The Systematic Killing of America Part 3 of 5
By Glynn Adams
November 19, 2023
During the time of the Houses of Carnegie, Morgan, and Rockefeller, the common man did not know what was going on because of the secrecy of the CFR and Company. Some of our politicians spoke out but the power and influence of the deep state, establishment, shadow government, led by the Council on Foreign Relations, was so astronomical, that to make a serious effort to speak up would immediately cost you the next election or your life.
I’ll make my point – President John F. Kennedy was a Socialists who belonged to the Fabian Society, who during his presidency made many enemies. Included among them was the “capos” of America’s leading mafia families, who lost their holdings in Cuba, the CIA for his failure to ensure the success of the Bay of Pigs invasion and last but not least, the Rockefeller Family. In prompting the Alliance for Progress, Kennedy said he was sick of the US government acting as the representative of private businesses, including the interests of the Rockefellers and other Globalists elites – who headed the deep state in America of subterranean network of financial, intelligence, and military interest that guided national policy no matter who occupied the White House. In a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers’ Association, that may have sealed the fate of the President as he spoke in a veiled reference to the House of Rockefeller and the money cartel, “of a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that sought to rule the world.
Then the matter of Executive Order #11110 by which President Kennedy instructed the Treasure Department rather than the Federal Reserve “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or silver dollars in the Treasury.” This meant that for every ounce of silver in the US Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money, with actual value, into circulation. In compliance with this order, US notes in the amount of $4,292,893,815.00 were produced in two-and-five-dollar denominations. This was not fiat money. It was paper currency with actual value. And, since it was issued by the government rather than the Federal Reserve cartel, the money came interest free.
An event of alarming proportions had taken place. Kennedy with one stroke of the pen, threatened to put the Federal Reserve out of business. The Globalists demonic occults controlling the Federal Reserve could no longer manipulate the economy by producing and withholding money to create depressions or recessions, no longer could it manufacture money out of nothing and no longer could the money cartel, including the House of Rockefeller, exact billions in interest for lending the money to pay off the national debt. When Kennedy “actually minted non-debt money that does not bear the mark of the Federal Reserve; when he dared to actually exercise the leadership authority granted to him by the US Constitution,” according to Colonel James Gritz, he had “prepared his own death warrant. It was time for him to go.”
One week after President Kennedy’s brains were blown away in board daylight, President Johnson established a commission and declared that Kennedy had been killed by a long gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. But it failed to provide anything from Oswald’s past that could serve as a motive for the crime. The lesson was learned. In the wake of the killing, no more silver certificates were issued and no other American president dared to defy the Fed and its secret shareholders.
The 60s in our nation were terrible and turbulent times. Not only did we have the assassination of a President but the systematic changing of our thinking in this nation would take place in the 60s and 70s. The Globalists elites with their vast wealth enlisted a Marxists Think Tank called the Frankfurt School and a Community Organizer by the name of Saul Alinsky to forever change our nation.
These radicals, using the newly developed Marxist Ideology, did not sell us Communism, Marxism, or Socialism but sold us Satanic corruption disguised as freedom. These radicals whom I would classify as part of the “Beast” in Daniel and Revelation whose tentacles, expressed through the Frankfurt School and Saul Alinsky, reached far and wide, was manifested throughout our culture.
The Frankfurt School and Saul Alinsky had obviously read the Bible and observed the New Testament Church in America was weak, religious, passive, disengaged in culture and carnal. They remarked that it is impossible for a nation to be captured and turned to the ways of Satan if the Church was obedient and followed the ways of Jesus Christ.
So, evaluating what they saw, they declared war on Christianity and systemically set out to destroy our family unit, our morality, pollute our culture, assault our values and demonized Christians as extremists and bigots for holding on to Biblical beliefs we have held for generations. These evil radicals used their deceptive language and reclassified our Christian values into hatred. Ideas that were moral and trustworthy became hateful. Marriage, manhood, military service, freedom of speech, witnessing, the Bible, freedom, and even the American Flag all were turned into symbols of oppression.
Then they started the God is Dead movement to question if there was a God, the women’s liberation movement to get the mothers out of the home and into the work place. They changed our public schools and universities into their indoctrination centers. They did away from individual desk chairs to sitting at a table that seated 7-12 kids because the tables represented the collective rather than individuality of the desk chairs.
They changed the curriculum to indoctrination rather than teaching. They taught our children that America was a bad nation and perverted our history and replaced our real history. They taught our children about sex and sexual perversion, abortion is good, you don’t have to obey parents, and on and on assaulting Biblical truths and culture norms.
At the same time, our courts scrubbed America’s classrooms surgically clean of every vestige of Jesus Christ and His ways – the lie of separation between church and state. Since the 1960s, we have gone from a nation unified by traditional Judeo-Christian values to one in which those same values are increasingly scorned, rejected, and demonized. They moved this nation from thinking homosexuality was a sin to most believing it is a normal lifestyle.
As Americans, we have come to tolerate, embrace, and even champion many things that would have horrified our parents’ generation. Things like abortion up to the time of birth, judges banning the Ten Commandments from public places, a national explosion of middle school sex, thousands of homosexuals openly flouting the law and getting “married,” and online porn creating late-night sex addicts in millions of homes in America.
The plain truth is, within the space of our lifetimes, much of what Americans once almost universally abhorred has been packaged, perfumed, gift wrapped, and sold to us as though it had great value. By skillfully playing on our deeply felt national values of fairness, generosity, and tolerance, these demonic radicals have persuaded us to embrace as enlightened and noble that which all generations since American’s founding regarded as grossly self-destructive – in a word, evil and very sinful!!!
The question of the hour in this nation since the 1900s is: Where have the Pastors and church members been? What has the pastors and church members in America done in response to this systematic war on Christianity and this nation? I am not afraid to answer those questions!! Too many of our pastors and church members have retreated to their safe zones like cowards and have totally ignored the evil overtaking this nation.
We have an open revolution against Jesus Christ and His followers but the pastors and church members refuse to show up at the battlefield with the full armor of God to resist this evil and as a result, this nation has been captured very easy. Satan now rules in America and not God and we have become a habitation of demons in our culture.
Since our pastors and church members have abandoned their spiritual duties, the enemies of this nation have in 60 years, moved this nation from a Christian World View to a Globalists Luciferian World View. Now for the first time in our history, we have people in this nation that openly express their hatred and distain for God and they openly shake their fists at Almighty God.
And what do the cowards in our pulpits and pews do? They huddle in their safe zones and play their false religious games and have the nerve to call upon the Name of God while they refuse to assume any spiritual responsibility for what they have allowed to happen in this nation. These cowardly pastors violated their first duty as shepherds to equip the people in the Word of God, to lead them into the power of God, and to resist the evil overtaking this nation.
We now have an enemy we have never faced before – OUR FALSE RELIGIOUS SELF!!! It is not the useful idiots in the Democrat and Republican Party and the demonic Globalists elites that are destroying America; it is the people who claim to be the sons and daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ and who should be full of discernment, full of the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit, living according to the Word of God, and in absolute obedience, submission, commitment, faithfulness and showing allegiance to the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings and assuming all spiritual responsibilities against Satan and his demonic hordes overtaking this nation!!
“Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Jesus made it perfectly clear who the real followers of Him are in Matthew 12:30: “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” HATH GOD REALLY SAID? YES, WE JUST READ IT!!!
God’s judgment is here in America against all blatant disobedience and has turned many of our citizens over to their devices and they refuse to resist evil and is escalating their destruction in this nation!!! In America, we now lead the world in sickness and disease and suicide is common with 22 veterans committing suicide every day and our children, ages 14-25, commit suicide every 90 minutes.
We are a nation of violence, rape, murders, immorality, sexual perversion, abortions, idolatry, strife, division, disobedient to parents, disobedient to authority, lawlessness, dissensions, factions, and outburst of anger. Who do you think carries out these evil deeds on people but none other than Satan and demons?
Yet our pastors and church members are still asleep, disengaged, remains silent in the face of evil which is evil in itself, is providing no moral compass to this nation, and refuses to resist the evil before us. The scary part if God sees that these pastors and church members are content with what we have going on in this nation, according to the Word of God, He will continue to allow them to have what they desire!!!
In the late 70s and the early 80s, the late D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries, the late Jerry Farwell of Moral Majority, the late David Wilkerson, and the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and many other brave pastors, and brave writers have warned America of the evil in our government and our nation. I was on their mailing list in the 80s and begin to carry their message to whoever would listen. But most pastors and church members weren’t listening, and did not want to listen.
We were branded by the press and church leadership as “radical” while those who would not hear our message and refused it, were considered “main stream” believers. I was fired from the Southern Baptist Church as I was told the pastors who are speaking up are giving the churches a bad name. Many other pastors were fired and boycotted. We learned some hard lessons in those days.
The church is asleep, is not listening, and ignores the evil before us. We learned the hard way that if pastors and churchgoers cannot see something, you cannot make them see it. Be faithful in giving the message but only God can ultimately open eyes. We learned most pastors and churchgoers do not know the God they worship or the Bible that helps one to get to know Him. Pastors and churchgoers will not only ignore the message but they will attempt to destroy the messenger.
We learned that churchgoers sang they will go where Jesus leads them until they find out where He is leading them. We learned, much to our surprise, that God has a Remnant and many of the best and learned Christians are no longer in these denominations and sectarian organizations but are meeting in homes or in ministry outside of the organized church and every one of them who heard out message, received it, and acted on it. We also learned that religious people, when living in comfort and ease, seldom if ever change.
We learned to never be moved to indignation over what people do or say but be moved with compassion toward them. Those days were very painful and frustrating for many of us but I give thanks to God every day for every minute of this most valuable learning experience, and for the Glory that showed up and the changes that have taken place in my life because of the persecution and boycotts.
Like Jeremiah of old, I cry a lot these days because I know from God’s history written in the Word of God, what happens to people when they no longer listen and are disobedient to God. If the Body of Christ in America does not wakeup, repent, and receive afresh the Holy Spirit, and commit to the obedience of our King – the LORD Jesus Christ, we shall continue to be overcome with evil, along with more of their curses, and the ministry and the doctrine of demons, and the schemes of Satan, will produce untold pain and suffering to the citizens in America and will continue to destroy what is left of our once righteous nation and we will see more bondage and loss of freedoms!!!!!
Please, read “The Coming Battle” written during the civil war and published in 1899. READ – how the European Socialists came to America with the backing of the money power took control of the influential colleges, universities and Seminary schools… By reading this book you will better understand the events taking place today. There is nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself. Different players, the same game. World domination.
More next week on the Systematic Killing of America Part IV. May God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Blessings and grateful thanks to “To the Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul L. Williams, “Psychological Warfare and the New World Order” by Servando Gonzales, “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian & “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” by Dr. John Coleman)
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