By Reverend Glynn Adams

November 12, 2023

“For My people are foolish, they know Me not; they are stupid children and have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil but to do good they do not know.” (Jeremiah 4:22)

The American People are being destroyed because we have forsaken the ways of God, we are being destroyed because we do not know the knowledge of God (Hosea 4:6), and because we have no idea that Jude 4 warns us that certain evil demonic occult New World Order/One World Government men have systematically crept into our nation unnoticed since the late 1800s and have captured and corrupted our nation and we are so blind and apathetic we have not seen or understood it!!!

The Body of Christ in this nation is more than sound asleep, we are disengaged, and we don’t care. We do not know our history or the Word of God. We are deceived about the brutality coming to us. We are waiting for the rapture rather than obeying the LORD Jesus Christ!!! As a result, we are under the severe judgment of God and we are in for a rude awakening, much suffering, bondage, and destruction if we don’t repent and turn from our wicked way or we will never have a Great Awakening. Selah!!!

In my last article, I wrote about the deceptive way the demonic occultist passed the Federal Reserve Act into law. Like the citizens and Body of Christ of today, they rolled over and gave evil men the ability to control our economic system and to manipulate it into endless debt, which is, according to God, is a curse – “the borrower is slave to the lender.” By authorizing a central bank to control the country’s money supply and the value of the dollar, our nation will be forced to go off the gold standard to fiat money. Government spending will skyrocket beyond all expectation, no budgets, just print fake money to pay for projects; we pay the Federal Reserve interest for money they create out of thin air and we get the debt.

Politicians could now commit to their pet projects that cost millions/billions/trillions of dollars more than the resources we have to pay for them. The Federal Reserve in turn, would purchase the “excess” debt by printing more paper money, thereby inflating the economy. States will be seduced by the Federal deep pockets but lacking any mechanism to manufacture debt, would become dependent on Washington DC for revenue, thereby reversing the traditional relationship that existed between state and federal government. And the taxpayers would bear the brunt of bloated governments, thanks to the enactment of a graduated income tax.

Prior to 1913, there was no income tax in America except for a period during the Civil War and the early years of Reconstruction. Our government existed on tariffs and excise taxes. Not being able to spend or borrow heavily, the federal government remained limited in its scope of operations. When the Republican politicians tell you they want smaller government – that is a ball-face lie straight from the pits of hell. Under this current system it can’t be made smaller and they know it.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1895 that federal income tax can only be imposed by Constitutional Amendments. The man who proposed this amendment in Congress was the same senator who advanced the plan for the Federal Reserve was none other than who the deep state owned, Senator Nelson Aldrich. The average John Doe who voted for the approval of the Amendment fancied that the progressive tax would “soak the rich.” Being hoodwinked and stupid, the citizens passed the Constitutional Amendment but were unaware that the rich could channel their wealth into their tax-exempt foundations or they could manufacture losses and expenses to lessen their reported earnings. Twenty years after the passage of the Revenue Act of 1933, a congressional panel discovered that J. P. Morgan, Jr., one of the richest men in America, was not paying any income tax at all. The people had been duped. Today Amazon and other corporations make billions and pay no income tax!!!! Upon passage of the Federal Reserve Act, it was Banker Rothchild who said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

About this time in history, the House of Carnegie, the House of Morgan, House of Rothschild, and the House of Rockefeller begin to think that war was the most effective way to alter the life of an entire people. The trustees concluded that only war could serve to set the stage for world government. With Wilson in the White House, the Committee and their demonic occults, had gained control of the Oval Office having arranged for His election.

Sometime in the 1900s, Carnegie and the House of Morgan begin loaning large sums of money to fund the war against Germany. With a lot of money loans at stake, it was essential to tip the scales in favor of the Allies. An incident had to be manufactured that would provoke the American People to abandon their stance of isolationism and to enter the fracas. It came with the sinking of the Lusitania by a German U-Boat on May 7, 1915. One thousand, one hundred, and ninety-eight civilians, including 128 Americans died. This un-seemingly unprovoked act of aggression against a passenger ocean liner served to arouse anti-German sentiments throughout the country.

Few Americans realized that the sinking and delayed rescue had been planned by Winston Churchill, the Wilson Administration, and J. P. Morgan, who had provided massive loans to Great Britain and the Allied forces. The American Public was not informed that the Lusitania was transporting six million rounds of ammunition and other military munitions to Britain. Upon the order of President Wilson, the ship’s original manifest was hidden away in the archives of the Treasure Department. Nor were they made aware that Churchill and other members of the Admiralty had directed the Lusitania to proceed at considerably reduced speed and without escort to the precise location within the Irish Sea where the German U-Boat was lying in wait.

And the public for the most part, remained oblivious that the Germans had placed large ads in the New York newspapers to dissuade Americans from boarding the ocean liner. Most of the news came from Milner’s Round Table and was circulated by J. P. Morgan, who had gained control of America’s newspapers. Congressman Oscar Callaway inserted this statement within the Congressional Record about Morgan’s ability to control and manipulate the national news. With the media in the control of Morgan and in turn, Rothschild, the American people never really knew the reason the doughboys were being dispatched to the trenches of France.

They had been informed by leading journalists that the cause of the war was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand on Jan 28, 1914. The citizens of America were shielded from the fact – like all wars – had been sparked by economic interests and that the conflict has been in the works for decades. Friends, this has not changed today. These wealthy cabals of bankers and businessmen have used our military to protect their financial interest overseas and have sacrificed our boys in war after war to protect their financial interest in oil, foreign investments, and property to remove any opposition to their financial interest in any area, all for love of money.

Carefully observe what Gary Allen wrote in “The Rockefeller File.” “Having a big state in an international foreign policy, the Rockefellers always made sure that the Secretary of State and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency are “their boys.” Marshall, Acheson, Dulles, Herter, Rusk, and Kissinger have all labored fighting wars to make the world safe for Standard Oil. The CIA has served as the State Department and Standard Oil’s enforcement arm, destroying genuine anti-communists movements around the world.

The shadow government is alive and well in America and has been since the early 1900s. However, there is a part of this shadow government that is most powerful working in our nation and our government that most citizens have never heard of. “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)” established six years after the Federal Reserve was created, worked to promote an internationalist agenda on behalf of the international banking elite. Where the Fed took control of money and debt, the CFR took control of the ideological foundations of this nation – encompassing the corporate, banking, political, foreign policy, military, media, and academic elite of the nation into generally cohesive overall world view.” Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope”

As the House of Morgan with its ongoing ties to the House of Rothschild, took the lead in the creation of the Federal Reserve and it also spearheaded the formation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In post-World War I America, Morgan and Company wielded almost unlimited power. The wealth of Morgan, Rothschild, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and elites were unmeasurable. Through the years, the CFR remained under the domain of the House of Morgan, Rothschild, and eventually Rockefeller. These banking families controlled and financed it.

They selected its staff, set its agenda, and arranged the placement of its members in key government positions. Its purpose was to align America’s foreign policy with the aim of the Globalists international money cartel in the same manner that the Federal Reserve aligned America’s economic policy. Its activities were never benign and removed from their ultimate goal of accumulation of the world’s wealth. The CFR became a place where enterprising bankers and businessmen gather to gain access to America’s elite. In their arrival in their chosen professions, they would receive an invitation to join the CFR as an agent. At the CFR, they formed alliances with other members to shape public policy through lobbyist, political action committees (PACS) and political contributions.

The CFR became the first organization to unite private interests under the Houses of Morgan and Rockefeller with the purpose of influencing governmental decisions and directives. The Council on Foreign Relations has been described as a “front organization for the heart of the American Establishment.” One author called the CFR as “a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation.

Policy and strategy are worked out by the Council and reach the President by way of the State Department, which, of course, is largely staffed and always directed by Council members. Richard Harwood, managing editor of The Washington Post, wrote, CFR members are the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment to the United States. The CFR has become in essence an agency of the United Sates Government and its productions are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting the globalists concept. “An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

Within the hallowed halls of the CFR’s Pratt House in New York, including its 55,000-volume library, a carefully selected group of candidates are groomed for prominent position of power in the federal government. Proof of this resides in the fact that by 2017, twenty-seven Secretaries of State, nineteen Secretaries of the Treasury, fifteen Secretaries of Defense and hundreds of other federal department heads have been CFR members, along with twenty-one of the twenty-four CIA directors, and every chairman of the Federal Reserve since 1951. In addition, studies generated by the CFR have resulted in the establishment of such international institutions as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. Thanks to President Dwight David Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers, the U.S. State Department by this time was firmly under the council’s control.

When someone makes the statement that our President and Congress are going to wipe out the Deep State, or the establishment, or the shadow government, I just laugh and then cringe. The Deep State, the establishment or shadow government, or whatever you want to call it, has been controlling America and her politicians from President Woodrow Wilson to these modern times for many, many years, and has more power and money than the United States of America ever dreamed of having. We have been sold out by our Presidents, Senators, and House politicians, and manipulated by evil men for their personal gain of great wealth and power. The powers of darkness have invaded our land and the average citizen and church pastor and its members have no idea of the level of evil in this land.

The God we serve is all powerful but Jesus left His Body on this earth to manage it and Christians in America have not managed our land; instead, they have been managed in deception. The fact remains that God many years ago has already spoken of our situation in America and how to solve it. It is found in Numbers 33:55-56, “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.” “Hath God Really Said?” Yes, we just read it. I Corinthians 10:11, and Romans 15:4, states the Old Testament was written for our example and our instruction that we might learn the valuable lessons from God in it!!!

America had better wake up and resist this enemy in our land. Many do not believe that we have much time left. If we don’t act to resist, then all these curses, demons, evil spirits, doctrine of demons, demonic strongholds, rulers, high places, witches, and all the powers of darkness from hell will continue to overcome us and rule over us. We shall suffer greatly in torment, or rejoice in the glory of victory; the choice is ours to make.

Remnant of God, this is our shining hour but we must get off our ass, stop doing these endless seminars after seminars for the entertainment of the Remnant. Those who are leaders must step up and get us organized, formulate a national plan, and start effectively resisting these evil men and politicians embedded in our government and nation!!! God will meet us on the battlefield but we must first show up!!! We know the Committee of 300 and the CFR have a plan and are implementing it every day so we must not ignore any longer what these Globalists and demonic occults are doing in our nation!!!!!

Please, read “The Coming Battle”  written during the civil war and published in 1899. READ – how in 1800’s the money power created food shortages, resulting in starvation and suffering in a nation of plenty and how small family farms were set up for foreclosures.. By reading this book you will better understand the events taking place today. There is nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself. Different players, the same game. World domination.

More on the Systematic Killing of America III next week. God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams. (Thanks to “The Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard Browne and Paul I. Williams, “Psychological Warfare and the New World Order” by Servando Gonzales, “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian, and “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee 300” by Dr. John Coleman)

Click here for part [1], [2], [3], [4]

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