Personality Changes and Heart Damage After Covid Vaccine

By Dr. John Ure, MD

December 17, 2022

Make no mistake about it we are in world war three at this time.  It is not a war with bullets and bombs, but rather one of biologic warfare.  I have been worried for years that we would be attacked by some nerve agent, or bacteria or virus.  I never dreamed that it would be by a vaccine.  Nor did I ever dream that people would be voluntarily standing in line and rolling up their sleeves to take it.  In fact it is not a vaccine at all but  composition of substances that will permanently alter your genetic makeup.   It has also been stated that the vaccination does not prevent one from acquiring Covid, nor does it show improvement in the healing course.  See my previous article on News With Views titled “The Jab.”

I became concerned that there was a real problem when I was talking with people and was told that coworkers, family and friends had changed.  They were just behaving differently.  It seemed that their ability to think and process information in problem solving had been diminished.  I have noticed these changes in people that I know, and they are behaving abnormally.

Also the basic feeling of love, compassion, and warmth was gone.  I have stated previously that we are electrochemical beings.  It appears that the aura surrounding the vaccinated has been damaged.  In giving a hug to someone vaccinated there is a feeling of coldness and uncaring instead of the warmth and pleasant feelings previously experienced.

I have searched the literature to find out just what is being transferred from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, but so far I have not been able to uncover what is going on.  I have concluded that something is happening, because it is reported that an unvaccinated woman who spent an evening with four vaccinated lady friends experienced an unusual menstrual flow outside of her normal cycle.  It does not seem to be a good idea to be around vaccinated individuals, but this has not been conclusively substantiated.

Another finding that really upsets me is that it has been conclusively demonstrated that the swabs shoved deeply into the nose were in fact inoculating the individuals with the vaccine instead of testing them for Covid.

I had great difficulty finding the information that I am sharing with you now.  I had to search in many ways until I found what I was looking for.

I have previously referred to an antigen antibody reaction.  To keep it simple an antigen is any foreign invader to the body.  A splinter could be referred to as an antigen.  In this case however the antigen is the spike protein that the MRNA vaccine encodes.  In other words every person that subjected themselves to the vaccine had the blueprint for a small portion of the corona virus injected into their bodies.  These spike proteins travel throughout the blood stream and are found adhering to the inside wall of the blood vessels.  When these antigens are found there is an antibody reaction that develops.  Along with this there is a cascade that develops that is a sister to the clotting cascade and a blood clot develops.  Now there is real trouble.  It is referred to as multifocal because it occurs in many sites, and when the clots form then the tissue that is being supplied by the microcappilaries dies.  This is referred to as tissue necrosis and expands through the tissue.

Understand that this occurs in all body organs and tissues but for this article I am concentrating on the brain and heart.

In the brain when these necrotic areas develop one sees changes in the individual such as one sees in Alzheimers and Senile dementia.  It has been likened to changes seen in individuals

who in the past underwent horrible medical treatment such as lobotomy, electroshock treatment, or insulin shock treatment.  To see the effects of electroshock treatment, one can view the film “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.”

A lobotomy was done by shoving an ice pick into the upper part of the eye socket of each eye and then it was swished around.  The frontal lobes were severely and permanently damaged.

Electroshock treatment consisted of placing an electrode over each sides of the junction of the temporal and frontal lobes and then passing large amounts of electric current through the brain.  This caused much memory to be erased and the individuals lost a great deal of the love and compassion that one normally has.

Insulin shock treatment was done by administering large amounts of insulin to an individual until coma was induced and then they were recovered by giving sugar.  When they regained consciousness they were happy to be alive but had become very docile individuals with totally changed personalities.

Anyone who has been following this so called plandemic has become aware that over 1000 athletes in all sports have dropped dead when engaged in strenuous activity.  This is being caused by damage to the heart in a similar way as the brain is damaged.  Pathologists have shown on the slides of the deceased vaccinated at autopsy that there is multifocal necrotic tissue as well as fibrotic scar tissue.  Spike proteins were also visualized.  These damaged hearts are not reparable.

Another frightening aspect, is that the World Health Organization has now authorized all future vaccines to be of MRNA technology, for example making a flu vaccine with MRNA carrier.

It was revealed by my research that Bill Gates has moved to the number two position as backing the WHO.  Who is now giving the WHO the most money?  Germany!!!  Germany has been at the forefront for years in the manufacturing of chemicals and many pharmaceuticals are manufactured there including the Covid vaccines.

One individual in my research stated that the Third Reich is raising its ugly head again. As stated earlier, we are in WW III, but not with bombs and bullets, but with biologic warfare.

All vaccinated for Covid are in grave trouble.  Once the spike protein is in the body it cannot be taken out.  I believe that many will die over the next few months.  As if the above information was not bad enough, there will be many more dying as a result of auto immune diseases when the body attacks itself secondary to the antibodies that come from the spike proteins.

Do not look at the main stream media for evidence of what I have stated.  They are all run by the Globalists and the true facts are covered up and not reported at all.  The end game as stated by the Globalists is to get rid of the Useless Eaters.  Do your own research.  Do not get

vaccinated if you have not already, and if you have had the vaccine do not take any additional boosters.

© 2022 Dr. John Ure – All Rights Reserved

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The Jab

By Dr. John Ure

I decided recently from my study that I am a targeted individual, known as a TI. Just what is a TI you are asking? Well, it is someone such as myself who is intelligent, knowledgeable, truth seeking, and willing to either speak the truth about atrocities, or at least not write scripts for medications I felt were harmful. Where has this gotten me? Under attack by the system.

I have been a licensed physician for 40 years and know I have been a positive influence on untold numbers of lives. Some were saved in the ER, and I believe had it not been for my actions and the nurses working with me, patients would have died. I am not in the ER or clinic at this time and do not know if I will have the privilege of going back into that setting. What I do know is that I would not want to be there having to deal with all the rules and regulations that have been put into place by the powers that be who have knee jerk reactions. You know all of the things I am referring to because we all have been impacted by them. The following are titles I could have used for this article and I hope those of you who take the time to read it are able to come away understanding just why you do not want to take the JAB.

Why You Must Refuse the Vaccine

It Is Not What You Think

They Are Lying To You

It Will Kill You

The reason this article is called the JAB is because it is not a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine is a molecule injected into your body to allow your system to manufacture an antibody to a disease process. What is being called a vaccine is in no way, shape or form a vaccine. It is a product designed to achieve a specific outcome. Bottom line is that in the lab they took a few pieces of genetic material they say codes for the spike protein and wrapped it in a lipid envelope and then injected it into the individual. We do not know what the code is calling for exactly but they tell us that it is for the genetic material of the virus that calls for the spike protein of any of the corona viruses.

One can visualize this as if it were a recipe for a food dish with the MRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) taking the code and entering the cell and telling the ribosome (the site of protein synthesis) just what protein to make. All of the RNA and DNA background can be seen in greater detail in my earlier articles. Here is the big deal, we have no idea really what they have coded for. Do you really trust the government or big Pharma to tell you the truth? Those JABS are going to take between 4 and 14 months to prove to be deadly.

Two experts, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a doctor with the same credentials as mine, and Judy Mikovits an expert in virology have said the same thing. They both agree that around 50 million people will die because of the JAB. AT 30 days into the so-called vaccine program there were 40,000 adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAER). As Dr. Tenpenny stated, we are at a critical juncture of time. We can no longer pussyfoot around trying to be sensitive to the snowflakes or whatever group you can think of. Those with intelligence, knowledge and wisdom need to stand firm and speak out about what the government is doing is DEAD wrong.

There have been 3,100 cases of anaphylactic shock. What is really shocking is that it is estimated that only 10% of adverse reactions or death are being reported. Can you imagine the true number of adverse incidents? Right now, there are paid actors stating why you should take the vaccine. We have nurses and doctors dancing around and shouting “I got the vaccine; I got the vaccine.” They are not going to be dancing when the ill effects begin to unfold. Bell’s Palsy, neuropathies, and cardiac arrhythmias could be expected to develop.

When people get an autoimmune reaction, and die of a blood disorder like the doctor in Florida who developed thrombocytopenia and suffered a hemorrhagic stroke following a JAB, we have to take notice. It is sad that his widow said that she believed he did the right thing taking the JAB, she is obviously in denial.

Check out the large numbers of post JAB deaths that are outlined on the site of Dana Ashlie. It is unbelievable, and yet they are clamoring for the JAB everywhere. You will not see pictures or read articles of the unfortunate victims of this evil agenda because mainstream media is owned by the individuals behind this Machiavellian attack.

It was reported to me by my office manager that a lady she knows had a 28-year-old daughter. She took the first jab and was ok. When she took the follow up second jab, she died two days later. Reinette Senum reported that a male friend of hers was in the ER of a local hospital. He noticed a female nurse being pushed in a wheel chair and thought they were test driving a new wheel chair. He realized something was wrong when they put her on a bed beside his. The curtain was pulled around her but when the doctor came in, he had no trouble overhearing the conversation. The doctor asked her what was wrong and she said that her throat was swelling and she could not swallow.

He then said, “I took the vaccine and my arm was paralyzed for 36 hours.” What is wrong with these people? There is no need for me to list the numbers of people, their ages and situations that have died as a direct result of the JAB.

These deaths are found in lists all over the internet. Just yesterday a neighbor was visiting with me and she proudly stated that she had taken her vaccination. I asked her what type, and again she proudly stated it was Astra Zeneca the best. She has no idea that she has sealed her fate and I estimate that she will be dead in less than two years.

At this point I am shifting gears just a bit because there are so many strands in this evil web and they are all interconnected. I have already written about 5G and just how horrible it is and how it is being used as a weapon. Get out of the cities and learn how to make a Faraday cage around your rooms to prevent the microwave 5G, 60 Ghz radiation.

I know this was sounding the alarm for the JAB but I wanted to reinforce just what is going on with the 5G further. When I was a science teacher I taught about electrons and the spin of the electrons and the various orbits. I already had suspected that the absorption of oxygen was being interfered with but had not come across the following.

5G is adversely affecting the spin of the electrons interfering with the way that they are supposed to bind to hemoglobin. In short, I firmly believe there may not be a virus at all and it is all the effect of the radiation. If you have not read my previous article regarding 5G, please do so. This is the reason people were dying. Simple oxygen starvation because the molecules of oxygen in the air had been modified. Also, I have found the way the radiation adversely effects the animals and the insects.

Studies have shown that ants will align their antennae to the radiation and when a cell phone was turned on then they went around in a circle around the phone. I challenge you to go out in your yard and try to find a honey bee. They are really rare and many other insects are not to be found. This in turn is affecting all of our plants and animals with trees dying everywhere.

On top of that, all of the chem spraying in the sky t has placed on us toxic heavy metals such as aluminum which cause many disease processes, and also acts as an accelerant to fires. Once again see my previous article on the fake forest fires, which were the result of directed energy weapons.

I know it sounds as though I’m crazy but I believe our sun is being covered by some technology that I am not aware of. I had noticed that the color from the sun is not right. It is a much whiter light than in the past. The colors of the grass and trees is more like it was being illuminated by a LED type of light. It was always a bright yellow and you could look at it for a few seconds before feeling discomfort. Now if you look at the sun it is so bright that it is painful to continue looking at it.

I do not know what the agenda here is but it probably upsets a balance of sorts. We are being attacked on so many sides with additives in our food, fluoride in the toothpaste and water, food without the nutrients it once had and all of the radiation, as mentioned above with the adverse effects on life in general.

As people die from the 5G, a fake virus is brought out with a test that gives false positives. Then we have the masks with some type of worm or parasite or manufactured particles in them. Throw in the swabs that I had suspected were actually inoculations which seems to be the case. Now we have the vaccines that are designed to kill.

People are scared to death. The end game is population reduction any way it can be achieved. I do not have an answer. I wish I did, but I can tell you some things that may help. Try to stay as far away from the wireless technology as you can. Put covers over the smart meters. Put a blocker over the wifi transmitter. The signal is much stronger than it needs to be. I think the most important thing to do is get out of the cities, and stop going into the metropolitan areas. Grow your own heirloom food. Shop at stores who sell organic foods; even though the grass-fed beef may be more expensive it is better for you. In fact, I am convinced a vegetarian diet is the best.

In conclusion, I saw a comment on a video that I am adopting. “It is time to stop trying to wake up the Sheeple, but wake up the LIONS and let’s start to fight.”

Comments by email are appreciated. The following is from Sherri Tenpenny’s work and is very important information.

POSTED BY: VAXXTERADMIN2 12/27/2020 by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, VAERS report of injuries as of Feb. 4, 2021: 563 deaths – 12,697 injuries

VAERS report of injuries, as of Feb. 18, 2021: 1095 deaths – 19,907 injuries

In December 2020, the first vaccines for coronavirus disease were granted an EUA – Emergency Use Authorization – by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Vaccine administration began immediately.

Were you first in line? I hope you were not, and I hope no one you care about ran to get this injection either. This is not “just another vaccine” and this is not “just like getting a flu shot.” The ingredients are experimental and the mRNA is coded to produce a protein that CAN modify your genes.

What We Know About the COVID Vaccines According to the Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, as of Dec. 26, 2020, 83 vaccines are in Phase 1, 2 or 3 human and animal clinical trials, with 18 approaching the final stages of testing. Never before have so many companies tested so many different vaccines at the same time, against a virus that has not been isolated. Of those in the trials, five vaccines are now early use, with three vaccines approved for clinical use… Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.

Here’s what we have been told so far: Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) Pfizer’s vaccine – given the tentative name Comirnaty – has been approved for persons 16 years of age and older. The mRNA vaccine consists of two doses (30mcg solution in 0.3cc) given intramuscularly 21 days apart. The vaccine must be stored at -94F (-70C). mRNA is an unstable molecule, which is why it needs to be wrapped in lipid nanoparticles for storage and transportation. But the lipid nanoparticle is exquisitely sensitive to temperature; hence the reason that the vaccine must be stored and transported at extraordinarily low temperatures.

The ingredients found in Pfizer’s vaccine include the following: ▪ nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 ▪ Lipid: (4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl) bis(hexane-6,1- diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) ▪ Lipid: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. [DSPC] ▪ Lipid: 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N, N-ditetradecylacetamide ▪ Lipid: cholesterol ▪ potassium chloride ▪ potassium dihydrogen phosphate ▪ sodium chloride ▪ disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate ▪ sucrose.

Note that none of the ingredients are listed with milligrams dosage. Look at the first three excipients. Not one of these has ever been used in a previously approved vaccine. Have they been tested for synergistic toxicity? Has there been stability testing for the breakdown of each ingredient when warmed to room temperature? And what about all those allergic reactions being reported? Have ANY of these chemicals been tested for allergic responses, in humans or even in animals?

Pfizer gives explicit instructions on how to mix and administer this injection. While Pfizer and the FDA have no idea if this vaccine will prevent infection or even if the antibodies will persist long term, Pfizer expects to manufacture over 1.3 billion doses worldwide by the end of 2021.

Moderna (mRNA-1273) Like Pfizer’s vaccine, also uses mRNA as its vehicle for inducing antibody responses to the spike protein. Approved for those 18 years of age and older, the vaccine is given in two doses, (100 mcg in 0.5 cc intramuscular injection) with the second dose given one month (28 days) later, or as close to the recommended interval as possible.

This vaccine can be stored for up to six months at -4F (-20C) temperatures. The ingredients in the Moderna vaccine have now been listed on the Moderna Fact Sheet for providers: Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is a white to off-white suspension for intramuscular injection to be injected 28 days apart. Each 0.5 mL dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine contains: ▪ Messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding the pre-fusion stabilized Spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2 virus, 100 mcg ▪ IMPORTANT: The Moderna patent states that another mRNA may be present that encodes for the protein, flagellin, an unapproved vaccine adjuvant used to stimulate the proinflammatory Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) ▪ Lipid: (4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl) bis (hexane-6,1- diyl) bis (2-hexyldecanoate) ▪ Lipid: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. [DSPC] ▪ Lipid: 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide ▪ Lipid: cholesterol ▪ tromethamine, 31 mg – this is a prescription medication used to treat metabolic acidosis ▪ tromethamine hydrochloride, 18 mg acetic acid, 0.42 mg ▪ sodium acetate, 0.12 mg ▪ sucrose, 43.5 mg

Are you willing to be injected with something unknown and never tested before in humans? Buried deep inside the Moderna patent is a section that has been ignored by the media and is not mentioned on the Moderna provider fact sheet.

The mRNA in the Moderna vaccine has been coded to transcribe a protein, flagellin, that is used to enhance the cytokine response of the macrophages. Either of the currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can be used when indicated; ACIP does not state a product preference. However, these two vaccines are not interchangeable and both doses of the series should be completed with the same product. However, if two doses of different mRNA COVID-19 vaccine products are inadvertently administered, no worries! Additional doses of either product are not recommended.

Remember that both vaccines are completely protected from all liability by the 2005 PREP Act. So, if the nurse gives you the wrong shot, and you have a serious reaction, even death, there will be no repercussions for the nurse and no compensation for you.

One more candidate: AstraZeneca (AZD1222) (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 coronavirus vaccine candidate, formerly known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus, hence its original name. While it can cause infection in chimpanzees, the virus was genetically changed so it cannot reproduce/ replicate in humans. The manufacturer released only a cursory list of ingredients, without including the microgram or milligram amount of each chemical. One 0.5cc injecting includes: ▪ COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant) 5 Ч 10^10 viral particles (vp) ▪ *This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ▪ Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS CoV 2 Spike (S) glycoprotein ▪ Genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell ▪ List of excipients – unknown amounts: ▪ L-Histidine ▪ L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate ▪ Magnesium chloride hexahydrate ▪ Polysorbate 80 ▪ Ethanol ▪ Sucrose ▪ Sodium chloride ▪ Disodium edetate dihydrate ▪ Water for injections.

This vaccine candidate is of interest because the clinical studies, done in collaboration with the University of Oxford, were widely publicized as the first and most promising vaccine. However, in May 2020, it was reported that all the vaccinated monkeys treated with the Oxford vaccine became infected when challenged. Then, why did the company press forward with the renamed, AZD1222 vaccine candidate? Because even though the vaccine did not protect the animals from infection, it did moderate the disease. Watch for this type of logic as the 80+ COVID vaccines try to make their way into the multi-trillion-dollar vaccine market. But not to let all that research and money go to waste, researchers now believe the shot will be effective against a new viral variant emerging in Britain.

Please pray fervently that we may be delivered from the evil that is falling upon us!

© 2021 Dr. John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure:


Harmful Effects of Wearing a Mask

Dr. John Ure, MD.

Masking, Just One Step More Toward Mandatory Vaccination And Total Control

This seems to be a question being asked all over the world. We have seen the Asian population wearing masks for years. I interpreted it as a means of protecting from pollution. Today it is for protection from illness. To prevent contracting a disease, or giving one to others.

My son called me the other day on his way to school for the first day. Shawn lives in Lincoln, Nebraska where we both graduated from Union College. Union is a Seventh Day Adventist four-year college. Shawn currently works at College View Academy and teaches physical education as well as history and is in charge of the athletic program. We spoke earlier about the possibility of not being able to compete against other schools as they have in the past in sports.

My son has studied the current situation extensively as have I and we are in disagreement as to whether a mask should be worn or not. I suppose it could be said that one is in the camp of a masker, or anti-masker.

For those of you that do not know me, I have been at physician for nearly 40 years. I have written several articles at this time on COVID 19, and you may read them under my name at From my research I determined not to wear gloves nor a mask and have not done so.

Shawn told me that his school has decided to go ahead and have students come to class, but it will be mandatory for them to wear a mask at all times.

There is still debate as to whether this current situation is being mediated by a virus or bacteria or 5G radiation or perhaps a combination of many things. No one seems to have all of the answers, but everyone is telling us what we have to do in order to obey.

If in fact this disease is caused by a virus, they are 1/10 of one micron in size. It is also reported that the smallest pore size of a mask is approximately 3 microns. This means that a virus would have absolutely no problem moving through a mask. It has been related that it would be the equivalency of using a chain-link fence to stop swarm of mosquitoes.

As in any situation, there are always those who sit on either side of the fence. We have many physicians and scientists that state you should wear a mask, and others who say that you should not. London Real, with Brian Rose hosted a show when well over 150 doctors participated and the question was asked of them, how many of you think we should not be wearing masks. Raise your hand. They did not take time to make an exact count but estimated approximately 70% to 80% of the doctors raised their hand. They then asked if they thought mask wearing does little to protect from infection. The number was still approximately 70% to 80%.

Experts have pointed out why a mask is in fact detrimental. It is imperative that we have and adequate supply of oxygen. It is well known that we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. A recent video on YouTube showed the oxygen concentration without a mask was much higher than when an individual wore a mask. It has been reported that there have been syncopal episodes of drivers of automobiles and subsequent car crashes as a result of mask wearing.

Dyspnea is the condition of decreased oxygenation and this is what is occurring when one is wearing a mask. The build up of carbon dioxide is referred to as hypercapnia and is also present when one is wearing a mask. One does not want the imbalance of low O2 and high CO2.

Also the interior of a mask tends to capture both viruses and bacteria and concentrate them on the interior of the mask. In a short period of time the mask has been contaminated. There are reports of individuals that wear the same mask in an out of patients rooms over a complete 8 to 12 hour shift.

When one is experiencing dyspnea the body is experiencing stress. When this occurs the adrenal glands secrete cortizone to help correct the situation. Cortizone is an anti-inflammatory. This is the same situation that develops in the fight or flight syndrome such as being scared by a bear in the woods. Also adrenalin is released and heart rate and respiratory rate increase. When this occurs the immune defense mechanism of the body is impaired. The end result is that one is more susceptible to catching a disease. In fact, what one is trying to prevent occurs more readily.

The argument comes up as to why doctors and nurses in a surgical situation wear masks. The answer is to prevent contamination of the surgical field from saliva or pathogen’s that may be liberated from a cough or sneeze. Or perhaps to prevent a drop of sweat or moisture that would adversely affect the outcome of the procedure.

One can readily say that there are all types of makeshift masks of every kind, shape and color that there is very little effectiveness in disease prevention. The mask is being worn under the nose, hanging on the ears, under the chin and every other way you can imagine.

Next there is the controversy of wearing a mask when out in nature, hiking in the woods, or walking on the beach. There are those who insist that one must have a mask on at all times and in my opinion this is ludicrous. I have even seen people driving down the road where both the driver and passenger are wearing masks in their own cars. It is possible that they are not living in the same household. Viruses are not to be found in these places. Ultraviolet light destroys viruses. They are not out in fresh air and sunshine.

I am not much of a Facebook participant. I think it can be helpful, entertaining, and fun, but it can also waste a tremendous amount of time. It just so happens then I looked at the medical school that I attended in Kansas City and was called the Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine, or KCCOM for short. Now it is called Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscience. From what I could see from the photos they all are subscribing to being mask wearers. I wonder if it is always the same, that those going to a school or through any training like the military feel that it was so much better when they went through. I guess it will always just be, something to ponder.

At the conclusion of the phone call with my son he stated that he did not agree with my stance and that over the next few weeks or months we will see just how many students in his school become ill. I am not sure whether there are other schools that are opening but not requiring the students to wear a mask. For a complete study, one has to have a control group. I do not expect this to happen.

I was talking with my cousin Gerald, and he said his grandson in Houston was given a choice of going to class or doing work on line at home. He recommended doing the work on line because he expected the schools to go to that in the future and he will already have a better handle on things.

Summing it up, I believe people are getting sick and dying just like they always have. I am confident that there has been a psyop of gargantuan size with an endgame of decreased freedom, destroying the economy, going to a cashless society, and getting rid of the nonproductive and the elderly. Use good common sense and use the brain that God gave you to discern truth from error. Do not be a sheeple. Duck and Cover and remember the elderly have been through tough situations before. Visit with them and learn from them, and give them the respect they deserve.

Are you a Masker or an Anti-masker?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Big Lie Regarding the California Fires

Dr. John Ure

Here we go again. As if it were not enough that 82 people died, 17 injured and 82k displaced in 2018 Paradise, California. I guess because the sheeple did not catch on to what was happening they thought they could pull it off again.

When I happened to catch the footage on mainstream lying media, by chance, of the fires currently burning in California, I said to myself, it looks like directed energy weapons once again. I saw a tree burning on the inside and the color of the flames of the fires was a bright orange.

In 2018 there were similar fires in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and Greece. The purpose of the fires seems to be not only reduction of the population but acquisition of land. In California the route of a planned rail line just happened to be in the area of the fires.

I have tried and tried to find people awake concerning the current fires but I can find little written or in video format. What I did find was a fire chief that stated that wooden poles only burned where there was metal or wire attached.

When one looks at a conventional fire there will be black smoke and after the fire is over there will be charred material around such as wood and other building materials. Not with these fires. They burn with a white gray smoke and everything is obliterated. I am telling you there is very little recognizable in the houses that have been destroyed. Even the commodes made of porcelain are pulverized. The cars have become so hot that the aluminum wheels have completely melted into a puddle on the pavement.

In viewing videos of the current fire of cars on the highway that were burned, I was amazed to see that there was no pattern of the burn and the cars were randomly burned while others were not burned at all.

Also it is amazing to see lawns that are not burned and trees alongside houses that are still intact and not burned. One should note that plastic trashcans and mailboxes were not burned which does not make sense.

One video I reviewed had about 3/4 of the house totally gone and the remainder looked as though nothing had happened. Another video pictured a business out in the middle of a parking lot totally destroyed. Obviously there were no trees or vegetation to catch the building on fire.

I am not advocating that there were not forests that were on fire, it is just not what destroyed many of the homes and people. I am convinced that what we are seeing is the result of a directed energy weapon such as a laser. There are numerous videos that show beams of bright blue light coming down in a bright flash.

Also it appears that a number of individuals are setting the fires. One video shows the police coming upon an individual who said he just came upon the fire. A lady officer said “didn’t I just see you at that other fire.”

He want on to say that he had lost his camera and was looking for it. He then related that he found $100.00 in a Walmart parking lot and turned it in and was rewarded $50.00. He also mentioned he was drinking Gatorade.

Could that have been some code to get him off the hook? He should have been arrested but was let go.

It is my opinion that an arsonist caught in the act of setting fire should be shot on sight. Perhaps this would give them something to think about before going about their nefarious business.

It was reported that there was an increased amount of chemtrail spraying just before the fires broke out. This would explain why the fires were orange hot because the aluminum on the ground and buildings will act as an accelerant. Smart meters may be involved, but I have not seen satisfactory evidence to say it is positively true.

Reading comments on the fires, one lady that had been in the military stated that the burned out cars looked just like those she had seen in Iraq. Could it be that the same type of device is being used?

I know that laser devices have been mounted on land vehicles, and they have been placed in aircraft. What I am not sure about is whether they have been placed in space. The star wars program of the Regan era was supposed to have had similar devices but it is very classified.

In conclusion masses of people are leaving California. It was stated that you could not turn the corner of a street without seeing a moving van and they are not just moving a few miles away. They are leaving the state. It was reported at one time that there were between 500 to 600 separate fires. I then came across a figure of 22,000. All I can say is that it looks like the entire Western half of the US is on fire.

Deborah Tevaras is reporting on the fires as is Richie From Boston. Otherwise the other reports have nothing to relate to directed energy weapons.

I have so much sympathy for those that have lost their homes and loved ones. Also for the firefighters that are risking their lives for others. It makes me sad when I tell people about it and they have an I don’t care attitude.

Wake up people!!!!! You could be next.

© 2020 John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure:


Understanding Coronavirus

By Dr. John Ure, MD

The reason I titled this article as above is because it seems to be a continuing web of interacting facts and figures. It is subject to change on a minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day basis.

What I will be endeavoring to do, is to explain, to the best of my ability, what I see at this time.

I am an emergency room physician and have practiced Family medicine for nearly 40 years. My website is down to earth I constructed it a number of years ago and therefore it is very rudimentary and I have not had time to update the format since it seems to be effective as it is.

This COVID-19 hysteria known as a pandemic has been going on for several weeks. It is absolutely incredible that they have been able to shut down the entire world with just a few words.

I have been studying profusely for the past 20 years everything I could possibly look at that seems to be hidden. I first realized something was not quite right when I was on duty in the emergency room, and in between patient care I happen to overhear the commentator of the television program on the history channel say, “listen to these next three words.” I really hadn’t been paying attention to the program however when I heard this it caused me to look toward the screen and I saw daddy Bush standing at a podium with his hands placed on it.

He made the statement, “we are going to establish a new world order.” It was at this point that I begin to look in all directions much deeper than I had previously.

I rather dislike the title of being a conspiracy theorist because I consider myself a conspiracy fact person. My mother always preached to we children that she could not stand a thief or a liar. I feel exactly the same way. I do not like being lied to. It reminds me of the movie A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise as an attorney and Jack Nicholson as a Marine Colonel on the witness stand who essentially lost it. He began screaming at the top of his lungs, ”you cannot handle the truth.” This is exactly what is going on with our government and all of the alphabet agencies we have to deal with. They are treating us as though we are mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us bullshit.

At this particular time I have two different tracks or thoughts and I’m not exactly sure which one is correct or if it’s a blend of both. This will become apparent in the article.

I am not going to be quoting facts, figures and numbers because those can easily be manipulated and changed at will. What I will be attempting to do is give you a picture as I see and understand to the best of my ability.

Initially, I was able to find out that there is a level 4 Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada that seems to be involved. Interestingly a man by the name of Frank Plummer, was the director for 14 years. He recently resigned from that position and was in Kenya, Africa where he was a keynote speaker at a convention. It is reported that he died of a heart attack, however I think this cause of death is of a suspicious nature.

It was reported that a Chinese lady named Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were escorted from the lab with a number of her students. It was stated it was for policy breach and administrative matters, and that public safety was not involved. I just wonder what the truth really is?

It was suspected that some of these individuals had smuggled samples of viruses to Wuhan, China. I have have determined the virus originally came from a bio lab in the Netherlands, and they had received it from Saudi Arabia. It had originally been obtained from the lungs of a man that had died in 2005. These samples were reported to be Corona virus.

I do not have verification that the virus was weaponized in a US military lab but some have speculated this. I have also come across that the virus was weaponized in the laboratory in China and that they had placed four particles of HIV into the coronavirus to make it spread more easily.

It is not certain whether the virus, if in fact it does exist was released accidentally or intentionally in China. There is a story that was put out that it had originated in a wet market that is only 300 m from the level 4 bio lab and that the initial victims had actually contracted the virus from the animals in the wet market. I have determined that they were doing testing to find out what animals they could actually infect with the virus, but beyond that the information is rather sketchy.

One other factor, that must come into play, is that the world military games were held in October of 2019 in Wuhan, China. Apparently 10,000 participants attended with representatives of the U.S. military also present. I find it interesting that China led with the most won gold medals. The US did not win any gold medals taking only 7 medals, silver and bronze. The US performances were so poor in fact that the athletes were referred to as Soy Boys.

It is rather controversial regarding the involvement of 5G electromagnetic radiation as being a factor in the illness. From what I can see, 5G radiation is quite damaging to plants and animals. It ranges from 3 KHz to 300GHz. Usually being used in

the 30GHz to 300GHz. It is my understanding that it’s the same type of energy that was used in the gulf war to subdue the Iraqi soldiers. I have recently seen videos of trains in the California area that were carrying armored personnel carriers with laser mechanisms and high energy type of weapons mounted on them. This concerns me greatly.

Some months back I was puzzled as to why we were having flocks of birds falling out of the sky. Sometime it is difficult to determine the exact cause, but I think there is a direct correlation with the testing of microwave radiation.

There seems to be a significant correlation with illnesses that take place any time there is a new roll out of electromagnetic types of devices such as the radio that was coming about at the time of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. I have seen reports that our troops in what is now called the Fort Riley military base received injections of bacterial meningitis vaccine that was cultured in horses. Apparently the disease was a bacteria rather than a virus. The soldiers traveled all over Europe by ship and train actually spreading a bacterial infection throughout Europe.

The high concentrations of infected individuals seem to be in Seattle, Washington, Wuhan, China, Milan, Italy, and also New York City, as well as Iran. Wuhan was proud of being the foremost developer of the 5G system. They were even trying to establish driverless cars.

I have not been able to verify the following but it has been reported that the 5G radiation causes a disruption of the oxygen molecules causing it to be poorly utilized by the lungs. It is also stated that it causes a degradation of the immune defense mechanisms of the individuals.

Several weeks ago I personally viewed what is referred to as a satellite train moving across the western sky from my yard. I saw 26 satellites that were just a few seconds behind one another moving in a perfectly straight line. My investigation revealed that Elon Musk is involved in this and has sent three rocket into space with each of these carrying 60 satellites weighing approximately 500 pounds each and they were released at approximately 300 miles above the earth in what is referred to as low earth orbit.

They have an ion engine on board that pulses every 90 seconds boosting the satellites out to 400-450 miles above the earth. The purpose of these satellites is to beam 5G signals to the earth. I was astounded when I found out that the FCC had given him permission to put a total of 42,000 of these satellites into space. At this time astronomers all over the world are upset because they cannot view space without interference of the satellites coming across their screen. It has also been stated that he has plans on putting 1 million ground-based antennas that will also be linked into the system.

It has been reported that these millimeter wave transmissions do not have the ability to go through solid objects such as trees, buildings, or even rain and therefore they have to be relatively close together and without obstructions. It has been reported from the UK that trees are being cut down to facilitate transmission of these signals. It has also been reported and I have seen videos of cell towers that have been caught on fire to destroy them in the UK.

I have been looking at as many sources as I can possibly review to figure out exactly what is going on. Quite a number of individuals are concerned and are doing the best they can to try to get the word out so that we have some idea of how to cope with this current situation.

I was watching a video of David Icke being interviewed by his son and he was explaining the thoughts of a doctor named Andrew Kaufman that was completely different than anything that I had come across this far. I planned on showing other people the David Icke video but Google had taken it down. This seems to be what is going on right now with many of the videos being pulled that are giving any information that is contrary to what mainstream media is propagandizing.

I was reviewing a video with Sofia Smallstorm in which she recommended a book called Aids, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire the deadly virus of international greed. It is written by Nancy Turner Banks, M. D.. Interestingly she does not believe these viruses exist because none of them have been identified or isolated and they have only been testing for genetic particles that they say come from these viruses.

Dr. Kaufman states that in fact whatever is being referred to as viruses are small vesicular packages of material called exosomes that are actually extruded from cells that have been under attack. The attacking agents are varied and can be caused by a virus, bacteria, asthma, stress, radiation, chemical exposure, or electromagnetic radiation such as 5G.

He went on to say that these exosomes have precisely the same appearance in the electron microscope as of the corona viruses. They are named corona from the Latin word meaning crown due to their appearance of a crown.

Interestingly he has shown evidence of the difficulty of person to person transmission of illness in as much as he stated that swabs were taken from orifices of infected individuals. Sputum and nasal secretions of sick individuals were actually placed into other individuals and they did not become ill.

Additionally to try to make it easier for contagion these same substances were injected into the individuals without transmission of illness.

The next thing they did was thinking that maybe it had to be directly from person to person and so they have them sit across from each other with their lips very close together breathing in and out mutual air and likewise no illness was transferred. I find this extremely interesting.

I have said from the very beginning that this entire situation is based on a complete fraud that is being perpetrated on the entire world.

In the United States alone the common influenza virus causes the death of roughly 80,000 people on a yearly basis.

Also the vast majority of the individuals that have died according to the so-called COVID-19 have been elderly often times in nursing homes with comorbid diseases of one, two or as many as three or four disease states. Diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease have made it easier for the elderly to succumb to an additional insult.

Also, I have learned that many of the people being treated were given anti-AIDS medication and it in itself caused anemia leading to the demise of the individual. It has been reported that this has been referred to as a blue death because of cyanosis or a blue color of the skin and lips of an individual indicating severe depletion of oxygen in the tissues. Once this occurs, if not corrected, death will soon follow.

You are probably aware the major problems that are causing death is fluid buildup in the lungs and is essentially a pneumonia. This is why all of the respirators are necessary in order to help the patients with oxygenation.

The endgame is what concerns me the most at this point. Essentially the entire world is locked down. We have always had controlling force behind the scene that wants complete control of the world.

When one looks carefully at what is happening, everyone is dying of COVID-19. Even if the person was hit by a car. I saw that the doctors in China were holding up a CT scan saying they were using it to diagnose COVID-19. It is impossible to determine the cause of an illness by looking at a condition on an image. Doctors are being told to report cause of death as COVID-19

Along the same line, they stated that they were not going to test everyone and if a patient had the same symptoms they just called it another COVID-19 patient.

I called the lab at the ER where I have worked in the past and asked them how they were testing for the virus. The technician stated that they did not test there. They did a nasal swab, and sent it to a reference lab for the procedure.

There are several ways that they are testing for the virus, but the two most common are the RT PCR which does not identify a virus but looks at a string of genetic material. The other test is an antibody test that shows antibodies to the virus after you had an illness.

It was stated that four negatives in a row were required in order to be truly negative. Also the tests can produce a myriad of false positives from such things as the following for HIV positive patients.

TB, renal failure, influenza, herpes simplex l and ll, upper respiratory infection, pregnancy, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis B vaccination, hepatitis, multiple myeloma, hemophilia, and these are just to name a few of the nearly 50 causes of a false positive.

Right now the goal is population reduction eliminating the elderly who are no longer productive and costing a great deal of money. Elimination of currency in favor of digital control. They will be able to track every purchase according to what you purchased, where you bought it and how much you paid for it. No privacy what so ever. Restriction of travel. Orwellian big brother overseeing the population in every way imaginable. Certainly last but not least, forced vaccination for COVID-19.

We are being assaulted by chemtrails, that are polluting our atmosphere with aluminum, barium, strontium, lithium, desiccated human red blood cells, and dog feces as well as viruses. I have not been able determine if the so-called COVID-19 viruses have been placed in the atmosphere but still researching that as a possibility.

We have been assaulted by genetically modified foods from corporations such as Monsanto and Dupont and the manufacture of seeds that have built in insecticides causing our pollinating insects to be decimated. It should be known that our honeybee population is decreased by nearly 2/3 of what is normal. There are approximately 120 plants such is the pecan tree that absolutely depend on the honeybee for pollination. Albert Einstein stated, “if the honeybees become extinct, then mankind will become extinct within three years.”

The government has plans to institute mandatory vaccinations and you will not be able to do anything unless you can show a card or some other identification to prove that you have received your vaccination. Bill Gates with all of his billions of dollars has been giving money to the world health organization second only to the United States.

His agenda is to vaccinate everyone and he’s been doing population reduction in Africa stating that the vaccine is the answer to all of the problems however if only hygiene and clean water and healthy living were taught, the health will improve significantly.

My advice to you is to refrain from being frightened and turn off your television and radio and do not look at any of the alphabet main stream media sources that are fear mongering to scare everyone.

If we are going to have any type of life that we have known in the past it is going to be necessary for the patriots of the world to step forward and say, enough is enough. One or two individuals will not be able to stand up to all the forces against us. We will have to have an army of millions with like-minded ideas in order to survive. It’s too bad we can’t simply vote all of the politicians out and do what is called a do over with a fresh beginning.

At this point, I thought I was nearing the end of my article, however as of Friday, April 17 of 2020 I came across additional information that was absolutely mind-boggling. Therefore I am not going to go back and change all of the information that I wrote at the beginning, because as I indicated, information changes rather rapidly and I would like you the reader to know in fact how quickly it has changed for me.

I am very proud of the work Dr. Rashid Buttar has been doing. Not only his clinical work but in trying to educate the entire world to just what is going on with this pandemic. I am a D.O. , and so is Dr. Buttar. The conclusion of this paper was primarily gleaned from his five part video series that can be viewed by looking at his website, It has been extremely valuable and revealing.

I had seen in my research that several sites had been indicated as being responsible for the development of the COVID-19 virus but it looks as though the major work was done at the university of North Carolina in the year 2015. Dr Shi Zhengli was working in the laboratory and was being funded by the US government for research on a virus. The purpose of their research was to make a super virus. They were working with virus samples originally obtained from Fort Detrick. They wanted to create a highbred that cannot have a vaccine developed for it. Their purpose was to increase gain of function or to increase the pathogenicity of the virus.

Dr. Shi lied when she stated that the virus originated naturally because it was created as what is referred to a chimera. A chimera is a mythical animal that is made from various parts of other animals. This is exactly what they did with this virus because they took a basic SARS virus which is classified as a coronavirus and modified it by inserting proteins from an HIV virus, and a MERS virus into what is the termed a COVID-19. Their purpose was to make it more very virulent.

When the government realized exactly what was being done they declared a moratorium on the research. At that time Dr. Shi decided that she would go to Wuhan, China to continue her work. It should be noted that Dr. Fauci continue to allow her to do research in the United States although the government had told her to stop.

At this point it should be clearly stated that the virus had its start in the United States.

And now we come to the part that became more clear as I looked at additional sources. That is the very importance that 5G technology plays in this entire scenario. Remember I told you at the beginning of this paper that it was a web of great complexity with multiple involvements. I have already explained how in all of the major cities where is this virus became rampant they had just rolled out 5G radiation. To quote Dr. Buttar, “5G rapes the immune system.”

What we are dealing with here is electromagnetic radiation that is damaging to all living organisms. In Wuhan, China there were no 5G signals in November 2019. In December 2019 they turned on 12,000 5G towers. It should be pointed out that 20 years ago China stated their long range program was for biological warfare. They utilized a weaponized virus coupled with the harmful affects of the 5G signals.

The term hertz is used to describe the frequency of a radio signal. The higher the value of hertz the greater the frequency of the signal.

For example:
3G frequency it’s up to 2.1 GHz
4G is the frequency of the 2.5 GHz
5G frequency is up to 300GHz which is many times stronger than
a 4G signal
5G is considered to be in the microwave radiation range. Each tower is only able to move a signal to anywhere from 4 to 6 homes as reported by some or from 2 to 8 houses as reported by other sources. It is therefore the plan to place millions of antennae regardless of the negative impact to all life.

DNA has been shown to be significantly damaged by electromagnetic radiation. With prolonged exposure radiation symptoms can be as follows: nausea, swelling, hair loss, decreased appetite, low energy, generalize malaise, damaged bone marrow, damaged organs, confusion, infection, cancer, incapacitation and death.

Not all countries have been given the go ahead to rollout 5G radiation. Brussels, Belgium outright banned it and there is no 5G in their country.

It’s obvious to me that I can do without 5G signals. In fact I will make it a point not to have a cell phone in the bedroom where I am sleeping. I am turning my Wi-Fi router off when not being used. I have been using Hughes Net satellite service and when they sent me a new router it was putting out both 2G and 5G signals. Since I have an Apple Tower that was also putting out a Wi-Fi signal, I had them turn off both the 2G and 5G signal.

Approximately 10 years or so ago I decided I would no longer fly commercial airlines. Even at that time, I had realized that full body radiation was not good for me. I did what was called opting out, and had to be pulled out of the line for a complete pat down including wiping me down looking for traces of bomb residue. I figured that I would no longer subject myself to taking off shoes, belt, emptying pockets, going through carry on baggage and making sure that every thing I had was packaged just so and in the correct container and correct volume.

Now just what should we do with it and how concerned should we be with the virus itself. It is considered a self limiting version and most people will get better within 24 to 48 hours. Dr. Zack Moore in North Carolina stated people with mild symptoms do not need testing. They should just stay home.

I have decided at the end of this paper to give a listing of the individuals or Web Sites that I have found to be very useful. It is not intended to be an all inclusive list and I apologize for any one that I inadvertently left out. If you are aware of any other individuals or Web Sites that are informative I would appreciate you contacting me as well.

Dana Ashlie, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Rachid Buttar, Corbett report, David Icke, London Real, Amazing Polly, The Last American Vagabond, Richie from Boston, (RFB), Devvy Kidd,, Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, Joan Swirsky, What Finger, Jon Rapport, Dr. Nancy Turner Banks, Israeli News Live.


Forget masks, gloves, and eye shields, unless you are a health care worker, and then the only thing that can protect you is full body covering, sealed with no access to room air. This will not be practical in most cases. Good nutrition with plenty of water, vit C. and zinc supplement and good rest will help tremendously. Do not go around known positive cases of COVID-19 unless you absolutely must and at that time maintain adequate distancing and have minimal contact. If you do come down with symptoms, unless you have severe shortness of breath, do not be tested, stay home and stay in bed and do not take any ibuprofen. It should be self limiting in 24-48 hours.

© 2020 John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure:


[BIO: Dr. John Ure Emergency medicine and family practice physician for 40 years. Trained as a combat medic in the US Army. Obtain masters degree in environmental biology at university of Colorado. Vast experience working in numerous ER’s including many military hospitals such as Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort Riley, Kansas, Whiteman Air Force Base, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He has also works for the Indian Health Services in northern Montana. He is a private pilot and missionary doctor. He has also been certified for treating opioid addiction. Currently doing telemedicine and you may contact him at his office for personal medical care. Office 417-644-2788]

Complexity of COVID-19, Your Smart Phone and the Importance of 5G

Dr. John Ure, MD

Poisoning of Electromagnetic Radiation

This article is timely and important. Some of the information will be a repeat of what you already know and hopefully it will give you some new information that you should know.

We humans and most animals are essentially electrical, and chemical. Having been a physician, for nearly 40 years, I have witnessed the electrical activity of the human body. If the brain is being studied we do an EEG which stands for electroencephalogram. If we are studying the heart we will be looking at an EKG which stands for electrocardiogram. If we are studying the muscles we will be looking at an EMG which stands for electromyogram. If we want to look at nerve conduction studies we will be looking at the conduction velocity of the nerves, realizing that if it slows it could be an indication of some type of a problem.

All of these impulses that we are looking at are electrical in nature. Electricity in its simplest form can be considered to be a flow of electrons. Electrons are the small particles that move around the nucleus of atoms. One more thing that will help you to keep your mind wrapped around this is that the nucleus of the atoms consist of a number of protons that have a positive charge and also neutrons that have a neutral charge.  Most of the mass of an atom is found in the nucleus. When one moves up the periodic table from hydrogen having an atomic number one, meaning one proton, to helium atomic number two having two protons, each time a proton is added it becomes a different atom. The mass of the atom will also be increasing and neutrons will be added as well. To reiterate, every time an additional proton is added the atomic number increases by one.

Atoms do not gain or lose protons.  If that were the case it would change to a different atom.  What does move are the electrons.  At this point ions need to be defined.  They are charged particles.  Short and simple.  Easy to comprehend.  If an electron (neg) is lost the proton (pos) in nucleus makes it positive.  If electron is gained the overall charge will be negative.

Remember this, all atoms want to reside in the lowest energy state possible and this is what is called a stable duet, or stable octet.

Now on to the movement of electrons.  Typically there are conductors, insulators and semiconductors.  All metals are good conductors. Substances such as mica, glass, rubber, and plastic are classified as insulators.  They will not allow electrons to flow through them like metals.  Semiconductors are a bit different.  It is easiest to say that they are partial conductors and partial insulators.

Something that is very important to understand is induction.  It was figured out by the scientists a long time ago that a current carrying wire will develop a magnetic field around it.  Also if a wire cuts through a magnetic field it will induce a current in the wire.  This is how motors and generators work.  Such marvelous physical properties.  If electricity is put into a generation it will spin like a motor, however if you hook it up to a bicycle or some source of power and spin it, it will generate electricity.

I will be referring to the 5G that is being implemented around the world throughout this article.  With the microwave transmission frequency of 5G every single hair fiber on your skin can act like a tiny antenna.  This means that when they really ramp up the power your skin will react making it feel like you are on fire.  This is what brought the Iraqi soldiers out of hiding with their hands in the air during the Gulf War.

It is this electrical power that allows all creatures and plants for that matter to move grow and flourish.  In all animal cells there are organelles that have special functions.  The one that we need to look at is the mitochondria.  It is referred to as the powerhouse of the cell.  It has the ability to make and break phosphate bonds.  Technically it is the splitting off of a phosphate that produces the energy.  ATP is converted to ADP with the accompanying energy being produced.  Adenosine Triphosphate going to Adenosine diphosphate.  The reaction is reversible and can be recharged from ADP to ATP and the cycle continues.  What is necessary is energy from an outside source and that is where our nutrition comes in.  We have to take in fuel in the form of food to manufacture this energy.  We can also obtain these electrons directly from the earth, and this is known as Earthing or Grounding.  I have been using the concept for a number of years with great success.  An Earthing article will soon follow.

Now where does this bring us to understanding at least part of what is going on in the world regarding this virus and control?  A doctor from New York, City recently posted a YouTube video stating the way they were treating the infected patients is all wrong.  Listening carefully, he really made sense.  You see they have been saying that these infected folks had a pneumonia and that is what they were treating.  In fact the patients that he was seeing were presenting with different symptoms.  It seemed as though they had altitude sickness.  Similar to being up in an airplane at 30,000 feet and having the cabin pressure go down without the little masks falling down to provide oxygen.  You would quickly succumb to oxygen starvation and pass out from not getting enough oxygen to the brain.  Think of it as if you were wanting to climb Mount Everest without the supplemental oxygen that is typically used to prevent altitude sickness.

He went on to say as he talked with the patients they continued to gulp for air in the same way an oxygen starved person would do.  They, for the most part did not needed to be placed on a ventilator.  They needed supplemental oxygen and maybe a C-pap or Bi-pap machine to help them receive adequate amounts of oxygen.  If they were placed on a ventilator they would have to be intubated ( putting an endotracheal tube into the trachea)  and then the machine would breath for them.  The doctor said ventilators are used for patients that are exhausted and unable to breath for themselves.  These patients were not exhausted and could breath for themselves.  They just needed a little help.

Furthermore,  once again follow the money.  The cost of a pneumonia patient was stated at something like $13,000 as compared to a ventilator patient that could be charged about $33,000.  Are the hospitals just wanting to be able to increase their revenue?

An ebook that I had ordered a while back really solidified what the agenda or end game is. It was not until I started reading it that the pieces started falling together.  The book is titled The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg.  I was quite a ways into the book before I realized what the author was relating to by the title. It was stated in the book that a scientist was studying a small larva’s movement under high magnification and polarized light.  When the little critter moved from side to side  and opened and closed its jaws a rainbow of light was displayed, hence the title.  It was stated that there is a veritable light show going on all around us that we do not perceive because our eyes view only the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum.  I would highly recommend your getting this book.  I have purchased it in paper format as well.  The references are awesome.

OK, let’s try to tie all of this together so you have a better understanding, of the relationship of the virus and 5G.  Going back in the  history of the development of various inventions we can start with the telegraph.   During the Civil War the telegraph was used extensively to pass information back to command as to what was going on in the front lines.  They even had portable telegraph keys that were carried in backpacks, and miles and miles of wire was strewn everywhere.  When it was used many men in the surrounding area became ill with all sorts of maladies. Anxiety, fatigue, heart palpations, inability to sleep.  Combine this with the stresses of war and the men were miserable.  Those in command did not realize that the men were experiencing electromagnetic poisoning.

The next rollout was the discovery of radio and it is reported that Marconi who is credited with the discovery became quite ill and probably hastened his demise unknowingly as well. A pandemic came right along with the radio.

In world war two the next great invention of radar was utilized.  Along with it came again multitudes of death and illness from the electromagnetic poisoning.  Again a pandemic followed.

Next in line was the launching of satellites.  This too, had illness and a pandemic associated with it.  Too many people are viewing the satellites that Elon Musk is putting in space as cool and exciting to watch.  Well, not me.  He has been approved for 42,000 satellites and one million ground based antenna to run his grand scheme.  It will give Big Brother additional ways to monitor us and control us besides bombarding us with the harmful radiation.  I wish there was a way to stop this program.

Now we have HAARP, and if you have not heard about it, it stands for High Altitude Aural Research Project. It is another government run program we could do without. There is a very large concentration of towers in Alaska and I understand there are an additional 200 of these antenna clusters, many hidden from the public around the world.  They are shooting tremendously powerful bursts of radio energy into the stratosphere.  Now you can see an additional reason for our chemtrails, to be able to bounce these waves off of the aluminum particles to achieve their agenda.  Even to the point of modifying the weather.

At this point I would like to look to nature as an indicator of the problem.  Einstein stated, “if the honeybee becomes extinct, mankind will become extinct in three years.”  I was aware that the honeybees are taking a tremendous hit.  Just looking around, it is difficult to even find a bee.  Those working with bees have reported that not only the pesticides and insect resistant crops are decimating the bee population, but electromagnetic poisoning is also taking place.  Radio waves have been identified as causing the bees to be totally disoriented with many dieing.

It seems like the population is down to only one third of normal but from my view it is much worse that this.

Now back to the 5G.  When I first started studying this, I only had a strong suspicion that the 5G was involved.  Now I am positive that it is an integral part of the grand plan.  Remember, as stated in my previous article, and many articles by other writers that the big centers for 5G rollout were China, Italy, Iran, and the U.S..  Particularly in the Northwest and the East coast.  The 5G is poisoning the people in its range and damaging the mitochondria so that there is decreased energy produced and hence inadequate energy for the afflicted.  On top of that, it is said that the oxygen molecule is damaged and not being properly utilized by the red blood cells.  In essence, once again oxygen starvation.  5G is simply messing up the normal flow of electrons across the board.

We will not be able to pull the smart phones from the hands of those that just can’t live without them.  They are the ones that must have faster download and movie streaming then we currently have.  People are enamored over artificial intelligence.  They want 5G and either do not care or just do not want to know what it will do to them.  I do not want to be able to control my lights, heat, air-conditioning, blinds, coffee pot or whatever else you want to throw in.  We are being poisoned by electromagnetic radiation all around us and it is projected to get worse.

From my perspective, I am essentially freaking out.  I enjoy technology and have a smart phone.  I was not educated to the harmful effects of it before I started using it.  I have also used bluetooth earphones and earbuds.  My thoughts are rapidly changing and I would suggest you do the same.  Just today, I ordered some air column earbuds.  They use a column of air and the electrical interaction with the magnetic coils is a distance away from your head.  I know, as a doctor, that cell phones held against the ear have caused brain tumors.   Even though I have not been holding the cell phone to my ear, using speaker mode instead, it will be better to use the air column phones.  I have started turning off the WI-FI when I am not using it and I will be hooking up my laptop with a wire and also use a wired mouse.  You should turn off your cell phone completely at night, not just putting it in the airplane mode.  Think of ways that you can start being unplugged from the system.  I hate to say it, and it seems melodramatic, but we truly are killing ourselves with technology.  Just the other day I asked my friend Roger Cameron in Clinton for his cell phone number, and he told me he didn’t have a cell phone.  I stay good for Roger.  We all need to reevaluate.  Do we really need them ALL of the time?

A web source new to me seems to be pretty well done, and that is The State of the Nation.  Several hours were spent reviewing most of the articles.

Do not feel like you are all alone with the feeling of being overwhelmed regarding this whole plandemic.  Those I talk with are just as frustrated.  I like it when  president Trump calls the news fake, and he is right.  This whole show has been orchestrated from the top to the bottom.  They all lie.  The truth is concealed!  If we do not put a stop to the entire agenda and say enough is enough we will have our entire population destroyed.

Another thought different from what was expressed, is the possibility that these nasal specimens for testing may be inoculating individuals with the virus and or vaccinating them without their knowledge.  It would not be the first time that TPTB pulled a fast one.  The patients stated that the pain was excruciating and that it felt like they were trying to push the swabs into their brain.  I can tell you from taking numerous throat and nasal swabs, that it does not have to be such an unpleasant experience.  I will not even think of beingTESTED.

I was preparing to wrap up this article but there is so much to cover.  When I was in college one of my favorite instructors, Gene Johnson taught freshman zoology.  I enjoyed the lectures so much with the stories and artful colored chalk drawings on the blackboard that I wanted to hear more when the bell to end the class sounded.  I thank him for inspiring me to become a teacher.  I left classroom teaching to begin medical school.  Most do not know that the word doctor actually means teacher.  Back to college.  The following year, I decided to take another class from Mr. Johnson.  He was teaching ornithology.  I did not know at that time in my acquisition of knowledge that it was the study of birds.  The first day of the class he announced  that this was an upper division class and was going to be presented a bit differently.  He went on to say that the text book Life of the Birds by Eudora Welty was so wonderfully written that he could not improve on the way the material was presented.  He told us there would be chapter assignments to read on our own and then we would discuss the readings in the next class session.  What I did not like is that he insisted  in giving a 10-15 point quiz at the beginning of each class and that caused some anxiety.  I have never been very good at test taking anyway.  Now, I believe learning can occur without the formal testing and grading that continues to be commonplace in the school setting.

It is with the above thoughts that I am going to state the last of this article is from the work of Arthur Firstenberg. I cannot improve on his book, The Invisible Rainbow.  The following passages are excerpts, and I recommend looking at the chapter entirely if so inclined.

Chapter 17. In the Land of the Blind

WHAT IF, ON ANOTHER PLANET, in a distant universe, the sun was dark.  God never said,  “Let there be light,” and there was none.  But people invented it anyway and it lit up the world so bright that it burned all it touched.  What if you were the only person that could see it.  What if there were a thousand, a million, ten million others?  How many aware people would it take to make the destruction stop:

How many will it take before people longer feel it is alright to say, “Your cell phone is killing me,” instead of I am electrically sensitive.

A tremendous number of people get headaches from their cell phone. Almost 1/4 of Norwegians who would now be considered moderate cell phone users (more than one hour a day) admitted it to the scientist who asked the question in 1996. Almost 2/3 of the Ukrainian university students who were heavy cell phone users (more than three hours per day) admitted it to the scientists who asked the question in 2010. Perhaps there are some who really don’t get headaches, but few people are asking the question, and publicly admitting to the true answer is not socially acceptable.

Gro Harlem Brundtland got headaches from cell phones. And since she was Director General of the World Health Organization and the former Prime Minister of Norway, she did not feel the need to apologize for it, and simply ordered that no one was to enter her office in Geneva carrying a cell phone on their person. She even gave an interview about it in 2002 to a Norwegian national newspaper. The following year she was no longer Director-General of the World Health Organization. No other public officials have repeated her mistake.

Even for those who really don’t get headaches, their cell phone affect their sleep and their memory. Folk singer Pete Seeger wrote to me 20 years ago.  “at age 81,” he said, “it’s normal for me to start losing my memory. But everybody I tell this too, says, ‘well, I seem to be losing my memory, too.’’’

Those of us whose injuries are so severe, so devastating that we can no longer ignore them, and who are lucky enough to figure out what has happened to us and why, have here and there formed tiny, isolated groups, and for lack of a more acceptable term, we call our injury “electrical sensitivity,” or worse, “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” (EHS), a travesty of a name for a disease that affects the whole world and everyone in it, a name as absurd as “cyanide sensitivity” would be if anyone were foolish enough to apply such a name to those poisoned.  The problem is that we are all being electrocuted to a greater or lesser extent, and because society has been in denial about that for more than 200 years, we invent terms that hide the truth instead of speaking in plain language admitting what is happening.

After pulsed microwave radiation came to my home town for the first time, all over the city at once on November 14, 1996, I was so sure it had killed masses of people that I telephone epidemiologist John Goldsmith to ask for advice on how to prove it. Formally with the California Department of Health Services, Goldsmith was then at Ben Gurion University in Israel. He directed me to the weekly mortality statistics published online by the CDC for 122 cities, and advised me to find out exactly when, for each city digital cell phone service had begun. I had been sure, because the sudden and irradiation of my city almost killed me, and because I knew people who  had died from it.

On November 14, I traveled to Killington, Vermont to attend “Unplugged: Health and Policy Implications of the Wireless Revolution,” a conference sponsored by the Vermont Law School. When I returned home on November 16, I became dizzy. I assumed one of my neighbors had sprayed something toxic; perhaps the exterminator had been in the building. This would pass, I thought. But within a few days I became nauseated and I had tremors. I had the first asthma attack of my life. My eyeballs felt like they were bulging out, my throat swelled my lips felt dry, fat, and puffy, I felt pressure in my chest, and the bottoms of my feet hurt. I became so weak I couldn’t lift a book. My skin became so sensitive I couldn’t bear to be touched. My head was roaring like a freight train. After November 20 I did not sleep, and could not eat. During the night of November 22, my larynx went into spasm and I couldn’t draw a breath in or out. In the morning I grabbed my sleeping bag, got on the Long Island Railroad, and left town.

My relief was unbelievable.

I learned that on November 14, while I was in Vermont, Omnipoint Communications, new York’s first digital cell phone company, had begun selling its service to the public. Thousands of roof top antennas at 600 locations were operational: new Yorkers were now living inside a computer.

I compared notes with a few friends. Together we compiled a list of symptoms and placed the following classified ad in a local newspaper: “if you have been ill since 11/15/96 with any of the following: eye pain, insomnia, dry lips, swollen throat, pressure or pain in the chest, headaches, dizziness, nausea, shakiness, other aches and pain’s, or flu that won’t go away, you may be a victim of a new microwave system blanketing the city. We need to hear from you.”

And did we hear from them, by the hundreds-men and women, white, black, Hispanic, and Asians, office workers, computer operators, stockbrokers, teachers, doctors, nurses, and lawyers, all of them had woken up in November and Thanksgiving, their hearts racing, their heads pounding, thinking they were having a heart attack, a stroke, or a nervous break down-now relieved to find out they were not alone. The very first person to answer the ad was a 41-year-old airline employee lived in the Bronx. Jose Sanchez’s head suddenly began to hurt on about November 15, so badly that he was afraid he was going to have a stroke. 5 1/2 months later, on May 8, 1997, he died of a hemorrhagic stroke.

For the next two years, without let up, Janet Ostrowski, a nurse who worked in a family practice office in Manhattan, and then on long island, saw a constant stream of patients with “viral syndrome,” typically with excruciating headache, ear pain, swollen gland deep in the neck, nasal congestion they could not  get rid of, facial pain, sore throat, fatigue and sometimes profound dehydration. “no flu lasts an entire year,” Ostrowiski, told us. She also noticed that the majority of her patients were certainly not responding to medication.  “I have done triage in various emergency rooms throughout the tri-state area over the course of 25 years of nursing,” she sad.  “Whatever used to be stabilized on routine medication, be it hypertension diabetes, whatever, now seems to become unstabilized easily and not responding to current meds.”  She also saw a tremendous increase in the number of people complaining of stress and anxiety, many of whom, in their 30s and 40s, were found, on routine EKG, to have have cardiac changes.

Officially, this North American “influenza” epidemic began in October 1996 and lasting through May 1997.

The organization I started in 1996, call the Cellular Phone Task force, is struggling to serve a growing population of injured. The title of the magazine I published for five years, No Place to Hide has come true.  Say To Countryside Goodby, When Even Healthy People Die, wrote Olle Johansson, the guru of electrical sensitivity in Sweden and one of the world’s foremost authorities on electrical illness and injury.  The old wisdom, that if you wish to escape civilization you can do so if you go far enough away, is no longer true, because secondhand radiation no longer comes only from cell phones, Wi Fi, and other personal devices. The invisible tentacles of civilization, in the form of cell towers, radar installations, and two way satellite dishes, radiation, have made radiation ubiquitous, impossible to escape no matter how far away you go and  how much land you buy. And even if you find one of the last hidden sanctuaries, it can be destroyed in an instant, invisibly and without warning. There is no protection. Quite the opposite laws have been passed preventing citizens from protecting themselves, or elected officials from doing anything about the radiation.  But no one is immune.

“Recently I celebrated my 41st birthday,” said Dafna Tachover in 2013, “and I am not sure that the word celebration is appropriate.”  An attractive young attorney with an MBA, Tachover was licensed in New York and Israel, and just a few years previously had been working for an investment company in Manhattan as advisor to the chairman. She has been married to a doctor who was also a research scientist at Princeton University. They had decided to have a baby, and she had decided to open up a private law practice. All of life, seemingly, was hers for the taking.

When I interviewed her in 2013, she was divorced, unemployed, still childless, and struggling just to survive in a remote farmhouse in upstate New York.  “My life is pretty much impossible,” she said,  “as I am a prisoner in my own house. I cannot go anywhere, I cannot even walk on the street and drive into town. I cannot work and be in the presence of other people. I cannot fly, travel, go to a restaurant, or sleep in a hotel. I cannot access a doctor, a hospital, or even go to court to enforce my rights which are being crushed. When I needed to move, I could not look for a house by myself, heydriving on roads saturated with antennas and cars with wireless systems has become impossible.  My father had to come from Israel to help me and after two months of searching, and 500 houses, I found just one house which I could tolerate.  The closest neighbor is 300 yards away, with such a distance being required in order to not be affected via neighbors Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and other gadgets. There is only spotty cell phone reception, and radiation from only one radio station. I live in an isolated cabin in the woods and my only outing to civilization is a once a month trip to buy groceries.  Many times I am not well enough to even do that and I depend on friends to buy me food.  I cannot work and my money is almost  exhausted, and I don’t know how I would survive financially, and with the spread of smart meters, soon there will not be even one house I would be able to live in.  It is very frustrating knowing that without this radiation I can live a normal life, but because of it I am forced into an absurd existence.”

Tachover was a firm cell phone user who had no landline and spent hours on her cell phone and in front of her wireless computer.  “ My laptop was my best friend,” she says.  “I was the first to purchase a cellular wireless Internet connection to my laptop, to ensure that I had Internet access wherever I went.”  Finally, like so many other people, she was injured—injured by a new laptop computer she had bought for the law practice she was starting.  “Every time I used the computer I felt pressure in my chest,  the rapid pounding of my heart, difficulty breathing, dizziness, pressure in my head, my face would become red and hot, and I was nauseous. I had weird cognitive problems—I could not find words and when my husband spoke to me, five minutes later I would not remember that he did.  I suddenly was unable to touch my cell phone and if I put it near my head it felt as if someone were drilling into my brain,”

The first action she took was to go home to Israel to recover her health.  “It was an unfortunate choice,” she said.  “On my first day there my body collapsed.  While I was driving I felt excruciating pain.  I looked up and saw ‘white stripes’ on the roof of the mall, and when I asked my mother what they were she told me that they were cell phone antennas.  Until that moment I did not know I felt antennas.  I had tears in my eyes and all I could say was ‘for God’s sake, there are children growing up here!’  From that moment on my condition quickly went downhill and my life became a nightmare.  I could not sleep any more and the pain was unbearable.”

Back in New York, Tachover spent months living in her car.  “I could not be in my apartment, could not find a house, and I spent days desperately trying to find a place without radiation in which to park my car.   At nights I parked my car in parking lots and would cover the windows with dark cloths and sheets so people would not see me.”

Unfortunately Tachover’s experience is very common and becoming more so.  Although she is now focusing her efforts as a lawyer to try to win “basic human and civil rights” for those who are called electrically sensitive, Tachover knows the real problem is much bigger.  “Humans are electric  beings,” she says, “and there is no mechanism in the human body that protects it from the radiation.  Therefore, to claim that this radiation is not affecting us is ignorant and absurd. EHS is not a disease, it is an environmentally induced condition to which no one is immune.  I want to believe that the day in which the extent of this disaster will be exposed is not far.  Ignoring the facts and reality do not change them and ignoring a problem is guaranteed to worsen its scale.”

Olle Johansson, who for decades was on the faculty of the world famous Karolinska Institute—the institute that awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine every year—first became interested in the effects of microwave radiation in 1977 when he heard a presentation about leakage of the blood brain barrier Finland.  He began to study the problem of skin rashes in computer operators oh in the early 1980s after hearing a radio program by Kajsa Vedin.  Vedin, who later wrote In the Shadow of a Microchip, an analysis of the occupational risks of computer work.  “As a neurologist,” says Johansson, “I thought I was close enough, and strongly believed that the issues she wanted to highlight, using the conventional repertoire of scientific ‘tools,’ ought to be easily investigated.  I did not realize at all that there were other forces not wanting to see such studies initiated, but very soon I understood that these investigations proposed by Kajsa Vedin would be very, very hard to start.

“For me,” he recalls, “It was immediately clear that persons claiming skin reactions after having been exposed to computer screens very well could be reacting in a highly specific way and with a completely correct avoidance reaction, especially if the provocative agent was radiation and/or chemical emissions— just as you would do if you had been exposed to, for example sun rays, x-rays, radioactive, or chemical odors.  Very soon however, from different clinical colleagues a large number of other ‘explanations’ became fashionable—that the persons claiming screen dermatitis were only imagining this, or they were suffering from post menopausal psychological aberrations, or they were old, or had a short school education, or were victims of classical Pavlovian conditioning.  Strangely enough, most of the, often self-made, ‘experts’ who proposed these explanations had themselves never met anyone with screen dermatitis and had never done any investigations of their proposed explanatory models.”

When he first contacted Vedin, Johansson did not personally know anyone with screen dermatitis either, but he quickly learned that they were hidden all around him in plain view. He learned that skin rashes were only the most visible manifestations of a devastating impairment, and that exposure not only to computer screens but other sources of radiation, and even ordinary electricity, could seriously damage the heart, nervous system, and other systems of the body.  “After all these years,” he says, “today I now regularly communicate with many thousands of such people, spread all around the world, and coming from all aspects of life.  Nothing protects you from this functional impairment, not political stance, not your income, not sex, skin color, age, where you live or what you do for a living.  Anyone can be affected.  These people suffer radiation damage from gadgets that have very rapidly been introduced without ever having been formally tested for potential toxic environmental exposures or any other types of health hazards.”

Johansson has not only seen his research funding disappear, and has lost his position at the Karolinska Insitiute, but he has had death threats, and on one occasion an attempt on his life.  He went riding on his motorcycle with his wife one day, and while still going slow, he suddenly lost control of the vehicle.  Twenty-seven spokes of the rear wheel had been cleanly sawed through, so professionally that it had been impossible to see.  I asked Johansson what keeps him going.  He began began telling me about the lives of the people who are called electrically sensitive.

“The lives of EHS persons most often are a living hell,” he said.  “I very soon realized that the very famous Swedish social security net did not catch them in its arms, but allowed them to fall and crash.  That disturbed me a lot.  The EHS had become a model of the democratic world, or rather a model of how democracies fail to protect their citizens.  It was, and is, not hard to imagine yourself in such a situation.  Today the EHS person, but what about tomorrow?  Who will then be an outsider/  Myself even?  You?  Who?  The EHS became a kind of medical outcast, facing difficulties not shared by the rest of society.  A very scary panorama.  Anyone, as a fellow human being, would have been equally affected by what I have witnessed over and over again.

“At the same time, another side also grew on me.  The EHS persons, most of them, actually are very strong.   They have to endure harassments of various sorts from the society, from physicians, scientists, experts, politicians, civil servants, their kin, and so forth, and all this makes their mental ‘skin’ very tough.  I admire them a lot!  I know I never would be able to constantly take such immense beatings.

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blyth is an engaging physician born in England, who has dual British and American citizenship, and who has also dedicated her life to this problem, having experienced it firsthand.  After graduating from medical school in1998, she worked at hospitals all over England, becoming an instructor in trauma medicine.  In 2007, she moved to the United States with her husband, who was an F-16 pilot with the British Royal Air-force, working as an exchange officer with NATO.  She became injured while she was pregnant.  Like so many young professionals, Mallelry-Blyth had become dependent on technology.  In fact, she was one of the earliest cell phone users, her father having bought her one when she was 10 years old, in the mid 1980’s.  She had always noticed that she got a headache if she used her cell phone too long, but like most people, she had not paid too much attention.

Now, however, the pain became intense after every phone call, and the right side of her face would become bright red as if she were sunburned.  She had also just acquired her first WiFi-enabled laptop computer, which she used a great deal for medical research, and which she rested on her legs—but not for long, because every time she did that she would get severe, deep aching pain inside her legs.  “It felt like my legs were cooking from the inside,” she recalls.  Soon she could no longer use her computer at all, even at a distance.  “As a doctor,” she says, “I knew that when there’s pain there’s something wrong.  Eventually she had to give up using both the computer and the telephone.  By this time she was not sleeping, and had acquired a heart arrhythmia and severe tremors, in addition to the dizziness and headaches that were tormenting her.  But everything she read on the Internet reassured her that she was not going to get cancer from her cell phone, and she could not put her experience into any medical context that she had ever been taught.  She finally heard the term “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” after her daughter was born, but still did not grasp the seriousness of it. “How could there be a condition that was so profound that I’d never heard of it?” she wondered.  It was not until she underwent a MRI to rule out a brain tumor that she finally realized that her life had been permanently, utterly altered.  For when the high frequency pulse of the MRI was turned on she saw “a million grains of golden sand exploding outwards,” and had “a feeling of impending doom.” The final piece of the puzzle fell into place when she and her husband visited an isolated campground in the edge of Death Valley where there was no Wi-Fi and no cell reception.  “The relief was unbelievable,” she says.  For the first time in a long time she felt completely well and completely normal.

But, like Tachover, and like so many other people throughout the world, life was now impossible.  Mallery-Blyth and her husband moved out of their home and began camping in tents or sleeping in the back of their car.  She describes it as “living like war refugees.”  She could not enter a market or a gas station without becoming crippled.  “You can’t do the basic things you need to live.  You almost feel like you’re going to wake up, like it’s some kind of bizarre dream.” Almost worse that the physical hardship was the fact that they had to hide the truth of what was happening from everybody they knew and met.  They lived like that for more than half a year, until they found a log cabin by a lake in South Carolina, where they were forced to live without electricity so that she could recover her health.

Hitting the high points of the chapter from here o Yuri Grigoriev, known affectionately as the grandfather of EMF research in Russia stated “the brain is a critical organ and children have become the group at greatest peril.”

Childrens cell phone use may increase their risk of ADHD from a headline about a Korean study.   The more time on the phone, with calls and games the greater the risk of ADHD.

Out of Japan came the headline, Computer Screens Can Make You Blind.  Four hours a day on the computer for ten years doubles ones risk for glaucoma.

Also out of Japan, mobiles worsen eczema.

From China, cell phone radiation causes cataracts to form on the eyes of rabbits.

From Kaiser Permanente in California, women exposed to higher magnetic fields while pregnant gave birth to children at greater risk for asthma.

India, England, Turkey and Malaysia found heavy cell phone use damaged hearing.

Swedish scientists proved cell phone use disrupts the blood brain barrier with lab rats within two minutes of exposure to cell phone radiation.

Millennials, between 1981 and 1996 were the first to grow up using cell phones.  Now experiencing unprecedented decline in their health by the time they reach their late twenties.  They are having increased depression, hyperactivity, type II diabetes, hypertension, psychoses, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis and substance use disorder.

Stroke is rising in adults younger than 50.

Women in 20’s and 30’s keeping cell phones in their bras are getting a distinctive type of breast cancer.  Since cell phones began living in the hip pockets, the annual number of hip replacements has skyrocketed.

Not only did the scientists at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center find that children who spent more time per day on a wireless device have poorer language and literacy skills, but MRI’s showed structural damage to the white matter of their brains.

I could go on and on and complete books have been written about this awful condition that we have allowed to develop.  We absolutely have to stop this destruction of our planet and ultimately all creatures and living organisms.  Do I have the answer?  NO, but I am trying to help open eyes to see  that we are being poisoned by so many things, but this may be the big game changer that does us in.

It will not take a few arm chair quarterbacks sitting back hoping for the best.  We have to take a committed stand and gather together not in the thousands, but millions and force them all to put a stop to this madness.

I have purchased a meter to measure radiation. I have wired my computer directly to the modem. I am turning off my WiFi when it is not being used.  I am putting a screen around the router to decrease the strength of the radiation.  I am not using bluetooth devices to the extent that I was.  I am placing a lead shield around my cell phone and use it sparingly.  I turned off the wireless phone in the house and have gone back to a wired phone. I have received my air tube earbuds.

The last paragraph in the book The Invisible Rainbow follows.

As awareness spreads, it will become acceptable to turn to your neighbor and ask them to turn off their cell phone, or unplug the Wi-Fi. And that will be the beginning of recognition that we have a problem, one that is more than two centuries old. It is a problem that pits the apparent ease of living, the limitless power at our fingertips brought to us by electrical technology, against the unavoidable, irreversible effects of that same technology on the natural world of which we are a part. The unfolding human rights emergency, already affecting perhaps 100 million people worldwide, and the environmental emergency threatening so many plant and animal species with extinction, must be faced with open eyes.

Perhaps you have some other ideas on how to minimize your exposure.  You better take heed, we are in the fight of our lives and if this earth is going to have anything left for our children and the future of mankind then we must act NOW!!!!!!!!!

With so many clinics closed and people afraid to go to the clinics I decided to try a new approach.  If you believe some basic medical care can be accomplished for you, consider this.  You do not have to go out, drive to the clinic, wait in the office waiting room, wait in the exam room,  have the nurse ask most of the questions, and then see the backside of the physician for a moment or two before he bids you farewell when you did not have time to ask questions, let alone get answers.  Do you recognize the picture I have painted?

I am treating patients for basic medical needs by telemedicine.  If you would like to set up an appointment, or just have a question, call Lakeside Medical Clinic at 417-644-2788.

Please do not forget to pray, and share this message because truly our lives and our world depend on us waking up and taking action.

© 2020 John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure:


Zombies Among Us, Does Anybody care?

By Dr. John Ure, MD

First of all, I would like to say, thank you so very much for placing me as a featured writer when I submitted my first article.  In speaking to the editor regarding my experiences, he graciously offered me a position as a contributing writer, which I gladly accepted.

This article is not what I had anticipated writing as my second article. This morning I spent time reading the book, Aids Opium and Diamonds by Dr. Nancy Turner Banks.  I would like to thank Sofia Smallstorm for recommending the book to her listeners. The section of the book today dealt with the horrible condition of poisoning our environment, animals and people with fluoride. I had already realized the harmful effects and the evil actions of the powers behind the scenes. Obviously, as is stated numerous times, simply follow the money. On my website, I have an article on fluoride, but it is relatively brief and it is one of the topics that I’m going to expand on in the future.

The other topic that was going through my mind was going to be my next article, Earthing. Consider the previous sentence as a preview of what is forthcoming, but if you just can not stand the suspense it can also be found on the above website. You might be thinking, well if it is already on your website why would you want to write about it again?  Good question. The reason is, I have had quite a number of years experience working with it personally as well as with my family and hearing feedback from my patients.   Now I can share knowledge of earthing firsthand.

Observing the videos of Dr. Buttar, I became impassioned to think that I could go out into the community and share the knowledge that I have and that others would be interested in listening. You will be so glad you spent time watching him because he is not only full of passion but has an excellent understanding of medicine and expresses it in a way that is easy to understand. Dr. Rashid A. Buttar website.

I had envisioned myself in front of a sizable group of people answering questions that I am sure that they must have wanted to ask. I suppose I had viewed so many movies in the past showing crowds of people clamoring to listen to an orator.

I armed myself with a print out of my first article planning on handing them out to an eager audience, or at least sharing websites so that they could look it up online. I also had several brochures that told who I am, and what I am doing. Explaining that my goal was readily available healthcare that is affordable.

I had created a fairly large sign approximately 4′ x 4’and had kept the writing to a minimum. Top line, Dr. John Ure and that was simple enough. The next three lines stated Virus Questions Answered on hour. I also took a nice stand that was going to allow me to place my material so I could readily review it as I talked with the gathered audience.

I went to our largest shopping area that consists of Walmart, Tractor Supply, and Ace True Value Hardware representing some of the largest retailer’s although there are several other smaller businesses as well. I proceeded to place my vehicle in just such a way as it would not impede the flow of traffic. I then placed my sign in a readily visible location leaning against the vehicle.

I anxiously awaited the first interested individual. And I waited and waited and waited some more. I had taken one of my dogs, a small fox terrier with me because he absolutely loves car travel and being with me. His name is Dusty, and his coat is completely brown with short hair.  One of the reasons he gets to go with me while other dogs stay home is because he minds so well. As a matter of fact he has darling way of singing on command and can almost repeat I love you so that it sounds like the words.  I invite you to look at my Facebook page, John Ure and you will see many of my furry friends.

On two occasions I thought for sure I had some interested individuals. The first parked off to my left but as they proceeded to get out of the car it became apparent that they were only needing to walk their dog. The next parked only 20 feet away from me and I thought their motive was to distance themselves from other individuals in the parking lot. I was wrong again. They had bought lunch at Hardee’s because they couldn’t go inside because of our pandemic and had simply chosen that spot to have their lunch.

I had one pedestrian, probably in his upper teenage years, walk by at a distance of approximately 20 feet away and therefore I could ask him if he had any questions about the virus. He stated he did not.

After approximately 1 1/2 hours sitting on a folding chair with Dusty on my lap a lady stopped approximately 20 feet away and ask if she could take a picture. I gave her permission and told her that he could sing a song for her and proceeded to allow him to show off. I then told her that I would be more than happy to give her some information on the virus and in so doing approached her car when she readily grabbed her mask and stuck it up in front of her face. I told her that the mask was certainly not going to do her any good whatsoever. Obviously she had been brainwashed by the main stream media.

Fortunately, to break my boredom one of my friends from Texas called and I told him what I was doing. He thought that it was a good idea and I told him that it really wasn’t. I then told him about my article and he asked me to send it to him. I told him I would and said there are several interesting parts I could read to you. He then said will read the whole thing, and I told him it was long but he had the patience to listen to it entirely.

I had watched car after car drive-by people looking at the sign, not comprehending it’s significance. People not even turning their heads being aware of their environment, or people looking at their cell phones oblivious to their surroundings. This is why I feel that our population is nothing but a bunch of hypnotized sheeple mesmerized by their cell phone totally out of touch with reality.  I believe if there had been a blaze in front of them they would have driven through in their haste to get into Chinamart.

I had enough and was preparing to leave.  Putting the sign away and closing all doors.  A local police car pulled up and stopped about 20 feet from me.  My first impulse was someone has called the police any reported my actions.  I decided I was not up for an explanation to the police.  Usually they are not at all understanding anyway, so I just drove away.  Perhaps my paranoia was just kicking in but who knows.  I am seeing all kinds of inappropriate behavior by law enforcement all over the world.

I then drove to Aldies grocery store for provisions.  Usually you place a quarter in the slot to retrieve your cart, but due to the pandemic they have assigned an employee to be the official cart disinfector.  I spoke with her and found out she had been laid off from one of the large boat manufacturing industries locally.  As a divorcee living by herself she had to take a job paying considerably less than she had.

About 20 feet down the first aisle I ran into two friendly men.  I did not know it at the time but they were father and son.  I asked them where they were from and they were from the Sedalia area but were here for the Spring turkey hunt.  They were gathering their food supply for their outing.  It was good to witness the comradery that they displayed.  Both expressed their frustration calling the entire fiasco a gigantic hoax and described all of the feelings about it that good, common sense people share.  I might add that neither of them had on masks or gloves.  Most of the other shoppers had on masks.

The older man described how he would execute a do over and I may have given you a hint.  He stated once the politicians realized what was in store for them if they did not toe the mark then maybe they would actually do what they are being paid to do. When I approached the checkout they had constructed a transparent shield to prevent contamination by the virus. It had been added since my last visit. Obviously worthless, but adding to the overall fear factor.

I gave the men a print out of my article and brochure.  They each  showed me a knife they had made, and wore proudly.  In fact they made my entire effort worthwhile.  It made me proud to see that there are still red blooded Americans with backbone to tell it how it is, as well as the willingness to do something about it.  We will be counting on these type of individuals in the future.  They gave cheery waves as they drove away.  Somehow I think I will run into them again down the road.

This brings me to the bible text, Romans 8:28 All things work together for the good of those who love God.  To those called according to His purpose.  If you look closely at the wording of the text, it does not say every thing that happens to you is a good thing.  It says that all things that happen will ultimately have a good purpose.

The effort to share knowledge with the community was a bomb, but the time spent with the cart cleaner and these men was valuable.

I so not know if the sign will ever be used but it is ready if needed.  I already knew it but this was just a reinforcement of the head in the sand, I know all about it or totally indifferent attitude of people today.  Oh, how I long for the good old days when I was raised the 50’s and 60’s.  I will share something with you that is very special to me, and that is a tribute I made to my mother shortly after she died. You will be able to find it by Clicking Here I invite you to look particularly at the title, Leave It To Beaver, because that is the type of home my parents provided for we children.

I am so disappointed in the direction I have seen health care go.  I have been attacked in a way that I would have never imagined because the establishment does not want people to get better.  All they want is to cull the older folks from the ranks, and make more money.  I am currently writing a book called The Last Country Doctor.  It will be telling the story of just how we doctors are being attacked.  If it is not according to the way the establishment wants it to be then you better watch out.  Heaven help you if you take someone off of their prescription medication.  All they want is for them to take another pill.  Then there will be side effects of that pill so nobody is really ever cured it is just a revolving door to maintain sickness in order to maintain a constant cash flow.

I recognize just how far off course things have gotten in so many ways.  My future articles will be addressing what I am aware of, and I would appreciate suggestions for topics of interest from the readers.

I would really appreciate you passing the word around that I am providing basic medical care by Telemedicine.  417-644-2788

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr.John Ure:


Understanding Coronavirus on April 15, 2020

By Dr. John Ure, MD

The reason I titled this article as above is because it seems to be a continuing web of interacting facts and figures. It is subject to change on a minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day basis.

What I will be endeavoring to do, is to explain, to the best of my ability, what I see at this time.

I am an emergency room physician and have practiced Family medicine for nearly 40 years. My website is I constructed it a number of years ago and therefore it is very rudimentary and I have not had time to update the format since it seems to be effective as it is.

This COVID-19 hysteria known as a pandemic has been going on for several weeks. It is absolutely incredible that they have been able to shut down the entire world with just a few words.

I have been studying profusely for the past 20 years everything I could possibly look at that seems to be hidden. I first realized something was not quite right when I was on duty in the emergency room, and in between patient care I happen to overhear the commentator of the television program on the history channel say, “listen to these next three words.” I really hadn’t been paying attention to the program however when I heard this it caused me to look toward the screen and I saw daddy Bush standing at a podium with his hands placed on it. He made the statement, “we are going to establish a new world order.” It was at this point that I begin to look in all directions much deeper than I had previously.

I rather dislike the title of being a conspiracy theorist because I consider myself a conspiracy fact person. My mother always preached to we children that she could not stand a thief or a liar. I feel exactly the same way. I do not like being lied to. It reminds me of the movie A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise as an attorney and Jack Nicholson as a Marine Colonel on the witness stand who essentially lost it. He began screaming at the top of his lungs,” you cannot handle the truth.” This is exactly what is going on with our government and all of the alphabet agencies we have to deal with. They are treating us as though we are mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us bullshit.

At this particular time I have two different tracks or thoughts and I’m not exactly sure which one is correct or if it’s a blend of both. This will become apparent in the article.

I am not going to be quoting facts, figures and numbers because those can easily be manipulated and changed at will. What I will be attempting to do is give you a picture as I see and understand to the best of my ability.

Initially, I was able to find out that there is a level 4 Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada that seems to be involved. Interestingly a man by the name of Frank Plummer, was the director for 14 years. He recently resigned from that position and was in Kenya, Africa where he was a keynote speaker at a convention. It is reported that he died of a heart attack, however I think this cause of death is of a suspicious nature.

It was reported that a Chinese lady named Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were escorted from the lab with a number of her students. It was stated it was for policy breach and administrative matters, and that public safety was not involved. I just wonder what the truth really is?

It was suspected that some of these individuals had smuggled samples of viruses to Wuhan, China. I have have determined the virus originally came from a bio lab in the Netherlands, and they had received it from Saudi Arabia. It had originally been obtained from the lungs of a man that had died in 2005. These samples were reported to be Corona virus.

I do not have verification that the virus was weaponized in a US military lab but some have speculated this. I have also come across that the virus was weaponized in the laboratory in China and that they had placed four particles of HIV into the coronavirus to make it spread more easily.

It is not certain whether the virus, if in fact it does exist was released accidentally or intentionally in China. There is a story that was put out that it had originated in a wet market that is only 300 m from the level 4 bio lab and that the initial victims had actually contracted the virus from the animals in the wet market. I have determined that they were doing testing to find out what animals they could actually infect with the virus, but beyond that the information is rather sketchy.

One other factor, that must come into play, is that the world military games were held in October of 2019 in Wuhan, China. Apparently 10,000 participants attended with representatives of the U.S. military also present. I find it interesting that China led with the most won gold medals. The US did not win any gold medals taking only 7 medals, silver and bronze. The US performances were so poor in fact that the athletes were referred to as Soy Boys.

It is rather controversial regarding the involvement of 5G electromagnetic radiation as being a factor in the illness. From what I can see, 5G radiation is quite damaging to plants and animals. It ranges from 3 KHz to 300GHz. Usually being used in the 30GHz to 300GHz. It is my understanding that it’s the same type of energy that was used in the gulf war to subdue the Iraqi soldiers. I have recently seen videos of trains in the California area that were carrying armored personnel carriers with laser mechanisms and high energy type of weapons mounted on them. This concerns me greatly.

Some months back I was puzzled as to why we were having flocks of birds falling out of the sky. Sometime it is difficult to determine the exact cause, but I think there is a direct correlation with the testing of microwave radiation.

There seems to be a significant correlation with illnesses that take place any time there is a new roll out of electromagnetic types of devices such as the radio that was coming about at the time of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. I have seen reports that our troops in what is now called the Fort Riley military base received injections of bacterial meningitis vaccine that was cultured in horses. Apparently the disease was a bacteria rather than a virus. The soldiers traveled all over Europe by ship and train actually spreading a bacterial infection throughout Europe.

The high concentrations of infected individuals seem to be in Seattle, Washington, Wuhan, China, Milan, Italy, and also New York City, as well as Iran. Wuhan was proud of being the foremost developer of the 5G system. They were even trying to establish driverless cars.

I have not been able to verify the following but it has been reported that the 5G radiation causes a disruption of the oxygen molecules causing it to be poorly utilized by the lungs. It is also stated that it causes a degradation of the immune defense mechanisms of the individuals.

Several weeks ago I personally viewed what is referred to as a satellite train moving across the western sky from my yard. I saw 26 satellites that were just a few seconds behind one another moving in a perfectly straight line. My investigation revealed that Elon Musk is involved in this and has sent three rocket into space with each of these carrying 60 satellites weighing approximately 500 pounds each and they were released at approximately 300 miles above the earth in what is referred to as low earth orbit. They have an ion engine on board that pulses every 90 seconds boosting the satellites out to 400-450 miles above the earth.

The purpose of these satellites is to beam 5G signals to the earth. I was astounded when I found out that the FCC had given him permission to put a total of 42,000 of these satellites into space. At this time astronomers all over the world are upset because they cannot view space without interference of the satellites coming across their screen. It has also been stated that he has plans on putting 1 million ground-based antennas that will also be linked into the system.

It has been reported that these millimeter wave transmissions do not have the ability to go through solid objects such as trees, buildings, or even rain and therefore they have to be relatively close together and without obstructions. It has been reported from the UK that trees are being cut down to facilitate transmission of these signals. It has also been reported and I have seen videos of cell towers that have been caught on fire to destroy them in the UK.

I have been looking at as many sources as I can possibly review to figure out exactly what is going on. Quite a number of individuals are concerned and are doing the best they can to try to get the word out so that we have some idea of how to cope with this current situation.

I was watching a video of David Icke being interviewed by his son and he was explaining the thoughts of a doctor named Andrew Kaufman that was completely different than anything that I had come across this far. I planned on showing other people the David Icke video but Google had taken it down. This seems to be what is going on right now with many of the videos being pulled that are giving any information that is contrary to what mainstream media is propagandizing.

I was reviewing a video with Sofia Smallstorm in which she recommended a book called Aids, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire the deadly virus of international greed. It is written by Nancy Turner Banks, M. D.. Interestingly she does not believe these viruses exist because none of them have been identified or isolated and they have only been testing for genetic particles that they say come from these viruses.

Dr. Kaufman states that in fact whatever is being referred to as viruses are small vesicular packages of material called exosomes that are actually extruded from cells that have been under attack. The attacking agents are varied and can be caused by a virus, bacteria, asthma, stress, radiation, chemical exposure, or electromagnetic radiation such as 5G.

He went on to say that these exosomes have precisely the same appearance in the electron microscope as of the corona viruses. They are named corona from the Latin word meaning crown due to their appearance of a crown.

Interestingly he has shown evidence of the difficulty of person to person transmission of illness in as much as he stated that swabs were taken from orifices of infected individuals. Sputum and nasal secretions of sick individuals were actually placed into other individuals and they did not become ill.

Additionally to try to make it easier for contagion these same substances were injected into the individuals without transmission of illness.

The next thing they did was thinking that maybe it had to be directly from person to person and so they have them sit across from each other with their lips very close together breathing in and out mutual air and likewise no illness was transferred. I find this extremely interesting.

I have said from the very beginning that this entire situation is based on a complete fraud that is being perpetrated on the entire world.

In the United States alone the common influenza virus causes the death of roughly 80,000 people on a yearly basis.

Also the vast majority of the individuals that have died according to the so-called COVID-19 have been elderly often times in nursing homes with comorbid diseases of one, two or as many as three or four disease states. Diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease have made it easier for the elderly to succumb to an additional insult.

Also, I have learned that many of the people being treated were given anti-AIDS medication and it in itself caused anemia leading to the demise of the individual. It has been reported that this has been referred to as a blue death because of cyanosis or a blue color of the skin and lips of an individual indicating severe depletion of oxygen in the tissues. Once this occurs, if not corrected, death will soon follow.

You are probably aware the major problems that are causing death is fluid buildup in the lungs and is essentially a pneumonia. This is why all of the respirators are necessary in order to help the patients with oxygenation.

The endgame is what concerns me the most at this point. Essentially the entire world is locked down. We have always had controlling force behind the scene that wants complete control of the world.

When one looks carefully at what is happening, everyone is dieing of COVID-19. Even if the person was hit by a car. I saw that the doctors in China were holding up a CT scan saying they were using it to diagnose COVID-19. It is impossible to determine the cause of an illness by looking at a condition on an image. Doctors are being told to report cause of death as COVID-19

Along the same line, they stated that they were not going to test everyone and if a patient had the same symptoms they just called it another COVID-19 patient.

I called the lab at the ER where I have worked in the past and asked them how they were testing for the virus. The technician stated that they did not test there. They did a nasal swab, and sent it to a reference lab for the procedure.

There are several ways that they are testing for the virus, but the two most common are the RT PCR which does not identify a virus but looks at a string of genetic material. The other test is an antibody test that shows antibodies to the virus after you had an illness.

It was stated that four negatives in a row were required in order to be truly negative. Also the tests can produce a myriad of false positives from such things as the following for HIV positive patients.

TB, renal failure, influenza, herpes simplex l and ll, upper respiratory infection, pregnancy, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis B vaccination, hepatitis, multiple myeloma, hemophilia, and these are just to name a few of the nearly 50 causes of a false positive.

Right now the goal is population reduction eliminating the elderly who are no longer productive and costing a great deal of money. Elimination of currency in favor of digital control. They will be able to track every purchase according to what you purchased, where you bought it and how much you paid for it. No privacy what so ever. Restriction of travel. Orwellian big brother overseeing the population in every way imaginable. Certainly last but not least, forced vaccination for COVID-19.

We are being assaulted by chemtrails, that are polluting our atmosphere with aluminum, barium, strontium, lithium, desiccated human red blood cells, and dog feces as well as viruses. I have not been able determine if the so-called COVID-19 viruses have been placed in the atmosphere but still researching that as a possibility.

We have been assaulted by genetically modified foods from corporations such as Monsanto and Dupont and the manufacture of seeds that have built in insecticides causing our pollinating insects to be decimated. It should be known that our honeybee population is decreased by nearly 2/3 of what is normal. There are approximately 120 plants such is the pecan tree that absolutely depend on the honeybee for pollination. Albert Einstein stated, “if the honeybees become extinct, then mankind will become extinct within three years.”

The government has plans to institute mandatory vaccinations and you will not be able to do anything unless you can show a card or some other identification to prove that you have received your vaccination. Bill Gates with all of his billions of dollars has been giving money to the world health organization second only to the United States.

His agenda is to vaccinate everyone and he’s been doing population reduction in Africa stating that the vaccine is the answer to all of the problems however if only hygiene and clean water and healthy living were taught, the health will improve significantly.

My advice to you is to refrain from being frightened and turn off your television and radio and do not look at any of the alphabet main stream media sources that are fear mongering to scare everyone.

If we are going to have any type of life that we have known in the past it is going to be necessary for the patriots of the world to step forward and say, enough is enough. One or two individuals will not be able to stand up to all the forces against us. We will have to have an army of millions with like-minded ideas in order to survive. It’s too bad we can’t simply vote all of the politicians out and do what is called a do over with a fresh beginning.

At this point, I thought I was nearing the end of my article, however as of Friday, April 17 of 2020 I came across additional information that was absolutely mind-boggling. Therefore I am not going to go back and change all of the information that I wrote at the beginning, because as I indicated, information changes rather rapidly and I would like you the reader to know in fact how quickly it has changed for me.

I am very proud of the work Dr. Rashid Buttar has been doing. Not only his clinical work but in trying to educate the entire world to just what is going on with this pandemic. I am a D.O. , and so is Dr. Buttar. The conclusion of this paper was primarily gleaned from his five part video series that can be viewed by looking at his website, It has been extremely valuable and revealing.

I had seen in my research that several sites had been indicated as being responsible for the development of the COVID-19 virus but it looks as though the major work was done at the university of North Carolina in the year 2015. Dr Shi Zhengli was working in the laboratory and was being funded by the US government for research on a virus. The purpose of their research was to make a super virus. They were working with virus samples originally obtained from Fort Detrick. They wanted to create a highbred that cannot have a vaccine developed for it. Their purpose was to increase gain of function or to increase the pathogenicity of the virus.

Dr. Shi lied when she stated that the virus originated naturally because it was created as what is referred to a chimera. A chimera is a mythical animal that is made from various parts of other animals. This is exactly what they did with this virus because they took a basic SARS virus which is classified as a coronavirus and modified it by inserting proteins from an HIV virus, and a MERS virus into what is the termed a COVID-19. Their purpose was to make it more very virulent.

When the government realized exactly what was being done they declared a moratorium on the research. At that time Dr. Shi decided that she would go to Wuhan, China to continue her work. It should be noted that Dr. Fauci continue to allow her to do research in the United States although the government had told her to stop.

At this point it should be clearly stated that the virus had its start in the United States.

And now we come to the part that became more clear as I looked at additional sources. That is the very importance that 5G technology plays in this entire scenario. Remember I told you at the beginning of this paper that it was a web of great complexity with multiple involvements. I have already explained how in all of the major cities where is this virus became rampant they had just rolled out 5G radiation. To quote Dr. Buttar, “5G rapes the immune system.”

What we are dealing with here is electromagnetic radiation that is damaging to all living organisms. In Wuhan, China there were no 5G signals in November 2019. In December 2019 they turned on 12,000 5G towers. It should be pointed out that 20 years ago China stated their long range program was for biological warfare. They utilized a weaponized virus coupled with the harmful affects of the 5G signals.

The term hertz is used to describe the frequency of a radio signal. The higher the value of hertz the greater the frequency of the signal.

For example:
♦ 3G frequency it’s up to 2.1 GHz
♦ 4G is the frequency of the 2.5 GHz
♦ 5G frequency is up to 300GHz which is many times stronger than a 4G signal
♦ 5G is considered to be in the microwave radiation range. Each tower is only able to move a signal to anywhere from 4 to 6 homes as reported by some or from 2 to 8 houses as reported by other sources. It is therefore the plan to place millions of antennae regardless of the negative impact to all life.

DNA has been shown to be significantly damaged by electromagnetic radiation. With prolonged exposure radiation symptoms can be as follows: nausea, swelling, hair loss, decreased appetite, low energy, generalize malaise, damaged bone marrow, damaged organs, confusion, infection, cancer, incapacitation and death.

Not all countries have been given the go ahead to rollout 5G radiation. Brussels, Belgium outright banned it and there is no 5G in their country.

It’s obvious to me that I can do without 5G signals. In fact I will make it a point not to have a cell phone in the bedroom where I am sleeping. I am turning my Wi-Fi router off when not being used. I have been using Hughes Net satellite service and when they sent me a new router it was putting out both 2G and 5G signals. Since I have an Apple Tower that was also putting out a Wi-Fi signal, I had them turn off both the 2G and 5G signal.

Approximately 10 years or so ago I decided I would no longer fly commercial airlines. Even at that time, I had realized that full body radiation was not good for me. I did what was called opting out, and had to be pulled out of the line for a complete pat down including wiping me down looking for traces of bomb residue. I figured that I would no longer subject myself to taking off shoes, belt, emptying pockets, going through carry on baggage and making sure that every thing I had was packaged just so and in the correct container and correct volume.

Now just what should we do with it and how concerned should we be with the virus itself. It is considered a self limiting version and most people will get better within 24 to 48 hours. Dr. Zack Moore in North Carolina stated people with mild symptoms do not need testing. They should just stay home.

I have decided at the end of this paper to give a listing of the individuals or Web Sites that I have found to be very useful. It is not intended to be an all inclusive list and I apologize for any one that I inadvertently left out. If you are aware of any other individuals or Web Sites that are informative I would appreciate you contacting me as well.

Dana Ashlie, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Rachid Buttar, Corbett report, David Icke, London Real, Amazing Polly, The Last American Vagabond, Richie from Boston, (RFB), Devvy Kidd, Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, Joan Swirsky, What Finger, Jon Rapport, Dr. Nancy Turner Banks, Israeli News Live.


Forget masks, gloves, and eye shields, unless you are a health care worker, and then the only thing that can protect you is full body covering, sealed with no access to room air. This will not be practical in most cases. Good nutrition with plenty of water, vit C. and zinc supplement and good rest will help tremendously. Do not go around known positive cases of COVID-19 unless you absolutely must and at that time maintain adequate distancing and have minimal contact. If you do come down with symptoms, unless you have severe shortness of breath, do not be tested, stay home and stay in bed and do not take any ibuprofen. It should be self limiting in 24-48 hours.

© 2020 John Ure – All Rights Reserved

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