Cancel Culture, Part 2

by Roger Anghis

As a nation we cannot allow the few that are upset about either opposing opinions or a history that they just don’t agree with to just censor or otherwise silence their opposition.  The big tech corporations have done just that even censoring the president of the United States!  Remember, if they can get away with censoring him, they will be able to censor you with ease.

With all three branches of government in the hands, though all three illegally, of the Democrats we will not be able to get any legislation passed and if we do it won’t be signed into law.   What we are seeing in Congress is the Democrats are pushing through legislation that actually outlaws many aspects of conservative thought.  They make no effort to stop big tech from censoring the conservative.  They’ve attempted to ban a plastic potato because is has a gender assigned to it.  They’ve banned children’s books because of so-called racist undertones even though it was good enough to have those same characters in the White House when Obama was president.  Now they’re going after cartoon characters Pepe Le Pew for perpetuating the rape culture< Speedy Gonzales as stereotype against Mexicans and Mammy Two Shoes depicting a heavyset black woman.  The Looney Tunes character fell into the crosshairs of NYT columnist Charles M. Blow — who wrote an op-ed titled “Six Seuss Books Bore a Bias” … where he argued racism is deeply embedded into American culture (especially pop culture) and fed to kids at a young age.

He brought up cartoons like Speedy Gonzales and Mammy Two Shoes — the former being another LT character he says pushed racist stereotypes against Mexicans and the latter being a Tom & Jerry character portrayed as a heavyset Black maid who speaks with a caricaturized voice. You usually just see her legs/feet … but her full figure was depicted too.

Those two examples specifically address his race concern, but he threw in Pepe as well as another ‘toon that telegraphed the wrong message … saying the French skunk normalized and perpetuated rape culture. Of course, a lot of people had very different reactions — some agreeing, and others lambasting Blow for suggesting a drawing could sway real-life behavior.[1]

My generation grew up on those cartoons and we didn’t start hate groups against Mexicans, make fun of heavy black women and run around raping girls because we watched Pepe Le Pew.  Wiley Coyote was always trying to blow up a roadrunner, but we didn’t immolate his actions.  Elmer Fudd was always shooting at Bug Bunny or Daffy Duck but we didn’t immolate that either.  In high school kids would walk through the school halls carrying a gun to their ROTC class and we never had any school shootings. We were taught that all of that was just cartoon actions.  It didn’t warp our minds and turn us into devil demons.  There was family unity behind our education that grounded us before we were exposed to all that.  We don’t see that today.  So many single parent families out there without the influence of a father has been devastating to the foundation of our society.  Fix that and we’ll fix a whole lot that is wrong in America.  But we don’t want to address that.  Sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away.  It won’t!

We have a bunch of pansies that don’t like guns.  We’ve always had people that don’t like guns but they would do something unheard of today, they wouldn’t buy a gun.  Today is a different story.  If they don’t like them then they want them illegal.  My statement is “If you’re not willing to provide protection for yourself and your family that’s one thing but when you want me to be a coward too, you’ve gone too far.” Even our Founders believed that it was of great importance for the individual to be armed not just for personal reasons but to protect his country as well.  Noah Webster stated: ‘Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed. … The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional;  for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive.”  What should we do if the illegal Biden administration should pass his gun ban law?  The Founders say we should “resist the execution of a law which appears to be unjust and oppressive.”  Destroying our 2nd Amendment qualifies as “unjust and oppressive.”

© 2021 Roger Anghes – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Pepe Le Pew perpetuate rape culture: New York Times
  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Cancel Culture, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

This last year has seen so many real idiots expose their uneducated stupidity.  What is called a cancel culture is only a group of people that are not capable of handling reality.  Thank you, liberal indoctrination.  We have all heard that if we do not learn from history, we will be destined to repeat it.  I am positive that we have not learned from history simply because the liberal indoctrination does not teach history.  Our elementary schools don’t teach either American or world history.  Middle and Senior High schools don’t teach it either.  Colleges teach secular humanism and trash everything American.  So, I guess you can’t be too hard on the kids that know nothing of our history when it was never taught to them.  We can however blame those who call themselves ‘teachers’ for refusing to teach the truth about the greatest nation in the world, America.

All students should be familiar with the history of their country.  Not the revisionist garbage that they teach in our public schools but the real history.  The sacrifices that the Founders made many of which were great, the dedication to individual freedom they subscribed to, the moral base that they lived by personally, in business, and specifically in the politics of their day, and the foundation that all of this was built on, the Christian faith in Jesus Christ.  Noah Webster stated “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”

As parents, we have failed to hold our education system to the fire concerning the content of our children’s education.  Today’s school books wrongly refer to Christianity as a ‘bloody religion’ but in reality, so-called Christian leaders ignored the teachings of Christ and declared wars that should not have been declared.  Some of the ‘blood’ they try to shame us with was in many cases Christians defending themselves.  I guess Christians don’t have that right.  There is not one single instruction, advice, or command Jesus preached that is in any way remotely associated with the shedding of blood. There is only one ‘bloody’ event that occurred in Christianity. That was when Jesus suffered a ‘bloody’ death at the hands of his enemies on behalf of us.[1]

These same textbooks refer to islam as a religion of peace when the truth of it is that ideology has caused the deaths of over 260 million people simply because they refused to follow their false god.  The real ‘bloody religion’ is islam, not Christianity. Our schools are not supposed to allow ‘religious teaching’ yet they teach the fundamentals of islam, do field trips to mosques but they won’t teach anything about Christianity or take field trips to churches.  Kristen Amundson, executive director of the National Association of State Boards of Education, which represents U.S. state and territorial education boards, said she expects to see more parents pushing to change textbooks and curriculum this year.

“We will see a raft of it,” she said. “It is going to be coming before local boards, state boards, and legislatures.”

A bill in Tennessee, backed by a leading Republican legislator, is expected to be the focus of heated debate in that state’s legislative session, which started this past week. The bill, introduced by Rep. Sheila Butt, seeks to exclude any “religious doctrine,” not just Islam, from middle-school textbooks.

Ms. Butt, an author of Christian books, said in an email that she wrote the bill after complaints from “constituents who realized that some religions were more heavily weighted in the standards and that doctrine was being taught to Junior High students.” Republican Gov. Bill Haslam has said the bill is too broad, but Candice McQueen, the state’s education commissioner, has sped up reviews of social-studies standards following the criticism.[2] Christian principles is what made America the greatest nation the world has ever seen. This should be taught in our schools.  I have textbooks from Texas in the 1960s that have the Old Testament study guide and New Testament Study guide. This was taught in America’s schools from the first boatload that landed at what is now Jamestown.  Because someone doesn’t like that history it cannot be taught.  Idiocy on steroids.

In most of 2020, we saw the public displays of our history be removed from public view.  Statues of many of the southern generals are now gone.  Not all of them were the greatest but they did exhibit loyalty to a cause.  Something that is almost impossible to find today.  Most people think the Civil War was fought over slavery when it was actually fought over states’ rights. One of those rights was to allow slavery but the state’s freedoms overall were the main reason.  The elimination of slavery was a very positive outcome of the war but the states have suffered since in attempting to exercise their freedom as a state.

We should not remove these things from public view and we should teach them the right and wrong of both sides.  Liberals don’t want anyone to voice an opinion different than theirs because they feel theirs is the only legitimate opinion.  The problem with that is all of history tells us that their opinion has never benefited anyone but the few elite.  That’s why they won’t teach real history.  Television programs have been canceled because some crybaby didn’t like the content or an actor’s personal beliefs.  We have people upset because a plastic potato has been given a gender, Mr. Potato head. Well, there is a Mrs. Potato head too but gender assignment seems to be a no-no anymore.  Even with our kids, we seem to think that they can determine the gender they want to be.  Sorry!  God ‘assigned’ our gender in the womb.  If your plumbing is on the outside, you’re a male, period!  If your plumbing is on the inside, you’re a female, period.  We don’t get to chose and that makes some people mad.  Get over it.  John Wayne is reported to have said: “Cutting off your johnson doesn’t make you a female it makes you a guy who cut off your johnson.”  Blunt, yes but to the point.

I was born five years after the end of WWII and most of my generation subscribed to the theory that we have to stay away from the ideologies that brought WWII on.  Most of the generation before us is gone.  They handed us a world-class nation above any nation that had ever existed before.  We are seeing it fade into history because we won’t stand for what this country was founded on.  We are letting it be taken away just like the Germans let their nation go to hell in the 1930s.  Hitler burned books and destroyed statues.  We have removed our statues and are letting big tech giants cancel our books. Dr. Suess makes more sense than the Democrat Party.  Hitler banned individuals from owning guns, Biden is trying to do the same thing. Hitler opposed free speech and today ‘woke’ people are doing the same thing.  Hitler’s Brown Shirts burned businesses and looted Jewish businesses, antifa burned businesses all last year, still are and the Democrats don’t have a problem with that, Hitler killed babies of ethnic groups he didn’t like and Democrats abort babies they don’t want.  This is the history they won’t teach.  This is why we are repeating the atrocities of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Why is Christianity such a bloody religion
  2. References to islam in school textbooks stir up a fight

Dodging the Biden Bullet, Part 6

by Roger Anghis

Looking deeper into the Equality Act we see more and more that it is far being an act of equality but more of a providing a protective class for those that are not able to live according to the gender that God gave them and shoving that immoral lifestyle down the throats of all America.

The ones that will pay the highest price for this idiocy will be the kids. Orphans and abandoned kids should be able to depend on the government to see that they are protected and placed in a proper home.  A home with a male father and a female mother but this law will do just the opposite.  It almost looks like they will purposefully attempt to place these innocent kids in homes with two males or two females which will be detrimental to the child’s proper development.  Foster care and adoption agencies, drug rehabilitation centers, and homeless centers already face challenges under state and local policies on sexual orientation and gender identity.

In Philadelphia, just days after the city put out an urgent call for 300 additional families to foster children, the city halted child placements by Catholic Social Services because of the organization’s belief that every child deserves both a mother and a father.

Although same-sex couples have the opportunity to foster children through the state or every other agency in Philadelphia, the city canceled its contract with Catholic Social Services. The agency’s approved foster homes remain available while children languish on the waiting list.

A federal sexual orientation and gender identity law would make this situation a national phenomenon, which would spell disaster for the 437,500 children in foster care nationwide.[1]

This act of inequality would also endanger homeless centers especially those that are single-sex centers by forcing that agency to allow a male into a center that is intended for women only violating the privacy of the women there because the bathrooms, showers, and sleeping areas would be fully accessible to the person confused with his sexual identity.

This bill will also allow a male to compete in women’s sports in school and the professional arena.  The fact that a male is built differently than a female seems to escape the fools that think this is a good idea.  The fact that there is a men’s wrestling sport and a women’s wrestling sport for a reason seems to be above the liberals learning paygrade. MMA fighter Fallon Fox twice broke an opponent’s skull to win matches and now he is being praised by some in the LGBT community.

Outsports, a sports news website that focuses on LGBT issues in sports, named Fox the “bravest athlete in history” in a recent article written by Cyd Zeigler. Fox, who is a biological male fighting physically weaker females and inflicting life-altering harm, apparently qualifies as brave because, according to Zeigler, “she was the target of a torrent of hatred I have literally never seen targeting an LGBTQ athlete.”

As intense as the “hatred” Fox may have been subjected to, it’s highly unlikely that the social media comments directed his way ever fractured his skull. The title of bravest athlete would have been much more appropriately bestowed on the biological females who dared to enter the cage with a fighter they had no hope of matching in terms of power and athletic ability.[2] Nobody in their right mind can think this is a good idea but we are talking about liberals.  In schools, there is supposed to be equal education and athletic opportunities for males and females but when you have males competing against females in female sports it is a major disadvantage.  We will see women’s sports disappear and talented and athletic women will no longer even try.  All for the sake of a male who cannot accept how God made him.

This law would also force doctors to perform medical procedures that are against not just their religious beliefs but their best medical judgment.  Individuals who identify as transgender have sued Catholic hospitals in California and New Jersey for declining to perform hysterectomies on otherwise healthy women who wanted to pursue gender transition.[3] This turns the medical industry upside down.

The effect on parents could be devastating.  If a child decides he/she is transgendered the parent MUST allow medical procedures that may be against the parent s beliefs or they could lose custody of the child.  In fact, the current issue of the American Journal of Bioethics includes an article arguing that the state should overrule the parents of transgender children who do not consent to give them puberty-blocking drugs.

This has already happened. In Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to help her “transition” to male with testosterone supplements.

After the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Transgender Health Clinic recommended these treatments for the girl’s gender dysphoria, the parents wanted to pursue counseling instead. Then the county’s family services agency charged the parents with abuse and neglect, and the judge terminated their custody.[4] The one guilty of child abuse is the Transgender Health Clinic.  Even the fake leader we have in the White House supports this idiocy:   The idea that an 8-year-old child, a 10-year-old child, decides, you know, “I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier” — there should be zero discrimination.[5] This is NOT equality.  This is indoctrination into a perverted lifestyle that leads to only one place, totalitarian dictatorship.

I would find it very hard to believe that this bill will pass both houses as it stands.  This bill leaves women and children at the mercy of perverts and predators all in the name of so-called ‘equality’.  That term has never been understood by liberals and probably never will be.  This law is supposed to be anti-discrimination but it discriminates against anyone that has moral Christian beliefs and makes them criminals because a person is confused about who he/she is.  This bill is attempting to redefine human sexuality and will literally turn society upside down.

This fake administration is making a mockery of this nation that God established to be a light unto the world.  This nation voted for godliness not the perversion that we are witnessing.  God will have His way because this is His nation and when He turns it around, we will see the most drastic exposure of corruption that this world has ever seen.  Get the popcorn ready.  This show will be great!

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 7 reasons why the equality act is anything but
  2. Transgender mma fighter who fractured woman’s skull named bravest athlete history
  3. 7 reasons why the equality act is anything but
  4. 7 reasons why the equality act is anything but
  5. Joe Biden 8 year olds should be allowed to decide they’re transgender

Dodging the Biden Bullet, Part 5

by Roger Anghis

We have been looking at the possible bills that Congress may try to pass and that Biden would sign that would be a total disaster for American’s and America.  I am still believing that there will be an intervention that will remove the fake president and restore the real winner into the White House.  You may think that this is a pipe dream because something like that has never happened before but God said that He is about to do something that He has never done before.  We are instructed to walk by faith, not by sight.  God never does anything unless He reveals it to the prophets first.  He has done that and that is what I will stand for.  Anything done by this fake president will be nullified at that time.

The Democrats have introduced a bill called The Equality Act.  As I’ve stated earlier in this series the names Democrats give bill rarely describes the bill correctly.  It usually means the exact opposite and we will see with this bill that this is the case.  Keep in mind that when the Democrats feel that something is a right, i.e. abortion, homosexual marriage, total gun control, that it should be law and taxpayers need to foot the bill to implement it.  They demand that the American taxpayer not just fund abortions in America but all over the world too!  Democrats don’t like guns, so no one should have the right to own one and to hell with the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.  They think that homosexuals have the right to marry so they try to make it illegal to disagree with that idiocy even if our religion is against it too.  Abortion is another thing that Democrats demand that WE change our minds on. Remember when Hillary Clinton flat out told us that we have to throw our religion out the window?  “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton said.

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will,” she explained. “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone — and not just in faraway countries but right here in the United States.”[1] This pathetic excuse for a woman says that women are not afforded access to ‘reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth’ which is an outright lie!  If any woman needed an abortion for the safety of her life that has ALWAYS been available, ALWAYS.  Most abortions are for birth control and not to protect the health of the mother: Data from Florida reveal that, in 2018, an overwhelming majority of women reported obtaining an abortion for reasons other than to preserve their own life or health, or due to fetal-health complications.

Women obtained about 70,000 abortion procedures in Florida last year, and more than three-quarters of those were classified as having been “elective,” meaning that the women did not provide a reason for having obtained the procedure. Another 20 percent of those abortions were classified as having been chosen for “social or economic reasons.”

What this concludes is that less than 3% of abortions in this study were done for the reasons that pro-abortion forces claim to be the overwhelming need to make sure abortions are provided.

The fact of the matter is that abortion is being used as a method of birth control. The argument that Planned Parenthood and others have used that it is not is useless.[2]

Keep these facts in mind as we go through the Democrat’s proposed Equality Act.  To start with, this bill will put sexual orientation and gender identity in a protected class, something that male/female, the only true genders, don’t enjoy.

I’m sure that we all remember the cases that have come up when a homosexual purposefully requests a person to do something that violates that person’s religious beliefs just so they can sue him/her for discrimination.  This happened to Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cake shop in Colorado.  I am familiar with this bakery.  We’ve ordered cakes from him before.  They are good.  Real good.  He is an artist at what he does and to for a person to use his talents for an event that his religion, Christianity, calls an abomination is a violation of his rights.  He won the case going all the way to the Supreme Court.  Right after that a transgendered lawyer purposefully went to him to make a ‘gender transition cake’.  Again, on religious grounds, he refused and ended up in court again with the case spearheaded by the State of Colorado based on the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act.[3] Here’s a question for you; Why is it legal for a homosexual to force his beliefs on someone by making a Christian violate their principles of faith, but it is illegal for the Christian to even stand for his beliefs?  Democrats in Colorado don’t understand that double standard.  Democrats anywhere don’t understand that double standard.  Fortunately, the commission dropped the case but they have sent up a red flag for all Christian businesses, tow the line or we will financially ruin you.  Other cases involve floristsbakersphotographerswedding venue ownersvideographersweb designerscalligraphers, and public servants.  The Equality Act will make your compliance to the demands of homosexuals mandatory.  You don’t get equality but the homosexual community gets preference over your religious rights.

This is just the beginning of the war on our rights. People have been fired from their jobs for things they did even do.  Again we see the homosexual community doing everything it can to shove their perverted lifestyle down our throats.  A high school teacher in Virginia was fired because he refused to refer to a biological female as a male.  Last week, a Virginia school board voted unanimously to fire a teacher after he refused to comply with administrators’ orders to use a female student’s preferred masculine pronouns. The student “transitioned” over the summer and began identifying as a man.

This latest casualty in the culture wars raises the obvious question: Who could be next?

Peter Vlaming went to great lengths to accommodate the student without violating his Christian faith. He used the student’s new name to avoid upsetting the student, but refrained from using pronouns altogether in the student’s presence to avoid speaking against his belief that God created human beings male and female.

“I’m happy to avoid female pronouns not to offend because I’m not here to provoke,” Vlaming told the press, “but I can’t refer to a female as a male, and a male as a female in good conscience and faith.”[4]

This is taking America down a path I assure you the vast majority of Americans don’t want to go.  But here we are. I can not see God allowing this to continue too long.  We did not vote for this.  The election was stolen and the White House literally has the demons of hell residing there.  Expect God to do something He’s never done before.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Hillary deep seated religious beliefs have to be changed for abortion
  2. Abortions largely used birth control according Florida study
  3. Colorado is still trying to destroy Jack Phillips
  4. This teacher was fired for misgendering a student who could be next
  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Dodging the Biden Bullet, Part 4

By Roger Anghis

As we look at these bills that are only disasters for America, America’s economy, and the American worker, keep in mind that I do not believe that if enacted, that they will stand.  I believe that the Creator of this nation, God almighty, is working on something that will shock not just the United States but the entire world as well.  It will be something we’ve never seen before because it will be something that He’s never done before and we will see a restoration on a scale that we have never seen before.

Keep in mind, also, that the sole purpose of HR 127 is to disarm the people.  Armed people don’t follow government mandates too well.  Think about this, if the government wants to disarm us after over 400 years of being armed, it is only logical to think that they are wanting to do something we won’t like.  There is a meme out there that says to hold onto the AR-15 because it must have great power that the government does not want you to have.

Thomas Jefferson warned that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”  George Washington stated: “A free people ought to not only be armed, but disciplined to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should provide such manufacturers as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military supplies.”  Benjamin Franklin warned us: “Never trust a government that doesn’t trust its own citizens with guns.”  When the Democrats say we need gun control they mean THEY want to control the guns and that means you don’t get to have one.  We must look at history to see what governments do to their citizens when the citizens allow their guns to be taken from them.  It has never been good for the citizens, ever!

What happens when guns are controlled by the government?

DATE      COUNTRY                     RESULT

1929          Soviet Union                     20 million dissidents rounded up and exterminated

1911           Turkey                                1,5 million Armenians, were rounded and exterminated.

1938          Germany                            13 million Jews and others were rounded up and exterminated.

1935          China                                  20 million political dissidents were rounded up and exterminated.

1964          Guatemala                         100,000 Mayan Indians were rounded up and exterminated

1970          Uganda                               300,000 Christians were rounded up and exterminated.

1956          Cambodia                           One million “educated” people were rounded up and exterminated.

You may say that that could never happen in America.  Well, did you ever think that a private company could ever control free speech in America?  How about allowing strip clubs to remain open during a plannedemic and deemed ‘essential’ but churches couldn’t meet and when they could, they couldn’t worship?  And the like what happened in New York City the mayor sent out spies to look into synagogue windows to see if the congregants were singing?  Never thought I’d see that.  Then they said you couldn’t visit your loved one in the hospital, go to a funeral, gather for a birthday party or Thanksgiving or Christmas, but then the people that issued those mandates went to birthday parties and gathered with THEIR families for Thanksgiving.  Didn’t see that coming either did you?

Remember that the liberal, i.e. communist, mindset has been taught in our public schools and colleges for the last fifty years.  Our constitutional rights are not taught and are actually being denied to us virtually without our knowledge.  Under HR 127 we can no longer inherit a gun that has been in the family for maybe hundreds of years without government approval!  ) It shall be unlawful for a person to transfer a firearm or ammunition to a person who is not licensed under section 932(c)(1).

“(2) It shall be unlawful for a person to sell or give a firearm or ammunition to another person unless the person has notified the Attorney General of the sale or gift.[1] I can remember borrowing a rifle from a friend to go deer hunting back in the 80s.  Today would require governmental approval.  It shall be unlawful for a person to loan a firearm or ammunition to another person unless the person has notified the Attorney General of the loan, including the identity of such other person and the period for which the loan is made.[2] Also keep in mind that if you manage to get governmental approval to borrow a gun you must have an insurance policy for the period of time you will have the gun.  I wonder if insurance companies had anything to do with that provision?  Probably not, they’re way too integral to do anything like that.

If you loan your rifle to your son to go hunting and your son does not have the proper license, you could be fined $75,000-$150,000 with a minimum sentence of 15 years in jail.  “(8) Whoever knowingly violates section 922(aa) shall be fined not less than $75,000 and not more than $150,000, imprisoned not less than 15 years and not more than 25 years, or both.[3] There are several more provisions that you could be fined for under this bill, violation of our 2nd Amendment that need a lot of scrutiny.  Actually, the entire bill, violation of our 2nd Amendment needs to be put in a shredder and forgotten about and the authors and co-sponsors should be tried for attempting to take our constitutional rights away from us.

Here is another provision that is as clear as mud: ) It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device. There is only one minor problem with this provision, it does not define ‘large-capacity’.  An Ar-15 magazine holds 30, an M&P Shield can hold 8 in a single stack to 12 with an extended clip.  What defines large capacity?  Who determines that?  It should not be a liberal.  It should be a person educated in the use of the weapon.  Liberals don’t qualify.

All this is said to point out where the Democrats want to take America and that is down a road of totalitarianism and tyranny.  They are trying to do this in one fell swoop during the next four years.  God is not done with America.  That is why I’m convinced that He is going to move to remove the party that is temporarily in power.  Scripture tells us to walk by faith, not by sight.  He told the prophets Trump would win and he did.  He also said he would serve his second term.  That’s what we are to look at not what we see.  You may call me foolish but time will tell who gets the last laugh.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


Dodging the Biden Bullet, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

This week we are going to look at HR 127, a bill to violate our Second Amendment to the core.  It is described as To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.[1] The big problem with this bill is it totally ignores the Second Amendment.  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Right now, the States that require permits or restrict guns, in general, is ‘infringing’ on that right.  Now they want to force a gun owner to get licensed to own not just the gun, but be licensed to have the ammunition for it as well and they want ALL guns registered.  Germany did that in the 1930s and then went around and confiscated all the guns.  See the pattern here?  Our schools don’t teach our constitutional rights, they don’t teach real-world history for a reason.  If you don’t know what your rights are, when they take them away from you, you won’t know it.  The reason the Founders required education using the Bible for a school book was so people would know when the government was violating the principles of God.  The Democrats ignore the fact the government is supposed to guarantee that we do NOT lose our rights.

Remember that the Democrats always name their bills with names that make them sound compassionate in problem-solving.  This bill is called “Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act”

Sabika Sheikh was a student in a Sante Fe High School in Texas that was shot and killed along with ten other students and staff in December of 2018.  I hate when one person dies because of a violent act but these are the things that happen in a free society.  There are that many shot in Chicago every weekend because the people in Chicago are not allowed to defend themselves.

This bill has some extremely restrictive aspects to it that the American people should NOT be subjected to.  In part, they include: “(1) REQUIRED INFORMATION.—Under the firearm registration system, the owner of a firearm shall transmit to the Bureau—

“(A) the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored; and

“(B) a notice specifying the identity of any person to whom, and any period of time during which, the firearm will be loaned to the person.[2] Notice they want to know where it will be stored.  I’ll bet that ‘wherever I want to’ will not be acceptable.

Other provisions of this bill carry things a little too far: “(A) GENERAL LICENSE.—Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Attorney General shall issue to an individual a license to possess a firearm and ammunition if the individual—

“(i) has attained 21 years of age;

“(ii) after applying for the license—

“(I) undergoes a criminal background check conducted by the national instant criminal background check system established under section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and the check does not indicate that possession of a firearm by the individual would violate subsection (g) or (n) of section 922 or State law;

“(II) undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted in accordance with paragraph (2), and the evaluation does not indicate that the individual is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm; and

“(III) successfully completes a training course, certified by the Attorney General, in the use, safety, and storage of firearms, that includes at least 24 hours of training; and

“(iii) demonstrates that, on issuance of the license, the individual will have in effect an insurance policy issued under subsection (d).[3] The psychological evaluation is a step too far.  We have members of Congress, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and countless others that have proven they need that evaluation more than any gun owner I know.

All of these things will cost the gun owner money, the ‘evaluation’, the permit, registration, and a license for the gun and the ammunition.  I’m sure the ammunition fee will be according to how much you have and that there will be a limit to how much you can have.  I’ve noticed in my study of history that when the government is afraid of the people it is because the government wants to attempt to do something that will tick the people off.  No society has ever faired well when they were disarmed, ever.

It gets worse.  There is a separate license for what they call a ‘military-style’ gun.  Of course, this is a reference to an AR-15.  It isn’t a military rifle.  No military in the world uses an AR-15 or anything like it.  You’ve already gone through a psychological evaluation to own a handgun, now you have to go through another one for an AR-15.  More needless costs to the gun owner.  They will also require an insurance policy so you’re covered if someone steals your gun and does a lot of damage.  To maintain your license, you have to take the 8-hour training course, again. More needless costs to the gun owner.  From my understanding, you must be licensed for every gun you own.  That fee is $800.  I know people that have 30+ rifles not counting their handguns.  I can think of no bigger infringement on gun rights than this.  Keep in mind we have to add the training course, psychological evaluation, license fee for the ammunition, and the insurance.  Most people will not be able to afford their guns any longer and that is just what they are going for.

I believe that this will have a very hard time making its way through Congress.  Many Democrats represent people that are staunch gun owners and won’t vote for a bill like this because it will cost them their seats in Congress.  Too bad following the Constitution isn’t part of that decision making but that is where the Democrat Party is now.  To hell with the Constitution because it only stands in their way of power.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Dodging the Biden Bullet, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

As we saw in part 1 that the Democrats intend to set up elections so that they never lose again.  This has been their intent for decades.  This last week a proposal was put forth to allow 16-year-olds to vote.  The reason for this is the 16-year-olds are still in school and have been indoctrinated into the liberal mindset which would pretty much give them 80%+ of that age group.  Continuing their attack on American democracy, democrats in San Francisco believe the best way to get more votes isn’t to sway citizens but to simply lower the age of voting. In the November election, residents of San Francisco will not only vote on the next president, but they will also decide if 16-year-old teenagers have the right to vote in local elections.

The Vote 16 proposition will give 16 and 17-year-olds the chance to vote ahead of major presidential elections, marking the first major city in America to grant voting rights to teenagers. Several towns around the United States have allowed teenagers to cast their ballot on local issues.[1]  This proposal failed by 52%.  That means 48% voted for it.  They want mandatory voter registration for everyone.  Keep in mind not all people vote.  We saw that in 2016 where people registered to vote for Trump that has never voted in an election in their lives.  All this will do is give the Democrats more names to use in their fraud schemes.

When it comes to voter ID which the majority of Americans want, the Democrats don’t. They think voter ID is a restriction on voting.  For some reason, they feel that some classes of people would be restricted from voting because they don’t have identification.  They pin this grossly inaccurate excuse on blacks: are more likely to be disenfranchised by voter purges, and are disproportionately burdened by voter identification and other voter restrictions. Research shows that communities of color are more likely to face nearly every barrier to voting than their white counterparts.[2] They forget that most people have identification since it’s needed for cashing a check, welfare, buying alcohol, and about 20 other things.

The Democrats also have a problem with people who don’t speak English not being able to read ballots.  If they are naturalized citizens, they are supposed to be able to speak and read English.  But they also address Native Americans.  I have a lot of Native American friends including a Navajo Chief who once told me that “If you live here, you should speak the language.”  So, there is no excuse for not being able to read the ballot.  The last time I was in California the instructions for the gas pumps were in at least five different languages.  If you enable them to continue in their native tongue, they will never learn the language.  All our street signs, newspapers and TV programs are in English, learn it!

Right now, if you want a mail-in ballot you must personally request it.  Under HR 1 every registered voter would receive a mail-in ballot.  This worked out well in the 2020 election.  Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million ballots but received 2.5 million back. Some came back before they were even mailed out,[3] Another large number came back the same day they were mailed.  All 2.5 million ballots were counted.  I’m sure that similar events happened in other states as well.  Heck, there were around 280,000 Pennsylvania filled out ballots shipped to Lancaster, Pennsylvania from New York.  Why did New York have that many Pennsylvania ballots?  Morgan drives a route from Lancaster, PA to Bethpage, NY to Harrisburg, PA, and back to Lancaster. On Oct. 21, he arrived at Bethpage where he saw 24 gaylords (large cardboard containers used by USPS) and was told they contained mail-in ballots. He saw 24 gaylords containing bulk mail bins filled with identically-sized ballot envelopes stacked crosswise, which likely contained 144,000-288,000 ballots or more. He could see contained handwritten return addresses and one was even marked Certified Mail, prompting the expediter to remark that the person must have really wanted the ballot to get to its destination. Both of these observations revealed the ballots had already been completed and were being returned to be counted.[4]

The name of HR 1 is For the People Act.  Democrats always name a bill to make it sound good but it never works out that way.  Remember the Affordable Care Act?  You can keep your plan and your doctor.  Most people lost both.  Obama said that the average America would save $2500 a year but that didn’t work out either.  I have a nephew that lost his policy.  The new policy was over double the premium and his deductible is so high that if a major situation comes up, he borrows the money to pay for it.  I can see even worse things happening with our voting system if this bill passes.  This bill reads: The State or political subdivision shall provide mail-in and absentee ballots with respect to an election for Federal office to each individual who is registered to vote in the election who resides on Indian lands in the State or political subdivision involved without requiring a residential address or a mail-in or absentee ballot request.[5] Notice that you aren’t required to request one nor do you have to have a residential address.  No chance of vetoer fraud here folks.  Democrats have mastered the fraud in voting.  Notice that all the ‘found’ ballots are always for Democrats never a Republican?

I remember watching a video in 2016 of a guy who stated that for the last 12 years they had been taking illegals in vans from district to district on election day giving them fake IDs and voting for Hillary.  He made the comment that they had to “Win this fing thing.”   If you haven’t seen Absolute Truth the documentary by Mike Lindell, you need to.  The proof is overwhelming.  The Democrats will do ANYTHING to gain total power and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process.  They wanted to hurt Trump so they wouldn’t pass Covid relief until almost the election.  How many people lost their jobs, businesses, homes just so Democrats could gain power.  They still got their checks, but you didn’t.  Trump actually won, they stole it.  But I firmly believe that it is only for a while, a short while.  They will be exposed and they will pay.

This only scratches the surface of HR 1. Next week we’ll look at their gun control bill.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Democrats in San Francisco want 16 year olds to vote
  3. Fraud fact: 1.8 million mail in ballots were sent out in Pennsylvania and 2.5 million mail in ballots were returned
  4. Some 280,000 ballots in transit from NY to Pennsylvania disappeared – Amistad Project

Dodging the Biden Bullet, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

I will start this off by saying that I still believe that Trump won AND will be seated despite the circus that we are seeing in D.C. at this time.  As you have probably seen the Democrats are going to attempt to shove their socialist agenda down our throats all the while demanding unity.  Notice that they are now going to try to install a fence all around the capital building to protect them from the people. Why do they need protection unless they are going to try to do something that is going to really tick us off? I’ll discuss some of those things in this series.  Keep in mind when the government is afraid of the people there is freedom but when the people are afraid of the government there is tyranny.  I’m going to go out on a limb and venture that the government is going for the tyranny thing.

Some of the proposed legislation that we see coming from the Democrats is what you usually find only in dictatorships.  Biden has issued over forty Executive Orders in the first ten days in “office” so you can kind of see which direction the Democrats want to go, totalitarian rule. Keep in mind that when it is proven that Trump actually won and he is seated all those Eos will be reversed in about an hour.

I think one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation the Democrats has brought forth is HR 1.  The biggest joke about the bill is the description of it.  To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.[1] This bill no more to “strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures” than Biden is innocent of 48 years of corruption.  The provisions they have in the bill will allow for Democrat voter fraud to be done on a massive scale legally!

To start off, this bill is 300 pages long!  It requires that the internet be available for voter registration AND update of voter registration.  Colorado has that provision and as long as you register Democrat it works.  If you register Republican, you’ll get confirmation but when you go to the polls you won’t be listed. I know. This happened to my wife and me in 2014. We moved so we updated our info in the new county, got the confirmation, printed the confirmation out, and took it with us to the polls.  We weren’t registered and they wouldn’t accept the printed-out confirmation.  How convenient for the Democrats.

There is a section for the clarification of eligibility.  Nothing in it about being a legal citizen.  It has a provision concerning the social security number but makes it illegal to require the entire number, only the last four digits.  Kind of had to verify that with only four digits.  This is how it reads: “,and to the extent that the form requires the applicant to provide a Social Security number, the form may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such number;”.[2]

There is a provision for what they call “automatic registration”.  This is just a means to gather more names to commit fraud.  Here is their definition: The term “automatic registration” means a system that registers an individual to vote in elections for Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically transferring the information necessary for registration from government agencies to election officials of the State so that, unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered, the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.[3] There are millions that have never registered and have never voted.  This gives them more names to add to their fraud available list.  They are going to start registering ineligible voters that are not of age, just so they can get more names to use in their “Greatest and most inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” – Joe Biden 2020.  This is how they define this: Treatment Of Individuals Under 18 Years Of Age.—A State may not refuse to treat an individual as an eligible individual for purposes of this part on the grounds that the individual is less than 18 years of age at the time a contributing agency receives information with respect to the individual, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. Nothing in the previous sentence may be construed to require a State to permit an individual who is under 18 years of age at the time of an election for Federal office to vote in the election.[4]

There is a cute little provision in this bill for registering people when they get or renew their driver’s license.  Colorado has this provision and when I renewed my license about three years ago, I was asked if I wanted to register to vote.  So, I asked the lady if she was going to verify if I was a legal citizen, at that time you could not even get a license if you were illegal, and her answer floored me!  She said it was against the law for her to ask me that!  Imagine not being able to ask a person you were registering to vote if they were legally here.  Illegals are not allowed to vote in our elections but you can’t verify their eligibility.  Democrats have really set it up making it so easy for them to commit fraud.  Now, understand they have all the wording in there about only registering eligible voters, but if you can’t verify that what good are the words in the law?

Another aspect of this bill is it almost makes it illegal to purge voters who are no longer eligible.  Those that have died, moved to another county or state.  Democrats don’t like it when voter rolls are updated because then they don’t have names that they can use for fake voters.  Remember Eric Holder filing lawsuits with every state that attempted to update their voter rolls?  He was able to stop every state from updating its rolls.  Another thing the Democrats don’t like is voter ID.  They want to make voter ID laws illegal.  They call it discrimination. The Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision gutted decades-long Federal protections for communities of color that face historic and continuing discrimination, emboldening States and local jurisdictions to pass voter suppression laws and implement procedures, such as those requiring photo identification, limiting early voting hours, eliminating same-day registration, purging voters from the rolls, and reducing the number of polling places. Congress is committed to reversing the devastating impact of this decision.[5]

There are things that must be done to ensure that we have integrity in our elections and this bill proves that the Democrats are against ALL of the provisions that must be in place to have fair elections.  All six of the swing states changed many of their provisions for their elections, which isn’t illegal but it must be done by the State legislatures.  None of the states’ legislatures change those provisions.  They were changed by the attorney generals, Secretary of State, or the governor which means the changes were illegal.  But then Democrats don’t care about the law unless Republicans break the law. 2020  was irrefutable proof of that.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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The Fight For A Moral America

By Roger Anghis

There has been a coup that the Democrats instigated for total control of America and they are pushing as much through as fast as they can because I believe that they think something might happen to reverse their coup.  I still stand with righteousness and will refuse to acknowledge a proven stolen election.

The policies that Biden is shoving down our throat in his executive orders, if you noticed, have ALL been against Americans.  I wonder if the morons that voted for the traitor are still impressed with him?  Remember during his ‘campaign’ he said he wasn’t for fracking?  Even during the debates, he claimed he never said he would ban fracking, but, true to his Democrat roots, he lied.[1] Both he and Harris support the banning of fracking.[2] The people that Biden has nominated for his fake cabinet are anti-fossil fuel.  Joe Biden’s nominee for interior secretary Rep. Deb Haaland is a Green New Deal co-sponsoring progressive who wants an immediate and outright ban on fracking in the United States.

If confirmed, Haaland would be responsible for managing all of the nation’s natural resources, including oil, gas, and clean coal, and more than 500 million acres of federal and tribal lands.

She would also be in charge of making good on Biden’s promises to reduce the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels and create more renewable energy sources.

While Biden flip-flopped on fracking during the presidential campaign — claiming he would ban it before backing it to woo blue-collar voters in states like Pennsylvania — Haaland, 60, is unequivocal.

In interviews, the Native American lawmaker has repeatedly called for a ban on fracking and even signed on to the People’s Demands For Climate Justice, a petition which calls for an end to government subsidies for fossil fuels and an “immediate ban on fracking.”[3]

The world is geared for fossil fuels and it just happens to be the most efficient form of energy in the world.  To eliminate all fossil fuels, which Biden/Harris want to do by 2050, is irresponsible not to mention foolish, but they are Democrats and they have no concept of reality nor do they have common sense.  This is proven by who they nominated for president.  Don’t write me any letters about who is president.  Trump received 84 million votes and got 410 Electoral College votes but even our Supreme Court, for political reasons, refused to review the proven information.  That makes it a stolen election and I refuse to accept the theft as truth.

The Executive Orders that he has signed, 30 in the first three days, are nothing more than a slap in the face to all Americans.[4] His immigration EO allows immigration from hostile Arab countries making it unsafe for Americans, classifying the faux ‘climate change’ as a high priority will not solve any problems and will be massively expensive for the American taxpayer, his elimination of Trumps 1776 Commission take the opportunity of teaching our children the real history of America and promoting patriotism and tossing it to the side in favor of the revisionist historians.  As is typical of Democrats, it is estimated that Biden’s so-called energy policies will cost Americans about one million jobs.

Biden’s rejoining the Paris Climate Accord is going to be very costly for the American economy and the American worker.  Some have estimated that it could cost us 6.5 million jobs and $3 trillion.  Politifact disputes this but they’re not any better than Snopes so the figures are probably very accurate.[5]

Biden is also an opponent of the 2nd Amendment.  He does not favor Americans having the ability to protect themselves, especially from the government. Nevertheless, the new boss — who is the same as the old boss, contrary to what many believe — plans to immediately ban the “manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons.

Biden also plans to force all legal gun owners to register their firearms with the state, or be forced to turn them in, going so far as to issued an ultimatum.

This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.[6]

To ignore the will of the people and to act like we don’t have a Constitution, pass laws that benefit not just foreign countries over Americans but literally give Americans the crumbs, both parties are guilty of that, is proof that America has gone too far down the wrong path.  Biden has reinstated the policy for taxpayer-funded abortions not just here but all around the world.  If for no other reason the theft of this election should not be allowed to stand it is for the lives of the babies that will be massacred by the abortionist funded by Democrats. In prepared remarks released by the White House on Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells the World Health Organization’s executive board that Biden will soon revoke the Mexico City Policy “as part of his broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality at home and around the world.”[7] Among the promises that President elect-Biden is expected to fulfill immediately upon taking office: lifting a ban that President Trump imposed on U.S. foreign aid dollars related to abortion.

Specifically, the ban prohibits foreign aid funding for privately-run overseas-based groups that “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning” for women. Activities that are barred include providing referrals for abortion or offering advice or medical information on the procedure.[8]

We never heard any of the policies that Biden supported but now are seeing just how far into the communist mindset the Democrat party has gone.  No one can call the Democrat party moral or even for the American people.  So far everything they’ve done is for foreign countries at the cost of the American worker.  Even the unions, always strong Democrat supporters are having buyer’s remorse after supporting Biden.[9]

I still am looking for this election to be overturned.  Call me foolish but the prophets have said the God will do something that He has never done before.  We get to see it.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Video: Biden ban’s fracking
  2. Fact check: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have campaigned on banning fracking
  3. Biden’s interior nominee Haaland is anti fracking green new deal co sponsor
  4. Biden executive orders
  5. Joe Biden jobs Paris climate agreement fact check
  6. One of the first executive orders: Biden will pass gun control will you comply
  7. Biden administration prepares to overturn Trump abortion rule
  8. A Biden promise about overseas abortion funding could prove difficult to impleme
  9. Labor unions have buyers remorse after voting for biden

Trump Is Fighting Both Parties, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

All the years that I’ve voted Republican the one thing that I have noticed was the lack of spine in the party.  Democrats will come together and support a candidate even if they don’t like him/her because the end result is power for the Democrat party.  Republicans, not so much.  They’ll cave at the first sign of opposition.  We’ve seen this over and over again.  I remember in Arizona there were two Republicans running, one the Republican Party wanted and the other was one the people wanted.  In the primary the one the people wanted won and the Republican Party refused to help him in the election, no funding, no campaigning for him by the leaders in the Party and he ended up losing to the Democrat.  That is stupid on steroids!  But it shows just how Party minded our politics has become with little to no regard to the will of the people.  Not exactly what the Founders intended.

Another thing I find reprehensible is what Mitch McConnell just did to Trump concerning the COVID relief package.  Keep in mind that this stimulus was supposed to help the American people that have lost jobs, had their businesses shut down, and are suffering big time with the unconstitutional Democrat dictatorial mandates.  These generous souls, that haven’t lost a single paycheck through this whole thing, gave us a ‘substantial’ $600.  That should cover the last four months’ back rent/house payment, car payment, and your credit card bills, right?  Just so you know just how much both parties hate Americans this last ‘stimulus’ bill of $900 billion they gave the American people a generous $174 billion and they gave a paltry $726 billion to foreign countries.  What baffles me is why were any funds allocated to foreign nations for COVID relief?  Trump wanted $2000 not $600 for the American people and no pork for the foreign countries.  Both Parties blew the American people off even though it’s the American worker that has to pay the $726 billion.  I will give the Democrats credit that they actually agreed to the $2000, it was the Republicans that killed it.  They did so because it would add $400+ billion to our debt and that was a concern to them.  If that was true then why did they vote for the $726 billion for the foreign countries?  They could have saved $300+ billion by just giving Americans $2000 and forgetting the foreign countries!

Trump has been determined to give the power of government back to the people.  We have seen the government give special interests laws that protect them from the American people.  Big Pharma has been given protection from lawsuits when vaccines do harm to the patients.  The high court on Tuesday ruled for Wyeth, which is now owned by Pfizer Inc, in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures as an infant after her third dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine in 1992.

Pfizer and other vaccine makers had argued that a Supreme Court ruling for the plaintiffs could open the door to a flood of lawsuits — many by families who believe vaccines cause autism — and threaten the supply of childhood vaccines.

Pfizer Executive Vice President and General Counsel Amy Schulman said the company was pleased with the ruling.

“The Vaccine Act that Congress enacted nearly 25 years ago appropriately places the responsibility for determining the optimal design of life-saving childhood vaccines in the hands of expert federal agencies, not a patchwork of state tort systems,” she said.[1] If they fear a flood of lawsuits maybe they should have better safety measures for the patients and not be so concerned about their bottom line.

Our social media has been given a pass on denying the American people their 1st Amendment rights in the NDAA bill.  This is Section 230 of the NDAA and Trump has called for that provision to be terminated because they have denied information to be exposed that the American people need to be made aware of to make the decisions necessary to keep America free and sovereign.   The House of Representatives Monday evening overwhelmingly voted to override President Trump’s veto of the defense bill.

The vote was 322-87.

The Senate must also vote to override Trump’s veto. The Senate can vote as early as tomorrow but will likely vote later this week.

President Trump last Wednesday vetoed the $740 billion defense bill because the legislation renamed bases named after Confederates and would not allow for removal of our military from other countries.

 Trump also wanted to add a provision terminating Section 230 protections for tech giants.

The National Defense Authorization Act passed both houses of Congress with veto-proof supermajorities.

The Senate approved the defense bill with a 84-13 vote so they definitely have the votes to override Trump’s veto.[2]

You can see by the numbers of that vote that both Parties have basically shoved Americans to the side to push their own agenda. They seem to think that it is the responsibility of the American taxpayer to pay for the needs of every nation but the American taxpayer can go pound sand when they need something.

Even though the media is ignoring all the blatant evidence of voter fraud and saying that Biden won but I believe that Trump will be sworn in on the 20th.  We have a praying church.  Trump has done more for the church than any previous president.  He’s done more for the unborn than any previous president.  He’s done more for Israel than any president.  I can’t see God allowing the fraud that has occurred to remove a man that I believe He put in office in the first place doing all he can to bring America back to the foundations she was founded on.  He’s not just fighting both Parties, he’s fighting a corrupt Supreme Court and Department of Justice.  President Donald Trump went on an epic Twitter rant on Saturday that targeted congressional Republicans, the Supreme Court, and the Justice Department for not fighting hard enough to overturn the results of an election that he sees as having massive voter fraud.

“If a Democrat Presidential Candidate had an Election Rigged & Stolen, with proof of such acts at a level never seen before, the Democrat Senators would consider it an act of war, and fight to the death. Mitch & the Republicans do NOTHING, just want to let it pass. NO FIGHT!” Trump tweeted. Trump’s rant comes after Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) congratulated President-elect Joe Biden after the Electoral College vote gave him more than the needed 270 electoral votes on December 14.[3]

I think that we need a new party to challenge the Republicans.  I think many in the present Republican Party would gladly switch and let the gutless wimps remain controlled by the Democrats.  There are Republicans that have the guts to stand up for the American people and our Constitution and we need to see this happen if we are to remain free.  We don’t need a new Constitution, we need to get back to following the Constitution we have and we need a Party that will do that.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Just house votes override president Trump’s veto 740 billion defense bil

Never Give Up!

By Roger Anghis

During WWII Great Britain had become Hitler’s next target.  He attacked Britain from the air night after night but Churchill saw to it that there was a defense against him ans was the first nation to resist and succeed in repelling the attacks.  Churchill’s mindset was simple, never give up!  This is the mindset that we must have for this election.

There has been so much evidence of fraud that the courts refuse to hear the cases because they will only have one choice and that’s declare the election void.  I believe that the evidence will still prevail and the rightful man will stay in the White House.  But we have seen just how corrupt D.C. is and who is involved with that corruption.  Lindsey Graham has shone himself to be a traitor to our Constitution as have most of the Democrat Party.  That was obvious.  No one seems to bring up that when all these ballots are ‘found’ they are always for the democrat candidate. The obvious is obvious.

In reading through a daily prayer app directed specifically at this election,, today Dutch Sheets stated a quote from George Washington during the Revolutionary War: “The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.  We, have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.” It is this spirit of never give up that we must have today.

The future of this nation, it’s freedoms, our Constitutional rights, our ability to defend ourselves, the future for our children and their ability to grow up in the greatest nation God ever placed on this planet is what is at stake.  Thomas Paine stated during the beginning of the Revolutionary War: “I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”  Do not kid yourself, we are at war for the heart of this nation.  The Democrats have stated what they want to do to America and that’s turn it into a banana republic.  If this election stands, they have done just that!  America will be lost.

The prophets have stated that Trump will serve his 2nd term this time.  Not in 2024.  Everyday we see something that makes that look impossible.  Every day we see supporters giving up.  Remember Guideon started with 30,000 soldiers against 165,000 of the enemy and God said: “You have too many”.  That 30,000 was whittled done to 300 and God wrought a great victory defeating that 165,000 with only 300.  I believe that we are seeing God whittle down Trumps supporters so that only those that believe are standing with Trump.  No one that doubts but only those with faith for what is right.

I will be one of those that stands.  We have to walk by faith and not by sight.  God told the prophets Trump will win.  I stand with them.  God always works with the remnant.  Be part of the remnant and never give up!

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Is Fighting Both Parties, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

It is easy to see that President Trump will have a battle on his hands over the next four years.  I believe that he will be sworn in on January 20th but the Republicans are doing their best to turn the reigns over to the traitors to America which will ensure that a Republican never again sits in the highest office in the land.  It kind of reminds me of the Christmas movie It’s A Wonderful Life.  The main character, Jimmy Stewart, had a choice of a world with him or without him.  Pottersville was the choice without him.  It looked like a third world country.  Everyone was in poverty and the only prosperous person was Mr. Potter.  He owned everything and controlled everything including the people.  With Biden in charge, that is just how it will be.

What is disgusting to me is the Republicans that are trying to get Trump to give up.  Even Mitch McConnell is telling Trump to let it go.  Incoming Senator Tommy Tuberville has indicated that he will oppose the Electoral College votes from the contested states but has run up against McConnell in doing so. In a video tweeted by liberal activist Lauren Windsor, Tuberville was deceptively asked if he was “going to fight to make this election right?”

“You see what’s coming. You’ve been reading about it in the House,” Tuberville said. “We’re going to have to do it in the Senate.”

The suggestion would defy Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., warning Republican senators not to join a floor-fight to challenge the electoral votes in several key swing states.

His contention is that the effort may harm the outcome of Georgia’s run-off elections, and that it would result in a “terrible vote” for Republicans, forcing them to either support Trump or publicly buck him.

“We’re going to fight hard,” he replied, prompting further questioning about January 6, which is when Congress convenes to officially tally Electoral College votes.[1]

With the evidence that is out there concerning how massive the voter fraud is I am amazed at the lack of guts from the Republican Party to fight for an election that was obviously fraught with voter fraud that Trump obviously won hands down.  Why are the Republicans so willing to just give up the fight?  McConnell warned Senate Republican colleagues during a Dec. 15 conference call that objecting to counting certain states’ electoral votes on Jan. 6 would be a political mistake.

He said it would be politically damaging to Republican senators up for reelection to cast votes on such a divisive topic, according to senators who participated in the discussion.

Senators who vote to dismiss the objection face Trump’s wrath, which could dampen support from Trump loyalists in future elections.

Trump in recent days has vented his frustration with Senate Republicans for not joining his effort to contest the election.

“Mitch, 75,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot). Too soon to give up,” he tweeted at McConnell. “The Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!”[2]

I guess Republicans don’t care that if this is not stood up to right now our American experiment is over!  The Democrats will see to it that a Republican never sits in that office again.  Once again, then, he pulled the GOP out of the political fire – for Trump himself need not worry about re-election, no matter what transpires between now and January 20, but Republicans on Capitol Hill would have been blamed for the shutdown, as they always are.

With only a handful of exceptions, congressional Republicans have proven themselves weak, listless, and largely unprincipled. They ride the D.C. gravy train for as long as they can – decades, in some cases – and they let the Democrats push them around on every issue. This is what they have done for at least the past 20 years. It’s what they learn, apparently, at the John McCain Academy of Go Along to Get Along Political Theory.

Trump Train Or Gravy Train?

Little wonder, many of them quickly abandoned Trump, even in the face of evidence that something was very wrong with the November election result. Trump is not the go along to get along type. For four years, he ran through the carriages of that gravy train, causing havoc. He flung open the windows to let in the light and the fresh air. He also often pulled the emergency cords, forcing the lawmakers to stop at places through which they would normally have whisked, full speed ahead toward their favorite destinations: Pork City, Payraise Park, and Donation Station.[3]

Trump has exposed so much of the corruption that is in the swamp that it is scaring most of D.C.  It’s obvious that the long-timers of both Parties are up to their eyebrows in corruption.  Feinstein and her twenty-year Chinese spy, Swalwell with his sexcapade with the Chinese spy, McConnell’s wife may be compromised because of her sister.  Maybe that’s why McConnell is so eager to ‘move on’.

China invested $400 million into Dominion’s parent company Staple Street Capital LLC which “three of the four board members of that subsidiary’s board are Chinese and could represent Chinese investors,”[4] but we also see that Mitt Romney has some ties to the same corrupt companies that Hunter Biden is involved with.  Romney has his own problems that make it clear he is not a real conservative and underscore why Romney is so maliciously anti-Trump.

Romney’s Foreign Policy Adviser Joseph Cofer Black Served On the Board of Burisma Holdings Alongside Hunter Biden:

The Huffington Post reported in 2017: 

“Former Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center joined Burisma’s board, and he will help to expand the company’s global presence.

Burisma Group, an independent oil and gas company with operations in Ukraine, announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company’s board of directors. Joseph Cofer Black’s past experience includes: Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center between 1999 and 2002, and Ambassador at Large for Counter-Terrorism between 2002 and 2004. With such a strong background, Mr. Black will be leading the company’s security and strategic development efforts[5]

The corruption is deep and those that want it to continue are many and in both Parties.  This is what happens when we stop paying attention to who we put into places of authority.  Samuel Adams made a comment that we should take to heart: “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” It appears that the people we have sitting in high places are only out for themselves and they don’t care what it costs America.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Senator elect Tuberville hints hell support challenge to election results as McConnell begs GOP to let it go
  2. GOP seeks to avoid messy Trump fight over electoral college
  3. The Republican Party abandons Trump at its peril
  4. Fact check: What the China dominion and $400 million story is actually about

America Is Rising. Part 3

By Roger Anghis

What has been happening in America over the last 75 years is a concerted effort by the left to take total control of the United States with a political system that will ensure that a conservative never again attains a high office of influence.  That is why there is such a push on getting rid of the Electoral College.  With that gone California and New York and a couple of other Democrat-controlled States will be the deciding factor in every election.  The common Joe in the ‘flyover’ states might not as well even vote because it will be a waste of time.  All of America will be better off than the hell holes of California, New York, or Chicago.

The Democrats thought that the election of 2016 was their great victory and they would usher in the utopia socialist era they have been fighting so long for.  But Donald Trump brought that to an abrupt halt.  Even their voter massive fraud didn’t give them their victory over the American people they so long desired.  Then 2020 came along and the votes for Trump were even more massive than they thought.  He was the one that got over eighty million votes, not Biden.  And there’s proof of that too that will come out shortly.  I believe that Trump will be sworn in for his second term in January and the Democrat Party will be devastated from the information that will be coming out in the next few weeks.

When one looks closely at what the left has been doing, under the radar, for decades it will really shock you.  They have cuddled up to the United Nations with all of their ‘sustainability’ garbage.  All these UN programs are designed to remove your freedoms, eliminate your rights, destroy the sovereignty of the States and the nation and this is all being done to slowly bring America into the One World Government of the New World Order.  The Rockefellers have been working on it for the last seventy years.  Hillary would have put there already.  I believe the Reagan presidency set them back at least thirty years, if not more.  Trump may set it back even further than that.  Soros, in an interview with the Washington Post, stated that Trump is a threat to the New World Order and may destroy it.[1] He may destroy it because he stopped all the horrible trade deals, the climate deals that had the American taxpayer footing the bill for the whole world, and he’s instilling in Americans and the citizens in other countries a nationalism that will not allow the New World Order to function.

Several states have begun to initiate the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030 which begins to make single-family home ownership harder and harder.  There is a push for high-rise units for a more ‘sustainable’ society.  Colorado has been initiating that idiocy for at least a decade.  The units they are building are esthetically pathetic!  They don’t blend in with the neighborhoods they are being built in.  But this is what they want, everything the same, nothing stands out, equality.  People are being shamed if they want a single-family dwelling.  They are called selfish.  We will see a lot more of that in the coming years.

In the State of Oregon, this has been going on for decades as well and even being funded by the Rockefellers.  Today Oregon is one of the most liberal, socialist States in America.  A friend of mine who helped launch NewsWithViews wrote an excellent article on this subject which I would highly recommend that you read.  You can find it here.[2] This underhanded push is going on in many States and, in my opinion, is a threat to our national security.  Part of this push is to dumb down our kids which they have done a very good job of.  They also teach a history of America that never happened.  It is actually against the law to teach America’s true history.  I wrote a book that explains how America was founded and what influenced the Founders the most.  It was written in detail with only references from the Founders themselves and their contemporaries and news articles from that time.  A school teacher told me that the book was very informative and covers areas that are not taught in schools that our kids need to know but it would be illegal to teach that in a public school.  Can you fathom the thought that teaching our country’s history in our schools is illegal?

Trump has taken a step that the liberals are moaning over and that is he has instructed our schools to teach American history, the real history.  This includes our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.  They don’t teach it now because if you don’t know your rights then you won’t know when they take them from you.  That’s why they have gotten by with these lockdowns, closing businesses, churches, and keeping you prisoner in your own home over a fake pandemic.

We are waking up.  Blue States have democrats in power that have seen an opportunity to take more power and have done so and they will do it again if given the chance. Governor Newsom in California shut down churches but has declared strip joints ‘essential’.  That’s a policy straight out of the pit of hell!  The churches sued and won and he simply ignored it and issued even stricter lockdown requirements.  The devil doesn’t like giving up territory that he has gained.

We well could be headed for a civil war.  To some extent, we are already in it but at this point, it is only verbal with some physical reaction.  One business owner in California complied with the rules and they still demanded that he shut down. One business owner in the Golden State is fighting back after California Health Officials ordered his restaurant closed over the weekend; asking local leaders if they are willing to pay his “rent and employees salaries.”

“One southern California restaurant owner is fighting back. His exchange with California regulators going viral as he rights for the survival of his employees and his business,” said Hannity.

“I follow the rules. I continue to follow the rules. You guys still, time after time, are giving me citations. Telling me I have to close my business? What about my employees?” said the owner.

“Are you going to pay my rent?” he asked.

“I’m not in a position to tell people what to do,” said owner Anton Van Happen. “I’m allowed to protest. Two health inspectors came that evening and shut me down… I have rent to pay, I have employees to pay.”[3]

In 1866 the United States Supreme Court in Exparte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 ruled: “Neither the legislature nor any executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of an emergency . . . “ Section 90 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension the constitutionally guaranteed rights (to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent, sovereign, continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and, therefore, we the people.  They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE; even the governor and the President.

Americans are patient.  They have also been too complacent, but when we wake up, look out!  We’ve fought a Civil War, two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and we will defeat this most recent attack on our nation.  We would rather resolve the problem peacefully but we have been known to use extreme force and we’ll do it again if necessary.  Americans own around 36% of the guns in the world and we aren’t afraid to use them.  It would not be wise to push us too far.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  3. California revolt:  Restaurant owner fights back against the governor’s covid 19 lockdown rules

America Is Rising, Part 2

by Roger Anghis

We have seen that since the days of Woodrow Wilson we have men in places of authority, high places of authority, begin to take America towards that path of socialism and communism.  The president that destroyed our monetary system was good old Woodrow Wilson.  Then in the 1930s, Franklin Delano Roosevelt put the big push on with all of his social programs that didn’t do squat to help America recover from the Great Depression.  His concept, as many socialists believe, was that it was the government that created jobs even though the only thing proven about that is government intervention into the workplace ALWAYS costs jobs and doesn’t create them.

Hillary Clinton, during the 2016 presidential campaign stated this:  Hillary Clinton’s October 24 speech supporting Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts Democratic gubernatorial candidate, covered standard progressive themes urging a larger state, as well as this attention-grabbing remark:

Don’t let anybody, don’t let anybody tell you that, ah, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly.[1]

The socialist mindset is that government creates.  Communist mindset is the government owns everything and is kind enough to give you a very small portion of what you have rightfully earned.  This is where the Democrats are trying to go with America.

This is the battle that we face. And in reality, it goes all the way back to George Washington warning about the goals of the Illuminati: George Washington wrote that the Illuminati want to separate the People from their Government:

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may… actually had a seperation [sic] of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.”[2]  Thomas Jefferson warned about the banking system which looking at the Federal Reserve we can see why he warned us: “I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.”[3]

In a speech given in 1836 by Vice-president John C. Calhoun, he warned us about a shadow government: “A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.”[4] Theodore Roosevelt stated in his autobiography: “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”[5] In 1913 Woodrow Wilson declared: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”[6] In the introduction to the 1975 book ‘The Rockefeller Files’ Congressman Larry P. McDonald wrote: “The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”[7]

As I stated in the last article, this is only scratching the surface of the greed and corruption that has embedded itself in the government of America.  In the 2016 Presidential election, we found out that the Obama administration tapped the phones of the Trump team, unmasked several members of his team, tried to silence members of his team that have knowledge of the depth of corruption the Obama administration (General Michael Flynn) and know where ‘the bodies are buried’.  One would have to question ‘Is there actually a chance to expose all this and the players and the American people get justice in this situation?’  I say yes!  Will it be easy?  No!  We are seeing corrupt governors ignore the fraud that they helped create, Democrat and Republican.  Some judges ignore the evidence and dismiss cases that should easily win in an uncorrupt court.  Joseph Stalin once stated that he didn’t care who voted, he only cared about who counted the votes.  That is very evident in this election.  Trump votes were thrown out or switched to Biden.  Biden votes counted multiple times. Sidney Powell stated that the servers that were confiscated in Germany showed that Trump won 410 electoral votes.  That’s why six states stopped counting on election night.  They had to figure out a way to counter the overwhelming and unexpected votes for Trump.  They underestimated his votes in 2016. Hillary didn’t campaign because they told her it was in the bag.  Biden didn’t campaign for the same reason but this year they got caught and their whole plan is unraveling before their eyes and they can’t stop it.

At the beginning of the year, a prophet by the name of Hank Kunaman gave a prophecy for 2020 and talked about the election and the Democrat Party that is well worth listening to. You can see the video here.[8] You may not pay much attention to what a prophet says or you may not believe them at all.  That’s your choice, but this man has been right through the years.  He has been right on the presidential elections for the last 20+ years.  He was 100% correct on the results of the 2016 election and he’s been accurate on this one.  Remember that in the book of Amos we are told that before God does something, he reveals it to the prophets: Amos 3:7  Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Scripture tells the body of Christ that we are to walk by faith, not by sight.  What we are seeing is not what the prophet declared.  I will go with the prophet.  I won’t listen to the lies of Lame Stream Media.  I will keep my eyes on what God has declared through the prophet.

The church is praying and the corruption is being exposed.  Gitmo won’t hold all the politicians and shadow government players that will fall.  We will be shocked at many that do.  But fall they will and Trump will have his second consecutive term no matter what the media is saying.  Many of them will fall too.  Get the popcorn ready.  It’ll be a good show.

To be continued . . .

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Hillary Clinton businesses don’t create jobs just speaking fees
  2. Six-former-us-presidents-warn-about-invisible-shadow-government
  3. Six-former-us-presidents-warn-about-invisible-shadow-government
  4. Six-former-us-presidents-warn-about-invisible-shadow-government
  5. Six-former-us-presidents-warn-about-invisible-shadow-government
  6. Six-former-us-presidents-warn-about-invisible-shadow-government
  7. Six-former-us-presidents-warn-about-invisible-shadow-government
  9. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

America Is Rising, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

To make this as clear as I can I have to give a history, not exhaustive by any means, of how America has come to a point of being on the verge of accepting socialism or even outright communism after defeating decades of attempts by outside forces we now see that there are forces within America that are attempting to turn America down the path to the hell and destruction we have seen the USSR and Venezuela go down.  We are even seeing our own politicians from both parties selling out the American worker to foreign powers specifically China.  But we are also seeing true patriots rise up to confront what is happening.  Satan does not like to give up territory that he has gained and will fight with all he has to retain it.  His grasp is deep but I believe that this is God’s country, founded by God to fulfill God’s purpose and He has said “Enough!”

Some players have come on the scene that are determined to wrestle this nation out of the hands of those that are determined to take control for their own personal benefit no matter the cost to the American people.  Unfortunately, those people are the majority of the Democrat Party leadership, Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, both Clintons, and the majority of the Lame Stream Media not to mention the anti-Semite dirtbag, George Soros.

We have on our side the praying church.  Not all the church because too many in the body of Christ have too much of the world in them and they just do what the established elite tell them to do without question.  These people are useless to us.  We have true patriots on our side and most importantly, we have God on our side.  I believe that He will expose all that are deep in the corruption of our government and those that are selling America out.  There will be both Democrats and Republicans that will be exposed and I would tend to believe that there will be many members of the judiciary that will fall as well.  I’ll lay out the evidence so you can make your own decision.

America has been in turmoil for most if not all of 2020.  This turmoil has been building over decades of the Democrats and some Republican RINOs trying to push America into the New World Order (NWO).  This year has been their strongest attempt to make us a banana republic.  This year we have seen that they no longer are deceptive about what they want to do.  We have seen anti-American organizations come out of the shadow and operate quite openly.  One of these anti-American organizations is the Trilateral Commission.  It was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a counselor to Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.  The Trilateral Commission’s goal can be found on their website:  The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental, policy-oriented forum that brings together leaders in their individual capacity from the worlds of business, government, academia, press, and media, as well as civil society.  The Commission offers a global platform for open dialogue, reaching out to those with different views and engaging with decision-makers from around the world with the aim of finding solutions to the great geopolitical, economic and social challenges of our time.  Its members share a firm belief in the values of rule of law, democratic government, human rights, freedom of speech, and free enterprise that underpin human progress.  Members are also committed to supporting a rules-based international system, closer cooperation across borders, and respect for the diversity of approaches to policy issues.[1] What this is saying in global-speak is they want to bring America into the NOW.  In my book that makes all involved in this organization traitors.

We all think of the Rockefellers as great Americans but they are nothing more than snakes in the grass.  Here is a quote from David Rockefeller that he made in an address to the Trilateral Commission in June of 1991: “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” Notice all the players in this deception towards the American people; “The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications”, the same players that we have today pumping out fake news.

The elites have been working on this for decades.  Rockefeller made that comment in 1991 and said that for “almost forty years” they had been working on this.  He was proud of his act of treason against the United States and stated in his autobiography, ‘Memoirs’ on page 405: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

I believe that this anti-American movement started all the way when Woodrow Wilson was president.  On the website for the Council On Foreign Relations, they state: Direct heir to the academic think tank called “The Inquiry” that prepared Woodrow Wilson for the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, the Council on Foreign Relations has filled a unique and sometimes controversial place in America’s history.

Nonpartisan and private, the New York–based CFR has been called an “incubator of ideas.” From its book-lined meeting rooms, the pages of its journal Foreign Affairs, and its many books and other publications have come much of the most important thinking about U.S. foreign policy, from the isolationist era of the 1920s, through World War II and the Cold War—and now into the twenty-first century.[2]

Woodrow Wilson initiated The League of Nations, which was the precursor to the useless and incompetent United Nations. The League of Nations has its origins in the Fourteen Points speech of President Woodrow Wilson, part of a presentation given in January 1918 outlining of his ideas for peace after the carnage of World War I. Wilson envisioned an organization that was charged with resolving conflicts before they exploded into bloodshed and warfare.

By December of the same year, Wilson left for Paris to transform his 14 Points into what would become the Treaty of Versailles. Seven months later, he returned to the United States with a treaty that included the idea for what became the League of Nations.

Republican Congressman from Massachusetts Henry Cabot Lodge led a battle against the treaty. Lodge believed both the treaty and the League undercut U.S. autonomy in international matters.[3] Massachusetts Republicans had some common sense back then.

This is only scratching the surface of what America is facing and how dire this election has become.  We will either continue and be free or we will give it all up and become no better off than the people of Venezuela.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


Are We Witnessing A Coup D’état

By Roger Anghis

America has always been known as a nation of fairness.  The integrity of America was established in 1776 and has carried through until the 20th century.  It began to deteriorate, in my opinion, during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.  Several of his policies began to take America on a backward path, i.e. he segregated the military which hadn’t been segregated since the Civil War.  He was the one that gave us the Federal Reserve which is neither a reserve nor is it even part of our government.  It gave control of our monetary system to British banks.  Why he wasn’t able to discern what this would do before he did it is baffling at best.  His comment concerning it was most telling:  I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.[1]

Many of America’s character traits have been either altered or completely eliminated over the 244 years we have been a free nation.  I would have to say that the majority of these oversteps of the federal government can easily be proven to have been at the hands of the Democrat Party.  We can see that through the years there have been grave concerns about the Party of Andrew Jackson.  In 1890 a man had engraved on his gravestone a comment about the Democrat Party that bears strong witness to today’s Democrats: Through this inscription, I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party.

I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so-called party.

Therefore, beware of this party of treason.[2]

Even back then the Democrats were the Party of violence, Remember the KKK?  Jim Crow Laws?  The gravestone was for a man named Nathanial Grigsby and was chased out of his home town by Democrats because he supported Abraham Lincoln, a Republican.  Sound familiar?  This election brought a fear of violence so much so that businesses all across the nation boarded up their businesses in an attempt to keep them safe from rioters, looters, and other lowlifes, i.e. Democrats.  Why do I say that?  Remember 2016?  Donald Trump won and the riots and looting and business burning began.  It wasn’t the Republicans or the Independents doing this.  They managed to bring in enough illegal votes to make it look like Biden won.  They say Trump lost and not one business was burned and looted.  I wonder what the Democrats are going to do when all the court cases are done and Trump remains President?  These businesses will wish they had left their businesses boarded up.

Democrats declare that there is no voter fraud but all the evidence points to massive voter fraud.  We can see that here[3], here[4], here[5], here[6], here[7], here[8], and here[9] just to point to a few.  This last Wednesday afternoon Donald Trump gave a speech that detailed a lot of the fraud that has happened.[10]  His legal team of Sekulo, Powell, Wood, and Giuliani have documented the biggest fraud on the American people that can only be called a Coup D’état.  This coup d’état was organized by the elite of the Democrat Party, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Schiff, and the rest of the swamp rats who seem to be terrified of what Trump has begun to expose of the corruption of Comey, McCabe, Clinton, Obama, Biden, and the rest of the FBI and CIA and the DOJ.

I don’t believe that I have ever seen such a threat to America that has put the future of America in jeopardy as the 2020 election.  I lived through the Cuban crisis under the Kennedy administration and that is nothing compared to the threat we are facing in this election.  The Cuban crisis was the threat of a bomb but this election threatens the very existence of America and our freedoms, our sovereignty, our prosperity, and the future of our children’s future.

If there wasn’t fraud then how do they explain shipments of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania?  Yesterday it was reported in an explosive press conference by the Amistad Project that hundreds of thousands of ballots were shipped from New York to Pennsylvania.  How could this happen and who was behind it?

We heard shocking testimonies on Tuesday from a couple of witnesses who drove hundreds of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania prior to and the day after the November 3rd election.  One driver shared his story of picking up a load of ballots in New York and driving them to Pennsylvania.  “I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania – So I Decided to Speak Up” — UPDATE: USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA Speaks at Presser.[11]

There is no other explanation for completed ballots being shipped from New York to Pennsylvania than voter fraud.  We cannot let this go unpunished.  It has been going on for, I believe, decades and gets worse every election.  If our elections aren’t fair, we do not have a country.  We will be nothing better than a Cuba, Venezuela, or Russia.  This may end in a civil war but it may take a civil war to get our country back.  If we don’t stand now, we’ll never have another chance.  Remember, you can vote socialism/communism in but you have to shoot your way out of it.  Thomas Paine stated: “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”  We are at that crossroads again.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. 130 year old tombstone has a chilling warning etched into it about the democrat party
  3. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  4. Biden’s Texas political director implicated in massive mail in ballot harvesting scheme in Harris county
  5. All the clear cut Biden vote fraud from the first week post election
  6. Election watchdog finds 350,000 dead voters on the rolls
  7. Disturbing proof of US voter fraud now-documented
  8. Heist of the century did Philly mob boss deliver Biden victory
  9. Florida voter fraud 3000 registrations list ups stores residence
  11. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were shipped from New York to Pennsylvania so who was behind this

The Last Dance

By Roger Anghis

Everybody, I’m sure, has heard the term ‘last dance’.  It usually refers to a high school senior’s last dance of his/her senior year.  I never attended any dances in high school but the year after I was asked to a dance, Sadie Hawkins Dance where the girl asks the guy, so I went.  What I remember about that dance was I knew that it would probably be the last time I would ever see the inside of that school, at least for a long time.  Well, it was fifty years before I ever went back into that school at our 50th reunion.  What we may be seeing if the fraudulent results of this election are accepted is the ‘last dance’ of the great American experience.

I believe that we can tell that the fate of America is in the balance with this election because there is such a fight coming from the left to ignore the obvious voter fraud that has occurred to give the left a win.  Some people, like FOX News’ Tucker Carlson, that have simply ignored all the evidence that has already been brought forth.  Even the Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor has stated that he believes that the Trump administration has presented ‘credible evidence’ that fraud has occurred.  Though the mainstream media and Democrats have summarily dismissed these allegations, Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor announced this week that Trump’s lawyers are bringing “legitimate accusations” backed by credible evidence to court and that the claims cannot be dismissed. 

Trainor revealed that his review of the evidence brought by the Trump legal team challenging the results of numerous states’ electoral outcomes exceeds the legal threshold to avoid a motion to dismiss.

Just The News reported:

Trainor said his review of evidence, including numerous affidavits claiming voter fraud and a sworn statement by a prominent mathematician flagging up to 100,000 Pennsylvania ballots, met the first level of legal scrutiny under what’s known as motion to dismiss or “Rule 12(b)(6)” of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which would dismiss less credible claims.

Noting the subsequent legal threshold beyond a “motion to dismiss” is the “summary judgment phase,” Trainor said that under this phase, the credibility of witnesses is presumed to be accurate, especially given the caliber of the testimonies Trainor has observed to date.[1]

There has been voter fraud in America probably forever but very prominent since JFK was elected.  Democrats deny fraud exists but there is no way a sensible person can believe that no fraud has occurred.  What this indicates that there is a great threat to our electoral process and if the left ever gets all three branches, we’ll never see a conservative in the office of the presidency again.  The socialist agenda will be forced on the American people and we’ll be nothing more than the money supply for the New World Order until there is no more prosperity in America and we will be another Venezuela or Cuba.

There have been reports from Trump’s lawyers that he actually won over eighty million votes.  In an extraordinary interview at Newsmax on Tuesday, Sidney Powell, a lead attorney in the Trump campaign to expose the election fraud, told Greg Kelly:

The will of the people was for Trump to win in a landslide. And if we can get to the bottom of it, and I am determined to do that, I think we will find that he had at least 80 million votes.

The only reason the glitches happened in the system was that he was so, had so far many more votes than they calculated in advance. Their algorithms could not perform the functions that they had originally performed that were set to perform.

They couldn’t make up the vote count. He had gotten so many hundreds of thousands more votes than they planned.[2]

Ballots were brought in nine and half hours after the polls closed in vehicles with out-of-state plates. On Monday evening, GOP spokeswoman Elizabeth Harrington tweeted out the log of a poll watcher in Detroit, Michigan, who noticed some suspicious activity going on at the location where ballots were being counted. According to the poll watcher, a number of things seemed awfully irregular. For one, an entire load of ballots came in at around 4:30 a.m. on November 4. According to the poll watcher, the shift was ending around that time but one of the men in charge of counting ballots announced over the microphone that an entire load had just come in. The poll watcher was told that the vehicles these ballots were delivered in had out-of-state plates.

The poll watcher logged that the ballots were brought in and placed on eight, long tables, but noted that the way they were brought in was irregular. The boxes were carried in from the rear of the room, which wasn’t typical at all. Also, somewhat irregular, is that every single vote was for Joe Biden.[3]

The odds of all those votes were for Biden are impossible odds.  Then there were the ballots that only had Biden’s name marked so perfectly that this could only happen if the ballot was printed with Biden’s name marked.  Georgia: Boxes and boxes of “perfectly printed off” votes that are “100% Biden” Yes, the people who have demonstrated that they will do anything for power will in fact do anything for power.[4]  Robin Hall is the 6th witness who saw perfectly marked mail-in ballots, with some batches 100% for Biden, which appear to have been printed rather than filled out by someone at home.[5] This occurred not just in Georgia but in Ney York as well.  You can see that here.[6]  Add to that the fact that there were such irregularities in the Georgia counting system that made it ripe for fraud.  One of their experts, Harry Hursti from Nordic Innovation Labs, told PBS the Georgia system does not seem to have any safeguards.

Georgia’s vote tabulating system was a complex system of laptops, ipads, magnetic cards, touch screens, printers, and scanners.

Investigators found several troubling issues before the election. One expert said it would be easy to duplicate the ballot codes and make up new ballots.

It’s pretty clear this was a stolen state from President Trump.[7]

I think the biggest give away to the fraud that we are seeing is an actual video of Biden stating, in his own words, that the Democrats “have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” [8]

Words of wisdom I found in an article by Kelleigh Nelson, The Battle to Save the Bastion of Freedom: Our country is at war with Communist China. A war of good versus evil. China attacked us with COVID – a biological weapon. Covid-19 was an excuse to control our lifestyles. Dominion was a Communist voting system used to control our election.  —L. Lin Wood, Attorney for Richard Jewell and Nick Sandmann.

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined. —Patrick Henry

The barbarism of the new era will not be like that of the Huns of old; it will be technical, scientific, secular, and propagandized. It will come not from without, but from within, for barbarism is not outside us; it is underneath us. Older civilizations were destroyed by imported barbarism; modern civilization breeds its own. —Bishop Fulton Sheen, anti-communist.[9]

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Fec chairman confirms Trump campaign has brought credible voter fraud allegations to the courts
  2. Sydney Powell: Trump got at least 80 million votes
  3. Report: Detroit poll watcher logged tens of thousands of Biden only ballots delivered in weird way
  5. Georgia numerous boxes of perfectly printed off ballots that were 100 Biden
  6. NYC ballots printed 4 Biden
  7. PBS went Georgia one week election found shocking even leftists PBS video
  8. From Biden’s own mouth
  9. The battle to save the last bastion of freedom

The Democrats Are America’s Biggest Threat, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

As we watch this nightmare voting process get exposed there is so much that hardly anyone is talking about. It has been exposed that there was a software program that was used that had at its foundation money ties to George Soros but it gets better.  The company that has Soros money also is majority controlled by Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum.  Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell accused a leading voting machine firm of stealing votes from President Trump.

Powell, the lead attorney for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who is helping Trump’s legal effort in the 2020 election, said on Sunday that people with links to top Democrats are using Dominion Voting Systems to commit “fraud” on elections. She did not present any evidence to support her claims.

Mentioned during a Fox News interview by host Maria Bartiromo were Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff who last year became a lobbyist for Dominion, and Richard Blum, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who she said is a significant shareholder in the company.

“They have invested in it for their own reasons and are using it to commit this fraud to steal votes. I think they’ve even stolen them from other Democrats in their own party who should be outraged about this also,” Powell said.

The attorney also suggested that Dominion had a hand in tilting the primaries in Joe Biden’s favor. “Bernie Sanders might very well have been the democratic candidate but they’ve stolen against whoever they wanted to steal it from,” Powell said.

Dominion did not immediately return a request for comment on Powell’s claims.

The company, which has a lock on a third of the voting machine market according to Bloomberg, has faced scrutiny in the past couple of days with voting problems reported in parts of Michigan and Georgia, although the company and local officials have discounted the idea that the software was to blame.

Dominion has customers in 28 states and Puerto Rico, including all of the battleground states where Trump and his allies are contesting and pinning their hopes on recounts after media outlets called the presidential race for Biden.[1] If a republican won by the votes Democrats say Biden won by and the spouse of a member of the Senate was in the place of Richard Blum the Democrats would be screaming bloody murder, voter fraud, and everything else but what they are saying is for us to accept it and move on.

It is not just our politicians that have been caught with their hand in the cookies jar.  Federal employees are coming forth to expose the attempted voter fraud of the United States Postal Service.  “BREAKING: Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted “Separate them from standard letter mail so they can hand stamp them with YESTERDAY’S DATE & put them through” #MailFraud,” read O’Keefe’s tweet.

Michigan has been building to this moment for quite some time. Numerous instances of ballot fraud have taken place here. Governor Whitmer may not care because she is too busy pandering to liberals but there are some of us who still wish to see democracy in action. The Democrats have been spending the past four years preparing everyone for the inevitable.

“The scene at Detroit’s absentee ballot counting center is growing more heated. The windows now being covered up. Allegations of violations. Sec. of State says she welcomes challenges,” Finn continued. After a massive dump of Biden ballots magically popped up in Michigan overnight, the Trump campaign took decisive action. They have filed suit in this state.[2]  It is not just the State of Michigan where we see blatant fraud attempt.  Less than 24 hours after Project Veritas released a video of a United States Postal Service worker in Traverse City, Michigan, coming forward to expose their supervisor, Johnathan Clarke, potentially engaging in voter fraud, the watchdog group dropped another video. The video released Thursday afternoon allegedly shows a USPS worker in Las Vegas, Nevada, talking about handing over a “handful” of ballots to the undercover journalist. The blank ballots were collected because they were allegedly sent to the wrong address.

“Yeah, where can I find a handful of [ballots]?” the undercover journalist asked.

“I don’t know, man. I’m almost finished with the boxes today,” the worker named Art said, laughing.

“Alright, brother,” the journalist replied.

“Hey, not a problem, man. I’m gonna see if I can get you some like a nice little handful [of ballots],” Art replied.[3]

One of the most contested states is Pennsylvania.  Their Supreme Court allowed ballots to be brought in three days after election day but Democrats forgot that courts can’t legislate so the state law would have to be legislatively changed for this to be legal, the law was not changed so any ballot that came in after seven o’clock November 3rd cannot be counted.  Even the USPS was involved in that fraud attempt also.  Project Veritas released an interview with another U.S. Postal Service worker, where the worker described how his leadership here ordered all late ballots to be postmarked for Nov. 3, Election Day.

“All these ballots that were coming in–today, tomorrow, yesterday—are all supposed to be postmarked the third,” said the postal service employee, who works out of the USPS General Mail Facility here.

The Project Veritas Insider said the supervisors are collecting the ballots and making sure they are postmarked.

“They’re getting these ballots in and they’re getting, they’re taking them from us,” he said. 

“We have to separate out the ballots and give them directly to the supervisors,” he said. “They’re postmarking and they’re at the office and taking them directly to the ballot box.”

James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said the Insider’s storylines up with a similar story told by a postal service employee in Traverse City, Michigan.[4]

Notice that all six States that stopped counting on election night were Democrat. Why did they stop counting?  They had to find out how many votes they needed to bring in to override Trump’s massive lead. When everybody went to bed on November 3rd Trump has a 700,000 lead in Pennsylvania and he led in Wisconsin and Michigan but overnight Biden caught up and surpassed Trump.  This is a statistical impossibility.  This is how Democrats win elections.  This is what needs to be exposed and destroyed.  America, literally, depends on the destruction of this corruption.  What has been put in this series is only scratching the surface of the depth of corruption we are seeing in the Democrat Party concerning elections.  Think about this, they are this corrupt with elections, what else are they corrupt in doing?  It is a cancer we MUST eliminate.

Pray for America,

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Diane Feinstein’s husband owns huge interest in vote counting machine company video
  2. Dems voter fraud scheme caught on camera project veritas exposes usps election fraud video
  3. Undercover project veritas journalist catches Nevada usps worker engaging in alleged voter fraud
  4. Breaking: Another one in Erie PA usps insider exposes Nov. 3 postmark voter fraud

Democrats Are The Biggest Threat to America, Part 1

Roger Anghis

I am sure that all of you have had your fill of the newscasts, articles, pundit’s comments, and all the other turmoil concerning the 2020 Presidential Election.  I am too, but this is not a subject that we can just sweep under the rug and ignore.  The winner in this will either perpetuate the great American Experiment or it will put us onto a path that will subjugate all Americans to the whims of the global elite with no real way to turn back.

Liberals do not have a strong base.  A lot of people that start out in the Democrat Party eventually see that the Party is out for the party, not the people, no matter what the leaders say.  You will know them by their fruit works with heathens too and exposes their lies and corruption.  I’m not saying that all Republicans are saints.  They are not even close. Romney, Collins, McCain, and many others are as two-faced as the Democrats.  Some caucus with the Democrats more than the Republicans.  But I’ve been following the politics of America for the last twenty years I have seen that the majority of the corruption and anti-American attitudes and policies are centered in the Democrat Party.  Notice that the Democrats pander to the illegal immigrants.  They get free healthcare; you have to pay for yours AND theirs.  Education is another area where the Democrats slap the American people in the face.  They get free tuition but you have to pay for yours AND theirs. Democrats want to open up the border which will overload or welfare system, education system, healthcare system and will be the very seeds of destruction of America.

The only way they can do this is to put themselves in a position where they control it all.  This pandemic has exposed the Democrat governors and mayors that are willing to suspend your constitutional rights so they can expand their socialist agenda.  They can’t win that big at the ballot box with legitimate votes so they have to stuff the ballot box.  A total of 353 counties in 29 U.S. states have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens, according to an analysis by Judicial Watch.

In addition, eight states, including Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont, were found to have statewide registered voter totals that exceeded 100 percent of eligible voters, according to the nonprofit government watchdog.

Judicial Watch compared the registration data available for 37 states with the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recently available American Community Survey (ACS) numbers for the period 2014–2018 on a county-by-county basis.[1]

These extra ‘voters’ are found in the cemetery quite often.  About 9,500 voters whose names and dates of birth (DOB) match death records in the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) are marked in the Michigan mail voting database as having returned ballots, according to an analysis of the state’s election data conducted by a data researcher.

The SSDI match is not a definitive proof that the voter is dead. It’s “quite common” for two people to share the same name and DOB, according to Logan Churchwell, spokesman for the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), a right-leaning election watchdog not associated with the analysis.

“Those matching datasets are only starting points for further research. You must validate identity by looking at Social Security and credit bureau data to determine that’s the same person,” Churchwell told The Epoch Times via email. “We find generally that regardless of sample size, roughly 10 percent of name and DOB matches will pass all validation tests thereafter.”

Another nearly 2,000 names in the analysis are voters 100 years old or more and aren’t listed as known living centenarians.[2]

Another thing they do to steal elections is to destroy evidence that they did anything wrong.  I am told that ballots are supposed to be saved for a period of months after the election has been certified and that includes the envelope.  Pennsylvania didn’t follow that rule.  Keep in mind the AG for Pennsylvania is an anti-Trumper: Reports Claim Pennsylvania Officials Ordered the Destruction of Mail-In Ballot Envelopes

This act may violate state laws and may also incur other Federal charges. Software updates done right before election date raise serious questions about the tally process. If a breach and a backdoor are incorporated in the system a Canadian company that runs the software and its managers may circumvent or delay U.S. investigations like Christopher Steele and his company or subcontractors.

They had to wait until voting was closed to bring in all the fraudulent ballots, was to check the voter rolls to see who didn’t vote, and then use those names to pull from.[3] Also, the Secretary of State for Pennsylvania allowed votes to be counted that came in two days after the election even though the State law did not allow that.  She also allowed for voters to change their ballot if something was wrong with it to the point where it wouldn’t be counted, but they only did it for the Democrats.  They cite the email sent to county election directors which states “County boards of elections should provide information to party and candidate representatives during the pre-canvass that identifies the voters whose ballots have been rejected” so they could be offered a provisional ballot.

Some county election boards then provided party operatives with voters’ names, addresses, and even email addresses, along with explanations of their ballot defects, said Thomas Breth, the lawyer who filed the suit.

Breth said that before Tuesday, some election boards themselves were alerting voters that their ballots had defects, and allowing the voters to fix them. Some election officials were even weighing ballots to determine if they contained the required secrecy envelopes inside, he said.

Reaching out to voters to cure their defective ballots is not allowed in the state’s election code, Breth said. Changing the code would require a state assembly fix.

What the Court says

In fact, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had already ruled “that is an issue for the legislature to decide, not for the courts or for the secretary of state’s department.”

Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Writing the majority opinion for Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Democrat-appointed Justice Max Baer said: 

“The extent that a voter is at risk for having his or her ballot rejected due to minor errors … we agree that the decision to provide a ‘notice and opportunity to cure’ procedure to alleviate that risk is one best suited for the legislature.”[4]

This is just a drop in the bucket of what we are beginning to see.  Hold on to your hat.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Epoch Times judicial watch study
  2. 10,000 dead people returned mail in ballots in Michigan analysis shows
  3. Reports claim Pennsylvania officials ordered to destroy mail-in-ballot envelopes
  4. Lawyer and secretary-of-state behind Pennsylvania changed voting rules

The Theft Of A Nation

Roger Anghis

Some may say we are sore losers but we are far from that.  We saw what ‘sore losers’ do when they lose, burn cities, loot, and cause hell to be raised.  We will stand for what is right.  We don’t take kindly to theft and that is what the liberals are trying to do with this election.

I saw a post on Instagram today that says it all.  I’ll have to paraphrase as I don’t remember it verbatim:  You can’t tell me that a guy who can’t put complete sentences together, remember where he is, or even remember what office he is running for that has promised to give the American people the biggest tax hike in history and destroy the whole American economy by shutting down the oil industry won the presidency of the United States.

We all know that there was so much fraud involved which is the only way this could have happened.  They awarded Michigan to Joe Biden when overnight they miraculously found over 138,000 votes, ALL for Biden![1] I remember this happening with Al Franken a few years back.  He had lost by 200+ votes and then out of nowhere they find a bow with six hundred ballots, ALL for Al Franken.  That same year a Republican won the governorship of Washington State and like pennies from heaven, they found boxes of ballots ALL for the Democrat candidate and, of course, the Democrat won.

We are seeing this very thing in the 2020 Presidential election.  In the State of Colorado for every Biden supporter, you saw there were 20 Trump supporters but Biden took the State.  Also, keep in mind that out of the 62 counties in Colorado 40 of them had over 100% ‘registered’ voters.  I covered this in my last series The Threat Of Voter Fraud Is Real and I linked to an article relating to that and today I find that it has been pulled from the web.  Interesting!  I did a search for it and nothing came up.  It is obvious that the liberals do not want you to be informed about this literal act of treason.  Our Democrat Secretary of State wanted to make sure that all voters in Colorado were given the opportunity to vote so she sent out a reminder to all voters, living and dead.  Colorado’s Democrat Sec. of State, Jena Griswold, sent out 750,000 voter registration notices many of which went to ineligible and even dead people.

Judd Choate, Director of the Secretary of State’s Elections Division, admitted last week that an unknown number of these reminder notices went to people who should not be getting one.

Choate claimed that the state used data from the National Electronic Registration Information System to mail the cards. The system is supposed to comb records and cancel the names of people who have moved to another state and registered there, died, or otherwise showed through their data that they are ineligible to vote in Colorado.

One such card ended up at the address of voter Karen Anderson. It was addressed to her mother who has been dead for more than 50 years.[2]

The big question that has to be asked when they are successful in stealing an election like this is, what will result from this theft?  One of the first things Biden has promised to do is stop building the border wall.  This wall has been very effective at not just stopping illegals but human trafficking, drugs, and the movement of other contraband.  Allowing these actions to continue will be devastating for American citizens.  Their safety will be compromised, job security will be non-existent and drugs will flow in like a flood.

Biden has also promised that he would end fracking which will cost millions of jobs.  He will ‘transition’ away from oil to so-called clean energy.[3]  This will completely destroy the American economy.  We will see unemployment in the millions in not just the oil industry but in all of its supporting industries as well as the construction industry, auto industry, and ALL the industries that support the auto industry.  This will be a domino effect that will make the Great Depression look like a three-day weekend.

Another thing that Biden has promised to do is to get America back into the Paris Climate Accord:  Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden’s plans to rejoin the Paris accord and transition to 100% renewable energy are popular with climate advocates, but perhaps nobody stands to gain more from the Biden vision than China.

Not only does China lead the world in the manufacture of solar panels and wind turbines, the Chinese control an estimated 80% of the rare-earth minerals crucial to the production of lithium batteries, electric vehicles, and solar and wind equipment.

The 2015 Paris Agreement is also Beijing-friendly. While the U.S. pledged to reduce emissions by 26-28% by 2025, China only agreed to reach peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and increase its non-fossil fuel energy sources to “around 20% by 2030,” according to the Climate Action Tracker.[4]  Notice that this deal favors China, big time.  I guess we know why Biden wants back in the deal.  It is bound to make someone in his family rich.  Trump mentioned that the majority of the costs of this program are borne by the American taxpayer with Chine the biggest beneficiary.

Biden says he won’t raise the taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 but one of the first things he will do is repeal Trump’s tax cuts which will raise the taxes on everybody!  Plus, the middle class will lose the extra deduction for kids.  Between the tax cuts and this deduction, the middle class will lose about $4000 in tax breaks.[5]

Biden is a believer in climate change so he will pursue going to ‘net-zero emissions by 2050.  I’m not sure we can fly planes on solar energy.  The idea of having all-electric cars is laughable at best.  You have to generate electricity for electric cars but no fossil fuels.  All studies I’ve seen have shown that to manufacture an electric car, maintain it through its life and then dispose of it when it has run its course creates more pollution than the same cycle with an internal combustion engine.

I did a series called Is Alternative Energy That Effective a few months back and, in that article, I exposed the fact that a windmill is good for about twenty-five years but to make enough energy to pay for itself it would have to operate for fifty years before it would break even. That makes wind energy pretty much useless.  Put on top of that the fact that the blades are made of a substance that cannot, at this time, be recycled.  So as of now, we can only stockpile the old blades until we can find a way to either dispose of them or recycle them.

With Joe Biden as president, one that won’t last out his first term leaving us with the most radical Senator we have ever had, Kamal Harris, the great American experiment is over, our freedom of speech is over, our freedom of religion is over, our right to keep and bear arms is over.  We will witness the greatest theft in the history of the world.

The votes have been cast but more people are voting than can legally vote and MSM will NOT address it because they have become America’s enemy along with the Democrat Party. If this election stands, I’m afraid we will have another Civil War on our hands. It will not be bloodless. Pray for America!

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Michigan voter fraud
  3. Biden: I would transition from the oil industry it has to be replaced
  4. Joe Biden energy plan: Paris climate deal reentry
  5. 5 Joe Biden campaign promises he says he’ll fulfill on day one

The Danger of A Deceptive Press

By Roger Anghis

As I grew up in America, I was taught that we were a free people.  One of the things that made us a free nation was our ‘free press’.  The one thing that our founders believed in strongly is the right of the people to be informed as to what was really happening in our world and that included a transparent government.  I can remember the days when a news broadcaster would actually question the motives of a politician without regard to the politician’s political leanings nor the leanings of the journalist.  Those days are long gone.  We now have a media, print, television, and radio that has learned that it can sway the emotions and opinions of the population by what information the media feeds the people.  There are six corporations that control 90% of the news distributed in America.  That’s consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983. 

NOTE: This infographic is from last year and is missing some key transactions. GE does not own NBC (or Comcast or any media) anymore. So that 6th company is now Comcast. And Time Warner doesn’t own AOL, so Huffington Post isn’t affiliated with them.

But the fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates “the illusion of choice,” Frugal Dad says. While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren’t owned by any of the corporations, Time Warner owns news sites read by millions of Americans every year.[1]

You can record the nightly news from all the MSM and listen to it and you’ll find that they all carry the same stories and are worded exactly the same.  There used to be competition amongst news agencies but not anymore.  They have become the tool of the liberals to indoctrinate the populace.  We see this indoctrination in our schools, in the workplace, and our government.

It is discouraging to see how our media and social media refuses to allow information to be put forth from both sides of an argument and then let the people decide what side of the argument they want to support.  Unless all information is presented one cannot make an intelligent decision.

We have seen this week the heads of these social media sites testifying before Congress and questioned as to why they censor only conservative users.  Lying through their teeth they denied they picked on conservatives but neither could state a single liberal they have censored.  Fresh off of censoring White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing a damning New York Post article about Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son, the far-left social media network has now censored U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark A. Morgan.  On Wednesday, Morgan posted tweets celebrating the success of the Trump administration’s gradually expanding border wall.

One of the tweets he posted read as follows: “@CBP & USACEHQ continue to build new wall every day. Every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs from entering our country. It’s a fact, walls work.”[2] The reason for censoring him, the tweet praising the effectiveness of the wall was “hateful”.  I find it hard to understand why these big tech-heads think that doing things that benefit the country, the American people, and America’s economy are hateful.

It is obvious that they are in a position to ‘control the narrative’ and their narrative is to bring America into the one-world government.  We have allowed people who don’t like America to be in control of what happens to America.  Obama was the worst president we have ever had.  The only people that prospered under his administration were the muslims.  He gave them a free pass to come to America, that’s why we have scum in the US House of Representatives like Omar and Talib.  Both have stated that we deserve the terrorist attacks we’ve experienced.

I have a hard time understanding why we allow anyone from the muslim faith to hold any kind of office in our government because they have to swear allegiance to our Constitution but they are not allowed to swear allegiance to anything but the koran.  I believe that this should be looked into in-depth and resolved so that only people who defend America and her values be allowed to hold public office.

There are too many people that depend totally on what they hear from MSM to be fact.  These last four years should be proof enough that they only speak truthfully about 5% of the time if that.  MSM believed that Obama walked on water but Trump is the most evil man on the planet.  To say that the big networks haven’t exactly had a love affair with Donald Trump, as they plainly did with President Obama, is an understatement. A new survey shows that not only is coverage of Trump overwhelmingly negative, but the president’s biggest accomplishment — the roaring economy — gets almost no attention.

So what’s really waiting on the market here today can a Bloomberg

Volume 0%

For its report, the Media Research Center did a lot of visual spadework. It viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30. That’s the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.

What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad: “Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.”[3]

We saw the grilling Trump went through over the phone call to Ukraine.  He was even impeached for it but now we find out that they were terrified that he would expose the corruption of Joe Biden, which has gotten exposed big time, yet the media still refuses to cover it in any way.  I believe the American people have the right to know just how much Biden sold out America while he was vice-president.  Biden’s whole family profited from his position as vice-president yet none of the media will even ask the questions that need to be answered.  It has been stated that Biden’s business dealings will be a national security threat for the United States if he becomes president.

It has become very obvious just how far the corruption has gone in DC. Republicans are not totally innocent but the Democrats seemed to have embraced it 100%.  Even during the hearing Representative Crenshaw noted that not one single Democrat voiced disapproval of how Twitter and FaceBook have violated out First Amendment rights.  Something to keep in mind when voting for the next couple of years.  We need people that will stand up for the American way and our rights the way that Trump has and will continue to do for the next four years.

Vote wisely.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 6 corporations control 90 of the media in America 2012
  2. US border chiefs twitter account reportedly suspended while CEO Dorsey testifies on censorship
  3. Media Trump hatred coverage
  4. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

The Threat Of Voter Fraud Is Real, Part 3

Roger Anghis

I am going to do everything I can to impress upon you the importance of this election and the importance of voting in person.  Democrats are going to do everything they can to steal this election.  The only way they will be able to win is with voter fraud and they are experts at it.  They drive vans full of illegals from district to district to vote as many times as they can.  Some states have gone to all mail-in ballots and that lends to their ability to commit that fraud.  In the state of Colorado our mail-in ballots have a bar code with a number underneath that bar code and within that number is either the letter ‘D’ of the letter ’R’.  If there is an unscrupulous mail carrier, he has an easy job of sorting through the ballots and throw away the ones of the party he opposes.  You didn’t think that the anti-Trump USPS wouldn’t help Biden cheat, did you? Their unions are endorsing Biden. They think that Trump is an existential threat to the postal service for crying out loud. What can one expect to happen? The FBI and Attorney General Barr must step in. If Joe Biden is allowed to cheat he could very well win, and America will never be the same.

A Democrat operative says the United States Postal Service (USPS) workers who despise President Trump will sometimes help election fraudsters by throwing in the garbage mail-in ballots from Republican-heavy neighborhoods.

Last month, as Breitbart News highlighted, a Democrat operative told the New York Post‘s Jon Levine a number of stories in which insiders like him lead teams of fraudsters to commit election fraud by paying homeless voters off, taking advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters, and printing up fake ballots.

“You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.” [Emphasis added]

In some cases, mail carriers were members of his “work crew,” and would sift ballots from the mail and hand them over to the operative.[1]

You can use your mail-in ballot, but hand carry it to a polling place to ensure that it gets recorded.  We cannot take the chance in this election that all ballots will be counted properly.  We need to pray that the states that will allow ballots to be counted up to two weeks after the election will be shut down in court.  All this does is allow the Democrats to know just how many ‘ballots’ they need to come up with to overturn the election.  They have been at work to do this all year.  South Carolina election ballots reportedly ended up in Maryland this week, after mail-in voting for the Palmetto State’s June 9 primary has already begun, according to local news reports.

South Carolina election officials may cut ties with the company they used, Minnesota printer SeaChange, over the mix-up after about 20 Charleston County absentee ballots were found outside the state, the reports say.

Election officials say this isn’t the first absentee ballot issue they’ve had with the company, which prints and mails ballots for 13 South Carolina counties.

Some voters in Greenville County received the wrong absentee ballots when the Democratic presidential primary and the special election for sheriff were held just 10 days apart, Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire told the Post and Courier. Voters in Charleston received ballots that were folded in a way that made them tough to read by scanning machines.[2]  What are South Carolina ballots doing in Maryland?  Staging for voter fraud is the only answer I can come up with.

The postal service says they can handle the massive influx of ballots that will occur if we go to all mail-in ballots, but their record tells a different story.  Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.

States and local authorities simply have no idea what happened to these ballots since they were mailed – and the figure of 28 million missing ballots is likely even higher because some areas in the country, notably Chicago, did not respond to the federal agency’s survey questions. This figure does not include ballots that were spoiled, undeliverable, or came back for any reason.

Although there is no evidence that the millions of missing ballots were used fraudulently, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which compiled the public data provided from the Election Assistance Commission, says that the sheer volume of them raises serious doubts about election security.

These questions are particularly relevant as the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing states across the country to rapidly expand vote-by-mail operations in an election year. Democratic Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden have proposed the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act of 2020, a bill that would allow every eligible voter the opportunity to vote by mail, regardless of state laws governing mail-in ballots.[3]

What is at stake is too important to allow the results to be taken for granted.  As of the writing of this article Joe Biden’s ‘rallies’ have drawn 84 people while Trump’s rallies have drawn over 250,000 but MSM is telling us Biden leads by 11 points in national polls.  I believe that we can conclude that MSM is in on the deception and attempt to steal the election.  Remember in 1984 three weeks out from the election Reagan was down 6 points but squeaked out a victory of 49 states.  Voter fraud was not that easy back then.  Everyone had to vote in person without electronic voting machines that can be programmed to record differently than how the voter actually voted.[4] We are in a different day and the Democrats are ruthless in their pursuit of power.  Do not take lightly their threat to regain power by any means possible.  Once they have it, they will not relinquish it again.  They will put things in place so that no conservative will ever win.  Look what they are threatening to do with the Supreme Court.  They want to pack the court with liberal judges to force their agenda on the American people.  That is why they are so determined to stop the nomination of Amy Coney Barret.  They believe that RBG’s seat was theirs.  Schumer has even stated that Trump has no right to replace RBG!

The examples of the Democrat’s attempts to steal elections is too numerous to list in this series. They have been doing it for decades and will continue as long as they are not punished for doing it. It must stop, and we must stop it. Our country as we have known it for 244 years is at stake.  The future of your children and grandchildren is at stake.  Our freedom is at stake.  Vote wisely!

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Democrat insider: anti Trump postal workers in GOP neighborhoods throw mail in ballots in the garbage
  2. South Carolina election ballots reportedly found in Maryland this week
  3. 28 million mail in ballots went missing in last four elections
  4. Voting machine proof election rigged

The Threat of Voter Fraud Is Real, Part 2

Roger Anghis

The Democrats have a dozen ways to commit voter fraud.  Illegals voting, dead people voting, people voting multiple times to name a few.  Some states attempted to clean up voter rolls as required by law but especially during the Obama administration every state that tried was stopped by Eric Holder: The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Florida to block its effort to purge its voter rolls of non-U.S. citizens and to stop further attempts before the November elections.

The suit against the state and Secretary of State Ken Detzner alleges Florida violated its obligations under the federal National Voter Registration Act by conducting a “systematic program to purge voters from its rolls within the 90-day quiet period before an election for federal office.”

The suit also alleges Florida violated the law by using “inaccurate and unreliable” voter verification procedures, according to a statement by Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.[1]

Holder even sued when states wanted to require voter ID and proof of citizenship.  Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. sued Texas on Thursday, escalating the battle over voting rights and saying the Legislature was intentionally trying to discriminate against Hispanics when it redrew its congressional district maps and passed a voter-ID law.

Meanwhile, Arizona and Kansas are fighting the federal government on another front in the voting wars, suing the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to demand that anyone who registers to vote in those states be required to prove they are citizens.

“The thread that ties these two cases together is they both represent the federal government attempting to exercise unconstitutional control over the states’ voting systems,” said Kansas Secretary of State Kris W. Kobach, who is leading that state’s lawsuit, filed Wednesday. “This is definitely a contest between the federal government and states over the states’ sovereign authority to control their elections.”[2]

Colorado, like California, gives a person the right to register to vote when you get or renew your driver’s license.  A couple of years ago I renewed my license and the lady asked if I want to register to vote.  I asked her if she wanted to know if I was a legal citizen or not and she told me she wasn’t allowed to ask!  We are acting like we have no borders and anyone can come here at will.  A nation that has no borders will not be a nation for very long.  This is our nation and if we don’t protect it, we will not have a nation for long.

In the last few days, there have been three instances where ballots were found discarded in trash ins, ditches, and other places.  In California, they found thousands of ballots in a dumpster: Last night we received these photos from a reader in California.  They appear to show hundreds of alleged unopened ballots in a garbage dumpster in California.  We are working to verify it. Big if true.

This is an exclusive from a Gateway Pundit reader in California.

Hey Gateway Pundit,
I thought you might find this interesting. My dad found THOUSANDS of unopened ballots at the garbage dump in Petaluma, California, north of San Francisco.

My dad was throwing away some trash and saw them so he took some pictures. He told a lady who worked at the dump about it and she claimed that the county dumped them there. After my dad drove back around and saw the workers in the bin covering the ballots up with cardboard.

The TGP reader then sent us a map of the location in Petaluma.

According to a state source California does not mail out ballots until October fifth and those already have return addresses.[3]

2016 produced some very interesting voting results.  Investigators looked at voters’ birth dates and found that 45,880 votes in the 2016 election were cast by people who would have been at least 115 years old on election day.

Some 45 people voted, even though they were born before the year 1700!

Either there’s widespread voter fraud, or the zombie apocalypse began in the ballot box!

Underage voters. The age problem worked both ways: 292 minors voted even though they were under the age of 18.

More registered voters than adults. 7 states and Washington, D.C. have more registered voters than the number of adults legally eligible to vote. (Alaska, California, Colorado, D.C., Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, and Michigan.)

Voting multiple times. The Government Accountability Institute found 8,471 cases of duplicate voting in just 21 states. A nationwide sweep would have uncovered at least 45,000 cases of people voting in more than one city or state.

Thousands of phony addresses and names. More than 15,000 other people registered to vote using illegal addresses, like P.O. boxes, stores, and public buildings. 9,539 of those people voted in the general election.

The Rhode Island secretary of state’s office told investigators outright that it would approve a voter registration form submitted by John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt – even if it listed “a residential address that was a commercial office building, no driver’s license, (and) no Social Security number.” [4]

We have to get a handle on this and get back to legitimate elections.  Democrats don’t want to do this because they cannot win with fraud and they know it.  They lost 2016 even though it was rigged.  They thought they had it in the bag but the bag lost and now their kingdom of corruption is collapsing around them.  George Soros has states that if Trump gets another four years it could destroy the foundation of the New World Order.  Pelosi has to be on medication for depression because she’s answering questions like she’s Joe Biden.

If we want to save the America we grew up in we have to keep the Democrats out of office in 2020.  There was a prophecy given at the first of the year warning the Democrats that if they didn’t back off they would be decimated in November.  They have not backed off.  They have doubled and even tripled down on their efforts to remove Trump.  I fully believe that November will bring the Democrat party to its knees.  This is God’s nation, not theirs and He will not let it be drug down into the trash heap of history just yet.  He’s not done with us.

Everybody is always saying God Bless America and that is a good request but I believe that America should bless God.  If we do that, we cannot lose.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes:

  1. Obama/Holder DOJ sues Florida over voter roll clean up
  2. Holder sues Texas to stop voter ID law
  3. California man finds thousands unopened ballots garbage dumpster workers quickly try cover photos
  4. Revealed massive voter fraud unearthed Trump’s voter fraud panel

The Threat of Voter Fraud Is Real, Part 1

Roger Anghis

With the election just thirty days away we have to seriously consider the possibility of voter fraud to remove Trump from office.  I don’t that this will happen, but one can never underestimate just how underhanded Democrats can get.  Virtually all Democrats say that voter fraud is non-existent but the evidence is overwhelmingly proving that it is rampant.  During the 2018 mid-term election democrat activists were caught teaching illegals how to vote twice because no ID is required.  See why Democrats fight voter ID.  Democrat activists have been caught red-handed issuing Spanish-language instructions to illegal aliens regarding how to vote not once, but twice, in the midterm elections, while assuring them they will get away with voting Democrat twice because “no ID is required.” 

The illegal text messages targeting Spanish-speaking illegal aliens across many states are also spreading fear-based propaganda about President Trump, with many of the messages referring to the president of the United States as the “anti-Christ” who “wants to murder Mexicans.”

Wayne Allyn Root reports: For two years now since President Trump’s election, I’ve chronicled the violence, threats of violence, and just plain hysteria and unhinged nature of Democrats with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

But the mainstream media continues to flood the airwaves with the narrative that President Trump and Republicans are “divisive” and “racist” and use “hate speech.”

Well, I now have proof of who the divisive party is. Somehow I wound up on the text message list for a group claiming to be the Nevada Democratic Party and multiple liberal organizations looking to “get out the vote.”[1] You can see why the Democrats have fought to keep the wall from being built.  It is the biggest source of new Democrats voters.  Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams is all upset because illegals were stopped from voting for her.  She wanted them because there was a need to ‘balance the white vote’ and illegals should be able to vote for someone to represent them.  A video shared by the Republican National Committee captured Abrams expressing concern about a white voting base while lamenting that illegal immigrants “are now no longer able to elect anyone who represents them.”

In the clip, Abrams is talking about redistricting and said that if non-citizens are not counted as part of the population, you’re left with “a whiter, more Republican voting base.”

“You can eliminate anyone who is not a citizen, meaning someone who’s a resident [alien], a green card holder or undocumented,” she said. “What you’re left with then, in the United States today, is that 50% of the population under the age of 18, er sorry, under the age of 15 is communities of color.”

As for stereotyping, the Democrat equates white people to being Republican.

A 2014 video of her talking about redistricting was uncovered by researcher Patrick Howley of National File.

In the clip, Abrams is speaking at a Power PAC + National Conference, titled “Race Will Win the Race: The Progressive Path to Victory,” emphasizing the critical need to eliminate the “dangerous” possibility of being governed by a “white conservative coalition.”[2]

It is obvious that the Democrats are more concerned about illegals than real American citizens.  They cannot control the citizen.  They can control the illegal.  Democrats will fight voter ID because they use dead people to vote.  An election watchdog group found there may be as many as 350,000 dead people still registered to vote in U.S. elections.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) out of Indiana conducted a nationwide survey and found the alarming results and discovered that New York, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and California accounted for 51 percent of the dead registrants. They also found that 40,000 likely duplicate voters may have voted twice.

But don’t worry. Election fraud is a myth, remember?

“Our voter rolls have not, and will not be ready for a mail-focused election this November,” said Logan Churchwell, communications director for PILF. “State court decisions in swing states allowing for relaxed deadlines, signature verification, and harvesting now sit on a foundation of bad voter data.”

“In Pennsylvania, your miss-delivered ballot to the hands of a bad actor will now have extra time to get turned in and not face the traditional standards for signature verification,” Churchwell said. “The only way to absolutely avoid this nightmare is to vote in person.”

PILF further found that nearly 15,000 registrants were credited with voting after death in the 2016 and 2018 elections.

Many state registrars have been forbidden to cull their voter rolls by the courts because hysterical Democrats claim some voters might be disenfranchised. So, rather than make a few mistakes in taking people off the rolls who belong there, states must maintain voter rolls containing thousands of dead people or people who have moved.

Liberal groups have been pouring money into these court challenges.[3]

Democrats have been hoping to use the COVID-19 plannedemic to force the 2020 election to use all mail-in ballots because they can have millions of illegals and dead people vote without verification and win the election.  Most states that have mail-in are rife with voter fraud.  They have tried to make Colorado the ‘gold standard’ for mail-in voting be we have had an abject failure that they refuse to talk about.  In 2018 Colorado had ten counties with over 100% voter turnout.  One county that has a heavy illegal population had 140%.  When challenged in court all votes were allowed to be counted.   Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently, Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale.

While these voters come and go, they manage to turn out to vote. Records show Gilpin County had 61 percent voter turnout in the 2010 election and Hinsdale County had an astounding 92 percent voter turnout. This is far above the Colorado average turnout of 48 percent, and the national average of 41 percent.

All ten counties investigated by Media Trackers reported voter turnout greater than the national average. Nine out of ten also showed voter turnout well above the Colorado average. Mineral and San Juan counties, which have voter registration numbers of 126 percent and 112 percent respectively, had voter turnout of 96 and 83 percent respectively.[4]

This is just scratching the surface of the kind of fraud we will see this year.  The Democrats are desperate to retake power in DC.  They are being exposed and if Trump gets another four years, they very well could see all their corruption become exposed.  I only have one thing to say to that, four more years, four more years, four more years.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Stacey Abrams frets illegal immigrants no longer being able to elect representation end up with white governance
  3. Election watchdog finds 350,000 dead voters on the rolls
  4. Colorado counties have more voters than people

The Real Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Roger Anghis

This last week a major event that will affect the election happened.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away.  It is always a sad time when a life has run its course. A person’s legacy is how that person is remembered. RBG was known for her support of sexual rights, women’s rights, and for paving the way for women to attain greater things than they had been able to achieve in the past.  These can be good things but only if they can be classified as moral.

As a Supreme Court Justice RBG swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  That means when a case came before the Supreme Court they would judge that case according to the Constitution and what it allows and what it doesn’t allow.  This is the only document that is allowed in adjudicating a case.  RBG did not agree with that precept even though she swore to do just that.  She believed that a lot of international laws were better than what she called the restrictions found in our Constitution. Justice Ginsburg has fired the latest salvo in the ongoing debate about the Court’s use of foreign and international law sources in constitutional adjudication. On Friday, she gave a speech to the International Academy of Comparative Law at American University, entitled “A decent respect to the Opinions of [Human]kind”: The Value of a Comparative Perspective in Constitutional Adjudication.  Not surprisingly given her earlier opinions, Justice Ginsburg comes out strongly in favor of the Court’s use of foreign and international law materials to interpret U.S. law, including the Constitution.  She begins with an historical defense:

From the birth of the United States as a nation, foreign and international law influenced legal reasoning and judicial decision making.  Founding fathers, most notably, Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, were familiar with leading international law treatises, the law merchant, and English constitutional law.  And they used that learning as advocates in legal contests . . . . The law of nations, Chief Justice Marshall famously said in 1815, is part of the law of our land.  Decisions of the courts of other countries, Marshall explained, show how the law of nations is understood elsewhere, and will be considered in determining the rule which is to prevail here.  Those decisions, he clarified, while not binding authority for U. S. courts, merit respectful attention for their potential persuasive value.

After quoting from Paquete Habana, Ginsburg turns her attention to the hostility to both foreign and international law on display in the U.S. Senate during Elena Kagan’s recent confirmation hearings (e.g., including the Senator who indicated he was “troubled” that Kagan “believes we can turn to foreign law to get good ideas”).  She contrasts these exchanges with The Federalist’s use of the law of nations and both positive and negative examples from abroad to defend the Constitution.[1]

I’m not saying that other nations may not have a better perspective on some situations but that doesn’t change the fact that it is only our Constitution that should be used.  We can change our Constitution if needed but until it is changed, it remains the law of the land.  She even went as far as to encourage other jurists to entertain international laws when adjudicating a case. Endorsing a principle that she called the “international perspective,” Ginsburg encouraged American judges to base their legal decisions in part on precedents that have been set overseas, especially in European courts.

Describing herself as part of the “dynamic school of thought” in constitutional law, Ginsburg spoke during the 2003 Women in Law Conference, hosted by the Oklahoma Bar Association at the Tulsa Renaissance Hotel.

The “dynamic school” views the Constitution as a living document, subject to continuous reinterpretation by successive generations, Ginsburg explained.

That contrasts with the “static” school of thought, which believes that the Constitution should be interpreted according to the original intent of its framers.

“Such jurists sometimes prevail in our courts,” she said, referring to judges who hold the static point of view.[2]

She even proudly stated that the majority decision to strike down Texas’ anti-sodomy law was heavily influenced by cases in the European Union.  As an example, she pointed to the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down that state’s law against gay sex.

Among the precedents the majority justices used to justify their decision were recent rulings by European Union courts that affirmed a person’s right to engage in consensual intimate behavior, she said.

Past Supreme Court decisions have upheld the constitutionality of anti-sodomy laws. But the European decisions helped show a global shift in thinking about human rights, which are now thought to include sexual privacy, Ginsburg said.

“Time can blind us,” she said. “Later generations could see that laws once thought necessary and proper only served to oppress.”[3]

I have a major problem with her train of thought about ‘laws once thought necessary and proper only serve to oppress.’  That law is based on the biblical point of view concerning homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 states: When a man lies with a man in the manner that a man lies with a woman, it’s an abomination in the eyes of God.  Our laws are based on biblical laws and she acted like it was her right to re-write that precept handed down by God.  That’s not a legacy that I would want to be associated with.

As another slap in the face to a moral society she has advocated for the lowering of the age of consent for sexual activity to 12.  Many liberal websites deny that she has taken that stand but there is too much information out there.  An article from CNS News reports “Given that homosexual advocates are in a full court press to lower the age of consent as low as it can go, and pro-pedophile sitting Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s documented advocacy of lowering the age of consent to 12 years old, parents should be horrified…”

Ginsburg may have “changed” her opinion on this (or pretended to) by the time of her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Several liberal websites of course deny that she supports pedophilia, but there’s a PDF file with quotes from some of her earlier writings, which you can see for yourself.

Our Congress is so fearful of appearing the tiniest bit anti-Semitic that they could probably have gotten John Podesta’s satanist friend, Marina Abramovic on the Supreme Court if this were the pre-Internet age.

Clearly politicians in Congress were afraid to point out Ginsburg’s past (because she was Jewish), which would have doomed a White candidate for the Supreme Court if he had an equally sleazy record.[4]

I am sure that RBG was involved in some very important and beneficial decisions, but advocating pedophilia and homosexuality are not part of them.  Any time anyone takes a position that solidly opposes the principles of God, especially for one that is in a position of authority, it can become a stumbling block for the nation they are representing.  Ask Sodom and Gomorrah.

We must be careful who we place in high esteem. Our moral foundation depends on it.

© 2020 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Stone:

Foot Notes

  1. Justice Ginsburg on using foreign and international law in constitutional adjudication
  2. Throwback Tulsa Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg touts international perspective
  3. Throwback Tulsa Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg touts international perspective
  4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg advocated lowering the age of consent to 12-2
  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

What To Expect When Trump Wins, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

The left has no intention of losing this presidential election and are willing to open cheat to do it.  They are planning to use voter fraud to do so.  They are experts at it and have used it for years even decades to win elections.  In most cases, without it, they would never win.

Remember when Al Franken ran for the Senate in Minnesota he initially lost and then they started finding ‘uncounted’ ballots during a recount and for some reason, they were all for him,  Days after it was reported that 133 ballots were missing in the Minneapolis portion of the Minnesota Senate recount, local officials in the city said they had discovered a misplaced stack of ballots. Democratic sources in the state, meanwhile, say that this group of votes were not counted on the day of the election, meaning they will have a larger effect on the outcome of the recount.

By mid-day, Friday a spokesperson for the city, Matt Laible, said that the envelope contained about 10 absentee ballots — a small number compared to the total number of votes casts in the state, but potentially very significant. An hour or so later, Marc Elias, Franken’s lawyer, declared that with all precincts recounted the campaign’s internal numbers had them ahead by a mere four votes.

“We are moving on to the next stage of the process,” said Elias. “We are not declaring victory.”

As such, the findings of the missing absentee ballots — which Laible said would not be tallied immediately — are being cheered by Al Franken’s campaign not merely because they come from a deeply Democratic area of the city and promise to bolster the vote total of the Democratic challenger.[1]

The Democrats have mastered a procedure called ballot harvesting where workers collect ballots from voters and deliver them to be counted. A full explanation can be found here.  What this allows to happen is known republican allots will be tossed and only known democrat ballots counted.  In some states, it is easy to determine the difference.  Under the bar code, there is a number and within that number, there is a ‘D’ for the democrat ballot and an ‘R” for the Republican ballot.  Pretty simple.  Colorado went from red to blue after we went to all mail-in ballots. Gee, I wonder how that happened?  In the 2016 election, we had 10 counties that had over 100% voter turnout.  One very heavy illegal immigrant populated county had 140%.  This was challenged in the courts, but all votes were allowed to be counted.  Colorado has been called the ‘Gold Standard’ of mail-in voting when in reality it is the poster child of voter fraud.  Most articles talking about this have been scrubbed from the internet. Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently, Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale.

While these voters come and go, they manage to turn out to vote. Records show Gilpin County had 61 percent voter turnout in the 2010 election and Hinsdale County had an astounding 92 percent voter turnout. This is far above the Colorado average turnout of 48 percent, and the national average of 41 percent.

All ten counties investigated by Media Trackers reported voter turnout greater than the national average. Nine out of ten also showed voter turnout well above the Colorado average. Mineral and San Juan counties, which have voter registration numbers of 126 percent and 112 percent respectively, had a voter turnout of 96 and 83 percent respectively.[2]

This was not unique to Colorado.  We saw this all across the nation in 2016:  Some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.

The Election Integrity Project of Judicial Watch — a Washington-based legal-watchdog group — analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2011–2015 American Community Survey and last month’s statistics from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The latter included figures provided by 38 states. According to Judicial Watch, eleven states gave the EAC insufficient or questionable information. Pennsylvania’s legitimate numbers place it just below the over-registration threshold.

My tabulation of Judicial Watch’s state-by-state results yielded 462 counties where the registration rate exceeded 100 percent. There were 3,551,760 more people registered to vote than adult U.S. citizens who inhabit these counties.

“That’s enough over-registered voters to populate a ghost-state about the size of Connecticut,” Judicial Watch attorney Robert Popper told me.[3]

I expect nothing less from the Democrats this year.  It will probably be on steroids because another four years of Trump will mean the exposure of all the Democrats have done to the American people and will set back their New World Order push another 30 years.  Reagan did that to them in the 1980s.  I believe that this will be worse for them than that.

Mark Zuckerberg is even preparing for just this type of voter fraud.  In a recent appearance on Axios on HBO, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg suggested that his company and “and other media” should work to convince the American public there is nothing illegitimate, strange, or suspect about the results upcoming presidential election taking days or weeks to be tabulated due to mail-in voting.

In a recent appearance on Axios on HBO, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg suggested that his company and “and other media” should work to convince the American public there is nothing illegitimate, strange, or suspect about the results upcoming presidential election taking days or weeks to be tabulated due to mail-in voting.

“One of the things that I think we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people,” said Zuckerberg, is “That there’s nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure that all the votes are counted, in fact, that may be important to be sure that this is a legitimate and fair election.”[4]  If this isn’t a preparation for overturning an election, I don’t know what is.

Trump has warned about it and Attorney General Barr has warned about it.  Biden has 600 lawyers that have filed over 150 suits to allow mail-in ballots and to challenge the results if Biden loses.[5]  This election has to be so decisive in Trump’s favor that any fight to overturn it will be futile at best.  I think it will be.  The polls show Biden leading but his lead is shrinking fast.  Keep in mind that three weeks before the 1984 election Reagan was down about 6% and he narrowly won by winning only 49 states.  The technology to cheat is much better today than it was then.  Prayer and our diligence at the voting booth are necessary for the preservation of this great nation.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  3. Election fraud registered voters outnumber eligible voters 462 counties
  4. Zuckerberg: election may take weeks and cause civil unrest until media creates consensus on next president
  5. Biden democrats assemble 600 lawyers to fight election chicanery

What To Expect When Trump Wins

—Roger Anghis

The last four years have shown America something that I do not think most Americans knew and that is just how much the Democrat Party hates America.  It began on the night of the 2016 general election.  I vividly remember seeing the liberal news agencies react in almost horror at the fact that Hillary could possibly lose the race.  One commentator was so infuriated he was cursing on the air.  He wanted to know what the **** was happening.  Rachel Madow was on the verge of tears and describing what she thought America was going to turn into.

People began to riot in the streets burning cars and stores.  The reaction was almost shocking.  We had seen some violence during the campaign specifically in Chicago when a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters: When Ja’Mal Green, a prominent black activist and Bernie Sanders supporter in Chicago, saw that Donald Trump was coming to the University of Illinois Chicago, he knew what he had to do. “Everyone, get your tickets to this. We’re all going in!!!! ‪#‎SHUTITDOWN,” he posted on Facebook last week.

Little did he know they actually would shut it down.

Friday night, hundreds of protesters invaded Trump’s rally while thousands more marched outside, leading the candidate to abruptly cancel the event due to safety concerns. The night spun out from there, as angry Trump fans clashed with protesters, who saw the shutdown as a victory.

Protesters interrupt virtually every Trump speech. But what made Chicago different were its scale and the organization behind the effort. Hundreds of young, largely black and brown people poured in from across the city, taking over whole sections of the arena and bracing for trouble.

And as the repeated chants of “Ber-nie” demonstrated, it was largely organized by supporters of Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidate who has struggled to win over black voters, but whose revolutionary streak has excited radicals of all colors.[1]

What we were seeing was the beginning of the left exposing to the American people their outright demand to be in power.  We saw violent acts from the left for the next four years and almost every time they had the gumption to blame Trump or his supporters for the violence that they themselves committed.

In January of this year one of Bernie Sanders’ Iowa campaign organizers, Kyle Jurek, was caught on several occasions making statements referencing violence against conservatives:  On reaching people that he deems to be “fascists”: “The only thing that works, the only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way you can confront them is with violence.”

  • On what happens if Trump is re-elected: “F***ing cities burn.”
  • On if Trump supporters should be “re-educated”: “I mean, we gotta try, so like, in Nazi Germany after the fall of the Nazi party there was a s**t ton of the populace that was f***ing Nazified. Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their f***ing people to not be Nazis. Like, we’re probably going to have to do the same f***ing thing here. That’s kind of what Bernie’s whole f***ing like, ‘hey, free education for everybody!’ because we’re going to have to teach you to not be a f***ing Nazi.”
  • On Soviet gulags: “There’s a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags, right? And actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us that they were. Like, people were actually paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually meant for like re-education.” [2]

I can remember during the 2016 campaign Hillary was always accusing the right of violence even though it was always the left that was burning and looting.  She had taken a page out of Hitler’s playbook where Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers Minister of Propaganda stated: “Accuse others of the things that you are doing.”  All the riots that we have seen over the last three-plus months have occurred in Democrat-controlled cities and perpetrated by Democrats, paid by outside sources.  Many claim that George Soros is behind the riots and they are probably right.  Watch this video of an organizer of a lot of the so-called protests in California where he states he gets checks signed by Soros.[3]

George Soros also funds the Open Society Foundation which is a major supporter of blm and has been since 2015.  Soros uses the Open Society Foundation to do a lot of his dirty work.  He has transferred the bulk of his fortune, $18 billion, to that foundation.[4] I would think that this would be classified as treason by funding sedition but Trump my address this in his second term.

Right after Trump won the election in 2016 they immediately began the attack on him attempting to nullify/overturn an election.  Maxine Waters began calling for his impeachment before he was even sworn into office.  She has advocated confrontations against him and his staff and cabinet since the day after his election.  We’ve seen them try the Russian collusion, impeachment, the fake plandemic, and are demanding all mail-in ballots so they can commit voter fraud on a scale only seen in communist countries and we will continue to see the left do whatever they can to get him out of office.

Sanders didn’t get the nomination because he sold out again, but Biden has adopted Sanders’s extreme agenda.  They actually believe that he can beat trump. They believe as they did with Hillary, the polls which are so skewed towards Democrats it is ridiculous. One poll had Biden ahead of Trump by only five points. but they only polled 21% Republicans.  Trump pulled thousands of supports in Kenosha. but Biden only had a hand full of people show up when he went and the majority of them were media.

Do not fool yourself, the Democrats will do anything to regain power and if they can take the House, Senate, and the White House, they will never again relinquish that power, and the America we know will be nothing but a footnote in history. The Democratic Party platform ardently adopted by “Aphasic” Joe Biden would entail an abrogation of the Constitution; a gaming of the voting system and the addition of new states (D.C. & Puerto Rico) to guarantee the Democrats perennial electoral victory; and a complete revision of America’s capitalist economy, transforming it into one based on the tenets of socialism as the stout pillars of a society ruled by critical theory. [5]

They actually have a plan to stage a coup if Trump wins: As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns, and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening.  It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”[6]

This is not a game.  The threat to our freedoms is real.  Ronald Reagan stated: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

If Biden wins, Kamala Harris will be president before the end of the first year. AOC will control our energy which means we will not have any energy. Bernie Sanders will in control of the economy, which means we will be a third world nation.

Vote wisely.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. How Bernie Sanders supporters shut down Donald Trump rally in Chicago
  2. Breaking: Bernie staffer – kill political opponents, burn people in streets, cops to be beaten if Bernie loses
  5. Democrat’s behavior today forecasts violent aftermath if Trump wins re-election

The Evil Will Increase

Pastor Roger Anghis

What we are seeing in the streets of America is what Paul wrote about in the book of Romans concerning the end times and what will begin to occur as the time of the Gentile wraps up. Romans 1:28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; (29)  Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, (30)  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, (31)  Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:.   The word reprobate means morally corrupt, depraved, foreordained to damnation.  When we consider the actions of what the Democrats call ‘peaceful protestors’ they fit the dictionary’s definition of a reprobate.  People with common sense know that these people are NOT peaceful protesters but anarchists hell-bent on destroying America as we know it.

Please understand that I support 100% a person’s right to PEACEFULLY PROTEST.  It is part of our Constitution but when that protest turns from peaceful to violence with the burning of buildings and looting and even murder, then that protest has stepped over the line and should be stopped at all costs. In Portland, on Saturday a Trump supporter was shot and killed by the antifa/blm crowd. “Portland Police officers heard sounds of gunfire from the area of Southeast 3rd Avenue and Southwest Alder Street. They responded and located a victim with a gunshot wound to the chest. Medical responded and determined that the victim was deceased,” the Portland Police Bureau said in a statement.

Portland has been the site of nightly protests for more than three months since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Many of them end in vandalism and violence, and hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested by local and federal law enforcement since late May.[1]

Andy Ngo, a social media activist covering the riots in Portland, tweeted: “On the 95th night of riots and violent protests in Portland, a conservative rally attendee was fatally shot.  Upon confirming the deceased wasn’t one of theirs, antifal and blm cheered and danced in the street outside the Justice Center.[2]  First thing here is why was this the 95th day of riots and violent protests?  Why hasn’t the so-called leaders of Portland put a stop to the violence against the citizens of Portland?  Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) has admitted that he has no plan to stop the riots.  He actually believes that they’ll “Burn themselves out”.[3]  The problem is half his town is being burnt down while he’s waiting for it to ‘burn itself out’.  People are losing everything they have worked for over the years; jobs are being lost and the worst is people are losing their lives while he sits and waits.  I find it hard to be more reprobate than Ted Wheeler.

It seems the closer we get to the election the worse it gets.  The devil does not like giving up the ground that he has already taken.  The intensity between now and November 3rd will increase exponentially because it is obvious that nothing the left is doing is having the effect they wanted.  Actually, the effect is the opposite of what they wanted.  You can tell by Nancy Pelosi’s attitude toward Trump.  She doesn’t think that the Democrats should even consider having any presidential debates:  Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday she doesn’t think there should be any presidential debates ahead of the November election, arguing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden shouldn’t “legitimize” a discussion with President Trump.

“I don’t think that there should be any debates,” Pelosi told reporters. “I do not think that the president of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody has any association with truth, evidence, data, and facts.”

“I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States,” she added.[4]

Anyone with a half dozen functioning brain cells knows that Biden will be destroyed in a debate against Trump so the Democrats are trying to lay the groundwork to justify not having the debates by attempting to disqualify Trump’s ability to be truthful.

The hatred is getting worse even among politicians.  Maxine Waters has been calling for violence against Trump and any of his supporters: Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters, calling for attacks on the Trump administration at a rally in Los Angeles Saturday: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”[5] Pam Keith who is running for Florida’s 18th Congressional District is calling for ‘open season’ on Trump supporters: This Democrat is vying to land Florida’s congressional seat for the 18th district, but a Twitter post dating back to June 10th  of this year puts her disturbing mindset on full display:

“GOP: Yeah he’s dead. But it’s not a big deal because he was a “bad guy.” Is that REALLY the new rule they want? Killing is OK if it’s a “bad guy?” Is it now open season on: Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Gates, Cohen, Trump, Barr, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski, Bolton, Pompeo, Papadopolous, Parscale.”[6] Notice that Twitter didn’t pull that tweet nor have they banned her from Twitter.

These anarchists keep pushing and are now threatening to “put police in graves and burn down the White House.” The left-wing extremists in Washington, D.C., whom the media were quick to defend after they harassed attendees of the Republican National Convention late Thursday were back on the streets Saturday talking about burning down the White House and killing cops …

Listen to one of these “peaceful protesters,” as the media describe them, unleash his inner extremist in a rant directed at his followers.

“I’m at the point where I’m ready to put these police in the f–king grave. I’m at the point where I want to burn the f–king White House down.  I want to take it to the senators, I want to take to the Congress, I want to take the fight to them,” the extremist in the video above said.

“And at the end of the day, if they ain’t going to hear us, we burn them the f–k down. I’m one that talk real s–t. I talk it in New York, and I talk it in D.C. The same way I f–k police up in New York, I f–k cops up here in D.C. The same way I bust police in the head in New York, I bust police in the head in D.C.”[6]

This is just September.  We have until November 3rd and the closer we get the more intense the liberals will get because they are in death throes.  They know that this November the election will decimate the Democrat Party and they must find some way to pull the election in their direction, but they have no person that can do that.  They have no policy that will do that.

We must be prepared for what the liberals do.  Will we have to take up arms? We might and Kenosha verified that.  Understand that the police will be overwhelmed in some cities and you will be in a position of defending yourself.  Be prepared! Do not wait. I believe that after Trump wins again, and he will win, we will see violence in America like we haven’t seen since the Civil War.  Don’t be caught sleeping.  Be prepared.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Trump supporter murdered in Portland
  3. Portland mayor: No i don’t have plan to stop riots
  4. Pelosi says there-shouldn’t be presidential debates in 2020
  5. Maxine Waters political violence
  6. DC rioters up the ante start with pep talk on putting police in their graves burning white house down

The Fight For America

Roger Anghis

I never thought I would see, in my lifetime, such an imminent threat to America’s values and way of life.  The last few months have seen the ugly head of government overreach in a power grab as we have never seen before by Democrats that believe they have the right to remove your rights at will to suit their demand for control.

We have also seen two anarchist groups, antifa, and black lives matter, flex their muscles to try to get Americans to bow a knee to their demands of a new America with the white man being subjugated to a 4th class citizen if even that.  These groups have no respect for anyone of any color let alone a black.  Two criminals were killed by police, George Floyd and Jacob Blake, both died because of their own actions.  George Floyd was a convicted felon and was being arrested for trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill and was under the influence of meth and fentanyl:  ‘All he had to do is sit in the police car, like every other defendant who is initially arrested. While attempting to avoid his arrest, all by himself, Mr. Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl,’ the filing says. 

‘Given his intoxication level, breathing would have been difficult at best. Mr. Floyd’s intentional failure to obey commands, coupled with his overdosing, contributed to his own death.’ 

A medical examiner’s report and a separate independent autopsy both ruled that Floyd’s death was a homicide and that he died from asphyxiation. 

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner added in its report that Floyd had ‘recent methamphetamine use’ and ‘fentanyl intoxication’ – along with hypertension and coronary artery disease – all of which were possible contributing factors to his death.[1]

Then there is Jacob Blake, who was not an innocent little angel either, was resisting arrest on a sexual assault warrant.  The police said that he had a knife and was ordered to drop it, which he refused. He was tasered but it didn’t take and he walked around the car in what appears to be an attempt to get something out of it all the while the police were calling for him to surrender, which he didn’t do.[2]  He was a person who was known for pulling guns and had a history of domestic abuse.[3]

Why are people of this caliber put on a pedestal and treated as an innocent child?  There is a political agenda behind all this that is being funded by China and George Soros.  For the last three-plus months America has seen cities and States that are Democrat-run allow these two-bit low-life thugs to do whatever they want but if a law-abiding citizen defends himself and his property they are charged with a crime.  The McCluskey’s in Saint Louis who lived in a gated private area were confronted by these thugs after they broke down the gate and trespassed on their property and were threatened by the thugs that they would burn their house down and kill them.  They defended themselves with their legal firearms and they were the ones arrested.

We see all the riots in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and now Kenosha and the thugs are acting with impunity.  Most of the rioters in Seattle that were arrested were released without charging them with anything.  The police have either refused to defend against the rioters or have been to stand down and the regular people have said enough!  They are now defending their homes and businesses themselves.  In Kenosha a seventeen-year-old was forced to defend himself after having a brick thrown at his head, was kicked in the face, hit in the head with a skateboard, and had a gun pointed at him.  He shot three people and unfortunately, two of them died but what do you expect when you attack an armed person?  The seventeen-year-old has been charged with murder.  This is insane!

This rioting has been going on for better than three months and Joe Biden has finally commented about it.  Harris has not and neither has any other Democrat.  Trump has been trying to do something, but the Democrat mayors and governors will not let him send help.  They are proving that they either do not care about all of this or they are trying to make Trump look bad before the election.  I believe that the latter is the case and that Democrats are willing to do anything to regain power and they do not care who gets hurt or how bad it hurts America as long as they get back in power.  After all, they are still getting a paycheck and they have security for their homes.  The mayor of Chicago even placed extra security: Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday defended the heavy police presence outside her Logan Square home, at a time when police officers are stretched to the limit, citing “specific threats” made “every single day” to “my person, my wife, and my home.”

“Given the threats that I have personally received. Given the threats to my home and my family, I’m gonna do everything to make sure that they are protected. I make no apologies whatsoever for that,” the mayor said.

“I’ve talked to my fellow mayors across the country and, seeing the kind of things that have been done to them and their family members, I’m not gonna have that happen. That’s not what my wife and my child signed up for. It’s not what my neighbors signed up for. We have a right in our home to live in peace.”[4] She is a typical elitist that believes that she has the right to security, but the rest of Chicago must be unarmed and deal with whatever happens the best they can.  That is not the America our Founders gave us.  This is the ‘New America’ that the liberals are demanding that we convert to.  Biden/Harris will demand that we turn in our arms in a forced buyback.  That violates our Constitutional rights, but they do not care about those rights. Harris is not eligible to run because she is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.  Neither of her parents was a citizen when she was born.  She is nothing more than an anchor baby like Marco Rubio.

The fact that neither political party seems to take the Constitution seriously anymore is a disturbing fact.  The NSA completely ignores our 4th Amendment rights when it comes to our right to privacy of our papers and communications.  We can than George W. Bush and the Patriot Act for that.  Little by little we are seeing our rights denied us for the benefit of the masses, of course, as soon we will have no rights.

There is a prophecy for this year that says if the Democrats do not back off with their relentless attack that their party will be decimated in November.  They not only have not backed off; they have double-downed on their attacks and I believe that it will still get worse the closer we get to the election.

I do not believe that America is ready for the lefts socialist agenda and I would pray that our education system would return to education rather than the indoctrination they have been doing for the last four to five decades.  This is too great a nation to just let it slip away to the pages of history.  Everything my parents and your parents and grandparents and your grandparents worked for and believed in is at stake not to mention the future for our children and grandchildren.

One political party stands for lawlessness and chaos and the other stands for law and order and freedom.  The choice is clear.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. George Floyd overdosed on fentanyl resisted arrest cop claims
  2. Jacob Blake’s criminal record details supporters say active warrant doesn’t justify Kenosha police shooting
  3. Black cop defends Jacob Blake shooting criminal record
  4. Lightfoot police home security protests George Floyd pandemic logan square

Chaos in America

Roger Anghis

2020 has proven to be a year of tests and trials the likes we have not seen since 1941.  It actually started in November of 2016 when Trump won the presidency over Hillary Clinton.  The hatred of the Democrat Party towards America and anything American began to explode.  They rioted, burned buildings, and looted businesses across this great nation.  But a closer look shows that it only happened in Democrat-controlled cities.

The demand of the left to attain total control of everything we do, everywhere we go, where we live, what we drive, and how we worship our God has become quite evident.  Over the last four years, Democrats have shown total disdain for our Constitution and all the rights our Constitution provides for us.  If you wonder why there is such a strong trend in the socialist way of thinking in the Democrat Party you don’t have to look very far.  There are up to 70 members of Congress in the Democrat Party that also belong to the Democrat Socialists of America.[1] All the members of The Squad are members, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi has ties to the Communist Party USA and the Democrat Socialists of America as did the late John Lewis of Georgia, Tulsi Gabbard, Jerry Nadler, and former Congressman Dennis Kucinich.  Just from this shortlist it is easy to see why Democrats lean very heavily towards socialism/communism.

Socialists have always gained a footing by infiltrating schools, courts, and the news media.  Joe McCarthy proved this almost seventy years ago and now we see that these liberal organizations control the news that 273 million people consume daily: The ownership of the news media in the U.S. has been concentrated in the hands of just 6 incredibly powerful media corporations which control most of what we watch, hear and read every day. The 6 corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. Internationally, there are also other players including Bertelsmann AG and Sony. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels, and many successful websites.

Although it seems many do not care about who controls their media, it greatly impacts their view of the world and major events in it.

The average American watches 153 hours of television a month.  Television is essentially proven to have an actual impact on your brain and thinking: they do not call it “programming” for no reason.[2]

You can switch from on MSM newscast to another and you will hear the exact same report on whatever they are reporting on, word for word.  That is called ‘programming’.  They are telling you what THEY want you to hear.  Very rarely is it the truth.  Most are half-truths at best.  The indoctrination goes on daily in our schools.  It is illegal to teach real American history in our schools because it has so much Christianity in it and the so-called separation of church and state clause, which does not exist, which is just exactly why it should be taught, but we teach the five tenants of islam totally ignoring the separation clause.   Most of our kids know truly little about our history and that is a shame.  Noah Webster, The Father of American Education, stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.” Where we once had the number one education system in the world we now are rated around 28th.  There are third world nations with better education systems than America. It is my opinion that we have federal government intervention and teacher’s unions that have caused the decline in our schools.

In looking at what is happening in Seattle, Portland, New York City, Chicago, and most other Democrat-controlled cities.  Crime out of control.  Police being told to stand down when trying to stop the violence and looting and even the killing.  None of this is being condemned by the Democrats!  One of the members of the Squad, Ayanna Pressley, thinks we need to keep the violence going: There should be “unrest in the streets” over President Trump and his political allies turning a “deaf ear” to Americans’ concerns, including those about the “dismantling” of the U.S. Postal Service — which amounts to voter suppression, U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., said Friday.

Conservatives on Twitter quickly condemned Pressley’s remarks as “unhinged,” “horrible” and “disgusting.”

Pressley made her remarks Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy.”

“This is as much about public outcry, organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure,” Pressley said, after mentioning steps Democratic lawmakers can take, “so that this GOP-led Senate and these governors that continue to carry water for this administration, putting American people in harm’s way, turning a deaf ear to the needs of our families and our communities – hold them accountable.

“Make the phone calls, send the emails, show up,” she continued. “You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.”[3]

Statues are being torn down that have nothing to do with the original protest of the death of George Floyd.  I agree he should not have had the officers knee on his neck that long but if you watched the video he was hollering that he couldn’t breathe when he was sitting in the squad car.  Why did he get out?  Why was he under the influence of fentanyl? Why was he under the influence of meth? Why was he try to pass off a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill?  Why did he resist the arresting officers?  BLM act like he was a saint.  He was a criminal that got caught and resisted.  Do dumb things, win dumb prizes.

Corporations are cow-towing to the blm movement donating millions of dollars to them.  BLM demands the destruction of the foundation of society, the male-female married family.  They demand that blacks get a paycheck even if they don’t work.  These fools are going through the suburbs demanding that whites give up their house to blacks!  I’m afraid that some of us will only take so much of this and then all hell will break loose.  There have been several cities, one in Colorado, where the antifa/blm crowd came through and were immediately met with armed citizens and chased them out of town.  We will see more of this because, well, enough is enough.  We will not roll over and give up.

Cities that defund the police are asking for bloodshed.  If citizens can’t depend on the police for protection we will revert to vigilantes and that won’t be pretty but it will stop the stupidity. Criminals in these cities that have burned and looted are being freed by prosecutors that are funded by George Soros.  His goal is to destroy America because he hates us.  He will fail and I hope the Trump DOJ charges him with sedition.

America’s days are not over but we must fight to allow them to continue.  God is on our side or better put, the church is on God’s side.  This is His time.  Let’s give Him the tools to work with keep America the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 2019 list of socialists and communists in congress
  2. 6 media corporations everything watch hear read
  3. Ayanna Pressley calls for unrest in the streets over Trump allied politicians ignoring Americans concerns

Waking To A Different America

Roger Anghis

Ronald Reagan once said: “Keep voting Democrat and one day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history, and restrict your safety.  All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance.”  Today’s Democrat Party want to limit your free speech, your ability to worship our God, our right to assemble and they have been destroying our history by removing statues of both good and ‘bad’ people and demanding that we disband the police department, ICE, and any other law enforcement agencies we have.  If you follow history at all, this is exactly what happened in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution and what both Mussolini and Hitler did in Italy and Germany.

They say that those that do not know history are bound to repeat it.  We are seeing that happen in America.  We do not know history because we refuse to teach it in our public schools and places of so-called higher education. I have been around for seven decades and I remember an America where a man’s word meant something.  A handshake was as good as a written contract. You could leave your house for several hours and not worry about locking it up.  That America has died.  What killed it was the indifference of the citizens towards a godly character not only for themselves but for the ‘leaders’ we choose to put in places of authority.  That indifference began in the pulpits of America where fire used to be preached.  That fire included preaching the need to live according to the precepts of God.  Sin became sicknesses.  Self-control was set aside because it offended too many people. Divorce was rare in the church and now the divorce rate is higher in the church than in the world.

There is little left of the America I grew up in.  We used to be able to believe the government was always doing the best for the people.  That’s the way the Founders designed it but it hasn’t been that way for decades now. We all have seen the corruption that has been exposed in the Department of Justice, the CIA, and in both political parties.  Since John Kennedy, we have seen the Democrat Party go full-blown socialist. The Party’s history had a sprinkling of socialist specifically Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  So many of their policies were straight out of the socialist playbook.  Both try to rule as if they were dictators. JFK would be a solid Republican in today’s politics.

The leaders of the Democrat Party today do not even hide what they want to do.  Joe Biden has stated that he will allow open borders: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s national immigration plan includes an effort to provide amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States, freeing border-crossers into the country, and restarting welfare-dependent legal immigration that would cost American taxpayers billions.

In a plan released on Wednesday, Biden vows to provide amnesty to every illegal alien currently living in the U.S., as well as end nearly all of President Trump’s cost-saving reforms such as restarting a welfare-dependent immigration pipeline, where legal immigrants are permanently resettled in the country despite immediately needing public assistance.

“Biden will immediately begin working with Congress to modernize our system, with a priority on keeping families together by providing a roadmap to citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants,” the outline states.

Aside from mass amnesty, the plan commits to:

  • Releasing all border-crossers into the U.S. interior
  • Restarting welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.
  • Ending the National Emergency Declaration at the southern border
  • Ending a travel ban from foreign counties that sponsor terrorism
  • Providing amnesty to 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens
  • Providing federal student loans and free community college to DACA illegal aliens
  • Cracking down on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents[1]

He also plans to stop building the southern wall which has cut drastically where it has been installed: A 20-mile section of new border wall built near El Paso, Texas, cut illegal crossings by more than 80%, the government’s top border official told Congress on Thursday.

Mark Morgan, acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said the key is not just the border wall but the entire system being built, with roads and lighting and, in some cases, multiple layers of fencing.

He said that’s giving agents more time to get to spots where breakthroughs happen, and when they can respond, they can make arrests or force people to retreat back into Mexico.

“We’ve seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch,” Mr. Morgan told the House Appropriations Committee.

President Trump’s wall-building campaign is among the most divisive moves of his administration and has dominated this week’s series of hearings as the Department of Homeland Security officials defend their fiscal 2021 budget proposal.[2]

Of course, that cuts new Democrat voters by 80% as well and that has Democrats in an uproar.

Kamala Harris, Biden’s pic for VP is, I believe, worse than Biden is.  She slept her way into politics with a married man, was a very ineffective prosecutor, a divisive attorney general, and has been a two-faced Senator.  Remember how she treated Brett Kavanaugh in the confirmation hearings?  She has threatened to prosecute, if not worse, Trump’s supporters.  On June 18, 2020, she stated: “And once Trump’s gone and we have gained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next.  You will feel the vengeance of a nation.  No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation.  For it is you who have betrayed us.” This is how a communist dictator treats his opponents, not the leaders of a free nation.

Biden’s ‘gun czar’ will be Beto O’Roark.  Remember your 2nd Amendment?  Gone!  He declared “Damn right we’re coming for your AR 15s and AK 47s.  Constitutional rights mean nothing to Democrats especially if those rights get in their way of controlling you.  Don’t believe that?  Look how Blue states have handled the plannedemic. Mandatory masks, lockdowns, no church services, or singing if they let you go, only 25% capacity for the church building.  But you can burn and loot businesses because that’s a ‘protected peaceful assembly’.  They’re still calling this the worst ‘pandemic’ since the 1918 Spanish flu.  I guess they forgot about the H1N1 that happened under Obama.  We only have to get another 56 million people infected and raise the mortality rate from .18% to 39.5% to match that one. See the pattern.  See why this is the most important election of our time?  It’s not Republican against Democrat, it’s freedom against tyranny.  Choose wisely.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Joe Biden’s immigration plan amnesty for illegal aliens free all border crossers into US
  2. Border chief wall cuts illegal crossings 80

The New Political Agenda

Roger Anghis

The year 2020 has brought America to a new era of politics something like we have never seen before.  The Democrat Party has seen an opportunity to take complete control of the country in a manner where they will never have to relinquish that power. At that point the America we grew up in will no longer exist.  We have heard over the last four to five general elections that each election is the most important election we will ever have.  When you evaluate the possible results of the election it is easy to understand just how important the election is to the future of America.

The election of Donald Trump has exposed to the American people just how much the Democrat Party hates the America that we know and love.  He has exposed just how deep the corruption of politics is in general and how much the Democrats demand that they have the right to control all that we do.  This is obvious with the so-called COVID-19 pandemic.  This no more a pandemic than the man in the moon.  None of the data backs it up.  They have been faking the cases and the deaths on a monumental scale since it began.  What we are seeing is a trial run on how far they can push us and the fact that people can no longer critically think they just go along with whatever the government tries to shove down our throat.

Notice how ALL the violence, riots, looting, businesses burned are in Democrat-controlled cities and States? You probably have even noticed that some of the mayors have joined the protestors! I believe that if America is ever attacked from an outside enemy that the Democrats would side with the enemy.  Think I’m wrong?  Antifa is funded by outside sources and even backed by CAIR, a terrorist organization.  The Democrats refuse to condemn the actions of antifa.  They’ve also refused to condemn the actions of BLM when on their website one of their stated goals is to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”[1]

Think about that.  They want to destroy the very foundation of any civilized society, one-man-one-woman family.  We are seeing major corporations backing this worthless organization that is demanding a complete removal of our governmental system!  The idiots that run the NFL have OK’d kneeling for the anthem, the MLB is painting the BLM logo on the pitcher’s mound, the NBA is painting the BLM logo on the inside of their arenas and Bezos has stated that he is donating ten million dollars to this anti-American group of thugs!  They aren’t the only ones either: Chipolte, Google, H&M, GAP, McDonald’s, Etsy, and 171 others.

What we see is a new very well-financed organization bent on doing what Barack Obama promised to do and that is totally transform America.  If the left takes control of the government, that is just what will happen.  The borders will open up to one and all.  Biden has stated that he will give amnesty to every illegal in America: In a plan released on Wednesday, Biden vows to provide amnesty to every illegal alien currently living in the U.S., as well as end nearly all of President Trump’s cost-saving reforms such as restarting a welfare-dependent immigration pipeline, where legal immigrants are permanently resettled in the country despite immediately needing public assistance.

“Biden will immediately begin working with Congress to modernize our system, with a priority on keeping families together by providing a roadmap to citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants,” the outline states.

Aside from mass amnesty, the plan commits to:

  • Releasing all border-crossers into the U.S. interior
  • Restarting welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.
  • Ending the National Emergency Declaration at the southern border
  • Ending a travel ban from foreign counties that sponsor terrorism
  • Providing amnesty to 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens
  • Providing federal student loans and free community college to DACA illegal aliens

Cracking down on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents[2]

Notice that the Democrats are willing to give to illegals the things that you and I must

pay for.  America used to be a place where you could come and with hard work, live the American dream.  The democrats want to turn us into a third world banana republic where the government pays for everything.  If given the chance they will. We have seen their willingness to totally destroy America in their attempt to regain power.

Democrats seem to believe that the time to remake America has come.  Looking at the Democrat platform they seemed to have forgotten that we have a Constitution.  They will not protect the border, they make us dependent on foreign countries for our energy.  The New Green Deal that AOC is pushing and that Biden has bought into is going to cost a mere $93 TRILLION!  Ocasio-Cortez’s response: “Some people are like, ‘Oh, it’s unrealistic, oh it’s fake, oh it doesn’t address this little minute thing. And I’m like, ‘You try! You do it.’ ‘Cause you’re not. ‘Cause you’re not. So, until you do it, I’m the boss. How ’bout that?”

Try to do what? Come up with an equally unrealistic plan that would bankrupt the nation? Because that’s precisely what the Green New Deal would do.

Green New Deal’s Gargantuan Price Tag

A new analysis from the American Action Forum finds that the Green New Deal, as laid out by New York Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, would cost up to $93 trillion in the first ten years.

Remember, the GND isn’t just about converting the entire U.S. energy supply to renewable energy in a decade and establishing a “zero-emissions transportation system.”

The plan also includes things like “guaranteed” federal jobs, “universal health care,” and “food security.”[3]

There simply is no way the Democrats will be able to pay for their proposals.  The removal of fossil fuels will cost, literally, millions of jobs.  The jobs in the oil industry will be only the start.  The flood of lost jobs in the construction industry will follow, then the food industry and it will multiply.  There is no ability of critical thinking in Liberalland.  As is usual, they do not consider the results of their ideas. With the likes of AOC in charge, who does not have the ability to think let alone critically think, the policies will only sound good but will have no way of being successfully implemented.

Sam Adams made a couple of statements that it would do us good to remember this November: “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”  This is good to remember this election as we have a party full of “false and designing men.”  He also stated in the Boston Gazette in 1781: “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”

We will be held accountable to God for the votes that we make.  Will they be for keeping the country that he established, or will it be for destroying the greatest nation the world has ever seen.  The choice is yours.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Joe Biden’s immigration plan amnesty for illegal aliens free all border crossers into US/
  3. Green new deal $93 trillion Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

The New Political Agenda, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Trying to follow the New Political Agenda is like trying to follow a cottontail that has a coyote chasing it.  It seems to go in three different directions at the same time.  Most of what they demand makes no sense whatsoever.  Everything has to be politically correct with them. Take the name and logo for the Washington Redskins for example.  Some say it is offensive but over 90% of school teams with the name redskins are Native American schools.  As far as the logo for the Washington team goes Walter “Blackie” Wetzel, Chairman of the Blackfeet Nation and president of the National Congress of American Indians has the idea to put the head of a Native American Chief on the Redskins helmets in 1971.  He told the Washington Post in 2002: ”It made us proud to have an Indian on a big-time team.  It’s only a small group of radicals who oppose those names.  Indians are proud of Indians.”  Even the politically correct ESPN announced that nine out of ten Native Americans were proud of the name. new Washington Post poll found that 90 percent of Native Americans aren’t offended by the Washington Redskins‘ nickname and an overwhelming majority consider it an unimportant issue.

The Post polled 504 people who identify primarily as Native Americans from across the country, including those who lived on reservations and those who were not part of a tribe.

The general population appears to care more about the name than Native Americans. A 2014 ESPN poll found that 23 percent of the population favored a name change.

Thursday’s findings by the Post-match an Annenberg Center survey taken in 2004. The Post poll also found that 78 percent deemed the Redskins’ name an issue that is either “not too” or “not at all” important.[1]

What we see is a case of an attempt to control how we feel about certain things.  If 90% of Native Americans aren’t offended, then why are we? It seems that there is a push to direct what we are supposed to be offended by.  Can you say 1984?

In recent days we have seen the Big Tech companies being drug before Congress to explain why conservatives are being banned from posting.  They all claim that it is a ‘glitch’ in their algorithm.  If you believe that there is some beachfront property, I would like to sell you just outside Bozeman, Montana.  For the last few years, we have seen these tech giants censor the speech of conservatives.  They say the posts they pull ‘go against their standards’.  That’s BS!  The leader of Iran posts death to America and Israel and that doesn’t ‘go against their standards’ but post the true facts about COVID-19 and that ‘goes against their standards’.

Sometimes the censorship gets dangerous. During the Clinton administration a journalist exposed the CIA for selling drugs in America to get funds to fight the Sandanistas in Nicaragua: After gaining access to secret grand jury transcripts in 1996, and following the subsequent paper trail that followed therein, Gary Webb made the shocking discovery that government informant, Oscar Danilo Blandón, was covertly selling tons of cocaine for the Central Intelligence Agency in South Central Los Angeles, and other parts of the country. As we now know today — thanks to Gary’s brilliant research — this is what most visibly sparked the crack epidemic that swept North America during the 1980s and ’90s. The funds were being raised to fund CIA trained terrorists in Nicaragua to overthrow the Sandinista government who had recently ousted the U.S. backed military dictatorship of the Somoza Dynasty.

This story was so remarkable and intimidating, that a lesser man would’ve certainly turned away.  But not Gary, he pursued the story with such obsession and purpose, that one can only presume he was driven by deep-rooted principle, rather than conventional reward.

Despite losing his job, having his reputation publicly smeared, and his marriage destroyed, Gary refused to back down, or recant his writings, and stood by his research to the end. He also continued to expose corruption as a freelance journalist. His final publication brilliantly unearthed the Military-Industrial Complex’s strategic use of video games as a method of indoctrination and recruitment of teenage boys. Clearly, Gary was not going to be dismissed by Big Brother so easily.

Just two months later, however, Gary Webb was found dead with two bullet holes to the head — The authority’s ruled it a suicide and the investigation was closed.[2] This sounds typical of a Clinton associate ‘suicide’, two shots in the head.  Right!

But the bigger story here is even the media opposed him.  Remember the media?  They are supposed to expose what is going on, inform the people.  Our Founders were adamant about a free press being able to print the truth.  Today’s media is far from that group devoted to exposing the truth no matter the consequences. The media is now part if not the largest part of the problem in America.  The invention of the internet has put information at our fingertips.  The real truth about things like climate change should be readily available but Google has made it impossible to access that information.  News stories that contradict climate change causes and effects that were available 7-8 years ago are no longer accessible because they contradict the narrative government is shoving down our throats.

Truth no longer is allowed in today’s society. Critical thinking is discouraged and even shamed by media.  The agenda of 1984 is what the powers to be are pushing for.  What America has always stood for is being belittled, shamed, and discouraged in virtually all of our places of so-called ‘higher education’.  If you saw the Smithsonian’s slam of the white race it’s a joke.  You can see it here.[3] What it basically does is slams people who have put out the most effort and accomplished the most.

Al The Race Baiter Sharpton said white people were still living in caves when Blacks were building major cities.  I’ll have to call him a liar on that because it is just the opposite.  I’m not being racist, just telling the truth.  Pastor James David Manning Senior pastor of ATLAH World Missionary Church has even stated so.  Very graphically.  But the new narrative is being white is a sin.  We should feel ashamed of our white heritage.  Well, I’m not ashamed, and just like a Black person, I’m proud of my heritage.  If that upsets you go pound sand.  This new political agenda says we have to do whatever the government says. BULL!  I don’t believe all the crap they are feeding us on this so-called pandemic. The numbers they are giving us are skewed to the negative. One state had 989 deaths with people that were diagnosed with COVID but only three actually died from it.  All the rest had underlying health issues that took them out but the state was REQUIRED to list them as COVID deaths. Every death, no matter what the cause of the death was listed as a COVID death and even then the mortality rate is under .1%.  H1N1 had a mortality rate of 39.5%.  No shutdown, no masks, nothing like what we are seeing here.

In 1968 the Hong Kong Flu hit the US.  No masks nor was there a shutdown or ‘social distancing.  This flu lasted until 1970 and no precautions were taken.  In 1969 we even held Woodstock!  And it was worse than COVID.  The Asian flu of 1957 caused 70,000 deaths [4] but remember the population was much less, 177,751,476, and we did not assemble in large groups as we do today.

This new agenda is designed to see how far we will let them push us, how many liberties we will let them take from us.  The NFL will not allow any of their players to attend indoor church services this season.  So, they have just nullified the player’s 1st Amendment.  No law was passed changing the Constitution, they just took it from them.  Gavin Newsom not only stopped services for a while he declared you could not have praise and worship!  Plus he banned home Bible studies.  So, he just nullified the ALL of California’s 1st Amendment rights.

This new agenda is to ready us for the one-world government and the dissolution of the America we know.  I will not go along with it.  This election will determine how long America remains alive.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Native Americans say unbothered redskins team name Washington Post poll
  2. Gary Webb murdered exposing truth
  3. Smithsonian pushes racist material claiming white culture is nuclear family self reliance being polite
  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

God Is Still In Charge, Part 2

Roger Anghis

After Franklin called for prayer because he knew that God was ultimately in charge and that without his help, they would never get the foundation for the government they were seeking.  They were godly men.  Benjamin Franklin may have been the least godly, but even he knew the importance of seeking God’s face in the matters of developing the Constitution.  His recommendation was taken to heart and James Madison moved, and Roger Sherman seconded that Dr. Franklin’s appeal for prayer be enacted.  Then Edmund Jennings Randolph further moved:

“That a sermon be preached at the request of the convention on the 4th of July, the anniversary of Independence; and thenceforward prayers be used in ye Convention every morning.”

It is interesting to note here that prayers have opened both houses of Congress ever since.[1]

The act of prayer is an admission that things are out of our human realm of control.  How else could a ragtag army of farmers and preachers defeat the strongest army in the world at that time?  There were so many times that Washington depended on the hand of God to win battles or retreat safely to fight another day. They knew that Providence had to assist them.  Washington stated: “When I contemplate the interposition of Providence, as it was visibly manifested, in guiding us through the Revolution, in preparing us for the reception of a general government, and in conciliating the goodwill of the People of America towards one”  Washington knew that God was in control of his destiny and stated in a letter to his brother John Washington concerning a battle with Native Americans when Washington was with the British army in 1755. Washington wrote: “But by all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullet holes through my coat and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me.”[2]

Washington even gave God credit for not just getting them through the Revolution but designing the system of government we have, the most successful the world has ever seen, and bringing the people together as it had not been seen anywhere in the world at that time. “When I contemplate the interposition of Providence, as it was visibly manifested, in guiding us through the Revolution, in preparing us for the reception of a general government, and in conciliating the goodwill of the People of America towards one”

All through our history we see our presidents petition God for help.  During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was always concerned about the North’s motives.  He was once asked if he thought God was on the side of the North and his response was that was not his concern at all.  What he was concerned about was, was the North on the side of God because he knew that if they were opposing God, they would surely lose.  Lincoln knew that God was directing the nation and that God was in charge.

During both world wars, God was there directing the nations that stood for righteousness.  That may sound uppity but some nations did not rely on God.  Germany, Japan were not on the side of God.  I will also state that neither was Russia but Russia was on our side as far as defeating Hitler and Japan was concerned so they were given favor by God for our and Britain’s sake.

Our soldiers were men of faith.  In that day church faith in God was much more prevalent than it is today, unfortunately.  We could use a lot of that character in today’s church members.  We would not be seeing the chaos that we are seeing today if that were the case.  Many of our soldiers would pray before and during a battle.  When we pray a meaningful prayer, God is placed in charge.  So many people believe that God will just cause what needs to happen but fail to realize that He can not do that without us asking Him.  If He could just make happen what is right we wouldn’t have the problems we have today but He cannot do that.  In Genesis 1:28 it says  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.  He gave man dominion over the earth and all that is in it so it is our obligation to speak forth what needs to happen.  If we do that then God remains in charge and can act as we petition Him to.

We have massive opposition out there that is heavily influenced but satanic forces.  He gets his followers to act as he wants them to, riots, looting, violence, and murders.  We can oppose that with prayer and with the proper prayer He will act as is needed and He will also give us direction as to how to properly oppose these evil forces.

George Washington, despite the lies from revisionist historians, was a man of prayer.  After the Revolutionary War, he would often call for days of prayer and fasting to thank God for what He has done for them and to get direction for the nation: “I do recommend and assign Thursday … next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” He even believed that to properly govern, we needed Him and His Word: “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” He thoroughly believed that God intervened for America during the Revolutionary War and caused a ragtag group of men to defeat the most powerful army in the world at that time. “I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them.”

We cannot forget that the Founders depended on God for everything which is what we should be doing as well.  When we let Him be in charge then things will work out the way they need to for America to be safe, prosperous, and the envy of the world. Keep Him in charge!

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 104-105
  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN)
  3. p. 156

God’s Still In Charge

Roger Anghis

America has come upon some tough times in the last few months but we must never forget that this nation was founded by men and women who believed in and depended on the Hand of God to help them through every hard time we faced.

When the pilgrims were under great persecution in Europe and Great Britain God found a way to get them out from under that persecution.  Did they face dangers? Yes, they did.  But they took the risk of months at sea and not knowing what they would face in the New World, put their faith in God, and stepped forth into the unknown.  God got them here safely and protected them and they began to prosper them.  When they got here, they dedicated the New World to God.  I know that a lot of people would refute that, but written history proves this is what they did.  The made what is referred to as the Mayflower Compact.  It states:

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620.

With this vow to God, they began to settle the New World.  They faced a lot of challenges and hardships.  Many people perished but they kept their faith in God and kept moving forward never forgetting their purpose, advancing the cause of Christ.  One of the Charters that were issued by King George for a settlement was one for Maryland.  The Charter reads Our well-beloved and right trusty subject Coecilius Calvert, Baron of Baltimore . . . being animated with a laudable, and pius Zeal for extending the Christian religion . . . hath humbly besought Leave of Us that he may transport . . . a numerous Colony of the English Nation, to a certain Region . . . having no Knowledge of the Divine Being.[1] It wasn’t just the Charter for the Maryland colony that indicated that their purpose was for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many have stated that it was for economic gain that America began to be populated and there is a portion of truth about that because of the vast untapped resources that were available in America, but when you study the charters for each settlement and the Constitutions of the colonies, there is one glaring truth that the revisionist historians refuse to acknowledge and that is their number one purpose for coming to America was to ‘propagate the Christian religion’.  They wanted the freedom to worship how they believed they were supposed to and to spread the gospel to the inhabitants of the new land.[2] Again, there were challenges, but the people prospered because they put their faith in God and gave Him the authority to move on their behalf.  Most Christians are not aware that we are the ones with the authority on this planet and we have to speak forth what we want and when we ask God to protect, prosper, or heal us that gives Him the authority to move on our behalf.

It was when the Founders and their ancestors petitioned God for help for whatever they needed is when He came in and answered that prayer.  During the framing of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin called for pray when they had come to a standstill with the articles of the Constitution: When the Constitutional Convention was in process there had been about four to five weeks where no progress was being made in the negotiations of how the States would be represented in the new government.  At this time Benjamin Franklin stepped in and made some comments.  Following is an excerpt from those comments.  Remember that at this time Franklin was eighty-one years old and Governor of Pennsylvania as well as a very respected man.

“In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection.  Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor.

“To that kind providence, we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity.  And now have we forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance?

“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men.  And that if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?

“We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that “except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.”  I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages.  And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest.

“I therefore beg leave to move – that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.”[3] Franklin knew that God was the one that needed to be in charge of those proceedings and they heeded his advice and things began to happen.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. America’s God and Country, William Federer (Amerisearch, Inc., St. Louis, MO) p.35
  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p.9
  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p 103-104

Fake Hatred For Political Gain

Roger Anghis

All this hell that is being raised by the racist group black lives matter, I will not give them any respect capitalizing their name because they give us no respect, is being done on false pretenses using false and or inaccurate facts.  They are portraying that America was the only nation that practiced slavery.  Even the idiot that ran for vice president with Hillary in 2016 said that we invented it.  There is so much fake information out there it is sickening.  Ronald Reagan described Democrats very well when he stated that ‘Democrats know so much that isn’t true’.

Did America participate in slavery?  Yes, we did.  But one has to remember that the thirteen colonies were established by the British.  Britain practiced slavery and because of that slavery was actually mandated by the crown for the Colonies.  Did our Founders have slaves?  Yes, some did.  Thomas Jefferson had slaves, but he did not brutalize them as some slave owners did.  When he finished his last term as President and returned to Monticello, as the story is told, his slaves met him on the road, unhitched his horses, and drew the carriage themselves.

George Washington was a slave owner, however, he never bought nor sold a slave.  The slaves he had were given to him by his uncle.  He never sold a slave because he did not feel that it was right to break up a family.  He almost went broke twice because he refused to sell some of them.  It was almost impossible to free a slave in Virginia in his day because it was not allowed by law. At his death, in his will, he freed his slaves, but Virginia law kept them in servitude.

One of the things that blm ignore entirely is that in early America there were black slave owners!  Interesting that they never talk about that. Anthony Johnson was one such slave owner.  Himself a freed slave, or more likely indentured for a number of years, became a landowner and a slave owner in the early 1600s.

The Irish were also used for forced labor, though it may not have been the chattel slavery of the Africans in that day that form of slavery was practiced in Ireland from at least the 5th Century. Slavery had been practiced in Ireland for centuries before a Welsh slave in the 5th century got away, spent some years in France, and then returned to achieve a mass conversion among the Irish to become Saint Patrick. Brocca, another slave of the Irish, was the father of Saint Brigit. Dublin was a major slave market, especially after the Vikings came and renovated the town into an efficient port. It must be added, however, that slavery was a looser system in those days, and servitude, whether to Irishman, Roman, Norseman or Norman, did not necessarily mean servitude for life.

The trafficking of the Irish for cheap labor began in earnest when England began colonizing the New World, and at the same time increased their domination of Ireland. Rebels and criminals—and often their families—often found themselves being deported, especially to island plantations in the Caribbean and later to “Van Deman’s Land” (penal colonies in Australia). Most often, however, they were indentured servants, under four to seven year contracts to work the sugar cane, tobacco or cotton fields until their time ran out and they would be released from indenture. In practice, the masters sometimes extended the time of indenture; others, for whom the indentured servant was not the lifelong investment that a black or native American slave was, had no compunction about working the indentured servant to death in his last year.

For the Irish, the worst period of indentured servitude began with their rebellion against English rule in 1641, through the Cromwellian Commonwealth and on through the early 18th century, when there were mass deportations as a means of essentially moving the “Irish Problem” elsewhere.[2]

I have yet to hear from the Irish about these years of slavery and demands for reparations and the rest of the BS that comes from blm.  Even leading up to the Civil War there were black slave owners that we never hear blm condemn. A former slave, Willian Ellison is one of these.  William Ellison was African American, born into slavery in April of 1790 with the name April Ellison to a slave mother and white slavemaster father, Mr. William Ellison. As a young man he was apprenticed to a cotton gin maker rather than working in the fields and allowed to keep a portion of the wages he earned for his master and father, money that he later used to purchase his freedom. At the same time, he changed his name to William Ellison, after his father, to fit in with higher society. After purchasing his family, he moved to Sumter County, South Carolina and hired out other free African Americans to work in his cotton gin shop. While working, he discovered a common problem among freed slaves in the South. The expense of wages left him with a profit that would never compete with what slaveowners were earning. Wanting to move up in society, he purchased his first slaves in 1820.

By 1850, Ellison had 37 slaves while his sons owned another 16. He was one of about 180 black slave masters in South Carolina at the time, most of whom were former slaves themselves. Like Ellison, they realized that the only way to get out of the lower middle class that so many freed blacks were stuck in, was slave labor. With nearly 9,000 free blacks in South Carolina, that 180 made up a tiny percentage who were willing to do anything to compete with the upper class white slaveowners at the time. Just because they owned slaves though did not mean they were treated equally among slaveowners. As Ellison subtly hints in his letter, white slave owners would avoid interacting with African Americans as much as possible. Ellison provided many whites in the area with what were the best cotton gins available which meant that if they wanted to produce the most cotton, they would have to do business with them.[3]

The groups blm and antifa are tearing down statues of anyone they feel has been against blacks.  I would like one of these uneducated fools to explain to me just how U.S. Grant is offensive to blacks. He was given a slave by his father, but he freed him instead of profiting from him.  He also defeated the South which brought freedom to the slaves in the South.  How about Abraham Lincoln?  How is he offensive?  He wrote the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves.  Robert E. Lee’s statue was torn down even though he was against slavery.

It is obvious that most of the rioting has nothing to do even with George Floyd’s unfortunate death.  It is a political game by the left to attempt to regain power.  What will it be like if they do?  Socialism will be mild compared to the control they are demanding.  Democrats have done nothing to curb the violence in their cities.  Where it has been tried in republican cities it has been stopped cold, as it should be.  We must have law and order but the Democrats refuse to enforce it.  The City Council in Minneapolis voted unanimously to defund the police, the only protection that some people have in the city but are providing security for themselves at a cost of $4,500 a day! 3  A clear sign that they believe they are the elite and deserve better than the regular Joes. This won’t fly in November.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Anthony Johnson man control his own
  2. Were the Irish slaves
  3. Minneapolis taxpayers paying $4,500 a day on security for city council members

Time To Take A Stand

Roger Anghis

We have come to a point in time in America that I thought I would never see.  We are seeing some of the worst lowlifes our nation has produced an attempt to take over our country and turn it into a third world banana republic.  This is the greatest nation that the world has ever seen or will ever see for that matter.  Ronald Reagan stated that America was the last bastion of freedom and if we fall, there will be no place to go.

The idiocy that we have seen this last week is well beyond the unfortunate death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer.  When minority businesses are looted and burn in ‘protest’ you can bet that all they did was use Floyd’s death as a catalyst for their anarchy.  And don’t doubt that it is anarchy and nothing more.

If you have been paying attention you’ve seen that the only protests against tearing down our statues and monuments have come from the Republicans.  Democrats have literally bowed their knee to the organization that has declared as one of their goals: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.[1] Keep in mind that the “nuclear family structure” is the one-man-one-woman foundation to the family.  That “nuclear family structure” has been the foundation of all successful societies since the beginning of time.  No other structure has been or ever will be successful and the Democrats have caved to their demands.

What the Democrats are hoping for is that this will be damaging to Trump.  It has not been.  It has only gained him support because the majority of America does not support anarchy.  This is what you will have if the police are defunded.  This concept is being embraced by the Democrats, witnessed by all of the Democrat leadership in D.C. taking a knee with a slave trader’s scarf on their necks.  That was as dumb as a rock.  It’s become a trending hashtag on social media and filled up signs of thousands of protesters calling for cities to defund police departments but a Yahoo! YouGov poll finds just 16 percent of those polled support providing less funding to police while 65 percent oppose it.

When it comes to party lines there is not much difference, with 16 percent of Democrats responding saying they support it while 15 percent of Republicans do. Broken up into races you begin to see some more divide but no race overwhelmingly supports the idea.

Defunding police has the strongest support among Blacks, with about a third of respondents saying they support it, a third of respondents saying they oppose it, and a third do not have a strong opinion on it one way or the other. That’s compared to 17 percent of Hispanics answering they support the idea and 12 percent of whites.[2] Note that among the Democrat voters only 16% support this idiocy.  What chance is the Democrat leadership taking by supporting something that 84% of their party opposes?

When we see what is happening in Seattle one has to sit back and scratch their head and ask: “Why hasn’t the government of Seattle stopped this insanity?”  Look at the government of Seattle; Democrat Governor, Democrat mayor, Democrat Chief of police.  See the pattern of guaranteed failure?  All the leadership is Democrat.  Chief of Police Carmen Best has even stated that there are rapes, robberies, and violent crimes going on inside of “CHOP” that they can’t get to![3]  Here’s a thought, go in and take the neighborhood back by force and if people get hurt, their fault.  Besides, anarchy is a crime, defacing government property that taxpayers paid for, statues, monuments, federal and municipal buildings, is a crime.  Here’s a thought . . . ARREST THE CRIMINALS!  If you were told to stand down, arrest the mayor!  These people are criminals and are destroying government and personal property and our ‘law enforcement’, I use that term loosely, turned tail, and ran.

These antifa thugs, it is being reported, are going door to door literally kicking in doors, demanding reparations, looting houses, and beating people up.  The police have received 4,000 calls in one day and cannot respond.[4] Is it they can’t respond or won’t respond?  I think it is the latter.

There is only one reason this is happening.  The failure of our so-called education system in teaching the truth about socialism, communism, and the real history of America.  What our Founders went through to establish this nation and the mighty price that they paid.  They have been taught that all the world’s problems are the fault of America’s capitalism when in reality the only reason the world is in as good a shape that it is in is because of America’s capitalism.  Virtually all of the world’s great inventions, medical discoveries, tools, and machinery for manufacturing, farming, and other areas have been developed under America’s capitalism.

These whiney punks hate the industrial complex but organize their riots on their iPhones and tablets drinking their double mocha lattes, wearing their Gucci pants, and are too stupid to see the irony of their actions.  They also ignore the fact that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies in a year that the KKK has in its entire existence!

They demand that whites pay reparations to blacks.  No black man alive today was a slave in America and no white person alive today in America was a slave owner.  Get over it.  But the blacks that demand to be treated as a victim still demand reparations.  Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, told CNBC on Monday the U.S. government should provide $14 trillion of reparations for slavery to help reduce racial inequality.

The wealth divide and police brutality against blacks are at the heart of protests that have erupted across the nation following last week’s killing of George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis.

“Now is the time to go big” to keep America from dividing into two separate and unequal societies, Johnson said on “Squawk Box.”

“Wealth transfer is what’s needed,” he argued. “Think about this. Since 200-plus-years or so of slavery, labor taken with no compensation, is a wealth transfer. Denial of access to education, which is a primary driver of accumulation of income and wealth, is a wealth transfer.”

Johnson, 74 made history as America’s first black billionaire when he sold BET to Viacom in 2001. Shortly after the sale, he started the investment firm The RLJ Cos. He’s no longer on the Forbes billionaires list. 5 With all due respect to Robert Johnson, go pound sand!  You got off your butt and became a productive member of society and any other person that has become successful has done the same.  Taking the money, I’ve worked for and giving it to someone who refuses to do the same exacerbates the matter.  They will not learn to work and will stand there with their hand out when he runs out of my money.

The obvious attempt to take down America, I believe, will ultimately fail, this time.  If we allow the left to continue to indoctrinate instead of educate, the next time might be the last of the American experiment.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  2. National poll finds low support for defunding the police
  4. (minute 7:15)

The Truth About Black Lives Matters

Roger Anghis

The first thing I want to say is what happened to George Floyd should not happen to any American. The way he was treated was totally uncalled for.  Other safer methods of containment should have been deployed.  What resulted from this terrible situation has been more devastating than the original crime.

What most people don’t know is that Black Lives Matters is a racist organization.  The proof?  If you correct them and say All Lives Matter you are considered a racist.  That response proves that BLM is a racist organization.  Grant Napear has called NBA games for the Sacramento Kings since 1988.  Napear, who had called games for the Kings since 1988, was answering a question from former Sacramento star DeMarcus Cousins asking for his opinion on Black Lives Matter.

“Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me,” Napear responded. “Haven’t heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”

Cousins posted that Napear’s response was expected. Former Kings forward Matt Barnes then called Napear a closet racist.[1]  I’m sorry but to think that ONLY black lives matter is about as racist as you can get. Napear stated that ALL lives matter and that includes blacks.

This response is also contrary to what they say they stand for.  Off their website they claim: Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.

We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.[2] Think about this someone thinking all lives matter is different from their only black lives matter, yet they do not tolerate that train of thought.

You will also find on their web site: We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.[3] They have opposed police for several years.  Any intelligent person knows that if there is no enforcement of our laws, there is no freedom nor is there any real justice.  You have nothing but anarchy and ‘justice’ is what somebody thinks it should be in a particular situation.

They also have this claim: We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.[4] This claim is questionable because 62% of pregnancies in the black community end up as abortions and 73% of live births are into single-parent homes.  It seems the black male is capable of fathering a child but does not have the character to raise that child.  They also claim: We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children.[5] The stats just quoted tell a different story plus they also claim: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.[6] The ‘Western-prescribed nuclear family’ is a one-man, one-woman family that has been the foundation of all successful societies for 6000 years!

We can see that their ‘goals‘ are not just confusing but counterproductive. To watch mayors and governors stand in solidarity with this group that demands we accept their demands is insanity. BLM claims that cops indiscriminately kill blacks almost with impunity.  That is an outright lie!  Cops kill twice as many whites as blacks. With the black community being only 13% of the US population statistics show that blacks commit 53% of the murders, are involved in 38% of all violent crimes, and are involved in 27% of all drug crimes.  On average there are 981 whites murdered by blacks where only 375 blacks are murdered by whites.  Blacks are responsible for 40% of murdered police officers.  Statistics even show that a police officer is more likely to be murdered by a black than a black by a police officer.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the same weekend that George Floyd died, there were ten blacks killed in Chicago and 39 wounded but BLM is silent on these.  Why?  The riots that followed Floyd’s death say black-owned businesses burned and destroyed, blacks killed in the riots, black police officers shot but BLM is silent on these as well.  Why?  What happened to their claim Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported? From their actions, all this is just talk.  Looks good, sounds good but it is just talk.

Again, they state that their organization is for ALL people: We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.[8]   Their actions are very clear that ALL people are not included, only black people.

Some may think I am racist but all I am doing is pointing out the blatant racism within the BLM which they seem to think white only people are capable of.  BLM is an organization that hates whites, hates the traditional makeup of the family, hates everything about white culture.  What they want is an all-black society.  Africa is full of them and they are free to go there.  They complain about America’s slavery past, ignoring that it is in the past and blame all white people for it.  Only 6% of Americans owned slaves but 100% are responsible.  They also ignore that there were more white slaves brought to America in those days than blacks, but we never hear the voices of the ancestors of the white slaves demanding retribution.  But one must ask, ‘What else do you expect from a George Soros funded organization?’  Is this really a movement from the heart or are they simply being paid to raise hell?

This genocidal killer is known on the streets as abortion. In fact, the Guttmacher institute says a black baby is 5 TIMES more likely to be aborted than a white baby. Rev. H. Childress Jr said “The most dangerous place for a African American baby to be is in the womb of their African American Mother.”

So do these black lives not matter to the marchers chanting out in the streets? I didn’t see a single march in front of a planned parenthood facility, nor an abortion clinic being burned to the ground. So do they really care about all Black Lives?

Since these protests/riots began last month, we have watched hundreds to thousands of businesses be burned to the ground, or looted and destroyed. Some of these were notable companies like Target, or Best Buy, Walmart and so on. We have also seen small businesses that mean so much to their communities be destroyed like the bar owned by Korboi Balla, a former Minneapolis firefighter at the Brooklyn Park Fire Department. Mr. Balla had plans to open his bar a few months ago when the Covid-19 virus hit, forcing every bar and small business to basically die a slow painful financial death. Mr. Balla went viral as he was seen in a video weeping over his dreams went up in smoke and ash. If all Black lives matter, then why did this Black man’s business get torched? What did he not do right to appease the inquisitors roaming the streets with their chants!?[9]  Tell me again about how important these black lives are to these rioters.

What is worse is Democrats are letting them get their way.  Pelosi and company with their African scarfs did a photo op in the Emancipation Hall in Congress.  That does not erase the 75 hours the Democrat Party filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964.  They wanted to control blacks then and still do today and by pandering to them they are keeping the chaos alive they need to try to hurt Trump.  Militant blacks are being played like a fiddle.

Foot Notes

  1. kings play play announcer Grant Napear resigns all lives matter tweet
  9. Alert: the dark truth about black lives matter has finally been revealed/
  10. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 6

Roger Anghis

It has been established in this series that Bill Gates has a record of demanding that all people on this planet get vaccinated.  He has invested millions into vaccine companies and has a poor record of success.  He believes that the biggest health threat to the world is “vaccine hesitancy”.  There is no doubt that Gates lives to vaccinate, his number-one goal being to jab every single person on the planet with his many vaccines. Gates actually stated about a year-and-a-half ago that “vaccine hesitancy” is a top “global health threat” that must be dealt with if the world is going to “progress” in the direction he wants.

Other recipients of moneys from Gates include Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee Chair PAC (political action committee), to which Gates has maxed out his legal contributions. Schiff, as you may recall, called on Facebook, Google, and Amazon back in early 2019 to censor all “vaccine misinformation” from their platforms.

“Vaccines are both effective and safe,” Schiff wrote in a letter to these tech giants. “There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling disease.”

These obvious Gates-inspired talking points were accompanied by Schiff pushing a bill one year prior that would have increased the kangaroo “Vaccine Court” budget by another $11,200,000. This fund has already paid out some $4 billion to families of children who suffered disability and/or death due to vaccination, but it requires even more to handle a growing vaccine injury backlog.

Recognizing that both the WHO and the CDC are largely funded by Gates, these two prominent pro-vaccine entities are anything but trustworthy when it comes to advising the public about best practices in health. And yet these same two entities are steering the narrative on Facebook, Pinterest, and other Big Tech platforms that are now actively censoring “misinformation or hoaxes” about vaccines.[1]

One can not find much information about the negative effects of vaccines and the actual contents of vaccines because Gates has seen to it that this information is shut up.  He is the largest funder for FactChecker.

FactChecker, NPR, and PBS have all been bought off by Bill Gates

You have probably run into the so-called “FactChecker” program, which is now used by both Facebook and Google to weed out “disinformation” about vaccines. Well, this, too, is made possible by Gates, who is currently FactChecker’s largest funder.

Investigative journalist Jeremy Hammond has warned that relying on this so-called FactChecker to guide understanding about the safety and effectiveness of childhood vaccination is akin to asking Gates directly about whether or not to vaccinate.

“Facebook is guilty of misinforming its users about vaccine safety,” Hammond writes. “They have no problem with lies about vaccine safety and effectiveness, as long as it’s intended to persuade parents to vaccinate their children.”

On May 4, 2017, as one example, Facebook’s FactChecker declared false a statement made by Del Bigtree about vaccines containing aluminum and mercury, “which are neurotoxins, and vaccines cause encephalopathy,” Bigtree wrote. Even though this is factually correct information, as revealed on vaccine package inserts, the Gates-funded FactChecker decided it was “false” and immediately censored it.[2]

I have attempted to post several articles on FaceBook concerning negative information about vaccines and FaceBook pops up a window that says my URL ‘violates community standards’ so it won’t post the link.  Then there have been times that what it does let me post gets blocked because FactChecker says the info is false.  FactChecker has become as reliable as Snopes.  Worthless as teats on a bore hog.

Gates is more involved in things than most people know.  He’s up to his eyebrows in the world’s food supply and not the healthy supply.  His concentration is in the GMO sector. Watch the video about his involvement here.[3]

I have NOT been a proponent of vaccines for decades.  I have found that most people who suffer from one disease or another have been vaccinated against it.  Kids are required to get vaccines to attend public schools in some states.  The kids that get the flu are usually the ones that got a vaccine for it.  I did a nine-part series and a six-part series on vaccines that are archived on NewsWithViews and there have been more problems with the vaccines than with the disease they were designed to stop.

In the 1970s we had the great scare of the Swine Flu.  The government’s response was a disaster.  Back in the ’70s, the United States rolled out a vaccine for “swine flu” that was administered to some 45 million people over the course of 10 weeks.

This vaccination effort was halted, however, after it was discovered that no cases of swine flu were even detected outside of the military base where it was said to have originated. Meanwhile, one in 100,000 vaccinated individuals ended up suffering from side effects that included Guillain-Barré syndrome, while another 53 died.

Because of the horrors caused by this vaccination campaign, Guillain-Barré is supposedly monitored every single flu season to ensure that influenza vaccine safety meet certain safety thresholds.[4]  This is not a good showing for vaccines.

Colorado just passed a bill to require all citizens to get any vaccine the government decides you need.  Our governor has not signed it yet and I do not think it will make it through the courts.  It has eliminated the religious exemption.  It is amazing how much crap Democrats try to shove down our throats when they get power and they are not even bashful about it anymore.

This is the world we are heading for.  Government control of where you live, everything you do, everywhere you go, how you get there.  This is not the America I grew up in nor is it the America our Founders gave us.  It is not the America that became the greatest nation in the world.  If we allow Gates to follow through with what he feels is the best thing for the world, that is exactly where we will be.  To put Americans in a situation like this is, in my book, treason.  Our culture needs to be protected with everything we have.  If we don’t protect it, we will never see this America again.  “The side effect of treason is lead poisoning or rope burn, but not usually both,” joked one Big League Politics commenter in reference to Bill Gates.

John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus,” wrote another. “Bill Gates is paving the way for the antichrist.”

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bill Gates’ vaccine empire extreme censorship science vaccine safety
  2. Bill Gates’ vaccine empire extreme censorship science vaccine safety
  3. WHO controls the Gates family
  4. Bill Gates harmed killed coronavirus vaccines

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 5

Roger Anghis

The picture that the media has painted about Bill Gates is deceiving at best.  They have made him out to be a generous, kind, and loving billionaire that graciously funds projects that benefit mankind.  That is an outright lie.  He is, in my opinion, a snake in the grass.  There is proof of this and this series has covered a lot of that evidence.  But there is a lot out there that has been ignored.  Bill Gates generally is portrayed as a kindly philanthropist who generously funds projects to improve health and fight poverty. As shown in this report by James Corbett, however, the image and the reality are far apart. The reality is that Gates, throughout his entire career, has been obsessed with the idea that the human population needs to be drastically reduced and that any means to this end is acceptable, including the creation of vaccines to sterilize people but offered to them as a defense against disease. Eventually, Gates saw the potential for using vaccines for yet another hidden purpose, and that is for injecting micro chips and data tattoos into the skin that, in addition to pushing pharmaceutical concoctions into the blood stream, also embed digital data that can be read by scanners to identify every person on the planet. They also will carry a record of vaccine acceptance, medical history, psychological profiles, and social-behavior scores. Oh, yes, all of this philanthropy has created huge profits for the companies in which Gates is invested. Every dollar given away has come back with ten others. This is the real Bill Gates.[1] Did you catch “medical history, psychological profiles, and social behavior scores”?  Really? Why does all this information need to be placed in a chip in our body unless there are plans to control everything we do?

Gates has his fingers in many pies that benefit him but not most of humanity. His ideology is far from correct and is deep into humanism.  He has gotten to the point where he has a god-like image of himself.  That makes him very dangerous. Bill Gates is the gatekeeper to many gates. Whereas he may not hold the keys, he is the host and the central bank that provides access behind each closed door. He is at the heart of every major agenda. The level of control spans much farther than the United States of America, though a vast amount of the funding originates here. These heavily guarded gates are direct access to manifest, control, and monopolize some of the largest and arguably most important industries to man.

Controlling these gates means control of wealth, policies, priorities, population, health, narratives, minds, land, industries, and everyone’s future, if it is not stopped.

Corey’s Digs has reported on Gates’ interests and operations for years, to paint a fuller picture of everything he is involved with, because it is far more extensive than most people realize. Timelines, maps, business relationships, investments, incoming funding and outgoing grants, tax returns, direct quotes, interviews, and documentation in each report all reveal that Bill Gates is an investor who is willing to risk lives, rather than the humanitarian he proclaims himself to be. Some will say, “he’s just a face,” and perhaps that is true – but that “face” runs the central bank for what could be likened to as the mafia, which makes him a very dangerous player.

One thing Bill Gates doesn’t seem to have accounted for, despite his alleged “genius,” is the fact that his Godlike ego drove him to quite literally be the face for all of it.[2]

When researching just what Gates has an influence in, it is scary.  There does not seem to be an industry that he does not control in one way or another.  You can see an extensive list of his investing in the healthcare industry in this video by Corey Digs.[3] There is a two-fold reason for Gates’ deep interest in ‘healthcare’.  First and foremost is monetary. As stated earlier for every dollar he spends in that industry he gets ten in return.  The second is he can do what he wants to do to control the population.  His investment in the vaccine industry is legendary.  He uses ‘vaccines’ to control populations and lower births by sterilizing women through vaccines for various diseases, as he did in Africa a few years back. People that do not pay attention are willing to do whatever the government or so-called specialists, say to do. But that will be a major mistake on their part.  Ignorance is NOT bliss; it can be fatal.  Not surprising is the fact that Baker also has ties to eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates. In 2019, she was given the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., that was sponsored “in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,” along with drug giant Pfizer.

What this all suggests, of course, is that Baker, Gates, and presumably other public health “experts” are all in agreement that white people represent the greatest barrier to mass vaccination. It would also explain why these far-leftists want to import as many “brown” and black people as possible into America, since “immigrants” are open-game when it comes to welcoming vaccines, according to Baker.

These are the same genocidal maniacs who are right now developing vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), by the way. All of the “progressive” white people out there who cannot wait to roll up their sleeves and get “protected” with new jabs have no idea what is coming to them under the guise of “public health.”

We are already seeing the early stages of a global vaccine genocide, with many Americans lining right up to obey whatever new edict or restriction is imposed by their county commissioners or governors in the name of keeping people “safe” when out and about shopping. The next step is to impose digital “passports” that “authorize” people to buy and sell, without which no commerce will be allowed.

If Obama carry-overs like Baker are allowed to stay in their positions and continue to make public policy, then white people who disagree with the alleged “benefits” of vaccination will also be at risk of mass extermination.[4]

There is reason to be concerned about what is developing around this fake pandemic. We have seen the CDC claim that the actual mortality rate is .28%.  Sorry but that does not mandate a pandemic with those numbers.  H1N1 had a mortality rate of 39.5% and we did nothing.  This is a test to see how far people can be pushed and Gates, Fauci, and WHO are the instigators.  I would hope that we, as nation of free people, will be wary of the actions of those that would enslave us. Be 2nd Amendment ready if necessary.  It may be our only option.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bill Gates’ population reduction surveillance and control
  2. The gates of hell: remove the gatekeeper seal the doors
  4. CDC official: get rid whites force vaccines

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 4

Roger Anghis

We have seen that Bill Gates is not the Mr. Nice Guy that he would try to make you think.  He is known as a philanthropist and has given many millions to many causes but most of the causes are not to proliferate the human population but to reduce the human population.  As I stated in an earlier installment, he wants to use vaccines to control the population.  Controlling the population entails limiting the population.  Vaccines do not do that; they are intended to keep people alive.  Gates does not have a good record of providing safe vaccines. He was kicked out of India because his vaccines either killed a lot of people or left them physically handicapped.  India is now suing him and his pharmaceutical company.  Even in Italy, there has been a recent call for him to be charged with crimes against humanity: Days after it was revealed in an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria, now an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, in 2015 it was the Italians who exposed secret Chinese biological experiments with Coronavirus. The video, which was broadcast in November 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.[1]

There is a different scenario that I see for his great push for vaccines. Number one is money. He is a wealthy man, estimated at $107 billion, but some people can not get enough.  He has admitted that he has spent over $10 billion over the last ten years funding vaccines and he has seen a return on investment of 20-1.[2] The other aspect is he is a control freak and thinks that he has the right to call for every person to be implanted with a bio device that will be able to track everything you do and everywhere you go.  He even believes that a person who refuses to be vaccinated should not be able to travel beyond where he/she lives.[3]

Bobby Kennedy Jr. has even stated that money is one of the big factors behind Gates’ push for vaccines: If you are one of the millions of Americans wondering why Dr. Anthony Fauci is vehemently cheerleading and praising a coronavirus vaccine for ALL Americans … Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says follow the money. Bobby Kennedy Jr. dropped a bombshell on the Thomas Paine Podcast, detailing an apparent agreement between the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Bill Gates-backed pharmaceutical company that has the best chance at this point of securing lucrative contracts for a national coronavirus vaccine.

That puts your government in bed with Big Pharma and Gates and could pay as much as 50 percent of the profits to the NIH, the parent agency that employs Dr. Anthony Fauci — who again — is lobbying for the vaccine. Does Fauci get a cut of the bounty too? Or has he already been cut in?

Federal officials are not commenting on Kennedy’s alarming information. But … the NIH is the key player in deciding what vaccines get approved for coronavirus and the NIH and government would profit wildly, as Kennedy said, if the Gates-backed pharma play Moderna Inc. gets the green light. Kennedy slammed both Gates and Fauci on numerous occasions during the exclusive interview with Paine. Gates’ company is already in human trials with the vaccine. Just weeks after the outbreak? [4]

One has to ask how does an unelected person garner so much power in a political system where it should only be elected people that can call for what Gates is calling for, mandatory vaccines, travel restrictions and the calls for no large gatherings until a suitable vaccine is in place for this non-pandemic pandemic.  Keep in mind that he is for population control and he will use vaccines to achieve that goal.  His vaccines in Africa intentionally sterilized women without their knowledge.

The Microsoft co-founder and prominent eugenicist has been more outspoken in recent days than perhaps ever before about his desire to vaccinate the entire world, in this case as soon as possible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And the reality is that many more will die from the vaccine than from the virus itself.

Speaking during a recent segment on CNBC, Gates admitted that in order to make vaccines “work” for the most vulnerable groups, they have to be super-charged, in a sense. And this super-charging means that some people are going to be injured or killed as a result.

“We clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range because they’re most at risk of that,” Gates 00stated about his plans for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.

“And doing that so that you amp it up so that it works in older people, and yet you don’t have side effects if we have one in 10,000 side effects that’s way more, 700,000 people who will suffer from that.”

Bill Gates also says flu vaccines do not work for older people

During this same interview, Gates admitted something that we, too, have reported on: that influenza vaccines are pretty much useless in older people.

Though supposedly high-risk seniors are pushed to get their flu shots annually, Gates confessed to the fact that this yearly ritual does nothing to protect them against the flu.

“The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge,” Gates stated. “It turns out the flu vaccine isn’t that effective in elderly people.”

“And that actual decision of, ok, let’s go and give this vaccine to the entire world, governments will have to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification needed.” [5]

This COVID-19 is not the pandemic that they claim it is. H1N1 had a mortality rate of 39.5%, COVID-19 is around .4%. Influenza has caused more deaths than COVID-19. This is totally a political play and I’ll say it was initiated by the Democrats. I could be wrong, but I’m probably not. They are willing to destroy America to get rid of Trump and this is proof.

Keep a watchful eye on the Democrats.  They do not care if you lose everything just as long as they think they can blame Trump, they’ll do it.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Italian politician demands Bill Gates arrest for crimes against humanity
  2. Meet Bill Gates
  3. Bill Gates: unvaccinated people will not be allowed to travel
  4. Robert F Kennedy Jr drops new bombshell Bill Gates coronavirus vaccine will pay out billions
  5. Bill Gates harmed killed coronavirus vaccines

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 3

by Roger Anghis

Keeping in mind that COVID-19 has been classified as a global pandemic, one has to question why?  Yes, there have been deaths, too many by far, but when we look at the overall picture what we see has to leave you scratching your head.  If we are so concerned about deaths, which we should as a civilized society, why is there not an outcry for the well over ten million deaths from abortion? How about the almost three million deaths from starvation?  How about the almost half-million from AIDS?  The two hundred and fifty thousand from Malaria?  Even the seasonal flu takes almost a hundred and twenty-five thousand lives worldwide.  The COVID-19, as of the writing of this column, has only taken less than fifty thousand.  Cancer, smoking, traffic accidents, suicides, and bad water adds almost another five million to the toll [1] but the world is going nuts over fifty thousand.  I stated that the numbers just didn’t add up and now you can see for yourself, there is something else afoot.

Remember when I said that Gates wants everyone vaccinated? He doesn’t want anyone that survived the virus without a vaccine.  Those people can’t be tracked because they won’t have the chip that comes along with the vaccineIn recent weeks, as the pandemic crisis deepens, Bill Gates has been taking interviews, casually telling the world that the only solution to the current situation is a new vaccination… for everyone. He recently told CBS that mass gatherings will be considered ‘optional’ until a vaccine is rolled out.

…You know it’s so important to get, not just hundreds of millions, but literally billions of those vaccines, because this is a global problem…

… this is a big economic shock, and some things we really will want to be broadly vaccinated before we’re not worried about this and it’s changing our behavior in a significant way…

…the idea of big public gatherings, I do believe, once we have the vaccination, then the kind of fears, uh, and the change of behavior around that could definitely be pretty close to where it was before this started…

“…in which activities like mass gatherings, uh, maybe, in a certain sense, more optional, and so until you’re widely vaccinated those may not, uh, come back, uh, at all. ~Bill Gates

The implication is this: when a new vaccine is invented then mass-produced, it will not necessarily be mandatory, but everything else in your life, such as work, school, community, and sociality, will all become privileges granted by the state under the condition that you take the new vaccine. [2]

I hope you caught that, work, school, community and socially all become privileges granted by the State ONLY if you are vaccinated.  Is this the world we want to live in?  A society of this nature is a socialist/communist society, not the land of free, home of the brave.  I am not the biggest fan of the Kennedy family.  I did like JFK but Bobby and Ted were both rabid socialists but Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is fighting a good battle against vaccines.  He has made comments about the Gates Foundation and its goals that are worth noting: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has for years been at the forefront of the movement to bring public awareness to this issue. His organization, Children’s Health Defense is the premier advocate for awareness and justice for vaccine-injured children.

RFK Jr. recently commented on Bill Gates’ statements on the notion of vaccinating billions of people for Coronavirus, of which the first group, the guinea pigs, would certainly be from developing nations. In fact, two French doctors recently explained on live TV why Africans would make the best test subjects for a vaccine.

The controversy over a Coronavirus vaccine is growing rapidly, and even U.S. Attorney General Barr expressed concerns of the idea of developing digital Covid-19 certificates of immunity to allow people to travel or work.

Regarding RFK Jr’s recent statement on Instagram, he highlights the fact that similar programs conducted in India by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have proven disastrous for people involved.

RFK Jr.’s full comment follows here:

Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.[3]

When you see the organizations and pharmaceutical companies that Gates is funding you have to wonder which pie doesn’t he have his finger in?  Here is a video of Bill Gates in an interview and you can hear him say that vaccines are good for slowing the population growth and then outright lie about the connection between autism and vaccines.  Gates is callous and calculating and, in my opinion, not a person that can be trusted.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Robert F Kennedy Jr. responds to Bill Gates’ statements on a mandatory coronavirus vaccine
  3. Robert F Kennedy Jr. responds to Bill Gates’ statements on a mandatory coronavirus vaccine

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 2

Roger Anghis

We all know that vaccines are intended to protect people from disease saving lives in the process. Bill Gates intends to use vaccines for the opposite. He wants to use vaccines for human depopulation. He believes that we have to eliminate 350,000 people a day![1] I don’t know about you but if that’s his plan to depopulate, I don’t think I’ll participate in his ‘vaccine’ program.

There is another part of his evil plot and that’s a system to set up Global Digital Identification.  Can you say Mark of the Beast?  Call me a conspiracy theorist but it isn’t a conspiracy when they are doing it.  Last September 2019, an annual summit was hosted by the ID2020 alliance, composed of significant partners from around the world. Microsoft, GAVI (Global Alliance of Vaccines and Immunizations), The Rockefeller Foundation, and a growing number of partners from international governments, universities, and humanitarian relief programs. The entire summit was sponsored by the UN Office of Information Communications Technology, the UN Refugee Agency, the International Telecommunication Union and the Danish Mission to the UN. 

The mission of the ID2020 alliance is “Accelerating technology to ensure that everyone in need has access to a unique digital identity as part of their basic human right.”

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which stressed its commitment to “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030.

Providing legal identity for all is no small feat with their estimation of 1.1 billion people living without identity, ID2020 is rolling out plans at an aggressively rapid pace, and their goals go beyond providing an official birth certificate to people in impoverished countries. They plan to provide a digital ID for everyone on an international scale. 

According to their official site, “A unique convergence of trends provides an unprecedented opportunity to make a coordinated, concerted push to provide digital ID to everyone,”

When you read further, these ‘trends’ include rising global connectivity, emerging technologies such as blockchain and biometrics and a global call for a “New model of ID.”[2]

We can see that there is an underlying effort for a digital ID for every man woman and child on this earth.  What better way could you suggest than an implanted chip to identify each individual?  Gates feels the need to be able to know the vaccine record of everyone.  Coming out of Rice University, there is new technology labeled the “Quantum dot” tattoo. This tag consists of tiny microneedles that deliver a vaccine, dissolves the sugar-based needles and leaves behind a mark or barcode-like tattoo. This mark leaves a record of the vaccine that had been received through an infrared-like dye pattern that can be read by a customized smartphone.

It is interesting to note that this Quantum dot technology was requested by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to solve the issue of not knowing the vaccination record of each patient in these impoverished areas.[3]

What else could this digital chip be used for?  How about buying and selling?  This concept brought up in Revelation 13, is being established as I write this column.   ID2020 has acquired strategic partnerships with organizations whose primary functions are digital financial services and applying solutions for a completely digital user-friendly wallet. Everest, an organization that began working with the Indonesian government in 2018 and recently announced at the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as ID2020’s first ‘Certification Mark for digital identity solutions,’ Kiva Protocol and Gravity.Earth. 

Everest, claims to be “The world’s first and only device-free globally accessible, digital transaction protocol with built-in identity.” 

Everest defines itself as a “decentralized platform incorporating a massively scalable payment solution, Everchain, with a multi-currency wallet, EverWallet, and a native biometric identity system, EverID. Everest delivers a complete solution for a ‘new economy.’” They are the first platform that combines Biometric identity with a digital wallet. [4]

The one thing that concerns me about what is happening because of the COVID-19.  It has been labeled a pandemic, yet the numbers don’t add up at all.  The H1N1 was much more dangerous than this but nothing along this scale, lockdowns, business closings, and restricted travel was even attempted.  Could it be a trial run for something in the future?  Even as President Trump says he tested negative for coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic raises the fear that huge swaths of the executive branch or even Congress and the Supreme Court could also be disabled, forcing the implementation of “continuity of government” plans that include evacuating Washington and “devolving” leadership to second-tier officials in remote and quarantined locations.

But Coronavirus is also new territory, where the military itself is vulnerable and the disaster scenarios being contemplated — including the possibility of widespread domestic violence as a result of food shortages — are forcing planners to look at what are called “extraordinary circumstances”.

Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated. Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.

According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America. [5]

I could be wrong but I think this is a mild retaliation from China for the new trade deals that have made trade with America more favorable for us and not China.  The fact that we have depended so much on China for cheap goods and medical devices as well as medicine and all that is going to change as Trump is requiring that dependence to stop which will be a massive financial loss for China.  Too bad.  They’ve given us toys with poison, dog food with poison, drywall with asbestos and other toxins, the Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, H1N1, Swine flu, bird flu, COVID-19, and stolen our intellectual knowledge for years.  Time to put a stop to it. But this recent event seems to have given Bill Gates a good reason to begin implementing his global plan for his digital ID.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bill Gates’ vaccines are best way to depopulate
  5. Exclusive: Inside military’s top secret plans if coronavirus cripples government

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19

Roger Anghis

The first thing I need to do is lay a little groundwork on where Bill Gates stand on vaccines and population control.  Bill Gates is well known as the co-founder of Microsoft.  Not many are aware of his work in the vaccine field.  His record is not good but when you see what his mentality is towards vaccines, you’ll understand that he thinks he is very successful.  I also want to make it clear that I am not a supporter of vaccines in any way and have done a couple of series exposing the terrible downside of vaccines.  One series is titled Are Vaccines Good or Bad.[1] I have never had a flu shot and never intend to get one.  From the research I’ve done they have more negative than positive aspects.  I did get vaccinations as a kid but have not gotten one since junior high.

Bill Gates is a globalist and a population control freak.  He believes that we can control the world’s population with vaccines.  In a speech titled “Innovating to Zero,” Bill Gates said, “First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we can lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 %.”[2] You can tell he is an advocate for abortion because he refers to it as “reproduction health services”.  But he has used vaccines as a form of birth control as well as population control.  In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

South African newspapers complained, ‘We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.’

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.

During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Approximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless and immoral.”[3] All too often we see that the ‘vaccines’ that are developed by Gates end up killing the recipient or sterilizing them.  This is just a sneaky way to control the population.  Gates’ dad, Bill Gates, Sr., was on the Board of Directors of the Seattle Planned Parenthood from 1966-1972 and the Board of Directors of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 1971-1974.[4] This, no doubt, influenced Bill Gates, Jr. in the area of population control.

There are too many coincidences involved with Gates’ vaccine protocols where they cause more harm than good.  Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.

The most frightening [polio] epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines.[5] These results are consistent with his goal to de-populate the earth.  Keep in mind that vaccines are supposed to protect people from the dangers of the disease.  His results seem to have the opposite results.  He did state that new vaccines “could reduce the population”.  The ‘vaccine’ would have to eliminate a person to reduce the population which is the opposite of what a vaccine should do.  In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.  Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgenson et. al. 2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it prevents. DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine. WHO has refused to recall the lethal vaccine which it forces upon tens of millions of African children annually.

[Global public health officials] say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.[6]

Gates funds a lot of things but tends to steer companies and organizations in the direction he wants them to go.  Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development. The Gates Foundation only spends about $650 million of its $5 billion dollar budget on these areas.  They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American children.[7]

We have just scratched the surface of how Bill Gates has his eye on population control and what he is willing to do to achieve it.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Vaccines: Good or bad
  2. Vaccines population control
  3. Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda win win pharma mandatory vaccination
  4. Life and times of Bill Gates Sr.A giant impact on technology philanthropy and the Seattle region
  5. Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda win win pharma mandatory vaccination
  6. Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda win win pharma mandatory vaccination
  7. Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda win win pharma mandatory vaccination

The Real Joe Biden, Part 4

Roger Anghis

Hunter Biden was put on the board of directors for a Ukrainian oil company even though he had no experience in oil, did not know the Ukrainian language and knew nothing about the laws in Ukraine concerning oil.  He even stated in an interview with ABC News: The embattled son of former Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden, admitted in an ABC News interview that he only received high-paying positions on the boards of foreign companies because of his proximity to power in Washington.

After discussing the various high-paying assignments he’s enjoyed, Hunter Biden said it’s “impossible” for him to have received these jobs were it not for his father. 

“It is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I’m the son of the vice president of the United States,” Hunter told ABC News. 

ABC News followed up: “If your last name wasn’t Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Burisma?” 

“I don’t know, I don’t know, probably not,” Biden admitted. “I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.” [1]

Trump’s impeachment was all based on a false quid pro quo so they would investigate Joe Biden.  He has a duty to ask as it was his responsibility to ensure that we weren’t investing taxpayer money into a country where the politicians operated corruptly.  Yet liberals continue to ignore the fact that Biden demanded that a prosecutor that was investigating the company Hunter ‘worked’ for, Berisma, be fired or we would not give them $1 billion in aid.  President Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, repeatedly claimed that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden engaged in corruption while the two had dealings in Ukraine. 

But no evidence of corruption has ever been foundheres what actually happened:

  • In May 2014, Hunter Biden took a board seat on Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings. He was reportedly paid $50,000 per month.
  • Burisma had ties to Ukraine’s previous president Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from office. 
  •   The overlap between the vice president and his son raised concerns over a potential conflict of interest. The Obama White House said there was no issue with Hunter Biden’s work, and that no conflict of interest existed.
  • In 2016, and with the support of other world leaders, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid unless Ukraine’s leaders fired the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for being too soft on corruption⁠⁠—which they did
  • Before Shokin was fired, he had been conducting an investigation of Burisma, and Hunter Biden allegedly was a subject. But the investigation had been inactive for over a year by the time Joe Biden pushed for Shokin’s ouster.
  • Hunter Biden stepped down from his Burisma board seat in April 2019. He had been offered another term but refused because it could possibly hurt Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. [2]

Again, one has to ask how a person who has no knowledge of Ukrainian law, no experience in oil and does not know the language to be paid $50,000 a month (I’ve heard it was as high as $83,0000) unless they were buying access to the office of vice-president?

Peter Schweizer, President of Government Accountability Institute, stated: “What I’ve called for simply is for the Senate to call former second son Hunter Biden to come and testify and people look into this,” Schweizer said during a lengthy interview on Hunter Biden’s business dealings. “We’re talking about large deals and large sums of money…it involves countries like China, which are America’s chief rival on the global stage.” 

The researcher provided an overview of Hunter Biden’s alleged business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma and the Chinese government in a recent New York Post op-ed that details payments of more than $3 million to Hunter Biden’s company during a 14-month period when his father was the point person on Ukraine policy for the Obama administration. 

“In the case of the Ukraine, the very energy company that was paying Hunter Biden millions of dollars was under investigation in the Ukraine for corruption. Ukrainian officials have claimed that Joe Biden pressured them to suspend or end that investigation. That’s in fact what the Ukraine did,” Schweizer said in a summary of his findings.[3]  I cannot believe that this whole thing was on the up and up.  No one spends that kind of money with virtually “0” return.

Joe’s brother, James, it appears has used his brother to further his personal bank accounts: A new report reveals legal problems and allegations of possible fraud involving former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother James, in the latest instance of the Democratic primary front-runner’s family members’ dealings drawing scrutiny amid his presidential bid.

According to Politico, James Biden’s business with medical companies – including Americore Health – has led to allegations that he potentially engaged in fraud and traded on his brother’s name, by claiming Joe was interested in the venture and the family name could provide opportunities.

“It was all smoke and mirrors,” former Americore Health executive Tom Pritchard told Politico. James Biden reportedly convinced Americore that he could use his political clout to deliver a significant influx of cash in the form of an investment from the Middle East, and even convinced the company to take on financial burdens including a six-figure loan to James that he has yet to repay.

James Biden, Americore and Americore founder Grant White are among those now facing a lawsuit from medical companies in Tennessee federal court accusing them of fraud over alleged promises made. Biden and the other defendants have denied any wrongdoing, but the plaintiffs last month reportedly said in a court filing that they were willing to drop their claims against White, who had provided exculpatory evidence as well as information that further implicated Biden and others.[4]

Are we surprised that we see corruption in American politics? Probably not. Disgusted maybe but not surprised. We the People have to put a stop to it. We see politicians get elected to office and proceed to gain wealth only a few have access to.  That’s the one good thing about Donald Trump.  He made his billions before attaining office and has actually lost a lot of his net worth, works for free giving away his paycheck to better care for our vets and many other noble causes.  We don’t need corruption in the White House.  We need a man who is for the average joe, America and not himself.

Be careful of who you put in office on ALL levels. Our kid’s future depends on it.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Hunter Biden admits only got these positions because my dad
  2. Heres what happened with the Biden’s and Ukraine
  3. Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden needs to testify on Ukraine China business
  4. Biden’s brother facing fraud allegations used family ties to advance business interests report

The Real Joe Biden, Part 3

Roger Anghis

Joe Biden has been around in Senate since 1973. He is part of the elite. Not that that makes you any smarter or talented. Some people feel privileged when they reached a certain level of tenure. Joe is no exception. There are some disturbing accusations coming out against him of things that happened in the early 1990s that may prove problematic for him. Reade recounts the graphic story in an interview excerpt with liberal podcaster Katie Halper, in which she says then-Senator Biden used his fingers to penetrate her vagina when the two were alone in 1993.

Reade said that one of her superiors asked her to run a gym bag to Biden, who was somewhere near the Capitol building away from his office. When she arrived, she says Biden assaulted her.

“We were alone and it was the strangest thing,” she said. “There was no, like, exchange really. He just had me up against the wall.”

Reade described wearing a business skirt, which she says Biden reached up with his hand.

Biden’s “hands were on me and underneath my clothes,” she said.

“He went down my skirt but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers,” she added.[1]

This activity is nothing new in D.C. and it isn’t new to Biden either. As vice-president, he would skinny dip when he was at his compound with female Secret Service agents in view.  “Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.

“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe,” an unnamed agent told Kessler. “But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.” [2]

Again, no one is perfect, but this type of activity is way out of hand.  The liberals say nothing about this, but they mock vice-president Pence because he won’t have dinner with a woman other than his wife unless his wife is there too.  Biden’s Secret Service team had problems with him that should not be present with a person of the high office:  A former Secret Service agent assigned to the Vice President Joe Biden residence claims that the Service often had to protect female agents from him.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the agent asserted that,  “We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriends asses. ”The annual party was for agents and Navy personnel who were tasked with protecting the Biden family.

“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible,” the agent said.

According to the source, a Secret Service agent once got suspended for a week in 2009 for shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him. The situation got so heated, the source told Cassandra Fairbanks, that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President.

Additionally, the agent claims that Biden would walk around the VP residence naked at night. “I mean, Stark naked… Weinstein level stuff,” he added.[3]

We have all seen the videos of Biden over the last few years sniffing a girl or woman’s hair and getting into their personal space in inappropriate ways.  This should not be the actions of ANY of our elected officials.

It is not just this type of behavior that makes us question the character of Joe Biden.  Most of us have seen the video of Biden bragging that he got a prosecutor fired that was investigating the corrupt company his son, Hunter, ‘worked’ for.[4]

Another thing that Biden is famous for and that is using his office of vice-president to attain so-called employment for his son Hunter and lucrative contracts for Joe’s brother James.  The global business dealings of Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, have been thrust into the spotlight after President Donald Trump suggested without evidence that the father and son had engaged in corruption in Ukraine and China.

Trump on Thursday openly called on China to investigate the Bidens, suggesting — without evidence — that China had given $1.5 billion to a Chinese private equity firm where Hunter Biden was a board member to secure favorable deals with the US while Joe Biden was Vice PresidentHere’s what we know about the background of this allegation.

  • Biden has been a board member at BHR Equity Investment Fund Management Company, a Chinese state-backed private equity firm, since late 2013, according to The New York Times and the South China Morning Post.
  • In 2017, Biden bought 10% of the company for about $420,000, The Times reported.[5]

There are some ‘news’ sources that claim there is no evidence that Hunter used his dad’s influence to secure this deal, but Hunter had no previous experience in private equity.  No one intelligent would have a person not qualified in that position to hold that position unless they were buying the influence of the office of the vice-president, in my opinion.

Peter Schweizer has reported that this whole China/Hunter deal is questionable at best: The furor over Trump’s call for Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s business has brought the spotlight back to the former second family’s international dealings.

While his Ukrainian business is currently receiving most of the attention, Hunter’s dealings in China deserve at least as much scrutiny.

Trained as a lawyer at Yale, Hunter had primarily worked as a lobbyist and consultant. His previous foray into financial services, Paradigm Global Advisors, was linked to Stanford Financial, a multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme.

In 2009, Hunter co-founded a new venture, Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont and Hunter were given extraordinary opportunities in China while his father was vice president. Here are some key facts:[6]

Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine is even more questionable because of the video we have all seen with Biden demanding a quid pro quo.  That will be covered in the next installment

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Frmr. Biden staffer drops bombshell allegation Joe pinned wall penetrated
  2. Biden swims naked upsetting female secret service agents book claims
  3. Secret service agent comes forward about Joe Biden’s creepy behavior
  4. Flashback: 2018 Joe Biden brags at CFR meeting about withholding aid to Ukraine to force firing of prosecutor
  5. Hunter Biden China business connections everything we know

The Real Joe Biden, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Joe Biden is on his third run at the presidency.  His first was derailed because of plagiarism. His second, in 2008, was stopped because of the popularity in the Democrat Party of the muslim Barack Obama. This is his last chance at the office mostly because of his age and mental capabilities or lack thereof however you want to look at it.  He has changed positions on policies like a woman changes outfits.  No offense to the women. First, for years, Biden has defended the Obama administration’s record on deportations against those on the left who criticized President Barack Obama as the “deporter in chief.” Then came last month’s Nevada caucuses. After ugly losses in Iowa and New Hampshire, Biden was struggling for life in Nevada and trying to appeal to the Hispanic voters who made up a substantial portion of state Democrats.

All of a sudden, Biden backtracked on the Obama deportations he used to defend. “There were too many,” Biden told Univision’s Jorge Ramos. “I saw the pain in the eyes of so many people who saw their families being deported. I know what it’s like to lose family members. It was painful.”

A second example. Just before the debate, Biden announced he was adopting some of Sanders’s position on free college for all. “Today, Biden is adding to his agenda by adopting Senator Sanders’ proposal to make public colleges and universities tuition-free for all students whose family incomes are below $125,000,” the campaign said.

Biden’s proposal was modeled on a bill Sanders offered in 2017, and that had also been part of Sanders’s 2016 battle with Hillary Clinton. Sanders has since moved on — he now proposes free tuition for everyone, regardless of income. Accordingly, Sanders rejected Biden’s move. “It’s great that Joe Biden is now supporting a position that was in the Democratic platform four years ago,” Sanders said in a statement released just before the debate. “Now we have to go much further.” Still, Biden had moved unmistakably toward Sanders.

A third example. Back in the 2000s, Biden, then a senator, fought with Elizabeth Warren, then a Harvard professor, over the issue of bankruptcy. She wanted to make it less wearing on those who have to declare bankruptcy by, among other things, allowing them to include student debt in their bankruptcy filing. Biden opposed the idea. Years later, Warren made a similar plan part of her presidential campaign before dropping out after the Super Tuesday primaries.

Now, with Warren withholding her endorsement, Biden is moving Warren’s way. Before the debate, he announced that he “agrees firmly with Senator Warren that we need to fundamentally reshape our bankruptcy system.” Yet another leftward move.[1]

He is following the political wind, as many politicians do, trying to appease who I feel are the radical base of the Democrat Party.  There is no real foundation to his policies.  It is obvious that he nor anyone of his advisors has the ability to calculate out all of these ‘freebies’ that he and Sanders are throwing out there.  There is no possible way we can afford to pay for free college for everyone unless the liberal professors’ practice what they preach and work for free.  That’s not about to happen.  Just like this group of worthless politicians in the Democrat Party all of the suffering that must be done for ‘income equality’ must be done by the masses not the elite.  Remember Sanders dissing millionaires and billionaires because of how much money they have?  Now that he’s a millionaire he only bashes billionaires.

It was just announced that he has picked his Secret Service detail and he is now protected by the very guns he is wanting to deny the average American: NBC News reports the Secret Service detail was assigned to Biden after his campaign filed a request for one “to senior congressional officials.”

A source told Breitbart News such a detail will see Biden protected with pistols, semiautomatic rifles–perhaps ARs and/or Sig Sauer MCX platform firearms–and there is the strong possibility of fully automatic firearms being part of the equation too. The latter consist of submachine guns on a sling, which allows them to be carried out of sight under a jacket or coat.

Biden enjoyed eight years of such protection as the vice president to Barack Obama.

Ironically, Biden is running on a campaign to ban the common man from owning rifles such as AR-15s, AK-47s, Sig Sauer MCXs, and similar firearms. He is also campaigning to ban the common man from having “20, 30, 40, 50 clips in a weapon.”

The Secret Service agents protecting Biden will certainly be using 30-round magazines in their ARs. Thirty rounds are standard capacity for such a firearm.[2] I get really tired of our elected officials having privileges that we are not afforded.  They get private healthcare when we got stuck with Obamacare.  That is NOT what the Founders envisioned.

One thing the Democrat Party is known for and that’s womanizing.  FDR had a mistress, JFK had several mistresses, Bill Clinton, well we all know how he was, even Biden has been caught doing things that are very inappropriate with not just women but children as well.  Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the agent asserted that,  “We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s asses.” The annual party was for agents and Navy personnel who were tasked with protecting the Biden family.

“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible,” the agent said.

According to the source, a Secret Service agent once got suspended for a week in 2009 for shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him. The situation got so heated, the source told Cassandra Fairbanks, that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President.

Additionally, the agent claims that Biden would walk around the VP residence naked at night. “I mean, Stark naked… Weinstein level stuff,” he added.

He said that the men on duty would frequently stand in front of female agents and Navy women that were present “like a damn guardian.” On some occasions, they would make up reasons to get the women away from where he was.

The agent said he was specifically concerned about women in the Navy.

“They weren’t allowed to disobey him at all, but we’d take them away under pretend auspices,” the agent stated.[3]

We’ve has enough of that type of behavior in the White House and we don’t need anymore.  Trump has had a shaded past but has been of much higher character in this area than Obama, Clinton or Biden, by far.

© 2020  – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Joe Biden a centrist moves further left
  2. Joe Biden protected by same guns he wants to deny average americans
  3. Exclusive: Former Joe Biden secret service agent protect women Weinstein level stuff

The Real Joe Biden

Roger Anghis

Joe Biden is one of the establishment elite in Washington.  He’s a typical politician who has made himself very wealthy being a millionaire many times over.  That’s pretty good seeing that his salary since 1973 has been from $42,500 and increasing to $174,000 in 2008.  I think it was Harry Truman that said you have to be a crook to get rich being a politician.

His history as a Senator has some areas that make one question just how much he actually supports our Constitution.  He has supported the ban on so-called assault weapons and still thinks they need to be banned.  He claims no one needs a ‘military-style’ weapon even though not one military in the world uses an AR-15.  If he understood our history, he would know that when the 2nd Amendment was written anyone that had a firearm had a ‘military-style’ weapon.  To his credit, most of the Democrat Party is not capable of understanding that fact.

Joe seems to stand on both sides of the fence at times.  He voted to authorize force in Iraq but then criticized Bush’s handling of it.[1] In 2006 he voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006 to build additional walls and barriers on our southern border but in 2019 he stated: “We need border security but that’s not the border security we need.” in reference to the wall Trump was calling for.[2]

As a Senator, he chaired the Judiciary Committee for 8 years and presided over the highly contentious Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas hearings.  Bork was railroaded and Thomas was narrowly approved.

When he ran for president in 1987 we began to see his affinity for gaffes and at times outright lies.  On the campaign trail, he took to paraphrasing British Labour politician Neil Kinnock. Although he had appropriately credited Kinnock in prior speeches, he failed to do so during an appearance at the Iowa State Fair and even borrowed facts from Kinnock’s life, stating inaccurately, for example, that he was the first in his family to go to college and that his ancestors were coal miners. Soon after, reports surfaced that Biden had likewise allegedly lifted passages from Robert F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey, and he was caught on camera exaggerating his academic credentials.[3]

It can go without saying that he shifts back and for with the political winds.  I guess a little of that may be needed but there are things that just need to be left to the trash heap of history, but Biden has embraced them enthusiastically.  Nobody that has the ability to research can embrace the idiocy of global warming.  There is no compelling evidence that can support it yet he actually believes that falling for this fallacy is “the best way to protect our children and global leadership.”[4] I mean really? The government can’t stop a virus but raising everybody’s taxes will cool the earth.  Right.  He supports the New Green Deal which has to be the most insane reaction to a non-crisis that we have ever seen.  We need common-sense reactions to idiotic ideas, not someone who simply goes with the flow to be politically correct.

He has complained about ‘dark money’ in campaigns but it is his political party that has the most dark money coming into it.  Does anybody remember Hillary Clinton?  The Clinton Foundation?  Even though he somehow convinced Sanders to not accept PAC money, he hasn’t pledged to not take any for himself.

He is not able to stand for what is right.  He is a Catholic but believes that abortion should be legal.  Though he says he believes that abortion is wrong he doesn’t want to impose his beliefs on others. He doesn’t want to impose his belief that it is wrong to murder a defenseless child.[5] Seriously?  What else does he not have the guts to stand for?  America first?  He doesn’t oppose the attack of the traditional family.  He was against same-sex marriage before he was for it.  This is a part of that ‘political wind’ that he is always checking on to see which way it’s blowing.  He even supports transgenders in our service.  I find it strange how easy it is for some people to embrace something that God has called an abomination yet claiming that they are Christians.

Biden was a pro-gun in 1973 stating his opposition to “to such liberal shibboleths as gun control.” And then turned into a gun control advocate. Biden earned favorable grades from the NRA during his first two terms — solid B’s in 1978 and 1984. He accepted campaign contributions ahead of his second election from the original manufacturer of the AR-15, Colt Industries. He voted to allow the interstate sale of handguns, successful legislation that the press heralded in 1985 as “a major victory for gun owners, dealers and the National Rifle Association.”

And yet, Biden has as sterling of a gun control reputation as any of the candidates competing for the Democratic nomination in 2020, if not better. He helped pass gun control legislation when Mayor Pete Buttigieg was in middle school, then followed up on his work in the Senate during his two terms in the Obama White House.

All of this allows the former vice president to say with confidence, as he often does, that he took on the NRA twice, and won. Now, as the pro-gun Democrat of the 1980s goes extinct and a more confident gun-control party emerges, Biden hopes his record will help make him president.[6]

On international issues, he talks one way but has acted another.  Joe Biden has made a habit of describing himself as a loyal, stalwart friend and ally of Israel. At a campaign stop earlier this month, for instance, he declared: “I’m so proud of the Obama-Biden administration’s unprecedented support for Israel’s security.” But a careful examination of Biden’s track record reveals his long and extremely troubling history of undermining Israel’s security and public image. Some lowlights:

1982: Biden’s Angry Exchange with Menachem Begin

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting on June 22, 1982, an animated Senator Biden, banging the desk in front of him with his fist, warned then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin that if Israel did not stop establishing new Jewish settlements in the West Bank,[1] U.S. aid to that country might be cut off.

Begin responded forcefully:

Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid. [7]

Biden has flip-flopped more than a fish out of water.  He says one thing, but his actions tell us something else.  The next couple of weeks will show us even more of the disturbing aspects of his politics and what a future with a Biden presidency may bring.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. US politics Joe Biden
  2. US politics Joe Biden
  3. US politics Joe Biden
  4. Who is Joe Biden bio age family key positions 2019
  5. Who is Joe Biden bio age family key positions 2019
  6. Biden from pro-gun senate newbie – to gun control gold standard
  7. Joe Biden Israels fake friend John Perazzo

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 4

Roger Anghis

To think that Sanders is running an above-board campaign is laughable.  Though it is hard to blame him after he was stabbed in the back in 2016 by the DNC and Hillary.  It just proves that honesty in the Democrat Party is non-existent. The Republicans tried to do the same thing in 2016 to Trump but the people were too woke to let it happen.  The same may happen this time with Sanders and the Democrat voters but I don’t see them having enough voters to even come close to defeating Trump.  Trump was accomplished when he ran for President and has proved he can run this country very successfully.  Sanders has accomplished nothing in his 78 years except naming two post offices.  Those are the qualifications to run the greatest nation in the world.  But his base is too stupid to understand that.

Bernie Sanders is catching a lot of flack for how his supporters conduct themselves and rightfully so. Why should any political candidate be allowed to whip their supporters into this type of frenzy? There is a certain level of danger at his rallies that never seems to get addressed.

Instead, people look the other way and try to pin the responsibility for the bad behavior on Trump. Bernie attracts a very dangerous subset of people and we wish that people were willing to admit to that. The revolutionary types that pride themselves on being a part of the counterculture are all about Bernie.

He speaks to them in ways that other candidates would never dream of. The aging revolutionaries who were never able to achieve their true goals see themselves in them. You better believe that the Antifa thugs and Occupy Wall Street protesters are also watching his rise closely.

It would be awful if this election cycle were marred by some sort of tragedy. That’s why the Bernie Bros are being watched closely. It all starts by being rude online but from there? Things can only get worse. This story is a prime example of that. Did you hear the news about his former criminal justice adviser?

This adviser was recently arrested and you won’t believe the reason why. He was actually in the process of planning a prison break! This is the person that Bernie actually chose to advise him on criminal justice-related issues. We wish that we were making this up because it sounds like something out of a bad movie.

Alex Friedmann was instrumental in helping to shape Sanders’ agenda on criminal justice in the state of Vermont. Now, he is facing serious prison time. The irony is so thick that we could choke on it. It really makes you wonder how many other criminals Bernie is harboring in his potential cabinet.

Friedmann was stashing ammo and guns in a prison that has yet to be opened, in hopes of aiding the inmates who are looking to escape. This crime took place in Nashville and yes, Sanders is still touting the contributions that this dangerous criminal had to offer him. We are sure that he is going to start backpedaling on this association before too long, though.[1]

What type of person eagerly associates themselves with a person of this type of character?  Birds of a feather come to mind.  Don’t tell me this is a new development.  His supporters have been violent from the start.  Keith Ellison, the Attorney General for the State of Minnesota, tweeted out a pathetically stupid tweet questioning the reality of the violence within Sanders supporters: “I have never seen @BernieSanders supporters being unusually mean or rude,” Ellison tweeted. “Can someone send me an example of a ‘Bernie Bro’ being bad.” [2] He’s not stupid but he does deny the truth when he has too.  That is part of his islamic nature.  But remembering back to a baseball practice the Republican House members were at in 2017: Perhaps the most infamous example of Bernie Bro violence occurred in 2017 in what became known as the congressional baseball shooting, wherein Scalise and three other victims were shot during a practice for the congressional charity baseball game. James T. Hodgkinson, who federal authorities identified as the shooter and who died in a shootout with police, was a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter and fit the Bernie Bro descriptor, which has come to encapsulate the segment of Sanders’ insufferable and intolerant far-left supporters, who are mostly young, white males apparently motivated at least in part by racism and sexism.

Hodgkinson’s ideology was clear from his Facebook account, where he had posted things such as “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co,” and “Republicans are the Taliban of the USA.” [3] When listening to Sanders he has the same attitude towards Trump and his supporters.  He says that Trump is the most dangerous president we have ever had.  He is only dangerous to the party that is trying to destroy America, the Democrats!

Does he have something to hide?  He promised to release his medical records and then decided not to. The issue of Sanders’s health came up on Tuesday night after the 78-year-old, self-proclaimed democratic socialist said he wouldn’t release his full medical records during a town hall on CNN. The following morning, Sanders’s national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray argued during an interview on the network that calls for Sanders to release additional medical records are unfair.

“I think that the American people deserve to know exactly as much as every other candidate has released in this race currently and historically,” she said. “And what you’re seeing right now is really reminiscent of some of the kind of smear, kind of skepticism campaigns that have been run against a lot of different candidates in the past. Questioning where they’re from, aspects of their lineage, et cetera, et cetera.”

Gray went on to claim that Sanders is the recipient of unfair treatment, saying that former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has not faced similar questions despite having “suffered heart attacks in the past.”

Bloomberg hasn’t had a heart attack, he had two stents put in his heart twenty years ago.[4]

It is painfully obvious that the Sanders campaign and agenda is not good for the country.  He is not anywhere near qualified to run this country.  Even his wife has been involved in very questionable situations that the media has refused to talk about. In 2010, as president and would-be savior of Burlington College — a tiny alternative school without a campus in this small offbeat city — Ms. Sanders championed a deal to buy a waterfront spread from the local Roman Catholic diocese. Within a year, she was ousted, and the college limped toward obsolescence, buried under debt.

Then the story of the failing college turned into a political storm.[5]

America has had enough of candidates that are unqualified to hold the office of President.  Obama was the worst president we’ve ever had, Carter was nowhere near the experienced person he was portrayed to be, FDR was nothing but a socialist, Wilson was a racist and incompetent.  H.W. Bush was a globalist as was George W. Bush.  Clinton was a lowlife womanizer and even worse as we are finding out with his relationship with Epstein.  America deserves better but if we don’t start paying attention to the character of the person we are putting in office we will get only what we deserve.  Founder Samuel Adams stated: “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.”  It is as true today as it was the day he said it.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Report: Bernie’s top advisor for criminal justice arrested for plotting prison break
  2. After nearly dying at the hand of a Bernie bro Steve Scalise attests to their violence
  3. After nearly dying at the hand of a Bernie bro Steve Scalise attests to their violence
  4. Bernie Sanders spokeswoman equates push for candidate to release medical records to smear campaign
  5. Jane Omeara Sanders Burlington College

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 3

Roger Anghis

Bernie Sanders is determined to start a revolution just like the communists did in Russia in 1917.  We’re not talking about a non-violent revolution, we’re talking a full-fledged building burning, car burning, looting, violence against people type of revolution.  You may think I’m exaggerating but we have to remember that in all of history the socialists have always gained their power through violence.  This was evident in the 1917 revolution in Russia.  It was evident in t1930s Germany with Hitler’s brown shirts.  And it was painfully obvious in Castro’s Cuba and Chavez’s Venezuela.  Just recently in South Carolina that ugly head rose again: Bernie Sanders supporters applauded and cheered when Democrat Stephen Wukela — the mayor of Florence, South Carolina — called them “radicals” and “socialists.”

Mayor Wukela made the remarks at a rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, just days before the state’s Feb. 29 primary election.

Wukela hyped the crowd by saying: “Alright Myrtle Beach! How does it feel to be a bunch of radicals? A bunch of revolutionaries? A bunch of socialists here in Myrtle Beach?”

That’s when the rally-goers broke into raucous applause. The shocking scene spotlights that Bernie and today’s radical Left are dead-serious about transforming the United States into a socialist country.

During his speech, Mayor Wukela warned establishment Democrats and their media minions that they won’t stop Bernie and his socialist revolution.[1]

I don’t see this stopped with anything but force.  I hope that I’m wrong.  What I see as almost a Deep State underpinning of this push towards socializing America is the support of the mainstream media. Leftist MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson was suspended by the left-wing network after he attacked Bernie Sanders supporters as “racist white liberals” and “an island of misfit black girls.”

Following Johnson’s “inflammatory remarks about supporters and campaign staffers of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, the academic has been temporarily benched by the network,” according to the Daily Beast.

Johnson — who supports Joe Biden — is a virulent Bernie critic who has relentlessly attacked the socialist senator ever since he announced his candidacy.

However, even MSNBC drew the line when Johnson trashed black Bernie supporters.  Ironically, Johnson is an editor at the black-centric website The Root and a “journalism” professor at Morgan State University, a predominantly black college.[2]  When even the media backs what the socialist is doing by silencing any opposition to them, you know there is strong support for that agenda.

The people that Sanders has close to his campaign should cause any American a lot of concern.  Remember that under socialism the government confiscates all property, businesses, all means of production and proceeds to control every aspect of your life.  A little talked about speaker at a rally in Seattle recently Sanders had another avowed socialist speak: Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, a socialist who belongs to a Trotskyist organization that wants to seize control of America’s banks, was a featured speaker at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 campaign rally in Seattle on Monday.

In her speech to Sanders’s supporters, Sawant called for a “powerful socialist movement to end all capitalist oppression and exploitation.”     

Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative, a fringe Trotskyist group that is open about its goal of a “socialist United States and a socialist world,” according to its website.

The Trotskyist group’s platform includes taking control of the “top 500 corporations and banks that dominate the U.S. economy” and paying compensation “on the basis of proven need to small investors, not millionaires.”

Additionally, in order to put an end to layoffs, the socialist group calls for taking “bankrupt and failing companies into public ownership.”[3]  If this is not full-blown communism I don’t know what is!

His association with violent radicals is well known and growing.  He is bringing them into his campaign and installing them in high places within his campaign. The daughter of a radical Islamist operative is a state co-chair of presidential front runner Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

Sanders named Abrar Omeish, daughter of Libyan-born jihadist sympathizer Esam Omeish, as a co-chair of his Virginia campaign on February 18.

On her own merits, the 24 year-old Abrar Omeish is of little political consequence. She is the youngest person to ever hold office in the state, having been elected in 2019 to the Fairfax County School Board. Her role on the campaign appears to be a Sanders gesture to a more powerful political constituency: the well-organized radical Sunni Islamist networks across the United States.  Abrar Omeish’s father is former president of the Muslim American Society, a group identified by federal prosecutors as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

The elder Omeish is best known in Virginia state politics for having been removed from a Virginia Immigration board by then-governor Tim Kaine, a Democrat, after a video surfaced of Omeish endorsing violent jihad against Israel.[4]

Sanders has claimed that he is not aware of the violent tendencies of those that are within his campaign, but they are advocating for just what Sanders is calling for, revolution.  But his claim that he isn’t aware of their ideas for violence is an outright lie!  The legend of the infamous trolls known as the “Bernie Bros” continues to grow. And according to a new report, they are receiving their orders directly from the Sanders campaign. Here’s what’s known, via Daily Wire:

A new report in the U.K.’s Independent claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is well aware of what his army of online supporters — the so-called “Bernie Bros” — are doing online in his name, and that his senior staff are encouraging and, in some cases, even arming the “Bernie Bro” elite.

Sanders came under fire for his supporters’ online — and, increasingly, offline behavior — ahead of the Nevada caucuses, after his supporters deluged officers of the Nevada Culinary Union, which refused to endorse Sanders, with abusive, harassing, and even racist phone calls, emails, and social media messages, and after Sanders delegates disrupted the Nevada Democratic Party’s annual convention, throwing objects at speakers, and forcing the party to have them physically removed.[5]

From what is developing with the Sanders supporters I don’t see a peaceful end to his campaign whether it be at the convention or the general election. I believe that we must be prepared for violence on a large scale. The fire has been lit and will not be put out easily.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Socialist Bernie supporters cheer wildly when SC mayor calls them bunch of radicals and revolutionaries
  2. MSNBC suspends analyst who trashed Bernie supporters as racist white liberals and misfit black girls
  3. Kshama Sawant Bernie Sanders socialist
  4. Sanders names daughter of muslim brotherhood leader as Virginia campaigncochair
  5. Bernie knows exactly what Bernie bros are up to report says campaign

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Sanders has been a convert to communism since his youth.  He gets mad when he’s called a communist, but the end result of socialism is communism.  The proof is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic were communists.  Simple history lesson.  He even stresses the point that he is a Democrat socialist, not just a socialist.  The only difference is a socialist is a pile of crap and a Democrat socialist is a pile of crap with sprinkles.  Sanders hated JFK’s stance on Castro’s takeover of Cuba.  Sanders thought Castro was a hero. Here is his story about that: “But I remember, for some reason, being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba. I was a kid and I remember reading that. And it was just, it seemed right and appropriate the poor people were rising up against rather ugly rich people.

And I remember, again, very distinctly, a very distinct feeling. I was watching the debate, you remember the famous Nixon-Kennedy debate, that was the first time that presidential candidates actually debated. And I was becoming increasingly interested in politics, didn’t know much, but was interested.

I remember sitting in the student lounge in a dormitory watching the debate, and at that time — well, I can’t talk about you, but I was very excited and impressed by the Cuban Revolution.

And there was Kennedy and Nixon talking about which particular method they should use about destroying the revolution. Remember, the irony, as we learned the history later on, Kennedy was saying that Nixon was too soft on communism, to pick up a point that Rick was making, in Cuba.

We should deal firmly with Fidel Castro and Nixon was playing the role of hey, you’ve got to be patient. You know, you can’t do these things, you got to negotiate. When of course, what he was upset about is that secretly they were planning the Bay of Pigs invasion right then.

But for security reasons, he couldn’t come out and say we’re already planning the destruction of the Cuban Revolution, don’t worry about it. So he — he was the liberal and Kennedy was playing the conservative.

Actually, when you read novels, people say there’s a sick feeling in your stomach. Usually I’m sufficiently unemotional not to be sick, but I actually got up in the room and almost left to puke.[1]

I don’t know about you but as a patriot, I find his attitude towards Castro treasonous!  He has even stated that the Venezuelan government under Hugo Chavez was an example of flourishing socialism.  He said: “the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina.” [2] When their economy went south and inflation hit 10,000,000%, literally, he backed away from that claim.  He applauded Greece for voting NOT to curtail government spending, “I applaud the people of Greece for saying ‘no’ to more austerity.” [3] This is typical of a socialist.  Reckless spending with no restraints.

Bernie has touted Sweden as an example of a successful socialist nation depending on the ignorance of his supporters. And they are ignorant! But Sweden is not a socialist nation. Under full socialism, which is what Bernie wants, the government owns all means of production, farms, oil, energy, and manufacturing. Sweden’s government doesn’t own any of that: For years, I’ve heard American leftists say Sweden is proof that socialism works, that it doesn’t have to turn out as badly as the Soviet Union or Cuba or Venezuela did.

But that’s not what Swedish historian Johan Norberg says in a new documentary and Stossel TV video.

“Sweden is not socialist—because the government doesn’t own the means of production. To see that, you have to go to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea,” says Norberg.

“We did have a period in the 1970s and 1980s when we had something that resembled socialism: a big government that taxed and spent heavily. And that’s the period in Swedish history when our economy was going south.”

Per capita GDP fell. Sweden’s growth fell behind other countries. Inflation increased.

Even socialistic Swedes complained about the high taxes.

Astrid Lindgren, author of the popular Pippi Longstocking children’s books, discovered that she was losing money by being popular. She had to pay a tax of 102 percent on any new book she sold.

“She wrote this angry essay about a witch who was mean and vicious—but not as vicious as the Swedish tax authorities,” says Norberg.

Yet even those high taxes did not bring in enough money to fund Sweden’s big welfare state. [4]

Bernie’s stand for socialism is not being well accepted within the ranks of the Democrats.  His praise of Castro has really got the Democrat elites scared.  In Florida, there is a lawsuit to have him removed from the ballot.  A pair of Floridians are asking a court to remove Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic front-runner for president, from the state’s March 17 primary ballot.

Although Sanders is registered as a Democrat with the Federal Election Commission, a lawsuit filed in Leon County asserts he is a political interloper and not a bona fide Democrat.

Sanders, who has spent three decades in the U.S. Capitol, first as a congressman and now as a senator representing Vermont, has steadfastly refused to formally identify as a Democrat, even if he caucuses with the party. [5]

In Mississippi, there are eight Democrats and Independents that have switched to the Republican Party because of the popularity of Bernie Sanders and the probable damage that will happen to those Democrats running for State and local offices. Sensing the sentiment in their state has swung toward the GOP, eight Mississippi political office holders who were either Democrats or Independents have joined the Republican Party.

“We have had a relentless focus on switching conservative Democrats over to the Republican party,” Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Lucien Smith said of the flurry of politicians looking for a safe haven. He added, “They recognize increasingly that there is only one party that represents the conservative values of our state and that is the Republican party,” as WLBT reported.

Mississippi GOP governor Governor Tate Reeves echoed, “We are in a scenario in this country where you can choose to be a member of the party led by Donald J. Trump or you can choose to be a member of the socialist Democratic party led by Bernie Sanders.” [6]

I don’t believe that America is ready to vote a socialist/communist in as President.  If our places of so-called higher education would teach the truth about socialism, we would not have this situation.  Economist Friedrich A. Hayek stated: “If socialists understood economics, they wouldn’t be socialists.”  When we see that Bernie and the rest of the Democrat crowd want the New Green Deal, which all by itself would bankrupt America and cause a depression that would make the Great Depression look like a picnic. Plus, he wants to add free healthcare, education and who knows what else. Even if he taxed every person and business 100%, he couldn’t pay for half of what he is peddling. Are we paying attention?  Will we reject his idiocy?  If he loses the nomination, expect riots in the streets like we’ve never seen. If he can’t win with the vote he’ll try to win with violence, just like Castro and Hitler.  The stage is set.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bernie Sanders JFKs Castro puke flashback video
  2. Flashback: Bernie Sanders once said Venezuela embodied American dream more than US
  3. Bernie Sanders: I applaud the people of Greece
  4. Sweden isn’t socialist
  5. Lawsuit seeks to remove Bernie Sanders from Florida democratic ballot
  6. Age of Trump: eight Mississippi elected officials leave dems independents join GOP

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 1

Roger Anghis

The leading Democrat candidate for president is none other than Bernie Sanders.  A Senator that came out of nowhere in 2016 and gave Hillary a surprising run for her money.  He would have won the nomination if the DNC hadn’t rigged the election for Hillary.  The Clinton camp forcefully dismissed Sanders’s accusation and argued that his attacks had “gotten out of hand.” “As Senator Sanders faces nearly insurmountable odds, he is resorting to baseless accusations of illegal actions and poisoning the well for Democratic candidates up and down the ticket,”Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, said.

Although he eventually campaigned for Clinton after she clinched the nomination, Sanders spent the next several months claiming that the primary system was “rigged” against him, only to be roundly dismissed by party leadership. But according to Donna Brazile, who served as the interim D.N.C. chairwoman after Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s ouster, Sanders’s accusations were hardly baseless. In her new book, Hacks, an excerpt of which was published Thursday by Politico, Brazile says she found concrete “proof” that the Clinton campaign stacked the deck: an August 2015 document outlining the “Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between the D.N.C., the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America” that effectively allowed Clinton to control the D.N.C.’s purse strings.[1]

It is a scary thought that a person that is an avowed communist, and not shy about it, has so much popularity.  But when you look at the state of our so-called places of higher education it is really no surprise.  In a recent article in the Jewish World Review, Walter Williams wrote: A recent Pew Research Center survey finds that only half of American adults think colleges and universities are having a positive effect on our nation.

The leftward political bias, held by faculty members affiliated with the Democratic Party, at most institutions of higher education explains a lot of that disappointment. Professors Mitchell Langbert and Sean Stevens document this bias in “Partisan Registration and Contributions of Faculty in Flagship Colleges.”

Langbert and Stevens conducted a new study of the political affiliation of 12,372 professors in the two leading private and two leading public colleges in 31 states. For party registration, they found a Democratic to Republican (D:R) ratio of 8.5:1, which varied by rank of institution and region. For donations to political candidates (using the Federal Election Commission database), they found a D:R ratio of 95:1, with only 22 Republican donors, compared with 2,081 Democratic donors.

Several consistent findings have emerged from Langbert and Stevens’ study. The ratio of faculty who identify as or are registered as Democratic versus Republican almost always favors the Democratic Party. Democratic professors outnumber their Republican counterparts most in the humanities and social sciences, compared with the natural sciences and engineering. [2]

We see that the Democrat Party no longer supports the American people.  That is obvious by the way they treat illegals better than American citizens.  They are willing to let criminals illegals that have committed rape, robbery, arson, even murder, and other crimes free without bail yet an American citizen has the book thrown at them.  We see that the Constitution means absolutely nothing to them.  It is only a piece of paper that keeps them from doing what they really want to do.  Democratic former Georgia State House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams joined ABC’s “The View” on Monday and suggested America should “jerry-rig the system and go around the Constitution” to drop the Electoral College in favor of a popular vote. Abrams, a former gubernatorial candidate, is a Democrat Party favorite to be their presidential nominee’s running mate. Oprah-endorsed Abrams appeared on The View to discuss the coming election with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar et al. During her appearance, Abrams talks discussed “jerry-rigging the system” but these remarks were cut from the broadcast show. Footage of the comments later surfaced on social media, however.[3]

Now, we can see that the mindset of the Democrat Party is power.  All power and control over all the American population.  And they don’t care how they get it, who gets hurt in the process, or the damage they do to get it.  They complain about Michael Bloomberg ‘buying the election’ when they are promising free higher education, free housing, canceling student debt, free healthcare and who knows what else free they want to give.  They’re doing the same thing Bloomberg is doing.  The difference is Bloomberg is using his own money and the rest of them are buying the election with your money.

Sanders endorses all the free stuff and that is why Bernie Sanders is so popular. Free everything, no rules except what the left wants to make and enforce.  Sanders has always leaned to the left.  Way to the left.  He’s also always been really lazy.  He never held a job until he won an election at the age of 40.  Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.

“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. [4]  I’ve noticed that people who have no ambition and that are lazy always complain about how the rich are always ‘ripping everybody off’.

So, here’s a guy who just like Marx has never accomplished anything trying to tell us how things need to be done even though all of history proves the system he touts has failed 100% of the time.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Donna Brazile, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders
  2. Ive been a professor for decades these institutions pose threats on several fronts
  3. Stacey Abrams: we should jerry rig system go around constitution for popular vote
  4. Bernie Sanders didn’t make paycheck until he turned 40

Democrats’ Attempt To Remove Trump Is Not Over, Part 4

Roger Anghis

I have stated for several years now that the things the Democrats are always accusing the Republicans of doing, they themselves are guilty of.  They accused Trump of colluding with the Russians to influence the election and then we found out that Hillary and the Democratic National Committee actually paid for the Russian dossier. Adam Schiff accused Trump of abusing power but the Democrat party began an impeachment trial without taking a vote to do so, which is required under our Constitution, and then during the process he had witnesses that only collaborated with his side refusing Trump witnesses and never allowed Trump’s attorney’s into the meeting, denying Trump due process which also violated our Constitution.

If those actions are not an obvious abuse of power, then we are all blind.  Throughout the inquiry, North Country Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-Schuylerville) has repeatedly echoed the president’s assertions that he sought the investigations to address corruption.

She has also argued there was “no quid pro quo” since the aid to Ukraine was released and no investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter resulted. 

Stefanik spokeswoman Madison Anderson pointed to a tweet from the congresswoman as her statement on the articles.

“The impeachment obsessed Democrats are determined to overturn the 2016 election & ignore the vote of the American People,” Stefanik wrote.

“The partisan Articles include abuse of power & obstruction of Congress.

But it is Adam Schiff who has repeatedly abused his power & obstructed Congress.” [1]

As they will be doing until the end of Trump’s second term Pelosi made a statement after the STOU speech, which is a perfect example of them accusing conservatives of doing the wrong they are doing.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Trump “looked a little sedated” ahead of his State of the Union Address.

Pelosi, a California Democrat, suggested on Thursday that she moved to “extend a hand of friendship,” ahead of the Monday speech in part because she was concerned about the president’s demeanor.

“It was also an act of kindness because he looked to me like he was a little sedated,” Pelosi told reporters. She added, “He looked that way last year too.”

It’s not the first time Trump’s detractors have accused him of being under the influence of some kind of drug. Obama White House spokesman Josh Earnest once said Trump “snorted his way” through some of the debates during his 2016 campaign. Ernest later said he was joking.

Pelosi did not qualify her remarks about Trump’s state of mind during his Tuesday night address to Congress.[2]

We all have to question the mental stability of Nancy Pelosi. In a news conference concerning the impeachment, you can see that Speaker Pelosi has problems of her own that she is not willing to address. This is not the video out there that makes one wonder about her mental stability.  In this video, she mumbles and stumbles over virtually every word she tries to speak out.[3]

Now, they are pushing for some kind of an action because Trump commented on the excessive sentence for Roger Stone.  He is working on these kinds of outrageous sentences for very minor offenses. When he tweeted about it, it caused a firestorm among liberals that he was trying to influence the DOJ’s sentencing process.  There has been called a special meeting of the Federal Judges Association because of Trump’s supposed interference in ‘politically sensitive’ cases.  Just weeks after President Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate of bogus partisan impeachment charges by the House of Representatives, a group of federal judges will hold an ’emergency meeting’ on Tuesday.  The judges will meet to discuss the intervention by Attorney General William Barr against the abusive proposed sentence for Roger Stone and the criticism by President Trump of the proposed sentence and the federal judge overseeing the case, Judge Amy Berman Jackson, as well as other actions by Barr and Trump regarding ‘politically sensitive’ cases before the judiciary.

The emergency meeting will be held via conference call with officers and members of the executive committee of the 1,100 member Federal Judges Association because, association president Judge Cynthia Rufe (a Bush 43 appointee) said, “We just could not wait until April to discuss matters of this importance.” The judges’ annual meeting is set for April 18-19 in Denver.

Judge Cynthia Rufe, screen image via YouTube, September 23, 2014.

The meeting comes on the heels of a letter signed by over 1,000 former Justice Department Deep State operatives calling on Barr to resign for overruling the punitive sentence of 7-9 years in prison proposed by federal prosecutors for Stone. The four prosecutors in the case resigned in protest over Barr’s intervention.

Judge Jackson will preside over a phone hearing in the Stone case on Tuesday. Stone has asked for a new trial after it was reported last week the foreman of the jury that convicted him is a virulent anti-Trump Democrat who posted about Stone’s case.[4]

Just like impeaching Trump needed to be done immediately but then it took 28 days to get it to the Senate, the day they were to have this ‘emergency’ meeting it was canceled without any explanation.[5]

As I stated at the beginning of this series, the Democrats are going to do anything they can to remove Trump. They won’t stop. Be looking for any off the wall reason. This is why we need to keep him held up in prayer. The 2020 election is a choice between socialism and freedom. Don’t forget that in November.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Schiff abused power
  2. Pelosi suggests Trump was drugged up for his state-of-union address
  4. Deep state revolt: Federal Judges to hold emergency meeting over Barr and Trump
  5. Federal judges Trump Barr meeting

Democrats’ Attempt To Remove Trump Not Over, Part 3

Roger Anghis

The Democrats will not stop until they are pulled from power or until they remove Trump from office. When the Republicans retake the majority in the House this fall all this will stop but the Democrats will have other plans up their sleeve to try to force Trump from office.

I believe that the Democrats are really stupid in their quest to remove Trump.  The plans they have laid out are very detailed and require an enormous amount of cooperation from an enormous amount of people so in that sense they are very smart.  But the reality of it is they’ve spent millions on trying to dig dirt on him only to expose the dirt on themselves. This will not bode well for them in the end. They’ve pulled out all the stops in hopes that they’ll be successful and then all that has been exposed about them will simply go away.  But the likelihood of them being successful is so remote that they would be better off trying to prove unicorns actually exist. After all, they’ve spent at least $45 million between the Mueller Report and the impeachment investigation and found nothing he did wrong. They’ve gone too far to stop.

In January of this year a psyco, er, excuse me, a ‘psychiatrist’ called for a mental health hold on Trump after he, wait for it, ordered a drone strike n a military leader that has maimed thousands of Americans and killed about 600.  Now that’s really something that we need a mental health exam for, killing our enemies.  This proves that they are just grasping at straws, but they forgot they outlawed straws. A Yale psychiatrist who has warned of the dangers of President Donald Trump’s mental health for years urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to request a mental health hold of the president after he ordered a drone strike that killed a top Iranian general.

Bandy X. Lee, a professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, founded the World Mental Health Coalition after convening a conference at Yale on the president’s mental health. She is the editor of the book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President” and more recently was joined by psychiatrists at universities around the U.S. in calling for the House of Representatives to convene a panel of mental health experts to weigh in on the president’s impeachment proceedings.

Lee recently told Salon that Pelosi has not done enough to respond to the president.

“As a co-worker, she has the right to have him submit to an involuntary evaluation, but she has not,” she said. “I am beginning to believe that a mental health hold, which we have tried to avoid, will become inevitable.”

Lee told Salon this week that the president’s decision to order the drone killing of a top Iranian general was further evidence that Pelosi should do more to rein in Trump. The Pentagon said on Thursday that Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and widely considered the second-most powerful official in Iran. Democrats quickly warned that the escalation threatens to plunge the U.S. into a full-blown war with Iran.[1] I think this ‘psychiatrist needs the evaluation more than Trump does.

I was not aware that defeating your enemies was grounds for the need for a mental health review.  Of course, Democrats would never treat our enemies that way.  Obama gave Solimani a pass, but then Obama was muslim and sided with his ‘brothers’.  Obama also gave Iran not just a pathway to a nuclear bomb but gave them $150 billion to help fund it and their world-wide terrorism.  That’s what Democrats do.  They make Americans pay for their education and healthcare but demand that people that cross our southern border illegally get theirs free.  Remember, no one is above the law except illegals that vote Democrat and Democrats that break the law.

Earlier this year Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson were on a phone call and Trump abruptly stopped the call when Boris refused to follow Trump’s advice on not allowing Huawei to develop their 5G network. Trump had a good reason. Huawei has stabbed us in the back.  They are technology thieves and they could create problems for us in Britain.  There Trump goes again, looking out for America’s best interests, something the Democrats absolutely can’t stand.  The prime minister had been one of Trump’s few close international allies, with the president labeling Johnson “fantastic,” a “good man,” and “Britain Trump.”

Relations broke down in recent weeks, however, following a series of high-profile threats from Trump and a series of pointed interventions against Trump by Johnson and senior members of his government.

The call last month, which one source described to the Financial Times as “very difficult,” came after Johnson defied Trump and allowed the Chinese telecom company Huawei the rights to develop the UK’s 5G network.

Johnson backed Huawei despite multiple threats by Trump and his allies that the US would withdraw security cooperation with the UK if the deal went ahead. The US fears that Huawei’s technology could have backdoors for the Chinese government.

Trump’s threats reportedly “irritated” the UK government, with Johnson frustrated at the president’s failure to suggest any alternatives.

Following the call, US Vice President Mike Pence said the Trump administration had made its disappointment with the UK “very clear to them.” [2]

With the hatred that is in the Democrat Party for anything Trump, we will continue to see them barking up every tree until November.  The latest act of pure idiocy was his tweet about the outrageous sentence for Roger Stone.  Nine years for doing what Comey, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton and many others have done and are walking around free as a bird.  Mr. Trump has also been hit by an unexpected rebuke from his attorney general over the Roger Stone case, with William Barr saying he will not be “bullied” and that the president’s tweeting about an active case makes it difficult for him to do his job.

However, the public rebuttal was a move that ex-Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele warned was “carefully staged” to appease disgruntled Justice Department prosecutors.

Meanwhile, a new book on Mr. Trump,​ Sinking in the Swamp, offers the bizarre detail that the president nurtures an obsession with badgers, regularly plaguing his first chief of staff Reince Preibus with questions about the animals and their characteristics. [3]

The attack is real and will not stop. Trump needs our prayers daily to protect him. So far everything they’ve tried to nail him on it has been proven that they themselves are guilty of. He is a strong man and I believe that God put him there for such a time as this. He’s a street fighter and that’s just what we need, that’s just what we got.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Yale psychiatrist urges Pelosi request 72 hour mental health hold on Trump after Iran attack
  2. Boris Johnson cancelled planned trip
  3. Trump news live president threatens

Democrats’ Attempt To Remove Trump Not Over, Part 2

Roger Anghis

The Democrats have been laying this foundation for a case against Trump for a while.  I’m sure that they even have another ‘insurance’ scheme in the works as we speak when this attempt to remove him because of ‘mental instability’ fails.

As I documented last week, mainstream media is helping with this cause by publishing articles that reference Trump’s mental state. Though they are so far off base with their opinions they are attempting to show a pattern of instability so they have a reason to execute section 4 of the 25th Amendment: President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President.[1]

Pelosi continues to make comments that make its way into the print of the mainstream media that references Trump’s so-called unstable mental condition.  On May 23, 2019, she told a press conference: “Let me be very clear: the president’s behavior, as far as his obstruction of justice, the things that he is doing, it’s in plain sight, it cannot be denied — ignoring subpoenas, obstruction of justice,” Pelosi told reporters at her weekly press conference Thursday following the closed-door meeting.

But she continued to stress a focus on process. “I do think that impeachment is a very divisive place to go in our country,” she said. “Get the facts to the American people in our investigation … it may take us to a place that is unavoidable in terms of impeachment, but we’re not at that place.”

Thirty-two members of the House Democratic caucus have so far voiced support for opening an impeachment inquiry against Trump, many of whom came out in support of such a strategy just this week.[2]

She went on to discuss went on a Trump had a ‘temper tantrum’ and ‘stormed’ out of the meeting.  She also failed to mention that the reason he left the meeting was because she had told him that there would be no funding for the wall.  Hard to provide for national security at the border when the only effective means, a wall, Congress refuses to fund.  The president later cut short a previously scheduled White House visit with Democratic leaders including Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., that had been planned to discuss infrastructure policy.

Pelosi said Thursday that the president pulled a “stunt” at the White House on Wednesday and “stormed out” of the room, throwing “another temper tantrum again.”

“I pray for the president of the United States,” she told reporters. “I wish that his family or his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country.”[3] Notice she brought ‘intervention for the good of the country’.  This is another subtle mention of her opinion of his mental state.  All false and only done to give credence to a later charge of not being able to execute the office.  This event was also carried by Politico[4] another outstanding news provider in the gutter just like the New York Times.

Then on December 5, 2019, a group of so-called ‘psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals’ petitioned the House Judiciary with a letter signed by over a dozen of these psychiatrist wanna-be’s that they had grave concerns about the president’s mental health.  My guess is if you checked their party affiliation, they’re all democrats.  Keep in mind this all happened without a single one doing an actual required analysis, not one.  We believe there are important mental health issues that need to be understood and addressed with regard to the president, who we believe poses unique dangers to the country and the world.  Our concerns transcend politics and are brought forward in accordance with the American Psychiatric Association’s ethical guidelines for our profession “to serve society by advising and consulting with the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of the government” (Section 7.1), as we “recognize a responsibility to participate in activities contributing to the improvement of the community and the betterment of public health” (Section 7).

A group of us first outlined our concerns at a conference at Yale School of Medicine in April 2017, when the majority of the public believed the president was “settling in.”  This was followed by a public-service book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, which many say predicted the course of this presidency.  Thousands of others joined us to form a professional association known as the World Mental Health Coalition.

In March of this year, top experts from 13 different fields joined us at the National Press Club with the unanimous conclusion that the president was unfit from each of their perspectives.  Our mental capacity evaluation, based on a standard procedure using extensive coworkers’ and associates’ reports in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, showed that the president lacked the ability to make rational decisions.  These are some of the reasons why we believe our perspective is important for the impeachment proceedings.[5]

Then on December 17, 2019, another brick in the foundation for removal via the 25th Amendment is put in place when the Inquisitr published an article about a letter Trump wrote to Pelosi concerning her attack on American democracy, which is exactly what the bogus impeachment was.  The letter was called “deranged, unhinged and insane”.  The day before the House of Representatives is set to vote on two articles of impeachment against him, Donald Trump fired off what the host of one popular political podcast called a “deranged, unhinged” six-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Shortly after the document — which was also described as “insane” by New York Magazine — was released to the public, the phrase “25th Amendment” started to trend on Twitter.

The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution gives Congress — or even the president’s cabinet members, in some cases — the authority to strip a president of his power in the event that he is deemed physically or mentally unfit to hold office. In such cases, the vice president immediately assumes the role of president, at least until the commander-in-chief is once again deemed fit.

But the bizarre letter to Pelosi — in which Trump accuses the speaker of “declaring open war on American Democracy” — has again raised questions about whether he has the mental competence to hold the nation’s highest office.

“Trump’s deranged, unhinged letter makes a pretty compelling case that the President is unfit for office,” wrote Pod Save America host and former Barack Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau on his Twitter account.[6]

I’m sure that you can see just how Pelosi, one of the most crooked politicians in Washington, has been laying this groundwork for what she hopes to be the death knell for the Trump presidency.  I believe she will be shocked at just how this will backfire on the Democrats.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 25th amendment
  2. Pelosi: Trump wants be impeached
  3. Pelosi: Trump wants be impeached
  4. Nancy Pelosi Trump intervention
  5. Petition to the judiciary committee
  6. Donald Trump impeachment letter 25th amendment

Democrats’ Attempt To Remove Trump Is Not Over

Roger Anghis

If you think the Democrats are done in their attempt to remove Trump, think again.  You have to remember that they must keep secret the deep corruption that they have been involved in for the last seventy-plus years. They are desperate because many of the top politicians have had their unqualified kids working for vast sums of money for corrupt Ukraine companies. Even Schiff, Mueller and Clinton have their hands in the cookie jar.

Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, Soros, Brennan, McMaster, Obama and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals. No wonder they wanted to impeach President Trump!

Mitt Romney’s top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $83,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US.

Romney’s adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, trained for covert operations and eventually became the director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, perpetrated by al-Qaeda, Black was appointed ambassador at large and coordinator for counterterrorism in December 2002 by President George W. Bush. John Brennan succeeded Black in his job as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Cofer Black left the CIA in 2006 to join Blackwater, the huge contractor for services related to military and intelligence action, where he served as Vice Chairman until 2008.

It appears that Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Clinton, Mueller and Schiff all have ties to Ukrainian firms.

An Obama State Department staffer also testified he complained about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine deal in 2015 & Biden’s staff “blew him off.” [1]

If you’ve ever questioned how a person on a salary of $174,000 a year can amass tens of millions over a short period of time, this is how.

Now, it is easy to understand why these political elites are so adamant about removing Trump.  He’s about to fully expose their corruption.  Remember Hillary coming unglued in the 2016 campaign and threatening her staff?  “Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of the assistant, and the screaming started.

She was in a full meltdown and no one on her staff dared speak with her — she went kind of manic and did not have any control over herself at that point. How these people work with this woman is amazing to me. She really didn’t seem to care who heard any of it.

You really had to see this to believe it. She came apart — literally unglued. She is the most foul-mouthed woman I’ve ever heard. And that voice at screech level — awful!

She screamed she’d get that f*****g Lauer fired for this. Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said, ‘If that f*****g bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished, and if I lose, it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.’ [2]

It goes without saying that Hillary probably has more to lose and has more skeletons in her and Bill’s closet than most politicians, but there are many who are terrified of being exposed.  Remember the sexual harassment fund they’ve had since the 1990s? On Thursday, the Office of Compliance released additional information indicating that it has paid victims more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s. That includes all settlements, not just related to sexual harassment, but also discrimination and other cases.

An OOC spokeswoman said the office was releasing the extra data “due to the interest in the awards and settlement figures.” The OOC has come under fire in recent days for what lawmakers and Hill aides alike say are its antiquated policies that do not adequately protect victims who file complaints.

CNN has also learned that during the current Congress, no settlement payment approval requests have been made to the congressional committee charged with approving them. [3]

I have brought up all this to remind you that the Democrats are not going to stop as long as they have a little power.  They control the house and can pursue impeachment again if they can come up with anything that might stick.  Anything.  There are rumblings about his comment on the nine-year sentence for Roger Stone.  Murderers get lighter sentences and Trump just brought that to light as well as the fact that Comey, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein and many others that lied to Congress too and they are still free.  AG Barr reviewed this outrageous sentence and will have it revised.  That’s his right and his job.

Now we have a situation that a good friend of mine brought to my attention where Pelosi has been laying the groundwork for that I’m sure will bring impeachment back into the limelight before the election.  Remember, they have to win this election!  If they don’t Hillary’s declaration that they’ll all hang will probably manifest.

If we go back to April of 2015 we see the beginning of a ‘defense’ from the democrats concerning the mental stability of President Trump.  The Democrats have been working this angle for the last four years.  Not really open with it but enough to have a form of documentation to fall back on.  On the 15th of April 2015 an article was printed in the Buffalo News that questioned Trump’s mental stability: Paul Ryan, the spineless, now lame-duck, speaker of the House, says he wants to spend more time with his wife and three children in Wisconsin. Ryan is worried about them, the Republican indicated. OK. My late wife and I raised three children who produced 10 grandchildren in all. I am worried about their physical welfare.

You should worry about your kids, too, because of the behavior of President Trump. Last week, he proved beyond any question that he is not only “unfit” to be president – a sly term used by unprincipled Democrats around here – but a real and present danger to the world. A fancy term is an existential danger. Trump is not only unstable, but he is no longer accountable even to himself.

It is arguable that we cannot wait until next January, when a Democratic House might replace the current Republican one – a body that would consider impeaching the president, separating Trump from his office and the nuclear football that follows him down to the golf course at his Florida retreat.

Trump proved that he treats the possibility of a hydrogen holocaust as though he were nudging a pinball machine in the corner of the neighborhood bodega, or working a children’s video war game. [4]

The article went on to say: One doesn’t need to be a health professional to recognize that Trump is saying, and perhaps ordering things, that are divorced from reality – statements that blame Russia’s murderous invasions of Georgia (2008) and Ukraine (2014) on Robert Mueller and warn of imminent missile strikes on Syria that may never come. Mueller was appointed only last May 17. [5]

Then in September of 2018, an op-ed was published in the New York Times discussing Trump’s erratic behavior and instability.  This op-ed was supposed to come out of the White House but with the New York Times reputation, it is very doubtful. The column, written by a senior White House official, describes the “resistance” working within the Trump administration to minimize potential damage wrought by Trump’s “petty and ineffective” leadership style.

The op-ed takes swings at the president, describing his tendency toward erratic behavior and “instability.” The author even says that Trump’s innermost circle, the members of his Cabinet, had debated in the early days of the administration whether to invoke the 25th Amendment, which would have jump-started the process of removing a president from office because he is seen as unfit to govern.

“The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” the author writes. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.” [6]

It is obvious this is another one of their ‘insurance programs’ and when this fails, there will be another.  Our President must have our prayers and we must be sure to not just vote but take as many to the polls that we can,  It isn’t Democrat vs Republican, it’s freedom vs tyranny.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Romney Kerry Biden McCain Pelosi Schiff Mueller Clinton are tied to sketchy Ukraine deals
  3. Settlements congress sexual harassment
  4. Douglas Turner time to enact the 25th amendment
  5. Douglas Turner time to enact the 25th amendment
  6. Nancy Pelosi guessed Mike Pence was writer anonymous op-ed

America’s Politics Can’t Seem To Stop Self-Destructing

Roger Anghis

In all my years I have never seen such an outright hatred for a man that ran on promises and is keeping those promises.  I have rarely seen a politician keep the promises he made during a campaign.  Remember George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama all promised to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  None even attempted.  Donald Trump said he would, and he did!  He caught hell for it too.  He didn’t care.  He knew that’s where it belonged, in the capital of Israel.

He promised to bring jobs back to America that both Parties allowed to go overseas.  He’s brought them back.  He promised to redo the horrible trade deals both Parties allowed to be put in place that stuck it to the American worker, the American farmer, American factories and anything else American.  All of the previous presidents since Ronald Reagan have been America, last presidents.  They have been all globalists and refused to do anything about the open southern border.  The Bush’s have not been the best friend to the American people.  They have always been for open borders, no matter the negative effect on the American people and the American worker. I’ve stated for years that our political system is nothing more than a two-headed snake.  America keeps going in the wrong direction no matter which Party is in power. “If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.” George H.W. Bush to journalist Sarah McClendon [1]

We are a nation that was established as a republic governed by a Constitution.   Both Parties have done a good job of ignoring the statutes of this magnificent document.  I would say the Democrats have been more of an enemy to it than the Republicans, but both are guilty.  After 911 they gave us ‘The Patriot Act’.  Great sounding name but it allows them to violate our Constitutional rights on several levels:  There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

You think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden says it’s worse than you know.

Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law as early as Thursday. Wyden (D-Oregon) says that powers they grant the government on their face, the government applies a far broader legal interpretation — an interpretation that the government has conveniently classified, so it cannot be publicly assessed or challenged. But one prominent Patriot-watcher asserts that the secret interpretation empowers the government to deploy ”dragnets” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.

“We’re getting to a gap between what the public thinks the law says and what the American government secretly thinks the law says,” Wyden told Danger Room in an interview in his Senate office. “When you’ve got that kind of a gap, you’re going to have a problem on your hands.”[2]

Democrats, I believe, actually hate America and its Constitution because it is a document that limits the government to the will of the people even though they have overreached their boundaries on countless occasions, Welfare, Department of Education, Medicaid, Medicare and I could go on and on.  Why have they done this?  Because we let them.  We have not held their feet to the fire.  Thomas Jefferson warned about government consolidating.  It has always ended badly for the people.  He stated: “The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body … working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one. Notice that he warns that it will be the judiciary that accomplishes this.  He was not a big fan of the courts because he knew that they had the ability, if not corralled, to slowly become the most powerful branch when the Founders intended it to be the weakest.  He also stated: “The Constitution … is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary which they may twist and shape into any form they please.”  Have we not seen this with abortion?  Even lower district courts have overridden President Trump on national security.[3]  These have been ultimately gone to the Supreme Court and Trump won but the liberals are always trying to take a power that is solely for the Executive Branch and give it to another branch.

We have seen numerous times a court order to stop the funding for the border wall.[4] Where does a District Judge think he has the right to override the Presidents decision on national security?  Even when the President banned immigration from muslin nations that breed terrorism a federal judge thought he had the authority to stop the ban.[5] This judge, an Obama appointee, could only have been making his decision according to his ideology and not our Constitution.  Fortunately, this idiocy was overruled by the Supreme Court.[6]

The hatred for our President is not like anything that I’ve seen in my almost three-quarters of a century.  They began calling for impeachment from the day he won the election in 2016.  There were no grounds for this action. Even when the made-up allegations that clearly proved the attempt to remove him were false they tried something else.  There was the Steel dossier, paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, the Mueller Report provided nothing, then they piledrove an impeachment through the House and then Schumer cried about the Senate refusing to bring in witnesses and documents that the House wouldn’t do.  All the Senate was to do was evaluate the information acquired by the House to determine if Trump was guilty or not.  The House failed miserably. The Senate did what they were supposed to do with the information they were given and again the Democrats, without any Republican support, attempted to remove a duly elected official because they were upset that he won and they didn’t.

Our Constitution means nothing to Democrats and is not supported enough by the Republicans.  Ben Franklin was asked what type of government was decided on and his response was “A republic if you can keep it.” If we don’t follow the platform we were given and was the most successful ever devised by man, then we will only be a footnote in history.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  3. Trump immigration order intent questioned in appeals court
  4. Judge halts 36 billion diverted from military construction projects for border wall
  5. Trump travel ban Maryland judge blocks
  6. USA top court backs Trump on travel ban targeting muslim majority nations

The Illusions of the Left

Roger Anghis

The left has been in a complete tizzy ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 election.  I don’t think any of us has ever seen such a violent reaction to an American election. Remember that Hillary stated that the right is violent and to expect us to riot when we lose.  I’m not too sure where she came up with that as we lost the 2008 and 2012 elections and didn’t burn any cars or ransack any businesses.  We accepted the loss, even though it was because of massive voter fraud, and went on our way like grownups.

Well, what happened was just the opposite.  Democrats lost and they went absolutely nuts!  I believe that a lot of the hatred that comes from the left is rooted in the idiotic decision in the late 1980s to no longer have winners and losers where competition is involved in schools. Everybody gets a participation trophy. They did this because they didn’t want to hurt a student’s self-esteem if they lost.  They seemed to have forgotten that in real life there are winners and there are losers.  Our schools are supposed to teach our kids how to handle life.  They have failed our kids miserably.

In this alleged impeachment of Donald Trump, we saw the Democrats do everything they could to remove a sitting president.  They didn’t care if what they did was legal or not.  There are procedures that must be followed, laws that must be obeyed and rights that cannot be violated.  All these were ignored by the Democrats.  We have a thing called due process.  The Founders gave us this because under British rule you never knew what laws were in place.

The Democrats had seventeen witnesses they brought in. Trump was allowed none! Trump’s legal team was not allowed in the proceedings.  Trump’s legal team was never given an opportunity to cross-examine any of the witnesses.  This is not due process, this is a dictatorship and Adam Schiff was the dictator.  He made up his own rules and he even made up the conversation that Trump had with Ukrainian President Zelensky:  Adam Schiff said that he did not regret embellishing a transcript of the call between President Trump and Ukrainian leaders during the early days of the impeachment investigation.

Schiff, 49, previously admitted to making up a dramatized version of the call between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Trump that he claimed was “meant to be at least part in parody.” [1]

I believe that Schiff never believed that Trump would release a transcript of that conversation and was held to task when it was released.  It was only then that he made the comment about it being in part a parody. Even Nancy Pelosi stated that there would not be an impeachment unless it was bipartisan.  Not one Republican voted for it.  And as far as rules go, it was required that the House vote as to whether they would begin an impeachment inquiry. No vote was ever taken. Pelosi simply announced that they were beginning the inquiry.  That action, in a real court of law, would render any conclusion from the inquiry unconstitutional.

They pushed this through because, for them. it was paramount that Trump is removed as soon as possible for national security reasons.  One part of the articles of impeachment even had a provision that Trumps would not be able to have his name on the ballot of any state this November! You have to ask the question: “What are they so afraid of that they must remove Trump as soon as possible?” I believe that they are afraid that he will expose the Democrats primarily, and some Republicans and the corruption they are all involved in.

Ukraine seems to be a place for a lot of under the table shenanigans for members of both parties.  Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, Soros, Brennan, McMaster, Obama and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals. No wonder they wanted to impeach President Trump!

Mitt Romney’s top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board. Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $50,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US.

It appears that Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Clinton, Mueller and Schiff all have ties to Ukrainian firms. VP Biden bragged on camera that he was able to force the former Ukraine President to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, Hunter, by threatening to withhold $1 BILLION in US loans from Ukraine – all with approval from Obama!

An Obama State Department staffer also testified he complained about Hunter Biden’s Ukraine deal in 2015 & Biden’s staff “blew him off.”

While Communist China ran $1.5 BILLION through the Biden/Heinz private equity firm to purchase US companies with military ties, John Kerry, as Secretary of State, approved questionable acquisitions that threatened national security, but enriched his family and friends. Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partner stole American nuclear technology & accepted a plea deal 2 weeks before Trump took office! Hunter Biden received $700,000 from a company that held a 20% stake in a Chinese private equity firm with close ties to the Bank of China.

Kurt Volker, who served as the U.S. Ambassador to NATO under Obama, and was just fired from the Trump White House as special envoy to Ukraine, is the executive director of the John McCain Institute. McCain’s wife says it’s mean for Trump to question the Biden family’s corruption in China & Ukraine: “I think Joe’s a lovely man.” Kurt Volker testified that Adam Schiff privately pushed him to frame Trump but he refused to do it. [2]

I think that what we are seeing in Ukraine is just a tip of the iceberg concerning the corruption that is being exposed by Trump.  It is obvious that it went all the way to Obama because he authorized the illegal spying on Trump.  If we don’t stop the corruption the left will do everything they can to take back power.  You see what they are willing to do to a president just imagine what they will do to the general population.  Look at the actions of the government in Virginia, gun confiscation and they’re willing to cut the power and internet and more to enable him to confiscate guns: The Governor of Virginia has allegedly ordered a small cadre of staffers to begin the process for determining how to cut off electricity, telephones/ FAXES, Cellular phones AND DATA, as well as the Internet, in areas where he plans to send Virginia National Guard Troops to forcibly seize guns when the Democrat legislature convenes in January!

The order was allegedly given to a very small and trusted group of staffers, some of whom it turns out,  do not agree (at all) with this idea. [3]

The left is really after you, Trump is just in the way.  By the way, Trump stated that there would be NO gun confiscation while he is president. Remember that in November.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Schiff says he has no regrets embellishing Trump phone call with Ukraine
  2. Romney Kerry Biden McCain Pelosi Schiff Mueller Clinton are tied to sketchy Ukraine deals
  3. Virginia governor reportedly orders plans to cut electric phones internet for gun confiscations

Democrats – The Party of No Values

Roger Anghis

As we have begun the impeachment process in the Senate it would behoove Americans to understand just how partisan, as well as corrupt, the Democrat Party has become.  I’m not saying that there are not corrupt Republicans because there are and have been such as Senator John McCain for example but the Democrat Party has, almost as a whole, embraced the corruption that we have historically seen in the administrations of despots and dictators.

The so-called impeachment process that the House just went through that did not allow the President any form of defense, did not allow any witnesses and was basically denied any form of due process, is nothing more than a sham and something we would expect from Putin, not the American Congress.

Now, we have Senator Chuck Schumer demanding that the senate allow more witnesses and more documents.  All that was supposed to occur in the House’s segment of this process.  The Senate is supposed to evaluate the information the House established.  There is only one reason the Democrats are demanding more witnesses and documentation is because they don’t have a case, period.  This is the way the Democrats work.  They lie, cheat and steal to get what they want.  Almost sounds like they took part of islam’s playbook.

I want to make the case that the impeachment process should be a fair and truthful process but what we have seen is anything but fair and is one of the most underhanded attempts at a coup this nation has ever seen.  These Democrats feel that Trumps questioning of Ukraine’s president is unconstitutional because he asked to check into the affairs of a Democrat opponent but the Democrats that are running against Trump will be voting to impeach him and he is their opponent.  How can that be constitutional?  This is where their double stand plays to their favor.  They can do an unconstitutional maneuver but their opponent can’t even do what he is legally allowed AND required by law to do.

Going into the Senate’s part of the process there needs to be impartial participants that can make their decision based on the evidence presented by the House Managers.  What we are seeing is far from impartial.  Virtually every member of the Democrat Senate has already made up their mind as to how they will vote.  Their minds were made up the day after the election in November 2016.

Below is a segment pulled from an article in the ArkansasGOPwingblogspot.  What you will see is that the Democrats have already made their minds up no matter what evidence is presented.  IF they are presupposed in this matter, they should be recused because there vote will not be fair in any way.  But Democrats are NOT concerned with fair, they are concerned with regaining power in any way they can.

Multiple Democrat Senators, Including Some Who Are Running For President, Have Already Announced They ‘Will Vote To Convict’ The President In A Senate Impeachment Trial

CNN’S LARRY KING: “How can you judge a trial in which you have already stated an opinion or have an opinion? You wouldn’t be — you’d be thrown off a jury in any court in America, right?”

MSNBC’s HALLIE JACKSON: “So there is a possibility you’ll vote to acquit him? You could maybe vote to acquit him is what I hear you saying.”

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): “No, that is not what I’m saying at all, Hallie. What we have on one side is all of the factual evidence on the House side that led to the articles of impeachment. We have that…. So we have all the factual evidence. What I want to hear from the president is, what are his defenses? Does he have an explanation that exonerates him? Short of that, I’m going to vote on the basis of the facts. And the facts are that he committed an impeachable act and I will vote to convict him.” (MSNBC’s “MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson,” 12/19/2019)

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): “Trump’s actions threaten our democracy. But the greater threat would be if America became a place where such misdeeds went unpunished. Fortunately, our Constitution tells us in no uncertain terms that the president’s actions deserve the strongest penalty Congress can provide — removal from office. If the rule of law means anything, we must follow its command.” (Sen. Blumenthal, Op-Ed, “Yes, Trump Is Guilty Of Bribery,” The Washington Post, 12/03/2019)

MSNBC’s KATY TUR: “If the vote was put to you today, I know this is an ‘if,’ to convict the president in the Senate and remove him from office would you be voting yes?” SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA): “Yes, based on everything I’ve seen. Yes…. The main subject of the impeachment, which is the issue of yet again, Donald Trump eliciting help from a foreign government to interfere in our election of our president of the United States. In this case, we’ve basically got a confession.  We’ve got a display of consciousness of guilt and attempt to cover up…. But based on everything we know, including an admission by this president, I don’t know that it leads in any other direction except to vote yes, which is what I believe I will do based on everything I know.” (MSNBC’s “MSNBC Live,” 10/07/2019)

  • CNN’s ANDERSON COOPER: “Senator Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that members of Congress have to be, in her words, fair to the president and give him a chance to exonerate himself. You’ve already said that based on everything you’ve seen, you would vote to remove him from office. Is that being fair to the president?”

    HARRIS: “Well, it’s just being observant, because he has committed crimes in plain sight. I mean, it’s shocking, but he told us who he was…. And so Congress must act. But the reality of it is that I don’t really think this impeachment process is going to take very long, because as a former prosecutor, I know a confession when I see it. And he did it in plain sight. He has given us the evidence…. Donald Trump needs to be held accountable. He is, indeed, the most corrupt and unpatriotic president we have ever had.” (Democratic Presidential Debate, Westerville, OH, 10/15/2019)

  • SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), Presidential Candidate: “I think the evidence is clear. When Donald Trump released the transcript in which he solicited a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 elections, he broke the law and he did that in context of already having interfered with an investigation into the 2016 elections and Russia being invited to interfere in our elections… He’s made it clear that the law doesn’t apply to him and the point of the federal government is to put whatever resources at his disposal to protect himself politically and financially. That is not the case… What he has done is an impeachable offense, and he should be impeached.” (“Elizabeth Warren Says She’s Seen Enough Evidence To Convict Trump In Senate Impeachment Trial,” Washington Examiner, 10/4/2019)

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN), Presidential Candidate: “At this point, I don’t see that. But I’m someone that wants to look at every single count. I have made very clear I think this is impeachable conduct.” (CNN’s “State of the Union,” 12/01/2019)

SEN. MICHAEL BENNET (D-CO), Presidential Candidate: “If there is no evidence that’s contrary to the evidence we’ve already heard in the House and the president continues to obstruct and continues to stonewall the legitimate questions that Congress has had, that I’m likely to vote to convict…. If the facts change from where they are today, I could change my mind about that. But that’s where I am today.” (“Sen. Michael Bennet: If The Evidence Heard In House Impeachment Hearings Isn’t Refuted, ‘I’m Likely To Vote To Convict,’” Colorado Public Radio, 12/18/2019) [1]

This is corruption at its best. They don’t even hide it. This is what the Democrat Party has become. Power at all costs even if the whole nation suffers in the process. They don’t just want power and control; they demand power and control.  If they’ll do this to a duly elected president, what will they be willing to do to you?  Remember this in November.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:



Let the Impeachment Circus Begin

By Roger Anghis

For the last several months, three years to be exact, we have seen the Democrat Party attack president Trump in a wild attempt to impeach him. The plans to impeach began as early as the evening he was elected. Mad Maxine Waters began calling for impeachment the day after he was elected. That war cry has not stopped since. Her idiocy is only exceeded by her unfortunate looks.

We’ve all sat through the Mueller Report hearings.  The only thing that was proven to be collusion with the Russians was the Clinton and Democrat Party’s paying for the Steel dossier and Senator McCain’s traitorous involvement in getting it into the hands of as many of the leftwing members of the media as he could.

The insane charge of abuse of power reminds me of Joseph Goebbels’ statement: “Accuse your opposition of what you are doing.”  So far all of the things they have accused Trump of doing, they themselves are guilty of.  Heck, if he was guilty of all the things they have accused him of he could run as a Democrat.  I think I read that somewhere.  Watching these dimwits running around trying to find something to charge him with is like watching circus clowns crawling in and out of a clown’s car. They are well aware that most of their base don’t pay attention and believe anything that they are told about how bad Trump is.  I was watching Representative Dan Crenshaw on MSNBC talking about the impeachment and the host, I don’t know who she was as I don’t watch non-news, brought up the withholding of military aid and the infamous quid pro quo, and Representative Crenshaw stopped her and reminded her that there was no quid pro quo and she was a little dumbfounded and then stated: “So, you’re not convinced that President Trump did anything wrong.”  Crenshaw responded with: “How can I be convinced when I haven’t seen any evidence?”[1]

All one has to do is read the transcript and you’ll see that there was no threat to hold any funding, as it was never brought up, and there was no quid pro quo.  Period!  The Democrats simply can’t let go of the fact that there is absolutely zero evidence of a quid pro quo.  Now, if you look at the actions of Joe Biden, protecting his son’s position at Burisma, which was obviously a position Hunter held as a way to buy the influence of the then vice-President Joe Biden.  THAT was a quid pro quo.[2]  I find it puzzling how a person like Joe Biden or even Hillary Clinton can break the law and nothing happen but the person that investigates those discrepancies is the one the liberals want to impeach.  It’s obvious that they are terrified of their corruption being exposed and that is why they say he must be impeached.  Representative Al Green has forced three impeachment votes since Trump has been sworn in without delivering any substantial evidence, actually, no evidence at all, to prove the charge and even stated that if Trump isn’t impeached, he’ll win re-election.  That is their big scare.  Another four years will expose so much of their corruption that their party will be destroyed.

Even the border wall and Trump’s immigration policies have them in a panic.  Illegal immigration is down an amazing 78% and that really cuts into the number of new democrat ‘voters’.  There are a lot of statistics Mark A. Morgan, acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, uses to show how Trump policies have helped to cut illegal immigration into the United States.

But there are two that he feels really make clear the victory his agency has had in the past year, and he highlighted them in a small meeting Tuesday.

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300.

What’s more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut. “That’s a dramatic reduction,” he said, in updating the numbers released last week.

Then there are the numbers of illegal immigrants “in custody.” That was a horrific 20,000 in May for an agency that has just 4,000 beds.

Now a quarter of those beds are unused.

“We were having those conversations back then about how the system was overwhelmed, there was overcrowding. We’re just not experiencing that now,” Morgan said.

“Currently, right now, what we’re seeing is our in-custody numbers right now are actually below 3,000, and it has been steady for the past few weeks,” he said.[3]

The Democrat’s corruption is being exposed, their ‘voters’ are being stopped from crossing the border and because of the 187 constitutional judges he’s been able to install our courts will hold strong to the Constitution and not the liberal ideology which was where the courts were headed.  These appointments will affect the next 25-30 years and that is seriously bad news for the left.  What’s even worse for the Democrats is Judicial Watch has begun lawsuits to force States to clean up their voter rolls.  California is the worst with five million inactive voters.  This is a ripe opportunity for voter fraud for the Democrats which they have taken full advantage of for the last 30 years.  Los Angeles County has started the process of removing from its registration rolls an estimated 1.5 million inactive voters who have moved, died or become ineligible to cast a ballot, an effort to comply with federal election law and a court settlement with Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog.

There were an estimated 5 million inactive registrations in the state as of November 2016, the latest figures available, according to a Judicial Watch analysis of data published by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton called the state’s response to the January legal settlement a “victory for clean elections in California” that would “set another national precedent for other states to take reasonable steps to ensure that dead and other ineligible voters are removed from the rolls.” [4]

It’s not just California either.  I know that in the last three general elections Colorado has had about ten counties with more voters than eligible voters.  One county has had consistently 140% turn out but nothing has ever been done to straighten it out.  We are part of a five-state lawsuit by Judicial Watch because of these discrepancies. In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population, according to a new analysis by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.  

Based on data the federal Electoral Assistance Commission released last year, the new analysis indicates that a minimum of 2.5 million voter registrations are wrongly listed as valid. It suggests widespread lack of compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to remove people who have died, moved, or are otherwise ineligible to vote from the rolls. While having excess registrations isn’t proof of voter fraud, voter integrity advocates note that it does create opportunities for deception, such as allowing people to vote twice in different precincts or submit invalid absentee ballots.[5]

None of these situations would have been addressed if Hillary would have won.  The borders would have been left open for all that wanted to come. The judges that she would have appointed would all have been left-leaning anti-constitutional, and the economy would be so far south that most people’s assets would be worthless.  We wouldn’t the number one oil producer in the world and the list goes on.

The Democrats lost power and demand it back and will do anything, legal or illegal, to get it back.  We have seen that.  Trump stood with the people of Venezuela; the Democrats stood with the dictator Maduro.  Trump stood with the people of Hong Kong; the Democrats stood with the communist regime of China.  Trump stands with the people of Iran; the Democrats stand with the radical imams.  Can you see the pattern?  Trump has stood for the American people, but the Democrats stand with the illegals.  The reason they want him out is simple.  He wants America first, the Democrats want power.

Let the circus begin.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Dan Crenshaw/videos
  2. Flashback 2018: Joe Biden brags at CFR meeting about withholding aid to Ukraine to force firing of prosecutor
  3. Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78 once overcrowded cells are empty
  4. Calif begins removing 5 million inactive voters on its rolls
  5. Five states face federal lawsuit over inaccurate voter registrations

Is Alternative Energy That Effective?, Part 3

Roger Anghis

Solar power has been pushed for a long time as a viable alternative to fossil fuels.  What do you do in Seattle where there are over three hundred days of clouds?  The wind is not dependable as a replacement energy source.  In America, only 11% of our energy is supplied by renewable energy, wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wood, and biofuels.  Eight percent is supplied by nuclear which means that 81% of our energy is supplied by fossil fuels.[1] America, by the way, has the cleanest of all industrial nations.  Russia has a pollution index of 63.49, China is 81.24, India is 75.55, most muslim nations are in the high 70s to the low 90s.  America, the nation the world complains about is 35.74.[2]

Keep in mind that air pollution is not just caused by the activities of man.  Plants and animals die and create methane gas.  Volcanos produce particulates, methane, CO2 and many other pollutants. The 2010 eruption of the Icelandic volcano erased all the CO2 and particulate savings of every person on the planet for the previous five years in just two days of its over two-week eruption.  It shut down air travel over Europe for over a week.[3]  This is the kind of devastation that a single volcano can do.  All this hype about cars and planes polluting our world to a point that in twelve years the planet will die is insane!  There are over 1500 active volcanos spewing this stuff into the atmosphere 24/7 plus there are 30,000 volcanos on the continental ridge doing the same thing.  What man does to contribute to the CO2 level is minuscule in comparison.

I bring this up because this is the ‘reason’ the enviro-fascists demand that we stop using fossil fuels.  Think about this, virtually all of the charging stations for electric cars are powered by coal-fired power plants.  The more electric cars that are sold the more coal we have to burn to keep their batteries charged.  It seems like a vicious circle to me.  Recycling electric cars present problems as well.  The batteries will become a major problem as we increase the number of electric cars. The drive to replace polluting petrol and diesel cars with a new breed of electric vehicles has gathered momentum in recent weeks. But there is an unanswered environmental question at the heart of the electric car movement: what on earth to do with their half-tonne lithium-ion batteries when they wear out?

British and French governments last month committed to outlaw the sale of petrol- and diesel-powered cars by 2040, and carmaker Volvo pledged to only sell electric or hybrid vehicles from 2019.

The number of electric cars in the world passed the 2m mark last year and the International Energy Agency estimates there will be 140m electric cars globally by 2030 if countries meet Paris climate agreement targets. This electric vehicle boom could leave 11m tonnes of spent lithium-ion batteries in need of recycling between now and 2030, according to Ajay Kochhar, CEO of Canadian battery recycling startup Li-Cycle.

Recycling gap

However, in the EU as few as 5% (pdf) of lithium-ion batteries are recycled. This has an environmental cost. Not only do the batteries carry a risk of giving off toxic gases if damaged, but core ingredients such as lithium and cobalt are finite and extraction can lead to water pollution and depletion among other environmental consequences.[4]

The leftist wackos that are pushing the New Green Deal have no clue as to what they are demanding.  Planes don’t fly on solar or electric power and the economic disaster that would follow the grounding of all airplanes would plunge the world into a depression that would make 1929 look like a hiccup.  All of the industries that are involved with air travel would have to shut down and that would trickle out to virtually every other industry, housing, clothing, transportation and the list goes on and on.  They may fifty to sixty years from now but not now.  Big trucks and ships can’t operate on solar either.  They want to stop raising cattle too.  What will that cost us in jobs, food supply and all the related industries that will be affected?

Their idiocy would plunge the world back to the early 1700s!  These ideas are why Democrats should never be in charge of anything.  They’ve destroyed Detroit which used to have the highest per capita income in the nation.  They’ve turned California into something worse than a third world nation where people are relieving themselves in the isles of grocery stores,[5] as well as in the streets and sidewalks.  Oregon has the same problem but then they are governed by the same liberal idiocy.

I am not against alternative energies, but they need to be more efficient than wind and maybe solar.  Hydroelectricity has been a good source that can last for many decades. Thermo energy can be very effective for residences and even a lot of commercial.  But the removal of fossil fuels at this time is not an economic option.  Nor is it a humanitarian option.  The technology to be able to do what we are doing today with transportation, heating, cooling, is not there and is decades out.

Even though we have alternative energy it is not that effective and creates worse problems than it solves.  Things like that usually don’t bother Democrats because they rarely have to pay for their mistakes.  It is you and I that have to pay.  Remember the last economic crisis we had in 2008?  Our politicians caused it, but they expected us to let them fix it.  I don’t think this is something that we can let them get control of. The devastation that will occur will take decades to reverse. Keep that in mind when you vote in 2020. Remember how they handled the impeachment process.  That should keep Democrats out of any kind of power for at least a half a century.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  3. 2010’s volcano induced air travel shutdown was justified
  4. Electric cars: Big battery waste problem lithium recycling
  5. San Fran businesses forced to clean up human feces in their own stores thanks to city homeless policies
  6. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Is Alternative Energy That Effective?, Part 2

Roger Anghis

The worst part about all this ‘alternative energy’ is the liberals actually believe that they are better forms of energy that the predominate fossil fuels that we are now using. The problem is there are not as efficient in any way. All the environmentalists declare that the wind is free so it would behoove us to harness that energy.  Their hang-up about burning fossil fuels clouds their ability to think, if they even bother to think at all.

Building, transporting and maintaining a wind turbine takes energy and it takes resources. All of this creates a cost.  The turbine creates electricity which is sold creating income.  Herein lies the problem.  For a wind turbine to pay for itself it would have to operate for fifty years just to pay for itself.  They only have a life span of about twenty-five years. The venture capitalists are enthusiastic about making money, with someone else paying the majority of the freight. I say this because the 400-foot wind turbines that are being constructed today cost $2 million. A turbine would have to last almost 50 years to pay for itself and then start creating a profit. However, since the investors only pay one-quarter of the cost, they eventually make a profit, again at someone else’s expense.

Speaking of turbine life expectance, the largest wind turbine farm in this country, 1,600 turbines, was built in the mid-’80s near San Francisco. It did not last 25 years and today sits abandoned. It is not the only wind farm that has been abandoned, it is just the largest.

Also, consider the fact that they only run 30 percent of the time — how short would be their lifetime if they ran anywhere near 100 percent of the time? If you question the 30 percent figure, think of any time you have been down Interstate 39 or in Southern California, near Palm Springs, and wondered why there are so many not running.

And then about the environmentalists, who love the idea of wind turbines. Their first thought is, “Oh, the wind is free.” Is it really free if it costs $2 million per turbine to harvest it?

Then if you quote engineers and scientists saying that the rhythmic thumping of the sound, a pattern found at a distance from the turbines of up to nine-tenths of a mile, but not immediately under or among the turbines, can be sufficient to prevent or interrupt sleep and even cause migraine headaches for some people. Ignoring that fact, environmentalists tend to think only “the wind is free and turbines do not pollute.” [1]

That’s not the only problem with wind farms.  Animals activists complain that these farms are killing birds.  I believe that this is a legitimate complaint.  The big wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of birds, bats, eagles, hawks and anything that hits the blades. The Audubon Society estimates that wind turbines kill 140,000 to 328,000 birds each year in North America. During the nighttime, the blades are hardly visible, and if the birds happen to hit the blades, then due to the high RPM of the blades, they hurt their wings, thus falling to their death. Although, many tall buildings and towers can also cause their death, the fact that the blades are a moving part increases the chances of causing death. Eagles are especially vulnerable as their habit is usually the type selected for wind farms.

For example, scientists have asserted that wind turbines are now the leading cause of multiple mortality events in bats, with 3 to 5 million bats killed by wind turbines every year.   Migratory bats in North America may face the risk of extinction in the next few decades due to wind turbine-related fatalities.[2]

There are also serious environmental concerns for the manufacturing process.  A typical wind turbine contains more than 8,000 different components, many of which are made from steel, cast iron, and concrete. One such component are magnets made from neodymium and dysprosium, rare earth minerals mined almost exclusively in China.

Unfortunately, given federal regulations in the U.S. that restrict rare earth mineral development and China’s poor record of environmental stewardship, the process of extracting these minerals imposes wretched environmental and public health impacts on local communities. It’s a story Big Wind doesn’t want you to hear.

In a new paper entitled  “Unsustainable Wind Turbine Blade Disposal Practices in the United States”, Ramirez-Tejeda et al. (2017) further detail the imminent and unresolved nightmare of wind turbine blade disposal.

Their research indicates that there will be 43 million tonnes of blade waste worldwide by 2050 with China possessing 40% of the waste, Europe 25%, the United States 16% and the rest of the world 19%.”

Finding ways to manage the waste from the expected high number of wind turbine blades in need of disposal is crucial to harvest wind energy in a truly sustainable manner.[3]

When you’re watching television and you see a commercial about a new wonder drug and they begin to list the side effects or possible side effects and as you listen you begin to think that it just might be better to live with whatever it is you have because the side effects could kill you.  That is what we are seeing with these ‘alternative energy’ systems.  When considering a project, you always have to consider the costs involved to determine if the project will be worth it.  Wind turbines only pay, at best, half of their costs, kill birds and create a very dangerous environmental hazard in manufacturing and disposal.  Just where is the benefit?  We may see a day when wind will become beneficial, but it isn’t with the system we have now.  Solar is another story and will be discussed in the next installment.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  4. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Is Alternative Energy That Effective?

Roger Anghis

We have been hearing a lot from the Democrats about the dire straights we are in concerning climate change.  They call it climate change because global warming hasn’t occurred in about 18 years.  The scare that Al “I invented the internet’ Gore tried to put into everybody declaring that by 2014 the artic and ant-artic ice caps will be melted and we would be well on the way to being fried by massively rising global temperatures, never happened.  Just to prove that God has a sense of humor, we had record ice in the artic in 2014.  In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica  in fact a global warming expedition got stuck in it. Arctic sea ice has also made a nice comeback in 2014. The Great lakes had record ice Lake Superior only had 3 ice free months in 2014. You’d think that in the hottest year ever that ice would be melting like Al Gore said.[1]

The idiocy that man is producing so much CO2 that we are all going to die is a farce at best.  Remember hearing the climate change alarmists say that the majority of scientist agree that man is causing climate change.  That’s BS. Sorry, but researched out you’ll find that only the scientists that are being paid to declare man is the cause are saying that.  Real scientists refute that idea.  You’ve probably heard over and over that 99% of scientist believe in global warming well the opposite is true. That talking point came from a study where only 75 scientists said they believe in global warming on the other hand over 31,000 scientists have signed a petitionsaying they don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming.[2]

Looking over the information on some sites that one would think would have accurate numbers of the greenhouse gases, like the EPA site, but it leaves out the number one greenhouse gas, H2O.  Doesn’t even mention it!  Surprise, surprise.  On another site that shows how much of the Earth’s polution caused by each country China is #1, America is #2 and India is #3.[3] But another site, Numbeo, tells a totally different story.  It says that India is over twice the polluter that the United State is.[4] That same study shows the United States with air quality over twice that of India.  One study even states that air pollution in America will never reach the toxic levels that are in India: The toxic smog looming over India, more specifically over the nation’s capital, New Delhi, poses numerous health and environmental threats. The dangerous conditions have sparked political unrest among citizens, who hope to find a solution.

In New Delhi, air quality has peaked well off the charts for several days at a time, even for over a week, at an Air Quality Index (AQI) significantly over 500. The highest category is listed as “hazardous” at 301-500.

In the United States, the worst AQI is “very unhealthy,” which ranges from 201-300. This poor air quality is typically isolated in northwestern valleys, for short periods of time. It occurs during extreme wildfire smoke events, according to AccuWeather Meteorologist Faith Eherts.[5]

What we are seeing is certain entities are trying to make America look bad.  Remember that our places of higher indoctrination have been declaring for several decades that ALL of the world’s problems are because of America’s capitalism.  Dictators, despots and rogue regimes, I guess, have nothing to do with a country prospering of failing.  When you look at what these leftist fools are trying to do you’ll see they are pushing as hard as they can to place themselves in a position of controlling everything you do.  Where you live.  What you drive.  What you eat.  Research the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.  You’ll see that single-family homes will be eliminated; suburbs will be eliminated.  They want us to live in high-rise apartments that have stores, restaurants, movie theaters and other businesses so you don’t need an automobile.  The only travel you have to do is to go to work and there will be public transportation for that.

The big scare about CO2 is just that, a scare.  It is a false threat.  There are many sites that are maintained by real scientist that refute the rising amounts of CO2, which by the way the Earth produces more CO2 than man does by about ten times.  There has only been about 0.05 degree rise in temperature in the last twenty years.[6] There are many studies that can no longer be found on the internet because they dispel the myth of global warming.  They can be found here,[7] here,[8] here,[9] and here[10] just to point out a few.  All of the ‘computer models’ that prove CO2 is the cause of global warming are flawed and show that the elites are attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the fools that believe everything they say.  “The effect of CO2 on global temperature, if it exists, is so small that no one has been able to demonstrate or measure it. The touted effect exists solely in computer models whose forecasts to date have all failed. Therefore, there is ZERO proven benefit for mankind in trying to capture harmless CO2 in order to bury it in carbon cemeteries. Worse, it is removing valuable plant food from the biosphere – a step towards global food suicide. Moreover, for every tonne of carbon buried, we bury 2.7 tonnes of the gas of life – oxygen. “The quantities of gas to be handled just from power stations are enormous. For every tonne of coal burnt, about 11 tonnes of gases are exhausted – 7.5 tonnes of nitrogen, 2.5 tonnes of CO2 and one tonne of water vapour. These are all harmless and valuable natural recycled atmospheric gases. Life on earth would be impossible without them.[11]

Am I a scientist? No. But I do know how to research and even more important I have a little common sense.  I refuse to believe that we only have 12 years to solve the climate change threat that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is spewing everywhere.  If we were that far along, we would not be able to turn it around in twelve years.  It is another one of the leftist scares they are using to get them back in power.  Understand this, once the left is back in power we will never see a conservative in office again and they will begin to take control of everything they can just like they did with Obamacare.  They will say that the $52 TRILLION package to fight the non-existent climate change is for our good and all the sacrifices we will have to make, no cows, no cars, no airplanes will be worth it and just like Obamacare, it won’t be worth it.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Top ten reasons climate change is a hoax
  2. Top ten reasons climate change is a hoax
  3. Each country’s share co2 emissions
  5. Why air pollution in the us will likely never reach indias extreme levels
  7. Climate change hoax or crime of the century
  8. Climate change hoax or crime of the century
  9. Climate change hysteria part-2
  10. 200 global warming hoax’s
  11. Carbon capture.pdf
  12. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Democrats Haven’t Seen A Corrupt Politician They Didn’t Like, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Disbarred attorney, convicted sex offender Democrat Joe Morrissey gets elected to Virginia Senate

Now, I’m no saint by any means, but there’s a special place in hell for someone has nefarious interactions with a minor. And by nefarious, of course, I mean encounters of a sexual manner.

Not to mention, it makes it all the creepier when the perpetrator is someone old enough to be the father or mother of the victim.

You’re likely wondering what the fate of one particular individual, who when he was in his 50’s, had decided to intermingle with a 17-year-old girl who was an employee at his place of business.

If you guessed he was ostracized from his respective community, you’d be wrong. Instead, he’s now an elected official.

Joe Morrissey, a Democrat who was jailed for having sex with his 17-year-old secretary and lost his law license for “episodes of unethical, contumacious, or otherwise inappropriate conduct,” according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, has won a Senate seat in Virginia.

With regard to losing his license to practice law, the court ruled in that case that Morrissey:

On Tuesday, Morrissey was elected to a state senate seat winning close to 64 percent of the vote. Waylin Ross, an Independent who was running against the democratic candidate, got 36 percent of the vote. No Republican was on the ballot for this particular election.

Read more here.

Massive Voter Fraud In Kentucky.

Here’s a video (below) proving that Democrats have registered illegals, dead people and anyone they thought they could get away with.  Another video by Alex Jones covers this subject too.  Some may not like Jones but he’s right more often that MSM.  Then the Democrats sued to get dead people, those who moved and illegals put back on the voter rolls just two weeks before the election.  About 175,000 were involved in that.  Then there was a tweet from@Overlordkraken1 proudly stating that he “Just shredded a box of Republican mail-in ballots.  Bye, bye Bevin.”  If the election commission can ignore this, we have the most corrupt elections in the world.  We’re right up there with the old USSR, Cuba, Venezuela and all the other communist nations.

I have heard of voter fraud for many years.  Voting machines that won’t let you vote for a Republican candidate.  In all the cases I’ve heard about the votes were for Democrats.  Only once did I hear about a Republican voting in two different states for a total of one vote.  Many states have more voters than people in the states.  Colorado had ten counties with over 100% voter turnout. Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently, Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale.

When Media Trackers requested comment on the voter bloat in Gilpin county, Chief Deputy Gail Maxwell explained that “This is just a reminder Gilpin is a Gaming Community.  The voters come and go!”

While these voters come and go, they manage to turn out to vote. Records show Gilpin County had 61 percent voter turnout in the 2010 election and Hinsdale County had an astounding 92 percent voter turnout. This is far above the Colorado average turnout of 48 percent, and the national average of 41 percent.[1]  Colorado is run by Democrats. Any attempt to investigate a 140% turnout has been blocked at all turns.  One would think that when you have ten counties with over 100% turnout it would automatically call for an investigation.  Not when Democrats are in charge.  That’s how they win.  Cheat.

Some of the people that are in Congress and in charge have serious skeletons in their closet.  Congress also passes laws that are only for them.  You and I have to live by different rules.  Congress makes its own rules about the handling of sexual complaints against members and staff, passing laws exempting it from practices that apply to other employers.

The result is a culture in which some lawmakers suspect harassment is rampant. Yet victims are unlikely to come forward, according to attorneys who represent them.     

Under a law in place since 1995, accusers may file lawsuits only if they first agree to go through months of counseling and mediation. A special congressional office is charged with trying to resolve the cases out of court.

When settlements do occur, members do not pay them from their own office funds, a requirement in other federal agencies. Instead, the confidential payments come out of a special U.S. Treasury fund.

Congressional employees have received small settlements, compared with the amounts some public figures payout. Between 1997 and 2014, the U.S. Treasury has paid $15.2 million in 235 awards and settlements for Capitol Hill workplace violations, according to the congressional Office of Compliance. The statistics do not break down the exact nature of the violations.[2]

Part of the law that established this slush fund does not allow the public, who funds the slush fund, to know what was paid to who nor are we allowed to know who the accused is.  Note that if you or I get charges with sexual harassment we will probably go to jail.  Congressional members get their names kept quite and WE get to pay the settlement.  Nice deal if you can swing it.

Are their Republicans that have paid off an accuser?  Probably but as history proves the majority are Democrats. JFK was famous for his affairs as was LBJ.  Who can forget New Yorks Anthony Weiner, the may of D.C. who was busted with a prostitute doing drugs.  The list could go on and on.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  And we keep sending them back to D.C.  Why?  We will not change anything buy returning the people that have caused our problems back to D.C.  We need to send people there to fix the problems not perpetuate them.

In the last few months, we have seen the Democrats do nothing but go all out to impeach Trump for a phone call that everyone knows what was said on the call.  They started the impeachment process seventeen minutes after he was sworn in back in 2017.  They aren’t impeaching him for what he did, they are terrified that he will expose what they have been doing to America for the last 50-75 years.  I believe that he will expose it.  I hope he does.  America deserves better than the scum that has dominated D.C. for the last hundred years.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  2. How Congress plays by different rules on sexual harassment and misconduct

Democrats Haven’t Seen A Corrupt Politician They Didn’t Like

Roger Anghis

Democrats don’t seem to mind what kind of trash they put on a ballot. John Adams stated concerning the quality of the character of the people we put into places of authority, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  When looking at the modern-day Democrat Party no person with a functioning and reasonable mind can call the Democrat Party as anywhere near moral. They claim they are religious, but Jesus said you will know them by their fruit.  Operating in corruption doesn’t qualify.  Is the Republican Party perfect?  No, but the Republicans have standards that the Democrats ignore.

Back in 2006 a black member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana William Jefferson had been videotaped accepting a bribe and in a search of his home $90,000 in marked bills were found.  He denied it and even ran for re-election.  Now this district was the 2nd district of New Orleans and only 16% showed up to vote but even with the indisputable evidence he was re-elected.  Overcoming the specter of a roiling federal corruption probe that threatened to draw the curtain on his 16-year career on Capitol Hill, U.S. Rep. William Jefferson survived the fight of his political life Saturday, easily defeating state Rep. Karen Carter to win his ninth term in the 2nd Congressional District.

Guilty pleas by aides and associates who admitted to bribing the New Orleans Democrat, and the revelation in court documents that FBI agents had found $90,000 in marked bills in Jefferson’s freezer, had prompted pundits to begin inking his political obituary.[1] How can reasonable people keep a person in office that has been proven to be a crook and a cheat?  The only conclusion I can come up with is there are either uninformed of simply don’t care.  I really believe that in all too many cases it is a big dose of both.

Another corrupt politician within the Democrat party is Alcee Hastings a member of the House of Representatives from Florida.  He is the one that is setting the rules for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I guess it’s only fitting that a man who was impeached as a judge should set the rules for impeachment of the president. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) is the second-ranking Democrat on the House Rules Committee, which is setting the rules for the “impeachment inquiry” into President Donald Trump. Hastings himself was impeached and removed from office in 1989 — one of only eight federal officials, all of whom have been judges, to be so relieved of their duties.

Hastings was removed for bribery, one of the causes enumerated in the Constitution’s Impeachment Clause (Article II, Section 4): “The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”[2]  Again, I don’t understand how a person that was impeached for bribery could ever hold a federal office only three years after his removal from the bench, but I guess that the Democrats don’t have any standards that they can adhere to.

Just recently in the 2019 elections in Virginia a disbarred attorney, convicted sex offender Democrat by the name of Joe Morrissey was elected to the Virginia Senate.  Joe Morrissey, a Democrat who was jailed for having sex with his 17-year-old secretary and lost his law license for “episodes of unethical, contumacious, or otherwise inappropriate conduct,” according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, has won a Senate seat in Virginia.

With regard to losing his license to practice law, the court ruled in that cast that Morrissey:

On Tuesday, Morrissey was elected to a state senate seat winning close to 64 percent of the vote.[3]

Sam Adams reflected on the necessity of men of high character stating: “If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation.”  It has been said that Patrick Henry made this statement: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”  I believe that we can all agree that the Democrat Party is pretty much devoid of this quality of a person.

Barrack Obama is another one that corruption was rife in his administration.  President Obama and key members of his Democrat cabinet like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, and UN Ambassador Susan Rice were all among the top ten most corrupt politicians in Washington for 2012, according to an annual list compiled by the non-partisan Judicial Watch. Also on the roster were several lawmakers including two GOP congressmen from Florida and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada).

The president himself made the infamous “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list due to a series of scandals and broken promises that have plagued virtually his entire time occupying the White House. Lawless behavior, regular violations of the U.S. Constitution, unprecedented secrecy, and abuse of so-called “executive privilege” to protect his senior officials all contributed to Obama’s designation as one of the most crooked politicians in the capital today.[4]

The man himself was an illegal occupant of the White House as he was not a Natural Born Citizen but then the Democrats have ignored the Constitution for the last 60 plus years anyway.  I could go on about his 250 violations of the Constitution, Eric Holders violations, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and I could go on and on.  Hillary even stated in a meeting during the 2016 election after an interview with Matt Lauer she went into a full meltdown and stated: ‘If that f***ing b***ard wins, we all hang from nooses![5] You have to know that there is much that is being covered up and much that is about to be exposed for her to be that upset.  She blamed everyone else but all the corruption was done by her.  We may never know the full extent of what she and Bill have done but it should put them in jail for the next 200 years.  That is today’s Democrat Party, the most corrupt political body we have ever had in America.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. The confounding re-election of William Jefferson
  2. Democrat Alcee Hastings who was impeached and removed makes impeachment rules
  3. Disbarred attorney convicted sex offender elected to Virginia Senate
  4. D-list dominated by Obama administration
  5. Hillary Clinton: if that f***ing bastard Trump wins we all hang from nooses
  6. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society, Part 4

Roger Anghis

Assimilation into the American culture is not allowed under Islamic law.  They are only allowed to have allegiance to their false god, allah.  Please don’t write me emails complaining about that statement.  People have told me that muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same God.  No, they don’t!  Jews and Christians do but muslims worship a false god.  My God says to love your enemies, Matthew 5:44 but the quran says to kill the unbelievers, strike the heads off of unbelievers, instill terror in unbelievers: quran 2:191; quran 47:4; quran 8:12.

A cleric, Zakir Naik,  stated: Entire world will be converted to a single nation with islam as the only religion, Mecca as the capital and quran as the official constitution.  It has already begun.  From this, we can see what their game plan is.  Looking at what is happening in Europe confirms this is their plan.  They demand that cultures be replaced with their shariah law.  In Germany they are demanding that the nation ban alcohol or they will continue the sex attacks!  Germany needs to ban alcohol if it wants to prevent further sexual violence and to help North African migrants integrate into society, a Muslim pressure group has claimed.

Commenting on the Cologne sex-attack controversy, MuslimStern, which has 20,000 followers on Facebook, said its mission was to ‘highlight the way the media was using the incidents to promote racism against minorities’.

The group complained that the female victims had brought the unwanted attention to themselves by dressing in a manner that North African men were not accustomed to.

The group claimed: ‘You cannot expect to chuck a naked antelope in front of a lion and not expect it to react. It is mind-boggling that with so much time spent teaching children about sex at school, they completely forget to pass on this basic biological fact.’

As a consequence of the attacks, they urged the German government to introduce a ban across the country on the consumption of alcohol.

The group also blamed women for getting attacked by inciting the young men.[1]  Just because a male muslim can’t control his sexual urges his host nation has to completely change their culture to please the migrant muslim.  Insane!  If you don’t think they will try to enforce that part of their ideology here think again.  Remember in Dearborn no dogs and no women without bedsheets.  It’s coming!

Another disgusting and barbaric aspect of muslim immigration is honor killings. Over 95% of honor killings in the world are done by muslims.  As much as we might try to deny it, radicalized religion is everywhere in the world today. This includes the United States. Honor killings in America do happen and it happens more than people might think. Honor killings can happen for a wide variety of reasons, but the purpose is the same: to restore a perceived injustice to the reputation of a family where religious edicts have been violated.[2]  They believe that it is acceptable to kill a son or a daughter that simply disobeys the father’s demands.  If they become too westernized, wear the wrong clothes and the list goes on.  The majority of muslims in America want shariah:  The poll finds that the majority of Islamic Americans agree that Muslims should be able to forego the Constitution and be governed instead by Sharia law. That’s right, Sharia.

The same Sharia that says you can’t draw Muhammad, or insult him, or question his having slaves or being a pedophile. The same Sharia that says you must sympathize with terrorists. The same Sharia that says all Jews must be eliminated. The same Sharia that says you must convert, or you must die. THAT Sharia.[3] In Texas, a mayor found out that a shariah court was in existence and she shut it down which infuriated the muslims.  The intense national spotlight on Islam has shifted to Irving, where Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims and the City Council voted Thursday to endorse a state bill that Muslims say targets their faith. 

The dispute has made Van Duyne a hero among a growing movement that believes Muslims are plotting to take over American culture and courts. “It fuels anti-Islamic hysteria,” said Zia Sheikh, imam at the Islamic Center of Irving. “Her whole point was to rile up her supporters. … The problem is we become the whipping boys.”

The mayor stands by her statements, including an interview with former Fox News host Glenn Beck last month, when she said Sheikh and other imams were “bypassing American courts” by offering to mediate disputes among their worshippers according to an Islamic code called Sharia.

The mediation is advertised as voluntary, nonbinding, and in harmony with the law. But it has led Van Duyne to back a bill by state Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, that would forbid judges from using foreign law in their rulings.[4]

Again this is valuable information that most news agencies will not cover leaving Americans uninformed.  This is why we must be involved and demand that our government tell us of these security threats so we can be prepared if need be to defend ourselves.  That time is coming and only the informed will be ready.  The question is, will enough be informed and prepared to successfully defend what we hold dear?  Migrant muslims are trying to remove all that we stand for.  Little by little they win.  They’ve made restaurants stop serving pork, not allowing dogs in some placed and even met with some city councils and demanded that no Christians proselytize anywhere near a mosque yet they proselytize anywhere they want.

We must stand our ground!  Even our flag offends muslims.  My question is if it offends you, why are you here? Leave!  A Muslim landlord demanded that Asian-American, Duy Tran, remove the American flag which Tran flew immediately after moving to the apartment complex. “I’m gonna leave my flag there, as an American, until she shows me proof that I don’t have the right to leave my flag there,” He shot back. (via The Political Insider)

Duy Tran says his landlord approached him shortly after he moved in, demanding he remove the flag hanging off his balcony — because it was a threat to Muslims!

“What really stunned me is that she said it’s a threat towards the Muslim community,” he told reporters in disbelief, adding, “I am not a threat towards nobody.”

The disgusting request was made just before our Independence Day celebrations. Other apartments in the complex featured proud displays of red, white, and blue.

Managers at the apartment complex refused to respond to questions from the local media. They justified their demand by referring to the safety of the community.[5]

In Uganda, you can’t say Jesus is the sone of God in the presence of a muslim because it offends them.  Buried in the concluding paragraphs of a Christmas Eve Washington Times report about Muslims in Uganda forcing Christians to convert to Islam was the extraordinary revelation that in that country, Muslims now consider any public statement of the Christian Faith to be a calculated insult to Muslims, for which they can justifiably exact revenge. This is, or should be, sobering news for the comfortable Christians of the West who have made an idol out of “interfaith dialogue” and fastidiously avoid saying anything remotely critical about Islam, even as the Muslim persecution of Christians continues worldwide.[6]

It is in Uganda today.  It will come here very soon.  In a civilized society, there isn’t this kind of a demand to eliminate entire cultures to appease immigrants.  If that is what they are going to demand, I suggest we get rid of the immigrants.  This is America, not a third world sandbox that hasn’t gotten out of the 7th-century ideology that has it trapped.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Muslim group says Germany must ban alcohol if they want to prevent further sex attacks
  2. 18 incredible honor killings in America statistics
  3. New poll: majority of American muslims want sharia shocking numbers on jihad
  4. Texas muslims outraged that Irving city council backs bill that will ban islamic sharia law tribunals there
  5. Muslim told Texas man take flag response-amazing
  6. Christians being told to stop saying Jesus is the Son-of-God it provokes muslims

Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society, Part 3

Roger Anghis

I know that there are those that think that we can live in peace alongside those that hate us but history proves that theory wrong.  To understand how America became great we have to understand the mindset of the Founders concerning the people that immigrated here.  We are a special nation that from our begging afforded the immigrant something no other nation offered, the right to pursue their dream of freedom, business opportunities that allowed them to reap a profit for their labor that wasn’t taken by the government.  Today we aren’t as free as then, but we still have the right to become an entrepreneur to fail or succeed depending on how hard we are willing to work.  No other nation in those during our Founding Era allowed this.

But there were stipulations to immigrating here that were in place that Teddy Roosevelt plainly stated in a speech in 1907: “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”[1]

Many that immigrate here today expect the government to give them housing, food, an education, healthcare and anything else they desire to have.  The big problem here is the Democrats and a few Republicans have allowed this to happen.  It should not be.  But worse is the fact that we are allowing migrants from nations that hate us and refuse to assimilate, demand that we allow them to live by the laws of the nation they came from even though they violate the laws of our Constitution.  These people are primarily if not totally muslims.  They want to live by shariah law.  Okay, go back to where you came from and live away.  What they have done is migrated here and then demand that we live by their archaic and barbaric shariah law.

They don’t like pork so they attempt to remove it from our society.  There is a case in Texas where muslims bought a property next to a pig farm that had been there for 200 years and then demanded that the farmer move because the pig offended the muslims. A pig farmer in Katy, Texas, was unhappy when an Islamic group moved in nearby and asked him to leave (video below).

Craig Baker said that when the Katy Islamic Association moved into his area, they told him the pigs on his family’s 200-year-old farm needed to go. In response, Baker decided to stage pig races on his property every Friday, the day Muslims consider a day of prayer.

The association planned to build a mosque and community center on the 11 acres they bought next to Baker’s farm. Baker said the association knew what they were signing up for when they bought the property, and that it wasn’t fair of them to ask him to remove his pigs or move.

“I am just defending my rights and my property,” he told Fox News. “They totally disrespected me and my family.” [2]   This isn’t assimilation, this is cultural jihad!

In Dearborn, MI there is a NoGo Zone.  You don’t walk dogs in that area, or you will be attacked by muslims.  White women don’t walk through that area unless they are covered in a sheet or they will be attacked and raped.  McDonald’s is forced to sell hamburgers with halal meat.[3] There is talk of making laws that initiate shariah law into our justice system.  The totalitarian tendencies of the Left become more obvious by the day, as the Washington Post continues to cover itself in glory. Richard Stengel is a former editor of Time Magazine and was the State Department’s undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs from 2013 to 2016. In this piece, he says the First Amendment is an “outlier” and calls for “hate speech” laws that would criminalize, among other things, the burning of Qur’ans.

Stengel claims that he is a convert to authoritarianism, a former believer in the freedom of speech: “When I was a journalist, I loved Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s assertion that the Constitution and the First Amendment are not just about protecting ‘free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.’”

His conversion came as a result of his world travel. Travel is supposed to be broadening, but in Stengel’s case, it was narrowing. He says that even as he went around the world defending the freedom of speech, he came to despise that freedom: [4] Keep in mind that is muslim countries if you are caught with a bible, the real Word of the real God, they confiscate it, burn it and put you in jail.  If we treated them here as they treat us in their native country they would go nuts.  Also remember when the muslims are in the minority they are obsessed with minority rights. When muslims are in the majority, there are no minority rights!

We can’t sit back and ignore what is happening in America. We must stand up for our country, our culture and our rights. I don’t care what offends a muslim if it is within the constitutional rights laid out by the Founders. If they demand that we allow shariah and then do, they will demand that we live by it also. That is not assimilation.  That is cultural jihad and we must resist it at all costs.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Taking a closer look at islam we have to question any sane person that converts from Christianity to islam.  We hear that it is a ‘religion of peace’ but in reality, it is an ideology of hate and debauchery and blood.  In the book, Tears of Jihad, it is estimated that islam has massacred about 270 million people in its demand that all peoples follow their so-called prophet.[1]  I have to question a god that would use a person who could not read or write and marry a six-year-old girl and then consummate the marriage when she was nine.  A real god doesn’t use a pedophile as a prophet.  His followers believe that he was the best example and follow his lead.

Girls are not a muslims only interest for sexual pleasure. There is a think called bacha bazi which is a young boy used as a sexual companion for older and powerful men.  Perhaps the most deplorable tragedy, one that has actually grown more rampant since 2001, is the practice of bacha bazi — sexual companionship between powerful men and their adolescent boy conscripts.

This phenomenon presents a system of gender reversal in Afghanistan. Whereas rural Pashtun culture remains largely misogynistic and male-dominated due to deeply-ingrained Islamic values, teenage boys have become the objects of lustful attraction and romance for some of the most powerful men in the Afghan countryside.

Demeaning and damaging, the widespread subculture of paedophilia in Afghanistan constitutes one of the most egregious ongoing violations of human rights in the world. The adolescent boys who are groomed for sexual relationships with older men are bought — or, in some instances, kidnapped — from their families and thrust into a world which strips them of their masculine identity. These boys are often made to dress as females, wear makeup, and dance for parties of men. They are expected to engage in sexual acts with much older suitors, often remaining a man’s or group’s sexual underling for a protracted period.[2] Keep in mind that these are the same people that throw homosexuals off of roofs.  There is no difference between two men having ‘sex’ and an adult having ‘sex’ with a young boy.  That is pedophilia homosexuality.  Disgusting and tragic on all levels.  How can any civilized society embrace this type of vile debauchery?

  • Their hatred of anyone that isn’t Islamic knows no bounds and has no limits on what they are willing to do to those who will not convert will turn your stomach.  Recently in Iraq, 19 Yazidi girls were placed in iron cages and burned alive in front of a crowd of hundreds, for refusing to copulate with jihadis.
  • “Religious minority women under IS [Islamic State] control are often repeatedly sold from jihadi to jihadi. Once militants get tired of raping and abusing one particular girl, they usually sell them off to one of their militant buddies so they can rape and abuse them at their own pleasure.” — Samuel Smith, The Christian Post.
  • After their children were abducted by the Islamic State, a couple answered their door to find the body parts of their daughters and a video of them being tortured and raped.
  • “Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality, it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.” — Local residents, Pakistan.[3] This is what the world calls a religion of peace. This is what a person of common sense calls a satanic ideology and nothing less.

The muslims are taught that anyone but a muslim is theirs to do with whatever they want.  They are not to befriend a non-muslim:  Quran 4:89: “They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah’s way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.”  They are to hunt non-believers down and kill them: Quran 2:191: “… kill the disbelievers wherever we find them …” Quran 8:59: “The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah’s enemy.”

Should we be concerned about this ideology?  We’d better be!  Their plan is to take us from the inside out infiltrating our government and using our own laws against us.  Barrack Obama gave them a major boost.  Actually, the only ideology that flourished under his administration was islam.  Not just in America but worldwide.  Thank you, Democrats.  This is not fanciful in the least. We have a jihadist in the White House who is doing everything to help implement this 20-year Islamic plan.

Obama helped the Islamic State achieve its current size and strength by doing such things as (this is nowhere near a comprehensive list):

– Sending them weapons and vehicles through ‘Syrian rebels’ and through Benghazi
– Paying ISIS members monthly salariesSending billions through various nefarious means.
– Releasing terrorist leaders from Gitmo, even those known to have Stinger missiles and uranium 
– Firing top commanders and thousands of troops, replacing them with illegal immigrants and Muslims.
– Paying the mortgages of Muslims all over the world

Our entire government has been completely infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, who now even have their own political party. The U.S. government even trained ISIS in secret camps in Jordan.

Obama flooded our country with Muslims in preparation for the coming war. From opening our borders, to flying in Muslims, to their direct importation through the State Dept by the thousands, to creating a hands-off list for special terrorists, our Jihadist In Chief is quickly establishing a large, Islamic army who will certainly begin operations by taking over the billions of dollars worth of military equipment that the DOD has flooded local law enforcement with.

At this moment we have Islamic terrorists preparing for war with the American people in 35 training and recruitment camps all over the U.S. The FBI can do nothing about these camps, who openly train in guerilla warfare and recruit others to their cause, because Obama wouldn’t classify the group that runs these camps as terrorist.[4]

Obama saw to it that jihadist were given the upper hand in America.  It is not a question of if there will be a violent attempted overthrow but when.  Will we be ready to defend our nation and culture?  We may not know until that day comes.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Fact Checking Pamela Geller
  2. An afghan tragedy the pashtun practice of having sex with young boys
  3. Christian girls muslim men
  4. 20 year 7 step plan al qaeda islamic domination world right track

Islam Is Not Compatible With Civilized Society

Roger Anghis

One of the most ridiculous things I see in the form of a bumper sticker is the one using religious symbols spelling out Coexist.  I don’t know why but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man driving a car with that sticker.  I’m not trying to be sexist, just truthful.  It is obvious that the people that have that sticker don’t have the ability to think for themselves.  I’m not being rude, I’m pointing out the obvious.

If one takes the time to even lightly research the history of islam, they would scrape that sticker off of their car because there is no historical evidence that islam can co-exist with other religions.  The only time they do is when there are so few islamists that they have no ability to be the force they want to be.

People say that they are ‘co-existing’ in America now so they can co-exist.  Looking at the statistics they are one of the smallest minorities in America.  Recent political debates over Muslim immigration and related issues have prompted many people to ask how many Muslims actually live in the United States. But coming up with an answer is not easy, in part because the U.S. Census Bureau does not ask questions about religion, meaning there is no official government count of the U.S. Muslim population.

Still, based on our own survey and demographic research, as well as outside sources, Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3.45 million Muslims of all ages living in the U.S. in 2017, and that Muslims made up about 1.1% of the total U.S. population. [1] Even though they are a very small minority it hasn’t stopped them from flexing their muscle here.  Keep in mind that muslims immigrate for only one reason and that is to begin the take over of the government where they immigrate.  A document was found in Falls Church, Virginia in 2004 that explains, in part, their overall plan: The following is the official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for North America. The document was entered as evidence in the 2008 Holy Land Terror Funding Trial. Federal investigators found the document in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.

Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

Page 18:

“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S.. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, and others are named here. [2]

If we don’t stay awake and pay attention to what is going on we will lose this great experiment called America.  I am ashamed to say that my generation, the baby boomers, are the ones that let this get way too out of hand.  We have not paid attention to who we put in office, the laws that they passed and have allowed this nation to go in a direction that our Founders would find appalling.

For those that think that muslims don’t have the take over of America in mind need to hear the words of the founder of CAIR Omar Ahmad: According to a local newspaper report, Omar Ahmad, a founder of CAIR, told a conference hall packed with California Muslims in July 1998 that Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.

The reporter paraphrased Ahmad saying, “The Quran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” [3] This is the comments of an organization that has a goal.  They have denied that Omar made this comment but the reporter and the paper stand by their story.

When looking at the principles of islam there is no one that is sane that can state that this ideology, I cannot call it a religion, is in any way compatible with any civilized society.  They have never assimilated into any society that they have migrated to.  Once they reach a certain percentage of the population, they begin to assert their influence wherever they can.  They are to a point in America with just the 1.1% that they have begun to make certain statements concerning their supposed superiority over other religions and peoples.  CAIR leader Mustafaa Carroll said that Muslims are above the law of the land and Sharia law supersedes the U.S. constitution. [4] He is telling those that follow that ideology that the laws of the land do not pertain to them because they are governed by shariah which in their opinion is above any law anywhere.  They deny this saying that are to obey the laws but they also ignore them and follow their so-called holy book.

The imams, muslim ‘spiritual’ leaders,  in America preach hate from their pulpits and declare that they can operate under shariah law with impunity.  U.S Imam Abu Аmmааr Yasir Kаzі is а cоllеgе professor at Rhоdеѕ Cоllеgе in Mеmрhіѕ, TN., who The New York Times Magazine dеѕсrіbеѕ is “оnе оf thе mоѕt influential соnѕеrvаtіvе clerics in аmеrісаn islam. “He еduсаtеѕ followers оf Muhmmad to соmmіt rаре, theft, аnd murder in thе United States. аnd hе has not bееn аrrеѕtеd fоr іnсіtіng vіоlеnсе or hаtе crimes.

In hіѕ lесturеѕ tо cоllеgе students аt аn Аmеrісаn cоllеgе оn Аmеricаn ѕоіl, Kаzі соmраrеѕ Christiаns tо fеcеs аnd urinе ѕауіng thеу аrе thе “mоѕt еvіl оf еvils. “Hе shows his studеnts tо еngаgе іn jіhаd аnd fight аll unbеlіеvеrѕ untіl thеу соnvеrt tо iѕlаm. Thоsе whо rеfuѕе tо соnvеrt tо islаm, hе ѕауѕ, ѕhоuld hаvе their lіvеѕ аnd prоpеrty tаkеn.

“Prореrtу,” ассоrdіng tо thе Qur’аn, іnсludеѕ wоmеn аnd сhіldrеn, whісh аlsо includеs tаkіng wоmеn аnd childrеn аs ѕеx ѕlаvеѕ.

Kаzi is nоt аn еxtrеmist. Hе’ѕ аctuаlly tеасhіng еxасtlу whаt Muhhаmmаd sаid аbоut jihаd, соnvеrѕіоn, Chrіѕtіаnѕ аnd Jеws, аѕ rеcоrdеd in thе Qur’аn. [5]

This is the mindset that we are dealing with. It will be a battle for our culture, religion, and way of life and it may have to be violent.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. New estimates show US Muslim population continues to grow
  2. Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum
  3. Poll most US Muslims would trade constitution for shariah
  4. CAIR: Muslims above law

Harvesting Baby Organs, Part 3

Roger Anghis

The fight to expose this industry is being pushed back by people in high places. David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit,  citizen journalists with the Center for Medical Progress, produced videos of this illegal practice and were charged with fifteen felony counts of illegal taping; As the second week of preliminary criminal hearings against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt continue to reveal gruesome admissions of baby body part trafficking in a San Francisco court, mainstream media outlets remain uncharacteristically silent about an important First Amendment case.

Daleiden and Merritt, citizen journalists with the Center for Medical Progress, are charged with 15 felony counts of illegal taping of confidential information, in which they exposed the illegal activity of Planned Parenthood and the human tissue procurement company, StemExpress. Four days into the hearings, significant and graphic details about StemExpress’ business steadily emerge, such as their supplying of beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers. Yet a quick search for Daleiden’s name across national and local news sites (The New York Times, CNN, The San Francisco Chronicle, The L.A. Times) turns up zero stories on the hearings.

Why would reporters find no interest in a case’s outcome that could result in serious implications on their own First Amendment rights as journalists? And a case with click-grabbing, alarmingly graphic details to boot? The answer, it is two-fold.

First, is the inconvenient fact that this case exists, not because there is a consensus that Daleiden’s videos were actually illegal, but because former California attorney general Kamala Harris sought to prosecute Daleiden at the behest of her political donors at Planned Parenthood. Even though Daledien’s unreleased footage should have been protected by the California Shield Law, Harris ordered a search warrant against Daleiden in 2016 and a raid of his apartment, seizing his computer, camera equipment, and footage. [1]

Notice that the Attorney General who brought the charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit is none other than presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, the one that slept with Willie Brown to work her way up the political ladder in the most corrupt State in the country, California.[2]  She has even declared that all presidential candidates need to declare availability to abortions should be a priority: Kamala Harris is an ardent abortion activist — no pro-life voter could be addlepated about that.[3]

But Harris wants to make sure Democrat presidential primary voters know she’s staunching in favor of abortion as many babies as possible, right up to birth. Harris is so pro-abortion she just told an audience that killing babies in abortions is something that should be declared “a priority.”

Naturally, Harris wrapped this horrific reality in language about so-called “reproductive rights.”[3]

Most of day one was devoted to examining NAF Vice President of External Affairs Melissa Fowler, the prosecuting attorney general’s primary witness. In it, the AG focused almost entirely on the security and application process for NAF trade shows. Daleiden attended trade shows in disguise and secretly recorded conversations with Planned Parenthood employees.

After Fowler, Doe 7 took the stand, a non-physician who performed surgical abortions for Planned Parenthood Northern California. She testified she regularly provided fetal tissue from the abortions she did and heard of money exchanges with StemExpress. When presented video evidence of her conversation with Daleiden, Doe 7 testified that numerous third parties could overhear the conversation, an important point of debate in the charge of eavesdropping.

In the final minutes of Tuesday’s hearing, Doe 3, a third-trimester abortionist, took the stand, at which time the AG’s office played a nearly 20-minute, never-before-released undercover video of a conversation between her and Daleiden, described by some in the courtroom as “shocking.” [4]

It has been said that the most dangerous place in America is in a mother’s womb.  The lie that women need access to abortion for reproductive healthcare is nothing but a farce.  Keep in mind that abortion has always been available IF the life of the mother is at stake.  From the day the battle over abortion began, the pro-life movement has been saying that repeat abortions are a natural and logical progression of the abortion reality. Statistics published by even pro-abortion organizations like The Alan Guttmacher Institute, as well as the U.S. Government’s Centers for Disease Control, reveals that we have been right all along.  The data shows that, (a) about 35% of all American women of child-bearing age will have had at least one abortion by age 45 (b) approximately half of all abortions are repeat abortions, (c) repeat abortions are on the rise, and (d) only a tiny fraction of abortions are done for the so-called “hard cases” such as rape, incest, life-of-the-mother, or fetal anomalies.

Incredibly, Poppema is saying that because many women who have abortions were contracepting, that proves they are not using abortion as contraception.  In fact, it proves just the opposite!  Hillard’s figures clearly show that abortion is being routinely used as “back-up” birth control. [5]

What society has allowed is an environment that requires no responsibilities for the actions of the members of society.   We hold the life of a baby to nothing more than what its body parts are worth.  A girl in school can’t get an aspirin without parental approval but she can get an abortion without parental knowledge!  Is that where we want to be as a society?

2nd Kings 21:16 tells us:  Moreover Manasseh shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another; beside his sin wherewith he made Judah to sin, in doing that which was evil in the sight of the LORD.  Is their any more innocent blood than that of an unborn baby?  Manasseh sacrificed his own child to the false god Molech and encouraged all Judah to do the same.  It goes without saying that God did not approve then and He doesn’t approve today.  God can and will forgive those who have sought and had abortions but there has to be repentance for this abominable act.  Doctors who perform these procedures had better look at what they are doing.  Murder has never been an option that God approves of.  There is a lake of fire waiting for those that disregard the commandments of God.

We have allowed it to happen. By ‘we’ I’m speaking of the church. God will hold the sinner to task for their actions, but He will hold the church accountable for stand aside and letting the heathens run the world.

The Founders intended for all of the population to be involved in placing people in places of authority and they intended for us to put men and women of high character.  John Jay stated: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” Sam Adams stated: “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.”  It is time we began placing men and women of godly character in places of authority.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Media blacks abortion industry admissions baby body part trafficking Kamala Harris abuse of power
  2. Kamala Harris on abortion we need to declare it a priority
  3. Former San Francisco mayor reveals his extramarital affair with Kamala Harris
  4. Court hearing Planned Parenthood employee admits trafficking baby body parts
  5. Abortion as birth control

Harvesting Baby Organs, Part 2

Pastor Roger Anghis

What began as supposed ‘reproductive healthcare’ for women has turned into a form of birth control that always puts the baby on the short end.  Our unborn children end up paying the ultimate price for the bad decisions of others.  But it has taken an even more sinister turn in the last few years.  We are seeing a barbaric practice of abortionists selling baby parts for profit.  They get paid to abort the baby then get more money for their parts.  I’m trying to wrap my head around the concept of American ‘doctors’ participating in such a despicable, vile and barbaric operation.

People don’t think about what is happening here. They say that a fetus is not a human. If it isn’t, then what is it?  If it is a human when it’s born, then it is a human when it’s conceived. It can be nothing else. We have laws that protect an eagle that is still in the egg because an eagle laid the egg, therefore it has to be an eagle. It is the same biological process that develops the eagle in the egg as develops the baby in the womb of its mother. The only difference is the egg is an external womb.  Why is there protection for the bird but not the human baby?  Money!

Last week, a California abortionist testified under oath that there is “no question” abortionists are allowing babies to be born alive in order to harvest their organs, a report from LifeSiteNews revealed. 

Testifying during a preliminary hearing in the criminal case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt earlier in the month, Dr. Forrest Smith outlined gruesome details of the abortion business, of which he said Daleiden and Merritt only captured the “tip of the iceberg” with their shocking undercover videos. 

“Smith testified that it is almost certain that some of the abortionists featured in the undercover videos deliberately altered abortion procedures in a way that both led to the birth of living babies with beating hearts, and put women at risk. The goal in these cases would be to obtain fresher, more intact organs,” LifeSiteNews reported.[1]

How far have we fallen as a society when we begin to use human body parts for ‘medicinal’ purposes?  Skincare for aging skin is on the top of everyone’s list when it comes to beauty and style. There’s no doubt that we all love to avoid wrinkles and want that glow you see on our favorite talent.

Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett have sworn by a new, funny but worthwhile product to help with skincare for aging skin. It’s a $650 dollar “penis facial.” Yes, you read that right, a “penis facial.” The facial is also known as “Hollywood EGF Facial,” and many stars in the limelight swear that it helps with radiant and glowing skin.

Blanchett opened up about her secret skincare for aging skin back in March 2018. She shared the special facial at esthetician Georgia’s Lousie’s New York Skincare atelier has a nickname “The Penis Facial,” because of the treatments ingredients.

Thursday she opened up to Ellen DeGeneres about this special treatment for aging skin. She said:

“The serum is an extraction from a piece of skin that came from a young person far, far away.” And they both hold back a giggle. But Ellen DeGeneres couldn’t hold back and bluntly points out, the EGF is derived from “foreskin from a Korean baby.” [2]

Planned Parenthood has made fortunes aborting babies and then compounded those fortunes selling body parts from the aborted babies.  The Planned Parenthood executive who in 2015 was caught on tape joking about selling baby organs to get a Lamborghini was once again caught haggling over the price of organs harvested from the bodies of aborted babies.

In a new video by the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of the Medical Directors Council for the nation’s largest abortion provider, is negotiating the price of organs.

“I did it in LA,” she said about harvesting organs from aborted babies bodies in exchange for money. “I’m committed to it, I think it’s a great idea.”

“What kind of volume do you need and what gestational ages?” she brusquely asks before launching into a negotiation.

“You know, you have to pay a little money to use the space,” she said, implying that the organ harvesters, not Planned Parenthood employees, would be doing all the work.

When a Center for Medical progress investigator posing as an organ buyer tells Gatter they’re looking to pay $50 per specimen, she responds that the amount offered is simply not enough.

“Yeah, fifty’s on the low end,” Gatter says. “Fifty (per specimen) was like 12 years ago.”

Under federal law, Planned Parenthood can be reimbursed for the costs of harvesting organs, but the details of this informal arrangement make it clear the abortion provider would not have any costs. [3]

Human body parts trafficking is not legal but is being done on a daily basis and there are judges in place that actually facilitate the business.  Over the last two weeks in the ongoing federal civil jury trial of Planned Parenthood against David Daleiden, Judge William Orrick, an Obama appointee, has repeatedly cut off defense questioning that he considers straying too close to eliciting information related to Planned Parenthood’s history of selling tissue from aborted fetuses.

Planned Parenthood is suing undercover journalist David Daleiden and others associated with his organization, Center for Medical Progress (CPM), alleging that Daleiden and his team committed illegal wiretapping, trespassing, breaches of confidentiality, and more. The challenge that Planned Parenthood attorneys have accepted is to make the case that Daleiden and his team illegally recorded private conversations, without admitting what exactly those conversations were about.

But it’s not just the plaintiffs who don’t want the jury to consider the potentially illegal activities happening at Planned Parenthood clinics. Judge Orrick laid out the ground rules to the jury in his opening statements on Day One, saying this case “is not about the truth of whether plaintiffs profited from the sale of fetal tissue or otherwise violated the law in securing tissue for those programs,” and adding that, “those issues are a matter of dispute between the parties in the world outside this courtroom.” [4]

This is what happens when this vile and barbaric industry is exposed.  The ones exposing it are put on trial.  God warned us in 2 Chronicles_19:6 “And said to the judges, Take heed what ye do: for ye judge not for man, but for the LORD, who is with you in the judgment.”  This judge failed his mandate.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved


Foot Notes

  1. Abortionist testifies no question babies being born alive to harvest organs
  2. Sandra Bullock and Ellen Degeneres discuss new skin care for aging skin its hilarious
  3. Planned Parenthood’s organs Lamborghinis exec busted trying sell baby body parts
  4. Judge suppresses evidence of baby body part trafficking in Planned Parenthood trial

Harvesting Baby Organs

Roger Anghis

This is a subject that I never thought we would have to deal with in America. Our society has devolved so far and has allowed the vilest and disgusting practices to proliferate.  Our so-called medical field has become anything but what medical doctors are supposed to practice which is saving lives.

I must include the Hippocratic Oath that all physicians declare so we can fully understand just how deep in the gutter this profession has allowed itself to fall.  Please understand that I am not talking about the entire medical community but a small portion that seems to think of just one thing and that’s how much money they can make without any regard as to how they make it or the negative effect their actions have on the people they are dealing with and society as a whole.  The oath is as follows: I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.

I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter? May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help. [1]

The part of the medical profession that I refer to are the so-called doctors that perform abortions.  This has become to be known, thanks to Democrats, as “women’s reproductive healthcare”.  Anyone who believes this does not have a functioning thought process.  What we are teaching the younger generation is we don’t have to take responsibility for our actions.  When I was growing up and a young girl got pregnant it was not a badge of honor.  There was talk about the girl and it wasn’t very flattering. Unfortunately, the boy was not treated the same even though it ‘takes two to tango’.  But that being said abortions were not easy to come by.  There had to be a reason other than ‘this is going to screw up my life right now’.  That was because my generation still understood the importance of that personal responsibility I spoke of earlier and we also understood the value of a life.  We were taught that if you wanted to act like an adult then you had to accept the responsibilities for your actions.  My mom had a saying that I’m sure most parents had back then and that was “You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it”.

Kids today don’t have an understanding of this concept.  I believe that a lot of this mentality began when they stopped giving out trophies for first, second and third place.  Everybody got the same trophy because they ‘participated’.  There was no emphasis on doing your best with a reward for the best job.  There was also no stigma for being last.  ‘Authorities’ didn’t want to hurt the feelings of those that were too lazy to work hard.  They actually gave them an excuse to be lazy lowlifes.  I brought this up because it shows how the general public has allowed itself to fall into a place where the only thing that is important is what makes us happy and what doesn’t interfere with our drive for personal edification.

Today there are many forms of birth control.  I understand that Catholics aren’t supposed to use them and that’s their right but if the rhythm fails and you get pregnant then you are going to be a parent.  But the figures for women who ‘accidentally’ got pregnant and aborted is a disgrace to what our society once was. Surveys indicated that the most common reason for having an abortion was that an unintended pregnancy would interfere with a woman’s education, work, or their ability to care for their dependents, at 74%. Numerous research also supports that when women have the ability to control when and how often they get pregnant is directly correlated to higher levels of educational attainment, better finances, and more healthy pregnancies and babies.

73% of abortion patients cite not being able to afford a child at the time, followed by not wanting to be a single parent or having relationship issues, at 48%. Four in ten surveyed abortion patients said they were finished having children, and one-third did not think they were ready for a child. Less than 1% said that a parent’s or a partner’s decision had any influence on whether or not they wanted an abortion. Young women more frequently cited that they were unable or unprepared to transition to motherhood, while older women had too many responsibilities to other dependents. [2]

You can see from these statistics that most women act irresponsibly which causes that situation to arise.  What is disgusting is the one person that is not responsible for the pregnancy is the one that pays the highest price for the irresponsible actions of another.  There is no better description of an innocent life than an unborn gift from God.  How the person carrying this gift can be so callous as to allow it life to be snuffed out because of selfishness is appalling.

Next week we will look at how abortionists are profiting from the careless actions of a few.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes



The Impeachment That Wasn’t

Roger Anghis

The last few weeks should have opened the eyes of reasonable Democrats.  I know there are very few of them but what the Democrats have done in exposing their true agenda is appalling at best.  It goes without saying that the left has still yet to get over the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016.  My guess is they will never get over it.  They are going to look under every rug, behind every door and every rock to try to find something, anything to remove him from office.

If you haven’t figured out by now they want him out of office before he finds the evidence that will actually cause them to be removed from office.  This concern was noticed by me when the first televised meeting between Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer was aired.  Schumer could not even look Trump in the face at that meeting.  It was like he was doing something that he totally dreaded, which I’m sure he was.

The threat to the left if the investigations are completed by Attorney General Barr will destroy the Democrat Party as we know it.  Sounds good to me.  The Democrat Party is more concerned about illegals than Americans, more concerned about leaving our borders open to any and everyone with total disregard for how that negatively affects the American people.  Their unreasonable demands for solving problems that don’t exist like climate change is frightening.  No planes, no cars, no cows?  They want us to regress back to the 1700s.

I saw a post on Instagram the other day of Trump saying that the Democrats really want We the People but he’s in the way and I believe that 100%.  If you haven’t noticed, they want to control what we eat, what we drive, how we travel IF they allow us to travel, what kind of home we can live in, and it won’t be a single-family residence either.  Remember that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has everything figured out:  Interestingly, Ocasio-Cortez, a self-identified “Democratic socialist,” has been hyping up her plan to tackle climate change for months. In November, the 29-year-old representative claimed that her climate change plan is necessary because “people are going to die” otherwise. The really sad part is, many leftists take her seriously.

During his 2019 SOTU address, President Trump said that “America will never be a socialist state.” This can only be true if these “socialist activists” get voted out of office. 

Additionally, according to NPR, tearing down all our buildings isn’t all AOC is proposing. She also wants to cut out air travel as well. NPR listed several proposals. However, these two really stand out as ridiculous.[1]

I bring this up because everything Trump stands for, America, free enterprise, free speech, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our sovereignty all offends the Democrat and all stand in the way of them taking full control.  One of their biggest issues is gun control.  You can’t control an armed populace and that is why they are determined to confiscate our guns.  They say that guns, specifically the AR-15 kill thousands of people years but the FBI’s figure disagree: According to the FBI, between 2012 and 2016, an average of 295 murder victims were shot to death with rifles each year, rifles that include so-called “assault weapons” like the big scary AR-15.[2] Illegal aliens kill more Americans than AR-15s.[3] If they are so concerned they should look at Planned Parenthood who murders more Americans then guns, illegals and doctors combined: Planned Parenthood aborted 321,384 babies during its 2016-2017 fiscal year, according to its new annual report.

This is a slight decrease from its last annual report, which revealed the company committed 328,348 in 2015-2016. Planned Parenthood’s total revenue is $1.46 billion, with $543.7 million – 37 percent – of that coming from taxpayers. [4]

These are all facts the left does not report to you because most people can put two and two together are see what their real goal is.  Maxine Waters, the biggest mouth, literally, in Congress has been calling to Trump’s impeachment literally from the day after his election.  What is her goal that Trump’s agenda stops dead in its tracks? Government control of all businesses: California’s most influential black lawmaker, Democrat Representative Maxine Waters, made the threat during recent congressional hearings with oil company executives. She said the federal government would take over their industry if they failed to do something to stop the escalating price of gasoline.

Waters told the president of a major oil company to “guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socializing — uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” One renowned commentator, who said Waters made an absolute total fool of herself, points out that the congresswoman’s associates can be heard laughing in the video of the embarrassing exchange.[5]

Trump has all the Democrats and half the Republicans terrified that he will destroy their plans for merging America into the global system.  They know they can’t defeat him in an election, without massive voter fraud.  Saturday on MSNBC, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) said he is concerned is the Democrats do not begin impeachment proceedings in the House President Donald Trump will win the election in 2020.

Green said, “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say he’s been vindicated. He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we had a constitutional duty to do and we didn’t. He will say he’s been vindicated.”[6]

There is nothing fair about this joke of an impeachment.  Witnesses that are called go to closed-door meetings in the basement of the Capital. No transcripts are allowed to be released except what Adam Schiff leaks himself.  His opening statement about Trump’s phone call to the President of Ukraine was an outright fabrication, i.e. lie.  They demanded transparency from the Mueller Report but there is no transparency in their actions here.  Pelosi will not call for a full vote on the impeachment hearings because she knows she doesn’t have the vote and if she did then Trump’s attorneys would be able to call witnesses, they’d have subpoena power, they could cross-examine and all proceedings would be made public which is the last thing the Democrats want the public to see.  They would be destroyed.

I believe that they have gone too far already.  I’ve seen many Democrats state that this is not the right way to proceed.  It is all one-sided and secret.  Without a full vote, they cannot impeach.  It is a show for their base which is decreasing on a daily basis because of their actions.  Trump is playing them like a fiddle, and they can’t even see it.  Look for a landslide in November of 2020.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. AOC: we must tear down and replace every building in America
  2. Fact: more people us are killed criminal aliens each year are shot death ar 15s
  3. Fact: more people us are killed criminal aliens each year are shot death ar 15s
  4. Planned Parenthood aborted 321,384 babies last year got $543.7 million from t
  5. Maxine Waters wants socialize oil companies
  6. Rep. Al Ggreen: If we don’t impeach Trump he will get re-elected

Why Democrats Are Crying Wolf

Roger Anghis

From the night Donald Trump won the election in 2016 the Democrats have been doing all they can to remove him from office.  None of their attempts have been legitimate.  All have been a pie in the sky effort, and all have backfired so badly that the only information that came forth was the massive corruption of the Democrat Party.

Mad Maxine Waters has been shouting impeach 45 from the day after the election.  She is supposedly a college-educated person, but she was so butt-hurt that she wasn’t aware that you can’t impeach someone who hasn’t take the office yet.  All the schemes the Democrats have pulled reminds me of the little boy that cried wolf.  They have tried to get the American people behind their idiotic plans to remove Trump every time their last scheme failed.  They tried to get the Electoral College to vote for Hillary or someone else to keep Trump from getting the 270 votes needed: . . . in hopes GOP electors will join them to keep the president-elect under the 270 votes he’ll need to enter the White House.

The Democrats are trying to persuade Republicans to ignore their oaths and ditch Trump, who is expected to end up with 307 electoral votes, according to Politico.

The electors meet Dec. 19.

The dissenting Democrats would have to persuade 37 Republican electors to defect. At that point, the final decision on the presidency would go to the GOP-controlled House of Representatives. [1]

When that didn’t work, they rioted in the streets, burned cars, broke out store windows and did other things in hopes that their violent actions would change the results of the election.  When it didn’t, they began to push a made-up story that was even unverified by the author of the story, The Steel Dossier.  Well, we all know how that turned out. Zilch.  The Mueller Report was a big bust.  Mueller’s testimony before Congress was even a bigger dud.  MuellerDay is over, and the assessments continue to roll in. One common theme in coverage is that if Democrats were hoping Robert Mueller’s testimony would create a big push for impeachment, they were off the mark. Politico reports that in a closed-door meeting of the Democratic caucus after the Mueller hearings, Nancy Pelosi squelched a push from House Judiciary chief Jerry Nadler to launch the proceedings against President Trump. Instead, Democrats will stay the current course of letting committee investigations and court proceedings play out. In fact, Mueller’s testimony before two House panels “was a disappointment to many Democrats,” per Politico.[2]

Then the Democrats started pushing the false narrative that we were headed for a massive recession.  That lasted about two weeks when even their own economists denied that there was a recession on the horizon.  Then came the Phone Call.  Democrats were ecstatic.   They now had the grounds for impeachment, they thought.  Pelosi announced the day before Trump release the transcript of the call that the House was instigating an impeachment inquiry.  Trump released the transcript and all their hopes were bashed, again.  First off, the whistleblower did not have firsthand information and it turned out that the rules were changed in August of this year just before the report was filed.   The Whistleblower Protection Act rules were changed in the months prior to a whistleblower coming forward against President Donald Trump.

The rules used to state that a whistleblower had to have direct, firsthand knowledge of what they were reporting on.[3]  Then Schiff lied about not meeting with the whistleblower when in truth he helped guide him through the process. This is flat-out false. Unlike the quick two-step dance he performed with Anderson Cooper, Schiff simply says the committee had not spoken to the whistleblower. Now we know that’s not true.

“Regarding Chairman Schiff’s comments on ‘Morning Joe,’ in the context, he intended to answer the question of whether the Committee had heard testimony from the whistleblower, which they had not,” a committee spokesman told The Fact Checker. “As he said in his answer, the whistleblower was then awaiting instructions from the Acting DNI as to how the whistleblower could contact the Committee. Nonetheless, he acknowledges that his statement should have been more carefully phrased to make that distinction clear.” [4]

We have to wonder just why the election of Trump has brought the Democrats to such a state of despair.  This is simple to explain.  They have been working since Reagan to slowly usurp or Constitution and gain complete control of the American people, businesses, economy, environment, healthcare, and energy.  Trump has ruined it all!  We’ve gone from being dependent on foreign oil to being the world’s largest producer of oil.  Our military, which Obama did his best to destroy, is now the feared military force it should be.  Trump has redone many of the trade deals that always put America on the short end of the stick and we are now the ones that benefit the most, as we should.  Trump has gotten us out of the Paris Climate Accord which placed the majority of the cost on the American taxpayer.  He redid NAFTA, one of the worst deals we have ever done.  He’s cut back the funding to the UN and has forced other countries to pay more.

The bottom line, Trump has placed America and Americans first.  Democrats put illegals first. New York Assembly Democrats on Tuesday blocked a bill that proposed expanding college tuition aid for children of deceased and disabled military veterans after– having a week earlier– approved a state budget that set aside $27 million in college tuition aid for illegal immigrants.

The Assembly’s Higher Education Committee voted 15 to 11 on Tuesday to shelve the bill, effectively quashing its chances of going to the floor, the Post-Standard reported.

The decision came after committee chair Deborah Glick, D-Manhattan, and Speaker Carl Heastie said $27 million from the state’s budget would go towards supporting the Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act, which allows illegal immigrants to qualify for state aid for higher education, Newsweek reported. [5] Just how cold can you be to spit in the face of the families of fallen vets but embrace the illegals that thumb their nose at our laws?

How many more times will the Democrats cry wolf between now and November 2020?   Representative Al Greene said it as plain as anyone can: “I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected. If we don’t impeach him, he will say he’s been vindicated. He will say the Democrats had an overwhelming majority in the House and didn’t take up impeachment. He will say we had a constitutional duty to do and we didn’t. He will say he’s been vindicated.” [6]  He knows the Democrats don’t have an answer for Trump’s economy, his trade abilities, his employment figures, his energy policies.  He knows that another four years of Trump and it will take the Democrats thirty years to regain the ground they will have lost.  What most Democrats are afraid of is the corruption he is exposing.  Hillary stated during the campaign that she could be in big trouble if Trump wins: You really had to see this to believe it. She came apart — literally unglued. She is the most foul-mouthed woman I’ve ever heard. And that voice at screech level — awful!

She screamed she’d get that f***ing Lauer fired for this. Referring to Donald Trump, Clinton said, ‘If that f***ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished, and if I lose, it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.’[7]

The Democrat Party’s corruption is massive and encompasses the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOJ just to name a few of the alphabet agencies.  Mostly the top tier of these organizations, not the rank and file.  Expect the cry of wolf for the next five years.  This ‘witch hunt’ they are pursuing for impeachment reminds me of the Old Testament story of Haman in the book of Ester.  He built gallows to hang Mordecai on but God turned it around and Haman and his entire family was hung on those gallows instead.  The Democrats think they will take Trump down but God is using their investigations to expose their corruption and they will hang instead of Trump.  God will not be mocked.  What you sow, you reap.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Several electoral college democrats plan to vote against Trump
  2. After Mueller’s big day Pelosi spurns impeachment push
  3. Whistleblower rules
  4. Schiff’s false claim his committee had not spoken to whistleblower
  5. New York dems block bill expanding college tuition for gold star families after approving 27m in tuition aid for illegal immigrants
  6. Rep Al Green: If we don’t impeach Trump he will get re elected
  7. Hillary Clinton: If that f-ing bastard Trump wins we all hang from nooses

The Political Landscape In America, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Because we were founded as a Christian nation, contrary to popular belief, God worked on our side.  John Jay, our first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court stated: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”  Obama stated that we were no longer a Christian nation.  You would expect a statement like that from a muslim and as usual, he lied.

For as long as we have had a settlement in the Americas, we have been a Christian nation.  Many have stated that it was for economic gain that America began to be populated and there is a portion of truth about that because of the vast untapped resources that were available in America, but when you study the charters for each settlement and the Constitutions of the colonies, there is one glaring truth that the revisionist historians refuse to acknowledge and that is their number one purpose for coming to America was to ‘propagate the Christian religion’.  They wanted the freedom to worship how they believed they were supposed to and to spread the gospel to the inhabitants of the new land.  This is proven by the Mayflower Compact which was written before they disembarked from the ship.[1]

This thought was a common thread among our Founders in spite of what some revisionist historians say. But the politicians today, primarily Democrat/socialists, are doing their best to push us in the opposite direction.  This is a satanic move as satan knows that a Christian practicing God’s principles is his greatest enemy.  That’s why the 1947 Evers vs The Board Of Education took the Bible out of the school and totally redefined the 1st Amendment so that Christian principles would be kept out of the government.  This is why the 1954 Johnson Gag Order pulled the churches out of the political arena and I could go on and on.  Hillary stated during the 2016 presidential campaign: “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton said.

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will,” she explained. “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone — and not just in faraway countries but right here in the United States.” [2]

Why do we have to change our deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases?  Because the New World Order does not recognize the one true God.  A couple years back we had seventy members of Congress that belonged to Democrat Socialist or the Communist Party USA: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA),  Maxine Waters (D-CA),  Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI),  Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) [3] just to name a few.  With the mindset of the Communist/socialists, it is no wonder that we are heading in that direction and away from the foundation our Founders gave us.  Many have been in Congress since the 1970s and have had a hand influencing the direction of the country for decade.  This is a perfect example of the need for term limits for all members of Congress.

Our politicians no longer look to God for direction.  They play a game of fake relationship, kind of like most Christians, and turn to God only in a time of great need.  Now I’m sure that there are a couple, literally, that take their relationship with Jesus seriously but that is not enough.  We the People must pray that our nation stays on the right track.  Trump has stopped the nation from going down the socialist path for now.  He has exposed the true intent of the politicians and that is to turn us into a third world country.  He has destroyed much of the foundation that they have laid over the last thirty years.  I believe that he will get a second term and expose so many of the politicians that have done their best to destroy America that it will take 30 more years for them to rebuild what Trump destroys.

On May 22, 2019, Hank Kunneman gave a prophecy about the summer of 2019 that I feel I must include in this article.  He was 100% correct and also speaks of the 2020 election that is very eye-opening. “They shall say through the 90 days of summer, ‘We are now ready to bring articles of impeachment.’ Ha! What you seek to take out by your impeachment shall lead to your own demise and in the fall of 2020 there shall be a great fall,” says the Spirit of God.

“I speak a double meaning that you will understand when that moment arises upon this land. For there is jealousy and where there is strife, I speak to your house, to your congress—there is confusion and there is every evil work. It is written and it shall be seen if you bite and devour, you will be consumed by one another.

“This I speak—listen to the warning that I give to you,” says the Spirit of God, “stop or you shall fall. Stop or you and your party will be consumed—for you are kicking against the pricks.

“What do I speak? You are speaking against and working against My plan! This is not a political thing, even though you may say that it is. You are working against My hand, therefore you will see your foolishness cause a boomerang upon your own party and there is an exoneration that shall come to this house and to this land.”

We cannot forget that God was behind the founding of America.  This is His nation and in 2016 He took it back.  He will not be defeated, and His will shall be accomplished, and no political party will stop or hinder Him.  If they try, it will be to their detriment.  If they don’t back off this path, they are on we could well see the Democrat Party be so decimated it will take decades to recover.  God will not be mocked; what they sow they shall reap (Galatians 6:7).

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 9
  2. Hillary’s deep seated religious beliefs have to be changed for abortion
  3. Trevor Loudon’s 2019 list of socialists and communists in congress

The Political Landscape In America

Roger Anghis

Some say that politics are the same today as they were two hundred years ago.  The basics may be but the purpose has changed drastically.  When our nation was founded there was a genuine interest to make the nation succeed and not just for the sake of the nation but for the sake of the people.

Our Founders believed that each person was responsible for themselves and their families.  There was no government aid.  Those elected were genuinely concerned with the economic environment to make it easy to be able to do business and provide for your family.  Were there those that sought to take unfair advantage of others for personal gain.  Yes, but these people were dealt with swiftly when they were found out.

People, during the early years of our nation, put a lot of stock into a person’s character because a man’s reputation was his greatest asset.  Most people lived by biblical values, unlike today when Christian principles are shunned and even mocked.  America’s Christian principles created the most powerful, most prosperous and most respected nation this world has ever seen.  As the world ekes its way towards a one-world government, the pressure to be part of that may become too great to stay separated.  If that government was the same type of government our Founders established, that would be one thing, but what we are seeing is a socialistic government which demands to be a person’s source from cradle to the grave, false religion stupidity that will bring mankind to its knees.  The only government that has proven, for longer than any other government, to be successful is what was laid out in the Declaration of Independence and in the United States Constitution.  It has no rivals.  All others have failed.  The principles set out in the Constitution are unmatched on any continent in any period of time.  It is simply the best government ever devised by man.  Even then the foundation of it was derived from Scripture which is why it has been so successful.  

From the 1600’s the principles that were set out in the Constitution had been preached from the pulpit.  The principles of property ownership were preached from the pulpit.  The idea of the people limiting government and having a government of the people, by the people, and for the people was preached from the pulpit. All of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence were preached from the pulpit as factions of a society that was detrimental to society. [1]

Why do we see such a shift from a society that prided itself in personal responsibility and living in accordance with the principles laid out in scripture to a society that shuns Christianity and embraces an ideology that removes all freedoms that we have enjoyed for the last 243 years?  I believe the problem lies solely at the feet of the pastors.  There have been so many changes in our society that the pastors never resisted.  These changes didn’t come all at once but one small change here and another here until we now have a church that is hard to recognize as a church that supposedly represents Jesus Christ.  No true church of Jesus Christ embraces homosexuality, nor does it embrace living together outside of marriage.  The pastors of the Founding Era were men of strong character.  The pastors were the primary leaders of towns and villages.  The church was the center of activity.  Education was attained and taught in churches and the Bible was the center of it all.  All this history has been removed from our history books and ignored.  We are in danger of forgetting who we are.  This is being done in a calculated move to make the founding of America no better than any other nation. [2]

The pastors have allowed the strength of the Gospel to be diluted by ignoring the humanism that has crept into society. In all towns leading up to and after our fight for independence, businesses would close down on Sunday and most people would attend church.  This practice has not been seen in my lifetime.  The people that were placed into positions of authority were well known by the people and had a reputation of good character and living by biblical principles.

Judges, in particular, were required to have biblical knowledge.  James Kent, though not a Founder, was instrumental in establishing our law system.  He is referred to as the Father of American Jurisprudence.  In a case in 1811 that involved blasphemy against Jesus Christ, People vs Ruggles, a case that would never see the inside of a courtroom today, he sentenced a man to three months in jail and fined $500.00 for derogatory comments concerning Jesus and His mother Mary.  He stated: Such words uttered with such a disposition were an offense at common law.  In the Taylor’s case the defendant was convicted upon information of speaking similar words, and the Court. . .  said that Christianity was parcel of the law, and to cast contumelious [rude] reproaches upon it, tended to weaken the foundation of moral obligation, and the efficacy of oaths. 

Whatever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government. . . the authorities show that blasphemy against God and. . . profane ridicule of Christ or the Holy Scriptures (which are equally treated as blasphemy), are offenses punishable at common law, whether uttered by words or writings. . . because it tends to corrupt the morals of the people and to destroy good order. [3]

Today our judges show little regard to biblical principles nor do they regard the Constitution even though they are sworn to uphold our Constitution when adjudicating a case.  Justice Ginsburg is not shy about making her case in public speeches, and she did just that at an Ohio State symposium honoring her 15 years on the bench.  Ginsburg argued that the Supreme Court is losing its relevance in the international community in failing to use international law as persuasive authority.  She went on that the Canadian Supreme Court is probably cited more often than the U.S. Supreme Court because “you will not be listened to if you don’t listen to others.”

“Why shouldn’t we look to the wisdom of a judge from abroad with at least as much ease as we would read a law review article from a professor,” asks Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  She went on, “I frankly don’t understand all the brouhaha lately from Congress and even from some of my colleagues about referring to foreign law.” 

At his confirmation hearing, Justice Roberts disagreed with Ginsburg’s position.  “If we’re relying on a decision from a German judge about what our Constitution means, no president accountable to the people appointed that judge and no Senate accountable to the people confirmed that judge…And yet he’s playing a role in shaping the law that binds the people in this country.”

Justice Scalia’s dissent in Texas v. Johnson goes even further.  He calls the discussion of international law “meaningless” and “dangerous” because the opinion’s author (Justice Stevens) quoted only international law that supported his position  and because the court “should not impose foreign moods, fads, or fashions on Americans.” 4

Our nation was made great by following God’s principles and our government is based on scripture.  We’ve had many people in office from both parties but their governing principles were basically the same but today we have most politicians look at what is best for the world totally disregarding the consequences or the costs to the American people as well as ignoring the principles that made our nation the greatest nation the world had ever seen.

In the beginning, you had to be a consistent church attendee, today you are considered not qualified if you have strong Christian beliefs.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 15-16
  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 16
  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) p. 192
  4. Justice Ginsburg defends using foreign courts as persuasive authority

Is There Anything The Democrats Won’t Ban?, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Last week we started to look at the myriad of things that the democrat/socialists feel need to be banned. The list is long and if ever 100% complied to would put us back about one hundred and fifty years. Now keep in mind that these bans would only be for the masses, not the socialist elites. Notice how they condemn flying and anything else that has a carbon footprint but the elites own planes and yachts and SUV’s.

Their continued hatred of plastic carries over to water bottles.  Bottled Water – In San Francisco, the Board of Supervisors approved a measure that bans the sale of bottled water at events held on city property. Supervisor David Chiu authored the legislation in 2014, which also prevents the use of city funds to purchase bottled water. Over the next four years, the ban will phase out the sales of plastic water bottles that hold 21 ounces or less in public places. Violators could face fines of up to $1,000. Environmentalists love it, but the American Beverage Association called it “nothing more than a solution in search of a problem.”[1] I guess we can go back to glass containers, but it is more expensive and it requires more energy to make glass bottles than plastic bottles.  It’s obvious that the democrat/socialists don’t think their ‘solutions’ through.

New York City seems to lead the nation in gross stupidity, but then they are controlled by a communist.[2]  They want to ban horse-drawn carriages.  I guess they have some kind of compassion for a beast of burden.  Horse-drawn Carriages – While not the law yet, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has every intention of banning horse-drawn carriages in the city. The contentious proposal (Int-573) states that as of June 1, 2016, “it shall be unlawful to operate a horse-drawn vehicle in the city of New York or offer rides to the public on a vehicle drawn or pulled by a carriage horse.” The bill also hopes to ease about 300 carriage drivers into new jobs as cabbies, offering job training and the possibility of green taxi licenses, which can pick up passengers outside the busiest parts of Manhattan. Penalty for breaking horse-carriage rules could hit $25,000. City Hall has hired a consultant to study the issue. [3]

Now they’re attacking something that most kids enjoyed when they were growing up: Goldfish – The San Francisco Animal Control & Welfare Commission proposed a ban on selling goldfish to prevent their inhumane suffering. In 2011, Commission member Philip Gerrie proposed the Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal, which included small pets and fish. He said that “most fish in aquariums are either mass bred under inhumane conditions or taken from the wild,” leading to “devastation of tropical fish from places like Southeast Asia.” As predicted by Supervisor Sean Elsbernd it was “an idea that will end up in the dustbin of history and go absolutely nowhere.”[3] 3 One thing that democrat/socialists can’t seem to stand is tradition.  West Virginia has a real winner in its statehouse.  He thinks we need to ban dolls: Barbie Dolls – A West Virginia state delegate wanted to put an end to Barbie. Democratic Delegate Jeff Eldridge of Lincoln County proposed House Bill 2918 in 2009, banning the sale of Barbie dolls and “other dolls that influence girls to be beautiful.” The Barbie Ban Bill claimed that the Mattel doll placed an undue importance on physical beauty to the detriment of their intellectual and emotional development.” Eldridge couldn’t find a single statehouse colleague to sign on to the bill and said he didn’t really expect it to pass.[4]

Symbols seem to bother the democrat/socialist a lot: Crosshair Symbols – Shortly after the 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, Representative Bob Brady of Pennsylvania announced that he would introduce a bill making it a federal crime to use “language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a Member of Congress or federal official.” His intention was to ban crosshair symbols like those on a map used by Sarah Palin to demonstrate which congressional districts she was targeting for the 2012 election season. Brady‘s idea was to expand Expand Title 18, Section 871 of the US Code (threats against President) to include more public servants from written threats. Conservatives responded by finding several examples of Democrats using similar crosshair symbols on campaign material.[5]

There seems to be a large number of unpatriotic people in the democrat/socialist crowd.  Surprise, surprise!  Pledge of Allegiance – In Massachusetts, Democratic State Congressman Frank Smizik vocally backed a 2011 effort by the Brookline Political Action for Peace group to ban the Pledge of Allegiance in school. The group said that the pledge had no educational value and was “reminiscent of totalitarian regimes.” While students already had the right not to say the pledge, Smizik claimed that students who refused were being bullied. He agreed to co-sign the resolution, citing both the First Amendment and a calling it an anti-bullying measure. At the time, School Committee Chairwoman Rebecca Stone was reported to have said that, with other important issues on their agenda, she didn’t believe that the Committee intended to reconsider the existing policy.[6] Keep in mind that the globalist trash in our Congress and Senate don’t want patriotism instilled in the coming generations.  They understand that a generation that has not been taught to love their country won’t defend it and that is their goal.

Then we have members of Congress that simply are as ignorant as they come. They typically refuse to call things for what they really are.  They don’t want the people to know what some things really are.  Take welfare for instance. There are those that think the name, welfare, is demeaning and it should be changed.  The Word “Welfare” – In January of 2014, Texas Representative Sheila Jackson Lee took to the House floor to propose banning the word ‘welfare’ from the government’s vocabulary. Using the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty, Lee said, “maybe the word welfare should be changed to something of, ‘a transitional living fund.’ For that is what it is — for people to be able to live.” Jackson Lee was referring to all welfare, including food stamps, unemployment, Medicaid, and Medicare.[7] This is a program that the democrat/socialists implemented but now they are ashamed of it as it was originally called.

Now another part of the Democrat/socialist history is bothersome to them and they are trying to get it out of the public view and that’s the statues of Confederate soldiers which were erected to intimidate blacks. With blacks disenfranchised and Jim Crow laws safely in place, Southern whites continue their campaign of terror against blacks. This era features continued lynchings, the growing popularity of “Lost Cause” revisionist histories, a resurgence of white supremacy organizations like the KKK, and the erection of Confederate statues and monuments in large numbers.[8] It is our history and I believe that we need to teach it not to shame them but to teach the younger generations just what happens when we let our feeling override common sense and what is right.

They want to ban all fossil fuels, airplanes, cars, internal combustion engines, oil drilling, fracking and most everything else that makes our world function.  And as usual, they don’t think these ‘plans’ through to evaluate the consequences of their ideas.  Keep these things in mind when you vote in 2020.  The great American experiment and our future depend on what ideology will carry us forward.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


Is There Anything The Democrats Won’t Ban?, Part 1

Roger Anghis

The Democrat Party has always been the party of control.  They demanded control over the lives of slaves.  When slavery was abolished after the Civil War, they still tried to control blacks with the establishing of the Klu Klux Klan which, through intimidation, threats of death and many other tactics, they were able to control what the black community did.  The ultimate purpose was to ban blacks the right to the freedoms we all have the right to.

Democrats/liberal/socialist look at life different that real people do.  They believe that their ideology is superior to all others.  Willian F Buckley Jr. once said that democrats don’t mind other opinions but are shocked when one is brought forth.  If they don’t like guns then they believe that they should be banned.  If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.  If a democrat believes in abortion, they demand the government pay for it.  If a conservative doesn’t believe in abortion, they don’t get one.  Democrats believe their ideas are so good there should be laws in place to enforce them.

We hear all the time that ‘Democrats don’t want to ban guns.’, which is a lie straight out of hell.  Hillary stated in the 2016 presidential campaign that she wants to “abolish the Second Amendment.”[1] Think about that.  If the 2nd Amendment is abolished there is no protection for the gun owners.  But what is seen in the Democrat party as a whole is even more disturbing. When pro-gun control advocates tell you they don’t want to take your guns, they actually want to take your guns.

At least, that’s the key takeaway from a YouGov survey released this week, which shows a significant number of self-identified Democratic respondents support the idea of total gun confiscation.

The poll, which was conducted between Feb. 25 and 27 and has a margin of error for registered voters of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points, surveyed 1,500 adults.

Of that number, YouGov found that 73 percent of self-identified Democrats “strongly” favor banning semi-automatic firearms. The survey found that an additional nine percent “somewhat” favor a ban of that sort.

Translation: 82 percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on semi-automatics, which would include not just rifles like the one used in the Feb. 14 Parkland massacre, which claimed the lives of 17 people, but also most handguns.[2]  Always remember that ALL nations that have confiscated the guns of the populous always came against the people with force and the citizens had no means of defense.  Here’s a history of what happens after governments have disarmed their citizens:

1911 – Turkey disarmed its citizens, and between 1915 – 1917 they murdered 1.5 million Armenians.

1929 – Russia disarmed its citizens, and between 1929 – 1953 they murdered 20 million Russians.

1935 – China disarmed its citizens, and between 1948 – 1952 they murdered 20 million Chinese.

1938 – Germany disarmed its citizens, and between 1939 – 1945 they murdered 16 million Jews.

1956 – Cambodia disarmed its citizens, and between 1975 – 1977 they murdered 1 million Educated people.

1964 – Guatemala disarmed its citizens, and between 1964 – 1981 they murdered 100,000 Mayan Indians.

1970 – Uganda disarmed its citizens, and between 1971 – 1979 they murdered 300,000 Christians.

[Editor: You can argue about the numbers, but the point here is that disarmed citizens are vulnerable and that there are many historical examples of disarmed citizens being killed and oppressed by their own government. The excuse given by authorities that they need to take guns away from citizens in order to lower crime rates is not supported by facts. Even if a government does not turn on its own citizens after disarming them, people are less safe – because unarmed citizens are easy targets to criminals. Over and over again, it has been clearly shown that taking guns away from citizens does not lead to a decrease in crime but rather a dramatic increase.]

Australia has disarmed its citizens, and a year later the homicide rate in the largest province is up 300%. The burglaries of seniors are “dramatically” up.

I guess the criminals did not turn their weapons in. Only the innocent law-abiding citizens turned in weapons.

In US cities with the highest crime rates, taking guns away from the citizens has not lowered the homicide rate. All it has done is to make it easier for criminals to operate.[3]

If you think the Democrats will be any different, you’re a fool’s fool.

We all know the idiocy of banning plastic straws.  In California, you can get your Starbucks iced coffee in a big plastic cup and a paper straw.  Sometimes you have to wonder just how far up their butts’ democrats have stuck their heads. Remember in 2012 New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg banned the sale of more than 16 ounces of pop.[4] Drinking a lot of pop is not good for you but just when was the government given the right to control that? I never saw that on the ballot.  Here’s a thought, make the pop healthier.  Just sayin’.

They also want to ban the plastic sack. I think they have this thing against plastic.  Just curious though as to why, if the plastic is so bad, was nothing said about all the plastic bottles of water that were bought in preparation for hurricane Dorian?  Just trying to understand their logic here.

Democrat/socialists even want toy guns banned!  It is now politically incorrect to play cowboys and Indians, er, Indigenous American Natives.  In the Ohio House, Democratic State Rep. Bill Patmon of Cleveland introduced House Bill 119, making it illegal to manufacture, sell or display toy guns. The ban would apply to any toy gun that a “reasonable person” could confuse with a real one and comes with a possible $1,000 fine and up to 180 days in jail. An earlier bill was introduced in Ohio requiring some fake guns to be brightly colored. That bill hasn’t moved forward and Rep. Patmon has said it doesn’t go far enough.[5]  I find it hard to understand just when the Democrats adopted the concept of the book 1984.  They are so adamant about demanding that their ideals and theirs only be not just accepted by all but theirs should be the only ideals allowed to be talked about.  We see this on college campuses that violently protest any conservative speaker that comes in.  Remember the protests at Berkley in the 1960s? They demanded ‘every voice be heard’.  Now they protest that only their voice be heard.

The policies that the democrat/socialists tout have always failed and when implemented they have destroyed the nation in the process.  That is our future with democrat/socialist ‘leadership’.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Hillary gun rights she wants abolish second amendment
  2. Survey: majority of democrats want to ban semi automatics half want to ban all guns
  3. What happens when governments disarm their citizens
  4. 13-things-liberals-want-to-ban/?page=2
  5. 13-things-liberals-want-to-ban/?page=4

How Media Is Helping Rewrite American History, Part 2

It is obvious that to attain the one-world order that most globalists, Democrat and Republican, are pushing for there cannot be a love of country.  It must be a love of the world community.  There can be no sovereignty.  There must be a concern for all peoples, not just the people in the nation you live in.  The greatness of America cannot be taught because it makes America look better than most nations.  That’s because we are.  We always have been and as long as the church is still here, we always will be.

Just recently the New York Times has begun a project to try to re-write our history.  This project is called The 1619 Project and is basically lies and half-truths.  They claim that our real Founding was 1619, not 1776.  An excellent article by Eric Erickson on the Patriot Post describes this fiasco by the New York Times.  The keyword is “reframe.” The Times does not seek to tell the story of the United States. Nor does it seek to add to the story. Instead, the Times has a conclusion and is working backward to contort facts to fit the conclusion. This is activism. The Times is not reporting but rather building narratives in which they must ignore or fabricate facts.

In the very first essay, writer Nikole Hannah-Jones boldly claims that “one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery. By 1776, Britain had grown deeply conflicted over its role in the barbaric institution.” This is not true on multiple fronts.

In 1776, the British were not nearly as conflicted as Hannah-Jones claims. While the sentiment was certainly growing, it did not come to a head until 1787, when William Wilberforce took up the cause in Parliament, and even then, it took 20 more years for Parliament to pass the Slave Trade Act of 1807, which prohibited the trading of slaves. Britain did not formally abolish the slavery in its empire until 1833.

Contrast that with Massachusetts, which began serious consideration of abolishing slavery in 1767 and voted to do so in both 1771 and 1774, only to see the British governor-general veto the effort. Rhode Island forbade the importation of slaves in 1774 and in 1784 granted freedom to slaves born in Rhode Island.

Thomas Jefferson noted the Second Continental Congress intended to put a passage into the Declaration of Independence that would have condemned slavery and the slave trade, but the effort was abandoned due to Georgia’s and South Carolina’s objections. To say, however, that a primary purpose of the revolution was to preserve the slave trade directly contradicts the sentiments of most of the founders and the fact that multiple American colonies were well ahead of Britain in ending slavery.[1]

We are seeing schools wanting to eliminate any references to the Founders because they were slave owners.  Schools are teaching that America was founded on slavery, a lie from the pit of hell.  At the height of slavery, there were only four million slaves in America[2] and only around 6% of American citizens owned slaves.  All in the south and all Democrats, you know the Party that complains about the fact America had slaves.  Democrats proliferated slavery, resisted freeing them, voted against freeing them, formed the KKK when they were freed and wrote all the Jim Crowe laws, but Republicans are the racist ones.

They forget that slavery was an ancient and universal institution and NOT distinctively American[3] like the Democrats try to make us think.  Slavery was actually started by the descendants of Ismael, today’s muslims.  They also teach that we became wealthy on the backs of slaves.  That’s hard to do when there weren’t that many AND most states that had slavery did not really begin to prosper until slavery was abolished.[4]  Media, in all its forms, print, television, radio, cable news, backs up these lies. Google has blocked information that refutes these lies and not just about slavery but the hoax of global warming.  The reason for doing this is because they don’t want the younger generations to have anything to be proud of.  If they learn that our Founders sacrificed everything for our freedoms and taught them what their freedoms were, they wouldn’t give up our sovereignty so easily.  If they learned that our capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than all economic systems combined.  This last week Bernie Sanders declared: . . . declared that communist China has done more to alleviate poverty than any country in history during a Tuesday appearance on HILL TV’s Rising.

Granting that it is unfortunate that China is “moving” toward authoritarianism instead of democratic governance, the presidential candidate argued its record on poverty is the best in the world.

“China is a country that is moving, unfortunately, in a more authoritarian way in a number of directions,” Sanders said. “But what we have to say about China in fairness to China and its leadership is, if I’m not mistaken, they have made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization. So they’ve done a lot of things for their people.”[5]

The only reason China has done anything positive for their people is because they adopted a form of capitalism in the 1970s. Media is silent on what China has done to its people over the years since it has adopted socialism/communism. According to The Nine Commentaries the Party has killed about 80 million Chinese people since it came to power about 80 years ago. It is more then all of the World War’s causalities put all together. I am not sure if you remember (Don’t know how old you are) but Mao wanted the opinion of scholars and scientists view of how to make the party stronger. In the end he deemed them “counter-revolutionary” and had all 20,000 of them killed. Also not to mention how many died of the Tiananmen Square massacre and famines, people in every kind of religion in China, monks, Falun gong, etc. Point being the CCP is No good.[6]

Funny how the real facts get swept under the rug by leftist dirtbags when they are on the quest for total power.  In introducing the Black Book, lead author Stephane Courtois, Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, offers the following rough breakdown of the numbers of people that communism killed: USSR — 20 million, China — 65 million, Vietnam — 1 million, North Korea — 2 million, Cambodia — 2 million, Eastern Europe — 1 million, Latin America — 150,000, Africa — 1.7 million, Afghanistan — 1.5 million, Communist movements, parties not in power — 10,000.[7]  It is this type of information that needs to be taught about other political systems in the world so that we can prove that our system has proven to be the best the world has ever seen.

We are fighting a two-fold battle.  We fight our so-called education system and our totally disgraces media both of which are controlled for the most part by anti-American liberals.  If we are going to survive, we must be educated and we must educate the younger generations.  Stay informed to stay free!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  2. Statistics: slave population
  3. Six inconvenient truths about the US and slavery
  4. Six inconvenient truths about the US and slavery
  5. Sanders: China has done more to solve poverty than any country in the history of civilization
  6. How many people has the Chinese communist party killed
  7. How many people did communism kill

How The Media Is Helping Rewrite The American History

America’s history is unique.  There is no other nation that has gone from a monarchy to self-rule and then in a very short period of time became a world leader and then the most prosperous and powerful nation the world had ever seen.  The saddest part is our places of so-called education refuse to teach this phenomenon to our kids.  Daniel Webster stated: “There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction,

should it come at all, will be from another quarter: from the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.”  We reached this point several decades ago.

Noah Webster warned us: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.” Most of what is taught in our so-called schools today are lies and half-truths.  A serious push to erase our history began in the early 1900s.  Those that push for a one-world order do not want the real history of America taught.  If it is taught the learner will gain a sense of national pride and that is the last thing globalists want a population to have.  That is why our schools teach that all the world’s problems fall at the feet of American capitalism and not at the feet of dictators, radical ideologies such as islam,  and the list could go on and on.

It is said that the victor writes the history and to a certain extent that is true.  But a revisionist historian writes history the way he/she would rather it had been.  In other words he writes a fantasy history.  Includes what he wants, ignores what he doesn’t like.  As an example, George Washington was a devout Christian which can be verified by all of his contemporaries yet revisionist historians teach that he wasn’t a Christian.  The words of Washington dispell their myth: Washington commented on the importance of prayer stating:

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor . . . therefore, I do recommend [that] the people of the United States . . . may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country.” [1] The revisionists have even declared that the majority of the Founders were atheists yet time and time again the Founders called for prayer: John Adams, James Madison, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Clinton, Jonathan Trumbull, Elias Boudinot, and Daniel Tompkins, just to name a few.  In a case before the Supreme Court in 1992 we see the arrogance of activist judges in their non-stop efforts to redefine our Constitution.  In Lee v. Weisman the right to have a minister deliver invocations and benedictions at school graduations was taken away even though these things had been done in American schools for over 300 years. [2]

It is one thing when a private person decides that our history should not reflect the truth but a tainted version of that truth but when the government itself does it too then one knows that the government has a different agenda that the best welfare of the people and the nation.  It happened in July. A group of 25 selected professor historians met in Hawaii at a workshop sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). They were to present and hear scholarly papers on the history of these United States in World War II. It was to be a high-level intellectual rendering of that war receding now into history.

It turned out to be a largely left-liberal diatribe about our nation’s sinful past. It was partisan as hell and, worst of all, an awkward attempt to rewrite history to make America out to be the world’s worst villain and all-around Bad Guy. Some speaker/presenters, presumably sticklers for historical accuracy, even made the USA out to be the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Yes, you read that correctly.

The workshop was at the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii. Its title sounded noble enough and honest — “History and Commemoration: The Legacies of the Pacific War.” Content, much of it at least, was neither noble nor honest, nor exclusively about the Pacific War. The scholars’ gathering became a platform for anti-American, anti-military rants by suspect historians who should have known better.     

One of the 25 scholars invited was Professor Penelope A. Blake of Rock Valley College in Rockford, Illinois. Daughter of two World War II veterans, she had looked forward to this conference owing to her deep interest and scholarship in World War II history. Instead, she left the scholars’ conference incensed, ready to “do something” to remedy its patently absurd wrongs done to American history. [3]

It’s bad enough that our schools don’t teach our history but when what they teach is outright lies that’s another thing altogether. Add to that the government funding and encouraging the lies then we need to wake up! Our country, way of life, culture, and future depend on it.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Roger Anghis, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, pp. 35-36, (Westbow Press, 2012)
  2. Roger Anghis, Defining America’s Exceptionalism, p. 36, (Westbow Press, 2012)
  3. Ripping the USA revising history

Apostasy is Destroying the Church, Part 3

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the apostasy that is in the church starts in the pulpit and works it way down into the pews.  Not to be rude but most people in the pews don’t really practice their religion like people did in the time of our Founding. Of course, there were not so many ‘distractions’ for them as we have today, TV, movies, sports, smart phones and the list goes on and on.  But even with all of this the charge into apostasy does not happen without the help and quite often a push from the pastors.  In 1954 when Lyndon Johnson got the Johnson Gag Order passed not many churches took a stand against this intrusion of the church’s territory. Until 1954 the church leaders could talk about political candidates from the pulpit openly, and whether the individuals and their words and actions were godly or ungodly.  We could talk about political parties and whether their platforms and candidates stood for godly things or ungodly things.  In 1948, Lyndon Johnson won his first election to the senate by a total of only 87 votes.  He had a lot of political connections and was able to stop every attempt at a recount.  During the 1954 senatorial campaign, this information was leaked to two 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that then began to inform the public about a possible rigged election.  As a result, Johnson had language inserted into the IRS codes that barred any 501(c)3 from supporting or opposing a political candidate or a political party. Johnson was able to silence his opposition. The church had been silenced ever since. [1]

Before this attack on the church we were free to expose political corruptness.  For sixty-three years the church was kept out of the political arena by a direct violation of our constitutional rights and the church allowed it.  The church, which is the strongest force against the evil in politics, did nothing for the most part to stop the corruption that has developed into the Deep State today.  The church became such a non-influence in the political arena that the church warned the people to stay out of politics because it was so corrupt, the very place that needs godly influence.  The devil had his way in American politics for over a half a century and we can see what the results are.  An attempt to overthrow a legitimate election and the exposing of child sex trafficking by most of the elites in the one of the political parties, endangering our national security by funding terrorism worldwide among may other things that is for another article at another time.

But when you look at some of the pastors who refuse to be’ political’ but are actually outright political.  I’ve talked to pastors about educating their parishioners about the importance of being involved after all God has commanded us to put godly men in places of authority: Exodus 18:21  Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:, but they refused to even touch any aspect of the political arena.  One pastor acted like I asked him to commit treason.  Most just blew the concept off.  One told me he was comfortable with the way the government had it set up and when I mentioned that the Holy Spirit wasn’t he invited me to leave.

It’s one thing to outright ignore God’s mandate but it’s another when they get political and endorse ungodly people.  During the 2008 general election when Obama was running for president black preachers all over the country supported him for one reason, he was black.  Well, he was half black and despised his white heritage, isn’t that racism?  One nationally know black minister from Texas endorsed Obama even though Obama endorsed many things that God was against.  Now, to give him a break, which he doesn’t deserve because he had a duty and mandate to endorse a godly man not a man because of the color of his skin, the media kept most information about Obama out of the public eye.  I was able to attain this information so he well could have as well.

In 2012 there was no excuse for a Christian to support Obama as he had openly stated his support for homosexual relationships and his support for the muslim community was not even disguised in anyway.  Yet even with the blatant support for the homosexual community and muslims black preachers still endorsed Obama simply because of the color of his skin.  One black Christian friend of mine, when I asked who he was supporting, said,” I have to support the brother!”  I reminded him of Obama’s stand against the Word of God and a few of his policies, which he complained about, I reminded him that as a Christian he couldn’t support Obama.  He eventually conceded and voted Republican.  But way too many preachers never even looked at the consequences of supporting ungodly men.  What these preachers fail to understand is if they support the ungodly the results of these politician’s actions, which won’t be good, will also come upon them.  It is a spiritual law. Galatians_6:7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. The church is NOT to associate with our enemy.  Anyone who opposes the principles of God are our enemies: 2 Corinthians_6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? We are the light, yet we have allowed the darkness to overtake us and society in general and then when a tragedy happens, we hear too many Christian ask why did God let it happen?  He did because we did.  We did not stand for righteousness.  There was nothing He could do.  He can only do what we allow Him to do.  If we rest on our laurels, we suffer the results.

Apathy can be very costly and be very hard to correct if it is allowed to go unchecked for too long.  We have allowed it to go on for over sixty years and now we have corruption in the highest places in government and our places of so-called higher education are filled with professors that teach our kids to hate everything about America.  It is hard to say how long we can last with what we have allowed to be established.  The only ones we can blame is the preachers that no longer stand for the Word of God but now embrace all the attitudes of the world.  We the people must stand for change from the pulpit on down.  We have no choice.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Roger Anghis, Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots (RestoreFreeSpeech Press, Littleton, CO), pg. 10

Apostasy is Destroying the Church, Part 2

2 Thessalonians 2:3  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. We are witnessing the falling away.  Churches by the dozens are going a different direction than the principles of God dictate and they don’t seem to care.  I heard a preacher tell the story of a dream he had where he was in hell and witnessed a man running around looking into the many pits of fire there and he would occasionally stop at one look in reach in a grab someone and pull them out only to throw them back in.  This preacher was so curious he asked the guy what he was doing and he said he was looking for the preacher who lied to him!  That should curl the hair of any preacher.  God holds a minister of the gospel to a higher standard than the average pew sitter.  I’ve sat under preachers that are more afraid of the IRS than they are of God.  They’re so afraid of losing their 501(c)3, they won’t take the chance of offending anyone.

Tithes are another sacred item to a pastor.  I understand that those tithes are important.  You have bills to pay and a payroll to make but God tells us in 2Timothy 4:2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.  That means whether it is a popular message or not, preach it.  If the government doesn’t like it, too bad, preach it.  Government has no authority over what the minister of the gospel preaches.  They tried to control the church and did for many decades with the Johnson Gag Order, but Trump has removed that obstacle.  Now preachers can preach the truth including who a Christian should vote for.

Now I’m sure that there will be some that think that it is unconstitutional but before the Johnson Gag Order in 1954 preachers would always inform their parishioners who they should vote for.  In reality, even with the Gag Order, a minister had the right to compare candidate/Party to the principles of God but so many stepped away from that responsibility because they didn’t want to offend anyone.  One church I attended did bring up the difference between the candidates in 2008 and lost a bunch of his black congregation.  He refused to bring it up again even though Obama was the most ungodly man to ever sit in the White House.  In fact, you’d never even know there was an election going on in 2010, 2012, and 2014 because it was never mentioned in the pulpit again.  His church has continued to decline in membership.  The mandate is to preach in season and out of season.  When it is popular and when it isn’t popular.

I know another pastor that felt convicted that he needed to get political from the pulpit and did.  He too lost a lot of people but believed God would bring in the people that would listen and He did.  His church is now almost twice what it was. There are churches that ignore the ‘trend’ and preach what God has called the church to preach and they are flourishing.

Then we have churches that totally ignored Gods scriptural teaching on Israel.  Some consider Israel to be a product of the Rothchild’s instead of what God said he would do with Israel in the end times.  Some even refer to Israel as terrorists.[1]  It is said of them because they attacked Egypt as they were building up forces against Israel.  Surprise is always an advantage when war is imminent.  Even with the many excellent churches that support Israel, there are some that consider the churches Zionism as anti-Semitic and a danger to Israel and Palestine.  In reality, right-wing Christian supporters of Israel like CUFI pose a grave danger to the safety and well-being of both Jews and Palestinians, as well as to hopes for a true and lasting peace in the Holy Land. Anyone who actually listens to CUFI’s leader, the Rev. John Hagee, will be horrified at the meeting’s toxic blend of anti-Semitism, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and sexism.

Hagee and his more than 5 million followers believe that the establishment of Israel in 1948 and its subsequent military occupation and colonization of Palestinian and other Arab lands are the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the necessary precursors to the return of Jesus Christ and the coming of the apocalypse. [2]

The failure of pastors to understand what God said He would do with Israel is mind-boggling.  Numerous time He stated that He would scatter Israel over the world: Ezekiel 20:23  “I lifted up mine hand unto them also in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the heathen, and disperse them through the countries; and then He said that in the end times He would bring Israel back to the land He gave them: Jeremiah_33:7  And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first.  It’s not rocket science, but some preachers have determined that they must redefine Israel of the end times.

One of the main purposes of the church is to raise up men to be placed in positions of authority:  Exodus 18:21  Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: but for the last sixty-five to seventy years they have failed miserably at it.  They have failed to follow God’s precepts and hold our leaders accountable for their ungodly actions.  Now we have a political party, Democrats that won’t even pass a law to protect our unborn or even those born alive during a botched abortion!  They have blocked the bill over 70 times this year that would require the doctor to give a child medical attention that survived an abortion.  Churches aren’t talking about it!  What kind of insanity is that?  I assure you it is NOT a representation of the church of Jesus Christ. It is a representation of the church of satan and no one can call themselves a Christian and support the Democrat Party.  That would be apostasy on steroids.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Apostacy is Destroying the Church, Part 1

There was a time when the church would stand for what is right, defend the principles of God and the pastor was the leader in the community.  They quite often wrote the charter for the city, were the school teachers, spiritual leaders and were outright hated by the British because they kept the people informed and encouraged concerning their right to freedom from the crown.  These pastors were more than simple people who gave a cute sermon on Sunday mornings.  They were the leaders of the community.  They were the teachers. They carried so much influence in the community that the British labeled them The Black Regiment for the color of the robes that they wore.  The British even blamed these pastors for the war for independence and probably rightfully so as all the rights declared in the Declaration of Independence had been preached from the pulpits of America from long before 1763.

This fact was also very well known in America as well.  John Adams stated that “the pulpits have thundered” and he even talked about some of the ministers that he believed were “characters the most conspicuous, the most ardent, and influential” in the “awakening and a revival of American principles and feelings” that fanned the flames for American independence.[1]

We no longer have many pastors of this quality anymore.  There are a few, but they are rare.  The American pulpit was aflame with preaching about freedom and independence.  Today’s pastors, for the most part, give milk toast sermons that won’t even get you out of the door of the church let alone through the rest of the week.  Today’s pastors have literally thrown God’s rules and principles out the window.  We were warned about this by Paul: 1Timothy 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.  Some may ask what doctrines of the devil are the churches pushing?  Well, in case you haven’t been paying attention I will just scratch the surface of the apostasy that has engulfed the church.  Keep in mind the definition of apostasy: an act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith; abandonment of a previous loyaltyDEFECTION!  This may sound harsh but a simple look at what churches are allowing is far from the biblical principles laid out in scripture.

I testified against a ‘Civil Unions’ bill in my home state of Colorado a few years back that would allow same-sex ‘marriages’ which is a violation of our State Constitution not to mention the Word of God.  At that hearing, there were more pastors there to endorse the bill than to oppose the bill. You can see a YouTube clip of my testimony here.[2] We were able to defeat the bill two years in a row and then we lost control of both houses and the governor’s seat and the bill was passed.  This is an example of how the devil doesn’t stop his attack on our moral values and we must continue our vigilance in upholding the morals laid out in scripture.  My wife grew up Lutheran and the pastor of one of the biggest Lutheran churches in Denver was there to endorse the bill.  His mistake.  My wife confronted him in the hall outside the hearing room and grilled him to the point where he literally ran away from her because he could not defend his position.

But unfortunately, that is not the only denomination that has embraced the homosexual lifestyle.  Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying that homosexuals should not be allowed in the church because there is no better place for them to learn the truth about homosexuality.  What I am saying is the church should not embrace it as a viable lifestyle and place active homosexuals in places of authority in the church.  Half of the Episcopalians embrace homosexuality while the other half continues to hold strong to the biblical teachings against it.[3] Methodist has embraced the lifestyle[4], some Catholic parishes[5], and even the Baptists are embracing the debauchery of that lifestyle: In a highly-ironic twist, the First Baptist Church of Greenville, SC, the same church that produced the very first president of the Southern Baptist Convention, William Bullein Johnson, is now an LGBT-affirming, pro-same-sex marriage, and pro-transgender church, and they don’t care what you think of them. reports that the dialogue was bold — particularly for one of downtown Greenville’s influential legacy churches that in its earliest years served as a birthplace for revered Southern Baptist institutions. Would the congregation be willing to allow same-sex couples to marry in the church? To ordain gay ministers? To embrace the complexities of gender identity? In an evangelical church born in the antebellum South? Whose founder more than a century and a half ago served as the inaugural president of the Southern Baptist Convention? Here, in Greenville? The answer to each was “yes.” [6] The baffling part about this is there is no place in scripture that places God’s blessing on a homosexual relationship.  Malachi 3:6 states “For I am the LORD, I change not;”, you combine that with Leviticus 18:22  Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination and there is really no way to misunderstand God’s intent. Even the references in the New Testament concur with the intent of the Old Testament: 1 Corinthians 6:9  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.  The last two references are direct references to the homosexual lifestyle. In fact, the last reference, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, is the Greek word ‘arsenokites’ which means sodomite.

Denomination after denomination has willfully ignored this obvious mandate.  The pastors that allow this don’t have the guts to stand against the politically correct agenda of the world.  They don’t want to offend anyone but as I’ve stated for the last twenty years, if you’re preaching the gospel, you’re going to offend someone.  It’s time to offend.  Patrick Henry made a wise statement that we need to take to heart: For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155
  4. United Methodist church moves allow LGBT clergy gay marriage
  5. Catholics debate communion for the adulterous remarried some parishes
  6. Baptist churches start to ordain homosexuals and perform same sex marriage rituals

Double Standard The Liberals Ignore. Part 2

Colorado, which is being overrun by liberals fleeing California, has had massive voter fraud in every election since 2008. A review of voter registration data for ten counties in Colorado details a pattern of voter bloat inflating registration rolls to numbers larger than the total voting-age population. Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently, Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale.

When Media Trackers requested comment on the voter bloat in Gilpin county, Chief Deputy Gail Maxwell explained that “This is just a reminder Gilpin is a Gaming Community.  The voters come and go!” [1] I called the State to find out what they were going to do about this gross discrepancy and was told that it wasn’t worth checking into.

Voting is something that is sacred in America.  When that process is violated it should be exposed and those violating the process punished to the fullest extent of the law but nothing is done.  There is a meme that shows up every now and then that has a picture of a wall that is fortified and 60 feet tall with the comment, ‘This is the type of wall the Democrats would build if illegals voted Republican’.  I believe that to be true but because most vote Democrat, they don’t want any type of border protection.

When looking at the United States Supreme Court we see that half of the jurists have violated their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States by using foreign law to adjudicate cases.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg is well known for this as well as going overseas and dissing our judicial system and Constitution. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has proved again why she doesn’t belong on the U.S. Supreme Court. She really doesn’t like our U.S. Constitution, which she swore to uphold and defend, and she probably would like to rewrite it with input from various foreign laws and constitutions.

On a junket to Egypt in January, where the rebels are trying to figure out how to set up a government, she gave her advice. “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012,” and she suggested using South Africa’s constitution as a model rather than ours.

Ginsburg also urged the Egyptians to consult Canada’s 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the European Convention on Human Rights. “Why not take advantage of what there is elsewhere in the world?” The South African and Canadian courts have both approved same-sex marriage.

Our Constitution, which has endured for more than two centuries and is the longest lasting Constitution in the world, states clearly that it is “the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby.” The Constitution also requires all judicial officers to “be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution.” [2] What kind of horses backside would talk down the most successful government document ever devised by man? Especially when it is the Constitution you have personally sworn to uphold. If a Republican jurist did this the Democrats would come unglued.  But this action by these jurists benefit the Democrats so they say nothing.

No Democrat would stand still for Republican finding boxes of ballots that favor the Republican taking a win from the Democrat, but they do it all the time to Republicans.  Unfortunately, the Republicans haven’t got the backbone to stand up to them.

It isn’t just the votes and bribery and corruption in the Democrat Party that is sickening but their habit of blaming their obvious mistakes on the Republicans.  The water problem in Flint, Michigan is classic Democrat screw up yet they blamed white Republicans for the problem even though ALL the decisions were made by black Democrats.  The trouble began about 3 years ago when the city decided to switch from Detroit’s water system to the Flint River. But the new system wouldn’t be ready for two years. For the meantime, to save and cut costs they switched to the Flint River water. And that decision turned out to be a mistake.

Foul smells, bad tastes, and discolored water, that’s what came out of the tap in Flint, Michigan. When residents’ drinking water was pulled from the river. When the residents noticed that the tap water looked and smelled strange, it was later found out to have a dangerous level of lead. The worse thing was, the state knew about it and did nothing.

A high number of children had abnormal levels of lead in their blood. This even doubled after 18 months. Even though the water failed tests several times after the switch. The residents were not alerted. They informed only for about nine months later about the problem. Families have been suffering for months without clean water. They had to find alternative sources. [3]

They blamed everyone but themselves, who were the ones that made all the decisions, but they blamed the EPA and tried to pin it on the Republicans.  This is their method of operation.

Now we have what people are calling the Squad.  Four persons of color that have banded together to push the Democrat Party farther to the left.  Ilhan Omar, who came to America under false pretenses AND under a false name which is nothing less than immigration fraud.  In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family.

That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.

Ilhan’s genetic family split up at this time. The above three received asylum in the United States, while Ilhan’s three other siblings — using their real names — managed to get asylum in the United Kingdom.

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.

Her father’s name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. Her sister Sahra Noor’s name before applying for asylum was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.

Ilhan and Ahmed married in 2009, presumably to benefit in some way from a fraudulent marriage. They did not divorce until 2017.[4]  This is immigration fraud and she and her family should be deported and never allowed back here again.  If she was in the Republican Party the Democrats would have exposed that information during the campaign but said nothing because she was a Democrat.

Then there is Rashida Talib from Michigan who violated state residency laws and now sits in Congress.  A petition calling for the impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) already has close to 160,000 signatures.

“This woman is an anti-Semite, a warmongering hate-filled Palestinian who has vowed to try and destroy our constitutional rights, hates America, hates American citizens,” the petition states. “She’s a danger to our sovereignty, a detriment to society, and to this country, and is unfit to serve in any capacity within our government.”

The petition also takes issue with Tlaib’s election, claiming that she “lied about living in Detroit” by “using her father’s house address.”

Tlaib made headlines earlier this week when she vowed to “impeach the motherf—” during a party in celebration of her being sworn into Congress. [5]

These four have trashed Israel, America, Americans, our Constitution not to mention our President yet they demand respect simply because they are elected officials.  Trump is an elected official and they show no respect for him at all.  Again, it is the double standard that is rampant in D.C.

We the people have allowed this situation to proliferate by not staying engaged.  The churches have allowed it because they are afraid to confront the radical aspect of the Democrat Party for fear of offending them.  Oh, to have pastors as the Founders had.  Fearless, courageous, and willing to stand for all that is right.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  2. Ginsburg likes use of foreign law
  3. Flint Michigan water crisis its timeline and latest update
  4. Ilhan Omars real name is ilhan nur said elmi & she entere the US as a fraudulent member of the Omar family
  5. 150000 sign petition to impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib

The Double Standard Liberals Ignore

I believe that most Americans have been aware of the double standard that is rampant in Washington, D.C.  The Democrat Party constantly holds the Republicans to a tougher as well as a higher standard than they hold their own Party members.  In fact, they almost never hold their own party to any standards at all.

Case in point Representative Alcee Hastings was found guilty of “perjury and bribery, and that he had fabricated his defense” and was impeached.  The trial committee presented its report on October 2, 1989. Sixteen days later, the trial began in the U.S. Senate, with prosecution and defense given two hours to summarize their cases. The Senate deliberated in closed session on October 19, 1989. The following day, the Senate voted on 11 of the 17 articles of impeachment, convicting Hastings, by the necessary two-thirds vote, on 8 articles (1-5, 7-9). On two articles (6, 17) the vote fell short of the required majority to convict. On article 11, the Senate voted 95 not guilty to 0 guilty. Having achieved the necessary majority vote to convict on 8 articles, the Senate’s president pro tempore (Robert C. Byrd) ordered Hastings removed from office. [1] Four years later, in 1993, he was elected to the US House of Representatives and has been in office ever since.

One has to ask why was he allowed to continue to hold public office after the offenses he was found guilty of?  The only reason that makes any sense is there are no standards for the character of the politicians in the Democrat Party.

Then in 2009 Representative William J. Jefferson, who was caught on camera accepting a bribe and the marked bills were found in his freezer, pleaded not guilty and was allowed to stay in office while the trial was held and even ran and won re-election before he was found guilty and sent to prison.  Former congressman William J. Jefferson was convicted of corruption charges Wednesday in a case made famous by the $90,000 in bribe money stuffed into his freezer and a legal battle over the raid of his Washington office that reached the highest levels of the U.S. government.

Federal jurors found the Louisiana Democrat guilty of using his congressional office as a criminal enterprise to enrich himself, soliciting and accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to support his business ventures in Africa. The eight-woman, four-man jury convicted Jefferson of 11 of 16 counts that included solicitation of bribery, racketeering, and money laundering. [2]  I can assure you that if he had been a Republican, Democrats would have demanded he step down as soon as the charges were filed.

For years we have heard the Democrats say that voter fraud doesn’t exist when any intelligent person knows that it is rampant. In all the years I’ve followed this subject I’ve seen one Republican that voted in two states because he owned property in both states.  But for the most part, it is the Democrats that commit the fraud the most. A man paid to register Virginia voters prior to the 2016 Presidential Election will spend at least 100 days in prison for submitting the names of deceased individuals to the Registrar’s Office.

James Madison University student Andrew J. Spieles, 21, of Harrisonburg, pled guilty Monday in the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia. As part of the plea agreement, Spieles agreed to a prison sentence of 100 to 120 days.

Spieles worked for Harrisonburg Votes when he committed the crime, according to acting United States Attorney Rick A. Mountcastle.

Harrisonburg Votes is a political organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. [3]

Judicial Watch has been forcing the issue of voter rolls being full of illegals and dead people and because of a law suit several states have had to clean up their voter rolls: Judicial Watch announced today that in June Kentucky mailed address confirmation notices to 250,000 voters who are believed to have moved, thanks to a consent judgment agreed to by the Commonwealth. These registrations are probably outdated and will be canceled if the voters fail to vote in future elections or to confirm their current addresses.

The Judicial Watch victory in Kentucky is in addition to the Judicial Watch victory in California, where up to 1.6 million inactive names are set to be removed from voter registration rolls in Los Angeles County.

In the consent judgment, Kentucky acknowledges that the state is not in compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA): “[T]he practices currently in place in Kentucky do not comply with the NVRA’s requirement that states conduct a general voter registration list maintenance program that makes a reasonable effort to remove ineligible persons from the voter rolls due to a change in residence outside of the jurisdiction …” [4] If you try to tell me that this didn’t offer an opportunity for massive voter fraud, I’d have to call you a liar.  Florida’s 2018 election shows just how these lowlifes work.  They did it with Al Franken several years back when he initially lost then miraculously boxes of ballots were found and ALL of them were for Franken.  Republicans Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis looked like they had won the Senate and Governor election in Florida on Election Night.

Scott and DeSantis had won their races by just tens of thousands of votes.

However, the margins were wide enough to avoid an automatic recount.

But then the Democrat voter fraud machine kicked into high gear.

Democrat strongholds in Broward and Palm Beach counties announced they had suddenly discovered tens of thousands of votes.

Of course, these newly discovered ballots provided an avalanche of votes for the Democrat candidates.

Scott’s lead shrunk to just over 13,000 votes, while DeSantis led by less than 40,000 votes.

Republicans cried foul.

And with good reason.

A progressive activist tweeted out a video of ballots being loaded onto trucks in the middle of the night.

There was no chain of custody for these ballots. [5]

When we look at the voter rolls, in general, we find that there are 3.5 million more voters than are eligible to vote.  Some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.

The Election Integrity Project of Judicial Watch — a Washington-based legal-watchdog group — analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2011–2015 American Community Survey and last month’s statistics from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The latter included figures provided by 38 states. According to Judicial Watch, eleven states gave the EAC insufficient or questionable information. Pennsylvania’s legitimate numbers place it just below the over-registration threshold. [6]

There is no doubt that Democrats have proliferated this situation and even defended it in the courts.  Attorney General and I use that term loosely with this AG, Eric Holder sued every state that attempted to clean up their voter rolls during the Obama years.  Holder even refused to prosecute a black woman that admitted voting more than once.  Yet no one in Congress from either Party rose up to fight back against this.

This is what happens when we no longer are engaged as people in our government.  If we are not engaged, we can’t correct corruption when it occurs because we will not be aware of it.  New Mexico’s Harding County had 62 percent more registered voters than they had breathing adult citizens.  That’s a 162 percent registration rate.[7] Why didn’t the courts demand verification of these votes?  Why do we allow this violation of our election system to continue?

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Impeachment Hastings
  3. Democratic party voter fraud
  4. Kentucky set to remove up to 250,000 inactive voters as part of court consent judgment with judicial watch
  5. A smoking gun proved the democrats guilty of massive voter fraud in Florida
  6. Election fraud: registered voters outnumber eligible voters in 462 counties
  7. Election fraud: registered voters outnumber eligible voters in 462 counties

How the Liberals Are Destroying the Foundation of America, Part 3

Democrats always seem to point out what is wrong with the other side of the isle and the other side of the isle dose the same but one of the problems with the Democrats is they accuse conservatives of the results of the Democrat economic policies.  Mad Maxine Waters Tweeted her disgust of the conditions in Los Angeles with the homeless and elderly when the problem is California’s policies concerning illegals take way too much of the states funds and doesn’t leave enough to do anything for the actual citizens of California.  Homeless families sleeping on the streets; children sleeping in cars, trying to go to school ea. day; and seniors, 70 & 80 yrs old eating out of trash cans. Yes Trump, this is a disgrace. It’s shameful for the most prosperous country in the world to tolerate this! [1] Then she mentions a bill she is sponsoring to eliminate these problems. Support HR 1856.  Really?  Trumps policies have brought us the best economy we have ever seen.  California can’t benefit from it because it spends $20 billion on illegals and now, they want to give them free healthcare.  What about the real citizens of California?  It seems that all the elected officials in California serve the illegals but not the actual citizens.  Mad Max, for some reason, thinks these problems are Trumps fault.

We have actual idiots that call themselves professors that teach in our colleges and universities.  They have no knowledge of our history and literally indoctrinate our kids with an ideology that teaches them to hate America. Noah Webster stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”  We no longer do that.  We allow these so-called educators to teach our children that all of the worlds problems are caused by America’s capitalism when the opposite is actually true.  Our kids are taught to hate all that is America.  We have seen over the last few weeks a controversy about the Betsy Ross Flag.  The has been NFL player convienced Nike to pull a show that had that flag on it from the shelves because it ‘represented racism’.  No one mentions that when that flag was designed virtually all nations participated in the slave trade, but only America needs to be ashamed that we did.  Nobody mentions that even today every muslim nation still practices slavery.  Not sure why that is never brought up.  One so-called professor at Georgetown University stated that wearing the Betsy Ross flag was equal to the swastika and burning cross in the fashion of the KKK.  Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson compared wearing the Betsy Ross American flag to wearing a swastika, and equated Nike’s decision to put it on a shoe to celebrating the Ku Klux Klan burning crosses.

“Words matter, symbols matter too,” he said, asserting PC culture has not gone too far in the case of the Nike shoe. “Why don’t we wear a swastika for July 4th? I don’t know. It makes a difference. The cross burning on somebody’s lawn. Why don’t we just have a Nike celebration of the cross? Well because those symbols are symbols of hate.” 2 Seriously?  This fool knows nothing about our history.  Yes there were slave owners but participating in slavery was required by England.  Washington hated it along with the majority of the Founders.  When you want to change the perception of someone you attack the character of the leader and that is what has been done with Washington. The revisionist historians dwell on the fact that Washington was a slave owner. He was. He was given the slaves when he was a teenager. He refused to break up the slave families and almost went broke in the process of keeping them together. He was against slavery and did all he could to end it. He lived in a state where you were not allowed to free a slave. Upon his death he did free them but many were put right back into slavery because of the states laws. [2]  Notice his slaves were given to him and he never broke up a family.  It’s too bad that our “educators” are ignorant of history.

Another problem with the liberal, socialists democrats is our immigration laws mean nothing to them.  They want open borders because most illegals vote democrat even before they become citizens, if they ever become citizens. The weekend of our celebration of independence  Democrat Cory ‘Sparticus the gropoer’ Booker escourted five illegals across our souther border.  Never to be outdone, Booker upped the ante three days later by traveling to the same city and, not only speaking with alleged asylum seekers, but also reportedly escorting five of them into the United States in possible violation of federal immigration lawsAccording to independent reporter Andrew Kimmel, the asylum seekers had been sent back to Mexico after applying for asylum as per the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols (MMP) program, which mandates that asylum seekers wait in Mexico as their asylum claims are processed.

Launched earlier this year, the program is designed to disincentivize asylum fraud, which even anti-Trump CNN host Fareed Zakaria has admitted is a problem, and also lessen the crowding at U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s overcrowded detention facilities. [3]

In May of this year the Democrats in the House, after complaining about so-called Russian interference in our elections, voted to allow illegals to vote: House Democrats voted Friday to defend localities that allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections, turning back a GOP attempt to discourage the practice.

The vote marks a stunning reversal from just six months ago, when the chamber — then under GOP control — voted to decry illegal immigrant voting.

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the GOP measure.

The 228-197 vote came as part of a broader debate on Democrats’ major legislative priority this year, HR 1, the “For the People Act,” which includes historic expansions of voter registration and access, as well as a major rewrite of campaign finance laws. [4]

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Maxine Waters reality checked when she tries to shame Trump for homelessness in her own backyard
  3. Cory Booker ups the ante in Dem political stunts brazenly escorts 5 migrants across US border
  4. House votes in favor of illegal immigrants voting

How the Liberals Are Destroying the Foundation of America, Part 2

It seems that the Democrats have to tell lies about conservatives to try to discredit them.  They call conservatives violent but when Trump won it was the left that burned cars and destroyed businesses.  It was the left that rioted when conservatives were scheduled to speak at Berkley, Columbia and other colleges.  The left calls conservatives Nazi’s but it is the left that employs the tactics of the Nazi’s. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, that said “Always accuse the other side of the things that you are doing.”  Democrats do this daily.

Democrat Frederica Wilson degrades “white men” who run the detention centers, which the left has relabeled ‘concentration camps’, and claims that it is just a money making scheme:  “I think it’s a money making scheme. Instead of them processing the children out, they’re processing children in so that they can use a government money to expand this facility which is already about the size of three football fields with thousands of children. And every day they’re bringing in new children from the border. So there’s no real plan to exit these children out of this facility but there’s a real plan to bring them there because they said to us we’re going to add permanent structures. Now they’re in tents. And it is so sad. I said to one of the workers who’re all white men, no Hispanic men, no Hispanic women, everyone running this institution are white men. I said to one of them, I feel so sorry for these kids. He said we treat them well. I said I’m not — I mean, I feel sorry for them because you have taken them from their parents. And he said, oh, because we treat them well. I said you think crowding them in a jail in beds that are one foot apart in a gymnasium full of just girls and right across the hall, right across the hall are the same age boys. That is very dangerous. And this place needs to be shut down.” [1]

There is a reason for their outright lies, they want to make themselves look good and, most important, they want to make their opponent look bad.  The mainstream media is crowning Sen. Kamala Harris the winner of the second Democratic presidential debate, noting that her ferocious style and well-rehearsed lines put former Vice-President and current front-runner Joe Biden on the defensive. However, even a cursory look at Sen. Harris’ statements reveal that she repeatedly told a slew of half-truths and outright lies in a desperate attempt to boost her flailing campaign.

While current polling statistics show that her ratings certainly rose as a result of her commanding on-stage presence and pithy statements, her lack of honesty is sure to catch up to her at some point in the primary campaign — or later on if she happens to become the Democratic nominee for the presidency.

One of Sen. Harris’ most memorable statements on the night of the second debate had to do with the controversial practice of bussing students to different schools in order to achieve racial integration. Then-Senator Joe Biden was opposed to the practice at the time, so Sen. Harris took him to task, stating that she was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and that she, like many others, was bussed to school every day.[2]

Kamala Harris brings to light again the question of eligibility to run for president.  Obama was NOT eligible because he did not fall into the category of Natural Born Citizen (NBC).  Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz also are not eligible, and neither is Kamala Harris.  It seems that NEITHER political party cares about upholding the Constitution in this matter.  Even though the Constitution does not specifically define NBC there is a simple way to do so.  Justice Scalia referred to it as “Doctrine of Original Intent”.  What he meant was, we have to understand what the Founders understood that to be.  In interpreting this text, we are guided by the principle that “[t]he Constitution was written to be understood by the voters; its words and phrases were used in their normal and ordinary as distinguished from technical meaning.” … Normal meaning may of course include an idiomatic meaning, but it excludes secret or technical meanings that would not have been known to ordinary citizens in the founding generation.[3]

In other words, what did the Founders understand the term NBC to be?  They were very familiar with English law and as such understood that term.  In English law it states: Yet the children of the king’s ambassadors born abroad were always held to be natural subjects: for as the father, though in a foreign country, owes not even a local allegiance to the prince to whom he is sent; so, with regard to the son also, he was held (by a kind of postliminium) to be born under the king of England’s allegiance, represented by his father, the ambassador. To encourage also to reign commerce, it was enacted by statute 25 Edw. iii. st. 2. that all children born abroad, provided both their parents were at the time of the birth in allegiance, citizens of England, to the king, and the mother had passed the seas by her husband’s consent, might inherit as if born in England: [4]  The Founders understood that BOTH parent have to be citizens for their children to be Natural Born Citizens.

Some today, such as Cornell Law School, state that the 14th Amendment declares “anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen”[5] which is a total falsehood.  The author of the 14th Amendment, Senator Jacob M. Howard (MI), “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.” Take note that he specified foreigners AND aliens would not be considered US citizens.  This includes what we consider today as ‘anchor babies’.  Democrats have used this to increase their voting base for decades.  Kamala Harris was born four years after her parent came to the United States.  Neither of her parents were citizens when she was born and according to international law she is a citizen of the country her father came from.  There are no records of her parents filing for her citizenship that I have been able to find.  Another case of the Constitution be damned!  But we see the Republicans ignoring this provision of the Constitution as well with Rubio and Cruz.  Obama’s ineligibility was ignored by both parties and they continue to ignore this problem.  What will they start ignoring next?  The 1st Amendment? The 2nd Amendment? All of the Bill of Rights?  We are at a very dangerous stage that will determine the fate of the American Experiment.  Who is awake enough to take action?

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:


  1. Rep Frederica Wilson – white men running detention-facilities
  2. Kamala Harris brazenly lied multiple times during the debate
  5. Natural born citizen

How the Liberals Are Destroying the Foundation of America, Part 1

If you’ve been paying attention you will have noticed that the liberals, Democrats, Marxist/socialist have been literally tearing the foundation America was founded on apart.  Our Founders believed that it was necessary to put men of integrity into places of authority.  Sam Adams stated, “If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”  In a letter to Joseph Warren, a Major General in the Revolutionary War,  he stated, “It is not possible that any state should long remain free, where Virtue is not supremely honored.”

Patrick Henry was also one that called for men of virtue to be in places of leadership; Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of freemen. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.  He also stated: “The great pillars of all government and of social life are virtue, morality and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone, that renders us invincible.”

In 1796 George Washington stated: “Cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”  In reference to political prosperity he stated: “Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain it would that man claim the tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars.”

I could go on and on with quotes from the Founders on their belief that virtue and morality are absolute necessities in maintaining a good government.  All of this is lost in the Democrat Party.  The Republican Party is not blameless, but the Democrats have virtually thrown the standards set by the Founders out the window.  They mock and ridicule anyone who attempts to uphold these standards.  One of the foundational bricks of the Democrat Party and their associates is lies.  Outright lies.  In an attempt to discredit President Trump concerning the border crisis the now infamous Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared that “Just left the 1st CBP facility.  I see why CBP officers were being so physically and sexually threatening toward me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/no water and had them to drink out of the toilets. This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”[1]  All video evidence proves this 100% wrong, but they must disgrace Trump leading up to the 2020 election so any lie will do.

Now, we have to keep in mind that Trump has been fighting for funding to accommodate the extraordinary surge of people at the border, but Pelosi refused to fund the problem.  Democrats Chuck You Schumer and Nancy Pelosi refused to budge from their opposition to the border security package during their latest meeting with President Trump. As soon as the question was raised by the president, Pelosi just gave him a flat “NO” answer, and Trump just got up and left the room rather than waste more of his time on them.[2] Also keep in mind that the Democrats are blaming Trump for the “concentration camps” at the border when they were actually initiated by Obama.  The President is being accused of separating families at the border but it is happening because of Obama’s ‘catch and release’ policies. It’s not Trump’s policy. Democrats won’t fix it because they are using the issue as a talking point to take over Congress in November. The media is helping them misrepresent the situation.

In fact, Obama’s staff set up “internment camps” and ordered ‘catch and release’. Children were put in cages but no longer. They are sent to very nice centers with trained professionals. It’s not ideal but it’s hardly a bad place. In fact, our DHS website informs illegal aliens how to evade the law safely. [3] The claim that children are separated under Trump is the policy that was established by Obama.  That claim then morphed into outrage over the Trump administration separating 20% of minors who enter the country from their parents – around 2,000 kids, while ignoring the fact that the Obama administration was also separating children from their parents, while widespread abuse of detained migrants under previous administrations was reported by the ACLU and the University of Arizona.  

One woman interviewed was detained for nearly a month in CADC while she was six months pregnant. She was shackled during transport to and from the facility. At the facility, she was denied monitoring or treatment for an ovarian cyst that posed a risk to herself and the fetus, and received no response to her requests for prenatal vitamins or extra padding for her bed.68 (Her case is described more fully in the box below.) Another woman interviewed was separated from her breastfeeding baby daughter, who was less than two months old, while she was detained in Eloy for two weeks.-University of Arizona [4]

Integrity was the foundation of a man’s character to the Founders.  We were ruled by the rule of law.  Today the law is only applied to conservatives.  Liberals have no regard for the law.  Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders told CBS News’ “Face The Nation” on Sunday that he thought it was “not appropriate” to deport illegal aliens that have broken the law and not shown up for court dates. [5] Representative Omar married her brother to skirt our immigration laws yet she still sits in the halls of Congress. [6] Nancy Pelosi doesn’t see any sense in enforcing our immigration laws.[7] She wants open borders because the illegals end up voting for Democrats and they can only win if there are illegals voting for them.

We used to be a nation that was proud and had excellent character among our leaders but we have allowed the positions of authority to be degraded by power hungry, deceitful people who are in politics for their own gain without caring how it effects the American people.  Politicians like Hillary Clinton (D), Senator Mitt Romney (R), Senator Chuck Schumer(D), Representative Maxine Waters (D), Representative Frederica Wilson (D), Senator Bob Menendez (D), Senator Kamala Harris (D) who slept her way up the political ladder.  There is no virtue in the swamp except for three or four people.  It is our fault.  It is the churches fault.  We have allowed apathy to infiltrate our system and too many people could care less.  They will only care when all they hold dear is torn from them and then it will be too late.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Unhinged Ocasio Cortez throws tantrum during visit to US border patrol facility
  2. Trump stands his ground Schumer and Pelosi refuse to negotiate border security
  3. True story of Obamas internment camps trumps concentration camps
  4. Fact check did Obama detain 90000 children border
  5. Watch Bernie says its not appropriate to deport the undocumented for breaking US law
  6. Bombshell: more proof found that Omar abused immigration laws married her brother
  7. Pelosi says whats the point of enforcing immigration

The Disgraceful Condition Of American Education, Part3

We are witnessing the degradation of a once first-class education system because of the implementation of LGBTQ so-called values, which are not values at all but an ideology of filth and debauchery on steroids.  I say this be cause too many schools feel that the LBGTQ community needs to be celebrated when in reality it needs to be exposed for what it is, filth!

I will have to say that it is not just the indoctrination of the homosexual lifestyle that is disgusting but the teaching of heterosexuality that has gotten completely out of hand.  When I was in the 10th grade in Arizona they had just begun what is called Sex Education.  In that class they taught about male and female parts and functions.  By that age we already had a good idea about that subject.  When I moved back to Colorado that class was not taught until the senior year.  It was similar but was taught as if it was the 1930’s.  We already had learned on the street more than what they taught in that class.

Jump to 2019 and they have gone completely nuts!  They are teaching ten-year-old girls how to put a condom on male genitalia“It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, told The Christian Post.

She said one school had 10- and 11-year-old girls participate in a “condom race” in which they ran, in front of male classmates, to be the first to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.

“I always tell people that the scary thing is, I’ll give radio interviews and I can’t even say on the radio things that are being taught in our elementary and middle school classrooms in mixed company. There’s something very wrong there,” she said.

Friedrichs has helped to organize several local and state-wide parent protests against the new materials.

National Catholic Register reports the concerns center around changes approved by the California Board of Education in May. 

Josh Stickney, communications manager with Equality California, said he does not believe the curriculum is out of the ordinary.

“We don’t believe any of this will prime students to do anything they wouldn’t normally do,” Stickney said. “It’s important to dispel myths and stigma around sex health for the LGBT community. That starts with awareness and sex education.” [1] Call me old fashioned but ten year old girls do not need this kind of information. Notice that the communications manager, Josh Stickney, does NOT believe “the curriculum is out of the ordinary”.  Seriously!  Ten-year-olds!  Again, this is what you get when we let government control the schools.  By the way, there is NO constitutional provision for the federal government to be involved in any way with our education system.

Now we jump to the other coast and another rabidly liberal state, New York, and we see the insanity go to a different level and that is ‘treating’ elementary kids to a drag queen show done by the president of the PTA at a school ‘talent’ show.  Parents of students at a public elementary school in East Harlem went to see their kids at a talent show last week and got a full-on drag performance.

Mom Raquel Morales couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched the erotic dance with her 10-year-old son.

“Even as I’m recording, I’m like, ‘This must be déjà vu, I’m dreaming. This is not happening in a school assembly. This can’t be,’” Morales said.

The performer in drag was none other than the president of the PTA at P.S. 96., Frankie Quinones. Video shot by Morales shows him twirling and gyrating to a song by ’80s Puerto Rican performer Iris Chacon.

On an event flyer, the drag show was only billed as a “Special Surprise Performance!”

Morales questioned what organizers were thinking.

“He got on all fours on the choir stand, he laid on his back, raised his legs, opened his legs wide open. What made you in your head think that was appropriate for elementary school students?” Morales said.

P.S. 96 had no answers, nor did District 4. However the Dept. of Education said, “The content of the performance was inappropriate and a school administrator has spoken with the parent.”

Other parents at the school didn’t even want to talk about it, but Morales said she’s glad she spoke out. [2]

Now in California it is illegal for a parent to pull your child out of this kind of trash indoctrination but the parent of 700 students in Sacramento, California decided that they weren’t going to put up with that type of totalitarian government BS.  Parents objecting to a Rocklin School District Board decision to include a curriculum in the early grades touting the achievements of LGBT people did not allow their children to go to class Friday in protest.  They say at least 700 students stayed home in the 12,000 student district.

A heated Board meeting on Wednesday resulted in a 3-2 vote to include a curriculum approved by the state law that seeks to introduce more inclusiveness in school teachings.

But parents say young children are not ready for discussions that may confuse them and that parents, not the district, know the maturity level of their kids the best.

They offered a compromise to introduce the study materials after the fifth grade as some other school districts have done.  But a legal opinion by district counsel said that wasn’t possible.

District attendance figures weren’t immediately announced but district officials did expect to lose some state attendance funding and lamented the lost day of instruction for some students.

It says that the curriculum will be tweaked to take into account some concerns raised by parents, but some parents suspect that the decision was predetermined. [3]

Our children are being bombarded by ideologies that violate most of America’s moral beliefs and Christian values.  If you look closely, you’ll see that it is the left, liberals, Democrat Socialists that are doing this.  They want to run this country. They believe that their ideas are best.  Look at California.  They let homeless people camp on the streets, defecate and urinate in the streets. Colorado has been taken over by these socialist/homosexual deviants and are allowing the same behavior. California police officers have contracted typhoid because of the unhealthy conditions the liberals are allowing to proliferate in that state.  This will spread to every liberal run city and state if not stopped.  It must be stopped at the ballot box.  If the liberals ever get control of the House and Senate AND the White House, the American experiment is over, and we will become the largest third world nation and there will be no place for freedom to thrive.

The fate of the free world is in our hands.  2020 will show whether we survive or fall into the waste basket of history.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. California school has condom race where 10 year old girls learn how to put on condoms
  2. NYC Elementary Kids Get Surprise Drag Queen Performance Talent Show
  3. Rocklin parents protest approved LGBT curriculum by keeping children out of school

The Disgraceful Condition Of American Education, Part 2

We have seen the degrading of our schools that I believe began in the late 1940’s that began the ‘dumbing down’ of our kids.  I’m sure that it began long before that as tests from the late 1890’s show that today’s seniors in college couldn’t pass a high school graduation test from 1895.

Our Founders used the Bible as the number one schoolbook.  Prayer was ALWAYS a big part of the start of the day.  I grew up in the 1950’s and every day we would say the Pledge of Allegiance and there would be a short twenty-one-word prayer said at the beginning of the day.  Today you would be arrested for such supposed blatant violations of the Constitution.  In Massachusetts a student has to have a permission slip signed by the parent to participate in the weekly reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Our nation is being taken over by progressive liberals that hate religion in general and Christianity in particular.[1] Why was there such a emphasis put on prayer?  Virtually all of the Founders believed that we needed His direction, guidance and protection to be successful.  Benjamin Rush who was a physician, politician, educator, Founder of Dickinson College and many other things stated: The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”  As you can see our Founders had a much different view of education than we do today.  It would do us good to re-adopt their view.

Early public schools in the United States did not focus on academics like math or reading. Instead they taught the virtues of family, religion, and community.[2] Imagine what our society would be like if we started this again?  There is such an uproar over teaching Christianity in our schools that it’s frightening.  I have two books from the Texas school’s system in the 1960 that centers on the Old Testament and New Testament.  These books were part of the mandatory curriculum.  Virtually all of our colleges and universities were established by ministers for the purpose of educating and raising up ministers.  Many reading this may not be aware that most of our colleges and universities were founded by ministers for the purpose of raising up ministers.  They were specifically designed as a ‘seminary’ but they were quite able to produce a minister as easily as a scientist or businessman.

William and Mary was founded by Reverend James Blair in 1692.  This is the same William and Mary that removed the Cross from the chapel because it was too controversial.  This institution was founded so that:

“The youth may be piously educated in good letters and manners and that the Christian faith may be propagated . . . to the glory of Almighty God.”[3]

Our Founders put a lot of emphasis on learning biblical principles as they believed that they were the best foundation for a successful life, business and society.  By 1860 95% of our colleges and universities were under the direction of the church. To see these universities today you would never know that they were established by ministers. Today, most of their faculty are liberal, anti-American, anti-capitalist, and anti-religious.

There was no problem with the church being involved in the education process in the early years of America. In 1838 Congress passed a law that did two things. It required the army to have a chaplain on all army posts, forts, etc. and that chaplain would be the school master as well. By 1884 America had 370 universities and 83% were under the direction of a denomination. With the education system that we had America rose above all other nations and it is obvious that it was not a secular education system that achieved that level of academia. It was an education system that incorporated God’s Word and God’s principles into the lives of the students.  In today’s education system that centers around secular humanism the quality of education has dropped America into the double digits, 26th in the world.[4]

I mention all of this because we need to understand where we came from.  If that is lost, then we will not know who we are and where we are supposed to going. Crime is rampant in our societies and Benjamin Rush warned of the dangers of removing the Bible from schools: “By removing the Bible from schools we would be wasting so much time and money in punishing criminals and so little pains to prevent crime. Take the Bible out of our schools and there would be an explosion in crime.”

Morality was a major concern of the Founders ads it should be a major concern for us today.  Charles Carroll stated: “Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they, therefore, who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”  James Monroe echoed this concern: “The principle capacity of a free government is derived from the sound morals and intelligence of the people; and the more extensive the means of education, the more confidently may we rely on the preservation of our public liberties.”  John Adams clarified the necessity of a moral life: “The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families. … How is it possible that Children can have any just Sense of the sacred Obligations of Morality or Religion if, from their earliest Infancy, they learn their Mothers live in habitual Infidelity to their fathers, and their fathers in as constant Infidelity to their Mothers?”  Noah Webster expressed the need to develop moral behavior in the education system: “Education is useless without the Bible.  The Bible was America’s basic textbook in all fields.  God’s Word contained in the Bible, has furnished all necessary rules to direct our conduct.”

Today we have daycare centers in middle schools because schools are now handing out condoms in elementary schools!  They teach that morality is relative to your situation instead of it being a set-in concrete principle.  They no longer teach absolute right and wrong, but then neither does the church!  Public schools are nothing more than a governmental indoctrination center for the global agenda, the New World Order.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Buildingthetruth Press, Littleton, CO, 2010)29
  2. 11 facts about the history of education in America
  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Buildingthetruth Press, Littleton, CO, 2010) 44-45
  4. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Buildingthetruth Press, Littleton, CO, 2010) 76

The Disgraceful Condition Of American Education, Part 1

Our Founders believed that education, proper education was imperative to a prosperous nation.  They put a high value on a good education.  They believed that one of the most important aspects of education was to learn about their own nation.  Noah Webster stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”  We have failed to do this with the last three generations.  We no longer teach about America except to say that capitalism is the cause of all the worlds problems.  Our public education system has even made the teaching of our history illegal because of the strong Christian influence of the Founders.  They claim the separation of church and state, which is a complete fallacy, but at the same time they allow islam to be taught in our schools.  The ACLU and Supreme Court have made it very clear that the Christian religion cannot be present in any way in the public school system. On the other hand, it seems that any other religion is acceptable. Other religions, such as atheism, Buddhism, and Islam are being taught in our public schools. For the most part they do it under the guise of teaching “world religion.”

When they teach about Christianity they teach on the persecution of Christians by Christians without any historical context. They teach that the Crusades were a great sin of Christianity. In fact, the Crusades were, for the most part, Christians taking back land that had been taken by the sword of Islam.

When they teach about Islam they conveniently leave out the violent history of Islam. They don’t mention that Islam was rejected by most of those to whom Muhammad preached until he started using the sword to win converts. His message was convert to Islam or die. Later, when Islam controlled whole nations, Muhammad came up with another choice. This choice is called dimmitude, and it is paying a protection tax, a tax to protect against Islam, which could take 50% of what you owned and 50% of what you earned. They don’t mention that Islam has been responsible for more deaths in the name of their religion than all of the despots like Hitler, Stalin, etc. combined.[1]

Liberals, for some reason, have no problem with this violation of the Constitution but liberals usually pay little attention to the Constitution anyway.  They complain about any Christian influence but are silent about the Islamic influence.  What is disturbing about all of it is our kids are not learning about our foundation, the struggles our Founders endured or even the price they paid to give us the greatest nation the world has or will ever see.  I would like to bring up some history of our education to lay a foundation for this series.

The Colonies began to require an education very early in our history.  The first laws concerning education were passed in 1642 in Massachusetts and in 1647 in Connecticut.  These laws were called the “Old Deluder Satan Act”.  They were passed because they believed, rightfully so, that most abuses to the population by government was because of Bible illiteracy. “It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of Scriptures, as in former time. . . . It is therefore ordered . .  [that] after the Lord hath increased [the settlement] to the number of fifty householders, [they] shall then forthwith appoint one within their town, to teach all such children as shall resort to him, to write and read. . . . And it is further ordered, that where any town shall increase to the number of one hundred families or householders, they shall set up a grammar school . . . to instruct youths, so far as they may be fitted for the university.”[2] Note that the premium was placed on understanding the Word of God.  All of the talk of separation of church and state was NOT part of our history.  This concept was only enforced after the 1947 Supreme Court decision of Everson vs Board of Education that totally reversed the 156-year understanding of the First Amendment.  There has been a push to get rid of the Christian influence in education almost as soon as our nation was established.

Our early education had very few books like we have today.  In the 1600’s the schools, which were primarily the churches, used two books, The Bible and a book printed by Benjamin Harris in 1690 called The New England Primer.  To understand the absurdity of the 1947 Supreme Court decision we need to look at two things; the 1806 letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association, which is the basis of that decision and a comment made by the author of the First Amendment, Fisher Ames.  Fisher Ames was a Founder and a patriot.  It was Ames that worded the First Amendment as we know it today.  Many believe that Thomas Jefferson was the author, but he was an Ambassador to France at the time it was written and ratified.  Fisher Ames was a Congressman from Massachusetts in the first session of Congress and was involved in the writing of the Bill of Rights, specifically the First Amendment.  On August 20, 1789 his wording for the First Amendment was adopted by the House;

Congress shall make no law establishing religion, or to prevent the free exercise thereof, or to infringe the rights of conscience.   

A month later Fisher wrote an article for the Palladium magazine talking about the importance of early learning of Bible and of having the Bible as the main text in schools:

We have a dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education.  We’re starting to put more and more textbooks into our schools. . .  We’ve become accustom of late of putting little books into the hands of children containing fables and moral lessons. . . .  We are spending less time in the classroom on the Bible, which should be the principle text in our schools. . . The Bible states these great moral lessons better than any other manmade book.” [3]

To ignore the understanding that the author of the First Amendment had concerning the influence of the Christianity in the schools is arrogance on steroids.  He was not the only Founder that believed that the Bible was an important part of education.  Speaking of a prosperous political system George Washington stated: “Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain it would that man claim the tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars.” His declaration that religion, Christian principles, had to be a part of a governments foundation for it to be successful not just for the government but for the people as well.  The Father of American Jurisprudence, James Kent, stated concerning Christian principles and our laws: “Christianity, in its enlarged sense, as a religion revealed and taught in the bible, is not unknown to our law.”  The first Chief Justice of the Untied States Supreme Court expounded on the type of person we should put into positions of authority: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty – as well as the privilege and interest – of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians as their rulers.”

What happens when we ignore the mandate to put godly men in places of authority?  We end up with corrupt people who look out for themselves and ignore the values that made us a great nation.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Buildingthetruth Press, Littleton, CO, 2010) p. 43
  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Buildingthetruth Press, Littleton, CO, 2010) pp. 114-115

A Constitutional Crisis, Part 4

The last but very important point is our Fouders did not want a foreign entity to be able to hold the highest office in the land, the presidency.  That’s why they called for what is referred to as a Natural Born Citizen to be able to hold that office.  The Constitution does not define exactly what a Natural Born Citizen is.  So say it is someone born in America but that is not the proper definition.  When we have a situation like this we have to go back and find out what the Founders understood what a Natural born Citizen was.  To do that we have to go back to British law, which is the basis for most of our original laws.  The term “natural born” citizen has a long history in British common law.  In fact, a law passed in 1677 law says that “natural born” citizens include people born overseas to British citizens. This usage was undoubtedly known to John Jay, who had children born overseas while he was serving as a diplomat. 3  Notice that is says ‘born overseas to British citizens.’  What this means is both parents have to be citizens for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen.

This brings up major questions about Barack Obama, which I wrote about on numerous occasions, because his father, Barack Obama Sr., was never a citizen of America.  He was a British subject. That being the case under international law Obama, Jr. was a British citizen.  There were so many other things that clouded Obama too.  The first birth certificate posted on his website proved to be a fake.  The name of the hospital on the certificate was not the name of the hospital when Obama was supposedly born there.  The name was changed about four years later.  Also, there were ‘layers’ on that certificate and fonts that weren’t invented until the 1970’s.  Sheriff Joe Arpio from Arizona spent a year investigating this certificate and found it to be fake.  A years-long forensics investigation into the computer image of the long-form Hawaiian birth certificate image that Barack Obama released during a White House news conference during his first term and presented to the American people as an official government document concluded it is “fake.”

The probe also confirms that those who were subjected to the derogatory “birther” label from many media outlets and Democrats were right – at least regarding the document used to establish Obama’s eligibility to be president.[1]

That information was never presented to any court or to Congress so our Constitution could be upheld.  That was the Democrat Party but nobody in the Republican Party pushed the matter either.  There are great ramifications to this as everything he did, every law he signed, every Executive Order he issued has to be declared null and void.  Nothing was done.  Nothing!

Then we have the Republican Party and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  Rubio’s simple.  He was born in America but neither of his parents were citizens at the time of his birth making him ineligible, but the Republicans said nothing.  Ted Cruz was born in Canada and his dad didn’t become a citizen until 2006.  He claims his mother was a citizen but she was found to be on the voter roles in Canada the year he was born, 1970.  Therein lies the problem.  In 1970 you had to be a citizen of Canada to vote in Canada.  Cruz claims his mother had dual citizenship but that is a problem as Canada did not allow dual citizenship untill 1977.  To compound this his mother never filed the  Consular Report of Birth Abroad form to claim Ted’s citizenship.  From this information he isn’t eligible to be a senator from Texas or any other state.

We come to Kamala Harris.  Neith of her parents were citizens when she was born so she is not eligibli either.  Her mother immigrated to America in 1960 and her father came in 1961 and Kamala was born in 1964. It take longer than three years to become a citizen.

Ignoring the guidelines of our Constitution concerning who we have in office is a Constitutional Crisis.

The argument that the 14th Amendment automatically makes a person born in America a citizen does not hold water. The 14th Amendment was passed to give slaves citizenship and the children they bore while here.  But anyone born on US soil is a citizen. First of all the 14th Amendment state “anyone born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States”.  A foreigner is not ‘under the jurisdiction of the United States.’  In fact the author of the amendment, Senator Jacob M. Howard, even stated; “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other persons.”  So the author, and he should know, states that aliens here that have a child does NOT qualify for citizenship.  This has been a ploy by the Democrats to increase their voting base for over a hundred years.

We could look at Ilan Omar.  She married her brother to get him into the United States.  That’s called immigration fraud.  That should be grounds for deportation, yet no one is doing a thing about it.

Then we have Rashida Tlabi, representative from Michigan. It is required that you live in the district that you represent.  Her father has stated that she used a fake address on her election affidavit. He said his daughter misrepresented her residency when she signed an election affidavit in 2008 with the Wayne County Clerk claiming she was a citizen of Detroit.

According to that affidavit, Tlaib claimed she lived at 9123 Rathbone in Detroit. That house is owned in part by her father, Harbi Elabed, and he now says she did not live there and he was only recently made aware that she had claimed so.

Dearborn is not a part of the 12th House District that Tlaib was elected to represent.

Residency issues are very difficult to prove. To become a candidate, you must be a “registered and qualified elector” of that district, according to state law. That means you must have your primary residence — the address on your driver’s license and where you’re registered to vote — in that district.[2]  Allowing these actions from our ‘elected officails’ to go unchallenged is a Constitutional Crisis.

Our country can be lost in an election.  Had Hillary won in 2016 the great American experiment would have been over.  If the Democrats win in 2020 our days will be numbered.  Democrats want us under a New World Order.  They want control.  We the People have to take a stand against this assult on our nation.  Representative Nadler found Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress  for his refusal to break the law a constitutional crisis yet he never said a word when Eric Holder was found in contempt of Congress.  There was no crisis then, why is there one now?  It’s because they are afraid that too many will be exposed about their attempted coup.  All these things that have been discussed are a threat to our government.  That is the true Constitutional Crisis.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  1. Investigators find source for Obama’s online birth certification image
  2. Awkward Tlaib’s father previously accused her of lying big time to get elected

A Constitutional Crisis, Part 3

There seems to be no end to how far the Democrats will go and how many of our Constitutional rights they are willing to trample to get their way. Obama used the IRS to attack his political enemies. “The power to tax involves the power to destroy,” the Supreme Court wrote in 1819, shortly after America began. Now in 2013, President Barack Obama is launching a frightening attack on free speech, using one of the most feared agencies in all the federal government: the Internal Revenue Service.

One of the most roundly-condemned aspects of Richard Nixon’s malfeasance in office was his use of the IRS to target his political enemies with audits. If people shudder at Nixon’s abuses with the IRS, what Obama is doing should drive them to convulsions.

Obama seeks to silence dissenting voices with unprecedented new regulations to curtail political speech by nonprofit organizations. These new rules would help silence conservative organizations and Obama’s critics, and raise serious First Amendment concerns as these rules look like the federal provisions struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in its famous Citizens United case.[1]

The Obama administration, which was more of a crime spree than anything, ran guns to Mexico without the president of Mexico knowing about it.  George W. Bush did the same thing but with the full knowledge of the president of Mexico and the guns were tracible.  What Obama did was outright illegal.  None of the guns were tracible.

Then there is the highly questionable situation with the Iran deal.  Keep in mind that our Congress, the House of Representatives to be specific, hold the purse strings of the nation.  All spending has to originate in the House.  We gave Iran $1.7 billion, but no one knows where it came from.  Congress didn’t approve it and when Loretta Lynch was questioned about it, she pled the 5th, supposedly 74 times, leaning on the right of not having to incriminate oneself.  Why would you have to plead the 5th if there is nothing to hide?  That HAS to tell us that these funds were NOT acquired in an appropriate nor legal manner.  Again, we see our government, even the top cop, violate the laws of the land.  And now we have that fool Representative Nadler claim that we have a Constitutional crisis because our Attorney General won’t break the law and divulge information, he is not allowed by law to divulge.  The liberals are accusing conservatives of the illegal actions that the liberals are actually doing.

We have a Department of Education that was fully established as a government cabinet under Jimmy Carter.  What was totally ignored was there is no provision for this federal department in the Constitution.  This was placed under the authority of the States.  Carter ignore that and so did Congress.  They claim that they are an oversite organization and they don’t set curriculum, but they do set the testing standards and in doing so they set the curriculum.

We have the 2nd Amendment that states A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  Pay close attention to the “shall not be infringed” part.  Requiring a permit to buy, keep, carry a fire arm falls into the category of ‘infringed’.  Some states require a permit to just buy ammo!  None of our Founders believed that here should be restrictions on a citizen’s right to own a gun.  In 1788 Zacharia Johnson, in a speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention he stated: “The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them.”  Gouverneur Morris,  a Founding Father of the United States, and a signatory to the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution, stated: “Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation.”  Even Cesare Beccaria, an Italian jusrist, knew that a persons right to carry arms should never be taken from them.  Simple common sense deducts this.  He stated: “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”  The Father of our Nation, George Washington, stated: “Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.”

I could go on and on with quotes from the Founders concerning this and our history has proven that the common population has been far better off because we have been armed.  I mention this because virtually every Democrat that has jumped into the race for president in the 2020 election is calling for gun control, jail for anyone who won’t turn in their guns.  In Cory ‘Sparticus the Groper’ Booker’s warped mind, tearing up the Constitution and stripping Americans of their rights is the key to establishing “justice” for all. And how does Booker intend to make justice a reality? Well, he has what he calls a 14-point plan that is actually 15-points:

Keep guns out of the wrong hands with gun licensing

Bring real regulation and oversight to gun manufacturers

End legal immunity that prevents victims of gun violence from seeking justice

Require handgun microstamping

Close the “Boyfriend Loophole”

Ensure a background check on every gun sale by closing the loophole on guns show and online sales and the so-called “Charleston Loophole”

Ban assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and bump stocks

Provide dedicated funding for research on gun violence as a public health issue

Modernize and strengthen the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)

Support extreme risk prevention order laws

Limit gun buyers to one handgun per month.[2]

This is just a start for the control these fools want.  They call an AR-15 and assult weapon but ignore other weapons that are the same caliber but look different.  They say the AR-15 is a military style weapon no one needs even though there have been many times a person with an AR-15 stopped a mass shooter.  They call it a military style weapon but not one military in the world uses an AR-15.  The call to jailing a citizen for exercizing a constitutional right only comes from the Democrat Party.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  1. Ken Blackwell: Obama uses IRS to eliminate his enemies
  2. If Cory Booker is elected president all gun owners would be felons
  3. Blackstone Vattel and natural born

A Constitutional Crisis, Part 2

Our nation has operated under the most successful government document devised by man in the history of the world and has made us the most successful, prosperous and powerful nation the world has ever seen yet Democrats hate it. For example, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, speaking to Egypt’s new government in 2012 stated that the US Constitution was not one that should be used as a guide: Just last week, for example, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an Egyptian TV station that she would not recommend the U.S. Constitution as model for Egypt’s new government.

The problem, you see, is that the U.S. Constitution is “a rather old constitution.” Ginsburg suggested that Egyptians should look instead to the Constitution of South Africa or perhaps the European Convention on Human Rights. All these are “much more recent than the U.S. Constitution.”

Ginsburg’s comments echo those by Washington University professor David Law, who published a study with Mila Versteeg on the U.S. Constitution’s declining influence worldwide. In an interview, Law unfavorably compared the Constitution to “Windows 3.1”—outdated and unattractive in a world of sleek and sexy modern constitutions. Such obsession with the age of the Constitution is both absurd and irrelevant.[1] Keep in mind that she has sworn to uphold this Constitution, yet this modern court has used international law to adjudicate cases before it. In the Lawrence vs Texas, Texas’ sodomy law, they used an international treaty the United States had not agreed to yet to decide the case. Keep in mind the liberal jurists on the Supreme Court favor homosexual marriage and since they could not find anything in our Constitution to overturn Texas’ law, they went outside the United States to do so. In her own words: In terms of her own views, Justice Ginsberg did not mince words:

On judicial review for constitutionality, my own view is simply this: If U.S. experience and decisions may be instructive to systems that have more recently instituted or invigorated judicial review for constitutionality, so too can we learn from others now engaged in measuring ordinary laws and executive actions against fundamental instruments of government and charters securing basic rights. . . . The U.S. judicial system will be the poorer, I have urged, if we do not both share our experience with, and learn from, legal systems with values and a commitment to democracy similar to our own.

And the rest of the speech continues in a similar vein, with Justice Ginsberg raising and then contesting the views of foreign/international law opponents (including Justice Scalia, Judge Richard Posner, and Professors Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule) while citing a series of “examples” of recent cases where the Court reached a decision with the aid of foreign and international law sources (e.g., Atkins v. Virginia, Lawrence v. Texas, Boumediene v. Bush, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, and, of course, Roper v. Simmons).[2] So much for upholding the US Constitution. Four other Supreme Court jurists joined with her on this vote. All five should have been removed from the bench but nothing was done to uphold the integrity of the Supreme Court.

The Democrats are constantly ignoring our rights and passing laws that violate those rights. In Colorado this year our Democrat controlled legislature and homosexual governor have passed laws that give our votes in a national elect to people other than who we might vote for. If Colorado votes to elect a Republican president but the popular vote is won by a Democrat our Electoral College votes go to the Democrat. That violates the Constitutional process and violates the will of the people. They have also taken parental rights from parents in public school by not allowing them to pull their child out of the forced teaching of the homosexual lifestyle. They passed what is called a Red Flag bill that allows an anti-gun citizen to declare that a pro-gun citizen could be a threat to himself or someone else and without due process, the pro-gun citizens firearms can be confiscated with out being charged with anything.

Nancy Pelosi is pushing through the House a bill called the Equality Act that takes the religious rights of a person and subjugates them to a person’s sexual orientation. The Equality Act, a sweeping new piece of legislation that elevates sexual orientation and gender identity above religious freedoms, passed the House Judiciary Committee last week and could face a floor vote as early as next week.

“Essentially, the Equality Act gives people of faith an ultimatum: Change your faith-based practices or face government punishment,” ADF’s Sarah Kramer of Alliance Defending Freedom, wrote on the organization’s website.

The bill would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit and the jury system. One congressional aide said the Equality Act is scheduled for a vote next week, according to a gay publication covering the bill.

ADF and other prominent Christian and conservative groups, including Judicial Watch, James Dobson Family Institute, Liberty Counsel and the Heritage Foundation, are warning of widespread repercussions for believers since it eliminates Christians from relying on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to uphold their religious rights, according to World Net Daily.

“Religion is no excuse for discrimination when it comes to sexual orientation or gender identity,” Nadler declared. 2 I’m sorry but this fool, Representative Nadler, is confusing discrimination with morality. Democrats do not want to allow even the opinion of a moral person to be heard. In Colorado a few years back they passed SB100 which makes it illegal to put anything in print that offends a homosexual which makes it effectively illegal to print a bible in Colorado.

FaceBook and Twitter constantly ban conservative postings and accounts like James Woods but defend accounts by Hamas and other real hate groups. Has no one ever informed FaceBook and Twitter that this is America and we have the First Amendment that guarantees us free speech. If you notice it is the conservative voice that is silenced on college campuses, it’s the conservative voice that is silenced on the social media platforms, it’s the conservative voice that is silenced in print media. Justice William O. Douglas stated “A people who extend civil liberties only to preferred groups start down the path either to dictatorship of the right or the left.” This is what the Democrats are doing. They demand that only their voice be heard. They have gone as far as to demand that Trump’s MAGA hats be made illegal because the left hates them so much. Notice that conservatives NEVER attacked the idiots that wore Hillary’s pins and tee shirts. We let them look stupid in front of everybody. We allowed them their free speech.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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1. Justice Ginsburg I would not look to the US Constitution
2. Equality Act elevating sexual orientation over religious freedom passes house judiciary committee

A Constitutional Crisis, Part 1

The Democrats have been screaming that President Trump is creating a constitutional crisis.  Just like everything else the Democrats complain about it is they who have created the constitutional crisis.  You know they blamed Trump of ‘colluding’ with Russia when in reality it was Hillary and the DNC who paid for the dossier and Hillary who sold Russia 20% of our uranium to Russia.  I think Mueller stopped the investigation because all roads led to Hillary and Obama.

What we are seeing is the Democrat Party ignores the principles of our Founding Document, the Constitution.  Our Constitution set guidelines for the federal government and anything not listed there is under the authority of the States. Our Federal government has very little it has authority over.   Protecting the citizens is the most important duty of the federal government yet they have ignored that duty for decades.  Reagan attempted to get border security in 1986 but Senator Schumer saw to it that it never happened.  He has blocked any type of border security since.  It is a never-ending source of voters for the Democrat Party that he does not want stopped.

We know that over the eight years that Obama was president the NSA, National Security Agency, has been collecting information from social media, emails, texts, posts on FaceBook, Twitter and all other social media and even our phone conversations.  The Forth Amendment to the Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.  The collecting of this information is a direct violation of this Constitutional right.  Congress has done nothing to stop it.  This practice was kicked into high gear after September 11, 2001 with the Patriot Act.  We should pay attention to the warning issued by Benjamin Franklin: They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Looking at all of the government agencies we have; Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, this one should be a convenience store not a government agency.  This is just to give you an idea of the overreach of the federal government. There are 668 government agencies.[1]  I’m not saying that as we have grown and become a world leader in power and prosperity that we don’t need some of these agencies but at no time was the Constitution amended to allow this to happen.  In looking at a couple of these agencies the Department of Education is NOT an area that the federal government has any authority to control.  Now, they will claim that they don’t set curriculum they just perform oversite for uniformity, but they do set testing standards.  When you set testing standards you just set the curriculum.

The Democrat Party has a long record of ignoring the principles and guidelines of the Constitution.  Woodrow Wilson took our economic system and gave it to a foreign organization.  The Federal Reserve isn’t federal, and it isn’t a reserve, it is an organization that controls our interest rates and our money supply.  He stated after he had allowed the formation of the Federal Reserve: “I am a most unhappy man; I have unwittingly ruined my country.  A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of Credit.  Our system of credit is concentrated.  The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men.   We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.  No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

There has been numerous calls for all bills to list the part of the Constitution allows this particular bill but that has never been passed.  The Democrats contempt for the Constitution and any attempt to reign them in is legendary.  One member of the House from the State of California, surprise, surprise, is Pete Stark, Representative CA 13th District (1993 – 2013).  He’ll tell you in no uncertain terms that as a citizen, you’re no more than a pile of that stuff Bess Truman took twenty-five years to get Harry to call fertilizer.  Congressman Pete Stark continues his rampage against the American people. His views on what this country should be continues to be exposed. In a recent townhall meeting someone questioned Stark on how demanding that others pay for your healthcare is in the US Constitution. Stark said with conviction that the federal government can basically do whatever the hell it wants, thus insinuating that the citizens have no say. In essence, Pete Stark is saying that the federal government is a dictator.

“The Federal Government can do most anything in this country,” Stark said in response.

There are no checks and balances in his mind. The feds are an all powerful being and your chances of stopping it from doing anything is nil.

This is the same congressman who recently said in June 2010 that “The borders are quite secure” and asked a minuteman in the audience “who you gonna kill today?”. While you may disagree on the immigration issue – unlikely as poll after poll shows 80+% oppose illegal immigration – Stark has also showed his contempt for an elderly constituent in September 2009 by telling him “I wouldn’t dignify you by peeing on your leg. It wouldn’t be worth wasting the urine.”.[2]

This is the so-called party of the people.  They stomp on the rights of the people if those right are in the way of the democrats getting what they want.  The most recent example of this slap in the face to our laws by the democrats is the recent House vote to find Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress for not releasing information from the Mueller Report that would be illegal for him to release.  That is how blatantly the democrats ignore the laws and our Constitution.  They demand Trump be found guilty of something so they can impeach him, and they don’t care what kind of illegal activity they have to do to get that information or what they may have to do to invent that information.  This is exactly what they did with all the Russian collusion hoax.  This was an attempt to take down a duly elected president because they wanted to retain power and now, they are being exposed and they want him out of office before too many more of them are outed.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


The Dangers Of 5G

Our modern technology usually comes with unforeseen dangers.  Sometimes those dangers are known but simply ignored.  Simply put our society demands convenience and we don’t pay any attention to the ramifications of those demands. I have heard for years that there is a danger of radiation from cell phones, but we keep plowing forward into a area that has exhibited probable problems.

There are so many articles that have been written on this and there have been so many studies done on this subject that we ignore because the convenience of the technology has made us more efficient and profitable. On this site you will find articles of Child cancer, Buying and EMF Safe Property, wifi appliances and the effects of computers, monitors and wireless mice.[1]  One of governments encroachments in this area is their insistence on smart meters.  They have been known to cause health problems as well as feed information to them that is violation of our 4th Amendment.  I did a series on Smart Meters in 2017 which can be read here.[2]

In these studies we see the dangers in the earlier versions of radio frequency keeping in mind that the new 5G will expose us to more radio frequency: Data from 3 major cancer registries demonstrate increased incidences of glioblastoma multiforme (a  very  aggressive  form  of  brain  tumour)  in  the  frontal lobe,  temporal  lobe,  and  cerebellum, despite  decreased  incidences  in  other  brain  regions. Although  this  may  represent an effect  of diagnostic  bias,  the  incidence  of  both  large  and  small  tumours  increased  in  these  regions.  The cause  of  these  observed  trends  is  unknown.  So  said  Zada  (2012);  maybe  it  has  something  to  do with  mobile  phone  use?  Dobes  had  found  a  significant  increasing  incidence of  primary  brain tumours  between  2000  and  2008  (2011), including glioblastoma  multiforme (2011) particularly after 2006.  De Vocht reported (2016) that malignant neoplasms of the temporal lobe had increased faster than expected. A latency period of  10 years reflected the earliest latency period when this was  measurable  and  related  to  mobile  phone  penetration  rates,  and  indicated  an  additional increase  of  35%  during 2005-2014.  Bortkiewicz  (2017) carried  out  a  meta-analysis  of  twenty  four studies (26 846 cases, 50 013 controls) reported up to March 2014. A significantly higher risk of an intracranial tumour (all types) was noted for the period of mobile phone use over 10 years.[3]

The introduction of newer and stronger electromagnetic fields can have a serious effect on not just the human body but our environment, animals, plants and so on. Some people seem to be up to 100 times more sensitive to their biological systems being affected by  external  sources of  electromagnetic  fields,  either  at  low  (power frequency)  or  high  frequency (including  mobile  phone  communications  technology),  than  others  (Leitgeb 2003, 2007).  The condition  they  have  is  referred  to  in  a  variety  of  ways;as  electrosensitivity,  or  as  electrical sensitivity or hypersensitivity. This condition is referred to as ES throughout this article.

Human  beings,  and  all  other  living  creatures,  have  always  been  exposed  to  electromagnetic fields. The sun’s radiation levels  and  the  natural  earth  energies  are  what  the  human  being  has evolved  with  and  adapted  to.  So  the  sceptics  ask,  how  come  we  are  suddenly  talking  of  a sensitivity to electromagnetic fields when we have never reacted before?

Things have changed, that’s why.  The  density  of  electromagnetic fields  around  us  is  now  many hundreds  of  millions  of  times  the  natural  level  reaching  us  from  the  sun  and  other  sources.  We have not had the time even to begin to adapt to the radiation from our use of  electricity, mobile phones and telecommunications masts, and proliferating wireless technologies. [4]

We are always wanting bigger and better, which is not always bad but we should proceed with caution.  Who doesn’t want faster, bigger (or smaller), more efficient? Take wireless mobile telecommunications. Our current broadband cellular network platform, 4G (or fourth generation), allows us to transmit data faster than 3G and everything that preceded. We can access information faster now than ever before in history. What more could we want? Oh, yes, transmission speeds powerful enough to accommodate the (rather horrifying) so-called  Internet of Things. Which brings us to 5G.

Until now, mobile broadband networks have been designed to meet the needs of people. But 5G has been created with machines’ needs in mind, offering low-latency, high-efficiency data transfer. It achieves this by breaking data down into smaller packages, allowing for faster transmission times. Whereas 4G has a fifty-millisecond delay, 5G data transfer will offer a mere one-millisecond delay–we humans won’t notice the difference, but it will permit machines to achieve near-seamless communication. Which in itself  may open a whole Pandora’s box of trouble for us – and our planet.[5]  More studies can be found here that cover subjects such as mobile phone related hazards, hearing, tinnitus and a myriad of other things.[6]

If you’re really technical this site has a lot of articles concerning adverse biological effects or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz).[7]  If you haven’t noticed the government isn’t looking out for you on this. They are even demanding that you use the smart meters. We are on our own, which we should be, but we should have some protection from the government.  They don’t protect us from GMO products, in fact do all they can to not let us know what is in the food we eat which is the opposite of why we have the FDA.  They allow glyophosate, agent orange, to be sprayed on our food and on our lawns, which is what the EPA is there to stop, but they don’t. They won’t do anything about 5G either.  If anything is to be done, it will be up to us to do it.  I’ve always said, ‘Stay informed to stay free’ but now we have to stay informed to stay healthy.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  3. Library downloads mobile phones 3 cancer 2019
  4. Library downloads es-1 reaction 2018 09

Lies Of The Left, Part 3

The left has become the party that will do anything, say anything to gain authority and power.  Our government is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, by the people but the left has the opinion that it is a government of the government, for the government, by the government.  One of our Founders, John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, stated in the Federalist Papers #64 : “[T]he government must be a weak one indeed, if it should forget that the good of the whole can only be promoted by advancing the good of each of the parts or members which compose the whole.”  He also stated, “Those who own the country ought to govern it.”

The government has been going down the path of dictatorship with every Democrat controlled government.  Look at Detroit, Chicago, California and any other poverty-stricken city/State.  They are all Democrat controlled.  The top ghettos in America are all governed by Democrats and have been for decades.  Baltimore has five of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country, FIVE! [1]  It is a bastion of democrat control.  Every city/State that is dominated by Democrats have massive taxes, massive poverty and they legislate control of every area of a citizen’s life.  They promise prosperity but NEVER deliver.  Just look at all the promises the Democrats have made to black community yet they are still poor.  Under Obama black unemployment skyrocketed for and wages fell.

The Obama administration claimed it would be transparent yet Fast and Furious information was never released, Benghazi was called the result of a Youtube video when it was actually a cover up for Hillary’s gun sales to radical muslims, Obama did not support the freedoms that our Constitution gave us.  Our top cop under Obama, Eric Holder, stated that he though certain laws were not constitutional so he would no longer enforce them.[2] Obama did all he could to kill conservative businesses by having banks deny them accounts using Operation Choke Point, which Democrats are trying to resurrect.  Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) is warning that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her cronies on the House Financial Services Committee are feverishly pushing to resurrect “Operation Choke Point,” a program to target conservatives set up in the Obama administration.

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, “Operation Choke Point was a Justice Department and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. initiative launched in 2013 and aimed at cutting off banking services to certain businesses.”

“Some of the unfavored transactions targeted by federal regulators included the sale of firearms, ammunition, fireworks, dating services, tobacco products and payday loans.”

The Trump administration ended Operation Choke Point in August 2017. But legislation making the practices the program employed unlawful has yet to pass Congress, so the program, though unused, is still alive.

Congressman Davidson, who sits on the Financial Services Committee, recently told The Western Journalthat Ocasio-Cortez “essentially in several statements tried to revive the practice of using the financial system to win a debate that they’ve already lost.

“Trying to use the financial system to effectively say, ‘You’re not going to bank with those people, are you?’”

Davidson also made the point that this kind of pressure campaign against companies engaging in lawful commerce is wrong. [3]  A government that tries to destroy/stifle free enterprise is NOT a representative government but a dictatorial government.

Our media is infested with left wing agenda driven corporations.  In 1983 90% of the media was owned by fifty companies.  By 2012 that 90% was owned by six companies. The six corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, CBS Corporation, and NBC Universal.  Together the “big six” absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States. [4] You can listen to the nightly news of every station in your area and the wording for each of the topics reported are virtually identical.  This isn’t freedom of the press, it’s indoctrination by the press.

What we see when this happens is the narrative of a few is pushed by the majority.  Look at the Southern Poverty Laws Center a racist, biased organization that hates companies and people that support biblical values and moral character.  Virtually ALL media, with few exceptions, back this organization’s ‘findings’ that companies like Family Research Council are hate groups because they stand for biblical values, the values that made America the greatest nation in the world.  SPLC attacks any organization that is supposedly anti-black, yet they have been accused of that very thing: More than two decades ago, I was managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser, which was located one block from the SPLC in downtown Montgomery, Ala. I proposed an investigation into the organization after ongoing complaints from former SPLC staffers, who came and went with regularity but always seemed to tell the same story. Only the names and faces changed. The SPLC, they said, was not what it appeared to be. Many urged the newspaper to take a look.

We were, at the time, anything but adversaries with the center. Like other media outlets, we generally parroted SPLC press releases. We also became friends with SPLC staffers, occasionally attending the center’s parties. Some of my reporters dated staffers at the center.

That relationship, however, suddenly soured when reporters Dan Morse and Greg Jaffe (both of whom now work for The Post) began making serious inquiries about the SPLC’s finances and the treatment of black employees. [5]

The left has been pushing global warming for decades.  Even though no evidence has ever been presented that proves it, it is a venue for control that they are pursuing.  We see this attempt with this idiotic New Green Deal.  They want to eliminate cars, planes, trucks, ships, cows and totally renovate every building in the US save the planet, which only has 12 years left according to them.  Keep in mind Al, I invented the internet, Gore said the ices caps would be gone and coastal cities would be flooded by 2014.  Just to prove that God has a since of humor, we had record ice caps in 2014.  The last two ‘Global Warming’ conventions he attempted to put together had to be cancelled because of snow.

This New Green Deal is obviously a tool for them to control what you do, where you go, how you get there, what you eat and where and how you live.  That’s total control of your life.  It goes without saying that none of this Green Deal could be established in the next twelve years meaning it is futile.  The world is doomed, just like it was in 2000 and in the 1930’s when they said we were headed of a mini ice age.  NONE of it ever happened.  Their lies meant to control the populations have failed and will continue to fail.  But if we don’t stop them, they will continue to try to get their way.  They won’t let up and we must not let up on our defense of our freedoms.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. 25 most dangerous neighborhoods
  2. Obama administration will no longer defend doma
  3. Obama program to cut off banking for conservative businesses is back
  4. Six corporations that control almost everything we watch hear and read
  5. A Washington Post op-ed about the SPLC illustrates three truths about the media

Lies Of The Left, Part 2

The liberal left has been lying to the American people for decades and the MSM has followed along with their lies supporting the undermining of our country.  In a meeting of the Trilateral Commission, an anti-American organization founded by David Rockefeller, he bragged about how the media had kept quite about the intentions of the Commission to the American people.  IN a 1991 meeting of the Trilateral Commission Rockefeller said this:  “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

The media’s silence on this is treasonous at best.  David Rockefeller was even proud of the fact that he and his family were traitors.  On page 405 of his autobiography Memoirs he states this: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”  Again, media has remained silent about these acts of treason because they are right in the middle of it.

Even Hollywood has become part of the left-wing attempt to tear America down.  Strisand, Baldwin, O’donell, Cher, Ashley Judd and the list goes on of the members that outright hate President Trump.  They all promised to move to Canada, I guess Mexico wasn’t good enough, if Trump was elected and they all lied.  None of them can speak the truth about what Trump has accomplished and any time one of these fools opens their mouth the media is there to cover every word they say. MSM has always misrepresented what Trump has said or tweeted.  In a tweet about MS-13 gang members MSM removed all mention of MS-13 and said this was a comment about illegal immigrants: When Trump’s comments first made waves, it sparked a wave of blatantly misleading tweets and stories that omitted the MS-13 context to say Trump made the comments about “immigrants” or “illegal immigrants.” The lame and tenuous arguments for that framing are moot this time around. It’s just waaay too much of a leap in logic to take comments about illegal immigration generally and MS-13 specifically, and frame them as specifically about a different, sympathetic subset of legal and illegal immigrants.

You didn’t need a photographic memory or an encyclopedic knowledge of Trump quotes to realize the video was a rehash, just to follow politics and remember controversies that dominated headlines. That seems like a low bar, but it was a bar that dozens of major political figures failed to hurdle.

I honestly can’t quote or embed every major Democrat or media figure who fell for this tweet, because this piece would go on for several pages. Instead I’ll hyperlink and list them out in a run-on sentence: Presidential candidates Kirsten GillibrandBeto O’Rourke, and Pete Buttigieg, Representatives Ilhan OmarTJ CoxCrissy HoulahanJimmy GomezFrank Pallone, and Yvette Clark, DNC chairman Tom Perez, Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro, the Delaware Democratic Party, The New York Times‘ Jamelle Bouie and Glenn Thrush, former Obama staffers Ben Rhodes and Jake Maccoby, CNN’s Christopher Cuomo and Ana Navarro, ThinkProgress’ Josh Marshall, gun control activist David Hogg, disgraced journalist Dan Rather, MSNBC’s Joy Reid or maybe her hacker, and the NAACP’s Sherrilyn Ifill. [1]

When the majority of Americans are uninformed, by choice, it is easy to sway them in a direction that favors the liberal agenda. Politics has gotten so bad that people no longer follow what DC is doing because it disgusts them. This is totally the wrong approach. We must be aware of their shenanigans, which is exactly what they are, and we must oppose them. Trump has made us very aware of the ‘Fake News’ which consists of 95%+ of media. Now even one media source id left-wing land is siding with Trump.  Blasting Democrats and the American media as fake news is something that’s almost an everyday occurrence for President Donald Trump.

But now, a major U.S. newspaper is jumping on the bus.

The editorial board of the Boston Herald published a piece on Monday titled “Democrats and toxic media at their worst,” revealing how top names in the news business intentionally twist the president’s words to mislead and divide the public.

“The left and its compliant media are willfully reporting false news to the American people,” the Herald’s editors said.

“Whether it is a symptom of mass hysteria that is the genesis for this confirmation bias-style reporting or an intentional maneuver to spread anti-Trump propaganda, its effect is toxic and pernicious.” [2]

There was a time when what was reported in the newspaper was proper information, relevant to what was needed to maintain a civilized society but that hasn’t been the case for over a hundred and fifty years.  It has become a publication for indoctrination into the leftist agenda.  Virtually all media has gone down that road. Laws are being presented that will make opinions different from the government approved opinion illegal. There is one state that is beginning a data base on these non-conformists: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel – who, for all intents and purposes, looks suspiciously like a transgender – has decided to launch a full-scale crusade against the First Amendment.

According to reports, Nessel is planning to create a “hate crime unit” as part of Michigan’s government, the purpose of which won’t necessarily be to prosecute “hate crimes” – which aren’t a real thing anyway, by the way – but to actually police the speech and thoughts of Michigan residents to make sure they align with official government ideology.

By creating a database of people who think for themselves, Nessel is on record as stating that she plans to keep an all-seeing-eye on people who commit “thought violations” – which aren’t real crimes, according to the United States Constitution.

“It is important to understand that these are not convicted criminals or people who[m] the state has reason to believe have committed or are planning to commit a crime,” writes Jay Lorenz for about the people Nessel is planning to target with her unconstitutional “hate crime unit.”

“The new database is specifically designed to target law-abiding Americans,” he adds.[3]

When you think about it there is only one reason for this kind of data base and that is to criminalize these people when the left is back in power. If you don’t believe this, you’re asleep.

This is not the America most of us grew up in. This is the beginning of Hitler’s 1930’s Germany.  Why is this happening? Because when you don’t teach history, which we don’t, we repeat all the mistakes from the past. Totalitarian governments have always ravaged societies and always will. Those that want that type of government will always keep it quiet. Notice that the Democrats are having the statues of those that supported slavery removed so there is no evidence of its horrors. They do this because they want to bring it back and if we know how bad it really was, we will resist it. They want no resistance.

Lincoln said that America would not be taken down from an outside force, but it would collapse because of corruption from the inside. It is happening now yet most people don’t see it.  How long will we last if we no longer are awake?

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Zero media outrage as dozens of democrats and reporters spread fake news
  2. Major newspaper erupts on toxic media democrats
  3. Michigan State government to create thought criminal database

Lies Of The Left, Part 1

When our nation was founded our Founders demanded that there be what we call transparency in the halls of government.  To do that they gave us the 1st Amendment of freedom of speech incorporated with freedom of religion and freedom of the press.  The reason for that is in their day the press could only report what the government, the king, said they could report.  If the government was doing something that was detrimental to the people but benefitted the king, the king would not allow that information to be reported.  The Founders believed that the people had the right to know everything that the government was doing.

We also must keep in mind that the Founders believed that we would always put godly men in places of authority and that these people would act with integrity.  We have not kept that tradition.  For many decades the press did report on what the government was doing in an effort to keep the government on the straight and narrow but around the turn of the last century we began to see the press go along with the progressive/liberal mindset and by the middle of the century most of the press was doing the bidding of the Democrat Party.

We now have a press and a political party that is doing all it can to deceive the American people about the true intentions of that political party.  I won’t beat around the bush about this and come right out and state that the political party is the Democrat Party.  They are the party that fought against freeing the slaves, giving them citizenship, giving them the right to vote and is the party today that demands that they be able to destroy their children in the womb at any time for any reason and now even if a child is born alive in a botched abortion, they demand to reserve the right to let it die.  “It’s just heartbreaking. I was disheartened by the vote, 44 senators that voted against legislation that would protect babies who were born alive, babies that had survived an abortion, were outside the womb, and yet they were not willing to bring in the insurer under law that they would bring in the doctor’s care,” she said. “In years past, this is passed with unanimous consent in the Senate. So it really exposed the extreme position that the left is taking right now, that Democrats are saying they reject legislation to protect babies born alive.” [1] The Democrats have even become extremely frustrated with the Republicans attempts to get a vote on this bill.  Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is exasperated about the fact that Republicans continue to push for a vote on a bill to stop infanticide. “Oh My God, They Just Will Not Quit”

As LifeNews has reported, Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, have blocked a bill to protect babies who are born alive after abortions and provide them with appropriate medical care and treatment a total of 28 times. Earlier this week, Republicans led an effort to get petition signatures for a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor.[2]

At the time of this writing MSM has not reported on this travesty of the Democrat Party’s blatant disregard for the safety of not just the unborn child but a child that survives an abortion.  This lack of reporting is because abortion on demand is part of the MSM agenda as well as the agenda of the left.  It is amazing how the media accuses the conservatives of the very thing that they themselves do.  This is a page right out of Hitler’s playbook. On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that he suspects Attorney General William Barr is withholding information from the Mueller report to protect President Trump and said that Barr has hurt his office.

Host Joy Reid asked, “Do you believe that William Barr has undermined his office?”

Clyburn responded, “There’s no question in my mind about that. I think that is what is feared by the people who are now beginning to speak out in some form or another.”[3] Keep in mind that all the information about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Uranium One and the 30,000 Clinton emails was withheld and not released until it was forced to be reported and them it was only reported by conservative organizations.

I have been producing the American Intelligence Report, a daily newsletter for news MSM and even FOX won’t report on, for almost twelve years and I began the report because in conversations with friends and family they were woefully uninformed about what was going on.  Even in this last election when Colorado elected an open homosexual for governor, I have yet to talk to anyone that voted for him that knew he was a homosexual even though he had been in the House of Representatives for several terms and supported homosexual legislation.  Mark Twain once stated “If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed.  If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.”  That statement is truer today than when he said it.

Our media, like our colleges and universities, have been taken over by left wing ant-American organizations ALL associated and aligned with the Democrat Party.  On a gravestone of a man who died in 1890 this was written about the Democrat Party: Through this inscription to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democrat Party.  I have watched it closely since the days of (Andrew) Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come through this so-called party, therefore beware of this party of treason.”  These words are as true today, if not more, as they were then.  The Democrats will not stand against infanticide and the liberal media won’t report on it, the Democrats have voted to allow illegals to vote in our elections yet decry “Russian involvement” in the 2016 election, yet the media is surprisingly silent about the illegal vote.

The MSM’s lack of coverage of the very positive things President Trump has accomplish is inexcusable.  Keep in mind that he has boosted the economy to a point that it is the best it has ever been, black and Hispanic unemployment is at its lowest in history, more women are employed than at any time in history, manufacturing jobs that were ‘never going to come back, according to Obama, have returned and the whole nation is 100% better off than at any time since Reagan, yet 90% of the news stories by MSM concerning Trump are negative: Media Research Council analyzed every moment of coverage of President Trump last year on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts, usually seen by more than 25 million people each night.

The major findings:

  • The Trump presidency was the biggest story of the year, accounting for one out of every three minutes of evening news airtime — nearly 100 hours in total.
  • The tone of coverage has been incessantly hostile: 90% negative, vs. just 10% positive(These percentages do not include neutral statements).
  • There were only three months in 2017 when Trump’s level of good press rose above 10 percent on the evening news
    More than two-fifths of evening news coverage of the President (43%) focused on controversies, not policies, with the Russia investigation alone accounting for one-fifth of all Trump coverage (1,234 minutes).
  • Despite their massive coverage of Russia, the networks had almost no airtime for questions about how the investigation began, or whether special counsel Robert Mueller’s current investigation is biased. [4]

We now have the ‘news coverage’ that we had prior to the Revolutionary War.  It is controlled by the liberal party for the purpose of the liberal party’s agenda.  What could go wrong?

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. House democrats block bill stop infanticide
  2. Democrat congresswoman tired of republicans trying to stop infanticide oh my God they just wont quit
  3. Clyburn: I suspect Barr is withholding information from Mueller report to protect Trump
  4. Study: 90 networks Trump coverage negative 2017

Are Americans Destroying Their Own Country?

We cannot ignore what is happening right before our eyes and say that could never happen in America, but we are seeing it happen.  We can’t set back and say someone will take care of this because we are the someone that must act to do something.  We pay no attention to who we put into office.  We look for a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ after the name and vote that way.  We have a Democrat Party that is just this side of satan himself and a Republican party that leans more left than right and both parties are full of globalists that are hell bound to bring America into the New World Order.

Let’s look at a few numbers concerning how islam take a country over from the inside out.

Afghanistan was once a Buddhist nation, Pakistan was once a Hindu nation, Lebanon was Christian. See the pattern.

When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5%, they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10%-mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace.

As we look at countries in the European Union, we see this pattern emerge as plain as day, yet we do nothing when we see it happening in America.  Most of the responsibility belongs to the federal government but that is no more than wishful thinking for the most part.  Under Obama the danger grew exponentially because of his love of islam and his being a muslim and his desire to advance that ideology as much as he could.

Are we in danger of becoming the UK?  Yes, we are.  We are on that path and unless we turn around and fight back, we will be there by 2030 or sooner depending on who we elect.  If we elect Democrats in 2020, we will be there by 2024. If you think I’m a conspiracy kind or guy you’re wrong.  I work off facts.  You’ve noticed that I have validated all the facts in this series.  I would like to list the muslims that ran for and won their elections in 2018.  This includes Rep. Rashida Tlaib who gave a false address as a state representative in a district she did not live in so she could represent that district, which is against the law in Michigan, declared we’re going to impeach that mother f***er, in reference to Trump and Rep. Ilhan Omar who committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get him into this country, declaring in 2012 that she will not assimilate and has called for the dissolving of Department of Homeland Security.  Why there is no movement to remove both of these anti-American muslims is proof that our government is filled with men and women that want the New World Order.

Here is the list of muslims who won their elections in America in 2018:


Cheryl Sudduth – West County Wastewater District Director
George Abdallah Jr. – Superior Court of San Joaquin County, Office 12
Halim Dhanidina – Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division Three
Maimona Afzal Berta – Franklin-McKinley Board of Education
Javed Ellahie – Monte Sereno City Council
Al Jabbar – Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees
Ahmad Zahra – Fullerton City Council District 5
Aisha Wahab – Hayward City Council
Ali Taj – Artesia City Council
Farrah Khan – Irvine City Council
Sabina Zafar – San Ramon City Council


Amira Dajani Fox (R) – State Attorney


Sheikh Rahman (D) – State Senate District 5


Sadia Gul Covert (D) – Dupage County Board District 5


Andre Carson (D) – 7th Congressional District


Ako Abdul-Samad (D) – State House District 35


Sabina Taj – Howard County Board of Education


Rashida Tlaib (D) – 13th Congressional District
Abdullah Hammoud (D) – State House District 15
Abdul “Al” Haidous (D) – Wayne County Commission District 11
Sam Baydoun (D) – Wayne County Commission District 13
Adel A. Harb – Wayne County Circuit Court
Sam Salamey – District Courts, District 19


Ilhan Omar (D) – 5th Congressional District
Keith Ellison (D) – Attorney General (DANGEROUS)
Hodan Hassan (D) – State House District 62A
Mohamud Noor (D) – State House District 60B
Siad Ali (D) – District 3 member of the Minneapolis Board of Education

New Hampshire…..2

Aboul Khan (R) – State House Rockingham 20 District
Safiya Wazir (D) – State House Merrimack 17 District

New Jersey…..8

Assad Akhter (D) – Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Alaa “Al” Abdel-Aziz – Paterson City Council Ward 6
Mohammad Ramadan – Passaic County Board of Education
Alaa Matari – Prospect Park Borough Council
Dawn Haynes – Newark Public Schools School Board
Hazim Yassin – Red Bank City Council
Mohamed Khairullah – Prospect Park Mayor
Salim Patel – Passaic City Council

New Mexico…..1

Abbas Akhil (D) – State House District 20

New York…..3

Charles Fall (D) – State House District 61
Robert Jackson (D) – State Senate District 3
Shahabuddeen Ally – NYC Civil Court, NY County

North Carolina…..2

Mujtaba Mohammed (D) – State Senate District 38
Nasif Majeed (D) – State House District 99


Mohamed Al-Hamdani – Dayton Public Schools Board of Education
Jason Dawkins (D) – State House District 179


Rabeea Collier – District Courts, 113th District
Salman Bhojani – Euless City Council Place 6


Babur Lateef – Prince William County School Board
Haseeb Javed – Manassas Park City Council
Mo Seifeldein – Alexandria City Council

Those judiciary wins are extremely significant considering how judges don’t seem to be concerned about the Constitution anymore and look to foreign law and “precedent” in many of their rulings.

However, numbers from a report by Hamas-CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in coordination with JETPAC indicates that a high percentage of Muslims voted in 2018.

The report claims:

9 7 % of Muslim voters participated in this year’s midterm election.
 8 8% of Muslim voters primarily voted for the Democratic Party candidates and 17% for Republican Party candidates.
 5 6% of Muslim voters consider themselves liberal on social issues, while 26 % consider themselves conservative.
 3 3% of Muslim voters consider themselves fiscally conservative, while 5 0% consider themselves liberal.
26% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Democratic candidates perceived themselves as being conservative on social issues. Moreover, 36% perceived themselves as being fiscally conservative.
 7 8% of Muslim voters thought Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment in the U.S. increased while 17% thought it decreased in the past year.
• 8 8% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Democratic Party candidates thought Islamophobia increased in the past year. Conversely, only 33% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Republican Party candidates thought Islamophobia increased in the past year.
53% of Muslim voters became more interested in politics since the 2016 presidential election, while 34% maintained the same level of interest in politics and 13% became less interested in politics.
 6 5% of Muslim voters have become more actively involved in politics and/or civically engaged since the 2016 presidential election, while 2 5% have not.

Out of those Muslim voters who have become more actively involved in politics and/or civically engaged since 2016 presidential election:

 5 0% have primarily donated money to a political or social campaign.
 5 5% have primarily donated their time by volunteering with a local charity or civic-minded or religious organization.
 4 8% have primarily donated their expertise by using their skills and/or network to advance social/political engagement.
 27% have primarily been involved in another way.

If you don’t think they have an agenda to conform America to Islam, you really do need to pull your head out of the sand. [1]

If we stay America it will take a massive effort on our part.  If we don’t make that effort, the American experiment will be nothing but page in history.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Just how many Muslims won political office in 2018?

Destroying America From Within, Part 6

I brought up that muslims simply do what they want to do whether it is legal or not and it doesn’t help when we have cowards in places of authority that will not stand up to the advances of this barbaric ideology.  We clearly have a double standard in this country when it comes to how Christians are treated compared to Muslims. Across the country, Christian students are banned from praying to Jesus and reading the Bible, as liberals suddenly have a hard-on for the Constitution and want to quoting clauses about the “separation of church in state” in order to justify their views. But of course that same logic doesn’t apply when it comes to Muslims’ religions freedoms, as liberals are all too eager to kiss the a** of anyone who hates America as much as they do.

In yet another startling example of hypocrisy when it comes to the idiots on the left, the very same school that bans students from praying to Jesus is now doing something absolutely sick to appease their Muslim students. At Liberty High School In Frisco, Texas, the Independent School District decided to convert an entire freaking classroom into a “prayer room” so these Muslims can practice their barbaric religion while at school.

Their excuse for favoring Muslim students over Christian students was equally as pathetic, with school officials saying they didn’t want Muslim students to “have to drive home to conduct their daily prayers.” Yes really….

“Liberty High School’s policy should be neutral toward religion,” read a letter sent to Frisco’s superintendent by Deputy Attorney General Andrew Leonie. “However, it appears that students are being treated different based on their religious beliefs. Such a practice, of course, is irreconcilable with our nation’s enduring commitment to religious liberty.” [1]

I call these people cowards because this would not have been allowed for children of the Christian faith, so it should not be allowed for muslims either.  This is what I meant when I said they begin to demand that we accept their culture but they will not embrace our culture.

In Austria a hospital gave a room to muslims for the same reason, a prayer room, but it ended up being used for a meeting room for ISIS.  After Muslims began to demand they have a prayer room in a local hospital, the staff thought it would be easier to appease them. Well, that was not the best idea as they soon found out. Soon after the prayer room was built in the staff made a horrifying discovery that proves why you can’t give them an inch.

The prayer room in the hospital quickly became a place where ISIS sympathizers began to meet regularly.[2]

I’ve called islam barbaric for many reasons.  Their ideology was developed in the 7th century and is still there.  Their absolute obsession with sex is unmatched except only by satanism.  The horrific claims come after reports SAS soldiers found the severed heads of 50 ISIS sex slaves in an underground tunnel. These young girls may have been raped by 100 men before they become pregnant. Ilhan Omar wants leniency. Perhaps because sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah.

Islamic doctrines command Muslim men to hate all non-Muslims and to see women—especially infidel women—as little more than sex objects (or, in the words of a Muslim who recently murdered a Christian girl in Pakistan for refusing him sex, “Christian girls are only meant for one thing: the [sexual] pleasure of Muslim men.”

Moreover, Islamic clerics routinely encourage Muslims to migrate to the West and help empower Islam anyway they can—including through propaganda, proselytization, apologetics, births, theft, etc.—and not just through violent jihad. If they do any of these, they technically become jihadis (after all and as the apologists are fond of insisting, jihad literally means “striving” on behalf of Islam.) Thus many Muslim rapists in Europe believe it is their Islamic right and reward to molest and rape infidel women. 3

This is only one aspect of the barbarianism that encapsulates islam.   From what I have disclosed in this series alone proves that it is the cancer of any society on this planet and it is an ideology that we should not allow to be brought here nor should we allow it to proliferate.

The next phase that we see is to secede.  What they do in this process is to simply do what they want to do disregarding any laws save shariah.  They do begin to place muslims into places of authority on city counsels and state legislators as a precursor to their final phase and that is take control.  As an example of this all we have to do is look at the situation that has occurred in the UK.  Here’s what has already happened to England within a few years of opening their borders without any entry control:

How the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:

Mayor of London .. MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham …. MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds … MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn …. MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield … MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford … MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton …. MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham … MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale … MUSLIM

All the following achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66
million population:

Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
Muslim Women…78% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men…63% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Families…6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing
and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT! [3]

This is economic jihad as well as population jihad.  The are like leeches on the host country draining the resources that belong to the citizens of that nation not to these people intent on taking the country down.

America needs to wake up.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Texas high school makes special room for muslims then look what the Christian students do
  2. ISIS rape sex slaves
  3. Posted by Dr. Harry D. Fair, Director, Institute for Strategic and Innovative Technologies

Destroying America From Within, Part 5

The next phase is the exploitation of our laws.  In America we have the freedom of religion and muslims take full advantage of that.  One of the things about the Islamic culture is their women must be covered, Some times it’s just a head scarf sometimes their whole body must be covered with only slits for eye holes. I’m sorry but there are times when their demand to be covered cannot and should not be allowed.  Three Muslim women have each reached a $60,000 settlement with New York City after they were forced to remove their hijabs to be photographed while in police custody, according to a city official and court documents obtained on Wednesday.

Documents outlining the settlements were filed in Brooklyn federal court on Monday and reported by the The New York Daily News on Tuesday. Asked about the report, Kimberly Joyce, a spokeswoman for the city’s law department, said in an emailed statement, “The resolution of these matters were in the best interest of all parties involved.”

The settlements involved separate cases claiming that the women’s religious rights had been violated.

In 2012, a Brooklyn high school student detained on a harassment complaint was told to remove her head scarf to be photographed at a central booking center in the borough. She had asked that a female officer take her picture in private, but the request was rejected, according to a complaint filed in district court that year.[1] The purpose of the photo was to be able to identify the subject.  Whether is was just a scarf or full hijab, it hides the color and style of hair and it needs to be exposed.  They claimed ‘modesty’.  I think that’s a false claim.  Remember they chose to immigrate here and in doing so OUR laws must be adhered to, but they demand to live by their laws.  They demand that we adapt to their culture at the same time refusing to adapt to ours.  Keep in mind that when they immigrate, they have major concerns for minority rights but in their native country, there are no minority rights.

These are things that we see all the time.  Stories that are not reported on well are also disturbing like the muslim doctor in Detroit, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala , that performs female genital mutilation on young girls.  We have a federal law against this barbaric procedure but because she is muslim and it is part of their ‘religion’, she has been performing them for years.  But this law had been unused so this case would set precedence.  A judge in the case declared the law unconstitutional!  Nagarwala has denied any crime was committed and said she performed a religious custom on girls from her Muslim sect, the India-based Dawoodi Bohra.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman threw out mutilation and conspiracy charges against all the defendants. He ruled that a 1996 federal law that bans female genital mutilation was unconstitutional because Congress didn’t have the power to regulate the behavior in the first place.

Heidi Kitrosser, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, explained that Congress doesn’t have unlimited authority to legislate and can only make laws that fall within powers explicitly outlined in the Constitution.

In this case, Friedman found that Congress lacked authority to regulate the practice under the Commerce Clause because the procedure is not a commercial activity. He also said Congress’ treaty powers don’t give it authority, because there was no rational relationship between treaty obligations that call for equal rights and a law banning genital mutilation.

But the judge clearly stated that the power to regulate female genital mutilation lies with state governments, which have primary authority in defining and enforcing criminal law.

“The court really could not have been clearer in suggesting this is something that states can do,” Kitrosser said.[2]

This is how they ‘backdoor’ their shariah law into our courts.  Now if a state court determines that it is illegal, there could be riots in the streets.  This is their nature.  Everything by force, intimidation and the sword.

After this they begin to enforce their sharia law throughout their enclaves and where ever they can.  These courts are operated out of their mosques.  The UK has begun to allow them which is very problematic as it puts the citizens under two ‘justice systems’, if you can call shariah a justice system at all.   At least 85 Islamic sharia courts are operating in Britain, a study claimed yesterday.

The astonishing figure is 17 times higher than previously accepted.

The tribunals, working mainly from mosques, settle financial and family disputes according to religious principles. They lay down judgments which can be given full legal status if approved in national law courts. 

However, they operate behind doors that are closed to independent observers and their decisions are likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation, a report by independent think-tank Civitas said.

Commentators on the influence of sharia law often count only the five courts in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton that are run by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, a body whose rulings are enforced through the state courts under the 1996 Arbitration Act.

But the study by academic and Islamic specialist Denis MacEoin estimates there are at least 85 working tribunals.

The spread of sharia law has become increasingly controversial since its role was backed last year by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice who stepped down last October.

Dr Williams said a recognised role for sharia law seemed ‘unavoidable’ and Lord Phillips said there was no reason why decisions made on sharia principles should not be recognised by the national courts.

But the Civitas report said the principles on which sharia courts work are indicated by the fatwas – religious decrees – set out on websites run by British mosques.[3]

A nation will not survive trying to live under two Constitutions.  There are a few cities in France where the majority of the population is muslim and informed the city councils that they will no longer abide by French law.  This is what they do.  The only way to stop them is to not let them in.  Japan has done a good job of this: Dr. Mordechai Kedar, writing in The Jewish Press, offers some of the details (emphasis mine throughout):

This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

Japan is a nation of roughly 126 million people. And yet, according to Dr. Kedar, there are only 10,000 Muslims in the entire country. This represents less than one hundredth of one percent. (Other estimates are higher, but none suggest a number above 100,000.) Muslim immigration is officially and culturally discouraged, and a Japanese woman who marries a Muslim man becomes a social outcast.[4]

In 1952 we passed the McCarran-Walters Act which states – Is the prohibition of the entry to the US if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.  Their ONLY purpose for immigration is to remove existing government and replace it with shariah.  Remember the founder of CAIR stated that they were not her to be equal, but to dominate.

We are seeing islam creep into out courts, laws and society in general.  They said they would and they are doing it.  Let’s demand Congress enforce our laws.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. .
  2. Shock: ban on genital mutilation ruled unconstitutional
  3. Britain 85 sharia courts the astonishing spread of Islamic justice
  4. Japan no muslims no terrorists

Destroying America From Within, Part 4

The next phase we see is they begin to resist authorities and customs.  With that we see a rise of crimes that are allowed under shariah.  The most common is what is called ‘honor killings’.  Under shariah a woman is nothing more than a piece of property that the husband can do anything with whenever he wants, and the ‘wife’ has no right to object.  In New Jersey a muslim man raped his wife and she filed charges.  Keep in mind, in America a husband cannot rape his wife.  The woman cannot be forced against her will but under shariah, a woman has no choice.  She cannot refuse.

Liberals running interference for Islam while bashing Christianity and Judiasm, can see the results of their Sharia friendly liberal judge activism in the New Jersey case of “S.D. v. M.J.R. (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div.)” In this recent case, a judge declared Rape acceptable because of Muslim cultural traditions.

The Quran gives husbands supreme authority over a woman. 

Muhammad said: “If a husband calls his wife to his bed [i.e. to have sexual relation] and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning” (Bukhari 4.54.460). He also said: “By him in Whose Hand lies my life, a woman can not carry out the right of her Lord, till she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on a camel’s saddle” (Ibn Majah 1854). 

But this is America and you would think that American criminal and Constitutional law would prohibit rape. Well, as Sharia slowly attempts to make inroads, pillars of justice are beginning to crumble. 

In New Jersey, a judge saw no evidence that a Muslim committed sexual assault of his wife, NOT because he didn’t do it, but because he was acting on his Islamic beliefs. In denying the woman an Order of Protection, the judge stated: 

“This court does not feel that, under the circumstances, that this defendant had a criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault or to sexually contact the plaintiff when he did. The court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited.” [1]

Why this judge remained on the bench is a mystery.  He is sworn to uphold the laws of the United States and the Constitution of the United States and the laws and Constitution of New Jersey.  What needed to happen was the husband needed to understand that this behavior is not allowed in America NO MATTER WHAT HIS RELIGION ALLOWS!

Is this type of behavior very common?  More common that we would like to admit.  Many are not reported by the victim because the repercussions from her family would be very brutal if not even fatal in some insatances.

Hidden among thousands of nondescript murders and cases labeled as domestic violence are a mounting number of killings motivated by a radical and dark interpretation of Islam. Honor killings and violence, which typically see men victimize wives and daughters because of behavior that has somehow insulted their faith, are among the most secretive crimes in society, say experts.

“Cases of honor killings and/or violence in the U.S. are often unreported because of the shame it can cause to the victim and the victim’s family,” Farhana Qazi, a former U.S. government analyst and senior fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies on Terrorism, told “Also, because victims are often young women, they may feel that reporting the crime to authorities will draw too much attention to the family committing the crime.”

Even cases that appear to be honor killings, such as the Jan. 1, 2008 murder of two Irving, Texas, sisters that landed their father on the FBI’s most wanted list, cannot always be conclusively linked to a religious motivation. Without hard evidence, critics say, ascribing a religious motivation to crimes committed by Muslims demeans Islam. Yet, federal authorities believe they must be able to identify “honor” as a motive for violence and even murder if they are to address a growing cultural problem.

Honor Violence Measurement Methods,” a study released earlier this year by research corporation Westat, and commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice, identified four types of honor violence: forced marriage, honor-based domestic violence, honor killing and female genital mutilation. The report, which estimated that 23-27 honor killings per year occur in the U.S., noted that 91 percent of victims in North America are murdered for being “too Westernized,” and in incidents involving daughters 18 years or younger, a father is almost always involved. And for every honor killing, there are many more instances of physical and emotional abuse, all in the name of fundamentalist Islam, say experts.[2]

Why do we have judges that toss the Constitution aside and insert shariah?  I have to say that they are liberal judge who believe that our Constitution is too restrictive and that we must adopt other nations laws.  This is not a new concept as Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Elena Kagan both favor using international law in our courts!

In a rare commentary by a member of the Supreme Court on Senate hearings for a potential colleague, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday sought to correct the views of members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who recently suggested that foreign law has no place in America’s legal principles.   In a speech at American University in Washington (the full text is here), Ginsburg said flatly that it is “very wrong…to charge that citing foreign law is a recent heresy advanced by liberal activist judges in pursuit of their political preferences.”  And, without naming names among senators, she used questions and comments by lawmakers at Justice-designate Elena Kagan’s nomination hearings to illustrate the error she perceived.

Arguing that “foreign and international law  [have] influenced legal reasoning and judicial decision-making” from the nation’s birth, Ginsburg then invited her audience at a gathering of the International Academy of Comparative Law to “flash forward with me” to the Kagan hearings.  “Queries,” the Justice said, “about international and foreign law were several times posed” by senators, including one who voiced “dismay” that Kagan as Harvard law dean required students to take a course in international law.

Another lawmaker, she went on, “ventured that ‘nowhere did the founders say anything about using foreign law.”  That senator then asked Kagan to explain “why it is OK sometimes to use foreign law to interpret our Constitution, or statutes, our treaties.”  And still another Committee member asked “whether [judges should] ever look to foreign laws for good ideas” or “get inspiration for their decisions from foreign law.”

Ginsburg included, seemingly approvingly, some of Kagan’s responses, including a comment that she was in favor of “good ideas…whereever you can get them.”  To which, Ginsburg noted, a senator responded that “I’m troubled” that Kagan “believes we can turn to foreign law to get good ideas.”[3]

If you haven’t noticed yet we are suffering from the results of the American people not paying attention to who we put in office.  Our jurists are ignoring their oath to uphold the Constitution and our law makers pay no attention to the Constitution when they make laws and they don’t even pay attention to the laws passed.  Eric Holder only enforced the laws he felt were proper.  Voting more than once was OK with him as long as it was a black voting twice or three times for another black.  I could go on but we can see how and why muslims feel it’s OK to ignore our customs, ignore our laws and live like they still lived in their home country.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  2. Honor killing in America DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats
  3. Ginsburg on Kagan and foreign law

Destroying America From Within, Part 3

Once muslims have established a mosque and created an enclave they begin to grow the population.  They use population to take a country over.  A popular must have 2.5 children per married couple.  Most places are producing less than that but the muslim populations in the UK, Germany, Sweden and even America are producing 5-7 children per married couple.  They will actually out populate the local people.  Their population growth is where they do their dirty work on the nations they immigrate to.  When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace.[1]

What does it look like in America?  Not good for our kids and grandkids.  Even when Muslims are a minority population they can and do transform whole cultures and societies. And not for the better.

Why? Because their holy book is a totalitarian ideology founded on submission and world domination. And toward that end, Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.

Not to be outdone by Europe’s madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis.

Estimates on the number of Muslims living in the US vary, ranging from 3 million to 7 million. Whatever the precise number, it’s already outdated as it rises with each passing nanosecond.

Since 9/11, there has been a dramatic uptick in immigration from Islamic countries with a 66% increase in the past decade. And things are just warming up. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America.[2]

There is a short video on this that you would be wise to watch.  You can find it here:

Are we looking at risk of losing this great nation to a bunch on seventh century barbarians?  Yes!  Can we stop it?  Yes!  But it will take a lot of American, politicians included, that will be willing to take the stand to not allow them to continue to immigrate here and because of the fact that they are not allowed to swear allegiance to anyone or anything other than their false god and pedophile prophet, they should not be allowed to even immigrate here let alone become citizens and run for office.  Keep in mind that Obama’s and Clinton’s personal advisors were muslims and Obama put members of the muslim brotherhood into high positions in our government including the Department of Homeland Security, an act of treason in my book.

One of the most disturbing aspects of islam is they believe that to imitate their prophet is the best way to live their lives.  Their prophet, mohammed, slaughtered thousands of people because they would not convert to his barbarian ideology.  He also believed that it was OK to have sexual relations with children.  He married a six-year-old and consummated that marriage when she was nine.  He believed that it was OK to take women in conquest for sex slaves.  They still practice this slave trade to this day.  Liberals, for some odd reason, refuse to acknowledge this slave trade but constantly remind us of the slavery in America that stopped in 1865.

The next phase with muslim occupation is ‘victimhood’.  How often do you hear the term islamophobia?  It was invented by muslims to intimidate non-muslims that stand against the evils of this ideology.  They called Trump islamophobic for banning travel from certain Islamic countries.  Americans called it patriotism because those nations produced the most terrorists.  Whenever a person stands up against the demands of islam in a non-muslim country, they cry islamophobia.  In one of MANY cases of Islamic sex grooming cases in England one reporter was arrested for reporting about the grooming gangs: Robinson, the former head of the English Defense League and a longtime activist against Islam and Islamic migration, was arrested after he was filming men accused of being part of a gang that groomed children. Britain has been rocked by a series of child sex scandals perpetuated by gangs of predominantly Muslim men.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Lennon, was arrested by police outside the Leeds Crown Court for allegedly breaching the peace.

The details of the case are not immediately clear. Fox News reports that Robinson was previously given a 13-month prison sentence for a contempt-of-court charge and he was “on a suspended sentence for contempt of court over a gang rape case in 2017.” His new arrest allegedly activated the suspended sentence.

“This is ridiculous. I haven’t said a word. I’ve done nothing,” Robinson said. “This isn’t contempt of court. You are allowed to do this, aren’t you?”[3] British police even withheld information, for political reasons, on a grooming group that was grooming over 100 young girls:   Britain’s second largest police force withheld a report about gangs of Muslim men grooming children in case it inflamed racial tensions ahead of a General Election, it was revealed today.

West Midlands Police were warned more than 100 predominantly white children – some as young as 13 – were at serious risk of child exploitation five years ago.

A document entitled ‘Problem Profile, Operation Protection’ from March 2010 reveals Asian gangs targeted schools and children’s homes across the force area.

The report, written for senior officers, also reveals how white girls were used to recruit other vulnerable victims on behalf of the gangs.

But there were fears over a row ahead of the May 2010 General Election and an English Defence League rally in April leading to a ‘backlash against law abiding citizens from Asian/Pakistani communities’.

Despite the warnings police did not warn the public or appeal for information about the men responsible and the report was only published this week under the Freedom of Information Act.

In one heavily redacted passage, the document reads: ‘In (redacted) a teacher at a (redacted) that a group of Asian males were approaching pupils at the school gate and grooming them. Strong anecdotal evidence shows this MO (modus operandi) is being used across the force.

‘Operations in other forces have identified an MO where offenders use a young girl in a children’s home to target and groom other residents on their behalf.

‘This has also been evidenced within the force in (redacted) and (redacted).

‘The girl’s motivation to recruit new victims is often that the provision of new girls provides her a way to escape the cycle of abuse.’

The report said police had identified a potential 139 victims, 78 per cent of whom were white while more than half were aged 13 to 15.[4]

This is one of the ways they claim victim hood.  If they get caught molesting a white woman, they claim they didn’t know it was against the laws because they are allowed to do that in their native country.  Usually there is no punishment for the perpetrator and no justice for the victim.

This is the ideology that we have allowed to immigrate to our nation.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed
  2. The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed
  3. Watch protests erupt after activist jailed Ryan Saavedra
  4. Police withheld bombshell report revealing gangs Muslim men grooming 100 schoolgirls young 10 case inflamed racial tensions ahead General Election

Destroying America From Within, Part 2

When understanding how islam works we simply have to look at history as to how they operate in the nations they immigrate to.  The number one that must be realized, no matter what they say, is DO NOT ASSIMILATE!  Our new member of the House from Minnesota, Rep. Ilhan Omar, stated in 2012 “I will not assimilate!” They never have, they never will.  That is a critical factor in allowing them to immigrate, do we want millions of people immigrating here that refuse to adopt our culture?  According to history, we see them immigrating and gradually getting to the point where they take control.

The first thing they do is establish a mosque.  In islam the mosque is their religious place.  I call it that because a sane person cannot call their so-called religion a legitimate religion.  The mosque is also used for their court house.  We have no idea how many cases in America are tried in their shariah court instead of the courts of the land.  Some say that there are already shariah courts in America. It happened at the Republican National Convention last year, and it’s happened at just about every right-wing protest I’ve covered in the past few years: People tell me Sharia law is coming to America. Muslims secretly want to impose their will on all of us. In fact, there are already “no-go zones” in United States, and we must act now to stop them from spreading.

Where do they think this is happening? In places like Dearborn, Michigan, and Dallas, Texas. Dallas in particular has become a center of anti-Sharia protests, inflamed partly by reports from Fox News, Breitbart, and others that an Islamic court had been established there to decree medieval justice in America. The protests were loud enough that Texas passed a bill last summer to ban “foreign law” from being applied.

Could this rogue Islamic court be real? And what evidence led Texas to act? In the episode above, I travel to the real-life Islamic Tribunal in Arlington, Texas, to ask one of its founding imams what he does there. Then I meet with Texas State Rep. Dan Flynn, a Republican who represents a rural district outside Dallas and who sponsored the new legislation. He insists the bill doesn’t target Muslims, but the law’s backstory suggests otherwise.[1]

There is proof that there are American courts that have used shariah to adjudicate some cases.  In my opinion these judges should be removed form the bench and barred from ever being a judge again because they are sworn to uphold the Constitution not Islamic law.  CSP has found that at least 146 cases have been identified where the U.S. court system has allowed a Shariah court to adjudicate.

“In about 20 percent of those cases the court agreed to use Shariah instead of American laws with our constitutional gaurantees respected,” Gaffney said.

In some Muslim countries, severe punishments are common, women have very few rights, and blasphemy against Mohammed can result in a death sentence.

But Tribunal Judge Imam Moujahed Bakhach is denying that will happen in America.

“The misconception about what they see through the media is that Shariah means cut the head, chop the heads, cut the hands and we are not in that,” he said. “We are not here to invade the White House or invade Austin.”

But Robert Spencer of JihadWatch writes: “There is no school of Islamic jurisprudence among either Sunnis or Shites that does not mandate stoning for adultery, amputation of the hand for theft, and the subjugation of women.”

Imam Bakhach and three other Muslim judges are planning to bypass the traditional legal system of Texas to handle civil cases on their own.[2]  I will here and now call this imam a liar!  Remember CAIR founder, Omar Ahmad, stated “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominate.  The quran, the muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”  This proves that he is a liar.  Remember also that they are required to lie to advance islam.  The courts that were in place in Irving, Texas were shut down because it put muslims under different laws than what are allowed by our Constitution.  This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.

In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

All four of the “voluntary” court’s lawyers were unlicensed in the state of Texas, a third degree felony. Mayor Beth Van Duyne received several phone calls on the matter. It seems that the Islamic Tribunal not only was unlicensed, but they failed to notify the city of their illegal court being operated in city limits. She promised to get to the bottom of it, and she did.

By their own website’s admission, if U.S. law conflicts with Sharia law, “we follow Sharia law.” It also openly admitted separate rules for men and women in their proceedings, discriminating and humiliating women which is against the U.S. Constitution. The Islamic Tribunal also openly declared that they hope [this] will “set a precedence that will be emulated and duplicated throughout the country.”[3]

It is hard to find but these muslims have called for her to be killed for doing this.  We will find that muslims do not like to have something taken away that they have gained even if it was gained illegally.  Last week I brought up the comment by the Texas director of CAIR Director, Mustafa Carroll, “If we are practicing muslims, we are above the law of the land.”  They don’t think that they have to abide by laws of the land because shariah is to dominate.

The next thing they do is establish an muslim enclave.  We see that most glaringly in Dearborn, Michigan.  The city council is dominated by muslims and there are times when there are signs in that city stating that this is a shariah zone.  You don’t walk your dog there, women don’t walk through there in tank tops and shorts or they will be raped and beaten.  They do this because they believe they have the right to do that to any non-muslim female.  A case of harassment or injury to the detriment of a girl took place on Friday afternoon on a bus of line 7644. The as-yet unknown girl of about 12 to 13 years of age got on the bus around 4:20PM at the Ledergraben stop in Reutlingen, going in the direction of St. Johann-Würtingen. At the Südbahnhof stop, she went to the front doors of the bus to get off. As she walked past, a 37-year-old Syrian sitting in front of her in the bus hit her buttocks with his hand. Crying, the girl then turned to the 37-year-old and asked him the reason for his actions; he dismissed her with the words “I am entitled to do this.” The injured party then left the bus. In the further course of events, the accused then uttered vulgar abuse and threats against other passengers who had observed the events and expressed their incomprehension.[4]

America’s eyes have been closed to this threat because of the false belief that ‘This could never happen in America!’ but it is happening.  It was exacerbated by eight years of the Obama administration’s push to get as many muslims into America as he could for, I believe, the destruction of America from the inside. We have to wake up to this truth.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Inside A sharia law court in Texas
  2. Islamic shariah tribunal begins operating in Texas
  3. Muslims are angry at Texas mayor after she stops sharia court here
  4. Germany Muslim migrant strikes 12 year old girl on her buttocks says he’s entitled

Destroying America From Within, Part 1

America needs to wake up!  There is an ideology at work to take America down from the inside.  That ideology is islam.  Some may thing I’ve got a screw lose but those that think that are simply not paying attention.

There is a pattern that islam follows for the taking over of a nation. They’ve done it for their entire history and if you are paying attention you can see them working their plan in the UK, Sweden, Germany and every other nation where they have a presence. It must be understood that muslims do not assimilate!  Their only purpose of immigrating is to begin the take over of the nation they immigrate to.  Something else must be understood, they believe that they are above the law of any nation they immigrate to.  When they first immigrate, they keep a low profile but as their population increases they begin to demand that their shariah law be allowed.

The Director of CAIR in Texas, Mustafa Carroll, stated “If we are practicing muslims, we are above the law of the land.”  See their arrogance? They say that they must obey the laws of the land, but they are required also to lie, cheat and even kill to advance their ideology.  One of the biggest muslim organizations in America is the unindicted co-conspirators in the HolyLand terrorist organization case is CAIR, Council on American Islamic Relations.  The Founder of this terrorist related organization, Omar Ahmad, stated “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominate, The quran the muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”  Muslims will deny that he said this, but they don’t want you to know the truth about their ideology.  I refer to it as an ideology simply because religion is only about 18% of islam.  The rest is military and covers their law which is shariah.

Under shariah a muslim can do anything to a non-muslim, rape women, make them slaves, kill the men or sell them into slavery.  Muslims were the ones that brought the slave trade to America in the early 1700’s and still practice the trade to this day. It is necessary to understand how muslims begin their take over to fully understand what is happening in the UK, Sweden, Germany and what they are doing in America which was helped along by Barak Obama for eight years.  I may sound crass but any so-called god that would use a man like Mohammad as a prophet has to be questioned.  Mohammad could not read nor could he write making him ignorant and illiterate and he ‘married’ a six-year-old girl and consummated the ‘marriage’ when she was nine making him a pedophile.  No sane ‘god’ would use a man like this to promote an ideology unless it was satan, which that is who their ‘god’ is.  Many have stated that islam, Judaism, ND Christianity all serve the same God.  Ah, no! Their god says to kill Christians and Jews.  Our God says to love our enemies.

One of the aspects of islam is jihad.  This is where they wage war against non-muslims.  This is part of their ideology.  What is very bothersome about this is there are jihad camps in America where they are training to kill Americans.  There are 22 camps scattered throughout America.  We know where they’re at, but nothing is being done to shut them down.  It is confirmed that there are over 22 Jihadi Training Camps in the United States of America, but the FBI says there is nothing that can be done about them.

These training camps have been connected to Muslims of America (MOA) and belong to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistan Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda-related branch. These camps are nothing new, as at least 19 of them were established as early as 2012.

FBI documents obtained by “The Clarion Project” in 2007 detailed the Texas enclave.

The organization says it has a network of 22 “villages” around the U.S., with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. TheClarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg. It was featured on the Kelly File on FOX News Channel in October. A second MOA tape released by Clarion shows its spokesman declaring the U.S. to be a Muslim-majority country.

A 2007 FBI record states that MOA members have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing. It states:

“The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the U.S. Government. Members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani.”

The document also says that, “The MOA is now an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” ~Clarion Project [1]

The muslims have a plan to take America down without a war.  They will use our own laws against us.  They have the help of the Democrat party as well. If you noticed in the 2018 midterms ALL muslims that ran for office were in the Democrat Party.  I believe that the most dangerous muslim group is the Muslim Brotherhood.  It has been around since 1929 and was able to work its way into our government all the way to the White House in 2008 with Valarie Jaret Obama’s closest advisor.  Of course, Obama is a muslim as well.  Many deny it but what sane person would say the most beautiful thing to hear is the muslim call to prayer?  Then there is Huma Abedin who was an intern in the Clinton White House in 1996 and has been with Hillary ever since as Hillary Clinton’s vice chair in Clinton’s 2016 presidential run and her deputy chief of staff from 2009 to 2013 while Clinton was Secretary of State and traveling chief of staff in Clinton’s 2008 run for the presidency.  Abedin’s family is deep in islam.  Her father, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin, founded the Institute of Muslim Affairs in 1979 and the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs of which Huma was an associate editor from 1996-2008.

Over the next couple weeks, we will look at how this vile and barbarous ideology works its way into different cultures all for the purpose of replacing that country’s constitution and laws with the warped ideals of shariah.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. 22 Islamic jihad training camps in America, is there one in your state?

Truth About Vaccines, Part 5

As we have been learning Big Pharma has been putting completely unnecessary ‘ingredients’ in their vaccines that do more harm than good.  Ingredients like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG and hidden cancer viruses.[1] Their testing are fabricated results to claim a high percentage of efficacy but when there is an outbreak the majority of the people that affected had been vaccinated against the virus.  Vaccinated children should be healthier than unvaccinated children but the Amish community, which refuses to participate in any vaccine program, for the most part, don’t experience the outbreaks regular societies do and have a near-zero rate of autism![2]

With all of what was just listed we add to it the fact that there is a ‘secret’ government vaccine court that actually has more power than the Supreme Court of the United States and is allowed to operate outside the Constitution, Bill of Rights and can ignore due process.[3]  I could go on and on considering how Big Pharma has guaranteed that they will be able to continue produce deadly ineffective products for large profits. They buy the media to stay silent about the number of vaccine related sicknesses, deaths and disabilities and they fund politicians on both sides of the fence to keep them protected from most lawsuits.  Now we have politicians that are proposing laws that make it illegal for a parent to exercise their rights over their children’s healthcare: State Senator Richard Pan, the author of SB 277, a law that requires kindergartners to get twenty-seven different doses of medication and fifteen different shots or forego a public education, has indicated his 2019 plans include overriding doctors’ free will.

Legislation or other efforts to this end would be an unprecedented and dangerous intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship.

Pan recently detailed these plans in multiple different interviews, where he claimed there is a problem with “medical exemptions” – i.e., official opinions by a doctor that if a child is vaccinated, that child could suffer harm.

Medical exemptions are extremely rare, and doctors grant them only if a child or a family member suffers from things like a debilitating disease (such as leukemia), or if a child or a family member had a well-documented negative reaction to a vaccine or one of its ingredients.

Just 0.7% of students obtain such an exemption, up from 0.2% before the passage of SB 277, a change that is not statistically significant. The total number of children exempt from the state’s vaccine requirements (i.e., including those 1.1% exempt due to disabilities) has actually dropped since the passage of SB 277, going from 2.6% to 1.9%, indicating that Pan’s plan is a solution in search of a problem.

Yet Pan implied that some doctors are charging to issue exemptions, a fact unsupported by any evidence.[4]

Just how far is this Democrat Party going to go in its over reach into the lives of the American people?  Just when did the government become the nanny state, by force.  It has forgotten that the Constitution is a means for the people to control the government not the other way around.  As is usual with the media they are attacking sensible parents that have a legitimate concern about the safety of vaccines.  Remember California is mandating a child receive fifteen different vaccines shots containing twenty-seven different drugs with no way for the parent to opt out!  Now the UN is getting involved and trying to use social media to shame those that have bona fide concerns about vaccines. On Jan. 19, the Editorial Board of the New York Times declared that “anti-vaxxers” are “the enemy” and called on the U.S. government to “get tough” by waging a “bold and aggressive” pro-vaccine campaign that includes “tightening restrictions around how much leeway states can grant families that want to skip essential vaccines.” 

By Jan. 23, The Hill announced that Washington state had declared a state of emergency because of 23 cases of measles reported in an “anti-vaccination community” near Portland, Oregon, and there was a public call in the UK for social media platforms to “clamp down on fake news” and censor “misleading information and negative messaging around vaccination.”

The New York Times editorial headline “How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers” was a theme repeated in articles reacting to the WHO’s suggestion that people wanting to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination are a global menace.

One doctor suggested that parents who don’t vaccinate their children are selfish:

“… it’s a matter of ‘I don’t care about other people in the community, I only care about the health and welfare of my own child.’” 

There was no discussion about institutionally acknowledged gaps in vaccine safety science or the fact that most parents dutifully follow the advice of pediatricians and public health officials and only became vaccine safety critics after the risks of vaccination for their children turned out to be 100 percent.

No discussion about the fact that since 2011, pharmaceutical companies have no liability for injuries and deaths caused by government recommended and mandated vaccines they sell in the U.S. 

Instead, parents of vaccine injured children and others concerned about vaccine safety, who for decades have been asking government and industry to produce better quality vaccine science and more humane vaccine policies that respect genetic and biological diversity, were stereotyped as “anti-vaxxers” and demonized as a “threat” to public health.[5]

I find it very disturbing that parents, when educated on the extreme dangers of vaccines, are being targeted by Big Pharma via the media to shame them for being responsible adults.  More reasons to call them Fake News.  Even the Kentucky Health Department warned about vaccines made in Mount Sterling.  Location Vaccination began providing vaccines for businesses in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana in September.  Shortly after, some people started noticing swelling and lumps at the injection site.[6]

When death occurs as a result of a vaccine the reporting is even shaded.  There is no place on the death form for ‘vaccine related’ so it is reported as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or other ‘unknown’ reasons. When a baby or child dies after a vaccine, there is nowhere on the coroner’s form or death certificate to check “vaccine reaction.”

So deaths are ruled Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDs), Sudden Unexplained Death Syndrome (SUDs) or unknown. These labels are NOT actually causes of death. 

They’re all used when a healthy baby or child dies suddenly and the coroner cannot find the cause….but maybe that’s because they’re not looking in the right direction.


23,000 babies die in the U.S. every year on or before 12 months of age, making the U.S the MOST dangerous developed country for babies. (1)

Guess what? The statistics for children aren’t much better with the U.S leading the way with the highest rate of child death in the developed world. (2)

And the ones that don’t die, get sick. Chronic health issues are skyrocketing among American children with nearly HALF of all kids suffering a chronic illness. With numbers like these, the U.S. has one of the sickest childhood population in the developed world (see a pattern here?), despite spending more per capita on ‘health’care than any other country in the world.[7]

Our children are our future.  They must be protected at all costs, but vaccines are more of a risk than the actual sickness itself. Please research before you expose your child to the extreme dangers of vaccines.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. 10 facts about the vaccine industry
  2. 10 facts about the vaccine industry
  3. 10 facts about the vaccine industry
  4. Senator doctor wants California to eliminate doctors medical exemptions to vaccines
  5. Vaccine-information: big pharma gates fund corporate media attack on vaccine hesitancy as public threat
  6. Vaccines causing infections across the USA 2019
  7. How vaccine deaths get covered up

The Truth About Vaccines, Part 4

I want to finish this series with results from a study that our media refuses to report on.  I was watching a program on FOX News on Sunday and they were talking about the flu season and vaccines for children than may schools require.  This is why if I still had kids in school, they would be homeschooled.  One of the commentators stated that it was a shame that so many parents refuse to vaccinate their kids because it will keep them healthy AND that vaccines are 100% safe.  Tell that to the Parents of the triplets that got vaccinated last year and within hours they were autistic.[1] Tell that to the people who found out too late that the most dangerous vaccine in America is the flu vaccine.[2] Then there are the unfortunate people who vaccinated their kids against HPV and their child died! The 1,283 whose child became disabled.[3] I think if you teach your kid abstinence it would be more effective.

What this study found was that there is a lot of dangers with these vaccine that Big Pharma and the government does not want you to know.  This information comes from in its entirety.  This should make one’s blood boil because of the intended deception on the American people specifically our children.  The article follows:

The mainstream media is largely funded by drug companies and vaccine manufacturers and demonstrates extreme conflicts of interest in reporting on vaccines. Perhaps that’s why dishonest media outlets refuse to report the following ten stunning facts about the vaccine industry that are all provably true.

FACT #1) Mercury is still used in vaccines, and the CDC openly admits it. There is NO safe level of mercury for injecting into a human child. Not even “trace” levels. There is NO evidence of safety for mercury at any dose whatsoever. Any doctor who says the level of mercury in a vaccine is “safe” to inject into a child is only demonstrating their outrageous ignorance of scientific facts.

Mercury is arguably the most neurotoxic element on the entire Table of Elements. It is used in vaccines for the convenience of the vaccine manufacturer at the expense of the safety of the child. Any doctor who injects mercury into a child — at any dose! — should be immediately stripped of their medical license.

See the list of studies on the neurotoxicity of mercury at, now the largest relational research resource for chemicals, health, nutrients and drugs.

Those study titles include:

Lactational exposure to inorganic mercury: evidence of Neurotoxic effects.

Neurotoxic action of inorganic Mercury injected in the intraventricular space of mouse cerebrum.

Neurotoxic effects in workers of the clinical thermometer manufacture plant.

Neurotoxic risk caused by stable and variable exposure to methylmercury from seafood.

Mother Nature’s micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary “sulforaphane” and “glucosinolate” nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.

Additional FACT: There is no “safe” form of mercury as is often ridiculously claimed by vaccine pushers. Both ethyl and methyl mercury are extremely toxic to the human nervous system. Neither should, under ANY circumstances, be deliberately injected into a human child at any dose whatsoever.

FACT #2) Injecting any substance into the human body makes it orders of magnitude more potentially toxic because it bypasses the protections of the digestive tract or the respiratory system. Injecting mercury into a human being — at any dose — should be globally condemned as a criminal act. That it is currently considered an acceptable act in the field of medicine only condemns the true destructive nature of modern medicine. Under the vaccine doctrine, “First do no harm” has become “Poison children for profit.”

FACT #3) For decades, polio vaccines injected into tens of millions of people actually contained hidden cancer viruses (SV40 and others). This was openly admitted by a top Merck vaccine scientist named Hilleman. The CDC recently scrubbed its website of this information in a “revisionist history” purge. Up to 98 million Americans were exposed to hidden cancer viruses in polio vaccines. This is an historical fact. Read more at

FACT #4) Top virologists working for Merck have blown the whistle and gone public with shocking revelations that claim the company routinely fabricated lab results to claim a 95% efficacy rate of its mumps vaccine in order to continue receiving government contracts on a vaccine that didn’t work.

See the False Claims document these scientists filed with the U.S. government here:…

FACT #5) In nearly every outbreak you hear about these days, the majority of the children affected by the outbreak have already been vaccinated against the virus! For example, outbreaks of whooping cough routinely involve children who have already been vaccinated against whooping cough. This is yet more proof that vaccines do not confer real-world functional immunity.

FACT #6) The claimed history of vaccine “successes” against polio and other diseases is a pure fabrication. This is discussed and exposed in great detail in the powerful book, “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Click here to see the book at, or click here to visit the website (and view the charts).

As these charts show, measles was almost completely eradicated before the arrival of the measles vaccine. Why the decline? Mostly due to improvements in public hygiene and sanitation. It’s no exaggeration to say that good plumbing saves more lives than vaccines ever did.

FACT #7) The vaccine industry refuses to conduct scientific tests on the health outcomes of vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated children. Why? Because these test would no doubt show unvaccinated children to be healthier, smarter and far better off than vaccinated children in terms of behavioral disorders, allergies and even autoimmune disorders. Check the people you know: Don’t you routinely find that the most heavily-vaccinated kids are the ones who get sick all the time? Meanwhile, groups like the Amish who largely refuse to vaccinate their children have near-zero rates of autism.

FACT #8) The U.S. Supreme Court has already declared that the secret “vaccine court” is a higher power than the Supreme Court. The so-called “vaccine court” is granted extraordinary powers to operate utterly outside the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and completely outside the rules of due process and law.

The vaccine court itself — which isn’t even a court of law — is a violation of law and a violation of basic human rights. It must be abolished like Apartheid.

FACT #9) The mainstream media receives a significant portion of its revenues from the very same drug companies selling vaccines. This financial influence results in the media refusing to cover stories about vaccine-damaged children for fear of losing advertising revenues.

This is why the mainstream media frequently features guests and authors who ridiculously claim that all the vaccine damaged children across America do not exist or are “mere delusions” of their parents. These despicable vaccine apologists are intellectual bullies who, like Hitler’s minions, relish in aiding and abetting a real-life holocaust that’s harming millions of children around the globe.

FACT #10) The CDC openly admits that vaccines contain additives which are known to be potent neurotoxic chemicals. Those additives include:

All of these substances are toxic to human biology when injected. All of them are still listed on the CDC website as vaccine additives. There is no rational doctor or scientist in the world who can say they believe injecting infants and children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum is somehow “safe,” yet doctors inject children with these substances every single day in the form of vaccines.

Doctors who inject children with vaccines are delusional. They are practicing a medical holocaust against humanity while fraudulently calling it “immunization.” For the record, vaccination does not equal immunization. Click here to see the book of the same title.

Corporate-controlled “science” isn’t real science at all

The real truth is that science never has a monopoly on facts, and science makes enormous mistakes (such as condoning smoking cigarettes) on a regular basis. Science is also for sale and easy corrupted by corporate interests.

Peer-reviewed science journals, too, are often little more than a collection of corporate-funded make-believe science tabloids. “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines,” writes the former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angell.

“I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine,” she says in Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption.[4]

We have to stay informed on this because the government/FDA have failed miserably at doing their job to protect the American people.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Triplets become autistic within hours of vaccination see shocking video
  2. U.S. Government statistics reveal that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America
  3. Big pharmas nefarious control of health care the vaccine injury compensation program
  4. Top 10 facts about the vaccine industry

The Truth About Vaccines, Part 3

The fact that vaccines do more harm than good seem to be ignored by too many people.  It’s not just the fact that they don’t work and in too many cases cause worse problems than they are supposed to solve but now we are seeing people that are investigating the link between autism and vaccines being threatened.  A Jan. 6, 2019 news report produced by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson for Sinclair Broadcast Group revealed that retired congressmen Dan Burton (R-IN) and Dr. Dave Weldon (R-FL) and current Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) were pressured by colleagues or threatened by PhRMA lobbyists to back away from examining vaccine safety issues, including the reported link between vaccines and autism.1 The report also revealed that, in 2007, federal government officials suppressed and then misrepresented the expert opinion of pediatric neurologist Dr. Andrew Zimmerman that vaccines can cause autism during U.S. Federal Court of Claims hearings evaluating vaccine-related autism claims filed in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP).[2]

“You really need to… back off on this”

The “Vaccination Debate” report was featured on “Full Measure,” Sinclair’s investigative news show anchored by Attkisson, who said, “We spoke to 11 current and former members of Congress and staff who claim they faced pressure, bullying or threats when they raised vaccine safety questions.” Physician and former Rep. Dave Weldon commented, “It would typically be in a hallway or the street and people would come up to you and say, “You know, you really need to, you know, back off on this. It could be, it could be bad for the community or bad for the country or bad for you.”

Attkisson also interviewed Rolf Hazelhurst, whose now 18-year old son, Yates, suffered severe vaccine reactions as a child and regressed into chronic poor health that was eventually diagnosed as autism.[1]  Why are their colleges pressuring them to back off?  Most of them have their campaigns financed by Big Pharma!  Isn’t it nice to know that our health is controlled by Big Pharma lobbyists and what is best for THEM is the direction our Congress leans?

Our government is even suppressing evidence that PROVES the connection between vaccines and autism denying children effected by the vaccine benefits.  After Rolf Hazelhurst learned that Dr. Zimmerman’s expert opinion was discounted and misrepresented by federal government officials for the purpose of denying federal vaccine injury compensation to his son and thousands of other children with vaccine related autism, Hazelhurst told congressional staffers at a 2013 briefing, “If I did to a criminal in a court of law what the United States Department of Justice did to vaccine injured children, I would be disbarred and I would be facing criminal charges.” He and environmental activist attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have filed a fraud complaint with the Justice Department Inspector General about the withholding of Zimmerman’s expert opinion on vaccine-induced autism in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims proceedings.

The “Vaccine Court” and the Class Action Omnibus Autism Proceeding

The Secretary of Health and Human Services is legally represented by Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (“Vaccine Court”) when federal health officials contest vaccine injury compensation claims filed under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, a law that was passed by Congress in 1986 and substantively altered by congressional amendments between 1987 and 2016. The 1986 Act gave partial liability protection to vaccine manufacturers but protected a vaccine injured person’s right to file a vaccine injury lawsuit in civil court if federal compensation was denied or was inadequate to provide for lifetime needs or if it could be proven that the vaccine manufacturer could have made a vaccine safer (design defect). In a split decision in 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively barred all vaccine injury lawsuits, including for manufacturer design defect.[2]

Can we really trust a government that acts in this manner?  As a contractor, if I build a house that falls apart three months after I finish it, I can be sued for all damages.  The way this is set up the pharmaceuticals are not liable at all for anything.  Why does the government allow a company that has the ability to damage the lives of so many families and they do, be allowed to be completely free of all liability for the product they manufacture?

It goes way beyond this to even a point of anyone who is willing to expose the discrepancies is literally putting their life in danger.  A number of holistic doctors in Florida, over 60 of them within one year, who have been found, killed or dead all have one common denominator.

They had all found out that an enzyme protein was cancer causing and the protein with the name of Nagalese had been added to vaccines that had been given to humans and this is something that has been happening on a global scale.

Doctors Were Said To Be Getting Ready To Reveal Findings

Nagalese is said to be an enzyme that stops vitamin D from being produced in the body and so stops the natural ability of the body to kill off any cancer cells.

It is also a protein that is created by cancer cells and can be found in high concentrations in children with autism. It was revealed that it has been put into vaccines.

Nagalese affects the immune system as it disables it and it has also been known to be the cause behind Type 2 diabetes.

It was said that the doctors who discovered this were not being killed because they had found a cancer cure or were treating autism successfully, but they were killed because they had researched and found evidence that vaccines that had been injected into children had been causing cancer and autism crisis.[3]

The reality of the toxicity of vaccines is underscored by this tragic story: Dr. Martin Gore, a widely celebrated cancer doctor credited with “saving thousands of lives” died from “total organ failure” just minutes after receiving a vaccine shot yesterday. Dr. Gore was a professor of cancer medicine at the Institute of Cancer Research based in London. He “died suddenly yesterday after a routine inoculation for yellow fever,” reports The Times (UK).

“His death highlights the increased risks associated with the vaccine for the growing number of older travellers visiting exotic destinations,” the paper explains.

It also underscores the horrific price of believing in Big Pharma, chemotherapy and vaccines. Throughout his career, Dr. Gore oversaw the harming of tens of thousands of children who were subjected to toxic chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Ultimately, he was killed by his own false belief in the safety of vaccines.[4]

We are now seeing Big Pharma and UN officials trying to push back on anyone who attempts to deny the fake promises of vaccines: The World Health Organization, a criminal cartel front for the vaccine industry, has just declared war on the so-called “anti-vax” movement. The W.H.O. is the same group that spiked vaccines given to women in Africa with abortion / infertility drugs. The W.H.O. is also the same fraudulent group that falsely declared H5N1 bird flu to be a “stage 6 pandemic” in order to create global panic that generated billions of dollars in vaccine sales to world government (which stockpiled the vaccines and then later spent a fortune having the unused vaccine destroyed).

Now, the W.H.O. says that anti-vaxxers are one of the greatest public health threats of 2019, ranking the “vaccine hesitancy” movement right alongside Ebola as a public health threat. “Vaccine hesitancy – the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines – threatens to reverse progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases,” claims the W.H.O. in a global health threat ranking document that also claims global warming — a quack science hoax fabricated by globalists — is also going to destroy humanity if we don’t surrender world economies to Al Gore.[5]

The lies from the government are disgusting at best and treason at worst.  A Center for Disease Control has admitted that vaccines do cause autism but destroyed the data.[6]

This is the America we have allowed to develop because we have not been engaged.  It is time we take our country back.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Attkisson report reveals threats against congressmen investigating autism vaccine
  2. Attkisson report reveals threats against congressmen investigating autism vaccine
  3. Found murdered doctors discovered cancer enzymes vaccines
  4. Vaccine shot killed famed cancer doctor in mere minutes total organ failure
  5. Vaccine deep state plots to seize NaturalNews criminalize speech

The Truth About Vaccines, Part 2

I have learned over the years that it is very foolish to trust our government.  They have failed America on so many levels.  It is a disgrace.  The EPA under Obama allowed what was known as Agent Orange in Viet Nam to be infused into our foods via GMO products.  We are now inundated with GMO products and are consuming glyphosate, Agent Orange, in our cereals, vegetables, fish and even fruits.  Monsanto denies any danger but billions of dollars rest on their ability to continue to deceive us.  That’s why Obama appointe Monsanto’s Vice President Michael Taylor as Food Czar aka the Deputy Commissioner of Foods.[1]

Even the Center for Disease Control is playing games with the American people.  The vaccine scandal that’s exploding in China is a mirror image of the vaccine scandals that have been covered up in America by the CDC, a military organization run by military intelligence officials.

In both countries, the media are ordered to censor / blacklist the entire story in order to withhold the truth about dangerous vaccines from the public.

Millions of babies are being harmed, maimed, hospitalized or in some cases even killed by toxic vaccines, all around the world. But the public is never allowed to know this because in America — just like in China — the “vaccine deep state” orders the press to ignore every vaccine scandal.[2]

People are getting vaccinated for shingles and getting shingles anyway along with other diseases.  Zostavax, a popular shingles vaccine, is in hot water: The inoculation has been tied to numerous cases of vaccine injury, and even shingles itself. Merck, the company that makes Zostavax, is now facing multiple lawsuits from patients and families harmed by their product. At least 80 deaths tied to the Zostavax vaccine have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), along with over 100,000 reports of other adverse side effects.

As Dr. Robert Scott Bell, of The Robert Scott Bell Show, explains, the vaccine is failing because “it’s not facilitating natural antibody production.” Bell notes that in the past, he warned of the potential for the shingles vaccine to ultimately cause more of the illness its supposedly designed to prevent.

Shingles vaccine is causing disease and other ailments

“I think on some level, it’s by design,” Bell contends. Vaccines, Bell posits, are one of the many medical weapons he calls “disease creation machinery.” He adds that this disease creation ultimately translates to a lifelong dependence on pharmaceutical intervention. Bell argues further that antibodies alone aren’t necessarily enough to protect against disease. While they do obviously help, a healthy, functional immune system relies on much more than just antibodies — and a weakened immune system will not function well, even with an abundance of antibodies.

Perhaps that’s why the shingles vaccine has been so disastrous.[3]

Big Pharma goes along as if nothing is wrong.  The 2017 flu season was a total failure for the vaccine pushers but they have doubled down for 2019.  The push to get vaccinated is in full swing, whether you’re at the grocery store or simply watching the evening news. “It’s never too early to get the flu shot,” vaccine pushers are saying. And after the massive failure of the 2017 flu shot, it’s no surprise that pro-vaccine propaganda is already everywhere.

As the masses become more aware of the fraud behind the flu vaccine, Big Pharma and their puppets are going to be working overtime to sell their disinformation. In 2017, the flu vaccine was so ineffective that experts warned there would be a “Flu-pocalypse.” As a news videoby The Highwire with Del Bigtree shows, media pundits around the world declared that the 2017 flu shot was only about 10 percent “effective,” yet companies and hospitals around the U.S. are forcing employees to get vaccinated.

“It’s a terrible vaccine,” Bigtree states. “But what’s outrageous is how much fear they’re creating around the idea that they may not have a vaccine,” he contends. Indeed, the fear here is actually being used to serve the vaccine industry. It’s as if these people believe the human immune system simply can’t function without a shot.

As Bigtree contends, the media seems to use fear-mongering to push people towards vaccination, even when the vaccine clearly doesn’t work. Last year’s vaccine was a total sham — and this year’s inoculation will be no different. But everywhere you look, there’s an advertisement for the shot. Some places are even doling out flu shots for free, but it seems Big Pharma can’t even give these things away anymore.[4]

There is a push to get away from this insanity that media ignores even though he is a ranking member of the left, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  I am not his biggest fan, but I do agree with him concerning this charade being performed by Big Pharma.  The great campaign to coax more Americans into getting a flu shot seems to get more aggressive every year. As the mainstream media continues to push the narrative that flu vaccines are some sort of miraculous tool for keeping illness at bay, vaccine skeptics like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are speaking out – and shedding light on the real truth about the flu shot, and the CDC and pharma industry’s tactics to keep you compliant with their agenda.

When big business gets to influence public health policies, you know you’re in trouble. As RFK Jr. notes, the flu shot market is estimated to be worth around $3 billion – surely nothing to sneeze at. And the pharmaceutical industry (and their CDC cronies) will stop at almost nothing to secure those profits. Along with the endless stream of advertisements imploring Americans to get jabbed, RFK Jr. writes that the “CDC recommends ‘creating concern, anxiety and worry’ among the American public” to keep flu shot recipients rolling in.

But the industry’s campaign to keep flu shots profitable doesn’t end with scare tactics, billboards and other forms of advertisement. The conversation about flu shots (and really, vaccines in general) has devolved into a dictatorial swamp; if you question the products’ safety and do not subscribe to vaccine ideology, you’re blacklisted by the media and labeled as a “crazed conspiracy theorist.”[5]

There is so much evidence that these vaccines are not given the time to be proven safe and it’s all for the love of profits that the lives and well being of the American people are put on the line.  Shocking video footage from a recent CDC meeting shows that everything the media tells us about vaccine safety is a lie. Despite the media’s claims that vaccines are thoroughly tested and undergo rigorous safety examinations, it turns out the CDC is blindly approving vaccines without any evidence of safety. Concerns about the safety of getting multiple injections at once are often written off by mainstream medicine, thanks to overarching vaccine dogma — but even CDC officials now admit that the cumulative effects of vaccination have never been studied, and many of the vaccine formulations used here in the U.S. are not used in other countries.

The vaccine industry might just be worse than anyone could have ever imagined. As these improperly tested inoculations are being rushed to market, consumer are unwittingly being turned into Big Pharma’s guinea pigs.[6]

If you’re pregnant, please, think twice before you get a vaccination.  Despite the claims of safety, Dr. Brian Hooker is speaking out about the fraudulent science being used to promote the vaccine agenda. According to Dr. Hooker, a past study held by up the industry as “evidence” that it is safe to inoculate pregnant women is actually nothing more than a farce, and is another piece of vaccine propaganda put out by Big Pharma and their lackeys. The tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine has been recommended for pregnant women since 2012, but it turns out the alleged evidence of safety is woefully lacking.

In a video interview recently published on, Dr. Hooker totally debunks the pharmaceutical industry’s claims of safety on The Robert Scott Bell Show with Dr. Robert Scott Bell.[7]

Our government is getting any better yet.  We still have to look out for ourselves and we have the resources to properly do it.  Our well being is in our hands, where it belongs, and we must act wisely.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Victory: Former Monsanto vice president finally stepping down as FDA food czar
  2. Vaccine scandal censorship in America modeled after communist China
  3. Shingles vaccine responsible for more shingles vaccine injury
  4. Failure of flu vaccine
  5. Flu vaccine pr real science vs the CDC
  6. CDC video proves that vaccines are being rushed to market
  7. Hooker debunks myth vaccines safe pregnant women
  8. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 165-166.

The Truth About Vaccines, Part 1

We are witnessing a national disaster that is not just at he southern border.  For years there has been serious problems concerning the vaccines available in America.  I did a nine-part series on vaccines back in 2017 that can be read here.[1]  All nine installments can be accessed from the first of the series.  What we are seeing today is even more visible and I believe more dangerous than at any time in history.

I will say upfront that I have not had a vaccine since I was a kid when I got the polio vaccine.  I remember during the Ford administration when a particularly nasty strain of the swine flu occurred, and everybody was told to get a swine flu vaccination.  I didn’t and never caught the flu.  Today the most dangerous vaccine in America today is the flu vaccine.  As reported by Health Impact News, during the period covering 16 August to 15 November 2013, 139 claims were settled by the Vaccine Court, 70 of which received compensation. Of these settled claims, 42 – or 60 percent – were for injuries caused by the flu vaccine. The remaining 40 percent were for injuries caused by 11 other vaccines.

The greatest number of injuries by far that were reported as a result of the flu vaccine were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome, or GBS, a condition which the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke describes as follows:

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In many instances the symmetrical weakness and abnormal sensations spread to the arms and upper body. These symptoms can increase in intensity until certain muscles cannot be used at all and, when severe, the person is almost totally paralyzed. In these cases the disorder is life threatening – potentially interfering with breathing and, at times, with blood pressure or heart rate – and is considered a medical emergency. Such an individual is often put on a ventilator to assist with breathing and is watched closely for problems such as an abnormal heart beat, infections, blood clots, and high or low blood pressure. Most individuals, however, have good recovery from even the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, although some continue to have a certain degree of weakness.

U.S. government statistics reveal that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America.

The injuries caused by the flu vaccine, as listed in the Department of Justice report, are not limited to Guillain-Barré Syndrome, however. They also include: neurological injury, peripheral neuropathy, painful myalgias, psychological sequella, opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome, cerebellar ataxia, corneal transplant failure, transverse myelitis, encephalitis, shoulder injury, bilateral optic neuritis resulting in permanent legal blindness, leukoencephalopathy, chemically-induced multiple sclerosis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, fibromyalgia, and death, among others.

To the uninformed it might seem shocking that a medical procedure considered safe by the mainstream medical community could cause such serious health problems. When one considers the flu vaccine’s ingredients and adjuvants, however, it becomes totally understandable.

For one thing, the flu vaccine contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in water. For another, statistics confirm that vaccinated people are actually more susceptible to the flu and often get more ill than those who focus on building up their own body’s immune system.[2]

Why does a vaccine even have mercury in it in the first place let alone 25,000 times more than what is allowed in water?  Isn’t our government, the FDA in particular, supposed to see that these vaccines are safe?   Just recently triplets received a vaccine on the same day and within hours all three became autistic. A VAXXED video that has been banned almost everywhere is going viral on, the Youtube alternative video community for free speech on vaccines, GMOs, natural medicine and more.

As the video shows below, healthy triplets all became autistic within hours of vaccination, once again demonstrating that vaccines cause autism. The parents, the McDowell family in Detroit, Michigan, have spoken out publicly against the horrific medical violence being committed against children every day across America through toxic vaccines. (See for more reporting on vaccines and autism.)

The names of their three children, pictured above, are Richie, Robbie and Claire. All three children were vaccinated on the same day, and within hours, they all become severely autistic.[3]

The article goes on to say that the pharmaceutical companies are virtually immune to prosecution for bad vaccines.  Another vaccine gone wrong was administered to Lou Ferrigno, The Hulk, and he ended up in the hospital: A famous Hollywood celebrity is in the hospital after he reportedly experienced a series of horrific adverse effects following a pneumonia vaccination.

Lou Ferrigno, the 67-year-old who played the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk, tweeted a picture of himself lying in a hospital bed with IVs attached to his arm, along with a caption of strange details explaining what happened.

“Went in for a pneumonia shot and landed up here with fluid in my bicep,” Ferrigno stated. “I’ll be ok but it’s important that you keep an eye on who’s giving the shot and make sure they not only swab the spot correctly but that you watch the needle come out of the package.”

For more news about vaccines, be sure to check out[4]

The side effects of these vaccines are in many cases worse than what the vaccine is intended to cure.  In my series last year, I revealed that it has been proven that as far back as when vaccines started, they have been ineffective.  As a matter of fact, it has been found that an autistic child has always had a vaccine.  No child that has NOT had a vaccine has been diagnosed autistic![5] Consider the disastrous results from the HVP vaccination. As of January 2015 VAERS revealed that there had been 220 reported HPV vaccine-related deaths, 1,283 reported disabled patients, 3,945 reported hospital admissions, 12,305 reported admissions to an emergency room, 595 reported abnormal Pap smears, 262 reported cases of cervical dysplasia and 100 reported cases of cervical cancer! It is important to mention that the FDA admits that as few as 1% of adverse reactions to drugs or vaccines are ever reported by patients or physicians, so these numbers are likely to be falsely low. In other words, the real number of adverse events related to HPV could be as much as 100 times higher than the reported 38,217!

Despite their “confidence” in the efficacy of the vaccine, Merck and Glaxo still advise that inoculated patients follow the same schedule of regular Pap smears that unvaccinated women are advised to follow. In other word, there is no guarantee the shots will work.[6]

With these kinds of results, I think it would behoove parents to teach their children abstinence for a much safer lifestyle.  It is obvious that our government is NOT doing its job of protecting us.  They are protecting the ones that do harm to us.  We must address this ourselves and take the responsibility on our own shoulders.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Are Vaccines good or bad?
  2. US Government statistics reveal that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America
  3. Triplets all become autistic within hours of vaccination see shocking video
  4. Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno hospitalized after vaccination goes wrong
  5. The Age of Autism A pretty big secret
  6. Big Pharmas nefarious control of health care the vaccine injury compensation program

The State Of American Politics

Since 2016 we have seen the American political arena, at least on the Democrat side, take a dive into the gutter.  It started on election day but kicked into high gear the day after.  Protests all over the country because Hillary lost.  Cars were burned, stores were burned just like the what the conservatives did when Obama won, oh wait.  That never happened.  Real grownups can handle setbacks, but the millennials today never learned how to lose.  Remember when they stopped giving trophies for first place back in the early eighties?  Many predicted that there would come a day when they would riot when they didn’t get their way.  I know, I was one of them that made that prediction.  Common sense tells you that this will happen.  The problem is, Democrats don’t have any common sense.

Those poor students at Berkley were almost forced to hear a conservative speak on their campus.  If they hadn’t burned cars and destroyed a bunch of school property, they may have had to listen to a different point of view.  Another thing they could have done was simply not gone to hear the speaker.  I find that helpful when I don’t want to listen to a politician that leans in a direction that is wrong for the country, I simply don’t listen to him/her.  I don’t destroy my TV because they are on it, I change the channel.  I believe that the differences of opinions are what makes America great.  I also believe that many of the opinions out there now days are about as dumb and anti-American as they get.  I would rather they NOT be aired but without them being talked about there would be no comparison of the ideas.  The set back here is the liberals won’t even allow the other point of view be heard.  How can different views be evaluated if only one is allowed to the brought forth?

Democrats are like muslims, muslims won’t allow another religion to be brought up or talked about in their nation giving a person no choice but their way.  Democrats are so arrogant that they believe that their point of view, their ideas are the only ones that are worth while and the only ones that work so they are the only ones that should be allowed.  They seem to ignore some if not all the facts concerning their ideas.  The top ten ghetto’s in America are all Democrat governed and have been for decades.  Detroit is number 1.[1]  It used to be the city with the highest per capata income in the country while under Republican rule, but in the early sixties the Democrats took over and it has been under their rule since.  When you look at the rest of the top ten, Camden, NJ, New Orleans, LA, Atlanta, GA, Chicago, Ill, Brooklyn, NY, Baltimore, MD, Miami, FL and others, the crime rate is well over the national average, gangs are everywhere, and drugs saturate the streets.  This is where Democrats are taking us.

I had a black friend way back in the late 1970’s who lived just outside of Miami and I talked about visiting there and he told me then, don’t visit Miami.  There are to many blacks there, but he used the ‘n’ word.  We are ignoring the results of the political ideals of the liberals.  As history has proven, they do not benefit society as a whole.  They benefit only the elite.  Look at what the Democrats have done concerning our National Security at the border.  They’ve voted against the wall, except under Obama when they voted for the wall, they voted for sanctuary cities, endangering American lives, they voted against Kates Law, they voted for catch and release, they voted against increased vetting on refugees, voted against deporting violent illegal gang members and voted against funding for any border security.  I remember when Harry Reed was Senate majority leader, they voted to fund building the wall but then turned around and voted against building the wall.  This was done just before Congress broke for campaigning and they did it to say they voted to build the wall, all for votes.

When Ronald Reagan was president, he signed the amnesty bill which gave three million illegals amnesty, but the bill had provisions for border security.  Chuck Schumer saw to it that the border security was never initiated.  He is still against it today because if they build the wall, it will succeed in stopping illegal immigration and that is what he and the Democrats DON’T want.  An open border gives Democrats a constant supply of voters.

There is a direction that the Democrats are going that is very detrimental to America.  There is no respect from the Democrats for the opposing party. None!  A few weeks ago, Snoop Dog call Joy Bahar a b****.  She is very opinionated and usually wrong, but that is her right.  When Snoop Dog did that the left went ballistic!  Granted he could have kept that opinion to himself, but as fate would have it, truth was exposed.  Now, turn the table and we have a newly elected muslim female shouting and dancing that the “We are going to impeach the mother*****r”, and the media is silent.  To say there is not a double standard in the Democrat Party would be a outright lie.  Yet the left is perfectly OK with that.  Again, it is their opinion that is worth airing but the opposing view is to be silenced.

America was not made great by silencing the opposition.  Our education system used to bring all points of view out and discuss how each one benefits society as a whole and then let the students make their choice.  In today’s school those opinions are silenced, no matter how good they are or how proven they are.  Our kids are taught that ALL of the world problems are the cause of America’s capitalism.  This has been taught so long now that the Democrats have a better view of socialism that capitalism.[2] The only reason for that is capitalism is shown in a bad light where socialism is shown as a redeeming factor for all mankind.  The problem is all the facts point to socialism as being the downfall of all failed societies.  Greece failed miserably because of socialism but the people of Greece refuse to go a different direction.  The USSR failed because socialism cannot sustain a society.  Venezuela is failing to the point where they are eating their pets, raiding zoos to find food.

What will wake up these fools that think socialism actually works?  Study history maybe instead of listening to that idiot professor?  Facts don’t lie.  It would do us good to review them.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Most ghetto cities In The U.S.
  2. Gallup Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism
  3. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 165-166.

What Are We Teaching Our Children?

I was having a conversation with my thirteen-year-old granddaughter the other day and I was seriously impressed with her knowledge of politics and the real history of our nation.  I have not seen a child her age that in recent decades that knew that information.  It was like she was quoting directly from my book, Defining America’s Exceptionalism.  Now, I will have to state upfront that she has a bit of an advantage, she is homeschooled by her mother, whom I made sure that she knew our history, at least as how I knew it at the time, while she was growing up.  But I will have to put in an unpaid advertisement for the organization that supplies the curriculum, Abeka. She has learned more real facts about our history than I did over fifty years ago when they still taught real history!

That brings me to my point, in our public schools we are NOT teaching our kids anything about our history, our Constitution, nor our Bill of Rights.  The reason for that is, if you don’t know you have a right, when it is taken from you, you don’t know it.  That is just what the liberals want.  They don’t want people who are capable of critical thinking, they want people who will follow orders.  To give an example of just how far they have gone is distorting what our rights are all we have to do is look at how the 2nd Amendment is being defined in schools now days: One of the chief criticisms of the standards mandated as part of the Common Core education program is that it is one-size-fits-all, federally funded, and permissive of fundamental errors that affect the quality of education of students.

Such errors include those found in history textbooks approved by the Common Core State Standards Initiative — the official name of the scholastic standards copyrighted by the Washington, D.C.-based National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

In a textbook approved by Common Core for use by students studying for the Advanced Placement (AP) history exam, the Second Amendment is defined this way: “The Second Amendment: The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.”

Another book that received the Common Core stamp of approval informs students that the Second Amendment “grant[s] citizens the right to bear arms as members of a militia of citizen-soldiers.”

Then, there is a worksheet reportedly approved by Common Core for use by history teachers in preparing lessons on the Bill of Rights that “informs” students, “The Government of the United States is currently revisiting The Bill of Rights. They have determined that it is outdated and may not remain in its current form any longer.”

Actually, the statement is not a statement of fact, but an introduction to a proposed lesson asking the students to “prioritize, revise, prune two and add two amendments to The Bill of Rights.”

Finally, there is the description of the Second Amendment published in a book approved by Common Core for use in elementary schools.

Regarding the Second Amendment, the authors of the book state:

This amendment states that people have the right to certain weapons, providing that they register them and they have not been in prison. The founding fathers included this amendment to prevent the United States from acting like the British who had tried to take weapons away from the colonists.

During an interview on Fox News, the superintendent of an Illinois middle school that is using this book, Bob Hill, defended its warped retelling of history: “What happens with the right to bear arms in the context of 2014, is the right to bear arms in reality, not as written in the Constitution, but in reality is it in any way abridged and the answer is ‘yes, in some places by the need to register guns or gun owners’ and so on.”

In other words, it’s not the position of Common Core that its approved texts must teach the Constitution as it is written; rather, the authors can foist as facts any falsehood, no matter how removed from “reality.” [1]

What is being taught is an outright lie.  This is why we must demand that the Constitution be taught in our schools in detail.  We have been losing our constitutional rights little by little over the years because we don’t know what our rights truly are.  The new curriculum for schools is Common Core and is being fought against on many fronts for many reasons.  It actually dumbs our kids down and makes them less competitive in todays society.  That is the intention of Common Core.  Bill gates is one of the biggest pushers of Common Core but when you look at what else he is involved with it is enough to scare you. Common core is the set of educational standards for American children funded by Bill Gates, the very same man who is pushing GMOs, vaccines and other New World Order (NWO) Agenda 21-style schemes. In another example of blatant doublespeak, the curricula are named “Common Core State Standards”, despite the fact they were forced onto the states with bribes, came top-down from the US Federal Government and were written by the international elite. Common Core first came onto the scene in 2009, after Obama took office, using money from the $350 million stimulus package. Common Core is another manifestation of a long-held dream of the NWO manipulators to replace the family with the State, a plan laid out in novels such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, which included reference to State hatcheries (i.e. State control of reproduction).[2]

Common Core ignores the values of our Constitutional system of Federalism by erasing the lines of separation between the three branches of government removing the balance of powers.[3] When a person is aware of constitutional rights, they are also aware of the responsibilities of each branch of government and the responsibilities of the States and people.  Under the Constitution the federal government has been given no authority in the realm of education, yet we have a federal Department of Education.  The federal government does not directly set curriculum and they are quick to point that out when questioned but they do set the standards for the testing.  Therein lies their little secret.  By setting the testing standards they set the curriculum.

Our new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is no fan of Common Core and is working to eliminate it.  That is why the teacher’s unions and some teachers are so against her.  But in her defense there have been schools, Mason Classical Academy being one, that threw Common Core in the trash and did what was best for the students and it showed in the test results.[4]  America used to be number 1 in education, we’re 26th now thanks to the influence of liberal teaching in our public schools and universities.  We stopped doing what worked so well.  It’s time we went back to that system.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Common Core approved textbooks rewrite second amendment
  2. Common Core surveillance sexualization
  3. Common Core suppresses competitive federalism
  4. Florida school drops Common Core Soars to 1 in English Language Arts

If You’re Politically Correct, You’re Wrong

I am sure you have witnessed acts of political correctness almost on a daily basis.  I have always wondered why is there a need for political correctness?  What I have always noticed is that when a person does something that is politically correct, they are ALWAYS wrong. Let me expound.

Too many around the world are allowing national traditions to be stopped because something offends someone that may not even be a citizen of the country that they live in.  Take for instance the nation of Denmark.  Because of political correctness am University stopped singing a traditional song because one person was offended by the first line of the song.  A traditional Danish song has sparked controversy recently. A female teacher of foreign origin at the Danish Business School was offended by a line in the song (the first line) being sung at a school gathering.

The title of the old song is “The Danish Song is a Young Blonde Girl” – a classic, beautiful and very Danish song about the beauty and soul of Denmark and the Danes.

The University promptly apologised and said they wouldn’t sing the song again and thanked the teacher for her vigilance on behalf of PC culture.

However, the good thing about all this is that it upset people on both sides of the political spectrum.

The majority of the Danes were outraged that she, who had been welcomed in their country, was allowed to stop one of their most beautiful and iconic songs from being sung.

And as a result they decided that it was more PC nonsense than they could take, and were united – and sang the song in Parliament as a protest against the lunacy.

Danish politician Marcus Knuth posted the video on his Facebook and added:

“Christmas these days is about the importance of preserving and fighting for our Danish traditions who are under increased pressure of political correctness…

“The latest example is about the Danish song about a young blonde girl. A teacher was so offended, that she complained about it…

“Come one, this is one of the Danish songs about the essence of being Danish, It’s a pillar of our culture. We should never apologize for that.” [1]  Why are they so willing to give up something that speaks of their culture and legacy just because one person, an immigrant even, is offended?

Immigrants don’t want to integrate any more.  They want to bring the culture they left to their new home.  Muslim’s are the worst because they have never assimilated into a nation they have immigrated to.  Their only intent is to turn that nation Islamic.  You can see that happening in the UK, Germany and other nations that allow them their culture.

My step-dad immigrated from Greece in the early 20th Century.  He wouldn’t speak his native tongue until he could hold an intelligent conversation in English.  When I asked him about what it was like in Greece, he would only tell me “This is my home”.  It was like pulling teeth to get info from him and I got very little.  He was a naturalized citizen and prouder of that than anything.  Immigrants today demand that we learn their language and accept their culture and don’t give a darn about our culture.

Europe is allowing itself to be over run by islam.  They have allowed it to get a foothold in their countries and once muslims gain ground, they won’t give it up without a fight.  France, besieged by Muslim migrants, is already de facto living under Islamic law. And it’s not just France — it’s all EU countries. The idea that Zineb El Rhazoui is threatened with rape and death for saying that Muslims in France should live by French law is a sign that Islamic law, not Western law, holds sway in France. French authorities should have rushed to protect her, but they probably didn’t want to risk appearing to be “Islamophobic.” And elsewhere it’s the same story: I am banned from the UK, but jihad hate preachers come and go as they please. The West is laying down.

Moroccan-French journalist Zineb El Rhazoui says she has received death and rape threats for saying “innoccous” [sic] things like: “Islam has to submit to French laws, humour, reason and any form of criticism just like any other ideology, sect or religion”.

According to the former cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo “There is no valid reason for Islam to be an exception”.[2]

We are seeing the same bullying by muslims in America.  In Dearborn, MI you won’t hear church bells because they are offensive to muslims but you will heat the islamic call to prayer five times a day.  The last I heard Dearborn was in America and we are allowed to ring church bells in America.  A member of the mosque began reciting the morning call to prayer just before sunrise. The time shifts throughout the year so I arrived at 4:30 a.m. Vernor Highway in Dearborn is usually a busy street, but only a handful of cars passed by at that hour. There was a glow from the 24-hour gas station behind us, but the bakery next door hadn’t opened yet.

“Some people have different reasons to wake up,” said Mosad Algahmi. “Some people wake up to go to work. Some take a morning jog, some to walk their dogs, but for the most part the majority of Muslims wake up to pray.”

Algahmi is the outreach coordinator for the American Moslem Society.

He said about a hundred people come for morning prayer. Later in the day, the mosque can draw as many as 2,000 worshipers. The broadcast is a longstanding tradition.

“It’s been since the ’70s they’ve had the adhan broadcasted over loud speakers for people to hear,” Algahmi said. 

There are other mosques in Michigan that also play the call outside. It lasts a few minutes. Algahmi said the sound of the chant alerts worshipers that they have roughly 15 minutes to get to the mosque for morning prayer.[3]

There are other things in Dearborn that deny Americans their Constitutional rights.  You can’t witness to muslims in Dearborn or you will be arrested.  They can witness to you though.  That’s not my America.  Muslims don’t assimilate. Period!  Never have.  Never will.  They have one goal and that’s converting the world to islam and they will lie, cheat, steal and kill to accomplish that goal.  In fact, it is required of them to lie, cheat, steal and kill to advance islam.  They claim they are a peaceful religion, but they have never been peaceful.  So-called moderate muslims won’t slit your throat but they will hold you down while a radical muslim slits your throat.  The politically correct say we should accept them and tolerate them but I’m not going to tolerate someone who thinks they have the right to kill me if I don’t convert to their satanic ideology.

But this is the politically correct crowd.  It has virtually destroyed Europe and it is being shoved down our throats in America.  We don’t have to give up our culture.  If they won’t assimilate, they can go back to where they came from.  If our flag bothers you, the smell of bacon frying offends you, if the fact our women don’t walk around in bedsheets offend you, I have to ask you what the heck are you doing here in the first place? This is our culture, adopt it or get the heck out of our country.  We don’t have to adopt your culture and if your offended by that, too bad.  Political correctness will destroy a nation and only a fool thinks it is necessary.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Schools bans unoffoical national anthem
  2. Woman threatened France
  3. Mornings Michigan Dearborn residents wake to sacred chant

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part3

What is disgusting to me is the hatred our schools have for our freedoms of speech, freedom of religion and most of our other freedoms.  When they are supposed to teach them, they oppose them and act like they don’t even exist.  Students who are patriotic and want to where a shirt with an American flag have been required to turn the shirt inside out or be sent home.  The reason will make you want to pull your hair out.  They can’t where the shirt because if might offend a student that is here illegally!  A federal court ruled Thursday that a northern California high school did not violate the constitutional rights of its students when school officials made them turn their American flag T-shirts inside out on Cinco de Mayo or be sent home due to fears of racial violence.

The three-judge panel unanimously decided the officials’ need to protect the safety of their students outweighed the students’ freedom of expression rights.

Administrators at Live Oak High School, in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, feared the American-flag shirts would enflame Latino students celebrating the Mexican holiday, and ordered the students to either turn the shirts inside out or go home for the day.

The school had a history of problems between white and Latino students on that day, and also had a documented history of violence between gang members and between racial groups. The court said these past problems gave school officials sufficient and justifiable reasons for their actions and that schools have wide latitude in curbing certain civil rights to ensure campus safety.[1] I will have to say that if there is a problem, then address the reason for the problem, the illegals!  This is America, but our courts tell us that we can’t defend our country, we can’t be proud of our country because it might offend someone here illegally.  Keep in mind that the 9th Circus Court is overturned 79% of the time.  But the children are told they can’t be patriotic.  That is not the America I grew up in.

In another instance a student, during ‘Spirit Week’, wore a republican tee shirt and was told that he had to turn it inside out or go home.  These things seem to happen to the conservative leaning students but not liberals.  The student and his mother looked up the school dress code, but did not find any prohibitions on political logos.

In fact, the school does not restrict students from wearing political symbols to school, although clothing considered “obscene, profane, suggestive or derogatory to others” is forbidden. School employees, however, are forbidden from wearing clothes with political messages to school.

After the student’s mother inquired about the incident, the school acknowledged that the shirt did not violate the school dress code and issued an apology.

A spokesperson for the Duval County Public School District claimed that the school employee who said that the shirt violated the dress code was confused about the variance in rules for students and school staff.[2]  I don’t believe this lame excuse. I believe that the school employee was simply anti-Republican.

Now we are having heroes of our nation being degraded because of a fear or war on masculinity.  For nearly two centuries, Texans have invoked the line “remember the Alamo” to commemorate those brave men who fought and died attempting to defend their fort and make a stand for Texas’s independence against a much larger Mexican army. Now an advisory committee to the State Board of Education in Texas is recommending that the word “heroic” be dropped from the official state-approved history curriculum describing the men who participated in this historic battle arguing that it is “a value charged word.”

The advisory committee is composed of educators and historians and has been charged with revising and streamlining the state’s history curriculum. The proposed change would be made to the seventh grade history standards, since Texas schoolchildren study the history of their state in seventh grade.

The current state history standards expect students to be able to:

“Explain the issues surrounding significant events of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of Gonzales, William B. Travis’s letter “To the People of Texas and All Americans in the World,” the siege of the Alamo and all the heroic defenders who gave their lives there, the Constitutional Convention of 1836, Fannin’s surrender at Goliad, and the Battle of San Jacinto.”

If the advisory committee has their way, the phrase “heroic defenders” will be eliminated. [3]

Even colleges get into this wimpy point of view that ‘male supremacy’ is a bad thing.  An all-male a cappella choir has stopped singing a popular song from “Disney’s The Little Mermaid” after some students at the Ivy League school said it promotes “toxic masculinity.”

For years, the Princeton University Tigertones group sang “Kiss the Girl” as part of a performance that included selecting a man and woman from the audience to dance before ultimately enticing them to kiss.

In an editorial last month in the school’s Daily Princetonian, Noa Wollstein said the song and on-stage performance is “more misogynistic and dismissive of consent than cute.”

The song, part of the iconic 1989 animated film, is performed by anthropomorphic crab Sebastian. In the film, Sebastian encourages Prince Eric to make a move on Ariel, who had lost her voice due to a spell by Ursula.

Wollstein wrote that kissing Ariel without verbal consent “comes across as even more jarring.” [4] The liberals want everybody to be as feminized as they are.  They don’t like a strong character in anyone.

We must do all we can to put morality back in out classrooms.  There are schools that use drag queens to teach gender ideology.  The problem with that is there are two genders, male, female.  That’s it.  Any other ‘gender’ is nothing more than figment of someone’s imagination.  K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to teach gender ideology, a Thursday video revealed.

Teachers are praising “Drag Queen Story Hour,” according to a clip released by videographer Sean Fitzgerald and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The program “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

Maurice Sendak Community School, a public school located in Brooklyn, New York, hosted a drag queen and first grade teacher Alexis Hernandez marveled at the event in a testimonial published on Drag Queen Story Hour’s website.

“Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are,” Hernandez said.[5]

We have teachers that demand that their political views override and be embraced by the students.[6] Religious views of teachers and professors are also demanded to be embraced by students no matter the religious views of the student.[7], [8], [9]  But now a moral teacher that refuses to be politically correct, could lose his job because he refuses to call a girl by a male pronoun.  When French teacher Peter Vlaming refused to use a male pronoun for a female student, administrators gave him a choice: lie or lose your job.

Playing pretend used to be for kids. Now, it’s a condition of employment! For Vlaming, whose story shows just how far off the rails society is, started getting national attention this week ahead of his hearing. Like a lot of professionals, Vlaming knew the debate over these transgender issues was fierce. What he didn’t know is that one day it could decide his career.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening to the popular teacher, who was put on administrative leave in Virginia after a biological girl asked him to use male pronouns when he addressed her.[10]

The problems we have in our schools have been decades in the making.  It will take more than one or two presidential terms to fix.  But if we don’t start, we will never make any changes and America will be lost before those allowing it to happen even know that it happened.  The ball is in our court.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Court rules schools can ban American flag shirts to avoid racial strife
  2. Middle school student ordered to turn GOP shirt inside out
  3. Texas curriculum committee rejects description of Alamo defenders as heroic
  4. College singing group removes little mermaid song after concerns raised over consent
  5. K-12 schools bringing in drag queens to teach gender ideology
  6. Oregon school sued after refusing to allow student to wear pro Trump T shirt in class
  7. Honors student accuses school of sabotaging grades and scholarship applications over religion
  8. Student sues school district over punishment expressing his religious views
  9. Student sues Wisconsin school after getting a zero for religious drawing

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 2

We will pay a price, a heavy price, for not teaching the truth about this great country.  Yes, there are a lot of people that are constantly degrading America.  These people do no know the real America.  They don’t know what our Founders went through and the price they paid to give us the country that we live in today.  The pastors of the Founding era were most influential and the most persecuted by the British. There was a class of clergymen and chaplains in the Revolution whom the British, when they once laid hands on them, treated with the most barbarous severity. Dreading them for the influence they wielded and hating them for the obstinacy, courage, and enthusiasm they infused into the rebels, they violated all the usages of war among civilized nations in order to inflict punishment upon them4

Many of the pastors were openly tortured and purposely targeted sometimes in sadistic ways.  One pastor, Reverend Naphtali Doggett, who was also President of Yale, resisted strongly to the British’s practice of destruction and desecration of private homes and property.  He was eventually captured and over a period of several hours the British stabbed Doggett with their bayonets.  His release was eventually secured but he never recovered from his wounds and was the cause of his death. Another pastor, Reverend James Caldwell of New Jersey resisted the British with the same tenacity and his church was burned and he and his family were murdered.

The treatment of the pastors by the British was criminal at best.  They were imprisoned, abused and killed and most times suffered more than a regular soldier receiving harsher treatments and more severe penalties. The British went further in their want for revenge in targeting the churches of the captured pastors destroying over half of the churches in New York City.  Most of the churches in Virginia were the targets of the British as well.  The British followed this pattern throughout the Colonies.[1]  Why are these sacrifices not taught in our schools but the tenants of Islam are? We are ignoring, on purpose, the greatness that made America great.  I believe that this is because most of our schools, all levels, have been infiltrated with globalists that believe that America must come down and be a part of the world as a member, but not a sovereign nation.  The proof is what they are teaching in schools. “Don’t know much about history . . .,” goes the famous song. It’s an apt motto for the Common Core’s elementary school curriculum.

And it’s becoming a serious problem.

A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history. When colleges such as Stanford decline to require Western Civilization classes or high schools propose changing their curriculum so that history is taught only from 1877 onward (this happened in North Carolina), it’s merely a blip in our news cycle.

A 2012 story in Perspectives on History magazine by University of North Carolina professor Bruce VanSledright found that 88 percent of elementary school teachers considered teaching history a low priority.

The reasons are varied. VanSledright found that teachers didn’t focus on history because students aren’t tested on it at the state level. Why teach something you can’t test?

A teacher I spoke with in Brooklyn confirmed this. She said, “All the pressure in lower grades is in math and English Language Arts because of the state tests and the weight that they carry.”[2]

Social justice is not justice.  It punishes the ones that work hard and rewards laziness, but it is being taught.  In a recent article, J. Martin Rochester, a professor of political science at the University of St. Louis-Missouri, raised concerns about teaching social justice in schools. Rochester’s problem with teaching social justice in schools is focused on two simultaneous axes. One, he thinks that social justice exists outside the jurisdiction of school curricula, and second that those who would teach social justice approach it only from a liberal perspective.

As an educator who includes social justice as a necessary part of my classroom practice, I think Rochester got some some things right but a lot of things wrong.

Education Has Always Been Political

Rochester’s first insinuation is that schools ought to focus on the traditional curricula of reading, writing, mathematics, sciences, etc. Schools ought not to, in Rochester’s words, “aspire to be churches or social work agencies.” [3]

We believe that there is a specific world out there but what we are teaching our kids, they will be educated for a world that isn’t there.  Even with a growing population that will produce needs for more food, better manufacturing ideas and a whole myriad of other things that just cover basic life needs, we are not addressing these issues.  Our math skills are falling. Our reading skills are weakening. Our children have become less literate than children in many developed countries. But the crisis in American education may be more than a matter of sliding rankings on world educational performance scales.


#### About

David Edwards is a professor at
Harvard University and the founder of [Le Laboratoire] (

Our kids learn within a system of education devised for a world that increasingly does not exist.

To become a chef, a lawyer, a philosopher or an engineer, has always been a matter of learning what these professionals do, how and why they do it, and some set of general facts that more or less describe our societies and ourselves.[4] How long can we ignore these basic needs before we are forced into the New World Order simply because we can no longer cope with needs, we will have?  Why not be the world leader in these innovations instead of the victims of the needs?

Our Founders gave us a system that within just a few short years made us a world leader.  That is why Alexis De Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America just 52 years after we gained our independence from Britain.  An achievement never before seen in world politics.  Let me say this, I would support a One World Order IF America and her original policies were the ones in charge.  But that is just what the OWO doesn’t want to happen, they want to be in charge.

Our Founders gave us freedoms that were not known in the world except for the elite.  These freedoms gave every American the opportunity to rise from poverty to great wealth.  Under the OWO, those freedoms will be gone, private property will be gone, passing our wealth to our children will be gone because we will no be allowed wealth.  We don’t teach our freedoms because if we know our rights, we will oppose losing them.  If we don’t know them, we will not know when they are taken away.  That is their goal and they are succeeding.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 165-166.
  2. Why schools have stopped teaching American history
  3. It’s non negotiable we have to teach social justice in our schools
  4. On learning by doing

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 1

In this last election we saw, in my opinion, a strong lean towards socialism from the millennials.  It should come as no surprise considering we have been teaching the evils of capitalism in our school system for decades.  The idiocy that is being taught today will no more prepare our kids for the world they will inherit than using a garden hose to put out a fire on the 40th floor of a high rise.

Schools refuse to teach values, at least the values that made this nation great.  They give access to our school to cowardly organizations that hate America.  PETA is one that is trying to convince our children that eating animals is bad for us.  Just recently they stated: Saying ‘Bring Home the Bacon’ Is as Bad as Racism, Anti-Gay Slurs.[1] The advertisements this organization uses to get attention usually involves nude or semi-nude women.  I guess they don’t have a problem exploiting the body of a nude woman, so a cow doesn’t get eaten.  I’ve seen pictures of protestors in the dairy isle protesting the sale of milk with signs indicating that the gives its life, so we can have a glass of milk. I guess no one told them that if the cow isn’t milked, it will die.

Where we get our information that is put in our curriculum is beyond stupidity.  We no longer use real history.  We let muslims write the curriculum on islam AND Christianity. What could possibly go wrong?  In 1993, Ibrahim Hooper, director of strategic communications for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said that, “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.” Twenty-five years later, CAIR could be making headway on that goal, through its relationships with US public school districts in at least three states.[2]  We even, in many situations, allow islam to be taught in our public schools where Jesus Christ is not even allowed to be mentioned.  Seattle Public Schools’ partnership with CAIR’s Washington chapter is the latest incident to cause controversy, but the relationship dates back to at least 2011, when CAIR-WA sent the district a letter proposing accommodations for Muslim students and classroom lessons on Islam. Then as now, CAIR-WA claimed to be fighting “anti-Muslim bullying.” To that end, in 2012 and 2013 the organization contacted the school district to complain about “Islamophobia” among teachers.

That approach eventually paid off. In a Ramadan crowd-funding campaign in May of this year, the CAIR-WA chapter outlined its plan “to provide educational training for teachers and staff on things like Ramadan, Eid, and how educators can support Muslim students in the classroom.” Accordingly, that same month, CAIR-WA ran a “professional development session” in a Seattle high school that “addressed providing identity-safe spaces in schools for Muslim families” and “how to support students during Ramadan.”[3]

There are several instances of this that defy common sense: A number of parents in Georgia are outraged that tenets of Islam are being taught in public schools as a mandate by the state.

Ryan Breece, from Loganville, Georgia, pulled his 12-year-old daugther out of her social studies class at Youth Middle School outside of Atlanta, when he found out that she was learning about Islam.

“I’m coming from this perspective of religious equality and if we don’t see the Ten Commandments, the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity being taught as the representation, an accurate representation of Chritianity, then why are we seeing in detail teaching on the doctrine of Islam?” he told CBN News. “And it just concerns me that we’re going into great detail on the Muslim religion when Christianity is being pushed to the side.” Watch Ryan Breece’s comments to CBN News.

Breece, a devout Christian, said that some schools are reportedly forcing students to learn the five pillars of Islam–the creed one must learn to convert–and teaching students that Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians.[4] This can be seen over and over here[5], and here[6], and here[7], and here.[8]

I believe that islam should be taught, but the truth about it needs to be taught.  It is an ideology more than a religion.  It is hateful, vile, violent it subjugates women within its ranks and believes that they have the right to rape any woman that is not of the Islamic faith.  The study of this religion is for another column, but it is necessary to high light how it is being portrayed in today’s so-called education system.

We also have school systems that do all they can to teach that America is the cause of all the world’s problems. Santa Barbara Unified School District has gone a step further to spit in America’s eyes.  Above is a curriculum the Santa Barbara Unified School District has paid an organization called “Just Communities” to impose on its K-12 students. It tells you all you need to know about the racist, anti-American left which has embedded itself in school districts like Santa Barbara all across the country.

The left-wing hate group, whose full name is Just Communities Central Coast, has a $250,000 contract with school authorities in Santa Barbara, California, to indoctrinate young people into believing that America today is a manifestly immoral, cruel country in which white people routinely oppress non-whites, men oppress women, Christians oppress non-Christians, heterosexuals oppress gays, and the wealthy oppress the poor.

This anti-American mini-manifesto aimed at fomenting social discontent comes in a “Forms of Oppression” grid produced by Just Communities, which is partnering with the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). The grid is included in a bundle of documents published online that includes the Just Communities 2018 training manual. [9]

I have said for years and still say that we must take back our schools and teach the things that will give our kids the tools to not just survive but thrive in the world they will inherit.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. PATA saying bring home bacon bad racism anti gay slurs
  2. in the classroom
  3. in the classroom
  4. Mandatory Islam Instruction in Georgia Schools Outrages Parents
  6. Pro Islam indoctrination in public schools
  7. Islamic indoctrination being taught in LA public schools
  8. Islam schools what parents should know
  9. Crude anti white anti male anti Christian communists indoctrinate California K-12 students

Democrats Anti-American Agenda, Part 2

Ever since the 2016 election we have seen what is the real heart of the Democrat Party and that heart is, they demand, absolutely demand, power.  Power over the whole population, power to control what you do, when you do it, how you do it.  We have also seen that the Democrats have no rules that they operate by but they do have rules that their opposition must operate by.

You would have to be living on another planet if you don’t know that the Russians influenced our elections for the benefit of Donald Trump, even though after two years there has been zero evidence to prove that.  But there have been tons of evidence that Hillary Clinton and the DNC were involved with the Russians to influence the election to their benefit.  Also keep in mind that Hillary, for massive donations to one of her foundations, arraigned for Russia to buy twenty percent of our uranium.  The sample was even hand carried to Russia by none other than Robert Mueller, the lead investigator of the Trump/Russian collusion. I think that is a conflict of interest but what do I know.

If the Democrats were for the people, they would put economic programs together that would benefit businesses, so businesses could grow and provide jobs for the people and help the people achieve the American dream, but no Democrat in the 20th Century, except for JFK, did that.  No Democrat in the 21st Century has done it yet either.  They just duplicate the failed policies of the failed Democrat presidents of the 20th Century, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.  The only reason Clinton had any economic success was because he had a Republican majority Congress that gave him an economic plan that worked.  Keep in mind he vetoed it twice before signing it realizing that if it worked, he would get the credit.  Remember Hillary saying that she would have Bill put a budget together, because he did so good when he was president? That was it.  It wasn’t his.

Also, if the Democrats were for the people, they would make sure that the American people are protected from losing their constitutional rights.  Well, therein lies the problem.  It is the Democrats that have always done all they could to take those rights away.  Hillary wants to be able to determine what a person can say, when he can say it. Hence, following the President’s lead, Democrats have chanted on and on about “dark” money and the need for an amendment. In 2013, Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) proposed an amendment to limit political speech allowing Congress to regulate and limit fundraising and spending on Federal and State candidates. The law would prohibit the Supreme Court from declaring any legislation limiting and controlling unconstitutional spending. In other words, eviscerating the essence of the First Amendment – freedom from coercive government:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Last year, over 50 Senators, all Democrats, voted for Udall’s proposed amendment. Now, Hillary Clinton supports the power of Congress and State legislators to determine who can donate to a political candidate, how much a candidate can spend, and when the money can be spent. Senator Udall’s amendment also “advance(s) the fundamental principle of political equality for all.” So, besides making a new amendment for political speech, it could easily lead to equity of content, value and whatever politicians and their regulators concoct. In other words, it will eviscerate the First Amendment and let elected politicians determine who can contribute, how much, and what can be stated for or against them. Once elected, a politician would almost be totally assured of holding office for life. [1]  Hillary also want to destroy the 2nd Amendment: According to The Washington Post, we are supposed to forget that in the early autumn of 2015 Hillary Clinton said the Supreme Court got it “wrong on the Second Amendment.” In point of fact, we weren’t even supposed to hear her say this. Someone leaked an audio recording from a private fundraiser hosted in Greenwich Village. Better known as “the Village” in New York City, this is an upscale neighborhood on the west side of Lower Manhattan known for being stuffed with wealthy, liberal-progressives. It is a place where President Barack Obama and Hillary have gone, again and again, to raise money for their campaigns.

When Hillary said this, she was at the home of John Zaccaro, who is the widower of the late Geraldine Ferraro. Ferraro was a congresswoman and, in 1984, the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential nominee. On the recording you can hear these wealthy and/or connected people applaud after Hillary says, “I was proud when my husband took [the National Rifle Association] on, and we were able to ban assault weapons, but he had to put a sunset on so 10 years later. Of course [President George W.] Bush wouldn’t agree to reinstate them…. And here again, the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment. And I am going to make that case every chance I get.” [2]  I may be wrong but when you want to take away or at least strongly limit our 1st Amendment rights, completely remove the 2nd Amendment, that should violate your oath to uphold the Constitution.

Now, with the Democrats in control of the House, will we see them work on legislation to build the wall?, tax breaks for businesses and the average Joe?, strengthen our military to keep America protected?  No!  They have two things on their agenda and neither are for the benefit of the American people.  First item is, impeach Trump.  They have 62 indictments ready to investigate Trump on everything from his business dealings for the last thirty years and everyone he’s dealt with.  The second item is eliminating the 2nd Amendment.[3]  2016 ticked them off.  The people voted for who they wanted not for who the establishment wanted.  They don’t want us to have that much power.  We have seen the massive voter fraud they are willing to do to get their way.  They don’t want the States to have safe guards on the voting process.  They want to be able to do what ever they want, the American people be damned.

The Democrats are not the Democrats of our parents.  They are now the Democrat Socialists.  Hitler was a socialist and he allowed the brown shirts to intimidate the population to get his way.  The Democrats are using Antifa, the fascist anti-fascists.  They think all the population is as uniformed and stupid as their voting base.  We’re not, and we will resist their intimidation.  The only advantage that Hitler had was he was able to disarm the population before his brown shirts started pushing people around.  We’re not disarmed, and they don’t like that. Every election from this point out will determine if we stay free.  Freedom isn’t free and since the Civil War we have not had to fight on our own soil to maintain our freedom.  That may change real soon.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Hillary Clinton desecrate the first amendment
  2. Proof that Hillary does want to make the second amendment meaningless
  3. Liberal democrats 2019 agenda: get Trump, attack the 2nd amendment

Democrats Anti-American Agenda, Part 1

As we begin to slosh our way out of the 2018 Midterm elections, we are made aware to at least two glaring realities.  First, the Democrats will do anything to win an election, legal or not, and not care how open they are about it.  And second, they will do anything to undo the 2016 presidential election.

I remember very well when Hillary Clinton stated that if a person didn’t accept the results of an election in America that it would be ‘direct threat to our democracy’ if he didn’t accept the results of the 2016 election.[1]  The reason she said that was because she was assured that she would win.  George Soros even said that Trump may win the popular vote, but Clinton would win the Electoral College.  It was “a done deal”.[2] If it was a ‘done deal’, then the election had to be rigged.  But that is just how bad of a candidate Hillary was, she couldn’t even win an election that was massively rigged in her favor.

Let me quote our Founders on the type of person that we need to have in office.  Thomas Jefferson stated, “The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors. The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail.” You see that he brings up a point that the Democrats are not capable of achieving, honesty.  Jefferson was very big on government that kept to its constitutional role.  He didn’t like the judiciary very much because he saw that they could, and probably would, become an oligarchy that would become more powerful that the other two branches combined.  They have achieved that objective.  When Justice Sotomayor was going through the conformation process a video of her, which has somehow disappeared from the internet, claiming that even though they are not supposed to make law, they do it all the time.  She did say this in a 2005 Duke University panel discussion;  “All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people with Court of Appeals experience. Because it is — Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, and I know, that this is on tape, and I should never say that. Because we don’t ‘make law,’ I know. [Laughter from audience] Okay, I know. I know. I’m not promoting it, and I’m not advocating it. I’m, you know. [More laughter] Having said that, the Court of Appeals is where, before the Supreme Court makes the final decision, the law is percolating. Its interpretation, its application. [3]

Jefferson warned on wanton interpretation of our Constitution by jurists who hold strong party ideals. “Our peculiar security is in possession of a written Constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. … If it is, then we have no Constitution. … [T]o consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions … would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. … In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”  Understanding that out ‘Court’ determined that blacks were not real humans.  Many southern states had laws on the books stating just that. From the late 1870s, Southern state legislatures, no longer controlled by carpetbaggers and freedmen, passed laws requiring the separation of whites from “persons of colour” in public transportation and schools. Generally, anyone of ascertainable or strongly suspected black ancestry in any degree was for that purpose a “person of colour”; the pre-Civil War distinction favouring those whose ancestry was known to be mixed—particularly the half-French “free persons of colour” in Louisiana—was abandoned. The segregation principle was extended to parks, cemeteries, theatres, and restaurants in an effort to prevent any contact between blacks and whites as equals. It was codified on local and state levels and most famously with the “separate but equal” decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).[4] Let me remind my readers that these laws were all Democrat supported laws that were supported until the 1965 Civil Rights Laws signed by President Lyndon Johnson, a racist in his own right. He just saw a new way to enslave the black population.  Even Charles Barkley, the great basketball player said that blacks have been voting for Democrats for 50 years and the Democrats have done nothing for them.

So, we can see that the ‘Court’ is not always correct in its interpretations.  Keep in mind that this same court decided that the right to an abortion was discussed in the Constitution as well.  In the 14th Amendment they saw the right of an illegal to sneak into our country, have a baby and that baby is a US citizen. The author of this Amendment, Senator Jacob M. Howard (MI) stated concerning his bill: This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of people.”  You have to be pretty arrogant to think that your concept of the 14th Amendment overrides that author’s true meaning, but Democrats are that way.  Democrats do this because they know that the illegals will vote for them.  They deny that, but they are liars.  Remember how upset they were about the alleged ‘Russian collusion’ that got Trump elected? If they were so concerned about outside interference in our elections, they would be just as upset over the illegals that voted in the last twenty elections we’ve had, but they aren’t.  The House of Representatives voted on a bill (H.Res 1071) Wednesday which recognizes that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote diminishes the voting power of US citizens. The bill passed by a margin of 279-72, with 69 voting “present.”

STAT OF THE DAY: 140 Democrats refused to vote ‘YES’ on a resolution condemning voting by illegal immigrants in our elections.[5]

As we continue to look at the actions of the Democrat party, we see that they are doing nothing for the American people.  They are doing what they feel they must do to regain power and that is their only interest.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Clinton said anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to democracy
  2. George Soros, Hillary Clinton electoral college
  3. Supreme court nominee Sonia Sotomayor in her own words
  5. One Republican and 140 democrats refuse
  6. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 17-18.

The Fraud That Never Was

What was witnessed this last Tuesday the Democrats pathetic attempt to win elections by massive voter fraud.  Democrats claim that they are just counting legitimate votes.  There is a problem with this and that is there has been multiple times in the elections since at least 2008 that voter fraud has occurred.  Remember when Al Groper Franken won his first election?  On election night he lost and then on a recount he wins by 312 votes.  But there was a problem with this count, 341 felons voted for him in just one county. The six-month election recount that turned former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota’s Twin Cities.

That’s the finding of an 18-month study conducted by Minnesota Majority, a conservative watchdog group, which found that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally in the 2008 Senate race between Franken, a Democrat, and his Republican opponent, then-incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman.

The final recount vote in the race, determined six months after Election Day, showed Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes—fewer votes than the number of felons whose illegal ballots were counted, according to Minnesota Majority’s newly released study, which matched publicly available conviction lists with voting records. [1]

Democrats have denied voter fraud for years even though it has been proven.  The spin doctors who deny the existence of voter fraud have no boundaries.

“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project. [2]  Every election since 2008 has exposed more and more voter fraud.  In 2010 Missouri had 15 counties with more than 100% voter participation,[3]  California had 11 counties with more voters that of age voters. [4]  In the 2008 election there were multiple counties where Obama got 100% of the vote, which is a statistical impossibility. [5] In Colorado in 2012 we had multiple counties with up to 140% participation: A review of voter registration data for ten counties in Colorado details a pattern of voter bloat inflating registration rolls to numbers larger than the total voting age population. Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale. [6]

States are required to clean up their voter role from time to time because people die, move or acquire a criminal record that denies them the right to vote.  During the Obama reign of terror his Attorney General, Eric Holder, sued everyone for attempting to clean up their voter rolls: With critical midterm elections less than four weeks away, the failure to scrutinize voter registrations and clean up voter rolls leaves our system vulnerable to voter fraud, and a Justice Department whistleblower says the Obama administration is actively trying to stop states from bringing records up to date and ensure only eligible voters are casting ballots.

J. Christian Adams further asserts that voter fraud does occur and is indirectly responsible for the passage of Obamacare.

Adams is author of “Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America.” He left the Justice Department early in the Obama administration and has regularly spoken out about what he considers to be partisan actions by Attorney General Eric Holder on voting and other civil rights issues. [7] Florida tried to remove known illegals from their voter rolls in 2012 but Holder sued to stop them: The US Department of Justice announced Monday it will sue Florida to stop the state from purging ineligible voters from its voter rolls. The DOJ statement came after Florida filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security for failing to cooperate with efforts to clean up the state’s voter registration records.

A preliminary comparison between drivers license records and voter registration has flagged as many as 182,000 registered voters who may not be US citizens.  Florida officials sought access to the DHS immigration database (SAVE) to verify their matches but DHS has refused to respond to the state’s requests.

At least 141 non-citizens have been found on the voter rolls and 47 on this list have cast ballots in previous elections. More than 500 on the list have been identified as citizens and lawful voters. [8]8 They were even sued by Holder when they tried to remove people that had died!  “Panic has set in in this administration over the last four weeks because of polling numbers showing things do not look good.  So the Justice Department, it appears, has responded accordingly by using the power of the federal government to force states like Florida to keep illegals on the voting rolls [and] to do other things in other states on voter ID, like South Carolina, to really attempt to ratchet the election in their favor.”

US Attorney General Eric Holder has fought against every measure that has been taken by states to insure an accurate and fraud free election.  He has ruled any form of voter ID to be illegal and now they try to intimidate states like Florida from cleaning up their voter registration lists.  One would wonder why they would stop the removal of dead people and others that were ineligible to vote unless the Democratic Party has plans on using these names and non-citizens to cast illegal votes for Obama and other Democrats.  Plans for voter fraud seem to be the only reasonable explanation of the actions of the Holder and the DOJ. [9]

As I finish this column it has been reported that massive voter fraud has occurred in Fulton County in Georgia, a Democrat stronghold: Abrams’ search for provisional ballots may yield fruit, but her search for credible provisional ballots that can be counted in this election will prove futile. Why?

A full 1,811 provisional ballots in Fulton County were duplicates (49 percent), and 1,556 of them (42 percent of the total provisionals) were rejected.

Three of the individuals were not citizens, 581 were not registered to vote, and 972 did not live in that county.[10]

We don’t have to question why Florida is in a tizzy with their votes this year.  The losing Democrats are demanding that the votes by illegals be counted!  Ohio passed a law to clean up its voter rolls and the law was challenged.  It went all the way to the Supreme Court where by a 5-4 ruling, was upheld.  Notice the 5-4?  This is why Trump concentrated on the Senate races.  There are 4 jurists on the Supreme Court that ignore the Constitution and the laws of the land. We must return the Court to the conservative majority if we plan to have any hope of keeping America free.

The fraud must be stopped, the Democrats must be stopped.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Felons voting illegally may have put Franken over the top in Minnesota
  2. voter fraud Denial John fund
  3. Missouri 15 counties with more than 100 voter registration
  4. SD California more voters than eligible adults
  5. Philadelphia voter fraud: Is it possible that Obama won 100 percent of so many precincts
  6. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  7. Whistleblower: Obama blocking voter roll cleanup
  8. Holder sues Florida: stop removing illegal aliens from voter rolls
  9. DOJ stops Florida from removing dead people & foreigners from registered voter list
  10. Bombshell: Fulton county numbers show massive duplicate ballots rejected ballots non citizens trying to vot