Ann Herzer, M.A.
December 30, 2014
I met Anita Hoge in 1986 at the Washington D. C. Press Club where several members of the National Citizens Alliance gathered to expose, in a press conference, the 1985 USA/USSR Agreements in all areas of our society. This agreement was an extension of the 1958 Agreement that started the merger with the then Soviet Union. Educational mergers were planned from the very beginning. I have the old studies and continued data regarding these most important mergers. I was the Southwest organizer for the National Citizen's Alliance.
George Schultz, Secretary of State, signed a separate agreement with the Carnegie Corporation of New York (a private foundation) to carry out the educational portion of the 1985 agreement. It is noted that private groups may negotiate where government groups can not. An organization titled IREX (another private group) continued handling the educational exchanges.
The portion of these agreements came through the U.S. Information Agency, then under the direction of Dr. Ed Feulner, a Reagan appointee, and one of the founders of the secret government organized under the Council for National Policy. He urged that we move quickly to implement the agreements.
I have not been able to find any major neo-conservative organization in the USA and abroad that does not have close connections with this secret organization. For example, The Heritage Foundation, ALEC, Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family, Home School Legal Defense, The Christian Coalition, and others too numerous to mention. Two Heritage Foundation organizations were named by publisher, Virginia Meves, Wisconsin Report, Volume XX. Number 3, January 19, 1995, Page 3. Arizona Institute for Public Policy Research, Michael Sanera, President, 2700 S. Woodlands Village Blvd. #300-329, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/526-2597 and The Barry Goldwater Institute for Public Policy Research, Michael Block, President, The Bank One Center Concourse, 201 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85004, 602-256-7018. The Goldwater Institute was an off-shoot of the Lincoln Caucus and some members were listed as CNP on lists posted on the web, and mine. The intent of these organizations may be the most honorable, but I sincerely believe many are and continue to be misguided and mislead by false propaganda.
Many organizations joined with old leftwing groups to put in an un-American agenda that could only be done through massive organization, propaganda and manipulation of American citizens at all levels of our society. The major goal of the agreements was to merge our educational system in all area with the Communist government. Gradually, that has been accomplished over decades. Congress has passed "educational restructuring" legislation that states have implemented including the Soviet and German system of indoctrination using radical behavioral psychology as first discovered by Pavlov, then drastically expanded in the USA under the false doctrine and science as advocated by B. F. Skinner and lesser radicals. These methods and programs have been funded with government, state and foundations funds for decades. A means for tracking change over time had to be devised, and the computer was the answer.
The data tracking is not new. Various programs were tried over decades then in 1994 the model SpeedeExpress was funded and has been the model for what we are seeing today. This tracking system has over 400 data which invades every portion of privacy of children, teachers and families in the USA. Anita Hoge has mentioned a few in her outstanding article. I have written on this for decades and so have a few others. The silence is deafening!
The data tracking is not new, and I cannot emphasize this enough, nor is the excessive immoral experimentation on young children and educators in the USA. With the 1978 Hatch Amendment, any experimental protection for children, teachers and privacy was eliminated. Not one vote from Congress was raised against Senator Orin Hatch's devastating Amendment. Those laws, rules and regulations that did and do not fall under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), have been unconstitutionally waived at both the federal and state level to implement what my research, over decades, indicates is the final plan to destroy our constitutional government at all levels. All this data is in public domain, and I spent a small fortune ordering it from various government publishing houses, private groups and others. Much of this information may now be obtain with computer searches.
Radical behavioral programs were first promoted under mastery of basic skills i. e. Mastery Learning, then the names changed as the citizens raised resistance; for example, Outcome Based Education, Programmed Learning, Direct Instruction, Performance Based Education, Higher Level Thinking Skills, Guided and Modeling, Effective School Research, and Essential Elements of Instruction. Teachers and children's behaviors, and the deception. continues today under mainly aligned curricula with aligned assessments tests. Imbedded in this curricula and tests are value and attitude changes too subtle for most untrained teachers and citizens to detect.
These methods are most effective to change the values and attitudes of young children, teachers and the general public. This is where this nation stands today under the guise of reading instruction, workforce training, teacher evaluations and you name it.
Magnet and Choice schools have played a major part in destroying what was once a fine educational system, but more importantly Choice schools through one deceptive means or another are eroding elected representative government. Our government is being replaced with appointed committees, task-forces and councils that have no obligation to the taxpaying citizens of our nations. If any moral obligation exists, I am not observing it, nor do I think other citizens and professional educators have either. If any dares to speak against any portion of this devastation, they are immediately ridiculed, ostracized, slandered and even threatened with legal reprisal.
This happened to me and mostly Hispanic parents in Mission, Texas by Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI's) large legal firm out of Salt Lake City, Utah. This was reported to Congress, the President, and USDOE. The USDOE continued to state willful untruths about the ECRI program. They denied the method and denied that children were timed with stop-watches. Letters from noted educators, doctors, and desperate parents were sent to all levels of our government in protest to what they believed this programs and other similar programs were having on children. The adverse effects were clearly stated by parents and some teachers in various parts of the country, yet this continues with government funds. Why? The method is carefully disguised under different names.
Extreme pressure has been placed on individual teachers, and continues today to force teachers and educators to implement the method and plan. Principals are being replaced with Chief Executive Officers who have absolute no knowledge of educational theory, educational management or anything related to education. Our schools are being run on a faulty theory of Planning, Programming, Budgeting Systems (PPBS) and Total Quality Management (TQM) that has actually failed in some major manufacturing areas.
Our country moved from a manufacturing base to a service economy through treaties negotiated by right wing political groups and vested interest wall street bankers. Young children are now trained in low level service skills. See School-To-Work and the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) skills. Who planned this?
During the Reagan administration, the Center for Privatization was formed under a CNP member, Willard Garvey. His letter to President Reagan is posted on the web, and may be found with a google search. Major CNP persons attended the first meeting in Kansas on Privatization. Through this means, this devious plan continues. Pennsylvania put in the "racial" three tier German educational system in the early 1990's.
Two of my old articles regarding the origins of educational restructuring and the behavior modification programs may be found on which were republished in 2012 and 2013. Anita Hoge and others have done an outstanding job of presenting major portions of this political movement to the general public, and I urge you to read her article below.
Copyrighted under the International Copyright Law, December 2, 2014. Permission to transfer without content change and in whole. Any errors are mine because I'm writing this all from memory. I do not believe in a conspiracy theory because any and all of the noted information is in public domain. One thing these people like to do is publish. Most of the faulty research has been promoted by "peer interest" groups. What this means in simple terms is "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."
I highly recommend this article by Anita Hoge -- Pennsylvania Citizens Call for Moratorium on Data Collection.
Other Ann Herzer's articles:
- How Local school boards
are being replaced, stripped of power, Part 2
2 - How Local
school boards are being replaced, stripped of power, Part 1
© 2014 Ann Herzer – All Rights Reserved
Ann Herzer, M. A. Independent Researcher, Graduate of Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. in History/Reading/Education.
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