PART 2 of 2
Anita Hoge
August 11, 2015
Anita Hoge In the Reauthorization of ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the federal government must have a scheme to identify (1) the child, (2) the public/charter/private/religious school, and (3) the interventions to snare the entire population into its net:
Realize that a child is now "At-Risk" if they are not meeting Common Core psychological standards, and that 45 states that have adopted Common Core have already agreed to this psychologically manipulative agenda. The remaining states are furthering this scheme under different names and labels. Literally, local control over education has been usurped in every state. The schools are collecting more data than just discipline and race equalization, as Sperry has pointed out. Every movement that your child makes can be tallied and logged into spy software. The screening and interventions through Special Ed will be based on attitudes, values, opinions, beliefs, dispositions, behavior, using social and emotional traits to identify children who do not match the government's socialist goals. This screening system identifies "weaknesses" in our American children's psyches, especially if they do NOT go along with the group. True leadership qualities ARE NOT the goals of the government, and our American children who would be leaders of tomorrow will be identified and selected for remediation and interventions to embrace collectivist goals. Scientifically-researched techniques and testing called evidence-based curriculum are being used for teacher training in order to comply with this agenda. Techniques are included under such things as Specialized Student Support, Response to Intervention, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Early Intervening Services, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, and Instructional Support Teams. Monitoring behavior and using DSM V psychological codes to evaluate conduct will target EVERY child for psychological treatment, thereby forcing them into subservience. There is NO code for normal! Teachers are copiously entering students' personally identifiable information (PII) into local databases that are digitized and instantly transferred electronically to state longitudinal databases, and on to the national databases (NCES/IES). If your school is telling you there are no national databases, they are lying to you. If your school says they are testing “grit”, citizenship, or ethical behavior, they are identifying and scoring your child’s “threshold”, meaning that point at which your child decides to do the wrong thing. This is conformable to government goals and is manipulated by rewards and punishment. For example, at what point will your child change his/her behavior? If punishment is incurred, will your child obey? The INFORMATION COLLECTED is the vehicle to see how much intervention your child needs to mold them into drones to meet government compliance. Therefore, an individual plan is promoted to make sure your child fits into the government's mold. Personalized plans for screening, monitoring, and interventions are put in place with a constant feedback loop of remedial interventions... until the child complies. Whatever happened to academics? Not to be found in these education bills! What about electronic federal government portfolios? Yes! Data is gathered by the bucketful on your family in every state monitoring personalities and remediating individuality. (Source) Because of President Obama's Executive Order 12866, the state longitudinal data systems were developed in each state. These aligned each student and teacher with a unique national ID. On top of the collection of psychological, mental (erroneously called) "health" data that is also being collected on students and families – because of Common Core, Title I, and Special Education – the government has also been amassing and accessing entire psychological profiles called psychometric dossiers. These profiles reflect what parents have instilled in their children in the areas of attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions. Education databanks are swollen with social, emotional, behavioral, and dispositional personal data on American families – unbeknownst to parents, citizens, and legislators! (See Hoge Testimony, 15 min, PA House Education Committee, Feb. 2105) FOURTH Blow to Gun Rights. This next step is the future of America's Second Amendment, the future of our children, and the future of our neighborhoods. The legislation to Reauthorize ESEA is the biggest restructuring of society agenda to be legislated in history. Right now the legislation has passed both houses of Congress and is in Reconciliation for a bipartisan agreement. The call for bipartisanship has been voraciously reported all over the media and D.C. Many have said that President Obama vowed to veto Title I Portability (so-called “Choice”) but wants Universal Pre-K. The Republicans have vowed to pass Title I Portability (“Choice”) and are against Universal Pre-K. What does this compromise look like to you? To me this compromise will ensure that ESEA passes thereby legalizing psychological data-tracking and data-trafficking of your child from conception (before birth) on. To make sure the psychoanalyzing of the baby starts at birth, Universal Pre-K must be included in ESEA. Common Core for babies must also be passed collecting data at birth, even starting at conception. (Source). ALL children (starting with babies) will have a psychological diagnosis code behind their names. Remember, there is no code for normal! The implementation of Title I Portability extended for private and parochial schools, pushed by Republican members of Congress, will force this agenda onto those private and parochial schools to comply with Common Core Psychological "services." This places President Obama's thumbprint on every American child. It also forces every school in America to be chartered. To further this socialist agenda that ensnares every child equally, President Obama commissioned this exact plan quoted below, for equity called, "For Each and Every Child."
Lurking in the ESEA legislation to provide all this psychotherapy is President Obama's STEP 4, using MEDICAID in the schools to accomplish this agenda. This plan was an older plan being pushed in 1995 under the 3rd Option in HillaryCare when Hillary Clinton and her national healthcare scheme was being pushed at that time. MEDICAID billing at school for ALL children was the agenda. It was based on the premise that if ALL American children could have access to healthcare, and be diagnosed by the school as having mental health problems, UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE WOULD BE BROUGHT IN THROUGH THE BACKDOOR, AGE 0-21. So the HillaryCare plan raises its ugly head once again to gather all children into the federal government's net through the current Obamacare mandate. Schools apply for partial hospitalization provider licenses to bill for MEDICAID. That means every time a TEACHER, SPECIAL EDUCATION TEAM, INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT TEAM, SOCIAL WORKER. PSYCHOLOGIST, OR PSYCHIATRIST interfaces with a child, they will have the ability to bill MEDICAID. To bill MEDICAID one must place a DSM V psych code on the student's permanent record for the school to be reimbursed for those psychological services. This psych-coding identifies EVERY child as having a mental health disorder or as "mentally defective." This psych dossier follows your child for life like a shadow. Absolutely no child, beginning with conception, will escape these psychological codes. Step by step the government has made sure that no of-age person will ever qualify to own a gun due to a history of psych diagnoses as described above. In just a few years, with this piece of legislation, the President's Executive Order 12866, and his equity in housing plan, President Obama will have effectually deleted the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
Unless we stand athwart this totalitarian tank moving out of D.C., and before it rolls right into our ZIP codes, we'll be left without even a single gun to defend our families, homes, and country. NRA and GOA, PLEASE HELP US. AMERICA NEEDS YOUR HELP TO STOP ESEA, NOW. NRA and GOA, America needs you to join the parents and teachers to fight for academics in the classroom and for all of us to live our lives free of totalitarian government-mandated attitudes, values, and behavior profiling and databanking. We cannot allow America to become a collectivist regime. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, STOP THE REAUTHORIZATION OF ESEA. STOP SENATOR CORNYN'S MENTAL HEALTH & SAFE COMMUNITIES ACT. STOP UNIVERSAL PRE-K BY SENATORS CASEY AND MURRAY. STOP DATA-TRACKING AND DATA-TRAFFICKING. RESCIND PRESIDENT OBAMA'S EO 12866. CALL YOUR FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES. � 2015 Anita Hoge - All Rights Reserved
Anita B. Hoge, lecturer, educational researcher, parent. In 1990 a federal investigation was completed against the Pennsylvania Department of Education, after filing a federal complaint against the Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, & the US Department of Education's National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP, under the Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment. Forced the Pennsylvania EQA to be withdrawn. Forced the US Department of Education to do their job to investigate the psychological testing of children without informed written parental consent. NAEP was never investigated because the Department said I didn't have standing, although documents had proven that NAEP did experimental research & used different states to pilot their agenda by embedding their test questions into the Pennsylvania EQA as well as other state tests. Subject & main researcher for the book, Educating for the New World Order. My story is told about an incredible journey into the devious & deceptive operations of our government to change the values, attitudes & beliefs of American children to accept a new world order. The first to document the expansive data collection operation of our government establishing micro-records on individual people in the United States. Experimentation, illegal testing, & data collection is exposed. Lectured all over the Unites States in the 90's about illegal & controversial testing, curriculum, & collection of data by our government. Arranged & lectured town hall meetings all across the state of Pennsylvania to withdraw affective student learning outcomes to stop Outcome Based Education. In January of 1992, parents in Pennsylvania won the battle against OBE when the Independent Regulatory Review Board had requested that the State Board of Education remove all outcomes which dealt with attitudes, habits, traits, feelings, values, & opinions which are difficult & subjective to measure & that the remaining outcomes be defined & coordinated with academic requirements that can be measured. The battle continues. E-Mail:
In the Reauthorization of ESEA, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the federal government must have a scheme to identify (1) the child, (2) the public, charter, private, religious school, and (3) the interventions to snare the entire population into its net