Democratic Party Affiliated Unions, Nonprofits And Paid Mobs Impersonate Workers To Hurt Christmas Sales

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

During the busy Christmas shopping season that began with Black Friday the day after the Thanksgiving holiday many bargain-hunters were — and continue to be — subjected to loud, boisterous labor demonstrations in front of department stores such as the Wal-Mart chain and other non-union retailers, according to national and local media stories.

What only a few media outlets covered were the allegations and convincing evidence that union front groups — paid for by either the unions or their Democratic Party puppets — are staging these holiday shopping protests in cities and towns throughout the country. The intent is to generate biased news coverage and publicity portraying the protesters as working-class heroes.

They have at times managed to disrupt holiday shopping in their quest for a negative PR campaign against retail employers, according to officials from the non-partisan Worker Center Watch.

“The protesters come from the same political labor pool as the members of Antifa and other left-wing movements. They couldn’t care less about the employees or their employers. The idea is to create negative impact of the U.S. economy so Americans and immigrants will accept socialist policies that give Democrats more power, more tax money and more control of the citizenry,” said former corporate security director Chuck Losasso, who also worked in retail security.

The organization offers disturbing proof that very few current employees of retailers being targeted are involved in the protests and demonstrations. They claim that “union members, their worker center activist allies and professional protesters sing songs, carry signs and chant through bullhorns in protests more focused on generating media attention than helping workers.”

“The deceptive Black Friday campaign, designed to look like a worker uprisings, has been planned for weeks, including designating protesters in big media markets for arrest,” Worker Center Watch officials allege in a press release.

“Unions, desperate for new dues after decades of declining membership, have embraced non-profit worker centers to do their dirty work for them. Worker centers are labor organizations, they clearly fit the definition,” said Ryan Williams, media director for Worker Center Watch, a coalition of business owners and concerned citizens dedicated to exposing labor unions’ abuse of the worker center organizational model.

“It’s a way that allows the unions to skirt labor organizing laws by letting the activist groups they sponsor to attack employers for them. Big Labor is spending millions of dollars on a massive charade against job creators at a time when our economy can least afford it,” notes Williams.

“This isn’t the first time unions have used paid protesters and thugs to carry out their ‘brown shirt’ activities against capitalists, conservatives and Tea Party members. They create fake organizations and pay all the expenses for these so-called labor actions,” said a former director of security for a large retail chain, Joseph Waylon.

“The Obama administration and the Democrats know this is happening but they do nothing to stop this fraud because these same labor unions pour millions and millions of dollars into their political coffers,” Waylon added.

A study — conducted for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce by Jarol B. Manheim, Professor Emeritus of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University — exposes how an extensive web of foundation cash fuels prominent union front organizations. For example, the Kellogg Foundation channeled over $1.2 million to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, the Open Society Institute — billionaire radical George Soros’ main organization for  political activism — gave the National Domestic Workers Alliance $695,000, and the Rockefeller Foundation gave Restaurant Opportunities Center United $300,000.

The group’s study also examines how many union front groups receive taxpayer-funded support from the Obama administration. For example, the group Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York received grants totaling more than $940,000 from the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius over four years, according to the U.S. Chamber.

In fact, as reported in an Examiner news story, Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York just had received money from HHS to hire Obamacare navigators.

The Examiner story revealed: “The health education organizer for the Restaurant Opportunities Center is an illegal alien activist named Maria Marroquin, CIS reveals in a report. According to the CIS report she will be in charge of the taxpayer-funded Obamacare recruitment efforts for the New York organization, which is known to be a labor union front group.”

According to Ryan Williams and his non-profit organization, several practices employed by unions and their worker center allies — practices that border on bullying — were exposed by researchers.

The list of strategies being utilized by unions, such as two of President Barack Obama’s and the Democrats’ biggest supporters, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO, includes:

  • Planning to have certain protesters arrested in major media markets to maximize publicity
    Budgeting to pay the legal bills of anyone arrested, and coordinating with local police in advance on specifics of how arrests will take place
     Paying protesters to participate, which was documented in a recent National Labor Relations Board decision
     Busing in protesters from out of state to create the appearance of numerous workers participating
     Intimidating employees and shoppers through street theater and noisy demonstrations
     Paying videographers to capture actions for mainstream and social media
     Violating labor organizing rules by passing out union fliers to employees working within stores being targeted

In recent weeks, the financially powerful unions’ have used the worker centers to help them skirt organizing regulations even though such practices have come under increasing scrutiny by Congress and others, according to Worker Center Watch.

“What should anger clear-thinking Americans is the news media’s complicity in this phony scenario: the police must arrest protesters who break the law or disturb the peace and the reporters turn these thugs being arrested into ‘martyrs’ for the ‘workers-of-the-world-unite’ crowd,” said former police detective Michael Snopes.

At times the retailers do find a judge who is fair and honest in applying labor law. For example, according to Worker Center Watch, just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday a Maryland circuit court judge banned protesters from coming onto the property of a large retail store they were planning to demonstrate against.

“By using the non-profit worker centers to carry out these aggressive tactics against employers, unions such as the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are skirting labor laws to push their agenda,” according to Worker Center Watch.

The group points to a recent study released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that reveals how unions and certain foundation allies are funneling millions of dollars through worker centers to drive their political and social agendas. The report, The Emerging Role of Worker Centers in Union Organizing: A Strategic Assessment, details the tremendous financial support that worker centers receive from foundations such as the Kellogg, Ford and Rockefeller.

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Violence In Tijuana: Caravan Immigrants Attacking Mexican Citizens But Police Stand Down

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Residents of Tijuana faced off with caravan migrants last night as police tried to intervene. The Tijuana residents wanted the caravan to turn back but the caravan was determined to get to the US border.

Both groups got into it over the caravan wanting to cross through their town. The citizens of Tijuana have worked hard to make a safe and prosperous city for themselves and they did not want caravan members there to ruin what they’ve built.

A huge crowd gathered together to stop the caravan members from getting off their buses and their efforts paid off!

Mainstream media only covered the caravan, but they did not mention the group of Tijuana protesters who did not want the caravan immigrants in their city.

It is reported that the Police are standing down, there was even rock throwing during the protest, but police did nothing.

A part of the media narrative of the Central American caravan to the U.S. border is the treatment of the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transsexual community by their fellow “asylum seekers.” In fact, LGBT’s are being segregated from the other immigrants on their long trip to the Mexican-American border, which is now protected by about 15,000 Border Patrol agents and about 5,200 National Guard and U.S. Army troops.

While several thousand Central American immigrants are working their way north towards Tijuana, about 80 people from the LGBT community are already in the northern Mexican city, according to a police intelligence source.

The now separated group says their travel was paid for by an anonymous organization after they were discriminated against by people in the caravan, according to NBC News in San Diego, California.  They are currently resting in the city before they make their way to the port of entry in San Ysidro or Otay Mesa to request asylum.

“Very happy, truthfully, grateful to God especially because he has given us the opportunity to be here,” Nehemías de León, who arrived in Tijuana with his boyfriend.

“I think to do bad, you don’t have to migrate to another country. You just stay where you are,” de León added. “But I think we’re going for a better life. We want to work. We want to be what we’ve always been — honorable people.”

Another member of the immigrant LGBT community, César Mejía, told American reporters: “Even to bathe was a big problem, and when we wanted to shower there was no water … same with food.”

Caravan leaders said that almost 6,000 of those immigrants were departing Sunday morning. The size of the leading caravan seems to have grown since the group was in Mexico City for several days, raising the possibility that other migrants from trailing groups have joined the main caravan.  In the U.S. they will likely be greeted by U.S. law enforcement and military personnel who have been busy installing barbed wire along the porous borders of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California.

Media Coverage of Immigrant ‘Caravan’ Flawed or Inaccurate

The American people are being subjected by the news media to disingenuous coverage of the now infamous “immigrants caravan” originating in Central American nations such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatamala. A top intelligence agency founder and owner Dr. Lyle Rapacki has investigated the true events occurring in Mexico with regard to not one but three U.S.-bound caravans of “asylum seekers.” (After reading this in depth report, please view video below.)

“I was informed the main caravan containing thus far the largest numbers of people traveling north to the U.S./Mexican Border has stopped in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Approximately 10,000 people are now in some form of holding in the aforesaid State of Mexico – Oaxaca,” reports Lyle Rapacki, Ph.D., owner of the private security firm Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC.

However, there are two smaller caravans totaling about 5,000 men, women and children — mostly adult males — that are about 36-hours behind the main caravan.

It is unknown at the time of this report what kinds of shelter and/or temporary housing the main caravan has available.  Approximately 80% of the total people marching north are males in the age range of 16-40.

There are women and children, but that population group is a significant minority.  Severe infighting and hostile acts within the caravan have caused approximately 4,000 to turn back by buses brought in by the Mexican Government.  Said males in the caravan are extremely arrogant and angry, having already shown on video angry and hostile acts and hostile chants to law enforcement and anyone in authority.

From interviews conducted in this caravan, the males come from: Bangladesh, the Congo, Guatemala, Venezuela, Honduras, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and even Cuban Nationalists.  Guatemalan authorities detained and identified one hundred (100) ISIS Members at their border prior to entrance into Mexico.  The males in the main caravan have NO interest in seeking jobs or a better life in America, they are clearly agitators and hostile, and view America as a force to collapse.

It appears the Mexican Government has stopped all forms of reliable transportation to pick-up and transport north this caravan.

Mexican Federal Police and military have engaged the caravan, and likewise, have sent the order that mass transportation will not be permitted except to move southward out of Mexico.  It appears the incoming President of Mexico is joining Guatemala becoming a closer ally with America and President Trump.  The verified stoppage of the caravan is significant news, but a waiting game now commences to learn what steps will be next.

Commencing tomorrow morning, an aviation asset that has come forward to work with Dr. Rapacki and will begin flying over the Oaxaca area now known to be holding this large caravan.  The pilot will be flying a Beechcraft King Air 250 with retractable gear; twin turbo props engines, and 4 blade constant speed props.  Cruising speed of 330+ knots with fully loaded sophisticated electronics including duel navigation and communication radios.

“Overflight will be at 5,000 ft with crystal clear weather reported, and lower if needed.  Further identification and specific information is being sought.  Mentioned below are three (3) map sites you might find of use and interest,” said Dr. Rapacki in an email to

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Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris Compares Immigration Cops To KKK

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

California’s far-left Democrat, Sen. Kamala Harris, compared U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) on Thursday, which angered the agency’s acting director who replied that there isn’t an equivalence between patriotic and brave law enforcement officers who enforce the law, and a racist mob bent on violence and intimidation.

The exchange between Senator Harris – the sister of a Hillary Clinton minion, Maya Harris —  came while Ronald D. Vitiello, the acting director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, appeared before the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Mr. Vitiello had sharply criticized sanctuary cities and their officials for refusing to cooperate on deportations. He also requested that Harris and her likeminded politicos respect for his employees who he said deserved not to be disrespected by politicians, the press or activists looking to score political points.

“Harris and other Democrats have been merciless in their rhetoric against the ICE special agents, the Border Patrol and Customs agents. Besides Sen. Harris, who sounded much like Hillary Clinton who, during her presidential campaign, compared police officers in minority neighborhoods to ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria], Rep.

Luis Gutierrez called ICE agents the Gestapo,” said Gregory St. Francis, a retired federal law enforcement officer.

“Democrats may at times pay lip-service to law enforcement, but they have repeatedly shown they detest certain cops who enforce laws with which the Democratic Party disagree,” noted St. Francis.

During her grilling of the ICE acting chief, Ms. Harris, the California Democrat who is already vying for Democratic Party presidential bid, said there are “many” people who perceive ICE officers as similar to KKK thugs in using violence and intimidation.

“I’m very specific about what I’m asking,” she said. “Are you aware that there’s a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America?”

“Mr. Vitiello should have reminded Harris that it was the Democrats in the South who created the Ku Klux Klan. If it wasn’t for federal law enforcement groups, there would have been no one fighting the KKK and imprisoning their leaders,” Greg St. Francis said.

National Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane released the following statement after Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and David Perdue (R-GA) introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate, “Opposing the targeted harassment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and employees and     reaffirming the fundamental principle that public safety services should be provided without discrimination.”

“On behalf of the men and women of ICE, I want to thank Senators Cassidy and Perdue for introducing this resolution and for standing in solidarity with ICE law enforcement officers and staff, especially at a time like this.

“The actions taken by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler against ICE employees living and working in Portland are reprehensible, and we believe unconstitutional. We feel nothing short of blessed that no ICE employees suffered serious injury or death as a result of the mayor’s negligent actions. We applaud Senators Cassidy and Perdue for their efforts to bring attention to and condemn what ICE employees have gone through in Portland and around the country,and urge all Members of the Senate to support this resolution.

“Certain elected officials, political leaders, and members of the press have engaged in hateful and often false rhetoric against our officers and employees encouraging widespread death threats and the targeting of ICE officers, employees, and their families. For these leaders, officials, and the media to enflame this type of hatred toward our officers and staff – at a time when law enforcement personnel are being targeted and have been assassinated on our nation’s streets – marks a truly dark time in our country’s history. It’s comforting to know that some in Congress, like Senators Cassidy and Perdue, still understand the value and importance of supporting the brave and courageous men and women of law enforcement.

“National security, or even basic border security, does not exist without the interior enforcement of a nation’s immigration laws, as the horrific events of 9/11 and indeed terrorist attacks worldwide have proven. With over 2 million criminal aliens estimated to be currently residing in the U.S., our jails and prisons are already dramatically overcrowded and local police are often overwhelmed, begging for ICE and its resources to assist in making our communities safer. Those calling for the abolishment of ICE don’t understand the significant threat to our nation’s security and the safety of American communities that their ideas present.”

The National ICE Council represents the over 6,000 rank and file ICE law enforcement officers and support personnel who enforce our nation’s immigration laws, apprehend dangerous criminals and keep our communities safe each and every day. The men and women of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) serve in all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and in Fiscal Year 2017 made 143,470 overall administrative arrests. Of these arrests, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, a pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive or were processed with a reinstated final order. (Source: Fiscal Year 2017 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report.)

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Black Panthers Intimidate Voters In Georgia Gubernatorial Race

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Breitbart News has obtained photographs of members of the New Black Panther Party wielding weapons and holding signs supporting Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a leftist who hopes to be the first black female governor in Georgia, the highly-rated news and commentary web site reported on Election Day 2018.

Abrams’ Panther-supporters arrived in the wake of television talk host and actress Oprah Winfrey’s visit to Atlanta, Georgia on Abrams behalf where she said she refuses to allow the sacrifices of those who were “lynched” and “oppressed” to be “in vain.” Winfrey is one of the world’s wealthiest people and it’s a known fact that white Americans and Europeans helped her to achieve superstar status which led to an enormous fortune.

The gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, has said she understands that if blacks possess the energy and motivation to strive, as well as the brave spirit to confront their challenges, black Americans’ potential is boundless.

Although she is one of the Democratic Party’s top leftists — pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-reparations, and other leftist issues — she has proven her ability to hide her agenda from the Georgia voters.  A lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), she has received recognition from the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Georgia), the National Urban League, EMILY’s List, and the sacred cow of the left, Planned Parenthood.

The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense – 10 Point Program and Platform (Verbatim)

What the New Black Panthers Want; What the New Black Panthers Believe”

  1. We want freedom.  We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.
    We believe in the spiritual high moral code of our Ancestors. We believe in the truths of the Bible, Quran, and other sacred texts and writings.  We believe in MAAT and the principles of NGUZO SABA. We believe that Black People will not be free until we are able to determine our Divine Destiny.
  2. We want full employment for our people and we demand the dignity to do for ourselves what we have begged the white man to do for us.We believe that since the white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind, and used every “dirty trick” in the book to stand in the way of our freedom and independence, that we should be gainfully employed until such time we can employ and provide for ourselves. We believe further in: POWER IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE! WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE! ARMS IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE!
  3. We want tax exemption and an end to robbery of THE BLACK NATION by the CAPITALIST.  We want an end to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all of its forms:  imperialism, criminal settler colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, Zionism, Apartheid and artificial borders.We believe that this wicked racist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debt of reparations.  A form of reparations was promised 100 years ago (forty acres and a mule) as restitution for the continued genocide of our people and to in meaningful measure and repair the damage for the AFRICAN HOLOCAUST (Maangamizo/Maafa). We believe our people should be exempt from ALL TAXATION as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land and the overdue reparations debt remains unpaid. We will accept payment in fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency.  As genocide crimes continue, people’s tribunals must be set up to prosecute and to execute.

The “Jews” were given reparations.  The Japanese were given reparations.  The Black, the Red and the Brown Nations must be given reparations.  The American white man owes us reparations.  England owes us reparations.  France owes us reparations, Spain and all of Europe.  Africa owes us reparations and repatriation.  The Arabs owe us reparations.  The “Jews” owe us reparations.  All have taken part in the AFRICAN OFFICIAL NBPP BLACK POWER MANUAL HOLOCAUST and the slaughter of 600 million of our people over the past 6,000 years in general and 400 year in particular.  We know that this is a reasonable and just demand that we make at this time in history.

  1. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings, free health-care (preventive and maintenance).  We want an end to the trafficking of drugs and to the biological and chemical warfare targeted at our people.

We believe since the white landlords will not give decent housing and quality health care to our Black Community, the he housing, the land, the social, political and economic institutions should be made into independent UUAMAA “New African Communal/Cooperatives” so that our community, with government reparations and aid (until we can do for ourselves) can build and make drug free, decent housing with health facilities for our people.

  1. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society.  We want education that teaches us our true history/herstory and our role in the present day society.  We believe in an educational system that will give our people “a knowledge of self.” If we do not have knowledge of self and of our position in society and the world, then we have little chance to properly relate to anything else.
  2. We want all Black Men and Black Women to be exempt from military service.
    We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us.  We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America.  We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, “by any means necessary.”
  3. We want an immediate end to POLICE HARRASSMENT, BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black People. We want an end to Black-on-Black violence, “snitching,” cooperation and collaboration with the oppressor.

We believe we can end police brutality in our community by organizing Black self- defense groups (Black People’s Militias/Black Liberation Armies) that are dedicated to defending our Black Community from racist, fascist, police/military oppression and brutality.  The Second Amendment of white America’s Constitution gives a right to bear arms.  We therefore believe that all Black People should unite and form and “African United Front” and arm ourselves for self-defense.

  1. We want freedom for all Black Men and Black Women held in international, military, federal, state, county, city jails and prisons.OFFICIAL NBPP BLACK POWER MANUAL  

    We believe that all Black People and people of color should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial. ‘Released’ means ‘released’ to the lawful authorities of the Black Nation.

  2. We want all Black People when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by white law of the Constitution of the United States.

We believe that the courts should follow their own law, if their nature will allow (as stated in their Constitution of the United States) so that Black People will receive fair trials.  The 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution gives a man/woman a right to an impartial trial, which has been interpreted to be a “fair” trial by one’s “peer” group. A “peer” is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background.  To do this, the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black Community from which the Black defendant came.  We have been and are being tried by all white juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning person” of the Black Community.

  1. WE DEMAND AN END TO THE RACIST DEATH PENALTY AS IT IS APPLIED TO BLACK AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE IN AMERICA. WE DEMAND FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS OF THE BLACK RED AND BROWN NATION!We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.  And, as our political objective, we want NATIONAL LIBERATION in a separate state or territory of our own, here or elsewhere, “a liberated zone” (“New Africa” or Africa), and a plebiscite to be held throughout the BLACK NATION in which only we will be allowed to participate for the purposes of determining our will and DIVINE destiny as a people. FREE THE LAND! “UP YOU MIGHTY NATION! YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL!” BLACK POWER!  History has proven that the white man is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No one has been able to get along with the white man. All the people of color have been subjected to the white man’s wrath. We believe that his very nature will not allow for true sharing, fairness, equity and justice. Therefore, to the Red Man and Woman, to the Yellow and to the Brown, we say to you “THE SAME RABID DOG THAT BIT YOU, BIT US TOO!”  ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

The SOLE PURPOSE of a Black Panther
The SOLE PURPOSE of a Panther is to be a REVOLUTIONARY in the Black/Afrikan People’s liberation struggle, and to mobilize the masses towards self determination. A Panther MUST be a vanguard example at ALL TIMES. In order to accomplish this great and divine mission…

She/he must be:
1. Spiritually, culturally, and politically conscious.
2. Respectful and courteous to all people and demand the same in return.
3. Militant – Always engaged in war for the minds and hearts of black people, while carrying one’s self in an organized and orderly fashion.
4. Humble – Willing to release any arrogant attitudes or superior ideas of one’s self.
5. Disciplined – Willing to sacrifice your lower or personal desires for the greater good of the mission.

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Liberal Portland OR. Sheriff Mike Reese Frees Illegal Alien Who Then Kills Wife

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Multnomah County, OR. —An illegal alien in Oregon who allegedly killed his wife and dumped her body in a ditch is causing an enormous controversy about professional relations between (ICE) Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Department.

ICE officials claim they placed an immigration hold — known as a detainer — on Martin Gallo-Gallardo when he was arrested on a domestic violence charge in March, months before he allegedly murdered his wife, Coral Rodriguez-Lorenzo.

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office in their response to the news media claimed they never received the detainer from ICE headquarters in Washington, D.C.. But they admitted even if they had received the ICE request to hold Gallo-Gallardo, they would not have notified ICE due to a 2014 federal court ruling which was eventually overturned.

During a Friday afternoon press event, Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese accused the Homeland Security Department’s ICE of “being deceitful” about their detainer request.

The 45-year-old Gallo-Gallardo is accused of repeatedly stabbing his wife after returning from a weekend party. He allegedly dumped her body near a summer camp.

When he was arrested in March 2018 on assault charges against her, a grand jury decided not to move forward with the case after she was unwilling to cooperate. Gallo-Gallardo was released on bail from the county jail.

According to federal law enforcement investigators, the murder-suspect is a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and without documentation. ICE said if Multnomah County had held him as requested, he likely would have been in federal custody instead of returning home to his wife, whom he savagely stabbed to death.

ICE responded to the crime in the following statement: “ICE maintains that cooperation by local law enforcement is an indispensable component of promoting public safety. Gallo-Gallardo is a citizen of Mexico who has been previously apprehended by the Border Patrol multiple times unlawfully entering the United States.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) placed an immigration detainer on Gallo-Gallardo on March 6, following his arrest for Felony Assault 4th degree. The Multnomah County Jail did not honor that detainer and Gallo-Gallardo was released on bond on March 8.

Also in Oregon, as reported by, an illegal alien from Mexico entered a guilty plea to multiple charges of kidnapping, sodomy and sexual assault on Friday. Sergio Jose Martinez, 34, a Mexican national who in the past was deported from the United States at least 20 times has been convicted of 10 counts of sexual assault in Oregon.

Police said Martinez was armed with a knife and assaulted a woman in the basement parking garage of a building on the 2100 block of Northeast Halsey Street at around 7 p.m. Monday.

Martinez ran away when uniformed police officers arrived. They chased the suspect on foot through the neighborhood before he was finally nabbed after broke into another apartment.

Meanwhile the investigating detectives connected Martinez to another sexual assault that occurred Monday morning several blocks away.

Police reports and court documents allege that Martinez entered the woman’s home through an open window, used scarves and socks to blindfold her, gag her and tie her up before he sexually assaulted her and beat her with punches and the slamming of her head against wood floor.

In his subsequent sexual assault and attack, the police probable cause affidavit accuses the suspect Martinez was hidden in a dark corner of the parking garage and he first approached a woman telling her he wished to talk.

The woman in fear of the suspect offered Martinez her money, her cellphone and her personal laptop computer, but Martinez, she said, threatened to kill her and forced her to get into her car while pointing a six-inch knife at her, according to court documents.

The probable cause affidavit states the woman kicked Martinez in the midsection, but he said, “you shouldn’t have done that,” and again threatened to kill her.

The woman had pressed the panic button on her car alarm system before she got into the suspect’s vehicle. Court documents noted she escaped from the car, but Martinez tackled her and slammed her head onto the ground.

People nearby heard screams and rushed in to help, causing Martinez to run away. When he was caught by police, he was carrying the 6-inch knife and the items he stole from both victims, according to the probable cause affidavit.

Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown had officially declared Oregon to be a Sanctuary State for all illegal aliens in February 2017.  Her executive order forbids all state agencies and employees from helping federal immigration officials locate or apprehend illegal immigrants.

Oregon State Law already forbids state and local law enforcement agencies from using public resources to find or arrest those whose only crime is being in the country without proper documentation, Brown’s order goes a step further in solidifying the state’s sanctuary status by expanding the law to all agencies.

Oregon is among the growing number of Democratic Party run states that provide ‘sanctuary’ to illegal aliens. Such state laws equate to not cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement agencies who require state and local law enforcement and sheriffs’ departments to to turn over illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds, especially immigrants who commit violent crimes.

Instead these ‘sanctuary’ cities and or entire states choose to harbor these criminals, putting them before the safety and well-being of American citizens residing in these areas. [YouTube Video]

The investigation of sex crimes case is extremely difficult and demanding, requiring not only technical expertise and experience, but also sensitivity towards the victim. The detective or prosecutor assigned to investigate should always remain cognizant of the fact that the entire criminal justice process, beginning with the initial police interview right through adjudication, poses an additional ordeal for the sex crime victim and her family and loved ones.

The trauma of sexual attack leaves the victim at once hurt — physically and emotionally — angry, anxious, fearful, vengeful, confused, hate-filled and distrustful. In many cases, the victim blames herself for the act, thinking she contributed to the crime. If she was returning home late from a party, she may tell herself she deserved what she got because of her carelessness late at night or early in the morning. The investigating officer(s) must reassure her that she did nothing wrong. The rapist or sex offender is the one who committed the crime.and the one deserving punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

In some cases, the investigators will find the victim to be uncooperative, even hostile the preliminary stages of the interview/preliminary report. Sensitivity and understanding of the psychology of rape and sexual assault are prerequisites to a successful sex crimes investigation.

Most big-city police departments have specialized units for sex crimes as do most prosecution offices. In New York City, for example, there are several sex crimes squads or units operating within all of NYC’s five boroughs. In addition to the NYPD’s specialized squads, the District Attorney’s Office in each borough have assistant district attorneys assigned to a special sex crimes unit.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Many Voters Suspect Democrats Of Using IEDs As Their ‘October Surprise’

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The Democratic Party and their foot soldiers in the news media are openly — many say unfairly — blaming President Donald Trump and conservatives for the multiple improvised explosive devices (IEDs) sent to well-know left-wing Democrats such as multi-billionaire businessman and far-left activist George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and others. But there are those who suspect the bombs are the work of far-left Democrats or members of their supporting mobs.

Although no one has taken responsibility for the IEDs, the politicized leftist news people are pointing their collective fingers at the White House and the Republicans or at the “deplorables.”

“These people in the news business have already made up their minds to help Democrats with a possible ‘October Surprise’ only days before the mid-term elections And while the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are on the case, my faith in those two agencies has decreased,” said former New York police detective Benny Cardona, who spent 10-years assigned to the Arson & Explosion Squad.

“I’m very skeptical of the IEDs — pipe bombs — sent since not one of the nine confirmed IEDs succeeded in detonating. A bomber who knows what he or she is doing would have had at least one device explode. But that’s not what happened,” said Det. Cardona.

Within the conservative news and commentary media, including prominent Republicans  talk radio superstar Rush Limbaugh and frequent Fox News guest Candace Owens, there is suspicion that Democratic Party operatives were behind the IEDs that were sent by mail to Democratic Party and Deep State members.

Rush Limbaugh suggested on-the-air that the acts were committed to fuel support for Democrats two weeks before the midterm elections.  “It’s happening in October,” Limbaugh noted.. “There’s a reason for this.”

He added that attempted violent attacks are out of character for conservatives.   “Republicans just don’t do this kind of thing,” he said.


Antifa claims to be an anti-fascist movement and claims to be fighting against fascism, but their actions prove the opposite. Interestingly enough, the “Antifa” movement began in a few European countries in the 1920’s and expanded outward to other countries eventually reaching America. The modern-day Antifa movement is funded by the elites like George Soros, the Clintons and Barack Hussein Obama.

The new Antifa has proven by its members’ own actions who the real fascists are, and all they need to do is look in the mirror. Antifa considers themselves to be rebelling against the establishment, whilst upholding all of its ultra-politically correct views.

As hypocritical as Antifa is, the organization is proving to be quite a big problem in our country. They are progressively becoming more dangerous and bolder as each day passes. The mainstream media portrays Antifa in a positive light claiming they are champions of justice, but just look at any raw footage of their “protests” and you will realize their actions resemble riots much more than an actual protest.

Recently, Antifa has begun to arm themselves and call for open rebellion against the United States Government, and more specifically, against President Trump and his supporters. Antifa tries to paint themselves as champions of minorities but only if those minorities agree with them.

An armed Antifa group is launching a new cell in Philadelphia, with support from the “alt-left” news media.

The group continues to offer their members and ‘contractors’ (hired and paid protesters) access to anti-police workshops called “Our Enemies in Blue.” The group draws inspiration from convicted murderers and calls for violence against the police, theft of goods, and armed insurrection.

Antifa Press Release

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement has sought since its inception to spread nationwide, and create international connections to further the cause of abolitionism and revolutionary anarchism. Today, we are proud to announce the formation of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement – Philadelphia Branch (RAM Philly). With the growth of each new branch we inch ever closer to the day when we can realize our revolutionary aspirations, live in a world of true freedom, and decisively eradicate the abhorrence of 21st century slavery.

The struggle in the US seems like an unrelenting weight being pushed down on revolutionary forces, but that same force has been bearing down on criminalized communities for decades with no reprieve. Mosques are being ruthlessly bombed, state agencies and vigilante groups are deporting Latino people with relentless vigor, LGBTQ people are being battered, and the destruction of black life continues unabated as millions languish in the plantations of the modern day slave system.

Immersed in these struggles, against the state and its white supremacist militias, we are developing the capacity to liberate ourselves and others. We fight side by side with those facing state and reactionary violence and with each person we free from captivity the stronger we grow. As demonstrated by our resistance in Charlottesville, we will not cede one inch of ground to racists. As each new collective forms, we begin to create new political realities and continue the march together against white supremacy and for a dignified world.

We continue in the legacy of Philadelphia’s rich revolutionary tradition, demonstrated by Mumia Abu Jamal, Russell Maroon Shoatz, and the MOVE organization.

We are now establishing a revolutionary political movement that can confront the challenges ahead of us, and together with Philadelphia based comrades, we are taking one step closer.

Victory to Those Behind the Barricades!
Victory to Those Behind Prison Walls!
Victory to Revolutionary Forces!

Long live RAM Philly!
Help get things rolling:
Hit us up to join the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement in Philly:
Facebook: @RevolutionaryAbolition.Philly
Twitter: @RAM_Philly
Instagram: @RAM_Philly

Law enforcement officials and bomb technicians have been critical of the news coverage of the ‘serial bomber’ who targeted top Democratic Party or Deep State leaders such as the Clintons, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, CNN, radical multi-billionaire George Soros and others.

Several experts in terrorism and explosive devices believe that using the term “terrorists” to describe the alleged bomber(s) is something that doesn’t help to explain the criminal use of bombs by obviously politically-motivated criminals.

One expert, former bomb technician Det. Lukas Grenier, said, “It’s almost comical that you practically have to beg the Democrats and the news media to get them to label a criminal act by a radical Muslim as an act of terrorism, but if it’s even remotely connected to President Trump it’s one of the first terms they use in the hope it hurts the Republicans.”

Most of the police veterans and active officers said they preferred to use terms such as sabotage and saboteur to describe a criminal act perpetrated by a non-combatant or bonafide member of a terrorist group. They also gave Conservative Base the benefits of their careers in stopping bombs from becoming crime scenes filled with death and destruction.

The idea of radical leaders using sabotage to achieve their objectives isn’t new. Leon Trotsky supported the use of sabotage and terrorism to advance so-called social justice. Decades before an ice-axe found its way into his skull, Trotsky argued in Dictatorship vs. Democracy that Communists who reject “terrorism in principle” weren’t bona fide Communists.

Sabotage, like any other weapon, offers its user an amplification and extension of his own strength, both to harm others and defend himself. Sabotage has the additional appeal of destroying much evidence of itself, and is usually hard to prove.

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Oregon’s Government Blesses Illegal Alien Sexual Predators With Sanctuary

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Where is the public outcry from the Oregon Republican State legislators?

Another story regarding the criminal actions of an illegal residing in the sanctuary state of Oregon has come to light and the details of this man’s actions are horrifying.

An illegal alien from Mexico entered a guilty plea to multiple charges of kidnapping, sodomy and sexual assault on Friday. Sergio Jose Martinez, 34, a Mexican national who in the past was deported from the United States at least 20 times has been convicted of 10 counts of sexual assault in Oregon.

Police said Martinez was armed with a knife and assaulted a woman in the basement parking garage of a building on the 2100 block of Northeast Halsey Street at around 7 p.m. Monday.

Martinez ran away when uniformed police officers arrived. They chased the suspect on foot through the neighborhood before he was finally nabbed after broke into a another apartment.

Meanwhile the investigating detectives connected Martinez to another sexual assault that occurred Monday morning several blocks away.

Police reports and court documents allege that Martinez entered the woman’s home through an open window, used scarves and socks to blindfold her, gag her and tie her up before he sexually assaulted her and beat her with punches and the slamming of her head against wood floor.

In his subsequent sexual assault and attack, the police probable cause affidavit accuses the suspect Martinez was hidden in a dark corner of the parking garage and he first approached a woman telling her he wished to talk.

The woman in fear of the suspect offered Martinez her money, her cellphone and her personal laptop computer, but Martinez, she said, threatened to kill her and forced her to get into her car while pointing a six-inch knife at her, according to court documents.

The probable cause affidavit states the woman kicked Martinez in the midsection, but he said, “you shouldn’t have done that,” and again threatened to kill her.

The woman had pressed the panic button on her car alarm system before she got into the suspect’s vehicle. Court documents noted she escaped from the car, but Martinez tackled her and slammed her head onto the ground.

People nearby heard screams and rushed in to help, causing Martinez to run away. When he was caught by police, he was carrying the 6-inch knife and the items he stole from both victims, according to the probable cause affidavit.

Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown had officially declared Oregon to be a Sanctuary State for all illegal aliens in February 2017.  Her executive order forbids all state agencies and employees from helping federal immigration officials locate or apprehend illegal immigrants.

Oregon State Law already forbids state and local law enforcement agencies from using public resources to find or arrest those whose only crime is being in the country without proper documentation, Brown’s order goes a step further in solidifying the state’s sanctuary status by expanding the law to all agencies.

Oregon is among the growing number of Democratic Party run states that provide ‘sanctuary’ to illegal aliens. Such state laws equate to not cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement agencies who require state and local law enforcement and sheriffs’ departments to to turn over illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds, especially immigrants who commit violent crimes.

Instead these ‘sanctuary’ cities and or entire states choose to harbor these criminals, putting them before the safety and well-being of American citizens residing in these areas. Oregon voters are urged to vote for the liberal republican Knute Buehler in hopes he will repeal this insane criminal protecting law.

The investigation of sex crimes case is extremely difficult and demanding, requiring not only technical expertise and experience, but also sensitivity towards the victim. The detective or prosecutor assigned to investigate should always remain cognizant of the fact that the entire criminal justice process, beginning with the initial police interview right through adjudication, poses an additional ordeal for the sex crime victim and her family and loved ones.

The trauma of sexual attack leaves the victim at once hurt — physically and emotionally — angry, anxious, fearful, vengeful, confused, hate-filled and distrustful. In many cases, the victim blames herself for the act, thinking she contributed to the crime. If she was returning home late from a party, she may tell herself she deserved what she got because of her carelessness late at night or early in the morning. The investigating officer(s) must reassure her that she did nothing wrong. The rapist or sex offender is the one who committed the crime.and the one deserving punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

In some cases, the investigators will find the victim to be uncooperative, even hostile the preliminary stages of the interview/preliminary report. Sensitivity and understanding of the psychology of rape and sexual assault are prerequisites to a successful sex crimes investigation.

Most big-city police departments have specialized units for sex crimes as do most prosecution offices. In New York City, for example, there are several sex crimes squads or units operating within all of NYC’s five boroughs. In addition to the NYPD’s specialized squads, the District Attorney’s Office in each borough have assistant district attorneys assigned to a special sex crimes unit.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Legacy: CIA Chief Brennan Stonewalled By Senate Over Drone Attacks On Americans

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s numerous verbal attacks on President Donald Trump has made him a hero with the denizens of America’s news media as well as the far-left Democrats. In fact, Brennan was hired as an analyst by the Trump-hating MSNBC, a news outlet that allows him and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to call the President a traitor, treasonous and other derogatory terms.

But the same partisan news people forget that President Barack Obama’s CIA nominee John Brennan’s confirmation was stonewalled by Republican and Democrat lawmakers in March 2013 due to questions about Obama’s use of a lethal drone program while Brennan served in the White House as a national security adviser along with Susan “Benghazi” Rice and Valeria Jarrett, Obama’s closest adviser and friend.

Although most of the nation’s media outlets supported the former Communist Party member and voter, as well as an alleged convert to Saudi-style Islam known as Wahhabism, Fox News Channel’s Catherine Herridge, the network’s chief national security correspondent, faithfully reported on Brennan’s suspicious past as well as the alleged unconstitutional use of drones against American citizens.

“We will see if that actually happens or not,” Chris Anders, senior legislative counsel for the ACLU told Fox News’ Herridge. “If it doesn’t, that’s a pretty big signal this nomination is in trouble largely over this (drone) issue,” Anders said.

Herridge reported that the Brennan confirmation had been pushed back two weeks over a handful of issues ranging from the Benghazi terrorist attack to drones, including the growing bipartisan push on Capitol Hill for the Obama White House to release all the legal memos justifying the targeted killing of American citizens overseas.

According to Herridge’s FNC report, the chairmanman of the House Judiciary Committee said the Obama administration must do more explaining: “The American people deserve to know and understand the legal basis under which the Obama administration believes it can kill U.S. citizens, and under what circumstances,” Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said.

When President Barack Obama officially nominated Brennan for the director of the Central Intelligence Agency position, counterterrorism officials at all levels of government said they hoped the Senate confirmation hearings and debates would give Americans a clear understanding of what makes Brennan tick. Instead, the White House version of Brennan’s qualifications were pushed by the Democrats and allowed to go unchallenged by some feckless Republicans, according to former intelligence officer and criminal investigator Sid Franes.

“People in the White House say [he] is legendary in the White House for working hard,” said Obama when announcing the nomination, adding that he wasn’t sure if Brennan had slept in four years. However, some experts claim Brennan is not a good choice for such an important national security role.

Brennan, who served a quarter-century with the CIA, has served as Obama’s top counterterrorism aide since 2009. If confirmed, he will fill the post left vacant by David Petraeus, who resigned in November during an extramarital-affair scandal.

“In John Brennan the men and women of the CIA will have the leadership of our nation’s most skilled intelligence professionals,” said Obama. “”That unique combination of smarts and strength that he claims comes from growing up in New Jersey.”

But not everyone is enthusiastic about Brennan being the new CIA chief.

“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to Shariah law,” said Tom Trento, director of Florida Security Council, who has been critical of Brennan’s service in the Obama White House.

Some of the nation’s top intelligence, military, national security and law enforcement experts once loudly called for John Brennan to resign from his post or for President Barack Obama to fire Brennan.

During a press conference in September 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., respected experts, including officials from the Florida Security Council, told reporters that because of Brennan’s adherence to the politically-correct orthodoxy that permeates the Obama administration, the U.S. government is being prevented from identifying, understanding and countering radical Muslims and their threat of imposing Shariah law.

Frank Gaffney, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration, and others claim that Shariah is a supremacist, totalitarian legal doctrine that leads to terrorism, torture, abuse of women and young girls, and other horrors.

A major piece of evidence that points to the dangers associated with Brennan’s failure to perform his primary function – to know the enemy and its threat doctrine – came to light when analysts at the Florida Security Council discovered that a known Hamas operative and unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history (Holy Land Foundation), Sheik Kifah Mustapha,participated in a six-week-long, government-sponsored “Citizens Academy” hosted by the FBI as part of its outreach to the Muslim community.

During the six-week FBI program, Mustapha – a man tied to an officially designated terrorist organization – was escorted into the top secret National Counterterrorism Center and other secure government facilities, including the FBI National Academy located on the Quantico U.S. Marine Base in Virginia.

Terrorism expert Steve Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, exposed Mustapha’s appointment in Illinois to a post as a State Police chaplain. However, according to Illinois officials, the appointment was revoked in spite of the protests of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan must resign his post immediately,” said Mr. Gaffney, whose Center for Security Policy released a report entitled, Shariah: The Threat to America.

Former CIA chief of the Bin Laden Unit, Michael Scheuer, writing on the Center for Security Policy’s web site, claims: “When, in December, 1995, the Agency set up a unit to dismantle al-Qaeda and capture or help the U.S. military kill Osama bin Laden, one of that unit’s first actions was to ask Mr. Brennan – who was then what George Tenet has described as “CIA’s senior officer on the Arabian Peninsula” – to secure from the Saudi intelligence service some very basic information and documents about bin Laden. The Saudis did not respond, and so the bin Laden unit sent frequent messages to Mr. Brennan asking him to secure the data. When we finally received a response from Mr. Brennan, it was to tell us that he would no longer pass the bin Laden unit’s requests to the Saudis because they were annoyed by them. DCI George Tenet backed Mr. Brennan’s decision, and when I resigned from CIA in November 2004, the Saudis had not delivered the requested data.”

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U.S. Citizens Urged To Arm Themselves, Stockpile Ammo, Prepare For Attacks By Antifa, Jihadists And Radical Illegal Aliens

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

About 100 million Americans own approximately 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. For the last year and a half the number of firearms purchased by Americans has increased every month.  Tens of millions of our people of all races own more guns than vote for the successful presidential candidate every four years, according to police firearms and law adviser John Snyder, before he died of natural causes last year.

The United States civilian population is the most heavily armed civilian population in history, Snyder points out.

“The United States is gun country.  It’s part of our national heritage of freedom and liberty.  Anti-gun politicians, media reps, clergy, academicians and others should learn this lesson and learn it well,” said Snyder who serves on the advisory board of the 13,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

Snyder also said, “Hillary [Clinton] supported semiautomatic gun registration, universal background checks on all firearms transfers, and subjection of firearms manufacturers and dealers to frivolous third-party lawsuits. Which is why she’s on a book tour instead of leading the United State.”

“Clinton, herself an attorney who bragged about getting a child-rapist acquitted, is throwing the American Bar Association and trial lawyers a huge bone with her gun-control agenda,” said former New York police detective Iris Aquino, who now trains women in self-defense including use of firearms.

The Coming Civil War II?

The United States appears to some Americans to be on the brink of something that in the past was the theme of many works of fiction including books and motion picture about the end times — the terrifying 1984, the overly violent Clockwork Orange, the disturbing A Handmaid’s Tale, the realistic doomsday thriller Children of Men, and other works that provide readers and moviegoers with a glimpse of what mankind will eventually face when governments topple and tribalism replaces the greatness of liberty and freedom with distrust, extreme cynicism, mob rule and routinely violent civil disobedience.

During the last three presidential administrations — George W. Bush 43, Barack Hussein Obama, and current President Donald Trump — Americans have witnessed the slow but steady decline of the great political experiment that was the United States’ Constitutionally protected Representative Republic.

Starting with the last election cycle, there were groups of radicals who fearlessly attacked the nation’s conservatives in what seems like a throwback to the 1960s campus protests and street riots in the biggest and most populace cities in the U.S.

Once the election was over, these same groups, their leaders, the news media and the entertainment industry continued their hateful verbal attacks, physical attacks on anyone opposing them, and expansion of the once independent, broadcast and print news outlets that is now recognized as being the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party. The media also shills for the radical left, the secret and mysterious Deep State (a/k/a the Shadow Government), and the already deeply entrenched radical Muslims.

Muslim refugees are allowed into the U.S. with opened arms despite their threat to the lives and property of the American people. So too are undocumented illegal aliens from Mexico and other Central American countries who possess higher violent crime rates than most of the Middle Eastern countries.

A news story (written by political correspondent Jim Kouri) quoted then Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as saying he is accusing President Barack Obama and other political leaders of waging war against religious liberty and education and saying that a “rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for a hostile takeover of the nation’s capital.”

While Gov. Jindel, a Republican, didn’t elaborate many believe he was warning citizens that the federal government (Deep State) is actually provoking a rebellion.

Those who’ve studied national politics and security believe that President Obama and his consortium of left-wing radicals, Islamists and One World Government operatives are hoping that American citizens will take to the streets in droves while armed and demanding to be heard by oppressive government elites who no longer pretend to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.

Such a scenario would offer the Washington elites the desired “excuse” to deploy the government agencies and the military which seems to be the opinion of Gov. Bobby Jindal and others.

Gov. Jindal is quoted by Fox News as saying he could “sense right now a rebellion brewing among these United States where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American dream for our children and grandchildren.”

Gov. Jindal spoke in Washington, D.C, at the annual Faith and Freedom Coalition conference.

During his presentation he accused Obama, his minions and sycophants of waging war against certain American values “The Pelican State governor is right on,” said John Snyder, who is also on the board of advisers for the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a former NRA magazine editor.

Although news stories and op-eds on the Internet for years predicted the mysterious and foreboding purchase by Homeland Security of billions — that’s right, not millions but billions — of rounds of ammunition, stories appearing in News with Views, the Drudge Report, Fox News and a few other news outlets appear to be drawing more and more attention to federal agencies militarizing their workers.

Most disheartening is the enormous number of weapons and ammunition being purchased and stockpiled by federal agencies that aren’t even law enforcement or military in nature.

Federal agencies not usually associated with civil unrest are stockpiling weapons and ammunition.  For example, the Social Security Administration, are trying to put a damper on the speculation — noting the ammunition is “standard issue” and simply used for mandatory federal training sessions.

When asked about their buildup of weapons and ammunition, the Social Security Administration stated:  “The SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces.”

The SSA also claimed, “Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately. They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees, and customers.”

The bullet purchases drew widespread attention as the web site published several stories on them that were linked off the widely read Drudge Report and other sites. catalogued a string of recent purchases — first by the Department of Homeland Security, then by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and then the Social Security Administration.

Ingram also noted that “the Bush Administration and congress toyed with the idea of practically militarizing FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration), which is basically a ‘bean-counting’ agency. But that idea went nowhere. However, with Obama in the Oval Office, the news media may be more willing to cover up abuses to patriotic Americans.”

“This news is bad, very bad. Worse are attempts by inane politicians, media personnel, entertainers and church officials to impose gun control generally on American citizens. Jihadists are out to get Americans. People need guns now more than ever. Jihad terrorism is increasing in the US. Individual citizens need guns for protection. Jihadists behead, rape and pillage. Armed Americans must be ready, willing and able to stop them anytime, anyplace,” notes Snyder who serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America and American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.

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Kinesic Expert Dissects Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Body Language For Honesty And Integrity

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Watching and listening to the news media’s coverage of the feeding-frenzy generated by the U.S. Senate’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a most painful process for some law enforcement officials to endure. As one charge after another is drudged up by the ultra-leftist Democrats and their partners in the country’s news outlets — neither of which cares about truth and justice, but only winning — it becomes clear truthfulness is a very valuable commodity in the nation’s capital.

With so many politicians and news people making statements about the comments of alleged suspects and their alleged victims, it becomes clear these “interviewers” are merely showboating or acting out what they believe will earn them accolades or, more important to these narcissists, a lot of votes on election day or ratings and circulation numbers each week.

It is the consensus of several experts in criminal and civil investigations that what’s needed in the investigation of Judge Kavanaugh and his accusers is the expert analysis of words and actions of those testifying or those questioning subjects offering testimony before a congressional committee. Such analysis is known as Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation.

Kinesics is the study of non-verbal communication. It is particularly useful for law enforcement officers because suspects and persons of interest in criminal cases often involuntarily present telling indicators of deception, receptiveness and nervousness through body language.

John E. Reid and Associates began developing interview and interrogation techniques in 1947. Reid was a former Chicago police detective who developed his own unique methods for getting to the truth of a matter. It became known as Kinesic Interview and Interrogation.

Today, The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation is the most widely used approach to question subjects in the world. The content of the instructional material has continued to develop and change over the years.

Reid instructors’ expertise on the topic of behavior symptom analysis, interviewing and interrogation techniques was recognized by the National Security Agency which awarded John E. Reid and Associates (in conjunction with Michigan State University) a sole source bid for a scientific study on the use of behavior symptoms in the detection of deception. The results of the study were published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences.

Reid has trained police officers, homeland security directors, members of the intelligence community (NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI) and corporate security and protection officials in the use of the techniques that have successfully helped to solve cases, determine truthfulness and provide evidence. This writer (Jim Kouri, editor of Conservative Base) was a student of Reid’s instructors twice — in 1984 and again in 1988, when these experts developed additional methods for detection of deception.

There is an entirely different narrative to be understood about what someone is saying to you, and it goes far beyond listening to their words. It’s what people do when they speak, how they behave, what movements they make, that tells the story.

Body language is sometimes far more telling than the actual words that come from someone’s lips.

Mandy O’Brien studies body language. She’s become an internet go-to expert on reading the truth on many D.C. inhabitants.

And she’s got some pretty interesting things to say about Sen. Dianne Feinstein regarding the leak of Palo Alto University Professor Christine Blasey Ford’s letter accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when both were in high school.

In this video, O’Brien dissects every movement from Feinstein and those around her to come up with some fascinating conclusions regarding Feinstein’s statements in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings as she answers questions about the letter she received from Ford.

Feinstein says: “Mr. Chairman, let me be clear. I did not hide Dr. Ford’s allegations. I did not leak her story. She asked me to hold it confidential.”

To that O’Brien responds: “OK, Feinstein has said two statements and neither one of them match. The other part of this, she’s written it down. I don’t know if she wrote it down during this hearing. It wouldn’t surprise me, but it’s suspicious to write it down.

“What did she say? ‘I did not hide it,’ and ‘I did not leak it.’ So, if you didn’t hide it, it means others knew, which kind of contradicts ‘I didn’t leak it.’ It’s a very ambiguous statement, especially since she went so far as to actually write it down so she stayed on point, just like lawyer-speak.”

Interestingly, not only does O’Brien find Feinstein’s statements not credible and suspicious, but the rest of the chamber is completely detached and unenthusiastic about her remarks. Bored.

At the 1:26 mark of the video, the camera gives us a wide angle shot of the room and the inattentiveness by the body is overwhelming. The body language by the rest of the committee is an enormous statement in itself.

O’Brien also notes Feinstein speaks to the body of the chamber, but does not make eye contact, a very tell-tale sign of disingenuous behavior. “She’s not even actually looking up towards anyone of any status, at least in her mind,” O’Brien adds.

It’s possible Feinstein believes she isn’t lying if she can dance around the truth on a technicality.

“Now, there’s quite a few ways, especially since we’re dealing with lawyers, and they’re getting smarter, that you could approach this,” O’Brien says. “‘I did not leak,’ could mean she did not give anyone that letter because that part as she says it seems to be true. Her body sings with her.

“Everything is peaches and cream, and alas you’ve followed your little law. But, you know, whispered bullet points, whispered names, that’s not leaking, at least in their mind,” O’Brien says.

The next question is, if Feinstein didn’t leak, who did? A staff member possibly? Even if it wasn’t Feinstein herself, it was a betrayal nonetheless. And O’Brien gives a detailed description of a woman on Feinstein’s staff sitting behind her, and draws a conclusion that it is possible her staff could have been the culprit.

“But confronted on if your staff leaked it. See how her head goes back almost like a defiance and then she watches Feinstein to see her reaction. ‘Are you going to stand up for us?’ It makes me suspicious if the staff was the ones that were leaking it, whether they actually leaked the documents or, as I said before, leaked those bullet points,” O’Brien says.

Body language is a fascinating science. I can think of no better place to study it than inside the Beltway. There’s enough body language going on there to keep people watchers busy for a very long time.

Hopefully, the Kavanaugh hearings won’t go on much longer and we can watch an excited Justice Brett Kavanaugh take his oath as he proceeds to his seat on the Supreme Court.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Democratic Party Radical Bernie Sanders Wrote A Pornographic Column, Media Silent

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders penned an essay in 1972 claiming that women fantasize about being gang raped and men fantasize about abusing women.

An independent socialist from Vermont, Sanders is running for president as a Democrat and is the only officially announced rival at this time to Hillary Clinton.

Sanders’ office responded this afternoon that the article was merely a failed attempt at satire.

It was included in a feature about the senator posted by liberal/progressive Mother Jones earlier this week, which called the Sanders-authored tract “a stream-of-consciousness essay on the nature of male-female dynamics.”

At the beginning of the essay in question, called “Man and Woman,” which originally appeared in the Vermont Freeman alternative newspaper, Sanders stated the following:

“A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”

According to CNN’s Jake Tapper, the senator’s office described the newly surfaced essay as “a dumb attempt at dark satire in an alternative publication… intended to attack gender stereotypes in the 70s.” Not everyone on Twitter is buying that explanation, however.

So far, the mainstream media has not run with the story in any significant way. Today, for example, the New York Times published a story lauding Sanders’ “unabashedly progressive message” and described the senator at age 73 as “fit and quick-witted.”

CNN similarly explained that “Sanders, an agitator who doesn’t suffer fools, political opponents or journalists gladly, is testing whether the kind of populist, liberal agenda that gave him 75 [percent] approval ratings in his adopted home state can catch fire nationwide.”

The Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog group, observed that it would be highly unlikely that the mainstream media would give any Republican a pass for this kind of lurid prose (no matter how far it goes back), especially given the rape-comment controversy that imploded Todd Akin’s 2012 campaign in Missouri for U.S. Senate.

“It is unclear where Sanders acquired his early expertise on male and female sexual desires. But what is clear is that had Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum wrote something along these lines — even 40 years ago — the media wouldn’t stop talking about it for weeks.”

National Review columnist Charles C.W. Cooke offered a somewhat different take on how this information would be reported if Sanders was a member of the other political party. “And it wouldn’t just be Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum who would be asked about the essay: it would be every Republican in the [presidential] race. In fact, it would be every Republican not in the race, too.”

Cooke continued: “Bernie Sanders wrote these words — and a lot of drivel besides – in 1972. Maybe he was young and foolish. Maybe he was a different man back then. Maybe society was unrecognizable and he had bought into all sorts of faddish psychology. Who knows? And frankly, who cares? Sure, the Democratic party would crucify a Republican for the same offense. But they shouldn’t. A society in which people are drummed out of politics for things they wrote 43 years ago is an ugly society indeed. Sometimes the best way to address hypocrisy is to take the high road…”

Alluding to the double standard, Bloomberg reporter John Heilemann told his With All Due Respect co-host Mark Halperin that “I now we both agree about this, which is that if a Republican, any Republican candidate wrote an essay like this, whether they were 16 years old and high on dope or whether it was two weeks ago, it would be a huge scandal. So I think we need to hold Bernie Sanders to the same standard, and people need to ask him tough questions about it.”

“I happen to know some United States senators, one who’s on the other side who’s pretty aggressive,” Trump said, according to The Times. “I‘ve seen that person in some very bad situations.” “He would not identify whom he meant, but he did later single out Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, a favorite target, for misleading the public for years about his military service during the Vietnam War,” The Times reported.

[Donald Trump Talking Pen. It’s hilarious. Order today.]

“This guy lied when he was the attorney general of Connecticut. He lied,” Trump said, according to The Times.

In 2010, The New York Times published an article that reported Blumenthal said he had served in Vietnam, “implying he had fought in the war, when in fact he served in the Marine Reserve in the United States at the time.”

On Monday, Trump continued on the theme.

“He said he was a war hero, (that) he fought in Da Nang Province,” Trump said. “We call him ‘Da Nang Richard.’ … He never went to Vietnam.”

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California Croakers: Gov. Jerry Brown (D) Signs Bill to Make Suicide Voluntary and Involuntary

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

California’s Governor Jerry Brown — known to conservatives as Gov. Moonbeam — signed into law yesterday a bill (SB 282) that allows any person to “aid, advise, and encourage” suicide under the state’s assisted suicide law. Until now, these actions were felonies, as the state had a longstanding policy to protect people from self-harm.

In the aftermath of non-profit organization Life Legal’s challenge to California’s End of Life Option Act, the state legislators — a Democratic Party majority — decided to go even further.

Those who oppose such laws have said that physician-assisted suicide is only the beginning. and now California is following other self-inflicted death jurisdictions like Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The Dutch government went as far as garnering support for assisted-suicide first and then pursued eventually legalizing voluntary and involuntary euthanasia.

“Involuntary euthanasia is the ultimate goal of the so-called globalist leaders of the New World Order. In the U.S., California would love to euthanize the current American citizens and replace them with tens or millions of immigrants who they hope are ill-educated and unsophisticated,” said from military intelligence operative and police sergeant Joey Heddran.

“The goal is simply to replace the nation’s demographics with those who won’t fight a worldwide takeover by the globalists,” he added.

According to Life Legal News, “Medical studies show that the vast majority of people—up to 77%—diagnosed with a terminal illness suffer from major depression. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found a statistically significant association between clinical depression and the desire for hastened death. In other words, people who are depressed often have suicidal thoughts.”

“Now the law in California says that it is okay to aid, advise, or encourage people with suicidal thoughts to actually go through with killing themselves,” according to officials with Life Legal, a nonpartisan, non-profit oversight group. “We refuse to stand idly by as California and the rest of the nation proceed down this deadly path.”

“This bill would allow a doctor or nurse to “aid,” “advise,” and “encourage” you to take suicide pills. And this new law lets a relative who could financially benefit from your death to sign an order giving you suicide pills,” said Charles Finneman, a criminal psychologist with the American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.

For over two years, Life Legal has been battling California’s assisted suicide law in the courts. The group’s opponents are California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who they claim is in pocket of groups such as  Planned Parenthood and who charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt with 15 felony counts each for exposing the abortion giant’s role in the criminal sale of butchered baby parts for profit; and the grossly misnamed “Compassion and Choices,” which is the Planned Parenthood of the forced death movement, heavily funded by the likes of multi-billionaire radical George Soros.

Life Legal and other conservative and religious groups registered their opposition to SB 282 from the beginning, since it grants complete legal immunity to anyone who wants to facilitate the death of someone who is defined as “terminally ill” under California’s assisted suicide law. The law defines “terminal” as a condition expected to lead to death within six months if left untreated.

This means diabetes, high blood pressure, treatable conditions-even an infection-could be considered “terminal.”

One homicide detective predicts it will lead to dishonesty and out-and-out murder for financial gain. “The medical profession is respected in our country but I’ve seen physicians who were arrested for a number of crimes stemming from their greed,” said New York retired homicide detective Jerome Delgado

California’s assisted suicide law allows “interested” witnesses, which include beneficiaries, to sign a person’s request for assisted suicide drugs. The new law allows an individual to aid, advise, and encourage a person to commit suicide — sign off on the method of suicide –while financially benefiting from the person’s death.

SB 282 will give unscrupulous family members and others unqualified immunity to actively participate in the killing of another human being. “I am always amazed at the cunning displayed by the Democratic Party to make even the most heinous acts sound charitable,” said William Talbott, a former forensic science professor. “In California, as it stands now, they can kill babies just seconds before they come out of a mother’s womb and they can kill the elderly or chronically ill with the blessings of those whose lives are being terminated.”

According to Life Legal Defense Foundation, “We cannot imagine an issue more worthy of attention than the protection of vulnerable life. It is unfathomable to us how so many have remained silent in the face of this radical and dangerous policy shift.

“Imagine if the state had passed a law saying it was okay to “aid, advise, and encourage” human trafficking. We would be outraged-and rightly so.”

“We don’t say it’s okay to allow women to pay doctors to rip their unborn children limb from limb because it’s their ‘choice.’ We don’t say it’s okay to allow children to sell themselves into sex slavery because it’s their ‘choice.’ And we should not say it’s okay to allow people to help the vulnerable, the disabled, and the mentally ill kill themselves.”

Link to opposition to SB 282.
Life Legal Defense Foundation was established in 1989, and is a nonprofit organization composed of attorneys and other concerned citizens committed to giving helpless and innocent human beings of any age, and their advocates, a trained and committed voice in the courtrooms of our nation.

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FBI Responds To Hillary’s Demand For Investigation Of Allegations Against Kavanaugh

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“The FBI does not make any judgment about the credibility or significance of any allegation. The purpose of a background investigation is to determine whether the nominee could pose a risk to the national security of the United States. The allegation does not involve any potential federal crime. The FBI’s role in such matters is to provide information for the use of the decision makers.” – FBI Statement  

Former, First Lady, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, and losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke about the allegations leveled against Judge Brett Kavanaugh when it appeared he would be confirmed by GOP senators and a couple of “Blue Dog Democrats.”

On Tuesday night, Clinton told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that she believes the FBI should conduct a full investigation. She said the accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a Democratic Party activist and college professor, is entitled to have her 35-year-old case treated as a crime.

“As someone who has watched this process unfold over many years, there does have to be some direction given to the FBI to pursue an investigation,” Clinton said.

“This from a woman whose husband is a one-man walking orgy? Does she think we forgot her and her minion George Stephanopoulos starting a war room to deal with ‘bimbo eruptions’ — women who claimed Bill Clinton sexually harassed, sexually assaulted or raped — and Stephanopoulos calling those women ‘nuts and sluts,'” said former sex crimes detective Iris Aquino. “Now George is a fake newsman along with the other Deep State propagandists,” she noted.

Clinton told Maddow that the investigation shouldn’t take a long time to conduct.  “I don’t think it would be a lengthy investigation,” she continued. “I think it could be done in an expeditious manner if they’re still trying to have a vote on this nominee, they could postpone for two weeks.”

But several law enforcement sex assault-investigators said this case is a waste since Prof. Ford doesn’t remember where the “crime” occurred, what the exact time and date was when she was assaulted, were there any witnesses, where did she go after the alleged sexual assault.

“A first year law student or a kid graduating from the police academy would tell you that the case doesn’t answer the key investigatory components: who, what, where, when, how and why? This is the Democrats playing games with people’s lives — mean spirited, character assassination,” said former New York State Housing police commander Geoffrey Garlanti.

Clinton further said there could be an appearance of insult to Ford if an investigation is not done.

“Prof. Ford will be insulted? Is Clinton still having her dizzy-spells? What about Judge Kavanaugh? The man’s record is one of achievement, maturity and brilliance. He’s far superior to the Democratic Bozos who are judging him based on the word of a Deep State operative from Palo Alto University in the heart of the People’s Republic of California,” Det. Aquino quipped.

A Justice Department spokesperson has already released a statement saying the FBI will not be conducting an investigation into Ford’s allegations because they do not involve a federal crime:

“The FBI does not make any judgment about the credibility or significance of any allegation. The purpose of a background investigation is to determine whether the nominee could pose a risk to the national security of the United States. The allegation does not involve any potential federal crime. The FBI’s role in such matters is to provide information for the use of the decision makers.”

Before the allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced against Kavanaugh, Clinton had already expressed he was too dangerous for women’s rights and working-class people. She urged her Twitter followers to call their senators to oppose his nomination.

“Sure, he’s too dangerous? Hillary has blood on her hands, smeared women as nuts and sluts, and stole millions of taxpayer dollars, but Kavanaugh is the one who is dangerous,” said Mike Baker, a former cop and political strategist.

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Deep State Immune To FBI, DOJ Investigations And Indictments

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Although the federal law enforcement officials including Special Counsel Robert Mueller will jump all over a case involving a Republican ordering a Black Russian at a local tavern, when it comes to Democrats, they are usually, if not always, given a pass, complains a former police detective who now defends officers accused of wrong doing.

This week, for example, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, revealed she received a letter a couple of months ago from an anonymous woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of an inappropriate sex act when he was in high school.

Despite having the accusatory letter in her possession for weeks, Feinstein decided to allow the story to be leaked to the news media as the day for the Kavanaugh’s Senate vote approached.

There was absolutely no investigation of Feinstein, who many suspect had saved the letter and kept it secret in order to use it strategically to “put stink” on the Senate’s examination of Kavanaugh’s political, judiciary and personal history.

Then on Sunday, the unreliable Democratic-Party propaganda machine, the Washington Post, reported that the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault came forward with her explosive allegations on Sunday, saying the supposed attack “derailed me substantially for four or five years” and claiming that the episode rendered her “unable to have healthy relationships with men.”

The mystery woman identified herself as Professor Christine Ford of Palo Alto University, a known hotbed of radical left politics.

“This is just another example of the Democrats using salacious sex crimes stories to derail a conservative. If anyone believes that this woman wasn’t coached by Deep State operatives, then they must be willing to forgo all independent thought,” said Michael Snopes, a former sex crimes unit detective. “These [Democratic Party] people play for keeps. It’s a ‘take no prisoners’ mindset by political operatives with no regard for truth and honesty,” Snopes added.

What appears even more suspicious, was Feinstein’s link to Chinese espionage, in which she claims no secrets or classified information were stolen by a spy.

According to Sen Feinstein’s hometown newspaper, a member of Sen. Feinstein’s San Francisco office staff was fired a few years back after he was exposed as a link to Chinese spying in the San Francisco Bay Area.

A Politico story on high-tech Silicon Valley espionage, mentioned the Feinstein staffer was allegedly under suspicion in a case of providing political intelligence to his handlers. The news story claimed that a former intelligence official said the suspected Chinese informant was only one of several being “handled” by the local Chinese Consulate.

A source who was aware of the incident said the FBI showed up at Feinstein’s office in Washington, D.C., about five years ago to alert the then-chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee that her driver was being investigated for possible Chinese spying. The chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee had no idea that a Chinese spy was in her office and automobile.

According to the same news story, the already compromised FBI decided the spy stole nothing of significance and closed the case once Sen. Feinstein told them the suspected spy was “retired” and stole no classified information. “How did she know that? Here’s the woman the Democrats and the news media called — and still call — ‘an expert’ in intelligence oversight, who had a spy working for her in a position that gave him ‘alone time’ in the car with the senator and someone who traveled with her to Washington, D.C.,” said Mike Baker, an attorney who has experience representing cops. “In cases I’ve handled, a police officer would be either fired or at least suspended, especially if that police officer ‘sat on the evidence,”’ said retired Mike Baker.

Not to allow another Democrat to outshine her, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz garnered a few headlines when it was discovered she hired three Muslim brothers from Pakistan, a country known for its duplicity, to help manage the Democratic National Committee’s information technology (IT) for the Democrats in Congress. While the FBI investigation, the DOJ prosecution and the Imran Awan trial hardly received any news coverage and most of the usual suspects attempted to turn the case into an insignificant occurrence, Awan ended up being acquitted.

“I’m so angry with the federal cops who have allowed themselves to become the Democratic Party’s secret police with the help of the news media propaganda machine,” said former Det. Andrew Coiller, who has investigated espionage cases and conspiracies. “If you’re still not convinced of collusion between Democrats and foreign intelligence agents, just follow the next case that is covered by the mainstream news outlets,” Coiller added.

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Charges Filed Against Sen. Cory ‘Spartacus’ Booker For Violating Senate Rules By Releasing Confidential Documents

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A top Washington, D.C. legal firm and think-tank announced on Wednesday that it had hand-delivered a biting letter to members of the U.S. Senate regarding the shenanigans and false statements of a New Jersey Democrat elected to the U.S. Senate.

The letter was addressed to the chairman and co-chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics and calls for a full and non-political investigation into Senator Cory Booker’s, D-New Jersey, who admitted he violated Senate rules by releasing what he believed were classified records onto his Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts.

According to the president of the phenomenal Judicial Watch, Senator Booker faces expulsion from the Senate for his violation of the rules. This isn’t the first time Booker finds himself the target of a government probe. He was also the target of a corruption investigation after several of his Newark, New Jersey Mayor’s top staff were indicted by a federal grand jury. Booker won his Senate seat at the right time so that he was able to avoid an indepth criminal investigation or grand jury indictment.

Sen. Booker confessed that he violated Senate rules when he issued a tweet on Friday, September 7 saying:

“Weds—I broke committee rules by reading from ‘committee confidential’ docs.”

Sen. Booker then posted the following entry on his Facebook account on Sunday, September 9:

“And the classification of many documents as “Committee Confidential” is a sham… I willfully violate these sham rules. I fully accept any consequences that might arise from my actions including expulsion.”

Even more disturbing was Sen. Booker’s uploading Committee Confidential records to a publicly accessible Dropbox account with the heading “Booker Confidential  – Kavanaugh Hearing Documents”.

“Senator Booker, in an absurd invocation of ‘Spartacus,’ explicitly invited his expulsion from the Senate in his egregious violation of the rules and contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution,” stated Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton. “Will the Senate assert the rule of law in the Booker case or allow mob rule to be the new standard?” Fitton asked rhetorically in his letter to the senate leaders.

The Judicial Watch complaint is reprinted below:

Dear Chairman Isakson and Co-Chairman Coons:

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity in government and fidelity to the rule of law. We regularly monitor congressional ethics issues as part of our anticorruption mission.

Sen. Cory Booker admitted to violating Senate rules when he issued a tweet on Friday, September 7 saying:

Weds-I broke committee rules by reading from “committee confidential” docs.


Sen. Booker then posted the following entry on his Facebook account on Saturday, September 8:

And the classification of many documents as “Committee Confidential” is a sham … I willfully violate these sham rules. I fully accept any consequences that might arise from my actions including expulsion.

(See )

Sen. Booker also uploaded Committee Confidential records to a publicly accessible Dropbox account with the heading “Booker Confidential – Kavanaugh Hearing Documents”.

(See )

By publicly releasing Committee Confidential records, Sen. Booker appears to have violated provisions 5 and/or 6 of Rule 29 of the Standing Rules of the Senate (Rev. Jan. 24, 2013), which stipulate:

  1. Any Senator, officer or employee of the Senate who shall disclose the secret or confidential business or proceedings of the Senate, including the business and proceedings of the committees, subcommittees and offices of the Senate shall be liable, if a Senator, to suffer expulsion from the body; and if an officer or employee, to dismissal from the service of the Senate, and to punishment for contempt.
  2. Whenever, by the request of the Senate or any committee thereof, any documents or papers shall be communicated to the Senate by the President or the head of any department relating to any matter pending in the Senate, the proceedings in regard to which are secret or confidential under the rules, said documents and papers shall be considered as confidential, and shall not be disclosed without leave of the Senate.

(See pp. 48-49: )

We hereby request that the Senate Ethics Committee conduct a preliminary investigation into whether Sen. Booker violated Senate Rules by releasing Committee Confidential records through his social media accounts.

Senator Bill Nelson, D-Florida — also recently made claims that Russian agents “have already penetrated certain counties in [Florida] and they now have free rein to move about.”

According to press reports: “[Nelson] added that voting machines in Florida have already been compromised by Russian meddling. Moreover, “[Nelson] has said repeatedly and unequivocally since Aug. 7 that Russia has access to election systems in Florida and could eliminate individual voters’ records.

” Nelson’s statements were not simply political remarks, but declarative statements about an issue extremely important to citizens and implicating the validity of our elections. Nelson made these declarations with the authority and credibility of the Senate, which has access to classified information not made available to the public.”

“Yet, there is no publicly known evidence supporting the veracity of Nelson’s remarks. Consequently, it appears either Nelson’s claims are based upon, and discloses, classified information he obtained from his position as a Senator, or evidence does not exist and his statements were false. In either instance, it appears that Nelson has violated Senate Rules and Regulations,” said Tom Fitton.

“The Florida Department of State has received zero information from Senator Nelson or his staff that support his claims,” said spokeswoman Sarah Revell. “Additionally, the Department has received no information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that corroborates Senator Nelson’s statement and we have no evidence to support these claims.”

Questioned about his peculiar and shocking claim, Nelson insisted that he had information that election officials in Florida were not privy to. This gave the media, always looking for a way to protect Democrats, a green light to write stories that gave Nelson the benefit of the doubt. These stories were cast in a way to make the reader think about the vast gulf between state and federal government.

Only problem is that now the federal government has come out to say that no, they don’t have any idea what Nelson is talking about, either.

“Although we have not seen new or ongoing compromises of state or local election infrastructure in Florida, Russian government actors have previously demonstrated both the intent and capability to conduct malicious cyber operations,” DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and FBI director Christopher Wray wrote this week. “DHS and the FBI will continue to notify any victim of a successful cyber intrusion into their election network in any jurisdiction nationwide. Every local jurisdiction could be a potential target this election season, whether through malicious cyber operations or influence operations.”

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Hillary Clinton Still In ‘Danger’ Of Being Criminally Indicted, Say Nation’s Local Cops

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“There were other accusations of misconduct during the Clinton dynasty and there will no doubt be more new allegations against Hillary Clinton in the coming months. The facts should appall any clear-thinking American. But when it comes to the Clintons few things are clear and most voters gave up on “clear-thinking” when they realized they can depend on progressive Clintonian politicians to forcibly take away wealth from one person who earned it and give it to another person whose only contribution is voting for them.”

Charles McCollough, the former intelligence community inspector general, spoke with Fox News Channel and talked about what he experienced when he reported the intelligence transgressions committed by then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during her race for the White House against celebrity-businessman Donald Trump.

McCollough said he was shocked to see the backlash he experienced after reporting that Hillary Clinton possessed classified  “Top Secret” emails in her unsecured server’s cache. “I was told that I would be the first to be fired once she was elected,” he said.

A number of emails on Hillary Clinton’s infamous private server — a server monitored by a company without security clearances — contained higher than “top secret” intelligence from some of the America’s intelligence community’s most sensitive operations, according to an exclusive report from Fox News Channel’s chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge on Tuesday evening.

Inspector General McCullough had sent a report to the leaders of both House and Senate intelligence committees detailing the IG’s findings from a review of Clinton’s emails, at least those which were not destroyed, A spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN that the report was accurate. In fact, Clinton had her staff destroy some of the computer hard drives after she received a subpoena from the FBI and the U.S. Congress.

“Two separate government agencies had indicated that emails on Clinton’s server contained classified intelligence, the inspector general reported, including some on so-called “special access programs, which exceed the “top secret” classification making the information super-secret as in ‘for your eyes only’ secret,” according to former U.S. military intelligence operative and police anti-terrorism unit detective Michael Snopes.

Select Committee on Benghazi Communications Director Jamal Ware released the following statement:

“It is the FBI, not the Benghazi Committee, that is investigating the mishandling of classified information in connection with Secretary Clinton’s use of an unsecure, private server to conduct official U.S. government foreign policy.

“Of course, none of the Secretary of State’s emails – including one in which she appears to instruct a top aide to strip a document of its ‘identifying heading and send nonsecure’ instead of via classified, secure fax – would have been discovered if not for the work of the Select Committee on Benghazi.”

While the chairman of that ad hoc committee Trey Gowdy tried to delve deeper into the Clinton emails, the Democrats on his committee tried everything to sabotage his efforts including trivializing the scandal with the help of the Deep State’s news media contacts.

Meanwhile, the  New York Times revealed that the book, “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich” by Peter Schweizer, should have shaken up things within the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, but there was almost a total media blackout when it was released. The scuttlebutt within political circles is that the book expands the narrative about numerous cash donations made by foreign donors to the money-sucking Clinton Foundation.

Schweizer’s book uncovers a pattern of financial contributions to the Clintons that ended up giving the contributors access to policy decisions benefiting those donors, while the Clintons built up a personal mega-fortune. Already the Clintons’ trusty team of liars, smear-merchants and goon-squad members are out in full force — with the help of their news media sycophants — attacking the messenger and attacking the motives of anyone who dares to investigate these allegations.

Truth be told,  neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton is a hero of the middle-class. Historically — going back to their early days in Arkansas — at best they are narcissistic opportunists, and at worst they are criminal masterminds who run an alleged criminal enterprise with minions such as Lanny Davis, John Podesta, David Kendall and numerous others who later joined other Marxist-socialists known as the Deep State. And their behavior and these accusations are nothing new.

In fact, the media was so captivated by Bill Clinton’s sexual proclivities that it intentionally or unintentionally ignored news stories that should have outraged the American population.

For example, President Bill Clinton’s FBI director, Louis Freeh — in his book titled, “My FBI: Bringing Down the Mafia, Investigating Bill Clinton, and Fighting the War on Terror” — revealed that Clinton kicked to the side of the road the American people and the families of victims of the Khobar Towers terror attack in Saudi Arabia. Clinton had promised America that he would do everything in his power to bring those responsible for the bombing that killed 19 and injured hundreds to face U.S. justice.

Freeh asserts that he became angry when Clinton refused to personally ask then Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to allow the FBI to place boots on the ground to question the terrorism suspects the kingdom had arrested and to at least visit the crime scene where Americans died horrible deaths. Freeh wrote in his book, “Bill Clinton raised the subject only to tell the crown prince that he understood [Abdullah’s] reluctance to cooperate and then he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library.” Freeh added, “That’s a fact that I am reporting.”

“Although Louis Freeh isn’t a perfect law enforcement commander, he’s definitely an honest and professional FBI chief than [Robert] Mueller, [James] Comey and — yes — Jeff Sessions who has all but turned over the Justice Department and FBI to the Swamp-dwellers,” claims H. Ronald Joyce, a former city policeman and assistant district attorney.

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ICE Attacked By Democrats And NY Gov. Cuomo They Call Them ‘Thugs’

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, during the Democratic gubernatorial debate against his opponent, actress and socialist Cynthia Nixon, called the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are “a bunch of thugs.”

Cuomo, who has had a number of his minions indicted and tried for corruption, is facing a Democratic primary challenge in his re-election bid from Ms. Nixon, a far-left who began her campaign with a call to abolish ICE.

During the heated debate with Nixon at Hofstra University Wednesday night, Cuomo used the issue to show he opposed President Donald Trump and he was a devout anti-immigration enforcement Democrat.

Cuomo was heard saying, “New York State is the state that is suing Donald Trump for ripping babies from the arms of their mothers, New York State is the state that says we will not cooperate with ICE, they’re a bunch of thugs. We said we will sue them if they violate any criminal laws in the state of New York.”

“Cuomo is the one who should be investigated. So many of his staffers have been accused of corruption and crime that it’s amazing the governor hasn’t been investigated as well,” said former New York police officer Leslie Maranda. “Cuomo reminds me of a thug from an organized crime outfit,” he added.

Besides Cuomo, a Democratic lawmaker warned ICE agents involved in what he claims are “illegal” deportations telling them that ICE personnel “will not be safe” from punishment once President Donald Trump no longer in the White House.

“If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned,” Arizona Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego tweeted early Thursday. “When the worm turns you will not be safe because you were just following orders. You do not have to take part in illegal acts ordered by this President’s administration.”

“This is an irresponsible attempt to create division and stoke fear among American citizens while attempting to inflame tensions over immigration,” said Heather Nauert, a State Department spokeswoman.

“Gallego should read the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Supreme Court decision before shooting off his mouth. His statements appear to be those of a drunk spouting off at a bar during Happy Hour,” said former police captain Damian Davidson. “If anything Gallego and his ilk in the Democratic Party are the ones who should be handcuffed and paraded to their jail cells for their incitement against law enforcement officers,” Davidson said.

ICE Response to Cuomo

In response to Gov. Cuomo’s caustic statements about ICE, the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane released the following statement after Senators Bill Cassidy R-Louisiana and David Perdue R-Georgia, introduced a U.S. Senate resolution: “Opposing the targeted harassment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and employees and reaffirming the fundamental principle that public safety services should be provided without discrimination.”

“On behalf of the men and women of ICE, I want to thank Senators Cassidy and Perdue for introducing this resolution and for standing in solidarity with ICE law enforcement officers and staff, especially at a time like this. The actions taken by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler against ICE employees living and working in Portland are reprehensible, and we believe unconstitutional. We feel nothing short of blessed that no ICE employees suffered serious injury or death as a result of the mayor’s negligent actions. We applaud Senators Cassidy and Perdue for their efforts to bring attention to and condemn what ICE employees have gone through in Portland and around the country, and urge all Members of the Senate to support this resolution,” the outspoken Crane said in a press statement.

Certain elected officials, political leaders, and members of the press have engaged in hateful and often false rhetoric against our officers and employees encouraging widespread death threats and the targeting of ICE officers, employees, and their families. For example, during her run for the presidency, Hillary Clinton compared local law enforcement officers to ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez also took shots at ICE and the Border Patrol agents calling them the “Gestapo.”

“For these leaders, officials, and the media to enflame this type of hatred toward our officers and staff – at a time when law enforcement personnel are being targeted and have been assassinated on our nation’s streets – marks a truly dark time in our country’s history,” stated Crane.

It’s comforting to know that some in Congress, like Senators Cassidy and Perdue, still understand the value and importance of supporting the brave and courageous men and women of law enforcement.

National security, or even basic border security, does not exist without the interior enforcement of a nation’s immigration laws, as the horrific events of 9/11 and indeed terrorist attacks worldwide have proven. With over 2 million criminal aliens estimated to be currently residing in the U.S., our jails and prisons are already dramatically overcrowded and local police are often overwhelmed, begging for ICE and its resources to assist in making our communities safer. Those calling for the abolishment of ICE don’t understand the significant threat to our nation’s security and the safety of American communities that their ideas present.”

The National ICE Council represents the over 6,000 rank and file ICE law enforcement officers and support personnel who enforce our nation’s immigration laws, apprehend dangerous criminals and keep our communities safe each and every day. The men and women of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) serve in all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and in Fiscal Year 2017 made 143,470 overall administrative arrests. Of these arrests, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, a pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive or were processed with a reinstated final order. (Source: Fiscal Year 2017 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report.

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Mueller’s FBI Benghazi Cover Up Ignored by ‘Fake News’ Outlets

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Based on what we now know since Mar 2017, and what has surfaced recently, we can see a ‘motive’ for why the FBI, NSA, DNI, DOJ and Obama himself wanted to keep hidden: they were running a counterintelligence operation against presidential candidate [Donald Trump].”

Following the tragic and heartbreaking Battle of Benghazi, then FBI Director Robert Mueller had one job and one job only: Put FBI agents’ boots on the ground at the enormous crime scene. Unfortunately, his team of forensic specialists weren’t given access to the diplomatic mission or the nearby Central Intelligence Agency’s secret facility.

Director Mueller and his boss Attorney General Eric Holder told the American people the FBI was stonewalled for two weeks by the Libyan authorities in Tripoli and so the crime scene investigators cooled their heels waiting to work the scene of a major battle.

Although the U.S. Senate’s report lays blame at the feet of Mueller’s FBI, the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, no blame was attached to the White House for the misinformation allegedly contained in talking points that explained the details of the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and a nearby secret CIA compound.

Many Americans remain angry over the haphazard way the Obama White House, the Clinton State Department and the Mueller FBI handled the loss of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans who were killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 Libyan attack.

When it was discovered that the Democrat President Barack Obama and his team lied about the battle and some of its details, the Democrat-dominated Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee issued a report that said the White House was only responsible for a “minor change” in the White House talking points.

A number of GOP lawmakers questioned whether the presidential staff rewrote the talking points for political reasons, but they were practically silenced by the Democratic leadership in the Senate and by some so-called moderate Republicans. And of course, the elite left-wing dominated news media went along with the protection of a feckless President Obama and his supposed heir to the Oval Office, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“Once again, the Obama administration is being let off the hook in another scandal that would have caused a media frenzy in a GOP presidency. Once again, we have evidence of a biased news media coupled with a spineless opposition party,” said former law enforcement and intelligence officer Sid Franes.

The committee also blasted the director of national intelligence at the time, James Clapper, for stonewalling the panel of lawmakers by holding back a promised timeline of the talking points changes.

The ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said she had used the talking points to say in television interviews on Sept.16, 2012, that it may have been a protest that got out of hand. She continued to use the White House’s talking points that the attack was a reaction to a little-known movie about Islam that was only shown on the Internet.

Rice’s bogus explanation forced her to forgo the nomination as Hillary Clinton’s replacement in the new Obama term as President. Obama instead nominated Democratic Sen John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is expected to be easily confirmed since he’s friends with most senators in both political parties.

Security Deficiencies

Officials at the State Department in December acknowledged weaknesses in security as well as errors in judgment exposed in a scathing independent report on the assault. But Mueller stuck to his excuse about why the FBI took 14 days to reach the Benghazi “crime scene.”  What made his excuse ring hallow was the fact that a contingent of news reporters, camera men and producers were on the scene within hours of the attack.

The Senate report said that on Sept. 19, 2012, eight days after the attack, National Counterterrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen told the Homeland committee that the four Americans died “in the course of a terrorist attack.” At the same time, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the department stood by the assessment of the CIA and other intelligence agencies such as NSA.

The next day, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated, “It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.” Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton also used the term “terrorist attack” on Sept. 21, 2012.

Olsen’s acknowledgement was important, the report said, because talking points prepared by intelligence officials the previous week had undergone major changes.

A line saying “we know” that individuals associated with al-Qaeda or its affiliates participated in the attacks was changed to say, “There are indications that extremists participated.”

The talking points dropped the reference to al-Qaeda and its affiliates altogether. In addition, a reference to “attacks” was changed to “demonstrations.”

By the time Mueller’s agents arrived at the Benghazi attack location there were only the charred walls of a burnt out consulate and bullet holes. There were many law enforcement experts who believed the Libyans used “cleaners” who are experts at tidying up a crime scene. And what happened to Robert Mueller? He was appointed as a special counsel to investigate the president. Not Obama, not Clinton, but President Donald Trump.

And the elite news media are careful not to remind Americans about Mueller’s part in a major cover up.

If a President, wanted to weaponize intelligence as a ‘political tool’ the POTUS would have absolute conttrol over the following ‘WEAPONS.’

Some of Obama’s Political Appointees Include

~CIA (John Brennan)
~NSA (Michael Rogers)
~FBI (James Comey)
~DNI (James Clapper)
~DoD (Ash Carter) etc.

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Latin American Invasion of ‘Kissing Bugs’ Spreading Deadly And Dangerous Disease In U.S.

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“These blood-sucking parasites spread a dangerous sometimes deadly illness called Chagas disease. The disease, which has spread to the U.S., was previously only found in Central and South America as well as Mexico.” – Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

During the national debate regarding illegal immigration, especially from south of the U.S.-Mexico border, the politically-correct news media, the left-wing politicians and those who favor a limited amount of sovereignty are quick to quash any mention of contagious diseases emanating from Latin American countries.

According to experts on communicable diseases, Chagas disease, a potentially life-threatening disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, has become a concern in the United States as a result of mass immigration from Latin America where Chagas disease is endemic.

The parasite is called “the kissing bug” by first-responders or “disease detectives” at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) who are monitoring cases of the disease within the United States.

Studies indicate between 50 percent and 64 percent of kissing bugs carry the deadly parasite that causes Chagas, which is considered a major neglected tropical disease, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The World Health Organization estimates that 8 to 10 million people are infected worldwide, mostly in Latin America.

It is estimated that as many as 8 million people living in Mexico, and Central and South America have this disease. Most cases of Chagas disease found in the United States are chronic infections, but rare cases of acute congenital infections and autochthonous vector-borne transmission have been reported

To understand how data are collected and used, a review of state-level public health surveillance for Chagas disease was conducted through semistructured interviews with health officials in six states (Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Tennessee, and Texas) where Chagas disease is reportable and one (Massachusetts) where it was previously reportable.

States implemented surveillance in response to blood donor screening for Chagas disease and to identify how the disease if transmitted. Many states reported primarily chronic cases and had limited ability to respond to local transmission because acute cases were infrequently reported.

Surveillance remains important in states with large populations of illegal immigrants or frequent travelers from countries with endemic disease and for states with a risk for local transmission.

Surveillance efforts can also help increase awareness among providers and assist in linking patients with Chagas disease to treatment to help prevent cardiac and gastrointestinal complications.

Chagas disease can cause a sudden, brief illness (acute), or it may be a long-lasting (chronic) condition. Symptoms range from mild to severe, although many people don’t experience symptoms until they reach the chronic stage.

Acute phase

The acute phase of Chagas disease, which lasts for weeks or months, is often symptom-free. When signs and symptoms do occur, they are usually mild and may include:

  • Swelling at the infection site
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Rash
  • Body aches
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Swollen glands
  • Enlargement of your liver or spleen

Chagas disease can cause life-threatening heart issues, including heart disease, strokes, arrhythmias and cardiac arrest. About one-third of those infected will develop chronic heart disease, according to the American Hospital Association.

“Early detection of Chagas disease is critical, allowing prompt initiation of therapy when the evidence for cure is strong,” Caryn Bern, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California in San Francisco, warned in an online statement.

“While nearly 70 percent of people infected don’t notice any symptoms, studies of past cases have noted they can include fever, lethargy, aches, rashes, swollen glands and a bump around the bite.”

Doctors can detect the disease through a simple blood test. If the infection is caught early enough, medications should be able to treat it. “If untreated, infection is lifelong and can be life threatening,” the CDC warns.

So far, a total of 11 species of kissing bugs have been spotted in the U.S. — the majority of which are concentrated in states along the U.S.-Mexico border. However, they’ve been documented in at least 28 states across the country, a research team at Texas A&M found.

“Previous studies have found that, on average, 50% of kissing bugs are infected with the Chagas parasite,” the Texas researchers wrote on a website that details their extensive studies of the insects.

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CIA Chief Brennan’s Treasonous Actions On Behalf Of Deep State Ignored

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Accuse others of what you do.” — Karl Marx

“If you want to know what the Democrats are doing or plotting, just listen to what they accuse Republicans of doing or plotting.” — Ann Coulter

“John Brennan’s resume includes voting for Communist Party of America’s presidential candidate Gus Hall; converting to Saudi Arabian-style Islam (Wahabbism) while serving as CIA bureau chief in Saudi Arabia; and helping to turn the intelligence community and counter-terrorism police units into tools of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. In short, it is he who has exhibited treasonous behavior, not President Donald Trump who is the recipient of enormous hate from Brennan.” — Chief Perry Townsend, Morrisville Police Department

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump finally fulfilled another of his promises: Trump revoked former CIA director-turned-MSNBC propagandist John Brennan’s security clearance. Trump isn’t expected to stop with Brennan. The scuttlebutt circulating among law enforcement officials, who spoke to Conservative Base’s editor, is that the President and his national security/homeland security team are still working on the revocation of security clearances for  James Clapper, James Comey, Michael Hayden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.

In response, Brennan practically ran to his co-conspirators at the former cable news network turned infomercial haven for the Democratic Party’s Deep State, MSNBC, and went on-the-air and called Trump treasonous and other derogatory terms.

James Clapper should be next as both he and Brennan work for CNN. That will cut off CNN from classified material, they can’t be trusted with. In fact, no one on that list can be trusted and by time Congress or Sessions acts, Trump’s second term will be over. There is no justifiable reason to allow them to keep access to this material or anything new that pops up.

The administration has threatened the action before. Sarah Sanders said yesterday in a statement from the President:

“I have decided to revoke the security clearance of John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Historically, former heads of intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been allowed to retain access to classified information after their government service so that they can consult with their successors regarding matters about which they may have special insight and as a professional courtesy. Neither of these justifications supports Mr. Brennan’s continued access to classified information.”

“As the head of the executive branch and commander-in-chief, I have a unique constitutional responsibility to protect the nation’s classified information, including by controlling access to it,” Trump’s statement read.

Giuliani says Mueller is just a puppet. Stating someone else started this mess and is actually pulling the strings. He says that person is John Brennan. Many Americans will find this very easy to believe.

If you look up ethics, there won’t be a picture of Brennan anywhere to be seen. We already know how he weaponized the CIA against President Trump. Also, we know he was involved in Spygate and the other aspects of the Russian collusion probe. So Giuliani’s accusation does not have much in the way of shock value.

Some of the U.S. intelligence community’s top analysts reportedly informed the Pentagon watchdog that their reports had been systematically edited to backup President Barack Obama‘s and his national security team’ assertions that the war on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was more successful than it actually was, according to news reports from outlets such as The Hill.

This revelation is being touted as the very first time that so many intelligence analysts have complained to the Pentagon’s “top cop,” Inspector General Jon Rymer, about the politicizing of the intelligence gathering and analysis function. In July, a couple of analysts filed a complaint with Rymer’s office, after months of internal complaints were allegedly ignored.

It got so bad, according to Examiner source Pete Vanderhill, a former police intelligence division operative, that some of those career intelligence operatives who complained were bullied and forced to take early retirement, or the younger analysts just quit. After the mini-purge of intelligence officers, other analysts said they supported their colleagues’ formal report and can back up their claims of political shenanigans to make Obama, Kerry and others look good.

The most important — perhaps most damaging — complaint is that “senior [administration] officials are editing the intelligence analysts’ reports to bring them into line with the Obama administration’s claims” such as the Obama-led war on ISIS is successful. Also, the analysts were pressured, they say, to make Iran look less involved in terrorist support and that the Iranians have less interaction with terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorist groups. The suspected goal was to make Iran appear less dangerous to Americans while Obama and Kerry pursue a nuclear deal with the radical Islamist government.

Besides the internal investigation by Rymer’s office, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R., Texas), the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said his committee is investigating. “No doubt that these allegations are troubling and the committee is looking into them,” Thornberry said. “Accurate intelligence and unbiased analysis can often be a life or death matter and must remain free from political pressure.”

“There is an abundance of proof that America’s national security and counter-terrorism decisions were being made by Obama’s White House minions Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, and the man serving as Obama’s homeland security adviser, John Brennan who was then elevated to the position of Director of the CIA. They ran the operations while riding roughshod over the real intelligence and law enforcement officials,” said Sid Franes, a former military intelligence operative and New York police detective.

“More than four dozen U.S. intelligence analysts formally filed complaints that their honest intelligence evaluations regarding the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Qaida’s branch Al Nusra Front in Syria were altered by superiors to prop up President Barack Obama’s false proclamations that he and his ‘national security team’ were winning the war,” said political strategist Kiernan Cummings.

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New DNC Losers’ Excuse: Russians Are To Blame For Democratic Party Defeats

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“There’s only one problem with [the Democratic Party’s] excuse: why would the Russians favor a political party that’s hawkish on the Russians, Chinese, and Islamic radicals? If anything, the Russians should be assisting the Democrats, who are neo-Marxists or socialists and who behave as if stupidity is a virtue,” —said Det. Iris Aquino.

Democratic candidates throughout the United States are now trying their own hands at blaming the Russians for losing their political races last Tuesday, according to former law enforcement chief and political consultant Sidney Franes.

“The media have placed the Democrats in a pickle: they informed Americans a ‘blue wave’ of Democratic Party victories will rescue their party and help to remove or at least neutralize President [Donald Trump] before he piles up more successes,” notes Franes. “While every Trump success appears to be a blessing to the real Americans — the ones who do the working, spending, taxpaying, living and dying in the USA) — to the progressives and Marxists see defeat for their ambitions to run the American people like taxpaying cattle,” —added Franes.

The latest Democrat, but most probably far from the last, Florida’s longtime lawmaker Sen Bill Nelson claims that members of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee told him in confidence that Russian cyber spies and hackers had interfered with local Florida voting last Tuesday.

If the Senator isn’t indulging in mendacity, then the intelligence committee knows something that the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t known since DHS officials say there is no evidence of voting machine hacking or any attempts at infiltrating the Florida election by Russians or any other nation.

“The news media are chomping at the bit over the idea that the Russians are proving they’re opposed to the Democrats and wish Republicans to be victorious this November,” said Iris Aquino, a retired undercover detective from New York. “There’s only one problem with their excuse: why would the Russians favor a political party that’s hawkish on the Russians, Chinese, and Islamic radicals? If anything, the Russians should be assisting the Democrats, who are neo-Marxists or socialists and who behave as if stupidity is a virtue,” —said Det. Aquino.

Despite the lack of proof of Russian hacking, Nelson told the Tampa Bay Times, “We were requested by the chairman and vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee to let the supervisors of elections in Florida know that the Russians are in their records.”

Nelson added, “They have already penetrated certain counties in the state and they now have free rein to move about.

Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Sara Sendek said that her department was not aware of any breaches in Florida.

“While we are aware of Senator Nelson’s recent statements, we have not seen any new compromises by Russian actors of election infrastructure,” Sendek told news outlets.

“Talk about calling Nelson’s bluff. And they did it in a way that they were giving the impression that they were giving his accusations credence and putting it to the committee and the DHS to confirm or deny and let them be the ones to call Nelson a liar,” —said political analyst Steven Ahle.

South Florida election chiefs said Thursday they have no reason to believe their voter registration rolls have been compromised by hackers, despite comments from Sen. Bill Nelson that Russians have gained access to some Florida counties’ systems.

Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes said she has not received any special alerts from Nelson or the federal government.

“We have had absolutely no information regarding that,” she said Thursday. “We have not seen anything with our system that something strange is going on.”

State officials also say they have no information to support Nelson’s claim.

Sen. Nelson, the ranking member of the cyber subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday that Russian operatives have penetrated some of the state’s election systems ahead of this year’s midterms.

But several cyber-security experts believe Nelson and other Democrats will play the same game that Hillary Clinton and the Deep State Democrats played after her defeat by Trump: they will demand a special counsel and spend millions of dollars on a wild-goose-chase.

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Sen. Feinstein’s Chinese Chauffeur/Spy Scandal Is Tip Of The Democrat Iceberg

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

It was revealed last week that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)’s driver for 20 years was a Chinese spy. But it was discovered five years ago by the FBI and never disclosed until Politico and San Francisco Chronicle uncovered it. Now more questions are being raised not only about the spy but about Feinstein’s closeness to the Chinese.

Feinstein’s driver also represented her at various functions and acted as a liaison to the Chinese community. Although the FBI advised her five years ago, it wasn’t made public and the driver was allowed to quietly retire. He was never arrested. Neither the FBI or Feinstein ever informed or questioned her staff about him or what they might know. And presumably, that means they also didn’t check other staff to see if anyone else had been compromised.

This raises lots of questions. The excuse for not charging him was it was judged he hadn’t passed anything top secret to the Chinese. But he had passed information to them. So why was he never charged? Even for failing to register as a foreign agent? Why is he still not being named?

And why hasn’t this been picked up by the national media? “Because the news media are more interested in sabotaging the Trump presidency than reporting on foreign spies working for Democratic Party leaders. That puts the Deep State in a defensive position rather than their usual offensive strategy against President Trump and the conservatives,” a former assistant district attorney said.

“This [Awan] case will most probably end up the way the Democratic National Committee’ Muslim Awan brothers case failed to materialize,” said Jeffrey Lankas, a former federal prosecutor.

The case involved Florida’s U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the controversial former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), who had her office equipment seized by U.S. Capitol Police as part of a criminal investigation into congressional network security violations. Wasserman-Schultz admitted she frequently violates the DNC’s information security policy but still managed to point her finger at someone else.

The always boisterous congresswoman blamed the House of Representatives’ chief office manager for not stopping her from violating policies and perhaps the law regarding classified material. “This is how the Deep State operates: if one of their minions is found to be involved in unethical or criminal activities, the inhabitants of the D.C. swamp are sure to exert their power to rescue their ‘foot soldier,'” said a British police investigator.

According to news media accounts, during an appropriation hearing on Congress’ administrative budget in May, Wasserman Shultz conceded she had violated the policies for many years. She also sought to find out how much might be known about her Internet usage, asked if members of Congress are monitored?

“This is the same woman who pushed for a special prosecutor to investigate an alleged Russian hacking of the DNC’s IT system. Could they have been more careless?” asked police investigator Nolan Fitzsimmons.

Capitol Police are investigating Wasserman Schultz’s longtime information technology (IT) aide Imran Awan for theft and funneling congressional data from members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Committee on Homeland Security and Committee on Foreign Affairs.

A former police department’s intelligence official told Conservative Base that he believes part of the reason the Democratic Party and their allies in the news media continue their overall narrative — that Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin colluded to destroy innocent Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations — is to divert attention away from the alleged shenanigans of three Pakistanis hired by Democratic politicians.

“The Democrats in Congress hired three brothers to work in key jobs in the House of Representatives and it’s believed they spied for radical Islamic groups with the blessings of American politicians like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz,” the former police intelligence expert told Conservative Base. “They dread the thought of having to explain why they are so careless with classified intelligence,” he added.

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ICE Union Slams Portland, Oregon Mayor Over His Encouraging Protests, Ignoring Requests For Police Protection

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The union representing employees of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement urged the mayor of Portland, Oregon, to end his ban on city police helping ICE workers who have faced hostility from pro-immigrant activists.

Sean Riddell, the union’s attorney, asked Mayor Ted Wheeler for a meeting about the hands-off policy and threatened legal action if things do not change.

“Your policy has created a zone of terror and lawlessness,” Riddell said in a letter Monday.

It stems from a recent protest outside an ICE facility in Portland that was mostly peaceful. Activists opposed to President Donald Trump’s policy of separating immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border set up camp in mid-June and stayed around the clock for nearly 40 days.

Wheeler, a Trump critic in a state that instituted the first statewide sanctuary protections for immigrants in the country illegally, said in a series of tweets at the start of the protest that ICE would not get help from city officers if the agency wants to evict protesters.

Riddell said he understands that the mayor disagrees with Trump’s policies.

“But we fail to see why targeting the employees of ICE and leaving them vulnerable to violence, harassment and even death furthers a legitimate government interest,” the union attorney said.

The mayor’s office told The Oregonian/OregonLive that Wheeler’s legal counsel was reviewing the letter and had no further comment.

Wheeler’s chief of staff, Michael Cox, did not immediately return a message from The Associated Press.

The mayor backtracked to a degree as the occupation stretched from days to weeks to more than a month. On July 23, he warned protesters to disband before they were removed by police. The occupation ended peacefully the following day.

The letter emailed to the mayor’s chief of staff Monday said the ICE union would like to avoid federal litigation but is “prepared to protect our membership and their families.”

The letter references the 14th Amendment, which guarantees citizens equal protection under the law.

President Trump has been in a state of low-simmering rage since almost the moment he took office, frustrated beyond compare over the never-ending Russia investigation and the constant cloud of suspicion hanging over his 2016 campaign. But in recent days, that simmer has turned into a boil. This weekend, enraged by the revelation that the Obama administration had sent an informant into his campaign to bring back dirt, he demanded that the Department of Justice launch an investigation into what very well could turn out to be the biggest political scandal of all time.

“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” Trump tweeted on Sunday.

This marks only the second time that the president has taken direct action to change the course of the Russia investigation, the first being the firing of FBI Director James Comey. That action resulted in the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, but on this one, Trump appears to have gotten his way. The Justice Department announced only hours after the president’s tweet that it would refer the matter to the Office of the Inspector General, who is already looking into FISA warrant abuse on the part of the Obama administration.

On Wednesday, Trump was still in a state of rage. He published a series of tweets expressing his disbelief about the unethical and potentially illegal machinations of the intelligence community leading up to the 2016 election.

“Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State,” he wrote. “They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!”

“SPYGATE,” he added in a follow-up, “could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!”

Trump’s tweets and the recent revelations about the Obama FBI using an informant to gather intelligence from Trump campaign officials has the unmistakable whiff of things coming to a head. If we were to guess, Rudy Giuliani was way off when he predicted that Robert Mueller’s investigation would come to an end on September 1. From the way things are looking, this thing won’t make it very deep into the summer before the president pulls the plug.

For whatever else he has accomplished in his special counsel’s office, Mueller has utterly failed to do the one thing he was supposed to do: Cover up the illegal activities of the agency he once called home. It’s all coming out now.

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Summer Camp Indoctrinates Children In ANTIFA Neo-Marxist Curriculum

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

While many American parents are aware of the neo-Marxist indoctrination that’s occurs in public schools across the country — at times they even fight against such programs — those same parents may be unaware of the indoctrination that is instilled into the young minds of children sent to summer camps right here in America.

“Camp Kinderland is a multicultural summer camp and community that honors U.S. progressive secular Jewish roots through a commitment to economic, racial, and social justice. Kinderland’s summer programming and year around activities integrate progressive values with arts, recreation, and activism in a compassionate and caring environment,” the camp’s mission statement reads.

In the words of the administrators, the camp’s values include “social, economic, and racial justice,” in addition to “diversity,” “community,” and “respect and compassion.”

Camp Kinderland was established in 1923 by Jewish union activists in New York, who wanted to provide a summer escape from the city for working class families. The founders of Kinderland believed that Jewish culture includes a responsibility to social justice. The camp program focused on the labor movement, and other progressive causes. Over the years, they have honored and celebrated the International Brigades in Spain, anti-fascist efforts in the World War II era, economic reform and the civil rights and anti-war movements, among others.

“Kinderland was founded by members of The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, a leftist Jewish fraternal organization, in 1923 in Hopewell JunctionNew York. Camp Kinderland, along with the rest of the left-wing of the Workmen’s Circle, split off in 1930 and created the International Workers Order and became the official summer camp of the Jewish section of the IWO. In 1954, the IWO was shut down and its assets liquidated by the government, which had determined that it was a communist organization,” according to

Since Kinderland has been around for over three-quarters of a century, camp and campers have been active participants in the history and events that have shaped who they are today. One of its alumni is the Oscar-winning actress Marisa Tomei. Another is KISS guitarist and vocalist Paul Stanley.

As at many camps, campers play sports, swim and hike, gain new experiences in arts, drama, music, dance, nature and camping. But at Kinderland they also encounter leftist ideals of social justice and peace. They don’t hesitate to sing a Yiddish labor song, paint a mural of Harriet Tubman or write a skit about putting an end to war—that’s just what you do at Camp Kinderland, where it is okay to think, to care, to question and to act.

There is nothing quite like it; and it works because the values of community and culture, of justice and righteousness, are integrated with a façade of friendship, joy, beauty, the sheer fun and adventure of life away from the campers’ parents. camp.

The camp is made up of educators who have experience in the progressive, secular outlook that comprises the foundation of the Brooklyn Kindershule.  Several of the staff members were among the founders of the 1981 Kindershule and have remained in leadership over many years; several are alumni for whom shule was a key element in developing their Jewish identities.  The camp’s teachers are skilled in art, music, Yiddish language, and literature.  All share a child-centered, loving philosophy and a commitment to this unique community and cultural heritage.

“Our job is to inspire; to raise awareness and introduce new ideas so the cultural program is integrated into campers regular activities,” claim staff members at the leftist-supporting camp.

During the Kunderland Olympics – in grand summer camp tradition – the entire camp forms teams which compete in a series of games and events, while wearing team colors and screaming team chants.  But at Kinderland, they name the teams after people, countries or movements that we admire. One year’s teams included A. Philip Randolph, Chico Mendes and Ida B. Wells. Another year, under the theme of “Speak Truth to Power,” the teams included the Israeli Refusnik movement and the McCarthy-era Hollywood Ten. Each team writes chants and songs that incorporate information about their namesake. They produce elaborate murals and put together a cultural presentation that is performed as part of the closing ceremonies. Campers learn in ways that challenge them to be creative, emotional and active in the learning process.

Evolving generations of campers and staff embrace a far broader and more diverse spectrum of issues and ideas that are expressed in the cultural program—including struggles for women’s and gay rights, and environmental justice—and a more multicultural outlook. The staff sees themselves as the caretakers of the ideals that Kinderland was built on, maintaining a community that does what it can to work for social justice around the world. It honors Jewish roots: it integrates Yiddish into camp life; they learn Eastern European folkdances and songs; we set aside time every summer to commemorate the Holocaust, remembering victims and honoring those who offered resistance.

“We also recognize and teach that their roots are entwined with many other struggles, cultures, heroes and fighters. We see our own struggles in those of other peoples and we honor their fight as our own. Our principles are universal in nature, capable of influencing and being influenced by other sources and it is this belief that drives Kinderland today,” says the camp’s brochure.

While the registration process does not discriminate in favor of Jews, a large majority of campers are Jewish. While campers come from around the US, many are from the New York area, especially Brooklyn, where there is a kindershule, or secular school that teaches Jewish history and culture and progressive values, such as equity, workers’ rights, women’s rights, anti-militarization beliefs, and so much more, (similar to the dozen Workmen’s Circle Shuln) associated with the camp. [YouTube Video]

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Clinton Charity Group Probe: Haitian Whistleblower Found Shot To Death In Miami

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A 50-year-old former Haitian government official who was expected to give sworn testimony next week regarding suspected Clinton “Crime Family” Foundation corruption and malpractice, was found dead in Miami, Florida. Police officer Charles Duggan said the death was attributed to a single gunshot wound to the official’s head. The deceased was scheduled due to appear on Tuesday, July 25, before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

Therefore, according to the coroner’s report, Clinton associate Klaus Eberwein’s death was ruled a suicide and his name is now added to the growing list of men and women who died under mysterious circumstances after “getting mixed-up with America’s version of the Borgias,” said Officer Duggan, who denied being assigned to the investigation.

The Borgias are the most infamous family of Renaissance Italy, and their history normally hinges around four key individuals: Pope Calixtus III, his nephew Pope Alexander IV, his son Cesare and daughter Lucrezia. Thanks to the actions of the middle pair, the family name is associated with greed, power, lust and murder.  .

Before his death and still living in Haiti, Eberwein reportedly told acquaintances he was worried about retribution by members of the Clinton-wing of the Democratic Party. He said he feared for his life because of his damaging exposure of the Clinton Foundation.

While there is considered prima facie evidence of a crime conspiracy perpetrated by the supposedly charitable Clinton Foundation, the U.S. Justice Department, the FBI and other agencies refused to even consider investigating the alleged multi-million dollar criminal conspiracy. Under President Barack Obama and the already recruited Deep State journalists, they were too busy investigating Donald Trump and members of his campaign.

Eberwein was due to appear on Tuesday, July 25, before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

The deceased official had served as director general of the Haitian government’s Economic Development Department (Fonds d’assistance économique et social) for three years.

According to Eberwein, only a little over a half-percent (0.6 percent) of the donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian charity and assistance organizations. Almost 10 percent (9.6 percent) ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8 percent – or $5.4 billion – was surreptitiously funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

“The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016.

Not surprisingly, the news media decided to ignore the Haitian protesters and Eberwein’s allegations. “The purveyors of ‘fake news’ preferred to stand outside Trump Tower, also in Manhattan, in order to formulate their anti-Trump ‘reports,'” said retired New York cop Iris Aquino.

According to the Haiti Libre newspaper, Eberwein was said to be in “good spirits,” with plans for the future. His close friends and business partners are shocked by the idea he may have committed suicide.

The Haitian government issued an official notice thanking Klaus Eberwein for his service and mourning his surprisingly mysterious death.

Criminal Conspiracy?

According to investigative journalist Jerome Corsi, who has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command:

Former President Bill Clinton developed a methodology of exploiting epidemics and natural disasters to raise hundreds of millions in “charitable donations” that in a relaxed regulatory environment could be diverted to personal gain such as funding Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns. The Haitian money also ended up supporting Democratic Party causes, according to a Wall Street analyst, Charles Ortel, who has conducted an in-depth investigation of the foundation’s finances.

Ortel points to Bill Clinton’s involvement with the American India Foundation, which the former president co-founded in 2001 with Rajat Kumar Gupta, the India-born philanthropist who headed the international management consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. Gupta is now in prison for criminal insider trading.

“The Clinton Foundation financial fraud began with the illegal disaster relief efforts started in February 2001, when Bill Clinton started chasing donations for Gujarat, India, without IRS authorization and subsequently substantial funds went missing, diverted from helping disaster victims by a bevy of scoundrels, including Rajat Gupta, now incarcerated,” Ortel wrote in a new report.

As WND has reported since last spring, Ortel has accused the Clinton Foundation of illegally enriching its namesakes, Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. The Foundation also provided “salaries” for Clinton minions including Huma Abidin and others. They were being “parked” there in order to have them ready for Hillary’s presidential run.

Ortel is finalizing additional reports that show the Clinton Foundation illegally exploiting natural disasters, including fighting HIV/AIDS internationally, beginning July 2002; tsunami relief in January 2005; Hurricane Katrina in August 2005; and Haiti, beginning in 2009.

“All years from 2001 onward when the Clinton Foundation operated are not audited as required, so it is difficult to be precise, but total Clinton Foundation fraud runs to hundreds of millions of dollars,” Ortel now estimates, “with diversions for political purposes and personal enrichment likely to exceed $200 million.”

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US Marxists Working To Destroy Christian Churches In America

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

It didn’t take very long for the Democratic Party and the majority of their news-outlet water carriers to go ballistic over President Donald Trump selection of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the nominee to take Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. In fact, it didn’t matter to the leftist politicians, activists and propagandists who was selected. The fact that Trump’s selections are pro-life since they are Christians or Catholics is enough for these leftist outliers to question their qualifications as honest jurists.

This anti-Christian tactic to stop a follower of Jesus Christ flies in the face of logic since these same leftists wouldn’t dare use the religion of someone practicing Islam or Hinduism religions.

According to intelligence analyst Dr. Lyle Rapacki, throughout human history, whenever a tyrant or demonic political or philosophical movement occurred, one area of focus by the sinister forces was the church and the family.

You bring severe disruption leading to division, and then neutralization leading to abolishment of the influence and goodness flowing from these two critical societal cornerstones. And that strategy has succeeded in causing a community to be torn and scattered, allowing the forces of darkness for whatever cause their banners flew, to high step in and take over.

“America is at such a crossroads today!” exclaimed Rapacki, the founder and owner of Sentinel Intelligence Service, LLC.  Rapacki warns Americans that humanism, socialism, a neutered and politically correct gospel, and even worse, now emanates from many pulpits across America.

Marxism and Christianity are not compatible; never have been, never will be.  This is perfectly fine for those who have already crossed over and adopted Marx’s world view.

But I am soberly reminded what the famous French statesman, social philosopher, and observer of the American Revolution, Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–59), publicly stated:  “I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors…in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning.  I sought for it in her democratic Congress and in her matchless Constitution.  Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.  America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

A vast number of people holding elected offices and other positions of trust, past and present, no longer wish America to be great. If America is viewed by a majority of citizens as being great, the politicians in power will soon appear to be what they truly are: Anti-American opportunists.

“In this regard these politicians are also working to make America less good.  The fact that many pulpits are silent to this reality is evidence of the spiritual assaults taking place to remove the Judeo-Christian influence our Founding Fathers, and many who followed, understood to be a key to America being exceptional; not perfect, not without fault, but exceptional in comparison to all other nations except Israel whose foundational principles are similar,” said Rapacki.

Dr. Rapacki warns the American people that the assault on family and church are well underway in America.  To bring disarray to these two hallowed institutions brings disarray to our society eventually crippling then imploding the United States of America onto herself.

“No longer will America be able to stand in the gap between good and evil for those across the globe who cannot on their own defeat the forces of tyranny; so America will merely collapse into a New-World Order, and cease to be great nor good.   This process is well underway,” said Rapacki.

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Trump’s Promise: ICE Releases Annual Report On Criminal Alien Captures

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

As thousands of illegal immigrants, their advocates and Democratic Party leaders take to the streets to demand the abolishment of the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) directorate, that law enforcement agency and the White House released the first annual report as promised by President Donald Trump.

For far too long, the former Obama administration and the so-called mainstream news outlets kept citizens in the dark with regard to crimes — serious, violent crimes — committed by illegal aliens, whose very presence in the U.S. is a crime.

Illegal immigrants who were arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement were responsible for well over 48,000 assault offenses in 2017, according to a White House press release Thursday.

Illegal aliens — either border crossers or visa overstays — captured by ICE were also responsible for more than 5,000 sexual assault offenses, upwards of 2,000 kidnapping and abduction offenses, 1,800 homicide offenses and 76,000 dangerous drug offenses, according to a report from ICE.

“Abolishing ICE would mean open borders because it would eliminate the agency responsible for removing people who enter or remain in our country illegally,” the press release stated.

“Those calling for the end of ICE operations are inviting illegal aliens to thumb their noses at the U.S. justice system and its sovereignty,” said former police officer and military intelligence operative Michael Snopes.

On Jan. 25, 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed and promulgated Executive Order 13,768, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, which described the Trump administration’s enforcement and removal policy. The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) February 20, 2017 memorandum, Enforcement of the Immigration Laws to Serve the National Interest (implementation memorandum) provided direction for the implementation of the policies described in Trump’s January EO.

According to the ICE report, the EO and implementation memorandum expanded ICE’s enforcement focus to include removable aliens who

(1) have been convicted of any criminal offense

(2) have been charged with any criminal offense that has not been resolved

(3) have committed acts which constitute a chargeable criminal offense

(4) have engaged in fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with any official matter before a governmental agency

(5) have abused any program related to receipt of public benefits

(6) are subject to a final order of removal but have not complied with their legal obligation to depart the United States or

(7) in the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security. The Department has directed that classes or categories of removable aliens are no longer exempted from potential enforcement.

Many observers believe that this latest ICE press release is the result of several Democrats calling for the abolishment of ICE, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington, and far-left U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Vermont Democrat and former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders in his call for the abolition of ICE on Tuesday, tweeted that the agency was “cruel” and “dysfunctional” and claiming that Americans overwhelmingly want to abolish it.

“Sanders never mentioned where he obtained his information about what Americans wanted, however, since polls — including a Harvard University study — revealed that only 10 percent of U.S. citizens want to see ICE abolished,” said former NYPD detective, JoAnn Barroni.

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House Bill Abolishing ICE To Be Introduced By Democrats

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The leftist Democrats latest mission is the complete abolishment of the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) directorate, a movement that has grown strength thanks to the same Trump-hating news media that has misled the American people for years, according to a former Army special forces captain and police commander.

This week the anti-ICE rhetoric was hear in the House of Representative when Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Mark Pocan boasted about his plan to introduce legislation that would officially eliminate ICE and it’s subsection the Homeland Security Investigations bureau..

“I’m [officially] introducing legislation that would abolish ICE and crack down on the agency’s blanket directive to target and round up individuals and families,” Pocan said in a statement announcing the legislation. “The heartless actions of this [sic] abused agency doesn’t represent the values of our nation, and the U.S. must develop a more humane immigration system, one that treats every person with dignity and respect,” he said.

“What the congressman forgot to mention is the fact that among these abused people are murderers, gangsters — such as MS-13, the Mexican drug cartels – abusers of women and children, thieves and other criminals,” said former police detective Iris Aquino. “Who will deal with these types of individuals or ‘dreamers?’” she asked

According to Pocan, his bill would dismantle ICE, and turn over some of its duties to other departments while he and his fellow leftists would create a commission to advise Congress on how to “implement a humane immigration enforcement system that upholds the dignity of all individuals.” In other words: replace sworn law-enforcement officers with political hacks who will dictate immigration policies to them.

For weeks now, the movement to abolish ICE has been pushed as a story by members of the fake news outlets and the denizens of progressive circles, with at least 21 first-time Democratic congressional candidates coming out in support of abolishing or defunding ICE. Some observers who are attorneys or law enforcement officials see this sudden movement as a way to ‘gin up’ an issue for Democrats in the November election.

“The Democrats now realize the phony case of Trump-Russia Collusion is going nowhere and in fact has backfired. They can’t run on their accomplishments and Americans see Trumps promises being fulfilled. So this is their plan and their propaganda campaign. Blame Trump’s cops,” said Michael Snipes a former NYPD lieutenant.

The illegal aliens’ civil rights group known as Mijente earlier this month had initiated a campaign calling for the abolition of ICE, and progressive groups like Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Indivisible have been organizing online using the hashtag #AbolishICE. Indivisible is a radical left-wing movement in United States politics, initiated in 2016 as a reaction to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Pocan claims that his sponsorship of the Abolish ICE legislation is motivated in part by his trip to the U.S.-Mexican border.

“During my trip to the southern border, it was clear that ICE, and its actions of hunting down and tearing apart families, has wreaked havoc on far too many people,” said Pocan. However, Pocan appears to be unaware that ICE is not the Border Patrol, another group that is maligned by Democratic Party politicians.

“From conducting raids at garden centers and meatpacking plants, to breaking up families at churches and schools, ICE is tearing apart families and ripping at the moral fabric of our nation,” his statement continued. “Unfortunately, President Trump and his team of white nationalists, including Stephen Miller, have so misused ICE that the agency can no longer accomplish its goals effectively.”

“Pocan is just another skunk who is working hard to not only divide the American people with lies, half-truths and cheap slogans, but also cause violence against American citizens,” said Mike Baker, who now works as a political strategist. “The Democratic Party should be the organization abolished. It’s attempting to destroy the nation as we know it and build one that Joseph Stalin would praise,” he quipped.

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Federal Judge Orders Justice Department To Turn Over Fusion GPS Records To Watchdog Attorneys

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

During Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, he repeatedly claimed he and the Department of Justice have been cooperative with the House of Representatives and Senate oversight committees. However, lawmakers have repeatedly complained about the stonewalling and foot-dragging by Rosenstein and his department in their releasing of requested and subpoenaed documents and emails.

Even non-profit, non-partisan watchdog groups have had enormous difficulties obtaining documents from government agencies under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulations.

However, on Thursday the leading public-interest group, Judicial Watch, reported that U.S. District Court Judge Reggie B. Walton ordered the Justice Department to immediately begin producing records about its communications with Nellie Ohr, who happens to be the wife of senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr.  Mrs. Ohr was working for Hillary for President campaign vendor Fusion GPS. Fusion is the form that provided an anti-Trump campaign document which gained the title “The Dirty Dossier.”

“Judge Walton rejected a Justice Department request to begin producing documents six months from now and ordered the DOJ to begin producing documents immediately on a rolling basis over the next two months. Judge Walton also rejected DOJ’s efforts to restrict their search to only 2016,” said Judicial Watch’s Director of Communications in a statement on Friday.

Some observers suspect that the already proven to be partisan Justice Department wished to have six months so that the documents would not appear to the media and the public prior to the November elections.

“It’s a theory, but one that may just be proven as we get closer to Election Day 2018: the DOJ has been infiltrated by Deep State members or Deep State ‘useful idiots,’ and they want to see the Democrats take over the Senate and the House which would fulfill the wishes of Rosenstein and others who despise President Trump,” claims political consultant Michael Baker.

Justice Department Criticism from the Federal Bench

Judge Walton repeatedly criticized the Justice Department during a recent hearing:

“I think if it’s been almost, since December when the initial request was made more should have been done by now. And it seems to me if you have someone who’s going to come into office and they say they’re going to be a disrupter, that they should appreciate there’s going to be a lot of FOIA requests and therefore, should gear up to deal with those requests. So I’m not real sympathetic to the position that you have limited staff and therefore, you can’t comply with these requests. So I think you’re going to have to get some more people.”

“I mean FOIA is considered to be very important. I keep getting from the government, from various agencies we can’t do this, we can’t do that because we don’t have the resources. I’m not real sympathetic to that. FOIA is important. Open government is important, and government has to comply with FOIA in order to make it an open government.”

Judicial Watch filed an FOIA lawsuit in federal court after the Justice Department failed to respond to a legal December 2017 FOIA request. The lawsuit seeks: All records of contact or communication, including but not limited to emails, text messages, and instant chats, between DOJ officials in the Attorney General’s Office and Fusion GPS employee or contractor Nellie Ohr.

“We are pleased another court rejected the Justice Department’s inexcusable stonewalling on documents of intense public interest – Obama DOJ collusion with the Clinton campaign vendor Fusion GPS to target then-candidate Donald Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “How extraordinary it is that this Justice Department is now under court order to stop stalling on releasing records about potential corruption in the Obama Justice Department!”

According to a press statement released on June 8, 2018: In December 2017, Bruce Ohr was removed from his position as U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General after it was revealed that he conducted undisclosed meetings with anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steel and Glenn Simpson, principal of Fusion GPS. A House Intelligence Committee memo released by Chairman Devin Nunes on February 2 noted that Ohr’s wife, Nellie, was “employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump” and that Bruce Ohr passed the results of that research, which was paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign, to the FBI.

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Democrats Change Their Trump Hating Strategy in Hopes of Fooling The People And Defeating GOP In November

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The Democratic Party appears to have read the proverbial tea leaves regarding the already chaotic Trump-Russia Collusion case being investigated by the already tarnished Special Counsel Robert Mueller and are now seeking a new controversy along with the Democrats’ propaganda machine a/k/a the elite news media.

What they have discovered – or think they’ve discovered – is the increasing criticism directed at the Trump administration’s decision to separate children from their illegal-alien parents at the border.

One of Florida’s Democratic congressional candidates,  Matt Haggman, has already taken to the airwaves with an expensive political ad campaign plus appearances on shows that offer widespread news coverage of his positions.

For example, on Thursday night, Haggman appeared on the top-rated Fox News Channel show Tucker Carlson to argue the need to abolition one of the Homeland Security Department’s busiest bureaus, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Haggman, is running for the Democratic nomination in Florida’s 27th Congressional District, which has a history of voting for radical leftist Democrats. In the beginning of the latest illegal alien surge when Border Patrol and ICE agents arrested the lawbreakers, but sent their children – or young ones they claimed were their children to childcare centers, the Democrats and their media sycophants began a new anti-Trump strategy.

He first announced his support to abolish ICE earlier this month: “ICE was created in 2003. We’re talking about a 15-year-old agency that has far overstepped its intended, national security function and is sucking up government resources to deport families and detain children.”

Since then, backlash against Trump’s policy has been gaining among the Democrats, some Republicans and news media outlets. The media is reporting on the detention facilities, at times using photographs and video footage of children being detained during the Obama administration..

Haggman, using a 15-second political ad, is telling Americans that ICE should be abolished: “ICE under Trump targets children. In Congress, I’ll work to close ICE down. We can protect our borders without being cruel to kids.”

“It’s at once comical and sad that these Democrats care so much for children’s lives. If only they showed as much concern over the daily killings of youngsters in Chicago. Why aren’t they complaining about kids being murdered in Detroit or San Francisco or Camden, NJ?” former police captain and drug enforcement official Anthony LaGrasso. “I’ll tell you why: it’s because complaining about those cities reminds Americans that they are run by the Democrats who couldn’t stop a crime of our lives depended on it,” quipped LaGrasso.

While Mr. Haggman paints ICE and it’s law enforcement officers with the broadest of brushstrokes, he fails to mention the fact that ICE agents, especially those assigned to the Homeland Security Investigations division.


According to officials at ICE, who sent the National Association of Chiefs of Police a number of incident reports and statements, these lawman have succeeded in capturing, imprisoning and deporting some of the most dangerous men and women walking America’s streets:

NEWARK, NJ – Within the past week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed two public safety threats to their respective countries of origin.

ERO officers removed Frank Adonay Gonzalez Valdez, an El Salvadoran national with MS-13 affiliations, June 15 and transferred him to the custody of El Salvadoran law enforcement authorities upon his arrival in his home country. Gonzalez was initially encountered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Sept. 13 when he tried to enter the U.S. without a valid nonimmigrant visa. He was entered into removal proceedings, and on May 15, an immigration judge issued him a removal order. Days later, ICE was notified that Gonzalez was the subject of an active arrest warrant in El Salvador for affiliation with terrorist organizations (MS-13).

ERO officers removed Andrew Wall, an Irish national and member of the organized crime syndicate “Cock-Wall Gang,” June 19 and transferred him to the custody of local authorities at Ireland’s Dublin Airport. Wall served time for manslaughter in his home country and was wanted there for possession of articles that can be used in theft. He entered the U.S. through the Visa Waiver Program, but failed to depart by Feb. 1. 2017, in accordance with the terms of his admission. On Dec. 20, 2017, he was arrested for shoplifting and employing a juvenile in the commission of a crime in South Plainfield, New Jersey. In January 2018, ERO arrested him on immigration violations and confirmed he had outstanding warrants in Ireland.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A Honduran national pleaded guilty today to illegal reentry after removal and conspiring with others to transport illegal aliens to various locations in the United States.

  1. Zachary Terwilliger, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and Patrick J. Lechleitner, Special Agent in Charge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Washington, D.C., and Colonel Edwin C. Roessler Jr., Fairfax County Chief of Police, made the announcement after Senior U.S. District Judge Claude M. Hilton accepted the plea.

According to court documents, Danny Josue Zelaya-Ortiz, aka “Jose Castro”, 29, was part of a conspiracy to charge illegal aliens in the United States a fee for transporting them from Texas to other states across the country.

In April 2018, Zelaya-Ortiz picked up at least six alien passengers, all of whom had been smuggled into the United States from the Mexico border. Zelaya was driving the passengers towards Maryland and the New York area when his vehicle was stopped in Virginia by Fairfax County Police on April 25, 2018. He was cited for an improper vehicle tag display and driving without an operator’s license. Homeland Security Investigations special agents responded to the scene after it was determined Zelaya-Ortiz and the passengers had no lawful status in the United States.

Zelaya-Ortiz admitted he knew the passengers were illegal aliens and that he received payments for his role in the scheme. At the time of the crime, Zelaya-Ortiz had been in the country illegally after having been twice removed by immigration officials.

NEW YORK — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed an Ecuadorian national Friday who is wanted in his home country on rape charges.

Jason Vizcaino-Velepucha, 22, was removed from the United States via an ICE Air Operations Charter flight and transferred into the custody of Ecuadorian law enforcement authorities upon arrival to the capital of Guayaquil.

According to Ecuadorian law enforcement authorities, in October 2014, Vizcaino, acting in concert with others, committed the crime of rape while in Morona Santiago, Ecuador. The victim was a teenage female.

TRENTON, N.J. – Two California men who were arrested in Mercer County, New Jersey, with over 50 pounds of crystal methamphetamine and nine kilograms of heroin appeared Wednesday in Trenton federal court, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced, following a following a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Newark investigation, which also included N.J. State Police, and Drug Enforcement Administration’s New Jersey Division.

Gabriel Acosta Villa, 29, of Lake Forest, California, and Oscar Perez Jr., 23, of Santa Ana, California, are both charged by complaint with one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine and one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute heroin. They appeared this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Lois H. Goodman and were detained.

WASHINGTON – On June 13, special agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) launched Operation Limelight USA at Washington Dulles International Airport. The program is designed to increase public awareness about female genital mutilation (FGM) and help to deter its practice.

FGM is a cultural practice that involves cutting or other harm to female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It is often performed on girls between the ages of six and ten. FGM provides no health benefits and, in fact, can cause severe health effects – significant bleeding and acute pain, as well as life-long consequences of chronic infection, childbirth complications, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and even death.

As part of Operation Limelight USA, specially trained HSI and FBI agents talked with families and other passengers about the harms of FGM and shared informational materials on the criminal penalties for FGM and available resources for girls at risk. The three-day program, June 13 to 15, reached travelers on nine international flights bound for connecting hubs or destinations with high prevalence rates of FGM. It was held at the beginning of summer vacation when girls may be sent from the United States to other countries to undergo FGM, a practice known as “vacation cutting.”

SEATTLE – The Washington Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC), in collaboration with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations’ (HSI) Operation Predator, participated in Operation Broken Heart from March 1 through May 31. The operation identified individuals using peer-to-peer networks to share child pornography.

During the operation, the Washington ICAC Task Force conducted 51 investigations involving peer-to-peer networks and made 47 arrests. HSI, as part of the task force, conducted 11 search and seizure warrants; made six federal arrests, four state arrests, and one state arrest pending military charges; and identified/rescued one minor victim.

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Former Reagan Justice Department Prosecutor: Mueller’s Credibility Declining

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia (1983-1988) and husband of Trump legal adviser Victoria Toensing , Joe diGenova stated on Fox News Channel that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team of investigators/prosecutors don’t have the right to issue a subpoena to force President Donald Trump to answer questions to be used in the impeachment proceedings against Trump.

A career prosecutor himself,  diGenova went on to taunt Mueller and told him to go ahead with the subpoena that he knows is illegal and unconstitutional and see what happens.

DiGenova told Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro that Mueller’s investigation has nothing whatsoever to do with any Russian collusion. He went on to say the ultimate goal of Mueller’s action are either bringing down President Trump or making him a one-term president.

DiGenova, who is working with Trump’s legal team, is just one of many legal scholars and law enforcement officials who believe Mueller’s continued “pseudo-investigation is nothing more than a prosecutor who goes to court without a real case,” said former police officer and prosecutor Jason Pilliar. “It’s plain to see that Mueller’s credibility is in the toilet, but he lacks the will to flush that toilet,” Pilliar added.

According to news reports, someone involved in the investigation leaked some of the 44 questions Mueller wants to ask Trump. However, a reading of those questions appear to have nothing to do with the baseless allegation of Trump-Russia collusion to beat Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

An acknowledged legal scholar, diGenova said, “It appears that the ambiguous questions are meant to be a perjury trap if Trump overlooks a small minor detail.”  Other legal experts such as former police detective and prosecuting attorney Michael Barker have accused Mueller’s team of using the same tactic on another target — Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. “Gen. Flynn is being called a convicted liar, but there appears to be no evidence of his lying. Actually, I see more evidence of Mueller, James Comey [fired FBI director], and Mueller’s boss Rod Rosenstein lying than I do with Flynn’s statements,” said former New York police detective Iris Aquino.

According to diGenova, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s FNC show, Mueller is known as a prosecutor who has flagrantly spent U.S. taxpayers upwards of 100-million-dollars while being party to unethical and illegal behavior.

In the past, Mueller convicted four men in Massachusetts that he knew were innocent. He did it by withholding evidence that proved their innocence, according to former Boston newsman now Newsmax TV host Howie Carr. Carr said on the air that two of those men served more that 20-years in federal prison while two others died in prison. That travesty of justice resulted in a lawsuit in which taxpayers were responsible for a 101-million-dollar settlement.

In another travesty of justice,  Mueller was convinced he had the right man in the infamous anthrax case in 2001. His leadership on that case proved he had no experience with anthrax. Mueller was so certain of the suspect’s guilt that he ignored a tip that “fingered” the real perpetrator. His actions got the suspect fired from a security job and caused him to be ostracized. That case ended up costing the taxpayers close to 10- million- dollars.

DiGenova said to Jeanine Pirro, another career prosecutor, district attorney and criminal court judge, that If there is any justice in the world, Robert Mueller will get a close up from the inside of a prison cell. He’s already ruined too many lives.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday Mueller raised the prospect of a presidential subpoena in a recent meeting with Trump’s legal team.

A poll released on June 5, 2018 reveals that a majority of Republicans and a growing number of Democrats believe these supposed protectors of the American people are in reality politically-motivated lawbreakers working on behalf of a cabal of crooked, dishonest politicians and wealthy leftists who control the nation’s wealth.

The nationally-recognized polling company Rasmussen Reports released their latest political findings on Tuesday and it’s not what the Democratic Party and supporters were counting on as they approach the November elections.

While most Americans believe that President Donald Trump never colluded with members of the Russian government to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, the poll shows that now a majority of voters believe that senior law enforcement and counterintelligence officials broke the law in their pursuit of “putting stink” on Trump’s campaign to prevent him from winning the presidency.

A whopping 72 percent of Republican voters believe it is “likely” federal law enforcement officials broke federal law in their effort to destroy Trump.  This latest number is up from 66 percent in February 2018. A clear majority of 55 percent of Republicans believe it is “very likely,” an increase from 47 percent.

Even Democrats are becoming more convinced. Nearly a third of Democrats, 29 percent, “believe these officials are Very Likely to have broken the law.” That is up from 22 percent in February.

“Another 9 percent of Democrats believe it is ‘somewhat likely’ the feds broke the law, which puts 38 percent of Democrats in the ‘likely’ column,” said the Rasmussen pollsters in their report.

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CIA Chief Ordered To Target 2012 French Presidential Election Candidates

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

It’s amazing how things change from one presidential administration to the next. The Justice Department has spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating allegations that President Donald Trump ‘stole’ the presidency from Hillary Clinton with the help of the Russians. On that note, the real power-brokers known as the Deep State began their anti-Trump operation.

However, when President Barack Obama used American taxpayer money to become involved in foreign nations’ elections, the media remained silent and very few Republicans — the so-called opposition party — even mentioned Obama’s brazen globalism.

According to Wikileaks’s whistleblower Julian Assange:

All major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA’s human (“HUMINT”) and electronic (“SIGINT”) spies in the seven months leading up to France’s 2012 presidential election. The revelations are contained within three CIA tasking orders published today by WikiLeaks as context for its forth coming CIA Vault 7 series. Named specifically as targets are the French Socialist Party (PS), the National Front (FN) and Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) together with current President Francois Hollande, then President Nicolas Sarkozy, current round one presidential front runner Marine Le Pen, and former presidential candidates Martine Aubry and Dominique Strauss-Khan.

The CIA assessed that President Sarkozy’s party was not assured re-election. Specific tasking concerning his party included obtaining the “Strategic Election Plans” of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP); schisms or alliances developing in the UMP elite; private UMP reactions to Sarkozy’s campaign strategies; discussions within the UMP on any “perceived vulnerabilities to maintaining power” after the election; efforts to change the party’s ideological mission; and discussions about Sarkozy’s support for the UMP and “the value he places on the continuation of the party’s dominance”.

Specific instructions tasked CIA officers to discover Sarkozy’s private deliberations “on the other candidates” as well as how he interacted with his advisors. Sarkozy’s earlier self-identification as “Sarkozy the American” did not protect him from US espionage in the 2012 election or during his presidency.

The espionage order for “Non Ruling Political Parties and Candidates Strategic Election Plans” which targeted Francois Holland, Marine Le Pen and other opposition figures requires obtaining opposition parties’ strategies for the election; information on internal party dynamics and rising leaders; efforts to influence and implement political decisions; support from local government officials, government elites or business elites; views of the United States; efforts to reach out to other countries, including Germany, U.K., Libya, Israel, Palestine, Syria and Cote d’Ivoire; as well as information about party and candidate funding.

Significantly, two CIA opposition espionage tasks, “What policies do they promote to help boost France’s economic growth prospects?” and “What are their opinions on the German model of export-led growth?” resonate with a U.S. economic espionage order from the same year. That order requires obtaining details of every prospective French export contract or deal valued at $200m or more.

The opposition espionage order also places weight on obtaining the candidates’ attitudes to the E.U’s economic crisis, centering around their position on the Greek debt crisis; the role of France and Germany in the management of the Greek debt crisis; the vulnerability of French government and French banks to a Greek default; and “specific proposals and recommendations” to deal with “the euro-zone crisis”.

The CIA espionage orders published [by Wikileaks] are classified and restricted to U.S. eyes only (“NOFORN”) due to “Friends-on-Friends sensitivities”. The orders state that the collected information is to “support” the activities of the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)’s E.U section, and the U.S. State Department’s Intelligence and Research Branch.

The CIA operation ran for ten months from 21 Nov 2011 to 29 Sep 2012, crossing the April-May 2012 French presidential election and several months into the formation of the new government.

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Dirty Cops Begin Snitching On One Another In Spygate, Hillarygate Investigations

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The Trump-fired number two leader at the nation’s once premier law enforcement agency, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, through his legal counsel Michael Bromwich requested the Senate Judiciary Committee to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony, former federal law enforcement official Nathaniel Grouven.

If he is given full immunity, he will testify at a forthcoming hearing stemming from a report examining the FBI’s handling of its Hillary Clinton investigation

“Mr. McCabe is willing to testify, but because of the criminal referral, he must be afforded suitable legal protection,” Michael Bromwich, his lawyer stated in a letter he sent to the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley.

Bromwich also gave Grassley an ultimatum: If not given immunity, my client “will have no choice but to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege.”

Grassley had already requested McCabe — whose interoffice communications revealed an intense dislike for President Trump — to appear before his committee next week. The senators on the committee are scheduled to review a forthcoming Justice Department inspector general report into how the FBI handled the Clinton email probe.

The Justice Department’s Inspector General has concluded that James Comey displayed insubordinate behavior as the FBI’s top cop and he has defied authority more than once while he was FBI director, ABC News reporter Mark Swanson wrote in an exclusive on Wednesday.

Swanson’s sources claim they have read  the draft compiled by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. One source told ABC’s Swanson that the IG used the word “insubordinate” to describe Comey’s behavior.

“The IG’s report focuses in on Comey’s decision to inform Congress that he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server just 10 days before the 2016 election, ABC reports,” the ABC story states.

McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March after the inspector general found McCabe lied under oath about his contacts with the media during the 2017 election, and is expected to be named in the highly-anticipated Inspector General’s report.

In a May 31 letter, Grassley asked McCabe to testify at the forthcoming hearing, and also asked for two sets of documents.

My client “has a legitimate fear of criminal prosecution based on the criminal referral that has already been made, the irregularities in the process by which he was terminated, and the improper command influence that continues to be exercised by the President of the United States,” wrote Bromwich Monday, adding, “This is a textbook case for granting immunity.”

Bromwich also told Grassley he would not provide the requested documents, which he said would violate a nondisclosure agreement MCcabe signed.

Grassley wrote immediately back to Bromwich on Monday, saying he would discuss the request with Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and noted that even if she agreed with the request, it would require a two-third vote of the committee.

Other FBI Agents Weighing Testimony Regard Spygate

The joint investigation by the House Judiciary and the House Oversight Committees are being led by Republican Reps. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. Conservatives have continued complaining the FBI, DoJ, and others dragging their feet and at times stonewalling the examination into how the Clinton email investigation was more of a sideshow than a serious criminal investigation.

The Democrats with the help of their news media comrades have complained that the Hillary email case is “old news” and the GOP is trying to distract Americans. The GOP claims, however, that investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into how President Donald Trump is really a Russian plant is simply frivolous.

“The Democrats are terrified that anything that implicates Mrs. Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey or even President Barack Obama may come back to hurt them in the November 2018 election cycle,” said political strategist Michael Baker

According to a number of law-enforcement officers, there are so far three witnesses who may be called to offer testimony in congress:  John Giacalone, who initially headed the Clinton investigation detail; Bill Priestap, assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division; and Michael Steinbach, former head of the FBI’s national security division and the man who succeeded Giacalone.

According to Fox News Channel, when then-FBI Director Comey stated on national television that he won’t pursue federal charges against Hillary Clinton for the email server shenanigans, Fox News pundit Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former jurist in Bergen County, New Jersey, wrote an op-ed telling readers that Giacalone had quit the FBI because “he believed the investigation was rigged.”

In the Oct. 28, 2016, Judge Napolitano claimed in another Fox News column that from the gitgo “agents and senior managers gathered in the summer of 2015 to discuss how to proceed. It was obvious to all that a prima-facie case could be made for espionage, theft of government property and obstruction of justice charges. The consensus was to proceed with a formal criminal investigation.”

“Six months later, the senior FBI agent in charge of that investigation resigned from the case and retired from the FBI because he felt the case was going ‘sideways’; that’s law enforcement jargon for ‘nowhere by design,’” Napolitano wrote.

“The reason for the ‘sideways’ comment must have been Giacalone’s realization that DOJ and FBI senior management had decided that the investigation would not work in tandem with a federal grand jury. That is nearly fatal to any government criminal case. In criminal cases, the FBI and the DOJ cannot issue subpoenas for testimony or for tangible things; only grand juries can,” Napolitano continued.

“John Giacalone had been the chief of the New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., field offices of the FBI and, at the time of his ‘sideways’ comment, was the chief of the FBI National Security Branch,” said Judge Napolitano.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lyle Rapacki, an intelligence and security official, told the Conservative Base on Friday that yet another FBI  investigator, Special Agent Joe Pientka, has publicly come forward on Friday and stated he is ready, willing and able to testify against the former FBI Director Jim Comey and the fraud that was the so-called “interrogation of former Lt. Gen. and National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn.”

Rapacki said that he believes this FBI agent “is quite possibly the crack in the Dam that will cause the spilling of a horrendous level of corruption, collusion, and misuse of public trust and Constitutional authority placed in our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”

Slowly but surely a number of rank-and-file, honest FBI special agents are letting it be known they are prepared to testify, and expose the horrendous misuse of power and authority that ran — and continues to run — throughout the Executive Branch of government during the Obama years, and by his Deep State cohorts, claims Dr. Rapacki, who owns the private security firm, Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC.

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Hillary Clinton Pal John Podesta Records Show Russian Collusion

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Although Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Anti-President Trump Circus appears to be falling short of surviving ongoing scrutiny, Mueller and the majority of Deep State sycophants in the nation’s media are intent on avoiding talk of the real collusion story with Russia.

In fact, the Democratic Party, the news media and the political pundits appear to be oblivious to their own shameful behavior and they seem to be no longer surprised when evidence of even more hypocrisy oozes out of the Washington Beltway Swamp.

According to one of the nation’s most successful non-profit watchdog groups, attorneys and investigators uncovered new documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that the Hillary Clinton-connected Podesta Group worked on behalf of the pro-Russia Ukrainian political group “Party of Regions.”

The documents also show then-Obama White House Counsel John Podesta lobbying on behalf of his brother Anthony Podesta and his firm.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the State Department filed on November 20, 2017, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:17-cv-02489)). The lawsuit was filed after the State Department failed to respond to a September 13, 2017, FOIA request for:

  • All records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of State and any principal, employee, or representative of Podesta Group, Inc.
  • All records produced related to any meetings or telephonic communications between any official, employee, or representative of the Department of State and any principal, employee, or representative of Podesta Group, Inc.
  • All records regarding the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine.
  • The FOIA request covers the timeframe of January 1, 2012 to the present.

A March 28, 2013, email from now-Deputy Executive Secretary in the Office of the Secretary of State Baxter Hunt shows the Podesta Group, led by Tony Podesta, a Clinton bundler and brother of Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta, represented the Party of Regions, a pro-Kremlin political party in Ukraine.

In the aforementioned email, sent out to a number of officials including then-U.S. Foreign Service Officer John Tefft (who would go on to be U.S. Ambassador to Russia in 2014) and State Department Director for the Office of Eastern Europe Alexander Kasanof, Hunt wrote:

See below, I also stressed to them the need for GOU to take concrete steps to get new SBA with IMF and avoid PFC/loss of GSP. Podesta Group is noted among host of Ukraine lobbyists in article I’ll forward in article on low side.

Ben Chang and Mark Tavlarides of the Podesta Group, which is representing the Party of Regions, told us they were working with Klyuyev on a visit he plans to make to Washington in early May. They are working to broaden the POR’s contacts on the Hill, including setting up a meeting for Klyuyev with Chris Smith, and have advised Kyiv to stop trying to justify their actions against Tymoshenko in Washington. They also noted that during his recent meeting with former EC President Prodi, HFAC Chairman Ed Royce said that Congress would not be enacting sanctions legislation against Ukraine.

The Party of Regions served as the pro-Kremlin political base for Ukraine’s former President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia in 2014.

According to a Judicial Watch press statement: Like Paul Manafort, who is currently under indictment in the errant special counsel Russia investigation, the Podesta Group had to retroactively file Foreign Agent Registration Act disclosures with the Justice Department for Ukrainian-related work. The filing states that the Podesta group provided for the nonprofit European Centre for a Modern Ukraine “government relations and public relations services within the United States and Europe to promote political and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the West. The [Podesta Group] conducted outreach to congressional and executive branch offices, members of the media, nongovernmental organizations and think tanks.” Unlike Manafort and his partner Rick Gates, the Mueller special counsel operation hasn’t indicted anyone from the Podesta Group.

Also, the new emails show then-Obama White House Counselor John Podesta lobbying on behalf of the Podesta Group’s efforts to secure a maintenance facility from Jet Blue and Lufthansa for Puerto Rico.

In a June 27, 2013, email former U.S. Ambassador to Germany and current New Jersey Gov. Philip D. Murphy writes to John Podesta, Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs at the American Embassy in Berlin Seth Winnick, and others:

Jet Blue and Lufthansa are considering 2 locations for a maintenance center – Puerto Rico or Mexico. The Governor of PR wants this badly. The question is can we get to LH at the right levels to make the case. Either John or colleague OR John’s brother Tony or colleague will get to us with more details.

Judicial Watch is waiting to hear on any additional documents the State Department may produce in response to their Podesta Group FOIA lawsuit.

By the standards of the Mueller special counsel operation, these emails alone would have been enough for the Podestas to have been hauled before a grand jury or worse. These emails are a stark reminder that the Mueller’s special counsel operation seems more interested in the alleged foreign ties of the Trump team, rather than Hillary Clinton’s (and Barack Obama’s) associates.

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FBI Mutiny? Claim Deep State Bogus Investigations Politically-Motivated

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“This is the biggest political crime in American history, it does not matter who was involved, how big it is, or when it happened. People need to go to prison…”

A veteran FBI agent, who is but one of several who are visibly revolting against their superiors, is calling for the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate oversight committees to allow them to testify and to render to the FBI whistleblowers protection from witness intimidation or threats to their lives, their families and their careers in law enforcement.

A high-ranking FBI official has blown the whistle on what he witnessed during the politically motivated, top-down decision to not have Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton face criminal charges for her mishandling of classified intelligence while she served as Secretary of State for President Barack Hussein Obama.

The informant, who was originally an anonymous source, had worked intimately on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Clinton investigation. He is reporting that FBI agents involved in the Hillary Clinton case, under the auspices of the Department of Justice Criminal Division, believed that Clinton should have had her security clearance immediately revoked. The majority involved in the actual investigation “leg-work” also expected her to face indictments on criminal charges.

According to a number of law enforcement and legal experts, the latest whistleblower is identified as Special Agent John Giacalone, who headed the FBI’s national security division.

Giacalone and his colleagues allege that the Hillary Clinton email investigation was rigged by the upper-echelon members of the FBI and the Department of Justice from the getgo. It is expected that the decorated cop will testify before at least two committee in the the House of Representatives alone, according to Joan Rellance, a former police detective and a trial lawyer.

“It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton’s] security clearance yanked,” the former FBI official told Fox news. “It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted. We were floored while listening to the FBI briefing because Comey laid it all out, and then said ‘but we are doing nothing,’ which made no sense to us.”

“No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute — it was a top-down decision,” said the source, whose identity and actual role in the case were vetted and verified by Fox News.

The entire team of investigators were said to be shocked and angry when FBI Director James Comey announced that he doesn’t recommend any criminal indictments to the Attorney General Loretta Lynch. They were also upset when they discovered the “secret” tarmac meeting between Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill, and their own top boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

“Unfortunately, for some reason, whistleblowers from the federal government discover their complaints and evidence lead to nothing but a few — if any — news reports, especially when it appears the alleged wrongdoers are Democrats such as the Clintons and Barack Hussein Obama,” notes former narcotics agent and international police consultant Susan “Suzie Q” Quantana.

Quantana points to what should have caused a news media feeding frenzy and an Obama White House scandal:  “Some of the U.S. intelligence community’s top analysts reportedly informed the Pentagon watchdog that their reports had been systematically edited to backup President Barack Obama‘s and his national security team’ assertions that the war on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was more successful than it actually was, according to news reports from outlets such as The Hill.

“This revelation is being touted as the very first time that so many intelligence analysts have complained to the Pentagon’s “top cop,” Inspector General Jon Rymer, about the politicizing of the intelligence gathering and analysis function. In July, a couple of analysts filed a complaint with Rymer’s office, after months of internal complaints were allegedly ignored.”

Other special agents with the embattled Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claim Giacalone  took early retirement from the bureau over his concerns that such a high-profile investigation was as fake as the reporting by news reporters.

The Democrats with the help of their news media comrades have complained that the Hillary email case is “old news” and the GOP is trying to distract Americans. The GOP claims, however, that the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into how President Donald Trump is really a Russian plant is simply frivolous.

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FBI Agent John Giacalone Who Quit Bogus Hillary Clinton Email Probe to Testify for Gowdy’s Panel

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A special agent with the embattled Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims he took early retirement from the bureau over his concerns that the high-profile investigation of then-Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was as fake as the reporting by news reporters.

According to a number of law enforcement and legal experts, Special Agent John Giacalone, who headed the FBI’s national security division claims that the Hillary Clinton email investigation was rigged by the top-echelon members of the FBI and the Department of Justice. It is believed he will testify before at least two committee in the House of Representatives, according to Joan Rellance, a former police detective and a trial lawyer.

The joint investigation by the House Judiciary and the House Oversight Committees are being led by Republican Reps. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. Conservatives have continued complaining the FBI, DOJ, and others dragging their feet and at times stonewalling the examination into how the Clinton email investigation was more of a sideshow than a serious criminal investigation.

The Democrats with the help of their news media comrades have complained that the Hillary email case is “old news” and the GOP is trying to distract Americans. The GOP claims, however, that investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into how President Donald Trump is really a Russian plant is simply frivolous.

“The Democrats are terrified that anything that implicates Mrs. Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey or even President Barack Obama may come back to hurt them in the November 2018 election cycle,” said political strategist Michael Baker

According to a number of law-enforcement officers, there are so far three witnesses who may be called to offer testimony in congress:  John Giacalone, who initially headed the Clinton investigation detail; Bill Priestap, assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division; and Michael Steinbach, former head of the FBI’s national security division and the man who succeeded Giacalone.

According to Fox News Channel,  when then-FBI Director Comey stated on national television that he won’t pursue federal charges against Hillary Clinton for the email server shenanigans, Fox News pundit Judge Andrew Napolitano, a former jurist in Bergen County, New Jersey, wrote an op-ed telling readers that Giacalone had quit the FBI because “he believed the investigation was rigged.”

In the Oct. 28, 2016, Judge Napolitano claimed in another Fox News column that from the gitgo “agents and senior managers gathered in the summer of 2015 to discuss how to proceed. It was obvious to all that a prima-facie case could be made for espionage, theft of government property and obstruction of justice charges. The consensus was to proceed with a formal criminal investigation.”

“Six months later, the senior FBI agent in charge of that investigation resigned from the case and retired from the FBI because he felt the case was going ‘sideways’; that’s law enforcement jargon for ‘nowhere by design,’” Napolitano wrote.

“The reason for the ‘sideways’ comment must have been Giacalone’s realization that DOJ and FBI senior management had decided that the investigation would not work in tandem with a federal grand jury. That is nearly fatal to any government criminal case. In criminal cases, the FBI and the DOJ cannot issue subpoenas for testimony or for tangible things; only grand juries can,” Napolitano continued.

“John Giacalone had been the chief of the New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., field offices of the FBI and, at the time of his ‘sideways’ comment, was the chief of the FBI National Security Branch,” said Judge Napolitano.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lyle Rapacki, an intelligence and security official, told the Conservative Base on Friday that yet another FBI investigator, Special Agent Joe Pientka, has publicly come forward on Friday and stated he is ready, willing and able to testify against the former FBI Director Jim Comey and the fraud that was the so-called “interrogation of former Lt. Gen. and National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn.”

Rapacki said that he believes this FBI agent “is quite possibly the crack in the Dam that will cause the spilling of a horrendous level of corruption, collusion, and misuse of public trust and Constitutional authority placed in our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”

Slowly but surely a number of rank-and-file, honest FBI special agents are letting it be known they are prepared to testify and expose the horrendous misuse of power and authority that ran — and continues to run — throughout the Executive Branch of government during the Obama years, and by his Deep State cohorts, claims Dr. Rapacki, who owns the private security firm, Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC.

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Obama’s CIA Chief Brennan’s Allegiance Is To Deep State, Not U.S. Citizens: Former Feds

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On Sunday, while the morning news shows interviewed anyone they could find that would denigrate the President, Donald Trump announced that he was opening another important probe. He announced that he was ordering the Department of Justice to “look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or [conducted surveillance] of the Trump campaign for political purposes” when the Obama administration was on the way out of the White House. [YouTube Video]

Shortly after that, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered the Department of Justice to initiate an investigation.

Trump also pointed to a harsh criticism of former Obama CIA Director John Brennan from Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and New York City police officer, that aired on Fox News Sunday morning.

In a Twitter posting, Trump wrote:  “John Brennan is panicking. He has disgraced himself, he has disgraced the Country, he has disgraced the entire Intelligence Community. He is the one man who is largely responsible for the destruction of American’s faith in the Intelligence Community and in some people at the….”

Unfortunately, the majority of news outlets are either knowing members of the Deep State or they are “useful idiots,” since they are intent on perpetuating the myth of John Brennan the loyal public servant and honest Central Intelligence Agency chief under Barack Obama.

Once a Political Hack, Always a Political Hack?

In December 2014, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report claiming the interrogation methods used by the CIA in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were “brutal and far worse” than the agency had represented to lawmakers. Many working in the intelligence community, the military complex and in law enforcement said the report was heavy on denigrating the CIA and the war on Islamic terrorism but light on facts to back up the assertions.

But, President Obama was well-pleased with his CIA director. “In John Brennan the men and women of the CIA will have the leadership of our nation’s most skilled intelligence professionals,” said Obama. “”That unique combination of smarts and strength that he claims comes from growing up in New Jersey.”

But not everyone was enthusiastic about Brennan being the nation’s CIA chief. (Read more about 2010 calls for his resignation at Fox News here.)

“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to Shariah law,” said Tom Trento, director of Florida Security Council, who has been critical of Brennan’s service in the Obama White House.

Some of the nation’s top intelligence, military, national security and law enforcement experts once loudly called for Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan to resign from his post or for President Barack Obama to fire Brennan from his White House staff.

During a press conference in September 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Thursday, respected experts, including officials from the Florida Security Council, told reporters that because of Brennan’s adherence to the politically-correct orthodoxy that permeates the Obama administration the U.S. government is being prevented from identifying, understanding and countering radical Muslims and their threat of imposing Sharia law.

Frank Gaffney, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration, and others claim that Sharia is a supremacist, totalitarian legal doctrine that leads to terrorism, torture, abuse of women and young girls, and other horrors.

A major piece of evidence that points to the dangers associated with Brennan’s failure to perform his primary function – to know the enemy and its threat doctrine – came to light when analysts at the Florida Security Council discovered that a known Hamas operative and unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history (Holy Land Foundation), Sheik Kifah Mustapha,participated in a six-week-long, government-sponsored “Citizens Academy” hosted by the FBI as part of its outreach to the Muslim community.

During the six-week FBI program, Mustapha – a man tied to an officially designated terrorist organization – was escorted into the top secret National Counterterrorism Center and other secure government facilities, including the FBI National Academy located on the Quantico, Virginia U.S. Marine Base.

Terrorism expert Steve Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, exposed Mustapha’s appointment in Illinois to a post as a State Police chaplain. However, according to Illinois officials, the appointment was revoked in spite of the protests of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan must resign his post immediately,” said Mr. Gaffney, whose Center for Security Policy released a report entitled, Shariah: The Threat to America.

“Mr. Brennan is oblivious to the threat posed to the homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to shariah. In the wake of this recent episode at the National Counterterrorism Center, in which the FBI gave a guided tour of one of our most sensitive counter-terrorism facilities to a known Hamas operative, it is clear that the cluelessness fostered by Mr. Brennan is causing an empowering of the wrong sorts of Muslims in America – and endangering the American people,” said Gaffney to reporters.

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Trump’s Attorney: FBI Finally Admits Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Documents Exist And Will Be Issued

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

After twice denying their existence – first lying to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), and then once caught, claiming it had turned over all documents to the ACLJ – the FBI Deep State has just admitted in federal court that is has found new documents – 16 pages and 2 text messages – that it will be forced to turn over to the ACLJ by the end of the May.

In recently filed court documents, the FBI finally admitted – on its supposedly third search attempt – that it has located another batch of documents responsive to the ACLJ’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information relating to former Attorney General Lynch’s suspiciously timed and highly secretive meeting with former President Clinton on a tarmac in Arizona just days before it publicly exonerated Hillary Clinton.

Specifically, the FBI reported that it has located an additional 16 pages and 2 text messages. The FBI informed the court that it will produce these documents to the ACLJ on or by May 31, 2018.

As the founder and director of ACLJ, Jay Sekulow, reported a few weeks ago, just days before the FBI was to file a response to the ACLJ’s motion for summary judgment challenging the adequacy of the FBI’s search for documents, the FBI, instead, filed a motion with the court requesting that summary judgment proceedings be stayed while the FBI conducted a third search for documents. Besides being the head of the Judeo-Christian based group, Sekulow is one of President Trump’s legal counselors along with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and other top prosecution and defense attroneys.

According to Mr. Sekulow, who has won over a dozen Supreme Court decisions, the FBI’s earlier searches were less than sufficient to comply with federal requirements under FOIA. In fact, following its first supposed search, the FBI claimed that “no records” existed responsive to the ACLJ’s FOIA request. The ACLJ later obtained evidence that proved the FBI’s claim false, and the ACLJ demanded another search. While a second search was conducted by the FBI, which produced some documents, it quickly became clear that the search was, again, inadequate.

Nonetheless, the FBI did not volunteer to conduct another search for documents. The ACLJ had to demand another search in federal court. In fact, when it finally was forced to conduct this third search, we learned that it was going to be searching the FBI’s “Central Records System” – for the FIRST time. It was that bad.

Now, the FBI has just produced the two text messages to the ACLJ – texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and now former FBI agent Lisa Page.

The texts dated June 30, 2016, three days after the tarmac meeting, state:

“All the airport tarmac articles finally burst out. Took a little bit. Not a big deal, just ASTOUNDINGLY bad optic.”

“Omg he is spinning about the tarmac meeting, viewed in conjunction with the {REDACTED} Wants to meet at 4, have us bring lists of what we would do in an ordinary circumstance (easy, refer to PC) and in this circumstance (easy, refer to 7th floor)….”

The “he” referenced in the second text, based on the context of already released text messages, is likely Bill Priestap, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. The “7th floor” is a clear reference to the upper echelon of FBI management – then-Director Comey and his top advisors and lieutenants.

The texts paint an even clearer picture of just how high up the FBI chain the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting was. They knew it was bad and were in full crisis management mode. Yet, it also shows how the mainstream media buried the story waiting several days to really cover it at all. In the end, we know it was the 7th floor – and Director Comey himself – who decided what the FBI would do – publicly exonerating Clinton just days later – something that was anything but “ordinary.”

As you might recall, the secretive meeting between Obama’s former AG and former Secretary Clinton’s husband took place just days before Secretary Clinton was questioned by the FBI regarding her treatment of classified information and amidst an ongoing investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) led by AG Lynch at the time. The meeting raised serious questions regarding the integrity of the DOJ’s investigation – an issue that has resurfaced in recent months with Congressional investigations and the release of the Inspector General’s report last month indicating that the DOJ attempted to shut down the FBI’s multiple investigations (by four different field offices) into the Clinton Foundation and the Foundation’s suspicious activity with a foreign donor.

In a recent interview, the former AG was again questioned regarding her infamous tarmac meeting. Lynch claims she only spoke about “innocuous things,” and asserts – in response to a question as to why she chose not to recuse herself in light of the significant shadow her meeting with the former President cast on the DOJ – that she decided to stayed on because her lawyers told her she didn’t need to recuse herself.

Yet, what the ACLJ has already uncovered through our lawsuits against the DOJ and FBI is that AG Lynch was conducting official business through an email alias – Elizabeth Carlisle – that the highest levels of the DOJ, the FBI – including Director Comey – and even the Obama White House were quickly aware of the meeting and intricately involved on coordinating the spin, even colluding with members of the mainstream medial to downplay the importance of the meeting, and that Obama loyalists have actually been tasked with investigating themselves. You can read the timeline and full breakdown of what the ACLJ has unearthed thus far in this case here.

We will not back down until we obtain the full truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch meeting and expose this corruption to the public once and for all. When we obtain the remaining 16 pages of new documents later this month, we will be sure to let you know what new revelations we uncover.

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Mexican Nationals Extradited To US For International Sex Trafficking Offenses

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Following an intense international investigation by special agents from the New York City office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations, four suspects were extradited from Mexico’s federal police (Federales) to the United States to face federal charges for transnational sex trafficking.

Efrain Granados-Corona, aka “Chavito,” aka “Cepillo,” Emilio Rojas-Romero, Alan Romero-Granados, aka “El Flaco,” and Pedro Rojas-Romero, are charged together with Raul Romero-Granados, aka “Chicarcas,” aka “El Negro,” Isaac Lomeli-Rivera,” aka “Giro,” Julio Sainz-Flores, aka “Rogelio,” and Juan Romero-Granados, aka “Chegoya,” aka “El Guero,” with sex trafficking offenses in a 23-count Superseding Indictment (the “Indictment”) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York located in Manhattan.

Efrain Granados-Corona and Emilio Rojas-Romero were extradited to the United States from Mexico on April 26, 2018. Alan Romero-Granados and Pedro Rojas-Romero were extradited to the United States from Mexico on Tuesday, May 8, 2018.

The indictment, which was delivered sealed by the grand jury on Sept. 15, 2016 alleges that the defendants are “soldiers” in an international sex trafficking organization that exploited and trafficked adult women and minor children in both Mexico and the United States from about 2000 until their captures in 2016.

“Members of the defendants’ sex trafficking organization, which operated largely as a family business, used false promises, physical and sexual violence, and threats to force and coerce adult and minor women to engage in commercial sex for the organization’s profit in both Mexico and the United States,” according to an ICE press statement dated May 4, 2018.

As part of a coordinated bilateral law enforcement action, six defendants located in Mexico – Efrain Granados-Corona, Emilio Rojas-Romero, Alan Romero-Granados, Pedro Rojas-Romero, Julio Sainz-Flores, and Juan Romero-Granados – were arrested in Mexico and taken into custody by Mexican authorities.

As noted in the ICE report to the press, the first four of these defendants were extradited to the United States from Mexico within the past week. The fifth of these defendants, Julio Sainz-Flores, was previously extradited to the United States from Mexico in June 2017, and was presented in Manhattan federal court before Chief United States Magistrate Judge Gabriel W. Gorenstein on June 9, 2017.

Meanwhile, suspected gang member Juan Romero-Granados remains in Mexico pending extradition proceedings in Mexico City. The two suspects who were arrested within the United States borders, Raul Romero-Granados and Isaac Lomeli-Rivera, were presented in a Manhattan federal courtroom on Oct. 27, 2016.

Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) Angel M. Melendez, of HSI’s New York office, noted in a press statement, “Those extradited, along with others, operated a family business centered on making money from exploiting females they forced into sex slavery. Now these traffickers will face justice where they made their income, right here in New York [City]. Human [t]rafficking remains a priority for HSI agents whose primary focus is to rescue victims and release them from the grip of their captors.”

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey S. Berman noted in his own statement: “Sex trafficking is a heinous crime that violates both the rule of law and the most basic standards of human dignity. These defendants allegedly deprived women and girls of their freedom, and forced them into prostitution against their will. The scope of devastation these defendants allegedy inflicted on countless victims is beyond comprehension. But now they face significant criminal charges in an American court, and will have to answer for their reprensible actions. Our office is dedicated to combating this demoralizing crime and helping survivors reclaim their lives.”

As alleged in the federal indictment, Efrain Granados-Corona, Raul Romero-Granados, Isaac Lomeli-Rivera, Julio Sainz-Flores, Juan Romero-Granados, Alan Romero-Granados, Pedro Rojas-Romero, and Emilio Rojas-Romero are all members of an international sex trafficking organization (a/k/a “STO”). Many of the members of the STO are related by blood, marriage, or they lived in the same communities in Mexico.

For example: Efrain Granados-Corona is the uncle of Raul Romero-Granados, Isaac Lomeli-Rivera, Juan Romero-Granados, and Alan Romero-Granados; Pedro Rojas-Romero and Emilio Rojas-ROMERO are brothers; Juan Romero-Granados and Alan Romero-Granados are also brothers; and Isaac Lomeli-Rivera is Raul Romero-Granados’s brother-in-law.

Between 2000 and the present, members of the STO (the “Traffickers”) have used false promises, physical and sexual violence, threats of the same, lies, and coercion to force and coerce adult and minor women (the “Victims”) to work in prostitution in both Mexico and the United States.

The ICE/HSI press release states:

“In most cases, a trafficker entices a victim – frequently a minor – in Mexico. The trafficker then uses multiple means to isolate the victim from her family. In some cases, the trafficker uses romantic promises to induce the victim to leave her family and live with him. In other cases, the trafficker rapes the victim, making it difficult for her to return to her family due to the associated stigma of the rape.

“Once a victim is separated from her family, the Trafficker frequently monitors her communications, keeps her locked in an apartment, leaves her without food, and engages in physical or sexual violence against the Victim. Traffickers often tell victims that the Traffickers owe a significant debt and that the victim must work in prostitution to assist in repaying the debt. Traffickers typically begin forcing the victims to work in prostitution in Mexico, frequently in a neighborhood of Mexico City known as “La Merced.”

“Victims are often required to see at least 20 to 40 customers per day. Traffickers monitor the number of clients a victim sees by surveilling the victim, communicating with brothel workers, and by counting the number of condoms provided to a victim. Traffickers typically require the victims to turn over all of the prostitution proceeds to the traffickers.” 

After a victim has acquired significant work experience in prostitution in Mexico traffickers typically arrange for the victim to be smuggled into a large-marketplace in the United States. In many cases, multiple traffickers and multiple victims are smuggled into the United States together. In other cases, one trafficker may remain in Mexico while arranging for a victim to be smuggled together with another trafficker and other victims, claims the press office at ICE/HSI.

“Once in the United States, the members of the STO generally maintain their victims at one of several shared apartments in New York City. Victims living in the same apartment are frequently forbidden to communicate with one another. Once in the United States, traffickers continue to use physical and sexual violence, threats of the same, lies, and coercion to force the victims to work in prostitution,” claim ICE officials.

In most cases, the trafficker or another member of the STO provides a Victim with contact information with which to find work. The Victims typically work weeklong shifts either in a brothel, or in a “delivery service.” In a delivery service, the Victim is delivered to a customer’s home by a “driver.”

These brothels and delivery services are located both within New York City and State as well as in surrounding states, including Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, and Delaware.

The customers pay about $30-35 for 15 minutes of oral sex. Of that, half of the money typically goes to the drivers (in the case of delivery services) or to the brothel. The other $15 goes to the Victim, who is then who is then bullied into giving all of the proceeds to the trafficker. When a trafficker is unavailable, a Victim may also be forced to give the proceeds to another member of the STO.

The traffickers then frequently send, or have their victims send, some of the prostitution proceeds to traffickers’ family members and associates in Mexico by wire transfer. Such transfers provide financial assistance to the traffickers’ families and provide financial support to the traffickers themselves if they return to Mexico.

The HSI New York’s Trafficking in Persons Unit (TIPU) is comprised of senior criminal investigators, intelligence officers and victim assistance specialists who aid in the rescue of trafficking victims and prosecution of traffickers and trafficking organizations. TIPU investigators focus on the exploitation of victims by force, fraud or coercion regardless of the person’s manor or entry into the United States. All TIPU investigations are victim-centered, seeking to rescue and protect the victims of trafficking.

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Former Reagan Prosecutor: Mueller Tactics Illegal And Unconstitutional

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia (1983-1988) and husband of Trump legal adviser Victoria Toensing , Joe diGenova stated on Fox News Channel that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team of investigators/prosecutors don’t have the right to issue a subpoena to force President Donald Trump to answer questions to be used in impeachment proceedings. A career prosecutor himself,  diGenova went on to taunt Mueller and told him to go ahead with the subpoena that he knows is illegal and unconstitutional and see what happens.

DiGenova told Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro that Mueller’s investigation has nothing whatsoever to do with any Russian collusion. He went on to say the ultimate goal of Mueller’s action are either bringing down President Trump or making him a one-term president.

According to news reports, someone involved in the investigation leaked some of the 44 questions Mueller wants to ask Trump. However, a reading of those questions appear to have nothing to do with the baseless allegation of Trump-Russia collusion to beat Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

An acknowledged legal scholar, diGenova said, “It appears that the ambiguous questions are meant to be a perjury trap if Trump overlooks a small minor detail.”  Other legal experts such as former police detective and prosecuting attorney Michael Barker have accused Mueller’s team of using the same tactic on another target — Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. “Gen. Flynn is being called a convicted liar, but there appears to be no evidence of his lying. Actually, I see more evidence of Mueller, James Comey [fired FBI director], and Mueller’s boss Rod Rosenstein lying than I do with Flynn’s statements,” said former New York police detective Iris Aquino.

According to diGenova, who appeared on Tucker Carlson’s FNC show, Mueller is known as a prosecutor who has flagrantly spent U.S. taxpayers upwards of 100-million-dollars while being party to unethical and illegal behavior.

In the past, Mueller convicted four men in Massachusetts that he knew were innocent. He did it by withholding evidence that proved their innocence, according to former Boston newsman now Newsmax TV host Howie Carr. Carr said on the air that two of those men served more that 20-years in federal prison while two others died in prison. That travesty of justice resulted in a lawsuit in which taxpayers were responsible for a 101-million-dollar settlement.

In another travesty of justice,  Mueller was convinced he had the right man in the infamous anthrax case in 2001. His leadership on that case proved he had no experience with anthrax. Mueller was so certain of the suspect’s guilt that he ignored a tip that “fingered” the real perpetrator. His actions got the suspect fired from a security job and caused him to be ostracized. That case ended up costing the taxpayers close to 10- million- dollars.

DiGenova said to Jeanine Pirro, another career prosecutor, district attorney and criminal court judge, that If there is any justice in the world, Robert Mueller will get a close up from the inside of a prison cell. He’s already ruined too many lives.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday Mueller raised the prospect of a presidential subpoena in a recent meeting with Trump’s legal team.

Meanwhile, Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Indiana, who is currently running for the U.S. Senate, introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives on Thursday calling for an end to special counsel Robert Mueller‘s Trump-Russian Collusion investigation unless actual evidence of collusion is produced within 30 days of the resolution’s signing.

Rokita argued the investigation needs to be resolved quickly to “preserve the integrity of our democratic institutions.” Rokita added he believes it’s fiscally irresponsible to drag out the probe, estimating it has cost taxpayers already more than 17-million-dollars.

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DACA Dispute Rages At The U.S.-Mexican Border And In Washington

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was initiated by an executive order signed by former President Barack Obama in 2012. It allows certain people who came to the U.S. illegally as minors to be protected from being lawfully deported. Recipients, affectionately named Dreamers by liberal-left politicians and their sycophants in the news media, were encouraged to request “deferred action” for a period of two years, noted Dr. Lyle Rapacki, a protective intelligence and assessment specialist and member of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals – Arizona ATAP

“Deferred action is a use of prosecutorial discretion to defer removal action against an individual for a certain period of time,” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services stated. “Deferred action does not provide lawful status.”

The unconstitutional law drafted by then President Obama’s inner-circle without any Congressional input, which then became operational allowing otherwise illegal aliens into the United States unchecked which continues despite President Trump’s new orders and the actions of his Border Patrol agents, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, and other Homeland Security Department directorates.

“The Democratic Party cares more about the ‘rights’ of lawbreakers, gangsters and terrorists, than they do about American citizens. They believe that changing the nation’s demographics will give them more and lasting power to chip away at the U.S. Constitution and the capitalist economic system,” warns political strategist Michael Beker.

“As much as the Trump Administration has accomplished to bring law and order to our Nation’s Borders; to STOP the illegal and dangerous flow of people from across the world who simply show-up at our borders, and step across for a wide range of immediate citizenship benefits is stunning to say the least!  The DACA policy shoved upon America by the Obama crew, and Obama himself, is a disaster, dangerous, and disdainful to American sovereignty,” notes Dr. Rapacki, founder and CEO of Sentinel Intelligence Services.

Led by political leaders in the State of Texas, six other states have joined in filing lawsuit to stop this unconstitutional national security practice and policy.

Sadly, Arizona is not one of the States fighting DACA. With their porous southern border, Arizona government officials should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Texans fighting to curtail the onslaught of of gangs many of whom are prisoners’ let loose from cells in their countries of origin so they could become America’s problem, the pathetically ill and uneducated, and Jihadi from numerous Middle-eastern countries at war with America.

But Arizona is silent.

It appears that teachers’ pay increases during an election year is more important than providing for the common defense of the citizens. “Perhaps the American lobbyists who benefit from cheap and unregulated labor pools is of greater influence on elected officials than providing for the common defense of the citizens.  Whatever the reason for not choosing to take every action possible to secure the sovereignty of the State and Nation, there are a few critical thinkers out there in public office in other states who “get it!”

“Providing for the security of our citizens is the highest order of government at the national, state or local levels.  Those in public office who do not demonstrate this concern should be replaced!” declared Rapacki.

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Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. “Caravans” coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!

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AG Sessions’ Address On Illegal Immigration Cheered By Cops At New Mexico Conference

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions discussed immigration enforcement at a special joint conference co-sponsored by the Southwestern Border Sheriff’s Coalition (SBSC) and the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition (TBSC). The conference was held in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Despite the anti-Trump news media, political activists and politicians denigrating President Donald Trump’s latest border security actions — such as the deployment of National Guard troops on the southern border — the immigration enforcement plan enjoys widespread support among the nation’s sheriffs.

Southwestern Border Sheriffs’ Coalition was organized to assist Sheriffs, who are empowered by their state constitutions, from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, whose counties are situated within  25 miles of the international boundary between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico, with the protection of lives, property and the rights of the citizens and inhabitants, maintain order and public safety in the United States along the Republic of Mexico boundary.

It also supports the enforcement of laws impartially, and the working partnership with other law enforcement agencies, organizations, and community partners.

According to a Conservative Base/National Association of Chiefs of Police earlier this week, National Guard troops began deploying after the announcement of the much-heralded authorization. In press statements, Mattis and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen said DHS worked closely with border-state governors and identified security vulnerabilities the National Guard could address.

“We appreciate the governors’ support and are dedicated to working with them to secure the national borders,” Mattis and Nielsen said.

DoD and DHS are committed to “using every lever of power to support the men and women of law enforcement defending our nation’s sovereignty and protecting the American people,” they said, adding that they will continue to work with the governors to deploy the necessary resources until the nation’s borders are secure.

Here in its entirety is the transcript of Attorney General Jess Sessions:

Thank you, Sheriff Martinez, for that introduction, for your leadership as Chairman of this Coalition, and for your 40 years in law enforcement.

Thank you also to Clint McDonald of Terrell County, Texas, Larry Guerra of El Paso, and my friends Harold Eavenson and Jonathan Thompson.  I also want to thank Sheriff Leon Wilmot and Sheriff Mark Dannels, both whom have shared their experiences and insights in Washington on numerous occasions.  Mark, you’ve been one of the strongest advocates for a secure border, and I want to thank you for that.

It is an honor to be with all 31 of our sheriffs from San Diego to Brownsville.

I just had the opportunity to visit the U.S. Attorney’s office in Albuquerque.  This afternoon I’ll be visiting the U.S. Attorney’s office here in Las Cruces.  Thanks for the invitation to visit with you.

I understand that you heard from Steve Cook yesterday.  He is a tough act to follow.  I hope you all got a chance to meet him.  He is the Director of our Office of Law Enforcement Liaison, and an important part of my team that ensures we are serving our law enforcement partners and growing those relationships.

On behalf of President Trump, I want to thank each and every one of you for your service to this country.  We’ve got your back.

We recognize that you are the thin blue line that stands between law-abiding people and criminals – between a family’s security and lawlessness.  You protect us and our communities, and you secure our country from drugs and violence.

And I think this group is particularly important.  Everything that happens on our border affects the entire country.

A 2,000 mile border leaves this country vulnerable to transnational criminal organizations like drug cartels, violent street gangs like MS-13, human traffickers, and other criminals who bring drugs, guns, and gang violence into our communities.

Most of the heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl in this country was not made here.  It came here across the border.  These are the deadliest drugs this country has ever seen—and they are killing more Americans than ever before. From coast to coast, people are dying from drugs that were brought over this border.

Wearing the badge anywhere takes courage.  But officers on the border face a unique set of challenges.  You have limited resources.  You need manpower and equipment.  And you face violent and dangerous threats every day.

We have a crisis at the border. 

Last month, we saw a significant increase in illegal border crossings from the lows we saw last year.  We saw a steep drop after President Trump’s inauguration with record low illegal crossings for most of his first summer in office.  But now illegal entries have begun increasing again.

Some of it could simply be the Trump economy, which has been booming.  It’s no surprise that the lure of employment is a magnet for illegal immigration.

The lack of a wall on the southern border is an open invitation to illegal border crossings.  The failure of Congress to move on the wall and to take other necessary steps is sending a message of irresolution and uncertainty.

But the increased crossings are also happening because of the loopholes in our laws being exploited by illegal aliens and open border radicals every day.

For example, the last Administration released large numbers of illegal aliens who illegally crossed our border, but who claimed that they were afraid to return home.  Unsurprisingly, the exploitation of this “credible fear” loophole exploded.

After their release from custody, a large number of these aliens simply disappeared—never showing up for their hearings in immigration court.  The vast majority who did show up had their asylum claims denied—although in many cases years after their illegal entry into the United States.  The claims were denied because the claims were not justified.

Many smugglers and transnational criminal organizations have also been exploiting another loophole in our immigration laws that pertains to the ability to quickly return purported “unaccompanied alien children” back to their home countries after they illegally enter the United States.

We can return UACs from Canada and Mexico relatively quickly—but because of loopholes in our laws, the large numbers of UACs from Central America are not able to be returned quickly.  Instead they are released into the interior of the United States.

They know this, of course, and that is why so many of these children are flooding across our border.  They know that they can take advantage of our system.

That frustrates and undermines the work of our Customs and Border Protection Officers. And it has terrible consequences for this country.

For example, in just four days at the end of March, Customs and Border Protection apprehended five juveniles who were allegedly smuggling killer fentanyl across the border.  Between the five of them, they allegedly had more than 16 kilograms of fentanyl—enough to kill millions of people.  One of them also carried enough cocaine to kill thousands.

I could go on.  There are many more stories like these—not to mention the countless deaths from drug overdoses—stories that show, every day, the real consequences of the illegality at our border.

It is unacceptable. It cannot continue. No one can honestly defend that status quo.

We are a strong, prosperous, and orderly nation.  And such a nation must have a lawful system of immigration.

Nations must have borders.

But let no one contend that we reject immigration and want to “wall off America” from all lawful immigration.  Such arguments are totally false.

Every year, we grant lawful permanent resident status—green cards—to 1.1 million aliens.

It is only reasonable that the good and decent people of this country want to end the illegality, create a rational immigration flow, and protect the nation from criminals.

The American people have demanded this of Congress for more than 30 years.

Law enforcement officers have been asking for the same thing.  Last month, nearly 400 sheriffs from across America sent a letter to Congress asking them to finally secure the border and take action against sanctuary policies.

It cannot be that someone who illegally crosses the border on Monday and makes it to Albuquerque or Santa Fe on Tuesday is home free—never to be removed.

It cannot be that a great nation rewards those who unlawfully enter its country with legal status, Social Security, welfare, food stamps, and work permits.

The first thing we should do to end the illegality is to stop rewarding it.

The United States of America is not an idea—we are a nation.  We have a Constitution, laws, and borders, all of which are designed to protect our nation’s interests.

Most Americans get this.  They are working hard to make ends meet, follow the rules, and try to keep their loved ones safe.

Under President Trump, we’ve seen wages increase at the fastest pace in a decade.  And we can already hear the open borders crowd—and certain sectors of the business lobby—starting to complain.  But we absolutely must not flood the labor market with foreign workers—legal or illegal—in order to bring wages down.

Our citizens want our government to think about them for a change.  They have dreams too.

With President Trump, we have a new era of support for law enforcement like we haven’t seen in a long time.  You might even say we have a new sheriff in town.

Under President Trump’s strong leadership, we have taken a number of steps to make your jobs easier by taking criminals off the streets and by restoring the rule of law to our immigration system.

First of all, the President has ordered the Department of Defense to work with the Department of Homeland Security to secure our border.

Second, the Department of Justice is taking actions to bring down the 680,000-plus case backlog in our immigration courts.

That includes a surge last year of more than 100 immigration judges to our southern border.  And we are actively working with our partners at DHS to ensure that we can deploy judges electronically and by video-teleconference to efficiently handle more cases in the near future.

I have made it clear to these judges that we expect them to complete cases quickly and efficiently.  Not to put them on hold—but to complete them.  We are now directing them to complete at least 700 cases a year.  This is about average.  This is not a radical goal, but a rational policy to ensure consistency, accountability, and efficiency to our immigration court system.

Third, we have appointed a Border Security Coordinator in each U.S. Attorney’s Office, each of whom carry a number of responsibilities to ensure the restoration of the rule of law in our immigration system.

Fourth, we have gone to court with the biggest sanctuary jurisdiction in America—the state of California.

We cannot allow states, cities, or counties to violate federal law.  Sanctuary policies hinder the work of federal law enforcement; they’re contrary to the rule of law, and they have serious consequences for the law-abiding people.

Cities, states, and counties that knowingly, willfully, and purposefully release criminal aliens back into their communities are sacrificing the lives and safety of American citizens in the pursuit of an extreme open borders policy.  If a jurisdiction won’t accept the deportation of someone who enters illegally and then commits another crime—then who do they think should be deported?

We are not asking you or anybody else to enforce our immigration laws for us.  Our ICE agents do incredible work every day.  But we welcome your voluntary cooperation, and I encourage you to consider joining the effective 287(g) program with our partners at ICE.

We are determined to finally end “catch and release.”  On Friday, President Trump ordered me to report to him on what we have done—and what we can do in the future—to fix this broken system.

That same day, I ordered a change to Department criminal prosecution policies on for those who enter our country illegally.

I have ordered each United States Attorney’s Office along the southwest border to have a zero tolerance policy toward illegal entry.  Our goal is to prosecute every case that is brought to us.  There must be consequences for illegal actions, and I am confident in the ability of our federal prosecutors to carry out this new mission.

Our team here in New Mexico has already demonstrated its effectiveness over the last year or so, with illegal entry prosecutions increasing sevenfold in just one year, and continuing to increase in 2018.

Making this our national policy sends a clear message: if you break into this country, we will prosecute you.

That will deter thousands of illegal aliens.

But there is still much for us to do.

Ultimately, ending illegal immigration will require action from Congress.  And if Congress wanted to, they could end illegal immigration tomorrow.

It’s time for Congress to finally take action.  A great nation cannot allow this lawless disgrace to continue any longer.  The sheriffs in this room deserve better.

I want to close by reiterating my deep appreciation and profound thanks to all of our sheriffs.  Since even before our founding, the independently elected Sheriff has been seen as the people’s protector, keeping law enforcement close to and amenable to the people.

The work that you do – that you have dedicated your lives to – is essential.  I believe it.  The Department of Justice believes it.  And President Trump believes it.

You can be certain about this: we have your back and you have our thanks.

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Bias Permeates Southern Poverty Law Center

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

During several cable news shows this month Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on how bias affects decision making at the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is regarded by many journalists as the gold standard for information on hate groups. But its record is dotted with inconsistencies—it has itself engaged in hateful discourse against some traditionally minded organizations: branding the Family Research Council a hate group is one glaring example. Not as well known are its more subtle ways of emitting bias.

SPLC issued a statement on April 3 about a federal court judge’s decision against Matt Hale, an imprisoned neo-Nazi who sued the Federal Bureau of Prisons for violating his religious rights; prison facilities monitored his mail, disallowing incendiary material. U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger of Colorado ruled that Hale’s religion, the Creativity Movement, failed to meet four of the five legal determinants of what constitutes a religion. Ergo, his religious rights were not violated.

Judge Krieger’s decision was a model of excellence: Hale’s “religion,” she said, was essentially a secular philosophy, and a hateful one at that.

The issue for the Catholic League is why SPLC, which accurately cited Hale’s hatred of Jews and African Americans, didn’t mention his anti-Christian, especially anti-Catholic, animus. A thorough check of its many reports on Hale, and his predecessor, Ben Klassen, found scant mention of either man’s hatred of Christianity, in general, and almost no mention of his hostility to Catholicism.

Hale is serving time for soliciting a hit man to kill a federal judge. A failed lawyer, he is a real wacko. According to SPLC, “He never had a serious job, sported a Hitler wristwatch and used an Israeli flag as a doormat outside his room [he spent almost his entire life living in his father’s house in East Peoria]. He kept a collection of teddy bears on his bed, and although he eventually married—twice—neither union lasted more than a few months.”

Hale took over the Church of the Creator once its founder, Klassen, committed suicide in 1993. Hale renamed it the World Church of the Creator in 1996, and in 2003 it became known as the Creativity Movement.

Klassen, even more than Hale, made known how much he hated Christianity. He called Jesus a “fiction,” whose fictitious followers practiced celibacy, self-denial and pacifism. They also professed to love their enemy, all of which he said were “wimpish ideas attributed to Jesus Christ, the holy guru of the Roman Catholic Church.”

Regarding Jesus, and the first appointed pope, Peter, Klassen said that “this actually has no historical basis in fact, any more than the story of Mother Goose or Santa Claus. There is no historical evidence that either Christ, or Peter, or Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ever existed.”

Given all this, how did the Church proceed? It used “terror, torture and tyranny,” perfecting “the Jewish techniques of total mind enslavement.” Furthermore, the Church “is outright hostile to the White Race and strongly favors the rights and interests of the niggers, Indians and mud races of the world. From its inception, the creed and teachings of the Catholic church have been an unmitigated disaster for the White Race.”

Klassen and Hale were hateful men who took aim at Christians, as well as Jews and African Americans. So why does SPLC fail to profile their bigotry targeting Protestants and Catholics?

This is not the first time this has happened, and it is not unique to SPLC. When the media talk about the Westboro Baptist Church, we hear about the church’s hatred of African Americans and homosexuals, but not much about its animus against Catholics. Similarly, the Ku Klux Klan is anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, and anti-African American, yet we hear little about its hatred of Catholics.

When SPLC whitewashes the anti-Christian bigotry of Klassen and Hale—focusing almost exclusively on their hatred of African Americans and Jews—the implication is that the victimizers are Christians. After all, if 70 percent-75 percent of Americans are Christians, who would the offenders be?

All manifest demonstrations of bigotry should be condemned equally. When politics intercedes—elevating some expressions over others—it does a disservice to justice. And it calls into question the sincerity of those who purport to be outraged.

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Border Warfare Or Political Gimmick: U.S. Troops Deployed To Mexican Border

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Defense Secretary James N. Mattis on Friday night kept President Donald Trump’s word to the American people that Pentagon authorize up to 4,000 National Guard troops to deploy to the U.S. border with Mexico to support the U.S. Border Patrol’s security mission there.

National Guard troops began deploying after the announcement of the much-heralded authorization. In press statements, Mattis and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen said DHS worked closely with border-state governors and identified security vulnerabilities the National Guard could address.

“We appreciate the governors’ support and are dedicated to working with them to secure the national borders,” Mattis and Nielsen said.

DoD and DHS are committed to “using every lever of power to support the men and women of law enforcement defending our nation’s sovereignty and protecting the American people,” they said, adding that they will continue to work with the governors to deploy the necessary resources until the nation’s borders are secure.

However, many members of the major news organizations possess limited knowledge of past deployments, claims former police official and political strategist Harvey “Wallbanger” Collins. “In the past, deployments of troops at the [Mexican] border were at best great photo opportunities for the press, at worst additional targets for drug cartels, renegade Mexican cops or soldiers, and a temptation for terrorists to show their disrespect for U.S. sovereignty.

In a syndicated news story in 2007, the writer noted that President George W. Bush had deployed U.S. military troops to the United States border with Mexico. Unfortunately, Bush and his national security team took this bows well before they merited the praise of their supporters and constituents.

The 2007 news story detailed exactly way the deployment was destined for failure based on the constraints imposed by politically-correct Democrats and some Republican such as Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

In a story that should have rang alarm bells in every newsroom across the nation, armed Mexican entered the United States and attacked unarmed National Guard troops working at a border patrol post near the US-Mexican border. The troops had to retreat to safety.

Not surprisingly, the news story received scant coverage by the mainstream news media and hardly a mention on the Fox News Channel. It’s a story that should outrage all Americans including President George W. Bush.

Unfortunately, President Bush and his Administration did not even comment on this vicious attack on unarmed US troops as well as the unbridled assault on American sovereignty. During a press conference held on Friday afternoon by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, there was not one word about this unprovoked attack on soldiers.

According to syndicated columnist and journalist Sher Zieve, the attack was initiated by several Mexican nationals at about 1:00 AM (et) Thursday morning at one of the National Guard entrance identification team posts near Sasabe. The troops retreated to safety. According to KVOA TV News reports in Tucson, AZ, no shots were fired and no one suffered injuries.

The US Border Patrol is conducting an investigation into the attack. Investigators are attempting to determine who the armed men were, what they were doing and why they approached the post before returning to Mexico.

A Border Patrol agent, who requested anonymity, says that the well-armed intruders were drug traffickers who are fully aware US National Guard troops are prohibited from carrying any type of weapon and have been ordered not to confront lawbreakers coming across the border. The Guard troops are not allowed to apprehend illegal entrants, as well.

“Basically, the National Guard troops are doing what private groups such as the Minuteman Project have done at US borders — observe and report,” said a Homeland Security Department official.

What he failed to mention is that the Minutemen didn’t cost taxpayers millions of dollars to just stand at the border unarmed and act as the eyes and ears of the already stretched-thin Border patrol agents.

“We don’t know if this was a matter of somebody coming up accidentally on the individuals, coming up intentionally on the individuals, or some sort of a diversion,” Rob Daniels, spokesman for the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector told KVOA News.

The west desert corridor has been the busiest in the Tucson Sector for marijuana seizures since last year. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, agents have seized 124,000 pounds of marijuana there since October 1, 2006.

With more Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops patrolling the Arizona section of the U.S.-Mexican border, it has become more difficult to smuggle drugs and people across may have caused drug and human smugglers to become more aggressive.

Since arriving in mid-June, the Guard has assisted the Border Patrol by manning control rooms, doing vehicle and helicopter maintenance, repairing roads and fences, constructing vehicle barriers and fences and spotting and reporting illegal entrants in entrance identification teams.

There are dozens of National Guard entrance identification teams along the Mexican border, including east and west of both Nogales and Sasabe and on the Tohono O’odham Nation. All of the teams are unarmed.

“This is one of the most expensive dog-and-pony shows dreamed up by the Washington establishment in recent history. Imagine using trained troops on the US border unarmed and prohibited from taking action. It’s a scam,” says Mike Baker, a political analyst.

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Oregon’s Own GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Sam Carpenter Compared to President Trump

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Closing a 13-point deficit in four weeks, the originally dark-horse GOP candidate, Sam Carpenter, has taken a decisive lead in the race for the Republican nomination for Governor of Oregon, according to the results of the latest survey from Triton Polling and Research.

In this major scientific poll, conducted among more than 2,000 Oregon likely voters, Carpenter edges out establishment-backed Oregon State Representative Knute Buehler by a fraction of a point, 23.1% to 22.9%, said friend and law-enforcement/intelligence colleague, Dr, Lyle Rapacki.

Rapacki, the founder and CEO of private security firm Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC, noted that former U.S. Navy officer Greg Wooldridge placed a distant third at 4.2%.

The surprising poll comes a month after a Feb. 26, 2018, Triton poll, taken shortly after Wooldridge entered the race, showed Buehler leading Carpenter 31% to 18%, with Wooldridge emerging at 8%. Carpenter is now trending steadily upwards as his competition falls.

“As we had planned from the beginning, we are gaining powerful momentum at this critical point in the race,” said Carpenter, a Bend-area businessman and turn-around specialist running on a Trump/Pence-like platform to Make Oregon Great Again.

“Oregon Republican voters share our conservative values,” Carpenter continued. “They want a nominee who is pro-life, pro free-enterprise, tough on immigration, supports the Second Amendment, and who stands with our Republican President, Donald Trump.” Voters may also be showing displeasure with Buehler, who has recently come under fire for skipping debates and candidate forums with Republican groups. Oregon state Rep. Knute Buehler, long regarded as the front-runner in the race to win the Republican gubernatorial nomination, is irking many of the party faithful by skipping a string of GOP candidate forums.

“It is raising a lot of questions,” said Baker County Republican Chairwoman Suzan Ellis Jones, after Buehler was a no-show at an event this week sponsored by her county party. “People are asking why. You know, it’s peculiar.” In recent weeks, Buehler also did not attend similar Republican forums in Linn and Marion counties as well as at the Republican state convention in Lebanon on March 17 — although he was at a social event where the candidates had a chance to talk the night before, according to state party spokesman Kevin Hoar. His rivals are starting to take notice.

The poll also showed Carpenter performing best of the three candidates one-on-one against incumbent Governor Kate Brown. In this hypothetical matchup, Carpenter defeats Brown by over 5 points, 45.8% to 40.5%. “These numbers dispel the decades-old myth that it takes a moderate Republican who panders to the Portland elite to win,” said Carpenter. “We are winning this primary race by energizing the conservative Republican base and speaking for all of Oregon.”


Triton poll analysis by David Gulliver, campaign manager and policy analyst to the Carpenter campaign:

Now, with this fifth scientific poll of likely Republican voters, conducted in the last days of March, the Carpenter campaign has taken a substantial leap forward. In a period of just four weeks, Knute Buehler fell by 8 points, while Sam gained over 5 points. This is a 13-point swing in less than four weeks, putting the Carpenter campaign into a slight lead – 23.1% to 22.9%! Over the same period, Greg Wooldridge’s campaign has surprisingly crashed and burned. Wooldridge’s support has been cut in half, down to just 4%. From the beginning of the campaign, back in September, our strategy was to ramp up to a modest and growing lead by early April. We did not want to peak too early. And our aim from the start has been to spend less than $100,000 of our total $250,000 primary race budget in the first six months of the campaign – and then aggressively pump the remaining $150,000 into the last two months, when voters will be paying serious attention to individual candidates.

We began that assertive effort March 19th. There is another part of our strategy that has also worked out as-planned. Instead of focusing on fund-raising over these past six months, Sam has spent his time talking with voters – individually and in groups – sharing a consistent message of principled, pragmatic conservatism. Republican voters want to see a candidate who is pro-life, who will defend the right to keep and bear arms, who opposes sanctuary state status, and who supports our President, Donald Trump. See where Sam stands on the issues – Sam IS the conservative candidate who represents real Republican values, and all of the great Oregonians who share them.

Since early September, Sam has expended the majority of his time in communicating one-on-one with Oregon voters. We estimate that over this period, he’s made personal connections with over 100,000 individual Republican voters. The polling shows that voters are responding well to Sam’s open communication, transparency, and willingness to engage. What else did the poll show?

It’s clear that voters who had previously supported Knute Buehler are now starting to reject him. They don’t like that he’s skipping debates (see the Jeff Mapes article), and that he has been focusing more on raising money than on connecting with his own party faithful. And many who initially supported him based solely on name recognition, or his previous alleged “front runner” status, without really knowing him, changed their minds the more they learned.

This important point is sharply evident in these latest poll results. Questions Q8 and Q18 are precisely the same question, and in-between are questions that illustrate some of the main positive and negative aspects of each of the three candidates. Compared to Q8, the answers to Q18 shift dramatically in our favor. (Our goal here with questions Q9 through Q17 was to measure how different messaging might affect voter reaction to each campaign, including our own. We think you’ll see the questions are fair, designed to gauge reaction to valid personal positions and history, rather than to elicit a biased response.)

What happened to Wooldridge? That’s hard to say – but it’s clear that despite an initial splash when he entered the race in February, he has failed to catch on with voters. And what about the large number of undecided voters? Many have been watching and waiting to see how the campaigns progress, and which candidate looks strongest to defeat Kate Brown.

That brings us to another important point: Part of this latest Triton poll matches each of the top three Republican candidates in potential head-to-head races with Governor Brown, with a sample of over 2,000 voters that accurately represents the demographics of the general election. Guess what? ALL THREE Republican contenders beat her – that’s great news for Republicans across the state. But even more telling, Sam defeats her by the largest margin – over 5 points. You read that right: outspoken CEO, conservative political outsider, and unabashed Donald Trump supporter Sam Carpenter has the largest projected margin of victory over the sitting progressive far-left governor, Kate Brown.

Once and for all, this dispels the myth that an Oregon statewide candidate must “swing-left” to win the general election. Over the next several weeks, a heavy majority of undecided voters will move our way. Many have been waiting for a signal that a leader is emerging. Others have already rejected Knute Buehler, but didn’t know enough about the other choices yet to make a decision.

These are the people we are focusing on now in our aggressive multi-media campaign that began mid-March (that includes radio, television, thousands of yard and field signs, volunteer door-knocking and phone-calls, mail, bulk brochure and voter pamphlet distribution, a coordinated letter-writing campaign, and telephone outreach – in addition to our continued focus on social media).

And it’s not just Republicans, either. As the internal numbers on the polls show, significant numbers of Independent/non-affiliated voters – and even more than a few Democrats – will choose Sam over Kate in November. These voters are not going to miss this train…. What is the most amazing thing about all this? We’ve achieved the lead spending only 10% of what Knute Buehler has spent. So far, the Buehler campaign has fruitlessly expended well over a million dollars while we’ve carefully spent just over one hundred thousand. It really is a new era in politics!

How could we possibly be in the lead after having spent so little? It’s the powerful message of course, but especially because Sam has been the CEO of his own campaign, insisting on super-efficiency as he’s carefully led a tight team of managers and volunteers. Creating organizational efficiency is what he does for a living, and he’s very good at it – and as CEO of Oregon, he’ll apply the same methodology to our Salem government.

He says, “I can’t wait to get into the middle of the Salem swamp, to lead the charge to get that bloated monster under control!” (Learn more about Sam’s background as an organizational turn-around expert on his website, So, now we begin to focus on the long-goal: defeating Governor Kate Brown. And current polling notwithstanding, we know it’s going to be an epic battle – Brown will have the full support of the media, the unions, and her minions in the Oregon Deep State. And she, and the 15% of voters who make up the no-compromise progressive far-left contingent, will ruthlessly unleash their Clinton/Alinsky-style assaults on all of us.

That’s OK! We’ll be hammering back with equal fervor. In any case, no matter the degree of our success in this primary race, we still must raise a 3-million-dollar war chest to defeat Kate Brown and her progressive far-left in the general election this November. In our estimation, Brown will raise 12 million dollars or more.

Yes, we can remove Governor Brown for a fraction of what she herself will spend. But further, understand this: in the process of beating Kate Brown, we’ll also create an Oregon Red Trifecta, where all three branches of the Salem government will once again be Republican-controlled. The world will be watching as Oregon suddenly transforms into a red state. And this startling transformation will be no less than a dagger in the very heart of progressive liberalism in America.

So NOW is the time for you to help! Send us your contribution today, and get behind our campaign so we can take back control of our government from Kate Brown and the failed progressive far-left – and let’s Make Oregon Great Again!

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America’s Sheriffs Demand Lawmakers End Sanctuary Policies That Aid Criminal Aliens

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

President Trump blasted Mexico and U.S. Democrats in a series of early morning tweets Monday as a caravan of Central American immigrants makes its way largely unfettered through Mexico on its way to the United States’ southern border.

“Mexico has the absolute power not to let these large ‘Caravans’ of people enter their country,” Trump tweeted. “They must stop them at their Northern Border, which they can do because their border laws work, not allow them to pass through into our country, which has no effective border laws….”

America’s sheriffs “from sea to shining sea” this week composed and delivered a detailed letter and petition to all 535 members of both Houses of the U.S. Congress outlining their opinions regarding congressional action on securing America’s southern border.

The controversial letter — that was blasted by the likes of the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and many other news outlets – was enthusiastically signed by over 310 sheriffs from up to 40 states. The politically-charged action was spearheaded by Sheriff Thomas Hodgson from Bristol County, Massachusetts, considered by most political commentators as being a so-called “Blue State.”

“We’re calling on Congress to take action now, on the security issues at the border and against sanctuary policies in our states, cities and towns. These sanctuary policies directly undermine and limit cooperation and collaboration between local, state and federal law enforcement, making it harder for America’s sheriffs to protect our citizens and legal residents,” said Sheriff Hodgson.

“Congress’ inaction undermines sheriffs’ ability to protect our citizens. Sheriffs across this country have signed this letter because Congress cannot continue to weaken our efforts to make our communities as safe as possible,” National Sheriffs’ Association Executive and CEO Jonathan Thompson said.

Letter sent to Members of Both Houses of U.S. Congress

Dear Member of Congress:

Congress must act to pass legislation to secure our borders through enforcing immigration laws, tightening border security, support the replacement and upgrades to current barriers and fencing and construction of barriers along the U.S. and Mexico international boundary as requested by those areas where it is needed, suspending and/or monitoring the issuance of visas to any place where adequate vetting cannot occur, end criminal cooperation and shelter in cities, counties, and states, and have zero tolerance and increased repercussions for criminal aliens.

I stand firm with my fellow Sheriffs throughout our nation to have our borders secured first, in full cooperation and support of our promise and mission to uphold and enforce our nation’s laws, and we expect nothing less from Congress.

As elected Sheriffs, we have taken an oath to do everything in our power to keep our citizens and legal residents, our communities, and our nation safe. Year after year, we have been warning the Federal government about detrimental increases in transnational drug trafficking, gang violence, sex trafficking, murder, and other escalating incidents of crime by illegal aliens entering our country.

Because Congress has failed to enact the necessary reforms, our citizens and legal residents face even greater dangers, our national security is more vulnerable, and our enforcement efforts have been seriously compromised.

Sadly, today some state and local officials have been enacting policies and giving lawbreakers shelter from being rightfully prosecuted and removed from our communities. In fact, these same laws forbid law enforcement agencies from cooperating with one another, and go as far as forcing the release of dangerous criminals into our communities exposing our citizens and legal residents to be victimized once again.

In a recent announcement a certain state has even stated that they will prosecute law-abiding, hardworking business owners if they cooperate with law enforcement to identify and remove lawbreakers from the community drives our justice system to a new low. We cannot have lawabiding citizens threatened with criminal prosecution for cooperating with the very people who they trust to protect them.

The Sheriffs of this nation and all our law enforcement partners understand that the oath we took to uphold and enforce our laws is the guarantee that they can trust us to preserve their safety and protect their well-being.

The failure of Congress to create legitimate and comprehensive immigration reform for more than 20 years has dramatically undermined our ability to keep our communities safe. This not only puts our law enforcement at serious risk for danger, but further puts them in an untenable situation of violating our oath and promise to enforce the law.

Further delay and inaction on immigration reform will cost more innocent lives, more financial hardships, and an even greater decline in the public trust that is essential to the preservation of our Republic.

Without border security and immigration reform, more Americans will continue to be victims of crime. Now is the time to act!
Signatures of 310 Sheriffs

The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) is one of the largest associations of law enforcement professionals in the United States, representing more than 3,000 elected sheriffs across the nation, and a total membership of more than 20,000. NSA is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the level of professionalism among sheriffs, their deputies, and others in the field of criminal justice and public safety. Throughout its seventy-seven year history, NSA has served as an information clearinghouse for sheriffs, deputies, chiefs of police, other law enforcement professionals, state governments and the federal government.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Porn Star Stormy Daniels’ Legal Action Against Trump Is Deep State Plan B

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

With the so-called Trump-Russian Collaboration Case being investigated by a team of buffoonish attorneys under the commander of an Independent Counselor named Robert Mueller — whose own background is questionable at best, suspiciously unlawful at worst – the nation’s mass media appears to have already found a new allegation that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment.

Television viewers, radio listeners, Internet surfers and newspaper readers are being bombarded with the name and face of former “adult film star” Stormy Daniels who is alleged to have had a love tryst with real estate magnate Donald Trump before her even pondered a run for the presidency.

As shown on Thursday night’s edition of The Hannity Show on Fox News Channel, every news anchor’s and reporter’s on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and others are ignoring the latest revelations regarding possible criminal activity by the Democratic Party’ and the Deep State — and also ignoring the fake Mueller investigation – to zero on a salacious and irrelevant allegation by a woman against a powerful man.

“Had only this batch of half-assed journalists covered the [Bill] Clinton White House complete with the rape, sexual assaults, harassment and other hanky panky money-deals, pay-for-play schemes and witness intimidation. Maybe the Beltway Swamp would have been easier to drain,” said former police detective Wallace McWright in New York.

Of all the major news and commentary shows aired on Thursday, the popular talk radio team of Curtis & Cosby aired weekdays on WABC Radio in New York City covered the Stormy-Trump story with integrity, fairness and veracity. Co-host Curtis Sliwa is the founder and director of The Guardian Angels, a group of teenagers and young adults who volunteered to help police in their quest to reduce violence and injustice. Meanwhile, Rita Cosby, an Emmy-Award winning newswoman best known for her years with Fox News Channel and CNN, has added her own interviewing skills and news-gathering prowess to complete a show that entertaining and information.

On Thursday, March 22, 2018, David Schwartz, the attorney for Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney, reacted to John Dowd leaving the Trump legal team, and revealed like Dowd has said, he too would advise Trump NOT to testify in the Robert Mueller investigation. Schwartz said quote, “I would try to avoid him testifying. I would try to block that testimony under oath.”

He also responded to comments made by Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti on CNN this morning claiming that Trump’s legal team, led by Cohen, is engaging in thuggish behavior and threats. Schwartz said quote “This Avenatti really uses term threat very loosely… if you consider speaking and negotiating with other attorneys a threat. Like that’s somehow a threat then I feel really sorry for Avenatti.”

Schwartz also revealed Cohen has never spoken to Stormy, only through her attorney. Schwartz said quote, “The only contact Michael Cohen has had is through counsel.”

Schwartz called Stormy’s current attorney Avenatti “effective,” but said he is confident Cohen will be victorious in his suit against her for violating her non-disclosure agreement. “He is trying to make lemonade out of lemons. But he’s case is a lemon and he’s gonna go down on this case… Hundred percent confident that EC LLC will win.”

***Schwartz made the above comments during a live interview today at 1pm ET on “Curtis and Cosby” on WABC Radio.

The FULL AUDIO of the Interview is in this LINK


David Schwartz on Mueller Investigation

15:18  SCWHARTZ:  You know I’ve been honored to have gotten those calls in the past from time to time. I would try to avoid him testifying. I would try to block that testimony under oath. I would, you know, certainly go for like his attorneys are trying to push which is the informal interview. Nothing under oath and I would shoot for that for sure.

Response To Being Called Thuggish

5:07  SCWHARTZ:  This Avenatti really uses the term threat very loosely, so I don’t know. Curtis we know your background. I’m from Brooklyn myself, and if you consider speaking and negotiating with other attorneys a threat. Like that’s somehow a threat then I feel really sorry for Avenatti if he considers that a threat. Michael Cohen has never spoken to Stormy, or whatever her name is Daniels. He’s never spoken to her, never emailed her, never communicated with her. Never had any contact with Stormy Daniels what so ever. The only contact Michael Cohen has had is through counsel. That’s the right way to handle legal disputes is when the two lawyers speak to each other. I don’t know what kind of threats that Michael Avenatti is referring to.

Confident They Will Win

16:38 RITA COSBY:  How would you rate her attorney?

16:40 DAVID SCHWARTZ:  Well, he’s effective. I can’t say he’s not effective. His tactics are go to the court of public opinion. He’s built up some social media following. I can’t believe, it’s all these people that want to see the President out of office. So, he’s very effective, let’s put it that way. He is trying to make lemonade out of lemons. But he’s case is a lemon and he’s gonna go down on this case. Because you know, to say this nondisclosure agreement is invalid, I don’t see any legal argument what so ever that will prevail… that this is an invalid agreement. This is an excellent agreement. She signed it. She entered into an NDA. She received the 130 thousand dollars. She has to abide by the terms of this agreement.

17:30 COSBY:  David you’re a hundred percent confident you’re going to win?
17:32 SCHWARTZ:  Yes.
17:33 COSBY:  One hundred percent?
17:34 SCHWARTZ:  Hundred percent confident that EC LLC will win.

The FULL AUDIO of the Interview is in this LINK.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

The Effete FBI Blunders Again In ISIS Teen Murder Case In Florida: Cops

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Corey Johnson, a Florida teenager allegedly enamored with ISIS, the Oklahoma City Bomber, and white supremacist groups, is in police custody after cutting the throat of a 13-year-old boy during a rampage at a birthday sleepover.

Police are saying “Koran Corey” Johnson was driven by his Muslim religious beliefs. He’s accused of murdering 13-year-old Jovanni Brand a/k/a Jovanni Sierra and repeatedly stabbing two other victims at the slumber party.

Interim Palm Beach Gardens Police Chief Clint Shannon alleged during a news conference and press statement describing the bizarre sequence of events: “Our understanding is he had converted to Islam and had been watching violent videos online.” He had been on the FBI and Jupiter police radar screen since at least 2017 and was allegedly about to be arrested for a threat to a foreign school.

According to Chief Shannon:

  • Corey Johnson Is Accused of Stabbing One Victim More Than 30 Times ‘Because of His Religious Beliefs’
  • Corey Johnson Allegedly Had a Swastika as His Profile Picture on Facebook & Read the Koran Before the Murder
    Johnson Is Accused of Supporting ISIS, the Oklahoma City Bombers & Being a White Supremacist
  • Jovanni Brand Invited the Alleged Killer to Have Pizza Shortly Before He Was Murdered
  • Johnson, Whose Father Is Dead, Was About to Be Arrested for Terrorist Threats of a British School

In a story appearing locally in Florida on Saturday, it was reported.

A self-proclaimed ISIS sympathizer accused of stabbing three people, one fatally, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida was already being investigated by the FBI and local police before his attack. According to the American Military News, the FBI was in the process of “discussing pending federal criminal charges” against him one week before the stabbing.

Corey Johnson, 17, was arrested Monday, March 11, for the multiple stabbings of three people during what was supposed to be an innocent birthday party sleepover. The self-described Islamic terrorist killed 13-year-old Jovanni Sierra and seriously wounded Elaine Simon, 43, and her 13-year-old son, Dane Bancroft.

According the AMN report, Johnson proudly proclaimed it was his Islamic faith that had inspired his bloody attack. He also claimed that he read verses from Islam’s holy book The Koran before he arrived at the home hosting the sleepover.

The suspect, Johnson, boasted of his knowledge of Muslim dogma that helped “to give him courage to carry out his intentions.”

“As if this killing weren’t bad enough, it comes at a time in Florida in which there was a high school shooting-spree leaving more than a dozen children and adults dead, and on Saturday a tragic and deadly bridge collapse on the campus of Florida International University in Miami. The three incidents occurred within days of one another,” said Det. 1st Grade Linda Travis-Bixby, a homicide and forensic science expert.

“What I find most troubling,” said Det. Bixby, “Johnson’s radical Islam beliefs coupled with his propensity for violence were known to school security, police and even the FBI. Also, it strikes me as odd that his incident never received 10 percent of the bridge and school rampage cases covered by the national media.”

However, one national source, Fox News,  did report that Jupiter Police, Palm Beach County School District police and the FBI previously received “intelligence gathering” on Johnson that prompted an investigation into his “alleged violent tendencies.”

Palm Beach County School District Police said that Johnson’s behavior was troubling as early as middle school. Johnson allegedly made anti-Semitic and anti-homosexual statements to students at school. School police officials admitted that they received information on Johnson and his “violent tendencies,” and that he also had “spoken about inappropriate places to bomb” and he “is a White Supremacist.

When Johnson originally grabbed the attention of law enforcement officials, they claim that officers investigated him by tracking his social media activity and movements, as well as interviewing members of his family.

“Sounds to me as if the so-called ‘premier law enforcement agency’ dropped the ball again. Perhaps President Trump will re-examine his list of ‘swamp dwellers’ that need removal from the FBI, ATF, DEA and other crimefighting agencies,” advised former police chief and director of security Joseph “G.I. Joe” Bovanna. “What we need are supercops to fight the terrorists, organized crime groups, illegal alien drug gangs and others. What we don’t need are Ivy League lawyers who are beholding to the radical left,” said the Marine veteran Bovanna. [Link]

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U.S. Voters Flee From The Democratic Party, Re-Register With GOP

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On the night of Nov. 8, 2016, a number of news reporters and anchors working for the likes of ABC, NBC and CBS News, as well as CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and other cable news networks were visibly shocked when they saw on their fancy election tally boards that a once Democratic stronghold voted in droves for Donald Trump thereby abandoning the favored Hillary Clinton.

Some of the men and women who populate American newsrooms found themselves — with tears in their eyes – having to declare Trump the winner of Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, with Pennsylvanian voters carrying the multi-billionaire beyond the 270 electoral votes he needed to win the presidency.

“There were scattered reports of voting machine glitches in Pennsylvania, where some voters said they tried to vote the Republican ticket only to see the Democratic boxes checked on their touchscreen,” said CNBC’s Antonio Jose Vielma..

The Democratic Party elite, their voters and their media cheer leaders expected the dark Blue State of Pennsylvania as a key state in the election night battle with Hillary Clinton winning Pennsylvania while Trump counted his electoral victories in other battleground states.

Trump was also the winner in FloridaOhioNorth Carolina and other key battleground states, increasing his number of electoral votes over Hillary Clinton, who believed – along with the vast majority of news business editors, anchors, reporters and news writers — she was a shoe-in for the Presidency. The bombastic former First Lady also abandoned her husband Bill’s policies and ideas while displaying her radical left history especially during her university and law school years.

Get-out-the-vote efforts have been intense in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. But most of the state’s African-American residents said they were contacted about voting by only one candidate during the campaign: Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Paul Walter is holding down the Josephine County Republicans Office in Grants Pass, Oregon every Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM. Walter says that people are coming in asking him if he can re-register them as Republicans.  “Why do you want to become Republicans” asks Walter. They replied, “My wife and I have been Democrats for over 40 years and what the Democrats are doing to Mr. Trump is disgraceful and we can no longer be part of that.” Walter replied “that is wonderful news but, be careful there are lot of Democrats in the Republican Party, we call them RINOs.” Citing John McCain, Paul Ryan or Jeff Flake as example. It’s easy to recognize them because they believe in big government, big taxes and they also hate Trump.

Nearly 100,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republican since the beginning of the year. What’s more: The Pennsylvania Republican party says more than 240-thousand new voters have joined the party since last November.

The state Republican party says that the surge in Republican registrations is nearly twice the number of newly registered Republicans compared to both the 2008 and 2012 numbers combined.

The party says the new numbers come from the Pennsylvania Department of State which shows that 97,607 Democrats have actually switched to Republican. Numbers also show that 38,020 Republicans actually switched to Democrats.

“Enthusiasm is clearly on the side of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania this year,” Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason said. “Republicans are making historic gains in voter registration in the Keystone State. As the last-minute registrations are processed, we’re confident we will see our Party grow even larger. Since the November 2015 election, 243,139 new voters have joined the Pennsylvania Republican party.

During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power.

Sound like an alternate universe? Fast forward to 1936. Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of anti-Depression reforms including regulation of financial institutions, founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power.

So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power. How did this switch happen?

Eric Rauchway, professor of American history at the University of California, Davis, pins the transition to the turn of the 20th century, when a highly influential Democrat named William Jennings Bryan – a die hard liberal famous for fighting a law regarding Charles Darwin’s Evolution blurred party lines by emphasizing the government’s role in ensuring social justice through expansion of federal power — traditionally, a Republican stance.

Republicans didn’t immediately adopt the opposite position of favoring limited government. “Instead, for a couple of decades, both parties are promising an augmented federal government devoted in various ways to the cause of social justice,” Rauchway wrote in a 2010 blog post for the Chronicles of Higher Education. The party’s small-government platform cemented in the 1930s with its heated opposition to the New Deal.

But why did Bryan and other turn-of-the-century Democrats start advocating for big government? According to Rauchway, they, like Republicans, were trying to win the West. The admission of new western states to the union in the post-Civil War era created a new voting bloc, and both parties were vying for its attention.

In the early 20th Century, Democrats sold themselves and their party to western voters. Republican Party leaders 1860s and 1870s had visibly favored businesses and business leaders based in America’s northeast. Republican politicians gained support  from the banks, railroads and manufacturers, while small-time farmers like those who had gone west received very little attention and gravitated to the Democratic Party.

Both parties tried to exploit the discontent this generated, by promising the little guy some of the federal largesse that had hitherto gone to the business sector. From this point on, Democrats stuck with this stance — favoring federally funded social programs and benefits — while Republicans were gradually driven to the counterposition of hands-off government.

“At one point, the Republican leaders throughout the nation began to embrace libertarianism, a political philosophy that espouses ultra-limited government,” said political strategist Mike Baker.

“While most libertarians support gun ownership, oppose abortion, and have shown they share some of the conservatives’ GOP agenda, they are almost religious about their opposition to ‘foreign entanglements,’ government drug enforcemenf, and other big-government agencies,” Baker said on Thursday.

“The Democrats, at least for a while, appeared to splinter – i.e. Dixiecrats – and today, once again find their party in a shambles complete with loudmouthed politicians who attacked those they would have endorsed and political action committees and non-profit groups who were and are radical to the point of being accused of treason by their more conservative rivals in the Republican Party,” noted

From a business perspective, Rauchway pointed out, the loyalties of the parties did not really switch. “Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places,” he wrote, “their core supporters don’t — which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it’s just that in the earlier era bigger businesses wanted bigger government and in the later era they don’t.”

In other words, earlier on, businesses needed things that only a bigger government could provide, such as infrastructure development, a currency and tariffs. Once these things were in place, a small, hands-off government became better for business,” claimed Rauchway.

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Federal Jury Convicts New York Gov. Cuomo’s Top Dem Staffer Of Corruption

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The federal trial of Joseph Percoco, the former chief of staff of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, ended with the jury convicting the powerful New York Democrat Percoco on three felony counts of bribery and corruption. The close friends and political allies predict that the Cuomo-loving liberal will face as many as 20-years in prison.

During the trial that lasted a month and a half, prosecutors were able to reveal just how steeped in corruption Percoco was. The Buffalo News has the specifics on Percoco’s conviction.

Percoco was convicted of conspiracy to commit honest services fraud, conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud, and solicitation of bribes and gratuities in connection with a low-show job given to his wife by an energy company with a downstate power plant interest before the Cuomo administration. Percoco got nearly $300,000 in bribes through the scheme.

Another $35,000 came his way in 2014 from a Syracuse development firm while he was, for eight months, off the state payroll running Cuomo’s re-election campaign.

The prosecutors also focused on Percoco’s close relationship with Gov. Cuomo. The pair were apparently so close that Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Boone stated, “Getting a call from Percoco was like getting a call from the governor himself.”

The popular leftist Gov. Cuomo, while never charged with wrongdoing in this case or others involving his minions, had witnesses testifying that Percoco could lean on politicians and wealthy businessmen because of his closeness to Cuomo.  In fact, testimony entered at trial by defense and prosecution witnesses suggested how hard it would be for Cuomo to distance himself from the case.

“Gov. Cuomo, like his father Gov. Mario Cuomo who was a left-wing Democrat beloved by the vast majority of the anti-GOP news media. You’d have a better chance of convicting [former President] Bill Clinton of a crime than convicting any of the Cuomo men in New York,” said former police association attorney and labor leader Marcia Weingarten. “Unlike Hillary Clinton’s staffers who were protected by total immunity from the FBI, Percoco had no such accommodation,” Weingarten added.

The PERCOCO Bribery Scheme

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U.S. Attorney’s Office

Southern District of New York

In the first scheme alleged in the Complaint, PERCOCO, who served as the Executive Deputy Secretary to the Governor between January 2012 and mid-2014, and again in 2015, is charged with abusing his official position and extensive influence within the Executive Branch of New York State (the “State”) by seeking and accepting bribe payments from executives at companies that were seeking benefits and business from the State, in exchange for PERCOCO’s use of his official authority and influence to benefit those companies. 

PERCOCO solicited the bribe payments from two clients of HOWE –the Energy Company and the Syracuse Developer – both of which had retained HOWE as a consultant to help them obtain official State action.  In email correspondence between HOWE and PERCOCO obtained through judicially-authorized search warrants, PERCOCO and HOWE referred to the bribe payments as “ziti,” a reference to a term for money used by the characters in the television show “The Sopranos.”

Bribes from KELLY and the Energy Company

The bribes paid to PERCOCO from the Energy Company were orchestrated by KELLY, the head of external affairs and government relations for the Energy Company.  Kelly conspired with PERCOCO and HOWE to funnel more than $287,000 in bribe payments from the Energy Company to PERCOCO and PERCOCO’s wife in exchange for PERCOCO’s official assistance for the Energy Company on an as-needed basis. 

As alleged in the Complaint: (a) State action was critical to the Energy Company’s business; (b) starting as early as 2010, KELLY provided personal benefits to PERCOCO, including expensive meals and a Hamptons fishing trip, in an effort to cultivate access to PERCOCO; (c) in response to KELLY’s requests for official State assistance, PERCOCO, who was experiencing financial difficulties at the time, requested that the Energy Company hire his then-unemployed wife; (d) in or around the end of 2012, KELLY caused the Energy Company to create a position for PERCOCO’s wife that paid approximately $90,000 per year while requiring PERCOCO’s wife to do little work.  In exchange for these payments, PERCOCO agreed to use his official position and influence, and did in fact use his official position and influence, to help the Energy Company with specific State matters as the opportunities arose.  Among other things, PERCOCO agreed to use his official position and influence to assist the Energy Company’s efforts to obtain (i) a valuable agreement from the State allowing the Energy Company to buy lower-cost emissions credits in New York for a power plant proposed to be built in New Jersey and (ii) a lucrative long-term power purchase agreement (the “PPA”) with the State guaranteeing a buyer for the power to be produced at a power plant proposed to be built in New York, which was expected to save the Energy Company approximately $100 million in development costs.

The Energy Company’s payments to PERCOCO’s wife were concealed in various ways to hide their true source.  KELLY ran the monthly payments to PERCOCO and his wife through a consultant who worked for the Energy Company in order to disguise the source of the payments.  KELLY also made sure that PERCOCO’s wife’s photograph and full name were not included in promotional materials for the Energy Company, and he falsely told his superiors at the Energy Company – on two separate occasions – that PERCOCO had obtained an ethics opinion from the Governor’s Office approving of PERCOCO’s wife’s employment with the Energy Company, when in fact no such opinion existed.  For his part, PERCOCO concealed the criminal scheme by failing to include the Energy Company as the source of payments on his State-mandated financial disclosure forms. 

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Iran’s Ayatollah Advises Democrats To Confiscate Firearms

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In the midst of his ongoing proxy-war against Israel — using Hezbollah terrorists to launch rockets onto Israeli soil — Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei weighed in on the current Second Amendment debate in the United States.

While Israeli citizens endure Iran’s latest terrorism attacks, Khamenei echoed the American “Deep State’s” call for disarming U.S. gun owners under the guise of protecting children from the kind of mass-killings that were seen in Florida and other schools throughout the U.S.

“The leader of a renegade nation openly hostile to America’s freedoms has found a certain degree of simpatico thanks to the relationship crafted by President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and members of Obama’s national security team. Obama and Kerry both entered into a nuclear arms agreement with the Ayatollah Khamenei that was hailed by many politicians and the Democrat’s cheerleading news media consortium as being a triumph for peace,” said former police officer and attorney Mike Baker.

“Obama always seemed to prefer comradeship with Iran over protecting and serving the needs of the American people. It doesn’t matter to him and other enlightened politicians if Iran continues to construct a nuclear weapon and a missile delivery system that could kill millions of Americans a/k/a the deplorables. In Iran, Obama found a leader he could admire and possibly emulate,” Baker stated in an interview with Conservative Base’s editor, Jim Kouri.

Khamenei who is at once a religious Muslim and a feared dictator often brags about having total control of his own people, suggested that American leaders immediately disarm American citizens thereby laying the foundation for a strong centralized and omnipotent government. Besides, more and more Americans are becoming aware that the U.S. Deep State indeed exists and that more and more politicians view the U.S. Constitution as hindrance to achieving the Utopian society envisioned by the likes of Obama, Hillary Clinton and other globalists.

Khamenei’s idea about the Second Amendment is a model that many U.S. leaders would “officially” oppose, while they secretly plot to duplicate.  As with past dictators, the Ayatollah’s first pursuit when he came to power was to disarm Iranian civilians, a ploy utilized time and time again.

In addition, many American elitists — politically-active captains of industry, the overpaid but under-educated denizens of newsrooms, the self-congratulating hypocrites in the entertainment industry, and other fellow-travelers –have been silent about their pleasure of being on the same page as Ayatollah Khamenei’s regarding gun control, Christianity, Judaism and other issues appearing on their hidden agenda.

With all of the attention of the Trump-impeachment-obsessed Democrats — and the majority of their news media minions — was focused on the hearing of fired FBI director James Comey, most Americans were ignorant of Obama’s actions that always seemed to benefit the Ayatollah.

These President Donald Trump-hating leftists were disappointed when Comey testimony showed that:

Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, under investigation by the FBI; President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, told Comey not to call the probe into Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals an “investigation,” but rather a “matter”; and that Comey himself leaked his own memo about meetings with Trump, giving them to a leftist university professor to secretly turn over to a news media denizen.

During the Comey testimony, there was another hearing that uncovered much more explosive and disturbing information: President Barack Obama and his administration disbanded national security units which were originally charged with investigating Iran’s network of Islamic terrorism funding.

Obama, Valerie Jarrett (born in Iran), Susan Rice and other members of the former President’s inner-circle “systematically disbanded” special law enforcement units throughout the federal government that were investigating the Iranian, Syrian, and Venezuelan terrorism financing networks. Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry were concerned the counter-terrorism units would lead to Iranian officials walking away from Obama’s precious nuclear deal with Iran, according to a former U.S. official with expertise in dismantling criminal financial networks.

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Former Federal Prosecutor: Trump Should Pardon All Mueller’s Victims

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“It’s kind of cruel what’s going on right now and the president should put these defendants out of their misery,” said Larry Klayman, a conservative legal activist. “I think he should pardon everybody — and pardon himself.”

In Politico’s recent piece on Trump Administration and campaign personnel caught up in the bogus Deep State “Russian collusion” narrative led by Robert Mueller, former Justice Department attorney Larry Klayman called for immediate pardons by President Donald Trump — including a pardon for former National Security Advisor and retired Army General Michael Flynn.

With nothing to show for all of their investigations into non-existent collusion, former FBI Director Mueller and his crew of Democrat partisan lawyers have cast about for something — anything — to explain Crooked Hillary Clinton’s 2016 rejection by the American voters, filing totally unrelated charges against Trump campaign members and the now ludicrous indictments of 13 Russians for nothing more than social media posting.

Despite all their resources and the eager parroting of the false collusion narrative by the CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and the rest of the leftist media — there is clearly no “there” there — and it’s high time this whole pathetic charade comes to an end, Friend!

“It’s President Trump to put his foot down — FIRE Robert Mueller and PARDON the victims of his “Deep State” inquisition — and I want you to help me make that clear,” Klayman advised..

“That’s why I’m calling for an IMMEDIATE public DEMAND, Friend, and asking you to add your name to the Freedom Watch “End the Witch Hunt, Pardon the Victims!”

Special Counsel Mueller Nailed as Dirty ‘Cop’ and Plagiarist

After an arguably overreaching year-and-a-half investigation that included the FBI and Obama administration spying on Donald Trump, his family, his business practices, his campaign, his transition team and his administration, the number-two man in the Justice Department, Rod Rosenstein, called for a news conference.

He told the Trump-hating news media that indictments were being released charging 13 Russian nationals with alleged cybercrimes.

However, instead of shining additional light on the Trump-Russia collusion case, Special Counsel Robert Mueller had Rosenstein deliver a press briefing that further detracted from the credibility of Mueller and his team of Democrat lawyers. Rosenstein announced charges against Russian operatives who interfered with the U.S. presidential election process during the 2016 campaign cycle and following Donald Trump’s victory over the Democratic Party’s super-politico Hillary Rodham Clinton.

With the help of the news media sycophants, Mueller and his Trump-bashers should have made a splash with their announcement but instead it was called “a nothing-burger.”

Truth be told, the liberal-left reporters at Buzzfeed and The Atlantic had already extensively exposed the Internet trollers years before Trump announced his presidential ambition.

According to the unenforceable indictment, the 13 Russian suspects have worked for several cyber-related companies, including a “troll farm” based in St. Petersburg, Russia, called the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which operated both pro- and anti-Trump social media accounts, as well as accounts favorable to Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders.

Mueller’s spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement: “The indictment charges all of the defendants with conspiracy to defraud the United States, three defendants with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud, and five defendants with aggravated identity theft,” 

“What Peter Carr, Rosenstein and Mueller avoided mentioning was the fact that it would be quite surprising if Russia would actually extradite 13 of its citizenry,” said criminal attorney Michael Barker. “Besides, why would Vladimir Putin turn over 13 skilled operatives to the United States?”

Several journalists who actually examine old press stories discovered a 2014 report from Buzzfeed  which shows that not only was this troll group’s activities known, they were also fairly transparent about what they were doing.

“Russia’s campaign to shape international opinion around its invasion of Ukraine has extended to recruiting and training a new cadre of online trolls that have been deployed to spread the Kremlin’s message on the comments section of top American websites,” according to Alex Jones and his website.

Jones’ website also describes: “The bizarre hive of social media activity appears to be part of a two-pronged Kremlin campaign to claim control over the internet, launching a million-dollar army of trolls to mold American public opinion as it cracks down on internet freedom at home.”

A 2013 article from The Atlantic reveals the same scheme by Russian trolls to influence U.S. opinion on a number of political issues.

“A Russian journalist who visited one such comment-mill, the St. Petersburg Internet Research Agency, met with a coordinator who said the job was not unlike writing copy for a hair dryer: ‘The only difference is that this hair dryer is a political one,’” wrote Olga Khazan.

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Trump-Hating MSNBC Star Host Joy Reid Caught Lying On Camera

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Considered by millions of Americans as the epitome of fake news, MSNBC, allowed its star “national correspondent and cable TV host,” Joy Reid, to report that the international criminal gang MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha) isn’t a major issue and the only people that have even heard of that criminal syndicate are regular viewers of Fox News.

During the State of the Union address, President Donald Trump elaborated on the need for a new immigration strategy by detailing the horror of two teenage girls who were killed by MS-13, an international crime gang comprised mainly of  immigrants from El Salvador.

“Two precious girls were brutally murdered while walking together in their hometown,” Trump told the audience. “Four men associated with MS-13 have been charged with the killings… I am calling on the Congress to finally close the deadly loopholes that have allowed MS-13, and other criminals, to break into our country.”

During an MSNBC segment, Reid mocked Trump during an analysis of the SOTU speech with “Hardball” host Chris Matthews. “He gives a speech tonight, in which he makes it sound like the biggest issue in the United States, the biggest threat is MS-13, a gang nobody that doesn’t watch Fox News has ever heard of. So he makes it sound like they’re the biggest threat.”

However, well before Trump even announced his intention to run for President of the United States, during the Obama administration the Justice Department released a press statement on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011 that stated:  “In a hail of gunfire, Mr. Velasquez and his co-conspirators killed and wounded four unarmed individuals – all in the name of MS-13,” said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer. “Senseless acts of violence like those committed by Mr. Velasquez and his fellow gang members are too common across the United States. Through sustained enforcement, we have taken leaders of MS-13 in San Francisco and elsewhere off the streets, and we will continue our efforts to make all our communities safe from violent gangs.”

The evidence presented at trial also showed how the defendants, with others, conspired to commit a variety of crimes to further the goals of the gang, including attacking and killing rival gang members and others who defied or challenged MS-13 , including four murders that occurred in 2008.

The Mara Salvatrucha, or MS13, is perhaps the most notorious street gang in the Western Hemisphere. While it has its origins in the poor, refugee-laden neighborhoods of 1980s Los Angeles, the gang’s reach now extends from Central American nations like El Salvador and through Mexico, the United States

According to an Inside-the-Beltway legal watchdog report on Tuesday, the District of Columbia and its surrounding areas are deluged with illegal aliens gangs that specialize in juvenile sex-trafficking operations. The criminal aliens are benefiting from the city’s “don’t-ask-don’t tell” immigration policies, also known as Sanctuary City policies, currently practiced by area police.

For a number of years violent street gangs, especially the MS-13 or Mara Salvatrucha, have specialized in narcotics-trafficking and the prostitution of minors in the District of Columbia area. Law enforcement officials have confirmed that the majority of the members of the notoriously violent MS-13 are illegal immigrants with active criminal records, most of them Mexican nationals, followed by Salvadorans and Hondurans.

The United States Treasury Department in October 2012 announced that its officials designated the violent and powerful gang MS-13 as a “transnational criminal organization.” MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, originated in El Salvador and a large chapter was set up by immigrants, many of them illegal, in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas.

But, according to Judicial Watch, local sanctuary policies — such as those in place in D.C. and the area surrounding it — present the biggest obstacle to combating gang violence and the illicit businesses they operate.

In fact, a 2008 study sanctioned by the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed this, explaining that don’t-ask-don’t-tell immigration policies in sanctuary cities shield deportable violent criminals, especially gangbangers, from federal authorities. This study was conducted during the 2008 election cycle.

“This appears to be fueling the underage sex-trafficking business in the metro D.C. area. In recent years the feds have busted a number of rings, but there are countless others in a region where sanctuary policies force cops to operate with one hand tied behind their backs. Just this week a criminal alien pleaded guilty in Alexandria, Va., to recruiting a pregnant teenager to work for a prostitution ring operated by the MS-13 in various parts of the state,” stated officials with Judicial Watch.

In spite of the suffering of young child dragged into participating in gang-operated prostitution rings near the nation’s capital, in November 2011 the Obama administration surreptitiously shutdown a crucial FBI division — National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) –dedicated to countering gang violence. This reduction in law enforcement assets came at a time when gang violence in the United States was at an all-time high, according to the government figures compiled by Judicial Watch for its own report.

When the NGIC got the ax, its latest annual gang threat assessment had revealed that gangs are responsible for nearly half of all violent crimes in most parts of the country and up to 90% in many jurisdictions. That’s because there are over 33,000 active gangs in the U.S. with some 1.4 million members, according to the now-defunct NGIC, which was created by Congress in 2005 to help curb the growth of gangs and related criminal activity.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates that there are well over 50,000 members of MS-13 nationwide with the majority of members residing in the U.S. illegally. Originally a gang comprised exclusively of El Salvadorian nationals, Latinos from other countries are now allowed membership.

Since its inception, MS-13 members have warred with rival gang members and sought to extort payments from other criminals in the gang’s territory. After the federal government indicted a large number of local MS-13 members on October 22, 2008, Velasquez assumed leadership on the streets and encouraged the remaining members of the gang to engage in violence in order to demonstrate their continued presence in San Francisco despite its loss in numbers due to the federal indictment.

“In a hail of gunfire, Mr. Velasquez and his co-conspirators killed and wounded four unarmed individuals – all in the name of MS-13,” said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer. “Senseless acts of violence like those committed by Mr. Velasquez and his fellow gang members are too common across the United States. Through sustained enforcement, we have taken leaders of MS-13 in San Francisco and elsewhere off the streets, and we will continue our efforts to make all our communities safe from violent gangs.”

The evidence presented at trial also showed how the defendants, with others, conspired to commit a variety of crimes to further the goals of the gang, including attacking and killing rival gang members and others who defied or challenged MS-13 , including four murders that occurred in 2008.

The prosecution also presented evidence of three separate shootings committed by Herrera, Velasquez and other MS-13 gang members that took place within just two months, after the October 2008 indictment. One of the shootings resulted in the death of Moises Frias, a college student, in February 2009.

Evidence at trial established that on February 19, 2009, Velasquez and Herrera, accompanied by MS-13 member Jaime Balam, a fugitive, went out looking to kill rival gang members in the San Francisco Bay area. Herrera drove Velasquez and Balam in a stolen vehicle, and Velasquez and Balam both carried semi-automatic guns. The evidence at trial showed that in the Excelsior District of San Francisco, Herrera and Velasquez spotted a car of young Latino professionals, including three college students, a student and a business professional. None of the individuals were gang members themselves.

Witnesses testified that Herrera, Velasquez and Balam followed the victims’ car into Daly City, boxed the car in at a red light, whereby Velasquez and Balam flanked the victims’ car carrying semi-automatic handguns. Velasquez then fired multiple shots at close range at three of the passengers, who survived largely because Velasquez’s semi-automatic gun jammed multiple times.

Balam allegedly fired his weapon at the remaining passenger until he ran out of bullets. The victim suffered nine gunshot wounds, including to the head, and was killed. The survivors of the shooting testified at trial that the victim begged for the shooting to stop immediately before he died.

A few days before the shooting, Velasquez and Herrera shot and wounded two individuals in rival gang territory on February 13, 2009. After the February 19, 2009, murder, the evidence showed Velasquez ordered another shooting in which Herrera took part, resulting in the wounding of several victims in rival territory on March 2, 2009. The victims of all the two non-fatal shootings who testified during the trial stated that they were not gang members, but were approached by individuals who exclaimed “La Mara” before shooting them.

Herrera pleaded guilty to seven racketeering related counts, including use of a firearm causing the death of Frias. As part of his plea, Herrera admitted that he was part of the MS-13 hunting party that followed the victims’ car on Februrary 19, 2009, and murdered Frias. The evidence presented at trial before Herrera pleaded guilty showed that he was a member of MS-13 for only two to three months before being arrested.

Hopefully, someone at MSNBC will inform Joy Reid that MS-13 is a threat and that threat must be addressed. Perhaps while cops are investigating MS-13 incidents, the can release a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for Miss Reid’s brain.

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Russian Hackers Sentenced To Prison For Massive Cyber Crime Conspiracy

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In the midst of the tragedy and horror of the Florida school massacre, the U.S. Justice Department notified’s  Jim Kouri that two Russian nationals were sentenced on Wednesday to federal prison for their participation in a global hacking and data stealing scheme that victimized a number of nations including the U.S.

A Justice Department statement states that the plot entailed the targeting of major corporate networks and the compromising of upwards of 160 million credit card numbers. The case is considered by the FBI to be one of the largest cyber crime cases ever prosecuted in the United States.

Vladimir Drinkman, 37, of Syktyvkar and Moscow, Russia, was sentenced to 12-years in prison.  Drinkman previously pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Jerome B. Simandle of the District of New Jersey to one count of conspiracy to commit unauthorized access of protected computers and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud in a manner affecting a financial institution.

Dmitriy Smilianets, 34, of Moscow, previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in a manner affecting a financial institution and was sentenced to 41/2 years in prison.

Both men pleaded guilty in September 2015 before Judge Simandle, who imposed the sentences in a Camden, New Jersey federal courtroom.  In addition to the prison terms, Judge Simandle sentenced Drinkman to three years of supervised release and Smilianets to five years of supervised release.

Drinkman and Smilianets were arrested in the Netherlands on June 28, 2012. Drinkman was extradited to the District of New Jersey on Feb. 17, 2015, and Smilianets was extradited on Sept. 7, 2012.

“Drinkman and Smilianets not only stole over 160 million credit card numbers from credit card processors, banks, retailers, and other corporate victims, they also used their bounty to fuel a robust underground market for hacked information,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General John Cronan. “While mega breaches like these continue to affect millions of individuals around the world, hackers and would-be hackers should know that the Department of Justice will use all available tools to identify, arrest, and prosecute anyone who attacks the networks on which businesses and their customers rely.”

“These defendants operated at the highest levels of illegal hacking and trafficking of stolen identities,” First Assistant U.S. Attorney William Fitzpatrick. “They used their sophisticated computer skills to infiltrate computer networks, steal information and sell it for a profit. Perpetrators of some of the largest data breaches in history, these defendants posed a real threat to our economy, privacy and national security, and cannot be tolerated.”

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

Drinkman and Smilianets admitted to their roles in a conspiracy with three co-defendants to hack into the networks of corporate victims engaged in financial transactions, retailers that received and transmitted financial data and other institutions with information that the conspirators could exploit for profit, including the computer networks of NASDAQ, 7-Eleven, Carrefour, JCP, Hannaford, Heartland, Wet Seal, Commidea, Dexia, JetBlue, Dow Jones, Euronet, Visa Jordan, Global Payment, Diners Singapore and Ingenicard.

According to the indictment in this case and statements made in court:  The five defendants each played specific roles in the scheme.  Drinkman and Alexandr Kalinin, 31, of St. Petersburg, Russia, allegedly specialized in penetrating network security and gaining access to the corporate victims’ systems. Drinkman and Roman Kotov, 36, of Moscow, allegedly specialized in mining the networks to steal valuable data.

The hackers hid their activities using anonymous web-hosting services allegedly provided by Mikhail Rytikov, 30, of Odessa, Ukraine.  Smilianets sold the information stolen by the other conspirators and distributed the proceeds of the scheme to the participants.

Drinkman and Kalinin were previously charged in New Jersey as “Hacker 2” and “Hacker 1” in a 2009 indictment charging Albert Gonzalez, 34, of Miami, Florida, in connection with five corporate data breaches – including the breach of Heartland Payment Systems Inc., which at the time was the largest ever reported.

Gonzalez is currently serving 20 years in federal prison for those offenses. Kalinin is also charged in two federal indictments in the Southern District of New York: the first charges Kalinin in connection with hacking certain computer servers used by NASDAQ and the second charges him and another Russian hacker, Nikolay Nasenkov, with an international scheme to steal bank account information from U.S.-based financial institutions. Rytikov was previously charged in the Eastern District of Virginia with an unrelated scheme.

Kalinin, Kotov and Rytikov remain at large and are believed to be living in Russia.

According to other documents filed in this case and statements made in court: The five defendants allegedly penetrated the computer networks of corporate victims and stole user names and passwords, means of identification, credit and debit card numbers and other corresponding personal identification information of cardholders, acquiring more than 160 million card numbers through hacking.

According to documents filed in the case and statements made in court: After acquiring the card numbers and associated data – which they referred to as “dumps” – the conspirators sold it to resellers around the world. The buyers then sold the dumps through online forums or directly to individuals and organizations. Smilianets was in charge of sales, selling the data only to trusted identity theft wholesalers. He charged approximately $10 for each stolen American credit card number and associated data, approximately $50 for each European credit card number and associated data and approximately $15 for each Canadian credit card number and associated data – offering discounted pricing to bulk and repeat customers. Ultimately, the end users encoded each dump onto the magnetic strip of a blank plastic card and cashed out the value of the dump by withdrawing money from ATMs or making purchases with the cards. 

According to documents filed in the case and statements made in court: The defendants allegedly used a number of methods to conceal the scheme. Unlike traditional Internet service providers, Rytikov allowed his clients to hack with the knowledge he would never keep records of their online activities or share information with law enforcement.

Over the course of the conspiracy, the defendants allegedly communicated through private and encrypted communications channels to avoid detection. Fearing law enforcement would intercept even those communications, some of the conspirators attempted to meet in person.

To protect against detection by the victim companies, the defendants allegedly altered the settings on victim company networks to disable security mechanisms from logging their actions. The defendants also worked to evade existing protections by security software.

As a result of the scheme, financial institutions, credit card companies and consumers suffered hundreds of millions in losses – including more than $300 million in losses reported by just three of the corporate victims – and immeasurable losses to the identity theft victims in costs associated with stolen identities and false charges. The charges and allegations contained in indictments against the remaining defendants are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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Suspicious Email Sent By Susan Rice To Herself Reveals Obama’s Involvement

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and GOP member Lindsey Graham claim that Barack Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent a strange email to herself on January 20, 2017, the day Americans celebrated Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States.

Rice’s email to herself on her last day in office documents a January 5, 2017 Oval Office secret meeting attended by President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates regarding the spying operation on Donald Trump’s campaign and later President Trump’s transition teams.

As part of their continued efforts to conduct oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) discovered a partially unclassified email sent by President Obama’s former National Security Advisor (NSA) Susan Rice to herself on January 20, 2017 – the day of President Trump’s inauguration.

Rice – who has been labeled in the past as a compulsive liar — appears to have used this email to document a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting.

According to Sens. Grassley and Graham, Rice wrote:

“President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book’.  The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective.  He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”

Grassley and Graham were struck by the context and timing of this email, and sent a follow up letter to Susan Rice, who participated in several White House cover-ups including the ill-fated Battle of Benghazi, the Bowe Bergdahl terrorist-trade, and others.

The Senators’ letter reads in part:

“It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. 

“In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed ‘by the book,’ substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed ‘by the book.’”

Grassley and Graham have asked Ambassador Rice to answer a set of questions by February 22, 2018 so the committee may further assess the situation.

The full text of their letter is below.

February 8, 2018


The Honorable Susan Rice
Senior Fellow, Belfer Center
Harvard University
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138


Kathryn Ruemmler, Esq.
Latham and Watkins LLP
555 Eleventh Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

Dear Ambassador Rice:

The Senate Judiciary Committee has a constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the FBI and the broader Department of Justice.  Part of that duty involves ensuring that law enforcement efforts are conducted without improper political influence.  Accordingly, the Committee has been investigating the FBI’s relationship with Christopher Steele during the time his work was funded by Hillary for America and the Democratic National Committee, as well as the FBI’s reliance on his unverified third-hand allegations in the Bureau’s representations to courts.

As part of that effort, the Committee sent a request to the National Archives for records of meetings between President Obama and then-FBI Director Comey regarding the FBI’s investigation of allegations of collusion between associates of Mr. Trump and the Russian government.  In response, the Committee received classified and unclassified versions of an email you sent to yourself on January 20, 2017 – President Trump’s inauguration day.  If the timestamp is correct, you sent this email to yourself at 12:15pm, presumably a very short time before you departed the White House for the last time.

In this email to yourself, you purport to document a meeting that had taken place more than two weeks before, on January 5, 2017.  You wrote:

On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office.  Vice President Biden and I were also present.

That meeting reportedly included a discussion of the Steele dossier and the FBI’s investigation of its claims.[1]  Your email continued:

President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”.  The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective.  He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.

The next part of your email remains classified.  After that, you wrote:

The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team.  Comey said he would.

It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation.  In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed “by the book,” substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed “by the book.”

In order for the Committee to further assess the situation, please respond to the following by February 22, 2018:

  1. Did you send the email attached to this letter to yourself?  Do you have any reason to dispute the timestamp of the email?
  2. When did you first become aware of the FBI’s investigation into allegations of collusion between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia?
  3. When did you become aware of any surveillance activities, including FISA applications, undertaken by the FBI in conducting that investigation?  At the time you wrote this email to yourself, were you aware of either the October 2016 FISA application for surveillance of Carter Page or the January 2017 renewal?
  4. Did anyone instruct, request, suggest, or imply that you should send yourself the aforementioned Inauguration Day email memorializing President Obama’s meeting with Mr. Comey about the Trump/Russia investigation?  If so, who and why?
  5. Is the account of the January 5, 2017 meeting presented in your email accurate?  Did you omit any other portions of the conversation?
  6. Other than that email, did you document the January 5, 2017 meeting in any way, such as contemporaneous notes or a formal memo?  To the best of your knowledge, did anyone else at that meeting take notes or otherwise memorialize the meeting?
  7. During the meeting, did Mr. Comey or Ms. Yates mention potential press coverage of the Steele dossier?  If so, what did they say?
  8. During the meeting, did Mr. Comey describe the status of the FBI’s relationship with Mr. Steele, or the basis for that status?
  9. When and how did you first become aware of the allegations made by Christopher Steele?
  10. When and how did you first become aware that the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded Mr. Steele’s efforts?
  11. You wrote that President Obama stressed that he was “not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement”  Did President Obama ask about, initiate, or instruct anything from any other perspective relating to the FBI’s investigation?
  12. Did President Obama have any other meetings with Mr. Comey, Ms. Yates, or other government officials about the FBI’s investigation of allegations of collusion between Trump associates and Russia?  If so, when did these occur, who participated, and what was discussed?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.  Please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s staff at (202) 224-5225 or Lee Holmes of Chairman Graham’s staff at (202) 224-5972 if you have any questions.


Charles E. Grassley
Committee on the Judiciary
Lindsey O. Graham
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Enclosure: as stated.

cc: The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary

The Honorable Sheldon Whitehouse
Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Committee on the Judiciary

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[1] See Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper, Intel Chiefs Presented Trump With Claims of Russian Efforts to Compromise Him, CNN (Jan. 12, 2017) (the IC briefings of President Obama and then-President Elect Trump included the Steele dossier); Josh Lederman, Biden: Intel Officials Told Us Trump Allegations Might Leak, The Associated Press (Jan. 12, 2017) (Vice President Biden told reporters: “It surprised me in that it made it to the point where the agency, the FBI thought they had to pursue it.”)

Swiss Watchdog Group: Council On Foreign Relations Controls U.S. News Outlets

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Largely unbeknownst to the general public, many media executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members have for decades shaped U.S. foreign policy and public discourse about it. As one Council member famously explained, the goal has indeed been to establish a global Empire, albeit a “benevolent” one.

Based on official membership rosters, the following illustration for the first time depicts the extensive media network of the CFR and its two main international affiliate organizations: the Bilderberg Group (covering mainly the U.S. and Europe) and the Trilateral Commission (covering North America, Europe and East Asia), both established by Council leaders to foster elite cooperation at the international level.

In a column entitled “Ruling Class Journalists”, former Washington Post senior editor and ombudsman Richard Harwood once described the Council and its members approvingly as “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States”

Harwood continued: “The membership of these journalists in the Council, however they may think of themselves, is an acknowledgment of their active and important role in public affairs and of their ascension into the American ruling class. They do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it. () They are part of that establishment whether they like it or not, sharing most of its values and world views.”

However, media personalities constitute only about five percent of the overall CFR network. As the following illustration shows, key members of the private Council on Foreign Relations have included:

  • several U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents of both parties;
  • almost all Secretaries of State, Defense, and the Treasury;
  • many high-ranking commanders of the U.S. military and NATO;
  • almost all National Security Advisors, CIA Directors, Ambassadors to the U.N., Chairs of the Federal Reserve, Presidents of the World Bank, and Directors of the National Economic Council;
  • some of the most influential Members of Congress (notably in foreign & security policy matters);
  • many top journalists, media executives, and entertainment industry directors;
  • many prominent academics, especially in key fields such as Economics, International Relations, Political Science, History, and Journalism;
  • many top executives of Wall Street, policy think tanks, universities, and NGOs;
  • as well as the key members of both the 9/11 Commission and the Warren Commission (JFK)

Eminent economist and Kennedy supporter, John K. Galbraith, confirmed the Council’s influence: “Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had a say, but foreign policy was still with the Council on Foreign Relations people.”

And no less than John J. McCloy, the longtime chairman of the Council and advisor to nine U.S. presidents, told the New York Times about his time in Washington: “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York.”

German news magazine Der Spiegel once described the CFR as the “most influential private institution of the United States and the Western world“ and a “politburo of capitalism”. Both the Roman-inspired logo of the Council (top right in the illustration above) as well as its slogan (ubique – omnipresent) appear to emphasize that ambition.

In his famous article about “The American Establishment”, political columnist Richard H. Rovere noted: “The directors of the CFR make up a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation. () [I]t rarely fails to get one of its members, or at least one of its allies, into the White House. In fact, it generally is able to see to it that both nominees are men acceptable to it.”

Until recently, this assessment had indeed been justified. Thus, in 1993 former CFR director George H.W. Bush was followed by CFR member Bill Clinton, who in turn was followed by CFR “family member” George W. Bush. In 2008, CFR member John McCain lost against CFR candidate of choice, Barack Obama, who received the names of his entire Cabinet already one month prior to his election by CFR Senior Fellow (and Citigroup banker) Michael Froman.

Froman later negotiated the TTP and TTIP free trade agreements, before returning to the CFR as a Distinguished Fellow.

It was not until the 2016 election that the Council couldn’t, apparently, prevail.

At any rate, not yet.

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FBI Confirms Jihadi Training Camps In America: Think-Tank Report

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“What has been known to many in law enforcement, counterterrorism, and National Security is the fact that the steady stream of undocumented and un-vetted illegals coming into America with not even cursory checking, has allowed significant numbers of Islamic Jihadi devotees to go unnoticed,” said Dr. Lyle Rapacki, Protective Intelligence and Assessment Specialist. 

The U.S. think-tank, Clarion Project, a non-profit organization that educates government officials, law enforcement and security officers, the U.S. military and the general public about the dangers of radical Islam, on Wednesday followed President Donald Trump’s Tuesday night State of the Union (SOTU) address with the release of a disturbing report.

Clarion Project’s top national security analyst released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that appears to confirm past Clarion reports from Ryan Mauro, the group’s top analyst and spokesperson.

The newly-released federal law enforcement documents obtained by Clarion Project confirm the group’s reports that Jamaat ul-Fuqra is training new recruits and veteran members in hidden and isolated communes across America and Canada. The group’s “Islamberg” headquarters in upstate New York is its most well-known “Islamic village.”

Fuqra, which now goes by the name of the Muslims of the Americas (MOA) among other titles, is a cultish Islamist group with a history of crime and terrorism. The group is led by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani who resides and operates in Pakistan.

Gilani’s name first appeared internationally in news headlines in 2002 when Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was abducted and beheaded on his way to interview Gilani.  Mysteriously, that radical cleric was never accused of any involvement in execution of Mr. Pearl or related crimes, according to Professor Mauro.

The first FBI document, which is dated November 27, 2009, describes the Muslims of the Americas, Inc. (MOA) as “armed and dangerous.”

The FBI begins by summarizing the group’s consistent history of extremism, terrorism and crime: “Jamaat ul-Fuqra, aka Muslims of the Americas (MOA), have a history of violence and/or violent acts. Use extreme caution when dealing with confirmed members or individuals who are believed to be associated with this group”

The report says that Sheikh Gilani is “thought to be supportive of al-Qaeda,” perhaps referring to the group’s links to al-Qaeda affiliates like Hizbul Mujahideen, to which Fuqra has a history of ties and publicly supports even today.

FBI documents from 2003 that Clarion released in December 2016 mentioned Fuqra’s links to al-Qaeda in Pakistan and use of fronts such as private security firms in America.

Another newly-released document from December 2010 explicitly refers to “the Muslims of the Americas [aka Fuqra] terrorist organization” and states: The MOA [Fuqra] is composed primarily of black American Muslim converts, many who converted to Islam while in prison. Many MOA members reside in rural communities (jamaats) to live and worship free from non-Muslim influence.

The MOA jamaats are located on land that has been privately owned or rented by members. Each jamaat usually has numerous trailers where members reside, a mosque, and a guard post, some with armed guards, at the entrance to the properties. These communities, similar to commune type facilities, have women and children residing in them with the children being homeschooled.

Organized training is also conducted to include weapons training, tactics, hand-to-hand combat, rappelling, and live-fire exercises.”

Mauro points to Fuqra having a documented history of conducting basic paramilitary training in America and elsewhere, including more advanced training in Pakistan and Kashmir.

Gilani appeared in a secret video in the early 1990s offering to use Fuqra offices to provide guerilla training to aspiring jihadists. Clarion Project also released a video from 2001-2002 showing women in military attire getting training at Islamberg (in upstate New York).

Although these FBI documents from 2009-2011 state that Fuqra has about a dozen “jamaats” in America, the group itself claims to have 22 “Islamic villages” in America alone. The locations for these “Islamic villages” are identified as “Islamberg” in New York, as well as other villages in Virginia, South Carolina, Colorado and other states. 

The group also has operations in Pakistan, Kashmir, Canada, Trinidad, Venezuela and elsewhere.

FBI reports from a 2003-2007 investigation in Texas warned, “The MOA [Fuqra] is now an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.”

That infrastructure can legally operate because Fuqra is not designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the State Department. The Treasury Department has not sanctioned the group’s overseas leaders and entities, either.

Over a dozen North American Muslim groups have joined Clarion Project in asking the U.S. State Department to look at designating Fuqra as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms recently confirmed to Clarion Project that it still has Fuqra members under investigation. ATF has prosecuted Fuqra members on firearms-related charges, including illegal possession of guns.

Clarion Project also recently reported that Fuqra’s general counsel, Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, is planning a run for a Massachusetts seat in the House of Representatives.

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Convicted Perpetrators Of Terrorism Offenses Listed As Foreign-Born

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release First Ever Data for Terrorism-Related Activity

In what appears to be the first ever report, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveals that three out of every four (75%), or 402, individuals convicted of international terrorism-related charges within the U.S.  federal court system between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2016 were listed as being foreign-born.

During the study period, DHS’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate removed 1,716 aliens who were thought to be risks to U.S. national security.

The report states that in 2017 alone DHS had as many as 2,554 encounters with individuals on the terrorist watch list (a/k/a  FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database) traveling to the United States.

This report was required by Section 11 of President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13780, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, which states: “[I]t is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, including those committed by foreign nationals.” It then details a series of actions required in order to enhance the security and safety of the American people. The actions directed by Executive Order have raised the baseline for the vetting and screening of foreign nationals, prevented the entry of malicious actors, and directs federal law enforcement officials to enhance the safety and security of the American people.

“This report reveals an indisputable sobering reality—our immigration system has undermined our national security and public safety,” said Attorney General Jess Sessions.  “And the information in this report is only the tip of the iceberg: we currently have terrorism-related investigations against thousands of people in the United States, including hundreds of people who came here as refugees.  Our law enforcement professionals do amazing work, but it is simply not reasonable to keep asking them to risk their lives to enforce the law while we admit thousands every year without sufficient knowledge about their backgrounds.  The pillars of President Trump’s immigration policy—securing our porous borders, moving to a merit-based immigration system that ends the use of diversity visas and chain migration, and enforcing our nation’s laws—will make their jobs easier and make the United States a safer place.”

“My top priority as Secretary of Homeland Security is to ensure the safety and security of the American people,” said Secretary Kristjen Nielsen. “This report is a clear reminder of why we cannot continue to rely on immigration policy based on pre-9/11 thinking that leaves us woefully vulnerable to foreign-born terrorists, and why we must examine our visa laws and continue to intensify screening and vetting of individuals traveling to the United States to prevent terrorists, criminals, and other dangerous individuals from reaching our country. Without legislative change, DHS will continue to see thousands of terrorists a year attempt to enter the United States, and while we must be right every time, the terrorists only need to be lucky once.  Therefore, DHS has personnel deployed around the world and along our borders working with our global and domestic law enforcement partners to stop terrorists before they enter the homeland.”

The report reveals that at least 549 individuals were convicted of international terrorism-related charges in U.S. federal courts between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2016.  An analysis conducted by DHS determined that approximately 73 percent (402 of these 549 individuals) were foreign-born.  Breaking down the 549 individuals by citizenship status at the time of their respective convictions reveals that:

  • 254 were not U.S. citizens;
  • 148 were foreign-born, naturalized and received U.S. citizenship; and,
  • 147 were U.S. citizens by birth.

According to information available to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), since September 11, 2001, there were approximately 1,716 removals of aliens with national security concerns.

As mentioned above, in FY 2017, DHS encountered 2,554 individuals on the terrorist watchlist (also known as the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database) traveling to the United States. Of those individuals, 335 were attempting to enter by land, 2,170 were attempting to enter by air, and 49 were attempting to enter by sea. Where consistent with the law, such individuals are denied entry into the United States, while in some cases law enforcement authorities are notified and can take appropriate action.

From October 1, 2011, to September 30, 2017, a total of 355,345 non-U.S. citizen offenders, were administratively arrested after previously being convicted of an aggravated felony, as defined in 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43), or two or more crimes each punishable by more than one year (felony offenses).  During that same period, a total of 372,098 non-U.S. citizen offenders were removed from the United States after conviction of an aggravated felony or two or more felonies.

Data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate shows that between 2007 and 2017, USCIS referred 45,858 foreign nationals who applied for immigration benefits to ICE for criminal or civil enforcement action, based on information indicating that such foreign nationals had committed egregious public safety-related offenses within the United States.

Between FY 2010 and FY 2016, CBP identified and prevented the boarding of 73,261 foreign travelers on flights destined for the United States, who may have presented an immigration or security risk.

In October, the Trump Administration sent to Congress a list of legislative priorities that would enhance our national security—such as eliminating the diversity visa lottery and extended family chain migration, funding the wall, closing loopholes in our asylum system, combatting visa overstays, and closing other loopholes in existing law that potentially benefit aliens who pose threats to our national security.

Background on the Executive Order

Section 11 of Executive Order requires the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, to collect and make publicly available the following information:

  • Information regarding the number of foreign nationals in the United States who have been charged with terrorism-related offenses while in the United States; convicted of terrorism-related offenses while in the United States; or removed from the United States based on terrorism-related activity, affiliation with or provision of material support to a terrorism-related organization, or any other national-security-related reasons;
  • Information regarding the number of foreign nationals in the United States who have been radicalized after entry into the United States and who have engaged in terrorism-related acts, or who have provided material support to terrorism-related organizations in countries that pose a threat to the United States;
  • Information regarding the number and types of acts of gender-based violence against women, including so-called “honor killings,” in the United States by foreign nationals; and,
  • Any other information relevant to public safety and security as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General, including information on the immigration status of foreign nationals charged with major offenses.

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Evidence Exists To Warrant Arrests, Prosecutions Of Deep State Leaders And Minions

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Political bias across the US government bears the fingerprints of the deep state. Trump must act.  

One year into President Trump’s tenure, anti-Trump political bias in the FBI and Department of Justice is now so obvious that objective observers should fear for the future of our constitutional republic from the “deep state.”

Frighteningly, the deep state has been exposed as a real thing, with names and faces. Senior officials in FBI and DOJ are conspiring with the national liberal media and allies in Congress to delegitimize, criminalize and ultimately unseat a legitimately elected president.

Yet there is an even graver threat to the American people and the very existence of the United States.

Deep Staters dominating bureaucracies within the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, and intelligence community, are undermining national security policies Mr. Trump was elected to implement.

The deep state thinks it knows better than Mr. Trump and the voters. They would “stay the course” on failed policies that are now reaching the point of crisis with North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran.

Mr. Trump’s national security administration so far comprises only a thin veneer of senior officials in DOD, DHS, DOS, and the intelligence community. Beneath relatively few Trump appointees are thousands of officials and the permanent bureaucracy inherited from the Obama and Clinton administrations.

One great mistake of President George W. Bush was failure to purge his administration of Clinton appointees, many of whom wormed into the permanent bureaucracy. Since President Clinton’s administration, the federal bureaucracy, including national security departments and agencies, has moved steadily leftward, pausing under the second President Bush, but rapidly accelerating hard-left during President Obama’s 8 years.

Today’s deep state, hostile to Mr. Trump, Republicans and conservative policies generally, has been in the making a quarter-century, or more. The left that so hated “the establishment” in the 1960s has today become “the establishment” in the government, media, and universities.

Today, “anti-establishment” enemies of the deep state are Reaganites, conservatives, and independent thinkers who have for years been exiled from government for “political incorrectness.”

Our hope is that Mr. Trump, as the people’s “politically incorrect” and “anti-establishment” champion, would resume the Reagan Revolution to restore ideological balance and common sense to at least the national security establishment.

Alas, Mr. Trump’s administration is still largely manned by deep state Obama-Clinton apparatchiks hostile to his “America First” worldview and “Peace Through Strength” agenda.

The national security deep state is not only hostile to Mr. Trump — they are dangerously incompetent:

  • The Intelligence Community (which also wrongly claims Russia rigged elections favoring Mr. Trump) grossly underestimated North Korea’s ICBM capabilities and proximity to the H-Bomb. Yet former Reagan administration officials and independent experts have warned for years the intelligence community is underestimating North Korea’s nuclear missile threat.
  • Washington’s foreign policy establishment continues to seek denuclearization of North Korea through China, even though evidence is overwhelming that China and Russia helped build the North Korean nuclear threat to advance their geostrategic interests.
  • Even many Republicans mistakenly accept as gospel the narrative of the Department of State and intelligence community “professionals” that Mr. Obama’s nuclear deal stopped Iran from getting the bomb. Yet there is compelling evidence, ignored by the deep state, that Iran has already clandestinely developed nuclear weapons, as North Korea did in 1994.
  • We have first-hand experience working inside government for the Congressional EMP Commission during Mr. Trump’s first year.
  • Dangerously, the national security deep state is undermining protection of the nation’s electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures from electromagnetic pulse (EMP), contrary to the president’s election promise in the Republican National Committee Platform and his recent National Security Strategy:
  • The Obama administration’s classified Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee report on EMP continues to inform White House and dominate DHS policy, even though the EMP Commission found the JAEIC report to be the worst and most erroneous study of EMP ever produced.
  • Sen. Ron Johnson’s excellent Critical Infrastructure Protection Act required DHS to report to Congress in December 2017 on a strategic plan to protect the nation from EMP. Yet this requirement was ignored for nearly a year. A DHS EMP Task Force formed only a few months ago. It excludes those analysts most expert on EMP, refused briefings from the EMP Commission, and is proposing to use for the baseline EMP threat the discredited JAEIC report.
  • The Obama administration’s “do nothing” policy on EMP continues at the Department of Energy where the Office of Electric Reliability plans to spend millions endlessly studying EMP in collaboration with the national labs and the electric power industry. Yet these studies are unnecessary. DOD has all the data needed to protect the national grid now, but has ignored the EMP Commission’s recommendation to share EMP data.
  • Obama-holdovers in DOD slow-rolled and sabotaged the EMP Commission, hoodwinking Congress into terminating the EMP Commission in September 2017. That same month North Korea successfully tested an H-Bomb they describe as capable of “super-powerful EMP attack” and released a report accurately describing a Super-EMP nuclear weapon.

“Mr. President, drain the national security swamp!” echo the American people.

Dr. William Graham was chairman of the congressional EMP Commission, White House science advisor to President Reagan and director of NASA. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry was EMP Commission chief of staff and served in the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA. Reposted from the Washington Times at the request of the writers.

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ANTIFA Documents Reveal Their Plan For America: Dr. Lyle Rapacki

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” – The Bible (Ephesians 6:10 TLB)

Although the documents reproduced below by intelligence analyst and instructor Dr. Lyle Rapacki detail events surrounding the Baltimore riots back in 2015, they still contain valuable intelligence describing organizational, training, and operational methods for a number of George Soros organizations under the umbrella of the ANTIFA movement (Anti-Fascism Group).

The revelation of these documents and content demonstrate that training and monies were very much a part of the riots as earlier Intel reports revealed they most likely would be, according to Dr. Rapacki in his latest law enforcement and security briefing.

The documents – provided to the editor of Conservative Base by Rapacki — reveal a high level of organizational structure, with strong financial backing, and well-planned and practiced tactics. “It is highly anticipated that future confrontations will be better prepared, equipped, organized and financed,” said Rapacki, who owns and operates the private security firm Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC.

Confidential documents appearing to belong to Friends of Democracy – an activist group run by George Soros’ son Jonathan Soros – describe an acceleration of civil unrest to justify the rollout of martial law nationwide. According to intelligence experts, the goal of such action is to throw the nation into a state of chaos with citizens battling the proponents of the Deep State ‘puppetmasters.’

According to the documents (reprinted below), the group sought to use the protests over the death of Freddie Gray – who died while in police custody – as a detonator for larger violent demonstrations in the Baltimore area.  “Do not worry about violent action, we have secured limited protections from friendly BWI officials and LE to permit some aggressive activity,” one ANTIFA memo states.

Dates mentioned in the documents, Saturday April 18, 2015 and Saturday April 25, 2015, coincide with the actual Baltimore riot dates.

The organization also points out an “ideal post-action objective” would be “civil unrest that leads to deployment of martial law-like policies for BWI, creating a feedback loop.” In other words, a domino effect that would spread nationwide.

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Nation’s Top Lawmen Blast California’s Sanctuary Law

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

National Sheriffs Association (NSA) Executive Director blasted California State government officials’ and lawmakers’ latest excursion into lawless before the nation celebrated the incoming New Year: total sanctuary for illegal aliens. [YouTube Video]

The fraternal organization that represents the only law enforcement and corrections chiefs who are elected by voters released the following statement in response to Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown signing into law California’s Sanctuary State legislation.

“Americas Sheriffs are saddened and disappointed that Governor Brown signed this reckless bill into law. It is unfortunate that California’s law enforcement has become pawns in this political game, but they will continue to do their jobs diligently to protect their communities.”

“We also implore leaders in Washington to take action and pass sensible legislation that would prevent careless legislation from hamstringing law enforcement and would give them the tools to combat dangerous policies like this.”

Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director, Thomas Homan, fired a warning shot to the Golden State, telling them that they’d “better hold on tight” in the fight over illegal immigration. In an interview on Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” Director Homan revealed what he thought of the new California law.

“I think it’s terrible,” Homan said.. “If [California Gov. Jerry Brown] thinks he is protecting the community, he’s doing quite the opposite,” Homan said.

“[California’s political leaders are] knowingly putting law enforcement at risk.” Homan also added that, “no matter what California does, the crackdown over illegal immigration will continue.”

The “sanctuary state” law prevents local and state law enforcement from working with ICE officers. To compensate, Homan said that ICE would double its officers in California.

Although the Democrats in California continue what appears to be false bravado for the benefit of their illegal immigrant constituents, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is warning them to avoid interfering in the legal process of arresting the lawbreakers and deporting them back to their home countries.

“In other words. ICE agents will enter California and perform their lawful enforcement. Meaning they will ‘kick butts and take names,’ sanctuary or no sanctuary,” said Raymond Gleason, a former federal law enforcement supervisor.

As directed by presidential executive order, the men and women of ICE began the year with a roadmap of guidance and support to accomplish its homeland security mission. The agency no longer exempts any category of removable aliens from potential enforcement and its efforts are focused on enforcing the law and securing the United States’ border. While this year’s results reflect a great deal of progress, Deputy Director and Senior Official Performing the Duties of Director Tom Homan understands there is still much more work to do.

“Throughout the organization,” Homan said, “our deportation officers and special agents succeeded across a broad range of initiatives and operations. From disrupting and dismantling illegal drug trafficking networks to arresting and removing aliens, including criminals who are too often released back into our communities, our workforce came together in 2017 to do what we do best – enforce the law.”

As the largest investigative agency in DHS, ICE enforcement and investigative activities are handled by two distinct directorates; Enforcement and Removal Operations, or ERO, and Homeland Security Investigations, or HSI.

In ERO, the most significant gains were made in administrative arrests and interior removals. Administrative arrests totaled more than 143,000; of those, 110,568 occurred after January 20, which is a 42% increase over the same time period last year.

Despite numerous stories and allegations in the media falsely accusing ICE of conducting indiscriminate raids and sweeps, the fact is that 92% of all aliens arrested by ICE this year had criminal convictions, pending criminal charges, were an immigration fugitive, or were an illegal re-entrant.

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5-Year-Old Raped By Illegal Alien California Sanctuary Governor Ignores

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Law enforcement officers in Southern California said on Thursday that they are continuing their search for an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who is wanted for his heinous sex crimes perpetrated on a 5-year-old girl.

Fullerton, California, police detectives accuse 30-year-old  Rigoberto Arevalo Cubias of engaging in sexual intercourse and sodomy with a minor under the age of 10-years-old following their investigation, which started in late December. Authorities believe Cubias might have a California driver’s license, either legally or fraudulently obtained.

California’s Gov. Jerry Brown and his fellow Democrats had passed a law making the entire state a sanctuary for illegal aliens even if they commit a crime.

On Dec. 21, 2016, Fullerton Police officers responded to a hospital regarding a suspected sexual assault of a 5 year old female that had occurred in Fullerton.

The investigation by detectives from the department’s Family Crimes Unit identified the suspect as Rigoberto Arevalo Cubias, born on Feb. 21,1986, a male Latino, approximately 5’7”, 185 lbs, with black hair and brown eyes.

When he’s captured the suspect will be charged with the crime of engaging in sexual intercourse/sodomy with a child under the age of 10 years old, in violation of California Penal Code Section 288.7 (described here).

( Part 1 enacted 1872. )

( Heading of Title 9 amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1111, Sec. 2. )

CHAPTER 5. Bigamy, Incest, and the Crime Against Nature [281 – 289.6]
( Chapter 5 enacted 1872. ) 288.7.

(a) Any person 18 years of age or older who engages in sexual intercourse or sodomy with a child who is 10 years of age or younger is guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a term of 25 years to life.

(b) Any person 18 years of age or older who engages in oral copulation or sexual penetration, as defined in Section 289, with a child who is 10 years of age or younger is guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a term of 15 years to life.

Cubias is being identified as an “undocumented immigrant from El Salvador” since the politically-correct politicians prohibit the use of the term “illegal immigrant” or “illegal alien.”

Besides the rape case, Cubias has a prior, outstanding $50,000 arrest warrant for a DUI from 2014 under the name “Jose Cubias”. The police report notes that this suspect has multiple aliases, including Jose Cubias, Jose Cubias Arevalo, Jose Riberto Cubias, and Jose Alfonso Cubias Arevalo, according to the Fullerton Police Department.

Detectives believe that Cubias is aware he is wanted by law enforcement and he continues to evade the police manhunt. Police also report that he abandoned his previously owned vehicle and cellular phone in what Detectives believe is an attempt to elude capture.

Prior to the Christmas break, the U.S. House of Representatives approved by voice vote the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting (SAFER) Act of 2017 (S. 1766), to reauthorize, strengthen, and extend the Sexual Assault Forensic Reporting program to help fight the nationwide rape kit backlog. The backlog has not only blocked the swift prosecution of sexual predators, but it also prolongs the psychological suffering of sex crimes.

Unfortunately, the American news media preferred to report on the allegations of sexual assault, harassment and “hostile workplace incidents” against some of the nation’s wealthiest and most powerful men. Stories of women accusing President Donald Trump, Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore, NBC news anchor Matt Lauer, movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and other high-profile suspects took precedence over actions being taken to address sex crimes by law enforcement and the U.S. Congress.

The bipartisan, bicameral bill – authored by Rep. Ted Poe and Sen. John Cornyn both of whom are Republicans from Texas – reauthorizes the SAFER Act, which was originally signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2013.

The federal statute provides state and local governments with funding to conduct examinations of untested sexual assault evidence in their possession.  In addition,the legislation “ensures both adult and pediatric forensic nurses are eligible for training while highlighting the need for pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners when responding to children who are suffering from child abuse.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia, applauded the passage of the SAFER Act.

Goodlatte stated in a news release: “Victims of rape shouldn’t have to wait years for their perpetrators to come to justice simply because the evidence contained in their rape kit is backlogged. We must do everything we can to expedite the processing of rape kit evidence so that we take these criminals off of our streets and prevent other women from being victimized.  The SAFER Act will help reduce the rape kit backlog while also ensuring forensic nurses receive the important training they need.

“I want to thank Representative Ted Poe for his hard work on this important legislation, and I am pleased it will now be heading to President [Donald Trump] for his signature.”

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Obama Not Trump Colluded With Putin: Freed Hezbollah Terrorist For Iranians

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

[YouTube Video] <—- Video explaining Obama’s Deep State and Islam

In the midst of pushing a “false flag” — that President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians and President Vladimir Putin to steal the presidency from Hillary Clinton — members of the news media are purposely ignoring the real incidents of Russian collusion.

An already lawless President Barack Obama and his inner-circle allegedly protected members of a notorious and Islamist group based in Lebanon, Hezbollah, from prosecution to save the Iran nuclear deal, a well-researched and reliable report claims.

Under both Obama Attorneys General — Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch — their operatives in the Justice Department’s Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) had been working for almost a decade on an emerging narco-terrorism connection involving Hezbollah, the Taliban and Mexican Drug Cartels.

The DEA agents hoped to smash the Lebanon-based Shi’ite Islamic organization’s sophisticated billions-a-year drug ring. The DEA suspected Hezbollah funding its weapons purchases by sneaking large shipments of pure cocaine into the United States and laundering the profits by buying used cars stateside and shipping them to Africa for resale.

According to a news story by Jim Kouri appearing in a past edition of “Homeland Security U.S.” published by the Northeast Intelligence Network:

“For many years, Hezbollah was synonymous with terror, suicide bombings and kidnappings. In 1983, militants who went on to join Hezbollah’s ranks carried out a suicide bombing attack that killed 241 US marines in Beirut, which lead to President Ronald Reagan’s withdrawal order for all US military peacekeepers.

“In May 2000 — due to the success of the party’s military arm — one of its main aims was achieved. Israel’s military was forced to end almost 20 years of occupation in southern Labanon. Hezbollah now serves as an inspiration to Palestinian factions fighting to liberate more territory. The party has embraced the Palestinian cause and has said publicly that it is ready to open a second front against Israel in support of the intifada.

“Hezbollah’s political rhetoric’s central theme is the total annihilation of the state of Israel. Its definition of Israeli occupation has also encompassed the idea that the whole of Palestine is occupied Muslim land and it has argued that Israel has no right to exist. Hezbollah’s spiritual head Sheikh Fadlallah is close to Iranian government and is believed responsible for the vitriolic speeches of the Iranian president.”

Unfortunately for the DEA, the departments of Justice and Treasury delayed and rejected prosecution and sanctions requests from the team that had exposed the Iran-backed criminal network because the Obama White House feared “rocking the boat” with Hezbollah’s financial supporters in Iran, from whom the Obama team wished to get a nuclear agreement.

Now, Tea Partier Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is demanding an investigation into the Obama administration’s interference with the investigation into “Hezbollah’s illegal drug dealing, money laundering and arms running.”

In a statement, Pittenger said:

Now, it appears in order to secure his deeply flawed Iran Deal, President Obama and his administration shielded the Iran-backed terror group Hezbollah from a major US multi-agency investigation targeting Hezbollah’s global criminal operation which included drug dealing, money laundering and arms running.

These revelations are shocking and infuriating.

While American soldiers were bravely fighting ISIS terrorists, with some paying the ultimate price, the Obama administration reportedly was protecting Hezbollah terrorists who were funding themselves by trafficking illegal drugs. No wonder President Obama couldn’t bring himself to call them “Radical Islamist Terrorists.”

This is the same administration that sent $1.7 billion in cash ransom to Iran.

The growing nexus between terrorist organizations and Latin American drug cartels poses a grave threat to our national security, especially considering the porous state of our southern border. Last month, I hosted a forum in Buenos Aires for 220 Members of Parliament and government officials from 15 South American countries with government and private sector experts to address the critical challenge of intercepting drug related funding of terrorism.

The letter, which was sent to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, was also provided to Independent Journal Review.

After explaining the severity of the issue at hand, Pittenger stated the following in the letter:

I respectfully request that the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:

  • Investigate this matter with haste;
  • Hold hearings on this matter open to the public; and
  • Make public any documents that are not classified for national security reasons.

Due to the severity of this matter and my engagement on these issues with our Latin American partners, I am happy to testify in front of your subcommittee to offer any expertise. Thank you again for your consideration.

Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, on which he works to strengthen America’s relationship with the Middle East and Europe to combat terrorism. He is also vice chairman of the Bipartisan Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing, on which terrorist financing is tracked and cut off.

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Anti-Trump Conspiracy: Judge And Legal Scholar Claims The FBI Has Lost Its Luster And Job Description

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Two of the nation’s leading criminal justice scholars believe that the once heralded federal law enforcement agency — the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) — appears to have lost its lustrous image and its upper-echelon officials have contributed to the agency’s extreme politicalization.

Within the last ten years, the FBI as well of other Justice Department (DOJ) agencies, including the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), have been used as White House goon squads to achieve solely political goals especially the goal to create an illusion of competency at the highest levels of government.

For example, former Bergen County, New Jersey, Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano, now a Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst, has stated point-blank that he believes FBI supervisors and special agents lost their way and they’ve forgotten that their job isn’t to decide who gets prosecuted but simply to present the evidence.

The 67-year-old said on-the-air that the more we learn about the shenanigans within the DoJ/FBI and other federal cops during the Obama years, it appears the FBI is due for a massive housecleaning including reiteration of their job descriptions.

“If you ask a first-year law student to define gross negligence, it’s defined as extreme carelessness. They are essentially the same thing. You’re attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public and for a while he succeeded,” said Judge Napolitano.

“Of course, Democratic Party lawmakers and their legions of so-called journalists will tell you the two terms are interchangeable, but that is being deceptive as well since ‘gross negligence’ is the language used in the legal statute as written,” said former criminal trial attorney and political strategist Michael Barker.

Investigate James Comey

Judge Napolitano also said on FNC, “Many of us have argued for 18 months now, since that came out on July 5th, 2016. Jim Comey was wrong on the facts, wrong on the law, and profoundly wrong to make that decision and to make it public as if it were made with finality.”

“The job of the FBI is not to decide whom to prosecute, but to present the evidence to professional prosecutors in the DOJ and let them make the decision. He took that away from them,” the judge added.

Newly released documents obtained by Fox News reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to water down the bureau’s findings considerably.

Also, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, issued a letter to the FBI on Thursday that addresses a number edits made to Comey’s highly scrutinized statement. Comey had written his statement before the FBI even spoke with Hillary Clinton and her minions.

“A number of documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch about the FBI under Comey’s leaderhip also has provided evidence of partisan agents who abused their FBI or Justice Department positions for political purposes during the Hillary Clinton email investigation and 2016 presidential campaign.

The man U.S. Rep. James Jordan, R-Ohio, jokingly called ‘James Bond’ FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, was ousted from the Mueller investigation after a Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (IG) investigation revealed profanity-laced text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that denigrated President Trump, according to Michael Baker.

“Imagine what would have occurred if FBI agents wrote messages using vulgarity and profanity about President Barack Hussein Obama! Does anyone believe it would be treated simply as a federal cop exercising his First Amendment rights? Baloney. He’d be fired on the spot,” Baker claims.

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American Radicals Colluding With ISIS, Al-Qaeda To Destroy Trump, Claims Author

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“In America, you are entitled to your own opinion. But you are not entitled to overthrow the democratically elected president of the United States and inflict irreparable damage on our country. That, however, is what Donald Trump’s enemies on the Left and Right are doing. Through a variety of underhanded tactics―lies, leaks, obstruction, and violence―they are working to delegitimize President Trump and drive him from office before he can drain the swamp and take away their power.” — Edward Klein

“Former President Barack Obama has been holed up in his Washington, D.C. mansion smoking marijuana, eating cannabis-infused Gummy Bears and playing video games, according to an explosive new book from Edward Klein.” — Todd Starnes, Fox News Contributor, Talk Host

“On Saturday, November 4, the radical-left fascists who call themselves Anti-Fascist or “Antifa” claim they will begin their revolution against the Trump administration, especially the President. While most of the media are ignoring the threat, those in the know believe it just may happen eventually. One expert, who once was the editor of the New York Times, believes Americans got a small taste of the terror on Tuesday night in New York City.” – Jim Kouri

A new book by a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and best-selling author reveals for the first time an FBI field report about the collusion between American anti-Trump radicals and foreign ISIS/al-Qaeda operatives.

In his latest book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trumpset to be released on Tuesday, Oct. 31,  Edward Klein reveals to the public findings from an FBI investigation into the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.

The FBI report was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017. While certain names have been redacted, Klein reveals how the FBI followed a group of Americans anarchists/radicals who traveled to Germany to join their German counterpart Antifaschistische Aktion to protest Trump’s attendance at a meeting of G20 leaders and central bank governors.

Evidence gathered from a variety of intelligence sources showed the Americans took part in the violence there. “There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS…Making some sort of common cause with Americans who are determined to commit violence against the U.S. makes them potentially very useful to radical Islam,” writes Klein based on the report.

Klein notes that the FBI paid particular attention to a group of anarchists from Oakland, sister city to Berkeley, California, site of the campus of University of California at Berkeley and the scene of several violent protests.

“Now that the bureau has determined [ISIS/al-Qaeda] have followers in the radical U.S. resistance movement in the United States, it is clear there will be additional violence in the attacks on law enforcement and U.S. institutions, including banks,” he writes.

In an article written for the Daily Mail, Klein continues:

“Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb], the report continued.

“The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group. There is evidence from informants that he is helping the Oakland group acquire the weapons they are seeking, primarily bomb-making equipment and toxic chemicals and gasses.

“One of the men from Oakland traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS; the purpose was for training in tactics, but was thought to be primarily a bonding visit to discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S.

“While in Hamburg, several of the Oakland-based criminals were photographed throwing Molotov cocktails and wielding iron bars, which have been their weapons of choice, though they are almost certainly on the verge of upping the caliber of their weaponry for use in the U.S.”

Klein notes, “Despite having their faces covered by masks, they were positively identified.”

Previous FBI Director James Comey also “collected intelligence on the connections between Middle Eastern jihadis, European radicals, and the American anarchists who are part of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ movement,” writes Klein, quoting an an FBI source who had access to Comey’s intelligence reports.

The American anarchists communicate with the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations online on a variety of websites especially on what’s known as the Dark Web, on which they also find instructions how to make bombs.

Tellingly, Klein notes,

“As the Trump administration has demonstrated it’s serious about destroying the Islamic State, and depriving ISIS of territory in Iraq and Syria, the alliance between the American radicals and ISIS has grown even closer. The Internet chatter between the Americans and the Islamists is astronomical.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses …

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al-Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

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China Intensifies Persecution, Execution Of Christians And North Korean Women

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A freelance undercover journalist who goes by the name Janelle P recently met with Roman Catholic nuns and Protestant missionaries to discuss their work among North Korea’s sex-trafficked women who are currently hiding in China.

Those lucky enough to escape the brutal border guards of dictator Kim Jong-Un’s massive military must now contend with the anti-Christian policies in China. There have been disturbing reports emanating from China that reveal that President Xi Jingping has implemented an economic crackdown on the country’s poorest and most marginalized people — the Christians, both North Korean refugees and Chinese citizens who follow Jesus Christ.

According to Janelle P, reporters who are seeking the truth and not some hidden political agenda have uncovered what may be the most unfair and treacherous pay-for-play scheme ever created. “China’s Communist Party Chairman Xi Jingping has mandated that impoverished Christians and churches take down symbols of Jesus Christ and the cross and replace them with his likeness. The penalty for not adhering to this obvious idolatry is a threat to withhold government resources,” she wrote in an emailed press statement

Under the Chinese Communist philosophy, citizens and migrants rely on the heavy-handed government for all creature comforts including shabby, second-hand clothing, minimal shelter, and even the ability to purchase food. While the world sees and hears about the Chinese economic boom, few are witness to the degradation and mercilessness of a country with an underbelly of corruption, brutality and injustice.

The Chinese battle against Jesus Christ and his teachings continues daily which has only increased the ongoing efforts to enforce atheism.

While the Asian superpower with populous numbering in the billions now enjoys a growing population of more than 100 million believers, upwards of 1 million Christians reside in Yugan county region alone. They have been widely viewed as a threat to state-sponsored secularism and as such remain one of the poorest locations on the globe.

In its attempt to prevent the conversion of more believers, the atheist government subsidizes a huge propaganda campaign to convince members of China’s Christian population that strong ties exist between their poverty and their foolish faith. The brainwashing process includes the claim that only the Chinese government in the tradition of Chairman Mao Tse Tung and not the Son of God, Jesus Christ, can help lift them out of the gutter, provide safety and security, and help restore nutritional and health needs.  [YouTube Video]

In other words, government is the answer to their silent prayers whether they like it or not.

“China utilizes what has been called a ‘poverty-relief fund’ to assist its most vulnerable citizens when they suffer economic setbacks. The government recently made it abundantly clear those that do not strike down Christian images and replace them with large posters of Pres. Xi will be cut off from these life-supporting resources. The brutal attempts to coerce people of faith amounts to an official worship the Communist leader or starve policy,” wrote Janelle P.

The news report indicates that more than 600 Christian symbols have been removed, and more than 450 images of Xi have been put in their place. Many of the images of Jesus and the cross were displayed inside the private homes of the poor Chinese citizens.

The message to Christians across China has been heard loud and clear: either turn your back on Jesus Christ, or go hungry. [YouTube Video]

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Clinton-Lynch Airport Meeting: FBI Documents Released To Watchdog Group

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on board a parked plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona.  The meeting occurred during the then-ongoing investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, and only a few days before she was interviewed the Justice Department and FBI.  (Judicial Watch filed a request on June 30 that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General investigate that meeting.)” — Jill Farrell, Director of Communications, Judicial Watch.

On Thursday, in the middle of a number of top news stories, a well-known watchdog organization released a 29-page Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) file directly related to the controversial June 27, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona, airport tarmac tête-à-tête between then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her boss’ predecessor former President Bill Clinton, according to Judicial Watch’s director of communications, Jill Farrell.

Perusal of these latest government documents reveals that then FBI Director James Comey and his underlings were more concerned about leaks of that meeting being reported in the media than the actual Lynch-Clinton meeting itself.  The new documents also show that then-FBI Director Comey seemed to learn of the meeting from news reports.

The new documents were obtained by Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request seeking:

  • All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure.
  • All records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the aforementioned investigation. This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, the Democratic National Committee, and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
  • All records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.

These latest FBI documents show how the agency’s officials were concerned about a leak that Bill Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in order to “maneuver” a private meeting with his predecessor’s attorney general.  The breaking story in the Observer is seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of emails about the source of the article.

FBI official(s) write “we need to find that guy” and that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt to stem any further damage.”  Another FBI official, working on AG Lynch’s security detail, suggests instituting non-disclosure agreements.  The names of the emails authors are redacted. There are no documents showing concern about the meeting itself. 

The FBI officials appeared at first to be deceptive with Judicial Watch by claiming “they could not locate any records related to the tarmac meeting.”

However, in a related legal action, the Justice Department claimed it located emails in which Justice Department officials communicated with the FBI and admitted that they had communicated with the FBI.  As a result, by letter dated August 10, 2017, from the FBI officials stated, “Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist. As a result, your [FOIA] request has been reopened….”

On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on board a parked plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona.  The meeting occurred during the then-ongoing investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, and only a few days before she was interviewed the Justice Department and FBI.

Judicial Watch filed a request on June 30, 2016, that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General investigate the suspiciously timed meeting between the head of the government agency investigating a presidential candidate’s suspected criminal acts and the candidate’s husband who was a two-term POTUS.

“The tarmac meeting also came just days before former FBI Director James Comey held the July 5, 2016, press conference in which he announced that no charges would be filed against Mrs. Clinton.

In his subsequent, May 3, 2017, testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Comey claimed the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting was the “capper” among “a number of things” that had caused him to determine that Department of Justice leadership “could not credibly complete the investigation and decline prosecution without grievous damage to the American people’s confidence in the justice system,” Jill Farrell noted in her released statement.

“These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The documents show the FBI worked to make sure no more details of the meeting would be revealed to the American people.  No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until Judicial Watch caught the agency red-handed hiding them.  These new documents confirm the urgent need to reopen the Clinton email scandal and criminally investigate the resulting Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation.”

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Obama’s National Intelligence Director Brennan Sued for Failing to Release Unclassified Report on Russian Meddling in Elections

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“The Deep State intelligence establishment continues to be in a cover-up mode on Russia.  This illegal secrecy seems designed to protect the Obama/Clinton administration and to undermine the Trump administration.  President Trump may want to ask his appointees what they are hiding about Russia.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has been stonewalling the release of an unclassified report on Russia’s Security Service’s Funding of political parties and NGOs in former Soviet states and countries in Europe, which had been mandated by 2016 Appropriations Act.

A top Washington nonprofit watchdog group announced on Tuesday that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the super-secretive — some say super-politicized —  Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to obtain a legally mandated, unclassified report on Russia’s meddling in the elections held in other nations. (Judicial Watch v. Office of the Director of National Intelligence).

The lawsuit was filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the ODNI failed to respond to an August 4  FOIA request seeking “the intelligence community assessment required by Section 502 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016.” The act was signed by President Barack Obama during the heated presidential race between now President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Trump was the winner but he’s been singled out as being in cahoots with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

The complainant in the lawsuit is Judicial Watch, whose legal team points out that Section 502 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 mandates:

“Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees an intelligence community assessment on the funding of political parties and nongovernmental organizations in former Soviet states and countries in Europe by the Russian Security Service since January 1, 2016.”

The Act also stipulates that the intelligence assessment be submitted as an unclassified document which under the law would be subject to FOIA disclosure to organizations and individuals who seek the document through the proper channels.

According to officials at Judicial Watch, this legal action is the second lawsuit filed by the watchdog which seeks the unclassified reports produced by the 17 U.S. agencies — that are part of the U.S. intelligence community — addressing alleged Russian interference in the elections of foreign countries:

On March 8, 2017, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) seeking an unclassified report assessing Russia’s interference in foreign elections (Judicial Watch v. Central Intelligence Agency (No. 1:17-cv-00414)).  That lawsuit came after the CIA failed to respond to a December 14, 2016 FOIA request seeking the unclassified assessment of Russia’s meddling in foreign elections requested by Congressman Mike Turner (R-OH).

On December 13, 2016, The Wall Street Journal reported that since 2015, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, “has been pushing for the unclassified version of a report assessing Moscow’s interference in foreign elections, particularly across Europe.”  The Wall Street Journal further reported:

The White House already released a classified version of the assessment, but Mr. Turner has been pushing for the unclassified version, which would be releasable to the public, he said.  Mr. Turner sent the White House a letter … demanding the unclassified version of the report:

“The fact that the administration is picking and choosing the information it releases and who they release it to ought to give everybody concern that the administration is manipulating this,” he said.

The report is critical for a better understanding of what Moscow is up to in elections overseas, he said.  Mr. Turner said the Obama administration is cherry picking what it releases.

In a separate lawsuit, Judicial Watch is suing the ODNI to force the agency to conduct the required damage assessment related to Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information.

“The Obama administration’s politicized intelligence community promoted the story of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians to influence the 2016 presidential election but refuses to release any concrete evidence,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The Deep State intelligence establishment continues to be in a cover-up mode on Russia.  This illegal secrecy seems designed to protect the Obama/Clinton administration and to undermine the Trump administration.  President Trump may want to ask his appointees what they are hiding about Russia.”

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Watchdog Group: Mueller’s Trump Witch Hunt Needs Truthful Exposure

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

This month, attorneys with a top “Inside the Beltway” government watchdog group official declared their organization’s latest legal action against the U.S. Department of Justice. While acknowledging the marked differences between the ultra-politicized Obama Justice Department and that of President Donald Trump, many law enforcement and intelligence officers believe that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is conducting an inadequate number of corruption investigations while tepidly pursuing cases of suspected criminal conduct of Democratic Party officeholders and their staffs.

However, last week, the prolific and effective legal group, Judicial Watch, announced it had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the budget and administrative records of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the still evidence-deficient Putin-Trump collusion against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

The lawsuit was filed after the Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the DOJ failed to respond to a July 2017 FOIA request seeking the following:

  • A copy of the budget prepared and submitted by Robert S. Mueller III or his staff in his capacity as appointed “Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.” Temporal scope of this request is from May 17, 2017 to July 10, 2017.
  • A copy of all guidance memoranda and communications by which the Justice Management Division will review the Special Counsel’s Office’s “Statement of Expenditures” prior to or for the purpose of making each public. Temporal scope of this request is from June 1, 2017 to present.
  • A copy of each document scoping, regulating, or governing the Special Counsel’s Office appointed under the leadership of Special Counsel Mueller. Temporal scope of this request is from May 17, 2017 to present.

On July 7, 2017, The Washington Post reported that Special Counsel Mueller submitted a proposed budget to the Justice Department, “but officials declined to make the document public and committed only to releasing reports of the team’s expenditures every six months.”

According to Judicial Watchthe watchdog’s legal team is pursuing numerous additional FOIA lawsuits related to the surveillance, unmasking, and illegal leaking targeting President Trump and his associates during the FBI’s investigation of potential Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

“It’s a mystery to me why the Trump Administration, the Attorney General and the DOJ would give a group like Judicial Watch a difficult time conducting its own investigations into corruption by members of the previous administration and members of what’s been dubbed the ‘Deep State,’ which pursues the ultimate destruction of the President [Donald Trump] and the Republican Party,” notes former police detective and corporate security director Frances Miranda-Kelly.

“The Mueller special counsel investigation is growing with seemingly little concern about costs to the taxpayer,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Is the Justice Department hiding basic budget information about the Mueller special counsel operation because taxpayers and Congress would be outraged by the costs?  Mr. Mueller is not above the law and he shouldn’t be able to keep his budget secret.  No one else in DC seems to be providing oversight of the Mueller juggernaut, so once again it is up to the citizens group Judicial Watch to go to court and demand accountability.”

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Immigration reform: Trump Faces Challenges Not From Nation’s Enemies But From The Deep State

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

At the start of President Donald Trump’s administration, he immediately called on Congress to look into taking the steps necessary to secure the borders, perform better background checks of refugees from nations known to harbor radical Islamic terrorists, and to finally start controlling the huge amount of illegal immigration that plagues the nation.

After eight years of allowing the minimally successful immigration/border security program to collapse — and hearing political leaders including President Barack Obama and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi resort to name calling and denigration of law enforcement officers — it comes as no surprise that the vast majority of Democrats and the Trump-haters in the GOP would make reform as difficult as possible.

The House of Representatives’ Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported to the GOP-led House Homeland Security Committee that the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) operates pre-departure programs to help identify and interdict high-risk travelers before they board U.S.- bound flights.

CBP officers inspect all U.S.-bound travelers on pre-cleared flights at the 15 Pre-clearance locations and, if deemed inadmissible, a traveler will not be permitted to board the aircraft. CBP also operates nine Immigration Advisory Program and two Joint Security Program locations, as well as three Regional Carrier Liaison Groups, through which CBP may recommend that air carriers not permit identified high-risk travelers to board U.S.-bound flights.

CBP data showed that it identified and interdicted over 22,000 high-risk air travelers through these programs in fiscal year 2015 (the most recent data available at the time of GAO’s report).

However, CBP had not fully evaluated the overall effectiveness of these programs using performance measures and baselines. CBP tracked some data, such as the number of travelers deemed inadmissible, but had not set baselines to determine if pre-departure programs are achieving goals, consistent with best practices for performance measurement.

GAO recommended that CBP develop and implement a system of performance measures and baselines to better position CBP to assess if the programs are achieving their goals. CBP concurred and has established a working group to develop such measures and baselines

Visa Overstays Overlooked by Past Administrations

Visa overstays are an often overlooked national security issue. Four of the 9/11 hijackers had overstayed their visa, or were out of status at the time of attack and several other high-profile terror attacks and plots have come from overstays.

In fact, the 9/11 Commission recommend that Congress quickly establish an exit tracking system to close this security vulnerability. The purpose of the GAO’s ongoing probe is to examine the current state of DHS’s efforts to quickly identify and remove national security and public safety threats who have overstayed their visa, and the progress CBP is making on establishing a biometric exit system.

The Committee has established a new bipartisan Task Force on Denying Terrorists Entry to the United States. The main, though not exclusive, thrust of the task force will be a review of the Government’s implementation of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act to identify the progress made, the gaps that remain, and potential new gaps that have emerged within the Visa Waiver Program as we approach the one-year anniversary of the Trump White House.

In May 2016, during the Trump v. Clinton race for the presidency, the GAO reported on DHS’s oversight of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which allows nationals from 38 countries to travel visa-free to the United States for business or pleasure for 90 days or less.

GAO reported, among other things, that all 38 countries entered into required agreements, or their equivalents, to (1) report lost and stolen passports, (2) share identity information about known or suspected terrorists, and (3) share criminal history information. However, not all countries shared such information.

GAO recommended that DHS work with VWP countries to implement the agreements and DHS concurred. As of April 2017, DHS reported that officials are continuing to work with VWP countries on time frames for implementing program requirements.

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Texas Church Massacre: DOD Probes Military Sending Reports To FBI

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colorado, Chairman of the Military Personnel Subcommittee, released a statement regarding the Department of Defense’s Inspector General’s examination of Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) reporting issues to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).

The House of Representatives and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were seeking information on the transmission of the criminal records of military personnel to the FBI’s fingerprint and criminal history data bases following a killing spree at a Texas church.

The suspected shooter, who opened fire in the rural Baptist church had been court-martialed during his time in the U.S. Air Force for assault of his spouse and their child, according to military records obtained by ABC News.

The prolific killer, Devin Kelley, was identified by federal and state law enforcement officials as the shooter who killed 26 people and injured at least 20 others on Sunday morning in the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas. It was later determined that Kelley, 26, served from 2010 until 2014 and worked in the logistics readiness department at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, ABC reported.

Kelley was court-martialed in 2012 on charges of assault on his spouse and on their child. He received a bad conduct [dishonorable] discharge, confinement for twelve months and a reduction in rank.


This evaluation was performed as a result of a requirement in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 and of all the military branches’ police and investigative services, the NCIS had the worst record of compliance when compared to the other services but none of them came close to be efficient, according to the EVALUATION OF DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE COMPLIANCE WITH CRIMINAL HISTORY DATA REPORTING REQUIREMENTS .

“As Chairman of the Military Personnel Subcommittee, I am committed to working with the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General [Glenn A. Fine]  to ensure that any systemic reporting issues by DoD to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) are addressed,  and ensure every branch of our military is reporting as required,” Congressman Coffman said.

The Secretary of Defense was directed to provide a report to Congress on the consistency with which fingerprint cards and final dispositions are reported by the Defense Criminal Investigative Organizations (DCI0s) to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for inclusion in the Bureau’s criminal history identification files.

The primary objective was to evaluate whether the DCIOs are reporting criminal history data to the FBI in compliance with DoD Criminal Investigations Policy Memorandum Number 10 (CPM No. 10), Criminal History Data Reporting Requirements, March 25, 1987.

The Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) was not included in the evaluation because service members committing offenses reportable to the FBI are in most cases under the jurisdiction of the Military Criminal Investigative Organizations (MCI0s). Fingerprint submission within the DCIS is limited because most cases involve fraud and white-collar-type crimes.

In these types of cases, the U.S. Marshal’s Office usually does the fingerprinting and submitting of the final disposition report. Another objective was to evaluate whether or not other law enforcement activities of the Services collect and report information to the FBI and, if not, determine whether they should be reporting.

The MCIOs are not consistently submitting criminal history data to the FBI criminal history files. Based on the results of statistical sampling, the Army failed to send FD-249, Suspect Fingerprint Card, to the FBI in approximately 82 percent of its cases; the Navy 83 percent; and the Air Force 38 percent. Failure to submit the R-84, Final Disposition Report, in the Army was 79 percent; the Navy 94 percent; and the Air Force 50 percent. In addition to the MCIOs investigating offenses described in CPM No. 10, other Service law enforcement organizations conduct investigations described in CPM No. 10 and do not consistently report that data.

The DCIOs are the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS). The DCIS is the criminal investigative arm of ~e Inspector General, DoD.

The MCIOs are the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command; the Air Force Office of Special Investigations; and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which services the Navy and the Marine Corps. The MCIOs are responsible for investigating most major crime in the Military Departments, including general crime and fraud. Other law enforcement activities include Army Military Police, Air Force and Navy Security Police, and Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division. [YouTube Video]

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Former DNC And Clinton Confidante Donna Brazile Unleashes Political Firestorm On Deep State

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“If I were the attorney questioning the Democratic Party’s latest snitch, Donna Brazile, during a deposition, a hearing or a criminal court proceeding about her book’s allegations or her later contradiction when her fellow Democrats were dumbfounded and their news media cohorts played down Brazile’s revelation I’d have one key question. I would ask Brazile: ‘Were you lying then [when writing your book] or are you lying now?’ I venture to say she lied both times: in her fairy tale book and her subsequent statements.”  —Former police officer and county prosecutor Jeffrey Siegel

Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman and close Clinton family associate Donna Brazile said on Sunday she refuses to be silent while plugging her new book and the critics who say she betrayed her colleagues can just “go to hell.” While devoted followers of Bill and Hillary Clinton called her a “snitch” or “rat, Brazile asks, “Why am I supposed to be the only person that is unable to tell my story?”

“I’m going to tell my story,” Brazile told her friend and fellow Clinton minion George  Stephanopoulos, the anchorman on  ABC News’ “This Week.”

“This is a story of a young girl who started in American politics at the age of 9, who continues to fight each and every week of her life,” she said with her usual lack of modesty.

The ex-DNC chair has come under fire by some critics for her tell-all book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-Ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House.”

“The only thing I found, which I said, I found the cancer, but I’m not killing the patient, was this memorandum that prevented the DNC from running its own operation,” she told Stephanopoulos..

There is also the book’s story about a scrutinized financial relationship with Hillary Clinton’s campaign as well as Brazile’s plot to swap the former secretary of state for Vice President Joe Biden.

The book’s revelations prompted Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a former vice chairwoman of the DNC, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to complain that the Democratic primary process was rigged to favor Clinton over socialist Bernie Sanders.

On Thursday CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Warren if she believed that the Democratic campaign organization took action favoring Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders, Warren said one word: “Yes.”

“We learned today from the former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile that the Clinton campaign, in her view, did rig the presidential nominating process by entering into an agreement to control day-to-day operations at the DNC,” Tapper said, continuing on to describe specific arms of the DNC the Clinton camp had a say over, including strategy and staffing, noting that the agreement was “entered into in August of 2015,” months before Clinton won the nomination.

“I don’t think she [Warren] meant to use the word ‘rigged,’” Brazile said.

Brazile took over as chairwoman of the DNC in late July 2016 from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), who is under investigation for her part in a computer case involving three Pakistani brothers she hired to work on computers used by Democratic Party lawmakers.

Some leaked emails showed the DNC was leaning toward Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.).

She also mentioned during the ABC News that her book also details the existence of contingency plans to replace Clinton with Biden after she fainted at the 9/11 Memorial just weeks before the election. “I didn’t want a Plan B,” Brazile said of the plot. “Plan A was great for me. I supported Hillary and I wanted her to win, but we were under pressure.”

She also said that her vision of a Biden ticket with a Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) never materialized. “The bottom line is she resumed campaigning,” she said. “I went on TV to say the campaign was back on track.”

Brazile ran the DNC until February 2017. She was replaced by former Labor Secretary Tom Perez, whose boisterous public persona includes using profanity during televised campaign or rally speeches. While appearing on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” Perez called the idea that Clinton was physically unwell was ridiculous. “I have great respect for Donna… she’s done a lot for the party,” Perez said.

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American Radicals Colluding With ISIS, Al-Qaeda to Destroy Trump, Claims Author

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“In America, you are entitled to your own opinion. But you are not entitled to overthrow the democratically elected president of the United States and inflict irreparable damage on our country. That, however, is what Donald Trump’s enemies on the Left and Right are doing. Through a variety of underhanded tactics―lies, leaks, obstruction, and violence―they are working to delegitimize President Trump and drive him from office before he can drain the swamp and take away their power.” — Edward Klein

“Former President Barack Obama has been holed up in his Washington, D.C. mansion smoking marijuana, eating cannabis-infused Gummy Bears and playing video games, according to an explosive new book from Edward Klein.” — Todd Starnes, Fox News Contributor, Talk Host

“On Saturday, November 4, the radical-left fascists who call themselves Anti-Fascist or “Antifa” claim they will begin their revolution against the Trump administration, especially the President. While most of the media are ignoring the threat, those in the know believe it just may happen eventually. One expert, who once was the editor of the New York Times, believes Americans got a small taste of the terror on Tuesday night in New York City.” — Jim Kouri

A new book by a former editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine and best-selling author reveals for the first time an FBI field report about the collusion between American anti-Trump radicals and foreign ISIS/al-Qaeda operatives.

In his latest book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trumpset to be released on Tuesday, Oct. 31,  Edward Klein reveals to the public findings from an FBI investigation into the shocking ties between far-left radicals in America and Islamist extremists.

The FBI report was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017. While certain names have been redacted, Klein reveals how the FBI followed a group of Americans anarchists/radicals who traveled to Germany to join their German counterpart Antifaschistische Aktion to protest Trump’s attendance at a meeting of G20 leaders and central bank governors.

Evidence gathered from a variety of intelligence sources showed the Americans took part in the violence there. “There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS…Making some sort of common cause with Americans who are determined to commit violence against the U.S. makes them potentially very useful to radical Islam,” writes Klein based on the report.

Klein notes that the FBI paid particular attention to a group of anarchists from Oakland, sister city to Berkeley, California, site of the campus of University of California at Berkeley and the scene of several violent protests.

“Now that the bureau has determined [ISIS/al-Qaeda] have followers in the radical U.S. resistance movement in the United States, it is clear there will be additional violence in the attacks on law enforcement and U.S. institutions, including banks,” he writes.

In an article written for the Daily Mail, Klein continues:

“Ties between three key leaders of the Oakland group [names redacted] met in Hamburg with a leader of the AQAP [Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] and the AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb], the report continued.

“The leader from AQAP is an Egyptian-born male [name redacted] who is known to be in charge of finances and recruiting for the group. There is evidence from informants that he is helping the Oakland group acquire the weapons they are seeking, primarily bomb-making equipment and toxic chemicals and gasses.

“One of the men from Oakland traveled to Syria to meet with ISIS; the purpose was for training in tactics, but was thought to be primarily a bonding visit to discuss possible massive disruptive attacks in the U.S.

“While in Hamburg, several of the Oakland-based criminals were photographed throwing Molotov cocktails and wielding iron bars, which have been their weapons of choice, though they are almost certainly on the verge of upping the caliber of their weaponry for use in the U.S.”

Klein notes, “Despite having their faces covered by masks, they were positively identified.”

Previous FBI Director James Comey also “collected intelligence on the connections between Middle Eastern jihadis, European radicals, and the American anarchists who are part of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ movement,” writes Klein, quoting an an FBI source who had access to Comey’s intelligence reports.

The American anarchists communicate with the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations online on a variety of websites especially on what’s known as the Dark Web, on which they also find instructions how to make bombs.

Tellingly, Klein notes,

“As the Trump administration has demonstrated it’s serious about destroying the Islamic State, and depriving ISIS of territory in Iraq and Syria, the alliance between the American radicals and ISIS has grown even closer. The Internet chatter between the Americans and the Islamists is astronomical.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses …

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al-Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

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Clinton Campaign, Democrats Paid For Creation Of So-Called Trump Dirty Dossier

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A high-powered law firm representing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped financially in creating controversial documents that conservative politicians and law enforcement sources eventually called a fraudulent “dirty dossier” on then-candidate Donald Trump, according to a Conservative Base law enforcement source, former police commander Wallace “Wally” Danzinger.

According to reporters from a number of news outlets, the Clinton campaign and the DNC helped pay for what would become the “dirty dossier” that contained unverified and salacious allegations about Trump.

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R- South Carolina, believes the Democrats in both houses of Congress — as well as those enmeshed in Deep State politics and activities — are frightened that the Federal Bureau of Investigation utilized the suspicious Russian “Dirty Dossier” in justifying its investigation of relations between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Gowdy, 53,  a former criminal prosecutor, also believes that the so-called Mueller Special Counsel is an investigative unit in search of a crime to investigate. “I’ve not seen or heard one piece of evidence to justify this exercise in political skullduggery. Biased investigators with connections to top Democrats, a leader whose friend was fired by the target of their pseudo-probe and a news media that acts like they are the Democratic Party’s public affairs team,” said former prosecutor and police officer Felicia Colon-Bennett.

“I don’t know why anyone — including California Democrat Rep.Adam Schiff, Vanity Fair magazine, to [MSNBC’s] Rachel Maddow — would not be curious whether or not the world’s premier law enforcement agency relied upon a dossier in connection with an investigation without vetting it,” Gowdy told The Daily Caller.

“For the life of me I don’t understand why they are focused on this,” Gowdy, who is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said of the Democratic resistance, “unless they are fearful that the bureau did rely on a piece of fiction.”

Gowdy is one of the few Republicans to use the term “Democratic resistance” or “Deep State” to describe the “Get Trump” movement. “I’ll get straight to it — I’ve ticked off Nancy Pelosi & her buddy in Congress — Adam Schiff, and the Democrats are targeting me for defeat,” the former law enforcement official said in a press statement.

“Because I have been speaking the truth in Congress this past month (and always), Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are lining up the Democrat machine to take me down next election,” Gowdy warned.


It’s not possible to discuss the genesis of the Dirty Dossier without mentioning a Republican senator who possesses a history of betraying members of his own political  party including his fellow lawmakers.

Earlier this year, Senator John ‘Deep State’ McCain (R-Arizona) — who makes no secret of his hatred for President Trump — dispatched one of his minions to the United Kingdom to obtain what’s known as the Dirty Dossier from an ex-spy after a former British diplomat told McCain about blackmail tapes.

Sen. John McCain said he did “what any citizen would do” when he turned over to the FBI a so-called dirty dossier, that allegedly contained unconfirmed secrets about president-elect Donald Trump. The Arizona Senior Senator has gained a reputation as a “reasonable conservative” but his critics say he is “neither reasonable nor is he a conservative.”

“If you look up the political term RINO in a dictionary it should carry a picture of McCain with the definition ‘Republican In Name Only,’” said police adviser for the National Law Enforcement Legal Defense Society, Charles Coultner. “The media calls him a Maverick. I call him a RINO,” he added.

A former intelligence officer told the Conservative Base that the left-leaning British newspaper, The Guardian, described how the dossier came to be and how McCain got his hands on the super-secret documents.

“I first heard about this mysterious dossier when I was checking out an Inside the Beltway private detective and security firm. The firm allegedly tapped Trump‘s campaign staff and his allies hoping to find negative ammunition against the true Republican Maverick, Donald Trump,” said former military intelligence operative and New York police detective Michael Snopes.

“I know… I know… Senator John McCain is the guy the Democrats love to use to slam the GOP because most of the time he has cooperated with the Democrats, especially now,” said Iris Aquino, a former police official and now a director of security for a major corporation.

Shortly after the election — that left Donald Trump the winner and Hillary Clinton the loser –John McCain  attended a Canadian conference and spoke with a ‘former senior western diplomat’ who knew of the dossier’s existence, claims the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail..

Sir Andrew Wood described to reporters his dealings with McCain: “I would like to stress that I did not pass on any dossier to Senator McCain or anyone else and I did not see a dossier at the time.” However, it’s what Wood did not say that was interesting: He didn’t deny telling McCain about the dirty dossier.

On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal exposed the ex-spy who actually obtained the documents as being British subject, Christopher Steele of MI-6.

Steele’s spy agency discovered a Democratic Party insider who wanted dirt on the now Republican nominee instead.

The unnamed contractor was later identified by the Wall Street Journal as being Christopher Steele. He and another ex-British diplomat, Christopher Burrows, run their own company, Orbis Business Intelligence.

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller May Be Up To His Neck In Suspected Uranium Swindle

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The latest scandal to see the light of day is the often glossed over Obama administration deal that sold up to 20 percent of the USA’s uranium to the Democratic Party’s supposed mortal enemy: Russia.

 A release of government documents reveals that several Obama Democrats – including his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. There are a number of allegations that Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, as well as then FBI director Mueller were involved in a deal that included bribery, money-laundering and criminal conspiracy.

Recently in an exclusive news story, former prosecutor from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), who originally founded the top Washington, DC, government watchdog group Judicial Watch and who now heads Freedom Watch as its current General Counsel and Chairman, Larry Klayman, is taking on the nation’s Deep State leaders, including their latest circus ringmaster.

Klayman, an experienced criminal trial attorney, had filed an official complaint in the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the Trump Justice Department, demanding a full and thorough investigation — and the eventual removal and prosecution — of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“The Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Inspector General (IG) are charged with investigating and remedying unethical and illegal behavior by the special counsel, his office and other DOJ lawyers and staff,” said attorney Klayman, who proved to be a gadfly for both Democratic and Republican administrations.

According to a number of law enforcement and legal experts, President Donald Trump’s new Attorney General Jeff Sessions was bullied by the Democrats and their “fake news” cohorts to recuse himself from the case involving unproven allegations of collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russian government to “snatch Hillary Clinton’s presidential victory away from her and give it to Republican candidate Donald Trump.”

Former Det. Lieutenant Dave Margolin said, “I’ve never seen anything like this before: without one real shred for evidence, the Democrats were able — while being the minority in both houses of Congress and no longer controlling the Executive Branch [of government] — got to have a special prosecutor with more ties to the Democratic Party and the left than Barack Obama,” Margolin alleges.

“Mueller and his conflicted staff — which are Democrat/Clinton political campaign donors and supporters in large part — have illegally leaked grand jury information to harm President Trump, his family and former and present colleagues,” said Klayman.

“Special Counsel Mueller derives his authority and powers from the DOJ, as he was appointed by Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein — not coincidentally a closet Democrat and President Barack Obama’s former U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland,” according to Klayman.

The 66-year-old Klayman also has some choice words for Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Rosenstein. “They have failed and apparently refuse to properly police the illegal grand jury leaks and conflicts of interest of Mueller — putting their own personal, political and professional interests before all else — the job therefore fell upon Freedom Watch to file this complaint to represent the interests of the American people!”

Klayman believes It’s time to honestly address the “sham investigation Mueller has been vindictively pursuing for his friend, a fellow former FBI Director himself, James Comey.” In fact, according to two expert detectives, there is more evidence against Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder and others for crimes committed than there is for a Trump-Vladimir Putin collusion case.
The regrettable back story here is that these two DOJ public servants — Sessions and Rosenstein — are themselves under investigation by Mueller’s growing Democratic-Party staffed investigation squad for their alleged involvement in the imagined collusion with Russia in the case of the AG and the firing of former FBI Director James Comey in the case of Rosenstein.  Klayman believes, as do others including liberal law professors that the investigation by Mueller is political and not criminal.

“For this and other reasons, which sadly are the norm in our compromised Justice Department, which continues to be loyal to the former administration, not the Trump administration, these two leaders have failed so it’s time for US to act,”  Klayman fiercely stated.

He also stated he is warning the powers that be: “If the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the Department of Justice fail to take action, you can rest assured that Freedom Watch will file a court complaint to try to force them to take appropriate and immediate action, as well as use other lawful measures, such as petitioning Chief Judge Beryl Howell in the D.C. federal court overseeing Mueller’s grand jury investigation to address these issues through an evidentiary hearing.”

“To sit back and watch Robert Mueller and his staff’s legal jihad unfold against President Trump and his team with impunity is a huge mistake, and that is why…  the American people, should also intervene and write and email these offices and demand action,” added the successful Beltway insider..

Klayman is advising all American patriots that they should also express their extreme displeasure to Sessions and Rosenstein for their failure to police Special Counsel Mueller and the politically compromised Trump-loathing 16 and counting generally leftist prosecuting attorneys he hired at great taxpayer expense to do an unethical and illegal hit on the POTUS and thus overthrowing a legally elected President Trump.

The complaint Larry Klayman filed on behalf of Freedom Watch, the “People’s Justice Department,” speaks for itself:  Mueller must be removed, along with his conflicted and compromised staff, and then referred to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for prosecution, as they all have violated their oath of office and the sacrosanct Rules of Criminal Procedure, as well as several provisions of professional codes of conduct for lawyers.

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Russia Bribed And Padded Clinton Foundation To Get Control Of US Uranium

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“The FBI confirmed that disgraced former FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton two months before she was even interviewed. Comey knew exactly what he was doing when he launched a phony investigation, preemptively exonerated Hillary Clinton, and leaked classified information to perpetuate the plot against President Trump.” – Tomi Lahren, The Great America Alliance.

The special counsel’s (Robert Mueller’s) investigation into alleged collusion between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump — to secretly torpedo Hillary Clinton’s presidential dreams — drags on with Mueller’s investigators first having to find an actual crime committed by Trump or his campaign workers. But documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation not only show political corruption bordering on treason, but they reveal the likely perpetrators included the Clinton family’s charity, the Obama White House, the Justice Department and the FBI.

Federal cops possessed proof that Russian operatives bribed, paid kickbacks and used corrupt tactics in order to allow Russia to control a substantial amount of U.S uranium. However, it was President Barack Obama who ultimately approved a controversial uranium deal benefiting Moscow in 2010, according to a report released by the news media on Tuesday.

Tens of millions of dollars from uranium investors flowed into the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank tied to the Kremlin before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped decide whether to approve the sale to the Russian government of a company that held one-fifth of America’s uranium capacity.

The report addresses the allegations from the 2016 election cycle that the Bill and Hillary Clinton used the State Department as their own money-laundering facility. The release notes that Bill Clinton and his family foundation got millions of dollars from executives from a uranium company while Hillary Clinton led the State Department and served on a panel that helped seal the deal for a uranium sale to a Russian company.

FBI agents gathered evidence – including recordings and emails – as early as 2009 revealing how Vladimir Putin’s government used bribery and kickback-payment in order to gain control of an American firm that transports uranium, considered “precious cargo.”

The Obama Justice Department reportedly conducted a slow-paced investigated that lasted for years, while hiding the details from the American people and their representatives in Congress. During this time the Obama team made two decisions benefiting Moscow.

The first was the selling of Canadian mining company Uranium One to Russia’s Rosatom nuclear company. That sale involved the United States because it bestowed control of part of the uranium supply in the U.S. to the Russians.

A year later, the Obama administration gave the OK on a separate deal involving  Russia’s Rosatom subsidiary.

The details of the Uranium One deal first emerged in news reports in 2015. Since then, President Trump’s allies have cited the deal – and accusations that the Clintons benefited from figures tied to it — to counter allegations of Russia collusion during the 2016 campaign.

Meanwhile Obama, the news media and the Democratic Party helped Clinton’s campaign by downplaying the allegations:  “No one has produced a shred of evidence that Hillary Clinton ever took action as Secretary of State in order to support the interests of donors to the Clinton Foundation. To suggest the State Department, under then-Secretary Clinton, exerted undue influence in the U.S. government’s review of the sale of Uranium One is utterly baseless. It mischaracterizes the nature of the State Department’s participation in such reviews, and also ignores the range of other regulatory agencies that ultimately supported this sale.”

According to a former federal law enforcement official who spoke to the Conservative Base’s editor, the Obama administration’s Russian-uranium probe was supervised by Rod Rosenstein, who is now overseeing the special counsel probe into the evidence-deficient Russia-Trump allegations.

“Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review and sign off on the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia. However, Clinton was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from multiple people connected to the uranium deal, as reported by the New York Times,” reported Breitbart News on Tuesday.

Russia’s Rosatom Nuclear Company

“The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM is one of the global technological leaders. It is one of the largest companies of the Russian Federation and largest taxpayers of the country.  It brings together nuclear power and power engineering assets, as well as NPP design and construction. ROSATOM is the largest electricity generating company in Russia, producing 196.37 billion kWh of electricity in 2016 (or 18.3% of the country’s total generation of electricity). ROSATOM holds first place for the largest portfolio of foreign construction projects (34 NPPs in 12 countries).

“ROSATOM produces annually approximately 3,000 tons of uranium domestically, and some 5,000 tons in other countries. Raw materials of the Russian and foreign deposits (particularly in Kazakhstan) will be enough to supply both domestic and international projects of Rosatom for the next hundred years.

“ROSATOM with its 1/3 world market share takes the lead in global uranium enrichment services and covers 17.7% of the global nuclear fuel market. ROSATOM also manufactures equipment and produces isotopes for nuclear medicine, carries out research, material studies. It also produces supercomputers and software as well as different nuclear and non-nuclear innovative products. ROSATOM’s strategy is to develop clean energy projects, including wind energy.

“ROSATOM brings together over 300 enterprises and organizations, including the world’s only nuclear icebreaker fleet. ROSATOM is tasked with implementing the uniform state policy on the uses of atomic energy as well as fulfilling the Russian Federation’s international obligations on the peaceful uses of atomic energy.”

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Pelosi’s New obsession: Banning ‘Bump Stocks’ To Get To Gun Owners

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“When U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, expressed hope that a ban on bump stocks would be a ‘slippery slope’ leading to more comprehensive gun control, she [unintentionally] united firearms owners like never before in opposition to any new anti-gun laws,” John M. Snyder opined in his Washington, D.C. office on Tuesday. Snyder was dubbed the “dean” of Washington gun lobbyists by both the Washington Post and the New York Times.

“Pelosi let the cat out of the bag,” Snyder said.  “Her admission undercuts the blandishments politicians make that they only want ‘reasonable’ or ‘limited’ gun control.  The truth is they cannot be trusted.  They are dangerous.  The only reasonable response to gun control promoters is a determination to politically clobber them,” he advises America’s millions of law-abiding gun owners.

Holding both undergraduate and graduate (BA, MA) degrees in government from Georgetown University, Snyder has been an NRA magazine editor, an official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Second Amendment Foundation.  He serves as a firearms expert on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP), the Council for America, and the American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens (AFPCC).

“Politicians who [honestly] respect the rights of the people should pay attention to recent remarks by Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Kentucky, of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus.”

Rep. Pelosi’s remarkable admission came during the news media’s national discussion of the Las Vegas massacre which turned into a debate about how to infringe on citizens’ constitutional right without the citizens’ understanding of what’s being perpetrated on them by leftist politicians.

Scores of victims were murdered and hundreds wounded in Las Vegas allegedly by a lone gunman who was “loaded for bear.”  There has been discussion on Capitol Hill and elsewhere regarding public policy on bump stocks.  The devices were reportedly in the possession of the Vegas sniper, but it isn’t known if he used it during his intense shooting spree.

A bump stock is a device that can be used to increase the rapidity of bullet expulsion from semiautomatic rifles.

Pelosi was asked at an October 5 press conference if she thought gun control opponents would argue that an attempt to regulate bump stocks would be a “slippery slope” towards additional anti-gun proposals.   Pelosi stated:  “They’re going to say, ‘You give them bump stock, it’s going to be a slippery slope.’  I certainly hope so.”

Subsequently, the GOP leader of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus threw cold water on the bump stock regulation discussion.  Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) “said nothing should be done at all until all the facts are known about the Las Vegas shooter’s methods,” reported the Washington Examiner on October 8.  “We have nothing but TV reports where the facts change every day about how many weapons [the shooter possessed] and what were the weapons,” Massie said.

“It’s not been reliably documented what weapons he had.  Until we have the facts, it doesn’t do too much good to debate hypotheticals,” said Rep. Massie.

John Snyder wholeheartedly agreed by saying, “Rep. Massie’s statement is prudent.  Politicians would be better off following a reasonable approach to Vegas than going off with half-cocked proposals in response to media-generated hysteria.”

“Gun-grabbing, anti-right to life Democrat leaders Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, both Californians, have established themselves just a few weeks before Halloween as the Wicked Witches of the West,” gun dean John M. Snyder noted here today.

“Sen. Feinstein said yesterday that no law would have stopped the alleged mass murderer in Las Vegas but that she still supports more gun control anyway,” Snyder continued.  “Rep. Pelosi admitted last Thursday that moves against bump stocks reportedly used by the killer would be a step on a ‘slippery slope’ leading to more restrictive gun control.

“Both Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Pelosi in effect have admitted they don’t care about the truth but will say anything they think will advance their anti-gun cause.  It’s not surprising.  They’re both pro-abortion and are all in for legislation that facilitates the murder of innocent, unborn children.  They do not care about the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of life or for the right to life itself,” he warned.

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and the “senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.  The Trace designated him a power broker.

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Fire, Indict And Prosecute Political Hack Robert Mueller: Says Former Federal Prosecutor

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A former prosecutor from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), who originally founded the top Washington, DC, government watchdog group Judicial Watch and who now heads Freedom Watch as its current General Counsel and Chairman, Larry Klayman, is taking on the nation’s Deep State leaders, including their latest circus ringmaster.

Klayman, an experienced criminal trial attorney had filed an official complaint on Monday in the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the Trump Justice Department, demanding a full and thorough investigation — and the eventual removal and prosecution — of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

“The Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and Inspector General (IG) are charged with investigating and remedying unethical and illegal behavior by the special counsel, his office and other DOJ lawyers and staff,” said attorney Klayman, who proved to be a gadfly for both Democratic and Republican administrations.

According to a number of law enforcement and legal experts, President Donald Trump’s new Attorney General Jeff Sessions was bullied by the Democrats and their “fake news” cohorts to recuse himself from the case involving unproven allegations of collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russian government to “snatch Hillary Clinton’s presidential victory away from her and give it to Republican candidate Donald Trump.”

Former Det. Lieutenant Dave Margolin said, “I’ve never seen anything like this before: without one real shred for evidence, the Democrats were able — while being the minority in both houses of Congress and now controlling the Executive Branch [of government] — got to have a special prosecutor with more ties to the Democratic Party and the left than Barack Obama,” Margolin alleges.

“Mueller and his conflicted staff — which are Democrat/Clinton political campaign donors and supporters in large part — have illegally leaked grand jury information to harm President Trump, his family and former and present colleagues,” said Klayman.

“Special Counsel Mueller derives his authority and powers from the DOJ, as he was appointed by Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Rod Rosenstein — not coincidentally a closet Democrat and President Barack Obama’s former U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland,” according to Klayman.

The 66-year-old Klayman also has some choice words for Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Rosenstein. “They have failed and apparently refuse to properly police the illegal grand jury leaks and conflicts of interest of Mueller — putting their own personal, political and professional interests before all else — the job therefore fell upon Freedom Watch to file this complaint to represent the interests of the American people!”

Klayman believes It’s time to honestly address the “sham investigation Mueller has been vindictively pursuing for his friend, a fellow former FBI Director himself, James Comey.” In fact, according to two expert detectives, there is more evidence against Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder and others for crimes committed than there is for a Trump-Vladimir Putin collusion case.

The regrettable back story here is that these two DOJ public servants — Sessions and Rosenstein — are themselves under investigation by Mueller’s growing Democratic-Party staffed investigation squad for their alleged involvement in the imagined collusion with Russia in the case of the AG and the firing of former FBI Director James Comey in the case of Rosenstein.  Klayman believes, as do others including liberal law professors that the investigation by Mueller is political and not criminal.

“For this and other reasons, which sadly are the norm in our compromised Justice Department, which continues to be loyal to the former administration, not the Trump administration, these two leaders have failed so it’s time for US to act,”  Klayman fiercely stated.

He also stated he is warning the powers that be: “If the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General of the Department of Justice fail to take action, you can rest assured that Freedom Watch will file a court complaint to try to force them to take appropriate and immediate action, as well as use other lawful measures, such as petitioning Chief Judge Beryl Howell in the D.C. federal court overseeing Mueller’s grand jury investigation to address these issues through an evidentiary hearing.”

“To sit back and watch Robert Mueller and his staff’s legal jihad unfold against President Trump and his team with impunity is a huge mistake, and that is why…  the American people, should also intervene and write and email these offices and demand action,” added the successful Beltway insider..

Klayman is advising all American patriots that they should also express their extreme displeasure to Sessions and Rosenstein for their failure to police Special Counsel Mueller and the politically compromised Trump-loathing 16 and counting generally leftist prosecuting attorneys he hired at great taxpayer expense to do an unethical and illegal hit on the POTUS and thus overthrowing a legally elected President Trump.

The complaint Larry Klayman filed on behalf of Freedom Watch, the “People’s Justice Department,” speaks for itself:  Mueller must be removed, along with his conflicted and compromised staff, and then referred to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for prosecution, as they all have violated their oath of office and the sacrosanct Rules of Criminal Procedure, as well as several provisions of professional codes of conduct for lawyers.

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

American Employer Discriminates Against US Citizens In Favor Of Immigrants

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A Colorado company raised the ire of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in its hiring practice of favoring immigrants over Americans — even Latino Americans. The lawsuit described how citizens, for example, were forced to undergo drug tests while immigrants received waivers on background checks and drug testing.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit on Thursday accusing an agricultural company of discrimination for refusing to hire American citizens applying for seasonal positions. The company is based in Loveland, Colorado, but has facilities located in other states such as Texas.

The acting assistant attorney general in the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, John G. Gore, claims Crop Production Services Inc. violated the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The DOJ complaint states plainly that Crop Production Services discriminated against three American citizens of Latino heritage: Ramiro Torres, Ramiro Salinas, and Javier Salinas, “based on their citizenship status” and the fact they are not illegal aliens or President Barack Obama’s immigrant tsunami participants.

“It’s outrageous! You have three Americans who complied with U.S. immigration law and became legal citizens, but they were ‘iced’ out of jobs to benefit foreigners,” said former police detective Iris Aquino. “This case illustrates the Deep State’s intentional replacement of Americans with immigrants more willing to vote for liberal-left candidates and more likely to accept neo-Socialism in the U.S,” she added.

The DOJ argues the company put these individuals through a more rigorous hiring and vetting process and denied them jobs as seasonal workers at a rice breeding facility in El Campo, Texas. The company instead filled all its positions with “H-2A visa holders from Mexico.”

The law states: “The H-2A program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural jobs. A U.S. employer,a U.S. agent as described in the regulations,or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective worker’s behalf.”

Under the INA, it is unlawful for employers to intentionally discriminate against U.S. workers because of their citizenship status or to otherwise favor the employment of temporary foreign workers over available, qualified U.S. workers.  In addition, the H-2A visa program requires employers to recruit and hire available, qualified U.S. workers before hiring temporary foreign workers.

“In the spirit of President Trump’s Executive Order on Buy American and Hire American, the Department of Justice will not tolerate employers who discriminate against U.S. workers because of a desire to hire temporary foreign visa holders,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement announcing the lawsuit. “The Justice Department will enforce the Immigration and Nationality Act in order to protect U.S. workers as they are the very backbone of our communities and our economy.”

“Where there is a job available, U.S. workers should have a chance at it before we bring in workers from abroad,” Sessions said.

The DOJ accused Crop Production of preferring “to hire temporary foreign workers under the H-2A visa program,” and they discouraged American citizens from working at the facility.

“For instance, the complaint alleges that whereas U.S. citizens had to complete a background check and a drug test before being permitted to start work, H-2A workers were allowed to begin working without completing them and, in some cases, never completed them,” the DOJ said. “The complaint also states that Crop Production did not hire a limited-English proficient U.S. citizen for employment but they instead hired H-2A workers who could not speak [any] English.”

The Immigration and Nationality Act prohibits companies from deliberately discriminating based on American citizenship status.

“In addition, the H-2A visa program requires employers to recruit and hire available, qualified U.S. workers before hiring temporary foreign workers,” the DOJ said.

The DOJ is seeking back pay for Torres and Ramiro and Javier Salinas, civil penalties, and remedial relief in the lawsuit.

“Specifically, [Crop Production] refused to allow Javier and Ramiro Salinas to start working in Seasonal Technician jobs at [Crop Production’s] rice breeding facility in El Campo, Texas, during the 2016 work season, and refused to interview Ramiro Torres for a Seasonal Technician job during the 2016 season, because [Crop Production] preferred to hire only temporary foreign workers for those jobs rather than employing qualified U.S. workers such as the Injured Parties,” the complaint states.

The complaint adds that on at least two occasions, visa holders from Mexico who were hired were given Social Security Numbers by Crop Production after they started work.

“For decades, low-skilled and unskilled immigration into the United States has surged, depressing wages and harming America’s most vulnerable citizens,” the White House said. “The RAISE Act follows through on President Trump’s promise to reform our immigration system to put America first.”


One of the largest tree and brushwood removing companies in the U.S. entered a guilty plea for hiring and re-hiring hundreds of illegal alien employees. The company’s CEO was ordered to pay over $90 million to the DOJ.

Asplundh Tree Experts, based in Pennsylvania’s Willow Grove, have been contracted by utility companies like PECO (Philadelphia utility company), PSE&G (a New Jersey utility), and others. The company maintains the areas surrounding electric and gas lines.

U.S. attorney special assistant Josh Davison said the evidence points to the Asplundh management ignoring immigration lawbreaking for years while work was being done by illegal immigrants.

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Police Adviser: Moore Primary Victory In Alabama A Rejection Of ‘Kook Morality’

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Judge Roy Moore’s 10-point victory in the Alabama Senate Republican primary is a striking rejection of kook morality,” John M. Snyder said in the nation’s capital today.

“Let us commend Moore as he now moves on to the unusual general election in December occasioned by the confirmation of former Sen. Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General,” Snyder added. The former National Rifle Association (NRA) official has been named the “dean” of Washington gun lobbyists by  the Washington Post and New York Times

Snyder said that, “Hopefully, Moore’s success is an indication that America is waking up, is fed up with the Satanic immorality put forth as politically correct by many of the powers that be, and ready to deep-six that nefarious gang.”

“Moore, now 70,” Snyder pointed out, “has been known for years as a champion of traditionally solid moral values.”

“During the campaign, Moore said, ‘our foundation has been shaken.  Crime, corruption, immorality, abortion, sodomy, sexual perversion sweeps our land.  When we become one nation under God again, when liberty and justice for all reigns across our land, we will be truly good again.'”

“Moore has been persecuted for his support of traditional Judaeo-Christian values,” Snyder recalled.  “He has been removed as Alabama chief justice twice, once for refusing to remove a monument to the Ten Commandments from the state hall of justice, and, a second time for telling local officials to ignore the U. S. Supreme Court ruling favorable to same-sex marriage.  He seems four-square in his commitment to what public officials and others should be committed.”

“In addition,” said Snyder, “Judge Moore is an avid supporter of Second Amendment values.  He opposes bans on semiautomatic firearms and high-capacity magazines, and an expansion of background checks.  He sees that as a backdoor attempt at gun registration.  He supports national reciprocity for the carrying of concealed firearms by individuals with state OKs to do so.

“It will take time, effort and treasure to clean up the mess in Washington and the rest of the country.  The election of Judge Moore to the U.S. Senate in Alabama’s special election in December could be a giant step in that direction.”

“For some time now observers and relevant experts generally have agreed that between 80 and 100 million people own about 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. In the last several years, though, FBI national instant criminal records checks indicate tens of millions of Americans purchase tens of millions of firearms each year,” notes the former editor for the National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s) magazines.

That means more and more Americans are buying more and more guns.  According to at least one expert mathematical estimate, there now are between 412 and 660 hundred million firearms in private hands in the United States (

Snyder also quoted figures from a national poll service: “A recent Pew Research Center study on ‘America’s Complex Relationship With Guns,’ shows that household gun ownership is up seven percentage points over the last two years to 44%, and that most gun owners cite protection as a major reason for owning a gun.  The figures are 67% for protection, 38% for hunting, 30% for sport shooting, 13% as part of a gun collection, and 8% for their job.”

Snyder stated, “Citizen firearms possession has the support of many in the law enforcement community.  Some high-profile law enforcement executive officers even advocate personal civilian firearms ownership.  At least one of them, Sheriff Wayne Ivey, the chief law enforcement officer in Brevard County, Florida, states that each citizen should acquire a handgun, learn how to use it, get a permit to carry a concealed firearm, and carry it at all times.”

A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center indicates that nearly two million more Americans obtained their concealed carry permits last year, setting a new record for the fourth year in a row.  CPRC says 16.3 million U.S. citizens have CCW permits, up from 4.5 million just a decade ago.

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University.  He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation.  He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Pope Francis Accused of Spreading Heresy And Embracing Radical George Soros

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

One of the most often quoted statements attributed to the father of Communism, Karl Marx, is that Religion is the opium of the people, a translation of his German statement “Die Religion … ist das Opium des Volkes.”

Several dozen Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have formally accused Pope Francis of spreading heresy and are suspicious of his relationship with American left-wing political figures.

In a 25-page letter delivered to Francis last month and provided Saturday to The Associated Press, the 62 signatories issued a “filial correction” to the pope — a measure they said hadn’t been employed since the 14th century.

Under Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic Church has been subtly changing the Holy See’s positions on the definition of sin. He has also opened the Vatican’s doors to some of the most radical people one can imagine such as the multi-billionaire leftist George Soros and his henchman and associates.

Instead of speaking out against America’s abortion industry or issues such as transgender bathrooms and same-sex marriage, this Pope has condemned people who are prosperous and successful, sided with illegal immigrants even though they break laws, and suggested the church should be a refuge for the poor.

Pope Francis — who has become the progressive and far-left Democrats’ favorite Pontiff –reportedly “sidelined conservative cardinals, installed like-minded allies in key jobs, taken personal control of the Knights of Malta for defying him, and generally sent the signal that behind his amiable smile and humble talk lurks a radically liberal agenda,” according to Fox News and Newsmax.

What troubles many Catholics in the United States is the Church’s adversity towards President Donald Trump and his stands on U.S. sovereignty, border security, illegal immigration and radical Islam. “There appears to be no doubt that Francis dislikes Trump who is pro-life, charitable and given to personal expressions of being a Christ-centered American. The Pope despises Trump but supports and likes Hillary Clinton, who believes in government-paid abortion programs, and who can’t get through one day without lying and proved herself to be a greedy and hugely dishonest politician who bilked Haiti’s suffering population out of millions of dollars in aid money. Her? The Pope likes. Her and her adulterous husband,” said former police captain Charles McMillan, who claims to be a devout Catholic and whose brother is a Catholic priest.

During President Trump’s first year in the White House, the United States is dealing with what’s arguably the early stages of rebellion.  Political turmoil and social tumult followed eight years of a federal government run by aging campus-radicals such as President Barack Obama and his appointees who openly defied the U.S. Constitution. They were aided by members of the mass media and big-pocketed radicals such as multibillionaire George Soros

Information obtained from Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta’s emails and DCLeaks documents from George Soros’ own Open Society Foundation corroborate that Soros’ private intelligence agents/detectives secretly meeting with top Vatican cardinals, according to the documents. It’s a bold step and presents a very real threat to Christianity, liberty and capitalism.

For example, while preparing for a Papal visit to North and South Americas, the Pope’s minions working in the Vatican went out of their way to get cozy with what’s commonly called the radical fringe of the U.S. Democratic Party.

“Basically, from what we’ve gleaned from the Wikileaks and DCLeaks material, the Pope is actually colluding with one of the world’s wealthiest — some say wickedest — neo-Socialist who is hell bent in creating a single ruling entity for the entire planet. His vision dwarfs even the world described by George Orwell in his cautionary tale 1984,” claims political consultant and attorney Michael Baker.

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Is Firearms Foe Sen. Feinstein Out To Gut Christianity, Asks Washington Post’s Gun Dean

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Is Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein now targeting Christians as well as gun owners,” John M. Snyder asked rhetorically here today.

The Washington Post and New York Times named Snyder the “dean” of Washington gun lobbyists.

Snyder pointed out that, “The California Democrat for years has been a leading sponsor of anti-gun legislation with her proposals for mandatory national firearms registration and gun owner licensing, bans on semi-automatic firearms, bans on high-capacity ammunition feeding devices, and so on.

“Now it seems she is zeroing in on Christians, specifically Catholics, with her Committee questioning of a Trump nominee to the 7th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals because of the nominee’s Christian faith.  Feinstein got Amy Coney Barrett in the political crosshairs at a recent hearing.   The Senator complained directly to the nominee that, ‘the dogma lives loudly within you.'”

Barrett, a Catholic, is a law professor at Notre Dame University.

“Feinstein is concerned about Corbett’s opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage, and is part of the politically-correct gang that seems unable generally to appreciate Christian values and that actively opposes them,” Snyder said.

“Perhaps the elderly anti-gun, anti-Catholic California Senator, now 84, will become known as the ‘Wicked Witch of the West,'” he added.

“On the other hand,” Snyder continued, “we can hope and pray that Feinstein and others will see the error of their ways and come to a genuine appreciation of spiritual reality as superior beyond compare with political correctness.  Let all of us sinners come to a realization of the truth.  Let us all consider deeply the declaration of Jesus Christ that, ‘wicked designs come from the deep recesses of the heart: acts of fornication, theft, murder, adulterous conduct, greed, maliciousness, deceit, sensuality, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, an obtuse spirit.  (Mark 7:21-22).’

“Let all consider, also, St. Paul’s warning that, without repenting, ‘no fornicators, idolaters, or adulterers, no sodomites, thieves, misers, or drunkards, no slanderers or robbers will inherit God’s kingdom (1 Corinthians, 6:9-10).'”

“I think whatever a religion is, it has its own dogma,” declared the California senator during Barrett’s confirmation hearing . “And I think in your case, professor, when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern when you come to the big issues that large numbers of people have fought for years in this country.”

“Professor Barrett has argued that a judge’s faith should affect how they approach certain cases. Based on this Sen. Feinstein questioned her if she could separate her views from the law, particularly regarding women’s reproductive rights.”

But professor Barrett is already on record, and widely quoted, that a judge should recuse himself or herself when deliberating a case that conflicts with his or her religious convictions.

Most fundamental, however, is a judge’s willingness and ability to think clearly, rigorously and honestly. It is on this test – clear, rigorous and honest thought – we find the failure on the side of Sen. Feinstein

A practicing Catholic, Snyder has been named “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.  The Trace designated him a power broker.

He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University.  He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation.  He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America, and American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.

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News Media Ignored The 9-11 Benghazi Anniversary To Protect Democrats

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On Wednesday evening the former fiance’ of Benghazi victim Ambassador Chris Stevens — who was falsely reported by some as being gay — appeared on One America News Network to discuss her book about Amb. Stevens and to give her take on Hillary Clinton’s latest book explaining why she lost the election.

Film and television star Lydie Denier, a French national, fell in love with a young, idealistic U.S. State Department staff member Christopher Stevens in 1994. Even after they broke off their engagement, they remained close friends and she continued to admit he was the love of her life.

Unfortunately for Ms. Denier and the American people, the news media, political commentators and “No Trumpers” appear more inclined to zero-in on negative tales about President Donald Trump, and less enthusiastic about in-depth coverage of Battle of Benghazi.  In fact, new revelations — how they were framing people for causing the attack on the U.S. consulate —   show just how extremely corrupt President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their minions are capable of being.

Even now, Obama, Clinton and the Deep State are plotting the destruction of President Trump despite his successes and the renewed energy emanating from the White House.

One of the more sinister aspects of the investigation into Benghazi concerns the allegation that before choosing Sam Bacile’s (a/k/a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula) movie trailer The Innocence of Muslims to blame for the terrorist attack and deaths of Americans in Libya, they considered blaming an American Christian pastor and his own videotape regarding Islam. According to documents examined by investigators, Oregon-based Christian Pastor Jon Courson had created an instruction video entitled God vs. Allah

A non-profit watchdog organization discovered Obama administration documents that tend to prove President Barack Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were more concerned about covering up the 13-hour battle for survival that occurred at a U.S. diplomatic mission in war-torn Libya. Four brave Americans — including a U.S. ambassador — gave their lives on behalf of the American people during a full-scale battle that lasted about 13 hours.

While one of the security agents lay bleeding in that Benghazi diplomatic mission on Sept. 11, 2012, the U.S. Commander in Chief had his subordinates telephone the Internet company YouTube  seeking an anti-Muslim video and then he went to bed to rest up before his Las Vegas trip to raise campaign funds for his reelection, according to documents obtained by the non-profit watchdog organization Judicial Watch.

According to those documents obtained by Judicial Watch from “the most transparent administration” in U.S. history, diplomatic security agent David Ubben, as did former Navy SEALs-turned-CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, ran into the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in an attempt to save U.S. officials — including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens — who were under attack by Islamist terrorists armed with military rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).

Ubben’s leg was shattered by the same enemy mortar round that left Woods and Doherty both dead. While the security agent’s leg was shredded and bloody, he suffered with excruciating pain for twenty hours before a rescue plane arrived to assist him and other wounded Americans.

“The brave and professional security specialist [Ubben] was forced to lay in his own blood hoping that someone would arrive to help him. He had no idea that the CIA and military special forces were ordered to ‘stand down’ by someone,” said former military intelligence operative and police detective Michael Snopes.

“Judicial Watch  — not the politicians — managed to get the documents that provide evidence that the Obama White House called YouTube and the Commander in Chief — the Commander in Chief! — left for what he does best: campaigning in Las Vegas for cash,” Snopes added.

These released documents show that Obama White House staff members — possibly Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice and Valerie Jarrett — spent their time linking the terror attack to a YouTube video while Americans lay dead or dying or suffering in a compound that was located in a dangerous part of the world and had minimal security, according to the documents that should outrage all Americans.

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Public Schools Throughout The Nation Mandate Islamic Indoctrination

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In April, published a news story about Islamic indoctrination in the San Diego, California, schools. Now we have discovered the indoctrination is spreading to school districts such as Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Parents throughout the U.S. have been objecting to a school program called Access Islam.” The federally-funded program is directed at grade-school children is also featured on various websites. States such as Maryland and Massachusetts are now joined by New Jersey, where Morris County’s Chatham Township has jumped into the legal fray.

The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a non-profit, public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, announced that it is representing two Chatham Township (Morris County), New Jersey mothers who are being lambasted by members of their own community.

“Their crime: appearing on Fox TV’s Tucker Carlson Show to voice concerns about the Islamic indoctrination of Chatham Middle School seventh graders,” according to a TMLC press statement.

While seventh graders in this public school are taught: “May God help us all find the true faith, Islam,” they are prevented from even mentioning the name Jesus Christ even during the Christmas season.

Richard Thompson, Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented: “The promotion of Islam is worse than what the mothers presented to [when they appeared on Fox News Channel’s] Tucker Carlson show. After viewing one of the videos which the seventh graders were directed to watch, I can’t imagine any objective person saying this is not Islamic indoctrination. Clueless school administrators across our nation are allowing this type of indoctrination to take place and it’s up to vigilant parents to stop it. Libby and Nancy should have been praised, not pilloried.”

Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer, with sons in different classes in the seventh grade, detailed their concerns in person to the Chatham Board of Education at their public meeting. Superintendent Michael LaSusa indicated that any change to the curriculum was unlikely, and the next day also refused their request to meet privately with him to discuss their concerns, according to the Clarion Project.

According to their attorney Richard Thompson, Libby Hilsenrath and Nancy Gayer were subjected to personal attacks throughout their campaign to stop Islamic indoctrination at the Chatham Middle School. They were defamed as “bigots” and “Islamophobes”, “hateful”, “ignorant”, “xenophobes”, “intolerant”, “racist”, “closed minded”, “sad and ignorant” in social media, and the list goes on. The attacks significantly intensified after their appearance on the Tucker Carlson Show.

Commenting on the community’s reaction, Nancy Gayer stated: “It’s just not fair that within this unit of study the Chatham school district taught one religion to the exclusion of all others, and for the community to be so unkind and unwelcoming towards us, just for having raised legitimate questions as concerned parents.”

Libby Hilsenrath added, “One of my fundamental obligations as a parent is to guide the religious and secular education of my children. That’s why I will continue the fight against the Islamic indoctrination now taking place at Chatham, regardless of the personal attacks.”

Nancy Gayer contrasted the World Cultures and Geography lessons on Islam to her son’s previous experience in fourth grade when he was precluded from including a short quote from the Bible, “he who lends to the poor, lends to the Lord.” (Prov 19:17)

The quote was a part of his video presentation related to gathering warm clothes for underprivileged children. Nancy said that her son’s teacher informed him that the brief Biblical quote “belongs in Sunday school, not in the classroom.” Obviously, based upon the World Cultures and Geography lessons being taught to children within the same school district, this abridgment of religious speech does not apply to Islam.


As part of the school’s “World History” curriculum, high school students in Maryland were taught extensively about Islam — without any context of current events — and required to list the benefits of the religion.

In one homework assignment obtained by a news outlet, the question was asked: “How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?” The correct answer was, “With tolerance, kindness and respect.”

One parent, John Kevin Wood, who objected to the mandatory class said, “I don’t force my religious views on them, so don’t force your religious views on me.”

His wife, Melissa, noted, “We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school but they can discuss Islam’s Five Pillars?”

The couple asked that their daughter be excused from this part of the curriculum and given an alternative assignment, a request which was refused. The father was told that the assignment must be done or his daughter would receive a zero. Students are allowed to opt out of other modules in the high school, for example, sex education.


Charges that teaching materials about the Middles East are biased and funded by Saudi, Palestinian, and other Arab states were levied against Newton high schools.

One of the books the schools recommend as reading material included extremist writings by Muslim Brotherhood leaders Sayyid Qutb and Yusuf Qaradawi, who is known for his sermons calling for the murder of Jews and homosexuals.

Newton school officials have continuously refused to make school curricula and teaching materials available to residents.

Public pressure previously forced the high schools to discontinue using the Saudi-funded Arab World Studies Notebook, which makes spurious charges against Israel. The book has been rejected by a number of other school districts as well.

School officials claimed the book helped to develop the students’ “critical thinking skills.”

A number of anti-Semitic incidents were reported in Newton high schools during use of the book. School officials, in violation of mandatory reporting procedures, failed to inform parents and police of the escalating incidents.

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Fired FBI Director Comey’s Deceit: Exonerated Hillary Before The First Witness Was Questioned

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Transcripts released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that were reviewed by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed that the controversial FBI Director, James Comey, started drafting his statement exonerating then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the infamous email investigation prior to the FBI’s questioning of key witnesses, according to both Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina).

The Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley and Graham, who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, requested all records relating to the drafting of the statement as the committee continues to review the circumstances surrounding Comey being canned by President Donald Trump.

“Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation.  The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy,” the senators wrote in a letter today to the FBI.

Last fall, following allegations from Democrat lawmakers, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) began investigating whether Comey’s actions in the Clinton email investigation violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits government employees from using their official position to influence an election.  In the course of that investigation, OSC interviewed two FBI officials close to Comey: James Rybicki, Comey’s Chief of Staff, and Trisha Anderson, the Principal Deputy General Counsel of National Security and Cyberlaw.

OSC provided transcripts of those interviews at Grassley’s request after it closed the investigation due to Comey’s termination.

Both transcripts are heavily redacted without explanation, a bad habit the FBI and other agencies developed during the Obama administration.

According to Grassley’s press statement on Friday, the transcripts do indicate that Comey began drafting a statement to announce the conclusion of the Clinton email investigation in April or May of 2016, before the FBI interviewed up to 17 key witnesses including former Secretary Clinton and several of her closest aides.

“When I recall the many times the FBI came into a local police department and began to bully local cops and made wild accusations — Sheriff Joe Arpaio comes to mind — it makes my blood boil to hear about these illegal shenanigans by FBI agents,” said former police sergeant and U.S. Marine Tony Rappaport (HPD-Ret.). He added, “The Democratic Party has turned the FBI into their own goon squad. President Trump has enough ammunition now to fire [Robert] Mueller as the special counsel investigating the so-called Trump-Russia case. Mueller is part of the Clinton-Obama political gang who use the justice system to silence their political opponents.”

The drafting of Comey’s statement to give Hillery Clinton a “pass”  also occurred prior to the FBI entering into immunity agreements with Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson where the Department agreed to a very limited review of Secretary Clinton’s emails and to destroy their laptops after review.  To this day, the FBI and Comey have refused to explain the reason for destroying the Clinton-connected computers.

In July during a special press briefing by Comey, he shocked many Americans when he exonerated Clinton despite noting “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information.”

“In their letter, the two chairmen requested all drafts of Comey’s statement closing the Clinton investigation, all related emails and any records previously provided to OSC in the course of its investigation. OSC is the permanent, independent investigative agency for personnel matters in the federal government and is not related to Robert Mueller’s temporary prosecutorial office within the Justice Department,” according to the press release.

Judicial Watch recently issued an announcement that its attorneys filed three separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Department of Justice seeking all of the records regarding the FBI’s Acting Director Andrew McCabe’s political activities, travel vouchers, and employment status.

One of those named by Judicial Watch in one of their lawsuits is none other than Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has been exposed as a liar by his own state police department following the violent riot in Charlottesville.

McCabe’s wife, Jill, received over $500,000.00 from the Democratic Party leadership for her political campaign at the same time her husband was supervising the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her email scandal.

The first two lawsuits specifically seek records of McCabe’s political activities involving his wife’s failed campaign for political office and interactions with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

McCabe had previously testified before the Senate’s Intelligence Committee to report on “World Wide Threats,” and the committee’s Democrats had a field day attacking President Donald Trump using the self-proclaimed nonpartisan McCabe.

But McCabe is anything but a nonpartisan public servant and Trump should have replaced him even before firing Director James Comey, say active and retired law enforcement officers. In fact, McCabe’s wife received close to half-million dollars for a political campaign that was filtered through Bill and Hillary Clinton’s close friend and business associate Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who chaired the Democratic National Committee.

Andrew McCabe was also the head of the FBI group involved in the scandalous Clinton Foundation probe. It was he who allegedly made the decision against recommending Hillary Clinton be charged criminally, which Director James Comey also recommended to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch made headlines herself when she secretly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane in Arizona a mere four days before Comey announced the decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with any crimes.

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FBI Acting Chief Andrew McCabe Probed By Government Watchdog

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Judicial Watch recently issued an announcement that its attorneys filed three separate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the Department of Justice seeking all of the records regarding the FBI’s Acting Director Andrew McCabe’s political activities, travel vouchers, and employment status.

One of those named by Judicial Watch in one of their lawsuits is none other than Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has been exposed as a liar by his own state police department following the violent riot in Charlottesville.

McCabe’s wife, Jill, received over $500,000.00 from the Democratic Party leadership for her political campaign at the same time her husband was supervising the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her email scandal.

The first two lawsuits specifically seek records of McCabe’s political activities involving his wife’s failed campaign for political office and interactions with Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

McCabe had previously testified before the Senate’s Intelligence Committee to report on “World Wide Threats,” and the committee’s Democrats had a field day attacking President Donald Trump using the self-proclaimed nonpartisan McCabe.

But McCabe is anything but a nonpartisan public servant and Trump should have replaced him even before firing Director James Comey, say active and retired law enforcement officers. In fact, McCabe’s wife received close to half-million dollars for a political campaign that was filtered through Bill and Hillary Clinton’s close friend and business associate Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who chaired the Democratic National Committee.

Andrew McCabe was also the head of the FBI group involved in the scandalous Clinton Foundation probe. It was he who allegedly made the decision against recommending Hillary Clinton be charged criminally, which Director James Comey also recommended to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch made headlines herself when she secretly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane in Arizona a mere four days before Comey announced the decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with any crimes.

The first FOIA lawsuit, filed (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01494)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all records of communication between FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and other FBI or Department of Justice (“DOJ”) officials regarding, concerning or relating to ethical issues concerning the involvement of Andrew McCabe and/or his wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, in political campaigns;
  • Any and all records related to ethical guidance concerning political activities provided to Deputy Director McCabe by FBI and/or DOJ officials or elements.

The second Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit seeks communication records between then-Deputy Director McCabe and Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the Democratic Party of Virginia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01495)), including:

  • Any and all records of communication between Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and any of the following individuals:
    • Any official within the office of the Governor of Virginia, including but not limited to Governor Terry McAuliffe;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic National Committee;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic Party of Virginia.

The third FOIA lawsuit, also filed by Judicial Watch on July 26 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01493)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all Standard Forms 50 and 52 (i.e., SF-50s and SF-52s) for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all requests for approvals of travel submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all travel vouchers and accompanying receipts and related documentation submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all calendar entries for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

“There are numerous questions about the ethics and judgement of the FBI’s top leadership, particularly Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These new lawsuits will help Americans ‘watch the watchers’ at the powerful FBI.”

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Democratic Party Stonewalling Any Voter Fraud Investigations

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The Brennan Center’s seminal report “The Truth About Voter Fraud” conclusively demonstrated most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless — and that of the few allegations remaining, most reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct. And numerous other studies have reached the same conclusion.” — Brennan Center for Criminal Justice

The Center is named for the U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. who is regarded as one of the most liberal-left justices in the highest court’s history.

Despite the bombardment of news stories that support the Democratic Party’s narrative on voter fraud, President Trump pushed for a commission to investigate voter fraud in the last election almost from the moment he swore the oath of office.

While we would expect the left to fight hard against anything the President says for the sake of obstruction, this one seems to hit a button with them. Your instincts already tell you that this is likely a problem, but the left seems to have a lot of evidence and arguments to back their resistance, according to an American Liberty Report on voter fraud.

The Left’s Argument

The arguments are numerous and vociferous. First, Democrats are calling the investigation a look into voter suppression. They have long argued that actions taken to decrease illegal voting only serve to prevent eligible voters from participating in democracy. They also point out that these laws disproportionately affect low income and minority groups.

The left also says that the investigation is an assault on democracy itself and that questioning the legitimacy of election results is bad for the process. Somehow, the irony of this statement eludes them. They also like to quote a study that suggests voter fraud is extremely rare and doesn’t require action. Finally, they claim that the investigation is a violation of privacy rights, and it is on that ground that multiple states have refused to provide the requested information.

Take a look at each of these arguments individually:

Voter Suppression

The left claims that voter ID laws restrict voting and disproportionately impact minorities. These are both true statements that are misleading nonetheless. First, the laws are absolutely designed to suppress votes: illegal votes. But, we can’t know how effective they are without President Trump’s investigation.

Second, the minority statement is technically true. When you compare voter turnout across states that do and do not have ID laws and then normalize those numbers by population distribution, then you find that a larger percentage of black voters are skipping the polls, and it correlates with “voter suppression” laws.

Did that sound complicated? It has to in order to mislead you. Here’s the raw truth. Voter ID laws makes it so voting requires the same identification as buying alcohol. The same groups that would struggle to vote would also struggle to drink, yet you don’t see that correlation in the studies.

More importantly, greater than 50 percent of “suppressed” voters are low-income, working-class whites. This is a group that staunchly favors President Trump. The disproportionate effect is just an extension of the size of population. If something impacts 50 black and 50 white voters, then because there are fewer black Americans, it disproportionately affects them. In reality, Trump likely lost more votes to ID laws than Clinton did.

Voter Fraud Doesn’t Happen

A few years ago, there was a study that showed how rare voter fraud was. The left quotes it all the time. The problem? It only looked at a very narrow and specific type of fraud. According to the study, there have been fewer than a dozen cases across the nation of people casting illegal votes by posing as the deceased. That’s the only thing the study measured. Within the last year, a separate study looked at voter eligibility in Virginia. It found that roughly 2,000 ineligible votes were cast and counted in 2016 alone, and it is the basis for the new investigation. Imagine how much larger that number might be in border states like California.

Invasion of Privacy

It is true that turning over the information requested for the investigation would include names, addresses and other sensitive personal information. It’s also true that said information is already being held and stored by the states. How is handing that data to the federal government an invasion of privacy?

Election Legitimacy

It’s hard not to laugh at this. First, Republicans showed us that voting machines can in fact be hacked. The left assured us it was impossible and we shouldn’t worry. Then, they attacked the legitimacy of the election because Donald Trump won. After that, they showed us that voting machines can in fact be hacked. Now, they tell us that statements that question election results are undemocratic? I’ll leave it at that.

The Hard Truth

The notion that you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide can lead to dangerous thinking. In this case, it’s right on the money. There is already irrefutable evidence that widespread voter fraud is happening, and the one study that actually happened suggests that it could be on the scale of millions of votes.

The left lost their core demographic when they abandoned working-class America. They need illegal votes to stay ahead. They are fully aware of what they have been doing, and they know that proof of their corruption will be their end. They will fight every step of the way to prevent any commission or study from further revealing the truth, but they will ultimately fail.

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CCW Reciprocity Law Can Skewer Self-Defense Opponents, Says the Gun Dean

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Enactment of a national CCW reciprocity law could cut the legs out from under opponents of the right to self-defense and send anti-gun proponents packing,” gun policy expert and police adviser John M. Snyder told Conservative Base on Monday. 

Besides the Washington Post and New York Times dubbing Snyder the “dean of Washington gun lobbyists,” he is a well-known law enforcement advisory board member for both the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP) and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens (AFP&CC).

“It’s time for Congress to move forward with this proposal,” he declared.  “President Donald Trump already has indicated he favors such legislation,” he reminded readers. Some initial endorsements Trump received during the early days of his presidential campaign was from the National Rifle Association (NRA), the National Border Patrol Council, and the union representing Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and officers.

Snyder explained: “Such a law would enable an individual who legally could carry a concealed firearm in a state to carry [it] throughout the country.  It would enable a man or woman legally qualified to carry a concealed firearm in one state to carry in other states as well.  It would under-cut the anti-gun laws of states that are recalcitrant in recognizing the right to keep and bear arms, even for self-defense. The right to carry situation in some ways would be similar to national automobile driving reciprocity.”

“The National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and other firearms rights organizations support some form of this legislative concept,” Snyder noted.  “The Second Amendment community is in strong support of this legislation,” he added.

“On Capitol Hill, the framework for some form of national concealed reciprocity already has been set,” said Snyder, who is a former editor for NRA magazines.

Congressional Action

In the House of Representatives, Rep. Richard Hudson (R-North Carolina) is the sponsor of the proposed Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, H.R. 38, along with 207 cosponsors.  Its passage rests with the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.

Rep. Hudson’s bill, which is supported by major pro-Second Amendment groups, would allow people with a state-issued concealed carry license or permit to conceal a handgun in any other state that allows concealed carry, as long as the permit holder follows the laws of that state. It also allows residents of Constitutional carry states the ability to carry in other states that recognize their own resident’s right to concealed carry.

“Our Second Amendment right doesn’t disappear when we cross state lines, and this legislation guarantees that. The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 is a common sense solution to a problem too many Americans face. It will provide law-abiding citizens the right to conceal carry and travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting state codes or onerous civil suits. As a member of President-elect Trump’s Second Amendment Coalition, I look forward to working with my colleagues and the administration to get this legislation across the finish line,” Hudson said in a press statement. (See video of his Fox News interview posted below.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) is the sponsor of the proposed Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, with 37 cosponsors.  It was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

AWR Hawkins, the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, wrote Saturday that “gun control activists are up in arms over the legislation, because it would immediately do away with strict gun controls in a number of states.”

“Actually, that’s a good reason for supporting it and promoting it.  The gun haters have had too much to say for too long.  It’s time to turn the tables on them and tell them to get lost,” Snyder said in a tongue-in-cheek comment regarding a number of Democrats and liberal Republicans.

Snyder was named “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News.  The Trace designated him a power broker.  He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University.

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New FBI Director Faces Tough Road Ahead With Politicized Agency And Staff

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Christopher Wray was sworn in as the eighth Director of the FBI in a ceremony at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. Attorney General Jeff Sessions administered the oath of office. Director Wray is inheriting an agency that is so politicized that politicians, lawyers and law enforcement seem to have accepted this latest example of government and political corruption.

“It is the honor of a lifetime to serve as Director,” Wray said in a statement Wednesday. “I long ago grew to know and admire the FBI from my earliest days as a line prosecutor to my years as assistant attorney general. I am excited, humbled, and grateful, therefore, to have this chance to work side-by-side again with these fine professionals for the good of the country and the cause of justice.”

“After eight years of radical-left orthodoxy taking control within America’s once premier law enforcement organization, President [Donald) Trump believes he has appointed an FBI director who will carry out his duties.

President Donald Trump nominated Wray for the position in June to replace former Director James Comey. The U.S. Senate confirmed the nomination yesterday.

“Chris has the experience and the strength of character that the American people want in an FBI Director,” said Attorney General Sessions, adding that he looked forward to working with Wray every day to keep the country safe.

Attorney General Issues Statement

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement on the swearing in of the new Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Chris Wray:

“Moments ago, I had the honor of swearing in Chris Wray as our new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Chris has the experience and the strength of character that the American people want in an FBI Director and I congratulate him for being overwhelmingly confirmed to that post and look forward to working with him every day to keep America safe.

“As a former federal prosecutor and head of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, Chris Wray has successfully prosecuted terrorists, drug kingpins, and white-collar criminals. He has earned the respect of his colleagues at DOJ, receiving our highest honor, the Edmund Randolph award, and bipartisan support in the Senate.

“I am confident that the FBI, the premier investigative agency in the world, is in great hands with Director Chris Wray at the helm.”

Problems Facing FBI

Reports coming from the nation’s news organizations have indicated that members of the FBI have turned their agency into a treasure-trove of leaked classified information.

Also, it was discovered that the acting director of the FBI has a wife who ran for office as a Democratic candidate and she received a half-million dollars from the Democratic Party while her husband led the email investigation on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

In addition, reports allege that the FBI’s General Counsel James A. Baker leaked information to reporters. And, of course, you had the fired FBI Director James Comey leaking documents he wrote about the U.S. President. He admitted he turned over the FBI-owned documents to a professor friend who in turn gave them to a reporter at the New York Times.

During the Obama administration, the FBI with all of its power and resources became a “tool” of the Democratic Party and their news media partners.

“There are numerous questions about the ethics and judgement of the FBI’s top leadership, particularly Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These new lawsuits will help Americans ‘watch the watchers’ at the powerful FBI.”

The first FOIA lawsuit, filed (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01494)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all records of communication between FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and other FBI or Department of Justice (“DOJ”) officials regarding, concerning or relating to ethical issues concerning the involvement of Andrew McCabe and/or his wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, in political campaigns;
  • Any and all records related to ethical guidance concerning political activities provided to Deputy Director McCabe by FBI and/or DOJ officials or elements.

The second Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit seeks communication records between then-Deputy Director McCabe and Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the Democratic Party of Virginia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01495)), including:

  • Any and all records of communication between Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and any of the following individuals:
    • Any official within the office of the Governor of Virginia, including but not limited to Governor Terry McAuliffe;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic National Committee;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic Party of Virginia.

The third FOIA lawsuit, also filed by Judicial Watch on July 26 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01493)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all Standard Forms 50 and 52 (i.e., SF-50s and SF-52s) for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all requests for approvals of travel submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all travel vouchers and accompanying receipts and related documentation submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all calendar entries for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

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North Korean Able To Strike U.S. Mainland With Nuclear Warhead

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“The North Korean government headed by madman dictator, Kim Jong-un, is capable of striking cities and towns throughout the continental United States. And they are not playing games.” —Paul T. Rooten-Jeroen, former INTERPOL analyst.

North Korea under the leadership of two dictators — father and son — possesses a missile capable of reaching targets in the continental United States, but analysts also believe that it’s unknown if the North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) can inflict serious damage once it gets there.

U.S. and South Korean intelligence officials claimed that classified Japanese video footage capturing the missile’s re-entry vehicle shortly before it crashed into the sea suggests it failed to survive after re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere following its launch from northern North Korea.

But the suspected failure only increases the number of tests of the Hwasong-14 missile to ensure the nuclear warhead the re-entry from space and hit its intended target, the analysts said.

U.S. Eighth Army and South Korean army personnel conducted a second combined training event to exercise assets in view of today’s North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile launch, Eighth Army officials announced.

This exercise once again utilized the Army Tactical Missile System and South Korea’s Hyunmoo Missile II, which fired missiles into territorial waters of South Korea along the country’s eastern coast on July 5.

The ATACMS can be rapidly deployed and engaged and provides deep-strike precision capability, enabling the U.S.-South Korean alliance to engage a full array of time-critical targets under all weather conditions.

The Defense Department detected and tracked a single North Korea missile launch Friday at about 10:41 a.m. EDT, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said in a statement.

The department believes the missile was an intercontinental ballistic missile, as had been expected, Davis said.

Davis said the missile was launched from Mupyong-ni, and traveled about 620 miles before splashing down in the Sea of Japan. The Defense Department, he added, is working with its interagency partners on a more detailed assessment.

The United States’ commitment to the defense of its allies, including South Korea and Japan, in the face of these threats, remains ironclad, the spokesman said.

The United States also remains prepared to defend itself and its allies from any attack or provocation, he added.

Meanwhile, during a Tuesday morning interview on The Today Show, Graham claims the US should not only take out the country’s nukes, but the entire country of “North Korea itself.”

“[President Donald Trump] is not going to allow the ability of this madman to have a missile to hit America. If there is going to be a war to stop him, it will be over there. If thousands die, they are going to die there, they’re not going to die here,” Graham told the Today Show audience.

Also, this week the Department of Defense (DoD) announced that it will award approximately $3.5 million to six U.S. university teams for research into robotics for disaster relief.

These awards are part of a joint research project with the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE), agreed to in June 2015. Each joint team will involve U.S. performers funded by DoD, and South Korean performers funded by MOTIE.

The purpose of this research collaboration is to bring together top researchers in the U.S. and the Republic of Korea to develop robotics capabilities for humanitarian and disaster response and recovery applications.  Research areas funded include: novel platforms for search and rescue, advanced human-robot interaction for command and control, and advanced robotic perception/recognition for enhanced situational awareness.

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FBI Warned To Retrieve Documents Removed Unlawfully By Fired FBI Director

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On Thursday a nonpartisan, nonprofit government watchdog group sent a warning  letter to Acting FBI Director Andrew G. McCabe reminding him of the FBI’s responsibility to follow the law stipulated by the Federal Records Act (FRA) to recover records — including memos Comey admitted under oath that he intentionally leaked to the media.

The FRA, a law which originally went into effect in 1950 and was amended by President Barack Obama in 2014, makes the removal of documents from the Bureau by former FBI Director James Comey an unlawful act.

Comey who was canned by President Donald Trump, appeared in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on last week and made some statement against former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former President Barack Obama, the New York Times — which he said published “fake news” stories — and complained about the handling of the Hillary Clinton email brouhaha.

Comey also admitted he gave a confidential document about his meeting with President Donald Trump to a “friend” who then gave it to the New York Times, an admitted Trump-hating publication.

. The letter from watchdog group Judicial Watch’s President Tom Fitton states:

“As you are well aware, former FBI Director James Comey gave sworn testimony last week before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Among other things, Mr. Comey confirmed that, while in office, he created various memoranda regarding his meetings with President Trump. Mr. Comey also confirmed that, after his departure from the FBI, he provided at least some of these memoranda to a third party, Columbia Law School Professor Daniel Richman, for the purpose of leaking them to the press. Various media outlets now have reported that Professor Richman has provided these memoranda to the FBI. It is unclear whether he still retains copies of the memoranda.

“I am writing to you on behalf of Judicial Watch, Inc., a not-for-profit educational organization that seeks to promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in government and fidelity to the rule of law. In furtherance of its public interest mission, Judicial Watch regularly requests access to the records of the FBI through the Freedom of Information Act and disseminates its findings to the public. In fact, on May 16, 2017, Judicial Watch submitted a FOIA request seeking these specific memoranda removed from the FBI by Mr. Comey. Judicial Watch also has pending FOIA lawsuits in which the memoranda may be at issue.

“These memoranda were created by Mr. Comey while serving as FBI director, were written on his FBI laptop, and concerned official government business. As such, they indisputably are records subject to the Federal Records Act. 44 U.S.C. §§ 2101-18, 2901-09, 3101-07, and 3301-14. The fact that Mr. Comey removed these memoranda from the FBI upon his departure, apparently for the purpose of subsequently leaking them to the press, confirms the FBI’s failure to retain and properly manage its records in accordance with the Federal Records Act. Even if Mr. Comey no longer has possession of these particular memoranda, as he now claims, some or all of these memoranda may still be in possession of a third party, such as Professor Richman, and must be recovered. Mr. Comey’s removal of these memoranda also suggests that other records may have been removed by Mr. Comey and may remain in his possession or in the possession of others. If so, these records must be recovered by the FBI as well.

“As you may be aware, the Federal Records Act imposes a direct responsibility on you to take steps to recover any records unlawfully removed from the FBI. Specifically, upon learning of “any actual, impending, or threatened unlawful removal, defacing, alteration, corruption, deletion, erasure, or other destruction of records in the custody of the agency,” you must notify the Archivist of the United States. 44 U.S.C. § 3106. Upon learning that records have been unlawfully removed from the FBI, you then are required to initiate action through the Attorney General for the recovery of records. Id.

“In the event you fail to take these steps, you should be aware that Judicial Watch is authorized under the law to file a lawsuit in federal district court seeking that you be compelled to comply with the law. Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Kerry, 844 F.3d 952, 955 (D.C. Cir. 2016); Armstrong v. Bush, 924 F.2d 282,296 (D.C. Cir. 1991). Please advise us no later than June 26, 2017 if you intend to take the action required under the law. If we do not hear from you by that date, we will assume that you do not intend to take any action. Thank you for your attention to this matter.”

“[Director] Comey took government records and the FBI and Justice Department are obligated to get them back. The former FBI director isn’t above the law and current leadership of the FBI should stop protecting him and take action,” Tom Fitton noted in a press statement.

Fitton’s team of attorneys and investigations — such of Judicial Watch’s Chief of Investigations Chris Farrell — are currently pursuing a lawsuit  against the U.S. State Department for failing to take proper action to retrieve emails written or received by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other employees which were unlawfully removed from the State Department.  Judicial Watch’s legal argument is that the State Department and FBI never even bothered to undergo a full and complete search for Hillary Clinton’s government emails.

This is one of several of Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuits seeking government records and information about the non-government email system used by Clinton. Her email system transmitted and received classified information but the Obama administration allowed her to skate, although she did lose the presidential election.

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Sen. John McCain Involved In ‘Deep State’ Espionage Against Trump

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Revealed: ‘Ordinary ‘citizen’ John McCain dispatched a trusted aide across the Atlantic to [obtain] dirty dossier from ex-spy after former British diplomat told him about blackmail tapes….”

Sen. John McCain said he did “what any citizen would do” in turning over to the FBI a so- called dirty dossier, that allegedly contained unconfirmed secrets about president-elect Donald Trump, over to the FBI. The Arizona Senior Senator has gained a reputation as a “reasonable conservative” but his critics say he is “neither reasonable nor is he a conservative.”

“If you look up the political term RINO in a dictionary it should carry a picture of McCain with the definition ‘Republican In Name Only,'” said police adviser for the National Law

Enforcement Legal Defense Society, Charles Coultner.

A former intelligence officer told that the left-leaning British newspaper, The Guardian, described how the dossier came to be and how McCain got his hands on the super-secret documents.

“I first heard about this mysterious dossier when I was checking out an Inside the Beltway private detective and security firm. The firm allegedly tapped Trump‘s campaign staff and his allies hoping to find negative ammunition against the true Republican Maverick, Donald Trump,” said former military intelligence operative and New York police detective Michael Snopes.

“I know… I know… Senator John McCain is the guy the Democrats love to use to slam the GOP because most of the time he has cooperated with the Democrats, especially now,” said Iris Aquino, a former police official and now a director of security for a major corporation.

Shortly after the election — that left Donald Trump the winner and Hillary Clinton the loser — John McCain attended a Canadian conference and spoke with a ‘former senior western diplomat’ who knew of the dossier’s existence, claims the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail.

Sir Andrew Wood described to reporters his dealings with McCain: “I would like to stress that I did not pass on any dossier to Senator McCain or anyone else and I did not see a dossier at the time.” However, it’s what Wood did not say that was interesting: He didn’t deny telling McCain about the dirty dossier.

On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal exposed the ex-spy who actually obtained the documents as being British subject, Christopher Steele.

Steele’s spy agency discovered a Democratic Party insider who wanted dirt on the now Republican nominee instead.

The unnamed contractor was later identified by the Wall Street Journal  as being Christopher Steele. He and another ex-British diplomat, Christopher Burrows, run their own company, Orbis Business Intelligence.

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Pro-Life Activists To Sen. McConnell: Stop Funding Planned Parenthood Death Centers

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A group of pro-life activists will hold a demonstration and press conference in front of the Russell Senate Office Building as well as a prayer vigil at the office of GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell, the current Senate Majority Leader.

According to the anti-abortion group Created Equal, Baby Hope will be delivered to Sen. Mitch McConnell containing a 12-week fetal model with a message to defund Planned Parenthood from Baby Hope. In the coming days, 100 US Senators will receive important packages.

The deliveries won’t be simple notes from their constituents. Within days, every single US Senator will be delivered Baby Hope, a twelve-week old baby, with a personal message from her to defund Planned Parenthood and redirect the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to community health centers instead of paying for the baby execution arm of the Democratic Party.

The activists — the majority of whom are Christians, Jews and even Muslims will be urging the Senate to stop subsidizing abortion and redirect abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding. “It’s all a scam. The Democrats push for tax money in the millions to be donated to Planned Parenthood each year. Then Planned Parenthood turns around and donates those taxpayer dollars to Democratic Party candidates especially presidential and congressional candidates.

“Participants will stand in solidarity with the 329,000 innocent children that are aborted every year at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics across the nation,” noted Mark Harrington, National Director of Created Equal said.

Besides Created Equal, the large-scale Christian Defense Coalition will take part in this latest reminder to the U.S. Senators who said during election time they supported Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s promise to defund America’s abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.

“Funding for Planned Parenthood has been a perennial issue since Republicans won control of the House in 2010, and each time, Republican leaders have finessed it by saying the matter would be settled in a broader health care bill. Now, is the time to hold these pro-life representatives accountable for their campaign promises. We will deliver a strong message to every single US Senator to defund Planned Parenthood and end all funding streams for abortion in the health care bill,” said Harrington.

Abortion is not healthcare and not one penny of taxpayer funding should go to an organization that takes the lives of 329,000 innocent children every year.  We encourage the Senate to follow the lead of their colleagues in the House and not include the funding of Planned Parenthood in their healthcare legislation.


David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a video recently showing Planned Parenthood’s willingness to engage in the illegal sale of fetal body parts. In the video, President of the Medical Directors’ Council for PP Federation of America’s Dr. Mary Gatter says that $50 per aborted baby is “on the low end” of payment for fetal specimens. Gatter was shown in a previous CMP video discussing the sale of babies aborted at PP facilities, saying, “I want a Lamborghini.”
In the latest video, Gatter says she wants the price to cover the cost of a technician who will harvest the fetal parts, including livers and lungs. Federal law prohibits the sale of fetal tissue for profit.

“Once again, David Daleiden has shed light on criminal activity at the highest levels of Planned Parenthood’s leadership,” stated Alexandra Snyder, Executive Director for the Life Legal Defense Foundation.

“We look forward to the results of pending criminal investigations of a number of Planned Parenthood affiliates by the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI. Life Legal continues to press for the withdrawal of all federal funds from an organization that routinely exhibits a callous disregard for human life and that flaunts its willingness to violate the law.”

Life Legal represents Daleiden in two civil lawsuits filed against him by the National Abortion Federation and by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, along with numerous Planned Parenthood affiliates.

Meanwhile, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece Alveda King, who has been ignored by big media because she supported — and campaigned for — President Donald Trump, recently said, “The Supreme Court, Social Security, Failing Public Schools, tax issues, voter registration problems, and women’s health crisis have been connected to liberal abortion policies.”

In her new book America Return To God, Evangelist King encourages America to pray for our President, all leaders and those in authority and for everyone on earth. Her message to the man in the Oval Office. “Yes, Drain the Swamp President Trump! Defund Planned Parenthood.”

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New ‘Deep State’ Strategy: Denying President Trump Secured Secrets and Intelligence

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Under President Trump’s predecessors, leaks of national security information were relatively rare, even with America’s vibrant free press. Under President Trump, leaks are flowing at the rate of one a day, an examination of open-source material by the majority staff of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs shows.

Articles published by a range of national news organizations between January 20 and May 25, 2017 included at least 125 stories with leaked information potentially damaging to national security. Even a narrow search revealed leaks of comparable information during the Trump administration that were about seven times higher than the same period during the two previous administrations.

From the morning of President Trump’s inauguration, when major newspapers published information about highly sensitive intelligence intercepts, news organizations have reported on an avalanche of leaks from officials across the U.S. government. Many disclosures have concerned the investigations of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, with the world learning details of whose communications U.S. intelligence agencies are monitoring, what channels are being monitored, and the results of those intercepts. All such revelations are potential violations of federal law, punishable by jail time.

But the leak frenzy has gone far beyond the Kremlin and has extended to other sensitive information that could harm national security. President Trump’s private conversations with other foreign leaders have shown up in the press, while secret operations targeting America’s most deadly adversaries were exposed in detail.

As the New York Times wrote in a candid self-assessment: “Journalism in the Trump era has featured a staggering number of leaks from sources across the federal government.” No less an authority than President Obama’s CIA director called the deluge of state secrets “appalling.”

These leaks do not occur in a vacuum. They can, and do, have real world consequences for national security. To ensure the security of our country’s most sensitive information, federal law enforcement officials ought to thoroughly investigate leaks of potentially sensitive information flowing at an alarming rate.

Under the direction of Senator Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, majority committee staff examined media leaks between January 20, 2017, and May 25, 2017—President Trump’s first 126 days in office. The examination consisted entirely of publicly available news articles; no classified information was accessed or reviewed. The inquiry found:

  1. The Trump administration faced 125 leaked stories—one leak a day— containing information that is potentially damaging to national security under the standards laid out in a 2009 Executive Order signed by President Barack Obama.
  2. Leaks with the capacity to damage national security flowed about seven times faster under President Trump than during President Obama’s and President George W. Bush’s first 126 days.
  3. Most leaks during the Trump administration, 78, concerned the Russia probes, with many revealing closely-held information such as intelligence community intercepts, FBI interviews and intelligence, grand jury subpoenas, and even the workings of a secret surveillance court.
  4. Other leaks disclosed potentially sensitive intelligence on U.S. adversaries for possible military plans against them. One leak, about the investigation of a terrorist attack, caused a diplomatic incident between the United States and a close ally.

Leaked stories appeared in 18 news outlets, sourced to virtually every possible permutation of anonymous current and former U.S. officials, some clearly from the intelligence community. One story cited more than two dozen anonymous sources.

Almost all of the stories leaked during President Trump’s first 126 days were about the President or his administration. In contrast, only half of the stories leaked during the comparable period of the Obama administration were about President Obama or his administration; the other half concerned President Bush and his anti-terrorism tactics.

Many watchdog-group reports and news stories have revealed the serious deficiencies that exist are blamed on Obama’s CIA director John Brennan for allowing what was supposed to be a non-political bureaucracy into a politically-motivated subsidiary of the Democratic National Committee.

While the investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump for President campaign and operatives working for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin does not appear to be bearing fruit, it does prove how easily computer hackers have exposed classified intelligence from the once premiere spy network.

In fact, according to a number of reports coming from watchdogs such as Judicial Watch, the Clarion Project, Larry Klayman’s Freedom Watch, and others, the CIA and FBI have conceded that it may have been insiders illegally divulging classified information and that the CIA is currently searching for the traitorous leakers.

In addition, the former Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, allegedly worked feverishly to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign by leaking intelligence obtained from Great Britain and European Union countries. It’s already been revealed that a British top-secret signal-intelligence agency sent reports to Obama or his minions who then leaked them to the world’s news media.

“During former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony in front of the Senate, he actually admitted he leaked information. In fact, the coward didn’t have the b*lls to do it himself — he had a professor-friend leak the info,” according to former attorney and political consultant Theo Doreapoulos.

According to Trump insider, Roger Stone“[T]he standard operating procedure for the intelligence agencies is that they go to a third-party nation and they ask them to conduct the surveillance so that the CIA can play dumb. So, they have not violated the law, technically. Judge Napolitano turns out to be absolutely right and I think folks at FOX management, owe him an apology. I want to learn more about this because I still think we are going to learn that the ‘deep state,’ the 17 intelligence agencies, have promulgated this myth of Russian collusion because it is the rationale they used to surveil Donald Trump and his aides. And that would mean that there is no Russian collusion proven, and their motive was solely political. That’s Watergate times 10.”

“While opponents of President Trump have become emboldened in the wake of General Flynn’s resignation as the National Security Adviser, and while the media has reveled in a frenzy of self-righteous outrage that conceals its glee, it is important to observe that his resignation was sparked by leaked information coming from unelected bureaucrats within our nation’s intelligence apparatus, seemingly provoked by their deep distaste for the new administration. Even more ominously, some of these bureaucrats are perhaps motivated by their loyalties to the Obama administration,” said Jay Sekulow, a public-interest attorney who often argues cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Sekulow also said, “Someone in the Obama Administration unmasked the names of those on the Trump transition team who were caught up in that surveillance. That someone was discovered to be Susan Rice who served Obama as the national security adviser and gained a reputation as a dishonest political hack and liar.”

“Now we know this goes far beyond incidental surveillance. This was spying on political enemies,” he added.

“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to Shariah law,” said Tom Trento, executive director of the Florida Security Council, who has been critical of Brennan’s service in the Obama White House.

Some of the nation’s top intelligence, military, national security and law enforcement experts once loudly called for Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan to resign from his post or for President Barack Obama to fire Brennan from his White House staff.

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So-called ‘Antifascism’ Groups Becoming Bigger Threat To U.S. Says Intelligence Expert

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Antifascist (ANTIFA) groups in the United States have become far more organized, equipped, funded, and even trained in special camps to bring about large-scale social disruption, public and private property damage (arson and looting), destruction of businesses, financial loss in the public and private sectors, and high-profile violent clashes with law enforcement preferably with the news cameras capturing police using force against ANTIFA members, according to intelligence and security expert Dr. Lyle Rapacki.

These groups are sorely underestimated by many city and other elected officials, while other officials actually encourage them to participate in violence and destruction. For example, during her presidential campaign Democrat Hillary Clinton compared police officers to the radical Islamists who comprise the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Do not confuse these zealots with the hippie rioters of the Vietnam War era of the late 1960’s, said Dr. Rapacki in his email intelligence briefing.

He noted that members of ANTIFA are extremely mean-spirited and prone to violence.  Recruitment programs seek members as young as 6th graders in public school. The current government education system encompasses indoctrination into Marxism that is hardly hidden; whether for young students or college age adults (18-28) who comprise the largest block within the organization.

“Today’s teachers are more concerned with indoctrinating students than in educating them. Their idea of educating youngsters is more in line with the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany or the Palestinian terrorist children’s summer camps in the Gaza Strip,” said former police detective and military intelligence operative Michael Snipes.

The ability to be mobile, bringing additional resources to multiple cities simultaneously, is also a new development aided by large cash infusions from financial pockets dedicated to the overthrow of America, her values and principles, traditions and form of government intent on creating a Communist system.  This is not mere philosophy or flashy talking points, this is the “end goal” of the Antifa movement.

The Obligations of active ANTIFA members is to:

  • Track white nationalists and Far Right groups in every region of the United States.  This includes over the internet, public records, and surveillance.
  • Oppose public Far Right organizing whatever it takes, and disrupt and crush all activities and even individual members.
  • Support all anti-fascist groups aligned under the banner of ANTIFA.
  • Build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.  This includes violent confrontations, use of unsophisticated items like Molotov cocktails, M80s, pepper spray, balloons filled with urine and/or feces thrown at LE.

Knowing about a threat…knowing how to respond to a threat might make all the  difference between successfully repelling an attack or succumbing to an attack; whether from terrorism or domestic violence or criminal activity, or even becoming a victim in a catastrophic event “down the street.”  If you are a leader of a business or corporation or the leader of a family, knowing what could jeopardize the safety, well-being and continuity of your business or family could determine if you will still enjoy your business or family after the threat announces itself.

Lyle Rapacki earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from Northern Arizona University and his Doctorate from Clayton College of Natural Medicine specializing in the treatment of psychological disorders with natural medicine.  He enjoyed a 20-year private practice.  Approximately one-half of his practice case-load was delegated to Behavioral Forensic Profiling and Threat Assessments, and he earned a Post-Doctorate Diplomate in Forensic Counseling.  A former police officer, Dr. Rapacki assisted law enforcement from 1985 – 1991 regionally and nationally with intelligence analysis and investigations of deviant movement groups and taught at law enforcement academies nationwide.  From 2000 to 2005, Dr. Rapacki taught in the Criminal Justice Department at Wayland Baptist University Phoenix campus.  He briefly held the position of Director for the Public Safety Administration, Homeland Security and Crisis Management Programs at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona in 2008.

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Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Trump’s Anti-Terrorism Travel Law

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

President Donald Trump’s defensive action to protect the United States and the American people from radical Muslims seeking entry into the country was given at least a temporary go-ahead by the U.S. Supreme Court. The ruling was rendered by a 7-2 decision on Monday.

Trump’s executive order met with an enormous negative response by Democrats and the mainstream news media which intentionally misrepresented what was intended by the administration’s effort to prevent terrorist attacks like those occurring in France, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Turkey and other NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) member nations.

The nation’s highest court declared that lower court injunctions put in place against Trump’s so-called travel ban — plainly a misnomer — prevented the government from initiating enforcement of any of the challenged provisions.

In demanding a stay of those injunctions, the government cited the compelling likelihood of irreparable harm: “Pointing to the descriptions of conditions in the six designated nations, the government argues that a 90-day pause on entry is necessary to prevent potentially dangerous individuals from entering the United States while the executive reviews the adequacy of information provided by foreign governments in connection with visa adjudications. Additionally, the government asserts, the temporary bar is needed to reduce the executive’s investigative burdens while this review proceeds.” 

Seven of the nine SCOTUS justices agreed with that argument.

The six nations involved and stipulated in Trump’s executive order are all Muslim-majority countries:  Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Those nations are in the Middle East and North Africa.

Additional provisions ban entries more than 50,000 refugees from war-torn countries such as Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan for fiscal year 2017.  It also directs the Secretary of Homeland Security John F. Kelly to determine whether foreign governments provide verified information about nationals applying for U.S. visas.

Democratic Party and News Media Hysteria

On January 27, 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order No. 13769, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. 82 Fed. Reg. 8977 (EO–1). EO–1 addressed policies and procedures relating to the entry of foreign nationals into this country.

Among other directives, the order suspended entry of foreign nationals from seven countries identified as presenting heightened terrorism risks—Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen—for 90 days. Executive officials were instructed to review the adequacy of current practices relating to visa adjudications during this 90-day period.

EO–1 also modified refugee policy, suspending the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for 120 days and reducing the number of refugees eligible to be admitted to the United States during fiscal year 2017.

When Muslim organizations, Democrats and members of the news media displayed their outrage and misinformed the American voters, the most left-wing judges in the country provided Trump’s opponents with two temporary restraint decisions.

EO–1 was immediately challenged in court. Just a week after the order was issued, a Federal District Court entered a nationwide temporary restraining order enjoining enforcement of several of its key provisions.

Washington v. Trump, 2017 WL 462040 (WD Wash., Feb. 3, 2017). Six days later, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied the Government’s emergency motion to stay the order pending appeal. Washington v. Trump, 847 F. 3d 1151 (2017). Rather than continue to litigate EO–1, the Government announced that it would revoke the order and issue a new one.

A second executive order followed on March 6, 2017. See Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States, Exec. Order No. 13780, 82 Fed. Reg. 13209 (EO–2).

EO–2 describes “conditions in six of the . . . countries” as to which EO–1 had suspended entry, stating that these conditions “demonstrate [that] nationals [of those countries] continue to present heightened risks to the security of the United States,” and that “some of those who have entered the United States through our immigration system have proved to be threats to our national security.”

On the “First Monday in October” — traditionally the day the SCOTUS reconvenes each year — the Supreme Court will revisit the so-called travel ban.

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

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Cops Claim Progressive Activists More Dangerous Than Islamists and MS-13

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“A growing number of American citizens are wondering if so-called progressives in the Democratic Party are more dangerous to the nation than radicalized Muslims or the bloodthirsty gang members of the infamous MS-13.” – Terry Saunders, NYPD-Ret.

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, the House Whip, and several others were shot at a baseball practice Wednesday morning at a recreational facility in Alexandria, Virginia. The Republicans were practicing for an upcoming charity congressional baseball game.  There were no democrats present, they had practiced earlier in the morning.

A man was seen wandering around and he had asked Rep. Ron DeSantis, “Are you Democrats or Republicans?”  When DeSantis replied, “Republicans,” the suspect walked away and then returned as he began blasting.

Scalise was shot in the hip and underwent surgery.  He is listed in stable condition, his office said.  Representative Roger Williams and Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, were also victims, but expected to fully recover.  Mika was there as a coach since he was a former baseball player.

The shooter, described as a middle-aged white male with dark hair, was taken to a local hospital where he died from his gunshot wounds.  His actions were described by police officers as a premeditated attack on unarmed civilians.  The suspect was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill., according to members of the Capitol Police Department.

This politically-motivated attack was merely the latest in a series of violence-prone attacks on President Donald Trump and Republican politicians and activists by those calling for Trump’s removal from office.

The Liberal-Left Conspiracy?

*  A Bernie Sanders for President campaign worker —  66-year-old James Hodgkinson —  was killed by Capitol Police officers after the Democrat opened fire on House Republican Whip Congressman Steve Scalise, and wounding others.

*  Last week, Shakespeare In The Park simulated the violent stabbing death of President Trump in the play ‘Julius Caesar’. Caesar and his wife looked much like Trump and his former fashion model wife.

* Third-rate comic Kathy Griffin posed with a bloody severed head which was supposed to be that of President Trump.

“What’s even more disturbing is the news media pretending to be shocked over the shooting of Rep. Scalise and others, while they trot out their usual Democratic Party hacks such as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and other Democratic talking heads.  These are the same people along with Hillary Clinton who have urged their leftist followers to “resist” the Trump administration no matter what the cost,” warned former NYPD police detective Mike Snipes.

Snipes says this latest round of Democratic Party-sponsored violence began when the Obama administration bashed and condemned police officers when they used deadly force on minority suspects. A number of law enforcement officers were killed as a result of the cop-bashing.

It doesn’t take a giant leap for devotees of Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders to transition their suggestive violent messages from police officers to conservative officeholders.

New Jersey Democratic Strategist Defends Killing Republicans

“The GOP must realize that there is a violently hateful streak that’s reaching epidemic proportions within today’s Democratic Party. And their leaders are encouraging it.” – Former Police Counter-Terrorism Unit Member Bettina Lawrence-Tidwell

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, and several others were shot during a baseball practice on Wednesday morning at a recreational facility in Alexandria, Virginia. The Republicans were practicing for an upcoming charity congressional baseball game.  There were no democrats present at that time since they had practiced earlier in the morning.

After the shooter — a former Bernie Sanders campaign worker named James T. Hodgkinson — left Rep. Scalise in critical condition and wounded four others including two police officers, a New Jersey Democratic political strategist responded by introducing the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen to his Twitter account: “We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.”

“Devine is the kind of political activist Marx had in mind when he advised: ‘Accuse others of what you do.’ In the Democrats case, they have the full support and help of the majority of news people,” said former police officer and security director Walter Piedmont. “They accused Tea Party demonstrators of being violent when there is no violence while the leftist Democrats actually embrace the use of violence and vitriol,” Piedmont added.

The vitriolic Devine has pursued public office and has been a consultant for numerous New Jersey Democratic campaigns. He also worked in the offices of New Jersey lawmakers.

Devine said on one of his posts: “If you want to invite a class war, then you have to expect people to fight back at some point.”

He also wrote on Facebook that he felt “little sympathy” for Scalise because he doesn’t support gun control and is liked by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other Second Amendment supporters.

Besides Republicans, who have not displayed much outrage, there were some New Jersey Democrats who criticized Devine and told reporters that they did not endorse violence.

Devine has refused to apologize and has continued using the hashtags calling for violent action against Republican officeholders and their supporters.

“I am sorry if my #HuntRepublicanCongressmen hashtag hurt the feelings of any GOP snowflakes but you have not engaged in civil discourse,” Devine said on Twitter late Thursday afternoon.

But the Democratic Party rebel-rouser is not as squeaky-clean as he pretends. For example, in 2014 Devine was convicted for shoplifting lettuce, protein powder and hair conditioner.

And the following year, New Jersey election officials charged Devine with almost two-dozen separate election-law violations. The Election Law Enforcement Commission claimed he never reported nearly $79,000 in contributions and more than $70,000 in expenditures involving his Central Jersey Democratic Leadership Committee.

“What’s even more disturbing is the news media pretending to be shocked over the shooting of Rep. Scalise and others, while they trot out their usual Democratic Party hacks such as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and other Democratic talking heads.  These are the same people along with Hillary Clinton who have urged their leftist followers to “resist” the Trump administration no matter what the cost,” warned former NYPD police detective Mike Snipes.

Snipes says this latest round of Democratic Party-sponsored violence began when the Obama administration bashed and condemned police officers when they used deadly force on minority suspects. A number of law enforcement officers were killed as a result of the cop-bashing.

It not a giant leap for devotees to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and other progressive leaders to transition their violent messages from police to conservative officeholders.

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

FBI Offered Russian Cyber Criminal Bribes To Say He Hacked The DNC Emails

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

While the Democrats and the news media continue to pursue their criminal case against President Donald Trump over the alleged collaboration by candidate Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, there are two cases that they are ignoring: a news story in Europe that alleges corrupt FBI agents tried to frame a Russian; and a news story about a Democratic Party staff member who was murdered on a Washington, D.C. street.

Russian Hacker Blows Whistle on Alleged Corruption in FBI

A Russian citizen, who is a known hacker in his country, claims the  FBI offered him bribes to take the blame for hacking John Podesta’s email server and stealing thousands of pages, according to a Conservative Base source, John C. Reilly, serving in a federal law enforcement agency.

Yevgeniy Nikulin was arrested in Prague, Czech Republic, on October 5, 2016. The arrest warrant cited allegations of stealing information from Linkedin, Dropbox, and other Internet web sites. He remains in custody while officials decide on whether to extradite him to the United States or to Russia.

Days after the suspected hacker’s arrest, some within the U.S Intelligence community announced they had evidence that alleged Russian officials were responsible for hacking into the DNC email system, stealing documents and turning them over to the owner of the whistleblowing web site Wikileaks, Julian Assange.

According to the Moscow Times, while being detained awaiting trial, the suspect told a Russian news organization that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents said they’d provide immunity or drop the charges.

The FBI also allegedly promised to grant him U.S. citizenship and pay him handsomely if he admitted to the hacking and stealing of Hillary Clinton’s campaign director and longtime associate John Podesta’s emails in July 2016.

He is wanted by Russian law enforcement for unrelated hacking allegations. Russian government lawyers entered the courtroom fray asking for Nikulin to be sent back to Russia instead of to the United States.

“[They told me:] you will have to confess to breaking into Clinton’s inbox for [U.S. President Donald Trump] on behalf of [Russian President Vladimir Putin],” Nikulin wrote.

In exchange, his interrogators promised U.S. citizenship, an apartment and money, he said according to the Moscow Times. Nikulin said that he refused the deal, but that his U.S. interrogators promised to return.

Czech police confirmed that Nikulin had been interrogated by FBI agents, but did not give any further details, according to Reilly.

Nikulin’s accusations about the FBI are just the latest in a series of incidents that have  made the once premier law enforcement agency a politicized offshoot of the Democratic Party, say local cops. “Thanks to eight years of [President] Obama, and most recently, the leadership of Director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the bureau has taken a turn for the worst.”

Investigation into DNC’s Seth Rich Murder

It appeared the mainstream news media woke up and discovered that a murder of a Democratic National Committee manager may have not been a “robbery gone wrong,” but a case tied to the Wikileaks document dump of information “stolen” from the DNC’s records. That included staff communications and communications with the then-Hillary Clinton for President campaign. during the Trump v. Clinton presidential race, and reported that the alleged hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer system was most likely the work of a whistleblower and a well-known rogue-blogger.

The damaging material that had been released by Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, was one of the lynch-pins of the Democrats/media narrative that Assange’s released documents were obtained from the Russian government to torpedo Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

When the documents – mostly emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta – were released, most of the nation’s newsrooms focused on the source of the emails rather than the contents that showed a corrupt and hypocritical Democratic Party.

Assange claimed – and continues to claim – he received the documents from a high level employee of the DNC, Seth Conrad Rich. The 27-year-old Rich was murdered on the streets of Washington, D.C. under very suspicious circumstances, made more suspicious by the fact that none in the elite news media covered the killing or the police and coroner’s investigations.

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High Crimes And Misdemeanors: Obama Hogtied Law Enforcement Investigating Iranian Terrorism Funding

On Thursday, all of the attention of Trump-impeachment-obsessed Democrats and the majority of their news media minions was focused on the hearing of fired FBI director James Comey.

These President Donald Trump-hating leftists were disappointed when Comey testimony showed that: Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, under investigation by the FBI; President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, told Comey not to call the probe into Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals an “investigation,” but rather a “matter”; and that Comey himself leaked his own  memo about meetings with Trump, giving them to a leftist university professor to secretly turn over to a news media denizen.

But on Thursday, there was another hearing that uncovered much more explosive and disturbing information: President Barack Obama and his administration disbanded national security units which were originally charged with investigating Iran’s network of Islamic terrorism funding.

Obama, Valerie Jarrett (born in Iran), Susan Rice and other members of the former President’s inner-circle “systematically disbanded” special law enforcement units throughout the federal government that were investigating the Iranian, Syrian, and Venezuelan terrorism financing networks. Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry were concerned the counter-terrorism units would lead to Iranian officials walking away from Obama’s precious nuclear deal with Iran, according to a former U.S. official with expertise in dismantling criminal financial networks.

The key witness during the Iran hearing, David Asher, had worked for U.S. Army Gen. John Allen at both Defense and State Departments. He testified before Republican and Democratic members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee  that top cops and spies with several key law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the Obama administration were intentionally prevented from targeting the terrorism financing operations of Iran, Hezbollah, and Venezuela during Kerry’s nuclear negotiations with his Iranian counterparts.

After months of investigating President Donald Trump’s unproven conspiracy with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to derail the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, some lawmakers are turning their attention to the alleged deception by President Barack Obama and his minions to get his “do or die” nuclear deal with Iran.

Republican leaders of the House Committee initiated a full-scale investigation into the Obama administration’s activities getting a nuclear deal many believed was a farce at best, a deadly mistake at worst. They are also probing last year’s controversial prisoner swap with Iran for over a billion dollars.

Lawmakers and national security experts believed — and continue to believe — that Obama, his Secretary of State John Kerry and White House advisers actually hurt the U.S. government’s effort to end Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The so-called “pact” was also sold to the American people as a step in the right direction to ceasing the Iranian government’s weapons trafficking networks.

“A number of former intelligence and counter-terrorism officers were concerned with the way the deal was negotiated and the misrepresentation of the nuclear pact’s details by Obama’s questionable national security team,” said former military intelligence operative and police unit commander George O’Brien. “Remember how the assistant national security adviser Ben Rhodes admitted to being deceitful in order to get the deal accepted? That alone should have triggered a probe not only by Congress, but also the Justice Department,” Lt. O’Brien said.

In a letter, Republican Reps. Jason Chaffetz and Ron DeSantis asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to produce Justice Department documents they said would “help the Committee in better understanding these issues.”  They sent the same letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanding all related documents to the Iran deal in the State Department’s possession.

Chaffetz has given both officials a deadline to provide one copy of them to committee Republicans, and another to the Oversight Committee’s Democratic Party lawmakers.

In a letter sent to lawmakers, Chaffetz wroteWhen President Obama revealed a prisoner exchange agreement with Iran in January 2016, he announced the release of one Iranian and six Iranian-Americans convicted of crimes or awaiting trial. The President described the exchange as a benign “reciprocal humanitarian gesture,” and went as far as to call the individuals released “civilians” who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses.” Among those granted clemency were individuals that the Justice Department deemed threats to national security. The news account identified 14 Iranian fugitives accused of serious crimes for whom the Obama Administration dropped criminal charges, but never released the names or charges. These reports note an Iranian spokesperson contradicted the Administration’s position by claiming there were 28 Iranians “freed or relieved from judicial restrictions” as part of the prisoner exchange agreement. If true, this left seven individuals unaccounted for. [It was] also reported that Obama Administration officials blocked and delayed law enforcement efforts to lure Iranian fugitives to countries where they could be arrested and to extradite Iranian suspects in custody overseas.

Chaffetz also wrote to the officials, “please also make your staff available for a briefing on these issues no later than May 25.”

“The noose tightens, the clock is ticking and Jason Chaffetz will get to the bottom of this. Don’t forget Jason has an ace up his sleeve, Trey Gowdy is also on the committee investigating Obama. That should terrify him,” according to the Republican Post.

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Lawmakers Urge Secretary of State to Investigate Soros’ Anti-American Activities

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Although it may appear that the only person being held up to intense scrutiny by the news media, both houses of Congress, and every Tom, Dick and Mary in the Democratic Party is President Donald Trump, according to law enforcement officers who spoke with the political correspondent. However, some lawmakers aren’t forgetting they work in the Washington, D.C. “swamp” complete with its unique swamp dwellers.

For example, some Republican senators are asking Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to investigate claims that U.S. taxpayer money is being used to back left-wing billionaire George Soros’ political meddling and similar efforts overseas.

A letter was sent to Secretary Tillerson asking for a probe into how U.S. funds are being used by agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to back left-wing political groups in other countries, while creating hatred towards the United States and its people.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, one of the co-signers, even said foreign officials and political leaders have come to him with “reports of U.S. activity in their respective countries.”

He said in a statement: “This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the US Government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles. … This sort of political favoritism from our missions around the world is unacceptable.”

Big bucks from George Soros helped turn a Pennsylvania district attorney election on its head, in the latest example of the liberal billionaire’s influence in local U.S. politics.

On April 28, Soros poured nearly $1.5 million into the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC, which supported candidate Larry Krasner in the Democratic primary. Krasner won on Tuesday, and by a wide margin.

He is expected to win the general election this fall, as Philadelphia is a Democratic stronghold. How much of a difference the PAC money made is unclear, but the cash infusion helped pay for TV commercials, campaign literature, and online ads to promote the candidacy of the civil rights attorney who has never worked as a prosecutor.

The race marked the first time a super PAC has supported a D.A. candidate in Philadelphia.

“The Obama government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros, records obtained by Judicial Watch show. Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Baily, has worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” reported Judicial Watch in a news release.

Despite the multitude of political activities by a multi-billionaire who funds numerous left-wing organizations in the United States — and donates to numerous others such as Black Lives Matter — there appears to be no government law enforcement or regulatory agencies probing even one of his suspicious money trails. While the IRS allegedly violated the rights of nonprofit, conservative groups by secretly stonewalling tax exempt requests, Soros has never been the subject of such an investigation by that agency or anyone else within the federal government labyrinth.

But on Wednesday, officials with the nonpartisan Judicial Watch notified the news media that they had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of State and its subsidiary U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for all materials regarding pay outs and political activities of Soros’ Open Society Foundation office located in Macedonia.  The Macedonia organization allegedly obtained close to $5 million from USAID between 2012 and 2016.

If the creator of the James Bond spy novels, Ian Fleming, were alive and writing a new thriller today, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he’d base his diabolical, untouchable villain on the life and activities of George Soros, including allegations of his being a Nazi-sympathizer

Meanwhile, Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah said:

“Over the past few months. Elected officials and political leaders of foreign nations have been coming to me with disappointing news and reports of U.S. activity in their respective countries. This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the U.S. government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles.”

“This sort of political favoritism from our missions around the world is unacceptable and endangers our bilateral relationships,” Sen. Lee added.

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

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Trump Demands Intense Probe Of Obama’s Political Espionage And ‘Unmasking’ Of American Citizens

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump didn’t beat around the bush when he bluntly alleged that his predecessor President Barack Obama’s minions were electronically eavesdropping on American civilians. His tweet comes after the issuance on Wednesday of Congressional subpoenas for records from U.S. spy agencies about Obama officials’ requests such as former CIA chief John Brennan, Obama’s national security adviser Susan “Benghazi” Rice and the ex-U.N. ambassador Samantha Power.

The subpoenas, which were processed and signed by the House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, directly referred to the suspicious “unmasking” of U.S. citizens.

In his Twitter posting on Thursday, President Trump stated: “The big story is the ‘unmasking and surveillance’ of people that took place during the Obama


Many news reporters were a bit surprised that Amb. Powers is included on Nunes’ list, but according to one Washington insider, Steven Kaufman a former criminal investigations commander, “People will be surprised at the extent Obama’s close associate Susan Powers was involved in unauthorized activities that had the feds involved in questionable activities. She may even have run this surveillance operation.”

Meanwhile, according to the Democrat-friendly MSNBC, Rice continues to claim she did nothing wrong in her use of unmasking. “The allegation is somehow Obama administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes, that’s absolutely false,” Rice told MSNBC in an interview in April.

President Trump said in April that Susan Rice — who has gained the reputation of being dishonest — had indeed committed a serious criminal act.

Fox News Channel’s James Rosen reported Thursday that Congressman Nunes stated: “I went and looked at what I knew existed on the unmaskings, but what I found was a treasure trove of stuff that’s really bad in terms of surveillance on Americans and that is critical to the job that I have as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. It’s really horrible because it endangers America, because the work that our intelligence professionals do is so critical to our safety, to have an administration, a past administration, abuse these powers and put our country in jeopardy, there’s nothing, there’s no words that can explain the damage they’ve done and the damage that they’ve created.”

This isn’t the first time the Obama administration played loose and fancy free with the confidential information of American citizens. The Internal Revenue Service under Obama may have actually broken the law by “unmasking” taxpayers.

Obama’s and Staff’s History of Unmasking

During the probe of the Internal Revenue Service, it was discovered that emails sent between the Internal Revenue Service’s Lois Lerner and attorneys at the Federal Election Commission revealed that the IRS gave the FEC confidential information regarding conservative groups, especially those calling themselves Tea Party organizations were released on Halloween by a Washington, D.C., public-interest group that investigates government corruption.

According to officials at the nonpartisan government watchdog Judicial Watch, included with the Lois Lerner-FEC emails were the IRS questionnaires submitted to a conservative organization, which legally sought tax-exempt status, that contained “questions of a hostile nature.”

The emails were turned over to Judicial Watch by the FEC as a result of an Aug. 9, 2013, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) application that sought access to the following documents and records for the timeframe Jan. 1, 2009, to the present:

According to Judicial Watch, before her becoming the IRS’s Director of Exempt Organizations, Lois Lerner worked at the FEC where she developed a reputation for wielding her power against a conservative candidate and Christian-based political groups.

The revealing email chain shows a redacted FEC attorney asking Lerner if the IRS had issued an exemption letter for American Future Fund (AFF). The writer of the letter notes, “When we spoke last July, you told us that the American Future Fund had not received an exemption letter from the IRS.”

In the same email, the FEC attorney asked Lerner if she could also advise him if the IRS had granted an exemption letter to American Issues Project (AIP) as well as to AIP’s predecessor organizations, Citizens for the Republic (CFTR) and Avenger, Inc.

In her response email sent to the FEC, Lerner stated that she would make it mandatory for her underlings to cooperate fully, something that smacks of an anti-conservative conspiracy, according to political strategist Mike Baker.

Lerner stated in her responding email: “I have sent your email out to some of my staff. Will get back to you as soon as I have heard from them.”

The majority of documents obtained by Judicial Watch analysts consists of extensive materials from IRS files sent from Lerner to the FEC containing detailed, confidential information about the conservative or vilified Tea Party organizations.

The items include annual tax returns and request for exempt recognition forms, Articles of Organization and other corporate documents, as well as correspondence between the conservative organizations and the IRS.

Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code stipulates that it’s a felony for an Internal Revenue Service official to disclose either “return information” or “taxpayer return information” to any individuals or organizations including government agencies.

Initial news reports, such as a story in the Washington Post, when word of some of these IRS-FEC emails first surfaced, raised a variety of legal issues. One legal issue was the fact that Lerner was supplying confidential information concerning the tax exempt application status of conservative organizations to an agency that had no right to receive such information.

Another was the fact that the inquiries regarding AFF made by the FEC attorneys in February 2009 to Lerner occurred before the FEC commissioners had voted on whether to investigate AFF (the FEC later voted not to investigate AFF). A third legal issue was the appearance of political collusion between government agencies with a seemingly anti-conservative bias.

Lerner resigned her position at the IRS in early October. In May, she invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in her, some say, arrogant appearance before Chairman Darrell Issa’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, according to Caroline May, political reporter for the Daily Caller.

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Trump Targets Corruption At U.S. Borders: FBI working With DHS

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Draining The Swamp

The American people during the last two presidential-terms under the Democrats witnessed a marked deterioration in the enforcement of immigration laws, the treatment of U.S. border and enforcement agents by the Obama administration and Democratic Party politicians — who called immigration and border patrol agents “the Gestapo” and “unamerican” — and the low-morale and increased corruption within the system and its ranks.

On Monday, May 22, 2017, the FBI’s Phoenix Field Office public information officer (PIO) announced the agency’s collaboration with other law enforcement departments, including the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), are increasing activities that lead to transparency as opposed to “sugar-coating” reports.

The FBI, as a result of President Donald Trump’s mission to drain the swamp that permeates federal agencies, seeks the raising of awareness with regards to the dangers of border corruption. The effort is part of a larger FBI campaign to address corruption at America’s borders.

Law enforcement officials will be encouraging U.S. citizens and federal, state and local government employees who witness — or suspect — border corruption to report it to their local FBI field office.

One of FBI’s priorities is to combat public corruption, which includes border corruption. “Border corruption poses a significant risk because of the number of people who cross the border every day. Drug and human trafficking, and terrorism are all potential threats facing the U.S. and its citizens,” said Jill McCabe, an FBI public affairs specialist in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Phoenix FBI Field Office is one of about a dozen FBI offices whose area of responsibility include U.S. ports of entry, such as land border crossings, airports, and seaports. The other U.S. cities are Albuquerque, New Mexico; Buffalo, New York; Detroit, Michigan; El Paso and San Antonio, Texas; Fargo, North Dakota; Los Angeles and San Diego, California; Miami, Florida; and Seattle, Washington.

Michael DeLeon, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Phoenix Field Office, which covers all of Arizona said in a statement: “We are committed to investigating and prosecuting public officials guilty of corruption, as evidenced by the FBI’s Yuma Border Corruption Task Force.”

Yuma Sector Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent Anthony Porvaznik said, “The United States Border Patrol prides itself as being among one of the top law enforcement agencies in the country, but we know we are not immune to corruption. Yuma Sector Border Patrol fully supports the FBI’s effort in eliminating border corruption.”

San Luis Port of Entry Director John Schwamm added, “Corruption, at any level, whether it involves our community, state or federal law enforcement officers, and even our elected officials, can potentially impact our national security. It affects the men and women we trust to keep our communities and families safe from today’s dangerous world.”

“Every year, thousands of local, state, and federal law enforcement officers recite the oath of office to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and to enforce our nation’s laws. Each of us takes this oath freely and with no obligation but to keep you safe. We trust and encourage you to report all acts of corruption,” Schwamm urged citizens.

According to the FBI PIO Jill McCabe, “The Department of Homeland Security [DHS] investigators are assigned to the FBI’s Yuma Border Corruption Task Force and are actively engaged in investigating insider threats, as well as detecting bad actors who attempt to use our ports and airports as points of entry for corruption.”

McCabe reports that FBI supervisory agents lead 22 border corruption task forces and working groups across the country, composed of 39 local, state, and federal partner agencies, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Border Patrol), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). More than 250 officers are conducting investigations and gathering intelligence to stop public corruption along both northern and southern borders and ports of entry.

PIO McCabe stated: “Law enforcement needs the public’s eyes and ears to help keep the country safe. If you see something suspicious, please contact the FBI.”

Click Here To Learn More On border corruption.

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Congress To Probe Alleged Obama-Iranian Collusion To Deceive Americans

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

After months of investigating President Donald Trump’s unproven conspiracy with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to derail the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, some lawmakers are turning their attention to the alleged deception by President Barack Obama and his minions to get his “do or die” nuclear deal with Iran.

Last week, Republican leaders of the House Oversight Committee initiated a full-scale investigation into the Obama administration’s activities getting a nuclear deal many believed was a farce at best, a deadly mistake at worst. They are also probing last year’s controversial prisoner swap with Iran for over a billion dollars.

Lawmakers and national security experts believed — and continue to believe — that Obama, his Secretary of State John Kerry and White House advisers actually hurt the U.S. government’s effort to end Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The so-called “pact” was also sold to the American people as a step in the right direction to ceasing the Iranian government’s weapons trafficking networks.

“A number of former intelligence and counter-terrorism officers were concerned with the way the deal was negotiated and the misrepresentation of the nuclear pact’s details by Obama’s questionable national security team,” said former military intelligence operative and police unit commander George O’Brien. “Remember how the assistant national security adviser Ben Rhodes admitted to being deceitful in order to get the deal accepted? That alone should have triggered a probe not only by Congress, but also the Justice Department,” Lt. O’Brien said.

In a letter, Republican Reps. Jason Chaffetz and Ron DeSantis asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to produce Justice Department documents they said would “help the Committee in better understanding these issues.”  They sent the same letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanding all related documents to the Iran deal in the State Department’s possession.

Chaffetz has given both officials a May 19 deadline to provide one copy of them to committee Republicans, and another to the Oversight Committee’s Democratic Party lawmakers.

In part, the letter stated: When President Obama revealed a prisoner exchange agreement with Iran in January 2016, he announced the release of one Iranian and six Iranian-Americans convicted of crimes or awaiting trial. The President described the exchange as a benign “reciprocal humanitarian gesture,” and went as far as to call the individuals released “civilians” who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses.” Among those granted clemency were individuals that the Justice Department deemed threats to national security. The news account identified 14 Iranian fugitives accused of serious crimes for whom the Obama Administration dropped criminal charges, but never released the names or charges. These reports note an Iranian spokesperson contradicted the Administration’s position by claiming there were 28 Iranians “freed or relieved from judicial restrictions” as part of the prisoner exchange agreement. If true, this leaves seven individuals unaccounted for. [It was] also reported that Obama Administration officials blocked and delayed law enforcement efforts to lure Iranian fugitives to countries where they could be arrested and to extradite Iranian suspects in custody overseas.

Chaffetz also wrote to the officials, “please also make your staff available for a briefing on these issues no later than May 25.”

“The noose tightens, the clock is ticking and Jason Chaffetz will get to the bottom of this. Don’t forget Jason has an ace up his sleeve, Trey Gowdy is also on the committee investigating Obama. That should terrify him,” according to the Republican Post.

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

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District Attorney Orders Prosecutors To Stop Charging Illegal Aliens

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

While President Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly are attempting to bring some law and order to the nation’s out-of-control immigration system, a top Washington, D.C., watchdog has revealed additional Democratic Party officeholders who are working feverishly to set up roadblocks.

New York district attorney for the city’s most populated county (borough) is allowing illegal aliens off-the-hook for non-violent crimes. That includes larcenies, criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct, harassment and other misdemeanors. Such a “dispensation” is only for those living in the U.S. illegally, meaning citizens and legal residents will face arrest and prosecution for these so-called minor charges.

According to investigators at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Judicial Watch, the top law enforcement official in New York City’s Kings County (Brooklyn) ordered his staff of prosecutors to stop charging illegal immigrants with minor crimes in order to protect them from being detained and deported by federal agents from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

”You can’t make this stuff up. Officials elected by law-abiding citizens to protect, defend, uphold and enforce criminal laws are bending the rules to protect those in the country illegally. This is a huge step beyond offering illegal aliens sanctuary and constitutes a violation of the oath these public officials have taken,” according to a report from Judicial Watch officials.

Judicial Watch is well-known for investigating government corruption, crime and fraud, as well as exposing elected officials’ misconduct.

Brooklyn’s elected Democrat District Attorney Eric Gonzalez is believed to be the first to issue the order creating two sets of rules involving local crimes. There is a set of rules for illegal aliens that “relaxes” their treatment by law enforcement, and there is another set of rules for citizens who will suffer the full extent of the law including incarceration.

“This should outrage all police officers who are sworn to uphold the law and mandated to avoid racial or ethnic profiling. Prosecutors are already notorious for reducing charges on crime suspects, so technically an illegal alien who committed a burglary can see his charge reduced to criminal trespass. The district attorneys in New York City’s five counties enjoy a large amount of autonomy and are politically-motivated since they are elected officeholders,” said former Detective First-Grade Sid Franes, who served in Manhattan and Queens boroughs.

In a statement issued by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, Gonzalez said: “I am committed to equal and fair justice for all Brooklyn residents – citizens, lawful residents and undocumented immigrants alike. Now more than ever, we must ensure that a conviction, especially for a minor offense, does not lead to unintended and severe consequences like deportation, which can be unfair, tear families apart and destabilize our communities and businesses. In Brooklyn, we have been proactive in protecting immigrants from fraud and hate crimes and now, with the unprecedented hiring of immigration attorneys and the implementation of this policy, we continue to lead on this important issue.”

Gonzales went on to state, “I want to emphasize that our Office is not seeking to frustrate the federal government’s function of protecting our country by removing non-citizens whose illegal acts have caused real harm and endangered others. Rather, our goal is to enhance public safety and fairness in the criminal justice system and this policy complements, but does not compromise, this goal. We will not stop prosecuting crimes, but we are determined to see that case outcomes are proportionate to the offense as well as fair and just for everyone.”

“Now more than ever, we must ensure that a conviction, especially for a minor offense, does not lead to unintended and severe consequences like deportation, which can be unfair, tear families apart and destabilize our communities and businesses,” Gonzalez said.

Following the Brooklyn DA’s policy being exposed, prosecutors in Maryland’s largest city jumped onboard the anti-Trump bandwagon, only with less fanfare and less press coverage. There was no public announcement or celebratory press, only an internal memorandum.

The chief deputy, Michael Schatzow, used similar language in the memo, writing that the Trump/Sessions/Kelly deportation efforts “have increased the potential collateral consequences to certain immigrants of minor, non-violent criminal conduct.” Schatzow is second-in-command to Baltimore’s top prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, and oversees major crimes at the state agency.

“In considering the appropriate disposition of a minor, non-violent criminal case, please be certain to consider those potential consequences to the victim, witnesses, and the defendant,” Schatzow wrote to his staff.

Mosby herself boasted at an event in Chicago about what she claims was a successful prosecution of six Baltimore police officers associated with the Freddie Gray case. Not one of those officers was convicted of the excessive charges she brought against the officers.

“Had I not been in that position as State’s Attorney, had I not had a seat at the table to make the unprecedented decisions that I was forced to make, had there been no accountability, there’d be no exposure, there’d be no reform, and the systemic discriminatory police practices in one of the largest police departments would’ve persisted,” Mosby said, according to the police-support group Blue Lives Matter

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Attorney General Sessions Announces Trump’s Plans To Eradicate MS-13

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Mexican officials fear MS-13 and Los Zetas joining forces

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions relayed President Donald Trump’s vow to eradicate the deadly transnational gang known as Mara Salvatrucha during a speech he gave while in New York last week

Sessions visited the Long Island suburbs to deliver a message of hope to the areas that are experiencing one of the downsides of uncontrolled immigration – foreign organized crime gangs.

Law enforcement sources in the United States claim that intelligence reports signal a formal alliance exists between the Salvadorian-based Mara Salvatrucha — better known in the U.S. as MS-13 — and the equally dangerous and bloodthirsty Los Zetas, the most feared criminal organization or cartel in Mexico.

This latest development throws a curve ball at U.S. law enforcement efforts to assist the Mexicans and other Latin American nations fight the organized crime syndicates who traffic in narcotics that is earmarked for the United States and European nations.

According to a Conservative Base source working on intelligence analysis for a federal law enforcement agency, there are signs that MS-13 members are exchanging their most valuable asset — intelligence on governments’ anti-drug operations — for Los Zeta’s military training, some of which was gained when members were part of Mexico’s federal police and military.

Some Los Zetas members were even trained in the United States at the School of the Americas located at Fort Benning, Georgia, according to former police detective and intelligence officer Michael Snopes.

“Los Zetas was formed about 12 years ago by deserters from the Mexican army’s special forces units,” according to Snopes. They have already worked with drug gangs in Guatemala and began to entice members of that nation’s military to join “the darkside,” said Snopes.

While El Salvador’s government officials claim links between MS-13 and Los Zetas are few and far between, American drug enforcement officials believe the alliance is a reality and helps Los Zetas to dominate the other Mexican cartels vying for power.

“Usually armed with only handguns, MS-13 are now carrying military rifles — M-16s or AK-47s — and explosives such as grenades and mortars,” said a source who requested anonymity.

The Zetas’ ultimate goal is to integrate the Maras into their network and become the most powerful group in Guatemala — criminal or legitimate, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Organized Crime.

Justice Department Releases MS-13 Threat Assessment

They’ve severed the fingers of their rivals with machetes…brutally murdered suspected informants, including a 17-year-old pregnant federal witness…attacked and threatened law enforcement officers…committed a string of rapes, assaults, break-ins, auto thefts, extortions, and frauds across the US…gotten involved in everything from drug and firearms trafficking to prostitution and money laundering…and are sowing violence and discord not just here in the US but around the world.  

MS-13 members perpetrate violence—from assaults to homicides, using firearms, machetes, or blunt objects—to intimidate rival gangs, law enforcement, and the general public. They often target middle and high school students for recruitment. And they form tenuous alliances…and sometimes vicious rivalries…with other criminal groups, depending on their needs at the time.

Who are they? Members of Mara Salvatrucha, better known as MS-13, who are mostly Salvadoran nationals or first generation Salvadoran-Americans, but also Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, and other Central and South American immigrants. And according to our recent national threat assessment of this growing, mobile street gang, they could be operating in your community…now or in the near future.

Based on information from our own investigations, from our state and local law enforcement partners, and from community organizations, we’ve concluded that while the threat posed by MS-13 to the US as a whole is at the “medium” level, membership in parts of the country is so concentrated that we’ve labeled the threat level there “high.”

Here are some other highlights from the FBI’s MS-13 threat assessment:

MS-13 operates in at least 42 states and the District of Columbia and has about 6,000-10,000 members nationwide. Currently, the threat is highest in the western and northeastern parts of the country, which coincides with elevated Salvadoran immigrant populations in those areas. In the southeast and central regions, the current threat is moderate to low, but recently, we’ve seen an influx of MS-13 members into the southeast, causing an increase in violent crimes there.

MS-13 members engage in a wide range of criminal activity, including drug distribution, murder, rape, prostitution, robbery, home invasions, immigration offenses, kidnapping, carjackings/auto thefts, and vandalism. Most of these crimes, you’ll notice, have one thing in common—they are exceedingly violent. And while most of the violence is directed toward other MS-13 members or rival street gangs, innocent citizens often get caught in the crossfire.

MS-13 is expanding its membership at a “moderate” rate through recruitment and migration. Some MS-13 members move to get jobs or to be near family members—currently, the southeast and the northeast are seeing the largest increases in membership. MS-13 often recruits new members by glorifying the gang lifestyle (often on the Internet, complete with pictures and videos) and by absorbing smaller gangs.

Speaking of employment, MS-13 members typically work for legitimate businesses by presenting false documentation. They primarily pick employers that don’t scrutinize employment documents, especially in the construction, restaurant, delivery service, and landscaping industries.

Right now, MS-13 has no official national leadership structure. MS-13 originated in Los Angeles, but when members migrated eastward, they began forming cliques that for the most part operated independently. These cliques, though, often maintain regular contact with members in other regions to coordinate recruitment/criminal activities and to prevent conflicts. FBI officials believe that Los Angeles gang members have an elevated status among their MS-13 counterparts across the country, a system of respect that could potentially evolve into a more organized national leadership structure.

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Al-Qaeda’s al-Zawahiri Unfolds Strategy For Defeating Trump

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Despite the violence committed against American citizens and legal residents by foreign criminals and criminal gangs during the last three presidential administrations, the current occupant of the White House is the first to take direct action, according to law enforcement officials with the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

Although President Donald Trump and his national security team have noticeably intensified federal law enforcement, border security and immigration enforcement, he also has shown his deeply felt sympathy for the nameless victims of jihadists and criminal aliens.

In fact, this week before he acknowledged his achievements during his first 100 days in office, President Trump’s administration unveiled a special section at the Department of Homeland Security to assist the victims of criminal immigrants.

In a speech recorded by al-Qaeda’s longtime leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the terrorist leader delivered a message of encouragement and strategy in a video released on April 23, according to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Israel.

The video is titled, “Al-Sham [greater Syria] will not surrender [to anyone] but Allah.” It was produced by al-Sahab (al-Qaeda’s “Foundation for Islamic Media Publication”) and posted on the phenomenal web site YouTube. In the speech Ayman al-Zawahiri presented his world view, addressed his followers in Syria and formulated the principles and strategy for their continued fighting, officials at Meir Amit stated.

In Meir Amit’s assessment, the background to the speech included the growing difficulties faced by the jihadist organizations in Syria and Iraq; the campaign to liberate Mosul from ISIS, which is approaching its final stages; the preparations for the attack on ISIS’s Syrian stronghold in al-Raqqa; the loss of Aleppo and the pushing of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Fateh al-Sham Front and other rebel organizations into the area in and around Idlib. All that created a genuine need to learn from experience, formulate a strategy for the future and raise the fighters’ morale.

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s strategy centers around operative suggestions/instructions, including the following: lessons have to be learned from previous experience to improve future fighting capabilities; the concept of territorial control [the ISIS concept] has to be abandoned, and the problem in al-Sham should not be viewed as a national problem; the strategy of guerilla warfare, which is the weapon on the weak, should be adhered to;the campaign in al-Sham should not be regarded as local but rather global part of the comprehensive struggle Muslims are waging against the West and their other enemies; collaboration among the Muslims in al-Sham should be increased; Muslims all over the world should participate in the jihad in al-Sham through deploying operatives and sending money, insofar as the Muslim nation is able.

Ayman al-Zawahiri did not specifically name the Fateh al-Sham Front(formerly al-Nusra Front, the branch of al-Qaeda in Syria). That was because he wanted to blur the connections between al-Qaeda and the Fateh al-Sham Frontand their common ideology, to obviate the Front’s difficulties in collaborating with other radical Islamic organizations (within the headquarters for the liberation of al-Sham). ISIS and the Islamic State were not specifically named, apparently not to worsen the rift between them and al-Qaeda, and to stress the call for unity against common enemies. Thus Ayman al-Zawahiri appealed to “our followers in al-Sham” and to the Islamic nation as a whole.

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s strategy, at whose core is abandoning the concept of territorial control and adhering to guerilla warfare tactics, is particularly relevant for ISIS. The strategy challenges the establishment of the Islamic State/Caliphate established by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in 2014, to which Ayman al-Zawahiri and al-Qaeda objected from the outset. Moreover, it is entirely possible that the realization that it is difficult to defend territory and that it would be better to return to the familiar tactics of guerilla warfare has begun to become apparent to ISIS’s leadership, in view of the imminent possibility that Mosul will fall (which was mentioned in the video published by ISIS’s Nineveh Province.

Main Points of Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Speech

The following were the main points of Ayman al-Zawahiri’s speech

  1. Al-Qaeda cannot support Muslims all over the world, especially its followers in al-Sham, because it is fighting the “Crusader enemy” [i.e., the Western countries] on other fronts: “I want to remind our followers in al-Sham, your wounds and pain are the most painful wounds and pain of the entire [Islamic] nation…We hope to compensate you with our souls, but what distracts us is the fact that we are toying with the Crusader enemy on a different front.”
  1. The war in al-Sham is part of a comprehensive campaign against Islam: “[The Muslims in al-Sham and especially followers of al-Qaeda] should know that they are a target [for their enemies] because [the Muslims] want Islam to rule the land.” He added “The coalition of Satans [the American-led international coalition] does not accept [the control of Islam over al-Sham] and is doing its utmost to turn the tide of Islam.”
  1. The followers of al-Qaeda in al-Sham must wage a long-term struggle against various enemies, not break down and continue waging jihad: followers in al-Sham must stand firm and prepare themselves for a long war against the Crusaders and their allies [i.e., the West], the Shi’ites and the Alawites. Ayman al-Zawahiri also called on his followers in al-Sham to be patient and not surrender, because it was better for them to live with honor than humiliation.
  2. The struggle in al-Sham has to be global, and Muslims in al-Sham have to collaborate with Muslims around the world. It should not be a local national struggle separate from Islam: Ayman al-Zawahiri called for the unification and bringing together of hearts of Muslims in al-Sham and around the globe,against what he called the “Crusade” against Muslims being fought everywhere. He called on his followers in al-Sham to be wary of traitors who suggest that they wage a national Syrian struggle divorced from Islam. Such a struggle, he claimed, would lead to reconciliation with the worst criminals [that is, Bashar Assad’s regime].

Once he had established the principles for continuing the fighting, Ayman al-Zawahiri made three suggestions/instructions to his followers in al-Sham.

  1. Lessons have to be learned to improve fighting in the future: Learning those lessons will advance victory. Ayman al-Zawahiri’s followers in Syria should be critical of the military operations they carry out to be able to correct their mistakes, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad.
  2. The concept of territorial control should be abandoned and exchanged for the strategy of guerilla warfare: Fighters should focus on guerilla activities and on exhausting the enemy. According to Ayman al-Zawahiri, such warfare has always been the weapon of the weak against the “arrogant.” The fighters should not concentrate on the control of territory but rather on operations to destroy the enemy’s morale and plunge him into despair. That can be done by repeated blows that will cause him many casualties.
  3. Al-Sham should not be regarded as a local problem but rather as a problem for the entire Muslim nation: Enemies are trying to turn the problem in al-Sham into a national problem. That will turn it into a local problem of towns, cities and neighborhoods, shrinking the problem and eventually making it disappear. Ayman al-Zawahiri called on the entire Islamic nation to join the jihad in al-Sham by sending its sons, money, resources and capabilities.


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CIA Director Brennan Allegedly Headed Obama Spy Ops On Trump Team

A number of watchdog-group reports and news stories have revealed the serious deficiencies that exist within the Central Intelligence Agency especially during former-President Barack Obama’s two-terms in the White House. Some blame Obama’s CIA director John Brennan for allowing what was supposed to be a non-political bureaucracy into a politically-motivated subsidiary of the Democratic National Committee.

While the investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump for President campaign and operatives working for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin does not appear to be bearing fruit, it does prove how easily computer hackers have exposed classified intelligence from the once-considered premiere spy agency, the CIA.

In fact, according to a number of reports coming from watchdogs such as Judicial Watch, the Clarion Project, Larry Klayman’s Freedom Watch, and others, the CIA and FBI have conceded that it must have been an insider and that the CIA is currently searching for the traitorous leaker.

In addition, the former Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, allegedly worked feverishly to undermine Donald Trump’s presidential campaign by leaking intelligence obtained from Great Britain and European Union countries. It’s already been revealed that a British top-secret signal-intelligence agency sent reports to Obama or his minions who then leaked them to the world’s news media.

According to Trump insider, Roger Stone, “[T]he standard operating procedure for the intelligence agencies. They go to a third-party nation and they ask them to conduct the survelliance so that the CIA can play dumb. So they have not violated the law, technically. Judge Napolitano turns out to be absolutely right and I think folks at FOX, management, owe him an apology. I want to learn more about this because I still think we are going to learn that the deep state, the 17 intelligence agencies, have promulgated this myth of Russian collusion because it is the rationale they used to surveil Donald Trump and his aides. And that would mean that there is no Russian collusion proven, Steve, and their motive was solely political. That’s Watergate times 10.”

“While opponents of President Trump have become emboldened in the wake of General Flynn’s resignation as the National Security Adviser, and while the media has reveled in a frenzy of self-righteous outrage that conceals its glee, it is important to observe that his resignation was sparked by leaked information coming from unelected bureaucrats within our nation’s intelligence apparatus, seemingly provoked by their deep distaste for the new administration. Even more ominously, some of these bureaucrats are perhaps motivated by their loyalties to the Obama administration,” said Jay Sekulow, a public-interest attorney who often argues cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. claims that following is known:

Sekulow also said, “Someone in the Obama Administration unmasked the names of those on the Trump transition team who were caught up in that surveillance. That someone was discovered to be Susan Rice who served Obama as the national security adviser and gained a reputation as a dishonest political hack and liar.”

“Now we know this goes far beyond incidental surveillance. This was spying on political enemies,” he added.

“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to Shariah law,” said Tom Trento, director of Florida Security Council, who has been critical of Brennan’s service in the Obama White House.

Some of the nation’s top intelligence, military, national security and law enforcement experts once loudly called for Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan to resign from his post or for President Barack Obama to fire Brennan from his White House staff.

During a press conference in September 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Thursday, respected experts, including officials from the Florida Security Council, told reporters that because of Brennan’s adherence to the politically-correct orthodoxy that permeates the Obama administration the U.S. government is being prevented from identifying, understanding and countering radical Muslims and their threat of imposing Sharia law.

Frank Gaffney, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration, and others claim that Sharia is a supremacist, totalitarian legal doctrine that leads to terrorism, torture, abuse of women and young girls, and other horrors.

A major piece of evidence that points to the dangers associated with Brennan’s failure to perform his primary function – to know the enemy and its threat doctrine – came to light when analysts at the Florida Security Council discovered that a known Hamas operative and unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history (Holy Land Foundation), Sheik Kifah Mustapha,participated in a six-week-long, government-sponsored “Citizens Academy” hosted by the FBI as part of its outreach to the Muslim community.

During the six-week FBI program, Mustapha – a man tied to an officially designated terrorist organization – was escorted into the top secret National Counterterrorism Center and other secure government facilities, including the FBI National Academy located on the Quantico, Virginia U.S. Marine Base.

Terrorism expert Steve Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, exposed Mustapha’s appointment in Illinois to a post as a State Police chaplain. However, according to Illinois officials, the appointment was revoked in spite of the protests of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan must resign his post immediately,” said Mr. Gaffney, whose Center for Security Policy released a report entitled, Shariah: The Threat to America.

“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to the homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to shariah. In the wake of this recent episode at the National Counterterrorism Center, in which the FBI gave a guided tour of one of our most sensitive counter-terrorism facilities to a known Hamas operative, it is clear that the cluelessness fostered by Mr. Brennan is causing an empowering of the wrong sorts of Muslims in America – and endangering the American people,” said Gaffney to reporters.

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San Diego School Board: CAIR To Help Teach Your Kids Sharia Law

By Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A school board in the United States that refuses to allow any symbols or images regarding Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, voted to allow an outside group of Muslim activists to begin the process of indoctrination of young American children, according to a former police official, Norman Thomas Gargan, who served as a training adviser in Iraq.

Members of the Board of the Unified San Diego School District voted last week to cooperate with the Council on American-Islam Relations (CAIR) in their introduction of a number of precepts of Sharia law in classrooms throughout the school district, according to Gargan and other law enforcement sources.

“This is just the beginning, a test case to see if they get away with this. And believe me, it’s coming to your school next.” said Editor Paul Walter

“What amounts to out-and-out brainwashing of school children will begin with rationalizing such blatant religious indoctrination as be part of an anti-bullying program to protect Muslims. The program, which is designed by CAIR, will probably find its way into other cities and towns within California,” noted former police detective and security director Patricia Caramando. “It will spread — take my word for it — across the United States, which is part of their plan. The school board members sound as if they’s watched MSNBC one too many times,” she added.

According to the Homeland Security Department, about 25,000 refugees and their families have been resettled in southern California just this year. Many have also moved from their U.S. homes to the Golden State due to the generosity of state and city officials.

Det. Caramando added that she believes “San Diego is considered an excellent location for a variety of reasons to institute a Sharia-friendly base of operations for the already far-left-leaning California.”

This is video of the statement by the executive director of the SD office of CAIR.

Whether they call themselves Marxist or not, the Board of the San Diego Unified School District is dominated by those who have a cultural Marxist mentality. On April 4, 2017 they voted to blatantly promote Islam in the public schools. These anti-bullying projects are just an excuse to indoctrinate the kids in a pro-Islam, anti-American ideology. This is the entire section of the meeting, in which they discussed this topic and made a decision.

Mr. Hanif Mohebi, the executive director of CAIR’s San Diego facility, hails the anti-bullying program approved by the Board of the San Diego as a means to make SDUSD the most Islam-friendly school district in America (if done right, he says).

Mohebi is associated with the Islamic Center of San Diego, where the staff aided two of the 9/11 terrorists, who flew the jet liner into the Pentagon. Of course, it’s often pointed out that CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror trial.

The United Arab Emirates has also designated CAIR as a terrorist organization.

On Monday, the nation’s new Attorney General Jeff Sessions held a press briefing in which he reiterated the Trump administration’s plans for dealing with criminal aliens. On of his points was the often quoted warning that any city observing a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens, especially criminal aliens, will very possibly lose some federal financial assistance.

While the Democrats, the news media and immigration activists were prepared to slam Sessions and his boss, President Donald Trump, they discovered that Sessions spoke about continuing some of the Obama administration’s policies regarding immigration. Mr. Sessions’ Justice Department underlings had also told reporters that any changes in policy or new executive orders will probably take place down the road.

Although the Obama administration issued instructions about immigration enforcement in July 2016 during the presidential race between Trump and the eventually defeated Hillary Clinton — including the stipulation that any cities applying for Justice Department grant programs must be in compliance with federal law including immigration enforcement — President Barack Obama and his minions did nothing to back up his proclamations or his verbal instructions.

Sessions noted that local governments applying for grants from the Justice Department will be required to prove their compliance. Sessions also said that the Justice Department in the future will look into additional measures for both federal and local government agencies.

“Fundamentally, we intend to use all the lawful authority we have to make sure that our state and local officials, who are so important to law enforcement, are in sync with the federal government,” Sessions stated during the televised briefing.

While Sessions appeared to keep his presentation low-key, he did warn local governments in the midst of adopting “sanctuary” status of the consequences of their actions.

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Obama’s Syrian Hoax Perpetrated by Susan Rice and John Kerry

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Democratic congressmen, liberal media denizens and President Obama’s administration prematurely praised a “deal” for eliminating Assad’s chemical weapon stockpile. But new reports on Syria show the renegade regime still uses chemical weapons on civilians including Syrian babies.

Former national security adviser for President Barack Obama, Susan Rice, applauded her boss just a few months ago saying that Obama and his team succeeded in getting Syrian President Bashir al-Assad’s cooperation in ridding Syrian military’s chemical weapons stockpile including sarin gas. 

Unfortunately, Rice’s statement received a fact-checker’s criticism on Monday, a direct result of last week’s heartbreaking chemical attack attributed to Assad’s forces. While the Democratic Party and their news media sycophants are already calling it a bogus news it is a matter of fact that editorially the Washington Post is a progressive news organization.

The WaPo’s fact-checker gave the former national security adviser a rating of “four Pinocchios” the newspaper’s worst rating on their truth scale. They wrote: “The reality is that there were continued chemical-weapons attacks by Syria’s [President] Assad regime.”

In addition, the questionable PolitiFact website retracted its favorable rating for a claim made by Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry in 2014 that “100 percent” of weapons of mass destruction were no longer in possession of Syria’s embattled government. While Politifact claims it is non-partisan, the group is just another front for the progressive Democrats.

Most of the members of the elite news media also ignored congressional testimony given by one of Obama’s own minions. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had pointed to “gaps and inconsistencies in Syria’s declaration,” confirming reports from counter-terrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) experts that the Syrian president’s regime continued to conceal WMD at undisclosed locations.

This latest case of dishonesty by Rice follows a disturbing report about her allegedly using intelligence reports and electronic-eavesdropping transcripts for political reasons during and after the 2016 presidential race between Hillary Clinton and the GOP’s victorious Donald Trump.

While most of the national news media ignored any negative stories about Obama, the alternative news media went viral over reports that Susan “Benghazi” Rice was the so-called anonymous “senior official” mentioned in previous reports who unmasked, the names of the Trump transition team.  Unfortunately, the nation’s largest news conglomerates continued to ignore the Obama administration’s transgressions preferring to cover what President Donald J. Trump calls “fake news.”

According to a growing number of sources, the woman who went on television news shows and openly lied repeatedly about the Battle of Benghazi leaked the identities of the GOP presidential candidate and his staff contained in classified documents.

Veteran Bloomberg News reporter Eli Lake, who is celebrated as a reliable and honest newsman, reported that it was Obama’s dishonestly partisan National Security Adviser Susan Rice who was the person who ordered the “un-masking” of the U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports. Lake also reported that she directed intelligence officials to unmask — identify — members of the Trump transition team.

It’s also reported that White House officials had knowledge of Rice’s involvement for about a month. “Members of the National Security Council reviewing U.S. intelligence community’s un-masking policy by the new administration discovered that Rice, one of Obama’s closest staff members, was involved in alleged criminal behavior. She and others were risking the disclosure of people’s conversations who were not targets of wiretaps and other electronic eavesdropping,” said former military intelligence operative and police detective Sid Franes.

“For crying out loud, these are Americans being victimized by radical politicians who in turn are attacking the Trump presidency with the help of most news organizations,” he added.

As Adam Housley of Fox News revealed, “[N]ames of the Trump transition team were unmasked by a senior member of the Obama administration who used the un-masking for political purposes.”

Housley also reported that when communications of American citizens are incidentally picked up during the surveillance of others their identities are to remain secret so their names are usually redacted or identified by a generic term such as “American One.”

Instead of asking the appropriate committees in the House and Senate to probe the nation’s vulnerability to foreign espionage — especially cyber espionage — the Democrats wish to create an ad hoc or select committee to investigate the alleged cybercrimes perpetrated against their own political party. In addition, the supporters of the New World Order, both Democrats and Republicans serving in both houses of the U.S. Congress continue their baseless accusations of collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russian government especially its political strongman President Vladimir Putin.

As President Trump is finding out firsthand, the foreign intelligence threat within the United States is far more complex than it has ever been historically. The threat is increasingly asymmetrical insofar as it comes not only from traditional foreign intelligence services but also from nontraditional, non-state actors who operate from decentralized organizations.

Intelligence collection is no longer limited to classified national defense information but now includes targeting of the elements of national power, including our national economic interests. Moreover, foreign intelligence tradecraft is increasingly sophisticated and takes full advantage of advances in communications security and the general openness of US society.

E-Mail Jim Kouri:

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Obama’s Susan Rice Involved In Anti-Trump Leaking Operation

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The alternative news media went viral over reports that Susan “Benghazi” Rice, who had served as President Obama’s national security adviser, was the so-called anonymous “senior official” mentioned in previous reports who unmasked, the names of the Trump transition team.  Unfortunately, the nation’s largest news conglomerates continue to ignore the Obama administration’s transgressions preferring to cover what President Donald J. Trump calls “fake news.”

According to a growing number of sources, the woman who went on television news shows and openly lied repeatedly about the Battle of Benghazi leaked the identities of the GOP presidential candidate and his staff.

Veteran Bloomberg News reporter Eli Lake, who is celebrated as a reliable and honest newsman, reported that it was Obama’s dishonestly partisan National Security Adviser Susan Rice who was the person who ordered the “un-masking” of the U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports. Lake also reported that she directed intelligence officials to unmask — identify — members of the Trump transition team.

It’s also reported that White House officials had knowledge of Rice’s involvement for about a month. “Members of the National Security Council reviewing U.S. intelligence community’s un-masking policy by the new administration discovered that Rice, one of Obama’s closest staff members, was involved in alleged criminal behavior. She and others were risking the disclosure of people’s conversations who were not targets of wiretaps and other electronic eavesdropping,” said former military intelligence operative and police detective Sid Franes.

“For crying out loud, these are Americans being victimized by radical politicians who in turn are attacking the Trump presidency with the help of the majority of news organizations,” he added.

As Adam Housley of Fox News revealed, “[N]ames of the Trump transition team were unmasked by a senior member of the Obama administration who used the un-masking for political purposes.”

Housley also reported that when communications of American citizens are incidentally picked up during the surveillance of others their identities are to remain secret so their names are usually redacted or identified by a generic term such as “American One.”

Instead of asking the appropriate committees in the House and Senate to probe the nation’s vulnerability to foreign espionage — especially cyber espionage — the Democrats wish to create an ad hoc or select committee to investigate the alleged cyber crimes perpetrated against their own political party. In addition, the supporters of the New World Order, both Democrats and Republicans serving in both houses of the U.S. Congress continue their baseless accusations of collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russian government especially its political strongman President Vladimir Putin.

As President Trump is finding out firsthand, the foreign intelligence threat within the United States is far more complex than it has ever been historically. The threat is increasingly asymmetrical insofar as it comes not only from traditional foreign intelligence services but also from nontraditional, non-state actors who operate from decentralized organizations.

Intelligence collection is no longer limited to classified national defense information but now includes targeting of the elements of national power, including our national economic interests. Moreover, foreign intelligence tradecraft is increasingly sophisticated and takes full advantage of advances in communications security and the general openness of US society.

In order to meet these challenges, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program is being redesigned to become more nationally focused and directed. Through a more centralized program, the FBI will ensure its ability to establish priorities, be more proactive, and better engage other intelligence community agencies so that cooperation in important cases is immediate and seamless.

The FBI plays an essential role in the US government’s counterintelligence efforts and has the responsibility to produce domestic foreign intelligence in support of other members of the intelligence community.

The FBI also has the responsibility to oversee the integration of domestic law enforcement and intelligence efforts to address intelligence threats in support of Director of Central Intelligence imperatives. The counterintelligence strategy involves centrally managed, proactive, and nationally directed initiatives, with prioritized and strategic objectives that support DCI imperatives, overseen by experienced headquarters managers.

Success for the Foreign Counterintelligence Program will be reflected in the extent to which the FBI agents are able to: identify the objectives, the assets, and the operations of foreign intelligence services operating in the United States; disrupt the operations of those foreign intelligence services; and change the behavior of targeted institutions and individuals to minimize opportunities for their exploitation.

Government support of critical national research and development initiatives in a large number of agencies and involving thousands of government contractors must be protected. Compromise of these initiatives by those hostile to the United States would do irreparable harm. The FBI must effectively meet its responsibility to assess the threat against those projects and, with other Intelligence Community agencies, initiate operations to counter the threat, say many security experts.

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Trump, GOP Find Way To Force Mexicans To Pay For Building The Border Wall

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

This weekend, the morning television news shows addressed a number of topics including the problems facing President Donald Trump with keeping his promises, including the building of a security barrier or “border wall” between the United States and Mexico. But thanks to some GOP lawmakers, including Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers, who is a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, and serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, there is a new bill introduced in the House of Representatives that will help in achieving this important border wall protection

Congressman Mike Rogers introduced HR 1813, the Border Wall Funding Act of 2017. This bill, which is supported and endorsed by FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, would impose a 2% fee on all remittances headed south of the US border. Remittances, or wire transfers, are commonly used by illegal immigrants to move money from the US to their home countries. In 2014, Mexico alone received over $24 billion in remittances sent from the US, while other South and Central American countries received over 15% of their GDPs in the form of remittances.

“President Trump has made it very clear that he intends to complete a wall along our Southern border. As a senior member of the Homeland Security committee, I have long supported the border wall, which will protect Americans.”  Rogers said.

“In order to jumpstart the funding of the wall, I have introduced a bill to impose a 2% fee on remittances sent south of the border. This bill is simple – anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall. This bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall,” Rogers said.

One of the main issues that propelled the Republicans and Trump to victory was the promise of a wall being built at the United States border with Mexico. The response by the news media, their favorite Democratic politicians and illegal-immigration advocates was astounding, with newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the Internet awash in comments that Trump was a racist, a bigot, and a xenophobic bully. However, major polls showed that at least a majority of Republicans and independents favored a barrier on the U.S. border with Mexico and the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) unions endorsed the Republican presidential candidate, as did most of the nation’s local and state police unions.

Now failing to convince President Trump and a majority of Americans that a border wall is “evil,” Democrats and the news media are hoping memories are short in Washington.

“The truth of the matter – noticeably avoided by the media and politicians – is that the U.S. Congress passed a bill and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2006 ordering a wall to be built at the U.S.-Mexican border and that more Border Patrol agents should be hired for the Southern border.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act required the DHS to complete construction by December 31, 2008, of either 370 miles or other mileage determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security of reinforced fencing along the southwest border wherever the Secretary determines it would be most practical and effective in deterring smugglers and aliens attempting illegal entry,” according to documents in the Government Printing Office.[Link]

“This provision also required the construction of reinforced fencing along a total of not less than 700 miles of the southwest border where fencing would be most practical and effective, but it did not establish a deadline for completion of the full 700 miles. DHS set a goal to complete approximately 670 miles of fencing by December 31, 2008. In December 2008, DHS reported that it planned to complete all but one of the fence projects by March 2009.” [Link]

A Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll indicated the American people favored a proposal to build a 2,000-mile security fence by a 51-to-37 percent margin. The total illegal alien population was estimated by then-Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge at 8 to 12 million in December 2003, but financial guru Lou Dobbs of Fox Business Channel regularly uses 20 million as a more realistic number of illegal aliens in the US. The sea of illegal aliens provides a cover and an environment in which terrorists can hide, and the tide of in-coming illegal aliens provides terrorists with a reliable means of entry, the Global Security report.

Most Americans were totally kept in the dark by the news media’s hotbed of corruption when on Friday, January 14, 2011, then Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano’s office announced that the Obama administration canceled the ‘Virtual Fence’ project along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Obama and Napolitano had decided a “virtual fence” would be more effective and they controlled both houses of Congress and Bush, who was never a big advocate of controlling immigration, went along with the plan.

The reason for her cancellation after spending almost a billion dollars was the continued technical equipment problems and the rising costs of constructing and installing the components of the Obama virtual fence including closed-circuit TV cameras and monitors, electronic detectors, and other security measures.

“Sadly, we had a virtual president and a virtual DHS secretary making a virtual decision on a virtual fence that never existed in the first place. And after paying off some of Obama’s contributors to his campaign with hefty contracts, the project was canceled, One-billion-dollars was spent. And the Mexican government was elated that there was no wall, no fence and no virtual barriers,” said for U.S. narcotics enforcement officer Carl Meezinger.

As reported in the past by, the original border security plan called for a fence and barriers to be used on parts of the U.S.’s southern border, but with the Democrats controlling both houses of Congress and the Bush Administration being weak on border security, the plan switched from a real fence to a virtual fence using high-tech equipment.

Unfortunately, the Department of Homeland Security’s failure to protect the United State, was a costly program to place crucial electronic surveillance systems along the U.S.-Mexico border that is years behind schedule. The security project is grossly over budget because Secretary Janet Napolitano’s agency hasn’t adequately managed the contractor doing the work, according to a Washington, DC watchdog group.

“As a result, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted and the porous southern border will continue to be vulnerable despite the Obama Administration’s assurances that it’s as secure as it’s ever been. So far the troubled project, known as Secure Border Initiative Network, has cost the government $672 million although it’s nowhere near completion,” according to Judicial Watch, a public-interest group that investigates political corruption.

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Police May Use Weaponized Unmanned Drones

NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

State lawmakers in Connecticut are getting set to debate a bill that would provide state and city police departments to use armed unmanned aerial vehicles or “drones”  fitted with weapons that are deadly or capable of inflicting serious injuries, according to report from the Connecticut General Assembly this week.

While the proposed law overwhelmingly passed the state’s judiciary committee, several members said they just wanted to allow an open debate by lawmakers from both political parties.

According to reports, only the state of North Dakota has allowed its police forces to use weaponized drones, but even then police are only allowed to the use weapons deemed non-lethal, such as stun guns (Tasers), rubber bullets, water hoses or tear gas. Meanwhile, Wisconsin, Nevada, Oregon, North Carolina and Vermont prohibit anyone — police or National Guard — from using weaponized unmanned aerial vehicles.

Details regarding law enforcement’s use drones armed with deadly weapons will be stipulated by the Connecticut’s Police Officer Standards and Training Council (POST). Police officers assigned to controlling drone flights and the weaponry are expected to receive intensive training before being allowed to use the armed drones.

“I can see both sides of the issue of armed drones,” said a former New York police lieutenant. “On the one hand a weaponized UAV is one more tool that can be used in dealing with a terrorist attack, but on the other hand it may be misused in situations that don’t require immediate deadly physical force,” said Lt. Carl Winnacker.

However, another veteran cops sees things differently: “I’m against it because there are certain risks, especially when you go high-tech,” said former NYPD police officer Iris Aquino. “There are people out there who have the knowledge and ability to actually commandeer control of drones and use them to attack police officers or innocent civilians. Look at what renegade governments and expert hackers have been able to do [with computers]. It could be a nightmare,” Aquino said.

The Connecticut law, if passed, requires police agencies to obtain a judge’s warrant before using a drone, unless there are emergency circumstances or the person who is the subject of the drone use gives permission. Police commanding officers will be required to records and report yearly their use of drones including why a UAV was needed.

During a senate hearing, titled, “The Future of Drones in America: Law Enforcement and Privacy Considerations,” held on Wednesday, legal experts told lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee that within the next ten years thousands of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, will be used to gather information from civilians by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Legal experts who testified, including Amie Stepanovich, director of the Domestic Surveillance Project, Electronic Privacy Information Center, claimed that new privacy laws are required to protect Americans from public and private use of UAVs.

Drone construction and implementation is considered a “growth industry” in the U.S. with research continuing on production of a “stealth drone.” Unmanned aerial vehicles will be programmed to monitor crops, national parks, animal preserves and to assist police SWAT teams. As a result, federal and state privacy laws have been rendered anachronistic by advances in drone technology, experts said at the Senate hearing.

The testifying expert said: “Current privacy protections from aerial surveillance are based on court decisions from the 1980s, the Judiciary Committee was told, before the widespread drone use was anticipated. In general, manned helicopters and planes already have the potential to do the same kinds of surveillance and intrusive information gathering as drones, but drones can be flown more cheaply, for longer periods of time and at less risk to human life. That makes it likely that surveillance and information-gathering will become much more widespread.”

Meanwhile, Federal Aviation Administration officials claimed that upwards of 7,000 civilian drones will be in use within the next five years once the FAA grants them greater access to U.S. skies.

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Spy Agencies Eavesdropped On Trump Team, Say CIA/NSA Whistleblowers

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Please Note: Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson interviews another whistleblower — who confirms President Trump’s allegations against the Obama spy team — in a special video link posted below this news analysis.

“I meet with foreign leaders all the time as a senator,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “I wonder if my meetings are being surveilled by the intelligence community. If so, I think when I’m involved, that would be inappropriate, because I may be talking of things of policy that I don’t want the executive branch to know about.” 

In a previous news analysis, it was reported that at least 50 intelligence officers from the Defense Intelligence Agency blew their whistles about having been ordered to “re-edit” their intelligence reports in order to coincide with President Barack Obama’s “talking points” and speeches. While the DIA’s inspector general condemned this activity at the DIA, the news media who are supposed to be the people’s watchdogs ignored the entire story, as was usual during the Obama-era.

In the midst of a week filled with accusations and allegations of suspicious intelligence-gathering related to the presidential race as well as statements made by the FBI director and others, a former NSA/CIA contract employee turned “whistleblower” added fuel to the intelligence agency wildfire.

According to private intelligence agency founder and director, Lyle Rapacki, the NSA/CIA whistleblower reported that he “gathered sufficient evidence demonstrating both previously named agencies had been conducting regular and various electronic surveillance domestically on a number of United States citizens; clearly in violation of numerous federal statutes and ultimately the U.S. Constitution.” 

The “whistleblower,” who is identified as Dennis Montgomery, has hired former Justice Department prosecutor and Chairman of Freedom Watch, Larry Klayman, Esq., as he seeks to expose the misuse and abuse of the U.S. intelligence community for political — not warfighting or counterterrorism — use by the Obama government officials.

Klayman has already met with Assistant United States Attorney Deborah Curtis requesting a “Grant of Immunity” for his client, Mr. Montgomery.  Once granted Montgomery then met with FBI Director James Comey, then two FBI Special Agents trained in intelligence.  These meetings and subsequent interviews gave systematic knowledge and admissible evidence of copious wiretappings and domestic surveillance conducted on United States citizens by their own government\

According to Klayman and his client, the evidence includes about 40 computer hard-drives and 6 million pages of photos, articles and other evidence.  “These submittals revealed hard evidence of deliberately engaged and carried-out domestic surveillance by direction of now former CIA Director John Brennan, and now former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.  Those ‘captured’ through sophisticated variations of surveillance included, but was not limited to:  The Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, at least one additional Justice of the United States Supreme Court; 156 additional judges; a number of prominent business and corporate executives; Donald Trump and a number of his executives,” according to Rapacki, owner of Sentinel Intelligence International, LLC.

“There is more than prima facie evidence to suggest that FBI Director James Comey has misled Congress, and his actions were joined by former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,” he noted.

Evidence also accuses Obama’s controversial CIA Director John Brennan of assisting the Obama campaign in the 2008 presidential race against Hillary Clinton of alleged vote tampering, especially in specifically named states. Eventually, by the 2016 election cycle, members of the U.S. Senate were also targeted by CIA domestic surveillance operations.

Between 2004 -2009, evidence given to the FBI also proved the Trump organizations and properties were surveilled by both CIA and NSA under the Code Name: “Dragnet.”  The production of evidence including documents and hard-drives showed at least a dozen Trump executives were under personal surveillance, as was collected personal information from their bank accounts, phones, credit cards, and tax filings.

As an example of the nation-wide surveillance network, in Maricopa County, Arizona, Mr. Montgomery presented evidence demonstrating 150,000 citizens had bank records surveilled without the citizen’s knowledge or permission.  Mr. Montgomery also produced evidence that the Obama administration had Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s offices electronically surveilled.  Furthermore…NSA employees were also employing sophisticated technology to intercept phone conversations and computer writings on their girlfriends.

Tucker Carlson interviews Bill Binney, an NSA Whistleblower, who claims that President Donald Trump was right when he claimed that he had been wiretapped.

Originally aired March 24, 2017. NSA Whistleblower: Trump Was Right On Wiretap –  Bill Binney – Tucker Carlson Fox News 3/24/17

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Trump faces a complex threat with politicized spy agencies

Trump faces a complex threat with politicized spy agencies

During the last presidential election cycle, a man named Julian Assange single-handedly alerted a large number of American voters about the secretive, devious and hypocritical goings-on at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and their connections to the Hillary Clinton for President campaign and members of the so-called mainstream news media. The damage done to the Democratic Party as a result of the leaked information may never be fully gauged.

Instead of looking at cyber security considerations at the DNC — which is a political party and not part of the U.S. government — Democrats in both houses of Congress prefer to make wildly absurd accusations about President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and anyone else they can drudge up in order to portray themselves as victims.

Also, instead of asking the appropriate committees in the House and Senate to probe the nation’s vulnerability to foreign espionage — especially cyber espionage — the Democrats wish to create an ad hoc or select committee to investigate the alleged cyber crimes perpetrated against their own political party. In addition, the supporters of the New World Order, both Democrats and Republicans serving in both houses of the U.S. Congress continue their baseless accusations of collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russian government especially its political strongman President Vladimir Putin.

As President Trump is finding out firsthand, the foreign intelligence threat within the United States is far more complex than it has ever been historically. The threat is increasingly asymmetrical insofar as it comes not only from traditional foreign intelligence services but also from nontraditional, non-state actors who operate from decentralized organizations.

Intelligence collection is no longer limited to classified national defense information but now includes targeting of the elements of national power, including our national economic interests. Moreover, foreign intelligence tradecraft is increasingly sophisticated and takes full advantage of advances in communications security and the general openness of US society. In short, the foreign intelligence threat is more challenging than ever. In the fall of 2003, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program had investigations involving dozens of countries that focused on hundreds of known or suspected intelligence officers who were assigned to enter or travel within the United States. These investigations spanned all 56 field offices.

In order to meet these challenges, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program is being redesigned to become more nationally focused and directed. Through a more centralized program, the FBI will ensure its ability to establish priorities, be more proactive, and better engage other intelligence community agencies so that cooperation in important cases is immediate and seamless.

A centralized program will also ensure that infrastructure issues will be consistently addressed and coordinated in order to ensure workforce expertise, that staffing matches the articulated foreign intelligence threat, and that a sufficiently broad and reliable intelligence base is developed. From this foundation, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program will be positioned to achieve its strategic objectives and ultimately reach its goal to prevent harm to the United States through foreign intelligence activity inimical to US interests, claim some experts.

In just the past year, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program has been invigorated by the introduction of a new and innovative National Strategy for Counterintelligence and a program plan, both of which are proactive in emphasis. At the same time, additional resources were introduced to the program. To enhance counterintelligence workforce expertise, a new four-week Counterintelligence Operations course was developed.

All special agents assigned to the Counterintelligence Program are required to successfully complete this course. Computer-based distance learning courses are also available to all personnel on a variety of counterintelligence topics. A counterintelligence training course for midlevel and executive managers was also initiated, covering topics in both the tactical and strategic areas of counterintelligence management.

The FBI plays an essential role in the US government’s counterintelligence efforts and has the responsibility to produce domestic foreign intelligence in support of other members of the intelligence community.

The FBI also has the responsibility to oversee the integration of domestic law enforcement and intelligence efforts to address intelligence threats in support of Director of Central Intelligence imperatives.

The counterintelligence strategy involves centrally managed, proactive, and nationally directed initiatives, with prioritized and strategic objectives that support DCI imperatives, overseen by experienced headquarters managers. 

Success for the Government support of critical national research and development initiatives in a large number of agencies and involving thousands of government contractors must be protected. Compromise of these initiatives by those hostile to the United States would do irreparable harm. The FBI must effectively meet its responsibility to assess the threat against those projects and, with other Intelligence Community agencies, initiate operations to counter the threat.

Obama-British intel agency conspiracy to spy on Trump exposed by NJ judge

Two major stories — guaranteed to be ignored by most news outlets — provide a glimpse into the Deep State a/k/a Shadow Government. One story describes the use of a foreign intelligence service by the U.S. President to spy on a political opponent, while the second story reveals the use of law enforcement to thwart justice.

While the mainstream news media search and search for proof that President Barack Obama and his minions never wiretapped or spied on then-presidential candidate, now President Donald Trump, a former criminal court judge from New Jersey surprised a morning news show’s audience with a shocking revelationthree different intelligence sources have alleged that President Obama was aided by a British spy agency to electronically eavesdrop on Donald Trump and his campaign

Former New Jersey Judge Andrew Napolitano, considered one of the great legal minds in the United States, claims that Trump’s accusations of being wiretapped during his victorious campaign were correct. Although U.S. actors may not have been directly involved in doing the spying, Obama’s fellow-travelers in Great Britain used their expertise to be the President’s proxy spies.

According to Judge Napolitano, now a Fox News Channel legal analyst, at least three intelligence sources said that President Obama went outside his own the chain of command by not utilizing his own NSA, CIA,FBI, or the Department of Justice.

Judge Napolitano, a Brooklyn (New York) Law School professor, said his sources told of Obama’s British contacts using the U.K. GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) for the anti-Trump operation.

He claims GCHQ officials have 24/7 access to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) database. As a result of this relationship between America’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ, by simply having two people go to British spymasters and telling them that America’s President Obama needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump as well as conversations involving President-Elect Trump, Obama would be able to receive it all without “American fingerprints” attached.

Employing over 6,000 people from a range of diverse backgrounds, GCHQ is part of the labyrinth charged with keeping Great Britain safe and secure. GCHQ operatives work as partners with members of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and MI5, Great Britain’s domestic spy agency.

Since the birth of British Signals Intelligence at the Start of World War I in 1914, its commitment for the last 102 years has been to support the U.K. military.

“From day one, GCHQ has been [coming] to grips with the many and varied communication means the enemy has been using, sifting through to find the key intelligence for the military and their political masters. Within the first year in 1915, Signals Intelligence was being used to combat, in real time, the air and naval threats. While technologies change and adapt over time, the unique and significant contribution GCHQ makes to protecting our soldiers, sailors and airmen continues apace,” the GCHQ states in its self-evaluation.

One of GCHQ’s major responsibilities is helping to protect the UK military wherever they are deployed by providing actionable intelligence. The need to help protect the British military and arm them with the knowledge to keep them one step ahead proved to be the catalyst needed to develop Signals Intelligence at the start of World War I.

“About 90 members of GCHQ have received a campaign medal for service in Iraq, and 156 members obtained medals so far for service in Afghanistan. Perhaps more telling is the faith that the military put in a civilian organization to provide the intelligence front-line troops need to achieve their missions as safely as possible in extremely dangerous and difficult combat situations,” the GCHQ press office notes.

“With such an impressive legacy one can only wonder why GCHQ would sink to the level of U.S. political hacks trying to swindle a presidential campaign,” said former police intelligence analyst, Lawrence Patronick. “I hope Judge Napolitano will continue his own investigation into the forces in the U.S., European Union and other nations who may be aligned against a President Trump,” Patronick said.


Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the FBI number two leader, defiantly bellowed at an invitations-only gathering:  “F-ck Flynn and then we F-ck Trump,” according to sources at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This alleged gathering was held in seclusion and attended by politically-appointed FBI brass following the election that gave Donald Trump the U.S. presidency.  McCabe is a known Hillary Clinton supporter and registered Democrat. He is also the husband of Democratic Party politician Jill McCabe who was running for a seat in Virginia’s State Senate. In fact, records show that McCabe’s wife received a windfall donation from Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, which was filtered through Clinton-minion Terry McAuliffe, the current Governor of Virginia.

Also, Andrew McCabe was the head of the FBI group involved in the scandalous Hillary Clinton investigation. It was he who allegedly made the decision against recommending she be charged criminally, which Director James Comey also recommended to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Lynch made headlines herself when she secretly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane in Arizona a mere four days before Comey announced the decision to not charge Hillary Clinton with any crimes.

Emerging Truth: Obama and AG Lynch authorized spying on President Trump

As this week’s spy drama continues to unfold, a former military intelligence officer and police detective told Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court requests to wiretap the Trump campaign.

Former homicide detective Barry Thomas Neallon, a retired intelligence operative with the U.S. Marines (*Force Recon), claims, “If Attorney General Lynch was processing applications for electronic eavesdropping warrants, then both her boss, Barack Obama, and her FBI chief, James Comey, had to know about the spying and the justification to invade the privacy of a presidential candidate from the opposition party.”

Besides Neallon’s statement to, ABC News reported on Thursday that all of the applications to the FISA Court were authorized by Lynch.

“[Which] means that she chose not to investigate the Clinton Foundation for illegal activities but rather signed an application to wiretap President Trump,” stated Jim Hoft, the editor-in-chief for the Gateway Pundit website.

Just about every news story on the subject of the Trump wiretaps mentions that the FISA Court turned down the first request to wiretap Trump even though it was requested by Lynch herself. The fact the FISA judge nixed the warrant is evidence that the Justice Department did not even come close to satisfying the usually minimal standards for obtaining such warrants.

Out of close to 11,000 warrant applications during the Obama administration only two were rejected by the FISA Court. “It’s almost like getting an indictment from a grand jury. A decent prosecutor could get a ham sandwich indicted. Likewise, judges aren’t tough on warrants unless they believe the requester is on a ‘fishing expedition’ or the request is totally without merit,” said former police officer and corporate security director Iris Aquino.

When on Saturday morning President Trump’s tweeted that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower in October 2016, the usual cabal of Democrats and news media outlets began their routine of casting doubts on Trump’s accusation. “It was as if they were saying ‘how dare you make outrageous allegations against Saint Barack,'” Aquino noted in a tongue-in-cheek quip.

Meanwhile, Ben Rhodes,  the deputy national security adviser for Obama, told the news media over and over again that  presidents can’t order a wiretap. He also cast doubts on the honesty of the new president.

Lynch made statements this week on a video and she’s heard encouraging protests and marches, blood in the streets and even death in order to stop and topple the Trump administration.

During the last presidential election cycle, a man named Julian Assange single-handedly alerted a large number of American voters about the secretive, devious and hypocritical goings-on at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and their connections to the Hillary Clinton for President campaign and members of the so-called mainstream news media. The damage done to the Democratic Party as a result of the leaked information may never be fully gauged.

Instead of looking at cyber security considerations at the DNC — a political party that’s not part of the U.S. government — Democrats in both houses of Congress prefer to make wildly absurd accusations about President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and anyone else they can drudge up in order to portray themselves as victims. Also, instead of asking the appropriate committees in the House and Senate to probe the nation’s vulnerability to foreign espionage — especially cyber espionage — the Democrats wish to create an ad hoc or select committee to investigate the alleged cyber crimes perpetrated against their opposition.

*Force Recon is one of the United States Marine Corps’ special operations capable forces (SOC) that provide essential elements of military intelligence to the command element of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF), by supporting their task force commanders.

Trump Accuses Obama Of Wiretapping Trump Tower Phones

President Barack Obama, who possesses quite a history of ordering wiretaps and computer hackings of his perceived enemies, is being accused on Saturday of having had his minions wiretap the campaign headquarters of a GOP candidate he feared would eliminate his so-called legacy.

According to a number of news stories, President Donald Trump accused former President Obama of ordering his Trump Tower phones tapped during the final weeks of Trump’s campaign leading up to his November 8, 2016 election victory over Hillary Clinton.

In tweets posted early Saturday morning, the President compared Obama’s alleged wiretapping to both “McCarthyism” and “Nixon/Watergate.”

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism,” Trump said in his Twitter post at 6:35 a.m.

At 6:49 a.m., President Trump wrote: “Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire tapping” a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!”

While Trump appears to know there’s blood in the water of the Democrats, he has not revealed how he discovered Obama’s alleged espionage, which appears to have been conducted without proper procedure.

“This is a serious charge against a former president, but Obama does have a history of spying on perceived enemies. Fox News Channel’s Washington correspondent James Rosen was one of the targets of an Obama spy operation as was CBS News’ Emmy-winning journalist Sharyl Attkinsson,” said former police detective, attorney and political strategist Joel Murray.

“In fact, CBS practically helped Obama’s people persecute Attkinsson, which isn’t really a stretch since her boss at CBS News was David Rhodes, the brother of Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes who has his own controversies,” Murray added.

Ironically, Ben Rhodes tweeted a response to Trump’s statements: “No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you.” However, Rhodes has been caught several times bending the truth and he once admitted lying in order to get Americans to accept the Iranian nuclear deal.

Also former President Obama called the allegations false. He said that “neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.”

“A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice,” said Kevin Lewis in a statement released hours after accusations that Obama ordered a “Nixon/Watergate” plot to wiretap the telephones in Trump Tower prior to the 2016 presidential election.

“As part of that practice,” continued Lewis, “neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.”

But those statements by Lewis and Rhodes may be departures from the record. In the case of journalist James Rosen, according to The Guardian, a left-wing British newspaper, instead of relying on the threat of a contempt charge to get journalists to divulge their sources, the Obama administration used warrantless wiretapping and dragnet records seizures to identify who was talking to whom.


According to electronic eavesdropping expert Jacob Gusack, “wire” communications are made through the use of wire, cable or similar connection between the point of origin and the point of reception: it’s the classic telephone call. In order for a communication to be by “wire,” it must contain a human voice. So, an e-mail message doesn’t qualify.

Oral communications are uttered or spoken, and the speaker has an expectation that it’s private and will not be intercepted. For example, there is no violation of the Act when agents intercept and record a prisoner’s conversations with other inmates because the prisoner has no reasonable expectation of privacy in prison.

“An ‘electronic’ communication is one that does not contain the human voice, but contains things like words or pictures. E-mail messages are the best example of such communications.

“Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which protects e-mail messages from interception and disclosure to third parties, an exception allows employers to monitor employee email in the ordinary course of business. Although the meaning of that exception is not yet settled, it may permit an employer to monitor “business-related,” but not personal, communications, or courts may look to whether the employer had a legitimate business reason for monitoring employee communications,” Gusack, a former police surveillance expert, noted.

Knowing that Trump and his family have access to some of law enforcement’s and private security’s top officials, it is not difficult for the new President to find out if his privacy was compromised. These New York City firms — usually comprised of retired police officials and federal law enforcement agents — are routinely hired to “sweep” facilities.

According to Frank Sizemore, a retired police captain, he and his operatives inspect power lines, selected telephone lines, cellular phones, land line phones with bug detection equipment, Telephone Analyzers, telephone line analysis and instrument analysis.

They also use discreet detection equipment to detect hidden electronic devices and any bugs, regardless of whether the wiretap or bug device is hard wired, wireless / radiating or not. A complete physical search is conducted within interior surfaces, wall plates, phones, ceilings, lamps, furniture, planters, wall decorations, ventilation ducts, lighting fixture and electrical fixtures.

Radical Feminist Anti-Trump Movement Teams Up with Islamist Terrorists

During President Donald Trump’s first address to Congress on Tuesday night, one political nemesis, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, invited a Muslim refugee from Iraq to sit with her as a non-verbal statement of her opposition to Trump’s attempt to prevent Muslim terrorists from entering the country without first undergoing an “extreme vetting” process.

The liberal left has teamed up with extremist and violent Islamists in its next salvo against newly-inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump.

On March 8, International Women’s Day, a follow-up event to the January 21 Women’s March on Washington, will be staged.

One of the co-authors of the “militant” manifesto behind the nationwide event is convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Yousef Odeh.

Odeh was convicted in Israel in 1970 for being involved in two fatal bombings. Odeh spent 10 years in jail before she was released in a prisoner exchange in 1980.

She moved to the U.S. by omitting her terror conviction on her immigration papers and served as the associate director of the Arab American Action Network in Chicago and later as an ObamaCare navigator. In 2014, she was convicted in the U.S. for concealing her past and thus illegally obtaining U.S. citizenship.

After claiming she forgot about her conviction and imprisonment in Israel due to post traumatic stress disorder, she was awarded a new trial which is currently pending.

The women’s event manifesto, printed as an open letter in The Guardiancalls for “striking, marching, blocking roads, bridges, and squares, abstaining from domestic, care and sex work” and “boycotting” pro-Trump businesses.

All women are requested to wear red in solidarity for a day of “anti-capitalist feminism.”

Odeh’s co-authors include Angela Davis, a self-professed communist professor (now retired), who was a supporter of the original Black Panthers and a 1960s radical icon. Davis was prosecuted and acquitted in 1972 for an armed takeover of a California courtroom that resulted in the murder of a judge.

The January 21 Women’s March on Washington was organized by Islamist apologist and activist Linda Sarsour, a supporter of shariah law.

Shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics,” tweeted Sarsour.

As for women with whom she does not agree, Sarsour tweeted, “Brigitte Gabriel=Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.”

Veterans group slams Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Democrats for giving illegal aliens priority

The fulfillment of Trump’s promise to revamp and enforce immigration laws this year has met with an enormous amount of press coverage by a news media that opposes immigration control, along with the political leaders the ladies and gentlemen of the press appear to serve. While most Americans support their warfighters, a large number of the population buy into the Democratic Party’s narrative.

The media’s and political left’s dirty, little secret is the fact that far too many military veterans are living on the streets in cities that proudly proclaim they are “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens, some of whom are breaking laws other than merely immigration statutes. In addition, while illegal aliens are receiving free healthcare, food stamps, housing assistance and other necessities, America’s war veterans are dying because of limited medical assistance.

On Monday morning, representatives of the non-profit group Veterans Assisting Veterans (VAV) appeared on the top-rated show “Fox & Friends” to discuss their reasons for opposing the immigration proposals of leftist Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts,  and other Democrats who view the daily increase of illegal aliens in the U.S. as a promise of more voters for their party.

VAV’s spokesman John MacDonald told the show’s anchors: “The point is this: Elizabeth Warren and people like her seem to have a very hard time understanding the difference between legal and illegal. And you know what, there’s been plenty of immigrants who have served in the U.S. military and our hats are off to all of them, and of course we love their service and their contribution to our country. But, I find it very hard to believe that Elizabeth Warren wants to lump all immigrants into the same category. It seems to be the fact that she’s more interested in creating political theater than she is actually helping Americans.”

MacDonald is an Air force veteran and radio talk show host at WCAP in Lowell, Massachusetts.  “This is a call to action, to our fellow veterans, so they can understand we need to speak out.  People need to understand these politicians work for us, we don’t work for them. It was legal immigrants and United States citizens that voted for Elizabeth Warren. Illegal immigrants didn’t vote for her,” he said during his Fox News Channel appearance.

Meanwhile, VAV’s President Dennis Moschella said during the same show:  “There’s hundreds of veterans dying every day. … Why don’t we address those problems first, and then we’ll worry about other people coming into our country.”

Moschella, who now serves as the Revere Police Department’s community resource officer, said, “There’s hundreds of veterans [who] are dying every day, whether through illness, old age or suicide. Why don’t we address those problems first, then we’ll worry about other people coming into our country.”

“We’re not trying to be political with this,” MacDonald insisted. “We’re here trying to mobilize our fellow veterans to say, ‘You know what, instead of working on illegal activity, instead of finding ways to bring people in who are illegal … how about you help the people that are standing in line, some people that are here legally who are trying to obtain their citizenship? And how about you run to the microphones and help the veterans who provided you the opportunity to speak this way?’”

Marco Rubio mimics Hillary Clinton’s anti-cop pandering for black votes

GOP presidential hopeful Marco Rubio, one of the GOP’s more moderate politicos, apparently is buying into the Democratic Party’s canard that the only way to be victorious is to entice the some of the Democrat voters by pandering to them.

Rubio appears to believe the Democratic Party’s assertions on illegal immigration and the subject of police brutality that the GOP candidate must take liberal-left positions on those issue in order to attract black and Hispanic voters.

Law enforcement officials and unions throughout the nation — including the Fraternal Order of Police, the Border Patrol union and others — have been opposed the “Hillary for President” campaign especially in light of public statements she has made during presidential debates and public appearances.

During a recent campaign event, Hillary Clinton said: “Well, sadly it’s reality, and it has been heartbreaking and incredibly outraging to see the constant stories of young men like Walter Scott, as you said, who have been killed by police officers. There needs to be a concerted effort to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. And that requires a very clear agenda for retraining police officers, looking at ways to end racial profiling, finding more ways to really bring the disparities that stalk our country into high relief.”

She also suggested that America’s racial bias is the only reason we’re not adequately addressing the racism of law enforcement.

During a CNN televised Townhall event, Rubio was asked about his opinion on U.S. race relations in the wake of Americans electing the nation’s first black president.

“You talk about race relations, it’s a difficult issue in this country,” Rubio replied, “And I know a lot if it is centered around law enforcement and police departments.”

According to former police Detective Nelson Basquez, “Rubio should have taken the opportunity to slam how the media have created such a division between police and the people they are serving. “The old ‘if it bleeds it leads’ news media slogan is being tweaked to mean if the bleeder is black and the ‘assailant’ is wearing blue, it’s prima facie evidence of a racially-motivated killing,” Basquez said.

Many observers claim that Rubio missed an opportunity demonstrated the real difference between conservatives and progressives. He failed to point out that the relationship between the neighborhood residents and the police has focused on the negative rather than the positive that every cop has noticed when “working the streets.”

Rubio’s statements could easily be taken for those of a left-wing Democrat such as Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders: “In this country, a significant number particularly of young African-American males feel as if they are treated differently than the rest of society. And here’s the bottom line: Whether you agree with them or not – I happen to have seen this happen – but whether you agree or not, if a significant percentage of the American family believes that they are being treated differently than everyone else, we have a problem, and we have to address it as a society and as a country. I do not believe we can fulfill our potential as a nation unless we address that,” said the Senator from Florida.

Republicans should fear having a national law enforcement figure denigrating their presidential candidate as they have done with statements by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other progressives.

“Mrs. Clinton, who is the subject of an FBI corruption investigation, appears ready to continue President Barack Obama’s cop-bashing that began almost immediately when he was inaugurated. It helps to create division between the races which helps the Democrats to win elections,” said former police detective and U.S. Marine Sid Franes, one of the nation’s first African American major-city police detectives.

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The Soros-Papal conspiracy: pushing the U.S. to accept the new world order

Information gleaned from Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta’s emails and DCLeaks documents from George Soros’ own Open Society Foundation corroborate that Soros’ private intelligence agents/detectives secretly meeting with top Vatican cardinals, according to the documents.

For example, while preparing for a Papal visit to North and South Americas, the Pope’s minions working in the Vatican went out of their way to get cozy with what’s commonly called the radical fringe of the U.S. Democratic Party.

“Basically, from what we’ve gleaned from the Wikileaks and DCLeaks material, the Pope is actually colluding with one of the world’s wealthiest — some say wickedest — neo-Socialist who is hell bent in creating a single ruling entity for the entire planet. His vision dwarfs even the world described by George Orwell in his cautionary tale 1984,” claims political consultant and attorney Michael Baker.

Baker believes that of all the pontiffs sitting on the Vatican throne Pope Francis is the closest to an irreligious Marxist by far. “The fact is our Pope is from South America, which is arguably a hotbed of Marxism, neo-Socialism and totalitarian communism. It gave this Pope a different perspective from those coming from European nations,” Baker noted.

At the height of the presidential race between Clinton and Trump, DCLeaks documents lifted from Soros’ Open Society exposed the more than half-million dollars Soros forked over to PACO, a radical organization of community organizers, for travel and lodging for Vatican strategy meetings in anticipation of the 2016 election. Despite the fact that Trump holds tightly to the pro-life philosophy — and in fact, he was endorsed by many Protestant clergy men and women including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece Alveda King — the Catholic Church and its U.S. members appear enthralled by the likes of Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Sen. Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, all of whom support partial-birth abortions.

Within weeks of the new Francis papacy, Jeffrey Sachs — a longtime George Soros associate and adviser — who is on record taking $50 million of Soros $40 billion treasure-trove, was invited to and featured as the Pope’s leading expert on the far-left’s climate change agenda.

A detailed report on the critical PICO/Vatican trip would certainly be of critical interest to the Chairman of the Clinton Presidential Campaign, underscoring the Soros/Clinton/Vatican partnership. Soros gave at least $25 million to the Clinton presidential campaign and Podesta previously chaired the Soros’ Center for American Progress. And, indeed, the meeting notes disclose valuable insight and intelligence about the leftist cabal at work in the Vatican.

WikiLeaks pulls back the curtain on the radicals entrenched in the Francis papacy. The PICO Vatican meeting was not simply a brisk cursory papal meet and greet. Rather, documents reveal that Alinsky activists were invited, welcomed, and dined in intense strategy sessions with high level Vatican cardinals. The leaked emails expose the leftist political machinations behind the Francis papacy, where the Soros-funded community organizers coordinated radical messaging with high level papal cardinal confidantes.

While there is no evidence of the multi-billionaire or the Pope ever meeting face-to-face, the Bishop of Rome did acknowledge Soros, who helped with a Catholic event in the U.S.

In a letter, which is dated February 10, Pope Francis publicly praises the organization PICO — People Improving Communities through Organizing — which was one of the promoters of this Vatican event.

What Pope Francis does not mention is that PICO is heavily funded by George Soros. A leftist watchdog website describes PICO as a group that “uses [Saul] Alinsky-style organizing tactics to advance the doctrines of the religious left.” As John-Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews reported in August, leaks from the Soros Foundation have shown how Soros funded PICO and other organizations in order to influence the Vatican in favor of certain policies and agendas. Westen reports.

“Leaked emails through WikiLeaks reveal that billionaire globalist George Soros — one of Hilary Clinton’s top donors — paid $650,000 to influence Pope Francis’ September 2015 visit to the USA with a view to “shift[ing] national paradigms and priorities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential campaign.” The funds were allocated in April 2015 and the report on their effectiveness suggests that successful achievements included, “Buy-in of individual bishops to more publicly voice support of economic and racial justice messages in order to begin to create a critical mass of bishops who are aligned with the Pope.” […] Grantees were PICO, a faith-based community organizing group, and Faith in Public Life (FPL), a progressive group working in media to promote left-leaning ‘social justice’ causes. Soros has funded left-wing causes the world over and was just found to have been funding an effort to eliminate pro-life laws around the globe.”

The Soros Dynasty

According to Oath Keepers, a conservative non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill “defend the U.S. Constitution, the tentacles of George Soros can be traced directly or indirectly to his Open Society Foundations (OSF). A partial list of verified beneficiaries of Soros’s generosity includes the following.

Catholics for Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women’s right to abortion-on-demand; as well as Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a political nonprofit group is dedicated to generating support from the Catholic community for leftist candidates, causes, and legislation.

Soros is also either a primary controller or a large contributor for scores of leftist and socialist groups including:

• Advancement Project: This organization works to organize “communities of color” into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department.

• Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified “liberal” radio network, with hosts such as Al Franken, Rachel Maddow, Rev. Al Sharpton and others, was a total failure despite getting almost constant coverage by the mainstream news media.

• Al-Haq: This NGO (non-governmental agency) produces highly politicized reports, papers, books, and legal analyses regarding alleged Israeli human-rights abuses committed against Palestinians.

• All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws — which vary from state to state — so as to allow ex-inmates, parolees, and even current inmates to cast their ballots in political elections.

• Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists.”

• America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.

• America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.

• America’s Voice: This open-borders group seeks to promote “comprehensive” immigration reform that includes a robust agenda in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.

• American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy: This organization “opposes laws that require employers and persons providing education, health care, or other social services to verify citizenship or immigration status.”

• American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn — wife of Bill Ayers — to its Advisory Board.

• American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.

• American Friends Service Committee: This group views the United States as the principal cause of human suffering around the world. As such, it favors America’s unilateral disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of

• American Immigration Council: This non-profit organization is a prominent member of the open-borders lobby. It advocates expanded rights and amnesty for illegal aliens residing in the U.S.

• American Immigration Law Foundation: This group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, on whose behalf it litigates against the U.S. government.

• American Independent News Network: This organization promotes “impact journalism” that advocates progressive change. The editor of Media Matters, David Brock, is the top honcho.

• The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young left-wing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.

• Amnesty International: This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.

• Applied Research Center: Viewing the United States as a nation where “structural racism” is deeply “embedded in the fabric of society,” ARC seeks to “build a fair and equal society” by demanding “concrete change from our most powerful institutions.”

• Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now: This group conducted voter mobilization drives on behalf of leftist Democrats. These initiatives have been notoriously marred by fraud and corruption. The group helped start a Chicago community organizer named Barack Obama on the road to the Oval Office and was exposed by two young journalists — James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles — and was disbanded but still functions underground.

• Black Alliance for Just Immigration: This organization seeks to create a unified movement for “social and economic justice” centered on black racial identity.

• Blueprint North Carolina: This group seeks to “influence state policy in North Carolina so that residents of the state benefit from more progressive policies such as better access to health care, higher wages, more affordable housing, a safer, cleaner environment, and access to reproductive health services.”

• Brennan Center for Justice: This think tank/legal activist group generates scholarly studies, mounts media campaigns, files amicus briefs, gives pro bono support to activists, and litigates test cases in pursuit of radical “change.”

• Brookings Institution: This organization has been involved with a variety of internationalist and state-sponsored programs, including one that aspires to facilitate the establishment of a U.N.-dominated world government. Brookings Fellows have also called for additional global collaboration on trade and banking; the expansion of the Kyoto Protocol; and nationalized health insurance for children. Nine Brookings economists signed a petition opposing President Bush’s tax cuts in 2003. While the news media call them a non-partisan group, the moment one of their spokespeople starts “lecturing” audiences, it become apparent it is a left-wing think tank.

• Campaign for America’s Future: This group supports tax hikes, socialized medicine, and a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs.

• Campus Progress: A project of the Soros-bankrolled Center for American Progress, this group seeks to “strengthen progressive voices on college and university campuses, counter the growing influence of right-wing groups on campus, and empower new generations of progressive leaders.”

• Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is committed to “developing a long-term vision of a progressive America” and “providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals.”

• Center for Community Change: This group recruits and trains activists to spearhead leftist “political issue campaigns.” Promoting increased funding for social welfare programs by bringing “attention to major national issues related to poverty,” the Center bases its training programs on the techniques taught by the famed radical organizer Saul Alinsky.

• Center for Economic and Policy Research: This group opposed welfare reform, supports “living wage” laws, rejects tax cuts, and consistently lauds the professed achievements of socialist regimes, most notably Venezuela.

• Center for International Policy: This organization uses advocacy, policy research, media outreach, and educational initiatives to promote “transparency and accountability” in U.S. foreign policy and global relations. It generally views America as a disruptive, negative force in the world especially in their goal of a New World Order.

• Center for Reproductive Rights: CRR’s mission is to guarantee safe, affordable contraception and abortion-on-demand for all women, including adolescents. The organization has filed state and federal lawsuits demanding access to taxpayer-funded abortions (through Medicaid) for low-income women.

• Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS): Aiming to redistribute wealth by way of higher taxes imposed on those whose incomes are above average, COWS contends that “it is important that state government be able to harness fair contribution from all parts of society – including corporations and the wealthy.”

• Change America Now: Formed in December 2006, Change America Now describes itself as “an independent political organization created to educate citizens on the failed policies of the Republican Congress and to contrast that record of failure with the promise offered by a Democratic agenda.”

• Coalition for an International Criminal Court: This group seeks to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures to those of an international court.

• Color Of Change: This organization was founded to combat what it viewed as the systemic racism pervading America generally and conservatism in particular.

• Common Cause: This organization aims to bring about campaign-finance reform, pursue media reform resembling the Fairness Doctrine, and cut military budgets in favor of increased social-welfare and environmental spending.

• Constitution Project: This organization seeks to challenge the legality of military commissions; end the detainment of “enemy combatants”; condemn government surveillance of terrorists; and limit the President’s executive privileges.

• Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund: Defenders of Wildlife opposes oil exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It condemns logging, ranching, mining, and even the use of recreational motorized vehicles as activities that are destructive to the environment.

• Democracy Alliance: This self-described “liberal organization” aims to raise $200 million to develop a funding clearinghouse for leftist groups. Soros is a major donor to this group.

• Democracy 21: This group is a staunch supporter of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act.

• Democracy Now!: Democracy Now! was created in 1996 by WBAI radio news director Amy Goodman and four partners to provide “perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media,” i.e., the views of radical and foreign journalists, left and labor activists, and ideological foes of capitalism.

• Democratic Justice Fund: DJF opposes the Patriot Act and most efforts to restrict or regulate immigration into the United States — particularly from countries designated by the State Department as “terrorist nations.”

• Drum Major Institute: This group describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit think tank generating the ideas that fuel the progressive movement,” with the ultimate aim of persuading “policymakers and opinion-leaders” to take steps that advance its vision of “social and economic justice.”

• Earth justice: This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in undeveloped areas.

• Economic Policy Institute: This organization believes that “government must play an active role in protecting the economically vulnerable, ensuring equal opportunity, and improving the well-being of all Americans.”

• Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Co-founded by the revolutionary communist and Barack Obama friend Van Jones, this anti-poverty organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities” — compounded by “excessive, racist policing and over-incarceration” — have “led to despair and homelessness.”

• EMILY’s List: This political network raises money for Democratic female political candidates who support unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.

• Energy Action Coalition: Founded in 2004, this group describes itself as “a coalition of 50 youth-led environmental and social justice groups working together to build the youth clean energy and climate movement.” For EAC, this means “dismantling oppression” according to its principles of environmental justice.

• Fair Immigration Reform Movement: This is the open-borders arm of the Center for Community Change.

• Faithful America: This organization promotes the redistribution of wealth, an end to enhanced interrogation procedures vis a vis prisoners-of-war, the enactment of policies to combat global warming, and the creation of a government-run heath care system.

• Families USA: This Washington-based health-care advocacy group favors ever-increasing government control of the American healthcare system.

• Feminist Majority: Characterizing the United States as an inherently sexist nation, this group focuses on “advancing the legal, social and political equality of women with men, countering the backlash to women’s advancement, and recruiting and training young feminists to encourage future leadership for the feminist movement in the United States.”

• Four Freedoms Fund: This organization was designed to serve as a conduit through which large foundations could fund state-based open-borders organizations more flexibly and quickly.

• Free Press: This “media reform” organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for America, Air America Radio, Global Exchange, Code Pink, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist Party, and Pacifica Radio.

• Funding Exchange: Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with likeminded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about their own version of “progressive” change and social justice. Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.

• Gamaliel Foundation: Modeling its tactics on those of the radical Sixties activist Saul Alinsky, this group takes a strong stand against current homeland security measures and immigration restrictions.

• Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement: This anti-Israel organization seeks to help Palestinians “exercise their right to freedom of movement.”

• Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: This group contends that when a state proves either unable or unwilling to protect civilians from mass atrocities occurring within its borders, it is the responsibility of the international community to intervene — peacefully if possible, but with military force if necessary.

• Global Exchange: Established in 1988 by pro-Castro radical Medea Benjamin, this group consistently condemns America’s foreign policy, business practices, and domestic life. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Global Exchange advised Americans to examine “the root causes of resentment against the United States in the Arab world — from our dependence on Middle Eastern oil to our biased policy towards Israel.”

• Grantmakers Without Borders: GWB tends to be very supportive of leftist environmental, anti-war, and civil rights groups. It is also generally hostile to capitalism, which it deems one of the chief “political, economic, and social systems” that give rise to a host of “social ills.”

• Green For All: This group was created by Obama pal Van Jones to lobby for federal climate, energy, and economic policy initiatives.

• Health Care for America Now: This group supports a “single payer” model where the federal government would be in charge of financing and administering the entire U.S. healthcare system.

• Human Rights Campaign: The largest “lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender” lobbying group in the United States, HRC supports political candidates and legislation that will advance the LGBT agenda. Historically, HRC has most vigorously championed HIV/AIDS-related legislation, “hate crime” laws, the abrogation of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the legalization of gay marriage.

• Human Rights First: This group supports open borders and the rights of illegal aliens; has filed amicus curiae briefs on behalf of terror suspect Jose Padilla; and deplores the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities.

• Human Rights Watch: This group directs a disproportionate share of its criticism at the United States and Israel. It opposes the death penalty in all cases, and supports open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.

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