Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 8, 2014
(Note: The Illuminati placed some of its members as tutors with princes, so that when the latter became heads of their countries (e.g., Alexander 1 as Czar of Russia), they would be under Illuminati influence. Cecil Rhodes had something similar in mind for some of his Rhodes Scholars. For example, Susan Rice (of Benghazi notoriety) is a Rhodes Scholar who was appointed by President Clinton in 1993 as a member of his National Security Council, and now under President Obama she is his National Security Adviser. Similarly, Ashton Carter is a Rhodes Scholar who was appointed by President Clinton as an Assistant Secretary of Defense, and President Obama has just named him to be Secretary of Defense. In this way, Rhodes Scholars reach higher levels of authority and are in better position to further Rhodes' plan for the world.)
Jim said, "Look, you have made some very interesting points with quotes by Cecil Rhodes, Woodrow Wilson, FDR and others, but how do you know these aren't independent actions? How do you know they are all part of the same plot or scheme?" I replied, "The answer lies in Theodore Marburg!" "Who?" Jim asked. "That's right," I stated, "and most people have never heard of Marburg."
I explained that Marburg became friends with Woodrow Wilson (who would be a Progressive) when they were students at Johns Hopkins University in the 1880s. This is also when the Fabian Society was formed and where Wilhelm Wundt" (grandfather member of the Illuminati in the late 1700s and code named Raphael) first American Ph.D., G. Stanley Hall, mentored John Dewey (who would become the "Father of Progressive Education," and a signer of the first HUMANIST MANIFESTO in 1993.
"Jim," I said, "I am going to read to you something extensive, but it will show how Marburg is the key to putting Wilson, the Progressives, humanism, Cecil Rhodes, international financiers and others together in a world government secret plan." I then began to read from Jennings Wise's WOODROW WILSON: DISCIPLE OF REVOLUTION (1938): "Marburg has no counterpart in history. At times, even Machiavelli seems, compared to him, like a novice at the game of politics....Wilson, also under the Johns Hopkins influence, had now come to believe in the necessity of an Anglo-American alliance....Marburg decided to take a special course in economics and political science at Oxford. There he proposed to acquaint himself with the Fabians....In England, he soon met....William T. Stead (one of Cecil Rhodes' top 3 members of his secret Society of the Elect to "take the government of the whole world," in Rhodes' words) of the PALL MALL GAZETTE (and) Bernard Shaw....Marburg thought peace in Europe could only be re-established and maintained by a league of nations to enforce peace. The question was, therefore, how could Marburg and Stead do this?...Now it was that Marburg saw the light....What then if Carnegie and his unlimited wealth, the international financiers, and the Socialists could be organized in a movement to compel the formation of a league to enforce peace?...In short, Marburg concluded that the liberalization of the government of the world through the medium of a league of nations, with power residing in the hands of the international financiers to control its councils and enforce peace, would prove a specific (remedy) for all the political ills of mankind!
This plan was one which could not be concretely expressed, since it required a certain amount of secrecy in its execution....It was imperative that its financial aspects be screened, that the money interests behind it be held under cover, that the whole movement be cloaked with the guise of pure humanism....In short, the scheme must be whispered only to those...who could recognize the need of appearing to be working only for universal peace, while educating the world up to an internationalism that would demand political sacrifices on the part of the nations....Stead outlined to the world, in a remarkable article first published in THE NATION, Marburg's scheme of a league of nations to enforce peace.
Only through a World Court backed by an international police, could justice be done, he declared....Marburg was at Heidelberg (1900-1901) where...he had gone to study German Socialism and Social Democracy. Returning to his old plan of studying politics in Germany, Wilson was on the point of applying for a year's leave of absence from Princeton to go to Heidelberg too....(But) in 1902,...Woodrow Wilson was elected President of Princeton University! In 1906, Marburg hurried home to found the....American Association for International Conciliation, with himself as President, and with...Carnegie, Nicholas Murray Butler,...Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, Bernard Baruch,...and international bankers on its council. It was then that this indefatigable man published his TOWARD AN ENDURING PEACE in which he virtually outlined to the world what was expected of the Powers....Marburg knew that what politicians feared most are organized votes.
Therefore he decided to complete the organization of the American Branch of the League to Enforce Peace. Ostensibly an agency to promote a league of nations, it was also to enforce suitable action on Wilson and the Democratic Party."
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