
Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Was the Trump Assassination Attempt an Inside Job?




Donald J. Trump Makes Americans Happy

Great men of letters, who had just fought an eight-year War for Independence from the overbearing United Kingdom, recorded our God-given freedoms in our Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. The term, “Taxation without representation is tyranny,” has its origin from the American colonials against their British rulers.

By |October 15th, 2024|

Blowing Holes in the Fifth Amendment

Everyone knows we have a right to remain silent, correct? What if I told you that in 2013 the Supreme Court upheld a decision basically stating that is not true. You only have the right to remain silent if you verbally claim the right in the first place, otherwise, according to SCOTUS, your silence can be used against you. Let’s take a look at this case and some of the history behind this violation of your rights.

By |October 15th, 2024|

Next Month’s Election, “Bubble-nauts” and the Real Economy

Richard Nixon killed the gold standard in 1971. This put us on course for a financialized world of rising debt and took us into an economy fueled by debt instead of production. The result was the progression of bubbles in the economic sense of that term: the tech bubble of the 1990s, the housing bubble of the 2000s, and finally the Everything Bubble of the present.

By |October 15th, 2024|

Not Voting? I Say This to You –

I’ve been disgusted by the articles and interviews of “Americans” who are going to “sit out the election” and not vote.  Let me quote the “Father” of YOUR freedom speak better than I can.  Samuel Adams[1] is known as the Father of the Revolutionary War.  Historically, if it wasn’t for his tenacity and sacrifices, the colonials would still be licking the boot straps of the British

By |October 14th, 2024|

A CIA Plot to Kill Trump?

On Tuesday, October 8, the Justice Department announced that an “Afghan man” was arrested and charged with an Election Day terrorist attack. One day later, it was leaked that the “Afghan man” was a CIA employee allowed into the United States by the Biden/Harris Administration in 2021 on a “special immigrant visa.” His co-conspirator was a legal permanent resident in the United States.

By |October 14th, 2024|

What Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You: Last Four Years a Dumpster Fire

Last week, the entire school board in Chicago quit because of the chaos in that Sanctuary City where tens of thousands of illegals have pitched their tents. Hundreds of thieves steal from stores, home robberies and cargo trains in LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta because we’ve lost the “Rule of Law” across this nation.

By |October 14th, 2024|

The Systematic Killing of America, Part 1

I do not enjoy writing articles like this but my LORD has commissioned me and I shall obey Him.  Christians had better awake from their religious coma and hear what God is saying to the church in America.  This article was written with the help of a new book, the “Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard- Browne and Paul l. Williams.

By |October 13th, 2024|

The Eve Of Destruction

As I write this message, I feel obligated to put a “time stamp” on it because things are happening so quickly now.  So, for your reference, this is being written in early October, 2024.  The presidential election is just a little more than a month away now.  By the time you read or hear this, it will be less than a month away.

By |October 13th, 2024|

SDG Ground Zero?

It’s been my goal to show you just how stealthily the United Nations has compromised one of our most sacred parts of our being: our faith and worship. To them, it’s a mockery that must be homogenized into walking away from our faith and worship of God and express our faith and worship of their leadership as they supposedly have our best interests at heart.

By |October 12th, 2024|

Axelrod Admits NO HELP COMING To Republican Voters in NC

That storm was engineered to do exactly what it did. Those who experienced it know that Helene was it was not a normal storm. It raced over dry land, and did far more damage inland and 370 miles from landfall that it did in the NW sector of the cone.

By |October 12th, 2024|

You Don’t Hate Your Government Enough

As far as America, the US Constitution is about the ONLY thing standing in the way for the full implementation of Agenda 21 renamed Agenda 2030. The essence is the leaders of the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the UN (United Nations) have determined the course for humanity and the world, and that course is moving the people of the world into cities and allocating the land for their personal agenda.

By |October 12th, 2024|

Sheriff Warns of Terror Cells in America

Chuck Jenkins, the tough-talking sheriff of Frederick County, Maryland, told a candlelight vigil in support of the victims of the terrorism in Israel that he fears a wave of crime and violence is being planned for the United States by “terror cells” and foreign criminal gangs already on American soil.

By |October 10th, 2024|

Absolutely Unsustainable

I’m sick to death of hearing the word, because nothing the government does is “sustainable.” And our so-called “representatives” in Congress exempt themselves from every insane new rule they mandate for the rest of us.  In a recent TV ad from Amazon.com, they used the word “sustainable” or “sustainability” eight times in thirty seconds.  Give me a break.

By |October 10th, 2024|

Heads up, Liberal Jews–Don’t be Jews On Your Knees

Today, President Biden heartily endorses the Iran nuclear deal—which President Trump canceled––and has let Israel know that he adamantly opposes Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear sites. That is the same Iran whose stated mission for decades is to eradicate “The Big Satan” (America) and to exterminate from the face of the earth “The Little Satan” (Israel).

By |October 10th, 2024|

In Search of the Righteous Candidate

Some say they won’t vote because you can’t beat the cheat. Our elections, they say, have been hopelessly corrupted—so why bother? The fix is in. And thus another self-fulfilling prophecy is born. Live and don’t learn.

By |October 10th, 2024|

Catastrophic Climate Destabilization Juxtaposed to Catastrophic Political Destabilization

You cannot mix Islamic tribes who covet the Qur’an with American tribes who live by the Constitution. You cannot import terrorists and expect them to be civilized. You cannot import illiteracy and poverty, and hope it will assimilate into the mainstream. You cannot force diversity, and hope for a positive outcome. You cannot change human nature.

By |October 10th, 2024|

Lies, Deception, and Fear

I simply ask the obvious questions that no one else seems capable of asking.  You know…why won’t they release the JFK files…what made Tower 7 collapse…how come we never returned to the moon…why can they find over 1000 J6ers across America but we can’t seem to find the names on then Epstein list? Does this bother anyone but me?

By |October 10th, 2024|

Then & Now: Hidden Saboteurs Surrounding Trump?

Now it’s up to We the People to make sure the man who stands for “Nationalism, not globalism,” Donald J. Trump, wins the 2024 election so he can begin reversing the damage O’Biden and Kommie Kamala have wrought, and go about the business of cleaning up the Dems’ mess and making America great again!

By |October 9th, 2024|

An Uncertifiable Election 2024

So, to defeat the extreme left in this election, it will require a vast number of past democrat voters to defect from the party and vote for America. I see a lot of movement in this direction via social media, but the news media continues to claim Harris is a “sure winner” due to the fraud in place.

By |October 9th, 2024|

Will you do your part to help wake up America?

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