The Stench of Death

Dave Daubenmire

Did you know abortion even had a smell?”  Abby Johnson at the RNC Convention.

I don’t know if I have ever heard anything so profound spoken at a political event in my life.

Abortion has an odor” I repeated to my wife who was sitting in the room beside me.  “My God what a word-picture. How does anyone who has ever been in a medical office not relate to the smells that hang in the air?”   Right now, pro-aborts in the Demonic Democrat Party are squealing from the arrow that struck right in the heart of the abortion industry.

Abortion has a smell.  My God.  ABORTION HAS A SMELL !!  It is time to end abortion in America!

It is not just a blob of tissue.  It is not just a “difficult choice between a woman and her Doctor.”  Whether using a sterile medical suction machine or a back-alley clothes hanger the undeniable truth was exposed for all the world to hear.  Abortion kills.  ABORTION HAS A SMELL.

The stench of death is suffocating America.  The stench waffles across the homes of America and in the silent bedrooms where women struggle to sleep as the sights and sounds of the abortion experience haunt the corners of their minds.

They remember the smell.  They remember the sounds.  Years later they are still haunted by the experience…victims of the lies they were told by the ghouls masquerading as friends in the dark recesses of the murder mills.

It is your right to choose…your body your choice…the baby will not feel anything…the problem will go away once the procedure is over…God understands your dilemma and he will be in the room with you…don’t let this unfortunate pregnancy ruin your future career…it’s not really a baby…no one will ever know…you are not mature enough to raise a child…

Abortion has a smell!!  Death has a stench.  With one brief statement Abby Johnson pulled millions of American women back into the abortion clinic where they had killed their precious child.  They remembered the cold table.  They remembered the stirrups.  They remembered the indifference of the Doctor, the whirl of the vacuum machine, and the smell.  Abortion has a smell.

Her presentation was one of the most impactful moments in American political history.  With one sharp statement she destroyed all of the lies of the lying Left.  Abortion is real.  It is more than a difficult choice between a woman and her Doctor.  It kills a child.  It involves sights and sounds…and odors.  It torments women in their most quiet moments. Truly, abortion has a smell.

Now if only we could get America’s pulpits to inhale deeply.  If only they could catch a whiff of the smell of death circulating through the recycled air of their church building.  How much longer will America’s pulpits cast an indifferent glance at the most hideous sin to ever penetrate the heart of a woman?

I killed my baby,” the women silently cry.  “How can I ever escape the quilt I feel?  How can I ever forgive myself?  How can God ever forgive me?  What kind of woman kills her own child?  Wild animals don’t even do that.”

Why don’t America’s pulpits care?  How can they not understand the destructive nature of abortion and the devasting scars that it leaves on the heart of a mother?  How can they not understand the Biblical premise that “bloodshed follows bloodshed?”

Violence in the womb leads to violence in the world.  Why can’t our leaders make the connection?  One dead…one wounded…as the sobbing women leave Planned Parenthood.

Blood has a voice.  It cries from the ground.  God hates hands that shed innocent blood.  Why don’t we?  Why don’t our pastors?  How much longer will the American church look the other way at Government sanctioned death?   Can’t they smell the death?  Why can’t they smell it?  Do they have cotton in their nostrils?

God smells it.  How can we expect a Holy God to bless a nation whose Shepherds look the other way as blood floods the city sewers.?  Dumb dogs is what Isaiah called them.  Unable to bark.

But dogs can smell.  How can our religious leaders not notice the stench?  How many more women will they permit to fall for the lies?  How many more women will lie awake at night as the smell of death circulates through their minds?

The church is waiting for the politicians to end abortion.  God is waiting for His church.  Neither group seems to genuinely care.  Babies die.  Women suffer.  God bless America !!  Forty-seven years of unabated child sacrifice.  Something stinks.

I’ve noticed this week that the RNC convention has been far more Christ-centered than anytime in my adult life.  They are serving up more Gospel than most churches.  The Republican Party of the past with it’s Fake Christianity and Fake Pro-life stance has gone by the wayside.  No more fake conservatives like McCain’s or McConnells, Boehners or Bushes, no Romney’s or Ryan’s.

Thank God for an orange man, rejected by the pompous, deemed unfit to serve, injecting the smell of abortion into the minds of America’s mothers.  God works in mysterious ways.  When will be the right time to end the holocaust?

Stop counting on Trump to do it.  Rise up Christian men.  Take in a deep breath.  It is time to clear the air.

The Devil is devouring our children.  Can’t you smell it?

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Left Hates the Truth

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Everything they are telling us about Kamala Harris is a lie.  It is the way the Left operates.  Cheating, lying and fooling the voters it’s their only means of victory.  If they were to ever admit their REAL agenda, they know that it would be rejected.  The Left does not value TRUTH.  Truth is not an important value to the Left. Remember that: “Truth is hate to those that hate the Truth”

The Devil is a liar.  The Bible calls him the “father of lies.”  Scripture reminds us that we will be known by our fruit.  Lies are the fruit of Satan.  His children repeat his lies.  Liars are “of their Father the Devil and the TRUTH is not in them.”

We are not all God’s children.  That is a lie as well.  God has children and the Devil has children.  That is what the Bible teaches.  How is it that so many “Christians” play on the Devil’s team?  How can they be so blind to the TRUTH?

Kamala Harris is not African American.  Her parents were from India and Jamaica.  Neither country is in Africa.  But it does not matter because the Left says she is.

She is notmoderate.  She is not a Natural born citizen (Where have we heard that one before?)  She is an anchor baby at best.  She slept her way to the top.  She is an anti-life zealot.  She hates guns and gun owners.  She is a bigot.  She hates Trump supporters.  She is a zealot in her beliefs.  Not moderate.  Her entire candidacy is based on lies.  She dares not tell the Truth about herself.

But the Leftist media will lie to us about her.  They will promote everything about her that she is not.  They know that if they told the TRUTH about her that she would turn people off.  She does not hold American values.

So, they change American values.  Being an American is no longer about Truth and Justice. The Left builds their platform upon lies and injustice.  They teach the lies to our children in school.  They brainwash the children and turn them against their parents.  They squeeze the American right out of them.   They turn them into little Commies.

Lies.  All with lies.  There is no Truth in them.  Most Christians cannot recognize the lies.  Half of them support the liars and their lies.  Churches embrace the anti-Christ BLM movement.

Racism is a scam.  It is a boogie man that no longer exists.  The remnants of racism are watered and weaponized by the liars on the Left.  The destroy the Truth and weaponize the lies.  They have no conscience.  The ends justify the means.  They HATE TRUTH!

Man-made global warming is a lie.  It is based on lying, faulty science.  Science used to indicate Truth.  Today Science is for sale.  Science is bought and sold.  All to advance a Hellish agenda. The New Green Deal is about money and control.  Fake Science.  Fossil fuels bad…wind energy good.  Your grandkids regurgitate that tripe.  Is there anything more destructive to nature’s natural beauty than a field full of ugly windmills?

Men are men and women are women.  There is no such things as a transgender.  It is a created status.  Voodoo science has created a voodoo condition.  If someone does not bring some sanity to the situation, we will soon run out of letters in the alphabet to describe the made-up genders promoted by the sexual deviants.

That is what they are, you know…deviants?  Deviant is not a bad word…it is just a word.  It means to “veer from the normal.”  Homosexual behavior is not normal.  It is deviant.  Why are we afraid to speak the Truth?  Pedophilia is not normal.  Bestiality is not normal.  Transgenderism is not normal.  Why do they force us to say that they are?  That is untruthful.  That is a lie.  Sexual deviants are not normal.  Why is that so hard to say?

King Tut was a man.  So is Bruce Jenner.  Science tells us that.  It is called DNA. Calling Bruce Jenner a woman is a lie. Why do they insist we do it?  What if King Tut was really Queen Tut?  What if he was a tranny?  Wereall the scientists who studied Queen Tut bigots?  Was she discriminated against?

I don’t hate Bruce Jenner.  He was on the Wheaties box.  He was the world’s greatest athlete.  He competed and won against the best.  He was not a woman.  He beat the world’s greatest male athletes.  He is still a male.  Check his DNA.  I resent those who want me to deny the Truth about him.  Bruce Jenner is a crossdresser.  They can call him a tranny if they want, but he is a cross dresser.  Check the DNA.  His actions are deviant.  The Left loves lies.

Here is the takeaway.  The Left wants YOU and ME to feel like the deviants.  There are millions of Americans that still believe in old-fashioned values.  WE are not the FREAKS.  WE are not the deviants.  We are not the children of the Devil.

They are.  They are the ones hell-bent on destroying everything good.  Everything the Left touches they destroy.

Academia, athletics, family, entertainment, public schools, government, sex, science, media, religion, language…the TRUTH.  The LEFT HATES THE TRUTH.

That is why we seem so lost…so flummoxed here in America.  The Left has been on an inter-generational march to destroy the Truth.  The Scriptures warn us that “Truth has fallen in the streets and it cannot get up.”

It is time for us to quit cowering in fear and cow-towing to the whims of the Truth-hating Left. It is time to help Truth get back on his feet.

We should all love the Truth, regardless of how painful it might be.  Truth is all that we have.  Truth is the foundation of everything upon which we stand.  The Left hates Truth.  They censor Truth.  They ban Truth. They deny Truth.

Now it is a virus.  Wear a mask, social distance, stay away from church, wait on a vaccine, trust us because government knows best.  Do any of you believe these Government hacks masquerading as experts?  This is the same crowd that got us in this mess.

Aren’t you sick of it?  Can’t you see through the façade?  How can lies rule the day?

Only the TRUTH can make us free.

The Left loves lies.  They are children of the Serpent.  They only win if you swallow their venom.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Who Really Controls the Church?

Dave Daubenmire

This is not your Grandpa’s America. The idea of an all-caring benevolent partnership between the Church and the State no longer exists.  With the appearance of the latest national crisis it is becoming painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that the Church /Government relationship is irrevocably broken.

What happens when the marriage reaches irreconcilable differences?  What happens when the Government violates the standards of the Church?

The American Church has been in an abusive relationship with the Government since the sixties.  When SCOTUS handed down the un-Godly Everson V Board of Education decision in 1947 the first cracks in the long standing marriage between Christ and the Government was exposed.  The Everson opinion was the first time in American history that the idea of a Separation between God and Government had ever been litigated.  It created an adulterous relationship between the two.

Marriage is a partnership and it is difficult for any relationship to succeed if there is not agreement between the two parties.  Although marriage is a union, in a Christian society the husband has always been considered the head of the marriage.  In any partnership there has to be someone ultimately in charge when the tough controversial decisions have to be made.

The Scriptures ask the question “Can two walk together lest they agree?” Perhaps you can walk together for awhile, but the greater the disagreement the more difficult the journey becomes.

The 1947 Everson ruling was the first step in the destruction of the Church/Government marriage.  The American Church has agreed to an adulterous relationship with the government ever since.  Just as no man can serve two wives neither can he serve two masters.  The American Church can no longer serve God and the Government.

The Everson opinion declared that the legal marriage of the Church and the State was over.  The increased secularization of the Federal Government has made the Church/State relationship untenable.  The Government divorced the Church yet refused to grant the Church autonomy free of Government intrusion..  Let the record show that it was the Government who filed for the divorce.

But the Church, like a loyal spouse, has been reluctant to dissolve the marriage.  Hoping for reconciliation, the Church remained loyal to their vows, and continued to obey the machinations of the Government in the hopes that by electing men of character the marriage could be restored.  While the Church pined for a reunification of the broken marriage the Government strove for a civil union…one in which the “government” maintained its independence, free from the nasty control of the nagging spouse.

In reality, the Church can never be separated from the Government.  Individuals make up the Church.  Individuals make up the Government. Christians are involved in both.  It is impossible for them to be separated.

The “Church” is not a building, an organization, nor a corporation.  The Church is a body…consisting of unique individuals…under the Headship of Jesus Christ.  The Government was created by the Church; the Church was not created by the Government.

Webster defines divorce as “To separate, as a married woman from the bed and board of her husband.”  The Government officially divorced the Church in 1947 but has maintained the benefits of marriage.  Christians today are still forced to pay alimony to an ex-spouse without any say in how that money is spent.  The Church still has not broken free from the duty to “bed and board” the Government.  Why is the Church forced to pay for abortions, the advancement of the homosexual agenda, and the promotion of atheistic/secular beliefs?  Where does the Government get the authority to take money from those from which it is legally separated?

The Government of the United State divorced the American Church yet the Body of Christ is still forced to pay alimony in support of the Government’s rebellious behavior. The Government has all of the characteristics of an abusive ex-spouse who still thinks he has control of the credit card..

Let me ask you again…who controls the Church?

The Government/Church separation is the most one-sided divorce in the history of the world.  The Government demands the right to make all of the rules while Christians are the ones paying the bills.  The “free exercise” clause in the First Amendment is completely ignored.  Look at all of the government controls placed on the Church in the recent plandemic and there can be no question as to who is calling the shots.

Please Masser…can we open our church?”

The Federal Government has become the enemy of the Church.  Any clear-thinking American knows that to be true.

If there is a separation between the Church and the Government why does the Body of Christ pay to support the Government without any say as to how the Government operates?

Ministries are required to keep careful records of the financial transactions of the Body of Christ, while the Government provides no such accounting to the Church.  If there is a true “separation between Church and State” why is it any business of the Government how the Body of Christ operates?  Why is the created entity (the Government) holding any sway over the operation of the Creator (the Church)?  Why do we give to Caesar what belongs to God?

The Church created Caesar, why does the Church answer to Caesar?  What is it the Church possesses that belongs to Caesar?  What should the Church render unto Caesar?  Nothing.  Caesar is simply an abusive ex-spouse.

Christ is the Head of the Church and the Church is the Head of Government.  The Government answers to Christ, Christ’s body does answer to the Government.

That’s how things were when this nation was founded.  Today, through taxation, the Body of Christ is forced to fund every evil work of the lawless Government.  Doesn’t this seem backwards to you?  How can the Government force Christians to fund Hell’s agenda if there is a separation?  The Church is above the Government.

Who really controls the Body of Christ?

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Black Conservatives Don’t Matter

Dave Daubenmire

I know a lot of white guys who don’t think like me.  Where did we ever come up with the idea that all members of a certain racial group are supposed to think the same way?  Who was the author of this “group think” paradigm that seems to control all of our political debate?

Chris Cuomo is white…I think…and I don’t agree with hardly anything he says.  Joe Scarbough, Anderson Cooper, Joe Biden, Bill DiBlasio, and nearly every white member of the leadership of the Democrat Party hold direct polar-opposite views to most of the white boys that I hang around.  Why is it we don’t expect all white people to think and vote the same?

I can’t for the life of me understand why we are supposed to believe that all black folk are supposed to think the same.  Isn’t that bigotry?  Isn’t that a classic example of bias?  Would it be safe to say that to label ALL black men as LIBERALS would be stereotyping?  Why is it racist to accuse black folk of liking fried chicken but not racist to assume they all love Joe Biden?

The homosexual mafia loves to tell us that there is a “gay gene” and that all sexual deviants are “born that way” but evidently there is a black gene that makes all black men think the same way.  Although I have never heard that reasoning used to explain the monolithic 90% vote for Democrats by black Americans, perhaps some geneticist should undertake a study on why all black people vote and think the same way.

Is it possible that black Americans like Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Mychal Massie, Candice Owens, Larry Elder, and others aren’t “Uncle Toms” but victims of a mental disorder?  Could it be that they were born without the “Negro gene” that actually makes one think for themselves?  Could conservative black Senator Tim Scott of Georgia actually be suffering from a birth defect?

Are all black Americans required to like the same sports teams?  Does being born black require one to prefer a particular fast food chain over another?  Are blacks permitted the privilege of being “pro-choice” when it comes to selecting the cars they drive, the town they will live in, the music they enjoy, or where they will go on vacation?

Is it only politics where blacks are genetically hard-wired and void of personal opinions and choices?  Can you think of ANYTHING that 90% of white people agree on?  Yet 90% of black Americans will pull the lever for a candidate from the Democrat Party.

Would it be xenophobic to ask the if blacks “were born that way?”

This all came to head for me today when my daily morning show was booted off of both Facebook and YouTube for “content” violations.  And what, you may ask, was the content that I provided that was so outside the purview of the high standards of those two media bigots?

Log onto either Facebook or YouTube and see if you can find any videos of George Floyd being murdered?  Search and see if you can locate any videos of violence being perpetrated in our major cities.  Look real hard and see if you can discover any postings about Covid 19 and the deadly consequences associated with it.  See if you can find any supporters of the BLM movement.  Those issues all pass community muster.

What was on my show that was so diabolically damaging that the two major social media platforms had to protect the viewers from seeing?  Why, I showed video of a BLACK….AFRICAN…FEMALE…DOCTOR who was sounding the alarm that there was a cure for COVID 19.  She named names.  She called out the FAKE Doctors and their FAKE studies.

That’s right.  Dr. Stella Immanuel was crying out to America that there was nothing to be afraid of!!  There is a cure for Covid 19 and it does not require a vaccination.  Watch her here!!  She has treated 350 patients and NONE OF THEM HAVE DIED.

Did I mention that she was BLACK?  She certainly must have lost her mind.  The media is doing everything they can to discredit her because black Americans are not allowed to have independent thoughts and ideas.  Where is BLM?  Where are the Congressional Black Caucus?  Why won’t they come to the defense of this wonderful CHRISTIAN woman who is being destroyed in the media?  Why won’t they point out the discrimination against this BLACK Doctor?

Dr. Immanuel is what they call in the business a “twofer.”  Not only is she anti big-pharma but God forbid she is a PASTOR!!  She believes the government is using fear to manipulate the people for nefarious reasons.  OFF WITH HER HEAD!  A Black…woman…preacher…doctor who can think for herself?  That certainly violates ALL of the community standards of both Fake-book and YouTube.  She is obviously the victim of some type of mental derangement because it violates “community standards” that society has set for plantation minded blacks.  What is the standard it violates?  Blacks are not permitted to think for themselves.

Not all black people matter to the Left.  In fact, very few do.  BLM and their communist associates are only interested in the black people that they can use and manipulate.

This may be hard for you to believe but I have many black friends.  They are wonderful human beings.  Most are embarrassed by the behavior they see portrayed on American newscasts and the negative light they cast all blacks under. The Communist Democrats want you to believe that blacks are too stupid to think for themselves.  They need “political” white men and women to tell them how to think and how to vote.

Black Conservatives don’t matter.  The LEFT hates them.  They hate their independent attitude.  They hate their love of Jesus.  They hate that they aren’t full of hate. They want us to believe all blacks hate America.  Group think.  It simply isn’t true.

Poke the LEFT in the eye.  Check out yesterday’s morning’s show.  Thinking like a conservative is not a black birth defect.


© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Policing the Law Abiding

Dave Daubenmire

Note:  This column was originally published in 2007.  Does anyone know where I can get a mask?

I was out riding my bicycle this past weekend fighting my own version of the battle of the bulge. I usually ride on back roads in order to keep out of the way of traffic, plus it gives me more time to think about things of which I can write. My wife tells me that I spend way too much time alone with me.

Bicycles, I have always been told, are to be ridden with the same flow as the traffic. It doesn’t make sense to me. Common sense tells me my chances of a healthy ride go up if I can see what is coming towards me. So, I ride my bike facing the on-coming traffic. I like my chances of avoiding a collision if the cars aren’t clipping me from behind.

But that got me flipped-off  by a driver last Saturday. Seems he had to edge into the center of the road to avoid my oversized load.  “Hey! Don’t you know the law? You’re on the wrong side of the road. I hope a cop gives you a ticket,” this fine law-abiding citizen chastised me as he flipped his lighted cigarette out the window at me. At least I saw it coming.

Speaking of cops, my two-wheeled journey took me a few hundred yards down the road onto an overpass that crosses over Interstate 70. There, sitting along the highway, was an Ohio State Highway Patrolman with his radar gun shooting at on-coming traffic in the west-bound lanes.  “Protecting and serving,” I mumbled to myself, “Probably part of the click-it or ticket program being promoted by the safety Nazis.” Funny isn’t it, how much money the “authorities” make by enforcing laws that make us “safer”? Wouldn’t his time, and our money, be better spent looking for car-jackers, or rapists, or illegal aliens?

And I’m curious, just where does the money go when I pay my $100 fine for not buckling-up? Shouldn’t the purpose of a fine be to pay back the one that I injured? Who does an unbuckled seat-belt harm? Seems to me someone is making a lot of money forcing me to be safe. You know what they say, “Follow the money.” I have often wondered if cops get a commission on the tickets they write.

I heard somewhere, (it could have been me talking to myself on one of my previous bike rides) that you really aren’t committing a crime if there is no victim. In fact, victimless crimes are a whole new genre of offenses that have been codified into law. Most of them are nothing more than do-good legislation sponsored by those whose palms are greased by special interest groups.  The insurance companies want us to buckle-up so they “encourage” some pencil-neck to write it into law. Now our cops spend their time monitoring law-abiding citizens rather than chasing the real criminals. Write a law, create a crime, produce a criminal, and make a buck. Is America a great country or what?

Most of what we call laws are nothing more than the intrusion of government into the lives of otherwise peaceful citizens. Every time I see a State Trooper sitting with his radar gun blazing I can’t help but wonder what the real criminals are doing while this policeman stalks the unbuckled. While thousands of man-hours are spent making sure my seat-belt is secure, and my speedometer is not over the posted limit, crime is exploding all around us.

I think law enforcement officials understand the game. They know that they can’t keep criminals from committing crime so they spend most of their efforts making sure that law-abiding citizens are controlled. They must never allow the law-abiders realize that they could get away with breaking the law.  “Leave the career criminals alone and go get those dangerous folks who fail to buckle-up.”  As my father-in-law likes to remind me the purpose of a law is to keep honest people honest.

Sadly, most of what passes as crimes today really doesn’t hurt anybody. Speeding is a victimless crime. Going 100 miles an hour on a modern freeway doesn’t injure anyone. Of course the potential for injury is there, but in America we don’t punish potential crimes. Every time I mow my yard there is a chance I could hurt someone with a flying rock, but if I don’t mow I’ll be in trouble with the authorities for letting my grass get too long. Throwing a rock out of my mower is not a crime, at least not yet. Hitting my neighbor with a rock should be.

In natural law this is called Malum prohibitum. This means that smoking in public is only a crime because those who write the laws say it is. This is different from Malum in se which is a crime that is inherently wrong, such as rape or murder.

America would be a better place if we worried more about crimes that actually harmed others as opposed to those with the potential to harm or crimes that only harm oneself. Crime prevention is a good thing. Making up crimes is not.

You may think I am knit-picking but I think we need to realize what is happening around us. In the battle for liberty, small things cannot be ignored. Remember, it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.   In a nation where everything is a crime, everyone will soon be a criminal.

Look at the 10 Commandments. Every one of them is not only a violation of the law of God, but they are an intrusion of the rights of another. That is why Jesus capsulated the 10 Commandments into two. A sin is something you do against another. Shouldn’t a crime be measured by a similar standard?

Let’s be honest.  Most of the hassles in life don’t come from keeping the Laws of God. No, most of my headaches come from keeping the laws of man. The purpose of God’s laws is self-restraint while man-made law is government restraint.

We have traded the 10 Commandments of God for the 10,000 commandments of government. Tell the truth now; do you really think that was a good trade?

I recently read in our local paper the story of a man who was arrested for driving with a suspended license. It seems that the local police, in an effort to crack down on “crime” were on high alert. Tom was pulled over for having a burned-out tail light. ($35) In the course of the traffic stop it was determined that he was guilty of failure to buckle his seat belt, ($100), talking on his cell phone while driving, ($100), and 45 in 35, ($75). A quick-check on the in-cruiser computer showed that his license had been revoked for failure to pay a running-a-red-light charge earlier this year. It seems that a camera mounted at a busy intersection caught him pushing his luck against the yellow light. Bullheaded Tom neglected to send in his $125 ransom to the camera committee and they suspended his license, much to his surprise.

The police cuffed him, took him to jail, and impounded his car. He hired a lawyer ($1000) who bailed him out of jail, ($275). He was found guilty of all charges and assessed court costs ($210). The impound lot charged him $150. His insurance rates went up, his name appeared in the paper, his family was mortified, and he lost his job as a truck driver.

Sign Sign everywhere a sign
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign.
 Five Man Electrical Band 1973

Every day when I ride my bike I look for that fella that flipped me off. I hope our paths cross soon. I checked with the police. There is no law stating which side of the road one must ride a bike although they do suggest you ride with the flow of traffic.

“Well there oughta be a law against it,” I can almost hear my antagonist growl as he flips his cigarette at me.

“Hey, that’s littering”, I yell at him as I pedal towards the Interstate. With some luck maybe I can flag down a cop, if he is not too busy looking for criminals with the radar gun.

Book ‘em Danno!

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Change the Words, Change the World

Dave Daubenmire

Note:  This column was originally written in 2009.  It seemed appropriate to have a 2nd look.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” —Cicero (106-43 BC)

A coup has taken place in America. Our nation is no longer controlled by “we the people.” (We fell asleep with the pastors) Our domestic enemies are now officially in power. We are no longer free, we just think we are — and it has happened on our watch.

What we have failed to realize is that the Spiritual War and the Cultural War were one and the same. Because of our ignorance, the Church has engaged in the former but has ignored the latter. We did not understand that the “war in the heavenlies” manifests in the natural world. Our failure to fight for Truth has given us a nation ruled by liars.

We are a sin-laden nation because we have codified evil into the law. Content to focus on the “saving of souls” we have neglected Jesus’ admonition to occupy until He comes. As evil flourished, the Church retreated. We have failed to recognize that the battle in the heavenlies was for control of the earth. Jesus prayed that His Kingdom would come ON EARTH. We have yielded the earth and submitted to evil.

Cicero was right. Evil did not come dressed up in a red suit and carrying a pitchfork. It has come clothed in a three-piece suit and brandishing an Ivy League degree. While we looked for an army riding tanks and planes, we have been overrun by a force promoting education and arts. Using guns and bullets would have been too obvious. This war has been fought and won with words. Language was their weapon of mass destruction.

Paul warned us of this in Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

They called it multi-culturalism and it was promoted in our schools, but the formal name is Cultural Marxism. (See Cultural Marxism DVD). It gave birth to “political correctness” where thoughts became crimes. But it did not happen by accident. The only thing standing between Communism and world dominance was Western Civilization and its underpinnings of the Christian value system. The only way Communism could advance would be if Christianity could be rendered powerless; or, as Jesus said, if the salt was to lose his savor.

Do you remember the cries of the hippies? “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Western Civ has got to go.” It was the fight song of Communism. The only thing preventing government from being god was the fact that the throne was already occupied. Twentieth century American’s believed that Jesus was God. The followers of Marx and his acolytes knew that in order to ascend to the throne they would have to overthrow God. They would advance gradually. “Make haste slowly” was their mantra and they would be patient.

They seized our public schools and infiltrated the universities. They captured the media, Hollywood, music, art, literature, science, history, civic organizations, and the seminaries. They changed the world by changing they way we thought about wordstolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity were their linguistic weapons. (Is it just me or are those words permeating all of society today?) Do you think this happened by accident?

They would use our children to impeach God. Applying Critical Theory they would attack all things Christian. The Boy Scouts were bigots, the Ten Commandments were judgmental, Christmas was exclusive, and traditional marriage was discriminatory. They brainwashed us to think that real Christians were inclusive and tolerant, that truth was relative, that all cultures were the same and that homosexuality was not a sin.

They didn’t have to kill Jesus, only His influence. To be considered a good citizen in this new America, one only had to be tolerant of everything and believe in nothing. In fact, to be sure that you kept your thoughts to yourself they began to call certain thoughts “crimes.” They attacked you and even destroyed you if you dared to speak against them. Slowly, the voice of Jesus was muted.

Into the void the god-haters slinked. A different Christianity and a different America emerged. The God of judgment and wrath was dead and a resurrected “non-judgmental” Jesus became the new god that the new America embraced.

“Democracy is the road to socialism.” said Karl Marx. “Democracy is indispensable to socialism,” said his buddy Vladimir Lenin. “Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever. Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. A lie told often enough becomes the truth,” Lenin went on to say.

Elected officials call America a democracy. Our school books teach the same. Yet we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic, a nation of limited government chained down by a Constitution. Kill the Constitution and the Marxists can create or ignore the law. Change the words, change the world.

Communism can only thrive in the absence of the Gospel. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty. Lady Liberty has been nearly decapitated.

But the battle is far from over. Each one of us is going to have to make a decision on just how valuable we think liberty is. Are you willing to sit silently as the chains of slavery are forged for your children? Ben Franklin warned us, “Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.” We should heed his words.

Washington DC is rapidly becoming the enemy. It is the terrorists with Ivy League degrees that should scare us. The ideological wars are really a religious war. Intellectual terrorism has reaped more havoc on this land than Al Qaeda ever will. Will the God of the Bible and the Principles that He declares rule on earth? Or will we give in to the “tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world.” Our generation will make the decision.

Marxists are in control of America. They are not liberals, they are not progressives, they are Communists. Their godless system has failed every place it has been tried. America is their beachhead. Will she be overthrown? Will Jesus lose this Spiritual battle? Will He yield the world once again to the Devil? I think not. For the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof.” We are His ambassadors on the earth. It is time to do our duty.

So here is a good place to start. Let’s take back our language. Stop allowing the cultural Marxists to create new labels. We must call things what they are.

  • “Progressives” and “liberals” are Marxists.
    “Conservativism” is counterfeit salt.
     “Pro-choice” means pro-baby murder.
     A “fetus” is an unborn child.
     “Tolerance” means acceptance of sin.
     “Gays” are sodomites.
     “Affirmative Action” is white male discrimination.
     An “undocumented worker” is an illegal alien.
     The “mainstream media” are Marxists.
     The “religious left” are humanistic socialists.
     “Social justice” means advancement of homosexuality.
     “Reproductive rights” is a buzz word for abortion.
     “Sex education” is destruction of natural childhood modesty.
     “Economic justice” is welfare.
     “Government investment” means taxation.
     “Sensitivity” means keep your mouth shut.
     “Diversity” validates deviant ways to engage in sex.
     A “Republican” is a socialist and a “Democrat” is a communist.
     An “expert” is an academician with no practical experience.
     “Public education” is atheistic, humanistic indoctrination.
     “Separation of church and state” legalizes Christian discrimination.
     Supreme Court “decisions” are opinions and are not laws.
     “Christianity” is not a religion; it is a kingdom.
     “Change” means Communism.

America can be saved if Americans will wake up. Look at this list of self-proclaimed socialists in Congress. They have seized the Republic.

Stop using their words. Words have power. Let’s call a Marxist a Marxist. Stand up and speak up. Our kids are depending on us.

Change the words and you change the world.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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I’m Proud to Be White

Dave Daubenmire

Please spare me the usual emails calling me a “racist.”  The white-guilt card will not work on me.  I will not cower in the corner, I will not bow and lick your boots, and I will not take responsibility for anything my ancestors did.  The Bible teaches us that.

Ezekiel 18:20— “The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.”

My father grew up poor.  He was one of seven children raised in the hills of southern Ohio in what is now known as Appalachia.  Because his father could not find employment in his hometown he was forced to travel nearly 100 miles to work each week and spend the time away from the family.  My grandmother was essentially a single mother to seven kids while Grandpa Ed worked away from home.  My great-grandfather George was a German immigrant who was born in 1863.

My mother’s family wasn’t much better.  She was one of eight children and was also raised by a single mother because her husband left the family. Divorce was nearly unheard of in the 1930’s so we were all taught that Mom and Dad Fisher, my grandparents, were separated.  Neither one remarried.  My Grandpa Fisher paid no child support.  There was no welfare.

My mother often told the story of being “farmed out” during the summers.  It seems things were so tight that my Mom’s mom actually hired the kids out to local farmers as free labor in exchange for free room and board and a small weekly stipend to Mom Fisher.  I guess you wouldn’t technically call it slavery…but child labor laws would not permit it today.

My parents raised five children during the turbulent sixties.  Mom was a housekeeper and my Dad was a factory worker.  He worked double shifts at Kaiser Aluminum (16 hours) most of his life as he struggle to provide for the family.  Mom drove him to work in the mornings so that she would have access to our only family car during the day.  They put four of their five children through college; one brother chose not to go, without any help from the government.

I wore a lot of hand-me-downs from my brothers.  I think we were lower middle class but we never knew it.  Dad taught all of us to work hard and expect no special favors.  Food stamps were not available back then but our father would never have taken a handout.  They raised us in church.  We knew right from wrong, although we often decided not to follow our consciences.

Mom and Dad fought a societal tsunami during the sixties.  The culture was doing everything it could to undermine our upbringing.  Sex, drugs, and rock and roll took a toll on some of my siblings.  It was not an easy time to be a parent.  They had a challenging time raising their own children.

Did I mention that my family had to overcome persecution as well?  My father’s mother was part of a little known group of Appalachian-Americans known as Melungons which was a group of mixed-blood hybrids.  In addition, my father had the double-whammy of being raised Catholic when religious persecution against Catholics was real.

We grew up in a small town in Ohio. There were no Negroes in our town or in our school.  Everything we learned about black people we learned from Television.  Nothing did more to foster stereotypes of Negroes than the images that played out on the boob tube.  NO ONE I knew hated blacks.

The sixties was a time of great upheaval.  Every vestige of Christian morality was under assault.  From Little Richard, to Elvis, the Beatles to Richard Pryor the MEDIA programmed black stereotypes into American minds.   I loved the Four Tops, The Supremes, The Temptations, and Marvin Gaye.  I bought their records and sang their songs.

Racism is a made-up thing.  I get sick of others impugning my motives simply because of the color of my skin.  I’m proud of my heritage and proud of my parents.  They had it rough.  They stayed married.  They took us to church and demanded we respect others.  I rooted for blackmen like Jimmy Brown, Elston Howard, Willie Mays, and Oscar Robertson.  The thought of hating someone for the color of their skin was unheard of in my little town.

I wonder what my Mom and Dad would say about America today.   They surely would shake their heads at the thought of white privilege and “institutional racism.”  I remember my Mom sobbing at the death of Dr. King and the government slaughter at Kent State.  No one wanted to live in an America like that.

I write this today because I know this is how most Americans feel.  The thought of white Americans being racist is bunk.  Our government is corrupt.  Our churches are sheepish and divided.  Our nation is morally bankrupt.  The media drives the racist narrative as a means to divide and conquer.  Satan is alive and well.

America is not a racist country.  They use it as a weapon.  I’m proud to be white.  I’m proud of my heritage.  I am proud of what my parents overcame. No amount of revisionist history will change the fact that life is a struggle for everyone. Poverty has no color.  Neither do fidelity, honesty, compassion, and forgiveness.  My parents stayed married for 60 years.  They taught us the 10 Commandments.   They expected us to follow them.

I had great parents who just happened to be white.  Who you become is more determined by nurture than nature.  Red or yellow black or white all are precious in His sight.  Blacks aren’t the only ones who have had to struggle.

I miss my parents.  I wish I had the chance to tell them.  I’m proud of who they were.  I’m proud of what they overcame.  They taught us to build things not tear them down.  I’m sick of watching what they did be drug through the mud.

I’m proud to be white.  I’ll never feel guilty for that.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Voodoo Science and Voodoo Courts

Dave Daubenmire

Jesus Christ is the Truth. We are taught that in the Bible.  He declared that “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE…” and even though he was speaking in a spiritual sense the Truth of His words apply in the secular world as well.

Lie’s can never make a man free.  Oh, lies may make you FEEL free.  Or they can be justified in order to get you out of a sticky situation, but reality eventually teaches you that anything that was produced by falsehood will someday be exposed.  Jesus said, “There is nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed.”  The chickens eventually come home to roost.

Well, the cock is beginning to crow over America and millions are awakening to a new dawn.  Is it the final dawn?  Is it God shaking the earth one last time?  How can America possibly remain free when we are ruled by lies?  That is the battle we face.

What is Truth?  That was the piercing question Pilate asked Jesus just before he sentenced Him to death.  It is the same question we should be asking ourselves today.  Pilate was looking at the embodiment of Truth directly in the eyes and could not recognize it.  Secular prophet George Orwell suggested that “during times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

Yes, my friends, in today’s America, speaking the Truth has indeed become a revolutionary act.

The Left does not care about the Truth.  To them, the end always justifies the means.  I expect them to lie.  It is what unscrupulous people do.  But something is seriously wrong when CHRISTIAN people are so easily deceived.  Is it any wonder that this once Christian nation is teetering on the brink as the purveyors of falsehoods are carrying the day?

We have been told another whopper that was just exposed this week.  For most of my voting life I have been coached to vote for the “conservatives” if we are ever going to straighten this nation out.  This was especially true when the issue of supreme Court justices was thrown kicking and screaming on the table.

This simply opened the door to a different set of opinions.  Opinions are often wrong.  Opinions are not always the Truth.  Opinions are not laws.  Opinions are like rectums…they often smell.

“Conservative judges are the key to turning this nation around.” (Lie)  “If the President appoints more conservative judges abortion will end.” (Lie)  “Abortion is the law of the land.” (Lie)  “Neil Gorsuch can be trusted.” (Lie)  “We must obey the Court’s decisions.” (Lie)  “A man can become a woman by cutting his penis off.” (Lie)  “Sexual deviancy is a class of people just like blacks.” (Lie)  “You have no right to hire or fire someone based on sexual deviancy.” (Lie)  “Homosexuals are born that way.” (Lie)

Need I go on?  So much of what we are taught simply is not true.  No wonder we find ourselves living with a boot on our necks..

What should be the response of Christians to falsehoods?  Should we accept and obey them?  Should we promote them to our children?  Should we go quietly into that good night as Truth falls in the streets?  Why would the Church continue to support public schools?

America’s Godless education system has become the bastion of deceit. So much of what we permit to be taught to our children simply is not true.  From the origin of the species to the blind obedience to the over-reaching arm of government, lies and deception are the modus operandi.

Christians have permitted it.  Christian leaders have taught the damnable lie that Christians are to obey unholy edicts issued by unholy men.  Lying has become common place.  It has become an acceptable norm.  Christ’s church, His body, has been found missing in action in the battle for Truth.  America is being governed by unprincipled men who are swayed by Voodoo Science.

There is not one study in history that has proven that a man who “feels” like a woman is a woman.  Not one.  Feelings are not facts.  Feelings are not science. It is a creation of the mind by seriously deluded individuals who want to force the acceptance of their deviant behavior be codified by Voodoo legislation.

Courts cannot make laws.  Period.  Why does the church bow the knee to such devious decisions?  Only Truth can counter lies.

My friend Pastor Matt Trewella wrote yesterday;

On Monday, June 15th, the supreme Court yet again wrote “law” from their bench to impose immorality and injustice upon America. They sided with base men who want their sexual perversion protected by government and imposed on every person and every institution in America.”

Will the church ever stand and fight for Truth?  Will the Church ever muster the courage to speak the Truth?  Will the church ever stop bending its knees to the liars who are hell-bent on destroying all semblance of the Truth?

America is rapidly descending into chaos.  Truth has fallen in the streets. The American church won’t even help Truth get back on its feet.  The pulpits preach the Voodoo social gospel. Stop giving them money! Pray at home and get involved, church leaders won’t!

Voodoo makes use of a wealth of rituals and observations that affect followers’ day-to-day lives, making a straightforward list of observances impractical.”

With conservative “Justices” like John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch sexual deviants are the least of America’s worries.  You expect idiocy from perverts.  You don’t expect learned men to validate deviancy by creating Voodoo based opinions.

Lies bring bondage.  Truth sets men free.  Voodoo science leads to voodoo government.  Thugs become our heroes.  Honest men cower in fear.

The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.”  Psalm 12:8.  Our courts are stacked with vile men.  Look around at who is controlling America.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Faithism is Worse Than Racism

Dave Daubenmire

I’ve about had it up to my once water-breathing gills with this whole whitey hates blackie thing.  Coming on the heels of a made-up pandemic the idea that the greatest evil facing America is racism is more than my once-monkey evolved brain can handle.

“Minds full of mush” is what Rush Limbaugh once called them; Human brains that will believe just about anything that some expert feeds them.  “Please don’t feed the humans” should be the warning label on every TV in America.

Even though I would love to talk about the phony charges of racism that are spewed 24/7 on America’s airwaves I have decided to take a different tack and discuss another means of discrimination that very few people are willing to talk about.  In fact, the thoughts my hunt-and-peck digits are tapping out may cover an area of thought that no one has ever programmed you with.

I am referring to the very common form of discrimination known as FAITHISM.

“I’ve never heard of that before” your CNN wired cerebral cortex may be beeping.  “What the heck is faithism? Anderson Cooper has never mentioned that before, and if I haven’t heard of it from one of their expert guests so it certainly can’t be real.”

Well, racism isn’t real either.  It is a made up word.  It was a condition created by the CIA in the early 1930’s and was designed to be used to divide and conquer the American people.  I won’t go into details about it in this rant, but as the carnival barker would likely say “read all about it.”  RACISM IS MADE UP.  Check out THIS LINK if you really want to know the truth.

Save me the emails.  Racism is made up. It only exists in our minds…planted there by nefarious forces intent on destroying America.  I’m sorry if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Juan Williams have hustled your mind into believing it.  There is only one race…human.  Period.  Skin color is not a race.

So I decided to coin a phrase that is just as prevalent and just as destructive to America and that is Faithism.  Never heard of it, huh?  Well, stick around and maybe we can get another group of Americans all riled up.

Faith is defined by Mr. Webster as “Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth.”

Nearly everything you and I believe is based on faith.  Any story you read about an historical figure is faith-based because you have no firsthand knowledge of the veracity of the information.  I BELIEVE George Washington existed, but I can’t actually prove it.  I have to trust that the historical record is true. In all of my life’s work I have never heard anyone tell me that they didn’t “believe” in George Washington.  Most of us simply trust the history books.

The same holds true for Darwinism.  I never met the guy, but from what I understand he wrote a book about “The Origin of Species” and even though I am familiar with it I have never met anyone who can prove he wrote it or that the information he presents in it is true.  I simply take it on faith that he existed and that his theories are true.

By the way…a theory is a theory because there is no proof.  Darwin’s theory is actually FAITH based because there were no eye-witnesses to verify what he postulates.  Darwin’s theory has less scientific PROOF than the THEORY expounded upon in the book of Genesis.  Both theories are lacking PROOF and can only be believed through FAITH.

FAITHISM is nothing more than the discrimination of one belief system over another based solely on the opinion of the one promoting the theory.  Zoo keepers often have faith in Darwin and his acolytes while most Christians have faith in God and his evangelists.

A fair evaluation of the origin of man would certainly contain BOTH unproven theories.  To choose one set of theories over another would be the ultimate discrimination.  Despite what you have been taught in government schools, discrimination is a good thing.  To discriminate is defined as “the act of making or observing a difference.”  It has nothing to do with the buzz word “racism.”

But the nub of the issue is that both sides are not presented.  “Science” always trumps “faith” when dealing in the secular world.  “Religious” beliefs are always pooh poohed in favor of “science” even though much of what we believe about science is based completely on faith.

Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”  Even racism is built upon a BELIEF and not a fact.

FAITHISM would be defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different worldview based on the belief that one’s own belief system is superior.”

Faithism is rampant in our society.  Those in authority do not allow both systems of BELIEFS to be treated fairly.  The theory of Darwin is presented freely and openly to America’s public school children while the theory of Creationism is forced to the back of the bus.  Faithism is everywhere you look and there has been nothing as destructive to our American society as the second class treatment afforded Americans who put their faith in the God rather than in Darwin.

“People of faith” are the most discriminated against citizens in this country.  Most of our problems would go away if we simply taught ALL children the 10 Commandments of God.

Our schools teach our children that they evolved from apes and we are shocked when they begin to act like monkeys. Amoral education leads to immoral behavior.  Christian beliefs are given second class treatment in this nation.

America’s Christian history is being rewritten.  Statues are being torn down.  Faithism is worse than racism.  Content of character is more important than skin color.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Heinz 57 Brand of Christianity In America Today

Coach Dave Daubenmire

It Is Time to Start Rowing

Look, I don’t know whether Donald Trump is a real Christian or not.

In fact, I don’t know if we are capable of determining what is in another person’s heart.  I see a lot of people do things that surprise me, especially when they identify as Christians.

That word, Christian, has become almost meaningless to me.  As someone who takes his faith very seriously I often find myself scratching my head over the Heinz 57 brand of Christianity that I see in America today.

Obama claimed to be a Christian and though I really didn’t believe him. I saw a lot of red flags in his confession.  But who am I to judge, right?  At least that is what I hear from many of my Christian friends.

GW Bush claimed to be “born again” and he got a lot of mileage with the Christian community out of that confession.  Who am I to judge, right?  He says he was a Christian, which should be good enough for me.

Bill Clinton was regularly seen attending church with a Bible under his arm.  His attendance increased after he was caught donging that women, Miss Lewinsky, in the oral orifice.  Who are we to judge, right?

Poppy Bush admitted he had never had a “road to Damascus experience” but he was a sorta Christian, except when he was promoting the New World Order.  I guess that was Christ-like trying to overthrow America as we knew it. After all, he was promoting a “thousand points of light.”

He would have been better of promoting THE LIGHT rather than trying to create a new worldly system.  But he was a “Christian”, so what right do I have to question that?

Jimmy Carter also was “born again” and a Sunday school teacher.  He initiated the hard slide left in this nation.   I’m a Christian, and of course Christians don’t judge.  So go Jimmy.

Let me be clear, not one of these “Christian” Presidents lifted a finger to protect the pre-born.  I guess fighting for innocent human life is no longer a requirement for a Christian.

So, I was a bit flummoxed when I saw that many “Christian leaders” were upset at President Trump when he used the Bible as a “prop” outside the fake-church full of fake-Christians at the recently torched St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House.  I think they were upset to see the President carrying a Bible.

Some of America’s churches and many of America’s pastors have never seen a Bible before.  They were shocked to see one…especially in public.

Why do so many Christians seem to hate President Trump?  Why are so many of our Christian leaders so judgmental of President Trump’s Christianity when they so cavalierly gave a pass to the fake-Christians who occupied the White House before the Trump family?

All of the sudden, it seems, Christians are now permitted to judge others at least when it comes to the Presidency.

Look, I don’t know whether Donald Trump’s name is written in the Lambs Book of Life or not, but I PERSONALLY trust him more than any other president in my lifetime.  We have the deep state today because Mssrs. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, and Bush Sr. didn’t do a damn thing to stop the onslaught of evil in this nation.

Not one of them “drained the swamp.”  They filled it.  The government hacks destroying this nation were hired by the phony five who preceded President Trump.  I thank God every day that Hillary wasn’t elected.  God is merciful even when we don’t deserve it.

But here is the rub, at least from my point of view.

From the moment he was elected President, Trump has been a friend of the Christian Church.  He has done everything he could to invite the church to get involved in helping restore this nation.  He is the most Christian-friendly President in my lifetime.

But he is not “Christian-pure” enough for many of America’s pharisaical Christian leaders.  He offered to remove the Johnson Amendment, the muzzle that was placed on the pulpits by the IRS.  He has invited regular prayer teams into the oval office.  He has called for the teaching of the Bible in our schools.  He has defended the pre-born. He declared that churches were essential when they self-quarantined.  He has made Christianity legal again.  But he does not “act” Christian enough for some folks (aka fake Christians?).

America is in a battle for its very survival.  Christianity is clearly in the sights of the atheistic Left who have seized control of every institution in America.  President Trump was sending a message to the pulpits of America when he took the short stroll to church on Monday.  Christian America is burning and he needs the churches’ help in the battle for our nation.

America is crumbling because we have lost the influence of Christianity. There he stood, in front of that Leftist fake-church, and sent a message to America’s pulpits.  What was his message?

Permit me license to interpret what I think he was saying.

Please help me church.  I can’t fight this fight alone.  I am a flawed man.  I am President, not Pastor.  You know, and I know, that a return to the Bible is the only hope for this nation.  I stand here in front of this dead-church, Bible in hand, and appeal to America’s pulpits to please rise from the dead and help me in this great battle to save Christian America.  I can’t do it alone.  I need your help.  God needs you to rise to the occasion.  The future of America rests in the hands of the men in God’s house, not the White House.”

Why do we expect the President to fight for what the pulpits will not?  He has extended a hand asking for our help.  Please put down your stones and grab a paddle.

Where is the church?  The ship is sinking. Come out of hiding.  Now is the time to jump in their boats and start rowing.

Editors Note: Send this article far and wide, make it go viral. Thanks Coach. We at NWV love you.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Stuck on Stupid

Dave Daubenmire

StupidVery dull; insensible; senseless; wanting in understanding; heavy; sluggish.

Nothing is as dangerous as stupidity.  It is worse than malice. Stupidity is a choice.  Malice is inherent.

Every day as I adventure outside my humble abode I am immediately struck by the amount of stupidity that I run into.  It is almost as if we are stupid on purpose.

Stupid comes from the root word stupor, which is defined asIntellectual insensibility; moral stupidity; heedlessness or inattention to ones interests.”  Does “drunken stupor” paint a picture?

That, my friends, is descriptive of the average modern American High School graduate.  Some college graduates are even worse.  It is almost as if the higher up the educational ladder one craws the more stupid he/she becomes.

I had a conversion the other day with a recent Law School graduate, a once brilliant, quick witted guy, and at the conclusion of the conversation I asked him;

What happened to you?  You used to be really smart.  Now you are acting stupid…saying stupid things…ignoring the obvious…who made you so dumb?  Where did you lose your ability to think clearly?”

That is the purpose of higher education, law school especially.  It is designed to make you question EVERYTHING…especially the obvious.  Does anyone remember the OJ trial…where most of America sat glued to the boob tube while Johnny Cochran did his best to convince us that the obvious was not really so obvious.  You remember…if it doesn’t fit you must acquit.  Johnny’s job was not to get to the truth.  His job was to get you to question the truth.

My buddy Mark likes to say, Americans are stuck on stupid.  Permit me to produce some evidence for you.

Walk into any high school in America and start a discussion as to whether or not Bruce Jenner is a man or a woman.  You are guaranteed to leave the classroom with your head spinning as those soon-heading-to-college skulls full of mush deny DNA evidence and build their argument around “feelings.”

Try talking to the average “Joe” on the streets about abortion.  No matter how much evidence you produce regarding the FACT that a baby is fully human at the moment of conception you will find yourself in an ancillary debate on whether or not a woman has a “right” to kill her unborn offspring.

The Left loves to use the term “unsettled science” as if science sometimes is inaccurate even though they will never apply such scrutiny to evolution, or “climate change” (as if the climate isn’t constantly changing.)

Our education system is designed to make us more stupid through miss education.  Fake information.  Fake science.  Fake experts.  Fake facts.  Fake diplomas.  In fact, parents pay hefty amounts of money to send their children to university where the “dumbing up” becomes even worse.

Hey folks.  MASKS DON”T WORK.  Watch this.  Millions of Americans are wearing them despite the science.  You can’t argue with stupid.

Just spend 15 minutes watching any “news” program and the “experts” will have you walking in an “educational stupor” before the first commercial break

Joe Friday’s lament “just the facts” has been changed to “hide the facts” in today’s rapidly stupidfication of America where emotions and feeling rule the day.  I guess the Bible calls us sheep for a reason.

But this whole plandemic has taken American stupidity to a whole new level.  I am sorry if what I am about to say hurts your feelings, but the truth is, the biggest hoax in American history has just been perpetrated on America.  The deception is so bad that it has infected the elderly the worst.  If our Senior citizens have lost their ability to reason we have to wonder if there is any hope for America.

Our entire country has been locked down by a cadre of “experts” who, no doubt, have PhD’s from some glamorous university somewhere in the halls of Holy Academia.

“Trust us”, they say.  “We have the propagandized data to prove that we are right.”  So we trust them.  Day after day, hour after hour, the talking heads spew fear and calamity and the next thing you know you watch your neighbor leave his house, wearing a mask as he takes his two dogs for a walk in the bright sun shine.

The only bright light in this whole staged action movie is the fact that, hopefully, America will never be “normal” again.

America is sick.  America hasn’t been normal for quite some time.  Perhaps the “new normal” can be an America where the masses aren’t controlled by the hand-picked “experts” who are given a platform to advance an agenda that has brought us to the precipice of insanity.

How did we ever reach the point in this nation where seemingly “normal” people wear a mask, pray for the day where they can take a government-mandated injection, willingly go broke, and dutifully close down our houses of prayer?  What caused Americans to be so stupid that they would permit the “experts” the “right” to ruin their lives as they claimed to be saving their lives?  This is the same batch of egg-heads that say an unborn baby isn’t human and that there is a spectrum of sexual behaviors that are patently abnormal.

Stupid is more dangerous than malice.  Stupidity is a choice.  It involves rejecting the obvious.  A stupid person reaches a decision by ignoring the facts.

Will America ever be sane again?  Not as long as we are stuck on stupid.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Our Dollar is Worthless

Dave Daubenmire

The dollar is dead.

In the early days of the American Revolution our burgeoning nation was at war with the greatest economic and military power in the world.  With very few resources and a very limited government the odds of our nation being successful were not very good.

“After the American Revolutionary War began in 1775, the Continental Congress began issuing paper money known as Continental currency, or Continentals. Continental currency was denominated in dollars from $​16 to $80, including many odd denominations in between. During the Revolution, Congress issued $241,552,780 in Continental currency.  

Continental currency depreciated badly during the war, giving rise to the famous phrase “not worth a continental”. A primary problem was that monetary policy was not coordinated between Congress and the states, which continued to issue bills of credit. “Some think that the rebel bills depreciated because people lost confidence in them or because they were not backed by tangible assets,” writes financial historian Robert E. Wright. “Not so. There were simply too many of them.”   Source

The American dollar is dead.  Most of the citizens are not aware of it because it is still used as a means of exchange for “all debts personal and private.”  But it is no longer worth a Continental.  The Federal Reserve has printed the dollar into worthlessness.

Actually, they haven’t really printed it.  They have digitized it.  In other words they have created new money without the use of the printing press.  The government has simply issued electronic payments…digits…numbers…and deposited them into the accounts of our nation’s banks.

The American dollar is not backed by anything tangible.  In other words, the only value the dollar has is what the Government tells you it has.  If I type the number $1200.00 and send it to your bank will they put it in your account as if I had actually given you the money?  Of course not.  The actual “dollars” behind the digits do not exist.  There is nothing “backing” the $1200 in digits that now appear on you balance sheet thanks to your recent “Government” check.

The numbers are as phony as a Continental.

If you go to this official Government website you will be able to see that as of May 6, 2020, there was $1.87 trillion worth of Federal Reserve notes in circulation.

Perhaps you should read that line again…or visit the website.  If you were to collect every PHYSICAL penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, and paper dollars of various denominations the total amount of actual PHYSICAL dollars in circulation is just under $2 TRILLION.

You read that right.  There are only $2 trillion American dollars in circulation in the entire world.  The rest of the “money” is digits…simply numbers on a piece of paper…or computer…that have nothing at all to back them up.

In the last two months our “Government” handed out over $2 TRILLION dollars in order to stimulate the economy during this plandemic. In fact, our national debt…money we currently owe …just passed $25 Trillion.  View it here.  Yet the fact remains that there is only $1.87 ACTUAL PRINTED DOLLARS in circulation.

If Americans initiated a run on the banks so that they could get THEIR money out of the bank many would be shocked to find out that there is very little actual money in the bank.  Digits.  That’s what the banks have.  Numbers on a computer screen.  The American dollar is phony.

But don’t let me scare you.  Many of you are heavily invested in the stock market and you are probably excited to know that the value of the stocks is $30 trillion. Our nation’s pension liabilities are currently $218 TrillionSocial Security and Medicare are currently $50 Trillion IN THE HOLE.  Real Estate values in America top $33 Trillion.

Our National debt just topped $25 Trillion.  The total amount of unfunded financial promises to Americans is currently over $122 Trillion.

And meanwhile, there is only $1.87 actual “dollars” available to hold in your hand.

Look, I am no financial guru and some of my statistics may not be exactly on the mark, but there is a financial reset on the horizon.  Our debt is unpayable.  Our dollars are backed by nothing.  Electronic digits on a bank statement have no real value.  I have a hunch that his entire Virus hysteria is nothing more than a cover for a financial collapse.  Rotten financial miss-management has left most Americans holding the bag.  A reset is coming.   There is no other way out.  Our debt will never be repaid.  Wars are fought over such issues.

So, what do we do with our money?  I am a lifelong high school football coach so please don’t take financial advice from me.  My crystal ball is no better than yours.  But I do know this…if you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.

Get your money out of the market.  Get your money out of the bank.  When things really start to go south it will be too late to get in the line at your local bank.

Buy things you can touch.  Land, property, metals, food, food, food, ammo, weapons, tools, food.  The “money” you have in the bank is fake…digits printed on a computer.

A word of warning.  If you purchase metals you must take possession of them.  Buy a safe.  Bury it in your garden.  It is safer there than in the bank.  But certificates of ownership are not good enough.

Our American dollar is worthless; most Americans just don’t know it…yet.  JC Penny is bankrupt. Who thought we would ever see that?  Many will follow.  Get ahead of the crowd.

If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.  The dollar is dead.

The Counsel of the Ungodly

Dave Daubenmire

There is such a thing as good advice and there is such a thing as bad advice.  So much of what impacts our lives is the counsel that we receive from others.  As we all know, experience is always the best teacher, unfortunately we don’t have the opportunity to make every decision based on experience.  Often the decisions that we make are directed by the advice that we have received from others who have travelled that path we are currently navigating.

The only thing worse than getting bad advice, is following bad advice.  How do we know who to trust?   How do we know if the advice they give us is best for us?  How can we be sure that they are being truthful?  How do we know the motive behind the advice?  How do we know we are getting the whole story?  How do we validate and follow good advice?

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.   Bad advice leads to death.  America has OD’ed on ungodly counsel.

As I sit beside my cracking fire here on this chilly Spring morning, my thoughts flicker like the embers of the fire as I examine the evidence of liberty flaming out in this once-great formerly Christian nation.  Who could ever have envisioned that the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave would smolder out without so much as a whimper?

Planned Parenthood is open and our churches are closed.

America has collapsed as a result of a lot of bad advice.  We have no one to blame but ourselves.  Since 1947 when the treasonous Everson V Board of Education decision was handed down by the not-so Supreme Court, the godless Left has employed a relentless full court press designed to purge all vestiges of Christianity from this nation.

A nation founded by Christians has bowed its knee to the Devil and his minions.  Psalm 1 called them the “ungodly” and warned us about following the counsel that they spew.

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly…”  The ungodly have led America down the “path of death.”

Our justice system is dead. We have a legal system full of injustice. Our medical system is dead. Pharmacology rules the day. Our educational system is dead.  Re-written history and values modification have replaced Biblical morality.  Our Press is no longer free, but controlled.  Our churches willingly bow their knees to governmental edicts.  Marriage and family are no longer the soul of the church but have become the bailiwick of “the village.” The Left has destroyed everything that is good.

America is dying because we have followed the beat of the ungodly drummer. Godliness and Godly men of influence are gone with the wind and as a result we are reaping a whirlwind of destruction.

We elect leaders who think homosexuality is normal. We employ teachers who teach it. We elected representatives who engage in it. We sit under pastors who embrace it. We watch TV programs that promote it. And we obey courts that validate it.

Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.

The ungodly are directing the show. While churches employ organ grinders to distract the sheep.

For the most part, the American Church has washed its hands of the culture.  If Christians are not willing to fight for Christian values in our society, who do we think will?  Jesus told us that we were the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  How has America become so dark and full of rot?

Can you name for me ONE Godly man who is actively getting his hands dirty in the fight for Christian Values in America?   Most of our pastors come across as money grubbers and the biggest names in all of Christianity are nothing more than motivational speakers.  None of them want to get involved in the dirty work of “politics.”

Sixty million babies have been slaughtered in their mommies’ wombs with hardly a peep from the American pulpits. Meanwhile, the pastors cower in the corner hiding themselves from an invisible virus…anxious to get the approval of a godless government.

The ungodly are in power in America.  Jesus told us to OCCUPY.  Most Christians don’t even bother to vote.

Psalm 1 tells us that the ungodly are like chaff…here today and gone tomorrow…blown about by every puff of wind and scientific psychobabble.  The Bible warned us about them as well.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.  Prov. 29:2.

How are the American people doing on that mourning thingee…?

Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Adam Schiff, Jerold Nadler, Ruth Ginsburg, Elena Kagen, James Comey, John Brennan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch…are these righteous people?

“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.”  Psalm 12:8

They say America will never be normal again. I say that is a good thing. America has been sick for quite some time. What kind of nation kills its children?  What kind of Christianity permits it?

If America is to ever be restored the righteous must return to places of authority. Honor must be honored. What kind of church will emerge on the other side remains to be seen.

If the blind lead the blind they both end up in a ditch…

Who Will Redress My Grievances?

Dave Daubenmire

Ten words.  That is all there are.  Ten seemingly throw-away words at the end of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.  But if you were to take a few seconds and read the First Amendment you might be surprised to see that it is ONE SENTENCE connected by a concoction of 3 commas, 1 semicolon, and a period at the end of the sentence.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

But it is ONE SENTENCE connecting equally important limitations placed on the power and authority of Congress.  The First Amendment does not grant rights to the people.  It places limitations on the powers of Congress.  The sentence begins CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW…pretty clear and pretty direct.  The First Amendment is directed at CONGRESS.  (Courts cannot make laws so the courts are not germane to the First Amendment.)

Despite how they have brainwashed you in the government schools there is no such thing as CONSTITUTIONAL rights.  All Americans are born with God-given rights and the Constitution clearly enumerates (lists) the restrictions placed on Government.  Should they ever decide to flex their muscles and over-step their authority in an attempt to LIMIT your INALIENABLE, God-given rights to whom do you turn?

Inalienable means “unable to be separated from.”  Skin color is inalienable.  So are sex, height, and hand-size.  Inalienable means “born with.”   You cannot alter or change anything that is inalienable.  A man can cut off his penis but he is still a man.  His sex cannot be taken away or given away.  Same goes for skin color.  Even the late Michael Jackson was black…no matter how much his skin was bleached. INALIENABLE!

Creator endowed rights are inalienable.  Congress can’t take them any more than they can grant them.  Supreme Court Justices cannot alter or abolish them, and “we the people” cannot vote them away.  God-given rights can only be surrendered.

But my experience teaches me that most of us are familiar with religion, speech, press, and assembly.  But it is those ten words tacked on after the final comma that we seem to have forgotten… “and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

What good are our rights if we have no means by which we can appeal when they are violated?  What good is freedom of religion if we have no one to turn to when that right is illegally limited or restricted?  Without someone, or some thing to appeal our case to how can we ever have our grievances redressed?  Redressed means “to make right.”

Is it just me or do you feel there is very little opportunity for the average citizen to have his grievances made right?  To whom does the average American appeal (petition) when government gets out of line?  Do you trust one branch of government (the courts) to give you a fair shake when you have a complaint against another branch (executive) of the same government?

In sports we used to call that home town referees.  Today, in America, our petitions, if even heard, are ruled on by another branch of the same government who violated us in the first place.  That’s if you have the money to fight it.  Did you ever consider the fact that in order to fight the government for your First Amendment rights you have to hire a lawyer?  If petitioning the government for restoration of our rights requires going broke over attorneys’ fees do we really have the right to petition?  What other God-given rights do you have that you have to pay for?

So let’s review the Constitutional restrictions on the Government enumerated in the First Amendment.  Congress can make no laws regarding the free exercise of

  • Religion,
  • Speech,
  • the Press,
  • the right to gather in groups,
  • and the RIGHT to have someone keep the Government off of our backs.

Just as a curiosity, how many of those have been violated because of the China Virus?  To whom do we turn to get those rights restored?  How much will it cost?  How long will I have to wait?  What about a SPEEDY trial by a jury of my peers…not some terrorist in a black robe?  Isn’t the right to a speedy jury trial also an inalienable right?

But here is the rub.  The right to “petition the government for a redress of grievances” should be free.  Financial ruin should never be the consequences of exercising an inalienable right.  Do we expect to pay to exercise out religious rights, or free speech, or assembly?  Why should we have to pay a lawyer to exercise our right to petition for a redress of wrongs?  It is an inalienable right.

America is drifting into tyranny because there is no longer a right to petition for a redress of grievances.  Who do you turn to?  Where do you find an impartial judge?  What happens to crooked judges?  Do they ever pay a price for ripping off inalienable rights?  What penalty do the judges pay for judicial tyranny?  Have you ever tried to get an elected official to help fight for your rights?

There are so many things in America that infuriate me.  How about you?  To whom do you turn to secure your rights?  How much does it cost you?  Why should you have to pay to get the Government to obey the law?  When I show up outside a government building I am not a protestor.  I am a petitioner exercising my inalienable right.  Why do they treat me as if I were a law breaker?

What good is a Constitution if the Government doesn’t obey it?  Where do they get the authority to violate the inalienable rights of an individual American? Well, from us of course, for blindly voting them into office and then keep reelecting them over and over and NOT standing up to them when they screw us. Government is a verb and they have turned it into a noun.

I want the Government to obey the law same as I have to.  I want them to leave me alone.  I have the inalienable right to be free.  The “Government” has stolen my rights and I want them back. Remember, when the government fears the people, you’re free, when you fear the government you’re a slave. If we don’t stand up to those tyrants then we truly deserve what we got.

Rights aren’t free if you have to pay or get permission to exercise them.  To whom do I turn to SECURE my rights?

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

What Do We Do When the Government is Lawless?

Dave Daubenmire

A lawless government requires that free-men become criminals.

Even a cursory study of history would give one the feeling that we have been here before.  This is a dangerous time for liberty in America.

Let’s put aside the supposed dangers of the invisible Wuhan Flu that is creeping from business to business all across America and take a hard look at the government over-reach that is destroying our nation.

My entire life I have been told that we are a nation of laws and that no one is above the law.  Both of those statements no longer ring true with the introduction of a soft martial law quietly imposed on law-abiding American citizens.

Attorney General William Barr recently called it “house arrest” in a rare candid statement from another non-elected public official.  Have you ever stopped and considered how many “appointed” public servants were actually manipulating your life?

Who hired Anthony Fauci?  Who voted Dr. Birx into office, and where in the name of Thomas Jefferson did they get the authority to destroy the financial lives of literally MILLIONS of law-abiding American citizens?

This debate is not about a virus. It is not even about whether or not it is a wise decision to wear a mask, shelter in place, wash your hands regularly, or socially distance.  It is not about how your actions may or may not put a fellow citizen in a life-threatening situation.  It is not about whether you love Trump or hate him, whether you support the donkey or the elephant, and it certainly is not about “choosing” which Americans live or die.

No, my friends, it is not about any of the arguments that you will hear in the media, all of which are designed to tweak your emotions.  It is neither about how many will die nor my need to protect my fellow citizens.  As much as they try to distract you the issue comes down to something as simple as the rule of law.

Does the government have the AUTHORITY to FORCE you to surrender your liberties?

Even today this same government that is so concerned about the “life” of others continues to turn a blind eye to the millions of unborn children whose lives are directly affected by the unhealthy and selfish decisions of their mothers.

Liberty requires risk.  As much as do-good policy wonks pretend to have your best interests at heart when they order you to wear seat belts, or helmets when riding a motorcycle, or not suck on a Marlboro in a public setting, the nanny state is constantly restricting your rights under the guise of health and safety.

The irony is throat gagging.

Look folks, no government can guarantee a person’s safety.   Risk is the Siamese twin of liberty.  You cannot save the one without killing the other.  The whole idea of liberty is that we are all free to make individual choices.  Hopefully our laws go a long way in mitigating calamity, but there is no such thing as a guarantee of freedom from non-preventative risk.

Drunken driving laws did not eliminate drunken driving, laws against texting and driving did not prevent texting and driving, drug laws did not prevent drug use, and wearing masks did not prevent the spread of a virus.  Laws simply PUNISH behavior, not prevent it.

The issue is not whether the draconian efforts to stop the spread of the virus is a good thing, but rather, does the government have the AUTHORITY to DEMAND the people comply.  We are seeing citizens being arrested for simply violating a health order, even if there is no evidence that that person even HAD, let alone SPREAD, the virus to someone else.

What do we do when the government DEMANDS that you take a vaccine?  Do they have the AUTHORITY to demand you inject that concoction into your arm?  What if you can’t travel, or work, or leave your home without one?  Whatever happened to MY BODY MY CHOICE?  Are citizens required to obey such a clearly un-Constitutional order?

How about if the government decides that old people are spreading the disease? What if they demand all medication withheld from people over 60?  Are we to follow that edict as well? Do we sacrifice Grandpa because some government hack determines it is the “right” thing to do?

It grieves me to see how few people are really able to think critically. I guess they called us sheep for a reason.  In several states the sacred vote of the people is now being done by mail.

Forcing someone to “do the right thing” sounds like a good thing until we realize that not everyone operates off of the same set of values.  The lunatic Governor of Michigan thinks Planned Parenthood is making America great, while going to church is a health risk.  Values matter.  That’s why we need laws.

The Constitution of the United States does not grant anyone rights.  The Constitution clearly spells out the limitations specially used to chain down the AUTHORITY of government.  “Congress shall make no law” is a harness on Congress, not a bounce-pass to the courts.  Enumerated powers are restrictions on wanna-be tyrants masquerading as government officials.

Choosing between the death of innocent victims and the death of liberty is a Hobson’s choice. Liberty is risky. Freedom has consequences.

When it is all said and done the greatest tragedy of this whole escapade will be the realization of how willingly Americans bowed their knees to unlawful government.

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.”   Plato

The American government is lawless and no one seems to care.  There is no nice way to say it.

What do you think we should do about that? “Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

A Ball of Confusion

Dave Daubenmire

Most of you reading this are old enough to remember that hit song made popular by The Temptations during the tumultuous seventies.  You can listen to it here.  A Ball of Confusion.

Too bad The Temptations aren’t around today to see how an entire nation has lost its grip on reality. Fewer people believe in an “invisible god” than at any time in history, yet they obediently cower in their homes in fear of an invisible virus.

America is a ball of confusion, for sure.

The Bible tells us that confusion is authored by Satan.  If you are a believer in the Bible you need to look no further than to see confirmation of the Devil’s existence than a trip through social media and the varied explanations for what is REALLY going on in this world.

If you are anything like me you have friends on both ends of the spectrum.  Some love Trump, others think he is a tool of the Deep State.  Some believe him to be a Christian, others thing his father is the Devil.  One group says he is about to arrest Hillary, et al, while others say it is all a ruse.  Good people…on both sides of the issues.

A ball of confusion, for sure.

I have my beliefs and I am pretty vocal about them, but I am finding that more and more people have already taken a position and are locked in on their opinion of what is actually going on in the country.

People are not looking for Truth…they are looking for information that supports their position.  They have staked out their position and no matter what evidence is presented to them they are not interested in a debate.  They are not interested in THE Truth…but rather THEIR Truth.

It is all part of the confusion.

Although this might appear to be self-serving I would like to invite you to visit my website.  We have recently begun posting a variety of videos in an attempt to expose viewers to some perspectives that they have not considered.  They are all FREE and archived here.  We invite you to check them out and we update them daily.

We produce a LIVE daily podcast at every morning at 7 am EDT.  It is a look at today’s issue from a Biblical perspective where we try to cover all of the topics that our Pastors refuse to discuss.  Christians should be the best informed, most enlightened citizens on the planet.  Instead, they are some of the dullest, least interested, most poorly equipped people in the country.

We try our best to open the blind eyes of those who refuse to see the Truth.

Just this week we produced two MUST SEE programs.  You would be wise to watch both of them.

Tuesday morning we hosted former CIA insider and whistle blower Kevin Shipp.  The show can be viewed here.  If you want to better understand the Deep State and just how much they have infiltrated every corner of the American government no one will give you a better overview than Kevin Shipp.

On Wednesday morning Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was riveting as she discussed with our interactive audience everything you need to know about vaccinations.  Is it the goal of the Deep State to see all of us vaccinated?  Are they safe?  Do they REALLY contain aborted baby cells?  Why are Bill Gates and his minions so hell bent on injecting poison into every American?  Are vaccinations the end game of what Dr. Tenpenny called a PLANNED-demic?   You can view her interview here.

At no time in history has the battle for Truth been more obvious than it is today.  Jesus told us that “only the TRUTH can make us free.”  Fake news, Fake Government, Fake laws, Fake Truth, Fake Christianity…it is imperative that you become a TRUTH Inspector.

We are here to help.  Please take the time to view the two shows and share them with others you are trying to awaken.  We must all engage in the battle at this critical time in world history.

America is a ball of confusion.  Let’s help others cut through the fog.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Non-Essential Churches and the Failure of America’s Pulpits

Dave Daubenmire

Let me say right up front that I proudly stand with recently arrested Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne.

I am sure that is alarmingly to some of my less “awake” fellow American Christians who are convinced that the job of the government is to regulate the church. Some of the responses that I have read on Facebook regarding his arrest are striking evidence of the failure of America’s pulpits.

Somewhere along the line pastors have convinced their goats that “obeying the government” is the “duty” of good “law abiding” Americans.  They love to cite Romans 13 as a reason for their flocks kowtowing to wickedness.  The same guy, the Apostle Paul, who wrote Romans 13 also instructed his followers to “have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, expose them.”  Expose what?  Unfruitful works of darkness.

Darkness connotes evil and evil is recognized by what it destroys.  Jesus warned us that “you shall know them by their fruit.”  In other words, only good works can produce fruit.  Dark works destroy.  They are unfruitful.  We are called to examine the fruit and have nothing to do with anything that does not produce good fruit.

But what determines what is good and what is bad?  What is the standard by which such judgments should be made?   “I hear tell the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  Good intentions do not necessarily produce good fruits.  Take public welfare for instance.  The intent of the program was to provide food and shelter for those who were in need.  But even though the intent was good the results of the government welfare program has been devastating to America.  Robbing from the rich to give to the poor sounds like a great thing to do but it is destructive.

It steals fruit.  It produces nothing.  Government welfare is the “unfruitful works of darkness.”

Government can be both good and bad.  Good government is productive when it produces good fruit.  Bad government destroys.  All you have to do is look at most major American cities.  Entire neighborhoods and people groups have been destroyed by the benevolence of government social engineering which determined that it is good to steal from the wealthy and give to the poor.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” represented the good intentions of Karl Marx but thievery never produces fruit.  Spreading the wealth around does not increase wealth, it simply redistributes it.  The religion of Communism is unfruitful.

There was a time in America when the “welfare” of the people was the responsibility of the church.  Have you ever heard of the Salvation Army?  I remember my father strumming his guitar and singing;

Salvation Army. Salvation Army. Put a nickel on the drum and save another drunken bum. Salvation Army. Salvation Army. Put a nickel on the drum and you’ll be saved.”

The Salvation Army represented the Church.  The SALVATION Army was concerned with men’s SOULS.  They reached the soul by going through the stomach.  They fed the “bums” and then led them to Christ.  Their goal was not to FEED the hungry, but to SAVE the hungry.  Hence, SALVATION army.  They are still around today, but they are more renowned for feeding PEOPLE at disasters than for saving SOULS from disaster.

Thanks to LBJ and his Great Society, feeding the poor is now the job of government so churches are free from the financial responsibility of helping the poor and can now focus more on prosperity of the church members.  The church now looks to the government to help the downtrodden and as a result most churches have become less essential than Wal-Mart.

I don’t know about where you live, but in my local town all the stores are open and all of the churches are closed.  Churches, sorry to say, have made themselves non-essential.  The Government is now God and most of America’s churches happily obey their government task masters.

The church is supposed to serve soul food.  I guess that is no longer considered essential.  Who needs to go to church for “fellowship” when Facebook is one screen-swipe away.  Maybe Jesus will be your Facebook friend!

Planned Parenthood is now an essential business. They kill babies. Eight states have ordered them closed as non-essential, yet in every state but Texas they continue to operate. PP sued for the right to remain open.  Not one CHURCH considered the government-ordered church closing worthy of a court challenge.  Baby murder is essential.  Feeding the souls of people is not.

We deserve whatever plague comes our way.  If the government can order the church to close is the government the head of the church?  Can government decide to take your guns?

Dr. Howard-Browne has received the scourge of the non-essential churches.  How dare he defy the order of the government and put the lives of people at risk!  The fools miss the entire point!  Browne IS concerned about the people.  He is concerned about their SOULS.  He believes they need SPIRITUAL nourishment in this time of famine.

Most of America’s churches are spiritually dead.  Jesus told us that “greater love has no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friends.”  Jesus walked right into the midst of the lepers and healed them.  He never told his followers to “social distance” from those who were soul-sick.

Dr. Browne is not a law-breaker as some have alleged. He is a law KEEPER…adherent to a higher law.  The GOVERNMENT IS NOT GOD despite what your pastor may have convinced you. Planned Parenthood is still open as the government jails a pastor for opening the church doors.  I guess the government and the pastors both agree that Spiritual nourishment is non-essential. The government is not God.  We are One Nation UNDER God. Wake up !!

“Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”  God bless Dr. Rodney-Howard Browne.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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May Your Chains Set Loosely

By Dave Daubemire

I love my country but I hate the government.

Is it OK for me to say that?  I hate everything about the cronyism and the fact that justice and liberty can be bought.  You certainly aren’t foolish enough to believe that all Americans are treated the same, are you?

You do realize that those in “government,” and those who buy-off elected officials are treated differently than the average Joe who is fighting hard to live life here in Amerika. As my friend Doug Hagmann so aptly puts it, we have a LEGAL system, but not a JUSTICE system.  There is only JUSTICE in America if you have figured out a way to buy your position in the club.

There is a club, and the average American is not in it.  Some like to call it the deep state…but it is soooo much bigger than that.  Influence peddling is the name of the game and the average American is so busy working to keep up with his growing tax bill that he doesn’t have time to actually get involved in making a difference.

Heck, even local politics are rigged.  The power brokers in small towns are no different than the boys in Washington…they simply swim in a smaller swamp.   Local government is the minor leagues for those who aspire to “serve the people.”  Yeah right.  Public servants.  Give me a freakin’ break.

The prissy pastors are complicit in this whole mess.  During this recent “pandemic” they stumbled all over themselves in an attempt to be the first member of the clergy to show how obedient they were to “the government.”  At a time of America’s greatest crisis the church leaders encouraged the goats to obey the government and “shelter in place.”  That’s what good little obedient sheep do.  Shut down the church.  Obey their masters.  The government loves you.

What Would Jesus Do?  Can you find one time in all of the Scriptures where Jesus advised His followers to “shelter in place” Did He encourage them to run FROM danger or to run TOWARD the danger.  Is there one instance of Jesus ANYWHERE in the Scriptures calling for His followers to RETREAT?  Shelter in place.  Self quarantine?  Hide from danger?  Or my personal favorite, obey the government?

Obey the government, Coach.  Christians are supposed to obey the government.  We model obedience for the rest of the people.  Have you read Romans 13, Coach?”

Actually, I have read Romans 13 and it instructs us to obey RIGHTEOUS government, not tyrannical government.  Paul told us that elected officials were “ministers” of God “for good.”  Are you telling me than the rag tag miscreants that we see running America are MINISTERS?

What happens when those “ministers” start “ministering” bad things?  Do we still obey them?  Remember this is the same cabal of “ministers” who gave us child sacrifice, sodomite marriage, the sewage of pornography as free speech, and government robbery masquerading as taxation.

Now the benevolent bastards want to give you your own money back in the form of stimulus.  Why don’t they cancel ALL TAXATION until we right the ship?  We are broke, yet they want to give us $6 trillion in stimulus from a pot that is already empty.  The money is fake.  It is simply digits on a balance sheet.  Our dollar is fake money.  Monopoly money.

How about this verse, my Romans 13 loving friends. “The Lord hates unjust weights and measures.” Can you say phony money? Ever hear the term “not worth a Continental?” That’s the American greenback, boys and girls. The dollar ain’t worth nothing. Created out of thin air.  And now the “ministers” want to return $1200 to you out of your weekly government tithe.

The Apostle Paul wrote nearly 2/3 of the New Testament, much of it from jail.  For a guy who is credited with telling the rest of us Christians to obey the government he sure set a poor example himself.  His buddy Peter told us to “obey God rather than man.”  Were these two writers schizophrenic?  What do you do when government disobeys God?

It is time we faced it Christians.  Our government is lawless and Godless.  Those two adjectives go hand and hand.  Godlessness leads to lawlessness because everyone ends up “doing what is right in their own eyes.”

The most massive abuse of liberty in American history is happening before our very eyes, all in the name of the “government” keeping us safe.  I didn’t ask for the governments help.  I didn’t ask them to protect me from a virus.  They didn’t get my approval before the shut down the nation by squashing all of my personal freedoms. Did you vote for that?

Benjamin Franklin warned us that “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”  Bingo Ben.  Americans will go down cowering in our closets, obedient to the government tyrants masquerading as “ministers.”

Nothing about our government is righteous.  Nothing.  Thomas Jefferson warned us that “resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”  Today’s pulpits bow to the tyrannical “ministers” who got us in this mess in the first place.

I’m sick of the government.  I’m sick of cowardly, compliant, clergy.  I’m sick of what has happened to our country.  We have the most cowardly Christian leadership in the history of Christendom.

Samuel Adams put it best.  “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

What is wrong with YOU?  Aren’t you sick of it?  Where in the Hades are our brave Christian leaders?   Amerika is sinking into a police state.

In such a fearful world we need a fearless church.—TS Lewis.

Rise up men of God.  The window is closing.  Things will get a lot worse before they get better.

The tyrants are coming.  May your chains set loosely.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Death of Globalism

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Globalism has failed.  Open borders has yielded deadly fruit.  Our foundations have been destroyed.

It is 6:30 on Wednesday March 11 as I write this.  The markets have taken another hit today as a result of the much hyped weaponized flu attack.

And an attack it is.  Not necessarily in the manner that most of you think, a sickness designed to wreak havoc on the health of the world, but an attack on those who still believe in the nation-state and the right of the people to self determination.

I’ve never seen anything like it.  All of the media focus that was spent the last three years on Russia, Trump, and the mess in Washington has been erased from our memory.  Suddenly, right on cue, the focus of the entire Fake Media has switched to the virus.  The onslaught on the common sense of the world has been startling to watch.

Let me make it clear, I do not know the real danger of the now-declared pandemic.  I don’t know who to trust, or what to believe, but I get the sinking sensation that something very big is being orchestrated.  Without getting into the technical discussion of whom or what has caused this to appear, permit me to present a plausible explanation for what is happening.

The American dollar is dead.  It is backed by nothing and printed out of thin air.  Our debt is unpayable and everyone in the know, knows it.  The world is broke.  No currency anywhere in the world is actually backed by anything.  The dollar is a piece of paper.  Nothing more, and nothing less.  They simply tell us it has value.  But we all know better.  The fake dollar cannot continue to be used to pay real debts.

Our unfunded mandates are in the trillions, and our personal debt is at staggering levels.  A total reset of the world’s economic system is the only solution to get the American people back on our feet.

The goal of the globalists is a cashless society in which they have total control.  If you can’t see the old switcheroo happening before your very eyes I question your ability to think.  The actual MONEY in circulation, they tell us, carries the virus.  Looks to me like a pretty good reason to stop the actual exchange of paper.

While they have had the American people divided over race, religion, sex, and politics they have been working behind the scenes to orchestrate a coup on America, the crown jewel of the world economy.  As goes America so goes the world.  Since the Great Depression of 1929 a well organized cabal of Luciferians has been at work in an attempt to seize control of the entire world.  Both American political parties have been complicit as their leaders have been bought and paid for by this Satanic cabal.

The American populace has been slow to catch on to the scheme but have recently begun to wipe the sawdust from their eyes.  What started out as a Tea Party Movement over a decade ago has not blossomed into full-blown woke-ness as more and more American’s have recognized the Demonic schemes.  Hillary’s election would have ushered in the final pall bearers on American independence.

But something happened on the way to the funeral.  President Trump was elected and threw a monkey-wrench into their final act.  The jury is still out on what Trump’s motives are, and where his loyalties truly lie, and time will tell if he is the knight on the white horse so many have believed him to be.

No matter how you view the President, his platform of Nationalism has been the tuning fork that caught the attention of a still slumbering populace and drew the ire of those hell-bent on globalization.  Donald Trump cannot make America great again.  Only We The People can do that, but he is the one who planted the vision in the mind of millions of Americans.

What we are embarking on now is unchartered territory for us.  We are the most pampered populace in the history of the world and time will determine whether we have the gumption and the gall to fight to restore this nation.  A financial reset has to come, and let it come before we are unable to fight back.  Tough times are coming, and short of a pre-tribulation rapture, Christians are going to have to actively engage in this war for America.  The future of our grandchildren depends on it.

Money makes the world go around and for too long the money masters have been scheming for total control of the world.  They have burdened us with debt that is not ours, to people we do not owe, with money that is not our own.  Who in the hell put us trillions of dollars in debt and then told me I had to pay for it?  The line is drawn in the sand and we must fight NOW to take back what was stolen from us.

In a sense we have been here before.  The history of our nation is lined with cataclysmic events from which we were told that we would never recover.  But we did…we always have…and we are now faced with our greatest challenge yet.  Can America once again rise from the ashes and restore a nation that we so willingly pissed away?  Is the future of our children worth the struggle to restore the foundations?

Globalism is dead but we must fight to remove the rotting corpse. It won’t be easy. The financial reset had to come. It is upon us. How we handle the next 12 months will determine the future of this nation.

Americans have become soft.  It is a result of the ungodly affluence that most Americans enjoy.  We didn’t fight when we could have saved everything but perhaps we will fight when we have nothing left to lose.

Will God grant us a reprieve?  Only if He is central to the plan.  “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?”  How about repent?  Fight?  Rebuild?

Globalism is dead. America is on life support. Tighten your belt and earn your meal money, boys. All of history is watching.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Fear God and Keep His Commandments

Dave Daubenmire

God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. —Psalm 7-11

This commentary is sure to get some religious folk storming into the aisle.

The “God is love” only crowd is sure to have a conniption, but that will not dissuade me from speaking the Truth. As I often like to tell anyone who will listen, there are a lot of things that we believe are in the Bible that just is not so.  There is nothing as dangerous as having an unbalanced view of Almighty God.

“Trust, but verify,” was the term that Ronald Reagan coined in regards to his dealings with the Russkis and I think we would do well to apply the same litmus test to those assigned the task of “teaching” us…both secular and sacred.  To paraphrase The Gipper, “The problem with my Christians friends is not that they are misinformed but that so much of what they believe simply is not true.”

That’s Christians I am referring to.  Most have a difficult time distinguishing between Truth and fiction because they have failed to read the Word for themselves and have chosen to be spoon fed by the six-foot icicle that they call Pastor.

God is love alright, the Bible does tell us that, but that is not all He is.  In this nicer-than-Jesus era in which we live today many Christians are completely unaware that God displays hated.  That’s right.  God hates.  In fact, He is really good at it.  Psalm 139 tells us that WE should be great at it as well.

“I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.”

When was the last time you heard a sermon on that one?  “Do not I hate them, O LORD that hate thee?”  When were you last exhorted to hate?  I thought God loved everybody and everything.  Are you surprised to discover that God hates?  “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.”  Are you taught to hate evil?

You don’t have to dig very deeply into the Bible to find a plethora of things that God hates.  Permit me to share just a few with you.  God hates:

False oaths (Zechariah 8:17)

The wicked (Psalm 11:5)

Those who love violence (Psalm 11:5)

The froward [perverse] (Proverbs 3:32)

A proud look (Proverbs 6:16-17)

A lying tongue (Proverbs 6:17)

Hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17)

A heart that devises wicked imaginations (Proverbs 6:18)

Feet that are swift in running to mischief (Proverbs 6:18)

A false witness who speaks lies (Proverbs 6:19)

Anyone who sows discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:19)

Lying lips (Proverbs 12:22)

The sacrifices of the wicked (Proverbs 15:8)

The ways of the wicked (Proverbs 15:9)

God hated Esau (Malachi 1:1-3)

I’m sure there are more.  I hate to shake you up but the Bible speaks much more about the things God hates than it does the things that God loves.

I look around at all of the wicked things that are going on in America and I find myself nearly apoplectic at how disinterested most Christians are in regards to the unrestrained evil advancing in every area of this once-moral nation.  For the most part, the church has lost its saltiness and wicked folks are driving the bus.

The Bible tells us that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  The church no longer fears the Lord.  They preach a message of love and acceptance when Christ’s message was one of exclusivity.  All are welcome at His table.  But it is HIS table and you must come on HIS terms.  Evil will not sit in the presence of the Lord.

The Christian God is a God of exclusion, not inclusion.  “I am the way, I am the Truth, I am the life, NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME.”  Strait is the gate and NARROW is the way… and few find it.

Hebrews 10:31-32 says that “For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord.”  And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Everyone knows Jesus loves them. I hear it on the streets all the time. But I rarely hear the FEAR of God preached to the lost. Fear God and flee evil.  That is the Gospel message needed today. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Eccl. 12:13

To teach ONLY that God is love is to teach only part of the story. Almighty God is a God of love and a God of wrath. Wise men fear him. It is the fear of the Lord that drives men to Christ.  Prov 16:6.

Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Open Your Mouth and Speak While You Still Can

Dave Daubenmire

The internet has been the bane of Western Civilization.

Although we are thankful for many of the advancements in technology that make our lives so much more convenient, the truth is that same technology is responsible for further silencing the mouth of the nearly mute silent majority.

Internet censorship, especially against Christian and conservative voices, is at an all time high and it seems as if there is no relenting in the Left’s desire to silence any voice with which they do not agree.

Although the tolerance crowd loves to yap their trap about everyone having a voice, they are the most intolerant of all of God’s creatures.  If you are not willing to toe the tolerant party line be sure that your opinion is headed to the valley of forgetfulness, buried along with the conscience of a nation and the Voice of Almighty God.

Christian, you are God’s voice in this sea of diversity and your duty to speak is more critical now than at any time in American History.  Your voice matters.  Your voice carries weight.  Your voice is needed if we are to right the voyage of this Good Ship America.

Silence isn’t golden, it is yellow. If silence was such a noble characteristic why do our friends on the Left not employ the same practices when they try to jam their opinions down our throats? Who said that Christians are the ones who always need to turn the other cheek? Do you know anyone who ever won a debate via silence? Why are we so afraid to speak our mind?

Where were you taught that only those on the Left were able to freely speak their minds?  When was the last time you heard someone on the Left referred to as a “Christiphobe, bigot, racist, or sexist?” Why have we permitted the arguments to become so one-sided? Why is it that Christians are forced to play by a different set of rules?  Why do we agree to it?  Why do we let the bullies bully us?

Although none of the names that they call me fit me, the question I have for them is “So what if I am?”  Am I allowed to be?  Is it against the law for me to be a bigot…or homophobe…or sexist…or racist?  Who gets to be the determiner of which point of view is acceptable?

Just to make sure that we are on the same page, bigot is defineda  person who is obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular religious creed, opinion, practice or ritual.”  Being a bigot is not necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, there are black bigots and white bigots.  Homo bigots and hetero bigots. Climate change bigots and climate denier bigots.  Christian bigots and anti-Christian bigots.  Jewish bigots and anti-Jewish bigots.  Trump bigots and never-Trump bigots.  Bernie bigots and anti-Bernie bigots.

Bigotry in itself is not a bad thing. Bigotry simply identifies a belief system. I personally am VERY bigoted against onions, snakes, and stupid people….regardless of their color.  I hate sin.  I hate lies.  I hate bad breath.  I am a proud bigot.  You should be too.

The same goes for racists and phobes.  “Homo” can mean either “same” or “man.”  I am not afraid of things that are the same and I generally am not afraid of men.  So, I don’t even know what a homophobe is.  I guess it is just a name they use to scare us into silence.

Plus there is only one race…human.  Skin color does not determine “race” it determines ethnicity.  All humans are part of the Human Species.  Black is not a race, it is a skin color.  So is white…and yellow…and brown.  “IST” is simply a suffix of a word that shows what someone practices…like a machinist, apologist, socialist, or rapist.  So a racist identifies someone who practices race…human I assume.  The study of humans is quite interesting.

The Left uses so many made-up terms.  “Fake words” I think President Trump would call them.  But the problem isn’t the fake words.  The problem is who gets to determine when and where the fake words apply.  I am tired of living by someone else’s standards.  Sorry, but who said the social justice warriors are the arbiters of right and wrong for all spectrums of the rainbow?  (Am I allowed to use the rainbow?)

Well, I am sick of the double standard.  I think homosexuals are heterophobic, humanists are Godophobic, Democrats are Trumpophobic, feministst are masculiphobic, and blacks are caucasphobic.

Political disagreements are not phobias and opinions about others are not illegal.  In fact, some of the harshest judgments I ever hear uttered are criticisms of those who claim to be Christians.  Non-Christians are perfectly free to “judge” Christians but Christians are never free to “judge” non-Christians.  Calling a Christian “deplorable” is perfectly acceptable but calling a homosexual a sodomite is bigoted.  Can somebody help me here?

Folks, America is the “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave.”  When we stop being brave we will no longer be free.  Don’t let the Left put words in your mouth.  If your words are not free then your thoughts are not free.  It is time to stop letting the Left set all the ground rules for how we will live together.   What is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Fight fire with fire.

To hell with the speech police.  Open your mouth and speak.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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What Kind of America are We leaving to Our kids?

Dave Daubenmire

Termites Destroyed The Foundation

NOTE:  This commentary was originally written in 2002.  Please keep in mind this represents the political climate 18 years ago, but it is still relevant today.

“It all depends on what the meaning of is, is.”

With those words, then president of the United States Bill Clinton, crystallized to the world something that we all had sensed. Like a soft buzzing in our ears we were aware something was out of whack in America, but we couldn’t quite put our finger on it. That proclamation out of the mouth of the most powerful man in America diagnosed the ailment. The greatest nation in the history of the world, a government of laws undergirded by Truth, had been replaced. There was a new sheriff in town. A coup de tat had taken place in the culture and the mouth of the President trumpeted the arrival of this new nation.

A nation not of laws, but of opinions.

“…every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes” Deut. 12:8

The greatest threat to America has always been from within. While we focused on the enemies from without, (can you say cold war) subversion below the radar screen was eating away at the foundations of the nation like the termites in an oak tree. The gnawing upon the foundation was within plain view, but we were told that the termites were actually strengthening the foundation, chewing away all of the rotten wood. The termites, we were told, would eventually make the nation stronger.

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalms 11:3

What are the foundations of this great nation? What has made America great? Even a casual reading of early American history will reveal that the 10 Commandments was the model upon which the Constitution was created. The United States Constitution and the Decalogue had one thing in common. They were both based on the rule of law. Honored in our homes, and posted in our classrooms, Americans knew that the teaching of these precepts to our Children insured the passing from generation to generation the foundations that supported the nation. Some things were right, and some things were wrong, but we all agreed on a standard by which all Americans would be judged.

The 10 Commandments and The U. S. Constitution were the rule books. For 200 years the nation thrived.

Enter the termites. Few at first, but ravenous nonetheless. Madalyn Murray, The ACLU, People For The American Way, Liberal Seminaries and Universities, labor unions, all munching away at the main beam supporting this experiment in self-government.

“Separation of Church and State” their teeth gnawed. No prayer in school, remove the 10 Commandments off of the wall, no prayer at graduation…or before football games, take God out of the pledge…they hacked away at the root of the nation. “We’re good Americans too “the white ants cried. “We want to see the Constitution applied to everyone. No one has the right to tell another person what to do. You have no right to force your religion on me”, the winged Isopterans moaned. Like the proverbial frog in a pan of boiling water, the heat was gradually turned up to the point where God-fearing Americans believed that they were the ones who were wrong. Intolerant, hate-monger, homo-phobe the nest of foundation-eaters, like a cow chewing his cud, continually ruminated.

In 1980 the Supreme Court of the United States, standing on the same shaky foundation, ruled that the posting of the 10 Commandments in public schools was unconstitutional. The American rule book, holding together this republic for 2 centuries was taken off of the wall. The Termites had broken through. A crack had appeared in the foundation. It would take years for the real damage to take full effect, but the white ants moved rapidly into the crevice, boring away at the girders of this once great Christian nation.

THOU SHALL NOT MURDER became……a woman’s right to choose.

THOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY became….homosexual rights.

THOU SHALL NOT LIE became….”It all depends on what the meaning of is, is.”

The fault line was complete. The rules had been altered. The standards had changed. The Truth no longer mattered. The sawdust of the Termites’ destruction has finally been exposed.

The President of the United States lied under oath and got away with it. 40 million babies have been murdered hiding behind the banner of CHOICE. The institution of marriage is no longer valued. Alcohol and drugs ravage a generation in the name of freedom. Enron, World Com, and Global Crossing have been swallowed up in covetousness.

Do you remember the election debacle in Florida? Chads, dimples, perforations counted as votes. Never before had the Termites chewed so publicly, eating away at election laws. It all depends on what the meaning of “vote,” is. Knowing the national foundations had been removed, the insects moved in for the kill. In the middle of the game, after the election was over, they wanted to change the standards. After years of sitting in slowly boiling water, God -fearing Americans were unable to recognize the insect’s blatant disregard for the rule of law.

The standards had changed and we couldn’t even recognize it.

I am reminded today of a conversation I had with my 81 year old father before the election of 2000. My dad, a dyed-in-the-wool union Democrat, had been a tremendous moral example to his children. He had spent his life, giving us a better one. I had to ask him the question.

“Dad, why are you voting for Al Gore?” I looked upon his deeply wrinkled face, wearied by WWII, and the pressures of raising a family in the 60’s and 70’s. His lip quivered as he spoke.

“Well Dave, for as long as I can remember, whenever there was a Democrat in office the economy was good. When there was a Republican, we had either a war or a recession.”

The Termites had infected this proud, patriotic, Christian American.

I took a deep breath and spoke into his still-lively soul. “I see your point, Dad…. But the last time there was a Democratic president, I had to explain to my 11 year old daughter what oral sex was.”

I guess the Termites where right….It’s the economy, stupid.

A wise man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. Proverbs13:22.

When age finally takes my dad from the earth it won’t be his money I will treasure. His sense of right and wrong, his love of family, and the Christian American work ethic, that’s the inheritance my father has left me.

What are we leaving to our kids? In the end, isn’t that all that matters?

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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We Can Win This Fight

Coach Dave Daubenmire

I have been in the front line Christian ministry for twenty years.  Fighting against the forces of darkness is what we do here at  We are a Mom and Pop style operation that is very effective in what we do.  I am the only full time employee of this ministry with a bevy of volunteers around the country.

We kick lot of butt.  Some of it you hear about, but most of it you don’t.  We tend to fight in obscurity and are very effective in what we do.  I could run down a litany of victories that we have had in the cultural war but I will not take the time to blow my own horn.  We are agile, mobile, and hostile against the forces of darkness.

The LEFT knows our name.  They know that we are nothing too be laughed at.  That is why my inbox is full of fully erect penises.  That’s right…they have peppered me with vile pictures.

I’m not making that up.  The homosexual mafia loves to try and intimidate anyone who refuses to be bullied by them and they fight like little girls.  They are vicious…but they are very childish.  Character assassination…real or perceived…is their favorite weapon and they have been shooting at us with both barrels for over a week.

Last week I penned and article entitled Let’s Sue The NFL.  In the commentary I postulated that it is time for Christians to fight back and that I was endeavoring to sue the NFL, and others, for pumping the soft-porn halftime show into my home without a warning.  Never in my wildest dreams could I have predicted the push back that I would receive from the dark side which lives their lives in the shadows of sexual deviancy.  My email inbox has been bombarded with hard-core porn.

The Left media has mocked me unmercifully.  Simply “Google Coach to sue NFL” and you will find literally hundreds of links to less-than-flattering stories about my intentions.  The latest was the Late Show with Stephen Colbert where he falsely labels me a “Horney Man.”  Start at the four minute mark and watch the mockery that they love to pour over the head of anyone who professes Biblical morality.  Can you imagine such treatment of a sodomite or other minority?

To fully understand my position, watch this brief four minute clip from Fox News where I get a chance to make my case.  Porn is not a laughing matter.  Porn is destroying America.

I have spent the last six days doing interviews with Leftist radio hosts who sole desire is to make Christianity and Bible believing Christians look like fools.  Their assault has been unrelenting.

But we can actually win.  I really do intend on suing, and I intend to win.  Unfortunately, most Christians have very faith. I have received hundreds of emails in support, but a common theme is that “we can’t win.”  The NFL is too powerful…and of course it will take a lot of money…and they have high powered lawyers…and Christians aren’t supposed to sue…and …of course, turn the other cheek.  How does the House of Faith have so little faith?  If GOD BE FOR ME…

We really are moving forward and I am working with a team of individual Christian attorneys who have volunteered to engage the enemy in the fight.  We only lose when we don’t fight.  What is that old saying…it is not whether you win or lose it is how you play the game?  If Christians really believe that why do they worry so much about losing?  It doesn’t sound like an exercise of faith to me.

Did you ever hear of David and Goliath?  I wonder what those odds were in Las Vegas…

We’ve been digging up some good stuff.  Did you know that according to FCC regulations the law has already been violated?  To quote from the FCC

“Broadcasting obscene content is prohibited by law at all times of the day. Indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience. “

Did you know that the NFL was already found guilty of this back in 2004 when Janet Jackson’s boob was exposed during a “wardrobe malfunction?”  Oh Yeah.  Did you know the NFL was given a hefty fine?  Did you know that the NFL just doubled-down in the latest halftime on a charge they had already been found guilty of?  Did you know they probably figured we’d roll over and take it.

Read the lawsuit language here.  Pay special attention to statements #13 and #34.  Folks, their goose is cooked.  They have ALREADY been found guilty of this charge in 2004.

What do you mean we can’t win?  They already lost on the same charges!!

Here is where we need your help.

Please go HERE and file a complaint with the FCC.  It is very private and a very simple thing to do.  Simply complain about the soft porn at halftime.  They are REQUIRED to protect children yet they have failed to do their job.

Please donate to this lawsuit.  Our goal is to raise $50,000 for initial filings and preparation.  Our lawyers will fight for us at a reduced rate but there are expenses.  THIS IS NOT AN OVERWHELMING AMOUNT.   We need 1000 people to donate $50 and we are off to the races.  Ask your friends and family to contribute as well.  This money will go specifically to fighting this fight for decency.

PLEASE DONATE HEREWE CAN WIN!!  But we must fight!

I’ve put my neck on the line.  I need your support.  COME ON CHURCH !!  We can DO this!!

If you are a lawyer or have special legal skills please contact us.


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Let’s Sue The NFL

Dave Daubenmire

Sometimes I don’t know why I waste the energy, but I am on a 24/7 march to wake up Christian America. It is the greatest challenge of my life.

I really don’t care what others think or say, but I immensely care about what people do. God created me with a competitive spirit and I used it most of my life in athletic endeavors.

The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat was the Devil’s brew that drove me most of my life.  I’ve never been afraid to lose.  Losing is a temporary state of mind and if dealt with properly it will launch you to even greatly heights.

I hate to lose but I’m not afraid to.  Most people are afraid to lose.  You’ll never hit a home run if you don’t swing the bat.

Fearful people are leading the American church.  They preach a Gospel of victory, but they live a life of defeat and surrender.  Fear is a fickle foe.  The only power it has over us is the power that we yield to it.  Fear is a fraud, a fake reality, a belief in a defeat that has yet to occur.  It is time for us to kill fear.

Abortion is legal in America because our leadership is afraid to fight it.  They fear man.  They fear the ridicule of defeat.  They fear the criticism of weak men.  They fear the cat-calls of the toothless tigers masquerading as opponents.  “In the jungle the mighty jungle the Lion sleeps tonight.”  The Lion of Judah wants to roar but they won’t release him from the cage they lock Him in.  WAKE UP CHURCH!

The American pulpits are filled with the most cowardly leadership in the history of Christianity.  Can you name the last American Christian Pastor to be martyred for his faith?  Dr. King laid down his life to fight injustice.  Today’s “men of God” won’t even speak about abortion from the safety of their church. Evil is running unopposed in this nation and the pulpits are silent out of fear of their government masters.

I wanna fight, damnit!!  For Christ’s sake PASTOR stand up and fight!!

Why doesn’t our side ever go for BIG victories?  Aren’t there any WEALTHY CHRISTIANS who can fund anything except churches and political parties?  We need to go BIG.  We need to up the ante.  We need to force the enemy to put some skin in the game.

Give me Joel Osteen’s budget and we’ll pound some knots on the Devil’s head.  Send a million bucks our way and we’ll deliver a few scalps.  Most Christians fight not to lose.  I say it is time to go for the jugular.  Does our side ever call the Left’s bluff?  Do we ever go ALL IN?

I love Rush Limbaugh.  I’m sorry death is knocking at his door.  He has no children.  We realize where his talent is on loan from but who will he leave HIS money to?  He could fund a nuclear-type assault on George Soros and his gang.  Rush knows where the bodies are buried.  What good is accumulating money when they are eating our children?

Most Christian ministries put on band aids.  They wipe noses, clean up after disasters, and help the wounded.  But do we ever CAUSE any wounds?  Do we ever go on the offensive?  Do we ever put the FEAR OF GOD into the enemy?  Do we ever cause them to bleed?

The young kid from Covington Catholic drew some blood.  I have a feeling that his lawyers are sharpening their knives even as we speak.  They left a mark on CNN.  I gotta believe they are going to put a few more welts on some folks.  As Rocky Balboa would say…”that’s how winning is done!”

I’m looking for some folks who want to swing for the fences.

Let’s sue the NFL.  Let’s sue Fox.  Let’s sue Pepsi. Let’s sue our local cable company.  Let’s sue everyone responsible for the Stooper-Vile halftime show.  Let’s stand up and protect the innocent.

Isn’t there a lawyer in America who will help our side fight back?  Won’t some wealthy Christian fund the assault?

The NFL pumped porn into our homes.  They didn’t tell us that they were going to do it. They put no warning on the screen before J-Lo started her strip-club act.  The consciences of millions of innocent children were violated without warning.  We turned in to watch the pig skin and as a bonus got a trip to the pig pen.  They violated the sanctity of our homes without our approval.

Could J-Lo get away with that act in a public elementary school?  What gives them the right to pump that sewage into our homes and violate the sanctity without warning? I don’t know what law they violated…obscenity…pandering…corruption of a minor…but let’s find one.  Let’s sue them all.  Let’s go for the throat.

This is not a free-speech issue.  J-Lo and here gaggle of exhibitionists have no right to come into my home uninvited.  They pumped lewd videos into our homes without proper notification.  There was no chance to protect the young eyes gathered around the family tube.  I went to a football game and an orgy broke out.

“It’s never been done, Coach.  The courts are against us.  We can’t possibly win.”

Really?  How do you know?  Are we just gonna sit back and allow them to penetrate into the sanctity of our homes and dump sewage without warning?  They said the Covington Catholic boys couldn’t win either.

For two generations the God-haters have owned the courts, but things are beginning to change.  The SCOTUS is swinging RIGHT…and Trump has appointed 187 conservative Federal judges with another bunch waiting for confirmation.

Sorry for the pun…but I am serious as a judge.  If you are an attorney and you want to help or if you have a bag full of money to fund the battle please contact me.  Let’s go to war.  Let’s sling some stones.  Heck, they won’t even let me post stuff on Facebook because it violates “community standards.”

I’m sick of it.  Why don’t we fight back?  Let’s file a 10 million victim class action lawsuit.

Do Christians have no standards?  Can they shovel their uninvited bilge into our sanctuary?  Aren’t our homes more sacred than a Facebook page?

My wife says this commentary sounds angry.  She’s right.  I AM angry.  Why aren’t you?  What is it going to take?

Let’s sue them all.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Fake Politicians, Fake Media and Fake Laws Have Destroyed America

Coach Dave Daubenmire

“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:” The Declaration of Independence

The more things change the more they remain the same.  Or, as the Bible puts it, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  With all of the buzz in the media currently focusing on the sham Impeachment in Washington, I find it somewhat comical that our “legislators” have suddenly developed a love affair with an old friend, The Constitution.

After having spent most of their careers ignoring it, and getting away with regularly violating it, their love of our historical founding documents is almost comical. Except, it is no laughing matter. Their willingness to ignore the law is exactly what has gotten this country in the mess that we now find ourselves in.

It borders on the absurd to trust the “Senators” who daily violate the Constitution to debate the degree to which the President has followed the law in his attempt to govern this nation. Our government’s fealty to the Constitution went flying out the window over a hundred years ago, shortly after Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg address.

America is no longer a nation of laws. We are a nation governed by the “opinions” of nine unelected oligarchs. If anyone were to be impeached for dereliction of duty it should be the members of the Supreme Court who have delivered to us a mutated form of government known as a Krytocracy, which is defined as “a government by judges.”  Today, our courts rule our country.  It was a strategic sleight of hand pulled off by communist infiltrators into the corridors of power in America.

Pretended Legislation was one of the charges that Jefferson and his buds listed as a reason for throwing off the chains of the King of England.  In its most simple terms, pretended legislation can be defined as the enforcement of laws that were not really laws.  America is sinking in a swamp infested by fake laws. If you were to take the time to study 8th grade Social Studies you would understand that courts cannot make laws.  Courts issue opinions.  Opinions are not laws.

Courts cannot make laws.  Courts INTERPRET laws.  A court decision does not a law make.

Case in point. I just returned from Richmond where my friends and I were honored to be part of the 2nd Amendment rally at the Statehouse.  But I found it ironic that we were there. How had America strayed so far from the Unalienable rights which were clearly spelled out in the Constitution?  Unalienable rights are rights that are conferred on an individual by birth.

Skin color is unalienable.  Sex is unalienable.  Those are conditions that are incapable of being changed or altered.  An “unalienable” right is one that cannot be repudiated or given to another.  Short of death, altering or changing an unalienable right is impossible because that right is one stamped on the individual. To put another way, it is in the DNA. Bruce Jenner is a man no matter how he feels. King Tut wasn’t Queen Tut because of DNA.  Sex, skin color, and the right to keep and bear arms CANNOT BE ALTERED.

The Declaration clearly spells out three other unalienable rights to which the individual is endowed; Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Yet, today our courts are hell-bent on defending the “right” of a woman to “abort” her unborn child in clear violation of the fact that the right to be born is also unalienable.

But our confusion goes even deeper than that.  Because the Preamble to the Constitution “secures the blessing of liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY” the right to life is clearly affirmed in the constitution.  Our posterity is defined as “those yet unborn” so the right to live is an “unalienable” right.

There is no law granting a woman a RIGHT to an abortion.  In fact, Constitutional law states just the opposite.  The “right” to an abortion is made up. It was a court decision that found that “right” in the “penumbras” (shadows) of the law. Abortion is PRETENDED LEGISLATION, or fake law.  There is no law granting a right to an abortion.  We just act like there is.

Did you ever wonder why there was so much wrangling over the appointment of judges?  One hundred years ago some infiltrators discovered that they could circumvent the democratic process if they simply gave law-making powers to the courts.  Judicial decisions replaced legislation and the resulting “opinions” took on the color of law.

We must come to our senses.  We must return to Constitutional government.  Why bother electing representatives if the judges are the ones who determine our laws?  Fake laws are more destructive than fake news.

Virginia has been the focus of two large rallies this week.  Tens of thousands journeyed to Richmond to PROTECT our unalienable right to guns, while 100 miles up the road thousands gathered to RESTORE the unalienable Right to Life.

Say this with me real slow.  COURT OPINIONS ARE NOT LAWS.  Courts CANNOT make laws.  Court decisions are fake laws.

In the 1966 SCOTUS decision in Miranda the Court opines ““Where rights secured (Affirmed) by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rulemaking or legislation, which would abrogate them.”

Roe v Wade is not a law.  The right to homosexual marriage is not a law.  The separation between the church and the state is not law.  There is no law prohibiting prayer in schools. They are all pretended legislation.  They are court opinions masquerading as fake laws.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”  Declaration of Independence

Pretended legislation.  COURT OPINIONS ARE NOT LAWS.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” —George Santayana

Why do I feel like we have been here before?  Is this Déjà vu all over again?

It is time we stop obeying fake laws.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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It’s Time For Christians to Get Off Their Knees and Fight Back

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me.”  —Bohemian Rhapsody

Sometimes I feel like I live in a bubble.  It seems as if nearly every waking moment my mind is racing as I struggle to figure out what we can do to stop the onslaught of evil that is enveloping this land.

It is not the evil that troubles my sleep.  It is the apathy.  It reminds me of the old saw about the high school social studies teacher who asked his students what was the most pressing need facing the nation.  To his despair, the most common response was, “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

Any way the wind blows….

But my frustration doesn’t come from a gaggle of high school students who couldn’t tell the difference between a paper dollar and a solid Gold Eagle coin, but from the frumpy, sports focused men who attend the regular men’s “prayer breakfast” at your average evanjellyfish assembly.

This really hit home last Monday night as a watched a stadium full of grown men paint their faces and jump up and down in hopes of cheering the LSU Tigers to victory in the National Championship game in The Big Easy.

It was appropriate, I guess, that the game would be played in New Orleans where nothing about the struggle on the field was easy.  Heck, life isn’t easy, and whether we understand it or not it is about to get a lot more difficult for a whole bunch of Americans in the days that lie ahead.

Don’t get me wrong, I watched the game and I rooted hard all season for the Ohio State Buckeyes, but that is only after I spent most of my day fighting for the things that actually matter.   I watch the Bucks for enjoyment not for worship.

Why is it that most American men, Christ lovers included, care so little about how this nation is being ravaged by the forces of darkness?  What will it take to get them out of the pews and into the game?  Why do they seem to care so little about what matters the most?  The future lives of their children and grand children.

Christian values are under assault in this nation and it is next to impossible to find a strong Christian man who will lift a finger to do anything about it.  If their favorite team played as disinterested as God’s team, they wouldn’t take the time to turn on the TV.

Or go to church.  Perhaps it is the ambivalence in the church that makes them so passive.  Their very progeny are being robbed and the sacrifice that their own father’s made to secure liberty is being trampled under, much like the plastic beer cups left in the aisle after Monday’s game.  There is nothing so sad as to have lived for nothing.  The sissified church has taken the fight right out of the men.  The American church is in need of some serious climate change.

I write often and I do a daily podcast at .  Perhaps it is my emersion in the things that really matter that causes my frustration level to be so high.  But it is like watching your favorite football team lose to a team that is clearly overmatched.

“What’s wrong with you guys?!” I heard a friend scream the night that Ohio State lost to Clemson.  “We’re better than this!  You guys act like you don’t even care. Put some heart and soul into what you are doing.”

Could that be the problem with the American church?  Most men aren’t playing with any heart.  In fact, they haven’t ever been taught that Christianity is a participation sport.  Sunday service is a production, a performance by those who have been specifically trained to make sure that no flags are thrown and no penalties called during the “time of worship.”

But what are the men worshiping and why aren’t they doing it with the same passion and zeal that they display as they sit in front of the 54 inch big screen in their man cave?  Could it be that they don’t see church as a training ground for an army of Christian soldiers?  Could it be that they are never challenged to get out of their comfort zones and engage the enemy?  Do they have any idea there IS an enemy?

Any way the wind blows…does it matter to most Christian men?

What drives a man to act like such a fool at football games?  Why do these same men slip into the pew and become so passive?  Is it because they are looking to be on a team?  A real team?   A team full of men who are dedicated to conquering a common foe and spend their blood, sweat, and toil TOGETHER in defense of their cause?

Does that describe a men’s prayer breakfast or a Monday night football game.   What compels a man to paint his face and scream for the Tigers?  What makes that same man so passive about defending the Truth, and his family, from dark forces?

My sweet wife hugged me last week after one particular fiery morning show.  “You put everything you have into it every day.  I don’t know what it will take to wake the men up.  But don’t give up.  Many care.  They just don’t know what to do about it.”

I noticed after the game on Monday that it was LSU quarterback Joe Burrow who was holding the trophy over his head.  He earned it.  It mattered to him.  It mattered to his team mates.  Joe Burrowed grabbed the flag and said “follow me boys.”  Men follow courage.

What about you?  What matters to you?  America is crumbling because too many men are gone with the wind.

The enemies of the cross are winning the war with nothing but hot air.  Our silence in the face of this moral tornado says it all.  It is time for Christian men to rise up.  Can we do it?  Can we change the direction of this nation? It is time for us to get out of the bleachers and into the game.

Nothing really matters. Everyone can see.  Nothing really matters to me.”  Freddy Mercury.

Enough already of the hot air. It is time to change the forecast. Awaken the Spirit within you.   It is time for Christians to be the wind.

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What Are We Teaching Our Sons?

Coach Dave Daubenmire

I have a lot to say, but this is not the time to say it. I’ll save the details for another day. Stop reading now if you think Jesus was a softie.

This is a time to vent…to air it out…to let some steam off …to release the pressure valve. Sometimes I feel like my head is about to explode. This is one of those times.

Americans have become so sissified. Everyone is afraid to hurt somebody’s feelings. It is the wussification of the culture run amuck. Real men scare people.

I grew up with straight-talkers as my role models. John Wayne-types were the manly examples that the entertainment industry pumped into our homes. I have fond memories of sitting around the black and white Philco with my parents as the family watched real men gallop into our living room. Roy Rogers, Chuck Conners, Paladin, Hoss Cartwright, and The Lone Ranger, all left a masculine odor in my nostrils each night as I sawed logs in the bed I shared with my older brother.

Early the next morning we hit the yard running.  We played “Cowboys and Indians”, scalping redskins by morning, and morphed into Vic Morrow’s “Combat” and killed Krauts by the afternoon. We lived out in the yard what we watched on TV the night before.

Pardon me for being so politically incorrect, but killing Krauts and scalping Injuns was a wonderful life for a young man to live. Today you can’t even use the name Indian. At least I wasn’t forced to play with Ken dolls and dance with Barney. The only Barney I knew was the lovable weenie on Andy Griffith. He was an endearing character because even my young eyes could see that he was a sissy-man who wished he was a real man. Somehow, I wanted to help him grow some hair on his chest.

But look at what they have on TV today? It is a steady stream of sissy-boys with poofy hair being offered to our impressionable young boys as “American Idols.” Instead of Gunsmoke and Matt Dillon we get Dancing With the Stars and Chaz Bono. Is it any wonder we have gender-confusion in America?

We have allowed the young men in this nation to be emasculated by women. No offense to women…I love them. I married one. I have two daughters and a stable of granddaughters. They are the joy of my life.

But they are women. They think like women, they act like women. They like cooking…and shopping…and Cake Boss. They get emotional. They cry easily. They hold grudges…they wear lace…and makeup.

But, I don’t want my grandson acting like them. I want him to kill bugs, shoot varmints, and pee in the creek. I want him to open doors for women, to protect and defend his sisters, to learn to handle a gun in order to protect his family. Our posterity understands that the Father is the head of the house and that his job is to guide, guard and govern those God has entrusted to him.

Is that what they are teaching in your child’s school? Is that what they are teaching in your church? Is that what the young people are learning in your church’s youth group? Does your church have a “Gun Free Zone” sign on the door? Probably put there by a woman…or a pastor…or a pastor who acts like a woman.

Look at your child’s elementary school. How many men do you see working with those kids? My grandpa taught me how to spit. If a boy does that on the playground today he probably gets medicated. A woman can’t teach a boy how to be a man. Only a man can do that. Do you want your son to be taught to be nice or to be a man?

Remember the Daniel Boone theme song from the weekly television show? Daniel Boone and his cohort Davy Crockett have been replaced by Beavis and Butthead.

I had a meeting today that sent me over the top. I spoke like a man. I called a spade a spade. I called sin, sin. I gave them a double-barrel approach to the Truth. They deserved the tongue lashing they got.

Needless to say, it was not well received. I was too “harsh”, “too judgmental”, “to direct”, “too self-assured”. It was just too much for the bossy women and the wimpy men that we all encounter every day.

America, both men and women, no longer want to be spoken to by a man. They are afraid of men, real men. Instead of Clint Eastwood they want Dr. Drew.

I read somewhere that one of the first things Muslim children are taught in some of their schools around the Middle East is how to kill and dissect young animals. It teaches them to get over their natural revulsion to blood.

In America we are teaching our young boys how to get in touch with their feelings, how to recycle paper, and how to speak without offending.

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” –Acts 13

Christian men must rise up and model Biblical manhood for their children.  The culture is feeding our young men tolerance. What they need more than anything is testosterone. Testosterone is a good thing.

The righteous are as bold as lions…it’s time to man up.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Manger is Empty

Dave Daubenmire

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”  Isaiah 9:6-7

Let me state right up front that I love the holiday seasons, especially now that we have grandchildren to celebrate with.  There is something magical about the whole Christmas-Jesus-Christmas Tree thingee.  Despite its pagan roots, Christmas is still a great time to share the story of the incarnation of Emmanuel with unbelievers.  At no other time are Americans as open to hear about “Jesus” than they are at Christmas time.

But it is not the pagan roots and materialism of the Christmas season that concerns me as much as it is the incomplete story that the Christmas season tells.  Yes, Jesus was born in a manger, and yes, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, and yes, He came to save His people from their sins.  But it is the partial message of the incarnation that seems so dangerous to me.  In fact, the story of Christmas misses the entire point.

Jesus is no longer in the manger.  Jesus is no longer a little child lying in a cow-feeder, surrounded by cattle lowing.  Like every one of us, Jesus had a birth story, but that is not where the story ends.  The birth of Jesus is where the story begins.

American Christianity is often controlled by the calendar, especially now that the “Christian” holidays have become more secular and commercial than spiritual.  The two most celebrated days on the church calendar are the birth of baby Jesus and the crucifixion/resurrection of the suffering Savior.  Christmas and Easter are the most celebrated days in all of Christendom, yet they both tell only part of the story.

Both the manger and the tomb are empty.

Jesus Christ is a RISEN King.  He rules and reigns right now.  His ever-expanding kingdom is not something that is in the future, but something that is very much in operation today.  Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords RIGHT NOW!

He is not a helpless babe lying in a manger and he is not a crucified Savior hanging on a cross.  He is the resurrected KING sitting at the right hand of the FATHER right now.  Jesus is lord…NOW.

And…He is coming again to Judge the living and the dead.

Is that the message that you heard when you attended your candlelight service on Christmas Eve?  Did your pastor speak more about the “babe” in the crib or the victorious King on His white horse?  Did the people sitting around you at your Christmas service understand that Jesus rules and reigns today?

Why is that not the Christmas message?  Oh, I know, the Babe in a manger thing makes us feel all warm and fuzzy as it floods our minds with childhood memories of Christmas’ past.  But the story doesn’t end in the manger anymore than it ends at the cross.  Jesus is returning as a conquering King and when he returns it won’t be as a baby or as a humbled human.

Jesus Christ is returning as the Conquering King!!  He is King RIGHT NOW.  He rules and reigns RIGHT NOW.  He is putting all of His enemies under HIS feet…RIGHT NOW.

You can’t read the Christmas story, or the Easter story, without connecting the dots to the Conquering King story.  Shouldn’t “the rest of the story” be part of both church celebrations?

11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.

17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. 

19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.

20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.”  Rev 19:11-21

Isn’t it time we made THAT the focus of our Christmas and Easter celebrations?  Jesus isn’t returning on some dime-store pony.  He’s riding a White Stallion fit for a King.  The God of Mercy becomes the God of Justice and Wrath.  Jesus rules NOW!!

The manger and the tomb are empty.  It is time we told the world “the rest of the story.”

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Murder of America

Dave Daubenmire

I can’t remember if I cried when I read about his widowed bride, but something touched me deep inside, the day the music died.”  —American Pie, Don McLean

The music has certainly died in America.  No matter how painful it is to admit this nation is but a shadow of its former self.  Webster’s defined shadow as “An imperfect and faint representation.” This is not your grandfather’s America

Perhaps that is why American Pie was so poignant and why it hit a nerve with America.  Released in 1971, the year I graduated from high school, there was an eeriness to the song that none of us could put a finger on.  But yes, something about the song did “touch us deep inside.”  The decade of the 70’s certainly left a mark on the soul of all who lived through those times.

It was as if we had been traumatized by the social revolution we had just lived through including 4-dead-in Ohio, the murder of the Kennedy’s, King, and Christian morality, causing a slow bleed-out of the American dream most of us had grown up in.  We couldn’t really put our fingers on it because it wasn’t a single sniper shot that did it, but a slow agonizing cancer that took years to suck the life out.

But we felt the wound, we knew something had changed.  We couldn’t put our finger on it but we sensed the drip, drip, drip, of normalcy leaving us as the reality of our wounding slowly sucked the Truth out of us.  Maybe it was disenchantment, maybe it was the realization that this wasn’t Kansas anymore or simply the dread in the heart when you know that you can’t go home again.

America didn’t die. America was murdered. Yes, America was murdered and we had been eye witnesses to the assassination. Although the corpse was still warm, we sensed that a body-double had been inserted in its place. The Baby Boom generation watched it happen. In fact, we participated in it. We joined our parents on the Sea of Forgetfulness as we paddled our way out into the deep. A nation without a moral standard is a ship without a rudder. We were smiling broadly as the ship began to sink.  Self indulgence ran the Good Ship America aground.

Some people call it suicide.  But suicide is when you knowingly choose to end your own life.  This wasn’t suicide.  We didn’t do it on purpose.  This was murder by mal-nutrition.  “You are what you eat” we were told as we continued to gorge upon a Devil’s brew of licentiousness and liberty.  Freedom is the right to what is right.  There is no God given “right” to do wrong.

But our executioners had a plan.  They understood what Cicero had warned centuries ago.  There was poison in our food, but we loved the sweet taste as it dripped off the corners of our mouths. We trusted our “teachers” without taste-testing what they were serving.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” —Cicero 42 BC

America was murdered.  The great “shining city on a hill” has had a bushel dropped over it.  Recent events in Washington have exposed the rotting corpse.  Some smell it, and some do not.  But that wicked city that serves as the “head” of the nation is full of putrefying sores.

From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. Isaiah 1:6

America was destroyed from within.  Like an unsuspecting patient we didn’t recognize the virus that had invaded the body politic.  We ignored the symptoms, and elected those who promised a secular cure.  But changing prescriptions merely treated the symptoms.  The cancer metastasized until the entire body was sick.  It altered our DNA to the point that the dementia-like poison clouded our ability to think.  We passed it on to our posterity and watched the culture descend into a moral swamp.

Carly Simon was right when she sang these words in her hit Anticipation, “Let’s stay right here for these are the good ole days.”

That is a sad thought, isn’t it?  That this might be as good as it will ever get for our children and grandchildren.

Can America be saved? Only God knows.  The rotting corpse of American Christianity has succumbed to the god of materialism.  As long as we continue to value “stuff” over Truth there will be no firm foundation upon which we can rebuild.

The decadent corpse of the American government has been exposed and the putrefying smell from the rot blows across the plains.  Only a return to our Christian foundations can resurrect our nation.

The God-hating Left warned us of their slow march through the institutions.  Like termites they gnawed away at our culture leaving only a shell of the original building blocks.  What would God have His people do?  Let’s bring justice back.  Out with the old and in with the new.  We, the people, must clean the house.

“See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.” —Jeremiah 1:12

The America we once knew is dead.  Long live America!!  Do you have the stomach for it?  Are you up for the task?  Sink or swim.  Fight or flight.  Where do you stand?  Everything hinges on what we will do now.

Tighten your belt and earn your meal money.  We Christians have a lot of work to do.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Lord, Teach My Hands to War

Dave Daubenmire

He teacheth our hands to war.  Psalm 144:1

That is an unlikely statement to hear from a modern day Christian, isn’t it?  Christians are supposed to “make love, not war.”  At least that is what the social terrorists of the 1970’s told us.  “Love the sinner but hate the sin” is another one of those popular Christian phrases that sit on the tongue of most American Christians.

Except,” love the sinner and hate the sin” is found nowhere in the Christian Bible.  I think it was non-Christian Gandhi who planted that thought in the minds of American church-goers.  Today, it is almost gospel as Americans are prone to following sloganeering.

So Gandhi evangelized the Evangelicals, and planted almost-truth in the minds of the followers of Christ. The “make love not war” mantra came from the gospel of Dr. Timothy Leary who was nearly messianic in his promotion of free love, LSD, and tuning in, turning on, and dropping out.  He was the prophet to an entire generation of hippies who successfully turned America’s Christian morality on its head.

But who was this “teach my hands to war guy?”  It certainly couldn’t have been a Christ follower.  Christians don’t fight and they certainly don’t engage in war…unless you are referring to the other-worldly spiritual war spoken of in the New Testament.  Certainly no Bible believer would ever be for the promotion of war.  That’s just not very Christian.

So who was the rascal that asked THE LORD to teach his hands to war?  It was David the Shepherd boy.  The young dude who the Bible tells us was a “man after God’s own heart.”  Yes, that David, the giant slayer, the writer of the Psalms, the one who the Bible tells us “slew his ten thousands.”

But in all fairness, I guess David wasn’t really a Christian.  He was one of those Old Testament barbarians.  If only he had been alive AFTER the arrival of Jesus I am sure he would have been much less pugilistic in his serving of His King.

I wonder if King David ever met Timothy Leary of Gandhi.  I would love to have been a witness to that conversation.

Here is the conundrum that the average American Christian currently struggles with.  What is the true nature of God.  Is He the sulpher-throwing ghoul of Sodom and Gomorrah or is He a Mr. Rodgers clone who is happy and content just to be your neighbor?

I’d say it is past time that we figured it out.

We live in an inner connected world where the God of love and the God of wrath are embodied in the same Godhead.  God is full of mercy and judgment, love and hate, war and peace.  Not in a schizo sort of way, but in a fullness of the being sort of way.  He is King of both the natural world and the spiritual world.  He operates in both.  He is King of both.  He is Lord over Heaven and Earth.

Look, my friends, God is a Spirit who is active in both the physical and spiritual dimensions.  We humans dwell in the physical realm. The battles that we fight are IN this natural world.  But forces OUTSIDE the physical world impact what happens here.  To use “hands” to fight a spiritual war is no more foolhardy than to use ONLY prayer to fight in the physical realm.  It takes both.  Prayer empowers and guides our hands.

The battle over good and evil rages in the spiritual realm, but its impact is felt in the physical world.  That is why we were told that “faith without works is dead.”  The physical world is where the answers to our prayers show up.

If our battle was only against spiritual forces why would David ask God to teach his HANDS to war?  Aren’t your hands part of the physical body?  Would you like to fight a physical war with untrained hands?  If the war is ONLY spiritual why would you even need hands?

For far too long Christians have only used spiritual weapons in this fight.  If prayer was all that was required why didn’t Jesus simply remain in the garden and pray?  He prayed and He went.  He put hands and feet to His prayers.  God so loved the world that HE DID something.

We find ourselves today at the most significant spiritual point in American history.  What the church DOES today HERE ON EARTH will echo throughout the halls of the doomed and the damned.  We must do more than pray.

Prayer alone will not end abortion. Prayer alone will not end the opiate scourge. Prayer alone will not restore marriages. Prayer alone will not restore justice to our land. Prayer alone will not train our children in righteousness. Prayer alone will not move the heart of God. But, prayer put into works (action), will.

None us know what the future holds.  None of us know if we will even be here next year.

But we do know this. Uncut grass will soon be weeds.  Ungreased engines are sure to lock up.  Unfed animals are sure to die.  Undefended liberty will soon be lost.

It is imperative that we put feet to our faith.  Did you know that nearly 40% of Evangelicals didn’t even vote in 2016?  Are they expecting Jesus to vote in their place?  Are they praying for Jesus to stuff the ballot box?  How can their vote count if they don’t march to the polls?

The American church is IN a war but we are not AT war.  Our shield of faith has become nothing more than a pin cushion to absorb the fiery dates of our enemy.  It is time for God’s people to return fire.

Free speech is under assault, religious liberty is being bombarded, marriage is perishing without a whimper, and the right to bear arms is in their sights. Prayer alone will not stop the assault on America.  If we were really at war wouldn’t there be some casualties on the other side?

David knew how to pray but he wasn’t sure how to fight.  He knew his prayer-life could only take him so far.  Let David’s prayer be our prayer.  Our nation is at stake.

Lord, teach our hands to war!!

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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How Seven Black Robes Changed America Forever

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Truth is Fallen in the Street

Isaiah 59:14 “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.

The most destructive Supreme Court decision in the history of America was handed down on February 10, 1947.  Everson v. Board of Education forever changed the landscape of America as seven terrorists in black robes declared that there was a “separation between the church and state” and removed the Bible as the foundation upon which all of American morality would be built.

It was a lie then and it is a lie today.  The idea that the created being could declare to The Creator that He had no authority over the moral code of the nation is absurd.  Perhaps that is why Psalm 2 tells us that the Lord “sits in the Heavens and laughs” at the foolish arrogance with which His creation would rebel.

“You ain’t tellin us what we can and can’t do,” the creation rattled their puny fist at Almighty God, and America has been on a sprint into the depths of a moral cesspool ever since.  I’m sorry, but it is not the dreaded atheists that we can hang the cowbell on regarding this one.  No, my friends, all seven justices who voted to kick God out of public life were members in good standing of a Christian denomination.  This was long before the God-hating Humanists had seized control of all of our American institutions.

Humanism, by the way, is a religion, as determined by the US Supreme Court in the 1961 case Torcaso v Watkins.  It has replaced Christianity as our nation’s religion and is now openly funded and taught in every public school in America.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you that our public schools are religion free zones. Christianity has given way to the religion of man as god.

But, for whatever reason, the average Christian in America believes in the lie of the “separation of church and state” and lawyers and school boards all across the fruited plain bow to the Humanists as they ramrod their Christ-less morality down the throats of American-Christian School children. They are even kind enough to send Christians the bill for the cost of educating their children in the religion of Humanism.

But this legal sleight of hand was full of deception from the start.  You see, the job of education was originally under the purview of the STATE, not the FEDS…hence the separation of CHURCH from STATE.  The Feds had no business ruling on a STATES RIGHTS issue…but I assume that was just a minor legal point…as the Feds began to teach our children that THE GOVERNMENT was god.   The CHURCH, and all of its crazy moral quirks, served at the pleasure and the approval of the courts.  Separation of MORALITY and the GOVERNMENT was now in place.

Don’t you find it a bit revealing when Isaiah, in the verse referenced above, wrote of truth fallen in the STREETS?  Why the streets?  Is it because the streets represent society and the part of the city where citizens interact?  If there is no common agreement on right and wrong can “two walk together lest they agree?  Can a nation survive when everyone does what is right in his own eyes?  Wouldn’t that be a great description of multi-culturalism?

What in the world are we to do?  Christ-less education has destroyed America.  George Washington warned us that “it is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible,” and his buddy John Adams declared “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

I wonder what they thought about the separation of church and state.

Have you been paying attention to the shenanigans going on in Washington DC?  If you have then you are acutely aware of the meaninglessness and irrelevance of Truth.  Do you think that any of this confusion has happened by accident?  Nefarious forces have been tirelessly at work in this nation hell-bent on destroying any vestiges of Truth. Even if we somehow make it peaceably to 2021 do you actually believe that American can continue to survive in a nation where lies are the concrete upon which our citizens walk?

By the way, can someone please point me to where the LCBT “community” is located?  Is it located anywhere near the “Christian” community or the “academic” community?

Get your kids out of the government schools NOW.  Grandparents…spend some of the inheritance on Christian education, or better yet, allow MOM to stay home and home-school.  Start a home school co-op at your church.  Rescue them.  Your Christian children have no business in the Humanistic government schools.

For evidence, look no farther than the three “law professors” who testified in Congress on Wednesday.  They ARE the government schools.  I wonder if any of them claim Christ.  I wonder if the ‘university” where they work does?

If the US Government fell apart tomorrow and we all had to work to rebuild this nation do we have any idea where we would begin?  Can a nation be built up the idea that Truth is an individually determined point of view?

Our children are our nation’s future.  The Humanists are after our children.  What do they know that we don’t?  Wake up !

This I do know, if America is ever to regain her greatness it be the responsibility of our children to repave the streets with Truth.  We must prepare them NOW if they are to be effective in the FUTURE.  There is a battle raging for the mind.  How will they operate with the mind of Christ if they are indoctrinated in Humanism?  It is time to take our children back!

Truth is fallen in the streets and only the CHURCH can get her back on her feet.  The Government Is Not God!!  Why don’t we act like it?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Donald Trump, Impeachment and Bait and Switch

Dave Daubenmire

Meet the New Boss…Not Like the Old Boss

It appears complicated when we try to analyze what is going on in the Impeachment Inquiry in Washington.  There are so many moving parts that it is nearly impossible to see the connections.  Much of what is going on is simply bait and switch.

But because the average American does not have the time or the interest to follow the charade it becomes doubly difficult for them to keep their eye on the ball.

Confusion is one of the weapons that the dark side is relying on.  They are devious enough to realize that the average American has no understanding of the difference between Russia and The Ukraine.  Many Americans think that The Ukraine issue is simply a continuation of the Russia investigation.  They believe that Russia and The Ukraine are actually the same country.

As a result, many folks view the current show-trial in DC as nothing more than a continued investigation into the Russia scandal.  The Democrats have played to this ignorance masterfully.

But the real issue is much simpler than that.  What we see happening in the Swamp is no different from what has probably happened in your working career.  There is a new boss in the office and the employees are concerned about the change.  Human beings do not like change.  They want to make sure that their life is not going to be disrupted by the new kid on the block.  Most have spent entire careers nestling down in their cozy positions and they are very concerned about a new boss rearranging the furniture in their department.

They want to be sure that the new boss is the same as the old boss.  They hate disruption.

But Donald Trump is different.  This new boss is like nothing they have ever seen and the entire establishment way of doing things is under direct attack.  His America-first approach is foreign to the career paper pushers who fear losing their cushy positions and the many benefits they have worked so hard to secret away.

Most of my adult career was spent in the field of athletics.  There is no other business where the turnover in the position of CEO is as common as in the sports world.  Coaches are often fired mid-season if the team is not winning.  Just study big time athletics and you will see how short lived the position of head coach is.

The President of the United States is the Head Coach of America.  If all goes well he will hold the job for eight years.  Like athletics, if the coach gets fired during the season the players still remain in their positions. Changing coaches is a fast way to change the direction of the team.

But government is different.  Most team members are not loyal to the head coach but rather to the system.  Career politicians tend to hold their jobs regardless of who occupies the Oval Office.  In fact, the employees like it when they are able to pick their own new boss.  Electing “their guy” is good because it usually keeps the apple cart from being tipped over.

Do you ever watch what happens in the NFL when the old coach gets fired?  The new coach “cleans house” because he wants to be sure that all of the coaches working for his team are loyal to HIM and not simply to the franchise.  Assistant coaches advance on the merit system.  If the head coach is successful the assistants know that their chances of advancement increase as well.  Loyalty to the Head Coach is far more important than loyalty to the system.

Government promotion is different than sports.  Advancement in government is cronyism, while advancement in the sports world is tied to merit.  Career government employees have learned to “play the system” and the last thing they are looking for is some “new boss” who might come in and disrupt their plan.  Generally, government employees are loyal to a system or ideology.   They couldn’t care less who the new boss is as long as he doesn’t disrupt the cozy arrangement that they have worked their entire career to cash in on.

The last thing they want is a new boss that isn’t the same as the old boss.

Polls show that upwards of 80% of government employees vote for the status quo.  They prefer Hillary or one of the Bushes over some orange haired outsider.  Trump understands business, not government. Hence, he is not trusted.  He is a threat to the Swamp’s security.  They don’t want a new boss, just a new face…any face…as long has he has experience in “government.”

The truth is plain for those who have eyes to see.  Government is an organism unto itself which has nothing to do with the governing of the American people.  The goal of Government is the advancement of government.  It is not focused on “we, the people.”  Government employees protect the government.  We think they are protecting us.

President Trump is getting very little support from his own party because both parties are not designed to serve the people.  The ever-increasing advancement of government is their job and their PERSONAL wealth and power is their main focus.  Government produces nothing.  They are fearful that President Trump is going to break up their club.

The Constitution requires a new boss at least every eight years.  The swamp doesn’t mind a new boss as long as he comes out of the same incestuous governmental breeding ground.

Big Government is Big Business and there are a lot of hands in the cookie jar.  Me thinks many government officials have cookie stains on their hands and Donald Trump is the ultimate Cookie Monster.

It really is not any more complicated than that.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Do You Have a Plan For Your Family When Things Get Worse?

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Before I get too far down the road, permit me to admit something that may ruin my credibility with everyone who is reading this.

I am an unabashed Cleveland Browns fan.  Anyone who follows the NFL knows how frustrating rooting for the Browns has been over the past decade.  But this was supposed to be the year that the Browns turned the corner.  A new coach, sensational brash QB and a strong roster have raised the hope of Dawg Pound fans all across the nation.

But this season has been very frustrating because of the Browns inability to put points on the board once they enter the Red Zone.  Being ineffective at punching the ball into the end zone has led directly to at least three of their six losses.

Last week, a game against Buffalo which the Browns won, the height of futility was on display when the browns failed to score from the 2 yard line even though they ran NINE plays.  That’s right.  Because of a penalty on Buffalo for interference in the end zone the Browns ran NINE plays inside the 2 yard line and still did not score.

It appeared to the TV commentators and everyone else who was watching that that the Browns had no plan on how to attack the Bills’ defense.  How can you possibly succeed without a plan?  I remain a Browns’ fan but some serious planning must be down to remedy this obvious flaw.

So, along the same lines, as a fan of the United States of America I continue to ask the same question regarding the political situation that we find ourselves in.  Does anyone on our team have a plan?  Is anyone willing to put together a games plan that gives us a chance to score?

Are we simply to count on Bill Barr and the Republican Party to get the ball into the end zone?  Do we have any understanding of how our opponents on the God-hating team have been so successful in running their plays?  Do we really think that voting for conservative Republicans who nominate conservative judges is really going to do the trick?  Is there REALLY that much difference between “moderate Democrats” and the RINOS?

Take a quick look at the US Constitution.  Instead of focusing simply on the Bill of Rights, take a few minutes and read it ALL and ask yourself how the simplicity of the words could become so misconstrued today.  Only lawyers could make a mess of so simple of a document.

Do you really think we can trust our government to follow the restrictions, procedures, and LIMITATIONS listed within?  Can we actually trust “government” to police itself?

So, what is the plan?  If we can’t trust those who have sworn to uphold the law to do their duty and uphold the laws what chance do we ever have of maintaining our liberties?   How will we ever pass those liberties to “our posterity” which the Constitution was written to “secure the blessings of liberty” to?  Despite the lie you have been told The Constitution is not “living and breathing.”

Look, I am just a small fry with an opinion.  Although I have the honor of writing and posting regular commentaries that appear at multiple places on the internet, and even though I host a regular daily podcast, my ability to influence America is very small.  I am faithful to the call, and vigilant in my duty to speak the Truth, but my small footprint is but a fly on an elephant’s patootie.

But my reading of history shows me that this is not the first time that we have been in a mess like this.  President George Washington warned us that “Government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”  A government that is no longer restrained by the rule of law is not government at all.  It is, to quote Washington, “a fearful master.”

The United States Constitution is gasping for breath.  We are rapidly slinking into banana republic status.  As my friend Doug Hagmann often says, we have a LEGAL system but not a JUSTICE system.  Government OF, BY, and FOR the people is nothing more than a hackneyed slogan if God fearing, liberty loving, Americans sit on their fiddles as all of Rome burns.

So, what is the plan?  To whom can we look to re-establish justice?  Can the same hired hands that got us into this mess be trusted to get us out of it?  With few exceptions, nearly every government on the face of the earth eventually fell because of corruption of the leaders.

Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Kagan, Ginsburg, Biden, Clintons, and the Obamas are the real modern day criminals.  A public coup is taking place right before the eyes of the American people as the principles of the US Constitution are trampled underfoot.  The borders are sieves, illegals are voting, while sucking our coffers dry, as REAL Americans struggle to make ends meet.

The courts are corrupt.  Public education is socialist indoctrination.  The media is laced with liars.  Money rules in the halls of Congress.  The government military complex is a money laundering operation.  Pastors preach pabulum.  The Pope is a commie.  Secrecy in government affairs is repugnant. Truth has fallen in the streets. How can we possibly recover?

Take your eyes off of the government for a minute.  Do YOU have a plan?  Do you have a network of people with whom you can hunker down if things turn dark?  Do you expect the government to come flying in and rescue you or are you making plans with friends and neighbors to coalesce around a community plan?  Are you and your family ready for the trouble that is coming?

What are you waiting for?  No, WHO are you waiting for?  Do you have your lamps trimmed? Are you helping others to do likewise?  What if you are the one that others are looking towards?  Failure to plan is planning for failure.  NOW is the time to prepare.

So, what is YOUR plan?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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We May Never Get Another Chance to Save America

Dave Daubenmire

We May Never Pass This Way Again

Like Columbus in the olden days, we must gather all our courage
Sail our ships out on the open seas. Cast away our fears and all the years that come and go. Take us up, always up.  We may never pass this way again.
  — Jim Seals and Dash Croft 1973.

I will turn 67 on November 26th.  How is it possible that I could actually be this age?  Sixty seven is what I would expect my father to be.  But he is no longer with us.  He would have been 100 on October 12th.

Dad would be surprised to be 100.  That is something he would expect HIS father to be.

Time is fleeting.  Time spent can never be recovered and time is slipping through the hour glass.  Where did my life go?  Better yet, what did I do with my life?  Except for what I invested in our children, what thing of significance did I really leave behind?  What GREAT thing did I ever do?

Most of us live our lives laboring in obscurity.  The world conforms us into its own image.  When most of us look into the rear view mirror we see nothing but speed bumps and skid marks, sad reminders of what might have been had we taken the time to more carefully plan our journey through history.

But here we sit in 2019, some still searching for significance, as we become more and more aware of the emptiness of material things.  It is so much more fulfilling to live on after we die through PEOPLE than it is to live on through THINGS.

What have you done for Christ?  What moment of bravery most sticks out in your mind as you look back over the years and the myriad opportunities that you had to make a difference for the Kingdom?  As old age and eventual death blow over the hills of your life what proud thoughts warm your neck?  What thing of bravery have you ever done?

Courage is a rare quality, especially in today’s world where everywhere you look you are being urged to conform, to remain silent, to keep your thoughts to yourself.  Have you ever looked over your chilly shoulder and longed to return to a specific moment in time when you had the chance to make a difference and didn’t?  When you had the chance to SAY your peace and decided instead to KEEP the peace?  Am I the only one who often longs for the one chance to go back and say what only I know I should have said?

Is there anything more regretful than a missed opportunity?

Perhaps it is old age, or maybe it is just crankiness, but I find that the older I get the less I care about what others think about me.  Oh, I want others to like me.  I want to be invited to all the right gatherings.  But I have reached the point in my life where I would rather speak the truth and be hated than speak a lie just to be loved.

A wise mentor once told me that life would be much easier and my conscience much clearer if I simply asked myself one question before choosing to bite my own tongue.

“Will the person you are worrying so much about offending cry at your funeral?”  That one answer so simplified my life and opened my mouth.

Apathy and silence is destroying America.

Why have Christians become so afraid to offend?  Why have we sat silently on the sidelines while the Devil and his minions have run roughshod over everything we hold dear?  Why have we remained mute in the face of evil, as if our silence somehow brings glory to our King?

Did you know that Jesus was called “the rock of offense?”  Did you know that He warned us that the world would hate us because they hated him first?  Did it ever dawn on you that they crucified Jesus because they hated his message?  You often can measure a man by the quality of his enemies.  Jesus had enemies.  Does that surprise you?  People actually HATED Jesus Christ?

Sadly, many still do today.

Why do Christians worry about the world loving them?  Why are we so focused on loving those who hate the Cross?  Jesus warned us to “love not the world nor the things of the world.”  Do you often find yourself loving what Jesus told us we should hate?

America sits at a crossroads and the hour glass is running dry.  No matter who wins the Presidency, America will never be the same.  If you think the haters of God are crazy now wait until the reality of “four more years” stiff arms them straight in the face.

If Trump loses…payback will be hell from the demons that occupy the swamp.  Either way, America is in for some rough sledding.

It is time for Christians to stand up and speak up.  Now is not the time to go limp.  Don’t cry “peace, peace, when there is no peace.”

My Dad was one of the Greatest Generation.  They turned back the greatest threat to liberty that this nation has ever known.

But those were our foreign enemies. All American was united in their common hatred of our common foe.

But today, our enemies are domestic.  Instead of bombs they use words.  In place of guns they use courts.  Mob violence is upon us.  Heroes will be made in the next 362 days.  Everyday Mom and Pops must rise to the occasion.  Now is the time for the voice of the church to ring out.

Through the hour glass of time who can explain why the Lord allowed us to be here now. It is time for us to be brave.   We must “sail our ships out on the open seas.”  Let us not miss this opportunity to defend our King.

Don’t miss your chance to be a hero.  All of Heaven is watching.  Have you been called into the Kingdom for such a time as this?

We may never pass this way again…

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Stop Appeasing And Sleeping With The enemy

Coach Dave Daubenmire

The world is full of talkers.  They are a dime a dozen and most of them have a permanent seat in the peanut gallery.

At least that is the way I see it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to listen to good sermons as much as anyone else, but listening to them is like sitting in a rocking chair.  It gives a sense of motion but never really gets you anywhere.

The Apostle Paul understood rocking chairs and he is the one who coined the phrase “Faith without works is dead.”

Rocking chair dead.  Ear tickling dead. Wasted energy.  Full of sound and fury but signifying nothing.

Nothing.  Now there is an empty word.  Nothing is an ambivalent term.  Sometimes nothing can be good…like when the dentist is looking for a cavity…or an MRI is looking for a growth.  Nothing can often be a encouraging word.

But most times it isn’t.  When referring to bank accounts, progression on a job site, scoring touchdowns, working to bring a child back from the clutches of drug addiction, or the results of a pregnancy test for a desperately barren couple nothing is discouraging.

But nothing from faith is ever a good result.  The Bible tells us that faith is “substance.”  Substance is defined as “something real.” “Evidence” actually, of things hoped for.  Evidence has within it the confirmation of truth.

No faith, no evidence.  No evidence, no proof.  No proof, no truth.  No truth…nothing but wishful thinking.  Faith has evidence, proof, and substance.  Faith is much more easily shown than shared.

What do you have faith in?  Is your faith merely in faith?

Faith, in today’s Christianity, is simply a soft version of tell without much show.  That crazy radical Christian Paul exhorted us to stop telling others about our faith but rather, start SHOWING us what faith looks like.

I guess it would be safe to say ‘if you can’t show it, you ain’t got it.”  Faith is to be demonstrated, not yakked about.  If you don’t show me your faith there is no evidence that you have any.

Dead faith.  That is what Paul calls it.  Non living…non replicating…good for nothing…and good to no one.  That is where many Christians hang their hats.

Paul warned us of that.  He told us that if we claimed to have faith yet we failed to present tangible evidence of it that we were “deceiving ourselves.”  He compared it to looking in a mirror, walking away, and forgetting that we had a missing front tooth.  We can pretend that we have all of our teeth, but the proof is in your smile.  Self deception is the most tragic of all lies.

Does your faith have any substance to it?  Does your belief in the power of Jesus have any evidence that your belief is active?  Can you dig in your life’s archives and produce any evidence that your faith ever actually produced anything?

The American church has very little faith.  You would be hard pressed to find any evidence of the wonder-working power of Jesus inside the four walls of most sheep pens. Most of America’s pews are filled with bedridden believers…wounded saints begging to be healed.

Somewhere along the road to eternity the Christian Church lost its way.  You have to look far and wide to find a “church” that lives out Christ’s promise to build a following over which “the gates of hell will not prevail.”  Where is that church?  Where is that body of believers who are attacking the gates of hell?

Instead, today’s church is in full retreat.  The fascination with a soon coming “rapture” has taken the focus of the church away from storming the gates of hell to escaping FROM the gates of hell.  Escape, not victory is the focus of the modern day American church.  No my friends, non-confrontation is the modus operandi of most of the pulpits.

America is rapidly descending into a moral wasteland.  The once-vibrant American pulpit served as the restrainer against the forces of darkness in America’s communities.  As goes the church so goes the family.  As goes the family, so goes the city.  As goes he city, so goes the state.  As goes the state, so goes the nation.  No wonder our nation is on life support.

God placed His people here as stewards of the land.  He told us to “be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth.”  Although He was certainly speaking of the natural bounty of the land it would be foolish for us to assume that we were not supposed to give spiritual husbandry to the people as well.

Darkness is descending all across this nation.  Spiritual darkness can be hard to recognize.  It masquerades as love, acceptance, and tolerance.  That crabby-Christian Paul told us that we are to “have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness.”  He told us to “expose” the darkness.  Sin is darkness.  Loving darkness is not a demonstration of love. Darkness covers evil.  Exposing darkness is love.  Tolerating or hiding evil is sin.

The American Church is waving the white flag in the war for America.  Tolerance and acceptance has replaced fire and brimstone.  God hates sin.  Why don’t Christians?

Abortion. Same-sex marriage. Child trafficking. Educational indoctrination. Government corruption. God’s people could end them all within a year if they had the faith to do it. Silence is not only consent and deafening its also cowardly.

Wake up.  Stand up.  Speak up. Surrender and capitulation to sin is an affront to Christ.  Light and darkness are incompatible bed fellows.  Sin is an enemy of Christ. It is time for the Church to stop sleeping with the enemy.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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I Stood Eyeball to Eyeball With the CNN Trump Hater Jeff Zucker at the Democratic Debate

Coach Dave Daubenmire

A group of us showed up outside the Democrat debate in Westerville, Ohio last night.  It was held on the campus of my Alma Mater, Otterbein College.  Methodist affiliated Otterbein was once a Christian University.  Like so many others it has been infiltrated by the enemies of the cross.  Otterbein now prides itself on being “Progressive.”  That is code for homo friendly.

I saw my first ever homosexual there my freshman year in 1971.  Being from a small town I had never even heard of one.  That’s what we called them in 1971.  Homosexuals.   That was before they convinced us they were gay…back when rainbows were a sign from God.

Today, Otterbein leads the way in the destruction of the Christian American moral standard.  Tolerance and acceptance now trump fire and brimstone at this Methodist College.  This once honorable institution of higher learning is now a debased bastion of lower living.

You can view some short videos on my Facebook page.

Once I got home I reviewed the debate online.  These are my notes from what I witnessed on the ground, in person last night.

What happened to the kids in cages on the border? No mention from any of the candidates.

What about Russian collusion? Nada. Or Mueller…Comey…Steele Dossier…

Has anyone heard from Blasey-Ford or the skinny kid from the Parkland shooting?

Where are Omarosa and that stripper slut the media fed us for months?

Where is the creepy lawyer Avenati and his lawyer buddy Michael Cohen? No mention.

They can’t win at the ballot box so on to the next made up scandal.

The Democrats sent in the clowns last night. Where were the clowns?

On the stage at Otterbein College which now proudly promotes the Devil’s agenda.

I stood face to face with the CNN traitor Jeff Zucker…eyeball to eyeball. He is a midget. Shorter than me. I’m 5’7” on a tall day. On the scene doing his best to overthrow an election. He’ll soon be looking for a job but needs to call in some favors to stay out of jail.

Saw many “media” stars.  Skinny jean betas.  Tattooed dykes without their bikes. Old liberal “experts” we see on CNN who were dressed in self-importance. They felt uncomfortable out with the serfs.

The supporters of the Left were a collection of special interest groups bused in from who knows where…miscreants…freaks…commies…baby killers…witches…for real. I was there. Saw it with my own eyes.

Young kids…twenty some-things.  Socialists.  America haters. The fruits of government education.  Stupid chants.  “This is what democracy looks like.”  Poor civics..

“Love trumps hate.”  If so, why is the Left so hateful?  Sex is not love and love is not sex.

Saw a sign that said, “I am voting for the next Democrat President…whoever SHE is.”  I called her out.  “Stop miss gendering.  She could be a he…or a they.”  She flipped me off.

Sorry you missed the clown show.

How can any moral, sane, thinking person ever vote for a Demon Crat? Anyone over 30 and straight would have been ashamed to be seen with them.

Republicans aren’t much better but at least they are smart enough to vote against the Demonically controlled opposition party.That is not a typo. They are Demonic. They love killing preborn babies. What could be more Devil-like than that?

There was NOT ONE candidate on stage that will stand up for babies. Yet many of my Catholic friends vote for them because their father was a Demoncrat.  Group think. Worse than the race baiters. Claiming to be prolife and voting for baby murderers.

SMH. Probably following the fake Pope. He’s a commie as well.

The Deplorables are fighting back.  Many local Trump supporters showed up. Bunches of MAGA hats.  Moms and Pops are starting to push back.  Trump trucks  and Trump  flags everywhere.  Middle class America is pissed.

Sorry folks. Call me a bigot. I know what I saw. Just calling them like I see them. It’s called free speech spurred by free thought.

Too bad others are afraid to be called names by the real bigots on the Left.

The TRUTH sounds like hate to those who hate the Truth.

Let the name calling begin. Slander is all they have in their arsenal. I don’t hate anyone…I just love TRUTH.

My wife and I had a ball.  Toying with Demoncrats is easy.  They can’t think logically.  That’s why they chant slogans.   Send in the clowns.

Don’t bother…they’re here.

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Injustice in Small Town America

Coach Dave Daubenmure

I apologize for the vulgar nature of this article but there is no other way to make the point.

Can you imagine an assault taking place ANYWHERE in America where a Christian white man called his victim a “black M***Fer” after he had punched him in the jaw?

What if it had been done to a Muslim and the white Christian male had called the victim a “Muslim M***Fer.”

Or what if a homosexual had been assaulted by a white Christian Trump supporter who called the victim a “gay M***Fer” after he punched him.

Better yet, can you imagine the outrage if the white Christian puncher called the punchee a “Jewish M***Fer” after bruising his jaw?

Can you imagine the assault being caught on tape and the evidence being presented to the police? Can you imagine the publicity and outrage that such an assault would illicit? Can you imagine the screams of outrage from the always-the-victim race baiters among the ambulance chasing legal predators?

Can you image the outrage if the charges were dropped against that white Christian Trump supporter because the actions of the black, Muslim, homosexual, or Jew had “provoked” the white Christian to anger?

The ACLU and their bevy of hired legal guns would be frothing at the mouth in anticipation of devouring this obviously bigoted white Trump deplorable.  The Southern Poverty Law Center would be demanding “Equal Justice” and a hefty paycheck from the white Christian Trump supporter for the obvious HATE crime that he had perpetrated on the victim simply because of his race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.

George Step-all-over-us would be leading the ABC News with the story.  CNN would be holding round-the-clock witch hunts.  Rachelle Mad-cow and the MSNBC audience would be turning the town upside down looking for other bigots lurking in the shadows of small town America.  Maxine Watters and all of the Congressional minorities’ caucus would be calling for the heads of every elected official in the  small town to be prosecuted for allowing such bigotry to exist.

You get the picture.   It happens every day in America.  It is part of our cultural brainwashing.

But this really did happen right here in the good ole USA to a couple of buddies of mine.  Except they were the one’s assaulted.  That’s right.  Two white Christian Trump supporting friends of mine were assaulted outside the small town of Fayetteville, West Virginia.

It seems that Alan Hoyle and Mark Trump had the audacity to show up at what used to be known as the BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE and raise awareness of the fact that the once “morally straight” Boy Scouts had been captured by the immoral LEFT.  Not only were the scouts no longer morally straight, they weren’t even called boys.   SCOUTS was their new name and instead of passing out merit badges they were now handing out condoms.  That’s right.  Check it out here.

So Alan and Mark and a couple of their buddies showed up on a public street outside the entrance of the World Jamboree and pleaded with the Scouts to return to sanity. For that, they were attacked, assaulted, and had some of their signs vandalized.  Here is the video of the assault.  It is only 1 minute. LANGUAGE WARNING.

The police were called.  The man was arrested and charged, and Alan and Mark both drove over 4 hours on Monday for a meeting with the Asst Prosecutor in Fayetteville County West Virginia.  The Attorney, Liz Campbell, dropped all charges against the assailant because, as Mark Trump told me, the signs they were holding provoked the assailant to violence.  In other words, they DESERVED it.  In fact, Liz Campbell threatened Mark that he should be charged with a crime for even holding the signs in public.  So much for free speech.

What were the signs that were so offensive?  It seems that Attorney Campbell did not appreciate the Pro-life signs that the men were holding.  Those signs, she alleged, provoked this otherwise kind assailant into acting out.  Therefore, Mark and Alan deserved what they got.

Now…go back and read the four examples listed at the beginning of this commentary.  Unequal justice is so common in America that we don’t even recognize it when we see it, until it happens to YOU!!  What if Mark and Alan had been tranny lovers holding an equal marriage sign?  Would my aggravation be an excuse for knocking their teeth out?

Taking rights from one and giving them to another does not make justice equal.  We have a legal system but we do not have a justice system.  Hack elected officials become judge, jury and executioner.  It hasn’t just happened in Washington DC, but it has oozed all of the way down The Appalachian Mountains to once-almost heaven, West Virginia.

We are working with Alan and Mark to restore justice for them.  It is our Christian duty.

Micah 6:8 “He hath shown thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the LORD require of thee, but TO DO JUSTLY, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God”

Dr. King told us in his letter from the Birmingham jail, “injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.”   Are you watching the double-standard legal system in America?  Aren’t you sick of it yet?  Are you willing to help us fight for justice?

Everywhere you look the Left is provoking God fearing Americans to action.  If that action turns violent will it be fair to point the finger at the Left for being provocateurs?  Maybe Flip Wilson was right all along.  Can we just tell them that the Devil made me do it…?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Why Won’t Millennials Have Babies?

Dave Daubenmire

“When are you going to start having babies?”

I vividly remember asking our daughter Abby that question about two years after she had been married.  Upon her graduation from Hillsdale College and subsequent marriage to a Hillsdale classmate I assumed the strong conservative education that she had received would have made the importance of having children obvious.

But, like so many others her age, she had started her upward climb in her career having landed a sweet position as a legislative aide in the Ohio Statehouse.  She was a quick thinker and strong in her beliefs and she was no doubt on her way up the political ladder.

However, after a year in that position she was offered a job with a mega-church and her desire to serve the Lord moved her out of government and into the ministry.  She was content there, yet somewhat disillusioned by what she saw going on behind the scenes.  Being on the inside of the church business involved a lot of conflict and she really did see the underbelly of Christian ministry.

“So when are you going to start having babies?”

“Well Dad,” she responded.  “I made a commitment when I took the job at the church and they really don’t want to train us in our jobs only to have us leave because we are pregnant.”

“Huh?”  I queried.  “Now more than ever we need young Christians like you having children or this nation will go to hell in a hand-basket.  Are you telling me that those at the CHURCH are not encouraging young college graduates to start producing arrows?”

“Not directly, Dad.  But there is certainly a feeling that you get when someone starts talking about starting a family.  It is not that they are against families, but just that the work we do for the ministry is the top priority.”

“Look Abby.  Children are a gift from God.  Why would you purposefully block the blessing of the Lord?  Your mother and I have invested our lives into you and it is now time for you to invest your life into your children.  Your mom and I deserve grandbabies.  Being a mother is the most important thing you can ever do with your life.”

Three months later, they were pregnant and since the birth of that first arrow in their quiver she has dedicated her life to homeschooling their growing family.  I’ll never forget overhearing her say to her then-childless former college roommate, “it is the most gratifying thing I have ever done in my life.  I never dreamed how fulfilling children would make our lives.”

Why won’t our children have children?

My wife Michele and I are in our mid sixties.  Most of our friends are the same age, yet it grieves us to see how many of our friends’ children still have not made given their parents grandchildren. Christian parents, I am referring to.  Highly educated, financially successful, loving parents have failed to pass on to their children the importance of childbearing.

Where has our generation gone so wrong? How have we raised such a self-centered, me-first generation?  Look around you.  How many friends do you have who are into their 60’s and beyond and still don’t have any grandkids?

Perhaps it is the fruit of abortion…you know the mantra…my body my choice.   Could it be that we have made childbearing an option rather than a duty?  The Psalms tell us that “the fruit of the womb is HIS reward.”  His reward?  Yep.  Children are God’s reward from the union that occurs in the marriage bed.  Failure to have children is robbing God of HIS reward.

The consequences of our self-inflicted barrenness is a culture in decay.  When Christians don’t have children how can we expect our nation to have a society where Christian values are taught, enforced, and expected?

“But you shouldn’t have children until you can afford them” I hear the secular Christians chortle.   We all know that if we waited to have them until we could afford them no one would ever have babies.  Sadly, that mindset is more common in America’s pulpits than we would like to admit.

American Christians need to start having children and they need to start now.  It is obvious that inflation and over taxation by our government has forced both parents into the workforce.  Sadly, many young married couples can’t live on one income.  Don’t you think that the government could create policies that would encourage young parents to stay home and raise families? Is it just me or does it seems as if the government is doing just the opposite? Should both parents have to work so that “illegals” can get welfare?

It looks as if the Baby Boomers are the last generation to build generational wealth forged primarily through inflation.  Our nation’s undisciplined spending lays heavily on the backs of our children.

How badly do you want to have grandchildren Boomers?  Instead of buying that motor home and cruising the nation perhaps you should consider cracking open your nest egg and taking the burden off of your children.  Offer to pay your children’s mortgage if Mom stays home and raises the kids.  Invest in your children NOW so that you can spend your golden years with a quiver full of grandbabies.

Spend the money on your children NOW or they will spend it on themselves after you pass away.  “Blessed is the man whose quiver is full…”

Children are a blessing from the Lord. Why won’t our Christian children have children?  Why do they deny their parents the blessings they deserve?   Only a Christian baby boom can rescue America.

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I Have Come To The realization That Absolute Right And Wrong No Longer Exist

Dave Daubenmire

I Guess I Am Just Old-Fashioned

One of the most difficult things about growing older is adapting to the new fangled ideas that people come up with.

I suppose it has always been that way, the idea that each new generation has different views on just about everything.  But I think that things are really different now than they were when I was a kid.  Although things were certainly different when I was a child most young people held the same values as their parents.

At least, until the massive social upheavals that occurred during the turbulent sixties.  In my lifetime I have watched basic morality turned on its head.   Back in the gold-ole-days of the Beatles and Bonanza, at least we had a common sense and agreement on things that were right and things that were wrong.  That is no longer the case.

Morality today is nothing more than an opinion.  As long as one can justify in his/her own mind WHY something is moral, that nagging conscience is more easily soothed and the sense of guilt that accompanies immoral behavior is more easily assuaged. Sadly, like so many others my age, I have come to the realization that the idea of absolute right and wrong no longer exist.  Truth has become an opinion.

So, just to soothe my own soul I thought I might take the liberty to stumble back into the corners of my mind and uncover the pillars that kept most Americans anchored a couple of generations ago.

I’m so old I remember when elected officials were honest.

I’m so old I remember when couples got married if they had a child out of wedlock.

I’m so old I remember when we all had gun racks in the back windows of our pickup trucks.

I’m so old I remember when we drove those trucks to school.

I’m so old I remember when male Hollywood heartthrobs actually dated women.

I’m so old I remember when there were no school activities on Wednesday nights because that is when families went to church.

I’m so old I remember when there were actually intact families.

I’m so old I remember when our elected officials were held to a standard of honesty.

I’m so old I remember when it was the pastors who held the elected officials accountable.

I’m so old I remember when it was a shame for a 14 year old child to correct or disrespect an adult.

I’m so old I remember when you actually knew your neighbors.

I’m so old I remember when your neighbors acted like another set of parents.

I’m so old I remember when “public” schools actually taught the values of the public.

I’m so old I remember when you had to love America to be elected to public office.

I’m so old I remember when boys were boys and girls were girls.

I’m so old I remember when pastors would never have permitted cross-dressers to read to children.

I’m so old I remember when bearded women were only seen at the freak show in the circus.

I’m so old I remember when a dollar was backed by gold.

I’m so old I remember when adults protected children and did not exploit them.

I’m so old I remember when education and indoctrination were different things.

I’m so old I remember when people actually hid certain behaviors in their closet.

I’m so old I remember when pornography was not considered protected speech.

I’m so old I remember when the name Jesus Christ was mentioned only as an object of praise.

I’m so old I remember when men protected children from predators.

I’m so old I remember when speaking the truth was considered loving.

I’m so old I remember when labor unions actually fought for the workers.

I’m so old I remember when teenagers were to be seen and not heard.

I’m so old I remember when climate change meant diving south in the winter.

I’m so old I remember when there was such a thing as common sense.

I’m so old I remember when conspiracy theories were not true.

I’m so old I remember when clouds were formed by nature and not airplanes.

I’m so old I remember when pedo networks were considered conspiracy theories.

I’m so old I remember when pastors taught congregations to fear God.

I’m so old I remember when an unborn baby’s life was more important than his/her mommy’s life.

I’m so old I remember when we were taught not to tolerate sinful behavior.

I’m so old I remember when pastors worked a full time job.

I’m so old I remember when science was based on facts and not emotions.

I’m so old I remember when it didn’t take a village to raise your kids.

I’m so old I remember when most of the things I just listed were not old fashioned.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Sin of Silence

Dave Daubenmire

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines sin:  “To depart voluntarily from the path of DUTY prescribed by God to man; to violate the divine law in any particular, by actual transgression or by the neglect or non-observance of its injunctions; to violate any known rule of DUTY.”

Did you know that it was possible to passively sin?  Most of us have been taught through our religious upbringing that sins are something that we actually commit.  When we lie, or steal, or engage in sex outside of the bounds of marriage we have an understanding that we have engaged in, committed, a sin by our actions.

All sinners understand that and the more we sin the less tender our conscience becomes.  Soon, we find ourselves engaging in fornication regularly but are not bothered by the clear violation of our conscience.  Once our conscience is seared, or hardened, we become much more comfortable in our active violation of those standards with which we have been raised.

A seared conscience makes one helpless in the face of mounting temptation.  The only way to be able to turn from sin is by a conscious decision to say “NO” to the temptation.  This requires the infilling of The Holy Spirit.

My mother always said to me “let your conscience be your guide,” and it worked perfectly until my conscience began to become dull.  Overwhelmed by temptation and without the ability to combat it, I found myself doing a lot of things that I would never want my mother to know I did.

How many times have you done something that you knew that you shouldn’t do and found yourself sliding down a trail you never intended to get on in the first place?  Sin makes for a slippery foundation.

But the Christian world is slow to criticize one of the most dangerous of sins.  The sin of OMISSION is just as evil and just as destructive as any other carnal sin that you may find yourself engaging in.  However, the sin of OMISSION is not as easily recognizable because it is not as blatantly obvious.

Get in a religious discussion today (if that is even possible in this greasy-gracy world we live in) and you will find that most people still understand the notion of sin, but are quick to rationalize WHY their particular sin was not as diabolical.  Justification of sin is the heating of the hot iron that will eventually cauterize the guilt from the clearly sinful actions.

I hear tell the road to hell was paved with good intentions…

But it is the sin of OMISSION that is just as deadly in today’s world.  The idea that, as the Bible teaches, to know to do good AND NOT TO DO IT, is also sin.  This willful silence is the American Church’s greatest failure.

Just this week 2246 “fetal remains” were discovered in the home of a paid assassin in South Bend, Indiana.  It seems a mass murderer masquerading as a doctor had accumulated a strange collection of dead human beings in his home that were discovered after his own death.  The horror was not that he had killed 2246 human beings, but that he was ghoulish enough to keep them in his home…much like a deer hunter does with a set of antlers.  And just what are “fetal remains?”  Would that be toes, or fingers, or ears, or 2246 complete and distinct people?  Thank God most “good” abortionists only murder babies and sell their bodies for research.

You probably haven’t read much about it because the media would not like to awaken your dead conscience.  But what if it had been 2246 born children?  Or illegal immigrants?  Or school children?  Or puppies?  Why does the slaughter of 2246 unborn children not horrify every Christian in America?  Why are not pastors leading their congregations into the streets and demanding the end to this carnage?

Their silence like a cancer grows…

It seems we are more outraged that he took the babies home for his collection than we are that he killed them.  Soon pastors will be pushing for a law against taking murdered babies home. Seared consciences, cowardice and compromise are the new unholy trinity.

The sin of silence is so much more destructive than carnal sins.  Don’t we understand that silence is consent and that our silence permits sin to spread like a black mold?  Can’t we recognize the fact that God placed His Spirit IN us to destroy the forces of darkness?  Sin, in all of its forms is destructive.  Look at the “fetal remains” littering this once great nation.

You see, it is not homosexuality that is destroying this nation, but rather the acceptance of it.  Teaching transgenderism to our children does not destroy the trangendered soul but the innocent soul exposed to the debauchery.  The shacking up of unmarried heteroes does not destroy marriage, but the acceptance of it does.

The US Supreme Court did not destroy marriage when they opined in the Obergefel case.  Marriage was on the ropes long before that.  The legalization of no-fault divorce ushered in the tsunami of alternative marriages.  The church’s acceptance of such marriages opened the floodgates and the deluge washed away the natural family.

Every great moral evil that has cascaded down on our Christian American society met very little resistance from the watchmen who had been called to stop it.  The SCOTUS removed prayer from our schools and the church mice never peeped.  They removed the Bible from the schools and mum was the word. Abortion, removal of the 10 Commandments, and the destruction of marriage roared over the hill like the Niagara Falls with only a cursory complaint from the men in the pulpit.  Exposing evil is the DUTY of Christians.

Our spiritual leaders were too busy fighting their brothers over doctrine, theology, hermeneutics, escape-tology, and skin color to take on the real evil encroaching on the horizon.  Every evil enveloping us today was done with the approval and acceptance of the American Church.

Silence is consent.  Consent with evil is cowardly and treasonous to Christ. America is paying a heavy price.

The American pastorate has traded their black robes for yellow ones.

Silence isn’t golden.  Silence is yellow.  Silence is sin.

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What Else Have They Lied About?

Coach Dave Daubenmire

“There is no honor amongst thieves.”

I’m not sure with whom this phrase originated with but it is on full display in America today.  Our government is a collection of thieves.  They have robbed every vestige of Truth from the American people and have smiled while doing it.

Take a good look at this picture below of Robert Mueller, John Brennan, and James Clapper.  It is enough to make a strong stomach vomit.  In case you wondered, this is a picture of three men who attempted to over-throw the American government.  One investigated the other two.  Can you tell from the picture who investigated whom?

I wonder if James Comey took the picture.

I am writing this on the 18th anniversary of 9-11.  All three of these “public servants” were intimately involved in the mock investigation of that America-changing event.

Bob Mueller was FBI Director during the investigation.  Yes, THAT Bob Mueller.  He was appointed by GW Bush and confirmed one week before the towers came tumbling down.   He was succeeded in 2013 by James Comey.  Yep. THAT James Comey.

Illegal President Barry Soetoro appointed John Brennan as head of the CIA in 2013.  Brennan has been hanging around the dark shadows of government for three decades.  James Clapper is also a deep swamp-rat who served as Obama’s Director of National Intelligence for nearly 7 years.

Larry, Curly, and Moe have been at the center of American “intelligence” for this entire century.  I’m not sure which one is Moe, but can you imagine any one of the stooges running an honest investigation on one of the others?

So they hire Bill Barr to investigate the three stooges and it is reported that Barr and his wife are all warm and fuzzy with the Muellers.  It seems their wives attend the same Bible study.  I wonder if the Bible they use has the 10 Commandments expunged from it.

Do you see a pattern here?  The investigators investigate the investigators.  It is a vicious cycle where the powerful protect the powerful.  As George Carlin said, “it is a big club and you ain’t in it.”

Just this week a report was released exposing the fraud of 9-11.  A four year scientific study concluded that Building 7, the 3rd building that collapsed on 9-11, was not brought down by fire but rather by a controlled demolition.  The physics of the government “theory” were impossible.  You probably won’t hear about it on the news.

Quoting from the report.  “The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”

Most of you, because you have swallowed the cover-up done by the Deep Swamp and not your own eyes are not even aware that Building 7, which was never struck by a plane, collapsed in a controlled demolition.  You can find more truth at this website than you will be able to swallow.

Some claim 9-11 was an inside job…and are laughed at by those who get their information from the Fake News.  The report just released PROVES the official 9-11 narrative is as phony as a Robert Mueller Russian investigation.  I wonder how many in Congress know the whole 9-11 story is fake…

So, as we remember the event that ushered in the unpatriotic Patriot Act, we must face the fact that what they have told us about 9-11 and 18 Muslims with box-cutters appears to be a lie.  The surveillance state which permits the government to spy on private citizens in direct violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments was hatched that clear September morning.  All in the name of THE SWAMP protecting you.

Can you name one American government official held responsible for the events of 9-11?  Me neither, Moe.  Maybe we’ll find the evidence when they release the Warren Report on the Kennedy Assasination.

They are hoping you forget.  Most Americans under the age of 25 have very little firsthand memory of that day.  The events of 9-11 have been shoved down America’s memory hole.  That is the way they had planned it.  Nearly 1/3 of Americans are under 25.  They don’t even remember that day, let alone Building 7.

What else have they lied to us about?  The Warren Commission, Dr. King’s murder, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy Finicum, Oklahoma City, Vaccines, GMO’s, Las Vegas Shooting, Russian collusion…

Folks, these are not conspiracy THEORIES…these are EVIDENCES of the conspiracy.

Psalm 2 says Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed…”  When rulers take council together isn’t that called CONSPIRING?

Wasn’t it Ronald Reagan who told us to “trust but verify?”     Trust who…and verify what?  Fifty-five years later they won’t even release the Truth about the JFK assassination.  Osama Bin Laden was the 9-11 version of Lee Oswald.  Where is Osama buried?

Evil men in high places have seized this nation.  How many have died because of the lies?  How many more will?  We are controlled by a government that deals with “conspiracies” by feeding us lies.  Larry, Curly, and Moe have made us all look like stooges.  Hillary lied and people died.

Who else and what else have they lied to us about?

I’m from the government and I’m here to deceive…

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Trouble Is Coming – Perilous Ties Are Upon This Nation

By Dave Daubenmire

I used to love watching the old westerns on TV.  That was long before political correctness had taken root in America.  In fact, that was so long ago that there was actually a thing called right and wrong.

There still is today…right and wrong…but there is no longer a common standard by which right and wrong can be determined.  We live in a day when, as the Bible warned us, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Oprah warned us of this as she slowly metastasized the cancer of tolerance and diversity as one of the new virtues that the multi-headed hydra-monster ‘god” was in favor of.

“God” has become a universal generic term by which all deities are now identified.  The American motto of In God We Trust becomes meaningless unless we ask the simple question…which God?

There was a time in America when that term had universal acknowledgement.  Yahweh, Jehovah, Emmanuel, Jesus Christ were all common names used to identify the “God” who was ruling over America.

Trees, nature, and self are poor substitutes for the God of the Bible.   The First Commandment acknowledges the existence of other gods and specifically states that no other gods will be tolerated.  We used to teach that in our schools.  In God We Trust referred to the Christian God.

Thanks to Oprah and the National Education Association that is no longer the case in America.  As Oprah’s daily show subtly suggested we all need to “seek our own truth.”  The only problem is, there is no such thing as individual truth.  There is only universal Truth encapsulated in the God-man Jesus Christ.

Something is not true simply because you believe it and it certainly is not false simply because you don’t believe it.  Jesus Christ, American school children were once taught, is the embodiment of ALL truth.  Jesus was the Stand of Truth taught for nearly 350 years in “public” schools.

As a result, most Americans no longer share a common set of values, or morals.  In America today the standard is that there is no standard.   Right is wrong and wrong is right.  Everyone is living out “their” truth.  Oprah’s chickens have come home to roost.

But it is deeper than that.  The changing of the guard has been chaotic.  The remnants of Christian America are in a life and death struggle with secular America.  We have evolved from the days of Matt Dillon  and Hoss Cartwright when right and wrong were plainly obvious and as transparent as the color of a man’s Cowboy Hat.

Grey hats are much more common today.  A grey hat makes it much easier to disguise oneself.  Right and wrong are no longer so easily and universally identified.

Let’s talk about the changing of the guard…

Like so many of you I have ground my teeth over the current situation in our Government.  In my frustration I have called out to the Lord and asked “are there no White hats anymore Lord?”  Is EVERYONE in government corrupt?  That can’t possibly be.

One of my friends Chad dropped this into my spirit the other day and it brought me a sense of clarity.  This IS NOT a word from the Lord, but worth considering nonetheless.

There certainly are still White Hats in government and I believe that they are working diligently within a corrupted system.  But they know something that you and I do not.  They know how deep and dark the swamp is.  They know the evil that lurks behind the tailor-made blue suits and red neck ties and they understand the depth of depravity to which the Dark Hats will sink.

The White Hats love people and they love America.  But they understand better than most of us that the Black Hats do not.  The Black Hats love money, power, and prestige more than they care about people.  The White Hats know that if they more too quickly, that the Black Hats are going to move in such a way that many American’s lives will be lost.  In their love for people, the White Hats have to move cautiously in an attempt to limit the human carnage from the dark hearts of the Dark Hats.

Wasn’t it Barry Soetoro who called for a “civilian security force…just as powerful…just as strong…just as well funded…”  Watch his words here.  Let it send shivers down your spine.

What if the Dark Hats have built that force?  What if they are silently lurking in the background waiting to be unleashed on the American people?  What if a perp walk of Hillary or Obama triggered the release of this antifa-like army into the streets of America?  What if those who were constantly accusing the right of being violent were poised to unleash hell down Main Street America?

Why are they after your guns?  What if they eliminated your ability to protect your family?  These are the same people who have no qualms about murdering unborn babies.  The Scriptures tell us that “all those who hate me, love death.”

Wake up my friends.  The Black Hats hate God and they hate you.  They are embedded throughout the government.  What if Muslim Obama stacked the deck?  What if he silently built his army?  How will they respond if Trump wins?  How will they respond if he doesn’t?

Turn to Jesus.  Trouble is coming.  Perilous ties are upon this nation.

Do the White Hats know something that the rest of us do not?

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

America’s Double Standard Justice System

It is Time to See Some Perp Walks

We no longer have a Justice System. We have a legal system. You may be shocked to find out that those two are not the same.

Currently, we have a multi-tied legal system where those at the top are protected by rich and powerful friends.

Money talks.  It always has and it always will.  Money buys power and influence.  Power and influence destroy Justice.  If there is no Justice in America then there is no true freedom.  Lady Justice is no longer blindfolded.  Instead, she wears tinted glasses.  Green is her favorite color.

The scales of justice follow the money.  The Book of Proverbs tell us that “Diverse weights and diverse measures, They are both alike, an abomination to the LORD.”  God is just and His character demands justice for all.  Remember the old saying “Everyone is equal in the eyes of the law.”

Not so anymore.  The rich and powerful have their own set of scales.  This is an abomination to the Lord and it should be one to every American as well.  Equal Justice was so important that it was codified into law in America as the bedrock principle of American Juris Prudence.

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”  Bill Clinton uttered those words and skated right out of trouble.  If our leaders can lie with impunity, then we are one swamp away from a Banana Republic.  Don’t ever forget, Bill Clinton was re-elected after he lied to the people because “everyone lies about sex.”

I don’t lie about sex  because I don’t have to.  In a moral nation, one with strong ethical standards, lying to the American people would demand an automatic pushing of the ejection button…let alone porking some young intern in the Oval Office.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have done more to destroy the moral fabric of America than any foreign enemy could have ever hoped to do.  They are a stain on this nation.  Yet millions of misguided Americans still continue to vote for them.   When you place crooks in power in your nation do not be surprised when your government becomes crooked.

America will never be a great country again until we see some perp walks.  The Clinton’s should be the first ones in orange jumpsuits.

Look, I am not writing this to try and convince a morally-deficient populace of the need to have the same standard of right and wrong for everyone.  If you are not smart enough to understand that then you should no longer have the right to vote.  And, if you only explanation to the Clinton’s walking free is simply “what about Trump” you are making my point.

If Trump is guilty, lock him up.  But please, won’t somebody at least INVESTIGATE the Clintons?  Our local County Sheriff has enough evidence to “lock them up”, but, of course, it is out of his jurisdiction.  So they tell me.

Why in the world has no one arrested the Clintons?

I have been dabbling on the internet regarding our legal system and I came across this from the Cornell Law School.  Misprison of Felony  18 U.S. Code § 4.Misprision of felony.

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Do you need to read that again?  Do you need some high-falutin Washington attorney to explain to you the plain meaning of that simple legal fact?  My Ohio-cornfield explanation would simply be, “if you know someone has committed a felony and you do not report it to the civil authorities you are in danger of going to jail for ignoring it.”  Honesty is your duty.

Why is this so hard to understand?  How many Americans do you think have “knowledge” of the Clinton’s felonies?  Heck James Comey listed three in his exoneration of Hillary in 2016.  Why hasn’t somebody indicted them?

Better yet.  Check this one out from the same Cornell Law School.

Misprison of Treason.  18 U.S. Code § 2382. Misprision of treason.

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

Pardon my French…but what in the Hell is going on in America?  Is there any chance of rescuing this nation if we all simply ignore the law?  Would you be free if you did what Hillary did?  Doesn’t that bother you?  Don’t you think that WE THE PEOPLE should DEMAND JUSTICE?

Does Attorney General Bill Barr need to go to jail?  How about President Trump and every member of the House of Reps with knowledge of the Clinton crimes?  Why is justice taking so long?  How many more years must we wait for the “investigations” to be completed?  After three years in office why has the Trump administration not indicted anyone?

We are heading to Branson, Missouri this weekend as part of our   Please come and join us.  We are working hard to awaken the American people and demand action by our felonious elected officials.  Dr King famously opined, “injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.”  Justice delayed is justice denied.

It is time for YOU and I to do our duty. Please financially support our efforts. Buy a CROOKED HILLARY FOR PRISON  T-Shirt. It is time for us to MAKE OUR STAND! The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Help us fight for justice.

Isn’t it time to see some perp walks?

No Deposit – No Return

Perhaps I am showing my age a bit but that is a term they used to use before the recycling Nazi’s criminalized trash.  Coke bottles used to require a 2 cent deposit when you bought one to make sure that the bottles were returned so that they could be used again.

It wasn’t called recycling, but that is what it was.  My friends and I used to get pocket money by dumpster diving (they didn’t call it that back then) for bottles.  Although many states are bringing this idea back, in the mid 60’s they pretty much did away with idea.  Plastic bottles and aluminum cans replaced glass bottles and the recycling boom began.

Every kid in town had some money in his pockets back then because we simply walked the ditches outside of town and rummaged up 10 or so empty bottles along the road.  Twenty cents went a long way when I was a kid…heck…it bought a gallon of gas.

Today, Americans expect a return without a deposit. No wonder so many folks are walking around in desperation.

I don’t care what area of endeavor you find yourself operating in the old axiom of NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN still rings true today.  If you want anything of value in this life you will find that you are going to have to put some skin in the game.  No deposit, no return.

Why don’t we teach that anymore?  Why does everyone demand equality when it is clear that, for the most part, you get out of something exactly what you put into it?  No deposit, no return.

I spent a career as a high school Coach.  Football was where I hung my hat, but I coached numerous other sports…both boys and girls…and the one truism that remained constant was that those who worked the hardest usually had the greatest success. Although some people were born on third base, the vast majority of successful people that I know earned their success through hard work.  No deposit, no return.

We have all heard the stories from our parents about how rough their lives were.  You know the old saw…they walked three miles to school, uphill both ways…but the truth is that they lived in a different world where there was a direct correlation between work and success.

There was no entitlement.  No one owed them anything.  The American dream was the idea that if you worked hard you could be successful.  There was no such thing as a free lunch or a free pass.  As the Beatles so aptly said, everyone “bought a ticket to ride.”  In other words, no deposit, no return.

That was the American way.

Hold on tight…I am about to make a hard right turn on you here.

Why is it that we think it would be any different in our personal lives?  Why would we make the mistake of thinking that the most important aspects of life would be successful apart from the principles that worked in other parts of our lives?  No deposit, no return applies across the board.

Why is your Spiritual life so bland?  Why is your relationship with Jesus Christ so casual and lukewarm?  How much time and energy do you invest in your Christian walk?  Do you read the Bible daily?  If so, do you simply read a few verses out of a Daily Devotional and then run to the office?  How could you ever have a deep, lasting relationship with Christ if you invest so little time into it?  No deposit, no return.

How about your family?  How is that working out for you?  Has it ever dawned on you that your children probably spend more quality time with their high school coach than they do with you?  When I was coaching it was not unusual for a father to thank me for working with his child and openly admit that I had more impact on the child’s life than the father did.  Are you investing into your children?  No deposit, no return.

What about the relationship with your spouse?  How much quality time do the two of you actually spend together?  Men, how often do you sit down and look deeply into the eyes of your bride?  Do you listen to her concerns?  Do you take her hand and pray for her?  Do you step away from the TV and invest the time in her life that she actually deserves?  Remember, no deposit, no return.

When was the last time you connected with an elected official?  Do you communicate regularly with your Congressman?  How about your mayor…or better yet, your pastor?  They tell us that silence is consent and perhaps we should ask ourselves what is the message that our leadership is receiving from our silence.  What have you invested your time in to today?  Yep, you got it…no deposit, no return.

America is in the mess that we are in today because of the tyranny of the minority.  Samuel Adams, the firebrand of the American Revolution said, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

What brushfires are you setting in the minds of those you have influence over?  Are you having the impact in your home, church, marriage, and community that you could be having?  Are you investing your time, energy, talents, and finances into the things that really matter in life?

When the sand runs out of your hour glass what will it be that you left behind? Take stock in your life of the things that really matter and fight like hell to preserve them.   Now is the time.  Stand up and speak up.

No deposit, no return.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

It is Time to Legalize Jesus

Americans need Jesus

That’s not a slogan that is the Truth.  Much of the debauchery and death that America is wallowing in is a late 20th Century phenomenon.  The rank evil on display in this nation can be traced directly to the criminalization of Christ.

Jesus is not simply the God/man, but He is the Savior of the World.  Sadly, in all of our worship of materialism here in the early 21st Century, the Biblical Jesus has morphed into nothing more than a spiritual guide who came to earth to make our existence here more comfortable.

According to today’s culture Jesus is just one of many wise men who can help you navigate through the channels of life.  For nearly forty years multiculturalism has taught our school children that there were many paths to heaven and many ways to live a fulfilling life.

But Jesus claimed exclusivity to the term GOD.   He is the only “spiritual guide” to have told us that He was THE way, THE Truth, and THE life.  No one, He told us, comes to the Father except through him.  Mohammed is dead.  So is Buddha, and all of the other imposters headlining multi-culturalism.  ONLY Jesus offered ETERNAL LIFE.

For nearly 400 years that is what we taught exclusively to our children.  Although the argument can be made that America was not founded as a Christian nation there can be no doubt that it was a nation founded by Christians.  And even though the Constitution guaranteed “freedom of religion,” that freedom did not give the individual American the right or permission to overthrow heaven.

The real coup that has been pulled on America is the criminalization of the Name of Christ.

The term “God” is a universal term.  In fact, The Almighty himself acknowledged the existence of “other gods” and told us that He would not tolerate any other gods before Him.  “GOD BLESS AMERICA” I hear people say, especially around the patriotic holidays.

But which God are they referring to?  Which God do we want to bless America?  Which God rules and reigns over the entire universe?

Jesus is His Name.  Almighty God incarnate.  Emanuel, God with us.  “For there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we might be saved.”  Acts 4:12

Why are Christians afraid to use that Name?  Why do our elected officials refuse to use that name when they pray publicly?  Why have Christians so faltered in our duty to “lift up the name of Jesus,” for at the Name of JESUS “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”   Why are we ashamed to use that Name?

We need to legalize Jesus.  We need to stand up and push back against the forces of darkness.  Jesus himself told us that “if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.”  At what point does the American church come out of hiding and fight to decriminalize the Christ?

With the latest shootings we once again her the secularists cry for “gun control” as if regulating inanimate objects will somehow solve our problems.  America has heart problems.  Americans have a sin problem.   We need self control, not gun control.

American is awash with darkened hearts.  It used to be the job of our schools, in conjunction with our churches, to teach our children right from wrong.  But with the dastardly decision of the US Supreme Court in Everson V Board of Education, the Demonic lie of “the separation between the church and state” was birthed out of the gates of hell and launched an all out assault on all things Christian.

Slowly, Jesus was criminalized, and the very foundations upon which our nation was founded shattered like a rock through a window pane and destroyed the morality upon which all America’s children would be educated. When there was no longer JESUS as king over America “everyone began to do what is right in his own eyes.”

Well the chickens are coming home to roost.  Americans no longer share a common language, a common heritage, or a common God.  Jesus is just one of the home boys.

Jesus will not be mocked.  Whatever we reap we will sow and I am sorry to say that there is going to be a whole lot of weepin’ over what we will be reapin’.  Perhaps when all of the dust settles, wise men will once again rise to the challenge and daub the foundational walls that held this nation together.

Doesn’t your heart break over the condition of this nation?  Don’t you lament over the cesspool in which your children and grandchildren have to swim?  The god-haters have been engaged in a four-decade full court press against the Christ and we find ourselves standing on a very shaky ledge.  Jumping off or fighting back are our only choices.  Which one will you choose?

A return to Biblical morality is the only hope for our nation.  When all of the walls tumble down around us we must rebuild this nation with the One Eternal standard that has stood the test of time.  Don’t Christians believe in Truth?

It is time to release Jesus from socialist jail.   He is the world’s only hope.  Why in the name of all things Holy won’t the church shake off its apathy and push back against the forces of darkness?  If Jesus is King of Kings how do you separate Him from government?   He is either Lord of all or not Lord at all.

Our children are lost.  Immorality rules the day.  The church sits silently and prays for the evacuation.  How can a nation survive such chaos?

It is time to legalize Jesus once again.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Now Is The Time To Stand Up And Be Counted

Stand.  What a simple word.  It connotes the idea of holding one’s ground.  Stand firm.  Stand up and be counted.  Stand up for what you believe in.  Make your stand.

It is a common word that folks love to throw around but it is rare to find someone who actually stands when the fire gets hot.  Our nation was built on the sacrifices of those who knew what it meant to stand.

When the American Revolution took place the average age of a soldier was 17.  The average age of a soldier in the Civil War was 25.  World War II soldiers averaged 23 years old, while those who fought in WW II  were 26.  Both the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War were fought by men in their early 20’s.  The ongoing wars in the Mideast have been fought by those same 25 year olds.

There was a time in this nation when our young men were taught to stand.

Today we are taught to kneel.

Wars have always been fought by young men.  Part of it has to do with the physical rigors of war which are far more suited for young, sturdy bodies.  But America is full of men who were once charged with “standing” who today find themselves kneeling.  Kneeling, not to a foreign enemy, but to a far more deadly domestic one.

This is not your grandfathers’ “government.”  Those who lay down their lives have been sold out by those who sent them to war.  As the old saying goes, I love America but I hate the Government.  There is something wrong when an American citizen fears his government.

Thomas Jefferson famously said, “When the people fear the government there is tyranny.  When the Government fear the people there is liberty.”  Ask yourself this very simple question.  When you get a knock on your door from “the Government” is your heart filled with fear or with joy?

Whether you admit it or not, most American’s are no longer standing.  Thank God America’s veterans did not think that bowing their knee in protest was a sign of strength.  Those who made America great bowed to pray and then stood to fight.

The American Way of life hangs in the balance and now is the time for Americans to remember how to stand.  Now is the time.  We either stand up now or we will bow our knee to the forces of darkness.

The Scripture’s tell us to STAND.  “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Sadly, Christians are the ones who are least likely to stand their ground.

The Pastors of America’s churches have led the kneel-a-thon.  Instead of standing up and pushing back against evil they pride themselves on coming up with creative ways to bow to the whims and wyles of those who are serving the Prince of Darkness.

Because of weak knees, marriage has been destroyed, children have been slaughtered in the womb, sexual deviancy has wriggled its way into the pulpit, and government has entrenched itself as mediator between the pulpit and The Almighty.  As a result, God’s opinion’s are redefined as hate speech, and His standards trampled by the Terrorists in Black Robes.  It has gone so far as to watch the mention of His Name being banned on Facebook.

Christianity is under attack like no time in American History.  Although the argument can be made that America was not founded as a Christian nation there can be no doubt that it is a nation that was founded by Christians.   Today, Christian values and Christian believes are rapidly being banished from every sector of the American society.

Jefferson purportedly warned us “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.”

There are currently over 20 Million Americans who swore the oath to defend our nation against domestic enemies.  A domestic enemy is anyone who fights to violate the enumerated rights of the US Constitution.  As hard as this is to swallow, most of the domestic enemies of this nation are embedded in the “Government” that millions of young men fought to defend.

The number one reason that people don’t fight back is fear.  They are afraid of losing their job; Afraid of making someone mad; Fearful that they might offend someone; Concerned that the government might come calling; Afraid that standing for the Truth appears to be “judgmental.”

We are rapidly losing our nation and NOW is the time to STAND!

I came to age in the waning months of the Vietnam War.  The draft lottery had recently been introduced and the idea of forced conscription had gone the way of sexual purity.  As a result, I never served my tour of duty in the military.  But like so many aging baby boomers I am rapidly facing the short walk into the sunset of my life.  Daily I become more aware of the vanishing liberty that I am leaving to my posterity.  It is high time that millions of Americans just like me enlist in the battle for this nation.

Like no time in American History I fear the direction that this nation is heading and I understand that the only hope for America is a resurgence of Christianity and the values that encompass it.  If we lose America, we risk plunging our grandchildren into a period of darkness from which they may never recover.  Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.  Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little ”  The Bible teaches “Therefore to him who knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”  What kind of Grandfather permits chains to be laid on his grandchildren?

Come out of the closet Christians. We only have one chance to save this nation.   NOW is the time for to stand.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

What if Christians Thought We Could Win?

I don’t want to make this commentary about me, but there are a few things I need to say before I can get to my point.

Since 2003 my wife and I have been in full time ministry.  The focus of Pass The Salt since its inception has been to awaken Christians to more actively engage their faith.  Although there are many other great ministries who are actively engaging the culture, the Truth is that most people think that what we do is too “edgy.”

Since choosing to leave public school teaching and coaching in 2000 the sole focus of our work has been to awaken Christians to the urgency of the moment and our need to get personally and actively involved in what others love to call “the Culture War.”

Let me perfectly clear, there IS a war raging in this nation and it IS being played out in the culture.  The Boy Scouts are now the BSA Scouts and you don’t even have to be a boy to join in the fun.  This week at their World Jamboree in West Virginia they are handing out condoms rather than merit badges.  That gives new meaning to their motto of “Be Prepared.”  I guess the idea of being morally “straight” went out the window with the arrival of gender fluidity.

Public libraries all across America have opened their doors to Drag Queen Story Hour.  This consists of biological males dressing in women’s clothing and indoctrinating pre-teen children about the virtues of cross-dressing.   Brain dead parents actually support this.

The frontal assault on Biblical morality is astonishingly bold and our grandchildren are in the cross-hairs of the sexual deviants all across this land.

This is what we fight at Pass The Salt Ministries yet we find it to be a very isolating form of ministry.  We often ask the Lord why he put us into such a “confrontational” ministry when our walk would have been so much easier if He had raised us up to preach the “peace and prosperity” message.  We are shunned by most of the church brethren and ridiculed by the sissy, skinny jean-wearing, mousse haired, metro-sexuals that fill America’s pulpits.

Real masculine men are not welcome in most churches today.   In fact, masculinity has been so swept into the closet that any thought of “fighting” for the culture has gone the way of hymnals and strictly enforced church discipline.  Today’s Christianity is so different from the Gospel preached in the Book of Acts that most churches and their messages have become nothing more than self-help centers where attendees pay weekly dues to be reassured of how much Jesus loves them.

It makes me want to barf.  How can ANY congregation sit passively by and watch the children of this nation be spiritually assaulted by the “doctrines of demons” and do nothing to fight against the darkness?  Homosexuals are now welcome in most of America’s churches while those of us who fight against it are shunned.  Whole congregations now accept deviant sexual activity as if it were perfectly Christian.  What has caused the church to do such a complete flip-flop in one generation?  Why do those who want to fight for the future of our grandchildren feel so out of place in most churches?  How is it that God’s children have become so spiritually apathetic?

“You are wasting your time, Coach fighting against the culture.  Things are playing out just exactly as the Bible says they would.  Things are going to only get worse until Jesus returns.  We are not long for this old world!”

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard that bilge come out of a fellow Christian’s mouth.  Those are the ones who are quick to tell me how wrong I am for going about things the way that I do.  Those in the Christian peanut gallery always have a better way of doing what they are not doing.

(Please excuse this not-so-shameless plug, but if you are looking for a manly discussion of Biblical issues you have got to tune into my morning show.  Check it out.

Just this morning I asked the listeners this piecing question.  “If Jesus was to show up in your room tonight and inform you that His imminent return was still 1000 years in the future, and that the spiritual future of your grandchildren was dependant on what you did TODAY to protect them against the forces of darkness, would it change the way you engage the culture?

I call it The Rapture Hammock…one of the most selfish doctrines ever to come down the highway to hell…the idea that your salvation is secure and that soon you will be one of the select few to leave this earth while all of your unsaved family and friends are left alone to fight the forces of hell.  What kind of Christian could be so selfish as to think that way?  Is it possible to even be a Christian and not fight for a righteous standard for others?

American Christianity is aflood with stinkin’ thinkin’.  What if American Christians actually woke up and begun to fight for the righteous standards spelled out in the Bible?  What if we strove for a culture where righteousness was expected and unrighteousness was punished?  What if our Christian pastors began to work together for a more righteous society for our posterity?   What if our churches began to LEAD in the fight for Truth?  What if Christians actually began to BELIEVE we could win?

Here is the take home.  America is in a mess because our churches have washed their hands of trying to impact the culture

I’ve been involved with sports my entire life and nothing is as discouraging as watching a team lose because of lack of effort.  “Fight to the end” is the victor’s motto.  Today it has become “don’t fight because we can’t win.”

What must our Heavenly Coach think of the lack of fight in His team?

What would the nation look like if Christians actually thought we could win?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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I’m Proud Of How God Made Me, White

Some of you think it is racist for me to say that.  You have been brainwashed.

Am I permitted to be proud of my heritage?  Should I cower in fear of the race-baiters being triggered by my so nonpolitically correct statement?

Should I be ashamed of my ethnicity?  Would America be a better place if all of the “pale faces” simply retreated inside of our log cabins and stroked our coon-skinned caps?  Would America be a better place without “whitey?”

Perhaps I am wrong but it seems like every other ethnic group is encouraged to proudly parade their birth suit and the wonderful heritage that their skin represents.

But I am more than skin.  A lot more.  And as much as it might make the skin-color counters nervous I am far more influenced by my Christianity than I am the color of my skin. Although my heritage is one of White Anglo Saxon Protestant, (something we used to call a WASP), my heritage is one of Catholicism, a “religion” that my parents picked for me.  I no longer follow the edicts of “The Church”, but have moved on to one of the Heinz 57 brands of what some folks refer to as Christianity.

I am a Christian today by choice.  I am a Caucasian by birth.  I know many Christians who are not white and I know many whites who are not Christians.  To simply throw all of us into the same bucket of fish because we all happen to be the same color is just as foolish as assuming that sharks and blue gills have a great deal in common.

I’ll happily swim in a lake full of blue gills, but will give a great deal of thought before skinny dipping in shark infested waters.  Not all fish are the same and not all white boys are the same either.

Did I tell you that I am proud to be white?

Not prouder than a black guy is to be black.  Not prouder than an Hispanic is to be Hispanic. And certainly not prouder than an Asian is to be Asian.

But I am not ashamed of it either.

Have you ever noticed that many of those who are throwing around the label “racist” happen to have the same color of skin that I have?  Last I checked, Nancy Pelosi was white, as is Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and most of the candidates running for the Democratic nomination.  Since they are the ones who are always barking about racism why doesn’t anyone ever accuse them of being racist?

Is Nancy Pelosi ashamed to be white?  Where did she learn NOT to be racist?  Are all white’s racists or just the Trump voters?  How do you identify a racist, or does that just come as an add-on to the whole skin color thingee?  Did you know that the word “racist” didn’t even exist in 1828?  Check it out here.  A totally made up word invented by the communists in the 1930’s to foster division in America.

Dr. King famously asked Americans to stop judging by skin color but by the content of one’s character.  You’d be surprised how wrong you would be about someone if you simply judged them by how they looked.  Bill Cosby seemed like a good guy, as did Jeffrey Epstein.  Just ask the Clintons.  You would be making a big mistake if you judged either one by their birthday suit.

I found out recently that my family heritage has a lineage back to a group of Americans called Melungeons.  You can read about them here.  My ancestors were a mixture of European, African, and Native American.  But today people just call me and my family “white.”  It is easier to label me a racist that way.

Like I said.  Some fish are blue gills and some fish are sharks.  It is dangerous to judge a book by its color…the same goes for people.

I think Nancy Pelosi is evil.  Not because of the color of her skin, but because of the content of her character.  I think Ben Carson is a wonderful man for the same reasons.

My wife and I raised three children…I think my wife was a Melungeon as well…at least in part.  In our house we never called people nigger, spic, wetback, coon, hunky, whop, chinc, or dago.  We taught our children that all people were created in the image of God.  Blue gills and sharks…but fish nonetheless.

Bottom line?  Your skin-suits are simply containers in which the real you rides around in.  Your skin color has nothing to do with what kind of person you become.  Our grandchildren have some black friends.  We have nieces and nephews who have an Asian mother.  I don’t think our grandchildren even realize that their cousins and friends do not look like WASP’s.  Somebody has to point that out to them

That is what the race baiters do. They point out differences. They divide and conquer. They impugn the content of one’s character simply by association with the color of one’s skin.  They make white children ashamed to be white.

In America every skin color is honored except for white and every religion except Christian. Well, it doesn’t work in my house and it shouldn’t work in yours. I say a pox upon the house of all race baiters.

Just one small thing?  Do Melungeons qualify for minority status?  Did my kids miss out on some affirmative action?  Is there a way I can collect on my obvious birth defect?  Is there some government agency that will help me get money out of your pocket?  The Melungeon life was a hard life!

I’m proud to be white.  Don’t blame me.  I was born this way.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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It Is Time to Indict Hillary

Lady Justice needs a new blindfold.

Dr. King told us that “injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.”  We can no longer survive as a nation if we do not have system of Justice where no one is above the law.

That includes Hillary Clinton and her wife Bill.  As long as the two of them are walking the streets of America Lady Justice will be forced to hide her eyes.  They don’t call them the Clinton Crime Family for nothing.

Ask yourself this, if you had destroyed evidence in a criminal investigation would you be free to travel the world as if nothing had ever happened?  If a government agency was investigating you and you told them that the evidence had been destroyed would they simply pat you on the back and send you on your merry way?  Would YOU be making speeches all around the country?

Can anyone explain to me why Hillary Clinton has not been indicted?  Does it not bother you that there are at least two systems of justice here in America?  Can you not see that the powerful protect the powerful?  Are you OK with that?  Can America survive as a Constitutional Republic if our elected officials are not held to a HIGHER standard than they average Joe Citizen?

Please stop right now and visit .  We are a growing group of Americans who are committed to fighting back and demanding EQUAL Justice not SPECIAL Justice.  We would love for you to join with us as we endeavor to restore justice and restore our government to the PEOPLE !!

We returned to Hillary’s home in Chappaqua last week.  You can find a plethora of information about our efforts on as well as on  The evidence of her guilt is overwhelming.  Our efforts are designed to continue to push until some jurisdictional power gets serious about Equal Justice for all.  The Deep State will never indict their Queen Bee.

Watch this video.  James Comey already listed for us the felonies that the FBI admits she committed.  Yet, according to Comey, “no reasonable prosecutor would charge her.”  We are going to push until we find one.  Did you know that with all of the malfeasance that Hillary has engaged in no charges have ever been brought against her?

Well, thirty of us filed affidavits as witnesses to her crimes last week.  We presented the sworn statements to the local Police, the New York State Police, the local prosecutor, and to the FBI. You can read a copy of our citizen’s sworn affidavit here.

We are beginning to get traction as this story was reported on Newsweek’s home page last Sunday.

Check out this video of the petition’s being delivered.  Here is a video of the drive-by of 15 Old House Lane, Hillary and Bill’s hideout where they are protected by the compromised government of Chappaqua.

We need your help.  We need YOU to get involved.

There are several things that YOU can do to help.

  1.  You can go to our website and sign the petition.
  2. You can make a copy of the affidavit, change it to YOUR name and deliver a copy to your local Congressman.
  3. We have provided a list of Congressmen who called for an investigation of Hillary a year ago and YOU can call them and ask them to follow through on their requests.  We have even provided a phone script for you to use.  YOU can also call YOUR Congressman and do the same.
  4. You can fax your Congressman FOR FREE.  HERE
  5. You can go to the PRAYER WALL and offer up prayers.  Here
  6. You can donate to the efforts here
  7. You can share with all of your friends and ask them to do the same.

We can no longer trust or count on the Justice Department to serve up Equal Justice.  We The People must turn up the heat on those who have sworn a duty to uphold the Constitution.

We call on ALL former military and anyone who has sworn an oath to the Constitution to join with us.  We are sending out a clarion call to the grass roots supporters of those who made America great.  OUR SILENCE HAS BEEN DEFEANING.

We called our website Equal Justice TOUR because this is just the beginning of the places we are going to go.  We are touring the country to wake up our elected officials and demand that they do their SWORN duty.

President Trump has been investigated more than any American in history.  Hillary’s felonies have been ignored.  It is time to see if the Clinton’s can stand up under the same scrutiny.

Time is short.  America is under attack from within.  NOW is the time to stand!!

We need your support.  Please join with us.  We The People still hold all of the power. Not to act is to act.

With the help of Jesus Christ we must fight to restore Justice!!

Equal Justice is spelled Lock her up!!  It is time to indict Hillary Clinton for the crimes we know she has committed!

Aren’t you sick of what the powerful get away with?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Still-Born Christians

Most of the Christians that you run into today really aren’t.

Christians, that is.  They really aren’t Christians. They have been tricked by phony political correct preachers into believing that salvation of one’s soul is as simple as walking an aisle and repeating a prayer.

Being a Christian requires more than simply “asking Jesus into your heart.”  “Putting on Christ,” “receiving Him as your Lord and Savior,” or merely “finding the Lord.”

Jesus isn’t lost.  You don’t find Him.  He calls people.  He transforms people; He demands your death in order to receive HIS life.

Try this one on for size.  “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

I wonder how many “Christians” today realize that salvation from one’s sins requires crucifixion of one’s flesh.  In order to be “born again” one is required to die. There can be no new birth without a death.  Most still-born Christians have never died to self.

Christians love to talk about their “faith walk” when most never walk out their faith anywhere.  Still-born Christians are incapable of walking.

That is why so many church-goers today are still-born.  The seed of life was planted in them but their transformation was aborted after birth.  Perhaps they received the seeds of salvation at an altar but the seeds were never watered and the plant was never pruned.

The church is full of still-born Christians.  That is why the church is so ineffective in advancing the Kingdom of God.  Why else would the church seem to be so powerless?  Could it be that the Life of Christ never took root and grew inside them?  Is it possible that the American church today is nothing more than an incubator where the babes in Christ never make it to adulthood?

Let me say it again.  Most people that you run into in your local assembly are cultural Christians.  The message in most churches is that Christ died so that the adherents could live a more robust life.  The true call of Christianity is to lay down one’s life for the cause of Christ.  Today, we are taught that Christ laid down HIS life for us.  Fake religion is shallow and it destroys the life of Christ.  Empty religion produces still-born followers.  Most church-goers are not going to Heaven.

How do I know that?  Simple.  Just read this.  “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Sadly, most churches ask the wrong question, “Do you know Jesus?”  That is like asking someone if they know Donald Trump.  EVERYONE knows Donald Trump.  But would President Trump take a call from you?  Would he come to your birthday party or wedding?

Of course he wouldn’t, because He doesn’t know you.  The question we need to ask Christians today is not “do you know Jesus but does Jesus know YOU?”  Evidently, knowing Jesus and Jesus knowing you is not the same thing.

Does the life of Jesus live inside you or are you a still-born Christian?

Recent studies declare that over 75% of Americans claim to be Christians.  If that were the case how could America be in the moral condition that we are in?   The Homosexual Alphabet Mafia is less than 3% of the population and they are in control of every major power source in America.

Can you name any other sexual perversion that has an entire month to celebrate their debauchery when Veterans and Presidents only have one day?  The Homo Mafia runs the government, education, media, Hellywood, the business world, Big Science, and they are creeping into power in the Evanjellyfish church.

How can that be?  How can Bible-believing Christians be convinced that butt-sex between two men is normal?  How can the church sit silently by and allow cross-dressers to lure children into public libraries for the sole purpose of recruiting our young people into that dastardly death-style?  How can a sodomite stand on the stage in a Christian assembly?

Marriage is on life support.  You know the world is messed up when homosexuals want to get married and college girls don’t.  Fornicating young people are granted permission to kill the life that their sinful behavior has produced and all of this is done under the watchful eye and with the permission of the local church.

One of the greatest evidences that the church is full of still-born believers is that they have lost their voice.  Isaiah said it this way.

His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.  Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.   Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.

Dogs that cannot bark.  They see the enemy at work and they are incapable of doing anything about it.  Dead religion produces dead followers.

No wonder the nation is going to hell in a hand basket.

The church world is full of still-born Christians with no bark, no bite, no courage and no life.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Is Anyone Else Homo-Nauseous?

Is Anyone Else Homo-Nauseous?

Editor note.  This commentary was originally written in 2007.  Last week I attended the homo parade in Columbus, Ohio and felt it was appropriate to republish it.  These deviants are on the verge of ruling America.

Warning: Commentary is not politically correct.

I’m sick of it. I really am.

I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m homo-nauseous. I really couldn’t care less where a man desires to put his sexual appendage.

But I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. I’m sick of it being force fed to me on TV.

Check out these pictures.

In all of my life I have never seen such deviancy so openly celebrated. They are deviant, you know? No matter how many names they will try and call me, no matter how many sensitivity classes they try and send me to, no matter how much tolerance they try and cram down my throat (sorry), the fact remains homosexuals are deviant.

DeviantOne that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

Homosexual behavior is a deviant lifestyle. Everyone knows that. So in order to make themselves look normal the homosexual movement is doing everything that it can to change social standards. They can’t feel good about themselves, so they must make sure WE feel good about them.

Well, I’m sick of it. I’m homo-nauseous. The homo-sexual movement is making me sick.

I understand what I am opening up myself to. It happens every time I take on this subject. My emails will be flooded by those who are concerned that I must secretly be battling homo-feelings, that I need to get-over my homo-phobia, and that Jesus would not be so judgmental. And that is just from the Christians. You couldn’t stomach what the sodomites say about me. Hey, I’m used to it. It comes with the turf.

But I thought the homosexuals were just like everyone else and that all they wanted was to be free to live their lives in peace. If that is the case, why won’t they stop identifying themselves by what they do in the privacy of their bedroom? Why are they so intent on making me accept their deviancy? Why are they trying to indoctrinate 6-year-olds into their perversion?

I’m sick of it. Take your behavior into your house and leave us alone.

They’re everywhere, these norm changers. They are perverted. (I’m sure that makes all of you nervous as well.) But interestingly enough, perverted shows up in the dictionary as a synonym for deviant.

Perversiona person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior.

That is straight out of the dictionary. It is not a right-wing, fundamentalist version of the word. It is what the word “perverted” means. The homosexual lives a deviant, perverted lifestyle. The dictionary says so. Don’t blame me. Words have meaning.

Here is what their godfather Alfred Kinsey wrote. “Perversions are defined as unnatural acts, acts contrary to nature, bestial, abominable, and detestable. Such laws are interpretable only in accordance with the ancient tradition of the English common law which … is committed to the doctrine that no sexual activity is justifiable unless its objective is procreation. [A.C. Kinsey,, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” 1948]

Their behavior and actions are perverted and deviant. Go ahead, call me hateful. I’m only defining the words. What they do can never be normal,so they must change the meaning of normal. They must alter societal standards.

Have you been watching?

They take their lifestyleï to the streets to celebrateï their debauchery (which I suppose is a harsh word too unless you read the definition.) Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance.

Look at these pictures (Warning: Graphic debauchery. May make you homo-nauseous) of the normal gay lifestyle.

Their behavior is costing billions in medical care.

Look at this educational material they are force-feeding public-school kids. They attack anyone who disagrees with their debauchery. Remember, they must change societal standards to accept their debaucherous, perverted, deviant, lifestyle. They can’t change their behavior so they must force you to change yours.

The government promotes it. The schools promote it. TV and films are awash with homo-stars. Churches are embracing it.

Homosexual activists are the real fascists. They are determined to control what you think, believe, and say. They hate free speech. They will do all they can to silence men like me.

Well, I’m sick of it. Leave me alone. Leave our children alone, leave our schools alone, and leave our culture alone.

What is wrong with the Church? Can’t they see what is happening to America? Can’t they see what is happening to our children? Can’t they see that the rug is being pulled out from under them?

Isaiah 1:4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.

Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.
Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.

…but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores.  Putrifying refers to the decay of the body of a formerly living organism into simpler forms of matter.

America is dying. It makes me sick.  It is time to stand up and fight against this deviancy.

Is anyone else homo-nauseous?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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We Rained On Hillary’s Parade

As I wrote back on May 23rd, we made a trip to Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York.  The reaction of folks to our plan ranged from being called foolish to dangerous.  No one messes with the Clinton’s and gets away with it, at least that is what several well meaning, cowards told us.

How long are we Americans going to continue to live in fear?  As I often replied, if you are worried about the Clinton’s doing you harm then that is all the more reason to go visit them.  What does it say about the state of this nation if we are to fear for our lives simply because we expressed our 1st Amendment right to “petition our government for a redress of grievances.”  We are in the mess we are in because we ARE fearful of the government.

Thomas Jefferson is reported to have eloquently said “When the government fears the people there is liberty.  When the people fear the government there is tyranny.”  Take a look at what is going on in Washington DC with the deep state and it is easy to see that we border on the precipice of tyranny.

Hillary and Bill Clinton worked for us.  We were not their slaves.  As long as government officials are able to treat us as their subjects we will continue to lose our liberties.  If we ever hope to secure our liberties we must once again gain control of those who are elected to SERVE US.  WE THE PEOPLE must stand up and speak up.

A hearty group of about seventy of us traveled from across the nation to demand EQUAL JUSTICE for all.  We went to the heart of mind-numbed liberalism, Chappaqua, where Hillary is adored and honored by a city full of MSNBC trained robots.  We decorated our cars, painted our own signs, and rolled into Hillary’s “safe space” and demanded she be held accountable for the many crimes that she has committed.  It was a Christian trip, not a political one.  We believe EQUAL JUSTICE is not only an AMERICAN standard, but a CHRISTIAN standard as well.

Isn’t it time we called out the two-layered “injustice” system that is an affront to a Holy and righteous God?  Yahweh is no “respector of persons”.  If His standard of Equal Justice applies to everyone then shouldn’t our government be held to the same standard?  Can liberty ever exist in a system where lady justice puts her thumb on the scale for those who are most “connected?”

We showed up at Hillary’s house on the Sunday before Memorial Day and we called for her indictment.  We spent time on our knees praying for her and for her repentance.  We called on God to deliver swift Justice to her and then to save her soul while she sits in prison.

Harsh, you say?  Really?  Would you be walking free today if you had destroyed evidence in a Federal investigation?  When the IRS comes knocking on your door will they smile and nod when you tell them you destroyed all of the evidence?  Why does Hillary get away with it?  Would you?  Doesn’t that bother you?  Here is a powerful video that shows our gathering outside 15 Old House Lane in Chappaqua.  Notice the police and how respectful they were of our efforts.  No one was arrested.  No one argued with the police.  No one came home in a body bag.  We simply asked the Injustice Department to do their job.

Here is the video.  It is worth a few minutes it takes to watch it.

We went to the Chappaqua parade on Monday.  Bill, Hillary, and Mayor Cuomo all marched in it.  We held our signs and called for her arrest.  They had to walk through a gauntlet of Christian Americans demanding Equal Justice For All.  They couldn’t avoid us.  We covered both sides of the street.   Check out our photo gallery HERE

As the end of the parade passed by us we filled in at the end of the marchers.  Those watching the parade thought we were part of the Hillary adulation until the read our signs.  Then their true “love” began to ooze from their pores.  “Go back to Alabama “one of the rich bigots in Chappaqua yelled at out group.  BIGOT is the new N WORD.  Anyone who opposes their point of view is a bigot.  Chappaqua is a city of hate.  They love only those who think like them.

We were just old white boys from Alabama.  Worse yet, we were Christians.  All white Christians need to return to Alabama.  We were somehow less Equal to them…and their Queen Bee, Hillary.

Surprisingly, many “closet conservatives” came by and thanked us for coming.  They said that Chappaqua was the most bigoted city in America and that if you were a conservative you needed to lay low or they would run you out of town.  That’s why Hillary loves Chappaqua so much.  It is her bailiwick.  Tolerance and diversity is nowhere to be found.  Chappaqua needs a little bit of Alabama now and then.

We heard through our sources later that Hillary was livid.  How dare we “rain on her parade!!”  See, she thought that Memorial Day was all about her. We wanted to make sure that she knew it was about Ty Woods, Christopher Stevens, Glenn Doherty, and Sean Smith, the four men she abandoned to die in Benghazi.  “What difference, at this point, does it make?”  It matters to us.  It matters to millions.

We are going back to visit Hillary on July 6th.  We would love for you to join us.  Two systems of justice will never work in a Constitutional Republic.  As my buddy Norm Emmets continued to say in Chappaqua, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”  There can be no justice as long as Hillary Clinton is walking free,

Please make plans to join us on July 6th.  All the info you need can be found at

As race-baiter Jesse Jackson would say, NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE.  What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Lock her up. Let’s keep the pressure on.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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While The Good People Pray And Talk, The Doers Are Changing The Country

A little over a month ago I visited Hillary Clinton’s house in Chappaqua, NY where I called for her indictment.  I went alone.  I figured it was time somebody from the uber “silent majority” to DO something.

There are plenty of talkers in America.  Spend 10 minutes on FAKEBOOK and you will realize that there are gobs of “podcasts” streaming on the internet.  Everybody is talking.  Offering their opinion on what needs to be done to rescue this nation.

But very few actually DO anything.  When was the last time you saw Rush out in public actually DOING something…using his platform to actuate change in the culture?  Talk is cheap.  That is why there is so much of it going on.  Talking ABOUT a problem is not SOLVING the problem.  Action is required to effect change.  Talking is not acting.

The nation is blessed with hundreds of Patriot groups. They care about this country but aren’t really DOING anything to rescue it.  Oh, they have their meetings where they discuss ideas but rarely do you see any culture-changing actions come from those meetings

Meanwhile, the LEFT is constantly taking their grievances to the streets.  They move the ball down the field.  The LEFT actually gets onto the playing field and act upon what they believe.   Have you happened to notice which side is winning?  Evidently, ACTING is more effective than TALKING.

Pastors pray, radio hosts talk, bloggers talk, conservative politicians talk, patriots groups talk. While the Dems, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Move On, and their ilk flood the streets and ACT upon what they believe.  The TALKERS then talk about what the DOERS are doing.

…and meanwhile America goes down the tubes while the TALKERS explain.  Turn on Rush and his wannabes and they will give you play by play analysis of how the LEFT is winning the game.  The airwaves ripple 24 hours a day as the talkers TALK about how the battle is being lost.

TALKERS talk and DOERS do.  The DOERS are winning.  Look at the scoreboard.

Would you actually like to win for a change?  Are you willing to actually follow the LEFT and become “doers of the Word and not hearers only?”

A month ago I visited the Clinton’s home in Chappaqua and demanded that HILLARY BE INDICTED.  I went alone.  I videoed my action.  I challenged others to get involved.  You can watch the video HERE.

The TALKERS laughed at my DOING.  Some ignored me and called me a lunatic.  But some folks who want to be DOERS noticed what I DID.  They wanted to DO something as well.  So they got organized.

This Sunday May 26th we are going back to Chappaqua.  It is the first of many things that we are going to DO.  Would you like to get involved?  Would you like to actually DO something?  Well, this is your chance.

Visit, study what is on this website, and then get involved.  Get off of the bench and into the game.

Hundreds of us are getting in our cars and driving to Chappaqua.  We are going to meet up and caravan together into town and demand that the government do its job and INDICT HILLARY CLINTON.  She is a felon.  James Comey told us she was, but he explained that there was a different system of justice for the rich and powerful.  Check out his video on the website.  He charged her with four felonies.

Are we going to let her get away with it?  Are we going to sit silently in our homes and TALK about how unfair the system is or are we going to actually DO something and demand that the Justice Department do their job!!  If you had done what Hillary did would you be walking around as a free man?  Why is she?  Doesn’t that bother you?  Don’t you think WE should DO something?

Well, we are.  Please join us on our Equal Justice Tour.  It is just the beginning of a movement of DOERS who want to see the rule of law reestablished in America.  Equal Justice Under The Law is our demand.  We must show our elected officials that justice matters to us.

This event will be peaceful.  You may not even leave your car.  We won’t stoop to the harassing actions of the Left but merely “petition the government for a redress of our grievances” by demanding her indictment.  She isn’t some TV personality.  She was a public official who betrayed her oath.  We demand EQUAL RIGHTS NOT SPECIAL RIGHTS.

All the info that you need can be found at  The time is now to come to our country’s aid.   Talk is cheap.  Our window of time is short.  It is our time DO something.

Many have criticized us.  Many more will.  But they are TALKERS and we are DOERS.  If you love this country and you are not afraid to stand up, please load up your car, make a few signs, and join us in Chappaqua.

If you can’t GO you can SUPPORT our efforts here

This could be the start of something BIG.  Let’ reestablish Equal Justice in America.  Our grandchildren are counting on us.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

The Political Party Of Death

Let me say right off of the bat that I am not a Republican.  Yes, I usually pull the lever for the Elephant in the race, but that does not mean I stand in support of the Republican Party. Voting Republican has not cured the ills in this nation and it took me a long time to realize that there is very little difference between the two parties.

But there is a small difference and there truly is such a thing as the lesser of two evils. Both parties are connected at the top to the deep state and even though sometimes I think it is useless to vote at all there is no reason for a Christian to EVER vote for a DemoncRat.

The Democrat Party is a party that openly supports death. The war-mongering Republicans have blood on their hands as well as they have never seen a war that they didn’t support, but the Demoncrats love of death is unabated and unlimited.

The Demoncrat Party is the party of death and no amount of “social justice” can over ride that obvious fact.

The Scriptures tell us that “All they who hate me love death.”  On every major issue that involves life the Demoncrats are on the side of death.

Remember here, I reluctantly vote Republican.  I am not a supporter of the Republican Party.  But how can any Christian ignore the Democrats affinity for all things that lead to death?

Abortion is numero uno for me.  The Demoncrats openly support death for the unborn child.  Although they hide their blood lust behind the euphemism of a phony word called “choice”, the Truth is that the choice they support is death.  As one who has spent a lot of time outside of the abortion clinics I promise you I have never seen a pro-abortion Demoncrat support adoption.

Killing the baby is not a “choice”, it is murder.  The Matron Saint of the Demoncrat Party, Planned Parenthood, does not actively support adoption because there is too much money to be made off of the bloody backs of the helpless baby.  Planned Parenthood floods Demoncrat coffers with tax-payer money in attempt to keep baby murder “safe and legal.”

Demoncrats support Planned Parenthood and the right to kill babies.  Remember, “All they who hate me love death.”  In fact, they are actually in support of killing babies AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN BORN.

No Christian could EVER vote for a party that supports abortion.

Homosexuality is a death style.  Simply check the statistics.  The homosexual lifestyle is a high-risk lifestyle rife with high-risk behaviors.  The end result of such unnatural sexual practices is death and destruction as studies show that the homosexual deathstyle may erase as much as 20 years off of life expectancy.  Yet the Demoncratic hacks at the NEA continue to teach this “alternative lifestyle to our children.

As if that was not enough, acceptance of pedophilia and bestiality are slowing creeping their way through organizations that support the un-godly Demoncrats. The Demoncrats are hell-bent on dragging our children down the path of destruction.

The Demoncrats also have their steely eyes locked on the elderly and the infirm.  Although the infamous Obama Care was crammed up the rear end of Americans with NO REPUBLICAN votes, the reality of ‘death panels” are playing out all across America.  As I write today’s commentary an elderly woman is being killed in Houston as the hospital unplugs here ventilator and dialysis machines against the wishes of her family and her husband of 41 years.  Read the story HERE.  Republican George Bush’s fingerprints are all over this case.

The greatest example of The Party of Death’s hatred of God is there rejection of all things Christian in regards to our oath’s of office.  Recently, Jarrold Nadler and his gang of ghouls removed “so help me God” when swearing in witnesses before Congress.  Catch these dastardly Demoncrats in action HERE.

How can there be so much confusion in the populace?  How can nearly 60 percent of Catholics continue to support the Party of Death when the Catholic Church for decades has been one of the greatest proponents of a legacy of life in America?  The Catholic Church used to believe that the use of birth control was a sin.  Today, they are wavering on abortion.  If American Catholics voted what their catechism teaches abortion, homosexuality, divorce, and euthanasia would come to an end in this nation.

The Demoncrat Party would collapse without the support of “pro-life” Catholics who ignore the life issue and vote based on social justice issues that ignore the plight of the pre-born.

Christians are losing ground in the cultural war because they simply no longer understand what it means to be a Christian.

Would Jesus be in support of abortion?  Would Jesus be in support of homosexuality and all of its deviant sexual practices?  Would Jesus support the killing of the infirm and the elderly simply because it was costly and inconvenient?  Would Jesus support the teaching of deviancy and Godlessness to our nation’s youth?

Only a CHINO (Christian In Name Only) could ever vote contrary to the teachings of Jesus.  The Republicans aren’t much better, I admit.  But at least they don’t stand in direct opposition to the edicts of Christ.

If you vote for a Demoncrat you better check your theology.  God is not a Republican, but I guaran-darn-tee you He ain’t a Demoncrat.  Voting to support a party that specializes in killing the weak and innocent borders on sin.

The Demoncrat Party is the party of death.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Left Stole This Nation By Force

Words are powerful.  They can make or break an argument, a relationship, or even a judicial system.  Our entire nation has been captured and we really have no idea how it happened.

Well, let me help you here.  One of the greatest weapons that the Left has used to STEAL this nation is through the power of words.  Just stop and consider for a moment the words that we use today that have nothing to do with the meaning of the words 50 years ago.

Some call it evolution.  I call it destruction.  Devolution is actually a better term.  America hasn’t EVOLVED, it has devolved.  Despite what the academics, the entertainers, and the talking heads have told you, America is not better off today than it was fifty years ago.  We have been lied to.  Snookered would be a better term, by the wordsmiths and their effective, decades-long march through the institutions of America.

Think about how the words have changed.  Gay, tolerant, accepting, love, judgment, are neutral words that have been weaponized.  Heck, masculine, male, man, are all nothing more than identifiers twisted and used for an evil intent.  The altering of the words has turned America upside down.  Today, the children, and those who act like children, are running the world.  How did all this happen?

By force.  That’s how they did it.  But we don’t even understand that process either because we have allowed the word-meisters to miss represent what FORCE even means.  Read carefully this verse out of the book of Matthew.

From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and violent men take it by FORCE.”

Is force violence?  Is violence force?  Why is it we always hear from America’s pulpits that we are to avoid “violence” while our entire heritage is being taken from us?  Violence is a result of FORCE.  Let me do a bit of word-excavating with you. is a great place to start if you want to truly understand how the RIGHT has been manipulated by the words that the LEFT has altered.  Can someone explain to me why you find yourself calling homosexuals GAY?  Homosexuals aren’t GAY…happy…they are some of the nastiest people we run into while doing street ministry.  Yet the culture has programmed us to call them by the name that the LEFT has chosen…Gay.  And we dutifully comply.  Why do you call homosexuals gay?

Force is defined by Mr. Webster as “To compel; to constrain to do or to forbear, by the exertion of a power not resistible. Men are forced to submit to conquerors. To overpower by strength.”

Isn’t that exactly what the LEFT has done to our culture?  Would you like me to rattle off for you the devastating cultural changes that they have FORCED down our throats through the judicial process?  Have they taken over our schools and the education of our children by the use of violence or force?  Has the name of Jesus been stripped from the minds of our children and our government by the use violence or by force?

You see, violence is what they accuse US of when we choose to push back against the FORCE that they have applied. Like the trained monkeys we all parrot the mantra “don’t get violent.” The LEFT uses FORCE while they accuse us of VIOLENCE.  The two words really aren’t that different.

But even the word “violence” is a sham.  Mr. Webster tells us that to “violate” means  To injure; to hurt; to interrupt; to disturb; To break; to infringe; to transgress;” Don’t you understand how much the average Christian has been violated by the FORCE of the LEFT?  Everything that the LEFT has destroyed in this nation has been done through the use of FORCE…judicial force in particular.  They have perpetrated VIOLENCE on  the beliefs of Jesus-fearing Christians for nearly 70 years.

And WE are the ones they accuse of “threats of violence.”  My friends, as difficult as this is for you to swallow, violence comes about as a last result of those who have been FORCED to accept things against their will.  The Left and the courts have FORCED us to violate our conscience while warning us not to get violent.  FORCE by deception IS Violence.

We are at a crossroads in America and if we do not push back WITH FORCE against the Demonic Left, violence awaits us on the horizon.  We must push back NOW with an even greater FORCE to prevent physical VIOLENCE in the streets.

Violence is defined as “unjust force; moral force; vehemence.”  We have lost America through the use of unjust moral vehemence which was FORCED upon us.  We have been violated.  The weapons they have used have been lies and deception.  Those are far more dangerous and destructive than any man-made weapon.

Properly applied moral FORCE will ultimately prevent violence.  Let’s push back NOW before it is too late.

“From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and violent men take it by FORCE.”

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Do You Believe In Miracles?

Whatever happened to the Supernatural?  Why is it that in the day in which we live we see so little of the miraculous?  Is it because there is no God or is it because there is so little faith?

I want to believe in miracles.  Don’t you?  I want to believe in the miraculous hand of God, don’t you?  I want to believe that the supernatural is still available and at our fingertips.  Don’t you?

Could it be that there are so few miraculous healings because there are so few of us who really believe God is still alive?  Is it possible that even those of us who believe in God still have a hard time convincing ourselves that He is still in the miracle working business?

Would He even BE God if He could not do the miraculous?

In the past weeks I have seen the miraculous hand of God move, yet even after it occurred it was still hard for me to give credit where credit is due.  In each case I knew what I was seeing was more than a coincidence…impossible actually…but we have become so jaded that we have lost the ability to BELIEVE.

It is actually cognitive dissonance in reverse.  Cognitive dissonance is common in the world today.  It is the inability to believe what your eyes see.  For instance, believing you can smoke cigarettes and not have it affect you is a perfect example of disbelieving what all of the evidence proves.

Failure to believe in miracles is the same thing.  When something happens that we cannot explain we simply write it off as a coincidence…or a strange happening…rather than actually recognizing the miracle that has taken place.

Don’t you want to believe in miracles?  Don’t we pray for miracles?  Don’t we petition the Lord with prayers for Him to move in the midst of our situation?  Aren’t we grateful when things all work out?  Why don’t we see that as a miracle of God?

God has gotten out the miracle working business.  The problem is that we have gotten out of the miracle BELIEVING business.

American Christianity has become so faithless.  The entire ministry of Jesus on earth was loaded with miracles.  He went around healing the sick, raising the dead, and encouraging His followers to do the same.  Wherever Jesus went, miracles followed.

Why does the church no longer believe in them?  Why is the healing of the sick not an everyday occurrence?  Is it because Jesus has lost His power or is it that we have lost our ability to believe?  Why has the miraculous become rare in the American church today?

When Jesus was about to leave the earth to return to His Father He charged his followers In Mark 16:16-17 by saying;

And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

These were more than mere exhortations to His followers…they were pseudo commands…evidence of what a follower of Jesus would look like.   Cast out devils, lay hands on the sick and see them recover…everyday miraculous sort of stuff.

Why don’t we see it today?  Why is there no power in the American church?  Why are building more hospitals and closing more churches?  Why is the miraculous no longer common place?

At another place in the Scripture’s, John 14:12, Jesus told His followers this:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Was Jesus a liar?  Is the church showing these greater works that Jesus was referring to?  Is the age of miracles over?  Has Jesus broken His promise?  Why does the miraculous seem so rare?  If God can no longer work miracles is He REALLY God?

Turn on your television.  The rise in the occult is astonishing.  The supernatural is everywhere.  But most of the supernatural that the citizenry is observing is coming from the dark side.  The church, supposedly full of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit are shaking powerlessly inside their stained-glassed fortresses.

Jesus confronted the dark side.  He pointed out to His disciples the impact of evil and explained to us how to successfully battle against those forces.  Walk into any church and you will hear sermons on how to get victory over those forces, yet there is virtually no follow through.

The visible “Church” is oblivious to the spiritual battle raging all around them.  While the pagans and the occultists are becoming bolder every day, openly casting spells and launching a frontal assault on all things righteous, Christians are too dumbed-down to unleash the power that Christ made available to them.

Jesus told us that He would build a church “and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”    He left us with supernatural power to win a supernatural war.  Why does the church seem so powerless against the forces of darkness?

The “church” is unbelieving and our lack of faith has made the miraculous rare.  Things will never change in this nation until the church believes it can.  God is waiting for His TRUE church to arise.  Will you step out in faith?  Will you fight when things seem impossible?  Do you REALLY believe that “with God all things are possible?”  You move and God moves.

Do you believe in miracles?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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FBI Visits Coach Dave Daubenmire, No Joke

Equal Justice Under The Law?

I was visited by the FBI a couple of weeks ago.  No joke.  They actually showed up at my house to do a “threat assessment.”  It seems that someone reported me to them.  One of the agents began reviewing my daily show and they decided they needed to pay me a visit.  They wanted to be sure that I wasn’t “inciting violence.”

Let that sink in for a minute.  A former high school football coach who has never committed or advocated violence against anyone draws the attention of the same agency that ignores the obvious crimes of Hillary Clinton and their own FBI bosses.

Threat assessment.  I AM a threat.  I am a threat to Devil and all of his minions.  My buddy tells me that when I am taking flack I must be over the target.  Just for the record, I do everything I can to NOT encourage violence.  When was the last time you saw me out on the streets throwing rocks and setting fires?  I guess I am making someone in the deep swamp nervous.

In case you wondered, the FBI and the deep state are the law breakers.  I am a law keeper.  Our godless government employees are who are in violation of the law.  God’s law.  They think GOVERNMENT is god.  I say JESUS is God.  They don’t like the competition.

Anyone with half a brain…and I admit that number is getting smaller and smaller…knows that we have an unequal justice system.  The rich and the powerful have one set of laws and the rest of the peons live by another set.  If you have watched any of the travesties of the Mueller report unfold you clearly understand my point.  Hillary Clinton did everything that they accused President Trump of yet she sits as a free woman at 15 Old House Lane in Chappaqua, NY.

I visited Hillary and Bill’s home this week.  I am convinced that the FBI showed up at my door because somebody wanted me to “cool my jets.”  I assume it was supposed to scare me.  It didn’t.  It simply confirmed what I had known all along.  Free speech applies to everyone that the “government” decides to grant it to.  Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are all part of the government speech police.  There is really no freedom in America anymore.  They just tell us that there is.

So I decided to go to Hillary’s and demand that the FBI indict her.  Heck, even James Comey, when he was exonerating her a few years ago, admitted that she had violated the law.  But the two-tiered “justice” system protects the criminals who are part of the Devil’s team.  It is only the God fearing, patriotic American’s that they bring the hammer down on.

They visit my house because I fight for freedom…but they protect the felonious Hillary Clinton…actually guarding her from “terrorists” like me.  I want to protect and defend unborn babies while Hillary wants to kill them.  Yet I require a threat assessment while Hillary continues to undermine America right out of her fancy digs in Chappaqua.  Her illegal server was in her home.  Her home is a crime scene.

This double-standard system of justice must end.  We must demand that it stop. JUDGEMENT AND JUSTICE are two pillars upon which this nation was built. The 14th Amendment declares it this way…EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. No one is above the law, they tell us.  But that is not true.  There is a system for them and a totally different system for us.

Try destroying evidence and see if the FBI looks the other way for you. Hillary did…and they did.  Our nation cannot long survive such egregious malfeasance of our system of justice.  No one is above the law.  And that means Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In fact, more is required of them. Our Constitution speaks of HIGH CRIMES and that has nothing to do with the severity of the crime but rather of the POSITION of the one who commits it.  Crimes committed by those in HIGH positions deserve the most severe justice.  They are protectors of the Republic.  When the leaders are corrupt, the nation will crumble.  Look at what those at the highest levels of our intelligence agencies have done?

Our system of justice is broken…assassinated actually;   Destroyed by those who think that their actions are above the law and by those who protect their malfeasance.

That is why I went to the Clinton’s home.  Bill and Hillary were public employees. They actually worked for me.  In what other business, other than governmental crime, can the employees give orders to and receive protection from, those who pay their salaries?  America is upside down.

As I told the policemen who temporarily detained me at 15 Old House Lane, I didn’t come to do violence, I came to prevent it.  America is a powder keg and it is time “We The People” demand our employees do their job.  The first duty of government listed in the Preamble to the Constitution is “establish justice.”  Justice is not being served in America…it is being exploited.

Here is the video of my journey to the home of the Clinton’s.  Please take time to watch and share it.  Only “We The People” can restore justice to America.  But we are going to have to DEMAND it.  Those in power will not give it up without a fight.

“Aren’t you afraid the Clinton’s will come after you, Coach Dave,” my friends ask.

“Yes I am,” I tell them.  “That is a heck of a note as well, isn’t it?  An employer asking one of his employees to do his job and enforce the law in regards to another of my employees who has violated the law.  And for that, I should fear for my life?”

That should tell us all that we need to know.

The manner in which “We The People” respond to this felonious action by a trusted leader will determine whether or not the Republic will survive.  Where are the Patriots?  Where are the Oath Keepers?  I’d say it is time to come out of hiding and take our complaints to the streets.

With all of the squawking we hear today about “equality” isn’t time we demanded  EQUAL JUSTICE  UNDER THE LAW?  Don’t our rights matter?

What we do at this time will determine the future of our grandchildren.  They eyes of history are watching.  Indict Hillary Clinton.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Thou Shall Not Covet

At times it is possible to analyze a situation and miss the most simple of concepts.  How often do we find ourselves trying to dig ourselves out of a pit without truly understand how we got into it? We spend a lot of time questioning ourselves, and others, when the solution is often right before our eyes.

Can God bless disobedience?  Is it possible for God to put his stamp of approval upon something that he told us not to do?  Is it possible that sometimes the problems that we see around us really do have a simple solution even though the problem is massive?  Do large problems really begin as small ones?

When is the last sermon you hard in your church on coveting?  Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t the admonition against coveting one of the things that God carved into the stones that He gave to Moses?   Could it be that one of the reasons that we Americans find ourselves in a financial pit is as simple as our disobedience to a basic principle of life?

Thou Shall Not Covet.  Read it right there in Exodus 20.  Oh, I know it is only number 10 on the list, but what a foolish people we have become because of our desire to ignore it.  In fact, the command is very specific.

Exodus 20: 17 “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his neighbor’s.”

That is a pretty exhaustive list.  I wonder why we don’t hear more about coveting in our churches.  Permit me to share a story with you.

I was out on a public playground with my grandchildren the other day and, as often happens, they began to play with the other children on the playground.  Soon, some trouble reared its head as they began to argue over a toy with another child on the playground.  I moved in to scold my grandchildren for not sharing, but the other child’s father beat me to the punch.

“Nathan,” this total stranger firmly said to his son.  “What have I said to you about coveting?  Your new friend’s toy does not belong to you and you have no right to it.  Stop expecting to play with something that does not belong to you.”

This young father then turned to me.

“I apologize for our son.  We teach him not covet.  Please forgive us for causing a disturbance.”

I stood there with my mouth agape as the man and his young son walked hand in hand towards their car.

Think of the condition that America would be in today if we had all simply been taught that to covet was just as wrong as to steal.  In fact, all thieveries begin as coveting.  I thought about that brief exchange on the playground all of the way home.

As parents and grandparents we regularly find ourselves teaching our little ones to share, which is a noble thing to do.  Yet how many of us take the time to point out the destructive nature of coveting?  It was important enough to God that it made His Top Ten list, but not important enough to teach it to our children.  Most of America’s problems have, at the very root, the sin of covetousness.

Sadly, our American government encourages coveting.  What do you think taxation and social programs are all about?  Is it not wrong to take from one and give to another simply because they “need” it?  Isn’t “charity” something that comes from the heart and is nothing more than an expression of love toward one who is in need?  Isn’t that battle between the rich and the poor nothing more that jealousy over coveting what someone else has accumulated?  Is it possible to counter greed through coveting?  Don’t government handouts reinforce the sin of coveting?

Why are millions of illegal aliens storming our borders?  Is it not because they desire to have a better life by taking from American’s things that do not belong to them?  Aren’t all of these “social justice” churches reinforcing the sin of coveting to those who are illegally streaming across our borders?  Isn’t the Government rewarding their sin?  Aren’t those bleeding heart liberals contributing to the sin by guilt-tripping the rest of use for not giving in to the border-jumpers covetousness?

Help me here.  Isn’t covetousness just as sinful as theft?  Don’t the two go hand in hand?  Would we have the economic disparity that we have in this nation if we taught people that it is wrong to desire to have what someone else has earned?  If I am taught that it is wrong not to share then why are others not taught that it is wrong to expect to take from me what they have no right to?

Thou Shall Not Covet.  With all of the moral issues that we are dealing with isn’t it amazing that at the heart of every one of them is the desire to have what does not belong to you.

The Bible’s Truth’s are often harsh.  Living a true Christian life is not an easy task.  The Bible calls us to be cheerful in our giving and it is hard to be cheerful when one is coerced.  The wickedness of the American government (and most if not all of the world’s governments) can be seen it its policies. Stealing from the Haves and giving to the Have-nots is not a Biblical principle.  It is a violation of at least two of the Ten Commandments.

Try on this Christian admonition from the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians.

For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you; Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.  For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

Perhaps it is time we quit pointing our fingers at those who don’t want to give and focus on those who simply want to take.  Sadly, the Word of God is a double-edged sword.

Thou Shall Not Covet.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Government By Opinion

Our ministry gives me the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with non-believers.  It is one of the most rewarding things that I do.  I love explaining Christianity to non-Christians.

When referring to a non-believer I am not simply talking about an atheist, but rather, someone who does not understand and embrace the fundamentals of Christianity.  Some people refer to themselves as atheists but I really don’t believe many true atheists actual exist.  All people believe in some type of “higher power” whether it be a force, a god, or LeBron James.  But a true atheist is hard to find.

Agnostic would be a better term to describe non-believers.  Agnostics believe in a higher power but they are not sure what that higher power is or in what form you might find it.  That is where you find most Americans living.  They believe in something…but they don’t know exactly what it is that they have faith in.  That includes many self-identified Christians.  They believe in Jesus, but they can’t really tell you why or what they believe.

Sadly, our churches have done a horrible job of explaining Christianity to those who claim it.  That is why we see so many who really can’t give a believable defense of the faith.  They are, in the truest sense, Christian agnostics.  Gnostic means “to know.”  Put an “a” in front Gnostic and you get “not to know.”   Christian agnostics are those who don’t know or understand what they claim to believe.  America’s churches are full of them.

Just last week I was having a discussion with a group of high school students when one indignant snowflake blurted out, “So you don’t think atheists are good people?”

I chuckled under my breath as I thought how to respond.  “How do you define good?”

“You know.  Kind to people.  Moral.  Always trying to do the right thing.”

I scratched my salt and pepper goatee and asked, “How do you know what is the right thing?  Who determines for you what is good?  What is the standard that you use to measure your “goodness?”

Her eyes bounced from side to side as she thought how to respond.  “I follow the laws and leave people alone.  I treat people the way I want to be treated.  I’m non-judgmental.”

“That’s great,” I retorted.  “But who says those are good things that you do?  Who determines for you what is right and what is wrong?”

“Society,” she snorted back at me.  “Society determines what is right and wrong.  That’s why we have laws, you know?”

“Where do the laws come from?”  I asked.

“Government makes them.  We the people do.  We all know that.”  She replied.

“Where does government get the standard that they use to make laws?  How do they know if the law they are making is good or bad?  In fact, why do they need laws at all?”  I challenged.

“We the people determine it.  I already said that.  We as a society determine right and wrong.”

“So, do you think that blacks are less than human?” I asked   “That used to be the law of the land.  Do you believe that women should be able to vote?  The law used to say they couldn’t.  If society changes its mind about right and wrong does that imply that right and wrong are constantly changing?  And if that is true, how do you ever know if you are a good person?  What is your standard if the standard keeps changing?”

“I don’t know about all of that, but I know what I believe and I don’t need some old man in the sky to tell me what to think.  I treat people well and I am a good person.”  She stomped away.

Jesus told us that there were none that were good.  Not even one.

Christianity is more than just doing what is right and wrong.  Christianity is a standard upon which a culture is built.  Certainly one can be an atheist and still be a “good person”, but even an atheist cannot be good without a standard by which goodness can be measured.  In fact, if you look around, you will see that society’s opinion of right and wrong is in a constant state of flux.

How can something be “right” if tomorrow a vote by Congress could make it wrong?  Or how can something be “wrong” today, yet made “right” by a vote tomorrow?  Are right and wrong simply opinions based on popular whims?  Or is there an unchanging standard by which right and wrong can always be measured?  If so, what is that standard?

Christianity was the foundation upon which our society was built.  Right and wrong were not determined by the vote of the people but by the standards spelled out in the Bible.  The focus of Christianity is more than just heaven or hell.  Certainly, salvation and eternal life are at the center of the Gospel, but Christianity is also a governmental system whereby a civilized people may live in harmony.  Laws against stealing protect both the Christian and the non-Christian.

Can an atheist be a good person is not really the question.  All of us make choices everyday about how we are going to live and interact with our fellow man.  Our society was built upon a system of standards that come directly out of the Bible.  You don’t have to be a Christian to follow the rules, but following the rules makes it easier for us to live together.  It makes all of us better.

But being a “good” person does not make you a Christian any more than being a Christian makes you a good person.  America would be a better place if we all strove to be “good.”

But what is your standard?  What does “being good” mean?  Does being “good” even matter if there is no God?

America was not founded as a Christian nation but as a nation founded on Christian ethics.  If there is no unchanging standard of right and wrong then eventually we will become a nation not of laws, but of opinions.

Isn’t that what the Supreme Court offers…opinions?  Isn’t that how we got in this mess?

What is the standard America?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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President Trump: Please Call Up The Militia

The larger the government gets the smaller the citizen becomes. The larger the Church becomes the smaller the Christian becomes. The larger the problem becomes the weaker the individual becomes.

Americans no longer do anything for themselves. If you have a spiritual problem you run to the pastor.  If you have an emotional problem you run to the shrink. If you have a physical malady you run to the physician.  If you have a money problem you run to the bank. If you have a legal problem you run to the courts.

No one takes care of their own problems.  There is always some expert lurking out there who is ready and willing to take care of your problem for you…with a fee attached of course.

It was rugged individualism that built this country.  Back in the days when America was learning to walk people were trained to be self-sufficient.  There wasn’t a lawn company to call to clear a forest.  There was no grocery store on the corner where you could go buy some beef. There was no Uber stagecoach to get you to your local gym.

If you wanted it done, you did it yourself.  That included self defense.  Who do you call when there are no cops?

Our nation was built on a premise that was unheard of in all of human history…the idea that the individual was sovereign and that apart from God, no individual or no organization had sway over the affairs of men.  Each man was responsible for himself and his family.  Americans were tougher then.  Americans were self-reliant then.  Americans were sovereign then.

But with the advancement of “government” our responsibilities gradually began to erode.  Are there even “volunteer” fire departments in America today or has “firefighting” become professionalized and swallowed up in the vast spectrum of “governmental services” so prevalent today?

Heck, parents don’t even raise their kids anymore.  Childhood has been farmed out to day-care centers, public schools, and the dastardly Child Protective Services.  Is there ANYTHING that Americans still do for themselves?

Unfortunately, that is the same line of thinking that has given us “law enforcement” and the rapidly-increasing cries to disarm average Americans so that government can do the job of protecting the citizens.  Evidently, we are not capable of protecting ourselves.  Womb to the tomb, government metastasizes into an all encompassing Nanny State.

ALL government tends towards evil; George Washington called it a “fearful master.”  The moment one yields responsibility and authority to government, the individual citizen begins to shrivel.  It is time for “we the people” to reclaim our authority. Not funny, but lots of dummies are voting for Democrats that promise FREE STUFF.

The Second Amendment states “A well regulated militia being NECESSARY for the security of a FREE state, the right of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms shall not be infringed.”  Please tell me that you know that there was no “Federal Army” when John Hancock and the boys declared independence from the taskmaster across the pond?

The citizens were the military.  Fighting for liberty wasn’t a job, it was a responsibility.  The militia was made up of everyday citizens who bore the responsibility of defending the homeland.  Federal armies were designed to fight foreign enemies.  The Militia was in place to defend the community.  Because American’s are no longer responsible for defending the home turf the government tells us that we have no need for guns.

But we ARE responsible.  We have simply shirked our duties.  A well regulated militia being NECESSARY…who told us we were no longer necessary?  The Constitution says we are.  Our nation is under siege from a foreign enemy on domestic soil and the defense of this nation against the invasion is the purpose of the citizen militia.

Like everything else, the Left has given the militia a bad name.  The Constitution acknowledges the need for individuals to come to the defense of the nation.  It is not only our right, it is our duty.

President Trump, please declare an emergency and request the aid of the militia on the US border.  God fearing patriots will answer the call and report for duty.  Literally millions of veterans, law enforcement, and Average Joe’s understand the problem.  Station us on the border.  Grant us permission to defend our nation against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Like many others I never served in the military.  But I love this nation and I will fight to defend it.  Our posterity depends on it.  I can shoot a gun, I know how to follow orders, and I am ready to serve.

“But it will be chaos,” I hear the pointy headed advisors scream!  No, my friend, chaos is what is coming.  I’d rather fight them on the border before they get into my back yard.  An ounce of prevention…

Let this sink in. A well regulated militia being NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE STATE…

If our borders are not secure we will soon lose our freedom.  We may be a free state today but we will not be free for long.  The President has the authority to call on the citizens.  Read it here.  Our national security is at stake.

Call upon us Mr. President.  Millions of us stand ready to report for duty.   It would be an honor to serve.

Here is a great video on the Constitutional Citizen Militia.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Do You Really Understand Why We’re Losing Our Country?

“Do you really understand?”

I find myself saying that a lot lately.  It is amazing to me how many people have their head stuck in the sand.  I’m not sure whether it is deliberate, or if they really don’t get it.

Ignorance is bliss, or so they say. But it really isn’t. Ignorance is dangerous. The Bible tells us that ignorance is one of the main reasons that people perish.

But some folks really have no excuse and I really don’t understand it. How can so many seemingly-bright people be so far off base?

Better yet, how can so many Christians be so deceived?  How can so many Christians not understand?  How can the one group of people who are supposedly enlightened by the Holy Spirit be walking in such deception?

“Do you really understand?”

Jeremiah 5:21 says that ‘people have eyes but can’t see, they have ears but can’t hear’ meaning, that people have lost their God given gift to discern good from evil.

My heart aches because I just spent another day as a speaker in a suburban high school in the Columbus, Ohio area.  I usually roll with the punches pretty well and I love the give and take that the mind -invigorating exercise affords me.

But today was different.  Today left me with a tension headache.  I am hoping that writing this screed will ease the thumping in my temples.  I have had several conversations since I got home and I find myself asking the same question to everyone I speak with in my attempt to explain the plight I just navigated through.

“Do you really understand?”

The harsh truth is…they don’t.  They don’t understand or they would never put up with it.  Neither do most of you reading this.  You don’t really understand either.

So, let me lay it on the line.

Our public schools are a moral wasteland.  Any hope of rescuing this nation is rapidly draining away.   Any standard of ethical belief is oozing out of the body.

There is no longer a right and wrong in America’s public schools.  They have been Balkanized.    Morality has become merely personal.  Right and wrong is no longer based on a standard, but is left to the whims of the individual.

Sorry Superman, but there is no longer any such thing as “truth, justice, and the American way.”  Truth has become an opinion.  What is right for you may not be right for me.  As long as you feel OK about your decisions then what does it matter what others think.

“Who are you to judge me?” they ask.  “How do my choices and my decisions impact you?  What does it matter what I do with my own body?  Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do?”

Do YOU really understand?  YOU.  The reader.  Do you really understand how bad it is?

The failure of the local church is so evident when you walk into the classroom.  Appearances can be so deceptive.  There used to be a time when you could get a “feel” for a student based on appearance or attitude.  But today there really is very little difference.  The Christian kids look, speak, and act just like everyone else.

They have their morality but, for the most part, it is no different that the non-Christian kid sitting next to them.  Neither one of them believe in a universal standard of right and wrong.  “I’m ok, you’re ok,” and Jesus loves all of us anyway…so who am I to judge.”

We are losing America.  In fact, it may already be lost.  The kids in the classroom have parents who are in their forties.  I am old enough to be their grandfather.  We have very little in common when it comes to a universal standard of right and wrong.  As the Scripture’s warn us, “when there was no King in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Christ is no longer King in America because he is no longer King in the church.  There is no way that a church could be teaching Bible Truth to the congregation and produce classrooms full of children who have no universal understanding of right and wrong.

I guess that is why they call it multi-cultural.  No right and wrong.  Everyone choosing how they will live.  No obligation to your neighbor.  No fealty to the Truth of Christ.  A mosh pit of mushy morality…saltless Christian children sitting in the sewer.

Do you really understand how bad it is?

America’s pastors have failed us.  Most speak glowingly of their local “public” schools and “wonderful” teachers indoctrinating the children in doctrines of demons.  There is nothing Christian about our educational system.

The secularists run the schools.  Christianity is mocked.   Real Christian children are ostracized.  All with your tax dollars.  All on your dime.  Teaching your children things you would never teach them in your own home.

Education is a national emergency.  Children are taught to FEEL not to learn.  No wonder AOC is so popular.  She looks just like America.  She represents the values taught in America’s government schools.

Get your kids out of the public hell holes.  The value-less indoctrination they provide is undermining our nation.   If your pastor supports the schools then find a new church.  They are institutions of lower living…undermining everything you have tried to instill in your offspring.  SELF makes a pretty poor god.

America cannot survive amoral education.  Do you still have your children in public schools?  Are your grandkids there?

Then you really don’t understand.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Devil Is Real

When was the last time that you attended church and the leadership of the church did an in-depth teaching on the Devil?  Not a cursory tip of cap towards old Slew Foot around the church’s Halloween celebration, but a deep, in depth teaching about the Prince of Darkness?

I would venture to say that not one in a thousand people who attend church regularly have any real knowledge of the Evil One.  The Bible teaches us that we are “not to be ignorant of his devices”, but yet we are.

The greatest trick that Satan has played on the world is to convince us that he is not real.  Just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny,  Diabolus is nothing more than a mythological character with a red tail, horns, and a pitchfork.  The average Christian has no understanding of the depth of the darkness that Lucifer controls.

Is it any wonder that the Prince of the Power of the Air is having such a successful campaign all across the American spectrum?  Back in the day, when Americans used to believe in God, our children were taught how to avoid Satan and his devices.  Today, we not only don’t recognize his techniques, we don’t even recognize him.  How do you fight an invisible foe that you don’t even believe exists? An excellent movie about good and evil for children is “Pinocchio.”

“You shall know them by their fruits,” the Scriptures teach us.  But we are no longer taught how to inspect the fruit.  The Bible calls him “The Adversary” for a reason.  He is the enemy of mankind.  He is the enemy of all that is good.  He is the enemy of our souls.

O my friends, the Devil is real and his goal is global conquest.

There is an invisible spiritual realm around us.  It is in that realm that the battle over good and evil takes place.  Although you may have been taught about Satan in your Sunday school class chances are pretty good that you know very little about how he operates.  He is more than a “personal” devil hell-bent on messing up your life.  He is the opposer of all things good.  The battle between good and evil is real and it is playing out right before our very eyes.

Do you understand the demonic realm?  Has anyone ever taught you about demonic oppression?  Are you aware that there are satanic angels called demons who once served God?  Do you understand that the Devil’s team is strategically organized into groups called principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness?  Has anyone taught you that these demonic forces work through people?

I assume you have heard of angels.  They are spiritual beings created by God to serve His purpose in the world.  Demons are spiritual beings without a physical body.  They are fallen angels who rebelled against God.  They oppose the work and the will of God.

In a nutshell.  The Devil has a team.  They are organized and they are committed.  It is time for all of us to wake up.

Evil spirits work through people.  Some people are oppressed…strongly influenced by them.  Others are possessed…their minds completely taken over and controlled by them. Most addictions and many sicknesses are a result of demonic activity.

The American government is under demonic control. What do you think a “principality” is?  Did it ever dawn on you that those whom you see on your TV screen every day are under the influence of demons?  Most of your news readers, entertainers, and government officials are under control of the demonic.  Some serve the Devil intentionally and some serve him through false beliefs.  How else can you explain the foolishness you see all around you?

Have you noticed how those who live by Biblical standards are mocked and criticized?  Don’t you see how Christian values are under assault in this nation?  Have you ever asked yourself why every mention of the name of Jesus has been stripped from the education of our children?

What do you think is behind all of the sexual deviancy being shoved down our throats?  Why is transgenderism being so exalted?  Who is behind the drive towards infanticide and the destruction of the natural family?  What is going on in Hellywood and the filth the movie industry is pumping out?  What could possibly be behind the watering down of the True Gospel once trumpeted from America’s pulpits?

No, my friends, the Devil is not fake news.  He just wants you to believe he is.

Christ was the antidote to Satan.  When he went to Calvary He foiled all of the plans of the wicked one.  Our job as believers is to “Occupy Till He comes”, to hold the ground against the forces of darkness.  We were never converted to cower in the corner.  We were called to earnestly contend for the faith.

There is a Devil on the loose and he is ravaging the American landscape.  Christ’s body, the church, is the antidote.  Darkness is simply the absence of light.  Look around at every major institution or industry in America and tell me one place where Christ rules as King?

Here is a very simple question.  Do you see any influence of Christianity in the American government?

The Devil is king of the swamp.  It is time we drained it.  Jesus said “All power is given unto me both in Heaven and earth.”  Do you believe it?  Do you believe Christ is stronger than Satan?

The Devil has played possum.  He has convinced us that he isn’t real.  He is a liar…a thief…a deceiver.  But his mask is slowly coming off.

He works through people.  He impacts the mind.  He plants evil thoughts.  The battle is for the mind.  The Devil is real.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Fearful And Unbelieving

In a strange sort of way this commentary is written to me.  It is a self-inspection of some issues and some deep soul-searching that I have engaged in recently.

Introspection is healthy therapy.  You will find that if you do a serious self-examination of your deepest thoughts much of what you say you believe are simply surface level thoughts. If you were to go all the way down the rabbit hole of thought you will find lying at the very bottom of your straw house is a foundation built on compromise.

Very few of us actually act upon what we claim to believe.  Believing and acting are not the same thing, or as I used to tell those who played football for me, talk is cheap.  When you dig down deep you will truly find both who and what you serve.  Put up or shut up, boys.

Well, it looks to me like we are rapidly approaching the bewitching hour.  The moment of truth is at our door.

“What chue talking about Willis?” Me. I’m talking about me…and you…if you are honest enough to admit it. At the very bottom of everything I say lies a demon known as cowardice. Silence isn’t golden, it’s yellow. So much of what we do, or don’t do,  is shaped by fear.

The Scriptures teach “that to he who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”  Cowardice makes sinners of us all.  Is there anything less Christ-like than a cowardly Christian?

In fact, if you were to read the Bible with an open heart you will find that Christ looks very harshly upon His cowardly children.  Perhaps that is why the admonition to “FEAR NOT” appears nearly 100 times in the Bible.  One mention should have been enough.

But what if “Fear Not” was a commandment and not just a suggestion?  What if, as the John taught us, “Perfect love casteth out fear?”  What if Revelation 21:8 was true and “The fearful and unbelieving” were the first ones who cast into the Lake of Fire?

What are you afraid of?  What am I afraid of?  Why is it that my actions and words don’t match?  Why is it the things that I claim are important to me cause such little passion in my life?  Why is there so little works following my faith?  Why am I so silent regarding the things that I claim are non-negotiable with me?  Or worse yet…why am I so silent regarding the things that matter to God?

Am I fearful and unbelieving?  Does fear throw water on what I claim to believe?  Do I love myself too much to stand up for the things that matter to God?  We are exhorted in the Scriptures that BELIEVERS “overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.

Do I love myself too much?  Do you?  Is that way the Gospel seems to be stuck in neutral in America today?  Are we ashamed of it?  Are we fearful of the consequences of speaking out?  Jesus said “greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

I think we love ourselves too much.  I think that is why evil has the American church stuck in the swamp.

Can we get honest with each other Christian?  Would you mind if I invited you into the discussions I have with my own conscience?  Far be it from me to tell you how to best soothe your own soul but here are a few serious questions I find asking myself on a regular basis.

If I was TRULY a Disciple of Christ would I…

Sit silently on the sidelines while they murdered unborn children?  Would I refuse to storm into an abortion clinic and rescue those on the verge of death simply because I might go to jail?

Would I continue to pay taxes to a wicked government that uses my tax dollars to kill children, indoctrinate them into deviant sexual lifestyles, that teaches them that Almighty God is nothing more than a myth, that they evolved from monkeys, and that the public mention of Jesus was illegal?  If I financially support such lies am I not an accessory to their destruction?

Would a servant of the Most High permit a secular government to destroy the very institution of marriage?  How can I sit silently on the sidelines while sexual deviancy is promoted and applauded to the point that birth certificates are being altered to “no gender” status?  Why would I pay even one dollar to such an evil government knowing that the end result is the all out destruction of God and His Word?

The list and the examples could go on, but in my not-so-humble opinion the reason for our failure to fight back is cowardice.  We say we believe one way but our actions show a different picture.

One of my friends once told me that the problem in America wasn’t that Christians are afraid to die for their faith, but that they didn’t want to do anything that might cause them to lose their stuff. That is the reason that no one ever fights back.

You wanna know what really scares me?  What if one day I stand before the Lord and He asks me why I PERSONALLY didn’t do anything to fight against the darkness sweeping over the land.  I wonder how my weak response will echo in the corridors of the doomed and the damned.

“I wanted to stand up for you Lord but I was afraid I might lose my job, or be sued and lose my house, or be thrown in jail for violating the law?”

“Violating WHO’S law” I hear His voice reverberate.  “Don’t you know the command was to obey God rather than man?”

Babies are dying.  The minds of children are being destroyed with barely a peep from the church.  Why?

Because we are fearful and unbelieving.  God is watching.  It is time to put up or shut up boys.  Talk is cheap.  Remember, the cowards go first.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Does Equal Protection Under The Law Apply To New Born Babies?

Although we took part in the recent Day of Mourning event here locally I was unable to be part of the national event which was held under the Statehouse in Albany, New York.  The event was so wonderfully organized by Elizabeth Johnson who is known as The Activist Mommy on Facebook where here video views number in the 10’s of millions.

This wasn’t a political rally, but a call to repent and mourn over the Church’s apathy towards the pre-born and our unwillingness to actively fight for a culture of life here in America.  The solemn assembly was a response to the attempted “legalization” of infanticide in New York.

As so often happens with the Left they gain ground by constantly changing the words that they use.  Just when they get us used to “choice” they pop the clutch and head straight to infanticide.  We are so screwed up that now we are debating whether or not a woman has a “choice” to kill her baby after it is born.

I will no longer refer to baby murder as abortion. I invite you to join me in calling it what it has always been.  INFANTICIDE.  Soon, if you don’t wake up, they will be “choosing” to kill 3 year olds who wet the bed. After all, if a Mommy can kill her born baby, what is to prevent her from choosing to kill her 1st grader?  Semantics.  It is all a play on words and we have yet to figure it out.  Abortion is Murder…always has been…always will be.  Those on the Left just don’t like calling things by their proper name.

But my real rub comes from those of us in the Right who have lost our ability to make an argument.  Nearly every position that the Left takes is either built on a lie or on the defiance of Truth.  They selectively use Science when it makes their argument, but ignore it when it doesn’t.  Many of us understand the game but we are usually way to late in reacting.

The Left has used the Courts to bully us into submission.  Whenever one of their pet issues does not have popular support they simply file suit in some court where a socialist judge sits and have him/her overturn popular beliefs and standards by judicial fiat. The Left is systematically destroying everything buy using judges to override the will of the people.

We, God fearing Americans, are always slow to react.  We have yet to come to the realization that courts cannot make law and that the opinion of a court is just that…an opinion…and does not carry the weight of law.  One of the gripes of our Founders, in the Declaration of Independence, was that the King was “giving His assent to their Acts of Pretended legislation.”

That is what we are dealing with in America…Pretended Legislation…which in common-man terms means that it was “no law at all.”  Homosexual marriage, Roe V Wade, removal of prayer and religious activities in schools, and the removal of the 10 Commandments off of government buildings is “no law at all.”  Pretended legislation.  Legislation by judges.  Oligarchial.  Separation of the Church from the government is a lie.

Have you ever heard of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution?  The Left uses it all of the time when they want homos to marry…or girls to be Boy Scouts…or boys who think they are girls competing as women in women’s sporting events.  The Amendment has that catch phrase at the end of it, EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS…which makes all this foolishness possible.

But it is imperative that we read and understand the entire Amendment because it is in the very first phrase that the Left’s “right” to infanticide is completely destroyed.  Are you ready?  Just read below.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Did you catch it?  Do you need to read it again?  ALL PERSONS BORN…a BORN baby is a citizen.  All rights granted to every other citizen apply to the baby.  EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS….remember?

Neither the State nor the Feds can give a mother the right to kill another CITIZEN.  To refuse to offer a child who survived an abortion the equal protection that a Doctor or Hospital would provide to any other citizen is a blatant violation of the Constitutional Rights of that baby.  That right is INALIENABLE.  No vote of a group of pro-abortion legislators can take that right away.

Where in the world are the Christian attorneys?  Why haven’t they already filed a restraining order to keep infanticide from going in to effect in New York?  The Left files suit at the first sign of opposition.  The right sits around and complains about how unfair everything is.

I am not a lawyer and far be it from me to give legal advice, but how any Legislature anywhere can strip a newly born American citizen the equal protection of the law is legal fiction on steroids.

The pro-aborts for years have told us unborn babies were not people.  Now they changed their minds and said born citizens aren’t citizens either.  Why do we let them have it both ways?  A baby is a citizen at birth…isn’t that what they tell us about anchor babies?  But a baby born to a mother who doesn’t want her is not a citizen at birth?  If the birth was “accidental” the child doesn’t have equal protection of the laws?

Isn’t there some lawyer out there with enough sense to file a suit and put a stop to such foolishness?

A child becomes a citizen at birth.  All citizens have equal protection of the laws.  A mother does not have citizenship-cancellation rights for her child.  At least not yet.  Give them time.

Every legislator who will not protect the rights of an American citizen has violated the oath of office and should be removed.  Why is this so hard for the Right to understand?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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This Is It. Let’s End Abortion

As most of you know I spent my early life as a high school coach. Football was where I really hung my hat, but during my three decade long career at various times I also directed the baseball team and the girls basketball team. As Jim McKay so famously described on ABC’s Wide World of Sports, I understand “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat and the human drama of athletic competition.”

Along life’s journey, through hundreds of games and thousands of individual plays, most coaches develop a sixth sense in regards to the game that is unfolding before them on the field of play.  I learned early on that the most important moment in a football game was often unnoticed by the fans observing the game from the bleachers.

Sometimes it was in the first quarter of the game.  Often it was after half-time, and at times it came down to the final play of the game.  But whenever it occurred most coaches had the feeling in their gut that “this is it.”  The entire outcome of the game was resting on the next play.

The momentum was about to shift.  The worm was about to turn.  The entire game was hinging on what was about to happen at that particular moment in time.

I remember hundreds of those moments during my career.  In fact, I still can replay some of those make or break plays during my career when you could point to a specific moment and say, “the whole game changed right there.”

Well my gut tells me once again that THIS IS IT!

In 1984 I was the head girl’s basketball coach at Heath High School in Heath, Ohio.  Our undefeated team was boarding the bus to play our arch rivals for the league championship showdown.  Once the girls were seated, and before the wheels on the bus began to go round and round I stood in front of the bus and played the Kenny Logins song, This Is It. (Listen).

“Are you gonna wait for a sign, a miracle?  Stand up and fight! This is it. Make no mistake where you are.  You’re going no further, until it’s over and done.  One way or another.”

Over and done.  One way or another.  That’s where we are my friends.  This is it.  Stand up and fight.

There is nothing that has brought as much calamity upon the American people as the scourge of abortion.  For forty-six years the American church has sat passively on the sidelines while little humans created in the image of God have been ripped from the wombs of their mommies.  Nothing in all of history compares to a supposedly civilized society sacrificing their children on the altar of selfishness.

The entire abortion debate has been built on foundation of lies that can no longer withstand the light of truth.  EVERYTHING that keeps abortion available is a lie.  EVERYTHING.  To wit:

Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) never had an abortion.  She was never raped as alleged in the court proceedings.  The baby is not part of a woman’s body.  Killing a baby is not healthcare.  Abortion is murder and can never be legal.  The child is not just a blob of tissues.  No one has the legal right to kill another person. There is a right to life but no right to take a life.  Children conceived in rape are no less human than those who are not.  Wanted babies are no less worthy of life than unwanted babies.   God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.

All reasons to abort are lies.  Filthy lies.  None of the excuses hold up under any logical or moral scrutiny.  Even the name of the procedure…CHOICE…is a lie.  No one has the right to choose death for another.

Just this month the abortion ghouls have come out of the closet.  The blood thirsty demons have taken off their masks.  As if we didn’t before, we now know that abortion is not about women’s healthcare, but about the avoidance of consequences.  No abortion is ever necessary.  For over 46 years we have let them get away with the lies. Even the 1973 science was a lie.

Courts do not make laws.  A Supreme Court decision does not automatically become the “law of the land.”  They just tell us it that is law.  Abortion has never been under the purview of the Federal Courts.  Healthcare is regulated by the states, not the Feds.  The truth is finally starting to come out.

The Godless left has used the courts, SCOTUS especially, to cram their Godless agenda down the throats of the undereducated American people.   They now suddenly realize that they have lost control of SCOTUS as their legal battering ram and so that are scurrying to codify abortion into State law.  The legal fiction that SCOTUS has the final say is finally being exposed.

This is it, folks.  NOW is the time to go on the offense.  God has given the American church a short window of time to rise up and put an end to baby murder.  President Trump has proven himself to be the most vocal pro-life President in American history.   “Ripping babies out of the womb” is not OK with him.  He stands exposed for the entire world to see waiting for an “AMEN” from the American Christian Church.

Ending abortion is not the job of the President.  It is time we stopped waiting on him to do what Jesus mandated to His Church.  Abortion will end when Christians say it will end.

It is time for Christians to step up to the plate.  We have been given a short window of opportunity to be obedient to the Lord’s mandate.  The American Church is being weighed in a balance.  Will we answer the call?  Will we move into the gap?  Will we walk through the breach that the enemy has exposed?

The Supreme Court cannot make law.  That pretended legislation is being exposed.  The abortion battle is moving to the States.  Let’s not miss this moment.

THIS IS IT !  It is time to end abortion.  We can do it one State at a time.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

And The Pulpits Are Silent

(Notice:  This article is a reprint originally written in 2006.  With the direction our culture is heading a reprint is deemed appropriate. Why won’t our pastors fight?)

“For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?” –Jeremiah 5:26-31

Despite what the political parties would like you to believe, the problem in America is not the politicians, it is the pulpits. I hate to break the news to you, but most of America’s pulpits are filled with cowardly men. They are a shame to the Christ they claim to serve.

Harsh words, aren’t they? Not the type of thing that will make any friends in this “cheap-grace” culture in which we live. But that’s okay. I’m not looking to make friends.

I am about fed-up with what I see. How did we ever get such man-pleasing leaders? All that our fore-fathers held dear is being destroyed before our very eyes and hardly a peep from the pulpit. They don’t want to hear it. It’s the pulpiteers that I am talking about. They are concerned with being “to harsh”, they tell me that “Jesus is in control,” that they are not “called” to fight evil and that “we should pray for our enemies.”

Where have these guys come from? What we need is a return of the Voice of God thundering through prophets standing in America’s pulpits. Not the prissy Purpose Driven drivel passing as the Gospel today. The feminized-preachers of today cannot hold a candle to those who ushered in The Great Awakening which led to the American Revolution, and the abolition of slavery — two world-changing events spearheaded by the pulpit.

Listen to the message of America’s premiere preachers today. Rick Warrenand his Purpose Driven Life have infiltrated the Church. Over 400,000 pastors have attended his conferences and over 40 million of his books have been sold. Wikipedia tells us “Since September 2002, over 30,000 congregations, corporations, and sports teams across the United States have participated in a “40 Days of Purpose” emphasis. A May 2005 survey of American pastors and ministers conducted by George Barna asked Christian leaders to identify what books were the most influential on their lives and ministries.” The Purpose Driven Life was the most frequent response. Today’s Christians are more familiar with the words of Warren than the Words of Jesus. Thousands of America’s churches have used it in their Bible studies and thousands of preachers preach Warren’s message.

Joel Osteen was voted Most Influential Christian in 2006. His preaching style focuses on “the goodness of God rather than sin.” He is a self-described “Life-coach” and “thinks that there are probably others better qualified, or more gifted for explaining Bible verses. Osteen explains that he tries to teach Biblical principles in a simple way, emphasizing the power of love and a positive attitude.” Wikipedia. “Presently, Osteen and several Lakewood Church team members travel across the nation, presenting programs in large stadiums to a paying public.” He has sold millions of books to millions of feel-good Christians.

While our nation is killing babies, our schools are indoctrinating Christian-kids in Secular Humanism, and “Truth has fallen in the streets,” our preachers are attending church-growth seminars, using ‘self-help’ books to supplement the Bible, and chasing after the butts and bucks. They are fiddling while the nation burns, building their church rather than Christ’s Kingdom.

  • Public schools are destroying the faith of Christian children.
    Legislation is introduced to remove the rights of parents.
     Children are taught they came from apes.
     Millions of children are “medicated” to control their behavior.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Gambling is promoted to pay for schools.
    Precious babies are being murdered in the womb.
     Planned Parenthood kills babies with our tax dollars.
     Judges make laws.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Tolerance trumps Truth.
    Homosexual sodomy is granted legal protection.
     The institution of marriage is crumbling.
     Obama says the Sermon on the Mount justifies gay marriage.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Government has replaced God as defender and provider.
    Faith-based initiatives invite the government into the Church.
     The IRS muzzles the voice of the Church.
     Taxes are levied to do the work of the Church.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • The Church locks arms with compassionate-conservatism.
    Children’s service agencies separate family members.
     Self-help books replace the Bible.
     A Purpose Driven Life is elevated above dying to self.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • G.W. Bush says Christians and Muslims worship the same God.
    The Constitution is ignored.
     Pagans pray to open a session of Congress.
     Our elected officials lie and steal.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Private property is stolen by government.
    Mother Earth is protected more than Father God is exalted.
     Illegal aliens over-run our borders.
     The entertainment industry celebrates and promotes debauchery.

…and the pulpits are silent

From a bygone era, the sound from the pulpit rumbles throughout the ages.

“Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry? Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die? Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand? Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you DAMNED?” -Leonard Ravenhill

“Churches don’t need new members half so much as they need the old bunch made over. There wouldn’t be so many non-church goers if there were not so many non-going churches. Too many churches are little more than four walls and a roof.” -Billy Sunday

The voice from the pulpit today sings a different song. “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” Jeremiah 5:31. Truth, justice and the American way are a thing of the past.

“None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” Isaiah 59:4.

And tragically, the pulpits are silent.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Are We Eating Our Children?

This one is not an easy one for me to write.  It might be even more difficult for you to read.  I know we all run a risk if you simply laugh off what I am about to share with you today.

I am edgy.  I get that.  People often accuse me of being crazy, harsh, or conspiratorial but everyone who reads my thoughts knows that I don’t pull any punches.

Well, I am going to swing hard today and I am sorry if the punch to the gut makes you sick.  I wish there was a softer way to inoculate you from the lies.  But Truth and sunlight are the best disinfectant and usually is the best thing to use to lighten your path.  I pray you are sitting down while you read this.

Have you noticed recently how much mankind has changed?  I don’t mean the clothes we wear, or the latest fashion trends, but the actual PHYSICAL changes that you see in people around you?  Have you noticed how fat people are?  Don’t you see the rash of “cancers” that folks all around you are developing?  Autism is rampant in the young. Haven’t you noticed the blending of the sexes and how some men are becoming so much like women and some women are becoming so much like men?  Have you noticed how many people are unable to think?

I don’t just mean think, everyone is able to think.  Perhaps “reason” is a better term.  Have you noticed how many people believe things just because they saw it on TV…or the internet…or from some “teacher?”  Maybe it is just me but I think something PHYSICALLY is going on.  People are changing.  It is right before our eyes and we can’t process it.

Perhaps you should stop reading now.  The consequences of what I am about to posit may be more than you are willing or able to accept.  Far be it from me to bust open the protective cocoon in which you currently live.  Ignorance may be blissful but it is also destructive.  Ignorance is deadly.  “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”  You have been warned.

Is it possible that many of the health problems we are dealing with are a direct result of the fact that we are eating our children?  Watch this brief interview. It is sworn testimony in a deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin where he admits UNDER OATH that aborted baby parts are used in the production of vaccines.  Watch to the end.  It is hard, but necessary, to understand the dark hearts at work in the medical industry.

So, it is no longer a “conspiracy theory.”  It is a PROVEN theory.  Aborted baby parts are experimented on and used in vaccinations designed for human beings.

Have you ever heard of DNA?  Is it possible to alter the DNA of one human being by the introduction of another human being’s DNA into one’s body?  Did you know that studies now show that it is possible a woman maintains within her body the DNA of every man she ever had intercourse with?  Oh Yeah.  Here’s the link.  Planned Parenthood didn’t tell you about that study in Sex Ed class in your public school?

The thought of that is earth shaking.  Gives new meaning to a “paternity” test, eh?

But it is worse than that…much worse.  Abortion is BIG BUSINESS and the government is actively involved in the promotion of research involving the use of “fetal tissue.”   (That is a nice term for aborted babies.)  Ever wonder where they get the fetal tissue?

And what might they be using these aborted children for?  Why food supplements, additives, sweeteners…and other things that human beings ingest.    Yep, you read that right.  Ingest is another slick term for eat.

I didn’t finish at the top of my class but I was pretty good in English and I believe that ingesting fetal tissue would be classified as cannibalism.  Just in case you don’t like my tin-foil-hat the dictionary defines cannibalism as “The act or practice of eating human flesh, by mankind.”   Yep, we are eating our offspring.

I often hear the refrain from pro-cannibalists “How does my abortion affect you?  It is none of your business what I do with my body.”  Accept it does affect me when I swallow little Suzie’s DNA in a soft drink.

You are what you eat!!  Remember that phrase?  I wonder what we become when we eat the DNA of another human being.  Could that explain the big-butted women I see when I go to Wal Mart?  Is it possible that sexual choices of some may have been altered by who they had for lunch?  Maybe there is a genetic-reason why the average person isn’t able to process information.

For those of you who are still reading and still maintain the ability to process thoughts you might find the following articles enlightening.    Did you know that “artificial flavors” are often the result of aborted baby tissue?  Oh Yeah.  Check this out.  Enjoy a Pepsi or Gatorade while you read it.  A list of products is in the article.

Here is a simple question for those of you who can think.  If a cow eats poison and you drink the milk from the cow is it possible that the poison the cow ate may be passed to you through the milk?  What about drinking an Ocean Spray with a little bit of Suzie floating in it?

I know.  I know.  Someone else’s abortion doesn’t have any impact on your life.  What’s the big deal if you are sucking down your buddy’s grandbaby’s DNA?  At least the drink tastes tart and it is sugar free!!

Some of you still don’t believe what is written here and some of you are oblivious to how American’s are being changed.  But if what is written here is bogus can someone explain to me why President Trump just issued a BAN on fetal tissue research?  Check it out.  For those of you who won’t take the time to read the article just let this quote sink in.

“The N.I.H. spends about $100 million a year of its $37 billion budget on projects that involve fetal tissue. The tissue is used to test drugs, develop vaccines and study cancer, AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, birth defects, blindness and other disorders. For much of that work, scientists say there is no substitute for fetal tissue.”  I wonder where they get the fetuses.

Yes, my friend, abortion is big business.  Follow the money.  Not only are Planned Parenthood and their ilk profiting off of the backs of unborn babies, they are turning the rest of us into cannibals.  It is comforting to know that another woman’s abortion doesn’t impact me.

Didn’t Charleton Heston warn us of this in this clip from Soylent Green?

Who are you having for dinner tonight?

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Whatever Happened To Science?

The original Webster’s Dictionary, the 1828 version, defined science as:

In a general sense, knowledge, or certain knowledge; the comprehension or understanding of truth or facts by the mind. The science of God must be perfect.” (All Emphasis mine.)

To “know”, again from the scholarly Webster, is “To perceive with certainty; to understand clearly; to have a clear and certain perception of truth, fact, or any thing that actually exists.”

To “feel”, same resource, is “To have the sensibility or the passions moved or excited.” 

Passion is “The feeling of the mind, or the sensible effect of impression; excitement, perturbation or agitation of mind.”

Beware.  Your emotions will betray you.”   My friend Chad Estes.

Science explains feelings.  Feelings do not alter science.  That is something very basic that I learned in my 6th grade Science class.

Science thrives on facts, evidence, and proof.  The Scientific method requires proof.  Feelings and emotions are not proof.  Feelings and emotions cloud Truth.  It is nearly impossible to convince someone of something they already refuse to believe.

Simply WANTING something to be true does not make it so.  Simply believing something does not make it true.  Founding Father Webster explained to us that truth is the “True state of facts or things.”

Feelings are not facts.  Feelings cannot alter facts.  No matter how much I want to BELIEVE that my parents are still alive, the facts prove otherwise.  Facts, according to our friend, is “Reality; truth.  To deny a fact knowingly is to lie.”

Is it possible for “science” to produce lies?  If science produces a lie can it even be called science?  Why do we allow so many falsehoods to be promoted by science?  Science is not an opinion.  Unproven science is not scientific.  Unproven science is a theory.  A theory, according to our scholarly friend “is speculation; a doctrine or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice.”  Whatever happened to science?

Stating that  85% of scientists believe in Global warming is citing an opinion poll.  Air is necessary for a human being to live.  That is a fact and it doesn’t matter how many scientists agree with it.  If 90% of scientists believed air was UNNECESSARY for human life, you would still need air to live.  Opinion does not alter truth.

Opinion is not science, OK?  Opinion is speculation.  Speculation is “to view, to contemplate.”

(Sorry if you are “feeling” like I am running you in circles.)

Folks this is so simple.  A theory is not proof.  A theory LEADS to proof.  Proof does not require peer reviewed opinions.  Proof, like truth, stands alone.  Look outside.  Is the sun shining? Does it matter if your wife disagrees? Whatever happened to science?

Can I show you how much “Science” has been destroyed in America?  Are you willing to simply explore what Joe Friday so famously said?  “Just the facts, Ma’am.”  Is it OK if I return to the days of Perry Mason and demand, “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…so help me God (THE Truth).”

There are only two sexes and only two genders.  Male and female.  Any “science” that says otherwise is voodoo science.  Look between your legs for proof.  “Feeling” like a woman when you have a penis does not invalidate science.  When they dig up the remains of Bruce Jenner 500 years from now they will find a male in his casket.  Science baby.  Bruce Jenner ain’t no woman no matter how he “feels.”  Why do so many intelligent people foolishly agree he is a woman?

An unborn baby is a human being no matter how much the mother doesn’t want it to be.  To abort it is to kill it.  To kill it is murder, no matter what some “judge” “feels.”  Even if 95% of judges agree abortion is the “law of the land” murder can never be legal.  The child is a human being at the moment of conception.  What are judges doing judging scientific issues?  Why does the left cling to science when it supports them and deny it when it doesn’t?   Why do we let them?

Darwinian Evolution is a theory.  As we learned earlier, a theory is speculation.  There is NO SCIENTIFIC proof that man evolved from pond scum no matter how many scientists vote in favor of the theory.  If macro-evolution was PROVEN it would no longer be a theory and there would no longer be a debate.  Biblical Creation is just as valid of a SCIENTIFIC theory as Darwinism.  Believing the Bible requires faith.  So does Darwinism.  Both are systems of belief.  Those who belief the theory of Creation are called Christians.  Those who don’t are called scientists.

Science doesn’t lie, but scientists do.  Special interests pay for scientists to do research.  I have often wondered if “scientists” could find evidence for God if they were paid to prove His existence.  I am sorry to break the news to you, but researchers today do their best to find the results that their benefactors pay for.  Do you think Monsanto wants to know if GMO’s cause cancer?  Government spends millions on research.  Do you know of any government studies to find out when life begins in an unborn baby?  Ever wonder why? Are they afraid of science?

Nothing seems real any more.  Everything is opinion, emotion, speculation, and wishful thinking.  Over the last 100 years science has done its best to destroy God and His creation.  All you have to do is look around and you will see that, in the end, science has destroyed science.

When I was a teenager we used to tease each other and argue in the hallways, “If you are a man come into the locker room and prove it.”  That challenge won’t work today.  Thanks to voodoo science you can’t even believe your eyes any more.  Lies rule the day.  Nothing is as it seems.  Why do we permit it?  Why do we allow them to teach our children things that simply are not true?  Why don’t we demand proof and truth?  Can a nation built on lies survive?

Whatever happened to science?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Don’t Blame Me, I’m Pro-Life

They are killing babies, you know?  All across America, under the sleepy eyes of the American church, the ghouls continue to rip apart the tender bodies of precious unborn babies.

I wish I could say it in a more graphic way.  I wish I could find the words to awaken supposed God-fearing Christians to the holocaust of the pre-born citizens in a city near you.

A calloused heart.  There is no other explanation for it.  Church pews filled with self-proclaimed servants of Christ who continue to treat their neighbor’s child with the heartless sin of apathy.

Oh, they are pro-life alright.  At least they claim to be.  But those who kill the babies are also pro-life.  They just happen to choose the life of the mother over the life of the child.  They don’t want the mother’s life to be messed up by some pesky new-born life that will complicate their future plans.

“Pro-life” is a slogan.  Christians are good with slogans.  They hide behind them.  They use quasi-Bible verses as a reason to divert their eyes from the slaughter.  “I PERSONALLY am against abortion, but who am I to judge what someone else does?”  What a crock of hooey!!  Pro-choice with exceptions.  That is where most Christians stand.

Our once fiery pulpits are now filled by compromised men who are afraid to cry out for their pre-born neighbor for fear of awakening the conscience of the “Best life Now” women who don’t want to be reminded of the dastardly thing they did to their precious child in a moment of selfish fear and panic.

January 22, 1973 is 46 years ago and still today the carnage continues.  The news just got worse as we have just been informed that abortion is now the leading cause of death in the world.  There were more deaths from abortion in 2018 than all deaths from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined.

Choice.  It sounds so harmless…the word choice.  Sometimes soft, ambivalent words are the most dangerous.  Infanticide, child sacrifice, and dismemberment all give a more realistic ring to “women’s health care.”  How can a process that results in death ever be called health care?

But Christians are pro-life alright.  Consider the bumper sticker I saw on a car the other day. “Abortion stops a beating heart.”  I wanted to stop the driver and scream, “Yep!  Now what are you gonna do about it?”

But, of course, that would be far too judgmental for America’s snowflake Christians.

Why do we hate our children?  When did we become so selfish that we began to see children as a burden rather than a blessing?  What kind of people have we become?  For forty six years we have stuffed our fingers in our ears and whistled past Planned Parenthood while the “Government” picks our pockets in support of this most evil of all “medical procedures.”

But it gets worse than that.  As if killing our children was not bad enough we now have the testimony, under oath, of a medical expert who admits that premature babies killed in their mother’s womb are, in fact, being experimented on in a Frankenstein like manner by “scientists” in America.  We now know that they cannibalize the babies for vaccines.

Oh yeah.  Think I am lying right?  You remember when Planned Barenhood was accused of selling the body parts of the “blobs of tissues” that they had terminated?  Remember the undercover videos and the “price lists” that we were given, like a menu, to the infantivores we were told didn’t exist?  Here is a video that exposed it all.  The media called him a liar and sued.

Abortion was only 3% of the services that Planned Murderhood offered in their “women’s clinics the liars told us.  Well that lie went out the window this week as their new President admitted that promotion of abortion was their “core mission.”   Dumb me.  I thought they were all about pap smears, mammograms, and condoms.  I guess if you would kill a baby then lying probably doesn’t cause your conscience to bleed very badly.

Most of you probably don’t believe what you read here.  You don’t want to.  You want to keep your eyes shut and fingers in your ears over what is occurring in well manicured suburbs all across this nation.  Can we be truthful?  Abortion is about pride.  Most women won’t passionately fight against it for fear that their precious teenage daughter may need to exercise her “choice” sometime in the near future.  Sin makes strange bedfellows.

Here is the video of the expert admitting they experiment on unborn babies for use in vaccines.  Notice the soul-less response of this monster. Watch it and weep.  This is 2 minutes from hell.

I hear a lot of criticism from Christians because President Trump hasn’t kept his promise to defund Planned Parenthood.  Why should he?  It doesn’t matter to Christians and it certainly doesn’t matter to Christian leaders.  Why would anyone expect President Trump to do the job that the average American pastor only occasionally refers to from the pulpit?

January 18th is the 46th Annual March For Life in Washington DC.  Hundreds of thousands will make the annual pilgrimage as a form of penance while failing to acknowledge their complicity in the murder of unborn children.  Abortion exists only because the American church does not hate it.

American Christians have blood on our hands.  No amount of marching will wash it off.  Voting won’t stop it. Abortion will end ONLY when the American Church demands it must stop.

They are killing babies, you know.  All across America, under the sleepy eyes of the American church, the ghouls continue to rip apart the tender bodies of precious unborn babies.  If they did it to a puppy most Christians would shriek.

Every abortion clinic in America should have a sign hanging over the door.  OPEN FOR BUSINESS WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE LOCAL CHURCH.

But don’t blame me.  I’m Pro-Life.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Let’s Go Down Standing Up

“What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”

I remember having that question asked of me by a motivational speaker when I was in high school.  He was doing his best to try and convince us that most people are defeated before they ever get started because they never really thought they could win in the first place.

The world of athletics is a great place to find slogans because so much of what is accomplished is done by the sheer will of overcoming what one’s mind says cannot be done.

The body can achieve what the mind can believe!

Quitters never win and winners never quit!

You can take the dog out of the fight but you can never take the fight out of the dog!

When all is said and done more is usually said than done!

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight it’s the size of the fight in the dog.

I am sure you could add a few of your own.  But the bottom line is, your greatest opponent is often yourself.  The Bible says it this way.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

But the common denominator in all of the sloganeering is the importance of believing that what you want to achieve really is possible.  I used to tell our guys all of the time;

If you think you can…or if you think you can’t, you’re right!

Ultimately, belief propels action.  You can tell what a man BELIEVES by what he DOES.

In so many ways Christianity mirrors athletics in that the participants love to repeat quotes about what they claim to believe but have very little corresponding action to match what they say.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!

What can we say to these things? If God before us who can be against us!

Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph!

But thanks be to God who gives us victory through Jesus Christ.

All power is given unto me both in heaven and on earth, go ye therefore…

So let me ask you this, my fine Christian friend.  Why don’t we believe what He told us?  Why have we, despite the evidence to the contrary, so given up hope in this battle for the culture?

Remember…if you think you can or if you think you can’t, you are probably right.

Christianity, just like athletic competition is a battleground of the mind.  The sad truth is most of Christianity has become convinced that the bad guys are going to win.

“We win in the end, Coach Dave” I often hear Christians say, as if that is justification for our lousy performance here and now.  Although millions of people can quote the Bible, very few are willing to put it in action.

The righteous are as bold as lions and evil men flee when no one pursues, the book of Proverbs tells us.  Can somebody please explain to me why it is the Christians who are running for the hills?  Why are the Christians the ones who are begging the Government to protect our rights?  Is there somehow something wrong with a Christianity that wins now?

As bad as it looks what if this is simply a valley that we have to walk through?  What if the return of Jesus is 50…or 100…or 1000 years into the future?  What if the game really isn’t over?  What if what you did today really did make a difference in tomorrow?

I believe that 2019 is the most critical year for America in the last 100.  No amount of human endeavor will overcome the will of God but what if we are misreading the “signs of the times?”  What if victory in the cultural war was possible today?  What if God actually wanted his people to rise up and fight the evil doers?

What if the church could end abortion?  What if the church could restore marriage?  What if God wanted us to end child trafficking and the scourge of pornography?  What if the righteous were bold?  What if we really could do all things through Christ?  What if with God all things really WERE possible?  What if he really meant what He said?

Have God’s people sold God short?  I am reminded of this passage from the inspirational poem “IF”.

Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victory cup. And he learned to late when the night came down how close he was to the golden crown.”

Sometimes I feel like we are determined to live out pre-written history.  Could it be Christians aren’t winning because we don’t think that we can?

Let’s agree on one thing.  It is 4th and goal.  We just don’t know how much time is left on the clock.

Jesus asked a piercing question of His followers…When the Son of Man cometh shall He find faith on the earth?

What you DO shows what you believe!  When the trumpet sounds will Christianity go out with a bang or a whimper?

Hold that line!!  Occupy till He comes!!  Let’s honor God.  What would you do if you knew you couldn’t lose?  Let’s go down standing up.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Tale Of Two Lawmen

I don’t know if there has ever been a more endearing character that that of Barney Fife the loveable bumbling deputy sheriff from Mayberry.

Don Knotts’ portrayal of Deputy Fife created a caricature of a small town cop that still lives on. How often have you referred to a pushy cop as a “Barney Fife” when describing his behavior to a friend?  His false bravado was so outlandish because it was so spot on.  Whether we care to admit it or not there is a little bit of Barney Fife in all of us.

Viewers were drawn to Barney because we all recognized the innocence of his cowardice and we understood that we often struggled with the courage to do what our job required of us.

Whether it was our job as a parent, or a teacher, or just our common role as a good citizen we often found our knees-knocking in the face of a controversy that we knew we should confront.  So many times in our lives our courage did not match our conflict and we sheepishly slinked away from a subject we knew we should have taken on.  We left the dirty work for someone else to handle.

Yes, my friends.  There is a little bit of Barney Fife in all of us.

I was prompted this week by a discussion we were having on my podcast when one of the participants quoted from the Scriptures “to him that knows to do good, and not to do it, to him it is sin.”  After the show was over I began to ponder why we are so hesitant to speak uncomfortable Truth.  Why are we afraid to shoot our bullets?

That’s what brought to mind the immitigable cowardice of Deputy Fife.  He wanted so much to be strong…to do the right thing…to be respected…to honor his office…yet he never was able to live up to the image he had of the position that he occupied.

I love to watch old reruns with my grand children and I loved to point out that Barney was only permitted to carry one bullet.  Yet, in all of the episodes we have watched I have never seen Barney ever actually shoot his bullet.

I wonder if our image of him would be different if he had.  I wonder if HIS image of himself would be different if he had.  Although Don Knotts has since passed on I wonder if his mythical character Barney wished that JUST ONCE he had shot his bullet.  What a sad statement for a defender of the people to go to the grave with all of his ammo still in his pocket.

I’m going somewhere with this.  How about you?  Do you still have your bullets in your pocket?  Are the bad guys storming into your town and your fear of confrontation has caused you to tuck tail and run?  Will it ever be time to shoot your bullets?

Barney was so unlike another popular law-enforcement officer from the same golden age of television, Wyatt Earp.

You remember Wyatt Earp and the self-describing theme song that accompanied his show.   It so encapsulated the descriptive nature of the job of a lawman and the image that Barney so desperately wanted to fulfill.  Listen here

Wyatt Earp.  Wyatt Earp.  Brave courageous and bold.  Long live his fame and long live his glory and long may his story be told.

Mouth those lyrics again and simply insert the name Barney Fife for Wyatt Earp and see if you can do it without causing yourself some serious cognitive dissonance.  The images don’t match.  Hugh O’Brien was everything that Don Knotts wanted to be but could never find the chutzpa to live out.

Brave.  Courageous. Bold.  Can you think of three more powerful words for which you would want to be remembered?

Tough times are coming to America.  Everywhere you look America and American values are under attack.  Not since the days of Wyatt Earp has the need for courageous Americans ever been greater.  In a time when America needs brave, bold, and courageous leadership all of our formerly great institutions are turning out cowardly, compromising, weak men.

America will never return to greatness if we are depending on top-down leadership.  The only way that America can be great again is if AMERICANS become great again.  Stop waiting on Washington to come up with the fix.  Brave, courageous and bold leadership begins right where you live.

For at least two generations Christian men have been taught to be nice…to compromise…to judge not…and the results have been streets full of chaos not seen since the days of the Wild West.  If our nation is going to change, then our cities must change.  If our cities are to change, then our churches must change.  If our churches are to change, then our families must change.

Everything begins at home.  We must be like the Sons of Issachar “which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”

America needs brave, courageous, and bold LOCAL leadership. Bold Christian men built this nation. Only bold Christian men can save it.

Stop looking at Washington and start looking around you. Where are tomorrow’s leaders? Who is teaching them how to lead?  Don’t you think it is time to start developing them?  Find a group of leaders and teach them to lead.  Tomorrow’s leaders need trained today.

In a nation crying for Wyatt Earps we have to stop producing Barney Fifes.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Are Christians Supposed To Be Doormats?

At the risk of a bit of self-promotion I ask whether or not Christians are supposed to roll over and take it. Is simply lying down and letting evil run roughshod over us a sign of holiness? Does “turn the other cheek” mean we are never to fight back?

The Bible teaches us to die to self, but it does not teach us to be a doormat. “Dying to self” means putting the Lord, and others, first.  It does not mean yielding authority to those who hate Christ. Dying to self actually means that the fear of physical death should not prevent a Christian from standing up and fighting.  You can’t kill a dead man. Following Christ means victory over physical death.

Why do Christians have it so wrong?  Christians should be the most courageous of all people.

Many of you who regularly read my commentaries often contact me and let me know how much you enjoy my gritty Gospel. Some don’t appreciate my “tone” quite as much, but despite the criticism I am determined to awaken Christians to Paul’s admonition that “to live is Christ but to die is gain.” What in the world are Christians so afraid of?

If my email inbox is any indication many of you are sick of the non-confrontational, nicer-than-Jesus message emanating from America’s pulpits. The loyal opposition to the Devil’s stratagems seems to be neither loyal, nor oppositional. The Salt has lost his savor.

For those of you who may not be aware, I host an internet podcast five days a week. It is a live, interactive program where we are training men, and some women, to grow some hair upon their chests. Those who join the show believe that Christian testosterone is a good thing. That is something that is sorely missing from the girlie men filling most of America’s pulpits.

If you are sick of milquetoast Christianity we invite you to join our Huddle. We have been doing the show for nearly three years and listeners are being challenged to a more active Christianity. Fighting evil is not a spectator sport and we challenge the listeners to “get in the game.”

What follows is a copy of some notes that Lowell, one of our “Huddle” members, shared with us following one of last week’s shows where we discussed the role of a Christian.

Huddle Notes/Study 2018/11/29

Fact/Scripture: God made the Earth
Fact/Scripture: Man was given the Earth and everything in it.
Fact/Scripture: Man chose his woman/following Satan and retained him as counselor, not God.

Therefore Man had then become allied with Satan in his rebellion against God

Fact/Scripture: Both were cast from God’s presence.

Research Did the Nephilim became a way for fallen angels to access earth physically/easily? Research Did these hybrids become new souls to build the Satanic army?


Fact/Scripture: Jesus takes Earth back, buys it back. As a man he reclaims it for/as God & Himself!!! Given: The Holy Spirit should then inoculate us vs. demons!!!!!

Probably Not all Nephilim DNA was destroyed….Goliath? Question Do their progeny become Satan’s army as well?

My conclusion; Posit: The Great Commission is prosecuting God’s renewed title to Earth through Jesus and his Saints. We are an insurgency until His return.

Fact/Scripture: The world is ours to reclaim by Jesus’ birth, execution, and resurrection. Jesus said: Behold woman, I have made all things anew! Jesus said: It is finished!

Assert/Repeat: Man alienated the title to Satan; God became man to reclaim it. Jesus said: He owns it all again. He has legal title again.

Fact/Scripture: God gave Earth to Adam who alienated the title by following Satan. He said so: Jesus/God as a man/God had the right to reclaim the heritage as both man and maker! But: Most of man is still complicit with Satan in rebellion against God. Therefore: Satan and his allies are TRESPASSERS now. Illegal immigrants,

Fact/Scripture: Jesus commanded us to OCCUPY UNTIL I COME!!!

Intent: Keep the base of operations safe, or expand it for the total reconquest when Outcome: Christ returns leading and to lead his army of Saints IN THIS WORLD to subdue Satan and his allies physically, not just spiritually.


Scripture John 8 Know the truth and the truth will set you free

Scripture John 3:16 Jesus came not to condemn the world, but that the world would be saved.

Scripture Ephesians Full armor, salvation, righteousness, gospel/peace, faith, TRUTH.

The Word is our sword and our offensive weapon. The Truth is the suspension belt on which the offensive and defensive array is carried…. The boots of peace provide the peace in knowing we are God’s own. The boots enable us to hold our ground by digging in when pushed, or move quickly and surely over rough ground in attack.

Comment: Boots of Gospel of peace appears to be misunderstood as pacifism preaching peace. Given Paul’s Roman citizenship and knowledge of a Legionary’s panoply Paul would know the Roman’s hob nailed boots protected the feet from both spear thrusts from above and broken ground below. When pushed, Legionary’s would dig in their toes and press/lean forward. In attack, they advanced protected from stones and dropped weapons.

Fact/Scripture: RESIST the Devil and he will flee from you!

Comment: THEY ARE COLLABORATORS – Quislings, Vichy French, Tories, Copperheads.
Comment: The Saints and the areas we influence/control God also controls.
Comment: We are the beachhead. It must be expanded, secured, enlarged, and no surrendered.
Comment: The areas controlled by the unsaved, those taking counsel of Satan still control theirs.
Comment: The frontier between the two is where we come into conflict and sparks should fly.

Conclusion: The Christ is God saying I am back. I am among you. I reclaim my Kingdom. Come home. Join me and conquer. Free the world from rebellion. Pull on your boots, gear up and bring PEACE to the Earth.

Are you sick and tired of weak-kneed Christianity?  We invite you to check out “The Huddle.”  It lasts an hour.  Check out the link below.  Both audio and video are available.  Full of testosterone.  It is free.

If you like my writings then you will LOVE the show.

God is looking for a Few Good Men.   Let’s drain the wimpy Christian swamp.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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People Prefer Safe Space Over Conflict – Go Along To Get Along

It is possible to learn things in the strangest of places and in the strangest of conversations.

I have always been a bit intrigued by prison life and exactly what goes on behind the walls of the penal institutions.  We have all heard the horror tales of rapes, muggings, and “jailhouse justice,” and certainly being incarcerated for an extended period of time would seem to be such a waste of life.

Just this week I had a discussion with a friend who had spent some time in the clink and is now radically saved which has led to a total change in lifestyle. His testimony is miraculous and a real eye-opener about the power of Jesus to transform a life. He now credits his time in jail as God’s plan to rescue him from sure destruction.

During the course of the discussion I asked him if it was true that prison was a dangerous place.

“It can be,” he said.  “But it is really no different than the outside world in that regard.  Most of the trouble you get in to is trouble that you brought upon yourself.  If you lay low and simply do your time you can get through it without much trouble.  You just keep your mouth shut, head down, and count the days until you are outta there.”

“Is there a lot of violence inside?  Do guys get beat up a lot by other inmates?” I asked.

“Sometimes.  But if you really sense that there is trouble lurking on the yard you simply stay safe in the cage.”  He said.

“Huh?  Safe in the cage?  What does that mean, Bill?”  I queried.

“Your cell.  The cell is a cage.  In order to protect themselves from thugs some guys simply spend all of their time sitting in their cell.  There are guards around and it is very hard for someone to get into another guy’s cell.  Safe in the cage.  You have no freedom…but there is also less danger.  Life is always safer if you stay in the cage.”

“Hmmm.  Did you ever spend much time in your cage?”  I asked.

“Not much,” he said.  “I always tried to avoid the conflicts and controversy.  I didn’t go out of my way looking for trouble.”

“Wow,” I murmured.  “Sorta like church.  Is that what you mean?”

“I’m not following you, Coach.  What do you mean by that?”

“Safe in the cage.  That is the way I see most Christians living their lives.  The church is the cage and it is a safe place for them to run to when things get a little bit scary out in the world.  Instead of standing up and pushing back against the forces that are attempting to intimidate them, they run to church because it is “safe in the cage.”  They can hunker down, avoid the controversy out in the real world, and breeze through their time until their time of release occurs.  Just like the men in prison.”

“Dude!  I have never looked at it that way!”

“Yeah.  Think about it.  Most Christians that I have been around my entire Christian walk are some of the most passive, non-confrontational people you would ever want to be around.  They are good people, but they really are not interested in ruffling anyone’s feelings.  No matter how much crazy stuff is going on around them they don’t seem to want to do anything about it.”

“Look at the schools,” I continued.  “The public schools are teaching their kids all kinds of crazy things…gender issues…homo sex…secular beliefs and the parents never make a peep.  The government takes their tax dollars and spend it on crazy things like abortion, macro evolution…things that go in direct conflict with what the parents believe in their home, yet they never voice a complaint to anyone about their displeasure.”

“Ahhh.”  He moaned.  “Now I’m picking up what you are laying down.  The parents keep their mouths shut because they don’t want to make any waves.  They know that if they speak out they run the risk of making someone mad and then they will have to deal with the consequences of what they stood up for.  It’s safe in the cage!  You’re right Coach!  The parent’s unwillingness to speak out actually imprisons their own children.  By going-along-to-get-along they are actually bringing harm to the one’s they claim to love.”

“You got it!  In a funny sort of way the church has adopted the same mentality as the men who are locked in America’s prisons.  In order to avoid any problems they simply sit in their church and wait for their time here on earth to run out.  Why cause trouble when they are simply passing through.  This world is not there home.  Sometime very soon the Lord is going to come and set them free.”

“Yep.  Safe in the cage.  I never looked at it that way.  Jesus came to set us free, not to simply keep us locked in a church.  Although it might be safe, warm, and void of conflict in the cage, hiding from controversy is no way for a Christian to live.”

“That’s it, Bill,” I sighed.  “Avoiding conflict may be a safe way to live, but it sure is a waste of life.  Somehow I don’t think that Jesus came just to make our time spent here on earth more comfortable.  Fear is a prison in itself.  There is nothing wrong with BEING afraid…but there is something wrong with STAYING afraid.”

“Man,” Bill replied.  “It looks to me like I have simply traded one form of bondage for another.  Hiding from controversy in the church really isn’t much different than hiding form controversy inside the prison.”

“That’s what I am saying.  Jesus came to set us free, not simply change our cage.”

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Who’s Team Is President Trump Playing For?

I don’t know if I have ever seen a public figure as hard to figure out as President Trump.  Certainly, no one who has ever been elected to the Presidency has been more of a battle axe than he.  He has forged a political coalition that has baffled even the most seasoned political scientists.

Which team is President Trump playing on?  Is he part of the deep state and his promise to “drain the swamp” merely a diabolical diversion from what he is actually orchestrating, or is he really “one of us” a man who has promised to deliver our government back into the hands of “we the people.”

We are going to know very soon.

I have to confess that I was on the Trump Train very early and that my public endorsement of him garnered much opposition from those who would normally be supporting the same values-driven candidate as me.  My support of him cost me many friends, some of with all of the fences still have not been mended.

But I saw something in him, early, that told me that one need not be a man of God in order to be God’s man.  I still hold that position and am a supporter of his today.  But I understand the anxiety many of my friends suffer.  If he is REALLY going to drain the swamp isn’t it about time that he called the Roto Rooter man?

Again, we are going to know very soon.

One of the things that really troubles me about some of my Christian friends is their inability, or unwillingness to “root” for him.  It is almost as if THEY have made up their mind that he is NOT God’s man and refuse to support him even 2 years into his term in office.  Stubborn as they are, I wonder if they follow the Bible’s mandate to “pray for our leaders” but instead secretly hope he fails so that they will have been proven right about his character shortcomings and fitness for the office.

I would hope that all Christians pray that he is successful, but I really don’t think that is the case.  Their own pride blinds them to the fact that God may not be operating the way that they expect Him to.  God is ambidextrous.  He is the originator of the idea of sleight of hand.  He fooled Satan into crucifying His Son.  I wonder what the odds at Vegas were on God coming out on the winning side of that power play.

Oh, but His ways are not our ways.  Perhaps someday we will realize that He plays by His own set of rules and that it is foolish to ever think we have The Creator figured out.

I became aware of politics 55 years ago today on November 22, 1963 when JFK had his head cracked wide open in Dealey Plaza.  In my mind, I always referred to that as the “day America died” because since that time our government has become a secret operation and the real truth of what was going on “behind the curtain” has been hidden from the American people.  The Kennedy assassination was the first of many “deep state” operations pulled on the American people.  Our “elected officials” no longer run the government.  Most are hired simply to make sure that the government continues to run according to plan…THEIR plan…the deep state…SWAMP…shadow government…that we all pray President Trump is committed to draining.

We will know very soon which team he is paying for.

Let me take the peel off of the potato.

Like so many of you I have waited patiently for 2 years for the hammer to drop.  I have followed Q Anon and all of the “insiders” dropping breadcrumbs as to what was really going on behind the scenes.  Trust sessions…trust Q…trust the plan.  Well, I have trusted them all and it is now time for the President to crap or get off of the pot.

It is apparent to anyone who is paying attention that the corruption in our government runs very deep.  It is clear that we have not had a REAL President since that fateful day in Dallas.  And I find it ironic that the battle has now gone full circle.  It appears to me that Donald Trump is fighting the same group that President Kennedy warned us about…the military industrial complex.

But in the 55 years since Kennedy was blown away that political swamp of miscreants has metastasized and become so entrenched that it is nearly impossible to dislodge them.  The way I see it, President is our last hope.  If he is a fraud, a bought and paid for agent of the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s bankers, then our ship is sunk.

Call me naïve’.  Call me foolish.  Call me a sellout.  But if Donald Trump is pulling our chain, then our nation has long since been lost.

We are about to find out where he stands.  We will soon know which team he is quarterbacking.  This is where the rubber meets the road.

Declassify the FISA Report.  Expose the criminal activities of the high level deep-staters at work in the Alphabet Agencies.  Expose for the world the criminal activities of those who were sworn to protect and serve us.  Perp walk them.  Show the American people the dark underbelly of our “election process” and the treasonous crimes of those who have manipulated the American system.

Restore the rule of law.  Re-establish justice.  Do away with the multi-level criminal justice system.  Return the government to THE PEOPLE.  Anything else is simply window dressing.

Pray for him…even if you don’t like him.  Pray he is God’s man.  What he does in the next 30 days will show us which team the President is playing for.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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If Christians Found Their Conviction They Would Be In Control

Never underestimate an opponent.

That was a lesson I learned early in my athletic career.  The easiest way to get your hind-end kicked was to assume that you were going to win simply because you were better.  History is lined with the stories of upset victories and every one of those upsets occurred because the favorite was either overconfident or deceived.

Both attitudes will eventually lead to defeat.  Have you ever heard of Goliath?  He was superior to the little shepherd boy in every measure except for the one that really mattered.  David was committed to victory while Goliath was focused more on his own abilities.  It is hard to defeat a prepared, focused, and committed opponent.

We, those who carry the Name of Christ are on the verge of squandering a game that we never should have lost.  In the battle of the ages the American church has greatly underestimated the skill set of our opponent.  Even though we were warned in Scripture that we were “not to be ignorant of his devices,” we have been.  Failing to comprehend the seriousness of the battle we have given into apathy.  What has caused our unwillingness to “earnestly contend for the faith?”

Even though the Bible clearly spells out the game plan of “our adversary” we have failed to taken him and “his devices” seriously.  We are losing the battle, not because we are not well equipped, but because we are oblivious to how diabolical and how committed our opponent truly is.

Satan, Diablo, the Devil, is a worthy opponent.  He is so powerful, and so effective, that he has been able to convince most of the Christian world that he doesn’t really exist.  For those who DO believe in Satanus, America’s Christian leadership has tricked us into thinking that the Devil is nothing more than a personal agitator who designs are set on making individual life miserable.

The Devil, the tell us, is after your health, or your finances, or out to “steal your joy”, as if he was nothing more than a supernatural mosquito whose main goal was to keep the individual Christian from living a comfortable life.  The Devil is real, they told us, but they sold us a Walt Disney version of the fallen cherub…you know what I mean…red tail, horns, pitchfork…a comic-book character who comes out of hiding around Halloween.

Our failure to understand his purpose, his power, and his techniques have left once-great, once-Christian America gasping for breath.  While the Church sat around and counted our blessings, the enemy of our souls was raiding our houses destroying everything good.   As long as he could keep us focused on ourselves we would miss the greater battle that was raging around us.  Satan was not after “our stuff.”  He had his sights set on control of the world.

We have underestimated the dark side.  Satan has pulled a reverse David and Goliath on the Church because we have lost focus of what he was really after.  The battle we are engaged in is a battle for the world.  Yes, it is partly a personal battle, but it is more importunately, a corporate battle.  The battle is against the two seeds.  The seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman…found in Genesis 3.  Most dumbed-down Christians STILL do not understand it.

Imagine with me how GOOD Jehovah must be.  He is the Creator and Giver of life.  The Bible teaches us that He was perfect in every way and that our “eyes have not seen, nor our ears heard, neither has it entered into our hearts, what God has in store for those who love Him.”  Our feeble minds cannot even conceive of how vast and complete His goodness is.  Real Christians serve a Real “all powerful” God.

But my high school science classes taught me about Newton’s law and that “for every action there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction.”  If God is ALL good, how deep and how dark must the dark side be?  Christ conquered all of that darkness, but the prayer He taught us to pray states “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven.”  The earth is not yet perfected…and will not be until His coming…but in the meantime he adjured us to “Occupy, Til I come.”

Occupy is an action verb.  It connotes the idea that someone else is intent on taking over.  Help me out here, if the battle has been won why did He command us to hold the ground?  Could it be that the “adversary” is not yet under His feet?  Could it be that “God’s team” was placed here to actively oppose the evil one?

Look around America.  Think back to the days of Father Knows Best and ask yourself what has happened to 1950’s America?  Could it be that while we were fighting a cartoon-character opponent, the Devil and his minions were actively at work fighting to pull off the greatest coup in the history of the world?  Could it be that his greatest strength was convincing us that he was not really very strong?

Focus your eyes for a moment on every major institution that influences the culture and name for me ONE the Christians are in charge of?  Media, Education, Finances, Entertainment, Government, Family, even the Church has fallen into the hands of the enemy.  While Christians have been dressing up like the Devil to celebrate Halloween, the Devil has been eating all of the candy out of our sacks.  Our churches have lied to us.  They have taught us to look to the coming Kingdom while ignoring the one right in front of us.

Just a warning.  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  The darkness spreads through deception.  So much of what we see, hear, and are taught simply is not true.  Lies rule the day and Satan is the father of them.

If, as Jesus said, “all power has been given unto me both in heaven and earth” what would it look like if His disciples actually lived as if HE was supposed to be in control?  What if HIS people occupied those gates of power?

I John 3:8 says “For this purpose was the Son of man manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil.”  What if He meant it?  What if the Devil really WAS a defeated foe?  What if our job was to “go into all of the world…and teach all that He commanded us?”  What if God’s people are supposed to put the Devil under the feet of the Lord?

What if what we did here on earth really mattered HERE ON EARTH?  What if the Devil was a defeated foe HERE AND NOW?  What if Jesus was counting on us to help build His Kingdom ON EARTH?   What if the Lord was waiting on us to act?

What if we really believed that Jesus was King of Kings HERE AND NOW?

What if the gates of hell really could not prevail against His church?  What if HIS CHURCH was His plan to conquer the darkness?  What if we stopped under-estimating the Devil and started conquering him?

If the Church actually believed Jesus controlled “all power in Heaven and on earth” would it change the way we responded?

What would it look like if Christians were actually in control?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

A Skeleton Crew Serving in Florida

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.  Matt. 9:38

It seems as if there are churches on every street corner in America’s cities.  Yet, with all of the churchianity that exists it is hard to believe that so little of the Gospel really goes forth.

It is, for the most part, a “different Gospel” that is being shared from America’s pulpits.  A Gospel that glorifies “self” with a Savior that died to give us a “better life.”

Unfortunately, that is not “the Gospel” that you will find in the Bible.  Oh, it is part of it…but the “best life now” thing is a small branch of the “living water” that is supposed to flow out of the belly of Believers.  The True Gospel is not only life changing, it is life altering.

The “Gospel of the Kingdom” does not call us to a “better” life, but to a sacrificial death.  Jesus loved us so much that He called us to die daily.  He told us to “pick up our cross” and follow Him.  He exhorted us that to lose our life is to find it…that to die is gain and that “greater love has no man than this that he would lay down his life for his friends.”

Being a true disciple of Jesus is a sacrificial call to a life of service.  Most Christians have no idea what that even means.

I’ve often found it remarkable that of all of the things Our Lord could have asked us to pray for “laborers” willing to expand His Kingdom would be at the top of His list.  Most Christians have no idea what it means to “labor” for the harvest.  It is hard to think of others when we spend so much time thinking about ourselves.

Please bear with me and permit me a few sentences to rant.

America, the once great “shining city sitting upon a hill” is merely a shadow of her once-great self.  Our nation is adrift in a cesspool of immorality and debauchery to the point that our “government” is going broke trying to repair a broken nation.  So much of the troubles in America are self-inflicted…a result of the church dropping a righteous standard and co-existing with a people who “do what is right within their own eyes.”

We are a morally broken people and only Christ can pull us up out of the gutter we find ourselves lying in.  But Christians don’t seem to care.  We pray for ourselves and for those we love, but ignore the reality that our salvation demands that we become workers in HIS field.  Unfortunately, “works” has become a dirty word in this greasy-gracie church world in which we operate.  Works are nothing more than evidence of what we say we believe. No works no faith.

Most Christians have nothing to show for all of their years in church.

Trust me, I know.  Our ministry is focused on getting men and women to engage their faith with the society in which we live.  Right now we are working with a skeleton crew.  Very few want to get their hands dirty.

Jesus told us that “the fields are white unto harvest.”  The church is not the field.  The church is the barn into which the workers carry the harvest.  The job of the church is to bring in the harvest so that more workers can be trained to go out in the fields and bring in a greater harvest.

We must stop spending our time harvesting those that are already in the barn.  Our command is to “GO YE THEREFORE!”  Simply attending church is not “going.”

If you speak with the average church-goer they will agree that the only answer to America’s problems is the Gospel, yet they are so unwilling to apply it.  Abortion is a Gospel issue, not a “health” issue.  Homosexuality is a Gospel issue, not a lifestyle choice.  Divorce is a Gospel issue, not a marital one.  Addiction is a Gospel issue, not simply a sickness.  Government debt is a Gospel issue not merely a spending problem.  Every problem America faces is a GOSPEL issue and it is time we stopped looking for the Government to solve Gospel failures.

Pass The Salt Ministries is a boots-on-the-ground ministry, We fight darkness on the streets of America with the life-giving Gospel of the Kingdom of God.  We are not Christians who think that they are better than anyone else; it is just that we think it is important to walk out what we claim to believe.

We are actively involved in hurricane relief in the Panhandle of Florida.  We have established a beachhead in the area from which we are going to attempt to meet the physical and SPIRITUAL needs of those whose lives have been ravaged by the storm.  We would love for you to join our efforts.

If you are interested in putting boots to your faith by getting involved with our relief efforts simply contact me here and we will make arrangements for you to join us.  We have housing, showers, food…now we need workers.

If you can’t come but would like to support our efforts you can donate here.  Our overhead is next to nothing so your dollars go straight to those who need it.

Plus, we share the Gospel.  FEMA doesn’t do that.  The Red Cross doesn’t do that.  Sadly, the Salvation Army no longer shares the Gospel because of the Federal funding they receive.

We have many great testimonies from those whose faith came alive when the stepped out of their comfort zone and put their faith into action.  If you want your faith to be alive you simply have to live it…not study it.  Experience is life’s greatest teacher.

We are set up to host volunteers at least through Thanksgiving.  If you can drag a branch, work a chain saw, or rip out drywall we can use you.  There is something fulfilling about helping those who can never repay you.

We are operating with a skeleton crew.  Help us put some meat on the bones!!  Join our efforts.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

I Hate Sore Losers

As most of you know I spent a life-time in competitive athletics.  I have both played and coached at the college level and there was a time when my entire life revolved around the latest sports event.  I am competitive by nature and I credit the athletic field with the development of my fierce, never-give-in attitude.

I still love sports although I no longer follow them as closely as I used to.  In fact, I have no idea who the final four are in Major League Baseball.  I now get my competitive fix from fighting for the life of the pre-born, protecting the innocent from the ravages of the Devil, and exhorting “God’s team” to play more effectively in the fight for Truth.

The farther up the ladder I climbed athletically the more respect I developed for my opponents.  I understood the hard work and sacrifice that it took to be “the best” and win or lose, a fiercely dedicated opponent made the victory far more satisfying.

As I moved into coaching I carried this philosophy with me and that taught me to never underestimate an opponent.  Both teams practice.  Both teams work hard.  Both teams strive relentlessly to achieve victory.  There is no feeling as sweet as a hard fought victory over a worthy opponent.

I remember especially an upset victory we had in an important game way back in 1990.  No one expected us to win, but our kids played mistake-free ball and our opponents coughed the football up at a couple of critical moments.  I remember jogging to midfield after the game to shake the hand of the opposing coach on my way to the locker room and a huge post game celebration.

“Great game, Coach,” I extended my hand to the clearly heart-sick opposition Head Coach.  “Your kids played hard.”

“We made too damn many mistakes…we gave this game away,” he said as he extended his dead-fish handshake to me.  “I don’t mean to take anything away from you guys but we beat ourselves tonight.  Good luck with the rest of your season.”

I thought my head was going to explode as I turned and continued my suddenly less enthusiastic jaunt to the locker room.

“What a sore loser,” I said to myself.  “We worked our butts off and that guy doesn’t have the decency to man up and accept the fact that we just kicked his team’s tail.”

“Heck,” I continued under my breath.  “We didn’t play a perfect game either but we played well enough to kick their hind end and all he could do was make excuses.”

In his mind, our team didn’t win, his team lost. There is nothing less sportsmanlike than to diminish the successful efforts of one’s opponent.  We won dude.  You didn’t lose.  We won.  We kicked your butts.  Stop making excuses. Stop being a sore loser!

That is the way I feel about the current political climate that we see in America.  Hillary and her sorry bunch of over-confident players made the grave mistake of underestimating the opposition and they still don’t have the common decency to admit that Trump’s team won.

What a bunch of sore losers.

Did Hillary walk to the center of the field after the game and look President Trump in the eye and congratulate him on his wonderful upset victory?  Did she have enough respect for him to acknowledge his wonderful game plan and his ability to motivate his team to push the ball across the goal line?

Of course not.  She blamed the refs.  She called for instant replay and a review of the game films to see if perhaps President Trump had used ineligible players.  She called in a special director of referees to investigate his entire team, and even went back and reviewed game films from previous years to see if perhaps he hadn’t broken some rules along the way.

She and her fans are still crying about how badly they were robbed even today…two years later.  She is hell bent…literally…on overturning the game from two years ago.  Her entire team is still in disbelief and refuse to acknowledge the greatest upset in political history.

I hate sore losers.

I left out a part of my story from my coaching days.  During pre-game warm-ups that opposing Head Coach walked over to one our assistant coaches and asked…

“Hey, where is what’s his face?”  That was what he called me before the game…old What’s His Face.  I promise you this, after that game he knew my name.

And he never beat one of my teams again.

Hillary and her acolytes are sore losers.  They have moaned and groaned for 2 years about how they lost the game, how the referees cheated, and how they are going to kick our butts the next time we play.

Well, fellas, in less than 3 weeks they get another shot at our team…the Trump Deploreables.  They better pack their lunch because it is going to be an all day job.

I hate sore losers.  Let’s rub their faces in the ground.  Let’s make them cry uncle.

I don’t know about you…but this is starting to get personal.  This time we will leave no doubt.  They will forever remember our name.   This one will be fair and square.

When the game is over Hillary, Obama and her crew can take their ball and go home.  It is time they stopped sucking on their thumbs.

Did I mention how much I hate sore losers?  Get in the game.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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We Are At War For This Nation: Meet You At The Polls

Stay with me to the end.  Here is an opportunity for YOU to make a difference.

Ever since the miracle of Donald Trump’s election nearly two years ago I have been warning anyone who will listen that Donald Trump cannot Make America Great Again!  Only the American Christian church can pull off something as dramatic as that.

The recent Kavanaugh freak show was evidence that something is seriously wrong with America’s two-party system.  There really aren’t two parties.   For the most part, elected Republicans and Democrats are both on the side of bigger, more expansive government.  The idea of principled politicians is a thing of the past.  The “swamp” is nothing more than a conglomerate of politicians who desire nothing more than personal advancement and personal enrichment.

You are free to believe that Republican Senators Graham and Collins finally “saw the light” and did the right thing, but I can promise you that their “change of heart” had nothing to do with their integrity.  Both were “caught by short hairs” and struck a deal with the men behind the curtain for their personal benefit.  Me thinks there is big time stuff going on behind the scenes.

Both parties are corrupt, Ok?  However, there really is something known as the “lesser of two evils” and the Demoncrats were exposed for the children of the Devil that they really are.  I have no illusions about the darkness on the Republican side; however the wickedness of the Demoncrat leadership has no bottom.  They are straight from the pits of hell.

Republican warts aside, how could any CHRISTIAN ever vote for a Demoncrat? The DEVIL’s party was on full display.  They are clearly anti-American and the greater of two evils. Let me say it again…no CHRISTIAN can ever vote for a Demoncrat.  They are the party of abortion and fake marriage.  Neither position is Biblical.

Which brings me back to Making America Great Again.  It is time for THE CHURCH to get into the game.  This is not about Trump, Kavanaugh, or political parties.  It is about reclaiming our government one political party at a time.  Let’s bury the Demoncrats and then go to work on draining the Republican swamp.  Hell hath no fury like a Demoncrat victory in November.

Christians in America can restore the rule of law this November. It is time for the churches to get ACTIVELY involved.

A note to our pastors.  It is time to lead.  It is time to pick a side.  It is time to show the MORAL courage and speak the TRUTH to your flocks.  Playing both sides of the fence will no longer work.  Being neutral is cowardly.  LEAD!! We cannot miss the opportunity to MAKE THE CHURCH GREAT AGAIN!

To America’s black pastors.  Open your stinkin eyes.  Get off of the plantation, walk away from the Demoncrats and encourage your flocks to do the same.  We can all see it now.  Jesus is the author of LIFE and the Demoncrats support death.  Life and death have no color.  Jesus supports LIFE!  Black babies do not matter to the Demoncrats.

The Demoncrat Party is now controlled by anti-American socialists who have wreaked havoc on America since seizing the courts in the late 50’s.  Their 60 year strong hold on the courts has turned America upside down.  They have used the courts to get through policies that they never could have convinced the American people to vote for.  The American Church can return sanity to this nation.

Please check out  This is a safe and effective way for the voice of the church to be heard this November.  This is YOUR chance, and your Church’s chance to play an ACTIVE role in Making America Great Again.

In a nutshell…

We invite you to participate in a series of nation-wide prayer rallies leading up to Election Day, 2018. We believe that…

God-fearing people in our nation are called to be leaders in our communities and participants in the political process.

The Church should be less concerned with being politically correct and more concerned with being Biblically correct.

The Body of Christ needs to put aside our racial differences and unite on behalf of the Kingdom of God.

Our spiritual leaders need to reclaim their God-appointed duty (and exercise their Constitutional right) to speak the FULL measure of God’s truth to their congregations.

So what are we asking you to do? Simply this. Spread the word in your church and among your friends to Meet You at the Pole in front of your local city hall, county courthouse or state capitol. We will meet once a week for the four weeks preceding the election, and on Election Day we will move from the flag pole to the ELECTION POLLS.   If your pastor is willing take the lead on this and make it a church-wide event, then great! If not, you’ll just have to organize from the trenches.

We are at war for this nation.  If the CHRISTIANS would flood the polls on November and vote for LIBERTY we push back the Socialist drift of this nation for the next 60 years.  What kind of nation will we be leaving to our children and grandchildren if we allow the God-haters to gain control?  Please check out the website and get involved in your local community.

Wake up!  Get involved!  Get organized in YOUR hometown.  Motivate your pastor…and your neighbors.  It is not a Red Wave or a Blue WAVE that will change this nation…it is a CHRISTIAN WAVE.

We don’t need God’s blessing…we need His Mercy.  Let’s repent of our apathy.  Let’s repent of our sins.  Let’s humbly ask the Lord to HEAL OUR LAND.  Only then can America Be Great Again!  Meet You At The Polls!

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Dems New America: Guilty Until You Prove Your Innocence

Stop the Sexual Profiling

I travel a lot.  More than I would like to.  I am sitting in the airport typing this. I usually enjoy myself when I get to my destination but the constant suspicion I am under while traveling to and from makes me uncomfortable.

Angry, actually.  That would be a better description of what I feel.  How did we reach the point in America where we are considered guilty until proven innocent?

That phrase…guilty until proven innocent… has been getting a lot of attention lately with the reputation-mugging of Judge Kavanaugh.  But we shouldn’t be surprised because the presumption of guilt is evident every time I try to board an airplane.  In the eyes of the TSA we are all considered guilty.  We have to prove our innocence before we can set foot in the plane.

Security…that is what they tell us.  We have to sacrifice our freedom in order to be safe.  But why don’t I feel any safer after I remove my shoes and give them the opportunity to explore any body cavity they choose in order to prove my innocence?

It is all about conditioning.  Racial profiling is bad, they say, so in order to catch the real crooks we must all be considered guilty.  It is the new way of doing justice in the good old U S of A.

But even more insidious than the TSA is the blatant sexual profiling of men…especially white Christian men.  Can you believe that we even put up with this bunk?

Do me a favor and let me know if you can list one group of Americans that is more profiled than men?  If you were to take your cues from the Senate hearings, and make no mistake they are programming you to think a specific way, ALL men are sexual predators.  ALL women are honest and would never lie.  All women are victims.  All men are guilty until they prove their innocence.

White privilege and white guilt are now weapon-ized and used every day in the moral cesspool that we find ourselves navigating through.  ALL Christians are bigots.  ALL Christians are full of hate.  ALL Christians are racist.  All Christian men take advantage of women.  That is what patriarchy is all about.  Guilty until proven innocent.  Men are pigs.  Ask the women who sleep with women.

Let there be no doubt about it, it is Christianity that the God-haters are hell bent on destroying.

Have you noticed that in the Kavanaugh hearings NO ONE is questioning the integrity of the accuser?  Why, she is a woman and we all know that poor, helpless women don’t lie.  Everyone is falling over backwards speaking about her “bravery” and how “believable” she is.  It makes me gag.

I think she is lying.  Am I allowed to say that?  Is a white male permitted to have an opinion in America anymore?  Is it bigotry and sexual harassment simply to question what some appearing-out-of-nowhere babe has to say?  Believing her just because she is a woman is a most insidious form of bigotry.  Does anatomy now determine veracity?  Is a woman to be believed simply because she has a vagina?

Sorry dudes and dudettes, but I ain’t buying it.

The real war in America is the war on men.

I don’t trust Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Susan Collins, Maxine Waters, Joy Behar, Whoopi, and Potifar’s wife.   I think they are conniving, sexist, and power hungry. Everyone lies about sex…remember Bill Clinton’s defenders?

Any woman who would support the killing of an unborn baby cannot be trusted.  Abortion reveals a great character flaw.  Lying about sex would be nothing compared to lying to kill an unborn child.

The freakin men better stand up and start fighting.  Women run the home, they run the schools, the run the church, and they run the government.  But most importantly, they run the bedroom.  Rare is the woman who has made it to the top who has not used her sexuality to her advantage.

There.  I said it.  I’m tired of the double standard.  Evil women sexualize their power.  Weak men are putting up with it.  If you think that women don’t use sex as a weapon you are a fool.  What is that saying…hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?   A woman would never lie to protect her right to abortion, now would she?

And yes I am married.  Thirty nine years next month.  My wife loves me and I love her.  She agrees with my assessment.  Our marriage bed is undefiled.  How many elected officials can claim that?

Sexual profiling is making men fearful and weak.  Grow a pair, Pal.  Stand up and push back.

But we all know that women don’t lie…right?  Sorry, but lying has no gender.  Trump is the only politician with balls.  He scares the men as much as the women.

Be sure to vote in November.  A vote for Trump’s team is a vote for manhood. You are a male by birth but you are a man by choice.  It’s time to man up fellas.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Darkness Of The Human Heart

I am saddened by the moral condition of my country.  It grieves me that my precious grand children are going to inherit this moral cesspool. The death of America has not happened overnight but the corpse of this once great nation can no longer hide the stench of the rot.

America is a moral wasteland.  This is what happens when right and wrong are left to the opinion of men.  The rejection of Christ and the elevation of the wisdom of man has our nation gasping for breath.  The public crucifixion of Brett Kavanaugh is the death rattle of a nation hell-bent on the rejection of all things Godly.  “Innocent until proven guilty” has followed the path of public school prayer.

American Christianity has died, not with a bang, but with a massive explosion of silence.  Those who should have known better didn’t.  Those who could have made a difference chose not to.  Those who were charged with the task of “teaching all that I have commanded you,” were absent without leave.

We laughed at the Devil.  We allowed Hellywood and the media to paint a red tail and horns on him and include him in the cartoons along side of Donald Duck.  We laughed at the idea of sin and even welcomed it into our church under the guise of love.  Instead of raising the standard for our posterity we lowered it.  The more knowledge we gained the more foolish we became.  In the Church’s desire to be everything to everybody we sacrificed Truth.  In our attempt to show the love of Christ we compromised His righteous standard.  By trading Truth and Justice for tolerance and diversity we poisoned the immune system of this once seemingly invincible nation.

Can America ever be America again?

Despite what the revisionist historians may say this nation was built with Christianity as the foundation.  The Gospel of the Kingdom of God was the Chief Cornerstone and the Rock upon which the entire moral foundation stood.  With the assassination of God in 1947 by the Supreme Court decision Everson V Board of Education, the bloodline of America began to bleed out all across the fruited plain.

The Devil lied to us.  He told us that we could maintain a nation without a moral code.  He told us that love was the center of all of society and it was.  But it was the love of CHRIST and HIS precepts that this nation was built upon.  When we substituted the love of man over the love of God the cancer began to slowly metastasized throughout the body politic until Jesus stood side by side with Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, and self as one of many God’s who shared Lordship over America.

But Jehovah was a jealous God.  He never agreed with His demotion and the equal standing he was forced to share with “other Gods.”  The warnings of the Bible and of our Fathers were ignored in a desire to build a multi-cultural utopia built on a foundation of sand.  Mohammed is not God.  Neither were any of the other carpetbaggers who flooded in under the protection of the 1st Amendment.  There was room for freedom of other denominations but only under ONE GOD.   The freedom to PERSONAL religious practices was guaranteed by The Constitution but only because America was a Christian Nation founded on Christian principles.  You could come to America and not be a Christian but you had no right to change America to suit your religion.

That’s why we were free.  Christ…Christianity…guaranteed that freedom.  It can be found nowhere else in the world.  “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.”  Christianity is what guaranteed our freedoms and once Christ was removed as that foundation tyranny began its slow march across all of our institutions.  Sadly, today most Americans share very little of importance in common.

Love is an empty word without the embodiment of He that IS love at the foundation of our moral law.  “If it feels good do it” is a shaky foundation upon which a nation can be built.  Foundations are the pillars upon which a society stands and America’s are crumbling.  The right of a mother to murder her own unborn child was a lightning bolt that cracked those pillars…a crack from which the pillars have never recovered.

You need to look no further than this for evidence of our Devil-loving citizenry.  What kind of people kills their unborn children?  What kind of government permits it?  What kind of church sits helplessly and watches it? And what kind of people fight to destroy a man simply because he opposes it?

I don’t even know if what I have written makes sense.  It is a rant more than anything else.  An expression of the frustration I deeply feel for the rejection of Truth that our nation has endured.  How could Christians have so willing yielded the authority to the Dark side?  If America was a Professional football team I would find another team to root for.

But we are not a football team.  We are a nation and we have no Truth upon which we stand.

There is nothing in the world as dark as a human heart unrestrained by a moral code.  Trust me…I used to have one.  I know, even today, what I am capable of doing without the restraining power of the Holy Spirit.

Teddy Roosevelt once opined “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”

Look around the town in which you live at the many Christian churches that dot the landscape. They are full of people enslaved to the Devil and his minions.  America is no longer free because the Church refused to fight.  The god of government seized control of America as Christians sold their birthright for a pot of warm stew.

The heart of man is dark.  Only Christ can restrain it.  Today, does America look more like Billy Graham or Hugh Heffner?  Who was the greater evangelist?

Founding Father Charles Winthrop said, “Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.”

We are in the last quarter and the church remains silent as the god-haters pour out into the streets.  Hmm…menace to society, eh?

Which will it be church…the Bible or the bayonet?  The foundations have crumbled.

If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?  Psalm 11:3.

The moral decline of this great nation rests at the doorstep of lukewarm political correct church, that’s 99.9% of them. It looks like the ball is in the church’s court.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

It’s Time To Start Fighting Like The Girls

I never saw a football player make a tackle with a smile on his face.” —Coach Woody Hayes

I spent the first half of my life engrossed in sports.  I loved playing baseball but I especially loved coaching football.  There is no sport that teaches the lessons of life better than the lessons learned on the gridiron.

When you get knocked down you have to get up.  When you get up you have to go back to the huddle and regroup.  When you get up you realize that you can’t do it alone and the only way to move forward successfully is as a team.

Is it any wonder The Left is doing everything that they can to destroy football?  For as long as America has been around our leaders have been developed on the football field.  First The Left they tried to permit girls to play.  Then they began to soften the rules on how hard you could tackle.  Soon you will see football emasculated like the Boy Scouts.

Isn’t it amazing to see that it is always the feminists who want to invade the world of men but rarely do you see men fighting to invade the domicile of women?  I was taken to task by a mother one time because I criticized her son for “throwing like a girl.”  She told me it was demeaning to women.  Somebody help me here.  How many woman are there pitching in Major League Baseball?  I wonder if it has anything to do with the way that women throw.

So, I was a bit hesitant when I originally considered titling this commentary “It is Time for Men to Stop Fighting Like Girls.”  After some ruminating I came to the conclusion that maybe it would be better if men DID learn to fight like girls…so I changed the title.  Heck, girls are the only ones who are permitted to fight in today’s culture.  Mean are taught that weakness is strength.

The truth is, men are afraid of women. I suppose it has something to do with “offending” or “tolerance” or some other nebulous term, but whatever the reason the courage has been sucked right out of the average American male.  “Stand up and fight like a man” is tantamount to the N-word today.  How dare I be so neanderthalish as to assume that a man can do ANYTHING better than a woman.

But men used to be able to fight.  And not only did they fight well but we honored the greatest fighters.  Rocky Marciano, Joe Louis, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier, and Muhammed Ali were the epitome of manhood.  Can you even name the World Heavyweight Champion today?

Do you remember Dick Butkus, The Fearsome Foursome, Jimmy Brown, and Vince Lombardi?  Real men, known for their TOUGHNESS, were the role models that the young boys aspired to emulate.  The Left is doing all they can to destroy manhood.  Football, Boy Scouts, and Christianity are all bowing their knees to softness.  Not kindness.  You can be harsh and masculine and still be kind.  Men are trained to be soft.  Punching bag soft.

Fighting like a man is no longer permitted.  Only the girls are permitted to fight.  It is time for the men to start fighting like girls.

I grew up in the 60’s.  I remember when only the “trampy girls” “did it.”  Parents trained their daughters with virtue…or at least attempted to.  No one excused the immorality of the male, and I certainly don’t want to return to those days of double-standard morality, but this is no longer the 60’s.  Women can’t have it both ways.  They can’t be both a victim and empowered.  If you can’t take it then you have no business dishing it out.

What if Judge Kavanaugh came out and said “Yeah I did it.  But she did it with four other guys that same night.  She was a first class slut.  She passed it out like candy”

Can you imagine the outrage from The Left?!  They would wax on and on about how he was “disparaging” her character without any proof.  But yet, she can disparage his character and he is supposed to bend over and take it.  Men aren’t permitted to fight anymore.

I am so sick of the double standard. I am so sick of elected officials cow-towing to empty accusations.  Clarence Thomas, Judge Roy Moore, and now Brett Kavanaugh. If you think this is the last time this play is going to be run then you are not paying attention to what is going on in the world. Hey fellas, did you ever have a lady “tease” you sexually? Wasn’t that sexual abuse?

Donald Trump is the only man fighting and all of the sissy men around him are encouraging him to stop.   He isn’t “Presidential.”  He is “harsh”, “crude”, and “misogynistic”.  While everyone is complaining about the way he punches he is rapidly emerging as the new Heavyweight Champion of the World!  The Jezebels hate him, as well as the King Ahab’s that the Jezzies hang around with.  But he is dropping his opponents one after another.

As Rocky Balboa said “That’s how winning is done!”

Like it or not we have entered into a new age in American decorum.  This ain’t your Grandma’s America and even though many of us would like to return to the Fabulous Fifties that train has left the station.  The battle for the culture is raging and the American male must adjust.  I wish it wasn’t true…but feminism is crushing the spirit of the once brave American male.

Here is the take home.  Women are driven by emotion.  You can get mad at me if you want but the fact that I wrote it does not make it less true.  Today emotion is at the heart of every issue we are dealing with.  Science no longer matters.  Facts are irrelevant.  All women are not virtuous and not all men are controlled by their genitalia.  Women want to be treated like men…except when it comes to sex.

I am sorry that it has come to this but the ladies can’t have it both ways.  My mother taught me as a young man that sticks and stones can hurt my bones but that words can never harm me.  My mother was wrong.  Some of the most severe injuries that I have ever received were a result of words.

Women fight with words.  They cause deep wounds.  Some men never recover.  Look around.

There is a war raging in America and it is a war on manhood.  It is time for the men of America to fight back.  It is time to start fighting like the girls.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Big Radio Talkers Need To Start Doing Something

Let me say right up front that I am a talk-radio junkie.  Some I like more than others, but I do enjoy listening to what they have to say.  Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Beck, and Savage et al are tremendous thinkers and even better entertainers.

But that is just it.  They are merely entertainers.  For the most part, they don’t do anything but talk and where I come from we have a saying that “talk is cheap.”  Well, each of the talkers mentioned above are not cheap…they are all extremely wealthy, rewarded for their ability to entertain.

But for the most part, they are not DOING a darn thing to stop the flood of anti-Americanism that is rushing over this nation.  Yep, talk is cheap, and all of the lip-flapping that the Big Talkers have done has not moved the conservative needle one iota in this battle for Truth.

None of them are new kids on the block.  In fact, most of them have been around for over two decades and during their time on the air the Left has continued their long march through the institutions as America has slipped farther and farther away from our founding principles.

Stop a minute and name for me six liberal talk show hosts with a national listening audience.  You can’t.  Conservatives have controlled the talk radio airwaves in America while the Left has controlled all of our institutions.  How can that possibly be?

It is simple.  The Left acts while the Right talks.  The Left actually PLAYS the game while the Right analyzes it.  We are losing the battle for the soul of this nation because none of the Big Talkers do anything besides talk.

I compare them to color analysts on a college football game. Limbaugh and his cohorts fill the airwaves daily with the color commentary on HOW the game is being played.  For three hours a day you can tune in and listen to their expert dissecting of how the “Liberals” are doing this and the “Conservatives” are doing that but they never once do anything to organize any push back.

It is all color commentary on how the game is being played, a dissection of the strategy employed by both teams, and a close up inspection of those who are actually in the arena.  I am convinced that they are employed to be pressure valves…designed to make us feel better at the end of the game because we now understand better the nuances of the game and the techniques each of the teams are using.

Meanwhile, the Left continues to ACT while the Right continues to talk.  Except for Alex Jones.  Now I don’t want to get into a discussion about Jones but it sure seems to me that Alex gets a lot of things DONE.  So much so that he is being banned from nearly every media platform that the tolerant Left controls.  And with the exception of Dr. Savage, have you heard of any of the Big Talkers come to Alex Jones’ defense?  Isn’t it ironic that the one guy who actually DOES rather than TALKS is the one “conservative Taker” that the Left seems to be concerned about?

Why aren’t the censoring Limbaugh?  He has the largest listening audience in America yet no one is threatening to ban him from any platforms.  Could it be because all he does is TALK.  “The Big Voice on the Right” he loves to declare.  I find it very revealing that they are more afraid of what Alex Jones DOES than what Maja Rushie SAYS.  Yep, talk is cheap. Alex Jones is in trouble for FIGHTING in the war while Rush is lauded for commenting on the war.

Rush Limbaugh is the John Madden of politics.  He can assess a good game he just can’t play it.

We are in desperate times in America and the sole reason for Donald Trump’s election was that Mom and Pop America was looking for a leader…a doer…someone who would actually FIGHT for what they believed in.  Heck, Beck and Levin were once both never Trumpers, Rush and Hannity were neutral.  Don’t you find it odd that the voices of conservatism in America were not smart enough to read the tea leaves?

Alex Jones was all in for Trump and so was Michael Savage.  The rest of the color commentators only watched the Trump train roll down the rails.

You wanna know why the Right is losing the game?  It is because most of our leaders are simply Big Talkers.  The deep state hates Doers.  Who on the Right actually organizes and fights?

Why won’t the Big Talkers DO something?  Why haven’t any of them organized their audience to push for the defunding of Planned Parenthood?  What if Rush took on the project and organized his audience to stop the slaughter of the unborn?  What if he actually got involved in the game and organized a play?

What if Sean Hannity organized his massive audience to get to the bottom of what REALLY happened on 911?  The average American doesn’t know what happened but they know that the story that they have been given simply is not true.  Why won’t Sean organize his audience to bring the pressure necessary to get to the Truth?  Let’s look at some game films and run a play.

What if instead of simply talking about it Mark Levin organized a movement to get to the bottom of the corrupt Clinton Foundation?  What if he organized protests, phone calls, and rallies demanding government accountability?  What if he got out of the press box and went out into the streets?

Our entire nation is bound up in a web of deceit and not one of our national leaders will do a darn thing to expose the lies and corruption.  Our nation will never be able to move forward until we right the wrongs in our past.  Both parties are complicit.  Both teams are dirty.  Why in the heck won’t the Big Talkers DO something to expose the evils at work in this nation?

Rush Limbaugh has been a daily fixture on the American scene for thirty years.  When he rides off into the sunset perhaps they will send his stuff to the Limbaugh wing of the Broadcaster’s hall of fame.  But it will be nothing more than a large bust of a Big Talker who DID nothing but talk as his nation was destroyed from within.

We all have “talent on loan from God” and we will all be judged by what we DID with that talent…not for what we said.

Time is short. Talk is cheap.  Climb out of the press box and on to the field.  There are 68 million Deploreables listening to your voices. For God’s sake organize them before we lose our country.

There will be time to analyze the game films after the game is over.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Fruit Of Selfishness And Self-Indulgence

I don’t know how or when it happened, but somewhere along the path to eternity I have found myself being classified as an elder statesman.  That is what a friend called me the other day.  My reaction was mixed…honored that someone recognized and respected my wisdom…but saddened that somewhere along the path I had become old.

I sure don’t feel old, but I would have to agree that trekking the trail that has been my life has gnarled my fingers in such a way that, crooked though they be, they still point more directly at Truth than they did twenty years ago.

As a wise man once said to me, life would be lived much more correctly were it done in reverse order.  If only I had embraced the colonels of wisdom laying like pebbles along my life’s journey perhaps so much of my life would have been spent in more productive endeavors.  Sometimes life is wasted on the young.

Both of my parents have passed and as I head towards third base in my journey around the diamond I often wish for an opportunity to sit down with them and let them know how sorry I am that I did not honor their wisdom.

It wasn’t purposeful…or malicious…it was simply that life and the education system had systematically convinced me that I was so much smarter than they.  My father gave everything he had to his factory job as my mother did all she could to ensure a better future for the five children that they sacrificed so much for.  Only now do I so clearly see how much they gave so our lives could be richer.

I wish I had a week with each of them to let them know that I now understand their struggle and the great sacrifice that they made that our lives would be better.   I wish I had just one week to publicly give them the honor that they deserved.

Children do not honor their parents any more.  You see it everywhere you look.  Many of my baby-boomer friends are suffering through a period of loneliness as we journey together through the retirement years.  My wife and I don’t say much because we understand the unspoken pain, but nonetheless we are saddened by what a selfish, ungrateful generation of Americans is waiting in the wings to fill our shoes.

We have lost the idea of honor.

Webster’s defines honor as “To reverence; to manifest the highest veneration for, in words and actions; to entertain the most exalted thoughts of; to worship; to adore.”

The Fifth Commandment reads “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

I find it illustrative that the commandment doesn’t speak of love, or veneration, but of honor.  It is so sad to watch the way in which our now grown-children so ignore this great expression of love.  HONOR your parents.  My how we need to teach that once again.

Somewhere along the line we have reversed the equation.  The fruit of the self-centered infatuation than we have fanned in the lives of our own children have elevated them to a position that Our Creator never intended for them to occupy.  Children were to be loved, trained, nurtured, disciplined, and guided…but never to be honored.  A well lived life was to be rewarded with a quiver full of grand-children sitting at the knee of Grandpa.  It was the crowning achievement of our life lived on this earth.

Proverbs 17:6 “Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.”

A crown denotes honor.  A crown is something that a king wears.  Children are the crown of old men and women.  It is a sign-post on the road to eternity…recognition that this thing called life lives on long after our days are spent.  Grandchildren are the jewels in that crown.

Look around you and notice how many of your senior-citizen friends do not have grandchildren.  In our attempt to create a better life for our own kids we have robbed them of the desire to show honor to their parents.  The children of baby-boomers are not having children.

This is the fruit of the selfishness and self-indulgence that the fawning over our own children has borne.  We dressed them in the finest clothes, put them in the finest schools, and went out of our way to make sure that they knew how “special” they were.  We taught them to LOVE but not to honor.

So many of our faithful friends have been wonderful parents and they have sacrificed everything for the future of their own children.  But now, as they cruise slowly into retirement, they are a cloud of sadness hovers as their own grown children have eschewed the idea of child bearing.  Too busy living the self-centered life that we trained them to live; they are robbing their mother and father of the honor that they are due.  A nation will not long survive the sin of self-centeredness.

Michele and I are expecting two new grandchildren as both of our daughters are due around the first of the year.  My happiest days are spent on the back porch with a grandchild on each knee.  It makes me feel like a King.  It helps me touch the future.

I feel bad for my friends.  They deserve so much more.  There is no greater gift than that of a grandchild.  It is sad to watch selfish children deprive their Mom and Dad of the honor they deserve.  We are witnessing the death of honor and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Do You Trust The Government?

I was born in 1952 and grew up in a time when most things involving the government were noble and respected.  It grieves me to say that today I no longer trust the government.

How about you?  Do you have trust in your government?  Do you believe that the government has your best interests at heart?  Can you name one department of the government that has not become bloated, corrupted, and unaccountable to anyone other than some other agency of the government?

It has all become so danged political that actual “justice” is now a byword from a long gone era.  Do you trust the government?

“Well. So is your old man!”  If you are anywhere near my age you will remember that phrase as commonplace a fifty years ago.  For those of you born in the 21st Century, the phrase simply meant “it takes on to know one.”  Hypocrisy is nothing new in America; it has simply become more commonplace.

I remember driving down the road a few years ago when I saw a political billboard that featured a candidate running for County Prosecutor.  “I’ll put the criminals behind bars where they belong,” was the caption that overlaid the picture of some greasy looking candidate.

“Hey dude,” I screamed at the billboard as I drove by.  “That’s not your stinkin’ job!  “Your job is to provide justice not put criminals behind bars.”  Our criminal justice system is nothing but a politicized “gotcha” game with the lives of the innocent being the ante on the poker game we call the courts.  The purpose of justice is to protect the innocent…not create criminals.

Is there anything more frightful than a visit from a government agent?  Too often, the criminal justice system is not interested in justice.  How many lives do you know that have been destroyed by “legal” system intent on winning rather than upholding justice?  The law is an ass and lawyers and judges love it that way.

I hate what has happened to our nation.  I hate the division caused by those who use the government to divide and conquer us.  I hate a criminal justice system where one side of the nation roots for the guilt of the president while the other side roots for his innocence. The justice system is not a football game where “fans” root for winners and losers.  All of us should root for justice.  As Dr King wrote from the Birmingham jail, “Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.”  What has happened to us America?

I want America to be great.  I want all Americans to be successful.  I want all Americans to play by the same set of rules and I desire that all Americans be judged by those same set of rules.

But that is not happening in America anymore.  I don’t care what your politics are or which dog you are pulling for in the hunt, our multi-tiered system of justice is not good for anyone.  Do you really think the criminal justice system is blind?  Do you really think that our justice system works when not everyone has access to the same thing…justice…regardless of their social standing in life?  When it comes to right and wrong don’t you think that it is time that we all stopped rooting for “our” team?

Do you really think justice is blind?  “What you talkin’ about Willis?”

Lying is no longer shameful.  The end now justifies the means.  That is the genesis of Fake News.  People lie in order to make sure their team wins.  Everyone lies…a half truth is still a lie. If Hillary is guilty then we should demand justice.  If Trump is guilty then we should demand justice.  “So is your old man” is a poor reason to root for the other guy to lose.

Our nation cannot survive where dishonesty, graft, and personal destruction masquerades as justice.  We have become a sick, sick society.

Morality is not relative, no matter what they teach in our public schools.  Some things are right and some things are wrong and from the founding of this nation over 242 years ago the standard of right and wrong was the Christian Bible.  A nation cannot exist when the standards by which we all agree to treat each other has been reduced to grading on a curve.  One set of rules for me and one set of rules for you just cannot work.

The witch hunt of President is not good for America.  The investigative double standard is appalling.  Neither side roots for justice.

God does not respect one man more than another.  We are all equal in His eyes.  That is where the idea of justice comes from.  Any person who is treated unfairly by our government should have the support of every other citizen.  But the scale by which behavior will be judged has been tampered with.  There is only one Truth and we should all endeavor to find it…not alter it.

It matters not which side you are on nor which political party you swing the pom poms for we must all strive for justice which is nothing more than equal protection under the law.  We were all CREATED EQUAL in the eyes of the law and that governing principle must remain paramount or we will continue the slide into decadence.  Average Joe can’t get a fair shake from government when Lady Justice is peeking out from under her blindfold.

So let me repeat my question to you.  Do you trust your government?  From local to federal do you really believe that they endeavor to do what is right or are they nothing more than an arduous task master hell-bent on forcing compliance with unrighteous edicts?

It is time we stopped rooting for candidates and start once again to root for justice.  Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.  Grading on the curve has not worked.

Perhaps that’s why you don’t trust the government.  Folks must think that God grades on a curve.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Truth Decay

There is not enough dental floss or toothpaste left in the world to rescue the American church from its severe battle with truth decay.

I often hear people talk about how crazy things have become in the world and my friends often laugh at the snowflakes that we see whining on television.  But what we see on the streets of America is nothing more than the consequences of the truth decay so prevalent in America’s churches.

The salt has truly lost it’s savor.  That is what Jesus warned us about during his sermon on the mount.  That unless the church held fast to the reigns of Biblical morality the impending results would be a good for nothing form of Christianity.

Look around you and you see the impact of this truth decay everywhere you look.

Jesus commanded us to be “the salt of the earth.”  In some of His final thoughts before leaving this earth He charged His followers with both a commission and a commandment.  Being a Christian was, and still is, so much more than “accepting Christ” and “going to heaven.”

“Go into all of the world”, I paraphrase him in Matthew 24, “and teach them all things that I have commanded you.”   “Go” is the commandment and “teach” is the commission.  The American church has not done a very good job of either one.

In fact, the exact opposite has happened.  As Christians have remained glued to the pews the world has crept into the sanctuary and has replaced the Truth of God’s Word with a lie.  The world has become the salt of the church.  The church has become so worldly and the world so churchy that it is often hard to tell the difference between the two.

Truth decay has taken the bite out of God’s Word.  That is why our shirts have become so popular.  Some of us still realize that “The Truth sounds like Hate to those who Hate the Truth!! (You can get one here.)

As America becomes more and more secular the church has become less and less effective.  In a desire to be relevant and accepted the church has adopted the ways of the world.  Instead of the church going into the world, the world has flooded into the church.

Truth is not an opinion.  Truth is based on facts.  Despite what you may have been taught in your local indoctrination center, something is not true simply because one believes that it is.  So much of what is being taught in our schools and in our news today simply is not true.  Truth does not have two sides to it.  Truth is not “fair and balanced.”  Truth does not have a political label.  Truth stands alone.

I am not sure whether truth decay leads to laryngitis or whether laryngitis leads to truth decay but no matter how you slice it the silence of the church has lead to this decomposing of society.

Here are just a few cavities.

For example in Kansas City public schools Boys and girls will share the same restrooms  and the churches are defining silent.

Abortion is murder.  It is not a “choice.   A baby is not part of a woman’s body.  Fifty percent of the babies in a woman’s womb have male attachments; they all have their own separate DNA and blood type.  Given time and food the “fetus” will grow into a full-fledged human being.  Why doesn’t the church rise up and stop it?  Truth decay.

There is no such thing as a transsexual.  Bruce Jenner will always be Bruce Jenner no matter what he has wacked off and regardless of the makeup he puts on.  If they were to exhume his remains 500 years from now and run a DNA test he will be categorized as a female by the intrepid scientist who does the tests.  Bruce Jenner is, and always will be, a man.  Why does the church accept such foolishness?  Truth decay.

Men cannot “marry” Men.  The term “marry” comes from the word “marriage” which is defined as “the act of uniting a man and a woman for life.”  It is actually a synonym for the word “matrimony” which can be translated in Latin to Matri (mother) mony (to make)…hence matrimony is the act of granting a woman the right to be a mother.  Holy Matrimony is what the church used to call it.  It was God’s idea.  It came from the Scriptures.  Two men can never consummate a marriage. Why are so many churches compromising on this simple fact?  Truth decay.

God hates all sin.  He sent His son to die in order to destroy it.  God is not OK with sin.  He is not OK with sinners.  Not everyone goes to heaven.  Hell is real and many are on headed there.  No matter what the world tells you it is important not to do some things simply because “it feels good” to do so.  The Scriptures tell us that God, who is love, “is angry with the wicked every day.”  We are warned that God “hates all workers of iniquity,” and that those whose names are not written in the book of life shall be “cast into the lake of fire.”  If you are living your Best Life Now you be in a heap of trouble!!  Truth decay.

God is VERY intolerant, (He says He is the ONLY way), He loves judgment, and we are warned to “flee immorality.”  In fact, John 3 teaches that “apart from Christ the WRATH of God abides” on the sinner.

If God loves the sinner but hates the sin could you please answer one simple question for me?  Is it the sin or the sinner that gets thrown into the Lake of Fire?

If you don’t mind me borrowing from the Doobie Brothers…Jesus is not just all right with you.

In ain’t merely Fake News.  It’s Truth decay.  And it is deadly.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Evil Spirits In High Places

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  —Eph 6:13

Some of you will get this and some of you will not.  You laugh it off at your own peril.

So much of what we see going on around us borders on the unexplainable.  The absolute madness that the Trump haters display is one of those things.  Many of us had a strong dislike for the Obama administration but, we didn’t take it to the streets in order to undermine what we viewed as an anti-American administration.

We simply swallowed hard and complied.  The day Obama left office was a time of great joy for many of us.  As things begin to unfold in all of the investigations surrounding President Trump it is becoming obvious that for the previous eight years the American government has bordered on lawlessness.  There is so much to be revealed I am not sure we will be able to handle it once it is fully exposed.

How could government of, by, and for the people become so diabolical?  Where did America go wrong?  Why do so many Americans look the other way at wrong doing simply because their “party” is in power?  How have Americans become so divided?

Evil spirits in “high” places is the answer.  (Here is where I am going to lose some of you.)  The Bible teaches that the natural (non-born again) man does not understand the things of the spirit.  Without an understanding of the spiritual world you CANNOT decipher what is happening in the natural world.  Let me dig into this a bit.

A human is a spiritual being that happens to live in a natural world.  In fact, although you have a body you are not a body.  You are a spirit that LIVES in a body…much as a car transports us around town…your body carries your spirit around in this “material” world.

Every human being enters the world the same way which is through the womb of a woman.   The Bible teaches that at the moment of conception a new creation is formed complete with his/her own DNA which science calls the “blueprint of life’.  Everything that makes you, you, is present at the moment conception occurs.

The Bible teaches that at that same moment a living SOUL is present.  The soul is made up of the mind, will, and emotions.  The soul is actually YOU.  When people communicate with another human it is the soul to which they speak…not the body.  The body is merely the encasement in which the soul is housed.

Hence, you are first and foremost a soul (mind, will and emotions) that is given life by the spirit,(Breathe of God) and you operate in this natural world with a body of flesh.  You are a soul…not a body.  When you die, the spirit/life leaves the body (natural world) and the soul leaves this natural world for a place we have been taught to call “heaven.”  But heaven is not necessarily the place where “God” lives but represents a non-material world where human flesh cannot operate.  This non-material world is what we commonly call the “spiritual” world.

This is where the “spirits in high places” live and operate.  I don’t have the time to go into it now so do your own research, but suffice it to say that the “spiritual” world is made up of different dimensions.  This “spiritual” world, although not a material one like this earthly realm, is very real.  There is a gulf (area of separation) between the natural and spiritual dimensions.  The only way you can enter the earth realm is by occupying a physical body.

That is what God did.  He was born in human form, Jesus, through the womb of a natural woman, Mary.  Possessing a body is the only way to enter this earth (natural) realm.  The human soul is currently trapped in this natural world but is able to communicate with the spiritual realm.  That is the realm where the “evil spirits in high places” operate.   The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is the only way that a “natural man” (human) can ever get victory of “evil” spirits that bombard the natural world continually.

The evil spirits attack humans through the mind.  Every evil action begins as a thought.  That is why we are taught to “take captive every thought”, because bad thoughts lead to bad behavior.  It is the MIND that the evil spirits try to influence.  This influence of the spirit realm comes through our natural senses…taste, touch, sight…and the desire to fulfill the “natural desires” of the flesh are what causes calamity in the natural world.  The Bible calls it sin.

The Bible teaches that when Satan was vamoosed from heaven he took one third of the angels with him.  It is from that fall from God’s presence that all of the evil has entered into the natural realm.  From the time Satan entered the garden he and his minions have been trying to oppose everything that is good.  Everything that is good comes from God and Satan and his offspring have worked tirelessly to destroy everything that is good.

That is what we wrestle with…all of us…every human…principality and powers…evil spirits…determined to destroy all that is Godly.   What occurs in this natural world is a direct result of what has been occurring in the spiritual (high) realm.  The Devil and his children fight humanity through thoughts…planting lies that seem true…“did God really say”…?

God sent His son into this natural realm by the same method we all got here…through the womb of a woman…so that we might gain access to a Spirit greater than the spirits operating in this world.  That is the “wrestling” that we all do.  Without the Holy Spirit we are powerless against the forces of darkness IN THIS NATURAL realm.  The root cause of ALL of America’s problems is SPIRITUAL.  Sadly, there is no political answer to a spiritual problem.

The “high places” (positions of authority) in America are occupied by natural (non born-again) men.  Natural men are prisoners to flesh, natural influences and desires.  Money, fame, sex, and power are what drive America’s leaders and without the Holy Spirit they are incapable of doing what is right.

That is it in a nut-shell.  You can ignore it, or pick at my examples, but we are in the mess we are in because our leaders, and (sadly) our churches have no understanding of what is really going on around them.

The spirits that influence natural men are driving the nation over a cliff.  Evil flourishes when good men give yield authority to wickedness.  Read Genesis 6 and you will see that the battle has never changed…good versus evil…one will win.

Evil spirits in high places are ruling the world and the average Christian has no idea why.  How can we hope to win if we don’t understand the fight?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Christian Men Are Kneeling In The Face Of Darkness

Christian Men are So Soft

I don’t think there is a nice way to say it…especially if you are not really concerned about being nice.  It has reached the point where I am almost embarrassed to identify with the sissified men I see representing Christianity.

What in the world has happened to us?  Why is the average Christian man so unlike the Christian men that we find in the Bible?

Pick your Bible hero…my favorite is my namesake David…and take a good hard look at him and see if you see his prototype in America today.  Biblical men were real men.  The fought evil, spoke the Truth, and usually ended up in trouble with the authorities of their day.

It is only modern Christian men who find solace and comfort in bowing their collective knees to the forces of darkness.  Has there ever been a time in the history of the world where Christian leadership regarded compromise as a sign of Godliness?

Compromise is weakness.  Jesus didn’t compromise.  He didn’t go along to get along.  The greater the opposition for his revolutionary message the more he doubled-down.  Despite what may be modeled for you in your own church, the King of Kings was not a passive I’m-ok-you’re-ok kind of guy.

They crucified him, you know.

This topic is near and dear to my heart because I am often reminded that my “harshness” is a turnoff to some sissy Christian men who wouldn’t recognize a jock strap if it hit them in the face.

John the Baptist didn’t wear skinny jeans.  Jeremiah was not into “friendship” evangelism, and Jesus did not surround himself with cookie-cutter senior pastors, ministers of music, or youth ministers that dot the landscape of America’s churches today.  He went after the hard core guys…guys who knew how to get their hands dirty…as opposed to today’s Pastor/CEO’s so prevalent in Evanjellyfishism today.

Where did we come up with the idea that Jesus was a softie…a pushover…a Mister Roger’s clone?  Help me here.  Can you point out for me even one “hero” in the Scriptures that was a weenie?

Christianity is in dire need of a reformation.  How in the name of all that is holy have we come to the point where any man who speaks his mind is un-Christian?  Have you read the book of Acts?  Don’t you understand that those in the Bible who are most famous are the ones who opposed the status-quo?  Paul wrote most of the New Testament FROM JAIL.  A jail cell was his pulpit.

Not today.  No sir.  Anyone who stands up and speaks out is considered a troublemaker.  Challenging “the authorities” is now taboo…”sewing discord” is what the religious folks call it.  Standing up for the Truth, exposing sin, pushing back against the darkness just isn’t very Christian any more.

I heard from one of the listeners to my show last week that I would be more effective in my ministry if I was more Christ-like in my approach.

“What do you mean by that?” I replied to the email.

“Well, you just seem to be so harsh in your approach.  You can catch a lot more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.”

“Well,” I responded.  “What makes you think I am looking for flies?  Flies swarm around things that are dead.  Jesus called us to be salt, not sugar.”

“Good one,” he jabbed.  “Our pastor is very soft-spoken and he has built a wonderful ministry at our church.  Hundreds come to hear his encouraging message every week.”

“Hmmm.  It sounds like he has drawn a lot of flies.” I quipped.  “I like the fly swatter approach better.”

Christian men have become so soft.

Despite what they want you to believe, it was harsh, non-compromising, Christian men that built this nation.  Compromised, soft, milquetoast, Christian men are giving it away.

Christian American men are so deceived.  Soft men do not fight.  Soft men look to “reach across the aisle.”  Soft men pride themselves on their ability to compromise.  Soft men tolerate evil.   Soft men have soft hands.  Soft men go down with a whimper.

Harsh men say harsh things.  Harsh men take harsh action.  Harsh men inspire real men.  The Bible is the story of harsh men taking harsh action during harsh times.

The American Left is harsh.  They are Christ-less.  They are intent on destroying everything that strong Christian men built.  The Left advances only because the Right is soft.

Iron sharpens Iron, the Bible tells us.  Well, not today.  Iron SOFTENS iron.  That is the message of the American church.  Sit down, shut up, and get with the program.  Don’t make waves.  God is love.  Don’t be angry.

Silence in the face of evil is evil itself.  Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.  Bonhoeffer.

America is being bombarded with evil.  Why do we think submission to evil is strength?  What type of man cowers in the face of evil?

Soft men.  Soft CHRISTIAN men.  That’s what our churches are producing.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Why The Democrats Want To Control The Supreme Court

Secularization Without Representation

Do you really understand what the war for the Supreme Court is all about?

It isn’t about values, or women’s rights, or even about the rule of law.  Nope, the battle for the Supreme Court is all about POWER !!  “Who are you to tell me what I can do with my own body?”

The hypocrisy of those on the LEFT is laughable.  The only reason the minions on the LEFT want control of the Supreme Court is because they don’t want anyone telling them what they can do or think.

That is their business…telling everyone else what to think.  It is called political correctness. The LEFT’s entire power base lies in the US Court system where they have been able to ram through every piece of their un-American, anti-Christian agenda.  Try as they might they are unable to convince the average American to agree with their diabolical agenda so they stack the courts and use judicial review as the cultural battering ram.

And now, they have the stones to tell Brett Cavanaugh that he can have a place on the Supreme as long as he is willing to keep his deeply held religious values to himself.  “It is ok for you to have personal beliefs but you better not let them impact what you rule when making decisions on the court!  We control right and wrong,” shriek those on the left.  “You have no right bringing your conservative religious values into your decision making process.  That’s the job of atheists and secularists like Ruth Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonya Sotomayor, and  Elena Kagan.”

They call it “court precedence” or “stare decisis” which simply means that they have removed all morality by seizing control of the courts and establishing an anti-Christian Constitution for America.  Our nation has been de-Christianized simply because a series of “terrorists in black robes” has decided to rule Jesus Christ and His precepts un-Constitutional.

In a nation where over 70% of Americans self-identify as Christians don’t you find it somewhat prejudicial that a group of non-believers have been granted the right to tell believers what they are permitted to believe?

I call this Secularization Without Representation.

That’s what they are telling Brett Cavanaugh.  “You can have a seat on The Court as long as you don’t try and bring your deeply held religious beliefs into the decision making process.  We have already ruled “Christian beliefs” un-constitutional and don’t you dare try to come in and undue what we have worked so hard to implement.”

The Left has pulled a coup on the American people.  Article 1, Section 1 of the US Constitution states:  All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Courts cannot make laws…they are vested with the power to merely JUDGE the Constitutionality of the law.  Roe v Wade is not a law…it is simply a court opinion.  The Supreme Court did not legalize abortion…the simply told us it did.  A court decision is fake law…the Founders called it “pretended legislation”…and carries no legislative authority.

Follow me here.

In 1947 Everson V Board of Education SCOTUS ruled that there was a “separation between the church and the state.”  But no law was ever passed.  No congress ever legislated it and no president ever signed it.  Separation of the Church and State is “pretended legislation.”

In 1961 Engel v Vitale SCOTUS ruled that prayer was illegal in American public schools. From our founding prayer was a part of the American culture but 6 unelected judges ruled it unconstitutional.  No law, no Congressional discussion, no Presidential signature.  “Pretended Legislation.”

In 1963 in Abbington V Schempp the Court ruled that Bible reading in schools was un-constitutional despite nearly 180 years of having been permitted.  No law was passed, no President signed a law, but the Court simply ruled it so.   It was “pretended legislation.”

Check out Stone v Graham which removed the 10 Commandments, Roe v Wade which “legalized” baby murder, Lawrence v Texas which decriminalized homosexual sodomy, and Obergefell v Hodges which “created” male and male marriage.  All “pretended legislation.”  No matter how hard you look you will not find one law, one Congressional debate, nor one Presidential signature “legalizing” any of the above “pretended legislation.”

All of the power in the American government has been stolen from the duly elected legislature and the people who voted for them and granted to 9 unelected lawyers who have overthrown the basic foundations of the US Constitution.

Even if Brett Cavanaugh is granted his seat on the SCOTUS he will do nothing to bring a balance to the SCOTUS that represents the views and values of the American people.

Are you sitting down?  Although nearly 50% of all American’s  only Judge Gorsuch, a former Catholic who converted to the Episcopal Church is the only member of the “Protestant faith” currently sitting on the court.  If Cavanaugh makes it he will join fellow Catholics Roberts, Alito, Thomas, (Kennedy and Scalia were Catholic as well) and mesh with Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer (all Jewish).  So, the makeup of the court will soon be 4 Catholics, 4 Jews, and 1 Protestant.  Just curious…has anyone seen an Evangelical in Washington?

In this age of tolerance and diversity how can it be possible that the largest religious group in America…Bible believing Christians…have NO REPRESNTATION on the highest court in the land?  If there is no “religious test” for office in America why is nearly half of the nation not represented?

No wonder America is in such a mess.  All beliefs are valued in America…except Christianity. No wonder the Name of Jesus has been criminalized.  It is time for the SCOTUS to look like America.

Secularization Without Representation has destroyed this land.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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What Price Are You Willing To Pay To Save America?

It is the 4th of July afternoon as I sit and pen these thoughts.  While most of America is out boating or golfing, visiting parades or parents, lighting sparklers or swallowing beverages I find myself sitting at home feeling especially nostalgic.

I don’t feel bad and I don’t feel sad, I simply FEEL much of what is going on around me.  It is something deep, almost spiritual really, that hunt and pecks my fingers across the keyboard.  I carved this time out during this day of celebration because my heart is turned toward reflection.

My emotions were triggered by watching one of those corny man-on-the-street interviews so common on social media where a man with a camera and a microphone takes to the streets to prove how dumbed-down the American populace really is.

“What do we celebrate on the 4th of July?” the man with the microphone asked some twenty somethings as they traipsed down the street of a secularized American city.  Although the purpose of the video was humor, it was hard to find anything to laugh about as one after another of the cellphone zombies searched their public school lobotomized rolodex to find the answer to such a seemingly simple American history fact.

Ignorance is never pretty to watch and I found very little edification in the-who-gives-a-crap attitude of these possible American voters.  I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said something akin to “he who thinks we can remain ignorant and free whishes for what never was or never will be.”

How many billions of dollars have Americans spent simply to make people dumber?  The National Education Association and the US Department of Education should be brought up on charges of treason.  Heck, college educated students today can’t distinguish between a man and a woman.  Jethro Bodine  and Elly May Clampett figured that out without having spent one day at an IVY League school.  Why do we pay so much for so many to be so ignorant?

Americans have traded what they dare not lose for what they cannot keep.

My thoughts flowed to Gettysburg this morning and to a recent visit that I made to the “hallowed ground” where on July 1, 2, and 3 of 1863 the most cataclysmic clash in the history of America spilled over the hills of Pennsylvania.  On July 3rd nearly 55,000 casualties fell upon the dust of Cemetery Ridge during one blood-soaked morning…Americans killing Americans…

It was those boys I thought of this morning.  Not the good for nothing college aged punks streaming onto the streets of America in protest of losing their right to murder their children and in support of a giveaway to foreign invaders the heritage for which their ancestors had, as Lincoln accurately stated, “thus far so nobly advanced.”

We are witnessing a travesty in this nation this morning.  It grieves my heart that the great-great-grandchildren of the men who spilled the blood at Gettysburg would be so willing to give away what cost their ancestors “their last full measure of devotion.”  What a slap in the face to their sacrifice.

Did you know that the average age of a Union soldier was 25 years old?  Were you aware that over 3 million such American fought each other and that over 700,000 Americans were killed by their fellow Americans? FACTS.

In the 21st century how could so great of a nation produce such selfish and insolent posterity?

So as I surf the net I see the seeds of insurrection bearing fruit as America’s recent public school graduates take to the streets with absolutely no knowledge of the sacrifices of those who came before them.  The government schools have programmed them…indoctrinated them…in an America-hating ideology force-fed them by the Communistic NEA.

Today, even some “national leaders” are calling for insurrection against a duly elected President.  My heart tells me that it will not be long until we see violence in the streets of America.

Here is the take-home.  Most Americans just want to be left alone.  They are tired of homo-policy gangs, and brutal baby killers masquerading as defenders of children.  It is not the Christians that are “forcing their belief on others” but the insurrectionists who demand equally for their deviancy and acceptance of their debauchery.  The last I looked it was the Leftist who were using the jackhammers to chip away at American hero monuments across this land.

The chickens are coming home to roost.  The children of disobedience are spilling out into our streets.  These demonically powered protestors will not go silently into the night.  Every major victory the Left has won has been snatched through the courts.  Despite what they tell you NONE of their diabolical agenda has ever been approved by the will of the American people.

Freedom isn’t free, as the old saying goes, and we now find ourselves facing a caged animal.  The Left’s last vestige of power, the Supreme Court, is slipping through their fingers and they understand what most of us have yet to figure out.  The LEFT rules by tyranny.  Forced acceptance is their method of evangelism. The courts are their enforcers of lawlessness.

So, here on Independence Day I pray that you sit with your posterity and explain to them the meaning of independence and the sacrifices that those who came before them made.  Although Lincoln’s words would have had more meaning had they been uttered by a President that understood individual liberty and State sovereignty they nonetheless ring true today.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

It is a perilous time to be an American and as is often repeated by military veterans who understand sacrifice, ALL GAVE SOME AND SOME GAVE ALL.

America needs a new birth of freedom.  Making America Great Again will not come easy.  There are enemies of liberty within the camp and they will not go down without a fight.  Do you have the courage it will require to birth this spirit of liberty?  Look deeply into the eyes of your grandbabies.

What price are you willing to pay?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Left Is Destroying Our Children

I heard a conservative commentator on TV make reference to “the Godless Left” the other night.  As so often happens we hear and repeat statements that often give validity to a premise that is factually flawed.

There is no such thing as a “Godless” person.  Everyone serves somebody or something.  Admit it or not we all find ourselves manipulated by forces beyond our own control.

For some it is an addiction…cigarettes…drugs…cell phones…but whatever we give our time to is what we serve.  The “Godless Left” is not really Godless.  They are Christ-less…but not Godless.  Most of the Godless Left simply serve the “god” of self.

You see it everywhere you look…MY body MY choice…don’t judge ME…who are you to tell ME what I can do.  When you remove the God of the Bible from society you don’t remove God…you simply change the god that is served.

The Bible tells us “that when there was no King in Israel the people did what was right in their own eyes.”  Self is now the King over America.  If it feels good do it…how better to please the god of self than to feed every one of its carnal desires.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said “to educate a child and not train him in morality is to educate a menace to society.”  Our amoral public schools are destroying our nation.

But they are not really amoral…void of morality…but self-moral in that right and wrong is determined by the belief system of the individual.   “Everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”…that is the mushy foundation upon which the New America is being built.

It is sinking sand.  A nation is no longer a nation if it does not share a common culture.  A nation’s culture is not determined by skin color, or ethnicity, or gender, but by a common sense of values.  A nation where whim is the determining factor in right and wrong cannot possibly survive.  If the Truth is constantly changing like Bruce Jenner’s gender then it was never really Truth to begin with.

Fake news, fake science, fake education all share the same thing in common.  They are all agenda driven.  “Truth” is shaped and molded to produce a desired outcome.  There is no proof of Darwinian evolution, or gender confusion, or the existence of God, but our children are being taught in government schools that they can create their own Truth simply by manipulating Science.

Millions of dollars are spent annually in an attempt to “prove” evolution while very little scientific research is funded to prove the EXISTENCE of God.  This is a perfect example of paying science to prove your already-believed theory.  So much of our current educational system is hell-bent on destroying God that the scientific research is directed explicitly at that target.  “There is no God and we can prove it!”  Except they can’t, no matter how hard they try.

But they can use deception.  They can create an educational system totally devoid of the God of the Bible and His precepts for how a society is supposed to operate.  That system is called multiculturalism which is simply a game plan for how to live together without a common set of values.  Tolerance has replaced Truth.  One belief is just as valid as another. Who are you to judge?  We are all just one big happy family of divergent Truths striving to co-exist on a foundation of sinking sand.

Our churches are the ones to blame.  Instead of fighting for Truth and demanding that the Truth be taught to our children we have opened the flood gates and permitted the creation of a theological swamp where Truth is merely one of a thousand opinions and God is recreated to fit the belief system of the individual.  When you create your own version of God you can mold Him into your own system of beliefs.  The average American Church no longer flies the banner of Truth.

This past weekend a few dozen of my friends and I took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a local mosque, an abortion clinic, and to a homosexual-shame parade.  In each instance we were struck by how obvious it is that The LEFT is feasting on our children.

I remember as a young man reading where Nikita Khrushchev said “Give us a generation and we will give you communism.”  The plan of the Devil has always been to infiltrate and mislead.  Today in America all of our major institutions are under the control of The Left, including the church, and the fruit of that infiltration can be seen on any street in any town in America.

Our children are murdering our grandchildren in abortion clinics around the nation.  The homosexualists have seized the government schools to the point that the average American can no longer recognize the evil of male on male butt sex.  In fact, neither can our churches.  The Pastors and church leaders are accepting and promoting perversions which fly in the face of the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

If our churches no longer recognize right from wrong what hope do our children have?

The next generation of Americans has very little in common with the morality of their grandparents.  Give them sex, drugs, video games…anything but JESUS!!  That is how The Left is destroying our children.

Below are three short videos of our Gospel outreach this past weekend.  Watch them and weep.  The church is asleep in the light.  The Devil is eating our children.

Mosque  [YouTube Video]

Abortion [YouTube Video]

Homo  [YouTube Video]

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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America Will Never Be Great And Free As Long As We Keep Denying Truth

Stop Denying The Truth

“You shall know the Truth and the truth shall make you free.” —Jesus Christ

A lie only is effective if you choose to believe it.  The fact that you believe something does not, in itself, make something true.  Sadly, in today’s world where knowledge is ever increasing, so much of what the average American believes is not true.

Willful ignorance is a good way of describing it.  Much of what we believe is “true” only because we want it to be.  Denial of the Truth does not make the Truth go away.

Truth does not have two sides.  Truth is not fair and balanced.  Truth stands on its own two feet and is never diminished by debate.  Opinion is not Truth and Truth is not an opinion.  At the core, the battle raging in America is over Truth.

As damaging and discouraging as it might be, only Truth can lead to freedom.  Believing you are not sick will not make you well.  Thinking you are free does not make it so.  Hoping for the best does not cancel consequences.

So much of what we believe simply is not true.

We are told that religion and politics make strange bedfellows but I am not so sure that they do.  Much of religion is fraught with half-truths manipulated by the will and desires of sinful men.  Politicians are much the same as our religious leaders.  They manipulate the truth because the results justify the methods.

If I may toot my own horn for a second, I was a fairly successful high school coach of a variety of sports and one of the reasons I was successful is that I was direct.  I refused to lie to myself or to the players about what was required.  Most successful coaches have enemies and in most cases the enemies will be those who choose to deny truth.

Truth places blame in the proper lap.  Truth limits the ability to parse and point fingers.  Truth is the touchstone of cause and effect.   That is why it is so freeing.  There is no way to find the proper cure if one is not willing to diagnose the proper cause.

Pro-aborts dehumanize the unborn.  They have to.  How else could they get away with murder? For over four decades they have told us lies about the pre-born.  You can rattle them off…it is a fetus…it is not viable…it cannot think…it has no self-awareness…it is a blob of tissue…it is a clump of cells…it is part of the woman’s body.  It is the same argument that the Nazi’s used with the gas chambers and that the lynch mobs used with blacks.  The dead weren’t totally human so therefore it was ok to exterminate them.

But we knew better.  We all did.  We knew it when Dred Scott declared that blacks weren’t fully human and when Hitler declared that the Jews were sub-human.  We knew better.  We know better today.  Our ignorance is simply…convenient…willful…selfish.  Calling an unborn human being non-human does not make it so.

Take a look at this picture.  It is harsh.  It is convicting.  It is tragic.  Yet we know it is real.  We know that “thing” growing inside a woman is a baby…what else could it be?  Calling it by some other term does not make it any less human.  Making it “legal” does not make it right.

You would have to search long and hard throughout history to find anything as massively evil as the willful slaughter of an unborn human being.  Yet this action is commonplace in America…legal…in a nation that loves to talk about fairness…diversity…equal rights…and protecting the weak.

Abortion is the ultimate bullying in a nation that claims to decry the powerful picking on the powerless.  What could be more helpless than an unborn child totally dependent on the love of another?  Yet we legalize it…glorify it actually…grant special rights and financial support to those who engage in the practice of it.  Love thy neighbor?  Give me a break.

Child sacrifice is all one big lie.  We all know the Truth.  Our judges know it.  Our elected officials know it.  Our police officers know it.  Planned Parenthood knows it.  The Republican Party knows it.  The Democrats know it.

But our pastors know it too.  And so do the disengaged men and women sitting in the pews.  They know blacks are not 3/5 human.  They know Jews are not animals, and they know the fetus is a living human being.

Life is the greatest of all gifts that God has given to man.  How can we fight so hard for our own life and be so cavalier about the life of another?

Abortion has not made America great.  As long as we permit it we will never be.

Christianity is anchored upon the life of a man who identified Himself as Truth.   The Church was God’s antidote to the lies.  Yet the church has embraced the lies.  Darkness and light now are in fellowship in the House of God.

Speaking such Truth today is considered harsh and divisive.  Child murder continues because the light has gone out in the church.

Abortion is murder and murder is not lawful.  It is not healthcare.  No one has the right to choose death for another.  Abortion is mean.  In our hearts…we all know that.

America will never be great as long as we kill our offspring.  Stop the denial.  Only the truth can set us free.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Are Christians Allowed To Get Angry?

I don’t know if you have ever taken the time to watch my daily show.  If not, it would be worth your time to give it a try.  It airs live every weekday morning at 7 EDT and is archived for later viewing and downloading.  It is free.

Just this morning we wondered aloud just what would be considered Christian values.  In other words, what would be the fruit of a Christian man’s life?   How do you tell whether or not a man is a Christian?  What does a Christian look like?  How does a Christian react to adversity?

Check it out here.  It is guaranteed to challenge the way you think.

One of the questions we focused on today was “Are Christians Allowed to Get Angry.”  As we tossed about the characteristics of a Christian man I was struck by the fact that it is assumed by most Christians that to be angry is a sin.

In fact, that is one of the weapons that the God haters use to tame Christians.  As one of our participants in the show said, “God didn’t save you to tame you.”  Whenever I hear criticism about the show it is usually the same lament.  “Just a bunch of angry white men.”  The assumption is two-fold.  If you are white you are not permitted to be angry…and if you ARE angry then you are not very Christian.

Hence the question, are Christians Allowed to Be Angry?

The Scriptures are replete with verses referring to the WRATH of God, so apparently God is ok with anger. The Psalmist told us that “God is angry with the wicked every day.”   Jesus, (the nicer, born-again version of Jehovah) stormed into the Temple and made a mess of the place in a fit of rage.

But Christians are not supposed to get angry.  It is a sin some of our more passive Christian leaders tell us.  We are supposed to look like and represent Jesus wherever we go.

If that is true then why is anger not considered a Christian value?

(Are you getting nervous yet?)

Why do Christians only want to talk about the love of God and never the wrath of God?  Is it ever permissible for a Christian to get ticked off?  Ever hear of righteous anger?  Is anger an emotion only permitted for the unrighteous to use?

Well, sorry to burst your bubble but I am angry.  Why aren’t you?

Our own government is slaughtering babies in the womb with my tax dollars and there is no anger from the church.  The God-created institution of marriage is being drug through the mud and there is no outrage.  Our public schools are exposing sexual deviancy to elementary school children and no one is ticked off.  Our government is burdening families by theft in the form of excessive taxation and not one face gets red.  The Name of Jesus is denied entry into our tax-payer funded schools and our pastors line up to heap praise on the “wonderful” public schools.

Ain’t it about time somebody got pissed off?  (Most of you are angrier I used the P word than you are about abortion?)

I was reading the Scripture’s before my show the other day and I came across Ephesians 4:26 “Be ye angry and sin not: let the sun go down on your wrath.”   I was struck by what the verse didn’t say.  Paul never said DON’T GET ANGRY, but rather, deal with the anger before you go to sleep.

Stay with me here…

In the book of James we are warned that “therefore for him who knoweth to do good and not to do it to him it is sin.” Could it be that the sin is not in getting angry…but in refusing to act righteously regarding the sin you have seen committed?  Injustice should make you righteously angry…as should all of the sin being codified into law.  Has any of it made you angry?  Have you ever felt an urging to do something about it?  Do you know what is good but refuse to do it?

Here is the rub.  God has NEVER granted us the right to remain angry about something that PERSONALLY offends us.  It is in that situation that we are exhorted to “turn the other cheek.”  But when we see an injustice done to an innocent person, or unrighteousness codified into law it is our obligation to stand up with righteous indignation and oppose it.

Anger should propel us into action.  That’s why Jesus flipped over the tables. That’s why David slew the Giant.  “I come at you IN THE NAME OF THE LORD whom thou have defied.”  Not putting anger into proper action is sin.  Tolerating, accepting, or being non-judgmental regarding the things that God obviously opposes is the opposite of what a Christian man should do.

The church fights anger more than we fight sin.  Anger should propel us into action in a way that glorifies the Lord.  Accepting sin does not glorify the Lord.  In fact, it is just the opposite.  That’s why he is angry with the wicked every day.

Why aren’t we?  Why hasn’t your anger motivated you into action?  Is your failure to act upon your anger sinful?

I know it may not be very easy for you to imagine but what would happen to abortion if Christians really got angry about it?  What if we saw it as murder?  What if your Pastor got angry about it?  God hates murder.  Why don’t we?  Why are we so tolerant of what angers the Lord?

Why we are ashamed to admit that God has enemies?  Why are we so unwilling to call them out?  Why does the “church” think it is wrong to fight for what is righteous?  If we are made in the image of God and God is angry every day then why aren’t we?  I say it is time to get peed off about God getting peed on.

I am not ashamed to admit that I am angry.  Does that mean I am no longer a Christian?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Thanks To Trump People Are Finally Beginning To Wake Up

It is Time to Buckle Up

I don’t know if you are aware of it or not but America is in the midst of the greatest landslide in history.  The seismic shift I am referring to has nothing to do with election totals or opinion polls, but rather a culmination of events that will forever alter the lay of the land.  It is time to buckle up.

So much of our lives are programmed by others.  It is subtle, but a quick glance over your shoulder will confirm what you are about to read.  People are finally beginning to awaken from a self-induced slumber after generations of permitting others to make their life choices for them.  Both the sheep and goats have been imprisoned by their desire to be led.

From the school house to the church house Americans have forgotten how to think for themselves.  Hitler is reported to have said “tell a lie long enough and loud enough and it will eventually become the Truth.”

For over twenty years I have been awake to the lie that there are two political parties operating in Washington.  Their entire plan has been to convince you that there are two sides to every issue and one of the parties is on your side and the other side is the enemy.

Two legs of the same bug is the way I described it back in 2008.  It would be worth your time to READ THIS prescient article.

The internet has saved us.  The Alt Media has given us a fighting chance.  The two-party system is gasping for breath.  We have Donald Trump to thank for that.  The Alt Media…the internet…conservative talk radio…has become THE mainstream media.  The days of sitting around and swallowing Walter Cronkite’s bilge has come to a screeching halt.  The corporate media still has not figured out what is going on.

Days before the election of 2016 I stopped by my older brother’s house and as usual he had MSNBC on in the background in his living room.  As a dyed-in-the-wool union Democrat he had blindly pulled the lever for socialism his entire voting life.

Who are you voting for Dan?” I half joked.

Trump!” He growled his immediate response.

“What!?  You never voted for a Republican in your life.  What’s going on?”

Trump ain’t no Republican.  He’s an American.  I’m sick of all them damn politicians.”

That was my first indication of the quaking that was about to erupt out of the core of the heartland.

Donald Trump is not a Republican.  That is what most Americans are slowly figuring out.

What we are about to witness in the next few months will shake blue-pill Americans to their very core.  The corruption in the American political system is so deep that the average uninformed American will not know what hit him/her.

The two party, divide and conquer government scheme is about to come to a crashing halt as those from both sides of the aisle are going to be exposed for the deep swamp creatures that they really are.  The corrosive nature of power, money, and politics is about to implode as the faux conservative/liberal divide gets peeled open and exposed to the light. And by the way, it’s the same in your local city or county government level. In Washington, it’s called the “Deep State”, on your local level it’s called the “Good-Ole-Boy” system. Its the same evil. Lie to the people, screw them out of their hard earned money, and live high on the hog. Than, by chance if some honest naïve soul gets elected, destroy him or her and get them recalled with lies that’s fueled by your local liberal news paper.

My friends, there are not two sides to the Truth.  After two decades of watching Fox News American is finally awakening to the fact that there is no such thing as fair and balanced TRUTH.  Personal opinion is the genesis of fake news.  For too long we have been programmed to believe that something is true simply because we believe it.  Opinion is not truth and truth is not an opinion.  The Truth stands on its own two feet.

The wild card in this whole American mess is the once Truth-filled American church.  The success or failure of our society rests not in the political process but will be directly proportional to the degree to which our pulpits strike the plumb line.  Only Truth can ultimately prevail.

Jesus warned us that we will know others by the fruit that their lives produce.  It is time for our pulpits to once again train us to be fruit inspectors.

The darkness that is about to be brought into the light is going to shake America and Americans to their very core.  I pray the sheer debauchery of our leaders will drive us to our knees.

Jesus came into my life in 1988.  He changed everything about me.  I know what a wretch I was and what a wretch I could be today if it were not for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I know, even today, what evil I am capable of in the darkness of my fleshly heart.

Some of you know what I mean…some of you have no clue what I am referring to.  That is the great divide…redeemed and not redeemed…not Republican and Democrat.

Imagine you are elected to Congress with a very weak moral compass.  Imagine the frills and benefits that accompany that position.  Imagine how hard it would be to keep your nose clean.  Imagine how hard it would be if you were part of the protected class and that your debauchery would never be in danger of exposure.  Imagine you had friends in high places in the Justice Department who would be willing to overlook your foibles.  Imagine it didn’t matter what political party you were a part of because it was all one big club.

Imagine an outsider gets elected and an upsetting of the apple cart.

The apple cart is about to be rolled over and we will see the folly of the two-party system. Things are going to get messy.  The Swamp will not go quietly.  To paraphrase my brother, Donald Trump ain’t no saint.  Will God’s team be ready to pick up the pieces?  God uses people to do His work. If He was to wait for a perfect person there wouldn’t be anybody doing His work. All the Jesus’ apostles weren’t  perfect ether. However, they had a fertile spirit that God could plant His seed in. Thank God for Trump and thank God for America.

It is time to buckle up.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Work While the Sun Shines

Please forgive me if I don’t happen to share in the euphoria currently emanating from the Evanjellyfish who are going ga ga over the moving of the American embassy to Jerusalem.

It has nothing to do with whether or not I am anti-Semitic or pro-Semitic, or whether I support Israel or don’t support Israel.  To be perfectly honest with you it has absolutely no bearing on how I live my life.

But the same is not true with other Christians…at least many who choose to write all over my walls at Facebook.  (I never understood why they felt they had the right to write derogatory stuff on MY PAGE.  I’d boot them out of my house if they pulled out a paint brush and starting attacking the drywall in my physical home.)

Dare I say it?  The absolute worship of Jerusalem and Israel by Evanjelly-culls has my head spinning.  Is it possible to be Semite-neutral?  Am I in danger of hell fire damnation simply because I don’t get my Israel pom poms out?  I am Pro-Israel…whatever that means.  But I am also Pro-American, Pro-German, Pro-human.  Does that disqualify me as a real Christian?

Permit me to connect a couple of dots for you, as least in regards to how I live my life.  I am extremely excited about the job that Donald Trump is doing as President.  Naturally, I don’t agree with everything he does, but most of us don’t agree with EVERYTHING Jesus did.  All in all I think he is doing a great job.

I also find it encouraging that President Trump has followed through on his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  I understand the Biblical significance of the nation of Israel and all of the promises that God made towards them.

But neither one of those events…the election of Donald Trump and the acknowledgement of Jerusalem…have changed the course of my life one iota.  To me, both events are merely sign posts that God is up to something.  I think the jury is out on both of these remarkable events as to whether they will ultimately be for our good or for our demise.

Understand, I don’t deny the hand of God in both events but I think it would be foolish to connect a Biblical significance as to how and when this whole thing is going to play out.

I got up this morning, did my internet show, and made plans for ministry outreaches for the rest of the week.  Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem has done nothing to alter the way I live my life.

A sign post is nothing more than a land mark that signifies a particular point of reference when on a journey.  Our interstate highways have mile-markers which help verify that you have not lost your way.  They are simply confirmations, or warnings, that you are heading in the direction that you intended to go.

The moving of the embassy to Jerusalem is a mile marker…a confirmation that the plan that God laid out is still in operation.  But most of my Jellyfish friends are acting as if it was a destination.  That now that we have passed that Jerusalem-marker we are simply a few exits away from our arriving at the end of our journey.

That, my friends, is a dangerous assumption to make.  Although the mile-marker can encourage us that the journey is nearing an end, sometimes the last few miles of a trip can take the longest.  What if there is a traffic jam ahead which makes the final miles much longer to navigate than we had anticipated?

“How long till we get there?” The jellyfish cry out to the driver.

“I’ll let you know when we arrive.”  Isn’t that what Jesus told us?  “No man knows the day or the hour.”

I am sorry to quell your excitement about the imminent return of Jesus and the sky splitting rapture of the church.  Rather than doing all you can to hurry along to the end of the trip wouldn’t we be wise to obey His words to “Work while the sun shines for a day commeth when no one can work?”

Be honest with me now.  Have the recent events in the Middle East changed your life in any significant way?  Has the election of Donald Trump really altered what you do in your daily life?  If the answer to either one of those questions is affirmative then you are missing the most significant part of your life.  Your impact, your work, your effectiveness is most felt right where you live.  Try as you might…no matter how much you pray for the peace of Jerusalem you will not speed up nor slow down God’s prophetic time clock.

It ain’t over till He says it is over.

Get your head out of the sky and look around you.  If the clock really is getting ready to strike zero don’t you think you should spend some time warning those around you?  In your daily life are there people that you come in contact with every day who need to hear the message of the Kingdom of God?   Shouldn’t we be working everyday to get as many bales of hay on to the wagon as we possibly can?

I just took a peak outside my window and the sun is shining.  I guess that means it is time for me to get out of my easy chair, put away my computer, and get to work.  The sign posts are there.  We are getting close to the end.

I don’t worry about the rapture.  I’m too busy working.  If the trumpet blast sounds I think I will be on the first busload out.  I just want to make sure that the bus is full when the journey ends.  That’s what the Lord wants as well.  That’s the work he wants us to do.  Fill the bus.

Get your eyes out of the Middle East and get to work right where you live. Real lives are counting on you.

…For a day commeth when no man can work.

Do I have to believe in the Rapture to be part of it?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Are You Lost in Your Religion?

“So just what religion are you?” I had a man ask me on the street the other day.

“Christian.” I responded.

“That’s not what I mean.  Where do you go to church?  Are you a Baptist or something?”

“No.”  I responded.  “I am a Christian…a believer…a follower of Jesus Christ. I don’t consider myself a part of any organized religious organization.”

“So you don’t go to church?”  He persisted.

“Well, sort of.  You see I believe that we as individuals make up the church.  Church isn’t some place you go but something you are part of.  We are all part of the Body of Jesus…the Body of Christ.”

“Communion?”  He said.


“I used to go to church and I thought that communion was the body of Christ.  That’s what they taught me when I was in Sunday school.  The blood and body of Jesus.  The minister gave it to us at the end of the service.”

(WOW.  Not sure who’s head was spinning more.)

“That’s not the same thing.” I continued.  “Communion is a religious ceremony…a means by which man tries to get closer to God.  Communion is really pretty meaningless if you are not part of the church.”

“So you do go to church?  Where?  What religion are you?”

I took a deep breath mixed with prayer.  “Religion is a set of rules and regulations designed to control the people.  Some of them are good, but most of them are simply traditions.  That is where people get confused.  Religion is rule following.  Christianity is a relationship.”

“Who forgives your sins?” He asked.


“If you don’t go to church who forgives you of your sins?

“Jesus does.  That’s what it means to be born again.  Accepting Christ as your Savior makes you a member of His church…the Body.”

“So you do go to church.”

“Look Mike.  Christianity is not a religion.  That is why there are so many different churches in the world.  Each church has their own set of rules and regulations that they think you are supposed to follow.  Some things all churches agree on…somethings they don’t.  That’s why there are different churches and different religions”

“So what do you believe?” He asked me.  “If you don’t go to church how do you know what rules to follow?”

‘That’s why I read the Bible.  The Bible is God’s Word and that is where we learn how to live?”

“Who teaches you what the Bibles says?”

“I read it for myself.”

“What?  How do you understand what it says?  Who explains it to you?”

“The Holy Spirit.”

“Huh?”  Who explains what the Bible says?  Do you have some special training that taught you what the Bible says?”

“No.  The Bible is God’s Word and He wrote it so that we could read it.  Parts of it can be confusing but if you have received Christ the Spirit will direct your steps.  You may need help understanding some things but you will find God in the Bible…not in the church building that you attend.”

“But I thought they called the church the house of God…how can you know Him if you don’t go to his house?”

“I am the house of God.  God is a Spirit and He lives inside me.  Sort of like breath in my lungs.  As part of His body His breath flows through me.  He lives in me.  I am His temple…his church.  You see, it isn’t the church building that saves you it is the Spirit of God that saves you.  A lot of people who go to church don’t know Jesus and that is why they think they have to go to the church to visit Him.  He lives inside of every believer.  That is what it means that we are the body of Christ.”

“I’m confused.” He lamented.  “I have never heard any of this talk before and I was in church regularly when I was a kid.  No one ever told me anything about no relationship with Jesus.”

“Well Mike, going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than sleeping in a chicken coop makes you a rooster.  It is about being born again and having a relationship with Christ.  It is open and available to whosever wants to be part of the family.”

“Dang…that is so cool.  I’d love to learn more about it.  Where did you say you go to church?”

Sooo many are lost in religion.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Shocking Of What Is Being Taught To Our Children

It’s Not Natural

I continue to be amazed at what we are teaching our children.  Those (whoever they are) that are in charge of what is being taught to our children in America’s public schools have lost their stinkin minds.

They’re “public” schools, you know.  Meaning that what is taught is what is commonly seen as “normal” in the public sector.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary is my favorite place to go when I get stuck on words and especially the meaning of them.  So I recently visited my favorite online resource as I watched the tomfoolery masquerading as education in this nation.

Natural, as defined by Webster’s, “Pertaining to nature; produced or effected by nature, or by the laws of growth, formation or motion impressed on bodies or beings by divine power.

In the simplest terms, natural would be described as the way things go if not impacted or acted upon by some outside source.

Growing is natural when the body is provided nutrients.  The changing of the seasons is natural. Seed corn produces ears of corn.  Soy bean seeds produce soy beans.  After their own kind is how the Bible refers to reproduction in nature.  According to Biology all living things reproduce.

In fact, nature is the whole basis of the “climate change/global warming” scam.  The proponents of this fake science argue that the climate is behaving unnaturally because of the intervention of the human species.

Weather is natural…man-made climate change is not.  So, even the science deniers admit that nature has a natural course upon which it should function.  Outside influences, they claim, alter nature and thus create an “unnatural” weather pattern.

Sadly, because they are so biased by their religious worship of science, they are unable to apply the same standard to other “abnormalities” that they see in the world.  Hence, homosexuality becomes normal.  An unborn baby becomes a fetus.  But all “unnatural” behavior does have consequences.

Heck, the science worshipers are attempting to alter nature by simply denying what is considered a “normal” scientific fact that all living things are born either male or female.  Although there are exceptions in nature where a form of asexual behavior is displayed, all “normal” creatures, especially mammals, are identified as either male or female at the moment of conception.  Ender is a made-up word.

This is genetics 101.  It is called DNA folks.  All “normal” human beings are born either male or female.  Exceptions to this rule would be called “abnormal” and the acting on sexual impulses outside of male/female would be classified as such.  Homosex acts will never lead to reproduction.  That’s one of the things that make it unnatural.

Our friends at Webster’s would like us to know that “unnatural” means “Not in conformity to nature; not agreeable to the real state of persons or things not representing nature; as affected and unnatural thoughts; unnatural images or descriptions.”

“Not conforming to nature” is what makes certain behaviors “unnatural.”  Sorry friends, but all of this gender confusion that is popping up all across America is NOT NATURAL no matter how much the religious scientists try to bombard your mind in the interest of fairness and tolerance.

Homosex is sin.  Abortion is sin.  Transgenderism is sin.  That’s why they have to eliminate Christianity.  If there is no Christianity then there is no right and wrong.  There is no “normal”.  There is no sin.  They have to eliminate “sin” in order to “normalize” unnatural behavior.

The sexual act is a behavior.  Abortion is a behavior.  Cross-dressing is a behavior.  None of those behaviors are “natural.”

Why are those of us who are lucky enough to be born “normal” so willing to permit “abnormal” behavior to be normalized to our children?

Alcoholism is not normal.  Drug abuse is not normal.  Lying is normal, but wrong.  Stealing is a natural urge, but wrong.  Why are we so willing to confuse our children by not pointing out the obvious?  ALL behavior is either right or wrong.  Attacking “natural” law and “normal” behavior does not make abnormal behavior natural?

Are you following me?

I just saw where sexual deviant Bruce Jenner is engaged to marry another sexual deviant.  Here is the story and here is the skinny.  Bruce Jenner, who now calls himself Caitlyn, is engaged to marry a transgendered student 47 years younger than Jenner.  His “bride” is a man who has changed to a woman.  So Bruce, a cross-dressing man who identifies as a woman is marrying a cross-dressing man who also now identifies as a woman.

Can someone help me with the XX and XY Chromosomes in this “marriage?”  Sorry folks, try as they might they can never make this relationship “natural.”

What is wrong with us?  Why do we permit our “public” schools to violate scientific standards and teach our children that unnatural behavior is normal?  Our friends at Webster’s tell us that publicexpresses something common to mankind at large, to a nation, state, city or town, and is opposed to private, which denotes what belongs to an individual, to a family, to a company or corporation.”

Unnatural, abnormal behavior, should not receive the approval and special status granted it by the “public.”

Unnatural is not normal.  Abnormal is not natural.  The “laws of nature” declare it so.  When man messes with the climate the religious scientists want us to know that it is a result of “unnatural” behavior of man.    Why don’t we demand they apply the same standard to human “social behavior?”

Climate change is natural.  Deviant sexual behavior is not.

Why don’t we demand that they teach our children the Truth?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The Censorship Of Christian Values Is Happening All Across America

How Low Can The Christianity Haters Go?

My conscience compels me to write this but I don’t suggest you read it.

You read that correctly.  If I was you I wouldn’t want to read this.

If you insist on ignoring my warning and reading it anyway perhaps you should prepare yourself by taking a moment to read ROMANS 1 which explains from a spiritual perspective what it is you are about to see.

I warn you again.  THIS IS VULGAR and it is taking place in Cleveland next weekend and soon an American city near you.

Recently Brannon House, the leader of the Christian ministry Worldview Weekend had several seminars cancelled at hotels in the upper Midwest.  Mr. House’s ministry is designed to alert and inform Christians about the enemies of Christianity that are currently working over-time to undermine Christianity.

Here is a firsthand account of what the Islamists and the Marxists did to Mr. House and his organization.   In a nutshell, Christ-hating groups organized to shut down Mr. Houses’ events at hotels that he had legally contracted with to hold his seminars.  The hotels cancelled his events and left his ministry holding the bag for nearly $20,000 in expenses he had hoped to recoup from offerings taken at the seminars.

This censorship of Christian values is happening all across America.  One need look no farther than what Facebook, Youtube, and Google has been caught doing with “conservative” groups on their social media platforms.

I suppose we are expected to just sit back and take it.  After all, Jesus told us to “turn the other cheek”, right?  We should never fight back or stand up for what we believe.  That wouldn’t be very Christian, now would it?

I hope Worldview Weekend sues SOMEBODY into oblivion.

Are you ready for the gross part?

Here is an example of what IS accepted and approved up in YOUR neighborhood brought to you by the homosexual deviants that many of the modern church so openly embrace?  Are you ready?

Be forewarned you may need to get out the Lysol or the Raid…I am not sure which is more appropriate…and imagine your next family outing to a getaway weekend at the local Westin or Hampton Inn.

Some of my regular websites may not post this, and most of the readers will NEVER forward this.  It just doesn’t fit the mold of our contrived view of homosexuality.  I bet YOU won’t forward it.  THE TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE HATE TO THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH.

Here we go.

Go to this website. This is the website that will connect you to the travelling debauchery that is being hosted by hotels around the nation.

I warn you…this is sickening.

Their next “event” is in Cleveland, Ohio on April 26-29.  The entire hotel is closed to the public during the weekend as the guests come and learn about the latest sexual deviancy.

(Remember, Brannon House was not given the freedom to hold his seminars.)

What seminar would you like to attend in Cleveland?  Here is a list of “skills” being demonstrated for the weekend.

(You have travelled this far…take a minute and look at the “classes” offered).  Aren’t these a violation of the public health?  Would you like for your family to unknowingly stay in the hotel the night after this wicked event is over?  Don’t you think the hotel has a duty to tell future guests what went on in the conference room the previous weekend?  Would you want to hold your meeting in a banquet room the night after this group left?

Please understand…these programs involve hands on (sorry) attendee participation.

How about participating in a seminar called INTRO INTO FISTING( 10 am Thursday).  Fisting is putting your fist where the sun don’t shine.

Perhaps you would enjoy SCAT: BEYOND BROWN. (3:30  Friday)  SCAT is how to enjoy homos pooping on each other during sex.

If you are a novice perhaps you would like to learn more about ASS PLAY: FILL THAT HOLE. (7 PM  Thursday).  I don’t think this needs much explanation.

Folks…this is going on in public venues in America while at the same time the voice of Christian/Conservatives is being silenced all across the land.

Our government officials are either bought off or afraid of the radical homosexual mafia.  They love to tell us that homosexuals are just like everyone else and they only want to love the person of their choice.

Don’t believe it.  Radical homosexual behavior is deadly and in hotels all across America customers are being put in danger due to the acceptance of deviant sexual practices all across this nation.  This is a direct threar to public health.

Brannon House and the Worldview Weekend folks are not free to explain how the Devil is working in America while the Devil’s kids are free to practice all forms of debauchery in public venues.

If you would like more information on our plan to push back against this darkness visit AFT

How low are we willing to let the deviants go?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Put Down Your Smart Phone And Help Trump Fight For Your Country, Or Lose It Forever

I hope Mark Zuckerberg goes to jail.

I’m sick of the snot-nosed billionaire and the collection of snowflakes that regulate free speech on the social media Nephilim.

What a bunch of weenies.  No wonder America is in such a mess.  Just who the heck do they think they are when they try to determine for the rest of us what is and is not acceptable speech?  Can I tell you the way that I see it? Oh, and by the way since I’m at it, don’t keep re-electing the same idiots who hate Trump and are screwing you on a daily bases.

Censuring speech is an egregious form of bullying.

It is amazing isn’t it?  I bet little Markie was bullied.  Most of his ilk has been.  It is sort of like Montezuma’s revenge.  First chance he gets he wants to crap all over those who don’t think like him.

I just got banned from Fakebook.  Evidently I said something that Markie and his girlie friends didn’t like and they decided it was time to send me to my room.  Judge, jury and executioner.  Don’t you just love how intolerant the tolerance crowd is?  Judge not tyrannies. They profess love, tolerance and compassion and they have nether. All they have is hate and judgement.

This ban, 30 days, comes on the heels of a previous 30 day ban that I just got released from.  Two hours.  That’s how long it was before I was back in Fakebook prison.  You read that right.  I was banned for 30 days…released for 2 hours…and banned again.

What does it mean to be banned?  They put a sock in your mouth and don’t permit you to post for 30 days.  It reminds me of the movie Cool Hand Luke…they are trying to get my mind right.

“What did they ban you for Coach?” I hear you asking.  “Why don’t you stop saying such offensive things?”

Well, there you go.  You are as programmed as them if you are asking that question.  What does it matter what I posted?  My “friends” choose to read what I post.  They like what I post.  They like what I say.  They have a sense of humor.

It’s not my “friends” that complain, it is some Zuckerberg/Obama groupies that is reading my posts and he/she doesn’t like what I said.  I hear that Fakebook hired hundreds of censors from the bottom-feeding Southern Poverty Law Center to make sure I didn’t say anything that my “friends” might get a chuckle out of.

Those on the Left have no sense of humor.  They are the self-appointed moral agents hell bent on changing words into sins.  Secular sins.  Since they have no foundational moral standard they become the deciders for everyone else what is and is not acceptable.  They are the poison fruit of our university system.

So why was I banned?  Well…the first time it was because I made a post about how violent Islam was. I mean, it is not breaking news or anything.  But that is not the worst part.  The post that I was banned from was SIX YEARS OLD.  That’s right!  Fakebook snowflakes banned me in 2018 for something I posted in 2012.  (I am not making this up.)

Evidently one of those SPLC groupies has been assigned to troll my posts to make sure nobody gets a chuckle out of the obvious truisms that I point out.  The Left hates jokes almost as much as they hate Truth.  Laughing makes their tummies hurt.

So, I get out of Fakebook Jail and 2 hours later they hit me with another trip on the paddy wagon.  This time it was for a four year old post.  It seems that somewhere in the distant past I pointed out that “creepy homos” were trolling kids.  But it was four years ago so I can’t really recall the actual wording.

I wonder if Markie’s girlie men would have banned me if I had said something about “creepy Christians”…or “creepy Republicans”…or “creepy Trump supporters?”  I think not.  But, perhaps I am a bit sensitive.

So let me get this straight.  A homosexual couple can demand a private company bake them a cake but Fakebook can control what my “friends” get to read?

I write this a bit tongue-in-cheek but this censorship is serious business. For too long we have simply laughed the snowflakes off as petulant children but it seems as if it is now the children that the Left has decided to weaponize.

Rush Limbaugh used to joke about school children being “minds full of mush” but that was back in the days when we didn’t really take high school kids seriously.  But times have changed and the Left has pulled out all of the stops in their attempt to destroy all that is good.  I guess I am not surprised that teenage children think they have everything figured out.  Kids have always been like that.  But it is the first time in my lifetime that the adults agree with the deliberately dumbed down teenagers.

Let me see if I have this right.  Aren’t these the same kids who are inhaling condoms?  Haven’t I seen stories on the news about this group ingesting Tide pods?  Isn’t it the same group who have been convinced that Bruce Jenner is actually a woman and that people who expect men to use the men’s restrooms are actually bigots?

Mark Zuckerberg and Fakebook are a scourge upon this nation.  Even they’re defenders are beginning to admit that Fakebook is nothing more than a mind-altering, data-gathering agent of the anti-American, anti-Christian, Clinton/Obama cabal.

Obama hoodwinked into thinking he loved America but behind the scenes he was conniving with the Demon-rats who were intent on goose-stepping us over the Communist-cliff.

Ban Fakebook.  Breakup Google and Youtube. Close down the Universities.

America hangs in the balance.  Put down your darn phone and fight back.

© 2018 Dave Daubebnire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

The Legalization Of Deviant Behavior

America has undergone a radical transformation and the average American is oblivious to what has occurred.  As the average “Deplorable” laments the decline of this once great nation very few have a deep understanding of what has actually occurred.

The Bible, which most Americans no longer read nor believe, gives a clear warning in the book of Isaiah “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…”  Sadly, the America that most of us pine for is but a faint fog in our once vibrant memory.

Normal is no longer normal.  Common sense is no longer common.  What used to be universally accepted is now scorned.  Old fashioned Mom and Pop beliefs have been replaced by a deepening dark degree of deviant directives designed to rewrite the standards of right and wrong.

Pull back the curtains and peek outside.  There is no longer a common standard upon which behavior can be regulated.  Once the Bible was removed as the cultural barometer in America the barn door was opened to the introduction of all forms of animalistic behavior masquerading as Constitutional rights.  The removal of the God’s standards from the minds of our people has given us a time “when everyone does what is right in his own eyes.”

Normal is no longer a standard, normal has become a perspective.  What is normal for me may not be normal for you.  Opinion has become the sinking sand upon which American morality now teeters.  An ever-changing standard of normal has thrown the American culture into chaos.

Evil becomes good when right and wrong are merely an opinion.  Even science has become an opinion…bought and sold to the highest bidder with a demonic agenda.  Is manmade global warming true or not or can favorable research be produced for 30 pieces of silver?

Most of our laws are put into force in order to control behaviors.  Back in the day when we all shared a common set of values we endeavored to legalize “normal” behavior while criminalizing abnormal.  Normal behavior was encouraged by law.

Deviant was the word we used back then.  Deviate is a word emanating from the unchanging laws of mathematics.  Websters 1828 Dictionary defines deviate as “To turn aside or wander from the common or right way.”  Evidently Daniel Webster was a homophobe because he believed in a “common or right way.”

Deviant is defined today as a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.  Abnormal behavior is deviant.  We simply deny that truism.

Man can never make straight what the Lord calls crooked nor can he make crooked what the Lord call straight.  Since deviant behavior by its very definition can never be made normal it is the term “normal” that must be redefined.  Hence a nation where the most abhorrent of behaviors must be reclassified as human “rights”.  A moral wrong can never be a Constitutional right.

Abortion is no longer murder but rather a Constitutional right.  Homosexual sodomy is no longer deviant but has become a Constitutional right.  Pedophilia is on the fast track to be normalized as nothing more than an “orientation” and a Constitutional right.

Today anal sex between men is no longer argued as abnormal behavior but as a Constitutional right.  The approach has been simple.  Normalize the abnormal by calling it discrimination and demand the right to practice it.  “Legalizing” male on male anal sex does not make it normal.

Look, my friends, laws are put into place to control behaviors. Most laws punish deviant behaviors.  Luckily for us, most criminal behavior is deviant…against accepted normal standards…and is punished as such.

But a transformation is taking place as the deviants work to normalize abnormal behaviors.

The sex act is nothing more than a bodily function.  It requires no “love” and no orientation.  Many of our citizens have a vibrant sex life without the benefit of a partner.  They defecate in private and they masturbate in private.  Both are simply bodily functions done in seclusion.

Enjoying hamburgers more than hot dogs is not an orientation, it is an appetite.  Some like steak, and some like chicken, but both selections are considered normal.  Eating another human being would be…deviant…abnormal…and illegal.

Love is not sex and sex is not love.  Love is an emotion while sex is a bodily function.  Declaring the right to “marry” simply because you are “in love” does not hold up to scrutiny.  I love many different people with whom I have no desire to engage in a sex act with.  I love my children…my buddies…my neighbor…my grandchildren…my dog,  but using any of them to reach an orgasm is deviant…abnormal.

At the same time, it is possible to use another person simply to fulfill my sexual appetite and my desire to reach an orgasm.  That is what hookers and pornography are used for…simply fulfilling a physical appetite.

Eating is a bodily function.  Using the restroom is a bodily function. Smoking cigarettes and drinking booze are bodily functions.  Some of us have “normal” appetites and some of us have “deviant” appetites.  Engaging in some behaviors is normal while engaging in others is not.  The purpose of laws is to control the abnormal behaviors.  Satisfying any and all appetites is not a Constitutional right.

What if a drug addict was “born that way?’  Isn’t taking drugs a choice?   Why isn’t their “appetite” legal?  Would you rather your son use drugs…or sodomize his best buddy?  I say both behaviors are abnormal.  Drug addiction is a sickness…but sodomy is normal.  Understand?

America is upside down.  Owning a gun is becoming deviant.  Believing in the Bible is abnormal. Speaking what is on your mind is offensive. Cross dressing is heroic.

You know the world has gone bonkers when heterosexuals do not want to get married…and the homosexuals do.

Try as they might the deviants cannot make the abnormal normal and calling it legal does not make it right.  You cannot make straight what God has declared crooked.  Why do we fall for such foolishness? Why are the churches looking the other way?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Are The Young Males The Real Victims Of School Bullying?

I’ve been putting off writing this one for a couple of months.  I was hoping the gnawing in my conscience would go away if I simply outlasted it.

But I can’t.  At least not any longer. I have always found that speaking what was on my mind was the best pressure value…even if it raised the blood pressure of the readers. I would say that I am sorry, but that would be a lie.

Only the Truth can set you free…and I have a propensity for calling them as I see them.

With all of the howling going on in America today about bullying I find it ironic that much of it emanates from the Gestapo known as “public school teachers.”  There is nothing as dangerous to masculinity as the nine months most boys spend sitting under the thumb of the testosterone-tamers hell-bent on disconnecting boys from their natural male impulses.

I don’t care how politically correct it might sound but there are very few women capable of training a little boy how to be a man.  The 7 1/2 hours a day that a young male spends being trained exclusively by women is detrimental to their manhood.  I see it everywhere I look.

The inner city is especially dangerous.  Statistics indicate that nearly 70% of young African American males live in homes where there is no father present.  They are then shipped out the door to the local indoctrination center where 90% of the staff is female.  If, perchance, a young man finds himself in trouble he is rapidly dispensed to the Principal’s office where his unruly behavior is disciplined by…you guessed it…a female Principal.

For the super majority of young black men the first opportunity that he will have to be mentored by a man is when he steps foot on the athletic field.  That is, if he makes it that far without dropping out or being academically ineligible.

Finding a man in an elementary school is about as rare as finding an NRA member at a Hillary for President rally.  Is it any wonder the average American male has no idea what it means to “act like a man?”  Try as they might, most American women do not really understand what makes real men tick.  Our schools are full of “independent” women who finally have a chance to make men behave the way women want them to.

Save your catcalls.  Look around.  Have you noticed the number of millennial males still living with their parents long after they should have flown from the coup?  Have you noticed the propensity of men who are more interested in wearing skinny jeans than they are camo gear?

Who is training the boys?  Why is it so obvious that men are becoming less masculine and more compliant?  Our young men are being trained to be soft.  Getting in touch with your feelings is not an activity designed for men. Not all female teachers are bad for young guys but there is a serious assault on manhood in America and it is being led by the feminazis in our public schools.

I spent a career as a public school teacher/coach and I could tell you horror stories of the experiences that I had with women faculty whose sole purpose in life was to make the star football player bow to her every whim.  Many of the women HATED strong-willed teenage boys and they did the best they could to bully the testosterone right out of them.

I remember the day when young men were taught “man-up” and take responsibility for their lives.  Today to even use the term “man-up” is to be accused of being misogynistic. It is hard to turn him into a man when he is being punished for acting like one.  Males…the natural leader type…do not respond well to the badgering of bossy women.  Often the teachers are more interested in teaching the young man WHO is boss than showing him how to BE the boss.

I always tell the men in my life that you are born a male but you are a man by choice.

Dang, I bet I am making a lot of Jezebels mad today.  Spare me the emails.  Don’t waste your time trying to put me in my place.  I know my place and it is not under the thumb of a bossy woman.

Today was another fine example of it.  All across America students walked out of their school in protest of guns.  I happened to be speaking at a public school today as the walkout took place and I asked the class that I was addressing if there was going to be a walkout the next day in support of gun ownership.  They looked at me as if I had just passed gas.

“Aren’t there any of you in this class that support gun ownership?”  A beaten-down young feller in the corner of the room raised his hand halfway into the air.

“Great!” I exhorted him! “When are you going to organize the I-support-guns-walkout?  You certainly aren’t they only student at this school that supports guns?  Does anyone else support guns?”  I asked.  A few more male hands crawled cautiously in the air.

“So who is going to go to the principal and organize a gun rally?  I’ll join with you!”

No takers.  They were all afraid to express how they really felt.  The bossy girls in the class were too busy putting them down for caring about guns more than their classmates.

Strong American males are a vanishing species in this nation and I am not afraid to point out that decades of being trained by women has born a heap big pile of rotten fruit in the hearts of the once valiant American male.

No wonder we have seen an avalanche of pornography pour over this nation as young men struggle to find their way in this feminist driven society in which we live.  At least when the young guys are viewing porn they don’t have to deal with the lady on the screen putting down their every move.

My guess is that the gun marches at schools all across America today were organized by women…or men who act like women.

Laugh if you want to.  Call me names if that is how you normally talk to men.  But men get it.  They are just too demoralized to fight.   I wonder how many of the school shooters had a strong man in their lives?

Men who understand true Biblical masculinity are a vanishing breed.  There is no group more bullied than the young American male.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Our Children Are Our Inheritance. Invest Into Them. Nothing Matters More

Are You Spending the Inheritance?

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. —Proverbs 13:22

I think I shared with y’all that I just signed up for Medicare.  For the life of me I cannot figure out how I got so danged old.  The thought of being 65 is sobering…I remember when 65 seemed really old.

But that is the reality of my life.  And unlike so many others of my generation that I cross paths with, I am not in the middle of some identify crisis. The central focus of my life, other than the Lord, is the care and nurturing of our beloved children’s children.

Michele and I are “Grampie” and “Gigi” to four little jewels and now that our lives have slowed down a pace or two I realize how much I missed in the raising of our own three children.  The hustle and bustle of providing for a young family seems to absorb so much of your time that the raising of our own children is really nothing more than faint memories.

I thank Jesus that He didn’t let me mess up our own children too much…we had no idea what we were doing.  Parenting is a classic case of on-the-job-training if there ever was one.  You know the old saying…if I knew then what I know now…sometimes life would be easier if it was lived backwards.

Ultimately, your children and grandchildren are really all that matters in life.

Michele and I were rolling down the interstate the other day when came upon one of those huge recreational vehicles that are so common on America’s highways.  As we passed by I couldn’t help but notice the bumper sticker on the back.

“We’re Spending Our Children’s Inheritance.”  I know it was supposed to be a joke but it didn’t strike me as funny…it struck me as sad.  Is there anything sadder than a selfish old couple living out their retirement years spending the inheritance?

Are you mad at me yet you selfish old baby boomers?  Well, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Living for oneself is a pretty empty lifestyle.  A good man, the Scriptures tell us, leaves something behind.  The only difference between some of my retired friends and the pouty millennials is that at least the old folks are able to pay their own way.  Their grandchildren want a lot of things as well…they simply want somebody else to pay for it.

Look in the mirror, Grandpa and Grandma, your bank account may be healthy but the lives’ of your grandchildren are empty.  Heritage is more than money.  A wise man once warned us “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”  A more current paraphrase might be, ‘what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose the souls of his grandchildren?”

Leaving an inheritance is serious business.  And it isn’t about money.  It is about tradition…culture…faith…and eternal life.  Trading a $500,000 state of the art RV for an empty spiritual legacy isn’t a very good trade.  That is something that a “good” man would never do.  There are some things a child can only learn from a grandparent.

I was reminded of that again last week when the latest slaughter took place in one of our government schools.  I watched “our leaders” offer all kinds of solutions as to how to keep the children safe inside the government indoctrination centers.  No one would point out that it wasn’t an “assault rifle” that took the lives of some grandparents’ grandchildren, but a darkened heart.

Jesus told us “the light came into the world but the men loved darkness because their deeds were evil.“  Evil hearts produce evil fruit.  It is not the guns that the grandparents should worry about but the blackened hearts of the children that their grandkids attend school with.

Jesus also warned us that we should “fear not he who has the power to kill the body, but rather he that has the power to kill the soul.”  Although your grandkids might be “good kids” they are surrounded daily by soul-less classmates…internet zombies…who don’t know the difference between good and evil.  I can assure you of this, you would immediately remove your grandkids from school if you were able to see the hearts of some of the classmates they are exposed to on a daily basis.

So what are you waiting for Grandpa?  At what point are you going to sit down with your own children and offer to pay for a private Christian education for your grandkids?  When will you go to your own children and offer to pay their mortgage if Mom stayed home and homeschooled your grandbabies?  What good will your Luxury RV be when you see your once-innocent granddaughter struggle to get off of drugs and reject all of the values that you had hoped to instill in them?

Every one of those crazy snowflakes that you see marching on TV probably have grandparents who would tell you what a “sweet” and “innocent” child their grandchild had been as a youngster.  What could possibly have caused them to reject their grandparents’ values? Something happened along the way.  Something stole their soul.  Most American kids have not spent the first minute in Sunday school.

Guns should be the least of our worries.  The public schools are destroying the souls of America’s children. Grandmas and Grandpas must sacrifice everything they have to protect the souls of the precious progeny. Sell you vacation condo. Sell your motor home.  Do whatever you can get rescue our future from the grips of the Secularists. Your grandkids need your investment now…not after you die.

Our children ARE our inheritance. Invest all you have into them. Nothing matters more. It is time to start leaving an inheritance rather than spending it. Sell your RV and build an arc. The souls of your grandkids are the ultimate prize.

What is the value of your loved one’s soul?  Be careful you don’t trade what you cannot keep for the thing that you must not lose.

Are you spending the inheritance?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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What If Abortionists Used Guns Instead Of Needles?

Every argument in the world is based on perspective.  That truism is becoming more and more obvious as we journey farther and farther down the rat-hole that has become public debate.  The more divided America becomes the more emotions come in to play.

We used to use the phrase “rational debate” when referring to the dialogue between opposing viewpoints, but today’s discussions are becoming less and less rational and more and more emotion.  Facts no longer matter, especially in an emotional dialogue.  Feelings rule the day and emotional decisions are rarely the best ones.

Heartstrings are more powerful than purse strings…at least until it is time to pay the piper.  Today, where actual money and its value are becoming less and less concrete we often find our hearts writing checks that our checkbook cannot cover.

That is why we find ourselves trillions of dollars in debt.

We could come up with a litany of emotional decisions that didn’t turn out to be so wise…Our first sexual experience…The purchase of our first car…Voting for a President based on his skin color…

He who frames the argument wins the debate and the Left has been far more effective in their framing.  Years of government education where male teachers are in the minority we find our children being quite effective at emoting but miserably incapable of thinking with the use of logic.

The key to winning most arguments is to frame the debate in such a way that it brings a greater emotional response which eventually leads to a regrettable decision when eventually viewed under the microscope of logic.

Facts are easy to ignore when emotions are involved.  The more emotional the debate the less the facts matter and the more illogical the solution is.  If conservatives are going to move the needle in the cultural debate we are going to have to become more adept at framing the argument.

One need look no further than the current debate over guns.  We need to tread more carefully so that we do not end up in the trap that the Left has set.  “You are certainly not for seeing young children die in schools are you?”

That isn’t the question.  Of course not…but associating guns with killing is quite a stretch.  There are plenty of ways to kill people.

It is like the word “choice” that the Left uses when trying to hide the fact that abortion kills a baby.  If the “choice” is about a baby’s right to live rather than a woman’s right to abort you will find fewer people in support of a “woman’s right to choose.”

What would be the reaction to abortion if abortionists killed the babies with guns?

What if we pointed out that forceps and suction hoses kill more children than guns?  What if we pointed out that the womb was more dangerous for a child than a public school?  Would we ever argue that the teenagers in the schools weren’t really people because they were still dependant on their parents?  What if all of the debate over abortion was focused on the child rather than on the mother?  What if we zeroed in on a baby’s right to live?

It would be horrific to lose a child regardless of the weapon that was used.  Abortion kills more children than anything else.  What if we outlawed the weapons of mass destruction below?

What if we used videos and actual science to show teenagers what really occurs during an abortion?  We see what guns do to humans perhaps we should show them what Planned Parenthood does to preemie humans. Violence in the womb leads to violence in the world.  We refuse to connect the dots.

Cars kill more children than guns.  So does texting, drinking, vaccines, and meth.  I suggested that Congress take the $500 MILLION given to Planned Parenthood and use it to put armed guards in public schools where they can protect the innocent children from a madman with a gun.  How can you justify the government paying to kill some children while leaving others to be sitting ducks?  What really is the difference between a school shooter and an abortionist?  Both wield their weapons from the holster of a dark heart.

Gun ownership is actually listed in the US Constitution.  Can you tell me which Amendment refers to abortion?   Abortion is not in the Constitution and leads to the death of children while proper gun ownership IS listed in the Constitution and protects children.

If no one wants to see innocent children die then why don’t we stop killing innocent children in the womb?  Calling them non-persons is the ultimate bullying.

Maybe it would end if we passed a law forcing abortionists to kill the babies with guns.  Maybe then the hypocritical LEFT would stand up and fight for ALL the children.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Enough Of The Hyphenated Christians

I find it more and more difficult to swallow the wide variety of Christianity that I see in America today.

You know what I am talking about, Willis.  In case you are blind to the divide and conquer strategy orchestrated by Slew Foot permit me to provide a brief list of some of the Heinz 57 flavors on display.

Fundamentalist Christians, Liberal Christians, Social Justice Christians, Pentecostal Christians, Charismatic Christians, Orthodox Christians, Red Letter Christians, Apostolic Christians, Bible-Believing Christians, Lutheran Christians, Baptist Christians, Southern Baptist Christians, Free-Will Baptist Christians, First Baptist Christians, Second Baptist Christians, Primitive Baptist Christians, Methodist Christians, African Methodist Episcopal Christians, Presbyterian Christians…you get the drift.

According to my research there are nearly 34,000 denominations of Christianity in the world with nearly 2.5 BILLION adherents. Nearly 75% of American’s self-identify as Christians…that is 280 million souls, spread out over 300,000 churches.

For those of you who might be interested here is a list of the 35 largest denominations in America.

Did you know that DENOMINATION is a math term?  If you think back to your time spent in the 2nd grade you will remember that a “denominator” is the number by which the “whole” is divided.  Numerator and denominator.  Jesus said that His followers would all be ONE.  (It looks like we need to return to the 2nd grade!)

But, of course this has been part of the Devil’s plan.  The oldest trick in the book is divide and conquer.  If you wonder why the church is so powerless you need look no further than the division in the “Body of Christ.”  No wonder the “church” has become so ineffectual.  We can’t even agree on what is or is not truth.

This all came to head with me this week when I had a discussion with a “black” Christian friend.  ( I haven’t even gotten into the division of Christians by skin color.)  I called him out on his hyphenated Christianity and he seemed to take offense.   He blathered on about Trump and how “his” people were burdened by the “racist” in the White House…yada yada yada.

Hey Dude!”  I said to him.  “I think I understand what your problem is.  You are more “black” than you are Christian.  You are far more loyal to your skin color than you are to Christ.”

He didn’t receive it well and went on a tirade about President Obama and how “white” America disrespected him and all that he did for “black” America.

Dang.”  I told him.  “You are one of the most racist people I have ever met.  If you are a Christian why are you so focused on the color of a man’s skin?  Don’t you know that Paul taught us that there was no Jew or Greek…no fleshly divisions?  Our true brothers are our brothers by faith rather than skin color?”

He told me I was miss representing the Scriptures and that I only resented President Obama because he was black.

You’re no Christian, Pal.  You voted for Obama because of the color of his skin.  You either don’t have the discernment of the Holy Spirit or you are blinded by skin color if you cannot recognize that Obama was either a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer. For Pete’s sake, he had THREE Muslim names!!

Did you know that nearly 33% of all black babies conceived in the women are killed through abortion?  Did you know that abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community?  Are you aware that Barack Obama was the most pro-child murder President in history?

Do you remember that when the Supreme Court shoved homo-marriage down America’s throat that our Black President lit up the White House in the color of the rainbow?  Are you aware that Obama was the most anti-family President in the history of our Republic?” 

He droned on about how “his” people had been oppressed for so many years and that it was about time that one of “their” people was finally elected President.  It was important for “oppressed” people to stick together and that everyone in his church supported Obama.

“Is it a Christian church or a black church?” I asked him.

He told me it was “both.”

“Do you think it is a good thing for black Americans to kill their unborn children?” I asked him.  “Would Jesus support marriage between two men?  Would Jesus be in support of a man who promoted anti-Christian values?  If Jesus was only worried about ‘His’ people wouldn’t the rest of us non-Jews be in a world of hurt?”

He told me I didn’t get it and explained to me that blacks had been walked all over for years and that it was time to make things right.

“Didn’t Jesus teach forgiveness?  Wouldn’t it make sense for all Christians to forgive each other for past wrongs that had been done to them?  Doesn’t the Bible instruct us to love one another and forgive one another of our trespasses?  “Don’t black babies’ lives matter to you?”

He told me I didn’t get it because I wasn’t black.

My experience teaches me that those who identify as hyphenated Christians probably are not.

God is a Spirit.  We are commanded to be like Him.  Spirits have no skin color.  There won’t be any hyphenated Christians in Heaven.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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We Have Traitors In High Places – Throw The Bums In Jail

This is not going to be long.  I am gonna say what I have to say even though it may not be popular.  Isn’t it about time somebody did something?

The idea of a “high Crime” which is referred to in our Constitution has nothing to do with the severity of the crime that is committed, but rather the position of the one who is committing it.

A “high” crime refers to position not to proportionality.  A lie told by the CEO of a company is far more egregious than a falsehood uttered by the company custodian.  The “higher” the position in the organization that a perpetrator occupies the greater the damage done by his/her dishonesty.

“High crimes” refer to those crimes committed by people in authority and especially those who are charged with securing the public trust.  It is one thing if a teenager in a church congregation commits the act of fornication.  It is entirely more severe if the Pastor engages in the same activity.

Although we love to say that all sins are equal the fact remains that not all sins have the same consequences attached to them.   Lady Justice may be blindfolded but she is not blind.  If there are multiple systems of justice then there is no justice.  What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

I don’t care what your political persuasion is.  It matters not if you root for the Donkeys or the Elephants.  Every sports fan in America hates the idea of unfair referees.  There is no joy in a victory that was a result of ill-gotten gain or home town umpires.  If putting one’s thumb on the scale is reprehensible in a football game how much more scandalous is it in the governance of a people?

If our leaders are no more virtuous than the people they lead then they have no business leading.

Washington has become a crime scene.  There is something seriously wrong when the government of a nation is referred to as a “Swamp” as if it was referring to some backwashed delta in Louisiana.  The seat of government of the most powerful nation in the world is full of rattlesnakes and alligators.  Some are left handed and some swing from the right but both wings are connected to the same bird.  They are one big family and you and I aren’t in it.

Most crime syndicates operate like families.

A fatal blow was delivered to America on November 22, 1963 and this nation has been gasping for breath ever since.  The murder of President Kennedy was the first public act of the Deep State.  Over the last 50 years the American people have been fed one lie after another by those who were sworn to bring us justice.

The list of lies lines up like something right out of the movie The Godfather.  Kennedy, King, Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, TWA Flight 800, The Twin Towers, Boston Bombing, Benghazi, Judge Scalia, LaVoy Finicum, Las Vegas, The Birth Certificate…do you really believe that we have been given the Truth?  Do you really believe that those behind the scenes who are really complicit have been held accountable?

I don’t care if it is George Bush or Dick Cheney, Pappy Bush or Barbara Bush, Bill, Hillary or Princess Chelsea, Barry Soetoro, John McCain, Uma Weiner or The Pope. I am not interested in some underling being the scapegoat.   It is time for some important perps to pay the piper.

Americans need to see some justice.  It might be ugly, it might be painful, it might be hard to watch, but if we are to survive as a nation of laws then the laws must apply to everyone.

Every night as I lay my head on My Pillow I thank God that Hillary Clinton and her crime syndicate was defeated.  If she had won, all of this corruption would have been bulldozed into the deep recesses of the swamp.

We have traitors walking among us. The thought of that was so repugnant that our Founders prescribed the death penalty as the punishment for those who engaged in that behavior.  If the rich and powerful walk on this one then there is no hope for America.

There is no such thing as Republican treason or Democrat treason.  Treason is serious business and for the sake of those aspiring leaders who are watching they must understand that such “high crimes” will never be tolerated.

Clint Eastwood would say “Hang ‘em High!”  I say throw their butts in jail.

Lady Justice needs to open her eyes.  The future of our Republic depends on it. Oh, and by the way, quit re-electing the bums that are destroying this country.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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I’m Sick Of The God And America Hating Left

The Left Are The Real Bigots

It takes one to know one.  That was some playground wisdom I grew up with.

If you asked the average lefty to explain to you what it means to be a bigot I doubt if he/she would be able to give you an accurate definition.  Bigotry has been incorrectly linked to racism…another made up word that didn’t even exist in the American lexicon until just before WWII.

The American Left has totally adulterated the English language to the point that we often find ourselves using words that are totally misapplied or improperly used in regards to their original meaning.

Bigot is one of those words.  If you were to check the most authentic organic source on the English Language, the 1828 Webster’s dictionary you will find bigot defined as “A person who is obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular religious creed, opinion, practice or ritual.”

Look up the word “racism” in the same online version referenced above and you will come up with…NOTHING.  That’s right, when Noah Webster put together his exhaustive work on the English language there was no entry for “racism.”  The word simply did not exist.

But in today’s increasingly knowledgeable, and stunningly dumber “college educated” millennial generation facts are becoming less and less valued.  A re-working of words and a strong focus on “feelings” has given us a less logical more emotive generation of Americans.

Words have meaning so if you want to change the world simply change the words.  Check this out… I wrote it back in 2009 and I include it for all of the critics who read my columns and accuse me of  only recently having fallen off of the turnip truck.  The more I look over my shoulder the more I realize how right I have been.  A society will never progress if it forgets from where it has come.

Our “roots” are being dug up all around us and we are suddenly finding ourselves with a generation of young people who share very little in common with the beliefs of their grandparents.  This has not happened by accident.  Bigotry has been the aorta of the LEFT and they have sucked the life right out from under God-fearing Americans.

So bigotry has nothing to do with race and everything to do with control.

Open your eyes and look around and you will easily recognize that the snowflakes on the LEFT are the real ideologues.  They are the least tolerant, least accepting, and are far more aggressive in the forcible advancement of their own “particular religious creed, opinion, practice, or ritual.”  They are not content in simply exercising their “unreasonably wedded opinion” but are hell-bent on making you follow their misguided creed as well.

Lefties are not content with simply expressing THEIR beliefs but are aggressive in demanding that you cow-tow to their screwy, anti-logical belief system.  Simply “tolerating” their beliefs is not enough.  You are required to not only attend their parties but to bake and deliver the cake to their diabolically deviant displays.

Well, I am sick of it.  I am sick of the one-way bigotry.  I am sick of being expected to sit silently on the sidelines while the enemies of all things decent destroy everything my ancestors worked to build.  The God-haters are not content to simply stand on the shoulders of the pillars who built the freest nation in the history of the world but are intent on a Samson-like pillar pull designed to crumble this once great Christian nation.

I’m sick of it.  I’m sick of THEM.  I’m sick of their rewriting of history and their thinly veiled attempt to destroy the foundations upon which this nation was built.  I’m proud to be white damnit!! I’m proud to be a man.  I’m proud to be a Christian!  I’m proud to believe that some things are right and some things are wrong and I am proud to say that the Bible is the determiner of that standard.

I’m sick and tired of the immunity with which some ethnic groups seem to have in regards to their behaviors.  I’m sick of lazy backs and lazy whites who feel that they have the right to steal out of my wallet.  I’m sick of the sexual deviants teaching debaucherous behaviors to my grand children in the name of tolerance and diversity. I’m sick of the Hollywierd homos and pernicious pedophiles who undermine American decency with every movie they make.

I’m sick of double standards and white guilt.  I’m sick of biting my tongue and going with the flow.  I’m sick of the slaughter of the unborn and the cowardly pastors who permit it.  I’m sick of two systems of justice and the powerful pundits who promote it.  I’m sick of money grubbing politicians and money grubbing pastors both who have sold their souls for a pot of porridge.  I am sick of the prospering of the wicked and the sissified church that permits the plundering.

Look around you, my friends.  Most of the problems that we face in this nation have everything to do with BEHAVIOR and nothing to do with bigotry.  It is the destruction of the moral code that has led to the lawlessness of the citizens of this nation.  Not all cultures are the same.  Not all values are equal.  Not all beliefs are true.  Multi-culturalism is societal AIDS.

My Christian faith teaches me that there is a hell to shun and a Heaven to strive for.  Behavior has consequences and I’ll be dammed if I am going to sit passively on the sidelines as the Devil’s doctrines of demons destroy all that is good.  What they do in their private life is between them and the Lord.  I am pro-choice in regards to the after-life.

Hell hath enlarged its mouth as many fools rush head first into the fiery pit.  Although the road to hell is paved with good intentions I refuse to permit my progeny to be road kill on their Left’s hedonistic highway to hell.

For the first time in a generation I believe we have a short window to pushback against the forces of darkness.  Now is the time to stand up and call ‘em like you see them.

The real bigots in America are those slimy snakes on the LEFT.  It is time we started exposing the Truth.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Good Riddance To Obama – Thank God For Trump

I voted for America’s first legitimate black Presidential candidate Alan Keyes for President…twice.  So keep your race card in your pocket.

I find a great deal of amusement in watching the Never Trumpers whine about the direction that President Trump is taking us.

I find it especially humorous when I think about the radical Marxist that squatted in the White House the previous eight years.  Every time I get discouraged I simply reminisce and thank God that Obama is gone.

I hear the pundits on the TV pontificate about how Donald trump is so “un presidential” in his actions, but there are millions of folks like me who are ready for some straight shooting from our politicians.

I like the crudeness with which President Trump tells me the truth as opposed to the classiness with which President Obama told me lies.  I am a big boy.  I can handle a bit of harsh truth.  I grew up in a locker room.  I know what real men sound like.

It is good to have a straight-shooter sitting in the oval office.

A great number of Americans have been brainwashed by actors.  We have actors in politics, actors in the media, and actors in the pulpit.  I am so sick of people acting like something they are not.  I’m ready for a double-dose of straight shooting.

Turn on the TV and you will find non-stop attacks upon President Trump.  Amazingly, it comes from both sides of the political spectrum.  With all of the assaults upon President Trump it is easy for us to lose perspective.  For the most part, Americans have a very short attention span.  Well. Not me.  I remember very well the mess that was the Obama administration.

I remember when President Obama turned up the “race” card with Skip Gates, Trayvon Martin, and the riots in Ferguson Missouri. I cannot forget his role as agitator in chief and how he never missed an opportunity to pick the scabs of the racial divide.  In my opinion, his actions were so un-presidential.

I remember when President Obama forced socialized medicine down the throats of unsuspecting citizens with his famous double-headed lie “if you like you Dr. you can keep your Dr. and if you like your plan you can keep your plan.”  That didn’t seem very presidential to me.

How can one forget his flip-flopping on traditional marriage and the lighting of the White House in the colors of the rainbow when the diabolical Oberkfell decision was shoved up the hind ends of God fearing American moms and pops?

I remember the smoochy  smoochy relationship he had with Planned Parenthood and his unrelenting desire to see as many American babies slaughtered inside their mother’s womb as was possible.  He even joked about his own future grandchild being “punishment” to his daughter.

I feel my blood pressure rising with every letter I type on this keyboard. He may have “acted” more “presidential” but I am so glad Obama is gone.

I cannot forget the lectures regarding Global warming as he and his wife gallivanted around the world on Air Force One while the rest of the little folks were encouraged to drive electric cars and use incandescent light bulbs.

I remember how his policies were designed to spy on average Americans while all of the while refusing to release his college transcripts, birth certificate, and other pertinent documents that might better explain just who this guy was.

I remember his Islamaphila and his protection of what he loved to call the “religion of peace.”  His affinity went so deep as to make sure never to call a terror attack “Islam terror” but rather “workplace violence.”

I remember his failure to rescue the four brave Americans in Benghazi and the lies he told to cover up his treasonous plans…as well as his jailing of an unknown Youtube film maker.  I remember his Iranian deal which set up his Muslim buds in the Middle East, and his failure to destroy ISIS.

I remember his hatred of the 2nd Amendment and his desire to take guns from law-abiding middle-America citizens.  I can never forget his doubling of the national debt and how his cut-and-run foreign policy in the Middle East strengthened the hand of his Islamic brethren.

Although we all know that our policemen aren’t perfect I will never forget how he did his best to demonize the men in blue and how he accused them of “acting stupidly” when simply doing their duty.

I hated how he bowed to foreign leaders and the American apology tour he undertook soon after being elected President.  I hated his support for the UN and his love of Globalism which was always causing America to take a back seat on the world stage.

I remember the lying media covering for him and the Hollywood deviants fawning all over him…not to mention border security, illegal immigration, free welfare for non-citizens and a cache ‘of other un-American scams that he pulled on the American people.

He militarized the Deep State against a duly elected President.  He used the IRS as a weapon.

President Obama did everything he could to destroy family, marriage, Christian morality, gender, and old fashioned American values.  He worked overtime to muddy the idea of right and wrong.  He may have been born in America but he certainly was no American.  We have yet to find out all of the damage that this anti-American plant did.  Aren’t you glad we have an American in the Oval Office?

I am so glad Obama is gone.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Facebook Is A Big Part Of This Brave New World

You Gotta Make People Think

I have to admit that I have this love/hate relationship with Facebook.  Social media, whatever that means, is all of the rage and whether or not we like it that is where you have to go if you want to be in touch with the world.

World is a pretty big word but Facebook really does put you in touch with the world.  I continue to be amazed that I can take a picture on my cell phone and in a matter of seconds my brother can view it in Europe.  Not only that, but I can do a live broadcast on my mobile phone that can instantly be seen around the world.

Facebook is a big part of this Brave New World.

The hate part of this relationship is that I find myself connecting with so many people that I would rather not connect with and as a result I find myself become increasingly discouraged by the intelligence of some of the people who label themselves as my “friends.”

Friend is a pretty nebulous term these days.  I have reached my quota of “friends” and have to confess that I have no idea who most of these people are.  It is sort of like going to a mega church where you “worship” with a whole boatload of people whom you have never met.

Like so many other things in our self-consumed culture “friend” has really become a meaningless term.  I have a myriad of fake friends on Fake book.

I bring this up because I love to use my Facebook posts to provoke people to think.  It is a lost art…thinking… and I am on a personal mission to irritate others to engage in this obsolete exercise.  In today’s touchy-feely culture most people have substituted emoting for thinking.  “Feeling” has supplanted truth as the foundation upon which an argument will be built.  Facts no longer matter.  Feelings rule the day. Anything that makes you feel good must be good, anything that makes you feel bad must be bad.

Recently one of the pieces of red meat that I threw out on my Facebook page didn’t take long for some of my “friends” to begin to accuse me of “discrimination”, as if that was a bad thing.  Just like the monkey-see monkey-do programming was designed to do their reaction rolled off of their tongues like balls down the gutter at the local bowling alley.

Words have lost all meaning.  The average Fake-booker, when regurgitating the word discrimination automatically thinks about race.  In the mind of the average American those two words are synonymous…racist and discrimination.  Nothing drives them battier than to point out that the world is full of discrimination and that discrimination is actually a good thing.

The fun part is watching them get angry as you point out the folly of their argument.  Anger has been substituted in place of a logical argument.  Remember, emotion rules the day.  The madder they get the more they think they have won the argument.

So, permit me to offer a few words or advice on how to use Fake-book to your advantage.  Because I have a method to my madness I find myself laughing at the responders rather than getting angry with them.  I throw the chum out on the table and watch them swallow the hook.  I rarely respond to what they post and that simply drives them crazy.

It is the dialogue that is important to me and I love to follow the post and enjoy watching my “friends” try to convince my other “friends” of their own wisdom.  Remember this…people get on Fake-book not to LEARN something but rather to TEACH something.  Everyone has an opinion and they love to pontificate in an effort to sway complete strangers to their way of feeling.

The most effective way to fight is to simply ask questions.  Don’t waste your time trying to win them over with persuasive arguments but rather put your effort into asking questions about what they just said.  Point out the foolishness of what the person just wrote and ask them to defend it by simply asking questions.

Just this week my Fake-book page blew up when I posted a series of seemingly non-connected statements.  Each one was designed to gore a sacred cow.  I have come to understand that it is through DIALOGUE not MONOLOGUE that a person is most likely to be persuaded.  Don’t make it a battle over who is right and who is wrong.  Heck, no one wants to lose that one.  But focus the debate on truth and facts.  You will be much more effective if you ask questions that will guide them to the truth rather than trying to cram the truth down their throats with your literary skills.

The greatest way to get them to change their mind is for them to come to the truth on their own.  Don’t worry about winning.  Just plant seeds.

The following are a list of questions that I posted on my Fake-book page last week.  I threw out the meat and I simply let the dogs fight over it.

♦ The dead sea is dead because nothing flows out…merely in.  Sound like most churches?

♦ Hillary loves planned parenthood.  Pp is racial genocide.  90% of blacks voted for black genocide.  Not very christian.

♦ Why do so many children born to bi-racial parents identify as black?

♦ If so many Christians are pro-life why is planned parenthood still funded?

♦ If whites are so racist why didn’t 90% of them vote for the white guy?

♦ Only fake Christians can’t see that Obama was a fake christian. Man in the mirror.  Hillary too.  Ryan too.  McCain too.

♦ Obama was a foreign government agent.  They convinced you he was black.  Color irrelevant.  Loyalty crucial.  Nation of fools?

♦ To deviate: veer of the norm.  Deviant.  Not normal.  Sexual deviants.  Kevin Spacey? Bruce Jenner?

♦ Have you noticed that most pedophilia in Hollywood is men on young boys?  isn’t that an odd way for heterosexuals to behave?

♦ Kevin spacey liked younger boys.  Weinstein liked younger women.  Was Corey Feldman molested by women?  why not?

♦  Stop buying the propaganda.  Think for yourself.  Easy to connect the dots if you take time to think.

♦ Facebook is a tool.  Use it to your advantage.  Don’t use it to make fake friends.  We must use it to challenge the status quo.  Simply light the fuse and watch the sparks fly.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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When Are You People Gonna Wake Up?

I spent nearly 35 years as a high school football coach and one thing I learned was that a coach is judged by the performance of the team.  When a team is under performing it is the coach that gets the boot.  No amount of blame shifting or excuse making will change things.  Every team is a reflection of its coach.

If churches were football teams there would be a lot of heads on the chopping block. The pastors have done a great job of changing the scoreboard.  Rather than measuring their success by the impact they are having OUTSIDE the church they have washed their hands of the “world” and instead invested their time in petting the sheep inside the pen.

Everything looks great on the inside while the world around them rots.  They have used all of their “salt” inside the building and permitted the ravening wolves to destroy the families on the outside.

Most of them have no idea what is going on in the real world and, even worse, they have no idea that they don’t know.  The salt is stuck in the salt shaker.

I don’t know if you know it or not but a year after the election of Donald Trump Planned Parenthood is still being funded by the Republican Congress.  There is only one reason that it continues and it is because there has been no demand from the PULPIT to stop it.

Most pastors do not HATE abortion.  They are pro-choice with exceptions.  If there is one thing that you can be sure of it is that God hates the slaughter of unborn children.  But abortion is political, they tell me, and they don’t want to “politicize” their pulpits.  Silence is consent.  Their silence IS a political position.

Over a year ago candidate Trump said to Hillary Clinton that abortion may be “alright with you but it is not alright with me.”  He sent a signal to America’s pastors that he was ready and willing to end the slaughter of the innocents.  But he never got an “Amen” from the pulpits. The stayed silent.

Their silence is deafening and our congressional representatives finally figured out that abortion really wasn’t that big of a deal in the Christian community any more.  Why would they waste all of that political capital on an issue that didn’t really matter to the base?  It is the economy, Stupid.

America has become a moral cesspool while the sheep play ring around the rosy inside their stained glass fortresses.  They continued legalization of abortion in America is the single greatest moral outrage since the selling of American human beings to other Americans human beings.

The pastors better hope that Jesus is as wishy washy about life as they are.

A friend of mine reintroduced me to an old Bob Dylan song from 1979 entitled “When You Gonna Wake Up?”  You can listen to it here.

God don’t make no promises that He don’t keep
You got some big dreams, baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep.

When you are going to wake up, when you going to wake up
When you are going to wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts
Karl Marx has got ya by the throat and Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots.

You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled
You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that’ll never cure your ills.

You got men who can’t hold their peace and women who can’t control their tongues
The rich seduce the poor and the old are seduced by the young.

Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools
You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules.

Spiritual advisors and gurus to guide your every move
Instant inner peace and every step you take has got to be approved.

Do you ever wonder just what God requires?
You think He’s just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires.

You can’t take it with you and you know that it’s too worthless to be sold
They tell you, “Time is money,” as if your life was worth its weight in gold.

When you are going to wake up, when you going to wake up
When you are going to wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Enough is enough.  Where is Franklin Graham on this issue?  Why are Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, and a mega load of mega pastors silent on this issue?  Why haven’t the leaders of the Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God, or a dozen other stuffed shirt denominational leaders engaged their congregations with the phony RINOS?  Why are we not beating down the doors of our congressmen?   Why would we expect our political leaders to care more about life than our pastors do?

I had a conversation with a congressman the other day and he punched me right in the mouth.  “Coach, my office never hears from Christians.  Everyone talks about how evil abortion is but it is the other side my office hears from the most.  I hate to tell you, but if abortion doesn’t matter to Christians then it won’t matter to my colleagues.  We never hear from Christians.”

God has given us the opportunity to end the scourge of abortion.  Why are our Christian leaders so cavalier about murder?  Won’t some leader please grab the ball and run with it.  The church has an opportunity to roll back four decades of decadence.  We can end abortion NOW!!

When are you gonna wake up and do your stinkin duty?

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Has Christians Become Too Nice?

Two weeks ago I officially qualified for Medicare.  I have no idea how I messed around and became this danged old.  It is a funny thing…age…they say it is a state of mind.  Why is it inside my head I still feel like I am 21?  I guess I am not really clear on which state my mind is currently passing through.

Am I the only one who finds himself looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection of a gray haired “Grampie” where a Greek God once stood?  Luckily my precious wife is aging right along side of me and her vision isn’t what it used to be.

But there are some good things that come along with getting order.  I call it the I-don’t-give-a-craps.  Earlier in my adulthood as I was forging my course in life I found myself biting my tongue a lot.  Climbing the ladder often required laryngitis and like so many others I had some young mouths to feed.  So I learned to “put a sock in it.”

But the older I get the more often that sock starts slipping out.  Now that I found myself on the downhill side of this thing we call life I have come to realize that it is much more desirable for me to be right than it is to be liked.  I hope people like me…but that is where the give-a-craps come into play.

I am tired of acting nice.  In fact, I am tired of “acting” in general and I have come to the conclusion that America is heading straight for the crapper because most of my Christian friends are still more interested in being liked than they are in speaking the Truth.

It’s not that I have ego problems.  I don’t mind being PROVEN wrong, but I am sick of the weenie Christian attitude that we are not supposed to be contentious.  Argumentative…I think that is what contentious means…and I cannot think of one human endeavor where you will be successful if you are not willing to fight.

That used to be a virtue…standing up for what you believe.  But in today’s snowflake world standing up for what you believe is not very Christian.  Christians are loving…and thoughtful…and pushovers…that’s why you never see the ACLU or SPLC attacking the Muslim faith.

When thinking of the average Muslim “kind” is not one of the first adjective’s to pop into an atheistic lawyer’s mind.  Christians are kind.  Muslims are…well you get the picture.  That’s why all of the pencil-necked lawyers chase the Christians out of the public square.  Christians “act” like Christians.  Christians think getting run over by the world is Christ-like.  In a face to face battle are you betting on the Muzzies or the Christians?  Your answer will speak volumes about the condition of the American church.

I warned you…I’m getting a serious case of the give-a-craps.  (Some of you are offended because I used the word “crap”).  That’s what I am talking about, Willis.  Save your holier-than-thou religious comments for someone else.

Now that we have made it through the love-fest masquerading as Christmas perhaps I could take this opportunity to open your eyes to the fact that, for the most part, American Christianity is worshipping a non-existent Jesus.  You heard me right.  Every time Christmas season rolls around we remake Jesus in our own image.

Just like you and me, Jesus made his way out of the crib.  He is no longer a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.  He is a risen Savior sitting at the Right Hand of God.  He is THE King of the Kings and THE Lord of the Lords.  Why do we fight so hard to make him seem so snowflakish?

I am beginning to think that all of this snowflakeism found its genesis in the nicer-than-Jesus evanjellyfish church.  “Who am I to Judge?”  Right?  Soft churches are full of soft men.

Aren’t the church and the snowflakes on college campuses tooting the same horn?  You know what I mean…the Gospel of Rodney King…why can’t we all just get along?  That would be fine except that isn’t the message that Jesus preached.

Can this creaked old bag of bones cut to the chase on you here?

Check out the Disciples of Jesus and you will find that they were not a bunch of non-offensive pretty boys.  Call me calloused but I can’t see the Apostle Paul wearing skinny jeans and puffy hair and being indifferent towards the slaughter of the pre-born.

John the Baptist was a pretty rough and tumble guy and I am pretty sure that he wasn’t very popular on the Synagogue speaking circuit.  He was about the most edgy and unpolished evangelist that the world had ever seen…unless you forget the Old Testament radicals Jeremiah, Isaiah, or Zeke.

In fact, did you know that Jesus is returning with blood dripping off of his garments and He is going to clean the place up?

Yes my friends, Jesus was born in a manager with no crib for a bed but that is merely where the story begins.  If you take the time to get your head out your Christmas copy of “Your Best Life Now” and back into the Bible you will find that Jesus is returning and He ain’t coming back in a baby stroller.

So, I am going to prepare for war.  It is time we stopped begging folks to “come to Jesus” as if we were inviting them to some multi-level marketing program.  The day of the Lord is a fearful day and it is time we cut all of the crap and start warning the wicked of the wrath to come.

It is time to stop “acting” like a Christian and time to start being one. If I am lucky I have 20 years left to live.  I’m going out fighting.  Who gives a crap what the Lord’s enemies think?  I’d rather be right than liked.  Do you care to join the fight?

Check us out at  We are training warriors for Christ.  It is time to get off of the Love Boat and onto the battleship.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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What Has Christmas Done To Christianity?

This is not what you think it is going to be.

This is not about the pagan origins of Christmas.   It is not about the placing of coniferous trees in your home.  It is not about the commercialization of the birth of Christ or even about the glorification of Santa and the lying to children about the jolly old elf.

Those are certainly bad enough and an argument can be made for how each of those examples is undermining the Incarnation of Christ.

But that is not what is destroying Christianity in America.

Permit me to be the first to say how much I enjoy the Christmas season.  My memory is flush with visions of sugarplums dancing in my head as a result of growing up in a large family in the sixties when things somehow seemed so much tamer.

Call it pagan if you like, but I have very warm and fuzzy images in my head of sitting around the Christmas tree and reading the Nativity story with our precious children as we explained to them the miracle of the virgin birth and God’s unique plan of salvation.

It is not the paganism that is undermining the Gospel, although it is, but rather the incomplete story of the birth of Christ.  Christ came to save us from our sins

This all came to a head last Sunday when I drove by our local porn shop only to discover that the building was covered with Christmas decorations…including reindeer on the front lawn.  Immediately the thought popped into my head “the light came into the world but the darkness perceived it not.”  There is something seriously wrong when the porn shop is joining in the celebration of the birth of the One who came to destroy sin.

How could both the church and the porno shop be celebrating the same thing?  Simple.  The American Church no longer teaches that we are to fear the Lord.

Statistics show that young Americans are leaving the church in droves.  The more we strive to make Christianity more relevant the more decadent the culture becomes.  Where have we gone wrong I found myself thinking as I drove past the slut shop all decorated in “gay apparel?”

Suddenly, it hit me.  The Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. 

That is the first image we place in the minds of our children when we introduce them to the King of Kings.  From their earliest days we inculcate our children with the image of the Savior of the World as a Babe lying in a manger.

When was the last time you ever heard of someone being afraid of a baby in a crib?

Stay with me here.

Looking for a clue I reread the popular manger story found in Luke and I was stunned by what leaped off of the page at me.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

The Glory of the Lord MADE THEM AFRAID!!  Despite what the Christmas Carols tell us, it wasn’t a Silent Night, Holy Night.  All wasn’t calm and all wasn’t bright.  The appearance of the King of Kings brought great fear to the Shepherds.

It wasn’t the cattle lowing…or the fact that the “Little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.”  The Christmas carols that we sing totally misrepresent the atmosphere on that night.  It was a night of awe punctuated by fear.  It was Holy, but it certainly wasn’t silent…at least not in the corridors of the doomed and the damned.  A deathly blow that night was delivered to the forces of darkness.

Although he may have been born in a stable the King of Kings was birthed on a battlefield.  Have you ever read the Nativity story in second chapter of Matthew?  What if this was the story that we taught to our children?  You would do well if you took time to read it.

Permit this synopsis.  From the moment Jesus was born in that manger the forces of darkness, led by King Herod, set forth to kill the Christ Child.  So real was the threat that an angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt.  When Herod could not find the location of the child he sent forth his soldiers to slaughter every male child under the age of two.  Matthew records:

In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.”

The kingdom of darkness responded to the birth of the King with unspeakable death, lamentation, weeping, and mourning.  The battle for the souls of man began in a barn.

What if that was the Christmas messaging that America Christians taught their children?  What if we spoke less of Ho Ho and more of hell?  What if we taught them that the battle between the two seeds was a violent one and that the followers of the Babe Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes should be prepared to fight to the death for the advancement of the Kingdom of Light?

Perhaps it was a Holy night.  Perhaps it was a silent night.  Perhaps His incarnation would eventually bring “peace on earth goodwill to men.”  But the silence of His birth was soon broken by the wail of heartbroken mothers. Like it or not the history since His birth has been filled with violence and death.

For most American Christians Jesus is still lying in a manger.  No wonder the porn shop celebrates Christmas.

Jesus is coming back and once again death will be following him.    He is returning as a Warrior King… and he won’t be wearing a diaper.

Ho! Ho! Ho! You won’t find that message coming down your chimney.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Is It Ever OK For A Christian to Lie?

That is a question that I was asked on my internet show this week.  The knee jerk reaction of most people I talk to is a without-hesitation “no.”

Please permit this shameless plug.  The show I broadcast five days a week is worth a listen.  It lasts an hour and is a powerful interactive show with audience participation.  We discuss all of the tough issues from a Christian perspective and have found that “in the multitude of many counselors is great wisdom.”  All of our shows are free and archived

Is it ever OK to lie?  That is a topic that we dealt with this week in regards to the Alabama senate race and particularly how it relates to Judge Roy Moore.

Stop!  This commentary is not about Judge Moore.  I am appealing to you, the reader, to weigh in on this issue because it is worthy of debate.  Many Christians of good conscience could not vote for Roy Moore because they felt he had not been honest about his past.  Without rearguing the situation in Alabama I am appealing to you for help.

Is it ever OK to tell a lie?

Whether we realize it or not, Christian values WON in Alabama on Tuesday.  The vote was not a rejection of values but an upholding of them. However, the Christian community was divided about whether or not Judge Moore was worthy of their vote.  Cast aside the arguments about his guilt or innocence…his right to the presumption of innocence…the political tactics involved in the accusations.  Christian values carried the day.  Those who voted for Judge Moore did it to advance the Kingdom.  Christians who didn’t vote for him believed they were advancing the Kingdom by demanding honesty.

I personally believe Judge Moore.  He said the accusations were bogus and I believe him.  Others did not.  But the Christian community was divided over which Christian value was most important…presumption of innocence or lying.  Evidently a whole gaggle of Christians who constantly tell us that we are not supposed “to judge” had no trouble passing judgment on Judge Moore.

In fact, if you check out the average Facebook page you will find “Christians” fighting over which virtue was most important.  Hence, the question that we addressed on the show and the question I put before you today…

Is it ever OK for a Christian to lie?

As a point of reference please allow me to issue a clarification.  The Ten Commandments never mention the act of lying.  The 9th Commandment refers to “bearing false witness against thy neighbor.”  It is my belief that ALL of the Commandments are in place as a means of protection of the innocent.  Bearing false witness is wrong because it is harmful to an innocent victim.  Is it ever wrong to tell a falsehood in order to PROTECT an innocent person?

Consider the following:

Would you lie to protect the safety of your children?  If a man broke into your house and asked you if there was any one else in the house and you knew your daughter was sleeping in a room in the basement would it be wrong to “lie” to the intruder to secure your daughter’s safety?  Would you be more “righteous” if you ratted out your daughter because “I cannot tell a lie?”

What if you were coaching a football team and on the last play of the game your team scored the winning touchdown, but you noticed that one of your players was holding on the play.  Are you obligated as a Christian to go to the referee and report the penalty on your own player thereby cancelling the touchdown and awarding the victory to the other team?  Isn’t permitting a violation of the rules to occur and costing the other team a victory “bearing false witness?”

Or how about this nightmare.  What if you are taking your wife out to a swank event and just before you leave the house she asks you “do I look fat in this outfit?”  How do you answer?  Would you be gut-honest and tell her “Yes” or would you reassure her that she looks fine even though you do think she looks a bit heavy in the gown.

Are you catching my drift?  Is it ever OK to lie?

How about this one.  What if you are running for office and you are the deciding vote as to whether or not the killing of innocent babies in their mother’s womb will end.  Let’s pretend that you did date a 14 year old girl forty years ago but the rest of the allegations were bogus?  If you knew that admitting to dating a 14 year old girl would prevent you from ending abortion would it be wrong to deny any involvement?

My friends, unfortunately morality is not as cut and dried, black and white as we would like for it to be.  Jesus said that he would no longer write the law on stone but that he would write it on the “fleshly tablets of our hearts.”  We often hear about “the lesser of two evils” but is there ever a time when two “honest” values come in conflict and that we are required to choose between “the greater of two goods?”

The Bible tells us that “the letter of the law brings death but the Spirit of the law brings life.”

Let’s face the facts, my friends.  That is the conflict that Christians faced in Alabama.  Which is worse…the telling of a lie in order to save the lives of the unborn or admitting to the allegations and permitting babies to die?  The conscience of many Christians caused them to stay home and as a result the overturning of Roe V Wade just became less likely.  More babies will die…but at least a “accused liar” was not elected.

Those who regularly listen to my show are looking for an answer.  I feel obligated to tell them the truth.  Perhaps you can give me some guidance.  Is there such a thing as a greater good?

Don’t throw stones at me.  I’m just asking the question.

Is it ever OK for a Christian to lie?

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Is Feminism Ruining Relationships?

I have to confess that all of this talk about sexual harassment of women is driving me a bit crazy.  I also know that it is getting more and more risky to speak out against the established narrative as presented to us by the national thought police.

I know I’m in danger of being called a misogynist, but my tongue is beginning to swell from being gnawed on by my recently crowned molars.  At the risk of opening myself up to criticism from the feminazi mafia I have made the decision to choose my own manner of mutilation.

The soon-to-be slings and arrows hurled my way by the man haters lurking in the etherzone will be much less painful than the self-flagellation that comes from\personal censorship.  A wise man once said “to thine own self be true” and with that thought in mind I am going to attempt to draw first blood.

In all of the cackling about equality, and equal rights I find it amusing that we allow the fall-back position of so many “strong” women to be “he harassed me.”  Sex was designed to be a participatory exercise and in a nation that now declares all “genders” equal how are women able to get away with playing the role of the helpless, weaker victim in this charade of sexual victimization?

Whoa Nelly.  Before you start accusing me of being soft on rape, please understand that I think I know what rape looks like and agree with the Biblical standard of rape being a death penalty crime.  But “sexual harassment” is not rape…so spare me the moralizing, please.

Sex in the workplace is nothing new.  In fact, it has for decades destroyed more marriages than Hustler Magazine. Satan himself was the first single guy in recorded history to hit on another man’s wife and his philandering led to the downfall of the entire human race.

Yes, my friends, all adultery begins with flirtation and, like it or not, many a romance began with a pat on the rump or the twist of a tongue.  If Adam had simply manned up and defended his wife’s honor perhaps Matt Lauer would still have a job.  In sexually liberated America fornication has replaced bobbing for apples as the activity of choice of most unmarried couples.

I wonder how many of the “strong” women that Lauer “victimized” took his bait in hopes of trading a little affection for a possible career boost.  Sex is often about power and you will never convince me that modern professional women are not aware of the power that lies a few inches below their belly button.  For every woman that was appalled by Lauer’s advances there were probably ten who swallowed the hook.

Puhleeze…spare me the “he took advantage of me” sob stories. I was in attendance at the Million Woman March in Washington and I saw a boo-coo number of signs extolling “P-ssy Power.”  (Those were their words not\mine.)  So evidently our feline friends understand a bit more than they let on about the concealed weapon they carry in their pant suits.

Look folks, as much as we would like to we cannot have it both ways.  We can’t have our cake and eat it too.  How in the world can the “liberated” American female cry inequality while holding the power of sex like the sword of Damocles of their male co-workers?  Sorry to be so pig-headed, but I think men deserve better treatment than that.

It takes two to tango and a woman can say “no” just as easily as a man can.  One can only imagine the number of men in the work place who have been jerked around by some pretty thing batting her eyes and swinging her hips only to receive a face-palm when they “misread” the bread crumbs that she dropped as she walked by.

Let me drop\another truth crumb and then you are free to hurl your epithets my way.  Modesty is a thing of the past in America.   When fornication has become nothing more than another social activity it is apparent that women are not always offended by WHAT a man says to her in the workplace, but rather WHO the man is that says it.  If she likes the dude it is flirting.  If she doesn’t, it is harassment.

I recently saw a statistic that explained that nearly 70% of men under the age of 30 are not married.  As the old saying goes, “why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free?”  In this age of “P-ssy Power” the charge of sexual exploitation begins to ring hollow.  Are we to believe that ALL American women are virtuous?

We are going to have to make a decision here in the good ole US of A?  Are men and women equal or not?  This selective outrage regarding pre-fornication dialogue is not going to end well.

Why do you think the girls loved to hang around Al Franken?  Remember, the old commercial, “membership has its privileges?”   How does one defend himself from sex charges when all he was doing was putting some bait in the traps?

Feminism is ruining relationships.

No wonder pornography and blow-up sex dolls are becoming so popular.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Protect The Flock With A Glock

Sitting ducks.

That is the way I described the recent church massacre in Texas.

“Like shooting fish in a barrel” one of my friends quipped.

I wish it was funny…but it is not.

It is time to admit that it is getting more and more dangerous to be a Christian in America today.  In the nearly 20 years in which I have been fighting in the cultural war I have never seen the LEFT so unhinged.  We will live to see the day where the White Anglo Saxon Christian becomes the most hated citizen in this land.

In fact, we already are.  We just have failed to recognize it.  For the most part our pastors and church leaders are oblivious to the god-hating army that is forming on the horizon.  Despite what the LEFT preaches to everyone they are motivated by rage and their 40 year march against everything Christian is coming to a grizzly climax.

I wish I had better news for you, but this won’t be the last group of Christians to be mowed down by a member of the tolerance spewing hate-mongers on the left.  The LEFT, despite their peacenik masquerade, still covet the thrones of society from where they can impose their diabolical agenda.

They don’t take losing well.  They throw a fit when things don’t go their way.  They have graduated from peaceful protests to mob violence.  They have traded in their cardboard signs for physical weaponry.  They have traded peace for violence in their attempt to force their dastardly ideology on God fearing people of faith.

Yes, my friends, the Devil is coming to church.

He arrived with a bang (sorry) last month.  Although we are told in the Scriptures that he “masquerades as an angel of light” he boldly removed his peaceful costume for everyone to see.  The Devil’s kids have thrown off any pretense of peace.  Murder is in their heart and they are determined to take it to a new level.

Meanwhile, the church plays patty cake.  Caught up in the euphoria of love Christians have failed to heed the call of the Savior.  He warned us that while the LEFT cries “Peace Peace”…sudden destruction cometh.  The hoards of hell are being released upon the peace-loving, God-loves-everyone American church.  What will it take to awaken our pastors?

Jesus told us the “greater love hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends.”  But He never meant for us to lie down and allow them to murder our family and friends.  Love is demonstrated best through protection.  Christians think non-violence is Godly.

Well the Devil is coming to church and it is high time for the MEN in the church to decide if they are going to answer the call to defend their neighbors.  “There is a time to kill” the book of Ecclesiastes tells us.  Am I the only one who thinks it is about time to fight back?

I don’t condone offensive wars.  It is not our call to randomly kill…to go on the offensive and start shooting everyone we disagree with.  But it also is not the time to cower sheepishly in the corner while the wolf ravages the flock.  Are you your brother’s keeper?   Would things be different in Sutherland Springs if a few good ole boys in that congregation had been packing?

It is not righteous to watch the innocent be slaughtered.  It is one thing for the individual to choose to die without a fight…but it is quite another to watch your neighbor die because you refused to fight.  Is it Christian to allow your neighbor to die because you refused to take up arms?

Let me cut to the chase.  The LEFT loves death.  They will kill you to get their way.  If you have not come to that realization then you are auditioning for a role as a sitting duck.  I love you enough to shake you out of your comfort zone.

It is time for you to start carrying a gun.  Maybe you don’t care if someone picks YOU off during the singing of “Amazing Grace” but is it possible that your neighbor would like to hang around the earth a little bit longer?  If you loved your neighbor wouldn’t you want to do everything you could to protect him?

Start carrying a gun in church.  Hide it under your jacket.  Teach your wife to do the same.  Let your pastor know that when some dude comes walking into the church guns a blazing that you are prepared to introduce him to the Lord.  Get a security team organized in your local church.  Stop being as presumptuous as to expect the Lord to protect you when you won’t take steps to protect yourself.

It is time we put the pressure on our pastors and told him to man up.  Tell him to get his conceal carry permit.  Ask him if he is prepared to defend the flock against a sin ravaged Antifa member.

Wear this shirt to church.   Order one for your pastor as a Christmas gift.  Dare him to wear it.  It is time for the world to realize that men who defend their families are welcome back into the church. The church has played sissy long enough.  Let’s make manhood “Christian” again.

You can order the shirts here.  Just make a donation and we’ll send one your way.  The Devil is coming to church.  Protect the flock with a Glock.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Judge Roy Moore And Give Us Barabbas

“Those without a sin cast the first stone.” I couldn’t care less what Judge Roy Moore did forty years ago.

There.  I said it.

I’ve heard all of the cat-calls from the more-righteous-than-thou Christian Moore bashers.  It makes me want to stick my finger down my throat.  Their hypocrisy SCREAMS but they can’t see it because of the beam in their own eye.

Instead, they call me a hypocrite because I say I don’t care what he did when he was thirty.  Evidently, they have no past.  There is nothing in their own closet for which they would be ashamed.  I wish I could have led such a perfect life.  It must be nice to have no need for a savior.

But I sure needed one.  I jokingly refer to myself as an UNCONVICTED felon.  The only reason I am not in jail is because I got away with my crimes forty years ago.  At least I thought I had…until I realized that there was a day of reckoning coming between me and the Ultimate Judge.

Someone told me about the death of Jesus and the significance of His blood in my personal redemption.  I accepted HIS sacrifice as payment of my own personal sins and have walked the straight and narrow ever since that day in 1987.

As much as I want to I can’t undo the past.  I can’t go back and make right all I did that was wrong.  All I can do is seek forgiveness and begin again as a new creature in Christ.

Let me ask a question of all of the holier-than-thou-Christians that I come across on social media.  Are you forgiven of YOUR sins?  Are you disqualified from leadership because of things you did BC…before Christ?  Or would you like to be judged by things you have done SINCE you have been redeemed?

I tell people that if they hear stories about my wild nature before 1987 go ahead and believe it because it is probably true.  But that is a line of demarcation in my life.  They old me died at the cross and I walked away a new man.

Does that not apply to the life of Judge Moore?  That’s why I tell you, my pietistic fellow believer, I don’t care what he did forty years ago.  He is every bit as forgiven as you.

“But he committed a horrible act with a young girl.”

Yes, that is what is alleged.  But no one is presenting any credible evidence that he committed a crime…only accusations that he had a “creepy” predilection to teenage girls.

Are you disqualified because of your behavior done in secret?  Would you like your internet history over the past six months to be exposed to the whole world?

Judge Moore may have committed a sin but there is no evidence he ever committed a crime.

I remember what I was at age thirty.  I bear no resemblance to that punk today.  I hope you will judge my life from my New Birth.  I left that old man at the Cross.

I don’t expect the lost world to understand redemption but I have a bone to pick with Christians who act like they work for CNN.  It happened forty years ago.  Judge Moore at seventy is not the same man as Judge Moore at thirty.

In all of my years of following politics I don’t believe I have seen a bolder, more righteous politician than Judge Roy Moore.  He has sacrificed his job…TWICE…for his uncompromising stand.  He is everything Donald Trump wasn’t.

During Trump’s run for the White House the same folks now criticizing Judge Moore were criticizing The Donald for his recent “fake conversion” and phony Christianity.  Now they have their Bible pointed at Judge Moore and are refusing to offer him the same grace that they themselves have received.

I believe God has given us a Godly man in Judge Moore by which all politicians should be measured.  His life’s work has been one of honoring the Lord.   If he goes down it will be because of the knives in the back from Christians who do not “forgive others their trespasses” as they have been forgiven.

Freakin hypocrites.  America is hanging by a thread.  “Give us Barabbas.”

I know what I used to be.  I know what I could be today were it not for the grace of God.  This Godly, forgiven man needs the support of his brothers…NOW!  Don’t give the Devil another scalp.  Christians love martyrs more than they love winners.

Please watch and share this video with others.  I’m all in for Judge Roy Moore.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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America A Captured Nation: Diversity, Multi-Multuralism And Political Correctness

This is a bit long…but I promise it is worth it.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within… An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

“For the traitor appears not a traitor;  he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” —Cicero (106-43 BC)

A coup has taken place in America.  Our nation is no longer controlled by “the people.” Our domestic enemies are now officially in power.  We are no longer free, we just think we are—and it has happened on our watch.

What we have failed to realize is that the Spiritual War and the Cultural War were one and the same. Because of our ignorance, the Church has engaged in the former but has ignored the latter.  We did not understand that the “war in the heavenlies” manifests in the world.  Our failure to fight for Truth has given us a nation ruled by liars.

We are a sin-laden nation because we have codified evil into the law.  Content to focus on the “saving of souls” we have neglected Jesus’ admonition to “occupy until He comes.”  As evil flourished, the Church retreated.  We have failed to recognize that the battle in the heavenlies was for control of the earth.   Jesus prayed that His Kingdom would come ON EARTH.  We have yielded the earth and submitted to evil.

Cicero was right.  Evil did not come dressed up in a red suit and carrying a pitchfork.  It has come clothed in a three-piece suit and brandishing an Ivy League degree.  While we looked for an army riding tanks and planes, we have been over run by a force promoting education and arts.  Using guns and bullets would have been too obvious.  This war has been fought and won with words.   Language was their weapon of mass destruction.

Paul warned us of this in Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

They called it multi-culturalism and it was promoted in our schools, but the formal name is Cultural Marxism.  It gave birth to “political correctness” where thoughts became crimes.  But it did not happen by accident.  The only thing standing between Communism and world dominance was Western Civilization and its underpinnings of the Christian value system.  The only way Communism could advance would be if Christianity could be rendered powerless; or, as Jesus said, if the salt was to lose His savor. [Order “Cultural Marxism” DVD]

Do you remember the cries of the hippies?  “Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Western Civ has got to go.”  It was the fight song of Communism.  The only thing preventing government from being god was the fact that the throne was already occupied.  Twentieth century American’s believed that Jesus was God.  The followers of Marx and his acolytes knew that in order to ascend to the throne they would have to overthrow God. They would advance gradually.  “Make haste slowly” was their mantra and they would be patient.

They seized our public schools and infiltrated the universities.  They captured the media, Hollywood, music, art, literature, science, history, civic organizations, and the seminaries.  They changed the world by changing they way we thought about words; tolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity were their linguistic weapons. (Is it just me or are those words permeating all of society today?)  Do you think this happened by accident?

They would use our children to impeach God.   Applying Critical Theory they would attack all things Christian.  The Boy Scouts were bigots, the Ten Commandments were judgmental, Christmas was exclusive, and traditional marriage was discriminatory.  They brainwashed us to think that real Christians were inclusive and tolerant, that truth was relative, that all cultures were the same and that homosexuality was not a sin.

They didn’t have to kill Jesus, only His influence.  To be considered a good citizen in this new America, one only had to be tolerant of everything and believe in nothing.  In fact, to be sure that you kept your thoughts to yourself they began to call certain thoughts “crimes.”  They attacked you and even destroyed you if you dared to speak against them.  Slowly, the voice of Jesus was muted.

Into the void the god-haters slinked.  A different Christianity and a different America emerged. The God of judgment and wrath was dead and a resurrected “non-judgmental” Jesus became the new god that the new America embraced.

“Democracy is the road to socialism.” said Karl Marx.

“Democracy is indispensable to socialism,” said his buddy Vladimir Lenin.   “Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever. Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.  A lie told often enough becomes the truth,” Lenin went on to say.

Elected officials call America a democracy.  Our school books teach the same.  Yet we are not a democracy.  We are a Constitutional Republic, a nation of limited government chained down by a Constitution.  Kill the Constitution and the Marxists can create or ignore the law.  Change the words, change the world.

Communism can only thrive in the absence of the Gospel.  Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.  Lady Liberty has been nearly decapitated.

But the battle is far from over.  Each one of us is going to have to make a decision on just how valuable we think liberty is.  Are you willing to sit silently as the chains of slavery are forged for your children?  Ben Franklin warned us, “Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.”   We should heed his words.

Washington DC is rapidly becoming the enemy.  It is the terrorists with Ivy League degrees that should scare us.  The ideological wars are really a religious war. Intellectual terrorism has reaped more havoc on this land than ISIS ever will. Will the God of the Bible and the Principles that He declares rule on earth?  Or will we give in to the “tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world.” Our generation will make the decision.

Marxists are in control of America.  They are not liberals, they are not progressives, they are Communists. Their godless system has failed every place it has been tried.  America is their beachhead.  Will she be overthrown?  Will Jesus lose this Spiritual battle?  Will He yield the world once again to the Devil?  I think not.  “For the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.”  We are His ambassadors on the earth.  It is time to do our duty.

So here is a good place to start.  Let’s take back our language.  Stop allowing the cultural Marxists to create new labels.  Do not seek love and approval from the world, speak the Truth and let the chips fall where the may. We must call things what they are.

  • “Progressives” and “liberals” are Marxists.
  • “Conservatism” is counterfeit salt.
  • “Pro-choice” means pro-baby murder.
  • A “fetus” is an unborn child.
  • “Tolerance” means acceptance of sin.
  • “Gays” are sodomites.
  • “Affirmative Action” is white male discrimination.
  • An “undocumented worker” is an illegal alien.
  • The “mainstream media” are Marxists.
  • The “religious left” are humanistic socialists.
  • “Social justice” means advancement of homosexuality.
  • “Reproductive rights” is a buzz word for abortion.
  • “Sex education” is destruction of natural childhood modesty.
  • “Economic justice” is welfare.
  • “Government investment” means taxation.
  • “Sensitivity: means keep your mouth shut.
  • “Diversity” validates deviant ways to engage in sex.
  • A “Republican” is a socialist and a “Democrat” is a communist.
  • An “expert” is an academician with no practical experience.
  • “Public education” is atheistic, humanistic indoctrination.
  • “Separation of church and state” legalizes Christian discrimination.
  • Supreme Court “decisions” are opinions and are not laws.
  • “Christianity” is not a religion; it is a kingdom.
  • “Change” means Communism.

America can be saved if Americans will wake up. Domestic enemies have seized the Republic.

Stop using their words.  Words have power.  Let’s call a Marxist a Marxist.  Stand up and speak up.  Our kids are depending on us.

Otherwise, see you at the Gulag.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

The Deplorables Are Digging In

The best thing you can possibly do for your sanity is turn of ALL television news.

All of it…including FAUX News.   We just don’t understand how deep the deception goes.  There is no such thing as “conservative” news and “liberal” news.  In fact, any news organization that tells you that they are bringing you “fair and balance” news cannot be trusted.

There is no such thing as fair and balanced Truth.  Truth stands on its own and does not have multiple perspectives.  Truth has no left side and no right side.  There are never two sides to the Truth.  Fake news is not real news.

I remember from the old Perry Mason shows that my parents used to watch when I was a child that witnesses placed their left hand on the Bible, raised their right hand, and swore to tell “the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.”  Not fair and balanced Truth.  Not liberal or conservative truth. Today, Truth has become and opinion.

Today’s media is designed to confuse you.   It is structured  to get you to question the obvious.  The media have taken a page from the book of the sleight of hand magicians who ask “Are you going to believe me or your eyes?”

We no longer believe our eyes.  Lying has become so common place…so much a part of the culture of America today…that it no longer bothers us when our elected officials lie to us.

“How do you know when a politician is lying?” goes the old joke.

“When you see his lips moving” rattles the punch line.

Well most Americans are punch drunk and incapable of discerning the Truth from propaganda.  That is what the mainstream media has done to us.  They have fogged our memories…bombarded us with fake news…to the point that we continue to re-elect the very people who lie to us.  We have lost the ability to think.

But there is a stirring going on in America.  A slow awakening is leading people to the realization that something is VERY wrong and that somewhere along the line we have been snookered.  The sleeping giant is beginning to roll over.

A steady stream of lies and disinformation is about to run dry.  Millions are finally finding their way to dry ground.  One by one the shoes are beginning to drop.

As much as you may hate to admit it much of the credit for this awakening is a direct result of the tactics of President Trump.  His no-holds-barred attack on FAKE NEWS has emboldened a former silent demographic of the American populace to once again “question authority.”

Isn’t it ironic, that same slogan planted during the rebellious sixties by LSD proponent Timothy Leary is resurrecting in the hearts of the now grandma and grandpa former hippies?  Leary and his communist cohorts embedded rebellion in the hearts of these same once-teenage gray hairs and today the “deplorables” are leading the charge against the now-socialist government.  It is a beautiful thing to watch.

These now “oldtimers” have rebelled against a corrupt political system and four decades of socialist indoctrination to realize that they have lost the great nation that they thought they were leaving to their grandkids.

The genie is not going back into the bottle.

Most of the former hippies have watched with disdain as the President they elected is being assailed from all sides…including the “conservative Republicans” that they have been taught all of their lives were fighting for their values.  The mask has come off.  Their eyes are finally open.  They long for a return to a nation in which their grandbabies can be free.  They see it rapidly slipping away as a result of the wanton neglect on their watch.

The Left is losing and the Left knows it.  They have pulled out all of the stops in their attempt to dam up the flood of the “America First” cries from those who bear the scars of the Vietnam fiasco.  They remember what America used to be.  Trump is their champion…and they are aware of  all of his warts…but they have cast their lot with this unvarnished, rough American.

I am reminded of the time in 1989 when then Michigan basketball Coach Bill Frieder was fired by AD Bo Schemblecher over rumors of Frieder taking a similar position at Arizona State just days before the NCAA tournament began.

“A Michigan man will coach Michigan” a defiant Schembechler said upon Frieder’s release.  The 1989 Wolverines went on to win the National Championship under Michigan man Steve Fisher.

American’s are sick of the double talking globalists masquerading as their elected officials.  They have had enough of the Bushes, the Clintons, the McCains, and the McConnells.  They are up to their ears with the alphabet news channels.  They are sick of the education system and the anti-God, anti-American, anti-all-they-believe-in bilge oozing from the universities.

No one can predict how this whole thing is going to play out.  The Left is beginning to eat their own as ever bullet they fire ends up being a blank..  The Left is being exposed.  Everything the media tells them is fake and they are sick of it.

Will the American ship survive?  Will the globalists and their nefarious agenda carry the day?  What kind of nation will the former hippies leave to their posterity?

Their cards are on the table.  The pot is right.  The Deplorables have gone “all-in” with the man with orange hair.

Come what may they will not be moved.  They don’t believe the lying media and they don’t care what Trump has done in the past.  When it is all said and done they will take the Bo Schembechler approach.  The Deplorables are digging in.  Donald Trump is their man.

They have chosen an America-first man to lead America.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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What The Scriptures Warned Us We Would See

But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:  For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; Acts 2:14-16.

The Holy Spirit had just fallen upon the new believers in the book of Acts and they were a bit flummoxed about what was happening around them.  Peter, understanding their confusion and endeavoring to ease their anxiety simply reminded them of what was foretold by the prophet Joel.

“This is that boys,” I paraphrase him.  “Joel told us that this was going to happen.  Why are you all acting so shocked?”

Most Christians today do not read their Bibles.  In fact, for many, the Scriptures are more similar to the Fables written by Aesop than they are the inerrant would of God.  The Bible tells a story of the History of the Hebrew world as well as a road map to things which must “surely come to pass.”  We have so watered down the Word of God that many today simply approach it as a book of stories rather than an unveiling of pre-written history.

This commentary is directed towards true believers although it is my prayer that even the unsaved will be able to glean some truth from what they are about to read.  My goal is not to convince the non-believer but, rather, to convict the believer.  The Scriptures are full of sign post…road marks if you will…to show the hand of God moving throughout history.

This is that…is merely a sign post…a trail of breadcrumbs dropped by our Creator designed to reassure us that we are wandering down the correct path.  Because so many believers are looking for evidence of the finish line…the end of the age…they are clearly trampling over the breadcrumbs on the way to the rapture bus.

This is that…is a pretty significant statement.

The Holy Writ is lined with sign posts.

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 2 Tim 3:1-5

Sign post…this is that.

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.  And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.  Matt 24:4-8

Sign Post…this is that.

There is much being written in Christian circles today about the signs of the times and the significance of the sign posts.  Recently much of the Christian world stood with bated breath waiting for the “rapture of the church” which had recently been predicted to occur on September 23.  The date came and went and as far as I can tell most believers are still around.

Back in my days as a high school football coach we spent a great deal of time “scouting our opponents…looking for tendencies…habits the opponent had…any information we could amass that would give us a leg up on our opponent.

Well, the Bible gives us a masterful scouting report of how the enemy is going to be operating as we approach the end of the age.  When we see a world full of wickedness, rejection of Godly precepts, unexplainable instances of violence, sexual debauchery, and the rejection of all things righteous we should not be surprised.

This is that.  It is what the Scriptures warned us we would see.  God has shown us the Devil’s game plan for a reason.  We are not to be caught with our pants down.  We are warned about the foolish virgins who didn’t keep their lamps trimmed. The first chapter of Romans explains the suppression of Truth, the sexual anarchy, the eminent judgment of God, and the foolish darkening of the hearts of men.

Well my friends, this is that.  These days are upon us.

God has given us a remarkable game plan for the times in which we live.  We are exhorted to “not be ignorant of Satan’s devices.”  We are commanded to “work while the sun shines for a day cometh when no man can work.”  Like an old football coach Jude orders us to “earnestly contend for the faith.”

The purpose of the scouting report is not to point out how near we are to the end of the game but how we can best “occupy until He returns.”

Look out your window folks.  You can clearly see that the Devil is running his plays just as the Scriptures warned us he would.  What if Christ’s return is contingent upon His people working to make His enemies a footstool?

THIS IS THAT Boys!  It is time to stop watching the scoreboard and worrying about how much time is left on the clock.  This is that.

The question the Christian world should be asking itself today is what are we going to do about that?

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Stop Conceding The Truth To The Lying Left

If you do anything today make sure you take the time to read this powerful article written by Kurt Schlichter.  Until we realize that the LEFT HATES US and that they are playing for keeps we will never understand the battle before us.

God is Love and Jesus is the Truth.  So would I be wrong to state that the greatest expression of Love is Truth?

LOVE CONQUERS HATE the piously passive pew sitters tell us.  But they miss the point.  Love fights.  Love defends.  Love protects.  Love gets involved.  Love engages lies with the Word of TRUTH.  That is what Jude meant when he wrote that we should “earnestly contend for the faith.”

Can’t you see that love conquers hate by confronting it…not loving it?  Love is a person who destroys hate with Truth.  The Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth!!

Contending for the Truth is greatest expression of love.  Jesus is Truth.  Defending Truth is the greatest example of love.

But one four-word statement from Mr. Schlichter’s commentary jumped up and gob-smacked me like a sloppy lick from our German shepherd’s watery tongue.


That is what we have done my friends.  We have conceded their lies.  We have accepted their lying precepts.  We have compromised away our authority because we have refused to stand up and speak the Truth.  The Left’s entire plan of attack has centered around lies and in our desire to appear  “Christian” by being “tolerant” we have yielded the solid moral ground upon which our only sure foundation can be built.

The American culture war is being lost because of lies.  The Left’s lies.  They are incapable of winning if they are forced to deal with the Truth  American’s future has been destroyed not because The Left  have taken the low road, but because we have abandoned the high road.  There is no high road anymore.  That was the path that the church was supposed to guard.

To Wit:

The Lying Left has told us that there is a separation between God and morality.  They have steered the ship of state into moral anarchy by simply lying to us that there was separation between the church and state.  The Church simply rolled over and accepted the Lordship of government over the Lordship of Christ.  The Devil told Eve that if she would simply shrug off that moral law that she would be like God.  Today, the American church fears the government far more than they fear Almighty God.

The Lying Left told us that we could have sex without consequences.  They fought for the right of a woman to control her right to reproduction.  They told us that sex was for pleasure and a child was a burden.  The Church accepted that lie, lowered the bar, and yielded control of the sexual urges to The Pill.  Fornication is now commonplace and church members proudly “shack up.”  Personal morality undergirds corporate morality.  Right is right and wrong is wrong.   Jehovah is not at all inclusive.  He is the one who originally stated the premise that it is “my way or the highway.”  Wide is the path but narrow is the gate.  Despite what The Left tells you…few find it.

The Lying Left told us that a fetus was not a person.  The argument was so absurd that at first no one took them seriously.  But on January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court ruled in defiance of the Supreme Being that an unborn baby was simply a blob of cells.  We knew better then and we know better now.  Nearly 70 million lives later the LIE continues to carry the day.  Heck, today we fund the murder of the innocent in a feeble attempt to be compassionate.  Pastors refuse to broach the subject.  Politicians cast lots with the lives of innocent babies as the payoff to continued political power.  The Church has believed the lie.  Babies die as the Church holds fundraisers for meaningless causes.

The Lying Left told us that a man can marry a man.  They said that the Constitution guarantees them freedom from discrimination.  They said any two adults can make a family.  They told us that love has no gender and that holding fast to the standard of Biblical marriage is hateful.  They indoctrinate our children in this lie in government schools where your mandatory tax dollars support their lying.  They told us that no one chooses their gender.  They tell us that God “made them that way.”  They tell us we shouldn’t judge people.  Christians don’t even read the Bible they claim to follow.  They let the Lying Left tell them what the Bible really says.

I could go on.

We have to understand the disaster of letting lies go unchallenged.  Instead of agreeing that there is a separation between the church and state we should invest our energy in challenging that lie.  As soon as you acknowledge that a woman has a right to choose to murder her baby the battle has already been lost.  We strike out before we ever reach first base.

Racism is a made up issue.  Feminism is a lie that only gives men the right to be irresponsible. Man made climate change is a fraud.  Micro-evolution is as phony as a $3 bill.  The Left created the generation gap.  Large families are a blessing not a curse.

Everything the Left does destroys what was good.  They use lies to create a crisis where none existed.  They create it.  Market it.  Promote it.  Force us to pay for it.  Only to watch it destroy us.  We proudly partner in the suicide of moral values.

Instead of opposing the Lies of the Left our churches have adopted, endorsed, and Christianized them.  We have ignored God’s command to “have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”  Ephesians 5:11

“Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.  For what fellowship have righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?”  2 Cor. 6:14

We must shake off the Lies of the Left.  We must oppose them…expose them…and destroy them.  We must stop trying to be nicer than Jesus.

Only the Truth can make us free.  It is time to stop conceding the Truth to the Lying Left.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

I think it was Rahm Emmanuel of the Obama administration who is credited with that statement about a crisis.  And Lord knows that Obama and his demonic crew took advantage every opportunity that they could to bring division to America.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book.  Unfortunately, most Americans have been slow to catch on to the tactics that the sons of Satan have employed to reap havoc on once-Christian America.

We would be wise to learn a thing or two from them.

There is a crisis going on in America and most Americans…Christians especially…are too wrapped up in their own lives to see the opportunity that lies before them.  After an un-precedential nine months of division the Lord has blown our way an opportunity to bring the nation together.  As tragic as the Harvey and Irma have been there still remains the chance to make America great again, but that will only occur if Christians arise and make the church great again.

I confess to you as I write this that I am tired…weary actually…from three weeks of working with the hurricane ravaged survivors in Texas…and now Florida…in an attempt to not only help those who are left destitute…but to bring a sense of neighborliness back to this land.  Our fellow citizens are suffering in Texas and we cannot let this crisis go to waste.

It is time for YOU to get involved and make the church great again.

We have had “boots on the ground” over the past 2 weeks making a difference in Texas.  We have raised thousands of dollars for food and supplies and our teams have done a yeoman’s job of serving the needy.

But they are getting wearing.  From boat rescues, to cooking hot meals, to cutting up trees, and stripping out drywall, our volunteers have served their neighbors in time of need.  Pastor Bill Dunfee and some men from his church in Ohio drove 30 hours ONE WAY last weekend to make a difference.  There is so much to do.

I spent last weekend in Gulf Coast town of Rockport which took a frontal blow from Harvey.  We spent our time on the ground connecting with Christian ministries with which we could work.  Small town local churches and faithful pastors who were willing to share the natural bread as well as the Bread of Life to those whose lives have been turned upside down.  This is one of those crises that we cannot let go to waste.

Can you help?   You can do it 2 ways.

Number one you can donate.  Simply go to and help us help them.  At the end of this commentary there will be a couple of short videos I pray you will watch.  You will see what we do with the funds that you donate.  We place it directly into the hands of those on the ground who can make the greatest difference with the money.  No overhead.  No bloated office staff.  No fancy motels.   Our crews sleep on the floors of churches.  The money goes to those who need it.

But just as importantly, we need BODIES.  I read all of the time about the mission trip that folks make to Haiti or South America.  We need churches and men’s groups to plan Mission Trips to America.  We have made scores of contacts on the ground and we would love to be able to plug your group in.

Couldn’t you find a group of 8 or 10 believers who will go serve their fellow man in Texas?

We will provide the housing.  We will provide the food.  We will provide the supplies.  But we cannot provide the man power.  We are a small, but effective army, and we are in need of recruits.

Won’t you help us make the church great again?  We certainly need your donations…but more importantly, we need your time.

Our plan is to rotate volunteers in over the next 6 weeks.  Pick a weekend, contact us, and we will plug you in.

Please take a few minutes and watch these short videos.

Check out this Korean Vet that we helped get back into a travel trailer after his home was destroyed.  WATCH

Here is a video with a Pastor after we put $2000 in her hands.  WATCH

This video shows the devastation and our outreach.  WATCH

We are doing great work.  The guys and gals on the ground are making the church great again.

Can you help?  Can you donate?  Can you load up a truck and come and help?  We will plug you in.

Let’s not let this crisis go to waste

Check out our page.

Pass The Salt. Box 744  Hebron, Ohio 43025.

All donations are tax deductible.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Rescue The Perishing

We are raising money for hurricane Harvey relief.  We have a long track record of effective disaster relief.  We believe it is the job of the church to rescue those who are perishing.

I would like to open with a story about a friend of mine.  Chris Keys is a man’s man and I say that in the truest sense of the word

Because I knew that he was from the Houston area I contacted him regarding on-the-ground-support of our relief efforts hoping he could make some connections for us in regards to partnering with local churches in the area.

When I spoke to him he was in a boat.  It seems that he had been prodded by the Lord to do what he does best…rescue innocent people.  He has a history of that.

On Mother’s Day weekend he was one of eleven Christian’s arrested outside of the last remaining abortion clinic in Kentucky.  He sat down in front of the door in attempt to stop women from killing their babies.  Chris was being Chris…rescuing the innocent.  He lives out the Scripture “greater love has no man than this than he would lay down his life for his friends.”  But I digress.

During our conversation on Monday he shared with me that his stump-grinding business had been booming and that he had never been busier.  That is, until his expensive piece of equipment broke and he had to give the jobs to other businesses.  His finances were taking a hit while he fought with the company over the repair of the machinery.

But rather than sit on his porch and suck on his thumb Chris decided to climb into a boat and go rescue those stranded in the flood ravaged areas.  He organized a small group of men and spent the day rescuing people.

His optimistic attitude is always an encouragement and he told me over the phone how much good they were doing but that he was running out of money for fuel and didn’t have the funds to do anything about it.

God is always setting the table.  It so happened that our ministry had just received an online donation of $1000 for our relief efforts and I immediately wired the money to one of Chris’ buddies whose four sons were getting ready to go join Chris.  In a matter of fifteen minutes an online donation turned into gasoline for Chris and his hearty band of boat warriors.

Chris called me at 4 am this morning.  He wanted to thank me and let me know that he and his crew were heading to Port Arthur where desperate cries for help had been heard.  It seems that there were very few boats in Port Arthur rescuing people so Chris did what Chris does best.  He drove to Port Arthur to rescue people.

He asked me for prayer.  He was cautious.  It was dark, pouring down rain, and treacherous.  He asked that I prayer for his safety and that of his crew.  I felt the urgency in his voice.  To rescue folks you have to go where they are.  That can be a risky proposition.

As we hung up the phone I asked him if there was anything I could do.  Did he need more money?  Yes, he said, but there was no way he could get to a bank right now and they would keep working until they ran out.  I pledged more money to him.  He said he would be in touch.

“Oh by the way” he said as he drove into the unknown.  “Just wanted you to know that we rescued about 50 people yesterday and we couldn’t have done it without the money.”

Chris Keys is making the church great again.

Would you consider supporting our efforts?  We are putting boots on the ground once the water recedes.  We offer them hope, and a hand, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The needs are overwhelming and anything we can do will only be a drop in the bucket.  (Sorry about the water analogy!)  But we partner with local churches and minister to the soul as well as to their physical needs.  People are most open to the Gospel in times of despair.

Once our logistics are in place we will be rotating teams in to the area to help with the efforts.  We are not big but we are effective.  The funds we raise go to small churches to help them build relationships within their community.

No one gets paid.  There is very little overhead.  Our housing is free and we provide the volunteers food.  Your donations are placed in the hands of those on the ground who best know how to meet the needs of the people.

FEMA, and The Red Cross are quasi government agencies.  They lack the personal touch and do not share the Gospel.  We do.  As the Scriptures teach, the storm has put many in the valley of decision.  Our volunteers go to share the Bread of Life and offer hope to a lost and dying world.

To donate visit or by mail to Pass The Salt, Box 744,  Hebron, Ohio  43025.  Your donations are tax-deductible.

Would you help us?  No donation is too small.  There are lives hanging in the balance.

Just ask Chris Keys.

© 2017 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: