By Diane Kepus
May 17, 2015
In 2012, Clare Coleman, CEO of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, took to the pages of the Washington Post to try and convince the American public that Planned Parenthood (PP) was NOT about abortion. Her goal was to address “misconceptions”. She left out the truth.
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, performing (and profiting from) one out of every three abortions in the U.S. In 2009, abortion was a “service” that Planned Parenthood provided to 12 percent of its patients overall, and to 97.6 percent of its patients who reported themselves pregnant. It performed 332,278 abortions in that one year alone. That is an average of 910 abortions each and every day.
Since the average cost of an early surgical abortion was $451, abortion accounted for approximately 37 percent of Planned Parenthood’s health-care-center income that year. And that figure — nearly $150 million in revenue from abortion — is a low estimate, considering that PP also performs later and more expensive abortions.
PP 2012-2013 annual report states 327,000 ABORTIONS and $540.6 Million in TAX DOLLARS which came in the form of Federal Grants.
This coming from the same government that swears they are not using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions. Now PP has moved on to teaching our children some of the rather nasty and dark side of sex.
Over the past 2010-2012 reported years PP performed 990,575 abortions. That is 149 abortions to every adoption referral.
• Planned Parenthood increases its abortion numbers with each passing year, bucking the nearly 20-year national trend of a decreasing abortion rate. At the time of the 2009 article, PP was performing nearly double the number of abortions it did in the 10 years prior. Over the last 12 years, taxpayer funding also doubled and it reduced their other pregnancy related services:
1. Only 997 adoptions in 2009 in contrast to the 2,999 referrals it made in 1999
2. PP’s clients for prenatal care dropped from 18,878 to only 7,021.
Whistleblower Abby Johnson, the former director of Planned Parenthood’s clinic in Bryan, Texas states: her superiors gave her “the clear and distinct understanding that she was to get her priorities straight, that abortion was where her priorities needed to be because that’s where the revenue was.”
PP set itself up for a goal by 2013 to have Skype to dispense abortion-inducing drugs and its mandate that all affiliates provide abortion services also indicates that the organization wants its abortion-increasing trend to continue.
Affiliates of PP have failed to be good stewards of taxpayer funds. A CA audit report showed that in one year alone PP of San Diego and Riverside Counties received $5 million more than it should have because of improper billing practices.
Contrary to Ms. Coleman’s claim, PP does have sources of money other than the government dole. In fact, for its fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and its affiliates reported receiving $308.2 million in “Private Contributions and Bequests.” It also made $404.9 million in “Health Center Income.” Though individual affiliates have recorded losses, PP overall reported an “excess of revenue over expenses” of $63.4 million in 2009.
With George Soros’ son Jonathan’s wife Jennifer Allan Soros sitting on the PP Board of Directors, Open Society has over the years given over $2.5M to PP.
• Planned Parenthood fights reasonable laws to protect women and girls because such laws might undermine its ability to make money. Their big fight is to consistently stop legislation making the reporting of sexual abuse mandatory.
• Planned Parenthood partners with those who sexually abuse and exploit women and girls. PP has shown itself to be a perfect partner to the pimp, sex trafficker, or child abuser. They hide his crimes through its willful failure to report suspected sexual abuse of children to authorities and its refusal to comply with parental-involvement laws.
Planned Parenthood is a non-profit/for-profit of which donated to the Obama campaign so far through various PAC’s of over $6M of YOUR money from which it receives over 50% of its annual budget from you – the taxpayer.
who is Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood who is
paid in excess of $500,000 a year for being the one and only CEO of
Well, she is now 57 years old and has been a hell-raiser since high
school: a student protester in her teens; in her 20s, an itinerant
union organizer; in her 30s, a campaign strategist for her mother,
late Texas Gov. Ann Richards; a foe of the religious right in her
40s; in her 50s, a leading abortion rights advocate who earns over
$500,000 a year.
Richards, the former deputy chief of staff to Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), fondly describes her journey from being a young girl working on political campaigns to being at the helm of Planned Parenthood as having her life “come full circle.” In 2008, Ms. Richards declared, “We aim to be the largest kick-butt political organization.
Planned Parenthood is not only political, it’s increasingly partisan. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), a pro-choice Republican who was endorsed and supported by Planned Parenthood Action Fund until she voted in favor of Justice Samuel Alito’s confirmation to the U.S, Supreme Court ruling, has observed, “Why should I try to make their case (PP) in the Republican caucus? I can’t answer my colleagues when they say to me that Planned Parenthood is just a political party, because it is true.”
Women and men alike who love children have to wonder how Richards, who is a symbol of “radical feminism,” can support abortion having three children of her own.
Since Richards says she doesn’t believe life begins until the moment of birth, I would like the opportunity to ask her just what is happening within her belly when she feels the movement of the baby. So this isn’t human? Not a living being?
At 3 weeks a full set of DNA; 4 weeks embryo; 5 weeks heart beats; 6 weeks eyes and nose forming; arm & leg buds; 8 weeks arms & legs growing; along with nose and upper lip; 9 weeks eyes have developed though the eyelids are still shut; 10 weeks embryo now a fetus w/all vital organs functioning – fingernails & toenails; 11 weeks almost totally formed, bones hardening, genitalia developing, the baby can hiccup; 12 weeks you can hear the heartbeat. [Link]
How, as a mother, she can justify helping facilitate the dismemberment of an unborn child, which is exactly what happens during an abortion, piece by piece, is beyond me.
Richards states her main concern is a woman being able to control their own bodies and make their own decisions. That child or woman that is raped certainly had no control over her body and by offering abortion versus adoption of that baby; they have created a double sense of guilt for that woman.
What Richards isn’t telling you is that she cares more about the MONEY, POWER & CONTROL abortion brings to her world.
A life-long “community organizer and activist”, Richards is married to Kirk Adams, who has also been a lifelong labor union organizer and has risen to executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU.
For our children in school -
National Sexuality Education Standards format:
By the end of 2nd grade children are to be able to identify all parts
of the body to include the genitals of both males and females
• Explain that all living things reproduce
• Identify the different types of family structures:
mom and dad, 2 moms; 2 dads
• By 3rd grade they are to be able to make
models of reproductive organs using Ping-Pong balls, straws and other
• By the end of the 5th grade to explain the
changes that occur during puberty and how it ready’s the human
body for reproduction along with identifying sexual orientation
Planned Parenthood’s Teachings:
They have produced a sexuality education course aimed at children age 4 through 7 titled STRAIGHT TALK. Here are some quotes from the book:
"It's perfectly normal for children of about the same age to
engage in sex play with members of the same or opposite sex."
page 34
• "Masturbation is perfectly normal and
not harmful.... a child should not be made to feel guilty about her
interest in her body." page 35
• "When discussing masturbation with an
older child (age 7) it may be appropriate to say that girls and women
also masturbate." page 24
For Teenagers:
Through Twitter and Facebook they answered the question “Is
promiscuity a bad thing?” and Alex the “expert,”
pronounced through Planned Parenthood’s Tumbler, FB and Twitter:
“Since the number of sexual partners you’ve had doesn’t
say anything about your character, your morals, or your personality
– or about anything at all really–there’s nothing
bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners.”
• Teaching
teenagers about bondage, sadism, encouraging violence in bed, pornography,
gagging, whipping and asphyxiation
• PP employees ignoring reports of rape, encouraging
abortions and promiscuity
• In these and forthcoming videos, Planned
Parenthood counselors encourage undercover investigators posing as
15 and 16-year-old teens, to engage in the sadomasochistic practices,
telling the underage teens “if it’s consensual, it’s
OK… it’s totally OK.”
• PP employee explains to the investigator,
several sexually deviant concepts, such as role-play and the use of
whips and handcuffs to inflict pain on a sexual partner. “You
could be a dominatrix-type of person,” she says, “where
you dress in all leather, with the whips and the handcuffs.”
She continued, “It just depends what type of pain you can take.”
• Sex
selection in America Pt. 1, SEXED: Dangerous
Sex Advice for Kids, and SEXED: Dangerous
Sex Advice for Kids No. 2, Specific
Planned Parenthood Sex Education Programs.
If you have teenagers you might want to check out this site overseen by teenagers and college kids answering sex questions for kids Not the healthiest place for your child to get their sex education.
Planned Parenthood lobbied heavily for the Affordable Care Act’s mandatory contraception coverage, and the ACA, or Obamacare, is celebrated throughout the annual report as “a historic advance for women’s health.” PPCare
DONORS: Wal-Mart, Neiman Marcus, Adobe, Wachovia, Nike, Time Warner, Bank of America, Dallas Cowboys, CIGNA, Walt Disney, Cost Plus World Market, Johnson & Johnson, Wells Fargo, Whole Foods Market, The American Cancer Society, Camp Fire, The Dr. Phil Foundation, Girls Inc., Kiwanis Clubs, Girl Scouts, Rotary Clubs, March of Dimes, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, YWCA and Nationwide Ins.
And the very latest Indoctrination by Planned Parenthood – GENDERBREAD PERSON!
remember when I was in high school and we got touches of sex education.
You are right – back then we didn’t get a lot of any kind
of sex education from our parents or anyone else. We learned along
with our mate. We had a great deal less of out of wedlock pregnancy
and the things mentioned here.
Now we have the schools and Planned Parenthood giving our kids a sex education they aren’t ready for to include indoctrination and recruitment of high school children into the ranks of the LGBT movement. How dare they overstep their position into the personal lives of our children?
Who’s afraid of the Genderbread Person? If you care about children, especially if you are a parent, you had better be! Did anyone ask your permission for your child to be involved in this? I would advise you check with his or her school.
Gender identity is the theme of today’s sexual indoctrination and Planned Parenthood and your school system wants to make your child as confused as they can in the hopes they will begin to question who they really are. The point – since gays cannot reproduce PP is forced to recruit to expand their ranks. Failing that, they want all the heterosexual children to start having as much sex as possible because abortion operations are what pay the bills.
Within the walls of our schools today, it is a spiritual battleground especially in trying to turn our children against any and all Christian upbringing or beliefs. They are even using this method on children around the country as young as 10 with fairs passing out literature, giving demonstrations and the ACLU publishing a “Know Your Rights: A Guide for Public School Students in Washington. The ACLU is basically telling your child what his rights are, ages 14-18. Page 27 is a good place to see what this state supports.
Parents, are you sure you believe this?
"We are a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide."
Guard your babies as they are the target for everything from indoctrination in the schools to the hands of human trafficker’s. There is nowhere safe for them today.
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Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficing Researcher, Speaker
Diane’s background is not one of an educator, but as an Auditor
showingher a love of “digging”. In 1980 when shetook up
the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “she was in
Dianehaswitnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda to be overseen by the United Nations.
She actually began her Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that branched out into all aspects of foreign education of which has been allowed into our schools. Then it moved on tothe push for Charter Schools with “unelected” school boards to the indoctrination of our children with the Common Core State Standards.
Diane does at times branch out into other topics important to Americans and the preservation of America. Her special projects are Charter Schools, Child Abuse, Abortions and Human Trafficking.
Diane is married to her high school sweetheart/very best friend and they have a blended family of 8 children, 13 grandchildren and three great-grandsons so you can readily understand why she chose Education or the “lack thereof” and the world’s danger to our children as her passion.
She maintains 5 web sites, belongs to manydifferent groups, has a blog site and is also very active in the Fraternal Order of Eagles.