Helene Decimates Southeast and FEMA is Nowhere

By Kelleigh Nelson

October 5, 2024

The corruption at the heart of Communist ideology lay in the means. Social justice, greater freedom and equality, an end to exploitation and alienation are noble, humane ends. What compromised them fatally was the inhuman methods employed to achieve them. This was as true of Lenin and Trotsky as of Stalin. —Alan Bullock – author

A Maine correspondent told “The First TV” host, Jesse Kelly, that a brand-new apartment building built for Maine residents has been turned over to illegals.  The two-bedroom apartments rent for $2300.00 per month.  African illegals were given the apartments free of cost and utilities for two years.  Should they actually get jobs, they’ll only have to fork over a third of the cost Americans would pay.

Meanwhile, DHS Director Alejandro Mayorkas tells America that FEMA spent $1.4 billion dollars on “migrants,” a euphemistic term for the invited filth from all over the world invading our country, and there’s no more money for American disasters.  I’ve been told that DHS has another $20 billion, but they’re refusing to spend it on Americans who are in dire need of food, water and rescue.

We’ve given $200 billion to Zelensky and his Nazi Azov Battalion soldiers, we have spent a trillion in housing and feeding the 20 million illegal aliens who have crossed our southern and now northern borders, but we don’t have the money to save our own American people.  This is a treasonous betrayal by our centralized federal government which was weaponized over the eight years Obama and his cultural Marxists held office.

If we give each Illegal person $20,000 annually in total benefits and there are “ten Million” of them, the price is, hold onto your sox, two hundred billion dollars ($200,000,000,000) each and every single year.  Much of this came from the FEMA coffers. It’s actually probably closer to three hundred billion dollars.  So, over the last 3 1/2 years a ballpark figure of “One Trillion Dollars” has been spent on these third-world leeches, probably more. No wonder FEMA claims it is broke and hasn’t any money for the Hurricane disaster.

Americans are dying while we give our tax dollars to illegal aliens.

Citizens with helicopters have been saving people.  When the pilots took people to a local hotel, they were told it was booked with federal employees.  And just what are those fed employees doing?

People are trapped, no food, no water.  Between Knoxville, TN and Ashville, NC, I-40 collapsed from the water and the road slid down the mountain. Everything has to get to NC by air or going the long way around.  I remember seeing convoys of utility trucks heading south on I-40 when there were hurricanes in Florida.  I haven’t seen anything like that for this disaster.

It’s a war zone and the military are not there.

Here is a video of the major flooding in Asheville/Hendersonville the day before Hurricane Helene even hits!

Lake Lure, NC where the Patrick Swayze movie, Dirty Dancing was filmed, is totally gone, and Chimney Rock, NC is flattened.  Newport, TN has horrific flood damage.

Representative Cory Mills of Florida is already working to get Florida’s Rainy-Day funds for use in saving NC and TN folks.  This is what needs to be done across the nation.  The people need to contact their governors and tell them to get helicopters, food, water, and rescue folks to these areas and now, because the people are desperate.  Every state has national guard and helicopters, but no orders have been issued to help save these people.

Thirty-five private helicopter owners are doing their best to save the people and get them food and water.  Small town local contractors have used their equipment to move trees and debris so people could get through.  One area needed a bridge and a contractor showed up with enough timber to make a temporary bridge in order to get through to people.

Bodies and sewage floating in NC water will create a health hazard crisis.  We must get help into these areas.  I have contacted several people and asked them to get to conservative media to get this out.  I don’t trust Tucker Carlson one iota, he’s establishment.  And I’m not hearing him say anything about this tragedy or helping people.  A resident talked about the tragedy…and deaths.

Franklin Graham’s organization, Samaritan’s Purse, is doing a lot to help the people.  No matter what you or I think of Billy Graham or of Franklin’s comments during Covid, his organization is the only one I’d give to in order to help our people.

We need Americans to call their governors and tell them to use their rainy-day funds and national guard to help our people.  The federal government is absolutely worthless.  They’re more interested in replacing us with third-world filth and destroying this once great country.  They don’t deign to lift a finger to help these Americans.  Why?  Because these areas are filled with hardcore conservatives who don’t vote for communists.  By failing these people, they’ve cemented in the minds of Americans that they could care less how many perish.

A Vietnam veteran pilot told me, “Unfortunately, this is deliberate because as you all know there are 1.5 million Republicans in this area and they will determine who takes NC! You have a full Division at Ft. Bragg plus a 130 wing at Pope Army Airfield who are doing nothing! This is criminal!”

Every Army National Guard unit and surrounding states has “dust off” helicopters. those are air Medivac helicopters and there’s a bunch of them. They come equipped with hyper EMT’s aboard So they’re not just for transport but can provide immediate medical service.

Whatever you can do, even if you have to call in favors, please do it, please do it.  We need the military helicopters flying into these areas and saving the people.

Glenn Beck is in North Carolina

Glenn says he has only seen one FEMA truck since his arrival and it was “tucked away,” like it was avoiding the public eye.  When he approached the agents in the truck and asked about what they were doing, he was given the following response, “We’re getting [victims] registered so they can sign up for government aid.”

Beck said, “There is no action from the federal government.”

Unfortunately, FEMA isn’t just not showing up; it’s also actively hindering the citizens and private groups who are actually providing aid.

One of Glenn’s sources “is a semi-truck driver who [was] pulled over by FEMA.”

“They took his food off his truck” that was going to help victims,” Glenn said in disgust.

According to Glenn’s report, FEMA is also trying to shut down the area where private planes and helicopters are landing to bring assistance.

“We have FEMA trying to shut down this helo field because the FAA isn’t involved.  Screw the FAA!  If you had planes down here and you had helicopters yourself and you were rescuing them, then fine, we’d shut this down, but you’re not here!” he says.

As for the devastation, Glenn says, “it is shocking.”

Watch Beck’s important video report:


Just like the purposely failing Secret Service, we are now seeing the same thing in DHS Director Mayorkas’ FEMA.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell was appointed by Biden/Harris as Director after she botched the response to the New York City Covid pandemic.  Daniel Greenfield’s excellent article, FEMA’s DEI Crippled Hurricane Helene Response, tells us that as a DEI hire, Criswell was unprepared for the flooding. Her resume included that she was “the first woman commissioner of New York City Emergency Management.”

FEMA’s leadership was required to make their number one goal, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).  Once again, Obama’s weaponization of the entire federal government ends up with losers at the helms of important agencies.  None of the people in the Biden administration are capable of performing their jobs as they should.

Kamala turned San Francisco into a crime zone with her “environmental justice unit” of the District Attorney’s office.  She claimed this was the way to give resources based on equity.  Well, since most of the areas struck by Hurricane Helene are white, I guess her $750 dollar checks are all she can manage to do.  Food, water and rescuing these Americans before they perish doesn’t fit her “equitable” justice.

Weather Modification

In 1962, Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson said in a speech to Southwest Texas State University, “He who controls the weather, controls the world.”

The federal government has been able to modify weather since the 1940s.

Dane Wigington’s website, GeoengineeringWatch.org shows video footage which provides visual evidence of the interaction between ground-based frequency transmitter installations and the path of Hurricane Helene.

Janet Levy Ross interviewed climate scientist, Wigington, two years ago.  Her article, Is the Climate Being Engineered? tells us that Dane Wigington and his researchers believe it is climate engineering, not climate change from humanity, that is destroying the planet.

There are rumors that quartz mines and the richest deposits of lithium mines are in these areas and the government wants control of all of it.  One poster said that government officials told the people they would not get their land back.

One of our former Army Generals has said that the volume of these reports being received may be indicative of truth – also reports of looting and shooting.

States Must Stand Up

We need American citizens to call their state representatives, their governors, and tell them to use some of their rainy-day funds to help the people devastated by Helene.

Please America, stand up for our suffering fellow citizens.  Get on your phones now.

The actions by this federal government are deadly.  Just like Lahaina, Hawaii, and East Palestine, Ohio, NW North Carolina and NE Tennessee, people and animals are dying.  We’re on our own.  The federal government is most likely guilty of causation and death.  There is an obvious purposeful failure to save lives.

FDR told us, “In politics, nothing happens by accident.”

© 2024 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net