
Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Was the Trump Assassination Attempt an Inside Job?




Why Would You Legalize 30 Million Illegal Aliens?

Kamala Harris in the past four years of her pretend Vice Presidency invited 15 million illegal aliens into America. That’s on top of the 15 million already here. In a recent interview, she wants to give them a pathway to citizenship.

By |October 25th, 2024|

Bootstrapping or Malicious Prosecution

How far can law enforcement go when it comes to arresting someone? For example, if police have probable cause to charge you with a misdemeanor, how far can they “bootstrap” that charge into something more serious? That appears to be the question in the case Chiaverini v. City Of Napoleon, Ohio.

By |October 25th, 2024|

Is There Not a Cause?

Fiddling while one’s nation burns is not biblically defensible. So, then, what are we to do? As Jesus addressed political discussions of His day “with a profound sense of clarity,” so must we. The ekklesia has a voice, and she must use it. Perhaps now more than ever. The inimitable Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us that “silence in the face of evil is itself evil.”

By |October 25th, 2024|

Election Fraud Cover-up Begins

Obama’s Democrat Party has done everything possible to steal yet another election and prevent the legal American Electors from choosing their leadership. Since 2009, the Obama regime has been in control of the entire Federal government, even while Trump held the Presidency, which is why and how the Federal government worked around the clock to undermine, destroy and end the Trump administration.

By |October 24th, 2024|

What Happened to the Democrats?

I wrote up a series of interviews with local office-holders, all Republicans, to explore what they believed in and how they differed from the Democrats. I was a registered Democrat at the time, but I tried to keep that out of my reporting. “Let them speak for themselves” was my motto.

By |October 24th, 2024|

The Media are Simply Larry, Curly, and Moe

In a bit of self-reflection, I dug into my archives this week to get a tempo of just how accurate I have been doing over the past 20 years in my evaluation of the evolution of the American culture.  I was pleasantly surprised at how accurate my assessments have been…if you forgive me for patting myself on the back.

By |October 24th, 2024|

Why is the U.S. in the U.N?

Did the United States join in with the other world leaders to build a safe and altruistic organization? Only if your definition of safe and altruistic is akin to believing your mother is the tooth fairy.

By |October 23rd, 2024|

For All Of You Willfully Blind People, Give Me One Example

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

By |October 23rd, 2024|

The Immortal Man

Modernity’s dark side is that it has concentrated power, leaving the many largely at the mercy of the few unless they wise up. It isn’t just power that corrupts; utter powerlessness corrupts as well, as it turns the chronically weak to crime and drugs, the ambitious to depravity of various sorts up to and including killing for sport.

By |October 23rd, 2024|

Listen to the Music

America has never been in a more destructive and dissolute arena as we are today.  Was it forecast?  Of course.  Through movies, television and music, we have been forewarned of what is coming, not just through the Lord’s Word, like John Rich’s latest, number, “Revelation,” but by current events shaping our future.

By |October 22nd, 2024|

Hocus Pocus and Joy in the Democratic Party

The film "Hocus Pocus" is coming soon to your local theater, but there is a lot of hocus pocus already happening during the presidential campaign. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer mocked the sacrament of Holy Communion during a skit in which she placed a Doritos chip on the tongue of a kneeling fellow feminist, making it seem like she was dispensing the body of Christ.

By |October 22nd, 2024|

News Flash: Trump is Uncle Sam!

A vote for Donald Trump is far more than a vote for a man. In the face of the myriad assaults against our people, our liberty and our sovereignty—seemingly courtesy of the Leftist globalist elites’ final push for their totalitarian “One World Government”—it is a vote for America!

By |October 22nd, 2024|

Voter Fraud–The ONLY Issue That Matters in 2024

Clearly, the only thing Democrats have cared about for the past hundred years is winning elections at any cost, the better to inflict their strangulating socialist/communist and now Islamist style of government on the American people.

By |October 21st, 2024|

No More Money for the BIG “Climate Change” Lie

I have written about this before: Why the Environmental Protection Agency must be abolished, Jan. 5, 2005: “The Environmental Protection Agency must be abolished because it is destroying the rights of Americans, it's another monumental waste of money and America doesn't need it.

By |October 21st, 2024|

Denationalizing America Into A Nightmare Future

When millions of people migrated and are migrating into America in the 20th and 21st century, which they have now at over 140 million third world souls, they do not, will not and cannot relinquish their languages, their customs, their dress, their religions and their world views. In other words, the American people are being “denationalized” to a point that no one identifies as “American.”

By |October 21st, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 2

By authorizing a central bank to control the country’s money supply and the value of the dollar, Congress enabled government spending to skyrocket beyond all expectation.  Politicians now could commit to projects that cost millions of dollars more than the existing revenue.  The Federal Reserve in turn, could purchase the “excess” debt by printing more paper money, thereby inflating the economy.

By |October 20th, 2024|

No Happy Ending

Americans just want to be left alone.  We want to be able to go about our daily lives, raise our families in peace, pay our bills and not be crushed to death by sadistic tax burdens.  We want to raise our kids ourselves, not have their health, their hearts, minds and souls stolen by Big Brother.  We don’t want to be forced to agree that 2 plus 2 equals five or that evil is good and good is evil.

By |October 20th, 2024|


Though not using terror for tighter control over society in the same sense as Tarkin did in Star Wars with the Death Star, the global elites of the world are certainly seeking to build a superweapon of censorship to manage the attitudes and beliefs of people over a range of issues, such as so-called climate change, alleged global pandemics and “recommended” medical interventions, and mass migration.

By |October 20th, 2024|

“They” Will Do Anything to Keep Trump From Another Presidency

Biden’s further deterioration was a minor set back for them, but as "insurance" they knew to install their newest Manchurian in the Veep slot, anticipating the demise or otherwise incapacitation of the figurehead (Biden). Biden didn't pick her, Jill hates her, but Maestro "O'Bama" and his Daddy Warbucks (Soros) and perhaps Schwab himself, demanded she be placed there.

By |October 19th, 2024|

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