Exposing the Corrupt Destroyers – By Name

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

September 30, 2024

“Let us trust God and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.” ―Patrick Henry

Having been “in the trenches” full time for now over 31 years, I’ve read and watched more bogus “legal” claims/theories, outlandish conspiracy theories that turn out to be not true (and many, many that have been solidly proven over the past few years) and Soviet-style propaganda pumped out daily by politicians, pimps in the Mockingbird media and dishonest hustlers out to make a buck.

Close to the beginning of my journey after giving up my career and paycheck, I was blessed to meet and become close friends (to this day) of many of the most intelligent individuals you’ll ever meet.  Some constitutional attorneys, some historians who actually know how to dig deep and present truthful, factual information and data.

Slowly and with great sacrifice of time and energy – especially after Al Gore(bechev) gifted us with the Internet, we, the truth tellers have been able to dig deep and expose the vile corruption and plans to destroy these united States of America.  Plans that have been around a long time.  The created decided they are more powerful than the Creator for great wealth and influence.  Personally, I believe most of them do not believe in the one, true God of the Universe.

Many of the puppets who sold their soul to Satan are familiar to the American people.  Hussein Obama is not and can never be constitutionally eligible to be president as clearly written in the U.S. Constitution.  Comrade Obama got away with it because of cowards in the Republican Party, judges and foolish herds of Caucasians suffering from “white guilt”.  Those dullards forgot Obama is half white and half black.

Marxist Comrade Obama said once elected he would begin the complete “transformation of America”.  He sure did by deliberately encouraging race baiting; number one on his list.  Racism, the good old stand-by.  Divide Americans based on propaganda and lies.

However, things didn’t go the way the Destroyers thought their grand schemes would could be shoved down our throats using the Internet. At least as far as timing is concerned.  Americans were waking up, getting informed and educated and began to fight back.  But, it’s been a long and painful time for those of us who wanted the truth.  And still today, there are millions and millions of Americans I call the Unreachables.  Fools.

The Unreachables are either in denial, could care less as long as the government continues to rob the treasury to give to them or have sold their soul to Satan for earthly wealth and decadent lifestyles as well as making killing an unborn baby the basis for voting for a candidate for public office.  The Unreachables don’t want the truth because they can’t handle the truth.

“There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House … I mean the secret societies … It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe – the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries – is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads.” -Benjamin Disraeli, at British House of Commons, July 14, 1856. Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, was the British Prime Minister from 1874 – 1880

Over the decades I (along with others) have written about the secret societies that were all working towards destroying this new nation.  America was a ‘crown jewel’ and they were determined to be the tyrants controlling the colonials because freedom and liberty from the Crown simply would not be tolerated.

The diabolical plans of secret societies are not so secret anymore: Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones, Club of Rome to name just a few of them.  They are as real as the nose on your face. Ultimately, this is truly the battle between good and evil. Sadly, tens of millions of Americans no longer pay any attention to anything other than their drugs (legal and illegal), booze, porn, 24/7 sports, shopping, mindlessly surfing the Internet and their obsession with pop culture; the horrible sounds that pass for music, “rap,” and the garbage churned out by Hollywood. All have been addicting for countless millions. Now add those fancy phones glued to the ears of millions blabbering away about nothing. Not included are business people and someone who needs to say, confirm an appt or check on their children.

Those who doubt the awesome but evil power of secret societies are in denial because denial is a much more comfortable place to exist. It’s much easier to accept all the lies, all the time. To acknowledge the level of deceit and betrayal by almost every president for more than a century, as well as ‘revered’ business magnates and members of the Outlaw Congress is simply too much for trusting Americans. So many millions who truly do not understand how brutal and ugly “the game” is and how it’s been affecting their lives.

The American people have been directed, manipulated and driven in the desired direction for more than a century. Between the government’s indoctrination centers they call public schools, conditioned blind loyalty to the two main political parties in this country, the Ministry of Propaganda (mainstream media and cable networks), most never had a chance. The majority will stay in denial, continue blaming the other party or are of the cattle class: they simply spend their days grazing until they’re led to the slaughterhouse. Only at the end does the stench of death reach their nostrils; by then it’s too late.

Some secret societies are “religious” based, others occult, some satanic, most have no political loyalty, only an agenda. They are simply insane maniacs who lust for power every waking moment. Ignoring the underpinnings of those organizations leaves an individual with no truth as to the factions destroying this country as well as the rest of the world.

Millions of us want to weep as we fight the hounds from hell literally nipping at our heels in their quest to foul what once was and to establish their hellish nightmare of some grand vision of what the world should be under their control.

Career criminal, Joe Biden, was kicked under the bus and the nitwit (and constitutionally ineligible to be president) playing VP, Marxist Comrade Kamala Harris, was handed the knife. Americans – and even some of the paid whores in the Mockingbird media have been asking:  Who the hell is running the country?  Last week it was a proxy named Jill Biden who should have been charged with elder abuse years ago.

WTH? Jill Biden Takes Over Joe Biden’s Cabinet Meeting, Sits at the Head of the Table (VIDEO), Sept. 20, 2024. Of course, WH lackeys tried to run cover as to why, but it’s a distraction at this point in time.

The Council

Most certainly secret societies (not so secret anymore thanks to excellent, well researched books and the Internet) have produced some of the worst traitors who have ever betrayed our republic.  But, the big sledge hammer is the courts and power brokers in key very high up positions in the federal government.

It’s been nine years since Donald Trump rode down the escalator to announce he was running for president.  In their arrogance, the Masters of the Game and their junkyard dogs who believe they’re gods (names in the piece below) believed one of their career criminal players, Hildebeast Clinton, was a shoe-in for the presidency.  I thank God they were wrong.

I damn near fell off my chair when Trump announced his choice for U.S. Attorney General:  Jeff Sessions, a senator from Alabama.  Mr. Goodie-Two-Shoes; a wolf in sheep’s wool who stabbed Trump in the back in record time.  I don’t know who else wrote about it besides Dr. Richard Cordero who had the proof, but Jeff Sessions allowed a U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, to become a justice even though she should have gone to a federal cage years ago:

GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor’s Criminal Activities, Mine, July 20, 2022

Sotomayor’s confirmation vote rescheduled – here’s why, Mine, July 22, 2009

Justice Sotomayor: tax evasion, perjury – what did Obama know and when? Mine, April 23, 2012

Even though I do what I do full time, who can keep up with all the corruption and alphabet soup agencies and individuals?  A very close family relative of mine sent me a breakdown about dirty players called The Council written by Gregory Stenstrom who is a “security and fraud expert, and coauthor of “The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception” which documents the massive fraud in the 2020 presidential election:

“The Parallel Election lays out how the 2020 election was stolen in Pennsylvania. It is one of the best accounts of how fraud is perpetrated inside a polling location and should be required reading for every poll watcher.” – Emerald Robinson, host of The Absolute Truth on FrankSpeech TV, former chief White House correspondent for Newsmax and One America News.” End.

Back to Stenstrom: “His November 2020 Gettysburg testimony before the Pennsylvania legislative committee investigating election fraud received over 20 million views worldwide. He and Leah Hoopes were codefendants with President Trump in a landmark defamation lawsuit in Philadelphia, PA, which they won in January 2024, Pro Se (self-represented), using “truth is a complete defense” after 860-days of proceedings.

“Stenstrom and Hoopes also have the last remaining lawsuit in the courts from the 2020 election that has been stalled over 1,000 days since that election in Stenstrom and Hoopes v Secretary of the Commonwealth of PA, (876 CD 2022, CommCt. PA), which will finally be heard in September 2024.”  Rest close to the bottom of his in-depth piece.

As someone whose been writing and writing for many decades, Stenstrom’s work is nothing short of a huge undertaking:

“The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America? – Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America (Updated Aug 2024)


“The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.

“They use the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false color of law. They alone select who will be winners and losers in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, education, and do so with complete amorality.

“Exposing them by name, their corruption and means of control, and identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power is the first step in the restoration of the United States of America as a constitutional republic.”

Then comes the breakdown of the individuals by name from the judiciary to, of course, the “intelligence” agencies which we know are rotten to the core.  Not all of the people who work for them, but at the top. When and who was behind birthing the Council is detailed; what we should all know.

This is no conspiracy theory and I’ve debunked many myself over the decades. And, since I do this every day (my last vacation was in 1991), I know what’s real and what’s click bait BS.  Ever hear of this:

“The Council” aka “CIGIE” aka “Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency”

“The “Inspector General Act of 1978” (the “IG Act”) was legislation introduced by the US Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, in the wake of Watergate and the resignation of President Richard Nixon, to “improve government programs and operations through greater transparency and accountability,” establishing the first twelve (12) presidentially appointed Inspectors General in federal agencies.

“As a follow up to the “Public Officials Integrity Act of 1977,” the committee codified the Inspectors General’ unilateral, complete independence from any other government agency management as a key characteristic for success. Only a handful of US Senators, Congressmen, and key public officials were cognizant at that time of the power such an entity would eventually wield. It is relevant but beyond the scope of this article to go back further to the Trilateral Commission and “New Deal.”

I had not. CIGIE – another “the government’s here to help you”.  Transparency! The Council is very long and it took me many hours, including in the evening, to read the entire posting AND links. Lot of them, but some I had to go read then and there. Read the court filings and watched the video clips mentioned below:

Stenstrom:  “The Appellate Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania reinstated our case from the 2020 election, and we filed our new brief (link to full Patriot Online and PDF download is below).”

Truth Wins! – Legal Win, March 1, 2024

“Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, on behalf of themselves and Donald Trump, were victorious in defending themselves in a defamation lawsuit filed in Philadelphia. They were accused of defaming James Savage, the former voting machine warehouse supervisor in Delaware County.

“The lawsuit allowed Stenstrom and Hoopes to admit election fraud evidence as part of their “the truth is a complete defense” denial of any defamation. Due to the overwhelming documentation that Stenstrom and Hoopes provided in preliminary filings to the court, Plaintiff Savage and his attorney, J. Conor Corcoran, withdrew their complaint.

“We’ve selected two videos that were filed with the court and provided captioning and identification. By clicking on the images below, you will see a list of all the video/audio evidence provided to the court. To view these select videos, simply click on their titles within the list.”

I also took the time to read this from the Congressional Research Service, November 13, 2023:  Statutory Inspectors General in the Federal Government: A Primer – “This report provides an overview of statutory inspectors general (IGs) in the federal government, including their structure, functions, and related issues for Congress.”  It covers pre-1978 before CIGIE and beyond.

An important read because as my family member who sent me Stenstrom’s piece said, “As we have always known, “nothing” ever gets better or investigations never find any wrongdoing by those in charge. There is a really “good” reason, and this article was quite informative as to why. It names names…names we knew instinctively were up to no good and now we know why and who.”

Americans paying close attention to what’s being done to this country and watch subcommittee hearings like I do on C-SPAN (when I can or listen), so many of these government agencies give the pathetically few decent, honest members of Congress (like Reps. Comer and Biggs just to name two) the finger.  They refuse to cooperate in investigations or stonewall for months or even more than a year at a time.  Toilet scum like FBI Director Christopher Wray sit and lie through their teeth with these little smug faces.

But the day of reckoning is coming; not violently.  Trump said he would drain the swamp his first term but I don’t believe he had any idea being an outsider just how rotten and corrupt Washington, DC is or who the dirty traitors hiding behind worn-out rhetoric were, but he knows now.

That’s why we have to get him elected as well as good, decent candidates like Tim Sheehy up in Montana to the Senate. That pile of feces, open border [D] Sen. John Tester (in office since 2006) needs to be defeated, period. He’s got all the big money ($43 MILLION in campaign $$ vs Sheehy’s $14 million) so it will be up to patriots in Montana to make sure Sheehy wins and is not cheated which I have no doubt plans are in play to do just that.

Tim Sheehy: “I served as a Navy SEAL, built one of the largest aerial firefighting companies in America creating over 200 Montana jobs, and started a veteran-led cattle ranching and feeding operation. Whether it was in war or business, I see problems and solve them. America needs conservative leaders who love our country. I’m running for the U.S. Senate, because our campaign is about service, duty, and country – not politics as usual.”

I know.  We’re all busy.  Many of you raising children, two working parents, you own your own business putting in 12 hrs a day.  But you cannot defeat your enemy if you don’t know who are they are.  What I did was make a new file, The Council, and read half hour here, hour there until I finally got through it. I know I recommend books and articles all the time, but Stenstrom’s research is thorough and accurate and an absolute must read.  He should be a guest on the Clay & Buck Show, Hannity and spend an hour or two with Tucker Carlson.

What legacy will we leave our children and grandchildren if we don’t take back this country?  Nov. 5th is it.  The Destroyers are desperate and a wounded animal is very dangerous. Their selection of cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim has back fired big time and they know it.  Don’t be shocked if there’s an Oct. surprise.  Don’t know in what form, but something has to give as they say.

Many thought Clinton’s election was the end, but he’s a choir boy compared to what’s been going on and the players who are so corrupt I almost run out of words.  Clinton really just wanted more cocaine and to screw as many females as possible while governor of Arkansas and as president.

Read, study – Trump can fire everyone of them still there except for a member of Congress.

“The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America? – Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America (Updated Aug 2024)

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@protonmail.com

Web site: devvy.com


GOVERNOR JOSH SHAPIRO’S “BIG LIE” By Gregory Stenstrom (Separate posting): “There is no longer any question of whether there was massive election fraud in the November 2020 presidential election, or in elections since. It is now a matter of public and judicial record that it did occur, and Governor Josh Shapiro was at the vanguard in stealing both the Pennsylvania and national elections.”

AG Jeff Sessions Is President Trump’s Judas Iscariot, Kelleigh Nelson, Sept. 6, 2018.  “Despite Sessions being the first to endorse Trump as a candidate, I believe his dishonorable and treacherous actions prove he was a hired swamp creature put in place by the establishment to help destroy the finest President we’ve had in many decades.”  (Rest at link.)  (My note: Trump fired him only to nominate another Council member, another damn dirty player, former CIA:  William Barr who not only betrayed Trump but America.)

The Camaraderie Between the Justice Dept. and Bilderberg 2002 & 2011. Mine, May 18, 2015