Stupid is as Stupid Does
By Lex Greene
In the famous words of Forest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does” and these days, stupid seems much more common than common sense in the USA. Even Forest was smart enough to know it.
To arrive at the right answers, you only need to ask the right questions. Even the government, doctors, scientists, and their left-wing media con artists can’t win a debate if you simply ask the right questions, such as…
“Why has nothing science told us to do for 19-months worked?” You said mask, so we masked, and it didn’t work. You said social distance, so we social distanced for months and it didn’t work. You said lock healthy people in quarantine, so we locked healthy people in quarantine and gave up our incomes, families, friends, and lives for months, and it didn’t work. Why has nothing you said worked?
“If my mask works, why does anyone else need to wear one? You told us we needed to “mask up” and you have also told us we “don’t need to mask up.” Which is it? And no matter your answer, 19-months of masking hasn’t solved the problem, because as we can research for ourselves, none of the masks used are designed to, or capable of, stopping the transmission of any virus.
“How is the vaccine necessary when you admit that the vaccinated can still be infected and die from the unvaccinated?” If the vaccinated can still be infected and die as a result of unvaccinated people, what good is your so-called “vaccine?” Why are you telling the “vaccinated” to still “mask up?”
“Why are you saying your vaccines are approved?” We all know that the FDA has NOT approved your vaccines and we know why. There is no “science” to follow yet, testing won’t be completed for years. If the FDA knows what’s good for them, they won’t approve any of them with so many adverse effect reports!
“Why are you saying your vaccines are safe?” We all know that people are dying from your vaccines daily, at least 300 a day now. Millions are fighting for their lives and have become permanently injured by your vaccines. How “safe” is that?
“Why are you telling people they are safe if they get your vaccine?” Over 53,000 VAERS reports say quite the contrary, as all of these 53,000 Americans died AFTER taking your vaccines!
“Why are you scaring people into thinking they will die from a corona virus that has had a 99.7% survival rate?” We know that 94% of your so-called COVID19 deaths died of something else, the CDC told us so. We know this corona virus has had a 99.7% survival rate, because again, your CDC told us so. This doesn’t even qualify as anything more than a standard flu season.
“Why are you telling us that you have the legal authority to force vaccinate anyone, as if you’re Adolf Hitler and Dr. Mengele?” We all know that our “public servants” have no such authority. We the People run this country, not you!
I can keep going for quite a while here, but if you don’t get the picture by now, you never will. Congratulations, you have agreed to live under boot and doomed all future generations to the same!
Fool us once, shame on you…but fool us twice, shame on us!
Now our illustrious insane federal administration is openly threatening to force vaccinate every citizen, man, woman, and child, regardless of any other health concerns. They are even threatening to come door-to-door complete with U.S. Military armed to the teeth to do it. According to resident Joe, “we will need F-15s and nukes to stop them!”
And now, even Republican Governors like Florida’s DeSantis and Fox News talking heads like Sean Hannity are suddenly “pro-vaccine.” How, why? Didn’t any of them bother to ask the most obvious questions posed above?
No amount of education or indoctrination is a good substitute for fundamental common sense, which is clearly in short supply these days. Does it really matter how many degrees some “expert” has on the wall, if everything they are saying is blatantly false?
Look, no “expert,” politician, court, news media personality, TV or social media entertainer, fact-checker, federal or state agency, member of congress, democrat doctor, lawyer or scientist is going to save us here. It’s not even their job. None of them were elected or appointed to do this, any of it.
WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES HERE… and all we need to do it is basic common sense, fundamental survival instincts and the will to stand up to this insanity before the nuts running the asylum put us all in a coffin or a straight-jacket.
Freedom is NOT for the stupid, the ignorant, the lazy, the cowardly or the fearful! We allowed the “experts” to fool us once, for over 19-months now. If we allow them to fool us again, that’s on us, and no one will survive it.
What’s all of this research and information for? If you’re never going to get out the fire hose, what does it matter that you know the house is on fire? The only reason for knowing, is the doing!
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