The Army, the CIA and the Human Consciousness

Ms. Smallback

Science Non-Fiction in America series, part one

I’ve been working through a lot of data from some military files, some quantum physics study, and how I see some applications in our country, world and lives.  I’ll try to label sections so you can find topics easier and skip ones that may not interest you. 

The 1983 CIA File from the US Army

In 2003 the classified CIA file from the Department of the Army from 1983 on the “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process” was released to the public.  Just recently this file has been trending due in part to a TicToc video discussing it.

[Interestingly, the CIA files are now unavailable.  If you go to the original address for reading the file, you get the “404 Not Found” error code.  Alas, you can still pull it up on the internet archives here.  Also interesting is that points 35 and 36 (page 25 of the report) are missing and not in the file.]

I’d like to spin off this report in a couple directions. First, apparently the purpose of this report was for Commander Wayne M. McDonnell to report to his commander at Fort Meade (MD) on their findings on altered states of consciousness.  How this then came into the hands of the CIA is not made clear, (but I have a few guesses).

The report presents 38 points (minus the two missing) to inform the reader of the processes they’ve learned through the Monroe Institute of how the human consciousness can leave the human body.  The first part of the report is a fascinating read on science and physics, explaining how the human body is basically a complex form of energy grids interacting.  The emphasis is on the human mind, or the seat of human consciousness. The last part is how they employ that science for their objectives.

The Foundation of Science Behind This

To understand the science under girding this topic, we have to understand matter and energy at their base levels.  Basically solid matter is a subjective term.  Matter by definition is made up of atoms.  Atoms contain electrons that spin in an energy field around a nucleus.  Both the electrons and the atoms are oscillating energy grids.

From biomedical engineer Itzhak Bentov:  “The energy grid which composes the nucleus of the atom vibrates at approximately 1022 Hertz. (which is 10 followed by 22 zeroes)  At 70 degrees F an atom oscillates at the rate of 1015 Hertz.  An entire molecule, composed of a number of atoms bound together in a single energy field vibrates in the range of 109 Hertz.  A live human cell vibrates at approximately 103 Hertz.  The point to be made is that the entire human being, brain, consciousness and all is, like the universe which surrounds him, nothing more or less than an extraordinarily complex system of energy fields.  The so called states of matter are actually variances in the state of energy, and human consciousness is a function of the interaction of energy in two opposite states (motion vs rest)…”

To continue we need to understand that Hertz measures a unit of frequency, and a Hertz is one cycle per second. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a set point in time, or the number of cycles or vibrations in a unit of time.  To understand frequency, look at this page.  To understand electromagnetism, here is a simple explanation.  In simplest terms, electromagnetic waves are photons that travel through space until they interact with matter (where they are then either absorbed or reflected).

As much as I hate NASA, this page gives a simple and excellent overview of the two types of waves (electromagnetic and mechanical) and elucidates how waves are the vehicles for transporting energy.

Back to the CIA Report

Fascinating facets of quantum mechanics are explained in layman’s terms in this report, making an excellent summary of how human consciousness is physics in its purest form.  He uses three examples to illustrate how this is not necessarily new information in that hypnosis, transcendental meditation and biofeedback have been achieving altered states of consciousness for centuries, even millennia.

To understand this concept and its objectives, we must understand that the left hemisphere of the brain acts as the gatekeeper for the right hemisphere.  It screens incoming data, and is the seat of reasoning.  Once the left hemisphere has “categorized, assessed and assigned meaning” to the incoming data, it sends it to the right hemisphere.  The right side accepts whatever is sent by the gatekeeper (left side) without filter.  So the thinking is that if you can bypass the brain filter (left side), you can accomplish uncontested objectives with the right side.

Briefly, he explained the three processes used in the world up until this point…

Hypnosis distracts the left side of the brain through boredom, or into a sleep state, so that it can engage the right side of the brain with commands, instructions, or even just information.  The goal in hypnosis is to access the right hemisphere of the brain without engaging the left hemisphere.

Transcendental Meditation works differently.  It engages intense concentration to “draw energy up the spinal cord” which creates sound waves that ultimately reach the brain.  (I’m oversimplifying for brevity.)  The emphasis on this method is concentration to create a rhythmic vibration of the energy field of the body that synchronizes in such a way both sides of the brain are polarized in a sort of unison.  This method circumvents the left hemisphere by bringing vibrations into a rhythm that connects to the right side.

Biofeedback is more scientific in that it uses medical devices (like a thermometer) to monitor physical symptoms in an effort to train the brain to recognize the process of accessing the right brain without the filter of the left brain by using visualization and affirmations.

The system that the Army had adopted for this process was based on the Monroe Institutes “Gateway Processes”.  This system uses amplitude and frequency (sound waves, acoustical waves) to put the brain in a frequency band that allows the brain to reach the same state of right brain attention while bypassing the left brain filters.  They call it the Gateway or Hemi-Sync.

To continue really grasping these concepts, it’s vital that we understand that the brain reads frequencies to analyze data.  The meditation practices mentioned above can achieve the physical conditions for the synchronization of the brain hemispheres, if practiced long enough, to change the sound frequency of the human heart’s resonance in the body.  This is fascinating, so stay with me a minute.

The human heart pumps blood through the aorta which through the left ventricle reaches the bifurcation point in the lower abdomen where it splits into two for the legs.  That pressure pulse rebounds at this point causing what they call the bifurcation echo.  (Because the pulse rebounds back up the artery, colliding with the next pulse coming down, and makes an interference pattern.)  What they’ve learned is if you can eliminate this echo, the body’s frequency is altered and a sinewave (continuous wave) is produced which reaches the brain with a “sustained resonance.”  Because the brain operates at vibrations (Hertz, frequencies), this impacts the brain’s processing, achieving the synchronicity desired for purposes of access to the right brain without the filter.

These processes produce electromagnetic pulses which cause the brain to raise the amplitude and frequency of its waves.  This transference of energy falls in a 6.8 – 7.5 Hertz range.  This brain wave goes into the “earth’s ionospheric cavity” almost in unison with the earth’s 7 – 7.5 Hertz range.  When the brain output produces waves at this amplitude and frequency, that wavelength is calculated to be just under 25,000 miles long (the alleged perimeter of earth) and able to travel around the entire earth in one seventh of a second (through the electrostatic field we live in).  That wave can go through pretty much anything (steel, water, other energy fields, etc.).  As Itzhak Bentov, stated, “It is the ideal medium for conveying a telepathic signal.”

In other words, when you can get frequencies on the same wavelength, communication is no longer restricted to audible sound.

The means to achieve this state is to bring the human body’s vibration to 7-7.5 cycles/second.  That resonance produces the sound wave that matches the electrostatic field of the earth.

Now the US Army used this state of being (synching the human body with the earth’s energy field) to train its students how to build up the energy field around their own bodies, in an effort to homogenize, if you will, the human consciousness (energy field) with the earth’s.  From the report:

“… the two electromagnetic medians are now a single energy continuum…. By resonating with the earth’s electromagnetic sphere the human body creates a surprisingly powerful carrier wave to assist the mind in communication activity with other human minds similarly tuned.”

Pages 7-10 are key parts to this report in that they explain how energy and matter function in brain as consciousness.

Living patterns are created by “energy projecting or expanding at certain frequencies in a three dimensional mode”.  They call the living pattern that is produced a HOLOGRAM.  The paper goes on to explain how the brain processes information from these projections (holograms) and reduces the energy patterns down to a two-dimensional form.  From there, the human mind uses the binary system (“go/no go”) – much like a computer does.  Basically they say our minds perceive by comparison, and that we perceive differences only.

Interacting Energy Fields Compose Life

Energy fields can be at rest or in motion.  We function in a four dimensional world.  Our abilities and qualities can measure by length, width, height and time.  Everything out of that is considered a separate dimension, or extra-dimensional.  Neuroscientists and physicists explain our mind works by taking in the three dimensional data, reduces it down to two dimensions, and then runs it through a comparison computation, utilizing the memory for comparison.

They explain that the human mind is a hologram itself and connects with the “universal hologram” (which I understand to be the world at large) through an energy exchange.  Remember that energy fields are either resting or in motion.  Life is one experience after another of interacting energy fields.

The report explains it like this:

As energy passes through various aspects of the universal hologram and is perceived by the electrostatic fields which comprise the human mind, the holographic images being conveyed are projected upon those electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived or understood to the extent that the electrostatic field is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize with and therefore “read” the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it. Changes in the frequency and amplitude of the electrostatic field which comprises the human mind determines the configuration and hence the character of the holographic energy matrix which the mind projects to intercept meaning directly from the holographic transmissions of the universe.

At this point we’ve discussed how energy fields comprise the human makeup, and by attuning the human mind’s energy field to the same frequency of the earth’s energy field, an altered state of consciousness can be obtained.  Before I go any further, let me back out a minute.

A minor backstory….

About a year ago, after listening to Dr. Thomas Cowan, I bought The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg to learn more about the electrical fields of the earth and how they impact the human body.  There were experts who allege that the 5G grids were either directly or indirectly a source of Covid-19, and it seemed a serious allegation worth investigating.  [Read my article on this for more understanding.]

You’d think reading a book about the history of electricity in the world would be boring.  Au contraire!  It was fascinating, and came with a 200 page bibliography so there was no end to resources for understanding!  What I learned in this search and study is too big for this series, but I want to point out that it created a hunger for more understanding.  And in the process of learning about the earth’s energy fields, the question crossed my mind and presented as a hypothesis to me:  Is God simply energy?  [And by simply, I just mean in a base form.  Obviously God is more complex than identifying Him as an energy field.  But I’ll explain more later.]

That was my question last year as I sojourned this study.  Since then I have left it percolating in my mind, and have been praying for understanding.  (Oh, and studying some quantum physics and quantum mechanics.)

As I’ve been learning more about energy, energy fields, vibrations, and a whole other host of things I don’t remember learning in my science classes at school, I’ve worked to wrap my head around the application of these principles.  It’s become amazingly clear to me that the human body, the earth, and all life, really, is a majestic creation of unseen realms that manifest into the known seen realm of four dimensions that we live in.

Here are some resources for additional learning:

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Part Two can be found here.

Part Three can be found here.

Part Four can be found here.