Your Life On The Ledger: Net Zero Is The Goal

By Anita B Hoge

June 4, 2024

Data Is The Lifeblood Of The Global Well-Being Economy. A Statistical Plan Is Moving Forward In The United States To Change Our Capitalistic System Through Forced Compliance, Super Surveillance, and Mother Nature.

It’s the data. President Biden has pushed his Green New Deal antics and proposed a statistically threatening journey that should have Americans gasping for air. America’s days are numbered. Every financial transaction you make will align with an accounting framework that records your every movement by monitoring anything purchased or consumed through your carbon footprint. So where you live, what you do, what you eat, and every aspect of your life will be monitored and resourced to its origin, a natural resource. Why? It is so that you can be monitored and taxed for every movement and carbon footprint. Read here: National Strategy To Develop Statistics For Environmental-Economic Decisions (Statistics Plan: Legislation source: p. 86)

What is Net Zero? It balances the amount of greenhouse gases we emit with the amount we remove. We reach net zero when we add no more than what we take away. According to the World Economic Forum, “every financial transaction has a climate consequence – whether it is obvious, such as filling up your car with petrol or booking a long-haul flight, or subtle, like when you buy a coffee or a new pair of shoes, or even increase your cloud storage plan. Our daily choices leave a carbon footprint.” (Source)

Look at Mother Nature and how President Biden plans to change your life with every financial transaction you make. The Biden administration lays out a plan to reach Net Zero by changing the financial system in this country. Your consumption of natural resources and your carbon footprint will be subtracted from your income or added to the purchase price of products. You will be taxed accordingly. Data is streaming. The financial record-keeping will ultimately be tied to blockchain-based technology overseen by Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to regulate this river of data. (The Future of Money and Payments), Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation, k, Executive Order Digital Assets) Forced compliance and taxing will punish you until you change your daily life. Your purchasing behavior and what you own will be monitored assuring your targeted assets will be included. Capitalism and freedom are compromised through data optimization while your government is allowing you to be hacked. The intent, of course, is to create a global citizen that complies with Net Zero.

The Plan To Kill Capitalism In The United States.

The Biden administration began this effort to destroy our country the day he took office, January 20, 2021, starting by signing Executive Orders unwinding President Trump’s policies, claiming a climate crisis.  The United Nations’ fingerprints are all over this agenda, including the World Economic Forum, WEF, Office of Economic Cooperation and Development Council, OECD, and the International Monetary Fund, IMF, and WHO, World Health Organization. (Source, p.15)

The OECD-Beyond GDP-Measure What Counts For Economic And Social Performance policy paper states that we should be “…measuring the joint distribution of income, consumption and wealth at the individual level…inequalities within households and the way resources are shared and managed.” The OECD refers to natural assets as “hidden capital.” These globalists believe our capitalistic economic system is “rigged” to benefit a few. (Beyond GDP: pg 19) Source: OECD Measure What Counts, Executive Summary, (Link here: (National Strategy To Develop Statistics For Environmental-Economic. Decisions)

The Overarching Biden Resilience Plan

The Biden administration initiated the Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience for Social, Behavioral, and Community Health on 1/20/2022, explaining that the COVID-19 pandemic had accelerated and exposed deeply entrenched disparities in health and well-being. Using the whole-of-government approach, President Biden revamped every government area to promote his well-being agenda. This plan cannot be implemented until statistics are collected to monitor natural resources in our everyday lives, and your carbon footprint can directly correlate to individual consumption. Time may be on our side.

It’s The Data

August 2022, President Biden delves into merging environmental statsitics into the United States economic model. Five months later the Biden administration released the national strategy to fund a 15-year statistical plan documented, January, 2023. The 15-year statistical plan written to measure the air you breathe, the water you consume, the food you eat, and the energy you use, will be all determined by nebulous numbers based on nature aligned to your every action. The Department of Commerce would need the ability to direct all financial transactions and the monetized value and quantity of your carbon footprint through consumption, in a standardized international format linked to every individual.
The entire 15-year Strategic Plan to be finalized by 2036 is based on three concepts: monetizing the value of natural asset boundaries cross-referenced to the behavior of individuals through consumption. (p. 15)

• direct contribution,
• defensive expenditures, and
• individual and household production.

“Environmental activities are one way of connecting environmental goods and services and natural capital to other economic sectors and capturing relationships among produced (capital), natural (capital), and human capital.” (Emp. Mine) (p. 49)

The Wellbeing and Sustainability Task Team includes “services individuals produce for themselves.” This topic is closely related to “unpaid household service work,” discussed in the 2025 SNA revision. (p.24) The smothering concept of monitoring EVERYONE in this agenda includes people who work (income) and people who don’t work and have no income, including stay-at-home Moms, retired persons, people on assistance, etc. Everyone is identified, monitored, and given a monetary value minus consumption. (See Wellness graph link here: United Nations Statistics Division. (2022). (p. 5) Wellbeing and Sustainability Task Team) (Important in how these services are tallied. Worth a look. Source: Unpaid Household Service Work🙂

• FIRST: a system of statistics is being developed by putting a NUMBER on the quantity and value of natural resources that will be identified in nature (water, air, land, fish, wildlife, plants, forests, minerals.)
• SECOND: a value will is placed on using those natural resources in your everyday life. (Consumption)
• THIRD: a “stocks and flows” system will determine how natural resources are used in industry, households, and government. (See graph on stocks and flows on page 80.) You will be penalized twice for the amount of natural resources you use: purchase + consumption.

One investment vehicle failed last January at the Securities Exchange Commission/New York Stock Exchange, SEC/NYSE, called the Natural Asset Company (NAC). I believe the most important plan is the collection of data. The Statistical Plan is the weakest link which is a compilation of statistics to measure the consumption of natural resources that the Biden administration joined with the U.N., OECD, WEF, and the IMF and is moving forward.

NACS Natural Asset Companies Currently Withdrawn by the SEC: (SEC withdraws NACs-failed plan. “The New York Stock Exchange is initiating a partnership that enables trading of natural assets in the form of “Natural Asset Companies” to facilitate liquidity between natural capital and financial capital. Firms increasingly focus on voluntary frameworks to guide environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting, such as the framework developed by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the Natural Capital Protocol. However, business leaders often cite uneven data quality and definitions as a barrier to using natural capital in decision-making. A standardized, regularly- updated national system of natural capital accounts and environmental-economic statistics is necessary for these frameworks to succeed and to enable U.S. firms to compete as other countries develop such accounting systems.” (pgs. 9-10) NOTE: I believe the SEC withdrew the plan because the statistics were not wholly developed when the NACs were initiated.

This is the plan needed for the globalists to succeed: A National Statistical Plan: (National Strategy To Develop Statistics For Environmental-Economic Decisions.

The Statistical Plan is proceeding with warp speed. The Biden administration is developing statistics for individual consumption of natural resources, your carbon footprint by referring to natural assets and climate change by using the terms “environmental injustice” and “inequities among households” (p. iv, p.11) and tracking progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). (p. 82)

This statistical plan is supposedly a way to balance the rich vs. poor on an equitable basis. Biden stammers through his latest speeches with comments about targeting billionaires, but his words have a deeper meaning than most could predict. Of course, the Biden administration wants the controversy erupting between the “average household vs. the rich” when, in essence, his agenda covers every person in the United States. So how is wealth redefined, and how will everyone, not only the rich, be punished by the Biden administration and the United Nations agenda?

Equalizing Households.

The rich must be penalized, and there is no better way to punish them than by “equalizing households” through the consumption of natural resources. In essence, the more you own, the more you pay. But everyone uses natural resources; it’s not only the Robin Hood effect of “take from the rich.” According to the United Nations, the depletion of natural resources or Net Zero is everyone’s cross to bear. For example, property and consumption of any/and/all natural resources will be monitored: land, air, water, forests, minerals, fish, wildlife, plants, etc.

Just think about how people are impacted every day by a natural resource. Your every movement will be monitored: from purchasing food, using gas/electricity to heat/air condition homes, charging your phones, taking a shower, turning on the lights, what you spend on groceries, beverages, alcohol, eating out at restaurants, farming, home gardening, construction, medicines, vacations, running the dishwasher, cooking, using the restroom, irrigating your yard, or playing outside, hiking, boating, swimming, sports and outdoor activities, etc. These examples do not address how these statistics will impact industry and manufacturing. The total for using natural resources will correlate to a score (your carbon footprint) that will be taxed or subtracted from your human capital (worth or wealth of the individual).

One comment in a footnote referenced in the Statistics Handbook defines where this agenda is going- if you put a canoe into the river, can they allot an amount of rent for using water? YES, RENT. The well-being and sustainability social accounts include everyone, even homemakers or caretakers of family members who do not make a salary but yet, use natural resources. This instance proves that these new environmental add-ons to economics and GDP, Gross Domestic Product, are extended to include everyone’s consumption. And that score means everyone. A new system that monitors EVERYONE’s BEHAVIOR will be instituted into the financial system even if you do not make a salary. Why? You are using natural resources every day. Your carbon footprint must be monitored. Net Zero is the goal.

Where Do You Live? How Will This Be Done?

A direct correlation gives a numerical account of the impact to the environment and personal use. ZILLOW is used to place an estimate of “hundreds of millions of property transactions within a hedonic framework to estimate property-level land values of residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial land. These values are aggregated to local, state, regional, and national levels.” (p.43) Even though you have already paid for real estate or any product you personally use, you are fined or taxed a natural asset tax that will be monitored by location or through purchasing products. The combination of subtracting consumption from your income, will be correlated to your address for other debits or combined household production. This is an extreme method of wealth redistribution. (See footnote 24) U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. (n.d.). Regional Data: GDP and Personal Income. Retrieved August 5, 2022.

The Shut Down Of Capitalism

The thinking of this liberal U.N. agenda is that capitalism, a failed economic system, has created a too-top-heavy economy by only using GDP as an economic thermometer of how well the country is fairing. The rich are getting richer as the rest of the economy is lagging. They refer to this problem as “GDP Fetishism.”

“It used to be thought that America’s greatest strength was not its military power but an economic system that was the envy of the world. But why would others seek to emulate an economic model by which a large proportion – even a majority – of the population has seen their income stagnate while incomes at the top have soared?”

“The report by the International Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress emphasized that GDP is not a good measure of how well an economy is performing. The U.S. Census reports remind us of the importance of this insight. Too much has already been sacrificed on the altar of GDP fetishism. Regardless of how fast GDP grows, an economic system that fails to deliver gains for most of its citizens and in which a rising share of the population faces increasing insecurity is, in a fundamental sense, a failed economic system. And policies, like austerity, that increase insecurity and lead to lower incomes and standards of living for large proportions of the population are, in a fundamental sense, flawed policies.” (Emp. Mine. Source: “America’s GDP fetishism“)

Another often-quoted author/economist who is recognized as an expert by the UN is Mariana Mazzucato, who wrote “Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism.” Mazzucato is also chair of the World Health Organization’s Council on the Economics of Health for All.

Let’s Talk About Freedom. Can You Put A Number On Walking On The Beach or Viewing A Scarlet Red Sunset?

The “National Strategy To Develop Statistics For Environmental-Economic Decisions” handbook explains this agenda as “a change in wealth held in nature.” The key is how wealth is changed or how our freedom will be affected by adding fees to our everyday lives. Changing the definition of wealth will eliminate the middle class with only super rich and BOP (bottom of the pyramid) poor people with a less than 15-year-phased in approach to destroy our capitalistic economy and private ownership of property. The fees will be astronomical. People will lose their homes and livelihoods by pushing industry out of business.

This idea of “double dipping” that you purchased something made organically or from a natural resource will relate to how you use or consume it. The biggest problem is grounded in the fact that the industry or consumer has already paid for whatever it is they are using. But first, they have to put a value on natural resources to create an algorithm to determine how they are used for consumption as an extra fee beyond the purchase price. The numbers are staggering.

“…connect information on nature and the economy to help America prosper as the country overcomes 21st-century economic challenges, including those linked to climate change, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution, and environmental injustice.” (p. ix) Remember to these environmentalists that maintaining a garden, fishing, or raising farm animals is ecocide. Every movement will cost you, and every behavior is correlated with nature.

Beyond GDP Gross Domestic Product (pg. 5)

“Economists often state that Net Domestic Product (NDP), which deducts for loss of assets—including natural assets—is a better benchmark measure of economic progress than GDP. The international community is expected to call for increased accounting for and attention to natural resource depletion, degradation, and growth and increased focus on NDP and Net National Income (NNI) as part of the 2025 update to the internationally agreed upon System of National Accounts (SNA). Change in wealth, inclusive of natural asset wealth, is also a critical indicator of sustainable development. By considering changes, rather than only depreciation, NDP or NNI can be linked to Adjusted Net Savings.” (p. 5) “Measuring the change in Natural Asset Wealth requires ascribing a monetary value to changes in natural assets in order to provide a common unit that can be compared. This Strategic Plan unifies environmental sectors and traditional economic sectors under a single framework.” (p. 34) “Guidance for translating these measures into a national-accounting context and back again will help strengthen the monetization components of the accounts and enable the natural capital accounts to be a starting place for benefit-cost analysis.” (p. 65) (Emp. Mine.)

What Is Counted And WHO Is Counting?

Equalizing The Inequality Within Households-The Mold For Conformity.

Income inequality is different from wealth inequality; the former involves salaries/wages, while the latter involves net worth. When the United Nations groups decide to target wealth, they target net worth with a focus on “consumption at the individual level” or “inequalities within households.” The Central Framework written collaboratively by the U.N. groups has targeted this agenda for some time. What is frightening is that the Biden administration is prepping our country to dive into changing our capitalistic economy without Congressional authority or American approval. See the International System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 below:

OECD “Measure What Counts For Economic and Social Performance:”

“Inequality in income and wealth has today a central role in policy discussions in ways it did not in 2009. But important progress is still needed in a range of areas, such as measuring what happens at both ends of the income distribution, integrating different data sources, and measuring the joint distribution of income, consumption and wealth at the individual level. When looking at inequality, it is also important to look at differences between groups (“horizontal inequalities”), at inequalities within households and the way resources are shared and managed, which are especially important in the case of wealth.…. It is also important to pursue efforts to integrate information on economic inequalities within national accounts, to provide metrics of how GDP growth is shared in as timely a fashion as output statistics.” (OECD Executive Summary)

The Statistical Plan Recommendation 3 is to meld the United States together with the United Nations Plan: Federal departments and agencies should embed the system of natural capital accounts and associated environmental-economic statistics in the broader U.S. economic statistical system through the following actions: (p.15)

a) Incorporate the internationally agreed-upon SEEA to guide development of U.S. natural capital accounts and environmental-economic statistics, where the SEEA standards are relevant and robustly developed. (See System of Environmental Economic Accounts, SEEA)

b) Adhere to three specific asset boundaries—direct contribution, defensive expenditures, and individual and household production—to accommodate different applications and contexts, which implies creating three partitions in the natural capital accounts.

c) Use rigorous and the best available economic science for monetizing the value of natural assets, with monetization being consistent with the three established asset boundaries.

All factories and industries in America should investigate the significance of the economic impact of “stocks and flows” definitions, which will impact fees attached to all products made or produced using natural resources. The Stocks and Flows Appendix B is the internationally agreed-upon guidance on national economic accounting, the SNA, with the NIPA. It is significant to evaluate the physical elements of natural resource services that pinpoint the areas provided through harvest or functioning in the environment.. (More details about the relationship between environmental-economic statistics and national economic accounts can be found in Stocks and Flows Appendix B.” (Quoted on p.15; go to page 80.)


Appendix B. Connecting Natural Capital and Environmental-Economic Statistics with National Economic Accounts.

“Stocks and Flows”

“The concepts of stocks and flows are used throughout the Strategic Plan. Stocks are durable, physical elements of nature that can provide services either through harvest or through their regular functioning in the natural environment. When the services convey production, income, in-kind or implicit income, or future opportunities, then the stocks are capital or assets. Physical flows are the creation, destruction, or movement of material. For examples, the generation of particulate matter through combustion or the harvest of timber from a forest are physical flows. The process creating income is also a flow. The relationship between flows and stocks is similar to the relationship between kinetic and potential energy – flows reflect changes in stocks. This creates accounting identities that are used in natural capital accounting and environmental-economic statistics.”

“The environmental and natural capital elements of many of these indicators could be supported through supply-use and other underlying statistical organizations laid out in this Strategic Plan. SEEA compliant natural capital accounts increasingly play an important role in tracking progress on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Other social progress measures, such as those based on subjective well-being or “happiness,” would require separate statistical efforts. Furthermore, purely biological or ecological indicators could be appropriately covered by other initiatives, such as the National Nature Assessment.” (p. 82)

“You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy,”

The World Economic Forum guarantees the probability and result of this quote, where Biden’s Green New Deal gives the money, data, and expertise needed to accomplish these goals. WATCH

Plan of Attack:

The United States began to collect environmental data in the United States when Nobel laureates William Nordhaus and James Tobin in 1973 wrote a seminal piece which noted “serious consequences of treating as free things which are not really free.” As a global leader in data collection, BEA, Bureau of Economic Analysis, initiated the Integrated Environmental and Economic Satellite Accounts (IEESA) published in 1994. At that time the Commerce Department was directed by law to suspend further work expanding the “National Economic Accounts to Include the Environment” until an independent entity analyzed the Commerce Department’s proposed methodology. A review panel working under the National Research Council’s Committee on National Statistics examined “the objectivity, methodology, and application of integrated environmental and economic accounting in the context of broadening the national economic accounts.” This is an indication that we can suspend this agenda again. We must stop this plan. (Emp. Mine. Pg. 78) (Source: pg. 49) Note: “Practical challenges (remain) in implementing the theory in a consistent fashion.” (Link)

1. We MUST defund and stop this statistical package that combines natural assets with GDP, which will explode our capitalistic financial system in the United States. The data is the weakest link. The system must have individual data to monitor consumption accurately. Privacy is the issue.

2. A probable means of attack would be to challenge the subjective and arbitrary concept of monetizing or placing a “number or value” on a natural resource as consumption that impacts every person in the United States. The weight-of-evidence is therefore random.

The argument should focus on the arbitrary values placed on consumption in broadening the national economic accounts beyond GDP. We must question the numbers as not being objective, the methodology, and the application of how those numbers are applied by integrating environmental data into economic accounting.

3. Is consumption double dipping when you have already purchased property or any product? Should we be punished for using the outdoors
as recreation? What was the purpose of creating National Parks? Are the numbers real? Are the numbers believable? WHO decide Our freedom depends on you and our action today.

4. Vote to exit the UN. World Health Organization WHO Treaty meeting May 27-June 1, 2024. Pandemic Agreement Treaty and Amendments to International Health Regulation (IHR)


© 2024 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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‘Snow Is Black’ Syndrome Taught In Our Schools

By Anita Hoge

December 12, 2023

How do you create equity and diversity in the classroom? Family background, age, religion, beliefs, values, character, personality, IQ, biology, and multiple arenas of experiences make each child unique…but not in the eyes of DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is unconscionable thinking to make children equal but the wheels keep grinding forward. Realize, it’s not equality in opportunity that is the charge. It is the child  who will be mashed into a mold to be forced to think the same.

The whole child must serve the democracy of sameness. When social and emotional learning interventions are implemented how do teachers decide which emotion or value will be targeted? And how do teachers pick which intervention to use to change a specific value? They don’t. It’s a blanket of psychological manipulations. Hopefully, parents are beginning to realize that social and emotional learning is social engineering and the goal is to create controversy in a child’s belief and value system. Emotion regulation means to dissolve your child’s emotions, not one particular one, all of them. A child cannot say he hates strawberry ice cream because that would be discrimination or racist. So now Johnny cannot have an opinion or value judgement about the weather. If it’s cold to him, it might not be cold to others. The teacher asks for other opinions. He would worry that he would be wrong. Others may condemn him. He refuses to speak. Others shame him. The group surrounds him. The group shouts him down. His will is broken. The group is awesome. Peer pressure dominates. Snow is black.

When children were pressured in a federally funded Kohlbergian moral growth project to determine if Hitler was bad, Lisa was afraid to answer because of someone criticizing her for her answer. The concept is universal values. The teacher’s Socratic questioning remarked, “was Hitler bad or whether he was wrong?”(Source: “Promoting Moral Growth from Piaget to Kohlberg,” Hersh, Paolitto, Reimer; (page 189) This technique is called, cognitive conflict or cognitive dissonance, or creating a conflict in what the student believes:

The student replied,

Lisa:  “The only thing -I can tell you I’m really confused because, since this class
I’ve had to consider an awful lot more than I ever would.  And I’m so confused as
to what is really right and what is really wrong.  I feel like in a sense that I know so
little about what is right and what’s wrong that I can’t say that Hitler was even
bad. Or that we have a right to our own lives. I don’t know.”

Teacher:  “One thing, we are making a distinction between whether Hitler was
bad or whether he was wrong.”

Lisa:  “I don’t really know whether he was wrong.  Just because I don’t want to
say anything definite.  I’m afraid of, somebody could prove me wrong in a
different way.”

“Thinking skills” are twisted to impose a new way of thinking by using critical race theory   to create a new kind of prejudice where the oppressor is the victim. Even in kindergarten classes this technique is used to turn the tables in the Three Little Pigs story where the wolf is the victim because he likes pork.

A behavior changing activity reported some years ago included roll playing where the student had to write a persuasive essay as the individual in the first-person to argue that the Germans were the victims during the holocaust.

“Think like a Nazi.” (Source: Think Like A Nazi🙂

This following activity was news worthy of a value changing technique: “Students in Albany High School English classes were asked this week as part of a persuasive writing assignment to make an abhorrent argument: “You must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!”

Students were asked to watch and read Nazi propaganda, then pretend their teacher was a Nazi government official who needed to be convinced of their loyalty. In five paragraphs, they were required to prove that Jews were the source of Germany’s problems.”

Shoving artificial stress on children through a series of conflict exercises and Marxist antagonism to change fragile belief systems is wrong. The true question of why depression and suicide is on the rise in young children, should we first  look at this agenda in our nations schools? These techniques and activities change value judgements, emotions, and dispositions of children through controversial curriculum. The idea of mass social engineering started in the behavioral sciences by Lord Bertrand Russell, who joined the Frankfurt School in his effort of “producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black”. Taken from his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:

“The subject (mass social engineering) will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship….The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.” (Emp.mine.)

Priming Kids For Change Through Universal Screening

Prevention they scream. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, PBIS, universal screening IS mass social engineering and your school is the touch point of changing your child’s behavior through Skinnarian reward and punishment. However, the PBIS teaching techniques and interventions are not a curriculum like history or math that parents can walk into the school and look at a book or computer program. No. It’s Universal Screening and PBIS teacher training that will control their behavior. (Source: PBIS Training)

These are time honored and time purchased teacher PBIS training sessions for teachers to become that fake, unlicensed psychologist in the classroom. And yes, data they will collect. Teachers are enablers. Note that all of this data collection is arbitrarily collected of how a teacher feels, or thinks about a child! Yes, teachers monitor their behavior and catalogue every move your child makes. How does a teacher really decide what points to enter into their data dashboard about Johnny or Suzy? And how does this data collection reflect the rewards and punishments in a classroom?

Universal interventions are the first step to control behavior. This makes the child receptive through conditioning. The next step uses Critical Race Theory (conflict activities) that replace the child’s values and beliefs.

The Whole Child Must Be Controlled

To control behavior (how a child will act) you must create conflicts in what the child believes and feels, the whole child. All standards in a strategic plan at school are written in “performance” behavioral objectives. Blooms Taxonomy uses the following prototype: cognitive + affective = psychomotor:  think + feel = behavior:  MIND + SOUL = BODY.

This means the whole child. The soul is the target in social and emotional learning.

The Snow is Black Syndrome or Not Quite Snow White

Once the Skinnarian techniques (PBIS) prime the conditioned child, an example of an activity using the book “Not Quite Snow White” proves as this parent from New York City explains, teaching her 7 year old diversity and equity is implanted as indoctrination. (Source: Not Quite Snow White)

According to the woke culture, laws of nature would be exploited.  Biology must be changed. Rules and regulations must be thrown out. Remember, BF Skinner would prove that pigeons could play ping pong or play the piano. This is quite significant because he wanted to prove Nature could be controlled. The artificial is more valuable than the natural. Thereby, science becomes that which we can manipulate with Nature, not what we understand of it. (Source: Skinner teaches pigeons how to play ping-pong) Human nature becomes moldable and captive children fit easily into that mold. Transgender aligns to this thinking by destroying and ignoring science albeit biology and genetics still rule what gender truly is, male and female. But the push for androgyny is upon us, ask female swimmer, Riley Gaines.

Following this concept of being woke, we would now teach students that their ancestors were racist. Our Founding Fathers were white male supremacists. History books are wrong. Defund the police to control crime. Males are too competitive and aggressive. Loans, housing, and laws are racist. Everything you were ever taught about America is wrong. Nature will be controlled and so would human biology through massive mutilation of little boys and little girls although through an artificial process of surgery and hormone blockers. America is the evil empire and your children are the target for change if they believe in God, family, loyalty, patriotism, or the Constitution.

A new mindset is developed. Moral absolutes are replaced with a flexible mindset. All of the past Industrial Age of academic knowledge-based content would be tossed into the air to let fall in disorder and chaos. 2 + 2 = 5. Equity and democracy would create the level playing field. There would be no one smarter, more beautiful, more wealthy, or more anything. Redistributing wealth would rebalance the economy. Pure democracy would create equity in human beings across the board. This means teaching to an average that would create a functional literate by The Deliberate Dumbing Down of AmericaIndividualism no more.

The spies around us are taking notes and the filtered data will come back to haunt us.

This system will rip the soul from your child.

Snow is black.

© 2023 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Deprogramming American Children

By Anita Hoge

November 11, 2023

Hillary Calls For A “Formal Deprogramming Of The Cult Members”

The Clinton/Biden/Marxist Agenda Is Well Underway In Your School

The Biden administration is ushering in the process of identifying children for mental health disorders through Medicaid in our schools that can be reimbursed by the federal government. Your children are a target for deprogramming as Hillary is boasting about. Data is the new currency and vendors, researchers, and universities get “education” data for free. Of course, more dollars stream to schools by identifying as many children as possible who have been identified for deprogramming. Outside contractors are looking at your children as profit making, data trafficking, walking money trees in this information economy.

The reification of children in America’s classrooms is a somber and explosive issue for parents today. Reification is a term in Marxist philosophy, (Verdinglichung, which means “making into a thing”) is the “conversion of the subject to an object, as when the worker becomes a commodity”. Your children are referred to as human capital, or a commodity. Our kids are mere dollar signs for the SEL, social and emotional learning movement that can’t truly defend morally what they are doing. But that’s the point. Ethics will be turned to the “I’m OK, You’re OK” universal UN agenda. We are reificating kids to be unconscionable drones in the school mental health factory.

The process of deprogramming children will sanitize the future of moral America. (Source: The Happy Slave:) Vulnerable children are captured in surveillance capitalism from the free data collected and used as a means to identify the probability of their future behavior and a denominator for changing that behavior. Understand what deprogramming is. It is a two-step process. First demolish free will  by the constant punishment and conflict regiment that forces the child to struggle. Then replace their belief system with group consensus. Your children will not survive being an individualist. They are pure human capital to be prodded, poked, and punished into subservience. Children do not enter school with a blank slate. Your families’ imprint has been established. These psychological interventions washes that slate clean to be directed otherwise in the ideological subversion of the WOKE agenda. This is why fidelity is important, “delivering an intervention exactly the way it was designed…and implemented during research studies that have validated its effectiveness.” Teachers are key to the implementation of deprogramming and MUST follow the process completely to accomplish the goals. This is how our schools will accomplish that goal to force the struggle to cleanse our children’s inner souls and attach the leftist ideology. It’s pure artificial stress. (Source: Intensive Intervention:)

Once you discover that social and emotional learning, SEL, and positive behavior intervention and supports, PBIS, (other names for example, MTSS, Multi-Tiered System of Supports) are not positive and are a constant behavioral Skinnerian reward and punishment of check ins, points, and awards that force our youth into suppression, depression, or worse, what happens next? Which controversial Critical Race Theory program will be taught that is anathema to American values? When your school applies for a partial hospitalization provider number and medical license to bill Medicaid to identify as many kids as possible with a mental health code for the federal government, what will you do?? Are normal childhood behaviors being labeled with DSM codes, Diagnostic Statistical Manual For Mental Disorders which must be used for billing Medicaid by over zealous teachers? Are teachers posing as therapists with just a few days of in-service training? How much data on your child will a teacher collect on their teacher dashboard that goes directly into the state longitudinal data system that feeds into the fed? Have you blindly accepted that children will be safe with that debit card hanging around their neck with their digital ID is OK? Think again. Skinner defined a “happy slave” as: “A system of slavery so well designed that it does not breed revolt is the real threat.”

The History of Hillary Wanting To Deprogram Your Kids

In 1994 I was asked to testify at the Department of Interior’s NII, National Information  Infrastructure Health and Education Data Security Hearing about CLIN, Community Learning Information Network. I presented a paper entitled “The Medicalization of Schools” along with Pennsylvania Representative Sam Rohrer, and Kent Masterson Brown, Esq., who filed the complaint to stop HillaryCare.

My initial research report explained how Medicaid would become the financial vehicle mandating and remediating mental health/outcome based education (OBE) when HillaryCare was being promoted to a second step if her overhaul of healthcare would be voted down. Start with the children. I explained how schools would be required to obtain a provider or partial hospitalization license to bill for Medicaid through Mental Health Wrap-Around Services and EPSDT, Early Periodic Screening and Diagnostic Testing at school. The  identification and re-definition of disabilities of all children as “at risk” would be targeted through Title I, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, Special Education). The following statement by Ira Magaziner at the HillaryCare hearings, Washington, D.C. substantiates the intent, “Medicaid would merge into the main healthcare system.”  (Sources: (Hoge testimony: The Blueprint of Medicaid in Schools “Womb to Tomb, The New Managed Economy”-)

What we are experiencing today in our classrooms is Hillary’s backdoor dream come true for her vision of “It Takes a Village To Raise a Child.”  ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, is her baby reincarnated to integrate ages 0-21 into the national healthcare system known currently as ObamaCare. Social and emotional learning, screening, and interventions will be reimbursed by Medicaid when your school applies for a partial hospitalization license to bill Medicaid for mental health disorders. Deprogramming has begun and parents need to be jarred into consciousness.

In 1995 Pennsylvania parents and students were victims of Hillary’s pilot program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. HillaryCare and her agenda would start the second phase of national healthcare reform starting with children that was intended to evolve into the entire citizenry. Pennsylvania received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation where Hillary was a board member, in which former Democratic Governor Robert Casey created a Children’s Cabinet to move schools into “community schools” called school based health/mental health clinics. Waivers were implemented and federally funded programs were manipulated to access children in the classroom to enjoin this revolution unbeknown to the Pennsylvania legislature or Pennsylvania parents.

The issue exploded when the Gateway School District was targeted as an experimental program overseen by the University of Pittsburgh and the Western Psychiatric Hospital. The experimental program was called PSWIM, Pittsburgh Schoolwide Intervention Model. The agenda was focused on Title I “schoolwide” where a  “poor” school district recategorized ALL CHILDREN who were deemed “at risk” and available for intervention  services. But what was unknown to parents, their “at risk” children were being observed and screened for deprogramming.

Hillary’s dream has become our current reality of deprogramming our citizenry with the passage of ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, passed late in 2015. This legislation mandated the entire agenda pushed through Congress by Republican leadership including former Senator Paul Ryan(R), Senator Lamar Alexander(R) and Representative John Kline(R) quickly signed by President Obama. Our children have been thrown into a feeding frenzy of datamining and psycho-behavioral therapy. Now more federal money will be thrown into the mix to report your kids’ psychometric dossier to the feds and schools will be reimbursed from Medicaid to do it.

The PSWIM Experiment-The Whole Story Of How To Brainwash Your Kids

An Original Psychological/Experimental Program On Pittsburgh Children – A Predecessor To PBIS, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.

Pennsylvania Representative Sam Rohrer was determined to expose this agenda and was named Chairman of the House Investigative Committee called House Resolution 37. My following testimony and overview of PSWIM is about legislation brought forward after the HR 37 investigation in 1997 chaired by Representative Sam Rohrer (PA-R).[1]

“Federal Register, Vol. 49, No.174; 20 U.S.C. 1232(h)(b) defined under Part 98 Student Rights in Research Experimental Programs and Testing:

“Psychiatric and psychological treatment means an activity involving the planning, systematic use of methods or techniques that are not directly related to academic instruction and that is designed to affect behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal characteristics of an individual or group.”

Dear Parents, please read this model program. The Pittsburgh School-Wide Intervention Model, PSWIM is what you’re fighting in your school today. This testimony is a deep dive into the PSWIM experiment with documentation attached

Realize That Schools Are Now Unregulated Healthcare Providers.  What Is The Importance of PSWIM To Todays Classrooms Of America?

The University of Oregon project defined PBIS as “the application of behavior analysis to achieve socially important behavior change” Developed initially as an alternative to punishments (so-called aversive interventions”) for severe cases of emotionally/behaviorally disturbed kids who engaged in extreme forms of self-injury and aggression, the model is being extended for use with children in entire schools. The goal of PBIS is to apply “research-validated practices” to create school environments that “improve lifestyle results” including personal, health, social, family, work and recreation, by shaping each child’s behavior. (Source: Inquiring Minds Want To Know: (Emp. mine.)

PSWIM was a prototype for PBIS, POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION AND SUPPORTS. “Assuming data could be gathered accurately on every student, should the information permanently remain on record? Who should be able to access it? And where do parents fit into the picture? For now, the federal research continues without answering those questions and the fashion of treating bad behavior as an illness — not a discipline problem — is sweeping the nation courtesy of the federal government.” Big question, “Who owns the data?”

Deprogramming has begun. Schoolwide PBIS is being promoted in every school district in the United States. As for the future, these classrooms will begin to bill Medicaid for reimbursement for social and emotional learning and PBIS mental health screening and interventions aligned by the Centers For Medicare and Medicaid, CMM, and the Biden/Harris administration originally orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. (Medicaid documentation and Biden/Harris EO:)

Parents and legislators alike must realize that the public school system will become  the most UNREGULATED health care business in the entire country. There is a huge difference between the delineation of roles between who are certified social workers/counselors/life coaches/teachers being in-service PBIS trained, and those who are board-licensed professional mental health providers. The school is purposefully obscuring the process and does not provide written permission from parents. In fact, the Biden/Harris administration have written regulations to bypass parents. Is this overreach at school to practice medicine without a license vs. medical providers who are licensed with oversight from licensing boards where parents must sign for treatment?  “Certified” mental health providers in schools are not subject to the same professional standards of care regulated by the board of licensing, nor are they subject to discipline by a professional board. (Source: A Legal Process Substack:)[2]

What could possibly go wrong? The failure of clearly delineated roles can be attributed to guidance relying primarily on the advocacy positions of the American School Counselors Association. ASCA which is not a professional licensing board, in which they are a volunteer association with no enforcement or disciplinary power over members.

“There’s a reason why “school” counselors have “school” in the title – they are, quite literally, confined to doing whatever they do to kids at school. They aren’t allowed to practice independently – which requires a “license” from a state agency with statutory authority to regulate a profession. In Arizona, that agency is the Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (BBHE). Other states have similar sounding licensing boards – each with the same duty: the regulation of mental health services to protect the public from unqualified practitioners and provide minimal standards of professional conduct that are codified into law – any violation of which will subject them to discipline such as fines, censure, suspension, or revocation of their license.The difference is meaningful with the increasing “professional creep” of unlicensed workers into areas of mental health practice that in any other context other than schools, would require licensing from a board licensed mental health provider and must obtain prior, informed consent from parents of a minor before treatment. But at school-a certified school counselor can just stop a kid in the hall and say, “let’s talk during your lunch period?” (Source: A Legal Process Substack:)

Will those 15 minutes of talk get paid by Medicaid?

The Biden/Harris administration issues new policy goals for schools to become health/mental health clinics through an equity lens by “leveraging policy and funding.” School based mental health clinics for ALL CHILDREN have been given the green-GO-full-speed-ahead including gender affirming care.

The Biden-Harris Administration policy goals to increase access to health and mental health services. The report recommends establishing an integrated framework of educational, social, emotional, and behavioral health support for all and to leverage policy and funding.  Medicaid is one of our Nations primary sources of funding for health and mental health services for children with and without disabilities… (See here for reimbursement schedules for Medicaid Documentation:)

Medicaid reimbursement at school is sheltered from state budgets and public scrutiny.   This federal outreach initiative has piggybacked education law allowing access to your children for deprogramming. However, a mental health intervention without a clinical diagnosis is truly blurring the lines and stepping outside the boundaries of established law. “Mental health services are regulated by a board of licensing for a reason – there are very real public interests at stake. The consequences of getting mental health wrong can be serious, even deadly.” (Source: A Legal Process Substack:)                    

But yet, here I am today telling parents they are messing with your kids daily, and parents aren’t aware of it.

Data Collection, Data Trafficking and Duplication Of Teacher Practices

There are daily behavioral data collection, surveys, and analysis which is input into teacher dashboards. Observational and screening data is being used to identify children with mental health problems. Who decides what these mental health problems are? Who has access to all this personal data when FERPA, Family Education Rights In Privacy Act, allows personal data to flow to 3rd party vendors? (Source: FERPA Loopholes:) HIPAA does not cover education data. We are not talking about academic scores here. We are talking about psychological profiles likened to China’s social credit system. Teachers are being “coached” through a series of workshops called fidelity. So the “professional creep” of teacher workshops are giving teachers the authority to identify kids with a mental health disorder by monitoring every child called Tier 1 universal screening. Teachers are being told that this is their job. Look out if this teacher thinks or has a bad connotation of active little boys with bad deeds…or pushing someone in the cafeteria lunch line, or doodling on paper instead of listening to the teacher. What are possible Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions? (See the SRSS Student Risk Screening Scale Template)

These highly visible and intentional techniques enable teachers to be PBIS vanguards as they are groomed and supported to collect this personally identifiable information for the feds by saying these techniques are “evidence-based”. These coaching sessions carried out by IDEA (Special Education) tell teachers that they are involved in “implementation science” and prime teachers for “buy-in”. Teachers are being rewarded for daily surveillance called “Child Find.” What qualifies them to do this? Oh wait, they also are being trained to intercede in your child’s health by implementing mental health interventions called “applied behavior analysis” in which their sweetheart name to provide treatment is called “positive behavior intervention and supports.

(Source: PBIS is Applied Behavior Analysis, ABATeacher Training in PBIS, ABA)

So why are we allowing teachers to use Applied Behavior Analysis, a technique that was devised for autistic children, and use it on all children? The potential for malpractice and abuse is incalculable, not to mention the fact that using a modality designed for children with real disability on capable children DISABLES THEM. (Fillman) [2]

The shocking realization is that our country is at the tipping point that will change the future of America forever. Deprogramming our kids is in full assault as Hillary’s suggestion implies while wide-scale adoption of PBIS is being implemented in American classrooms…and the Medicaid money keeps flowing.

There is much to think about here. But what is most worrisome? What imprint will replace American ethics? Watch the revolting news as students no longer have remorse, are swayed by groupthink, cannot make decisions, hate is on display, and hearts are cleansed of any regret or conscience. There are several different names describing these cringe-worthy environments at school that parents should be made aware of. The pure essence of scrubbing the slate clean is being accomplished by the following practices in our schools. My friends, the future is now. Remove your kids from public school.

Social and Emotional Learning, SEL
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, PBIS
Multi-Tiered System of Supports, MTSS
Instructional Support Teams, IST
Student Assistance Programs, SAP
Universal Design For Learning, UDL
Specialized Student Individualized Support, SSIS
Response To Intervention, RTI
Critical Race Theory
Project AWARE
Character ED

Source Links, Notes, and Medicaid Sources:

Overview: “Biden Expands ObamaCare For Mental Health Services At School To Psychoanalyze Children 0-21”:

Pittsburgh PSWIM experiment with documentation attached:


  1. [1] Why were community schools withdrawn in the 1990’s? The effort by parents across the country to destroy these mental health standards under OBE were successful. Honesty, integrity, emotion regulation, and all standards in the affective domain were withdrawn because of public outcry. There was no way to enforce or have teachers teach the soft skills standards of social and emotional learning.
  2. [2] Thanks to Chris Evans for delineating the concept of certified vs. licensed mental health providers and notes from Deb Fillman.

© 2023 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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Biden Expands ObamaCare For Mental Health Services at Schools to Psychoanalyze Children 0 to 21

By Anita Hoge

August 29, 2023

WARNING: Your Neighborhood School Is Being Set-Up As A School Based Clinic To Bill Medicaid So That All Children Can Be Psychoanalyzed For Health/Mental Health Services At School.

Medicaid Billing Allowed For Social and Emotional Learning


April, 2015 I sent out an alert about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation pending in the House and Senate that would change education forever. The article printed in News With Views was titled “The Medicalization of Schools.” ( Source: ) The Republican version of legislation passed with flying colors when Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray pushed the agenda into law and was quickly signed by Obama. After all, this Republican agenda was really an Obama/Clinton proposal that had been lurking in the shadows for several years. You could refer to it as ObamaCare 2.0 or more commonly known as ObamaCore, merging healthcare to Common Core education through Medicaid for ages 0-21 by attaching mental health standards. What I had proposed 8 years ago has become a reality today.

The Hideous Agenda To Have Schools Become Medical Providers To Bill Medicaid

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published this administrative guide dated 2023 for schools to become a medical provider and begin to bill Medicaid for reimbursement in your neighborhood schools by setting up schools with a hospitalization license:

Delivering Services in School- Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming (Source🙂

A Joint information Bulletin was released July 1, 2019 explaining the system of techniques that will be used to identify behavioral/mental health disorders as a disability that in turn create interventions at school that now can be used for billing Medicaid reimbursement:

“Together, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are issuing this Joint Informational Bulletin (Bulletin) to provide the public, including states, schools, and school systems, with information about addressing mental health and substance use issues in schools.” (Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Bulletin: pg. 3)

The 2013 bulletin for the Center for Medicare Services Administrative Guide page 25, documents the following footnote referring back to the previous July, 2019 Bulletin-PBIS, RTI, and MTSS are techniques approved for intervention services provided through schools and ARE INCLUDED in arriving at a disability/disorder for approved Medicaid billing and reimbursement.

“ These multi-tiered models include screening as well as targeted support for students exhibiting signs of potentially struggling with mental health conditions or SUDs, and services for those identified as experiencing mental health or substance use problems.” In addition, this 2019 guidance also states that “[w]thin federal requirements affecting coverage, payment, and financing of Medicaid services, schools may establish collaborations with community providers.” More recent guidance, “Coverage and Payment of Interprofessional Consultation in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP),” may be helpful for supporting school-based mental health and SUD services.”

So both guidelines identified PBIS, MTSS, and RTI using these techniques to identify children, collect data on child behavioral disabilities, use interventions, and bill Medicaid for mental health disorders through reimbursements by identifying children through social and emotional learning and Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) as “free care” services. PBIS and MTSS are currently being administered in every classroom of America. (Source-1): Medicaid/CHIP Psychiatric Interprofessional Consultation/Telehealth Therapy Billing Allowed: (Source-2)

Neighborhood Schools Become School Based Mental Health Clinics

In order for this system to move swiftly, schools are also allowed to skip over parental informed consent so that mental health treatment of children at school and billing Medicaid could move forward. Parents beware!

May 18, 2023, Overview: A Long-awaited Guide to Help Schools Give Care to Children in Medicaid and CHIP

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is releasing Delivering Service in School-Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming. Developed in consultation with the U.S. Department of Education, the new guide represents an important part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s work implementing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). BSCA charged CMS with expanding access to Medicaid health care services in schools, including behavioral health services, and reducing administrative burden for states and schools.“ (Source:Delivering Medicaid Services At School🙂

This agenda has been set up by Obama who was following Hillary Clinton’s agenda “IT’S ABOUT KIDS” now being carried out by the Biden administration. It doesn’t take a village to raise a child.

(Hoge testimony 1994: the Blueprint of Medicaid in Schools “Womb to Tomb, The New Managed Economy”; Hoge Sept. 2016: Link)

The target would be your neighborhood school to access every child for a concept called community schools. The “whole child” (head/heart/hand) or (think/feel/act) scenario would develop around the federal government being able to access individual children for health/mental health services. The whole child, whole school, whole community concept was introduced by Hillary and then Governor Bill Clinton at the 1989 Governor’s Association annual meeting as a “Prescription For America” a back door agenda to implement HillaryCare through the school house door. The 1990 pilot program was initiated in an old steel town in Farrell, Pennsylvania heralded as the hub of the community. Newer whole community Medicaid plans from the CDC, Center for Disease Control Model represent the same updated agenda. (Sources: Farrell School Pilot Community Schools,: Center For Disease Control🙂

Be assured that gender affirming care will be included in the Medicaid agenda. Be alert to the bulletin that removes parental consent below.

On MARCH 31, 2023, the White House put out a fact sheet that expanded coverage for gender affirming care which would also come under the “no parental permission” needed by reducing administrative burdens for Medicaid billing. Do parents have the right to know and give permission about their children when the school is promoting and supporting gender affirming care to your child?

FACT SHEET: White House Honors Transgender Day of Visibility

“Issuing a landmark report on ways to support and affirm LGBTQI+ youth, especially transgender youth. Today, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is releasing a new report providing the latest scientific research on supporting the mental health of LGBTQI+ youth. With the release of today’s report, SAMHSA is providing new resources to parents, teachers, and mental health providers to help them use evidence-based practices to affirm and support transgender and LGBTQI+ youth and their families. SAMHSA finds that: There is conclusive scientific evidence that affirming a transgender or LGBTQI+ child’s identity is vital to protecting their mental health.”

(White House Executive Order: Reducing Administrative Burden To Bill Medicaid For States and Schools By Removing Parental Consent-Biden Moves Forward To Issue Hospitalization Licenses For Schools To Become Providers For Medicaid Billing And Reimbursement.

Parental consent removed. Recommendations from the School Superintendents Association and others that recommend no parental consent. (Source🙂

The Massive Assault On The Family.
Who Is The Target Population? Every Child.
Every Home. Parents Are Eliminated.
No Parental Permission Needed.

May, 2023, Secretary of Education Cardona proposes to amend regulations under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Part B of IDEA) that govern the Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities program, including the Preschool Grants program. Proposed rulemaking for regulations were brought forward for public comment to change parental permission for accessing children in the classroom and using Medicaid for billing without parental permission which was seen as an administrative burden. Unless a parent has been following these guidelines it would almost be impossible to understand the impact of these regulations. But the regulation has a long grasp and extends the rules to every child. This is what has changed:

“Secretary proposes to amend the IDEA Part B regulations to remove the requirement for public agencies to obtain parental consent prior to accessing for the first time a child’s public benefits or insurance (e.g., Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)) to provide or pay for required IDEA Part B services. As there are no comparable consent requirements prior to accessing public benefits for children without disabilities, the removal of this consent requirement would align public benefits consent requirements for children with disabilities to those for children without disabilities and ensure equal treatment of both groups of children.” (Source: Removal Of Consent Requirement)

What does this mean? Equity. Remember that ESSA contained regulations for IDEA Part B Special Education Services to carry out interventions for PBIS and MTSS. (See Montana Behavioral Initiative graph.) Most Medicaid assistance to children in school have an IEP, Individual Education Plan, that identify children who are truly Special Ed. Those children are funded through IDEA and Medicaid. These handicapped children have true physical and mental health disabilities. Now these regulations will provide the same assistance to children without disabilities. So who are the children without disabilities?

Yes, you got it. It will be ALL STUDENTS. ALL children who are Title I and schoolwide will be screened and labeled through teacher observation and universal intervention practices that now can be billed to Medicaid through an equity lens by “leveraging policy and funding.”

“Administration’s Policy Priorities The Biden-Harris Administration has established a clear policy goal to increase access to health and mental health services.”
“Increasing access to needed health and mental health services that can be delivered to students at school is a key element of this policy goal.”
“The report recommends establishing an integrated framework of educational, social, emotional, and behavioral health support for all and to leverage policy and funding.”
“Medicaid Funding in Schools: Medicaid is one of our Nation’s primary sources of funding for health and mental health services for children with and without disabilities…” (Source: Amending Regulations For Special Education: pg. 11, and Montana Behavioral Initiative-Medicaid PBIS Billing🙂

What gave the federal government legal access to ALL children without disabilities?

I must remind parents about Title I and school-wide and how Obama and the federal government set the stage for ALL CHILDREN to be identified for this federal power grab.

The Obama Agenda and Eventual Case Management For Every Family

FACTS: Common Core removed subject areas as a graduation requirement and secured the “individual mandate” similar to ObamaCare identifying the student with a unique national ID. Obama changed federal law by removing poverty guidelines in ESEA Title I Flexibility Waiver regulations making every child Title I. Obama identifIed every child for the federal government to be able to place a finger on every child’s forehead with a dollar sign on their back.

Identify each child as Title I and identify each child to get federal Title I money. (Remember this phrase when federal money will be dispensed for education Choice… it will be Title I.)

Why All Children Are Now Title I and ALL Schools Are Now School-wide
Smearing the Lines of Who Is Poor or Educationally Deprived

The 40% poverty rate for a school to become school-wide would be dropped to zero by an Obama ESEA Flexibility Waiver. So 40% of children in a school had to be enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program established as poor. By dropping poverty guidelines, school-wide meant that controversial programs like social and emotional learning could be used for the entire school, not just services for those children who were identified as poor. By dropping the percentage to “0” means that ALL children would be Title I and ALL Title I children would be able to be accessed by whole school programming. (NOTE: This change in federal law by waiver was without Congressional authority. The waiver/school-wide agenda has continued through acceptance of COVID/ESSER federal funds. Also, beware that Education CHOICE legislation will use Title I school-wide portability federal funds that “follows a child” setting up control of every private, religious, and homeschool with ESSA and Medicaid regulations.)

This was the only way to identify ALL CHILDREN for the social and emotional programming under Universal Screening in a Tier I intervention program like Positive Behavior Intervention Supports, PBIS. Now, all children can be screened, observed, and interventions applied WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION according to the new Medicaid Biden/Harris regulations. Teachers are being trained through special education cadres (IDEA) to screen, observe, and collect behavioral and psychological data on your children. Teachers enter this data into a local teacher dashboard, transmitted to state and a national data base called the state longitudinal data system at the National Center for Education Statistics, NCES. And, now schools will be paid Medicaid dollars to do it.

This data has been merged with all other federal departments with the passage of another Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen.Patty Murphy agenda called OPEN GOVERNMENT DATA ACT, HR 4174. This legislation now represents an entire womb to workforce pattern of merged collected data from every federal department that will contain everything, a complete psychometric dossier with the added data benefits of earned wages, IRS, healthcare, etc. For more background see here: (Source: Hoge; Can The Motherload of Data Hurt You?:

But the sanctity of your home will not be off-limits. The all invasive Promise Neighborhood agenda wants all parents to be involved and engaged. The community school likened to the original Farrell School District is coming to your neighborhood school. A family individual service plan under case management will ensure the entire family comes under the thumb of the federal government. The future intrusion of government into families will continue with case management where government scans your personal environment for more intricate data about you and how you raise your family.

See Promise Neighborhoods in Background and Documentation. (Source: Individual Family Service Plan: and Teacher Dashboard🙂

What Does It Mean To Have A DSM Code On Your Child’s Permanent Record?

Data Trafficking

What parents are NOT being told is the end product of Medicaid billing at school. DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, will be used to code your child that will be billed to Medicaid. A behavioral or mental health disability/disorder will clearly be stated on your child’s permanent record that will last their lifetime. Do teachers, healthcare workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers really understand what they are doing? Remember, the Pennsylvania EQA was administered for 20 years before I had the test removed. (See Part 2) Most teachers had no concept of what the test was measuring or why the state wanted this psychological information. Questions remain why teachers are not acknowledging that social and emotional data that they collect and enter into their computers to observe children and implement interventions to mold a child’s personality is government approved surveillance. How are personality traits scored? Knowingly or not, we are able to prove this agenda is moving forward at warp speed. What will parents do about it? What is the future?

Social and Emotional Learning and Medicaid At School

Your neighborhood school is a target to become a medical home for government sponsored behavioral/mental health/health care, and gender affirming care services paid for by Medicaid with reimbursement strategies…the more children that are identified with mental health disabilities for Medicaid reimbursement, the more money that would flow to the school. The agenda is meant for EVERY CHILD.

Every child in the United States till adulthood will be monitored. Each must be touched by the federal arm of behavioral conditioning and socialized healthcare. ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, states that interventions will be carried out by IDEA, Individuals With Disabilities Act, by having Special Education teams train and teach teachers how to implement behavioral tactics in classrooms. PBIS, positive behavior intervention and supports, and multi-tiered systems of support, MTSS, are techniques being taught to regular teachers to observe and collect data on your children to identify them with mental health disabilities/disorders. This personal, psychological data is categorized as determining factors in what types of “interventions” will be used to change the personality of your children.

A 3-tiered process ranges from universal/preventive screening for all students, having the least amount of interventions in your child’s personality, to intensive interventions with a re-cycling emphasis. CASEL and PANORAMA are 2 programs that use social and emotional learning as a means to collect this psychological data and implement interventions in their behavior, values, beliefs, and dispositions. The following questions are from Panorama User Guide under the heading Emotion Regulation;

“When everybody around you gets angry, how relaxed can you stay?”
The answers range from “not relaxed at all” to “extremely relaxed”

“When things go wrong for you, how calm are you able to remain?”
The answers range from “not calm at all” to “extremely calm.”

Remember that the assessment of emotion regulation tallies the responses with a number code. Emotions will be scored to a criterion for intervention. Parents do not know the scoring or algorithms used that lead to a variety of interventions, how it’s done, or why. How much is too much or not enough emotional regulation? How are emotions measured by unbiased teachers when they observe your child? (Source: Panorama SEL User Guide🙂

Phone Apps are also being used for teachers to monitor behavior in the classroom. Fidgeting, flipping pages in a book, or staring out the window may impact your child through behavioral interventions. Normal child behavior is being coded for interventions. (Source: Behavioral Observations for Students in School: BOSS APP. pages 22-24🙂

America’s Social Credit System Is Entirely In Place

An enforcement mechanism would monitor individuals to bring about not only forced personality changes to every child in America, but a conditioning process to control literacy and a system of surveillance never seen before in this country. This will be the end of privacy, Second Amendment rights, and civil rights in America. Hillary’s agenda has always been-control the kids and control guns…through mental health. If you have a DSM code on your record, you will never own a gun.

Interesting how the Second Amendment will collapse with this Medicaid agenda. When this data collection is laced with the 50 state strategy of behavioral conditioning, this egregious system is using a design down concept meaning the goals were prepared starting with the global citizen, and the system worked backwards to achieve those goals…piece by piece.

Since this data collection began with state longitudinal data systems and experimental psychological interventions that were legislated in 2015, we can predict the timeline for total-impact-reach across the country starting with daycare centers and kindergarten through adulthood womb to workplace. This agenda in 15 years from the date of legislation in 2015 will have totally consumed the population by 2030 with baby boomers vanishing as the strong patriot guards at the gate. This is the same timeline as the World Economic Forum for a new world order.

America’s children must be identified for their value to the economy. American human capital must be up-skilled. Human capital assessment is defined as the worth or worthlessness of the individual that fits exactly to the same definition as how worth is determined for your property. Human capital (the value placed on a person) would be determined in detail through an algorithm of inputs (costs and profiles associated to develop a future global worker) versus outputs (a job that would determine the worth that individual had to the economy) all correlated to a defined set of global outcomes.

This concept of collecting behavioral and sensitive psychometric data would eventually merge into the new “census” that would be considered an individual social credit score system similar to Communist China. Your value to the economy is monitored by adult wages and your behavior-birth to retirement. The United States will no longer use academic indicators for success. The government can and does access personal data, or specifically, everything about you, what you do, how you feel, and what you think. Medicaid gives government easy access to your home through case management. Decisions on collected data can demand compliance, reprimand, censure, or refuse services, licensing, travel, banking, or perhaps even food in the future.

The word that must be focused on at this point is enforcement. How will you be forced to conform? Enforcement can be used by flagging people through a future digital currency. Your psychographic profile will decide your ‘haves and have nots.’ Someone in the federal government will decide if you get your bowl of rice. Whoever is in power, maintains the direction of decision making in a world controlled ONLY by data and numbers.

A parental revolution is a must if we are to assume that America will uphold her ideals and notions of freedom of thought and freedom of exercise that will be lost in datamining, interventions, and enforcement of pure brainwashing to every student in the United States. No family will be exempt. This has been the great experimental progression since Lyndon Johnson pushed ESEA Title I legislation in 1965. The system has been contaminated.

As for your future, do not be blinded by the sugar coating of social and emotional learning, Title I portability money, or choice in education. There is no choice but to remove your kids from public school and stop the federal money flow to private and religious schools. We are paying for brainwashing and data compliance.

Your children are no longer yours. Your family is in danger.
A revolution is needed to stop this madness.

“Medicaid would merge into the main healthcare system,” Ira Magaziner,
Vice-Chair of Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Initiative Task Force, 1993.

© Anita B Hoge – All rights reserved

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Quantum Tattoo and a Digital Scannable Vaccine

By Anita B. Hoge

President Trump has spoken about the “cure being worse than the problem”

Our country is in an economic tailspin and it’s time to share some insights with the happenings of the day. There’s a huge push for identity certificates that prove you’re immune to the CoVid-19 virus to be able to return to work. As of Fri, April 9, 2020, Dr. Fauci states that Coronavirus immunity cards are being discussed by the Whitehouse.

Virus Immunity Certificates (or voluntary digital biological markers)

Testing….More testing on everyone? So will we accept antibody testing for immunity to receive freedom passports to go back to work, play, go to school, go to the grocery store, etc.? Are we so brainwashed that the United States will have a herd mentality for herd immunity?

Antibody Based Freedom-Immunity Certificates is a reminder that Bill Gates had a pandemic exercise October, 2019 called Event 201 that has now become an Echo Chamber. What is the “new normal” of not spreading the disease to other people.  Bill Gates pushes vaccinations where “contact tracing” (a process in which those within close contact with an infected person are closely monitored) can be done, in order to maintain necessary quarantines.

So will the flu vaccine have a tracking and scannable tattoo and code called a Quantum Tattoo? Will immunizations serve as a platform for digital identity? Will there be “forced  vaccinations”or “forced to shelter at home” if you refuse? [Link]

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation proposes quantum dot digital tattoo implant to track CoVid-19 vaccine:

“By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, the patches deliver a pattern in the skin that is invisible to the naked eye but can be scanned with a smartphone that has the infrared filter removed. The patch can be customized to imprint different patterns that correspond to the type of vaccine delivered. Tests using human cadaver skin showed that the quantum dot patterns could be detected by smartphone cameras after five years of simulated sun exposure.” [LINK]

UK plans Coronavirus immunity passports:

Germany proposes immunity passports that could speed up return to work:

Tennessee the first to propose an immunity certificate: Talk of these special passports surfaced in American politics last week when House Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Stewart called on Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee to implement an “Immunity Certificate” for first responders and healthcare professionals.

April 8, The Hill’s Morning Report – Article Presented by Facebook – Americans with COVID-19 immunity may lead US back to work

“On Tuesday, Cuomo put out an all-call to companies that can manufacture tens of millions of reliable antibody tests for his region, noting that he’s coordinating with the governors of New Jersey and Connecticut to plan for the eventual return of millions of workers to the Big Apple.”

Pittsburgh, PA, UPMC has developed a CoVid-19 vaccine: Is it a digital, trackable vaccine?

Biometric immunity markers to be allowed to work…who would have thought?

Will Americans say NO!   #AmericaWillPushback

© 2020 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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Karl Marx’s Vision Prepares American School Children as Future Labor, Part 2

Anita Hoge

Marx’s Vision: “…enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor”

“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs! Karl Marx (Emp. added.)

Most people only recognize the last sentence in Marx’s popularized slogan. It is not very difficult to foresee the near future of our country as this movement in behavioral psychology in our schools is thrust on our kids in the guise of “productive forces” as Marx defined them. As teachers posing as therapists continue the pseudo-non-clinical treatment called interventions at school, our children are in danger. There are no safety mechanisms that protect your child who will be recycled toward subjective mental health standards. These social and emotional techniques use sugar-coated terms like multi-tiered systems of support, response to intervention, positive behavior intervention and supports, character, grit, or emotion regulation and they are being pushed down our kids’ throats.  Parents have accepted them because they have accepted the ruse. Whose character, grit, or emotions are we emulating?

Bottom of the Pyramid Children

So how do Enterprise zones (Part 1) funded through education help poor children living in these poverty zones? Answer: Public-Private-Partnerships that scoop up BOP, bottom of the pyramid poor children. Who are these BOP kids? The children who are the 80% that will be re-skilled to become worker bees. 20% selected of the fittest are able to climb to the top of the pyramid but must have the right attitudes.

When analyzing the marketing for new available jobs in these Opportunity Zones, the focus is on business, not students. What actually is being taught to these young apprentices are skills that match the jobs and the schools equip those kids with a low-status education. Academics are replaced by “functional skills.” (See end of story graph.) A cooperative docile worker is needed, “to interact productively as a group.” The following are some so-called-do-gooder investments which Marx would have referred to as “co-operative wealth.” Read on to discover what is behind the magic words:

“We test for critical thinking skills, technical aptitude, and a good attitude. We DO NOT look at test scores or transcripts.” —Kenzie Academy (Source: )

While these incentives appear to sound great, what type of skills are needed to be re-skilled? What these programs are advertising and what they are doing are very different things. Hand in hand federal money is being spread to accommodate both sides of the fulcrum, using BOP Title I poor children and targeting BOP Title I poor neighborhoods. Children, property, and curriculum are being targeted for reengineered renewal for the global economy and the dark side of capitalism that captures the data. This is a soft-skills mold! The “antithesis between mental and physical labor will vanish” just as Marx had envisioned.

Some people will say, “Its a job”. True, it is a job, but is it a future? Is this a low skills, low wages agenda? Americans will recognize the lower-level slotted manipulation. In reverse, every child should have the opportunity to expand their horizons instead of a static ceiling of meeting dumbed-down Common Core controlled standards. Education should be the floor of opportunity not the ceiling. Our kids are being stymied. NAEP test scores prove my point. Across the Board Scores Drop in Math and Reading For US Students:  (Source: Across the board scores drop in math and reading for US students)

The trend is reminiscent of the SCANS Department of Labor scheme to create human capital or the worth of the individual for industry.

I should remind readers that in the early 1990’s the Department Of Labor developed what the future global worker would think, feel, and act like. Defined in terms of assessing the future worker of tomorrow the DOL candidly reported in the SCANS Report  (Secretary’s Commission For Achieving Necessary Skills) that functional literacy and the right attitudes, values, and dispositions (personal qualities) were the most important aspects of education. It would be Business that would tell Education what was necessary for the future. Training would replace true education.

“Employers tell educators what work requires of schools, while educators certify what students know and can do.”

This lure of ‘get-off-tax-free’ for big business begins with a huge federal trough of funding in these Opportunity Zones that are poor communities but ends with the alarming doom of dumbing-down children and families to accomplish a fascist style of investment with a mental health bent. Do your children have the so-called “right” attitudes? Your child will be recycled to that re-skilled mold where mental health is the most important part of the new workforce with data collection to keep them on track. Pliable, moldable, agreeable gymbies.

Realize that the President is pursuing the merging of the Department Of Education with the Department Of Labor (DOL) which has interesting connections to think about. He has also requested to open Child Labor laws so that younger children would be authorized to work in hazardous employment as apprentices.

[Ad: To understand communist takeover of American education read: “Brainwashing: synthesis of the Russian textbook of psycho politics”]

This dumbing-down process will have extreme debilitating effects on the future of education in the United States as our workforce begins to look like that of socialized countries. The “all around development of the individual” as Marx has written is very similar to the well-rounded curriculum of the whole childcodified in ESSA. The goal-globalism. It’s agenda is being accomplished. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”

SCANSSecretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills

Effective Work Performance VIA Behavioral Conditioning

United States Department of Labor

© 2020 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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Betsy DeVos’s Socialist Dreams Push Charter Schools, Part 1

Anita Hoge

Part 1

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos continues her endeavor to move the United States toward regionalism. In October, DeVos tried to breathe new life into tax-credit scholarships…but no go. “I remain dumbfounded that some conservatives who masquerade as education reformers criticize this proposal,” she said at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington, DC.

“Who would have thought that Ted Cruz or I would have been accused of trying to grow the federal government?” … DeVos, for her part, described the process of establishing federal tax credit scholarships this way: “It would simply be a portal at Treasury.” (Source: Betsy Devos pushes tax credit scholarships again)

Understand what DeVos has just said…it’s the IRS and the portal would suck private and religious schools through that dark hole of regulations and control. DeVos also had to explain to Congressional hearings last year about her mismanagement of the $1 billion worth of charter school fraud.  (Source: Things didn’t go well when Betsy Devos was confronted her departments charter school)

Choice in education issues should be discussed on the front burner of this debate. However, remember, this trend toward socialism can not be reached until CHOICE is codified in law because the power of the taxpayer MUST be cut out of the loop. No voice, no vote, no power to change the system which can only be accomplished with CHOICE dollars. Collapsing the public school system is the agenda. This means your tax money is given to redefined Title I “poor” children with poverty guidelines erased. This also means that any child can receive these choice dollars to go to any school, anywhere, to collapse the tax base enforcing the need for regionalism. Socialism is all about compliance and taking away your individual rights to benefit the whole. That is why tax credit scholarships or CHOICE in education in some form will be needed to regionalize the system in the future.(Source: Past article: Senator Cruz S 306, Ted Cruz Kills the American Dream, Current article: Choice is the Kiss of Death,)

Never the less, National School Choice Week rekindled the push for Federal dollars being used to fund private education. Betsy DeVos’s eyes were twinkling like after-Christmas sales urging support and promoting charter schools across the nation. (Sources: [Source 1], [Source 2], [Source 3].)

Most people do not realize the impact this superficial “we’re going to help the poor child stuck in a really bad school” marketing ploy to move this country into socialism. So while she tries to rekindle her first plan of attack, the next vain of contention for DeVos are charter schools supplied through Enterprise Zones Tax Credits also in Trump’s budget marked with billions of dollars. Businesses are supplied with apprentices called kid-tech-ed raw material.

So, while that tax free scholarship idea is dying on the vine that set up regionalization by fiat, the other shoe drops. DeVos now pushes billions of dollars called Enterprise Zone Tax Credits. These funds authorize the designation of Qualified Opportunity Zones (i.e., designated distressed communities), to promote economic development and job creation in distressed communities through preferential tax treatment for investors. Tax incentives are given to attract investment in business or real estate located within certain economically disadvantaged neighborhoods with the goal of revitalizing those areas. States select low-income census tracts to carry the federal designation.

“The initiative allows people to sell stocks or other investments and delay capital gains taxes for years — as long as they plow the proceeds into projects in federally certified opportunity zones. Any profits from those projects can avoid federal taxes altogether.“ ( Tax opportunity zones)

This neatly ties together Title I (poor neighborhoods called opportunity zones) creating a new workforce (poor children turned into human capital for business ventures legislated in WIOA, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) and funding charter schools (publicly funded private education with no elected school boards.) So, forget regionalization for now, and watch the move to start more charter schools in these poor neighborhoods to get the transfusion of taxpayer money directly into the private, charter school vein through public-private-partnerships, 3 P’s.

The Charter School Push in Opportunity Zones

“Private consultants will work with charter school networks to assist in opening more of the publicly funded, independently managed schools in economically distressed areas that qualify for the use of an investment vehicle called an Opportunity Fund, allowing them to defer taxes on capital gains by investing them in projects in those zones instead. And investors could potentially avoid taxes for profits they make within opportunity zones altogether.”  It’s a bonanza for business and this is how Trump’s Tax break to help poor communities became a windfall for the rich.  (Sources: [Source 1], [Source 2], [Source 3])

How would these tax benefits help schools? Public schools, including charter schools, could partner with private enterprises for facilities funding made available through the zones. This arrangement could extend to schools’ participation in mixed-use developments and partnerships with things like health centers and libraries according to an article published in July in the journal Education Next. (Betsy Devos wants to prioritize education funding for opportunity zones )

Obama created national models called 21st Century Promise Neighborhoods and Promise Schools. Technically it transformed poor neighborhood schools into school-based-Medicaid clinics offering workforce training, medical and mental health services at school as the hub of the community. HHS funded this original “womb to tomb” programming through ObamaCare which fused education with healthcare. The history behind the “Medicalization of Schools” was created through HillaryCare, a dire memory from the past, (Womb to Tomb)

ESSA, Every Student Achieves Act, mandated mental health reconditioning for the first time in history instead of the 3 R’s. Common Core would provide the base knowledge for “functional literacy.” But the mental health intervention strategies codified in law will change our American children into the worker drones for the global economy birth to age 21 with social and emotional learning (mental health conditioning) as the key ingredient. No child will escape, especially independent thinkers, children of patriotic parents, or any child who refuses to bend under the grip of these “change makers.” This is why the Heckman/Duckworth treatises push early childhood education. By starting early, the end result is accomplished sooner. (Read Big Brother-Eugenics-or both. No one is watching the crippling anti-American brainwashing creeping through the school-house backdoor.

These endeavors bill and tie Medicaid to our schools whereby schools become medical models that fund the mental health reconditioning, re-skilling, and psyche interventions of our American children through social and emotional behavioral conditioning referred to as pipeline services. (Sources: [Source 1], [Source 2])

See the behavioral skills needed in the New Tech Economy… West Virginia 21st Century Personal and Workplace Skills.

“Student remains composed and focused, even under stress, willingly aligns his/her personal goals to the goals of others when appropriate, approaches conflict from a win-win perspective, and derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals.”

As you read these subjective and arbitrary emotional learning objectives, think about the artificial stress hoisted on our kids proving psychological behavior change is rampant and forced on our children at school. The idea of the individual must be banished from society. Parents have looked the other way. Our children are depressed because the American ethic is being throttled. It’s the process of forging a new mind-set in our children to accept globalism. No individuals allowed. It’s the group.

© 2020 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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Betsy DeVos’s School Choice-The Kiss of Death

Do not allow ‘30 pieces of silver’ to be used to betray our country. Choice is the kiss of death. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is serving up America’s kids on a tax-credit scholarship platter. The future of the Republic hangs on the edge of political upheaval.

Tax-Credit Scholarships are “the Trojan horse” of today. (Iserbyt). The vote for Socialism is near. The movement toward a managed economy is accelerating with the loss of sovereignty at the federal, state, and local government levels. Elected officials will be pushed out leaving only unelected councils. States’ rights will be shattered. No one will realize the havoc this will cause to our nation until it is too late.

Beware. Regulations were published in the Federal Register to control all schools in the nation.(Source: Mitle i improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged and general provisions technical) Secretary DeVos has been criss-crossing across the country in support of CHOICE. Her remarks are deceptive. She does not explain the federal strings attached to this public source of funding. (Source: Betsy Devos-crusades against blaine laws shares vision of education freedom.) DeVos has an ulterior motive to unwind Blaine Amendments in every state constitution which forbids public funds to support religious schools. She wants federal control of all schools, private and religious schools included. She’s on a mission.

Did Betsy mention datamining in her Tax-Credit Scholarship crusade when talking about all this freedom and money she is giving away while traveling to charter schools across the country? Do you realize that your child will be defined as “MIGRATORY” to be able to be identified, labeled, and monitored as moving from their school of residence to another school, called MSIX, Migrant Student Information Exchange developed for migrant workers?  It’s all in these new regulations. Betsy DeVos is a modern day Benedict Arnold.

The nation is being prepared for the $5 billion Tax- Credit Scholarships named in President Trump’s budget and Senator Ted Cruz’s S 634. Federal Tax-Credit Scholarships will regionalize your local taxes and DeVos plans on stomping out Blaine Amendments across the country to see her plan to its end.

Everyone wants a choice to educate their children. But, please do not move forward to support THIS CHOICE until you have read the fine print. Every private and religious school must be contacted. Every Democrat, every Republican, every American must be contacted to vote NO on the Tax-Credit Scholarships. Every child will be a CHOICE Title I CHILD. America will be caught in this trap. Betsy DeVos’s mantra of freedom are words that have no meaning. They are lies.

  • Representative government will be destroyed by eliminating your locally elected representatives.
  • Title I Schoolwide benefits ALL children not just poor children.
  • Federal Tax-Credit Scholarship money goes directly to parental ESA’s eliminating states’ rights to control the budget.
  • Property rights will be revamped by redistributing tax money from wealthy school districts.
  • Your tax money follows a child directly into other schools or to other school districts that will regionalize your tax base called Title I supplement not supplant.
  • Children will be psychoanalyzed and conditioned toward global citizenship.
  • Tax free money for business and industry to access our children as a commodity will have a 100% tax write-off that is staggering.
  • This vision will destabilize education, destabilize the equity in your property, regionalize your tax base, and collapse the public school system in favor of Common Core, CHOICE, and charter schools forced on ALL schools.
  • This plan will ultimately control private and religious schools, day care centers, home schools, and charter schools creating a federal taskmaster (ombudsman) for all schools when the Tax-Credit Choice Scholarships are passed in the budget.
  • Betsy’s plan is to collapse Blaine Amendment bans on public funding of religious institutions while she welcomes religious schools with open arms enabling them to accept public money but controlled by the federal government.

Please refer to the following Q & A for answers of how Tax-Credit Scholarships will work: See reference documentation and page numbers that direct you to the answers at the end of this article.

How will every child be labeled as Title I and eligible for scholarship money?

The marketing hoopla for Tax-Credit Scholarships use poor children as a means to get support. However, the truth is your public school applies for a schoolwide waiver. This means federal law would be waived for the 40% poverty level and would be removed. 40% of children on free and reduced lunch is needed to cover an entire school called schoolwide. Removing the poverty level means every child in that school becomes a “poor” disadvantaged Title I child when the 40% restriction is lifted. Every child in that school can now apply for those scholarships. This is the exodus and they take your share of tax money with them.

What is supplement not supplant in Title I?

Supplement not supplant is the 50/50 share of funding for the total expense for a child to be enrolled in a private school that goes into effect this year. Any school operating under Title I schoolwide must have matching state and local funds that would otherwise be used for Title I children. These funds cannot supplant Title I tax-credit scholarship federal funds. Funds must be made available from non-Federal sources for that school. Your school must supplement the pool of funding (the other 50% of the scholarship) proving that your local and state tax money will “follow the child” into another school, another district, or another state. Your tax money is spread out to other locations which pushes the idea of regionalizing your tax base. As your neighborhood school financially collapses by regionalizing the tax base, you will no longer have an elected representative in your district creeping us closer to socialism.

Will there be a “church vs. state” issue if religious schools accept the federal Tax-Credit Scholarship/Title I children? How will equitable services be provided to them?

The US Supreme Court  will decide this fall if religious schools can accept Tax-Credit scholarship funding in the 37 states that have a Blaine Amendment in their Constitution. The Montana Supreme Court became the first in the country to invalidate a tax-credit scholarship program because of the Blaine Amendment in their Constitution. Be watching this extremely important states’ rights issue as the US Supreme Court takes up this issue in Montana’s Constitution that forbids state aid to religious organizations. This issue is crucial for DeVos to upend representative government and control all religious schools along with all private schools. (Source: Supreme Court review Montana school choice program, and  Supreme Court public funds religious schools Montana  (Until the Supreme Court rules, only private schools can accept Tax-Credit Scholarships. If the Supreme Court rules favorably, I have included (and religious) schools in parenthesis to be added where I have indicated.)

Until the US Supreme Court makes a ruling for religious schools, private schools accepting Tax-Credit Scholarships will be transmitted through a parent ESA, education savings account, that diverts federal money that is placed directly in the parent’s ESA. However, the funding is still received as a public source and public dollars because the child is Title I. The Title I child is mandated to receive public, equitable services.

Eligible recipients (Title I disadvantaged children) “cannot be disqualified from a public benefit solely because of their religious character.”  An LEA may enter into a contract with a religious organization to provide equitable services on the same basis as any other entity. (Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer, 137 S. Ct. 2012 (2017) These services must be secular, neutral, and non-ideological, yet equitable to public school services.

How is your Title I child determined to be At-Risk or At-Risk of failing?

The Department will continue to enforce all other applicable provisions of federal law in ESSA. Private (and religious) schools will be forced to take state administered or national tests. A needs assessment (state assessment, ACT,  which was part of the bench-marking for Common Core, and National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP) must be administered to see if your child is meeting Common Core and Social and Emotional mental health goals.

Teachers will be trained to screen children through special education teams, psychologists, social workers, or outside contractors. This determination is used to implement interventions mandated in ESSA yet carried out through IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.  Equitable services called “direct student services” are legally provided in the law. Teachers will be re-trained in: Response to Intervention, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Multi-tiered System of Supports, Early Intervening Services, Universal Design for Learning …all behavioral conditioning. Do not be snookered into thinking grit or resilience is not mental health or social and emotional learning. They are deceptive terms. Collectivism is a huge part of Common Core. Rugged individualism is out.

How will private (and religious) schools be forced to teach Common Core and Social and Emotional Learning, SEL?

Your private (or religious school) will be registered as a charter school through a charter school management system. An ombudsman (overseer) will be named to your school. A plan will be determined to change the curriculum and teacher training towards Common Core and SEL. Private (and religious) school teachers will be re-trained to use data from testing, assessments, and observations all tallied in a profile demanded by the ombudsman and logged into state computer systems aligned with the federal data system. A complaint may possibly be filed that would give your school time to come up to speed with ESSA mandates for teacher training, data collection, and changes in the curriculum. Otherwise, your charter will be withdrawn if you do not comply.

How can private (and religious) schools bypass Common Core and SEL?

They can’t. The rules and regulations in ESSA must be carried out for Title I children. Equitable funding and equitable services must be used for private (and religious) school children. The Tax-Credit scholarships use PUBLIC money, therefore, federal strings are attached. The regulations refer to this choice as meaningful public school choice and the interventions are referred to as direct student services. Equitable services = equal funding. It’s the child, not the money.

Most private (and religious) schools do not monitor their children through the federal data system. How will private (and religious) schools be forced to collect data on the enrolled Tax-Credit Scholarship children and what type of data will be required to be collected?

Private and religious schools are already in the main federal data base. However, not all student data is transferred to the fed system. Their data system must be expanded and cross-walked over to the federal system. Defined and explicit data elements from NCES (National Center for Educational Statistics) are standardized across the nation and was guided through the Migrant Student Record Transfer System, 1991. (Source: Hoge Talking Papers;  Technology grants from state departments of education will oversee the data transformation process with Deloitte monitoring the interface transfer process called MSIX, Migrant Student Information Exchange.

Personally identifiable information, including, education, health, mental health, and career data must be collected on individual students and individual teachers to monitor compliance. HIPAA and FERPA student privacy protections continue to be convoluted with this sensitive data being collected under weakened education FERPA guidelines. Every child and every teacher will receive a unique national ID that will be used in algorithms to cross match and pinpoint who is not meeting national goals (feedback loop control). This entire system, a total picture of private (and religious) school children, will be added to the state longitudinal data system in every state. 3rd party contractors will have total access to datamine private (and religious) school children because of loopholes in FERPA. Evidence-based data solutions toward national goals is a must for every child.

How will the federal government monitor the money that “follows the child” to other schools and other school districts?

The Migrant Student Information Exchange System, MSIX, will be used to track Tax-Credit Scholarship children. If the federal government can “follow” migrant” workers and their children wherever they work, this system will be used to monitor all CHOICE TITLE I CHILDREN wherever they go to school which merges with the federal system. This system of identifying and datamining all children and monitoring their TOTAL EDUCATION PROFILES was developed from the Migrant Student Information Exchange System, MSIX, and was expanded Womb To Tomb thru state longitudinal data systems. This total picture of a child includes, education, health, and career. Tax-Credit Scholarships were the last remaining lynchpin to encapsulate every child, especially from private (and religious) schools, homeschools and daycare centers, and will be entered into the national data base.

I exposed this system of surveillance and FERPA illegal data collection in 2014 “womb to workforce” with a Press Release and Memorandum to former Governor Corbett of Pennsylvania.

This new CENSUS will include every person in the United States in a complete psychometric dossier, the new CENSUS.

How are private (and religious) school children counted for equitable services that must be provided to them?

A child’s residence in a school district is used to determine the new proportional share for equitable services prior to an LEA’s making within-district allocations to public school attendance areas and schools.

What will happen to our public schools and public school teachers when our neighborhood schools collapse under the weight of the exodus of Tax-Credit Scholarship children?

Your neighborhood school will be turned into a charter school under a charter management system once our tax system is regionalized. All teachers will be hired from the state level since elected school board members would be removed from their positions when public schools fail financially and they are forced to match 50% of funding for all scholarship children who enroll in other schools, school districts, or another state.

Please share this information about Tax-Credit Scholarships and Betsy DeVos.

It’s not too late unless you do nothing.

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Summer Reading List:


1- Link: Page numbers from the original Federal Register white paper.

2- Link: Original Federal Register WhitePaper.

3- Link: Supplement Not Supplant Guidance, 2019-the 50/50 share of funding tax credit scholarships.

4- Link: Published Federal Register.

Alert To All Private And Religious Schools

Beware of the Ombudsman!

The Trump/DeVos Choice Plan is NO CHOICE at all.

If the $5 billion Tax-Credit Scholarships are passed in the Trump budget, say good-bye to your individuality as a private school or religious school because you must teach Common Core and Social and Emotional Learning. The future of your school will morph into a federal government charter school. Read more about the Trump/DeVos/Cruz Tax-Credit Scholarships here:, and here.

Equitable CHOICE means that ALL children under the school-wide definition can apply for these scholarships. Title I does not only mean poor children who are able to take advantage of tax-credit scholarships to enroll in ANY school of his/her CHOICE. Please recall DeVos’s guilty plea of tax credit dollars being “public” here:

“… any education program funded with taxpayer dollars is “public,” even if it is a private religious school that accepts students funded with publicly funded vouchers or tax credit programs.” (Emp. added.) (Source)

Title I School-Wide identifies ALL CHILDREN as “disadvantaged.”  The “supplement not supplant” 50/50 share applies to any public school child who has a residence in a Title I school district and where a parent uses that scholarship and enrolls in a private or religious school. Your local school must match 50% of the tuition fee that “follows the child” while parents make the CHOICE of which school their child will attend. This new regulation is called “Title I supplement not supplant” in ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, to go into effect this year.

With the exodus of children from their neighborhood school, it appears that public schools will eventually financially collapse as children flee with 50% of funding from the local treasury that goes with them. As more public schools collapse financially, more charter schools are funded and expanded. We must question why money is being funneled into charter schools and NOT into our public school system. There’s something bigger in the works.

Thus, the expansion of charter schools with unelected boards, many for-profit and funded by investment companies, foundations, and private sources, will get a cut of your hard earned tax money which proves this is a move away from having local representatives invested in our schools. No voice, no vote for you the parent or citizen, which means privatizing education. As more Common Core Title I children continue to flood charter, private, and religious schools, accountability expands the “enforcement” mechanism of Title I in ESSA. This in turn, forces accountability toward an authorized charter school management team for all schools…charter, private, religious, daycare, and home schools with the possibility of elimination of public schools all together.

The monitoring and enforcement mechanism is called the ombudsman, the boogeyman in the ESSA regulations who devours your freedom.

Private and religious schools have stated repeatedly, we will NOT take the federal money! Guess what? You’ve been fooled. The money is side-stepped through a parent ESA. The “public” money is diverted by coming through the parent’s education savings account. If a school rejects the application of a federal Title I Tax-credit choice child, that’s a Civil Rights violation. See you in court.

How do Education Savings Accounts work in the equation? How does the money “follow the child?” First the family applies for the scholarship and opens an ESA.  The local school must match the funds. Equity is used to balance how much money it takes to educate one child for one school year called a per pupil expenditure. ESSA (Dec. 2015) named 50 pilot schools to go to bat for per pupil expenditures, which in three years, 2019, all schools can switch to a per pupil expenditure. (Source: pages 278-279; ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act)

Now President Trump’s budget calls for $5 billion for Tax-Credit Scholarships that will be funded in a per pupil expenditure. So, who qualifies for these scholarships when the “supplement not supplant” in ESSA goes into effect? President Trump’s statement…

“create(s) a single school funding system based on weighted per-pupil allocations for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged students.”

Question: “What is the definition of “otherwise disadvantaged students?”  This means any child is disadvantaged and At-Risk residing in a Title I school-wide school district.

Question: “Must private and religious schools admit Tax-Credit Scholarship Title I children?  Yes! Private and religious schools would have to admit these CHOICE/Title I children.

Question: “Can’t schools just say NO to the funds?”  It doesn’t work that way. Schools  would have to say “No” to the child. This is a severe Civil Rights violation.

The private and religious school does not directly receive the Title I Tax Credit federal funds and local tax mix. They receive the funds from the parent’s ESA, sidestepping the federal government’s direct financial support and the separation of church and state clause supporting religion. And if a school objects to admit the Title I child, all hell breaks loose and a charge of discrimination under Civil Rights will be brought forward. This is a no-win situation for private and religious schools of how this system is being set-up. See below of how an empowerment CHOICE scholarship was ruled a precedent in Arizona:

Arizona Court of Appeals upheld a ruling in a unanimous decision. Judge Jon W. Thompson wrote for the court, “The specified object of the ESA is the beneficiary families, not private or sectarian schools. Parents can use the funds deposited in the empowerment account to customize an education that meets their children’s unique educational needs.” (Emp. added.)

This means a private or religious school CANNOT object to admitting Title I CHOICE children with Title I Common Core yokes around their necks.

The supplement not supplant regulations will directly effect the elimination of public schools, and also the elimination of your elected officials that monitor your local tax treasury. How will students be monitored for the 50/50 share of “public” money received when transferring to multiple different schools, even in different states? Moving forward with this idea that your taxes must be regionalized, parents must have a government vehicle age 0-21 to deposit that public money. That’s an ESA. Parents of ALL school-wide, identified Title I CHILDREN enrolled in any public, charter, private school, religious school, daycare, and homeschool will be able to open an Education Savings Account, ESA, in which federal, state, and local funds can be deposited. (Note: The possibility of offering free Title I CHOICE money for up to 21 year olds in an ESA opens the idea that this federal money can be used to also fund college. Check out presidential candidates who are offering to pay for college through a government vehicle.) That bag of cash gets bigger and bigger as ESSA allows all monies to be accrued in the Title I bag. (Source: ESSA: Page 290; Eligible Federal Funds for equitable distributions of state and local taxes

The Boogeyman’s Job.

When the “CHOICE” Ombudsman comes to town and cracks the whip…that means obey. Remember, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. The merger of all of these ESSA conditions drive home an idea that most people aren’t thinking about…total federal control of education in the United States.

Page 71 of ESSA:


‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Educational services and other benefits for such private school children shall be equitable in comparison to services and other benefits for public school children participating under this part, and shall be provided in a timely manner.

‘‘(B) OMBUDSMAN.—To help ensure such equity for such private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel, the State educational agency involved shall designate an ombudsman to monitor and enforce the requirements of this part.’’;

The following are requirements:

  • Your school will be branded in Common Core.
  • Your school must take all state administered assessments and tests that measure federal Common Core standards.
  • Your teachers must be re-coached in Common Core.
  • Your teachers must receive behavioral training in behavioral conditioning called fidelity through IDEA, special education cadres.
  • Parent’s “new” found money must be spent on eligible education expenses on a list with periodic audits.
  • Your teachers must identify each child (data-mining) for interventions, both dumbed-down Common Core academics and mental health/ behavioral goals.

The writing is on the wall. No, the writing is in the legislation, ESSA.

The regulations state specifically that mental health/psychological services are to be “carried out under the IDEA, Individuals With Disabilities Education Act” known as special education. The legislation also specifies the exact psychological services to be administered: response to intervention, multi-tiered system of supports, positive behavior Intervention and supports, early Intervening services, and universal design for learning.

Not only must these children be enrolled, the school must use social, emotional, and behavioral interventions included under Specialized Individual Support Services in ESSA. This means Common Core mental health, non-academic teacher training and standards for children must be performed in private and religious schools, and to be as equitable as public schools implementing the social, emotional, and behavioral interventions slated in ESSA. These psychological services may also be contracted outside the school to private contractors.

This also means data-mining, data collection, and data identification with a unique national ID for every child and every teacher. This allows the federal government (ombudsman) to cross-match algorithms (feedback loop control) to make sure everyone is in compliance to the national standards. It’s evidence based accountability and federal control.

Children already enrolled in private and religious institutions also become branded with the SCHOOL-WIDE banner in that their funding would also be determined originating from their home based local school where they would normally be enrolled which is  determined on residing in that school district.

Parents are wondering what will happen if they lunge for the “free money” in CHOICE. The consequences are public Title I funds and Common Core hanging around your child’s neck. Private and religious schools will be doomed. This is the end game. This is how socialism works. This is not a pretty story. You must share this story with private, religious, home schools, and day care centers.

President Trump’s current budget plans with Betsy DeVos proves he’s plowing ahead to use Choice. Representative government will be destroyed by eliminating your locally elected representatives. Tax-credit scholarship money goes directly to parental ESA’s eliminating states rights to control the budget. Property rights will be revamped by  redistributing tax money from wealthy school districts. Your tax money follows a child directly into other schools or to other school districts that will regionalize your tax base. Children will be psychoanalyzed and conditioned toward global citizenship. The kicker will be dishing out tax free money for business and industry to access our children as a commodity with a 100% tax write-off that is staggering. This vision will destabilize education and collapse the public school system in favor of Common Core, CHOICE, and charter schools. This plan will control private and religious schools, day care centers, home schools, and charter schools creating a federal taskmaster for all schools IF the Tax-Credit Choice Scholarships stay in the budget.

President Trump hasn’t said one word about stopping the data mining, eliminating the psychological probing at school, or cutting the CHOICE package in his budget.

America is toast.

It’s time to lobby the opposite, political animal…the Democrats. Governor Wolfe vetoed the Republican $100 Million for Tax-Credit Scholarships in Pennsylvania last month. Dems are not so willing ambassadors to support choice money going to private and religious schools. Is that a “win” for now? I’ll take it.

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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Warning: Mr. President, Do Not Be Hasty To Implement Choice

The Trump/DeVos Education Agenda Mirrored in the Original Obama Plan

It’s true that the Trump/DeVos Tax-Credit Scholarship CHOICE plan is nearly the same as the Obama Equity plan. Parents and citizens should be screaming and banging their heads.

Former President Obama created a driving force that flipped education toward nationalizing the system. The historic transformation began with ACT who developed and benchmarked Common Core standards-branded, standardized, and tied to federal funds in every state. The state longitudinal data system expansions identified individuals with a national ID. ESEA Flexibility Waivers, Social and Emotional Learning, and RELAXED FERPA regulations began to unravel traditional education while transforming the Constitution and the Republic via Obama shenanigans.

Take notice. The $5 billion earmarked in President Trump’s budget appear to step into Obama footprints as he calls for CHOICE Tax-Credit Scholarships for disadvantaged children. Does he know the background of Title I, Disadvantaged Children? Supplement NOT Supplant? The $5 billion for Choice tax-credit scholarships are a bad move for this President. Who’s kidding who?

Who’s advising the President???

The Trump budget would provide $50 million for a pilot program under Title I to help districts create and use weighted student-funding formulas—this pilot program was created under the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, in order to help schools focus money directly on disadvantaged students and those with special needs.

The definitions are the key to this statement:

  • money that would be focused directly on individuals students, not schools,
  • the true definition of what is a disadvantaged student, and
  • who are special needs students

Let’s look at the history:

President Obama’s key objectives in education were to redesign schools and reform how schools were funded. Instead of distributed funds based on ZIP CODE, funds would be based on student need. The federal government WOULD develop a mechanism to monitor and enforce PERFORMANCE through Common Core. To make sure the federal government’s investment would be tied to federal funding and federal outcomes President Obama initiated “CHOICE IN EDUCATION” based on a “per pupil expenditure” and civil rights. Everything would be tied to the individual. Sounds like familiar phrasing according to the DeVos agenda. But is this truly the Trump agenda? The Obama agenda? The Republican Congress agenda who passed ESSA? Or the Ted Cruz agenda who wrote the legislation for Tax-Credit Scholarships?

Speaking in terms of “equity and excellence,” President Obama had a very well defined CHOICE plan to establish a complete equitable Democracy-and to extinguish our Republic with the force of the federal government behind it. His CHOICE Plan had already been written and had been laid bare for anyone to read called, For Each and Every Child: A STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE(Source: )

The final agenda would be ENFORCEMENT through funding through these federal mandates that would force every sort of school to become chartered. The blueprint will destroy America. The Democrats had this plan in their legislation prior to a Trump landslide, but did nothing. But the Republicans initiated the plan and former Speaker Paul Ryan pushed the ESSA legislation through.

The new ESSA legislation passed (2015) lead by our Republican Congress, Senator Alexander (TN-R) and former Congressman Kline (MN-R) and quickly signed by former President Obama, creates a model for how schools will be refinanced to be sure that all children are funded equally called “per pupil expenditures.” These new financial plans change how schools would be funded and transfers the focus to fund children. DeVos calls it a weighted student funding formula. ESSA refers to this aspect as a “per pupil expenditure” and the funding is defined in the legislation as  “public school choice.” (Source: ESSA, ‘(D) PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE; PAGE 92) The word that must be remembered here is PUBLIC.

But what’s missing? Equitable funding!  The money must “follow the child” and every child will have the same amount of money as a stipend. How is a child targeted? When a child receives a Tax-Credit scholarship that child is Title I. But, the money goes into a parent’s ESA, a government enforcement vehicle. Title I equitable services moves with the child called portability who will enroll in the new school of CHOICE. Remember, when a public school is knighted as school-wide, all children are Title I and all children are showered with Special Education interventions. All kids can apply for these scholarships. This moves our taxing system closer to “regionalization” discussed in Obama’s plan. (Source)

How Will Title I Enforcement Measures Force School Districts to “Equalize” Student Funding.

The U.S. Department of Education stated that the typical public school in the United States spends approximately $12,000 – $15;000 per year for each child enrolled. This suggests that a child who is enrolled in a public school from kindergarten through the end of high school will have as much as $150,000 spent on primary and secondary education. In essence, President Obama used Title I “supplement not supplant” regulations that also allowed consolidated federal monies. The Obama Plan allowed  a public school child to go to the public school of their CHOICE, including charter schools. The federal Tax Credit Scholarships in President Trump’s budget also include private and religious schools of CHOICE.

The Obama administration proposed regulations to implement  the “supplement not supplant” section in ESSA, but got cold feet directly before President Trump took office. Notice the date. (Source: “Obama Administration drops last-minute Education Department rule change,” CNN, January 18, 2017)

“The Education Department said Wednesday it is withdrawing a proposed policy that would have dramatically increased federal control over school-district budgets, because it “did not have time to publish a strong final regulation.” (Note: Realize President Obama tried to pass this a week prior to President Trump’s inauguration.)

The “supplement NOT supplant” regulation goes into effect in the 2019 school year. Read carefully because this is the plan. Get ready.

The following is a summary of the Obama regulations-supplement not supplant.

“Purpose of This Regulatory Action: On December 10, 2015, President Barack Obama signed the ESSA into law. The ESSA reauthorizes the ESEA, which provides Federal funds to improve elementary and secondary education in the Nation’s public schools. ESSA builds on the ESEA’s legacy as a civil rights law and seeks to ensure every child, regardless of race, national origin, socioeconomic status, background, or zip code, receives the support needed to succeed in school.”

As the statute affirms, the purpose of title I, part A of the ESEA is to “provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.” 

“The new ESSA statutory language focuses not on costs and services, but on funds. Specifically, section 1118(b) of the ESEA requires that an LEA “demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate State and local funds to each [title I school] ensures that such school receives all of the State and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving assistance under [title I].”

“Importantly, States and LEAs need not shift resources among schools in order to comply with this provision, but instead may elect to provide additional State and local educational funding to title I schools to ensure compliance with the supplement not supplant provision of the law.”

“…hundreds of LEAs across the country, title I schools are receiving, on average, hundreds of thousands of dollars less in State and local funding than the average non-Title I school. These are critical funds that could be spent on, for example, wrap-around services, high-quality preschool, access to advanced coursework, or incentive pay for educators who choose to work in high-need schools.” (Emp. Added.)

So, what does all this mean?  The “supplement not supplant equation” means the regulations will force the local school district and state to “pay up” or force wealthy districts to “re-distribute” or shift funds to low income districts. If the federal scholarship pitches in $6000 for each child, the local school MUST pitch in $6000 for each child. A 50/50 bargain to use an equalized per pupil expenditure from both federal and state/local funds as a new way to finance children…NOT SCHOOLS.  So ESSA Title I is setting up the grand bargain that says every child should be funded exactly the same and all parties MUST pitch-in. Choice will kill public schools forever. But then, social and emotional learning truly killed education.

Will Per Pupil Expenditures and Title I “Supplement and Supplant” Equation Be Used For Tax-Credit Scholarship CHOICE? You can be sure that DeVos will embrace the rule to get complete federal control over school funding.

(Funding Inequity, Civil Rights Division-pp. 41-44)

President Trump vowed this last September:

“As your President, I will be the nation’s biggest cheerleader for school choice. I want every single inner city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom – the civil right – to attend the school of their choice.’’

The question that must be asked, is President Trump really only focusing on poor inner city children, OR has he aligned his agenda with President Obama’s no poverty guidelines to encompass ALL children in EVERY SCHOOL which is called the Traveling-Title I-SCHOOL-WIDE-Common Core-SocialEmotionalLearning-For-All Net? It doesn’t look good.


Sen. Ted Cruz proposed Title I portability (2016) to be those equitable funds in his SB 306. Common Core would be a yoke around the Title I child’s neck and Senator Cruz wanted to give those Title I yoked children to private, religious, and homeschools. He also redefined a homeschool as a private school to force homeschools into this portability agenda. His bill never saw daylight. Former Rep. Luke Messer (IN-R) aligned himself with that same agenda proposing legislation for CHOICE. Rob Goad, aide to Rep. Messer, was tapped by the Trump administration to advance this CHOICE agenda. The Indiana group, VP Pence, Messer, Goad, were considered part of the “hatchet team” pitching CHOICE at every turn.

Currently, Senator Cruz has proposed the $5 billion campaign for Tax-Credit Scholarships for Choice Funds for under-privileged children (Title I)  where business and industry will receive 100% write-off for funding private school scholarships. What does this mean? Will Title I children be swapped for business write-offs that pays a 100% tax credit. Yes! Senator Cruz states, “This legislation doesn’t take one penny from any public school in America,” he said. “What it does is add $100 billion worth of new pennies to create scholarships and expand opportunities.” (Source)

Senator Cruz is Wrong! You just can’t TrusTed! He purposely did not explain the

Title I “supplement not supplant” agenda because Ted is part of the hatchet team, too.

We might wonder if President Trump is getting ALL the information he needs to Make America Great Again, or has there been a rerouting of his agenda to make America socialized? Vice-President Pence may also be a guide as to which CHOICE the Trump administration will deliver, as well as, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Rob Goad. They are adamant supporters of  Common Core, school CHOICE and charter schools.  We know what to expect next from this sort of CHOICE.


© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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Betsy DeVos’s Education Choice And The “Free Lunch” Trap

“There is no such thing as a free lunch, but there is always free cheese in a mousetrap.”

The Real Story Behind Ole’ Betsy’s Twisted and Distorted CHOICE Trap.

Will American Parents Grab For the Bait?

March 11, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced at the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) State Directors Annual Meeting that the Department will no longer enforce a restriction barring religious organizations from serving as contract providers of equitable services solely due to their religious affiliation.

“She has also made clear that she believes that any education program funded with taxpayer dollars is “public,” even if it is a private religious school that accepts students funded with publicly funded vouchers or tax credit programs.” (Emp. added.) (Source:)

This is a huge disclosure from the feds because it explains exactly how federal fingerprints are attached to Choice.  Taxpayer dollars ARE PUBLIC.

In Betsy’s CHOICE, what does “ equitable services” mean and how can “taxpayer public dollars” be used? Public funds begets public oversight. What does it mean for private and religious schools to accept students with taxpayer publicly funded equitable services legislated in ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act? The section in ESSA is very clear if you read the legislation.

“The Department will continue to enforce all other applicable provisions of federal law. In particular, under ESEA Sections 1117(a)(2) and 8501(a)(2), school districts must continue to ensure that any contractor is independent of the private school for which it is providing services and that the educational services and other benefits being provided by the contractor are “secular, neutral and non-ideological.”

There are many moving parts to this suspicious free funding and free equitable services. It’s a trap.


Tax-Credit Scholarships identify your child as disadvantaged or Title I.

We are talking about Title I or funds that identify disadvantaged, underprivileged children. So, immediately your kid is identified as At-Risk.


Your residence identifies your child in a Title I school-wide school.

Those Title I funds or tax-credit scholarship funds for At-Risk kids will be deposited into a parent’s ESA, EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNT.  Federal tax-credit funds for Title I children come directly from the parent and their ESA to the chosen private or religious school. (No supposed church/state violation.) The label, disadvantaged, underprivileged, or At-Risk, stays with your child because your residence is from the Title I school-wide school district. (See supplement not supplant in Title I below.)


The scholarship identifies your CHOICE SCHOOL as receiver of a Title I child.

How will the private and religious school be monitored for accountability for equitable services? ESSA is very clear.  A private or religious school will be named with an overseer called an ombudsman. The ombudsman (let’s call it the “choice buddy system”- a partnership of parents, schools, and government holding hands) is the overseer of all private schools that accept Title I children which are funded by taxpayer public funds. Services must be equitable to children served in public schools. Enrolling tax-credit scholarship children means public services follow. This merges the Title I child with direct student services carried out by IDEA, Special Education.


Title I  plus tax-credit public funds =  SERVICES for your child.

The term “direct student services” will follow the disadvantaged, At-Risk Title I child.  “Direct student services” are defined in ESSA as “meaningful choice” and “specialized individual support services.” Direct student services include the social and emotional screening, collection of personal data, and mental health intervention services which are already a mainstay in many public schools under the banner of safe schools or school climate. This system is directed through Title I and IDEA, Special Education. Your At-Risk CHOICE CHILD will be mandated to receive “equitable services” carried out by IDEA (Individual Disabilities Education Act, Special Ed) mandated by ESSA. It’s in the law. (See “The Real Definition of Title I and School-Wide” below.)

The quest is a trap to control all schools…public, charter, private, religious, and homeschooling. Choice is how it will be done.

The Real Definition of Title I and School-Wide.

DeVos continues to use the dropped poverty levels to use a SCHOOL-WIDE net called “exceptions” over an entire school that originated from the previous Obama administration disguised in the illegal ESEA Flex Waivers.

A state or district does not need to comply with …. the 40% poverty rate to be eligible to operate a school wide program.” Poverty guidelines (free and reduced lunch percentages) were dropped to “0” so a federal blanket could be thrown over an entire school. Numbers MUST be manipulated to target EVERY child. School-wide meant that Title I programs could encompass the entire student body called whole school reform, not just poor children. Now, social and emotional behavioral programming will touch every child at school with the label called the “whole child” which means mind, body, spirit. Academics continue to dwindle. (See graph below of how the system is manipulated to access every child in the school in the Indiana exhibit.)

A “whole school” reform labels a school as school-wide and creates the level playing field for CHOICE for everyone. This means ALL CHILDREN in that school-wide school  are now identified as Title I, At-Risk, underprivileged, and disadvantaged. This means that any child’s parents in the entire school can receive those taxpayer funds or tax credit scholarships named as CHOICE dollars, even millionaires. However, no one talks about Title I school-wide as the vehicle to access EVERY child in the school. Nor do parents realize that equitable services means that your child must have the same services as the public school child. The deception and lies are like a maze which would be difficult for parents or even a President to decipher. This is the plan!

This CHOICE (all children who can receive tax-credit scholarships) creates a major exodus in the public school which was the real underlying Obama agenda and RINO Republicans to collapse your local governing bodies. Your neighborhood public school has a locally elected school board and is locally taxpayer funded. That will vanish under this system. This also creates a “per pupil expenditure” which means equal dollars -50/50 federal and state/local monies referred to as “supplement not supplant” are divided up for each child. Local neighborhood schools will be forced to shell up the 50% “supplement not supplant” agenda because of the distinction of where the child lives, his residence.  Let’s say it costs $12,000 to enroll in Immaculate Conception Catholic School per year. The scholarship is $6000. The neighborhood school of residence pays the other $6000. This becomes the vehicle for CHOICE DOLLARS “following the child” referred to as portability. Local schools and taxpayers have no idea how their rights, their voice, and their local treasury will be stolen from them and smeared across municipal and county lines. Your tax dollars just moved to the next school district next door or wherever.

This movement of scattering your local tax money means that eventually ALL SCHOOLS will become chartered under an ombudsman and regionalized because there is no way for accountability of your tax money. Private schools, religious schools and homeschools will become chartered under the government ombudsman overseer (choice buddy program) eventually.

Why is President Trump determined to redesign schools in the United States that have no local control? Has President Trump been briefed on the Obama set-up? There is no such thing as a parallel school system. The $5 billion for Choice/Tax Credit scholarships moves us closer to the ideal nationalized system of all schools becoming ALL federal “ombudsman”charter schools.

The Trick-Enforcement Mechanisms- Equitable Services

Mandated mental health/direct student services include these psychological conditioning services: Response to Intervention, RTI; Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, PBIS; Muti-Tiered System of Supports, MTSS; Universal Design For Learning, UDL; or SPECIALIZED INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT SERVICES, SISS.  These services will be forced on all private and religious schools who are also forced to accept the Title I child. (Private and religious schools must accept the Title I child because of Civil Rights Laws. Remember, the school accepts the child, not the scholarship. See the ballooning Civil Rights Department budget of $125 million expansion in preparation to file suit against any alleged violations by private and religious schools not wanting to accept federal tax-credit moneyed/children and federal ombudsman mandates.)

First, private schools must accept the children…then the “mandated equitable services.” Special Education cadres are teaching and coaching regular classroom teachers in mental health interventions called the trick-enforcement mechanisms. “Implementation science” means teaching with fidelity. Teachers must perform interventions like PBIS or resilience/grit (catch phrases) exactly as the programs have been developed. So much for teacher freedom to develop their talents and pursue their passions as DeVos has spouted about. It’s total control, not local control. Look out!

Local control MEANS LOCAL, NOT FEDERAL. It’s time to fire Secretary of Education DeVos!

The Exodus

Who is advising our President on education? 

Let’s look at the Trump budget.

Some advise that the budget is dead in the water. The President’s proposed budget plus  Tax-Credit Scholarships actually destroys public schools. Was this his choice? Or is there another agenda, or are there Obama holdovers in the department?

This final thread will eliminate your voice in how your taxes are spent. Elected school  boards will no longer be needed to oversee your taxes when your public school collapses under the weight of CHOICE funding for all Title I school-wide STUDENTS. Students will be able to take the federal scholarship or voucher combined with the local stipend to go to any school, sometimes even over state lines. Locally elected governing bodies disappear.

Kids will also have to take state tests or be monitored through state-tested standards embedded in computer software. Common Core and social and emotional learning is a contagious disease spreading to all private, religious, and home schools.  Now, that’s real freedom. It’s all about Title I portability, IDEA, Special Education services/interventions, ESA’s, and charter schools.

Your tax base must eventually be regionalized through a County Executive for this system of funding to work. Did you read that from Betsy? Senator Cruz (who wrote the Tax-Credit Scholarship bill) knows how this would work because he tried this agenda before with SB 306, and he’s doing it again. Those scholarships will be hard for parents to pass up when those dollars start to add up every year from $12,000 to $15,000 per student. But, everyone pays the price. Freedom is lost.

President Trump’s U.S. Department of Education’s budget proposal for fiscal 2020 budget cuts department spending from $7.1 billion down to $64 billion. Some of the “experimental” model programs appear to be eliminated. But, pay attention to the behavioral social and emotional programs that ADDS them back in through Title I and School Climate and Safety in the budget. It’s Title I and IDEA.

DeVos defines freedom which is the “free cheese in the mouse trap.” It’s all about free money with government strings attached;

“This budget at its core is about education freedom—freedom for America’s students to pursue their life-long learning journeys in the ways and places that work best for them, freedom for teachers to develop their talents and pursue their passions, and freedom from the top-down ‘Washington knows best’ approach that has proven ineffective and even harmful to students,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in a statement about the budget proposal.”

This is top down federal control straight from Washington. Harmful? Yes. The Republic is shouting out to citizens. Stop this madness. Stop the Tax-Credit Scholarships. We know better.

Background On the Blaine Amendment.

DeVos says a ban on public money to be used at religious schools “should go to the ash heap of history.”

Why would DeVos say this? 37 states have a so-called Blaine Amendment that says it is in their state Constitution that prohibits public funds to be used for religious purposes.  This is the barrier for DeVos to totally achieve her objectives to completely destroy public schools and locally elected school boards to have control over their local tax base. Those states should prepare for battle. It’s time to fight Betsy, tooth and nail.

Betsy DeVos is no friend to America. #FireBetsy @realDonaldTrump.

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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A Wake-Up Call For Every Family And Church In The United Stares

The Making of a “Happy Slave”

The following blatant words taken from the G20 Sustainable Development Declaration, 2018, Argentina, serves as a wake-up call for every family and church in the United Stares:

“…education represents a strategic policy area that has a profound impact on people, the planet and the prosperity of nations. Education is the foundation of personal development as it provides children, youth and adults with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to reach their full potential. Education helps to reduce poverty and promote active citizenship, therefore contributing to peaceful, inclusive and prosperous societies across the world.” And to educate and train people to have the  …”necessary skills for the future of work, the importance of opportunities to re-and upskill throughout their working lives, and assist them to successfully adapt to change.” ( Emp. Noted.)

Is education really the foundation of personal development?

The UN Declaration eliminates parents, families, and churches to develop personal values and attitudes for this new world order. Eliminating traditional family values is the goal. Belief in God, loyalty to your country and the authority of parents will be erased. Children will be transformed and molded into the new global citizen through education. It’s mental health. It’s nationwide. It’s worldwide.

“…Successful strategists aim for the heart first” – Jeroen De Flander

Nothing in current history has ever been so plain, yet hidden behind deceptive phrases that ooze betrayal. Our children are a target, but the agenda is very clear. Schools in the United States have been used in experimental research in the area of the affective domain including the spiritual aspect of a child’s being, the heart. The teaching method is called the “whole child.” This has been the area where values, attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions have been the focus for behavioral conditioning and value change. United States citizens must have their individualist qualities, their freedom loving values, and their individualistic competitive personalities changed. Change in America is a must to conform the U.S. into a socialistic country including global compromise. Americans must become global citizens. Re-engineering education has toppled academics for the new psyche wards claiming to be your neighborhood school. The churches have closed their eyes.

How is it being done? Experimental and illegal data collection targets the individual needing behavioral change and identifies how much mental health interventions are needed to meet government goals processed in the classrooms of your local school. This system recycles children in a continuous feedback loop control model until the goals are accomplished.

When I exposed the Pennsylvania Department of Education for psychologically testing children at school, I uncovered psychological probing of the federal government through my federal complaint resolved in 1990 using the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment. The definition of “adapting to change” as the G20 Declaration states, was one target goal area from the EQA Pennsylvania test that I filed my complaint against. The Educational Quality Assessment was first developed by top behavioral scientists of the world in 1970. Our Pennsylvania test was the prototype for the national test, NAEP, National Assessment For Educational Progress that experimented using Pavlovian and BF Skinner’s behavioral classical conditioning for 20 years before I stopped the test. These systemic queries were just a beginning for the agenda to reassemble and refashion the patriotic frame that existed in America starting with our children. Full scale psychological warfare against our idea of freedom had begun. We see the results everyday in the news.

Standards, tests, curricula, and teacher training were all developed to measure and change personalities and their attitude toward the Republic. Curricula was developed around ten “harmless sounding” value-laden goals determined by a “correct minimum positive attitude” defined by your government. Goals were masked in “fake news,” otherwise known as a transformational paradigm-not-what-you-think definitions. Goals like Citizenship would be likened to the definition to what parents thought would be taught. Yet, NAEP and the Pennsylvania EQA had nothing to do with history, Civics or knowledge of international affairs. It was a purely experimental, psychological test that was used to create interventions or what techniques could be used to change the values and personalities of children and control literacy.

Children were placed in hypothetical situations and asked what action (behavior) they would take. Questions were posed by positive and negative responses and through reward and punishment where a threshold could be determined and scored at what point a child would change their behavior. The temperature-taking-devices would tally how warm or cold the child would conform toward global goals. In-classroom results now enlist the onslaught of Special Education cadres, behavioralists, that convene and train classroom teachers how to target “bad” behavior. They will decide your child’s future recipe called a personalized plan for obedience. They call it “implementation science.” Bad would be associated with being too individualistic, opinionated, patriotic, religious, and family oriented. Good would be associated with being cooperative, agreeable, and docile the key to melding the unthinkable…socialism or worse.

The key to manipulating values is deciphered from Bloom and Krathwohl’s Taxonomies of Educational Objectives…not to be confused with academics or true education. The whole child would be changed. Good/bad (social values), right/wrong (moral values), and beautiful/ugly (aesthetic values), were the objectives to condition how a child would think, feel, and act, smearing logistical lines of these value-laden goals. These techniques would confuse children creating artificial stress because values taught at home would conflict with the new global values taught at school.  The goal…collectivism and global competence…destroying American ethics and values.

This cycle of prodding using negative and positive reinforcements were used to create and validate “perfected” curriculum for behavioral change. The value laden and behavioral techniques that would change the personality of your child would be researched, evaluated, and proven effective. Our tax dollars and our government funded and approved the repulsive animal training and used our teachers as informers and enablers to thrust this system on its citizenry.

The “Happy Slave”

Skinner’s experiments delved deep into animal instincts researched on pigeons, rats, dogs, and humans. Behavior could be manipulated through reward and punishment. Skinner remarked about conditioning humans to that of a “happy slave” – “A system of slavery so well designed that it does not breed revolt is the real threat.” A collectivist syndrome surrounds the actions and behaviors of children by the constant threat of punishment overhanging the “climate” of the school. The teacher is trained in “applied behavior analysis/ABA” that was researched on extreme behaviors of autistic children. Therefore normal children are easily manipulated by that authority figure in the classroom through therapeutic techniques of compliance. Children are being molded into the “happy slave.” But of course, the name of ABA would be changed to more appealing synonyms so that parents would not revolt calling it Positive Behavior, Resilience, or Grit.

The global antidote for change would use reward and punishment to decipher at what point a child would change, and at what point they would change their behavior without protest…the happy slave. Citizenship had nothing to do with knowing our structure of government or Civics. Citizenship was defined as the psychological notion of threshold…at what point your child would change to go along with the group. Collectivism!

Adapting to change was first defined as “methods of coping with freedom.” This Pavlovian  concept was developed using tethered dogs, reward and punishment, and feeding cycles. Pavlov experimented with the idea of confining animals and studied how they would struggle to be free which he called the “freedom complex.”  The key to controlling the freedom complex was determined by feeding cycles to control how a dog would ACT. Soon the dog would LEARN that if he did not fight back while still tethered, he would soon be fed. Good dog.

Experimental research has been multiplied 100 times over in the last 40 years, especially the current adaptive computer tutoring/artificial intelligence through algorithms coded toward global objectives. Skinner’s “learning machines” would guide the child toward global objectives. There is no human interference on computers with pure operant conditioning used to attain functional literacy…nothing more. Don’t trust that algorithm.

Teachers observe, identify, and implement psychological conditioning. The first tier of change would be for ALL CHILDREN CALLED UNIVERSAL SCREENING.  If some children would not comply they would be forced into more intensive techniques, Tier 2 and Tier 3, for those who do not bend to the will of researched evidence-based doses of global interventions. The school day is no longer based on academic instruction. It’s functional literacy and recycling a bombardment of personality brainwashing. America’s children must be identified for their value to the economy. American human capital must be upskilled. Human capital assessment is defined as the worth or worthlessness of the individual that fits exactly to the same definition as how worth is determined for your property. Human capital (the value placed on a person) would be determined in detail through an algorithm of inputs (costs and profiles associated to develop a future global worker) versus outputs (a job that would determine the worth that  individual had to the economy) all correlated to a defined set of global outcomes.

The teacher in your child’s classroom is both-informer and enabler. They are being trained to data mine the hell out of your children. Observation data is collected and interpreted daily on your child’s behavior. Note that a teacher’s preference of how well they “like” a child or not, is completely arbitrary. The teacher first collects data explaining why the child did a certain behavior, begins conditioning interventions, and tallies the result of interventions all collected in a psychometric dossier. This is a system of recycling children that the government insists are deformed or disabled, slaps them in a global mold where the vision looms of widgets in a factory. The coding for these actions are tallied. Uniform data elements are digitized into state/national longitudinal data systems and standardized in every state that combine a recipe for compulsion…a global citizen. Reports are issued. Meetings take place behind your back, and finally you might be told about how your sweet little Johnny just needs a little nudging and that the teachers will perform interventions to help him adjust to this constricted and repulsive prison-like environment. They’ll call it resilience or grit in which the opposite is the true meaning. If your child becomes depressed, drugs are the antidote.The definition of resilience to these contortionists is merely not resisting to the goals and punishment…go along to get along just like tethered dogs. Grit is not the True Grit of John Wayne, you can be assured. This system is bold and cold.

Since FERPA regulations, Family Education Rights in Privacy, were illegally changed through an Obama Executive Order, (2012) personally identifiable information is able to be accessed and shared with 3rd party contractors and vendors without parental consent. Of course, we aren’t talking about academic records.  No, it’s psychological profiles including social, emotional, and behavioral dossiers. The new education law, ESSA, converted No Child Left Behind into mental health legislation mandating behavioral conditioning and interventions in the classrooms of America. Our classrooms have been turned into psyche camps. Privacy be damned.

No parent has disapproved. No parent has taken this system to court. No one has stopped the data mining. Free will is being smothered into that happy slave.

And the words just roll from their lips and these words appear to be soothing to a parent as teachers and principals smoodge along with their talking points to get you to agree softly saying, “We want your child to be safe. We want him to belong. We are family.” And then they smile.

These are the words that will bend your child’s mind. Read them slowly. Say them out loud, because they are wrecking havoc on your child:

  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.
  • Response to Intervention.
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
  • Social and Emotional Learning.
  • Universal Design for Learning.

All is fine with the world as our children are dipped daily in socialistic and criminal activity with privacy invading techniques, psychological experimentation, and data mining through which outside vendors are making a fortune with constant high tech capitalistic surveillance.

This is deadly to the Republic. Your child is a commodity to fit into the New World Order and you are agreeing to the insult. Time will tell as I grieve for their freedom and the future of my country. Will the U.N. succeed while our country slumbers? Will no American parent claim their rights? Will churches watch as the hearts and souls of our children are devoured by the metallic beast? There’s a hush all over the world.

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Are Teachers Trained How To Break Your Child’s Will?

Big Brother Or Eugenics?

Our American children are being conditioned to blindly accept a planned global economy. That means American ideals as patriotism and love of country must be deleted from what is taught to our children. Traditional education and the definition of family must go. Competition and rugged individualism must be erased from their personalities. But how will the globalists stop parents from teaching American ideals to their children? Students will be challenged everyday at school. Psychological and conditioning techniques are being used in the classroom to instill a more docile, compliant global citizen that reflects team efforts, group goals, and empathy. A global citizen controls their emotions and a compliant global citizen doesn’t ask questions and does what they’re told. Parents are now  “engaged” in their child’s education. They are going along, to get along.

Data in the new Census will be collected on every citizen. Every aspect of your life is recorded. (Data will NOT have to be collected door to door anymore, because the data will be collected electronically with the merging of all U.S. departments into one Census. An algorithm will be devised to compare inputs (cost) and outputs (wages) that will tally your human capital, worth to the economy.) This data will be evidence based and used by your government to be sure EVERYONE is in compliance in education, health, and work. (Source: HR 4174) Children will be molded from birth in the Womb To Workplace mold that the all knowing and all seeing government knows best. As the aging baby boomers die, a new set of values and beliefs will take their place. Compliance, obedience, and acceptance are the goals of social and emotional learning, SEL, and the techniques to determine “talent or abilities” are being scored in every school.

Your School, Informer and Collector Of Data

Data is used as a temperature-taking-device to see where your child’s values lie. The new definition of teacher in the classroom and daycare center is “informer and collector” of data (information collected) on your child that will form a complete personality profile for the government starting pre-natal.  (Source: Can The Motherlode Of Federal Data Hurt You?; And, Poking A Stick In The Eye Of Social and Emotional Learning; And, Pennsylvania proposed law to screen every 6th grader, and every grade thereafter, for mental health depression:)

This is how the government will gain personality/psychological profiles on all children in America. (Note: Realize that Facebook is being sued for illegally harvesting psyche profiles of 87 MILLION adults by Cambridge Analytica.)  Source: DC attorney general sues Facebook over alleged privacy violations cambridge analytica scandal)

Key to this data mining reveals core personality traits and motivations that drive behavior. Personality traits are the target for change and the experimental research into eugenics in our American schools. (See Part 3 below.)

So, parents are told children need to have resilience and grit. They must control their emotions and fit into the group. Data will be collected on every child in which the teacher designs a personality profile. Universal screening under social and emotional learning leaves no child unscathed. (The target is UNIVERSAL for ALL students.) Every emotion and action (behavior) a child makes is reported. A personality profile is made with checks and remarks made about the decisions of “intervention” as needed beyond the universal conditioning for everyone. Re-cycling a child into more interventions would be needed if a child resists change in Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions. This creates the uniform perfect specimen for the global workforce who thinks and acts in harmony.

Teachers are trained in fidelity by special education leaders. The definition is frightening:

Delivering an intervention with fidelity means delivering it EXACTLY the way it was designed, and in the way it was IMPLEMENTED during research studies that have validated its effectiveness. Important components of fidelity include: content, dosage/schedule, and group size.

If a child is reluctant to the interventions, they are recycled and a second intervention is delivered with “greater intensity.” (Source)

Relating this notion to Pavlov and Skinner and the current behavioral techniques, if you take away “free will” (constant punishment or forced restraint) you take away the desire (freedom) to fight back or you cannot make your own decisions over a period of time. (See Iserbyt, The Death Of Free Will)

Remember the experiments that Pavlov performed on tethered and salivating dogs. How long would it take for a child to give in and not protest when authority figures (teachers) continue the reward/punishment agenda for any minuscule behavior at school? Teachers are now called “intervention scientists.” Americans do have a “freedom complex” and to squash that value IS the goal. (Most traditional teachers have already been removed from the classrooms of America and forced out. Source: Teaching Inside the Tech Curtain, Link 1 And Link 2.

In Pennsylvania, the historical, psychological state assessment, Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, was withdrawn because of my federal complaint in violation of federal law for testing attitudes and values. The top behavioral scientists of the world combined their expertise to develop the EQA. (See Common Core Global Communion, Tempest in a Test:) The goal area “Adapting To Change” was originally called, “Methods of Coping With Freedom.” The name  was changed several times including “Coping With Change” and were titles for the experimental goal over the years. The goal has now been glossed over again by deceptively changing the name of the goal to “Emotion Regulation, Grit or Resilience.” But the first label, “Methods of Coping With Freedom,” explains exactly what the goal really meant.

A unique story headlined out of New York explains these techniques to perfection from the Hudson Yards Success Charter School. Parents wrote a letter to Eva Moskowitz, who is owner of several Success Charter Schools and former City Council member. The parents’ letter states:

“The school “broke our children’s spirit and erased their self confidence in less than 3 weeks“.   Some of our children are getting physically sick, experiencing meltdowns, vomiting, having nightmares and/or having sleepless nights and are unable to concentrate etc. Some of our children have even requested to be homeschooled although they had been award winners and popular last year.”

Resilience or grit has new meaning when used in this example because resilience means kids are pressured to be able to cope, accept their new environment. Their daily lives at school are mass manipulated by teachers using behavioral conditioning. In other words, “methods of coping with freedom” means coping to your new environment without protest. Artificial stress is used to force the child to “adapt to change” or accept that they no longer have any power over this situation. The idea of freedom has been crushed. The child will give up. This is where the individualist, the creative, the loyal, the sensitive, the emotional, and any decisive child will be targeted, Soviet style.

Looking at the standards used in West Virginia notice in the graph under Personal and Workforce Skills, that the student is being pressured to “go along with the group, even under stress.” The student must work collaboratively. They must “willingly align their personal beliefs and goals to the goals of others,”  forcing the student to change using peer pressure and stress as a positive goal. The standard concludes that the student “derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals.” Group goals are the opposite of individualism. This objective creates artificial stress on the student. What if the standard conflicts with what the student believes or what the student has been taught at home?  What is the roll and responsibility of a teacher to facilitate changing of these beliefs and attitudes? What does interact “productively” as a member of the group mean?

Are we creating depressed children? Are teachers acting as clinical psychologists? Does this effect the student’s personality? Yes, yes, and yes!

Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) under the banner of MTSS, Multi-Tiered System Of Supports, are the techniques that are developed to be used for behavioral change. (Note: The meaning of positive to the Patriot, is NOT positive to the Globalist, which means a child can be targeted for specific behavioral change while training your child to be a global citizen.) With this in mind, it’s not hard to imagine the emphasis on changing specific characteristics of people or entire population groups.

In order to identify the need for change in a child, data on their personalities must be collected. The behavioral changes made through psychological interventions, a la Pavlov/Skinner, will identify the genetic markers in personalities. Who are the Eugenicists? James Heckman and Angela Duckworth are the lead change agents and DNA manipulators in your child’s future.

Personality + Eugenics = the New Molded Man

Part 3

“…there is a major debate regarding genetics and the role of the nervous system in the development and change of personality. By starting with the construction and general functions of the nervous system, it will provide a foundation to dive deeper into the controversy surrounding the nervous system, specifically the brain and its role in personality and behavior.” (Source: Human Behavior and the Influence of the Nervous System)

Neural Research is being developed relating the vast and complex connections between the nervous system and human personality perfecting the “perfect” human capital for the global economy. The nervous system, the brain, directs behavior.

Eugenics is defined as the of science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race.

There is major exploratory research in the links between social science, genetics, and the economy. The leadership in this research are two Principal Investigators, James Heckman, University of Chicago and Angela Duckworth, University of Pennsylvania, known for the Character and Grit Lab.

Their research group is called The Research Network On The Determinants Of Life Course Capabilities And Outcomes. Heckman won a Nobel Prize in Economics and is also well known for his empirical research in labor economics, particularly regarding the efficacy of early childhood education programs. Duckworth is the creator of the grit scale and non-cognitive measurements and co-author of Economics and The Psychology Of Personality Traits.

Heckman states specifically that,Early Childhood has a high rate of return,” and  “the earlier the investment, the greater return in economics,” known as the “Heckman Curve.” His own research suggests “childhood interventions can be helpful, and that conscientiousness is more malleable than IQ. Openness — a broad trait that includes curiosity — is also connected to test scores and grades. IQ still matters, of course. Someone with an IQ of 70 isn’t going to be able to do things that are easy for a person with an IQ of 190.” (Source: Heckman’s idea of starting EARLY, means that children will be conditioned pre-kindergarten to age 21, to accept their position in the labor force as a monetary piece of human capital. And, Pay For Success,)

Heckman’s research statement follows:

“The network focuses on developing an integration of social science and genetics, with psychological, economic, and social traits and outcomes. Specifically, we wish to combine biologically-appropriate models of genes into the formal models of individual choices and outcomes. Using these models, we will reexamine long-standing questions on the relationship between nature and nurture.” (Emp. Noted.)


“the evidence presented here suggests that the systematic empirical and theoretical study of personality is likely to be very fruitful for economics. Personality traits are predictive of socioeconomic success. They can be influenced by interventions and investment more readily than IQ, at least after the early years. A deeper understanding of personality traits promises to enrich economic theory and to understand the sources of, and solutions for human inequality. (Emp. noted.)

The research in the concept of “nature vs. nurture” substantially found that personality traits are mostly inherited. The Heckman/Duckworth formal research has focused on how interventions at school can determine genetic change. The trend of inequality and genetics will be tied to interventions within education.

In December, 2018, a conference was held by the Research Network On The Determinants Of Life Course Capabilities And Outcomes  to address “Genes, Schools, and Interventions That Address Educational Inequality: Can the Science Of Treatment-Effective Heterogeneity Unite Diverse Perspectives?” The conference brought together experts in genetics, economists, sociologists, psychologists, and education. (Source: Genes, Schools, Interventions)

The following questions should raise eyebrows as to exactly what this type of research will be used for. And, is Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Learning the prototype to collect personality traits for genetic research to find which interventions will definitely change the DNA structure of a child;

  • What, if anything, do results from genetic research and sociological research imply about the effectiveness of educational interventions?
  • How can intervention designs be used to test hypotheses about the mechanisms linking genotypes with complex human phenotypes, including gene-by-environment interaction hypotheses?
  • How can intervention designs be used to test hypotheses about who is advantaged or disadvantaged by school structures?
  • How can discoveries about mechanisms of genetic effects be used to identify intervention targets in diverse school settings?
  • How can integrating genetic data (e.g., measured genotypes, genetically-related samples) into intervention studies improve estimates of overall effects and advance understanding of heterogeneity of treatment effects?

“The goal of the conference will be to develop a White Paper with methodological recommendations for how intervention research could integrate genetic and sociological data, and how genetic or population-based studies could integrate light-touch experimental interventions.”

Every school in America is instituting the benign-seeming strategies called social and emotional learning which is perfectly aligned with the use of eugenic intervention models developed by Heckman Economics and Duckworth’s Character Lab. This concept of investing in human capital according to the demands of labor markets is perfectly aligned with the use of the Heckman/Duckworth eugenic models in education. Social and emotional learning has new meaning. Grit has new meaning associated with genetic research. Assessment of human capital will now have dollars signs on every resume detailing the worth of that individual to the economy.

Heckman and Duckworth have gone steps further to address Eugenics in the womb. Yes, babies.

“This workshop will explore the complex role of the mother’s body, and her lineage/history, as a moderating influence on interventions that seek to improve fetal development and long-term health/human capital outcomes. It will cover a range of themes, from evolutionary biology to epidemiology to the history of science, aimed at illuminating the challenges and opportunities for interventions targeting this earliest stage of development with the theoretically greatest potential for returns.“ ( Emp. Noted.)

Repeat...and for the greatest potential for returns!!!

A controversial post on an education blog In Ed Week entitled Grit, Galton, and Eugenics, Lauren Anderson, professor at Connecticut College questioned and criticized Duckworth’s research statement in her opening paragraph, in which only one scholar is quoted, Galton, which Ms. Anderson queries:

… as Galton (1892) suggested, the inclination to pursue especially challenging aims over months, years, and even decades is distinct from the capacity to resist ‘the hourly temptations,’ pursuits which bring momentary pleasure but are immediately regretted.”[6]  

“This quote may seem fairly innocuous to those who don’t know from where it comes: the second edition of Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into Its Laws and Consequences. For a sense of the text in question consider this synopsis provided by its author, famed scientist and eugenicist Sir Francis Galton:

The natural ability of which this book mainly treats, is such as a modern European possesses in a much greater average share than men of the lower races. There is nothing either in the history of domestic animals or in that of evolution to make us doubt that a race of sane men may be formed, who shall be as much superior mentally and morally to the modern European, as the modern European is to the lowest of the Negro races.” (Source: Kauren Anderson)

This gives you the intent of the direction this experimentation appears to be  going with questionable goals…“your place in the caste” through Eugenics.

Big Brother Can Filter Any GENETIC Data As Raw Material

Consider the population group of the mischievous behavior of boys. Young boys can definitely be a target in these experimental trials at any age, even babies. Check out the Functional Assessment Observation Tools that are used to collect data:(Source: Why Is Baby Boy, Albert experiments included in these behavioral observations? See last page.

Source: John Watson Experiments, Pavlovian Conditioning.

Collected behavioral traits and “boys will be boys” observations can be identified, tallied, and conditioning interventions implemented. Changing toxic masculinity (competitive, aggressive, strong) can be a prime goal for interventions in young males. Of course, PBIS and RTI will do the job at school by changing the instinctive masculine qualities of men. The #MeToo Movement has upped the ante. This is a new chapter for the human species…males will no longer be the lovers, protectors, warriors, or fighters. They will have been neutered mentally and genetically. (Source: Traditional Masculinity Harmful: And Gillette joins the #MeToo movement to emasculate men starting early.

Remember, that the data collection by the government in the expanded state longitudinal data systems are regarded “Womb to Workplace.”  The Data Systems have already been expanded, merged, and standardized for identification, research, and retrieval. Your children have a unique national ID. FERPA allows DNA strands to be accessed WITHOUT parental consent. Grants are being showered onto schools to implement PBIS and RTI to train teachers how to do the manipulative behavioral techniques and conditioning through social and emotional learning and data collection for the federal government. Data is shared whole-heartedly. This is a huge federal-feeding frenzy. (I released the first documentation about data mining personality profiles and psychological interventions in Pennsylvania creating Psychometric Dossiers collected by school personnel in 2014. Source: Moratorium On Data, 2014: )

It’s the data. They MUST have the data FIRST to implement the PERSONALITY experiments. Data mining is surging. Parents are asleep, yet, the data will affect every child in America. The data mining and conditioning continues today.

Disgust will not change the forward motion of this train. Your action is required. Please share this information to every parent and friend you know.

Please read this letter that requests a meeting with President Trump. [Link]

And then sign here.

It is worth the time for every American to read the links that I have embedded in this article …if you want America to continue being America in the very near future. Sign now and pray.

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Poking A Stick In The Eye Of Social And Emotional Learning

Part 1, Surveillance Capitalism.”

This is the phrase that explains how the government gives permission for business and organizations to spy on our children for profit. The need for the protection of our children at school and their privacy in these technological times has never been greater.

Our advocacy group, Child Abuse in the Classroom, A Legal Challenge To ESSA, helped pass legislation in Tennessee that provides protections for parents from privacy invading data mining and mental health techniques without parental knowledge or consent at school. I call it, “Poking A Stick In The Eye Of Social and Emotional Learning.”

Read Tennessee’s Press Release here about our legislation. The job now is to pressure officials in the state to enforce the law. The protections of the law are described in the following links:

(Sources: Press Release ; Dear Friends Letter ; Letter To Tennessee Attorney General and Commissioner Of Education:)

The psychological probing and prodding of students in Tennessee schools, as well as all over the country, is no different than the unfair and deceptive conduct of Facebook shenanigans when Cambridge Analytica harvested  Psychometric Dossiers on Facebook users. The scraping of individual personal data and Facebook’s pressure on banks to see your checkbook (Source:) is just a glimmer of the data-mining being done on people. The misdeeds of Cambridge Analytica for using improper psychological profiling on citizens and potential voters is a small slice of nefarious surveillance that doesn’t come close to the collection of personal data and interventions at school to change our children’s American ideals starting before Kindergarten. (Yes, daycare centers are collecting social and emotional data.)

ACT in their development of Tessera measures social and emotional skills that compares the same goals as Cambridge Analytica. They refer to Tessera as the “Rosetta Stone for Social and Emotional Learning.” Tessera uses five similar OCEAN factors defined as: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, a taxonomy of personality traits and psyche. According to our new law, ACT would now be required to get informed written consent from Tennessee parents for any social and emotional personality testing. Are we evolving toward a standardized psychological  profile on individuals? (See Legislation for the new Census, HR 4174)

Education departments, Silicon Valley and big business are on a roll. They get their raw material for free…your kid’s data. We put CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), University of Memphis, Vanderbilt University, the TN Department Of Special Education, and SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration under the U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services, HHS, ACT, American College Testing (Tessera and Engage) and the Tennessee Department Of Education on notice. We intend to have the law enforced.

Not very many people are critical about the psychological data being collected and used for behavioral interventions that manipulate the personalities of our children at school! Why not? What is the difference? Our children are captive guinea pigs, they are minors being exploited, and they can’t defend themselves in a classroom. See all letters here sent to education officials, HHS, business, and non-profits to enforce Tennessee law. (Source:)

Spies At School

This agenda is a complex system of mental health data-collecting and conditioning of our children in U.S. schools today. The vast spying and cataloguing of personality traits and behaviors at school is being done for commercial reasons and the government’s hellish desire for psychological profiles. There is more to understanding the mere privacy invading collection of personal data. From monitoring keystrokes on the computer, to facial expressions, blood pressure, and mood, these techno-business companies are pulling in the data by droves and creating new software and curricula for profit. They see dollar signs-not kids in danger. See University of Memphis link proving that software and proprietary algorithms are being used to commercialize Emotional Sensitive  Intelligent Tutoring Systems. A very good question for the University Of Memphis, “Where was your research project implemented and did you get parental consent? (Source:)

Many people are quick to mention that collecting data doesn’t hurt you. But the realization of privacy invading techniques deepens when parents find out what is done with the personal data collected. Decisions are made about their children using the collected data, and worse. Their children may be coded for mental health problems (DSM V) in classrooms using social, emotional, or behavioral learning.

The collection of data is an invasion of privacy. Interventions or the targeting of behavior change and personality change through therapeutic psychological manipulation without a parent’s knowledge or consent is an invasion of Constitutional Rights. Two VERY different concepts that must be understood when translating the implications for future generations of our country. When you think about who are the most vulnerable, you can bet that our young American boys are targeted at school for conditioning to be docile compliant little robots. Is being an American traditional, strong masculine man taboo?  (Source:)

American citizens must wake up to the realization that school is NOT school anymore. The combination of conditioning for the global workforce and interventions in personality development are very real and there are not very many people who understand. (Note: Iserbyt warning.) What is at stake when a system of behavioral conditioning was legislated in ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act? Invariably these techniques are being pursued by school districts across the country. Step by step teachers are being trained to identify children with “serious emotional disturbance” with the definition being expansive by monitoring and itemizing normal behavioral occurrences. (See OFF-Task Motor for examples: fidgeting, flipping pages in a book, turning around in your seat, or butt not in contact with the seat, etc.) Zealous observations of kids are being tallied to determine behavioral and psychological conditions that are arbitrary and subjective. Parents are NOT informed of these dangerous tactics. It’s just not right. It’s dangerous.  (Sources: BOSS app. Behavioral Observation Of Students In School ; DSM Coding)

Have schools become mental health clinics? Many teachers have rebelled against being used as informers for the federal government. Some have gone along with the flow. Why have schools agreed to this concept of data collection and interventions in child personalities? And, the BIG question that begs to be asked, Why is an education institution not covered under the same privacy and security protections that HIPAA provides patients in the medical world? We need that security and protection in education NOW to protect our children. Congress has failed us, but no more data mining in Tennessee.

The Good News

It can be a heyday in Tennessee for any parent to file suit against the Tennessee Department Of Education or contractor for collecting and sharing their child’s social, emotional, and behavioral data with outside contractors. “Delete Your Data At School” could be the most fun game ever as parents happily destroy all the social, emotional, and behavioral information on their child’s record. Oh what fun!  We have the goods on them. Let’s go get ‘em!

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Stop The Government Controlled Minority Report Which Will Be Used As The New Census

Can The Motherlode of Federal Data Hurt You?

The New Planned Economy and How You Can Put A Wrench in the Gears.


Our children are seized in captive environments awash with mental health synonyms and cleansed with “proper” psychological interventions preparing them for a Global tomorrow. Human capital is the phrase. What is your child’s worth or worthlessness to the economy? Data and psychological profiles decide their future. Parents, and their intergenerational impact, are a target for proper child rearing and engagement to accept and match the federal standards. Beware!

Yes, it was your government that allowed this to happen. But parents have not observed the changes. Nor do they care. No rebellion is happening. They do not think that data collection is going to hurt their child until…

DataMining 101-The Truth About HR 4174

Why HR 4147 MUST Be Stopped! (S 2046 Companion Bill in the Senate)

The original graph above taken from the federal Cooperative Accountability Project (1974) outlines societal outputs monitoring all aspects of inputs in life, womb to tomb. All outputs can be categorized, cross referenced, and financially detailed to determine what the future global citizen will “be like.” The worth of a person (identified with a Unique National ID) can be calculated by creating an algorithm subtracting all investments and consumption through feedbacks made to evaluate the value of the end product. The key to this process is evidence-based which codes every action taken to control the end product. What is the objective? Monitoring the processing of human capital to get to the defined end product. How will the end product be controlled? Cooperative accountability! That’s the science in HR 4174, the legislation to create one massive government database that can hook into any data it wants to determine what you can or cannot do. Your future hangs in the balance.

Evidence-based means total quality management or management by objectives for a planned economy. The original name for the planned economy was planning, programming, budgeting system, PPBS, in which 10 federal coded handbooks were developed for computer retrieval in the 70’s. The future is here in legislation HR 4147,  brought forward by Speaker Ryan  (R-WI) and Sen.Patty Murray (D-WA) that merges all data collected in the United States updating the federal handbooks.

Evidence-based is the new name and broader plan merging all government agencies and departments called an “OPEN GOVERNMENT DATA ACT” HR 4174 that Speaker Ryan and Sen. Murray introduced. (Source🙂. Data on the individual is the new mainstay. HIPAA would be rescinded. The cornerstone of the New Managed Economy is the “science” to merge education, health, labor, finance, immigration, etc., all federal departments. Education is the blueprint of data collection to identify and change personality traits of the individual. Data is streaming. It is a river of data. Your government is intent to create the global citizen.

How would this data be shared, re-disclosed to outside vendors and providers? All data moves to an expanded CENSUS. A National Data Secure Service monitors who gets the data. Data on children is already contracted with 3rd party vendors to research interventions, curriculum development, software development, providers, and yes, access to the results of testing, privacy invading surveys, and assessments. But there are kinks in the armor, pesky laws would have to be changed. There are barriers for the elite to solidify this system. But there were many steps already accomplished that moved us closer into the planned economy.

The Obama Executive Order 12866 that changed and weakened FERPA, Family Education Rights in Privacy Act without Congressional authority or approval.

[Source: Federal Register for changes in FERPA regulations, comments, and requested changes for improving access to data;

Note: This link takes you directly to the EO, please scroll up to the top to see that the authority to change the regulation was the Obama EO to weaken and expand FERPA listed in the Federal Register]

The state longitudinal data systems were expanded to individual micro-records STANDARDIZING data elements in all 50 states aligned to the National Center for Education Statistics and the Institute for Educational Sciences, NCES/IES. These blueprints would mold state compliance where Data Quality Campaign assistance would draw up plans for each state to show where they have not met federal government objectives in their data collection. States were then offered huge amounts of cash (grant money from the IES) to raise the bar of data collection to mimic the existing national data warehouse interestingly called the Common Core of Data. Data-mining of your children to third parties was Ok’d by President Obama.

So What Changed in FERPA? Why Should Parents Be Concerned and Why Must The Obama EO Become Law? (HR 3157 would codify the EO, a barrier in the Evidence-Based Commission.)

The definition of personally identifiable information, PII, was expanded. Biometric data was included like iris scans, DNA, fingerprints, etc. The definition explains that using one or more of these personal identifiers including the unique student ID or demographics could identify the student. The regulations went on to say when they could share this personally identifiable information WITHOUT TELLING PARENTS. “School official” is now an authorized representative and was defined as anyone including volunteers who could access PII who had an educational interest. (Source: FERPA Loopholes here)

Obama’s Covert Action

The Obama ESEA Flexibility Waivers, issued about the same time the Obama EO changed FERPA, mandated social, emotional, and behavioral standards. Funding would be issued to train teachers in methodology for these mental health interventions. The Flex Waivers changed federal law without Congressional authority, but who cares, data was the most important objective. The collection of social, emotional, and behavioral data on the personalities of your children and specific interventions would become the new focus for the federal government. The Obama ESEA Flexibility Waivers were simply operating  as an updated “Easy Bake Oven” to change personality traits.

How do you measure, score, and remediate social, emotional, and behavioral values?  Good question? Can our government create standards for our children’s personality?  Well, they are. (Source: Use the 5 Magic Questions to Fight ESSA Values Changing Standards)

This is when parents should have been hyperventilating especially when the Nations Report Card (NAEP) came out and said social, emotional, and non-academic standards   would be collected forming psychometric dossiers on kids which would be used for the new “CENSUS” of the future. (See HR 4174 for current federal plans to merge all data into the census.)

Dropping poverty guidelines were also important provisions in the Flex Waivers because Title I would be the only way to ACCESS EVERY CHILD. Therefore by lowering poverty guidelines to “0” every child would come under the federal net called “school-wide.” Now ALL children would be forced to succumb to the “universal” whole child, whole school theory, literally, physically, and psychologically trashing the individuality of every student. This is where the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, would propel into high gear to reach ALL American children. The oppressive Common Core dumbed down education AND mental health interventions initiated through Special Education (IDEA) were like a wet blanket thrown over entire schools. (Title I funds are the vehicle for CHOICE to control all private, religious, and homeschooled children in the Planned Economy where the money and the interventions “follow the child.”)

So, since 2012, the illegal, and unjust expanding data system would identify and cross reference individual children, teachers, testing, and validated curriculum creating a feedback loop control system, called evidence-based decision-making. The system can cross-reference and identify who is or is not meeting government objectives. Teachers would be trained in methods to identify and remediate the attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions of students all awhile logging this personal data into their computers. Teachers and principals would be fired (VAM) if they did not comply. Special Education cadres call their expertise “Implementation Science” and train teachers in Applied Behavior Analysis in which they refer to their training as FIDELITY or exact methodologies. The interventions were comfortably renamed: response to intervention, positive behavior intervention and supports, or multi-tiered and school-wide-tiered systems of support. Children are recycled in evidence-based Data-Based Individualization Framework for Intensive Intervention where emotional and behavioral data is being logged and transferred into federal computer banks everyday. 3rd parties have it all. (Source)

A psychometric dossier is purely evil. The interventions are purely diabolical.  But, who cares, Senator Alexander (R-TN) pushes through legislation mandating these psychological interventions without a care placing carefully chosen psychological interventions created from the Flex Waivers into federal law…ESSA.

ESSA-To Hell In A Handbag

CONGRESS passes Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, 2015 where everything in the ESEA Flex Waiver now becomes law…EXCEPT THE OBAMA EXECUTIVE ORDER 12866 ON FERPA. Each state is submitting their state plan and all of the plans have in great detail how their schools are meeting social, emotional, and behavioral standards, interventions, and teacher training in these mental health techniques. Congress OK’ed the mental health and psychological remediation of your child’s personality toward their definition of GRIT, attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions. Schools would now be identified as “medical models” where health/mental health services could be billed to MEDICAID. NCES/IES continues to issue grants to log these psychological traits of your child into federal data banks creating psychometric dossiers which will eventually be part of the CENSUS.

The Obama EO Is A Barrier For HR 4174 To Be Achieved

HR 3157 Must Be Passed For Legal DataMining Of Every Individual.

The Data Quality Campaign (yes, remember they created data plans for every state) just released a document stating that they will contact Congressman Todd Rokita

(R-IN) to re-introduce his bill, HR 3157, which will make the Obama Executive Order law.  Yes, you read it. They want it all and they don’t want parents to get in the way. Make the EO that changed FERPA regulations LAW.  Therefore, feds, states, and outside contractors/vendors can continue to data-mine the hell out of our kids, and use the data to change our children and no one is going to stop them. (Source, see page 42) Parents who insist the data can’t hurt their child should read Edwin Black’s book, IBM and the Holocaust. The IBM punch card and card sorting system—a precursor to the computer, made Hitler’s program of Jewish destruction a technologic mission the company pursued with chilling success.

Whoever is in power, maintains the direction of decision making in a world controlled ONLY by numbers.

Speaker Ryan insists that we must pass HR 4174 and it’s companion bill S 2046. It’s evidence-based and scientific. Right?

My thoughts about HR 4174:

So, what if we get rid of all privacy barriers: the federal government collects individual data on everyone from everywhere, wherever it is collected!  Health, education, labor, financials, immigration, IRS…make data mining legal. So, goodbye, HIPAA and goodbye, FERPA protections, forever. The bill calls on the President and OMB to change those barriers so they can have it all. Pass Evidence Based Decision Making in our nation so there is the ability to identify individuals for good or evil, no one knows. Instead of tattooing arms with a number, we will just give every person a number and a digitized card at first. Eventually a data chip will be implanted under the skin. Technology will identify when everyone is/isn’t doing EXACTLY what the federal government and their global partners want. It’s a reward and punishment system. Who will make those decisions? Data is the lifeblood of the global economy. We’ve already seen the changes in our classrooms. What will it take for Americans to say, NO!

This War is Real!  Can We Slow the Train Down?

Our campaign is focused on the illegal violations of Constitutional protections and privacy called Child Abuse in the Classroom, A Legal Challenge To ESSA. Our goals, REPEAL ESSA AND RESTORE FERPA. No one else is talking about the interventions that are processing your kids into this federal cake-baked mold.

(Source: Violations of Law) The New Planned Economy is here.

We must target Rep.Todd Rokita (R-IN) and his bill, HR 3157. Please call him, email him, and tweet him until Mr Rokita understands that parents know about this charade and parents refuse to let it happen. Not only that, we want HIM to sponsor a bill to protect our kids.

Rep. Rokita: Email: Phone: 202-225-5037 Twitter: @ToddRokita

Contact Your Congressman to STOP HR 4174.

Contact Your Senator to STOP S 2046.

Stop the national plan to make YOU the number in a government controlled Minority Report which will be used as the new CENSUS.

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Better Angels: Our Redress To President Trump To Protect Our Children

I speak of “better angels” to guide you to find what is in your heart that challenges your conscience to do what’s right.

Our children and our country are at risk. I was torn by Abraham Lincoln’s words as I read his Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861, as civil war was drawing near.

President Lincoln stated,  “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” (Emp.added.)

If parents could only see and feel a different kind of war encroaching upon their children; perhaps they would act. I am hoping your “better angel” will be touched by this request to save our children.

Our national campaign, Child Abuse in the Classroom: A Legal Challenge to ESSA, is asking all of our friends for their help. We must contact President Trump. Our campaign is growing in numbers and advisors as we continue to blast the education system that has gone awry. Please register to receive more information as we plot a trajectory to change the system. If you haven’t joined, Join Now.

Our plan is to Repeal ESSA, and Restore FERPA.

Parents have been locked out of the federal education system when Congress passed legislation that has taken away local control of our schools, controls how our teachers teach, and requires that our children become guinea pigs in experimental research. We have formed an Action Plan that targets precisely what we can do to stop the abuse.

Recently a group called USPIE released a plan endorsing Rep. Massie’s (R-KY) bill HR 899. The USPIE plan also incorporated parts of our action plan. However, USPIE relayed an entirely different message…dismantle the US Department of Education. That message is NOT focused on the urgent call to save our children now. Many people have jumped on the bandwagon to abolish the US DOE because it sounds good. Because ESSA legislation passed Congress, Every Student Succeeds Act is the power behind the revolting psychological techniques and interventions codified in law. Abolishing the US DOE will have no meaning or correct the situation that we find in our classrooms today.

An extreme amount of effort will go into this drawn-out plan of dismantling the DOE giving parents hope but using-up their energies thinking that Common Core will be abolished and the bad, bad DOE will be put in its grave. All is right with the world. Wrong! Congress passed the ESSA legislation which must be changed by Congress.

There is absolutely no hope to extinguish the wrongs perpetrated on our children because Congress passed legislation that solidified a government plan to control education, your school, your teachers, and your children. Everyday, everyday our children are harmed by ESSA and the harm to our children will continue because of Congress. They should be our target to make change happen. They are our elected officials. The DOE are faceless mannequins that hammer out the regulations however the LAW is written.

Please let me refresh your memory of an article that I had written in March, 2017, to rebuff the Rep. Massie (R-KY) bill, HR 899, prior to USPIE latching onto to his bill that plays into the hands of streamlining education into Health and Human Services or the Department of Labor.  Do not fall for this plan. Please read,

The Education Boomerang Theory.” (Source:)

I suspect that HR 1510 or HR 610 is the legislation waiting in the wings that will be used to totally destroy education as we know it by shifting program management to HHS, the Department of Labor, and/or establishing federal vouchers that have ESSA fingers all over it. We have already seen great strides by states to contract with outside providers to implement social, emotional, and behavioral/mental health using Medicaid and case management for all families. This mental health agenda requires all American children to have the slate wiped clean to prepare for global communion. This agenda is playing out in every classroom of America as I write this article.

Dismantling the DOE will not stop the ESSA psychological interventions that were codified into law. The invasion of privacy and behavioral intervention techniques are coded and logged into a national massive data warehouse called the Common Core of Data. Social, emotional, and behavioral data on your child’s personality is being collected. Strict behavioral techniques monitor your child in the classroom, in the cafeteria, on the playground, with screening of normal children for behavioral disorders. CHILD FIND means flagged data and continual punishments that recycle your kid through a series of interventions creating artificial stress and depression. Over time, these conditioning techniques take their toll. What is the future of your child when that child turns into an adult who would have a “mental health disability” coded on their permanent record? Many undesirable issues come to mind including the right of the 2nd Amendment, pursuing a career, or licensing criteria.

The Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, FERPA, must be restored to stop the data-mining of our children. Abolishing the US DOE will not touch the data-mining and the written agreements of third party contractors or providers who have access to our kids and the personally identifiable information, PII, which includes the collected behavioral data. The Obama Executive Order 12866 weakened FERPA while exponentially expanding the state longitudinal data systems. This PII is re-disclosed without your informed written consent. The IES, an official clone of the National Center for Education Statistics, collects psychometric dossiers on our kids that can lead to oppression and decisions that cannot be corrected in the future. It has been noted that these psychological dossiers will become the US Census.

I am appealing to the “better angel” of each and everyone who is touched by this letter to go the President’s website now. Our request is simple and straightforward. We are requesting a meeting with President Trump.  Please help in this endeavor.  

Go to this website:

Click on: Message Type

Enter: Contact the President.

Fill in Your information.

Go to the box that says: What would you like to say:

Please Copy and Paste this Message to President Trump as structured below. There is limited allowable space and we have formatted this to fit the requirements:

If we could meet with you, Mr. President, our story explains the mystery of how our highly funded American system of education has failed its children.

Our national campaign to Repeal ESSA and Restore FERPA identifies why our children are being dumbed down and used as a commodity in today’s high tech industry. There are no protections in the classroom. Parents need your help.

Our documentation exposes how regulations changed FERPA, under a former Obama EO, exposing our children’s Personally Identifiable Information, PII, to 3rd party contractors, jeopardizing their privacy opening a Pandora’s box of abuse. The ESSA law codified techniques and interventions that are vastly beyond the scope of education and put American children in danger.

Key issues are listed:

Data Tracking  and Data Trafficking – collecting and sharing Personally Identifiable Information

Treatment, interventions, psychological abuse – Mandates personal data collected on attitudes, values, beliefs and dispositions

Privacy violations

Violations of the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) – Violations under Title I school wide through the use of psychiatric, psychological examination, assessments, evaluation, or testing

Civil Rights violations – Interventions, treatment, and re-education of attitudes, values, and dispositions are profound violations of the 1st and 4th Amendments

Public law 103-33, General Education Provisions Act, Sec. 438 – Federal government is supervising and directing curriculum creating a “model national curriculum” and a national test.

Malpractice and Maltreatment of Children and Babies by Teachers and Preschool Caregivers – Teachers/preschool caregivers, (exceeding their professional certification), are required to screen, evaluate, perform anecdotal behavioral assessments, conditioning, and implement psychological remediation of the child’s attitudes, values, beliefs and dispositions.

We would like the opportunity to discuss these issues with you. Others supporting ESSA are using our children as a commodity. They have a financial interest.

Our motive is simple, please protect our children. The future of education in America will depend on your insistence that education means what it should. Parents feel betrayed and have no recourse to address these issues.  We appeal to the “better angels of our nature” that this wrong will become right. Please contact our national leadership.

Click on SUBMIT. You are done.

I am appealing to parents and citizens to try and help correct massive problems in the education system. Our children are in danger. Please email, tweet, and post this message to all of your friends and contacts. We CAN make a difference.

Anita Hoge

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Congress Passes Psychological Manipulation in an Education Bill: Schools Become Mental Health Clinics

Child Abuse in the Classroom, A Legal Challenge to ESSA

This is an invitation to join our national revolt called, “Child Abuse in the Classroom, A Legal Challenge to ESSA.”  ESSA is the federal legislation called Every Student Achieves Act. This revolt to stop this legislation is a tribute to Phyllis Schlafly and her book that exposed the original  “Child Abuse In The Classroom” that detailed hearings that brought about regulations to stop the psychological and psychiatric testing and treatment in the classrooms of America finalized in the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, PPRA. I was the parent who filed a federal complaint using the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, PPRA.  Phyllis had worked very hard to pass regulations in the 80’s. In fact, her book, Child Abuse in the Classroom, was the impetus for me to file my complaint. My story is well known. My historical journey exposed the corruption, the illegal data collection, and psychological abuse disguised as education in Pennsylvania, as well as other states as I fought outcome based education in the ‘90’s.

It appears what I had fought to rid our schools in the 1990’s is back with a passion. December of 2015, Speaker Paul Ryan pushed the passage of Every Student Achieves Act legislation through Congress along with Senator Lamar Alexander, Chairman of the HELP Committee.  Senator Alexander had purposely eliminated any reference in his summary report that would disclose the illegal and dangerous psychological techniques codified in his ESSA education legislation. Citizens contacted Senator Alexander and had informed him of the abusive mental health interventions that he permitted to be incorporated into his legislation. We are asking that he publicly recant the language in his bill that opened the door to these abuses and to act forthrightly to remedy this critical situation.

A Parent and Citizen Revolt

Citizens across the United States are prepared to wage an aggressive grassroots effort to stop The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) because it promotes Child Abuse in the Classroom. We are asking you to join us to request President Trump and Congress to repeal ESSA.

Parents and citizens across the United States are requesting an immediate injunction to stop the implementation of social, emotional, and behavioral standards and interventions that have been codified in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Although the implementation and collection of these non-academic standards and interventions have been previously approved and funded by former President Obama through the Executive Order 12866 and the illegal ESEA Flexibility Waivers, Congress has not stopped the progressive execution of these experimental, psychological manipulations in the classrooms of America. Because our children are at-risk of abuse, we are calling for an investigation.

President Trump has written and released an Executive Order that directs Secretary of Education DeVos to Enforce Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education. The Every Student Succeeds Act legislation violates the protection and safety of our children. This Act requires the use of abusive psychological techniques on children. These techniques are actually codified into this law. We are requesting Secretary DeVos to immediately take steps to prohibit teachers from carrying out the intrusive psychological and behavioral techniques named in the legislation to be used on America’s children in American classrooms. The intervention techniques specifically named in the legislation include: Applied Behavior Analysis posing as positive behavior intervention and supports; multi-tiered system of supports (response to intervention); schoolwide tiered system of supports; specialized instructional support services; early intervening services for at-risk children or becoming at-risk for mental health disabilities; and universal design for learning.

On September 20, our campaign released a Press Release that explained the violations that we allege are happening in the classrooms of America. We have 20 state coordinators and aligned two major Press Conferences, one in Austin, Texas, and another in Indianapolis, Indiana, the home state of Vice-President Pence. Please go to our website and join the campaign to help stop this psychological manipulation.

Parents, the social, emotional, and behavioral aspects of your children are being monitored, evaluated, and CODED. Behavioral interventions are being performed without your written permission or consent. Sometimes the names for this are changed to such flowery phrases as mindsets, character development, citizenship, “grit”, or even civics. This tactic effectually catches some parents off guard. Why? Because it sounds so good. Do we really know what is being tested and taught in America’s classrooms? Do you know what data is being collected on your child? Education has moved away from academics. There is now a full focus on personality with teaching and testing in non-Academic areas. The goal is changing the social, emotional, and behavioral personality traits of your child.

What Does the “Whole Child” Mean?

The “whole child” (head, heart, and hand) becomes the focus of the federal government when their job was to educate, not indoctrinate. The recently passed federal ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is the latest draconian effort to test, teach, and remediate values, attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions. The education establishment calls testing and changing attitudes and values these new buzzwords….social, emotional, and behavioral interventions. This transformation of our educational system removed academics as the main thrust of American education. It is mental health. It is psychological conditioning.  It is changing your child’s personality. ESSA becomes the church of today and everyday in the classroom. The spirit of the child is the focus of changing behavior, values, and beliefs. Churches, wake up! You’ve been replaced, but so has the family.

We have officially become the nanny state when ESSA was codified into law  December 2015.

Penetrating the Human Psyche

The ultimate goal is to squash all individualism in America. Parents beware! This falls under mental health. It is psychological conditioning. It also happens to be illegal the way they are doing this on children in the United States. Specific psychological interventions have been codified into law that teachers are using daily in our classrooms.  Phone apps are being used to monitor behavior like the BOSS app, Behavioral Observation of Students in School. Other behavioral assessments include: Systemic Screening for Behavioral Disorders; Behavioral and Emotional Screening System; Student Risk Screening Scale; Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire; Screening Social Skills Improvement System. Imagine replacing academics for these conditioning, behavioral systems used on our kids?  It’s not conduct anymore. It’s BF Skinner conditioning. You do not have to imagine anymore, they are being implemented daily.

What Are We Going To Do About It?

Parents, challenge the federal legislation!  We must!!

Professionals in the medical field are identifying these psychological techniques being used in the classroom by teachers, proving that if a doctor would perform these tests in their office, they would need informed written parental consent. Have You Seen Johnny’s Mental Health Profile written by Dr. Aida Cerundolo, Greenland, NH, brings home the reality of today’s classrooms in America. (Source:

We are asking parents to become involved. Join our effort to roll back this legislation and demand a Back to Basics Curriculum founded on academic subjects. Let’s get rid of the psychobabble, the datamining, and the unjust platform that disguises the true intent of the federal goals…globalism and total control of the individual.

These are our American children. 

Parents +  children = family … not the nanny state.

Join Child Abuse in the Classroom, A Legal Challenge To ESSA. 

Join here:

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

To Russia, With Love, Part 4

Artificial Smartness: Computers Don’t  Remember Anything On Their Own.

Russian Influence? Who Controls What Gets Taught on Software in American Schools? Who Designs The Algorithms? Who’s Data Mining?

Machine learning was behavioral psychologist BF Skinner’s idea of learning machines, operant conditioning, and controlling behavior targeted toward a desired outcome. The Russians use gamification, or learn by playing, everything is done through a video game or app. You can think of a competency based Skinnerian process and synchronization of Common Core, combining the standards to the process, so that brains can be rewired by intertwining the two in video games. Let’s see how many parents volunteer their child for this experiment… or have parents been bypassed?

The Obama Executive Order 12866 that changed FERPA, Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, now allows personally identifiable data to be shared, data mined, and researched with almost anyone who wants the data…for free…without parental consent. Pennsylvania parents had exposed this agenda when I had researched state contracts and demanded the Governor place a moratorium on data mining Pennsylvania’s children. (Source🙂

The written agreements with 3rd party vendors to access your child’s data is huge. Your kids are a commodity and researched constantly, as exposed by an EdWeek article about Carnegie Mellon University’s Learn Sphere. Data mining, biometric analysis, and research on students without parental knowledge and consent may be violating privacy laws. (Source: )

[Learn Sphere] “…may also include information on what Koedinger described as students’ “affective emotional states,” such as whether they are bored or frustrated, as gauged through either classroom observations or sensor technology that can detect an individual’s posture, their skin’s conductance of electricity, and more.”

“We’re increasingly operating outside the parameters of FERPA,” she said, referring to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a 40-year old federal statute that remains the primary law in place to protect students’ privacy.

“We talk about modern privacy as being about an individual’s right to control the information they’ve entrusted to others,” Barnes said, “but it appears [with LearnSphere] that students will lose significant control.”

Who qualifies as 3rd party vendors (SkolKovo, Carnegie Mellon, Facebook, MIT?) to have access to our children’s personally identifiable information? Parents must understand the imposing future of education. It’s not school anymore. It is pure surveillance, spying, and conditioning. We have proven that it is happening. But, are parents asking why? Do parents think these techniques are simply going to go away? Or do they think their child will not be affected by the bombardment of brain research?

So what should parents be thinking about Neural-brain software? We know that the US Army Research Laboratory designed an Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring Software and Instructional Management system with affective interventions to change personalities; i.e., the beliefs, attitudes, values, and dispositions of students. (Source)  We also know that software is continuing to be commercialized to move forward.

“Emotionally-Sensitive Intelligent Tutoring Systems are being developed by the University of Memphis. They seek a licensee to commercialize a significant advance in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). The invention consists of software and proprietary algorithms which allow ITSs to sense and optimally respond to the learner’s emotional states and not simply their cognitive states. The invention represents the first Intelligent Tutoring System with natural language dialogue that detects and responds to students’ emotional state. Two novel aspects that make this unique are:

  • The algorithm used to detect student emotions combines conversational cues, posture, and facial features. This form of multimodal affect detection is achieved via a three-channel decision level fusion algorithm.
  • The strategies the system uses to respond to students’ emotional and cognitive states. This is accomplished with a theoretically-grounded production system that helps students regulate their negative emotional state in a manner that is dynamically responsive to each individual learner.” (Source:)

Why are our children’s emotions being regulated? Isn’t it OK to disagree with what is on your computer screen? Is that deemed a negative response? Because you disagree will your attitude be modified? Because it can be done, should it be done? What are the results? Who were the first guinea pigs? Where was the experimental research done? Bottom line, our children are NOT protected from the experimental brainwashing.

All About Algorithms and more….

Machine intelligence is “moulding itself around us by constantly mining and analyzing our data and then responding with automated suggestions, recommendations and micro-nudges toward certain kinds of behaviours and actions.”

“Yet, the role of big data in machine intelligence adds another level of complexity because “computers don’t remember anything on their own.” Rather than a neutral and unbiased product of computational processes and algorithms, big data is actually the product of many human hands, values, assumptions, and ways of thinking about the world, many of them held by the computing and data science specialists who have programmed the technologies and designed the methods and algorithms to collect and analyze the data.” (Emp. added) (Source)

So the content of many video games and computerized curricula may not be what parents think. What are children learning and how do you define what SUCCESS means in the future? This Webinar held by EdWeek, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and “grit” psychologist Angela Duckworth, gives you a real look at what the objectives are. Who is defining what grit and character really is? What is the significance when the objective is to separate the motivated from the unmotivated as Luksha describes?

“Video games can measure student learning in real time while literally ‘rewiring kids brains’ to help them to pay better attention and improve their behavior. It’s digital media meets big data meets state of the art brain research. But can a role-playing video game about aliens change the way U.S. Schools think about testing students and boost the noncognitive skills that are critical to SUCCESS later in life?”  (EdWeek Webinar, Using Video Games To Assess Students Non-Cognitive Skills, Sept., 2013)

“So, when we hear that big data is the tutor of machine intelligence, we need to query not just the machinery itself, but all of the human systems of thinking, values, assumptions and so on that have gone into the production of the data informing it. As a recent book entitled “Machine Intelligence claims, the creation of “smarter-than-human AI” requires a massive “encoding of the entire system of human values for an AI: explaining them to a mind that is alien to us.” This would represent a monumentally complex pedagogical task of training machines to do what we want them to do and to share our values. As a result, questions about how machine intelligence, deep-learning algorithms, cognitive learning systems and artificial smartness are taught, and of who or what teaches them, using what methods, data and materials, and according to what educational theories, may become significant as cerebral schools develop in which such technologies are routinely deployed to interact with students.”

“How will human brains likely to be shaped and reshaped through interaction with such computationally brainy spaces at school? How we think and learn is partly becoming an issue of how machines have been taught to ‘think’ and learn, based on notions of the human brain itself as a big data-processor.” (Emp. added.)  (Source:)

Understanding how others vision our future, including Hillary, Zuckerberg, Gates, and Luksha, we must look closely at what is being fed to our children on a daily basis with machine learning and values/gaming brain changers.

The Sovietization of our schools might be sooner than you think. (Sources: Historical Record: Soviets in the Classroom, Edu-Gate; Charlotte Iserbyt.

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To Russia, With Love, Part 3

The World According to Luksha and Why Are Soviets Re-Engineering the Future?

In a dual education system, who determines who will be “educated” and those who will only be taught “functional literacy” in vocational services? The 1992 U.S. Department of Labor controversial SCANS Report, advocating controlling future “human capital” as each person’s assigned worth or worthlessness to the economy, is coming to fruition. Luksha describes the new global digital world to MIT observers in the following links: (Source-1) and (Source-2)

At the GEFF conference (Global Education Futures Forum) held in Menlo Park, CA in April of 2015 Luksha explained in detail what he has to offer the world as far as what the future in education would look like in the year 2035. The key to accomplishing longterm economic goals, education and technology were the main focus. The following links to this roadmap explore their ideas. (Source-1) and (Source-2) and (Source-3)

Many goals , I’m sure, will not be so easily accomplished in America. In fact their “future map” shows that there are many ethical and legal questions that have not been thoroughly thought out to become a reality in the land of the free. However, the push for global “deliberative democracy” is moving forward unhampered and unquestioned.

But one very important issue for the world to understand when looking at this plan is that these secular-humanist scientists scour and scrub the world to make it free of religion, or to make it a more accepting world religion with flexible morality and worldviews. They quote Karen Armstrong speaking at a TED talk about the community helping to build a “Charter for Compassion — to restore the Golden Rule as the central global religious doctrine.”

Values are to be taught by online virtual game apps that form common values, not churches. Child labor laws would have to be changed for the Mickey Mouse Club Law, legislation introduced for early intellectual labor, 10 years old and up. A Billion Student University emerges with IT companies consuming the roll as the leaders of the Global Education Market, not universities. The definition of a new “modernist family” will need “competent” parenting training, and a shift in the childhood model to a more flexible morality. This includes opening the door at a younger biological age to an ever expanding range of activities (education, business and political activities, sexual activity, right to access pharmacological “cognitive intensifiers,” etc. Well, are we ready for this? Does the Luksha agenda normalize all sexual activity like pedophilia, transgenderism, sexual predators, and homosexuality? Is there such a thing as a child’s consent to sexual activity?

(NOTE: The following link provided is a must read for the entire concept of Russian Futurist plans for America and the world.

The new family and a shift in the childhood model, page 60.

The extent of what the controlling factors are, and of which values gets implanted and who decides what that information will contain, will totally be controlled by top technology companies. This will curtail free and open sources of knowledge or scholars. We should question WHO is writing and analyzing the algorithms, and WHAT values and WHAT curriculum WILL be taught? Turning Western civilization on its head will ultimately convert moral, social, and aesthetic values to a more transformational acceptance of what is right/wrong, good/bad, or beautiful/ugly.  Western society will be scrubbed of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, or a moral compass. Sin is erased. I’m OK, you’re OK, or what kids say today…whatever!

What Does the Future Hold?

Elon Musk of TESLA is preparing to link human brains with computers in 4 years. “Artificial intelligence and machine learning will create computers so sophisticated and godlike that humans will need to implant ‘neural laces’ in their brains to keep up,” Musk said last year. Over the top? Maybe. (Source)

Bryan Johnson, the founder and CEO of neuroscience startup Kernel, is trying to hack the human brain. And Facebook investor Yury Milner envisions a global brain with collective intelligence. The Matrix may not be too far away. (Source)

It is all very clear. The real coverup concerns the intel from Russia that is being used by US tech companies. The future of our education would be intertwined with neural brain research. The Alife agenda (artificial life) will control human behavior and what information would be fed through the cloud-based Internet of things. Cathy O’Neil, Harvard Ph.D. warns of big data’s dark side in ‘Weapons of Math Destruction’ states overtly, “Don’t Trust That Algorithm?” (Source)

However, this is a warning: Whoever compiles the algorithms, (Google, Intel, Facebook, Tesla, Microsoft, Cisco) will decide what the standards will be and what information will be available to “download” into your brain. After all, an algorithm is an opinion, and the opinion of developers will determine the standard of what will be taught by machine learning, and what information will be provided and shared. Education becomes selective, conditioned, and discriminating in this new world order. (More on Algorithms in Part 4.)

This brief overview gives you the importance of understanding this controlled universal collective intelligence drafting the pathway to digital globalization brought to you by Hillary Clinton, Zuckerberg, and their Russian cohort, and other SkolKovo friends, like Pavel Luksha. This is a closer look at the Global Future Agenda of  transhumanism. Please read the entire synopsis of what the future will bring in the techno-religiousity, immoral future that is being portrayed merging humanity with technology while destroying the family. [Link]

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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To Russia With Love, Part 2

What Is The Russian NeuroWeb and Why Should Americans Worry About Russia, Facebook, and the Future of Education and Machine Learning?

The deep ties of US tech companies to Russia’s SkolKovo indicate there are far more problems than cybersecurity. At issue seems to be preparations for a futuristic world society. But, preparing the world for what? It all has to do with education, machine intelligence and big data.

Neural interfaces are engineered devices designed to exchange information with the nervous system. Brain-targeted teaching using a brain-machine interface (BMI) can be described as a direct communication pathway between an enhanced or wired brain and an external device.  This is definitely a controversial issue.

The Invisible Empire Made Up of Men of Evil Genius.

Facebook’s founder Marc Zuckerberg visited Moscow in 2012 with the purpose of skimming Russian talent from SkolKovo to the United States. Russians feared that there would be a brain-drain of scientists flocking to America. (Source🙂 There had been a conspiracy theory floating around about Zuckerberg’s Facebook being originally funded by the CIA to gather personal data on millions of people for the U.S. government. Well, if that’s true, with the added technology of Russian neural-brain interfacing along with his DARPA executive, there is much more on his plate than mere Facebook likes and dislikes. (Source🙂

In April of 2017 Zuckerberg unveiled Facebook’s augmented reality system – and confirmed rumors the firm is developing a ‘mind control’ brain interface. Zuckerberg took to the stage at the firm’s annual F8 developer conference at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The mysterious Menlo Park “Building 8”, headed by former Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) chief and Google executive Regina Dugan, signed agreements with 17 universities, including Stanford, Harvard and MIT, to speed up progress on new research projects, and will be paid a fee by Facebook. ‘Building 8’ is working on mind-reading technology hiring ‘brain-computer interface engineers’ to develop advanced BCI technologies applying ‘machine learning methods’, including encoding and decoding models, to neuroimaging and electrophysiological data. What does Zuckerberg have in mind? (No pun intended.)

Who Is Pavel Luksha?

Extensive research being done by Russian SkolKovo scientist Pavel Luksha and his team is a key to expanding these neurological brain interfaces and a universal system of coding. The NeuroWeb (Source🙂 agenda for the entire universe compiled by Pavel Luksha creates a preliminary futuristic roadmap for the Global Education Future in the year 2035. Pavel Luksha aligns his NeuroWeb toward a global/neuroscience architecture for education. “Scary” doesn’t even come close to describing Pavel’s future road map.

Education is the focus of this “game changer” for “reengineering” the future according to Russian scientist Luksha. Preparing nations for this change includes technological/neural/brain transmitters which will upload our thoughts and feelings into the cloud. This seems like fantasy.

However, we must ask ourselves why the trend of personality/psychological development is currently blended into classrooms of America, called soft skills standards and non-cognitive interventions. Is this why leaders want to de-emphasize the teaching of traditional academic knowledge? These psych techniques have already been legislated in the new education law in the US, called ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act. Think about the specific “synchronized” standards (Common Core, affective standards, and computerized data elements via state longitudinal data systems replicated in 50 states) that could be transferred via BMI and analyzed by big data. It would not be difficult to standardize the entire educational system for both machine learning and personality development. That becomes more worrisome. Russia’s involvement with this global prototype means trouble. Who controls those standards and what are the objectives?

Was Common Core and all the psych programs legislated in ESSA, such as multi-tiered systems of support and positive behavior interventions, a prelude to “cleaning the slate”? Is this preparing American children to accept a more flexible world view? Luksha’s “rapid foresight” future map, through conditioning and changing human behavior via machine learning processes, seem to be exactly the goals of these futurists. Note this important fact: Changing the values of American children away from the old Industrial Age to that of a total digital world means calling for the end of the Gutenberg Era (with the invention of the printing press) of written media and its impact on society. This will leave old-fashioned parents and citizens totally behind.

The Russian Dual System of Work

Are big US tech investors in neural brain research designing a dual education system like that of the Russians – one for World Skills training, and another for kids with more “talent”? Will this two-track system be incorporated into personalized education plans for the future? Both Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Every Student Succeeds Act work hand-in-hand as the legislation groundwork to create a diagnostic individual pathway moving the U.S. towards a dual work system. Thus, is this a different motive for GRIT research by University of Penn psychologist Angela Duckworth? Russian Pavel Luksha suggests a separation for educating the masses – those who are motivated, and those who are NOT motivated — leaders and followers. This suggests a Russian dual education system. His team of researchers focuses on why birds flock, why fish school, or why ants work together. The BRIC countries are all on board – Brazil, Russia, India, and China. (Source🙂

Basically Luksha’s “collective intelligence” comprises one leader and many followers in each instance. The difference is that leaders (kids with talent) are educated differently than the followers, skilled workers. The programmed individual pathway is controlled in this environment.

It is not a wild stretch of imagination to consolidate this type of schooling process. These controversial pilots are already in motion:

  • Google powered Chromebooks reach over 30 million US children. “Google is helping to drive a philosophical change in public education — prioritizing training children in skills like teamwork and problem-solving while de-emphasizing the teaching of traditional academic knowledge, like math formulas. It puts Google, and the tech economy, at the center of one of the great debates that has raged in American education for more than a century: whether the purpose of public schools is to turn out knowledgeable citizens or skilled workers.” (Source🙂
  • The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative uses their massive fortune to reshape public education with data driven personalized learning technology called Summit Basecamp. Dozens of schools nationwide have signed up to use the program, which tailors lessons to individual students using software that tracks their progress. This Facebook partnership pilots classroom software with Summit Public Schools, a charter school headquartered in Silicon Valley. The Facebook-backed software platform inverts the traditional teacher-led classroom hierarchy to a personalized learning platform. And did I mention the mounds of data collected? The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative also gave $100m to Newark Public Schools which was a very controversial One Newarkplan where neighborhood schools were taken over and turned into charter/choice schools where there is no voter or parent accountability. (Source🙂
  • The Bridge International Academies, called “School In A Box”, is a for-profit, cashless business model that uses technology to standardize the entire schooling process which has been piloted in Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria. It’s $140m in equity capital comes from several investors, including Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Pierre Omidyar, who founded eBay, and others. “Leaders” are not certified teachers and must follow “scripts” which provide step by step preparation for the lesson, including what to say and what to write on the board, what homework to assign, and how to quiz or test the students on the material. The program is so explicit and standardized that “all teachers must follow instructions on their tablets. Bridge tracks their finger strokes to see whether they [leaders] scroll to the end of lessons.” The program boasts that their teachers outperform government certified teachers because they must follow the lessons explicitly. The pre-programmed, pre-set curriculum, centrally developed by BIA at headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts and in Nairobi, Kenya, is sent electronically to each school site using smart phones that transfer the text to tablets. (emp. added.) (Source🙂

We should ask if Zuckerberg’s foiled quest to give the Internet to the entire world had bigger intentions than philanthropy, especially when he advanced his plans to put a satellite above Africa. “SpaceX’s launch failure destroyed our satellite that would have provided connectivity to so many entrepreneurs and everyone else across the continent,” as Zuckerberg strikes a bitter tone to the explosion that destroyed the satellite. The larger view from space would allow expanded Zuckerberg-funded services but with added data-mongering. (Source🙂

But not everyone is on the same page. Zuckerberg and Bill Gates may be learning that not everyone is going to agree to their agenda when last year “the Ugandan government ordered the closure of 60 schools – part of a network [Bridge International Academies] providing highly scripted, low-cost education in Africa – amid allegations that they had been “teaching pornography” and “conveying the gospel of homosexuality” in sex-ed classes. (Sources:, Source-1, Source-2, and Source-3)

What could possibly go wrong with free Internet for the world?

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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To Russia With Love, Signed Hillary, Part 1

Part 1: The Dark Agenda of Hillary’s Russian Involvement As Secretary of State and Why No Investigation

Why are American technology companies in cahoots with the Russians? What are their future plans? What was Hillary Clinton’s part of the agenda?

Hillary’s Russian Reset in 2009 happened to be more intense than most people are aware. The entire bizarre conspiracy of the Russian/Trump fiasco in American politics may be a smokescreen for Russian ties hidden under the Obama administration. Russian turbulence continues to hang over the Trump administration even after ex-FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that President Trump was not being investigated.

But, here’s the reality: Former President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have the REAL extensive ties to Russia. Together they created an open beltway under the radar for Russia to exchange technology transfer, nuclear energy, neural brain research, and an assortment of extensive research. This was done via a bilateral agreement that would strengthen the Russian economy. The bilateral agreement lasts until the year 2020. This exchange has both countries cooperating in business mergers and acquisitions, multiplying investments in venture nano-technology, education, urban development, and nuclear waste energy. [Link one] and [Link two] Key businesses in the United States have already invested millions of dollars flowing into a new technology corridor, dubbed the “Russian Silicon Valley,” called SkolKovo. The following is a Who’s Who rocking the Russian borders to invest in Russia’s SkolKovo: CISCO paid $1 billion to be on the ground floor of technology gained by Russian influence. American investors and key universities such as MIT, are capitalizing on this, cooperatively converging vast scientific and technological advances made by Russian scientists. (Sources: Source one and Source two)

The hoopla created by Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Presidential debates, and trying to connect Donald Trump to Russia, has obscured the issues. There is actually a complete opposite tale of the real truth that has not been exposed. The piling-on by the media, zealous to connect President Trump to Russia, is a clever ruse to obstruct the facts. The public is not aware of the extent that Hillary Clinton was involved with the Russian Reset, involving millions of dollars and multitudes of businesses and universities, all advancing the United States in partnership with Russia. What did Hillary Clinton get in return? Donors for the Clinton Foundation.

Once you glance through the lists of high tech businesses and higher ed cooperating with Russia, you will have to ask yourself the obvious questions. Can we really trust Russian motives? What do they want from us? And what do the techies want from Russia? (More on this in Part 2.)


Former President Obama met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and signed the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission in 2009.

The Russian Reset began with the Presidential Bilateral Commission to improve relationships and cooperation between the governments of Russia and the United States. No longer would Russia be radioactive to American interests. Although President Obama pushed the supposed agenda of Russian interference with the election, it was the former President and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that finagled business deals with Russia prior to that time. Lucrative, under-the-table pay-outs to the Clinton Foundation, and paid speeches for Bill, served as the ultimate incentives. Many start-up companies notably had deep Clinton ties.

The Bilateral Commission would work at identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthened strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the Russian and American people. Scientific talent would also be siphoned off of Russia and transported to the US.

In March of 2009 Hillary Clinton met her Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in Geneva, Switzerland. Secretary of State Clinton presented Lavrov a yellow box with a red button to symbolize a “reset button.” Two years later in March of 2011 Vice President Biden met with Putin in Moscow, in an act which reaffirmed the US-Russia ‘Reset’.

The first major part of this technological cooperation included Russian plans to create their own version of Silicon Valley. Their research facility on the outskirts of Moscow, named “Skolkovo,” would be developed with the cooperation and investment of major U.S. tech firms. In May of 2010 the State Department facilitated a Moscow visit by 22 of the biggest names in the U.S. venture capital market. Cisco pledged $1 billion to Skolkovo, with Google, Intel, and Bill and Melinda Gates entering into agreements. The cooperative would match Russian brainpower with U.S. investment dollars, and provide the entrepreneurial know-how to spark technological breakthroughs in a wide variety of start-ups.

It is interesting to note that Cisco, Google, Intel, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation happened to be major Clinton Foundation supporters, with dozens more companies becoming involved with Skolkovo after the Hillary involvement. It was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who arranged meetings with the high tech companies. Emails, of course, were deleted on Secretary Clinton’s computer, so the exact communications between Russian operatives and donors are supposedly missing. This missing information appears to be indicative of a massive cover-up to conceal the violation of the Espionage Act by using an unauthorized server.

The key to the Bilateral Agreement is:

“…technology transfer and investment, and the Commission played a key role in everything from intellectual property sharing to export licensing to facilitating American investment in Russia and Russian investment in America.

“The FBI warned tech companies about Rusnano, a Russian venture capital firm that technology would have dual use between the defense and civil sectors where technology could be used for revolutionary changes in weapons and defense.” (Source:)

“The opening of a Russian Innovation Center (representing Rusnano, Russian Venture Company, and Skolkovo) in the Silicon Valley will act as another bridge connecting American and Russian high tech companies, investors, and scientific research institutions.”

“To get American companies to participate in Skolkovo, the Russian government promised to give American firms special access to research and projects taking place in Russia. Companies participating in Skolkovo would receive special tax status and access to the Russian market. They would also receive special access to research in Russia. For example, one investment firm received “priority access to the database of the Skolkovo Foundation projects and companies, enabling it to select the most promising projects early in their development.” It further allowed companies to “refer their existing portfolio of companies to Skolkovo” for research. There was also the prospect of gaining access to Russian markets, which had been hampered by export licensing issues involving the export of sensitive technologies. The U.S. State Department had major responsibility for the issuing of export licenses and maintained the list of restricted technologies.”

In 2014, the FBI sent letters to a number of firms involved with Skolkovo in what was called “an extraordinary warning issued to technology companies. The FBI’s Boston Office warned U.S. tech companies that Skolkovo could draw them unwittingly into industrial espionage.” (Note: The following report hashes out a vigorous discussion and complete details of the close ties of the Clinton’s to Russia:)

Many believe the Kremlin’s motives for attracting cooperation from hundreds of foreign technology companies aren’t entirely benign. Among those who would benefit from the “huge honey pot” for the Russian technology industry, says Seattle-based cybersecurity expert Jeffrey Carr, would be the security services who monitor every byte of Internet traffic. “If you’re wiring a facility,” he says, “the best time to do it is while it’s being built.” Skolkovo, he says, would provide an information-gathering “coup.” (Source:)

The “danger” information was given to the tech companies by the FBI Boston office. Was that information heeded? It appears not. Hillary’s State Department actively and aggressively encouraged American firms to participate in Skolkovo. The State Department developed numerous and alarming relationships with this Kremlin-controlled entity. Plus, Hillary’s controversial campaign manager John Podesta, who was also Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, has woven many paths passing the “honeypot” with Putin’s investment company, Rusnano, which invested $35m in Joule Global Stichting where Podesta was a member of the board which also included Anatoly Chubais, the Chairman of Rusnano, who also joined the Joule board of directors. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News reported that Rusnano invested $35m to build a research center in Russia. (Source: Source one and Source two It appears the honey is dripping everywhere while deepening economic and technological ties to Russia.

There was no need for Russia to conduct industrial espionage. We were giving them business partners and technology. Many Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) signed by U.S. companies to invest and cooperate in Skolkovo were signed under the auspices of Hillary Clinton’s State Department. (Sources: Source one and Source two)

Is it any wonder that former Secretary of State John Kerry stated, “Buy Rosetta Stone and learn Russian,” at his recent Harvard speech in May of 2017?

Who’s watching? Tech firms including CISCO, IBM, and SAP allow Russian authorities to review product source codes. Are we in a downward spiral?

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

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How Educators Train Your Child To Be A Follower

How Parents Can Identify Illegal Psych Techniques In The Classrooms of America

 The political “Hot Potato” is testing what shouldn’t be tested on your children. It is called “Grit”. “Grit” is the new hot potato. Why? Because it is illegal. It is based on the Common Core Social, Emotional, and Behavioral standards that are illegal. This is being done without full disclosure and written informed parental consent.

Parents, the social, emotional, and behavioral aspects of your children are being monitored, evaluated, and CODED. Interventions are being performed without your written permission or consent. Sometimes the names for this are changed to such flowery phrases as mindsets, character development, citizenship, “grit”, or even civics. This tactic effectually catches some parents off guard. Why? Because it sounds so good. Do we really know what is being tested and taught in America’s classrooms? Do you know what data is being collected on your child? Education has moved away from academics. There is now a full focus on personality with teaching and testing. The goal is changing the social, emotional, and behavioral personality traits of your child.

The “whole child” (head, heart, and hand) becomes the focus of the federal government. The recently passed federal ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is the latest draconian effort to test and teach values, attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions. This was legislated as the new education law in December 2015. The National Governor’s Association (NGA) and Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), who copyrighted the original Common Core which was developed by ACT, added dispositions (“grit”) to the Common Core. Academics play second fiddle – they are diluted, missing, and dumbed down. The ultimate goal is to squash all individualism in America. Parents beware! This falls under mental health. It is psychological conditioning. It also happens to be illegal the way they are doing this on children in the United States.

The goal of the education elite has always been teaching a mindset called the “whole child.” It includes psychological techniques to change a student’s personality. This is part of Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy. The “whole child” means controlling beliefs, feelings, and behavior. When Bloom said that good teaching was challenging a child’s “fixed beliefs” what did he mean? How would this be done? Here is his definition:

“A large part of what we call ‘good teaching’ is the teachers ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the students’ fixed beliefs… a child is no longer truly using his higher order thinking skills until he no longer believes in absolutes of right and wrong.” ~Benjamin Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Bloom’s “affective objectives” delves into a child’s psychological makeup, emotions and feelings. We have heard the new catch-phrase many times, that teaching is about what a student “will know or can do” which means their beliefs and their behaviors. Webb’s “deeper learning” model is duplicated in the same area. What a child knows to be true, their beliefs, or their feelings and attitudes will result in specific actions or behaviors. Notice that this isn’t about the ABCs.

One of the authors (Berryman) in the 1992 Department of Labor SCANS report stated that, children do not go to school with a blank slate. The purpose of this sort of education is to wipe the slate clean. In other words, remove everything that you as a parent have taught your child. Particularly the American ethic, such good qualities as individuality, patriotism, and a belief in God. Since the early 1990s the Department of Labor has officially deemed your child “human capital,” be prodded and toyed with in the classroom to increase his/her “value” to the workforce.

The Common Core agenda is about performance, but not academic. It is about challenging your child’s moral absolutes and change their behavior. This cannot be done without altering and controlling your child’s feelings, attitudes, values, dispositions and beliefs. A “fixed mindset” means believing in absolutes. The goal of this transformational education is to inculcate in children a “growth mindset.” This pseudo-scientific agenda is mind-bending and has absolutely nothing to do with academics. This system pushes a child toward universal values. Your children are not safe. Your children’s beliefs are being challenged every day in the classroom. It is embedded in the curriculum, the testing and the teaching methodologies. This is indoctrination.

You can identify these standards appearing in the Common Core classroom when education “elites” like Angela Duckworth and Robert Rothman (below) indicate that these qualities are needed for college and career readiness. These standards include efficacy, cooperation, interpersonal skills, ethical behavior, honesty, responsibility, and adapting to change, all subjectively scored and arbitrarily collected and coded by regular classroom teachers. You might think you know what these words mean, but many of them have been redefined. Furthermore, most people have never seen the criterion or proficiency levels for how these values would be scored, tallied, or given a digital merit badge. The goal of transforming education in the United States is for children to become dumb-downed worker drones. Its time for parents to revolt.

Experimental Research on Children-The Plan To Test GRIT.

EPIC (Educational Policy Improvement Center) in Eugene, Oregon, is a federally funded group for researching the dispositional aspects (mood, frame of mind, personality, etc.) of children in Common Core. EPIC identified the affective approaches to be used in the experimental research model Innovation Lab Network where 6 states began their probing Common Core study: West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, New York, Wisconsin, Maine. Oregon and New Hampshire were added later in the pilot. This experimental model is the international connection for global data collection in which the OCED (International Organization for Cooperative Economic Development, a global intergovernmental group) is deeply involved. This experimental research on your children is rampant thanks to an Executive Order by former President OBAMA. [Source1] and [Source2]

“The Center for Innovation in Education (CIE) at the University of Kentucky and the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) recently launched a multi-year collaboration to better operationalize a set of metacognitive skills and dispositions that are critical to students’ academic success and postsecondary readiness. Operating at the intersection of research, policy, and practice, this initiative builds off of previous work with the Innovation Lab Network (ILN) – a group of states brought together by the Council of Chief State School Officers to identify, test, and implement student-centered approaches to learning that will transform our public education system.

“In the spring of 2012, the ILN states adopted a Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions framework for college and career readiness based on the premise that content knowledge and skills are not attained in a vacuum but are aided by the development of dispositions that enable the learner to take responsibility for her own life and successfully operate within a greater social context:

Knowledge refers to mastery of rigorous content and the facile application or transfer of what has been learned to novel situations;

Skills refer to the capacities and strategies that enable students to learn and engage in higher-order thinking, meaningful interaction with the world around them, and planning for their future;

Dispositions refer to noncognitive, socio-emotional skills or behaviors (sometimes referred to as habits of mind) that associate with success in both college and career.

“While there has been a great deal of instructional effort and policy focus on core content knowledge, the second and third dimensions of the framework are comparatively underdeveloped. At the classroom level, teachers need clear and accessible definitions of skills and dispositions, an evidence-based model describing how they are developed into college and career-ready proficiencies, and tools to integrate them into instruction and assessment. Likewise, decision makers need to identify policy actions to better integrate skills and dispositions into state systems of accountability, assessment, and strategic investment.

“To address these needs, CIE and EPIC launched multi-phase initiative organized under a working group of 7 state partners and invited experts. The initiative leverages the expertise of each of the Centers: CIE’s expertise in policy and partnerships and EPIC’s expertise in research and conceptual design.” [All emphases added]

But how do you measure and score a child’s dispositions? Who decides what the “common good” is? And, why must dispositions be changed? Isn’t this sounding a little creepy? It should! It is impossible to standardize a score for assessing character unless every child is targeted to change their personality or primary trait towards one single government-prescribed standard! Testing feelings, attitudes, and beliefs are difficult to measure as these fall into the psychological realm. This is an invasion of privacy. Students are pressured to lie when they attempt to answer according to what they know the test makers want


BETRAYAL! By using deceptive words like honesty, grit, and self efficacy, it is much easier to get everyone’s approval. But, can we all agree to one standard for ALL personality traits? How do you measure honesty? Can you trust teachers to collect this subjective data on your child? Obama pushed these non-cognitive standards in the ESEA flexibility Waivers. But ESSA federal legislation has attempted to legalize the measuring and teaching these globalist deceptive standards. This Act was an effort to get parent and statesmen approval for this illegitimate and unethical experimentation.

Recently an article in Ed Week (Aug. 4, 2016) tried to bamboozle readers with the entire psychological agenda by explaining the experimental research that was beginning (not true), and without clarifying the original research already accomplished in multiple experimental models. This marketing agenda is in full force. The article is a complete lie:

“Eight states will work collaboratively to create and implement plans to encourage social-emotional learning in their schools, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning announced this month.

The organization, which is also known as CASEL, will assist the states through consultation with its own staff and a panel of experts. The participating states are California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington. And an 11 additional states that originally applied to join the collaborative will have access to the materials it develops.” [Emphasis Added] [Source]

Parents! This is the direction Common Core is going. Controlling what people think! Controlling the future. Controlling how people act. What is the  “appropriate” attitude according to these experimenters? According to these behavioral scientists children need new mindsets. (See below) The key question here is are parents going to allow the federal government to change our American children to a collectivist mindset?

The ESSA legislation passed December, 2015, was already set in motion by the 2012 ESEA illegal Flexibility Waivers ushered in by President Obama and Secretary Duncan) which added non-academic social, emotional, and behavioral standards as a requirement to accept funds. It required teachers to be trained in behavioral conditioning, which force teachers to teach Common Core behavioral conditioning or be removed, fired, and/or having no chance of being re-hired. It’s time to look inside your classroom. These conditioning techniques are already being implemented on normal children through teacher training using Special Education teams (CHILD FIND) who are trained in behavior modification techniques that were originally researched to help violent autistic and handicapped children. These techniques are now being implemented in the regular classroom on normal children.

Let’s read further in another article in Ed Week from Robert Rothman (April 25, 2014) titled “The Challenge of Measuring Student Mindsets.”

“One challenge in expanding practices that foster appropriate mindsets to more classrooms is the state of measurement. Measuring mindsets in valid and reliable ways is essential for students and teachers. For one thing, such measures make it more likely that teachers will address these attitudes and behaviors. (What gets measured gets taught, after all.) More importantly, students and teachers need high-quality information on the extent to which students are developing these dispositions so that they can adjust instruction according to student needs.

“For example, student surveys that attempt to get at the extent to which students believe that their hard work in school will pay off are time-consuming and intrusive, and they don’t always yield accurate results. Students might be more likely to tell teachers what they think teachers want to hear, rather than what they actually believe, although research shows that in low-stakes situations students do tend to tell the truth.

“There are technological methods that can measure student dispositions in a non-intrusive and more accurate way. For example, data from computers can show how long students spend on a problem and whether and how they seek help. Biometric devices can track students’ brain patterns and anxiety levels as well.”

Yet as schools develop and implement measures of students’ mindsets, they might face strong opposition from some parents who think that it’s none of schools’ business what students believe. Recently, a U.S. Department of Education report that mentioned some of the biometric measures of persistence and grit generated a social-media flurry suggesting, erroneously, that the Common Core State Standards required measures of student eye movements. And years ago, in the early days of the standards movement, states such as Pennsylvania proposed standards for students’ “self-worth,” adaptability to change, ethical judgments, and the like, and met a wall of criticism from parents.

“So scientists and practitioners need to move cautiously as they work to improve measures of academic mindsets. But the work needs to go on. The research is clear that these dispositions are critical to student SUCCESS, and measuring these dispositions is essential to foster them.” [All emphases added]

Parents, the “CAUTION” sign is being put up by our opponents. Time intensive. Intrusive. Invasive. Not Accurate. Did Mr. Rothman say, ILLEGAL? Well, he should have.

The “wall of criticism” was all about the early days of Outcome Based Education and my all-out campaign to get rid of the psychobabble when I filed my federal complaint against the affective domain standards in Pennsylvania.

Success, defined by education researchers, means your child has met the government collectivist mindset. No child will be allowed to have moral or religious absolutes. These standards are NOT academic. These standards ARE NOT NEW. They are just being reshuffled into a new bag of tricks. Parents Beware! Where are our churches, pastors, and rabbis? (Do not be fooled into thinking that if you pick one of the government-controlled phony “choice” options that you will escape this! Under the ruse of “choice” Common Core follows the child. No child will escape!)

It’s time for all parents to step in and fight. Pennsylvania parents know the ropes.

[See: “Pennsylvania Parents Demand A Moratorium on Data”]

The following non-academic techniques were written into the ESSA legislation to be carried out by funding through IDEA, Special Education: response to interventions, RTI; positive behavior interventions supports, PBIS; multi-tiered system of supports, MTSS; School-wide multi-tiered system of supports, SWTSS; early intervening services, EIS; Specialized Instructional Support Services, SISS; and Universal Design for Learning, UDL.

Parents, are you reading this? Your federal Congressman and Senator passed this legislation mandating your schools apply high-risk psychological techniques in the classroom without your permission, without your consent, AND, with unqualified teachers being trained to identify your normal child with mental health problems.

So, the big CAUTION sign put out by the education “elites” is out there because they have reason to fear that parents might actually wake up – and interfere with this new (old) research being duplicated across America.

Frankly, I think that was an invitation. But realize, this research is being done secretly, marketed and embedded into curriculum, so parents do not realize their kids are being monitored through computer programming, DataMining, and observational data in phone apps like the BOSS phone app. Teachers are OBSERVING student behavior at school and inputting data into the state longitudinal data system. This personally identifiable information, which is data on your child’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions, is being collected by your local school, digitized and monitored, and sent to the federal government (NCES/IES) through the state longitudinal data system. This is a huge invasion of privacy and betrayal of trust. We must stop the collection of personal data and the abusive tactics to change the dispositions of our children. Your child is at risk of abuse in your neighborhood school.

This can be our “wall of criticism.” Remember, it doesn’t matter if they CAN measure attitudes, values, and dispositions. It doesn’t matter that they WANT to measure attitudes, values, and dispositions. The question is, “Is it legal?” Is it legal to TEST and SCORE attitudes and values in American classrooms?

5 Magic Questions developed by Anita Hoge

It’s up to you parents. Use the 5 Magic Questions I developed to fight subjective and vague Common Core Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Non-Academic Standards. [Link]

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Choice, charter schools and the disappearing american dream pt. 1

How the “CHOICE” Fix Won’t Fix Common Core

Is There Such A Thing As A Parallel School System? Looking at the plans puzzling together for a Trump Presidency, education is front and foremost on many parents’ minds. Parent warriors have become concerned to the point of being totally stressed over the appointment of billionaire Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. Why is this?

President-Elect Trump promised a vision of life without Common Core—

• A day of looking forward to our kids not being manipulated with the behavioral conditioning processes of teacher-trained Skinnerian techniques;
• A day without government data mining our children and inputting their private behavioral data over to the Feds.

Is our battle over yet? Can we rest assured that Donald Trump will keep his promise to rid our schools of all of the Common Core baggage? Are solid academics on the horizon, again?

Unfortunately this just doesn’t seem to be happening. President-Elect Trump has jumped off the TRUMP TRAIN and he has jumped on the phony CHOICE TRAIN. Keep in mind that Vice President-Elect Mike Pence is a pro-“CHOICE” Governor, and he muffled the true spirit of academic freedom by cleverly rebranding the Common Core standards in Indiana:

“Indiana governor Mike Pence has made a serious miscalculation on what could easily become the sleeper issue of the 2016 presidential campaign, Common Core. After dramatically withdrawing Indiana from participation in Common Core, Pence was poised to become a hero to the grassroots movement resisting this egregious bid for federal control of America’s traditionally independent and locally run education system. Instead, Pence has created the illusion of quality and independence, while installing second-rate standards that are little more than Common Core rebranded.” [Source]

And on the charter school “CHOICE” agenda Governor Pence has pushed charters:

“But Pence has a robust record on the issue. As governor, he pushed through the most significant increase in charter school funding in years, according to Chalkbeat Indiana. Pence worked with the legislature to create a $10 million grant fund that would offer an extra $500 per student to charters that post better outcomes than traditional public schools. And if Pence had his way, the funding would have been even more robust—he initially pitched a $1,500 per charter school student increase.” [Source]

Since the election, every new word coming from our President-Elect is beginning to sound a bit too familiar. It reminds us of the Senator Ted Cruz S 306 legislation that we parents fought when Sen. Ted Cruz was running for President against the TRUMP TRAIN. Not quite the words we wanted to hear from Mr. Trump. This sort of government-sponsored CHOICE sticks in our throats because we know the outcome–more oppression over our children and more Common Core for ALL. [Source]

Do we want this kind of “CHOICE”?? No! This is a false CHOICE, and it is not the pathway that will lead our children to educational excellence. Phony CHOICE is not the answer to American exceptionalism. Government-controlled CHOICE is globalism, not Americanism. That scrap of money tied to the child will determine future ambitions and pathways. It is linked to the government’s similarly aligned obsession to create “human capital” – i.e., the government determining the worth or worthlessness of your child as a commodity in the future workforce. Do elected officials realize just how offensive this is to America’s parents? Our children are not “human capital”!

This sort of government-controlled CHOICE is a trap, Mr. Trump. “CHOICE” is a pretty cozy word that assumes freedom. Little do parents understand the tentacles of federal strings that accompany federal assistance. Or, maybe they haven’t thought of it in those terms. But, yes, CHOICE is accepting federal assistance. And with that comes the “Have To’s”, where all children, parents, teachers, and schools will be forced into the federal government’s obsession with domineering over the lives of our little children.

Many advocates of this CHOICE appear to think that killing public education is OK. Betsy DeVos, President-Elect Trump’s new pick for Secretary of Education, thinks so. “Detroit Public Schools, she argued, should simply be shut down and the system turned over to charters, or the tax dollars given to parents in the form of vouchers to attend private schools.” [Source]

She believes that our public schools are an

“…antiquated, top-down model of education in this country that originated in the 1800s in order to “educate the masses.”

And her CHOICE:

“is beginning to transform to a student-centric model that respects every child’s unique learning style.” [Source]

Well, isn’t this interesting. This is the exact personification of COMMON CORE! ESSA, The Every Student Succeeds Act passed by Congress this past year, legislated this and more. Every child must meet Common Core standards, with digital individualized career plans and diagnostic supports that will help Johnny and Suzy attain government-determined “proficiency” in collectivist style mental health and globalist attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions.

But this isn’t why the citizens voted for you, Mr. Trump. We want you to STOP COMMON CORE!

Pending Education Secretary DeVos also explains her views that

“Educational choice is an essential part of the solution to our nation’s education challenges, including the greater issue of education inequality in America. The idea that no child should be defined or limited by his or her ZIP code or family’s income is deeply rooted in our movement’s commitment to social justice. Every parent should be free to choose the best educational environment for their children and low-income and minority children are too often the ones without choice. The only way to truly improve and innovate our nation’s system and help these students is through educational choice. The public is recognizing that true choice will break open our nation’s closed education system, encouraging innovation and education entrepreneurs to develop new ways for children to learn and reach their full potential.” [All emphases added]

DeVos’s version of CHOICE will certainly “break open,” or better defined, “smash down” the public school system. Is the destruction of local public schools what American citizens voted for? The biggest problem with this DeVos thinking is that Common Core does not allow or encourage academic attainment, nor opportunity for advancement. If her CHOICE is initiated, Common Core remains – because of ESSA. Didn’t we all just vote to get RID of Common Core?

Here is how it will work. DeVos’s fake CHOICE will saddle every school with Common Core that forces individual children to have an individualized personal “plan” to meet those government standards, no matter which ZIP code or school they will attend. And this is the ominous end goal for little Johnny or Susie. It is a new way to learn, but it isn’t academics. Social justice is equated with “individuality,” giving way to the forced struggle for ”equity” and molding children into cookie-cutter drones. Inequality in ZIP CODES sounds like re-distribution of wealth, with CHOICE being wielded as the useful tool to get American education nationalized. But that also means a leveling of wealthy ZIP codes to be the same of the inner city. Now, that’s equality. That’s what socialized CHOICE looks like, and this is what Betsy DeVos is all about!

But is this what President-Elect Trump is all about? Is anyone honestly talking to him about the direful impacts of her freedom-diminishing sort of CHOICE? To date there has been NO discussion of the effects of this CHOICE for every child, not to mention the dreadful longterm effects this will have on communities, taxes, local control, and the market value of local homes and properties.

Common Core + Government CHOICE ? true freedom of choice. It is a pending disaster…the disappearing American dream.

Others driving the CHOO-CHOO CHOICE Train

Jeb Bush announced that the DeVos pick was “outstanding…a passionate change agent to press for a new education vision.” Of course he would say that. She is Chairwoman of the American Federation for Children (AFC), a charter school promotion group, and she is also a board member of Bush’s non-profit Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE). Bush and his foundation have served as champions for the Common Core standards. [Source]

Oh course, “low energy” Jeb’s vision is totally Common Core, artificial CHOICE, and pro-charter schools. When Jeb served as Governor of Florida he was a prominent supporter of the individual data-mining performed on children, with Florida becoming the national model for the collection of personally identifiable information of children. Jeb is also a leader in the change agent/Common Core enablers. His connections, plus his opinion of DeVos for Secretary of Education, give him an inside track to legislation and a soft welcoming chair in future Secretary DeVos’s office. [Source]

Congressman Messer (R-IN), who introduced the Scholarships for Kids Act in 2014, is also a CHOICE enabler. Congressman Messer’s bill is the companion to the bill introduced by Senator Lamar Alexander, who is Republican Chairman on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and formerly served as Secretary of Education under President George H.W. Bush.

Senator Alexander, along with Speaker Paul Ryan, pushed through the Reauthorization of No Child Left Behind called ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, which codified the Common Core/mental health agenda nationally, effectually making President Obama’s Flexibility Waivers law, thus further diluting a real academic education. Note how Senator Alexander stated this about the 2014 Scholarship for Kids Act:

“This is the most ambitious proposal ever to use federal dollars to enable states to expand school choice, and is a real answer to inequality in America, giving more children more opportunity to attend a better school. I look forward to working with Congressman Messer to get this bill through Congress and signed into law.” [Emp. added.]

Of additional concern,

The Scholarship for Kids Act, introduced in the Senate by Senator Lamar Alexander and in the House of Representatives by Rep. Luke Messer, would re-direct existing federal education funding (Title I) to provide up to 11 million scholarships for low-income children. The scholarships created under this bill would follow K-12 low-income children as they attend either the public or private school of their parents’ choice. The money for these scholarships, up to $24 billion a year, would come from existing funds directed towards schools, meaning no new spending and no funds cut from education. [All emphases added] [SOURCE]

Readers, notice that the money goes directly to schools, bypassing state legislatures’ budgets. This is a states’ rights question for sure. The Messer/Alexander bill actually allotted more money than President-Elect Trump’s proposed $20 billion for “CHOICE”. Also remember that Rob Goad, aide to Rep. Messer, has been tapped by the Trump campaign to advance this same CHOICE agenda. This pile of money may grow. The Scholarship Act has not been passed but shows the direction of this sort of CHOICE thinking.

The Messer bill aligns to Senator Ted Cruz’s bill to include homeschools. Let’s look at what the Messer proposed bill would also require: state Common Core standards and tests, provides that parents are able to use that money to pay for private school tuition and fees, supplement their public school or charter school budget, attend a school outside of their district or purchase tutoring services or homeschooling materials. It further

Requires participating states and their local educational agencies to continue to: (1) work toward state academic content and achievement standards; (2) conduct annual assessments of student progress toward those standards; and (3) issue annual report cards of student progress, disaggregated by specified student subgroups, toward those standards.

“No child should have to go to a school where they won’t have a meaningful chance to learn,” said Congressman Luke Messer. “This bill empowers parents with the personal freedom to choose the best learning environment for their child regardless of income. Quality education is the great equalizer in the game of life, and bills like this one, which offer parents a choice, level the playing field.”

Questions for Congressman Messer:

• Has Congressman Messer ever explained to taxpayers what “leveling the playing field” means?
• Has he explained to school board members and homeowners that pay taxes for public schools how this is a massive redistribution of wealth?
• Has he explained that with his fake CHOICE, Title I CHILDREN are not just poor children, and that SCHOOL WIDE encompasses the entire school to have access to CHOICE not just certain poor children?
• Has he explained how the exodus of children out of public schools will eventually kill public education and destroy local districts?
• Will he admit that teachers will no longer be hired by the local school district?
• Will he try to evade questions about the apparent coming dissolution of elected school boards?
• Has he answered penetrating citizen questions about how taxes would be collected and where they would be sent when local neighborhood schools collapse?
• Has he addressed the terrible effects this will have on property values when the playing field is leveled, wealth is redistributed, and equity becomes the commitment to social justice agenda of changing the complexion of your entire ZIP code?

I don’t think so. So what is this CHOICE all about? Is it about the change necessary to end representative government to move toward globalism? I fear so. . . .

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Choice, charter schools and the disappearing american dream pt. 2

Why the Mantra of “Separation of Church and State” Will Not Matter Under a Trump/ DeVos CHOICE Agenda… and they know it.

Will CHOICE explode over the issue of the separation of church and state? No, CHOICE sidesteps the issue. Here’s why.

At this year’s American Federation for Children Policy Summit, Education Secretary-elect Betsy DeVos boasted about the growing momentum for her “education revolution.” Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, stated this about DeVos:

“It’s very alarming,” referring to DeVos as a “four-star general in a deceptive behind-the-scenes war on public schools and church-state separation.”

“People support school vouchers for different reasons. Some make a free-market argument because they are opposed to public schooling. Others want to prop up sectarian teachings with taxpayer money,” Boston said. “DeVos has a foot in both camps, which does not bode well for our public schools.” [Source]

The question is certainly one that must be answered. What is the result of a Trump/DeVos government-controlled CHOICE (versus true free choice) agenda? DeVos believes the church has been displaced by public schools. She believes not just in funding Christian schools, but wants to reform the whole system to bring “greater Kingdom gain.” In essence, DeVos wants all children to be baptized in Common Core for a new world order globalism kingdom.

Perhaps what Rob Boston doesn’t know is that when Title I money “follows the child” and is deposited in an Education Savings Account (ESA), there is no beneficiary to the religious or private school since the money goes to the parent. An Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that a separation of church and state exists. The idea of giving money to religious schools does not meet the legal standard, so this is bypassed when government funds are deposited into an ESA belonging to the parent.

The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that ESAs belong to the individual parent and thus are not “public funds” subject to that church-state limitation. Here is an excerpt from the decision:

Once the public funds are deposited into an education savings account, the funds are no longer “public funds” but are instead the private funds of the individual parent who established the account. The parent decides where to spend that money for the child’s education and may choose from a variety of participating entities, including religious and non-religious schools. Any decision by the parent to use the funds in his or her account to pay tuition at a religious school does not involve the use of “public funds” and thus does not implicate Section 10.”

In this situation the child could still considered a Title I FEDERAL CHILD under federal guidelines in ESSA, particularly if that child has been determined Title I by the local school district labeling the child. Therefore when ESSA states that public school CHOICE means “direct student services” it means that the services follow the child, which are Title I Common Core mental health support services. The questions then become:

• Must the social, emotional, behavioral baggage of Common Core be implemented as mandated in ESSA in every school that accepts a CHOICE child?
• Does this also mean that an ombudsman will oversee the implementation of these psychological services in every private, religious, and homeschool?

The law is the law. Perhaps President-Elect Trump should push to repeal ESSA! Otherwise this phony CHOICE comes with tentacles – governmental intrusion into private family homes and reaching deep into the religious schools of America’s children.

So, is the next frontier in education the Education Savings Accounts (ESAs)? Aligning the Stars for the DeVos Common Core CHOICE agenda.

What has been achieved so far to make Common Core CHOICE happen:

• Common Core standards mandate directly to the child, bypassing local control.
• Title I At-Risk students are identified under Common Core as disadvantaged—not poor.
• Title I SCHOOL WIDE blankets an entire school—all kids are Common Core disadvantaged.*
• Title I Per Pupil Expenditures in ESSA sets up the “equitable” money following the child.
• FERPA weakened privacy through President Obama’s EO 12866 by allowing 3rd party vendors access to Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
• State longitudinal data systems tracking students with a national unique ID in which psychometric dossiers are collected and shared.
• IDEA (special ed) uses CHILD FIND to identify normal children with disabilities. (Progressing)
• IDEA’s remediation of social, emotional, and behavioral state standards identify the child with mental health coding.
• Psychological treatment named in ESSA means hiring more psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.
• Psychometric dossiers on children are then transferred to the Feds, NCES/IES. (Progressing)
• IES monitors, evaluates, and creates algorithms on children, teachers, and the curriculum is matched and cross-referenced to identify weaknesses in meeting the government’s Common Core standards.
• 3rd party vendors research and validate curricula, tests, and software directed to Common Core. Corporations profit from Common Core.
• IDEA coding sets up MEDICAID billing for mental health wrap-around “direct student services” for which the psychological techniques are named in ESSA legislation.
• ESSA further expands charter schools as a replacement for all public schools. When this government-sponsored CHOICE is implemented local public schools will fail.

Achieving “future shock” of disappearing representative government—but achieving CHOICE for all children.

Both Senator Cruz’s S 306 and Congressman Messer/Senator Alexander Scholarship Act legislation meet the criteria for the DeVos CHOICE plan.

Betsy DeVos will have the total support of the Heritage Foundation, sponsor of the agenda of the “controlled” political Right for several generations, to plot the next steps to move forward with the Charter/CHOICE globalist plans. The Heritage/DeVos plan will eliminate representative government, shut down PARENTS’ and citizens’ voices in education, delete a citizens’ right to have their vote represented, and remove the local school board as the community’s taxing authority. Regional workforce industry clusters will be developed to gather taxes, or taxes will be directly sent to the state. Teachers will be hired from the state level.

This dark and foreboding future for American’s parents and their precious children—not to mention the crumbling apart of local towns and communities—is exactly as President OBAMA planned with his equity agenda. This is further complicated with the smearing of the lines between the Democrats and Republicans. They are both working off the same game plan to destroy our Constitutional Republic and representative form of local government. [Source 1], [Source 2], [Source 3]

I am able to call ESSA, and the set-up for what was named in the prior legislation in 2013, the “same-game plan” because when the Democrats were in power, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) sponsored SB 1094. The Per Pupil Expenditure was referred to as FEDERAL SCHOOL CHOICE, whereas in the 2015 ESSA legislation it is called PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE. [Source]

Here’s the “same-game plan” (Republicans and Democrats in bed together) that you can expect with the passage of any forthcoming Heritage/DeVos Common Core CHOICE legislation:

• Legislation to make Title I funds portable to cover ages 0-21, to be used as a scholarship for every child in any public, charter, private, religious, or homeschool.
• Set up an ESA, education savings account, for government accountability and oversight over every family receiving federal financial CHOICE assistance. The federal camel will have its nose under your family’s tent.
• Define exact government criteria to receive funding for all educational uses and “quality” evidence-based curricula (i.e., it all must be aligned to Common Core standards.)
• Demand testing/curricula align with Common Core for national evaluative purposes, based on the national assessment test, the NAEP.
• Defined “direct student services” will mandate that public school CHOICE be used as mental health specialized student support services for meeting government standards. This will include all children from birth to age 4, universal daycare, K-12, and through 2 years of free community college, which means hiring or contracting psychological personnel for support services.
• All schools eventually bill Medicaid for support services—which is ObamaCare ages 0-21.
• All schools—whether charter, private, religious or homeschools—become “chartered” under authorized charter management as an ombudsman named in ESSA.
• Schooling is nationalized under the banner of Common Core CHOICE government schools.

Was this Mr. Trump’s promise? Could this possibly be what parents want? Is this what American citizens want?

There is a seductive carrot and a sharp stick for this CHOICE plan. Officially, a family would be able to receive $12,000 per year (split between federal, state, and local taxes), multiplied by 18 years, which is a lot of money to ignore. A $216,000 jackpot awaits those parents who will give up their children to the government’s sci-fi agenda of wonky inferior Common Core and experimental psychobabble. BUT, no one is sure if parents can turn their backs on the money once their child is determined to be Title I and needing IDEA psychological support services by Special Education scavengers looking to mislabel normal children as disabled to get “free” money, i.e., CHILD FIND. This serves a warning to parents who decide to jump on the CHOICE TRAIN: because your decision may be forever for your child’s future.

My final say about this Common Core CHOICE TRAIN: You are bound to lose, not money, but your children. And, Americans, you are about to lose your FREEDOMS. Because this is government-controlled CHOICE from start to finish, a diabolical plan that will put tentacles of control into the private thought life of every single American child. Big Brother is looming. . .

*A Final Note: President Obama and former Secretary Duncan removed Title I poverty levels in schools in which the 40% guideline of free and reduced lunch children was lowered to “0”% by illegally “waiving” the No Child Left Behind federal law. The criteria of a Title I child could be “At-Risk” or “becoming” At-Risk of not meeting Common Core. The Title I guideline called Schoolwide is a net that covers ALL children in a school whether FAMILIES are poor or wealthy. ALL children would become Common Core disadvantaged. In reality, ESSA codifies the Schoolwide agenda and prepares a nation for “NO REAL” CHOICE for every child when the expansion of Per Pupil Expenditures mandate Common Core to every private, religious, and homeschool.

Source HR 5 2013 Republican legislation:

“SCHOOLWIDE Programs: The bill eliminates the 40 percent poverty threshold for SCHOOLWIDE programs, allowing all Title I schools to operate whole school reform efforts. This change, included in the Obama administration’s waiver package, will allow low- income schools greater flexibility to consolidate programs and focus their efforts on raising the achievement of all students.” [Emp. added.]

© 2017 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

What kind of choice has Obama prepared for President-elect Trump? pt. 1

Mr. Trump must understand the Obama-Driving Forces that have begun to transform the Republic – especially the Obama “Equity” Agenda in Education.

Will Mr. Trump keep his Promises? Or will he embrace President Obama’s Plans?

President Obama’s key objectives for education were to redesign schools and reform how schools were funded. Instead of distributed funds based on ZIP CODE, funds would be based on student “need”. The federal government WOULD develop a mechanism to monitor and enforce student PERFORMANCE through systemic Common Core. To make sure the federal government’s investment would be tied to federal funding and federal outcomes, President Obama initiated so-called “CHOICE IN EDUCATION” based on a “per pupil expenditure.” Everything would be tied to the individual STUDENT, your child in the classroom.

Speaking in terms of “equity and excellence,” President Obama had a very well defined “CHOICE” plan to establish a complete “equitable” Democracy – and to extinguish our Republic – with the force of the federal government behind it. His “CHOICE Plan” has already been written and has been laid bare for anyone to read it. It is called For Each and Every Child: A STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE.

Here is President Obama’s idea of CHOICE and EQUITY. As you read this ask what “Equity” means. (Source)

On page 17 of President Obama’s report it states: “The time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools. Achieving equity and excellence requires sufficient resources that are distributed based on student need, not zip code, and that are efficiently used.”

Page 19: “Accordingly, this commission believes the time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools.

“…and develops mechanisms that allow the federal government to MONITOR and ENFORCE the ongoing performance of its new equity and excellence investments to make sure those investments are, in fact, enhancing student achievement.”

Page 20: “ENFORCE its equity mandates in a fair and intelligent manner. ENFORCEMENT mechanisms should be tied to federal funding and equity of outcomes.” (All emphases added.)

What has President Obama accomplished to date? National standards, a national curriculum, a national test, national teacher standards, and a national database to monitor all of the above.

The “big picture” features key elements that President Obama designed to shape and mold his “rebirth” in education. He started with Common Core standards designed and benchmarked by ACT that were developed from the Department of Labor’s blueprint for training a new global worker. Individual students must attain proficiency aligned to national testing, but no one really knows what that means. Outside federal actors, the CCSSO (the Chief State School Officers club) and the NGA (National Governors Association), copyrighted the standards that were attached to accepting Race To The Top funds. States obliged and jumped through hoops for the funds.

Obama’s Executive Order 12866 changed FERPA privacy laws that unlocked personal data on children. This promoted data-mining on individual students, and expanded state longitudinal data systems identifying young citizens and teachers with a unique national ID. Schools were a target for “turnaround.” Obama’s illegal ESEA Flexibility Waivers combed the country, scouring for traditional teachers or any principal (also with a unique national ID), to remove them for not abiding by Common Core. The curricula, software, and testing were all validated and aligned to Common Core. Through this process third party vendors are able to access the data, utilizing cross-referencing capabilities of algorithms designed to monitor and assess teacher and student behavior. Teachers must teach to the test because they will be evaluated on the outcomes of how their children fare on national tests.

Using IDEA funds (special education) means that teachers who acquiesced to this Total Quality Management (TQM) system were re-trained in psychological interventions and techniques. This effectually moves the entire education establishment into mental health conditioning through implementing social, emotional, and behavioral standards into everyday classrooms. The personally identifiable data on each child is now entered into state longitudinal systems that devise psychometric dossiers on students. These intimate dossiers are digitized instantly in national data warehouses of the NCES/IES.

Funding is the next requirement that would totally control all aspects of schooling, teachers, and student. While the other goals have already been accomplished through ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015), the focus has turned to the money “following the child.” This would be the last step in complete federal control of education.

Regulations are currently being written for ESSA that focus on funding the individual child. This is the last piece of the Obama Title I equity and excellence agenda.

The new ESSA legislation creates a model for how schools will be refinanced to be sure that all children are funded equally the same, called “per pupil expenditures.” This is a major portion of the ESSA legislation. These new financial rules change how schools would be funded and transfers the focus to the child. ESSA refers to this aspect as a “per pupil expenditure” and the funding is defined in the legislation as “public school choice.” (Source: ESSA, ‘(D) PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE; PAGE 92) The word that must be remembered here is PUBLIC. Public school “choice” is an oxymoron, since what the government monitors and regulates is not true parental “choice.”

Parent warriors know that Common Core standards shifted the power away from the teacher in the classroom. This was done with NO LOCAL VOICE, no local CONTROL. The local school boards of America must follow the federal Common Core prescription. Common Core standards “follow the child” and are the 85% the same in every state. States only have the limited ability to change 15% of their curriculum to truly LOCAL or state-initiated. Consider that 95% of students must take the national test. The regulations mandate that the states comply with the feds by the enforcement of the 95% rule that prohibits no more than 5% of children to opt out of tests. So much for parental freedom of choice!

Parent warriors also know that the National Center for Education Statistics, Institute For Educational Sciences (NCES/IES) set up each state with grants to expand their state longitudinal data system that monitors, collects, and allows data mining on individual children, complete with a unique national ID and a dossier that “follows the child.” Common Core data elements have the digital sameness in every state, thus resembling a nationalized curriculum. This is aligned to the Common Core accountability system, with cross-referencing capabilities to monitor if the children or the teachers are meeting Common Core goals.

But what’s missing? Truly equitable funding! The money must “follow the child” and every child will have the same amount of money as a stipend. But ask: WHICH money has been targeted for traveling with the child? Title I that moves with the child is called “portability” but don’t confuse it with true choice. In reality it’s that sameness that follows that same pattern that aligns the individual child to the Feds. Thus the impact of “equitable” funding ultimately intends to destroy your neighborhood school, as well as demolish your property rights, state’s rights, and your local voice in education. Here’s why:

How Will Title I Enforcement Measures Force School Districts to “Equalize” Student Funding?

The U.S. Department of Education stated that the typical public school in the United States spends approximately $12,000 per year for each child enrolled. This suggests that a child who is enrolled in a public school from kindergarten through the end of high school will have as much as $150,000 spent on primary and secondary education. In essence, President Obama’s Plan will use Title I “supplement not supplant” regulations that will force local schools to divvy-up 50% of total money given by the Feds. Public school “CHOICE” also allows a public school child to go to the public school of their CHOICE, including charter schools. But the Feds define and control this “choice”.

The following is a summary of the Obama regulations being written as you read this passage. (Source)

“Purpose of This Regulatory Action: On December 10, 2015, President Barack Obama signed the ESSA into law. The ESSA reauthorizes the ESEA, which provides Federal funds to improve elementary and secondary education in the Nation’s public schools. ESSA builds on the ESEA’s legacy as a civil rights law and seeks to ensure every child, regardless of race, national origin, socioeconomic status, background, or zip code, receives the support needed to succeed in school.”

“As the statute affirms, the purpose of title I, part A of the ESEA is to “provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.”?

“The new ESSA statutory language focuses not on costs and services, but on funds. Specifically, section 1118(b) of the ESEA requires that an LEA “demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate State and local funds to each [title I school] ensures that such school receives all of the State and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving assistance under [title I].”

“Importantly, States and LEAs need not shift resources among schools in order to comply with this provision, but instead may elect to provide additional State and local educational funding to title I schools to ensure compliance with the supplement not supplant provision of the law.”

“…hundreds of LEAs across the country, title I schools are receiving, on average, hundreds of thousands of dollars less in State and local funding than the average non-Title I school. These are critical funds that could be spent on, for example, wrap-around services, high-quality preschool, access to advanced coursework, or incentive pay for educators who choose to work in high-need schools.” (Emp. Added.)

So, what does all this mean? The “supplement and supplant” equation means the Federal regulations will force the local school district and state to pay up. The Feds pitch in $6000 for each child and the local school MUST pitch in $6000 for every child. This 50/50 bargain will use an equalized per pupil expenditure from both federal and state/local funds as a new way to finance children… NOT SCHOOLS! Did you catch that? The Feds are financing your CHILD! So ESSA Title I is setting up the grand bargain that says every child should be funded exactly the same and all parties MUST give the same amount. No one has asked the KEY QUESTION of how state legislatures will be willing to give up their state sovereignty when Title I money would bypass their state budgets with the federal money directly funding the child. Will Title I Portability create a Constitutional Crisis in states’ rights?

Will Per Pupil Expenditures and Title I “Supplement and Supplant” Equation Be Used for Private School CHOICE?

Mr. Trump vowed this last September:

“As your President, I will be the nation’s biggest cheerleader for school choice. I want every single inner city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom – the civil right – to attend the school of their choice.’’

The question that must be asked is this – Is President-Elect Trump really only focusing on poor inner city children, OR has he aligned his agenda with President Obama’s “no poverty” guidelines to encompass ALL children in EVERY SCHOOL, which is called the SCHOOL-WIDE Title I Common Core net? And, will this be the money that President-Elect Trump targets for use in his proclaimed CHOICE agenda?

Bear in mind that Sen. Ted Cruz proposed Title I portability to be those equitable funds in his S 306. In other words, Common Core would be a yoke around the Title I child’s neck and Senator Cruz wants to hand these Title I children over to private, religious, and homeschools – schools that he redefined as a “private” school. But note: the Feds link the money to the child! Rep. Luke Messer (IN-R) aligned himself with this same agenda when he proposed legislation last year for “CHOICE”. Rob Goad, aide to Rep. Messer, has been tapped by the Trump campaign to advance this “CHOICE” agenda. Never forget: When the Feds control the money they control the process from start to finish in order to mandate compliance. The Feds will have their hooks tethered to little Johnny and Suzy via government-sponsored and controlled “choice.”

We might wonder if Mr. Trump is getting ALL the information he needs to Make America Great Again. Or, worse, has there been a rerouting of his agenda to make America socialized? That question has not been answered as yet, but the writing is beginning to appear on the wall. Vice-President Elect Pence may also be a guide as to which “CHOICE” the Trump campaign will deliver, as well as Mr. Trump’s selection for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, who is an adamant supporter of Common Core school “CHOICE” and charter schools. What can we expect from the Trump Presidency? For part two click below.

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserve

What kind of choice has Obama prepared for President-elect Trump? pt. 2

Say Good-Bye to your Individuality and Freedom as a Private School.
Say Hello to Private and Religious School Title I “CHOICE”
– Where you MUST Teach Common Core
– Where ALL Schools Become Federal Government Schools!

Let’s introduce the real facts about “Equitable CHOICE” for ALL children that would allow ANY student to take that public school scholarship to ANY school of his/her “CHOICE”.

The 50/50 share in President Obama’s Plan will force local schools to divvy-up and contribute 50% of the total money given by the Feds. It applies to any child attending private and religious schools, or even home schools. Your local school district must give their 50% of the Title I fee that “Follows the Child” to parents who make the “CHOICE” of which eligible school their child will attend. In this way the Federal money will follow the child, quite literally into your local church-based school or even into your home! In this way Uncle Sam’s tentacles over your child will extend into your living room.

With the exodus of children from their neighborhood school, it appears that public schools will eventually financially collapse, especially since when these children flee 50% of funding from the local treasury will go with them. As more public schools collapse financially, more charter schools will be funded and expanded with their monies. Ask yourself why money is being funneled into charter schools and NOT your public neighborhood schools.

Thus, the expansion of charter schools with unelected boards, usually for-profit, funded by wealthy investment companies and tycoon bankers, will get a cut of your hard earned tax money. Your tax dollars go straight into their pockets! This fact proves this is a move away from having local representatives invested in our schools. No voice, no vote for you, the parent or citizen, which means the real goal is the total “privatizing” of education – with Federal strings attached and Federal control. In this way our American system of government, local citizens who elect local representatives who are directly accountable to them, will be eroded and demolished.

As more Common Core Title I children continue to flood charter, private, and religious schools, demands for accountability expand the “enforcement” mechanism of Title I Common Core, ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015). This in turn, forces accountability toward an authorized but UNELECTED charter school management team for all schools – charter, private, religious, and home schools – with the goal to achieve the elimination of public schools all together. (We know this for certain because the eradication of local control goal has been stated openly in legislation and education reform documents for three decades.) The new overseer for this accountability process is named as an ombudsman in the ESSA regulations. With the elimination of public schools, your elected officials who balance your local tax treasury will lose control. Besides, how will students be monitored for money received when transferring to multiple different schools, even in different states?

How Do ESA’s Work in the Equation?

Moving forward with this idea, parents must have a government vehicle age 0-21 to deposit that public money. ALL “school wide” identified Title I CHILDREN enrolled in any public, charter, private school, religious school, and homeschool will be able to open an Education Savings Account (ESA) into which federal, state, and local funds can be deposited. Remember: “school wide” means ALL children, not just poor children. This bag of cash gets bigger and bigger as ESSA allows all monies to be accrued in the Title I bag. (Source: ESSA: Page 290; Eligible Federal Funds for equitable distributions of state and local taxes)

ESSA names 50 pilot schools to go to bat for sameness, in which in three years all schools can switch to a per pupil expenditure. It will

“create a single school funding system based on weighted per-pupil allocations for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged students. (Source: pages 278-279; ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act)

Parents must question the definition of who are “otherwise disadvantaged students” – it means any child not meeting Common Core!

You might ask this next question: MUST private and religious schools admit Common Core Title I CHOICE children? Yes! Private and religious schools would have to admit these CHOICE/Title I children.

Can’t they just say NO to the funds? It doesn’t work that way. They would have to say “No” to the child and this opens a federal can of worms.

Children already enrolled in private and religious institutions also become branded with the “SCHOOL WIDE” banner. This is due to the fact that their funding would also be determined as originating from their local school, where they would normally be enrolled, which had previously been determined as “school wide.”

The private and religious school does not directly receive the Title I federal funds and local tax mix. They receive the funds from the PARENT’S Education Savings Account (ESA), sidestepping the federal government’s separation of Church and State. And if a school objects to admitting the Title I child, all hell breaks loose and a charge of discrimination under Civil Rights will be brought forward. This is a no-win situation for private and religious schools with how this system is being set up. See below of how an empowerment “CHOICE” scholarship was ruled on in Arizona:

Arizona Court of Appeals upheld a ruling in a unanimous decision. Judge Jon W. Thompson wrote for the court, “The specified object of the ESA is the beneficiary families, not private or sectarian schools. Parents can use the funds deposited in the empowerment account to customize an education that meets their children’s unique educational needs.” (Emp. added.)

This means a private or religious school CANNOT object to admitting the Title I “CHOICE” child who comes with a Common Core yoke around his/her neck. Not only must these children be accepted in the school, BUT they must receive the social, emotional, and behavioral interventions directed under the Specialized Student Support Services in ESSA. This means Common Core mental health non-academic teacher training and standards for children MUST be performed in private and religious schools! And to be deemed as “equitable” as public schools, they must implement the social, emotional, and behavioral interventions slated in ESSA!

The regulations state specifically that these psychological services are to be carried out by IDEA (Individuals With Disabilities Act) special education. The legislation also specifies the exact psychological services to be administered: Response to Intervention, multi-tiered system of supports, positive behavior Intervention and supports, Early Intervening services, and universal design for learning. Notice none of this has to do with academics; it is psycho-social and behavioral conditioning.

This proposal initiates the old HillaryCare/Mental Health/IDEA/Medicaid yoke that is tied around the child’s neck. Education (ESSA) and ObamaCare (the old HillaryCare) is merged that extends health/mental health services to children at school ages 0-21. Schools and daycare centers will be able to bill Medicaid for these social, emotional, behavioral/mental health services at school. (SOURCE)

So, what does this all mean?

The odds are stacked against President-Elect Trump. Why? Because President Obama and Hillary Clinton’s HillaryCare has already been legislated and implemented in our schools. It’s time to “drain the swamp” in education. There is still time to stop the Obama regulations being written for ESSA. There is still time to switch the appointment of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

What are Parent Warriors to do? Parents supporting Donald Trump have been enthusiastically awaiting for his plan to dump Common Core and save our children. However, his current “CHOICE” plans, and selection of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, prove more than disappointing to those who understand the system. Trump needs our help.

So, how can we help the Trump Presidency? President-Elect Trump can turn the corner on Globalism in education, and move the clock back to Americanism. Trump should immediately stop listening to his Heritage Foundation advisors! Heritage has been a major purveyor of phony “choice” for decades. Mr. Trump must vet his education candidates wisely, and study the education issues thoroughly, to ensure that it is HIS vision that gets implemented and not the other way around.

Trump should stop and take a second look before he furthers the anti-American freedom agenda of Hillary and Obama! Mr. Trump’s vision, as he articulated it, is to help the poor, the inner cities, and give these kids a chance. We do NOT think his vision includes leveling wealthy school districts by redistributing the wealth, or getting federal control of private and religious schools! I would doubt if he means to collapse the public school system in favor of Common Core, “CHOICE”, and charter schools for all. That is not what he campaigned on. Unless….. Will he keep his promises?

Your job, President-Elect Trump, is HUGE. Do not turn your back on America’s children!

Please email, tweet, and Facebook President-Elect Trump and remind him, today, tomorrow, and next week… To Keep His Promises!

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

If I had one hour with President-elect Donald Trump?

An Open Letter to Mr. Trump [Link]

Donald Trump is victorious. We are thankful and glad that Hillary, and the Hillary shills, are not going to quickly move Obama’s agenda forward like she had planned. Mr. Trump dealt her an obvious blow and the citizens of America confirmed loudly, “Not so fast, Hillary.”

But, Mr. Trump, did you know that President Obama helped Hillary Clinton to accomplish HillaryCare goals? It is through Executive Orders and ESEA Flexibility Waivers!

Mr. Trump, did you know HillaryCare is already ObamaCare for children ages 0-21? It is through the medicalization of our schools including daycare centers!! President Obama had everything stacked in Hillary’s favor. He even laid a foundation that would launch her presidency to new heights.

Now, President-Elect Trump, it is high time to turn these tides! Mr. Trump, I respectfully submit the following facts for you to consider:

The HillaryCare plan of 1994 for children was completed and legislated in the new federal education law called ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act. The Common Core education agenda was officially merged with ObamaCare December of 2015. These specific steps that President Obama, with the Republican Congress, took to satisfy all of the conditions needed to move forward to completely merge healthcare and education, could come crashing down if you, Mr. Trump, analyze these facts and recognize the depths of destruction being heaped on our nation’s schools, teachers, and children. [Source]

Mr. Trump did you know that President Obama Used An Executive Order 12866 To Change The Privacy Law, FERPA? The privacy rights of America’s children and their families is being violated!

President Obama issued Executive Order 12866 without Congressional authority that illegally allowed outside vendors access to our children’s personally identifiable information. This was done by reversing and weakening the Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, FERPA. Obama also set up expansive state longitudinal data systems (SLDS) to collect individual psychometric data (psychological information) on American citizens from “womb to workplace.” This was done via assigning students a unique national ID.

Datamining on American’s children commenced immediately, scrapping individual and family privacy protections. Thus “unlocking” data has been swindled from state education-collection data warehouses for “free”. This data release paved the way for the development of intrusive curricula and software, and the computer monitoring of a child’s affective domain (emotions, feelings, attitudes, beliefs). These were developed and aligned to the Common Core standards.

Obama betrayed parents and did not protect our children from predators. Children became a commodity, often derogatorily referred to as “human capital” by education reform elites. Common Core curriculum is being used today to change our American children over to believing in principles that are anti-American. For example, the students you have seen picketing in the streets have never been taught the basics of American civics – a key indication of the success of the liberal goals of education reform for over a generation now.

Mr. Trump, did you know that President Obama used illegal ESEA Flexibility Waivers to get control of teachers and children in the classroom? [Source: Part 1], [Source: Part 2]

President Obama added psychological standards! ESEA Flex Waivers expanded Common Core to include social, emotional, and behavioral standards, or mental health/personality “defects” as I have previously reported in numerous articles. But, remember, these affective domain psychological conditioning standards are illegal to use on children. They violate federal law and had been removed in 1990 in Pennsylvania when I filed my federal complaint against the illegal state assessment, the EQA. Pennsylvania was forced to retract the test and remove the psychological standards. But Former Governor Corbett had also been forced to remove the non-academic Interpersonal Skills in 2014 when he was confronted with the illegal standards being slipped in once again by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. [Source]

Mr. Trump, did you know that President Obama dropped and manipulated poverty guidelines? The Obama regime previously used the ESEA Flexibility Waivers to illegally manipulate and lower the poverty guidelines under Title I for ALL children to come under the umbrella of “SCHOOLWIDE”. ALL children are now considered At-Risk/Title I children and they are being identified in the federal data banks as needing psychological interventions. So Title I sorted schools and children into who would need “turnaround” and behavioral conditioning. Because of this, America’s schools are being targeted for change while principals and teachers are forced to commit to Common Core–or resign. Teachers are being forced to teach Common Core with its illegal psychological standards that children must achieve—without proper credentials and licensing to perform these psychological techniques on America’s children.

Mr. Trump, did you know that President Obama implemented psychological interventions in the classroom as part of the old HillaryCare? This is an astonishing and alarming fact. America’s children are being barraged with prison-like reward and punishment techniques that hearken back to the old BF Skinner operant conditioning methods, where ALL their behavior is monitored, even on phone apps. Special Education-funded teams are scavenging the classrooms using CHILD FIND to place more and more children under the Common Core/Mental Health/ HillaryCare agenda. Schools are preparing to rake in the “free” money under this scheme of identifying children as disabled in order to bill Medicaid. This is a scam! The more children identified, the more money the schools can clamor for.

The psychological interventions and conditioning continue, and intensive Response to Interventions (RTI) becomes more potent, as children are “remediated” until they change their attitudes and beliefs to match these outrageous standards. Specific psychological interventions were included and named in the ESSA legislation mandated from federal legislation. The following illegal psychological methods are being used in the classrooms of America: Response to Interventions, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Specialized Student Support Systems, and Universal Design for Learning. [Source 1], [Source 2]

Mr. Trump, did you know that ObamaCare is the right place to analyze Common Core and Medicaid? That this is transforming the Medicalization of Schools? [Source]

Medicaid in the schools will expand dramatically under Hillary’s Mental Health/Health agenda and ESSA where schools apply for partial hospitalization licenses to bill Medicaid. States will have to grapple with the expansive measures of every child receiving Medicaid Mental Health benefits billowing and surging under Common Core and IDEA (Special Education.)

Mr. Trump, do not miss this point! Psychological manipulations have replaced academics in America’s classrooms. Datamining is rampant, and parental privacy fears continue to mount. Thanks to Obama and Hillary there is an Education Stasi looming, a government-funded system of surveillance over our nation’s precious children.

Hillary’s plan continues to move forward even though she was defeated. We know that President Obama and the Republican RINOS made it happen. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican Congressman Kline, and Republican Speaker Paul Ryan were the few who steadfastly made Hillary’s plan a codified reality. We parents and citizens who care about America’s children will not forget their names.

President-Elect Trump, you have a big job. And I hope you attack this issue BIGGLY.

We citizens are requesting to meet with you. We are the parents and researchers who helped to elect you to correct these dastardly deeds. And it is you, Mr. Trump, and you alone, who can help American children fulfill their God-given right to live in this country free from manipulation of federal control. The future of our children is depending on you!

Our children are normal American children who are being identified as needing psychological interventions because they are “too Americanized”. They are too independent. They are too patriotic. They love God, family, and country…. just like you, Donald J. Trump!

Please, Mr. Trump. Give parents the chance to let you know what is happening in our local schools, to our children, and to our beloved country.

Anita’s Note to Readers:

I have outlined in the one page statement below, what I would tell President-Elect Trump if I had one hour to explain what this agenda is all about. I am sure that the documentation provided will lead to other questions: state’s rights when Title I funding following the child bypasses state budgets used for so-called “CHOICE”; or what happens when charter schools are expanded to for-profit investors in our neighborhoods who soak up local tax money that should be poured into our public schools; or what happens to private and religious schools that have Education Savings Accounts, ESA, Title I /CHOICE children applying to their schools. Plus the privacy issue and datamining issues hang over the country. Will Mr. Trump void the Executive Order 12866 and close FERPA loopholes that allow personally identifiable information (PII) to be shared with outside vendors?

Can Mr. Trump stop the datamining? Can he stop Common Core? Can he stop the psychological abuse in the classrooms? Can he save our children? You can act! Your voice continues after the election! You must help inform Trump of this. You can’t count on the Establishment Right to educate the president. Your job is just starting.

Many meetings may need to take place to explain the expansive role of the federal government into our lives and the Power Elites’ goal to nationalize education. I call it, “Roll Back, time.” Please, American Citizens! Tell Mr. Trump to give parents the chance to let him know what is REALLY happening in our local schools, to our children, and to our beloved country! Tell him to hear the facts! A Mr. Trump forewarned is a president forearmed against the Education Establishment Elites who have brought us these disasters.

How To Begin “Roll Back, Time.”

If I had one hour with Donald Trump, what would I tell him? I would explain the 3 illegal maneuvers and results that President Obama did to hijack our educational system away from being the greatest educational system in the world… toward globalism.

1. I would explain how Common Core nationalized the standards, curriculum, and teacher training. I would tell how this is all controlled through a federal bureaucracy which forces traditional academic education to be dumped, replacing it with the behavioral conditioning of our children.
2. I would explain how the national education data system collects personally identifiable information on our families and children, thus creating value, attitude, and disposition dossiers called mental health psychometrics that will be used against citizens.
3. I would explain the Obama Executive Order 12866 and the Obama ESEA Flexibility Waiver that created multiple, illegal atrocious actions.

The Illegal Obama’s Executive Order 12866 and ESEA Flex Waiver:

• Obama changed FERPA, Family Education Rights in Privacy Act, with his Executive Order so that children’s data could be shared (free) with big business to validate curriculum, software, phone apps, and textbooks, conforming to Common Core psychological standards including the areas of social, emotional, and behavioral (mental health) criteria. Datamining proliferates.

• Obama created a state longitudinal data system so EVERY STATE must conform to the SAME data elements by collecting private, sensitive information about the attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions of our nation’s individual children and families:

• Obama initiated a national ID for every child and every teacher that identifies each individual in the federal system. This process cross-references personal information into future decision making to ensure everyone conforms to Common Core, especially teachers.

• Obama initiated the teaching of a dangerous mental health, non-academic curriculum called “social, emotional, and behavioral interventions.” This is designed to change the attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions of America’s children–validated as “effective” for behavioral change.

• Obama forced teachers to become trained in experimental and psychological techniques to be used on normal children to mold them into followers. This destroys the American ethic through constant intrusive psychological interventions and politically-correct remediation of their values, beliefs, and attitudes. Turnaround schools is a focus.

• Obama pushed these behavioral conditioning and value changing techniques by using Special Education, IDEA, to identify label our children as being “disabled” through government-controlled mental health criteria. Here is where normal American children are a target. Their futures are in jeopardy. This is why we must speak out.

• Obama changed the poverty level to 0% so he could apply these techniques to ALL children, called “SCHOOLWIDE” in Title I, which is being applied in the new ESSA federal education law. Common Core is manifesting and duplicating itself across the country to every child.

• Obama will merge EDUCATION with OBAMACARE through MEDICAID billing in schools for all Common Core mental health disabilities by applying for a partial hospitalization license.

• Every child identified for Medicaid mental health interventions would have a DSM MENTAL HEALTH CODE put on their permanent record. This is the backdoor plan (Hillary’s original plan in 1993) to REMOVE 2nd AMENDMENT GUN RIGHTS in the United States. Our American children are in danger. The system has been set-up before Mr. Trump ran for President. [Link]

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Obama’s illegal experimental agenda on our children pt. 2

Part 2: Parents Be Warned!

A Tool Kit To Understand The Radical Agenda Implemented By President Obama

As a warning to parents and citizens, with one month into the school year, Be Aware and BeWare of the psychological techniques being marketed in many forms in your school. This behavioral/affective domain agenda is not new. Parents, act now!

• Be sure to read carefully all Conduct or Parent Compacts at your school.
• Do not sign your rights away by signing onto a Parent Engagement Letter that would allow your rights to be forfeited to the school.
• Look into the “prevention” classes including suicide, social, emotional, and behavioral development, or character development.
• Don’t give up your parent’s rights as sole arbiter of your child.
• Be sure to use the Parent Opt Out Letter included in this article.
• Be vigilant!

Schools say they want to be your partner. The definition of partnership means equal responsibility and equal ownership. Remember, that “assessment” is a term used to evaluate the worth of property. “Assessment” is now a term used to evaluate your child’s worth to the economy. Your child is considered “Human Capital” in the global economy.

In response to several articles appearing recently, here are my comments:

Social, Emotional, Behavioral Standards Are NOT a FAD. THESE STANDARDS HAVE BEEN LEGISLATED IN ESSA, the recently passed Every Student Succeeds Act. These federal standards have been developed years ago. Teacher training, called fidelity, have blanketed your school under the ESEA FLEXIBILITY WAIVERS since 2012. The key to fidelity is that teachers must perform the Common Core INTERVENTIONS EXACTLY AS THEY WERE RESEARCHED. To protect your child, you parents must understand the system of behavioral conditioning being performed in the classroom. Beware of the workings of this system.

It was announced last month that a new round of experimental, psychological research will be promoted in 8 states. Parents should be writing their Opt Out letters now. (See below for a sample Opt Out letter. Parents can use this by putting their own state name into the areas where I have placed the Pennsylvania PIMS data system.) Check out these links of the ongoing push for psychological techniques being promoted in our schools: [Link 1] and [Link 2]

There are many problems with this INVASIVE and ILLEGAL agenda. First, creating standards and testing a child’s affective (emotion, feeling) domain is not new. There is a long history behind this. The state of Pennsylvania and the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress test) are masters at testing attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions. Pennsylvania violated federal law for using psychological measurements on children and had to remove their state assessment, the EQA, because it violated federal law, the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment. I was the parent who filed that complaint. Psychological, experimental research on children without informed written parental consent is illegal. CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) is setting themselves up for multiple lawsuits, as well as the schools, for cooperating with these experimental programs. CASEL is lying about the research. They want acceptance and parent engagement to go along with the experimentation. Parents, You Can Say No! Stand up for your parents’ rights!

Parents and American citizens, ask the following questions:

1. Who will decide what the proficiency level will be in the personality traits of your children? How do they score a child’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions? What is the state-determined “correct” attitude, value, belief or disposition for your child? Proficiency levels for personal qualities were determined in the 1992 SCANS (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) report funded by the Department of Labor for the future workforce. Parents, ask the hard questions! How do you put a proficiency level on personalities? How does the government score them? How does the government remediate values? THINK!

2. What type of experimental programs will be incorporated into the classrooms to require your child pass the test for any particular “government-approved” attitude? What type of psychological interventions will be infused into your child’s curriculum? Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) LOOPHOLES are allowing 3rd party contractors to get data for free to develop curriculum, software, and phone apps toward implementing behavior change. Obama’s Executive Order 12866 unlocked personally identifiable information by re-writing FERPA REGULATIONS, thereby stripping the privacy of your children and families. Data Mining of your children is rampant!

3. Who receives the personal data on your children when data is entered into the state longitudinal data system that ALLOWS data to be shared with outside contractors?

Do children have a Constitutional 1st and 4th Amendment protection to be left alone in their conscience? Pennsylvania Moratorium answered this question below. Privacy violations are rampant!

4. Who is liable for damage incurred by staff and social workers, etc., for damage when something goes wrong dealing with your child’s sensitive psychological areas? Is it the curriculum developer? Teacher? School district? State? Or our federal government that legislated these non-academic standards?

Parents, become informed! Study the examples of behavioral conditioning.
Your child is a target!

Forcing the Same Psychological Standards On Every School. Obama’s Plan to Individualize Education in a personalized, diagnostic plan means every child would be directed to Common Core, and only Common Core. The dumbed down tactics of “functional” literacy (in reality, illiteracy) was a plan brought forward by the Department of Labor in its massive 1992 SCANS report, which planned on identifying “personal qualities” (mental health) needed for controlling human capital for the dystopian global workforce. (Source: Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, DOL, 1992)

Most people believe children come to school with a blank slate. Not true. Children are taught pre-conceived notions of values and beliefs by their parents. But Sue Berryman of the SCANS Working Group said it is the State’s job to “replace what is already on the slate.” This idea of a “fluid” mindset helps you to understand the techniques needed to change your child’s “fixed” traditional attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions.

The Flex Waivers identified a child’s personal qualities, the social, emotional, behavioral non-academic standards that became additions into the Common Core standards. Psychological terms were added that enhanced teaching the spiritual part of the whole child theory. SEL, social and emotion learning, sometimes called “growth mindsets,” would set the goals of changing moral absolutes and American patriotic ideals.

Molding a child’s behavior would be monitored and controlled by a reward and punishment system of tokens, check in or check out, which is the total BF Skinner operant conditioning, stimulus-response model. The prescribed outcome to “Conduct, or behave and listen to the teacher at ALL times” would thereby pressure young children to conform to the behavioral conditioning or they would be punished – constantly.

Behavioral data will be collected daily. Surveillance will be used to monitor and observe individual children. The data is entered into state longitudinal data systems. Daycare centers are monitoring babies at birth, collecting social, emotional, and behavioral data also. Data is collected in Kindergarten called Kindergarten Entry Inventory. (Source)

Teachers use CHILD FIND, a Special Education process to manufacture children into the Common Core mold. Teachers are trained to use behavior modification techniques on normal children. These techniques were first developed to help control mentally handicapped children, specifically autistic children who have a severe clinical problem of controlling their behavior and/or aggressive behavior. In this way, any behavior can be deemed an emotional disability because there is no “normal” in the definitions. The difference in this technique is that parents can not opt out of the routine “observational” subjective monitoring of their children. Normal children so monitored are thus being targeted as disabled. Turning around in their seat, staring out the window, or flipping pages in their little book, could dock your child from rewards.

Please read through this phone app to understand how normal child behavior is a target for behavioral conditioning interventions: (Source) This BOSS Phone App (Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools) would allow teachers to monitor behavior and arbitrarily identify your child as “At-Risk.” Even a passive action, such as staring out the window for more than 3 seconds, is a behavior that cannot be tolerated. Schools thus become prisons where an independent child is constantly punished for infractions according to the “behavior police.”

Study the alarming two graphics below. Note how normal childhood behavior has been redefined to abnormal!

Beware! Shy children are also a target for interventions. Or, on the other hand, your child might be cited as having aggressive behavior if they push someone in line at the water fountain after recess. (What normal child hasn’t bumped another child at the water fountain?!) Something as minor as having a “bad hair” day could warrant interventions. Breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend could identify your child with a psycho-social stressor. These are all disabilities waiting for their teacher to log into the State and Federal data warehouse. More serious problems like a divorce, or death in the family, etc., could bring on an onslaught of intrusive interventions.

Pennsylvania Interpersonal Skills 2012 non-academic standards, were removed by former Gov. Corbett in 2014 after parental protest. But now, as of December 2015, the recently passed ESSA federal legislation has codified the non-academic social, emotional, and behavioral standards.

Parents in Pennsylvania demanded a moratorium on these value-laden standards in October 2014. This CASEL marketing and re-branding agenda is not “new and improved.” It is a farce. Their agenda is duplicating itself to quickly cover the country in psych interventions by spreading them through each state.

Read the Pennsylvania Moratorium on Data

This marketing agenda must stop! Just because it sounds good, doesn’t mean it is legal or ethical. This unethical marking of a child’s mental health will have deleterious effects on the future of your child – including gun ownership, future employment, or entrance into college. Parents, act now!

• Demand a Congressional Investigation!
• Rescind Obama’s EO 12866.
• Stop data flow to the Feds through your state longitudinal data system.
• Shut down the National Center of Education Statistics, NCES and Institute for Educational Sciences, IES – the real culprits.

A parent revolt should shut this down, IMMEDIATELY!

• Copy and share this “Parent Out Out” form
• Study and share these two graphic images.


© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Hillarycare and her scheme to dissolve the second amendment through mental health pt. 1

“It’s mental health, stupid!”

Part 1: Parents and 2A Citizens Be Warned

Background Information About Hillary, HillaryCare, and Medicaid In Schools

It’s ALL about the kids. Right? Just ask Hillary. This background information will help Donald Trump and his supporters understand the inner workings in education where Common Core expands into the HillaryCare/ObamaCare failed system. We must stop Hillary at all costs…and a Trump Administration can STOP these shenanigans. Hillary starts with the children and gradually incorporates all age groups into her mental health agenda to eliminate the Second Amendment. RINO Rep. Tim Murphy (PA-R) has combined his mental health efforts by combining his efforts with Hillary by proposing legislation that engulfs the entire country in psychotherapy. This agenda is not new. (Source: ) Guns, Congress and Murphy’s Law, HR 2646, already passed through the House and was sent to the Senate with RINO Speaker Paul Ryan at the helm of this drastic plan. Alarm bells should be going off.

When HillaryCare crashed and burned in 1993, option # 3 had taken center stage… universal healthcare for children. It’s the ” hidden hand of Hillary.” Her backdoor goal has always been control the children and control guns. Common Core and Murphy’s law will completely disband the sale of guns through mental health codes placed on kids permanent records called DSM codes, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. This is how Common Core connects to ObamaCare…Medicaid billing at school. The following is her record of experimental/psychological skulduggery.

Hillary was on the Board of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that funded the model in Pennsylvania. Former Governor Bob Casey was quick to set up the Children’s Cabinet that set the system in motion to allow Medicaid waivers to be approved outside of the legislature. Pennsylvania was the mental health model that linked education with health care by allowing schools to bill Medicaid for mental health interventions. While working with several legislators in Pennsylvania, Rep. Sam Rohrer, was able to expose this agenda with a complete investigation called HR 37. Outcome-based education/psychology standards were being fought at the time, while I crisis-crossed the state in townhall meetings and hundreds of radio interviews to defeat Outcome-Based Education (OBE).

In 1994, I was asked to testify as an Expert Witness, at the Department of Interior National Infrastructure Health and Education Data Security hearing. On December 8, 1994 I presented a paper entitled “Exposing The Medicalization of Schools.” This paper and presentation explained how Medicaid would become the financial vehicle mandating and remediating mental health outcomes. It documented how schools would be required to obtain a partial hospitalization license to bill for Medicaid through Mental Health Wrap-Around Services at school through the identification and re-definition of disabilities of ALL children as “AT RISK” through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This substantiated the following statement by Ira Magaziner of the Hillary Care hearings in Washington, D.C., in which he said: “Medicaid would merge into the main healthcare system.”

Education, Mental Health, and 2nd Amendment Gun Rights

Hillary’s agenda has always been control – control the kids and control guns… through mental health. If Hillary would get her way, mental health at school under the soothing banner of social, emotional, and behavioral standards, will fully implement her original plan from 1993, which will eliminate the 2nd Amendment by coding children with mental health disabilities.

ObamaCare, the successor to the HillaryCare plan, has funded school-based health/mental health services called Promise Neighborhood Schools, as a precursor to the next step in this agenda. ESSA has legislated Promise Neighborhoods and Community Schools which have now merged with ObamaCare. Here Common Core psychological standards have been legislated to identify and label kids as disabled for normal behavior using Title I and IDEA Special Education. CHILD FIND uses scavenging psychological techniques to identify and put as many normal children as possible into the brain-dipping meat grinder. (See my previous articles for extensive documentation on these key points.) These psychological techniques identify children who are leaders and followers. Leaders are the target for interventions. Go along to get along are the global citizens of tomorrow.

These intervention strategies will change our American children into the worker drones for the global economy birth to age 21. No child will escape, especially independent thinkers, children of patriotic parents, or any child who refuses to bend under the grip of these “change makers.”

The Common Core social, emotional, and behavioral aspects of our children, their personalities, are the target. CHILD FIND promises to find every normal American child and mold them to the international globalist agenda, Common Core and Common Core psych interventions.

Bill Clinton had a favorite slogan that was popular when he was President,
“It’s the Economy, Stupid.”

But, Hillary’s slogan is just as potent and much more dangerous,
“It’s mental health, stupid!”

My following testimony explains HillaryCare and her ambitious plan to control our children and change our country with her globalist lynchpin…education.

Many thanks go out to Jeannie Georges from Media Bypass for printing my testimony February 1995, that took a while to find in my archives, but, find it I did. “Womb To Tomb’ Children will be held Captive Until They Meet Federal Outcomes. No Child Will Escapes.” Click below for part two.

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Pay for succe$$

Ted and Heidi Cruz, Goldman Sachs, Kickbacks and Paybacks, Common Core, and Special Education… All Rolled Into One Big, Fat Mess

When Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee for President, stated in his message to the American people, “There is so much, waste, fraud, and abuse,” the establishment elite come to mind. Especially when investigating the shenanigans and abuses in the new federal education legislation, ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act. Finally, someone with guts is saying it’s time to clean house. Thank you, Mr. Trump!

Although Senator Cruz has suspended his campaign, it is very clear that his lawyerly word “suspend” did not mean withdraw and he intends to fight Donald Trump for a contested convention. Please continue the support and vote in the remaining primaries to establish Mr. Trump with the needed 1237 delegates to secure the nomination.

Senator Cruz also says he will do away with Common Core if he is elected President, but his globalist agenda speaks otherwise.

Here are some key education issues:

• What Is ‘Pay For Success’ in the New ESSA Federal Education Law and Why Should Parents of Special Education Children Be Alarmed?
• Why Are Business Investors Paid A Kickback For Children NOT To Receive Special Education Services That Are Guaranteed To Them Through Federal Law?
• Should Republicans Use Vulnerable Special Education Children To Be Sold For a Profit $$$?
• What Does Goldman Sachs Have To Do With Common Core and Special Education, and Why Are They Reaping In The Cash?
• What Do Ted and Heidi Cruz Know About Goldman Sachs, Common Core, and ‘Pay For Success’ That Helps Put “Gold in Someone’s Sacks”?

There is a lot of hankie-pankie going on in the U.S. Department of Education and nobody seems to be able to pinpoint the collusion in a public/private financial partnership deal with Goldman Sachs called Pay For Success, PFS.

Senator Cruz did not mention once that Pay For Success, PFS, was rigged into the federal education legislation, ESSA. In fact, Senator Ted Cruz did NOT even vote on the day of the passage of ESSA. Why didn’t Sen. Cruz vote against this bill?

It was Goldman Sachs that had funded Senator Cruz for his entry into the Presidential Race. Heidi Cruz works for Goldman Sachs and is currently on leave while her husband runs as a candidate for President. Is this why they felt silence was “golden”?

Perhaps Heidi Cruz can explain Pay For Success to Special Education parents since she announced that education is her primary goal. We might also ask her to explain the federal education fake CHOICE. Or ask her about the psychological child abuse on children in the classroom that would CONTINUE in Pay For Success because Common Core psychological interventions were legislated through ESSA.

[NOTE: Senator Cruz’s controversial S 306 that supports federal CHOICE ropes private, religious, and homeschools into Common Core with federal Title I portability funds. Senator Cruz is in the perfect position to attach his CHOICE amendment to federal legislation at any time in the future as a sitting Senator. Supporting S 306 and federal CHOICE proves Senator Cruz will NOT do away with Common Core. (See the list of my previous articles at the bottom of this article.)]

Senator Hatch (R-UT) slipped Pay For Success into the new federal education law, ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, and uses a preschool in Utah as a pilot. Goldman Sachs is rewarded a kickback for every child who isn’t sent to Special Education. Goldman Sachs, who provided loans and is a silent funder for the Cruz campaign, is reeling in financial rewards for education programs already implemented and paid with Special Education funding. What’s going on? (Source)


Pay For Success was legislated in the Reauthorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act, now called the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. The ESSA was passed by both Republican Houses of Congress. Legitimate questions and issues have been raised by In the Public Interest about how the Pay for Success (PFS) program was evaluated, including:

“PFS brings venture capital to the provision of public services. Investors provide the up-front funds for critical preventive services with the expectation of receiving a return on their investment. The theory is that the private investment dollars can fill a funding gap when government doesn’t have adequate financial resources to spend on prevention activities. Under a PFS arrangement, the government repays the loan with interest if pre-determined social outcome targets are met. The theory presumes that even after paying the investors and service providers, the state ultimately reaps financial savings through foregone budget dollars spent to address future more costly, but now avoided, social problems.” [Emphasis added] (Source)

The implementation of Pay For Success, PFS, is a system of kickbacks called Social Impact Bonds, creating a public/private partnership where government strikes deals (contracting mechanisms) with outside businesses and investment financiers to provide capital to accomplish ESSA Common Core psychological/mental health intervention goals on ALL children at school. Therefore, supposedly, fewer children are referred to Special Education.

Goldman Sachs has piloted a PFS investment in a preschool in Utah. Yes, the same Utah that heralds Senator Hatch who included PFS as an amendment to ESSA. [NOTE: Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) recently praised the Pay For Success program in Utah. Senator Lee also was the co-sponsor of S 306 with Senator Cruz, which pushes Common Core on all private, religious, and homeschools. Senator Lee has endorsed Senator Ted Cruz for President.]

But the controversy concerning this experimental program using handicapped children for monetary gain is that Special Education funding and service interventions are already being paid through IDEA, Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (Special Education) funds for a program that says children are not going to be referred to Special Education services. WHAT?! The results are that fewer truly Special Education children are sent forward for an IEP evaluation because Special Education services are already being administered. But supposedly the reason Goldman Sachs is getting a pay-out is because children aren’t sent to Special Education. Is this double-speak, double-dipping, or both?

Let’s spell this out:

1. Use Special Education Common Core/psychological interventions and Special Education funds FIRST on the entire classroom;
2. Do NOT send truly handicapped Special Education children for their guaranteed legal evaluation;
3. Use more Special Education intensive psychological interventions on children not meeting Common Core psychological standards;
4. Then reap the benefits for children not sent to Special Education even though Special Education funds were used in the first place;
5. Then pay Goldman Sachs a reward because FEWER children were sent to Special Education. What?!!!

Little do parents realize that Common Core for babies and preschool programs in the pilot preschool program (and all Common Core K-12 schools) have an inordinate amount of social, emotional, and behavioral conditioning using Common Core psychological behavior modification programs. These programs originated in Applied Behavior Analysis, an applied intensive behavior modification program researched on autistic children to be able to function in the real world. Parental knowledge or consent is not provided for this Common Core psychobabble.

Pay For Success is a lousy concept of corruption using children for profit, called taxpayer double dipping, and paying someone off to do the dipping. Is this really reaping financial savings for the government? This is all done with a little twist of ethics—redefining the interventions, using handicapped children to provide a basis for a money grab, psychological child abuse for using these concepts on normal children, and gobs of federal money. This scheme should be turning many heads and must be investigated. [Source]

The pilot program in Utah used PFS as an intervention program in preschool. Goldman Sachs was paid an outcome payment of $2589.70 for each student not referred to Special Education. This program pays back a percentage of the investment to the financial partnership if FEWER children are reported to special education. But, did anyone question the programs or funding to create these statistics BEFORE this kickback was evaluated? NO! Questions were posed, but little has been done to stop the child abuse or the financial bleeding.

Understanding ESSA

The concept of direct student services, services carried out by IDEA Special Education funding, is the Common Core concept reinforced in the new federal education legislation, ESSA. Universal School-Wide Intervention Systems are blanketed on ALL children. ALL children are “At-Risk” and must be psychoanalyzed and treated in a three tiered process in the normal classroom. ALL CHILDREN are treated with psychological techniques normally used for severely handicapped students. The reason psychological techniques are used is because Common Core includes psychological non-academic behavioral standards (See both graphs that design behavioral interventions.]

Children with true mental or physical handicaps are NOT apprised with an actual IEP, or referred for a true special education evaluation, until going through the Response to Intervention (RTI) three-tiered process in the regular classroom. These services are based on the conditioning processes developed through Applied Behavior Analysis. Applied Behavior Analysis, a psychological conditioning technique, was renamed Response to Intervention to make it more palatable to parents.

The following behavior modification techniques are being used in the classroom and are actually listed in the ESSA legislation: response to interventions, RTI; positive behavior interventions supports, PBIS; multi-tiered system of supports, MTSS; School-wide multi-tiered system of supports, SWTSS; early intervening services, EIS; Specialized Instructional Support Services, SISS; and Universal Design for Learning, UDL.

These behavioral interventions are all paid for with special education IDEA funds. Therefore, fewer children are referred to Special Education because they had already received Special Education services to meet Common Core. This is the double-dip.

There is also great controversy surrounding the implementation of these behavior modification/affective programs on normal children. The development of these programs was first researched from Applied Behavior Analysis with research on autistic children. The US Department of Education has stated that these techniques are “scientific research based interventions” to meet the government desired goals. However, the government had NOT released the standards of what would be taught, tested, and scored in the affective domain. The Department catapulted the techniques onto normal children citing “prevention”. It uses extreme behavior modification techniques on children because Common Core standards named affective/subjective group-think outcomes to be achieved in the normal classroom.

These behavior modification techniques are extreme measures that induce artificial stress and depression on normal children who are being forced to change their behavior to the government’s desired collectivist standards. To achieve a subjective psychological outcome, psychological techniques must be implemented for behavioral change. When a standard states that your child should have “grit”, do parents know and understand the impact of what is measured and scored? A gang member has “grit”, but not the behavior most parents feel as acceptable. The question arises: can the U.S. Department of Education and the ESSA legislation LEGALLY implement behavior modification programs on unsuspecting children, especially when parents are in the dark about these radical techniques to change the attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions of their children? What happened to academics? The goal is to mold our American children into something less than American.

Goldman Sachs “Golden Sacks”

Mandated Common Core non-academic standards (Title I) and direct student services (IDEA) are used as a template for achieving these goals. Pay for Success equates SUCCESS, where Goldman Sachs has a return on their investment money, when districts DENY special education services to students who should be receiving them. Parents are able to request an IEP Evaluation, but many are NOT apprised of the RTI process. Under Title I, Part D (ii) Pay For Success initiatives, keeping special education students under 1% is incentivized by NOT reporting truly special education children into the IEP process until much later.

Recently, parents sued their school district which denied their child Special Education services until their child went through RTI process and did not include the parents in these evaluations.

Parents of Special Education children should read the following carefully and in its entirety:

“The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that a school district’s failure to provide educational testing data to parents violated the procedural requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Additionally, this failure deprived parents of the opportunity to meaningfully participate in the formation of their child’s individualized education program (IEP).

The parents subsequently brought suit alleging, among other things, that the district’s failure to provide the student’s RTI data constituted a procedural violation of the IDEA, and prevented them from fully participating in the IEP process. The court agreed, finding the district violated the IDEA by failing to ensure the RTI testing data was properly documented, presented to the parents, and carefully considered by the entire IEP team. The court held that the district violated the “procedural safeguards of the IDEA by not providing parents with an opportunity to examine all records relating to C.M [the student].” (Source)

The Utah pilot program boasts, “evidence has shown reduces by 95 percent the need for special education among the low-income students who would otherwise likely be placed in special education programs.” However, the evaluation of the program has been challenged to investigate the impact on vulnerable individuals and the double payment from IDEA funds and investment dollars paid for by the public. How children were measured as needing support and how the children were selected for the ‘Pay For Success’ program is also a major aspect of the challenges to the way this program operates.

There are no procedural safeguards in the RTI process. Parents are NOT given their rights under this process. Parents must demand an investigation. Stop using our children for research. Abide by the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment to stop the psychological child abuse in the classroom.

The Legal Challenge:

A legal challenge to ESSA must be brought forward stating that it denies parents of truly Special Education children to be involved in their child’s evaluations from the beginning when using the following psychological techniques prior to an IEP evaluation: Response To Intervention, RTI; Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports,PBIS; Student Assistance Programs, SAP; Specialized Student Instructional Support, SSIS; Multi-Tiered System of Supports, MTSS; Schoolwide Tiered System of Supports,SWTSS, Early Intervening Services, EIS; Universal Design for Learning, UDI; or other psychological techniques.

A legal challenge must be brought forward by parents stating that normal children in the classroom are receiving Special Education Behavior Modification programs when their children are NOT Special Education students. Parents have NOT been informed of the RTI, PBIS, MTSS, SWTSS, EIS, SISS, UDL, or other mental health psychological programs and interventions performed on their normal children. There is NO disclosure of what the vague non-academic standards are, how they are measured, or the risks involved in changing the attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions of their children.

There is NO disclosure of the risk or liability and damage imposed by teachers who are non-certified professional personnel implementing these psychological programs. The school that has trained the teachers in “fidelity”, as “research” to implement these psychological programs EXACTLY as they have been developed, may also have liability issues concerning teachers acting as therapists. [See AIR Intensive Interventions]

A legal challenge must be brought forward against Goldman Sachs for receiving kickbacks for children not referred to Special Education when, in fact, Special Education funds have been used prior to those children being evaluated for the Pay For Success program. In effect, Goldman Sachs is paid TO BE SURE ALL KIDS meet Common Core psychological goals.

Ted and Heidi Cruz are certainly on that list of establishment insiders. It is blatantly clear that Ted Cruz’s “performance” in suspending his campaign was a total lie after a total shut down in Indiana. Exactly what we would expect from an establishment insider.

Clean house? We must!

Mr. Trump, Save our Children!

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Proof: Ted Cruz’s promise to do away with common core is a total lie

How Can Donald Trump Crush Ted Cruz In Wisconsin?

Senator Cruz’s EDUCATION Bill S 306 expands Common Core to private, religious, and homeschools.

Ted’s promise to do away with Common Core is a LIE!

We already know about Common Core and the terrible impact it is making on America. It has been said that this generation of students will not surpass their parents in wealth and stability. “In this country, the expectation is that every generation does better than the previous generation,” said Caroline Ratcliffe, an author of the Urban Institute study. “This is no longer the case. This generation might have less.” The authors said the situation facing young Americans might be unprecedented. (Source:)

What will be the future of the next generation and how does education fit into this perception of our American youth?

Ted Cruz is NOT the person who will protect our children, our teachers, and our schools from Common Core. HE HAS LIED ABOUT ABOLISHING THE DEPARTMENT OF ED. HE HAS LIED ABOUT DOING AWAY WITH COMMON CORE.

Ted Cruz claims he will do away with Common Core. But he supports an amendment to the federal education legislation, ESSA, which forces Common Core on ALL private, religious and homeschools. Understanding the background of Common Core gives you the documentation needed to prove Senator Ted Cruz is a complete globalist and how his agenda will tear the Republic apart. (See my two previous articles “Senator Cruz Kills the American Dream,” and also see this)

Is Donald Trump the only candidate who can erase the damage of Common Core instituted by establishment Republicans and Democrats? Yes! Here is why…


Senator Ted Cruz did NOT VOTE in December for the final passage of the federal education bill ESSA, The Every Student Succeeds Act. He could have voted no, but he didn’t vote when this piece of federal legislation solidified Common Core in every state. This contradicts that he wants to get rid of Common Core — because in the end he did nothing to prevent it from happening.

I also did not hear Senator Cruz debate the parts in the legislation that removed states’ rights. As a “Constitutional” Attorney Senator Cruz did not say ONE WORD about the loss of 10th Amendment State Sovereignty Rights. The ESSA law removes and dissolves legislative states rights through this federal education legislation. The legislation requires that when a state puts the ESSA federal legislation into their budget, state legislatures must completely abide by the federal Common Core mandates. This creates a constitutional crisis. Senator Cruz did NOT mention this vital section in the bill. Not once.

Senator Cruz’s proposed S 306 which he sponsored with Senator Mike Lee (UT-R), forces Common Core onto ALL private and religious schools through federal CHOICE. Senator Cruz’s proposed bill is an amendment to ESSA. Cruz’s S 306 uses federal money (TITLE I PORTABILITY) and attaches this federal money to the student which “follows the child” into any private or religious school. The vehicle for this money to travel to another school is an education savings account, ESA. These children are Title I federal identified children, and their federal money and your local tax money is combined in a voucher which has Common Core and Common Core interventions branded all over the funding. Private and religious schools will only be government schools when they are forced to accept this voucher that identified this Common Core federal child. The Civil Rights issue that Senator Cruz explains on his website is actually the lawsuits that will be filed against private and religious schools to be forced to succumb to the federal Common Core mandates and accept this Title I federal child. Private schools and religious schools beware. Cruz’s CHOICE is a trap!

To make matters worse, Senator CRUZ’s S 306, redefines homeschool as a private school, thus snaring homeschoolers into Common Core. They will open an ESA to put their Title I portability federal money in this financial vehicle, just like the public, private, and religious schools. Senator Cruz is no friend to homeschools with federal “CHOICE”. Homeschoolers, beware!

So, Senator Cruz who says he will do away with Common Core, actually puts COMMON CORE in place for ALL CHILDREN IN EVERY SCHOOL with federal Title I money. This is the same plan as Obama’s Equity plan. Senator Ted Cruz manipulates parents’ consciences by telling them they can escape Common Core by using federal so-called “CHOICE” funds. This is the CHOICE TRAP where he actually takes a parent’s true freedom of CHOICE away. Senator Cruz has said a lot of things he will supposedly do. But doing away with Common Core is NOT going to happen with Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306.

Senator Cruz has also said he will abolish the U.S. Department of Education. In reality, abolishing the U.S. Department of Education will make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE IN COMMON CORE. Why? Because the federal legislation, ESSA, is forcing Common Core on every child, every school, every teacher, and every principal in the United States, not the U.S. Department of Education.

Under the ESSA the state departments of education — not the elected representatives in your state’s legislature — have been given the power to implement Common Core in the federal legislation ESSA. This is the power that was originally given to the state departments of education in every state when implementing the Flexibility Waivers under the Obama/Duncan plan. (Remember the state sovereignty section of ESSA THAT REMOVES STATES RIGHTS.) State legislatures have been stripped of power, which means that citizens have no recourse through representative government. Worse, it means that your locally elected school boards have no local control. The state legislatures have been neutered into non-action. Locally elected boards have their hands tied, plus they will have to divvy out local tax money to children going to private and religious schools. So Sen. Ted Cruz idealized a plan that will actually break the bank of the local neighborhood school. Traditional public schools will eventually be forced to close, with the exodus of students selecting other schools. Take note: this is not true freedom of choice. Charter, private, religious, and homeschools will be forced to teach Common Core. There is no escape!

Also note: The U.S Department of Education will be taking a backseat to Health and Human Services, HHS. This is because HHS will have more power over schools under health and mental health through Obamacare. Promise Neighborhoods, initially funded by ObamaCare, are funded to turn your neighborhood school into school-based clinics. Federal health and mental health goals for your children coincide with Common Core subjective/non-academic standards. Essentially, schools become part of a “medical model.”

Background Documentation: Why is Common Core Bad for America?

The Republican Senate and the Republican House of Representatives sold out parents and teachers and gave President Obama his wish this past December when Congress nationalized Common Core across this great country by passing the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA. This bill nationalized schoolchildren’s curriculum, putting it under federal control, thus further continuing the dumbing down process of our children. Common Core has been accepted by 45+ states and the other 5 states have aligned their standards to Common Core tests, which means all 50 states are implementing Common Core.

ESSA is now the law of the land. Shockingly, no one debated the real issues. Scandalously, no one knew what was in the bill because Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI), rammed the legislation through without debate. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) did the same in the Senate. We now have a monster bill, just as big as ObamaCare, with regulations that are being written as we speak. The establishment Republicans have BETRAYED America. And so, the terrible trend continues, “We have to pass a bill to see what’s it in,” a quote from the establishment Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

There are many illegal and strangling mandates for local public schools, their teachers, and our children with the heavy yoke of Common Core around their necks. States first grabbed Recovery dollars in exchange for Standards. This was Obama’s baby to nationalize education. Common Core standards were benchmarked and researched by ACT, American College Testing. The format for these standards were developed by the Department of Labor in the SCANS REPORT, Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills,1992. ACT benchmarked Common Core which were then copyrighted, not by the federal government, but by the National Governors Association and each state secretary of education officers’ club, called the Chief State School Officers, CCSSO.

States took the plunge to get the money and signed a contract (memorandum) saying they will use Common Core and not change 85% of the standards. When you hear of Governors doing away with Common Core, don’t believe it. They merely changed the name or changed the 15% allowable under the contract… not the standards.

The Common Core process was stoked again with the illegal Obama/Duncan ESEA Flexibility Waivers which waived No Child Left Behind federal law and began the full court Common Core process. Punishment became the flavor of the day. Over-testing was thrust down the throats of our kids. Common Core evaluations punished the students, punished the teachers, punished the schools, and punished the principals when students could not attain Common Core standards. Traditional teachers were fired. The Common Core motto is… wrestle away local control, force the teachers to teach Common Core, and evaluate the kids, not on their potential, but on how they will meet federal Common Core dumbed-down standards.

State departments of education identified hundreds of schools for state takeover and called them turnaround schools, thereby forcing Common Core on each and every one. Governors were part of this takeover plan, including Kasich, Walker, Bush, Synder and Jindal. And then the Republicans in the House and Senate made the flexibility waivers law with ESSA which passed in December. In fact, former Governor Jeb Bush and Governor John Kasich are each called Mr. Common Core in their respective states of Florida and Ohio. Notably Governor Scott Walker totally supports Common Core and this is why he recently endorsed Ted Cruz for president.

Academics cannot be found anywhere. Math is taught by breaking apart easily calculated math questions into a nightmare of processes that do not make sense. (See examples.) Traditional subjects are limited to “functional literacy.” History has been revised to implicate the United States as wrong, ruthless, racist, and fumbling… not the shining light on the hill. Common Core Advanced Placement in US History even got the Second Amendment WRONG stating, “The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.” [Emphasis added] It is no wonder the future of our country is in serious trouble!

Common Core’s Push for Psychobabble.

There are many specific teaching techniques mandated by federal law with INTERVENTIONS carried out by IDEA, Special Education funding, that put our children in danger. These psychological and conditioning techniques named in the legislation force teachers to pose as therapists and implement mental health interventions on normal children. These techniques are normally applied to children who are physically or mentally handicapped, and they should not be implemented to every child in the classroom. But the mandated techniques that were validated for helping autistic children function in the world are being used on every child in the classroom. This is called Applied Behavior Analysis. This psychological technique goes by several alias names to make them palatable to parents: grit; positive behavior intervention and supports; response to interventions; multi-tiered system of supports; school-wide tiered system of supports; and early intervening services.

These deceptive names suggest harmless teaching. In fact, they are rigorous behavior changing techniques that can cause serious harm, trauma, depression, and anxiety in normal children. Yet they remain in the legislation and are carried out daily in the classrooms of America. Many parents question why their active children have become sullen, stressed, and depressed. Common Core is purposely administered to change the attitudes, values, and dispositions of our American children. So the unfortunate result on children is the induced stress caused by Common Core.

Many parents are oblivious to these techniques and have either signed compacts or agreed to have their children assessed for problems based on subjective and invasive assessments and observations. The government wants to be partners because they do not want parents to have the ultimate authority over their own children. Partnerships are defined as equal ownership. Assessment is defined as the valuation of property — your children’s worth to the economy.

“Parent Engagement” is a term used to con parents into agreeing with the school that their child is in trouble. Little do parents realize that “trouble” means your child is not meeting Common Core subjective behavioral requirements. Little do parents realize their child is being taught collectivist indoctrination via B.F. Skinner’s reward and punishment and conditioning techniques. This method is used to squelch any remaining individuality that your may child exhibit. It’s all about the group. Your children are in danger. (Source:)

[NOTE: Wisconsin has been a model state (including Ohio, New York, Maine, West Virginia, and Kentucky) in the experimental Innovation Lab Network that used students to research and document experimental Common Core non-academic psychological processes. (Source:)]

Which brings us to the Presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz, and his position on federal CHOICE and the Constitutional issues in the federal legislation ESSA that he did NOT fight for.

This is Ted Cruz’s federal “CHOICE.” But that was his global plan all along. Nationalizing/federalizing education, holding hands with President Obama all the while he is smiling. Ted Cruz is lying about the impact of FEDERAL CHOICE and abolishing the Department of Education. Obama’s plan is idealized.

Other points in ESSA conveniently not mentioned by Cruz:






And then along comes Romney.

These psych techniques and interventions (explained above) are funded and carried out by IDEA, which are Special Education funds. It is most interesting that former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who embarrassed himself last month for his scathing remarks about Mr Trump, had the exact same education plan that had been resurrected in the Ted Cruz proposed Choice Plan. S 306 is the plan to totally control all children in every school in the United States by using Title I and IDEA for federal school CHOICE.

And it is the same exact plan in the Obama/Duncan Flexibility Waiver Plan. (See Senator Cruz’s federal CHOICE in S 306 explained above.)

Perhaps this is why Mitt decided to challenge ‘The Donald’ — because he likes the Cruz Plan, which explains why he is part of the establishment’s global agenda. Senator Cruz and Mitt have a lot in common, you know? Common Core. Go home, Mitt. (Source:)

Our kids are not a commodity. Senator Cruz has not been vigilant to protect our children nor help parents across this nation. He has not supported our teachers or our public schools. His only answer to education is to allow kids to get money from the federal government to go to another school, which is HIS federal “CHOICE”, WHICH IS COMMON CORE FOR ALL. When he states he will get rid of Common Core, his Title I and IDEA money straps Common Core to the backs of those kids in his proposed S 306 legislation. He is betraying private schools, religious schools, and homeschools by forcing Common Core down their throats. He is killing the American Dream.

His silence is deafening on many of the Constitutional issues within the ESSA federal legislation. Senator Cruz is helping the greedy corporations. His plan will cause the collapse of the traditional school system that has produced the most creative, most educated, and most prosperous people in the entire world.

Senator Cruz IS an establishment insider.

We support Donald Trump to do the job that Cruz didn’t do. Cruz did not have the guts to stand up to the establishment and their goals, because he is one of them.

Do Not TrusTed with your children.

© 2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

How Ted Cruz is sneaking common core on homeschoolers

Why Parents Should Question Senator Ted Cruz’s S 306 and Title I Portability-Education Choice.

Michael Farris of Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) supports presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz’s co-sponsored S 306. On February 5, 2016, Mr. Farris posted on Facebook his dismay that someone (me) would oppose Sen. Ted Cruz’s legislation.

Although I have written many articles about Title I portability, none explain the issues as well as my previous article about Senator Cruz’s S 306 and the future of education in the United States if Title I portability is passed. It is titled TED CRUZ’S FEDERAL EDUCATION “CHOICE” KILLS THE AMERICAN DREAM.

Here are the opening paragraphs of Mike Farris’s response to my article:

There are several points of history to mention before proceeding:

First, parents across this country, especially homeschool parents, should realize that this is not the first time HSLDA may be on the wrong side of the Constitution. In Mr. Farris’s statement he implies that he thinks his claim to fame is most important and berates the not-so-important parents or researchers that have dared to challenge Sen. Ted Cruz and HSLDA.

Second, this is not the first time that Parents vs. Mr. Farris of HSLDA have fought in a parental rights battle. In 1995 legislation was written by Michael Farris, HSLDA, called the Parental Rights and Responsibilities Act, PRRA. In that battle Mr. Farris lost and the Parents won. Why? Because a truly grassroots effort was made by informed homeschool parents across this nation that stopped his bad bill dead in its tracks. But perhaps Mr. Farris forgets this episode when he tries to schmooze through another piece of bad legislation that put parents in danger.

It quickly became evident that we “mom researchers” did know how to read legislation. We still have the original 1995 letters from Professor Charles Rice, Notre Dame, a Constitutional Attorney, who was contacted to verify our research. He confirmed and substantiated our concerns. Quoting Dr. Rice in a letter to Mr. Farris, February 5, 1996, “In my opinion the PRRA is an imprudent and dangerous bill.”

After several altered states of the legislation, the bill was withdrawn by Mr. Farris. We research moms, with the help of Dr. Rice, shot down the PRRA which would have severely adversely impacted parental rights in the United States. That entire episode was highlighted by the research team of Weatherly, Hoge, and Sutton who fought for parents’ rights and won the respect of the entire country for fighting against establishment lawyers who thought more about their institutions than protecting children.

Third, it is a well-known fact that whenever Mr. Farris experiences opposition from within the ranks of citizens (especially moms) exercising their constitutional right to study his proposed laws, that he customarily disparages them as “that handful of radical few.” Hence it is not a surprise to find that Farris resorted to this same tactic of belittling my opposition to S 306. He wrote disparagingly on Facebook: “Why would anyone listen to ‘researchers’ who have never written laws, never argued cases and have no record other than the creation of conspiracy theories?”

In in my article I raised serious questions about the far-reaching ramifications of Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 which Mr. Farris supports. I wrote that this bill is an imprudent and dangerous bill. Mr. Farris responded to my article by making this brief analysis on Facebook:

“The law in question allows homeschoolers participate in savings accounts that have tax benefits. There are no government funds. There is no regulation of homeschooling. Just fair treatment for homeschoolers who want to save taxes on educational savings.” (Emphasis added.)

Let’s analyze Mr. Farris’s four brief comments on S 306:

1. The first statement made by Mr. Farris is true. Homeschools will be able to participate in an ESA with government tax credits. Interestingly, Mr. Farris does not mention that homeschools are redefined in this process as a private school. Convenient for Mr. Farris, but somewhat distorted. What he doesn’t say is that under Title I portability which is offered to all public, charter, private and religious schools, all children must open an ESA to deposit equitable government funding designed to “follow the child” in this federal so-called “choice” system when enacted.

2. His second statement states there are no government funds. Easily said, but untrue. This is the second piece of the Cruz/Farris agenda that is distorted. If Mr. Farris had read the new Reauthorization of ESEA called, Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, or President Obama’s Equity Plan, he may have changed his mind. S 306 enhances ESSA with federal public school choice under Title I portability which changes schools forever.

The Obama equity agenda intends to change how all schools are financed using civil rights as a catalyst to determine a “per pupil expenditure” for ALL children to receive the same exact funds no matter which school that student chooses to attend. This is federal choice. This is exactly what Senator Ted Cruz states,

“And in my view, the most compelling civil rights issue of the 21st century is the need to expand school choice and educational options so that EVERY child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has a fair opportunity to receive an excellent education.” (Emphasis added.) (Source)

“The rich and middle class have had school choice from the beginning of time,” said Sen. Cruz. “This fight is about ensuring that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has the same opportunity to choose the school that best fits their needs and will help them achieve their very best…” January 29, 2015, Senator Cruz’s website.

The Obama/Cruz solution is that money will be funded directly to EVERY child, not schools. An “excellent education” is masked by Common Core, which are the state standards accepted by 45 states. But no one is explaining how this is going to work. It’s time for citizens and parents to dig into ESSA and S 306 and figure how they connect to one another.

This mantra of “equity” espouses that no matter which zip code you live in every child will have the same opportunity to choose (“choice”) where they go to school. Portability is for EVERY CHILD, not just poor children. This raises a serious question about what impact the Obama/Cruz agenda will have on local communities, taxing authorities, property evaluations, and elected school board members – and what damage it will do to our constitutional representative form of government. With the push for equity, or sameness, comes the idea of ‘spreading the wealth around’. This will change the reason why you purchase a house in a particular zip code. Title I portability will mean the destruction of your neighborhood.

No one said it much clearer than federal Education Secretary Duncan who slammed white suburban soccer Moms who were against Common Core when he stated,

“It’s fascinating to me that some of the pushback [on Common Core] is coming from, sort of, white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were, and that’s pretty scary,” Duncan said. “You’ve bet your house and where you live and everything on, ‘My child’s going to be prepared.’ That can be a punch in the gut.” (Source)

Where you live (zip code) and and why you moved to that neighborhood (better schools) won’t matter anymore.

Most parents do not understand that former Secretary Duncan and President Obama use Common Core to re-define success. Common Core is NOT teaching academics, that’s one “punch in the gut.” The Common Core blanket is thrown over ALL schools to teach the same dumbed-down academic pipeline services and curriculum. That’s another “punch in the gut.” If your child has been targeted for interventions, or has failed a Common Core test, in many cases it’s not because of academics or how smart they are, it’s because of the dumbed-down Common Core psychobabble. That’s another “punch in the gut.” Wealthy school districts and white suburbia are targets for change under President Obama’s equity and race-based revitalization plan. (Source) That’s another “punch in the gut.” But, Title I portability moves your tax money around, that’s the ugliest “punch in the ‘representative government’ gut.”

How schools will be refinanced is to ensure that all schools are the same, i.e., “per pupil expenditures” which is a major portion of the ESSA legislation. ESSA refers to this as “public school choice.” (Source: ESSA, ‘(D) PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE; PAGE 92) The word that must be remembered here is PUBLIC.

Common Core opposition warriors know the power shift in academia. Common Core standards were moved away from the teacher in the classroom to an outside locus of NO LOCAL CONTROL. Common Core standards “follow the child” and are the same in every state. Common Core opponents also know that the National Center for Education Statistics, NCES/IES, set up a state longitudinal data system that monitors, collects, and allows datamining on individual children, with a unique national ID and a dossier that “follows the child.” Common Core data elements have the digital sameness in every state resembling a nationalized curriculum aligned to the accountable Common Core.

But what’s missing? Equitable funding! The money must “follow the child.” Which money has been targeted for traveling with the child? Title I portability. It’s the sameness that follows that same pattern. But the impact of equitable funding will blow up your neighborhood school and deflate your property values. Sen. Ted Cruz devises Title I portability to be those equitable funds in S 306. In other words Common Core is Title I and Senator Cruz wants to give those Title I funds to everyone. That’s his Common Core “punch in the gut.”

In this instance, parents must have a government vehicle to deposit that public money. ALL schoolwide, identified Title I CHILDREN enrolled in any public, charter, private school, religious school, and homeschool will be able to open an ESA in which federal, state, and local funds can be deposited. That bag of cash gets bigger and bigger as ESSA allows all federal monies to be accrued in the Title I bag. (Source: ESSA: Page 290; Eligible Federal Funds for equitable distributions of state and local taxes) ESSA names 50 pilot schools to go to bat for sameness, which in three years, all schools can switch to a per pupil expenditure. (Source: pages 278-279; ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act states,”create a single school funding system based on weighted per-pupil allocations for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged students.”)

Other pilots worth watching are Nevada and Arizona, as well as, the DC Scholarship program where parents open a GOVERNMENT ESA to deposit accumulating funds that would normally be used to fund public schools. This is your hard-earned tax dollars. (Source: Read Sen.Ted Cruz sponsors Education Freedom Accountability Act Jan. 21, 2016)

So, yes, Mr. Farris, homeschools will be able to open an ESA, along with every other child in the U.S., to cover their “choice” of school, services, and interventions… But public school choice means government money in ESSA and S 306.

3. In his third statement, Mr. Farris states there will be no regulation. He must be kidding. Not true. A link in S 306 takes you directly to ESEA Title I Common Core state mandated standards, tests, and interventions for public, private, and religious schools. (Let me remind you that it is presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz who redefines a homeschool as a private school to open an ESA to receive a government tax credit from the IRS.) When Sen. Ted Cruz states that he will do away with Common Core, he turns around and uses S 306 and Title I to drench all children in Common Core garbage.

ESSA federal Title I money will be heavily regulated by the IES, Institute for Educational Sciences, virtually an acting national school board, that identifies children as At-Risk of failing Common Core in Title I evaluations. “Direct student services” carried out by IDEA, Special Education combined funds also deposited in the ESA, are defined throughout ESSA legislation specifically stating the psychological interventions that MUST be used for students to meet affective domain/non-academic standards. All students are identified as failing if they are not “proficient” on tests aligned to Common Core. How else would the federal government’s IES monitor and account for their financial investment? All schools are a target for compliance. But private, religious, and homeschools will have an ombudsman to oversee compliance, charter, and accreditation with regulations and “qualified” expenses. (Source: Page 185-186 ESSA, Participation of Private School Children shall be provided services on an equitable basis; Page 833 Participation of Private School Children, (B) OMBUDSMAN.—To help ensure equitable services are provided to private school children, teachers, and other educational per- sonnel under this section,)

4. Is this fair treatment for all homeschoolers as Mr. Farris states? I’m not sure you want to call this agenda fair, but it is definitely equitable. Every child will be taught the same, funded the same and monitored to the same set of standards… Common Core.

In Mr. Farris’s closing statement he says,

Why would anyone listen to “researchers” who have never written laws, never argued cases and have no record other than the creation of conspiracy theories?

I have not endorsed Cruz but these attacks are wildly irresponsible.

Our research team has slowed down federal education overreach many, many times. We continue to fight to preserve the right of parents to raise up their children in the manner that they wish. We stand on the principles of Pierce vs. Society of Sisters: Children are not mere creatures of the state.

To this end, a letter dated November 13, 2015 to Senator Cruz from HSLDA stated, HSLDA is neutral to the federal legislation, ESSA. How sad that a bunch of lawyers cannot see the forest for the trees. You can probably say that these guys are “wildly irresponsible.”

Who CAN you trust? Can anyone “Trust” Ted?

Note: William Estrada, HSLDA, and Cruz have joined up in a Cruz Homeschool Coalition. That’s pretty close to HSLDA endorsing Sen. Ted Cruz for President with HSLDA’s homeschool following. See: [Link], [Link]

A Final Note: President Obama and former Secretary Duncan removed Title I poverty levels in schools which were lowered to “0” % by “waiving” the No Child Left Behind federal law. A Schoolwide net covers all schools whether they are wealthy or not, so ALL children would become Common Core disadvantaged. ESSA codifies the Schoolwide agenda. S 306 Title I portability funds will be used for ALL Schoolwide Title I children. See:

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Cruz’s unethical profiling of Americans

Quit psychoanalyzing your supporters according to atheistic Freudian principles of neuroticism and fear.

Headline news in The Guardian, UK, looks somewhat different than in the United States concerning Sen. Ted Cruz and his electioneering. Has “Trust” Ted created a fake PhD psychologist post-nominal title behind his lawyerly Harvard initials?

“Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users Exclusive: Documents reveal donor-funded US startup embedded in Republican’s campaign paid UK university academics to collect psychological profiles on potential voters.” [Source]

Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is using psychological data based on research spanning tens of millions of Facebook users, harvested largely without their permission, to boost his surging White House run and gain an edge over Donald Trump and other Republican rivals, the Guardian revealed.

A little-known data company, now embedded within Cruz’s campaign and indirectly financed by his primary billionaire benefactor, paid researchers at Cambridge University to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey.

As part of an aggressive new voter-targeting operation, Cambridge Analytica – financially supported by reclusive hedge fund magnate and leading Republican donor Robert Mercer – is now using so-called “psychographic profiles” of US citizens in order to help win Cruz votes, despite earlier concerns and red flags from potential survey-takers. (Ibid)

While Ted and company (Cambridge Analytica) celebrate his Iowa victory because of data-mining, attributed to his “Big Data” by the news media, others are not as ecstatic as the Cruz Crew. In fact, many people are wondering why this creepy psychographic collection of personality profiling on American citizens would have any Cruz supporter cheering.

There are two facets of Ted’s data collection endeavors. First, Ted started with harvesting a base of voters using questionable privacy-invading activities. This was done by collecting personal data that he scraped off of Facebook and/or other personal and social data sources. And, second, realize that Ted is building his own sophisticated psychological model beyond those questionable sources, based on each individual user’s personalities, but without their knowledge or consent.

Virtually Cruz has set up door-to-door psychotherapy, coffee shop couches, email diagnoses, and psycho phone sessions. Here is how it works. Someone sharing a conversation with you at a coffee shop, or a phone solicitor, or a knock by a pollster at your front door, will diagnose and SCORE your “mental condition” surreptitiously, without your knowledge. So, without a person knowing your background or what you think, and without your permission, a digital psychographic profile is created on you. Meanwhile, back at the ranch the data-mining from other data sources is collected about you – e.g., are you a soccer mom? a working dad? what did you purchase last month? and do you own a gun? Add in your demographics and purchasing habits, including census data, and you begin to realize the full scope of 50,000 separate data points. Big Data is adding up your life and forming a Big Picture ABOUT you.

But, have you seen your profile? Is this really YOU? Someone is assuming what you’re thinking. But, WOW! Someone has also put a number and a score on your personality – and then continually micro-targets your perceived weaknesses or strengths with ads, focus groups, radio, and a ca-zillion email blasts daily, not to mention social media. Plus, you have to ask: where is all this Big Personal Data about ME going?

Cruz tells voters exactly what they want to hear, blurring the lines of truth into outright lies.

This is the manipulation of wholesome America. Citizens are being drugged with Cruzalizing diatribes. Meanwhile in your backyard he has been rubbish gathering and snooping, and then busily painting each person separately into a micro-whitewash of psychological profiling.

An article appeared in Bloomberg Politics, November 12, 2015 entitled, “Cruz-Connected Data Miner Aims to Get Inside U.S. Voters’ Heads,” by Sasha Issenberg, who traveled to the UK to investigate this futuristic phenomenon of Ted’s psychographic data mining. Issenberg even said, “The firm [Cambridge Analytica] promised to tell me things I might not even know about myself.” [Source]

Cambridge Analytica brags that they can predict your future behavior of voters by analyzing 5 big personality traits they called OCEAN. They have devised a plotted description attached to a numerical assessment that targets individual voters, based on a “psychographic score” of your presumed personality traits.

Here is what the not-so-complimentary acronym, OCEAN, stands for:


‘The Cruz campaign modified the Cambridge template, renaming some psychological categories and adding subcategories to the list, such as “stoic traditionalist” and “true believer.” The campaign then did its own field surveys in battleground states to develop a more precise predictive model based on issues preferences.

‘The Cruz algorithm was then applied to what the campaign calls an “enhanced voter file,” which can contain as many as 50,000 data points gathered from voting records, popular websites and consumer information such as magazine subscriptions, car ownership and preferences for food and clothing.’

‘An email will be tweaked based on the personality of the recipient. If a respondent were a “stoic traditionalist,” the conversation would be very direct and to the point. If a potential supporter was labeled “temperamental,” the language and approach would change, according to Chris Wilson, the campaign’s director of research and analytics, who has taken a leave from the polling firm he leads, WPA Opinion Research. “The tone would be inspiring and become more and more positive as the conversation progresses,” he said.’

‘Cruz has largely built his program out of his Houston headquarters, where a team of statisticians and behavioral psychologists who subscribe to the burgeoning practice of “psychographic targeting” built their own version of a Myers-Briggs personality test. The test data is supplemented by recent issue surveys, and together they are used to categorize supporters, who then receive specially tailored messages, phone calls and visits. Micro-targeting of voters has been around for well over a decade, but the Cruz operation has deepened the intensity of the effort and the use of psychological data. The personality and political scores applied by the campaign are used to tightly tailor outreach to individuals. For example, personalities that have received high scores for “neuroticism” are believed to be generally fearful, so a pro-gun pitch to them would emphasize the use of firearms for personal safety and might include a picture of a burglar breaking into a home.’ [Source]

Christians especially and all other American citizens should be fuming. So, let’s get this straight. If you are a conservative and are fearful about the direction of this country, you are “neurotic.” If you are a gun owner, you are “neurotic.” If you fear immigration, you are “neurotic.” Are you confident in your beliefs? Are your fundamental personality traits characterized by anxiety, fear, moodiness, worry, envy, frustration, jealousy, or loneliness? You are “neurotic.”

“Cruz had a London-based firm on call to tell him which Iowans were introverted and which were neurotic.” [Source]

Demographics are one thing, but are we to assume that the Cruz psych team can do all this legally? Can these amateurs actually analyze our subconscious mind and stuff it into a computer – where it can travel far and wide?

Where does this junk science come from? You got it. Straight from Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, and Carl Jung, the psychotherapy mental psychosis junkies. In Freud’s, The Future of an Illusion, he described believing in God as a collective neurosis: he called it “longing for a father.” Neurosis was a popular term coined by Freud and used by other psychoanalysts. Freud thought if a person believed in a supernatural God, they were neurotic.

So here we have an evangelical Christian politician utilizing atheistic/humanistic theories of psychological fear and feelings, which are being unethically collected and diagnosed by whomever. And upon this faulty foundation he is sorting through personal information about your unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behavior, in order to identify your personality – and especially your motivation so he can get your votes – all of which will be stored into some deep, dark databank. Is this for real? Are you feeling uncomfortable yet?

It gets worse. It turns out to be not just any old databank, but the RNC’s. This is because the RNC made Republican voter file databanks available to Republican candidates, with a promise in return. You guessed it… the candidate must give it all back, plus what they may have covered up. The list-sharing agreement reveals a new level of cooperation between the GOP and any Republican running for President, something which they believe could be highly beneficial to all sides.

For any candidate who signs an agreement with the RNC, that candidate will have access to a database containing a trove of information on more than 200 million Americans, which can be used to power a get-out-the-vote effort. And for the RNC, it means that any information a candidate collects from his supporters, many of whom may not even be traditional Republicans, will be fed back into the database for future use by the party and its candidates. [Source]

Now, here’s a little background about Ted’s psych business partner, a Brit named Alexander Nix, Cambridge Analytica CEO, who worked on “psychological warfare” as an international specialist in military disinformation campaigns prior to joining SLC, the parent UK company of Cambridge Analytica. Nix brought his mind-bending business to America.

“Your behavior is driven by your personality and actually the more you can understand about people’s personality as psychological drivers, the more you can actually start to really tap in to why and how they make their decisions,” says Cambridge CEO Alexander Nix. “We call this behavioral microtargeting and this is really our secret sauce, if you like. This is what we’re bringing to America.” (Emphasis added.)

“After the 2012 election, Nix found an American marketplace far more receptive to his entreaties. The overseas work in conflict zones amounted to a promising calling card, a new comparative advantage over entrenched American political firms. “This is really trying to use psychology to understand why hostile audiences do what they do, and to use this methodology to deconstruct that behavior and then use communication to try and change attitudes and ultimately behavior,” Nix says. “Persuading somebody to vote in a certain way,” he goes on, “is really very similar to persuading 14- to 25-year-old boys in Indonesia to not join Al Qaeda.” [Source]

Read that last sentence again. Just wondering by now if this makes you feel all warm and fuzzy….

To make matters worse, Mercer, the hedge fund magnate and owner of Cambridge Analytica, is also Cruz’s main benefactor that bankrolled his Make The Promise I Super PAC. But there is a little quirk in that slippery slope. Last June, Keep the Promise I Super PAC (the same PAC bankrolled by Robert Mercer of Cambridge Analytica) gave Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina a half million bucks. So the big question here is why would Ted Cruz give an opponent running for the White House $500,000? [Source]

Yet another twist and turn in this data-mining story reveals that Carly knows how to crunch data, too. After 9/11, a report showed that Carly, as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, was hired by NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden to set up surveillance apparatus on Americans. The result was the world’s “most extensive” spy network, capable of intercepting every phone call, text message and email on each American. Hayden called Carly Fiorina and purchased spy equipment that would make the story of released security papers by Eric Snowden famous.

Carly worked with the CIA during the Bush administration, making recommendations for national security policy and developing a close working relationship with some of the most powerful officials in the administration. Hayden was named director of the Central Intelligence Agency by President Bush. He created an external advisory board, in which Fiorina was selected by Hayden to be chairman of the board. Carly knows how to crunch data. But did she share her secrets with Ted for a tip? We don’t know, but a fishy $500,000 comes to mind. [Source]

When Edward Snowden released and exposed the world-wide NSA data snooping interceptions, world leaders were alarmed. Americans were alarmed. It was found that NSA had a backdoor access, not only through Verizon, but to Microsoft and its Skype division; Google and its YouTube division; Yahoo; Facebook, AOL, Apple and PalTalk – a lesser known chat service owned by AVM Software. Then NSA had eavesdropped on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone, an act for which she demanded a full explanation. Germans are extremely nervous about past surveillance by secret police. Mrs. Merkel grew up in the former East Germany, where the Stasi spied on millions of citizens.

Americans have not yet faced the full adverse affects of their government spying on their every move, except for the unusual activity over Tea Party 501(c)(3) applications. But, has Ted Cruz changed all of this by taking the beginnings of NSA snoop files and adding to them his psychographic details on 220 million Americans, lined up in digitized files? If Ted would become President, he would surely have enough made-up personality files on Americans to do a much better snooping job than the Stasi. What should make you uneasy is that Ted is identifying all “neurotic” Christians and God fearing people, and placing them as a target in one big data pot. Think about it.

Americans are very passionate about their privacy. But now, behind your back psychographics?! I’m sure citizens will not like this new Ted Cruz “Minority Report” resembling the famous other Cruise movie about monitoring and predicting your future behavior.

Wouldn’t you like to see Ted’s OCEAN profile? Is he comfortable with lying? Does he cling to his guns? Does he fear losing the White House? Let’s ask the question, “Is Ted neurotic?”

Senator Ted Cruz, the flaming Christian politician, who doesn’t act like one, turns out to be just a politician with a bent toward unethical principles. Freud would be proud of him. So, what are you thinking?

How can anyone “Trust” Ted?!

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz, common core, homeschooling and his proposed s-306 bill

His Scary Federal Education “Choice” as a Civil Right, His Fake Repeal of Common Core, and His Phony Support of Homeschools Revealed.

Ted Cruz forces Common Core onto every private, religious, and homeschool in his proposed S 306 with Federal Choice (which is NO choice at all).

Explaining the Disastrous Impact of Ted Cruz’s S 306 and His Federal Choice.

• Common Core sets the stage for ALL children to be identified as “At-Risk” in public schools under Title I. This is now a given since the Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA, was passed in December. ESSA was a bill sponsored by two establishment Republicans, Sen. Lamar Alexander and Rep. Kline. A “schoolwide” Title I banner means that Common Core now covers the entire school, and every child will receive a blanket of supports, techniques, and interventions that will force every child into compliance to meet Common Core standards.

• Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 uses these Title I school-wide federal funds to identify and follow the child. S 306 expands “portable” funding to every child, which means they will take “public school choice” with them into any private or religious school. This means every child is “At-Risk or becoming At-Risk” of not meeting Common Core. This baggage then goes with the child into that private or religious school. This baggage includes psychological supports and interventions carried out by IDEA (Individual With Disabilitites Education Act), which is the Special Education behavioral conditioning for all students to meet Common Core non-academic standards.

• Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 Federal so-called “Choice” funds are “portable,” meaning a Title I child takes his/her funds with them to any school. The “portable” funds “follow the child.” This means that schools will no longer be funded as they have been in the past. Rather, children are funded. This eliminates zip codes as a destination for a better local school. “Equitable” funding means schools will “spread the Common Core wealth around” and that all schools must be the same.

• The “portable” funds following the child amount to a “micro-voucher” for every child. This is used as a backpack of funds which includes a per pupil expenditure so that every child receives an equal amount of money. An algorithm is designed by the Federal IES, Institute for Educational Science, to determine regional “equity.” Federal, state, and local funds combined are deposited into an education savings account, called an ESA, used for school tuition and Common Core services at any school or even online. The State decides what is qualified as Common Core and aligns all curriculum with Common Core. The State is the overseer of this federal financial assistance accountability. Thus “choice,” in essence, is no choice, just Common Core in any school for every child.

• Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 appears to eliminate the church/state controversy when the funds “follow the child.” The “portable” micro-vouchers are given to parents to use in any private and religious school that accept Title I children with their allotted micro-voucher in hand. Schools do not receive money from the government, but receive the money from parents. So it deceptively looks like parental freedom of “choice.” But it is not.

• Sen. Ted Cruz redefines a homeschool as a private school, thereby forcing homeschooled children to come under the federal Title I net which mandates Common Core. A homeschool can set up a micro-voucher ESA, education savings account, and collect the same federal, state, and local funds to use to teach their child/children Common Core. Or use an ESA in any public, charter, private, religious school, or online class which must align to Common Core.

• Sen. Ted Cruz eliminates the cap on ESA’s in order to accept ALL funds that mandate services AND support interventions to meet Common Core. These services and supports are used in order to make sure that every child’s personalized career pathway conforms to Common Core. The government micro-voucher, which becomes substantial by including ALL funds, are deposited into this Lifelong Learning ESA backpack. This wide array of funds is the carrot for parents to support what they think is Choice, but no one explains to parents that there is Common Core baggage attached to the funds. This personalized plan is NOT for your child to reach his/her potential, but only to acquire Common Core standards!

• Services, supports, and interventions are defined, funded and carried out under IDEA, special education. ALL children get the same Common Core poison including the controversial psychological/behavioral treatment. You see, Common Core measures and scores non-academic government-prescribed attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions. A student must meet these pre-determined psychological outcomes. Psych interventions are defined as: positive behavior intervention and supports, multi-tiered and school-wide tiered system of supports, response to intervention, early intervening supports, and universal design for learning. These are all mandated in federal legislation, the Republican establishment’s ESSA. Mental health psychological coding is a must for reimbursement of funding treatment.

• Sen. Ted Cruz changes 529 plans to accept all children from birth up to age 21, or the entire Common Core/Mental Health/Healthcare P-20 agenda. 529 plans are converted into Lifelong Learning micro-vouchers, deposited into ESA backpacks. Cruz’s Federal “Choice” will fund Common Core/Mental Health for ALL children. including free universal Pre-K, free federal “choice” in any elementary and secondary school, and 2 free years of community or vocational college. Lifelong Learning micro-voucher backpacks will extend the entire school life of a child until age 21. This mimics the same socialized education/healthcare proposal from President Obama’s State of the Union Address!

• THE DREADFUL IMPACT OF SEN. TED CRUZ’S CHOICE: Local taxes will no longer support your neighborhood local public school when “follow the child funding” is directed to multiple schools through so-called choice. What happens to your local public school where you have duly-elected representative school board members who are accountable to citizens in your district? This whole plan collapses the traditional public school and your elected school board. When your neighborhood public school goes financially bankrupt or Common Core bankrupt, your locally collected school taxes will be regionalized or redirected for a State takeover. Charter schools, that have no elected representative boards, were expanded in the federal education Reauthorization of ESEA (the ESSA) and replace “failing” public schools. State departments of education become more powerful. This is all playing into the false “abolishment of the US Department of Education” mantra which appeals to conservatives who don’t truly understand this insidious agenda.

• It gets worse. The entire Common Core/Mental Health agenda ties into ObamaCare for all children birth to age 21. All psychological services carried out by IDEA and rendered to children can be billed to Medicaid, where schools become providers for health and mental health services. Mental health codes follow every child, thus potentially adversely impacting your child’s future jobs, college, and licensing (including gun ownership).

• Under this plan ALL schools become chartered and accredited including private, religious, and homeschools, by the state charter authorizing agency which mandates Common Core accountability. Representative government is thereby dissolved. Your taxes no longer subsidize your local education. Education becomes nationalized, i.e. federalized. Parents are locked out. There is no choice.

• This is the SCARY “civil rights” Common Core agenda that Sen. Ted Cruz supports. He stated, “every child in America, regardless of race or ethnicity, wealth or zip code has the right to a quality education,” and his federal school choice amounts to federal control. This mandates the Common Core nightmare to every child in the United States.

Ted Cruz is an establishment insider.

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Ted Cruz’s federal education “choice” kills the American dream

WARNING: Senator Ted Cruz Uses the Words “CHOICE” and “CIVIL RIGHTS,” but Beware. By Dangling Title I Money to ALL Parents, Sen. Ted Cruz Accelerates Federal Control Over All Private, Religious, and Homeschools, and Blankets Common Core Equitably to ALL Schools in America With His Proposed Bill, S 306. [Source: Link]

On Oct. 26, 2015, The Blaze quoted Sen. Ted Cruz as saying, “School Choice Is Today’s ‘Civil Rights’ Issue.” But before you get excited about this, ask Sen. Ted Cruz what he means when he uses the term “choice.”

Quoting from Sen. Ted Cruz’s website:

Sen. Cruz Joins as Lead Cosponsor of Messer-Lee-Cruz Bill to Expand School Choice EVERY CHILD MUST HAVE HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY FOR A BETTER LIFE
January 29, 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today joined as lead cosponsor of the Enhancing Educational Opportunities for All Act, which was introduced by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Ut….

“The rich and middle class have had school choice from the beginning of time,” said Sen. Cruz. “This fight is about ensuring that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, or zip code has the same opportunity to choose the school that best fits their needs and will help them achieve their very best. I am proud to work with Sen. Lee and Congressman Messer on this legislation to give more and more kids hope and opportunity for a better life.”

The Enhancing Educational Opportunities for All Act would:

• Allow Title I funds to follow low-income students to any public or private school of their choice.

• Remove contribution limitations on Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, the lone tax break available to parents for K-12 expenses.

• Expand “529” Savings Accounts to cover K-12 elementary and secondary education expenses, giving families yet another option to pay for K-12 educational expenses. (Emp. Added.)

It is interesting to note that Sen. Ted Cruz forgot to say in his Press Release that he also changed the definition of private school to include homeschool. This is significant. This fight is all about protecting our children. [Mike Huckabee: Ted Cruz “Contantly Changes Positions”]

If I had not read the sponsors of this bill I would think this legislation came right out of President Obama’s Equity Plan called For Each and Every Child: A STRATEGY FOR EDUCATION EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE. (Source: Link)

Ask what “Equity” means. On page 17 of President Obama’s report it states:

The time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools. Achieving equity and excellence requires sufficient resources that are distributed based on student need, not zip code, and that are efficiently used.
Page 19:

Accordingly, this commission believes the time has come for bold action by the states—and the federal government—to redesign and reform the funding of our nation’s public schools. (Emp. Added.)

…and develops mechanisms that allow the federal government to MONITOR and ENFORCE the ongoing performance of its new equity and excellence investments to make sure those investments are, in fact, enhancing student achievement. (Emp. added.)

Page 20:

ENFORCE its equity mandates in a fair and intelligent manner. ENFORCEMENT mechanisms should be tied to federal funding and equity of outcomes. (Emp. added.)

On October 26, 2015, Andrew Mullins, Deputy Director, HSLDA Federal Relations, Home School Legal Defense Association, in support of this legislation stated:

“In other words, S. 306 seeks to treat homeschoolers fairly.”
Federal funding, Title I portability is designed to control. There is nothing “fair” about S 306. In a letter to Sen. Ted Cruz last November, HSLDA continued to support S 306.

Title I portability is not a mystery. This is FEDERAL “CHOICE” which reforms how schools are financed. This means that Sen. Ted Cruz supports Title I funds that are “portable,” where all students are funded “equitably,” not local schools. What this means is that all public funding can be deposited into an ESA, education savings account. Sen. Ted Cruz’s title in S 306 makes the statement “ALL students” which includes private school students and homeschool students. S 306 knocks down the doors of every private and homeschool so that the Feds can sweep right in.

Sen. Ted Cruz stated on The Blaze TV show on October 26, 2015 with Glenn Beck:

“I’m not remotely pushing for homeschool to be reclassified in any way, shape or form.”
Yet S 306 legislates otherwise! Sen. Ted Cruz’s Press Release dated January 29, 2015 states that he supports Rep. Messer’s bill, HR 553, dated January 27, 2015. However, Rep. Messer’s companion bill does NOT have Title I portability included in his bill.

Why has Sen. Cruz attached Title I portability to his S 306, targeting private schools and homeschools to receive ESEA Title I federal funds? Title I portability is a F5 tornado that pulverizes all schools and now he has made sure that it will sweep through homeschools as well. Why has Sen. Cruz added Title I portability to his bill when it is not in the Messer bill?

The key to understanding the re-write of ESEA that passed in December, is actually reading the Reauthorization legislation which I am convinced not many people have. When Sen. Ted Cruz added his S 306 to the already heavy-handed federal legislation in the Reauthorization of ESEA, a very ugly monster storm begins to emerge out of D.C. – total control of all schools with one national curriculum, with one set of national standards, and one national test in the United States. I believe Sen. Ted Cruz knows very well why he included homeschools in the Title I federal agenda.

Interesting that Sen. Ted Cruz voted against the Reauthorization of ESEA in the Senate, (knowing that S 1177 was going to pass in spite of his NO vote), but then submitted his S 306 which will suck homeschools into the Title I agenda of ESEA. He, perhaps inadvertently, tipped his hand. He is betraying homeschool parents. In the end, Sen. Ted Cruz DID NOT VOTE at all in the final passage in December.

S 306, Section I, Title I Portability under ESEA is “amended by adding to the end” of [Link] which are state plans for standards, testing, and accountability which is referenced in Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill. A Title I child accepting funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. This will effectually mandate Common Core to every private school accepting the enrolled Title I funded portability child.

Senator Ted Cruz supports “CHOICE” as a Presidential candidate, and he would allow “CHOICE” Title I funds to “follow the child” to any public school or private school. But this is phony choice! It is government-controlled choice! It means that a private school must accept a “low income” child with federal Title I funds in their ESA. In the past a private school could refuse Title I FUNDS. But now the money “follows the child.” If a private school refuses the child with the federal funds, that school will be sued under discrimination according to Civil Rights laws. Is this what Sen. Ted Cruz meant by choice being a “Civil Rights” issue? Everyone must comply to Common Core?

This also happens to be President Obama’s Equity Plan. Yet the Republican leadership in the House and Senate ramrodded nationalizing this education plan along with the President. Sen. Ted Cruz obliged. To complete this monstrous bipartisan plan, all private, religious, and homeschools must be added in.

If a homeschool, now a private school, meets the criteria for “low income child” it would be targeted to access these funds – and the control that comes with the money. This is not true choice. This is phony choice. This child receiving Title I “choice” funds must abide by the rest of the amended section which mandates standards, testing, and accountability, Common Core and data collection. Accepting Title I funds is considered federal financial assistance.

But, one might think, not all homeschools or families with children in private or public schools are “low income.” Let’s dig into ESEA to find out how the rules have changed in which ALL CHILDREN are mandated to be simmered in the federal Title I pot.

Why are ALL children Title I, or what had to be changed in the Reauthorization legislation to throw an ESEA blanket over every school?

Title I was originally a poverty program to help poor children learn to read. President Obama and Secretary Duncan have bastardized Title I by dissolving the poverty guidelines under the illegal ESEA Flexibility Waivers that capture ALL CHILDREN under a Schoolwide net. Schoolwide means ALL students in that school become Title I. The 40% guidelines of children receiving free and reduced lunch disintegrated without Congressional approval to the level of 0%. Sen. Lamar Alexander and Congressman Kline’s ESSA legislation combined have codified the Flexibility Waivers in the Reauthorization legislation passed in December.

How does this impact private schools or homeschools? In ESEA the exceptions allow a school once designated Schoolwide the day before the legislation is adopted to continue the Schoolwide banner. This means by “cooking” the numbers all children in that school are designated “low income,” even if some parents are millionaires. When these Title I children flock to their “CHOICE” school, their Title I federal baggage “follows the child.”

Furthermore, ESEA states that a private school student receiving funds from a local education agency is designated a student enrolled from the originating public school that delegated the funds. If the student happens to live in a Schoolwide school district, that child is Title I. ALL students are Title I and ALL students are identified to receive Title I portability funds to go to the school of their choice under Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill. ALL federal monitoring and enforcing mandates now kick in.

Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 is redefining homeschools as private schools:

“(C) PRIVATE SCHOOL.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘private school’ includes any home school that meets the requirements of State law applicable to such home schools, whether or not such school is deemed a private school for purposes of State law.” (Emp. added.)

Why is Sen. Ted Cruz violating State’s Rights and the 10th Amendment by forcing states to recognize homeschools as private schools, whether they want to or not? This is a Constitutional crisis in the making. The federal government mandates are forcing states to comply in this section of his bill. Is Sen. Ted Cruz bypassing State Sovereignty and representative government here? Why would Sen. Ted Cruz, a man supposedly dedicated to the Constitution, ride roughshod over the 10th Amendment as well as Supreme Court decisions reaffirming parents’ rights over the education of their children?

Knowing this to be true, WHY would Sen. Ted Cruz change a homeschool into a private school? By changing this definition, all criteria for a private school that receives any federal funds from a Title I child would be be also be applied to homeschools. This includes abiding by standards, testing, curriculum, teacher certification, direct student services, and data collection. In other words, performance to Common Core in 45 states would then be mandated to homeschools! The extensive defining elements for “equitable direct student services” and an “approved” mandated curriculum (i.e., mental health psychobabble) are repeated throughout the ESEA legislation. (Note: There are 14 states that already define a homeschool as a private school. S 306 applies to private schools.)

In S 306, Sen. Ted Cruz neglects to recognize the accountability required in the data collection and data mining which is mandated in the Reauthorization of ESEA by the Institute for Educational Sciences, NCES/IES, for Title I. Data tracking is mandated, as well as, data mining/data trafficking in which third party contractors are able to access personally identifiable information on each student.

With a swipe of President Obama’s pen, this scenario was enacted with the illegal EO 12866 which gutted FERPA, allowing all student and family data, including psychological dossiers, to flow to 3rd party vendors. Thus, private and homeschools will be monitored for accountability.

How will these Title I funds be distributed to parents enrolling in public, charter, private, religious, or homeschools? Checks or vouchers deposited into an Education Savings Account, ESA? Direct Deposit directly to the parent in an ESA account?

Let’s propose a scenario: Parents most likely would have to sign a contract with their state’s education department stating that they will provide their child with a Common Core education and state-approved subjects. Title I would kick in to demand that the child meet state-approved standards and equitable services (note the word “equity”). The department would make quarterly deposits in the ESA accounts. During each fiscal quarter, parents would be required to return all receipts for purchases to the department or use a debit card that would be used to allow only certain select purchases from the “approved” list. The department would review each purchase similar to the DC Scholarship ‘Confirmation Invoice Report’ to make sure parents spent money only on Common Core eligible expenses. If parents use their ESA to pay for something that is not an eligible expense the department will withhold the next quarterly deposit and a correction in the account would be made. Also, ESA enrollees must participate in norm-referenced tests requiring adherence to state Common Core standards.

Homeschool families are already asking if curricula like Seton or ABeka are going to be on the list of state-approved curriculum that can be paid for with Title I funds. This will inevitably standardize the Common Core curriculum in every private and religious school and all homeschool curriculum. It becomes obvious that there will be no true freedom of choice.

Must homeschools be accredited as a private school? ESEA legislation states that all curriculum must be approved and overseen by an ombudsman in a private school receiving funds. This eliminates true choice.

What does this mean for private and parochial schools that must accept a Title I child that forces their hand under Civil Rights discrimination protections? Title I portability eliminates the word “private” in private schools. All schools become government schools. This is not choice.

HSLDA, which supports Cruz’s S 306 states on their website:

“A common point of confusion for many people about S. 306 surrounds §101 of this bill. This section provides Title 1 federal government funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to brick-and-mortar private schools. However, since this bill defines homeschools as private schools only for the purposes of §201 (the Coverdell section), §101 will not allow homeschoolers to receive federal Title 1 funding.”
HSLDA IS MISLEADING HOMESCHOOLERS. Homeschools would be codified in legislation as a private school. The law is the law. Instead HSLDA should be warning homeschoolers that accepting Title I means being sucked up into the Title I portability tornado. Lock your doors and secure your windows. HSLDA should be advising parents to NOT let Sen. Ted Cruz place them squarely in Title I’s portability “suck zone.” HSLDA should be informing parents that Title I also applies to every child labeled as failing or At-Risk of failing to meet Common Core standards of specified attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions.

What is a Title I At-Risk Child and how are Common Core services pushed onto private, religious, and homeschools?

Taken from page 134 in the Reauthorization of ESEA called Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

‘(b) PLAN PROVISIONS.—To ensure that all children receive a high-quality education, and to close the achievement gap between children meeting the challenging State academic standards and those children who are not meeting such standards, each local educational agency plan shall describe—
‘‘(1) how the local educational agency will monitor students’ progress in meeting the challenging State academic standards by—
‘‘(A) developing and implementing a well- rounded program of instruction to meet the academic needs of all students;
‘‘(B) identifying students who may be at risk for academic failure;”
Taken from page 164 of ESSA:

‘‘(iii) address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards, through activities which may include—
‘‘(I) counseling, school-based mental health programs, specialized instructional support services, mentoring services, and other strategies to improve students’ skills outside the academic subject areas;”
First of all, there is nothing academic about Common Core. S 306 does not explain the non-academic services that would be mandated for a Title I child that is deemed “At-Risk” for not meeting state standards. What are these services that the ESEA legislation specifies would be carried out by IDEA, Individual with Disabilities Education Act, known as Special Education? The specialized student support services defined in ESEA are psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, etc., who must provide these services for At-Risk students or those determined to be At-Risk of being At-Risk. The services are listed as: Multi-Tiered and SchoolWide Tiered Systems of Support, Response to Interventions, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Early Intervening Services, Conflict Resolution, Restorative Justice, and Universal Design for Learning. Schools will be enticed to bill Medicaid for these specialized services. Coding mental health services at school brand your child for life.

Sen. Ted Cruz neglected to explain the tsunami of services that kick in when a student is determined as not meeting state standards in the Title I Portability bill. In ESSA these services are defined as “direct student services” and “meaningful choice.” Any child NOT meeting the Common Core aligned state standards MUST receive interventions and specialized student support services to achieve proficiency to the degree mandated by government.

Another question: why has Sen. Ted Cruz expanded 529 plans to include all children age 0-21 to come under “qualified education expenses”? It is interesting to note that his summary only included K-12, but his legislation approves birth to age 21. Big difference! Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306, Title I portability tornado is picking up a lot of debris.

Does expanding 529 plans for Pre-K connect to Sen. Bob Casey’s Universal Pre-K (Common Core for babies) that he and Sen. Murray have been proposing and included in ESSA? Isn’t this President Obama’s equity plan for babies? Has anyone researched the HeadStart criteria for babies in the social, emotional, behavioral domain (baby psychobabble)? Has anyone looked at Pennsylvania’s “model” Universal Pre-K for the nation? This is bad news for parents.

Why age 0-21? Does this not conform to the Common Core P-20 agenda? It appears that the Cruz “portable” funding scheme now pays for free daycare, free tuition at any school, and 2 years of free community college. Isn’t this similar to what President Obama said in his State of the Union Address, with all public funds jam-packed into an ESA that “follows the child.”

Oh, what a web we weave behind the 21st Century Womb-to-Workplace agenda!

Parents deserve to know the truth and have all the facts before them. Sen. Ted Cruz’s S 306 legislation does NOT support homeschools. Sen. Ted Cruz does NOT support parents to have the freedom to choose because S 306 and ESEA give the feds all of the power over homeschools, private schools, religious schools, and public schools. ESEA and S 306 tentacles ensnare every school and every child from age 0-21 with Common Core using the “choice” carrot.

S 306 will force states to rewrite both their private school and homeschool regulations to align to federal law. And to think Sen. Ted Cruz is running for President of the United States touting the principle of subsidiarity.

UNDER THE NEW ESEA, FEDERAL BUREAUCRATS WILL CONTROL THE STANDARDS, THE CURRICULUM, THE TEACHERS, THE TESTING AND THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT. Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Alexander, and Congressman Kline have circled the federal wagons. All of our children have Title I targets on their backs.

Recently Sen. Ted Cruz organized a Homeschool Coalition that he feverishly says he wants to help. But the warning cannot be clearer. Sen. Ted Cruz, intends to throw the Title I blanket over homeschools. Homeschools, Beware! Sen. Ted. Cruz does not support true free choice.

With S 306 Sen. Ted Cruz, has deliberately and deceitfully placed homeschoolers in the storm’s path. The tornado is Title I portability, and it will drop what’s left of homeschools and homeschoolers inside the federal government’s fence.

And so Common Core falls across America and darkens independent thought and education.

2016 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

Anita Hoge Archive 2013 – 2015