Pastor Roger Anghis
August 31, 2014
A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE Honorable COUNCIL, AND THE HONORABLE House of Representatives, OF THE State of Massachusetts-Bay, IN New-England, AT Boston, May 27, 1778.
Being the Anniversary for the Election OF THE honorable COUNCIL. By PHILLIPS PAYSON, A. M. Pastor of a Church in Chelsea.
Reverend Payson is reminding all, not just the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, of how the Hand of God has been on their side but also of the horrors that have been perpetrated at the hands of the British soldiers and how impossible it would be for a moral and righteous people to capitulate and return to being ruled by a government who allowed such atrocities. "We must be infidels, the worst of infidels, to disown or disregard the hand that has raised us up such benevolent and powerful assistants in times of great distress. How wonderful that God, who in ancient times " girded Cyrus with his might," should dispose his most Christian Majesty the king of France to enter into the most open and generous alliance with these independent states ! — an event in providence which, like the beams of the morning, cheers and enlivens this great continent. We must cherish the feelings of gratitude to such friends in our distress ; we must hold our treaties sacred and binding.
Is it possible for us to behold the ashes, the ruins, of large and opulent towns that have been burnt in the most wanton manner, to view the graves of our dear countrymen whose blood has been most cruelly spilt, to hear the cries and screeches of our ravished matrons and virgins that had the misfortune to fall into the enemies' hands, and think of returning to that cruel and bloody power which has done all these things ? No ! We are not to suppose such a thought can dwell in the mind of a free, sensible American. The same feelings in nature that led a Peruvian prince to choose the other place must also teach us to prefer connections with any people on the globe rather than with those from whom we have experienced such unrighteous severities and unparalleled cruelties."[1] (Emphasis mine throughout)
Keep in mind that this sermon was given two years into the Revolutionary War. The British were very brutal in their warfare. They would burn churches specifically, farms even entire towns. Take all the livestock, burn the hay, rape the women and young girls. Payson was continuing to build the fire of liberty in the hearts of the people as most pastors were doing. He believed that because their cause was the liberty God had given man, no man had the right to restrict those rights and that they would be successful in their fight for that liberty. "It seems as if a little more labor and exertion will bring us to reap the harvest of all our toils ; and certainly we must esteem the freedom and independency of these states a most ample reward for all our sufferings. In preference to all human affairs our cause still merits, and ever has done, the most firm and manly support. In this, the greatest of all human causes, numbers of the virtuous Americans have lost their all. I recall my words—they have not lost it; no, but, from the purest principles, have offered it up in sacrifice upon the golden altar of liberty. The sweet perfumes have ascended to heaven, and shall be had in everlasting remembrance."[2]
The fight for the liberties that God declares in scripture that are ours is worthy of even the ultimate sacrifice, the giving of your life. He states that the fight must be vigorous and swift. He believes that the future America that is free from British rule and free to live according to God's principles will be a strong vibrant nation and the envy of the world. "In this stage of our struggle we are by no means to indulge to a supine and dilatory spirit, which might yet be fatal, nor have we to take our resolutions from despair. Far from this, we have the noblest motives, the highest encouragements. I know the ardor of the human mind is apt in time to abate, though the subject be ever so important; but surely the blood of our friends and countrymen, still crying in our ears, like the souls of the martyrs under the altar, must arouse and fire every nobler passion of the mind. Moreover, to anticipate the future glory of America from our present hopes and prospects is ravishing and transporting to the mind. In this light we behold our country, beyond the reach of all oppressors, under the great charter of independence, enjoying the purest liberty; beautiful and strong in its union ; the envy of tyrants and devils, but the delight of God and all good men; a refuge to the oppressed; the joy of the earth; each state happy in a wise model of government, and abounding with wise men, patriots, and heroes; the strength and abilities of the whole continent, collected in a grave and venerable council, at the head of all, seeking and promoting the good of the present and future generations."[3]
Payson gave the vision of men of character and wisdom, patriots and heroes that would be in abundance in every State that would be in places of authority promoting the will of God and doing what called had called men in authority to do, work for the benefit of the people. This is a concept that is lacking today. It seems that most politicians care about their own welfare first before that of the people. Some seem to have no care about the people at all.
When it comes to immigration, or I should say illegal immigration, the Democrat Party seems to not care about the extreme negative effects it has on the American people and the economy in general and the Republican Party doesn't seem to want to do anything about this slap in the face to the American people. The Founders would never allow the borders to be breached as the last four administrations over the last 25 plus years have allowed. Their concern was for the legal citizens of America not those that entered America illegally.
Payson continues painting a picture of America free from the vices that Europe had become accustomed to. "Hail, my happy country, saved of the Lord! Happy land, emerged from the deluges of the Old World, drowned in luxury and lewd excess! Hail, happy posterity, that shall reap the peaceful fruits of our sufferings, fatigues, and wars ! With such prospects, such transporting views, it is difficult to keep the passions or the tongue within the bounds of Christian moderation. But far be it from us to indulge vain-glory, or return railing for railing, or to insult our foes ; we cultivate better principles of humanity and bravery, and would much rather cherish the feelings of pity, especially to those of our enemies of better minds, whose names, with the baser, may appear in the pages of impartial history with indelible blemish.
We wish, from the infatuation, and wickedness, and fate of our enemies, the world would learn lessons in wisdom and virtue ; that princes would learn never to oppress their subjects ; that the vaunting generals of Britain would learn never more to despise and contemn their enemy, nor prove blasphemers of God and religion. We wish the whole world may learn the worth of liberty. And may the inhabitants of these states, when their independence and freedom shall be completed, bless God forever and ever; for thine, O Lord, is the power, and the glory, and the victory."[4]
This message speaks of a people that holds principles of God close to their hearts daily in all that they do. In my book Defining America's Exceptionalism I bring up what Alexis de Tocqueville observed how the American people observed their religious responsibility in relation to their religious liberty: "In “Democracy in America”, Alexis de Tocqueville explains the importance of religious liberty: “Freedom sees in religion the companion of its struggles and its triumphs, the cradle of its infancy, the divine source of its rights. It considers religion as the safeguard of mores; and mores as the guarantee of laws and the pledge of its duration.” He also stated: “Religion is no less the companion of liberty in all its battles and its triumphs; the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims. The safeguard of morality is religion and morality is the best security of law and the surest pledge of freedom.”[5]
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers
Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), pp. 349-350.
Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers
Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), p. 350.
Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers
Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), pp. 350-351.
Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers
Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), p. 351.
Defining America's Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis, {Westbow Press, 2012),
pp. 14-15.
� 2014 Roger Anghis - All Rights Reserved
Pastor Roger Anghis is the Founder of RestoreFreeSpeech.org, an organization designed to draw attention to the need of returning free speech rights to churches that was restricted in 1954.
President of The Damascus Project, TheDamascusProject.org, which has a stated purpose of teaching pastors and lay people the need of the churches involvement in the political arena and to teach the historical role of Christianity in the politics of the United States. Married-37 years, 3 children, three grandchildren.
Web site: RestoreFreeSpeech.org
E-Mail: editor@restorefreespeech.org