusetts. This was difficult for this writer since I am a cousin of that family. My great great aunt was the sister of Rose Kennedy.

It was the worst rebuttal speech ever given. He described Trump’s speech as depressing, a speech with no hope and he went on a rant declaring all the things that, due to Trump,  were wrong with this country. He attacked Trump, yet he never addressed anything or quoted any lines from his talk that he could attack. It was just a blanket criticism with no clear definition of what he was yakking about.

Let’s begin to really analyze Trump’s speech since Kennedy stated on TV that the speech was depressing. NO IT WAS NOT!  Indeed it was anything BUT that. The address President Trump made to the nation was indeed inspiring, motivating and FULL of hope for all of us.

The issues of today that bothered Joe Kennedy, were the very things Trump promised to correct. It was not a smorgasbord of confusion, suffering and loss of all freedoms as Kennedy suggested the world has been in since the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

It was a very dishonest, cunning, and downright stupid response. This is where the “divide” of our country has originated. On the left side of the aisle.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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MilesTones-Growing Old Is A Better Option

The problem with growing old is that just when you get your mind straightened out, your body falls apart.  Growing old can be hectic but it’s still the best alternative.
One thing I have especially learned is this: AGING is like living in the body of an old car that shakes, rattles and rolls; needs a tune-up, the spark is out of the plugs, hard to get started, getting rusty, exhaust pipe pops and erupts from time to time, difficult to switch gears, has slower speed, gas problems (since gauge doesn’t work), a noisy rumble seat and many times, it is discounted–not worth much.  An overhaul would be great, including a new engine. Yep, some of us seem to have a lot in common with that old car.
It appears that my get up and go has got up and went. I once had a photographic memory and could memorize a full half hour TV show script in an hour. 
Now, there are only two things I cannot remember, only problem, I can’t remember what those two things are. It is somewhat of a challenge but there are solutions. For instance, my wife and I wear name tags.
There are benefits to getting old. You can take your teeth out to brush them without having to jam that toothbrush in your mouth.
I remember when social security was first implemented. F.D.R. started it in 1935 and began paying benefits in January of 1940. In the late 1940’s when I was in school, many very young girls still in their early teens were marrying old men, which perplexed those of us in high school. We young studs could not figure this out.
Here is the true story. The reasoning was, since the old codgers would die soon, these kid brides would get a pension (which passed on to the wife), setting the young chickadees up for life.
One problem: We were told that immediately upon marriage, the young brides felt old age creeping up on them. But we suppose the old codgers died happy.
Health problems seem to be part of old age. This writer just came out of three years of severe illness…so sick that my life insurance man came and took his calendar back. I did come through it and am still on this side of the ground. Cheers!
There are four natural seasonal changes that govern our life on earth–spring…summer…fall…and winter, each of which invoke distinct memories that stimulate specific moods within us.
We are deeply affected by each of these seasons as those memories are ignited and identified by the particular time of year they took place. The memories can be good, bad, or sad. We are deeply moved by all of them. It is like music that has been part of each season of life.
The spring is a time of new beginnings, like a new birth, when the barren trees sprout buds that become leaves; plants and flowers grow as the mild weather gently caresses them. It is a season that compels one to go on day trips to find new insights and adventures to explore. It is a feeling of constant renewal of youth.
The summer brings warm temperatures to hot weather, casual clothing, outdoor activities, barbecues, baseball games, swimming, picnics, sunburn and pesky mosquitoes. It is a time when days are longer and a time when you feel mature and settled.
The fall enters with refreshing cool air subtly announcing that winter is on its way. Leaves become bouquets of magnificent colors as they blend into a symphony of ‘fall foliage’ in dazzling shades before falling to the ground. New energy is felt as the sights and sounds of the approaching holidays begin to emerge.
The winter sweeps over what had become a barren landscape with leafless trees that become re-activated, as mother nature upholsters them with radiant white snow transforming the world into a winter wonderland. It is bundle up time, snow tires, skiing, snow-boarding and ice skating, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years parties where family and friends gather.
There is a similar four seasons in the personal lives of each of us.
Our spring is when we are birthed. During that time we are wobbly as we learn to walk while feeling somewhat top heavy, reaching for something with not much coordination to back up the effort, knocking things over, spilling something from a glass and falling down. We need help getting dressed, eating and getting ready for bed. Sometimes that is a bummer since everyone tells you what to do.
The plus side is that it is a season of beginning, curiosity and discovery. It is a time where everything is done for you since you have no responsibilities.
Our summer is a time of growing, development, personalities, beginning to learn basic skills, discovering music, with the most important activity, playtime.
Our fall is adolescence…going to school, testing the limits, making friends…finding a path in life, which can be good or bad…learning who we are, what we are, and who we might become while dealing with raging hormones that we don’t know what to do with.
We often run into obstacles that seem to thwart our ambitions or anything that might be fun.
The cause of these obstacles might be someone in authority or even a bully who seems determined to make your life miserable. This is a bummer.
The plus side is that the mystery of life gradually disappears as everything becomes clear with an inkling of what could lie ahead, accompanied by by the excited anticipation of accomplishing a goal.
The winter, or fourth season, is young adulthood where we put into practice what was learned in school, college, university…and instinctively following the abilities accomplished as we prepare for a career.
The bummer is the stress of preparing and passing the final exams and those who are jealous and stand in your way. It is a time when the years accumulate.
The plus side is that this fourth season leads to maturity, becoming older…a time of reflection…kicking back in retirement or determining to find something productive and useful with which to occupy ourselves or maybe even a new career.
There are exciting aspects to every season…along with real bummers to deal with. And this….is life.
At this time in my own life, I am in that fourth season even though there are many reflections of that first season, which I partly am still in, meaning Spring, where I am a bit wobbly (due to a stroke), use a cane, have fallen down, and often require assistance in everyday things that are no longer simple. The upside is that I actually have no responsibilities. I can kick back in retirement or follow an enduring passion, writing.
The main thing to have learned is to stay with God and He will take you through every new season of your life. Never lose the joy of anticipation of new things to see, learn and enjoy.
You may be wondering how old I am…the answer, 84. I would have been 85, but I was sick a year. Even so I eagerly look forward to the years ahead and the new adventures to come.
This is an original story. All the words above were put together through the mind (?) of the author.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Elected President Rules Country NOT appointed Judges

A president is VOTED into office by the people, for the people and of the people. The job of a president is to make the decisions that affect Americans. His word is law and possesses Executive Order Privilege to overturn a bad law or institute a new one.

So how did judges obtain a seat in the Oval Office to dictate what guidelines are to rule our country? They pushed their way in that’s how.

For example, President Trump rightfully placed a travel ban against all Muslims wanting to enter the U.S. based upon the numerous violent attacks, murders and rapes committed by Muslims in America and every other country they managed to get in and trash.

However, Derrick Kahola Watson of Hawaii was put in place in 2013 as U.S. Federal Judge…by….you guessed it….OBAMA! Now it is all making sense, since Obama thinks he is still president with George Soros guiding him.

Judge Watson illegally overturned an Executive Order from the elected President of the United States proclaiming the ban null and void. How’s that again?

Federal Judge James Robart of Seattle filed a suit of his own to stop the ban, since, as both judges regurgitated; this defies the Freedom of Religion clause guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

REALLY? First of all, illegals in the U.S. have no constitutional privileges. Get that? Second of all, Islam is NOT a religion. It has nothing similar to legitimate religions.You will not see one reference to “love” in their “Holy Book.”

Read the Koran for yourselves which condones murder, violence lying and proclaims it is right to rape children. Again, read it for yourselves.

Since when do judges have more power than a constitutionally elected president?   THEY DON’T. This is a textbook coup d’etat in the making, concocted by democrat communists who totally skirt the law.

Appointed judges do not overrule a president’s decision or make decisions affecting the country they lead, periodOnly the president can make such decisions. Let’s get that straight. Judges are APPOINTED by a president, a president is ELECTED by the people. This is a big difference.

The elected President of the United States has the authority to present a bill of his choosing to Congress. It is congress who passes or rejects a bill, not an appointed judge, who may come in with biases which is clearly demonstrated in this current series of events.

And how about this business of Democrat Communists holding for ransom a bill that the president wants to pass? This means refusing to pass a bill unless the president includes the passing of a bill that the dems want passed such as this last fiasco which resulted in the Schumer Government Shutdown?

Schumer refused to let President Trump’s bill pass unless Trump also passed a DACA bill allowing over 800,000 immigrants to live in America or stay in America with all benefits; welfare, health care, housing, phones food stamps etc that is paid for by taxpayers, us, i.e. “distributing the wealth.” Doesn’t that sound familiar?

So why is Schumer so insistent upon allowing almost a million new immigrants to live in America? Simple. Think about it. These immigrants will absolutely vote democrat for any election, especially these critical 2018 elections.This cannot be allowed to happen.

A bill is a bill….one bill…without any other bill attached to it. How have we allowed this to happen? It is time to put a stop to it. There needs to be further draining of this swamp that at this point, even the alligators can’t tolerate.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Born Salesman With Best Fish Story Ever

A young guy from Idaho moves to Florida and goes to a big “everything under one roof” department store looking for a job.

The Manager says, “Do you have any sales experience?”

The kid says “Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in Idaho.”

Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he’d give him a shot, so he gave him the job.

“You start tomorrow. I’ll come down after we close and see how you did.”

His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor.

“How many customers bought something from you today?” The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, “One”.

The boss says “Just one?!!? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day.

“That will have to change, and soon, if you’d like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in Idaho, but you’re not on the farm anymore, son.”

The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked (semi-sarcastically), “So, how much was your one sale for?”

The kid looks up at his boss and says “$101,237.65.”

The boss, astonished, says “$101,237.65?!? What the heck did you sell?”

The kid says, “Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn’t think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4×4 Ford Expedition.”

The boss said “A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK!?”

The kid said “No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, ‘Dude, your weekend’s shot, you should go fishing!”

Thanks to Larry Craig who alerted us to this story and let us know that the young man who is the subject in this story is a second cousin of Donald Trump. Figures.

Photo Caption: The Kid is a Born Salesman

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Aced Medical And Mental Exams Proving All Dems Liars

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Twenty Seven Psychiatrists, the Soros Fake News Media,”Author” Michael Wolff and the Democrat-Communist party were all PROVEN TO BE LIARS in two appointments, Friday and today.

On Friday, President Trump had his physical. He asked also for a mental exam to counteract public statements by so-called professionals (who never examined him), that he is mentally incompetent.  Doctor Ronny Jackson of Walter Reed Hospital who examined President Trump said he was in good physical health even though he needs to lose 15 pounds. 

The cognitive screening tests proved the 27 psychiatrists publicly lied by proclaiming him mentally incompetent and a danger to our country while the fake news media were more than eager to present their “findings” to the world, to hurt our duly elected president so as to move Hillary into the Oval Office.

Again, they made these damaging claims without ever examining him which is illegal resulting in loss of their licenses. 

Not only MUST they lose their licenses but President Trump has a huge libel case against all of them. Do it Mr. President.

Again, according to the law, a mental health professional is PROHIBITED from making a diagnosis without a thorough exam by a licensed psychiatrist. These frauds who broke the law also trashed the confidentiality protection of patients  by broadcasting what was presented as an analysis, but remember, President Trump was never a patient of any of them. 

The mental exam at Walter Reed Hospital not only showed him to be entirely mentally fit to run our country but the Doctor stated on television today that of the 30 questions that were a part of the exam, President Donald Trump gave a correct answer to all. In other words, he aced it.

Now, liberals have been exposed as fraudulent liars. They will be wise to stop attempting to remove President Donald Trump from the elected office he won. He has millions of people standing with him. All dirty stuff from these barbarians will no longer be effective. You and much of the mental health profession have been EXPOSED.  You have no credibility. 

And as we have seen how unethical so many psychiatrists and psychologists have proven to be, we have now come to one conclusion: Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have their heads examined.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Wolff at the Door-Amateurish Book On Trump Tries But Fails

This dreadful new book, Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff, was not released–It escaped! The author bragged that this book would “bring down Trump!”
With that goal, especially targeting a legally elected president who has, in his first year, kept every promise he made on the campaign trail, this project would, of necessity, invite lies and misrepresentation with sleazy bogus accusations against President Donald Trump who received over 62 million votes (62,972,226) and 306 electoral college votes (Hillary got only 232) sweeping him into the White House.
The Democrat-Communists who lost the majority vote and the electoral college votes, intend to snatch and grab the government with violence, which they have already demonstrated in their protests which caused numerous injuries and property damage.
They are being financed and led by Communist George Soros and Obama who stayed in D.C. with a house within five minutes of the Oval Office. No other past “president” has done this, nor was this arrogant.
And isn’t there a legal precedent to prosecute anyone who attempts to “bring down” a sitting president and overthrowing a government?  You bet there is. 
I did NOT buy a copy of this damnable book but was able to read it on wikileaks, that had it up long enough for me to see it just in time. That has now been scrubbed. So I saved 20 bucks and still got the info desired.
First of all, Wolff is not a skilled writer, in other words his scribbling is not considered literature. He writes like a tabloid exploitation writer which is NOT literature. Based upon his writing, it is doubted that he ever went to Journalism School or took any classes on writing. He types from the hip for destruction.
This manufactured-content book was first out of the gate this week and had long lines at the book stores. People were packed in as books literally flew out of the stores. This emboldened the Democrat Communists, determined to take down Trump so they can turn America into a dictatorship Communist country.
Because so many Christians live in the U.S. it is the only country standing in the way of the New (Communist) One World Order. Why? Because a true Christian’s mind can never be enslaved. This is why they want to abolish Christianity and the church.
These dumb evil people do not realize, that as they try to forcefully take over our government, that they will have 62,972,226 people who voted Trump in, which is a majority even though Hillary falsely claimed that she had more of the Popular vote. We smell the burning of pants.
Trump supporters are highly angered over anything the Communists employ to hurt our president, and these supporters will come against the Commie Dems, using whatever force is needed to prevent harm to our president.
The Wolff “author” has created a full volume of lies, innuendos and speculations to (hopefully) take down a peoples’ choice president, who will not bow to the horrors of Communism–Thank God!.
The Constitution of the United States guarantees this right of the people to freely choose those who would become their president. Otherwise, America would quickly become a 3rd world dictatorship where only the dissidents would have guns. The actual Americans would be unable to defend themselves, their families and their country. We cannot let that happen.
I remember when young (yes I WAS young once) that frequently someone just installed as President-leader in a 3rd world country, would be shot and killed while giving his inauguration speech, which was always shown on TV.
The most favorable review found on this book of trash stated: “Readable but disjointed and choppy.” Some comments in this “disjointed” book states that President Trump is an “overly emotional man,” “insecure” “has phobias,” ” “grievances,” and “is a delusional man.” Yep the ‘author’ has him all figured out even though they have never formed a relationship.
Thus is the phony descriptions given of our president, by a man he has never actually sat down with, even though so-called author Michael Wolff admits that he briefly shook hands with Trump during a campaign rally. That is far short of “sitting down with him for an interview.” Residue of a Bull! So Wolff is absolutely lying.
Wolff acknowledged that not everything is true in his “book.”Maybe 10% is true,” he admitted which stimulated a response from a liberal-yes a LIBERAL to post: “Even at 10% true, HOLY CRAP!” 
Many of the names he quotes do not even exist! This can be called a creative work since all of it is indeed, created. For example: Did the editor of Vogue ask President Trump to appoint her for an ambassador post? Yep, the president told Wolff that this took place, according to Wolff.
As for the Vogue Editor, her response to this lunacy was:  “Laughably preposterous!” Plus President Trump NEVER sat down with this Wolff Democrat-Communist fraud.
This book will readily appeal to certain customers of non-literary fiction by an exposed liar with a book filled with lies. How dare this scribbler tell such lies to hurt our president! 
And how dare the many psychologists and analysts state publicly that Trump has mental issues.They are complicit in the harm being launched at the president. According to the rules of their profession, they can and should be stripped of their license for this.
Apparently they do not know that a psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor absolutely cannot and must not diagnose anyone without first fully examining them. So those who made these claims about President Trump without first examining him can and should have their license revoked. So conservative district attorneys, we need you. Come and help us.
Yes, the book is selling zillions of copies, well, at least about 62 million Democrat Communists are grabbing it up. Doesn’t matter that it is full of lies, only that something negative about President Donald Trump is being circulated.
To spend over 20 bucks to read lies about someone they hate is crazy.Those who get excited over UNTRUE accusations and characterizations would not be good marriage material.
Michael Wolff is not only a disgrace to all men and women, the Democratic Communist party, but absolutely a disgrace to all legitimate writers, journalists and authors, none of which Wolff is.
He and his publisher, Henry Holt & Company should hang their heads in shame. And they have offended 62 million, nine hundred and seventy two thousand, two hundred and twenty six Trump supporters, including this writer that you will have to deal with as we protect our president with force.
Here’s an excellent opinion of Wolff’s book by an expert: “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. –  William Shakespeare.
Don’t waste  your time and money on this fraudulent book. It was impossible to cover everything in it which would have resulted in an encyclopedia. This is a column with space restrictions. My report is still complete and gives you an idea of the phoniness of that book which is a political scam.
Please share this on your blogs, emails and social media.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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No Down Syndrome Babies Born In Iceland—All Aborted

Before getting into the details of this shocking piece, let me begin with a personal proclamation: I actually pity those who have never known a person with Down syndrome—whatever their age. Those who have not, have missed out on a wonderful experience indeed. And that is accompanied with lots of love.

These are the most loving people anyone could find on earth. Indeed, they see only the best
in everyone they meet. Their minds are so pure that I doubt that they are capable of even thinking about evil.
At first glance, they look a bit different than others, then the beauty begins to emerge. That beauty can only be discovered by those who have a pure heart. But there are people who are driven only by the cosmetic good looks of anyone they meet which is the magnet that draws them. The heart doesn’t matter, just knockout good looks. How shallow.
Yet because those with Down Syndrome do look different and have the mind of a an eight or 9 year old, many are rejected, with the hardhearted avoiding them altogether. But even with a limited mental ability, they are very dependable. Many work at jobs in grocery stores, restaurants and even helping as clean up crews in college cafeterias.
I saw a group of them sitting in a restaurant, having seen them earlier cleaning the cafeteria after lunch at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California. Stopping at their table I complimented them on the fine job they did earlier at the cafeteria. They all broke out in the sweetest smiles one could ever see.
They were delighted for being recognized for a job well done. They are all so very appreciative. And they are happy with their lives.
NBC News points to studies showing the following:
99% of people with Down syndrome are happy with their lives.
97% of people with Down syndrome like who they are.
96% of people with Down syndrome like how they look.
Statistically the vast majority of people with Down syndrome are happy, satisfied, and affectionate members of society—something that couldn’t necessarily be said of people born without the disability.
Yet, there has been a madness sweeping through the “me first” society we live in that causes many women, who learn their baby in the womb will have that condition, panic, and arrange to have that baby painfully aborted. I say painfully since the heart of the baby in the womb begins to beat shortly after conception and their nervous system develops, meaning they can feel pain.
And how is a baby aborted? A scissor like instrument is inserted in the mother’s womb, where it tears off the arms and legs of the baby and lastly its head. And the baby, yes baby, not a fetus, feels everything and silently screams and twists in agony.
Iceland now has a dubious distinction that 100 % of Down Syndrome Babies are aborted in that country. Meaning none are born there, yep, everyone is pure. The Iceland Government has not ordered this as law, but they have tacitly encouraged it.
Denmark is not far behind Iceland, aborting about 90% of those babies. Great Britain is a supporter of these abortions as is of course, The United States. CBS TV that is headquartered in the U.S. stated on the air that Geneticist Kari Stefansson said, “My understanding is that we have eradicated all births with Downs Syndrome here in Iceland.” And this news item was reported in a celebratory manner.
In the U.S. the main reason for abortions is that the baby to come is simply inconvenient and could hamper the party life of the accidental mother and father. Besides, with this generation, nobody wants to take care of anyone except themselves. This is what the “Me First’ generation has brought.
I find it extremely difficult to see the cruelties of so-called human beings. There was a time that children and adults with Down Syndrome were put into insane asylums. There is nothing insane about any of them. They just have a limited mental capacity. This would mean that all 4th, 5th and 6th graders should be in mental hospitals.
Years ago, someone very close to me worked in the California State Hospital system. She told how these gentle people were mistreated and deliberately caused pain and horror. When they were taken to the dentist, no pain medication was given while drilling in teeth or pulling a tooth. They would scream and try to get away when told they had a dentist appointment.
This is outrageous! They ARE very much human beings even though the savages in those institutions don’t seem to think so and it might be added that those savages who would do such things are NOT human beings.
And for sure, they know nothing about God.  Please allow God to guide your lives. Find a Bible believing church and let church be a part of your life for your sake and for the sake of others in your life.  Now consider this:
“If there is no God everything is allowed:”—Fyodor Dostoevsky
A very pretty little girl, Mikayla Holmgren, who had Down syndrome wanted to compete in a beauty contest. She was told that would never happen. “A beauty contest is only for BEAUTIFUL people” the staff member told her coldly, “You will never be beautiful.”
In the story written by Brandon Stewart for Inside Edition, Mikayla answered, “But beauty comes in every form.”
There was something that set her apart from the beginning. She was dancing when she was only six years old. She began competing in junior pageants and in 2015, she was crowned Miss Minnesota Junior Miss Amazing.
She didn’t win the Miss Minnesota State Pageant, but she received the Spirit of Miss USA Award and the Director’s Award. She made history while doing this. Mikayla is the first woman with Down syndrome to compete in a Miss USA state pageant. She then said this:
“I want to inspire people to get out and live their dreams. I want the whole world to see that I can do things that are hard and that people with Down syndrome are beautiful and talented.”
The executive director of Miss Minnesota, Denise Wallace, says she adores Mikayla for breaking through these barriers. Ms. Wallace then said, “Anybody that spends even five minutes with her knows that she is the right person to be the first to represent a community of people that need to see themselves doing something like this.”
Readers, please be kind to everyone you see or come across during your day. If you pass a homeless person, please don’t look away from them as though they do not exist. As you walk by, turn your head toward that person, make eye contact and with a smile say “Hi” to them while continuing on your way. That will make their day since that little gesture shows you recognize him or her as a human being.
And again, our sincere thanks to Brandon Steward, the writer of the original story of Mikayla.
Please be kind to every living creature you see. That means two legged ones and 4 legged ones. A better world begins with each one of us.
Oh yes. Earlier you were told about the friend I had who worked in a state hospital. She loved the Down syndrome patients she worked with and took them on field trips in her SUV. She once took them to see Dolly Parton who did a show in that city. They all sat in the front near the stage. Ms. Parton saw them sitting there and during intermission came down off the stage to visit with them before the second half of her show. This writer will love that woman for life after learning this.
Readers of NewsWithViews know how many of us labor to bring the truth to our readers.  Please share the articles, and tell your friends to subscribe to NewsWithViews daily emails alerts. Its on the Top Right side of all articles.
Photo Caption: Beautiful Down syndrome Little Girl
© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
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Santa’s Surprising Origins-A Christmas Classic Feature

MYRA – (Note To Readers: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, becoming a Holiday Tradition. Hallmark contacted the writer and asked him to appear in the Holiday movie, Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus, playing the Mall Santa that magically receives the gift of sign language. That movie is aired every year.)

He is loveable, congenial, giving and jolly. What’s more he knows everything, as any child will readily testify. He is a colorful old man, whose visits are eagerly awaited by millions of children each year and who, for a little while, makes the world a much happier place
Is Santa Claus a good influence on children, or a bad influence whose image merely commercializes Christmas and who takes the reason out of the season, as some charge?
Where did Santa come from? It will surprise many to learn that Santa Claus (as we know him today) came out of the church itself through the charity of a very devout and caring priest. Now bear in mind that this is a true, historically documented account.
Approximately 200 years after the birth of Christ, a meeting of the elders of a little church in Myra, Turkey had just been called to order. They needed to appoint a bishop but no fitting candidate could be found. So great was the need that they decided to pray.
Out at sea, a ship battled a raging storm. The crew valiantly fought to keep it afloat. Trunks were being thrown overboard to lighten the load as frightened passengers held onto whatever they could to keep from being swept overboard while others huddled in their cabins. The ravaging waves tore some wood from the sides of the ship.
“Nicholas…NICHOLAS!” someone yelled frantically. It had been noised about that a man named Nicholas, who was known to be a man of God, was on board. Out of a cabin, in response to the call, came a man with a long white beard. Holding on to the rail of the tossing ship, he began to pray for the storm to cease. As he prayed he lifted his hands heavenward. Miraculously, the storm calmed. The crippled ship drifted into the harbor of Myra.
The elders of the little church in Myra suddenly stopped in the midst of their intense prayer, opened their eyes and looked around at each other, startled at a message from God that had come to each of them in the form of a vision; they were to appoint as their bishop, the first man named Nicholas who would, within the hour, enter the church to pray.
As the leaning ship hobbled into the port and was docked, Nicholas disembarked and made his way into the village to seek a church. He wanted to give thanks to God for His intervention during the storm that could have killed everyone on board.
Finding the church, he eagerly approached it. The heads of the elders turned toward the door as it slowly opened. The stately man with the snow-white beard entered, and, focused on the altar, made his way down to the front and knelt in a prayer of thanksgiving. As he rose to leave the elders approached him. “What is your name?” asked one. “Nicholas.” was the reply.
“God has sent you to us to be our new bishop,” said another. The group joyfully fitted the surprised Nicholas with a long red priestly robe and miter. Nicholas quickly became known as, “The Bishop of Miracles,” because of so many spectacular answers to his prayers.
Unlike most priests, Bishop Nicholas was wealthy through family inheritance. In his mind, wealth came from God and belonged to God. The very reason for his existence was to serve God. And that is how he lived his life.
Nicholas became increasingly concerned about a custom in Turkey. If little girls did not have a dowry so that they could marry, they would be sold into slavery, which included prostitution. Bishop Nicholas had given away most of his own fortune so he went about and managed to collect gold from admirers.
On December 6th, under cover of darkness, he wrapped the gold coins in several little bags and visited each home that had a daughter without a dowry, dropping a bag of gold through the windows of each, which landed on the hearth where the little girl’s clothes would be drying. When the gold was discovered the next morning, the family rejoiced. Their little daughters were saved from slavery.
Nicholas continued what was to become an annual tradition. Nobody knew the identity of the mysterious benefactor who would slip around the village on that date each year. On one such night, as Nicholas put his arm through the window to drop the bag of gold, instead of it landing on the hearth, the bag fell into a stocking that was hanging in front of the fireplace to dry. It was found the next morning, to the delight of the family. Which, by the way, is how the custom of hanging up Christmas stockings came to be.
Shortly before Nicholas’s death, which occurred on December 6th, the date of his annual visit, it was learned that he was the individual who brought so much joy to so many families.
Five hundred years later, in the 9th Century, Nicholas was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, hence the name, Saint Nicholas. And since the celebration of Christmas came after the life of St. Nicholas, he actually preceded Christmas, as we know it today.
As the story of St. Nicholas spread, French nuns in the 12th Century began making annual night-time visits to poor families with children, leaving fruit and nuts, which these families could not afford.
The nuns made their gift-giving rounds on what became known as, “St. Nicholas Eve,” December 5th. The tradition spread throughout the Old World and across the ocean to the New. Many people to this day celebrate Christmas on December 6th.
St. Nicholas became the Patron Saint of many countries including Russia, becoming a major ingredient in the Russian Christmas celebration. England made St. Nicholas, “Father Christmas.” Germany picked up on that title, and in France he became known as “Papa Noel.”
As the various forms of Nicholas began to emerge in the secular world over the years, some unanticipated problems arose: protests which came out of…the church! Martin Luther pounded his pulpit proclaiming that the true Christmas message was being lost by the Saint Nicholas connection.
The Dutch came to the rescue and adopted what they believed to be a more religious view of Nicholas that would satisfy the critics. The Dutch-German Protestant Reform Movement brought with it the idea that the Christ child should be the standard bearer for Christmas. The German word for Christ child, “Christkindl,” evolved to, “Kris Kringle,” yet another version and another irritant for Luther.
In 1822, on the night before Christmas, which the world began to celebrate on December 24th, Clement Moore wrote a poem about the gift-giver for his six children. That poem, “The Night Before Christmas,” was published the following year in the Sentinel of Troy, New York. Up to that time, Nicholas had taken various forms. He was portrayed with a black beard, then a white beard. He was shown dressed in everything including buckskin.
Mr. Moore defined Nicholas once and for all and renamed him, Santa Claus. He had, no doubt, been influenced by the Dutch who named him, “Sinter (Saint) Klass (short for Nicholas) and that had become, “Sinterklass.”
Others who spoke broken English, knowing that gold had been found on the hearth by the fireplace, started a new legend. The gift-giver came down the chimney and would land in the cinders of burning embers, so they called him, “Cinder Klaussen,” which would in Moore’s hands become, Santa Claus.
Clement Moore’s poem made Santa famous. He even named the reindeer. Not only did he name them, he made them fly. He might have taken that idea from the poet, Washington Irving, who wrote a book in 1809 about a Dutch Colonist’s dream in which St. Nick came riding over the tops of trees in a wagon wherein he brings yearly presents to the children.
An artist named Thomas Nast, who was a Harper’s Weekly cartoonist, began to show what Santa looked like. He dressed him in red, which had been the official color of the priestly robes worn by St. Nicholas and went further by making Santa plump and jolly.

To show how much of a church connection to Santa there is, Clement Moore’s father was the Episcopal Bishop of New York, and, Clement Moore himself was Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary.
In 1897, a little girl named, Virginia Hanlon, had been told that there really was no Santa Claus. She was so disturbed about it that she wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Sun, whose name, by the way, was Francis P. Church…can’t get away from that connection. He responded with a story titled, “Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” And the world breathed a sigh of relief.
It is interesting to note that the clearest image of Santa came not from the church, or from a poet, but by, of all things, a soft drink company advertisement! That drawing, known as ‘the Coca Cola Santa,’ created and drawn by Haddon Sundblom, made him totally definable. And the elves? Well, they were first seen in Ireland as Leprechauns.
St. Nicholas has been replaced by the created, Santa, who does indeed delight millions of children. But maybe through the hustle and bustle we have lost the very core of what Christmas is and should be; a time of love and sharing with people in need (whether we know them or not), rather than an orgy of gift giving, receiving, and thinking of one’s personal wants. I would like to see the original idea of giving and charity, as set forth by the real St. Nick, with nothing expected in return, brought back.
As for the commercialization of Christmas, there still is a bright side. It is the one time in the year where we can hear songs proclaiming the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with others heralding the birth of The Holy Child, Jesus Christ our Savior coming through the loud speakers of the malls and shopping centers of the secular world (even though that is changing as the secular world is trying to strip all mention of Jesus Christ out of Christmas).
Homes are still decorated with lights to proclaim Him. And people are a little nicer to one another at least once a year. So maybe this commercialized version is better than having no celebration at all.
Extra Note: Since the first publication of this story, a Christmas war has been declared with the goal of making the word Christmas illegal. They are even trying to abolish Santa. 

Check the link below regarding the Christmas wars with a brief personal message from Santa that will help put it all in perspective.
[YouTube Video]
Photo Caption: St. Nicholas Bishop of Myra
Original Italian Drawing

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Astonishing: Woman With A Touch Of Einstein Genius

Where are the Einstein’s of today is a lament we hear often, or an Alexander Graham Bell or a Thomas Edison? No such individuals are  visible today…at least that is the thinking of most. Anyone looking for such geniuses would of course be seeking a man who might fit the bill.

But how about a woman?? Yes, a woman! Why not a woman?


We have discovered just such a genius woman, a skilled engineer who designed and built a power monitor for the space shuttles’ computer power supply. This became part of the shuttles’ test platform. It automatically detected the sleep mode from the operating mode and adjusted the overload point accordingly, it was also self-testing which was a big plus to NASA.

After that Ms. Hart worked for a company as a contractor developing test system hardware and software for testing the radiation detectors used by the NASA deep space probe. She was then recruited by the Army Corps of Engineers. They sent her to Washington, D.C. to work on one of their projects, which was a vital machine that nobody….NOBODY…could fix. Liza COULD and DID. Within six months the machine was up and running. She designed a completely new control system and built it.

At the time, the company [that] the Army Corps of Engineers sent her to, said the machine was looking at variable densities for detection of Contraband. Liza, the female Einstein of our time, figured that machine might also work for explosives detection.

Her new idea combined spectroscopy, broad spectrum and x-rays, which was an entirely new idea. The company who had the machine brought in the bomb squad who tested it with live explosives. It worked.

There had also been a problem with the X-ray tubes that could not handle the high voltage (160.000 volts) which caused some of the tubes to blow up. Yet that high voltage was needed to produce the X-rays needed. A catch 22 if there ever was one. Instead of throwing up her hands, Ms. Hart simply shifted her genius brain in gear and went at it.

She came up with a new X-ray Tube Assembly Design. This resulted in a patent and that design is still used to this day and machines that came from that are in place at international airports.

This is only A SMALL PART of the various inventions created by Liza Hart who holds patents on them, many which have saved lives including medical devices while working with a heart doctor. Her inventions have been so significant to the world that she is now a part of history.

This columnist first met Liza Hart at the PTL (Praise the Lord) television studios in Charlotte, North Carolina over 30 years ago. Ms. Hart was an engineer for the TV program who was able to immediately fix any problems that arose regarding transmission, sound, camera dysfunctions, or any other gremlin that could possibly interfere with the smooth transmission of the program to the world.

Here is GREAT news for farmers, landscapers, gardeners and those who use a tractor lawn mower. This brilliant brainy woman has just created an invention just for you. Yes and it could indeed save your life.

Tractors, motorized lawn mowers can tip over, and many deaths have taken place during that tip over. Indeed, in one year alone, there were 34,000 rollovers and 401 people were killed as their vehicle turned while going up a slope and flipped over.

Ms. Hart designed a rollover/tip-over alarm that warns the driver that the laws of gravity are about to prove their effectiveness. However, before it gets to that point, the alarm goes off and the motor shuts off. And this is accomplished by a small device that is attached to the tractor or mower called a Tip Over Alarm. and it is not that expensive. This is to save lives and injuries,plus humiliation if your neighbors witness it.

Ms. Hart has just formed a company called, TipOver Solutions.  Here is the website for all information. (Don’t forget that dot after “Over”). This column does books, concert and film reviews and is reviewing a product for the first time, one that will prevent injuries and even death amongst people I especially love, since I am still a farm boy at heart.

You can also call Ms. Hart for further information. Her number is: 423-579-2786. This number is ONLY for business inquiries, not marriage proposals. Hear?

Readers can get further info and put in an order for the life-saving device which will be shipped out after the holidays, meaning January or February. Save this article.

A further note on this remarkable woman. She is highly respected by all the pastors in her area and is a certified prison chaplain, holding Bible classes for inmates. She has a tremendous positive effect on everyone she meets and deals with. We need more like her.


Photo Caption: Liza Hart-Woman of Einstein Genius

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Roy Moore And Alabama’s Historic Moment To Restore America

MONTGOMERY, Alabama stand firm. You have no idea of your importance in history as this coming Tuesday’s election proves to be the pivotal point for the future of America with you, dear people,  at its base.  Actually a SECOND pivotal point, the first being the election of Donald Trump as President of the U.S.

We came through a frightening looming disaster with a presidential possibility from Hellary.  For George Soros the election was in the bag, for the bag, and by the bag. So much so that fireworks were purchased and set on the banks of the Hudson River set to go off at the conclusion of the results.

Newsweek Magazine released an issue with Hillary’s mug shot on the cover titled, Madame President, which was released–TWO DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION. Yep, it was all in the bag. So they thought.

Never before has this writer observed the huge amount of corporate prayers being sent up by millions of Americans as took place before this past presidential election. This writer was one of those, rising before dawn each morning, getting on my knees and praying for the preservation of our country. These were all earnest Abrahamic Prayers asking God to open the way for Donald Trump to be placed in office.

Millions upon millions of Christians who had stopped voting long ago, came out of the shadows with their votes, and I believe were urged by God, and President Trump now sits in the Oval Office.

THE SECOND PIVOTAL POINT is coming up this Tuesday the 12th when Alabama votes for their new Senator.  The Libs have their colons in a twist over this one. Judge Roy Moore is a patriot who is pro-life, does NOT agree with gun control or ‘sanctuary cities’, and has proved to uphold the law for the sake of all society.

First let’s get this our of the way:

Judge Moore’s Accuser ADMITS SHE FORGED That Year Book Message.

Beverly Young Nelson was the latest to come forth and state that Judge Moore had made improper advances toward her. And to prove it, she showed her high school  year book with a personal message, a bit flirtatious,  handwritten and signed by Judge Moore 40 years ago. Really? We saw a photo of that page of the yearbook that was published in the lying media.

This columnist was the first to point out that the message on that year book was NOT the handwriting of a man, BUT A WOMAN! Others came to examine it and came to the same conclusions. 

Nelson had ambulance chasing lawyer, Gloria Allred represent her. Then her story greatly expanded. Under close scrutiny Nelson finally admitted that she had forged that message on the high school yearbook.

Just last week, Nelson’s stepson went public stating that his mother is lying. One of Nelson’s boyfriends from that same era said the same thing.

Nelson claimed she worked as a waitress at a local restaurant where Roy Moore ate dinner EVERY NIGHT. And his wife stayed home while he ate out every night and sat at the bar where Nelson “personally served him?”  NONSENSE!!

There is so many more lies she told but we don’t have space to print them all. However, two waitresses and a former policeman who frequented the restaurant during that time, all say that ‘they never saw Roy Moore even once in that place. The cop said he knew Moore personally and never saw him there.

And guess what? They NEVER saw the accuser working there either! One of the waitresses (a retired church music director) wrote a letter to the media pointing out that none of Nelson’s physical descriptions of the restaurant or parking lot (where Moore supposedly locked her in his car and tried to seduce her), were correct.

Another yarn was that Roy Moore was banned from the mall because of his coming onto young girls. RESIDUE OF A BULL!! The mall was contacted and the manager said that ban NEVER happened and that was backed up by security.

So as can be clearly seen, ALL of these false accusations were created by George Soros and the Communist Party that hopes to take over America. DO NOT FALL FOR IT.

During my years as an evangelist, I preached throughout New England. After one tour there, I received a handwritten letter from a woman who thanked me for my services and how blessed she had been by attending them.

As a courtesy, which I would always extend, I wrote her back on my stationary thanking her for for her encouraging note and wishing her God’s Blessings. It was actually very generic.

Then, all hell broke loose.  This woman showed up at my post office in Forest Hills, New York carrying a large box, asking them when I would be coming in to pick up my mail. This went on for over a week. Fortunately I was out of the area.  The postal worker said, “Do you really know him?”

She then said, “Yes I DO know him, in fact here is personal letter I recently received from him.” She showed the envelope from my personal stationary that had that postal box as my address. The postal worker then said, “What is in that box you are always carrying?”

“A wedding dress,” she said matter of factly, opened the box and showed him. Yep, she declared, she was going to marry me even I knew nothing about this, nor my wife, nor did I remember her. I shook hands with many people following each service.

When I flew down to the PTL Club in North Carolina for my regular appearance, there she was again with her box. She managed to go down there and got a job in the restaurant to wait for me to come. Security had to be called to get her out of there.

She would next proclaim this big story of how I came on to her and she had fallen in love with me and……A church of God woman minister contacted me by phone and raked me over the coals since I would not talk to her or meet with her, then accused me of thinking I was too big to talk to her….etc. etc. etc.

She would later brag that she kept me out of New England. Yes, all my services there were cancelled on the spot based on this mentally disturbed woman whom I did not even know. Nobody contacted me to check on this yarn. They eagerly took the word of a very unstable woman.

Many ministers were jealous of the ministry God had entrusted into my hands and were anxious to find anything they could use against me. I thought I had left all that jealousy behind when I left show business.

For example, after a spectacular week at the Millville (New Jersey) Assemblies of God where many miracles took place, the pastor, Rev. Garret Kenyon, stood before the congregation and said, “I don’t understand why God would use someone like Austin Miles….who was once a circus ringmaster…when my parents were missionaries and God has never used me like that!”

I kid you not. I was told that by friends of mine in that congregation who heard him say it from the pulpit.

Since that time I have never personally answered any letter from someone unknown that may come into my mailbox. This is why many with high public profiles distance themselves from people.

Roy Moore was targeted by George Soros and The Communist Party for destruction since they want a Democrat who is pro-abortion, supports Sanctuary Cities, and gun control in the Senate. And that is Democrat Doug Jones running against Moore.

It is vital that good patriots work together to get the conservative vote out in Alabama for next Tuesday. We must spread the news of these latest revelations  especially that the yearbook inscription is indeed a hoax. All the opposition against Moore consisted of lies.

So Alabama, it is in YOUR hands. Do not let the Northern Democrats influence your votes. Reject anything they try to pull off as phony. You are the one state that can help us bring America back to greatness. This is your moment. So talk to neighbors, people on the streets, in the shops and use the phone to get the word out, then, get out and VOTE for Roy.

And please share this on social media, your news sites and all of Alabama. We Americans are counting on you.


Photo Caption: Beverly Young Nelson and Gloria Allred

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Proper Punishment For False Accusers

Below is the solution for dealing with crimes committed by vicious tongues firing off words as weapons. The tongue can be so volatile, with the ability to destroy so many lives, even starting wars, that an entire chapter of The Bible, James 3, was devoted totally to that troublesome untamed slippery organ.

That chapter begins: “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in WORD, the same is a perfect man and able also to BRIDLE THE WHOLE BODY. James 3:2. (emphasis mine)

So to be able to control your whole body and lusts begins with not offending in word. So watch your mouth. And how are words formed? By the tongue.

Verse six states that, “The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.”

God’s Word in verses 7 and 8 nails the problem: “For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind: (8) But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”  Let that sink in.

The most serious of all is using the tongue to spread false witness against someone, which also is lying. Those who misuse their tongues in this way will not be protected even if you go to church every Sunday. Deliberately spreading false witness against anyone, which is also lying, will usher you into the White Throne Judgment Room which is the last step before being tossed into the lake of fire.

It should be noted that bearing false witness is serious enough that it is included in the chapter showing the 10 commandments…Exodus 20:16. This was important enough for God that He included this among his very first instructions to His people.

For the George Soros Democrat Communists who hate God and the church, here is the explanation of The White Throne judgment. When you die, you are partway between Heaven and Hell. On the way you will be ushered into the White Throne Room where you will be asked to explain your sins, especially deliberately ruining reputations, tearing apart families, stealing from people who have worked hard to support their families, causing chaos on innocent people and destruction of their property along with all sexual sins.

All the oratory skills you may think you possess will not be able to stop the judgment you face. The lever will be pulled and you will be plunged into hell.

The news media has no integrity or truth about them. They slant news in an effort to serve The Communist Party which is based on lies and intends to enslave the entire world. The newspapers print absolute untruths about those they want to destroy. Remember, lying too is a SIN. When one lies to bear false witness against someone that is a twofer sin, meaning double the punishment.

Bearing false witness is very much in the news these days, spread by the Democrat Communists who are trying to force President Donald Trump out of office so the communists can have full rein of leadership.

They have made false allegations about President Trump and will use anything that will be a negative for him. A headline today blared; First Lady sparks OUTRAGE for her White House Christmas Decorations. Unbelievable headline to attempt to reflect badly on the most classy, dignified First Lady we had ever had.

The papers printed as truth that Russia manipulated the election resulting in Trump being seated in The Oval Office. THAT IS TOTAL NONSENSE. The only people who put Donald Trump in the White House were the millions of Christians, many who had not voted in years, who came forward, out of the shadows, and VOTED.

The Soros Democrat Communist Party are terrified of what President Trump can do to clean up the swamp and are desperate to get him out of the White House.

The next most feared man in the world (for these traitorous trash bags) is Judge Roy Moore, who is about to become Senator of Alabama. THAT is why the hysteria in the invented headlines accusing Judge Roy of whatever they could think up. Suddenly, many women came out of nowhere claiming he came on to them…now get this…over 40 years ago. Their testimonies were so far out in left field that the crows couldn’t even get there.

Everything they swore happened has proved to be a lie. The most damming of all was the Communist (MSM) newspapers and TV who labeled him as a ‘pedophile” and ‘child molester.”  NONSENSE!  The Soros news media pulled that description out of the air since none of the so-called “victims” said that.

The Fake News Media also claimed that Judge Moore hung around the Mall in Alabama to try and get young girls to go off with him…again; this is what the NEWSPAPERS said. Now HEAR YE–HEAR YE! The owner of that mall was contacted along with a couple of employees and everyone contacted said there was NEVER a ban on Judge Roy from coming into the Mall during the time period sworn to by false witnesses or any other time.

The latest witness, Beverly Young Nelson, was trotted before the cameras by a lawyer who obviously never studied ‘legal ethics’ in law school. Ms. Nelson’s ambulance chasing lawyer, Gloria Allred, will lie and bear false witness to win a case for anyone she represents.

Ms. Nelson’s ‘testimony’ was awash in tears with strained emotion that could have been better performed by an Indiana Community Theater Acting class. Her lies quickly unraveled. An ex boyfriend of hers stated that her entire testimony was a lie, AND her stepson also said her testimony was a lie.

Serious offenses have been committed and punishment must be executed. Jurisprudence demands that the punishment must fit the crime. But does it?

Is the punishment based upon the defendant’s standing in society? It would seem so. No matter how serious the crime, one can either get a slap on the wrist, or years of confinement and hard labor in the politically controlled courts of today.

So what kind of punishment should be mandatory for those who bear false witness? Let’s see what God’s Word says about this. Here it is in Deuteronomy 19: 18-19:  “And the judges shall make diligent inquisition; and behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; (19) then ye shall do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother; so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.”

So there it is, from the mouth of God showing how serious a matter this misuse of the tongue can fertilize.

Here is the solution.  When such an evil allegation arises, and there is a prison penalty for the action, if true, then the false accuser MUST receive the very same prison sentence that the victim, who was falsely accused of committing, would receive. This would absolutely put a stop to this lying once and for all.

It is now the fullness of time to require this to be made into law. What these evil doers have tried to fraudulently pull off on an innocent man will wind up in their own laps and God requires a penalty for the false accusers. Legal experts, Arise!

Democrats, please, for your own sake, pay attention: Yes, The Lord is a God of Love and he does everything with love. But are you aware that there are things that God hates? And George Soros and Democrat Communists, you are doing everything He hates. It is certain that you knew nothing about the White Throne Judgment. And it is doubtful that you are aware of these offenses to God as listed in Proverbs 6:16-19:

These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look (cockiness), a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A FALSE WITNESS THAT SPEAKETH LIES, AND HE THAT SOWETH DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN.”  (All emphasis mine).

Democrats, that is the message for the day. You are doing all the things that God hates. Please think about this. There are many of you that I really like. Hopefully, one day soon, you will become the person God intended for you to be. Then you will really know what life is about.


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© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Mother-Of-All Truths About Judge Roy Moore Allegations

BIRMINGHAM AL. —Judge Roy Moore was known to be a conscientious judge who served the bench honorably for many years.  He is known to be fair, a man of integrity, and was never about pursuing a personal agenda. He could not be bought for any price. He made his rulings in the interest of justice, never giving place to “political correctness.”

He fought to prevent the Ten Commandments display from being removed from the front of his courthouse along with court houses all over the U.S. and never gave in to his opponents.
He strictly followed the Constitution as a judge, and used The Founding Fathers’ example when making a decision or ruling. Judge Roy Moore was a true Patriot who believed in God and Country. He exemplified that in his every day conduct. He was known as a gentleman. That will be verified by anyone you talk to in Alabama.

When he announced his candidacy for Senator of Alabama, the people there, who knew him well and interacted with him on a daily basis, immediately rushed to endorse him as he quickly rose in the polls against his democrat opponent. It was acknowledged that this would be the most important Senate election in the history of America.

So much so that Billionaire Communist Democrat George Soros immediately sprung into action with his ‘useful idiots.’ A month before this election, so important for Americans, spurious newspaper headlines along with lead TV news stories, suddenly appeared out of the blue and was in everybody’s face. How odd that this whirlwind of news attacks began at the same time-just before an election. And they were spontaneous?  What are the odds of that?  Wow. What a ‘coincidence.’

The Leftist Media proclaimed that Senatorial Candidate Judge Roy Moore had numerous sexual harassment complaints going back over 40 years.  Amazing how they could corral all these women so quickly when these manufactured complaints allegedly 40 years ago did not warrant a police report from the”victims” as soon as theses ‘sexual acts were forced upon these [then] young girls as claimed.

Of course, the force behind it all is the lawyer, Gloria Allred, who specializes in this sort of law that has made her wealthy. If it is a slow week and no ‘victims’ show up, she will go out and find them. One such is this latest one, named, Beverly Young Nelson, a 56 year old woman. claiming that when she was a young school girl working in a restaurant, Judge Moore insisted upon forcing himself upon her when she was in her teens.

Gloria Allred, a woman who gives lawyers a bad name, quickly trotted Ms. Nelson before the television cameras and news conferences. As the ‘victim’ gave her “testimony,” she could not keep herself together-so it appeared—interrupting herself by sobbing as she tried to make her case. It could not have been more emotional. HOWEVER, this ‘presentation’  over something that supposedly happened over 40 years ago is not only suspect, but she did not simply give her account of this horrible incident but, now get this, she read the complete ‘testimony’ word for word from a script obviously prepared by Gloria Allred..

The “evidence Ms. Allred presented as” proof of sexual misconduct” on the part of Judge Moore was Ms. Nelson’s school yearbook which purported to show that Judge Moore had signed it for her. It was a bit disjointed, there was questions about the lettering used, and Judge Moore, according to “evidence,” not only signed the year book, but wrote almost a half page of praise to this young “pretty” woman and a couple of lines appeared to show a ‘flirtation.’ 
Plus there were no other messages from other students which is also odd.

The first thing this writer observed when examining it was that the handwriting for that “Judge Moore Message” was NOT the handwriting of a man.  Anyone who sees it (on link below) will see clearly that this is definitely the handwriting of a woman.

Anytime a crime is committed, like the Las Vegas shooting, hundreds of arm-chair sleuths come on with their theories of what really happened. Most of those ideas are rubbish. But at the end of the original story below as published by Daily Wire, BE CERTAIN TO READ THE RESPONSES. They offer more info to prove the Democrat Communists lied about Judge Moore.

Scroll down The page shown on the link to a black bar across the page with See Comments and click on.  There are many but it is worth the time, especially for those of us who truly are patriots. There are many hand writing experts who weighed in to prove that the message in this teenager’s yearbook is a fake. She is using that yearbook as a weapon.

Take your time with this. Make extra coffee. Read every letter challenging Judge Roy’s handwritten message in Beverly Young Nelson’s school year-book. Click this link for more facts to prove this attack on Judge Moore is a lie.
© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats Responsible For Texas Church Murders

Sutherland Springs, TexasCommunists and the Democratic Party are one and the same. We have Communists in virtually every area of the government of The United States. It strains credulity as to how they were able to get into those positions. Simple–now that you’ve wondered–they had inside help….from our own countrymen.

It was known from the beginning that Communists saw Christians and the church as a foe they had to abolish since a Christian’s mind cannot be enslaved. So in the beginning, Lennon and Stalin began closing churches to get them out of sight proclaiming that Christianity is the opium of the masses and this sabotages their usefulness to the Party.

There was a time that others only spoke of Communists in hushed terms. They maintained a quiet profile as they were multiplying. They became school teachers and occupied any position where minds could be molded. The movies began very slowly slipping Communist doctrine into movies with brief roles where they came off as good decent folk. Their presence on the big screen became more prominent.

Communism came out in the open during the Obama election fraud.  Feeling bolder now, the Reds openly let it be known that Obama was sponsored by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).  During the time when George Soros was staging riots under the banner, Black Lives Matter, this writer keenly observed the professionally printed protest signs which showed clearly at the bottom of each sign, “Communist Party USA.” The purpose of this was to agitate, divide the races cause fights in the streets and block major intersections to weaken both sides making it easier to take the helm of both sides. 

The staged race riots is a war that can never be won by either side. That is the point.  It is a Soros ploy that will effectively weaken BOTH sides, making them totally controllable by the Soros Communist Democrat Cartel.

By this time, the Democrats who had sold their souls to the devil,began to sabotage churches from the inside, going in as new members, then stirring up dissension among the attendees. Leaders were PLACED in pastoral positions. This is why so many churches have gone downhill as distrust of churches, clergy, and even Christians in general have reached the breaking point by good people who simply wanted to worship God and live according to His standards, but  they were let down by the conduct of their leaders who began watering down The Gospel.

Are you aware that the Catholic Church is now controlled by Democrat Communist leader GEORGE SOROS? He has worked his way into various Vatican committees and is behind many of the decisions made there.  Of course, with the billions of dollars he has, he is very valuable to the Church.

Soros made his first fortune when he was 19 by betraying the Jews--his own people–in Hungary, his home country, by leading the Nazi storm troopers to Jewish homes and showing them where they kept their wealth. He received a healthy commission for all the wealth he led the Nazis to. Betrayals even to one’s own family and countrymen means nothing to Soros nor to any other Communist.

Soros is the one who put Pope Francis on the throne who was Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina, a Communist country. This was carefully contrived. I have some knowledge of what goes on in the Vatican. I had never heard of this man who would be named ‘Pope Francis, nor did I know anything about him being in the College of Cardinals. Suddenly he was paraded into the main room where he was crowned as Pope.

In the very first address he made from the balcony he declared that he planned to “re-distribute the wealth.” How’s that again? That is right out of the book of Marx, the Communist Manifesto. He reiterated that the next day stating, now get this, ‘that being wealthy is a sin.’   I received an urgent call from a woman in Pittsburgh who was somewhat wealthy and she was in a panic thinking she was going to hell for being rich.

This similar Papal Statement came out before Obama was placed in the Oval Office (not elected but PLACED) when out campaigning he told Joe the Plumber on the street the he would redistribute the wealth when asked what would be the first thing he would do if elected.

Under Obama, the democrats did all they could to publicly undermine Christianity, stating that it was a dangerous doctrine, racist, and harmful to all, especially the children.  The attacks on Christianity became bolder as they began to forbid the word, Christmas, to be used in seasonal school plays, or even displaying a cross in public. Hate speech and ridicule became hurled toward Christians and the church itself.

Then, this past Sunday the subdued hostility toward Christians  became full- fledged warfare as  the 1st Baptist Church in the small town of Sutherland Springs, Texas became the scene of a merciless massacre of more than half of the church members, being shot to death by a misfit militant atheist named Devin Patrick Kelley, who received a dishonorable discharge from military service, escaped from a mental hospital and it has now been reported that he has sexually assaulted little girls. Should be no surprise there.

Even worse, Kelley’s Democrat mentors had steered him totally away from God and Church, which was and is their very intention– to keep God out of society. This is natural in a Communist-Democrat party.

So it is the Democrats who are totally to blame for the church massacre in Texas.  Yes, that blood is on YOUR filthy hands as will be noted in Ezekiel 3:18.  And since your entire party appears to be anti-God and claim there is no God, you will all learn in the end that there very much IS a God, and a devil who will gladly toss you into the lake of fire.

They are the ones who agitated this mentally ill kid to the point of shooting any Christians he could find, even those in prayer at a church with many women, expectant mothers and little children who were brutally killed in a sacred place where God is worshiped.

Twenty Six innocent people were murdered while 20 more still fight for their lives in the hospital. What else can be expected when the Democrats denounce God, ridicule God and mock his rules for morality and discouraging anyone, like that young church killer, from following God.

And why is George Soros and the Communists so frantic about taking out the U.S.? Because the ONLY country standing in the way of the complete New World Order is The United States of America where there are overwhelming numbers of Committed Christian and their churches that dot the landscape from sea to shining sea.

Democrats say it is hate speech when our government wants a ban on all Muslim immigrants who have staged many, many vicious attacks on innocent people where they have managed to get in, with the full determination and full living assistance provided by the Democrats using our tax money to support these savages who only want to kill us.

Yet the Dems regurgitate that banning Muslims is….discrimination against a religion.  How’s that again?  When they get here they demand “constitutional rights.”  Really?

Constitutional Rights ONLY apply to American Citizens.

The Democrat-Communists insult God, blaspheme God, and make it law to do every despicable perverted sexual activity that they can think up that gives the finger to God plus they are at this moment trying to make a law that approves and encourages sex with children.

Meanwhile Demoncrats—yes, YOU: remember the Scriptures above. Every leftist who has blocked anyone  from following God WILL face God and the lake of fire.  The deaths of those 26 Christians while in church, with 20 more severely wounded in the hospitals would never have happened had it not been for the Dems discouraging this young man from committing murder. Yes the blood is on YOUR hands.  YOU ARE TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE.

The future before all of you will be total terror. At that time you will know for sure that God is real. But then, don’t forget this, it will be too late.


Photo Caption: Atheist Murder Devin Patrick Kelley-Sutherland Church

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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All The Fake News That’s Fit To Print, Truth News That’s Not

Here is a perfect example of slanted (fake) news for propaganda purposes THAT YOU ALL HAVE READ.  Shortly before the Country Music Festival began in Las Vegas, the ‘press’ widely  proclaimed, that  just before the concert began, a mysterious woman stood in front of the crowd shouting, “You’re all going to die,” before quickly departing, which is how it was reported. A few minutes later, the brutal shooting murders began. 

The George Soros FNS (Fake News Syndrome meaning it is really a mental disease) suggested that this woman was a prophet proclaiming the doom that followed. One thing for certain, Soros KNEW about this scheduled massacre.

NOW, as the late Paul Harvey would say, “Here is the REST of the story.”  

Before the concert began, a Hispanic woman and another Spanish woman with her had tried to get into seats in the front row that they were not entitled to. They belonged to someone else. An argument broke out with several attendees involved. Exasperated that her scheme failed, she faced the crowd and loudly proclaimed, “You’re all going to die” like a disgruntled school yard kid who is mad. She then left the venue. And that, dear readers, is the REST of the story. And this is TRUTHFUL news; something the Soros Communist Democrats has pledged to destroy. 

So news these days can be either downright fake or, real stories that have been slanted to create an entirely different meaning. False polls were widely published suggesting that Hillary’s poll numbers were decidedly higher than Trump’s in order to discourage Trump supporters from voting. Fortunately that didn’t work.

Every event or speech, or even a personal phone call to a Gold Star Mother who had just lost a son in combat, brings THIS “media coverage:”  Outrage follows Trump’s phone call, speech, Melania’s high heels, or –(name your own event).  You will find negative “coverage” in EVERYTHING President Trump does. Monitor the fake news sites and you will see. So please understand that we are bombarded with totally false information to further the political ambitions of George Soros. The Communists insist on controlling every aspect of newspapers, what to write and how to craft any and all stories to fit their own political goals.

And by the way, we HEARD the recording of that particular phone call to the Gold Star Mother and the content was nowhere near what the Soros press reported in order to make our president look bad.  Yes, Soros and his henchmen LIED to again deceive the American public.

Obviously the colleges and universities no longer teach journalism as they did in my day. Then, we were all taught to be totally accurate, how to research to make certain our stories and quotes were indeed correct. We had classes in the ethics of journalism, warmed repeatedly against plagiarism and to be certain that any parts of a story someone else had uncovered, would be given full attribution to the writer who originally brought the story to light. I’d hate to see what the journalism professors teach today. One thing they DO teach is that there are no absolutes… right or wrong.

At one time Journalism was a highly respected career.  Today it is a total cesspool of lies, slanted stories to misdirect the public from what was and IS really taking place in the world.  Pity.  The media today use the magician’s skill of misdirection to direct an audience’s attention to one direction while the other hand is not noticed while doing the work to deceive them.

This columnist does not subscribe to any of the Soros Communist newspapers. The accurate news can only be found on internet news sites, not all, but the ones listed below. This is why the FNS–Fake News Syndrome– has so viciously denounced internet news content, the writers whom they originally called “Bloggers in pajamas and arm-chair journalists.”

We were all called ‘right wing conspiracy nuts. They wanted to hide news truths, indeed censor all writings except their own. This is why they’ve tried to shut down internet news services so viciously.

The only time the secular newspapers are read by this writer is to check how they characterize an event they published in the mainstream media. We can then dive in and print the truth of the story they have published or discount it altogether.

One can find all the news of interest that covers virtually everything that is taking place in the U.S. and around the world, such as Renew America, Capitol Hill Outsider, Olive Branch Report, World Net Daily, (exceptional for truthful in-depth coverage),,,  and my own website:, which is nearing the 6 million readers mark. This is a mom and pop website with no frills, but news is carefully analyzed so readers can get totally truthful news. And they are flocking to the site.

This site accepts no ads so that readers can enjoy the stories without ads constantly popping up blocking the story. Plus we publish other stories from top notch internet journalists such as Kelleigh Nelson, Greg Holt, Jerry Newcombe and others.

There are many, many other excellent internet news sources that can indeed be trusted for accuracy.  Let us put a stop to the lies the media is putting out, especially against President Donald Trump who was legally elected by a great majority of the American People. Whenever the Soros fake media writes how President Trump caused outrage with…….write to the editors of those papers and express your profound objections to their cheap shots of our choice for the man in the Oval Office.

We are in the battle of a lifetime for the very soul of our nation.  Read that again, “for the very soul of our nation.”   The soul MUST be conceived as a moral organ. It is just that.  And what IS the moral state of the country?  The worst than it has ever been, and we are all paying the price for this depravity where right has become wrong and wrong has been declared right. That saps our strength physically and mentally empowering our enemies to be  better able to conquer us.

As Author James Baldwin states in his book, The Devil Finds Work–now let this soak in“Moral change is the only real one” which means that if we put our souls totally into God’s Hands, we will be strengthened, make better decisions, and will have the ability to chase the enemy, which  means all those who have sold themselves to the devil incarnate, George Soros. THIS is the key to ‘making America Great Again.’ Bring back Morality. Preachers, man your pulpits!


Photo Caption: Would My Newspaper Lie to You?

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Deceptive Headlines ARE The News

It is not just the “main stream” stories that are fake, but the big ballyhoo to bring people in is the booming news headlines to draw in the “marks: (carnival term for suckers)  so they can be propagandized. “Step Right Up Folks.” Many read only the headlines to draw their conclusions.

Indeed creators of headlines earn more than regular reporters. Those headlines are the bait to capture the attention of the feeble minded, who most seem to be these days. Well, maybe not all. The Communist “journalists” put in place and paid by George Soros, know EXACTLY what is going on and how all communications are manipulated and use every skill they have to deceive us.
This morning I was met with this headline in the leftist Media: ‘U.S. Voters Think Trump is an “Idiot.”  NO THEY DON’T. The yarn follows to convince all that people now trust media more than they trust President Trump to tell the truth.
Now class, scrutinize that headline which intentionally gives the impression that EVERY U.S. Voter agrees with this, which they do not. An overwhelming number of U.S. Citizens support President Trump. It is the Demoncrat (oops-typo) Communists who are trying to pull off this falsehood.
More than half the U.S. citizens VOTED FOR DONALD TRUMP TO BE PRESIDENT.  Much less than half voted against him but dedicate themselves to discredit him no matter what he does or says. Most of those votes against him came from illegal aliens thanks to Gov. Moonbeam(Jerry Brown), a Virginia governor and rigged voting machines manufactured by George Soros that flipped votes from Trump to Hillary.
So NO. U.S. Voters did NOT nor DO NOT think this about our duly elected President, Donald Trump. George Soros is the most evil man on earth He made his first fortune by helping the Nazis find Jews in Hungary, his own people, and lead them to their art treasures and gold which he was given a big share of. And those Jews he betrayed wound up in concentration camps, tortured and died in gas chambers.
Yet, this Billionaire Hungarian Jew is indeed a genius, a true evil genius. He took over the news media so he could put out the “news” as would be beneficial to him in his quest to take over America and the world. Then, after taking control of the media, he became a partner in SNOPES, yep, the so called corrected news site that tears apart real stories as pure rumors. So this way he controls our news both ways.  Soros is able to create fake news and discredit legitimate news through SNOPES.
He did that to me when I broke the story about Islam being a required subject for public school 7th graders. He did everything possible to kill that story. And he almost did. I was attacked by newspapers nation wide, even though nobody checked with me to see what documentation I had, and I had plenty, including the handouts with the course material.  The Pittsburgh Post Gazette did a headline story calling me a liar.  The reporter of that story was a Muslim, which figures.  Daniel Pipes who wrote for the NY Post helped this story get out fully.
Time to Push Back against False news Reports-challenge them with letters, phone calls and emails.
In my last story I listed internet news sites where you get REAL news and truth about what is REALLY taking place in America and the world. There you can find accurate news and understand who the good guys are and the bad guys. The Leftist Media covers every single move President Trump makes or whatever he says and turns it into a negative, such as: Trump Criticized by comments at…..Trump does nothing to help Puerto Rico, Trumps speech outrages all….. Melania Trumps choice of high heels on plane causes outrage…..and on and on it goes.
Yet president Donald Trump has not only filled most of his promises to America, except those deliberately blocked by Democrats but has actually accomplished more in less than a year in the Oval Office than most, especially Obama who did nothing his entire 2 term “presidency” but disparage America during his 8 illegal years in The While House.
Here’s one particularly vile deed by a president, George W. Bush who is elderly now and in a wheel chair. He been charged and has apologized for grabbing women by the butt while he was in his wheel chair. Are there no gentlemen left on this earth? Yes, a few. We have abolished God from our lives and society, murder millions of babies in the womb, have abolished any kind of morality and swapped God for perversion, lust and lack of self control, which is the key to strength, power, and God’s blessings and protection, meaning that we have abdicated our leadership.
Perhaps it’s time to check on the history of our country, once the most powerful, wealthy and the envy of the world and how it was established. We were never attacked by a foreign power and we all had a sense of security.  Many ministers including this one often signed our letters, Laus Deo. Any idea what that means?
A dear friend, precious brother and retired pastor who prefers to remain anonymous sent me this very uplifting explanation of that word and how it fit into The United States of America: Read this for your own sake.
Here is what LAUS DEO means and it’s significance.
One detail that is never mentioned, is that in Washington, D.C. there can never be a building of greater height than the Washington Monument.
With all the uproar about removing the ten commandments, etc., this is worth a moment or two of your time.  I was not aware of this amazing historical information.
On the aluminum cap, atop the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., are displayed two words: Laus Deo.
No one can see these words.  In fact, most visitors to the monument are totally unaware they are even there and for that matter, probably couldn’t care less.
Once you know Laus Deo’s history, you will want to share this with everyone you know.  These words have been there for many years; they are 555 feet, 5.125 inches high, perched atop the monument, facing skyward to the Father of our nation, overlooking the 69 square miles which comprise the District of Columbia, capital of the United States of America.

Laus Deo! Two seemingly insignificant, unnoticed words. Out of sight and, one might think, out of mind, but very meaningfully placed at the highest point over what is the most powerful city in the most successful nation in the world.

So, what do those two words, in Latin, composed of just four syllables and only seven letters, possibly mean? Very simply, they say ‘Praise be to God!’

Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was President of the United States , it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public.It took twenty-five years to finally cap the memorial with a tribute to the Father of our nation, Laus De ‘Praise be to God!’

>From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its division into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles l’Enfant ….. a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north.  The Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west.

A cross you ask?  Why a cross?  What about separation of church and state? Yes, a cross; separation of church and state was not, is not, in the Constitution.  So, read on. How interesting and, no doubt, intended to carry a profound meaning for those who bother to notice.
When the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on July 4th, 1848 deposited within it were many items including the Holy Bible presented by the Bible Society.

Praise be to God!  Such was the discipline, the moral direction, and the spiritual mood given by the founder and first President of our unique democracy ‘One Nation, Under God.’

I am awed by George Washington’s prayer for America ….Have you ever read it? Well, now is your unique opportunity, so read on!

“Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love MERCY, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.” Laus Deo!

It is hoped you will send this to every child you know; to every sister, brother, father, mother or friend.  They will not find offense, because you have given them a lesson in history that they probably never learned in our American Public Schools.
© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Keeping Us Totally Confused

I’m confused

Are you confused? Are they confused? Are our media confused? Are our politicians confused?


Let us see. Do I understand this thing correctly? The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims


Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucian’s = No Problem
Confucian’s living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucian’s = No Problem
Confucian’s living with Hindus = No Problem


Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem


They’re not happy in Gaza
They’re not happy in Egypt
They’re not happy in Libya
They’re not happy in Morocco
They’re not happy in Iran
They’re not happy in Iraq
They’re not happy in Yemen
They’re not happy in Afghanistan
They’re not happy in Pakistan
They’re not happy in Syria
They’re not happy in Lebanon
They’re not happy in Nigeria
They’re not happy in Kenya
They’re not happy in Sudan


They’re happy in Australia
They’re happy in England
They’re happy in Belgium
They’re happy in France
They’re happy in Italy
They’re happy in Germany
They’re happy in Sweden
They’re happy in the USA & Canada
They’re happy in Norway & India

They’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic!

And who do they blame?

Not Islam.

Not their leadership.

Not themselves.




I’m completely stumped.

Any idea who might be causing the problem ?

We thank Reader Robert Bowen for sharing his thoughts with us.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Hospital Chaplain In-Training And Priest Busted On Day Of His Ordination For Lewd Conduct.

BOISE ID. – The chaplaincy is the most TOTALLY DEDICATED ministry there is. Chaplains put others first and go to them at their time and place of need.  MANY of those encountered give their hearts to Christ and are baptized. Before leaving California I had a baptismal ceremony for 27 individuals, including children who had been dedicated to the Lord years earlier and had now made their own decision, as a result of chaplaincy. There were several such baptisms over time.

Sadly, there are those who defile this very SACRED assignment from God. This week, a CHAPLAIN APPRENTICE in St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise, Idaho, 30 year old Kevin Forbes, was before a judge. He had hung around the child’s Play area in a mall at Boise Town  Square, took over 30 photos up a child’s dress before he was caught and charged with 2 Felonies.

What I want to know is how nobody saw this, intervened and smashed his head into the ground while he was taking these lewd photos up this child’s skirt? He of course was dismissed from all duties at St. Luke’s Hospital. If I ever see him, he will receive the backhand of fellowship.

ON THAT SAME DAY, a Catholic Priest, who was just ordained that very day was caught fondling a young woman. Both of these so-called “men of God” were front page stories in the Idaho Statesman which all the unsaved saw. Neither of these men were CALLED to the ministry. They CHOSE ministry as a career. And this is the problem by which they disgraced the titles; Chaplain and Priest. Ministry is not something you choose, it is something God chooses YOU for.

There is a  stern message taught in chaplain classes: Keep the Vessel Clean…..AND…keep your mind clean.  Obviously, neither of these two men had been taught such.They were strictly ‘career ministers.’ They are the biggest ministry problems today. And Called Ministers, MAN YOU PULPITS.

When I first started in the ministry in New York, a very young Benny Hinn was also preaching in the same area. Controversies about him were swirling. I once personally saw him screaming at his staff in view of the public.  The story below about him is another example .It was written by his nephew and published in Christianity Today.  We are to serve God, not ourselves. Click this link, and I promise you will be–maybe not–shocked at what you read about his ministry and personal life.

I don’t think at the end of the lives of the two above, that God say to them: “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Instead I believe God will say, “Satan, here they come. They’re all yours.

There are many CALLED pastors who are wonderful ministers of God and LIVE the Christian life. Hopefully, you have one in your area. Go to that church he pastors without delay.

Thoughts on the Las Vegas Shooting:

An eyewitness SAW two persons in that room as the shooting began. Before the slaughter, the shooter wired a huge sum of money to his girlfriend in the Philippines, who had just flown home before the attack of the Country Western Festival in Vegas. The Philippines is known as a hotbed for Muslim Terrorists.

I do NOT think he committed suicide since he had his car ready to flee. It looks as though he planned other attacks since dynamite ingredients were found in his car, which would be typical for Muslim murderers. He also took videos of the killing spree. ISIS members always photograph their terror strikes.

It was seen on the ISIS website that yes, he had joined up as an Islamic Soldier 6 months ago. One thing this writer has learned, new recruits to any organization will go to the extreme of the organization’s goals immediately to prove themselves worthy to be with that group.

But one thing does not make sense.  He had been accumulating weapons for 20 years. So that is a puzzle since he had only, according to reports, just joined ISIS six months ago.

I think his live-in Filipino girl friend is lying. You cannot live with someone for that long without knowing more about the person they are living with. She cannot know NOTHING about her partner as she claims.

Dr. Phil McGraw flew to Vegas to visit wounded victims of the shootings and taped it for his TV show, which this writer saw today.  His counsel was great and soothing. It was one of those patients that said that the moment the shooting began, he looked back at the Hotel and SAW TWO MEN IN THAT ROOM.

The News Media, owned by George Soros, mainly falsified the accounts of the shooting, leaving too many blanks in the story for readers to really know what this was about. Some of those I listed above.  Again, he had planned his getaway, so it is improbable that he ‘committed suicide.’  

Also, this was not shown in the media. Investigators found a 22 caliber bullet shell among the others, when he supposedly used high power assault rifles with machine gun capabilities. Yet everyone there is tight lipped in order to deceive us.

Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, Governor Moonbeam of California strikes again. He has signed a bill to put ANYONE in jail if they….now get this….do not use the proper gender pronoun when addressing a Trannie. That’s a tall order since they now have 57 individual gender pronouns.

And the latest is this that you will not believe. This column did not believe it until doing some research. It’s true. Governor Jerry Brown, Governor Moonbeam, is about to sign a bill that would, again, sit down…..that would penalize anyone laughing….yes you read that right. “Because,” Gov. Moonbeam reasoned, “Laughing is usually at someone else’s expense.” Oh, now it makes sense….at least in California.

I’m so glad we left that place. Very happy in my little spread outside New York.


Photo Caption:  Disgraced Hospital Chaplain Trainee Kevin Forbes

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Shocking Truth About Manipulation of America

This should be considered required reading for ALL Americans. Have you ever heard about HAARP?  It is time you learned. A story broke on NewsWithViews by N.Y. Journalist Joan Swirsky that digs into every puzzling event that has shaped America with full documentation.

How many have wondered secretly if the weather was somehow manipulated? Has anyone ever traced how far back murderous Muslims have been active? The way Communist came out in the open and began it’s takeover of the world is amazing to learn.

The story BEHIND Saul Alinskl the Communist rabble rouser who sponsored and taught Obama is in this story.  You are about to learn all the things you wondered about but were afraid to ask for fear of being a Conservative Conspiracy Nut. It’s all in this story, with PROOF.

Even though there were early attempts to make America something it was not created to be, President Franklin W. Roosevelt (FDR) was where it all officially began. Columbia University, now get this, considering how long it has been in existence, LOATHED CAPITALISM!

Two Columbia Professors, Robert Cloward and his wife, Frances Fox Piven planned to destroy capitalism and {to[ do so, stated, “The more chaos, the better.” And it should not be surprising that Ms. Piven today is the honorary Chairman of the Democratic Socialists (Communists) of America.

Some will be astonished that weather IS manipulated and is now used as a weapon. The manipulation of weather began many years ago. I remember as a young boy walking through the fields and would see a small building with a sign stating, “weather station.”

It was to be realized that those were scattered throughout the U.S. They were weather control stations to experiment with the weather to achieve exactly the powerful weather destruction we are seeing today.

The recent weather activities, flooding, droughts, hurricanes that drowned Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands were man made. It has been so perfected that now man can create the earthquakes and yes, the California Fires. Below you will see how they do this...with all documentation revealed below, so much so, it cannot be doubted.

There are the Chem trails, those white trails  being expelled from from the back of every jet airliner flying across America. Now think about this. No private jets the same size of these airlines expel those white trailing gasses that follows every commercial government airline.

It is known that the government has sprayed deadly gas from boats in San Francisco Bay to certain neighborhoods to determine how many people would get cancer and die….this is thoroughly documented, and yes, many, many families in the SF Area were infected by the cancer gas and died. Those Chem trails are basically doing the same thing.

Also, hopefully you know about Billionaire George Soros,  the most evil man IN THE WORLD. He virtually runs the United States, provokes and pays for Black Lives Matter protests, destruction and chaos. You will learn more frightening details about that Satan incarnate creature. And do you know that the NFL is very much linked to Soros? That explains the insults to the National Anthem and the Flag.

Oh yes, Both Republican, house speaker Paul Ryan and traitor John McCain are on his payroll. It is actually a genius pairing. Paul Ryan appears to sponsor a Republican bill, yep a real conservative; then John McCain votes against that bill and stops it. This is a modern version of good cop, bad cop. The big issue is that BOTH of these so-called republicans are in the paid pocket of the greatest enemy of not only America, but the world.

And there is so much more that one might think of just throwing up your hands and say, “what’s the use,” and give up. D O N ‘ T

Prepare yourselves, make sure you have the necessary security in your home, meaning arms, stand firm, and be ready to defend yourselves, your family, and America at a moments notice.  And back President Donald Trump in everything he does.  For any newspaper that writes against him, fire off letters to the editor–every Trump supporter. Respond to any so called comedians who rip President Trump Readers, WE MUST NOW PUSH BACK. I will die standing firm and fighting back rather than being killed while just sitting and watching.


The Hate America Death Squad


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Bill O’Reilly Falsely Accused By Scheming Woman

To hear all the claims of sexual harassment by women working at Fox News, it would appear that those foxy people are a passionate bunch indeed. The number of stars and executives of that network who have been charged with unwanted sex is staggering.One of the women accusing Bill O’Reilly was certain that he was attempting to guide her to his bedroom simply for saying, “You look nice today.”  And that can become headline news and wreck a career.

First of all, telling someone they look nice is a compliment of appreciation, not a shoehorn to slip them into bed. In this case, Perquita Burgess who worked as a clerical temp at Fox not only tried to make a case out of this but claims that O’Reilly greeted this black woman by saying, “Good Morning Hot Chocolate,” That is what Ms. Burgess SAID he said.

Earlier, a line of women marched in on their stilettos using the same script format used by Ms. Burgess in order to shake down O’Reilly.  Now check this timing. At the very time these women were following their marching orders (From George Soros) the Libs had organized an advertiser boycott campaign. Get this? O’Reilly is a staunch conservative with a huge audience and gives the news as it is. He has exposed many, many George Soros liberals by telling THE TRUTH about their activities, and the news at hand. They HAD to do him harm.

Five other females had tried the trick and won. O’Reilly is very wealthy from his Fox stardom and his many books that became best sellers. That money and “recognition” is what those women wanted.  Had he let them bring him to trial it would have generated more news headlines, brought grief to his family, plus taken time from his busy productive schedule.  So he offered a “settlement” to not bring this to trial but made it clear that he was NOT guilty of the charges.

O’Reilly told The New York Times that he signed off on the settlements to protect his family from controversy but had NOT…positively not… admitted any guilt. He just wanted to get these conniving women out of his hair. That is totally understandable, especially if you have been victimized by false allegations and the Liberal court system that can keep a case going for years!

O’Reilly was fired from Fox News following Perguita Burgess’ false claims. But as could be expected, the very liberal NY Times milked that for all it was worth to bring down a high profile American Conservative while George Soros and his “useful idiots” rejoiced.

The Demoncrats ARE the Communist Party. They constantly belch untruths about conservatives. One thing I learned in Psychology Class, “PEOPLE JUDGE OTHERS ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN STANDARD OF CONDUCT.” Readers, put this phrase out on your social media and send it to the editor of any newspaper who accuses President, Donald Trump from the multitudes of categories to choose from or any other solid conservative.

Donald Trump is not a failed President. He has done more for America in the short time in office than others, especially Obama who did nothing but ‘Apologize’ for America’ and accomplished absolutely nothing in his entire two terms squatting in the Oval Office. Trump, in six months has accomplished most of what he said he would do, even though the Communist Left has tried to block EVERYTHING he is trying to do for our country which has caused delays. Their goal is to block everything he does and then seek to have him removed from the White House.

He did NOT let down hurricane survivors. He was right on it, getting supplies there and other help. Those supplies were  there almost immediately. The reason those supplies could not get to the people was because all the roads were broken, flooded or blocked by debris making them impassible. He not only was working round the clock to help Puerto Rico but is going there personally this next Tuesday.

When Obama occupied the Oval Office, he did not go to catastrophes. He instead went golfing in a swank club somewhere, using Air Force One to take him and his family there to PLAY while those affected by the disaster suffered with no help or encouragement.

Let’s now look back at the accuser who accomplished the firing of Bill O’Reilly,  Perguita Burgess. This black woman has a history. What the NY Times failed to report is that Ms. Burgess was arrested by Detroit Police in 2015 for giving a false report of a crime that has bombed her credibility. She has none.

“I had no idea who this woman was,” O’Reilly told Newsmax who broke this story. He denied ever having a conversation with her. “So when this came out, it was stunning.” Plus, he is so preoccupied with his upcoming programs that he would be constantly thinking, that’s where his brain was, not with the people behind desks or even thinking about having a rendezvous, even with pretty women.

According to Newsmax, the day after O’Reilly was fired, Ms. Burgess went public with her account in a high-profile appearance on ABC’s “The View” telling the audience (and the world) that she noticed O’Reilly making a “grunt noise,” or clearing his throat when he passed her desk.(?)  How’s that again?

So does this mean that any man who clears his throat in the vicinity of a woman could be charged with sexual harassment?  This is INSANE!

The quickest way to do severe harm to anyone is to make a sexual harassment claim. That is what is happening here, to take down a powerful conservative broadcaster by democrats who can charge him with any concocted sexual offense and the dirty deed is done.

As Bill O’Reilly said, nobody checked with him for his own statements, that means the NY Times and The View. All of these cases are totally one sided. This is journalistic malpractice.

These women all get money but what is their main goal? Recognition as an ‘important person’ for one, but the most important is the psychological values for the corrupt women. Why yes, they will say, I am so very attractive that all men, even TV stars and executives are attracted to me, even pastors.

One woman I dealt with said that she tried everything to get a homosexual to have sex with her to prove that she was so much a woman that even THEY want her.

The day Fox News announced O’Reilly’s departure he issued a statement saying the charges leveled against him were “completely unfounded.” This columnist believes this is true. Meanwhile, Newsmax has obtained two documents that blows apart Ms. Burgess’s credibility.

A Detroit Police report dated Feb. 11, 2015, documents Ms. Burgess’s arrest on charges of making a false report and obstructing a court order.

According to the police document, Ms. Burgess called authorities and alleged that her boyfriend had struck her in the face with a gun.  Police said when they arrived at the scene, Ms. Burgess “appeared intoxicated.”  The arresting officer stated:

“I asked Ms. Burgess where the gun was that she was struck with in the face, she replied there is no gun. I again asked her where the gun was, and if she had been assaulted. Ms. Burgess stated there was no gun and he didn’t assault me. The boyfriend told police she had threatened him, saying she would “call the cops saying you hit me with a gun.”

According to the police document, as reported by Newsmax, Ms. Burgess was arrested for filing a false felony report and for violating a personal protection order. So readers, there is your case. And a favorite Fox Newscaster was fired due to a vicious woman.

In another document, a social media post believed to have been posted by Ms. Burgess tweeted on Nov. 24,2012: “Up until 10 years ago Laurence Fishburne could get every oz. of my hot chocolate.” WAIT!  Isn’t that the very words she claimed that Bill O’Reilly said to her?  She is the only one who said these words.

Bill O’Reilly voiced frustration that the media had published negative accounts about him without checking on the background of the accusers. He is exactly right. This woman has a recorded history.  “The press just printed everything she said. She’s on ‘The View,’ and nobody’s even checking her out? I mean, come on. This is why people use the term witch hunt.”

And he is exactly right. This IS a witch hunt to ruin a man because he is a conservative broadcaster with a huge following. This is why Communist  Democrats panic over his existence and determine to wipe out any trace of him or his conservative ideas.

I do not believe these bogus charges filed against O’Reilly. This is a hit job.  With his wealth, family, home and position, why on earth would he make a pass at this black opportunist? He wouldn’t. This is just another loser schemer who is trying to draw attention and a chunk of money.

CONSERVATIVES: This is a call to action. Send letters of support to Bill O’Reilly, to newspaper editors and to Fox News itself. We can and must put a stop to this.Demand that Fox News takes him back, with a raise and all back pay.


Photo Caption: O’Reilly’s Accuser Perquita Burgess

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Governor Moonbeam Welcomes Blood Donors With HIV

SACRAMENTO: California has long been known as “the land of fruit and nuts” which began with an agricultural description, later becoming a recognized human condition.  Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) is about to sign a bill, SB 239, crafted by legislators allowing, now get this, HIV positive people to become blood donors. Being who he is, he will sign the bill. This knuckle headed idiotic governor is beyond belief but is backed overwhelmingly by his fellow Demoncrats.

HIV becomes AIDS resulting in a very prolonged dreadful death. Blood has been screened to make certain that the blood given for transfusions is pure, which HIV is not. A friend of mine who was active in church years ago received such a blood transfusion during a time of surgery, which turned out to be contaminated with that virus due to clumsy screening of the donated blood. This family church man was stricken by AIDS as a result and died.

That nutty bill was introduced by California State Senator Scott Wiener, a San Francisco Democrat. His name certainly fits his goals. The Wiener said that not allowing ‘gays’ to donate blood is, here we go again, “discriminatory.”  This bill, according to Wiener, if passed, would also apply to people who donate semen (fertility clinics) without disclosing they have HIV or AIDS.

Jeff Stone, a Republican senator and former pharmacist from Murrieta, said the law should remain unchanged as someone exposing anyone to HIV would “condemn one to probably $1 million in drug therapy for the rest of their lives along with intense suffering.

Our thanks to Radio Host Bob Boyd (Issues in Education) for alerting us to this latest exploit of a no brains governor.
Bonus Gov. Moonbeam item: Gov. Jerry Brown has just signed another law that would add a box on Driver’s Licenses and Birth certificates in order to check a, sit down, a THIRD SEX box. Remember, the government changed the marriage license from Bride, groom, to Party one, Party two. Yep, the Left Coast is the land of fruits and nuts. Is it possible to present a Certificate of Insanity to Governor Moonbeam?

Why wait until North Korea sends a nuclear bomb to America before we nuke the bowl cut hair leader (and his headquarters) who has threatened to wipe the United States off the face of the earth, while he is testing his nuclear missiles? This is crazy. We should bomb him as soon as he makes public statements that he is going to strike us. This will not only end the problem, save American lives and property; but will be an example to all the nations in the world to keep them in line.

Muslims, who have caused nothing but chaos and death in the world are cowards who look for SOFT TARGETS, like nursing homes, hospitals and schools. First of all, they should have all been deported from our country right after 9/11 with others banned from entering The United States. That is only logical. Now Islam is calling for “lone wolf” attacks in Miami, Houston and other cities affected by recent hurricanes via social media, according to news reports Friday. This would be ultimate ‘soft targets’ for those monsters.

Those people have been greatly weakened by the destruction of the hurricanes, yet the Muslims now have targeted them for vicious attacks. The Department of Homeland Security outlined the warning Thursday in an unclassified “situation awareness” document that was obtained by CNBC.

Haven’t we had enough of the Muslim savages? They must all be deported and not allowed to return. And to all journalists: Please do not use the terms, Radical Islamists or terrorists, The enemy should be absolutely IDENTIFIED. Call them what they are, MUSLIMS in all accounts of their attacks.

And Lets think about this: The homeless go without eating. Elderly go without needed medicines. Mentally ill go without treatment. Troops go without proper equipment. Veterans go without benefits that were promised. Yet we donate billions to other countries AND EXCESSIVE IMMIGRATION before helping our own first. This MUST change.
Lighter News: This writer very much enjoys “America’s Got Talent.” Tyra Banks is now the Master of Ceremonies…MISTRESS of Ceremonies?…..this day and age it seems one sex fits everyone so we’ll keep it Master of Ceremonies.

When it was first announced that she would replace Nick Cannon I was skeptical. But she is EXCELLENT in that role. She is pretty, elegant, and keeps the show moving at a brisk pace with perfect timing. It is a joy to watch her.

Final thought:  Please Readers. Treat all living creatures with love. They have feelings too.


Photo Caption: Governor Moonbeam

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Highest Profile Government Body Filled With Felons

Note to Readers: This story is not a newly uncovered revelation. It has made the rounds already but worth revisiting to give us wisdom for upcoming elections. Research your candidates.

The highest profile U.S. Government Body is staffed with the greatest number of convicted felons on its rolls than any other group in America. Here is a breakdown of the bad deed doers who basically direct our lives and thoughts backed by the law:

**36 have been accused of spousal abuse

**7 have been arrested for fraud

**19 have been accused of writing bad checks

**117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

**3 have done time for assault

**71–repeat—-71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

**14 gave been arrested on drug-related charges

**8 have been arrested for shoplifting

**21 currently are defendants in lawsuits and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

So which organization is this? NBA or NFL?

Neither. It’s the 536 members of the United States Congress.

Yep, the same group of idiots that crank out hundred of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line….and the laws they pass they exempt themselves.

Oh yes, are you aware of this? You might want to sit down. Eighty one registered Communists occupy a seat in Congress.

Plus there are a large number of Muslims who occupy virtually every office of Homeland Security.  Sheer insanity!

“Readers, suppose you are an idiot. And suppose you are a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” 

Mark Twain 

Our thanks to Denny Guinta who furnished us with the congress stats.


Photo Caption: Congress in Session
Photo Credit: Becuo

We close with advice that can not be taken.  Here it is: My advice to you is to never take anyone’s advice.

© 2017 Austin Milles – All Rights Reserved

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Actress Jennifer Lawrence Sez Texas Destruction Due To Voting For Trump

LA LA LAND USA —Yep, it’s official. President Donald Trump caused the deadly hurricane that struck Houston. It is all his fault doncha know.  Film actress Jennifer Lawrence made this clear on Channel 4 in London at the site of her latest movie premiere, Mother.

Yep, President Trump’s a rascal by golly, who causes nothing but destruction and can even manipulate nature that to our knowledge is only manipulated by God. These movie stars seem to think they ARE God who can advise us on all issues and stick their noses into the politics of our country which most of them do not have to live under.

Here is another daffy Hollywood “star” who thinks she is qualified to analyze all activities politically, support those who would make all America Communist as she remains in gated communities while enjoying mass wealth. We recently discussed the Plague of Stupidity that has stricken America, which apparently is accompanied by the Plague of Ignorance. Apparently a double plague is more common than thought.

Babbling on to the British media just before the screening, the actress suggested that “the recent hurricanes to hit the U.S.are punishment—Mother Nature’s—for voting Donald Trump into the White House. It’s scary,”  the movie actress told the Channel 4 reporter. She also babbled on about all things political including the “settled” science of man-made climate change and the election of Donald Trump who rejects man-made climate change. She was attempting to imply that it was God who was upset with those who voted for Trump.

All of this is total nonsense! It was God Who put Trump in the White House to give America one more chance. She has no knowledge of God, Mother Nature, or science. And God is not punishing Trump for rejecting man-made climate change which is a hoax to justify a world wide tax “in order to stop global warming which will burn up the earth without such a tax to fight it.”

Al Gore has pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars fronting that ruse. We are told that he is promised a billion dollars if he manages to get that tax through.  He made a documentary titled, “Inconvenient Truth” the title of his book, borrowing words from this columnist. He was given an Academy Award for this documentary which was only so-so by industry standards. There was so much pressure on this that he was given a second academy award for the music of the film. That music was absolutely terrible.

This writer is the easiest person in the world to please with music. Frankly, I would not want to live in a world without music, or dogs. But Gore’s music can be described by a term in the Bible—it stinketh!  Talk about payoffs and politics! A lot of money changed hands over that atrocity.

It is to be noted that a few actors got together to petition that those statues given Gore be taken back. Unfortunately nothing came of that.  Also, his follow up documentary—More Inconvenient Truths—absolutely bombed at the box office. There were only a few people at the showings. Folks are beginning to catch on.

Let’s discuss man-made climate change as invented by Gore. After all he told us that he invented the internet and of course, he brags, he and Tipper (his wife at the time) were the inspiration for the movie, Love Story. Sure!

Climate is dictated only by the sun, which makes it hot, or cold. Nothing else. It has nothing to do with man, carbon, cow farts or hair spray. The sun only dictates climate, hot or cold. NASA confirmed this to me.  Due to man’s own mishandling, we do have smog, bad air quality and downright pollution. Those problems are all due to OUR actions but nothing to do with the planet being hot or cold.

We respectfully ask Jennifer Laurence to please simply stick to her acting even though many of us will not be in the audience. As for the rest of us, isn’t it ridiculous that we buy expensive tickets to their movies, plus more than double that amount for refreshments such as coke and pop corn which makes these film actors and actresses obscenely wealthy so that they can try to sabotage our way of life by their meddling? And insult families and God?  Ridiculous!

Oh yes, in closing, here is an acute case of the Plague of Stupidity:
“My fear is that if North Korea nukes us, Trump gonna get us into a war”?!  —US Rep Maxine Waters…


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Contagious Plague Of Clinical Stupidity Has Struck America And More

SACRAMENTO— Governor Moonbeam does it again proving that this plague is beyond restorative remedy. What is more, the disease is highly contagious with no effective antidote available. It can strike anyone within hearing distance of those infected.

The most vulnerable of those who are captured by this disease are Democrats, news reporters, movie stars,  and especially, political figures. Indeed, that malady seems to be a requirement to be a successful politician.

Jerry Brown occupies the governor’s chair in the ultra liberal state of California, so much so that drivers find they must frequently have the front end of the cars re-aligned since they constantly bear to the left when driving in that state.

As is well known, California is plagued by a vicious gang called, Ms-13. They have committed countless murders, thefts, drug dealing, prostitution, human trafficking and overall violence. That gang from Guatemala slipped through our borders as “refugees” and set up shop.

Deport them all? Nah. That would be unconstitutional and un-American donchah know.  But Governor Moonbeam came up with a brilliant liberal solution that would solve the problem. Now sit down as you read this.  He has established a program he calls, Advance Peace, with a budget of $1.5 Million to offer cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful and not kill anyone. This money comes from our tax money and Sacramento’s General Fund. That is how our tax money is spent. California is already $500 Billion (with a B) dollars in debt. Meanwhile, California’s infrastructure is crumbling.

This genius program is called, Advance Peace, which offers huge cash stipends to gang members who remain peaceful. In other words, California has surrendered to liberal nuttiness.

It is to be remembered how the New York Mafia had a “protection racket” where they approached store owners offering to protect their stores from damage from hoodlums for a fee. If they don’t pay up, thugs come and trash the store.

Governor Jerry Brown studied to be a Jesuit Priest, turned instead to Buddhism. To become a Buddhist, one must first empty out his mind, to make total room for Karma. Apparently, Governor Moonbeam is still a member in good standing.

Our deepest appreciation for a correspondent with the handle, Icraig, who supplied this information when the original had been misplaced as well as info on the Cecil Rhodes statue below.

SOUND OFF!   The best of people and the worst of people have been on clear display in Texas where Hurricane Harvey caused such destruction. People came from everywhere to help rescue people and animals. Donations to help were staggering. That is except for Black Lives Matter. They did not help one bit even though most of the victims were black.  .

Not one BLM individual showed up to help. These people take but never give. And they receive quite a bit of money from George Soros. They feel like every individual on earth owes them.

However blacks took full advantage of the disaster to loot flooded houses and businesses. Savages! This is how stereotypes are birthed. We create our own stereotypes by our own conduct and behavior.  So don’t be so outraged when you are caught in a stereotype web that you weaved yourself.

Others took full advantage by price gouging which is the worst example of taking unfair advantage, by jacking up prices on everything during emergency situations. Cases of bottled water were sold for $99.00. For this writer, price gouging during emergencies is the most hideous kind of crime and should result in the worst kind of punishment with no mercy. The same should be for looters who make bad situations worse. That is not supposed to be how it works.

A tip of the beret to Jet Blue Airlines that made flights available to get out of the area to any destination for $99.00. This was a very honorable decision that actually helps victims of this calamity. To our knowledge they are the only airline to do this. May God richly bless people with a kind heart who put others first.

Blacks Demand Cecil Rhodes Statue be Demolished at Oxford

Blacks have again disgraced themselves with this latest demand to demolish the statue of Cecil Rhodes, the founder of Oxford University, the most prestigious university in the world. Mr. Rhodes died over a century ago.

Some black students are there under scholarships. Going through Oxford is the ultimate accomplishment. Yet, these black students have chosen to squander their time there by engaging in identity politics rather than taking advantage of the education available in this prestigious university.

Any black, no matter how low their IQ, squeals and yells when they are refused a scholarship that they do not merit, accusing Oxford of Racism. Only a few receive scholarships.

One who did, Ntokozo Qwabe, who is only in Oxford as a beneficiary of a Rhodes scholarship, has boasted about the need for “socially conscious black students” to dominate white universities, and do so ruthlessly and decisively! These blacks use racial politics and cheap guilt-tripping to ruin the life and fabric of a beloved university.

The black students there have this ludicrous notion that a bronze statue of Cecil Rhodes should be removed from Oriel College because…”it’s symbolic of “institutional racism” and “white slavery”. Nonsense!  The headline of the Daily Telegraph was: “Oxford will not rewrite history.”

Oxford Historian RW Johnson stated to the black students: “What you are trying go do here is no different from what ISIS and the Al-Queda have been doing to artifacts in places like Mali and Syria. You are murdering history.” 

It is not whites undermining blacks. It is blacks undermining themselves. I do not want to hear the words, ‘white man’ or ‘white privilege’ or ‘black man’ again. We are all people. And we are all of one race….the human race. Please people–Wake Up!


So far we have,142 thousand-009 signatures. We should get a million. If you do not sign it you will have no right to complain when Soros meets his goal of turning America into a 3rd world Communist nation with the United States made a part of the New World Order.

Here is the petition to sign:

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Robert E. Lee Finally Revealed and Marine Colonel On The NFL Flag Flap

We all watched in disbelief as the streets of our cities became the staging area for uncontrolled spontaneous nervous breakdowns as mobs of misfits, all paid by George Soros ($25.00 an hour plus all expenses, travel, food etc.), who provided weapons for them as well, to cause as much injury and destruction as possible. Charlottesville, Virginia will go down in history as the flash point for The Soros staged “outrage over slavery” protest. Isn’t this a little late?

The purpose of the mayhem was for mobs to pull down the statue of Robert E. Lee, then pulverize it with the stated goal of tearing down all statues of historic people. Isn’t there a legal penalty against vandalism and destruction of a National Work of Art?

Why Robert E. Lee?  The Soros useful idiots declared it had everything to do with ‘slavery.’ Slavery? That was done away with years ago. Why now?  And what did Robert E. Lee have to do with slavery?  Read his history below.

Simple explanation: Soros wants to tear down anything to do with our history. When one wants to conquer a country, as Soros is determined to do with the U.S. the best way to start is by erasing that country’s history. The less people know about their history, the more vulnerable they are for take-over.

How much is really known about Robert E. Lee?  Pull up a chair. The public schools and colleges today have their assignments, to dumb down all students, so chances are this history is not really known these days. May we introduce Robert E. Lee:

Robert E Lee was married to George Washington’s granddaughter. He worked with General Ulyssis S. Grant during the Mexican-American war and became a decorated war hero defending this country He believed slavery was a great evil and his wife broke the law by teaching slaves to read and write.

After the civil war he worked with Andrew Johnson’s program of reconstruction. He became very popular with the northern states and the Barracks at West Point were named in his honor in 1962. He was a great man who served this country his entire life in some form or other. His memorial is now being called a blight. What?

No American military veteran should be treated as such. People keep yelling, “You can’t change history.” Sadly you can. This is no better than book burnings. ISIS tried rewriting history by destroying historical artifacts. Is that really who we want to emulate?

As they tear down this “blight” keep these few historical facts in your mind. No military veteran and highly decorated war hero should ever be treated as such. This is not Iraq and that is not a statue of Saddam.

IN ADDITION: Lee was also very torn about the prospect of the South leaving the Union. His wife’s grandfather George Washington was a huge influence on him. He believed that ultimately, states’ rights trumped the federal government and chose to lead the Southern army.

His estate, Arlington, near Washington DC was his home and while away fighting the war, the federal government demanded that Lee himself pay his taxes in person. He sent his wife but the money was not accepted from a woman.

When he could not pay the taxes, the government began burying dead Union soldiers on his land. The government is still burying people there today. It is now called Arlington National Cemetery.  To make a point, again the land,  belonged to Robert E. Lee. DO THEY WANT TO TEAR THAT UP ALSO? Probably.


This piece and the public letter sent to the NFL by a Retired Marine Colonel made my day. Because of the insult to America by these rag tag football players, I will never buy a ticket to an NFL game nor will I watch it on TV. And these are all multi-millionaire blacks who are protesting against unfair treatment. Hows that again?  Take a look at the letter below and send it on.

Retired Marine Col. Jeffery Powers wrote to the NFL commissioners the following:

“Commissioners, I’ve been a season pass holder at Yankee Stadium, Yale Bowl and the Giants Stadium.

I missed the ’90-’91 season because I was with a battalion of Marines in Desert Storm. 14 of my wonderful Marines returned home with the American Flag draped across their lifeless bodies. My last conversation with one of them, Sgt. Garrett Mongrella was about how our Giants were going to the Super Bowl. He never got to see it.

“Many friends, Marines, and Special Forces Soldiers who worked with or for me through the years returned home with the American Flag draped over their coffins.

“Now I watch multi-millionaire athletes who never did anything in their lives but play a game, disrespect what brave Americans fought and died for. They are essentially spitting in the faces and on the graves of real men, men who have actually done something for this country besides playing with a ball and believing they’re something special! They’re not! 

My Marines and Soldiers were!

“You are complicit in this! You’ll fine players for large and small infractions but you lack the moral courage and respect for our nation and the fallen to put an immediate stop to this. Yes, I know, it’s their 1st Amendment right to behave in such a despicable manner. What would happen if they came out and disrespected you or the refs publicly?

“I observed a player getting a personal foul for twerking in the end zone after scoring. I guess that’s much worse than disrespecting the flag and our National Anthem. Hmmmmm, isn’t it his 1st Amendment right to express himself like an idiot in the end zone?

“Why is taunting not allowed yet taunting America is OK? You fine players for wearing 9-11 commemorative shoes yet you allow scum on the sidelines to sit, kneel or pump their pathetic fist in the air. They are so deprived with their multi-million dollar contracts for playing a freaking game!

“You condone it all by your refusal to act. You’re just as bad and disgusting as they are. I hope Americans boycott any sponsor who supports that rabble you call the NFL. I hope they turn off the TV when any team that allowed this disrespect to occur, without consequence, on the sidelines. I applaud those who have not.

“Legends and heroes do NOT wear shoulder pads. They wear body armor and carry rifles. They make minimum wage and spend months and years away from their families. They don’t do it for an hour on Sunday. They do it 24/7 often with lead, not footballs, coming in their direction. They watch their brothers carted off in pieces not on a gurney to get their knee iced. They don’t even have ice! Many don’t have legs or arms.

“Some wear blue and risk their lives daily on the streets of America. They wear fire helmets and go upstairs into the fire rather than down to safety. On 9-11, hundreds vanished. They are the heroes.

“I hope that your high paid protesting pretty boys and you look in that mirror when you shave tomorrow and see what you really are, legends in your own minds. You need to hit the road and take those worms with you!

Time to change the channel.”

Powers originally sent his letter to former Florida congressman Allen West. West then posted the letter on his news website.

As of last week, at least 18 NFL player had protested the anthem by either kneeling during the anthem or raising their fists, according to USA Today Sports.

This column is grateful for our anonymous retired minister friend who sent us the Robert E. Lee Stats and the Marine’s letter.


Photo 1 Caption: Robert E. Lee Memorial Statue
Photo 2  NFL Players Disrespecting American Flag

George Soros Petition Filed In D.C.

WASHINGTON FINALLY! A petition to stop George Soros has been crafted and put up on the White House website. It already has 67,952 signatures in the short time this has been up.  Soros, who was born in Hungary, is also a resident and citizen of New York, owning two elaborate homes there, one in Katonah, New York and the other in Southampton, Long Island. I did a column on how and why Soros CAN be arrested and charged with Treason and Sedition. Here is that link.

His business office is in New York City located at 250 W. 55th street as well as an apartment in Manhattan. He CAN be prosecuted for Treason and Sedition since he is trying to overthrow the President of the United States and undermine the U.S. Government.

The petition has been filed with the U.S. Government which can be pulled up at this link.

The petition states: 

Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United State, and has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government, the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists, and have all of his personal an organizational wealth and assets seized under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

There is a spot on the petition link above to sign you name. Every reader should sign this.

George Soros is the one man responsible for all the chaos, confusion, violence, destruction, and obstruction of justice, not only in the U.S., but indeed the entire world. He has manipulated currency in various countries including our own to devalue the monetary system. The ‘depressions’ we went through were not coincidental. Our economy was manipulated into depression by Soros.

It is he and he alone who agitated the blacks into a race war that would never have happened otherwise. He totally funded the Black Lives Matter violent protests. He has almost 200 non-profit political organizations for the sole purpose of destroying our government and the political system itself so this nation can morph into a Communist nation and be a part of the New World Order where Soros will become the universal potentate.

The Communist Party in America is not as big as we have been led to believe. That was proved in the past election. Donald Trump was voted in by real citizens, millions upon millions of them, mainly Christians, who had been relegated to the shadows, but in mass, charged to the polls and cast their votes, sweeping Trump into the Oval Office.

Communists are good at misrepresenting numbers. Those who lived in the Soviet Union felt that every other person was an active Communist who might turn them in or arrest them. The truth is, only about 2 % of the Soviet Union was Communists but they managed to bully the citizens into compliance. Nobody dared to ask any questions of anyone since nobody really knew who was who. It was all fear based.

Soros is one of the richest men in the world. His personal bank account holds 29 Billion dollars. The interest alone on that amount of money would be a fortune to anyone. Indeed, one could not spend the interest on that money during a lifetime.

Soros owns most of the politicians in D.C. His money put many of them in office. So that will be an obstacle to seeing these charges carried out. I was amazed at the number of Congresspersons and Senators, including John McCain who is owned by Soros. You can see how they all, on both sides, are viciously fighting to block everything President Trump tries to do.

Soros owns and controls most of the news media. It should be obvious when you read the headlines. For example, everything President Trump does, wherever he speaks, there is an immediate story the next day proclaiming; “Trumps Approval Rating Dips to New Low following his speech at ……..”  First of all, how can they get a poll that quickly? They cannot. I am sick and tired of this residue of a bull following everything President Trump does or says.

Everyone KNOWS how the Soros newspapers and newscasts stated constantly during the campaigns that Hillary’s poll numbers outpaced Trumps’. That was a lie. All of those poll numbers were fake to discourage voters from making the effort to vote for Trump. It didn’t work. Since Soros owns the newspapers, newscasts and journalists, they will print or broadcast everything Soros tells them to.

The voters, who showed up without fanfare spectacularly dumbfounded George Soros, the Democrats and Communists all over the world. They were dazzled in confusion. If the people in the old Soviet Union would have realized that there were much more of them than the Communists, who had kept them in fear since it was believed there were many more of them.

It is the same today. We totally outnumber the enemy. Let’s really make an impression on them by signing the petition to charge George Soros. I urge every reader to click on the link to the petition and sign your name.

Every free American should take part in this. It is OUR battle for the very soul of our country.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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George Soros’ Secret War Manual To Nix Trump

Erasing history is the goal of George Soros. A country that does not know its history has lost part of its soul, which weakens it. Censoring speech, banning books along with current commentaries including some on Social Media, as well as hiding all reminders of the strength of the U.S. are all essential weapons to push America into Soros’ New World Order. Reminders of America’s strength are shown by statues, photos, and written records, which are all presently under attack.

Statues of historic leaders that have stood for over a hundred years are at this moment being pulled down and pulverized.  Kelleigh Nelson, founder of the news-site: Exposing Modern Mugwumps, used this phrase, “Monumental Stupidity” when reflecting on the madness of bulldozing statues of leaders: “Excellent description.

Even simply being white is now under attack. Stanford University has just introduced a new course, Abolishing Whiteness, which is built upon the systematic privileges afforded to whites in Western Society. How’s that again? Yes this is STANFORD University where students pay a small fortune to gain their wisdom. And this is an example!

Below is a quote I just found while browsing some books. It is incredible how accurately it explains life and our future. Read this carefully:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists, except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

And whose quote is this?  George Orwell in his book, “1984,”

This book was published on June 8, 1949, 60 years ago. Orwell was dying in a tuberculosis sanitarium when he wrote it.  At that time, three men were figuring out how to divide the world, Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt.

The original ideology behind this impulse may be communist or fascist, or nationalist or corporate or institutional, but the methods by which it proceeds are in each case the same: the stamping out of the capacity for individual thought and freedom, not merely by physical force but by a complete denial of privacy and by the control of all information, even to the extent of policing the language in which thoughts are expressed. Yes, this is Stalinistic.

The world Communist leader, George Soros has funded a 49 page secret war manual for destroying the Trump Administration and regaining Democrat-COMMUNIST control of Congress. This in itself lays the groundwork for Treason and Sedition charges to be filed against Soros. DO IT!

Bishop E.W. Jackson in an article wrote: “President Trump is being attacked by a hostile liberal media, undermined by a Deep State full of Obama/Clinton holdovers and betrayed by some GOP “Never-Trumpers” who will never accept him as president.

Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel wrote in his newsletter: “The battle lines are drawn, and the future of the country is at stake. David Brock of Media Matters, a George Soros-funded leftist “think tank,” has issued a 49-page secret war manual for destroying the Trump Administration and regaining Democratic control of Congress.” 

It calls for impeachment of the President, a de facto coup d’état. Ultimately, this is not merely an attack on Donald J. Trump. It is an assault on the presidency, the Constitution and the people who voted for change. Fair-minded people, whether they be Democrats or Republicans, are shocked by the complicity of the mainstream media in trying to overthrow the President.

It’s time for Americans to be heard again in congressional offices, town hall meetings, rallies and on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. The message is simple. To the President: We stand with you. Demand that George Soros be charged and prosecuted for Treason and Sedition. All the elements are there for that case.

Notice how George Soros deceptively names his non-profit 501(c)3 hit teams to suggest they are patriotic: For example one particularly active one is Democracy Alliance which was formed specifically to  undermine the Trump agenda as well as America itself.

A full-on trench warfare against Trump from Day One.

Immediately after the election of Donald Trump, Soros and his wealthy cronies in the Democracy Alliance (DA) vowed to relentlessly fight the President and his agenda.

According to Politico, Soros and other liberal leaders — including Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren, and Keith Ellison–a Muslim, met to “plan trench warfare against Trump from Day One.” They want to make all the decisions regarding our lives.

Plus … as reported on the Democracy Alliance website, President Gara LaMarche mercilessly derided the President’s agenda at a recent summit:

“We now have a President, with the most extreme anti-government Cabinet in generations, determined to advance this agenda at the federal level and undermine democratic norms from freedom of the press to the independence of the judiciary.

These assaults on democratic processes and systems hurt working families, endanger our environment and public health, erode faith and trust in government, delegitimize democratic institutions, and undermine the capacity of government at all levels to deliver basic services. We have much to resist.”

That far-left rhetoric is echoed by the mainstream media. As a result, President Trump faces and confronts these distortions daily as he attempts to fulfill his “Make America Great Again” promises.

We must join the President and stand against leftist ideologies, like those espoused by George Soros’ leftist groups!

The new Civil War has started. With the riots, destruction and chaos on the streets, is Martial Law far behind? How about Citizen Militias? One thing for sure, it is way past time to arrest and charge George Soros with Treason and Sedition.

Meanwhile, be of good cheer. Hillary Clinton announced that she is going to be a Methodist Pastor. This may cause pulpit palpitations since ‘ye shall NOT know the truth and the lie will not set ye free but it will be a high profile church and should attract quite a crowd.


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Church Rapist Revealed-Identified

A vicious rapist has kept the church of Jesus Christ in fear since 1954. Church leaders are afraid to speak out or to attempt to take any action. However, one of the many traits of the rapist is that he wants to intimidate, overpower, and to take anything he wants in a manner that discourages resistance. Many rapes are not reported because of the pressure and implied consequences.

The code name of this rapist is: 501(c)3. Yes, the church tax exemption number that a “benevolent” government issues to pastors and houses of worship which excludes them from paying taxes.  However, there is a price to pay since chains along with a gag order come with this government gift to churches.

With this government partnership that should never have happened, the churches are forbidden to take any kind of political stand, or discuss any kind of political issue including and especially abortion and sexual sins. And the feds monitor the pastors and their churches to be certain this stipulation is not violated.

So much so that the lesbian mayor of Houston made it law that every pastor in the Houston area had to submit an advance copy of their coming Sunday sermon to show that there are no political statements in the message involving LGBT. Fortunately that was only temporary since there was such a public outcry that the bill was scrapped.

Pastors became so constrained by the tax-exempt status, that they lived and worked in fear hoping they did nothing that would jeopardize that standing. Preaching against any sin was virtually abolished from the pulpits. The pastors did not want to lose the money they were saving by not paying taxes. Here we go again. Derelict of duty totally based on money.

First of all, it was never intended for churches and ministers to pay taxes. The churches took care of so much charity work, which saved the government tons of money that the churches were tax free from the beginning. This point is emphasized in a book written by Rev. Carleton Booker which shows how to get a rightful tax exempt recognition without enormous fees, paper work and bondage. This ministry received our status with nothing but a modest filing fee using the instructions in that book.  The link to a review of the details.

Even though it totally violated the “separation of church and state” (that was never in an official document), the state forced a partnership with the church. Weddings, which were always the sole function of the church, that issued the marriage license, suddenly required couples to pay for a state license in order to get married. Those marriages were not recognized as legal without that state imposed license.

Then, on July 2, 1954, Lyndon B. Johnson was irked that some churches objected to him running for a political office and spoke against him from their pulpits. Thus was born what became known as “The Johnson Amendment” which was passed by congress as an amendment to section 501(c) 3 of the federal tax code, which stated: “Entities that are exempt from federal income tax cannot, “Participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of–or in opposition to–any candidate for public office.” That is the date in history when the churches were muzzled.

And, by the way, I still am curious to know what Johnson really knew about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

One of my very favorite columnists is Coach Dave Daubenmire who writes for News with Views. He is totally wired in to the events of this world which he reports with corn field wisdom, which frankly is the best. I know how much I value my own down home country preacher, Rev. Steve Moore, with similar wisdom which blesses me every service.

Coach Dave asked significant questions which this columnist failed to do and analyzed the situation.  And he nailed it!  In his column today he asks:” Did you know that some of the most God hating organizations in America hold the same symbiotic relationship with the government that most American churches have?  Did you know that Planned Parenthood is a 501(c)(3) organization just like your local church?  Did you know they are actively involved in politics? There is a video of a former Dallas Planned Parenthood Director speaking out about the “Monthly Abortion Quotas” that has been hidden from the public. It’s truly shocking.”  

NAMBLA–the North American Man Boy Love Association, an organization that intends to pass a law legalizing the sodomizing of children, yes, CHILDREN–little boys. And they are allowed to hold meetings in government facilities including libraries where children gather.

George Soros has almost two hundred 501(c)3 organizations for the sole purpose of taking down America, manipulating its politics to put our country into the New World Order under Communist dictatorship.  Yet the church, under that same legal protection can speak nothing about politics or sin.

Coach Dave goes on to ask: “How about the Southern Poverty Law Center?  Did you know that this Christ-hating organization has a similar tax exempt status as your church?  How about Right Wing Watch?  The Sierra Club?  Did you know that the ACLU is not Tax exempt…BUT…the ACLU Foundation is?  Can’t you see that these are simply different denominations of the religion of Atheism and Humanism doing all that they can to destroy Christian-America?

Yes, you read that right.  God-hating organizations have free speech rights…but Christian churches do not.  At least that is what the God-hating government wants you to believe. 

Just this week some emails were captured that prove that there is an organized war against President Trump and conservative Christianity.  The Left is doing everything they can do to overturn a duly elected Presidency. 

It clearly spells out the strategy to undermine America.  Oh…did I mention that the lead organization Media Matters is a 501(c)(3) organization…just like your local Christian church?  I thought tax exempt organizations were not permitted to get involved in the political process?  Only Christian organizations, I guess. 

The war is on and the war is real.  The Left’s tax exempt organizations exist to IMPACT politics while the Christian organizations exist to AVOID politics.  America hangs in the balance.

Yes, there is a rapist in town, and he is raping the church every hour of every day. It is time to put a stop to this and we can. Thank God we have a new president who will help us.


For the complete story on this subject by Coach Dave Daubenmire, here is the link to see it as published on “The Make Believe Muzzle”

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Pope Embraces Abortion, Joel Osteen Caves To LGBT

Soros and Satan Rejoice

RONCO DI CASSATO, ITALY 8/5/17–Pope Francis, our first Communist Pope not only winks at abortion, and sin in general, but gives an apostate the pulpit in the Catholic Church to espouse her views during the service, the first which took place  this past July 26th in the Church of San Defendente, Ronco di Cassato.

Emma Bonino has been given pulpit privilege by Pope Francis who publicly  stated that she was “among the great ones of Italy.” Journalist David Martin wrote in the Canada Free Press that he (the pope) acknowledged that “she thinks differently than us.”

Francis recommended patience with her adding, “You have to look at people, what they do.” Excellent suggestion. So what DOES Emma Bonino do?  Emma Bonino is an abortionist who says she is proud of the 6,000,000 (6 MIILLION) babies she has killed since 1968,  a grim-reaper task that she continues to this day. And she is welcomed by Pope Francis to speak in the Catholic churches? Something is terribly wrong with this picture..

Not only is she a murderess, but daily commits extreme sin such as, promoting divorce, homosexuality, transgenderism, same-sex marriage,  the abolition of the armed forces, the disbanding of NATO, the liberalization of porn laws, mandatory sex-education, and the Communist insurgence of the west under the guise of immigration. And the pope himself not only welcomes her but allows her to speak to the Catholic Church directly?

It is to be added that Bonino publicly praised Francis for “Changing the Catholic Church.” That he certainly did and continues to do. He has changed it so much that it is no longer the Catholic Church.

Francis was a puzzle from the beginning. First, the future pope, Jorge Mario Berguglio, came out of nowhere. He was born and raised in a Communist country, Argentina.  We had no knowledge of him being in the College of Cardinals. But here is the key. George Soros has long had his fingers in the Vatican, has placed people there and has manipulated some of the policies coming from inside.

When Francis suddenly became pope, with great secrecy surrounding the pageantry, the first words out of his mouth came straight from Marx’s Communist Manifesto: “We first must re-distribute the wealth.” He then went on to say that to be wealthy is a sin. I received a frantic call from a friend on the East Coast who was afraid she was going to hell because she was wealthy. Most of the things he said had an unmistakable Communist slant.

It is to be noted that Pope Francis was presented a hammer and sickle crucifix from President Evo Morales.

According to the prophecy of St. Malachy in 1131, the last pope would be revealed as the False Prophet. That would be about the same time as when the Anti-Christ is identified.  St. Malachy stated that the 112th pope after him would be in place when that prophecy is fulfilled.  Pope Francis is indeed the 112th pope since that vision.

There is no question that George Soros put him in that position the same way he put Obama in position with the goal to take down America, the only country standing in the way of total world domination by Soros and his sons. This is what all this confusion is about.  Soros now intends to destroy the church itself. Then, he’s home free.

Joel Osteen Caves to Gays?

This columnist is very careful when writing about Joel Osteen. He is the object of such scorn by jealous pastors that I weigh any incoming news about him skeptically. In this latest story by WND, Joel apparently says that God does not reject anyone and the story makes it appear as though Joel has caved in to the homosexual lobby. According to WND, he did say this: “God absolutely APPROVES of everyone (emphasis mine) including homosexuals.” Not according to the Bible.

Osteen is promoting a new book in which he says, “It doesn’t matter who likes you or who doesn’t like you, all that matters is God likes you. He accepts you, he APPROVES of you.” He went on to state all people must be acknowledged for who they are and expressed reluctance to “categorize” sin.  Isn’t that what pastors are supposed to do?

That is the problem of our pulpits today. Sin is slipped under the napkin and stays there without being dealt with.  A pastor must address sin as it is addressed in The Bible. Osteen says in his book, “I believe every person is made in the image of God, and you have to accept them as they are, on their journey. I am not here to be preaching hate, pushing people down. I’m not here telling people what they’re doing is wrong.”  In other words, remain silent.

So if a pastor doesn’t keep people on the right path and neglects to advise them when they are living beyond the guidelines as instructed by God in His Word, the Bible, then who will? Nobody. Church is closed.

Osteen went on to tell Chris Wallace on Fox News that he doesn’t dislike anybody and believes gays are some of the “most loving people in the world.”

Joel Osteen is truly a “good ole boy.’ He loves everyone and wants everyone to love him. He would not deliberately offend anyone. So it is easy to see how he could be caught in this trap of agreeing with the world. A pastor MUST show that he or she believes in something and will take a stand regarding that belief, especially the Bible, otherwise, what is the purpose of one being a pastor?

Joel’s sermons encourage everyone which is not a bad thing, but this cannot be done in the absence of truth. Otherwise it is totally dishonest.  We are either servants of God or we are not.

We would ask that Joel, whom this writer likes, ask interview hosts in advance not to bring up the subject of homosexuality or other dividing controversies. Let your interview be simply encouraging with Scriptures and success stories.

Meanwhile, with two of the biggest names in Christianity in the news raising disturbing questions, George Soros and Satan are rejoicing and no doubt sharing a toast we all pay for and will be sorry for.

This cannot go on. Unless we take a dedicated stand, we will lose our lives and our country.  It is up to the preachers to put a stop to this. PASTORS: MAN YOUR PULPITS!


Photo Caption: Pope Francis Presented Hammer & Sickle Crucifix from President Evo Morales.

Overwhelming Response To Animal Court Idea

The heavy response to my current story about the cat killer was instant. The story regarded a maniac who cruelly killed 18 cats for the sick “thrill” of killing them.  These were more than cats. These gentle animals were beloved PETS, totally loved by their owners. The mental case who killed them was identified, arrested, put on trial, and was sentenced to 16 years in prison for his dastardly deeds.

In that story, which you can see at this link,  it was suggested that it is time to have a specialized court  (which are in existence for particular types of cases)– this one to deal with animal abuse cases.  From the first publication as it went on the wire, the responses were immediate.  Responses came to my in-box, and to the papers that carried the story. All were in favor of establishing animal courts which will also make the public more aware of all creatures.

In the initial story I did not include who to contact to make this happen because at that moment I did not know. Then I received an email from a faithful reader, Richard Firth from the State of Virginia, who helped me with another story by giving me the inside address of a D.C. Official I needed to contact. I heard from him immediately with the information to make this legislation happen. Here is his note: For his protection we did not include Mr. Firth’s exact city of residence or his home address or email contact.


—–Original Message—–

From: Richard Firth
To: Austin Miles <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 31, 2017 7:31 am
Subject: Your Article about Special Courts set up to Deal with animal abuse cases

Dear Rev Austin:

I am sorry to be late in getting around to respond to your caring article about animals and the reason is you didn’t tell who to contact in regards to the setting up of such courts.  I did check it out with my State Attorney’s General office and the reply which I thought it would be is to contact your state legislators so they can introduce such legislation in your state.

I also talked with the Assistant Attorney General, a beautiful lady, Michelle Welch. who loves animals and loves to prosecute those who abuse animals and she said she would like a copy of your article which I just sent her which would help her in the matter should legal problems arise and could advise us how her office would be handling those matters.  So I will start contacting my state legislators to introduce such legislation and send you a copy.

I have already posted your article on line and plan to submit a few more and send you copies as well,  My first posting failed to include who to contact which I will also address.

Pray for 118 beagles our local VA administration wants to kill for medical research.  That’s another area where millions of animals are killed and some in the most ruthless way possible, plus many of these experiments are not necessary and a WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY. WhiteCoatWasteProject is leading the issue here at our VA hospital and Congressmen in DC voted unanimously voted in favor of a bill cutting off money for most of the experiments.  It now goes to the U. S. Senate for passage.

Maybe you could do a series of the horrible fate that awaits many animals, just as gruesome as any other method of killing animals.

God bless your work for ALL his creatures, including mankind.

Richard W. Firth


Of course I am upset that they plan to use 118 beagles for medical research. We must all write our senators to NOT grant the funding for this ‘project.’ And here is another letter Mr. Firth wrote urging his representatives to back the legislation to establish these animal courts. The letter is similar to other officials he wrote about this issue. You can do the same.


Senator Ryan McDougle
State Capitol
Richmond, VA

Dear Senator McDougle

Could you please introduce the legislation this writer talks about in his article concerning cruelty to animals, excerpts from which now follow:

“A mental case living in San Jose, Robert Farmer, was just sentenced to 16 years in jail for incredible cruelty to cats, having tortured and dismembered 21 cats he had abducted on the streets including the yards of the homes they lived in. Eighteen of the 21 abducted cats died from their horrific injuries at the hands of Farmer who took perverted pleasure in hearing the animals screaming in agony” and this preacher who despises the mistreatment of animals See his article and he wants something done about such cases by clicking this link.

What he wants done to correct the situation is to set up special courts to deal with such abuses. Here are his words about wanting to establish such courts.

We can set up specialized courts to handle any animal abuse cases. They would handle other cases as well but for any animal abuse case, this would be the court to handle it. We must recognize animals as beings created by God who have the same feelings we have….feelings of pain, anxiety, fear, love, grief and joy, just as we do. Next time you hit your thumb with a hammer, remember that an animal would feel the same level of pain.

“These courts would be set up in various sections of the country. Readers, will you support this by simply writing backup letters agreeing that such courts would benefit society? Most serial killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer were cruel to animals as they were growing up. Dahmer even killed and ATE his human victims.”

Please do everything necessary to secure passage of such legislation as too many animal abuse cases lead to abuse on humans and when not prosecuted the perpetrator feels he or she is above the law and can hurt any animal or human he or she chooses to harm.


Richard W. Firth

Readers, now it is time to do your part. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said, “You can always judge a nation by the way it treats it[s animals.” Animals are God’s creation and it is our profound duty to treat them kindly, humanely and to protect them. Otherwise you will face God’s judgement. You never want to go there. NEVER cause or tolerate mistreatment to ANY of God’s living creatures.


Photo Caption: Cat Killer Robert Farmer in Custody

Photo Credit: CBS

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Cruel Cat Killer Gets 16 Year Sentence + Cecil’s Son Killed

At last,  justice for animals.  A mental case living in San Jose, Robert Farmer, was just sentenced to 16 years in  jail for incredible cruelty to cats, having tortured and dismembered 21 cats he had abducted on the streets including the yards of the homes they lived in. Eighteen of the 21 abducted cats died from their horrific injuries at the hands of Farmer who took perverted pleasure in hearing the animals screaming in agony.

This gives the perpetrator a fiendish sense of power seeing the cats expressing fear of him and cowering in a corner. A home security system caught Farmer stalking then grabbing a cat from the courtyard of a home and running off. This writer saw that video on NBC as this was all transpiring in 2015.

All 18 cats killed by San-Jose resident Robert Farmer had their names read aloud in court by a judge, who also noted the missing body of a tabby cat named Go-Go.
The outlet also reported that one of Farmer’s victims died of blunt-force trauma and may also have been sexually abused, a necropsy revealed. Hopefully you caught this.This scum bag who should have been in an insane asylum all his life, actually raped cats. This is as low as one can get. It also proves that we must take mental issues seriously and keep these nuts confined and definitely off the streets.
According to AOL News,  Robert Farmer, 26, pleaded guilty to 21 felony counts of animal cruelty and got the maximum punishment allowable though the judge did not require him to register as a sex offender the way the prosecution had asked for. Pet owners in the area were terrorized for months. As more and more cats disappeared, pet owners were forced to keep their outdoor pets inside. 
Gayle Goodson who describes herself as a cat lover said that the courtroom was packed. People cried as they spoke of “their beloved cats and what they meant to them.” She went on to say there was a “big sigh of relief” when Farmer was sentenced.And this maniac was running about freely on the streets?

First we need more mental health facilities available. It was President Ronald Reagan who closed them all down which was a huge mistake. Confinement and treatment must be made constantly available. Otherwise we are all at risk.


These courts would be set up in various sections of the country. Readers, will you support this by simply writing backup letters agreeing that such courts would benefit society? Most serial killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer were cruel to animals as they were growing up..Dahmer even killed and ATE his human victims.  This must be stopped. We must be vigilant.

Readers, please let me know that you will support this program, again, no money involved, simply sharing on social media, letters to the editor of your local papers and the papers in a community designated to propose an animal court.

SAD AND INFURIATING NOTE! Xanda,The son of Cecil Was Just Killed by a Trophy Hunter

This is extremely difficult to write. Xanda, the son (cub) of Cecil who was killed by trophy hunter, Walter Palmer, a dentist, has just been killed as well by a trophy hunting coward named Richard Cooke of RC Safaris in Zimbabwe near Hwange National park where Cecil was murdered.

Photo Caption: Zanda-Son of Cecil
© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
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“The Message” Reveals Truth About Eugene Peterson But Not God

When the new “modernized” version of the Bible titled, The Message written by.Eugene Peterson suddenly materialized in the bookstores with lots of press attention, my own thinking was, “Here we go again. Why do we need another version of the Bible?” It was a proper question. It seemed like every other month another ‘modernized’ version of the Bible was popping up somewhere. Every new arrival would belch out the same pitch, “written in modern up to date language (many words were changed altogether missing precisely what that sentence intended to convey.)“But,” they proclaimed, “this new and changed language can be better understood.”

This new ‘Bible’ was needed, say they, since many people cannot grasp the King James Language of the original Bibles. “This is why we need a clearer up to date Bible that everyone can understand which will result in more decisions for Christ.”

When the New International Version (NIV) was birthed in the 1970’s it appeared that everyone associated with the Assemblies of God Church felt that this was the greatest new thing since corn flakes. Pastors immediately began preaching from the NIV re-written texts. The theological errors were numerous and disturbing. For example, they left out the blood of Christ. It came off like a Cliff Notes of The Bible but, the content was faulty on every other page.

I did a class one night where Scriptures were read from the King James Bible and then someone else read the same Scriptures from the NIV. Attendees began to gasp as the readings went on and the total difference in the Scriptures became so obvious that at one point it almost became scandalous as it could be seen that these NIV people had basically re-written the entire Bible, leaving out key issues.

THEN the ultimate re-written Bible of all was introduced and exploded on the scene like fireworks at an outdoor popcorn party.  Notice I used “re-written,” NOT paraphrase. At one time I had 26 translations of the Bible in my library, such as The Phillips Bible and too many others to mention. These were not re-writes to change a particular meaning or word or simply edited in an attempt to clarify words. Those translations were real and absolutely valuable when seeking deeper meaning of a term used in the texts or simply to clarify a word. These were not cheap knock-offs of The Bible itself.

Peterson (we won’t refer to him as ‘Reverend since he does not have the heart of an authentic pastor) then received so much attention that he felt he had star status and could say anything he wanted. THEN the fireworks finale lit up the screens of the internet.

He began giving interviews and the trap was easily set.  He was asked by the interviewer of Religious News Service if he would ever officiate at a same-sex “marriage.” He said,’yes,’ than stated that the Presbyterian Church USA performs many same-sex “marriages.”  (This is very sad for this columnist who grew up in the Presbyterian Church, which at one time was THE church, where ‘proper’ God believing people attended.

Peterson often spoke in favor of LGBT people, once stating publicly, “There are gay and lesbian people who seem to have as good a spiritual life as I do.” Then he latched on to ‘situational ethics” by blubbering, “There is no right or wrong.” Really?

Wait! Isn’t he a minister? Doesn’t  he have “Reverend” in front of his name? There is no way he can claim those titles when he lets it be known that he will participate in any perversion that comes along, something that God specifically prohibits. This is made clear throughout the Bible. The first chapter of Genesis tells how and why he created MAN and WOMAN who would leave their parents and cling one to another.  They were to procreate. God allows for NO sexual deviancy. He made it clear that sex is only to be between a man and woman who are married. That is when sex is the most exciting.

When sex is pure it has a sacred thrill to it. Those on the prowl never know the genuine excitement that God-given sex can provide. And they remain frustrated throughout their lives since they will never know what true satisfaction is.

Of course, the moment Peterson’s perverted statements went out it started an uproar. Within 48 hours, Peterson retracted his statement. Too late, He had already exposed the secrets of his inner-being.  Bookstores like Lifeway Christian Books, a huge chain, has said they will discontinue carrying his books. Other book stores have said the same.

So what do you think? Should a pastors’ books be banned from Christian book stores when they prove to be insincere, not living a biblical life, indeed exposing themselves as hypocrites?

Here is the answer from this writer: I have a great respect for books and for authors, even authors I disagree with, such as many philosophers I read who are atheists. They are writing their thoughts sincerely. I am intrigued how the thought process of scholars function as they analyze a social issue and work toward a conclusion.  I am fascinated by epistemology directing scholars to reach their final thoughts.

I also know what goes into a book. It is an endeavor where the author pours his very being into the book, revealing his deepest thinking process that leads to his breakthrough ideas.

HOWEVER it is an entirely different matter when someone claiming to be a minister and theologian is actually a hypocrite who uses words, not from the heart, but words he has picked out of the air to make a book that will appeal to believers. When I read a Christian book I want to read words that are pure, that come out of a pure heart, not from a deceptive heart  that defies the wishes of God.

Yes, the Christian book stores should not carry his books. This is rare for me since I love my library. However, I’ve already gotten rid of my own copy of The Message. None of Peterson’s books will be in my library again.  If I had the space available I would fill several pages of “Scriptures” as written and given to the world by Eugene Peterson so you can see for yourselves. And to think I have seen respectable pastors preaching their sermons from that abominable Bible re-write, not the Bible itself.

Quick Question: Why do Christians think that we have to constantly make new versions of the Bible? Ask yourselves this question. Have the Muslims ever re-written their so-called sacred texts?  Can you imagine them ever doing so?  The original Bible should be what is on the pulpit, which is what first came to us and will never be out of date.

Am I being too judgmental and harsh for the feelings I have about a pastor committing or endorsing sin? No. We must confront sin and uphold God and His Word. And what about the criticism of us calling some sins more serious than others, like homosexuality?

There are many sins. However, this column has never heard of a thief, a robber, an adulterer, a murderer, a child molester or rapist mounting a campaign to force everyone to accept those sins. I have not heard of those other sinners putting people in jail for refusing to endorse and participate in those sins by attending their events or parades. We have never heard of other sinners putting people in jail for refusing to endorse those sins by providing them professional services.

Homosexuality is a completely different category of sin. It affects everyone. It affects children (who should be allowed to grow up without exposure to deviancy in their formative years. We are guilty for allowing this to happen.

PASTORS, MAN YOUR PULPITS. Christians, let’s get rid of these phony pastors like Eugene Peterson who are not only illegitimate but are hypocrites. More people leave the church and even a relationship with Jesus Christ because of these bogus preachers than any other single reason.

And each of those arrogant frauds will have to stand before the White Throne Judgment.  Read Ezekiel 3. This tells how anyone you turn away from God by your actions and personal conduct will require their blood on your hands. You will be held totally responsible. This is a serious offense that will be punished severely, especially those pastors and ‘reverends’ who falsely use those titles.

Mr. Peterson has a unique take on the Bible. He believes that we are to love the sinner…AND…love the sin. He may as well create The Church of Evasion..Perhaps he already has. We don’t really believe that God had that in mind.

There are only two choices to make in life: Do it God’s way–or don’t do it at all. This is what gives validity to the titles of ‘Reverend” and or Pastor..The preacher who does not do it God’s way is a con-man who has no right to refer to himself as a Reverend or a Pastor.

Get involved with a Bible believing church and join a Bible study class. Fill yourselves totally with God. Our relationship with God is what will be our strength and guide us in these coming last days.

And please, readers, show this story to every pastor you know. It is time to hold the microscope up to ourselves.


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Evangelicals Pray For President In W.H. – Democrats Outraged

It was a spontaneous event with historical significance.  According to Faith Leader Johnnie Moore, a group of ministers were in the White house for an all-day meeting on policy that did not involve the leader of the free world.  President Trump learned that they were there and insisted that they come to the Oval Office to say “hi.”

President Trump, who has an excellent relationship with faith leaders was more than willing when they offered to lay hands on him and pray for his success and safety as well as thanking God for placing him in the most powerful office in the world by overpowering a totally rigged election. That election was so rigged that the world was shocked when the results came in.

California Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) made a rule that all illegals in the state could vote since voting is taking a valid part in a country you wish to be a part of. And vote they did. Over 2-3 million illegals cast their votes for Hillary. A knuckle-headed Virginia governor ordered a bill that would allow, now listen to this, all convicted felons to vote (for Hillary).That resulted in over 40,000 additional votes for the Hill on the Hill.

(A convicted felon loses his right to vote.)  Voting machines, manufactured by George Soros flipped votes from Trump to Hillary…this has been documented. We’ve done our homework.

Of course the George Soros owned news media pulled every possible slam technique to make every single line with Trump in the story negative. With this latest nonsense one can see that the Soros Democrats can even turn praying for someone into a negative.

Clergy praying for the President of The United States was a part of America from her founding.  They wanted a country of morals, integrity, character, honesty, and a belief and love of God, They wanted our lives to be patterned on the principles of The Bible. The founders, many of them clergymen understood fully that a country based upon the above noted principles would be a strong country, even in the face of enemies who may try to do us harm. And no country could defeat us until we began mocking God, celebrating perversion and riotous living while working to get the Bible out of sight.

It became illegal to have Bibles and prayer in schools. The term, Christmas, was banned and Christmas programs became, ‘Winter Celebrations.’ The following year following the banning of the Bible and Prayer, the crime rate increased over 300%.That percentage has continued to climb ever since.

As the result, our country became a land of chaos. Child rape is not only a common occurrence but indeed an expected one. RECENTLY three immigrant Muslim kids who had been brought into America and put up in an apartment, viciously and violently raped a little five year old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho. Not content with that these Muslim savages also urinated in the little child’s mouth.

We have just learned the outcome of that outrage. Those punks did not get one day in prison or even at a juvenile facility. They were simply let go with no punishment. Even more outrageous, the Obama appointed State Attorney General made a public statement that anyone who makes a negative statement about the Muslim refugees will be charged and punished.

This is a result of pushing God, the Bible, morality and Christianity out of our lives. There was a time when people showed respect for each other, were polite, honest and did not parade their sins publicly for the world to see. Talk about thumbing ones’ nose at God. That will not continue without severe consequences.

So at last, during the worst time of our history, we saw clergy laying their hands in prayer over our new President. Some photos were taken by Johnnie Moore, a former vice president of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, one used in this story, and a couple others were released on Twitter. This group inlcuded Vice President Mike Pence and top Presidential Adviser Jared Kushner . Moore is the author of: “Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of its Birth and in Your Own Backyard.”

Interesting, it is OK to defile the White House with rainbow colors celebrating the sin of homosexuality covering the People’s House, and to bring in anarchists and criminals, but bring in God and all hell comes alive. Here are some of the reactions from the Communist Democrat-progressives regarding praying in The White House:

CNN (Communist News Network) jumped into action immediately when that tweet got out about the prayers in the White House, by tying to convince their sucker-audiences that this proves the allegations of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government, which authorities believe (no “authorities” listed”) conducted a cyberwar and hacking campaign in a bid to disrupt the November election.

How’s that again? What does one have to do with the other? This is nuts!  So praying for someone proves that Trump colluded with Russia to swing our election over to Hillary? Now we’ve heard it all. What’s more, other idiotic comments state that this entire prayer business in the White House is a cover up for “Russian Collusion,” and “this has all knocked the entire White House off Balance,” preached The Washington Post and The New York Times--All the fake news that’s not fit to print. We suppose this statement would prove that prayer is powerful

It gets even nuttier. When the twitter photo went out, the Dems went into a hissy fit sending vulgar curse words to Johnnie Moore who said these were the vilest messages he had ever received. And this was all over him praying with the president.

The image of prayer in the White House immediately sparked an angry backlash, including allegations that Moore is somehow racist for having a better relationship with Trump than with his predecessor. We knew racism had to get in here somehow.

The Democrats, who are experts at twisting every event in our society, are conniving, cunning schemers who are so uneducated that they have no idea how this New One World Government that they are pushing so hard to achieve will affect their own lives.

They are so misled and uninformed that they would probably try to get rich selling Songs without Words. Wait! Isn’t that basically what they are doing now?

What we saw at the White House this past Tuesday was totally correct, proper, and encouraging. I’m sure those pastors who prayed with the President also gave thanks to God for performing the miracle that put him in office, yes, I too believe, with the deck stacked the way it was for the most wicked candidate in history, almost fool proof, that prayers were answered as millions upon millions of people were up early every morning playing an Abrahamic prayer asking God’s intervention.

And against all odds, God stepped in and answered those prayers, the prayers that astonished the world. Russia had nothing to do with Trump’s victory. It was The Hand of God that stepped in and propelled millions of voters to head to the polls.

Moore said evangelicals “have a wide open door like never before into this administration,” and suggested progressives will have to make peace with the fact that the president of the United States openly prays with leading evangelicals. This is good news for millions of people, with the exception of the Democrat Communists, Satanists, LGBT, Progressives and deviants.

“This wasn’t the first time, it won’t be the last time,” Moore said. “And the principle promise that evangelicals have made to the president, the vice president, and the administration is that millions of us will be praying for him every day.”

All of us have a profound duty to pray for our president, to get back to church-if you hear a distortion of The Holy Scriptures or any of that New Age crap at any time, RUN, don’t walk to the nearest exit, then go find a church that preaches the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then join a Bible study group. Base your life on the principles of the Bible.

We now have a president who will stand with the Christians and the ministers.  We have been miraculously given a second chance. Let’s not blow it. Let only God be the authority of your life

Our thanks to journalist David A. Patten for writing the original story for NewsMax, one of the very few places where you can read the REAL news.


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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RINOS Oozing From Soros’ Swamp Named, Shocking!

The first promise President Donald Trump made when elected as POTUS was to ‘drain the swamp that encompasses Washington, D.C. That is the swamp where all the quirk heads pretend they are here to protect America but in reality do everything to sabotage our way of government. It is the ultimate deception.

Yet, many of these swamp creatures put all their efforts into destroying America from within, blocking sensible laws and crafting some of the nuttiest legislation ever read by this columnist.

It is not easy to drain a swamp. First of all, the slush in the swamp must go somewhere when it is pumped out of the murky mess it settled in. It is like digging a hole to bury some dirt.

The challenge is even greater when much of that which must be drained out is seemingly connected to guy-wires along the insides of the swamp holding the objects in place where they can neither come or go. They are held in a rigid position of total control, which is the purpose of those guy-wires. Those who obey willingly and efficiently will be gifted with positions of power and name recognition along with generous pocket change.

And who exactly are those Swamp Creatures? They are RINOS, meaning, Republicans in Name Only. They are like a flock of buzzards that think they are eagles but these impostors are more vicious and ruthless than Democrats or even Bernie Sanders supporters.  On second thought, Hillary may be even more scary.

IT’S TIME TO DO A ROLL CALL IN THE SWAMP: Senator John McCain:  “Here.”  The “war hero” and the Swamp Master have enjoyed a very close relationship for many years. Wait–war hero? The press, all controlled by George Soros, certainly made him out to be just that. However, he was known by fellow prisoners of war as ‘being a snitch.’  In other words, he reported on all he heard from the men’s private conversations behind those prison walls, which brought him extra favors by doing so while bringing extra punishment for them.

John McCain has been funded by Soros for many years by his shadowy organizations. Soros enlisted the senator’s inside help to fight the NRA with his main objective being to disarm all Americans. Once all Americans were disarmed, the rest would be easy for the Communists to hand you a paper at your doorstep and say, “Here are your orders.”

John Young published a story in various conservative news sites regarding the Senator from Arizona.

Senator McCain first rose to national prominence on the issue of campaign finance reform. Everybody knows that our political system is so corrupted by money from special interests that it no longer represents the interests of the people; so this is pretty much a “mom and apple-pie” issue. So Senator McCain undertook the task of “taking the money out of politics,” and even founded a non-profit institute, called The Reform Institute to move the project forward. 

But where does the optimistically-named Reform Institute get its money? Well, the donors list includes George Soros’ Open Society Institute and The Tides Foundation among others. Try not to be shocked that Arianna Huffington, a long-time Soros organizer serves on its advisory board. This will explain their liberal slanted news on the Huffington Post.

Just to show how loyal the esteemed Mr. Soros is to his loyal minions like John McCain, Ms. Huffington actually organized a series of Shadow Conventions for fundraising for McCain prior to his previous campaign for president, for which Soros contributed about a third of the funding. 

In the wake of the passage of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill, was corruption reduced? Of course not. All that happened was a bunch of so-called 527 groups funded by George Soros had free reign to do whatever they wanted while pro-constitution advocacy groups like the NRA were muzzled.(1) This “side-effect” of the bill was utterly predictable.

According to the original story, here are some more interesting names who are still in the swamp with George Soros: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Lindsay Graham. Again, this is only a partial list of those who have sold out to George Soros.

Of course, Hillary Clinton was totally in his pocket and there was no question in his mind that Hillary would be sitting in The Oval Office. Soros was shocked at this unexpected loss almost causing him a nervous breakdown. He even had Hillary’s photo on the cover of Newsweek with the caption, “Madame President.” which was released two days before the election.

Soros could not believe that the people came out in the millions to back Trump and put him into the Oval Office.

Most of the D.C. ruffians running the U.S. are working with Homeland Security, yes, you read that right. Soros has put the most sensitive government offices into the hands of Communists and Muslims. You can google this info. And you should read the results in horror. It is ridiculous that any country could do anything this stupid.

America put in President Donald Trump. He does not have to kow tow to anyone. We have a majority of Republican representatives on Capitol Hill. The President has great power including the Executive Order. He can put a stop to all of this opposition and simply do what a president does. He can at any time have the Sgt at Arms seize and arrest someone in high office who needs to be removed from that position.

The president can also reign in these rogue judges that have the audacity to make a presidential order null and void. This is war time. There are different rules under these conditions. Forget about ‘constitutional rights.’ Those rights are ONLY for citizens of The United States of America.

Those citizens who try to interfere with the function of our government and sabotage any action, such as by George Soros, he can and MUST be arrested and charged with Treason and Sedition. To not take this action is idiotic.

The greatest effort is to turn this planet into a One (New) World Order that would be under tyrannical Communist Islamic rule. There is only one country standing in the way of that goal. The United States. Why? Because the majority of the American people worship God and go to church. Churches still dot the landscape of every state. This is why and how the following statement was made. Now read it carefully:

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” –George Soros.   Spoken like a true Communist.

Our Sincere thanks to Journalist John Young for breaking the original story.

Photo Caption: Best Friends George Soros and John McCain

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Some Muslims Enjoy Torturing Animals

[EDITORS NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Today’s disturbing news details how Muslims take pleasure in causing animals to suffer. This is extremely difficult to write as it produces rage and grief throughout my being over the cruelties that these savages inflict upon innocent animals, which these sickos love to do and are raised to do.

Details will be minimized as much as possible knowing the anguish this stimulates within every human being who hears of these atrocities. It makes this writer physically ill.  In brief, Muslims, yes MUSLIMS, use cats and kittens as soccer balls, rip limbs from their little bodies, poke out their eyes and cut open their insides SIMPLY FOR THEIR SICK PLEASURE IN DOING SO making these little animals scream in agony while the savages laugh.

As if this is not enough, they Mock God by actually crucifying cats and dogs, yes nailing them to wooden crosses. Considering the deep feelings of animal lovers such as this writer, no more specifics will be detailed. Plus this is blasphemy for which they will be sent to hell.

Arab Muslims are taught these atrocities from the time they are children. They are not of the human race but the agents of hell.

Muslim children are taught to do horribly cruel things to animals from the time they are toddlers in order to “toughen them up.” They are taught to have no feelings toward any living thing. Did you get this?

Muslim Children are brought up with these warped views of life. Muslims are not human beings. Little Muslim children are also used as suicide bombers in order to kill others. They are direct descendants of Satan himself.

The attached image is an actual photo of a very young Muslim warrior. At that age he has already began torturing animals to feel power. Muslim children at that age, and younger, actually take part in beheading a victim. They are in effect, little monsters who belong to Satan. 

But what about forgiveness? Can’t God forgive the devil? The answer is a resounding NO! Why? Because Satan has already been condemned. So he is beyond being forgiven.  Muslims are the direct descendants of Satan so unless they see the light they are already condemned.  That is the status Muslims currently occupy.

Meanwhile we must deal with the demented puss bags of do-gooders who insist that we must welcome Muslims in our midst who intend to bring their way of life to America. Look what has already happened in London and France. Forget the epitaphs hurled at those who want to close our borders. Remember that the term, ‘Political Correctness’ was coined by Adolf Hitler. Forget the churchy ‘welcome everyone’ insanity, which they think makes themselves appear to be good compassionate people. Instead use Common Sense. T H I N K of their history and lifestyles.

Muslims are the most deranged, demented individuals on earth who originated straight from the pits of hell by Mohammed, who became the devil incarnate as he came to earth to start a new “religion.” that would be called, ISLAM.  To emphasize the stupidity of the people, Mohammed stated that the Angel Gabriel came to him and dictated the Koran, the working orders of Islam that would become the law of the land, a perverted law that would displace the God of Israel.

LET’S PAUSE FOR A MOMENT AND T H I N K. Gabriel is the Arch Angel of Israel and this impostor, Mohammed,  actually was able to convince people that this angel would double-cross God and His Chosen People, Israel, in order to help start a new religion that would kill all Jews- God’s chosen people?  How’s that again?

Even the most stupid dumb bells should be able to figure out the absurdity of that idea. But then again, we are not dealing with actual people. We are dealing with 7th Century Stone Age Savage BASTARDS!

Now men, don’t get your panty-hose in a twist (fascinating how language declarations have so drastically changed). First of all, the word, Bastard, is a biblical word, meaning questionable circumstances regarding the birth of an individual. The Muslims who delight in torturing animals are members of a bastard race, created by the SIN of Abraham. Yes you read that correctly.

In brief, God had promised the elderly Abraham a son. Instead of holding on to the promise of God, Abraham, encouraged by his wife Sarie, ‘went into’ (biblical term meaning had sex), with his Egyptian servant girl Hagar. The perverted idea, proposed by Sarai, would mean Abraham might have a son through his servant girl, to carry on his name. Swell.

Even though God PROMISED a legitimate son and heir through Sarai, Abraham did not have full faith in God’s promise which resulted in a sin that has caused chaos in the world ever since with the birth of Ishmael.

Ishmael’s illegitimate birth resulted in the formation of the Arab race, out of which grew Islam and the world has suffered massacres and chaos ever since. Here is yet another result of sin.

Bear in mind that this and all the Islamic attacks on innocent people are all taking place because of the SIN of Abraham who had received a promise from God that he and Sarai would have a son. This demonstrated a deplorable lack of faith in God, Instead of waiting in due time for God to provide the fulfillment to His promise, Abraham virtually jumped the gun.

When Sarai suggested he ‘go into’ Hagar the servant girl, the Bible states that,  “Abraham HEARKENED (hastened) to the voice of Sarai.” He was hot to trot.

Here is what God said about Ishmael who had been created through this illicit union:  After naming Ishmael, God said, “And he will be a wild man, his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”   Genesis 16:12. Thus the Arab race and Islam began.

Talk about a totally accurate prophecy! God knew the consequences of the sins of Abraham that to this day affects the entire world. These consequences came as a result of Abraham, like many of us, expecting God to answer our prayers without a waiting period. We expect all prayers to be answered ‘right now,’ with no waiting required that in turn gives God a chance to work out all the details the answer to that prayer will provide.

So the birth of Ishmael, the original Arab Muslim, which has caused death, torture, rape, theft, chaos and murder simply for the sake of murder has all come to pass due to sin. It is to be noted that this was not the only sin of Abraham. Twice he lied to a king who had taken them in by introducing Sarai as his ‘sister. And the king faced God’s punishment as a result.  Abraham’s faith in God was iffy.

There is still hope for Muslims. God is still reaching out to you. Millions of Muslims (yes MILLIONS) have been visited by Jesus in vivid dreams, so vivid in fact that those who had that visitation were propelled to leave their ‘religion’ immediately, flee from their homes, since they would be immediately killed for leaving the Islamic faith.

Now that they know the truth they are now compelled to serve The Lord of Lords and King of Kings. They were snatched from the brink of hell’s fires and brought to the light. And that is still possible for many Muslims who come to their senses. MUSLIMS-READ THIS CAREFULLY.

The first thing to learn is that Jesus is the God of Love. The word ‘LOVE’ is nowhere to be found in the so-called Muslim ‘holy book.’ Indeed, the entire Koran is about hatred with instructions on how to entrap and murder their victims. Their “god” Allah, is an immoral god who offers 72 virgins waiting on satin sheets in heaven to sexually serve for eternity, those who die while killing others. And this would be the behest of the God of the Universe who had no restraints or morality? I don’t think so.

And did anyone else even think of the challenge of spirits having sex together since they are transparent with no substance. We can state for sure that those who killed expecting those 72 virgins awaiting them have been lied to and are all burning in hell for eternity. This is truth.

That entire Islamic ‘religion’ is a lie that turns what could have been great people into blood thirsty psychopaths whose only goal is to cause turmoil and suffering, precisely the devil’s work.

The word love is not even suggested in the Koran or Islam itself. The Koran is all about hate, murder, rape, theft and conquest. And the new Christian converts quickly learn the power of love. Those who have made the transition have become the finest Christians anyone could ever know and now live happy lives.

Does this writer hate Muslims?  For those who torture animals and people, yes. These are sub-humans already condemned to hell. However I have known many very good Muslims. This writer will never forget the warm hospitality extended by Bedouins in the deserts of Israel.


To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. Acts 16:18

This writer urgently urges Muslims to seek the light. The choice is in your hands to have a happy productive life. You have been manipulated into a lie. You are better than that.


Photo Caption: Actual Muslim Child Warrior

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

One Word Keeps Islam Problem Out Of Japan

LONDON 6/14/17–The United States, England and France are hotbeds of Muslim mayhem which includes murder, rape, theft and destruction as well as mooching from the people’s taxes. Yes, the citizens of the countries they invade actually pay for all their expenses which is nuts!

Last night a high rise apartment building in London exploded into flames, killing several and sending scores to the hospital. At this moment they are still searching for bodies and the injured.

The media, grasping for any excuse to divert attention from Muslims, stated that the fires started when a refrigerator in a top floor apartment exploded. How’s that again?

In all my years, 83 of them to be exact, I have NEVER heard of a refrigerator exploding and causing a fire. Plus at the same time, flames simultaneously exploded on several floors below. Simple knowledge of science should underscore the improbability of this.

(Since the first “reports” the story has changed to the fire starting in a 4th floor apartment. In this version it was not an “exploding refrigerator” that caused the fire–they quickly realized how ridiculous that claim was, so they then claimed it was a material put on the outside of the building that burst into flames. This is why I don’t believe one word published by the Fake News Media.)

This all could have been prevented if these countries, drowning in stupidity, would have employed that ONE WORD (which will be revealed later in this story). And that is the word the one country free of Islamic chaos, Japan, lives by. First of all, the Japanese people respect and keep its traditions and customs. Get that? They do not allow the spread of alien religions or new cultures to take over established models of conduct. Those who visit there are expected to respect their culture and abide by THEIR rules.

Here is how Japan keeps Muslims at bay: We are grateful to journalist Leon Lunsky for gathering these stats for a story he wrote in a conservative publication:

1. A Muslim will never acquire citizenship in Japan. Japan is the only country that does not give citizenship to Muslims. It cannot be argued. Law is the law.

2. Muslims have no right to stay in Japan for a long time.

3. An attempt to spread Islam is a criminal offense. You can go to prison for a long time.

4. In Japan, there is not a single school where Arabic is taught.

5. The Koran is a forbidden book. You cannot import it. Only the “adapted” version in Japanese is available.

6. Observance of Muslim prayers is allowed only in enclosed spaces. In the event that the rituals are seen by ordinary Japanese, a Muslim is threatened with prison.

7. It is strictly prohibited to speak Arabic.

8. Japan has virtually no embassies in the Arab countries.

9. Islam in Japan professes 0.00% of the Japanese.

10. A Muslim who has come to work in Japan has the right to work ONLY with a foreign company. Japanese companies do not hire people who profess Islam.

11. Visas to Japan are very rare for Muslims. Even famous doctors, scientists professing Islam have a hard time getting a visa to Japan.

12. In employment contracts, it is often written that the employer has the right to dismiss an employee without explanations if he learns of his Islamic faith.

13. Muslims are prohibited from renting houses in Japan, not to mention buying property.

14. Translation of technical documentation from Japanese to Arab customers is carried out by non-Japanese companies.

15. Muslims are treated like outcasts. If someone in the area is a Muslim, the entire neighborhood will be treating him as a criminal.

16. The opening of Islamic schools cannot even be discussed.

17. Japan does not accept Sharia law.

18. A Japanese woman caught in affair with a Muslim becomes an outcast of the society.

Conclusion: no Islam – no terror!!!

Plus, the Japanese people studied Confucianism which is filled with wisdom for the ages. They recently re-introduced that philosopher’s teachings in the schools.

Meanwhile do-gooder imbeciles say we should be welcoming to all, throw open our gates to all who want to come, set up shop and establish new laws for us all to live under. These do-gooders take part in these nutty ideas in order to make them appear as wonderful tender-hearted caring people which all comes from the sin of pride, wanting to make themselves look good.

The do-gooders say that the intruders have constitutional rights. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Constitutional Rights are written to protect AMERICAN CITIZENS ONLY. Those rights are for us, not for any intruder pushing his way into this country.

These “rights” including welfare, food stamps, housing, free medical and education that the Muslims demand are only for AMERICANS who live and work here not for anyone with an entirely different ideology that crashes our borders.

The Communist-Democrats state in their newspapers that establishing a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. (despite that their race consists of 7th Century murderous savages) is, now get this, “unconstitutional,” “discriminatory,” “racist,” “a violation of Freedom of Religion” (again-that applies to those who live and work in America) and the epitaphs most commonly used against this ban, HATRED and ISLAMOPHOBIA.

As all these issues are debated there is ONE WORD that would settle it all. That word is:

D I S C E R N M E N T which means W I S D O M.  This means giving full assessment of the individual along with his or her background before allowing them to come in. Japan caught on to this long ago.

What discernment reveals cancels the words discriminatory, racist, violation of freedom of Religion, HATE and anything with the word, “Phobia” in it. It is the master guilt injection.

There have been many laws banning Muslims from countries due to their violent conduct, one initiated by Thomas Jefferson. Those laws in the dust bins of our history sections are actually still valid today. Click the link.

Another country who has no problem with Muslims is Switzerland. This is cemented in place by a particular law. All young men are required to serve time in the military. After their tours of duty, they must take their weapons home with them, meaning that every home in the tiny Alps country is armed. They also have all bridges in and out of the country rigged with explosives that can take them down in an instant if enemy forces try to get across them to attack.

Another Swiss point: One goes through tough vetting before even being allowed in the country for a visit. Here is another successful country that exercises discernment–the most important word for any country to employ. America: This is your wake-up Call.

Image Caption: Japanese Character for Confusionism.


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

George Soros-The Hairball Clogging The Swamp

MOSCOW 5/25/17–The accuracy of the above headline was not deliberately engineered or coined by this writer. The phrase came from Chaplain Liza Hart during a casual conversation by phone this morning as we talked about the mind-boggling state of our once great nation. Chaplain Liza known as the flying chaplain owns her own airplane which can take her over the mountains to six prisons she serves.

“To really drain the swamp, as Trump promised, it is necessary,” Chaplain Liza offered, “to first get rid of the hairball clogging it up.”

That hairball is George Soros who hires armies of people to block and sabotage everything President Donald Trump attempts to accomplish for our country while causing chaos and confusion. The swamp cannot be drained until that hairball has been removed. That is the first priority.

Soros is behind every protest, riot, and misleading news report about our president and our country. He owns most of the news media and the “reporters” who are on his payroll print every lie he wants published.

He is falsely making the public believe that it is the Republicans, yes, the conservatives, who have turned against our duly elected president “after seeing the truth,” which is the big lie. It is the conservatives that turned out in droves to put him in the Oval Office and who solidly stand by him today. This is another example of Soros’ misdirection which he so skillfully pulls off.

We can immediately get rid of that hairball by allowing Russia (that has an international arrest warrant for Soros), to come in, arrest him, and take him back to Russia for justice. It is up to us to contact the White House, President Donald Trump and the Attorney General, insisting that this order be executed without further delay. We are currently in a crisis that must be averted while we still survive.

Once that hairball is removed, THEN the swamp can be drained since it will not be clogged. Once George Soros is turned over to Russia, sanity can return to the U.S. and even the world itself. Readers, this is a call to action! It is incumbent upon all of you to take part in this by contacting our leaders.

The Manchester Muslim Attack: Was Soros Involved?

How can the world be surprised at the vicious Muslim attack in Manchester on Monday? Wherever these 7th Century stone-age savages manage to get in as refugees to live, they immediately plot to force that area to become an Islamic state ruled by Sharia Law as their own twisted culture becomes dominant pushing out the established way of life.

They do not have to really work to crash our borders. Soros-funded politicians open the gates for them to enter, take over and cause havoc weakening the nation they intend to rule. This aids Soros in turning America into a Communist nation and a part of the New World Order, with Soros as Potentate. Those in the D.C. Swamp cooperate with Soros, not only for the payoffs, but believing that Soros will assist their political careers.

There is now an epidemic of insanity in America, especially since it has been constantly shown what happens when Muslims are allowed to immigrate into an open borders country. One example of the epidemic is a speech given the day after the Manchester attack by Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges who spoke in a mosque to assure the Muslims that she–now get this–STANDS WITH THEM.

Running for re-election in November, Hodges said: “The city must embrace the discomfort of transformation,” her theme of the campaign. “We must work tirelessly to create “One Minneapolis” that works for everyone.” Yes a serious plague of idiocy has swept our nation and it appears to be contagious.


At the same time, right after the Manchester Jihadist murders, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals shot down President Trump’s ban on Muslim Immigration, ruling against his executive order restricting travel from several predominantly Muslim countries. What?

This is all going on while yet another country is reeling from mass murder caused by a Muslim suicide bomber. People are still looking for remains of loved ones who were blown apart while democrats work to appease the Jihadists. The victims were mostly very young people.

The Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) newsletter that I suddenly began to receive, were delighted at the news that President Trump’s Muslim ban was blocked, stating: “We welcome today’s ruling as a strong indication that the federal courts reject the ‘Muslim ban’ as unconstitutional and un-American” said Director Lena Masri.

The newsletter said the ban was ‘discriminatory,’ ‘prejudiced’, ‘anti-religion’ and, ‘Islamophobic’. We certainly can’t have that ‘ya know, even though wherever they immigrate, they bring Jihad with them.

Here’s another zinger. St. Louis CAIR Muslims want their observance of Ramadan to be recognized by the U.S. Government as a “holy month,” and they got it. Here is how they reported this victory in their daily newsletter headed: The Missouri Chapter of CAIR:

“The world’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today welcomed Resolution 32 by the Board of Alderman that “recognizes Ramadan as a holy month and commits to creating a culture of respect in the City of St. Louis.”

There is no doubt that George Soros bought and paid for the politicians to give the Muslims whatever they want. Obama could testify to that.  The Muslims feel they already run this country, and in a sense, that is true. Again, all of this has taken place immediately following the Manchester Massacre by a jihadist whose parents had made their way into that country.

Head Transplants on the way to becoming a reality:

News just came out of Italy that scientists there are working on performing–this is real-a head transplant. According to Italian news sources they have already done this on a monkey even though the monkey did not survive it. If that procedure improves, we have several recommendations for patients.

Let’s get this straight, There is nothing about controlling immigration sensibly that can be classified as ‘religious discrimination.’  First of all, Islam is NOT a religion, but a radical political action organization. All the religions I have studied seeks to bring out the best of people, the very antithesis to what Islam promotes.

In their “holy book”  are endless instructions to kill ‘infidels.’ those who are not Muslims, to torture, rape slaughter anyone they wish with the promise of 76 virgins awaiting the martyrs who die killing others, which is absolute nonsense. When they die they go immediately into the fires of hell. That’s where that young jihadist is now who caused the murders in Manchester. Muslims, for God’s sake, wake up! You have been lied to by your leaders.

Google–Koran scriptures for violence. There are literally hundreds of verses in their so-called “holy book,” calling for violence against society. The word or even idea of love is nowhere in the Koran. It is all based upon hate. There is no such thing as a ‘lone wolf’ Jihadist. Each one of them have an army of people surrounding them providing information, encouragement and secrets to successful killings. So the ‘lone wolf’ idea is a myth. Many Jihadists are involved in every Islamic terrorist action.

Plus they are backed by their mosque that encourages their rampages as well as the Koran with very clear instructions for mass murders, which is, according to the Koran, their duty. Forget about the many Muslims who are not violent narration we constantly hear. As long as they go to hear the fiery violence preached at the mosques and read the Koran, they must be sent out of every country they crowd into.

The ONLY way that a Muslim can be trusted is if you know for sure that they have denounced the Koran and the Mosque.

Let’s begin by calling the murderers what they are….MUSLIMS, not “radical Islamist’s,” or ‘extremists,’ but Muslims. The deaths caused by them is not a ‘tragedy,’ as the Soros media calls these murders, It is a deliberate evil event. The enemy must be correctly recognized.

It is time for President Trump to have congress officially declare war on Jihadists in their countries. Then we can deal properly with all those who fit that category with many laws to assist us in keeping ourselves safe from them.

Support a move to have The Supreme Court weigh in on the Muslim ban. And insist that President Trump allow Russia to come and take George Soros back with them. THEN the swamp can truly be drained and allow the country to be in working order, once that hairball is removed.

There are many inside secrets of what is coming that will startle everyone who watches the video below (24 minutes) from a former insider who is revealing the truth of what is going on behind closed doors in D.C.

We can no longer have closed brains that manipulate us to simply watch obediently without pushing back. We are doomed if we fail to do that. Below is a link to the video. Watch, learn, and take action to protect you and your families.



Photo Caption: The Hairball Must Be Removed Before the Swamp Can Be Drained.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

George Soros Surprise Coming

George Soros, the most evil man on earth, is the combustion propelling the anti-Trump attacks front paged each and every day, as well as on TV networks. And all the innuendo-packed dishonest “news” being put out to all media is, frankly ….crap!  Soros has taken events and made them into something they are not with the goal of sabotaging President Trump’s accomplishments and character.

His goal is to work the people up to anarchy, for them to rise and drive him out of office. Soros would then put Hillary in. Soros owns most of the news media and most of the journalists work for him. It is up to the people to stand with President Trump and against those who are vilifying him. It has come to that.

These constant “reports” are dishonest, manipulated, contrived and programmed precisely to turn the public against the man legitimately voted into the Oval Office by the American people.

This past election, that surprised the world, prevented America from being turned into a total Communist nation. And this writer thoroughly believes that with this election, God Himself gave America one final chance to repent from the sin that has enveloped our country and turn back to Him. Preachers, man your pulpits!

There is nothing legit about any of the attacks on President Trump. Soros is the master of the innuendo, which is an indirect suggestion of improper conduct to attack the character or abilities of an individual to inflame the public to rise against him. Soros has successfully pulled this on several countries and at least three countries have warrants out for his capture and arrest.

Move to Have Soros Charged with Treason and Sedition Gaining Support

This columnist has urged all readers to contact the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, their representatives and President Donald Trump, insisting that Treason and Sedition Charges be filed against George Soros and for that case to be prosecuted. And many have done just that making authorities sit up and take notice. We need more of you to take part.

Stay tuned for a final action that can be taken to assure that this be done.

Here is another letter sent to President Trump regarding the prosecution of George Soros. This letter from Richard Firth can be a model to work from. Readers, it is now up to you to follow suit:

Office of The President
The White House
Washington, D. C.


Dear President Trump:

I want you to support all efforts in getting this world criminal, George Soros, to justice, particularly for his crimes against this country, the chief of which is treason.  There is now in the works a Congressional investigation led by Representative Christopher Smith.  I want you and my Congressional delegation to push hard for this investigation and fully support its recommendations.  If the investigation reveals criminal activity, he must be arrested and immediately  tried on those charges particularly if they include treason.

This man has gotten away with much too much causing world governments to topple and he wants to topple this one too.  He has funded 200 organizations to do his dirty work against this nation and you can find the names of those organizations by clicking on this link.

The author of the article, Rev Miles Austin, is dedicated to the cause of bringing this infamous criminal to justice.  We cannot let anyone, including our highest officials, get away with the crimes they are committing against this nation, which to me are Obama, Hillary and James Comey.

I am sending a copy of this letter to my Congressional delegation asking for their full support of any Congressional investigation into Soros’ alleged criminal activities which could amount to treason and then support our attorney general’s effort to bring Soros to trial on those charges as Soros is an American citizen.

Richard W. Firth

CC: Cong. Rob Wittman
Senator Tim Kaine
Senator Mark Warner

Stay Tuned.

Soros Partners With CAIR To Sabotage Sheriff Clarke

MILWAUKEE How did this columnist wind up on CAIR’s mailing list? It was certainly not by request. Suddenly the Muslim’s news service propaganda began arriving in my inbox daily.

CAIR which is, the Council for American Islamic Relations, is a “civil rights” organization to protect Muslims from any backlash based on their lawlessness. That group, not surprisingly, have put Milwaukee County Sheriff David A.Clarke in their cross-hairs. They do not want any patriotic American in any visible position who might follow the law regarding border-jumpers who want to get into this country to cause mayhem.

CAIR is urging the Trump Administration NOT to appoint Sheriff Clarke to a post with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Here is what their May 1st daily newsletter said: Last year, Clarke supported then GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s call for law enforcement to “patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods.” CAIR expressed concern that “Such a policy would lead to religious and ethnic profiling by officers” and called the policy “unworkable, unconstitutional and counterproductive.”

As can be seen, any Muslim arrested while committing crime, rape and murder would be arrested due to religious and ethnic profiling, not for the commission of a crime. If a group is known for chaos, destruction, rape, robbery and murder, any analytical look at them would constitute, well, stereotyping. We can’t have that doncha know. As Adolf Hitler who coined the term said, “We must be politically correct.”

The CAIR newsletter goes on to say: “Clarke also caused controversy with his claim that the Black Lives Matter movement would “join forces” with the terror group ISIS. He is facing protests because he wants his officers to operate as federal immigration agents.

“Given Sheriff Clarke’s history of extremist views, and his support for counterproductive and un-American policy proposals, it would be inappropriate to appoint him to any government position — let alone one involving public outreach,” said CAIR Government Affairs Director Robert McCaw.

McCaw noted that “Clarke would join many other infamous Islamophobes in, or recently removed from the Trump administration, including Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, and Stephen Miller. Many of the administration’s picks are themselves on record as making anti-Muslim statements or of working closely with anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists.” 

Remember that all of this agitation is being put together with the money of George Soros, who works closely with the Islamic extremists in their goal to take down America. There is a now a growing movement to have Soros arrested and prosecuted for Treason and Sedition.

With the backing of George Soros, a vicious demonstration against Sheriff Clarke took place outside his office in Milwaukee on May 1st, May Day. Over 10.000 protesters came with signs and noise to show their hatred of him. Again, these people did not just suddenly show up. They were paid for and brought there by George Soros. The Soros sponsored people called Sheriff Clarke “a Nazi Coon.” Other news stories have noted that Soros is a racist who USES black people to accomplish his personal goals.

CAIR is expanding their presence by opening offices in every major area of the United States. This is as dumb as having Nazi civil rights offices all over the U.S. during WW11.

It is interesting to note that Muslims, who have declared that they will destroy America, will lecture us that our action to protect ourselves is “un-American.” Really?

Now the big question: How in the name of the devil’s domain do we allow Muslims, our sworn enemies, to dictate American law and social norms? To dictate to our government who can and who cannot be appointed. Children, wake up. Nap time is over.

And by all means, do all possible to back Sheriff David A. Clarke.


Photo 1 Caption: Sheriff David A. Clarke
Photo 2 Caption: Demonstrators Against Sheriff Clarke in Milwaukee
Photo credit: Screen Grabs

Steps To Prosecute George Soros For Treason Has Begun

Action has now charged out the gate to take down the most evil man on earth, Communist Billionaire George Soros, a citizen of the U.S. (and Hungary) by prosecuting him for Treason and Sedition.

Treason means to work with enemies to cause chaotic harm, destabilize and interfere with your own country with the goal of its destruction and seizure to replace it with another government. Sedition is inciting disorder in a country, which is similar, but with the same severe consequences.

Soros, who lives in New York, has over 200 ‘non-profit’ organizations created for that very reason, to destroy America and put this country under Communist dictatorship with Soros on the One World Government throne. These organizations, their names and purpose can be found on this writer’s website: Readers will be shocked.

In my story I suggested everyone contact their representatives and President Donald Trump himself to demand that these charges be made and Soros arrested.  Reader Richard Firth emailed that all demands should be sent directly to Attorney General Jeff Sessions since he is the one who has the authority to file the charges. He included this link to contact AG Sessions.

Mr. Firth also alerted us to this link to a petition site to send a message to the Attorney General with the title: Petition to arrest George Soros for crimes against the U.S.

Sign this petition without delay, then compose a letter to AG Jeff Sessions, similar to the one below just sent by Mr. Firth:

Mr. Jeff Sessions

  1. S. Attorney General

Department of Justice
Washington, D. C.

George Soros is a racist who exploits blacks by paying them to do his dirty work. Soros personally hates blacks which he considers an inferior race only to be used. For him, black folks are merely useful idiots to cause chaos and divide our country while weakening it, enabling him to carry out his agenda.

Racist George Soros, cares only to destroy all humanity by putting everyone on the planet under a new Communist One World Order dictatorship with him on the world throne as emperor of the planet. Virtually he is trying to overthrow the U. S. Government which is an act of treason

He stirs up hatred toward the blacks by paying them to cause riots and chaos, stopping traffic, destroying property and looting stores which results in blacks creating their own stereotypes under the banner, Black Lives Matter. Then they complain about being profiled, thanks to George Soros.

Soros is agitating blacks against whites with the goal to promote a huge race war that will divide and bring this nation to its knees where America, the last hold out against the New World Order, will be weakened sufficiently for Communist rule to be established.

Therefore please issue a warrant for Soro’s arrest charging him with high treason. This man is almost a form of the anti-Christ, trying to destroy nations with the goal of reducing the world’s population to about one million individuals through whatever means necessary.

He must be taken off the streets, put in utter isolation and tried for high treason.

Richard W. Firth

It is suggested that copies of your letters to Mr. Sessions be sent to your representatives and to President Donald Trump. We must bombard our officials with this demand which should spur them to action. For sure this will get their attention as the people speak. For our own survival, this must be done. CHARGE!

This effort has officially begun with Mr. Firth’s letter to The Attorney General. Now it’s your turn.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Photo Caption: Soros Where He Belongs
Photo Credit: Capitol Hill Outsider

REVEALED! Hundreds Of George Soros Owned Organizations

Self-professed Nazi war criminal George Soros continues to go free while radicalizing American politics and society, but not for long. The strategy to take him down is by first openly identifying the organizations he owns and funds. And here they are, finally, out in the open, more than 200 of them he created to sabotage the United States.

This will take time to read but it is worth the time to do so. Indeed it is essential that all read this to understand why this creature must be charged and prosecuted for treason and sedition. Many of the names of the organizations listed are deceptive and appear to be something good. Then look at the couple of lines under each which tells what that organization is actually about.

You will see (by) two Catholic organizations he formed that Soros has actually put the Vatican under his control. This will explain Pope Francis.

Both Soros and his Open Society Foundations provide funding directly or indirectly to over 200 US organizations. Some he owns outright. As you read these, prepare to be shocked:

  • Advancement Project: This organization works to organize “communities of color” into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department.
  • Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified “liberal” radio network.
  • Al-Haq: This NGO produces highly politicized reports, papers, books, and legal analyses regarding alleged Israeli human-rights abuses committed against Palestinians.
  • All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws — which vary from state to state — so as to allow ex-inmates, parolees, and even current inmates to cast their ballots in political elections.
  • Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a visthe appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists.”
  • America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.
  • America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.
  • America’s Voice: This open-borders group seeks to promote “comprehensive” immigration reform that includes a robust agenda in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy: This organization “opposes laws that require employers and persons providing education, health care, or other social services to verify citizenship or immigration status.”
  • American Bridge 21st Century: This Super PAC conducts opposition research designed to help Democratic political candidates defeat their Republican foes.
  • American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrnto its Advisory Board.
  • American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.
  • American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.
  • American Federation of Teachers: After longtime AFT President Albert Shanker died in in 1997, he was succeeded by Sandra Feldman, who slowly “re-branded” the union, allying it with some of the most powerful left-wing elements of the New Labor Movement. When Feldman died in 2004, Edward McElroy took her place, followed by Randi Weingarten in 2008. All of them kept the union on the leftward course it had adopted in its post-Shanker period.
  • American Friends Service Committee: This group views the United States as the principal cause of human suffering around the world. As such, it favors America’s unilateral disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of the Patriot Act.
  • American Immigration Council: This non-profit organization is a prominent member of the open-borders lobby. It advocates expanded rights and amnesty for illegal aliens residing in the U.S.
  • American Immigration Law Foundation: This group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, on whose behalf it litigates against the U.S. government.
  • American Independent News Network: This organization promotes “impact journalism” that advocates progressive change.
  • American Institute for Social Justice: AISJ’s goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.
  • American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s War on Terror — most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls “a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users.”
  • The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.
  • Amnesty International: This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.
  • Applied Research Center: Viewing the United States as a nation where “structural racism” is deeply “embedded in the fabric of society,” ARC seeks to “build a fair and equal society” by demanding “concrete change from our most powerful institutions.”
  • Arab American InstituteFoundation: The Arab American Institute denounces the purportedly widespread civil liberties violations directed against Arab Americans in the post-9/11 period, and characterizes Israel as a brutal oppressor of the Palestinian people.
  • Aspen Institute: This organization promotes radical environmentalism and views America as a nation plagued by deep-seated “structural racism.”
  • Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now: This group conducts voter mobilization drives on behalf of leftist Democrats. These initiatives have been notoriously marred by fraud and corruption.
  • Ballot Initiative Strategy Center: This organization seeks to advance “a national progressive strategy” by means of ballot measures—state-level legislative proposals that pass successfully through a petition (“initiative”) process and are then voted upon by the public.
  • Bend The Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice: This organization condemns Voter ID laws as barriers that “make it harder for communities of color, women, first-time voters, the elderly, and the poor to cast their vote.”
  • Bill of Rights Defense Committee: This group provides a detailed blueprint for activists interested in getting their local towns, cities, and even college campuses to publicly declare their opposition to the Patriot Act, and to designate themselves “Civil Liberties Safe Zones.” The organization also came to the defense of self-described radical attorney Lynne Stewart, who was convicted in 2005 of providing material support for terrorism.
  • Black Alliance for Just Immigration: This organization seeks to create a unified movement for “social and economic justice” centered on black racial identity.
  • Blueprint North Carolina: This group seeks to “influence state policy in North Carolina so that residents of the state benefit from more progressive policies such as better access to health care, higher wages, more affordable housing, a safer, cleaner environment, and access to reproductive health services.”
  • Brennan Center for Justice: This think tank/legal activist group generates scholarly studies, mounts media campaigns, files amicus briefs, gives pro bono support to activists, and litigates test cases in pursuit of radical “change.”
  • Brookings Institution: This organization has been involved with a variety of internationalist and state-sponsored programs, including one that aspires to facilitate the establishment of a U.N.-dominated world government. Brookings Fellows have also called for additional global collaboration on trade and banking; the expansion of the Kyoto Protocol; and nationalized health insurance for children. Nine Brookings economists signed a petitionopposing President Bush’s tax cutsin 2003.
  • Campaign for America’s Future: This group supports tax hikes, socialized medicine, and a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs.
  • Campaign for Better Health Care: This organization favors a single-payer, government-run, universal health care system.
  • Campaign for Youth Justice: This organization contends that “transferring juveniles to the adult criminal-justice system leads to higher rates of recidivism, puts incarcerated and detained youth at unnecessary risk, has little deterrence value, and does not increase public safety.”
  • Campus Progress: A project of the Soros-bankrolled Center for American Progress, this group seeks to “strengthen progressive voices on college and university campuses, counter the growing influence of right-wing groups on campus, and empower new generations of progressive leaders.”
  • Casa de Maryland: This organization aggressively lobbies legislators to vote in favor of policies that promote expanded rights, including amnesty, for illegal aliens currently residing in the United States.
  • Catalist: This is a for-profit political consultancy that seeks “to help progressive organizations realize measurable increases in civic participation and electoral success by building and operating a robust national voter database of every voting-age American.”
  • Catholics for Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women’s right to abortion-on-demand.
  • Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good: This political nonprofit group is dedicated to generating support from the Catholic community for leftwing candidates, causes, and legislation.
  • Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clintonchief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is committed to “developing a long-term vision of a progressive America” and “providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals.”
  • Center for Community Change: This group recruits and trains activists to spearhead leftist “political issue campaigns.” Promoting increased funding for social welfare programs by bringing “attention to major national issues related to poverty,” the Center bases its training programs on the techniques taught by the famed radical organizer Saul Alinsky.
  • Center for Constitutional Rights: This pro-Castroorganization is a core member of the open borders lobby, has opposed virtually all post-9/11 anti-terrorism measures by the U.S. government, and alleges that American injustice provokes acts of international terrorism.
  • Center for Economic and Policy Research: This group opposed welfare reform, supports “living wage” laws, rejects tax cuts, and consistently lauds the professed achievements of socialist regimes, most notably Venezuela.
  • Center for International Policy: This organization uses advocacy, policy research, media outreach, and educational initiatives to promote “transparency and accountability” in U.S. foreign policy and global relations. It generally views America as a disruptive, negative force in the world.
  • Center for Reproductive Rights: CRR’s mission is to guarantee safe, affordable contraception and abortion-on-demand for all women, including adolescents. The organization has filed state and federal lawsuits demanding access to taxpayer-funded abortions (through Medicaid) for low-income women.
  • Center for Responsible Lending: This organization was a major player in the subprime mortgage crisis. According to Phil Kerpen (vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity), CRL “sh[ook] down and harass[ed] banks into making bad loans to unqualified borrowers.” Moreover, CRL negotiated a contract enabling it to operate as a conduit of high-risk loans to Fannie Mae.
  • Center for Social Inclusion: This organization seeks to counteract America’s “structural racism” by means of taxpayer-funded policy initiatives.
  • Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Reasoning from the premise that tax cuts generally help only the wealthy, this organization advocates greater tax expenditures on social welfare programsfor low earners.
  • Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS): Aiming to redistribute wealth by way of higher taxes imposed on those whose incomes are above average, COWS contends that “it is important that state government be able to harness fair contribution from all parts of society – including corporations and the wealthy.”
  • Change America Now: Formed in December 2006, Change America Now describes itself as “an independent political organization created to educate citizens on the failed policies of the Republican Congress and to contrast that record of failure with the promise offered by a Democratic agenda.”
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: This group litigates and brings ethics charges against “government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests” and “betray the public trust.” Almost all of its targets are Republicans.
  • Coalition for an International Criminal Court: This group seeks to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures to those of an international court.
  • Color Of Change: This organization was founded to combat what it viewed as the systemic racism pervading America generally and conservatism in particular.
  • Common Cause: This organization aims to bring about campaign-finance reform, pursue media reform resembling the Fairness Doctrine, and cut military budgets in favor of increased social-welfare and environmental spending.
  • Constitution Project: This organization seeks to challenge the legality of military commissions; end the detainment of “enemy combatants”; condemn government surveillance of terrorists; and limit the President’s executive privileges.
  • Defenders of WildlifeAction Fund: Defenders of Wildlife opposes oil exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It condemns logging, ranching, mining, and even the use of recreational motorized vehicles as activities that are destructive to the environment.
  • Democracy Alliance: This self-described “liberal organization” aims to raise $200 million to develop a funding clearinghouse for leftist groups. Soros is a major donor to this group.
  • Democracy 21: This group is a staunch supporter of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold
  • Democracy Now!: Democracy Now! was created in 1996 by WBAI radio news director Amy Goodman and four partners to provide “perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media,” i.e., the views of radical and foreign journalists, left and labor activists, and ideological foes of capitalism.
  • Democratic Justice Fund: DJF opposes the Patriot Act and most efforts to restrict or regulate immigration into the United States — particularly from countries designated by the State Department as “terrorist nations.”
  • Democratic Party: Soros’ funding activities are devoted largely to helping the Democratic Party solidify its power base. In a November 2003 interview, Soros stated that defeating President Bush in 2004 “is the central focus of my life” … “a matter of life and death.” He pledged to raise $75 million to defeat Bush, and personally donated nearly a third of that amount to anti-Bush organizations. “America under Bush,” he said, “is a danger to the world, and I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.”
  • Demos: This organization lobbies federal and state policymakers to “addres[s] the economic insecurity and inequality that characterize American society today”; promotes “ideas for reducing gaps in wealth, income and political influence”; and favors tax hikes for the wealthy.
  • Drum Major Institute: This group describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit think tank generating the ideas that fuel the progressive movement,” with the ultimate aim of persuading “policymakers and opinion-leaders” to take steps that advance its vision of “social and economic justice.”
  • Earthjustice: This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in undeveloped areas.
  • Economic Policy Institute: This organization believes that “government must play an active role in protecting the economically vulnerable, ensuring equal opportunity, and improving the well-being of all Americans.”
  • Electronic Privacy Information Center: This organization has been a harsh critic of the USA PATRIOT Act and has joined the American Civil Liberties Union in litigating two cases calling for the FBI “to publicly release or account for thousands of pages of information about the government’s use of PATRIOT Act powers.”
  • Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Co-founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones, this anti-poverty organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities” — compounded by “excessive, racist policing and over-incarceration” — have “led to despair and homelessness.”
  • EMILY’s List: This political network raises money for Democratic female political candidates who support unrestricted access to taxpayer-fundedabortion-on-demand.
  • Energy Action Coalition: Founded in 2004, this group describes itself as “a coalition of 50 youth-led environmental and social justice groups working together to build the youth clean energy and climate movement.” For EAC, this means “dismantling oppression” according to its principles of environmental justice.
  • Equal Justice USA: This group claims that America’s criminal-justice system is plagued by “significant race and class biases,” and thus seeks to promote major reforms.
  • Fair Immigration Reform Movement: This is the open-borders arm of the Center for Community Change.
  • Faithful America: This organization promotes the redistribution of wealth, an end to enhanced interrogation procedures vis a vis prisoners-of-war, the enactment of policies to combat global warming, and the creation of a government-run heath care system.
  • Families USA: This Washington-based health-care advocacy group favors ever-increasing government control of the American healthcare system.
  • Feminist Majority: Characterizing the United States as an inherently sexist nation, this group focuses on “advancing the legal, social and political equality of women with men, countering the backlash to women’s advancement, and recruiting and training young feminists to encourage future leadership for the feminist movement in the United States.”
  • Four Freedoms Fund: This organization was designed to serve as a conduit through which large foundations could fund state-based open-borders organizations more flexibly and quickly.
  • Free Exchange on Campus: This organization was created solely to oppose the efforts of one individual, David Horowitz, and his campaign to have universities adopt an “Academic Bill of Rights,” as well as todenounceHorowitz’s 2006 book The Professors. Member organizations of FEC include Campus Progress (a project of the Center for American Progress); the American Association of University Professors; theAmerican Civil Liberties UnionPeople For the American Way; the United States Student Association; theCenter for Campus Free Speech; the American Library AssociationFree Press; and the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups.
  • Free Press: This “media reform” organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for AmericaAir America RadioGlobal ExchangeCode PinkFairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist PartyMother Jonesmagazine, and Pacifica Radio.
  • Funding Exchange: Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with likeminded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about their own version of “progressive” change and social justice. Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.
  • Gamaliel Foundation: Modeling its tactics on those of the radical Sixties activist Saul Alinsky, this group takes a strong stand against current homeland security measures and immigration restrictions.
  • Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement: This anti-Israel organization seeks to help Palestinians “exercise their right to freedom of movement.”
  • Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: This group contends that when a state proves either unable or unwilling to protect civilians from mass atrocities occurring within its borders, it is the responsibility of the international community to intervene — peacefully if possible, but with military force if necessary.
  • Global Exchange: Established in 1988 by pro-Castro radical Medea Benjamin, this group consistently condemns America’s foreign policy, business practices, and domestic life. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Global Exchange advised Americans to examine “the root causes of resentment against the United States in the Arab world — from our dependence on Middle Eastern oil to our biased policy towards Israel.”
  • Grantmakers Without Borders: GWB tends to be very supportive of leftist environmental, anti-war, and civil rights groups. It is also generally hostile to capitalism, which it deems one of the chief “political, economic, and social systems” that give rise to a host of “social ills.”
  • Green For All: This group was created by Van Jonesto lobby for federal climate, energy, and economic policy initiatives.
  • Health Care for America Now: This group supports a “single payer” model where the federal government would be in charge of financing and administering the entire U.S. healthcare system.
  • Human Rights Campaign: The largest “lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender” lobbying group in the United States, HRC supports political candidates and legislation that will advance the LGBT agenda. Historically, HRC has most vigorously championed HIV/AIDS-related legislation, “hate crime” laws, the abrogation of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the legalization of gay marriage.
  • Human Rights First: This group supports open borders and the rights of illegal aliens; charges that the Patriot Act severely erodes Americans’ civil liberties; has filed amicus curiaebriefs on behalf of terror suspect Jose Padilla; and deplores the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities.
  • Human Rights Watch: This group directs a disproportionate share of its criticism at the United States and Israel. It opposes the death penalty in all cases, and supports open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • I’lam: This anti-Israel NGO seeks “to develop and empower the Arab media and to give voice to Palestinian issues.”
  • Immigrant Defense Project: To advance the cause of illegal immigrants, the IDP provides immigration law backup support and counseling to New York defense attorneys and others who represent or assist immigrants in criminal justice and immigration systems, as well as to immigrants themselves.
  • Immigrant Legal Resource Center: This group claims to have helped gain amnesty for some three million illegal aliens in the U.S., and in the 1980s was part of the sanctuary movement which sought to grant asylum to refugees from the failed Communist states of Central America.
  • Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project: This open-borders organization advocates mass immigration to the U.S.
  • Immigration Advocates Network: This alliance of immigrant-rights groups seeks  to “increase access to justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of organizations serving them.”
  • Immigration Policy Center: IPC is an advocate of open borders and contends that the massive influx of illegal immigrants into America is due to U.S. government policy, since “the broken immigration system […] spurs unauthorized immigration in the first place.”
  • Independent Media Center: This Internet-based, news and events bulletin board represents an invariably leftist, anti-capitalist perspective and serves as a mouthpiece for anti-globalization/anti-America themes.
  • Independent Media Institute: IMI administers the SPIN Project (Strategic Press Information Network), which provides leftist organizations with “accessible and affordable strategic communications consulting, training, coaching, networking opportunities and concrete tools” to help them “achieve their social justice goals.”
  • Institute for America’s Future: IAF supports socialized medicine, increased government funding for education, and the creation of an infrastructure “to ensure that the voice of the progressive majority is heard.”
  • Institute for New Economic Thinking: Seeking to create a new worldwide “economic paradigm,” this organization is staffed by numerous individuals who favor government intervention in national economies, and who view capitalism as a flawed system.
  • Institute for Policy Studies: This think tank has long supported Communist and anti-American causes around the world. Viewing capitalism as a breeding ground for “unrestrained greed,” IPS seeks to provide a corrective to “unrestrained markets and individualism.” Professing an unquestioning faith in the righteousness of the United Nations, it aims to bring American foreign policy under UN control.
  • Institute for Public Accuracy: This anti-American, anti-capitalist organization sponsored actor Sean Penn’s celebrated visit to Baghdad in 2002. It also sponsored visits to Iraq by Democratic Congressmen Nick Rahall and former Democrat Senator James Abourezk
  • Institute for Women’s Policy Research: This group views the U.S. as a nation rife with discrimination against women, and publishes research to draw attention to this alleged state of affairs. It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, stating that “access to abortion is essential to the economic well-being of women and girls.”
  • International Crisis Group: One of this organization’s leading figures is its Mideast Director, Robert Malley, who was President Bill Clinton’s Special Assistant for Arab-Israeli Affairs. His analysis of the Mideast conflict is markedly pro-Palestinian.
  • J Street: This anti-Israel group warns that Israel’s choice to take military action to stop Hamas’ terrorist attacks “will prove counter-productive and only deepen the cycle of violence in the region”
  • Jewish Funds for Justice: This organization views government intervention and taxpayer funding as crucial components of enlightened social policy. It seeks to redistribute wealth from Jewish donors to low-income communities “to combat the root causes of domestic economic and social injustice.” By JFJ’s reckoning, chief among those root causes are the inherently negative by-products of capitalism – most notably racism and “gross economic inequality.”
  • Joint Victory Campaign 2004: Founded by George Soros and Harold Ickes, this group was a major fundraising entity for Democrats during the 2004 election cycle. It collected contributions (including large amounts from Soros personally) and disbursed them to two other groups, America Coming Togetherand the Media Fund, which also worked on behalf of Democrats.
  • Justice at Stake: This coalition calls for judges to be appointed by nonpartisan, independent commissions in a process known as “merit selection,” rather than elected by the voting public.
  • LatinoJustice PRLDF: This organization supports bilingual education, the racial gerrymandering of voting districts, and expanded rights for illegal aliens.
  • Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: This group views America as an unremittingly racist nation; uses the courts to mandate race-based affirmative action preferences in business and academia; has filed briefs against the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to limit the wholesale granting of green cards and to identify potential terrorists; condemns the Patriot Act; and calls on Americans to “recognize the contribution” of illegal aliens.
  • Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: This organization views the United States as a nation rife with racism, sexism, and all manner of social injustice; and it uses legislative advocacy to push for “progressive change” that will create “a more open and just society.”
  • League of United Latin American Citizens: This group views America as a nation plagued by “an alarming increase in xenophobia and anti-Hispanic sentiment”; favors racial preferences; supports the legalization of illegal Hispanic aliens; opposes military surveillance of U.S. borders; opposes making English America’s official language; favors open borders; and rejects anti-terrorism legislation like the Patriot Act.
  • League of Women VotersEducation Fund: The League supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; supports “motor-voter” registration, which allows anyone with a driver’s license to become a voter, regardless of citizenship status; and supports tax hikes and socialized medicine.
  • League of Young Voters: This organization seeks to “empowe[r] young people nationwide” to “participate in the democratic process and create progressive political change on the local, state and national level[s].”
  • Lynne StewartDefense Committee: IRS records indicate that Soros’s Open Society Institute made a September 2002 grant of $20,000 to this organization. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the “blind sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.
  • Machsom Watch: This organization describesitself as “a movement of Israeli women, peace activists from all sectors of Israeli society, who oppose the Israeli occupation and the denial of Palestinians’ rights to move freely in their land.”
  • MADRE: This international women’s organization deems Americathe world’s foremost violator of human rights. As such, it seeks to “communicat[e] the real-life impact of U.S. policies on women and families confronting violence, poverty and repression around the world,” and to “demand alternatives to destructive U.S. policies.” It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  • Malcolm X Grassroots Movement: This group views the U.S. as a nation replete with racism and discrimination against blacks; seeks to establish an independent black nation in the southeastern United States; and demands reparations for slavery.
  • Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition: This group calls for the expansion of civil rights and liberties for illegal aliens; laments that illegal aliens in America are commonly subjected to “worker exploitation”; supports tuition-assistance programs for illegal aliens attending college; and characterizes the Patriot Act as a “very troubling” assault on civil liberties.
  • Media Fund: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to conceptualize, produce, and place political ads on television, radio, print, and the Internet.
  • Media Matters for America: This organization is a “web-based, not-for-profit … progressive research and information center” seeking to “systematically monitor a cross-section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation.” The group works closely with the Soros-backed Center for American Progress, and is heavily funded by Democracy Alliance, of which Soros is a major financier.
  • Mercy Corps: Vis a vis the Arab-Israeli conflict, Mercy Corps places all blame for Palestinian poverty and suffering directly on Israel.
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund: This group advocates open borders, free college tuition for illegal aliens, lowered educational standards to accommodate Hispanics, and voting rights for criminals. In MALDEF’s view, supporters of making English the official language of the United States are “motivated by racism and anti-immigrant sentiments,” while advocates of sanctions against employers reliant on illegal labor seek to discriminate against “brown-skinned people.”
  • Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC: This influential defender of Big Labor is headed by Democrat operativeHarold Ickes.
  • Midwest Academy: This entity trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, targeting, confrontation, and intimidation.
  • Migration Policy Institute: This group seeks to create “a North America with gradually disappearing border controls … with permanent migration remaining at moderate levels.”
  • Military Families Speak Out: This group ascribes the U.S. invasion of Iraq to American imperialism and lust for oil.
  • Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment: This group is the rebranded Missouri branch of the now-defunct, pro-socialist, community organization ACORN.
  • org: This Web-based organization supports Democratic political candidates through fundraising, advertising, and get-out-the-vote drives.
  • Foundation for Women: This group laments what it views as the widespread and enduring flaws of American society: racism, sexism, homophobia, and the violation of civil rights and liberties. It focuses its philanthropy on groups that promote affirmative action for women, unfettered access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, amnesty for illegal aliens, and big government generally.
  • Muslim AdvocatesOpposedto U.S. counter-terrorism strategies that make use of sting operations and informants, MA characterizes such tactics as forms of “entrapment” that are inherently discriminatory against Muslims.
  • NARAL Pro-Choice America: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, and works to elect pro-abortion Democrats.
  • NAACPLegal Defense and Education Fund: The NAACP supports racial preferences in employment and education, as well as the racial gerrymandering of voting districts. Underpinning its support for race preferences is the fervent belief that white racism in the United States remains an intractable, largely undiminished, phenomenon.
  • The Nation Institute: This nonprofit entity sponsors leftist conferences, fellowships, awards for radical activists, and journalism internships.
  • National Abortion Federation: This group opposes any restrictions on abortion at either the state or federal levels, and champions the introduction of unrestricted abortion into developing regions of the world.
  • National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty: This group was established in 1976 as the first “fully staffed national organization exclusively devoted to abolishing capital punishment.”
  • National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy: This group depicts the United States as a nation in need of dramatic structural change financed by philanthropic organizations. It overwhelmingly promotes grant-makers and grantees with leftist agendas, while criticizing their conservative counterparts.
  • National Committee for Voting Integrity: This group opposes “the implementation of proof of citizenship and photo identification requirements for eligible electors in American elections as the means of assuring election integrity.”
  • National Council for Research on Women: This group supports big government, high taxes, military spending cuts, increased social welfare spending, and the unrestricted right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  • National Council of La Raza: This group lobbies for racial preferences, bilingual education, stricter hate-crime laws, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • National Council of Women’s Organizations: This group views the United States as a nation rife with injustice against girls and women. It advocates high levels of spending for social welfare programs, and supports race and gender preferences for minorities and women in business and academia.
  • National Immigration Forum: Opposing the enforcement of present immigration laws, this organization urges the American government to “legalize” en masseall illegal aliens currently in the United States who have no criminal records, and to dramatically increase the number of visas available for those wishing to migrate to the U.S. The Forum is particularly committed to opening the borders to unskilled, low-income workers, and immediately making them eligible for welfare and social service programs.
  • National Immigration Law Center: This group seeks to win unrestricted access to government-funded social welfare programs for illegal aliens.
  • National Lawyers Guild: This group promotes open borders; seeks to weaken America’s intelligence-gathering agencies; condemns the Patriot Act as an assault on civil liberties; rejects capitalism as an unviable economic system; has rushed to the defense of convicted terrorists and their abettors; and generally opposes all U.S. foreign policy positions, just as it did during the Cold War when it sided with the Soviets.
  • National Organization for Women: This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; seeks to “eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia” from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious values; and supports gender-based preferences for women.
  • National Partnership for Women and Families: This organization supports race- and sex-based preferences in employment and education. It also advocates for the universal “right” of women to undergo taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand at any stage of pregnancy and for any reason.
  • National Priorities Project: This group supports government-mandated redistribution of wealth — through higher taxes and greater expenditures on social welfare programs. NPP exhorts the government to redirect a significant portion of its military funding toward public education, universal health insurance, environmentalist projects, and welfare programs.
  • National Public Radio: Founded in 1970 with 90 public radio stations as charter members, NPR is today a loose network of more than 750 U.S. radio stations across the country, many of which are based on college and university campuses. (source)
  • National Security Archive Fund: This group collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act to a degree that compromises American national security and the safety of intelligence agents.
  • National Women’s Law Center: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; lobbies against conservative judicial appointees; advocates increased welfare spending to help low-income mothers; and favors higher taxes for the purpose of generating more funds for such government programsas Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, foster care, health care, child-support enforcement, and student loans.
  • Natural Resources Defense Council: One of the most influential environmentalist lobbying groups in the United States, the Council claims a membership of one million people.
  • New America Foundation: This organization uses policy papers, media articles, books, and educational events to influence public opinion on such topics as healthcare, environmentalism, energy policy, the Mideast conflict, global governance, and much more.
  • New Israel Fund: This organization gives support to NGOs that regularly produce reports accusing Israel of human-rights violations and religious persecution.
  • NewsCorpWatch: A project of Media Matters For America, NewsCorpWatch was established with the help of a $1 million George Soros grant to Media Matters.
  • Pacifica Foundation: This entity owns and operates Pacifica Radio, awash from its birth with the socialist-Marxist rhetoric of class warfare and hatred for capitalism.
  • Palestinian Center for Human Rights: This NGO investigatesand documents what it views as Israeli human-rights violations against Palestinians.
  • Peace and Security Funders Group: This is an association of more than 60 foundations that give money to leftist anti-war and environmentalist causes. Its members tend to depict America as the world’s chief source of international conflict, environmental destruction, and economic inequalities.
  • Peace Development Fund: In PDF’s calculus, the United States needs a massive overhaul of its social and economic institutions. “Recently,” explains PDF, “we have witnessed the negative effects of neo-liberalism and the globalization of capitalism, the de-industrialization of the U.S. and the growing gap between the rich and poor …”
  • People for the American Way: This group opposes the Patriot Act, anti-terrorism measures generally, and the allegedly growing influence of the “religious right.”
  • People Improving Communities Through Organizing: This group uses Alinsky-style organizing tactics to advance the doctrines of the religious left.
  • Physicians for Human Rights: This group is selectively and disproportionately critical of the United States and Israel in its condemnations of human rights violations.
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility: This is an anti-U.S.-military organization that also embraces the tenets of radical environmentalism.
  • Planned Parenthood: This group is the largest abortion provider in the United States and advocates taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
  • Ploughshares Fund: This public grantmaking foundation opposes America’s development of a missile defense system, and contributes to many organizationsthat are highly critical of U.S. foreign policies and military ventures.
  • Prepare New York: This group supported the proposed construction of a Muslim Community Center near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan – a project known as the Cordoba Initiative, headed by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
  • Presidential Climate Action Project: PCAP’s mission is to create a new 21st-century economy, completely carbon-free and based largely on renewable energy. A key advisor to the organization is the revolutionary communist Van Jones.
  • Prison Moratorium Project: This initiative was created in 1995 for the express purpose of working for the elimination of all prisons in the United States and the release of all inmates. Reasoning from the premise that incarceration is never an appropriate means of dealing with crime, it deems American society’s inherent inequities the root of all criminal behavior.
  • Progressive Change Campaign Committee: This organization works “to elect bold progressive candidates to federal office and to help [them] and their campaigns save money, work smarter, and win more often.”
  • Progressive States Network: PSN’s mission is to “pass progressive legislation in all fifty states by providing coordinated research and strategic advocacy tools to forward-thinking state legislators.”
  • Project Vote: This is the voter-mobilization arm of the Soros-funded ACORN. A persistent pattern of lawlessness and corruption has followed ACORN/Project Vote activities over the years.
  • Pro Publica: Claiming that “investigative journalism is at risk,” this group aims to remedy this lacuna in news publishing by “expos[ing] abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.”
  • Proteus Fund: This foundation directs its philanthropy toward a number of radical leftwing organizations.
  • Psychologists for Social Responsibility: This anti-capitalist, anti-corporate, anti-military, anti-American organization “uses psychological knowledge and skills to promote peace with social justice at the community, national and international levels.”
  • Public CitizenFoundation: Public Citizen seeks increased government intervention and litigation against corporations — a practice founded on the notion that American corporations, like the capitalist system of which they are a part, are inherently inclined toward corruption.
  • Public Justice Center: Viewing America as a nation rife with injustice and discrimination, this organization engages in legislative and policy advocacy to promote “systemic change for the disenfranchised.”
  • Rebuild and Renew America Now(a.k.a. Unity ’09): Spearheaded by org and overseen by longtime activist Heather Booth, this coalition was formed to facilitate the passage of President Obama’s “historic” $3.5 trillion budget for fiscal year 2010.
  • Res Publica: Seeking to advance far-left agendas in places all around the world, RP specializes in “E-advocacy,” or web-based movement-building.
  • Roosevelt Institute: Proceeding from the premise that free-market capitalism is inherently unjust and prone to periodic collapses caused by its own structural flaws, RI currently administers several major projects aimed at reshaping the American economy to more closely resemble a socialist system.
  • Secretary of State Project: This project was launched in July 2006 as an independent “527” organization devoted to helping Democrats get elected to the office of Secretary of State in selected swing, or battleground, states.
  • Sentencing Project: Asserting that prison-sentencing patterns are racially discriminatory, this initiative advocates voting rights for felons.
  • Social Justice Leadership: This organization seeks to transform an allegedly inequitable America into a “just society” by means of “a renewed social-justice movement.”
  • Shadow Democratic Party: This is an elaborate network of non-profit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources — money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising, and policy iniatives — to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.
  • Sojourners: This evangelical Christian ministry preaches radical leftwing politics. During the 1980s it championed Communist revolution in Central America andchastisedS. policy-makers for their tendency “to assume the very worst about their Soviet counterparts.” More recently, Sojourners has taken up the cause of environmental activism, opposed welfare reform as a “mean-spirited Republican agenda,” and mounted a defense of affirmative action.
  • Southern Poverty Law Center: This organization monitors the activities of what it calls “hate groups” in the United States. It exaggerates the prevalence of white racism directed against American minorities.
  • State Voices: This coalition helps independent local activist groups in 22 states work collaboratively on a year-round basis, so as to maximize the impact of their efforts.
  • Talking Transition: This was a two-week project launched in early November 2013 to “help shape the transition” to City Hall for the newly elected Democratic mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio.
  • Think Progress: This Internet blog “pushes back, daily,” by its own account, against its conservative targets, and seeks to transform “progressive ideas into policy through rapid response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other progressive leaders throughout the country and the world.”
  • Thunder Road Group: This political consultancy, in whose creation Soros had a hand, coordinates strategy for the Media FundAmerica Coming Together, and America Votes.
  • Tides Foundationand Tides Center: Tides is a major funder of the radical Left.
  • S. Public Interest Research Group: This is an umbrella organization of student groups that support leftist agendas.
  • Universal Healthcare Action Network: This organization supports a single-payer health care system controlled by the federal government.
  • Urban Institute: This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.
  • USActionEducation Fund: USAction lists its priorities as: “fighting the right wing agenda”; “building grassroots political power”; winning “social, racial and economic justice for all”; supporting a system of taxpayer-funded socialized medicine; reversing “reckless tax cuts for millionaires and corporations” which shield the “wealthy” from paying their “fair share”; advocating for “pro-consumer and environmental regulation of corporate abuse”; “strengthening progressive voices on local, state and national issues”; and working to “register, educate and get out the vote … [to] help progressives get elected at all levels of government.”
  • Voter Participation Center: This organization seeks to increase voter turnout among unmarried women, “people of color,” and 18-to-29-year-olds — demographics that are heavily pro-Democrat.
  • Voto Latino: This group seeks to mobilize Latin-Americans to become registered voters and political activists.
  • We Are America Alliance: This coalition promotes“increased civic participation by immigrants” in the American political process.
  • Working Families Party: An outgrowth of the socialist New Party, WFP seeks to help push the Democratic Party toward the left.
  • World Organization Against Torture: This coalition works closely with groups that condemn Israeli security measures against Palestinian terrorism.
  • YWCAWorld Office, Switzerland: The YWCA opposes abstinence education; supports universal access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; and opposes school vouchers.

Secondary or Indirect Affiliates of the George Soros Network

  • Center for Progressive Leadership: Funded by the Soros-bankrolled Democracy Alliance, this anti-capitalist organization is dedicated to training future leftist political leaders.
  • John Adams Project:This project of the American Civil Liberties Union was accused of: (a) having hired investigators to photograph CIA officers thought to have been involved in enhanced interrogations of terror suspects detained in Guantanamo, and then (b) showing the photos to the attorneys of those suspects, some of whom were senior al-Qaeda operatives.
  • Moving Ideas Network(MIN): This coalition of more than 250 leftwing activist groups is a partner organization of the Soros-backed Center for American Progress. MIN was originally a project of the Soros-backed American Prospect and, as such, received indirect funding from the Open Society Institute. In early 2006, The American Prospect relinquished control of the Moving Ideas Network.
  • New Organizing Institute: Created by the Soros-funded org, this group “trains young, technology-enabled political organizers to work for progressive campaigns and organizations.”
  • Think Progress: This “project” of the American Progress Action Fund, which is a “sister advocacy organization”of the Soros-funded Center for American Progressand Campus Progress, seeks to transform “progressive ideas into policy through rapid response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other progressive leaders throughout the country and the world.”
  • Vote for Change: Coordinated by the political action committee of the Soros-funded org, Vote for Change was a group of 41 musicians and bands that performed concerts in several key election “battleground” states during October 2004, to raise money in support of Democrat John Kerry‘s presidential bid.
  • Working Families Party: Created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Partytoward the left, this front group for the Soros-funded ACORN functions as a political party that promotes ACORN-friendly candidates.

Special thanks to writer Tim Brown for gathering these stats and breaking this story on Black Republicans Blog. Stay tuned for how to charge Soros with Treason and Sedition, seize his assets, more than $29 Billion to pay for the damages his orchestrated riots have caused, then put him in prison.

He is easy to find. Soros lives in a mansion located in Katonah, New York, and is listed as a “citizen” there. He also has an elaborate summer home in Southampton (Long Island), New York. And he has an apartment in New York City.

His office is in New York City at 250 West 55th Street, 27th floor. The phone number listed is: 212-872-1054. He also has an office in London, but this one seems to be the main one for his investment business which handles $25 billion. His personal fortune dwarfs that figure.

Print this out for reference. Then stay tuned for coming instructions regarding prosecution.


Photo Caption: The Most Evil Man on Earth

George Soros Destroying Blacks While Using Them

MILWAUKEE 4-25-17 George Soros is a racist who exploits blacks by paying them to do his dirty work while sabotaging any good black such as Sheriff David Clarke who wants to bring decency to society. Soros personally hates blacks which he considers an inferior race only to be used. For him, black folks are merely useful idiots to cause chaos and divide our country while weakening it, enabling him to carry out his agenda.

An outstanding black man in the Soros cross hairs at this moment is Sheriff David Clarke, a constitutional conservative who is running for the Wisconsin U.S. Senate seat to replace Left-wing extremist and lesbian Tammy Baldwin who will obediently carry out the Soros Communist agenda. Of the two, Soros, of course, prefers the latter.

Racist George Soros, cares only to destroy all humanity by putting everyone on the planet under a new Communist One World Order dictatorship with him on the world throne as emperor of the planet.

He stirs up hatred toward the blacks by paying them to cause riots and chaos, stopping traffic, destroying property and looting stores which results in blacks creating their own stereotypes under the banner, Black Lives Matter. Then they complain about being profiled, thanks to George Soros.

Soros is agitating blacks against whites with the goal to promote a huge race war that will divide and bring this nation to its knees where America, the last hold out against the New World Order, will be weakened sufficiently for Communist rule to be established.

The teen-aged son of Sheriff Clarke was viciously attacked and brutalized by black thugs because he expressed support for Donald Trump, an attack provoked by George Soros, who wants to give the impression that Trump is actually hated by everyone.

These dread-lock-wearing punks shrieked “F*** Donald Trump” in this gentle boy’s face over and over again as they cornered him, and cast repeated insults about white Americans.

Barack Obama caused many blacks, Muslims, illegal aliens, and politically correct “social justice warriors” to feel they have the right to attack Trump supporters, cops, businesses, kids — anything and anybody — without going to jail or getting deported.

Sheriff Clarke is sick of it, and has decided to do something about it. Milwaukee’s conservative black Sheriff CORRECTLY says “BLACK LIVES MATTER” is a terrorist movement, a hate group, and calls it “Black LIES Matter.” He called Al Sharpton a “charlatan,” and said he “should shut up and go back into the gutter.”

Sheriff Clarke says the pro-Amnesty politicians are literally “aiding and abetting criminality by offering sanctuary” to rapists, child molesters, murderers, and other criminal illegal aliens.

You know what Sheriff Clarke told the crowd at President Trump’s inaugural “Deplora-Ball”? He’s tired of the RINOs saying we have to compromise with the Democrats: “The only reason I’ll be reaching across the aisle is to grab one of them by the throat!”

Does your Senator talk like that?

Does he urge black voters to “leave the Democrat plantation”? Does he say, “I’m tired of this race card thing”? Does he call Planned Parenthood “Planned Genocide”?

Does your Senator post this on Facebook? “Islam: Don’t Try to Understand ‘Sick Ideology’ of Islamism; Destroy It.”

NO! Your Senator does NOT speak like that, because nobody in Washington does. It is time to get one who does — Sheriff David Clarke.

This man deserves a bigger stage, and he wants to run: he just has to know that he has enough national support to combat the liberal money his opponent gets from the Hollywood celebrities, the limousine liberals, the gun grabbers, the tree huggers, the open borders lobby, the sickening Black Lies Matter anarchists, the pro-abortion zealots, and Baldwin’s fellow homosexual activists (who call her “an LGBTQ Icon” and brag that she has “a scarlet L emblazoned on her forehead”). 

Senator Tammy Baldwin is their Holy Grail: a hard left socialist, in-your-face lesbian, and screaming feminist. SHE MUST GO!

While Sheriff Clarke lists his heroes as Justice Scalia, Clarence Thomas, President Reagan, and John Wayne, Senator Baldwin says her heroes are pedophile Harvey Milk, feminist Gloria Steinem, and pacifist Dennis Kucinich.

It would not be an exaggeration to say, Baldwin is “the worst Senator in America.” A leader of the Socialist-Progressive Caucus in Congress, she achieved a perfect ZERO rating from the American Conservative Union. Baldwin is rated more liberal than Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

She kept her promise to filibuster Judge Gorsuch and has sworn she will shut down the federal government if Republicans try to pass any spending bill that defunds Planned Parenthood or funds The Wall on our Mexican border.  

She’s way out there on the farthest limb of the crazy tree. As Rudy Giuliani said, when a Senator votes the way Baldwin does, “that means her left wing ideology is so extreme that she’s basically living in some kind of an unreal world.”

Sheriff David Clarke?  He’s the real deal.  He patrols Milwaukee on horseback. In speeches he quotes Judge Robert Bork and Thomas Sowell. At Trump rallies he tells crowds, “You guys know I don’t take no crap from the Left, and I’ll get my knuckles bloody when I have to.”

How can you not love this man? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity adore him, and Mark Levin says he should be President one day!

We can’t afford to squander this incredible opportunity. Why not replace a SOCIALIST with a 40-year cop? A conservative champion who stands up to the liberal news media — and gutless Republican leadership when necessary?

Sheriff Clarke IS EXACTLY WHAT CONSERVATIVES HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Someone who will actually do what he says. A man immunized against Potomac fever.

Milwaukee County (David’s home) is the state’s most populous by far. It has 70% of the state’s black voters, and votes horribly liberal. Trump got only 29% of the vote there, and still won the state.

Well, Sheriff Clarke has carried that horribly liberal county FOUR consecutive times, most recently capturing an astounding 79% of the vote.

That’s right: Trump got 29% in the largest county, which Clarke carried by 79% (in part because he’s a life-long resident who gets thousands of votes no white Republican can).

Yeah, he’s got a shot.  In fact, our professional polling clearly showed that David is the best chance Wisconsin has of taking out Tammy Baldwin.

The perfect man at the perfect time. How sweet would it be for a black John Wayne to take out the worst Senator in the country with control of the Senate up-for-grabs?

David needs us now, and it’s time to pay him back for 39 years of service as a cop — and for being called an Uncle Tom and a race traitor and self-loather for having the courage to speak the conservative truth as an American citizen who happens to be black.

It is very rare for this columnist to endorse a political candidate. However, it is time to push back against the traitor and racist George Soros and back the sheriff. All readers should join the push back by contacting your representatives, and President Trump himself to demand that Soros be charged with Treason and Sedition and prosecuted. This must be done now.  Get behind Sheriff David Clarke in Wisconsin. We need him.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Suckers PAY To Be Manipulated-Indoctrinated

A current movie, Beauty and the Beast subtly introduces homosexual perversion by showing two leading males kissing, which gives new meaning to the description, ‘A Fairy Tale’. Notice how subtle that kiss was presented. So subtle that movie goers, including kids thought, ‘did I just see that?’ This is a part of the gradual indoctrination of accepting sexual deviance. Most films today push immoral and social-political ideology.

This flick was produced by Disney Films that lost its original focus on wholesome family entertainment after the death of the founder, Walt Disney. Disneyland Park has since become a haven for the LGBTQ crowd who work there and who stage their own ‘Gay Days’ at the park which is packed with children.

When this columnist attended the opening day of Disneyland by special invitation, there was no clue that this fantasy land would go down into the toilet of sexual perversion. Those of us who were there would have been shocked at even the suggestion.

Remember how subtly bad language entered into motion pictures?  In the famous closing line of Gone with the Wind, Clark Gable answered Vivien Leigh who was sobbing, “What’s going to happen to me?” “Frankly my dear,” he said out the side of his mouth, “I don’t give a damn!” Everyone in the audience gasped. Never had a swear word been heard in a movie. It was never expected.

Of course that term would be used again, advanced into crude then vulgar terms until today the “F” word is prominent not only in movies but on television and stage plays.

This minister-writer worked in films years ago. They were family friendly then but gradually things began to change. I once got fired from a film in New York because I would not use God’s name in vain. Even though I told the producers that I could exhibit the same emotion without cursing God, they axed me and actually brought me up on charges for refusing to say those words.

On the bright side, as a result a rule was established by Screen Actor’s Guild that would excuse any actor or actress from being penalized for not doing something they knew nothing about in advance, such as nude scenes or cursing.

The final straw for me was when I was called by my agent to be in a movie to be shot in San Francisco. “However,” the agent said cautiously, “there IS a scene where a man would put his hand down the front of your pants.” Of course I refused saying, ‘that’s not for me.’ The agent humbly apologized for even suggesting me for that film. The last film I worked in was a Hallmark Christmas movie in 2004. Following that, show business was relegated to the distant past.

None of this cinema manipulation came by accident or simply circumstances. The Communists realized very early on that the greatest teaching tool on earth is not the colleges or ivy league universities, even private tutors, but the motion picture industry,  yes the movies, which can dispense more glamorous propaganda than all the learning institutions in the world.

Compelling actors and actresses become desirable on the screen and audiences want to be just like them. Jewish Communists came to this country to establish the motion picture industry. There was a purpose to the McCarthy hearings. The Senator was trying to root out the Communists who would make their propaganda interesting in order to sway theater audiences. He was right as became obvious in the years following.

There was the Hayes Code at one time that kept an eye on movies. Even married couples slept in twin beds. They stated that “no scene should be shot that would stimulate the lower emotions (that means sexual instruments doncha know).”

Like driving out McCarthyism, morals were driven out of the movies with churches and Christianity degraded. The movies have since promoted all types of sexual conduct, adultery, vulgarity and kinky lifestyles along with political doctrine.

THIS is what the Communist producers had in mind all along. A moral society is a STRONG society while a society without morals is a weak society and prone to be overcome by the forces of evil that are determined to put the U.S. under a strict dictatorship. They need a weak society to succeed.

To show the influence of films, notice how in the old days all glamorous movie stars were seen in their films smoking cigarettes and in newspaper photos. They made smoking look chic. The trillion dollar tobacco industry greatly profited by using the movies to promote a product that later proved to be deadly and the leading cause of cancer.

A relative in Switzerland was asked about a photo on display showing her with a cigarette in her hand. “Oh” she said, “I don’t smoke, but I wanted to look sophisticated in the photo like in the movies.” So there it is dear readers. The movies are there to manipulate us into compliance with the New World Order which can only come about if they make us weak…and we are dumb enough to buy into it.

Movies and now television are more into the shaping of the political scene than any other mission. Madam Secretary and Designated Survivor have each stated to The Hollywood Reporter that they are going to devote episodes to cutting down President Donald Trump. Those ‘favorites’ will be cut from my viewing list.

Here’s a statement in a recent, Holywood Reporter: Few disagree that these programs reflect current events, but more intriguing is how they may influence the real world. Says television critic Myles McNutt, “It seems likely, in the years to come, that we will begin to categorize shows as either complicit or resistant to Trump’s presidency.” 

Now the Big Question: Should Our Tax Money Fund PBS??

It is bad enough that we are so dumb that we actually pay to be manipulated and indoctrinated to all things vulgar in preparation for the New World Order, but in one case, the government TAKES our (tax) money without our consent to finance Public Broadcasting Service, (PBS) and NPR (National Public Radio) which are leftist communication organizations.

PBS, for instance, at this moment is running a series evolving to lesson plans which encourages students to identify with radical jihadists, which is now…sit down…being taught in our public schools. This writer broke the original story when Islam became a required subject for public schools beginning right after 9/11. The current course encourages students to empathize with young Palestinian terrorists who become suicide bombers to achieve martyrdom and would rather die since Palestinians have less land and are restricted.

This PBS Learning Media production, “Dying to be a Martyr,” utilizes videos titled, “Martyrdom,” “Suicide Bombing,” and “Israel and Palestine” as well as providing internet sites and primary sources “to examine the roots of the Middle East Conflict.”  Students studying these videos in the public schools are asked to be able to understand “why individuals and groups sometimes turn to tactics of terrorism.”

This is not fact finding, it is recruitment and indoctrination. And we unwillingly pay for it. Federal subsidies for PBS cost us, the taxpayers, more than $350 Million per year.  In 1992, the Sesame Street program pulled in over $100 million every year for licensing Big Bird dolls and other merchandise. The chief executive officer was paid $647,000 a year in salary and benefits. Contributors to one station, WETA in Washington, D.C. sent in $627,000. One in eight of the contributors was a millionaire.

The New York City PBS station, WNET in 1990 paid its executive producer $400,000 in salary and benefits. The taxpayers forked over $30 million in 1989 alone. So why should we be required to pay for it? They can raise their funding themselves which is proven by their telethons.

The dumbest thing we can do is to purchase a movie ticket which finances the Communist agenda which will make all our lives miserable and promotes all immorality with explicit sex scenes. Audiences have become addicted to seeing blood and guts, car crashes, buildings blowing up, ear splitting sound effects and explicit sex scenes. Great stuff to mold your minds.

Instead of paying out your money to see this trash, watch some of the old movies on Turner Movie Classics instead or carefully check what a movie is about before forking over your money to see it. Time would be better spent playing with your kids in the back yard, family get-togethers, going to the park, a sightseeing drive and visiting friends.

As for PBS, we are not suggesting that it should be shut down since they do provide some informative and enjoyable documentaries including travel programs such as those of Rick Steves that are excellent, as well as performance arts including concerts, plays, Shakespeare and operas. PBS is basically worthwhile but we should not be forced to pay for it with our tax money since there are many programs that are not compatible with a huge section of the population. As can be seen by the figures above, they are able to totally finance themselves. We should not be forced to pay any part of it.

As for movies, patrons DO have a choice.  And yes, it is dumb…downright stupid to pay to be indoctrinated into lifestyles and politics that are not good for a free society as well as being insulted. We are better than that.

Our thanks to Ralph Reed whose book, Politically Incorrect, provided the PBS financial stats.

Image Caption: LGBT Communist Flag
Image Credit:


© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Book Exposes IRS 501c3 Church Scam

April 17, 2017

The Communist-George Soros Democrats running the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have managed to bully churches into becoming partners with them by the creation of the 501c3 (Not-for-Profit) status. This action pushed churches to incorporate themselves as franchises of the United States in order to avoid taxes they never owed in the first place. Don’t forget that last sentence.

According to an informative book; Things You Need to Know about Non-profits-Making Sense of Non-Profit Status, by Carleton C. Booker, a ministry and a church are automatically tax exempt. Indeed, this was established from the very beginning of the U.S. since churches with their charitable work took a heavy burden away from the government by providing services so needed by so many.

The church was totally separate from the government. When a couple was to be married, that was strictly a function of the Church that counseled the couples, performed the marriage ceremonies and issued the official marriage certificate which was recognized as a legal instrument. When a couple decided to get married, they would first look for a preacher.

Then, in an incredible paradox, the government suddenly declared that in order to get married, the couple first were required to obtain (by paying a fee) a “marriage license” from a government office, making the government a partner to the marriage. This became a forced partnership between government and church. Without the government license, the public was informed, the marriage would be null and void.

And it is to be noted that since the time the government intruded into the church function of marriage, the words, Bride and Groom on the license have been changed to; Party one and Party Two. Anything the government gets their hands on becomes an aberration, even a church function.

Strangely enough, this was during the time that the government declared that there is a distinct command demanding Separation of Church and State, a faulty ‘command’ that came as the result of a letter Thomas Jefferson sent to the Danbury Baptist Association showing that the government would not favor one church over the other. It had absolutely nothing to do with taking God out of public places.

In typical fashion, the feds jumped on that, perverted it, and made it law that in no way, can the church be associated with government, meaning no more prayers to Jesus in public places, demanding an end to saying, Merry Christmas, and dictating what can and cannot be preached from the pulpits. The government also ordered that military chaplains cannot even pray in the name of Jesus. This all was locked in place by the misuse of the letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Baptists.

The former IRS head, Lois Lerner, who should be prosecuted and charged, used the IRS as a sledgehammer against any and all conservative organizations who asked for not-for-profit status which she denied even though any and all Soros Democrat organizations were waltzed right through the process.

This minister-columnist knows all too well how the democrat IRS operated. This ministry and church met all the qualifications for tax-exempt status. Proper application was made. All questions answered. Still they demanded more information and after that even more. They demanded excessive information about this work. This went on for two years.

Meanwhile, the North America Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) a pedophile homosexual organization that want to make it legal to sexualize little boys applied the same time I did and within two weeks they had their 501c3 tax exemption recognition. Not only that, they were and are allowed to use the public library event rooms for meetings (meetings for degenerates), even though no Christian organizations are allowed to hold meeting in those same public rooms.

This means that it is OK to teach sexual deviance targeting children in their public rooms, but not OK to teach about Jesus and morals or to study the Bible in those public rooms.

Finally, after two years I was told by Lois Lerner’s leftist IRS that I must send them $700.00 in order to process my application. That was money I could hardly afford, but scraped it together and sent it in. The moment the check was cashed, they informed me that my ministry and church were denied tax exempt status.

Yes, they refused to send the money back–they kept it. Talk about dirty deeds. They knew they would block my non-profit recognition but made sure they milked me for 700 bucks before they dealt the final blow.

Carleton Booker, the author of the non-profit book showed me specifically in his book how to apply the law to be given this status, walked me through it, and he had the 501c3 exemption papers in my hand a short time later. The only thing I had to pay was a very nominal filing fee to receive the paper.

This book can be obtained at Mr. Booker, a successful businessman has other titles to look for including books on business and marketing.

To reiterate; if you have a ministry and a church you are automatically tax exempt. This book shows you how to cut through the road blocks and simply claim it. With our new President Donald Trump, no doubt the IRS will be cleaned up. We can and must stop the mandated partnership with the government and churches. They have no business intruding themselves into church work.

Here’s the title again: Things You Need to Know About Non-Profits–Making sense of Non-Profit Status by Carleton C. Booker.

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

California Declared Sanctuary State, Muslims Rejoice

The creases of grief etched in his face could not be concealed. Normally cheerful, he ran a men’s clothing shop in a mall in California. Expressing concern while asking about it, “Alfred” said he had just received a phone call informing him that his best friend in Egypt had been murdered, thrown to his death from the window of his apartment to the concrete below. All in the name of Jizah, or, Dhimmititude.

These are the’ taxes’ forced against non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence and as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam. It is the Islamic version of the Mafia’s ‘protection’ racket, where you pay to ‘protect’ your place of business from destruction and vandalism from roaming thugs.

The friend’s Jizah, or protection taxes, became higher every month until the Muslims were demanding everything he earned in his business. They were prepared to strong-arm him into compliance. He finally called the police who came to the apartment, sided with the Muslim mob and helped throw him out the window.

This is what it is like for non-Muslims living under imposed Sharia Law, which they are determined to implement in any county they enter. This is the goal. And enter they do with the Soros sponsored Democrats making certain all doors are open to them.

Presenting themselves as “refugees” They manage to cross borders” that are no longer borders due to lax immigration laws. Once in, they immediately set up shop and prepare to commit Jihad, killing citizens from within to frighten and drive them into compliance with THEIR rules. There is not even a question of them assimilating into the culture of the country they crash. The goal is to transform any country they enter, into Islamic rule, dragging it from modern society back to the Stone Age.

It is all about conquest, never assimilation. They enter a country to take it over. And the George Soros Democrats have viciously attacked President Donald Trump’s ban on further entry of Muslims into the U.S. until they are fully vetted, which is reasonable. This is not only common sense, but essential for the safety of our country.

Soros wants all borders open so they can come and go as they please. It is a ploy to weaken our country, the only country standing in the way of The One World Order.

When President Trump proposed the banning of Muslim entry into America, the Democrats yelled that this was “Discrimination.” Well duh! You bet it is and for good reason. Think San Bernardino, Orlando, 9/11, Ft. Hood, and dozens of other attacks from within that show it is good sense to discriminate. As the late Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust but verify.”

When a specific identifiable group has a tenancy to do certain things, then it is good sense to look at that group with suspicion. Yes there are very good people in any group, but the number who are not is the concern as the group itself seems to be so inclined.

Stereotyping? Perhaps. Philosopher David Hume details principles which determines the formations of conclusions: He writes: “Our conclusions from experience carry us beyond our memory and senses and assure us of matters of fact, which happened in the most distant places and most remote ages; yet some fact must always be present for the senses or memory, from which we may first proceed in drawing these conclusions.

“We can assign all our conclusions from experience. The principle is, CUSTOM or HABIT. For wherever the repetition of any particular act or operation produces a propensity to renew the same act or operation without being impelled by any reasoning or process of the understanding; we always say, that this propensity is the effect of Custom.”  David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.

California Now Declared a Sanctuary STATE

Governor Moonbeam of California, this past week, ruled that his entire State of California is now declared to be a Sanctuary State. How’s that again? This means any illegals from anywhere are free to come into this state, enjoy its benefits paid for by taxes, and not risk arrest for being here illegally. Many get away with crimes without punishment.  California has always been flaky but this is way over the top.

Then this week your columnist received a press release from Senator Dianne Feinstein proclaiming that she is introducing a bill to “rescind Discriminatory Order on Immigration, Refugees.” Here is her statement to the Press:

“President Trump’s discriminatory executive order isn’t about strengthening our national security. It ‘s a transparent effort to fulfill his campaign promise to implement a ‘Muslim Ban.’

“These divisive policies alienate our allies in the Muslim world and fuel anti-American sentiment by sending a message that the United States is out to punish one religion.

“To say that someone who comes from a particular country or is a member of a particular faith is barred from this country is contrary to our founding principles and will do nothing to make us safer.”

Of course, all the dem senators are backing and supporting her bill while George Soros grins.

Has California lost its mind? Something can never be lost that was never possessed.


Photo Caption: No Discrimination Allowed
Photo Creid: expresscouk

© 2017 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Criminal Charges Against Boston LGBTQ Demanded

by Rev. Austin Miles

BOSTON 3/25/17—Extortion is a felony that must be punished. Extortion means demanding an act to be performed, such as paying a ransom under threat of violence, and in this case, death.

One surrenders to the demand by an act, money, or property to prevent a threatened act of violence, or murder. An example is the old Mafia Protection racket where a store pays big sums to “protect” them from violence to their property.

Extortion results in jail time and other penalties. It is an attack on all civilization for personal gain, either monetarily or ideologically. Extortion is a serious legal offense. It is time for this law to be utilized and action taken whenever these threats arrive. So why does this statute not apply to sodomites when it is the law for everyone else? The laws DO apply to the LGBTQ crowd as it does to the rest of us.

Boston has already had a taste of this by the Muslim attacks on those attending the Boston Marathon. They planted bombs to go off in the crowd, killing and maiming spectators. This was a form of extortion. Either all become Muslims, or all will be brutally killed. That threat still stands. But the feeble minded dem-wits insist upon letting them all in our country so they can commit jihad from the inside.

The LGBTQ misfits threatened Boston with similar violence, destruction of property, overall chaos and death if they were not allowed to march in the recent St. Patrick’s Day Parade which honors a Catholic Saint. Plus they demanded that they be able to carry their rainbow flags signifying sexual preferences in that parade which is offensive to God Himself. Indeed, this is blasphemy.

Why should these degenerates, who do not believe in God, the Bible or the church be allowed to march in a Christian parade? This parade is to honor a saint, not to honor the filthiest of all perversions. For example, “gays” smear their poop over each other’s bodies, then lick it off. This is called, “scatting.” Sorry, I hate to even acknowledge this, but it is reality….a reality that they demand for all of us to accept.

First of all, considering the seriousness of the crime of extortion, arrests should have taken place immediately when the officials were threatened with deadly violence if they were excluded from that parade.  But no, instead of rightfully filing criminal charges, the authorities decided to simply discuss it. Instead of pushing back they caved in.

According to LifeSiteNews,  Boston Police said homosexuals would be bused in from other states to “disrupt” the festivities posing serious threats unless Catholic organizers permitted a gay veterans group in the parade, yes vets carrying rainbow flags. That is not the army this columnist served in.

Police determined that the gay threats were “credible” but warned that they would not guarantee the safety of the public, including children, if they were not invited to take part. It was also implied that organizers would be responsible if gay violence erupted.  Extortion 101. Arrests should have instantly been made. But everyone simply sat quietly.

Faced with the threat of “large-scale gay violence,” the Allied War Veterans Council chief parade organizer Tim Duross allowed the homosexual group, OutVets, to march. Yep, waved the white flag of surrender to the lavender mafia. The media celebrated the decision as a “victory against bigotry.” No surprise there.

The threats of gay violence came after political and financial pressure had failed to coerce parade organizers. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, Mayor Marty Walsh, Senator Edward Markey, and other politicians said they wouldn’t participate if OutVets (which applied late to participate which would disqualify anyone else),weren’t allowed to march. Corporate sponsors, including Budweiser, threatened to pull financial backing as well. Have these people taken leave of their senses?

Why on earth would the public be so supportive of a clearly dangerous, psychopathic group of people who are affixed on anal sex and human waste? This is sick. Yet, otherwise sane citizens, are going along with it. And have you ever seen a person dying of AIDS?  This can be the fate of those encouraged by indifference toward their lifestyle. The parade did take place last Sunday without incident, since the LGBTQ demand was met.

Criminal Offense to Disrupt Religious Service

There is another law on the books stating that it is a crime to disrupt a religious service….that means church services, where freaky looking gays in gaudy costumes and clown-like makeup stormed a church in San Francisco demanding they be served Holy Communion.

Other churches around the country including St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City was in the middle of Mass when sodomites stormed the church during the service and threw condoms on the parishioners. Even assault could have been charged here as well as the criminal act of disrupting a religious service.  But nobody did a thing. They just sat there.

This can all be stopped in its tracks by simply advising these hoodlums of this law from the platform, then pulling out a cell phone and calling the police. Once during a funeral service, a drunk came down the aisle with a beer bottle in his hand and began yelling at everyone there using the “F”word. He was informed that what he was doing was a criminal offense and I was about to call the police.  He turned and bolted out. HOWEVER, he was later arrested during the reception at a union hall for the same reason and was put in jail.

Simply report disruption of a religious service and they will refer to laws including ‘crimes against the public peace (Massachusetts chapter 269) as well as “Public Offenses.” Whenever these anarchists try to storm your church, call the police immediately.  To do nothing is to encourage and strengthen them in their quest to be in total control of everything, including the churches.

It is time to show strength and push back. Remember, this is all at the behest of the devil himself and Christians should never hesitate to take the authority given us by God Himself to send him and his minions fleeing. But whatever you do, do not just sit there obediently. Do something! This has got to stop.


Photo Caption: Outvets Marching in St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Photo Credit: Screen Grab

Finally! The Truth About Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio believes in law and order, knowing that a lawful country is an orderly country, which should, by all logic–even limited logic–be desired by all  Difficult to understand why this brings out the savage nature of democrats (which is not implanted too deep) who have made him appear to be the most vilified individual on earth.

Notice the description; “appear to be.”  That is the illusion George Soros is determined to project. Stay tuned for more on Soros, the Democrat Communist Party, the problems they orchestrate in America and why.

The beef? Sheriff Joe did his job according to his state’s constitution. He was tough on law breakers and hoodlums in general. He did not pussy foot around. He would not handle them with kid gloves. Indeed he dressed the most vicious prisoners in pink. One thing for sure, those inmates don’t ever want to be put there again and they try to live more lawful lives once released. In other words, they are taught a lesson they will never forget–that crime does NOT pay, plus there are severe consequences for committing crime.

Sheriff Joe upheld the Constitution of the United States by arresting illegal immigrants and deporting them back to their country of origin. He wants them to come in properly, meaning legally. Then they can be welcomed.

Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, but the immigrants back then came in legally after first learning to speak English and studying American history. They had to be thoroughly vetted and to show they had enough money to keep themselves going until finding work, or, had a family member living here who could support them until they got settled. THEN after completion of paper work, they came to America via Ellis Island. They were all PROUD to become American citizens and gave their best to this country.

The illegal immigrants of today simply crash our borders, cannot speak English and demand all rights granted to American citizens apply to them, plus they demand and receive welfare, food stamps, housing, medical care and schooling. What is worse, Muslims, who are instructed by their ‘religion’ Islam, slip into this country to attack us from within, which has happened with increasing regularity. Yet, the Dem-wits keep letting them in.

What is worse, it is our tax money that pays the millions of dollars a year for their upkeep.

Obama who was groomed and sponsored by Soros and The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was placed, not voted in but PLACED, in The Oval Office for the purpose of surrendering the United States to the One World Government Communist Order. The fraudulent president had his ‘Justice Department’ file misdemeanor charges against Sheriff Joe just before his re-election campaign. He had served 24 years as the elected Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, and did so with honor.

Arizona is a rather strange place with some questionable leaders, including John McCain, an absolute traitor who was not the hero he claims to be. Fellow prisoners of war with him in Viet Nam reported that he was a snitch among other things. He was not liked by them nor was he the patriot he paints himself to be or was.

McCain is fighting everything essential to the stability of The United States, the only country standing in the way of being brought into the One World Communist Order. Why? Because of the millions of Christians here and active churches throughout the country. A mind that belongs to Jesus cannot be enslaved. This is why the Reds have tried in every way to destroy the church.

It was the millions of Christians coming out of the shadows that put President Donald Trump into the Oval Office, not Russia or fraudulent voting as the Democrats are trying to sell. The people, yes the American PEOPLE, spoke and put him into office.

Meanwhile it is reported that McCain is being financed by George Soros to do everything possible to sabotage the American system. This is the same George Soros who poured out $4 million to buy attack ads against Sheriff Joe that were nasty, vicious, deceptive and ultimately cost him the election.

At Soros’ orders, the Obama Justice Department filed criminal contempt of court charges (?) against him the day before critical early voting began in Arizona. These costly efforts influenced voters who defeated Sheriff Joe at the ballot box.

The same dirty tactics were and are being used to vilify President Trump. He is NOT disliked by the American people. It was the American people who VOTED him in. The so-called ‘protests’ and riots were and are all planned by George Soros. They are paid misfits to, again, make it APPEAR that Trump is a disaster and not liked. Soros even paid for and furnished the protest signs used.

George Soros owned Hillary and was so certain that she would win the election (he paid off everyone to make sure), that he bet one billion dollars that she would win. Soros owns a home in New York State, South Hampton, Long Island and has an apartment and an office in Manhattan.

Hillary spent the weekend with him in his South Hampton home during the week of August 9th, before the election. To Soros, Hillary becoming his puppet president was a done deal…but she lost and he had to pay out a billion bucks. He had no idea that there would be millions of Christians who came out without fanfare and overwhelmingly voted Donald Trump in as President. That cannot be denied.

George Soros, whose actions show him to be Satan incarnated, hates Sheriff Joe for the same reason he hates President Donald Trump. They are both patriots. They love our country. Sheriff Joe was the epitome of law enforcement. He too loves our country and wants to see it peaceful and orderly.

While he was known as America’s toughest sheriff he has a very tender side that is not that well known. He loves animals and rescues countless dogs from “Kill Shelters,” meaning shelters that keep an abandoned or lost animal for only a couple of days. If nobody comes to claim or adopt it, the animal is euthanized, or, in clearer terns, executed.

Sheriff Joe rescued such dogs and took them to prisoners to adopt and take care of at certain times in their cells. The prisoners also worked at the animal shelter Sheriff Arpaio created out of an abandoned jail. The love that those dogs have shown to them may have been the first real love any of them had ever experienced, and we understand that it had such a powerful impact on inmates that they determined to change their lives for the better. One prisoner was heard praying this prayer: “Lord, help me to be the man my dog thinks I am.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a good man who can be tough when needed while at the same time fair. He has a tender heart. And this is the man that the billionaire Hungarian Jew Communist George Soros has worked so hard to destroy. Like his mentor, Satan, Soros hates anything that is good.

George Soros must be prosecuted for Treason, Sedition and overthrowing governments which he has done in the past and is determined to include the U.S. on his list of conquests. He can and must be charged and put in prison. Every Reader can play an important role in this necessary action.

Remember, an avalanche begins with a single snow flake…a flood with one drop of rain. We must begin by insisting that our president press charges against this power hungry maniac. It is up to us individually. We can each begin that avalanche and flood to see that action is taken against the most evil man in the universe.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Joe needs help. He is down but definitely not out. Let’s see his actual words. “I was defeated at the ballot box–all because of my unwavering support for enforcing illegal immigration laws–and being so outspoken about the federal government’s failure to do their job.

“But, as I have said to you time and time again, I never back down from a fight and I never surrender. And I’m not about to now. While I may no longer be the sheriff, I still believe in order for our Republic to stand, we must enforce the Rule of Law.

So I’m going to continue to fight for the shared conservative values we hold so dear. After serving 55 years in law enforcement as a top director of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, including 24 years as an elected sheriff, I’ll be fighting for out values as a private citizen.

“Recently, I formed the “Sheriff Joe Arpaio Action Fund” which I will use to counter the likes of George Soros who use their billions to influence public policy and elections. I learned a lot of lessons during my last campaign, but chief among them is that we can never idly sit by and get comfortable. Our cause must be vigilant, ever-ready to counter the progressive left’s lies and deceit.” 

(Last emphasis mine)

Avalanches and floods, come forward, one snowflake and one drop of rain at a time–that is each of you. Sheriff Joe must be reinstated as a leader. Also, please help him with his project. To contact him use this email address:

Transgender Bathroom Insanity Hits The Heartland

BOISE, ID -One cannot escape the transgender irruption spewing its lava everywhere even in the Hinder-lands, if Idaho can be considered such. It IS a conservative and family oriented state.

The March 3rd issue of the Meridian Press, an area weekly,  had a feature headlined: Support Gender Inclusive Facilities at Schools. That piece (command?) was written by Jennifer Gess, Ph.D, a professor for Walden University and has a private counseling practice in Boise. She consoles-makes feel better–transgender children, youth and families to let them know they are as normal as anybody else.  How’s that again?

She praises Obama for using Executive Orders to push Title IX, meaning that XX (females) and XY (males) can pee and shower with any X combination they wish. Babbling on, she scribbles that this order protected transgender students from bullying, discrimination and harassment in the bath rooms and locker rooms.  Well duh! They would have brought that upon themselves by entering an intimate facility where they do not belong.

Ms. Gess then proclaimed after the Title IX (bathroom) Bill passed; “The transgender students I work with, immediately felt acknowledged, validated and normalized knowing the Obama Administration supported their existence.” Yep, that’ll do it every time.

She also pounded her keyboard to push front and center that there were those who objected to this “right” to pee wherever they want with whomever they choose. One of those she blasted is President Donald Trump who reversed that order, bringing common sense into this issue which was in short supply during the last administration.

Professor Gess lectures schools in her state regarding the necessity of allowing any sex to pee with any sex. This, do doubt, gives a sense of togetherness. OK Fellas, pull up your skirts and aim carefully.

She scolded the schools in her state that do not want this guidance from her and criticized them for basing their prejudice on ‘pathologizing” (interesting new word) views of transgender individuals, meaning that built-in sex organs is of no significance to their identities. We suppose that knocks out Genesis once and for all.

This is why she spends so much time lecturing on bathroom inclusivity (another Gess word) to combat resistance to this pee-where-you-will-with whomever you will– whenever you will.  Before entering a bath room, straights must now ponder this specific situation;’To pee or not to pee.That is the question.’ 

That mean ole President Donald Trump had the insensitivity to reverse that Obama toilet bill. SHAME on him! “Don’t you know”, the professor bellows on, “that resistance to this social reconstruction of life affects the transgenders so much that additionally, many clients I work with experience urinary tract infections due to their fear of being harassed in the bathroom?”  Wow! We just learned something.

Dr, Gess said that parents must be educated on this issue. Well, she certainly educated this writer with that statement. We never had any idea that not accepting men and boys in dresses entering girl’s bathrooms and showers, causes urinary tract infections. We learn something new every day.

The whole point of this professor and counselor is summed up by her suggesting “that schools put transgender advocates on a school panel to share their stories and ‘normalize the experience of transgender individuals.”  By this standard, it appears that the rest of us are abnormal.

Sometime ago, inmates escaped from the Insane Asylum. They were all rounded up and stood in line at the front of a desk. “What is your name?” the guard demanded of the first in line. “Napoleon” said the inmate. “And WHO gave you that name?” the irritated guard demanded.  “God did,” he answered defiantly. A voice boomed out from the middle of the line: “I DID NOT!”

It is a mental problem to think that you are someone other than who you are. There are those with delusional grandeur, believing that they are a rich and famous when they are anything but. For a parent to encourage their child in transgenderism is a form of child abuse, according to a long list of distinguished hospitals, doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. To do so is to mentally impair them for life.

Transgender identity is listed in the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as “Gender Dysphoria.”  That means a mental health problem that should be treated. It is time to treat mental illness, not celebrate it. We must stop encouraging young people from taking on this false identity which many time is merely to bring attention to themselves.

Kids will do wild things to feel they have gained some significance. The Communist Fake News papers encourage all things LGBTQ and even top level magazines such as National Geographic have added to this confusion by doing an entire front cover story celebrating a transgender little boy (for being ‘an individual’) which will encourage other kids to take that route since the attention gained is so great.  This IS child abuse.

Parents cannot and must not pamper their children in all of their ideas and conduct. If so you are shirking your duty as a parent. You are to GUIDE your children correctly until they are grown. If done properly and you do it responsibly, they will continue to come to you for advice as they grow older. Right now, parents, you are failing! Correction. You HAVE failed.

There is a crowd mentality which in itself gives strength to the feeble minded. And look at the support for obscene language and behavior that has swept up a multitude of people including pastors who have been drawn in to support these causes that are so destructive.

Meanwhile, these “transgender” kids see movie stars pretending to be someone else, even royalty, and becoming wealthy doing so. The lives of these celebrities are all self centered. Their pursuits of insatiable pleasure and immorality combined with their drinking and drugs in excess makes them mental wrecks.

They go on TV programs to discuss their sexual fetishes and use the “F” word constantly. The stars of today are not groomed, have no class, dress like bums with unwashed hair and don’t care how they look. And impressionable young people are watching them and, learning from them. Great examples for our young people.

Watching these ‘celebrities’  with envy are...the preachers who have compromised The Bible, preach sermons that merely tickle ears with pleasant messages about heaven automatically awaiting us…as long as we only believe with no other responsibilities to Jesus. And these same pastors, wanting to get into that limelight, write glowing reviews for films such as, Moonlight, a story about homosexuality.

One pastor writing for a Christian (?) magazine says this is a good film that allows us to walk in the shoes of another life so we can better understand what makes a person tick. He recommends that we all see the flick which displays passionate kisses between men prominent on the big screen. Yuk!

Next a Christian news service published a glowing review of the film abomination, The Shack which is blasphemous, brimming with New Age Religion elements where everybody goes to heaven. In this spin the film has a black woman as God. Swell. The church itself is to blame for the confusion and unrest in this world. They have turned their back on church teachings and have totally compromised the Bible. Meanwhile, the people, without real Christian leadership, have crashed and burned.

I remember years ago asking one young man if he planned to be a pastor. “Yea,” he answered, “that sounds like it would be a lot of fun.”  And that is the collection we have behind the pulpits today.

God has given specific rules to deal with your families.  Confusion rises when God’s Word is dumped to comply with worldly standards. Do not abdicate the sacred responsibility God has assigned to you. Do not agree with destructive ideas to gain ‘acceptance,’ or even love. If so that will all be short lived.

Parents and Pastors: stand firm with the duty God has entrusted you with. You are not to agree to destructive conduct period. To do so makes you a contributor to somebody’s ruin. Tell the confused what GOD says in His Word about any situation they find themselves in. The answer to everything is right there, and it is the preacher’s job to proclaim that.

And by the way, sin weakens any and all who indulge in it. This is why the Communists are pushing for a blur of identity–erasing the lines between male and female. To fall for any of this, anything away from God, makes you vulnerable to being taken over by tyrants. Then it will be too late to say, “I wish I hadn’t done that.”

Final Note to Readers. The reference to transgenders above does NOT include those unfortunately born as hermaphrodites, having both male and female sex organs. That is a very painful issue to deal with and as a chaplain have personally witnessed that pain. See my story: Heart to Heart Talk with a Transgender. Here is the link.

Devos appointment: mother of all mistakes

When Betsy DeVos’ name came up as candidate for Secretary of Education, a howl of protests rose from both sides of the aisle. Being Trump, the President would not budge and managed to get her into that position. Already the ramifications are, well, HUGE!

The very first action of Ms. Devos, as Secretary of Education, was to buck Trump who had overturned Obama’s law to grant rights for men to have access to girl’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms everywhere, including schools.

This insane Obama maneuver was properly cancelled by executive order of our new president. Yet, according to numerous news reports, Ms. DeVos began her term by opposing the reversal of the knuckle-headed Obama transgender school mandate.

Ms. DeVos told President Trump that she was uncomfortable because of the potential harm that rescinding the protections could cause transgender students. Harm to the deviants? What about the majority of the kids?

The New York Times reported: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who strongly opposes expanding gay, lesbian and transgender ‘rights’, fought Ms. DeVos on the issue and pressed her to relent because he could not go forward without her consent. The order must come from the Justice and Education Departments.”

Tony Perkins wrote: “They went on to say that for nine months, parents, local districts, and states have been storming the courthouse doors to fight back on the decree, which insisted that every public school force students into the humiliating situation of sharing showers, restrooms, and locker rooms, with members of the opposite sex.”

These kids do not need co-ed showers, locker rooms and toilets. They need counseling. Mental illness should be treated, not celebrated.

Ms. DeVos stated: “The Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights remains committed to investigate all claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment against those who are the most vulnerable in our schools.” And who might that be? It is certainly not the degenerates.

Mrs. DeVos has bought the leftist belief that “objective, immutable biological sex has no intrinsic meaning, including in regard to modesty and privacy.” A federal district court in Texas, however, held that the term ‘sex’ unambiguously refers to–now get this–BIOLOGICAL SEX! Case closed!

LifeSiteNews reported earlier that Ms. DeVos and her husband Dick DeVos have a long history of siding with homosexual and transgender advocates, and against pro-family and tea party Republicans in her native Michigan. So how on earth could President Trump even consider turning her loose on all of our school children? President Trump needs to rescind her appointment without delay.

Now let’s take a look at Betsy’s husband, Richard DeVos a flim flam business man who headed the ultimate pyramid financial scheme, AMWAY.

Richard DeVos took the more folksy name “Rich” to make him appear that way to disguise his true identity, a ruthless businessman who did not care who he hurt as his love for mammon became an unquenchable thirst. You will see below how and why he was sued by Proctor & Gamble.

Richard DeVos, a star in certain church circles, is a man who loves being wealthy to the extent that he flaunts it, and at times appears to be showing off. He dresses the part of a very successful businessman and his overall carriage would seem to confirm it.

Having seen and observed him at several minister’s conferences where he was always the featured speaker, he would make a point of stating from the podium, “Don’t ask me, I’m not going to give any of you any money.” The sheeple would give a knowing muffled laugh acknowledging that they knew he was wealthy, that they were awed by that fact and they would like to have some of that money.

The name chosen for this company, AMWAY, was a derivative of the Name God, Who Identified Himself to Moses, when asked what name He should be known as. God answered, “I AM THAT I AM.” (Exodus 3:14.) So with not so subtle implications, AMWAY would be to Christians, God’s Way. Clever.

In his quest to make a fortune, DeVos expanded this pyramid scheme selling operation. AMWAY sold household products that would be hustled, door to door, to one’s own family or in contacts developed through social circles, neighbors, civic organizations and of course, the church. The goal is to recruit more salespeople. Indeed, the first people the recruits were to hustle were their own families, where sales were certain. Then they would go to others.

An ambitious salesman/recruit gives an illustrated screen presentation of the effectiveness of the products, convinces the ‘mark’ (carnival term for sucker) of the fortune to be made, as each salesman recruited would have part of their commissions directed up the pyramid to the one that recruited him, and the one who recruited the recruiter who….and on it goes. It is the ultimate ‘Pyramid Scheme” that legitimate businesses frown upon.

It is to be remembered that Proctor & Gamble, who also dealt in household products were hit by vicious rumors proclaiming that their symbols are satanic and that an executive with P&G stated on The Phil Donahue TV Show that they were supporters of Satan. Nobody checked the Phil Donahue show to verify this. We did. The program directors declared no such program ever took place and no appearance by a P&G executive ever took place. We were invited to view their library.

The particular church folk mentioned were (and are) quick and anxious to run with any damaging rumor about anyone, especially someone in the public eye.

The false stories took a devastating toll on P&G. THEN they learned that these rumors began with Rich DeVos who started the whole campaign, wanting to knock out competition with lies and slander, typical tactics of this misled church body. P&G sued Devos along with AMWAY and were awarded over a million dollars.

One sales technique of recruiters is to make the mark dissatisfied with what they presently have; “You shouldn’t settle for this, you should have a bigger house (photo shown) or, top-of-the line car (photos of Rolls Royce) and be able to enjoy life” (photos shown of tropical paradise complete with palm trees and bikini-clad girls).

At a service I did at Trinity Assembly of God in Charlotte, Pastor Calvin Bacon introduced me to Dexter Yeager who had become a close friend of Jim Bakker host of The PTL Club. Yeager had become a legend of sorts. In his forties, he had found himself out of work, joined AMWAY and amassed a fortune, along with several banks he acquired. Now he had the best of everything, including a fleet of limousines for his personal use.

Yeager had the unusual habit of carrying a shoulder satchel. “Take a look inside,” he invited me. I reached in and came out with a fist full of one hundred dollar bills. “Good Lord,” I exclaimed, “How much is in there?” “Fifteen-twenty thousand dollars,” he answered nonchalantly. “This is my pocket money.”

Yeager put on a good show as he encouraged Christians to indulge in the sins of covetousness, greed pride, lust for power and the root of all evil, the LOVE of money. Get that? He encouraged sin in order to recruit and make more money. And this is where the beginning of the spectacular downfall of Jim Bakker began.

It was DeVos’s man, Yeager, who corrupted Bakker by convincing him he should not be satisfied with what he had. Jim so admired Yeager, his lifestyle and the money he was able to make, that he let Yeager sign him up as an AMWAY representative. He then began to hustle each studio audience, usually about 200 a day that came to the telecast, making his followers, ‘marks’, instead of souls he had been entrusted with.

But let’s get back to Richard DeVos:

Checking internet sites later, I found one that had a stock of Apologetics books. That was a subject of interest since a concentration on my Bachelor’s Degree would be Apologetics.

When I went on the Website I learned it was a news and products site owned by Rich DeVos. As I started checking through, I found a whole section devoted to vicious attacks against me, with not one truthful “fact.” It was all written as truth by this “Christian man.”

Shocked, I was prepared to sue him and had three atheist lawyers ready to take the case pro-bono, and that included the ACLU. Even though, no doubt I could have won, the words, “unequally yoked” came to mind.

I deeply felt that I should show that there is at least one genuine Christian in this situation, and withdrew the case knowing that this case would serve the atheists in discrediting Christianity, giving more “proof” to the public that Christianity is bad and should be avoided–even disallowed. No gain would be worth that result. I take my calling seriously.

I called DeVos’ office. He would not talk to me, his staff was rude, and his secretary screamed at me. This was not a novelty. When I tried to call Ray Rachels, the L.A. District Superintendent of this off-shoot denomination, his sweet, cute little secretary screamed at me. I kid you not.

Smith Wigglesworth, a totally Spirit Filled man was once taken to visit an asylum for the criminally insane—inmates with the definite spirit of Satan within them. As he entered a door at one end of the huge room, all the inmates began screaming, yelling and pounding the bars of their cells with metal cups.

When Wigglesworth went out the door on the other end, the inmates suddenly quieted down and were at peace. Ironically, this shows a distinct similarity as the Spirit of Satan clashes with the spirit of God, causing chaos and screaming.

There is more than enough data and facts about Betsy and Richard DeVos to warrant removing Betsy DeVos from the position as Secretary of Education. It is to President Trump’s detriment to leave this loose cannon in charge of our public schools. Indeed it would be unthinkable.


Photo Caption: Pyramid Schemer Richard DeVos-Husband of Betsy
Photo Credit: Private Photo taken at conference

© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Tortured elephant cried real tears when rescued

Every day something new comes to my in-box that shows why God became so angry at the sins and cruelties of man that He flooded the entire earth to get rid of them all except for one righteous man, Noah, and his family.

As civilization re-grew and advanced, so did the seemingly inventive cruelties that man has devised against his fellow man and other creatures. They are not content to cause people and animals to suffer, but they have carried that sin over to little babies about to be born. Tiny babies who are inconvenient for the parents who want no responsibility in life to tie them down when they could be out partying.

What is even more horrific, these immoral misfits, who keep Planned Parenthood in business, join lines to abort their babies whose little hearts start beating before six-weeks in the womb. In other words they are not only live babies, but they have a nervous system and feel pain the same as we do. Ultrasound has PROVED this.

Yet, these little lives are such a burden to unintentional parents that they don’t care how they get rid of the baby…just do it! And how do they get rid of them? A “doctor” goes inside the womb with a sharp scissor-like instrument that literally snips and tears the limbs off the baby….a live baby being dismembered who feels horrific agony and reacts by twisting while silently screaming. This doesn’t matter to the accidental parent who simply wants to be free from responsibilities.

Frankly this columnist believes that the only reason God has not destroyed the earth again by flooding, or even more apropos, by fire (since the sins of today are even greater than in the days of Noah), is because the coming of Jesus is now eminent and all evil will soon be cast into the lake of fire.

My keyboard is stained with the tears I’ve shed while reading and writing some of my columns. This latest story about the elephant that cried opened the floodgates. Animals were all created by God. They all have their individual personalities and have the same kind of feelings we do….feelings of fear, pain, love, joy, grief and anxiety.

This columnist has been friends with dogs, cats, lions, tigers, rhinos, elephants, virtually all kinds of God’s special creatures. How I pity someone who has never had the privilege of knowing an elephant. These magnificent beasts are intelligent, loyal, caring and very social animals. Yet they have been especially targeted by evil people for profit, killing elephants or disabling them so their tusks can be sawed off to sell–or simply killing them in order to display their heads in a family room.

This latest story tells of an elephant in India named, Raju, orphaned as a baby after his parents were killed by poachers. The baby was kept, immediately put into captivity and shackled in spiked chains that dug into his body and his legs. And that is how he lived for almost 50 years of his life. Every move he made was painful, indeed, agonizing. This very same thing recently happened to a big bear that was used in a roadside wild animal attraction.

If that was not bad enough, Raju was bought and sold several times, forced to become a ‘riding’ elephant for tourists from daylight to sundown, with every step he took being torturous because of the spiked chains that bound and punctured his legs. Plus his cruel owners would beat him.

Raju was in those chains 24 hours a day. Not even a moment of comfort was afforded him. Every time he was sold, the new handler would beat Raju for no reason but to show him who was ‘boss.” This is what this gentle giant endured for 50 years, a creature that had done no wrong to anyone.

When discovered, Raju was in pathetic condition. He hadn’t been fed properly for months. He had started eating scraps of plastic and paper in a desperate bid to survive. The word properly got out and a daring nighttime raid by a team of rescuers from Wildlife SOS along with 20 Forestry Commission officers and two policemen, swooped in to release Raju from his confinement and found him so tightly bound by those spiked chains that he could hardly move.

A team of 10 veterinarians also were with the group. The rescue was completed on July 4th, which marks America’s Independence Day, which had special significance for this particular rescue.

The owner of Raju, who lived in the Uttar Pradesh region of India, tried to stop the raid by attempting a standoff. The team secured the property and began to free Raju from the painful spike chains. Any activity in the area of the chain wounds was painful to the slightest touch. Raju made little beeping sounds, not from any pain, but in gratitude. This elephant knew he was being rescued and would be set free for the first time.

The team came with fruit and spoke softly to the pachyderm to put him at ease and to let him know they were there to free him. As the last chains were cut off him, Raju, began to cry…yes…cry with big tears rolling from his eyes. It was a very emotional moment for all involved. They gave him a sedative so they could load him into a truck to take him to a sanctuary.

And yes, animals do cry with big tears. I remember an elephant that had a little dog as his best friend for years. When that dog died, the elephant trumpeted in grief and yes, this columnist saw the tears come from his eyes. I have seen dogs cry with tears running down their faces when their owner died. I would often be called when someone dies and then prepare to do the funeral. That is when I saw this as fact, that yes, animals grieve like we do.

Raju was taken 350 miles to an elephant compound; The Wildlife SOS’s Elephant Conservation and Care Center Refuge in Mathura. Five female pachyderms excitedly flapped their ears, trumpeted greetings and touched Raju with their trunks, all signs of joy. Raju is experiencing happiness and comfort for the first time in his life. Elephants live to 70 or 80 years.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Animal Cruelty?

This columnist plans to work with a U.S. Senator to craft a bill to add a unit to Law Enforcement specifically to protect animals. The new officers’ unit would be: Law Enforcement for Animals–LEFA. These units would be actual police officers who have gone through the Academy, are armed and can make arrests.

LEFA can forcibly enter an area where animals are being tortured and arrest those responsible as well as seize their property to pay veterinarian bills and other costs. Many animal rescue organizations do undercover videos to record the horrors being perpetrated against animals, and that includes slaughter houses. They do not just kill the animals; they fully torture the innocent victims before the actual kill.

There is nothing humane about that process. I have seen some photos which have kept me up at nights. Those working undercover should be able to stop such a process and arrest the person involved. I could never understand how someone could simply film something so horrific without jumping into action to stop the torture of an animal.

The savages who do this must be arrested on the spot, and they can be, under this new unit. Those who are secretly video-taping can have a concealed weapon and take immediate action.

There can be special courts established to handle any case involving animals. This can all be set up, and it will be. I worked with one very famous U.S. Senator to craft and sponsor a bill making the import and export of ivory a criminal offense since elephants are viciously killed for their tusks. That bill was crafted, presented on the floor, and passed.

This one will be as well. But I need your help to back me…..not financial, but those of you–and that includes those who are retired–can help by sending letters, emails, signing petitions and making phone calls to officials as this bill is crafted. You will know exactly what is going on through my columns.

Indeed, please get a note off to me through the news site this column appears on to let me know I can count on you. One goal of this is to close all factory farms, shut down any and all roadside wildlife exhibitions, and to do frequent inspections wherever there are animals, including zoos.

Oh yes, there are those who will state that The Bible says; “Man shall have dominion over the animals.” The proper translation of that word, ‘dominion’ is: RESPECT–COOPERATE WITH the animals. So don’t try to use that Scripture verse to justify mistreating or torturing an animal. That is NOT what the Holy Scriptures implies. We must respect animals and cooperate and work with them since we all share this one planet.

Closing Thought: The death of babies keep Planned Parenthood alive….and prosperous…the love and protection of animals keeps man’s soul alive.

Photo 1 Caption: Raju in His New Home Welcomed by the Girls-Note the Puncture in His Leg

Photo 2 Caption: Raju Being Rescued with Wounds Being Treated.

Our thanks to Huffington Post for some of the details given for this story. Check out this link to the rescue compound that freed Raju.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reser

Quiet woman’s work astonishes observers

She is an ordinary looking woman who would not stand out in a crowd. She is unassuming, quiet and goes about her business without flair. Yet strangers who never met her will approach her on the street to reveal their innermost thoughts. Indeed they feel they MUST talk to her…a woman they had never met, nor did they even know her name.

It is not her beauty even though she is attractive, nor the way she dresses which is simple but tasteful. She does have something within her that cannot escape the attention of everyone who gets even just a glimpse of her….or even sees her in the distance.

Priscilla Martinez is a devoted Christian who carries the earned title, Chaplain. Her love of God is so resilient that it radiates from her, and like a magnet pulls people to her. Here is an extraordinary case of someone being so genuinely filled with The Holy Spirit that people MUST come to her.

There is a reason for this as explained in John 12:32: Jesus said, “If you lift me up, I will draw all men to myself,” or as some translations say, “I will draw all people toward me.” If any individual lifts up Jesus in their lives, he will draw all people toward Him, meaning that when He resides in those who lift him up people will be drawn to that person.

That Scripture has also been interpreted to say, “If you lift me up, I will draw all men unto thee.” In any translation this shows that people will be drawn toward those who lift up Jesus in their hearts and in their lives. And so it is with Chaplain Priscilla Martinez.

One example happened not long ago on a street in Brentwood, California. While walking down the sidewalk a woman crossed to her side of the walk and told her about a friend of hers who was at that moment dying in a hospital (Kaiser-Antioch). Her friend was in the emergency room and asked Chaplain Priscilla (the other woman did not know she was a chaplain) if she would go to see her.

Again, this woman knew nothing about her but felt compelled to go to her on that street. Chaplain Priscilla said, “I will go immediately.” And that she did. She went straight to the emergency room, went inside and could hear the woman screaming as she flailed uncontrollably in her bed. Her distressed family was in the room with her.

When Chaplain Priscilla went in they asked who she was. She told them. Then they asked her why she was there. “To pray with your mother,” she answered. A son in the family arrogantly got in Priscilla’s face and said, “And what is that going to do? First of all, we are atheists.” “I was asked to come,” the chaplain stated firmly. The family walked out of the room to the waiting room, leaving Chaplain Priscilla alone with their mother, who was still screaming and flailing.

As this anointed woman of God began to pray for this very ill and agitated patient, she gradually stopped screaming, came to her senses and suddenly was at peace. Chaplain Priscilla stayed only a few more minutes, then took her leave.

Going to the elevator she saw the family in the glassed in waiting room and nodded her head that she was leaving. They immediately got up to go to their mother’s room and to their astonishment, found her comfortable and peaceful.

While Chaplain Priscilla was still waiting for the elevator (God’s timing) the son rushed back out of the room and said to Priscilla, “What shot did they give her?”

“Oh they didn’t give her any shot.”

“Then what happened to her?”

“She got prayed for,” Chaplain Priscilla answered calmly just as the elevator door opened, she got in, the door closed and she was on her way. This certainly gave that atheist family something to think about.

Seeing her success, some would think her life was working out for her because she was raised with privileges without any of the life struggles that most of them encounter. Indeed many non-achievers who have experienced rejection and other difficulties believe this about anyone who is successful. How wrong they are. Chaplain Priscilla has dealt with struggles like everyone else including the worst kind of heart ache and health problems, probably more than most.

She once had been a very successful real estate agent with high-end properties and had accumulated a sizable nest egg. Her health began to decline, and then, the most heart wrenching of all, her husband committed suicide. Another member of her family had earlier been put on suicide watch. Her savings dwindled to practically nothing. She was devastated.

She began attending a church where I was on the pastoral staff and she gave herself totally to God, became very active in the church and began teaching Bible classes. Something radiated throughout her indicating that she had been set apart for God’s service.

She felt strengthened by the church and enrolled in my chaplain’s training program. After several weeks of course work and joining me on the spur of a moment to take part in crisis situations, the final exercise before being certified was to take place at a military Stand Down. Homeless veterans are bused in to a makeshift army camp set up on a fairgrounds for four days where counseling is provided by the chaplains in training.

She was loved by the veterans and especially related to the women vets. She was limping. When asked about it she fluffed it off saying she would be seeing a doctor when the Stand Down was over. That foot appeared to be very painful during that last day, yet she would go nowhere until that requirement had been fulfilled completely. Then, I would learn later, the next day after the stand down ended, she had surgery on her foot. She is a fiercely dedicated woman.

She became a chaplain for Shepherd’s Gate, a shelter for battered women. She even went to court with them when they were to confront the husband who had mistreated them. Most were terrified of having to face the brutal man they had married. Chaplain Priscilla was right there with each woman and brought such calm to the entire court room that one official stated to her, “We need more people like you in this courtroom.”

When I left California, I put her in charge of the chaplain’s training program. She became a member of His Presence Church in Brentwood (Pastor Felix Golden) where she trained her first chaplains. Her first graduating class brought us 21 new chaplains. I was there to speak and present the certificates. All of her chaplains have full time chaplaincies. One colorful African young woman became the chaplain of…now get this…the wives and families of the Golden State Warriors. They all have been placed.

It took a long time for her to get over the unexpected death of her husband but would much later meet and marry Hector Martinez, a very good man who is so proud of her, watches her fulfill her ministry including weddings, dedications and funerals along with speaking engagements. He supports her totally and watches her in awe as she carries out her duties.

There is so much more to the story of this remarkable woman whom you will never forget from the moment you first meet her. She has expanded the chaplaincy program and added to the curriculum. She is constantly on the go to minister to those who need her. What a blessing she is to everyone she encounters. She is truly a gift from God.

Photo Caption: Chaplain Priscilla Martinez
Photo Credit: Private Photo


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Review: dog’s purpose movie thrives despite peta attacks


A Dog’s Purpose, no matter what the bogus animal protection group, PETA, claims in order to keep you from attending. Those hippie types have organized boycott petitions for this movie with 68,000 signatures while using their own fake news press releases to dissuade patrons from buying tickets to the most meaningful film that one could ever see.

Don’t fall for this. Go and see this movie without delay. It is a totally satisfying and fulfilling movie. And if you love animals, such as this columnist, you will be greatly moved. Indeed, when you go home, you will want to give extra hugs to your own pets with the feeling that you know them better after seeing this expertly crafted film that truly captures the personality and inner feelings of a dog.

It is to be noted that all of PETAs efforts to sabotage this movie, part of their shakedown for profit, is based upon lies. They LIED about an incident they claimed took place during the filming of this wonderful movie. They falsely claimed that a “terrified” German Shepherd was thrown into the rapids, and once in the water, went under, with personnel rushing in to “rescue” it.

That dog was in no danger. The “rapids” were created in a huge water tank constructed on set. The dog had rehearsed the dramatic scene several times where he rescues a kidnapped little girl who had been thrown into the rapids by her abductor. Being at the time a K-9 police dog, he jumped in to rescue her, going under water to pull her to the top, then to the shore.

The dog had rehearsed the scene, at another location at the tank, and balked at having to do this in a location he was not familiar with. PETA profited by selling a video of this supposed event to TV networks and sent releases to print newspapers, milking it for all it was worth to raise money for their organization and to shake down producers. They are an extortion racket under the guise of being an animal protection agency, which they are not.

That video they claimed was so urgent, was taped over FIFTEEN MONTHS AGO. So if PETA reps were on set, and videotaped this, why didn’t they jump in and put a stop to the production and get the dog to safety if this had really happened? They had no interest in the animal. They actually kill more animals than they “save.” While I support several animal rescue organizations I would not give PETA one penny.

It was all a ploy to gain them publicity at the opening of a movie based on an all time best-selling book. They virtually hijacked the advance publicity and anticipation in order to bring all that attention to themselves. Publicity is their motivation. How many remember when these nutty PETA woman stripped totally naked in a very public area of San Francisco to protest the wearing of fur? This alone shows what they are all about.

Plus, the carefully examined video was shown to be heavily edited to make it appear to be an event that was not. Again, PETA LIED to make a case to bring them publicity and stimulate donations at the expense of the movie company and movie goers who would be deprived of seeing an excellent film.

And it is to be added, that PETA executes animals in their shelters, not even keeping them in there for the required time mandated by law so that their owners have time to come and claim them. They even kidnap dogs and euthanize them in the van taking the innocent animal away. They should never present themselves as an animal protective organization.

But wait, don’t they do some good? They do. But remember, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

The nation-wide release of the film had good attendance for the first two days of their opening weekend, even though the PETA protests did result in lower ticket sales. Fortunately, the pickets could not be at the theater I attended with my family, since it was in a shopping center on private property. It was good that they could not perform their feigned concern there. Had they tried to block me they would have quickly learned that the laws of gravity are still intact.

Then there are those ‘reviewers’ who snickered at the film with words like, “fluff, syrupy, tearjerker, overly sentimental, schmaltzy ” and they even criticized the words the dog audibly thought, for instance, when he expressed love for Ethan’s girl friend by thinking, “I like her. She smells like cheese.” This is probably how a dog would think. Yet this misguided critic took issue with the animal’s thought, calling this “bad script writing.” That ‘reviewer’ was in full frontal attack mode.

These critics have a problem with expressing love, emotion or deep feelings. They believe in showing no emotion no matter what happens. They are hardhearted and unfeeling. They are the kind of parents who will not say the words, “I love you,” to their wives and children. As a chaplain I constantly deal with the wives and offspring of those sorry individuals. They are incapable of having deep feelings. So their “reviews” are not worth even reading. There is no honesty in them.

THE MOVIE: This film traces a dog’s life, through several lives. When he dies, he becomes another dog, but with the same knowledge and deep feelings for certain people. From the beginning the dog named Bailey is wondering what his purpose is in life. We hear his thoughts and feelings with a wonderful voice job by Josh Gad

His purpose becomes clearer and clearer with each life he lives. The film ends with the most touching and wonderful conclusion one could ever hope for as everything in his life comes together in a most remarkable way as the dog finds the answer to his purpose.

The cast is great, believable and handle their roles so realistically that the audience feels they are witnessing a real event. Ethan is a main character who comes in the story as a very young boy played by Bryce Gheisar. K.J. Apa plays him as a teenager. We see him age, played by Dennis Quaid, with a powerful final scene when he realizes the spirit of the dog he had loved and grown up with was in another dog’s body that Bailey now inhabited.

The touching ending could not be better. What great writing by the author of the book, W. Bruce Cameron. The movie was true to the book with only a couple of minor exceptions but this did not distract or alter the content of the book.

Do support this film with your attendance. The animals were NOT mistreated in the slightest. They are all absolutely charming and you can’t help but fall in love with all of them. This film gets four stars from this reviewer. PETA gets four enemas.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

D.C. Rioters face stiff penalties – it’s about time

WASHINGTON, D.C. –The days of a gentle slap on the wrist accompanied by whispering, “Naughty Naughty,” are over. There’s a new sheriff in town who takes a different approach to thuggery. Two hundred and thirty of the masked rioters who tried to invade the Inauguration of the new President were arrested, charged with Felony Rioting by the U.S. Attorney and face 10 years in prison along with a $25,000 fine. At last, justice will be served for political criminal activity.

All welfare benefits should be cancelled for those involved in the riots with the intention of interfering with the constitutional process of electing a president and causing destruction. Every penny of the fine should be paid in full before release, and that sentence should be 10 years of hard labor which is not unreasonable. Justice Department, please take note.

The protesters seem to have plenty of stamina and physical strength to throw things around, swing sledge hammers into store windows to smash them, set cars on fire along with trash bins that they threw into the streets and set ablaze. They also publicly burned the American Flag. So they are not lacking physical strength to work. These hoodlums should not be collecting welfare or other benefits. They owe US. We owe them nothing. They are perfectly able to work and earn their keep.

It is a new day in America. There is no more coddling criminals, no more ‘political correctness’ but instead, stern punishment for lawlessness and creating havoc.

A Presidential inauguration Ceremony is supposed to be a distinguished event. That is how it was designed. Communist Leader George Soros paid protesters to disrupt this transfer of power in D.C. in an attempt to spoil the most important event in the country. He did not succeed.

These paid imbeciles attacked people trying to get to the inauguration, harassed attendees (actually striking some), set cars on fire, tried to block entrances to the ceremony, and broke store windows. They set a stretch limo on fire and spray painted, “We the People” on the side of the burning limousine. They smashed TV trucks which is strange since the main payoff for these nitwits is television attention. That shows how bright they are.

TV personality Larry King was in his studio doing a program. When he came out he found that all the windows of his SUV had been smashed.

The anarchists were dressed head to toe in black with faces covered so as not to be identifiable, which is illegal. One of the rioters draped himself or herself in a rainbow flag.

Soros not only set up various organizations to carry out these ‘protests,’ but also worked with 50 organizations, mostly sponsoring Muslim organizations, to put together the national women’s march throughout the U.S. the day after the inauguration to make it appear that nobody liked Trump. Not so. Millions upon millions of people love President Trump and are happily relieved that he is now our Commander-in-Chief.

And by the way, the trash these women left strewn in the streets was the worst to ever be seen. They did not have the decency to clean up their mess since they have no decency.

What has NOT been adequately reported is the LOOTING that has become a mainstay of such anti-American events. They kept that quiet so as not to make the looters look bad and cause stereotyping. Store windows were broken as Black Lives Matter participants, as usual, grabbed what they could. They should have their welfare benefits cancelled as well.

This rampage by anti-Americans took place only two blocks from the White House. Six police officers were injured by being hit with rocks thrown at them. It is of interest to know that “Bikers for Trump,” a sturdy looking group was on hand to deal with some of the protesters. The anarchists held back in the presence of the bikers knowing full well that the bikers were ready and more than willing to do serious battle.

A note to President Donald Trump. BRAVO! Yes withdraw all welfare and other government benefits from everyone who took place in those third world style riots. And this should include everyone who is a part of Black Lives Matter, another creation of Soros. Begin proceedings to charge George Soros with Treason and Sedition. There is more than enough evidence to show that he is a traitor and it is time to deal with him as such.

His home country Hungary is preparing to take actions against him. Russia would love to get their hands on him and Israel wants him in their hands. He needs to be dealt with and removed from the scene. His enormous wealth can be confiscated to repair the damage he and those he hired have caused not only to America, but countries throughout the world whose economies have been wrecked by Soros as well as currencies around the world being devalued due to his manipulation.

When you think of the recent events, one must ask, where’s the beef? The new President wants America to again be prosperous, our military strengthened in order to protect us from enemies, and better relations with the world and for Christians to not have to hide their faith or Who they worship .He wants better job opportunities for America and for families to live in peace.

He wants to turn Obama’s misrepresented health care plan around and replace that with affordable health care for everyone. He wants to do more for our veterans and military (he just gave military personnel their first raise), actual education for our children, and to carefully vet anyone who wants to come here from other countries. And he will block all efforts to prevent citizens from saying, Merry Christmas during the Holiday season.

So what can be objectionable to this agenda? Absolutely nothing. It is something to be desired for all with the exception of these ignorant misinformed bums who think they will be better under Communism, better known as The New World Order. I have seen what life under Communism is like. Believe me, you do NOT want that. And President Trump believes in the celebration of life for all.

Yes, we have a new sheriff in town and millions of people are backing him and praying for him. We have been ushered, by God, into a new era…a new day. With God’s help, we have taken back our country. Let us never forget What God has done for us. Christians, be visible.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Trophy hunter killed in fall while stalking innocent animals

Radio Host, producer, TV personality and national columnist Jerry Newcombe alerted us to this news item that took place Saturday. The story he sent absolutely made my day. It was a classic case of poetic justice, which we are seeing more and more of these days. CHEERS!

Italian trophy hunter, Luciano Ponzetto, posed happily on-line with his trophy kills, beautiful animals who posed no threat and were simply going about their lives before being cruelly cut down by a REAL beast.

Photo Caption: Luciano Ponzetto with Lion he mercilessly killed.

This heartless murderer, who killed innocent animals in order to cut off their heads and display them in his home would proudly announce that he was a big game hunter, as if that were a status symbol. This made him feel like a man and a conqueror. This coward was neither.

There was nothing big or grand about this misfit mental case. No animal stood a chance with him since he was armed with high powered weapons that would tear them apart on impact. So this was a totally one-sided “conquest.”

Ponzetto had just returned from another cruel hunting trip in Canada and was hunting with friends in Colle delle Oche near the northwest city of Turin on Saturday.

During this latest killing spree, according to The New York Post, when he made each kill, this deranged creep would pose with the dead animal, with a sickening victory smile on his face…see photo.

For his hunt in Italy, Ponzetto slipped on ice and fell 100 feet down a canyon splattering onto the rocks below. He died instantly from the fall. Pity. The magnificent animals he cut down in cold blood did NOT die instantly, but suffered intensely for a period of time that seemed to be an eternity for the animals, something these sickos seemingly take pleasure in.

His body was recovered by helicopter and taken to a local hospital even though nothing could be done since he was already dead.

It is to be noted that these mentally unstable people actually enjoy causing living creatures to suffer. They seem to enjoy that feeling of ‘power,’ the same as the Nazis who tortured their captives. In countries like Venezuela, young soldiers are taught that when they torture someone, causing them to suffer, they become a man.

What is shocking, is that this sick maniac, Luciano Ponzetto was…now sit down…a veterinarian (!), and states that he “loves animals.” Yea, he loves them dead with their heads hanging on the walls of his den. And people brought their pets to him? Surely they did not know who and what he actually was.One cannot love animals who takes pleasure in bringing unspeakable suffering to them.

It is too bad that this jerk did not linger while suffering after he fell down that canyon. The animals he murdered for his own ego certainly did.

At the Brooklyn Zoo in New York, there is an exhibit of scary animals. Then visitors are ushered into a dark special enclosure, where they are to see the most dangerous animal on earth. It is a spooky encounter. Everyone was ushered into the dark room uneasily. After a time, the light came on and all were standing in front of a mirror, to see the most violent dangerous animal on earth. Yes, the human…us.

The death of this Italian trophy hunter is not a case where the world was deprived of a life, but rather freed from the despicable life of a man with no heart that the world is better off without. Karma has struck once again.

Final Note: Animals are God’s creatures. They have the same feelings and emotions we have; They experience pain, anxiety, fear, love, happiness and grief, exactly as we do. The next time you are injured and in excruciating pain, remember that animals feel the same full impact that we feel. Luciano Ponzetto should be buried in asbestos undergarments. Where he is going he will need them.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Islam is not a religion

Let us be totally clear; Islam is not a religion qualifying for religious exemptions including Freedom of Religion. It is instead, a violent political ideology with the goal of taking over the world. Islam teaches its followers to murder any and all “infidels,” meaning those who do not accept their manifesto of hate.

They are taught, not to become better people with integrity, but to lie in order to further their ideology. They are taught in their “holy book” The Koran, to kill innocent people in cold blood, plus, they are taught that raping children, including toddlers, is perfectly OK. Indeed they can sexually abuse anyone without consequences. That brutal ideology does not consider these violent sexual assaults illegal or sinful, but indeed permissible. The founder of Islam, Muhammad, married a 7 year old girl.

The most disturbing fact of the followers of that false religion is that they are all pedophiles and are justified by their own (Sharia) laws, the same as NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association to make acceptable the rape of boy children, while most of the Muslims are after little girls.

And they are absolutely uncontrollable in their lusts. Obama has thrown open the borders of America to any and all of his fellow Muslims who want to come in as “refugees.” Following their entry, violent rapes have been brought in with them as well as Jihad murders of our citizens, all from within.

In Twin Falls, Idaho, these ‘migrants’ have been forced in by the Obama Administration, allowing them to live in that state, where they all receive welfare, free housing, medical benefits and food stamps.

One family moved into an apartment building. Shortly after moving in, two young Muslims in that family stalked and raped a little five year old girl who lived in that complex, not only brutally tearing her little vagina which would be exceedingly painful, but then had to further abuse that innocent child by urinating on her. These people are sub-human.

And who is protecting those Muslim savages? The Obama appointed U.S.Attorney for Idaho Wendy J. Olson, who has threatened prosecution against anyone in that town who speaks badly of that Muslim family. WHAT?? So this horrific rape of a little girl was set in place by the actions of Obama. The people, however, ran those Islamic thugs out of that apartment building. They probably are still in the U.S. where they will rape again.

Now the big question: What is religion? Religion is based upon God, or a manufactured god. The purpose of any religion, where a deity is worshiped, is to become better people and to do charitable work. That is why religious organizations are given freedom to follow their religions without interference.

Islam, however, is not any of the things associated with religion. It is based upon a hoax by Muhammad who claimed the Angel, Gabriel, had revealed the text of the Koran to him to share with the world.

How’s that again? Gabriel is the Archangel of Israel! So Gabriel has ditched God to assist in the formation of a false religion that will overthrow God? Ridiculous!

Muhammad claims, as true, that he was taken by Gabriel to Israel where he put his feet on the Temple Mount and became familiar with the area. That also is a yarn. Muhammad never set his foot in Israel.

When cornered on this he stated that the trip to Israel was given to him in a vision, a much different story than he told his followers and the world for years. But remember, Muslims are given full encouragement to lie in order to further their cause. The real God says; “thou shalt not lie”. Big difference.

And this created “religion” hates Jews, God’s chosen people, and is dedicated to slaying every Jew that can be found? And the Archangel of Israel will help carry out this dastardly deed? We don’t think so.

True religion encourages morals,Islam does the opposite. Indeed, if a Muslim gets killed by killing innocent people, which is a grave sin, he is considered a ‘martyr’ and ushered directly into Heaven where, it is promised, 72 virgins will be there on silken pillows awaiting each new arrival, where the ‘martyr’ will receive unlimited perverted sex for all eternity. We wonder what the wives and girl friends left behind think about this?

Here is something else to think about regarding that phony 72 virgins promise: When one does go to heaven, he does NOT take his body with him. The body stays here. Only one’s SPIRIT goes to heaven or hell. So how can that “martyr” who is now a spirit and the 72 virgins who are only spirits, have sex? Answer: It would not be possible since sex requires physical bodies to carry out that desire.They all are transparent with only a spiritual body. It would seem that minimal thinking would have figured this out.

In any case, a true God would never be an immoral god. The “god” that Muslims have been conned into worshiping would be just that, an immoral god.

The Ten Commandments teach that one should not kill, something all religions teach….EXCEPT for Islam where murders of innocent people means lifetime tributes to the killer with the photos of the ‘martyr’ and his family prominently displayed in their mosque.

They are so focused on killing that they look for what is called, ‘soft targets,’ meaning targets that cannot fight back such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools and Christian churches. These “holy warriors” are total cowards who kill people where they are assured they will not get hurt in the process.

These misguided people who follow that cult try to con the world by saying that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. NO THEY DO NOT! Muslims worshiped the pagan moon god, Alilah, who had two daughters. This is why the emblem of Islam is a half moon and a star.

Muslims worshiped Alilah but were forbidden to worship her daughters. When Mohammed convinced the world that he had been given a new religion, he changed the moon god name, taking the “i” out of her name to provide the more masculine name, Allah, which came to signify the higher power over the universe.

To give them credibility, Muslim leaders tried to convince the world that we worship the same God, which of course is not true. Indeed that is a lie, which Muslims are instructed to do to further their cause. And by the way, Muslim is not a race, it is an ideology. Muslims are mostly Arabs.That is their race.

It was duly noted that right after the 9/11 attacks in New York City a prominent Muslim cleric bragged on television right after the attacks: “This just proves that OUR god is more powerful than YOUR God.” By the words spoken on TV by that Islamic leader (I saw that interview right after the attacks), his very words on TV PROVED that they do NOT worship the same God as Christians and Jews.

He also bragged that this attack would attract many new recruits to ‘the cause.’ And amazingly, many misfits did join them in the midst of that carnage falsely believing that this would give them purpose, identity (and,as dumb as it is), worth. Yes “worth” by causing havoc, suffering and death, which means to them that this shows power. Such soulless malcontents are very vulnerable and easy to manipulate.

These recruits are being deceived, used, abused and exploited by colossal lies. Muslims, you are better than this. You have been duped into joining this political cult when you, like everyone else, has a seed of greatness within. This means everybody. But that seed must be nourished so it can grow. With that, you can be better than you are and can achieve real recognition and respect in this life without blood on your hands along with grieving survivors of your attacks.

Instead of becoming great people, whom you were created to be, you have been manipulated into sins that anger God, transforming you into wicked men and women totally separated from the true God. See these Words in the actual Holy Book The Bible: “But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed (put to death and sent to the flames of hell with eternal torment), both you and your king (your Islamic leaders).” 1 Samuel 12:25.

If you wonder why you have a hard life and have very little of what you desire and need, here is the answer as written in Jeremiah 5:25: “Your iniquities have turned away these things and your sins have withheld good things from you.” This means that it is your own sins that deny you the good things of life. You only need to renounce these sinful activities and learn about Jesus, the Son of God.

Even though mosques are protected under “religious freedom” in this country, a mosque is not a holy sanctuary but more like a union hall to recruit workers. It is in the mosque where the inside attacks of this country are preached and planned. There is nothing “holy” about it. It is a place of devious planning and instructions for murder and destruction. It is by no means a church and should not be recognized as such.

Muslims can be charming and very hospitable. They are the most dedicated people to their cause that can be found on earth. However, that dedication leads to the wrong path that leads straight to hell.

Muslims have been and are constantly being misinformed. What they are taught in the mosques are lies…which of course is fully acceptable if it advances the cause. Haven’t we heard that before? It is in the Koran, the so-called, “holy book.” That in itself is a lie.

Muslims who have unexpectedly encountered Jesus have left everything behind to follow Him. And you will find no more dedicated Christian than those who have learned the truth. A million Muslims a year have had that experience and have left Islam to follow Christ. The lies that Islam has pushed on unsuspecting recruits has taken them away from any decency and productive lives they might have had by turning them into heartless savages and right into the fires of hell.

There is certainly more on this subject that can be found, but what has been proven here is that Islam is not a religion. Which means that Islam does NOT qualify for protections under the “Freedom of Religion” laws which they have exploited in order to intrude into countries and to set up their mosques which is not to become better people, but to stir those who gather there to hate and slay all Jews and Christians, even though hospitality was extended to them by the very country they invaded.

But what about moderate or ‘good’ Muslims? There may be. But as long as they read the Koran and go to the mosque, they cannot be trusted. If they denounce and get rid of their Koran and disassociate themselves from the mosque, then they might be in a position of trust, but not before then. Meanwhile the open borders must stop for our own survival.

Our leaders must be contacted and persuaded to take all mosques and Islam off the religion protection list. They are NOT a religion.


© 2017 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Hillary’s election night meltdown revealed

(BREAKING UPDATE: Donald Trump Won the Electoral College Votes today. Only one Soros pressured Republican elector defected. The people have spoken.)

This past election night meltdown account was forwarded to us by our Anonymous Minister Friend…he’s not shy, mind you, but church talk would say…he’s humble. The writer and sender of the text below is listed as a lawyer in Upstate, New York. He could not be reached by phone and there were no other contact sources for him so a fact-check was made.

The Fake News Media–new name for ‘main-stream’ media courtesy of MilesTones–reported nothing of the meltdown of the century, which in itself should have clued us into the fact that this is a true story of great interest.

The entire episode as described was like the Wicked Witch of the movie, The Wizard of Oz melting down to nothing after being splashed with water, screaming, “AHHHH….what a world…what a world!”

We found that a version of the election night episode had been published by American Spectator and Breitbart, both credible news sources, and that was it. Here is what we received.

Dumped on Prom Night

Hillary Clinton’s post election celebration plans included hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fireworks, live performances by various celebrities, such as Cher, who came believing that Hillary was going to win the election, a five-hundred-thousand-dollar special effect glass ceiling that she would break through in a dramatic display once she walked out on stage at her H.Q., among millions of dollars worth of other celebratory preparations, all paid for by the Clinton Foundation in full.

The most notable damage was located deep in the VIP room of the Clinton camp. A custom 150 inch ultra HD TV, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government, was found with a broken screen. The damage was caused by a $950,000 bottle of champagne that was believed to have been thrown at the screen by the former presidential candidate some time during the election.

Early in the morning, the custodial staff were greeted by flipped-over tables as the floors were covered with expensive food, drinks, and appetizers. Broken champagne flutes and gilded silverware were also seen scattered around the would-be party room.

The most telling sign of a massive meltdown was the cake. The pastry that had once proudly displayed the presidential seal, was violently flung against the walls in chunks. A broken topper from the cake in the shape of the white house was discovered lodged firmly into the drywall near the dessert table.

Clinton ’s splurge on party supplies was merely an echo of all the left-leaning polls and hype that “confirmed” Hillary Clinton’s indubitable win. Misled by just about every prediction, Hillary Clinton personally planned one big party for her assumed victory. Once it became clear that it would not be Clinton ‘s night, however, the mood of the party soured rapidly.

A former staffer, who was fired during the rampage, said that the atmosphere around Clinton went from “queen of the hour” to “the girl who was dumped on prom night” in only a few moments.

Hillary Clinton reportedly became “physically violent” towards her own campaign staff after she realized she had lost the presidential election, according to radio host Todd Kincannon. “CNN reporter tells me Hillary became physically violent towards Robby Mook and John Podesta around midnight; had to be briefly restrained,” tweeted Kincannon.

It was Podesta who was sent out to talk to Hillary’s dejected supporters shortly before Hillary called Donald Trump to concede, with Clinton nowhere to be seen until the following day.

When asked about rumors that Hillary was drunk on election night, Kincannon responded, “She was. I posted about that too. She was in a “psychotic drunken rage” according to my reporter friend. A doctor added sedatives to the mix.”

Kincannon then claimed that CNN blocked the reporter from publishing what would have been a bombshell story. “The CNN reporter didn’t fail to report it. His editors will not let him. CNN has banned all “Hillary in the bunker” stories,” he tweeted.

Secret Service officials and other staff who worked closely alongside Hillary have previously reported her problems with angry tantrums on numerous occasions. Last year it was also reported that Clinton ’s own campaign staffers feared she could have a serious meltdown and that Hillary had “been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work.”

In addition to claims that she became irate, author Ed Klein said a source told him Hillary cried inconsolably to a friend after the results came in, blaming FBI director Comey and President Barack Obama for not doing enough to stop the FBI investigation into her email scandal.

Having spent time in D.C. and in The West Wing where I talked with Hillary staffers I was told that Hillary, like a wicked queen, forbid staff members from making any eye contact with her in the hallways. Indeed when they did see her coming they could not look at her, and had to duck behind a pillar or anything else so as not to be seen by her. These and other things revealed to me makes this story seem perfectly plausible.

And to think that this is the woman we might have referred to as: Madame President. Phew! Thank you Lord.

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s birth defect captured by Sheriff Arpaio

On Thursday, as announced, Maripoca County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to settle, once and for all, the legitimacy of the birth certificate Obama produced to prove he was born in the U.S. Known as America’s toughest law-enforcement sheriff, he declared he would prove that the certificate in question was a phony….and….he did!!

This has been an exasperating and contentious issue even before Obama was shoe-horned into the Oval Office. All of his identification papers including his birth certificate, college records, marriage certificate, family records were SEALED. Those records became a “no go zone,” in true Muslim fashion.

The Obama apparatus spent millions of dollars on high-powered lawyers to block any and all information about him from being seen or released, which made no sense. Muslims who come across our borders are vetted in case they are jihadists intent on attacking our country from within.

But the man who would be put in the office of President of The United States was NOT and has not been vetted and anyone who questioned this was vilified by the Soros controlled media, like they have done with Sheriff Apaio and others.

Obama’s citizenship and birth details raised suspicions immediately. One must be a natural born citizen to run for the office of President of The United States.

Born under the name, Barry Soetoro and raised as a Muslim, he was required to adopt a Muslim name, which was and is, Barack Hussein Obama. Not much was known about Obama except that he had a history of homosexuality.

His handler George Soros invented him, had him schooled by Communists and managed to get him into U.S. political leadership as a Senator from Illinois. This prompted the Kenya newspapers to brag: “A fellow Kenyon, born here, one of us…is now a United States Senator!” That says it all.

This writer logged onto the Kenya newspaper’s website to see this. In their zeal about ‘one of us,’ they joyfully included that very birth certificate showing him born in Kenya which we saw. After he was manipulated into the Oval Office, his birth certificate was scrubbed from that site. What is more, they were hostile to any inquirers who came to the country to obtain information, including Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily.

Now that ‘one of their own’ was named President of The United States, Kenya wanted to hang on to that distinction and put roadblocks in front of anyone seeking the truth.

We do not know all the details about Michelle, their marriage, or their children. First of all, when this is examined, there must be DNA samples from both Obama, Michelle and their two children. That will provide some extraordinary revelations.

Soros, the billionaire Hungarian Jew, who sold out his own people during the holocaust, came to America, became a citizen where he is able to work from the inside to transform our country into a 3rd world Communist controlled country.

Obama was his man to destroy America, the only country standing in the way of the New World Order. And why? Because the majority of Americans are Christians, churches dot the landscape, and it is not possible to enslave the mind of a devoted Christian.

Soros and his evil empire began to tote a ‘first black president,’ and added that this would help rid whites of their guilt for slavery, and that the country should consider the social condition of ‘white privilege,’ which of course, undermines blacks. That was continually hammered home by the wooden soldiers, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and others who have become, as Stalin named those who helped him do his dirty work, “Useful Idiots.”

An entire guilt campaign was unleashed against whites while the newspapers (also considered ‘useful idiots) made certain to mention and exploit any black man shot by a white police officer “for no reason.’

These events, they say, are fueled by racism, not by any black committing a violent crime or posing a danger to law enforcement. This was part of the agitation leading to the race wars which are now building under the Soros title, Black Lives Matter.

Blacks murdering whites, or other blacks, was not and is not an issue, and totally ignored by the press.

Those who voted for Obama, and they were few, were boosted by the proportion of illegal votes, multiple votes and the incredible number of dead people listed as having voted. Whites were basically ‘shamed’ into voting for him. Soros had to give the impression that Obama was indeed, voted in by the people. No hanky-panky involved doncha know.

And anyone who questioned Obama’s legitimacy, or any insane ruling he made including opening our borders to those who would destroy us from within, was pegged, ‘RACIST.’ Any criticism was and is based on….yes that useful word again….racism.

After pressure mounted, Obama finally produced a Hawaiian birth certificate. This columnist saw it and knew it was a fake. First of all, in the box, “Race” he was listed as–now get this–African American. How’s that again? In the 1960’s that term was not used. The term then was, ‘Negroe.” We got on the horn and let that be known.

Then he produced another Hawaiian birth certificate. In this one the “Race” box had been taken out altogether. And it is to be noted that the woman in Hawaii who was in charge of records, and had the truth in front of her, was “whacked,” a CIA term meaning killed in a plane crash. Many of those have happened over the years, particularly during the Clinton administration.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been unmercifully hassled, slandered, libeled, and his very position as sheriff was jeopardized. Soros was able to recruit the number of Ui’s–ooowees? (useful idiots) to try with all their might to bring him down.

His news conference, which was live streamed, shows vividly that the birth certificate Obama presented was indeed a fraudulent document and experts showed exactly how that certificate was created. What an eyeopener!

This means an investigation must follow and charges be filed immediately against the most incredible hoax ever pulled in history along with the man who fraudulently posed as ‘president.’ Plus, that provocateur who put him into the Oval Office, George Soros, MUST be charged and prosecuted for treason and sedition.

Below are more details of the news conference by World Net Daily with video of the document inspectors showing in detail how that false certificate, which had nine errors, was not legitimate: Check out this link.


© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Santa’s surprising origins

MYRA – (Editor’s Note: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, becoming a Holiday Tradition–with updates.)

He is lovable, congenial, giving and jolly. What’s more he knows everything, as any child will readily testify. He is a colorful old man, whose visits are eagerly awaited by millions of children each year and who, for a little while,makes the world a much happier place

Is Santa Claus a good influence on children, or a bad influence whose image merely commercializes Christmas and who takes the reason out of the season, as some charge?

Where did Santa come from? It will surprise many to learn that Santa Claus (as we know him today) came out of the church itself through the charity of a very devout and caring priest. Now bear in mind that this is a true, historically documented account.

Approximately 200 years after the birth of Christ, a meeting of the elders of a little church in Myra, Turkey had just been called to order. They needed to appoint a bishop but no fitting candidate could be found. So great was the need that they decided to pray.

Out at sea, a ship battled a raging storm. The crew valiantly fought to keep it afloat. Trunks were being thrown overboard to lighten the load as frightened passengers held onto whatever they could to keep from being swept overboard while others huddled in their cabins. The ravaging waves tore some wood from the sides of the ship.

“Nicholas…NICHOLAS!” someone yelled frantically. It had been noised about that a man named Nicholas, who was known to be a man of God, was on board. Out of a cabin, in response to the call, came a man with a long white beard. Holding on to the rail of the tossing ship, he began to pray for the storm to cease. As he prayed he lifted his hands heavenward. Miraculously, the storm calmed. The crippled ship drifted into the harbor of Myra.

The elders of the little church in Myra suddenly stopped in the midst of their intense prayer, opened their eyes and looked around at each other, startled at a message from God that had come to each of them in the form of a vision; they were to appoint as their bishop, the first man named Nicholas who would, within the hour, enter the church to pray.

As the leaning ship hobbled into the port and was docked, Nicholas disembarked and made his way into the village to seek a church. He wanted to give thanks to God for His intervention during the storm that could have killed everyone on board.

Finding the church, he eagerly approached it. The heads of the elders turned toward the door as it slowly opened. The stately man with the snow-white beard entered, and, focused on the altar, made his way down to the front and knelt in a prayer of thanksgiving. As he rose to leave the elders approached him. “What is your name?” asked one. “Nicholas.” was the reply.

“God has sent you to us to be our new bishop,” said another. The group joyfully fitted the surprised Nicholas with a long red priestly robe and miter. Nicholas quickly became known as, “The Bishop of Miracles,” because of so many spectacular answers to his prayers.

Unlike most priests, Bishop Nicholas was wealthy through family inheritance. In his mind, wealth came from God and belonged to God. The very reason for his existence was to serve God. And that is how he lived his life.

Nicholas became increasingly concerned about a custom in Turkey. If little girls did not have a dowry so that they could marry, they would be sold into slavery, which included prostitution. Bishop Nicholas had given away most of his own fortune so he went about and managed to collect gold from admirers.

On December 6th, under cover of darkness, he wrapped the gold coins in several little bags and visited each home that had a daughter without a dowry, dropping a bag of gold through the windows of each, which landed on the hearth where the little girl’s clothes would be drying. When the gold was discovered the next morning, the family rejoiced. Their little daughters were saved from slavery.

Nicholas continued what was to become an annual tradition. Nobody knew the identity of the mysterious benefactor who would slip around the village on that date each year. On one such night, as Nicholas put his arm through the window to drop the bag of gold, instead of it landing on the hearth, the bag fell into a stocking that was hanging in front of the fireplace to dry. It was found the next morning, to the delight of the family. Which, by the way, is how the custom of hanging up Christmas stockings came to be.

Shortly before Nicholas’s death, which occurred on December 6th, the date of his annual visit, it was learned that he was the individual who brought so much joy to so many families.

Five hundred years later, in the 9th Century, Nicholas was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, hence the name, Saint Nicholas. And since the celebration of Christmas came after the life of St. Nicholas, he actually preceded Christmas, as we know it today.

As the story of St. Nicholas spread, French nuns in the 12th Century began making annual night-time visits to poor families with children, leaving fruit and nuts, which these families could not afford.

The nuns made their gift-giving rounds on what became known as, “St. Nicholas Eve,” December 5th. The tradition spread throughout the Old World and across the ocean to the New. Many people to this day celebrate Christmas on December 6th.

St. Nicholas became the Patron Saint of many countries including Russia, becoming a major ingredient in the Russian Christmas celebration. England made St. Nicholas, “Father Christmas.” Germany picked up on that title, and in France he became known as “Papa Noel.”

As the various forms of Nicholas began to emerge in the secular world over the years, some unanticipated problems arose: protests which came out of…the church! Martin Luther pounded his pulpit proclaiming that the true Christmas message was being lost by the Saint Nicholas connection.

The Dutch came to the rescue and adopted what they believed to be a more religious view of Nicholas that would satisfy the critics. The Dutch-German Protestant Reform Movement brought with it the idea that the Christ child should be the standard bearer for Christmas. The German word for Christ child, “Christkindl,” evolved to, “Kris Kringle,” yet another version and another irritant for Luther.

In 1822, on the night before Christmas, which the world began to celebrate on December 24th, Clement Moore wrote a poem about the gift-giver for his six children. That poem, “The Night Before Christmas,” was published the following year in the Sentinel of Troy, New York. Up to that time, Nicholas had taken various forms. He was portrayed with a black beard, then a white beard. He was shown dressed in everything including buckskin.

Mr. Moore defined Nicholas once and for all and renamed him, Santa Claus. He had, no doubt, been influenced by the Dutch who named him, “Sinter (Saint) Klass (short for Nicholas) and that had become, “Sinterklass.”

Others who spoke broken English, knowing that gold had been found on the hearth by the fireplace, started a new legend. The gift-giver came down the chimney and would land in the cinders of burning embers, so they called him, “Cinder Klaussen,” which would in Moore’s hands become, Santa Claus.

Clement Moore’s poem made Santa famous. He even named the reindeer. Not only did he name them, he made them fly. He might have taken that idea from the poet, Washington Irving, who wrote a book in 1809 about a Dutch Colonist’s dream in which St. Nick came riding over the tops of trees in a wagon wherein he brings yearly presents to the children.

An artist named Thomas Nast, who was a Harper’s Weekly cartoonist, began to show what Santa looked like. He dressed him in red, which had been the official color of the priestly robes worn by St. Nicholas and went further by making Santa plump and jolly.

To show how much of a church connection to Santa there is, Clement Moore’s father was the Episcopal Bishop of New York, and, Clement Moore himself was Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary.

In 1897, a little girl named, Virginia O’Hanlon, had been told that there really was no Santa Claus. She was so disturbed about it that she wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Sun, whose name, by the way, was Francis P. Church…can’t get away from that connection. He responded with a story titled, “Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” And the world breathed a sigh of relief.

It is interesting to note that the clearest image of Santa came not from the church, or from a poet, but by, of all things, a soft drink company advertisement! That drawing, known as ‘the Coca Cola Santa,’ created and drawn by Haddon Sundblom, made him totally definable. And the elves? Well, they were first seen in Ireland as Leprechauns.

St. Nicholas has been replaced by the created, Santa, who does indeed delight millions of children. But maybe through the hustle and bustle we have lost the very core of what Christmas is and should be; a time of love and sharing with people in need (whether we know them or not), rather than an orgy of gift giving, receiving, and thinking of one’s personal wants. I would like to see the original idea of giving and charity, as set forth by the real St. Nick, with nothing expected in return, brought back.

As for the commercialization of Christmas, there still is a bright side. It is the one time in the year where we can hear songs proclaiming the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with others heralding the birth of The Holy Child, Jesus Christ our Savior coming through the loud speakers of the malls and shopping centers of the secular world (even though that is changing as the secular world is trying to strip all mention of Jesus Christ out of Christmas).

Homes are still decorated with lights to proclaim Him. And people are a little nicer to one another at least once a year. So maybe this commercialized version is better than having no celebration at all.

Extra Note: Since the first publication of this story, a Christmas war has been declared with the goal of making the word Christmas illegal. They are even trying to abolish Santa. What is worse, this story of the real Santa, which began in Turkey, has taken a dark turn with the Turkish Education authorities suddenly forbidding Christmas plays, celebrations or even singing Christmas Carols in their schools. Fortunately this war on Christmas will be over when the new American President takes office. Religious freedoms will be restored which will set the stage for the greatest revival the world has ever known. It is coming.

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Russia election hacking, Obamacare and Newsweek magazine

Let’s get one thing straight. Vladimir Putin with the force of Russia had NOTHING to do with this past presidential election victory in the U.S. This latest retarded idea and charge claiming that the Russians were able to hack into our government political and election systems to pull out and expose Hillary’s government classified emails and then release them to the public in order to make her look bad which would put Donald Trump into office is not only ridiculous but is is just plain stupid.

Of course, this is what the Communist Party Democrats, led by George Soros, are counting on, America being stupid, so as to not be able to think clearly, but simply giving in to whatever happens without challenging it or standing firm against it.

In other words, George Soros arrogantly thinks that we are so unpatriotic and such slaves to a government-backed immoral life style, that he can manipulate America to fall in line for whatever he thinks up. So far that has worked. Until now.

What DID put Trump in office were the millions of evangelicals who had not voted in years but knew that we were about to lose America altogether, as Hillary was set to carry Obama’s goal to the finish line.

Evangelicals knew that the results would finish our country and way of life with our country becoming a Communist dictatorship with all of us living behind barbed wire. Christians came out in droves after praying fervently for God to give our nation one more chance to repent and come back to God. Otherwise it would all be over. God heard those prayers. Make no mistake about it.

The totally leftist controlled ‘main stream media’ had, and still are, aiding and abetting this agenda and filled their news with lies about Trump, innuendos and unsubstantiated insinuations while regurgitating over and over that Trump is a racist, anti-women and not fair to his employees, none of which is true. This is why the “mainstream media” has become classified as purveyors of fake news.

The head of the FBI has refused to seek charges against Hillary for letting those classified emails be seen by our enemies. The CIA Director is proclaiming that yes, it was Vladimir Putin and Russia who hacked into our system—now get this—to sway the election and the election results should be cancelled and Hillary put in the Oval Office.

And while making these charges against Mr. Trump, they quoted only unnamed ‘sources.’ Nothing to substantiate what they were putting out to the public.

This is why Donald Trump says that he intends to drain the swamp of D.C. Perhaps he should also flush the toilet.

Strangely, when Hillary, with the help of Soros, managed to find a video tape made decades ago following a television program, without Trump’s knowledge, he was heard shooting the breeze with Billy Bush using vulgar references to sex and women, Soros had that widely released to the world for the precise goal of sabotaging Trump’s campaign in favor of Hillary. Yet, not one word was published about that tactic as being inappropriate or chages of trying to manipulate an election.

Yet it was OK for Hillary to release top secret information to our enemies damaging our security. This is a double standard that is going to change. And it was Wikileaks that released her email information to the public, not Russia.

The Soros controlled news media has already rushed in to shoot down Trump’s pick for Secretary of State since his candidate had done business with Russia and has a good relationship with them. This disqualifies him for that office, they cackled. Well duh! Isn’t it important that a Secretary of State have good relationships with world leaders?

Trump’s victory was totally unexpected. Christians had kept quiet about voting for Trump due to the severe threats and intimidation’s coming from the left. Hillary’s win was so decided that victory celebrations had already been arranged. Newsweek magazine had released their election issue two days before the election with her cover-photo titled, “Madam President.”

It was the sheer number of disenfranchised Christians who came out of the shadows, where they had been forced, and kept quiet about who they would vote for because of the tremendous intimidation they would face. And THIS is what brought about the victory of President Elect Donald Trump. Millions of evangelicals who voted properly. Not the yarn about Russia aiding Donald Trump.

Obamacare Finally Explained

There are 10,535 pages of Obamacare condensed to 4 simple sentences:

1.) In order to insure the uninsured, we first have to uninsure the insured.

2.) Next we require the newly uninsured to be re-insured.

3.) To re-insure the newly uninsured, they are required to pay extra charges to be re-insured.

4.) The extra charges are required so that the original insured, who became uninsured and then became re-insured, can pay enough extra so that the original uninsured can be insured, so it will be ‘free-of-charge- to them.

This dear readers, is called “redistribution of wealth” or by its more common name, SOCIALISM, or “PROGRESSIVE-ISM,” the politically correct names for COMMUNISM Comrade!

A Notre Dame University engineer figured this out. We are grateful to our anonymous minister friend who alerted us to these facts.


© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

NPR guest says all Trump voters are racist

Attica Locke is another successful black woman who is an author-novelist and writer for the Fox drama Empire, who complains about the put-down of blacks by whites and stated on NPR that every Trump supporter is racist. That is a broad statement if there ever was one–double-entendre not intended. Meanwhile she lives in wealth with more privileges than most whites. Yep, she sure is mistreated.

This columnist takes her outrageous ramblings personally, and, according to, she suggested that it was the white people who put Trump over the top to barricade blacks from having any say in the election or their future.

When asked by NPR Morning Edition Anchor David Greene if African-Americans failed to turn out for Hillary Clinton, she snapped back: “God no! And I will daily stop that narrative! More white women showed for Donald Trump than showed up for Hillary. I wouldn’t say that any way black folks under-performed. So I would say that white race races over-performed.” How’s that again?

And, of course, everyone who criticizes Obama in any way for his treasonous sell out of our country is racist and that is the reason we dislike him. Sure….but that one word gives an excuse for their failures.

However here is the latest woman to take up the torch of racism. And this woman is not a failure but very successful.

It appears that blacks can never be satisfied no matter how much success they attain and constantly seek a way to be ‘offended.’ Pity, considering the professional talent that so many of them possess. They do not need excuses.

Since I take this misguided woman’s remarks personally, I will address the issue personally. I have been a friend of blacks all my life. In my younger years I worked with black children living in poverty in New York City to teach them performing arts skills and staged a public circus with them being performers. I worked in various settlement houses throughout the city.

For seven years I taught in the Warwick School for Boys upstate once a week, a reformatory, and had a hand in seeing lives totally turned around. Most of the inmates were black.

Have you seen the number of blacks in television commercials today? It is this columnist who made that happen.

Working as a writer in New York City for the weekly trade paper, Show Business, I took the editors’ place while he was out of the office. A news release came in the mail which I opened. The letter was from the black actress Ernestine McClenden. She mentioned that no black actors or actresses could be seen in television commercials and went on to point out that black consumers were numerous and needed to be recognized.

It was good that I was at the editor’s desk. That news released had been ignored by all trade publications. I did a compelling feature story on this issue, so compelling that things turned around immediately, first one or two blacks, then numerous black citizens were and are featured.

It is also to be noted that when I went to college in the early 2000’s (yes, I started in later years) a question came up about the “race” box on applications, meaning, black, white, Hispanic or ‘other.’

I suggested, just fill in the word, “human.” Yes the only race is the human race. And that stuck and is recognized today.

I have been a constant friend of blacks and totally resent Ms. Locke’s off-base assumptions. Indeed if she had any character at all, she would make a public apology and I mean it. Something else about me. I am colorblind…this means physically colorblind. So much so that I was rejected by the air force, and wound up in the army infantry instead. My wife pairs up my socks.

I only see shading. This morning I went to my new barber in the state where I now live. Following the cut, my wife asked what I thought about her orange hair. What? To me it looked simply bland. I could absolutely not see that her hair was orange.

So do not, ever lump all white people together as ‘born’ racists as blacks have viciously proclaimed. Yes, this made me mad.

Special message to Blacks: I see you all as beautiful talented people. There would be no race riots and division if we were left alone. We would all get along fine. But one man, George Soros, a billionaire communist who wants to cause division in this country by stirring up America, to weaken us, so we will not be able to fight with strength against the communist foes determined to knock us down and bring in Communist rule.

Soros has been irked that America is the ONLY country preventing a total One World Order under the red flag. And why is American the only country standing in its way? Because the majority of Americans are church going Christians and a Christian cannot be mentally enslaved.

Do not be ‘useful idiots,’ as Stalin described those who could be manipulated to do his dirty work. So even though you are being paid to to this, you will only be considered idiots by George Soros, a disciple of Stalin. You are not only losing respect by taking part in the riots with chaos, violence and looting. but also, you are causing your own stereotypes.

To see an in depth look at George Soros, see the story on my website. Here is the direct link to that informative story.

Please, whites and blacks, stop this madness. Let’s meet each other on the streets and offer a handshake and greetings even if it is someone you do not know. Let this become a habit. I do this already. Will anyone fall in line behind me?

Let’s close this up with something very funny regarding a re-written song, It’s The Most Wonderful Time in the year. Don’t be drinking coffee when you watch it. I did and wound up with coffee in my nose. Here is the YouTube link.


Photo Caption: Writer-Author Attica Locke

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

Ape in high heels comment got PC libs in a tizzy

CLAY, W. VIRGINIA —Not much happens in this sleepy little town of W. Virginia. That is until recently. The entire quiet area encompasses 0.62 square miles, hosting a population of 8,910, all who live below the poverty line. So it is not a place that draws national interest or attention.

However, after Donald Trump’s election as president, Pamela Ramsey Taylor, who was director of the Clay County Development Corp., posted on social media, “It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful dignified First Lady back in the White House.”

So far, so good. BUT she added this; “I’m tired of seeing a ape in high heels.” Uh oh!

Clay Mayor, Beverly Whaling, responded to that post: “You just made my day.” Suddenly, that obscure little town, named for U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Henry Clay, was no longer obscure.

A national outrage burst forth like water through a ruptured dam and the entire town and its officials were declared, ‘racist,’ the all encompassing word to hit your perceived enemies in the head with the power of a 2 by four.

Both Mayor Whaling and Director Taylor were forced to resign within the whirling sand-storm powered by loquacious air currents.

Racist? to whom? This question needed authoritative counsel so the entire matter was turned over to MilesTones for clarification. Did the ape consider this racist? Here is their specialized analysis:

How can being compared to an ape be objectionable? After all, the Democrat Communists teach for fact in the public schools, colleges and universities that Darwinism explains the origins of the universe, and…us. OK, tell us more.

These learned professionals state that we (human species) descended from primates. This columnist remembers attending a class of Anthropology in 2006 taught by Instructor Gail Bouchet at Los Medanos College located in Pittsburg, California. She made several statements about; “Chimpanzees, our closest relatives.”

They may have been her relatives but I can say with certainty that primates, including apes, are not mine. Yet, this is what is taught by all secular Communist bastions of education during this perplexing judo exercise in history.

One assignment given to the class was to visit the San Francisco zoo to observe the Apes, who, we were taught, belong to our family. To be proper, should we have worn suits?

So, if this is fact, as all students today are inoculated to believe, then how can anyone be insulted if compared to an ape? That doesn’t jive since the demoncrats pour the theory of evolution into what’s left of our brains.

So if we are to obey and believe ‘the scholars,’ which they demand that we do, how can it possibly be an insult to be compared to an ape? Indeed, the ape is the one that should be offended.

Apes are magnificent, noble creatures, who are very family oriented, excellent protective parents, social beings, and not violent creatures unless they are provoked. They are honorable beasts.

So it is the apes that should be given the apology, for comparing them to a human being who murders their babies before they are born, declare wars for financial gain, allow prices for lifesaving medicines to skyrocket for the personal profits of the drug manufacturers to whom money is the bottom line in every transaction, never mind the saving of lives, as they withhold their product until you can come up with the cash and humans evict people who cannot pay the increase of rent demanded and they promote sexual deviancy. An ape would never do such things. Unlike humans, they are decent creatures.

Now the big question. If something evolves into something else, that result is what remains forever. The former creature that we evolved from would be no more. So why do we still see apes and chimps still prominently in existence? They could no longer be here if they had evolved into something else.

The Answer; They COULD NOT still be in existence, since the original would have been wiped out by Darwin’s ridiculous theory.

So if we go along with the infected Left, there should be no public outrage of being compared to a primate. Indeed, that would be a reflected honor to be compared to the ape since they would be our fore bearers, as the Democrat Communists insist.

So Leftists, leave Clay alone. You are the ones who have falsely made apes and people one creature. That is the kind of dem-logic contaminating our country today. Frankly, the apes are far better beings than any democrat who says we are related to them. Yet those same Communists jump to heights of hysteria if someone is compared to the one they have demanded we recognize as us. This is how logical the democrap party is. (Drat-2nd typo)

No Photo was Included to Prevent Insulting the Ape.

© 2016 Rev. Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved