Oregon Governor Kate Brown Threatens To Call State Police On The Republican Legislators
On July 19th, 1775 the first shots were fired just after dawn in Lexington, Massachusetts and was called “The Shot Heard Around the World” – the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Siege of Boston and so it may be in the State of Oregon who was chosen many years ago to test Luciferian ideas by the Rockefeller Foundation that gave a half million dollar grant to Oregon State University a few days before Christmas, December 23, 1971 to support research and graduate studies on “Man and His Activities as They Relate to Environmental Quality.” The project was coded numbered RF 71079 and gave the final push to completion of plans for the computerization of all elements of human life in Oregon and the move toward socialism.
Two Oregon patriot’s spoke out the warnings but no one listened which has brought us today to the Republican walkout by the Oregon legislators and leaving the state thereby keeping the Democrats from a quorum and Oregon Governor Kate Brown threatening to call the State Police to bring them back to the legislature. however, during an interview with Portland television station KGW later in the day, Sen. Brian Boquist (R-Dallas) threatened Oregon State Police if they tried to bring him back to the Capitol, they’d better send the bachelors and come heavily armed because he was not going to become a political prisoner in the State of Oregon. Sen. Boquist has also told Senate President Peter Courtney on the floor, “You send the State police after me, Courtney, and ‘Hell’s coming to get you.’” Courtney began his political career in 1974 when he was elected to the Salem city Council dressed as Peter Rabbit and another longtime political sycophant and why we need Term Limits.
I wrote an article a few weeks ago about how Oregon has been operating under a bogus government since November 8, 1910 when Article VII Amended our Oregon Constitution and was placed into our Constitution without one vote being counted in any county. At the time I gave the article the title: Made for Hollywood and Shakespeare saying “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their exists and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages” and cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once. The article describes how an OREGON STATEWIDE JURAL ASSEMBLY BASED ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND COMMON LAW GRAND JURY was created. Our Founding Fathers were very wise men recognizing the fallen nature of man knew that sooner or later we, the people, may have to clean house ourselves; therefore, based on Antonin Scalia’s majority opinion United States v. Williams 504 1992, Jural Assemblies can be and have been formed in Oregon and all elected officials from the governor on down have been informed to “self-correct” or they could end up in prison.
However, the real beginning was when Oregon State Police shot LaVoy Finicum, who never had a traffic ticket in his life, at a roadblock after he, along with others were protesting on behalf of the imprisonment of Dwight Hammond, 76 and his son, Steven, 49, who were convicted in 2012 after a prescribed burn on their land spread to nearby public lands in 2001. Later the president pardoned the Hammonds. But the rest of the story will appear in my next article in News With Views suggesting why the environmentalists want the ranchers to go away. Now we have this upheaval in Oregon state government where Governor Kate Brown has been bribing and threatening GOP senators.
Jeff Kropf, radio talk show host on KSLM 1220 said on his 6 a.m. show on Thursday, June 20th that he is a good friend of Boquist’s, a career U.S. Army Special Forces soldier who has been in several revolutions around the world (Iran and Afghanistan) and knows what it is like to be shot at while defending this nation told the police to come heavily armed. A caller to the station was a bit concerned for Boquist’s threat due to the “red-flag” gun bill that was passed in Washington, D.C. without a single vote from Republicans to confiscate from people who “threaten.” More than 64 counties and many sheriffs oppose the bill and have declared themselves Second Amendment “sanctuary” counties in protest. Meanwhile, back home in Oregon, Oregon’s Police Superintendent said he’d resign before carrying out Governor Kate Brown’s wishes which suggests these brave men are saying “don’t mess with us.”
A couple callers to Jeff’s radio program said they were leaving and going to Idaho but Jeff said he’s a 5th generation farmer and he has to stay and hopes some other brave folks will stand and say “don’t mess with us either.”And I’m sure the folks that created the Jural Assembly will agree and look forward to many more folks with the Founding Father’s DNA to join. Contact ronvrooman@frontier.com if you want to stop Oregon’s malfeasant government.
Sen. Herman Baertschiger, a forester/rancher from portions of Jackson and Josephine Counties called Jeff to report that Governor Kate Brown had visited him five times alternating between bribes and threats. She offered him and the Republicans up to $200 million to save the legislature and allow the Democrats to move their $90 billion 2-year budget through completion while failing to address PERS who will be receiving huge amounts of the $90 billion budget. They keep promising the schools will be getting more money which they desperately need but it won’t happen.
Jeff’s eight years in the Oregon legislature (1999-2007) is very valuable as a talk show host because he can share many of the hidden things the rest us never know about. For Instance, the reason the Republican senators have walked out. We know it is bad when even the swishy moderate Republicans choose to walk out for a second time after they agreed to come back after cutting a deal with Governor Brown but the Democrats broke the agreement. The Tax and Scam, Carbon Trade protest rally that the logger’s held yesterday (June 19)was suppose to be reset – in other words, says Jeff, it was suppose to start all over again- a different bill and they were suppose to allow Republican amendments. None of that happened. They held a sham hearing where they considered the Republican amendments and then they voted them all down so today, June 20th was supposed to be the vote in the Senate and why the Senate Republicans “walked out” so there would be no quorum. Jeff was a bit concerned about Tim Knopp, who has played a very dangerous game the last time around by taking a bribe and also the moderate squishy Bill Hansell and Jeff’s own senator, Fred Girod but they all stuck together this time.
Jeff said he served for eight years in the Oregon legislature with Kate so he wasn’t surprised to learn the logger who organized the rally at the Capitol yesterday got a call at the rally from Kate screaming at him about his Face book and he believes as do so many others that the governor has mental issues and I’ll never get the story out of my mind of the Hart Crimes in 2018 when a lesbian and her partner drove their car off a California cliff with “foster children” inside. I have several other stories that would make the reader sick and yet we are being asked to embrace their destructive lifestyle. Meanwhile, far too many Christian pastors give us sermons about how we must be more tolerant of the LGBTQ agenda.
Lloyd Marcus, in the American Thinker.com says Dr. Michelle Cretella, M.D., president of American College of Pediatricians, explained that if a brain was born the wrong sex due to factors before birth, every single identical twin would have the same gender identity every time. They do not. Identical twins have identical DNA. Therefore, if transgenderism were in the genes, 100% of the time, both twins would be either transgender or non-transgender. Studies show that if one twin is transgender, 72% of the time the other twin is normal. This proves that post-birth events primarily impact your identity. In other words, trangenderism is a mental disorder. Using their “born this way” lie, LGBTQ activists claim rejecting their lifestyle in any of its manifestations is bigotry, the same as rejecting me because I am black, says Lloyd.
Lloyd continues: Dr. Cretella shared a horrific story: In a California kindergarten class, the teacher read to her students two transgender indoctrination stories for kids. After the teacher finished reading these stories, little Joey went to the restroom and returned to class wearing a dress. The teacher said: “Boys and girls, Joey is really a girl just like Jazz in our story. From now on we need to call her Josephine.” This was Joey’s parents’ the teacher’s way to introducing Joey’s transformation to his fellow kindergartners.
Joey’s classmates extremely confused. One little girl was terrified. At home, after bathing in the tub, the girl’s mother wrapped her in a towel. Passing a mirror, the girl noticed that her hair was slicked back. Panicked, she burst into tears, “Mommy, am I turning into a boy? I don’t wanna turn into a boy! Joey turned into a girl. Am I gonna turn into a boy?”
But here is one closer to home.
The Legislature is about relationships, says Jeff. Even though you may be in the majority , you still want to do things on a bi-partisan basis which means you’ve got to negotiate. Senator Baertschiger told Jeff Tina Kotek, Speaker of the House and Governor Kate Brown will not budge on anything. Jeff says longtime lobbyists for decades are saying they’ve never seen anything like this – never seen the majority act in such an arrogant, uncompromising manner that what the Democrats are doing. Pure Fascism.
The Blue Book says the Speaker of the House, Tina Kotek, says beginning with her work to win domestic partnership benefits for faculty and students at the University of Washington in the mid 1990s, has worked to change the world and empower people to be part of that change.
She began her public service career as a policy advocate for Oregon Food Bank. She went on to serve as the policy director for Children First for Oregon before being elected to the Oregon House of Representatives in 2006.
In 2013, Speaker Kotek became the first openly lesbian speaker of any U.S. state house. Now the longest-serving speaker of the house in Oregon’s history, she has led efforts to improve economic opportunity and promote equity for every Oregonian, including bold legislation to end discrimination based on sexual orientation, raise the minimum wage, improve access to affordable housing and health care and ban racial profiling. [Link]
Now, let’s write about Democrat Kate Brown, Oregon’s self-proclaimed bisexual governess, who was appointed 2015 after Kitzhaber’s shameful resignation. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental conservation with a Certificate in Women’s Studies from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She earned her law degree and Certificate in Environmental Law from the Northwestern School of Law at Lewis & Clark College in Portland.
After law school, brown was a professor at Portland State University and practiced family and juvenile law. She was appointed to the Oregon House of Representatives in 1991. In 1996, after serving two terms, she won election to the Oregon Senate. Two years later, she was elected Senate Democrat Leader and, in 2004, became the first woman to serve as Oregon’s Senate Majority Leader.
In the Fall of 2008, Obama’s ally billionaire socialist George Soros poured a half million dollars into four Secretary of State races in battleground states: Missouri, Montana, Oregon , West Virginia- winning all of them. Soros money helped the candidates who support voter fraud to win the Secretary of state office, then they helped the “ Democrats in thwarting pre-election efforts to crack down on voter-registration fraud.
In the Oct. 2015 Schwarz Report newsletter wrote about Marxist Feminism by Mallory Millett. Her sister, Katie was promoting Karl Marx of Women’s Movement. Her book laid out a course in Marxism 101 for Women. Her books captivated the academic classes and soon “Women’s Studies” courses were installed in colleges in a steady wave across the nation with Kate Milett Books as required reading. Imagine this: A girl of 17 or 18 at the table with mom studying the syllabus for the first year of college and there’s a class called “Women’s Studies” Hmmm. “This could be interesting,” says mom. It seemed innocuous to mom and her daughter. How could mom suspect this is a class in which her innocent daughter will be taught that her father is a villain? Her mother a fool…
And then there is the United Nations Environmental schemes that advance World Government using supposed threats to nature to obtain power. The Communist leader of the 1920s & 30’s, Maurice Strong, called the “Godfather of the Environmental Movement” and as a senior member of the United Nations. [Link].
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E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com