Joe Biden Wants to Sacrifice Thousands of Jobs For a Green Economy

Lee Duigon

They’re All Crazy

As the year winds down, let’s pause to see where our gaggle of Democrat presidential hopefuls want to take us.

Joe Biden, the front-runner, has said he’s willing to sacrifice “hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs” to create a “greener” economy. Pssst, Joe! “Sacrificing” things that belong to other people—that’s not decent.

South Bent—Oops! Did I say “Bent” instead of “Bend”? But let it stand—Mayor Pete Buttigieg says we should pay “reparations” to illegal aliens. Where do we get off, enforcing our immigration laws? Really, what were we thinking? And along with the free money, Mayor Pete proposes to reward them with “a fast track to U.S. citizenship. Reward those who break our laws.

Not to be outdone, Elizabeth Warren, everyone’s favorite phony Native American, back in June said we ought to pay reparations to “gays” for all those years we didn’t let them… “marry,” if that’s the word for it.

And meanwhile they’re all for a whopping great Save The Planet tax on fossil fuels, government ownership of health care, and big reparations to the descendants of slaves, to be paid for by persons who never even saw a slave because slavery ended in America some five generations ago. But never mind—this is all about sacrificing other people’s stuff.

Oh! And Andrew Yang (who?) says the government ought to provide a guaranteed income, free money for all.

Okay. So first you lose your job, because Crazy Joe wants to stop imaginary Man-Made Climate Change (those imaginary problems are a bitch to solve). Joe says it’s your lucky day, the day you lose your job: it frees you up to “transition,” not to another gender, but to a higher-paying job. Maybe one of those Hunter Biden no-show specials, where they pay you megabucks just for sitting on their board of grifters.

Now you’re out of a job, but you’ve got to pay reparations to border-jumpers, “gays,” descendants of slaves, and any other potential voting bloc the Democrats can think of. It’ll all be paid out of your taxes—getting to be a pretty hefty bill there. And don’t forget that fossil fuel tax! And Medicare For All. And did I mention free college tuition? That’s also on the menu.

How are you going to be able to pay this tab? Unless you’re an oil sheik or a rock star or a Democrat presidential candidate, the total is bound to be more than you can ever hope to earn. But you’re out of work and earning nothing, as you wait for that higher-paying job to fall on you like manna from heaven.

Have any of these people actually had the experience of being out of work? [We really need a laugh track here.] You don’t always land a higher-paying job! Often you have to settle for whatever you can get—if you can get anything at all.

Here we must pause to question the basic sanity of these candidates. Are they truly that ignorant of what it’s like to work for a living, or are they genuinely crazy? Only the candidate’s psychiatrist knows for sure.

It may be that they’re all just spouting gas to rev up their Far Left voting base, who revel in both ignorance and pure delusion: our public schools and looniversities have done their job only too well. Their job is to crank out leftists. They’ve created several million of them.

But do the rest of us really want any of these kooks in possession of the nuclear launch codes?

For as long as the Democrat Party remains in being, it is a threat to America.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Young Conservatives’—Baloney!

Lee Duigon

This is fake news on steroids, brought to you last week by Reuters, which once upon a time was a news agency. Now it’s just another Pravda wannabe.

According to Reuters, a group calling themselves “Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends”—oh, please—is begging the Republican Party to dive on board the Climate Change bandwagon and support a tax on all fossil fuels… to Save The Planet.

The only thing this planet needs saving from is liberals and their little footsie game with communism.

Dig this: they say Republicans can’t survive politically unless they turn themselves into rug-chewing Climate Change fear-mongers—“especially in swing states where hurricanes and flooding have grown more severe due to global warming.”

Swing states? The evil weather gods are so into American politics that they single out our swing states? This is ridiculous even for Reuters. Okay, we do have Clergy for Choice; so “Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends” isn’t any more preposterous than that. It’s possible that such an organization does exist—funded, no doubt, by George Soros. But it’s just so stupid on the face of it that it cries out not to be investigated further.

The problem with conservatism in the Western world is jive “conservatives” who aren’t conserving anything. They set up think tanks, issue “white papers” that nobody but fake “journalists” reads, get their knickers in a twist every time President Donald Trump issues a counter-punching tweet, vie with one another to see who can most ardently admire Greta Thunberg, organize luxury cruises for other jive conservatives with more money than brains, and generally saw away on their fiddles as liberals burn our culture to the ground. Other than that, they’re cool.

Kill the culture, and the culture will kill you back. Which it’s doing, by the way.

What’s next—Young Conservatives for Drag Queen Story Hour? Never mind, Chick-fil-A has already got that covered, handing out $100,000 in 2018 to Covenant House, which hosts Drag Queen wing-dings and marches in “pride” parades. But there’s still a slot open for Young Conservatives for Harsher Hate Speech Laws. How about Young Conservatives for Open Borders? Or Reparations? There’s plenty of loopy liberal causes waiting for fake Republicans to endorse them.

How about this? A Scientist tells us that too much “holiday music”—she chickens out of saying “Christmas”—is bad for us. This calls for Young Conservatives for Stamping Out Holiday Music.

What’s really galling is the expectation by journalist fleabags like Reuters that anyone will actually believe the dopy stories they write. That’s insulting! But they themselves are only too willing to believe—or, more likely, just say they believe—men who say they’re women but they don’t have vaginas: so they expect us to believe them because they believe the crazies. They don’t seem to realize that very few people are quite as dumb as they are.

Oh! And here’s another cause for them to take up: not enough “camping space” for homeless people in our major cities. There’s already a bunch in Portland, Oregon, selling that—who wants homeless shelters, when you can have mobs of people “camping” on the sidewalk and using it for a latrine? Surely they could use some “Young Conservatives” to help push that one.

We are up to our eyeballs in really bad ideas.

Well, what are you waiting for? Call yourself a Young Conservative, latch onto some Far Left Crazy project that’ll really hurt America—and go for it!

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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We Don’t Have to Take It

Lee Duigon

Where is it written that our nation’s entire “education” system has to be dominated by left-wing loons trying to impose on us their weird vision of how things ought to be?

Wherever it’s been written down, the president of Brazil is trying to erase it—for which he deserves a standing ovation from us all.

President Jairo Bolsonaro was elected last year on his promises to do away with transgender teaching and “pro-gay ideology” in Brazil’s schools and universities (, and that’s what he’s been doing. His new Ministry of Education has abolished its “Diversity Department”—heaven only knows what that got up to—while Bolsonaro himself has pledged to clear out “all that Marxist rubbish.” The new Minister of Education has promised to fight “the crazy globalist wave.” Three cheers!

In his campaign, the president promised to “go into the Ministry of Education with a flamethrower” and wipe out the influence of one Paulo Freire.


Heading into the 1990s, Paulo Freire (d. 1997) dominated Brazilian education; but his influence was not confined to his own country: it metastasized and spread elsewhere. He achieved “near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs.” Well, of course he did: he was a socialist, a globalist, and a founder of “critical pedagogy.” He was acclaimed for his authorship of “Pedagogy of the Oppressed,” whose purpose seems to be to turn “the oppressed” into the oppressors. The goal of education, he wrote, is “political action and social critique.”

In plain English, he turned schools into round-the-clock indoctrination factories for the Left. This is what President Bolsonaro is working to undo. This is why he was elected.

So don’t wonder anymore when you see mobs of unionized teachers parading around in “Red for Ed” T-shirts and going off on junkets to Venezuela, as the Chicago teachers have done, to learn advanced techniques of Far Left mischief and come home to praise the dictator, Maduro. The “red,” of course, stands for communism.

Question: why on earth do we have to have these people “teaching” in our schools? Why have we, the public, no say at all in who teaches or who doesn’t, or what gets taught and what doesn’t?

The only thing “public” about “public education” anymore is that the poor defenseless public has to pay for it.

But Jairo Bolsonaro doesn’t think it has to be that way. He sees “LGBT collusion with state-sponsored education,” and he’s not the only one who sees it. Lately he’s branched out with a plan to cut the government off from education altogether, and privatize the colleges and universities. Can we please do that here? Why are we paying so much for our colleges and looniversities to crank out young leftists who think socialism, a la Venezuela—where they don’t have food, electricity, or toilet paper–will usher in utopia?

As might be expected, President Bolsonaro is the target of daily protests and tantrums thrown by the usual suspects—“students” who only know what their alleged “teachers” have taught them. The good news is that the president doesn’t listen to the protesters. He’s too busy working to keep his promises to the people who elected him.

He’s showing the world that this can, indeed, be done. We don’t have to take it anymore. It’s our money, that we worked for, and it shouldn’t have to be doled out to Marxist villains. We don’t have to live in dread and fear that if, by chance, we should say or write or think the wrong thing, we’ll be branded as “haters” and hauled up before some cockamamie “human rights” tribunal.

Normal people of the world, arise! You have nothing to lose but a lot of stupid fake pronouns dreamed up by babbling morons, and an education system that wants to wreck your country and your way of life.

Long live Jairo Bolsonaro!

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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How Chick-fil-A Went Sour

Lee Duigon

President Donald Trump has earned his place in history—by showing us that The Swamp, and the Deep State, are for real.

And Chick-fil-A has shown us that The Swamp is everywhere, not just in Washington, D.C. It’s gotten its tentacles into everything. Draining it will require a herculean national effort. Hercules washed out the Augean stables by diverting the course of a mighty river to blow out all the muck. If only it were so simple.

Chick-fil-A’s original owner died in 2014, his wife in 2015; and with them out of the picture, somebody hired this creepy little guy from the Far Left to manage the corporation’s charitable operations. No one noticed at the time. Very quietly, he turned “charity” into “social responsibility” and started funneling millions of dollars of Chick-fil-A’s earnings into the pockets of every gang of left-wing scalawags he could think of. We are thankful to Daniel Greenfield of Frontpage Mag for reporting this.

Obama and Clinton donor Rodney Bullard, as head of the Chick-fil-A Foundation, turned the foundation into “just another corporate leftist charity that lavishes cash on organizations linked to local Democrats and assorted diversity causes.” Mr. Greenfield provides a partial list of them. You’d be hard put to name a Far Left group that hasn’t received its piece of Chick-fil-A’s profits. Even the anti-Christian hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, got a gift of $25,000. Chicken feed, compared to what some others got—but you see the point.

Not so easy anymore to trust “foundations,” is it?

So when Chick-fil-A shocked American Christians by cutting off its donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes—“anti-LGBT” hate groups, dontcha know—it was only the next step in a process that Mr. Bullard had been managing for several years.

An “anti-LGBT hate group” is any two or more people who haven’t kowtowed to “gay” supremacy.

But it’s not just Chick-fil-A. Banks fund “pride parades.” It would be difficult to find a bank that doesn’t. Our professional sports leagues, when they’re not busy siding with Red China against people in Hong Kong who’d like to keep their liberties, support every wacko leftist cause that comes down the pike. Ditto Hollywood, a raft of professional associations, labor unions, Big Tech, and, indispensably, the Democrat Party. Chick-fil-A is only one of very many. The Swamp is everywhere.

We can’t boycott everything. Our colleges and looniversities create and train these leftist apparatchiks, who then go out and worm their way into all sorts of places where we never see them, never hear them, but have to live with their slow and patient murder of our culture. They’re in government, in social media, in business, publishing, the nooze media, and everywhere else—gnawing away like termites, invisibly working to “transform” America into God knows what.

Probably the best thing we can do, to achieve the survival of our nation and our way of life, is to cut this off at the source. As long as our education establishment keeps turning out termites, we’ll be afflicted with them. Teachers’ unions are all but openly communist. The day your child first enters a public school classroom, the unions start to work on him. What we still naively call “higher education” finishes the job. The only thing public about public education anymore is that the poor defenseless public has to pay for it.

This has to stop. That means abandoning the whole idea that everyone has to go to college. It means uprooting the government from its hold on education, taking away the funding, abolishing the federal Dept. of Education, and all the state departments of education, and returning control of the schools to the communities that they pretend to serve. It means breaking up the teachers’ unions. It means allowing a lot of colleges and universities to go out of business—because, in all honesty, America just doesn’t need several million brainwashed students working for degrees in Gender Studies.

Hercules had a much easier row to hoe.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Dumber by the Day

Lee Duigon

I’m ashamed I ever went to college. It wasn’t as bad, back then, as it is now; but it was bad enough. It took me a long time to grow out of it.

The chief additions to the looniversity menu, since those days, are all conspicuously present in the latest carryings-on at Notre Dame—which is supposed to be a Catholic university, but who would ever guess it?

A group of Far Left fat-heads calling themselves “End the Hate at Notre Dame” want to rework the whole curriculum to weed out books written by white men—in their words, to “eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship”.

“Violence”? The only violence here is that thing they’re doing to the English language. (Can I still say “English,” or is that some kind of “hate” or “violence,” too?)

They hadn’t yet mastered this art when I was in college—the art of jumbling words around until their meaning is erased and all that remains is whatever the “progressive” wants it to mean at any given moment. An hour later it might mean something else entirely. No dictionary can help us navigate these murky waters. It’s so hard to translate pure babble.

As academic nonentities are using it today, “violence” is *any* unspecified action, speech, or thought that differs from theirs. So assigning some wilting dandelion of a “student” to read, say, a play by William Shakespeare—well, that would be “violence.” Taboo! Written by a white male! Forbidden! The fact that Shakespeare’s plays are among the immortal artistic treasures of the human race, and the common property of all, cuts no ice with “End the Hate at Notre Dame.” That’s because they hate white people—only of course their hate isn’t “hate” at all, but “justice.”

And another perfectly good word goes down with a Far Left arrow in its back. (Can I still say “arrow”? This self-censorship is tricky business.)

See, what they offer us here is, in their words, for what very little that’s worth, is “an initiative for organizing civil action against racist, sexist, trans-exclusionary, and queer-phobic structures at Notre Dame.” Can you decipher that? Would you even want to? Everything they read from now on has got to have “trans” characters in it?

If they jumble the language any worse than this, ordinary verbal communication will become impossible—to say nothing of the difficulty of finding a decent physics textbook written by non-English-speaking Laotians who are here illegally. But trashing the language is a four-star dish on today’s college menu, served up with a hearty side order of anti-white hysteria.

That’s what you’re getting for your tuition dollars.

Finally, they also wish to “Decolonize America.” What’s that supposed to mean? Everybody has to go back to wherever their ancestors came from? Yeah, that’ll work.

The more money we pour into our colleges and looniversities, the more of this bilge we’ll get. This is what we’re paying for.

These “demands” are so irrational, so bizarre, so asinine, that it’s difficult to imagine what we’re supposed to get by giving in to them. Cultural poverty? A mass shutdown of coherent thought? Societal collapse? How is any of this supposed to do us any good? And why are we still buying this? Why don’t we cut off the money supply and put a long-overdue stop to this?

“Higher education”—making America dumber by the day.

It really has to stop.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Now It’s Getting Dangerous

Lee Duigon

This is no longer about Donald Trump or anyone else the Far Left Crazy, aka the Democrat Party, wants to impeach: they’ve got quite a little list.

No. It’s about how our country is to be governed from now on—by laws, due process, and respect for the American people, or by savage partisanship, irregular and unpredictable procedures, and intimidation.

Attorney General William Barr last week gave a hard-nosed speech on this subject, calling out “the Resistance” for its continual attempts “to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch and his [President Trump’s] administration.”

The name they give themselves, “the Resistance,” tells you all you need to know. In their own minds, they’re smoking a last cigarette, saying “no” to the offer of the blindfold, and then defiantly singing “Le Marseilles” as the Nazi firing squad takes aim. That’s how they see themselves. Oh—and we’re the Nazis. Everyone who isn’t them is a Nazi.

To claim, as they do, that our current government “is not legitimate,” Barr said, is “a very dangerous and indeed incendiary notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic.” The Congressional Democrats’ “avalanche of subpoenas is plainly designed to incapacitate the executive branch and is indeed touted as such.”

They couldn’t have made their purpose any clearer; and their tactics are “a scorched-earth, no-holds-barred war of resistance against this administration… No other president has been subjected to such sustained efforts to debilitate his agenda,” the attorney general said. The Left finally finds something that’s “sustainable”—and it’s dirty politics.

Progressives, Barr said, treat their politics as their religion, and “their holy mission” is “to use the coercive power of the State to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection… by any means necessary.” They’re always trying to drag us kicking and screaming into their hellish fake utopia—with never much to show for it but piles of dead bodies and barbed wire strewn all over the landscape.

Our free and independent nooze media, an apparatus of the Democrat Party, was quick to brand the speech as “partisan”—as if they ever say or do anything that is not flagrantly partisan—and “outrageous,” as if the Far Left loons in Congress are ever anything but outrageous. Then they wail and gnash their teeth because we don’t believe them anymore.

But Mr. Barr has hit the nail on the head; and if we had any sense at all, we’d listen to him. If these wicked persons get away with this bogus impeachment caper, if they go unpunished by the voters in the next election, they will be encouraged to do it again. And again. And no president will ever be safe again from a hyper-partisan Congress that flouts due process and makes up their procedures as they go along.

This is how we wind up with a country where we’re all Brett Kavanagh: where no evidence is needed to convict us because the accusation is the evidence.

Somewhere along the way, despite the best and wisest efforts of our country’s founders, our public servants have become our masters. They come to Capitol Hill poor and go home rich. It’s a perpetual party up there, banquet time on Mount Olympus—all at our expense. If Donald Trump has done nothing else, he has at least proved that the Deep State, unspeakably corrupt and lawless to a fault, is real—with its fangs buried in the country’s neck.

It has to be stopped, or we will lose our republic.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Lessons Not Learned From WW2

Lee Duigon

Imagine you’re all of 22 years old, and you already have your own reality show on British television, you’re famous—and you’re what they call an “influencer.”

Wow. What’s that? Well, you have scads of followers on social media: people who look up to you, and take you for some kind of oracle. If you tell them something’s cool, they’ll think it’s cool (maybe “think” is the wrong word here; but let it stand). They watch you on TV and breathlessly await your next utterance.

And the beauty of it is, you don’t have to know squat! It’s not your wisdom that influences people—good grief, no. It’s your fame. You’re on TV! What you say must be important! They’re even calling you an influencer, so there must be something to it.

And what do you do with your position of influence?

You stare goggle-eyed into the TV camera and tell all the folks out there that British schools shouldn’t teach their students about World War II anymore… because it’s “too intense” for them.

Ta-dah! You have achieved 100 percent pure uselessness. The only possible improvement would be for the schools to teach the kiddies nothing at all—and make ‘em go to school regardless.

Our influencer isn’t prepared to go that far. He wants the schools to “teach” their students all about Climate Change (OMG we’re all gonna die in just 12 years unless all the world’s governments get together and DO SOMETHING!!) and the evils of Brexit—guaranteed to bring about the Day of the Triffids, don’t you know.

But World War II? That’s “too intense” for kids who’ve just been assured they’ll all be drowned by rising sea levels or baked to a crisp by runaway Global Warming. So much better just to sweep it under the rug. They don’t even need to know it ever happened. It can be turned into a mere legend, like the Trojan War. They can take down Winston Churchill’s statue while they’re at it.

It’s too bad, because there are lessons we could all learn from Britain’s role in World War II. You don’t have to be British to profit from them.

Studying the run-up to the war, we can be appalled by the careless ease with which the British ruling class sold out the British people, because they believed that opposition to Hitler’s Germany would hurt their own financial interests.

We can be astounded by the alacrity with which the British news media—the owners, not the frustrated reporters whose urgent dispatches were willfully buried or ignored—stifled what should have been alarming news, necessitating, in the interests of national self-preservation, a powerful response. The news giants, one and all, mocked and belittled anyone who tried to alert the nation to its peril. In the course of their labors, they invented fake news. That was when it started.

Equipped with those lessons from history, the British public might wonder if now their ruling class might be selling them out to globalism, and to those who seek to do by lies and flattery what Hitler just barely failed to do by military force. And the reason for it hasn’t changed: a lust for wealth and power, at their countrymen’s expense.

They might come to learn that their news media has had an awful lot of practice at not telling them the truth, and refuse to have their opinions guided by them anymore. Just as they minimized the threat of Nazi Germany, they now maximize the threat of Climate Change. The payoff would be a global government with themselves in charge of it, sitting pretty on the peak of the pyramid.

Much too intense for ordinary people, isn’t it?

There are compelling reasons for not listening to today’s influencers, just as there were for yesterday’s.

Because the central lesson in all this is that the war might have been avoided: but wasn’t.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The March of Lunacy

Lee Duigon

It should be funny, we ought to be able to laugh at it when somebody says something as asinine as “Oh, but of course men can have babies!”

Only it’s not so funny when it’s the people in charge who are talking all the crazy-talk.

A spokeswoman for Doula Inc. UK, a charity midwifing service, has been chased out of her job for saying that only women can give birth to babies. No reasonable person can debate that statement; but an idiot can—and guess which we have more of, these days.

“Transgender activists” complained that Lynsey Calvert’s simple statement of fact was “non-inclusive” and “hateful”—because she wasn’t counting intensely batty women who *say* they’re men: whatever. There’s no point in actually arguing with wackos. Or their enablers.

When Doula Inc. didn’t back her up, but left her to twist in the wind while the “trans” mob figuratively stoned her, Ms. Calvert was forced to resign. Dignity moved her to part from Doula with these words.

“I am not a ‘cervix owner.’ I am not a ‘menstruator.’ I am not a ‘feeling.’ I am not defined by wearing a dress and lipstick. I am a woman: an adult female human.”

Well said—only you’re wasting your breath on leftids for whom there is *nothing* that defines you but externals. Put on a dress and some lipstick, and any man’s a “woman.” It’s [barf bag, please] “true” because he “identifies as a woman.” The fact that this is all 100% pure crapola doesn’t register with liberals. Could that be because they’re crazy? If I “identify” as Napoleon Bonaparte, do they have to stand up and sing the Marseilles?

The groveling cowards at Doula say their organization is ready and willing to make “changes in the language we use, if that’s what is necessary to make the Doula community—“ don’t you love it when libs gas about community?—“more welcoming and supportive.” Provided your mind is right, of course. I don’t think Ms. Calvert has found them very welcoming and supportive.

Meanwhile, the march of lunacy continues in our own country, as our libs try their damnedest to catch up to Britain’s.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has asserted that “we never had hurricanes” before Climate Change came along. He thinks it’s “delusional” to disbelieve that. It raises a question in our minds: Just how stupid do you have to be before you can’t be governor of New York? But California Gov. Gavin Noisome can give Cuomo stiff competition in the kook department.

And out on Long Island, a high school football coach has been suspended—for winning. It seems the government in Nassau County has a rule against your football team winning by more than 42 points, and has set up a special panel to “investigate” and punish such mischief. No job is too trivial, too small, or too inane for government to thrust itself into.

Gee, I’ll bet you feel safer already. And here you were, thinking it’s up to the other team on the field, not the government, to play the game well enough that they don’t get blown out.

Sorry—but it’s simply crazy to think you can order reality just be redefining it with words. The losing team should have just self-identified as “winners”—as women can now identify as men, and politicians can cancel hurricanes by saying that they never happened. It wouldn’t make them winners, but they can say it does.

Is it really necessary to argue that reality-denial is not a firm foundation for any kind of public policy?

Well, you could argue that; but progressives wouldn’t listen.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

You Guessed It, Its Getting Worse

Lee Duigon

The nooze actually had a theme last week: everybody’s going crazy. Here are a few examples.

Item: Bed, Bath & Beyond in Nyack, New York, had to stop selling black-painted jack-o-lanterns, and recite the usual groveling apologies, after the usual gaggle of injustice collectors complained that the pumpkins were—you guessed it—racist. Yes, racist pumpkins. A spokesgroveler for the national chain said BB&B never wants to “offend” or “exclude” anyone.

Other than the Democrat Party, who goes out of his way to insult the people he’s trying to get to buy his product? Oh, wait, I forgot—it’s always okay to insult someone who does not belong to any Cherished Minority Group.

Item: Seattle’s public schools, and the unionized communists who “teach” there, have proposed to bring in “Social Justice Math”. That’s math “infused” with leftist blather. “If Johnny has two apples but his great-great-grandfather fought for the South in the Civil War, how many apples should Johnny be *allowed* to have?”

Because correct answers to math problems are—you guessed it—racist.

Item: Hillary Clinton has another new excuse for losing the 2016 presidential election. She says she was done out of what was rightfully herds by “flashing videos”—sort of like subliminal advertising, too fast to be seen except subconsciously—on the “dark web”.

The dark web is a precinct of the Internet inaccessible to ordinary users. Mostly it’s used by criminals, especially pedophiles. Was she counting on their vote? Well, she’s convinced that a lot of people saw flashing videos of her doing “horrible things” that of course she didn’t really do, and that ruined her bid for the White House.

Item: A Texas jury ruled that a father has to back off and do nothing while his ex-wife has his 7-year-old son “transitioned” into a fake girl by drugs, hormones, and brainwashing. This has gone way beyond crazy into the profoundly evil. Thankfully a loud public outcry has resulted in an intervention by Gov. Greg Abbott and the state attorney general.

Meanwhile the court also ordered the father to “affirm” that his son is now a girl. “Freedom of speech” has been redefined. It now means the government is free to tell you what you must say. And that’s crazy.

Item: At a Pan-Amazon Synod currently being held at the Vatican, Pope Francis and a mob of off-base bishops are celebrating the pagan beliefs of the indigenous people of South America, complete with wooden idols of a native “goddess”. Suddenly “Is the pope Catholic?” isn’t such a rhetorical question anymore.

This is nothing less than syncretism—the corrupt practice of diluting Christianity with paganism until what you have is heathen “spirituality” with meaningless “Christian” trappings. We are told that certain German bishops are hot to trot for this, and that they and the pope see it as a way to strengthen the Church’s not altogether wholesome alliance with the United Nations.

Opposing this scheme, and these shenanigans, has been condemned as—need you ask?—racist.

There you have it: goofiness galore, all perpetrated by The Smartest People In The World. In the words of Psalm 2,

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?… He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”

Don’t say He didn’t warn you.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Does Our Ruling Class Despise Us?

Lee Duigon

Does the ruling class of the Western countries, including ours, despise the people that it rules?

Oh, that’s a tough one, all kinds of tricky nuances—but in a word: yes.

In Britain local police have launched an “anti-hate” campaign that depicts white people as “haters” and declares, as it were, open season on them. Victims of hate [barf bag, please] are exhorted to report any and all “hateful behavior” to police—“even if it isn’t a crime”, and don’t worry about proving your complaint because “you don’t even need evidence.”

Wow. Suddenly every white person in Britain is Brett Kavanaugh. We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence! The accusation *is* the evidence.

Note that this campaign is totally a one-way street. In the teach-‘em cartoons bandied about by the police, the “hater” is always white and the “victim” always either a Muslim or a sexual deviant. As propaganda goes, it’s quite ham-fisted. But how subtle do you have to be when you know you’re in the driver’s seat and no one can push you out of it?

And it looks like the British cops are full-throttle gung-ho on this: nowhere is heard a discouraging word. “Oh, boy! We can forget about collecting evidence! All we need is a phone call—I mean, the target of the complaint doesn’t even have to commit a crime, we can just break down his door and toss him in the can! How cool is that? Suddenly this job’s a lot more fun! Why, if this really catches on, we won’t have to bother anymore with real criminals at all!”

What happens if you’re a white person and some member of a privileged minority group decides to “hate” you by harming you or your property, and you call the police to report the hate? Best guess: after they pick themselves up from rolling on the floor laughing, they’ll bust *you* for wasting police time (a chargeable offense in Merrie England) and “harassing” a poor downtrodden victim who was only exercising his natural right to walk up and punch you in the nose. It’s all your fault: your face got in the way of his fist.

And soon we’ll be seeing BBC-TV dramas about police anti-hate squads, commanded by dynamic women because British men aren’t up to it anymore, scooting all around the shire rousting white people and letting them know there’s a new ruling class, imported from abroad, to whom everyone must answer. Almost as if Britain were being turned into… well, a colony.

Can liberals do that here? We know they’d love to do it, but can they?

We bought ourselves some protection by electing Donald Trump, who not only sticks up for the American people, but has provided us with more protection by appointing as many conservative federal judges as he can. If only for this, he has richly earned his re-election.

But we will never be safe for as long as the Democrat Party remains a viable force in politics, capable of endless mischief and backed up by the Constitution-shredders in the nooze media, Hollywood, the colleges and looniversities, and far-left teachers’ unions who have the whole next generation held captive in their indoctrination mills.

There are two things we really have to do, in self-defense: vote Democrats out of office everywhere, and pull our children out of public schools.

Break the Party, break the unions—before they break us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Using Children as Political Props

Lee Duigon

Suddenly we have a lot of adults getting their marching orders from children. Is that shameful, or what? World leaders sit in deferential silence as they’re scolded by a Swedish teenager for not “Doing Something” to “Stop Climate Change”—like, “how dare you” *not* set up a global government and… and… and… Well, as long as they “Take Action,” the kind of action doesn’t matter.

Accompanied by a bit less drama, the California legislature last week passed a law providing state-funded free lunch to every kid in California’s public schools. This change in public policy has been ascribed to a nine-year-old boy, now a policy adviser: “this amazing young man,” in the words of Gov. Gavin Noisome.

Do we believe this? His heart moved by the plight of his unfortunate classmates who have suffered “lunch shaming” because their parents had failed to pay their school lunch fees, L’il Whatsisname saved up his allowance until he had the $74.80 needed to pay off all the unpaid fees. All on his own, of course. No one put him up to it. And I have a nice bridge for sale.

“Lunch shaming”—ooh, that sounds bad! If you don’t pay your lunch fees, you have to eat the “alternative lunch,” dust bunnies in dishwater sauce; and that stigmatizes you. (We are not told whether parents are still allowed to pack lunches for their children. I wonder if they’ve passed a law against it.) But never mind, it’s now a thing of the past, thanks to that amazing young man who came and saw and conquered where the heartless adults feared to tread. Gov. Noisome said it was “an honor” to meet him.

Trotting out children, the younger, the better, to make political points—does that strike you as creepy? Or honest? “If I go up there and bloviate about lunch shaming, they’ll all just laugh at me. But they wouldn’t dare laugh at a kid! They’ll have to sit there and take it from a kid! Heh-heh.”

This why we have public schools: to indoctrinate children to be good little democratic socialists. In the meantime, they can always be used as political props.

Teachers’ unions have known that for years. Study the nooze reporting, if you can find any, of any teachers’ strike. As if tenure, almost ironclad job security, pensions, and, in many school districts, salaries higher than those of the defenseless taxpayers whose labors support them, teachers’ unions sometimes go on strike for higher pay. Heated public meetings follow.

And up to the microphone march students of all ages, from cute little first-graders to sober high schoolers with their hearts set on college—all of them pleading for the teachers to get their raises “so we can all go back to our beloved classrooms where our selfless, saintly teachers pour out wisdom to us,” yatta-yatta. It never fails. You will never, never hear a kid say “Tell these overpaid boring left-wing hacks to go pound salt” or anything like that.

It may even be possible that these youngsters are already so institutionalized that a break from school makes them as uneasy and confused as a lifer suddenly paroled from prison.

Political power-seekers—if your projects and your policies are so absurd that only a child can safely stump for them—well, they are better left unsaid. Don’t have them said by children.

And, oh, by the way: if the state of California is now going to provide free lunch for all, no matter what, who’s going to bother paying lunch fees?

Guess you’ll just have to raise taxes. Again.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Prayerful’ Democrats, Really?

Lee Duigon

If the prayers of the wicked are an abomination, what are the prayers of wicked liberals—burlesque? Prayers with baggy pants and a pie in the face?

Recently Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said she and her Democrat playmates are “prayerfully and patriotically” going about their business of annulling the 2016 election by impeaching President Donald Trump.

Who can they possibly be praying to?

Liberals shouldn’t even try to invoke religion. They don’t understand it. They have no feeling for it. They cannot grasp the idea that there is any higher authority than “science” or the state, both of which are man-made—and therefor only idols. Old-fashioned idols were made of wood or stone. Today’s idols are made of words on paper. But they’re still “made.”

That’s how Democrats like their gods: made by human hands. Their hands.

As an example of how completely at sea liberals are when it comes to religion, we now have a book of Bible stories “without an angry God” (I have provided no link to this: I wouldn’t have it said that I helped sell a copy of this trash). These are “re-imagined” Bible stories. For “re-imagined” read “hopelessly warped, mangled, and corrupted by some damned fool.” So we wind up with boiling mush about “young gay lovers fleeing to the sanctuary cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.” Ugh. That’s one of those things you wish you’d never heard of.

We are told by a perky publicist that the perpetrator of these grotesqueries is “a pastor.” Really? But I’ll bet he goes about his business prayerfully. Keep it up, Sluggo: you might get called to be the next chaplain of the House, leading the Dems in their devotions. Devotions to whom or what is better left unexamined.

In another example of man-made pseudo-reality, Mattel, the makers of the Barbie dolls, has come out with “Creatable World”—“gender neutral” dolls that can go back and forth from being male or female, depending on what some undefended little kid does with their clothes and hair. Male and female, and 40 or 50 other genders, created we them. Well, as long as they do it prayerfully, they can create their own reality. It won’t be real, but it’ll be theirs.

This is an ideal lesson in identity politics. Teach a child that there is no such thing as “you” because “you” are nothing more than the sum of your external characteristics, subject to constant re-imagining. In fact, there is no “you” at all: only the stuff on the outside—clothes, hair, skin color—is real. There is no inside. Take away your membership in a recognized identity group, a voting bloc, and you cease to exist. At least as far as Democrats are concerned.

What kind of prayers can be offered up by people who do these things? How do you pray to a god who has nothing to do with any created order—because *you* create the order? What’s left for any god to do?

How do you pray to any god who has neither the power nor the authority to determine good or evil, right or wrong—those standards being revised day to day by Nancy Pelosi and her merry band of moral imbeciles?

Mark Twain once said, “You can’t pray a lie.”

The Democrats are out to prove him wrong.

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles are also found at .

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Impeach the Pope

Lee Duigon

Hey! How would it be if we had a Common Core curriculum for every school in every country on the planet? Wouldn’t that be great? That way, we could make sure that every child in every school was learning the same things. Chalk up another win for Diversity! Which is defined by leftists as “coerced uniformity of thought and behavior.”

Now, who in the world would ever want such a thing?

Pope Francis, that’s who.

The Red Pope recently revealed his vision of a “Global Pact on Education,” which, he said, would usher in a “new humanism,” as if the humanism we’re already lumbered with were anything to write home about. It’s gonna be great! Its purpose will be “to create a global change of mentality toward education.” And a lot of other swell things, too.

Here’s where the supposed head of the Roman Catholic Church—I say “supposed” because so many Catholics are anything but happy with him—parts company with sanity.

Who does he think will be in charge of drawing up and executing the global curriculum? Christians? [Three-minute laugh break.] What does he imagine will be taught? The Bible? [Six-minute laugh break.] The world’s biggest teacher unions are already licking their lips over this. Hint to pope: these are not the Church’s friends.

God Himself put the kibosh on the first globalist enterprise, the building of the Tower of Babel, when he confounded the builders’ universal language, divided them into nations, and spread them out all over the world. In so doing, He protected the human race from an infinite amount of spectacularly dangerous mischief. Imagine a single global government with power over the entire human race. For all their faults, our nations by comparison are a blessing.

But this pope wants to undo what God has done, wad all the nations into a single ball, and see how far a global government can hit it. As a dyed-in-the-wool socialist, he thinks that’s a pretty good idea.

If he thinks those schools will teach anything remotely related to Christianity, he’s whistling Dixie backwards.

One of the things they’ll teach, maybe even the worst thing, is the sheer wonderfulness of “transgender.” Today’s educators are hot to trot for anything transgender. And they don’t care about the consequences.

For instance, the U.S. government’s Food & Drug Administration has recently linked a puberty-blocking drug, Lupron, beloved of the transgender crowd, to “thousands of adult deaths” brought about by using the drug to interfere with a child’s natural glandular development. Since 2004, the FDA claims, Lupron has been linked to more than 33,000 “adverse reactions,” including 6,056 deaths. Death is a pretty adverse reaction, don’t you think?

The drug is meant to treat glandular disorders in adults, not to block puberty. But parents who want to turn their girls into boys and their boys into girls, physicians who want to cater to them, and teachers, noozies, and other leftists who want to tear down our whole civilization so that they can build a new one according to their own warped notions, don’t care. No competent medical authority has approved Lupron for the purpose of blocking puberty. But who cares? Transgender is so trending!

How much lunacy can a civilization absorb before it cracks up altogether? There are no “transgender children.” It’s not a thing. It’s only something that a lot of really loopy people want to be a thing. “Trans men” are still women. “Trans women” are still men. Every chromosome in every cell of their bodies says so.

That anyone should even have to speak against this much craziness is maddening.

If Catholics ever needed the right to impeach a pope, they need it now.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Are AI Robot Priests The Future?

Lee Duigon

The Nuts Are Out in Force

How crazy are these times we’ve blundered into—with our eyes wide open, I might add?

First we’ve got a sales pitch for robot priests, their theology grounded on Artificial Intelligence, a euphemism for Artificial Stupidly. To illustrate just how much thought has gone into this, check out this headline.

“Robot priests more acceptable to Protestants than Catholics, says professor.”

Let’s hear it for journalism school. “Durned Catholics! Why, I like robot priests more than I like them!” Is that what the, er, professor means to say? He could have written, “than to Catholics,” but we are told that a grasp of proper English means you’re probably a racist. Well, the professor has avoided that pitfall.

He thinks it’s time for the Church to endow us with robot priests. Until the technology catches up to this vision of the future, ought we to confess to our toaster-ovens? Our cars? At Union Theological Seminary, they’re confessing to potted plants. Maybe all these professors are kind of potted, too.

Meanwhile—please correct me if I’m wrong—all 17 of the remaining Democrat presidential candidates, the ones who haven’t already beamed up to the mother ship, are on record as supporting the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal says that beef is bad because cow-farts help cause Climate Change, which will bring about The End of the World: therefore we have to give up beef.

But this past weekend, all 17 of the candidates descended on Iowa for the Iowa Democratic Steak Fry—and there consumed 10,500 steaks. Pretty big carbon footprint there, eh? But maybe what they mean is that you, O lowly peasants, have to give up juicy steaks. You, not them. They can eat all the steaks they want. Served up on their private jets as they zoom off to Davos for another Climate Change pow-wow. Could it be that they themselves don’t believe a single word of the bilge they’re trying to force on us?

After the Day of Ten Thousand Steaks, let’s jet off to Italy for Milan Fashion Week, where Gucci trotted out… high-fashion straitjackets. I knew there was something we were needing in our culture, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Straitjackets as a fashion statement—that was it.

An “activist model” who says she’s “non-binary,” and that she’s had a few mental issues of her own, from time to time, staged a protest of Gucci’s spring/summer collection, suggesting that straitjackets as trivial fashion items is in somewhat poor taste. Gucci replied that they don’t intend to sell the wretched things: they were just “making a statement” against uniformity, and how “power is exercised over life, to eliminate self-expression.” Would you have thought of that? Some wordsmith out there in Gucci-land deserves a raise.

All right, they weren’t real straitjackets; they were just designed to look like straitjackets. Who can argue with a fashion genius? But if everyone who needs a straitjacket, these days, were to get one, we’d have no politics. And our colleges and looniversities would be gravely understaffed.

I can hardly wait till architects jump on the bandwagon and start designing houses with rubber rooms.

How far can all this nonsense, all this hypocrisy, go before the whole civilization comes crashing down, crushed under the weight of its own follies? How many screwballs can one society accommodate?

The Smartest People In The World are indescribably stupid.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, , all without benefit of a straitjacket. Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

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Dumbed-Down Kids for Leftist Folly

Lee Duigon

Well, well, well! Tomorrow we’ll be treated to another “Youth Climate Strike,” supposedly from sea to shining sea. New York City school authorities have announced that 1.1 million students will be allowed to skip class without penalty so they can take part in the protests. They want a big turnout because Monday the United Nations Climate Action Summit will be held, and it’ll be just so impressive to have a million New York kids yelling their heads off for world government.

Do you think crucial public policies ought to be decided by a million high school kids parroting a lot of pap pumped into their heads by Far Left “teachers”?

“Organizers expect millions of people to leave work, home and school,” we are told. We don’t need no stinkin’ prosperity! We don’t need no free republic! Holy cow, the world’s gonna end in just twelve years—unless all the governments get together and **do** something!

Same old hundred-percent-pure crapola.

Despite the climate cult having been caught lying and cheating, fudging figures, suppressing some data while overstating others, times without number, they refuse to leave the stage, clinging to the biggest scam in history for all they’re worth. You can see why. If they convince us that Doomsday’s coming and only they can save us, they can do anything they want. Either we submit to them, or kiss it all goodbye.

Public school students hear this every day. Higher taxes, bigger and bigger government—well, we just have to do it or we’re all gonna die!

The Far Left Crazy seeks to conquer us: to do to us what Hitler and Tojo couldn’t do with all their fleets and armies. And in their megalomaniacal scheme of things, what the schools do is to recruit our own children against us. And if the schools can’t quite close the deal, there’s still “higher education” to finish the job on what’s left of their brains.

They’ve also got our local public libraries.

Get a load of some of these titles that have begun to appear in the children’s books section of your public library.

“The ABCs of AOC: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from A to Z.”

“She Persisted: 13 American Woman Who Changed the World.” By Chelsea Clinton, the noted historian and author.

“Nevertheless, She Persisted,” by Democrat wacko Elizabeth Warren.

“I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark.”

“Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx.”

“Muslim Girls Rise” (but not in Muslim countries!), featuring Ilhan Omar.

And let us not forget the 2016 forerunner of them all, “Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born to Lead.” Lead us to what? Heaven forbid we find out.

Hey, wait a minute! All these women in all these books are… Democrats. Far Left Crazy Democrats. Left-wing loons canonized before our very eyes, and held up to our children as role models.

This goes beyond putrid. Even beyond shameful. Inflicting books like this on children has got to be a form of child abuse. Do you see any books about Phyllis Schlafly here? Star Parker? Judge Jeanine Pirro? Or any other conservative woman? Of course you don’t. “Educators” don’t want kids reading about them. Pretend they don’t exist.

You don’t get a million kids marching for “action” on OMG Climate Change (!) without first baking their minds in a socialist oven, which is what most of our schools are. That they’ll be marching against their own liberties will not occur to them—besides which, with the survival of The Planet on the line, who has time for liberty?

The only upside to this is at least they’ll miss a day of school.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats’ Christian-Bashing

Lee Duigon

In next year’s national elections, millions of people will vote for Democrats. Their number will include a multitude of church-going Christians who apparently were dormant when the Democrats booed God at their 2012 national convention. They not only booed God and got away with it; they also won another term for *Batteries Not Included.

People just don’t pay attention.

Recently the space aliens who run the Democrat National Committee adopted a resolution blaming Christians for everything that’s bad about America, including the oppression of virtually everybody. The resolution, of course, avoided using the words “Christians” and “Christianity”—but who else do you think they meant? Parsees?

The resolution condemns Christians’ “use of misplaced claims of ‘religious liberty’ to justify public policy that has threatened the civil rights and liberties of many Americans, including but not limited to the LGBT community, women, and ethnic and religious/nonreligious minorities.” Note how they put quotation marks around “religious liberty”, as if it were some silly thing that Christians made up as an excuse to oppress Our Cherished Minorities—they even think it’s in the Constitution!

The publicly stated position of the Democrat Party is that Christians—meaning most of you—are the bad guys who’ve made America a racist, sexist hell-hole. They are against you, boys and girls. Most of them insist there’s no such thing as boys and girls. What do they have to do to convince you they don’t like you—walk up and punch you in the nose?

In Minnesota this month a federal appeals court revived a lawsuit against the state’s “Obey the gay” policy. The state was persecuting a husband-and-wife team of videographers who refused to film same-sex “weddings,” going so far as to threaten them with steep fines and prison (!) terms. Defending their religious freedom, as enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution—supposedly the law of the land—the couple sued the state. A lower court dismissed their suit, but the federal court has reinstated it, allowing it to go forward.

This is Democrat Christian-bashing in all its glory. They actually propose to put you in jail if you refuse to “affirm” or participate in an activity which outrages your religious beliefs. Hey! Maybe they could, like, set up these *camps* where the uncooperating hateful Christians would have to go until their minds are right. Minnesota could hire consultants from North Korea to show ‘em how it’s done.

“Religious liberty” deserves sarcastic quotation marks, if all it’s going to be is Democrats having the power to tell you when to speak and what to say, or else. What kind of freedom is that? “Liberal Christians” (an oxymoron) are already gung-ho for gay, so they don’t have a problem with it; but anyone who takes the Bible at all seriously… does.

Where is all this leftism taking us?

A Swedish “scientist” has the answer.

At a recent food conference in Stockholm, where they invented the Stockholm syndrome, this genius declared that humanity must turn to cannibalism… to fight Climate Change, don’t you know. He will achieve intellectual immortality with this glittering jewel of wisdom:

“First of all, it is that the person who is to be eaten is dead.”

Otherwise they try to run away.E-Mail Lee Duigon:

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be seen at .

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Why Are We Losing Our Patience?

By Lee Duigon

Are we freaking out faster than we used to?

According to a survey of 2,000 British adults, yes, we are.

The survey found that most people report themselves “frustrated” if they have to wait 16 seconds for a webpage to load, or 25 seconds for a traffic light to change. It only takes 22 seconds for them to start cursing their computer or TV set “if a show or movie doesn’t immediately start streaming correctly.” Indeed, 75% of those surveyed blamed their frustration on “digital technology.” I don’t have a lot of technology, but I do have a computer and sometimes it drives me right up the wall.

But electronic doodads are only part of the picture. The survey didn’t get into this point, but I’m sure the explanation of an epidemic of impatience has much to do with children being praised and rewarded for the most minuscule achievements, given trophies just for showing up, given high school and college diplomas without having learned anything, and generally lauded and hailed just for existing. “Wow! You’re fantastic! Good job!” And up on the refrigerator goes another shaky stick figure scrawled in crayon.

We give our kids swelled heads so they grow up thinking they’re a really big deal and everybody ought to know it; but at the same time, they get slapped down. Wait and wait and wait some more, in the doctor’s waiting room, while some bozo who strolls in an hour late for his appointment gets served ahead of you. Workmen who show up late or not at all, businesses where they treat you like an irritating nobody instead of a valued customer, politicians calling you racists and deplorables, self-anointed intellectuals calling you dopes—who can get through the day without being insulted by one or more of these? And it’s harder to bear when you’ve been given an exalted opinion of yourself.

Selfishness seems to be winning out over good manners. And yet we keep on coarsening our culture. Behavior that used to be rare, because it was condemned, is now ubiquitous.

And then there are those who, with the aid of other freaks and, as always, the nooze and entertainment media, are busy freaking themselves out.

In Portland, Oregon, where the mayor orders the cops to stand down whenever Antifa thugs feel like rioting, fans of the Portland Timbers soccer team are making the soccer league increasingly uneasy over their mix of politics and sports. A group of rowdy fans calling themselves “The Iron Front”—they lifted the name from those carefree days of street warfare in the dying Weimar Republic—has been flying a large banner that reads “Portland Punches Nazis.”

Nazis? This is Portland. Where do they find any Nazis to punch? I doubt any of these people even know what a Nazi is—anyone who isn’t them, I suppose.

You’ve got to hand it to the nooze media and their Democrat friends. Invoking the largely imaginary threat of “white supremacy,” and virtually non-existent “Nazis,” as if those scattered handfuls of losers are a serious threat to a country of 300 million-plus, they’ve got thousands and thousands of idiots all stirred up and just dying to punch somebody. I wonder how long they have to wait at a traffic light before their gaskets start to blow. I wonder what would happen to anyone who tried to walk past them wearing a MAGA hat.

It only sounds stupid because it is so stupid, but it’s also dangerous. Being enraged at “fascists” is how these leftids validate themselves. If the media keeps on stoking the fire, someday the pot is going to boil over. Welcome to Weimar Republic 2.0.

As can be seen throughout 20th century history, the Far Left wants people angry. Very angry. Because before they can construct their own Utopia, they have to tear down the civilization that’s already there.

They don’t want us patient. They want us ready to stampede.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. (Here’s hoping the page loads quickly.) My articles can also be seen at .

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They’re Not Pretending Anymore

“Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”

Facebook censored me again this week, and that little quote above was all the explanation I received—which is, of course, no explanation. I received it literally within seconds of composing my blog post and attempting to share it on Facebook.

What “other people” even had time to read the post, let alone report it as abusive? Facebook’s message is a lie. What they really mean is that their robot, employing mindless algorithms because it’s only a machine and can’t think, got its “censor” button pushed by some word or phrase I used. I suspect it must have been the words “Democrat doofus.”

Meanwhile, in the totally uncensored world of left-wing nooze media, NBC Nooze ran an opinion piece by some other doofus who said “Heterosexuality is just not working anymore” and women should abandon it. She tapped Jeffrey Epstein and the Dayton and El Paso shooters to represent the heterosexual male population, billions of us, on the earth. No hate here.

The term that springs to my mind is “in your face.”

For almost all of my lifetime, Democrats and other liberals masqueraded as reasonable, moderate, fundamentally sane and decent people. We often disagreed with them, we thought their recommended policies misguided, and the policies they managed to carry out were widely unsuccessful—but we didn’t think they were out to trash the country.

We were wrong. They have shred that pretense. Now they just come out with stuff that’s off the wall, just plain evil, or both.

A simple rule of thumb: whatever a liberal proposes, just ask, “What if everybody did it?” And if the answer is “The human race goes extinct,” or “The country collapses into violence and chaos,” or “We lose our liberty,” that means it’s something that should not be done. Examples are easy to understand. If all women reject heterosexuality, we go extinct. If our country’s borders are erased, we get chaos. If we start throwing people into prison for disbelieving in Man-Made Climate Change, or using the wrong pronouns, we lose our liberty.

Oh—and they also attack you in the street, if you wear a MAGA hat. Not a single Democrat in Congress has found any fault in this. Looks like they’re okay with it.

The censorship is getting more and more blatant, and it’s always a one-way street. Leftist loons swarmed onto my wife’s Facebook page to call for the violent death of our president. No hate there. Does Facebook censor them? Visit any of their Facebook pages (as we have just done), and you’ll find President Trump in particular and non-leftist Americans in general called a lot worse names than “doofus.” Apparently no one ever reports that stuff as “abusive.”

Why do these people not bother to pretend they’re fair or reasonable? What do they know—or think they know—that tells them they don’t have to?

Has God saddled them with a delusion that will lead to their total defeat, and their end, at least temporarily, as a viable political movement? If only. But they’re acting now as if they believe they’re invincible, and I would very much like to know what makes them think so. Have they devised a secret fool-proof scheme for voter fraud? Or some sure-fire means of suppressing Republican votes? I mean, Hubert Humphrey had more than his share of loopy liberal ideas, but he didn’t trot them out for public view. Why have today’s liberals cast away their masks, and act like what normal people think of them simply doesn’t matter anymore?

We need to know.

Meanwhile, just in case you wanted to know, the “Democrat doofus” featured in my censored blog post was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who says we can pay for socialism and the Green New Deal just by printing more money. You can find the post on my blog, Aug. 26.

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit (before I get censored again); a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Dems’ Plan B: ‘You’re All Racists’

One of the drearier aspects of history is the certainty that any damnfool thing that’s gone around is sure to come around again.

Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther confronted a Church that had strayed many miles off the way of Holy Scripture. Among its more grievous errors was the teaching that you could *buy* your way out of Purgatory by purchasing, from the Church, indulgences.

The false doctrine of salvation by works of the flesh—that is, if you’re “good enough,” and have done a certain number of good works, God has to let you into Heaven—well, that was bad enough, even in its mildest forms. Buying and selling indulgences compounded the error. Luther had his hands full, trying to stop the corruption.

We have pretty much the same thing going on today. It’s still a spiritual tort, but now it’s being perpetrated by the secularists instead of by an erring Church.

America’s true Original Sin, the teaching goes, is “racism.” And everyone who is not a “person of color” is guilty. With the Russian Collusion house of cards collapsed, “You’re all racists” is the Democrats’ Plan B. And all their mob of presidential candidates, the ones who aren’t black, are pleading guilty to it.

The idea is, Democrats win the 2020 presidential election by denouncing America as racist. In a confidential but subsequently leaked speech to New York Times employees, the executive editor admitted that the Times had put all its eggs in one basket, Russian Collusion; and now that the bottom has fallen out of that basket, it is time to shift to a new one: “America is racist”.

As the candidates strive to outdo one another in groveling confessions of past and present racism—these have come to be known as “purity tests”—the public is supposed to react with paroxysms of self-doubt and guilt. “Oh, no—I’m a racist, too! I voted for Trump! And I was even thinking of doing it again! This is terrible! I thought I was a good person, but it turns out I’m a racist. What can I do?” [Cue wailing and gnashing of teeth]

Here’s where the phony religion kicks in.

First you have to confess your sin. You’re just a no-good stinkin’ racist, white privilege and all. You were born a racist. Whatever’s bad about America, it’s all your fault.

So what do you do about it?

You buy an indulgence. The price is your vote, paid to the Democrat Party. You know you’ve got to do it because the New York Times has just spent over a year telling you so. Not only the Times, but also CNN, Hollywood, the universities, and all the rest of the whoopee crowd: not omitting Whoopee Goldberg and “The View.”

But see how easily your sin is washed away! All you have to do is vote for Democrats—and don’t worry, all the candidates are clean, they’ve all confessed—and support their policies. Open Borders! Reparations! The Fundamental Transformation of America! The whole deluxe Democrat fun-pack—just support it with your vote, and your tax dollars, and you’re in the clear.

Now you can get to sleep at night. You’ve submitted to the purity test. As long as you keep submitting to every test they dream up for you, you’re doing your part to wash away America’s evil racist heritage.

Is it truly possible for a defeated political party to rise to rulership by calling everyone a racist? Are we so timorous, so servile, so gullible, as to fall for that?

God help us if we do: we don’t have a Martin Luther.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at

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Where’s the ‘Public’ in ‘Public Education’?

What is “public” about “public education”? The only role the public plays in it is to get stuck with the tab.

In many school districts, “teachers” earn much higher salaries than the taxpayers who pay the school tax—to say nothing of fabulous pensions which the rest of us can only fantasize about. Oh, we get to elect the school board members; but they don’t represent us. They’re only there to carry out the state’s dictates.

The “pro-choice” leftists who own public education do nothing for us but take away our choices. We don’t have a say in what is taught, or who teaches it. All those choices are made for us by government.

In New Jersey, one of those choices made for the public by its Democrat governor and Democrat legislature is to teach seventh and eighth graders “LGBT history and contributions”. They’ll choose what kind of world you live in. You don’t get that choice.

The mayor of Barnegat Township, Alfonso Cirulli, has publicly called upon the people of New Jersey to demand that the new “law” be repealed.

“No group has a right to force others to comply with their beliefs, deprive them of their First Amendment rights—“ that would be free speech and religious liberty—“and strip the rights of parents of how to morally raise their children,” the mayor said.

Uh-uh, Mr. Mayor. These are “public” schools. Government, crack-brained education theorists, and Far Left teachers’ unions will decide what your children are to learn. Just shut up and pay your school tax.

Meanwhile at Denair Middle School in northern California, a “teacher” had to be stopped by the principal from handing out a worksheet to the kiddies asking them to reveal their “sexual preferences” and “sexual attractions”.

“The Gender Unicorn”—that’s the title of the worksheet—is published by some outfit called “Trans Student Educational Resources.” The alleged teacher had instructed his students not to call him “Mr.” anymore, but “Mx.”, reflecting the imaginary “gender” he has chosen for himself. He gets a choice; you don’t; shut up and pay.

This time the public got a bit steamed up, so the principal stopped the “lesson.” Mr. Mx., it seems, hadn’t asked her permission to impose it.

These classroom kooks are public employees–*our* employees. But we don’t get to decide which ones we want to employ and which ones we don’t. We don’t get to decide what they teach our children in those schools that we are compelled to pay for.

Early in our history, when Europeans marveled at America’s high rate of literacy, communities decided what kind of school they wanted, if any, built it with their own money and labor, and then chose whom they wanted to teach in it. No one in Washington, Trenton, or Sacramento had the right to nullify their choices. Nor did they have to contend with fantastically wealthy, politically powerful teachers’ unions.

Today the public has no choices, when it comes to education.

Oh! Wait a minute. We do have one choice left to us.

We still have the right to pull our children out of public schools and educate them at home or in a Christian school. That right took a lot of defending, back in the 1970s, when the Carter administration, having created a federal Department of Education, tried to wipe it out. To this day there is nothing the teachers’ unions would like better than to take away the choice to homeschool. Because most of what the “choice” crowd does is to take away our choices.

Kill public schooling, and American leftism dies. That’s a promise.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles on

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They Want to Own Your Conscience

Can you imagine what would happen to this country if liberals could have their way with the Constitution? Have you ever really thought about the host of evils it protects us from?

Well, the California legislature has just reminded us.

They have passed a resolution—the Constitution forbids them making it a law—blaming “religious people” for the high rate of suicide among persons who practice homosexuality. If we take the Bible at all seriously, we know that such practices are sin. Therefore it’s our fault that the “gays” aren’t happy. The operative phrase in this document is that our religion “has caused” the suicides.

And so “The Legislature calls upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance” of homosexual acting-out. But “benefits”? What benefits? You mean, like, “Look at all the money Sodom and Gomorrah saved on their heating bills”? We are not told what those benefits are.

They can’t make a law compelling us to “embrace” this particular species of antichrist because our First Amendment establishes religious liberty, not compulsion, as the law of the land. It’s against the law for any government to tell us what we must believe or not believe. This law means we can’t force atheists to believe in Jesus Christ, who never forced anyone, and they can’t force Christians not to believe in Him—however much, however passionately, they may want to.

So the California legislature can’t force Christians and Jews to tear pages out of their Bibles, or ordain unrepentant sexual sinners as clergy and elders, can’t force churches to perform same-sex parodies of marriage. They can only try to scare us with a resolution. For as long as the First Amendment stands as written, it is a roadblock to them.

We might be tempted to think, “Oh, if only we had the power, instead of them! Then we could force all those liberal ‘affirming’ churches not to do those things!” The Constitution would then be a roadblock to us—if a Christian conscience failed to hold us back from lusting to be tyrants over other people’s souls. I like to think that that’s the difference between Christians and secular statists.

It’s true that once upon a time, Christians did persecute others, especially other Christians, for their beliefs. It was because of this history that the First Amendment was written in the first place. Our founders tried to make sure that no Henry VIII would ever rise up in America. Henry murdered Catholics because they were Catholics. His daughter Mary murdered Protestants because they were Protestants. We didn’t want that sort of thing to happen here.

But the Far Left crazies in the California legislature have gone as far as they can lawfully go toward taking ownership of people’s consciences, trying to shame them into embracing beliefs and practices they hold to be morally corrupt. That they can go no further is solely due to our Constitution and the wisdom, and humanity, of our country’s founders.

Lest we forget, the 2016 Democrat platform included a plank authorizing the attorney general to “investigate”—and why investigate anything if you’re not going to punish it?—“climate change denial.” A Democrat president, with a Democrat Congress, would have done that in a heartbeat: made it a crime to take one side of a scientific controversy, but not the other.

Inasmuch as it’s humanly possible, our founders tried to protect all Americans’ life, liberty, and property while preserving a maximum degree of personal freedom. To an extent greater than that attained by any other country in the world, they succeeded.

We thank God for that.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found on

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Deliver Us from Teachers’ Unions

Let’s see… What would be a really good way to screw up our country, big-time? How might we squander our prosperity, our stability, and our greatness?

Oh, I know! Teachers’ unions! It can’t miss—hire a bunch of Far Left Crazy schmendricks to teach whole generations of Americans that their country is “10 percent better than garbage,” as Congresswoman Alexandria O’Crazyo Cortez says, and see if we can get them to grow up hating it. Because a country that hates itself just isn’t going anywhere good.

As hard as it may be to believe this, the Chicago Teachers’ Union recently sent a “delegation” to Venezuela to, er, “learn” from the failing socialist regime and demonstrate their “solidarity” with its dictator. They came home overflowing with praise for a tyrannical regime which has turned what used to be a reasonably prosperous country into a limping, starving, failed economy propped up by violence and intimidation—everything, in short, that makes a socialist’s life worth living.

But then everything that’s wrong with Venezuela, the union delegates insist, is America’s fault and no one else’s.

Can it be that these teachers are truly that ignorant, that stupid?

History tells us that throughout the 1920s and Thirties, Western intellectuals and journalists flocked to the Soviet Union to observe its utopia in the making. Wow, Uncle Joe! What a spectacular job you’re doing! Walter Duranty of the New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for his incessant Stalinist cheerleading.

Hint: the Soviet Union did not cease to exist because it was just too good for this fallen world.

Russia’s communist government took pains to make sure that visiting nitwits saw only what the government wished for them to see. They set up fake collective farms, fake factories, and fake folk festivals stocked with cheerful, happy, well-fed, jolly workers energetically reveling in this wildly successful socialist experiment. These stage sets came to be called “Potemkin villages,” a term which has survived to denote any put-up job created to fool people who really do want to be fooled. Satisfied with what they were being shown by their government guides, the visitors never came within miles of the gulags, the starving farmers, or the towns depopulated by the regime’s economic follies.

You’d think they’d be smart enough to see through it—but they didn’t want to see through it. They wanted communism to work, wanted to import it to their own countries, and refused to see the truth. A few, like Malcolm Muggeridge, later admitted they’d been had. But then he wasn’t a member of a teachers’ union.

The Chicago teachers, reported some outfit called the “Radical Education Collective,” were especially “impressed” by Venezuela’s many communes—more Potemkin villages. Your school taxes pay teachers who join radical collectives. But then they had high praise for every aspect of Maduro’s travesty of a country. Again, anything that was wrong with it was America’s fault, not Venezuela’s.

Are we crazy? These dunderheads are teaching America’s children. “Communism has a lot of good ideas, class! And it’s the only form of government that can save us from Climate Change!” It’s shocking, what we pay them to do this.

One can spend many hours wondering how anyone in his right mind can see in Venezuela anything but sheer disaster. Well, they don’t see. They refuse to see. Leftism is a false religion with a dingbat dogma in which the answer to anything is always more government, more control over people, more slogans, more coercion.

Seeing things that aren’t there is worse than being blind. Knowing things that aren’t so is worse than knowing nothing.

And hiring people who fit that description to teach our children is, quite simply, inexplicable.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will get you there. You can also find my articles at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Our Racist, Sexist Moon Landing

Trying to unravel “progressive thought,” if you’ll excuse the oxymoron, is harder than untangling the worst backlash you ever had with your spinning reel. At least with the reel you can always just give up and put on a new spool. There’s no such easy out for anyone trying to make sense of leftism.

And no one’s farther left than our big-name nooze media.

The Washington Post and the New York Times have come out smoking against the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing.

Where you there in 1969, when the Eagle landed? Do you remember how the whole country, even Democrats, stood up and cheered? And most of the world cheered with us—because men were walking on the moon.

Well, we shouldn’t have been cheering, say the Post and the Times. The Post said, “The culture that put men on the moon was intense, fun, family-unfriendly, and mostly white and male.” “Family-unfriendly”: that’s rich, coming from people who want to abort babies as they’re being born. And the Times said, “The Apollo program was designed by men, for men.” Women who cheered it were just being something-ist.

Having nothing better to do than complain about 1969 (which isn’t here anymore, and cannot be changed), and to gnash their teeth because there was no room in the Lunar Entry Module for a gay, a tranny, an undocumented migrant, or a woman of color in a wheelchair, the alleged journalists go on to suggest that, for profoundly inane reasons, we ought not to celebrate the moon landing. If we can’t actually bring ourselves to be ashamed of it, we can at least pretend it never happened.

Here’s where the tangled line defeats us.

Liberals want to erase history, any history that doesn’t make them feel affirmed. To this end, they tear down Civil War monuments and paint over a mural depicting the life of George Washington. They won’t permit us to know our history.

But at the same time, they’re preaching in our public schools and colleges, the temples of their false religion, that every problem of this fallen world, and every single thing that prevents it from being a utopia, is the fault of non-gay white males. War, poverty, inequality, “hate”—defined as even the smallest deviation from the left-wing catechism—it’s all their fault and no one else’s.

Sooner or later the Times and the Post will figure out that the only solution to their problem is to rewrite history altogether. All the great achievements of the past, which we shouldn’t celebrate if they were achieved by white men, will be re-assigned to persons, real or imaginary, who represent assorted Cherished Minorities.

Whoopi Goldberg discovered electricity. A disabled Chinese woman named Hu Me wrote Shakespeare’s plays. Two lesbians from Mozambique cured smallpox. And the Lunar Entry Module was landed on the moon by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Beyonce. And white males just did all the bad stuff.

When I was a boy my heroes were Willie Mays and Sam “Toothpick” Jones. In fact, they’re still my heroes. Should I give them up, because they were black and I am white? Was it some kind of misdemeanor, some variant of cultural appropriation, for me to love them?

I refuse to be ashamed of the moon landing. I refuse to be ashamed of George Washington. If anything, this latest tantrum by the Far Left Crazy makes me all the prouder of these men’s achievements.

And I refuse to let a lot of sniveling leftists take that away from me.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

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What if the Past Judged Us?

In 1935 a Russian-born communist painted a 1,600-foot-long mural on the walls of what is now a San Francisco high school. His theme was the life of George Washington; and he emphasized Washington as a slave owner and a persecutor of Native Americans. This was not a picture painted by an artist who loved America and respected her founders.

You’d think California leftists would embrace the artist’s hostility to America, but self-hatred breeds strange conclusions. The San Francisco Board of Education has voted to destroy the mural ( Why it was ever painted in the first place, at public expense, is a mystery. But it was 1935, and during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s long, long presidency, a lot of hammer-and-sickle-friendly art got created—at public expense.

You’d think the lefties on the board would love to have the students exposed every day to a pictorial exposition of George Washington as a villain. “See? See? Look at all the bad things he did! No wonder America is a citadel of injustice!” And so on. But it turns out the pictures are a little too hard for the students to get used to, the mural gives them the heebie-jeebies, so it’s got to go.

We love to judge the people of the past by our own lofty moral standards. It’s 2019, and people are more virtuous than ever! If you don’t believe it, just ask them! We know that everything that was “right” before we came along was really wrong. Slavery. Second or third-class status of women. Books written by white men. All wrong, every bit of it!

We judge the dead because they’re dead and can’t fight back, can’t answer us. When the dead fail to defend themselves, we feel as if we have made an irrefutable argument.

But what if they could answer? What if, for a change, they could judge us?

I doubt they’d be impressed.

It’s not too hard to imagine some of what George Washington might say, in answer to the calumnies against himself.

“You wretched people of 2019, who call yourselves virtuous! I doubt you even know what virtue is.

“You ambush innocent babes as they’re being born, to murder them, and call it ‘women’s health’ or ‘choice’. Not content to allow it to be done by private persons, every year your Congress votes Planned Parenthood—whose interest is in people not becoming parents!–half a billion dollars in public money.

“You devote the entire month of June to a celebration of sodomy, as if it were a fitting thing to celebrate at all, and take ‘pride’ in that which ought to shame you. You have declared the immoral to be moral—indeed, a standard deserving of the utmost respect! For you, sodomy is all but sacred.

“And not content with that, you have moved on to pretend that one can be any sex one wishes to be, and now teach it to young children in your schools—again, at public expense!—and encourage them to plunge into delusion with you. Ye gods! Are you trying to depopulate the earth?

“You make a sham of matrimony, creating all manner of unfruitful unions to replace the one which God has ordained; you preach sheer godlessness from the housetops, and even many of your churches are corrupt; you use the apparatus of government against the people, to strip away their sovereignty—indeed, government is never big enough to content you, never powerful enough, but you must be always growing it! For much less than this, the people of these colonies made war against King George of Britain, and prevailed against him.

“You preach suicide as a virtuous act, and teach physicians to murder their patients—again at public expense, whenever possible. That the human race continues to exist at all is a marvel to me! For you do your best is un-create a Holy God’s creation.”

I suppose there might be some historical figures—Karl Marx, for instance, or Jack the Ripper—who would joyfully approve of 2019’s moral landscape. If the past ever did judge our era, there are any number of great criminals and misanthropes who might plead our defense. Betcha Jean-Jacques Rousseau would do it pro bono.

But I don’t see us being acquitted. Do you?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found on .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Shut Up, They Explained

Unless you say the right things, the nice progressive, politically correct things, there are a lot of Real Smart People who say you should shut up.

As usual, when it comes to abridging the people’s liberties, Great Britain led the way. When it comes to gnawing at the tree of liberty, Parliament always has an appetite for it. The Racial and Religious Hatred Act makes it a serious offense to say or write anything that could be construed as “hate.” Somehow it remains impossible to “hate” Christians or native-born white Britons; but with everybody else, you have to walk on eggs.

By 2007 the chill on ordinary free speech had gotten so severe that screenwriter Anthony Horowitz, who has written the scripts of some of the most popular thrillers and mysteries ever aired on British and American television, said he might have to find another way to earn a living. The least misspoken word, the most trifling lapse in political correctness, might destroy a writer’s whole career; “and everywhere,” he added, “there is someone waiting to hear it spoken”.

Remember “The Lion King,” Disney vintage 1994? It wasn’t even a real movie. It was a cartoon. A feature-length cartoon.

Nineteen years after its release, in 2013, a “hyena biologist” sued Disney Corp for making hyenas the villains in “The Lion King”. In so doing, babbled the plaintiff, the film-makers had defamed the character of an entire species. And other bellyachers quickly hopped on board, yapping about the cartoon’s “anti-immigrant bias”—what? Did the hyenas in the movie come from Wales? Surinam?—in addition, of course, to being a feature-length advertisement for “fascism” and racism, yatta-yatta.

I have been unable to find out how that lawsuit was resolved. There are rumors that the judge reached into his robe, pulled out a gun, and shot the plaintiff’s lawyer on the spot, for which the taxpayers of his district voted him a hefty raise in pay. But those are just unconfirmed rumors.

Now we’re in 2019 and we have a Democrat Congresswoman from Florida who says there ought to be jail time for those uppity plebs who make fun of members of Congress. This, asserts Rep. Frederica Wilson, is a criminal abuse of the social media and anyone who does it should be prosecuted. Gee, where’s Loretta Lynch when the Party really needs her?

“Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace,” she chattered. “We’re gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted.” What eloquence.

Under what law could anyone be prosecuted for making fun, online, of members of Congress? I say Ms. Wilson wears hats that even the most needy snowman would reject, and has the instincts of a rather nasty Roman emperor, if you could find an emperor who could wear such hats and not be laughed out of the Forum. There, I’ve just made fun of her: what law did I break? Where is our Exalted More-than-Human Status of Members of Congress Act?

Well, for many years Democrats in the Soviet Union worked on perfecting the formula, “Prosecution first, legislation later.” Oops. Excuse me: I find it hard to distinguish between Democrats and communists. The Dems are the ones with all the Botox injections. But both subscribe to the motto, “We don’t need no stinkin’ laws.”

In the liberal utopia, as I trust we have now seen, there will be no villains in any of the stories (if there still are stories), even animals will be out of reach of any criticism, and if you make fun of any politician who’s been slimy enough to make it to Congress, you’ll be tossed into prison—along with the Climate Change deniers, misgenderers, and microaggression-mongers.

I would add a raspberry for Congress, if I knew how to spell the sound it makes.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles on .

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C.S. Lewis Nailed It

In his science-fiction/fantasy novel, “That Hideous Strength,” C.S. Lewis imagined a post-World War II Britain dominated, and that’s putting it mildly, by a scientific consortium empowered by the government. Written in 1943, the book portrays the kind of Britain you’d expect to see if the Third Reich had won the war.

The plan is to govern the country from now on by strictly “scientific” principles—no more will Christianity, tradition, or history have any part to play. It will all be Science, with a capital “S”, leading to Utopia with a capital “U”. Clad in the most agreeable language you could wish for, no one in his right mind, no one but the totally deprived “anti-Science” dunderheads, could reasonably object to it.

Honk if this is starting to sound familiar. “Climate Change,” anyone?

What the scientists, bureaucrats, cut-throat politicians and media magnates running the show fail to understand, and don’t even suspect, is that the ultimate aim of their enterprise is to extinguish life on earth—to Cleanse The Planet of that messy, dirty, erratic, rather silly stuff called “life.” They don’t realize it, but they’re all working for Satan: and his intent is to stage the ultimate rebellion against God by un-creating God’s creation.

Now, pause for a minute and ask yourself what all these have in common: abortion; doctor-assisted suicide and legalized euthanasia; turning boys into fake “girls” and girls into fake “boys”; devoting a whole month to praising homosexuality and elevating it into a positive good; devoting a whole political party to the praise of socialism; and proposing to abolish, for all practical purposes, the nation’s borders. What do all these have in common, besides being publicly espoused projects of the Democrat Party?

Here are a few hints. Death. Psychological and spiritual confusion. Societal chaos necessitating stricter and stricter measures by the state. Rapid expansion of the government. Economic collapse. What—you don’t accept that last one? Go ahead, try erasing the borders, and plugging in the Green New Deal while you’re at it, and see what happens to prosperity. Only thing is, if they do get a chance to try it, the damage will be so extensive that it may never be repaired.

These people don’t know they’re working for Satan, either.

But before they can shift any of these schemes into high gear, they have to win the next election—with the unstinting collaboration of Big Tech and the censored social media, the nooze media, Hollywood, the teachers’ unions and the public schools, and madcap academics in their colleges and looniversities—not to leave out the invaluable contribution of the wizards of voter fraud. They’ll need to thrust some socialist wacko into the White House, take over the Senate, keep the House of Representatives, and corrupt the judiciary. With all of that accomplished, they can then let the good times roll. Good for them, not us.

And we can kiss our liberties goodbye.

You can help them do it! Sit out the next election, waiting for The Righteous Candidate who doesn’t exist. Sit it out waiting for the Rapture. Or simply throw your vote away on some third-party Don Quixote whose chances of winning approach a pure statistical zero.

Springing as it does from Original Sin and inborn human folly, Far Left Crazy will never go away.

But voting the Democrat Party out of business will at least set it back some years.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before the censors get me; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at

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Reparations For All

Is it fair to be punished for doing something that wasn’t illegal when you did it? Well, that’s why the Constitution protects us from “ex post facto” (“after the fact”) laws.

Is it fair to be punished for something that you didn’t do? Like, for instance, own slaves. Or to be punished for something that someone else did, that you couldn’t possibly have prevented?

Democrat Congress members and presidential candidates would like to impose such punishments: “reparations” for slavery, paid by white Americans who never owned slaves to black Americans who never were slaves.

But to push it one step farther—oops, make that two steps—the weird Democrat senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, wants the government to pay “reparations” to “gays” who couldn’t collect marriage benefits until five lawyers on the Supreme Court, a very few years ago, gaveled “gay marriage” into existence ( She also wants reparations to be paid to Native Americans.

By “the government,” which has no money of its own, they mean you, the taxpayers. It’s your money that you worked for. Democrats want to dole it out to their favorite voter blocs. This would be to punish you, the taxpayer, for something that you didn’t do, couldn’t prevent, and which was lawful until the Civil War put an end to it 154 years ago.

This is rich. Warren got her whole career on track by claiming to be a Native American. A DNA test last year showed her to be 1/1,024th-part Indian—considerably less of a Native American than just about everybody else who lives here. But our free and independent nooze media remind us that there’s no truth, only “narrative.” We used to call that “lying.”

But are “gays” and African-Americans to be the only minorities who collect free money as reparations? Won’t that make the other minorities feel… ill-used? Who else ought to paid off by the defenseless taxpayer? Trannies, of course. “Undocumented migrants” (in English, “illegal aliens”), to be sure.

And what about the biggest minority of them all—women? They’re such a big minority, they might even be the majority by now. How about reparations checks for women? And oh, boy—if you’re a lesbian who’s part-African-American and part-Native American, has your ship come in, or what?

For how many  centuries were women—not just here in America, but all over the world—kept down, treated as second-class citizens, forbidden to vote or own property, forced into arranged marriages, and so on? What, no reparations checks for them? There are even women living today who are old enough to have suffered some of these abuses personally. Maybe we should even send out reparations checks to women in other countries.

What’s that—you’ve thought of another abused minority? Unborn babies? Aborted babies? I mean, they’ve been killed—right? Tens of millions of them in this country alone. Aborted right up to the moment of birth, in Democrat utopias like New York. Only how, being dead, are they to benefit from reparations?

And then there are other abused and downtrodden sets of people who are not dead, and who could really use a reparations check. Short people. Tall people. Fat people. Skinny people. Those who never got a date in high school. Those who’ve made bad decisions and made a shambles of their lives. And surely fools, as a class, have always been taken advantage of. Should not The Government (anything so grand deserves capital letters) make it up to them?

Setting aside the folly and injustice of it all, is there actually enough money in America to pay off all these kazillions of people who have been abused, exploited, triggered, stepped on, and sent up, all throughout history? And once you’ve totaled them all up, how many non-abused minority citizens will be left over to pay the reparations?

Liz, you haven’t thought this through.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found on

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Stop This Wicked Transgenderism

Our culture has gone “transgender”-mad. Not that there’s any such thing as “transgender.” There are only profoundly disturbed people, and liars who encourage them, who say they’re “transgender.” I have to put quotes around it because it isn’t real.

Nowhere does “transgender” fly so high as in our public schools. For instance:

Recently at the Frank Allis Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin, the principal ordered all the students to see a video made to “celebrate” some fat-head of a male science teacher’s “transition” into a “woman”.   He is not a woman. Every chromosome in every cell of his body is still male.

Parents, of course, were not notified of the principal’s plan to screen the video. See, school officials explained, anyone who doesn’t hop on board the trans bandwagon is guilty of “hate” and “fear.” “Hate” being any opposition, any criticism, any reluctance to embrace anything that any bunch of leftists wants to do.

The still-male science teacher even has a brand-new title: not “Mr.” or “Ms.”, but “Mx.” That’s what the kids will have to call him. “Mx” as in “mixed-up.”

I would really like to know if that principal truly, honestly, whole-heartedly believes this, er, science teacher really has “become a woman.” If he does believe it, then he or she is as wacko as the other guy. But if the principal doesn’t believe it, and is just pushing what he knows to be a lie, then the principal is a depraved liar. In either case, this person is not fit to be the principal of anything.

This promotion of “transgender” by the public schools is a form of child abuse.

Here’s a story, first reported two years ago, that you probably haven’t heard.

In an elementary school in Rocklin, California, they decided they needed to have a “celebration” of tranniness for kindergarten children, because they wanted the kiddies to be hip to “transitioning.” Afterward, little girls went home and told their parents that now they were afraid they would somehow be “turned into boys”. Nice thing for a child to think about in bed, isn’t it—you wake up one morning and you’re not you anymore.

Again, no opt-out. They don’t want anybody opting out of their little propaganda sessions. They got around California’s opt-out law by saying it wasn’t sex education. They’re freaking children out, but what the heck—anything for Diversity And Tolerance! No price is too high for someone else to pay!

Are there really that many people out there who genuinely believe that you can change your “gender” just by saying so? Or just by dressing up, taking hormones, or having bits of you chopped off? Has this idea really and truly caught on? If so, God help us.

But what if people are just going along with it because they’re afraid of consequences if they don’t? Who wants ten thousand Internet trolls calling them “haters” and biggits? Who wants to be stared down by big, important people like principals and politicians? Who wants to receive threats? Maybe some of the Loving Left will come over some night to vandalize your house or car. Who needs that kind of aggravation? So much easier just to convince yourself it’s harmless, it doesn’t really mean that much, it’s just a fad that’ll blow over someday, they aren’t really messing up your children’s minds…

Not very courageous, are we? Oh, what harm does it do!

Do you really need to ask?

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles on .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Immortality For Dummies

Eternal life is the gift of God, a free gift, to all who believe in Jesus Christ (John 3:16). It’s not for sale.

Some of the world’s richest men, hi-tech billionaires, apparently don’t believe it. They want eternal life. They want it passionately. But they’re looking to buy it.

“The Sun” recently reported on five of the ways these billionaires hope to live forever. Not addressed at all was the question of whether any of them *should* live forever.

But let’s look at these five sure-fire ways to beat the Grim Reaper.

Numero uno, “Cure aging.” Why does that make me think of the special morale coach in “The Natural” solemnly intoning, “Losing is a disease”? But of course if you cure aging, you cure a lot of other things as well.

This is, like, so simple! All you’ve got to do is slow the clock way down and reverse that universal law of thermodynamics that says that all systems naturally and inevitably grow more random with the passage of time, until they break down. God addresses this by translating souls to a place where time is not an issue; but in this fallen world, it is. So you hire lots of Science and you cure aging! No sweat.

Two, “a computer chip in your brain” so that you can “become one with machines.” I thought that was a cliché from biker movies, but billionaire Elon Musk takes it literally. Just hook your brain up to the right computer and you’ll become a super-genius, able to laugh at the trammels of mortality. Except when they have to do updates. Or when somebody hacks the computer that your brain’s hooked up to and tells it that you’re an owl. “Hoo-hoo-hoo,” exclaimed the super-genius.

Number three, buy “apocalypse insurance.” You know—a whole island to yourself, or a former nuclear missile silo hardened against enemy attack and earthquakes. ‘Cause you never know what huckleberry is gonna start something that ends the world. A nodding acquaintance with the Book of Revelation might suggest that there is nothing money can buy that will protect you from the Apocalypse—but heck, if you’re going to buy eternal life, you might as well buy immunity from disaster, too. Tucked away safely in your silo, you won’t have to go foraging for really bad food in a radioactive wasteland that used to be the world.

Four (and this is a good one!), “young blood transfusions” just might reverse aging, “according to some experts.” There’s an expert for every occasion. Simply pump out your tired old billionaire blood and pump in the blood of someone young and healthy. Elizabeth Bathory tried this, eternal youth via the blood of the young, but as her methods of obtaining blood included serial murder, it’s not recommended. She died in 1614 after five years of solitary confinement. If “young blood” really worked, you’d think she’d still be here 400 years later. Oh, well, back to the drawing board.

And Number five, “digital consciousness,” which is to say “upload your brain into a computer.” Yeah, that’ll work. The only tricky part is, first they have to kill you—and pump your body full of “custom embalming chemicals.” Plain old Acme Embalming Fluid isn’t good enough. So far this method has yet to meet its first volunteer. Well, the first one that we’ve heard about—who knows what billionaires get up to when no one’s looking?

For the human race, there is a caveat. If any of these methods really does seem to work, and we’ve got some tech billionaire celebrating his 250th birthday down there in the missile silo, then every politician in the world will want to do it, too. Imagine another 500 years of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. And that’s in the *nice* countries. Kim Jong Un will want to live forever, too. And Senor Maduro. Imagine a couple centuries of them running your country.

Is it just too old-fashioned to leave immortality to God, and let Him handle it? One hates to display a lack of faith in hi-tech billionaires—but are they up to the job of living forever?

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall have them in derision (Psalm 2:4).

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at .

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Making Humanity Redundant

Why are we here? Uh, to serve God and to proclaim His glory? To love Him, and to love one another? Sorry! Afraid I lapsed into Hate Speech there…

Consulting The Smartest People In The World, we frankly don’t know why we’re here—since it all came about by chance anyway—unless it’s to Save The Planet. Yeah, that must be it. To Save The Planet.

But how do we do that?

A British think tank called “Autonomy”—pardon me for laughing!—thinks the solution is… a nine-hour work week. They’re pretty sure they’re right about this because they’re getting their data from the United Nations and the United Nations never lies.

See there’s this “huge carbon footprint of business,” and that’s what’s got to be stamped out: “Stamp out footprints!” Catchy slogan, eh? In an ideal world, there would be no more business. No more creation of wealth. No more working to produce goods and services that other people want and are willing to pay for. Well, only nine hours of it. That’s all The Planet can stand.

But can all the work that needs to be done get done if everybody’s working only nine hours a week? Hah! Gotcha, you Biggit! It so happens we’ve got robots to do all that work, dude—and do it better than a bunch of lazy humans, too. And they never go on strike, never need a day off (unless they totally break down), never demand a raise, never expect an office Christmas party. Hey! You guys are lucky if we let you work nine hours a week! We only do it because speeches by left-wing politicians always sound so much better if the word “workers” is used at least once every two minutes.

But what’s everybody supposed to do for the other 31 hours that used to be part of the work week? Compose symphonies? Write cowboy poetry? Try to count the ants in an anthill?

Ah, we’re glad you asked! And we can answer in a single word:

Sex-bots. “Sex robots” would be two words, and you know how we hate to waste words around here.

The new generation of sex-bots is on its way; and they’re gonna have Wi-Fi, so you won’t even have to plug ‘em in. But best of all, scientists—sorry, I mean Scientists with a capital “S”—say these new sex-bots will be “indistinguishable from human beings.”

Wow. Think of it. Their appearance and movement will be so lifelike, you won’t be able to tell them from the real thing. Think of the possibilities for sitcoms! Like, here’s this poor guy married to a robot and no one ever told him it wasn’t a real human woman. And ha-ha-ha, everybody knows but him! It could even be a movie.

Even more awesome than its comedic possibilities, this, exults another Scientist,  this is “the beginning of a synthetic sexual revolution”! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. What could the world need more than another sexual revolution? There are still some normal people who need to be finished off.

As some Luddite pointed out (and he needs to be busted for Hate Speech), what do all these things—sex with sex-bots, gay marriage, transgenderism, and late-term abortion—have in common? Besides being cherished projects of the Democrat Party, I mean.

Easy! They all work together to depopulate the earth!

Because these are all humanist inventions, and there’s nothing a humanist hates more than his, her, or xer fellow human beings. The sooner the humanists can get rid of everybody else, the happier they’ll be.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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It’s War, All Right

David Horowitz’s new book, “Dark Agenda,” has an apt subtitle: “The War to Destroy Christian America.”

It’s a war, all right—the jihad of a false religion that seeks to dominate the Western world, which it can’t do unless it wipes out Christianity. We are not talking about Islam. This false religion is leftism.

Why call it a religion, when so many of its adherents are atheists?

Because, like all religions, Far Left Crazy is founded on a non-negotiable faith. Christians believe in God, and believe that salvation comes from God, through belief in Jesus Christ, our Savior. But leftists, in total contrast, believe that salvation comes from within, through the workings of the state, science, schools… and small groups of enlightened leaders wielding political coercion like a scythe. If you’re in their way, they’ll cut you down.

I’ve been holding off writing about the so-called Equality Act, which House Democrats passed last Friday while honest people were coming home from work, because I viewed it as a stunt, a manipulative piece of absurd pseudo-legislation whose sole intent is to stir up the party’s Far Left Crazy base in time for next year’s presidential election: red meat for the fanatics, giving them something to fight for. And conservatives hopped a ride on it, because it’s great fund-raising for them, giving their base something to fight against.

I still believe it’s a fund-raising, rabble-rousing stunt. It has virtually no chance of being passed by a Republican-controlled Senate—fail us this time, GOP, and we will gut you in the primaries—and President Trump has already said he’ll never sign it.

By “Equality” the Left means homosexual supremacy, a weapon for crushing all opposition to, all criticism of, any innovative “lifestyle” promoted by the Democrats—even religious opposition founded on the First Amendment. You can’t have the Equality Act and freedom of religion, freedom of speech; one or the other will have to be torn down. Guess which one the Democrats would like to erase.

Democrats have torn off the mask of moderation. Either they’re lemmings rushing full-tilt toward the cliff, or they really think America is up for this. I can’t decide which.

But imagine an America in which all the things the Democrats say they want, they get. Then try to get to sleep at night.

It would be an America in which a tax rate of 70 percent and up would shatter the economy. An America of unlimited abortion, even of babies born alive. An America of “open borders,” with millions of illegal aliens swarming in unchecked, importing crime, poverty, and societal chaos. An America in which new hate speech and Climate Change denial laws rip through what’s left of our freedom. An America in which the free exercise of the Christian religion becomes a criminal act. And on top of all that, a Green New Deal whose proponents wish to abolish privately-owned cars, air travel, and beef.

In horror movies the vampire always has an edge because people simply can’t believe in vampires and never get around to defending themselves until it’s just about too late—and they don’t even have Democrats looking to strip them of their Second Amendment rights. Here, people find it impossible to believe that a major political party really wants to do these things. This is how Far Left tyrants Chavez and Maduro fundamentally transformed their country, Venezuela, from a successful, vibrant country into a poverty-stricken Third World hell-hole. No meaningful opposition crystallized until the damage was done. Whether it can ever be repaired remains to be seen.

As incredible as it may seem, Democrats are fired up to do the same to our country.

Believe it—and don’t let them do it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Drop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Nation Of Stoners

Americans are bored. In fact (if it is a fact), we are bored for 131 days a year, which is 36 percent of the calendar. This is according to a survey of 2,000 adults, sponsored by Bowlero Bowling Alleys.

The survey defines a boring day as a day in which no “fun” occurs. The primary causes of such a day, according to the adults surveyed, seem to be work and parenting: these “suck the fun out of life.” Sixty percent complain that “life is just too grown-up.” And movies cost too much. They miss the fun they had as children—birthday parties, sleepovers, and just hanging out with friends. For some reason it doesn’t occur to them that they could still have birthday parties, sleepovers, and friends—if they wanted them. I mean, how hard can it be to ask a couple of people over to watch “Attack of the Crab Monsters” late at night, and then sleep on the couch, air mattresses, or whatever? Who says they can’t do that?

The survey also gives us the math by which they reached the figure of 131 days a year, but that’s too boring to repeat here.

To be sure, there’s a lot of scope for boredom nowadays. There is the flat, drab, monotonous landscape of “diversity”—everyone’s an aggrieved minority, everything is racist, everybody has to have exactly the same stupid left-wing opinion as everybody else, like the same things, hate the same things—oh, wow, that’s boring!

But the real problem is that too many of us get spoon-fed everything from day care right through college, which is a kind of day care, only more expensive… and suddenly you’re done with college and the spoon mysteriously disappears. No one’s around anymore to organize your sports, arrange your play dates, tell you what to read, what to watch on TV, and tell you what you think, sparing you the effort of thinking for yourself. Suddenly we are thrown back upon our own puny resources which have been so badly bonsai’ed by our popular culture and our so-called education system. What to do for fun? We don’t know!

But never let it be said that our ruling class is not up to the challenge of, well, ruling us.

Recently the New Jersey legislature voted down a bill to legalize recreational marijuana, despite our Far Left Crazy governor’s frantic efforts to define it as the civil rights issue of our time. Now they doubt they can ever get the bill passed, so they’re moving on to Plan B: put it up for referendum. The people will vote to get high. No way it can miss.

Setting the stage for this, the New Jersey nooze media are all on board the cannabis express, “cannabis” sounding so much more Scientific than “pot.” I saw a nooze story today which claimed that cannabis will “help you with your workouts.” It will even “help you with your meditations”—although what kind of meditation any pot-head might have is probably better not imagined. Mostly they just sit around and act stoned. Unless they’re driving stoned. And the airwaves are full of commercials and public disservice announcements lauding “cannabis” as the answer to life’s problems—a genuine panacea, with absolutely no down side.

These are people who ought to know better—highly “educated” (oh, boy!), highly paid, supposedly responsible media and political bigwigs—practically knocking themselves out to get the rest of us habituated to marijuana. Why? Why do they want us stoned?

I’ve found the company of pot-heads excruciatingly dull; but I wonder if this is what our ruling class has come up with as the cure for a national epidemic of tedium. Can you be bored and stoned at the same time? When you’re wasted on pot, does Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders start making sense to you? Or do you just not care, you’re high, none of that grown-up stuff matters—at least not for the time being. Everything just makes you giggle.

Is this the electorate they want? Is this what the top-down push for pot is all about?

A nation of stoners. If liberals want it, it can only be bad for us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Festival Of Culture Rot

After Alexis DeToqueville toured America in the early 19th century, he predicted that the United States would be a great, successful nation. America will be great, he said, because America is good; and the thing that made it good, he said, was the nation’s strong attachment to the Christian religion.

I wonder what he would have said if he’d been able, last week, to observe the annual Met Gala.

The gala is a fund-raiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art—a gathering of celebrities a lot of us have never heard of, all competing to see who can show off the silliest clothes and waste the most money on it. In fact, it’s a top-of-the-line freak show.

This year’s show-stopper was an actor, Jared Leto, who showed up in a “diamond-encrusted” bright red Gucci gown. If the diamonds were real—we are at liberty to doubt it—he achieved the remarkable feat of making diamonds look cheap.

But the thing that really wowed whoever was watching this was the severed head he carried in his arm, a wax head that was a perfect replica of his own: unless the head on his shoulders was the dummy and he was carrying the real one. Hard to tell, with celebrities. Last year this, er, person won applause by being “Jesus Christ in Gucci”—nothing like a bit of blasphemy and disrespect to earn kudos from the whoopee crowd. He has also won an Oscar for playing a “trans woman” in some stupid movie. “Trans woman” is a euphemism for a mentally ill man who insists he is a woman.

Normal people wonder, “What on earth is the point of carrying a wax head around?” Uh, was he going bowling later, but couldn’t find his ball? The owner of my local health food store told me he watched a few minutes of it on TV, but had to stop. “I couldn’t figure out why anyone would ever go out in public looking like that,” he said. Some of the celebrities, he added, “looked like you might catch something nasty from them—something you might not be able to get rid of.”

Almost too horrible to contemplate is the thought that there might be an audience for this extravaganza. What if there are millions of people out there who think the Met Gala is really cool, and wish they could be part of it? For whom the word “grotesque” has no meaning? Who actually watch these pretentious, trashy movies?

Okay, once upon a time 25 cents would buy you a ticket to the freak show at the Indiana State Fair, and you could marvel at the fat man, the guy with head-to-toe tattoos, the weird lady with the snakes, and the sword-swallower. Morbid curiosity—which I suspect most of us have, to one degree or another—packed them in. Like, “Gee, I see it, but I don’t believe it!” The Met Gala is the same thing; it just costs a lot more money. Much of its audience may well be normal people gawking at the weird celebrities, laughing at them, feeling good that they’re not them, and maybe shaking their heads in quiet pity.

Maybe the real audience, the audience that thinks it’s just too cool for words, is really only very small, numerically, and we are not turning into a nation of creeps. We can always hope, can’t we?

If DeToqueville were to tour America today, he would still find many people worshiping God, reading the Bible, praying, performing honest work, raising sane and decent families, loving one another, and trying to be good—because they know what good is, and value it, and aspire to it. Because they know it’s infinitely more valuable than dressing up silly and carrying a wax head around to impress other silly people. He might find that the culture-rot crowd occupies only a small place in the nation’s life, for all the ink they get.

We might succumb to a curiosity that can’t help wondering just how far these alleged celebrities will go; but that doesn’t mean that we respect them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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They Call It ‘U.S. History’

Some years ago, back in the 1990s, I was substitute teaching at a local high school—U.S. History, Advanced Placement class: smart kids. Their teacher had left an assignment for them to do in class, so I didn’t have much to do. They also had to hand in essays. I asked them if they’d mind if I read the essays while they did their classwork. Since I wouldn’t be marking the essays, they were cool with that.

The subject was the Mexican War. They were short essays, so I read them all: all 22 of them.

Each and every one of those essays stated the opinion that the United States was absolutely morally wrong to go to war with Mexico, that the war was totally unjust, and that it was a bad thing that America won it. Et cetera—a wholesale, unanimous condemnation of that chapter of our country’s history.

I just had to say something. Couldn’t let it pass. So I asked for their attention and I spoke my piece.

“I think I’m seeing something here today that hasn’t been seen before,” I said. “For the first time that I know of, the vast resources of the state—in this case, this school building, with its teachers and administrators and their salaries, maintenance costs, textbooks, insurance, and all the rest—is being used to teach a whole generation that the state is not worthy of their loyalty. And I wonder what that bodes for this country’s future—teaching young people that it’s a bad country, that it doesn’t deserve their support.

“Every one of you voiced the same opinion in this essay, as if there could only be one side to the question: Mexico’s side. Not America’s. As if our country didn’t even have a side. And that’s not history. It’s not an education. And it’s not honest.”

Then the bell rang, so there was no time for discussion. A few months later, though, at the same school, one of the girls from that class met me in the hall and said, “I can’t stop thinking about what you said about our essays.” “I’m glad you’re thinking—keep it up,” I answered. So maybe I accomplished something. I’ll never know for sure.

Fast-forward to the present: a new U.S. History textbook for Advanced Placement high school students, “By the People,” published by Pearson Education and scheduled to be used in many schools next year, states—as a history lesson—that Donald Trump shows signs of mental illness, is obviously a racist, and was elected by “angry racists.”

Those angry racists are tens of millions of American voters, including quite a few of you. All bad naughty people, for not electing Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the Northern Hemisphere. For not wanting any more Far Left government. For saving our country from open borders, Obamacare, and the weird Climate Cult inhabited by citizens of the world.

Did I just let it slip that there was more than one side to that 2016 election?

But our education establishment doesn’t want that. What they want is roomful after roomful of college-bound high school students all writing essays stating that the angry racists of America, that wretched country, elected that racist lunatic Donald Trump because they’re just too dumb and wicked to appreciate the good things that global socialism has to offer! They want 22 kids with one opinion. Millions of kids with only one opinion. That’s what they call an education.

When are we going to stop educating our country to death? If we could stop tomorrow, we’d still be stuck with a couple million college snowflakes who’ve been spoon-fed Far Left Crazy from kindergarten right through their senior year at Indoctrination U. It would take years and years to undo that damage, if it could be undone at all.

Government schooling serves the government, and the left-wing whackos who infest it.

All the people are allowed to do is pay for it.

We have to stop it… before it stops us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Now They Hate Your Daughters, Too

You work like a dog to earn the money for your kids to go to college, they’re still going to be saddled with a student debt that’ll take years to pay off—and what do you get?

Well, one thing you can count on getting a lot of is hate. Especially if you’re white. “The Problem of Whiteness.” “Toxic Masculinity.” “Check Your Privilege.” Endless workshops on how white males who are not homosexuals are responsible for every evil in the world. Evergreen Looniversity even had a “No whites allowed on campus” day, a year or two ago.

And now, having no more abuse they can heap on white men without repeating themselves, they’re turning on white women.

Your daughters.

Academic pinheads are flocking to a symposium in Toronto to hear a paper by a student—love it: a student lectures a hall full of professors—entitled “Love in the Time of Beckyism: On Willfulness and Wokeness in Teacher Education” (

“Wokeness”? Never mind that: what the devil is “Beckyism”?

“Becky” is a new term of abuse coined by college clowns for generic young white women—sort of like calling black persons “Sambo”—to express contempt for them.

But let’s let the academics themselves explain it, quoting at length from the chimposium’s organizers.

“In the tradition of speculative fiction, parable, and counterstorytelling within critical race theory, this session aims to problematize the characterization of ‘Becky,’ a term specific to white women who engage in whiteness, often in gendered ways… This characterization is relevant to education by critically examining who is Becky and how she is characterized, her positionality in education, and how the hope for diversity, inclusion, equity, and racial justice within the P-20 education pipeline is impacted by Becky” (who, we are told “enacts oppression”)…

Have you ever heard such crap in all your life? I think their P-20 pipeline must be clogged with something nasty. But wait, there’s more!

“Explorations of Becky and implications of educational practice from a variety of perspectives and contexts will illuminate the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression tied to the gendered and raced mechanisms of whiteness enacted by Becky.”

In case you didn’t recognize her, O poor schmo who pays the tuition and the taxes, “Becky” is your daughter. Your racist, white-privileged, oppressor daughter. Hey, can you feel the love?

And, “This paper—“ by a 23-year-old horse’s kiester who should’ve graduated and gotten a job several years ago—“establishes how white women are not seeking to disinvest from whiteness,” blah-blah-blah, I can’t repeat any more of this. Is it even English? Is whoever wrote this twaddle quite all there?

But are you quite all there—for submitting your daughters to this poisonous drivel, and paying for it? America, these are your colleges and universities that you pay for, not just in tuition but in taxes, too, expressing the most profound contempt for you and everything you value, and teaching your children to do the same.

To say nothing of the effects on the hearts and minds of students who aren’t white, being taught that all white people—except for the venomous white liberals who brew up this stuff—are human monsters who live only to oppress the poor defenseless minorities. It is a sin to stir up strife among people who would otherwise live in peace together; but that’s what our colleges do, everywhere, every day.

Why isn’t this making Americans angry? No self-respecting nation would tolerate it for another day. Why do we continue to carry this burden on our backs, instead of throwing it off? Why do we continue to fund these institutions? What do they have to do, that they haven’t yet done, before we wake up and put them out of business?

I can’t even imagine the answer to that question.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found on

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My New Book Is Out

Are you tired of trying to learn the names of politicians’ lawyers? Worn out with keeping track of how many Far Left wackos are seeking the Democrat 2020 presidential nomination? And trying to decide which one is the craziest of them all—a hopeless task?

Are you sick and tired of “gender” this and “gender” that? Do you long to read at least three paragraphs in which the word “racist” (oops) is not mentioned even once? Do you find yourself wishing, when you turn on the TV news, that one of those giant lizards from a 1960s horror movie would break into the studio and gobble ‘em up like ants?

And if you’re tired of hearing it and reading about it, just think how tedious it is to write about it.

Allow me to present Book No. 11 of my “Bell Mountain” series, “The Temptation.”  Monster of a cover, isn’t it? That’s the work of artist Kirk DouPonce, who’s done all 11 of them so far.

What? Our country’s looking shaky, globalists are trying to eat us alive—and you’re writing fantasy?

You bet I am.

There’s more on offer here than just escape—although certainly my books are intended to provide escape from the day to day torments of the nooze, and I’m very happy whenever I achieve that for my readers. But fantasy should also be a way of viewing our own world from an unexpected, unfamiliar vantage point from which we might see things that we would otherwise miss. That’s not as easy as it sounds, by the way.

So I write about this world where everything’s up in the air, all sorts of wild things are happening, because God is re-connecting it with Himself. And that means kingdoms rise and fall, quickly, great men, good and evil, come and go, and ordinary people have to cope with mysteries and miracles—everything that makes life worth living, as we say.

It’s a fantasy world, so our own world’s politics have no place here. But it’s also a human world: the way that people respond to current events, and to history, is mostly the same way we would respond. It’s a world created by the same God who created ours; so although it follows its own arc of history, very different from our own, and has its own Scriptures, it’s still a world that can make sense to us. We can imagine ourselves living in it. Heck, I have to do that every time I sit down to write.

Written for readers ages 12 and up, I’m still surprised when I hear from parents who tell me how much their younger children—eight years old, or even younger—have enjoyed these stories. After all, my two protagonists, Jack and Ellayne, are only about tennish when their adventures start. They are guided and guarded, and often scolded, by a squirrel-sized, manlike creature, Wytt. Together they travel all over their world, encountering fantastic beasts and all kinds of people.

Throughout the Bell Mountain series, my guide has been the Bible. So although I’m writing fantasy, you won’t find any spells or magic powers here. I allow whatever the Bible allows—which does give me pretty wide latitude. I hope it goes without saying that what is taught in the Bible as good is also good in my books. Both the laws of nature and the moral law, both established by God, apply in the world of Bell Mountain—and govern it.

“The Temptation” is available on as an ebook today; tomorrow it should become available in paperback, too. It will also be sold on Barnes & Noble Nook, Google Play/Books, and from the Chalcedon Store ( ). The preceding ten books in the series are all available in both Kindle and paperback formats.

They’re waiting for you.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Here Comes The Internet Czar

The freedom of the Internet, although frequently and flagrantly abused, was great while it lasted. But the world’s governments don’t intend for it to last much longer.

The United Kingdom, a country with no First Amendment to protect free speech, is preparing to set up an “Internet safety czar” to promote “Internet safety” and prevent “online harms,” with full powers to regulate the social media and shut sites down if he sees fit. “Huge fines” will also be on the menu.

According to plan, the “czar” will come crashing down on any site where he finds any of the following.

“Violence or incitement to violence.”

“Encouraging self-harm or suicide.”

“Fake news.”


Children given access to “inappropriate material.”

Child exploitation or “abuse content.”

Let’s take a little closer look, shall we?

Take “violence.” Because I state the truth, that there is no such thing as a “transgender person,” but only people who say they are, I have been accused of “violence” and even “assault” and “beatings.” For the Far Left Crazy, “violence” is any degree of dissent from their program. So depending on which political faction happens to be in power at the time, I could be shut down and fined for “violence”—without ever having raised a hand to anyone.

What would they call it when a state legislature enacts a law permitting assisted suicide? When an “end of life counselor” advises a seriously ill patient to ask a doctor to kill him? Or when Netflix makes a TV series glamorizing suicide? Or when self-anointed intellectuals brandishing the Humanist Manifesto II declare that suicide is a human right? But of course all these are Far Left projects: no one in the British government would dream of stifling them.

What is “fake news”? If it’s news that’s wrong, un-factual, lies cooked up to serve a political agenda, our mainstream nooze media’s cup runneth over. Trump colluded with “The Russians,” Trump’s a Russian agent, Brett Kavanagh organized gang rapes at a party, the kids from Covington High School picked on a poor defenseless Native American, Jussie Smollett was attacked by white supremacists—these were all frauds, much ballyhooed by all the major media. Would the czar shut them down and fine them? Oh—but they’re not the social media? But all those phony stories slopped over into the social media. Would you get shut down for repeating or commenting on fake news stories pushed by mainstream media?

As for “inappropriate material” for children—what about the award-winning “young adults fiction” crammed into the shelves of public school libraries, chock-full of depictions of aberrant sex, pedophilia, drug abuse, and all sorts of self-destructive behavior? To say nothing of “comprehensive sex education” for first-graders! Again, much of this finds its way into the social media. Will the czar be shutting that down, too?

Naturally, we don’t want our children subjected to cyber-bullying on the social media, or being targeted by pedophiles using the social media as a blind. Maybe children shouldn’t be allowed unlimited time online. Maybe parents should pay closer attention to what their kids are viewing. Maybe we could even allow the government to play a role in catching and punishing the perpetrators—if any government would ever be content with that. The danger would lie in whetting the government’s appetite for more. Much more.

Why are we so certain that any “Internet czar” would concentrate exclusively on silencing Christians, Jews, conservatives, and Republicans while allowing socialist, Democrat, atheist, LBGT, Islamic, and anti-white sites to flourish unimpeded? Is it fair to judge by past performance? It’s flaming stupid not to.

Freedom is not the natural state of fallen man. Freedom can exist only under the protection of a sovereign, righteous God.

“Righteous” is not a word that describes our worldly governments.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

I Am Liberalism

I am liberalism. I kill. I destroy. But mostly I distort.

I twist “compassion” into compulsion: one of my greatest triumphs. I start with “children’s health and safety” and finish with a SWAT team breaking down a family’s door in the middle of the night and taking the children away—all because a two-year-old child had a fever, the fever went away while mother and child were waiting in the doctor’s office, and the mother decided not to take the child to the hospital as the doctor had advised. All three children went to separate foster homes.

I twist “elderly care” into euthanasia.

A desire to help the less fortunate, I mold into taxes, bureaucracy, and a whole forest of regulations.

I twist truth into “your truth” and “my truth,” which means no objective truth at all; and my servants in the schools and colleges see to it that my truth always wins and yours always loses.

I twist “freedom” into crime and anarchy. In any city where my servants run the government, you’ll find trash and refuse on the sidewalks, the casualties of drug and alcohol abuse, tents pitched among mounds of rubbish, and multiple habitual offenders released within hours of being arrested, to continue their careers of crime.

I twist “love” into jail time for anyone who declines, on religious grounds, to cater to the delusions of the sexually confused. I twist religion into “hate,” and “tolerance” into intolerance for all things Christian.

I twist “diversity” into coerced uniformity of thought, severely punishing any deviation from the politically correct.

I twist “justice” into rage and envy, racial strife, and “education” into ignorance, narrow-mindedness, and sheer misinformation. It’s hard for me to decide which serves me better, the boiling-over anger and frustration that I pass off for justice, or the towering walls of lies and silliness that I call education. I would hate to part with either of them.

I twist “peace” into violence in the streets, “pride” into a parade of shame, and “progress”—oh, how I love progress!—into the deterioration of everything it touches. Visit Detroit and you’ll see what I mean.

I twist “science” into a morass of superstition, imaginary end-of-the-world scenarios, “settled science” that you’d better never dare to question, and a continuing excuse for growing the government and acquiring new and ever more intrusive power.

I have twisted “choice” and “women’s health” into a billion-dollar abortion industry. Indeed, these euphemisms have been so effective that I’ve been able to move on to out-and-out infanticide. I have high hopes for this, looking forward to the day when in the name of choice, not only babies but prattling, toddling children will be sacrificed to some such malarkey as “reproductive freedom.”

To make a long story short, I twist everything—and people love me for it! There is nothing healthy that I can’t make unhealthy, nothing sweet I can’t make bitter, nothing light I can’t make dark. Whole industries, whole institutions in government and society, bow down to me—news and entertainment media, the schools and universities, an entire political party in your two-party system, plus a fair-sized chunk of the other party, and an international ruling class that won’t be satisfied until they lay the whole world at my feet. There is an appetite for power that cannot be satiated—and by making it appear to be wise, compassionate, just, and even inevitable… I own it.

I am liberalism. I kill. I destroy. And I distort.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles on

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Freedom—An Endangered Species

Freedom is not the natural state of man. There’s always somebody looking to take it away. This is going on all over the world today; and no freedom is more at risk than that of free speech. Our country’s founders enacted the First Amendment to protect it, along with freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

But our mother country, the United Kingdom, has no First Amendment. As you read this, British police are “investigating” a Catholic journalist for the newfangled pseudo-crime of “misgendering.” For calling a man a man, despite his delusional claim to be a woman.

Just for the record, there is no such thing as a “transgender woman” who used to be a man. That person is still a man. No amount of surgery or hormones can make him a woman. But journalist Caroline Farrow, appearing on a TV talk show, made the mistake of referring to such a mythical creature as a man: she committed the crime of not saying something she knew wasn’t true. So now the police say they’ll arrest her unless she shows up at the station house for a “taped interview.” And of course her whole family has been harassed and threatened since her story made the news.

The UK has a “law”—I find it necessary to put the word in quotes—called the Malicious Communications Act, and you can be tossed into prison for two years for breaking it. This asinine statute makes it a criminal offense to say or write or tweet “a message which is indecent or grossly offensive… a threat… information which is false or known or believed to be false by the sender.”

Let’s unpack that, shall we?

“Indecent or grossly offensive.” How is it indecent to call a biological male a man, just because he insists he’s a woman? And grossly offensive to whom—besides the “transgender” Kool-Aid drinkers? “A threat.” Well, she certainly didn’t threaten anybody. “Information which is false.” Good grief. The only thing that’s false here is this man’s claim to be a woman. What Mrs. Farrow did was speak the truth. As for reading the sender’s mind, to determine what she believed or didn’t believe, I simply don’t know how they do that.

How come none of the British TV cop shows ever gets involved with cases of “misgendering”? Because if they ever tried to present such a case as a drama, the audience would mistake it for a comedy? Is this what anyone becomes a police officer for—so he or she can lock up someone who calls a man a man? Have they so little real crime to contend with, that they have time “investigate” such twaddle? How they can still respect themselves is beyond me.

How far back does this go—this campaign to wipe out freedom? How deep is the rot?

I think back to 1969, and a biology course I took at Rutgers. During the last two weeks of the semester, the faculty tried to convince us that the way to get paradise on earth was to give them and their political playmates absolute power to re-design human society into some kind of totalitarian ant-hill. They seemed dumbfounded when the students didn’t buy it.

One student was moved to ask, “But what about our freedom and identity?” Ah—but the instructor was ready with an answer.

“Those,” she declared, “are outmoded concepts that must be engineered out of the system.”

My whole class flunked the final exam. We would have been ashamed to pass it. The faculty upgraded all our F’s to C’s and moved us on, got us out of their hair: try again next semester, they decided.

Well, heck, what’s the point of being a member of the ruling class if you’re not going to rule people? Our rulers want to rule us. Tell us what to say and what not to say, tell us what to think and what not to think. Back it up with cops and prison sentences. And they call themselves “progressives.”

That kind of progress, we don’t need.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

They’re Coming For Your Kids

Last Friday we were supposed to be overwhelmed by the spectacle of multitudes of teenagers walking out on their high school classes as part of a world-wide “Youth Climate Strike” to “demand immediate action” by the government to–er, stop: yes, they think the government can “stop” it—climate change.

Oh, the hysteria! “People are dying! Enact the Green New Deal! Climate justice!” The strike was a big Thing in hopeless Europe, but here in America, it pretty much fizzled. But they’ll try again.

This is part of a massive effort by the Democrat Party to seize control of our country and never give it back, and finish the job of “fundamental transformation” of America into a socialist basket case with themselves ruling it forever.

At the same time, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared it’s high time we lowered the voting age to 16.

Now, why would anyone want to add several million children to the voting rolls?

In one of those rare instances in which a Democrat accidently tells the truth, Pelosi came right out with this:

“It’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school.”

Did she say “capture”? Yeah, that’s what she said and that’s what she meant: “capture.” Her choice of words is revealing.

High school kids, of course, are already a captive audience. Pelosi wants them to be her party’s captives. Because here’s what comes next:

Senator Dianne Feinstein has proposed the “Climate Change Education Act,” which would require—yes, we said “require”—all public school teachers to teach “human-induced climate change” to the captives in every school in America. Because, she says, the world is in “immediate danger” and the “evidence for human-induced climate change is overwhelming and undeniable.” This is one of those much less rare instances in which a Democrat does not tell the truth.

Meanwhile, one thing the public schools don’t teach is civics. The children who have been captured here literally do not know that the law, the Constitution, puts limits on what any government can do. They don’t know there are limits! So they “demand” the government take action, any action, whatever it takes, to stave off the imminent catastrophic end of the world, which they have been told—by Democrats—is coming in just twelve years. If it takes the imposition of a dictatorship, so be it. Otherwise we’re all gonna die. And they have been told that government can save them—if only it’s given enough power to do the job.

It’s a three-part plan. First, use the media to get the kiddies in a panic about climate change and the end of the world. Then, use the schools to drive the lesson home, day after day, giving out bad grades or even punishment to any kid who doesn’t drink the Kool-Aid. And then, ta-dah! Lower the voting age! Give these terrified children the opportunity to vote for the party that wants to stop climate change and save the world from destruction which is just twelve years down the road. Use your captives to swamp the sanity vote.

And if they still can’t quite impose their will, lower the voting age again. If 16-year-olds can vote, why not 14-year-olds? If high school students vote, why not middle school students? And don’t forget illegal aliens. A lot of them already vote, although it’s against the law. But surely they can persuade their captives to let them change that law.

The thing is, Democrats will do just about anything to get back into power; and once they’re in, they mean to stay. They do not intend for our republic to survive.

We’re going to have to work very hard indeed to keep our freedom.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Lights Out—For Socialism

It was quite a juxtaposition, a few nights ago, on the front page of the Drudge Report.

At the top of the page, the lead story: the lights have all gone out in Caracas, capital of the socialist Mordor called Venezuela. No electricity. It goes rather nicely with no food, no toilet paper, and no freedom. Yep, another need that this socialist regime can’t meet.

A few inches down, the new face of the Democrat Party, first-year Congresswoman and self-proclaimed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was busy blasting capitalism. Capitalism, she says, is “irredeemable.” Oooh… because it makes for “income inequality.” And Global Warming, too. It’s, like, totally mean!

Meanwhile, we’ve got electricity and her socialist buddies don’t. You’d think that would give her something to ponder; but it’s hard to do that with your mouth wide open.

It ought to be funny, all these politicians saying and doing crazy things that not so long ago would have ended their careers. Socialism, infanticide, open borders, Green New Deal, down with Israel, down with America—it ought to be a million laughs, but somehow it isn’t. I guess because if you lived through the 20th century and watched socialist dictatorships murder some 100 million people, it sort of takes the fun out of the gag. I don’t think a lot of people stuck in Venezuela are laughing, either.

Why say “stuck”?

Well, the Dems running a $2.3 billion budget deficit in the state of New York are dumbfounded that “the rich,” rather than allow themselves to be devoured by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s astronomical taxes, are leaving. Bugging out: 48,000 of them, so far. Because the state can’t afford to build a new Berlin Wall to keep them in, New York has had to settle for pursuing them with very harsh audits.

The governor laments, “This is the flip side [of federal tax cut legislation]. Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. We did. Now, God forbid, the rich leave.”


If only they could hold them there against their will! That’s the real socialism! Never mind a wall to keep illegals out—they’d love to build a wall to keep “the rich” in. With border guards, attack dogs, the works! But all they can do, for now, is chase them down for audits. Can’t exactly chain them to the radiator, can they?

I have too much respect for the reader to explain why “income equality” is a fantasy. If you really don’t know, shame on you.

But wait! Do I hear hoof beats? Is that the cavalry coming—in the nick of time?

According to a recent study by Harvard and Indiana University Bloomington, Christianity in America is not shrinking, not getting weaker, but growing and getting stronger.

In 1989, says the study, American Christians who had “strong beliefs and practices” were 39 percent of the total. By 2018, that number had grown to 47 percent. This in spite of public schooling, practically universal college, Hollywood, and the nooze media, all of them implacably hostile to the Christian faith, all of them constantly trumpeting its imminent demise. It seems the American people are not as fond of the Far Left fun pack as all our self-anointed sages think. As icing on the cake, a Pew poll reported that strong Christians have more babies than do liberals. So naturally our numbers grow. And add to that the strides that Christianity is making throughout the rest of the world, especially in Africa and Asia.

That’s bad, bad news for the Climate Cult.

So maybe they’re saying and doing all these crazy things because they know, somehow, that if they don’t get it done soon, they’re never gonna get it done—their fundamental transformation of America into another place where no one but the glorious leaders enjoys the blessings of electricity.

They hear the hoof beats, too.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Creepy Little People

Creepy little people that you’ve never heard of, hiding in the shadows, reaching out to shape the kind of world you live in, and screwing up your life and millions of others—not a comforting thing to think about.

I read a Vanity Fair article, a few days ago, that was—unintentionally—at least as spooky as anything that H.P. Lovecraft ever wrote: “Inside Facebook’s War on Hate Speech.”

Click the link and look at the picture. This is Facebook’s “shadow government.” They look like a Far Left Crazy version of Rembrandt’s famous “Dutch Masters” (“Syndics of the Cloth Guild,” to give the painting its actual title), peering out of the shadows at the sunlit world—and up to no good. They’re the ones who decide what constitutes “hate speech” and who and what gets censored by Facebook. Led by a former federal prosecutor, which does seem appropriate, they are described as “Obama-administration refugees [in their 30s and early 40s] eager to maintain some semblance of the pragmatism—“ what?—“that has lost favor in Washington.” We wonder what “pragmatism” that was. Nothing you’ll find in any dictionary. Words take on some rather strange meanings when leftists use them.

The article describes the presuppositions which guide the shadow government’s deliberations. It’s those presuppositions that make them so scary—that, and the fact that they are not accountable to anyone but Facebook. Let’s look at some of those.

They firmly believe that they have the authority and wisdom to decide what can or can’t be said by more than 2 billion people using Facebook. “Back in the U.S.S.R.” somehow springs to mind.

They believe “rights” are defined and granted by government, that government has the authority to sort people into groups and rank those groups according to some weird standard of “justice” known only to those who do the ranking, and that government must “balance” the rights of all these groups from day to day to see which group’s rights gets to be queen for a day—until they decide it’s time for a change. For “government,” read “Facebook.”

They believe there’s such a thing as “hate speech,” which must be silenced, by them—‘cause if they do that, don’t you know, there won’t be any hate. They seem to be the only ones who know from day to day what “hate speech” is.

Oh—and all those “genders” that the left has invented: they’re all real, and anybody who thinks it’s only “male and female” is a Hater who must be stifled. By them.

Look at the picture again and tell me you’re not scared.

Meanwhile, who’s the world’s best teacher? Another little bunch you don’t know from an ashtray, the Varkey Foundation. They decide, and give a million-dollar prize to whoever they think deserves it. Like, for instance, a “gay” activist who created a curriculum of LGBT-promoting lessons for grade school kids in England, and touched off massive protests by parents in Birmingham. He had to resign his last position for doing the same thing. If you’ve ever wondered where all that “gay” stuff in your local public school comes from—well, people like this guy put it there. Without asking you first. But then they never ask you first.

You can visit the Varkey Foundation website, but all you’ll learn about them there is that they have a headquarters in London, lots and lots of money, and they really like “education.” That’s another word that doesn’t quite mean the same thing it does when we use it.

No, they never ask; they just do. They have anointed themselves as change agents for your world. If you don’t like the changes, they don’t care. What do you know, anyway? These are philosopher-kings. They don’t have to ask your permission.

Go ahead and tell me you’re not scared.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Humanist Apocalypse: We’re Doomed

Holy mackerel, we’re doomed! Our “global modern civilization” is about to tip over and capsize—according to a “collapse expert”—how do you get to be a collapse expert? By collapsing?—at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge.

Well, okay, we know that a lot of civilizations, throughout history, have collapsed. No more Roman Empire. No more Indus Valley Civilization: that one went belly-up without leaving behind the name of a single person who belonged to it. They come and they go. And sometimes something better takes its place. We view the collapse of the Roman Empire as a calamity; but surely at the time there were many people who, when they heard the news that the Eternal City had been sacked, threw their hats in the air and turned cartwheels to celebrate.

But in the meantime, says the collapse expert, our own civilization is looking pretty poorly. And here come the Four Horsemen of the Secular Humanist Apocalypse: climate change (our fault, of course), inequality, environmental impact, and, like, too much complexity.

In the Bible, God is sovereign and when it comes to empires and all that, He sets ‘em up and He sets ‘em down according to His own good purpose. But for the secular crowd, who don’t believe in God, you need a do-it-yourself apocalypse: from which only Science and the State can save us. Better pony up those extra taxes in a hurry!

Enter first-year Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, touting a plan to help the impending collapse pick up momentum: stop having babies.

See, this’ll buy us time so Democrats can enact their Green New Deal to dismantle industrial civilization and return everyone but politicians and movie stars to the lifestyle and standard of living that used to be enjoyed by 11th century Scottish peasants. No more air travel (except for them), no more inequality (we’ll all be poor, except for them), no more private home ownership (except for them), and so on.

Generally, to have a civilization, there have to be people in it. There are people because the previous generation of people had babies. Yes, I know—liberals aren’t convinced that babies are people. Abort ‘em as they’re being born. But if everybody does that, then there is no next generation, and, voila—no more people. If somehow liberals expect to survive indefinitely, well, they wouldn’t constitute much of a civilization.

But we must be in deep, deep trouble: because out in Lakeview, Minnesota, recently, a couple of dogs dialed 911 five times. You know you’re up a tree when even the dogs start calling 911.

Oh, they say it was an accident! The owner set his cellphone for emergency calls only, then went out and left his cellphone where the dogs could reach it. Naturally, they knocked it to the floor and started playing with it; and every time they stepped on it or bit the call button, the local police dispatcher got a puzzling call. “All they could hear in the background was dogs barking,” an officer reported.

So they just assume it was an accident, the dogs couldn’t possibly have made those calls on purpose. Hah! How were the dogs supposed to explain why they’d called? Obviously the dispatcher couldn’t understand what they were trying to tell him. “Dude, you’ve gotta do something! Our civilization is about to collapse! No more dog food! No more squeaky toys!” But to him or her it only sounds like barking. Well, they tried.

If we are anchored in the Bible, we don’t believe we’re doomed, the human race will go extinct, yatta-yatta, blah-blah. We defy the gloom and doom. We already know from Revelation that the world civilization symbolized as “Babylon” is going to be swept away and replaced by the Kingdom of Christ. When we say this, the humanists sneer and make faces: they laugh at us. They look for their salvation to a global government.

But that’s the thing we laugh at.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . If our civilization is still here this morning, stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Educating Ourselves Into Oblivion

How badly are we in hock to college? According to Bloomberg News, $1.46 trillion. That’s 1.46 thousand billions, or 1.46 million millions. And in the last quarter of 2018, seriously late or unpaid student debt was over $166 billion.

Those are colossally bad numbers, and no one seems to know how to make them any better. Somehow, sitting in college classrooms for five years and getting a degree in Gender Studies doesn’t translate into a viable income. College grads don’t earn enough money to pay off their debt; and their parents are borrowing to pay their kids’ expenses. Sort of a gift that keeps on giving.

The cost of what we laughingly call “higher education” has doubled in the last 20 years.

So what are we getting for all this money? And don’t forget the 13 years of public schooling that precedes your entry into college. No one really knows how much America spends on that. No one really wants to know.

Recently the Woodrow Wilson Foundation administered a basic citizenship test to some 40,000 people nationwide, with rather discouraging results [Link]. Out of all 50 states, only Vermont managed to have a passing grade: which is to say, 53% of Vermonters passed the test. Not exactly burning up the track. A score of 60 out of 100 was passing. When I was in school, 60 was a big red F. I dare them to give the same test to Christian homeschooled kids, and compare the results.

The test was 20 multiple-choice questions on U.S. history and civics—subjects that have been replaced in most public schools by “social studies.” Whatever else “social studies” may be, it doesn’t teach history and civics. Mostly it teaches crapola. “America’s a racist-sexist-hater-bigot-homophobic no good stinkin’ country…”

Anyway, coast to coast, only one out of four people passed the test—in spite of all the years they’d spent in public school and college. Not a great advertisement for the costliest system of education ever devised by human beings.

But Western Europe isn’t doing that much better.

In a frantic effort to make herself relevant to current politics, Hillary Clinton has been extolling European students for cutting class to “protest” their governments’ failures to stop climate from changing. “Something extraordinary” is happening here, crowed Clinton: “Teen girls are leading a movement to stop Climate Change”. Oh, boy. Let’s be led by teenaged girls.

The bilge which kids are, uh, “learning” in their schools in Sweden, Belgium, Germany, and Scotland is every bit as worthless as what we’re selling in America. And they get to cut their boring classes and be interviewed on television—just as if they had something important to say. One quote will suffice.

“If you get a detention [for cutting class], that’s nothing to how we will suffer in future if nothing is done!”

Has anybody thought of how we’ll suffer if “something” is done? The powers that governments claim they’ll need to acquire, to stave off Climate Change, are nothing short of mind-blowingly totalitarian. It’ll make Mao Tse-tung and his Great Leap Foreward look like a small-town mayor in New Jersey fiddling with the snow-removal budget.

If these teen girls were learning any more history and civics than American kids are learning in their own benighted public schools, they would be—to put it mildly—very afraid of what their nations’ governments want to do to them. Has that whole unhappy 20th century been erased from human memory? Does no one under 70 remember what tyrants do, when they’re trying to create Utopia? Has everybody got amnesia?

We are paying more than just our money for what we think is education. Deranged politicians who in normal times would be laughed off the stage for anything remotely resembling their “Green New Deal” now expect to win the next election.

If they ever get in power, and do the things they say they want to do—well, no one will be laughing at them anymore.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Just How Crazy Is Ocasio Cortez’s Green New Deal?

Last week one of the most pie-eyed crazy documents ever generated by American politics—lots of competition there!—appeared on first-year Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s website. It was called “the Green New Deal”.

Hmmm… the link doesn’t work. This menu of lunacy appeared on Feb. 7, and by the end of the night, it had been taken down. Looks like they didn’t want you to see it; but by then millions of people had already seen it—and reacted with shock and incredulity.

Bear in mind that as of last week, “the Green New Deal”—as a resolution of Congress, not a bill—already had 70 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, a few in the Senate, and had been endorsed by every single 2020 Democrat presidential candidate.

Here are some of its wilder provisions: all of them, admitted the sponsors, requiring “massive government intervention.” That’s a euphemism for destroying the economy and wiping out just about every vestige of freedom we can think of. Let’s just list them.

Tear down and rebuild every building in America, or at least upgrade it.

Phase out air travel and replace it with high-speed rail (to Europe?).

Government-guaranteed jobs for all. (We were not told whether you would be allowed to choose your job or the government would choose it for you.)

Universal basic income, even for persons “unwilling to work.”

Medicare for all.

All jobs to be unionized, whether you like it or not.

Ban nuclear energy, and “end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years.”

And some of the Democrats are also toying with the idea of banning all private ownership of cars.

No wonder they didn’t want you to see it, after all.

What we’re talking about here is the self-destruction of America as we know it; and you have to wonder how many loons there are out there who would actually vote for a party that offered such a program. But even more baffling is the question of why Democrats would make this public in the first place. Are they really and truly that crazy? And by the way, they told us not to worry about the cost.

The all-inclusive rationale for these daft proposals is the boogie-man of Climate Change. They tell us the world is going to end in just twelve years unless we let them do this. The beauty of such a claim is that if the world doesn’t end, if nothing happens, they can then say “See? It worked!” We’re out our freedom, we’re living like some of the more depressing chapters of “The Hunger Games,” but at least the world’s still here.

We would love to know why Democrats believed they could get away with pitching a program that would have embarrassed Josef Stalin. Why? Are they so sure of winning the next election that they think they don’t have to pretend, anymore, to be sane? Are they so sure that our public education and university system have done such a job on us that by now we’re dumb enough, and daft enough, to go for it? Do they think the electorate is loopy enough to think the Green New Deal makes sense?

And it doesn’t even mention two more of the hottest items in the Democrats’ deluxe fun pack—“open borders” and “transgender.”

It’s an alarming thing to see—a whole major national political party stampeding off the deep end. Will massive voter fraud enable them to pull it off—to fundamentally transform America into the kind of totalitarian hell-hole that they’ve always wanted? Why have they unmasked themselves? Torn off the mask of sanity and tossed it into the incinerator. In their most feverish imaginations, do they truly believe that any of this stuff is what we want?

They’ve got something up their sleeves, and it isn’t a nice something.

But for the American people, the choice is clear and simple. Either put the Democrat Party out of business once and for all, or live with the threat of waking up some morning in Venezuela North.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week (plus cat videos) in my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Let’s Go Doctoring

News media and Far Left Crazy Democrats love to gas about health care as “a right,” everyone should get it for free, we need for the government to take it over, it’s failing us because the government hasn’t got control of it, and of course we have to have socialized medicine because Europe has it and everything Europe does is so much better than anything we do in America. Et cetera.

Medical science has made great strides in my lifetime; but there are still some problems in our health care system that no amount of government intervention can correct. Probably government intervention would only make things worse: because these are problems caused by basic, natural human shortcomings.

Here are three real-life examples.

My wife’s friend, who has diabetes, went to see her doctor—her regular doctor, whom she has been consulting for some time. And he looked her in the eye and asked, “Who’s treating you for your diabetes?” Appalled, she answered, “You are!” Seems he forgot.

Do we need to pass a law against forgetting your patients and their reasons for consulting you? What kind of law could correct that problem?

My sister Alice works for a doctor who has become enamored of high-tech gadgetry. He has acquired some kind of computerized Dictaphone: he dictates his notes to it and the computer prints them. It then becomes my sister’s job to enter that material into another computer, deciphering it along the way.

Last week the doctor said to his Dictaphone, “I told the patient to see Alice.” The machine’s vast Artificial Intelligence printed that out as “I told the patient to Cialis.” Good grief. Cialis is a drug for treating erectile dysfunction. That is a problem that this patient didn’t have. No—the patient’s problem was his doctor, and the doctor’s reliance on a robot.

Do we pass a law against having more work than you can do yourself, or just not wanting to do the work, and leaving it all up to a machine?

This week, I needed a refill on my prescription for medicine used to stave off high blood pressure—a medication which has served me well for several years. Somehow they always manage to mess it up. So I asked for the usual 90 days’ supply and was told I could have just two weeks’ worth, unless I came in and let them do blood work.

So I did that the next morning, and was then told that they want me to have blood work every three months from now on—because—wait for it—“That’s our policy.”

“Policy” is a word that always ignites my temper. “I don’t care about your stupid policy!” I replied, probably more forcefully than I should have. “Nobody in North America has blood work every three months! I won’t have it!” We compromised on six months; but then, just as I was leaving, they insisted on taking my blood pressure as long as I was there.

“But I’m angry,” I said, “and I haven’t yet taken my medicine today.” To no avail: they took it anyway. And what do you know? It was rather high. “You do have a strange way of treating high blood pressure,” I said. “Drive the patient crazy!”

I made them promise to refill my prescription by the weekend, at which time I will have run out of what I have left. I made them write it down. That probably means they’ll forget all about it and I’ll have to call them up and gently remind them on Friday.

Do we make a law against inane “policy”? Well, we could—but guess who would enforce it. Who would do a worse job of it—a bunch of knuckleheads on Capitol Hill, or a medical establishment that generates the inane policies in the first place?

The point is: No matter how much tax money we throw at it, no matter how many volumes of brand-new rules and regulations we dream up, natural human failings—not to say simple foolishness—will forever prevent our health care system from being as perfect as our reigning nitwits promise to make it, if only we give them more power over it.

We can only, in good faith, do our best. And pray.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

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Whose Fault Is Toxic ‘Entertainment’?

A reader on my blog says I ought to be more frightened by what I write about than I seem to be. I’m rarely accused of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses; but maybe she has a point.

The issue is “toxic entertainment” and who is responsible for it, the producers or the consumers. It’s an important issue because we consume incalculable amounts of “entertainment”—movies, TV, books, video games, etc. As we consume it, we are passively self-educating ourselves. “It’s only a movie,” we reassure ourselves. So we let down our guard.

The reader says the garbage flowing out of Hollywood is what the public wants, and that producing better “entertainment” will have no effect on a culture that’s already rife with decay and hungry for more. It’s not an unreasonable argument to make, but I can’t quite bring myself to agree with it. Maybe I don’t want to. After all, there are several factors at work.

Hollywood is full of (ahem!) important, powerful people who have given themselves to the dark side and will produce toxic crapola even if nobody wants to buy it, because that’s their mission in life. Why they do this would take too much time to explain. Suffice it to say they are, for practical purposes, Satanists.

Then there are those who believe that unless the movies, TV shows, or comic books they produce are dirty and lurid, no one will take them seriously: never rule out sophomoric immaturity as a force in the culture. If it’s ugly, wrong, diseased, warped, or filthy—why, then it’s “realistic”! And we are all “adults” for producing it! Or watching it.

How many people go to a movie because they’ve heard it’s really dirty and they want their friends to think they’re sophisticated for seeing it? I do know persons who went to “Brokeback Mountain” not because they had a strong desire to watch cowboys doing sodomy, but because they wished to impress themselves or others. Why that should impress anyone is a mystery to me.

Idle curiosity gets a vote, too. How many people go to a movie because of all the buzz about it? Hey, it got an Oscar nomination, man! So they’ve just got to see it.

Nor may we discount laziness, force of habit, or inertia. These all keep people parked in front of their TV sets. There’s so much junk on, it hardly pays to change the channel. So they sit there mesmerized.

Maybe they just don’t want to be the only one in the office, next day, who didn’t catch the latest episode of “Degenerate Sluts and Zombies.” It’s a holdover from their school days. Thanks to the lesson learned in public schooling, most of us have a deep-seated fear of not fitting in. You don’t want to sit there like a dork while all the other kids are rhapsodizing about “Bride of Chuckie.” Public education is nothing if not evangelization for conformity; and it teaches that lesson only too well.

It can’t be seriously disputed that rotten “entertainment” plays a part in rotting out the culture from within—along with “education” itself, and “higher education” even more so, and the jabbering nincompoops who pass for “wise” these days… and of course the Democrat Party pushing and promoting culture rot as if their very lives depended on it.

The trash might not seem to have the power to subvert a Bible-literate, well-informed, praying Christian; but no one should feel himself totally secure. Any one of us can meet his Waterloo at any time. That’s why we need a Savior, and that’s why we have one. Only one man ever suffered all the temptations that this life has to offer, without giving in to any of them; and none of us is Him.

Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded, “Occupy until I come.” That’s what we should be doing. We will not be judged for failing to win the culture war; but we will be judged if we don’t fight it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

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Pastor Tells Little Children That Abortion Is God’s Plan

Justin Hoke, pastor, is now the ex-pastor of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in the aptly-named town of Weed, California, after the whole congregation threatened to quit the church… because of the pastor’s adherence to the teaching of the Bible. We do not know why the word “Bible” is included in the church’s title. It certainly doesn’t fit. Unless it’s some other “Bible” that they have in mind.

The pastor was sacked for putting up a sign in front of the church. The sign read:

“Bruce Jenner is still a man.” Indisputably true: just check any one of Jenner’s millions of chromosomes. Check ‘em all: all male. “Homosexuality is still a sin.” Again, true. “The culture may change. The Bible does not.”

This is controversial? They fired their pastor for this? Well, they fired him after some “LBGT activists,” a euphemism for “anti-Christian bullies,” vandalized the sign. The elders of the church then told the pastor that either he had to go or the congregation would quit the church.

And yet they call themselves a “Bible church.” The hypocrisy takes one’s breath away. We can only say the pastor was blessed by being fired: now he doesn’t have to deal with a heathen congregation.

It’s not easy to top this much hypocrisy, but it didn’t take long for someone else to do it. A day or two later, an “abortion activist”—that word “activist” has taken on a sinister tone—told a bunch of little children that abortion is… drum roll, please… “all part of God’s plan”.

Whew! The Third Commandment: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” (Exodus 20:7). That’s a big one, and she broke it.

But she was only getting warmed up. She rose to an even higher plane of hypocrisy by calling herself “pro-life.” You do wonder how she could have said that with a straight face. Really. She co-founds an organization called #ShoutYourAbortion—it’s got a hashtag, so we know it’s cool or smart or something—anoints herself to tell “positive abortion stories,” and calls the baby she aborted “a mistake.” And that adds up to “pro-life”? Some very funny things happen to words, when left-wing loonies use them.

This morally toxic pap was served up to young children. Let’s celebrate abortion! It’s part of God’s plan! God has a plan to exterminate the human race?

Uh, no. That’s more a humanist plan. It’s only faith in God’s righteous sovereignty that assures us that the human race will survive humanism.

When the members of a “Bible church” insist that Bruce Jenner really is a woman now, and that same-sex fornication is no sin, and when an “abortion activist” calls the massacre of unborn babies “part of God’s plan,” we are dealing with persons bearing false witness against God and against His word, the Bible. Worse: they try to make God bear false witness against His own word, against Himself.

Do they expect to be believed? “Hey, ya know what? Fornication and abortion, why, they aren’t sins at all! They’re part of God’s plan! It says so in the Bible!” Do they expect us to find this in the Bible? Or just to take their word for it and not bother to look? Or maybe they just think nobody ever reads the Bible and our ignorance will let them get away with it.

These are Third Commandment violations, serious sins; and those who commit them need to repent and not commit them anymore.

And the rest of us, like Pastor Hoke, must continue to tell the truth. Even if it costs us.

Be sure the liars mean for it to cost us plenty.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

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Demolishing America

People don’t understand just how bad the Democrat Party has become. We still want to believe they can’t possibly, on purpose, want to demolish America as we know it, and turn it into something else. No, not that: they just have some different ideas as to how to go about governing America. Really, we’re all on the same page here… not.

Well, here’s a quote from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, made in 2017 to “New York” magazine, Sept. 4 issue, that tells you, in just a single sentence, everything you need to know about this party. Keep your barf bags handy.

“If I had my druthers [said the mayor], a very, very powerful government would determine your day-to-day reality.”

What would be his idea of a “very, very powerful government,” and how—and upon whom—would it display its power? The Soviet Union, under Stalin? Communist China, under Mao? Maybe a little Pol Pot thrown in, just to show that the government means business.

Who would run this very, very powerful government? Who should be entrusted with that power? Why, Democrats, of course! And don’t stand in the way, or you’ll get run over.

How powerful would he like the government to be? That’s something that ought to keep you wide-awake at night.

And then we can wonder what he means by “determine your day-to-day reality.” Like, how many genders are there today, boss? Do we get to hold the same religious beliefs we had yesterday, or have you thought up some new ones for us? Do we still own the same property today that we owned yesterday, or does the government now own all of it?

I don’t know about you, but it makes me uneasy that such creatures as De Blasio have any power at all.

Meanwhile, on the social media front—

This weekend I posted an article on my blog, “Can You Say ‘Boiling-Over Hypocrisy’?” It’s about looniversities laboring to suppress “acts of intolerance” while at the same time holding workshops and offering courses on the evils of “whiteness.” I illustrated it with a headline from a college newspaper proclaiming “White Is Over” and “Your DNA is an abomination.” I don’t deny that this was offensive. It certainly offended me. But that was the whole point of the exercise: displaying the academic world’s flagrant hypocrisy.

They wouldn’t let me post it on Facebook. It violated Facebook’s “Community Standards,” I was informed. I wonder what “community” they meant: it’s a very tricky word when leftists use it.

I wanted to post it on Facebook, but how? By and by, it occurred to me that the problem might be not the text of the article, but the illustration. And I wondered what would happen if I replaced the photo of the college newspaper’s front page with a nice picture of a happy puppy.

Success! Once the photo of the happy puppy was in place, “Boiling-Over Hypocrisy” sailed onto Facebook without a hitch. Angry, hate-spewing headlines, no go. But happy puppies—well, even social media censorship algorithms can’t object to happy puppies. Probably I could have gotten away just as cleanly with cuddly kittens or crisp stalks of celery.

One last note: this week the nooze media are experiencing collective orgasms—they really like anything that can be described as “collective”—over President Trump denying a fatuous allegation that he “worked for the Russians.” In their jihad to undo the 2016 election, the Democrats’ media acolytes leave no tern unstoned. They seek the bottom of the barrel but can never find it.

But they’ll try anything that offers hope of their finally getting that “very, very powerful government” that leftists dream of.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Join me and my happy puppies! A single click will take you there.

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A Seer Foretells America’s Future

By now many of you have seen Elizabeth Warren’s beer-drinking video.  I was not impressed, ‘cause I know somebody who drinks a lot more beer than that. And after a couple of six-packs, he is able to foretell the future—by peering into a jar of Miracle Whip.

And this is what he saw.

In 2019, House Democrats pass articles of impeachment against both President Trump and Vice President Pence, for the high crime of Climate Change Denial. Shockingly, Senate Republicans join with Democrats in ousting both from office. “I see a lot of money changing hands,” reports the seer.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, after being sworn in as president, selects Hillary Clinton as her vice president and then resigns, making Hillary president. “She was the rightful president, anyway,” says Pelosi. She then retires to become a lobbyist, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is elected Speaker of the House. She quickly rallies the House to repeal the Trump tax cuts and set a new tax rate of 70 percent. The Senate complies. More money changes hands.

Mrs. Clinton’s first act as president is to appoint former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to the Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg having retired. Two weeks later, a mysterious fatal illness carries off Justice Clarence Thomas. Mrs. Clinton appoints her husband, former President Bill Clinton, to replace him.

The following week, Justice Sam Alito is struck down by an unidentified hit-and-run driver. Mrs. Clinton appoints her daughter, Chelsea, to replace him.

Ten days later, Justice Brett Kavanagh becomes a missing person. He is replaced by America’s first transgender Supreme Court justice.

The next day, Justice Neil Gorsuch falls out of an airplane to his death. Mrs. Clinton appoints former Clinton bagman Eric Holder. Hours later, Chief Justice Roberts announces that he has “evolved” into a Democratic Socialist. It doesn’t save him. Walking his dog that night, he is killed by a dried-out Christmas tree falling from a 15th-story window.

Citing health reasons, and a need to return to active management of the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton declines to run for re-election. Democrats nominate Elizabeth Warren (“Call us the Beer Party!” she exults), with Beto Whatsisname as her running mate. With a voter turnout of 140 percent nationwide, Democrats narrowly win the election.

Following the advice of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer—“If those slobs out there won’t vote Democrat, we’ll bring in people who will”—Congress awards amnesty and voting rights to 6.2 million undocumented immigrants.

Congress then passes the Freedom of Worship Act, which allows all Americans to hold whatever religious beliefs appeal to them, as long as they don’t say or do anything about it.

Nationwide, the unemployment rate hits 44 percent. Speaker Ocasio-Cortez reassures the public: “Government will provide all basic necessities to everyone who is not a White Supremacist, a bigot, a hater, or a Climate Change denier.” She does not bother to define “basic necessities.”

At this point I interrupt the sage. “Can’t you see anything good?” I cry. He shakes his head. “The Miracle Whip don’t lie,” he says. “If these shadows remain unaltered by the present, they will be the future just like I seen it.”

“But what would you see if you used a jar of Mount Olive Dill Pickle Slices?” I ask.

He ponders the question.

“Pickles,” he replies.

As in “America is in a pickle.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Before the future catches up to me, stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Education’ Marches On… To Oblivion

As 2018 wound down, our nation’s colleges and looniversities continued their campaign to bury our civilization under a mountain of idiocy.

At Penn State—where “Coach” Jerry Sandusky practiced pedophilia for umpteen years before they finally caught him in 2011—the resident sages are offering a new “initiative to doctoral students”—that is, Ph. D. candidates—to “examine relations between gender and agriculture,” at the end of which, these suckers—er, students—will become “gender fellows.”

What in tarnation is a “gender fellow”? Apparently it’s some kind of dabbler who will be “promoting gender equity in agriculture,” which will result in assorted panaceas to “alleviate global hunger and poverty.” Translation: search me. Like, are we gonna somehow produce more food if we can achieve “gender equity in agriculture”? It sounds more like, “Oh, well! Our crops went belly-up this year, but at least we managed gender equity!”

All this to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars a head in student debt—if we can even squeeze that much meaning out of this sopping mass of gobbledy-gook.

Meanwhile, does your child’s university have an “assistant vice chancellor of civil rights and Title IX”? If it does, your child’s university has too much money. That’s got to be another six-figure salary, plus lavish benefits and pension.

The University of Missouri has an assistant vice chancellor of civil rights and Title IX, and last week he stated, in a deposition that’s part of a lawsuit, that “mere physical size of a man could constitute a Title IX violation” if he asks a smaller woman for a date.

Title IX was originally intended to create equality between males’ and females’ sports programs at our public schools and colleges, but has since branched into several realms of fantasy. Here it’s being used to create an absolute, if totally imaginary, equality between males and females, students and staff alike, throughout the Bizarro world of public education.

As the assistant vice chancellor of civil rights and Title IX explained, if that’s the word for it, just being taller than the girl you ask for a date can turn the boy into “a person of authority”—as, for example, when a professor does a Harvey Weinstein act on one of his cowed, defenseless female students.

So the guy asked a girl for a date, he’s taller, and UMo decided that was a Title IX offense and suspected the male student for four years. That’s why he’s suing them.

“Taller” is bad, our educators say. But how about “smarter”? Would that be forbidden, too? People can be “unequal” in all sorts of ways, including some you’d never think of. Maybe only couples who are exactly alike in all respects should be allowed to date. Stay tuned—no telling what they’ll come up with next.

Liberalism, and those who practice it, seeks total control of every nuance of the human experience. In the sense that it aspires to create a world in which there is no inequality, no injustice, no disappointment of any kind, and to set up a government that will see to it that this utopia is achieved no matter what, liberalism is insane. Its stated goals are preposterous. They’re always trying to create a heaven on earth. That’s when the bodies start piling up. That’s when the barbed wire starts to overrun the landscape like kudzu. That’s when the people start eating the zoo animals because socialism can’t feed them. You know—like they do in Venezuela.

What we persist in calling “higher education” is a culture-killer, promoting folly and inanity as the solutions to life’s problems. And it costs us a fortune.

Really, this has to stop. We really must cut off all public funding to the universities and force them to sink or swim in the free market. The institutions that deserve to survive, because they deliver a decent educational product, will swim. The rest of them will sink—and good riddance to them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Has the Pushback Started?

Christmas 2018 has come and gone—and God grant this Christmas season extraordinary power to turn our hearts to Jesus Christ, our Savior and our King—but it may be that we, the normal people of the Western world, have received an unlooked-for Christmas present.

It started with left-wing loons and feminists demanding that a certain lightweight seasonal ditty, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” be banned from the airwaves. The pills at “#MeToo,” trying to maintain their bizarre combination of neo-puritanism and liberated hookup culture, didn’t like it: all that man and woman stuff, bad news, don’t you know. And all throughout North America, the chicken-hearted twerps who run the radio stations hastened to obey.

They never expected what happened next. It was their biggest surprise since Donald Trump was elected president two years ago.

Up in Canada, 87-year-old William Shatner, famous for his role as Captain Kirk in the original “Star Trek,” and for lots of other work in TV and in movies, led the counterattack.

“Call into CBC [Canadian Broadcasting] radio all day and get them to play ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ over and over until midnight,” the veteran actor urged the public. And the public responded.

Shatner attributed the ban to the “Myopia Censorship Club” of “2018 prudes.” Asked why he bothered, he replied, strongly, “I would think that censorship of classics because certain ‘types’ need to judge things through their own 2018 myopic glasses and demand they be stricken from history is important. Or is this 1984 only 34 years too late?”

Bullseye, Captain! That’s exactly what they want to do—erase our history. They’d erase us in the bargain, too, if they thought they could.

All over the United States and Canada, radio listeners called their local radio stations to object, demanding that the song be played. One by one, two by two, the stations reinstated the song.

And next thing we knew, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” shot up into the Top Ten in the digital sales charts. Since the protests started, sales of the song went up by 70 percent. Who would have thought this funny little song from 1944, in its 1959 rendition by Dean Martin, could zoom to the top of the charts? Rallying against the killjoys on the left, normal people bought thousands of copies of the song—and got it back on many of the radio stations.

And so we’ve won one, for a change. But that’s just a skirmish in a larger war. We have to keep pushing back, harder and harder—at every opportunity.

We keep wondering how we ever reached the point where absurdly small minorities got the power to tell all the rest of us what to do—what we can’t say, read, watch, or listen to. Why do we have to cringe and cower and knuckle under whenever a handful of Far Left Crazy nuisances demand our compliance?

We got here because, while most of us occupied ourselves with peacefully carrying on the business of our daily lives, these absurdly small minorities worked like demons to take over our culture, lock, stock, and barrel. They grabbed the teachers’ unions, the universities, Hollywood, the nooze media, publishing houses—anything that wasn’t nailed down. They won the sponsorship of the Democrat Party. They got their favorite judges appointed. They worked at it incessantly, tirelessly, fanatically—and that’s how they became our overlords.

But there are many more of us than there are of them, and I dare hope that some of us, at least, have awakened to our peril. We do not want to be tyrannized by the Far Left Crazy! We’re tired of the “pro-choice” crowd taking away our choices. We want our world back.

And we can get it, with God’s help, if we work for it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Mask Falls Off

For many years, the Democrats who walk among us masqueraded as ordinary people, regular Americans like the rest of us. They gave us famous presidents—Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and a few others of whom the less said, the better. They threw nice picnics in our county parks, horseshoes and hamburgers. From time to time, some hinky ideas cropped up—socialized medicine, the War on Poverty, wide-open immigration, support for the United Nations—but they rarely pushed these hard enough to alarm anyone.

But during the Clinton and Obama years, they seemed more and more to flub their lines, as if it had become a burdensome chore for them to continue the pretense; and when Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, something snapped. Suddenly we had a Democrat Party that was all about open borders, transgenderism, Global Warming dogma, and Antifa. It got scary very fast.

And lately the mask of sanity has slipped off altogether. Suddenly we’ve been treated to a look at what lay behind the mask. And here be monsters.

Two weeks ago, in the context of a Congressional hearing on the social media giants, Google and Facebook, and their penchant for censoring conservative opinion, a Democrat Congressman from  California, Ted Lieu, made this startling remark:

I would love to regulate the content of speech, but the First Amendment stops me.”

He would love to regulate the content of speech. Breath-takingly Stalinist. Silence all the speech he doesn’t like; permit only speech he likes. That would apply to things written and published, as well as to words spoken. Who does he think he is? A philosopher-king, who has the wisdom and the authority to tell 350 million people what they can or can’t say?

And before we erect a statue of him as a staunch supporter of the First Amendment, let us note that with Google and Facebook busily imposing censorship for him, he doesn’t have to get his own hands dirty, regulating speech. Google and Facebook are already doing that job.

Hard on his heels came another Democrat Congressman from California, with an even more startling remark.

Eric Swalwell, from San Francisco, called for government confiscation of all rifles; and when someone took him to task for it, and declared that lawful gun owners would resist such tyranny, Swalwell responded with this gem: “We have nukes, my friend.

That “clunk” you heard was the mask of sanity bouncing off the floor.

Swalwell was quick to claim that he was only kidding, he didn’t really want to A-bomb the Red states, lighten up a little, everybody. And he would permit us to keep our muzzle-loading muskets and our antique matchlocks. He did not back off advocating that the government grab all guns that could actually be used for self-defense. With prison time for anyone so fractious as to try to hold on to his guns.

Well, now we know what’s been added to the Democrat wish list: stifling the expression of every opinion but their own, and stripping the American people of their means of defending their persons, their property, and their liberty. And this is an American political party?

Shame on us for electing any Democrats, anywhere, last month. What were we thinking—that if we gave them back a little power, they’d behave themselves? Now we’ll be stuck with a Far Left Crazy House of Representatives for two years. We can only pray that the Senate, still controlled by Republicans, will be up to the challenge.

The only good news here is that they won’t be able to put the mask back on; and even if they could, we’ve already seen what’s behind it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before Ted Lieu finds a way to censor me. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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They Call It “Higher Education”

America is educating itself to death. By “educating” I mean jamming millions of young people into publicly-funded colleges and universities to “learn” a lot of Far Left Crazy bilge that alienates them from their country and does absolutely nothing to help them to become productive citizens.

In addition to left-wing indoctrination, our looniversities also provide “education” which appears to serve no constructive purpose whatsoever. One of my blog readers, a retired professor, has received a newsletter from her university announcing the promotion of a certain professor to a chair of Popular Culture Studies, complete with higher salary and more lavish benefits. The new chair’s academic specialty is… comic books. That’s education!

Campus Reform last week published a list of the top five schools in America for left-wing bias, reflected in their course offerings. A comprehensive list would fill several volumes, so this is by no means an exclusive club. But CR thought these five were worthy (if that’s the word for it) of special mention.

San Diego State offered a course on “removing Trump from office.” Think that’ll be terribly relevant, once Donald Trump has finished serving as our president? Public outcry persuaded the looniversity to delete the specific reference to Mr. Trump, so now the course just focuses on how to complain about the president, whoever it might be. How that benefits the students is anybody’s guess.

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities hired an abortionist to teach abortions so that graduates might perform them at the local Planned Parenthood abattoir and also at the university medical center. Again, a public outcry: so they’ve backed off on the actual hiring and taken time out to ponder the situation.

At the University of Michigan, a professor refused to recommend a student for a program of overseas study in Israel… because he’s pro-Palestinian and doesn’t like Israel. Public outcry. They were going to “punish” the professor in some way for his prejudice, and for screwing up the student’s career—but the faculty rallied to his support. Predictably.

University of Southern Maine proposed to give academic credit to students to take a bus to Washington, D.C., to “protest” the nomination of Brett Kavanagh to the Supreme Court—based, of course, on a cock-and-bull story about Kavanagh being the worst sexual predator since Jack the Ripper. After the usual public outcry, the university scrapped the trip and fired the professor who had organized it.

And the University of California-Berkeley “disavowed” a Student Senator because she cited her religious beliefs as her reason for not jumping aboard the “transgender” bandwagon. A spot of groveling and winsomeness didn’t save her: the school stayed mad at her.

The good news is that in most cases the schools had to back off their Far Left Crazy schemes, or at least modify them to make them less in-your-face. They only backed off because their follies were publicly reported and the public got seriously annoyed. They just can’t stand up to scrutiny.

But the bad news is that these half-baked academic malpractices were ever thought of in the first place. And they’re dreaming up new ones all the time.

A few years down the road, what is America supposed to do with millions of mal-educated, sullen, ignorant, unemployable young people who’ve come out of college with meaningless degrees whose acquisition has made them less potentially productive than they were when they went in? We have way too many kids in college, going into debt for way too much money, being “taught” by way too many left-wing loons. It’s shaping up to be quite a serious problem in the near future.

Our best course would be to strip public funding from all the universities and let them survive in the free market, if they can. If any of them can succeed in providing an education product that’s worth anything, they’ll survive.

The rest won’t, and our country will be much better off without them.

I leave you with this image: “See that fella sweepin’ the floor of the Seven-Eleven? He has a master’s degree in Gender Studies!”

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Push For ‘No Borders’

Leftists want a world government—with themselves in charge of it, of course—so badly, they can taste it.

For years they thought Global Warming/Climate Change/Whatever was going to be their ticket to the penthouse: “We’re all gonna die, unless we give government fantastic new powers so they can save us!” But with Donald Trump in the White House, that gag’s been running out of gas. They’re not about to drop it, but now they’ve added another ingredient to the mix—“open borders.”

The other day, the Bing home page featured a 2015 article from The Atlantic by an economics professor, Alex Tabarrok: “The Case for Getting Rid of Borders–Completely”. This is humanist paganism on parade.

As a humanist, Tabarrok doesn’t believe in Original Sin. He stands with that great humanist philosopher and ne’er-do-well, Rousseau, who preached the innate perfect goodness of man that only gets screwed up by our no-good social, economic, and political institutions. Once we hit upon exactly the right combination of rules and regulations—and with Science to guide us, how can we miss?—we’ll have paradise on earth. If I knew how to spell the sound of a raspberry, I would plug it in here.

The nation-state, which has existed since civilization was invented, is one of those institutions that the ol’ perfessor would like to get rid of. Let everybody move around as freely as dust in the wind! Especially let Third World countries flood the West with migrants. If we do this, he asserts, the whole world will be awash in prosperity—sort of like California is now. It’s not so much an argument as a sermon. And a colossal exercise in wishful thinking.

There’s just one little point he never got around to mentioning.

If we get rid of all the countries by wiping out their borders, who’s going to be in charge?

I mean, someone has to be—right? Someone’s got to sign the welfare checks, and wring the taxes to pay for them out of whoever’s still working. Someone’s got to decide what the laws are, and enforce them. Who will that be?

See, you set up conditions that destabilize the nation-states—“The borders aren’t working anymore! It’s turning into chaos!”—and then you step forward with a grandiose offer to clean up all the mess you made. You point to the havoc your insane immigration policies have made of France, Germany, and San Francisco, and then volunteer to restore order before the whole civilization comes tumbling down.

Historically, there’s only one way to govern a whole bunch of nations gathered into one polity. You set up a government that’s bigger, meaner, and a lot stronger than any of those subject nations and you crush anyone who tries to change it. Think “Roman Empire.” Or “Soviet Union.” Judea tries to gain its independence? Just send in the legions to trash their cities and crucify several thousand of them along the highways. The other subject nations will surely get the message.

Leftists in America and Western Europe seem to dismiss the observation that the rest of the world, by comparison, is a pretty awful place. They propose, by allowing unrestricted immigration, to import some of that awfulness. Stripped of its virtue-signaling, it’s just a way to destabilize the Western countries and get the people desperate enough to turn to global government. You can’t call it a conspiracy because they’re doing it right out in the open for everyone to see. We know they want “open borders” because that’s what they’re always saying that they want! We don’t need to be mind readers: they’re telling us exactly what they want.

Government is a necessary evil that can only be mitigated by strictly limiting its powers. We need government, our country’s founders believed, because men are not angels. Having no handy reserve of angels to staff the government, we have to settle for a government of sinners. Their power therefor needs to be limited—and constantly pruned back, because it tends to overgrow its boundaries.

When Christ’s Kingdom is established on the earth, then and only then will we have a world government that has the right to rule.

In the meantime, the wannabes are just usurpers.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Could Democrats Survive A Media Assault?

Television’s living fossil, “Saturday Night Live,” recently mocked former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw, who lost an eye in the service of his country, fighting in Afghanistan. The public didn’t like it so they had to take it back; but they were astounded by that result. After all, Crenshaw was running for Congress as a Republican, so obviously he and his lost eye deserved to be lampooned. All non-Democrats, according to America’s nooze and “entertainment” media, deserve disrespect.

I don’t have TV at home, but because I’ve had to visit a lot of waiting rooms lately, I’ve been subjected to quite a lot of TV: and it’s all Trump-bashing, Republican-bashing, and America-bashing, all the time. Indeed, they seem to expect us to thank them for it.

But how would it be if the shoe were on the other foot? If Democrats, instead of Republicans, were the media’s daily target? How long would any leading Democrat last—how long would the whole party last—if he or she were lambasted every day and every night by the same kind of full-scale media assault aimed at Republicans?

If it’s morning in the waiting room, “The View” is on TV, right after Rachael Ray. “The View” has managed the seemingly impossible feat of being even more asinine, more bigoted, and more unhinged than SNL. It’s a gaggle of left-wing harpies who devote every broadcast to attacking Donald Trump and anyone else who isn’t them. It makes for a compelling reason to stand in the hall outside the waiting room.

But what if we turned everything around, and “The View” were a team of sharp and witty conservative women leading the media assault on Democrats? What if “The View” team consisted of Anne Coulter, Diamond and Silk, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, and Michelle Malkin?

The ratings would be off the charts. Guaranteed.

Oh, the plethora of indefensible targets! Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama. John Kerry. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Nancy Pelosi. Antifa. Our colleges and universities, with all their safe spaces, speech codes, and Play-Doh. You’d run out of days before you ran out of targets. All those swollen gas-bags just waiting to be punctured! All those oh-so-self-enamored stuffed shirts just itching for a shaving-cream pie in the face.

Various polls, for what they’re worth, indicate that Republican voters are mostly resistant to the media’s jihad against their elected leaders. They aren’t deserting Donald Trump in favor of Corey “I’m Spartacus” Booker. Instead of being won over by the media, they’re digging in their heels and loudly cheering Trump when he hits back.

But how would Democrats fare, if the media were after their scalps instead of Republicans’? Can you even imagine Hillary Clinton as the guest of dishonor on the conservative version of “The View”? Nothing left but a quivering mass of protoplasm! And how would Democrat voters react, if every time they turned on their TV sets, someone was laughing at, razzing, mocking, and deconstructing their leaders? Something tells me they would be a great deal more vulnerable to these tactics than Republicans have been.

It’s very hard to imagine the media ever changing their tune; their leftism is carved in stone. Ditto our colleges, teachers’ unions, Hollywood, and all the rest of the fundamental transformation crowd. It would be a waste of time, money, and hard work to try to change them. Much better would be to replace them.

As the self-anointed Smartest People In The World, liberals freak out when regular people fail to pay them the veneration and obedience which they think is their due. As they see it, we ought to be turning cartwheels for joy because these wonderful know-it-alls have volunteered to rule us.

When the day comes when they are universally ignored, that will be a good day for America.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What We Voted For

If you failed on Election Day last week to vote straight Republican, it’s time you got a closer look at what you voted for.

The night after the election, a mob of “protesters,” protesting nothing in particular, surrounded the home of Fox News conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, vandalizing his driveway, making lots of noise, and scaring his family. Said Carlson, “They weren’t trying to change my mind or advocate for a position. They were threatening my family to get me to stop talking.”

Of course the hooligans were all gone by the time the cops arrived. Washington, D.C., police are investigating it as a hate crime—ya think? I thought it was already against the law to terrorize a family at home, but it’s just so much nastier when such behavior is motivated by “hate” instead of, say, love. Or inability to find anything else to do.

But despite two years of rioting, tantrums, and even attempted murder—they shot Congressman Scalise, almost killing him—America last week allowed the Mob Rule Party to get back control of the House of Representatives.

You wanted the Democrats, folks, and now you’ve got them. I hope you have a good appetite for all the mischief that will follow.

Despite recapturing the House, and stealing a Senate seat in Arizona, many Democrats went into an emotional decline over the Party’s failure to win the Senate, too. At Elmhurst College—yeah, “college”: as in “higher education”, LOL—students traumatized by the results of the election had to be given “space” to “process” the bad news which threatened to unseat what little sanity they still possessed. Complete with cider, coffee, hot chocolate, and treats. Welcome, next generation of Democrat voters.

What are these students going to be when they grow up? Assuming they grow up at all. We are at liberty to doubt that that can ever happen. “Education” has done its work only too well.

Here’s something that happened six months after the 2016 election, but they’re only talking about it now: Facebook fired one of its top executives for supporting Donald Trump for president instead of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the world. The powers at Facebook were appalled that this 26-year-old zillionaire donated $10,000 to a political action group opposed to Clinton. They tried to force him to shift his support to a Libertarian joke candidate, but he wouldn’t play ball. So they canned him.

He did receive a rather gigantic golden parachute to ease his transition to unemployment. A janitor or mail room clerk wouldn’t have been so lucky.

Really, it’s gotten to the point where I would hold myself bound to vote for a bad Republican over a good Democrat (if there’s even such a thing as a good Democrat, anymore): the Democrat Party has gotten that evil. Not that the Republicans are plaster saints; but at least they aren’t mobbing people and chasing them out of restaurants.

Are there really that many Americans who are in favor of repealing tax cuts, trashing our national borders, making it a crime to disbelieve in Man-Made Imaginary Climate Change, and pushing “transgender” as if their lives depended on it? Is the Democrat De Luxe Fun-Pack truly that appealing? Because if you didn’t vote Republican, you voted for all of the above… and then some.

There is very much that can be achieved by fanatical minorities who never rest, never compromise, never keep an agreement, and never accept defeat. The Democrat Party is owned by such persons.

All of us, we really do have to work harder to put a stop to this. Much, much harder.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit before I get banned. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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When ‘Smart’ Means Stupid

(I refuse to write about this week’s elections. It’s to our country’s shame that any Democrats were elected at all.)

The religious divide between regular people and The World’s Smartest People can be seen clearly in the daily pretensions and hubris of liberals.

Remember “the Invisible Hand”? It was a metaphor for a free market—millions of people independently making decisions according to their personal interests, and the patterns that seem to arise out of it. Patterns of supply and demand, for instance: or fashions in clothing, architecture, or cars. The end result, we see: but the daily, incredibly complex operations that bring about that result, we don’t see.

Regular people are content to live with the Invisible Hand. In fact, most of them never even think about it. They see it as just “the way things are,” and if it’s not broken, they don’t want to fix it. And it’s usually not broken.

But The World’s Smartest People can never be content with that—all those grubby little peasants deciding what they want to wear, or have for supper, or where they want to live: who do they think they are! Obviously they’re unintelligent, or The World’s Smartest People would have known them from The World’s Great Colleges. And really, you can’t have unintelligent people making all those decisions. They’re bound to get it wrong!

No, no, no! No more Invisible Hand. Instead, conscious planning. By The World’s Smartest People. Take those decisions out of the hands of the peasants and put them into the hands of the true Citizens Of The World, who always know what’s best. Their professors told them they know what’s best.

And it’s so much more Scientific, to have everything planned out in advance by experts, rather than allow it to develop haphazardly. We all want to be Scientific, don’t we?

See, now: anything planned by The World’s Smartest People is, and has to be, “smart.” Like smart cars, smart growth, smart meters, smart phones, etc.

So there they were, up in Toronto, with a plan to turn it into “Smart City Toronto”—that is, in their words, “to create smarter, more efficient, environmentally friendly living spaces”. Look, you peasants! Here, we’ve got drawings! Can’t you recognize an earthly paradise when you see it?

But notice their use of the word “create.” No more Invisible Hand. They’re going to “create” your living spaces for you. And make it a “smart city.”

Be very afraid of anything that liberals pitch to you as “smart.” Most of it will be used to spy on you and administer attitude or cultural adjustments as needed. Really smart people will decide when you need them.

There was a hiccup in the plan when their top expert resigned recently, as a protest against the project erasing the residents’ privacy. That led immediately to another thing which The World’s Smartest People think themselves qualified to do. In Canada, it’s called “balancing rights.” Here, they had to balance residents’ privacy rights against their own rights to obtain and use the residents’ personal data to usher in Nirvana. Guess which way the see-saw tilted.

“Balancing rights” is Canada’s favorite euphemism. They use it to slide under the door the whole idea that your “rights” are whatever the government—that would be, again, The World’s Smartest People—decides they are on any given day. Not only what those rights are, but also their weight. And somehow they’re just never as heavy as the government’s urgent “need” to make all your decisions for you. It’s for your own good, you know.

It’s a religious divide because regular people rely on God’s Providence to sort things out, while liberals always scheme to set themselves up as gods—to be obeyed without question, to be given the power to “balance” your rights against their schemes, to wield the electric cow prods that herd us into Paradise.

It’s stupid to fall for hustles sold as “smart.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in and enjoy it, before some smart gadget rats me out. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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They’re Killing Our Culture

It seems just a few weeks ago I was writing about Netflix glamorizing and exploiting teen suicide, on the heels of its “Star-Spangled Salute to Abortion.” Who knew they’d be back so fast with something even worse?

Netflix has an animated cartoon show, “Big Mouth,” which depicts young teenagers engaged in every kind of sex act you can think of. One of the show’s creators describes it as “super-dirty.” And another says they get away with pitching it at children because it’s just cartoons, albeit filthy ones.

Behind the cartoons we have child actors, average age, eleven. They speak the super-dirty lines. Makes you wonder about their parents.

“Big Mouth” and Planned Parenthood are in a mutual admiration society. That’s to be expected. The more children you “educate” to behave as if they were characters in “The Satyricon,” the more potential customers you have for Planned Parenthood. “Big Mouth” seeks to do just that. They call it “coming of age all over the place.” “Coming of age”—really? That’s what it means?

Why is Netflix doing this? Why would anyone create a show like this? Aside from somehow making money for its perpetrators, what good purpose is served by training children to be sexually hyperactive?

Well, heck, it’s “progressivism,” which is a euphemism for Far Left Crazy. “Progressives” are big on sexual “liberation”—in this case, a liberation from decency and sanity. Progs can’t be on a scene for five minutes before they start agitating for sodomy, abortion, transgenderism, and assisted suicide—with or without the sufferer’s consent.

But progs do more than just debauch children. They seek to turn adults into children.

U.S. Senator Corey “Spartacus” Booker, fresh from his comedy gig at the Kavanagh hearings and looking to set himself up for a presidential run in 2020, lost no time in proposing another scheme for doling out free money to “the poor”. But not just any poor! He wants to dish out up to $50,000 a head to “black poor,” thinking it might make a nice nest egg for, oh, buying a house or starting a business—you know: instead of blowing it on lottery tickets or parties and winding up stone broke a week later.

As a progressive/liberal/moron, Booker believes government, which has no money of its own, has the right to scarf up money earned by normal people and divvy it up among the Democrat voter base… in order to create “income equality.” Somehow handing out free money is expected to cancel out the effects of growing up in a home without a father, in a subculture where crime and drug abuse and out-of-wedlock births are cultural norms, and being warehoused in overfunded public schools where they don’t learn jack. Progs like to natter about getting to the “root causes” of crime, poverty, etc.—but all they want to *do* is hand out other people’s money.

What about the millions of ordinary normal black people who own houses, raise families, work at jobs, and go to church? But normal people of any color are invisible to left-wing crazies.

Whether it’s Corey Booker, Arne Duncan, Barak Obama, Jerry Brown, Elizabeth Warren, or any other dozy liberal, they all want to herd adults back into childhood and have government “take care” of them for all their lives. People who don’t want to be taken care of like infants are haters, racists, biggits, and the rest of the Far Left bestiary.

To see the full design, just put the two halves together: training children to live in a state of sexual anarchy—which is most unlikely to put them in any position in which they might succeed in life—and training adults to live and think like children who have to be cared for. If your country winds up a Third World basket case, oh, well, who cares, as long as the Democrat Party rules it?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Transgender’ Movement On The Warpath

The Left is having conniptions over a report by The New York Times that the Trump administration is thinking of adopting a narrower interpretation of “gender” in order to enforce Title IX of the federal Civil Rights Act in a manner befitting rational beings.

They’re having a kazoo over it. “Flagrant acts of evil” by “anti-equality extremists,” they call it: a measure that “seeks to erase the identity of transgender Americans.” This new Cherished Minority, they claim, embraces “1.4 million transgender Americans.” I don’t know who counted them. But if 1.4 million people say they’re Napoleon Bonaparte, does that mean we now have 1.4 million Napoleon Americans?

There is no such thing as “transgender.” There are only deluded persons who say they are transgender.

We should have seen this coming. In all my life, I’ve never seen anything like the fervor with which the Left is promoting “transgender.” As if their very lives depended on it.

Why? What purpose does it serve? Search me.

Back in February, the Minnesota High School League board passed something called the Model Gender Identity Participation in MSHSL. They cited a “study” that claims “more teens identify as transgender” than anybody thought.

“Nearly 3 percent” of teens, the, uh, study claims, “identify” as some sex other than the one they were “assigned at birth.” Assigned? Assigned by whom? Another alleged “survey” sort of “showed” there are more than 80,000 teens in Minnesota’s high schools drinking the transgender Kool-Ade.

Gushes one of the high mucky-mucks involved, “Youth are rejecting this binary thinking” (translation: reality) “and are asking adults to keep up.” I think I’ll pass on that.

And of course it has nothing at all to do with the schools hammering the kids with transgender propaganda every day for years and years, nothing to do with neglected young people discovering “gender identification” as a sure-fire way to get attention from adults who would otherwise ignore them, nothing at all to do with the Left’s societal re-engineering agenda—oh, no, nothing to do with any of that.

Like anybody else, teens seek approval and validation—mostly from each other, but also from adults. They want to do what’s trending, they want to run with the pack. If suddenly the “educators” and noozies changed their tune 180 degrees, and insisted with equal fervor that there is no “transgender identity” after all, and pounded it into the students’ heads every day at school—well, presto! Before much time went by, those 80,000 teens in Minnesota wouldn’t be calling themselves transgender anymore.

Apply a simple rule of thumb: What if everybody did it? What would happen to the human race if everybody decided to be transgender—complete with surgical mutilation and heavy doses of the wrong hormones?

The human race would go extinct—just as it would if everybody did any of the other things that the Left says we ought to do, and be proud of doing: like being homosexual, or having an abortion.

And on top if it all, we have a major political force, the Democrat Party, lauding and celebrating the whole transgender folly, pushing it, cheering it on, with help from all sorts of Big Important People from movie stars to the owners of professional sports franchises: think “Gay Day” at your local baseball stadium.

Let the Bible, and King Solomon, have the final word:

“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12—and again, 16:25).

It’s the only proverb that the Bible posts twice. And with good reason.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

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UN Calls For ‘Unprecedented Societal Change’

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called for massive carbon taxes that would be the equivalent of a $240 per gallon tax on gasoline—which I know sounds bughouse-ready crazy, but that’s what they said. And along with the tax—we have to do this to Save The Planet, global warming, y’know, everybody’s gonna die—the panel has called for “societal changes that are unprecedented in scale.”

Gee, that sounds ambitious! Even for the UN, that’s a big project. Like, what kind of societal changes do they have in mind? How will they decide which unprecedented changes to plug in first?

For advice and assistance, the UN has turned to a study group headed by Dr. Helza Poppin, professor of Environmental Justice Planet-Saving Intersectional Wimmins’ Gender Studies at Fanabla University.

“It’s clear that government is going to have to evolve to be more authoritarian,” Dr. Poppin said, “but with progressive citizens of the world in charge of it all, nothing can possibly go wrong. And the changes we plan to impose are all changes that the common people really want. They just don’t know it yet!”

The most immediate changes, she explained, will have to be aimed at scaling back the common people’s standard of living to pre-industrial levels. “Electricity will still be available to rulers and scientists, who really need it, and don’t worry about high technology being lost, because all the people who really matter will be fully equipped with every kind of high-tech gadget you can think of. But we can’t have electricity being mindlessly and wastefully consumed by millions of little pipsqueak nobodys who need to go to bed earlier, anyway. And I’m afraid we’re going to have to require them to give up certain superfluous luxuries like private home ownership and cars. It’s easy and environmentally responsible to fit several families into a single-family home! Think of the fun they’ll have, playing Chutes and Ladders together—until it gets dark and they have to go to bed.”

At the same time, she continued, there will have to be societal changes geared to reducing the population.

“Gender reassignment needs to be made compulsory,” Dr. Poppin said. “The good news is that once your gender is reassigned, you can have all the sex you want without any risk of pregnancy.”

But wouldn’t that eventually cause the human race to go extinct?

Dr. Poppin chortled merrily. “There will always be fetal tissue available for harvesting by women’s reproductive health companies. Having fought so hard for reproductive health freedom, we aren’t about to give it up! A woman’s right to choose is sacrosanct. Don’t even think about giving up Roe v. Wade!”

Advised that she hadn’t answered the question, she broke into a peal of laughter. “With the advances that we’ll make in science,” she said, “no one will ever be sick anymore, and no one will die until administrators decide his time is up.”

Also on the study group’s bucket list are proposals to outlaw all religion, except for non-Christian religions, to make hospice care mandatory for everyone over 40 years old (except for scientists, members of the World Senate, and movie stars), forbid the consumption of meat or other animal products (“Because animals have rights, too—and what are human beings but animals?”), and an intriguing proposal to require the singing of “We Are the World” every time anyone exits or enters a building.

“Let’s face it,” said Dr. Poppin, “world government is the place we want to go, and we want to get there as soon as we can! Singing ‘We Are the World’ a dozen times a day will help make people’s minds right, and will improve morale. I mean, really—who can be angry when they’re singing? Remember, all these societal changes are engineered to make the whole world happy.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Do We Want To Be ‘Transformed’?

Is there anybody out there, still, who doesn’t understand that the Democrat Party is the mob rule party?

While Brett Kavanagh was being sworn in Saturday as a Supreme Court justice, Far Left Crazy Democrat “protesters” broke through a police line and assaulted the doors of the Supreme Court’s chambers, pounding and clawing at the wood, a rather horrifying spectacle choreographed by Democrats.

This is what they mean by the “fundamental transformation of America” that they’re trying to achieve. Really, you can’t even watch a cat video on Youtube anymore without Elizabeth Warren or some other leftist suddenly breaking in with a political commercial: because to them everything, and we do mean everything, is politics. Even the freakin’ cat videos.

They want an America in which public agencies, paid for by everyone, are transformed into Democrat hit squads, immigration laws go by the boards, and a man’s politics makes him fair game for the most brutal kind of character assassination. They aren’t content with simply rejecting a nominee because they dislike his politics: nothing will suit them but his personal destruction.

This, at the end, was not a fight about Judge Kavanagh. It became a test to see whether mob rule tactics, lies, and hysteria would replace due process, orderly procedures, and the rule of law. Democrats seek to transform America into a country where public policy is dictated by whose riot can make the most noise. And it’s usually theirs, because normal people don’t like to participate in riots.

Meanwhile, out in California—where the streets are paved with something other than gold, these days—Democrat legislators and their Democrat governor enacted a blatantly unconstitutional law that would require private companies to appoint women to their boards of directors: something which most companies in America already do, but never mind. They don’t like to pass up any opportunity to impose coercion; and besides, they wanted to throw a sop to the #MeToo movement. So by the end of this year, every company doing business in California must have an least one woman on its board of directors, and by 2021, at least two if there are five directors and at least three if there are six.

Signing the law, Governor Jerry Brown admitted that it contained “potential flaws that may prove fatal to its implementation” (ya think?)—which is to say they know the “law” is garbage but they’re passing it anyway because they want to Send A Message that, hey, feminism rules!

What do they do if all five board members are men, but two or three of those men insist that they are really women? Like, it’s one way to keep your seat on the board, isn’t it? Doesn’t their bizarre ideology oblige them to behave as if those claims are true? After all, the country was expected to “believe the survivors” when they accused Judge Kavanagh of being a serial gang rapist despite a total lack of even the simplest corroboration and no evidence of any kind. They excused this disregard of due process by arguing that Senate confirmation hearings are not a criminal trial and therefor no presumption of innocence had to be in play. It was “just a job interview,” they said—and think about that, the next time you have a job interview. Any accusation, backed up with no proof whatsoever, ought to be enough to shoot you down. Welcome to a fundamentally transformed America.

This time the barbarians were turned back from the gates. And do we really want to wait for a next time? Do we really want to go through this again, and maybe even worse?

If you have to crawl through a minefield under fire to get to the polls and vote against every Democrat whose name is on the ballot… do it.

have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

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Liberals And Suicide

It can be tough, being a teenager: old enough to crave autonomy, but too young to get it—and way too young to exercise it wisely, if you do get it. And on top of that, many teens have a melodramatic streak in their character which can get out of hand.

In some, this breeds a fascination with the thought of suicide. That’s why teen suicide has long been a problem throughout the Western world.

But not for Netflix. Oh, no—teen suicide’s been very good to Netflix.

Last season Netflix aired a little number called “13 Reasons Why,” about a teenaged girl’s ultimately unsuccessful efforts to fight off the urge to kill herself. It climaxed with a graphic, three-minute long depiction of the girl’s suicide. It made enough money to move Netflix to produce a second season, with a third in the works. Tim Wildmon, of the American Family Association, pleaded with Netflix to cancel the series—after a real-life 13-year-old girl binge-watched it and then committed suicide. Wildmon asked for a meeting with the Netflix CEO to discuss it, but they turned him down. So Netflix remains in the teen suicide business. I guess it’s been a money-maker.

Netflix showed more of its sinister side a few months earlier this year, with its “Star-Spangled Salute to Abortion.” They haven’t yet come up with a salute to opioid addiction, but give them time. It’d be right up their alley.

Not to be outdone by Netflix, the state of California only last week enacted a new law that allows any person to persuade or encourage another to commit suicide. Need we point out that this, er, law was passed by a legislature dominated by Democrats and signed by a Democrat governor?

Yes, it used to be a felony to try to talk someone into suicide. Now it’s not.

Ironically, September was National Suicide Prevention Month. But not in California.

How long will it take for depraved teens to start vying with one another to see who can talk the most people into offing themselves? It could morph into one of those Youtube “challenges”—like, become “famous” (a much abused word) by chomping down on a detergent pod and winning a trip to the emergency room. They might organize themselves into teams, so that one after another can hammer the chosen victim’s psyche. Face to face in the high school hallways, schmoozing on the smartphones, text messages, nasty Facebook posts—they will have a variety of means at their disposal, enough to keep it up all day, and all night, until the victim finally cracks and does herself in. High fives all around.

Liberals love assisted suicide, with or without the sufferer’s consent. God’s wisdom, personified, speaks, in Proverbs 8:36: “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.”

We are talking about liberals here, whose favorite social engineering projects are abortion, sodomy, transgenderism, and what they prefer to call euthanasia, a Greek term meaning “easy death.”

We are talking about people who love death. Whose projects, if carried out by everyone, would result in the extinction of the human race. There used to be a “Voluntary Human Extinction Movement” out there, whose members never seemed to volunteer themselves, but I haven’t the heart to look it up to see if they are still in business.

So now, in California, you can get your jollies by talking someone into suicide. How long will it take Netflix to come up with a star-spangled salute to this?

Augustus Caesar called Roman knights who refused to marry and have children “murderers of your own posterity.”

He had no idea how bad it could get.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

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Why Are They Killing Our Culture?

Our culture is being killed out from under us, and we would like to know why.

Some of it is understandable. For instance, it’s easy to see why Planned Parenthood would want to crank out “sex education” programs designed to push children into being sexually active: more customers for Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills, more big bucks from Congress.

But some of this boiling vileness defies rational explanation.

Netflix—one of the big offenders—has a TV series, “13 Reasons Why,” which seems to be set up for the inexplicable purpose of persuading teenagers to kill themselves. In real life, a 14-year-old did just that after binge-watching “13 Reasons.” This got the American Family Association involved; they’re now seeking signatures for a petition to ask Netflix to cancel the series. AFA’s Tim Wildmon asked to meet with the CEO of Netflix to discuss it, but they turned him down; and Season 2 is ready to roll, with plans in the works for Season 3.

The climax of Season 1 was a three-minute-long, graphic depiction of a teenaged girl killing herself. Leading up to that, Netflix offered a full menu of violence, sex, crime, and perversion, which I will not attempt to describe. Earlier this year, Netflix aired “A Star-Spangled Salute to Abortion,” so I think we can see where they’re coming from.

The question is, Why would we want to have this in our popular culture? Who decided that we need it? Who benefits from this abomination?

Oh, well, it’s “entertainment”—a word whose meaning can no longer be pinned down with any certainty. But one thing is certain: our consumption of “entertainment” is a passive, but powerful, form of self-education. “Thirteen Reasons Why” may not addle the mind and corrupt the character of a well-grounded adult, but for comparatively defenseless young people, it’s poison. We as a society consume hour after hour of this stuff. And it shows.

So who wants this? Who thinks it’s a good idea? The difficulty in answering those questions suggests a satanic origin. This makes secular liberals laugh. More fool they.

The craziness spreads throughout our culture. We see more and more of it, everywhere we look. Even our politics is looking crazy, these days.

At the College of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, a 69-year-old professor entered a college rest room, drew a gun, and shot himself in the arm “to protest” President Donald Trump.

What was that supposed to accomplish? Was Mr. Trump expected to say, “Gee, I’d better resign before he shoots himself in the other arm”? Or maybe we could do over the 2016 election, as many times as it takes to get Hillary Clinton into the White House. Good grief, he shot himself for that? He must really like Hillary. Or maybe he’s just off-the-wall crazy. I wonder what he watches on TV o’ nights. It must be powerful stuff. Maybe he’ll get his own show on Netflix.

It’s daunting to think how many students have been, er, “taught” by this guy.

One shudders to contemplate a childhood packed to the gills with violent video games, self-destructive “challenges” on Youtube (“Eat a detergent pod and get famous!”), daily instruction by teachers’ union members who hate their country, absentee parents, “socialization” by their age-group peers who know no more than they do, and news and entertainment media pushing “transgender” like their lives depended on it. And then comes college! How does anybody come out of this with sanity intact?

Another thing is certain. You don’t murder your culture with impunity. When you kill your culture, rest assured that it will kill you back.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, .  Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

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The News Is Full Of Crazy-Talk

As we survey the mounting wreckage of the post-Christian West, we are moved to ask: Does God make these people crazy, or do they just do it to themselves?

At the top of the list we find “trans rights campaigners” at Goldsmiths University, London, asserting that the Soviet gulags in Siberia were “compassionate” and “educational” institutions with lots of nice amenities, including clubs, sports, and amateur theater. Like, all they were missing was the Play-Doh.

This bizarre assertion was made in the course of a feud between the LGBT crowd and feminists. The feminists objected to the trannies’ lopping off their male anatomy, calling themselves women, and hopping aboard the victimhood express to grab seats that rightly should have gone to feminists. The trannies got mad and started threatening to send feminists to the gulag. There aren’t any gulags in Britain, but give them time, give them time.

“The ideas of TERFS and anti-trans bigots,” tweeted the trannies, “literally kill and must be eradicated through re-education.” I do not know what “TERFS” are, and I am not interested in finding out. Something like a Smurf, maybe? A million people died in the gulags, so one of the feminists felt threatened and “dehumanized” by the trannies’ tweet. The trannies replied, “Sending a bigot to one [a gulag] is actually a compassionate, non-violent course of action.” Just ask anyone who survived a gulag. The deaths were probably due to cross-country skiing in that bracing Siberian winter.

Oh—and the food at the gulags was really nice, too.

What makes anyone say things like this? Rock-solid ignorance, bold mendacity, or out-and-out lunacy—or some weird salmagundi consisting of all three? Well, they’re college students, so they probably never heard of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, let alone read him. The man won a Nobel Prize for writing about the hellish conditions of “The Gulag Archipelago,” but he was probably just lying to make communism look bad. College students know that life under communism is sort of like a perpetual vacation at Club Med.

Then we had the United Nations climate chief, one Pat Espinosa, head honcho of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, who tweeted the following:

“By raising our ambition for #climateaction, we are not just **changing the weather**, we are building a better future for us all”.

So they’re “changing the weather”—impressive! I just love this gambit of the global warming mob. It’s like telling somebody, “I know there is a meteor on course to smash right into your house and destroy it; but if you give me $1,000, I will totally dissolve the meteor before it gets there.” So the poor schmo pays up, the meteor doesn’t hit his house because there never was a meteor in the first place, and the shyster says, “See? It worked! I’ve saved your house!”

The UN here takes credit for fending off a climate catastrophe that was never anything but imaginary, and then, when the disaster doesn’t happen, they claim to have averted it. And you can’t prove they didn’t, can you? It used to be you had to hire a witch or two to change the weather—make it rain, make it stop raining, whatever—and when the weather naturally changed, the witch took credit for it. And you wonder why people ran out of patience with the witches.

We can’t get inside Ms. Espinosa’s head, and we don’t want to, in case you can’t get back out again, so we cannot say whether she honestly believes the UN’s regulations change the weather or she’s just telling lies to keep the money coming. Crazy-talk is tricky that way. They won’t climb up your flashlight beam, they say, because they don’t trust you not to turn it off when they’re halfway up.

One thing we can be quite sure of is that no one ever prospered by making wacko claims the basis of any public policy.

But these people are so pumped up to be as gods—our gods!—that they’ll never let a little thing like sanity hold them back.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, any time. A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Shameless, Pastor Uses Bible To Justify Abortion

Once upon a time a sense of shame protected us, as a society, from certain excesses. We have lost the sense of shame and gained the excesses.

Think back on some of those old newsreels covering the opening night premiere of a major film. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford appeared in many films and attended many premieres. They also hated each other and had a long-running feud.

What would people have thought, if the two of them, at one of those gala events, wound up in a hair-pulling, shoe-throwing brawl, rolling up and down the red carpet, screaming profanities at each other? Think the studio bigwigs would have tolerated that? No—Bette and Joan had to observe the social niceties. Or else.

Fast forward to this year’s New York Fashion Week, where two “rap artists,” if that is not an oxymoron, got into it with each other. Hair-pulling, shoe-throwing, cursing—the whole nine yards. But no one seemed to mind. It used to be that being rich and famous entailed a code of behavior that precluded brawling in public like a couple of drunken longshoremen. But not anymore. No one’s ashamed of such behavior anymore.

Last week also featured Judge Brett Kavanagh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, a circus in itself, plenty of shamelessness to go around. But I thought the lowest of its many lowlights was the testimony of a supposed ordained minister of the Free Methodist Church, who told the U.S. Senate that the Word of God justifies the Obamacare abortion mandate which required some people to pay for other people’s abortions.

Shamelessly, in the service of aborting babies in the womb, the minister shanghaied the words of Jesus Christ in John 10:10, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Can anybody but a lunatic twist that into “It’s real social justice to force Christians to fund other people’s abortions”? Where is the “abundant life” for the baby murdered in the womb? The baby’s life is taken. The baby winds up having no life.

Without a trace of blushing, the minister described herself as “pro-life,” as if that word actually means “pro-abortion.” She is also “an advocate for reproductive health”—that’s a euphemism for abortion—and “a community development organizer,” which is nothing meaningful at all.

See if you can follow her reasoning, if we can even call it that. She doesn’t believe in “imposing her religion” on others; so clearly she couldn’t support Judge Kavanagh’s earlier ruling against the abortion “mandate” (and if you’re coming to detest that word, you have a lot of company). That would be “imposing” one’s religious standards on others who don’t share them, and think abortion is jim-dandy. But, she argued, it is not “imposing” when non-Christians use the force of government to compel Christians to fund the abortion industry.

Honk if that makes sense to you.

To refrain from saying or doing certain things because you’d be ashamed to say or do them is part of what we know as civilization. A sense of shame, allied to the conscience, is one of those things that makes it possible for us to live together without trying to jam each other into a wood-chipper. Those two rap artists might have done some serious damage to each other if their respective bodyguards hadn’t intervened. But an active sense of shame would have kept the whole incident from happening in the first place.

And a sense of shame would have restrained the, er, minister from twisting God’s word, bearing false witness against the Scriptures, mangling reason, and turning herself into a false prophet spouting false teaching.

One wonders what, exactly, some of these people would be too ashamed to say or do.

Political correctness is no substitute for a Christian conscience.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and read, before I get banned. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Facts

Honesty seems to be going by the boards, these days. I suppose it’s bound to happen, in an age with the wise men at our looniversities spouting “your truth-my truth” (and somehow their truth always seems to win), as opposed to “the truth,” and insisting that there are no facts, but only “constructions,” etc.

One popular form of dishonesty is simply to shut down any inquiry which doesn’t give you the answer that you want to hear.

For instance, Brown University recently aborted its own study of “gender dysphoria”—that is, men claiming to be women and women claiming to be men, also known as “crazy stupid horse****”—because the, ahem, scientists conducting the study feared it might “invalidate the perspectives of the transgender community”.

Contrary to their expectations, they found something they called “rapid-onset gender dysphoria,” apparently caused by a combination of social pressure, especially among young people who listen very closely to their “friends”, and binge-watching of social media videos that encourage “changing your sex.” Before they decided they’d better just shut up about it, the scientists noted a kind of “peer contagion” at work. They ran away from their findings before they could address the question of whether a “sex change” might win its recipient lots of attention from people who would otherwise ignore them, applause, and even, maybe, fame.

Gee whiz, kids profoundly influenced by other kids! Who would have ever thought that could happen? The scientists really wanted their study to show that “gender dysphoria” comes from within, but kept finding that it comes the from outside, from the culture, instead. So they burked the study.

We also see a lot of lying by omission. Don’t make stuff up: just leave out certain features of the story. Which turns it into another story altogether, but never mind.

We saw this in Universal Pictures’ hot new movie about the 1969 moon landing, “The First Man,” in which the film-makers simply left out the planting of the American flag, by American astronauts, on the surface of the moon. Explained the Canadian actor who plays Neil Armstrong in the movie, the moon landing “transcended countries and borders.”

Oh. That’s how you turn an American moment into a “We Are the World” moment. It was American technology and American know-how, and American astronauts, with all the bills paid by the American people with their taxes, that put men on the moon. The world didn’t do it; America did it. And to this day no other country has been able to match that achievement.

Give them enough time, and enough encouragement, and they’ll wind up making a movie about the U.N. putting a couple of Tanzanian and Belgian disabled Muslim women on the moon.

Was it strictly honest, or even a little bit honest, to ignore that bit about the flag? Yeah, sure—and the three-card monte dealers on the street are honest, too. Will American movie-goers be big enough chumps to buy tickets to this mess? I’m rooting for us to have enough self-respect to make this one bomb at the box office. It would send a bad message if it didn’t.

A more subtle approach to dishonesty is to waste time on what can only be called trivia. Would you believe Florida cops recently busted a man for giving his girlfriend a wet willy? Well, they did. We may marvel that the Democrats in Congress have not yet called for stricter wet willy laws and threatened to unleash David Hogg against this abominable custom. If this is what passes for crime in Florida… Sheesh. You may get mugged just walking down the sidewalk, but you shouldn’t have to worry about anybody sticking a moistened pinkie finger in your ear.

Truth has value: certainly a lot more value than scientific studies that get called off because the snowflakes might not like the findings, and stories that get warped by purposely leaving out important details.

We disdain it at our peril.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before I get banned. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Public Schooling: A Waste Of Time And Money

The earth’s about to be destroyed, and you’ve got a spaceship that can carry people to another planet. The problem is, you can only take eight passengers and you’ve got a list of twelve. Four will have to be left behind to die. Which eight do you take?

This inane scenario was recently a classroom “lesson” at a middle school in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Somehow it’s supposed to “educate” children and prepare them for adult life.

Meanwhile, down in Atlanta, the principal of a charter school decided the Pledge of Allegiance ought to be dropped, and replaced by some kind of “oath” to the “global society”, whatever the devil that is.

Your school tax dollars at work!

We take it for granted that “education” is essential, almost on a par with food or shelter: and then for “education” we’re served up crapola. But let’s take a closer look at the examples.

In the “who lives, who dies” exercise, you have twelve candidates for eight seats on the spaceship. Nine of the twelve are clearly members of aggrieved Minorities—which makes the choice oh, so hard! I mean, you’re going to start a new civilization on another planet—how do you pass up a black activist college student? But if you take him, you’ll have to pass over some other Oppressed Minority.

Two of the twelve are not identified racially—a disabled accountant and a pregnant woman—which makes them iffy. And No. 12 is “an armed racist police officer who has been accused of using excessive force.” He must also be notably slow on the uptake, if he has a gun and is not bashful about using force to get his way. You’d think he’d wind up making the choices, at gunpoint. But that has not occurred to the “educators” who designed this so-called lesson.

What, pray tell, is this supposed to teach? How is this not a total waste of time and money, with somewhat sinister overtones?

And then we’ve got the blathering principal in Atlanta, who wants to train up good little citizens of the world at the American taxpayers’ expense. Her project went belly-up when parents found out about it, raised holy hell, and prodded their elected representatives into action. Ms. Inclusive had to abort her plan before the new “oath” could be written.

How much are we paying idiots like this to mess with our children’s minds? Over the course of the last three or four decades, “educators” have done serious damage to America that won’t be easily repaired—if it can be repaired at all.

If I had to keep public education, but otherwise could do anything I pleased to fix it, I would break the teachers’ unions, nests of Far Left social saboteurs that they are, abolish the federal Department of Education, and return 100 percent control of the schools to the communities which they’re supposed to serve, whose people pay for them. Better would be to scrap the system altogether and replace it with homeschools and Christian schools: but after some 150 years of public schooling, the American people may not be ready to go so far, so fast.

But they’re going to have to go somewhere, and soon. Our country’s future depends on it.

Public education must die—before it finishes its number on America.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before I get banned. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Internet Censorship: Running Wild

First they kicked Alex Jones off the social media, and then they wiped Fellowship of the Minds off WordPress—allegedly for violating WordPress’ Terms of Service. No warning was given, no explanation offered. If you look for Fellowship of the Minds, all you’ll find is a notice that it’s “now unavailable.”

Can we deduce the reason by examining those Terms of Service? Let’s quote the only lines that might seem to apply:

“Our service is designed to give you as much control and ownership over what goes on your website as possible and encourage you to express yourself freely [two-minute laugh break]. However, be responsible in what you publish. In particular, make sure that none of the prohibited items (like spam, viruses, or serious threats of violence) appear on your website”.

It doesn’t appear Fellowship of the Minds committed any of those transgressions. WordPress is owned and operated by Automattic Inc. We have some remarks by Automattic’s CEO, Matt Mullenweg, as to the need to shut out “hate speech,” whatever that may be, and “egregiously false or harmful things.”

Meanwhile, the buzz on the Internet is that both Alex Jones and Fellowship got banned for promoting a conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax by the Obama regime staged to drum up support for gun control. Maybe that’s one of those egregiously false or harmful things.

I don’t like conspiracy theories. I especially don’t like the one that says Donald Trump “colluded” with “the Russians” to steal the 2016 election from the rightful president, our beloved Hillary Clinton; but you don’t see any of the media shutting that one down, do you? So we wind up with this absurd scenario in which the people who really did collude with foreigners to swing the election their way are, ahem, “investigating” the people who didn’t.

Anyhow, they say Alex Jones and Fellowship of the Minds made this claim. I don’t know if they did or didn’t, because I choose not to read conspiracy theories. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that they did make it. Well, so what?

But this made them easy targets for the censorship crowd, because that whole Sandy Hook conspiracy theory rubs a lot of people the wrong way and I suppose the thinking was that nobody would bother to defend anyone who made such an unpopular claim. Again, so what?

Free speech must include unpopular speech. In fact, if it doesn’t, then the very concept of free speech is rendered meaningless—as it has certainly become, in the minds of liberals. They try to shut down anything that they don’t want to hear, whether it’s true or not.

The free market will eventually generate alternative media platforms that do not ban unpopular opinions—but not in time for this year’s midterm elections. It looks like these media are trying to shut everybody up so that Democrats can win the elections and take over Congress.

But it’s not only on the Internet that leftids are trying to achieve “diversity” by allowing only one opinion.

UCLA has hired twenty “Diversity Peer Leaders,” at $13 an hour, paid for by mandatory student fees. And what does a Diversity Peer Leader do, for 13 bucks an hour? Apparently their function is to fight “toxic masculinity” and “microaggression” on campus—by ratting out any of their fellow students who might think this is all nonsense. You’ll have to be careful what you say on campus, or the Diversity Peer Leaders will brand you a “bigot” and derail your college career. They are a species of “community organizer,” a la Mao Tse-tung’s Red Guards; and at the rate things are going, we’ll one day find them off the campus spying on us at work or play—just to make sure nobody has the wrong opinion about anything.

What is taking form here is a kind of viewpoint monopoly created by social media technocrats to keep everybody in line. Congress ought to act to rein it in, but we needn’t hold our breath for that. It’s unfair, and not strictly Constitutional, to lay this on the president: but most of the time it seems Donald Trump’s the only one in Washington who’ll go to bat for the American people.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Before I get censored, too, stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Journalists’ Jihad

I’m writing this a few days in advance of an event scheduled for today, August 16, so I don’t know how it’s going to play out. This is the day chosen by The Boston Globe to launch “a coordinated editorial attack” on the president of the United States. As if they haven’t been doing that all along, every night, every day, since Election Night 2016. And not only the newspapers—who’s still reading them?—but also all the talking heads on the cable nooze shows, Hollywood, our glorious colleges and looniversities: if they’ve ever taken a day off from attacking Donald Trump, I missed it.

As of today, Monday, the Glob claimed to have “100-plus” newspapers lined up for this project. They’re beside themselves with wrath because Donald Trump won’t just sit there and take it, like George W. Bush did: Trump hits back. This they call a “war on the free press,” our “free and independent press.”

What bunk.

As incredible as it seems, there are still scattered individuals who believe the nooze media report news. They are appalled that the president would call these journalistic charades fake news.

It’s not that the noozies habitually publish ridiculous lies that can be exposed by anybody in a matter of seconds, although they do attempt that sometimes. They prefer whopping big lies.

They slavishly toe the line for “transgender,” taking every opportunity to call a mutilated man a “woman” and a girl whose publicity-hungry parents subject her to puberty blockers a “boy.” That’s a big lie, and they know it. But it serves their agenda for a “fundamental transformation” of America into God knows what, so they never miss a chance to speak it.

Other mammoth falsehoods they tweak to make them appear to be true: like Man-Made Climate Change, “97% of scientists believe in it,” we’re all gonna die unless we give government fantastic new powers to interfere in our daily lives, and lots more money, blah-blah. To many in the audience, this could conceivably be true—I mean, would “scientists” lie? Yes, of course they would, but never mind—it’s always desirable to grow the government.

Other stories, our free and independent press either underplays or else ignores. This past weekend in the Washington, D.C., metro area, a couple thousand Far Left kooks—they had a banner that said “It Takes a Bullet to Smash a Fash,” meaning “fascist,” meaning anyone who’s not them—attacked two dozen self-proclaimed “white supremacists,” attacked police, and might have trashed the whole neighborhood if a heavy rainstorm hadn’t broken it up. Our free and independent press was absent.

If there were no alternative media, if we had only our free and independent mainstream press to keep us informed, we would know nothing at all.

In all my life I’ve never seen anything like the way the nooze media have waged war on a duly elected president. How many guesses would you need, to guess what would have happened if, say, Matt Drudge or even Fox News called for a “coordinated editorial attack” on our last president, ol’ *Batteries Not Included? “Racists! Biggit, biggit! Haters!” You could hear it from a spaceship in the Oort Cloud.

They do it because they’re a mutual admiration society of Far Left loons who were going to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats as the next president, to finish what Obama started. They were so close to their goal, they could taste it. Fundamental transformation, baby. Venezuela North. With themselves in charge of it, forever.

And then those pesky American voters snatched it away from them.

They can’t live with this. And they don’t intend to. They mean to drive this president from office, silence all dissent, and outlaw every body of opinion but their own. They’re leftists, and that’s what leftists are.

And that’s why we don’t love them anymore.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Real Climate Change

I don’t believe in man-made Climate Change caused by SUVs and toilet paper, we’re all gonna die unless we give the government fantastic new powers to screw up our lives and lots and lots of money, blah-blah. But I can see another kind of Climate Change, definitely man-made, that’s screwing up the Western world: the creation, by liberals, of a climate of fear.

The Washington Nationals’ shortstop, as a consequence of some “hateful” tweets he made as a teenager, is waiting to meet with Major League Baseball’s “vice president for social responsibility and inclusion” so they can “determine appropriate sensitivity training,” as reported by Bob Knight in The Washington Times this week (“A Maoist Moment in America”). The 25-year-old athlete, who already, ahem, volunteers for some kind of anti-bullying program—when he’s the one who’s being bullied—has had to “apologize” to an assortment of “communities” representing this or that easily-offended Cherished Minority. He has crawled, and they’re kicking him in the face.

Like they always do.

Yes, you can’t say this and you can’t say that, and there’s no statute of limitations. Self-criticism sessions, anyone? Let’s hear it for the Cultural Revolution II.

Meanwhile, Facebook, Apple, and Youtube have gotten together—they deny what anyone can plainly see—to ban Alex Jones, an Internet talk show star, for “hate speech.” They have this idea that the only reason anyone is not a rug-chewing leftist is because Alex Jones or Fox News has somehow tricked him into being a conservative. Silence all conservative speech, they suppose, and everybody will just naturally revert to the default position of liberalism. So you can’t listen to Alex Jones anymore.

It’s a one-way street. It’s only “hate” if spoken by a conservative. For real hot, steaming hate, we have to turn to The New York Times and the new member of their editorial board, one Sarah Jeong. Miss Sarah denounces “dumbass f***ing white people” who, she says, are “like dogs” and “only fit to live underground like groveling goblins”. Lots and lots of tweets from her, along those lines—but don’t hold your breath waiting for this racist cutie to be banned. Lately libs have tried to spin this as “satire,” although it would be hard to find anyone stupid enough to believe that. Our collidges and looniversities spew out tanker-loads of venom against white people every day. That’s not satire. They call it “higher education.”

Can you feel the love?

It’s an embarrassment of poverty to live in an age when professional baseball has to have a “vice president for social responsibility and inclusion.” What the deuce does “inclusion” even mean?

Some years ago I interviewed a twollop with the Ontario Human Rights Commission who said they were concerned that a lot of people aren’t sufficiently “inclusive” in regard to their personal friendships. He thought the government ought to do something about that. What, he didn’t specify. Review everybody’s friendships and re-assign them? Make a law that says you’ve got to have at least one “transgender” friend? Put the whole population of Canada into sensitivity training until their minds are right?

Leftists are unable to conceive of any limit to the powers and priorities of government—as long as it’s government owned and operated by themselves.

How much farther does this shameful business have to go before people stand up and say “Hold! Enough!”

Well, the Maoist wannabes who run the Western world, having rejected Christian morality and tradition, are stuck with the job of defining and enforcing their own preposterous version of morality. They welcome the challenge!

I think it’s time to present them with a bigger challenge—and utterly defeat them.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Democratic Socialism And Mob Rule

Are you ready to vote for “Democratic Socialism” in November? Ready to surf the Blue Wave? Ready for open borders, and no more immigration law enforcement?

Portland, Oregon, is ready, big-time. Last month a “protest camp” set up by a mob calling itself “Occupy ICE” blockaded the offices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, putting federal employees in fear of their lives. This went on for a month, because the mayor of Portland ordered police not to intervene.

Now the employees have sent the mayor a “cease and desist” letter, saying they will sue the city if they can’t get police protection from the mob. They’re tired of getting harassed and threatened and don’t see why they have to put up with it. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution—isn’t that supposed to be the law of the land?—promises all American citizens equal protection of the laws. Even immigration law enforcement personnel.

A government that will not protect its own citizens or enforce its own laws has no reason for existing. Such a government in Portland, say the ICE employees, created “a zone of terror and lawlessness” around their building.

That’s Democrat America: mob rule. Please don’t tell me that you want to vote for that.

Meanwhile in California, Democrats were all set to ban plastic straws, to the tune of a $1,000 fine or one year in prison, per straw—all based on “research” done by a 9-year-old child for a school project. The little boy made some phone calls to straw manufacturers, and then reported that Americans use—are you ready for this?—half a billion plastic straws per day—wow! That’s over 18 billion straws a year! And it’s really messing up the planet! Naturally, the nooze media all passed these figures on as gospel truth, never questioning them. And the city of Santa Barbara rolled up its sleeves and prepared to go on an anti-straw jihad.

This is their idea of fun. But when it came out that the whole thing was some little kid’s science project, and that the numbers were baloney, Democrats had to start backpedaling. As amusing as it would be for them to toss people into prison on the say-so of a 9-year-old, they weren’t quite ready to put the pedal to the metal.

The University of Georgia, like most colleges and looniversities these days, has given us another peek at what Democratic Socialism will look like, if we ever go mad enough to accept it.

A dean of journalism (hold that thought!) has had to issue an abject public apology for a tweet he made about his lifelong friendship with a man who is now the state’s Republican candidate for governor. And the Left piled on. The dean had the temerity to speak of his boyhood friend as “a nice guy.” Didn’t he know the man, being a Republican, is a Racist? Was he “blinded by his own privilege”? Dude, your “friend” “spews bigoted and dangerous rhetoric”! Another lefty know-it-all chided the dean, “You’re a straight white man. Of course he was nice and kind to you. Racists are generally nice to their own kind.”

Tweet after tweet of this stuff, and the dean finally got down on his belly and crawled. “I’d like to apologize to anyone offended by my tweet,” he wrote, after deleting his, er, message of hate. “It was ill-timed and poorly written.” Rather a shameful saying by a dean of journalism. “I’ve read and learned so much from you all and will endeavor to be more thoughtful.”

What was he so afraid of? Okay—in countries that really have something like Democratic Socialism, if you say the wrong thing, they break down your door in the middle of the night, grab your family (it’s okay to separate the families of enemies of The People), and ship you off to a gulag in Siberia. We don’t do that here—yet. But, man, if they gave a gold medal for groveling, this guy would’ve won it.

Can it be said, in light of the three examples given here, that American leftists are working to create a climate of fear? And do we want to live in such a climate? Gee, I think I just discovered the only kind of Climate Change that’s real.

If that’s what you want, the Dems are waiting for your vote.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

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Religion For Hipsters

Do you wonder what’s going on in organized religion these days? Or, as Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself put it, “When the son of man returns, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

Maybe He’d better hurry, if He wants to find it.

Exhibit A: The latest conform-to-this-world howler by an alleged biblical scholar. “Dr. Dershowitz is a biblical scholar,” prates The New York Times—like they would know. So they published this piece by this guy named Dershowitz—yeah, but he’s from Harvard!—who asks us to believe that the Book of Leviticus “originally” permitted homosexual sex. The Leviticus we’ve got in our Bibles is just some Johnny-come-lately’s party-pooping rewrite.

How does he know this? Has he seen this lost grand-daddy of Leviticus? Found a scrap of parchment with a fragment of writing that so much as hints that God is cool with gay sex? And therefore we can go right ahead with turning our whole culture upside-down, because we have permission from on high.

Well, not exactly. Mr. Scholar hasn’t gotten around to offering us any evidence as yet. You see, the only Leviticus we have, going back to the Dead Sea scrolls, says no: in fact, it enjoins a death penalty on any pair of simpletons who get it on in front of two or more witnesses—although anyone that stupid would probably not survive toddlerhood. Our biblical scholar just wants a permissive Leviticus, so he declares that some such Leviticus must have existed in the distant past, is now unfortunately lost, but can be reconstructed by wiz kids like himself.

It beats unloading freight cars for a living.

Meanwhile, in Ireland, a Catholic priest has been punished by his diocese… for preaching Catholic teachings.

Ireland, which St. Patrick left a Christian country, has, by a vote, legalized abortion. The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is a sin: you could look it up. So the priest told his Dublin congregation that anyone who voted for abortion needs to go to confession, because he or she has consented to as mortal sin.

The higher-ups swiftly yanked him out of his parish and reassigned him to a convent where he’s not allowed to preach. They can’t have Catholic priests preaching Catholic doctrine. Some atheist might get mad at them: might even make fun of them. Horrors.

We are not told whether the diocese has, so far, hired any biblical scholars to discover that a lot copy of the Ten Commandments makes it okay to butcher unborn babies. But give them time. If they can’t find one in Ireland, they can always borrow Dr. Dershowitz from Harvard.

It would be nice to see the churches standing for the things they’re supposed to stand for—like the sacredness of human life, real marriage, real family, the real Bible. But then they’d have to choose to be un-hip, un-cool, and risk losing the approval of The New York Times. That’s way too much to ask: the Western world’s modern equivalent to martyrdom. Think of the trouble the early Christians could have saved themselves, if only they could have found a biblical scholar to tell them it was all right to offer sacrifices to the Roman emperor. St. Peter could have retired to a nice villa in Davos, and maybe made some real money. St. Paul could have become a fixture on the Roman talk show circuit, if they’d had one.

If the churches will not stand for truth, the rest of us will have to stand for it without them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

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The Silver Trumpet

My tenth “Bell Mountain” book, “The Silver Trumpet,” has just been published.

Like the nine books leading up to it, all part of the same story, “The Silver Trumpet” is a fantasy—part of the history of an imaginary world centered around the country of Obann. You’ll find no politics here: no thinly-veiled allusions to the issues and personalities of this troubled age. No slightly tweaked and easily recognizable quotes from any 21st-century politicians.

What you will find here is history—of people who have only just begun to know the God who created them, and of more people for whom “God” is just an empty name featuring in religious ceremonies performed by rote, for a purpose no longer understood: whose religion is a habit, not a living thing. They live in a world which God is now shaking, changing, overturning—so that those things that cannot be shaken, changed, or overturned can be known and desired and experienced for what they are.

The books are written for young readers, aged twelve and up, but there are plenty of adults reading them, too.

Why write fantasy? The world we live in is on fire—and you’re writing fantasy?

I might reply that everybody likes a good story, especially if it provides relief from the real stories hurled at us daily, hourly, by what we like to call “news.” But that’s only part of the reason.

Fantasy, like poetry, gains access to regions of the heart and mind not so easily accessible to other types of fiction. Don’t ask me how it does that: if you read fantasy, you know what I mean. Young readers are especially fond of fantasy.

We have a need for this; but not all fantasy leads us to places that are good for us to visit. Dystopian fantasies, like “The Hunger Games” and so many others, warn us that the world we’re creating in real life is going to wind up hurting us. In less wholesome kinds of fantasy, moral chaos and sexual anarchy are pitched at children—often by persons and institutions, such as grade schools and local libraries, to whom we, and God knows why we do it, carelessly entrust our children. We go about our business while they subject our children to such things as “the Drag Queen Story Hour.”

Children and adults alike consume prodigious amounts of “entertainment,” never thinking that what they’re doing is a passive but effective form of self-education. Culture is religion externalized, an observation that ought to be very soberly considered. Thoughtlessly gobbling it up, we rarely think twice about pop culture’s effect on our souls.

So there’s another job for fantasy to do—to reclaim cultural ground for Christ’s Kingdom. To take a stand for goodness, honor, decency, sanity, and love. “[W]hatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things,” the Bible tells us (Philippians 4:8). As C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and others have shown, fantasy can help the reader see those things more clearly. They are in the real world, too, of course: we need to find them there. Fantasy can remind us of what it is we’re looking for.

I have tried to do this with my books.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . You’ll find plenty of politics there. Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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They Want You To Hate Your Country

Britain is always ahead of us in the race to the bottom. The Mother Country does the things now that we will do later, usually with our sister countries, Canada and Australia, beating us to it.

We’re all in the transgender sweepstakes, but just now it’s the UK by a length and a half. Don’t even ask what prize the winner gets.

Last week Britain’s National Health Service fired a doctor who’d been with them for 26 years. They deemed him “unfit for work” for refusing to use “preferred pronouns”. That is, he wouldn’t call men “women” and women “men.” Speaking the truth about the flaming obvious is apparently forbidden under the 2010 Equality Act, which makes delusion equal to truth and does away altogether with fact.

No one has ever explained what benefit society is to derive from promoting sexual confusion, but the liberal elites of the English-speaking world are pushing it like their lives depended on it. I don’t even see clearly how they benefit, never mind the rest of us who have to live in this madhouse they’re creating.

America has fallen farther behind in the race, thanks to the results of the 2016 presidential election. Hillary Clinton was supposed to seal the deal: one more Democrat president, one more Far Left rug-chewer on the Supreme Court, and it’s transgender morning in America—plus open borders, jail for Climate Change deniers, a strangled economy, and all the rest of the progressive fun-pack. But a funny thing happened to Hillary on her way to the White House. She lost.

Oh, she’s gearing up to run again. After all, it’s Her Turn. But in the meantime, the Left has to be content with other ways to bring down the America they hate.

To that end, the libs at Facebook celebrated the Fourth of July by banning our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, as “hate speech”. That was a bit much for normal people who don’t detest their country. After a firestorm of public protest, the citizens of the world at Facebook caved, blamed it all on the robots—Artificial Stupidity strikes again—and restored the posting of the Declaration.

But they’ll try again on Labor Day.

To get what they want, liberals have to make the American people hate what they have. So, for instance, when the June jobs report came out with the news that 213,000 new jobs were added to the economy that month, leading Democrats called it a disaster. “Don’t let those new jobs make you happy! It’s just a trick to keep you from seeing what a no-good lousy racist country we have! Surf our Blue Wave in November!”

Before they can recapture both Capitol Hill and the White House, and get down to the serious business of fundamentally transforming our USA into Venezuela North—hint: you’d better start hoarding food and toilet paper—they have to get you to hate your country. That’s what their 24/7/365 tantrum’s all about. They can’t live with the fact that in 2016 the people rejected their vision of America as this big, stupid, evil giant that must be taken down a peg, and they won’t rest until your minds are right.

Pray that no one listens to them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Popular Breakfast Cereals Manufacturers Try To Indoctrinate Children

The Caretakers

What kind of society are we going to pass on to future generations? Who’s going to decide that? Who’s minding the store?

There are certain institutions who bear that responsibility. Our courts, our universities, and businesses—these three, among others, will have much to stay about the world we leave to our children and grandchildren. Our civilization’s future is very much in their hands—and they’ve got butterfingers. In fact, you’d almost swear they’re purposely trying to make a hash of it.

Recently a Canadian judge ruled that two men “involved in a polyamorous relationship” with a woman are both the fathers of her child, and that both their names must appear on the child’s birth certificate. That this is a biological impossibility did not occur to him. Babbled the judge, “Society is continuously changing and family structures along with it,” and therefore we’ve all got to go along with “new complex family relationships that are common and accepted in our society.”

Polyamory—“common and accepted”? By whom? Well, actually by him: he’s going to make it common and accepted, because a judge’s job, it seems, is to redefine core human institutions like marriage and the family and reshape them just as he pleases. Sort of like our own Supreme Court did when it imposed same-sex “marriage” on America.

I don’t think I like for this guy to be deciding what’s accepted.

Then there are our public schools, colleges, and universities. Most of them are pushing “transgender” as if their very lives depended on it. And some of them have no business teaching anyone anything.

What kind of kooks do we have teaching “higher education”?

A UCLA professor of “LBGT and Disability Studies,” whatever that is, had a fatal mishap recently when his rather complicated “bondage” game went awry—a pastime known as “recreational mummification bondage”. Some people have rather curious ideas about what constitutes “recreation.” They were having a bondage party at a Hollywood (there’s another culture-keeping institution) executive’s house, and the prof had himself all wrapped up in plastic wrap and duct tape… and then stopped breathing. They couldn’t unwrap him in time to save his life.

We are told he was a with-it sort of fellow who never used “gendered pronouns.” We are not told how much hard-earned money was spent by families to have their sons and daughters “taught” by him. And before you say, “Oh, but he was just one individual, you can’t judge the whole faculty by him!”—UCLA did provide him with a classroom, salary, and benefits, and we may assume the classroom was not empty.

As for business corporations, Lucky Charms cereal, a General Mills product, has come out with a new “Magical Unicorn” character in its commercials, played by a child actor of indeterminate sex. That sounds innocent enough, until you learn that Lucky Charms came out strong to “celebrate LBGT pride” in 2013 and has been pushing it, hard, ever since. So we do know where they’re coming from.

Lucky Charms is a product pitched to children. It also pitches sexual confusion to the same audience. Sort of like a lot of our pro sports teams do, nowadays. As do many of our banks and other corporations, who sponsor “pride” events.

Why do they do this? Your guess is as good as mine. When even your popular breakfast cereals try to sexualize children, you know your society’s in trouble.

These are the caretakers of our culture. They shape it according to their vision, which is a vision I won’t even attempt to describe. As for the kind of world they think they’re building, God forbid they should succeed.

And He probably will forbid it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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They’ve Created A Monster

This is how republics die.

I don’t remember anything from my high school civics about laws being created by whoever can stage the most intimidating riot, and I’m sure there was nothing in there about getting your way, politically, by harassing and threatening government officials. But that’s precisely what leftids have been doing, this past week or so.

Our Homeland Security chief was chased out of a restaurant where she was having a working lunch. The leftids yelled and screamed at her, employing the usual sublime Democrat rhetoric. “Fascist pigs!” Everyone who’s not them is a fascist. “No borders, no wall!” Yeah, that’ll work. Get rid of the borders, and you don’t have a country anymore; but they won’t let that stop them.

So she left the restaurant, but the hooligans didn’t stop there. They followed her home and surrounded her house. This time the word of wisdom was “No justice, no sleep!”. You shouldn’t be allowed to sleep if you don’t obey them. So nice for the neighbors. They also played loud audio of children crying, to display their concern for the children of illegal aliens who get separated from their parents, either because the parents sent them over the border unaccompanied by adults, or else got caught and detained. I thought you always got separated from your children when you went to jail, but the left wants the border-jumper to be made a special class of criminal that doesn’t get punished for breaking the law. Coming from the abort-‘em-and-sell-the-parts crowd, this lacks sincerity.

Elsewhere in our nation’s capital, “a high official of the DHS” one morning found “a burnt and decapitated animal” left on his front porch. This is getting really nasty, don’t you think? I guess this was the closest they could come to doing the “Godfather” thing with the horse’s head in the guy’s bed. The message, of course, is “You’re next.”

Imagine if there were children in the house. Imagine a five-year-old opening the front door and seeing that. But hey, it’s all in a good cause! It’s all for “justice.”

With all of this going on, and the crazies getting crazier and crazier, we must note that not a single elected Democrat, no, not one, has so much as raised an eyebrow at this quasi-terrorist mischief, let alone disavowed it or denounced it. Not a peep out of Pelosi, Schumer, or even Senator Manchin—not one word.

We might interpret this as tacit consent. This is how they’re gonna win us over for that big Blue Wave they’re expecting in November. No borders? Yeah, we can get behind that! Repeal the tax cuts? Right on! These tactics are just bound to work! So the big-name Dems have decided just to step aside and let ‘er rip.

Maybe. And meanwhile, the Democrat henchmen in the nooze media, Hollywood, and virtually all our colleges and looniversities keep throwing gasoline onto the fire, whipping into a frenzy these Far Left fanatics who are already drifting into a kind of ISIS mind-set.

Maybe this is exactly what the big-name Democrats think their ground troops ought to be doing—so much more impressive than curling into fetal position with a lump of Play-Doh.

But another explanation does suggest itself.

Are the big Dems silent because they dare not speak a word against this monster they’ve let loose? What do you suppose would happen to a Democrat senator who, quietly and meekly, suggested that this has gone far enough, it’s got to stop? What do you suppose he or she would find on the old front porch next morning? Fanatics do get really mad at persons they perceive as traitors to the cause.

It may be dawning on them that they’ve started something that they can’t easily stop. There have to be at least some Democrats who at least suspect that this isn’t any way to run a country.

Someone has to put a stop to this. And it won’t get any easier, the longer it’s allowed to keep on going.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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It’s Getting Weirder And Weirder

With more and more people going to more and more colleges than ever before, and more and more money being spent on “education,” scientists recently reported a discouraging statistic: since 1975, IQ levels have been falling consistently. The steady decline in math and science scores is especially troubling.

They don’t know why this is happening, but I think we do. Maybe they ought to take a look at what’s being “taught” in some of these colleges. And in the workplace, too.

Netflix employees last week got a new set of rules designed to do away with sexual harassment. It’s #MeToo with a vengeance. According to the new rules, no one on a Netflix film crew can look at anyone else for more than five seconds. “Lingering hugs” are forbidden, and no one is allowed to ask for a co-worker’s phone number. They have stopped short of putting everyone in burkas.

Think about it. On one hand, we have this brand-new hypermodern puritanism, and you’d better obey those new rules if you know what’s good for you. But on the other, we still have a sexual revolution going full speed ahead, and its rules state that all varieties of sexual behavior, especially ones long considered perverse and weird by most of the human race, is not only to be indulged, but also “celebrated” by everybody else—and if you don’t “celebrate” it, that makes you a Biggit and a Hater. You could go crazy, trying to obey both sets of rules at once.

What’s there to celebrate, if you’re not allowed to do it? Probably the solution to this dilemma will consist of blindfold hook-ups by parties who are not allowed to know each other’s names or phone numbers.

But for real loopiness, college is the place to be.

Writing for the Portland University Ungendering Research Initiative—that “thud” you just heard was IQ levels dropping another 15 points—a Ph. D. in Feminist Studies (“thud!”) denounces the city’s dog park as “a rape-condoning space” and breeding ground for “rape culture”. Her paper is difficult to translate into English, but she says dog parks “foster and perpetuate masculinist systems of communal oppression across species.”

If you understood that, there’s something wrong with you. But hey, this is “higher education!” You pay a fortune for it, the government doles out millions and millions of dollars’ worth of aiding and abetting, and it fills your mind with what can only be described as unadulterated blather. It doesn’t make you smarter. At best it wastes years of your life and makes you intellectually hollow. At worst it turns you into a fool. No wonder IQ levels are plummeting. If a foreign enemy ever did this to our country, we’d be mighty sore about it.

I mean, really, what’s “ungendering”? What are we supposed to get out of it? In what way does it benefit society?

But what’s to worry? Who cares if history’s most expensive education system does nothing but turn people into idiots? Artificial Intelligence will take up the slack, leaving the human race free to play video games, take selfies, and watch movies based on comic books. Our masters will even provide us with a guaranteed income, if only we give them vast new powers and think and do whatever they say. Robots will do all the hard stuff. Here comes Utopia.

Who does this appeal to?

We’re getting dumber and dumber because our schools and colleges, our entertainment industry, and our shattered morality have been debauched and degraded by highly-compensated people who are doing it on purpose.

If anyone comes out of college sane, and smarter than when he went in, it’s purely by accident.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

How The Left Will Win Us Over—Not

We keep hearing about this Great Blue Wave that’s going to inundate the country in November. For reasons which the nooze media never make quite clear, the same electorate that put Donald Trump in the White House is expected to cede Capitol Hill to Democrats, to stop the president from doing what he was elected to do. If that makes sense to you, there’s a job waiting for you at CNN.

They’ve been working on their Blue Wave since Election Night of 2016: how many days, how many nights, who keeps count? The tantrum never stops. Antifa. #Resistance. (“Resistance”—that’s rich. “Do you vant a blindfold, schweinhundt?” “Only a cigarette, M’sieur—I care nothing for your firing squad!” And he’s still singing “La Marseilles” as the Nazis shoot him. Some Democrats watch way too many movies.) The shouting and the cursing, night and day, non-stop. It’s supposed to win us over, turn us against the president we elected, and turn us on to the Deluxe Far-Left Fun-Pack of open borders, MS13, transgender for the masses, jail for Climate Change skeptics, and big, huge, all-powerful government deciding who gets medical care and who doesn’t.

How do they expect to lib their way into our hearts?

Bill Maher gave a little demonstration of it last week, on TV. Maher is supposed to be a comedian, although he can’t prove it.

Maher says he’s rooting for a recession, a crashed economy, “to get rid of Trump.” You know—businesses going under, people losing their jobs. “Sorry if it hurts a lot of people,” he prattles, you could float a rowboat on the crocodile tears, “but it’s either root for a recession or lose our democracy.” Why don’t you root for a plague, too, while you’re at it?

This is classic lib-speak: “Let’s you and him make a really painful sacrifice to get what I want.” Like the rest of the Hollywood leftids, Maher is very rich and guaranteed recession-proof. It won’t hurt him at all. It’s a small price for the rest of us to pay.

Or we can mosey on down to the Democrat bat-cave of Fairfax County, Virginia, where the county school board has voted to teach all the kiddies that there’s no such thing as male or female, boy or girl, “gender is fluid” (so are their brains), and you are whatever you say you are because there just ain’t no truth except for whatever the leftids on the school board say from day to day. To quote one of these sages, “Biological sex is meaningless.”

I have never in my life seen anything pushed so hard, so fast, as the Left has pushed “transgender.” What makes them think that this is such a great idea? And who has ever heard an answer to that question?

Well, they want God’s job, nothing less will satisfy them, and they have a major problem with God’s word: “Male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27). So they’re going to re-create us. With 57 “genders,” or whatever the number’s up to now. And power given them to impose a recession with a stroke of the pen, to punish us deplorables for not consenting to bear the servitude which they think is our proper station.

Power over others—all for our own good, of course, we ought to be grateful to such smart people for condescending to rule us—they crave it; and when they can’t have it, they’ll do anything to get it. You see by their behavior how they carry on if it’s withheld from them.

They were overconfident in 2016, and let the big prize slip through their fingers. Are they dumb enough to let it slip again?

God help us if they ever get their hands around our country’s throat again. This time they won’t let go.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Liberalism: Dangerously Silly

An often-overlooked feature of liberalism is its profound silliness. No one gets as silly as the self-anointed Smartest People in the World.

Last week, in an article so toweringly dippy, even The Atlantic had to preface it with a disclaimer, somebody wondered “How Aliens Solve Climate Change”. It seems there are (LOL) scientists who are studying the matter.

I guess that old-timey science thing of observing and studying things which actually exist—nature, as they used to call it—has gone out with slide rules and sackbuts. Hey, reality is boring. And it just won’t tell us what we want to hear. In this example, there are no alien civilizations for scientists to observe and study—so they have to create some, make them up, turn them into computer models: and then study the models they made up. That the whole business is imaginary doesn’t bother them. After all, Man-Made Climate Change is itself imaginary.

Imaginary solutions to imaginary problems! If that ain’t the quintessence of liberalism, what is?

Silly, silly, silly… A few days ago, in a new book by one of his top advisers, we had President *Batteries Not Included contemplating his own indisputable wonderfulness, and falling in love with himself all over again. That happens several times a day.

Pondering the mystery of the 2016 election, Mr. Wonderful actually asked, “Were we wrong to be so right? Were we too good for those people?” Meaning the electorate: he has apparently forgotten that the country was so deluded as to elect him twice. So much for gratitude. “Those people.”

So here we have, from the High Priest of Silly, a kind of transcendent narcissism, ascending to a lofty plane of silliness visited by hardly anybody else even in an age abounding with silly people.

We’d be laughing, but for this man’s legacy of silliness that includes some potentially dangerous follies.

Somehow finding time for this among such larks as celebrating “gay marriage” and transgenderism, fomenting racial strife, beating the drum for Global Warming and open borders—not to mention interminable rounds of golf and countless expensive vacations on the public dime—this, er, president took an ax to air traffic control.

For many years the qualifications for becoming an air traffic controller were exceedingly rigorous, as befitting a job where the smallest error might send hundreds of people to their deaths. But the unions and the race hustlers didn’t like it, so the Transportation Department and the FAA obligingly watered down the standards to “prioritize diversity” at the expense of skill and competence. The liberal idol of Diversity requires human sacrifice.

The new test awards an applicant bonus points for getting bad grades in science (honest!), being unemployed (oh, boy!), and being good at… sports. Let us pray the Trump administration restores the old high standards before it starts raining airplanes over our airports.

It’s dangerous to be governed by really silly people—that would be Democrats, all and sundry. I don’t think we yet appreciate how big a national disaster we escaped by not electing Hillary Clinton to finish what Obama started. As it is, the sillies are working overtime to turn the state of California into a Third World basket case. What they might do to the whole nation, if they ever get another chance, doesn’t bear thinking of.

Friends don’t let friends vote for Democrats: drunken drivers at the nation’s steering wheel.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not drop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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British Government Jails Journalist For Exposing Muslim Pedophile Ring

Britain’s Political Prisoner

Last week a British court threw a man into prison for 13 months for trying to provide news coverage of the trial of a pedophile ring in Leeds—in which all 29 of the defendants are Muslims. [Link] .

Tommy Robinson, leader of the English Defense League, was standing on the sidewalk outside the courthouse when seven police officers surrounded him and carted him off in a van. Six hours later, the judge sentenced him to 13 months in jail. Given Robinson’s bold opposition to Britain’s pro-Muslim government, and the disproportionately high number of Muslim prison inmates—many of them in there for flagrantly violent offenses—some critics view Robinson’s imprisonment as tantamount to a death sentence. We wonder if that’s precisely what the judge intended.

Robinson was under a gag order, forbidden to report on the pedophile trial. But that’s nothing: the court has since forbidden all British news media—all!—to report on any aspect of the case, including Robinson’s arrest. Such a sweeping gag order would be both impossible and unconstitutional in our country. There are Brits who thought it would’ve been impossible in theirs.

Nevertheless, the news is out; and there have been loud protests all over the world, including rather large demonstrations in front of the Prime Minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street. The British nooze media, always eager to oblige the government, describe these crowds as “hundreds” rather than thousands and write off all the protesters as “far right.” We cannot recall ever having heard noozies describe anyone as “far left.” They probably can’t conceive of anyone being too far to the left.

The government doesn’t think the public has a right to know about the pedophile trial. It might make them question the UK’s immigration policy. What policy is that? The one that says let’s throw the doors wide open to people who say “We hate you, we hate your way of life, we despise your laws, and we demand our own laws—or else!” Yeah, let’s have more of this.

The British government, led by the Conservative Party, spent most of the 1930s appeasing Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, refusing to re-arm, whistling Dixie while Hitler grabbed one piece of Europe after another, and finally, because in the long run Hitler refused to be appeased, being dragged into a catastrophic war that Britain almost lost. It was a betrayal of the British people and the people understood it as such. Their ruling class, concerned only with preserving its own privileges, had utterly failed to protect the nation.

Now they’re doing it again.

Who can understand their policy? It looks for all the world like the government has turned against the governed. Now they have a bona fide political prisoner, in Tommy Robinson. It used to be that you had to go behind the Iron Curtain to find political prisoners—and a press so tame and servile as to be a laughing stock among the civilized countries of the world. Hey, this is England, we don’t have that here!

Well, now they do.

God ordained the civil government to keep order, restrain evildoers, and punish those who would not be restrained, so that the rest of the population can go about its peaceful daily business without fearing for their lives or property (Romans Chapter 13). A civil government that is unable, or even unwilling, to protect its own citizens has no reason for existing. Such a government is not only illegitimate, but ungodly.

It’s reached the point where one has to wonder whether Britain can survive the follies of its government. Is this their way of making nation-states fail, so they can throw up their hands and demand a global government? Run by themselves, of course. I do hate to resort to any kind of conspiracy theory: but if there’s a genuine rationale behind what they’re doing, the world would like to know what it could be.

It begins to look more and more like the Brexit vote wasn’t enough to solve the problem.

Meanwhile, you can be sure the present actions of the British government inspire and encourage the Far Left in America.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Moral Chaos

A lot of important people are working hard to turn this into an age of moral chaos. I used to think it was because they wished to be absolute rulers over the rubble that used to be our civilization. Now I don’t know what to think. Anyway, the news has been full of this lately.

Reacting to a massive pedophile priest sex scandal in Chile, Pope Francis met with a victim of a pedophile and tried to comfort him. Well and good. But then the theology got rather slippery. According to the victim, and neither confirmed nor denied by the Vatican, the Pope told him, “God made you like this” [the victim grew up to be a homosexual] “and God loves you like this.” He was right to tell the man God loves him, but everything else he said was not only dead wrong, but also anti-Biblical and opposed to Catholic teaching.

God offers us forgiveness and redemption (I Corinthians 6:11-12)—but if something that you do isn’t a sin, after all, then why would you need forgiveness?

Meanwhile, all 34 of Chile’s bishops offered to resign. Why didn’t the Pope say to the pedophile priests, “God made you like this and God loves you like this”? How can he deny that he’s heading in precisely that direction?

Moving along, Harvard University (LOL) has announced that it plans to award its Radcliffe Medal to Hillary Clinton for her “transformative impact on society” –sort of like honoring a wrecking ball for its transformative impact on a building. Trying to undo a presidential election, looting Haiti, corrupting the government, setting a bad example that will go down in history: I guess you could call that impactful. As if to squeeze more laughs out of the gag, Harvard calls her “a champion for human rights” and a “skilled legislator.”

Honoring bad people by saying they’re good is no way to foster moral clarity.

Then there’s the “Scouts of America,” formerly the Boy Scouts, announcing that at their upcoming 24th World Jamboree, all scouting organizations must make condoms “readily and easily accessible to all participants”. Do they mean to turn it into an orgy? I wonder if any of those rogue priests from Chile plan to attend.

You can’t dole out condoms without granting tacit approval to their use. That any parents actually intend to send their children to the Jamboree is incredible. I can’t imagine why anyone would allow their kids to remain in “Scouts of America.”

Tucker Carlson recently discovered a bunch of tweets and videos by a “transgender activist” weirdo denouncing normal men for not wanting to date “trans women”—who, of course, are men, lost souls who insist they’re women. Actually there are several of these characters out there, and they seem really mad that regular men aren’t attracted to them. Something ought to be done about it. Carlson fears that this will inevitably lead to some kind of coercive process. Before you cry “Impossible! Absurd!” think how anybody would have reacted, only 25 or 30 years ago, to any demand that the government not only recognize and authorize “marriage” between persons of the same sex, but then go on to punish any opposition to it.

Why does our society always cave in to moral chaos? Is that truly any way for human beings to live?

God told Jeremiah not to pray for his country anymore, because its people were too committed to their wickedness and refused to turn aside from it: “for I will not hear them in the time they cry unto me in their trouble” (Jeremiah 11:14). He has not yet told us not to pray for ours.

Pray hard.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

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Just How Crazy Can Some Liberals Get?

One wonders how much trouble we’re going to get into, letting liberals raise children.

On Australian TV a few days ago, “relationship expert” Deanne Carson—she comes complete with pink hair—exhorted parents to “set up a culture of consent in the home” by making sure to get the baby’s consent before changing his diaper. [YouTube Video]

Just because she’s crazy doesn’t mean she honestly doesn’t know a three-month-old infant can’t say, “Sure, Mom, I’d kind of like a clean diaper!” What she wants you to do is to read the baby’s body language. Then you’ll know you’ve got consent to remove the dirty diaper. And those who criticize her, she warns, are “negating the voices of those brave survivors of abuse.” Just because she has pink hair doesn’t mean she can’t take herself very seriously indeed.

This opens up the prospect of a whole new world of disastrous child-rearing. As the baby grows into a toddler, and so on, his consent will be required for more and more parental actions. Sweetums, can I put you to bed now? No, I wanna watch TV all night. Junior, is it okay for me to serve you vegetables with your supper? Vegetables? No way! I want cake! Precious, I need your consent to send you off to school. School, schmool, I’m stayin’ home with my video games! Like, can you even imagine the character development of such a child? It’s probably the best way yet discovered to create a monster.

But if you think that’s as loopy as it gets, you haven’t seen the special Mother’s Day ad put out by America’s most reliable source of far-left loopiness: Democrats. And you thought they’d never dream up a way to politicize Mother’s Day. [YouTube Video]

Here we have an all-American mom wistfully wondering where she went wrong. It seems her son started going bad in middle school, robbing “less fortunate” kids. She has kept a framed picture of him assaulting some poor kid at school. Somehow I can’t imagine my mother displaying such a picture on the bookshelf in the living room.

Well, she sent him off to college, because every ninny goes to college, and—wouldn’t you know it?—college turns him pro-life! In what galaxy far, far away is the college that does that? She’s got a picture of Junior terrorizing a defenseless pregnant woman by brandishing a sign that says “Baby Killer,” it looks like he’s about to clout her over the head with it. Why did Mom save that picture? But her crowning disappointment came when she got an eyeful of his “college buddies,” neo-Nazis parading around with torches. She keeps that picture, too. I wonder what her family photo album looks like.

Her closing remark, delivered to the audience: “This Mother’s Day, talk to your children about the GOP. I wish I had.” And then she downs a swig of vodka, which does shed some light on her mind-set.

Believe it or not, there are a few Democrats out there who think this ad might backfire on them, I guess by letting normal people know how much Dems hate them. That’s something they might do better to conceal, although these days they seem to be taking less and less trouble to do that. There’s not much fun in being a liberal fat-head if you have to conceal your contempt for the human race.

What is it about family that leftists find so off-putting? Is it just because family, church, and voluntary associations compete with the state for the individual’s allegiance and affections? Do they truly believe that everyone who’s not a Democrat must be a Nazi?

Yeah, probably.

These are the people who want to rule our country: who want ever-increasing powers to interfere in our lives, because they think they’re wiser and better than the rest of us. Really, it’s for our own good, we’ll thank them for it later. You bet.

We must never again allow them to gain power in America. And we must strip them of the power that they have already.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Book Review: “Now A Major Motion Picture”

I don’t expect every Young Adult Fiction novel to be The Chronicles of Narnia. But is “harmless” too much to ask for? If a story can’t be edifying, inspiring, or instructive, can’t it at least be harmless?

Now a Major Motion Picture, by Cori McCarthy, is none of the above.

It’s crisply and cleverly written, the plot expertly handled, both the narrative and the dialogue lit up with sparks. It’s full of romance without being a romance novel, and even has what I suppose we ought to call a happy ending.

But it’s not nice. Not nice at all.

I would have hated it, when I was 15, for my parents to vet my books before I was allowed to read them. If they were to withhold a book from me, that would have made it irresistibly alluring (“Man, there must be some real hot stuff in there!”). But in those days there wasn’t much, in the Young Adult Fiction market, to worry parents. My mother did read some of my books, when I was done with them, but only because she enjoyed them, too.

I don’t know what she would have thought of Now a Major Motion Picture, but I’m pretty sure she would have been appalled.

What Does the Author Want Her Readers to Believe?

Let’s get down to brass tacks. Taken only from the novel’s content, what are the things the author believes, that she would like her readers to believe in, too?

* There is no God, and no need for religion.

Throughout her book, McCarthy praises Philip Pullman’s fantasy trilogy, His Dark Materials, making a virtual icon of it. Pullman’s book is a heavy-handed atheist rant (see my review of it. At one point in the story, the teenage protagonist, Iris Thorne, praises her former tutor for giving her a copy of it: “His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. It changed my life. It was amazing.” (pg. 177) She talks it up for her little brother, eight years old, who asks, eagerly, “You think you could get me those Dark Materials books?” She answers, “Definitely.” (pg. 178) Apparently it’s never too soon to start a very young reader on the road to atheism. Iris herself is already an atheist, and boasts that the whole Thorne family is atheist.

Parents Are a Waste of Space

* What parents mostly do is make their children as neurotic as they are.

Iris’ mother and father are deeply neurotic, and so is Iris. At first I found her first-person narrative voice witty and sharp—but in the long run, extremely tiresome.

This book is profoundly disrespectful to parents. If any of the characters in it have families that are not dysfunctional, they aren’t admitting it.

Iris’ mother locks herself in the greenhouse every day, writing poetry, and never appears. Iris’ father is a hack writer dying to be a literary figure, and is really much too nasty and sarcastic to be allowed near children. He only begins to imitate a human being after his teenage daughter reads him the riot act and forcefully, with a lot of profanity, straightens him out.

Unintended result: Somehow reading this tripe made me very thankful to God for blessing me with normal parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who loved their children, raised them as Christians, and were not neurotic. I am sure that was not what Ms. McCarthy intended.

McCarthy’s vision of family ranges from the aggressively negative to the nonexistent. And one reaches the point, in reading this, where one knows everything that’s going to happen. Of course Iris overcomes her father and puts him in his place. Of course her life only turns the corner after she meets the right group of caring, affirming, wonderful age-group peers—and, of course, the ideal feminist mentor and role model. It’s all so tediously obvious.

A Heaping Dollop of Feminism

* Feminism and “gender diversity” will eventually make the world go ‘round the way it should.

Iris’ mission in the story is to save a major motion picture being made of her grandmother’s famous fantasy, “Elementia,” hailed as the long-awaited “feminist answer to The Lord of the Rings” (pardon me for yawning). The project is in all sorts of trouble, and only kept alive by the heroic efforts of its feminist director, who becomes Iris’ adult role model. Predictably, Iris saves the day—I guess because teenagers just naturally know the solutions to really tough problems. Sheesh.

Several times the director, Cate Collins, describes feminism as a “continent” embracing all women, blah-blah—maybe even Iris’ own singularly useless mother. We know this must be true because all the female characters in the story are way cooler than the males.

Well, if you’re not going to believe in God, and know Jesus Christ as your savior, you still have to believe in something—right? And you might as well let feminism or some other ism be your savior. By default, if nothing else. This substitution may not function in the real world, but here it works just fine—because Ms. McCarthy has decreed it so.

All Sex Is Good Sex

* ”Queer” sex is every bit as healthy and as good as normal sex.

McCarthy wants her readers to believe this, so she has created a mini-world where this is so. She has two young male actors get into character, or whatever it is they’re doing, by sharing a long and passionate kiss (pg. 160). It was Iris’ idea, and she thinks, “They looked beautiful together. In love.”

And when the movie’s young female lead tells Iris that she’s “queer” and wants to be a role model for “queer girls” worldwide, and confesses to having a crush on her makeup artist, Iris performs a bit of match-making—which works perfectly, of course—to bring the two young women together—and here I prefer not to add an adverb.

“Entertainment” Is Self-Education

You’ve probably had enough of this by now. The book is almost 400 pages long, and I do mean “long.”

This book will attract young readers. It has the packaging for it, and everybody’s interested in the movies. It’s got a fantasy hook for fantasy fans, and a tease in the cover blurb about “the hot young cast” and “the infuriatingly charming lead.” Teens, especially the girls, will go for it.

All our “entertainment,” from movies to novels about movies, is a form of self-education. And it’s a passive kind of education, which makes it all the more effective: the consumer doesn’t know she’s being educated. We consume great quantities of this passive education, and, bit by bit, it shapes our hearts and minds and goes on to shape our culture. Our entertainment industry has a lot of mischief to answer for.

We want to win back cultural ground for Christ’s Kingdom, and it isn’t easy. Stuff like Now a Major Motion Picture is everywhere, and some—or much—of it is bound to slip into your children’s consumption of entertainment no matter how hard parents try to shut it out. We can’t get out of the world.

Train up the child in the way that he should go. Live, and manage family life, in such a way as to provide a good example: so that your child, if he should encounter anything like this book, will naturally be able to say to himself, “Wait a minute—my family’s not like that! I don’t even know any families like that.” The toxin loses much of its potency if the consumer realizes it’s a scam. A reasonably intelligent 12-year-old can learn to do that.

Wholesome, decent, Godly entertainment exists, and must be given its chance. But above all, the family must be strong. No one can go far wrong if they make the family the biggest thing in their children’s lives—not school, or school “friends” (even Iris knows her “friends” in school aren’t worth much), not movies, video games, iphones, or Facebook. Center life around God and the family: make that your child’s default position.

I am old enough now to thank God, every day, for my family: and I think I can say that I’ve survived the culture—bad books, bad movies, bad TV shows, bad company and all. Not without struggles, and many of them: but, as J.R.R. Tolkien observed, “Deep roots are not touched by the frost.”

I have discussed this and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What Does ‘Holy’ Mean To The Left?

This weekend, baby Alfie Evans died in a British hospital. The world was watching, and much of it mourned him. Hospital authorities refused to allow the baby’s parents to take him home, rejected offers by hospitals in Italy and Poland to take over the case, and rebuffed the Pope when he tried to intercede. A British court backed them up, writing off the family’s rights as nonexistent.

Alfie was supposed to die “within minutes” of being taken off life support. Well, he did die—but only after they withheld food and water from him for two whole days. A spokesman for the hospital euphemized this cruelty as “redirecting care”. The law won’t allow them to shoot the patient or apply a lethal injection, so they kill by doing… nothing. I am told this is starting to catch on in America, where we first saw it in the Terry Schiavo case.

So much for reverence for human life. We may note that killing the patient does save a lot of money for the British government’s National Health system.

What do leftists revere? A lot of them will say “education”; but then we learn that college-bound British high school students—believe it or not—can’t tell time. Really, how hard can it be to teach a 16-year-old how to read a clock? So much for education.

What do they revere? For an answer to that question, we turn to a recent “Beyonce Mass” held at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. I mean, this is a church, right? You go in, and the teaching you receive is supposed to be, at least in some way, holy.

Some 900 people showed up for this church service “using the music and social philosophy”—yeah, they said “social philosophy”—of the pop star. I just wrote it but I still can’t believe it. The extravaganza was staged by the church’s “contemporary culture-themed ministry.” I am not sure I want to believe that any church, anywhere, rests any kind of ministry on the sprawling landfill fire that is our contemporary culture.

I guess they think that’s holy. Imagine needing Jesus Christ and having to settle for Beyonce. If they can’t starve your body in their hospital, they’ll starve your spirit in their church.

One thing we learn from news reports of the alleged church service is that race obsession, to the Left, is holy. They can’t get enough of it. Here they married it to feminism, so they could come up with such edifying gems as “female-centric interpretations of the Bible” and “how biblical texts reflect African-American female identity.” This stuff’s holy.

We are not told the service included any mention of the name of Jesus Christ, let alone His capacity as Savior of the human race.

It would be easy to miss the point that, by loading a church service down with considerations of racial grievance, feminist twaddle—oh! We almost left out the preaching against “heterosexual aggression”!—they subordinate the holy and righteous Lord of all the universe to the petty and inane politics of this present age: something they constantly accuse The Christian Right, whoever they are, of doing.

Be not conformed to this world, St. Paul warned the churches of his day (Romans 12:2).

But to the Left there is nothing but this world, and their own lust to dominate and control every aspect of it. To them nothing is holy but their own socio-political agenda which they strive to impose on everybody else. To them a pop diva is holy, because she gives voice to a “social philosophy” that matches theirs. They go into church to hear the same load of bilge they hear on MSNBC.

These are not nice people, and they want to rule our country.

Don’t let them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

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They Keep Telling Us Who They Are

We’ve got to start listening to leftists. They keep telling us who they are and what they want to do—and it ain’t good.

For starters, they’d like us to stop reading the Bible. The editors of Gentleman’s Quarterly, a magazine for doofuses who care about what other doofuses think of their clothes, last week published a list of “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read”, in which God’s Word was No. 12 on the list. They don’t like it because it’s “foolish” and “repetitive” and “ill-intentioned.” They recommend we read, instead, something called “The Notebook,” about “two brothers who have to get along when things get rough.” Goodbye, creation of the world. Goodbye, Good Samaritan. Sayonara, Psalms. I think we can take it as given that these guys never read it.

Oh—and goodbye faith and hope, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. We don’t need no stinkin’ hope.

Once they’ve weaned us off the Bible, they’d kind of like to do away with our Second Amendment right to bear arms. We don’t need no stinkin’ self-defense. So a bunch of “celebrities” and “activists”—rapidly becoming dirty words, those two—have banded together to form a mob called NoRA, short for “No Rifle Association”. Led by a potty-mouthed high school kid who curses his parents on national TV, this bunch vows to put down the National Rifle Association—although you’ll search in vain for the name of any of the NRA’s 5 million members who ever perpetrated a mass shooting. But that’s leftism: blame innocent, peaceable, law-abiding people for the acts of a few homicidal maniacs who choose not to obey any of our hundreds of existing gun laws. Disarm everybody—except for those psychos, criminals, and terrorists who don’t obey the law.

What do they mean by “No Rifle”? I think they mean no rifles allowed. We should take them at their word.

Having disposed of the Second Amendment, they take aim at our free speech rights enshrined in the First Amendment. We don’t need no stinkin’ free speech, either.

The California legislature is processing a bill to ban and criminalize all speech, all writing, that goes against “LGBTQ priorities”. Assembly Bill 2943, which has already sailed through two committees, would criminalize “efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions.” It seems to be aimed at practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, or counselors whose clients ask them to help them get rid of unwanted sexual attractions; but the bill is so vaguely written that it could be used against virtually anybody—commentators who dissent from the agenda of Organized Sodomy, parents who teach their children that there are only two “genders,” and Biblically orthodox churches where homosexual acting-out is presented as a sin.

Why they think such a freedom-crushing law would survive ten minutes of a court challenge is a mystery, but obviously they think they can get away with it. Simply put, the law would allow no one to have any opinion on this issue that is not endorsed by gays and government. Maybe they can find a wacko leftid judge somewhere who thinks it’s a good idea.

We don’t need no stinkin’ Bill of Rights.

I make it a rule to believe bad people when they say they’re going to do bad things. They will certainly try very hard to do them.

No Bible, no self-defense, no right to hold a dissenting opinion—only the right to say and do whatever our masters tell us we can say and do. That’s who they are, that’s where they’re coming from, and what’s where they want to take the rest of us. Please don’t forget that the 2016 Democrat platform included a plank authorizing the Attorney General to “investigate” the newly-created crime of Climate Change Denial.

This is why liberals must never, never, ever again be allowed to take power in our country.

Because if they do, it won’t be our country anymore.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

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Lovers Of Death

The wisdom of God, personified in Proverbs Chapter 8, tells us, “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death” (v. 36).

There’s a lot of that going around, this month.

Across the Atlantic, at the annual Amsterdam funeral show, some guy from Australia who bills himself as a “euthanasia activist”—can you imagine that as your life’s work?—displayed his stylish new suicide machine. Reportedly, it was a big draw.

Easy and fun to do, although if you do it right, you can only enjoy it once, all you have to do is climb into the pod and close the hatch after you, get comfy, and just press the little button that fills the space with nitrogen gas—and that’s it, you’re history. You can probably set it up in your living room, bedroom, or somewhere in your dorm if you’re still in college.

According to Mr. Activist, you’ve got a natural human right to off yourself if that’s what you feel like doing at the moment, so he’s there to make it easy for as many people as he can.

They love death—although some of them do seem rather short on sympathy.

Earlier this month, in Saskatchewan, a Junior Hockey League bus crashed into a truck and 16 people died. Someone started a GoFundMe page to help the victims’ families, and raised $4 million in just two days.

This didn’t sit well with another “activist.” I’m beginning to think “activist” is some kind of bad word, on a par with “child molester” or “grave robber.”

I don’t know who or what Ms. Activist expected to be riding on a Junior Hockey League team bus—illegal alien lesbians, maybe—but I think we have to quote her verbatim to convey the full loathsomeness of her mindset:

“I’m trying [not very hard!] not to get cynical about what is a totally devastating tragedy but the maleness, the youthfulness, and the whiteness of the victims are, of course, playing a significant role.” That was her two cents that she just had to throw in, just in case the families of the victims weren’t feeling bad enough to suit her.

It does take a real creep to say a thing like that, doesn’t it? Into this dreadful tragedy, she must inject her own obsession with racial categories. Like, the only reason people contributed all that money was because they’re all racists who only care about a calamity when it strikes down young white males.

They love death. Or is it that they just don’t have a lot of love for human life?

A mayoral candidate in a Japanese city has promised that he, if elected, will work to replace politicians and public officials with robots and computers because, you see, Artificial Intelligence is just so much smarter and cooler than the real thing—although he has said nothing, yet, about replacing himself, possibly with a toaster-oven.

True, a lot of government bureaucrats are kind of hard to distinguish from robots, especially when all you can get out of them are the unresponsive and unthinking words, “We have a policy…” But this whole idea is, to put it kindly, glaringly half-baked: the notion that human beings, sinful, fallible, not really all that clever and certainly not wise, can create some other kind of intelligence that’s far superior to their own. I mean, really—have you seen some of the things your computer gets up to lately? Do you really want it governing your city? Our flesh-and-blood officials are bad enough, but at least there’s usually a hope of finding some kind of common ground with them.

They love death, and don’t think much of humanity.

They play God—as if God would try to create some other god mightier and wiser and more righteous than Himself.

But God doesn’t do that. Frankenstein did that.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

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Public Schools And White Privilege

The Left in America has been very frisky this month, and a lot less bashful about showing us who they are and what they want to do. We wonder why.

Through their many surrogates—the colleges, the nooze media, Hollywood, wacko judges, and, of course, the Democrat Party—they’ve been uncharacteristically candid about their plans for us. What gives them so much confidence? Is it genuinely delusional, or do they know something that we should know, but don’t?

George Washington University, for one, has held a seminar on “Christian Privilege,” which is sort of like “White Privilege” and has to be abolished. Christians in America—that would be the majority of Americans–have all these “unmerited perks” that must be done away with if we’re ever to create Utopia. GWU is here to lead the jihad.

Many of our looniversities, meanwhile, are participating in the 19th Annual White Privilege Conference, which will feature such illuminating workshops as “Breaking the Chains of Capitalism.” Held this year in Grand Rapids, the wingding “brings thousands [of idiots] together to discuss privilege, primarily though not exclusively, racial privilege”—in addition to laboring to break the chains of capitalism, a la Venezuela and North Korea. Your sons and daughters will receive academic credit for attending these workshops online. Your hard-earned money pays for it.

But wait, there’s more!

Our wonderful high schools don’t want the colleges getting all the glory; and at a high school in Nebraska, they’ve done something about that. They’ve put up a poster in a classroom saying “Republicans=Nazis”. Do these schmendricks even know what a Nazi is? Like, it’s short for “National Socialist.” Yes, socialist. No, they don’t know: “Nazi” just means anyone who’s not them, and is therefore really, really bad.

So how un-bashful are they now? For the answer to that question, we turn to the social media.

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, already in hot water for censoring and “shadow banning” conservatives, has praised an article by two San Francisco dunderheads in a publication called “Medium,” in which the authors call for “a civil war” to put the Republican Party out of business for as long as it takes to wipe out all non-leftid thought.

As incredible as it may seem to anyone but a foaming-at-the-mouth leftid, “California is the future,” prattle the authors, to enthusiastic praise from Dorsey. California is “about 15 years ahead” of the rest of America, but not to worry—the other 50 (or is it 56?) states are bound to catch up—and in a mere 15 years, your state, too, will host impoverished tent cities swarming with illegal aliens. Comin’ your way!

Really, now—this is what they want? For all of us?

I make it a rule always to believe bad people when they say they intend to do bad things. If they don’t do them, it won’t be because they didn’t try.

These people on the Left are coming right out into the open, telling us what they mean to do to our country. They declare that this year’s national elections will metastasize into a Great Blue Wave that will give them power to do all those things they want to do—erase our nation’s borders, trash our economy, wipe out our civil liberties—federal prosecution for Climate Change Denial, anyone?—and complete that “fundamental transformation” which President *Batteries Not Included started and which Hillary Clinton, in between drinking bouts, was supposed to finish.

Well, they mean to finish it! Having tantrummed their way into our hearts since Election Night of 2016, they are convinced that we will flock to the polls to give them the keys to the kingdom. Why we would even think of doing that, who knows?

Either they think that we’ve gone mad, or they’ve got something more than usually wicked up their sleeves.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

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We Need A Disney Princess Who’ll Go Jump In A Lake

The Nothing Party, the GOP, can’t bring itself to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Last week, Planned Parenthood once again showed why it deserves to be de-funded.

Keystone Planned Parenthood, of Pennsylvania, threw up a Tweet last week that said, “We need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion”. You know: one of those tiresome cartoon princesses with all the hair. We need one who’s had an abortion.

Hours later, in the face of a wide public backlash, Planned Parenthood deleted the Tweet. Too late: the content has been preserved forever. And it tells us everything we could ever want to know about Planned Parenthood. It’s short enough, mercifully, for us to analyze verbatim. So let’s unpack it and see what’s inside.

“we need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion” –well, it’s Planned Parenthood, aka Abortions ‘R’ Us, so of course they’re going to say that. The target audience for all those princess movies is young girls. So here we are, forking over public money to Planned Parenthood to encourage girls to have abortions.

“we need a Disney princess who’s pro-choice”—Not enough for Ms. Princess to have had an abortion. She’s got to want other girls to have abortions, too. She wants abortion to be presented as a thing good in itself, a public and private boon. Three cheers for abortion!

Naturally Planned Parenthood is going to say those things. But with those two points out of the way, the Tweet begins to reveal more, much more, about Planned Parenthood’s mind-set.

“we need a Disney princess who’s an undocumented alien” –Oh, boy. Can we unravel this? Planned Parenthood wants to abort babies, the more the merrier, and at the same time, import—illegally!—multitudes of welfare cases. And, uh, what does bringing in “undocumented aliens” have to do with abortion? Is it possible Planned Parenthood simply sees a wide expansion of its customer base? “C’mon in, everybody! And get a taxpayer-funded abortion!” To say nothing about expanding the Democrat Party voter base. Which would mean a never-failing reservoir of public money for abortion. Money for Planned Parenthood.

“we need a Disney princess who’s actually a union worker”—What kind of labor union does a princess join?

But it’s not just pure absurdity. Labor unions have always been a major part of any communist or fascist coalition. By forcing normal people to join unions whether they want to or not, these left-wing organizations, collecting involuntarily-paid dues, provide The Party with warm bodies and truckloads of money for political campaigns. So again it’s about supporting the Democrat Party, which supports Planned Parenthood.

Steel yourselves for this last one:

“we need a Disney princess who’s trans”

Good grief. What are we to make of that? What are they even talking about? The latest Disney princess, hair all, who used to be a prince—how in the world does that tie in?

Only in the sense that leftids, like the personnel of Planned Parenthood, drink the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid, trans and all. Somehow they’ve got it worked out that if a lot of people get themselves surgically and pharmaceutically mutilated and call themselves something other than the sex they are, that’s going to be good for the Democrat Party and thus good for Planned Parenthood. Somehow it works out to more abortions. Don’t try to understand it. It’s leftism. If you’re normal, you can’t understand it.

There’s no doubt that the wackos and weirdos at Disney Corp would love to create a movie princess with all those traits and more. The problem is that it’d cost $200 million or so and no one would go to see it but a pervert or an idiot. Unable to collect half a billion bucks of our money every year, as Planned Parenthood does by act of Congress, Disney can’t just whip up a movie that flagrantly insults all decency. They have to be more subtle than that.

We can probably get by just fine with no more Disney princesses at all.

We’d get by even better with no Planned Parenthood.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

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Watch Canada, Because We’re Next

Canada has recently come up with two left-wing schemes which ought to engage our close attention in America—because our own leftids would just love to do the same. It should remind us why we must never again allow Democrats to take power in our country.

The Canadian government has a Summer Jobs program, making grants available to some 70,000 young people each year. But there’s a catch to it.

If you want a grant for one of these summer jobs, you have to check a box that says that your church’s “core mandate”—or your own, if you don’t belong to a church—must include support for abortion as a “right”. If you don’t approve of abortion, you can’t have a summer job grant.

Remember when tyrants used to be content with telling you what you couldn’t say? Well, that doesn’t float their boat anymore. Now they want to tell you what you must say. In Canada a lawsuit has already been filed, contesting this. But don’t hold your breath waiting for any Canadian court to rule in favor of personal liberty and freedom of conscience.

Please don’t think this is a uniquely Canadian aberration; and if they get away with it, don’t think it’ll stop there. They’ll surely think of other things you must say, too, if you want to earn a living. Why should they stop at summer jobs?

Our own Supreme Court is about to rule on whether the government and “gay” activists can dictate the content of a work of art. Today it’s only—“only”!—a wedding cake. But why stop there? Think of all the novelists, screenwriters, and other creative people who won’t be allowed to create unless they create what they’re told. In Britain they “investigated,” and fired, the creator of “Midsomer Murders” for not including enough “diverse characters,” whatever those are, in his scripts. And that was back in 2011.

Meanwhile in Ontario, a new package of labor relations laws staggers the imagination. These, say critics, would result in “a wholesale shift of power to the unions” and create “the most radical business environment in the Western world,” scaring away potential investors and quite likely wrecking the province’s economy.

Among the provisions of this Far Left fun-pack are: unionizing “almost everybody,” allowing a workplace to become unionized without a vote by the employees, requiring employers to hand over lists of their employees to the unions so that the unions will know where to find them, and “convince” them to support the union—Jimmy Hoffa knew how to do that—and forbidding employers to hire replacement workers in the event of a strike. The legislation writes off marginal and struggling businesses as not worth saving. And hiking the minimum wage, very quickly, to $15 an hour. It’s bound to do wonders for the province’s job market.

My question is, How does a civilized, decent country like Canada wind up being governed by all these Josef Stalin wannabes? Is this what all these wacko “leaders” learned in college? Tell everybody what they can’t say. Tell everybody what they must say, even if they don’t believe in it (‘cause it’s much more fun that way). Don’t let anybody work unless they’re controlled by a labor union. I mean, what is this—the Soviet Union? All they need in Ontario is for a handful of crony capitalists, to whom these crazy rules do not apply, to climb into bed with the unions and the government… and they’ll have textbook fascism.

Where do they get these crazy leaders? Probably from the same place we got Jerry Brown and Michael Moore. Do they have no understanding at all? Time and time again, especially throughout the 20th century and on into the 21st, these lunatic and wicked notions have been put into practice and failed spectacularly. As in Venezuela. As in all over the world.

They are leftids and will never, ever learn from their failures.

The thing the rest of us had better learn is to keep them out of power.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Can We Compromise With The Left?

A liberal visitor to my blog says I’m a Hater for not wanting to “compromise” with the Left. But I’m not sure of what he means by “compromise.”

Take, for instance, the case of a Democrat city councilman in Washington, D.C., who recently blamed an unexpected snowstorm on an international firm of Jewish bankers, “the Rothschilds controlling the climate… to own the cities”. Well, all right—he did sort of apologize, after the public found out about his statement and blasted him for it. “I did not intend to be anti-Semitic,” he explained [cue laugh track]. Gee, mister, you sure fooled me.

How are we supposed to “compromise” with him? The Washington Post tried to shield him by devoting more than half of its reportage to zany conspiracy theories put out by the Far Right. Well, they’re not my conspiracy theories and I won’t answer for them. I’m not interested in conspiracy theories. I focus on what leftids actually say and do, for everyone to see.

They want, for starters, to take away our Second Amendment right to bear arms—because criminals and psychos don’t obey our current gun laws. That’s like taking away banks because criminals and psychos rob them, or abolishing the Internet to prevent identity theft.

We’ve made all sorts of compromises here, never insisting on anybody’s absolute right to obtain as many armaments as he possibly can, of as many different kinds as he can get. But the Left always demands more. Even with a total ban on private gun ownership, criminals and terrorists and crazies will still have guns. And decent, peaceful, law-abiding people won’t. That’s not a compromise. It’s just a raw deal.

How do we compromise on abortion? Allow it only on odd-numbered days?

Liberals send “gender coaches” into our first-grade classrooms to indoctrinate the kiddies on the ineffable wonderfulness of transgenderism. How do we compromise? Do it only when the schools are open? Or only with children whose last names begin with the letters A through K?

In 2016 the Democrat platform had a plank calling for the attorney general to “investigate” the newly-invented crime of “Climate Change Denial.” Oh, well—it’s only a very little piece of our First Amendment right to free speech; we can get by without it. So we’ll compromise and let them do that, and maybe they won’t demand any more concessions. This is the Neville Chamberlain theory of compromise.

Speaking of little pieces of the First Amendment, leftids would like to take away our right to a free exercise of our religious beliefs. Go ahead, tell me they don’t: as in, you’d better design and create a custom wedding cake for our lesbian wedding, or we’ll get the government to destroy your business and put you and your whole family into sensitivity training… until your mind is right. And don’t let us catch you praying in public!

How do we compromise there? “Oh, all right—you can take away our right to free exercise of our religion, as long as you leave us the right to decide which reality TV shows we want to watch”?

Don’t you love it when squishy, spineless Republicans implore conservatives to “reach across the aisle” to the Far Left Democrats? Every time we reach across the aisle, they pick our pockets; we’re lucky if they don’t steal our fingers, too. It’s how we wind up incrementally giving up our freedom, bit by bit. They never demand everything at once: they nibble us to death.

How many more pieces of our liberty can we be convinced to give away? When will the leftids tell us that’s enough, they don’t want any more?

Much better to defeat them utterly, put them out of business, and undo the harm they’ve done.

But when is the right time to compromise with the Left?

In one word: never.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

National Geographic’s Orgy Of Guilt

Growing up, I used to love to page through my aunt’s National Geographic, grooving on the photos. These gave me the idea that the world was a wide and wonderful place, full of infinite variety. Somehow it never crossed my mind that I was Being A Racist.

But now, thanks to an “investigation” (good grief) by a University of Virginia professor, the new editor of National Geographic says she now realizes that “Our coverage was racist… for generations”. Oh, the pain.

Says the professor—really, what would we do without our colleges?—National Geographic wickedly presented a lot of people in Third World countries as “exotics, famously and frequently unclothed, happy hunters, noble savages—every type of cliché.”

The editor laments, “People of color [as we depicted them] were not often surrounded by technologies of automobiles, airplanes or trains or factories,” boo-hoo. And it was all because of Racism. It couldn’t possibly be, could it, that people in the Congo rain forest or the highlands of New Guinea in the 1950s didn’t actually have a lot of cars and planes and trains. Obviously they should have all been depicted as Connecticut commuters in three-piece suits.

To put it right, National Geographic next month will put out a special Apologizing for Our Dastardly Racism issue, owning up to all their racist sins since the magazine was founded in 1888. And promising never to do it again.

Do these people, even in their wildest imaginings, think anyone in the Andes Mountains or the Solomon Islands *cares* what National Geographic said about them in, say, 1925? Do they really think they’re that important?

But we are talking about liberals infected with the PC virus: that, or a group therapy session that has gotten out of hand. It’s not about what all those people in all those faraway countries think. It’s about what libs think of themselves and each other. It’s always about them, every single time. They moan and groan about how bad they used to be so they can brag about how good they are now. We’ve learned to call it “virtue signaling.” It’s supposed to impress us. And it’s certainly supposed to impress other liberals, who will get down-hearted when they find that they themselves can’t compete with the editors of National Geographic for the quality and quantity of past misdeeds. They’ll have to come up with something better than “I used to watch ‘Amos and Andy’ on TV.” Maybe hold another workshop about “White Privilege,” then go out and break some things.

The fact is that, once upon a time, there really were cannibals in New Guinea and headhunters in Borneo—as much as the Diversity mob now wishes to convince us that there weren’t. Somehow their definition of Diversity always works its way around to uniformity. It has to: the multicultural ideology insists that all cultures are equally good. Except ours, of course. They don’t like ours.

Today such pastimes as cannibalism and head-hunting are verging on extinction, thanks largely to the efforts of Christian missionaries and volunteer medics and teachers from the West. Their efforts are now augmented by those of home-grown missionaries, medics, and teachers, who can minister to the people in their own language—and are wise enough to understand that not every aspect of the indigenous culture has to be changed. Indeed, some of those home-grown missionaries have left home to venture abroad and minister to the peoples of the fallen West, trying to stanch the spiritual bleeding. It may yet prove that they got here just in time. Somewhere there’s an African Dr. Livingston trying to raise up the natives in the moral wilderness of England. He won’t find any headhunters, but he’ll find more than enough pagans to go around.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in a read a few posts. A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Global Warming Mania: Government School Forbids Children From Touching Snow

They’re Going to Make Us… Happy?

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of unhappiness in the world. But now, at long last, the United Nations is going to do something about it.

Last month at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Real Smart Globalists launched (trumpet fanfare) the World Happiness Council, dedicated to making the whole world happy. It will be funded mostly by the UN, which means mostly by the defenseless American taxpayer. And it will make us happy whether we want it or not. As Sheikh Somebody said, “The role of governments is to bring happiness to their peoples.”

No, this is not a satire.

Seated on the 12-creature board of the World Happiness Council will be some Western college professors, a few Muslim bigwigs, and a former Bulgarian communist jailer—all experts in the art of making people happy, or else. You’d think it might be a thankless task, but you’d be wrong. The world is already moving in the direction of universal happiness through various forms of—well, what they always rely on: strict coercion.

Universal happiness is going to climax with the grand-daddy of all leftid pipe dreams, the Universal Basic Income—free money doled out to people, no strings attached, just for existing. It’s an idea that really picked up a lot of steam, for some reason we can’t possibly imagine, during the Obama era. Hey, soon robots are gonna be doing all the work, anyway, so why not pay everybody for sitting around playing video games?

But before everybody in the world can enter a life of uninterrupted leisure, something has to be done about making them happy while they still have to—ugh!—work. A Swedish company has found the answer to that question: compulsory exercise. Every Friday, all the employees must go to the gym for compulsory yoga.

How compulsory? As the company president explains, “If you don’t want to exercise or be part of the company culture, you have to go.” ‘Cause exercise makes you happy, see, and everybody doing the same thing at the same time, all in the bosom of the company culture, is what leftids call diversity. And it’s something to do while waiting for the Universal Basic Income to kick in.

Throughout history, disease and injury have led to much unhappiness. So from now on, disease and injury must be avoided—especially by children. A happy world has happy children.

The principal of a little school in East London understands this. Faced with a Global Warming snowstorm of epic proportions this month, he issued a decree forbidding the kiddies to “touch snow”. A whole playground covered with the gorgeous white stuff, and the kids can’t even touch it. No snowmen, no snow-forts, and certainly no snowball fights! Just a little piece of ice or a tiny chunk of gravel in the snowball, and boom! You’ve knocked somebody’s eye out, and the school gets sued. “If they can’t touch it, they can’t throw it,” says the principal.

What? Not being allowed to play with the snow will make children unhappy? Pshaw. Just double up on the Gender Education classes, and they’ll forget all about the snow. Besides, the Authorities always know best. That’s what world government’s all about, isn’t it?

There are all sorts of schemes afoot for guaranteeing human happiness. All it needs is for some world government to organize it.

It comes down to doing God’s job for Him, entrusting it to The World’s Smartest People, who know so much better than we do, what makes us happy, healthy, and if not wise, at least contented.

And if you’re still not happy, after all is said and done, they can always flog you till you finally cheer up.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Our Fragile Civilization

As partakers of Western civilization, we enjoy amenities that, throughout history, have been hard to come by—stability, relative prosperity, domestic tranquility, and, above all, personal security. We don’t enjoy them absolutely; but we do enjoy them relative to what people have had to put up with in the past. And the world even now is full of places where those amenities are not enjoyed: because they don’t come naturally to human beings lumbered with Original Sin.

Civilization is fragile. It has to be envisioned, it has to be planned, and it has to be worked for; and once achieved, maintained. Otherwise you wind up with a lost civilization. The great Indus Valley civilization, for one, flourished mightily circa 1500 B.C. but today is so lost, we don’t know the name of a single person who lived in it, nor a single word of their language.

Our civilization that we take for granted was a long time getting to be what it is now. We should take care to keep it going. But we seem not to realize that.

Galloping culture rot has set in; and we can see no more shudder-worthy example of it than was on display last week at the Gucci FallWinter 2018/2019 Full Fashion Show. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Director Alessandro Michele, who is the poster boy for what’s wrong with Europe and why it won’t survive, had his models parade around a hospital bed in what looks like an operating theater. There was a message in that. Inspired by some absurd “Cyborg Manifesto”—every pile of driveling idiots seems to have a “manifesto”—Michele was saying there is no more “natural” anymore: we are only whatever we carve and drug and mutilate ourselves into being, only whatever we say we are. No more “Male and female created He them.” In fact, no more “male” or “female” at all: only “constructs” proceeding from our own debauched imaginations.

Well, that’s what the “transgender” movement’s all about, isn’t it? So Michele gives us “genderless” models. Lucky us. One of his models carries a severed head that looks like her own. Very nice vision for the future, Al.

Even more striking is the facial expression worn by all the models, all the same—a kind of petulant glower, reminiscent of Sonny Liston at a weigh-in. Remember when fashion models used to smile? These don’t. They look like they’d like to bite your face off, only they’re too dispirited to do anything quite that energetic. They remind one of a line in an ancient Sumerian poem: “The dead shuffle under their black plumage; their food is clay, their only drink is ashes.” With that vision to inspire them, the Sumerian civilization went extinct.

The audience applauds when Michele comes out to take his bow. Maybe there’s going to be a clay and ashes buffet afterward.

As for the garments—some of which don’t even fit, but appear to be several sizes too large—it would be remarkable to see any real person actually wearing one.

So we’re going to create ourselves into anything we want to be, going to take God’s place. Why, then, all the glum expressions? Why aren’t those models deliriously happy?

Instructed by the Bible, Europe spent some two thousand years struggling out of barbarism. The history of that struggle makes for grim reading. Our own country’s founders thought so, and did their level best to try to avoid the cruelties, the perpetual war, the violence that moved our ancestors to flee across the Atlantic to a new world. It was not until after two world wars, and after the collapse of communism, that it was morning in Europe.

But the night is coming on fast.

Both the rise of civilization, and its fall, originate within the human heart. If that fashion show is any indication of what’s in Europe’s heart today, the demise has already begun.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

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Second Thoughts About Free Speech?

A recent article in The Week, by Damon Linker, asks, “Is America Having Second Thoughts About Free Speech?”. Not that Mr. Linker wants to restrict free speech. He doesn’t. But he sees a trend out there—a desire to do just that.

It would be kind of hard to miss.

One thing that he doesn’t mention is that free speech is already being gouged away, big-time, by our colleges and looniversities and other left-wing castles of coercion. It’s very much a one-way street, which can be easily demonstrated.

They say they want to rein in “hate speech” (two-minute laugh break). Hey, it makes people feel bad! But the same people who want to silence our supposed hate speech are producing plenty of their own.

A left-wing “journalist”—I put the word in quotes because I’m not sure what it means anymore—says he’d like for college professors to drown their conservative students, “water-board them to death”. “I’m not joking,” he tweets. I can’t think of any reason not to believe him.

That was pretty “hateful,” wasn’t it? But you could go blind, trying to draw up a comprehensive list of exceedingly hateful remarks made by leftids. Just try to stop any atheist from continually saying things specifically intended to make people feel bad.

They say they want to rein in speech that attacks people’s religious sentiments and beliefs. Especially when that religion is Islam. But look at the kind of speech they habitually applaud.

An alleged “female rabbi” is being lionized for blasting away at God, “this man-made figurehead of the patriarchy,” blah-blah. In a tour de force of foolishness, she claims God sexually harassed Eve, who thus became “the first case of #MeToo.” With Eve as the first and only woman in the world, it’s difficult to see how any “too” could be involved. Soon this ninny will have a book coming out, which those who want to restrict free speech will review enthusiastically and hail it as a triumph of feminist wisdom. They’ll stand up and cheer for her, but at the first sign of a Nativity scene, they’ll pitch a tantrum.

If leftids couldn’t do hypocrisy, they couldn’t do anything at all.

Then there’s speech they want to stomp on simply because it’s bogus and inane—like, for instance, Climate Change Denial: you shouldn’t be allowed to voice that opinion. But bogus and inane speech from their side, the rest of us are expected just to suck it up.

Hillary Clinton gave a speech last week which for sheer fat-headedness would be almost impossible to beat. She embellished the usual Climate Change doom and gloom with the self-satirizing prediction that women “would bear the brunt” of The End Of The World. Cue the lugubrious piano music: “Women will bear the brunt of looking for food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone,” probably while the men watch football or something. No matter how many times I type that quote, it remains intractably ridiculous.

As Mr. Linker does point out, once you start restricting speech, it’s all politics. The “in” party will say and publish anything they please while the “out” party is gagged. So they, the leftids, will keep on singing all their same old songs—white heterosexual men stink, anyone who believes in anything it says in the Bible is a public enemy who must be silenced, anyone who denies Climate Change deserves to be tossed into prison, only Black Lives Matter, etc.—while everybody who doesn’t share in those opinions had better just shut up, or else.

We already know what this looks like. Our colleges and universities have shown us, in neon letters ten feet high. It will be the history of that lamentable, blood-soaked 20th century all over again, this time doing in America the things they did in Russia, Germany, and China.

I think that’s what they want. Don’t you?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

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Wrecking Civilization, Piece By Piece

Do you ever get the impression that the people in charge of various things are purposely dismantling Western Civilization, piece by piece? I mean, aside from the fact that they’ve been shouting this intention from the housetops ever since the 1930s.

Two current societal re-engineering projects spring to mind.

The city of Stockton, California, went bankrupt in 2012 and apparently wants to do it again. The mayor of Stockton says he wants to embark on an “experiment” to provide a “Universal Basic Income” to a certain segment of “the poor”–$500 a month for a year, no strings attached—to see how it works out. It’s only going to be an experiment with “several dozen families,” for starters. But he’s hoping it’ll be fantastically successful and will inspire other cities to do likewise—with lots and lots of “families.” I put “families” in quotes because I really don’t know what a Democrat means by the word “families” anymore.

Some of the money for this caper is said to be coming from a foundation that wants to study the “economic and social impacts” on people getting free money just for existing, especially the impacts on their “self-esteem and identity.” Nothing is said of the potential impact on the poor schlubs who will have to keep on working while the layabout next door collects $6,000 a year for playing video games and producing out-of-wedlock children. Do you think it might be just a tad demoralizing?

The Universal Basic Income has been a popular left-wing hallucination for years now. After all, they pontificate, soon all the work in the world will be done by robots and computers and there won’t be any jobs for anybody, anyhow—except, of course, for those favored few who will be calling all the shots, for which they will be lavishly rewarded. So why not reduce whole populations of adults to a kind of perpetual infancy, dependent on the government for everything for their entire lives? How long do you suppose that arrangement would last?

And when they discover, to their surprise, that no one can actually live on $500 a month, they’ll throw in food stamps, subsidized housing, and other costly goodies. And the first city to make this an actual public policy will find the world beating a path to its door. Oh, boy, free money! Free stuff!

As if this weren’t a bad enough idea on its own, the Minnesota State High School League board has passed something called the Model Gender Identity Participation in MSHSL Activities policy, based on a “study” claiming that “far more U.S. teens than previously thought” identify as some sex other than the one “assigned at birth”. “Assigned” by whom, we aren’t told. But obviously whoever it was made a serious mistake—says a 2016 “survey” that claims that more than 80,000 teens in Minnesota’s high schools “self-identify” as Whatever. “Nearly 3 percent” of the population! So they say.

Exults one of the bigwigs involved, “Youth are rejecting this binary thinking—“ that is, “reality”—“and are asking adults to keep up.” I don’t think I want to keep up. Do you?

And of course it can have nothing to do with the schools bombarding kids with transgender propaganda every day, year after year, or with neglected teens discovering that suddenly claiming a new “gender” is a sure-fire way to get attention from adults who otherwise seem unaware that they exist, or with left-wing zealots in the education racket working night and day to force a desired outcome. Given the magnitude of the effort, it’s surprising they don’t have 25 or 50 percent of the teens assigning themselves new “genders”—but all in good time. Even leftids sometimes have to wait for what they want.

What a glorious vision of the future—a fornicating mass of gender-confused noddies who have no work to do, no useful role to play, no mission, no ambition, and no hope of any kind of reward other than to keep on doing what they’re doing… which would be, basically, nothing.

This is the future that The Smartest People in the World wish to impose on us, with themselves lording it over the permanently unemployable.

They really must be stopped.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

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White People Who Practice Yoga Are Considered Racists

What Did Churchill Fight For?

In 1931, while visiting New York, Winston Churchill was hit by a car and very nearly killed.

But he recovered, and returned to Britain, and for the next eight years, stood virtually alone against a ruling class that refused to see Adolf Hitler as a threat. They mocked Churchill, banned him from the airwaves, kept him out of the government, and purposely refrained from re-arming their country for self-defense. Their idea was to appease Hitler, work with him, buddy up with him. And all the while, Hitler prepared Germany for an aggressive war aimed at the conquest of Europe.

Throughout these years, reports poured in from foreign correspondents, embassies, and other sources—true reports, sometimes delivered at great risk to the reporter—as to the terrible things that were being done in Germany. Britain’s political leaders, business leaders, and news editors and publishers suppressed those reports. Only Churchill took them to heart.

The storm broke late in 1939. As the leaders of the West watched helplessly, Hitler’s war machine steamrolled over everything in its path: including the French and British armies in May of 1940. Finally, when all seemed lost, when certain of the rulers actually contemplated surrender to the Nazis, as a last desperate measure Churchill was made prime minister. It would be no exaggeration to say that for the next two years, it was only Churchill’s indomitable spirit, and the bravery of the young men of the Royal Air Force, that kept Britain alive until, with the arrival of American forces and the resurgence of the Russian armies, the tide turned; and the world began to emerge from the darkest crisis it has ever known.

Fast-forward to 2018.

A Churchill-themed coffee shop in London—a great city that was nearly erased from the landscape by German bombs and rockets—was attacked recently by “protesters” led by the “president” of something called Equality and Liberation at the School of African Studies, University of London.  There were only 14 of them, but they had already done some vandalism and they may yet come back with more. They want the Blighty Café to change its tone, and dump Churchill, who, like everybody else, these days, was supposedly a Racist. The Churchill-haters showed up with scripts so they wouldn’t forget what they were supposed to say. But one thing they did say was, “You will never make colonialism palatable!”

Uh, the only colonialism we can see going on anymore is these “students” from assorted foreign countries colonizing Britain and demanding that it wipe out its history because they don’t like it.

Had Churchill died in that car accident, there would not be any Churchill-themed cafes in London. There would be Hitler-themed cafes. Lots and lots of slave labor. And death camps. The National Socialists were big on death camps.

Did he lead Britain through those years of hell for this? For totally inane complaints, and a tantrum against history?

Don’t sneer, America. Right now, your college students are being “taught” that for white people to do yoga is “cultural appropriation,” which makes you a racist—according to some jidrool of a professor at Michigan State University.  She has come from a Third World country to colonize America, live off the fat of the land, and complain about it. That’s what they’re being taught and you, poor schlubs, are paying for it.

You don’t get out of being a racist by not doing yoga or any other kind of cultural appropriation, like learning judo or Chinese cookery. See, if you don’t do any of those things, that gives you away as a White Supremacist—rejecting all this wonderful stuff that other cultures have to offer, and not living a multicultural lifestyle. You’re a racist if you do it, and a racist if you don’t.

For this—we fought for this? So that people could pour into our countries, collect free stuff, and call us racists? And teach our next generation to loath their own nations? And, by refusing to assimilate, by attacking everything about the host country, turn it into the same kind of Third World hellhole that they ran away from in the first place? Like, dudes! If your own cultures are so shriekingly off-the-charts wonderful… what the blazes are you doing here?

It was a mercy to Winston Churchill that he didn’t live to see this.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

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The Ultimate Political Steel Cage Match

The current age we live in is desperately seeking the bottom of the barrel, and cannot find it.

Our politics, especially, is bottoming out, mostly thanks to Democrats, incompetent, torpid, and biased nooze media, college profs and movie stars who want to get into the act, and other assorted leftids.

In Michigan, “civil rights lawyer” Dana Nessel is running for attorney general. She says people should vote for her because she hasn’t got a penis. I don’t think we’ve heard that one before. Ms. Nessel, almost needless to say, is a Democrat.

In Maryland, we’ll have a Democrat primary for U.S. Senator featuring a man who insists he is a woman, Brad “Chelsea” Manning, who was convicted of, and served seven years in prison for, leaking confidential government documents. His sentence was commuted by former President *Batteries Not Included, who surely saw in him a kindred spirit. While in prison, he demanded a “sex change,” which he got. The American people paid for it. Mr. Manning is running on a platform of open borders, closing all the prisons, and releasing all the inmates.

It would be hard to say which of these two candidates is more absurd. If someone you know would be inclined to vote for either of them, you probably don’t need to know that person.

Now kick your imagination into high gear and imagine these two running against each other for the same office, in some state benighted enough to have them both. Imagine the debate.

Nessel: “You should vote for me because I don’t have a penis, and therefore I am incapable of sexual harassment.”

Manning: “Oh, yeah? Well, I don’t have one, either!”

Nessel: “You cheated! You had yours removed.”

Manning: “Transphobe! Transphobe! We’ve got a transphobe here!”

Nessel: “Sexist! Misogynist!”

Manning: “Racist! Ablist! Anyhow, I am a woman by choice! And that’s better than being a woman just because that was your original assigned gender.”

What could be more edifying to the voting public? Talk about intellectual fireworks! And we haven’t even gotten to the part about releasing all the serial killers, rapists, armed robbers, arsonists, and confidence tricksters. How is any Democrat voter to choose between these two sterling candidates?

This is identity politics on steroids. All right, the sages at our universities do frequently remind us that “not all women have vaginas, and not all men have penises.” This is what they like to call academic discourse: you say this to convince others that you are an intellectual. Ms. Nessel will find herself trapped by her own ideology. If Mr. Manning is as much of a woman as she is, because he says he’s one, because he doesn’t have a penis, either—well, what becomes of her campaign slogan? And what about those women out there—they must exist, because intellectuals say they do—who still have penises? Does that automatically make them likely perpetrators of sexual harassment?

And the discussion drifts off into the byways of mental illness and delusion.

There was a time when we never heard this kind of loopy talk in politics, and that time was a better time than now. I’m tempted to say there was a time when the Democrat Party was relatively sane, but it gets harder and harder to believe that that was ever so.

In 2016 it was just Bernie Sanders, just him. In 2018 it’s this pair of kooks. How many like them will there be in 2020? How many elections will come and go before one or more of these is actually elected, and given power in our country?

That will not be a good day for America.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will get you there.

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Another Social Engineering Fails

Nothing has done more damage to America, and continues to do harm, than what we laughingly call our public education system.

A reader sent me a little book that has alarmed me: “Sex, School, and Politics: The Building of the ‘Village’ in the Name of the Children” by Donna Hearn, published in 1997 by the Constitutional Coalition, St. Louis. Mrs. Hearn was an official of the U.S. Dept. of Education under President Reagan; and what I learned from her book is that the problem is even worse than I ever dared to think.

Let me focus in on just one incident discussed in the book. It was a proposal presented at the 1997 National Governors Assn. Winter Meeting. Like all such schemes by “educators,” it was based on the premise that there is “no adequate parenting” in America and that all of society must be totally remodeled by self-anointed Experts.

The speaker was not a governor but a Hollywood movie director, Rob Reiner, best known for his portrayal of “Meat-Head” in “All in the Family.” Reiner’s still kicking around, currently inhabiting a dream world in which liberals undo Donald Trump’s election and install Hillary Clinton as president. But in 1997 he had an even bigger dream.

What this country needs, he told the governors, was Expert intervention, from birth to the age of three, in the life of every single American, along with “supervision” of every family by other Experts, to ensure that each child receives only the kind of care that will guarantee proper “development.” Reiner predicted that once Americans see what a great plan this is, they’ll clamor for it. “They are going to ask for it,” he said. “And then, we as policy makers—“ We? Who made him a policy maker?—“can say okay… these are the programs we can lay out for you… I think there will be eventually a critical mass. It is just a matter of time.”

Yessiree, they’re gonna take charge of every child’s brain, and every family. Chimed in the governor of Nevada, “[W]e can create consistent, predictable, nurturing, structured experiences that build in a healthy foundation or we can have inconsistent, unpredictable, chaotic, and terrifying experiences—“ these used to be called Life—“which build in a disorganized non apathetic brain.”

Reiner then played, if you’ll pardon the expression, his trump card. A Scientist. An Expert. The Scientist trotted out two brains, one of a criminal and one of a healthy individual. I am sure I saw this, the last time I watched “Young Frankenstein.” Anyhow, with all this Expert intervention, we were going to get a full crop of beautiful healthy brains, not these crummy brains with cracks in them—ugh! It must have been sort of like a 1950s TV commercial for mouthwash, “You can see the difference between our brand and Brand X!”

The vastness of the bureaucracy that would have to be created for such an undertaking, and the vastness of the cost, quite take one’s breath away. Which is probably why this howler never got off the ground.

That was twenty years ago: just a little glimpse of the chain our betters imagined themselves forging for us. As Marley’s ghost might say, “And you have labored on it ever since. It is a ponderous chain!” Since then we’ve been hit with “gender coaches” for our kids in kindergarten, extra credit to our college students for taking part in riots, “comprehensive sex education,” and a host of other innovations whose inanity is only matched by their inherent wickedness.

If you’ve already read R.J. Rushdoony’s “The Messianic Character of American Education”, in which the creators and developers of public education testify against themselves in their own words, you already know what they’ve always been shooting for: a docile, totally indoctrinated public, easily managed by the Experts, with unfettered sex thrown in as an opiate. The vision is statist to the core. It always has been, always will be. I don’t like to imagine the field day these people would be having, had Hillary Clinton been elected president.

Until such time as our country’s education system can be scrapped and then rebuilt from scratch according to Christian moral principles and American tradition, it’s very hard to justify leaving any of our children stranded in it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week in my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there.

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What Do They Want, In The End?

What would America be like, if the Far Left got everything they say they want?

Thanks to America’s bloated, overfunded “higher education” system, we are able to get a few glimpses into that chamber of horrors. As a class, America’s college professors are all on board the wacko express. They try hard to “teach” their students to be as out-to-lunch as they are.

As part of a recent “Social Justice Lecture Series”—students got extra credit for sitting through these sessions—a Diablo Valley College political science professor exhorted students to “violate the laws” and “abolish white democracy”. Your tuition dollars at work!

According to the prof, “We exist in a white supremacist, patriarchal, heteronormative, capitalist system,” and it’s just got to be fundamentally transformed into… well, what?

There must be several dozen genuine white supremacists in America, who never had it so good. Not so long ago, they were a handful of ineffectual nobodies. Now they’re the boogie man. Our colleges have painted them out to be several hundred times more important than they are.

Okay, Far Left America won’t have any role for white people anymore. Except maybe to keep on paying taxes and cheerfully taking the blame for anything that’s wrong in anybody else’s life.

Gotta get rid of that patriarchy, too—whatever it is. The only thing worse than a man is a white man.

But that heteronormativity stuff, that’s infinitely worse! The only thing worse than a white man is a non-gay white man. I’m not sure what the leftids want to do about heteronormativity. Make homosexuality compulsory? Bob Hope was only joking, when he mentioned it some fifty years ago. But the Left is not known for its sense of humor.

And of course capitalism has got to go. It causes Income Inequality. It causes Global Warming. It causes people to have jobs they don’t like—something that never happens under communism. That it also provides thousands of brainless university professors with a damned nice living doesn’t seem to inspire any gratitude.

“Democracy” will be out, too. White people ruined it. Maybe they could set up a really inclusive form of democracy that excludes white people. That might work.

To bring about these utopian conditions, says the prof, college students have to get into the habit of violating the law. A few killjoys have pointed out that the professor never said which laws ought to be violated. Did he leave that out simply because his whole schtick is half-baked, muddle-headed, and incoherent? Or did he mean to suggest that all laws should be violated? Because he refuses to be interviewed, it’s hard to guess what he really meant. Possibly he doesn’t know.

Still, a society with no written laws ought to appeal to leftids. If you don’t have a criminal code on the books where anyone can read it, then any act, or any failure to act, is potentially a crime and may be punished as such. This is great for keeping the deplorables in line. If you never know when they’re going to drag you off to jail for something you never knew was against the law, or for not doing something that they say you should have done—hey, it worked for the Soviet Union, didn’t it? They just love to hear someone crying “What did I do? What did I do?” as he’s being propped up for the firing squad or sentenced to a stint of Sensitivity Training. It’s what made Mao Tse-tung’s Red Guards tick.

So violate all the laws until there is no law except for whatever the Party says happens to be the law on any given day. Keep everybody guessing.

It would be interesting to ask the parents of these students what they think they’re getting for their money. We could also ask whether this kind of “education” does our country any good; but I think we already know the answer.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

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A Simple Solution To Loneliness

The worship of idols, which consists in putting our trust in some inanimate object which we have made ourselves, is as old as human foolishness. The Bible is packed with exhortations not to do it.

Isaiah devoted a whole chapter to it (Isaiah 44), denouncing it as not only a waste of time and a mark of sheer folly but also, of course, a sin. In verses 14-20 he tells us of a man who brings home a piece of wood, uses half of it for firewood and cooking, “and the residue thereof he maketh a god, even his graven image: he falleth down unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it, and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god” (v. 17). Could anything be more asinine?

Idolatry is still with us, still going strong. We have a multitude of idols; we put our trust in things we shouldn’t trust, be it a politician or a party, the all-devouring state, science, or a lot of New Age poobah.

But we also like idols we can see and touch; and the difference between Isaiah’s time and ours is that our idols are a lot fancier. We like high-tech idols: so much more impressive than a chunk of wood with a face carved into it.

Ironically, in an age of social media and more hand-held communications devices than anyone can keep track of, loneliness seems to be one of our major social problems. So many ways to communicate, and we don’t know what to say and we don’t have anyone to talk to.

High tech to the rescue!

Coming onto the market now is a gizmo called “Replica,” which promises “a simple solution to overcoming loneliness,” and “unwavering companionship”. Best of all, by jiminy, it’s Artificial Intelligence—“a chatbot that is intent on learning all about you.”

If you really can get by with the unwavering companionship offered by this, surely a piece of wood with a smiley face could do as well. Oh! But Replica can “talk” to you! It’s got Artificial Intelligence, man! Which only means it’s been programmed, by another human being, somewhere, to display stereotyped “questions” to the user and stereotyped “responses” to the user’s questions. Sort of like a bored checkout clerk to whom you pour out your troubles, who nods her head from time to time and says “Oh, I know, how awful for you”—but isn’t really listening.

Oh, well. It must be very hard to grasp the concept that Artificial Intelligence is not intelligence at all, but only a lifeless, mindless imitation of intelligence.

No, no, no! It’s a chatbot, and it’s intent on learning all about you!

A machine cannot have intentions of any kind. It can only do what it has been programmed to do. To believe it has an actual desire of any kind, a desire to learn all about you, is, to phrase it charitably, daft. It’s like crediting your butane lighter with an intent to light your cigar. “I, the butane lighter, have fulfilled my mission to light Charlie Chowderhead’s cigar—and it makes me feel so good!” Would you talk to your butane lighter if it could “respond” with messages like “Uh-huh,” or “I can hear you, dude”?

As human beings made in the image of God, we have needs for love, friendship, and understanding. Other human beings are naturally equipped to supply those needs. Even animals, in their fashion, can do it—but only because they, like you, are alive. Living things feel. Chatbots don’t.

Relying on a gadget to assuage your loneliness can have only one of two outcomes. Either you’re still lonely, in addition to being out the money you paid for the damned thing; or else you have succumbed to a delusion—and are well on your way to full-fledged idol worship.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Latest Lunacy From The Swedish Government

What Hath #MeToo Wrought?

How far is “#MeToo” going to go? Well, once you start trashing and redefining basic human institutions, like marriage, you really don’t know where you’re going to end up. But the latest lunacy from Sweden gives us a hint.

Under a new Swedish law that will go into effect in July, “prior verbal or written consent from both partners” must be obtained before anyone, including married couples, can have sex. The law doesn’t actually require written consent, but “in a potential rape allegation, it would be wiser to have the permission written down on paper.” Maybe the government could provide printed forms, to help with the paperwork.

Can you say “in the mood—not”?

This craziness, admit its sponsors, was “inspired by the #MeToo compaign.” So every man will be regarded as a potential racist. The one newspaper columnist who criticized the measure was promptly fired: no room for dissent in Diversity Land.

Sweden has had a lot of rapes committed recently, and the government refuses to release any information on the “ethnic background” of the rapists. They would rather turn what’s left of marriage upside-down than admit that their policy of massively importing angry young Muslim men, who say it’s a righteous act to rape an infidel woman, might not be working out all that well. Their intention seems to be “We’ll give you a multicultural society if it kills you.”

Meanwhile, to make our civilization still more vulnerable to disintegration from within, public and private efforts to de-sanctify Christmas shifted into high gear last week.

The Canadian government got into the act. An official government web site warned children “Santa is moving to the South Pole,” because, you see, Climate Change/Global Warming is going to melt the ice at the North Pole. So Santa had to sign “an agreement with the international community,” whoever that is, that “relocates individuals and corporations facing the impacts of Climate Change.” And he’d better hurry, or it’ll be into the drink with Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, workshop and all. They’ll have to rewrite a lot of the songs.

“You might as well shout, you might as well cry,/ You might as well weep, I’m tellin’ you why:/ Santa Claus is goin’ to drown!/ He’s goin’ down once, he’s goin’ down twice,/ along with his elves he’s goin’ down thrice:/ Santa Claus is goin’ to drown!”

Not a nice thing to tell the kiddies, is it? And never mind the fact that the North Polar ice cap is not actually melting. “Climate Change” has never been about truth.

These people want a world government so bad, they can taste it; and if they can seal the deal on Climate Change, they’ll scoop up all the marbles. Once you establish that everything you do is to Save The Planet, you can do just about anything. Just like when your government is fighting for survival in a world war: anything goes, no one can afford to worry about the niceties of law or liberty.

One of the things they’re willing to do, to make their point, is to mangle and erase whatever’s left of Christmas as a Christian holiday—which they want to do anyway, because no humanist world state can tolerate a religion that recognizes and serves as higher power than the state’s.

And private efforts to batter Christmas are in the news, too.

A few days ago a topless feminist loon belonging to a Ukrainian nut squad called “Femen” tried to steal the figure of the Baby Jesus out of a Nativity scene in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square. She jumped the barrier, shouting her slogan, “God is woman!” (which she had also scrawled across her back), and vowing “complete victory over patriarchy,” ho-hum, before the guards grabbed her. Well, she tried.

It’s more than bad enough that we have governments and individual wackos trying  so hard to overturn what’s left of Christian civilization.

It’s what they intend to replace it with that scares me.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Romance Of Failure

It may seem paradoxical to say this of people who have taken control of so many big pieces of our country, but liberals love failure.

Think about it. What’s their favorite ideology? It’s either socialism or communism, both colossal failures. And go ahead, tell me they haven’t enjoyed their defeat by Donald Trump in the 2016 election. They’ve been reveling in a non-stop tantrum ever since: more fun, even, than winning. A delicious sundae of self-pity, a perpetual feast of outrage—even a spot of dinner theater, with the ongoing kabuki dance of Collusion With The Russians. What liberal could resist it?

In the run-up to Christmas this year, leftids are going right down to the wire, displaying their lust for failure. If they can just replace Christmas with something that’s a total wipe-out all around, something that makes nobody happy, they will have achieved one of their fondest dreams. Heck, any doofus can try to succeed! But it’s the pursuit of failure that separates the leftids from the normal people.

Here are two examples of their most recent work, this Christmas season.

A “theater historian” at Boston University made herself a public laughing-stock by proclaiming that “Jingle Bells” is—you guessed it—racist.  Well, all right, everything’s racist these days, the word has lost its punch; but she didn’t let that stop her. She blathered that the harmless Yuletide carol is “problematic,” it’s about “its role in the construction of blackness and whiteness in America,” and it also stinks because it expresses “elements” of male-ness. Oooh, that must be bad! This is all true because “Jingle Bells” was performed in blackface in 1857.

Throughout the social media, thousands of readers pronounced the professor an idiot, mucho laughs at her expense. She tried to pull back—“I didn’t say it’s racist now!”—but it was too late, she’d already gone over the falls.

Don’t bother to ask, “What earthly good did she expect to accomplish by doing this?” If liberals ever judged their actions by what early good they did, they’d have given up and gone home a hundred years ago. But they treasure the blessings of failure.

Then there’s the TV musical remake of the Jean Shepherd classic, “A Christmas Story.” You’ve probably seen the original: somewhere in Indiana, sometime in the 1940s, Ralphie wants a Red Rider air rifle for Christmas…

Apparently no one in the world liked the three-hour “dumpster fire” (as one viewer called it) of a remake. Everyone complained about its forced Diversity—which is always forced on us, so why was anyone surprised?—and its ham-fisted PC tone.

What they don’t understand is that leftids love to be rejected by normal people. That this “Christmas Story” remake instantly went down in history as the worst TV musical ever not only titillates them with the glamor of defeat. It establishes them, in their own minds, as wise and righteous, intrepid, committed Social Justice Warriors who will never, never hang back from an enterprise just because it will not work. Failure validates their actions. It helps them to identify with some of the more unfortunate fringes of the Democrat voting base.

Because this venture belly-flopped so badly, we can expect to see more like it. Wait’ll you see what they do to “Moby Dick,” as they seek new horizons of failure: Captain Gayhab and his Really Diverse crew hunt the White Privilege Whale… Robin Hood and his Mary men… A Tale of Two Cities, Sodom and Gomorrah—and so on.

Lest they bestow the crown of failure on our country, these are the people who have to be defeated.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit! A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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When Ninnies Rule

It’s hard to blame anyone for thinking liberalism is a mental illness. Hear what leftids say, see what they do, and you’re well on your way to thinking that.

Social Justice nincompoopery was on display recently at a recorded meeting of the New Brighton, Minnesota, city council. Note particularly the so-called men at the council table: not a peep out of any one of them. Are they dummies stuffed with rags?

The fun starts with one councilwoman piously jabbering about “white privilege” in a roomful of white liberals. Another councilwoman takes exception to this “You didn’t build that” twaddle, and dares to remark that she and her family worked for what they have and never got anything handed to them just because they’re white. At this point Mayor Johnson flips out and accuses the councilwoman of—you guessed it—racism. Any dissent from the party line automatically results in being called a racist.

In the ensuing verbal melee, the councilwoman resorts to an ancient formula to ward off criticism: “I know more people of color than you.” Whoop-dee-doo for you, lady. Let’s have a contest: whoever can borrow the most virtue from adjacent persons of color wins a latte.

At this point the mayor burst into tears and lamentations.

It’s distressing to think that there are actually places governed by such people. It’s monstrous to think they aspire to governing the country, and are very well represented in our Congress, our courts, and our bureaucracies. They own the Democrat Party, the nooze media, and Hollywood. They are the biggest racists around: everything, to them, is about race. Oh, and gender! And when argument fails—I was going to say “rational argument,” but then I remembered that there isn’t any—passion takes over. That generally happens rather quickly.

Meanwhile, back at the college, America’s universities are knocking themselves out trying to create a Christless Christmas.

Get a load of this memo to the staff at University of California, Irvine, instructing employees to “ensure that office celebrations are not indirectly celebrating a religious holiday.” That one little word, “indirectly,” opens the door to a whole fiesta of inanity. What can you possibly do that some moron cannot spin as “indirectly celebrating” Christmas—which is, in case you didn’t know, is a holiday making the birth of Jesus Christ? How indirect is indirect? Wearing red and green checked socks? Atheists are very touchy about such things!

To make sure there’s no hint of Christianity involved, and to guarantee “inclusiveness” by excluding Christianity, the university exhorts its peons to “display diverse symbols.” We wonder how much “diversity” would suffice, bearing in mind at all times that none of it shall in any way refer to—ooh!—“religion.” And what if you offend, indirectly, by leaving something out? With all the “genders” touted by academics these days, that would be pretty easy to do. “You dastard! Where’s the symbol of my gender? You left it out on purpose, just to hurt me!” Maybe it’s a gender no one else has heard of yet—but ignorance is worse than no defense at all.

Other colleges—and more than a few towns, for that matter—have shifted into full Druid mode, replacing Christmas with a generic “Winter Festival” that may excite a few hard-core New Agers, but means virtually nothing to nearly everybody else. They’ve already tried, with Kwanzaa, to make up a whole new, totally artificial “holiday” to take the place of Christmas, and failed. So they’ll move on to a Winter Festival: maybe that will take. The poor teachers’ unions pushed Kwanzaa in the schools until they were blue in the face, but it never caught on.

It’s all part of a comprehensive effort to fundamentally transform America into a Third World basket case ruled by imbeciles. God help us if we ever again let them take power over our country.

But if we do, why should He?

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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‘Human Rights’ Tribunal Grills Dead Authors

As you read this, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in the case of “Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. V. Colorado Human Rights Commission,” about a Christian baker who refused, on religious and artistic grounds, to create a custom wedding cake for a pair of homosexuals. This is the court’s Hell-sent opportunity to wipe out religious freedom for Christians in America once and for all.

They’re also about to erase artistic freedom, by giving “gays” the power to dictate the content of a work of art. A one-of-a-kind custom wedding cake is a work of art.

As a novelist, this alarms me. Either I plug “gay” characters into my stories, or not be allowed to write any more stories: that’s what I’m afraid of.

But the Colorado Human Rights Commission is already several steps ahead of me. They have hired a medium to interrogate the spirits of dead authors so that their books can be rewritten to conform to the demands of modern pressure groups.

Their first target was the late F. Scott Fitzgerald, whose novel, “The Great Gatsby,” has been called into question by a transgender plaintiff. Here follows part of the transcript of that séance.

“Mr. Fitzgerald, it has come to our attention that in your book, ‘The Great Gatsby,’ you depict all women as having vaginas.”

“I’m sure I never mentioned that.”

“Nevertheless, you imply it—simply by never creating any female character who does not have a vagina.”

“I thought those were called ‘men.’”

“Don’t get smart with us, buster!”

The ghost of Scott Fitzgerald sighs. “All right, I admit I sort of took it for granted that all the women in my book were endowed with female body parts.”

“We’re going to rewrite your book and change that!”

“Go ahead—and then I’ll haunt you.” [At this point, the medium lost contact with Fitzgerald.]

The next deceased writer to be questioned was Kenneth Grahame, author of “The Wind in the Willows.”

“Mr. Grahame, your ‘Wind in the Willows’ has sparked complaints from several oppressed minorities. Were you not aware, as you were writing it, that not one of your various animal characters ever self-identified as a member of a species other than the one assigned to it at birth?”

“By Jove, it never entered my mind! In fact, I don’t think I understand what you’re trying to say to me, sir.”

“Let us explain. Your book would have been much more inclusive, and less hateful, if, for instance, you had written that your Mr. Badger came out of his house one morning and announced that from now on he would self-identify as a female luna moth and was to be addressed as Ms. Luna Moth.”

The ghost of Kenneth Grahame snickers. “Where I come from, anyone who talked like that would wind up in a padded cell.”

“Where you come from, Grahame, is neither here nor there!”

“England, actually. Although my address is currently in Heaven.”

“You can’t stop us from rewriting your book, you know!”

“I also know that if Badger were real, he’d take a large and painful bite out of you for doing that to him.”

This upsets one of the interrogators. “Did you hear that? He just used two archaic and unlawful binary pronouns, ‘he’ and ‘him’—and in the same sentence, no less! I must insist that he be prosecuted!”

“You can’t prosecute me. I’m already dead. And now I think I’ll go back to messing about in boats with Rat and Mole. Ta-ta, old thing!” [The medium loses contact with Grahame.]

“This isn’t working,” complains one of the commissioners. “Can’t we go back to persecuting living authors?”

“The dead ones will change their tune once we start rewriting their books,” replies the chief commissioner. “Remember, we’re re-engineering the world to create a utopia. Who’s next on the list?”

“We have a complaint about Tolkien excluding gay hobbits…”

My nightmare is that this satire will someday turn out to be real.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Why Can’t We Drain The Swamp?

A few days before Thanksgiving, a man who has represented Texas in Congress for 32 years, sixteen times elected to the House of Representatives, fell into hot water when an outlandishly lewd photo of him wound up going viral on the Internet. I will not attempt to describe the photo. Let it suffice that my wife said it made her ill to look at it.

But the dirty old Congressman is only one of a multitude of rich, powerful men now being called out for sexual harassment. The list of offenders includes political sluggers, entertainment moguls, and journalistic titans like Charlie Rose. And the list has been growing every day: it is a very long list.

Rich and powerful men have been chasing girls and women since wealth and power were invented. It’s not something that only started happening this month and is somehow Donald Trump’s fault. We can find examples of it in the Bible. God made laws against sexual predation, but many don’t obey His laws. I mean, what’s the point of being rich and powerful and famous if you’ve still got to obey the law?

And it’s not just men who do it. Powerful women abuse their power, too. Remember what Potiphar’s wife did to Joseph, when he was a slave in Potiphar’s house (Genesis 39). “Lie with me, lie with me!” she said. And when he wouldn’t, she had him framed and thrown into prison on a false charge of rape.

o you believe the current furor over sexual harassment will make it stop? Do you believe that sensitivity training, sexual addiction therapy, lawsuits, scandal, or public outcry will make it stop?

I don’t.

Washington, D.C., is a swamp, and it’s not just a swamp of sexual offenses. They sell the country out to lobbyists, they sell the people out to special interests, and nobody comes home from Capitol Hill poor. It seems something happens to otherwise decent men, once they’re sent to Washington. The place is like the Great Grimpen Mire in “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” where one false step by man or dog or pony means death: sucked right down to the bottom.

But Hollywood’s as bad as Washington, and then there’s Chicago. And a lot of other cities, too. Wherever you find wealth and fame and power, you find the Swamp. As nice as it would be, to be governed by sane and decent people, it seems all but impossible to achieve. Good intentions don’t seem to stand up very well to Original Sin. And bad intentions don’t even try.

One of the reasons we can’t drain the swamp is because we keep on filling it.

For instance: the Ontario Federation of Teachers has a real treat in store for elementary school children. They’re going to teach them a brand-new acronym that’s 14 letters long—LGGBDTTTIQQAAP. Each letter stands for a sexual aberration which the teachers think the kiddies ought to be conversant with. It’s all for the sake of “inclusion,” don’t you know. And you’d better be ready to affirm and celebrate each and every one of these, unless you want to risk being branded a Hater and having the local human rights tribunal send one of its witch-hunters to your door.

What we are talking about here is indoctrinating very young children into an ideology that declares any conceivable form of sexual activity morally acceptable—and then we are astonished and irate when they grow up to be swamp creatures. Really, what kind of shenanigans are they going to get up to, when, after a dozen years and more of being taught this stuff, they’re out on their own as adults?

Don’t bother to sneer at Canada, America. The same sort of thing is going on in our schools, albeit to a slightly less incredible extent.

You can’t even hope to drain the Swamp if you keep on filling and re-filling it. Our education system and our popular culture are hell-bent on doing just that; and they’re doing it with our permission. Sending our kids to schools and colleges that teach and preach corruption undermines any steps we take to drain the Swamp.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Creepy Science

In his classic 1945 novel, “That Hideous Strength,” C.S. Lewis wrote of an all-powerful scientific consortium that was doing a lot of weird and cruel experiments with the long-term goal of erasing all forms of life from the surface of the earth, turning the planet into a kind of gigantic cue ball spinning pointlessly through space. I wonder if he knew how right he was.

We do not yet have a world-wide Team Science consisting of everyone who wants to be a scientist. But we do have a lot of strange experiments—grafting human brain tissue into the brain of a rat, for instance—and an awful lot of scientists running in the same direction and saying the same crazy things. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy, but rather an enormous flow of thick, viscid creepiness that cannot possibly do us any good.

Last week we had a big-shot bioethicist venting his Climate Change hysteria by demanding that the human race cut way, way back on having babies. Too bad he never had the chance to give his mother that advice.

“Morality,” he says, as if he understood the word, requires that we lay off reproduction. He stops short of saying we should have no more children at all: but hey, having kids puffs up our carbon footprint and it’s gotta stop or we’re all gonna die! He does not mention the carbon footprint left by Global Warming-mongers living in multiple mansions and zooming off to Davos in their private jets so they can hold conferences denouncing other people’s carbon footprints. He would prefer we went extinct slowly rather than in just a single generation.

Unable to stop, once he gets going, the Big Professor likens having a child to releasing a murderer from prison, “knowing he will kill again.” As if liberals ever thought that was a problem!

Well, there’s no one more anti-human than a humanist, is there?

Close on his heels, a former Google executive has filed papers with the IRS to pave the way for its recognition of a new religion he has invented—the worship of technology “with the goal of creating a godhead.” Fan my brow: I thought a lot of ninnies were already worshiping technology without any help from this guy.

Yeah, but if Mr. Bioethics has his way, who’s going to be around to worship Mr. Google’s artificially intelligent godhead? Toaster-ovens? Robots? Rats with human brains that make them dumber than any rodent has a right to be? Someone hasn’t thought this through.

So one of The Smartest People in the World proposes that we make something—draw up specs, put our all-knowing computers to work on it, and assemble it with our hands—and then worship it as a god because, as all humanists know, there is no God, not really, so what the heck, we’ve got to make one. And worship it.

I’m no Bible scholar, but I’m pretty sure there’s a theological term for worshiping something that you have made with your own hands. Just let me think a minute, it’s bound to come to me…

Oh, that’s it! Idol worship! That’s what Mr. Google is proposing. Only his idol will be a lot fancier than those old-fashioned idols made of wood or stone. This one will possess Artificial Intelligence. Can you give me hallelujah? Our God made the heavens and the earth, out of nothing. Mr. Google’s god will be made by Mr. Google.

Science has always had its share of fat-heads. In the 1950s they were talking about creating an artificial sun to replace the real one when it finally burned out—sort of like changing a light bulb. As Psalm 2 warns us, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision.” And the science of those days was a lot less pretentious than it is now.

Now it’s just plain creepy.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Transgender Stampede

I have come to believe that the transgender movement is the worst thing that has happened in my lifetime—with the possible exception of Mao Tse-tung’s Great Leap Forward, which killed at least 40 million Chinese in just five years.

But the transgender push has only just begun, and the whole ruling class of the Western world is behind it as if their very lives depended on it. Not just politicians, but movie studios, TV executives, teachers’ unions and other—ahem!—educators, judges, lawyers, and business corporations: all are guilty.

Furthermore, the push has advanced with terrifying speed, so much so, just to report it has become a challenge. One is reminded of a herd of cattle, dying of thirst, stampeding toward a water-hole. Why this folly should seem like a water-hole to anyone is a thing beyond conjecture.

Even churches have leaped aboard the bandwagon. Recently the Church of England ordered all 4,700 of its schools, serving over a million pupils, to “allow children to experiment with their gender identity.” No more “Be not conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2). No more “[M]ale and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27). We can’t even say “Boys will be boys” anymore. How the church squares this with God’s Word is more than I can understand. Maybe they don’t bother to try.

Last week the New York City Transit Authority forbade its employees to say “Ladies and gentlemen”, lest some “transgendered person,” Heaven help us, among millions of subway riders, be offended. “Ladies and gentlemen” is taboo because it is not “inclusive.” That little word has done a great deal of damage to our culture.

A recent Pew Research poll found that 77 percent of Democrats with four or more years of college now believe that “sex is not determined at birth”. True, that’s Democrats for you, we can expect no better—but what hath “college” wrought? Do people really wind up believing whatever pure crapola that they learn in college? Is it really that powerful? Imagine if it were ever used for some constructive purpose. But that may not be possible.

And note the language creep. Throughout the poll, Pew employed the formula “gender assigned at birth.” Assigned by whom? If there’s any assigning going on, there must be an assigner. Some of us have always thought that was God, but now we’re told we’re wrong. We are not told who does the assigning, but it seems we’re expected to do it ourselves—as if we were God: as in Satan’s everlasting con job, “Ye shall be as gods.” Whatever we say we are, we are. We “self-identify” as muskrats, so that makes us muskrats.

Now this is both madness and abomination. It is a rejection of reality, a revolt against God’s created order. And it’s come so far, so fast, like a runaway train, that we have no time to predict where it will carry us.

Do you want to live in an order created by charlatans and idiots?

But we are not gods. Our inane and foolish words do not define reality. Why is it even necessary to point this out? Say you can fly, jump off the roof, and see what happens. There is no way this will turn out well for us.

God will eventually carry out His plan of regeneration and salvation mo matter what our worldly rulers say and do. I don’t think He listens to the New York City Transit Authority. But because of what these imbeciles say and do, and because of the mindless multitudes who follow them, it’s going to be an unimaginably rough ride. Whether it ends with a thunderous crash or a soft and sickening plop doesn’t much matter.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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One Little Word

Open borders and sanctuary cities—even sanctuary states. “You can be a boy one day and a girl the next, depending on how you feel.” Illegal pronouns. Spend our way out of debt.

These and others—the whole list would depress both writer and reader—are highlights of leftid ideology. They are also the bases for insane public policies which Democrats seek to implement. Crazy ideas don’t get sane when you actually put them into practice. Need we remind anyone to look at Venezuela?

Let’s pick up and examine just one item from the cluttered junk-drawer of progressive thinking. Words, and what they mean to those who use them, can tell us much. Let’s look at a word. Just one word.

“Inclusive.” Is there any reason why leftids feel they must be “included” in everything that other people say or do? Someone wrote to my local paper last week complaining about a columnist’s use of the word “mailman” to describe a man who delivered the mail. “Mailman,” because it does not include women who deliver mail, is “not inclusive” and must not be allowed—even if the individual being described really is a man. You know: an example of Homo sapiens with XY chromosomes.

The letter-writer also complained about the use of non-inclusive pronouns like “he” and “she.” Those hateful pronouns, so unutterably oppressive, imply the existence of two sexes, with one necessarily “excluding” the other. Leftids have a huge problem with “male and female created He them.” So they talk about “pregnant people” so as to include the odd (very odd!) pregnant man, and ban “The Vagina Monologues”—which rather deserved banning, but for other reasons altogether—because it excludes “women who don’t have vaginas,” formerly known as “men.”

But language itself, if it’s to be of any use, is all about exclusion. The more meanings that are excluded from a single word, the more precise it is, and the more useful. So, to take an example dear to the hearts of college students, “Play-Doh” refers to a specific toy, a kind of modeling clay that comes in many colors, and no other. When a Gender Studies major demands a load of Play-Doh with which to console—oh, dear! What pronoun can I use with excluding anyone?—itself after another Democrat loses another election, you don’t hand the poor jidrool an erector set, a yo-yo, or a doll. He, she, or it wants Play-Doh, dammit! But you can’t get your Play-Doh unless you exclude all other objects from the meaning of the word.

That we should even need to engage in such a discussion speaks volumes about the deterioration of our culture.

If everyone you can think of must be “included” in the word “marriage,” it naturally spawns public policies to that end. So we have a Supreme Court diktat redefining marriage to include same-sex couplings, and a multitude of new governmental agencies and regulations to enforce it. If a baker doesn’t want to create a fancy cake to “celebrate” one of these newfangled marriages, because it violates his or her religious convictions, then in the name of Inclusion, that baker’s livelihood must be destroyed. If he’s the only one of 300 bakers in a city who balks at taking part in a “gay wedding,” they will find him and destroy him as an enemy of the people.

All because of one little word.

There are a lot of little words floating around today that are being used to reshape our way of life whether we like it or not. Diversity. Tolerance. Justice. They’ve really done a job on “justice.” That “diversity” now means uniformity, “tolerance” intolerance, and “justice” injustice, is not something that bothers any leftid for a moment.

But it really ought to bother us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the month on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What Do They Want?

Leftids in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia are trying to organize a mass scream-in for Nov. 8, marking the election of Donald Trump as president by getting together, thousands of them (they hope), to “scream helplessly at the sky”.

All right, it’s funny. Sort of. Thousands of liberals in a collective tantrum. To me that sounds like victory. They think they can scream their way into our hearts, and make us profoundly sorry that we didn’t saddle ourselves with Hillary. Lots of luck with that, folks: it’s just bound to do your cause a whole world of good. But I think we have to look deeper than that. It’s not really all that funny.

They have not accepted the results of the election.  President *Batteries Not Included was well on his way to that glorious Fundamental Transformation of America and Hillary was supposed to put the capper on it—and now she can’t. America is not all that eager to be fundamentally transformed, and that makes the transformers mad. How dare we reject them? Can’t we understand how smart they are? Peasants! Deplorables! So they’re going to scream helplessly at the sky.

But that’s not all they mean to do.

Last week a church in Alexandria, Virginia, founded and supported by George Washington—remember him? “First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen”—decided to remove a plaque honoring the father of our country. The plaque had been there since 1870 but now, suddenly, it’s a great big problem.

What problem? Well, Washington owned slaves, didn’t he? Never mind that it was the 18th century and slavery was lawful everywhere. He owned slaves, even if he did set them all free in his will. According to the church, the plaque that honored him made some members of the congregation feel… “unsafe.”

Unsafe? Like, George Washington is going to jump out from under the pew and drag them off in chains? Like, honoring the man who kept our Continental army alive through that dreadful winter in Valley Forge, who fought with all the odds against him, and won, who presided over the Constitutional Convention and served as our country’s first president—he has now become a menace to society? Do they get the heebie-jeebies every time they see a dollar or a quarter?

Again the impulse is to laugh. But really it’s not that funny.

If the founders of our country, because some of them owned slaves two hundred years ago when it was lawful, are no longer fit to have their names displayed in public, no longer deserving of our honor and our gratitude, and are reconfigured as moral reprobates who make us feel unsafe in church—well, then, what becomes of what they did, what they wrote, and what they said? What of the country, our country, that they founded? If we must reject them, then how can we not reject what they created?

But that’s the whole point of it.

Just because they’re helplessly screaming at the sky doesn’t mean the Left has given up its dream of transforming the United States of America into something entirely different. I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel unsafe.

Discredit the founders, and then you can go on to discredit the Declaration of Independence and then the Constitution. And then you can replace those documents because they were the work of evil men, some of whom owned slaves. The fact that slavery no longer exists lawfully, outside certain corners of Islam, doesn’t faze the leftids.

What kind of America do they want? Pray you never see it. What do they want to put in place of the Declaration and the Constitution? Pray you never see it.

Pray we have the good sense, the decency, and the instinct for self-preservation never, ever, to let them take power in this country.

Because their dream will be our nightmare.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Your Freedom Not To Speak

Once upon a time, law was mostly about the things you couldn’t do; and as long as you didn’t do them, you could go about your business in peace.

But that’s no way to build a secular humanist utopia: no telling what the common people might get up to, if left unsupervised.

And so, day by day, law is increasingly about things you must do, or else: for instance, a law that says you must buy medical insurance, whether you want it or not; or another that says you must cater a “gay wedding,” whether you want to or not.

As long as we’re dealing in nostalgia, remember when it was the mission of the U.S. Air Force to deter America’s enemies, or, if they chose not to be deterred, to defeat them?

That was Job No. 1, then—but this is now. Protecting the American people from foreign enemies has slipped to No. 2. The mission of the Air Force now, it seems, is to take any and all steps to make sodomites feel good about themselves.

A colonel, a decorated combat veteran, has been blocked from promotion, his career probably ended, because he refused to publicly “affirm” the same-sex pseudomarriage of one of his subordinates. Why do those persons need his “affirmation”? They held their “wedding” without it. Why do they demand the approval of everyone in the country, and fly into a fury whenever they encounter the slightest opposition, no matter how insignificant?

The colonel did not denounce the so-called “marriage.” He spoke no discouraging word. All he did was… not affirm it. His career is not being destroyed for anything he did or said, but for something that he didn’t say, because to say it would have violated his religious convictions. Nor are we talking about any weird or exotic beliefs of some cult that was founded last week by someone who watched one too many Star Wars movies. They are the moral code of Jews and Christians, enduring thousands of years without change, upon whose foundation this country was brought into being.

The colonel’s religious beliefs were here first. God’s laws may not be changed. But of course leftid humanists don’t believe in God, to say nothing of His laws. The core beliefs by which you order your life, they declare, are to be handed down to you not by God, but by politicians and lawyers according to whatever fad they’re into at the time.

With millionaire football players and really goofy dorks in local government making a big display of kneeling during the National Anthem, and insisting that they’re only exercising their right to free speech—what about the right not to speak? Why should you be required, as a condition of your having a place in any kind of public service, to spout words that lacerate your conscience, and make a shambles of your self-respect?

I mean, atheists are constantly using that argument when they make a Broadway production number out of refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance because it includes the words “under God.” Who would dare force them to say those words?

But the colonel has to “affirm” this parody of marriage, or else his life’s work goes up in smoke.

Does freedom of speech still have any meaning, if they can compel you to parrot whatever abominable nonsense the government demands? If the Supreme Court were to reverse itself on “gay marriage” tomorrow, what happens to all those affirmations?

This would be a good time for the Commander-in-Chief to say “No more!” If he’s serious about undoing the ravages of eight years of Obama, he could hardly benefit the country more than by purging our military of the crawling left-wing political creatures implanted by Obama. The top brass is lousy with them.

Once again the Left has outraged the Constitution by demanding a religious test as a condition of serving the public in any way. Want to be a general? Trample on the Cross. Want to be confirmed to a judgeship? Trample on the Cross.

Why do we keep letting them do this to us?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Liberals In Glass Houses

A lot of the things that liberals say leave you wondering whether they’re quite all there. And then you remember that these are the self-anointed Smartest People in the World who feel entitled to run your country and meddle in your life. Then you can wonder about the sanity of a society that produces so many of them.

Last week a small gaggle of psychiatrists and other “mental health professionals”—try not to laugh—equipped with professionally printed cloth banners, marched down Broadway in New York to demand that President Donald Trump be removed from office because he’s, well, too crazy to be president. They were not singing “Doo-wah diddy, diddy-dum, diddy-dum,” which would have made more sense.

Mr. Trump, said these mental health professionals, can’t be president because he’s “narcissistic.” Narcissus, in Greek mythology, was a guy who fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water, so mental health professionals named a personality quirk after him. Mr. Trump, they say, is a nut who’s in love with himself. So he’s gotta go.

If you took all the narcissistic personalities out of politics, who would be left? And don’t even think of expelling them from the mental health profession.

Where were these marchers for the whole eight years of President *Batteries Not Included, the pompous, motor-mouthed, incompetent blowhard who ought to be the poster boy for narcissism? Remember the fun we had, counting the times he said “I” and “me” in any given speech? Compared to him, even Trump’s a shrinking violet.

And where were they for the eight whole years of Narcissist No. 2, Bill Clinton? Who ever blew his own horn louder than Bill Clinton did?

But it wasn’t for narcissism alone that they wanted to pack Mr. Trump off to the funny farm. They also diagnosed him as loony because apparently he doesn’t understand that no sane Republican president ever tries to win. A sane Republican backs down every time a Democrat opposes him. Every Republican in Congress understands that. But that loony Donald Trump, he just keeps right on trying to do those things the American people elected him to do, with or without any help from Congress. Look at his eyes: he must be crazy.

But the alternative, Hillary Clinton—no way, baby, no narcissism there! She’s as sane as the day is long. Oh, what a loss for America, that she couldn’t be our president! Mental health professionals are inconsolable.

Speaking of Hillary, and of liberals who seem to have no idea at all of what they’re saying, and what it sounds like to normal people, savor this quote of hers that came out five days after Hollywood producer and Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein was accused of a laundry list of sexual predations:

The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated”.

What? This from the same Hillary who was First Lady to the Predator-in-Chief, and captain of the Bimbo Eruption Squad? She didn’t just tolerate his behavior. She enabled it, she defended it, and she did everything in her power to smear and intimidate all those “women coming forward” to accuse her husband. This, coming from her, is more than just hypocrisy. This is hypocrisy hitting 60 home runs, winning a gold medal in the Olympic decathlon, writing Shakespeare’s plays, and inventing the Internet.

One stands in awe of the liberals’ gift for saying things that reveal such an absolute want of self-awareness. This is cluelessness elevated to high art. If you really think about what you’re seeing here, you wouldn’t let these people baby-sit your goldfish, let alone psychoanalyze you or govern your country, teach your children, or operate a business. The fact that so many of them do those very things is a terrifying thing to contemplate.

have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in today and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Age Of Panic

As secular humanists try to erase Christianity, set themselves up as gods, and establish paradise upon the earth, they seem to foster an increasing aptitude to panic when anything goes wrong. In fact, it doesn’t have to be wrong, to touch off a panic. It only has to look wrong.

People get rather easily scared, these days: because the Smartest People in the World are in charge and nothing’s supposed to go wrong—and yet it does. They aren’t able to protect us, after all.

Last week in Baltimore, a high school had to be evacuated. They called the fire department, and then a hazmat team in hazmat suits. And in the brouhaha, five people—two students, three adults—somehow (we are not told how) managed to get themselves injured badly enough to be taken to the hospital. Did they fall down the stairs as they fled the building?

What was this menace that almost turned into a disaster movie?

Somebody plugged in a pumpkin spice air freshener, and I guess it smelled kind of funny.

Better safe than sorry, said the authorities. But I’ll bet the five people who wound up in the hospital, because of pumpkin spice, were sorry.

It’s not just Americans who are so easily spooked anymore.

Last week in England, during the morning rush hour in one of the commuter trains, a man stood up and read some verses of the Bible. We aren’t told what verses, but there’s nothing in the Bible tantamount to “Everybody run! Godzilla’s coming!”

One of his fellow commuters told the man he was making people uneasy and asked him to stop: which he did, but it was already too late to avert the stampede. Quite a few riders panicked, forced open the windows, and dove out onto the tracks. Not wanting anyone to get fried, railroad authorities had to turn off the power. Meanwhile, the scared-out-of-their-wits commuters told a security guard that the man with the Bible said he had a bomb and was going to blow everybody up. In fact, he’d said no such thing, and the riders who hadn’t panicked vigorously refuted that claim.

What made those other commuters say something so blatantly untrue? Probably their sheer panic, nothing more. You know how it is: one person says something crazy, off the top of his head, and in the blink of an eye, everybody’s saying it. Although the man with the Bible hadn’t broken any laws, written security procedures obliged police to remove him from the train, which they did as gently and politely as they could. But because so many people lost their heads, the daily commute was all gummed up for hours.

Why these panics? In Western cities on both sides of the Atlantic, terror attacks and mass shootings have become a regular feature of the news, and people now know their governments can’t—or won’t—protect them. The ruling class’s attitude seems to be, “We’re gonna have a multicultural society if it kills you!” And they really don’t seem to care if it does.

A government that will not protect its people has no reason for existing, and people have learned that they simply aren’t safe. Their rulers fritter away their time protecting them from imaginary threats—Man-Made Climate Change, white privilege, toxic masculinity, whatever—but when it comes to protecting them from jihad johnnies, they’re asleep at the switch. Go figure.

This is what happens when Real Smart People try to play God, promising all kinds of goodies that they’ll never be able to deliver.

We have turned away from God, and our idols and false messiahs can’t protect us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week in my blog, . Stop in and visit today. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Dyugon – All Rights Reserved

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Coercion’s On The March

[Note: I write this with the Las Vegas mass shooting in its early stages of news coverage, too early for me to comment on it. You can expect to hear some pretty wild things, the next few days, from others less cautious.]

Five hundred years ago, the only Europeans allowed to do business in Japan were a few Dutch traders, the Tokugawa government having chosen to isolate their country from the world. Above all, they wished to keep out Christianity.

One of the conditions the traders had to meet, before getting down to business, was a requirement that they trample on a crucifix, satisfying the authorities that they weren’t Christian missionaries. This went on until the U.S. Navy invited itself into Japan and brought about the fall of the government and Japan’s belated entry into the modern world.

We have no Tokugawas in the United States Senate, but we do have Democrats—and they seem to be trying to make the renouncing of one’s Christian faith a precondition to holding any kind of public office. Leading the charge are avowed socialist Bernie Sanders—currently the odds-on favorite to be the God-Booing Party’s next presidential candidate—and Diane Feinstein from the coven on San Francisco Bay. They haven’t yet demanded that any of President Trump’s prospective appointees trample on the cross, for all to see: but give them time, they’re working their way to it.

In this secular inquisition, the technique is to get the witness to admit that he or she’s a Christian and then go on to proclaim, in Bernie’s words, that basic Christian theology is “indefensible” and “hateful” and “Islamophobic,” etc., and therefore the nominee is all those things and doesn’t belong in public office in America.

Unless, of course, he’s willing to confess that the ordinary tenets of the Christian religion are fundamentally untrue and he doesn’t really believe in them anyway.

If we may be permitted to inject a note of logic here, not generally allowed in a Senate confirmation hearing, all religions, including Christianity, make exclusive truth claims. There really is no point in being a Christian if you’re going to agree that all these other religions, which contradict it, are just as true as Christianity.

Even less welcome than logic, in this debate, is Article VI of the Constitution, which bars the imposition of any kind of “religious test” as a prerequisite to holding public office. But we know what Democrats think of the Constitution.

Bernie and Co. are trying to impose just such a test. Unless the nominee confesses belief in the Democrat religion of secular humanism—with its Deluxe Fun-Pack of Islamophilia and open borders, and the embrace of its secular sacraments of abortion, public sodomy, transgenderism, and Bible-bashing—the nominee must be rejected.

Feel the love, baby.

Meanwhile, in Australia, the “No to Gay Marriage” campaign has been barred from airing an ad displaying the kind of abusive language, including threats of violence, that they have to put up with from the “Yes” campaign. It’s okay for the Yessies to abuse the No’s, but not okay for the No’s to report it to the voters. And I’m so glad I’ve cleared that up for you.

Throughout what is now laughingly called “the Free World,” coercion’s on the march. Religious tests are all the rage, and theirs, the leftids’, is the only creed allowed. Anyone who doesn’t obediently jump aboard the bandwagon is going to be in for a very hard time.

Believe them when they say it—because they really mean it.

These people cannot be appeased.

With God’s help, they must be utterly defeated. That, or lose our liberty.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in today and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Football Hates America

All over the Western world, the leftids are kicking it into high gear. In America, we’re getting inundated with meaningless “protests” by millionaire football players. More on that later. For the moment, let’s hop into our private jets and see what the libs are up to in Australia.

Come November, Australians will vote on whether to inflict “gay marriage” on their country. For a time, a friend Down Under tells me, the “Yes” vote looked like it was in the bag. But as the vote draws near, the “No” vote is gaining ground: and one of the reasons for that is the bullying behavior of the Yessies.

As leftids see it, you’re not allowed to be opposed to the redefinition of matrimony and anyone who does so must be rigorously punished. So they got up a petition to revoke the medical license of a doctor who stood up for real marriage, throwing in a death threat for seasoning. They’ve been able to get other likely “No” voters fired from their jobs. A former prime minister, known to be on the “No” side, was physically assaulted by a Yessie.

The less violent among the Yessies have been content merely to cancel lifelong friendships they’ve had with persons who think marriage ought to be reserved for a man and a woman. Leftids just can’t conceive of anyone holding that opinion. Again we see the leftids being everything that they accuse us of being: fanatical, intolerant, determined to impose their belief on others regardless of the cost. With this crowd, projection is everything.

Hello, Australia: be guided by America’s experience. Once they get their “gay marriage,” their demands won’t stop. They’ll go on to demand “trans” bathrooms, legalization of polygamy, recognition of pedophilia as “a lifestyle”—whatever card is next in the deck. They’ll never stop, and they cannot be appeased. It would be folly to try.

Meanwhile, we’ve got football protests.

Remember Tim Tebow? He used to “take the knee.” (I promise not to use that expression again: you’re surely as fed up with it as I am.) Tebow knelt on the football field to give thanks and honor to God; and for that they ran him out of the league.

Just last year, the Far Left was gunning for the NFL. Lawsuits over the Washington Redskins name. Howling over the concussions suffered by football players. They really seemed to be going all out to get football banned. Why? Because Americans liked it and they don’t like America.

But suddenly we had all these vacuous “protests” over this or that “injustice,” all this flap about America being racist and bad and just plain awful—and the football team owners saw their chance, and grabbed it. All aboard the Social Justice Express! In a display of toadiness worthy of an award, the owners declared their “solidarity” with the players. What better way could they have found of mending football’s fences with the Left? “See? See? We’re on your side, dudes! We hate America, too! Don’t you see us showing our disrespect for the National Anthem?” They’ll find themselves funding Antifa, if they don’t watch out.

Because the “protests” are not about anything concrete, there’s nothing America can give the protesters that will satisfy them. In their eagerness to curry favor with the Left—somehow a lot of people have gotten the impression that leftids rule America—the NFL owners spit in the faces of the fans, most of whom love and respect America and are proud to stand for the flag and for the anthem.

What kind of wacky business model is this—insult your customer base and tell them that you loathe them? But the owners think the fans are so addicted to football that they’ll keep on watching the games week after week, keep on buying NFL jackets and T-shirts and huge inflatable football players for their front lawns, and just grin and bear it all the way to the Super Bowl.

That won’t stop the stupid protests, which have become an end in themselves and a useful tool of leftid propaganda.

You can’t appease people who will be unsatisfied no matter what concessions you make, no matter what you give them. Leftids aren’t made that way.

The only thing that must be done is to put them out of business, once and for all.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit today. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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It Must Be Magic

The worst error made by the leaders of the West between World War I and World War II was their failure to take Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” seriously. In that book, Hitler laid out everything he meant to do, and meant every word of it. The fact that most of what he wished to do was impossible was probably what prompted Western leaders to ignore it. But in trying to do those things, Hitler plunged the whole world into the worst disaster it had known since Noah’s Flood.

That was because he tried his level best to do all those things he dreamed of doing.

Leftids’ ideas, when they are candid enough to express them, seem equally impossible and profoundly asinine. That’s why we don’t take them seriously. But just because those things can’t be done doesn’t mean the Left won’t try to do them. We need to look past the craziness of their ideas and focus on the intent. These are the things that they intend to do, and it doesn’t matter whether they succeed or fail. Either way, it’ll be a costly mess with lots and lots of suffering involved—mostly by people who don’t deserve it.

Last week a law professor at William and Mary, James Dwyer, a man with long experience and still much influence in New York’s family court system, repeated his claim that parenthood is not a biological reality, not a fundamental part of being human, but only a creation of the state.

“The reason that parent-child relationship exists,” he babbled, “is because the state confers legal parenthood on people through its paternity and maternity laws.”

I didn’t know that! Did you? Here we were, thinking that being born to a mother and father was something that naturally happened without any help from bureaucrats, politicians, and lawyers. But then we’re not influential law professors, are we?

In 1994 Mr. Dwyer wrote a book, “Debunking the Doctrine of Parents’ Rights”—not self-published by some leftid loon, but by the California Law Review.

So we can be pretty sure we know where Mr. Dwyer’s coming from, and what kinds of things he’d like to do if he ever had the power.

Liberalism contains a heavy dose of pure loopiness, as Sally Quinn, widow of long-time Washington Post publisher Ben Bradlee, demonstrated in a recent interview.

Sally casts spells  When she puts the whammy on you, that’s it: you die. That’s what happened, she said, to three different people that she hexed. “I didn’t mean for them to die,” she says. Doesn’t know her own strength.

Sally says some of her friends and fellow noozies—did I mention she’s a “journalist”?—have asked her to put a hex on President Donald Trump and make him die. Such nice people, leftids. So far, she says, she has resisted the temptation—it’s sort of a bummer, to hex someone to death. But who knows how long she will resist it? The next time the president expresses some lingering doubt as to the reality of Man-Made Climate Change, he just might be letting himself in for a fatal hocus-pocus from Sally Quinn.

Sure, it’s ridiculous. But it does tell us what these nice people on the Left would like to do. Bear in mind that they are restrained by nothing recognizable as Christian morality or ethics, let alone the fear of God. And whether it’s superstitious poppycock like Sally Quinn’s, or hard-nosed worldly wickedness like Mr. Dwyer’s, it’s coming from the same source and seeks the same objective.

Would the German people, if they’d known what Adolf Hitler was going to let them in for, followed him right into catastrophe? Would the leaders of Britain and France, had they believed he would try to do the things he laid out in “Mein Kampf,” have let him come to power? We like to think the answer to both questions would be “No.”

In observing the actions and the words of leftids, never forget that just because it’s foolishness doesn’t mean it isn’t evil and can’t do us any harm. No matter how absurd it sounds to normal people, leftids believe in what they’re saying. And watch out, if they try to do it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Liberals And Earth Worship

We’ve been learning a lot, lately, about leftid religion. They, of course, profess to have “no religion,” although many of them claim to be “spiritual.” That means they expect to harvest the benefits of religion without undertaking any of the obligations. It also means nothing.

Recently the chair-biped of the art department at UC Santa Cruz went on a speaking tour to promote the new, exciting leftid concept of “ecosexuality”. And you thought your tuition dollars were being wasted!

It seems this professor is a real expert on the subject. She filmed a documentary four years ago called “Ecosexual Love Story” in which she and her “partner”—of course she has a “partner”—go around “making love to the Earth,” which is supposed to Save The Planet. These people are always going around saving the planet. She doesn’t say from what. She also teaches “ecosexercises”—please don’t ask what those may be, I’m sure we don’t really want to know—and has co-authored a book, “The Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm.” It seems the Planet is capable of sexual arousal when properly stimulated by idiots.

None of this would be anything but perverted silliness, if it stood alone. But then along came Hurricane Irma, and we soon see it doesn’t stand alone.

In fact, what we see is the full embittered wackiness of liberal earth worship.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence, a celebrity I never heard of, jetted off to Britain—another big old carbon footprint—to give an interview in which she delivered an extemporaneous psalm of sorts on “the rage and wrath” of Mother Nature.

See, the planet doesn’t just have orgasms. There’s also this powerful entity—a goddess, if you will—named Mother Nature who is apparently a registered Democrat who takes sides with the Left in American politics, and winged Hurricane Irma at America to punish Trump voters for not believing in the sacred doctrine of Man-Made Climate Change. “There is certainly,” proclaimed Ms. Lawrence, “an end of days feeling about it.”

Climate Change, which used to be Global Warming until the weather got cold, is the liberal apocalypse, their version of the Book of Revelation. Were anyone to suggest that God sends forth calamities because He is somewhat less than pleased with us, Hollywood and the nooze media and assorted Democrats would boo her off the stage. Maybe even demand she be prosecuted for hate speech and Climate Change Denial. As one leftid remarked last week, Climate Change Deniers “all deserve to die in jail!” The departure of Loretta Lynch from the attorney general’s office made this outcome unlikely—but liberals can dream, can’t they?

The interviewer didn’t think to ask Ms. Lawrence about all those people in the Caribbean who saw, if they lived to see it, their home islands savaged by the hurricane. Was Mother Nature punishing them, too—or were their sufferings just her warm-up tosses? I don’t know, maybe Climate Change Denial is really popular on the island of Barbuta. Or maybe Ms. Lawrence just says things without quite thinking them through.

Pagans worship things created instead of their Creator. The earth is God’s creation, and some of the college-educated leftids worship it. The others worship themselves and wish to take God’s place, hiding behind their idols of science and the state. The one thing they all have in common is their rejection of God the Creator—whether they worship the planet, the government, celebrities, or their own reflections in the mirror.

We laugh at them, but it wasn’t so funny when Loretta Lynch was huddling with Democrat senators to find some way to use the statutes on criminal organizations as a means of jailing Climate Change Deniers. In fact, it was extremely unfunny when it looked like their gal Hillary was going to be president.

Behind all the silliness lies a dark and false religious impulse.

Stalin the college professor would have been funny.

But Stalin the all-powerful dictator wasn’t funny.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in today and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Climate Of Fear

Tyrants always make you wonder, don’t they, how they get away with it. True, they’re always surrounded by a phalanx of loyal yes-men who, in protecting the tyrant, protect themselves. But they lord it over great masses of ordinary people, totally dominating them. How do they do it?

It’s easy to see how barbed wire and firing squads serve to keep the serfs in line. The people let you rule them because they’re scared to death you’ll kill them.

Fear in its less flagrant forms is a big part of how the Left dominates the nations of the West, once called “the Free World” but now considerably less free. Here, leftids in power use fear to stay in power.

Fear of what, though? After all, they’re not rounding us up and shooting us.

But they don’t have to shoot us. Once a Canadian “human rights” tribunal gets its claws into you, they never have to let go. Not only in Canada, but now in places in America dominated by the Left, your business can be ruined, your reputation shot, and your life turned into an endless hassle by assorted government agencies that seek out particular targets and apply harsh sanctions to piffling “offenses.” Using the wrong pronoun. Declining to take part in a “gay wedding.” Expressing the wrong opinion anywhere on a college campus. Setting up a grass-roots organization to support conservative political candidates. The IRS is watching you. In a school in Camden, New Jersey, police—yes, the police—were called in to deal with a third-grader who called a brownie “a brownie”—racism, you know.

And if the government overlooks you, the trolls on social media won’t.

So the Left in our country has created a subtle climate of fear, from which the veiled threat of violence is not entirely absent. “By any means necessary,” say the thugs of Antifa. People have learned to notice that.

Even more subtle, and numbingly effective, is the way they come after your self-respect. Once you’ve lost that, you’ll find it hard to stand up to anyone.

One of the ways they erode your self-respect is to force you, through fear of what might happen to you if you don’t, to say things you know to be false, and to pretend to believe in, and support, things you know to be both abominable and ridiculous. This is where the “transgender” business comes into its own.

We know—I pray we know—that just because a man says he’s now a woman doesn’t mean he is, in fact, a woman. But a lot of us will say he is, because who needs the tribulation of being publicly vilified and denounced as a “hater,” a “trans-phobe,” or a “Neanderthal”? You can also win that booby prize by asserting Climate Change Denial, defending America and her history, or criticizing Black Lives Matter. If you do, the self-anointed Smartest People in the World will come crashing down on you. What defenseless student can stand up to a professor’s mockery, let alone the threat of being flunked out of the course? So we go along to get along, and our self-respect is sacrificed on the altar of expediency. Self-abasement then becomes habitual, and tyrants feast on it.

Watching these things happen to our country is not a pleasant pastime.

But it ought to be remembered that there are tens of millions of us, and that we have the strength, if only we can find it and steel ourselves to use it, to declare, in no uncertain terms, “Enough, no more!”

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in today and visit. It only takes a single click to get you there.

‘Pro-Choice’ Means ‘No Choice’

Last week some leftid decided I must be punished for my recent NewsWithViews column on Barack Obama Day. To celebrate the new holiday, “Change your gender… Commit a crime.” He could have forthrightly responded with a column of his own, published on some friendly website. But libs don’t do forthright.

Instead, he went to to attack my novel, “Bell Mountain” with a one-star Customer Review. Amazon rules don’t allow dishonest reviews that are only personal attacks on the author and have nothing to say about the content of the book. His whole idea was to discourage people from buying the book because he doesn’t like my take on President *Batteries Not Included. Happily, people who had actually bought the book and read it objected to the non-review, and it was soon deleted from the site.

But how is it that those who call themselves “pro-choice” are always trying to take away everyone else’s choices?

In Memphis, Tennessee, the management of the Orpheum Theater has announced it wouldn’t show “Gone with the Wind” anymore because the classic film was “insensitive to a large segment of the population”. They’d been showing it in the summer for 34 years in a row, but now it’s out.

For 34 years, no one complained about the movie. Now it’s suddenly offensive. Now it’s suddenly verboten.

Liberals aren’t satisfied with staying away from the movie themselves. What fun is that? No, they must perform a dominance display by forbidding the rest of us to see it. And as usual, the powers that be—in this case, the theater management—knuckled under. I dare say they were worried about Antifa or Black Lives Matter showing up and trashing their theater. You can get more with a kind word, and a riot, than you can get with just a kind word.

But even that is not enough. Now the Left is taking aim at football.

A New York Times op ed piece—you can smell it coming, can’t you?—has broadly hinted that “white” football fans, tens of millions of ‘em, are nothing but a mob of racists exploiting all these poor black athletes, despising them even as they root for them to win. To a white reader who grew up idolizing Willie Mays, Sam Jones, and Roy Campanella—and still does—this was particularly offensive. Insensitive, even.

To a leftid, ordinary non-leftid white people are racists no matter what they think, no matter what they feel, no matter what they say, no matter what they do: just stuck with it, I guess. Who are we to contradict an assistant professor of philosophy? We’d still be racists, in her eyes, even if we stopped watching football: then we’d be putting all these poor, downtrodden black athletes out of work.

You can’t win. You can’t appease the Left because they refuse to be appeased. You can’t make them happy because they refuse to be happy. Who can even imagine what kind of final resolution would content them?

Well, fellow deplorables, if we just can’t please these people, there’s nothing left for us to do but… stop trying!

We don’t need their permission to live as we choose to live, to like what we like, to be who we are.

And the sooner we realize that, the better.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in today and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Abolition Of Liberty

Anyone who studies animal behavior can understand what’s going on today. Tearing down monuments, rioting on college campuses, shouting people down—it’s all a dominance display. It’s the Far Left showing us deplorables who’s boss. It’s intimidation. “It doesn’t matter who you elected president—we still run the country, and you’d better not forget it!” It’s the Alpha baboon strutting around and glaring at all the other baboons, daring them to make a move.

Leftids like to be obeyed. They feel entitled to it, and they get furious when obedience is withheld from them. We passed on Hillary, we passed on that pack of whimpering pygmies trotted out by the Republican establishment, and elected Donald Trump. The tantrum has been ongoing since Election Night.

Some of them saw it coming; and we should have seen their tantrum coming. In December, 2015, well before Trump had nailed down the GOP nomination, an ACLU board member in Denver took to Facebook to exhort his fellow leftids to murder Trump supporters. Because, he said, “they [meaning us] won’t listen to reason… When justice is gone, there’s always force.” His outburst, honest and heart-felt as it may have been, embarrassed his colleagues and he was forced to resign.

At least one loony leftid—and guess what, we’re back in Denver—took him at his word and tried to stab some poor devil he thought was “one of those neo-Nazis”. Apparently it was the guy’s haircut that set him off.

We shouldn’t be surprised. Six months ago, the Antifa brownshirts told Tucker Carlson exactly what they were going to do. “Antifa” is short for “anti-fascist,” a “fascist” being anyone, usually a Trump supporter, whom they think is a fascist. The wacko he interviewed heads a sub-group called “By Any Means Necessary,” including violence. The rightness of their noble cause, they believe, entitles them to physically attack anyone who dares to disagree with them.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg believed you could force people to do what you want by taxing their behavior. The problem with that, for leftids, is that they actually have to be in office before they can start throwing new taxes at the peasants. They lost that power in 2016, and it really frosts their buns. The beauty of a thing like Antifa, though, is that all you need is a gang of goons to immediately start teaching the deplorables a lesson. Nobody wants to get his head bashed in.

So we have these dominance displays. It’s Democrats, nooze media, and Antifa teaching everybody else that they’re going to run the country no matter who’s in the White House—and we’ll all know it when they finally take down the president that we had the gall to elect.

Even so, in the back of their minds—some of them, at least—is the thought that once you unleash the dogs of war, your enemy might unleash a pack of bigger, meaner dogs and that’ll be it for you.

Enter Science!

The utopian humanist dream of enforcing total obedience came a step closer to reality recently when a group of scientists announced that they could now remotely hack a brain and make its owner run, freeze in place, or lose control of his limbs whenever they pressed the right button. Okay, they’ve only done it to a mouse so far—but what’s the point of doing it to a mouse, unless you’re aiming at some way of being able to do it to humans?

This is what makes progressives drool. Imagine—no more trouble from the masses! No more disobedience! They’ll have to do what their masters want them to do, whether they like it or not, whether they believe in it or not—and all Chuck Schumer will need is a hand-held remote control unit. He won’t even have to get up off the couch to make some unenlightened serf do his bidding.

Leftism is ultimately a satanic project, and God forbid that we should see its goals achieved.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in today and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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