Kelleigh Nelson
August 26, 2014
"I often warn people: Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, 'There is no "I" in team.' What you should tell them is, 'Maybe not, but there is an "I" in independence, individuality, and integrity'." ~George Carlin
Senator Jim DeMint was born in South Carolina in1951. He held the office
of United
States Representative for South
Carolina's 4th congressional district from 1999 to 2005. DeMint pledged
to serve only three terms in the House, so rather than leave politics,
in 2003 he announced his run for the Senate
seat of outgoing Democrat Ernest
Hollings in the 2004 election cycle. DeMint resigned from the Senate
on January 1, 2013. When Edwin Fuelner recently retired from Heritage
Foundation as president, former neo-con Senator
Jim DeMint replaced him as president.
Free Trade, Fair Tax, and Privatization
Jim DeMint is a proponent of free trade, (more jobs leaving America), and why shouldn't he be? Remember NAFTA was proposed by Heritage Fellow, and CNP member, Richard Allen. The former Senator is also for the privatization of social security, and the Fair Tax, which would end up raising taxes on all Americans, and leading to a Constitutional Convention, despite what proponents say. [Link] Those same proponents state that a Constitutional Convention would be necessary to rid us of the 16th amendment (income tax). However, we didn't need a Constitutional Convention to rid us of the 18th amendment, we simply had another amendment, the 21st, that nullified the 18th. Nevertheless, even the risk of passing an amendment in today's climate of communism in America is extremely dangerous to our founding document of 1787.
Eliminating Spousal Benefit of Social Security
DeMint's Heritage Foundation is also proposing eliminating the spousal benefit of social security. [Link] In other words, many women choose to take their husband's social security, rather than their own, because most men make more money in their lifetimes than do women. Rachel Greszler, entitlements policy analyst for the Heritage Foundation, said the spousal benefit for Social Security has become outdated because many women have worked long enough to get their own payments. Greszler said figures showing women make 77 cents for every dollar that men make are faulty. She contended the accurate pay disparity is between five and seven cents. I would beg to differ with her, and I'd like to see where she found her statistics. These are the kind of egregious promotions the Heritage Foundation makes. For baby boomers, this could be a devastating loss of income for surviving widows.
The Balanced Budget Amendment
In the July, 7, 2011 issue of the Wall Street Journal, then Senator Jim DeMint joined with that other bastion of neo-conservative policy, then Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine, to urge a balanced budget amendment (BBA) in an article entitled, The Only Reform That Will Restrain Spending. The title is a total lie. Of course these lawmakers want a BBA! It would legalize their unconstitutional spending. Spending is limited by the “enumerated powers” listed in the Constitution. They don’t address the cause of the problem: Congress spends where they have no constitutional authority to spend. The BBAs don’t eliminate the unconstitutional spending; and they place no limits on the amount of the unconstitutional spending. The Congress will just continue to increase taxes on the American people to "balance" their budget. Bad idea! The BBA leads to the opening of a Constitutional Convention, which would be the final death knell to the Republic. The BBA tactic for a Con-Con has been used since the 70s. See Publius Huldah's articles on same. [Link]
Membership in "The Family"
DeMint is a member of Doug Coe's secretive "The Fellowship" or "The Family," which has such members of so-called opposite political stances as DeMint and Hillary Clinton. [Link] Other members include Heritage's Edwin Meese, and former Vice President, Al Gore. [Link] Again, see Constance Cumbey's five part article entitled, "The Family, and its hijacking of Evangelicalism."
Jeff Sharlet wrote an expose on this political and religious group, entitled, The Family. He also had an article in Harper's Magazine, in February of 2012, about the Family, entitled, Jesus Plus Nothing.
From Sharlet's website, it states:
Sharlet follows the story back to Abraham Vereide, an itinerant preacher who in 1935 organized a small group of businessmen sympathetic to European fascism, fusing the far right with his own polite but authoritarian faith. From that core, Vereide built an international network of fundamentalists who speak the language of establishment power, a “family” that thrives to this day. In public, they host the National Prayer Breakfast; in private they preach a gospel of “biblical capitalism,” military might, and American empire. Citing Hitler, Lenin, and Mao as model leaders, the Family’s current leader, Doug Coe, declares, “we work with power where we can, and build new power where we can’t.”
In his book The Family, Sharlet said Fellowship leader Doug Coe preached a leadership model and a personal commitment to Jesus Christ comparable to the blind devotion that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot demanded from their followers. In one videotaped lecture series in 1989, Coe said,
"Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler were three men. Think of the immense power these three men had.... But they bound themselves together in an agreement.... Jesus said, 'You have to put me before other people. And you have to put me before yourself.' Hitler, that was the demand to be in the Nazi party. You have to put the Nazi party and its objectives ahead of your own life and ahead of other people."
In the same series, Coe also compared Jesus' teachings to the Red Guard during the Chinese Cultural Revolution:
"I’ve seen pictures of young men in the Red Guard of China.... They would bring in this young man’s mother and father, lay her on the table with a basket on the end, he would take an axe and cut her head off.... They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of the mother-father-brother-sister — their own life! That was a covenant. A pledge. That was what Jesus said."
Networked Organizations of "The Family"
World Vision International was one of the early organizations in the network of The Family. The Family was started by Abraham Vereide in Seattle in 1935. World Vision was started in California in 1950. The headquarters of World Vision are now in little old Federal Way, just 10-15 miles south of Seattle. Here is World Vision's 2012-990, with over a trillion dollars in holdings.
According to Amnesty International News, World Vision International has endorsed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It claims to foster opportunities to help reduce conflict levels and to contribute to the peaceful resolution of hostilities and reconciliation of disputes. They also joined the United Nations peacekeeping efforts to help those affected by civil war. World Vision also started to openly promote the international ban on land mines.
Wilberforce Foundation 2012-990 filings confirm that Wilberforce is related to and shares common management with the Fellowship Foundation.
Traditional Values Coalition uses the C Street Center of The Family for "faith-based diplomacy" in the fight against what TVC's head, Louis P. Sheldon, calls the "Marxist/Leftist/Homosexual/Islamic coalition."
CNP member, Sheldon was an associate of fellow CNP member, Jack Abramoff, the Republican lobbyist jailed for influence peddling. Sheldon lobbied members of the US Congress to kill the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act. Abramoff directed his client, e-Lottery, to pay $25,000 to the Traditional Values Coalition.
TVC has also been linked to the Mariana Islands worker abuse scandal. The organization was used by Abramoff to pay for the trip of then-Congressman Bob Schaffer to visit the island. The Denver Post reported that the TVC paid the $13,000 travel bill for the trip, organized by Abramoff's lobbying firm.
Abramoff's lobbying team would prepare questions and "factual backup" for friendly lawmakers. Trips to the island for congressmen and staff would be a key tool to "build permanent friends," the memo said. The congressional junkets to the Mariana Islands were designed to build support in Congress among Republican lawmakers to block labor and immigration legislation for the islands, which had been found to harbor squalid working conditions and abusive labor practices.
The Oak Initiative, founded by hyper charismatic, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, has a distinctly Dominionist/7 Mountains agenda "to raise up effective leaders for all of the dominant areas of influence in the culture, including: government, business, education, arts and entertainment, family services, media, and the church." Joyner is heavily into biblical mysticism. [Link] It also has a Board full of Dominionist Religious Right activists including Janet Porter, Lou Sheldon, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Cindy Jacobs (head prophetess of the New Apostolic Reformation), Lt.Gen. W.G. "Jerry" Boykin (now VP of CNP member and UN-NGO Tony Perkin's Family Research Council), and Marc Nuttle.
The Family and Os Hillman
The Family, aka The Fellowship, rent their C Street property where so many key legislators live, from Youth With a Mission, (YWAM). Doug Coe’s sons both work for YWAM. Here is Os Hillman's Dominionist video that lays out The Plan to “Reclaim the 7 Mountains for the Kingdom of God.” It names Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, Francis Schaeffer of L’Abri in Lausanne, and Loren Cunningham of YWAM as sharing a common supernatural vision that started the movement. The cross links with Doug Coe’s Family/Fellowship and the CNP are unmistakable. Please note however, that this video is put up by Dominionist, Os Hillman, who helped launch the 7 mountains movement. [Link]
I've been told by researcher and writer, Sarah Leslie, that this story, regarding the vision of Bright and Cunningham, was promulgated by Os Hillman, and that had Bill Bright actually had this vision, everyone at Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) would have known about it. One of the authors of the following articles exposing this fabricated story actually worked for CCC at the time. See these articles, Seven Apostolic Spheres, Neo-Kuyperian Spheres, and Who Invented Dominionism.
And here is a letter from Os Hillman and guess where he just came from?!
Tuesday, May 20 2014
I have just returned from Washington, DC. I attended the Council on National Policy (CNP) meeting, a gathering of 400 of the top national political conservative leaders in America. I was invited by a leader in the organization as a guest. I returned with hope for America by what others are doing that are in the trenches, fighting for America’s values, yet very sober that we are in a critical period in our nation.
There are many change agents in this group. I met many in top leadership – congressmen, senators, judicial watchdogs, state representatives, and those in business. Met with president of Focus on the Family (Tom Minnery) on Public Policy, Gary Bauer, Jeff Johnson, CEO National Religious Broadcasters, and many others. Spoke briefly at a 30 person special luncheon for a group called Conservatives of Faith on the topic of using the 7 cultural mountains as a strategy for impacting our nation and the vision of Renewal of America.
Bob Williamson (Renewal of America) and I had many strategic meetings sharing our vision to raise up 100 million Christians to pray, unify and stand in the gap for our nation.
Some of the speakers at CNP were Newt Gingrich, George Barna, John Fund, National Review Columnist/American Spectator, Mark Levine (conservative radio talk show personality), Thomas Fitton, President, Judicial Watch, Inc and many, many others (this man discovered the latest Bengahzi email that led to special committee being formed).
One group we are beginning to work with is the Congressional Prayer Caucus made up of Congressmen who gather to pray in room 219 at the Capitol before every vote. This caucus is being spread to state governments, now 14 established. They are partnering with our Renewal of America initiative assisting with the governmental center of influence board.
There were many reports on what is taking place in our nation. The man who discovered the email that shows the whole Bengahzi talking points scandal now traces back to the White House core leadership shared in depth about what is taking place and how the White House is stonewalling the entire discovery process. They have to file lawsuits to get what they want. He told us to expect more things to come. He is also involved in the IRS discovery process and told us to expect more to come from that too.
Leadership is optimistic that more conservatives will come into office in the midterms elections.
George Barna spoke to us and gave us a snapshot of how the American Dream is radically changing.
George Barna, American Culture & Faith Institute 2014 research
We are at a pivotal point in American historyThe American dream was once:
• Work hard
• Own a home
• Fulfill marriage and family life
• Take advantage of opportunities
• Practice your faith of choice
• Balance freedom and responsibilityToday there is a new dream taking place:
• Work enough to get by
• Customized family experience
• Be spiritual but not religious
• Demand freedom and rights
• Entitled to personalized moral code
• Situational truth
• Advocate the new virtues
• Happiness: comfort, convenience choices, connections, experiences
• Unimaginable shift in our values(This is not what the founding fathers envisioned).
He did a survey among conservatives and found their attitudes as follows:
• 84% concerned about the future
• 99% country is headed in wrong direction
• 99% govt is doing too much
• 90% angry about the state of America
• 94% morals and values are declining
• 71% ready to engage in creating significant changeMany of our core foundations are eroding in America because of the most liberal president in the history of this nation. Yet, we know that the buck stops with us and we must ask for God’s mercy on our nation. We are in a process of judgment right now; it remains to be seen the level of judgment we will experience. God gives a nation a leader that mirrors the moral condition of the people. We must engage the body of Christ to pray, humble ourselves and engage in the battle for righteousness in our nation.
Thanks for standing in the gap with me for our nation.
God bless you,
A Council for National Policy meeting! So, we have the Dominionists from Doug Coe's The Family, mixed in with the 7 Mountain Mandate Dominionists, all joining with the entire political neo-con Trotskyite right in the Council for National Policy. And there's Jim DeMint right in the middle of it.
In Part 11, we'll look at Heritage's Vice Chairman and benefactor, Richard Mellon Scaife.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
© 2014 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.