By Lorraine Walter
July 15, 2001
--Our Founding Fathers, along with so many other patriots, fought
and died valiantly, winning liberty and freedom from an abusive and
unjust tyrant, Britain's King George. Leaving behind a God- ordained
government, written down for futurity. Many sacrificed their lives,
honor and their fortunes. Can we do less to preserve our inheritance?
A dark and sinister blight now
covers this once proud nation. Today, many unlawful abuses within
the legal system need to be brought to the attention of every American.
Not one innocent person is safe or immune from prosecution as long
as these illegal abuses are allowed to continue. There are far too
many similar horror stories from residents in Josephine County Oregon,
as well as other counties across this nation. We can no longer afford
to stick our heads in the sand, ignoring them, hoping they'll go away.
Yes, there are people who abuse
children and true child abusers deserve to be dealt with harshly.
But overwhelming evidence proves that many innocent people are being
railroaded through an abusive 'legal' system who use allegations to
bring the frightened in to a plea bargain. If you refuse due to innocence
they trump up charges to assure convictions. The accused are not permitted
to present evidence and/or witnesses to prove their innocence in the
current courts of law. This is not justice nor a system that upholds
every Sovereign citizen's God-given RIGHTS documented and clarified
in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. One of the founders
warned that "Tyrants will rule when good people do nothing".
A special report, aired by 20/20,
revealed massive abuses by child services. It was reported that two-thirds
of the children they 'kidnap' are returned to parents who can afford
to fight the legal system. Parents reported being drained of their
entire finances, and in many cases, lost their homes. (Taking a person's
private property - their child - without due process - a court indictment
- violates Article V of the U.S. Constitution.
In Josephine County, Oregon,
where I reside, an integral part of the county's juvenile justice
system includes a group calling themselves Family Friends.
To uncover the lies and deceit, I will be using information Family
Friends provided in their January 2001 Newsletter.
In 1984 a group calling themselves
Parents and Children Together was founded in Josephine
County, Oregon. In 1986 the name was changed to Family Friends,
a private organization funded mostly by grants and donations.
In 1990 they established treatment(?) for preschoolers; and in 1993
enlarged their services to include school-aged children. By 1995 they
branched out into Oregon's Illinois Valley and have been growing by
leaps and bounds ever since.
How does Family Friends
get their victims? I'll start out with a true story of what happened
to an unsuspecting family I know personally. Early one morning
a city police officer (Grants Pass Public Safety) appeared at their
door wearing a gun. He requested to privately question their 5 year
old daughter regarding a complaint made by a neighboring 5 year old.
The officer refused to tell the parents what the complaint was, so
the family refused. The officer then made an appointment for
them, including their 5 year old daughter, with Family Friends.
The officer neglected to inform them that their visit was voluntary,
making them believe it was mandatory. My friends kept the appointment
and showed up with a witness, minus their little daughter. To clear
up what they felt was a gross misunderstanding. That angered the police
officer. They were NOT told that they had the right to remain silent,
have their attorney present and that anything they or their child
said (had they brought her), could and would be used against them
in a court of law. This was a violation of their 5th Amendment
As I read through Family
Friends' January, 2001 newsletter, it revealed how easy
it is for them to railroad adults and children through the legal system
in Josephine County, Oregon. Their newsletter states when -
"A child tells her teacher about being touched. Yes, in the bathing
suit area. Such a disclosure opens the gate for a complex process
to begin." So, by simply bathing children, or changing
their diapers, anyone could easily be accused of sexual child
It continues with "The Disclosure
Interview" includes separating the parent(s) and child, then
taking the child to a room where "a video camera is nestled among
stuffed animals" as the interviewer gets on tape, the answers
he/she wants from you and your child. This video is used as evidence
to get an indictment. Again, no mention is made of your and you're
child's RIGHT to remain silent or have an attorney present.
Any agency that uses hidden cameras
nestled among stuffed animals, then manipulates the grand jury to
get more indictments cannot honestly help anyone. How can you trust
any organization that has ulterior motives?
Continuing - "The Grand
Jury members receive training by Family Friends prior to case presentation...
An educated jury will better serve the children and courts."
Several local defense attorneys have pointed out that this is 'grand
jury tampering'.
Family Friends
further state - "The Multi Disciplinary Team is an integral element
of the Children's Advocacy and Treatment Center (CATC), chaired by
the Assistant District Attorney who prosecutes childhood abuse cases.
Law enforcement and multiple social service agencies, including Family
Friends, meet weekly to collaborate on cases and make decisions regarding
legal proceedings." Let's not forget it's the Assistant
District Attorney who prosecutes 'alleged' child abusers
-- through manipulated and tainted grand juries.
Then their "The Forensic
Medical Examination completes the vision of the CATC. The emotional
impact of the childsized examining table with stirrups, and the high
tech colposcope is somewhat softened by the imaginative decor, with
a tree painted up the wall and across the ceiling and many furry and
friendly animals peeking out from the branches."
Picture this scenario and tell
me what terrified little girl is looking at the decor, painted tree
or fuzzy animals on the wall as complete strangers strip her clothing
off, strap her down to an exam table with stirrups, and painfully
insert a colposcope into her tiny vagina, as she screams hysterically
for her parents? Just imagine the terror, pain and life-long
trauma the little girl is forced to endure as she is sexually violated
-- all in the name of "protecting the child". For those
of you who have never had a vaginal or pap smear may not know how
painful this procedure is.
Then Family Friends
has the gall to offer individual, group and family therapy through
their "Therapy Treatment" program once the families are
sufficiently traumatized, betrayed, threatened and humiliated.
Family Friends
procedures are unconstitutional, therefore, they are clearly breaking
the law by violating our Rights as stated in the United States
Constitution - the Law of the land. They are in collusion with city
and county police, multiple state social service agencies (including
mental health), the district attorney's office, the judges,
etc., gathering what they call 'evidence' to run you through their
meat grinder. This is not only unlawful, but clearly a conflict of
As a result of the Family
Friends' January 2001 Newsletter, a suit was filed in the
Josephine County court recently by several Grants Pass, Oregon defense
attorneys, including attorney Claudia Brown and Holly Preslar.
The suit asked that 300, possibly tainted, felony cases be dismissed,
claiming that Family Friends was manipulating Grand
Juries prior to case presentation.

Is this how the D.A.'s
office is able to sustain a 98.2% conviction rate in Josephine County,
Oregon? More indictments mean more child confiscating. Child stealing
and destroying families all in the name of undefined 'abuse'
is a multi-million dollar business for profit across America.
What we need are lawful, honorable,
and helpful agencies to deal with family problems and abuse. Can therapists
that have problems in their own life help you with yours? Shouldn't
they remove the plank out of their own eyes first? There is no such
thing as the 'perfect parents'.
The undermining of Parental authority
and unconstitutional abuses must stop now.
322 N.W.
"F" St.
Grants Pass, OR. 97526
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