Dopers, Doping, and the Dopes in Charge of Our Lives

By Cliff Kincaid

February 12, 2022

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We live in a world of pretense, where we pretend that our enemies don’t exist, and that our government will protect us from them anyway. We are surrounded by liars, cheats, and thieves – minds clouded by dope and doping.

As American athletes compete for medals in Communist China’s Olympics, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)  administrator Anne Milgram has confirmed what we already know – that Communist China is working with Mexican criminal organizations to flood the United States with deadly drugs, killing tens of thousands of our people.

One of the highlights of her interview on CNN was a warning to potheads and stoners that marijuana is now being laced with the deadly drug fentanyl.

She should take a tour of the DEA Museum and its exhibit on Harry Anslinger, who ran the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) for more than 30 years and was a major critic of Red China’s role in drug trafficking.

Sadly, the exhibit plays down the threat, saying, “After the war [World War II] America’s attention turned toward the Cold War and the spread of Communism. China, a source country for opiates, became a target for a so-called Communist narcotics offensive. The McCarthy scare reinforced Anslinger’s worries that Communists were ‘flooding the world with dope to corrupt the youth of America.’”

It looks like DEA administrator Milgram is now beginning to understand the “so-called” communist source of the problem.

But China was more than a “source country.”  Anslinger’s article, “The Opium of the Peoples’ Government,” describes in detail how the Chinese Communists pushed drugs on the Free World to demoralize the “bourgeoisie.”

We have known this for decades. It still continues. This is a deliberate policy on their part.

The Russian communists push drugs as well, even on their own people, as evident in the case of the 15-year-old Russian figure skater, Kamila Valieva, who has tested positive for a banned substance.

It’s being called the new Russia-gate scandal. This one is for real.

Many don’t realize the official Russian team has been banned, and Valieva is a member of the ROC, the Russian Olympic Committee, a substitute. It’s how the Russians managed to get into the Olympics anyway, after a major doping scandal was exposed, implicating the top officials of the Putin regime.

Like most things in Russia, it is state-sponsored.

Despite this, Putin showed up at the Olympic games, dozing off in the bleachers before issuing a joint statement with the Chinese communist dictator calling for a New World Order free of United States influence.

As much as this appeals to an American population disgusted with the China Joe regime, America is still our country, and we have been blessed by God and the work of our ancestors. We have a duty to save it.

We have got to make sure it survives so that our families can have a future. We have got to think of the Biden Administration as pretenders, working in tandem with the enemies that want to destroy us, and figure out ways to evict them from power while making sure the country does not go down the drain.

Our enemies at home and abroad are real. We have to stay focused.

One who is literally out of his mind is Tucker Carlson, who pretends that Russia is not an aggressor and that Ukraine’s 40 million people should just get out of the way, to make sure Russia’s borders are secure and that Putin can remain a peaceful world leader. This is what passes for modern conservatism. It’s not Ronald Reagan conservatism.

Equally significant and bizarre, Biden says “There will no longer be” a Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany if Russia invades Ukraine. But Biden already approved it. He has no interest in saving Ukraine, except as a cash cow for his family.

Tucker likes to talk about corruption in Ukraine, a real concern. But nobody wants to talk about Russian ownership of major German politicians, a process underway for decades and which claimed Angela Merkel and current Chancellor Olaf Scholz as alleged Putin puppets.

No matter what happens with Ukraine, most of the rest of Europe seems lost.

To understand our future, consider the “new” communist man (or woman) promised by the Russians, designed to make this morally corrupt and bankrupt country look great at the Olympic Games.  That was the genesis of the notorious Russian doping scandal.

That first Russia-gate doping scandal involved a man named Grigory Rodchenkov, the former director of Moscow’s anti-doping laboratory, who revealed how the Moscow regime drugged their athletes. The case was featured in the Oscar-winning documentary film “Icarus.”

The Russian regime reportedly sent an assassination squad to kill him after he escaped to the U.S. This, too, was state-sponsored.

Such plots can be traced back to Putin himself, who holds Ukraine and the world hostage while he makes threats. Biden negotiates with this criminal, making Biden complicit in Putin’s crimes, because Russian nukes can obliterate and incinerate our nation.

The Russians stole our nukes, and so did the Chinese.

KGB poisons are still in the Russian arsenal. So are banned substances to make Russian athletes win competitions.

If you don’t serve the state, in Russia, you will die, one way or another. Even if you do serve the state, you may die, after your usefulness is over.

In China, if you criticize a top official for sexual harassment, you disappear, only to remerge with a government monitor and change your story.

In the U.S., at least, most enemies of the state are allowed to live. Thank goodness for small favors. There is still a measure of freedom left in this country.

But was the Russian skater aware she was being drugged? Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports writes that “it would be par for the course for Russia to drug a child athlete only to have her stay eligible because, as a child athlete, she is too young and naive to know she was drugged.”

The Russians may get their gold medals anyway. Let’s just pretend the doping didn’t take place, officially.

But we are not much better than the Russians or the Chinese in the matter of dope. Many of our state governments encourage drug use, through legalization of dope, because of the tax revenue. Conservative hero Joe Rogan once called marijuana a performance enhancer and supported Bernie Sanders for president. That makes sense.

An excellent treatment of this problem, demonstrating the interconnections, was on the Fox News  “Lawrence Jones Cross Country” show, where a drug addict discussed how smoking marijuana as a teenager eventually led her down the dangerous path of pills and fentanyl. But it’s not prim and proper to refer to marijuana as a gateway drug. It’s too lucrative to legalize the dope and create more potheads.

In a major reversal, it turns out that the Biden Administration will NOT be giving out crack pipes to addicts, to get high at taxpayer expense when they are given “safe drug use” kits. They will have to get their own pipes and needles.

We need more people like Harry Anslinger – and Joe McCarthy. They wouldn’t tolerate communists killing our people with drugs.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Is Tucker Carlson More Offensive Than Joe Rogan?

By Cliff Kincaid

February 9, 2022

Forget about the foul-mouthed Joe Rogan, the rich former host of “Fear Factor” who, desperate to save his podcast, has collapsed in fear in the face of liberal pressure over his COVID podcasts. More serious is the case of Tucker Carlson, the number one-rated Fox News host, who has been acting indifferent to the fate of 40 million people in Ukraine. His public posture, which has a major influence on conservatives and Republicans, is that Russia’s military mobilization on the border of Ukraine is designed to protect Russia.

As Rogan gets “conservative” support, despite his numerous instances of using racist N-word language, Tucker’s disdain for the people of Ukraine actually gets some support from the same people. Strange.

In a related development, the Russian propaganda organ RT quotes their leader, former KGB spy Vladimir Putin, as saying that the friendship between Russia and China has become an example of how two nations can develop together and support each other “in almost all areas.” That means killing independence for Ukraine — and then Taiwan.

Incredibly, Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was on a Sunday show downplaying the relationship, saying that Xi and Putin, in their lengthy declaration, didn’t actually use the word “alliance.”

Tucker Carlson, another dummy on geopolitics who has become a favorite of RT, has made the equally astounding claim that NATO has been pushing Russia into the arms of China.

Of course, this had happened years ago – more than 20 years ago, in fact, and before that, when a Russian agent by the name of Grigori Voitinsky actually created and became the founder of Maoist China. Russia established a strategic partnership or alliance with Communist China from the very beginning of the Chinese communist regime and formalized this in writing in 2001. It was called the “Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between.”

Tucker, a conservative who leans on the far-left for foreign policy advice and is admittedly under NSA surveillance, seems to be unfamiliar with this.

On July 7, 2021 (that was last year, Tucker), Chinese Communist official State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended and addressed the Reception Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation in Beijing.

The new China-Russia announcement, unveiled as the “Genocide Games” were launched in China, was headlined in the communist People’s World, “Russia and China issue joint call for an end to NATO expansion.”

NATO expansion is the new bogeyman. Tucker has bought into Moscow’s line.

But nobody seriously believes NATO is poised to march into Moscow or Beijing. It’s just an excuse for Russia to seize more of Ukraine. Only Tucker Carlson and his lackeys believe the propaganda spewing from the KGB mouth of Vladimir Putin.

However, Xi and Putin are somewhat honest about their own intentions, offering in their joint statement various proposals, treaties, and agreements that will advance their own interests.

These include:

The Eurasian Economic Union
  China’s Belt and Road Initiative
  The Global Development Initiative
  The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
  The Paris Climate Agreement.
The One-China principle (China owns Taiwan).
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

China’s cooperation with Russia takes place through BRICS, the SCO, and the Eurasian Economic Union. Here are the facts which have escaped Tucker’s attention:

BRICS (Russia, China and India, with Brazil and South Africa) defended Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine back in 2014.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was established in 2001 by China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Member-States of the Eurasian Economic Union are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

Regarding the other initiatives, here are some of the most significant:

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, are code words for global taxes and other forms of foreign aid from the U.S. to the rest of the world.
The U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change proposes legally binding limits on carbon emissions, crippling what’s left of our industrial economy, along with new legally binding financial commitments that could run into the trillions of dollars to be “redistributed” from the U.S. and other “rich” nations.
The Paris Climate Agreement was so one-sided against the United States the Trump Administration withdrew from it.
China’s Global Development Initiative (GDI) is designed to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Meanwhile, the American people are saddled with China Joe Biden, as he prepared to meet at the White House with the pro-Russia chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz. Equally significant, it turns out that Germany’s new far left interior minister, Nancy Faeser, wrote for a communist-run Antifa Magazine.

Who lost Germany? That’s on Biden’s watch. He gave Germany the OK to get more Russian oil and gas through Nord Stream 2 and the Germans promptly turned their backs on Ukraine.

We are facing what the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky called the development of the EUSSR – a Europe dominated by Russia, in alliance with Germany and China.

The United States is increasingly isolated.

But so is Israel, which figures to be increasingly under assault by a nuclear-armed Iran, backed by Russia and China, which is being promised a new appeasement deal by the Biden Administration.

At this critical point in history, we can’t afford having a nincompoop on foreign affairs hosting the number one-rated program on Fox. He’s more of an embarrassment than Joe Rogan.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Secure Borders for Ukraine and America

By Cliff Kincaid

February 1, 2022

Pete Hegseth of Fox News questions why Biden is worried about the borders of Ukraine and not those of the United States. The correct answer is that we should support secure borders for both countries and oppose Russian aggression.

Hegseth, a true patriot, served in the Middle East, and we thank him for his service. The difference between his wars and Ukraine is that the anti-communists running this former Soviet republic are not asking for American troops, only American arms.  Why can’t we demand security for America and Ukraine? There is no reason we can’t do both.

As we demand security on our southern border, we should also affirm sovereignty for the U.S. and Ukraine while objecting to Russian aggression. Why is this position so difficult to understand and adopt?

We are not nation building in Ukraine. The country is already independent of Russia.

Some conservatives are frustrated that Biden won’t protect our own border and they take out their anger on Ukraine. Another factor is corruption in Ukraine and financial ties to the Biden family. But Russia is even worse. It supplied the dossier the Democrats used to investigate and impeach Trump.

Too much faulty logic is being displayed by personalities like Tucker Carlson that seems intended to benefit Russia and consign the fate of 40 million people to Vladimir Putin’s dreams of a new Russian empire.

On the surface, Biden is doing and saying some things that are correct about Ukraine. But we all know that he can’t be taken seriously. What conservatives should be doing is drawing attention to how the Bill Clinton and Obama/Biden Administrations disarmed Ukraine, putting that country at the mercy of Russian aggression today.

Everything that is happening in Europe is the result of pro-Russian appeasement policies set in motion by Democratic presidents.

To understand this bizarre state of affairs, consider the fact that Ukraine once had some 1,900 strategic nuclear weapons, the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal.

My column, “How Clinton and Obama Disarmed and Abandoned Ukraine,” explains all of this. In exchange for Ukraine removing its strategic nuclear weapons and sending them to Russia, the Budapest Memorandum confirmed that the United States, Britain and Russia “reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations…”

Clinton/Obama/Biden have created the conditions for the Russian attacks on Ukraine.

Unbelievable but true.

Now, Biden postures as a friend of freedom, while “conservatives” like Tucker Carlson of Fox News act indifferent to the fate of Ukraine and seem willing to turn the country over to Russia. In effect, Tucker is adopting the old Biden position.

In the face of the Biden betrayals, and his too-little-too-late approach, conservatives should not excuse Russian aggression. We should support border security for Ukraine and the United States. That’s the consistent and principled position. That’s the conservative position.

A country without borders is not a country. That applies to the U.S. and Ukraine.

Remember that an anti-communist revolution is still underway in Ukraine and that we need something like that here, in the United States. We have to support the people of Ukraine and encourage anti-Russian resistance.

Tucker Carlson isn’t the only prominent pro-Russia “conservative” indifferent to the fate of Ukraine. I just got an email message from Ilana Mercer, a contributor to the conservative Townhall website, saying, “With central and eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by the NATO alliance, Russia has legitimate security concerns. Abutting its border, Russia will soon have to endure all NATO members carrying out military maneuvers.”

Among other things, she seems ignorant of the fact that Russia is attempting to swallow up Ukraine, despite signing an agreement, the Budapest Memorandum, guaranteeing Ukraine’s independence.

This is the kind of pro-Russian disinformation conservatives are getting from the likes of Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and others of their ilk.

We are faced today with the prospect of a Russian war on Ukraine that is made possible because the Obama/Biden Administration failed to provide Ukraine the weapons the country needed while draining financial resources away from a major Ukrainian gas company to the Biden family.

As president, Trump, under assault as an alleged Russian agent, demanded that Ukrainian authorities investigate the corruption that was making the country weak in the face of the Russian threat. For this, Trump was impeached.

Even so, Trump helped Ukraine far more than Obama/Biden.

As noted by Senator Tom Cotton, “For four years, Democrats maligned President Trump as weak on Russia. In reality, Mr. Trump put pressure on the Kremlin by killing the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, increasing NATO defense spending, and providing lethal aid to Ukraine, among other actions. This effectively deterred a renewed invasion or any big brinkmanship along the Ukrainian border. Mr. Biden’s feeble foreign policy has invited his aggression.”

As Cotton indicates, the situation has change dramatically under Biden. His family took money from Ukraine while failing to help the country defend itself — until it now seems too late.

This is not the time for conservatives to go wobbly.

To be sure, the use of American troops in Ukraine cannot be justified without Congressional approval, and there is no reason for Congress to approve such a deployment, with the U.S. Armed Forces in disarray over political correctness and unreasonable vaccine mandates.

Conservatives can oppose American troops in Ukraine while supporting the country’s independence and sovereignty. There is nothing contradictory in this position. It is the right thing to do.

What they should be worried about is Russia-China collaboration, at a time when the China virus continues to claim American lives, and seek ways to undermine both of these dangerous adversaries.

If we ignore the fate of Ukraine and sacrifice this country to Russia, we will be jeopardizing the future of freedom around the world. This surrender will send a strong message to other enemies as well.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Pro-Russia “Conservatives” Being Set Up as Traitors

By Cliff Kincaid
January 28, 2022

Republicans hoping for the realignment of the two major political parties, in response to China Joe’s disastrous year in office, are expressing concern about “isolationist” sentiment in the GOP that has a Russian flavor.

The callous indifference to the fate of Ukraine by such personalities as Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham of Fox New and Steve Bannon, who is backed by a mysterious benefactor from China and a controversial American businessman, is alarming.

“What makes all of this even more disturbing,” notes geopolitical analyst J.R. Nyquist, “is the way in which current Russian mobilizations coincide with Chinese mobilizations, and how both coincide with the ongoing pandemic.”

The pro-Russia “conservatives” have critically analyzed the Chinese Communist Party’s virus wars on America and the world but are strangely indifferent to Moscow’s strategic designs and deceptions. This has made Tucker Carlson of Fox News a favorite on Kremlin television.

One of the Fox News favorites, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, insists that “we helped to create [the crisis] in Eastern Europe,” when in fact Russia invaded Ukraine under Obama/Biden in 2014.

Macgregor is a senior fellow of the American Conservative, whose advisory board is chaired by Tucker Carlson, and appeared on Russian-funded Russia Today (RT) television in 2014,  where  “he echoed several narratives of Russian propaganda as he fully supported the sham Russian-organized ‘referendums’ on Luhansk and Donetsk independence from Ukraine and suggested that some parts of Ukraine would have been rather Russian than Ukrainian,” noted the Euromaidan Press, an organ of Ukraine’s anti-communist revolution.

Nyquist comments that some patriotic Americans “view Russia as a potential ally” because of the impact of disinformation. “This has happened because Russian leaders have long pretended they are no longer communist,” he notes. “At the same time, American Reds, who present themselves as Democrats, pretend they are at odds with Russia.”

One strange aspect of what is unfolding before our eyes is that many American conservatives have accepted Vladimir Putin as a Christian leader. Our book Back from the Dead shows that Putin adopted Orthodox Christianity as another ideological front, in order to fool the West. The Russian regime is in reality the return of the Evil Empire that Reagan worked so hard to destroy. It is perhaps the most incredible deception of all.

Interestingly, some QAnon supporters buy into the notion that Russia is somehow a Christian nation. The QAnon book, Love Joy Trump – A Chorus of Prophetic Voices, refers to Russian President and former KGB Lt. Colonel Vladimir Putin being a “kindred” spirit of the MAGA movement. The book is sold by Mike Lindell of My Pillow.

The Russian regime fooled the West — making itself seem like a new and modern and democratic state – in order to attract Western capital and underwrite subversion and aggression against the West. The Chinese communists conducted the same kind of pretense but kept the Communist Party officially in power, realizing they could get rich and maintain their communist identities, and that the West didn’t care.

The stakes are raised because of the on-going China virus pandemic.

We demolish the notion of a Sino-Soviet split and contend in our book The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse:

  • Despite the “collapse” of the USSR, Russia continues to serve as the base for world revolution.  President Vladimir Putin, a former colonel in the Soviet intelligence service, the KGB, created his own “United Russia” political party, but the Communist Party of Russia is still the second most powerful political party in the Russian Duma. In fact, Putin has praised Communist Party head Gennady Zyuganov as one of Russia’s most influential politicians, and presented him with an early Soviet edition of the Communist Manifesto as a birthday gift. As [a] former intelligence official tells us, Putin and Zyuganov are both playing their respective and complementary roles, while leading some in the West to believe that Russia has abandoned its Soviet past.

Tucker Carlson’s idea that a pro-Ukraine policy will drive the Russians into China’s arms is obvious disinformation. They are already working together. Last year China and Russia signed what was called “a roadmap for closer military ties.” Putin is set to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics on Feb. 4 and meet with Xi.

Russia and China are still communist and world communism is still their goal.

Tragically, the U.S. is saddled with the China Joe regime, which has no plan to save America — or Ukraine — and it has no authority to deploy U.S. troops to Ukraine. But it is going through the motions of looking tough, while at the same time talking about a small invasion of Ukraine that could start a major war.

Traditional conservatives believe we should offer moral support and arms to Ukraine and also point with alarm to the Russian-German cooperation that has also been achieved, largely because German leader Angela Merkel, who served as the chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021, did Moscow’s bidding and made her country dependent on Russia energy. Merkel’s background as an East German communist before the country was unified was drawing scrutiny from our group, America’s Survival, Inc. years ago.

In the current crisis, anti-communist Poland is showing real leadership, with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki strongly criticizing Germany for “blocking military aid for Ukraine from Estonia and for developing the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.” Remix news reported, “The Polish prime minister explained that a worst-case scenario against which Poland had warned was being realized: the construction of Nord Stream 2, Russian gas blackmail, billions invested into Europe by Putin and into former politicians and lobbyists have given the Russian president tools to ‘terrorize’ European states.”

With Germany effectively joining Moscow’s camp, in my interview with J.R. Nyquist, we look at one option –  using NATO member Turkey, which has the second largest standing military force in NATO, as the launching pad for anti-Russian resistance.

Turkey has already supplied drones, the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), to Ukraine to use against Russian forces. They can fire anti-tank missiles.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Moscow against invading Ukraine, opposed Moscow’s seizure of Crime in 2014, and opposes Russian policies in Syria and Libya.

Clearly, Turkey has stayed true to its roots in NATO, originally an anti-Soviet alliance. The Sunni Muslims running Turkey have traditionally been anti-communist.

Although we hope and even pray that Russia will neutralize and overcome its communist roots, we know that has not happened, especially with a former KGB Lt. Colonel running the regime.

The process underway in Ukraine, known as “de-communization,” has yet to happen in Russia and, Heaven Knows, it may have to happen in America, resulting in the isolation not only of the communists who are demonstrating against NATO on Thursday in Washington, D.C. but the pro-Russian agents of influence active in the conservative movement. 

In fact, Nyquist warns that the pro-Russian “conservatives” could be the target of a Biden Administration crackdown, if a major war breaks out in Europe.

“We’ve already seen the tendency of this government to curtail civil liberties” during the pandemic and in the aftermath of January 6, he notes, and in most wars “the government assumes greater power, and a lot of liberties are curtailed during war…”

He adds, “What if we had a war and they said conservatives are pro-Russian partisans and they point to people like Tucker Carlson and they point to people like Steve Bannon?”

We have already seen this campaign underway. Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American and Democratic Party operative, says, “Tucker Carlson needs to be prosecuted as an unregistered agent of the Russian Federation and treason under Article 3, Sec. 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution for aiding an enemy in hybrid warfare against the United States.”

Even without a war, one can foresee conservatives being portrayed as apologists for totalitarianism, a stance that will cost Republicans seats this fall in Congress.

To counter these charges, Nyquist said the Committee on the Present Danger: China should actually be the Committee on the Present Danger in regard to China AND Russia.

“As with the Soviet Union in the past,” says the group, “Communist China represents an existential and ideological threat to the United States and to the idea of freedom — one that requires a new American consensus regarding the policies and priorities required to defeat this threat.”

But the fact remains that Russia is just another version of the old Soviet Union that has managed to fool important conservatives who were once part of the Ronald Reagan campaign to defeat the Evil Empire.

Reagan would be greatly disappointed with the failure of modern-day conservatives like Carlson, Ingraham, and Bannon to understand the nature of the Russian threat today.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden?

By Cliff Kincaid

January 26, 2022

There is no doubt that NATO, once an anti-communist alliance, has been expanded too fast and was illegally transformed into an offensive force, such as we saw in the former Yugoslavia, and which was ordered by Democratic President Bill Clinton. It has become weak and ineffective, especially because its key member, Germany, was ruled by an alleged Russian agent, Angela Merkel. She made Germany dependent on Russian energy while terminating the nation’s nuclear power program.

A true whistleblower with direct knowledge and access to incriminating documents, not hearsay, the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky exposed how America’s “progressive” elites served as apologists for communism and documented how the European Union was a Soviet project from the start. Bukovsky co-authored (with Pavel Stroilov) the eye-opener, EUSSR: The Soviet Roots of European Integration, which examines “secretive discussions between Western and Soviet Union leaders planning to create a collectivist European Union State.”

This outcome is the subject of the “negotiations” between Putin and Biden.

Nevertheless, the Russians still hate NATO as a symbol of allied military might. There is a lesson here.

When China Joe Biden does something that seems right, such as reaffirming NATO, you can bet the worldwide communist movement will react with hatred and disgust. We have to look beneath the surface of this dialectical debate.

It’s all a show, as China Joe has no real intention to stop Moscow. After all, he gave approval to its Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany and Europe. He gave Russian economic blackmail power over Germany and Europe, leading to the EUSSR. It’s a  done deal.

But the communist response is noteworthy nonetheless. The Communist Party USA, once funded by Moscow, claims, “While major media in the U.S., both conservative and liberal, have everyone on edge waiting for a Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine, they ignore the reality that the U.S. has already ‘invaded’ not just Ukraine but numerous other countries in the region.”

History shows that NATO was conceived as a defensive force and countries voluntarily joined it.

What Russia is threatening is an actual invasion, as it already did under the presidency of Obama/Biden in 2014.

What’s more, some in the “conservative media,” such as Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon, are telling people that either Russia is correct or that it’s a case of Biden “wagging the dog,” to divert attention from his equally disastrous conduct of domestic affairs. They do not seem concerned about Russian aggression and what Biden is actually planning, using Ukraine as the provocation.

But “wag the dog,” as commonly understood, means starting a foreign war when, in the case of Ukraine, it’s clear Russia is threatening to expand the war, after starting it in 2014. This war has already taken 15,000 lives in Ukraine.

Russia still denies it invaded Ukraine. One of the most absurd Russian lies was that the images and video of Russian paratroopers captured in Ukraine were actually troops who had crossed the border “by accident.” Another whopper was provided by a pro-Russian terrorist leader in eastern Ukraine who said the Russian soldiers fighting with him were on “vacation.”

Russia originally invaded Ukraine in February of 2014, taking Crimea, and then it seized Eastern Ukraine. Obama/Biden failed to support the brave people of Ukraine against Russia with the weapons they need for their own self-defense. By contrast, the Trump administration approved the sale of defensive lethal weapons to Ukraine.

As a result, Trump now says, quite correctly, “What’s happening with Russia and Ukraine would never have happened under the Trump Administration. Not even a possibility!”

The communist-front ANSWER Coalition and CODE Pink have announced that “progressive and anti-imperialist voices” will be “speaking out against NATO aggression towards Russia and demanding that the cold war relic be disbanded!”  Communists will turn out on Thursday, January 27, at 1 p.m. across the street from the White House in Lafayette Square. Their cry is, “Protest at the White House: Disband NATO! No war on Russia!”

“No War on Russia” is also the cry of some so-called deluded and ignorant “conservatives.”

The far-left Institute for Public Accuracy blames NATO for inflaming relations with Russia and quotes a professor as saying a 1990 U.S. promise that NATO would never be expanded into the former communist states of Eastern Europe has been violated. The “promise” was not a treaty or an international agreement but a statement by former Secretary of State James Baker. It means nothing.

The communist Party for Socialism and Liberation has announced, “With Ukraine at the brink, the Biden administration has been fanning the flames, shipping dozens of tons of weaponry and keeping 8,500 troops on alert for deployment in the region.”

What they ignore, of course, is that this is too little too late.

It says, “Join progressive and anti-imperialist voices in DC in speaking out against NATO aggression towards Russia, and calling for the cold war relic to be disbanded. The U.S. war machine is the real threat to peace!”

This is typical communist propaganda. The Thursday rally is communist through-and-through.

The real story is that the 8,500 U.S.-based military personnel who have been “put on a high state of alert” are not going into Ukraine and should not, since Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It’s all a show, to make Biden look tough when he has already sold out.

“We’re shipping over additional security assistance to the Ukrainians as we speak,” said Pentagon spokesperson John F. Kirby. “(and) are taking off and landing in Kyiv. So, we are acting.” It’s all beside the point. It’s too late. 

But this is an important story that has ramifications for the people of the Republic of China on Taiwan, South Korea, and America itself. Indeed, the fate of the Free World, as we remember the term, is at stake.

For the moment, let’s understand that we are witnessing an inspiring story of a former Soviet republic resisting incorporation in the new Russian empire and seeking membership in the Free World. It’s a story whose ending is still in doubt and which will affect America’s survival.

Looking back, here are the facts: Vladimir Putin’s puppet, Viktor Yanukovych, had won election as president of Ukraine by promising close ties to the West — but he secretly negotiated a deal to bring the former Soviet republic back into Moscow’s sphere of influence. The people of Ukraine were betrayed, and then revolted in a series of protests that will go down in history as the Ukrainian revolution of 2014. It is also known simply as Euromaidan, named for the pro-European tilt of the protests and the central square in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, where the demonstrations began.

As I wrote at the time, Putin’s invasion in 2014 was based in part on the knowledge that if a revolution could depose his crony in Ukraine, it could also happen to him. Indeed, it was an opportunity for the U.S. government, if Obama/Biden had been so inclined, not only to support Ukraine’s bid for independence but to seek regime-change in Moscow. Instead, Obama continued his soft-on-Russia policy that has also led to Russian military intervention propping up the Syrian dictatorship. President Biden continued this policy.

The protests at the time pushed forward a process of “de-communization” in the parts of Ukraine not under Russian occupation. The new laws passed in 2015 honor the memory of Ukrainian freedom fighters, authorize access to the archives of the communist regime, and ban the use of both communist and Nazi symbols. As a result, the Communist Party of Ukraine, which was a part of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU,) was outlawed and hundreds of Lenin monuments or statues were torn down.

In the U.S. and Russia, of course, communist political parties are completely legal. The Russian Communist Party is the second largest, behind Putin’s United Russia party, and backs Putin’s presidency.

What’s more, Putin has declared that the Democratic Party in the U.S. “is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to Social Democratic ideas, if compared to Europe. And it was from the Social Democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.”

So Putin and Biden agree on much more than they disagree. They are playing geopolitics with the future of Ukraine.

Biden, Obama, Merkel and the rest of these Western “leaders” refused to support the Ukrainian struggle for independence from Moscow.

Even without another Russian invasion, Ukraine’s freedom, independence, and sovereignty have been greatly diminished. Much of the Russian objective has already been achieved. Only the details have to be worked out, creating the EUSSR.

We have to learn these lessons and fast, understanding that America is the “main enemy” and the ultimate target.

Don’t forget it was Obama’s mentor, Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who wrote a poem dedicated to the Soviet Red Army, “Smash on, victory-eating Red Army,” while attacking traditional Christianity and the work of Christian missionaries. His goal was a Soviet America.

It was his vice-president, now President Joe Biden, who wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal titled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.”

Sounding tough about the Russians and the Chinese, Biden actually favors a global accommodation with both of these adversaries. That means the integration of capitalism with communism, creating a one-world socialist state. The Russians call it “convergence.” Democrats call it “social democracy.”

This is the “Great Reset.” It’s happening now.

© 2022 Cliff Kibcaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Communism for Dummies

By Cliff Kincaid

January 20, 2022

One day after whitewashing Dr. King’s anti-Americanism, Fox News launched a series on “misEducation” in America. As they say, “Physician, heal thyself.”

All day throughout January 17 we heard what a great moral leader and teacher King was. Not a word about his involvement with the Communist Party and sex orgies. Then, the Fox News star, Tucker Carlson, offered a justification on his show for a Russian invasion of Ukraine, using an American living in Russia as his foreign policy “expert.”

Sadly, anti-communist scholar Dr. Paul Kengor has missed the boat, writing a column advocating that schools drop Critical Race Theory (CRT) and instead “teach MLK,” hailing the “I Have a Dream” rhetoric of the pro-communist sex pervert “preacher” as a role model for civilized behavior.

He ignores the fact that both CRT and MLK come out of the same milieu – the Soviet campaign, launched after the Russian revolution, to exploit the “Negro question” in the U.S. and manipulate blacks and members of other minority groups for Communist purposes. The goal was a “Soviet America.”

Consider that the communist-funded journal Freedomways published the work of Derrick Bell, one of Barack Obama’s academic mentors and a Harvard professor, a key CRT theorist. However, Martin Luther King, Jr. paid tribute to W.E.B. Du Bois, who himself joined the CPUSA in 1961, at an event sponsored by Freedomways in New York City.

One can assume, had it had not been for King’s assassination in 1968, the good “Reverend” would have eventually embraced CRT. In the column he wrote for this King Day, the usually brilliant Kengor demonstrated that he is living in the past, clinging to one aspect of King’s career that totally ignores the advice he received on matters like the Vietnam War and “world revolution” from communist advisers such as Stanley Levison. However, Kengor tells me that, in his lectures, he does emphasize King’s communist ties as well as his “civil rights” record.

But the communist ties are critically important and cannot be ignored.

After passing the Civil Rights Act, which had wide appeal, the communists used King for their more important global purposes — taking an anti-American course on foreign policy, with an American withdrawal from Vietnam the number one priority. The eventual result was that 58,000 Americans died in vain and Vietnam became a communist dictatorship. This occurred when the Democratic Congress under President Gerald Ford terminated the money to keep South Vietnam free.

There can be no question that King’s influential voice was instrumental in weakening public support for the war.

As left-winger Norman Solomon said, “King didn’t simply oppose the Vietnam War. In an April 4, 1967 speech at New York’s Riverside Church delivered exactly a year before he was assassinated  —  titled ‘Beyond Vietnam’  —  he referred to the U.S. government as ‘the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today’ and broadly denounced the racist and imperial underpinnings of U.S. foreign policy. From Vietnam to South Africa to Latin America, King said, our country was on the ‘wrong side of a world revolution’ — suppressing revolutions ‘of the shirtless and barefoot people’ in the Global South, instead of supporting them.”

This is pure communist rhetoric on King’s part.

Even worse than Kengor’s one-sided analysis, a young reporter for The Federalist, a popular conservative publication, faults the FBI for targeting King under the “pretense” of communism. In fact, it was Bobby Kennedy who ordered the surveillance because King was associating with real hard-core communists who turned King against victory in the Vietnam war. Tapes of interactions with communists and prostitutes were shared with President Kennedy and his wife Jackie, who denounced King as a “phony.”

In an interview, the writer, Tristan Justice, admitted he was unfamiliar with the evidence of King’s communist connections, including a blockbuster 1968 FBI report. He also didn’t know the Mao-style King memorial in Washington, D.C. was literally made in China

When conservatives demonstrate ignorance about such critical matters, you know we are in deep trouble.

Few public figures have the number of skeletons in the closet as King did. FBI wiretaps even reveal he witnessed a rape while arranging sex orgies.

With conservatives on board the myth-making about King, we have an uphill struggle to turn this country around. Until we recognize that King was a tool of the Communists in turning public sentiment against the war, we will never understand the “enemy within.”

It’s no wonder the Chinese communists built his monument in Washington, D.C. It serves as a testament to a major communist victory over America.

Meanwhile, with Chinese help, North Korea has launched its fourth test this month of a KN24 short-range ballistic missile, and Russia is threatening another invasion of Ukraine.

On his show on Tuesday night, in another display of ignorance, Tucker Carlson of Fox News sounded like Joe Biden and virtually defended the anticipated invasion of Ukraine. Without endorsing the U.S. going to war, we have to recognize that Ukraine has earned its independence, in the same way the Republic of China on Taiwan has earned its freedom from Communist domination.

Tucker’s foreign policy “expert” was an American living in Moscow and whose published affiliations include serving as a visiting researcher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He has also appeared on Russian-funded Sputnik radio.

Geopolitical strategist J.R. Nyquist comments, “Those who think [Vladimir] Putin is a ‘nationalist’ are mistaken. He is an ally of North Korea, Red China, Cuba, Vietnam, Angola, etc. These are all communist countries. Putin’s Russia has been helping communist countries everywhere. And today, it looks as though communism is ready to steamroll its way to a dominant global position. But the fly in the ointment has been the Ukrainian people’s opposition to the old Soviet structures in their own country.”

Nyquist understands what is happening with Tucker and other pro-Russian “conservatives.” He writes, “Some patriotic Americans, of course, see Washington, D.C. as the enemy. Some may even view Russia as a potential ally. This has happened because Russian leaders have long pretended they are no longer communist. At the same time, American reds, who present themselves as Democrats, pretend they are at odds with Russia.”

We ignore the advances and victories of our enemies, which are piling up, because we want to believe that the Biden regime is in deep trouble and that, as Steve Bannon proclaims, the Republicans are going to pick up 100 seats in the House this fall.

Bannon, like Tucker, criticizes the Chinese Communist Party, especially over its warfare using the virus and the general military-buildup. But Putin’s Russia has to be seen as a similar if not greater threat.  Indeed, China and Russia have to be seen as working together.

As Nyquist notes, what makes all of this even more disturbing “is the way in which current Russian mobilizations coincide with Chinese mobilizations, and how both coincide with the ongoing pandemic.”

Blaming Russian aggression on Biden’s failing regime and his confusing rhetoric will not save Ukraine. This is another failure the world cannot afford.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is President of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

By Cliff Kincaid

January 17, 2022

My pastor’s sermon today, the Sunday before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, was on Jesus performing his first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana. At that point, however, Christ wanted to guard His real identity. Hence, the “messianic secret.”

In King’s case, the secret is that he lived a life that was almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel. Though he once criticized communism as atheistic, he was surrounded by communistic and atheist advisers. In short, King was a fraud and a con man. His life consisted of womanizing, plagiarism, and communist advisers who manipulated or even possibly blackmailed him.

A conservative friend argues that Martin Luther King, Jr. should be honored because he preached non-violence. It’s hard to make that case when he was influenced by communist advisers to argue for an American withdrawal from Vietnam, resulting in more than 58,000 Americans dying in vain, the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese political prisoners and boat people fleeing communism, and the Pol Pot communist Khmer Rouge genocide in neighboring Cambodia that killed 2 million.

As a result of the efforts of King, Walter Cronkite and a Democratic Congress, the people of Vietnam are living under a communist dictatorship today.

Many conservatives want to play down the fact that King’s communism contradicted his professed “non-violence.” They prefer to focus on his “I Have a Dream” civil rights speech rather than his inflammatory address against the American effort to save South Vietnam from communism. King had called our military “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”

The Kennedy brothers, Jack and Bobby, who were both anti-communist Democrats, were alarmed by King’s communist associations and ordered J. Edgar Hoover to conduct surveillance of King. That resulted in tapes, under seal by a federal judge until 2027, that also show King participated in sick and disgusting sex orgies.

Ralph David Abernathy, the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, acknowledged King’s extramarital affairs in his book, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. The Washington Post admits that King’s “extramarital affairs have long been known.”

An FBI report on King’s communist connections and involvement in sex orgies was released from the John F. Kennedy files maintained by the National Archives in 2017. Left-wing scholar David Garrow discovered the accidental release, producing a detailed report, “The troubling legacy of Martin Luther King.” The article’s subtitle, “Newly-revealed FBI documents portray the great civil rights leader as a sexual libertine who ‘laughed’ as a forcible rape took place,” indicates that King was a witness to a sexual assault.

This report, as Human Events newspaper noted back in 1983, was so explosive that copies were carefully distributed to the CIA, State Department, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Provost Marshall General of the U.S. Army, and the commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps. Human Events at the time had been able to obtain the title of the document – but not the document itself — because of heavily sanitized FBI files that were released to the Conservative Caucus. It was left to David Garrow to later obtain and comment on it. The rest of the media were mostly silent, except to attack Garrow for having the honesty and integrity to cover its findings.

The evidence shows, even without access to the still-secret MLK tapes, that the communists were manipulating the civil rights movement in directions that benefited them, such as by influencing King to be critical of the war against communism in Vietnam. Blackmail over his sexual perversions may have played a role.

The important thing, from the perspective of Vietnam veterans like Vic Biorseth, is that King betrayed the cause of freedom-loving peoples. During a television interview, he said that, after looking at the evidence, he went from a being a supporter to someone who now recognizes King’s service to the communist cause.

Authorized for the purpose of documenting King’s communist connections, the FBI surveillance ordered by Bobby Kennedy turned up evidence of King’s communism and adultery, which contradicted his stance as a minister of God preaching virtue in public life. Aware of this, Jackie Kennedy said King was a “phony” minister of the Gospel.

Nevertheless, the man and the myth persist.

Interestingly, President Barack Hussein Obama presided over the official unveiling of the King memorial in Washington, D.C. on October 16, 2011. Taxpayer funds, to the tune of $10 million, and four acres of federal land, were donated for a 30-foot tall socialist-type statue of King made in communist China by a Chinese artist with Chinese granite. It’s been called “Martin Luther Mao,” for its similarity to grandiose Mao monuments made by the same artist in China.

Then-Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden were there to “honor the life and memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Like Joe Biden, King was a confirmed plagiarist.

Like King, Obama was influenced by communists, most notably his mentor, black communist Frank Marshall Davis.

It’s quite a group, and it’s in control of the Democratic Party today.

Coming out of the communist closet, King paid tribute to W.E.B. Du Bois, who himself joined the Communist Party USA in 1961, at an event sponsored by the Chinese- and Russian-funded magazine FreedomWays in New York City. The CPUSA is so proud of this that it has posted his application for membership.

W.E.B. Du Bois declared that “The path of the American Communist Party is clear: It will provide the United States with a real third party and thus restore democracy to this land.”

In fact, however, the party preferred to work through the national Democratic Party.

According to the FBI report that was inadvertently released, “…King has been described within the CPUSA as a true, genuine Marxist-Leninist ‘from the top of his head to the tips of his toes.’” The report adds, “The feeling within the CPUSA at that time was, and still is, that King definitely follows a Marxist-Leninist line.”

Such claims, undoubtedly made by party insiders and confirmed by FBI informants in the party, put King’s preaching of “non-violent civil disobedience” in perspective. He had one face in public on the matter of “civil rights,” which appealed to many people, but at the same time advocated a murderous end to the desire of the people of Southeast Asia to be free of Communist domination. That was part of his bloody record.

As a result of King’s influential anti-Vietnam War speech, and the involvement in the “anti-war” movement of figures like CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite, U.S. military forces withdrew from Vietnam, leading to a communist takeover that produced hundreds of thousands of political prisoners and Vietnamese “boat people” trying to escape. Almost two million people were then murdered in a campaign of genocide in neighboring Cambodia, carried out by the communist Khmer Rouge.

The official figures show that more than 58,000 Americans died trying to stop a communist takeover of Southeast Asia.

Using the false un-winnable war declarations of such people as King and later Cronkite as justification, the Congress cut off aid to South Vietnam, creating the conditions for the communist takeover.

Lewis Fanning’s excellent book, Betrayal in Vietnam, notes that “…it was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it.” A powerful left-wing Congressional caucus, Members of Congress for Peace through Law, decided that American military involvement would end, and dramatically reduced aid to the government of South Vietnam. Republican President Gerald Ford, who took power after Richard Nixon’s resignation, understood that Congress would not provide enough assistance to keep the country free of communism. American forces were withdrawn and the bloodbath began.

The Members of Congress for Peace through Law eventually grew to became the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest group of congressional members within the Democratic Party.

One can understand the Democratic Party honoring King. But why are conservatives and Republicans doing so? And why have taxpayers and citizens been forced to pay homage to him?

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc,

How King’s Dream Became a Red Nightmare

By Cliff Kincaid

January 15, 2022

While liberals and “conservatives” portray Martin Luther King, Jr., as a moderate, the left-wingers and “progressives” know better.

The Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCADI) says King’s global ministry “was birthed during Africa’s decolonization period” and that King’s “transnational advocacy” helped “to elevate the Black American Civil Rights Movement and globalize the international human rights movement against racism, colonization, and war.” These are code words for anti-Americanism.

King was an internationalist aligned with the communist movement.

As I have said previously, the sad truth about Martin Luther King, Jr. is that his original mission of equal rights for black Americans changed later in life when he was surrounded by pro-Moscow communist advisers who turned him against the Vietnam War. A noble effort to save South Vietnam from communism was eventually defeated, not by the communist enemy on the military battlefield but by a Democratic Party-controlled Congress which terminated assistance to the government in Saigon. Vietnam became, and remains, a communist dictatorship.

The CCADI adds, “In Dr. King’s speeches, essays, and interviews he consistently drew lines between the struggles on the motherland and the ones endured by African descendant brothers and sisters in South America and the Caribbean. Dr. King boldly embraced his African heritage and even encouraged Black Americans to immigrate to Africa to assist in her development.”

That’s a fascinating revelation.

A different point of view came from former Washington Post reporter Keith Richburg, author of the book, Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, who said he was lucky that his ancestors came to America, even though they came as slaves.

The Highlander Center

The Highlander Center, once known as the Highlander Folk School, says it is unfortunate that “the mainstream representation of Dr. King leaves us with a commodified and more conservative version that portrays him as the voice of ‘moderation’ in the Black community.” The Center says, “It omits his beginning as a far more radical leader, especially on matters of labor, poverty, anticolonialism, and economic justice, than we remember.”

We must remember these inconvenient facts.

According to the King Institute, “On 2 September 1957, Martin Luther King joined with the staff and the participants of a leadership training conference at Highlander Folk School to celebrate its 25th anniversary. In his closing address to the conference, King praised Highlander for its ‘noble purpose and creative work,’ and contribution to the South of ‘some of its most responsible leaders in this great period of transition.”

This is the group that became the Highlander Research and Education Center. It confirms that King delivered a keynote address at the 25th anniversary of Highlander in September 1957 at Monteagle, Tennessee. A photograph exists of his participation in what is called a “Communist training school.” Such a description has been termed a smear.

In his famous speech opposing a national holiday in honor of King, Senator Jesse Helms noted, “Shown in the photograph sitting adjacent to King are Abner Berry, a correspondent for the Communist Party newspaper, the Daily Worker; Aubrey Williams, identified as a member of the CPUSA and President of SCEF [the Southern Conference Educational Fund]; and Myles Horton, a founder and director of the Highlander Folk School. Although Myles Horton was not identified as a member of the Communist Party, a witness before SISS [Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security] in 1954 and a former member for seventeen years and a former official and organizer for the Party, Paul Crouch, testified that he had solicited Horton to join the Party…”

Horton replied, “I’m doing you just as much good now as I would if I were a member of the Communist Party. I am often asked if I am a Communist Party member and I always say no. I feel much safer in having no fear that evidence might be uncovered to link me with the Communist Party, and therefore I prefer not to become a member of the Communist Party.”

Helms noted that the Southern Conference Educational Fund was itself dominated by the Communist Party through the Party members who ran it.

Conservatives don’t want to face these and other facts.

Catholic Conservative Has a Conversion

Except for one notable exception: Conservative Catholic writer Vic Biorseth, who has concluded that MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech turned out to be a communist mass disillusion.

“Few speeches have stirred the soul as deeply as MLK’s famous I Have A Dream speech of August 28 1963,” Biorseth wrote. “I was profoundly moved by it, and actually put it on a par with Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and held it to be more motivating to positive action than even Churchill’s famous We Will Fight Them on The Beeches speech. They were wonderful words, enlightened and enlightening.”

But he is honest about the facts and acknowledges the work I have done, in bringing “the whole MLK association with immorality and Communism into the light where I had to seriously look at it, and see it for what it was.”

A Vietnam veteran, he explains, “That MLK could have been a commie was a very hard pill for me to swallow. But, looking back, I remember having a hard time reconciling his rigid anti-war stand during the Vietnam War. It just didn’t make any sense. That war was lost here in America, not over there, and MLK was instrumental in helping that cause.”

There is no direct evidence of King being a Communist Party member. But he knowingly associated with them and advocated their causes. He broke a promise to John and Bobby Kennedy to break with the communists. In addition, despite his reputation as a moderate, King, Jr. paid tribute to W.E.B. Du Bois, who himself joined the CPUSA in 1961, at an event sponsored by the Chinese- and Russian-funded magazine Freedomways in New York City.

The Kennedys knew about his association with communists because they ordered the FBI to conduct surveillance of King and his associates. Those tapes, sealed for 50 years, also revealed evidence of sex orgies, as disclosed in an FBI report accidentally released.

To take Biorseth’s point one step further, the “communist mass disillusion” of civil rights for all turned out to be the basis for “special rights” for blacks, homosexuals and transgenders as well as anti-white discrimination and reverse racism, even in such matters as COVID relief.

The “dream” turned into a nightmare. That’s what the communists intended.

Reds and Blacks

It is extremely significant that his memorial statue in Washington, D.C. was built in Communist China.

Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

For those unfamiliar with Marxist jargon, this means that communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state.

Honest conservatives like Biorseth have to look even deeper. Communists have targeted black Americans for exploitation almost since the time of the Russian revolution in 1917. The article, “Black Liberation and the Communist International,” describes a Soviet campaign, launched shortly after the Russian revolution, to exploit the “Negro question” in the U.S. and manipulate blacks and members of other minority groups for communist purposes.

It’s still on track, as we see with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. We can only defeat this insidious campaign if we begin to recognize the truth about King and acknowledge that many blacks have followed him to the communist plantation.

One notable example, Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL), was exposed by Jeremy Segal in a video showing him being honored at the Communist Party’s headquarters in Chicago for a lifetime of “inspiring leadership.”

More examples are available, and many are involved with the national Democratic Party.

In addition to America’s first black President, Barack Hussein Obama, who was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, a black communist, we could point to the first Muslim member of Congress, Keith Ellison, who was an official of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), cited as a Communist Party front organization by the House Committee on Un-American Activities. It remains the U.S. affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the old Soviet front. In that capacity, Ellison had been a vocal supporter — and attended a fundraiser for — Sara Jane Olson, a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), an off-shoot of the Weather Underground that is probably best known for kidnapping Patricia Hearst.

Then-Rep. Ellison even penned an article in the CPUSA’s People’s World published on August 29, 2014 discussing the rise of “people’s movements” in the United States. One photograph showed him distributing the Final Call newspaper of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, which believes white people were created by a scientist named Yakub and constitute an inferior race.

Ellison won the race for Attorney General in Minnesota in 2018, after allegations of abuse from an ex-girlfriend.

Nancy Pelosi Praises Red

We released FBI documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request about the Soviet connections of Carlton Goodlett, a major black figure, and his influence in the California Democratic Party. Goodlett had a long record of involvement in communist causes, including membership on the presidium of the World Peace Council, a Kremlin front, and being a Lenin Peace Prize winner.

Yet, House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi once praised Dr. Carlton Goodlett as just a civil rights activist.

In this way, thanks in part to the success the communists had in manipulating Martin Luther King, Jr., communist influence in America and on the Congress has grown exponentially. They have insidiously used “civil rights” to advance the communist cause.

However, if “conservatives” and Republicans issue platitudes about King on his holiday, Monday, January 17, ignoring his pro-communist orientation, you will know that the Democrats still hold the upper hand.

It is this kind of surrender that enables Pelosi to run a partisan committee investigating January 6 and put Republicans on the constant defensive.

Only one Republican member of Congress, Rep. Steve King, ever supported our call for creation of a House Internal Security Committee to investigate communist influence on the Congress. If Republicans had followed his advice, they might not be in the minority in Congress today and depending on “moderate” Democrats, the Senate filibuster, and a fickle Supreme Court to save America from the Biden regime.

But King was eventually forced out of Congress by current House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy because King was outspoken in support of saving Western civilization and opposing open borders and multiculturalism. McCarthy is now trying to accede to Democratic Party demands to censor and even expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Trump supporters.

The danger today is this strange version of “McCarthyism.” These Republicans are willing to ignore the actual Reds under the bed, in this case those surrounding Martin Luther King, Jr., when he was engaging in sex orgies and possibly being blackmailed to do the bidding of the communists.

It is one of the scandals, like the communist plot to murder JFK, that remains one of America’s most closely-guarded secrets.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Biden’s Disorganized Dictatorship

By Cliff Kincaid

January 12, 2022

There’ s nothing socialists and communists hate more than a disorganized dictatorship, unable to consolidate power. As a result, the plan for Biden’s $3 trillion “human infrastructure” plan, described by socialist scholar Paul LeBlanc as “Socialist Convergence” for America through the Green New Deal, remains in limbo. The “progressives” are angry.

This rage represents an opportunity to save America from the abyss.

Looking at foreign affairs, the Biden effect is working to the advantage of our enemies.

America-friendly countries in Europe and Asia, such as Ukraine and Taiwan, are in grave danger. China Joe’s foreign policy, an extension of that practiced by Barack Hussein Obama, is designed to make it risky to seek the kind of freedom and independence we once had in America. Israel is even in danger of nuclear attack by the Russian-armed religious fanatics in Iran, who are now targeting former Trump officials for death in retaliation for the killing of Iranian terrorist commander Soleimani.

Here at home, however, the communists are desperate.

Written before Biden “won” the election, socialist scholar LeBlanc said, “It is possible and necessary to build a powerful mass socialist movement in the United States by 2030 that could be in a position to provide an effective challenge to capitalism and transition to a socialist democracy.” Biden’s “victory” moved up the timetable.

But “moderates” like Senator Joe Manchin are standing in the way. “Anger erupts after Manchin kills Build Back Better” was the message from the once Moscow-aligned but now pro-China Communist Party USA in an email to party cadre, referring to the multi-trillion dollar bill.

In the other body of Congress, the party is happy with Speaker Pelosi’s job, issuing a message, “House Democrats push for votes on human needs.” The “progressives” are running the show and passing a series of socialist measures.

The message is crystal clear – the House is controlled by communist-friendly forces while the Senate has yet to succumb to the revolution.

Another base of support for the communists, if you read the People’s World,  lies in various unions, including those running the public schools, as the paper highlights  National Education Association President Becky Pringle as a leading “progressive.”

Covering the pro-communist NEA was one of the first assignments I had when I worked for the national conservative weekly newspaper Human Events, almost 40 years ago. The speaker then was “Berkeley Ron” Dellums, a Congressman from Oakland, succeeded by Rep. Barbara Lee, a trusted confidant of House Speaker Pelosi.

Lee, former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus and a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is perhaps best known for casting the lone vote in the House against U.S. military action to remove the Taliban regime in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks. The Taliban had harbored the al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for 9/11.

In her book, Renegade for Peace & Justice, Lee declared her support for “a world vision of peace” and a Cabinet-level Department of Peace. She favors big cuts in the Pentagon budget and reliance on the United Nations in foreign affairs.

Another left-wing favorite is AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler.

In the context of the “one-year anniversary of the Trumpite insurrection and invasion of the U.S. Capitol,” as the communists describe the events of January 6, the  demonization of Trump is a clever tactic, designed to divert attention from the socialist takeover of the major institutions of government.

The left-wingers once started a group called “Move On” when they got tired of the effort to impeach President Clinton, a liar and philanderer.

However, with the economy in shambles under China Joe, it is apparent many people want to “move on” from the current administration. Hence, the “progressives” are desperate to consolidate power. Time is running short, as mid-term elections in 2022 approach.

But is House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy the man to lead America out of the current predicament?

Staunch conservative and former Rep. Steve King’s new book, Walking Through the Fire, describes in detail how the GOP leadership, led by Kevin McCarthy, forced him out of Congress through lies and collaboration with the New York Times.

In an interview, he provided the inside story of moral corruption in the Republican establishment and names the names of the next conservative members being targeted for destruction.

In any case, Biden is facing opposition from other quarters. Various courts, including the Supreme Court, are striking down an assortment of unconstitutional executive orders on matters such as vaccine mandates and open borders that emanate from the White House occupied by China Joe.

China Joe’s promise to “shut down” the virus is in tatters, as people get sick and die with no end in sight and there are no tests to gauge the extent of the calamity.

Sensing this is an administration without even an amateurish degree of competence, Biden’s former advisers in the health field are now telling the American people this is the “new normal” and they just have to get used to it. Forgive and forget that China unleashed this monster on America and the world, and that China is undergoing additional lockdowns as the virus mutates and cases of hemorrhagic fever are documented.

America is the real target, the ground zero, for the next variant or disease that China decides to unleash on the world, even while American athletes participate in what critics call the “genocide games.”

Every day Americans with a foot in the real world learn of more shortages in the economy, as goods and services are difficult to obtain when people need them the most. It turns out the COVID test shortages are a symptom of a problem much greater in the real economy. And China Joe has no plan to make things right, except to rely on an ill-informed Fed chief promising higher interest rates and more economic pain and suffering.

Instead, as the communist People’s World as trumpeted, echoing the unions,  Biden is using Donald J. Trump as the real threat,  blaming the former president “for leading the ongoing conspiracy against democracy.”

The communists have completely embraced China Joe, perhaps as their last best hope to impose socialism on America and weaken it further in global affairs.

At the same time, the communist paper recognizes the Supreme Court as an obstacle on the path to dictatorship, insisting there is a GOP majority on the Court standing in the way of social progress. A caption in the paper over the photos of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch declares that “the Trump Supreme Court Appointees tip the balance on the Court completely in favor of what is essentially a group of Republican operatives acting as a check on any and all progressive legislation or actions coming from the Executive and Legislative branches of government.”

Let’s hope and pray that the communists’ fears are realized.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.  

Be Prepared for More Chaos

By Cliff Kincaid

January 8, 2022

There’s no defending what happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. We’ve documented the dope-smoking New Agers, some apparently under federal direction and control, that were part of the event. Many were trespassers, ushered in by members of the Capitol Police. A would-be bomber remains on the loose.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz’ labeling of the event as a “terrorist attack” is another indication Republicans are divided over the meaning of January 6.

Call it what you would like – attack, riots, or “insurrection.”  It was wrong.

But the fact remains that one death was tied directly to that event, the murder of Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. military veteran. She was a Trump supporter. The Capitol Police killer was exonerated of any wrongdoing. That was a disgrace. That was a threat to our Republic. Our system of checks and balances failed.

China Joe’s speech this morning ignored that death while also ignoring the more than 800,000 dead from the China virus. “As we mark the tragic milestone of 800,000 American deaths due to COVID-19, we remember each person and the lives they lived, and we pray for the loved ones left behind,” Biden said on December 14.

We have to remember them now – and every day. The sickness and death continue on a daily basis and Americans don’t have the tests available to determined who sick and who’s not. Hence, the virus spreads.

The young will survive but the senior citizens, once targeted by Democratic Party governors in assisted living homes, will bear the brunt of the deaths.

The courts did not and won’t intervene in the election problems. Let’s face facts. Mike Lindell’s attempt to bring this matter before the Supreme Court is doomed. He couldn’t even prove Chinese cyber warfare in the election. He’s a total failure and a laughing stock. And the other two branches of government, executive and legislative, won’t expose federal involvement in the January 6 “insurrection.”

Trump continues to talk about “the rigged Presidential Election of 2020” but if that were the case, then why did he vacate the Oval Office? If this rhetoric is just an organizing tool, in order to get election integrity laws passed in the various states, so be it. But Mike Lindell’s crusade has become a joke. He keeps promising big results from the Supreme Court but none has resulted.

The crowd associated with Steve Bannon is counting on a Republican takeover in 2022. Don’t bet on it. He is promising a “sweeping victory” by MAGA in November. Don’t bet on it. I witnessed the same false promises in 2018.

This “Brown is the New White” strategy, backed by Barack Hussein Obama and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, was successful in the November 6, 2018 elections, as a real “blue wave” enabled a new socialist-oriented national Democratic Party to pick up as many as 40 House seats, take control of the House, and make preparations to impeach President Trump.

America’s Survival, Inc. was the only national conservative group to have predicted and outlined this winning strategy on the part of the communist-supported progressive movement.

Trump held a large number of rallies during the 2018 campaign. But his claim that his vigorous campaigning “stopped the blue wave” is just not true.

Bolstered by Sean Hannity of Fox News and the late Rush Limbaugh on the campaign trail, Trump was apparently convinced that talking about illegal immigration and the economy would save his House majority and get conservatives out to the polls. That strategy failed.

If you want the truth about the Republicans, read Steve King’s new bookWalking Through the Fire, on how the GOP leadership, led by Kevin McCarthy, purges strong conservatives. King is a living example of that. He was forced out by McCarthy and the Republican establishment.

King discussed what happened during an interview on my channel America’s Survival TV. This is the kind of “McCarthyism” that threatens our country.

Rep. Steve Stivers, who led the National Republican Congressional Committee, called King, who defends Western civilization against Marxist subversion, a white nationalist. It was a false charge.

Stivers, by the way, had predicted that the Republicans would retain their House majority in 2018. But it’s hard to do that when you’re attacking fellow Republicans.

To force through more socialist measures, and get Democrat Joe Manchin on board, an economic “correction” is coming. Interest rates are on the rise and the stock market is in decline. It could get worse than a “correction.”

All of this will be used by the forces behind China Joe to ram through more socialist measures, supposedly to rescue the economy from collapse.

We will have economic chaos, by design, as new variants of the virus emerge, killing more people.

As they say in my once-beloved Boy Scouts, “Be prepared.”

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Racing With the Devil Toward 1 Million Deaths

By Cliff Kincaid

December 26, 2021

How have we gotten to the point where a “conservative” journalist refers to systematic human suffering as being “relatively harmless?”

Roger L. Simon writes at Epoch Times: “New [China virus] variant Omicron, though highly transmissible, is apparently relatively harmless — no deaths and hardly any hospitalizations in the 30 or so countries that have reported cases thus far. It even shares genetic material with that other somewhat benign coronavirus, the common cold.”

On the left, the Intercept reports that the Omicron variant is “starting to overwhelm the U.S.” Record numbers of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are being forecast. Suffering is still being caused by the China virus on a massive scale.

Yet Simon proclaimed, “What a relief. What a Happy New Year this could be. Let’s sing that great song from World War I, ‘When This Bloody War Is Over.’ We all feel as if we’ve been through it.”

“The great unknown,” writes Jay K. Varma, a professor at Weill Cornell Medicine and an epidemiologist, “is whether a record number of infections will translate into a record number of hospitalizations and deaths.”

The war is not over.

“I will take care of this,” China Joe had promised. “I will end this. I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country.”

But Vice President Kamala Harris says the China Joe Administration didn’t see the latest variant coming. She told the Los Angeles Times, “We didn’t see Omicron coming. And that’s the nature of what this, this awful virus has been, which as it turns out, has mutations and variants.”

One family member with the latest variant has to isolate from his family, during Christmas week, and suffers from body pain and congestion. We do not know at this point how dangerous it can be, or whether other variants may follow. We are unsure of its impact on the very young.

I agree with the Intercept that journalists have a responsibility to report on the “fatal seriousness” of Covid-19. The left-wingers, however, want to avoid pinning the blame on China.

The latest variant is so contagious that triple-vaccinated people with over 90 percent protection are coming down with it.

Overall, covid deaths are on the way to 1 million in the U.S. Worldwide, 5.2 million are dead.

Since it appears the not prepared to get into a full-scale military war with China at this time, we have to use vaccines, drugs, and other weapons at our disposal to stop the death and destruction. Biden has divided the American people with his insistence on vax mandates on almost everybody.

I wrote a column about General George Washington’s imposition of a vaccine mandate on the American Revolutionary War forces, a decision that turned the tide against the British. I said at the time, “The question is to what extent the state should intervene when more than 660,000 have died from the China virus and the disease keeps spreading.”

Now we’re at more than 800,000 dead and the number is certain to surpass one million.

Axios reports that, if Republicans take the House in 2022, they plan to initiate a probe of the “origins of the virus.” What we need to probe is why elements of the U.S. intelligence, medical, scientific, health and defense establishments worked with the Chinese to develop this virus or else were complicit in its release and/or cover-up.

There is a lot of blood on their hands.

Mike Allen of Axios should take a look at his father’s great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, especially the chapter titled “The Red China Gambit,” about how Henry Kissinger engineered President Nixon’s “opening” to China and the eventual abandonment of the Republic of China on Taiwan.

Kissinger’s power play was based on the false hope that China had abandoned communism. Most Republicans and Democrats accepted this dangerous approach to China.

Mike’s father Gary Allen described the Red Chinese as “unquestionably the bloodiest mass murderers in human history,” adding, “Red China practiced a smiling and beguiling diplomacy toward the West, while serving as the world’s major pusher of drugs.”

The drug-pushing continues, supplemented by spreading a virus.

In addition to the mass murder inflicted on the world by the coronavirus and the Red Chinese export of fentanyl, Red China backed North Korea’s war of aggression on South Korea. Casualties of the United States during the Korean War included 54,260 dead (of whom 33,665 were battle deaths), 92,134 wounded, and 8,176 listed as missing in action or prisoners of war.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy said on June 24, “…the gravest injustice China must be held accountable for is the tragic loss of 600,000 Americans due to the CCP’s lies and deceit. That’s more than the total number of American lives lost during World War I and World War II combined…”

But the body bags keep piling up.

Before the China virus was released, the official Chinese news agency article, “Xi meets Obama, discusses China-U.S. ties,” revealed that, after the election of President Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Barack Hussein Obama in Beijing. The British Guardian said that Chinese media “fawned” over Obama and Xi, dubbing the pair “veteran cadres”, a term usually applied to retired Communist officials.

My group America’s Survival, Inc. published Comrade Obama Unmasked: Marxist Mole in the White House, and Red Star Rising: The Making of Barack Hussein Obama and the Transformation of America.

If Republicans had done their jobs, Obama would have been out of office, impeached on any number of grounds, including his obvious mental impairment, caused by his extensive drug use.

Because Republicans failed to do their jobs, we got the presidency of China Joe Biden, who should be impeached on various grounds as well. But Republicans don’t have the votes. There is no doubt he was preferred by China and Russia over Donald J. Trump.

Thanks to Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, who opposes Biden’s $4.91 “Build Back Bankrupt” bill, there is some hope at least on the economic front. He has effectively killed this bill.

“As the Omicron variant spreads throughout communities across the country, we are seeing COVID-19 cases rise at rates we have not seen since the height of this pandemic,” said Manchin. “We are also facing increasing geopolitical uncertainty as tensions rise with both Russia and China. Our ability to quickly and effectively respond to these pending threats would be drastically hindered by our rising debt.”

It is time to hold the communists accountable through Nuremberg-style tribunals. Let the trials begin. Let Rep. Kevin McCarthy initiate them, since he promises “to hold China accountable.” Let’s start with Barack Hussein Obama,  the power behind China Joe.

Frank Chapman, author of Marxist-Leninist Perspectives on Black Liberation and Socialism, once referred to Obama as a revolutionary mole, while Marxist historian Gerald Horne spoke of Obama being influenced by Communist sex pervert Frank Marshall Davis. We released the Davis FBI file, showing him to be on the FBI’s Security Index.

The Republicans, if they are serious, must re-establish a House Internal Security Committee if they take power in the House. That committee was a successor to the House Un-American Activities Committee.

When my group made the demand for an anti-communist investigatory congressional committee in 2010, only one Republican House member, Rep. Steve King, publicly supported it. Rep. Kevin McCarthy engineered his ouster.

King has written the bookWalking Through the Fire: My Fight for the Heart and Soul of America.

At this perilous time, I have reposted my 2014 interview with the late John A. Stormer, author of None Dare Call It Treason, a book that sold more than 7 million copies and sparked Ronald Reagan’s run for the presidency. Stormer talked about how a dire situation can be turned around through citizen action.

We need a heavy dose of McCarthyism, but not of the Kevin variety. It must begin now.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. 

Will America Go to War?

By Cliff Kincaid

December 4, 2021

The start of World War I was sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. The communist assassination of JFK in 1963 did not spark World War III. That’s because the communist role in the murder was covered-up by LBJ.

Now, with more than 800,000 deaths in America from the China virus, China is spared any responsibility for the suffering and carnage. The reason: nobody wants to go to war. This sends a message to China about Taiwan. It already has Hong Kong. It’s pushing America around on the world stage, on the way to world domination. Nether political party, the Democrats or Republicans, have the will to stop them because nobody has an appetite for war.

Instead, Americans fight one another and talk about another civil war. That’s exactly what our enemies want.

Conservatives applaud Senator Rand Paul and others for bashing Dr. Fauci. But’s Fauci is just an agent of the Chinese, like China Joe himself. Beyond Fauci and China Joe is the Chinese Communist regime, sitting on top of the world. Getting rid of Fauci leaves Chinese dictator Xi in power.

Liberals think climate change is a more important issue. Like China Joe, they beg the Chinese communists to do something, anything, to mitigate extreme weather changes. But the virus is a different matter. The Chinese-sponsored Olympics will go on as scheduled.

Those who have seen their countrymen suffer and die from the China virus wonder at the priorities of the American people.

Consider abortion. Once again, professional “pro-life” groups are saying the end of Roe vs. Wade, the pro-abortion ruling, is just around the corner. That’s because the Supreme Court heard another case on the subject today.

Even if this were true, abortion has claimed more than 63 million lives in America since Roe v. Wade. As deadly as it is, the China virus has diverted our attention from what Thomas W. Jacobson, Executive Director of the Global Life Campaign, has called “the greatest genocide in history.”

The year 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the first government authorizing abortion, the Russian communist regime, and more than 1 billion babies have been sacrificed in one century.

No wonder 800,000 dead from the China virus fails to anger people.

Instead, Americans argue among themselves about abortion and the virus. This is the way the communists would like it. We are incapable of coming together on the basic issue of life and death.

We see Americans define abortion as the right to choose, as a woman’s right over her unborn child. The Catholic Church debates whether “Catholic” Joe Biden, a pro-abortion zealot, deserves Holy Communion, and comes to no firm conclusion.

We have lost our sense of morality. Our churches are corrupt.

We see Americans blame the CIA for what was obviously a case of a Marxist assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, killing JFK.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a leading opponent of Fauci, wants to see his own father’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, released from prison. RFK Jr. doesn’t even think Sirhan Sirhan did the crime, for which he was convicted and admitted responsibility.  But RFK Jr. is hailed as a patriot by conservatives who hate Fauci.

Tucker Carlson regularly features gay activist Glenn Greenwald as a guest, even though Greenwald made his reputation as a man of the left by serving as a handler for CIA/NSA traitor Edward Snowden, now living in Moscow. Snowden’s disclosures benefited Russia and China.

Having seen the Americans get them off the hook for murdering an American president and trying to kill a pope, John Paul II, the Russians invaded Ukraine and are now threatening to do so again.

The communist regimes in Russia and China have America at their mercy. We are lost. As William Wallace told the Scots, their country has no sense of itself.

America stands for nothing.

Perhaps the Supreme Court will come to its sense on Roe. We can only hope and pray, since America’s legislature will not curtail the slaughter to any great extent.

The other hope is reversing government control of education.

Americans are beginning to discover there was a time when education “was considered mainly a family or local responsibility, not a responsibility of the state,” as noted by the shrine associated with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American to be canonized as a saint. “Schooling was conducted in the home or in small, one-room school houses. The curriculum centered on reading, writing, and arithmetic along with moral and religious training. One purpose of learning to read was to be able to read the Bible for oneself.”

The reality of abortion makes you wonder if Americans have a stomach for this fight for their children.

In this fight, the Catholic Church has to show it stands for something. Parents are taking their children out of the public schools and putting them in Catholic schools. This is a major trend.

Not all of these parents are Catholics. But they are looking for schools that teach morality and Biblical values. First, they have to find this moral sense in themselves.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Narco-State America’s “Great Transition” to the Brave New World

By Cliff Kincaid

As we celebrate the sacrifices of our veterans, we look with sadness at a country that is fast becoming a narco-state now considering decriminalizing and legalizing not only marijuana but all hard drugs, including heroin, LSD, and cocaine. This is the notorious CIA MK-Ultra mind-control project made into official U.S. Government policy.

One sign of hope — the victory of Glenn Youngkin in Virginia is a big threat to the burgeoning marijuana business in that state and can send a message nationwide if the Republican Party acts to curtail and reverse this dangerous national mind-control experiment.

“If there was a group of children that were sitting here and I was talking to them about marijuana I would tell them don’t use it,” said Youngkin during the campaign. The father of four added, “I’ve never met anybody who habitually used marijuana and was successful and I would tell all them the same thing.”

Contradicting this common sense, a major GOP power broker and financier, homosexual activist Peter Thiel, has been investing huge sums in the marijuana and psychedelic research industries and is backing Republican Senate candidates in Arizona (Blake Masters) and Ohio (J.D. Vance).

What’s at stake is whether the Republicans will join the Democrats in cultivating potheads and other drug abusers as a voting bloc.

The election of Youngkin as governor of Virginia comes in the midst of a growing debate over the link between marijuana and violence. Parkland (Florida) school shooter Nikolas Cruz blamed marijuana and other drugs when he pleaded guilty to the 2018 massacre that killed 17 people. Having gone through rehab in prison, he said, “I hate drugs and I believe this country would do better if everyone would stop smoking marijuana and doing all these drugs and causing racism and violence out in the streets.”

Former hedge fund manager and venture capitalist Peter Thiel, a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Meetings, a group of elites regarded by some as the power behind the scenes of world events, is remaking the GOP into his image.

He co-founded PayPal, which he sold to eBay in 2002 for $1.5 billion, and his net worth is now said to be around $4 billion. He favored Ron Paul for president in 2012, then switched to Donald J. Trump and was a featured speaker at the Republican national convention in 2016.

Virginia’s new governor Glenn Youngkin comes from high finance as well, having run the Carlyle Group, but is a family man who emphasized the role of parents in the upbringing of their children, especially in the public schools.

Under the Democrats in Virginia, legislation to create an official marijuana industry was passed, in order to generate tax revenue for government and campaign contributions for politicians. All of that is now in jeopardy because of Youngkin’s victory. The dope lobby fears the GOP takeover of the state House of Delegates will mean delays or even rejections for pot shops, causing the demise of the industry even before it begins.

In addition to marijuana, so-called progressives have been demanding easy access to “psychedelic medicine,” including LSD and Ecstasy. Working with the George Soros-funded marijuana movement, in fact, they have achieved enormous “progress” in the various states, especially Oregon, which in 2020 decriminalized cocaine, meth, and LSD by passing a measured backed by money from billionaires George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

Los Angeles Magazine reports, “Since recreational cannabis became legal in California in 2016, it’s grown into a multibillion-dollar a year industry. If the California legislature does the same thing with LSD and the other drugs, the windfall could be as big.” State Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco says they have a realistic chance of passing SB-519, which decriminalizes possession and personal use of psychedelics, next year.

The 1960s “New Left,” which became the Weathermen and the Weather Underground, was an outgrowth of this approach. Members of the Weather Underground were involved in arranging the escape from prison of Timothy Leary, who devoted much of his life to glamorizing LSD, marijuana, and other drugs. He eventually went to prison on illegal drug charges. After his escape from prison, Leary released a message through Bernardine Dohrn’s sister urging communist revolutionaries to “turn on” and continue a campaign of violence and terrorism.

Bernardine Dohrn had herself praised the drug-crazed Charles Manson gang killers.

For his part, Thiel has invested money in psychedelic-medicine companies and the Canadian cannabis company Tilray.

Thiel’s candidate in the Arizona Senate race, Blake Masters, is Chief Operating Officer at Thiel Capital, President of The Thiel Foundation, and co-author, with Peter Thiel, of Zero to One, which a reviewer for Forbes says accepts key elements of a Marxist theory of “progress” in human history.

Ohio Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance is also backed by Thiel. But Vance seems to have some traditional conservative views, having declared at a conference in Virginia hosted by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute that parents with children should have more  say in how the country is run and attacked New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other leaders of the “childless left” for their lack of “physical commitment to the future of this country.”

Yet, Vance has also announced that “married” homosexual Peter Thiel is playing an active role in his campaign.

Concern about children motivates the anti-dope movement in the United States, with such groups as the California-based Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana warning that using cannabis can lead to

  • the development of schizophrenia, other psychoses and other mental-health problems.
  • hallucinations, delusions, and panic attacks.
  • an increase in suicide ideation and suicide attempts.
  • respiratory infections and bronchitis episodes.
  • increased risk of motor vehicle crashes.
  • disrupting brain development in babies, causing premature births and lower birth weight.

At an America’s Survival conference in 2017, Dr. Tina Trent explained how the movement to legalize drugs now wants to make “mind-expanding” drugs more available, even mandatory, in order to erase traditional Christianity and transform consciousness through “New Age” practices.

In the opinion of some observers, mind-altering drugs have become the “Soma” for our Brave New World under the “Great Reset” and the “Great Transition.”

Billionaire Republican activist Peter Thiel is one of the power brokers behind it.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

How and Why Youngkin Won in Virginia

By Cliff Kincaid

November 5, 2021

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]
Stat, a health-oriented news website, ran an article before the November 2 election in Virginia that asked, “Can a pro-Covid vaccine, anti-mandate position help a Republican win in a Democratic state?” We know the answer to that. The Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin, knew that Trump was radioactive in Virginia but he followed Trump’s lead by strongly endorsing the Trump “Warp Speed” vaccines.

Youngkin, a successful businessman, and his family are all vaccinated.

The evidence shows that majorities of Democrats and Republicans now support the vaccines. Opposing them is a political loser in Virginia and nationally. Youngkin didn’t fall into the anti-vaccine trap. That was a big factor in his victory.

Other issues, especially parental control of education and rising crime, were also major factors.

The Stat article noted that the Democrat, Terry McAuliffe, was trying to focus the race on Covid-19 and had announced a policy initiative entitled “Virginia is for Vaccine Lovers.” He had called Youngkin an “anti-vaxxer” during a television interview with WJLA in Arlington, Va. But that was a blatant lie.

I had warned that if Republicans pandered to the anti-vaccine crowd, they would go down to a crushing defeat, like Larry Elder did in the California recall election.

True conservatives like Youngkin recognized the vaccines are giving people back the freedom they once took for granted and returning America’s economy to normalcy. They don’t believe the “Mark of the Beast” nonsense being peddled by the hucksters on Mike Lindell’s “Frank Speech” channel.

The message nationally from Virginia is that the Republicans have to follow Youngkin’s lead.

Republican politicians like Glenn Youngkin oppose vaccine mandates in general. But he was smart enough to couple his opposition to mandates with enthusiasm for the vaccines. That turned out to be a winning strategy which enabled him to take the issue of vaccines off the table and focus on education, crime, and the economy.

The University of Virginia Center for Politics notes that Republicans swept Virginia on Tuesday night, “winning statewide for the first time in a dozen years and running much better than they did in the Trump years.”

Regarding Trump’s future as a candidate, he could shout it to the rooftops that he was the American president behind the Warp Speed vaccines that have saved millions of lives and can possibly re-establish his authority as a credible figure on science and health matters. After all, he got COVID, survived, and took the vaccine. He has repeatedly advised his followers to take them, too.

But Trump has too much baggage on other issues and can play a constructive role, like he did in Virginia, by operating behind-the-scenes and mobilizing his supporters on behalf of legitimate conservative causes. His “Truth Social” media platform represents putting some of his money where his mouth is. He has to do more of this.

This time around, he has to avoid fringe characters like Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, and Steve Bannon and make his new platform into an authentic conservative voice.

Bannon, who is now on Mike Lindell’s payroll, has been held in in criminal contempt for defying a Congressional subpoena for documents relating to January 6. The conservative Wall Street Journal editorial page notes that “he doesn’t have the right to defy a subpoena with impunity” and Republican Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina voted to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt of Congress by saying, “Congress is an important check on the other branches of government. One critical function for the U.S. Congress to carry out this important check and balance is its ability to provide broad oversight, conduct investigations, and make use of its subpoena power.”

Let’s face it: Trump will never be able to run for president again. He is embroiled in too many lawsuits over January 6 and his personal life and business dealings.

Republicans have got to move beyond Donald J. Trump and disavow the QAnon crazies and New Age weirdos that showed up as Capitol trespassers on his behalf on January 6.

By taking this approach, the Republicans can focus on the communists and socialists operating openly in the Democratic Party.

This means that taxes and economic conditions are now on the front burner. “Virginians were overtaxed by $2.6 billion last fiscal year alone,” noted Youngkin, in a reference to the state budget surplus. He proposed eliminating the grocery tax and suspending the most recent gas tax hike for a year.

Most importantly, Youngkin said in a column, “I’ve spent my career leading teams, creating jobs and building businesses.” This was a reference to the fact that he ran the high finance firm the Carlyle Group. Youngkin understood basic economics and appealed to people by opposing Democrat tax-and-spend schemes in Virginia.

It’s clear that political races can be won but also that America on a global stage can win by utilizing the expertise of smart capitalists like Youngkin.

As a result of his win, he is now in a position of being able to explain to a national audience the meaning of such esoteric terms as the flattening of the yield curve and the dangers of a recession caused by reckless congressional tax-and-spending measures. He is a national figure who must be considered a presidential candidate in 2024.

He can turn back the socialist tide. 

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Exposing the “Cosmic Right” and the “Patriot Purge”

By Cliff Kincaid
A recent event on the “Cosmic Right,” exploring “The Overlap Between Psychedelics and Varieties of Right-Wing Politics,” helps people understand more clearly the politics of the pro-Trump QAnon Shaman who trespassed in the Capitol on January 6. The so-called “right-wing” has gone New Age. This is not conservatism. It is Steve Bannonism.

A description of the “Cosmic Right” event went as follows: “It has been argued that psychedelic experiences will automatically make you more liberal, open-minded, tolerant, progressive and environmentally friendly. But the historical evidence suggests otherwise – in fact, psychedelics have in the past been embraced by conservative, traditionalist and patriarchal cultures…More recently, the ‘Qanon shaman’ who became the poster-boy for the Capitol Hill insurrection has proved that psychedelics do not necessarily make you liberal or immune to authoritarian and anti-democratic conspiracy theories.”

There is a lot of left-wing propaganda packed into that description, but there is some truth as well.

What happened on January 6 was not an insurrection. The feds were heavily involved.  But the involvement of people using drugs in the mix of protesters on that day is a matter of fact. We examined this phenomenon in our column, “New Agers and Russian Agents in the Trump Movement.”

Bannon, a former adviser to Trump, is being held in contempt for defying a Congressional subpoena about his knowledge of the January 6 events. He should explain his own alleged affinity for New Age beliefs and whether they played a role in drawing people to the Capitol.

The speaker at the “Cosmic Right” event, sponsored by the Psychedelic Society of England, was Jules Evans, who writes about how New Agers and far-right groups have come together, some based on the work of “a secret government source called Q (who leaves cryptic comments on the website 8chan)” and who are “gathering together a patriot army to fight back and support President Donald Trump,” regarded as “a genius sent by God to defeat the evil cabal and usher in a new Age of Love.”

Our previous columns noted that an eyewitness provided evidence that marijuana smokers were in force in the demonstration on January 6.

On a deeper level, we speculated at the time that the plan was to provoke violence on January 6 in order to justify a crackdown that gives more power to intelligence and law enforcement agencies to go after Trump supporters. Rep. Victoria Spartz says, “As someone who grew up in the USSR, I’m disturbed that FBI is starting to resemble KGB – intimidation, surveillance, suppression of dissent…”

Tucker Carlson’s upcoming series about the events of January 6 examines the federal role.

But this is only half the story. What prompted some of the protesters to show up in the first place?

The only way out is to expose the New Age drug abusers in the conservative movement and purge them. Bannon must explain what he knows.

The “Cosmic Right” event in England only adds to the notion that what has been passing for “conservatism” in America and even Europe is actually a New Age phenomenon being manipulated by outside forces.

The Parkland Florida mass shooter, Nikolas Cruz, just pleaded guilty to murdering 17 people in 2018 and in doing so blamed marijuana for the nation’s problems. He said, in part: “I hate drugs and I believe this country would do better if everyone would stop smoking marijuana and doing all these drugs and causing racism and violence out in the streets.” He’s had a chance to clean out his system of mind-altering chemicals and is now thinking straight.

Cruz had told police about extensive drug use and “demons” in his mind.

Nevertheless, the Democratic Party is pushing marijuana legalization on a national basis, with Republicans such as Florida’s Rep. Matt Gaetz, a prominent Trump supporter, actively embracing the effort. The Tampa Bay Times newspaper reported, “Few people did more to legalize medical marijuana in Florida than Gaetz, who personally sponsored the House version of the 2014 legislation that became the state’s first marijuana law…” Today, his links to the marijuana industry, focusing on licenses for pot shops, are under federal investigation.

Gaetz claims marijuana has healing properties in many chronic ailments.

Tell that to the victims of Nikolas Cruz.

Marijuana is the “Soma” for our own Brave New World under the “Great Reset” and the “Great Transition.” Psychedelics have now been added to the mix. Their role in the events of January 6 have to be investigated.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” in Virginia

By Cliff Kincaid

It’s telling that, in the Virginia race, Barack Hussein Obama is campaigning for the Democrat McAuliffe, and Trump is nowhere to be seen for the Republican Youngkin. Obama’s campaign pitch is that Democrats will protect Mother Earth but continue the carnage of murdering the unborn. This is the rallying cry of the modern Democratic Party.

In addition, McAuliffe is campaigning to keep parents out of schools, so that the Marxist Madrassas can continue their brainwashing.

Instead of bringing Trump into the state, former Vice President Mike Pence will be the featured speaker at an educational freedom event in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Thursday.

None of this means that Youngkin can’t win. He has a good chance. But even if he loses, his example will mean a lot. He made a lot of money in high finance but has returned to Virginia, where he grew up, to make a difference. He is a role model for all of those who want to see America return to an era of life, liberty, and respect for property rights.

Youngkin is not a Trump Republican and knows that Trump is radioactive in Virginia. Indeed, McAuliffe is running ads comparing Youngkin to Trump.

On one issue, however, Youngkin is following Trump’s lead –by strongly endorsing the Trump “Warp Speed” vaccines. Majorities of Democrats and Republicans now support the vaccines. Opposing them is a political loser in Virginia and nationally.

Youngkin’s personal story includes the fact that he has been married for 26 years to his wife Suzanne and is a father of four children.

His website declares, “Virginia is being tested. This has been a tough time, with loved ones lost, jobs lost, and a country divided.”

With “loved ones lost” being a reference to the pandemic, a Youngkin victory in Virginia will do nothing on a national basis to solve the problem of the release of a virus by Communist China that has taken over 700,000 lives. But here Youngkin has a solution – the Trump Warp Speed vaccines and their ability to immunize people against the dangerous and infectious contagion that the Chinese communists spawned.

The fact is, however, that Republicans who want to win have got to move beyond Donald J. Trump and disavow the QAnon crazies and New Age weirdos that showed up as Capitol trespassers on his behalf on January 6. Anybody associated with that fiasco, including former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, have to be relegated to the back of the bus, or even off the bus.

The Democrats have their own crazies, represented by Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk, but that is their problem. These people love abortion and all the human destruction it represents. They want to save a planet devoid of humans.

Communists and socialists operate openly in the Democratic Party, and Republicans have to point this out.

In order for Republicans to become the majority party in America they have to attract more people like Youngkin, who ran the high finance firm the Carlyle Group. This is, after all, the highest stage of capitalism, to use Marxist jargon, and America’s brains on Wall Street are one of the best things we have going for our future as a nation. Youngkin is a very smart man who understands basic economics and is appealing to people by opposing Democrat tax-and-spend schemes in Virginia.

The Communist Chinese thought they would end up on top of the world because of the human impact of the coronavirus. Their rulers could easily spare another couple million lives. But today it’s the communist Chinese economy that is in trouble.  It turns out the communists did not truly understand the mechanisms of a capitalistic economy. They are in too much debt. The communists did not have the knowledge of our capitalists. They have gotten themselves into a hole.

America can take advantage of this turn of global affairs in our favor by utilizing the expertise of smart capitalists like Youngkin. There s a chance now that America’s capitalist class and other elites can in fact rally the American people to the side of true progress and hope for mankind and send communism and socialism into the ash heap of history.

In order to do this, however, we have to stop the slide into socialism in America, and that begins in Virginia.

Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” of Marxist change is in jeopardy, and he knows it. That’s why he’s cutting ads for McAuliffe.

It is appropriate at this point to note that his book, Dreams from My Father, has now been adapted for young adults and released.  The book publisher says, “A revealing portrait of a young Black man asking questions about self-discovery and belonging—long before he became one of the most important voices in America. This unique edition includes a new introduction from the author, full-color photo insert, and family tree.”

Any honest treatment of Obama’s “family tree” should include his mentor and father figure Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party who taught a young Obama how to hate white people.

It’s not to late to read the FBI file on Frank Marshall Davis to have some understanding of what’s happening to America.

Once you understand that America has entered the initial phase of becoming a socialist nation, you will have a desperate need to go back in history and learn what Frank Marshall Davis and his students, such as Obama, were all about. Obama’s real “family tree” leads directly back to Karl Marx. And this “family tree,” in today’s terms, can be viewed in all of its poisonous splendor on the website of the Communist Party USA.  The stories and columns from the party newspaper the People’s World read and sound like press releases from the Democratic Party.

This is not surprising. The CPUSA backed Obama for president in 2008 and his re-election in 2012.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Donald J. Trump Can Still Save America

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not the opinion of’, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Donald J. Trump can still save America and he has taken a step forward in this direction. His “Truth Social” media platform represents putting some of his money where his mouth is.

Now please, Mr. Former President, stop bombarding me with text message pleas for money.

Trump will have to do what My Pillow’s Mike Lindell has failed to do with his “Frank Speech” platform – purge the anti-vax quacks and QAnon oddballs whose views alienate the vast majority of Americans.

Lindell’s platform has featured Lindell himself claiming that Trump would be back in the oval office by now, after the Supreme Court was supposed to rule 9-0 in favor of reinstalling him. Now Lindell has been reduced to getting names on a petition to be sent to the Court asking for a hearing on election fraud. The names will undoubtedly be used to sell more pillows, sheets, and slippers.

This is more than a guess since the time when I signed up as a viewer of “Frank Speech” I have gotten dozens of sales pitches through emails and text messages for various My Pillow products. I bought a pillow and a dog bed (my dog likes the dog bed but the human pillow is lumpy).

Lindell’s Cyber Symposium was another bust, as he failed to deliver on promises to prove Chinese cyberwarfare involvement in the November 3, 2020, presidential election.

Hosts of “Frank Speech” shows have to makes sales pitches for the products. Lindell’s website is plastered with pictures of Lindell carrying American flags and wearing Christian crosses. No wonder they also call it “Lindell TV.”

This is not a channel or a network but a never-ending commercial.

Trump can change all of this with his new platform. He should make sure it is a vehicle for true conservatives and that the channel promotes ideas, not personalities.

To begin with, let’s hope that the hosts of his shows do not spend endless hours attacking the highly successful and effective Trump Warp Speed vaccines.

In the spirit of General George Washington, who ordered the smallpox inoculation of the Revolutionary Army, turning the tide against the British, then-President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to turn the tide against the Red Chinese with the release of SARS-CoV-2. The result is that 187 million Americans are vaccinated and stand little chance of dying from COVID. The vast majority, over 700,000 of the deaths from the virus in America, are among those who died early on, before the vaccines were available, or afterward through their own foolish choices, deciding to remain unvaccinated.

Other factors, of course, were politicians crowding senior citizens into nursing homes in close proximity to the deadly disease.

Another thing Trump has to do with his new platform is make sure that the QAnon New Agers stay completely away from it. These people are not traditional conservatives. They are the people represented by the Shaman wearing horns and face paint during the January 6 pro-Trump demonstration at the Capitol.

Trump’s other problem is former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, whose“Real America’s Voice” show is now featured on the Lindell network, where he rants incessantly about election fraud. This is a legitimate issue but his campaign has convinced some conservative voters not to show up at the polls in Virginia or elsewhere because they think their votes will not count.

In Virginia, with the gubernatorial election on November 2, there is hope, since the Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin has been strongly promoting the Trump Warp Speed vaccines. Vaccines are a big issue there and the Democrat Terry McAuliffe has been running against Trump – except on the vaccines.

This time around, Trump has to avoid people like Alex Jones, the Texas-based talk show host who leads people astray on such varied topics as 9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Russian threat. Jones can get an audience, only because he entertains people with news of the weird and bizarre, but frustrates progress toward the goal of an informed America.

Another thing: stay clear of selling pillows, vitamins and dietary supplements.

By making his new platform into an authentic conservative voice, Trump can avoid the stigma of being a fringe character.  He should be able to attract legitimate advertisers.

In this context, shouting it to the rooftops that he was the American president behind the Warp Speed vaccines that have saved millions of lives can re-establish his authority as a credible figure on science and health matters. After all, he got COVID, survived, and took the vaccine. He has repeatedly advised his followers to take them, too.

But because conservatives are suckers for disinformation and propaganda, many have refused the vaccines, generating ghoulish data showing that there are higher rates of death from COVID in Trump country.

Nationally, of those who have died from this dangerous and contagious disease, about 7,000 have died from “breakthrough” infections. In other words, they were already vaccinated. About 6,000 of these tragic deaths were among those over the age of 65.

Again, these are compared to the more than 700,000 who died without being vaccinated.

The numbers are a vindication of Trump’s decision to use the “Warp Speed” process to bypass the federal bureaucracy and develop and get these vaccines to people in record time. Trump’s new media platform should shout this news to the world. For this achievement alone, he deserves a second presidential term. Without these vaccines, millions more would be dead.

He has to point out that Joe Biden’s heavy-handed and incompetent vaccine roll-out has resulted in more deaths from COVID in 2021 than last year.

Trump should also note that in Israel, the largest study ever done shows that the vaccines work and save people from serious illness, hospitalization, and death. Israel knows something about survival.

Ironically, Mike Lindell’s “Frank Speech” platform has denounced this great accomplishment as the “Mark of the Beast,” in the words of his host Brannon Howse. Lindell, wearing his Christian cross, repeats these outlandish claims, designed to scare people, attract viewers, and sell pillows.

The pandemic is not over. We are still in a war with China over COVID and many other issues. Here, again, Trump has the credibility to stand tall, as he recognized the China threat early on and started the process of challenging the communist behemoth in such areas as trade and 5G communications networks.

Trump can move away from all of the dangerous nonsense now being sold as conservatism to the masses. The country is depending on him.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of American’s Survival, Inc.

The China Virus and National Security

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Does it make any sense that, during a war that has already taken more than 700,000 American lives, the American people would abandon one of the best weapons of self-defense? That’s the case with America versus the China virus. Many are still scared of the vaccines and dying because of that fear.

Equally significant, those who refuse to defend themselves with life-saving vaccines are mostly in the Republican Party, usually considered to have a superior position on national security. It is one of the most mind-boggling developments I have witnessed in my 40 years in Washington, D.C. as a journalist covering conservative and Republican politics.

In the article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications.

People who claim the vaccines are more dangerous than the virus are not only scientifically wrong but helping China escape blame for the deaths of millions, They need to revisit history, when General George Washington, in another war, ordered the Revolutionary Army to get inoculated against smallpox. This decision helped turn the tide against the British.

Personally, I have never been totally pro-vaccine. I ran the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom and held a national news conference opposing a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. That vaccine was not needed because changes in lifestyle were sufficient to avoid the dangerous virus, contracted mostly through intimate sexual contact and intravenous drug use. The HIV/AIDS vaccine was a pet project of Dr. Anthony Fauci but it was never developed because none of the vaccine candidates produced antibodies against HIV.

The difference in the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus released by China is that you cannot avoid the disease through basic lifestyle choices. The virus is very contagious. In this case, thanks to the leadership of President Trump, a new vaccine technology called mRNA was used and has been shown to be effective in creating antibodies. Ordinary people exposed to the virus can be protected by simply taking the shots and the booster.

Even the Democratic Attorney Generals Association admits, “The COVID-19 vaccines are a massive scientific achievement. It’s remarkable that we were able to develop three safe and effective vaccines so quickly…” Of course, they don’t give Trump any credit for this.

In my view, the Trump “Warp Speed” vaccines are miracles. They were made possible by a refugee from communist Hungary, a scientist by the name of Katalin Karikó.

These miracles are still being made in the fight against the virus. But some Christians are refusing to avail themselves of them.

In terms of what is called the “End Times,” in which the state of Israel figures into Bible prophecy, it is significant that Israel has moved ahead with the vaccines and the vaccine boosters from a company, Pfizer, whose CEO Albert Bourla, is the Greek-born son of Holocaust survivors.

In the largest real-world study of COVID-19 vaccine safety, based on more than 2 million Israelis, “Findings show that the vaccine is safe, while coronavirus infection is associated with numerous serious adverse events.”

Sadly, it’s too late to give the results from Israel to the conservative talk show hosts, including Phil Valentine and Marc Bernier, who were skeptical of the vaccine, got COVID, and died.

At the same time, Israel has recognized that the dangerous virushas re-emerged in people already vaccinated because of waning immunity, and has authorized millions of booster shots.  This is America’s future as well.

I got my booster shot on Friday. I consider it not only a way to save lives but a message to the Chinese Communist dictatorship that is killing Americans.

However, the kind of “green pass” based on vaccination status used in Israel to reopen the economy and let people return to a normal life faces opposition here.

Appearing on Mike Lindell’s “Frank Speech” channel, for example, Brannon Howse claimed that the vaccine is laying the groundwork for the “Mark of the Beast” and the emergence of the anti-Christ predicted in the Bible.He will undoubtedly attack an internal COVID-19 vaccine passport like the Israeli green pass as the actual “Mark of the Beast” and scare even more people away from the life-saving vaccines.

Lindell has made the same ludicrous claim. But that didn’t stop his induction into the Christian “Hall of Fame” at an October 9 event.

It’s because of the impact of this kind of apocalyptic nonsense that I have become a reluctant supporter of life-saving vaccine mandates.

As Americans and Christians, we have an obligation to save lives and save our nation. We are at war. We have to win it.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

China Joe Wants to “Build Back Better” in China

By Cliff Kincaid

There is hope for America in China, which could go bust. But not if the China Joe Administration has its way.

Financial analyst Chris Temple was on my TV show recently and we discussed how China’s movement through capitalism, on the way to socialism and communism, has now threatened the survival of the dictatorship. He writes that, “China is inconsiderably greater financial/monetary peril than is the U.S. (among other things, China’s debt-to-GDP ratio is more than double that of the U.S.) By the end of 2020, China’s total acknowledged public and private debt exceeded 300% of GDP; and that likely does not include debt in the country’s shadow banking system.”

In regard to one aspect of the problem, the Wall Street Journal has a front-page story and photo of the empty buildings in China’s provincial cities, tied to the Evergrande property giant.

What is happening presents a golden opportunity for America.

The Marxist theory of history (historical materialism) has convinced them communism will triumph by moving countries through stages of slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and socialism. Every country is in one or another phase, depending on history and circumstances. China is now in the capitalist phase, under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party. But as Chris Temple notes, President Xi Jinping has made the decision to have China revert “back” to a more traditional communist state in order to consolidate/keep power. Xi sees this as the next phase, socialism, on the way to pure communism.

The Economist, a mouthpiece for the establishment, puts it this way: “Xi Jinping is waging a campaign to purge China of capitalist excesses. China’s president sees surging debt as the poisonous fruit of financial speculation and billionaires as a mockery of Marxism.”

Here, though, China Joe is going to the rescue of China, with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo working to increase business ties with China. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo “said she plans to lead delegations of U.S. chief executives overseas, including to China, to hunt for business and discuss longstanding trade issues…” Raimondo, a former governor of Rhode Island, was confirmed by a wide 85-15 margin, meaning that most Republicans once again failed to put up a fight.

One who did, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), said that her nomination was “part of a pattern” of the Biden administration easing pressure on China. On voting against her, Cruz said, “This appears to be a part of a pattern of a systematic decision to embrace Communist China…The fact of the matter is that there has been a rush to embrace the worst elements of the Chinese Communist Party in the Biden administration. And that includes Governor Raimondo.”

In her testimony, Raimondo said, “I know the climate crisis poses an existential threat to our economic security, and we must meet this challenge by creating millions of good, union jobs that power a more sustainable economy.”

But it looks like those jobs are in China. The Department of Commerce is now promoting “Green and Sustainable Building Opportunities” in China. An official release from the U.S. Commercial Service, the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, says, “Join the U.S. Commercial Service in China, the Global Design & Construction Team, and the Global Environmental Technologies Team of the U.S. Department of Commerce for a webinar highlighting the opportunities in China’s green and sustainable building market.”

The release says that China is adopting more green building practices, “which presents opportunities for U.S. architecture, construction, and engineering services firms.”

One might call this “Build Back Better” in China.

Thanks to President Trump, Chinese company Huawei’s emerging dominance of emerging 5G telecommunications technology was reversed. His Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, added Huawei, a giant Chinese telecommunications firm, to the Entity List, imposing a licensing requirement under the Export Administration Regulations. In a 2012 report, the House Intelligence Committee had called Huawei a threat to U.S. national security interests because it is an instrument of Chinese espionage.

The Trump Administration’s actions came just in time. National Security Agency (NSA) defector Edward Snowden’s illegal disclosures had included documents on NSA surveillance that had clearly benefitted Huawei, an NSA target. Those stolen NSA documents, which gave the Chinese a significant advantage in the cyber war between the U.S. and China, went to The New York Times and The Washington Post.

But the China Joe Administration may now come to the rescue of China on this matter as well.

Senator Cruz, in opposing Raimondo, noted, “One important thing the Department of Commerce does is maintain an Entity List, which is a list of foreign parties and companies that engage in activities contrary to American national security interests… When Governor Raimondo came before the Senate Commerce Committee in January, I asked her if she would keep those Chinese technologies companies on the Entity List. She refused to make that commitment. In fact, she wouldn’t even commit to keeping Huawei on the Entity List, which is unabashedly an espionage agency of the Chinese Communist Party. In questions for the record, I gave Governor Raimondo a second chance to clearly and explicitly answer these questions, and yet she still refused.”

Those questions for the record can be found here.

In his remarks on March 2, Cruz added, “I recognize that there’s a lot of pressure from Big Business and Big Tech to get in bed with China. That is profoundly contrary to American interests. Now, we’re just about six weeks into the Biden presidency, and the Biden administration has already been keen on lifting the restrictions on Huawei since the very first week.”

My own book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, had predicted China’s leadership role in the global communist revolution. This is what is at stake for China. But if China fails, we win.

We know that the communist regime cannot be overthrown from within. One of the main threats, as perceived by the communists, is Christianity. “Across China,” says Rep. Vicky Hartzler, “the Chinese Communist Party is committing atrocious human rights abuses and persecuting Christians for simply practicing their faith. China has closed and destroyed churches, installed surveillance equipment on church property, arbitrarily detained and tortured those who practice the Christian faith, and forced the modification of Christian teachings to conform with the objectives of the Chinese Communist Party.”

What’s more, there is no possibility of a war with China that will be won by the United States, as long as Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Mark Milley remains in his current position. As noted by Hartzler, he held calls with his Chinese defense counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, and “promised Gen. Li he would warn China if the United States was planning to attack.” A senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, Hartzler said, “This is very disturbing and against the best interests of our nation.  I told him his actions deserved his resignation. We deserve generals who will put America first.”

In effect, the China Joe Administration, including America’s top general, are already on the side of China. The odds seem to be with China and against America.

But it’s China’s capitalist economic phase, with massive debt, that represents a strategic vulnerability for the regime and America’s best hope of coming out on top. If this happens, Ronald Reagan’s prediction that Marxism will end up on the “ash heap of history” could come about.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Perverts in the NFL and the Catholic Church

By Cliff Kincaid

In a column examining a state-sanctioned French report on clergy abuse, Catholic League president Bill Donohue was defensive and commented, “…there is no institution in France, or anywhere else, that has asked the government to probe sexual misconduct among its employees. None.” Why is this relevant to the failure by men of God and their employees to protect children? Is this a defense of immorality in the Catholic Church?

I thought men of God were supposed to have higher standards of morality. Isn’t that why they call it a church?

Donohue acknowledges that the French report, which used information provided by the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, found that over a 70-year period, 1950-2020, approximately 3,000 molesters allegedly abused an estimated 216,000 minors.

In Maryland, my home state, the Maryland Catholic Conference is trying to stop a physician-assisted suicide bill. But it looks like the church is on suicide watch.

Fortunately, morality is not dead, and the NFL could be an example for the Roman Catholic Church.

My attention has been drawn to a statement by the NFL Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan over the “inexcusable” behavior by his coach, Urban Meyer, when he was recorded sitting in a bar with a young woman dancing in front of his crotch. This moral perversion is called lap dancing, designed to get Meyer, a married man, into a state of sexual excitement.He has been married to his wife for 35 five years and has three children.

Moral standards have sunk so low that observers are debating whether this behavior constitutes cheating on his wife.

The football team owner Shad Khan said, “I have addressed this matter with Urban. Specifics of our conversation will be held in confidence. What I will say is his conduct last weekend was inexcusable. I appreciate Urban’s remorse, which I believe is sincere. Now, he must regain our trust and respect. That will require a personal commitment from Urban to everyone who supports, represents or plays for our team. I am confident he will deliver.”

I didn’t know anything about Shad Khan before this incident. I thank him for showing a sense of morality and asking his employees to live up to high moral standards. He didn’t make any excuses for Urban Meyer.

The treatment of the French clergy report is a different matter. Donohue summarizes the nature of the abuse but then he adds these caveats:

  • Not all were priests: one-third of the offenses were committed by those who worked in Catholic schools, youth programs, and other agencies.
  • French bishops asked the French government to conduct the probe.
  • Some aspects of the methodology are sound, but not all are.

Donohue has written some great books over the years, especially on the ACLU, but his treatment of Catholic sexual abuse is seriously deficient. He should be morally outraged over yet another sex scandal involving the church and not make excuses for why the numbers and abuse are so horrific and whether such treatment of children should somehow be compared to other sectors of society to diminish its significance.

In this area, I thank some in the major media. The Boston Globe won a 2003 Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the American branch of the Catholic Church’s decades-long cover-up of priests who sexually abused children. Director Amy Berg exposed the cover-up of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in her 2006 Oscar-nominated documentary, “Deliver Us from Evil.”

I will take the sandal one step further, however. Even limited research will reveal that the Catholic Church bureaucracy in the United States has surrendered to the forces of Cultural Marxism. The Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, has decided that Joe Biden is a Catholic in good standing and deserves Holy communion, even though Biden cited his faith as a Catholic in supporting transgender rights, quoting Christ as saying, “What you’re doing to the least of my children, you’re doing to me.”

Wilton Gregory’s predecessor, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, resigned from his leadership of the archdiocese in 2018 after he was accused of covering up sexual abuse. His predecessor as archbishop of Washington was the disgraced former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the highest-ranking U.S. Catholic leader ever to be removed for sexually abusing a minor. He has since been charged with sexually abusing a teenager.

As a prosecutor and Attorney General in California, Vice-President Kamala Harris refused to take on sexual abuse by priests.  I interviewed a victim of such abuse, noting that Harris appears to have a two-faced approach to the Catholic Church – one of scorn toward ordinary Catholics who follow traditional church teachings, such as opposition to abortion and homosexuality, and the other of deference to officials of the hierarchy who get caught in cover-ups of sexual abuse of children.

Raise the possibility of a high-level sex ring operating in the world today and you are immediately attacked as a QAnon conspiracy theorist. But look at what’s happening in the Roman Catholic Church and the desperate efforts at cover-up. In France, the report was conducted by the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church. A summary of the report, “Sexual Violence in the Catholic Church: France 1950 – 2020,” is available here.

It declared, “Faced with this scourge, for a very long time the Catholic Church’s immediate reaction was to protect itself as an institution and it has shown complete, even cruel, indifference to those having suffered abuse.”

According to some reports, the abuse included nuns raping girls with crucifixes, a practice suggesting Satanism.

Jaguars owner Shad Khan has addressed serous immorality, but clearly not on the same level as that of top Catholic officials, in the case of his own football team and its coach. There is apparently a “morals clause” in Urban Meyer’s contract. Our religious leaders are themselves supposed to be moral.

Perhaps this NFL owner can set an example for the rest of society, including the Roman Catholic Church.

But the church has its own playbook, with Cardinal Peter Turkson — a close adviser to Pope Francis —telling “Axios on HBO” the Catholic Church “plans to be increasingly active on climate, refugees and racial equity.” In other words, change the subject.

Concerned Catholics will change the subject by not going to church. Instead, they will look to Shad Khan for moral guidance and enjoy NFL football on Sunday.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The American Marxist Revolution

By Cliff Kincaid

Since he has a big platform on Fox News and a radio show megaphone to match, Mark Levin’s book American Marxism is being gobbled up by conservatives nationwide. Unfortunately, the book leaves out a lot, most notably the issue of family breakdown caused by the Marxist-spawned revolution.

Last Sunday, in sermons across the country, Jesus Christ was quoted as being opposed to divorce, saying, (Mark 10:2-16), “…what God has united, human beings must not divide…Whoever divorces his wife and marries another is guilty of adultery against her.And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she is guilty of adultery too.”

In Matthew 19:9, He says, “And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

Levin’s book has some references to Cultural Marxism but the specific problem, exposed by several writers at the magazine Chronicles, is America’s family breakdown through easy divorce that is mostly caused by married couples who commit adultery.

A new poll from the group Marriage Helper finds a surge in extramarital affairs and cheating, saying that 1 in 3 Americans have been cheated upon and only 28 percent say the relationship survived the cheating. It finds that 63 percent of Americans who are divorced have been cheated on.

Sadly, most people know friends, neighbors and family members going through divorce.

If you have ever watched real-life TV shows like NBC’s “Dateline,” you will learn very quickly that adulterous affairs regularly lead to violence, even murder. One recent Dateline show, “Deadly Desire,” was about an Idaho woman’s affair with her married boss who had a wife and five children. The boss was shot dead by the betrayed husband.

Crime-based TV shows frequently cover such topics as “toxic love triangles” and “bitter divorce battles.”

In real life, American conservative TV and radio personalities are not immune to the cultural chaos.

As news was breaking that former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed many women in and out of state government, news broke that a Fox News producer by the name of John Fawcett had filed suit alleging he was sexually harassed by Fox News legal analyst and former judge Andrew Napolitano. The channel then “parted ways” with Napolitano, who denied the charges.

The late Rush Limbaugh, the self-described “epitome of morality and virtue” who preached “character counts,” was married four times. A Reaganite conservative who didn’t register to vote until 1986, after Reagan was re-elected to his second and last presidential term, Limbaugh nevertheless rode a conservative wave on the radio to financial success. He was very entertaining.

As he made a fortune, however, he became a drug addict who was accused of using his housekeeper to acquire pain killers and paid Elton John $1 million to perform at his fourth wedding. He hired high-priced legal counsel to defend himself against charges he improperly obtained the sex drug Viagra.

America’s morals have fallen so fast and so quickly that a popular TV show, now in its 17th season, is called “Cheaters.” The program features ambush interviews and secret recordings of cheaters as they are caught in the act. Some then go on a subsequent show to explain why they cheated. The product section of the show’s website offers “spy tools” you can buy and use to catch your spouse cheating.

Mark Levin notes the anti-family part of the Communist Manifesto without linking the Marxist campaign to many of the social and cultural problems, especially failing marriages, plaguing America and creating fatherless families.

The author of Communism for Kids, Bini Adamczak, noted that the goal was the “destruction of the family,” explaining, “With the [Russian] revolution, the right to legal abortion, both sexes’ right to divorce, the decriminalization of adultery, and the annulment of the sodomy law (which had previously prohibited homosexuality) were implemented and enforced.”

“In Moscow,” she said, “one could find international communes led by gay communists. Drag kings could become legitimate members of the Red Army. Participants of the revolutionary debates decided upon the destruction of the family, demanded the legalization of incest, and advertised the practice [of] polygamy.”

All of this suggests that the American version of the Russian revolution still has a long way to go to hit bottom.

Ironically, Levin’s Fox News platform is an example of America’s decline in this regard. The channel has a notorious reputation for being a haven for men who cheat on their wives and sexually harass their subordinates. The number of Fox hosts implicated in sex scandals is a long one. One Fox star, Jesse Watters, married a subordinate after divorcing his wife, with whom he had two daughters. He moves on as if nothing has served to undermine his role at a “conservative” channel considered friendly to “family values.” One such story, “Fox News host Jesse Watters to divorce after cheating on wife with 25-year-old employee,” generates no embarrassment anymore.

The channel’s founder Roger Ailes was forced out over his own involvement in sexual improprieties with female staffers. His wife reportedly told him “I forgive you” as he was on his death bed.

In real life, most people are not so forgiving, and the collateral damage of a divorce or sex scandal is a family that has lost its way, with children bitter and sick from the cheating they witnessed. One scholar called the result the “garbage generation.”

The group Marriage Helper offers two books on the topic for free, “one on how to identify cheating and another on how to address it.” It warns, “Cheating has to be taken head on before it’s too late.” The books are:

  • 5 Signs Your Spouse is Cheating eBook
  • 7 Things To Do When Your Spouse is Cheating eBook

But is it already too late for America? There is a debate over the real rate of divorce in America, but everybody agrees that it’s very high and the dissolution of the American family cannot be denied. As foreseen by Karl Marx, when the family withers away, the state takes charge. The state, by the way, never withers away and only gains power over human relationships.

To put it bluntly, most Americans care more about their own sexual pleasures than their own families and children anymore. They expect the government to take care of their kids and their problems, manifested in such spectacles as mass shootings, drug use, and alleged addiction to Facebook.

Dr. Stephen Baskerville warns of “the coming of communism in America” through the government replacing families and making family break-up easier. This is the “American Marxism” that deserves our attention. He talked to me about no-fault divorce and the welfare state, and then addressed the moral corruption in the conservative movement.

One root of the problem, not sufficiently addressed in Levin’s American Marxism book, is the influence of Harry Hay, a Communist Party member who started the modern gay rights movement in America. He divorced his wife, after contracting a venereal disease, became a “radical fairy” with an interest in the occult, and marched for the cause of adults having sex with children.

If there was ever a true “American Marxist,” to use Levin’s jargon, it was Harry Hay. He was the personification of family disintegration and breakdown. His influence extends well into the “conservative” movement, a large segment of which endorsed the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, written by Brett Kavanaugh mentor, Justice Anthony Kennedy.

My group America’s Survival, Inc. released Harry Hay’s FBI file in 2010 at a conference, “Unmasking the Progressives,” covering the topic of “Marxism in America.” Fox News paid no attention.

Levin’s book doesn’t mention him, perhaps because one of his employers, Fox News, hires and promotes homosexuals, and underwrites the activities of the Association of LGBTQ Journalists.

Such omissions demonstrate the limits of the corporate media, even those organs claiming to be “conservative.”

We have to face the fact that what passes for conservatism in today’s corporate culture is hopelessly corrupt.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Are the Dems Winning the Political Vaccine Wars?

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In an article about Governor Gavin Newsom decisively beating the Republican recall effort in California, conservative activist Steve Baldwin argued that California voters have become so radicalized that they will accept the chaos and devastation in the state “as a small price to pay in order to transform California to socialism.” He makes a good point. Socialism is destroying the state.But one element of that chaos and devastation is the impact of the China virus. This was a major factor in the voting that Newsom won by a 63.5 percent to 36.5 percent margin.

A CNBC analysis found a link between support for Newsom and counties with high Covid vaccination rates in California. These people fear the virus and have been vaccinated against it. They look on the anti-vaxxers as backward thinkers and Luddites standing in the way of progress.

Newsom’s support of the vaccine was a political winner and he claimed the moral high ground over the Fox News candidate Larry Elder, who opposed vaccine mandates and lost big. A talking head, Elder was known for selling dietary supplements in commercials airing on the channel.

Politically, the evidence indicates that the voters, including many Republicans, want tougher action against the unvaccinated. They increasingly want to ostracize and isolate the anti-vaxxers.

The new Fox News poll finds that big majorities support mask and vaccine mandates advocated by the Biden administration and other Democratic Party politicians. Republican politicians who oppose more aggressive action to control the virus will follow Larry Elder’s fate.

The Fox poll found that 74 percent of the people are “extremely” or “very” concerned about the pandemic. By contrast, I keep hearing from Republican voters who believe that the virus is no more deadly than the seasonal flu or the common cold. They emphasize their “freedom of choice,” with some contending the vaccine is an instrument of the anti-Christ to usher in a New World Order.

The Fox poll finds 65 percent think the vaccines are safe and effective.

This isn’t the only state where tougher action against Covid has become a key issue. In Virginia, in a neck and neck race, Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin has just released a political ad urging more people to get vaccinated. That’s in response to an ad from Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe titled “Don’t Florida Our Virginia,” which argues for imposing vaccine and mask mandates.

What this demonstrates is that people in general fear the virus more than the vaccine and are willing to take their chances on the shots.

Former President Trump, who takes credit for getting the vaccines approved in record time,  says, “Our country has gone really downhill in the last eight months, like nobody’s ever seen before.” If present trends continue, he told Newsmax, “we’re not going to have a country left in three years, I’ll tell you that.”

The irony is that his Warp Speed vaccines can take Covid off the table as a political weapon that the Democrats are using against Republicans. But many of Trump’s own people – his voters and base – are rejecting his signature achievement. Their “My body, my choice” argument plays into the hands of Biden and the Democrats.  They are increasingly being seen as obstructionists who are frustrating a solution to a pandemic that has claimed more than 650,000 lives.

The results in California, seen in the context of the new Fox News poll, demonstrate that the public wants the virus stamped out through government action.

The left-wing New York Times insisted that Newsom’s strategy of running against Trump was a warning to Republicans who think they can take back the Congress in 2022. That’s only because Newsom used the issue of the success of the Trump vaccines against Trump and the Republicans.

In the Virginia race, in a debate, Republican Youngkin wisely offered a strong endorsement of the vaccine, saying, “I have been a strong, strong advocate for everyone to get the vaccine. I do believe that individuals should be allowed to make that decision on their own. But that’s why I launched a public service announcement to encourage people to get the vaccine.”

Later in the debate, he emphasized, “My position on the vaccine has been very clear. I absolutely encourage all Virginians to get the vaccine.”

He went on to say, “I’m not anti-vax. In fact, he [Terry McAuliffe] appointed a woman to the George Mason [University] board that was absolutely anti-vax.”Indeed, the Washington Free beacon reported that McAuliffe appointed two prominent anti-vaccine advocates to coveted administration positions after they donated more than $50,000 to his campaign.

It remains to be seen if this strong pro-vaccine message will be enough for Youngkin to defeat McAuliffe on November 2 in Virginia, as the public demands stronger action to control the spread of the disease. But the fate of Larry Elder demonstrates that business-as-usual in the face of a pandemic that continues to claim lives is a political loser. Youngkin understands that fact.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

George Washington Favored Vaccine Mandates

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In a bulletin headlined, “It’s Still All About COVID,” the astute observer Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report notes “the prominence of COVID” as the “dominant concern” among voters. She said, “They are frustrated that more than a year later — and with vaccines available to all — we are still battling this virus.” This spells big trouble for both political parties, but especially for Republicans pandering to the anti-vaxxers in their base.

Walter noted, “When asked about how they felt about the state of the country, almost all of them replied with a pessimistic comment. And, that negativity was almost universally centered around issues of the virus and the vaccine.”

Both sides of the political spectrum use the phrase, “My body, my choice,” for their own political purposes. But it’s not your body alone in abortion or disease. In fact, a disease affecting one’s body can influence the fate of a nation.

Hence, General George Washington ordered the Revolutionary Army to get inoculated against smallpox. That sets a precedent for handling the China virus that some Republican conservatives may not like.

The question of vaccine mandates may determine America’s future.

In his 1968 non-fiction blockbusterThe Biological Time Bomb, Gordon Rattray Taylor wrote about the prospect of germ warfare in the context of “undeclared war.” He explained, “In current thinking the best way to wage war is to wage it without your enemy even being aware that it is happening.” He was predicting the use of infectious diseases to cripple a nation. He was predicting the release of the China virus.

China expert Gordon Chang says that,  “China is maliciously attacking us, and I don’t take the continued existence of the United States for granted. If we don’t start defending ourselves, it’s possible we will lose our freedom, we will lose our way of life, we will lose our sovereignty, we will lose our country.”

The question is to what extent the state should intervene when more than 660,000 have died from the China virus and the disease keeps spreading.

General Washington was facing a similar challenge

Washington believed that the individual had the “right to choose.” That’s what the revolution was all about. But what if the choice affects the future of a nation?

In the scholarly article  about the revolutionary war, “George Washington and the First Mass Military Inoculation,” the authors Amy Lynn Filsinger and Raymond Dwek write that George Washington ordered the inoculation of his military forces against smallpox. Washington had explained that, “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy.”

Today’s it’s the China virus.

Sadly, many treat this bioweapon as a cold or flu. If we don’t understand what’s going on in this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, nothing else matters. This virus can destroy a nation.

We are in the same position as Washington was, but many conservatives fail to grasp that disease is a weapon that can defeat us. Much of the resistance to the vaccines, curiously, comes from those on the right, who might be assumed to be in favor of safeguarding our national security.

The conservative journalist Alex Newman maintains that “the new world order is here, under the guise of keeping people safe from Covid 19.” But keeping the American people safe from Covid is absolutely necessary if the “Great Reset” or a “New world Order” is to be avoided. The American people must defeat the disease and then hold China accountable for what it has done to the world.

General Washington was facing a similar threat.

A 51-page historical paper, “Smallpox in Washington’s Army: Strategic Implications of the Disease during the American Revolutionary War,” was written by Ann M. Becker, who noted that there were religious objections to inoculations, with one clergyman questioning whether such a procedure was a “distrust of God’s overruling care.” One asked, “is not smallpox a judgment of God sent to punish us and humble us for our sins?”

This reminds me of the fanatical religious objections to Trump’s Warp Speed vaccines as the “mark of the beast.”

On a global basis, Nicolau Barquet, MD, and Pere Domingo, MD, wrote about how diseases “greatly affected the development of western civilization,” with the first stages of the decline of the Roman Empire, around AD 180, coinciding “with a large-scale epidemic.”

In March of 2020, as the coronavirus was spreading, I perceived that the virus was China’s revenge on America for President Trump’s trade war. I noted, “The virus has the potential impact to cause a major economic recession and sabotage President Trump’s reelection effort. Health emergencies are being declared around the country as the number of coronavirus cases increase. The interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is an indication of desperation.”

While freedom of choice is an American value, the SARS-CoV-2 deadly pathogen came out of a Chinese lab and is capable of producing transmissible coronavirus variants that seem to be without end. At this point, we have no idea when the pandemic will end. This is why the voters consulted by Amy Walter of the Cook Political report are so apprehensive.

Conservative personalities such as Tucker Carlson are taking an anti-vaccine approach, even as their own employer requires evidence of vaccination status. His frequent guest, Alex Berenson, screams, “Folks are angry out there. Angry at the lies and the power grab. Angry at being forced to take a vaccine that they know they don’t need and may even hurt them.”

Such rhetoric is divisive and inflammatory and scares away moderates and independents.

In an article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin writes, “Politically dividing ourselves for health reasons would be the biggest nonsense we can do. If we split, we are giving a gift to the left, to the Democrats and to all extremist movements that want to destroy the United States and the entire Western world, and it would also be a gift to Communist China, which caused the epidemic by producing the virus.”

He argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications.

We should be focused on China’s use of the virus as a weapon and whether we can as a nation survive it.

China Joe Biden is no George Washington. Indeed, former President Trump fulfilled the role of a modern-day George Washington with his Warp Speed vaccines, which have proven to be far superior to the versions produced by the Chinese and the Russians.

Conservatives who argue against vaccine mandates will have to explain why General Washington was wrong when he ordered inoculations for what was to become the U.S. Armed Forces.

Columnist Jeanette Strong notes, “Many of those who refuse vaccinations claim it violates our freedoms for government to require a vaccine. If anyone knew about patriotism and freedom, it was George Washington, the general who won the Revolutionary War. As our first president, he protected our rights. That was Washington’s life work. Washington put his life on the line for our country. He also believed an inoculation mandate was vital for securing our liberty.”

I don’t know if Jeanette Strong is a liberal or a conservative. But her sense of history and logic make sense.

Mandates and boosters seem to be inevitable when faced with a nation-destroying pandemic. If Republicans don’t recognize the stakes, they will lose the support of their fellow citizens and lose their nation.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

America is a Paper Tiger

By Cliff Kincaid

On the anniversary of 9/11, I am used to seeing the claims that Dick Cheney bombed the World Trade Center in an “inside job” designed to drag us into war. This is the Alex Jones school of thought. What’s worse is the tendency to “remember the victims” but refuse to admit that our nation has truly failed to remember them by avenging their deaths. China Joe has forgiven the killers and now wants to do business with them. Shame on the United States, a paper tiger.

I asked former FBI special agent Coleen Rowley about the absurd “inside job” claims during a recent interview. She said the “inside job” nonsense is a lunatic response to those who wanted to use 9/11 for political purposes. She said these people believe those who wanted 9/11, the “new Pearl Harbor,” to happen, were those who were behind it. That’s faulty logic. The real problem is a national security state that refuses to protect the American people.

She said it’s important to ascertain the facts about what happened. And those facts are that a Muslim terrorist group by the name of al Qaeda was on American soil plotting to attack the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and possible the White House or the Capitol building.

Rowley is not a conservative or a neoconservative. She ran for Congress, after being forced out of the FBI for whistleblowing, as a Democrat. She later left the Democratic Party, concluding it was corrupt.

Rowley’s FBI office in Minneapolis had learned of the 9/11 plot before it happened, when agents were tipped off about an al Qaeda operative, Zacarias Moussaoui, taking flight training in the area. After the fact, the FBI would admit that, on August 15, 2001, “the flight school reported its suspicions about Moussaoui to the FBI, including that he only wanted to learn how to take off and land the airplane, that he had no background in aviation, and that he had paid in cash for the course.” But FBI headquarters failed to investigate and stop him.

If FBI headquarters had taken proper action, 9/11 could have been stopped.

Here we are 20 years later and we still find people blaming 9/11 on Dick Cheney.

But I am also starting to get tired of waiting to hear about the need, 20 years later, to seek revenge on their killers.

Consider the remarks of General Mark A. Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the September 11th Observance Ceremony. “All of the values and principles embedded in our Constitution and made real in our daily lives were paid for with the blood of the fallen on this place at 9:37 on September 11th, 2001,” he said. “Those ideas were and still are hated by our enemies; the Fascists, the Nazis, the Communists, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, authoritarians, dictators, and tyrants of all kinds. They hate those ideas and they hate those values. And on 9/11, they tried to destroy us. They tried to divide us, they tried ultimately in vain to terrify us.”

The Taliban? Didn’t they just defeat the United States? It looks like our soldiers died in a noble cause but it was in vain.

It looks like our enemies are winning.

Milley said, “The horrific acts of terrorism on that day were meant to disrupt our way of life and destroy the idea that is America.”

They succeeded.

America is a paper tiger that remembers its dead but doesn’t take revenge out on its enemies.

Instead, we have the Alex Jones-types who continue to blame 9/11 on America. They refuse to hold the FBI, CIA, and our political leaders responsible for allowing this mass murder to happen.

Milley said the “murderous intent” of the terrorists “was never realized.” Really?

He explained, “Instead of sowing fear and division, we gathered in New York and Pennsylvania and right here at the Pentagon. And we came together as a Nation with acts of heroism, unity and perseverance, many conducted by you in the audience today.”

Yes, but under China Joe Biden, we have come together to remember not only the victims of 9/11 but the dead and wounded American soldiers from Afghanistan who were forced out by a political decision and a suicide bomber.

Not to mention the victims who took their own lives as a result of the trauma caused by their military service.

On top of that, we have learned from the New York Times that the so-called retaliatory drone strike, supposedly carried out on ISIS in Afghanistan, took out a family of people friendly to the U.S.

On the way out, a drone strike killed the wrong people. Let’s remember those victims, too.

Milley went on, “Since that dark day 20 years ago, the men and women of the United States military have fought tirelessly to defeat terrorists in Afghanistan and around the world. Both at home and abroad, their talent, their efforts, their courage, and their personal valor has carried this fight day and night.”

Yes, our soldiers fought in a noble cause. But their political and military leadership betrayed them.

He added, “For two consecutive decades, our men and women in uniform along with our brothers and sisters in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies protected our Nation from terrorist attack.”

Well, not quite. The FBI never solved the post-9/11 anthrax attacks. The evidence shows that the anthrax used in the post-9/11 anthrax attacks was stolen from a U.S. lab and provided to al Qaeda. The FBI has covered-up the truth for 20 years. Now, with al Qaeda and the Taliban running all of Afghanistan, the possibility of another biological attack on America from that territory increases.

And just the other day, the FBI has released new surveillance of somebody dropping off bombs on the evening of January 5 outside the offices of the Democratic and Republican Parties in D.C. It’s another case the FBI can’t solve.

The terror has already returned.

What’s more, Imran Ali Rasheed was reportedly inspired by foreign terrorists when he killed a Lyft driver on August 29, 2021, in a Dallas suburb and opened fire in a police station.The local CBS TV station said Rasheed had previously been the subject of a counter terrorism investigation eight years ago, but authorities determined he wasn’t a threat at that time.

Another failure by the FBI.

But Biden’s people are focusing on “white extremists.”

Rasheed “may have been inspired by foreign terrorism organizations to commit these crimes,” said Matthew J. DeSarno, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Dallas office. The terrorist left a letter. But the FBI wouldn’t name the group.

Who do you suppose they are?

The terror has returned.

They say our country never forgets. We have forgotten. We don’t want to know.  We hang our heads in disgrace.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A 9/11 Every Two Days

By Cliff Kincaid

China Joe berates people for not taking the Trump Warp Speed vaccines but he won’t give Trump credit for them. China Joe has made the American people into the enemy.

The virus is the enemy. By ignoring this fact, China Joe demonstrates his allegiance to China.Interestingly, after he berated the American people, he called Chinese dictator xi for advice on how to proceed. According to reports, he pleaded for a “climate cooperation” deal with China. This followed U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s “virtual meeting” with various Communist Chinese officials to “address the climate crisis.”

Climate crisis? What about China’s mass murder campaign using the  virus?

The publication Axios calls the deaths from the virus a 9/11 every two days, and they’re right. Three thousand Americans are dying every two days from the China virus. Nearly three thousand died on 9/11 because of Islamic terrorism.

In total, more than 650,000 have died from the China virus.

Tina Reed of Axios writes that “Many Americans not directly involved in patient care are paying little attention to, or are even trying to ignore, the ongoing pandemic.”

Sadly, she’s right, except for the fact that she doesn’t hold China responsible for the mass murder.

What’s more, too many people on the conservative side are more upset about the vaccines than the virus. This is nuts. But this is why China Joe gave his Thursday speech. He’s betting the Republicans will overreact.

It’s entirely proper to accuse Biden of behaving in an unconstitutional manner. He should be sued. He is acting like a dictator.

But consider this message, one of many I have received, from a right-wing religious zealot and lunatic: “…either you never read any of the irrefutable facts about the Dangers and horrors of this fake bio weapon falsely called a vaccine or you’ve been bought off by the Demoncratic party i.e George Soros and company or your conscience is seared by a hot iron and you are sadly a Reprobate!”

After years of exposing Soros and his allies, I am now supposed to be his ally because I support the Trump vaccines. I am now in league with the “demons” in the “Demoncratic party.” These people are the equivalent of those who insist that 9/11 was an inside job and that Dick Cheney engineered the bombing of the World Trade Center.

I took the vaccine and its has protected me. That’s a fact. If you disagree, don’t take it.

What most people on both sides are failing to do is hold China and its apologists responsible for the carnage and suffering caused by the virus. Most of our media have the same blind spot, which is fatal. We have to recognize the enemy.

Keep in mind that, until Biden’s Thursday speech, most people could still reject the vaccine and take their chances with the virus. Biden’s orders will be tied up in the courts anyway. It’s all political on his part. If people want to avoid the vaccines, they will probably be able to do so. Good luck and God Speed.

But Biden is betting that the Republicans and their voters will look crazy in opposing the vaccines. He may be right.

Those behind China Joe are betting that the fear of the virus will “trump” fear of the vaccine. Ironically, Joe is using the Trump Warp Speed vaccines to back Republicans into a corner, painting them as obstructionists. It is a clever partisan ploy that also has the advantage of distracting public attention from the establishment of a terrorist narco-state in Afghanistan.

The publication Axios reports a Biden official as saying that Biden is “uniting” the 75 percent in favor of the vaccines and vaccine mandates against the 25 percent in opposition. If these numbers hold up, the Democrats will have a winning issue to use against the Republicans.

True to form, the Republicans are acting like the Stupid Party and some are promising civil disobedience against Biden’s pro-vaccine policies. J.D. Vance, a candidate for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination in Ohio, has urged “mass civil disobedience” to Biden’s plan. This is utter stupidity on Vance’s part. Such talk plays into Biden’s hands.

The Fox News headline, “Republicans explode with fury over Biden vaccine mandate,” illustrates the problem for the GOP. They will huff and puff and makes themselves look like lunatics.

What the conservatives should be doing is taking the fight to China.

After he gave his Thursday speech on vaccines, China Joe called Xi to plead for a deal on “climate cooperation.” Joe is desperate for something, anything, he can claim as a foreign policy victory, even if it does have the effect of making China stronger in the long run.

“Top Chinese officials have snubbed and lectured top Biden aides, and Beijing has used Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan as a propaganda coup,” Axios reports.

You know Biden is in trouble when even Axios is reporting the truth about the U.S. Administration’s descent into despair.

Biden is a desperate politician who is counting on the bad behavior of the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers to make him look good.

Republicans should not consider China Joe to be the enemy. He is only a puppet. China is the enemy. And so is the China virus.

Remember all of this as the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is being held October 31 to November 12, 2021, in Glasgow, United Kingdom. This will be another attempt to change the subject and get the attention off China for conducting a 9/11 every two days on American soil.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Big Labor’s Socialist Agenda

By Cliff Kincaid

The phrase, “Workers of the world unite,” is right from the Communist Manifesto. As we celebrate Labor Day, it’s important to remember how the communists historically tried to tap into the anger and discontent of American workers. Herbert Romerstein, who worked for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, the House Internal Security Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, documented communist manipulation of the organized labor movement in a report for my group America’s Survival, Inc.

How successful have the communists been?

In today’s America, their main vehicle is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a Marxist organization that draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci and refers to its members as “comrades.”DSA, which describes itself as the largest socialist organization in the United States, says it has “rapidly grown from 6,000 to almost 100,000 members” and “helped elect 155 DSA-endorsed candidates,” often by “running open socialists on the Democratic Party ballot line.”

The most prominent member of the DSA is Bronx Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, best known as AOC, who is described as DSA’s “foremost socialist superstar.”In 2019, the group says they “coordinated” an “organization-wide vote on endorsing Bernie for President.”

Former President Barack Hussein Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America for an Illinois state senate seat.  Former AFL-CIO boss John Sweeney was a member of Democratic Socialists of America

Back in 2011, I grilled a top official of the 12.5-million-member AFL-CIO, Karen Nussbaum, about her participation in an illegal 1970 trip to Communist Cuba organized by Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn. The exchange was captured on tape.

Since Castro and his communist successors have outlawed independent labor unions in Cuba, as well as freedom in general, Nussbaum’s fascination with the communist system on the island is a relevant line of inquiry for those concerned about the dangers of socialism and totalitarianism here and the current direction of the AFL-CIO.

I asked Karen Nussbaum, the founding director of Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, about her visit to Cuba after speaking at a panel at a “progressive” public policy conference in Washington, D.C.  She was apparently stunned by the fact that someone had uncovered an aspect of her background that has been carefully omitted from her official biography. She refused to answer and walked away.

But according to one account of her trip, she declared that she “learned about revolution in Cuba” and praised Castro for providing “free health and educational care to every person in society…” She also declared, “I was part of the Black Panther Support Committee” and said she was a member of the “Draft resistance movement” opposing the Vietnam War.

Nussbaum founded the organization, 9 to 5: The National Association of Women Office Workers, which led to Jane Fonda, also known as “Hanoi Jane” because of her support of the Communist Vietnamese, making the film “9 to 5.” Fonda’s website discusses her relationship with Nussbaum and her husband, a former official of a group called Citizen Action who became a public relations executive in such firms as Fenton Communications. Citizen Action was implicated in a fundraising scandal in 1997 and was forced to close.

At the time I attempted to question Nussbaum about her Cuba trip, she had just completed a speech on a panel at the “America’s Future Now!” conference which honored her boss, then-AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, as one of several “Progressive Champions.” Another award winner was Rep. Barbara Lee, herself a frequent visitor to Cuba and apologist for the Castro regime.

DSA member Sweeney, who passed away earlier this year, was succeeded by Richard Trumka, who died on August 5. Trumka was replaced by Liz Shuler, who had been serving as AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer.

Open socialists regard Shuler as a colorless career trade union bureaucrat and preferred Sara Nelson, the International President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. She addressed the Democratic Socialists of America convention in 2019 and 2021.

Though Marxist in orientation, the Democratic Party abandoned the workers who were once considered to be their main constituency.

AFL-CIO organizers understand this. Indeed, a panelist on the subject of “A New and Enduring Progressive Majority?,” Nussbaum talked about her efforts to get conservative union members to vote for “progressive” candidates. She indicated this is a struggle since many union members have conservative social views, own guns, and go to church often.

These workers want economic and industrial development in traditional fossil fuel industries that AOC and the Democratic Party are trying to bankrupt through the climate change hoax and green energy scams that are part of the pending $3.5 trillion budget plan.

But now, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is threatening the advance of socialism in the U.S., though he refers in a Wall Street Journal column to his “Democratic colleagues” rushing to spend the $3.5 trillion on “social-policy action.” The Democratic Party, which controls the Senate by a single vote, needs Manchin’s support.

Manchin says, “I, for one, won’t support a $3.5 trillion bill, or anywhere near that level of additional spending, without greater clarity about why Congress chooses to ignore the serious effects inflation and debt have on existing government programs.”

AOC is not happy and has personally attacked Manchin for opposing what’s called “Bernie’s budget.”

Will Manchin, the “centrist Democrat,” stand his ground?

The AFL-CIO is backing the $3.5 trillion bill, a blueprint for a socialist America which has already passed the House. President Liz Shuler calls it “a vital part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.” The AFL-CIO’s West Virginia affiliate endorsed Manchin for the Senate.

Although Manchin seems opposed, at least for the time being, the DSA already claims credit for persuading the Senator to back the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which rewrites U.S. labor law in favor of unionization and will fatten the wallets of Big Labor. (As Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Shuler made $250,619 in 2019).

“On May Day this year,” says Maria Svart, national director of DSA, “86 chapters organized actions in support of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. We organized phone banks and made one million calls asking voters in key states to call their senators to support the act. And we helped flip two Democratic senators, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Angus King of Maine, who had been against the act. Few other national organizations have this kind of energized and empowered force bubbling from the ground up.”

Meanwhile, a new film starring AOC,about the “demonization” of socialism, is now being shown. Described as a feature-length documentary on the history and resurgence of socialism in America, the film is titled “The Big Scary ‘S’ Word.”

The DSA, which provided “a small grant” from the DSA Fund toward its production, has hosted a series of events inspired by the film, including one featuring the filmmaker, Yael Bridge. Socialism is not so scary anymore, they say. Indeed, the trailer features “socialist stalwart” Cornel West saying that socialism is “as American as apple pie.”

West, an honorary chair of Democratic Socialists of America, endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for president but has declared that Bob Avakian, a Maoist who runs the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), “is a long-distance runner in the freedom struggle against imperialism, racism and capitalism. His voice and witness are indispensable in our efforts to enhance the wretched of the earth.”

Like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, “Chairman Bob” Avakian came out of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the group that laid siege to college campuses before turning into the terrorist Weather Underground. The RCP book shop known as Revolution Books in New York City hosted a party and celebration for a 91-page book called Constitution for the New Socialist Republicin North America.

Avakian, author of the book, urged his supporters to vote for Joe Biden for president in 2020. A socialist America, he makes clear, “is a process and goal which, fundamentally and in the final analysis, can only be achieved on a global scale, with the advance to communism throughout the world.”

Apparently aware of the stakes, Manchin said in his Wall Street Journal column that “…some in Congress have a strange belief there is an infinite supply of money to deal with any current or future crisis, and that spending trillions upon trillions will have no negative consequence for the future. I disagree.”

In a statement, former President Trump calls the bill the “Communist Plan to Destroy America,” adding, “It destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities. It will overwhelm our schools, and make our Nation less safe. It raises taxes like we have never seen, while also making many things you buy everyday more expensive (gas, groceries, and much more). And don’t forget the crazy Green New Deal. America, you are being robbed in the dark of night. It’s time to wake up!”

Chairman Bob is salivating at the prospect of a “socialist” victory.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Chairman Bob and the New Socialist America

By Cliff Kincaid

On his way out the door of the New York governor’s office, Andrew Cuomo gave clemency to a communist terrorist, David Gilbert. Then a California parole board voted to free the Palestinian Marxist killer of Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan.

On a recent trip to New York, I visited Revolution Books, which functions as a headquarters for the Revolutionary Communist Party of Bob Avakian, a one-time associate of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Known as “Chairman Bob,” he is the authentic Maoist. Mao’s Little Red Book is still for sale there.

A film was being shown about Avakian’s role in global communism and how his “New Communism” describes the course of current events.  He proposes a “Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.”

Some people may laugh. But I am not laughing anymore.

What’s fascinating to know is that Avakian urged communists to vote for Joe Biden for president.

We are seeing in real time why this dedicated Maoist communist made this decision. These communists seemed to anticipate — or know in advance – that the puppet masters behind Biden and associated with Barack Hussein Obama would accelerate the collapse of what they call American imperialism.

“A defeat of the world’s most powerful imperialist country has big repercussions,” their latest video notes.

While they don’t endorse the “reactionary” forces of the Taliban, they nevertheless note that the Islamist victory in Afghanistan will fuel Muslim fundamentalist movements around the world and cause more conflicts in the West.

The other part of the story is that China and Russia are poised to take advantage of this conflict and disarray in the West. It’s actually an old story, reflecting active Muslim cooperation with — or subjugation by — Communist powers over the course of history.

The Chinese practice genocide against their own Muslims and will not attempt to build a “democracy” in Afghanistan. Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB Lt. Colonel, demonstrated his contempt for the Muslims in his own country when he invaded Chechnya, a mainly Muslim Russian republic, in 2014.

Al-Qaeda’s Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, still on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list, was trained by the KGB and is probably planning another series of biological attacks on the U.S. at this time. Meanwhile, China will pour money and resources into the country to secure vital minerals and accelerate the country’s development into a narco-state.

As all of this is happening as communist terrorists are being released from their jail cells in the U.S. Can all of this be accidental?

But there’s hope. The left-wing New York Daily News couldn’t stomach the Gilbert commutation, saying, “Andrew Cuomo’s final act as governor was to wrongly grant a proudly admitted, convicted terrorist, a man guilty of the felony murders of police officers, a likely ticket to freedom.” He now goes before the Parole Board.

Members of the Kennedy family and some liberals are objecting to Sirhan’s release.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee and the elected Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, issued a statement of her own opposing the vote by the California parole board panel recommending that Sirhan Sirhan receive parole.

She notes that parole for the assassin would still need to be approved by the full California parole board and Governor Gavin Newsom.

Sirhan Sirhan’s murder of Robert F. Kennedy was motivated by his allegiance to Palestinian nationalism and Arab socialism. He wrote in support of communism in his diary. “Long live communism,” he said.

Like his brother John F. Kennedy, Robert was an anti-communist liberal.Indeed, the Kennedy brothers, President Kennedy and his Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, had warned Martin Luther King, Jr. against associating with communists. He ignored their warnings.

The Weather underground, of which David Gilbert was a member, hated RFK as well.

During their time in the Weather Underground, before they became “respectable” and “mainstream” and associated with politicians like Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn signed a document, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism,” dedicated to Sirhan Sirhan and others.

After the joint Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army assault on the Brinks truck which killed three law enforcement officers in Rockland County, New York, Weather Underground members Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert went to prison, while their “comrades,” Ayers and Dohrn, raised their child, Chesa Boudin. Dohrn was jailed for seven months for refusing to cooperate with a federal grand jury investigating the murders.

Chesa Boudin is today the San Francisco district attorney.

New York State Assemblyman Mike Lawler is leading a petition drive to keep Gilbert in jail. He has issued a statement asking members of the Kennedy family who oppose the release of Sirhan Sirhan to also oppose Cuomo’s decision to release cop-killer David Gilbert.

While Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, David Gilbert and Sirhan Sirhan waging violence to take power, Chairman Bob was writing about the historical forces that he said would lead to the collapse of America. He has cult hero status on the left and is regarded as the new Karl Marx.

It would be laughable were it not so serious and if current events were not falling into place in such a way as to guarantee that a “new socialist republic” will in fact come into existence.

With the collapse of the American experiment in Afghanistan, which failed to produce a functioning democracy, the communists and the Islamists are now on the ascendency.

America is in retreat all over, leaving Israel exposed to the Red Jihad in the Middle East and Americans at home and abroad are now at the mercy of those who seek to kill us. Even our own solders are being sacrificed for the benefit of our enemies who offer “protection” as the evacuation takes place.

As part of this process, a letter to Biden from his left-wing backers calls on the United States to ensure every “properly-screened and eligible individual” currently located at Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) is evacuated before the departure of U.S. forces.

But no one seriously believes all of these people will have the “appropriate paperwork and documentation” and “required visas.” One has to be a dummy to think the ranks of these refugees are not being infiltrated by Jihadists.

We should not forget that some of the 9/11 hijackers were learning how to fly planes on U.S. soil.

“Yes, we want state power,” say the Revolutionary Communists backing Charman Bob. “We are fighting for the new society laid out in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian.”

We should take them seriously. They are true believers. They know what they’re doing. They have a plan. It’s called Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution.

Remember it was a West Point Cadet, Spenser Rapone, who was photographed in 2018 with the phrase “Communism will win” in his cap.

The belief in the Marxist theory of history (historical materialism) has convinced them communism will triumph by moving countries such as the United States through stages of slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and socialism. Afghanistan is stuck in feudalism.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 was a violent attempt to bring the country out of feudalism into communism. It backfired, in much the same way the U.S. failed to impose a democracy on the nation.

Chairman Bob — and the Maoists – understand the theory of communism better than the Russian communists did.

America’s failure gives them an opportunity to move from the highest stage of capitalism in the U.S. to socialism and even communism. That’s why Chairman Bob endorsed Biden.

Andy Zee, a follower of Bob Avakian and an advocate for the new communism, adds, “Society is being ripped apart” and that America is “two countries sharing the same border…”

As they see it, the “New Socialist Republic in North America” is inevitable. “This is a rare time when revolution becomes possible,” Avakian declares.

Larry Grathwohl, an FBI informant in the Westher Underground, said, “I remember one meeting when our Weatherman ‘collective’ brought up the subject of the Kennedy assassinations. At least 20 to 25 people were present and Bill Ayers was one of them. I heard Bill state that the murders of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were a good thing because liberals compromise the conflict between U.S. imperialism and the socialist revolution.  Liberals prevent the contradictions from becoming obvious and thus prevent a revolution. Therefore, the assassinations of the Kennedy’s were to be welcomed as a necessary advance on the road to communist world revolution.”

In the new America, communist figures like David Gilbert and Sirhan Sirhan will not only be forgiven for their crimes, they will be celebrated as heroes of the revolution.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

America Has Lost its Moral Compass

By Cliff Kincaid

The disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus, once called “America’s greatest living general,” is lecturing America that we didn’t try hard enough at building a democratic Muslim nation in Afghanistan. This retired General cheated on his wife with his biographer, as he bungled the military operation in Afghanistan and then took over Obama’s CIA.

The Wall Street Journal devotes a whole story to the self-righteous ramblings of this man who disgraced the uniform and betrayed his wife but then built a lucrative career in the financial and high-tech world.

The Wall Street Journal story has these headlines: “David Petraeus Reflects on the Afghan Debacle. He offers unsparing words about Trump and Biden, a defense of nation-building, and he says U.S. soldiers may have to re-enter Kabul in force to rescue Americans.”

His role as commander of forces in Afghanistan is just as disgraceful as his personal life.

Under the headline, “China is Big Winner in Afghanistan,” Peter Flaherty of the National Legal and Policy Center notes that with the Taliban takeover and the terror group’s ties to Beijing, China will dominate the economy.  “Afghanistan has significant mineral resources, including rare earth elements, which are increasingly under Chinese control worldwide,” he points out.

But another outcome is China’s control of a narco-state.

The Afghan Army praised by Petraeus developed a reputation as the “Hashish Army,”as many in the Afghan army and police forces were taking drugs and engaging in pedophilia. A Journal article from 2010 noted, “Use of marijuana, opium and heroin among Afghan troops, even while on patrol, is just one of the challenges coalition forces face in working with the Afghan National Army…” A 2013 documentary,  “This is What Winning Looks Like,” showed Afghan soldiers using drugs as evidence surfaced of Afghan police commanders sexually abusing young boys.

The Commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan (2010–11), Petraeus was not asked by the Journal writer about the use of drugs by the Afghan forces. Instead, he predicts a Taliban regime will use drug money to help finance its national budget. This is undoubtedly true. But part of his job was stopping this.

A 2016 report, “The War on Drugs in Afghanistan: Another Failed Experiment with Interdiction,” found that General David Petraeus and General Stanley McChrystal “became the centerpiece of newly elected President Barack Obama’s renewed counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan,” combined with the “troop surge” beginning in 2009, that was intended “to encourage provincial governors to provide local farmers with economic alternatives to opium cultivation.” The billions of dollars were wasted, as “poppy cultivation continued to rise.” The money was used to produce additional opium, with “the opium economy” getting “stronger and more concentrated in Taliban hands than at any time before or during the invasion.”

Analyst Vanda Felbab-Brown had predicted last October that, with the possible collapse of the Afghan state, “The drug economy will become further entrenched.” She added, “Most counter narcotics measures adopted since 2001 have been ineffective or outright counterproductive economically, politically, and with respect to counterinsurgency and stabilization efforts.”

Now, with China taking over the country, including the drug trade, it will be able to supply addicts with more lethal heroin, to complement the fentanyl the communists are providing to Mexican cartels, for shipment to the United States. At the same time, the Chinese will get richer as they dominate the rare earth metals market.

These failures didn’t cost Petraeus his job, even though by his own admission he had lost his “moral compass” through an adulterous affair.

Apparently, however, none of his personal failings are considered to have tainted his advice on how to run the world. Hence, the Wall Street Journal gives us his “reflections” on how Afghanistan went down the drain, under his leadership and others.

At the time the scandal broke, I covered it, noting that the CIA director was caught leaking classified information to his mistress, Paula Broadwell, who served in the United States Army and the United States Army Reserve. It was one of the worst scandals of the Obama Administration. He turned over his “Black Books,” containing national defense information, including Top Secret//SCI and code word information, to his biographer, in order to write and publish, All In: The Education of General David Petraeus.

Petraeus lied about this to the FBI. He was sentenced to two years’ probation and a $100,000 fine. His mistress was demoted from lieutenant colonel to major after the affair,lost her top-secret security clearance and received a formal reprimand.

All of this is now forgotten. “In a Zoom interview,” reported Journal writer Tunku Varadarajan, “I ask Mr. Petraeus, 68, what effect the ignominious withdrawal will have on military morale.” His answer was, in part: “I think—particularly for those who served there—that it is very sad. It is heartbreaking. It is tragic. And I think it is disastrous.”

What about the effect on morale of a retired general cheating on his wife and leaking classified information and still being treated as a respected commander? He avoided prison time through a political plea deal. He could have been charged with lying to the FBI and violating the Espionage Act.

Rather than being prosecuted for a felony, he went on to establish the KKR Global Institute, described as “an integral part of the KKR investment process — working in partnership with KKR deal teams, portfolio companies, and limited partners to help enable smarter investing through a better understanding of the world.” KKR is a private-equity firm.

Not only that, but he became “a member of the boards of directors of Optiv and OneStream, a venture investor in some 20 startups, and engaged in a variety of academic endeavors,” his bio says. Optiv is a cyber security solutions provider while OneStream is a software company.

He is a member in good standing of the Trilateral Commission.

It appears he bounced back as a member in good standing of the military-industrial complex.

The Petraeus bio notes trivia, such as that he threw out the first pitch of a World Series game and did the coin toss for a Super Bowl but carefully avoid his admitted loss of a moral compass.

It looks like the Afghan operation lost a moral compass, too.

Perhaps, before we do more nation-building abroad, we ought to do more nation-building at home.If we don’t find our moral compass, we are doomed.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Anti-Vaccine “Extremists” Among Us

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

While some fanatics brand coronavirus vaccines as “Mark of the Beast” technology, the Afghan Taliban terrorists see vaccines as a CIA plot. There seems to be some historical evidence for the Taliban view.  Indeed, it was reported that the CIA used a fake vaccination campaign in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

CIA plots aside, some people in the U.S. see public health measures as an anti-Christ dictatorship in the making in America. Such claims make the “conservative” movement look like a hotbed of lunatics and zealots, much like the Taliban.

In this context, a new advisory issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says “extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.”

I am normally skeptical of such declarations. But I am starting to fear for the doctors and nurses distributing the vaccines, as one of the most conservative Republican governors in the United States, Bill Lee of Tennessee,is now being accused of issuing an executive order allowing the construction of FEMA quarantine camps for those who refuse to get vaccinated.

One “popular” commentator issued a “Red Alert” that “Covid internment camps” are being planned in Tennessee.

Sounding increasingly desperate and hysterical, some conservative commentators are trashing masks as “face diapers” and smearing proponents of their use as “mask Nazis.” Former Congressman Ron Paul refers to “needle fascism.”

I support the vaccines but oppose a mandatory vaccination program.

What’s happening in Tennessee and other states is that there is a surge in cases driven by the more infectious Delta variant of the China virus. Hospitals in America have had to increase the number of beds for patients with the coronavirus disease. None of this is fascism. It is a logical response to a dangerous China virus.

According to Epoch Times, an anti-communist newspaper, the number of U.S.confirmed China virus cases is 38,430,571, deaths: 644,619, and recovered: 30,453,536.

The exercise of state “police powers” is a legitimate topic of concern and debate. Rational critics of COVID mandates have to be heard.

But the claims made about Tennessee’s conservative governor are ridiculous on their face.

The “Health Ranger” declared in a message, “Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed Executive Order 83, which authorizes National Guard and State Guard troops to break into peoples’ homes, kidnap them at gunpoint, and take them to covid internment camps, all without any due process or respect for civil rights.”

But wait – there’s more. “Individuals can be targeted for this medical kidnapping by armed troops via ‘telephone assessments,’ and the medical kidnapping of American citizens is being labeled ‘involuntary commitment’ to ‘temporary quarantine and isolation facilities.’”

All of this sounds ominous. But the local newspaper The Tennessean reports that Brent Easley, Lee’s legislative director, outlined several of the false claims:

  • The EO creates “quarantine camps” – FALSE
  • Tennesseans serving in the National Guard will be used to round up citizens that are unvaccinated and take them to locations to be quarantined or vaccinated – FALSE
  • Tennesseans serving in the National Guard will be coming to forcibly vaccinate citizens in their homes – FALSE – This is specifically prohibited by state law as well.
  • This executive order is laying the groundwork for permanent lockdowns – FALSE
  • That Covid-19 vaccines are being given to livestock so it will enter the food supply to vaccinate citizens through their meat consumption – FALSE.

The alleged “kidnappings” turn out to be telephone assessments for COVID-19 patients having a mental breakdown. The intention is to get them into a hospital so they can be helped out of their suffering and misery.

Laine Arnold, Lee’s communications director, said in a statement to Newsweek that, “The recent EO temporarily deregulates certain requirements for hospitals like what spaces can be used to treat individuals seeking care, assistance to help with staffing shortages, etc.”

“They are the exact same provisions that have been enacted previously when hospitals were facing strain,” Arnold added. “It only pertains to hospital operations.”

The Newsweek story was about Tennessee pastor Greg Locke pushing claims that the executive order from the Tennessee governor authorizes “camps” for those unvaccinated.

Locke has used the “Mark of the Beast” claim in regard to the virus, saying,  “One day they will drop the ’S’ in mask and add an ‘R’.”

In truth, military involvement in the response to the virus began under Trump. When the China virus began spreading in the U.S., Trump provided federal support for governors to use the National Guard to respond to the disease and care for victims.

Trump’s memorandum authorized “the full capacity and capability of the Federal Government to protect and support our families, schools, and businesses, and to assist State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments to do the same, to the extent authorized by law.”

Trump also deployed military hospital ships to care for the victims of the China virus.

He named Army Gen. Gustave F. Perna as chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed. Admiral Brett Giroir, former assistant health secretary under President Trump, was put in charge of coronavirus testing.

Tennessee Governor Lee is one of the most conservative governors in the United States and has been concerned about the impact of the virus as well as the open southern border, calling it a national security crisis.  A local TV station reported that he visited the U.S. Southern border “to meet with Tennessee National Guards troops and receive briefings on the rate of illegal crossings and criminal activities.”

A press release from the governor’s office noted that Tennessee Adjutant General Jeff Holmes and Governor Lee participated in a series of briefings “regarding illegal crossings with origins from 56 countries, drug seizures and other exploitive crimes like human trafficking.”

A survey by ARW Strategies found that 85% of Republican primary voters have a favorable opinion of Lee, while 86% approve of the job he’s done as governor.

What irritates Pastor Locke is Lee’s promotion of vaccines. Locke told his congregation “do not get vaccinated” and appeared with My Pillow’s Mike Lindell at a recent “Great Revival” event.

A Nashville, Tennessee, conservative radio host, Phil Valentine, didn’t think he needed a vaccine. He got COVID and ended up in a hospital fighting for his life.  He needed his own “great revival.” But he died on Saturday.

If he had lived, his brother had said, Phil was going to be the “most pro-vaccine person you’ve ever seen,” a local TV station reported.

Former President Trump was booed by some of his own supporters on Saturday night, during his Alabama rally, when he said he recommends taking the vaccines.

In response to my endorsement of the Trump WARP Speed Vaccines, I received a message about the Mark of the Beast and this question: “so who’s paying you to lie to the American Christians?”

For the record, I have been a professional journalist for 40 years, pursuing the truth and correcting Big Media for omissions, distortions, and inaccuracies.

I pray that those opposing the vaccines don’t end up like Phil Valentine.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival,

Biden Arms America’s Enemies

By Cliff Kincaid

“More than three in four Afghans today are under 25: too young to remember the Taliban’s reign of fear and, especially in cities, too accustomed to freedoms to be eager to relinquish them,” reports National Geographic. “These Afghans, shaped by the post-2001 reality, are unwilling to revert to a reactionary and repressive past.”

How will they resist? American military equipment has been left in the hands of the terrorists, including Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the head of Egyptian Islamic Jihad who ran Al-Qaeda’s biological weapons program.

Twenty years after 9/11, the FBI still hasn’t solved the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, despite evidence that Al-Qaeda infiltration of U.S. labs explains why the anthrax that was used to kill five Americans was made in the U.S.

Remember that Osama bin Laden was killed, although his Al-Qaeda successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is still on the loose, and Al-Qaeda has proven to be a resilient organization that works with the Taliban. As a result of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the U.S. remains vulnerable to another foreign-sponsored biological terrorist attack.

In response, the leftists are demanding we accept refugees. A group called World Without War says, “The truth is that after four decades of U.S. involvement in conflict in Afghanistan, we owe far more to the Afghan people than simply no longer using their country as a battlefield. That’s why we believe President Biden must do everything in his power to help evacuate and accept every Afghan seeking refuge that we can.”

Why do we have a moral responsibility to the people of Afghanistan when 2,400 Americans died and 20,000 were wounded over a period of 20 years trying to help them establish a democratic form of government? This wasn’t even the original mission. We were supposed to go in and get out, after killing terrorists.

On the other hand, it was a noble cause. And those Afghans who fought to protect their country and families deserve to be remembered as well.

What we don’t need are the anti-American ramblings of one of Tucker Carlson’s favorite guests, the leftist Glenn Greenwald.

It’s important that we understand what happened in Afghanistan. We are up against the Red Jihad, the Islamist-Communist alliance.

Consider Greenwald’s sympathies. He has had speaking engagements at events sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as well as the International Socialist Organization (ISO), and is completely oblivious to the need for the U.S. to monitor the activities of its adversaries and enemies.

He has declared that al-Qaeda’s 9/11 terrorist attacks on America were “very minimal in scope compared to the level of deaths that the United States has been bringing to the world for decades — from Vietnam to illegal wars in Central America…”In a 2011 article in the socialist publication In These Times, Greenwald said “the only thing that can truly strengthen America’s national security is a weakening of America.”

He’s getting his wish.

The “In These Times” article was adapted, with Greenwald’s permission, from a speech he gave to the “Socialism 2011” conference, co-sponsored by that Marxist-Leninist group, the International Socialist Organization.

Something is wrong with Carlson for depending on this character. Greenwald has a history of anti-American bias and rhetoric. Those tendencies are highly relevant to the fact that he emerged as the mouthpiece for former NSA/CIA contract employee Edward Snowden, who released classified information about U.S. intelligence activities and traveled through Chinese Hong Kong on his way to Russia, where he lives.

Tucker Carlson’s dependence on Greenwald for left-wing commentary on the “conservative” Fox News Channel makes me think the NSA had every right to monitor his private communications when they discovered he was trying to score a TV interview with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

At one of our conferences nine years ago, former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky discussed how the Russians run international terrorism. He presented a report, “Communists and Muslims:The Hidden Hand of the KGB.”

Islamic terrorism and communism are the two major threats to America and the world today.

The tragedy that predated the American pullout, in addition to the failure to eradicate Al-Qaeda, is that the FBI never solved the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, falsely blaming them on American scientists. Indeed, the FBI falsely blamed a dead U.S. Army scientist, Bruce Ivins. The FBI director who botched the investigation was Robert Mueller. Mueller was sued for malfeasance in the case by FBI agent Richard Lambert who was put in charge of the anthrax investigation.

The anthrax letters, which were mailed to American media organizations and two senators, featured the phrases “Death to America,” “Death to Israel,” and “Allah is God.” These were indications that an Islamic extremist had written them. At least one of the 9/11 hijackers had a lesion, possibly from anthrax exposure. But the FBI dismissed these obvious leads as a diversion intended to falsely blame radical Islam.

The evidence indicates that Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri conceived a plan to use Islamic militants to infiltrate U.S. biological weapons labs and obtain the anthrax used in the attacks. The culprits were Al-Qaeda operatives who got the anthrax from a U.S. lab. But the truth was too embarrassing for the FBI to reveal.

As the evidence also indicates, Al-Zawahiri was a KGB agent. Al-Zawahiri’s KGB connection was documented by former KGB officers Alexander Litvinenko and Konstantin Preobrazhensky. He is still on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list and is probably contemplating another series of biological weapons attacks on the United States from inside Afghanistan.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Will You Fight for Freedom?

By Cliff Kincaid

The difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam is that the Muslims would not fight for freedom. The Vietnamese did and were betrayed. That’s the difference. Don’t forget it.  The real enemy is the Red Jihad.

Here’s the truth:

Vietnam would be free today except for a Democratic-controlled Congress that decided otherwise. Lewis Fanning’s excellent book, Betrayal in Vietnam, notes that “…it was not the Hanoi communists who won the war, but rather the American Congress that lost it.” Fanning writes, “It was not until after the United States elections in the fall of 1974 that North Vietnamese field commanders received the go-ahead in their plans to conquer South Vietnam.

As a result of the Watergate scandals, the Democrats had gained forty-three seats in the House. This liberal victory meant that in the 94th Congress there would be 291 Democrats and only 144 Republicans. In the Senate, the Democrats had gained three seats and the lineup was now 61 Democrats to 39 Republicans. This leftward shift of both congressional chambers played a significant role in the North Vietnamese decision to unleash its army.”

Going through the provisions of various bills offered by Democrats in Congress, he presents the case that “A Democratic caucus of the Congress of the United States, aided and abetted by a few liberal Republicans, cast the South Vietnamese people into Communist slavery.”

That left-wing caucus, Members of Congress for Peace through Law, decided that American military involvement would end, and dramatically reduced aid to the government of South Vietnam. Republican President Gerald Ford, who took power after Richard Nixon’s resignation, understood that Congress would not provide enough assistance to keep the country free of communism. Hundreds of thousands of “boat people” tried to escape the Hanoi communists who took power in Saigon while the communist Khmer Rouge took power in neighboring Cambodia, eliminating almost two million people.

The Members of Congress for Peace through Law eventually grew to became the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the largest group of congressional members within the Democratic Party. This faction is the subject of Trevor Loudon’s book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress, which is now being made into a major film.

Think about this as we consider Afghanistan.

Here’s what China Joe said about the Afghan Army on July 8, 2021:

“Together, with our NATO Allies and partners, we have trained and equipped over three hu- — nearly 300,000 current serving members of the military — of the Afghan National Security Force, and many beyond that who are no longer serving. Add to that, hundreds of thousands more Afghan National Defense and Security Forces trained over the last two decades. We provided our Afghan partners with all the tools — let me emphasize: all the tools, training, and equipment of any modern military. We provided advanced weaponry. And we’re going to continue to provide funding and equipment.  And we’ll ensure they have the capacity to maintain their air force.”

Asked about “some Vietnamese veterans” who “see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan,” he was asked, “Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam, with some people feeling — “

Biden said, “None whatsoever.  Zero.  What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken. The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability.  There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan.  It is not at all comparable.”

He’s wrong. His party betrayed freedom in Vietnam. The Vietnamese were prepared to fight for their freedom. The Muslims were not.

Here’s more of the exchange:

Question:  Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

Biden:  No, it is not.

Question:  Why?

Biden: Because you — the Afghan troops have 300,000 well-equipped — as well-equipped as any army in the world — and an air force against something like 75,000 Taliban.  It is not inevitable.

Question: Do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President?  Do you trust the Taliban, sir?

Biden: You — is that a serious question?

Question: It is absolutely a serious question.  Do you trust the Taliban?

Biden: No, I do not.

Question:   Do you trust handing over the country to the Taliban?

Biden: No, I do not trust the Taliban.

The Muslims had the arms and the training. They were not prepared to fight for freedom against the Red Jihad. Lesson learned, finally.

Our enemies are communism and Islam. Together, they are the Red Jihad.

America has to fight both.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, inc.

Russia Stokes Anti-Vaccine Protests

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

A story on G. Edward Griffin’s “Need to Know” website featured a headline saying that the CDC had admitted that the American-made China virus vaccines “Don’t Work” because some vaccinated people get the disease. The CDC had made no such claim. When you clicked on the “Read the full article” headline on the “Need to Know” website, you were taken to a story on the Russia Today (RT) website.

RT is a Russian channel funded by the government of president Vladimir Putin, the former KGB Lieutenant Colonel. The Russians – and the Chinese – have been busy for more than a year trying to discredit President Trump’s signature achievement. They have targeted Trump supporters with a series of false claims, including that the vaccines contain “Mark of the Beast” technology.

The China virus has already killed 4.3 million (616,00 in the U.S.) and could kill tens of millions more. But it could have been far worse. On the show “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino,” former President Trump said that “…if we didn’t come up during the Trump administration with the vaccine, you could have 100 million people dead just like you had in 1917” with the Spanish flu.

Mark of the Beast Propaganda

In addition to Russia Today, registered as a foreign agent in the U.S., another Internet outfit called “News Front” has been identified as a pro-Russian propaganda mouthpiece that runs articles opposing American-made vaccines, encouraging protests against them, and insisting that the virus came from America or American soldiers.

This website is mentioned in the August 2020 report, “Pillars of Russia’s Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem,” issued by the Trump State Department.

One News Front story reported a Chinese outlet as saying “the first cases of coronavirus infection in the United States occurred long before the outbreak of infection in Wuhan…” Another article quoted the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China as saying that “representatives of the U.S. army could have brought the coronavirus to China.”

Another Russian outlet,, ran an article, “Bill Gates, vaccinations, microchips, and patent 060606,” attacking Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation “for an alleged plot to control humans by inserting microchips into their bodies.” It suggested a possible link between the Microsoft patent numberWO/2020/060606 and the “number of the beast” from the “Book of Revelation.”

This is classic communist disinformation, similar to how the Russians blamed HIV/AIDS on Pentagon experiments. It was a charge picked up by Barack Obama’s “former” pastor Jeremiah Wright, when he claimed the U.S. Government manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people.

None of these lies about COVID would be successful without the active collaboration of the Biden Administration, which is blaming poor vaccination rates for the resurgence of the virus across the country, thereby justifying a return to masks and mandates.

But it’s the Biden Administration, which inherited a successful vaccine program from Trump, that is importing sick people with COVID from scores of countries through the open southern border. In effect, Biden is working with our enemies against the American people and is directly contributing to suffering and death.

The situation is so bad that NBC News, usually in Biden’s camp, ran a story about whistleblowers reporting they were told to downplay a COVID outbreak among migrant kids at a shelter.

Instead of impeaching China Joe, many Senate Republicans are working on an “infrastructure” bill with him and Senate Democrats.

Target America

The intention, of course, is to weaken the United States and its traditional allies by spreading a dangerous virus and discrediting the vaccines which can in most cases help people avoid hospitalization and death from the disease.

The Russians and Chinese understand this is a geopolitical war. Interestingly, the editor of News Front, Konstantin Knyrikt, is considered a follower of Putin adviser Alexander Dugin,who has developed a theory of “geopolitical Eurasianism,” a revival of the Russian empire that includes Islamic Iran.

We examined this in our book, Back from the Dead: Return of the Evil Empire, in which former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky writes that, “It was the KGB which appointed this uncultured and inarticulate man [Dugin] to the post of leading Russian ideologist. In fact, the ideology of Eurasianism was developed by Soviet intelligence in the 1920s and seeded among the Russian immigrants in Europe.”

Hacking Into American Firms

In testimony before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, former Trump deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger referred to how China and Russia have been running propaganda questioning “the effectiveness and safety of Western-made COVID-19 vaccines.” In this regard, he said there were indications “that China-based influence operations online are outpacing Russian efforts to amplify some conspiracy theories.”

In addition to the propaganda and disinformation disseminated by Russian intelligence services, a report from the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) found that a Russian cyber espionage group known as “APT29” had tried to sabotage COVID-19 vaccine development in the West through malicious software. The group APT29, also known as ‘the Dukes” or “Cozy Bear,” is associated with the Russian intelligence services.

In this case, we see how the Russian hackers who closed down an American gas pipeline have attempted to hack into vaccine laboratories because the American-made vaccines were perceived to be much better than what was under development in Russia or China.

The geopolitical angle took on added significance when the China virus was spreading around the world at a rapid rate and the U.S., China, and Russia began desperately working on vaccines.

Trump Meets the Challenge

Understanding that the virus was designed as a communist weapon to weaken or destroy the West, Trump came up with the term “warp speed”to emphasize the need to act quickly. Trump himself got the disease and later was vaccinated.

One group, the Soufan Center, noted in an October 2020 report that the race had become a global competition and that the Trump Administration had “continued its withdrawal from international cooperation in keeping with the Trump administration’s ‘America First’ transactional approach.”

Without apology, Trump had put Americans first. The Warp Speed vaccines were a tremendous achievement that demonstrated the superiority of the American system when a political leader of the caliber of businessman Donald J. Trump ordered U.S. agencies to move quickly and back American scientific companies working on new vaccine technologies.

At one point in the vaccine race, Politico published an article wondering if China would develop the COVID-19 vaccine first and whether U.S. prestige could falter as a result, leading to the world having to “rethink its alliances” as China, after releasing the virus, could emerge as the global savior of the world with effective vaccines.

America Defeats China in Vaccine Technology

But Trump’s Warp Speed vaccine project thwarted China’s ambitions.

China’s vaccine is admittedly inferior. Indeed, as reported by AP, Chinese officials are now praising the mRNA vaccine technology behind the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

Communist Cuba tried to develop their own vaccines, a project that went so badly that recent anti-government protests on the island featured calls for Western-style vaccines.

Even as lives continue to be lost, the Russians and Chinese are still trying to badmouth the Trump vaccines.

The Russian Disinformation Network

A story from the conservative site CNS News found that social media stars in Germany and France were reportedly “approached by a mysterious marketing agency” linked to Moscow and “asked to use their platforms to denigrate the [American] Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.”

Writers for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty traced the effort to a Moscow-based businesswoman, Yulia Serebryanskaya, described as a political operative associated with Vladimir Putin’s ruling United Russia party.

French and German intelligence officials are reportedly looking into evidence of direct and official Kremlin involvement in the campaign to discourage the taking of the American vaccines.

But Russian and Chinese cyber warfare attacks on America have been traced back to officials of those regimes or groups on their territories.

The evidence was summarized in an April report from the European External Action Service, an agency usually reluctant to challenge Moscow or Beijing. The report documented how China and Russia were promoting their own vaccines and had launched “disinformation and manipulation efforts to undermine trust in Western-made vaccines…”

Trump’s People Understood Disinformation

During the Trump Administration, warnings were being issued about foreign interference as the American vaccines were being developed.

Lea Gabrielle, the Special Envoy and Coordinator of the Global Engagement Center at the U.S. Department of State, had said on August 5, 2020, “Regarding a vaccine, I’ll start by saying that Russia has a long history of spreading disinformation around health and science issues, looking back at Ebola, Zika, 5G. The Russian disinformation ecosystem exploits fear and confusion…to create and amplify dangerous narratives. We’ve seen that around COVID. We called it out. The Global Engagement Center and the State Department has been calling out Russian disinformation around COVID since at least February. And based on Russia’s track record, we’ve said that there’s a high probability that the Russian disinformation ecosystem will act to undermine faith in a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.”

This is precisely what happened. That has been the Russian and Chinese playbook.

A former intelligence officer, Defense Foreign Liaison Officer, U.S. Navy Program Director, and Navy F/A-18C Fighter Pilot, Gabrielle was also a national television news correspondent and anchor for the Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network.

She said at the briefing that “we also do see Russia and China converging on narratives sometimes when they benefit the other party.” That, too, is what has happened, as China and Russia joined forces to try and discredit the Trump Warp Speed vaccines.

Target Trump Supporters

The Russians and Chinese apparently did not anticipate that one of the most receptive groups to their propaganda would be former Trump supporters suspicious of his Warp Speed vaccine project. But having been beaten by the American firms in the actual science, our enemies have no other alternative than to sow seeds of distrust over the vaccines and encourage protests against them.

Trump supporter Mike Lindell of My Pillow joined the protests, appearing on the March 11, 2021, edition of Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” to call the Trump-authorized vaccines the “Mark of the Beast.”

If true, however, it means that Trump has the Mark of the Beast, since he was vaccinated and actively promotes the shots as life-savers.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Communists Stoke Anti-Vaccine Protests

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

A story on G. Edward Griffin’s “Need to Know” website featured a headline saying that the CDC had admitted that the American-made China virus vaccines “Don’t Work” because some vaccinated people get the disease. The CDC had made no such claim. When you clicked on the “Read the full article” headline on the “Need to Know” website, you were taken to a story on the Russia Today (RT) website.

RT is a Russian propaganda channel funded by the government of president Vladimir Putin, the former KGB Lieutenant Colonel. The Russians – and the Chinese – have been busy for more than a year trying to discredit President Trump’s signature achievement. They have targeted Trump supporters with a series of false claims, including that the vaccines contain “Mark of the Beast” technology.

The China virus has already killed 4.3 million (616,00 in the U.S.) and could kill tens of millions more. But it could have been far worse. On the show “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino,” former President Trump said that “…if we didn’t come up during the Trump administration with the vaccine, you could have 100 million people dead just like you had in 1917” with the Spanish flu.

Mark of the Beast Propaganda

In addition to Russia Today, registered as a foreign agent in the U.S., another Internet outfit called “News Front” has been identified as a pro-Russian propaganda mouthpiece that runs articles opposing American-made vaccines, encouraging protests against them, and insisting that the virus came from America or American soldiers.

This website is mentioned in the August 2020 report, “Pillars of Russia’s Disinformation and Propaganda Ecosystem,” issued by the Trump State Department.

One News Front story reported a Chinese outlet as saying “the first cases of coronavirus infection in the United States occurred long before the outbreak of infection in Wuhan…” Another article quoted the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China as saying that “representatives of the U.S. army could have brought the coronavirus to China.”

Another Russian outlet,, ran an article, “Bill Gates, vaccinations, microchips, and patent 060606,” attacking Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation “for an alleged plot to control humans by inserting microchipsinto their bodies.” It suggested a possible link between the Microsoft patent number WO/2020/060606 and the “number of the beast” from the “Book of Revelation.”

This is classic communist disinformation, similar to how the Russians blamed HIV/AIDS on Pentagon experiments. It was a charge picked up by Barack Obama’s “former” pastor Jeremiah Wright, when he claimed the U.S. Government manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people.

None of these lies about COVID would be successful without the active collaboration of the Biden Administration, which is blaming poor vaccination rates for the resurgence of the virus across the country, thereby justifying a return to masks and mandates.

But it’s the Biden Administration, which inherited a successful vaccine program from Trump, that is importing sick people with COVID from scores of countries through the open southern border. In effect, Biden is working with our enemies against the American people and is directly contributing to suffering and death.

The situation is so bad that NBC News, usually in Biden’s camp, ran a story about whistleblowers reporting they were told to downplay a COVID outbreak among migrant kids at a shelter.

Instead of impeaching China Joe, many Senate Republicans are working on an “infrastructure” bill with him and Senate Democrats.

Target America

The intention, of course, is to weaken the United States and its traditional allies by spreading a dangerous virus and discrediting the vaccines which can in most cases help people avoid hospitalization and death from the disease.

The Russians and Chinese understand this is a geopolitical war. Interestingly, the editor of News Front, Konstantin Knyrikt, is considered a follower of Putin adviser Alexander Dugin,who has developed a theory of “geopolitical Eurasianism,” a revival of the Russian empire that includes Islamic Iran.

We examined this in our book, Back from the Dead: Return of the Evil Empire, in which former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky writes that, “It was the KGB which appointed this uncultured and inarticulate man [Dugin] to the post of leading Russian ideologist. In fact, the ideology of Eurasianism was developed by Soviet intelligence in the 1920s and seeded among the Russian immigrants in Europe.”

Hacking Into American Firms

In testimony before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, former Trump deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger referred to how China and Russia have been running propaganda questioning “the effectiveness and safety of Western-made COVID-19 vaccines.” In this regard, he said there were indications “that China-based influence operations online are outpacing Russian efforts to amplify some conspiracy theories.”

In addition to the propaganda and disinformation disseminated by Russian intelligence services, a report from the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE) found that a Russian cyber espionage group known as “APT29” had tried to sabotage COVID-19 vaccine development in the West through malicious software. The group APT29, also known as ‘the Dukes” or “Cozy Bear,” is associated with the Russian intelligence services.

In this case, we see how the Russian hackers who closed down an American gas pipeline have attempted to hack into vaccine laboratories because the American-made vaccines were perceived to be much better than what was under development in Russia or China.

The geopolitical angle took on added significance when the China virus was spreading around the world at a rapid rate and the U.S., China, and Russia began desperately working on vaccines.

Trump Meets the Challenge

Understanding that the virus was designed as a communist weapon to weaken or destroy the West, Trump came up with the term “warp speed”to emphasize the need to act quickly. Trump himself got the disease and later was vaccinated.

One group, the Soufan Center, noted in an October 2020 report that the race had become a global competition and that the Trump Administration had “continued its withdrawal from international cooperation in keeping with the Trump administration’s ‘America First’ transactional approach.”

Without apology, Trump had put Americans first. The Warp Speed vaccines were a tremendous achievement that demonstrated the superiority of the American system when a political leader of the caliber of businessman Donald J. Trump ordered U.S. agencies to move quickly and back American scientific companies working on new vaccine technologies.

At one point in the vaccine race, Politico published an article wondering if China would develop the COVID-19 vaccine first and whether U.S. prestige could falter as a result, leading to the world having to “rethink its alliances” as China, after releasing the virus, could emerge as the global savior of the world with effective vaccines.

America Defeats China in Vaccine Technology

But Trump’s Warp Speed vaccine project thwarted China’s ambitions.

China’s vaccine is admittedly inferior. Indeed, as reported by AP, Chinese officials are now praising the mRNA vaccine technology behind the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

Communist Cuba tried to develop their own vaccines, a project that went so badly that recent anti-government protests on the island featured calls for Western-style vaccines.

Even as lives continue to be lost, the Russians and Chinese are still trying to badmouth the Trump vaccines.

The Russian Disinformation Network

A story from the conservative site CNS News found that social media stars in Germany and France were reportedly “approached by a mysterious marketing agency” linked to Moscow and “asked to use their platforms to denigrate the [American] Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.”

Writers for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty traced the effort to a Moscow-based businesswoman, Yulia Serebryanskaya, described as a political operative associated with Vladimir Putin’s ruling United Russia party.

French and German intelligence officials are reportedly looking into evidence of direct and official Kremlin involvement in the campaign to discourage the taking of the American vaccines.

But Russian and Chinese cyber warfare attacks on America have been traced back to officials of those regimes or groups on their territories.

The evidence was summarized in an April report from the European External Action Service, an agency usually reluctant to challenge Moscow or Beijing. The report documented how China and Russia were promoting their own vaccines and had launched “disinformation and manipulation efforts to undermine trust in Western-made vaccines…”

Trump’s People Understood Disinformation

During the Trump Administration, warnings were being issued about foreign interference as the American vaccines were being developed.

Lea Gabrielle, the Special Envoy and Coordinator of the Global Engagement Center at the U.S. Department of State, had said on August 5, 2020, “Regarding a vaccine, I’ll start by saying that Russia has a long history of spreading disinformation around health and science issues, looking back at Ebola, Zika, 5G. The Russian disinformation ecosystem exploits fear and confusion…to create and amplify dangerous narratives. We’ve seen that around COVID. We called it out. The Global Engagement Center and the State Department has been calling out Russian disinformation around COVID since at least February. And based on Russia’s track record, we’ve said that there’s a high probability that the Russian disinformation ecosystem will act to undermine faith in a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.”

This is precisely what happened. That has been the Russian and Chinese playbook.

A former intelligence officer, Defense Foreign Liaison Officer, U.S. Navy Program Director, and Navy F/A-18C Fighter Pilot, Gabrielle was also a national television news correspondent and anchor for the Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network.

She said at the briefing that “we also do see Russia and China converging on narratives sometimes when they benefit the other party.” That, too, is what has happened, as China and Russia joined forces to try and discredit the Trump Warp Speed vaccines.

Target Trump Supporters

The Russians and Chinese apparently did not anticipate that one of the most receptive groups to their propaganda would be former Trump supporters suspicious of his Warp Speed vaccine project. But having been beaten by the American firms in the actual science, our enemies have no other alternative than to sow seeds of distrust over the vaccines and encourage protests against them.

Trump supporter Mike Lindell of My Pillow joined the protests, appearing on the March 11, 2021, edition of Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” to call the Trump-authorized vaccines the “Mark of the Beast.”

If true, however, it means that Trump has the Mark of the Beast, since he was vaccinated and actively promotes the shots as life-savers.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Mike Lindell’s Controversial Cyber Symposium

By Cliff Kincaid

Do election tactics like mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting explain how Trump “lost” the election nationwide? Or was there a Chinese-directed cyber warfare attack on electronic voting machines? That’s the issue as we count down to Mike Lindell’s August 10, 11 and 12 Cyber Symposium on vote fraud.

Some conservatives such as geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist question whether the hard evidence will ever be forthcoming. He gave me an interview on America’s Survival TV outlining his theory that Lindell, a strong backer of former President Trump, has been set up by Deep State forces to make charges that cannot be substantiated and that the symposium could backfire.

Lindell, described as the most seen man on TV, is a former drug addict who turned his life around through Christ. His firm employs almost two thousand people selling not only pillows but other useful American-made products.

As a result of his pro-Trump activism, he has been attacked personally and his firm has been blacklisted by various retailers for putting some of his wealth behind the claim that the presidency was stolen from Trump.

Although Lindell has become a favorite among conservatives for putting his money behind causes such as election integrity, he is seen by Nyquist and others as going too far in his vote fraud claims by saying he has “absolute proof” that foreign interests such as China conspired to sabotage Trump’s re-election.

The most recent Mike Lindell video, “Mike Lindell Releases First Packet Captures Ahead Of August 10, 11 and 12 Cyber Symposium,” teases viewers with what appear to be computer screens of data (at 8 minutes and 16 seconds of the video), as if intercepts of the cyber-attacks have indeed been captured. But the images are too vague to be able to be read by an average viewer. Lindell says they are data from the election in 6 states being captured in real time. “We have all 50 states,” he says. “It’s billions of lines long.”

He says a screen at the cyber symposium will run this data, which was captured by “heroes” and validated by “white hat hackers.”

But analyst Nyquist questions the sources of the information and the analysis.

“I do not think it likely that thousands of voting machines were hacked by China, or that the whole thing was managed from overseas,” he says. He thinks “corrupt party machines” in key places like Detroit and Philadelphia conduced the vote fraud “for their own reasons,” primarily getting Biden and other Democrats elected.

Nyquist has analyzed and questioned the various claims made by Lindell and his supporters, concluding that a “three-letter agency” —  the FBI — has orchestrated a set-up to make the narrative of vote fraud look ridiculous and backfire. He adds, “If this whole thing is a setup of Lindell by agents or assets of a three-letter agency, then it is a very dirty game.”

In an article posted on July 22, he said, “I make the following appeal to Mike Lindell: I beg you, Mike, do not hold this Symposium in August. It could be a trap, or worse than a trap.”

Nyquist, the author of several books on geopolitics, did not automatically reject the alleged involvement of China and other foreign interests in the November 3 election. He believes China and Russia are enemies of the United States. But after talking to the various players in the controversy, he found deficiencies in the data and has questions about the sources.

Regarding one Lindell film, he said, “It is my belief that Lindell’s documentary Absolute Proof is an ‘absolute swindle.’” And Lindell is the victim of this swindle. His intentions are good, but he does not understand what proof is. Consequently, Lindell has been tricked into supporting a narrative that could derail the election audit process.”

The film “Absolute Proof,” described as “Exposing Election Fraud and the Theft of America,” is based on  a report  by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones citing “whistleblower” Dennis Montgomery. An alleged former NSA/CIA contractor, Montgomery has reportedly provided extensive evidence of illegal wiretapping by U.S. intelligence agencies to the FBI, but that the Bureau has failed to act on the evidence that he provided.

Nyquist, however, concludes Montgomery is not trustworthy and that he may have been co-opted by the FBI.

I have extended an invitation to Montgomery and his backers to appear on my ASI TV show to counter the charges.

Turning the tables on his critics, Lindell is offering $5 Million to anyone who can prove the cyber data that he says came from the November 2020 election are fraudulent. He thinks the evidence is so strong that when it is presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, a ruling of 9-0 will restore Trump to the White House.

Yet, when various state parties after the election filed documented claims of illegal voting in certain swing states that went against Trump, they were denied standing for a hearing before the Supreme Court.

If Lindell’s claims fall apart, the well-documented case that election fraud and corruption were indeed at work in other ways on November 3 could be discredited. One observer told me, “I was part of the Trump election legal team. I was deployed to Detroit, I saw corruption. I do not know about computers. But from what I saw they were very bold and in your face about cheating and breaking the rules.”

Those tactics included keeping observers out of the vote counting centers, putting cardboard on the windows at the center to hide what was happening, and using menacing “security guards” to discourage oversight.

Of all the programs I did on the subject, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, was most accurate. He said that Trump, despite proclamations about vote fraud and his own victory, would exit the White House.

The author of It Takes a Revolution, Klayman said Trump’s legal team was not able to prove its case and that the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, wouldn’t intervene to save his presidency.

Klayman’s Freedom Watch organization recently conducted a Third Continental Congress, featuring various speakers on the subject of how to neutralize the corruption in the American political system, including in the courts.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

It’s China, Stupid

By Cliff Kincaid

In his best-selling book on so-called “American Marxism,” a misnomer since Marxism is an international threat, I counted only three passing references to the China virus, dubbed “coronavirus” without noting its origins in China. The omission is significant because of the fact that the virus continues to maim and kill Americans, as the virus variants claim more victims, and any discussion of Marxism’s impact on America should take into account what the Communist dictatorship in China has done – and is doing.

The Mark Levin book is a big disappointment in terms of the threat we face. The book is a moneymaker for the author without an adequate analysis of the global communist threat. It does more harm than good.

Maoist “Rebellions” in America

Levin’s book American Marxism does have some references to China, but only in the context of the background of Mao (page 66), China’s threat to its own people (pages 185 and 264) (by citing China’s human rights violations against Muslims, “among other minority groups”) and China’s involvement in the Korean and Vietnam wars (page 244).

Levin calls China America’s “most dangerous enemy” but doesn’t explain why. It’s a strange omission for a book claiming to expose American Marxism. Chairman Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao had used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

In other words, the Chinese Communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state. This wasn’t just rhetoric. A 1973 congressional report on “America’s Maoists” examined the Revolutionary Union and the Venceremos Organization. To cite one other example, American Maoist Bob Avakian started out with the SDS and the Revolutionary Union before running the Revolutionary Communist Party and setting up his own institute.

Any treatment of Marxism also has to pay attention to the American victims of the China virus. The death toll here is over 600,000 and more than 4 million worldwide. With variants from this bioweapon accelerating and claiming more victims, the problem of China must be front-and-center in any honest discussion of the impact of Marxist thought and action, known to Marxists as Praxis.

A Divided America

As Americans censor opposing views on one side or the other, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues its march to Marxist world domination. As Swedish analyst Bertill Haggman notes, it is “the main threat to Western civilization” with 90 million party members, making it the strongest extremist party in history “with an extensive structure both of the party and the state for influence and information warfare.”

“The virus is winning” is part of a shocking headline over a Politico article about how “experts” fear that “China’s rejection of a World Health Organization plan for another Covid-19 investigation inside the country threatens to deny the world critical data needed to identify and head off future pandemics.”

In this case, the “experts” are right.

Forget about how the World Health Organization (WHO) is worthless. The point is that “future pandemics” may be planned and there is nothing the United States apparently can or will do about it. Rather than ponder “American Marxism,” we need tribunals for American traitors who built China and funneled money to its military-industrial complex that spawned the virus. These individuals may not be self-identified Marxists and may only be dupes. But they should be exposed.

But let’s face it: Senator Rand Paul’s “criminal referral” against Dr. Anthony Fauci over the federally-funded China virus research at the Wuhan lab is going nowhere.

China’s Drug War

Instead of pursuing wrong-doers, we have the spectacle of Americans fighting one another over mask mandates and vaccine passports. This pleases China. There is nothing more that China wants than Americans continuing to debate what to do about the dangerous and infectious disease its Wuhan lab unleashed on the United States without identifying Beijing as the source of the problem.

Another such problem, Chinese-produced fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. through the open southern border, makes “American Marxism” seem almost minor by comparison. Here were 93,000 overdose deaths in 2020, many of them linked to fentanyl.

China’s tentacles reach deep inside the Department of Justice.

At a hearing on July 27, Senator Ted Cruz noted that “China has repeatedly used ransomware and cyber-attacks to harm America. Not only has it attacked pipelines in an effort to cause physical damage, but just this year, hackers affiliated with the Chinese government attacked tens of thousands of computers across tens of thousands of organizations, including a significant number of small businesses, towns, cities, and local governments.”

But the Biden officials he was questioning about this had no answers.

Cruz went on, “The Biden administration has not imposed any sanctions on China. Instead, the administration announced that it is dropping criminal cases against five Chinese scientists who, with the help of consular officials, hid their affiliations with China’s military in order to infiltrate our nation. Mr. Downing, why is this administration refusing to prosecute Chinese scientists who lied about their ties to the Chinese military in order to come to this country and gain access to information?”

The person named “Mr. Downing” was Richard Downing, the U.S. Department of Justice Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division. He responded, “Senator, thank you for the question. I would have to say that from my position in the criminal division, I am not responsible for those decisions. However, it is something that I’d be happy to take back and get you an answer.”

Cruz was referring to a news item covered in the Wall Street Journal several days ago when it reported, “The Justice Department dropped cases against five visiting researchers accused of hiding their affiliations with China’s military, in a major setback to a landmark effort to root out alleged Chinese intelligence-gathering in the U.S.”

No wonder they call him “China Joe.”

“Domestic” Terrorists Have Foreign Links

One of the most mystifying references in the book about “American Marxism” is the citation of the Encyclopedia Britannica for information about the communist Weather Underground organization.

Levin refers to “Barack Obama’s former associates” Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn being “associated” with the Weather Underground, quoting the Encyclopedia Britannica, when they were its leaders. Levin seems ignorant of the book by Larry Grathwohl, Bringing America Down, and how he infiltrated the group for the FBI and documented how Ayers and Dohrn were building bombs to kill police. Levin makes no mention of how members of the group traveled to such places as the USSR and Cuba.

Omissions like this make people think the Weather Underground was a “domestic” terrorist group. There was nothing “domestic” about it.

Mark Rudd, who was a member of the terrorist Weather Underground, signed a letter endorsing “capitalist Democrat” Joe Biden for president. Rudd’s fingerprints were once found in a Weather Underground bomb factory, a location that included Chinese and Russian pamphlets and books on communist revolution.

Levin quotes a biography about Mao attending a university, suggesting he was a privileged member of Chinese society, when the key fact is that the Chinese Communist Party was founded by a Russian communist, not Mao. To understand “American Marxism” or “Chinese Marxism,” one has to understand how the Russian revolution began the process of global communism and led to the creation of the Communist International.

The Private Life of Chairman Mao, a book written by his physician, is more relevant in this regard than some citation about Mao going to a Chinese University to read Marxist literature. It documents the communist dictator’s addiction to sleeping pills and barbiturates. The book exposes Mao as a degenerate and philanderer with homosexual tendencies and genital herpes who engaged in orgies. A man “devoid of human feeling, incapable of love,” he nevertheless was a dedicated communist with an understanding of Marxist dialectics and knew how to “unleash the energies of the people” through socialism.

Quoting Soros’s Philosopher

One of the many other disappointments in the Levin book is quoting a favorable reference to Karl Popper (page 174) as an authority on the scientific method when he is the favorite philosopher of George Soros. Popper’s “Open Society” approach is what has justified the destruction of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. Popper’s role in the Soros-financed “American Marxist” movement is worth critical comment not a passing favorable reference.

Soros is probably best known for funding the drug legalization movement that is engaged in addicting young people and making them psychotic through high potency mind-altering marijuana.

Rather than throw your money away on American Marxism, I would suggest getting Laura Stack’s FREE book, The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story, on a “Special Kindle Offer” through Friday. You can download the eBook version for FREE.

It’s the story of Johnny Stack, whose life ended by suicide after his descent into marijuana-induced psychosis.

Most of the drug-induced deaths in America can be blamed on Chinese-supplied Fentanyl, but marijuana is also playing a role in drug deaths. The China virus attacks the lungs, in the same way pot does. But pot also attacks the brain, creating more mental illness.

Trump’s Attorney General and Mark Levin’s friend Bill Barr, who didn’t detect voting fraud during the election and suppressed news of investigations of Hunter Biden during the campaign, failed to enforce federal marijuana laws.

Levin, the one-time Never Trumper, featured and defended Barr on his Fox show, “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

In retrospect, says former President Trump, it is clear that Barr was a “phony.”

More than that, he was a former CIA analyst and Washington insider.  A video I recorded on the subject was censored by YouTube. If you dig too deep, you will quickly understand what you are up against. It’s not “American Marxism.” It’s the Deep State association of Washington insiders and operatives willing to sell out America to globalists and communists.

Sadly, Mark Levin seems to be ultimately clueless about who is planning and organizing the chaos in America. He’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

American Marxism and Fox News

By Cliff Kincaid

The new Mark Levin book, American Marxism, tells an old story that my group, America’s Survival, Inc., has been telling for decades. Levin is a Johnnie-come-lately to a problem that we documented in several major conferences. What Levin ought to do is examine how one of the most important Marxist doctrines, referred to by Marx as the abolition of the family, has taken root in the conservative movement he claims to represent and on the cable channel that employs him.

Chronicles magazine is tackling the taboo topic of how the sexual revolution has infected conservatism. From my vantage point, it has scandalized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie “Bombshell.”

“America has embraced a culture in which sex is ripped out of all moral contexts and made into a matter of an individual’s creative identity and pursuit of physical pleasures,” writes Alexander Riley in Chronicles magazine. The issue examined “Divorce and its Costs” and includes a fascinating article by Stephen Baskerville, “The Sexual Left, the Welfare State, and the Divorce Revolution.”

Looking at the headlines, one sees that a female top FBI official had a “romantic relationship” with a subordinate, a top Catholic official was caught using a gay dating app, and former Fox employee Ed Henry is accused of having an affair with a female employee while claiming his firing constituted yet another cover-up of sexual affairs at Fox.

What’s more, the lawsuit contends, “In 2020, the company began blacklisting prominent conservatives who offended friends of the Murdoch family,” the owners of Fox. One top Fox official is quoted as saying she was tired of “carrying water” for President Trump.

Meanwhile, Fox star Jesse Watters is hawking a book, How I Saved the World, even though he couldn’t save his own marriage. His messy affair and divorce were the subject of countless stories. But he bounced back with a new wife, as the New York Post reported, “Guests at their wedding in Naples, Florida, included Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, plus Eric and Lara Trump.”

Watters took over from former Fox star Bill O’Reilly, who is still trying to crush disclosures relating to the sex scandal allegations against him, four years after he was forced out, he appears regularly on Newsmax and the Glenn Beck show.

Levin, a Fox News star, is right in the middle of the moral collapse of American society that he blames on Marxism.

As part of a follow-up Chronicles cover story, “Reforming the Right,” Baskerville wrote an article and gave an interview to me looking at the failure of the conservative movement to meet the challenge from the left. Baskerville mentions one case, the disgraceful sex scandal at Liberty University involving its former president, Jerry Falwell Jr. I remember the time when his father started a group calling itself the Moral Majority.

The Falwell Jr. case is just the latest scandal involving conservatives and Republicans. Too many are morally compromised and have skeletons in their closets.

During the interview, I brought up another case, the extramarital affair involving the former Missouri governor, Republican Eric Greitens, now running for the Senate and seeking Trump’s endorsement. Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, is national chair of Greitens’ 2022 Senate bid. Guilfoyle is a former Fox News personality who was married to California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

Greitens has been a guest on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” program and said that Guilfoyle “has been one President Trump’s fiercest defenders and she will continue to fight and defend America First values.” Bannon calls Greitens a great American because of his military service.

However, his bio neglects to mention his extramarital affair which forced his resignation as governor. When the story came to light and a Missouri House committee investigated the affair, then-Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley called on Greitens to resign, saying there was “shocking, substantial, and corroborated evidence of wrongdoing by Gov. Greitens.”An AP story summarized the evidence.

Hawley is now a Senator and continues to say that Greitens had to resign.

At the top of the government, the top law enforcement agency, the FBI, is once again facing charges that its investigation of the sexual assault allegations against Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was mostly a sham.

Assistant FBI Director Jill Tyson has now revealed that “relevant” tips to the FBI tip line about Kavanaugh’s “suitability or trustworthiness” were forwarded to the Office of the White House Counsel and Washington insider Don McGhan. The FBI did not follow up on them.

This is the same Jill Tyson,an at-large member of the FBI’s Diversity Executive Council, in the middle of the FBI scandal involving a “romantic relationship” with a subordinate.

And this is the same FBI which tolerated agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page conducting an affair and plotting against Trump.

Trump White House counsel and Washington insider McGahn left the White House and returned to his firm Jones Day, which is representing Catholic cover-up artist Cardinal Donald Wuerl. This part of the Swamp, which includes the Catholic hierarchy and Kavanaugh’s alma mater Georgetown Prep, counted Kavanaugh as a member in good standing. Kavanaugh was another Washington insider who grew up in the Swamp and has served it faithfully, most notably in his role in covering up the circumstances surrounding the mysterious death of former Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster.

The handling of the Kavanaugh “tip line” has apparently now convinced liberals of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s malfeasance. Several Democratic Senators have demanded an explanation of his handling of the Kavanaugh nomination.

One liberal writer, Judd Legum, notes that Kavanaugh and Wray overlapped at Yale Law School, where they were both members of the right-wing Federalist Society. “They also worked together in the George W. Bush administration,” he notes.

Liberals complain that Wray used his FBI to enable Republicans to fraudulently declare that the investigation found “no corroboration” of the allegations against Kavanaugh made by Christine Blasey Fordor another accuser, Debbie Rameriez. But now, with Biden in power, Wray is playing to Democrats by persecuting Trump backers like Rudolph Giuliani.

In Giuliani’s case, “At 6:00 in the morning, there was a loud BANG outside my door,” he says. “7 FBI agents presented a warrant to raid my apartment and seize electronic devices from my home. The Deep State is on a mission to take down every single one of President Trump’s closest allies — and that puts me at the top of the list.”

Can honest liberals and conservatives come together to demand the firing of Christopher Wray? It wouldn’t be a solution to American corruption but it might begin the process of clawing our way out of the Swamp.

For that to happen, however, conservatives and Trump supporters would have to agree that Kavanaugh was a member of the Deep State all along.

That doesn’t seem likely. “I believe Brett Kavanaugh,” said Mark Levin, regarding the unresolved sex assault allegations against the tainted nominee who now has a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Vaccine Censorship and the Need for Truth

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Even as China virus cases surge once again, tanking the stock market, there are Americans who don’t believe the Chinese bioweapon will injure or kill them. While Cubans on the communist island march for life-saving vaccines, this brand of “American exceptionalism” rejects coronavirus vaccine mandates and masks. They seem to think that are immune.

Alan Scott Lanoix was unvaccinated and didn’t think he would get Covid. Lisa Adler, his sister, said, “He thought the vaccine was poison and he was afraid of getting it and there’s a lot of people that have that same feeling.” As a story by WWLTV recounted, he then tested positive for the virus and spent 17 days in the hospital with several on a ventilator before passing away.

Lanoix was the father of three sons, who had to bury their father on Father’s Day. Adler says, “He was a great person and I urge anybody if they are on the fence about getting the vaccine, do it in my brother’s memory.”

According to one poll, 20 percent think the U.S. government is using the COVID-19 vaccine to microchip the population.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, has appeared on shows hosted by Brannon Howse on Mike Lindell’s network, where she called the vaccines “Satan’s last hurrah.” Tenpenny’s claims have led to coverage of people sticking metal things to their skin and insisting it’s because of microchips and/or metals in the vaccine formula.

“I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the Internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized,” Tenpenny  said in testimony to the Ohio legislature. “They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.”

And the vaccines may link people to 5G though an “interface.” She said: “There’s been people who have long suspected that there’s been some sort of an interface, ‘yet to be defined’ interface, between what’s being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers.”

5G is the next generation of high-speed wireless technology.

The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) responded that “we find the statements included material misinformation, personal perspectives without support of evidence or scientific foundation, and are not consistent with the principles and practice of osteopathic medicine.” It added, “The AOA urges all Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine is a scientific achievement that has saved countless lives. We strongly support the evidence affirming the safety of vaccine technology and reject unsubstantiated claims to the contrary.”

When I published a column about the Cuban people marching for freedom and access to life-saving vaccines, I got this message (with expletives deleted):


Not too long after I got the message about my column on Cubans marching for vaccines, I was informed by another anti-vaxxer that a study had concluded that people opposed to the vaccines were “highly informed,” “scientifically literate,” and “sophisticated.”

I think that is true for some people. But I did some research and found messages referring to “ALL VACCINES ARE POISON,” “VACCINE DEATH SQUADS,” and “FOOD DESTROYING CABALS OF SATANIC DEMONS.”

And this one:


In fact, Russia is reporting skyrocketing cases of Covid.

In regard to 5G, a Russian state media entity now known as RT aired a story about its alleged dangers back in 2019. Watch it here.  The Russians want Americans to believe this so China can dominate the 5G wireless communications market.  Thanks to Trump, Chinese company Huawei’s emerging dominance of emerging 5G telecommunications technology was reversed.

As people know, I have been a long-time proponent of vaccine safety and freedom of choice. I founded and ran the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom and held a news conference opposing a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. I know the risks and benefits of various vaccines.

The government has botched the roll-out of several vaccines, costing lives. That’s why I have consistently supported and given a media platform to such people as Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center. She is a citizen vaccine safety and informed consent advocate who does careful research and does not seek to provoke or inflame people.

I was coming back from Italy with my family in February 2020 and became ill. I thought it was a bad flu. Later I learned about Covid and thought back to all the Chinese tourists in Italy during our trip.  That would have been the time the disease was spreading to Europe. I’m not sure what happened to me. But it was a warning.

When the China virus vaccines were in production and being offered to people, I did several shows with critics of the vaccines being developed.

But as the death toll from the pandemic was rising, and the Chinese government was caught lying about where the virus came from and how dangerous it was, I took a second look, concluding that the vaccines developed by President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed project using new mRNA technology had a solid chance of working and saving lives. I think the evidence demonstrates that has been the case.

I got the Pfizer vaccine and had no side-effects.

Trump, at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, urged people to get vaccinated and said,  “When the plague came in from China, I dragged the slow and complacent bureaucrats from the FDA, and the CDC into the Oval Office. I pushed them like they have never been pushed before, and thanks to the relentless efforts of my administration and me, we got miraculous therapeutics straight to patients with historic speed, and we produced three vaccines to end the pandemic in record time…We did it in less than nine months.”

Yet, many of my columns defending the vaccines have been censored by conservative web sites or slapped with disclaimers intended to make it seem my views are controversial.

I respect those who weigh the evidence. Some fear the vaccine more than the virus. But censorship on either side is not the answer.

In a new statement on the matter, former President Trump said, “Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he’s doing on the distribution of the Vaccine that was developed by Operation Warp Speed or, quite simply, the Trump Administration. He’s not doing well at all. He’s way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don’t trust his Administration, they don’t trust the Election results, and they certainly don’t trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth.”

In short, some people fear the Biden Administration more than the virus. The Biden Administration has only itself to blame.  Its heavy-handed efforts at censorship will only backfire. That fact leads people to believe the federal government does not want the pandemic to end and instead wants to reimpose mask requirements and vaccine mandates.

In the end, as the cases mount and the unvaccinated continue to resist, the government will win. A federal judge has already upheld Indiana’s University’s vaccine mandate and requirements.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Cubans Demand Vaccines Rejected by Leery Americans

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

The people of Cuba are marching FOR Covid-19 vaccines. Here, Tucker and Laura question the effectiveness of American-made vaccines, and some Americans decline them, playing Russian roulette.

Here’s from the Wall Street Journal:

  • Thousands of Cubans took to the streets in a wave of demonstrations in Havana and at least 14 other cities throughout the Communist island, demanding an end to the 62-year dictatorship and protesting the lack of food and Covid-19 vaccines.

Here’s from the Miami Herald:

  • In an unprecedented display of anger and frustration, thousands of people took to the streets Sunday in cities and towns across Cuba, including Havana, to call for the end of the decades-old dictatorship and demand food and vaccines, as shortages of basic necessities have reached crisis proportions and COVID-19 cases have soared.

USA Today reported:

  • Protesters, many of them young people, chanted, “We want freedom” and “We want vaccines” as they marched on Havana, the island’s capital. Cuba is going through its worst economic crisis in decades, exacerbated by a surge in coronavirus cases coupled with a low vaccination rate.

A Florida TV station reports:

  • In social media posts, you can see and hear the Cubans marching and shouting “Patria y Vida” o “Queremosvacunas” y “Libertad, ”“We want vaccines” and “We want freedom.”

National Public Radio reports:

  • Although the protesters were asking for food, medicine and vaccines, the loudest cries were for an end to the communist regime.

NBC reports:

  • Thousands of Cubans in Havana protest against pandemic restrictions, the pace of Covid-19 vaccinations and frustrations with the government.

No wonder the Cubans want vaccines. Not the ones promised by the Communist regime, but those made by American firms.

Senator Marco Rubio notes, “Rather than accept reliable internationally produced vaccines, the regime is trying to develop its own so it can sell to countries and further funnel money.”

Let this message sink in.

Former President Trump says, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!” But many of his supporters don’t agree. They have turned against their beloved leader, the former president.

In today’s world of conservative journalism, where clicks mean views and bad news sells, paranoia and pandering on the matter of the Trump Warp Speed vaccines have taken charge, poisoning minds and threatening lives. In today’s conservative media, pro-Trumpers have become anti-Trumpers on the matter of vaccines.

Consider that conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have become the faces of the anti-vaccine movement. They seem to be competing for bad news to convey to their millions of viewers. The result is that people are scared of the vaccines but not the virus, even as the virus variants infect more people and take more lives.

Ironically, several Fox News stars recorded a public service announcement (PSA) in favor of the vaccines. Harris Faulkner, Steve Doocy, Dana Perino and John Roberts joined together in asking Americans to “keep up the fight” against COVID-19 by taking the shot.

In the Fox News COVID vaccine PSA, Doocy says, “America, we’re in this together.”

The political tragedy for the Republican Party is that the antics of Tucker and Laura are making Trump’s Warp Speed vaccine project look bad in front of his own supporters.

As someone who has taken the vaccine and believes it offers freedom from disease and death, I am hearing from them. Some are now saying Trump has “blood on his hands” for making vaccines available to the American people.

Democrats are watching this with glee. They see the Republican Party divided and exploding in turmoil over the vaccines. At the same time, Joe Biden is exploiting Trump’s accomplishment, acting as if the vaccines were his idea, and that he deserves credit for saving lives.

All of this represents a political vulnerability for Republicans, many of whom are not only “vaccine hesitant” but hesitant to give Trump credit for an amazing accomplishment.

The additional tragedy is the amount of misinformation that is available on conservative web sites.

Of course, people should be free to make up their own minds. But when they repeat or accept information that is false, that’s a serious matter in contemplating a potential life and death decision.

For the umpteenth time, I have read that the China virus has not been isolated and therefore doesn’t exist. The claim is absolute insanity and suggests that their leader, former President Trump, has been lying.

“The CDC has been unable to deliver a single sample of an isolated COVID19 strain,” says one “Lex Greene,” said to be “an avid historian with many years’ professional experience in U.S. and World events.” It’s a tragic joke that will get people killed. Somebody with that much experience and knowledge should identify himself. His column appears at the News With Views website, which runs my factually-based columns with “disclaimers” about them being my opinion.

I have the benefit of consulting real experts. I asked Col. Lawrence Sellin, an expert, about the dangers. He replied, “It is a virus. It has been isolated and we have a sequence for it. And the sequence has been examined not once but twice but thousands of times. The samples are taken throughout the world. We know what the sequence is. We know it’s mutating.”

Sellin also believes in the vaccines. “I’m pro-vaccine,” he says. He adds, however, that it’s a personal decision and that people should not be forced to take the vaccine because some have greater risks than others. I agree.

But the idea that the virus has not been identified or isolated is just plain false. It is beyond irresponsible for web sites to publish fiction as fact.

Pandering to the fringe who doubt the vaccines is standard operating procedure.

It is increasingly difficult for facts to be published in the conservative media about the benefits of vaccines. Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham seem to be competing over pursuing new leads about questions regarding the vaccines.

For the record, here’s the CDC website that discusses the isolation of the virus. It says, “SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.”

It’s the isolation of the virus that has made possible the vaccines to fight and defeat it. It’s no wonder those who think the virus doesn’t exist are opposed to the vaccines.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Rise and Fall of Tucker Carlson

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Tucker Carlson has become a Johnny one-note, pandering to those isolated and living in fear of the China virus vaccines.These are the modern Luddites, so consumed by fear of technological progress that they buy into the notion that they can somehow naturally overcome the effects of the Chinese bioweapon by taking vitamins.

The evidence shows that the vast majority of recent hospitalizations and deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Consider the tragic case of a 45-year-old Missouri mom who was so scared of vaccine side-effects that she died of Covid.

In Maryland, my home state, Gov. Larry Hogan says the unvaccinated accounted for 100% of Covid-related deaths in June, 95% of all new cases and 93% of hospitalizations.

Still, Tucker is harping on the alleged dangers of the vaccines.

You can be sure the Democratic Party is watching all of this and taking notes, preparing to stigmatize conservatives as Neanderthals who impeded progress during the pandemic. This will be the Democrats’ winning issue in 2022 and Republicans don’t seem to know what’s coming.

The public will turn on the Republicans as obstructionists who prolonged suffering and death. The anti-vaccine movement will be depicted as a cult, out of step with their own leader, former President Trump, who deserves credit for rushing the vaccines to a successful conclusion in record time.

When he’s not knocking the highly successful Trump Warp Speed vaccines, Tucker is featuring Edward Snowden enabler Glenn Greenwald, now in the lucrative business of being a thorn in the side to his former colleagues on the left. It’s getting tiresome. Greenwald is not the kind of person who should be featured on a so-called conservative news channel. But having left his left-wing colleagues behind, striking out on his own to make tons of money through the Substack social media platform, Tucker has become his ticket to fame and fortune.

Fox Business reports that Greenwald is making $80,000 and $160,000 every month from his newsletter on Substack. Tucker has made it possible. .

We have discovered, thanks to his own disclosures, that Tucker was under NSA surveillance. It turns out the surveillance was a result of his contacts with pro-Putin Russian operatives trying to arrange an interview with the former KGB colonel.

Tucker portrays himself as an innocent victim. But the controversy brings up another blind spot for Tucker – his unwillingness or inability to recognize Vladimir Putin as any kind of threat to the United States. His proposed interview with Putin would have been a series of soft balls.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that the NSA would have come into possession of his emails. The truly alarming aspect of the story is why Tucker’s name was revealed and who in the Biden Administration did the “unmasking.” I agree this is wrong and illegal. But Tucker should have told us more about his Russian connections.

Conservatives should be alarmed by Tucker’s increasing reliance on Glenn Greenwald as a reliable source of information. Greenwald assisted NSA/CIA defector Edward Snowden in moving to Russia to be protected by Putin’s thugs. He defected to Russia through Chinese Hong Kong. Snowden disclosed NSA capabilities in cyber warfare and is charged with espionage. He’s probably responsible for sophisticated Russian cyber warfare capabilities today that have targeted our pipelines and businesses.

Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, called the Snowden affair “a well-prepared Russian intelligence operation” against the United States and concluded that Snowden was “an agent of the Russian foreign intelligence service.”

Greenwald made it possible. I wrote about all of this in my book, Blood on His Hands: The True Story of Edward Snowden.

Pacepa died from Covid-19, a Chinese bioweapon. His colleague, Ronald J. Rychlak, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law, told me, “Pacepa took the threat of the virus seriously. He and his 92-year-old wife tried to avoid the risk as best they could. The virus prevented at least one, probably two meetings he and I would have had over the past year. It also stopped my research in Rome for the second edition of Disinformation that we were working on.”

The book’s full title was, Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism.

All of this disinformation is being brought to bear on the debate over Covid-19 and the vaccines. It is resulting in more lives lost to the virus.

In the case of the deceased Missouri mom, who failed to get vaccinated, her own mother said, “She was afraid of the side effects [of the vaccine], I think. You hear a lot of horror stories. I, myself, when I had the shot, it was rough, so it scared her and freaked her out. So she didn’t want to do it. I couldn’t convince her.” The deceased mother caught the virus from her son, who got it at his junior high school.

All of a sudden, Alex Berenson, who wrote a good book on the dangers of marijuana, has popped up with frequency on Tucker’s show to pontificate on the virus. I can’t figure out why he has become such an expert on Covid. He’s a journalist, but that doesn’t necessarily qualify him as an expert on this or that. His marijuana book was heavily documented. His pamphlets on Covid are very thin and rushed into print to take advantage of public concern and hysteria. Tucker is happy to oblige.

Now, following Greenwald’s lead, he’s making money on Substack. He doesn’t even advertise his marijuana book anymore, preferring to claim he’s on top of “unreported truths” and writing a book about Covid called PANDEMIA. A “founding member” has to spend $300.00 a year to subscribe to his writings.

Tucker can make these people rich through exposure on his show and he’s making millions as well. But he is risking the survival of his program by rushing to judgment and pandering to a small segment of his audience that thinks the Trump Warp Speed vaccines were a Tony Fauci plot. He’s risking the health and well-being of his audience.

At this stage in the pandemic, with more than 600,000 Americans dead, it’s clear the new vaccine technology endorsed by Trump holds out the hope of defeating this dangerous super-virus and returning our nation to a period of normalcy. That’s why Trump has repeatedly urged adults to take the vaccine.

But Tucker is standing in the way of progress. He has become a leading anti-Trump figure in the media when he should be thanking Trump and getting his own jab on national TV.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

How Trump Saved America from the China Virus

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In a carefully orchestrated political trap, Joe Biden is threatening to send government workers house to house to try to get Trump supporters to take the Trump Warp Speed China virus vaccines. This strange turn of events tells you everything you need to know about why the Trump movement is in disarray and on defense. They don’t trust their leader, former President Trump, who has repeatedly urged people (except youngsters) to take the vaccines.

Trump, whose Operation Warp Speed saved America from the butchers of Beijing, is now trying to save the lives of his own supporters, who won’t answer the door if Biden’s operatives start knocking. Biden’s backers are counting on confrontations in order to make Trump supporters look bad.

Tragically, many Trump supporters are buying the nonsense that the Supreme Court will eventually rule 9-0 to put Trump back in the White House while objecting to his life-saving Warp Speed vaccines as killers.

Please, Trump supporters, get a grip on reality. The vaccines are working and are the envy of the world.

Here’s what Maryland, my home state, is reporting for June:

  • 100% of COVID-19 deaths in Maryland occurred in people who were unvaccinated.
  • 95% of new COVID-19 cases in Maryland occurred in people who were unvaccinated.
  • 93% of new COVID-19 hospitalizations in Maryland occurred in people who were unvaccinated.

The same thing is being reported in other states, such as Wisconsin, where the Milwaukee Journal reports that 95% of those who’ve died from COVID-19 since March weren’t vaccinated or fully vaccinated.

In Minnesota, reports the St. Paul Pioneer Press, “Nearly all new Minnesota COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths were among the unvaccinated.”

In the face of this evidence, many people resist the vaccines. Hence, the Biden White House says the federal government “will start targeted community door-to-door outreach in an effort to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates,” as reported by the Epoch Times.

“Joe Biden just announced government goons will go DOOR-TO-DOOR to make you take a COVID-19 vaccine,” screams Trump supporter Charlie Kirk. The conservative New American magazine ran the scary headline, “Knock-knock, Have You Gotten Your COVID-19 Vaccine Yet?” These statements reflect distrust of vaccines developed by the Trump Administration, not Joe Biden.

Conservative writer Leo Hohmann asks, ”What should you do when federal agents arrive at your door with questions about your personal health decisions?,” and provides some answers. One says government agents should be offered a free Trespass Warning Form.

Biden’s heavy-handed effort will of course backfire. It’s reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s joke about bureaucrats showing up and saying, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”

What Biden is doing is very clever. It is a trap. He is making Trump supporters look like Neanderthals or Luddites resisting progress. One can anticipate the Democrats campaigning for Congress in 2022 and president in 2024 by arguing that Republicans were standing in the way of solving the China virus problem.

Realizing the resistance to the vaccines, I spoke on Monday at Larry Klayman’s Third Continental Congress, a pro-Trump audience, and defended the shots.

My speech was mostly about the national security threats to the United States, including the China virus. But I did take the opportunity to praise the vaccines.

I mentioned how some of the victims of Covid-19 who have survived have suffered a loss of their sense of taste and smell, while others have long-term breathing and brain problems. This is clearly not a flu virus. Indeed, I join Larry Klayman and others in saying the evidence indicates it is a bioweapon.

I think the numbers prove that the vaccines protect people against hospitalization and death. If people fear the vaccine more than the virus, they will have to accept the consequences. The problem is that other people can be infected by the unvaccinated and they have to take care of their family members who get sick and may die.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, the people are demanding the vaccines as the left-wing government of President Moon Jae-in is under heavy fire for the poor vaccination rate. The conservative paper in South Korea, The Chosunilbo reports that only about 30 percent of the population have had at least their first vaccine shot and just 10.5 percent their second one. That means the lockdowns continue.

The situation is so desperate that the Reuters news agency is reporting that South Korea is now negotiating with mRNA COVID-19 vaccine makers to produce as many as 1 billion doses for their country and others.

The United States is far ahead of South Korea because of the wisdom of former President Trump in cutting through the bureaucracy and getting the private sector to use the developing mRNA vaccine technology to address SARS-CoV-2.

Despite the clear evidence of the efficacy of the vaccines, I am still finding many conservatives who ignore their life-saving properties. Some are paying the price.

Here are some of the false or misleading claims I have come across recently:

  • Claim: SARS-CoV-2 is a virus with less than one percent fatality rate. Fact: It is a weaponized virus released from a lab and its nature was not readily apparent in the beginning of the pandemic. It has killed millions because of its contagious nature.
  • Claim: Most Americans have mindlessly complied with the hysterical mandates associated with Covid-19. Fact: While Democrat politicians took the lockdowns too far, many people had good reason to be scared of the virus and took precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The confusion among conservatives about the lethality of this virus has given China an opportunity to divide the American people and push their own dubious vaccines (along with Russia). We should be united in demanding apologies and reparations from the Chinese. (Trump has urged $10 trillion in reparations).

With America divided over the vaccines, as Trump supporters reject Trump’s signature achievement, Chinese President Xi Jinping is gloating and sees a clear pathway ahead for domination of the world. He declared on the Chinese Communist Party’s 100th anniversary, “A century ago, at the time of its founding, the Communist Party of China had just over 50 members. Today, with more than 95 million members in a country of more than 1.4 billion people, it is the largest governing party in the world and enjoys tremendous international influence.”

The road to Chinese domination is littered with corpses. Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, says, “The Chinese Communist Party is probably responsible for killing between 80 and 100 million people, the highest number of political killings in modern time by one party-state perpetrator.”

That number doesn’t include deaths from the China virus, now reported at more than 4 million worldwide, including more than 621,000in the U.S.

Without the vaccines, millions could have died in the U.S. and our country would not be returning to a sense of normalcy.

One strategy, in addition to Larry Klayman’s effort to hold the Chinese legally accountable for the virus, is to prosecute Communist mass-murderers in Nuremberg-style tribunals, just like the Nazis were punished after WW II. Thousands have joined the  Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism, a campaign started by the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky.

Trump will NOT be returned to the White House next month. But his legacy includes life-saving vaccines that have made the United States the envy of the world. Trump saved many lives. But some of his strongest supporters seem not to have noticed.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley is No George Washington

By Cliff Kincaid

George Washington, the father of our country, warned against many different threats to America. Of utmost importance at the time, he warned of the Illuminati, a subversive force that infiltrated the Masonic lodges of Europe and which today is the subject of what the media call “conspiracy theories.” But it was a real organization, and Washington knew it. He wrote about it in several letters to clergymen.

Washington was a member of a Masonic Lodge in Virginia who was also a Christian and he made sure those dangerous tendencies in the Masonic lodges of Europe were excluded from the structures of the new nation.

What’s important to know is that Washington acknowledged the existence of evil forces that could undermine the American experiment. He was not only a great general, who led our military forces to victory, but was aware of evil ideologies that undermined the Christian morality he depended on for guidance.

Responding to a letter from a citizen, Washington declared: “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.”But he insisted that “none of the [Masonic] Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati.” He made it one of his purposes in the life of the young nation to make sure America didn’t turn out like Europe.

The impact of the Illuminati has become a bogeyman for Catholics, some of whom think George Washington was somehow tainted by his membership in a Virginia lodge. They cite the opposition of the Catholic Church to Freemasonry. What they don’t understand is the major break which occurred between the lodges in Europe and America. Washington personified that break.

These Catholics tend to believe in the kind of state church that the American revolutionaries fought to depose. That’s why so few Catholics were among the founders. They also find it objectionable that Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, put together the “Jefferson Bible” of the moral teachings of Jesus Christ and excluded references to his divine nature. This was Jefferson’s way of trying to reach Americans of different religions with a moral message that could unite them.

Our founders looked for ways to unite Americans of different faiths and outlooks behind the American nation. It worked. It was a great success.

What Catholics and non-Catholics alike have to realize is that our founders, most of whom were Masons, objected to a state church based in England or the Vatican in Rome. In that sense, they were humanist or even secular. They wrote into the Constitution a ban on a religious test for public office. They believed passionately in religious liberty.

The threat then was the Illuminati. Today, of course, it’s Marxism, of the economic and cultural varieties.

In this regard, Washington can be viewed as a strong opponent of Cultural Marxism. General George Washington himself authorized the court-martial and expulsion of a gay soldier. He needed all the bodies he could get. But he drew the line at perverts.

The Army envisioned by General Washington, with character, integrity and morality at the forefront, is today hanging by a thread. Consider Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley, who defends Marxist indoctrination of our soldiers and presides over a force that includes gays and transgenders.

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was kicked out for writing a book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson characterized Milley as “a pig” and ‘”stupid” for defending Marxist training in the military. As a military strategist, Milley deserves to be called far worse. Milley has presided over thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars being wasted on no-win wars in the Middle East.

Yet, by contrast, the United States has spent a paltry $3 billion on the anti-communist government in Ukraine, fighting for its life against Vladimir Putin’s Russian military, KGB and GRU. Joe Biden just approved a Russian gas pipeline giving Vladimir Putin economic control over Europe.

Remember the days when the Democrats called Donald J. Trump a Russian agent? Joe Biden is acting like the real Russian agent.

Not to mention the KGB tactics used by the FBI to go after conservative “extremists” in the public.

It all makes you wonder why a West Point Cadet, Spenser Rapone, was photographed in 2018 with the phrase “Communism will win” in his cap and was then discharged. Perhaps he will be rehabilitated and promoted to the highest rank possible.

Nothing would surprise me.

In today’s military, George Washington would be branded as an “extremist” and kicked out.

Our only hope is to maintain our nuclear weapons, so that in a final act of self-defense, even somebody like Milley would propose to the president that we use them against China and Russia. That deterrence alone may save us.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Larry Klayman’s “Common Sense” Agenda

By Cliff Kincaid

In an interview on November 11, just about a week after the election, Larry Klayman appeared on my television show to argue that Trump had a dead-end election fraud legal strategy. He didn’t have much confidence in Trump’s legal advisers.

Then, on November 24, 2020, Larry Klayman was on my show again, reiterating that Trump couldn’t and wouldn’t win.

The founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, Klayman understands that the federal courts are corrupt and were unlikely to rule in Trump’s favor. He said that Trump, despite proclamations about vote fraud and his own victory, would exit the White House because the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, wouldn’t intervene.

Of the many guests I interviewed about election integrity, Larry Klayman was the only one who predicted that Trump would ultimately be forced from the White House and that China Joe Biden would be installed.

Not learning their lesson, we find some Trump supporters today saying that the former president will be back in the oval office by August.

Meanwhile, Russia, China, Iran and other enemies of the United States continue to wage war on America and our allies, as our southern border continues to decay and the China virus continues to kill.

It was Klayman who did what the U.S. Government should have done. Early in the pandemic he filed a complaint in federal court seeking to hold China legally responsible for the China  virus and its source, the biological weapons program based at the notorious federally-funded Wuhan lab.

Virtually everything Klayman documented in his complaint has been reluctantly and subsequently verified by other so-called “experts.”

This is why Klayman’s upcoming Third Continental Congress, being held in Philadelphia July 5-6, 2021 at Independence Hall, is so important. Citizens will gather from across the country to hear a line-up of great speakers and consider a New Declaration of Independence from America’s enemies at home and abroad.

As Klayman outlines new revolutionary strategies, one of his ideas being pursued is to convene citizen grand juries to go after the corrupt politicians and Deep State operatives who control the intelligence agencies.

With Klayman continuing to sound the alarm about “continued mass government surveillance” by agencies which spy “like the German Gestapo,” and have the ability to gather information to blackmail people to do their bidding.we now have the spectacle of Tucker Carlson, on his June 28th show, claiming he had become a target of the NSA. He said a whistleblower informed him that the intelligence establishment had acquired his private emails.

With the highest rated show on cable television, Carlson can try to defend himself. But what about the rest of us?

On June 17, on ASI TV, I interviewed pro-family activist Arthur Schaper about his encounter with FBI agents who showed up at his door to grill him about the events of January 6. He wasn’t there, when military veteran Ashli Babbitt was murdered by the Capitol Police, but they wanted to question him anyway. It’s another indication that the FBI has become an enforcement arm of the Biden regime’s imposition of Cultural Marxism on the nation. Schaper was apparently monitored by the FBI because his group rescues young people from the clutches of sexual militants and seeks to restore Christian traditions of morality to America.

This is not surprising. In a case brought years ago by Klayman, conservative Judge Richard Leon had ruled that the government had engaged in “almost Orwellian” Big Brother behavior and that the NSA’s mass surveillance had to stop. The term was a reference to the George Orwell novel about a police state, 1984.

But it was then-federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh who had issued a controversial decision in favor of this mass surveillance program. In ruling against Klayman, Kavanaugh said the so-called “metadata collection program,” conducted without probable cause, was “entirely consistent with the Fourth Amendment” and was “not considered a search under the Fourth Amendment…”

For that reason and others, during an August 4, 2018, appearance on ASI TV, Klayman declared Judge Kavanaugh “uniquely unqualified and unfit” to serve on the Supreme Court. I agreed. Our report, “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” supports Klayman’s assertion that there is an “alternative government” in the intelligence community that collects personal information on people and uses it for political purposes. These intelligence agencies, including the NSA, CIA, and FBI, are more powerful than the president himself.

More often than not, these agencies are working against the interests of the American people. They can’t do anything of substance to stop China or Russia. But they can monitor and harass conservatives and Christians because they are suspected of having ties to people who were welcomed into the Capitol on January 6.

It was this mass surveillance that was trained on President Trump, his family, staff and colleagues, leading to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion witch hunt.

Klayman says, “We are now living in an increasingly Marxist atheist hell.”

As such, his proposed “Declaration of Independence of the Third Continental Congress,” to be discussed on July 5th and 6th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a valuable next step. It makes sense. In fact, as Thomas Paine would say, it makes “common sense.”

“The cause of America is, in a great measure, the cause of all mankind,” Paine said.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Fake China Defector Story

By Cliff Kincaid

Just Like liberals, conservatives are suckers for a big story that sounds good and confirms their preconceived prejudices. Consider this from Mike Huckabee: “Information from Chinese Defector Might Change the Course of History.” It’s the conservative equivalent of the fake news Russian disinformation dossier.

Does anyone seriously believe that a legitimate top Chinese intelligence official would defect to the United States under the China Joe Administration? As researcher Jim Simpson says, “Why would the guy take his life in his hands for the Biden crowd? Insane?”

The “defector” is either insane or the story is a Chinese plant. My suspicion is the latter.

The story comes from a sex-scandal columnist for the conservative website Red State who lives in a blue state and whose bio identifies her as a “sports fanatic.” Jennifer Van Laar broke the story of former Democratic Rep. Katie Hill’s sex scandal and now wants us to believe her deep sources in the intelligence community confirm there is an alleged defector from the Chinese Ministry of State Security, Dong Jingwei, in the hands of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), spilling the beans on China.

China claims the spymaster is still in China doing his job.

Even if the official has come to the U.S. for whatever reason, the story is reminiscent of the notorious Russian “defector” Yuri Nosenko, who conveniently showed up in America after the JFK assassination to tell U.S. intelligence agencies that Lee Harvey Oswald was not under Soviet KGB control. Oswald, a Marxist member of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, had defected to Russia and then returned to the U.S.

The motive was clear: the Russians wanted to avoid another confrontation with the United States and escape responsibility for murdering an American president.

In the case of China, the purpose of the story is to convince people that while the virus may have come out of a lab, the “lab leak” theory, it was an accident and that Chinese communist officials can’t be blamed.

The big revelation from the Chinese “defector” is something we already know – the China virus came out of the Wuhan lab. “Oh, wait — there’s more!,” says Huckabee. “According to RedState, Dong has also provided the DIA with copies of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop, revealing all the scuzz the Chinese government has on Hunter, his nefarious personal habits and his business dealings with Chinese entities. His father’s, too. It was common sense to assume China had it all, and apparently they do.”

So the “defector” has information we already have. Big deal.

As geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist points out, the real purpose is to convince us that the release of the virus, though real, was accidental. Hence, there’s no reason to consider this an act of war from China.

In fact, as Nyquist points out, this story is “damage control” by the Chinese. They knew the bat soup story about the origin of the virus wasn’t going to last long. Their fallback position is that it came out of the Wuhan lab by accident. That’s where the “defector” story comes in.

“It seems obvious this is a fake defection,” he says.

In an “EXCLUSIVE” follow-up, Red State’s Jennifer Van Laar proclaims, “Chinese Defector’s Identity Confirmed, Was Top Counterintelligence Official.” But nothing about the story has really been confirmed. It is all based on anonymous sources.

In this case, conservatives have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

But consider that the Chinese, at this critical junction, want to avoid responsibility and retaliation for what they have done to the American people and the world. We have to keep in mind that that the origin of the virus is a communist country ruled by mass murderers.

In my March 25 column, “The China Virus Deception Campaign,” I noted, “During the history of the world, at critical turning points, there have been massive deception operations. Think about the Trojan Horse. Or consider how D-Day was designed to convince the Nazis that the main Allied landings would be in the Pas-de-Calais and not in Normandy. The latest and most successful deception operation is the China virus campaign. We are the victims and can’t even call it the China virus.”

The Chinese have tried several different approaches to divert attention away from a laboratory origin of the virus. They have even blamed American troops for the disaster.

Dan Bongino was ecstatic, saying that what the Chinese “defector” has provided about the origin and spread of the virus confirms much of what former President Trump has said for many months. He interviewed Red State columnist Jennifer Van Laar on his new radio show. She’s also appeared on Newsmax TV.

It’s true that President Trump understood from the start that the China virus was a national security threat. That’s why he launched a Manhattan Project-style effort to produce life-saving vaccines. He had the immediate task of protecting our people from this bioweapon.

But it’s up to China Joe Biden, who calls Vladimir Putin a killer, to hold China responsible for the more than 600,000 deaths in America. How interesting that along comes a “defector” to “confirm” the new “consensus” that it leaked from a lab by accident. How convenient.

The new “consensus” will be that the U.S. has to spend more on the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to guarantee the security and safety of the Wuhan lab.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Putin Is Impressed by the American Gestapo

By Cliff Kincaid

CNN reports that the Biden administration is preparing to impose additional sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Who will impose sanctions on the Biden Administration for letting the killer of Ashli Babbitt go free?

In Russia, poison is the preferred method of assassination. In America, an unarmed Trump supporter by the name of Ashli Babbitt can be shot and killed inside the Capitol, and the assassin’s identity is covered-up and he goes free. Which is worse?

Navalny is alive; Babbitt is dead.

The Capitol Police let Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol on January 6 and then one of its members killed her, as other members of the Capitol Police were in close proximity to her. In most cases, however, assassination is not the preferred option, Instead, the FBI has been deployed to harass and arrest Trump supporters who take seriously the right to petition government for redress of grievances.

A publication called the Progressive Review is ecstatic, carrying an article under the headline, “Biden unveils plan to step up fight against domestic terrorism.” It proclaims that the plan “seeks $100 million to add key personnel in the departments of justice and homeland security,” in order to monitor dissidents, and also “calls for monitoring federal employees who could pose an inside threat.”

If you can’t defeat them through a legitimate election, the subject of the January 6 protests, the federal modus operandi seems to be to harass and crush them by developing a secretive intelligence operation that targets and uses lethal force against them.

All of this is an outgrowth of the events of January 6, when pro-Trump activists protested the installation of China Joe, whose administration has proven to be a series of disasters at home and abroad.

The protesters are being defined as “white extremists” and “anti-government extremists.”

In a strange twist, one of them tuned out to be a pro-family activist who wasn’t even at the January 6 event. That activist, Arthur Schaper of MassResistance, told the FBI agents to pound sand. He had booked a ticket to D.C. for the protest but didn’t go. He told the FBI agents he wouldn’t answer any more questions without a lawyer.

Schaper was a guest on my America’s Survival TV show and described the strange encounter. It is still not known how the FBI became aware he had a plane ticket to D.C., where he lived, and how they got into his apartment complex. But the incident suggests the FBI has mainstream conservative groups under surveillance.

Vladimir Putin must be impressed.

Imagine if Putin’s security forces had killed a dissident inside the Kremlin. One doubts that the former KGB would be that brazen.

For the record, MassResistance is not devoted to white extremism and anti-government activities. It is a pro-family group that tries to rescue kids from the “gay” and “trans” lifestyles. Their position against gay adoption was affirmed by the Supreme Court last Thursday in a 9-0 ruling, making their “extreme” views seem rather mainstream.

Nevertheless, FBI agents wanted Schaper to know they were monitoring him.

Perhaps this is because the FBI apparatus has been placed at the disposal of a key Democratic Party constituency group, the LGBTQ lobby, with “Q” meaning queer. But this is not limited to the FBI. The Office of the Directorate of National Intelligence (DNI) has drawn attention to employees who “fight for marriage equality” and intelligence agents “fighting the good fight from the inside.” The DNI calls them “Secret agents of change.”

None of this seems designed to identify and defeat America’s foreign enemies.

Instead, the enemies, such as Arthur Schaper, are within.

This is how socialist and communist governments monitor their political enemies.

My website America’s Survival, Inc. features a story of a Swedish researcher and analyst, Bertil Haggman, who was monitored by his government because of his anti-communist views.

It seems strange for anti-communism to be considered extreme, but this is now the case in America today.  The founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a communist.

Interestingly, Putin praised Biden for his summit performance, saying Biden “is a professional.” Rather than play opposites on the world stage, Biden and Putin should holds hands and embrace. They both utilize KGB tactics against their political enemies.

Perhaps Putin can learn a thing or two from Biden’s FBI.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Murder Incorporated: Theirs and Ours

By Cliff Kincaid

Responding to Biden’s charge that he is a killer, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded, in an NBC News interview, that somebody murdered Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. military veteran, who was among a few Trump supporters that went into the Capitol on January 6. With this reference, Putin successfully deflected questions abut the assassination squads he supervises. He cleverly moved the attention away from his former comrades in the KGB to the Deep State in Washington, D.C. covering-up for its own crimes.

No wonder Biden didn’t want to stand on the same stage with Putin and hold a joint news conference. Putin is too clever. What’s more, the point that Putin made is a valid one. He is making it difficult for those of us who understand the vicious nature of the Russian state to maintain a critique of Putin on grounds that he exclusively represents Murder Inc.

America has a Murder Inc. located in Washington, D.C. in the federal centers of governmental power.

Speaking to NBC, Putin said, “Did you [someone in the United States] order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman? Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering the Congress?”

He turned the tables on the American media and the American government. It is assumed she was killed by “accident,” sort of like how the China virus “escaped” from the Wuhan lab. But Putin is going further, alleging that Babbitt was assassinated. He makes this claim to put American government officials on the defensive. He has done so.

If the murder was “innocent” in some way, we wouldn’t see the kind of cover-up that is taking place.

Putin is obviously aware of the secrecy surround the murder. He knows that the Biden “Department of Justice” said it would not pursue criminal charges against the Capitol police officer who killed Ashli Babbitt. It won’t even name him. The U.S. Attorney’s Office simply declared that “…the investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in the defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber.”

Attorney Terrell N. Roberts, III, who has handled police brutality cases and represents Ashli’s husband and family members, responded, “This double-negative is an odd way of explaining the basis for not bringing charges. It plainly glosses over the obvious problem of squaring the decision not to prosecute with the known facts. The actual evidence is this: the officer shot an unarmed woman who was not an immediate threat to him or any Member of Congress. That is inconsistent with any claim of self-defense or the defense of others, period.”

In a previous release, the attorney noted, “The shooting of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, by an unidentified U.S. Capitol Police Officer was an unjustified use of deadly force which violated her constitutional rights. It is clear from video footage that Ashli did not pose a danger to the officer, or any other person when she was shot. Ashli was unarmed. She did not assault anyone. She did not threaten to harm anyone. There was no excuse for taking her life.”

Another attorney, Jonathon Moseley, concluded that the shooting of Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol qualifies as murder, or more precisely an unjustified killing. Moseley noted that the reports are clear that the massive, bank-vault-strong doors into the Capitol were open and pro-Trump protesters (and others) were able to just walk in.  He notes some reports indicate that police gestured Trump supporters inside the building through the open doors. Trump had called on anybody going to the Capitol to be peaceful.

Our media love police brutality cases when white police officers can be accused of killing blacks, but the Ashli Babbitt murder is something else. She was a Trump supporter.

Attorney Roberts is one determined foe of government misconduct. According to his website, he “has developed a special expertise in the field of police misconduct and civil rights litigation. In the past two decades, he has helped dozens of clients recover millions of dollars in damages for police brutality and police misconduct, including a 2.7 million dollar verdict for the family of a Howard University student who was killed by the police. Some of his accomplishments in cases against the police were noted in a Washington Post article entitled Putting the Screws to Police Brutality.”

By bringing up this case, Vladimir Putin is digging into the Achilles heel of the Biden Administration and its failure to seek justice. Clearly, he has ulterior motives. As a former KGB colonel, he understands propaganda.

But Putin’s claims aside, there are obvious questions that have occurred to many people. Did the Capitol Police shooter reasonably believe he was in danger? Not likely. The presence of police officers near where Babbitt was shot must also be examined. Did they think standing there was a threat?  Why didn’t they arrest her? The Capitol Police say she was rendered medical assistance “immediately,” so she must have been very close to the officers or other Capitol Hill employees.

If the murder of Ashli Babbitt was not an assassination, the government should prove it. It looks to outside observers that she was invited into the Capitol, surrounded, and killed.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

White Backlash and the New Tea Party Movement

By Cliff Kincaid

Racism against whites has become official government policy. Not only is Joe Biden directing federal agencies to discriminate against whites, black-run cities like Baltimore (over 63 percent of Baltimore’s population is black) are not protecting local businesses against violence and crime.

With homicides up more than 17 percent this year, businesses in the Baltimore area known as Fells Point have written to the black city leaders demanding action. They report:

  • There are individual vendors in Fells Point illegally selling large volumes of alcohol, marijuana, and a range of other illicit substances directly in front of our establishments with no consequences or penalties. These are not concealed, clandestine operations by sophisticated gangs with suppliers and lookouts. These are brazen individuals who conduct their business in plain sight because they know Baltimore City will do nothing to prevent or punish them.

Incredibly, these are considered “minor” crimes. The business owners note that prostitution, public urination and defecation, and the illegal sale and consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs on the streets, are not as serious as the carjackings, shootings, and homicides “that have become routine.”

Unless city leaders “do their job and to stand up for neighborhoods all across Baltimore,” they say they are “prepared to withhold our city taxes and minor privilege and permit fees and place those funds into an escrow account, which we will not release until and unless basic and essential municipal services are restored.”

In other words, they won’t pay their taxes. This threat suddenly got the city’s attention, as “increased security measures” and a strong police presence were quickly visible.

Perhaps white people ought to consider this approach in the matter of their federal taxes. After all, they are being targeted as racists who have to pay trillions of dollars in reparations.

Tax resistance on the federal level, if it’s massive in scope, could force politicians to stop blaming whitey for problems in the black community.

After marking 100 years since the “Tulsa Massacre,” which was actually a race riot with several dozen dead (not the 300 claimed by the media), China Joe Biden is coming close to officially calling for “reparations” to close the “racial wealth gap.” After more than half a million dead in a Civil War and $22 trillion spent on anti-poverty programs, some estimates for reparations go are as high as $14 trillion.

Carefully ignored is the massive breakdown in the black family, with out-of-wedlock birth rates reaching 70 percent.

Ironically, Back Lives Matter is dedicated to destroying what’s left of the black family. A statement about the destruction of the traditional family was deleted from the BLM website after it betrayed its true intention. The group was founded by three black women, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, two of whom identify as queer.” Cullors accepts the term “black weirdo” to describe herself.

The word “Queer” used to be derogatory. Now it’s acceptable.

Jared Taylor, author of White Identity, discussed the anti-white hysteria gripping the country on America’s Survival TV. He says whites are coming to the point, especially because of the impact of Critical Race Theory in schools, where they start searching the Internet for an honest look at the facts — and they find his website American Renaissance.

Taylor, who is moderate in tone, doesn’t blame Marxism for the rise in anti-white activities. Instead, he thinks a person like Patrisse Cullors of Black Lives Matter is motivated by money. She recently resigned one BLM organization after it was discovered she had 4 homes. Whatever the ultimate reason for the rise of anti-white hate, white people are waking up and taking action.

Meanwhile, there are some blacks who have had an awakening.

With Father’s Day approaching on Sunday, June 20, 2021, a former BLM leader by the name of Rashad Turner has noted the obvious – BLM doesn’t care about black families.

Statistics show that in 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990 the rates had risen to 64 percent for black infants, 18 percent for whites. By 2019, that percentage had risen to 28.2 for whites and 70 percent for blacks.

Oprah Winfrey’s OWN Network is premiering the network’s first-ever Father’s Day special “Honoring Our Kings: OWN Celebrates Black Fatherhood” on Tuesday, June 15 at 9:00 p.m. “We want to honor the Black Kings who stand firm and proud in their role as a father, and celebrate the love and joy they bring to their families and communities,” Oprah said.

Those are nice sentiments, but what about the problem of illegitimacy in the black community?

Instead, an actual article first published in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, under the auspices of the Biden administration’s National Library of Medicine, was titled,  “On Having Whiteness.” It calls for “effective treatment” consisting “of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions,” adding, “Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites-to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation.”

That means trillions.

But the backlash is coming. In response to a lawsuit from the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL), U.S. District Judge William Griesbach issued a temporary restraining order halting payments in a $4 billion federal farmer loan forgiveness program that excludes whites.

An article from the establishment publication The Economist warns that, “As America becomes more multiracial, and whites lose the status of dominant group, their sense of racial solidarity may grow and the taboo against white pride may fade.”

White resistance, however, could benefit minorities as well, by forcing politicians to deal with real problems in the homes and on the streets.

So-called black “leaders” still have a lot to answer for.

Barack Hussein Obama, who just attacked critics of Critical Race Theory, should come forward and admit that his own administration was the most anti-family force in U.S. history by celebrating gay marriage and the spectacle of men becoming women through the phenomenon of “transgenderism.”

In response to Bruce Jenner, a biological father of six, declaring he was actually female, Obama said, “It takes courage to share your story.” Obama seemed to be endorsing genital mutilation as a way out of mental confusion or mental illness.

Republicans could step forward as well, lamenting that the Bruce/Catlyn Jenner “example” is a terrible thing and that he is not a Republican in any sense of the word.

Restoring the traditional family is a mammoth undertaking. Stopping the celebration of fatherless families is a good first step. As demonstrated in Baltimore, tax resistance when the government is destroying families and businesses is a good second step.

It seems the time is ripe for another Tea Party.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid  – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Pride for Thee but Not For Me

By Cliff Kincaid

I turned on my computer today and found a beautiful scene with a rainbow and a message about “Pride Month.” It apparently came from Microsoft, which is offering a special browser for “Pride 2021.” The Xbox gaming system offers “Pride Gear.” Last night I was watching a show on the National Geographic cable channel and a big “Pride” message was displayed. “Happy Pride Month, Cliff!” was a message I received from the Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA).

(The rainbow was traditionally a symbol of God’s covenant with human beings, not with Sodom and Gomorrah.)

I’m not gay, but can you imagine the outrage if I had received a “Happy White Pride Month, Cllff!” message. I am white. And male to boot.

If you’re white, the only way you get to be proud of yourself is if you’re LGBTQIA.

While gays are entitled to “pride,” morally straight white people are not. This is America 2021.

It is reported that 400 companies, nearly 100 “women’s rights and gender justice organizations,” and more than 120 “faith groups” have lined up in support of the so-called Equality Act, a Democratic Party priority and pay-off to the LGBTQ lobby to further expand their special rights.

The 436 member companies of the Business Coalition for the Equality Act are said to have a combined $6.9 trillion in revenue, employing over 14.7 million people in the United States. They include Apple, Facebook, and Twitter, elements of the Big Tech censorship machine.

Nevertheless, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted, “Happy Pride Month!” for the LGBTQIA community.

For lesbians, it’s time for pride and alcohol. Michelle Levander, Director of the Center for Health Journalism at the USC Annenberg School of Journalism, reports the good news – “inclusive spaces such as lesbian bars are once again opening up.”

Started by a communist, Harry Hay, the homosexual movement emerged into public view after the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar in New York City known as the Stonewall Inn.

Even lockdowns and isolation during the pandemic were not bad things, says Levander. She reports, “Lockdown gave some people time and space to consider their own identities without external social pressures.” One woman “embraced her lesbian identity during the pandemic” while some people who are transgender “have found it easier to be out and about while everyone is masked…”

But white people may need to wear masks indefinitely, to hide their white faces.

Coming up, the “Lesbians Who Tech” summit will feature topics like “Fighting for Racial Justice.” It declares, “Lesbians Who Tech & Allies is the largest LGBTQ technology community in the world — committed to visibility, intersectionality, and changing the face of technology. We are 70,000 LGBTQ women, people of color, non-binary and trans leaders, and allies in tech in 100+ cities worldwide.”

To celebrate “gay pride,” the Center for American Progress highlights “a queer Muslim woman of color,” while Nickelodeon, owned by ViacomCBS, is featuring its first openly transgender teenage actor to star in a kids’ series.

The Democratic DAGA group says, “This June and beyond, we honor the LBGTQ+ community and this country’s hard-fought (and still continuing!) march toward full equality. Here at DAGA, our position has always been: Love is love is love is love.”

And STDs are STDs are STDs.

While not anxious to highlight these facts, one can nevertheless consult the CDC website and find the following:

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.

Facts are facts are facts.

To understand how far we’ve come, recall that Robert R. Reilly, author of the highly controversial (and suppressed) book, Making Gay Okay, says the capitulation of the Republicans to the homosexual lobby was highlighted back during the presidency of  George W. Bush. General Peter Pace was hung out to dry for expressing his view that homosexuality is immoral.

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman took to the pages of The Wall Street Journal on November 21, 2012, to make the “conservative case” for backing gay marriage. This was done when a pro-gay group called “Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry” emerged, with such notables as Megan McCain, who plays the “conservative” on the show “The View,” as members. Her husband, Ben Domenech, resigned as a blogger for the Washington Post after being exposed as a plagiarist. He has since been rehabilitated and regularly appears on Fox News.

I gave a presentation, “How the Republican Party is Going Gay,” back in 2015, as part of a conference titled “Crimes against Nature and the Constitution: Cultural Marxism and America’s Moral Collapse.” We saw it coming.  Among the topics was Fox News funding of the homosexual lobby and secret gays in the “conservative” media.

There is some fighting back. “RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Must Go” is the title over a Laurie Higgins piece. She writes, ‘To have the head of the Republican Party celebrate the egregious sins of homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation should shock and outrage Republicans.”

In a provocative Chronicles magazine, author Stephen Baskerville writes that conservative leaders have “forfeited the moral high ground” by not confronting the “sexual militants” who dance on the grave of “family destruction.”

While embracing gay pride, the Republican Party in Congress resists white pride, demonstrating their priorities. Rep. Steve King of Iowa was eventually forced out of Congress by current House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy because King was outspoken in support of saving Western civilization and opposing open borders and multiculturalism.

Of course, one reason Western civilization is held in such contempt is that it placed a priority on traditional values.

While former Rep. King is persona non grata in the GOP, the “transgender” by the name of Caitlyn Jenner is running as a Republican candidate for Governor of California and gets favorable publicity on Fox News.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Will the Deep State Remove Biden from Office?

By Cliff Kincaid

The Deep State appears to be worried. Joe Biden is too old to be getting blood transfusions from young people, the current fad among the Silicon Valley elites, and may be on his way out. Bike rides to impress the media are not cutting it.

Biden, the nation’s oldest president in history, and his wife, Jill, celebrated her 70th birthday with a bike ride on a trail of Rehoboth Beach on June 3, 2021.

Even the Washington Post was not impressed, reporting that Biden “has yet to get a checkup —  or release an update to the three-page medical summary that was last provided to the public some 17 months ago.” That vague “summary,” written by a sympathetic physician and not “fact-checked” by any independent doctor, claimed Biden had no permanent damage from the brain aneurysms he suffered in 1988.

Observers of the Biden presidency would beg to differ.

The real president, Barack Hussein Obama, says Biden is “finishing the job” of his administration. That’s interesting on medical and other grounds. Obama, a heavy dope smoker tutored by a black communist, also refused to release his complete medical records. Obama should have been removed from office because of cognitive impairment. He used cocaine in addition to his heavy marijuana use. His adoring press, many of whom were also likely “recreational” dope users, covered for his reckless and dangerous polices, saying the worst thing about him was that he occasionally smoked cigarettes or couldn’t play basketball.

The Post censored information about his debt to Frank Marshall Davis, the communist who mentored him.

It’s also interesting because Biden, picked as Barack Obama’s running mate, was drummed out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarism. That’s the same year he had his brain problems. The guy couldn’t think for himself then or now.

None of this is of consequence to people who depend on CNN, MSNBC, or the Washington Post for information about the course of our nation. The brainwashing is constant, reflecting the downward spiral of our nation under China Joe. But perhaps the Post’s concern about China Joe’s medical records is an indication that something is being planned to replace the mental incompetent who carries the title of president.

We can’t do much about the obsolete standards of the journalism profession, but China Joe Biden could be removed from office on medical grounds.

Since the Post is an organ of the Deep State, specifically the CIA, the story about Biden’s medical condition may reflect official concern about his deteriorating physical and mental condition.

The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution deals with presidential disabilities. This amendment allows Congress to review whether or not the president is able to discharge the powers and duties of his office. If it is determined that he is not, then he can be replaced.

Still, the Post covers for Biden, especially on border breakdown issues. One Post article about the “huge border influx” bringing fears of “a grim summer for migrant deaths,” attempted to portray Biden in mostly positive terms. It said, “Much of the Biden administration’s border response in recent months has centered on caring for the unaccompanied minors who have arrived in record numbers, along with parents traveling with children.”

Later, down in the article, we find these facts: “U.S. agents took more than 111,000 single adult migrants into custody in April, the highest total in more than a decade, and the number increased again in May, according to preliminary enforcement data.”

Some of these adult migrants are human traffickers who return home, only to start the process all over again.

This is getting too embarrassing.

“President Biden’s open-border policies have paved the way for dangerous gangs and cartels, human traffickers, and deadly drugs like fentanyl to pour into our communities,” said Texas Governor Greg Abbott. As a result, Abbott issued a disaster declaration along Texas’ southern border, “providing more resources and strategies to combat the ongoing influx of unlawful immigrants.”

Biden’s backers seem to counting on that fentanyl from China, smuggled through the border by Mexican drug gangs, to keep killing the deplorables.

The heroin epidemic disproportionately affects white communities devastated by bad trade deals, open borders and the Democratic Party’s anti-industrial policies. Biden is pushing those same anti-industrial policies while approving Putin’s gas pipeline to Europe.

As China Joe prepares to meet former KGB Lt. Col. Vladimir Putin, the FBI has issued a vague and mostly useless statement on the cyberattack on JBS, the world’s largest meat supplier, saying, “We have attributed the JBS attack to REvil and Sodinokibi and are working diligently to bring the threat actors to justice.” These groups are said to be “linked” to Russia.

But Biden will still meet with Putin, according to his mouthpiece CNN, and will “discuss” the topic with him.

While the FBI is working “diligently” to stop cyberattacks, which continue, it looks like the FBI has also been sniffing around conservatives and Christian Americans, attempting to find “extremists.” The pro-family group MassResistance reports that FBI agents come unannounced to the home of its Organization Director, Arthur Schaper, to interrogate him.

It said two FBI agents flashed their IDs, identified themselves as “special agents,” and started asking him questions like: “We’re following up on leads from DC. We’re just curious if you went to DC or if you knew anybody who had gone to DC, and if you’d be willing to talk to us about any of that.” Schaper answered, “I did not go to DC. But honestly, I think this is a massive abuse of power which you guys are doing. It’s disgusting. I want to have a lawyer with me before I talk to you. You guys are violating the Constitution.”

“This is not the America we once knew,” says MassResistance. An America like this cannot survive very long. Even the Deep State seems worried about Biden staying the course.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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How the Communists Outsmarted Us

By Cliff Kincaid

Under no circumstances are we permitted to believe the Chinese Communist Party deliberately unleashed the coronavirus weapon on the world. We are supposed to believe it was an “accident.” We are also told not to notice that Chinese, Maoist, and other Communist organizations are behind the Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots in American cities. (The details are in veteran researcher Jim Simpson’s new book, Who Was Karl Marx?).

Meanwhile, a new China virus has been detected, according to reports.

As Red China goes in for the kill, our media are flip-flopping on the nature of the virus.

A Wall Street Journal article from last September, “‘Really Diabolical’: Inside the Coronavirus That Outsmarted Science,” said SARS-CoV-2 was a virus with mysterious origins and a powerful ability to infect and spread. However, the authors spent most of their time trying to trace the virus to a natural outbreak from bats.  This was propaganda. It was the original Chinese line.

At that time, the death toll was approaching 200,000. Today, the death toll is over 600,000. The story line has now changed.

On May 23 of this year, the Journal reported that three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, a bioweapons laboratory of the People’s Liberation Army, became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care. The source was “a previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report that could add weight to growing calls for a fuller probe of whether the Covid-19 virus may have escaped from the laboratory.”

Although the narrative changed, the idea of taking the Red Chinese off the hook continues, as we were now drawn to the notion that the virus somehow “escaped.”

Notice how many times we see the term “escaped” or “leaked” from a lab, as if the virus had a brain of its own.

The brain is the Communist Party of China. That brain has outsmarted the U.S. for decades.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, I am still hearing from the clueless people who think the virus is a hoax and that Trump’s successful vaccines are a genocidal plot. Ironically, these are some of the same people who tend to believe the “QAnon” theory that Trump is a New Age Messiah. The latest variation of this theory is that Trump will return to the White House in August.

As the Chinese communists laugh at us and prepare for nuclear war, there is a major propaganda effort to convince us that the Chinese communist scientists did not deliberately release the virus and they are just incompetent. People can’t be that evil, can they?

Perhaps if you hear the terms “lab leak” often enough you will believe it. A variation of this theme is that many labs are “loosely regulated” and that a new global initiative is needed to regulate them.

They are simply assuming the next line of defense in terms of excusing Chinese mass murder of millions. First, it was an accidental release from an animal. Now it’s an accidental release from a lab.

More than a year into the pandemic and China Joe himself says the Intelligence Community can’t figure out what happened. That’s what $70 billion (the annual Intelligence Community budget) buys you.

Another 90 days and another investigation mean nothing.

There will be new twists and turns, all designed to obscure the nature of this weapon. The latest is a communist video showing “researchers” from the Wuhan lab handling bats and collecting feces in the field. This is a new variation of the claim that the virus came from animals.

Although some have claimed the deaths from this serial killer have been inflated, the opposite is the case.  The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000.

Whether 600,000 or 900,000, these are real people — real Americans.

Not to mention the devastation of the U.S. economy, giving Democrats the excuse they needed to make changes in election law, resulting in the installation of China Joe as president.

We are now supposed to conclude the release of the virus was just an accident. That’s what China Joe’s intelligence agencies will probably conclude.

Oh well, mistakes were made.

The bottom line: Americans died and the Chinese lied. This we know for sure. They concealed the source of the “outbreak” and covered-up.

Why would they lie? Just to cover up an accident? Or would the lie be designed to obscure a biological weapons program?

The assumption seems to be that the Chinese would not deliberately infect their own people. But these are communists from China. This is a genocidal regime that many believe is already engaging in genocide against the Uyghurs in their own country.

Going through the motions of looking tough, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed U.S. Senator Josh Hawley’s (R-Mo.) bill to “require the Biden administration to declassify intelligence related to any potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the origins of the Covid pandemic.” The bill was cosponsored by Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.). The fact that Democrats did not object means that the results will be meaningless. They know China will be let off the hook.

We already know about the “potential links” between the lab and U.S. agencies. It’s another waste of time.

Senator Hawley also introduced legislation to allow American citizens to sue the Chinese government for damages.

China will respond by hiring American lawyers to fight the charges. A court case could go on for years and years, a process designed to make slip-and-fall lawyers rich and postpone the day of reckoning.

China won’t pay; we will. And we may already be in the midst of another pandemic.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

China’s Massacre of the Innocents

By Cliff Kincaid

In the war on America waged by Communist China, we were betrayed by those in the federal government whose mission was to prevent our enemies from releasing biological warfare agents. Our frontline troops with superior weapons were not able to stop the onslaught and have in fact been blamed by China in a Soviet-stye disinformation campaign for spreading the disease.

But one brave soldier, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, has stepped forward to warn of a Chinese-style Marxist cultural revolution in the military, our usual line of defense. He was fired. On America’s Survival TV, J.R. Nyquist and I discussed the demoralization and division in the Armed Forces raised by Lohmeier’s book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, a former Navy SEAL, says, “Enough is enough. We won’t let our military fall to woke ideology.” He is urging other whistleblowers to come forward. “For too long,” he says, “progressive Pentagon staffers have been calling the shots for our warfighters, and spineless military commanders have let it happen. Now we are going to expose you.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci has exposed himself. Of all the things Fauci has said, perhaps the most incriminating is that he doesn’t “have enough insight” into the Communist Party in China to understand “the interactions” between the communists and their scientists. Fauci is supposed to be one of the experts devising the U.S. response to the China virus but he is implicated in its origin.

Fauci’s resignation alone won’t solve anything. It’s the mind-set that’s the problem.

In his exchange with Senator John Kennedy, when asked about grants to the Wuhan lab, Fauci said: “Well, we generally always trust the grantee to do what they say, and you look at the results…” He added, “I cannot guarantee that a grantee has not lied to us because you never know.”

Fauci must not have read the book by Dr. Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists). In his other famous book, Why Communism Kills: The Legacy of Karl Marx, Dr. Schwarz argued that “The liquidation of the bourgeoisie is an essential step of the path to Communism. This is why Communism must kill.”

Fauci didn’t read the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, which declares, “The Communist Party of China is the vanguard both of the Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and represents the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The realization of communism is the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party.”

Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, notes that the Communist Party of China (CCP) is a criminal political party that is probably responsible for killing between 80 and 100 million people, the highest number of political killings in modern time by one party-state perpetrator.

Of course, we will have to add to that total the millions of people dead from the China virus.

While Fauci claims not to understand the nature of the Chinese communist dictatorship, he could learn a little by reading about current events. A Reuters story reported on the celebration of the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China and noted that party members “raised their fists and chanted the party oath in unison.” The story added that they cried out “I will never betray the party,” as they faced statues of the People’s Republic of China “founder” Mao Zedong and other revolutionary leaders.

In fact, Mao was not the CCP founder. Haggman notes that the Communist Party of China was actually founded by a Bolshevik Soviet agent, Grigori Naumovich Voitinsky, a Russian born in Belarus in 1893. He was an agent of the Communist International (Comintern).

Hagmann tells me, “Voitinsky, the real founder of CCP, grew up in the U.S., joined the American Socialist Party, was active in the USA and Canada. He went to Soviet Russia after the Bolshevik coup d’état and was in China as a Comintern agent. Little seems to be known about his time as a socialist in the West.”

What we need, argues Haggman, is a strategy of “decoupling” from China and freezing the regime out of the world economic system.

He writes, “Americans, and all Westerners, now have to ask if there should be collaboration with a regime that ultimately seeks to be a totalitarian world hegemon. Is it possible to have a relationship with a regime who believes in engaging in unrestricted warfare to achieve it?”

A good first step would be stop the process of the U.S, joining the world communist movement by prohibiting our own government from flying Marxist Black Lives Matter flags at our embassies around the world. The Marxist leader of the group just resigned after questions were raised about her using donations to buy four homes and live a lavish lifestyle.

As demonstrated by Jim Simpson’s new book, Who Was Karl Marx?, Marx and the Marxists who followed him were mostly losers and degenerates who nevertheless understood how to stir up hatred.

The book, The Private Life of Chairman Mao, written by his physician, documents the communist dictator’s addiction to sleeping pills and barbiturates. The book exposes Mao as a degenerate and philanderer with homosexual tendencies and genital herpes who engaged in orgies. A man “devoid of human feeling, incapable of love,” he nevertheless was a dedicated communist with an understanding of Marxist dialectics and knew how to “unleash the energies of the people” through socialism.

Today, Communist China has more billionaires than the United States.

Mass murder pays.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Here Comes the China Virus Whitewash

By Cliff Kincaid

The “pro” wrestler John Cena has issued an apology to China’s communist rulers for recognizing the existence of Free China on Taiwan. “I’m really sorry. You have to understand that I love and respect China,” said Cena. The same obsequious attitude characterizes China Joe and the U.S. Intelligence Community. They are as “professional” as the wrestlers who stage fake blood and gore matches for ratings.

The death toll is approaching 600,000 but China Joe says the U.S. Intelligence Community (at a cost of $70 billion annually) can’t figure out what happened. I don’t believe it.

China Joe has ordered another investigation. But the conclusion is pre-determined. Consider the options.

China Joe says the U.S. Intelligence Community has “coalesced around two likely scenarios” but has not reached a definitive conclusion on this question. The two likely scenarios are that “it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident.”

Notice what’s missing? What about a deliberate release of a biological weapon?

Why is this likely conclusion off the table? Isn’t China ruled by a ruthless and murderous communist regime? Do we somehow believe it is incapable of manufacturing such a weapon?

The government is lying to us, and China Joe’s new announcement is more of the same. It is designed to absolve China’s communist rulers of criminal responsibility for killing our people.

The government knows what is happening and just won’t tell us. Its 2018 National Biodefense Strategy declared: “Multiple nations have pursued clandestine biological weapons programs and a number of terrorist groups have sought to acquire biological weapons. In many countries around the world, pathogens are stored in laboratories that lack appropriate biosecurity measures where they could be diverted by actors who wish to do harm.”

All of this describes China, except for the fact that the “actors who wish to do harm” are the rulers themselves. That’s the conclusion that China Joe and the Intelligence Community want desperately to avoid.

Why the cover-up? There’s to much money to be made by elites doing business with China. Or the Intelligence Community (IC) is thoroughly infiltrated. Or both.

China Joe says there are “two elements” in the IC that believe in one of the conclusions. One element leans more toward another, and “the majority of elements do not believe there is sufficient information to assess one to be more likely than the other.”

Incompetence, confusion, and disinformation are what we get for $70 billion a year.

FBI Director Christopher Wray gave a July 7, 2020, speech, entitled, “The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the Economic and National Security of the United States.” He said, in part: “We need to be clear-eyed about the scope of the Chinese government’s ambition. China — the Chinese Communist Party — believes it is in a generational fight to surpass our country in economic and technological leadership…China is engaged in a whole-of-state effort to become the world’s only superpower by any means necessary.”

Wray didn’t have the courage to declare that the “whole-of-state effort” includes unleashing biological weapons.

As I noted in a previous column, “The Smoking Gun in the China Virus Caper,” we know the Chinese Reds lie, cheat, and steal in global relations with the U.S. We know the greatest mass murderer in history, Mao, is on their currency. We know they run labor camps full of political dissidents. We know they starve children to death in orphanages. We know that through their one-child per family policy they conducted forced abortions on mothers and forcibly inserted birth control devices into women. They lead the world in abortions, with a total of over 401 million (1956-2018). An officially atheist regime, we know they persecute Christians.

So it’s logical and natural that they would release a virus deliberately to upset the world order, in an effort to lay the groundwork for one that they will dominate.

The burden of proof is on those who argue to the contrary.

Resignations aren’t enough. Those in the U.S. political, medical and scientific establishments who worked with China on these deadly experiments that continue to kill people worldwide have to be brought to justice.

The Intelligence Community doesn’t want to tell the truth because under those circumstances the American people would demand justice and retribution against the Red Chinese.

All of these various “elements” of the IC should be defunded and abolished. They are worse than useless. They are serving China’s interests.

He only thing worse than the performance of the IC is the inability of some to recognize the death and destruction around us.

I still get lunatic emails about the “fake pandemic,” with one person adding, “I must conclude that if this was a bio-weapon created by China, they did a very poor job of it!”

I have nothing but contempt and disgust for those playing down this super virus. It is a killer. Almost 600,000 dead in America alone.

Where is the “smoking gun” to prove somebody actually engineered a virus that has killed thousands of people?

The smoking gun is for all to see – the nature of communism, and the nature of the Red Chinese regime.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Psychopaths in Beijing, Moscow, and Washington

By Cliff Kincaid

The Netflix documentary, “American Murder,” tells the story of a Colorado man who killed his pregnant wife and kids so he could start a new life with his mistress.  I look forward to the Netflix documentary, “Chinese Mass Murder,” on how the Red Chinese regime released a biological weapon on the world, as part of a plan to destroy the United States and other Western nations, in order to achieve global domination.

Perhaps Barack Hussein Obama can recommend such a film, since Barack and Michelle Obama signed a multi-year deal with Netflix to produce original shows.

I somehow doubt it.

Perhaps Netflix can also prepare a documentary on the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, labeled a “killer” by the American president China Joe Biden. Putin has been linked to the poisoning of various dissidents who threaten his power. Nevertheless, Biden is meeting with Putin on June 16. This is a killer Biden can do business with. Xi is another.

Not only that, but Biden has preceded the Putin meeting by approving his lucrative gas pipeline to Germany, giving the dictator leverage over Europe. Perhaps Biden’s next summit meeting will be with the Chinese president, to say all is forgiven for releasing a virus that has killed almost 600,000 Americans.

President Xi makes Putin look like a piker when it comes to extermination campaigns.

The mind of a murderer is something to ponder.

The Netflix show is instructive in that the killer, Chris Watts, demonstrates how he was able to lie with a straight face and deny any role in the murders. He was a very good liar. After killing his family, he comes to his house to meet with neighbors and police looking for them. He acts as if he is genuinely perplexed by them going missing. He calls his wife, as if he is expecting her to answer. He uses the media as a mouthpiece to find the “truth.”

This cold and calculating approach to mass murder is contrasted with home videos of the family having fun and enjoying life. An observer must have thought this poor guy was a physical and emotional wreck as authorities try to find his loved ones. The “worried husband” Watts is captured in body cam and interrogation footage as the police try to find the missing family members. He seems cooperative. The only discordant note is one neighbor saying that Watts seemed unusually nervous as they search an empty house and watch security camera footage of Watts’ truck backing up to his garage.

By contrast, China’s fingerprints have been all over the virus from the start. Yet apologists for the regime, such as Bill Gates, didn’t even want to call it the China virus.

The evil monster Chris Watts is indeed an American murderer, but he is also the personification of a Chinese regime which claimed the China virus came from animals, even from American soldiers or an American lab. Chinese officials were using the disinformation techniques of Soviet officials. They were determined to escape any blame for engineering a virus that has killed millions.

Eventually, in the Netflix documentary, you see how Watts breaks down, after failing a polygraph test, first blaming his wife for murdering his two young daughters and then admitting he killed all of them. He buried his wife on the property of the oil tanks where he had worked, and put the dead bodies of his girls into the oil tanks themselves.

Watts is a psychopath now serving five life sentences. The Communist Chinese regime is psychopathic as well. It has not been isolated, and its leaders continue to wreak havoc on the world.

With various sources now conceding the virus came from a Chinese lab, we will witness another turn in the Chinese disinformation operation. I think the communists will eventually admit, since the evidence is overwhelming, that a “mistake was made” and the virus somehow escaped from the lab.

China Joe will welcome this example of how the communists have turned out to be frank and reasonable, and say that it’s time for the U.S. health and medical establishments to assist the Chinese in making their labs more secure and saving the world from another outbreak.

Thus, we can expect a “happy ending” to this story, but without any accountability for the millions of dead, par for the course for a regime that murders people at will and even in a random fashion, depending on the whims and desires of the regime.

Before we get to this point, as quickly as possible, we have to deconstruct the China virus lies, in the same way the police suspected that Chris Watts was lying through his teeth about murdering his family. The future of our planet depends on it.

I have gone over my columns for the last year or so, as I dissected the lies of the regime, looking at why Xi and his henchmen were lying and why so many people in the West, especially reporters, refused to see the truth.

To his credit, President Trump understood from the start that the China virus was a dangerous killer and he suspected it was a biological weapon. Hence, he was determined to finance effective vaccines that China Joe has exploited for is own political purposes.

More than a year ago, in my column, “A Frankenstein Monster Devouring the World,” I noted the curious timing of the virus, saying, “President Trump was moving in the direction of America-first policies before the Chinese unleashed their virus on the world.”

By contrast, China Joe’s top people recently met with Chinese Communist officials and failed to raise the issue of the China virus at all. He also doesn’t give Trump credit for the vaccines.

From our perspective, as victims of the Xi, Putin, and Biden regimes, we must demand a Nuremberg tribunal for the communists and their crimes.

The call for a Nuremberg tribunal of communism, modeled after the trials of Nazi leaders after the war, was started by the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who completely understood that the anti-Trump “Russia-gate” political exercises of Democratic Party politicians were, in fact, the work of Russian sympathizers in a grand scheme of disinformation and subversion designed to mask the advance of global communism under China.

It is frustrating to see all of this happening when it was all predictable, and we predicted it in our book, The Sword of Revolution and The Communist Apocalypse.

Using Marxist dialectics, especially the deceptive “Sino-Soviet split,” the Marxists played the West like the fools we are.

In a 2007 address titled, “Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party,” the eminent left-wing historian Gerald Horne made two very important observations about what would take place in our country and world. First, he predicted the rise of Barack Hussein Obama and identified his mentor, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. This was before Obama was elected to his first term. Then Horne predicted the rise of Communist China.

As I outlined in a previous column, China’s rise was made possible by Obama, who after his two terms visited with Chinese dictator Xi in China, in a 2017 meeting of what the Chinese press described as “veteran cadres,” or communist officials.

“Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-U.S. relations during his presidency,” said the Chinse press. It was more evidence, if we needed any, that Obama was a Marxist mole doing the bidding of China while he was in office.

The Communist Chinese are using the tactics of Marxist dialectics, described by Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao as a “spiritual atom bomb,” far superior to the real thing. In the case of Covid-19, the maneuver is clear: China will dominate and save the world it has destroyed. The communists and their fellow travelers, including Obama, must be held accountable.

Put them on trial for crimes against our fellow Americans. They have blood on their hands.

© 2021 Cliff Kicaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Treason, Blackmail, and the Wars to Come

By Cliff Kincaid

China Joe Biden is selling out America so fast that it’s hard to keep up with new developments.

Noting that Jeffrey Epstein, the leader of an international child sex trafficking ring, had “escaped justice” from the Justice Department, Senator Ben Sasse has now drawn attention to the guards on duty during Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide” having reached a plea deal of 100 hours of community service. They will get no jail time under the deal with the feds.

Epstein escaped justice (first under Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr) and, with this new development under Biden, we may never find out how he died and whether the tapes he made of sexual encounters involving the rich and famous are in the possession of the Russians and the Chinese.

The Senator declared, “Epstein’s victims have been failed at every single turn. One hundred hours of community service is a joke — this isn’t traffic court. The leader of an international child sex trafficking ring escaped justice, his co-conspirators had their secrets go to the grave with him, and these guards are going to be picking up trash on the side of the road.”

The development comes as billionaire Bill Gates, a close friend of Epstein, is divorcing his wife, with reports emerging of a more substantial Bill Gates relationship with Epstein. Gates, a big backer of the United Nations and personal friend of Barack Hussein Obama, had issued a statement trying to excuse his Epstein association.

Of course, China Joe is hardly a paragon of moral virtue. He is an accused rapist, female hair-sniffer, and admitted plagiarist who is famous for boasting at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting in 2018 about withholding aid to Ukraine to force the firing of a prosecutor. His actions, not to mention those of Hunter, offer tremendous blackmail material.

Meanwhile, China Joe on May 15 announced his intent to nominate Christopher Fonzone as General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. He worked for the Chinese government and Huawei, the giant Chinese telecommunications firm that is an instrument of Chinese espionage and an NSA target.

In a 2012 report, the House Intelligence Committee had called Huawei a threat to U.S. national security interests.

The White House statement about his qualifications ignored his service to China. But he was forced to disclose the work in a questionnaire submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

This is a critical post, as Biden’s top intelligence officials are already under fire for covering up evidence that China released the China virus from a lab. Admitting what is obviously the case would make it harder for the China Joe Administration to cozy up to China even more that it is already doing.

China’s rise was made possible by Obama. Now, under Biden, the relationship will get even deeper, as China Joe’s intelligence officials scramble to obscure the origin and nature of the China virus.

In terms of “social justice,” but not for American victims of the China virus, Fonzone’s law firm says it “firmly condemns all forms of hate, xenophobia, bigotry, and violence.” The firm also has a “Social Responsibility Program.”

The Fonzone nomination is more evidence of how the American intelligence establishment and the Democratic Party are working hand-in-glove with communist China.

His other clients included Apple, Twitter, and Facebook.

Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin and the Russians have won a major victory by getting China Joe’s approval for a Russian-German gas pipeline to Europe that is being constructed by a company operated by a former communist East German intelligence operative.

We should have seen this coming: Biden, not Trump, was the real Russian agent.

You see how hard it is to keep up with China Joe’s betrayals.

But Israel knows this, too, as it has been forced into a “ceasefire” with the Russian/Chinese/Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hamas. It’s what Jeff Nyquist and I call the “Red Jihad” in our book by that name.

The conflict was preceded by a provocative action, when Biden announced $235 million in U.S. aid to Palestinians. This will “build back better” the infrastructure Hamas needs to hide weapons.

Russia and China may be satisfied, at least for the time being, with Biden’s concessions. But Israel is still in the target sites.

Biden is pursuing a strategy of appeasing Iran that could lead to a major war this year.

Biden’s envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, was “a fierce critic of Trump’s Iran policy,” notes the Marxist anti-Israel group Code Pink. His job is to restart Obama’s 2015 Iranian nuclear deal.

The late anti-communist author and analyst Herbert Romerstein noted that Robert Malley’s father, Simon Malley, was an important figure in the Egyptian Communist Party, was pro-Soviet, passionately anti-Israel, and anti-West. He was booted out of Egypt and later out of France for a while, to be welcomed back later when the more left-wing government of the socialist Francois Mitterrand took over in Paris.

Robert Malley was CEO of the Soros-funded International Crisis Group.

Explaining the Obama/Biden approach, columnist Caroline Glick notes that they argued that Iran “needed to be empowered and US allies needed to be weakened.” She quoted then-Vice President Joe Biden as saying, in 2013, “Our biggest problem was our allies.”

Israel is preparing for war. Iran, China and Russia are, too.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

UFOs Are the Least of Our Problems

by Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson is demanding that the Pentagon protect America from Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs. I think the only “aliens” we should be concerned about are the illegal kind coming across the border. We have pictures of them, and they are not little green men who say “Take me to your leader.”

As our borders crumble, America and Israel are in retreat, as China Joe proves that Russia and Hamas can count on him, too.

First, Biden waived sanctions that would have made it more difficult to complete the Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline. Then, Biden pressured Israel into a cease-fire with the terrorist group Hamas.

On Capitol Hill, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a joint resolution blocking the recent sale of $735 million in weapons to Israel. The effort, backed by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Mark Pocan, D-Wis., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., may not pass. But as noted by the Institute for Policy Studies, “progressive social movements and a growing number of members of Congress” are turning against Israel.

“Tell your representatives in Congress to join Bernie Sanders and AOC in stopping a $735 million arms transfer to Israel!” declares Code Pink, a group that had the ear of Barack Hussein Obama. Meanwhile, the Party for Socialism and Liberation was among dozens of communist groups that claimed to have turned out millions of people around the world into the streets “in solidarity with Palestinians standing up to deadly Israeli brutality.” One of their fronts is the ANSWER Coalition.

It was this kind of pressure that led to Biden demanding Israel stop fighting the terrorists, who were using civilians as human shields, under the guise of a “ceasefire.” It’s the same kind of pressure that led to Biden approving a gas pipeline that puts Europe under Russia’s thumb and gives Vladimir Putin energy coercion over some of our “allies.”

If any member of Congress should be under NSA surveillance as a foreign agent, it should be Sanders. Documents show that during the 1980s he collaborated with Soviet and East German “peace committees” to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe, in order to counter a massive Soviet strategic nuclear advantage. Sanders had openly joined the Soviets’ “nuclear freeze” campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.

The name of Bernie Sanders, then identified as former mayor of Burlington, Vermont, even shows up on a list of speakers at a 1989 U.S. Peace Council event to “end the Cold War” and “fund human needs.” Other speakers at the U.S. Peace Council event included Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat from Michigan; Gunther Dreifahl of the East German “Peace Council;” Jesse Jackson aide Jack O’Dell; and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official Zehdi Terzi.

The U.S. Peace Council was a Communist Party front.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understands what Israel is facing. “The true backer of much of this aggression is Iran,” he said, in regard to the attacks from Hamas. In fact, it’s Russia and China but Netanyahu doesn’t want to go that far in public. Netanyahu is too knowledgeable about the roots of international terrorism not to grasp that Israel’s real enemies are in Moscow and Beijing and that Washington under Biden/Harris/Sanders/AOC is emerging as another adversary.

Putin is a former Soviet KGB colonel and his regime is based on the remnants of the old Soviet Union, including its military and intelligence establishment. In a very real sense, Russia is the Soviet Union. Our report, Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB, notes that since the days of Lenin, the Russians considered Muslims of the world to be included in the “oppressed peoples” capable of being incited toward world revolution.

In the same way that the communists are backing Iran, the communists and Islamists in the Democratic Party are pressuring Biden to abandon Israel.

James Hodgkinson, the gunman who shot House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and three other people in 2017, was a Bernie Sanders supporter motivated by Marxist jargon who had employment and personal problems that he blamed on the rich.

Yet, the FBI spent months searching for a motive behind the Hodgkinson shooting spree. Eventually, the FBI said the shooter sought “suicide by cop.” In other words, Hodgkinson wanted to die by provoking gunfire against himself. The claim was preposterous.

In the Hodgkinson case, as I wrote at the time, we had pictures of him marching against the rich and glorifying Bernie Sanders. We had his Facebook posts devoted to liberal causes like global warming, “likes” of various far-left groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, and an addiction to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, which was obsessed with Donald Trump and Russia. Hodgkinson swallowed it hook, line, and sinker, concluding that Trump and other Republicans had to be “terminated” for treason.

It was big news that Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch, recently told lawmakers “if it were to happen today, we would open this as a domestic terrorism case.”

If it were to happen today?

The FBI clearly does not understand domestic terrorism.

It’s easy to understand Hodgkinson’s motive. The Marxist theory of hatred drives people like Hodgkinson to kill Republicans. It’s this same philosophy which motivates China, Russia, and Iran to target the United States and Israel.

Hodgkinson had openly proclaimed his hatred of Republicans on the Internet, and belonged to or liked a whole network of left-wing organizations. He had a support apparatus that still exists and which may even now be producing more would-be shooters.

To get a taste of what’s to come, look at the communist-inspired pro-Palestinian mobs attacking Jewish diners in Los Angeles on May 18 and in New York City on May 20.

A “ceasefire” in the Middle East, declared a victory by Hamas, will only embolden those seeking the destruction of Israel. Democrats who stand in the way will be targeted.

Remember it was Sirhan Sirhan, a fanatical Palestinian, who killed Democrat Robert F. Kennedy because Kennedy was a supporter of Israel. The assassination occurred on the first anniversary of the Six Day War in which Israel defeated the armies of its Arab neighbors.

Sirhan’s diaries include the repeated phrases, “RFK must die,” and “long live communism.”

Tucker Carlson should be less interested in UFOs, which are by nature unidentified, and more interested in identifying the communists driving the foreign policy of the Biden regime.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

We Are in the Third World War

By Cliff Kincaid

Geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist, on a new edition of America’s Survival TV, commented on the Chinese Communist surprise attack on the United States and our inability to respond. In a recent blog post, he put it this way: “To underscore our cluelessness and our unreadiness: The Chinese hit us with a biological weapon last year and what did we do? We denied that the virus was from a Chinese weapons lab. We denied that they unleashed it on purpose.”

Today, China Joe Secretary of State Antony Blinken even says we have disavowed a containment strategy directed at China.

Meanwhile, the FBI has issued a mysterious two-sentence statement on the cyber-attack on the Colonial pipeline, shutting down gas supplies for several states, saying, “The FBI was notified of a network disruption at Colonial Pipeline on May 7, 2021. We are working closely with the company and our government partners.”

We are spending $70 billion a year on “intelligence” and this is all the FBI says about this crippling action taken against our economy.

If the villains are an organized crime group in Russia not connected to the Putin regime, what is the Russian government doing to apprehend these criminals?

At the same time, as J.R. Nyquist and I discussed on ASI TV, the “Red Jihad” is underway in the Middle East, as Islamic Iran (backed by Russian and China) are staging an attack on Israel through the Hamas terror group. The U.S. Navy recently apprehended a ship from Iran headed to terrorists in Yemen with Chinese and Russian arms. These terrorists are targeting Saudi Arabia.

Everywhere you look, at home and abroad, conflicts are intensifying. And the U.S. under China Joe is unprepared, perhaps deliberately so.

Unfortunately, viewers of the popular Tucker Carlson show on Fox are getting  disinformation from leftist Glenn Greenwald, a frequent guest on the show who made his name as a collaborator with CIA/NSA defector Edward Snowden, now living in Russia.

Carlson is a good host who usually provides a conservative perspective but on Russia he seems to have gone deaf, dumb, and blind by his reliance on Greenwald. It’s one thing to note that the Russia-gate allegations against Trump were phony. It’s another to suggest Russia isn’t a threat. I thought that Greenwald was auditioning for his own show on Fox News but his frequent appearances on the Carlson show may suggest he’s getting ready for a slot as a paid contributor.

“We no longer know who we are,” says Nyquist. “We no longer know who our enemies are.”

Today, Russia alone has the means to physically destroy the American homeland and survive any anticipated counter-strike.  Russia is what top U.S. Generals have recently called an “existential” threat to the U.S.

But Greenwald, on Tucker Carlson’s show, mocks that “propaganda claim.”

Nyquist and I collaborated on the book, Red Jihad, exposing Russian links to al-Qaeda, ISIS, organized crime and drug trafficking. We argue that the Russian regime is committed to the destruction of the United States and Israel through a “final solution” that includes nuclear disarmament by the West and then a surprise nuclear attack by Moscow and/or its client states and puppets in the region.

As noted by Nyquist on our television program, the “collapse” of the Soviet Union, which occurred as a result of what has been called the “perestroika deception,” has resulted in a resurgent Russia that relies on the remnants of – and improvements to — Soviet military power, especially nuclear arms.

Russia and China have taken different socialist paths, based on the Marxist dialectic of historical progress, on the way to world communism, but both regimes remain communist in their outlook. The changes in the image they present to the West has meant that China and Russia have benefited from Western aid, financial assistance, and technology. The result: they have formed what many now increasingly recognize as a growing alliance against the United States. This proves, in the words of the author of perestroika, Mikhail Gorbachev, that they are still on the road to world communism.

The book argues that Russia has fueled the Islamic terrorist movement and has been manipulating Islam since the days of Lenin. The Russian-Chinese-Iranian axis in the Middle East is an example of this approach, with Saudi Arabia and its oil wealth among the current targets.

The West has been fooled and our survival is at stake. The “Red Jihad” in the Middle East, the worst violence in years, signals the onset of what Nyquist calls the Third World War.

In order for the United states to survive, Israel must not only survive but win its war against Hamas.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Is Trump Betraying Conservatism?

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Former President Trump is using his clout in the Republican Party to make it more liberal. He backed a social liberal and tool of the gay lobby, Rep. Elise Stefanik, as House GOP Conference chairman. A quickie election behind closed doors guaranteed her victory on Friday.

As I warned in a previous column, Stefanik supported the so-called Equality Act, a Democratic Party priority and pay-off to the LGBTQ lobby.

To make matters worse, Trump trashed a Stefanik rival, the conservative pro-Trump Rep. Chip Roy, on the eve of the vote.

In fact, Roy was a vigorous supporter of the Trump agenda who declared, “I believe our goal should be to fight, as did President Trump, for the forgotten men and women of America, to throw sand into the gears of every radical effort put forth by Democrats who don’t give a rip about them, and to declare with absolute clarity and certainty what we will do if and when the American people forgive us enough for our past failures to put us back in charge. If we do that, they just might ‘GIVE us back the House.’”

Stefanik, a pro-Trump white female, replaces the anti-Trump white female, Rep. Liz Cheney, who had a more conservative record overall. Rep. Roy is a white male. Does that fact explain why he was shunted aside?

Unfortunately, it looks like Trump’s endorsement of Stefanik suggests his policy of pandering to the gays in the Republican Party, such as by appointing gay activist Ric Grenell as his acting Director of National Intelligence, will continue. Their apparent hope is to pull an extra one half of one percent of the electorate in his direction.

Frankly, this is conduct unbecoming.  And it’s stupid politically, since it figures to alienate conservative Christian voters. Fortunately, as Rep. Roy notes, Stefanik “flipped” on the Equality Act, later changing her position.

But that wasn’t all. As noted by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Stefanik “also voted against religious freedom protections, against defunding Planned Parenthood in Medicaid, and against religious freedom protections for pregnancy resource centers.”

Facing the possibility that this liberal would get a high position in the Republican Party, conservative Rep. Chip Roy issued a memo examining Stefanik’s liberal voting record and indicating he would run for that post. Trump responded with a statement attacking the more conservative Roy, saying, “Can’t imagine Republican House Members would go with Chip Roy — he has not done a great job, and will probably be successfully primaried in his own district. I support Elise, by far, over Chip!”

This backstabbing was a terrible mistake on Trump’s part and will haunt the Republican Party, leading to dismay with the GOP and disgust over Trump’s antics. Rep. Roy was by far a more conservative candidate than the pro-gay liberal candidate Stefanik. But he was a white male.

Stefanik got a lifetime American Conservative Union rating of 43 percent and Rep. Roy got 94 percent. The conservative Heritage Action gives Stefanik a lifetime score of 48 percent and Roy gets 96 percent.

“Elise Stefanik is a Make America Great Again conservative warrior” declared Rep. Steve Scalise. “When the Democrats launched their fraudulent impeachment campaign smear against President Trump, Elise stood up to FIGHT BACK in the House. The Pelosi machine targeted her relentlessly for it.”

She did fight against impeachment. But that doesn’t make her a “conservative warrior.”

Scalise added, “We now have more Republican women in Congress than at ANY other time in history.” But other female GOP members were more conservative than Stefanik. Indeed, Cheney’s record was more conservative overall.

In making this power play, Trump has put his faith in House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, who backed Stefanik as well but has shown through his words and actions that he doesn’t want to fight. When then-Rep. Steve King came under media attack for speaking out in favor of saving Western civilization, McCarthy arranged to have King replaced on various congressional committees. His pressure eventually led to King losing his seat in Congress.

Veteran conservative Steve Baldwin told me, “My background with Kevin is that he was the leader of the RINO faction here in California before he was a member of Congress, and he was on the staff with Congressman Bill Thomas, who was a RINO leader here in California.”

RINO stands for Republicans in Name Only.

What happened to Roy, with the consent of Trump, is an outrage. Has Trump, a Democrat turned Republican, become a RINO? Will he endorse Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner for governor of California next?

We know Trump met with McCarthy in January. Trump’s “Save America PAC” said, “President Trump has agreed to work with Leader McCarthy on helping the Republican Party to become a majority in the House.”

How can they do this by going liberal, in the direction of left-wing Democratic Party policies?

National chairman of the Constitution Party Jim Clymer says, “True Constitutionalists have been courted by Republicans when seeking our support, only to be kicked by them in the teeth when it counts the most.  I believe the Republican Party has so betrayed its principles, and those of its supporters, that it is no longer worthy to be called the home of Constitutional conservatives and it is time for it to be relegated to the dustbin of history.”

I wrote in an earlier column that “if Republicans continue playing defense, true conservatives will have nowhere else to go but the Constitution Party.”

Now we find out that Trump is playing defense by pandering to the left-liberals.

It didn’t have to happen. Trump was in a position of strength, as China Joe’s disastrous policies had led to Trump supporters redesigning their “Trump 2020” signs into ones saying “Trump 2024.” Now Trump is lending his weight to the liberal wing of his party, led by Reps. McCarthy and Stefanik.

There’s no hiding the truth. It’s a betrayal.

“Together,” Trump says, “we are rebuilding our nation.” He has a strange way of showing it.

© 2021 Cliff kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Tale of Two Vaccines

By Cliff Kincaid

The headline, “COVID-19 deaths in US fall to lowest level in 10 months,” means an average of 600 deaths per day. That’s too many, and Communist China bears responsibility for this mass murder. But thanks to former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed vaccines, the death toll is declining and life may be returning to some sense of normalcy in many areas of the country. That’s not the case with HIV/AIDS.

More than 700,000 Americans have died from HIV/AIDS since 1981. As Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) “leads the observance” of HIV Vaccine Awareness Day on May 18, let’s remember that 24 years ago President Bill Clinton had called for an AIDS vaccine to be on the market by the year 2007 – a ten year timeline that was not met.

May 18 has now become “HIV Vaccine Awareness Day” because of the obvious failure. There is no vaccine. It may have something to do with the continuing controversy over what causes AIDS and where HIV came from. In the middle of this controversy, like so many other emerging infectious diseases, is Dr. Fauci.

Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent to treat and manage HIV/AIDS. The CDC says the U.S. government spends $20 billion in annual direct health expenditures for HIV prevention and care. The federal government’s latest response is more funding of STD Clinics, to document dangerous sexual practices that produce life-threatening sexually transmitted diseases.

While a consensus is developing that SARS-CoV-2 came from a China lab, and that hospitalizations and death can be contained through vaccines, the CDC warns there is a real risk of an “HIV resurgence.” That’s because of several factors, the agency says, “including trends in injection and other drug use; HIV-related stigma; homophobia and transphobia; lack of access to HIV prevention, testing, and treatment; and a lack of awareness that HIV remains a significant public health threat.”

Another factor is billions wasted on an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

This reference to “homophobia and transphobia” diverts attention from the fact that the CDC admits only in the fine print tht “gay and bisexual men account for most (about 70 percent) new infections each year.” It’s because of the way they have sex.

All of this is relevant because HIV/AIDS can largely be voided if you avoid risky and dangerous behaviors. On the other hand, the China virus was a surprise attack, an act of war, which attacks the innocent here and around the world.

The CDC has told the American people repeatedly that you can try to avoid the China virus by practicing social distancing and wearing masks. By contrast, we are now told that homophobia and transphobia somehow contribute to homosexuals getting AIDS. Ironically, the practice of “social distancing” between male homosexuals is one sure way of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. But Dr. Fauci won’t recommend it for that purpose.

The CDC does admit that “trends in injection and other drug use” are factors but not homosexuality per se. You have to consult another CDC website to discover that “Anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV.” But this is the way most male homosexuals have sex. Hence, this fact helps account for the observation that “gay and bisexual men account for most (about 70 percent) new infections each year.”

Which raises the question: why don’t Dr. Fauci and the media launch a campaign advising people to quit engaging in the dangerous and addictive homosexual lifestyle? The answer is simple: it’s because the LGBTQ lobby is extremely powerful in American society. They continue to honor Dr. Fauci for his AIDS work despite the failure of the HIV vaccine.

Considering how difficult it is for the CDC to admit in bold and realistic terms that homosexuality spreads HIV/AIDS, it is logical to question the agency’s guidance on how the China virus has been spreading, and whether federal agencies such as Dr. Fauci’s NIAID had a role in producing it. This is a subject recently brought to the public’s attention by Senator Rand Paul in a heated exchange with Dr. Fauci.

What’s fascinating is that Dr. Fauci, who was one of Trump’s “experts” on Covid-19, worked directly on the HIV/AIDS vaccine project. Not only has the project been a bust, but there is no end in sight, as a new federal program, Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE), now suggests a possible end to the HIV epidemic in the United States by 2030. That’s just speculation, of course, because the main cause of the problem, male homosexuality, is not discouraged or highlighted as the major risk factor.

What’s also fascinating is that this federal EHE program was announced by former President Trump, who apparently has a soft spot in his heart for homosexuals and put some of them in in high positions, such as acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell. This gay activist had previously been Trump’s Ambassador to Germany and waged a diplomatic war on countries resisting acceptance of homosexuality.

In a reference to EHE, the Trump Administration list of accomplishments includes having “launched a campaign to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America in the next decade.” But this campaign depends on the use of antiviral drugs and not on homosexuals changing their risky and dangerous lifestyle.

By contrast, Trump addressed the China virus by noting the origin of the problem, getting the CDC to isolate the virus, and directing Big Pharma to cut through bureaucratic regulations and use modern vaccine technology to mount a defense. By all accounts, this is why we are turning the corner on the death toll from SARS-CoV-2.

Consider the contrast – there is no HIV/AIDS vaccine 24 years after Bill Clinton announced the project but we now have three coronavirus vaccines that are working to defeat the disease. The difference is Trump’s leadership and reliance on American technology and ingenuity to develop the vaccines.

Federal money went into the development of the vaccines but the mission was led by private sector companies.  What’s more, Trump signed an executive order “to ensure that the United States government prioritizes getting the vaccine to American citizens before sending it to other nations.” What are those other nations saying? They are now pleading for American vaccines.

Under China Joe Biden, unfortunately, there is no hope of understanding the real origin of the China virus, since federal agencies like Dr. Fauci’s NIAID are implicated in it.

What’s more, since Dr. Fauci remains in his leadership role, at this late date there is still no real hope of understanding where HIV/AIDS came from. The acceptable theory is that it crossed from animal to humans. But this is the same story Dr. Fauci and the “experts” have tried to feed us about SARS-CoV-2.

Fortunately, Dr. Fauci did not get in the way of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed vaccine development project. Instead, he tried to claim credit for Trump’s achievement.

While Bill Clinton’s HIV/AIDS vaccine project lies in ashes, there is protection against SARS-CoV-2 if only people will take advantage of it. Failure to do so will only prolong the suffering and death.

© 2021 Cliff kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Stupid Party Gets Stupider

By Cliff Kincaid

Just when you thought the Republicans were getting their act together, by dumping Liz Cheney, we find out they are replacing her with a tool of the gay lobby. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council says the Cheney replacement, Rep. Elise Stefanik “has supported legislation like the Equality Act, which normalizes a radical sexual ideology at the detriment of families, children, and people of faith.”

Stefanik of New York joined House Democrats to vote for the Equality Act in 2019.

It was big news over the weekend that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was backing her. Now it turns out that Stefanik, who is expected to be elected as the new chair of the House Republican Conference on Wednesday, was a cheerleader for the gay rights lobby.

But that’s not all. Perkins adds, “She has also voted against religious freedom protections, against defunding Planned Parenthood in Medicaid, and against religious freedom protections for pregnancy resource centers.”

Former President Trump endorses her replacing Liz Cheney. Unlike Liz, Stefanik opposed impeachment of Trump. Yet, an analysis of their overall records shows that Cheney voted 92.9 percent of the time with Trump and Stefanik only voted 77.7 percent of the time with the president’s positions.

So, in replacing Cheney with Stefanik, House Republicans are getting a leader who is less conservative overall.

But Trump seems to be calling the shots, denouncing Cheney as a “warmonger” for supporting foreign wars and saying Stefanik is a “gifted communicator” who can help Republicans take back the House.

The Federalist comments, however, that Stefanik is “more moderate” than Cheney overall.

This appears to be the new face of the GOP – more like the Democrtas on cultural and social issues.

Perkins, showing some spine, worries that “milquetoast conservatism could signal a shift away from a two-decade long trend toward more solidly conservative congressional leaders.” He wants leaders “who do not equivocate on core conservative values [and] instill voters with the hope that things don’t have to stay like they are — they can in fact be changed.”

But Republicans can’t do this while pandering to the gay rights lobby, as Trump did. Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell, is an open gay who promoted alternative lifestyles in the Intelligence Community. He was even directed by Trump to wage a diplomatic war on foreign countries resisting acceptance of homosexuality.

If you saw the recent CIA promotional video featuring “a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder,” you can see where the Grenell-type of thinking has taken the nation. With our “diverse” work force, we are easy pickings for the foreign intelligence services of China and Russia who want to recruit or blackmail unstable individuals.

Under both Trump and Obama, the CIA celebrated “Transgender Pride.” Nothing really changed under Trump.

It hasn’t always been this way. Back in 1950, the U.S. Government discouraged “sex perverts” from joining intelligence agencies, calling them security risks. You can read a report on the subject.

Arthur Guy Mathews, author of the 1957 book, Is Homosexuality a Menace? A Revealing Examination of Sex Deviation, said homosexuality was Stalin’s atom bomb to destroy America.

It is difficult to say which bomb has been more damaging – the China virus or the bomb of sexual perversion. Both inflict massive damage.

The China virus has killed 3.2 million. But the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) says the total number of COVID-19 deaths was 6.93 million.

Before the China virus, there was HIV/AIDS, a continuing danger which has killed 32.7 million people. In the U.S., it mostly affects “men who have sex with men” – homosexual males.

Historian Paul Johnson, who studied why nations fail, says one reason is the acceptance of homosexuality.

His book, The Quest for God, laments that Western society made a huge mistake by decriminalizing homosexuality and thinking that acceptance of the lifestyle on a basic level would satisfy its practitioners. He wrote, “Decriminalization made it possible for homosexuals to organize openly into a powerful lobby, and it thus became a mere platform from which further demands were launched.” It became, he says, a “monster in our midst, powerful and clamoring, flexing its muscles, threatening, vengeful and vindictive towards anyone who challenges its outrageous claims, and bent on making fundamental—and to most of us horrifying—changes to civilized patterns of sexual behavior.”

Along the way, here in America, the Cultural Marxists have captured the Boy Scouts and the CIA. What’s more, much of the conservative movement has sold out to the “radical sexual ideology” as well. Grenell is a featured speaker at Conservative Political Action Conference gatherings.

And it’s getting worse. Before Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner decided to run as a Republican for governor of California, using the Sean Hannity show as a soap box, the popular choice among Gateway Pundit pro-gay “conservatives” was the aforementioned homosexual activist Ric Grenell.

What a choice – the gay or the trans. Just like the difference between the bad choices of Cheney and Stefanik.

Count me among those with anxiety disorder, wondering when this country and its leaders will ever fight back against Cultural Marxism.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The New Face of the GOP is Trans

By Cliff Kincaid

Just when the Republicans are poised to dump Rep. Liz Cheney from House GOP leadership, they are embracing ex-masculine man Caitlyn Jenner as candidate for Governor of California. Caitlyn, once known as Bruce, immediately went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show in high heels to be crowned as the new conservative white trans hope.

The GOP will evolve from the status as stupid party into the pansy party, driving real men away and giving a confusing message about masculinity.

The endorsement of the faux woman Jenner comes on the eve of Mother’s Day, May 9, when real women are celebrated for giving birth to real boys and girls.

Any nation that wants to survive into the future has to reproduce boys and girls, not make boys into girls.

The Jenner candidacy comes at a time when the Republican Party of California has an opportunity to vote Democrat Gavin Newsom out office in a recall election. But it also seems timed to disrupt a wave of anti-trans legislation in Republican states to prevent transgender exploitation of young men made to look like girls and compete in women’s sports.

The transgender movement has its roots in the work of Harry Hay, a homosexual member of the Communist Party who dabbled in the occult, wore dresses, and called himself a “Fairie.” Leslie Feinberg, a male-to-female transgender member of the Workers World Party, also pioneered this “lifestyle.”

The Communist front group known as “Refuse Fascism” is today a leading promoter of the “trans” lifestyle,  warning of the dangers of Republican legislation to protect women’s sports from men posing as women.

Along comes Jenner, a key player in America’s cultural wars who claims to be a Republican but is very confused sexually.

On the heels of his/her Hannity appearance, the conservative-oriented Just the News website proclaimed, “Jenner lays out conservative platform in bid to become next California governor,” with a subheadline about the candidate describing herself as “pro-law enforcement,” “pro-border protection,” and “pro-ICE.”

He/she was quick to proclaim, “No boys in girls sports,” appealing to conservatives who believe in biological differences between the sexes. But since this is a woman who was once a man, a famous Olympic athlete, one has to wonder what’s going on here. It’s either a publicity stunt or Democratic Party plot to make Republicans look silly.

When former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner declared himself “Caitlyn,” the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) went into action, issuing an “Open Letter to Our Colleagues” on how to “accurately” cover “Caitlyn Jenner.”

The verdict from this special interest lobby was that Bruce Jenner can call himself anything he/she wants to, and the media are obligated to go along with whatever or whoever he says he wants to be. Now, Republicans and conservatives seem eager to oblige.

It bears repeating that DNA determines whether a person is male or female. One is born a male or female and this information is recorded on a birth certificate. People can change birth certificates but not their DNA.

The Bruce Jenner interview in 2015 with ABC News, declaring himself a woman, was the most visible manifestation of the campaign to make the “transgendered” into another oppressed minority group. Before he went on Hannity’s show, he was telling his email audience in advance that “The Caitlyn for California team is putting together a list of supporters who choose to step up during this defining moment. I’m going to review the list right before I get on stage with Sean Hannity and I want you to know that nothing would motivate me more than to see YOUR NAME at the VERY TOP of the list.”

It looks like a money-making scheme.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth says, “I like a lot of what ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner is saying, but there is this little problem of a biological man (and father & one-time heroic male athlete) who now THINKS he’s a ‘woman’ carrying the message for a Republican Party that purports to be God-fearing and for traditional values.”

Other conservatives are confused by it all. After watching him/her on Hannity, Steven Crowder of Blaze TV said that he “would love to have Jenner on his program.” This is the mark of a click-bait conservative eager for laughs and ratings.

Kelsey Bolar of The Federalist said Jenner was an example of Republican Party tolerance. Writing for the same publication, Emily Jashinsky was more cautious, warning about the transgender agenda but concluding in a two-faced fashion: “If there’s good reason to believe Republicans either back Jenner or get Newsom, I think there’s a good argument to make that an unqualified Jenner would be better than a demonstrably disastrous leader like Newsom. But if the GOP and broader conservative movement gets behind a Jenner candidacy and Jenner supports the normalization of radical gender ideology, they will be complicit in a moral abomination, given the issue’s immediately harmful consequences for children and women.”

How can a Jenner candidacy, with a man appearing as a woman, do anything but support “the normalization of radical gender ideology?” Having surrendered to gay “marriage” and other perversions, the Republican Party and their conservative house organs are now ready to hop on the trans train. It leads to destruction – of the party and the nation.

The Democrats are laughing themselves silly as Republicans take the bait.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Big Business Buffoons Who Run Berkshire Hathaway

By Cliff Kincaid

An objective history of World War II exposes the failure of the West, except for Winston Churchill, to foresee the aggression of Hitler’s Third Reich. Today, some of the smartest businessmen in the world still do not understand the menace posed by Communist China, even as its China virus continues to wreak havoc on the United States and the world.

Consider the recent performance of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway, the multinational conglomerate, singing the praises of the communists running this evil regime. They have no understanding of the threat Chinese communism poses to the people of the earth. Their interest is money, money, money.

Many people watch their annual shareholders meeting to get tips on economic trends and analysis. I consulted a transcript and searched for anything they said about China, a modern incarnation of the Nazi regime that is working hand-in-glove with Vladimir Putin’s Russia and is now poised to invade peace-loving Taiwan. Buffett and Munger acted as if China were still a peaceful country and a member-in-good-standing of the international capitalist order.

In a shameful performance, Buffett and Munger came across as giddy cheerleaders for the communists. I suspect their uninformed opinions are shared by many elites in business and government.

If the American people want to save their nation from the global communist threat, they have to do two things. Number one:  save themselves from the virus, and number two: evict any politicians who serve Chinese interests from positions of authority. This includes China Joe Biden and any Republican continuing to take seriously the Henry Kissinger view of the world.

In order to guard against being accused of taking their remarks out of context, I want to offer the officially transcribed remarks of what Buffet and Munger had to say at their annual meeting on China so you can draw your own conclusions. I have highlighted some particularly offensive comments.

Please note that the name “BYD” stands for the Chinese electric car company and that Li Lu is a Chinese-born American investor and hedge fund manager. He is believed to have introduced the BYD Company to Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett for investment purposes.

Becky Quick (CNBC): This question is for Charlie. It comes from Steven Tedder in Atlanta. He’s been a Berkshire shareholder for 10 years and says, “You and your friend, Li Lu, have been very optimistic with respect to investing opportunities in China. BYD has performed spectacularly for Berkshire since its initial purchase in 2008 and is currently valued at $5.8 billion. The Daily Journal recently bought a large position in Alibaba after founder, Jack Ma, had been reprimanded by the Chinese Communist Party and Ma’s other company, Ant, was not allowed to proceed with its IPO. What are your current thoughts on China and whether the Communist leaders will allow businesses with strong leadership to flourish in decades to come?”

Charlie Munger: Well, I think that the Chinese government will allow businesses to flourish. It was one of the most remarkable things that ever happened in the history of the world when a bunch of committed Communists just looked at the prosperity of places like Singapore and said, “The hell with this. We’re not going to stay here in poverty. We’re going to copy what works.” They changed communism. They just accepted Adam Smith and added it to their Communism. Now we have Communism with Chinese characteristics, which is China with a free market with a bunch of billionaires and so forth. They made that shift. They deserve a lot of credit. Warren and I are not quite as good at that, at changing our minds, in many cases. That was a remarkable change coming from such a place. Of course, it’s worked like gangbusters. They’ve had enormous growth in the average income of the average Chinese. They’ve lifted 800 million people out of poverty fast. There was never anything like it in the history of the world, so my hat is off to the Chinese. I think they will continue to allow people to make money. They’ve learned it works. I love what the guy said in the first place, “I don’t care whether the cat is black and white, as long as it catches mice.” That’s my kind of talk.

Warren Buffett: In that list of the 20 most valuable companies, three are Chinese. Now, if you’re looking out 30 years, probably things will be changing. My guess is more, but I don’t think it will top the United States, but who knows? It’s amazing what has been accomplished.

Charlie Munger: Yeah, really amazing.

Warren Buffett: They found what works. I mean, there’s nothing like finding something that works in order to sort of reinforce ideas over time. We’ll see what happens, but I would bet there will be more than three, but I will bet the United States has more than China has, too.

The big flaw is thinking that China gave up on communism. They fail to grasp the nature of communism, and how communists use capitalism to attain their goals.

They also completely ignored the evidence that the China virus escaped from a Chinese lab and was designed to infect the world for the benefit of the regime.

The Buffett/Munger mode of thinking is typical of how government and corporate elites react to what the Chinese are doing. They overlook the communism to make money.

First of all, the idea that the regime “lifted” people out of poverty is pure communist propaganda.

Rob Schmitz, an International Correspondent for National Public Radio, traced this claim to official Chinese media, noting that it was then adopted by Western media like the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Reuters (among others). The communists claimed to have “lifted” people out of poverty to score propaganda points, as a way to counter the lack of real human rights.

On the matter of poverty eradication, Schmitz commented, “…who’s really doing the lifting? Is it China’s government through policies that have created jobs, alleviated poverty in the countryside and provided social welfare to hundreds of millions? Or, as has been pointed out by skeptics, did Chinese people lift themselves out of poverty once Mao and his horrific political campaigns expired, allowing China’s leaders to replace terror and madness with rational economic policies that ensured people’s hard work is rewarded with capital?”

Contrary to what Munger said, the Communists did not embrace Adam Smith. Rather, they decided to use Western capital to build up their regime. This has always been a tactic, part of the Marxist dialectic of communism’s advance. Western capitalists played into their hands – and still do.

The history of communism is more than 100 million dead, with Communist China claiming “credit” for 65 million of those deaths and an additional 400 million dead in China through the abortion genocide (as documented in the Global Life Campaign report about the death toll of aborted babies having reached one billion worldwide.)

There are more than 3.2 million dead from the China virus worldwide. More than 577,000 people in the United States have died from COVID-19.

Munger says “my hat is off to the Chinese.” How can he in good conscience at this point in history say such a thing? I suggest Munger and other elites quickly read my book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, to understand where Big Business, the CIA, and Henry Kissinger went wrong.

The Chinese objective of world domination sometimes shows itself in strange ways. The BBC reports on a social media post from an account linked to the Chinese Communist Party which showed an image of a rocket launch in China alongside a photo of the bodies of Covid victims being cremated in India. The text read: “Lighting a fire in China VS lighting a fire in India.”

Such a post is the mark of a regime that wants people to burn and die, as a result of a virus and disease unleashed by that same regime. This government wants to build world communism on the ashes of dead bodies. We are in the way. So is India, a major casualty of the China virus at the present time.

The Chinese Communists are not lovers of Adam Smith. They are atheist killers without a conscience who will stop at nothing to eliminate their enemies in a bid to rule the world. They represent a modern-day Hitler-style genocidal regime.

Our elites seem to think it’s an anti-Asian hate crime to point out the obvious.

Consider China Joe Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who says Washington doesn’t want to “contain” China. He was China’s man at the University of Pennsylvania when he ran the Biden Center. Senate Republicans voted to confirm him anyway.

With China Joe at the wheel, China is driving the world toward ruin, and Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are paying for the ride with their seat belts on.

I suggest getting out of the car before it crashes.

For the media, not surprisingly, their blind spot toward China wasn’t one of the “takeaways” or “best moments” of their annual meeting.

But if we don’t get this right, we are finished — and much of the rest of the world could face cremation as well.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Communist Media Attack Western Vaccine Successes

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

With my pro-vaccine columns getting censored and dozens of people dropping off my subscriber list because of them, a friend wrote to me, saying, “I’d move on.  Biden/Harris are doing plenty of other things wrong to write about.” There are a couple things wrong with this approach.

First, the China virus is the issue of our lifetimes. If we don’t understand what’s going on in this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, nothing else matters. This virus can destroy a nation, as we are seeing in India. On the other hand, the vaccines can save a nation, as we are seeing in Israel.

Many in the conservative movement are on the wrong side of this issue, agitating in tune with the Chinese and Russian media that the Western-made vaccines are dangerous to human health and must be resisted. This position is fed by communist disinformation and constitutes a form of national suicide.

On another level, the hopelessly divided Republican Party is powerless to stop Biden/Harris because of Democratic Party domination of the executive and legislative branches of the federal government.

The only person that matters in this scheme of things is Senator Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat who can side with Republicans in the Senate. There is some hope that the “Republican” Supreme Court will stop or reverse some Biden/Harris initiatives, and we should pressure the Court to do just that. But these decisions and rulings will come slowly.

The China virus is critical to understanding China’s plan for world domination, and I think non-stop focus on this plan is what is extremely important at this junction in history. Unless we achieve herd immunity through mass vaccinations (and/or natural immunity as a result of people getting Covid), we are cooked. We will look like desperate people in India struggling for oxygen to breathe, as we face another wave of contagion and death from a new China virus variant.

Another opposition strategy is to defeat any of all United Nations treaties (which require 67 votes for passage), such as the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty. We can safely assume that China Joe will push this one, since he promoted it when he ran the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Here, we have solid chances of defeating the pro-U.N. agenda.

All is not lost.

But China is the key issue and problem. We are in the midst of China asserting itself on the global stage, hoping to take over the world on an incremental basis, sometimes with the assistance and active collaboration of Russia. It is using the China virus vaccines, as part of a “vaccine diplomacy” effort, to save nations from the virus that China unleashed. These efforts, as noted by the Daily Mail, are backfiring.

In regard to the China virus, there is something we can do, thanks to former President Trump and his Operation Warp Speed vaccines. Our enemies recognize the Trump vaccines do indeed work. That’s why Chinese and Russian media are attacking the Trump vaccines while pushing the questionable Chinese and Russian versions.

The Daily Mail reports that the European Union has warned that China’s “vaccine diplomacy” of providing their own Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines are backed by “disinformation and manipulation efforts to undermine trust in Western-made vaccines.” In other words, China sees the WARP Speed vaccines as effective.  The paper went on, “Russia and China are using state-controlled media, networks of proxy media outlets and social media to achieve these goals.”

I checked out the actual report, and the Daily Mail account is accurate.

Furthermore, the paper quoted several sources as saying that the Chinese vaccine is proving to be ineffective because the regime was relying largely on older vaccine technologies and that, by contrast, the “modern genetic techniques being harnessed by the West” against the China virus are working. These are the techniques that absolutely horrify the “conservative” websites dropping my pro-vaccine columns. They think we are entering the End Times and that the vaccines are designed to insert monitoring or tracking devices into the human body so the Great Reset can take place.

In fact, the Great Reset, seen as heralding a “New World Order” of world government, can only be defeated if we the American people get free of the disease and then hold China accountable for what it has done to the world. The states of Mississippi and Missouri have sued China in federal court over the virus. “China did the world a great injustice by engaging in a complex cover-up of the dangers of this deadly virus. By silencing journalists, doctors, whistleblowers, and others, China exposed millions to the Coronavirus and kept the world from preparing, leading to higher death tolls and more dangerous public health impacts. They must be held to account for the damage they have done,” said Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch.

The Daily Mail noted that Chinese vaccine science “is not as advanced” as the West. That’s to our advantage, as China and Russia peddle their inferior vaccines to the rest of the world.

This is great news for the United States in particular, with Trump the one who should get the biggest round of applause. But my columns praising Trump are being dropped by conservative websites formerly in Trump’s corner.

The Chinese and the Russians are trying to undermine public confidence in the Trump Warp Speed vaccines that have been expanded by Biden/Harris. It’s because of Trump’s initiative that the U.S. is getting control of the virus and emerging from the economic dislocation caused by the liberal lockdowns. One of those vaccines made by Pfizer has saved Israel from destruction.

Let’s face it: Biden/Harris had no alternative but to continue with these vaccines.  What’s more, these vaccines are working. But it’s Trump, not Biden, who deserves credit.

As with any vaccines, there are side effects, including deaths. But these are small compared with the death and suffering caused by the virus. On balance, the vaccines are life-savers. Yet, many Trump supporters resist getting vaccinated. Are they succumbing to communist disinformation?

The report cited by Daily Mail notes that the “foreign state actors” working on behalf of China and Russia have “sensationalized and misrepresented information about the safety of Western-made vaccines” and are fueling anti-vaccination movements. It says both Chinese official channels and pro-Kremlin media “have amplified content on alleged side-effects of the Western vaccines.”

The report adds, “In some cases, mRNA vaccines were specifically targeted both by the pro-Kremlin and Chinese state-controlled media.” These are the Warp Speed vaccines using new technology to defeat the virus.

All of this explains how and why “conservative” websites refusing to publish the truth about the Trump Warp speed vaccines are playing into the hands of China and Russia.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump’s Miracle Vaccines Save Millions

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

At the White House COVID Task Force briefing on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci mentioned several dangerous variants of the China virus, without noting China as the ultimate source. He described one as South African, one as Brazilian, and one from California. But the words “China virus” were not mentioned. The other significant omission was the role of former President Trump in making life-saving vaccines possible.

More transmissible coronavirus variants are the result of the time the virus has to spread and replicate. That’s why “experimental” vaccines were approved in the first place. As time has gone by, more and more people have come to recognize SARS-CoV-2 as a deadly pathogen which came out of a Chinese lab.

In an article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications. He writes, “Politically dividing ourselves for health reasons would be the biggest nonsense we can do. If we split, we are giving a gift to the left, to the Democrats and to all extremist movements that want to destroy the United States and the entire Western world, and it would also be a gift to Communist China, which caused the epidemic by producing the virus.”

The destruction of innocent lives in India, as pictures show mass COVID cremations, has demonstrated the death and destruction that China can inflict on the world through a biological weapon. It is estimated that only 2 percent of the 1.4 billion people in India has been fully vaccinated as the government pleads for vaccines.

Still, the myth persists among some in the U.S. that the virus is as harmless as the common cold, and that mass vaccination is a demonic plot.

Despite the risks and “adverse events,” including some deaths, the vaccines are working, driving down the number of hospitalizations and COVID-related deaths. Betsy McCaughey, a public health expert and former lieutenant governor of New York, says, “The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reduce the risk of developing COVID by 90 to 95 percent, compared with being unvaccinated. US data show the risk of getting infected after these vaccines is a minuscule 0.008 percent.”

Even the liberal media have recognized what the Trump Administration achieved. USA Today admitted that Trump “made a high-stakes gamble that led to record-breaking vaccine development” before China Joe Biden seized the presidency.

Newsweek admitted, “Trump came through on his promise to deliver a new coronavirus vaccine in record time, an accomplishment experts attribute to the administration’s significant financial investment and modern technology.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper called Trump’s development of COVID vaccines “an unmitigated success and we should acknowledge that.”

Official figures show that the COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020. It was the third leading cause of death, behind cancer and heart disease. Flu was the ninth leading cause of death, taking 53,495 lives.

Overall, as a result of COVID, the age-adjusted death rate increased by 15.9 percent in 2020.

As the crisis continues, with a reported 45 percent of Republicans, mostly Trump supporters, refusing vaccinations, there is evidence that some Republican voters are embracing them in greater numbers.

A new poll finds that 78 percent of senior Republicans (adults 65+) are likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine or are already vaccinated. That’s good news for Republicans, who have been perceived to be Luddite “anti-vaxxers” opposed to scientific and medical progress.

Israel, with the highest vaccination rate in the world, recorded no new daily Covid-19 deaths for the first time in 10 months on April 22. The nation is buying vaccines from Pfizer, one of the companies authorized by Trump to develop the COVID vaccines.

Strangely, websites that were once strongly pro-Trump don’t want to give the former president credit. Indeed, many are engaged in fear-mongering about the vaccines. Here are a few falsehoods and misleading assertions I recently found among conservative personalities and columnists:

  • CLAIM: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits the virus has not been isolated. FALSE. CDC says that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.
  • CLAIM: An upcoming conference known as the Red Pill Expo is featuring a speaker who claims that the virus does not even exist. FALSE. Another Red Pill Expo speaker, Alex Newman, told me, “It is my personal opinion that there is a real virus known as SARS-CoV2, engineered in a Communist Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, that was released on the world for strategic purposes.” Photos of the virus have been taken using an electron microscope.
  • CLAIM: A story proclaimed that a new study had predicted a “Third Wave” of sickness and death “will be dominated by those who have been fully vaccinated.” MISLEADING. This is not because of the vaccine. It’s because while the vaccines reduce infections, hospitalizations, and deaths among vulnerable and older people, they are not 100 percent effective.
  • CLAIM: One columnist claimed that “Americans being forced to take one of those lethal cocktails [vaccines] are NOT being told they are experimental drugs.” FALSE. The informed consent form that Americans taking the vaccines must sign says they are “unapproved,” that there is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19, and the vaccines are for “emergency use.”

The “emergency” is, of course, the release of the dangerous China virus.

Not only is the China virus real, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirms that “China remains a key source of supply for the precursor chemicals that Mexican cartels use to produce the large amounts of fentanyl they are smuggling into the United States.”

More than 87,200 people in the U.S. died from drug overdoses, primarily related to opioids, during the 12-month period from September 2019 to September 2020, according to the data from the CDC.

With China Joe opening the southern border, the Drug Enforcement Administration just announced a new initiative, Project Wave Breaker, “to disrupt the flow of deadly fentanyl into the United States.”

So while deaths from the China virus may decline here, we can anticipate more deaths from China-supplied fentanyl.

What we desperately need is a vaccine to counter China Joe’s pro-China policies.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The GOP Divide Between the Vaxxed and the Vaxxed-Not

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Former President Trump’s battles with Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney are minor compared with the Trump base splitting with their leader on the issue of coronavirus vaccines. “A house divided against itself cannot stand” declared Abraham Lincoln about the American civil war. One poll shows that 45 percent of Republicans will not take the life-saving vaccines that were made possible by their favorite Republican President.

“I’m all in favor of the vaccine,” Trump told New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin. “It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.”

However, as countries like Israel return to some semblance of normality after a massive vaccination campaign against the virus, America’s battle could drag on for years with various strains or mutations.  “The huge percentage of GOP voters refusing to get vaccinated is likely to drag out the pandemic” declares Vanity Fair.

Trump’s supporters will be blamed and the Republican Party will pay the political price.

Based on the responses I have received to my own pro-vaccine columns, many Trump supporters fear the vaccine is either a deadly killer unleashed by Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci to depopulate the world or else that it contains a microchip on the road to the Biblical apocalypse and world government ruled by the Anti-Christ.

Devotion to this apocalyptic view has reached such heights that my pro-vaccine columns once carried on conservative sites are now run with warnings and disclaimers, when they are carried at all. “The reason I have not run your pro-vaccine columns is because I believe the ‘vaccines’ are very dangerous,” said one leading conservative editor.

Hence, censorship is occurring on both sides.

Trump Supporters Turn on Trump

Ironically, this means that pro-Trump editors and others are resisting the signature achievement of former president Trump.  “The enemies of America exploited Trump’s well-known and well-documented fear of sickness and death,” said one pro-Trump columnist who has now turned on him. “It was the fatal flaw of President Trump’s magnificent first term.”

Trump adviser Peter Navarro, who was right about the China threat before he joined the administration, says with pride that “The father of the [coronavirus] vaccine is Donald J. Trump.” The former president calls it the Trumpcine.

As these comments suggest, this is the kind of issue that Republicans should be exploiting, not running away from. But their base fears the vaccine more than the virus.

Trump told Sean Hannity he encourages people to take the Covid-19 vaccine. “I encourage people to take it. I do,” Trump said. “I had it and I took it.” He added, “They want me to do a commercial saying take the vaccine,” he continued. “And they think that’s very important and I’d certainly do it.”

This makes Trump a villain among his own supporters, weakening his own base of support as he tries to rally people against the socialist schemes of the Democratic Party. This divide in the GOP makes it easy for the Democrats to solidify and expand their one-party rule.

Young Republican-leaning voters are turned off by the anti-vaccine rhetoric. They would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to saving lives and are taking vaccines to save themselves and their families.

Without a quick turn-around, the Republican Party will forever be tainted by the notion of being resistant to progress on the most fundamental issue of our time – how to respond to Chinese aggression in the form of the China virus. It could change the political direction and landscape of the country forever.

Sensing this is the case, a writer for The Federalist noted Trump’s pivotal role in developing the vaccines but then tried to offer an explanation for why so many of his supporters are balking at taking it. The writer tried to insist the reluctance is because Trump supporters have reasonable arguments for avoiding the vaccines. He writes, “Perhaps they assessed the risks of getting COVID compared to the risks of an experimental medical treatment whose long-term effects are unknown, and decided that the former is a risk they’re willing to take. Is that unreasonable? Is it crazy?”

The real problem is that many on the conservative side are still getting bombarded by claims that the China virus doesn’t even exist. The new revolutionary vaccines are seen as diabolical schemes to make them into slaves and zombies.

To carry this one step further, in preparation for an upcoming conference, the Red Pill Expo is now advertising “one of the most popular and most Internet-banned truth-tellers” and how he “will strike at the roots of the greatest medical hoax of all time” – the China virus. The promo says, “Virus? Virus? WHAT Virus? This Doctor Says There is no Such Thing!” In a follow-up, we are told that a microbiologist will say that “vaccines will decimate world’s population.”

In fact, it’s the China virus that is already doing that, and many are taking the vaccine to stop the spread and save the lives of others.

The Red Pill Expo is a Poison Pill

Journalist Alex Newman, one of the Red Expo Speakers, told me, “It is my personal opinion that there is a real virus known as SARS-CoV2, engineered in a Communist Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, that was released on the world for strategic purposes. However, with the massive global deception surrounding this whole situation — and the unprecedented censorship we’re seeing — I believe it behooves everyone to listen to alternative points of view before making important decisions that could have life-long ramifications.”

But the issue is whether these “alternative points of view” contribute to a rational discussion or whether they are misleading people on a matter of life and death.

Claims about the virus being a hoax are absurd on their face, especially in light of the fact that Trump himself — their favorite president — got the virus and the disease. Trump was given 8 drugs to treat the disease, with one through an IV.

Such paranoia feeds upon itself. When I wrote a column about the strange bedfellows of Trump and Obama taking the vaccine, one person replied, “How can we know that the elites are really taking the vaccine and not a vitamin B shot or something else harmless?” Another wrote, “He did not really take it – they injected a sugar-water placebo.”

This is an indication of the paranoia gripping many in the Trump base who believe he betrayed them.

Trump Was Pro-Science

These people forget that it was Trump who championed “America First” policies and scientific breakthroughs, especially in medicine.  On his list of accomplishments, he emphasizes that his administration “promoted research and innovation in healthcare to ensure that American patients have access to the best treatment in the world.” One example of that was passage of “Right to Try” legislation to give terminally ill patients access to lifesaving cures.

In this context, as millions are dying from the China virus, Trump has recommended taking his vaccines on several occasions and major Christian leaders such as Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Dr. James Dobson have endorsed them.

Graham calls it the “Good Samaritan” approach to take the vaccine and save the lives of others.

The New York Times story, “Least Vaccinated U.S. Counties Have Something in Common: Trump Voters,” is an indication that Trump voters will be portrayed as uneducated, anti-science, and standing in the way of herd immunity and a normal life.

The political charge will have some sting, since it is my impression after years in the conservative movement that that this attitude constitutes a modern form of the Luddite mentality that resists life-saving and other advances for humanity. I have noticed that some of these same people are also paranoid about 5G technology, digital currencies, artificial intelligence, cell phones and Zoom technology.

While the issue ought to be Democratic Party extremism, Republican voters will find themselves pigeonholed as anti-technology fanatics in the mold of Theodore Kaczynski, whose bombing campaign against modern society from an isolated Montana cabin earned him the title “Unabomber.”

Kaczynski killed three people and wounded many others, getting a punishment of life in federal prison.

The anti-vaxxers who believe the China virus is a fake or as harmless as the common cold will be blamed for many more dead Americans. Those who dispense such claims are not serving the public interest and are creating a nation of the vaxxed and the vaxxed-not.  Their leader Donald J. Trump and his Republican Party will suffer politically as a result.

“Biden is delivering on his vaccine promises” declares the Center for American Progress (CAP), a major liberal think tank, taking advantage of what the Biden Administration inherited from Trump. It reports that 200 million vaccine shots have been delivered. CAP says the next step is making sure everyone who can get vaccinated actually does get vaccinated.

It is ironic that Trump’s supporters are in the forefront of denying their leader the credit he deserves while Biden assumes responsibility for what the Trump Administration made possible. This political outcome spells doom for the GOP.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Obama Takes Trump’s Warp Speed Vaccine

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Trump and Obama agree on one thing: take the China virus vaccines. This is significant because Trump supporters and blacks are two groups that are resisting the vaccines. These groups are playing Russian roulette with the China virus and human lives.

Some Christians see the vaccines as deadly killers or the “Mark of the Beast” signifying the End Times. If this is true, Trump and Obama will either be seriously injured or dead from the vaccines or else teaming up to run the world government of the anti-Christ. I doubt it.

Trump launched Operation Warp Speed so the vaccines could be ready as quickly as possible to save lives. But when they became available, some of his followers called him a dupe of Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and Anthony Fauci. Nevertheless, Trump, who got Covid and the vaccine, has remained adamant that they are life-savers. His position is supported by such Christian leaders as Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Dr. James Dobson. Capitol Hill conservatives, including the GOP Doctors Caucus, endorse the vaccines as well.

Some blacks remember the government’s Tuskegee experiment, in which, as Obama noted, “the government withheld treatment that was available for black men for syphilis.” Hence, they don’t want to get jabbed with the coronavirus vaccine. It says something that Obama is taking Trump’s Warp Speed vaccines.

As Obama said, if these vaccines are so risky and dangerous, why are the nation’s “wealthy and powerful” taking it? Are they on a suicide mission? I doubt it.

I have supported the vaccines and have been censored as a result. Websites that once featured or highlighted my work won’t run my columns about the vaccines. Dozens of people have “unsubscribed” to my website because they don’t want to read a point of view in support of what their own favorite president, Trump, accomplished. That’s fine. These people didn’t contribute to my site to begin with. I am sad but not startled that so many people refuse to see the validity of another point of view.

I do think editors of these one-sided “conservative” websites are harming the public interest and need for balance and fairness in news. They are making it seem as though conservatives are opposed to life-saving vaccines. This makes Trump supporters look backward.

I may be the most censored columnist in America and used to be the exclusive target of left-wing groups relying on attacks on my character prepared by outfits like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  Now I’m targeted by fellow conservatives playing to paranoia in order to get clicks from hucksters selling fear.

Nobody should be forced to take the vaccine or read something that makes them uncomfortable. But this attitude spells trouble for Republicans who think they can win a national election if a major part of their base has deserted former President Trump on the signature achievement of his presidency.

We can learn something from Israel, fighting for its very existence. Israel is now opening back up and returning to normal because so many have taken the vaccines.

In this context, Israel just honored the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, at an Independence Day ceremony, for supplying those vaccines.

The Times of Israel reported that Bourla delivered a recorded video message broadcast on national TV that, “Together we are demonstrating that through mass vaccination we can defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives.” He added, “We have shown that there is a path back to normal, and that definitely is something the entire world can celebrate.”

He is a son of Jewish Holocaust survivors from Greece.

It’s hard to believe that Israel under Prime Minister Netanyahu is on a suicide mission. Netanyahu understands the problem of terrorism. He knows Israel has enemies. After all, there are reports that Israel was behind a recent strike on an Iranian nuclear facility. This nation knows how to defend itself.

What this shows is that improvements in vaccine technology can be made. The response proves that, in reaction to a biological weapon from China, a biological response from the U.S. can succeed. It is still a major catastrophe that so many have died – and continue to die. But the vaccines give us a chance to save lives and regroup, in order to get on a war footing with China.

We are fortunate that Trump was president at the time the Chinese communists decided to unleash the virus on America, Israel, and the world. He responded decisively. Of course, one obvious reason for the attack was to create the conditions for China Joe and the Democrats to take power under the cover of the Covid-19 pandemic. That part of their plan was carried out but Trump is still standing, leading the return to America First policies.

This can only succeed, however, if his followers jettison the End Times rhetoric that has frozen them in time and fear and get with the Trump program of individual and national survival.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Trumpcine Liberates the American People

By Cliff Kincaid

Former President Trump has issued his strongest statement yet on the need to take his Warp Speed vaccines and save America from the China virus. He has denounced the Biden Administration and others who delay freedom from this killer virus exported by the Chinese Communist Party.

“With COVID cases still rising nationwide, it’s sheer lunacy to delay millions of vaccinations and feed fears among the vax-resistant,” he said, referring to how the Biden Administration halted distribution of one of the vaccines. Trump called that “deranged pseudo-science” from the federal medical bureaucracy.

Trump’s major accomplishments included the best economy in decades, border security, superior military equipment, pro-life and anti-terrorist polices, launching the Space Force, and Operation Warp Speed anti-China virus vaccines. It’s the latter that he has repeatedly emphasized since he has been out of office, as America copes with more than 565,000 total Covid deaths and the worldwide death toll tops 3 million.

Ironically, however, some of his former supporters are in the opposition to the vaccines that the Trump Administration developed. “Trump is a traitor,” declared one “expert” insisting the life-saving vaccines are a communist plot to kill Americans. Such views are now popular among some one-time Trump supporters, who claim the China virus that evidence indicates was created in a Wuhan lab is not really that dangerous.

In my column, “Trump’s Fair-Weather Friends,” I noted that Operation Warp Speed is the one achievement that China Joe Biden won’t dismantle and in fact wants to exploit for his own political benefit. I pointed out that conservative governors such as Ron DeSantis in Florida are promoting the vaccines. Conservative governments around the globe are promoting them, too.

But this was before China Joe Biden’s medical bureaucracy halted distribution of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

In his statement, Trump said, “The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense. Why is the Biden White House letting insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show?”

He went on, “Just six people out of the nearly 7 million who’ve gotten the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported blood clots. The condition is more common in the general population, and every vaccine — indeed, every medication — carries some risk, including the Moderna and Pfizer jabs.”

As noted by Dr. Martin Makary, M.D., a surgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School, about 1 in 600 Americans have died from COVID-19. He says that’s a bigger risk than taking the “risky” vaccines.

Hence, the delay in using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will probably increase paranoia, cost lives, and spread the disease.

The maneuver by the China Joe Administration also means a delay in achieving herd immunity and resuming a normal life. The delay will scare some paranoid people into thinking the vaccine is more dangerous than getting the virus.

While the vaccines don’t entirely prevent infections, the evidence suggests that more serious cases of disease will be avoided, such as those requiring hospitalization. This is a major achievement.

Summing up the data, a writer for RedState noted that, out of 75 million full vaccinations (i.e. all doses administered) given, only around 5,800 reinfections have been recorded. That puts reinfection chances, per the CDC, at around 0.0075%. In other words, it’s a level of risk that’s not only acceptable but basically miraculous. Further, the chances of death at that point are less than being struck by lightning.”

On Capitol Hill, conservative Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz are taking the vaccines and say they are so effective that he and others will now scrap the use of masks.  “At this point, I’ve been vaccinated. Everybody working in the Senate has been vaccinated,” he said.

Actually, Senator Rand Paul has immunity as a result of getting the disease. Other people, such as Trump, got the disease and a vaccine as a back-up.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a major Trump supporter, has repeatedly emphasized that the vaccines are safe and effective. “Get a vaccine because it’s good for you to do it,” he says. “It works…you can live your life…If you get a vaccine … you’re immune. So act immune.”

This positive attitude is what those determined to implement a “Great Reset” truly fear. They are realizing that the vaccines ae giving Americans back their health and their freedom of movement. By taking advantage of the Warp Speed vaccines, Americans are showing the Red Chinese that their China virus can’t defeat America.

Modesty aside, the former president has reportedly called the coronavirus vaccine the Trumpcine, a recognition of how his Administration had launched an unprecedented drive to develop and make available an effective vaccine by January 2021. Pfizer and Moderna developed two vaccines in just nine months, which was five times faster than the fastest prior vaccine development in American history. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was issued Emergency Use Authorization for its single-dose COVID-19 vaccine in February.

Biden’s suspension of the latter has now been recognized by Republicans and Democrats as a major mistake that threatens people’s lives.

Even liberal media are wondering why the Biden Administration acted this way. ABC News noted that “the chance of developing this rare type of blood clot [from the J &J vaccine] was less than one in a million — about half a person’s chances of getting hit by lightning, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

In a previous statement, Trump had demanded that the bureaucracy “clean up the record” and “and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly.” He concluded, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The China Virus Was an Inside Job

By Cliff Kincaid

We have lost 564K people to the China virus, while Europe has lost more than 1 million. But Avril Haines, China Joe’s Director of National Intelligence, refuses to say that China is an enemy. It is a “threat,” she conceded, but U.S. intelligence agencies are on top of the problem.

These are real people and real deaths. This is communism in action. And the slaughter continues.

The result:  3 million deaths have been linked to COVID-19 worldwide.

In general terms, she pontificates, the U.S. is faced with “adversaries and competitors, critical transnational threats, and conflicts and instability.”

This pablum costs $85 billion a year ($61.9 billion for the National Intelligence Program, as well as $23.1 billion for the Military Intelligence Program.)

Give us our money back. I want a refund.

President Trump was tough on China and has been proven right. Thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, a fact recognized by such people as Franklin Graham and Dr. James Dobson, we have the chance of surviving the deadly China virus through revolutionary vaccines.

The Europeans are way behind us, largely because of a vast bureaucracy that didn’t act fast enough and is now overly dependent on China.

Ignoring this mass murder, Haines said that “Domestic Violent Extremism,” or DVE, is “an increasingly complex threat that is growing in the United States.” In her Senate testimony, she referred to “white racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, including Neo-Nazi groups,” being “the fastest growing terrorist threat they face.”

There was no mention of any communist groups active in the United States, many of which support Red China.

Regarding the China virus, as reported by CNN and other media, she said U.S. intelligence agencies do not know “exactly where, when or how Covid-19 virus was transmitted initially” in China. She said there are two theories — that “it emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals or it was a laboratory accident.”

But how can they rule out that it was man-made and deliberately released? The answer is they can’t.  They are playing the communist dialectical game – giving us two choices that lead us in a direction that advances the communist plan. The government doesn’t want us to know that they know and that they will not tell us.

Haines alluded to “vaccine diplomacy” on the part of China, the source of the virus. Like “good” communists, dedicated to world domination, they release the virus and then offer their own vaccine as a solution, as they seek “to build influence and in some cases demand accessions from other governments” to control the spread, she said in a matter-of-fact manner.

In the meantime, why not hold China guilty for this diabolical assault and for crimes against humanity?

The answer is that U.S. intelligence knows the virus was man-made but that explanation can’t be offered publicly because it links U.S. Government agencies to the production of the weapon. This is the dirty secret.

People see headlines like, “Pentagon Develops Microchip That Detects COVID When Inserted Under Skin,” and think ordinary civilians are on the verge of getting implants from government, when the evidence suggests that the military recognizes we are in for a period of sustained biological warfare from China. News organs like “60 Minutes” won’t make the necessary conclusion that we are at war with China and that our troops are in desperate need of additional protection, beyond the life-saving vaccines.

Similarly, when vaccine maker Pfizer says a booster shot may be necessary,  the company is acknowledging something that former Trump adviser Peter Navarro understands and writes about in the Washington Times: “The high degree of asymmetric spread —  along with the rapid and deadly mutations of the virus we are now observing —  suggest the possibility of a weaponized virus.”

But here’s his other punch line: “As to whether SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, it is here where Dr. Fauci enters this dangerous picture: In 2017, without sufficient warning to the Trump White House, Dr, Fauci and his NIH colleague Dr. Francis Collins re-authorized the use of so-called gain-of-function research inside China’s Wuhan Lab. Gain-of-function is a genetic engineering tool that improves the ability of a virus to cause disease. In pushing for gain-of-function, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins unilaterally overturned a 2014 decision by the Obama White House to restrict such experiments because of their inherent dangers.”

Navarro is right. Last April I wrote the column, “Obama/Biden Financed China’s Virus Experiments,” looking at the evidence. I noted, “It turns out that one of the country’s most prominent medical and scientific organizations, the federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been funding investigations in China’s most controversial and insecure lab of dangerous viruses in China.”

Then I added this column, “NIH Director in the Middle of China Virus Scandal,” about Collins, an Obama holdover who has a long history of collaborating with the communist Chinese regime.

Keep in mind that these dangerous experiments continued until 2014, when the “cooperation” was suspended, and then restarted in 2017 “without sufficient warning to the Trump White House,” Navarro says.

Our intelligence agencies know this. It didn’t take me $85 billion to dig this out.

Here’s some more background you can discover through a simple Google search (if you know what you are looking for) – it’s the history of the US-China Collaborative Biomedical Research Program. American taxpayers have been paying Chinese Communist scientists to conduct controversial experiments that give the communists expertise they can use in weapons.

The Chinese “researchers” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were receiving assistance from the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch, University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, and the National Institutes of Health.

All of this was out in the open. You don’t need to be James Bond to discover this.

The Senate hearing on Wednesday on the “Annual Threat Assessment,” as determined by our intelligence agencies, ignores the real threat – those same intelligence agencies that knew what was going on and didn’t protest.

But Haines will not report that fact because the truth implicates Obama/Biden personnel in the production and release of the virus. They know the government has been infiltrated by China sympathizers, and our Intelligence Community has been infiltrated as well.

Politicians on Capitol Hill have their heads in the sand, pretending this evidence does not exist. They know the U.S. Government was involved in these dangerous experiments. They are afraid to follow the trail where it leads because it suggests the release of the China virus was an inside job with Chinese and American fingerprints all over the dangerous and deadly sequence of events.

Until we come up with something or someone that will investigate and name our enemies, and then protect the American people, refund that $85 billion directly to the American people.

Frankly, what we desperately need is a Joe McCarthy-type figure in the Senate (or House) who will investigate these agencies and name the names, as Peter Navarro has begun to do.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Vaccines Are a Self-Defense Weapon Against China

By Cliff Kincaid

Seemingly content to sit in in their homes and wait for the free government money to arrive, many Americans still cower in fear over the China virus vaccines and the remote possibility of “vaccine passports.” They fear that Big Pharma will inject poisons into their systems, make them into zombies, and track them. By contrast, former President Trump has repeatedly emphasized that the vaccines developed from his Operation Warp Speed are safe and effective. Trump says, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”

In a development strongly criticized by former President Trump, the Biden Administration temporarily suspended Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine after six women developed blood clots, out of the nearly 7 million people in the U.S. who had the shot. Trump said the suspension was not necessary and that the vaccine had an “extraordinary” track record.

Betsy McCaughey, a former lieutenant governor of New York and health policy expert, calls the development of vaccines to stop the carnage a “miracle” and gives Trump complete credit. She writes that “Trump is responsible for producing vaccines in record time and guaranteeing that America had first dibs on the supply.”

Feeding the fear, which will accelerate after Biden’s suspension of the Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine, G. Edward Griffin, creator of Red Pill Expo, warns of “The Great Culling by Vaccine,” a reference to an alleged depopulation scheme.

Some commentators note that those found with the virus have a 99.75 percent recovery rate but this still means that the virus has claimed more than 2.9 million lives and there is no end in sight, as variants keep emerging. Some of those who survive have very strange symptoms, such as the loss of taste and smell, and hearing problems like Tinnitus.

Christian advocate Dr. James Dobson says, “The Warp Speed immunizations that are now in use offer better immune protection than what is acquired by surviving the disease…we give thanks to God for President Trump’s leadership in launching Operation Warp Speed and the many gifted people within our medical and science communities who have worked tirelessly to help the world overcome this crisis.”

Dobson specifically endorses the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

Some say that only by using these vaccines can we be free of the China virus and restore our nation to economic, military, and spiritual health.

While reasonable people acknowledge that Big Pharma has produced many life-saving drugs and vaccines that make our lives better, on the matter of China virus vaccines there is suddenly instant dread on the part of some former Trump supporters.

I opposed questionable vaccines when I ran the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom. But the China virus is such a threat that any and all measures, including revolutionary mRNA vaccines, must be taken to protect ourselves.

The answer is not to live in isolation like Ted Kaczynski and get angry at the world around you.

I have been researching Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber serving life in federal prison, because of my discovery of Luddite thinking among some opponents of China virus vaccines. Some of these people are also paranoid about 5G technology, digital currencies, artificial intelligence, cell phones and Zoom technology.

The Harvard-educated Kaczynski was an evil genius who wrote “Industrial Society and Its Future,” which was published in the Washington Post in 1995 to help the FBI locate the anarchist zealot. It worked. He was arrested and convicted of murder.

His targets were leaders in science, technology, and industry. He killed three and injured many more. One of the injured victims was David Gelernter, a computer scientist and conservative intellectual who would later write a book about the evil nature of the Unabomber and his philosophy.

A 2018 documentary, “Unabomber – In His Own Words,” describes Kaczynski’s admiration for a French anarchist named Jacques Ellul, sympathy for the eco-terrorist movement, and favorable comments about Muslim terrorists waging war on Western society.

Although Kaczynski was critical of “leftism,” he was a self-declared revolutionary and opponent of capitalism and industrial development. That makes him into what Marxists call an “ecological socialist.” He was himself a victim of Cultural Marxism, leaving what he described as a “stinking family” behind to live alone in a small Montana cabin with no electricity or running water where he constructed his bombs. His bombing campaign continued for 18 years.

Sadly, the modern-day Luddite escaped the death penalty and still spews his venom from a secure federal prison cell, where he inspires Earth First radicals, eco-socialists, and anti-technology activists. A book of his “collected writings” on environmental issues was published in 2010, but his influence can also be seen in the activities of the Green New Deal approach to running America.

A modern example of environmental thinking can be found in Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, who has made it clear that her love of Mother Earth will take precedence over Americans using oil and gas resources on federal lands.

Our enemies in China, Russia, and Iran are not bound by the odd-ball thinking of people like Ted Kaczynski or Deb Haaland. They will exploit every resource and develop every technology necessary to bury the United States.

Rather than think we can survive in a cave or a log cabin somewhere, we have to make sure technology is harnessed for the benefit of the American people. That’s especially true of military technology. The Center for Security Policy warns that the Chinese Communist Party wants to be the dominant military power on Earth by 2049 and the dominant terrestrial power in space.

In order to safeguard our security, we have to stay alive in the face of the threat posed by the China virus and its variants.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

* Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Unabomber and Other Transgender Pioneers

By Cliff Kincaid

“Abortion Is Health Care” was the actual headline over an email I received from the Center for American Progress, with a message quoting a young woman as saying, “I celebrate my abortion, and no one can take that away from me.” This is today’s “progressive” point of view. The actual destruction of a human being is passed off as “heath care.”

Such viewpoints also make their way into “news” stories. The quote about celebrating abortion was actually taken from a story in Teen Vogue, a magazine devoted to fashion, beauty, and entertainment news for teens.

Another example is the phrase “common-sense gun safety measures.” This means taking away Second Amendment rights from law-abiding citizens.

To cite another recent example, consider the phrase “gender-affirming” when discussing surgeries and chemical castration that are used on children. The media agenda today is to glorify perversion and make kids into pawns of the sexual revolution. They promote an industry, much like the abortion industry, which profits from destroying the biological basis of human life.

The agenda is either to kill kids or make them into something they are not. By any objective measure, this is child exploitation and child abuse.

As a veteran media critic, I’ve gotten pretty good at documenting the insidious inventory of slanted journalism techniques that constitute media bias. I have written many books on media misdeeds, including media malpractice – that is, deliberate deception or bias through gross negligence. But the media bias today has sunk even lower, to the extent of masking harm to children in benign and even favorable terms.

It is shocking that some Republicans have fallen for it.

Exhibit number one is a story from the fashionable and corporate-supporting Axios, a media outlet on the cutting edge of societal transformation, about “transgender children.” The story, by somebody named Orion Rummler, is one of the best examples of a style of “journalism” that is designed to undermine everything that is wholesome and good about growing up as boys and girls, based on DNA and the biological facts of life.

Here’s how it began: “Arkansas’ Republican-controlled House and Senate on Tuesday overrode GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s veto of a bill that criminalizes gender-affirming care for transgender children.”

The bill was the “Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act.”

Writing for the Washington Post, an unusual outlet for a conservative governor, Hutchinson claimed he was for limited government and opposed to making the state into “the definitive oracle” in such matters.

Medical Experiments on Minors

But as Tucker Carlson noted in a debate with the governor, one can say the same thing about laws that prohibit minors from drinking beer and getting married. Carlson asked, “Okay, then why are we preventing kids from drinking? Sincere question — or getting married? Sincere question. Having sex? They’re not old enough to have sex, but they’re old enough to be chemically castrated? How does that work exactly?”

The term “gender-affirming” is actually DNA denial, a form of child abuse which exploits children so they can be made into cogs of the on-going sexual revolution that is now expanding on the basis of the deranged belief that boys can be girls, and vice versa.

Not one critic of this insidious practice of sexual mutilation of young people was quoted in the piece. Instead, sexual activists and doctors in the business, as well as the ACLU, are quoted in favor of somehow changing boys into girls.

In order to understand this form of Cultural Marxism, please note the case of the Harvard-educated Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, about whom a psychiatric report said his mental state had deteriorated to the point where he had “fantasies of being a female” and “became convinced that he should undergo sex change surgery.” This modern-day Luddite staged an 18-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured many more before his capture by the FBI in 1996.

Today, such bizarre thoughts are apparently considered completely normal by the Democratic Party and Republicans like Hutchinson.

The founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a member of the Communist Party who wore a dress and promoted the North American Man-Boy Love Association and the occult. He divorced his wife, after being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, before heading off on his perverted journey, finally declaring himself to be a “Radical Faerie.”

Or consider Leslie Feinberg, a male-to-female transgender member of the Workers World Party who also pioneered this “lifestyle.”  Feinberg was described by his supporters as “an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female, revolutionary communist.”

Another prominent advocate of “transgender liberation” is Bradley/Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army analyst sentenced to prison for espionage for his/her collaboration in the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of top-secret intelligence reports. Former President Obama commuted Manning’s sentence, which was originally 35 years in prison for espionage, after only seven years in prison. Manning was an open homosexual in the Army before deciding to become a woman.

Be All You Can Be

Today, under China Joe, men can be women in the Armed Forces, with the surgeries paid for by the American taxpayers.

One can argue that adults in the civilian sector should have the “right” to try to change genders, even though their DNA remains the same DNA they were born with. But children? The obvious agenda is to confuse and capture youth, making them into cannon fodder for the revolution – and to vote Democrat.

These are confused young people, some of whom go through phases, who wonder about their sexuality. They need parental help and counseling. Most will outgrow their delusions.

It would have been appropriate for Axios reporter Orion Rummler to have quoted the ex-transgender Walt Heyer about the young people he has counseled who regret being forced to go through “transgender” surgeries and chemical treatments.  His website is “Sex Change Regret.” He was on my TV program talking about the destructive nature of transgenderism.

It was easy to find a story about this reporter in college participating in transgender events. The name on his Twitter page includes the words, “He/him, trans man.” Links are made to the groups “Trans Journalists Association” and “The Association of LGBTQ Journalists,” known as NLGJA.

The journalistic associations devoted to these special interest causes make sure reporters toe the line.

But no pressure was needed here.

Rummler went through a “training program” with the Association of LGBTQ Journalists and also says, “I wrote a story covering the LGBTQ community in Palm Springs, California during the NLGJA’s 2018 conference and received mentorship from reporters and editors with the New York Times, AP, and Fox News.”

Despite the good work of people like Tucker Carlson on this issue, Fox News has always been a financial backer of the NLGJA.

Journalists are Activists and Advocates

The biased Axios reporter, with an obvious special interest in the issue, gets his/her stories picked up by CBS News, spreading this disinformation of a sexual nature in ways that compound the damage. Another such story by the same reporter: “Pentagon to cover gender-affirming medical care for trans service members.”

Here’s another story by the same reporter carried by Yahoo! News: “Biden issues first-ever presidential proclamation for Trans Day of Visibility.”

The term “gender-affirming” is propaganda that obscures the reality of DNA as the most fundamental level of being a human being.

From a religious perspective, beyond science and human biology, one can argue that this is a full-blown assault on God’s plan for the human family.

The Axios story followed another such obscenity from CNN on the same topic, and you may have heard about this one. The article by CNN breaking news and politics reporter Devan Cole claimed “It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”

A quick search also disclosed political activities by this “journalist” when he was in college at George Washington University.

These are current examples of “bias” that fall into the realm of dishonest story-telling that is designed to make the themes of Cultural Marxism acceptable to Americans. These “journalists” are doing real damage to young people.

Exposing these lies is a critical part of the process of restoring our nation to moral and spiritual health.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

China’s “Death to America” Plan

By Cliff Kincaid

With some conservatives in virtual hysterics over the rollout of former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed and still resisting life-saving vaccines, it’s no wonder that Chinese President Xi Jinping must feel he is in the driving seat of the “Great Reset” and the transformation of the world order.

The U.S.-based anti-vaccine “resistance movement,” which claims the vaccines are more dangerous than the virus, is just what China needs to escape blame for the deaths of millions.

We are usually accustomed to Iran’s rulers proclaiming, “Death to America,” but it’s the new Iranian partner, Communist China, that is doing the real dirty work. The two nations signed a 25-year agreement of “comprehensive cooperation,” laying the groundwork for major changes in the Middle East that threaten Israel’s survival.

Conservative websites are full of scare stories about the vaccines, when the new vaccine technology endorsed by Trump holds out the hope of defeating this dangerous super-virus and finally returning our nation to a period of normalcy.

Some are suspicious of the new vaccine technology, but technology is advancing in many different areas. A new technology for developing vaccines is simply one advance in the world of science and human health that holds great promise for the American people. In a different area, thanks to Trump, Chinese company Huawei’s emerging dominance of emerging 5G telecommunications technology was reversed.

Opposition to advances in science and technology which can benefit Americans constitutes a modern form of the Luddite mentality, at a time when scientific superiority is an absolute must for national survival

The anti-technology resistance, represented in the past by such fanatics as the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, oppose progress and will make America further dependent on China. These opponents of progress are mostly on the left, as they oppose oil and gas technology that is made in America and instead worship Mother Earth, but they are also on the right and take the view that anything and everything that comes out of Big Pharma is harmful to human health. Yet it is a demonstrable fact that many drugs have saved lives and extended the human lifespan.

If America listens to these modern Luddites, we will certainly lose to China in the technology race.

What is lacking in some cases is what Trump did with American companies when he directed them to develop an anti-China virus vaccine to save American lives.

Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, who did the film, “Death by China,” before he joined the Trump Administration, says with satisfaction that “The father of the [coronavirus] vaccine is Donald J. Trump.” Cutting through bureaucracy and regulations, he had predicted the U.S. would move in “Trump time” to have the vaccines quickly. He and the president were proven correct. It was a magnificent achievement.

But some naysayers don’t want to give Trump credit.

The Trump supporters who have now turned on his signature achievement — vaccines in record time — fail to come to grips with the fact that the vast majority of conservative Republicans fighting for the freedom to choose on this issue nevertheless endorse taking the vaccine. Trump knows more than most about the dangers of this virus, having contracted it. Later, he got the vaccine as a back-up.

One columnist praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for banning vaccine passports without noting that he has fully endorsed the use of the vaccines and has in fact pioneered their use on the elderly population in his state.

Sensational claims about the vaccines being used for purposes of “genocide” and depopulation make no sense either, by virtue of the fact that the small nation of Israel, which came into being after the Holocaust, is leading the world in vaccinations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spent most of his life fighting terrorism and protecting Israel’s existence as a nation-state, was described by a Pfizer executive as “obsessive” in his determination to save his nation from the China virus. Referring to Netanyahu, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was quoted by the Times of Israel as saying “He called me 30 times,” in order to obtain the Pfizer vaccine.

Interestingly, Bourla is the Greek-born son of Holocaust survivors.

The effort was so successful that Netanyahu proclaimed that the vaccine brought Israel “back to life” after so much pain, death, and suffering from the virus.

Recognizing the same thing can happen to America, evangelist Franklin Graham did indeed support the vaccines. He cites the story of the Good Samaritan who helps others, in the modern version, by getting vaccinated and preventing the spread of the disease. His Samaritan’s Purse organization has partnered with local entities in North Carolina to vaccinate 3,500 people.

Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, a leading supporter of Israel, was infected with the coronavirus last year and has now taken the vaccine. A spokesman said, “Pastor Hagee himself is taking the vaccine. Pastor Hagee believes in both the power of prayer and modern medicine. These are not mutually exclusive.”

At the same time, Hagee is warning, “Our world is being restructured, leaving God out of the picture. The coronavirus changed America forever.”

We can recognize the dangers of China and other political figures manipulating the circumstances surrounding the control of the disease while acknowledging it is a killer, whose death toll is now more than 2.8 million (with a U.S. death toll above 556,000).

Endtime Ministries founder Irvin Baxter passed away “with complications from Covid-19,” his organization said last November. His book, The China War and the Third Temple, was a novel about a war between Communist China and the United States that produced “plague and global disaster.” In the Bible this is referred to as the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse.

Now, that plague has taken Baxter’s life.

My own book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, predicted China’s leadership role in the global communist revolution

As people debate the meaning of the Book of Revelation, including the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Charisma Magazine has run an article noting that Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, has given his opinion. He got the disease and has dismissed claims that the vaccine is somehow the biblical mark of the beast and heralds the appearance of the anti-Christ.

If anyone has pretensions of being an “anti-Christ,” it is Chinese President Xi Jinping, as America’s leaders continue to dawdle in the face of Chinese aggression, genocide against Muslims, and mass murder using the China virus against the entire population of the world. He seems confident that his regime will overcome the campaign to move the 2022 Winter Olympics out from China.

The “depopulation” scheme is already underway, as China mows down innocent people with a virus that most assuredly came out of a Wuhan lab and that many people fail to resist by taking life-saving vaccines to protect their families and friends.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

American Corporate-Funded Chinese Communism

By Cliff Kincaid

It seems strange to some that Major League Baseball (MLB) pulled its All-Star game out of Atlanta, to punish Georgia for its voter ID law, but signed a deal with a Chinese company for rights to broadcast MLB games. It’s an indication that MLB recognizes China is in charge internationally, and that the Republicans’ days as a national political force in the United States are numbered. The MLB wants to help hammer the final nail into the coffin of the Republican Party. That means crushing free, honest, and fair elections, to make sure another Trump-like figure can never win a national election.

Former President Donald Trump thunders, “It is finally time for Republicans and Conservatives to fight back — we have more people than they do — by far! Boycott Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JP Morgan Chase, Viacom CBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck. Don’t go back to their products until they relent. We can play the game better than them.”

But Trump has no power anymore. He is still banned by media allies of the ruling One-Party state. His Operation Warp Speed will save millions of Americans from the China virus but he rarely gets credit for that, and many of his (former) supporters are still afraid of the vaccine. However, this vaccine roll-out demonstrated what could happen when an American president mobilizes the resources of American science and technology to save American lives, rather than serve Chinese interests.

In terms of numbers, China has more “people power” exercised through the Chinese Communist Party and a global alliance of communist groups around the world, including the Communist Party USA. This group, thought by many to be insignificant, was behind the nomination and confirmation of Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior, in charge of America’s oil and gas resources on federal land. Bowing to “Mother Earth,” she favors legal pot to generate jobs and government revenue in the new economy.

In order for Communist China to dominate the world, any chance of a Republican comeback on the national stage must be nipped in the bud. The MLB has, in effect, become an adjunct of the Chinese Communist Party. Other corporations have followed this trend. Marxists see this as a major development in America’s transition to socialism and communism.

The Republican counter-attack — to remove MLB’s decades-old antitrust exemption — is too little too late, and won’t pass anyway in a Democratic Party-controlled Congress.

What this means is that the days when the Republicans were the party of Big Business are over. The GOP will be left with the people who elected Trump – middle-income Americans. Ironically, what can possibly save America in the current predicament is what the Marxists originally proposed – a working class revolution.

Domestically, conservatives need to take advantage of the one group formerly in the Democratic Party camp that is now totally disillusioned with Marxist politics – the workers and their families, who, in the words of Barack Hussein Obama, want to “cling” to their guns and religion.

If you’re perplexed by big corporations making deals with China, while attacking America’s system of government (such as states administering federal elections), it makes sense to Marxists. These are prime examples of what the Marxists call the highest stage of capitalism. It means old-fashioned capitalism is finished and is being replaced by monopoly capitalism and the power of what’s called “finance capital,” the hedge funds and big banks. Marxists call this imperialism, except today it’s on China’s terms.

China is today’s global imperialist power, using a pandemic caused by the China virus to consolidate power.

On cue, in regard to Biden’s $3 trillion “infrastructure” plan, socialist scholar Paul LeBlanc’s article, “Socialist Convergence and the Green New Deal,” is relevant. Written before Biden “won” the election, he says: “It is possible and necessary to build a powerful mass socialist movement in the United States by 2030 that could be in a position to provide an effective challenge to capitalism and transition to a socialist democracy.”

We have to understand, as Karl Marx predicted in the Communist Manifesto, that the new developments in America, on the road to socialism and then communism, include putting the means of communication (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in the hands of the state and using capitalism as a hammer to force the rest of us into compliance with the socialist agenda of the ruling class.

We have some freedom left in America but it’s quickly dissipating. In China, as even the Biden State Department report on China shows, there is no freedom. Our future, if the Chinese model is imposed on America, includes:

  • arbitrary or unlawful killings by the government.
  • forced disappearances by the government.
  • torture by the government; harsh and life-threatening prison and detention conditions.
  • arbitrary detention by the government…
  • political prisoners.
  • the lack of an independent judiciary and Communist Party control over the judicial and legal system.
  • arbitrary interference with privacy.
  • pervasive and intrusive technical surveillance and monitoring.
  • serious restrictions on free expression, the press, and the internet, including physical attacks on and criminal prosecution of journalists, lawyers, writers, bloggers, dissidents, petitioners, and others as well as their family members, and censorship and site blocking.
  • interference with the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of association.

This stage of development is something that V.I. Lenin and Marxist scholars have written about for decades. Depending on the particular historical circumstances and conditions of a country, certain things will occur. As I see it, based on my study of Marx, who was a keen observer of America during the Civil War, we are now in the process of the state exercising control (though not direct ownership) of the major means of production. That includes actual production of consumer goods and monetary manipulation through the Federal Reserve.

Remember a key plank of the Communist Manifesto was “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.” By one estimate, Federal Reserve spending during the pandemic has exceeded $7.4 trillion.

In effect, major engines of corporate capitalism have become prime movers of the historical process of moving a country from capitalism into socialism. They have become instruments of the state.

There are some honest leftists recoiling in horror at all of this. But they call it fascism. True Marxists regard it as a significant stage on the road to world communism.

Taking this process one step further on the global level, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen just gave a speech on “International Priorities” that included “working with G20 nations to agree to a global minimum corporate tax rate…”

This is the beginning of a global tax, which requires what they call “global governance.” But don’t think the so-called “woke companies,” as Trump called them, will pay the bill. You will. On top of a rise in the corporate tax rate, which will be passed on to consumers, there will likely be a “financial transaction tax,” also known as the Tobin tax globally, to finance world government.

Ignoring China’s role in mass murder, Yellen added, “Beyond our borders, as the pandemic has made clearer than ever before, the global community is in this together.  We will fare better if we work together and support each other.”

On that basis, the American government agencies and major corporations that worked with China before the release of the virus will continue to do so, as if nothing has changed.

At this point, we need a real “people’s revolution” against the Marxists in power in China and America.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of American’s Survival, Inc.

Race With The Devil

By Cliff Kincaid

As my family was visiting Rome in February of 2020, we took a tour of the Colosseum only to discover a statue of Moloch, the pagan deity of child sacrifice, being displayed. It was truly shocking. The Colosseum is viewed by many Christians as a sacred site because early Christians were martyred there. Sacrifice and resurrection are what we celebrate on Easter.

But the devil is staging a counter-attack. On Good Friday, a Nation of Islam lunatic fanatic attacked the Capitol and died in a confrontation with police. He killed one officer and injured another. He believed, as Louis Farrakhan does, that white men are devils. He described Farrakhan as the Messiah and posted the statement, “The U.S. Government is the no.1 enemy of Black people!”

Exhibiting similar thinking, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the first black man to lead the Pentagon, vows to purge the “enemies within.” He leaves no doubt these are white people of a conservative persuasion.

We are constantly lectured about the “systemic nature of racist police violence” in the murder trial of police officer Derek Chauvin, when the evidence shows that the black “victim,” George Floyd,was high on drugs, kicking and screaming, and foaming at the mouth. The police had no alternative but to pin him down with a knee to the neck, an acceptable police procedure when a suspect goes berserk.

Almost everywhere you look, in the name of diversity and inclusion, white people, especially white men, are demonized, when it’s the black family in need of redemption.

But rather than address this problem, black leadership demonizes “whitey,” demands reparations, and resists demands for fair and honest elections. Their constant racist bullying has now forced Major League Baseball to toe the line, making sports another instrument for Marxist domination of the culture.

The corruption is deep, affecting all major institutions, but the impact in the military has to be considered in some detail. The U.S. Navy now teaches that sailors can promote Black Lives Matter, a group that explicitly called for disrupting the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” before this statement was taken down for  being too Marxist.

In this context, Mark J. Perry has posted new data from the National Center for Health Statistics on the percent of U.S. births to unmarried women by race in 2019. Blacks are at the top, with 70 percent.

With tongue in cheek, scholar Charles Murray commented, “Nothing to see here. Move along.”

Moving on, the Defense Department has issued a press release saying the Pentagon “proudly recognizes transgender and gender non-conforming people and their continued struggle for equality, security and dignity.” Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said the DOD “will lead by example in the cause of advancing the human rights of LGBTIQ people around the world, ”with LGBTIQ standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning individuals.

I question how the mighty Defense Department can accept DNA deniers into the ranks and make their comfort and safety a high priority.

The answer, of course, is that this stems from executive orders issued by China Joe Biden.

With the Armed Forces in decline and disarray, our only hope is that sheer military equipment, in terms of bombs, missiles, ships, and planes, will provide a deterrent of some sort to our enemies. Perhaps our military muscle alone can save us.

In an example of perfect timing, so we can understand the nature of the real enemy within, the great book, Color, Communism, and Common Sense – A True Story, has been re-published.  The author, Manning Johnson,a member of the Communist Party USA’s Negro Commission and its National Committee, describes how a communist campaign was launched after the Russian revolution to exploit the “Negro question” in the U.S. and manipulate blacks and members of other minority groups for communist purposes.

The new post-Christian global order under development is being implemented in China and holds that a small group of powerful people will manage the future through technocracy. Some of these people believe in “transhumanism,” the use of science and technology to enhance human mental and physical characteristics, creating a virtual super-race of humans that effectively weeds out the white race and capitalism and “patriarchy” along with it. China’s “Motherland,” with those racial connotations, will assume the leading role.

On the cutting edge of research that includes creating the world’s first genetically-altered babies, China has created a super-virus that continues to wipe out millions of people through variants without end.

Caught off-guard by the Chinese experiments and suspicious of Big Pharma and the global elites working with China, some Americans refuse to take advantage of life-saving vaccines developed under the auspices of former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. Trump got Covid but also took the vaccine and highly recommends it, as he was directing the behind-the-scenes effort that used American ingenuity and science to produce a near miracle that defeats China’s advance and plan for world domination.

Israel understands the stakes, using the vaccines to survive another planned holocaust that has already taken 2.8 million lives on the global level.

A member of the global elite, Jeffrey Epstein believed that he would, personally, be resurrected and experience a form of eternal life. But as “the man who knew too much” with connections to Harvard and billionaires in charge of the global transition, he had to pay the price with a convenient “suicide,” when his pedophilia became too explicit for law enforcement authorities to ignore.

Our media have been to busy suppressing “conspiracy theories” about a Satanic elite practicing pedophilia to let Epstein carry on publicly for too long.

As we hopefully come to our senses with God’s guidance and return to basic Biblical truths, one important place to start is National DNA Day on April 25. The Marxist left will, of course, attempt to exploit this event with special seminars, discussions and guest speakers for their own purposes. Their agenda, carried forward in Jeffrey Epstein’s absence, is to re-engineer humanity. China is their model and hope for the world.

It sounds simplistic, but we should begin by emphasizing the basic facts of life, revealed in DNA, that men are men, and women are women. Another fact of life is that an unborn baby is unique from the moment of conception because of its DNA. These happen to correspond with Biblical truths.

Biden/Harris, who claim to be people of faith, believe that a baby is the property of the mother, in the same way slaves were the property of slave owners. Biden/Harris are DNA deniers who oppose the scientific proof of human life and human differences.

In this monumental debate, which goes to the heart of the Christian faith, we will find out whether Christians will defend that faith.

The devil, if truth be told, is behind this assault on Christianity.

The reality of this spiritual battle was impressed upon me when, a year ago, on the occasion of Easter, I wrote a column noting that six exorcisms were being conducted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. An exorcism in Mount Rainier, Maryland, in the Washington, D.C. area, inspired the book by William Peter Blatty and the film, “The Exorcist.” Blatty also wrote Legion, a book about demons based on Satan’s proclamation, “My name is Legion, for we are many,” in answer to Jesus’ question, “What is your name?”

His book The Ninth Configuration (also a film) examines our present circumstances, looking at the improbability based on mathematics that the earth was created by chance.

But if we are here because of God, why doesn’t He save us?

“Maybe God can’t interfere in our affairs,” says one character. “Maybe God can’t interfere because to do so would spoil his plan for something in the future. Some evolution of man and the world that’s so unimaginably beautiful that it’s worth all the tears and all the pain of every suffering thing that ever lived; and maybe when we get to that moment in time we’ll look back and say, “Yes; yes, I’m glad that it was so!”

God can’t interfere but He can make his presence known, in a way that defies human logic and demands faith.

Many countries go through periods of decline. The Christian existentialist philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, had described corruption in the Danish State Church, declaring that everyone knew privately that the system was rotten and corrupt but they would not say so publicly. “Just as one says that death has marked a man, so we recognize the symptoms which demand to be attacked. It is a battle against lies,” he said.

That is our society today.

Kierkegaard took a leap of faith into Christianity, as opposed to Jean-Paul Sartre, an existentialist who took a disastrous leap of faith into Marxism.

America has made a leap into Marxism.

America’s current plight reminds me of the 1975 film, “Race With The Devil,” about friends trying to escape a Satanic cult. On a road trip and vacation in the wilderness, they witness from afar a human sacrifice and try to escape when they are discovered by the Satanic participants. At the end the vacationers think they’re safe when they are actually surrounded. In real life, we, too, are surrounded.

“When you race with the devil, you better be faster than hell,” says the announcer for the film.

America may not survive without outside help.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

America’s Leaders Dawdle as the China Plague Continues to Kill

By Cliff Kincaid

One of the most popular lies among conservatives is that the coronavirus is as harmless as the common cold. President Trump, who launched Operation Warp Speed to develop anti-China virus vaccines, disagreed. We are beginning to find out, even from the “official” sources, that the virus came out of a Chinese weapons laboratory.

The United States is presently facing three dangerous threats — China, Russia and Iran.

But instead of exposing these threats, especially the on-going plague, one “popular” conservative commentator is attacking people who followed Trump’s advice and are taking the vaccines. He calls vaccinated people “walking biological time bombs” because they are trying to be, in the words of Franklin Graham, good Samaritans.

Evangelist Graham says that, based on the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, “Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines to treat suffering and save lives.”

People I know are taking the vaccines because they want their families, friends, and loved ones to live. They believe the scientists commissioned by former President Trump in Operation Warp Speed have made a tremendous breakthrough in vaccine technology at a time when we need it the most. Like Trump, who took the vaccine, they are trusting America’s scientists, who, under Trump’s direction, cut through the government bureaucracy in a race to develop vaccines and save lives.

Israel, whose survival is always threatened by the Arab/Muslim bloc, is taking no chances, using the same vaccines to save their own people.

Franklin Graham has seen the suffering, saying, “Samaritan’s Purse has operated COVID-19 emergency field hospitals, and we have seen the suffering firsthand. I also have staff and their family members who contracted the virus and spent weeks on a ventilator and months hospitalized as a result — I don’t want anyone to have to go through that. Vaccines have worked for polio, smallpox, measles, the flu and so many other deadly illnesses — why not for this virus?”

He adds, “My wife and I have both had the vaccine; and at 68 years old, I want to get as many more miles out of these old bones as possible!”

Don’t be confused by baseball and basketball games occurring. Unless we reach coronavirus herd immunity quickly, the plague will continue to spread.

Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is the latest conservative to have an awakening about the China virus. She is quick to note the “bizarre” symptoms, including the loss of taste and smell. She didn’t take it seriously enough until members of her family got it. Now she recommends the use of masks.

Consider the damage already done by the Communist Chinese. Author and filmmaker Robert Orlando says that, as a result of unleashing this virus on the world, “China is now positioned geopolitically the way the U.S. was in the post-World War II era of 1945. For very different reasons than the U.S displayed then, China is now the emerging hegemony.”

He adds, “One leak of the virus has set us back almost 10 trillion dollars. Combined with fear, it has weakened our once rugged nation-state, which now appears blindly committed to its own silent decline. If you were in China, and the self-destructive war was the only alternative, isn’t this what you’d do?”

There are many stories from the victims. I have heard them. One victim of the China virus who was treated by Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse said: “My body would not relax for me. I went to the bathroom, and my throat started swelling. I couldn’t hear, and my son was crying, ‘Mom, wake up, please.’ Suddenly I couldn’t see anything, only black, and then I couldn’t hear his voice anymore.”

The death and suffering are real. This is not the common cold or the flu.

A neutral observer, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former apostolic nuncio to the United States,declares, “We know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in all probability produced in a laboratory with the complicity of the Chinese dictatorship. Since China is one of the main financiers of the World Health Organization (WHO) after the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it has been able to prevent any investigation on the origin of the virus or the early stages of its spread.”

A true whistleblower, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan was on Tucker Carlson’s show and released a report indicating that the SARS CoV-2 Coronavirus was created in the Wuhan lab and deliberately released to every nation in the world.

Even World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus calls for further studies and is not taking the word of the Chinese communists that the virus came from an animal. “The role of animal markets is still unclear,” he says.

He adds, “The team also visited several laboratories in Wuhan and considered the possibility that the virus entered the human population as a result of a laboratory incident.However, I do not believe that this assessment was extensive enough. Further data and studies will be needed to reach more robust conclusions. Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigation, potentially with additional missions involving specialist experts, which I am ready to deploy.”

This is about as far as he can or will go. After all, China, he notes, “participated” in the report.

Even worse, Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is supposed to work for the American people, was asked by CNN host Dana Bash if he considers China the United States’ biggest adversary and he would only say there “are clearly and increasingly adversarial aspects of the relationship.”

His next answer was even worse.

She asked, “You said at your confirmation hearing, Mr. Secretary, that you believe the Chinese government misled the world about coronavirus. Given that and the millions of people, of course, who have died around the world, should China be punished for that?”

He answered, “You know, I think the issue for us is to make sure that we do everything possible to prevent another pandemic, even as we’re working through this one, or at the very least to make sure that we can mitigate in much more effective ways any damage done if something happens in the future.” He later said that “we do need to have both accountability for the past, but I think our focus needs to be on building a stronger system for the future.”

Millions are dead, including more than half a million Americans, and he wants to focus instead on the future.

No wonder he works for China Joe.

Meanwhile, Congress failed to act on H.R.6519 the “Holding the Chinese Communist Party Accountable for Infecting Americans Act of 2020.” Only 10 House members bothered to co-sponsor the Rep. Dan Crenshaw bill.

This is worse than a cover-up. This is complicity in mass murder.

Sadly, even to this day, some conservatives debate the nature of the virus, the virus tests, masks, and so forth, without holding the Red Chinese rulers accountable for what they have done. They attack the vaccinated and not the communists who unleashed the virus. They will be burying their dead as a New World Order emerges, with China on top and a “post-communist” Russia and Islamic Iran playing second and third fiddle.

With our own government failing to protect the nation as a whole, our only option is to save ourselves. That means self-defense and survival. Thank heaven Trump was in power long enough to start the process of providing life-saving vaccines.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

How Woke Conservatives Cancel Their Own Culture

By Cliff Kincaid

Conservatives have canceled their own culture. Glenn Beck was a recent example, blasting anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy and warning of a new “Red Scare” targeting conservatives. We should have taken the old Red Scare more seriously and could have avoided our current fate.

That fate, recently described by federal Judge Laurence Silberman, is the “ideological consolidation” of the media in the hands of the Democratic Party and its allies.  Marx called it the centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state.

My YouTube channel, America’s Survival TV, is one of many conservative outlets which have suffered as a result. The censors have decided that I have offended them not once but twice, with the two “strikes” leading inevitably to the removal of my work, including conferences and interviews on the Marxism problem, going back decades. They have the kind of power that can destroy my property at their whim since they provided the platform for my 400 videos. Of course, I was persuaded to start a channel in the first place because of the misguided notion that YouTube welcomed free and fair debate on all the major issues of our time.

Since the Democratic Party assumed control of the White House and Congress, the censorship has accelerated.

The Marxist consolidation of power has been driven in part by a reaction against “McCarthyism” that goes back decades. The public has been told that McCarthy persecuted innocent people and that the communists he pursued did not exist.

But one of my mentors, M. Stanton Evans, an authoritative figure in the conservative movement, wrote the definitive biography of McCarthy, Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies, which vindicated his anti-communist work.

Confirmation of McCarthy’s charges came from an unexpected source. Washington Post Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein wrote a book, Loyalties, about his parents, Al and Sylvia Bernstein, being members of the Communist Party. Al Bernstein begged his son not to publish this book, saying, “You’re going to prove McCarthy right because all he was saying was that the system was loaded with Communists. And he was right.”

Bernstein had an axe to grind against those, like Richard Nixon, who exposed communists like Alger Hiss. Nixon’s downfall in Watergate brought to power Democrats who cut off aid to South Vietnam, producing a Communist bloodbath and genocide in Southeast Asia.

McCarthy was unable to complete his investigation of communist infiltration of the government. Curiously, that probe was ended when McCarthy went into Bethesda Naval Hospital with a knee injury and came out dead from hepatitis.

Revelations about communist infiltration of all American institutions, including journalism, surface with regularity. Former CIA officer Nicholas Reynolds wrote, Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy, about the famous writer and author Ernest Hemingway being a Soviet spy. Hemingway was recruited into the enemy camp on ideological grounds.

On a recent show, Beck included Martin Luther King, Jr. on the list of innocent victims of the anti-communist witch hunt. He claimed the FBI decided to “spy” on King Jr. for no legitimate reason.

This left-wing myth, accepted by conservatives, shows how “woke” some conservatives have become. They have “canceled” McCarthy to make themselves look acceptable in the eyes of the left. They have embraced King, even though, under the influence of communist advisers, he attacked the noble cause of resisting the advance of communism in Vietnam.

It’s a shame that Beck has taken this turn, since I once organized a “Bring Back Beck” campaign after he was fired from Fox News for exposing George Soros.

Ironically, before he started denouncing McCarthyism, he interviewed M. Stanton Evans about his book vindicating McCarthy. In this 2010 interview, Evans told Beck that in his research he found FBI files, “which backed up what McCarthy was saying,” and they “had been withheld for 50 years.” Evans added, “They show…essentially that he was right in general. There was a massive penetration of the government and that it was covered up and that he threatened that cover-up. And that is why he was isolated, demonized and destroyed. That’s the technique.”

I wrote about Beck’s recent show attacking McCarthyism, noting that he compares McCarthyism to the attacks on Trump supporters, as if McCarthy was somehow off target in going after communists in government. In addition to the examples of communist penetration of the U.S. government that I cited in my column, evidence from Soviet archives and the decoded Soviet cables known as the Venona intercepts vindicated McCarthy.

In regard to the King matter, I suggest Beck consult a book by Caroline Kennedy, daughter of JFK and Jackie Kennedy, entitled, Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy. The book makes it abundantly clear that Jack and Bobby Kennedy, as well as Jackie, saw through the public facade of the Reverend King and knew him to be a proven liar about his communist connections and a scoundrel in terms of his personal life. Jackie called King a “phony” in the taped conversations that form the basis of the book.The facts also show that he was a plagiarist who stole material from other people and claimed it as his own.

David J. Garrow explained some of the controversy in his 1981 book The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as a 2002 Atlantic magazine article based on it. He notes that Bobby Kennedy, the Attorney General, authorized the FBI to begin wiretapping the telephones of King because he “believed that one of King’s closest advisers was a top-level member of the American Communist Party, and that King had repeatedly misled Administration officials about his ongoing close ties with the man.” The associate was Stanley Levison, who had been involved in Communist Party USA financial affairs and was helping to arrange funding of the party by Moscow.

Beck was wrong for suggesting there was no legitimate reason to investigate King, and that the FBI did this on its own. Liberal Bobby Kennedy ordered J. Edgar Hoover to do it.

What’s more, we all know, or should know by now, that King was a scoundrel in terms of his personal life. We can understand why Jackie called Reverend King a “phony” in the taped conversations that form the basis of the book. That’s because we now have a FBI report on the orgies he arranged and participated in. Jackie had access to that information.

Some conservatives don’t want to talk about King’s character because they might be accused of racism. This is ironic since one of King’s famous quotes was judging people on the content of their character and not by their racial heritage.

While Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a fighter for civil rights and showed unique courage in opposing racism, he had his own serious flaws, one of which was failing to understand the dangers of Marxism. That Marxist movement has hijacked the black cause and today has made it into one of reparations.

In order to further divide and demoralize America, Marxism took civil rights and applied it to homosexuals and transgenders. Harry Hay, the modern-day founder of the gay rights movement, was a member of the Communist Party who wore a dress and believed in the occult. All of this has been planned out in advance. Today, it even infects the U.S. military.

We can’t recognize the predicament we’re in unless we give credit to those who dared to expose the communist threat when the Marxists began the process of infiltrating the American political system.

© 2021 Cliff Kicaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Marijuana Madness in the White House

By Cliff Kincaid

If you’ve been following “March Madness,” look no further than the purge of potheads in the White House. Somebody in power — perhaps Joe Biden himself — decided that potheads should not be writing his policies and speeches. He understands that using marijuana is still illegal under federal law and that it has wreaked havoc on his own family members.

News of the firings of potheads was leaked to the publication The Daily Beast, which reported that “dozens of young White House staffers have been suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program due to past marijuana use.”

Perhaps the stench of marijuana was getting too heavy around the Oval Office. Or perhaps there is a growing awareness at the highest levels of the government of the damage the drug is doing to people.

If it wasn’t Biden, it may have been Dr. Vivek Murthy, who was just confirmed as Surgeon General. He has been opposed to marijuana legalization in the past and has expressed concern about how rapidly states have been legalizing marijuana without understanding the potency of the drug.

In a letter to Dr. Murthy, the group Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana noted that research on marijuana’s harmful effects is known and accumulating. “This is a social change that has no positive outcomes,” the group says.

Anti-drug activists are pleased that the Biden White House has “doubled down” on defending the firing of potheads in the face of immense pressure and ridicule.

Our media have been implicated in the drug culture since the Jimmy Carter days, when Dr. Peter Bourne, Carter’s adviser on drug abuse, resigned amidst charges that he had written an illegal prescription for quaaludes and had been observed snorting cocaine at a National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) party. Two Washington Post reporters were at the party.

In regard to marijuana and other drugs, some believe we are entering the Brave New World of Aldous Huxley, where Soma is prescribed for the population, to alter their consciousness. The Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy has published a ground-breaking analysis of how marijuana is linked to violence, mental illness and even Jihad.

In this regard, the arrest of a Black Lives Matter activist in possession of a firearm, marijuana and drug paraphernalia is significant. He was arrested for allegedly participating in the defacement of a statue of former President Lincoln in Idaho during Black History Month. The activist, Terry Wilson, was identified as a former Boise State University adjunct professor.

The White House pothead firings created a problem, since Vice President Harris is a disciple of the marijuana movement, having declared it a mind-altering substance that brings “joy” to the world.

For potheads, “Joy to the World” means recreational marijuana. For Democrats and some Republicans, legalization means that stoners with a habit buy more and more dope, creating more government revenue.

Harris said during the campaign that marijuana would be decriminalized at a federal level in the United States under a Biden administration.

Democrats have been spearheading the drug legalization movement, egged on by millions from George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg, and there has been predictable resistance to the firing of those White House staffers over their marijuana use.

The group NORML highlighted the fact that the Congressional Marijuana Caucus, led by Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Don Beyer, Jared Huffman, Mondaire Jones, and Barbara Lee, fired off a letter to Biden protesting the firings. The members noted that “Those in the upper ranks of your administration won’t face consequences for their cannabis use, and nor should they, but the same standard should be applied across the administration.”

By that they meant Kamala Harris, now in charge of America’s open borders policy.

Kamala Harris loves marijuana, which is about to be legalized nationally in Mexico, and Joe Biden knows a lot about it, too. His daughter was busted for weed and his son Hunter experienced harder drugs like cocaine, forcing him out of the military after he was caught snorting.

There’s absolutely no indication that China Joe is a user but Barack Hussein Obama was such a notorious abuser of hard drugs that there was speculation about whether this stoner president was mentally impaired. Of course, China Joe seems mentally impaired in other ways.

Obama was a former member of the “Choom Gang” of heavy marijuana users and admitted to using cocaine. David Maraniss, author of a book on Obama, notes that the word “choom” means to smoke marijuana. He said Obama “started a few pot-smoking trends,” suggesting the future president understood ways to make the “high” from the drug even more powerful and lasting. One method they used was to smoke dope in a car and then inhale or suck in what was left of the smoke in the ceiling of the car.

The firing of the Biden White House pothead staffers gives us some hope that Biden may not completely embrace the national drive launched by Obama (and embraced by Harris) to make cannabis more legally and freely available. It appears that someone in the White House making these decisions understands the lingering effects of the heavy use of illegal drugs. Perhaps Biden doesn’t want people around him who followed the example of his son Hunter.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The China Virus Deception Campaign

By Cliff Kincaid

China Joe Biden calls Russian President Putin a killer but can’t bring himself to say the same thing about China President Xi, who is in charge of a controversial biological warfare lab in Wuhan that has been linked to 2.75 million dead.

“He’s a smart, smart guy,” Biden said at his news conference. “We’re not looking for confrontation,” he added.

During the history of the world, at critical turning points, there have been massive deception operations. Think about the Trojan Horse. Or consider how D-Day was designed to convince the Nazis that the main Allied landings would be in the Pas-de-Calais and not in Normandy. The latest and most successful deception operation is the China virus campaign. We are the victims and can’t even call it the China virus.

On the other hand, we can call the variants by their country names, such as the South African variant, the British variant, and the Brazilian variant.

Simply stated, the Communist Chinese and their supporters (“the patriotic united front”) want people to think their government had nothing to do with the release of this virus. It was just an accident, they say, that it happened in Wuhan, a center of China’s declared biowarfare/biodefence capacity. They have even blamed American troops for the disaster.

President Trump understood from the start that the China virus was a national security threat.

As the world attempts to recover from the China virus, the communists are committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. They are in the same position as Hitler when he thought he was on the road to world domination.  The world didn’t take him seriously, as he began mass extermination campaigns.

Almost exactly a year ago, in my column, “A Frankenstein Monster Devouring the World,” I noted the curious timing of the virus, saying, “President Trump was moving in the direction of America-first policies before the Chinese unleashed their virus on the world.”

In that column I examined Chinese work in the area of scientific and genetic experiments, including biowarfare. They seem to be undertaking all of the controversial experiments the Nazis were doing in the name of the “Fatherland,” The Chinese, in their “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China,” call it the “Motherland.”

Aware of the dangers and understanding things about the disease that only he, as president, would know, Trump launched Operation Warp Speed to develop vaccines. He could not, of course, declare war on China. We were not prepared for that and he had the immediate task of protecting our people from this bioweapon.

Before going out of office, the Trump Administration noted that Operation Warp Speed was “an unprecedented drive to develop and make available an effective vaccine by January 2021” and that Pfizer and Moderna developed two vaccines in just nine months, five times faster than the fastest prior vaccine development in American history.

This amazing success demonstrated how, when government bureaucracies are cut down to size and regulations reduced, the private sector can act quickly.

Trump did what he had to do – tap America’s scientific expertise in a partnership to save lives. He had no other alternative.

Little did he know that much of the opposition would come from some of his own supporters and that they would turn on him.

One person wrote to me, saying, “We’re dealing with a MONSTER VACCINE, not a monster virus.” The Chinese Communists unleashed a killer on the world and yet these people are saying they fear Trump’s Operation Warp Speed more than the China virus attack on our people.

Some people write to me with even more outlandish assertions, insisting that Trump is guilty of genocide for authorizing new vaccines and ushering in the end times.

Journalist Alex Berenson, a critic of some government policies during Covid-19, such as masks and lockdowns, has concluded after analyzing the data that the theory behind the mRNA vaccines has merit and that the vaccines “do work.” Many questions remain, he says, but “the mRNA hypothesis has now been shown to work in the most dramatic possible way.”

He adds this: “Vaccine advocates see a scientific leap forward that work not just against the coronavirus but influenza, other viruses, and even cancer.”

While I am not a professional vaccine advocate and have had doubts about them in the past, I have come to the same conclusion as Berenson.

Conservatives are being told, however, that Trump is guilty of genocide. One conservative columnist claimed the very successful Pfizer vaccine program in Israel amounted to a “holocaust” against the Jews. The reverse is true. Indeed, right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had hoped that the results from what was described as “a world-beating Covid vaccination campaign” would help him in the elections there.  The nation had fully vaccinated 50.2% of its population.

China Joe Biden has a different approach than Trump, while exploiting Operation Warp speed to his political advantage. His top people recently met with Chinese Communist officials and failed to raise the issue of the China virus at all. Is this because Biden fears the Chinese or that his people are being paid off by them?

In terms of sheer numbers of people killed, the China virus is an instrument of mass murder. Citing official numbers, the anti-communist Epoch Times on Wednesday provided the latest U.S. casualties:

  • US Confirmed Cases: 30,587,629
  • US Deaths: 556,111
  • US Recovered: 22,851,070

The Epoch Times has no doubt this is a China virus but goes further, calling it the “CCP Virus,” referring to Chinese Communist Party. The publication declares, “The name holds the CCP accountable for its wanton disregard of human life and consequent spawning of a pandemic that has put untold numbers in countries around the world at risk, while creating widespread fear and devastating the economies of nations trying to cope with this disease.”

Nevertheless, Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler blamed the Atlanta shootings on people referring to the Chinese origin of the China virus. We are told “anti-Asian racism” and not China’s biological warfare campaign is the real problem. Racism is always an evil, but it’s the racism of the Chinese regime, as they campaign to expand the “Motherland,” that is also of utmost concern. Many more lives are being lost because of the murderous mind-set of the Chinese communists. They have made it clear, after taking Hong Kong, the next target is Taiwan. They say so in their party constitution.

While private biotech companies have come to our assistance, as a result of directives from Trump through Operation Warp Speed, there are many serious questions remaining abut how government agencies, including the Pentagon, were collaborating with the Chinese.

One of my Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA) at one of the agencies has been stalled. But the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) filed also filed a FOIA with the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectiousness Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health seeking all documents in its possession and that of Director Anthony S. Fauci regarding grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan.

Going further, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for National Institutes of Health (NIH) records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China

There are also honest liberals who have been looking at it.

For example, the U.S. Right to Know organization has been examining “how, where and why the virus first infected humans, as well as information about leaks and other mishaps at biosafety labs and the risks of gain-of-function research, which aims to increase the lethality or infectivity of potential pandemic pathogens.” The group has already found evidence that some of the people in U.S. government-funded organizations have been trying to divert attention away from a laboratory origin of the virus because they had been working with Chinese scientists at the Wuhan lab.

Independent left-wing journalist Sam Husseini has written an article about how various “experts” have been “remarkably evasive” about the source of the disease and whether it came from a lab.

But with so many conservatives questioning the life-saving vaccines, and Democratic Party “progressives” refusing to confront China over the origin of the virus, we are still at the mercy of this deadly killer. The Chinese are sitting on top of the world and laughing as they destroy us.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Trump’s Fair-Weather Friends

By Cliff Kincaid

I have discovered to my chagrin that some of former President Trump’s most vociferous critics were one-time supporters of his policies. These are the people who reject his signature achievement, Operation Warp Speed, producing anti-China virus vaccines in record time. It’s the one achievement that China Joe Biden won’t dismantle and in fact wants to exploit for his own political benefit.

By contrast to the informed consent form for the vaccines, I didn’t have to sign anything from China before the communists unleashed their virus on the world. They didn’t ask for my permission. They were experimenting, in my view, with viruses in a lab under military control. When it got out, deliberately or accidentally, they blamed the United States as part of a communist disinformation campaign.

I hate the Chinese communist regime and what it represents. What they did to our people was an act of war. I thank President Trump for confronting the Chinese regime and launching Operation Warp Speed to counter the effects of the virus. He should still be in office.

Whatever you decide, remember that it’s not just your life that’s at stake. Family and friends could get the disease from you.

In deciding what to do, take note of the fact that conservative governors such as Ron DeSantis in Florida are promoting the vaccines. Conservative governments around the globe are promoting them, too.

Since I came out in favor of taking the vaccines, many former Trump supporters have attacked me. I depended on what Trump experienced and has said. But I also analyzed the arguments for and against the vaccines. I interviewed on America’s Survival TV several critics. I made my decision after reading the material that was provided to me in advance and which I had to sign. I fear the virus more than the vaccine.

What the critics of Trump don’t focus on is the nature of the virus, except to say they doubt this or that. Some claim the China virus is a total hoax or fraud. Some think it’s like the common cold or flu. I suspect they don’t know people who have gotten the disease, one of whom is Trump. One person I know who got it was in the hospital for months. He barely survived. His doctors said the virus is unique, unlike anything previously known, because it attacks vulnerable parts of the body. It attacks the body at the body’s weakest link. It looks like the flu in some respects but is much more insidious.

These former Trump supporters reject his experience, in coming down with the disease, and his declaration that the vaccine is safe and effective. He was exposed to many of America’s top doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. But that doesn’t matter to them.

Some current and former Trump supporters don’t like Fauci and have other “experts.” That’s their right to seek opinions elsewhere. I have done so as well. I don’t trust Fauci. Neither does Senator Rand Paul, a medical doctor. He rejects Fauci’s advice on masks but accepts the need for the vaccines.

If people don’t accept the vaccines, it means they are also dismissive of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his efforts to control the disease by getting the population quickly vaccinated. This is the governor said to be “Trump’s heir” to the White House. And he is completely on board with “Operation Warp Speed” and has accelerated his plan for getting Florida residents vaccinated.

The GOP Doctors Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives is vigorously promoting the vaccines. They also note, “Despite calls for national unity and bipartisanship, President Joe Biden and his top aides have declined to give the Trump administration credit on the nation’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout while relying heavily on a system established by their predecessors.”

Operation Warp Speed was a great success, one that will cement Trump’s importance and significance in American history. Yet, some of his former supporters don’t want to take the vaccine, despite his assurances of safety and effectiveness. I’ve heard from some of them. On the issue of vaccines, in contrast to what Trump did for the country in many other areas, they are suddenly anti-Trumpers. What a shame.

What I have experienced, in terms of taking a stand for the vaccine, reveals a group of people who think they know far more than Trump or anybody else who has gotten the disease. They think they are doing good by distributing information from dubious sources, This is a sad tendency that exists today because of so many different sources of information on the Internet (despite Big Tech’s arbitrary and stupid censorship efforts). People find some person saying something controversial and get scared, coming to the conclusion that the vaccine is too risky and more dangerous than getting sick from the virus. They rely on others with questionable credentials. Some are selling “natural” cures or supplements.

Decades earlier, some so-called medical experts were claiming that HIV/AIDS was a fiction and that, in case it was real, it was manufactured in a U.S. military lab. That was pure communist disinformation picked up by people like Dan Rather and Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright. Then, the Soviets were spreading the disinformation to take our attention away from communist biological experiments.

It doesn’t help that our intelligence agencies have been consistently duped by our enemies. The FBI falsely blamed a series of American scientists for the post-9/11 anthrax attacks. The anthrax was made in a lab but it was stolen by al Qaeda operatives with connections to those labs. Our FBI, at this late date, has still not gotten to the bottom of that scandal.

In regard to the China virus, some people focus on the fine print of possible side effects from the vaccine. They emphasize its experimental nature. All of that is true.

I’m scared, too, except that I fear the virus more than the vaccine. I have talked to victims of the disease and will not take a chance of avoiding it through the use of alternative treatments or vitamins. But you are welcome to take your chances. You have a right to consider Fauci a bigger enemy than the Chinese regime.

In fact, we know a lot about the vaccine but little about the virus. And that’s by design by China. The communists have covered up this disaster for the world from the beginning. As Trump quickly realized, the way out of this mess was a vaccine. He had no other choice. He had to act, and he did.

There are possible risks but as we saw on Tuesday, when problems with the trials involving the AstraZeneca vaccine were detected, it appears there is a series of checks and balances in place.

When you examine the Trump Administration’s list of accomplishments, you find many in domestic and foreign affairs being undone by Biden/Harris.

But one achievement stands out: “Brought the full power of American medicine and government to produce a safe and effective vaccine in record time.” Millions of doses were quickly made available. Biden won’t unravel this achievement because he is trying to take advantage of it and take credit for it.

It’s a sad commentary that Trump’s greatest achievement is now being doubted or dismissed by people who once claimed to be his biggest supporters. They are playing into the hands of Trump’s mortal enemy – Communist China. They could lose their lives because of misguided opposition to life-saving vaccines.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Fear the Virus or the Vaccine?

By Cliff Kincaid

I’m astounded by the number of die-hard Trump supporters who reject the former president’s advice on vaccines. Trump told Maria Bartiromo, “I would recommend it, and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it, and I lot of those people voted for me frankly. But again, we have our freedoms and we have to live by that and I agree with that also. But it’s a great vaccine, and it is a safe vaccine and it is something that works.”

The former president does not believe the China virus is a hoax or a fraud. He knows it’s real because he got it. He and his wife also got the vaccine.

In my opinion, you are playing Russian roulette if you don’t get a vaccine. By the way, the Russians know the virus is dangerous. Russian President Putin is getting his vaccine on Tuesday. Russia has produced three vaccines.

Please note that Senator Rand Paul has argued with Dr. Fauci over masks, but he supports the vaccine. He doesn’t need it, saying, “It is inappropriate for me – who has already gotten the virus/has immunity – to get in front of elderly/healthcare workers.” He said the same goes for AOC or any young healthy person.

His point is that if you don’t get the disease, get the vaccine. On the other hand, Trump got the disease and the vaccination as well. He wanted an additional guarantee of immunity.

Trump knows this is a dangerous virus that was made in a Chinese lab under military control. They are engaged in biological warfare against our people.

The question for many is what they fear most. Some don’t trust Fauci, Gates, or Big Pharma. But others fear the virus more. Count me among the latter. I don’t necessarily trust the medical or scientific establishments but I also don’t trust the Chinese Communist Party and its military establishment. I believe they tried to poison the world, for the purposes of defeating Trump and destroying the economies of the West.

I do trust the first-person accounts of people, like Trump, who have gotten the Covid-19 disease. Clearly, this isn’t an ordinary flu.

Consider sources like the GOP Doctors Caucus in the House, composed of 18 medical providers who utilize their medical expertise and backgrounds to develop patient-centered health care policy. They are not lackeys of Fauci or Gates. They SUPPORT the China virus vaccine.

In fact, three of them, Andy Harris, Greg Murphy, and Mariannette Miller-Meeks,  said in a recent op-ed that “vaccination, particularly for the most vulnerable Americans, is the surest way for us to overcome the Covid-19 crisis. As physicians, we celebrate the light at the end of the tunnel, in large part due to Operation Warp Speed.” That was President Trump’s project.

The GOP Doctors Caucus vouches for the safety of the vaccine. These doctors are not lapdogs for the Great Reset. They are trying to save lives.

If you fear the disease and choose the vaccine, there are possible side effects. On the other hand, if you fear the vaccine and don’t take it, there are possible side effects, too.

If you get the disease, convinced the deaths have been inflated and that it’s comparable to the common cold, be prepared for whatever happens next. Be prepared for the possibility that before you get sick or die you could spread the disease to your family and friends.

Those who say the vaccine isn’t a real vaccine are missing the point. As Trump says, it “works” like a vaccine. However, it is experimental and authorized for emergency purposes. There is a risk in taking it. You have to sign several pages of warnings before you get the shot. I did so.

As the founder of a group once called the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom, I have always been skeptical of some vaccine claims. Vaccines have been taken off the market because of their dangerous side effects. Some injure and kill people. Some are made from controversial ingredients, including aborted baby tissue. I held a national news conference years ago to oppose a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. I have posted several videos about vaccine dangers and continue to be skeptical of government policy dictating that every child get 69 doses of 16 vaccines, some with controversial chemical ingredients.

There is a reason why there is a federal National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate victims of vaccines. Big Government is protecting Big Business from liability for their products.  That being said, some vaccines are absolutely necessary for human health in general.

What is fascinating in this case is the attitude of Trump, who said during the 2016 campaign that he would not automatically reject the notion that vaccines were linked to rising rates of autism. Trump said that he was “totally in favor of vaccines” but favored “smaller doses over a longer period of time.” Dr. Ben Carson agreed, saying, “It is true that we are probably giving way too many in too short a period of time. And a lot of pediatricians now recognize that, and, I think, are cutting down on the number and the proximity in which those are done, and I think that’s appropriate.”

The unique circumstances of the China virus include that it came from a country run by a murderous dictatorship during an American election year. The timing is important. There’s no doubt the Democrats used the virus as an opportunity to do what the Chinese wanted to do – arrange the election in such a way to depose Trump. The former president, with access to classified information, clearly understood what was going on and decided that “Operation Warp Speed” was the only way out. He was also consistently warning about Democratic Party efforts to fix the election against him

Many religious leaders typically opposed to using vaccines based on fetal cells have changed their minds in this case. I think the reason is they genuinely fear the virus more than the vaccine. The virus is the greater danger to human health in the long run. They hold China responsible but don’t want to do so in a public manner.

Trump is not alone. The conservative government of Brazil doesn’t think the virus is a hoax. It wants to import vaccines from America. The conservative government of Poland is also promoting acceptance of the vaccine.

If you think Chinese dictator Xi Jinping’s military was just experimenting with a variation of the flu in that Wuhan lab, you have aright to believe that. But don’t count me among those who give the regime the benefit of the doubt. And there really isn’t any doubt left. The only serious question is whether it leaked out of a lab by accident or was released on purpose. The effect is still the same. What’s debatable is the nature of the virus and why the effects vary widely, such as canceling out the sense of smell and taste, and why it creates so many variants.

By any objective measure, the China virus is more deadly than the ordinary flu. But even if the death rates do slow down, the question about the China virus from the beginning has been how dangerous and lethal it could become. Nobody knew, except perhaps the Chinese, and they weren’t saying.

The claim that the virus is killing people who would die anyway from other causes is morally objectionable and contemptible.

None of this justifies the draconian lockdowns of most of the American population. On the other hand, what’s happening in America is not “fascism,” as left-wing feminist Naomi Wolf claimed during an appearance on Russia state-funded TV. (She is one of several left-wing guests who have recently been appearing on Tucker Carlson’s Fox show as well). This is old-fashioned Marxism and America is now at the mercy of a one-party Marxist state, with the major means of communication under the effective control of that regime and covering for China.

That’s essentially what federal Judge Laurence Silberman was saying in a dissent in a defamation case, in which he referred to the “ideological consolidation of the press” in America. He added that “ideological homogeneity in the media — or in the channels of information distribution — risks repressing certain ideas from the public consciousness just as surely as if access were restricted by the government.” He named major media as well as Silicon Valley.

What we have seen in this regard in the China virus case is a willingness by these organs to ignore the role of the Communist Chinese regime in creating or letting loose this pandemic on the world. That’s the key point many conservatives are missing.

The latest example is coverage of the mass shooting in Atlanta involving some Asian women working at a spa providing massages. It had nothing to do with their Asian heritage and more to do with the killer’s sex addiction. Yet, Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler blamed the attacks on “political leaders who have demonized China.” This is from the Marxist playbook. Such lunacy gets attention from state media in the U.S. that want to get back to business as usual with the regime.

At the recent meeting with Chinese communist leaders, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. has “deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang [an area of Uyghur unrest],  Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber-attacks on the United States, and economic coercion toward our allies. Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability.”

As if this list wasn’t bad enough, Blinken didn’t say one word about the China virus and the Wuhan lab.  (Blinken accepted Chinese money when he ran the “Biden Center” at the University of Pennsylvania.)

Take the vaccine or not and then accept the consequences. But don’t lose sight of the fact that the fingerprints of the Communist regime are all over this virus and the corpses around the world that are piling up because of it.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Pro-Pothead “Climate Warrior”Confirmed as Interior Secretary

By Cliff Kincaid

In a major blow to the legendary “pale-faced” settlers who conquered America, “indigenous Congresswoman” Deb Haaland has been confirmed as Secretary of the Interior. Writers for Politico hailed her confirmation, which came with some Republican votes, as a rebuke to “white settlers” accommodated by a government that put Indians into reservations decades ago. Haaland’s unique positions include wanting to use marijuana to fund schools.

In contrast to Senator Elizabeth Warren, Haaland is a real Indian, a member of the federally recognized tribe, the Laguna Pueblo, and claims income from casino interests designed to lure people to gamble their life savings away on tribal lands. Like alcoholism, a major problem on tribal lands, gambling is an addiction that destroy lives and families.

As disclosed by John Solomon of “Just the News,” Haaland suddenly declared, on one of her financial disclosure forms, that she had $16,000 in “salary” from the San Felipe Casino, a gambling outlet near Santa Fe run by the San Felipe Pueblo that changed its name to Black Mesa Casino.

Now determined to shut down oil and gas energy production on tribal and other federal lands, in the name of “Mother Earth,” Haaland is expected to go full throttle into the future with the same kind of “green energy” projects that failed in Texas during the snow storm, causing at least 57 deaths.

Terminating oil and gas leases on these lands will deny her Indian people revenue in royalties that could help them escape poverty and alcoholism. They will have to depend on gambling interests or perhaps marijuana, now being marketed aggressively on tribal lands.

In 2005, a marijuana addict, Jeff Weise, massacred nine people before finally turning the gun on himself on a remote Indian reservation in Minnesota. “MJ is my gal of choice,” he said, referring to pot.

To make up for the loss of revenue from oil and gas exploration, Haaland supported marijuana legalization as a means “to diversify her state’s economy and help fund public education,” according to a pro-marijuana website.

Haaland had indicated no concern over the fact that some Indians were given experimental Covid-19 vaccines, with cries of “We are not guinea pigs” from the Navajo Nation reservation that occupies parts of Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. Indians were targeted under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health.

In an article emphasizing her fashionable “climate warrior politics,” leftist writer Sonali Kolhtkar said, “What makes her [Haaland] a formidable force is that her racial and ethnic background in combination with politically progressive views is antithetical to power and capital,” the latter being a reference to the free-market capitalism that was unleashed by President Trump.

Nevertheless, Republican Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska cast votes in favor of the nomination.

Reporters ignored Haaland’s backing from Judith Le Blanc of the Communist Party, who worked through the Native Organizers Alliance and the NDN Collective to turn out voters for Biden-Harris. “We took our protests into the ballot box,” said Le Blanc. “We mobilized a historic turnout of the Native vote.”

In return, they got the Haaland nomination, a tool of extremist elements intent on dismantling America’s industrial base.

LeBlanc is so high up in the Communist Party, which is now pro-China rather than pro-Soviet, that she is featured in the book, Let Them Tremble: Biographical Interventions Marking 100 Years of the Communist Party, USA.

Using the China virus as an excuse, Haaland was so extreme that she had proposed freedom from prison for Leonard Peltier, an American Indian activist who was convicted of the execution-style murders of FBI Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Haaland called him an “indigenous rights activist.”

In regard to her casino income, Haaland had a series of tax problems that would have landed an ordinary person in an IRS audit. As a member of Congress from New Mexico, in need of scrutiny from the House Ethics Committee, she filed several amendments trying to clarify her sources of income.

But the tax problems, including the initial failure to report income from a casino, were covered-up by the major media, with Politico declaring, “Haaland’s rise from poverty to Congress and now to President Joe Biden’s cabinet ushers in a new chapter for the agency that once sought to extinguish the cultural identity of Native American who were driven onto reservations to open up vast areas of the country for settlers.”

But the printed version of the article had a different formulation, saying Native Americans “were driven onto reservations to open up vast areas of the country for white settlers.”

It is fashionable to believe that the European-Americans who settled in the United States encountered back-to-nature natives. But our ancestors who wrote the Declaration of Independence referred to “the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction, of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

Our founders understood that some of these “savages” were ruthless killers fighting for the British against the American revolutionaries.

Indians who were hostile to the revolution raided white settlements, murdering men, women, and children. The barbaric practice of scalping was so common by the Indians that some forts had people who specialized in treating scalped heads. One of the scalping treatments was called “pegging.”

While it is fashionable to attack “white settlers,”Haaland’s backing from communists, casinos, and the marijuana industry was a taboo topic.

However, it is a story uncovered by analyst Trevor Loudon, who discussed it with me on an edition of America’s Survival TV. Bluntly speaking, Loudon says Haaland’s nomination “was completely orchestrated by the Communist Party of the United States.”

Politico wasn’t alone in ignoring all of this. Consider these headlines:

  • Deb Haaland Becomes First Native American Cabinet Secretary. (New York Times).
  • Haaland confirmed by Senate as first Native American to lead Interior. (Washington Post).
  • Deb Haaland confirmed, makes history as first Native American Cabinet member. (ABC News).

For the media, her backing by communist groups serving foreign interests was of no significance. Instead, her identity is what counts. She is among the “indigenous people” who have to be considered innocent victims of those horrible white people.

The Politico story drips of innuendo that Republicans who dared to question her policies were racist against a woman of color.

This is one reason why Republican Senators fold under the pressure. They don’t like to be called racists. That’s worse than being called McCarthyites.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc,

Leftist Greenwald Auditions for Fox News Gig

By Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson’s Fox show is always worth watching but he is increasingly dependent on a left-winger, Glenn Greenwald, for commentaries. Fox News now has an entire article devoted to Greenwald’s critique of liberal journalists on matters like the Hunter Biden affair. It’s good Greenwald parts ways with the official Democratic Party line and sees the light on these issues. But that doesn’t erase his history of service to anti-American causes. Viewers of Fox deserve the truth.

Greenwald once accepted an award named after Soviet agent I.F. “Izzy” Stone, saying Stone “pioneered what modern journalism ought to be.”

Stone, the uncle of Weather Underground communist terrorist Kathy Boudin, continues to be a hero to the left. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard offers an annual “I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence.”

Greenwald appears in the film, “All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone,” along with left-wing luminaries such as Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky. The Communist People’s World praised the film,  referring to the “great I.F. Stone.”

Accuracy in Media founder Reed Irvine noted that “Stone’s subservience to the Stalinist line was shown in his 1952 book The Hidden History of the Korean War, which parroted the communist claim that South Korea started the war by invading the North.”Stone was an ardent Stalinist until Khrushchev denounced Stalin in 1956.

When I was with Accuracy in Media and asked Greenwald for comment on his “Izzy Award,” in light of Stone’s well-documented service on behalf of the old Soviet Union, Greenwald exploded, saying in part:

  • “Two of the most extremist and discredited entities in the United States are Commentary Magazine and Accuracy in Media. Someone who is smeared by those two groups immediately has their credibility enhanced. Don’t you have Barack Obama’s birth certificate to hunt down and Hillary Clinton’s sex life to sniff around in?
  • “The fact that Stone is being smeared by the likes of the consummately chicken-hawk, nepotistic, bloodthirsty Podhoretz family and the truly deranged, sex-obsessed, conspiracy-monger Cliff Kincaid will make me place my Izzy Award on an even more prominent shelf in my office.”

For the record, Commentary had published excellent articles about Stone’s service to the Soviet Union. One article by John Haynes and Harvey Klehr was titled, “I.F. Stone, Soviet Agent—Case Closed.”

As I noted at the time, in several articles for AIM, the identification of Stone as a Soviet agent is based on information in the Venona World War II-era Soviet spy cables that a Soviet intelligence officer named Vladimir Pravdin had recruited I.F. Stone. In addition, Accuracy in Media received Stone’s FBI file, which said that two sources had actually named him as a member of the Communist Party. One of them was Louis Budenz, former editor of The Daily Worker, who later became an active anti-communist.

Later, Greenwald would assist CIA/NSA defector Edward Snowden in spilling state secrets to the Chinese and the Russians. Snowden is currently being guarded in Moscow by the FSB, the security service of the Vladimir Putin regime. I wrote about all of this in my book, Blood on His Hands: The True Story of Edward Snowden.

Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, called the Snowden affair “a well-prepared Russian intelligence operation” against the United States and concluded that Snowden was “an agent of the Russian foreign intelligence service.”

While he does have some libertarian instincts, Greenwald has been strongly allied with the anti-American far-left, In a 2011 article in the socialist publication In These Times, Greenwald said “the only thing that can truly strengthen America’s national security is a weakening of America.” The article was adapted from a Greenwald talk given at the Socialism 2011 conference.

A regular speaker at socialist conferences, he declared at one such event that al-Qaeda’s 9/11 terrorist attacks on America were “very minimal in scope compared to the level of deaths that the United States has been bringing to the world for decades — from Vietnam to illegal wars in Central America…”

During an appearance before the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood front, Greenwald praised the group for its “patriotic work.” He described Anwar al-Awlaki, the American al-Qaeda leader killed in a drone strike, as “someone who the U.S. government hates because he speaks effectively to the Muslim world about the violence that the United States commits regionally, and the responsibility of Muslims to stand up to that violence.”

Defending WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, then on the run from rape allegations and living in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, Greenwald stated on the Moscow-funded channel Russia Today (RT) that Assange’s work for the pro-Putin network was perfectly fine and proper. The Russians had given Assange a TV show on RT, where he interviewed such figures as Hezbollah terrorist leader Hasan Nasrallah, U.S. Marxist professor Noam Chomsky and Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa.

None of this seems to matter now, as Greenwald has apparently cut ties to the billionaire backer of his publication The Intercept and went out on his own, finding a place on Fox programs hosted by Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. He seems to be ingratiating himself with the channel, perhaps looking for a job.

His extreme left-wing background is now forgotten, to the point where The Daily Caller, which was founded by Tucker Carlson, once ran a story that included an image of Greenwald sitting at a desk with his “Izzy Award” displayed in back of him. Viewers probably didn’t know what it represented.

It’s good he has apparently deserted the left. But let him disavow I.F. Stone and his pro-Soviet activities. Let him tell the truth about Snowden. Then we can take his criticism of the left more seriously.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Bolshevik Bernie On the Verge of Total Power

By Cliff Kincaid

Bolshevik Bernie Sanders, the lone Senate member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is poised to take over the Democratic Party, after his supporters and sympathizers engineer the ouster of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Joe Biden. Sanders’ socialist “dream” is about to come true.

The open Marxists on the verge of a complete takeover of the Democratic Party are true globalists, linked to the international socialist and communist movements.

Conservatives think the demise of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, in response to allegations that he told dirty jokes and played touchy-feely with feminist staffers, is a good thing.But the attacks on Cuomo are designed to set the stage for President Kamala Harris. After all, Joe Biden has his own accuser, a woman named Tara Reade, in addition to the fondling and sniffing of children and women’s hair he has already engaged in. What’s more, he’s not in good mental or physical shape anyway.

No serious Democrat believes he can lead the Democrats to victory in 2024.

Even if Cuomo doesn’t step down, his future politically is dead. Then look for Biden to get the message and take himself out of politics. With Cuomo and Biden out of the way as party leaders, the Democrats put on a new fresh face, a break with the old guard. Biden, after all, was described as the “forgotten man,” a man of the past. He will have proven his usefulness by serving as a front for the Marxists in the party up to this point. Harris will be the face of the new socialist revolutionaries of the Democratic Party.

Harris has always been a favorite of Steve Phillips, author of the “Brown is the New White” strategy of one-party Democratic Party control of the U.S. Phillips married into the billionaire Sandler fortune.

This evidence of this successful strategy can be seen in the case of the Democratic Party state apparatus in Nevada, where the open Marxists of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have seized control.This is a template for what’s happening nationally.

In an article, “The extraordinary rise of the democratic socialists in Nevada,” the Washington Post noted, “Democratic socialists comprise about 1 percent of the House and half of 1 percent of state legislatures. Now, they get to run a key state party.”

The 1 percent figure is very misleading. The Congressional Progressive Caucus, a Marxist-oriented group close to DSA with its own Progressive Caucus PAC, includes nearly 100 members of the Democratic Party in Congress.  This is the group driving the Marxist agenda of Biden/Harris. It claims 234 chapters around the country. One chapter in Washington, D.C., perhaps a future state, grew by 500 percent in one year.

The DSA describes itself as the largest socialist organization in the United States and was once the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.

The DSA has been key to Democratic Party success in the past.

Indeed, Barack Hussein Obama received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America in 1996 for an Illinois state senate seat. The DSA socialists groomed and backed him all the way into the presidency.

Senator Bernie Sanders,a collaborator, if not a member, of the Democratic Socialists of America, is the only Senate member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and had sought the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party in the past. He is now firmly in control and driving the agenda. As he sees it, America is on the road from capitalism to socialism and communism.

If you consider the communist label “McCarthyism,” don’t forget Sanders did volunteer work on a pro-Stalin Israeli kibbutz. One of his supporters, James Hodgkinson, was the gunman who shot Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and three other people in 2017.

During the 1980s Sanders collaborated with Soviet and East German “peace committees” to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe, in order to counter a massive Soviet strategic nuclear advantage. Sanders had openly joined the Soviets’ “nuclear freeze” campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.

The name of Bernie Sanders, then identified as former mayor of Burlington, Vermont, was on a list of speakers at a 1989 U.S. Peace Council event to “end the Cold War” and “fund human needs.” The U.S. Peace Council was a front of the Moscow-funded Communist Party SA, which has now turned pro-China.

The assumption of some is that “democratic socialism” has nothing to do with communism. But researcher Trevor Loudon notes that the DSA is a Marxist organization that draws heavily from the ideas of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci. DSA wished Karl Marx a “Happy Birthday” and offers “Introduction to Marxism” courses.

Viewed in this context, one of the more interesting members of the DSA is Kurt Stand, a communist spy for the Soviet Union (and then Russia) and East Germany who was sentenced to prison in 1998 and released in 2012. He served over 17 years. He was convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage, attempted espionage, and illegally obtaining national defense documents. After his release, he returned to the DSA and has been covering DSA activities in Maryland.

It was another Bolshevik, Vladimir Putin, who said, “…the Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to Social Democratic ideas, if compared to Europe. And it was from the Social Democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.”

Bolshevik Bernie Sanders would agree. They know it’s easier to merge various nations into a one-world government if they are on the path to world communism.

The open Marxist takeover of the Democratic Party sounds ominous, except for the fact that it provides conservatives and Republicans a golden opportunity to inform the American people about what’s in store for a nation founded upon private property rights, individual liberty, and Christian values.

The Republican response? “Donate $60 right now, and we’ll send you a signed copy of Green Eggs and Ham!,” says Senator Ted Cruz.

Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson of Fox is going where no Republicans want to go — questioning how America can maintain a first-rate military with pregnant soldiers on the front lines. Not to mention homosexuals and transgenders. Why is the military top brass attacking Carlson and defending this fundamental transformation of the Armed Forces? Whose side are they on?

The end may be near for Cuomo and Biden, but the Marxist machine called the Democratic Party is just getting started.

Can the Republicans meet the challenge? If the Republicans can’t do it, can Donald J. Trump? Please get off the golf course, Mr. Trump, and fight for America.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

You Can’t Fight What You Can’t See

By Cliff Kincaid

The Biden/Harris Administration is going full Marxist and one leading Republican has announced in response to this clear and present danger a Dr. Seuss book drive. Meanwhile, America celebrated a communist holiday, International Women’s Day, and China Joe announced “maternity flight suits” for women in the military. That’s on top of transgenders in the Armed Forces.

The Pentagon has announced tyatn American tax dollars will pay for the sex change operations they need.

Let’s just raise the white flag and get it over with.

Under these circumstances, don’t be fooled into coughing up dollars for any Republican, not even the former president. They don’t know how to win, and Trump demonstrated he didn’t know how to stay in power. Let’s face it: he let down his people.

If you are on any Republican lists, you are getting bombarded with requests for money. Read these appeals carefully. They tend to be focused on how Republican politicians are suffering at the hands of Big Tech and that they will do something about this “cancel culture.”

Consider an email message from Josh Mandel, a candidate for the U.S. Senate and Marine vet being advertised as the first statewide official in Ohio to support President Trump. His answer to cancel culture, which I found on his Twitter page, is to kick off a Dr. Seuss book drive, since some of those books are being banned for supposed insensitive portrayals of minorities.

I suggest, instead, a careful reading of the Communist Manifesto, in order to understand how the Marxist agenda is being implemented through deficit spending, higher taxes and centralized planning (abolition of private property), and Cultural Marxism (abolition of the family).

Harping on a fact of life known for 40 years, Mandel tells us, “The liberal mainstream media has become a part of the Democratic party and it’s absolutely unacceptable.” He adds, “Just as Democrats in Washington want to cancel President Trump, these radical Leftists want to cancel conservatives across the country.” 

These are not “radicals,” Mr. Mandel. These are Marxist atheists with a calculated agenda that is designed to usher in a full-blown Marxist state.

In big bold letters, Mandel proposes to “STOP THE MEDIA FROM CANCELLING CONSERVATIVES.” How? He doesn’t say,

He adds, “The power of the mainstream media and the rest of America’s liberal elites has gone unchecked for far too long. It’s time we fight back. Josh Mandel is speaking out to defend the First Amendment rights of ALL Americans, but he can’t win this fight without your help, Fellow Conservative.”

My YouTube channel is being censored at the present time and I don’t have the resources to make the switch to a safe and secure alternative. What is Mandel doing about my First Amendment rights?

In his article, “Cancel Culture: Its Origins and Implications for America,” veteran conservative journalist Scott S. Powell says something that American politicians refuse to acknowledge – that so-called cancel culture is another way to describe Marxism. The purpose is to eliminate the First Amendment (and others) and then “erase and destroy Christianity and its traditions and institutions.”

The small book, “The Lost Right: Prohibition of Prayer in America,” published back in 2004 and written by the Rev. Dr. Barbara Wheeler, describes how we began losing our fundamental rights of religious freedom decades ago. It’s more important than ever before, in the wake of how churches have been closed around the United States under the excuse of the China virus.

Not content to prohibit public expressions of Christianity, the churches are now being targeted for closure.

In a follow-up column, Powell examines the so-called Equality Act that has already passed in the House of Representatives, and which is now being taken up by the Senate. The goal, he notes, is “a communist-type society of totalitarian political and legal control.”

How refreshing to hear someone describe what is really happening.

The other day, America celebrated International Women’s Day, another indication of how far the country has moved leftward. The honest Marxists at Jacobin magazine noted that, “From the beginning, International Women’s Day has been an occasion to celebrate working women and fight capitalism.”

International Women’s Day, popular with communist countries and the United Nations, was the idea of Marxist theorist Clara Zetkin and established at the 1910 International Socialist Women’s Conference in Copenhagen. She thought women’s “equality” was necessary to establish a socialist society. What that means, in practice, is getting women out of the house and into the workforce, so the job of raising children can be left to the state.

On the business channel CNBC, a female business leader honored tennis champion Billie Jean King on International Women’s Day, clearly unaware of the day’s anti-capitalist connotations. She also didn’t mention King is known as the first prominent professional female athlete to come out as lesbian.

King was inducted into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame in 1999, honored for using her tennis stardom “to create social change.” The award claims Billie Jean King “has elevated the self-esteem of girls and women through her lifelong struggle for equality in the sports world.”

This is fascinating, since China Joe Biden is now promoting the integration of biological men, so-called transgenders, into women’s sports.

China Joe celebrated International Women’s Day with a statement  establishing the White House Gender Policy Council. He also announced “good progress” in “designing body armor that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating — updating requirements for their hairstyles.”

This is true “diversity,” another euphemism for Marxist policies.

It’s shocking that some Americans have been dumbed down to the point where a Republican political figure thinks a Dr. Seuss book drive is the answer to America’s Marxist predicament.

Reading Dr. Seuss won’t bring back our First and Second Amendments. In regard to the latter, Gun Owners of America notes that a rabidly anti-gun Attorney General, Merrick Garland, was just confirmed in the Senate, as 20 GOP Senators betrayed gun owners by voting for him.

Once again, the Republican Party demonstrated that it is hopelessly divided, weak, and unable to confront and reverse the direction of the country under China Joe.

  • The 20 Republican Senators voting for Garland were were Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), Shelley Capito (R-WV), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), John Cornyn (R-TX), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ron Johnson (R-WI), James Lankford (R-OK), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Mike Rounds (R-SD), John Thune (R-SD), and Thom Tillis (R-NC).

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Can We Get Serious About America’s Survival?

By Cliff Kincaid

The nation is sliding into one-party Marxist rule and all we can talk about is Meghan Markle. What’s worse, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Candace Owens are on the bandwagon, examining the esoteric meaning of it all, as if Meghan Markle is of any lasting consequence in this world. Let this American whine and complain about the Royals. What difference does it make to America’s survival as a nation founded on principles of limited government and Christian values? I thought we fought a revolution to get out from under the British monarchy.

In a monologue, at the top of his show, Carlson says Markle’s life is decadent and hollow while Owens, appearing on Fox, says Markle is a leftist. This is the new conservatism – making much ado about nothing and distracting the audience with crapola. People watch Markel, an American, because she is us. She is the symbol of America’s decline, in more ways than one. And that’s a fact. And that’s all that needs to be said.

Meanwhile, in a replay of the Scots in “Braveheart” fighting for scraps from British King Edward Longshank’s table, true conservatives are wondering what happened to former President Trump, who seems to be fighting with Senate Republicans over dollars from Republican donors. Trump doesn’t want the GOP to use his name. The GOP says they will continue to do so.

A divided opposition is just what the one-party state needs.

In the movie “Braveheart,” William Wallace tells the bickering Scots from different tribes, “You’re so concerned with squabbling for the scraps from Longshank’s table that you’ve missed your God given right to something better. There is a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom.”

At the time, Wallace was advising the Scots to take back Scotland by invading England. He led them to do what others said was impossible.

Conservatives today are content to join the liberal serenade that misses the main point of it all. We are losing our country to foreign invaders. Marxism is driving the takeover.

Two quotations from the Communist Manifesto summarize our problem today: First, Marx advocated the abolition of private property. Second, Marx advocated the abolition of the family. Big government picks up the pieces. It’s called socialism.

Our families are in ruins, just like the Royals.

The human wreckage is all around us. In addition to the dead from the China virus, the Drug Free America Foundation reports, “New data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that over 83,000 people died from an overdose in the 12-month period ending in July of 2020. This tragic figure represents an 18% increase over the 12-month period ending in July of 2019 and is the highest number of overdoses ever recorded.”

Much of this death is being exported from Red China to America in the form of fentanyl. China knows how to pile death upon death.

A concrete example of one of these deaths is George Floyd, the black man high on drugs who was passing counterfeit money when he was arrested by police in Minneapolis. Last July I documented the lies behind the George Floyd case – lies picked up by many conservatives who wanted to appear fashionable and caring. They repeated the lies that Floyd was an innocent victim of racist police.

Charges against the police should never have been filed. If the jury does its job, and that’s a big “if,” the police will go free but the violent left will then burn the city down again. This is America 2021. The country is in the process of breaking down morally and culturally. Drugs are a big factor. Yet, many conservatives want to legalize another form of dope, now called cannabis instead of marijuana, with dangerously high levels of mind-altering THC that can spark psychosis and violence. Democrats see tax revenue from the process. Legalizing cocaine and LSD, as they are doing in Oregon, is the next step nationally.

The police in the Floyd case did their job. They shouldn’t be on trial. They should be given medals for bravery. They followed police procedure. But you can’t find one Republican in Congress willing to say so publicly. They are afraid of the mob.

As drugs flood in through the southern border, so do people, including children being trafficked for the sexual pleasure of the ruling elites. China Joe Biden facilitates this despicable practice. He should be impeached. Who in the Senate or House will introduced the articles of impeachment? One GOP House member, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, has introduced articles of impeachment, some of them focused on Biden’s corrupt son Hunter and his dealings with foreign governments, even a human trafficking ring. Some illicit proceeds were funneled to the “Big Guy.”

Her articles of impeachment should be updated quickly to include the results of open borders. But it doesn’t matter. The Senate Republicans won’t act against Biden. They are too busy rubber-stamping his nominees.

Former President Trump should address this, rather than fight with other Republicans over dollars from donors. He’s made a statement about the border mess but the problem is far deeper than this.

Consider that Donald Barr worked for the OSS, the CIA’s predecessor, and his son William would join the CIA and later become Trump’s Attorney General.  We were told he was a law-and-order advocate but the Deep State escaped justice.

Later the headmaster of a private school, Donald Barr would hire Jeffrey Epstein as a teacher. Bill Barr, as Attorney General, failed to get to the bottom of how Epstein, a convicted pedophile, died in a federal prison before he could spill the beans on an international sex trafficking ring. Epstein’s reported videos of high-level VIPs being serviced by young women have mysteriously disappeared.

For his part, Bill Barr would turn on Trump, declaring the 2020 presidential election that brought China Joe Biden to the White House as legitimate. Many current and former CIA officials had declared, in advance of any investigation, that the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell,” news about which was suppressed by Big Tech, was somehow a Russian plot. That laptop contained information about Hunter Biden’s sexual and drug-related activities and China connections. He had been discharged from the Armed Forces for drug use.

In addition, his former wife had claimed through her attorney that he had “created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations) while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills.”

That method of operation sounds like the congressional budget process.

Yet Bill Barr said there was no reason to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Now, Nicholas McQuaid, the ex-business partner of Hunter Biden’s criminal defense attorney, Christopher Clark, has been named acting chief of the Department of Justice criminal division. This is how investigations of Hunter Biden can and will be terminated. Or else it will become a tax case that Hunter Biden will settle from the advance profits from his new book on how to enter rehab and recover from addiction. They he will give an interview to Oprah, and we will have something else to talk about, as the nation lies in ashes.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc., the sponsor of a YouTube television show censored by Big Tech. The program has been discontinued because of more threats of censorship.

Welcome to a Communist America

By Cliff Kincaid

The centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto, is already being implemented in the United States under the one-party state now in power. Many conservatives are being censored under this regime, but I thought you might want to know how it works in practice, from someone whose YouTube channel has been censored twice. What do they fear? What are they trying to hide? My case provides some interesting answers.

The video that was censored included an extended discussion of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s involvement in a court case brought by the Obama Administration to drop terrorism charges against a communist by the name of Elizabeth Anna Duke. She was a member of a Weather Underground spin-off that specialized in terrorism and fake IDs.

In a practical example of how censorship has real-life consequences, only 30 Senate Republicans voted against Garland’s confirmation. Most “conservative” media wouldn’t even touch the issue. Too many “conservative” sites have become sensational click-bait outlets that offer no original investigative reporting. I had the Duke story based on interviews with such key figures as legal analyst Montgomery Blair Sibley and Paul Kamenar of the National Legal and Policy Center.

My ASI TV programs have consistently addressed issues of public importance. But if you address corruption in government that permits communist terrorists to escape justice, that’s not permitted under YouTube’s “guidelines.”

The collapse of a free media, together with the failure of the Republicans to function as a true opposition party, means that the slide into socialism will continue. With passage of a $1.9 trillion bailout bill, with very little China virus aid, we are also on the road to higher inflation and national bankruptcy. Republicans will continue to clamor for donations, saying if we only give them another chance (through the same questionable election process that stole the presidency from Donald J. Trump), they will somehow take back the Senate and the House in 2022.

Who are they kidding?

Meanwhile, in another sign of business as usual with the murderous Communist Chinese regime, which unleased the China virus on the world, Biden Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will meet on March 18 in Anchorage, Alaska with People’s Republic of China (PRC) Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi. We are told that Blinken and Sullivan “will discuss a range of issues with the PRC.”

Sullivan was appointed and his post does not require Senate confirmation. But Blinken was confirmed. Only 22 senate Republicans voted against him, despite lingering questions about his receipt of Chinese money when he ran the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

I wish I had some good news to report. But China is in charge, well on its way to world domination. We have to prepare accordingly.

The historical context is important here. As the communists see it, America is in the process of transitioning from capitalism to socialism. What has changed over time is that China has become the leader of the world communist movement, replacing the Soviet Union/Russia. Eventually, according to the Marxist theory of history, America will become a communist state and then be integrated into the China-dominated New World Order.

I see nothing on the horizon to stop this ultimate goal.

Along the way, we may be able to score some victories, such as stopping Senate passage of the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty. These battles are worth fighting. The Democrats still don’t have 67 votes in the Senate.

But Big Tech monopolies will continue playing their role by serving the state, the Biden regime, by censoring any content which casts doubt on the legitimacy of that regime. That’s how I violated YouTube’s community guidelines. My interview with well-known conservative author Jack Cashill was not exclusively about the fraudulent nature of the 2020 election. But we did have a lengthy discussion of how Barack Hussein Obama was elected using a stolen Social Security number. That led to analyzing why Merrick Garland rubber-stamped the dropping of those terrorism charges against a terrorist whose associates may have been involved in providing that fake ID.

YouTube doesn’t permit you to challenge the legitimacy of the current one-party state, or raise legitimate questions about Obama’s background and history.

Ironically, Elizabeth Anna Duke was charged with, among other things, bombing the Capitol in 1983. Garland found no problem with a magistrate who arbitrarily dropped the charges against her, at the request of Obama’s Justice Department.

Under the Biden/Harris regime, apprehending communist terrorists is not a priority, in the same way there’s no indication that this government wants to do anything to challenge the advance of the Communist Chinese.

This is a process of slow-motion treachery, carefully concealed from the American people by Big Tech and Big Media censorship.

After I recorded the video and put it on my USA Survival channel, YouTube decided several days later that I had somehow violated its policy against questioning the election of Biden/Harris. I was guilty of violating their “spam, deceptive practices, and scams policy.” This was a “strike” against my channel, in the words of the masters of the YouTube “community.” For a week, I will not be able to post any videos. The “strike” remains for three months. They threatened to take me down entirely if I continued running afoul of their guidelines.

To be specific, I was found guilty, without due process, of advancing “false claims” about “widespread fraud, errors, or glitches” in the election that would have changed the outcome. Of course, these are not false claims, and they were not even a major part of the video. Most of our time was devoted to how whether Obama was possibly assisted in using a stolen Social Security number by members of the Weather Underground.

In a sense, I guess we should be grateful that YouTube singled me out. This allows us to understand the vulnerabilities of the regime. This is why one branch of the one-party government is so concerned about its own legitimacy that it has erected a border wall, consisting of fencing and razor wire, around the Capitol.

My channel is still functioning, except for the two videos that have been terminated. The first had to do with a guest who advocated that President Trump invoke the insurrection act to remain in power and defeat the actual insurrection, the Red Chinese-inspired effort to defeat Trump through election fraud and the China virus.

As you undoubtedly know, some YouTube channels have been completely taken down. Fearing this is their ultimate objective, I now have to scramble to find the resources necessary to transfer my videos to another platform where freedom of speech will be protected. This is not an easy task. If I am able to accomplish this, I will lose over nine thousand subscribers to my channel through YouTube. I will have to start all over again from scratch. I can only do so through public support.

Now is the time for conservative businessmen to commit their resources to supporting conservative media like my own. Now is the time for small donors to fund those organizations willing to tell the truth about our fate.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Communist Disinformation About the China Virus

By Cliff Kincaid

One of the most successful Chinese Communist disinformation successes of the last year has been to convince many people that the China virus is either a hoax or just another flu-like illness. Actually, the Chinese have never made that claim. They know the virus is real and that it kills in new and unique ways. They know because the evidence is that their scientists either produced or released it from a laboratory.

The communist lie is that it accidentally came out of a wet market.

Instead of holding the Red Chinese responsible, the “hoax” and other claims have been picked up by people upset with liberal governors using the pandemic to crush individual freedoms. Some of these people are Trump supporters, which is ironic since Trump got the disease and he has been consistently correct that the virus is a killer. More than anybody, Trump knows the virus is not a hoax. Aware that it is real and a biological weapon, he has used the term, “China Virus,” so the blame can be placed where it belongs.Out of office, he still brags about Operation Warp Speed producing vaccines in record time. He and his wife have been vaccinated.

Those claiming the virus is a hoax are naturally skeptical of what the U.S. medical and scientific establishments say about a range of medical issues and problems. Many are justifiably angry over restrictions on their freedoms and the destruction of their businesses through lockdowns. They argue that the virus has been “weaponized,” in the sense that cases have been inflated, in order to control people with ineffective masks and social distancing.

These patriotic Americans are losing sight of what is truly our main enemy — the murderous Chinese communist regime in Beijing that unleashed this disease on the U.S. and the world. What’s worse, it could happen again.

Some question death certificates, as to whether or not Covid killed someone directly or just contributed to the death. Let’s assume that the number of Covid-related deaths has been inflated by two, because of confusion over direct and indirect causes. That still leaves 250,000 dead Americans from the China virus. This is a war.

The same logic applies to masks. There are questions about their effectiveness. But as a non-scientist, I always take precautions and try to avoid the risk. I wear a mask as a result of common sense and common courtesy. The key point, documented by victims and front-line health care workers, is that the virus has unique characteristics, unlike the traditional flu, that enables it to attack weak and vulnerable people. These are real people getting very sick and dying.

As Trump repeatedly said, it is the China virus. It seems to be more infectious than the ordinary flu and leaves some victims unable to breathe, smell, or taste.

One man who knew a lot about communist disinformation techniques was Lt. Gen Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West. The former head of Romanian intelligence, he wrote a book about communist disinformation with Ronald J. Rychlak, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law. Their book was titled, Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism.

Pacepa recently died of Covid-19 and blamed China for spreading the disease, with Rychlak telling me, “Pacepa took the threat of the virus seriously. He and his 92-year-old wife tried to avoid the risk as best they could. The virus prevented at least one, probably two meetings he and I would have had over the past year. It also stopped my research in Rome for the second edition of Disinformation that we were working on.”

The further irony with some conservatives casting doubt on the nature of the virus is that many of them hold liberal governors like Andrew Cuomo of New York responsible for spreading the disease into nursing homes, killing thousands. They can’t have it both ways – either it’s a hoax and the presence of the virus in the nursing homes was of no consequence, or it’s a deadly killer that put thousands of old people into their graves prematurely. I believe the latter is the case and that Cuomo and other governors have to be held accountable.

I have done shows on the unreliability of the Covid-19 tests and the effectiveness of the masks or vaccines. I have done many America’s Survival TV shows on these topics. But I have never doubted that the virus is a real one that came from China.

The kind of work Pacepa and Rychlak conducted on disinformation carried out by the Soviet Union helps us understand how claims about the coronavirus can mislead and confuse people.

Under Trump, the Pentagon and the State Department began focusing on the on-going COVID-19 disinformation campaigns of China, Russia, and Iran. One report, “Axis of Disinformation: Propaganda from Iran, Russia, and China on COVID-19,” was written by researchers associated with U.S. Central Command’s Information Operations Division and documents how the claims advanced by these three countries are all designed to take attention away from the Chinese origin of the virus. Generally speaking, these regimes insist that the U.S. rather than China made the virus as a biological weapon.

Rychlak said, “Pacepa often said that people often think of spies as stealing ideas, but the worst harm they inflict is by planting false stories–especially those false stories that cause people to question their institutions, history, and heroes. (By ‘institutions’ we mean governments and churches.) Sometimes all it takes is a counter-narrative. Thus, after the JFK assassination, Soviet disinformation experts worked to convince Americans that the CIA was to blame. Convicting the CIA was not the aim; making people look away from Soviet involvement was. I see a lot of similarities between that effort (Operation Dragon) and disinformation surrounding the China virus.”

I have written on the topic of disinformation for decades. My sources have included people like Pacepa, with whom I corresponded via email, and Herb Romerstein, who worked for the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation at the U.S. Information Agency under President Reagan.

To cite another example of the problem, as documented in the Pacepa-Rychlak book, former Senator John Kerry, now Joe Biden’s “Climate Czar,” was a dupe who parroted communist disinformation about the U.S. military effort to keep South Vietnam free from communism.

For his part, Herb Romerstein helped unmask a liberal icon, I.F. Stone, as a Soviet agent, and exposed Senator Ted Kennedy’s collaboration with the Soviet KGB.

It’s true that U.S. intelligence agencies and political leaders have become corrupted to the point where they accept and promote communist disinformation, such as in the case of the Russian dossier that was used against Trump. But doesn’t mean that actual disinformation campaigns emanating from our enemies do not exist. They do, and the China virus campaign is one of them.

Early into this crisis, I authored a column, “Coronavirus, China’s Lies, and Bioweapons Research,” noting, “In making the charge that the Chinese coronavirus originated in the United States, the Chinese have taken a page out of the old Soviet playbook. As concern about AIDS was growing in the 1980s, the Soviet Union launched a disinformation campaign charging that an American military laboratory had developed the virus that caused HIV/AIDS.”

Since the Soviets were lying in order to cover-up their own biological weapons program, I wondered if this was the Chinese motivation, too. It’s a logical assumption.

That is not to say that questions about a U.S. connection to the virus are illegitimate. There is evidence that U.S. agencies are linked to American and Chinese scientists working on dangerous biological experiments in China, described as “gain-of-function” research designed to make viruses more transmissible and fatal.

What is lacking is a thorough investigation, with results disseminated to the American people and the world, about whose fingerprints are all over the origins of this disease.

We know we are not going to get the truth from the U.N.’s World Health Organization and the China Joe administration.

If Trump wants to do something with major and lasting importance in his post-presidency, let him campaign for the truth about — and urge consequences for –China’s biological research.

Equally important, as we debate masks and lockdowns, what are we going to do to prevent another killer virus from being unleashed by China on the world?

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Serial Killer Known as the China Virus

By Cliff Kincaid

John Lennon of the Beatles said in 1966 that his musical band was more popular than Jesus. His song “Imagine” proclaims, “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky.” Lennon found the answer to whether any of that flowery gibberish was true when he was assassinated by a deranged fan in 1980.

Lennon is dead, and his killer, Mark David Chapman, is waiting for parole.

Like those who sang “Imagine,” many people believe communism is “social justice.”

Eventually, they believe, the Marxists will get it right. Perhaps the death toll has to reach several billion. We are on the way to their heaven on earth. Just give them time. Perhaps the Red Chinese will unleash another killer virus on top of the one still causing death and destruction in America. That will bring us closer to pure communism.

The most popular figure today, more popular than Jesus, is Karl Marx. He is probably in Hell, a real place, the result of inspiring more than 100 million deaths. But that hasn’t diminished his appeal.

Back on earth, as I noted in a review of Paul Kengor’s book, The Devil and Karl Marx, the result, so far, is more than 100 million dead, with Communist China claiming “credit” for 65 million of those deaths and an additional 400 million dead in China through the abortion genocide (as documented in the Global Life Campaign report about the death toll of aborted babies having reached one billion worldwide.) In China, women could be forcibly aborted.

The slaughter goes on.

There are more than 2.5 million dead from the China virus worldwide. More than 515,000 people in the United States have died from what is also called COVID-19. One of the victims was Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc to the United States. He was an old man, 92, but it was the virus that killed him.

This is not a hoax. In fact, it’s dangerous to believe it’s a hoax.

There are some who think the China virus is as “harmless” as the ordinary flu. But the flu kills, too, and the death rate from flu is lower than that of the China virus. People dispute whether the virus is “the” cause for some deaths, but it has to be considered at least a major contributing factor. The China virus is a real disease that has put people I know in the hospital for many weeks, near death. Some end up in a coma. Others can’t breathe. It attacks your vulnerable organs, especially your lungs, and weakens your senses.

I understand some people dispute the “official” figures and don’t like masks. They have a right to think that way. But stay away from me. I believe that anything that comes out of Communist China, especially a virus, has to be assumed to be dangerous and deadly. This is the country whose military authorities have devised “unrestricted warfare” against its enemies. As the Soviets used to say, America is their “main enemy.”

They don’t mind sacrificing millions of their people to inflict death and damage on the rest of the world.

Although we have problems detecting and treating it, and the vaccines are questionable, I think the virus is far more deadly than anything we have encountered in the past. That’s why its origin in China is so important to note and understand. And that’s why I have taken precautions when going outside and among other people. Frankly, I don’t necessarily believe those who say the virus is more dangerous than any other virus in history, but I also don’t believe those who say we have nothing to worry about, and that the crisis over the release of the virus is completely manufactured for ulterior purposes.

I do think U.S. medical authorities financially subsidized biological (and military) research in China that they didn’t even fully understand. It was risky. But they had to at least know it was dangerous in the hands of communists. And that’s why they don’t want the full truth to come out.

These authorities do not understand communists and their methods.

I believe the China virus was unleashed to kill people and economies and take President Trump out of office. It was a brilliant strategy that has paid off for the Chinese communists. Here, politicians used it to isolate people, close down economic activity, and spend more money.On the eve of passage of a $1.9 trillion bill, only part of which is devoted to China virus relief, there are economic warnings signs, as higher inflation is on the horizon.

Many of our fellow citizens are still scared, as they should be, not only of the China virus but national bankruptcy.

They don’t know who’s telling the truth about the nature of the virus and so they stay on guard. Many are taking the vaccines, despite questions about their nature, effectiveness, and side-effects, out of concern for others, and because it might just provide some protection against a virus that is said to be producing variants on a regular basis. They are willing to take a chance on a vaccine rather than risk exposure to more people with the virus, They believe that doing nothing is reckless and irresponsible. As the old saying goes, better to be safe than sorry.

The Biden Administration, in a bow to its Chinese masters, will not use the term “China virus,” and has resumed funding to several United Nations agencies, including the misnamed World Health Organization. This is suicidal. But China Joe has always been a fan of the United Nations, having declared in a Wall Street Journal piece years ago that he learned to “love” the New World Order.

All of this is easy to understand. Biden is a globalist front man for an assortment of socialists and communists, some of whom, according to Trevor Loudon, orchestrated the nomination of Green New Deal adherent Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior. What is not so comprehensible is the tendency of conservatives to whitewash the communist threat by masking Marxist doctrines behind such phrases as political correctness, cancel culture, and wokism. They accept these terms because to acknowledge Marxism is a threat is to follow the trail all the way to Karl Marx and his satanic background and beliefs. Then, you might be accused of being a “religious nut.”

One factor is that too many conservatives don’t want to be accused of McCarthyism if we recognize communism —  and its main  instrument internationally, Red China –as the clear and present dangers they are. So they use euphemisms. Indeed, to be “canceled” is a badge of honor for some conservatives. Perhaps they will take a bow when they are hauled off to the Gulag.

Good riddance to those shallow and gutless “conservatives” who fail to grasp and describe the enormity of the threat. Shame on those who fail to hold China responsible and accountable for a virus that has become so deadly it has taken the form of being a state-sponsored serial killer of our fellow Americans.

But liberals are just as despicable. Instead of holding Democratic Governors such as Andrew Cuomo responsible for policies that spread the China virus into nursing homes, killing thousands, they would rather talk about the dirty jokes or comments he made to women.

In either case, communism has to be excused or erased from the picture. No wonder we are losing to China.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

With Republican Help, Steady Marxist “Progress” Under Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

The Senate Republicans got a scalp. The mean Tweets of Neera Tanden got her nomination as Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director pulled by the Biden Administration. Wow. Has the GOP demonstrated it’s a serious opposition party?

But some Republicans seem eager to confirm Communist Party-backed candidate Rep. Deb Haaland in a far more important position – that of Secretary of the Interior, with jurisdiction over:

  • 480 million surface acres — nearly one-fifth of the land area of the United States.
  • 700 million acres of subsurface minerals, and
  • 5 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, a so-called moderate supporting Haaland, also notes that the Interior Secretary manages lands that produce nearly 20 percent of the nation’s energy that is critical for our energy independence, including:

  • 12 percent of our natural gas;
  • 24 percent of our oil;
  • 43 percent of our coal;
  • Half of our geothermal energy; and
  • Much of our wind, solar, and hydropower.

An in-depth article at the website of Trevor Loudon notes that Haaland is “a militant left-wing radical with deep communist ties,” especially through top Communist Party official Judith Le Blanc. Haaland can be expected to stop energy production on “tribal lands” claimed by “indigenous people,” or out of respect for “Mother Earth” and the “existential threat” of climate change.

A vote on her nomination in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is expected on Thursday, March 4.The committee’s phone number is (202) 224-4971. Trevor Loudon discussed this nomination with me on an edition of America’s Survival TV. Republican Senator Susan Collins supports Haaland.

Meanwhile, the Senate GOP voted overwhelmingly for Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense, as he proceeds with a plan to integrate transgenders into the Armed Forces while weeding out white people who don’t feel guilty about their race. And I do mean “plan.” The Pentagon  has released a 63-page report on how to screen conservatives and Trump supporters out of the military.

Let’s understand what is happening here. Modern-day Marxists have lost the workers, the cannon fodder for the revolution, and have therefore turned to various minority groups, sexual and otherwise. The Haaland nomination is designed in part to solidify the Indian vote, as well as shut down America’s energy industry. Haaland is a real Indian, not a fake one like Elizabeth Warren.

“Brown is the New White” is one of the Marxist rallying cries, and it is apparently designed to encompass Indians, too, since “Redskins” is officially banned.

But it goes further than this. Kristen Clarke, the nominee to head the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, has written that blacks have “superior physical and mental abilities” over whites.

Whites are the new blacks. And it’s all because of Marxism.

C. Bradley Thompson, Executive Director of the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism, remarked back in 2012, “In a remarkably short period of time, the philosophy of Karl Marx profoundly changed the course of human civilization. In fact, no system of ideas transformed the world as quickly or as comprehensively as did the philosophy of Marx — not even the teachings of Jesus or Muhammad. At the height of Marxism’s political power and influence, half the world was under its dominion, and the other half feared that it too would succumb to communist imperialism.”

Unfortunately, Thompson also wrote, “Everything changed, of course, in 1989. When the Berlin Wall fell, many in the West saw for the first time the material and spiritual rot that lay within the Marxist-Leninist world. We now know the ugly truth. Marxism has led to rivers of blood and an ocean of tears wherever it has been tried.”

We saw that material and spiritual rot but the events of 1989 did not change anything significantly because the fall of the Berlin Wall was a Marxist dialectical maneuver to convince us to let down our guard against communism. In fact, the forces of Cultural Marxism are on the offensive like never before.

Almost every day we see a new example of “cancel culture,” from Dr. Seuss to Mr. Potato Head, but this euphemism is just another phrase many conservatives use to avoid discussing Marxism. They are afraid to accurately label the enemy because they might be accused of McCarthyism.

We are in a very serious situation and, as Marx might say, we have to understand the historical forces behind our current predicament.

Al Benson, Jr. one of my recent guests on America’s Survival TV, discussed how Marxists had flooded into the United States in the mid-1800s to back Abraham Lincoln and the new Republican Party. Lincoln was not a Marxist, but Marx and his followers saw the battle over slavery as fulfilling the Marxist theory of history. This holds that humanity proceeds through stages of development, moving beyond feudalism and slavery and ultimately culminating in socialism and communism.

This means, of course, that communism has been a factor in American life long before the Russian revolution. America has always been their ultimate target. And yet only the communists themselves want to talk about it openly.

Another taboo topic is the Satanism that drives Marxism.

The Paul Kengor book, The Devil and Karl Marx, explains that the “progressive” ideas let loose on the world by the father of communism are based in the otherworldly powers of darkness that Karl Marx personally embraced.

I’m anxiously awaiting the Robert Orlando film, “To Hell with Karl Marx: The American Exorcism.”

Since Satan is described by Jesus Christ as the father of lies,many automatically think that everything that is said in a Satanic or even Marxist context is a lie and will be exposed as such. That’s not necessarily true.

The Marxists are determined to bring into being what the Marxist theory of history, dialectical or historical materialism, tells them to be true.  America is the real prize in this global war and a communist America is part of the ultimate plan.

As noted by C. Bradley Thompson, Marx had argued that communism would emancipate man from the “slavery” of capitalism and create a socialist heaven on earth. Tens of millions, in countries like China, Russia, and the United States, still believe this.

In reality, Thompson noted that,under communism, approximately 100 million people were murdered and millions more were tortured, starved, exiled, enslaved, and sent to concentration camps. “Collectivization, one-party rule, man-made famine, secret police, arrests, propaganda, censorship, ethnic cleansing, purges, show trials, reeducation camps, gulags, firing squads, and killing fields — all these defined life under communism,” he noted. Further, it became a crime punishable by death to be a member of the “bourgeoisie,” an “enemy of the people,” a “counter revolutionary,” or a “deviationist.”

In today’s fashionable terms, Marxism is “cancel culture” and Marxist consciousness is “wokism.” Most would rather refer to “political correctness” and not “Cultural Marxism.” Glenn Beck calls it fascism. Nobody wants to be accused of “McCarthyism.”

In this context, the Republicans doing a victory dance over getting the scalp of Neera Tanden have a point, albeit a small one. It’s noteworthy that she ran a “progressive” think tank. It’s good she doesn’t have an official position in government. But she can do as much damage on the outside as the inside.

There are millions of these people in America, as a result of Marxist Madrassas that have brainwashed the next generation. They have money, access, and influence. Most importantly, they have motivation. They think they are on the right side of history and that almost anything is justified to destroy the opposition to “progress.”

Exposing Neera Tanden was a good first step. Now, let’s get serious about the nature of the problem. Start by exposing cancel culture, wokism, and political correctness as pure unadulterated communism. And please understand, Senators, that if the Senate confirms Deb Haaland as Interior Secretary, China and Russia will be celebrating the demise of America’s energy industry.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Why the Communists Are Winning

By Cliff Kincaid

In John le Carre’s Cold War spy thriller, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, the Russian mole in the British intelligence service says to the spy hunter who caught him, “I had to pick a side, George. It was an aesthetic choice as much as a moral one. The West has grown so very ugly, don’t you think?”A similar line surfaced when a West Point Cadet, Spenser Rapone, was photographed in 2018 with the phrase “Communism will win” in his cap.

Their belief in the Marxist theory of history (historical materialism) has convinced them communism will triumph by moving countries such as the United States through stages of slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and socialism. Former President Trump said in his CPAC speech on Sunday, in commenting on Democratic Party policies, “…we will fight the onslaught of radicalism, socialism, and indeed it all leads to communism once and for all.”

As I note in The Sword of Revolution and The Communist Apocalypse, the Marxists see the U.S. as a society based on slavery which has since become the leading capitalist nation and must therefore be “transformed” into socialism on the road to communism. Hence, we currently see Marxists and their fellow travelers refer to slavery as the basis for American capitalism and the need for reparations.

The book, Lincoln’s Marxists, notes that Karl Marx and his followers took an active interest in the Civil War and believed Lincoln’s subjugation of the South would advance the world communist movement. Barack Hussein Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, taught at the Abraham Lincoln School in Chicago.While Marxists like Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Weydemeyer fought in the Union army, there is no hard evidence that Lincoln personally embraced Marxism.

Looking at this through Marxist eyes, the U.S. developed beyond an economic system based on slavery to be in the current stage between capitalism and socialism, what is called the highest stage of capitalism. This is when the Marxists capture the major organs of finance capital, including hedge funds,major corporations, and the means of communication. It looks like fascism but Marxists regard it as a significant stage on the road to world communism.

It’s Communism, Stupid

In order to avoid this ultimate fate, including re-education camps, conservatives must identify the communists for what they are and understand their tactics and strategy. Calling this “woke capitalism” or “cancel culture” won’t suffice. And denouncing “McCarthyism” only confuses people about the need for congressional internal security committees to expose and identify communists. Until that happens, Trevor Loudon has the best on-line encyclopedia, KeyWiki, to keep track of the “enemy within.”

We have lost valuable time. Atribunal to investigate, expose, and prosecute communist crimes has never been held, in contrast to the Nuremberg trials for the Nazis, and the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties is still being held on a yearly basis. Literally dozens of communist groups operate on American soil, in open violation of the Communist Control Act, which is still on the books.(It was introduced by a Democrat, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and signed by a Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower.)

Our problems as a nation go back decades, to the time when the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA,was led by William J. Donovan and recruited communists out of Nazi Germany, ostensibly to understand and fight the Nazis. But these Marxists had a different agenda. As documented in our report, Cultural Marxism and America’s Moral Collapse, these Marxists developed a new series of stages of socialism in which various “oppressed” peoples wake up to their historical consciousness and demand their “rights.” The popular description is “identity politics.”

As demonstrated by the case of Barack Hussein Obama, blacks were always targeted for exploitation, since they were perceived as the historical victims of slavery and could be used as cannon fodder for the revolution. But “gay rights” became a cause that was literally made up in America by a member of the Communist Party, Harry Hay, in order to further divide American society and undermine its moral foundations. Today, “transgenders” are the latest to join the Marxist “struggle.”

Over the decades, as moral standards changed and suffered a decline, even in the intelligence agencies, what used to be known as “perverts” were hired and promoted. At the same time, Christian anti-communists were weaned out of the agency or ostracized as dissidents.

In fact, despite the communist-created uproar over “McCarthyism,” some of the key communists were never exposed at the right time.

The book, A Very Principled Boy, by former CIA officer Mark A. Bradley, tells the story of communist Duncan Lee, who infiltrated the OSS for the Soviets and was never prosecuted or convicted. Communist defector Elizabeth Bentley exposed Lee, but he continued to deny serving the communists until his death. He was eventually exposed definitively as a Soviet agent by the Venona intercepts of Soviet messages by the NSA. One of the Venona messages named Lee, who worked directly for OSS director Donovan, by the cover name “Koch.” But Donovan called Lee a “very principled boy” who would not betray his country.

(The Venona intercepts were not used at the time to prosecute Lee because of the need to keep the nature and success of the surveillance a secret from the Soviets.)

“The sad truth,” notes researcher Mark LaRochelle, “is that Lee was just one of many identified Soviet agents in the OSS. Others, as we now know from numerous impeccable sources, included Maurice Halperin, Carl Marzani, Franz Neumann, Helen Tenney, Julius and Bella Joseph and Lee’s Oxford classmate, Donald Niven Wheeler.”

The Greatest Generation

The Russians provoked World War II with their Hitler-Stalin Pact but when Hitler attacked Russia, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt arranged support for Stalin. FDR’s administration was penetrated by communists such as State Department spy and United Nations founder Alger Hiss.  Later, Hiss would help arrange Soviet control of Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, Stalin stole America’s nuclear secrets by using American traitors in the atom bomb project. Later, the Chinese communists stole more advanced nuclear secrets from the U.S.

Stalin helped Mao take China and sparked communist aggression in Korea and Vietnam. The U.S. settled on a stalemate in Korea, after American General Douglas MacArthur was prohibited from taking the fight to the communist-controlled Chinese mainland. He was fired by President Harry Truman, who decided on a policy of containment of, rather than victory over, communism.

Vietnam was abandoned to the communists when Democrats in Congress, organized in a group that later became known as the Progressive Caucus, objected to further aid to anti-communist South Vietnam.

General George S. Patton had warned the U.S. that Russian communism was as big a threat as Nazism. But the American government didn’t want to hear that. And that made Patton a target. The book, Target Patton, by Robert Wilcox, argues that Patton was assassinated. Later, President Kennedy was assassinated by a Marxist, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Robert F. Kennedy suffered the same fate. His assassin was a Palestinian Marxist.

Robert Orlando’s film, “Silence Patton,” says, “Patton’s legacy confronts us with one haunting question about World War II: why did the allies spend years spilling the blood of thousands of men to oust a dictator in Germany and recapture the land from the German Reich only to surrender those liberated lands to a Russian tyrant in a matter of months?”

The Greatest Generation, in other words, gave their lives to make the world safe for communism. It’s a terrible tragedy. The major change in communist strategy has been the replacement of China over Russia as the leader of the world communist movement. The Sino-Soviet split was a ruse, a dialectical maneuver, that was gladly accepted by traitors in government and the corporate sector.

The Specter of McCarthyism

As this began to unfold, Senator Joe McCarthy was trying to understand the nature of communist infiltration. The Communists demonized him, coining the term “McCarthyism.” On the eve of investigating communist infiltration of the CIA, as documented by J.C. Hawkins in the book Betrayal at Bethesda, McCarthy went in Bethesda Naval Hospital for a knee problem and came out in a body bag, dead from hepatitis.

Meanwhile, communists in Hollywood claimed persecution, even though all of the members of the “Hollywood Ten” were guilty of subversion. All of this is documented in Allan Ryskind’s book Hollywood Traitors.

Brennan’s Leverage Over Obama

The corruption is so deep that, in order to bring down Trump, his CIA director, Gina Haspel, had reportedly arranged the transfer of the phony Russia dossier to the FBI. It was paid for by Hillary and used KGB sources. Haspel was mentored by Obama CIA Director John Brennan, who voted communist in college and rose briskly through the ranks of the agency. It was Brennan’s private firm, the Analysis Corp., that was accused of improperly examining — and perhaps doctoring — Obama’s passport files before he became president.

Our intelligence agencies failed to warn the American people about the Chinese threat, since they accepted communist disinformation that the Communist Chinese had given up on communism, and the China Joe Administration now wants to avoid even mentioning that the deadly Covid-19 disease came out of China. The evidence suggests a laboratory origin.

Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc, was in hiding in the U.S. and recently passed away from Covid. But he provided a statement for one of my conferences on the significance of the Obama presidency, saying, “I walked in Marxist moccasins for many years, and I can see how President Obama could have bought into the siren call of Marxism…”

That siren call — of a world in which exploitation and alienation are eliminated and human progress is assured — has been accepted by so many in the United States that some might say the end is near. The communists are winning.

As geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist has noted, the well-documented infiltration of the CIA by the KGB and the post-Soviet special services (not to mention China) leads to suspicions that the agency has been compromised from the start. “Today,” he notes, “the suspicion must be that the agency is under outright Russian control.”

Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, had declared in his speech, “October and Perestroika: The Revolution Continues,” on November 2, 1987, that, “In October 1917 we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving towards a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road!” He understood that the U.S. would want to be fooled by the “collapse” of communism, conducted under the cover of Marxist dialectical maneuvers known as perestroika and glasnost.

Today, the Communist Chinese are using the tactics of Marxist dialectics, described by Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao asa “spiritual atom bomb,” far superior to the real thing.In the case of Covid-19, the maneuver is clear: China will save the world it has destroyed.

The destruction of America’s economy through Covid-19 and the lockdowns has already led to the creation of new digital currencies, threatening the dollar’s dominance in world trade, as out-of-control federal spending and inflationary pressures threaten America’s fiscal future. Equally important, the Christian and moral foundations of America’s constitutional republic have been undermined to the point where it looks like America is ripe for the picking.

We can’t want until 2024. The communist apocalypse is approaching.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

We Need a Dose of McCarthyism

By Cliff Kincaid

Rather than less McCarthyism, we need more. The Communists are taking over and most Republicans are pretending it’s not happening. Let’s hope that former President Trump, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this weekend, outlines how he will take back the presidency from the Deep State.

Consider that China Joe Biden’s new Ambassador to the United Nations gave a paid speech to a Chinese Communist propaganda center praising China and was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 78-21 (with one Senator not voting).

To make matters worse, a prominent law professor has given testimony attacking the specter of McCarthyism poisoning our political debate. Jonathan Turley actually confused Joe with Eugene,declaring, “Outside of wartime crackdowns, our struggle to protect free speech hit another low during the Cold War and ‘Red Scare.’” He explained“the most visible abuses occurred in the hearings on ‘Un-American Activities’ with figures like Senator Eugene McCarthy. The work of these committees was replicated in a myriad of federal and state laws barring rights and privileges to suspected Communists.”

Not only did Turley confuse Eugene, a peacenik Senator, with Joe, he failed to identify one innocent person whose life was destroyed by McCarthy. What’s more, McCarthy had nothing to do with the House Un-American Activities Committee.

Turley’s purpose was to claim that left-wing crackdowns on free speech by conservativesis a modern-form of McCarthyism. Like Glenn Beck, he called this the new “Red Scare.”

But judging by the Senate Republicans rubber-stamping the nomination of Linda Thomas-Greenfield as Ambassador to the U.N., we could use another real Red Scare. We need a real Joe McCarthy investigating how the Chinese Communists are influencing our political parties and the various “Confucius Institutes” on college campuses around the country. That’s where Thomas-Greenfield gave her speech about China’s humanitarian efforts in Africa.

Ridding the country of communists and fellow travelers was Joe McCarthy’s mission.  I wish he had done a better job but he ran into interference from the Deep State, most notably the CIA. McCarthy was preparing to investigate the CIA when he went into Bethesda Naval Hospital for knee surgery and died from hepatitis. The J.C. Hawkins book, Betrayal at Bethesda, explains the curious sequence of events.

One of the most important challenges we face is to educate the American people about how communism came to America. On the game show “Jeopardy,” on Wednesday night, one answer (contestants are given answers and then have to provide a question with the relevant facts) was, “In 1947 screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, part of this numerical ‘Hollywood’ group, was subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities Committee.” The answer, in the form of a question, provided by one contestant was, “What was the Hollywood Five?” That was wrong. It was the Hollywood Ten, and all of them were communists inserting pro-communist messages into Hollywood films.

Allan H. Ryskind, author of the book, Hollywood Traitors, points out that while the myth is that Trumbo and all other members of the Hollywood Ten were innocent victims of a McCarthyite “blacklist,” Trumbo was in fact a Soviet/Nazi agent of influence in Hollywood. Even today, basic knowledge of this period in America is sorely lacking. But the facts help explain why American institutions, including the media and intelligence agencies, can be so infiltrated that the public at large can’t remember the nature of the communist threat and how it is working today right in front of our eyes.

Hence, when a popular TV personality such as Glenn Beck or a professor like Jonathan Turley completely distorts the meaning of McCarthyism, we are set back enormously about what the “Red Scare” really was and why we should be scared — terrified — today.

The confirmation hearing of Merrick Garland as Attorney General was a golden opportunity to identity real communists, since he was implicated in the approval of a judicial decision that dropped charges under President Obama against a communist terrorist by the name of Elizabeth Anna Duke. Duke was a member of the May 19th Communist Organization, a spin-off from the Weather Underground, and linked to associates of Barack Obama.

It was a perfect case to ask Garland about, since he promised to prosecute the “terrorists” who entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and be tough on terrorists in general.

Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, told me on America’s Survival TV that he has been trying to get Republican Senators to raise the issue.

But Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and former Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr (who presided over the cover-up surrounding the death of Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster) endorsed Garland.

The Duke case demonstrates beyond doubt that Garland is a fixer for the Democratic Party. This explains why Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court. He is now being asked to fix (through sabotage or generous plea deals) the ongoing investigations of the Obama/Biden role in the Russia hoax conspiracy and Hunter Biden’s dealings with China.

The irony is that while the most serious charges against Duke have been dropped, she is still on the FBI web site as a Most Wanted terrorist. She is supposedly still wanted for the following: “Unlawful Possession of United States Identification; Conspiracy; Unlawful Storage of Explosives; Unlawful Possession of Firearms and Destructive Devices; Storage and Concealment of Stolen Explosives; Unlawful Possession of Five or More False Identification Documents; Possession of Counterfeit Social Security Cards; Aiding and Abetting; Unlawful Possession of Document-Making Implement.”

The charges relating to identity theft suggest a possible connection to Obama, who used a stolen Social Security number (SSN) when he ran for president.

Since the Justice Department has never pursued that matter, I suggest Jack Cashill’s book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency. His book has a whole section on how Obama had been using an anomalous and fraudulent SSN. Cashill explains the story of identity theft behind Obama’s rise to power and how even the left-wing “fact-checkers” couldn’t dispute the evidence of fraud.

My review of Cashill’s book noted, “People were fooled by Obama, his lies, agents and apologists, but they eventually came to understand there was something sinister, even un-American, in the Obama presidency.” People now understand there is something sinister in the Biden presidency and how he and his puppet masters in China came to power.

The deceptions continue, as evidenced in Garland’s handling of the Duke case.

Since legal votes and legal identification cards don’t seem to matter much anymore, perhaps the fraudulent nature of Obama’s background and identity may not matter much, either, except to those interested in how our government has been stolen.And that kind of fraud goes beyond Obama’s personal story to America’s fate as a nation.

What is Trump going to say and do about it? Millions want to know.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

What’s Wrong with Republicans?

By Cliff Kincaid

The collapse of the Texas power grid, combined with the reluctance of Texas politicians to accept responsibility and blame, is why the communists are able to exploit economic conditions and convince people to accept more and more government. This time, the Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL) is demanding that Texas grid operator ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) and all utilities be put under public control! One can expect the socialists in the Democratic Party to pick up this theme.

Some might say the PSL is a small and insignificant communist group. But the promise of Big Government solutions is how government grows at all levels. It is the attraction of Marxism.

As millions freeze, Texas Governor Greg Abbott was on Hannity citing frozen wind turbines and saying “this shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America.”

But the “Powering Texas” website quotes Abbott as saying “…the unique presence of one electric grid for most of the state — the Electric Reliability Council of Texas region — creates an advantage over other states.”

It cites a study that wind power produced up to two thirds of Texas’s energy output in 2020.

The truth is that a series of Republican governors put too much confidence in so-called “clean” and renewable sources such as wind turbines. They wanted to appear fashionable and trendy. Other sources of power also failed. But as energy analyst John Droz notes, even with a safety reserve of power, “…when wind goes to near zero in Texas, the Grid will have blackouts — even if everything else is at full capacity! If there are also failures of conventional capacity, the situation will be worse.”

Meanwhile, Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri has sent out a fundraising email, “21st Century McCarthyism,” claiming he is a victim of the same kind of tactics employed by the anti-Communist Republican Senator from Wisconsin. He apparently didn’t study history because McCarthy underestimated the communist threat to American institutions and Hawley needs to understand it for America to survive.

Like Glenn Beck, the TV personality, Hawley is using the leftist bogeyman of “McCarthyism” into scaring people to raise money. He assumes people will think that McCarthy was wrong for daring to investigate communist penetration of the U.S. Government.

“As the father of three young children,” Hawley says, “I come to work every day to protect freedom and to ensure their future and yours, always shines bright. I am willing to keep standing, keep fighting, even as the liberal mobs come for me – but only if I know you are standing with me.” Then he asks for money.

What Hawley should be doing is urging everybody to join the petition campaign for a tribunal investigating communist crimes, including those committed on American soil. McCarthy’s work was not completed. He died in Bethesda Naval Hospital before he investigated the CIA. Suspiciously, he went in with a bad knee and came out dead from hepatitis.

If McCarthy were alive today, he might want to examine the Party for Socialism & Liberation and how it is now actively campaigning for the Texas energy entity ERCOT to be put under total government control.

Even today, communist groups are very active on American soil and number in the dozens. Most call themselves progressives.

More government control of energy in Texas won’t stop the state’s problems. But that is always the Marxist “solution.” The campaign will be part of a new Democratic Party effort to make Texas into a blue state.

The communists wouldn’t have this opportunity were it not for mismanagement of Texas’s energy riches by a series of Republican governors. Their mismanagement, by expanding power from wind turbines, failing to winterize their sources of power, and not preparing for freezing temperatures, will make it possible, even likely, that the Democratic Party will take over Texas in future elections, using Marxist rhetoric about public control of energy as the means to power.  That, in turn, will serve as the leverage for passage of the Green New Deal on a national level, extending energy problems to the nation as a whole.

Former Republican Governor of Texas and Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry was a big supporter of windmills. Back in 2019, when President Trump expressed doubt about them, Perry said, “Wind energy is an important part of America’s all-of-the-above energy future.”

The left-wing media outlet Vox called Perry “sensible.”

When Trump picked Perry, environmentalists noted that he was governor of the largest wind power state. “While Perry was governor, wind power in Texas surged,” noted one green media company.

Texas grid operator ERCOT promoted a “new record for wind,” saying in 2016, “For the first time, wind provided more than 15,000 megawatts of electricity to the state on a single day. The record wind on Sunday supplied an average of 41 percent of electricity throughout the day.”

A 2019 report on “Powering Texas” said, “The state of Texas is the national leader in wind energy. Texas ranks first in the nation in both installed and under-construction wind energy capacity, generating more power than the next three most prolific wind energy states combined.”

It gave credit to Governor Rick Perry and the Republican-led state legislature.

Now the Republicans are running away from what they did, obviously because many have died and millions lack power.

A USA Today headline proclaimed, “Wind energy had a ‘banner year’ in 2020. Here’s what that means for Joe Biden’s climate plan.”

That is, indeed, what is in store for the nation – more unreliable wind turbines, more blackouts, and more dead. Texas Republicans have led the way.

When Republicans bend to the fashionable left-wing trends, whether it’s Green Power or trashing “McCarthyism,” it never works out well for them. It’s no wonder almost half of all Republicans would leave the party to follow Trump.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump and Limbaugh Fortunes Can Rebuild Conservatism

By Cliff Kincaid

It doesn’t look good for conservatives.

Donald J. Trump was evicted from the presidency by the Deep State, cancer has taken Rush Limbaugh, and now the Republicans running Texas have so mismanaged the power grid that they are asking for investigations that will inevitably lead to their ouster and a Democratic Party takeover of the state.

Blaming the Green New Deal, which hasn’t passed Congress, may go over with some of those in Sean Hannity’s Fox audience, but those who are freezing in Texas won’t believe it.

That flip, plus Georgia becoming a blue state, suggests that the Grand Old Party is finished as a national force. If that is not already the case, Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is determined to dig Donald J. Trump’s grave.

Meanwhile, as the Democrats consolidate their power, their puppet-masters are declaring that our future lies in the hands of major corporations, operating as instruments of the state. Hence, Bill Gates predicts we will be eating synthetic meat.

This may sound macabre, but it reminds me of the old Charlton Heston movie where he cries “Soylent green is people,” discovering the harvesting of the dead to meet the food supply.

Who knows where the “synthetic” will be coming from? Probably something concocted in a lab behind our backs. Like the China virus.

Unborn babies are already being harvested for China virus vaccines, and the Vatican has no problem with it. Most people don’t even know because Big Tech censors the truth.

In the cases of Trump and Limbaugh, we see how people who were once never associated with conservatives came over to the conservative cause. That’s a good thing. Now, their fortunes should be put at the disposal of the conservative movement.

Trump was for most of his career associated with the Democratic Party and gave gobs of money to them. When he changed ideologies, he started giving to the American Conservative Union, a group run by a lobbyist. Limbaugh never voted for Ronald Reagan for president but became a staunch Reaganite. He reached millions and he made millions.

Trump and Limbaugh, each in their own way, understood the value of conservatism. Today, it is a movement in need of resources and understanding.

Allan Ryskind, my former editor at Human Events, once Reagan’s favorite newspaper, is a true conservative on economic, social and foreign policy. He has written a perceptive Washington Times column about how he came to embrace Trump and became an “Ever Trumper,” wedded to his very conservative policies. They must be defended as Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove keep up their attacks on Trump.

Ryskind wrote, “Offhand, I can’t think of a policy Mr. Trump proposed and implemented that I didn’t favor. I was gung-ho for his spectacular tax and deregulation policies, which brought us a dazzling economy, booming 401Ks, and the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics in modern history. By unleashing the oil and natural gas industry, the president not only created more of those good paying American jobs, but made us energy independent, meaning we would no longer have to rely on an unstable Middle East for these critical fuels in time of war.”

In foreign policy, he cited the Trump record: “Getting tough with China, isolating Iran, keeping North Korea in check and defeating ISIS militarily are hardly inconsequential achievements. His audacious Middle East policy not only increased Israel’s security but inspired at least five Arab states to normalize relations with the Jewish state.”

On immigration, he wrote, “President Trump pulled every trick in the book to end it, including building that wall (some 500 miles of it), virtually ending our disastrous ‘catch and release’ program (with Mexico’s help) and his substantial enhancement of the border patrol.”

Yet various Republicans, from Mitch McConnell to Nikki Haley, have disavowed him. They do this because they hope to curry favor with the Big Media and Big Tech. McConnell apparently wants to divert attention away from his alleged ties to China through his wife’s family shipping company, the Foremost Group.

Meanwhile, we have the spectacle of millions of people freezing in Red State Texas.

The prospect of Texas Republicans blaming frozen wind mills for power blackouts is an excuse to mask managerial incompetence. Weren’t the Texas politicians supposed to be the models of Republican managerial excellence?

Our “conservative” media are also in a free fall. With Limbaugh out of the way, Fox News is under more pressure than ever before to water down its conservative content.They continue to employ Never-Trumper Karl Rove as a commentator. His latest column for the “conservative” Wall Street Journal defends Mitch McConnell against Trump’s “smears.”

With his wildly inaccurate programs on the “New Red Scare” and “McCarthyism,” Glenn Beck can’t be seen as someone who can fill Limbaugh’s void. Author J.C. Hawkins joined me on America’s Survival TV to discuss how the foolish use of the leftist term “McCarthyism” by conservatives like Glenn Beck and Republican politicians works against the conservative cause.

For my part, I will continue my group America’s Survival TV and support conservative pro-life businessman Mike Lindell. I bought one of his dog beds for my dog. She loves it. I also bought one of his famous pillows.

We deserve a good night’s sleep. Then we have to wake up.

Lindellis a man with tremendous courage. He does what many big money conservatives never do. He put his money where his mouth is.

He financed the election fraud film “Absolute Proof.” Plus, he underwrote the movie, “Unplanned,” exposing the abortion industry. In addition to that, his book on overcoming addiction is something that ought to be in the hands of druggies and drunks around the world.

A college drop-out who made it big, by presenting conservatism in an entertaining manner, Rush Limbaugh died a very rich man, with a fortune in the neighborhood of $400 – $600 million and a $50 million Florida mansion. All of that has apparently been left to his fourth wife.

Former president Donald J. Trump is still said to be worth billions.

All of this seems like a good financial base, in addition to Mike Lindell’s valiant efforts, to rebuild the conservative movement.

Together, they can’t compete with the combined forces of Soros, Gates, and Zuckerberg. But it’s a start.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

General George Washington Wouldn’t Join Today’s Army

By Cliff Kincaid

General George Washington needed every good man to fight the British and win the Revolutionary War. He drew the line at homosexuals, discharging them for bad conduct and telling them never to return. He would be absolutely horrified at “trans rights” for men in uniform wearing dresses. But that is today’s military, a laughing stock incapable of defending the nation and making us vulnerable to foreign attack.

Let that fact sink in — General George Washington, the father of our country, opposed gays in the military and in fact had them kicked out of the Armed Forces when he needed as many soldiers as possible to protect the new nation.Lieutenant Frederick Gotthold Enslin was kicked out “for attempting to commit sodomy” and Washington himself referred to the conduct as abhorrent.

It figures to get worse. As he begins to implement China Joe Biden’s order to impose transgenderism on the U.S. Armed Forces, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has vowed to purge people with “extremist or dissident ideologies.” This means expelling conservative or Trump-supporting service members. It is also intended to drive Christians out of the military.

Eliminating traditional values in the military is one of the final steps necessary to consolidating America’s position as a Marxist one-party state. They already control the CIA and FBI. Now they want the Pentagon.

Under attack, as part of an official “stand down” designed to identify extremists, Americans with traditional values may decide they have no other alternative except to leave the Armed Forces. At the same time, Christian parents may decide that their young men and women should not serve.

The nation will suffer as morally upstanding young adults seek other lines of work or professions.

This process of subverting the military actually began under the Clinton Administration, when U.S. forces were deployed around the world in various conflicts that did not involve threats to U.S. national security. In the former Yugoslavia, where NATO was deployed for the first time in an offensive military capacity without the approval of Congress, the policy led to the famous case of Army Specialist Michael New refusing orders to serve a foreign U.N. commander in Macedonia. After saying he had signed up for the green team, not the blue team, he was court-martialed and discharged for “bad conduct.”

His lawyers in the Michael New Action Fund fought the discharge in the courts for over 10 years, arguing that presidential orders to report to the U.N. were illegal and unconstitutional. While the Supreme Court ultimately refused to review the case, many members of Congress and the public rallied to Michael New’s defense.

Now, in regard to Biden’s executive order to admit transgenders, Defense Secretary Austin has snapped to attention and signed a new directive on “Military Service by Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria.” He announced,“The Department will immediately take appropriate policy action to ensure individuals who identify as transgender are eligible to enter and serve in their self-identified gender.”

Denying the biological realities of life and DNA, he said that, “This is the right thing to do. It is also the smart thing to do.”

The George Soros-funded National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund was ecstatic, declaring, “President Joe Biden moved quickly and delivered on his promise to end the ban on transgender people serving openly in the military.”

As a result, Army chaplain Maj. Andrew Calvert is under investigation for calling transgender soldiers “mentally unfit” to serve.

Traditional Christian beliefs are now regarded in the Army as “extreme.” But people who think they are members of the opposite sex are totally acceptable.

Major changes are coming to the Navy as well. Admiral Mike Gilday, the Chief of Naval Operations, says a new report, “Task Force One Navy,” makes it clear that the Navy has “fallen short” in the past by excluding people on the basis of sexual orientation and sexual identity. The report touts “gender-diverse organizations.”

In regard to Defense chief Austin, legislation authorized a waiver to the normal seven-year waiting period required under federal law for retired general officers to lead the Pentagon. The law is designed to ensure civilian control of the Pentagon.

The Senate passed the waiver in a wide 69-27 vote and the house by a vote of 326 to 78. Then, the Senate confirmed Austin to be the first black Secretary of Defense by a tally of 93-2. Only Senators Josh Hawley and Mike Lee voted no.

Hence, Republicans are complicit in this dangerous turn of events for the nation.

Austin said during the hearing that “the job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies.  But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”

There is a threat within the military, but Austin and his Democrat sponsors didn’t want to talk about it.

Major Nidal Malik Hasan was a self-described “soldier of Allah” with links to al-Qaedawho was coddled and protected in the Armed Forces until he killed 13 people and wounded 32 others during a November 5, 2009, shooting at Fort Hood.

The Clinton, Bush, and Obama Administrations entertained Muslim Brotherhood operatives at the highest levels of government. The same thing is happening under Biden. His revoking of the so-called “Muslim Ban” guarantees more immigration, perhaps millions of people, from Muslim nations.

Meanwhile, Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken has issued a statement “Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World.” This means that Christians in foreign countries will be ostracized for trying to protect their cultures from homosexual imperialists and foreign interests.

Another part of the foreign policy agenda is to return to the days when American troops were deployed as U.N. peacekeepers and the CIA interfered in Middle East affairs. Biden has already stopped the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

The last time Joe Biden got involved in a civil war, when he was vice-president under Barack Hussein Obama, was in Syria. More than 500,000 people died after Obama/Biden authorized secret CIA support for Muslim Jihadists.

As part of this unfolding plan, Biden will redeploy U.S. military forces into the Middle East, near Syria, for the purpose of supporting — surprise! — Antifa elements committed to the creation of a new Kurdish nation called Rojava. This could easily degenerate into military confrontations with Russia and Turkey.

American soldiers could also be used as U.N. peacekeepers in a deal between Iran and Israel that will dismantle Israel’s nuclear deterrent, leading to the destruction of the Jewish state.

Some of the communist fighters from Syria previously returned to the United States to fight on the streets against Trump’s supporters. Indeed, a Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment entitled, “The Syrian Conflict and Its Nexus to the U.S.-based Antifascist Movement,” noted this problem. But Antifa was conspicuously missing from the subsequent U.S. Department of Homeland Security report on threats facing the nation.

Instead, DHS is warning of potential problems caused by Trump supporters.

This suggests Antifa is under the control of the CIA and was designed to promote the interests of a foreign policy arranged under Obama but discontinued by Trump.

Trump’s own FBI Director Christopher Wray disputed Trump’s claim that Antifa was a terrorist organization. It’s just an ideology, he said, an ideology shared by America’s ruling elites.

Not surprisingly, because he is protecting Antifa from the scrutiny it deserves, Wray has been retained by the Biden Administration.

These Antifa fighters, back from the Middle East, may even be welcomed into the Armed Forces, marching under the Rainbow Flag.

The days of “A Few Good Men” are over.

When the military faces internal collapse, as a result of being trendy, the progressives will decide to return to a military draft and require personal loyalty to America’s new Marxist state.

Sadly, even while they claim to be defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, the members of the Joint Chiefs are going along with the destruction of the military and their nation.

© 2021 Cliff kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Glenn Beck Needs a Fact-Checker on McCarthyism

By Cliff Kincaid

Whining about “McCarthyism,” TV Personality Glenn Beck told his followers about one of his upcoming TV programs, saying, “Our new Red Scare is here, America. Are you on the list?”

This was presented in the context of introducing Donald Trump Jr. joining Beck “to call out this modern McCarthyism and explains the real reason for President Trump’s second impeachment trial.”

But the impeachment trial of Trump and the attacks on Trump supporters have nothing to do with McCarthyism. In fact, it’s the opposite. In truth, we could use another prominent anti-communist like Joe McCarthy. The number of communists in the Democratic Party is now so large that books have been written about it. Anti-communist analyst Trevor Loudon has written a number of them.

In his bizarre message to viewers and supporters, Beck claimed that Senator Joe McCarthy ran the House UnAmerican Activities Committee. But Senators don’t run committees in the House.

Glenn Beck needs a quick education on the lessons of “McCarthyism.” Then he can pass on the truth to his audience. Otherwise, he’s as guilty as the left at spreading misinformation.

One of my mentors, the late M. Stanton Evans, once wrote a great Human Events column, “When Conservatives Parrot Liberal Lies about Joe McCarthy,” about how various conservative media personalities and politicians, used the term “McCarthyism” to refer to the antics of left-wingers. Beck has to be added to the list.

Evans noted that these conservatives “know nothing at all about McCarthy except what the liberals deign to tell them.”

Evans pointed out that “McCarthy was repeatedly proved right, about the larger picture of subversion, and about a host of individual cases.” Yet, McCarthyism, a term coined by the Communist Party to demonize anti-communists, has been adopted not only by liberals but by conservatives as something that explains the use of unsubstantiated charges. This is how the liberals control the public debate. Conservatives let them control the debate by adopting the terminology of the liberals.

In this context, I was truly shocked when Glenn Beck sent out an email promoting one of his programs under the headline, “The New Red Scare & Our ‘Reality Czars.’” He said, “The American Red Scare of the 1950s may be one of the most important — and most terrifying — events in our nation’s history. It was a witch hunt — an all-out assault — on any American citizen deemed to be a threat simply because of their thoughts.”

This is complete nonsense.

I have repeated the facts many times but I guess I have to do it again. McCarthy had cited 59 suspected communists in the State Department, and he produced that list, plus 22 others. McCarthy helped uncover a communist spy ring involving foreign service officer John Stewart Service and Phil Jaffe, the editor of a pro-communist magazine. He targeted Owen Lattimore, a key State Department adviser and communist. McCarthy’s charge against Mary Jane Keeney, a State Department, U.N. employee and Soviet agent, was proven correct. McCarthy was right about Annie Lee Moss, an Army Code Clerk who was a member of the Communist Party.

The John Stewart Service spy ring also involved Laughlin Currie, an adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, and they succeeded in manipulating U.S. foreign policy to enable the communists to seize China. Other top communists in government included Harry Dexter White at the Department of the Treasury and, of course, Alger Hiss of the State Department, a founder of the U.N.

The JC Hawkins book on McCarthy and others, Betrayal at Bethesda, includes an Appendix B and 224 Communists identified by McCarthy and other investigations. McCarthy came out dead from Bethesda, after going in for knee surgery, when he was on the verge of investigating communists in the CIA.

The embarrassing email promoting “Glenn TV” also had this whopper: “Led by Senator McCarthy, the House of UnAmerican Activities Committee destroyed lives. Mere accusations sometimes meant you were stripped of your job and your dignity. Sound familiar?”

He was trying to brand left-wingers with the label of McCarthyism because of the assault on Trump supporters that is occurring these days.

I have used the term “McCarthyism” to make a point, such as when I referred to “Kevin McCarthyism” and the attacks by the house GOP leader Kevin McCarthy on conservative members of the party. But that was a play on words, using the term “McCarthyism” since it was the last name of Joe and Kevin.

I never meant to imply that Joe McCarthyism was in any way illegitimate. I like Joe. Kevin not so much.

But Glenn Beck’s claims that Senator McCarthy actually ran a House committee investigating communists was another major error on his part. He needs a fact-checker. Senators don’t run House committees.

It’s almost as embarrassing as when Bill O’Reilly, then with Fox News, claimed McCarthy had “demonized people who didn’t deserve to be demonized.” Guest Ann Coulter shot back: “That’s not true. Name one. There is not one.”

This exchange then transpired:

O’Reilly: “I’ll name one. Dalton Trumbo.”

Coulter: “He had nothing to do with Dalton Trumbo.”

O’Reilly: “Sure he did. It was the House of Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC). And who was overseeing that?”

Coulter: “He was known as Senator McCarthy. He was in the Senate not the House. Everyone confuses him with the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.”

O’Reilly: “But who was overseeing that? Come on, you know the clubhouse rules.”

Coulter: “He had nothing to do with HUAC. You see this is part of the myth. Everyone says this. Everyone says HUAC.”

Rather than being an innocent victim of McCarthy or even the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, author Allan H. Ryskind notes that Dalton Trumbo was a major Hollywood Ten figure and longtime Communist enthusiast. What’s more, as Ryskind’s book, Hollywood Traitors makes clear, Trumbo was in fact a Soviet/Nazi agent of influence in Hollywood.

He notes, “The Hollywood Communist contingent, including Trumbo, quickly turned against Hitler after the Fuehrer betrayed Stalin in June of 1941, launching a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. Then, and only then, did the radical screenwriters switch sides again, now demanding America give massive assistance to the Soviet Union to combat fascism and help it survive the Nazi onslaught. Only after Hitler invaded the USSR did the Communist screenwriters become ‘patriotic,’ since they believed US assistance was crucial to the Soviet Union’s survival.”

I couldn’t watch the whole Blaze TV interview with Donald Trump Jr. since it was only available to paid subscribers. But then, why would I bother, since Glenn Beck doesn’t seem to understand his own subject matter and he misleads his own audience in the same way the liberals do.

This is how conservatives join with left-wingers in distorting American history and making true progress difficult if not impossible.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is President of America’s Survival, Inc.

Catholic Bureaucracy Bows to Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

With “Catholic” Joe Biden declaring war on the unborn, heterosexuality, and traditional marriage, the Catholic Church bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. has surrendered to the forces of Cultural Marxism. Defying logic, common sense, and Catholic teachings, the Archbishop of Washington, Wilton Gregory, has decided that Biden is a Catholic in good standing and deserves Holy Communion.

Perhaps the prospect of dipping into the $1.9 trillion pandemic “relief bill” is a factor.

On February 7, Gregory gave a completely uninspiring recorded address to the Catholic congregations of the nation’s capital that failed to address in any way the federal assault on the teachings of the church on human life issues. Instead, as part of a special appeal for funds to subsidize the bureaucracy (in addition to the $1.4 billion in Covid-19 relief money already provided to the Catholic Church), he repeated a few Bible verses about seeking and finding truth, while talking in general terms about separating light from darkness.

The New York Times has declared that Joe Biden “is perhaps the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century” because he “regularly attends Mass.”

Biden, who actually presided over a same-sex “wedding,” is making a mockery of the teachings of the church and leading the United States into further darkness. But Gregory, an enemy of former President Trump, knows this.

Biden’s reversal of the Trump ban on transgenders serving in the military is only the latest example.

Since military recruiters have already been going to gay “pride” events, we anticipate this will include not only paying for sex change operations but active recruitment of transgenders, of the Corporal Klinger variety. The MASH television spectacle of Corporal Klinger wearing women’s dresses to get out of the military may now give way to the Pentagon actually permitting transgendered male soldiers to openly wear women’s military uniforms.

What’s more, as James S. Corum argues in American Thinker, much-needed medical funds will be diverted from military families to confused transgenders desiring to look like members of the opposite sex.

Perhaps the Pentagon will announce formation of the Barney Frank Brigade, named after the former Congressman who once got mired in scandal after ordering a prostitute through a “hot bottom” ad in a gay paper.

Our once-feared military will become a global laughingstock.

It will only be a matter of time before conservatives and Christians start leaving the military in droves.

Beyond the corruption of the military, the Transgender Law Center is demanding that Biden implement a wide-ranging Trans Agenda for Liberation, including a focus on black trans women.

The frequently incoherent Biden cited his faith as a Catholic in supporting transgender rights, quoting Christ as saying, “What you’re doing to the least of my children, you’re doing to me.”

However, a document issued by the Vatican department overseeing Catholic education features a biblical quote in bold letters, “MALE AND FEMALE HE CREATED THEM,” while even left-of-center Pope Francis said in 2014, “Gender ideology is demonic.”

As Biden prepares to push the so-called “Equality Act” to benefit homosexuals, Catholics and non-Catholics alike know that the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 6-9 said, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality…”

Officially, the Catholic Church recognizes homosexuality as a disorder, but there are estimates that 25-50 percent of priests are homosexuals. What’s more, as numerous lawsuits and investigations have determined, the Catholic Church has to failed to purge sexual predators.

Wilton Gregory’s predecessor, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, resigned from his leadership of the archdiocese in 2018 after he was accused of covering up sexual abuse. His predecessor as archbishop of Washington was the disgraced former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the highest-ranking U.S. Catholic leader ever to be removed for sexually abusing a minor.

In an article, “How Joe Biden Will Open The Floodgates To Transgendering Public Schools,” Joy Pullmann noted that Biden “plans to quickly use executive power to push transgenderism in schools, farther than President Obama did.”

All of this is being done with the apparent official acquiescence of Catholic officials such as Wilton Gregory, even though Catholic schools will also be targeted.

Traditional Catholics such as Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute are outraged and he came on America’s Survival TV discussing the “moral evils” being advanced by the Biden Administration on issues like abortion and transgenderism.

Brian Burch of the group Catholic Vote says the “devout” Joe Biden has been celebrating his election “victory” with more child-killing through pro-abortion executive orders. “Joe Biden is an enemy of life, period,” he says. “While he once held to some semblance of coherency on the life issue, he has since fully sold his soul to the Democratic Party’s War on the Unborn.”

In another shocking development, Dr. “Rachel” Levine, a man who wears lipstick and a dress and has been Pennsylvania Secretary of Health, has been nominated by Biden as Assistant Secretary of Health, a Senate-confirmed post. In addition to the controversy over his/her sexual identity, Levine sent many old people to their deaths from Covid in Pennsylvania nursing homes while saving his/her own mother.

We can expect the top officials of the Catholic Church to fall on their faces in subservience to Biden/Harris. But will Republicans challenge this bizarre nomination?

Meanwhile, censorship of traditional Catholics is underway.

A Catholic World Report (CWR) journalist, Matt Hadro, was suspended by Twitter for posting this “hateful” comment: “Biden plans to nominate Dr. Rachel Levine, a biological man identifying as a transgender woman who has served as Pennsylvania’s health secretary since 2017, to be HHS Assistant Secretary for Health. Levine is also a supporter of the contraceptive mandate.”

Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented, “If Twitter can silence such innocuous speech as this, the free speech rights of all Catholic media outlets and websites are in jeopardy.”

It gets worse. Professor and author Paul Kengor points out that ads for his book on the evils of communism, The Devil and Karl Marx, and Carrie Gress’s book, The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity, have been blocked by Facebook. In addition, he says Facebook ads have been blocked for a new TAN Books title on motherhood, Motherhood Redeemed: How Radical Feminism Betrayed Motherly Love, and a children’s book on the Stations of the Cross.

Of course, those like Wilton Gregory who toe the liberal line will be encouraged to speak out for Joe Biden and be praised for doing so.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Rep. Greene is a Victim of Kevin “McCarthyism”

By Cliff Kincaid

Back in 2010, my group America’s Survival, Inc. held a news conference urging Congress to revive the House Internal Security Committee, the successor to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Then-Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa was asked if he would support the “re-creation of such committees” and answered, “I would. I think that is a good process and I would support it.” If Republicans had followed his advice, they might not be in the minority and facing a Marxist majority in Congress today.

King was eventually forced out of Congress by current House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy because King was outspoken in support of saving Western civilization and opposing open borders and multiculturalism. McCarthy is now trying to accede to Democratic Party demands to censor and even expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Trump supporter.

McCarthy is under pressure to practice a new form of “McCarthyism” against his own members. This form of “McCarthyism” involves censoring and even destroying the careers of conservative Republicans.

Raising the possibility of a high-level sex ring operating in the world today means that you are immediately attacked as a QAnon conspiracy theorist. That’s what is happening to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. We are told that some of her old social media posts seemed to indicate sympathy for the QAnon “conspiracy theory.” Other controversial statements have also been dredged up.

Tucker Carlson notes, “The media wants you fixated on Marjorie Taylor Greene. You should ask why.” It’s because the Democrats want to divert attention away from other more serious and even sinister issues involving top Democrats.

Greene is really under attack because she has dared to file impeachment charges against Joe Biden, “the Big Guy” in the Hunter Biden emails.  The charges include the report that “Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an ‘Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring…’”

This was based on the report, “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns,” published by the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.

Meanwhile, John Weaver, a political operative who co-founded the anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project has been implicated in homosexual/pedophile activity. Even the New York Times has taken note of his alleged role as a sex predator who groomed young men. One victim was a14-year-old kid.

A married father of two, he now says, “The truth is that I’m gay.” He is clearly sick and an example of the sickness that pervades society.

Former President Trump, during the campaign, referred to people who believe in QAnon as being opposed to pedophilia. Many people recognize this sickness in society and want it investigated and prosecuted.

Is there any reason to believe these activities exist or that actual conspiracies of such people are being protected by top government officials? Apart from the John Weaver case, have you ever heard of Jeffrey Epstein? He died under mysterious circumstances in a federal jail and his sex tapes are in somebody’s hands.

Two FBI agents, Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger, were just killed executing a search warrant in a child pornography investigation.

Child pornography and human trafficking are some of the worst evils in our society and the world. They exist because they are being protected by powerful people.

Joe Biden’s new open borders  executive orders encourages human trafficking into the United States.

What’s more, as my group documented, former President Barack Hussein Obama was mentored by a communist sex pervert by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, who served as a father figure. Davis, who died in 1987, was a heavy drinker and marijuana user who wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, disclosing that he had sex with children, including a 13-year-old girl. In a poem, Obama wrote about “Pop,” with strange lines about stains and smells on shorts, that Obama biographer David Maraniss confirmed was Davis. Writer Jack Cashill noted the poem has definite “sexual overtones.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is accused of believing in a strange conspiracy theory while the Biden Administration and many Democrats believe in a so-called “transgender” theory of human life holding that men can be women and vice versa. Even the liberal pope has rejected this nonsense, a form of DNA denial.

But if you refer to the facts about biology and science regarding men and women, you can run the risk of being censored by Big Tech, a cesspool of odd-ball views.

As I argued in a previous column, Rep. Greene has identified the right enemies, including George Soros. But her critics argue that criticism of Soros is anti-Semitism. This is ridiculous. Soros promotes transgenderism, among other theories designed to undermine our Judeo-Christian civilization.

In terms of high-level sex predators, I noted the following:

  • Theodore McCarrick has been identified as the highest-ranking U.S. Catholic leader ever to be removed for sexually abusing a minor and is also accused of sexually abusing seminarians. He was a leading “progressive” in the church who supported homosexual civil unions, a form of marriage, as far back as 2006. Catholic columnist Matt Abbott, who reported on McCarrick’s homosexual activity back in 2005, had told me, “I believe the Church establishment and mainstream media protected him, mainly because he’s a prominent liberal cardinal.”
  • Harry Hay, founder of the modern gay rights movement, was a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
  • Dennis Hastert, the former Republican House Speaker, pleaded guilty to federal charges of lying to the FBI about a money-laundering scheme designed to cover up the case of an innocent child sexually abused by Hastert when he was a high-school wrestling coach.

Amy Berg exposed the cover-up of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in her 2006 Oscar-nominated documentary, “Deliver Us from Evil,” and followed with her film, “An Open Secret,” about how pedophiles operate in Hollywood and cover up their crimes. The Boston Globe exposed a series of sex crimes committed by Catholic priests in an award-winning series of articles made into a film, “Spotlight,” available on Netflix.

In this context, the Kevin McCarthy brand of “McCarthyism” being pursued against members such as Marjorie Taylor Green looks like a cover-up. Perhaps he ought to revisit the case of Dennis Hastert, now a convicted felon.

He is being urged to pursue his destructive course by conservative journalists such as Tyler O’Neil of PJ Media and Daniel Greenfield of Frontpage Magazine. I recently confronted O’Neil about this matter on an edition of America’s Survival TV. You can watch the interview here and draw your own conclusions.

CNN, the anti-conservative “news” organization, is gloating over the fact that, in an op-ed in Frontpage magazine, “a Trump-loving publication affiliated with longtime activist David Horowitz,” editor Daniel Greenfield also attacked Greene.

The attacks are based on out-of-context material usually dredged up by left-wing groups from old social media posts.

It’s sad and strange to see conservative journalists play these political games when the Democratic Party tolerates open Marxists in its ranks and nothing is done about it.

Big Tech, of course, is also playing a role. When I posted the video of my interview with Tyler O’Neil, during which we discussed the QAnon theory, YouTube added a Wikipedia entry insisting the theory was disproven and evidence of “cult activity.” That’s to be expected from Big Tech, which itself functions like a destructive cult.

Perhaps those conservatives joining left-wingers attacking Rep. Greene ought to get to the bottom of what’s happening with international human trafficking and pedophile rings before coming to any firm conclusions about whether aspects of the QAnon “conspiracy theory” are true or not.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Republican Party at the Crossroads

By Cliff Kincaid

In 1962, a former FBI agent by the name of Dan Smoot wrote a book about an “invisible government” running America. Decades later, FBI agents would become members of that invisible government and arrange a political surveillance operation directed at President Donald J. Trump. Only one of these corrupt officials, former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, has been held accountable.

But “accountable” doesn’t really apply. Clinesmith pleaded guilty to criminal charges in connection with an illegal surveillance warrant and he was “sentenced” by Judge James E. Boasbergto probation.

This means that the surveillance state that subverted the Trump presidency is still in place and running the show under the Joe Biden regime. The former president must, if he proceeds with an impeachment defense, expose not only the fraudulent election but the Deep State agencies in on it.

The rest of the culprits from the intelligence community are free, some still in power and others making appearances on TV and arranging book deals to make themselves rich. They now want additional powers, in the form of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, to put Trump supporters under surveillance and jail them.

Our only hope, in terms of a functioning two-party system, consists of the new members of Congress, such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has introduced charges of impeachment against China Joe.

One of the GOP members doing the right thing, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, is under attack because she has dared to file impeachment charges against China Joe, mostly over his family’s financial dealings with China and other foreign countries. Although she has the full support of former President Trump, House Republican Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy says he opposes that course of action.

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has attacked Greene, in what is clearly an effort to divert attention away from Rep. Eric Swalwell, an impeachment manager against Trump who was reported to have had a romantic relationship with a Chinese spy.

Another feisty GOP lawmaker is Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, who is sounding the alarm about “the unprecedented market manipulation” by financial institutions and Big Tech in the current financial crisis. She’s also a big Second Amendment supporter

But House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy doesn’t want to fight. When former Republican Rep. Steve King came under media attack for speaking out in favor of saving Western civilization, McCarthy arranged to have King replaced on various congressional committees. His pressure eventually led to King losing his seat in Congress.

The liberal media’s charge against King was a familiar one – racism. The charge against Greene is that she is a conspiracy theorist. Left-wing comedians are even on the attack against her.

The real conspiracy is the FBI/CIA cabal that subverted the Trump presidency and brought an administration under the control of China to power.

So-called “conservatives” such as Tyler O’Neil of PJ Media have accepted the left-wing narrative about Greene, and he now insists that Republicans have an obligation to denounce her for controversial statements she made on social media years ago. This is how conservatives play unto the hands of those determined to run true conservatives out of the GOP.

The author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, O’Neil should know better. The left always dredges up something to use against conservatives.

True conservative leaders had said about Kevin McCarthy’s handling of King: “We are appalled that Republican leadership would choose to believe a liberal news organization famous for their bias over an outstanding member of Congress who has served the people of Iowa and the United States honorably and faithfully for 16 years.”

It looks like he’s planning similar treatment for Rep. Greene. But Trump has reportedly made a call of support to her.

More than half of the GOP conference in the House wants Rep. Liz Cheney out of her number three leadership post because of her vote for impeachment. “There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” she claimed.

Yet, Trump used his speech at the January 6 rally to urge his followers to act peacefully and patriotically.

Depending on what happens in the GOP, there is an alternative – the Constitution Party. I recently interviewed its national chairman Jim Clymer on America’s Survival television.

Clymer says, “True Constitutionalists have been courted by Republicans when seeking our support, only to be kicked by them in the teeth when it counts the most.  I believe the Republican Party has so betrayed its principles, and those of its supporters, that it is no longer worthy to be called the home of Constitutional conservatives and it is time for it to be relegated to the dustbin of history.”

With adequate funding, the Constitution Party is a structure that could easily be developed into a highly effective and competitive organization.

Howard Phillips had started this third political party when the Republican Party began drifting away from conservatism. He always stood for principle. He was a conservative first and last.

We can’t say that about the Republican Senators confirming people like Avril Haines as Director of National Intelligence and Tony Blinken as Secretary of State in the Biden Administration.

There is a chance, however, to defeat another power grab for the surveillance state.

Some left-wing groups are opposing the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act because they think the new surveillance powers will be turned on non-white people.

In terms of the upcoming farcical impeachment trial of the former president, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell betrayed the president by echoing Democratic Party charges that he somehow incited the events of January 6 but then voted, in effect, to declare the impeachment trial unconstitutional.

On this basis, Senators can recommend that Trump take up the case already filed by attorney Orly Taitz, who argues in a lawsuit that the trial of a former president is clearly unconstitutional. Taitz made this case to me during another recent episode of America’s Survival television. She was denied standing, something available to Trump, but can appeal.

If Trump proceeds with a defense, he has every right — indeed, an obligation — to expose the fraudulent nature of the election and the Deep State forces which brought China Joe to power. He has to find courageous lawyers willing to argue the case and stand up to legal pressure. I recently interviewed attorney Mark Fitzgibbons about efforts by the far-left Democrats to “purge” conservatives from the legal profession.

But if Republicans continue playing defense, true conservatives will have nowhere else to go but the Constitution Party.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Senate Republicans Endorse Biden’s Deep State Picks

By Cliff Kincaid

In his column, “Clinton’s Brilliant Strategy,” Dennis Cuddy suggests that the fate of Donald J. Trump, going out of office under questionable circumstances, is a function of Hillary and Bill Clinton’s revenge.  He writes, “Bill Clinton and the Democrats correctly believed that with Trump’s political inexperience, he could as president easily be ‘set up.’” Trump was elected, he writes, because the GOP base, comprised mostly of the Tea Party and Christian Right, “were tired of promises by the Republican Establishment never being fulfilled.” They wanted an outsider – Trump. But this turned out to be Trump’s Achilles heel. He didn’t understand the forces out to get him.

The strange thing is that Senate Republicans seem eager to embrace these dangerous forces.

Cuddy, an astute observer, notes the Clintons’ involvement in the World Government movement. This is critical to understanding the direction of the Democratic Party and the media’s role in masking our fate.

You can find on my YouTube page a video entitled, “Hillary Clinton, Walter Cronkite and World Government,” featuring Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite at a World Federalist Association meeting in1999. Cronkite, the former CBS Evening News anchorman, received the “Norman Cousins Global Governance Award.” Through a closed-circuit hook-up, Hillary praised Cronkite for his promotion of a one-world government.

Cronkite’s association with the World Federalists had been known for years, but in the speech to the group he disclosed that he was asked decades ago to be a Washington lobbyist for the group. “I chose instead to continue in the world of journalism,” Cronkite said.

Bringing the picture up to date, with the “election” of Joe Biden, Cuddy goes on to point out that Democratic Party control of all branches of government (with the Supreme Court to be expanded and controlled as well) will allow Biden to implement his “New World Order.” I fought one aspect of this when Biden ran the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and tried to ram through the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty. We were part of a coalition that stopped its passage.

The “Norman Cousins Global Governance Award” was also given to Clinton Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, who, as a columnist for Time magazine, had written about a world in which nation-states would disappear and people would become world citizens. On that occasion, President Clinton sent a note to the gathering wishing them “future success.”

Biden’s open endorsement of a New World Order actually came in a Wall Street Journal article titled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” He backed U.S. military intervention in the Balkan war, supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, voted for the war on Iraq in 2003 and, as vice president, backed the U.S. military intervention in Libya. We can expect greater use of U.S. forces for U.N. peacekeeping missions.

As researcher Trevor Loudon told me in an ASI TV interview and as he documents in his book White House Reds, Biden owes his political career to a group called the “Council for a Livable World.” It was started by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard. The Council was supported by money from Al Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by Soviet agent Armand Hammer.

All of this will now play a role in America’s future.

The Socialist International calls this a “New Horizon” for the United States, while columnist Bob Knight points out that, in an editorial, the Communist Party USA said that the Democrats’ total control may be temporary, so what they have to do in the next two years “is crucial.”

The World Economic Forum, one of many globalist groups committed to the “Great Reset,” calls this “the new global situation.” It says heads of state and government, chief executives and leaders from civil society will convene under the theme of “A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust.”

In true Orwellian fashion, that “trust” will be enforced through censorship and arrests of dissenters.

Rushing to accommodate Biden, Senate Republicans joined Democrats in confirming John Brennan loyalist Avril Haines as director of national intelligence by a vote of 84-10. She will play a crucial role in overseeing the 18 agencies that make up the U.S. Intelligence Community, at a cost of over $62 billion a year.Another $23.1 billion is spent on the Military Intelligence Program.

A partisan Democrat and member of the Deep State, Haines was on the advisory council and the Governance Board for a group called National Security Action, dedicated to “Building a strong, unified, progressive opposition to the Trump administration’s dangerous policies…” On September 10, 2020, it had sponsored a forum for “rising progressive voices” to “take on Trump’s failed approach and champion a progressive foreign policy vision for 2021 and beyond.”

A total of 36 Senate Republicans voted for her nomination. Only 10 Republican Senators voted against her:Blackburn (R-TN), Braun (R-IN), Cruz (R-TX), Ernst (R-IA), Hagerty (R-TN), Hawley (R-MO), Lee (R-UT), Marshall (R-KS), Paul (R-KY), and Risch (R-ID).

Ernest, a combat veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said she had “serious concerns over Ms. Haines’ strong support for the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal,” which largely benefited Iran.

Interestingly, Haines’ previous work included serving as a member of the “high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response” sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was held just a few months before the China virus was unleashed on the world.

In addition to being a former Deputy Director of the CIA, she served as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Geopolitics. This panel was designed to “offer intellectual support to the Forum’s work on the Great Reset initiative, particularly the pillar devoted to promoting global cooperation and revitalizing the multilateral system.”

Biden’s nominee as director of the CIA, William J. Burns, was a member of the same panel.

Strangely, Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, worked to expedite a vote on someone who is widely expected to push for more power and authority for the United Nations as part of the “Great Reset.”

It appears that the Deep State has reaffirmed its control of both political parties,a fact that can only generate more hatred by the grass roots of the Republican establishment.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump Will Dance on the Grave of the GOP

By Cliff Kincaid

After nominating a man who dresses like a woman for a top health post in his administration, Joseph R. Biden declared in his inauguration speech: “…we must reject a culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.”

That he/she is Dr. “Rachel” Levine, a man who wears lipstick and a dress and has been Pennsylvania Secretary of Health. Levine has been nominated as Assistant Secretary of Health, a Senate-confirmed post.  Levine sent many old people to their deaths from Covid in nursing homes while saving his/her own mother.

Will Republicans challenge this bizarre nomination? It’s doubtful.

An expert on Levine’s tenure, Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, discussed Biden’s DNA-denial agenda of transgenderism, with a focus on his nomination of Dr. “Rachel” Levine, on an edition of America’s Survival TV.

But Biden, the man “elected” through vote fraud declared, “There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit.”

Cultural Marxists profit from his agenda, originally set-in motion by Barack Hussein Obama.

There are lies, lies, and more lies. Rather than hold the U.S. Capitol Police responsible for shooting and killing an unarmed Trump supporter, military veteran Ashli Babbitt, the media are accusing President Trump of saying things he did not say. On top of this dishonesty, Big Tech censors the president. This is the equivalent of Soviet state media.

But Trump can have the last laugh.

Consider this from Mike Calia of CNBC: “Before boarding Air Force One, he [Trump] stood by the incendiary remarks he gave prior to the Capitol riot.”

Here are Trump’s so-called “incendiary remarks” — “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Calia wrote: “While he said that violence should be avoided, he again stopped short of telling his supporters not to commit any violent acts.”

Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. And the violence was planned in advance of Trump’s speech anyway.

The crowds included Trump supporters, duped by Black Lives Matter or Antifa agitators. Iinterviewed an eyewitness.

But when you ask for a correction from CNBC, here’s what happens: “Thoughts? Email Mike Calia at”

I sent a response to several levels of corporate bureaucracy.

I said:

Dear Sir:

As a long-time media watchdog, having been with Accuracy in Media for 40 years, how can you assert claims of vote fraud are “baseless?” Such a baseless assertion on your part casts doubt on everything else you write.

No wonder trust in media is at an all-time low.

How many poll watchers or lawyers have you interviewed about what happened?  I have interviewed several, including Dave Evans, who was in Michigan. He provided photos of how vote counting centers were guarded to prevent entry and cardboard put on windows to prevent observers from watching. I have those photos.

I received this response:

Hi Cliff,

Thanks for contacting CNBC Customer Care.

While we are not able to put you in direct contact with our editors or producers, CNBC welcomes all idea submissions and feedback. We will forward your message to the team for review, and they will be in touch directly if they require additional information.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions or comments.

Hope you have a great rest of the day!



CNBC Customer Care

Echoing the disinformation and lack of accountability, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell says the mob “was fed lies” and that Trump and others “provoked” them.

All Trump did was recite the evidence of election fraud, and how, according to his constitutional attorney John Eastman, Vice President Mike Pence could send the electoral certifications back to the states.

One reader commented, “Pence delivered the coup de grace to our country by not doing what he should have. He not only stabbed Trump in the back, but he stabbed all conservatives in the back too. He showed the true colors of the Republicans.”

I think this view is shared by most Republicans.

Pence has no future in the GOP and Mitch McConnell will follow him into oblivion. The GOP will go the way of the Whigs.

It’s reported that Trump has told associates that he is planning a new party, a Patriot Party. “The movement we started is only just the beginning!” he says.

He will return to dance on the grave of the GOP.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Rest in Peace GOP

By Cliff Kincaid

Corey Lewandowski, senior adviser to President Trump, is being quoted as saying there will be a “big backlash” to Democratic control of both Congress and the White House in the midterm elections in 2022. Referring to the 2022 midterms, Rush Limbaugh told his audience. “…it is still the only avenue you have.” But columnist Vic Biorseth of Catholic American Thinker responds, “I have my doubts about that. All the fraudulent business is still in place.” He’s referring to the election fraud machinery.

That was demonstrated in the Georgia special Senate elections. John Gizzi, a veteran political reporter now with Newsmax, cites two reasons for the GOP defeats. First, Georgia’s Republican establishment, led by Gov. Brian Kemp, didn’t fight for President Donald Trump in his recount efforts. Regarding the Senate races, Gizzi notes, Kemp refused to call a special session to tighten voter identification rules, require signature verification, and stop drop boxes. And second, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, was clearly aligned with the Democrats to thwart Trump.

Citing these and other reasons, Gizzi says enthusiasm for the Republican candidates in runoffs on the part of “Trump conservatives” was clearly depressed.

“The failure of the majority leader [Mitch McConnell] to back up any of the president’s claims about vote-stealing in Georgia and his early congratulations of Joe Biden as president-elect fueled Trump supporters’ animosity toward him,” he added.

With a Republican establishment at odds with the president and unwilling to clean up the system and restore election integrity, the political environment was open to a Democratic Party takeover of the Senate and creation of a one-party state.

In addition to failing to expose and stop fraudulent elections, the Republicans have been ineffective in stopping Big Tech censorship, now accelerating as the Democrats implement one-party control of government. My own group America’s Survival has been prohibited by Weebly, our website provider, from even sending emails from a service that we paid for. We were told their “policy” was the reason. Weebly is owned by Square, run by Jack Dorsey of Twitter. Several different email services are banning conservatives.

You can be sure that modern-day Marxists applied communist Jan Kozak’s lessons to America.

In How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism, he described the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia and declared:

The new conditions which are the consequence of the profound objective and subjective changes in the world create also new opportunities and prospects for the socialist revolution, new avenues as far as the forms of transition to socialism are concerned. In a number of countries which are particularly weakened by the conflicts within the capitalist order, the opportunity has arisen for the workers’ class to place itself firmly at the head of great popular movements for national independence, democracy, peace and socialism, to defeat the reactionary anti-people forces striving for the maintenance, and aggravation of national oppression and exploitation, to win a decisive majority in Parliament and to change it from all organ of the bourgeois democracy into an organ of power for the democracy of working people, into a direct instrument of power for the peaceful development of the socialist revolution.

Also, our experience provides notable and practical proof that it is possible to transform parliament from an instrument of the bourgeoisie into an instrument of the revolutionary democratic will of the people and into an instrument for the development of the socialist revolution.

Of course, as Trump had consistently warned, the Covid-19 pandemic provided another excuse for the Democrats to rig the system.

Good conservatives are proposing packages of legislative election reforms, such as requiring IDs and proof of citizenship to vote, drastically limiting mail-in ballots, banning electronic ballots, and so forth. Such efforts on the state level might be a good organizing tool.

Others are saying that conservatives must get on the ground floor of a third-party movement. One predicts the Rockefeller branch of the two-party system, also known as the Republican Party, will go the way of the Whigs.

Consider that only eight Senators — Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Rick Scott (R-FL), Roger Marshall (R-KS), John Kennedy (R-LA), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) — followed through with objections to fraudulent vote counts. This seems to reflect the fact that the Republican Party did not want to fight for electoral integrity.

History shows that the Republican Party was created as the Whig Party had become a carbon copy of the pro-plantation-slavery Democrat Party. Pundits at the time said the new Republican Party was going to fizzle and flop but just six years later elected Abraham Lincoln as President.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Consolidation of the One-Party Dictatorship

By Cliff Kincaid

With the centralization of the means of communication in the hands of the state,the consolidation of a one-party dictatorship in the United States is well underway. We have to quickly dispense with the notion that Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple are “private” entities that can do what they want. They represent the power of the state and their conduct is therefore in violation of the First Amendment.

Big Tech companies, said conservative attorney Mark Fitzgibbons on an edition of America’s Survival TV, have assumed the role of “state actors.” This means they are doing the bidding of Congressional Democrats such as Senator Mark Warner of Virginia. Led by Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, left-wing politicians have, in effect, pressured Big Tech into “helping the government regulate political speech.”

In the Wall Street Journal article, “Save the Constitution from Big Tech,” Vivek Ramaswamy and Jed Rubenfeld argue that, “Using a combination of statutory inducements and regulatory threats, Congress has co-opted Silicon Valley to do through the back door what government cannot directly accomplish under the Constitution.”

Ramaswamy says, “We’ve gone from a 3-branch government to one with a branch office in Silicon Valley. The right answer is to open channels of dialogue, not close them.” But massive censorship is now underway, violating the First Amendment rights of the American people.

The practice is also known as “government censorship by proxy,” in the words of the officer of a competitor, Parler, which went off-line because of actions by other Big tech companies.

But all of this begs the question: state actors on whose behalf?

On one level, liberal politicians threaten and pressure these companies to restrict “hate speech.” That’s the typical charge leveled by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center against conservatives.

On another level, the Russia-gate allegations, the kind openly made by Senator Warner, were part of the political campaign to undermine the Trump presidency. The CIA and FBI were behind their circulation to get Trump and used media outlets for their own purposes. For example, Amazon, a company with extensive links to the CIA, is owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, a mouthpiece for the agency.

Amazon played a key role in forcing Parler off the Internet.

Under the watchful eye of the Deep State, it was an easy step to go from supposedly targeting the Russians for disinformation to actual censorship of Trump and his supporters. In this way, Big Tech companies became actors on behalf of the Deep State.

Remember that former intelligence officers, dominated by those associated with the CIA, issued a letter insisting that revelations in the New York Post from a Hunter Biden laptop about foreign payments to the Biden family were somehow associated with the Russian government. This was a lie. Joe Biden cited this letter as he was running for president in an effort to dismiss the charges against his family.

In an example of how these Big Tech companies function as state actors, Facebook and Twitter restricted the distribution of the article, with Twitter claiming its ban on posting “hacked materials” was the justification for the censorship. That was a phony charge as well. Indeed, charges that the material from the laptop was hacked appear to have been CIA disinformation designed to help Biden deflect public interest away from his own foreign connections, including to China.

But the pro-China slant is not just evident in what former CIA people say and do. Trump’s Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has now confirmed that intelligence about China’s 2020 election interference was suppressed by current top CIA officials.

Hence, the Deep State has covered up the extent of Red China support for the candidate Trump called “China Joe Biden.” No wonder the American people are angry.

More relevant than ever before, America’s Survival, Inc. has released a hard-to-find copy of the 1961 House Committee on Un-American Activities analysis of the book, How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism. This is a how-to-book on how communists overthrow non-communist majorities and make democracies into dictatorships.  The book outlines how a parliament or legislative body (such as the U.S. Congress) can be helpful in “transforming democratic nations” into communist countries.

Pressure on Big Tech by Democrats in Congress is one means toward this end. Big Tech suppresses stories, such as the Biden family’s ties to China, and follows up allegations of a stolen election by suppressing the voices of dissent to this unfolding catastrophe for our nation.

America is becoming a one-party socialist state, with the Republicans relegated to permanent minority status.Those looking for the Supreme Court to stop this rush into totalitarianism are going to be disappointed.

The House Committee on Un-American Activities report examines the case of the communist takeover of Guatemala, citing an analysis of where the judiciary “made one valiant attempt to protect its integrity and independence, but the communists, using their control of the legislative body, caused the Supreme Court to be absolved when it refused to give approval to a Communist contrived law.”

The national legislature “legally removed” the Supreme Court, “the only remaining restraint on the national legislatures actions.”

Eventually, of course, an armed revolt “was required to end their [communist] rule in 1954.”

A similar thing is in process here, with the proposals for expanding the Court to a sufficient number to outmaneuver any possible combination of “conservative” justices. Democratic Senator Ed Markey says “we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court.”

In looking at how this could happen, the Washington Post said last October 8: “Let’s say Democrats are in a position to seriously consider this: They win the presidency, keep control of the House of Representatives and win the majority in the Senate, thus controlling the White House and all of Congress…what if Democrats start passing Biden’s agenda, and inevitable challenges by Republicans make their way to a conservative Supreme Court, which stops some of the legislation?”

The Post, sympathetic to these schemes, said Biden would need majority votes in the House of Representatives and in the Senate to approve expanding the court, just like any other piece of legislation, “though Senate Republicans could try to filibuster it.” That’s when they vote to abolish the filibuster.

If the American people revolted against the stealing of a presidential election, they will not tolerate the thieves and their allies consolidating their power by silencing voices of opposition.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Who Knew About and Planned the “Insurrection?”

By Cliff Kincaid

The violence on January 6 was planned ahead of time, and we should not be surprised to learn that the same intelligence agencies that have been trying to bring down the Trump presidency knew about this in advance and were planning to blame it on the president. Evidence has already surfaced — from a liberal media source — regarding FBI knowledge in advance of what happened on Capitol Hill on January 6.

Remember that Democratic Party Senator Chuck Schumer had said, in response to Trump’s criticism of those agencies, “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Rushing to judgment on the events of January 6, the ACLU endorsed Trump’s impeachment.

Yet, at the time of Schumer’s comments about the CIA and other agencies getting back at Trump, an ACLU official by the name of Jay Stanley commented, “…if it’s really the case that dissing the intelligence community might result in retaliation by that community against a politician, then the lines of power in our political system have become dangerously distorted.”

That has certainly been proven by the events of the last four years.

He went on to say, “It’s not clear what the ‘six ways from Sunday’ are that Schumer has in mind. Presumably they could range from antagonistic leaks, to concrete actions overseas to undermine a president’s foreign policy, to darker forms of sabotage and blackmail.” He explained that “our spy agencies are professionals at manipulating and interfering with governments — though all such activities are clearly illegal if applied within the United States or to U.S. persons.”

Strangely, in regard to the events of January 6, the Washington Post, a mouthpiece for the CIA, has reported, “A day before rioters stormed Congress, an FBI office in Virginia issued an explicit warning that extremists were preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and ‘war,’ according to an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post that contradicts a senior official’s declaration the bureau had no intelligence indicating anyone at last week’s demonstrations in support of President Trump planned to do harm.”

This report has all the earmarks of a CIA leak to the paper based on intelligence information the agency received and passed on to the FBI.It looks like the CIA is trying to fix blame for failing to prevent the violence on the FBI.

Investigative journalist John Solomon also offers evidence of a planned attack. Hence, it was not a spontaneous riot emanating from Trump’s speech.Such a charge, still popular in the dishonest mainstream media,  was bogus in the first place, since Trump had called on his supporters to march to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically.

Even while catching the FBI in a lie about the agency’s knowledge in advance of a planned attack on the Capitol, the Washington Post phrase “in support of President Trump” is misleading, since Trump had no control over the various groups, including Antifa and drug abusers, who showed up.

Cases are too numerous to mention, but one stands out – an arrested protester who was a notorious drug dealer specializing in LSD and marijuana.

We have recorded an interview with an eyewitness on evidence that marijuana smokers, typically on the “progressive” side of the political spectrum, were in force in the demonstration on January 6.

Letting those events proceed without hindrance — and then blaming the violence on Trump — has to now be seen as part of a plan to force Trump to leave office in disgrace rather than allow him to continue the fight for election integrity.

It could be one of the “six ways from Sunday” cited by Schumer.

In addition to foreknowledge of the plot, federal agents may have been conducting agitation and propaganda activities.

“Over the past several weeks,” declared Gab CEO Andrew Torba, “I have been openly warning the Gab community to be on the lookout for fed posters [federal agents posting provocative messages] and threats or encouragement of violence on Gab. This PSYOP campaign started back in early December with newly created accounts popping up out of nowhere and making threats of violence. We have zero tolerance for this behavior and it is absolutely not free speech.”

Gab is an alternative to Twitter, run by Jack Dorsey, which has censored Trump.

Torba referred to psychological operations modeled after something called “the CIA Mockingbird Media complex” and recorded a video  about this, noting how the New York Times provided the initial report blaming Gab for various threats that is then repeated ad nauseam.

Mockingbird, the name of a bird that mimics other bird sounds, is also the name of a CIA project that targets journalists, either through surveillance or their use as intelligence assets, or both.

In practical terms, what we see is that media outlets, seemingly in unison, echo the claim that conservatives, Christians, and other such people are behind any violence which then occurs.

On a deeper level, the plan may be to provoke violence in order to justify a crackdown that give smore power to intelligence and law enforcement agencies to go after Trump supporters.

In a statement, Gab noted the double standard: “Over the course of 2020, political violence across the United States has been normalized by Democratic Party politicians and the mainstream media who excused away and refused to enforce the law against ‘peaceful protestors’– in reality violent agitators and domestic terrorists — who embarked upon various outrages including the occupation of several square blocks of Seattle, the setting fire to small businesses and federal buildings across the U.S., and yes, even forcing D.C. to board up on more than one occasion.”

Referring to the events of January 6, the statement said, “What happened today is not as unprecedented as the political class would have us believe. This is not the first mob that has attacked a government building in the United States this year — courthouses and police stations all over the United States have been attacked by anti-police activists year-round. Only six months ago, Nancy Pelosi decried law enforcement’s work to stop a dangerous mob from burning down a federal building in Portland as ‘political games’ and ‘abuses of power.’”

All Americans should be demanding that Congress, especially those who voted to impeach Trump on bogus charges of “incitement,” expose the roles of the CIA and FBI in the “insurrection.”

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. (Note: my email service has been suspended for political reasons so please go to my home page for updates until I can arrange an alternative way to communicate with our subscribers and supporters).

America Is No Longer the Land of the Free

By Cliff Kincaid

Authorities had already closed down churches, in the name of virus protection, before Big Government’s Big Tech allies began a crackdown on free speech. This will only have further disastrous consequences. President Trump won’t be able to stop the unrest.

Indeed, one can argue that some Trump supporters joined the attack on the Capitol because certain avenues of protest had already been cut off.  The Supreme Court’s failure to consider the Texas lawsuit over illegal and unconstitutional votes convinced some that the courts were corrupt. The congressional failure to give states the ability to review their electoral certifications, after holding hearings on election fraud, angered many more people. They were told during the January 6 rally that Vice President Pence would not give the states more time to reconsider their electoral votes.

Thousands of people are now being denied access to the public square. My America’s Survival email service has been terminated by Weebly, a website-building service that hosts For several days I have tried to get an explanation of why a service I paid for has been terminated. All that I have been told is that I somehow violated a “policy” and that I have to wait for an explanation. It’s clearly political.

Hence, while I try to muster an alternative, my only way to communicate is through columns to other outlets, drawing attention to my web site

I had decided to use Weebly to construct a website because I thought it was easy and simple. Now I find out it’s another Jack Dorsey product engaged in political censorship. In fact, Weebly is owned by Square, a payment processing company founded by Dorsey.

Mark Jamison, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute who has argued in the past that breaking up Big Tech is bad for consumers, said in a January 21 blog post that Twitter and Facebook are in some respects “more powerful” that the president of the United States. He was referring to how those social media companies prohibited Trump from using those platforms to communicate with his 85 million followers. Remember that 75 million people voted for Trump, according to “official” statistics.

Since he wrote that, Google’s YouTube platform has censored Trump and Facebook has prohibited use of the phrase “Stop the steal.”

Jamison writes that, after the elections, Big Tech companies “have demonstrated impressive political power,” with the attack on Trump and his people, and “their ability to quickly and significantly damage other businesses…” The latter is a reference to how Apple, Google, and Amazon worked to undermine the alternative news and information site Parler. Trump was about to leave Twitter and go on Parler when that happened.

This is certainly “impressive.” It’s also totalitarian.

It’s easy to see where all of this is heading. People are already desperate under the government restrictions imposed on them by the China virus. If they have no faith in the government responding to their complaints, they will consider other options.

Jamison wrote, “Our country had a situation where a president strongly and repeatedly derided others in government and rallied crowds to protest them. Such a president should resign, even if there had been no violence.” I argued with him about this during an episode of America’s Survival TV. I believe that Trump has a First Amendment right like anybody else. He had a right to urge his followers to come to Washington and to request that they assemble peacefully and ask Congress for redress of their grievances. What’s more, before the violence at the Capitol, Trump had specifically called for a march that was to be peaceful and patriotic.

Some people ignored his pleas but that’s not his fault.

With the news that Joe Biden has hired at least 14 current or former executives from Big Tech to serve in his administration or advise his transition team, we have come to a greater understanding of what has happened in our once-free country.

Their next target will be the Second Amendment. That’s already happening as Marxist “lawmakers” urge the identification and prosecution of “domestic terrorists.” Those truly violent should be held accountable. But people who are simply dissidents should under no circumstances be jailed or denied the right to defend themselves.

The solution, argues conservative leader Richard A. Viguerie, does not lie with the “weak, ineffective, incompetent, content-free” Republican Party. Instead, he argues, conservatives have to use direct mail and other forms of grass-roots marketing to reach tens of millions of voters in “a once-in-a-century opportunity” to brand the New Democrats as anti-God, anti-American, anti-police socialists/Marxists.

If this doesn’t happen, the worst is yet to come.

Consider Oregon, where Republicans are in the super minority in both houses of the state legislature and hold no statewide offices.

A Republican official told me there will be enormous fallout from passage of Measure 110 on the ballot. With financial support from Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros-funded organizations, Oregonians made their state the first in the United States to decriminalize the personal possession of illegal drugs such as cocaine, LSD, heroin, oxycodone and methamphetamine. The state GOP official said this will have a severe impact on Oregon in at least four ways:

  • Drug addicted homelessness, which is already rampant in our state, will overwhelm the state as these folks from other states will flood into Oregon, specifically Portland. This might even become the policy of other states to send them here.
  • Already rising criminal activity will skyrocket in our state, such as in Portland, as a result of a lawless Multnomah County DA, an already overstretched police force that is being threatened with defunding, and feckless local elected officials who think it’s all fine.
  • Hard drug use by youth, such as in high schools, will skyrocket and leave parents helpless to intervene and put a stop to it. Our high school grad rate is 3rd or 4th from the bottom of 50 states, which cannot improve if many districts lose the ability to keep hard drug use out of their schools.
  • Businesses are already fleeing Portland and this will accelerate as they give up and collapse the tax base in the state’s biggest city. Many are leaving the state too, much like California.

What’s happening in Oregon is planned for the country as a whole.

Please consider this message I received from a supporter in a foreign country:

Dear Mr. Kincaid,

In exceptional times like these, to put it mildly, I’m extremely happy to see you’ve resumed your earlier video conversations with knowledgeable conservatives across the board…I am deeply worried about the horrifying possibility of all of us entering a merciless global dystopia against which Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 may well look like a picnic in comparison.

So, I do want to congratulate you and all your freedom-loving fellow Americans who are presently working their hearts out to prevent what the Left boldly presents as a fait accompli for them from happening.

What are we going to do about it?

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Fact Checkers Should Investigate the Murder of Ashli Babbitt

By Cliff Kincaid

On top of liberal media bias that has become outright dishonest journalism and propaganda, so-called “fact checkers” on the right have emerged, attacking other conservatives. A so-called fact checker with The Dispatch is Alec Dent, a graduate of the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC Chapel Hill who is apparently pictured above his name on the site in front of what appear to be bottles of hard liquor.

He claims there were no credible accounts of left-wing Antifa agitators having infiltrated the pro-Trump rally on January 6 in Washington, D.C. One story alleging that facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol was retracted. But there are other credible accounts.

I sent these “fact checkers” my own video interview of a person who was at the rally and saw Antifa-like people with skeleton masks and smelled the dope they were smoking. Antonio Chaves told me what he saw and encountered at the rally. These people didn’t seem to be Trump supporters. He saw a member of Antifa trying to break a window and Trump supporters trying to stop him.

He believes some Antifa people were trying to pass themselves off as Trump supporters.

Were a few Trump supporters in the group that went into the Capitol, some with a police escort? No question about it. One of them, Ashli Babbitt, a military veteran, was murdered by the Capitol police. That’s a fact.

Although technically closed because of Covid-19, the Capitol is usually not a closed building. The Senate and House galleries are specifically designed for the public to enter the Capitol at will to watch their Senators and Congressmen at work.

The Capitol Police claimed, “As protesters were forcing their way toward the House Chamber where Members of Congress were sheltering in place, a sworn USCP [US Capitol Police] employee discharged their service weapon, striking an adult female.  Medical assistance was rendered immediately, and the female was transported to the hospital where she later succumbed to her injuries.  She has been identified as Ashli Babbitt.”

Jonathon Moseley, an attorney, concludes that the shooting of Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol qualifies as murder, or more precisely an unjustified killing.

Moseley notes that the reports are clear that the massive, bank-vault-strong doors into the Capitol were open and pro-Trump protesters (and others) were able to just walk in.  He notes some reports indicate that police gestured Trump supporters inside the building through the open doors.Trump had called on anybody going to the Capitol to be peaceful.

Reports are not completely clear. But he notes that it may be the case that Ashli Babbitt climbed up on top of the window opening in the interior wall where someone had broken out the window and was therefore likely committing the crime of trespass. But he notes that under D.C. law trespass alone would not justify the use of deadly force.  It would justify an arrest by other means, such as a taser.

Did the Capitol Police shooter reasonably believe he was in danger? Not likely. The presence of police officers near where Babbitt was shot must also be examined. Did they think standing there was a threat?  Why didn’t they arrest her?

The Capitol Police say she was rendered medical assistance “immediately.” So she must have been very close to the officers or other Capitol Hill employees.

Ignoring all of this, choosing not to fact check the Capitol Police, Alec Dent of The Dispatch wants instead to discredit reports of Antifa being part of the mob.

The Dispatch claims, “We are a digital media company providing engaged citizens with fact-based reporting and commentary on politics, policy and culture—informed by conservative principles.”

Conservative principles like the Mitt Romney variety? Biden says Romney has integrity. Romney turned on Trump after Trump turned Romney down for the Secretary of State job.

I previously tried to correct Jonah Goldberg of The Dispatch about his sweeping claims about Joe McCarthy failing to uncover real communists. You can read my findings in my column, “A Battle Against Lies.”

Here’s what I wrote to him:


You claim [in your New York Post column] that Sen. Joseph McCarthy liked to insist he had evidence of Communists in the government, but he couldn’t show you the names right now. The number of Communist infiltrators on his secret list changed from speech to speech.

In fact, McCarthy had actually cited 59 suspected communists in the State Department, and he produced that list, plus 22 others. McCarthy helped uncover a communist spy ring involving foreign service officer John Stewart Service and Phil Jaffe, the editor of a pro-communist magazine. He targeted Owen Lattimore, a key State Department adviser and communist. McCarthy’s charge against Mary Jane Keeney, a State Department, U.N. employee and Soviet agent, was proven correct. McCarthy was right about Annie Lee Moss, an Army Code Clerk who was a member of the Communist Party.

The John Stewart Service spy ring also involved Laughlin Currie, an adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, and they succeeded in manipulating U.S. foreign policy to enable the communists to seize China. Other top communists in government included Harry Dexter White at the Department of the Treasury and, of course, Alger Hiss of the State Department, a founder of the U.N.

The JC Hawkins book on McCarthy and others, Betrayal at Bethesda, includes an Appendix B and 224 Communists identified by McCarthy and other investigations.

Please correct the record.

I never heard back.

Goldberg achieved prominence because of his mother’s role in the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton scandal. His mother was Lucianne Goldberg, whose notoriety got him a job at Fox News.

Author J.C. Hawkins discussed Goldberg’s strange views during a recent episode of America’s Survival TV.

Returning to Dent’s big fact checking “story,” another “journalist” at The Dispatch, former conservative Stephen Hayes, says, “It’s scary how deeply the Antifa-did-it conspiracy has penetrated the right, aided by desperate Republican politicians and irresponsible media-entertainment provocateurs.”

Promoting his own story, Dent claimed, “I’ve done a comprehensive fact check on claims that the attack on Congress was an Antifa false flag. Rioters IDed as Anfita[sic] weren’t Antifa, Trump supporters IDed themselves at the riot, and the attack had been planned on pro-Trump discussion boards.”

Comprehensive? So what if some of the demonstrators were in fact Trump supporters? The issue is that eyewitnesses also saw Antifa agitators and detected the smell of marijuana from several participants. That’s not the usual mark of a MAGA rally.

The New York Post ran a video of pot smokers inside the Capitol on January 6.

In his American Thinker article about the rally that got my attention, Chaves reports:

  • My group boarded a D.C. Metro train at 10:30am. Upon arrival to the next station, I saw three young white men board the train with dark clothes and skeleton face masks.
  • The main difference that struck me as unusual during this rally (apart from the three young men who boarded the train) was the frequent smell of marijuana…
  • Suddenly the three young men I saw earlier on the train with scary masks in front (but pro-America symbols on their backs) made sense to me, as did widespread smell of marijuana.
  • Based on what I saw and read, I have no doubt that dozens and possibly even hundreds of Antifa and/or other provocateurs had infiltrated the rally in order to carry out violent acts and suck impressionable Trump supporters into their antics.

Alec Dent also claims to have fact checked the report that one John Roberts vacationed on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island. The name of John Roberts was on a list of passengers.

We don’t know which John Roberts this is.  Somebody claimed it was Chief Justice Roberts and ran a picture of someone with black hair in the water near Epstein’s island and supposedly on a trip that included Bill Clinton. This picture has now been labeled “false information” and taken down from Instagram.

Dent disputes this was THE John Roberts by reporting, “The individual identified as Roberts was not identified in reporting on Clinton’s vacation, but photos of Roberts at Trump’s inauguration, which also occurred in January 2017, show that his head of hair, with all respect to the chief justice, is grayer and not quite as full.”

So this is how the initial report is disputed? By photos showing a different head of hair?

Why not get hold of Roberts and get a statement on the record? Dent fact checks articles without getting facts.

If someone claimed Bill Gates appeared with Jeffrey Epstein, we know that’s true, since the New York Times published a photo of them together.Check out the article, “Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past.” Read it and weep, Mr. Dent.

The fact is that many prominent people did associate with Epstein. It would be nice to know who they were.

By the way, on his Linked in page, Dent is identified as having been an intern in the Office of Jonah Goldberg at the American Enterprise Institute and an intern at the Washington Free Beacon.

The AEI and Washington Free Beacon are supposed to be “conservative” organizations.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

U.S. Capitol Police Murder Trump Supporter

By Cliff Kincaid

The Daily Caller, co-founded by Tucker Carlson and still associated with him through fundraising devices (selling Tucker Carlson coffee mugs), has run an “editorial” from its “editorial board,” entitled, “Patriots Do Not Storm Their Nation’s Capitol.” This is their way of rising above the pro-Trump deplorables who assembled in Washington on Wednesday. But the editorial failed to emphasize the significance of the U.S. Capitol Police murdering a U.S. military veteran and Trump supporter in cold blood.

The editorial from this “conservative” publication said that “thousands of protestors whipped themselves into a #stopthesteal frenzy” and, “Eventually, many of them descended on the Capitol building, hellbent on disrupting the American constitutional process.”

Actually, it was not “many.” Very few stormed the Capitol. These protesters were outraged over a national election being stolen, in the wake of news reports released at that time by the media that Vice President Mike Pence had announced that he would NOT stop the steal.

The “editorial board” thundered, “Every single one of the people who stormed that building and participated in that rank, un-American lawlessness should be in jail. There are prodigious photos and video evidence. Law enforcement officials should find them and prosecute them, all of them, no exceptions.”

Well, law enforcement did find one of them, unarmed and protesting inside the Capitol, and shot her to death. She was a 35-year-old California woman, Ashli Babbitt, a military veteran and Trump supporter.

A local TV station reported, “Babbitt was an Air Force veteran who served on multiple tours in the Middle East. Her Twitter feed includes several pro-Trump posts and pictures of her at local pro-Trump rallies.”

Tucker Carlson is still listed as co-founder of the publication on its website. On his Fox show, he described the scene: “Footage, which can easily be found online, shows Babbitt standing in a hallway right off the House floor with an American flag tied around her neck. The scene around her is chaotic. People are bumping into each other, yelling, trying to get through the door into the chamber. Suddenly, with no warning, there is gunfire. You hear a shot and Babbitt falls. People in the hallway scream. The camera closes in on her face. Babbitt looks stunned. She’s staring straight ahead. You can see that she knows she’s about to die, which she did.”

Vince Coglianese is listed as Editorial Director of the Daily Caller and is also the host of WMAL’s “Mornings On The Mall” in Washington, D.C.I have requested an interview so he can explain the editorial direction of this publication.

At the Save America Rally, President Trump asked for peaceful protest, saying:

“We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period.”

Referring to China Joe Biden, he said that, if the fraud is allowed to stand, “You will have an illegitimate president, that’s what you’ll have. And we can’t let that happen.”

The Daily Caller asserted that “The president’s repeated claims that Pence can overturn the results are false.”

At the rally, Trump cited John Eastman, a constitutional attorney, as saying that Pence could send the elections back to the various states disputing the “certified” results. In this way, Pence would follow the constitutional requirement.

Trump noted, “John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, ‘What an absolute disgrace, that this could be happening to our constitution.’”

Trump added, “I hope Mike is going to do the right thing…I hope so. I hope so because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do. This is from the number one or certainly one of the top constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it.”

Trump had declared, in a statement, “States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!”

He was referring to hearings held by the states into election fraud. The issue was the constitutional authority given to the state legislatures.

The Daily Caller asserted, as fact, “The vice president does not have the power to object to any of the state electors’ votes. Congress alone was granted the ability to contest results by the Electoral Count Act of 1887.”

John Eastman, a Constitutional law professor and scholar at the Claremont Institute, says Pence could send the matter back to the states for resolution.

As the president was finishing, speaking to the Save America Rally, Pence issued a letter basically saying that he was going to let the illegal and unconstitutional electoral votes stand. The news traveled fast and obviously incited some of the protesters. Plus, there were reports of some Antifa members having infiltrated the gathering.

Incredibly, Pence admitted in his letter that was released that voting irregularities took place in our November elections and there was disregard of state election statutes by some officials.

Pence failed in his duty to the people and this incited some of the protesters.

A Trump supporter was murdered in cold blood in the aftermath.

“The peaceful transfer of power is a hallmark of western democracy,” said the Daily Caller. “It is the cornerstone of everything we love. It is apple pie.”

Free and fair elections were also supposed to be apple pie.

Tucker Carlson asked people to consider why Ashli Babbitt went to the rally in the first place. He noted, “She bore no resemblance to the angry children we have seen wrecking our cities in recent months — pasty, entitled nihilists dressed in black, setting fires and spray-painting slogans on statues. She looked pretty much like everyone else. So why was she there? We ought to think about that. If you want to fix it, you have to think about that.”

Instead of addressing these issues, the Big Media and Big Tech are resorting, once again, to massive censorship. Conservative publications like the Daily Caller are playing along, censoring the truth.

There is a lesson here for conservatives desperate for truthful information. Don’t count on those who claim to be “conservatives.” They can be frauds, too.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Defeating the New World Order

By Cliff Kincaid

The new year is here, and the worst is yet to come. Sorry to sound negative, but we suspect the Republicans will lose the George Senate run-off elections and the Democratic Party will try to consolidate its power while moving America into a New World Order now dubbed the Great Reset. There’s no way out, no turning back. Or is there?

There’s a chance the Republicans will take those two seats but many are wondering what purpose that will serve if it leaves the Senate in the hands of a spineless Mitch McConnell and the presidency in the hands of Beijing. This may be the best alternative for the election riggers. They may figure that a nominally “Republican” Senate, in which people like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins hold sway, will be a lever to keep Trump voters in their place as the GOP rediscovers its Country Club and Chamber of Commerce roots. Such a spectacle could mean Romney, who lost an easily winnable presidential race to Barack Hussein Obama, will become a national media star, capable of making more havoc for the GOP.

Romney will then run again for the presidency in 2024, as Utah-based broadcaster Sam Bushman predicted during an interview on America’s Survival TV.

We are in a predicament. In the famous scene in “Braveheart,” patriot William Wallace rallies the sons of Scotland with a great “Freedom Speech” and his cohorts ask, “Now what do we do?” They go on to defeat the British in that battle but Wallace gets tortured and killed in the end. It’s hard to defeat an empire.

Communism is an empire that grows more powerful by the day. The China virus is their latest means to an end, far more successful than global warming or climate change. It threatens to make America into a satellite of Beijing.

The ruthless global operators on the verge of seizing the White House for China Joe are using a virus that came out of a Chinese lab as the world buries their dead and slides into tyranny. Sadly, even some conservatives debate the nature of the virus, the virus tests, and so forth, without holding the Red Chinese rulers accountable for what they have done. Regardless of how many are dead and from what, the death and suffering are very real. We can’t lose sight of that fact.

Out of the wreckage is supposed to come the New World Order, with China on top and a “post-communist” Russia playing second fiddle. Together, Chinese-Russian nuclear arms can destroy the United States in seconds.

Europe is on track to become an appendage of China, as evidenced by their recently concluded financial investment agreement.

With Trump’s presidency hanging in the balance, the U.S. Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, just overrode a Trump veto of a defense bill that will not save us from China or Russia but does rename U.S. military bases and keeps tens of thousands of American troops deployed in foreign countries. If anybody ever needed any more proof that the Republicans are just as corrupt as the Democrats, this override vote was it. Trump lost in the Senate by an 81-13 vote. The House overrode the veto by a vote of 322-87.

Trump rallies the people in Georgia and then the nation on Wednesday as his supporters mobilize in D.C. for the great counting of the Electoral votes. His options are limited. But some Republican Senators have found their spine, as a growing number are promising to dispute the scheduled congressional election certification.

Trump has more options. “It is an established fact that a sitting American President can simply nullify a fraudulently executed national election and order another valid and observed national election, for the preservation of the Constitution and for the sake of the voters and the nation,” writes columnist Vic Biorseth.

While resisting the idea of a third major political party, Biorseth urges a frontal assault on the corruption in the Democratic and Republican parties, academia, and the churches. And there is time, he maintains.

In the same way the Russian revolution was followed by “several years of internal warfare,” he says the overwhelming majority of the American citizenry who are behind President Trump can be counted on to resist.

Perhaps. But some are demoralized and won’t vote in Georgia because they don’t trust a rigged system that gave the state to China Joe Biden during the early morning hours of November 4th when mysterious ballots were found in suitcases.

One thing we can do is plan for generations ahead, cognizant of the need to maintain records of how America was betrayed and what was lost. We also have to take a fresh look at the past and how we got here.

One lesson is that the “Greatest Generation” of Americans ended up as cannon fodder for the communist revolution, since the Nazis were defeated but the communists were permitted to regroup, take Eastern Europe, and wage wars in such places as Korea and Vietnam.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to stop this part of the communist advance and thousands remain in place in South Korea. Meanwhile, the communists seized power on the mainland of China.

This is the danger we face today, as many American struggle to understand how the communists waged war so easily within our borders, taking over major institutions, even the churches, as Americans intelligence agencies staged a coup against Trump.

What do we do? I asked Professor Renato Cristin of Italy that question. He and I are signatories to the call for a Nuremberg of communism, modeled after the trials of Nazi leaders after the war. It was started by the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who completely understood that the anti-Trump political exercises of Democratic Party politicians over the last several years were, in fact, the work of Russian sympathizers in a grand scheme of disinformation and subversion designed to mask the advance of global communism under China.

We need to begin by urging everybody to join the petition campaign for a tribunal investigating communist crimes, including those committed on American soil.

In addition, Professor Cristin tells me, we also need to look at those places, such as Poland, where a conservative government is in place. “Poland today has a conservative government, authentically anti-communist and of great cultural depth, which is realizing many of your and our ideas, and should be valued as a model for the reorganization of conservatives around the world,” he says. “It is no coincidence that President Trump chose Warsaw, on July 6, 2017, to give his only great speech in Europe — a speech that for theoretical quality and intensity of anti-communism far exceeded the famous one of Kennedy in front of the Berlin Wall. In fact, for the Trump administration, Poland was the best ally in Europe and in the world in general. Here, perhaps relaunching what the Polish government is doing today can be a valid idea as an initial and partial answer to your interesting and important question.”

In his own article on our current global predicament, Cristin asks “why did we not treat communism in the same way as we treated National Socialism (which was the only right thing to do)?” I recommend his article for it outlines a path to take by conservatives in America, Europe, and the rest of the world.

He says, “It is only when the matter is finally settled in all seriousness with no understatements, that communism can become a monster to be feared, a tragedy that must never be allowed to happen again. This may serve the purpose of uniting Europeans against their genuine common enemy (which is, of course, communism, but also the radical Islamism of today). We must make Europeans understand that communism is a virus, a foreign body in the midst of true European traditions and an enemy of Europe’s civilization.”

The Nuremberg crimes tribunal should be publicized around the world. “In the name of millions exterminated in the past, and to safeguard future generations from a recurrence, Nuremberg Trials for Communism must be enacted as soon as possible,” the petition says.

Who will join us?

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Death Toll from Drugs in America

By Cliff Kincaid

Clueless FBI agents and other law enforcement personnel are scrambling to understand the motives of the Nashville suicide bomber. But a friend says he “loved smoking weed,” as records do show an arrest for marijuana possession. Other descriptions include hippie and long-haired flower child. This is all we need to know about the bomber, Anthony Quinn Warner, who couldn’t think straight and probably suffered from brain damage as a result of heavy drug use. This is America’s future.

In response to a pandemic, unemployment, small business bankruptcies, and suffering in general, Democrats passed a marijuana legalization bill. Marijuana is their “Soma” for our Brave New World under the “Great Reset.”

Soma was the drug that kept people silent and compliant as they became slaves to the World State in the Aldous Huxley novel.Marijuana and other drugs can not only sedate the population but alter the minds of many suffering from the problems of isolation and depression, sparking more suicides, even violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period. Most, of course, can be blamed on Chinese-supplied Fentanyl, but marijuana is also playing a role in drug deaths.

I say “other drugs” because Oregon just decriminalized cocaine, meth, and LSD by passing a measured backed by money from billionaires George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

It seems that many of America’s billionaires, who have increased their wealth dramatically during the pandemic, want to get America hooked on mind-altering drugs.

In a major victory for the “progressives,” the House Dems voted for the pot industry (228-164)even before Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought up the new China virus “relief” bill that passed both Houses. That demonstrates their priorities.

Our friends to the north, who have been living under the legal marijuana regime of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau since 2018, have known about the disturbing evidence that birth defects have been associated with marijuana use by pregnant women. Marijuana, warned the Canadian Marijuana Victims Alliance, could be the new Thalidomide, the drug marketed in the 1950s and the early 1960s in Europe and Canada as a sleeping pill for pregnant women but which caused thousands of children to be born with missing thumbs, underdeveloped limbs, eye and ear defects, and congenital heart disease.

Anti-drug activist Pamela McColl notes that the Canadian government still officially warns that marijuana should not be used if you are pregnant, are planning to get pregnant, or are breast-feeding, or are a man who wishes to start a family. This is because of the link between THC, the main psychoactive component of marijuana, and birth defects. McColl appeared on my ASI TV show to discuss this threat to young people eager for children.

America has a Food and Drug Administration for a reason. It doesn’t always do its job, and sometimes acts too quickly in approving drugs.

Birth Defects

One excellent FDA reviewer by the name of Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey refused to authorize thalidomide for the U.S. market because she doubted the drug’s safety. She resisted the corporate pressure to market the drug for pregnant women in the U.S. and received the President’s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from President John F. Kennedy in 1962

Today, in regard to marijuana, the FDA “strongly advises” against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Nevertheless, marijuana is flooding the U.S. for “medicinal” and “recreational” purposes. Why? As noted in a new lawsuit against New Jersey officials filed by attorney David G. Evans, it is money, greed, and tax revenue for government. The issue is implementation of State Public Question # 1 that attempts to legalize “cannabis.”

Attorney General Bill Barr, who didn’t detect voting fraud during the election and suppressed news of investigations of Hunter Biden during the campaign, has failed to enforce federal marijuana laws. He was a disgrace and bears some of the blame for allowing this poison to spread across America.

Meanwhile, more cases like that of Andy Zorn will take place. The son of Sally Schindel, he developed a marijuana addiction to the point of having a psychotic break with reality leading to suicide, after leaving a note proclaiming, “Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain.” She tells the terrible story in an ASI TV program.

Creating one public health crisis on top of another is of no consequence to the profiteers making money on a bipartisan basis. The Big Pot business guarantees more obedient slaves who will vote to keep the goodies (or marijuana gummies) coming, and result in more financial donations from the slave masters marketing marijuana to the kids and then turning over blood money to the politicians.

Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul was once involved in the pot industry. Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner works for the pot business Acreage Holdings. Matthew Whitaker, who served as the country’s top cop for three months after Jeff Sessions resigned from the Department of Justice, works for a CBD firm named Alternate Health Company.

On the Canadian side, Brian Mulroney, the eighteenth Prime Minister of Canada from 1984 to 1993 and leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada from 1983 and 1993, is on the board of Acreage.

The company declares, “We deeply believe in the transformational power that cannabis can have to heal and change the world and aim to help it achieve its full potential in helping people to lead better lives.” This is dangerous New Age gibberish.

Meanwhile, Newsmax, supposedly the new “conservative” alternative to Fox, has sent out a “breaking news” alert, with advice on “Using Edible Marijuana Responsibly” from Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs. The message tells us, “Martha Stewart is now selling gourmet, hemp-derived CBD edibles.” She says, “I can pop 20 of them and just feel OK. But some of my friends do two and feel high. I don’t know why.”

Sounds like a bet worth taking, right? Richard Kirk is the Denver man who ate a marijuana gummy, went nuts, and murdered his wife.

The China virus attacks the lungs, in the same way pot does. But pot also attacks the brain, creating more mental illness.

Our already over-stretched health care professionals will just have to spend some of their time trying to calm down stoners going through psychotic episodes linked to pot. They will then want guaranteed national health care to take care of their physical and psychiatric problems.

In terms of COVID-19, pot enables people stuck at home or waiting in lines for free food to get stoned and think about other things. It’s the perfect “cure.” Perhaps smoking dope will replace going to church. Plus, cities get tax revenue from the weed sales. This helps explain why pot shops were allowed to stay open during the lockdowns while churches were closed. Churches don’t pay taxes.

As George Soros, the godfather of drug legalization, undoubtedly realized, pot is the perfect commodity, guaranteed to keep those customers coming back for more, in higher and higher doses. Until, of course, they’re dead.

The money angle is a very important one, not only for the politicians but for the marijuana “industry” itself.

Getting America Hooked for Profit

CNBC and its anchors and analysts are heavily promoting the pot business, even while they shed crocodile tears over hospitals filling up with China virus patients.

CNBC interviewed the CEO of an outfit called “Weed Maps,” which is supposed to be a guide to score pot and “find medical and recreational marijuana dispensaries, brands, deliveries, deals & doctors near you.” These days you don’t have to meet a dirty street dealer in a dark alley. You can buy dope from a “respectable” businessman with a doctor’s “prescription.”

Billions are being made at the expense of public health. These people are shameless in their pursuit of profit and are counting on the Harris/Biden Administration to follow through with legalization of marijuana (and perhaps other drugs) nationally. CNBC’s Jim Cramer regularly promotes pot stocks and predicts legalization under Biden/Harris.

Kamala Harris loves marijuana and Joe Biden knows a lot about it, too. His daughter was busted for weed and his son Hunter experienced harder drugs like cocaine, forcing him out of the military after he was caught snorting.

Reporter Alana Goodman reported, “In 2017 divorce papers, Hunter Biden’s then-wife Kathleen stated he spent ‘extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations).’ The same year, it emerged that Hunter Biden was in a relationship with his late brother Beau’s widow, Hallie. Hunter Biden separated from Kathleen five months after Beau’s death from brain cancer at age 46 in May 2015.”

People like Carla Lowe of Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana are hoping to spark a new parent movement to combat the threat.

But don’t look for any marijuana victim stories on CNBC. The truth will cut into the profits of the pot stock pushers like Cramer.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Globalists Unveil Their Latest Scheme

By Cliff Kincaid

With their own peculiar brand of a New Year’s resolution, the globalists are out with their latest plan – a Global Alliance to Defend Democracies. The feel-good ploy has two purposes –to divert attention from our own failing “democracy,” and to assemble a group of nations supposedly to contain Red China. It could attract the support of people who think there may be something salvageable in a potential Biden presidency.

But if Biden takes power, America’s “democracy” will lie in tatters. We will be a laughing stock around the world.

The proposal, once advocated by such personalities as John McCain, has now surfaced in the writings of Richard Kemp, a former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, under the sponsorship of the Gatestone Institute, a group associated with fired Trump adviser John Bolton.

Kemp reports, “British Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to use the G7 summit that Britain is hosting in 2021 to launch the ‘D10,’ intended as an alliance of democracies to counter China.His proposal is for the G7 group of leading industrialized nations to be joined by Australia, South Korea and India. The focus would be on developing 5G telecommunications technology to reduce dependence on Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party as well as reliance on essential medical supplies from China.”

The G7 consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Referring to China Joe, Kemp adds, “President-elect Joe Biden put forward a somewhat similar initiative in 2019 and it is widely believed that he plans to convene a ‘Summit for Democracies’ in 2021. It appears his intention is broader than Mr. Johnson’s both in scope and participation, and that it includes promoting liberal democratic values across the world.”

China Joe will be promoting “liberal values” when his political party has seized power through electoral fraud and communist violence in the streets?

Coincidentally, the Streit Council has been fundraising for its own long-standing plan to create a “Union of Democracies” and declares, “As 2020 comes to an end, we are reminded more than ever of the importance of our mission as originally envisioned in Clarence Streit’s 1939 bestseller, Union Now. In an irrevocably interdependent world, personal and collective challenges are interrelated.”

Union Now is another world government scheme that includes a proposal for a global constitution.

Some of these ideas can be traced to a “Congress of Prague” that was held back in 1996 and whose goal, in the words of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, was “the defense, entrenchment and extension of our Western inheritance of freedom.” Alist of the “International Advisory Board” members at the time included such people as William Kristol, the former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Mitch McConnell, the current Republican Senate Majority Leader.

Thatcher, who gave away Hong Kong to the Red Chinese, was identified as a patron of the Congress, along with Henry A. Kissinger.

In her memoirs, Thatcher had predicted economic change on the Chinese mainland would lead to political reform. She said, “The Chinese belief that the benefits of a liberal economic system can be had without a liberal political system seems to me false in the long term.”

In fact, China’s dictatorship is more entrenched than ever before and is running roughshod over the freedom of its own people and residents of Hong Kong. Globally, China has devastated Western economies (but not its own) with the China virus.

The publication Axios reports that China’s economy is expected to grow by 8.4% in 2021.“China managed to become a post-COVID economy within months of the virus striking,” it says. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to sputter along, with many states in lockdown and going deeper into debt and financial turmoil.

Axios says China’s success stems from its communist dictatorship using a “centralized epidemic response system” very strict lockdowns, as “only one member of each household permitted to leave home every couple of days for necessary supplies,” together with “an effective and efficient nationwide contact-tracing program.”

In other words, communism works.

“How China Won 2020” is the title of the Axios article that celebrates the death and destruction inflicted by Chinese communism on the rest of the world.

Both Thatcher, a noted “conservative,” and Kissinger, an adviser to Republican and Democratic administrations, were terribly wrong on China. The CIA also got it wrong. Today, their adherents propose an “alliance” or “union” of democracies to counter China when China has effective control of Joe Biden and his family, in a country, the USA, that is supposedly the leader of the “Free World”but which has been characterized by rampant election fraud designed to take Donald J. Trump out of the presidency.

China Joe’s “Summit of Democracies” has a cheerleader in Jonas Parello-Plesner, executive director of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation in Copenhagen, Denmark. Corporate supporters include Google, Microsoft, the Atlantic Council, the National Democratic Institute, and the International Republican Institute. (The latter receives funding through grants from the U.S. State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy, a number of European foundations and aid agencies and other Western countries, and the United Nations.)

Curiously, this outfit has an associated entity, the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity, that accepts the Biden presidency. (John Kerry is a member).

An alternative to these various “democracy” gimmicks, often cloaked in language about the dangers of Russian election meddling, is an international communist crimes tribunal targeting China and Russia. It could also expose communists operating on American soil. Professor Renato Cristin has made the case for such a tribunal in various publications.

This proposal was initiated by the Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky before his untimely death. He told me in an interview that the problem in fighting communism has been Western complicity with the communist regimes. China Joe, implicated by the Hunter Biden laptop in payments to his family from China, is an example of that. So is member of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Eric Swalwell, who was publicly sniffing out Russian agents while allegedly sleeping with a suspected Chinese spy. Yet, Axios reports, Swalwell “is not accused of wrongdoing…”

“I was shocked,” he said. “Just over six years ago, I was told about this individual and then I offered to help, and I did help and I was thanked by the FBI for my help and that person is no longer in the country.”

All of this happens right before our eyes and is excused or rationalized by the intelligence agencies and the media.

The November 3 presidential election, also stolen in front of our eyes, is further evidence of this corruption. But the worst may be yet to come, especially if Mitch McConnell and other Republicans fail to protest the steal on January 6 and usher China Joe Biden into the U.S presidency.

Based on what Col. Kemp says, a new “democracy alliance” will be unveiled, supposedly to counter China. It may even be led by Rep. Swalwell. It will be a mask for further integration into a New World Order dominated by China.

Consider that Europe has just revealed a new investment agreement with China. Expect China Joe to follow suit, accepting crumbs from the Chinese as Americans literally survive on crumbs.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Will Trump Start a Third Party to Take Back America?

By Cliff Kincaid

Many of the books written about the Trump presidency are by former staffers or media personalities eager to cash in. The book The Memo by Rich Higgins is the only one worth reading because he names the names of the establishment Republicans around Trump who undermined his presidency.

“Rich Higgins served on the National Security Council in the Trump Administration as the Director for Strategic Planning. He was removed in 2017 after warning of a deep state coup to remove the President,” his bio notes. A U.S. Army veteran, he had previously served in a variety of national security positions, some advising the Pentagon on special operations.

He was perfect for the job, for he understood both the military and political threats to the United States. He predicted the nature of the Deep State coup, citing names, against the president.

But he was apparently not prepared personally for the hard-ball tactics of the Deep State that were used against him.

Higgins says Jim Carroll, a Bush guy who had served as GOP Boss Karl Rove’s deputy and became a Trump White House official, signed the letter terminating his White House employment. This occurred after a Higgins May 2017 memo surfaced which outlined the forcest hat would try to take out Trump. They included establishment Republicans.

Higgins really blames National Security Adviser Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for his ouster. This is strange since Trump had told McMaster to “address” the concerns in Higgins’ memo. McMaster eventually resigned and was replaced by former ambassador and Fox News analyst John Bolton, who was fired.

While Higgins was pushed out, Karl Rove, an adviser to President George W. Bush and Fox News paid contributor, has been gaining in strength and power.

After supervising White House personnel moves, as Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House, Rove’s former deputy Jim Carroll became Director of the Trump White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. This has been a disaster as well, as marijuana is flooding the country and fentanyl is killing more Americans than ever before, Indeed, the CDC reports that over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period.

My June 15, 2020, column, “Trump Hires ‘Bush’s Brain’ to Lose to Biden,” examined Rove’s record of losing to left-wing Democrats and his indifference to conservative social issues, in the context of wondering why Rove had been brought into the Trump 2020 presidential campaign. Rove had predicted that Trump could not win the 2016 presidential election.

The Higgins book is even more important now that Karl Rove is among those raising money to elect Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia on January 5. With Trump out of the way, Rove is preparing to once again assume the mantel of “Boss” of the GOP.

In this context, something about the Georgia race doesn’t compute, literally. Karl Rove was quick to declare the Trump a loser in the 2020 presidential election, despite suspicious results in Georgia, and yet thinks the establishment Georgia Republicans running the elections in the state can be counted on for an honest vote in the Senate run-offs.

Does this make sense?

It’s true that the two Democratic Party candidates, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, are some of the most radical ever to run for federal office. And yet they are even in the polls with Loeffler and Perdue in what is supposed to be one of the most conservative states in the country.

Left unclear is why Georgia residents voting for the Republicans can count on an honest election when Trump says the presidential race was characterized by fraud and has been denouncing the Republican governor and Republican Secretary of State.

Even if Republicans Loeffler and Perdue somehow manage to win, Republican control of the U.S. Senate will remain in the hands of Rockefeller Republicans like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski. Either way, conservatives lose, and Rove wins.

Utah Senator Romney met with Trump over a steak dinner to plead for the position of Secretary of State.He was turned down and then decided to turn on Trump.  Romney, says Utah-based broadcaster Sam Bushman of Liberty Roundtable, is very tight with the CIA. Indeed, Utah is the home of “Silicon Slopes,” a Big Tech enclave, and is known as the second Silicon Valley. “This is where they put the spy technology,” he noted.

Higgins was in the middle of the personnel wars during the early stages of the Trump presidency and knows what he is talking about. He should never have been fired and wrote about the whole mess in a Wall Street Journal column, “The White House Fired Me for My Loyalty.” Trump, he says, failed to understand that personnel is policy and did not purge the Bush and Obama holdovers.

Even worse, at a conference of the American Freedom Alliance, Higgins narrated a slide show that depicted Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy as being “a lot more dangerous” than the Marxist left because they offer a “cheap version” of what the Democrats are offering.

Higgins call the GOP the party of the Chamber of Commerce and the military industrial complex, while his partner at the firm Unconstrained Analytics, Stephen Coughlin, says the Republican Party establishment is the “controlled opposition.”

Still, Trump has refused to be controlled, even while surrounding himself with those unable or unwilling to defend him. Hence, he rallies Republicans to participate in an election process in Georgia that he knows is flawed.

He must be thinking to himself: What is to be gained by Republicans winning the Georgia Senate seats, giving RINOs a political advantage, and losing the presidency?

Trump has to be seriously thinking that if Republicans fail to overturn the fraudulent presidential election on January 6, his only option is to start a third major political party. He certainly has the resources to do it.

A hint of Trump’s thinking can be seen in his criticism of the “weak and tired” Republican leadership in Congress.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

* Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Battle Against Lies

By Cliff Kincaid

The Christian existentialist philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, wrote about the corruption in the Danish State Church, declaring that everyone knew privately that the system was rotten and corrupt but they would not say so publicly. “Just as one says that death has marked a man, so we recognize the symptoms which demand to be attacked. It is a battle against lies,” he said.

The problem we face today is corruption in government, the media, and the church that runs so deep that it is uncomfortable for some to even talk about it publicly.

In his landmark 1975 book, The Corrupt Society, Robert Payne wrote, “There are many weapons that can be used to prevent the corruption of societies. The most powerful of these weapons are vigilance and knowledge. Hence the importance of the press, radio, and television to break through all imposed restrictions to discover how the government works, how it arrives at its decisions, how it manages its defenses, how it deals with traitors, especially the traitors in its midst.”

The tragedy is that, since Payne’s book was published, the press has become as corrupt as government. I actually noticed this trend when I went to college and studied a textbook, Interpretative Reporting, by Curtis MacDougall, a communist fellow-traveler who admired Castro and hated anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy. That’s one reason why I went to work out of college monitoring the media for Accuracy in Media.

My friend and former colleague at Accuracy in Media, Roger Aronoff, discussed the corruption in the media in a recent edition of my show America’s Survival TV.

Payne dedicated his book to Richard Nixon, a joke because Payne found Nixon and his administration to be corrupt. It was also a joke because Victor Lasky’s book, It Didn’t Start With Watergate, proved that Democrats were as corrupt, even more so, than Republicans.

As we look deeper, we discover that Nixon was singled out for destruction because of his role in helping to expose Soviet spy Alger Hiss in the State Department, and a communist network inside the U.S. government. Ironically, Nixon had persuaded anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy to avoid investigating communist penetration of one key agency — the CIA. McCarthy would go into Bethesda Naval Hospital with a sore knee and leave in a body bag, allegedly dead of hepatitis, before he could ever launch that inquiry. McCarthy’s strange death was examined in the J.C. Hawkins book, Betrayal At Bethesda.

Many liberals, even to this day, think Hiss was innocent or that the evidence against him is still in dispute. They also despise McCarthy for his investigations of communists in government. Liberal disgust for McCarthy has been adopted by such Never-Trump notables as Jonah Goldberg. Author J.C. Hawkins discussed Goldberg’s strange views during a recent episode of America’s Survival TV.

Goldberg is one of those “responsible conservatives,” in this case someone who achieved prominence because of his mother’s role in the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton scandal, who warns against investigations of what is truly happening behind-the-scenes politically.

Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr is another so-called “responsible conservative” who refused to do what is necessary to expose the Deep State, of which he is clearly a member. His service to the CIA continues.

We should remember that Nixon had won the 1960 election against John F. Kennedy but had that election stolen from him. He was persuaded to avoid contesting the election in the name of national stability. Subsequently, he was elected president in 1968 and re-elected in 1972.

The accepted history is that that Watergate was a White House dirty tricks operation designed to gather dirt on Democratic Party officials by breaking into their offices in the Watergate hotel. In fact, the evidence shows it was a CIA operation, something suspected by “Deep Throat,” the major source for the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who turned out to be the FBI’s number two, Mark Felt. The CIA was investigating a high-class prostitution ring that was used by the Democrats and coordinated from their Watergate offices to “entertain” Democrat VIPs. Woodward and Bernstein failed to pursue that line of inquiry.

All of this is now on the public record thanks to John O’Connor’s book, Postgate. I recently interviewed him on America’s Survival TV. What the CIA was doing was later copied by one Jeffrey Epstein, an individual with intelligence connections whose death remains as mysterious as the politicians he videotaped and blackmailed. It was another scandal that Bill Barr failed to uncover.

Again, as we see possible parallels between the fates of Nixon and Trump, Postgate author John O’Conner and others are being featured in the film, “Plot Against the President,” about how the intelligence community targeted Trump in much the same way they brought down Nixon.

Interestingly, Washington Post Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein’s parents were members of the Communist Party. His father had been questioned about a possible relationship with Louise Bransten, a member of a Soviet espionage network.

For his part, Post executive editor Ben Bradlee’s wife was the Post’s longtime religion reporter and Washington insider, elite party planner Sally Quinn, who admitted in her book Finding Magic to her belief in the occult, including casting spells on her enemies, reading Tarot cards, and using Ouija Boards. It seems like she was into something akin to the “spirit cooking” dinners mentioned in the Hillary Clinton emails.

Years, earlier, Jean Houston of the Foundation for Mind Research would try to help Mrs. Clinton, then First Lady, “communicate” with Eleanor Roosevelt during a mystical “channeling” session.  Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward wrote about these sessions in a book on the 1996 presidential election but he didn’t seem to find anything unusually strange or bizarre about such practices.

Nixon’s resignation was so destabilizing that it led to the communist takeover of Vietnam, with 58,000 Americans having died in vain, and the communist genocide in neighboring Cambodia, costing 2 million lives.

Bringing all of this up to date, we learn that House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi once praised Dr. Carlton Goodlett as a civil rights activist.A communist associate of the Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones, whose more than 900 followers committed “revolutionary suicide” in Guyana in 1978, Goodlett was a Lenin Peace Prize winner and central figure in the Democratic Party in San Francisco. Incredibly, there is a street in San Francisco, Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place, named after this communist, where City Hall is located.

FBI documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal the Soviet communist connections of Carlton Goodlett and his political influence in San Francisco.

The clever change in communist strategy has been to blame the Russians while the Chinese Communists, their partners in crime, take the lead as the “fundamental transformation” of the United States and the world proceeds. Hence, one of the leading progressives, Rep. Jamie Raskin, appearing several years ago at a Trump impeachment rally, blamed the Russians for supporting Trump while his own father, Marcus Raskin, was very close to the Russians when they were officially members of the Soviet Union.

In this way, through lies and skillful deception, Bolshevik Bernie Sanders becomes a respectable “democratic socialist,” someone worthy of being brought into the Biden/Harris camp. For his part, Rep. Raskin is a prominent member of the group “Secular Democrats” that is asking that some conservative “white nationalist” Christians be investigated by a Biden/Harris Administration as potential terrorists by the FBI.  Journalist Leo Hohmann broke this story and discussed it with me on ASI TV.

Don’t look for any guidance from the Vatican and Pope Francis, for they are staging a New Age Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square that looks like an illustration from  the book, God Drives a Flying Saucer.

Equally bizarre, as my family was visiting Rome last February, we took a tour of the Colosseum only to discover a statue of Moloch, the pagan deity of child sacrifice, being displayed. The Colosseum is viewed by many Christians as a sacred site because early Christians were martyred there.

For my part, the yard signs and banners, “Mary was Pro-Life,” and “Unborn Lives Matter,”still remain for visitors to my home. It’s a small thing to do. But these signs send an appropriate message at this time and may just “trigger” somebody into waking up from the lies.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. for updates use the contact form at

Bill Barr Still Covers for the CIA

By Cliff Kincaid

As Bill Barr is walking out the door of the Department of Justice to open presents on Christmas day, Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal tells us that he is an honest and upstanding Attorney General who believes there was no CIA role in the effort to bring down President Trump. Barr, a former CIA analyst, had come to the conclusion that he didn’t “see any sign of improper CIA activity” and that “The CIA stayed in its lane.”

This is comparable to Joe Biden saying there’s nothing in his son’s laptop worth seeing.

The CIA did not stay in its lane. The driver was drunk and the agency swerved all over the road in an attempt to take out Trump.

Former CIA officials Michael Morell, Michael Hayden and Philip Mudd had all denounced Trump when he ran in 2016. Former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin even ran against him as an independent presidential candidate.

What’s more, the list of those denouncing consideration of Hunter Biden’s laptop revelations prior to the election was dominated by the CIA. (see the list of CIA signers at the end of this column). Their letter was used by Joe Biden during the campaign to suggest the laptop story was a Russian plot.

What does the CIA have to hide?

Our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, features an interview with a former U.S. intelligence agency official who explained how the Sino-Soviet split deceived U.S. policymakers and weakened the Free World. His perspective was a dissenting view in the CIA and intelligence community bureaucracy.

Such thinking is evident in media stories about the “accidental” nature of where and how the China virus came to be. You are not permitted to believe that the Communist Chinese would deliberately infect the world.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence says that the Intelligence Community “concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not man made or genetically modified.” Our intelligence agencies have gotten it wrong before. Did they get this one wrong, too? Or did they get it wrong deliberately because they are compromised by the Chinese?

Strassel is the latest “conservative” media figure to fall for Barr’s nonsense. She also wrote a May 18, 2017, column about the appointment of Russia-gate prosecutor Robert S. Mueller, saying the former FBI director was “as skilled and upright as they come” and insisted that his name comes associated with such words as “integrity, honor, respect, order, discipline, honesty, fairness.” She added that “…nobody doubts Mr. Mueller will lead as professional an investigation as he is capable of conducting.”

Another dupe was Mark Levin, who gave Barr a platform on his show to spout nonsense while failing to get to the bottom of Obama-gate. Barr ruled out prosecuting Obama and/or his Vice President Joe Biden for a criminal conspiracy to destroy the Trump presidency.

Barr did appoint a special counsel to look into Obama-gate, but there’s nothing to report here, either, except for a low-level FBI fall guy.

Barr dropped the Flynn case and made occasional statements about how Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller had gone too far. He also made grunts and groans about missteps by the Deep State, especially on Mark Levin’s program.

Basically, his message was that the Deep State was a little sloppy.

But there’s more. Barr “makes no apology for declining to divulge before the election that Hunter Biden was under investigation,” Strassel reports in her column. In other words, he covered-up for China Joe and his family.

Now why would he suppress that news? Perhaps because his former colleagues in the CIA were telling him that the Hunter Biden laptop emails were part of a Russian plot.

“From 1973 to 1977,” says his official bio, “he served in the Central Intelligence Agency before receiving his J.D. with highest honors from George Washington University Law School in 1977.”

I am not sure what “served” means. I would change it to present tense “serves.”

The New York Times trumpeted the news that Barr had told Strassel that the CIA was cleared in Russia-gate. It said, “The Justice Department’s examination of the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election has cleared the C.I.A. of suspicions that it targeted President Trump and his associates, Attorney General William P. Barr said in an interview published on Friday.”

The phrase “The CIA stayed in its lane” is now part of the history of Russia-gate, despite the evidence to the contrary.

The Federalist reported before the election that CIA Director Gina Haspel is “personally blocking the declassification and release” of key Russia-gate documents in the hopes that President Donald Trump will lose his re-election bid and because they “could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.”

“Haspel has repeatedly lied to the president about the status of documents to be declassified,” one intelligence community source told the publication.

When Trump nominated Haspel for the position, the White House said she had “gained widespread support from former intelligence and national security officials,” many of whom opposed Trump. The White House cited these “facts,” among others:

  • John Brennan, former CIA Director during the Obama Administration, stated Haspel “has the experience—the breadth and depth—on intelligence issues.”
  • Michael Hayden, former CIA Director during the Clinton and Bush

The White House was trying to feed the beast, to appease the Deep State. The CIA returned the favor by branding the incriminating Hunter Biden laptop emails as a Russian plot. And Barr has the audacity to say the agency “stayed in its lane.”

Let’s take a look at the admitted CIA names on the list of those denouncing consideration of Hunter Biden’s laptop revelations prior to the election (Remember that they signed a letter for Joe Biden suggesting the laptop story was a Russian plot):

  • Mike Hayden, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Leon Panetta, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
  • John Brennan, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
  • John McLaughlin Former Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Michael Morell, Former Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Mike Vickers, Former Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Doug Wise, Former Senior CIA Operations Officer
  • Andy Liepman, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • John Moseman, Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Larry Pfeiffer, Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Jeremy Bash, Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Rodney Snyder, Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
  • David B. Buckley, Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Nada Bakos, Former Analyst and Targeting Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Patty Brandmaier, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • James B. Bruce, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • David Cariens, Former Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Janice Cariens, Former Operational Support Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Paul Kolbe, Former Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Peter Corsell, Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Brett Davis, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency Former National Intelligence Officer
  • Steven L. Hall, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Kent Harrington, Former National Intelligence Officer for East Asia, Central Intelligence Agency Former Director of Public Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Chief of Station, Central Intelligence Agency Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Timothy D. Kilbourn, Former Dean, Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Ron Marks, Former Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Jonna Hiestand Mendez, Technical Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Emile Nakhleh, Former Director of the Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, Central Intelligence Agency Former Senior Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Gerald A. O’Shea, Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency, Served four tours as Chief of Station, Central Intelligence Agency
  • David Priess, Former Analyst and Manager, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Pam Purcilly, Former Deputy Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Director of the Office of Russian and European Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Marc Polymeropoulos, Former Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Acting Chief of Operations for Europe and Eurasia, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Chris Savos, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Officer
  • Nick Shapiro, Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Director, Central Intelligence Agency
  • John Sipher, Former Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Deputy Chief of Russian Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Stephen Slick, Former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, National Security Council Former Senior Operations Office, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Cynthia Strand, Former Deputy Assistant Director for Global Issues, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Greg Tarbell, Former Deputy Executive Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Central Intelligence Agency
  • David Terry, Former Chairman of the National Intelligence Collection Board Former Chief of the PDB, Central Intelligence Agency, Former PDB Briefer to Vice President Dick Cheney, Central Intelligence Agency
  • John Tullius, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • David A. Vanell, Former Senior Operations Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Winston Wiley, Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency, Former Chief, Counterterrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency
  • Kristin Wood, Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency, Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency

In addition, reported the letter signers, there were “nine additional former IC [Intelligence Community] officers who cannot be named publicly” and “also support the arguments in this letter.”

Remember these CIA and Intelligence Community people signed a letter designed to usher China Joe Biden into the White House by claiming that the story of the Hunter Biden laptop emails, suppressed by Big Tech, had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Using the Wall Street Journal columnist Strassel as a mouthpiece, Bill Barr says the CIA stayed in its lane. If true, that’s frightening. It means they’re they are trying to bring to power a pawn of the Communist Chinese.

Trump must resist by any means necessary.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. for updates, use the contact form at

It’s Time to Expose and Punish Traitors

By Cliff Kincaid

Although we believe the CIA and FBI should be abolished completely, as a result of their roles in subverting the Trump presidency, America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) has campaigned to save the NSA from congressional restrictions that would undermine its surveillance programs. This stand has not been popular in left-wing and some libertarian circles. But it is the right thing to do. It is more important than ever before.

The dramatic hacking of federal government and private networks demonstrates the threat. What many won’t concede is that these hackers, apparently originating in Russia and/or China, also have the demonstrated ability to hack into our electronic voting systems, and undoubtedly did so.

As I prove in my 2014 book,  Blood on His Hands: The True Story of Edward Snowden, it is no accident that the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rise of ISIS, and cyber-attacks from China followed Edward Snowden’s defection to Russia through China. President Obama called Snowden, a CIA and NSA contractor, a mere “hacker,” and Attorney General Eric Holder wrote to the Russians promising that Snowden wouldn’t be given the death penalty if he returned home. Snowden has remained in Russia.

When NSA analysts William Martin and Bernon Mitchell defected to Russia in 1960, President Eisenhower labeled them as traitors and former President Harry Truman said they should be shot. Investigations revealed that both young men had been members of the Communist Party and homosexual lovers.

President Trump once called for the execution of Edward Snowden as a “traitor” who had “given serious information to China and Russia.” The Snowden case looks like the NSA equivalent of Philip Agee, who defected from the CIA and became a Soviet and Cuban agent. Agee died in Havana after writing several books with the help of Cuban intelligence. Snowden wanted to embarrass the United States and help America’s adversaries.

It makes complete sense to assume that Snowden’s stolen classified data from the CIA/NSA enabled the Russians and/or the Chinese to develop the hacking tools in the Solar Winds case that is receiving so much attention these days. This firm served as a “security vendor” for government agencies, including the NSA itself, supposedly making sure their IT networks are protected against cyber attack.

But Senator Rand Paul argues that Snowden is no traitor and wants Trump to pardon Snowden.

Senator Paul is playing into our enemies’ hands and looks foolish.

The booklet, Revolutionary Secrets: The Secret Communications of the American Revolution, is an examination of how our founders secretly communicated and deceived the enemy during the war for independence. The topic is the subject of an exhibit at the NSA Museum, which I have visited on two different occasions.

The late Adm. James A. Lyons, commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, wrote, “In all the hyperventilating over NSA’s ‘spying’ capabilities,’ it is easy to overlook how critical NSA’s intelligence-collection capabilities are to supporting our military forces. The information and monitoring of our enemies’ communications is critical to success on the battlefield. NSA intelligence is a key element of planning any military operation. It provides the necessary information to our commanders so they can retain the initiative and achieve ultimate success in any conflict.”

He asserted, It was the NSA’s intercept information that allowed Judge Royce Lamberth to find Iran guilty in Washington’s U.S. District Court in September 2007 of the bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut.” It was on October 23, 1983, that Iran ordered and carried out the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 241 American military personnel. An Iranian drove the car bomb into the barracks.

I attended and covered the trial in which the evidence of the Iranian role in this bombing was presented in detail. The trial involved a case brought against Iran by attorneys Steven Perles and Thomas Fortune Fay on behalf of the families of the Marines who were killed. The trial featured a videotaped deposition of a former terrorist insider named “Mahmoud,” who described in detail how Iran ordered the terrorists to attack the U.S. Marines and French troops in Lebanon, and revealed that the driver of the truck carrying the bomb was himself an Iranian. A message was intercepted from the government of Iran to its Ambassador in Syria calling for military attacks on the foreign forces in Lebanon, including the Americans.

One of the highlights of the NSA’s history is the VENONA project which exposed a massive Soviet espionage effort against the U.S. that unmasked such traitors as State Department official Alger Hiss, Department of Justice official Judith Coplon, and Department of the Treasury official Harry Dexter White.

I believe some of the documents that still remain classified regarding the John F. Kennedy assassination have to do with the evidence of a communist role in his murder that was obtained by the NSA and other intelligence agencies.

This would explain why former FBI agent Herman Bly wrote, “…I believe the heads of the FBI, CIA, and President Johnson wanted the Oswald case brought to a conclusion as fast as possible as they did not want another crisis with the Soviet Union so soon after the Cuban missile crisis.”

Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa’s book Programmed to Kill: Moscow’s Responsibility for Lee Harvey Oswald’s Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, details the KGB’s disinformation Operation Dragon, aimed at throwing the blame on various elements in the United States for killing their own president.Over the years the Soviets have successfully confused many people about their role, blaming the CIA, the Mafia, the right-wing, Texas, oil men, or LBJ.

Our media have not acknowledged and explained to the American people the substantial evidence that an American president was killed as a result of a communist conspiracy based in Moscow and Havana.

The problem for the communists was the anti-communism of John and Robert Kennedy – specifically their anti-Castro intentions, plans, and operations.

While we are defending the NSA against attempts to undermine its powers, its terrorist surveillance programs are in fact too broad, and need to be refocused. But the fact remains that the surveillance powers need to remain in place, in order to be utilized on behalf of the American people. Instead, traitors have exploited the weaknesses in these surveillance systems and the surveillance powers have been abused.

The problem, quite clearly, is subversion from within. That is why we are demanding that top officials in the federal government, including the president and members of Congress, go through a process to get a security clearance. Former FBI agent Max Noel told me the Bureau used to investigate candidates for federal employment — but not federal office — by analyzing Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty to the United States. The first letters in those words make up the acronym CARL.

Noel said Barack Hussein Obama could not have been elected president if he had been subjected to the CARL test. But members of Congress also evade the security clearance process. A blatant example of this is Rep. Eric Swalwell, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the subject of allegations that he had a romantic relationship with a suspected Chinese spy.

Swalwell’s website boasts that “The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is charged with oversight of the United States intelligence community, which includes the intelligence related activities of 17 elements of the U.S. Government, and the Military Intelligence Program.”

Despite the controversy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won’t remove Swalwell from the committee.

The cost of the American intelligence establishment has skyrocketed to $60 billion a year. What are we getting for our money?

We will never get a handle on security violations in the U.S. Government until we order all of our top officials to undergo the security clearance process and demonstrate their loyalty to the United States.

It is clear that Swalwell would fail such a test, and so would China Joe Biden. This makes it imperative that Trump stay in office as our foreign and domestic enemies are held accountable for subverting the recent presidential election.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. For updates use the contact form at

Is Trump Headed for Mar-a-Lago?

By Cliff Kincaid

I thought President Trump was throwing in the towel when I got a (mass-produced) email from his son Don asking not for money for a Legal Defense Fund to keep his father in office but to put my name on a Christmas card to his father and the First Lady. It seemed that the last popularly-elected president of the United States is moving back to Mar-a-Lago.

On the other hand, Trump’s former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn gave a speech at last Saturday’s MAGA rally, saying, “I’ve been asked—on a scale of one to ten, who will be the next president of the United States, and I say Donald Trump. Ten.”

Some conservative observers say big bombshells are needed to turn things around, in the sense of capturing media attention and giving Republicans the fortitude to take up the battle and keep Trump in the White House. But they already exist, such as the revelation about a top Dominion voting official telling Antifa on a conference call that the system was rigged against Trump.  This has been dismissed as “unproven” by the media when it has not even been denied. It’s the Hunter Biden laptop treatment extended to election fraud.

Still, millions recognize the evidence of massive fraud that has been discussed in various fora, including my own America’s Survival TV.

In the face of this evidence, Senate “Republican” leader Mitch McConnell has indicated that on January 6, when Congress convenes to tally the Electoral College votes to declare a winner, Biden will win. He doesn’t want Republicans to challenge the fraud.

I still hold out the hope that Trump will somehow use executive power or the Insurrection Act to expose and arrest the saboteurs behind the election theft. But the Trump decision to allow Attorney General Bill Barr to resign, rather than be tossed out on his big rear, suggests that Trump wants to go out on the basis of an uneasy truce with the Washington establishment.  (McConnell issued a very complimentary statement about Barr, saying he “is one of the most dedicated and capable public servants I have ever seen in action” and that “For nearly two years, he’s provided wise counsel to President Trump and rendered outstanding service to our country.”)

Trump said on Twitter, “Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House. Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job! As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family…”

A “very good relationship” when Barr has been covering up the wrongdoing of the Biden family and his special counsel John Durham failed to charge anybody except a low-level FBI lawyer with crimes in Obama-gate? Barr should have been unceremoniously kicked out with the imprint of Trump’s shoe on the back of the seat of his pants.

Obama is laughing at Trump.  Appearing on the politically-correct “The Daily Show,” he joked that he was “able to get away with” not being born in the United States and seizing the presidency anyway. By contrast, Trump, a real American whose career was dedicated to building rather than destroying America, is apparently on his way out after only one term, since the second term has been stolen away from him by Obama and the other handlers of China Joe. Obama was on the program to promote a coffee table book about himself, his third memoir. It’s not clear if Bill Ayers wrote this one.

At this late date, however, I am still hearing from Trump loyalists who think he will pull a rabbit out of the hat. One told me, “He has known what he is doing since before he ran for President!  He has been so far ahead of everyone else and that is why he has won at every turn!  You see, God placed him in that office to turn this nation around.  We have one last chance to turn back to God and if we fail, next time we will not have a Donald Trump to bail us out!!!!!  Why do you think they could not bring him down?  JFK didn’t make one full term, and he was attempting the same thing Trump is doing!  Trump will succeed!!  So don’t rush him.  Let this play out and let all the rats land in the trap!!!!”

The trouble is that the Trump loyalists are NOT being hired by Trump. Instead, there’s a long list of Trump betrayers, such as Bill Barr, now described as a friend as he’s going out the door for Christmas to be with his family. Plus, all three Trump nominees to the Supreme court voted against his position in the Texas case to overturn massive election fraud. Attorney Jonathon Moseley tells me in an episode of America’s Survival TV he thinks this stems from fear of the big newspaper in the Washington, D.C. area, the Washington Post, owned by one of the richest people in the world, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who does extensive business with the CIA.

If one is not accustomed to the toxic poison spewed by this paper, you can easily be intimidated by this coterie of CIA propagandists.

To make matters worse, there are some urging Trump to come to the aid of people like Julian Assange, a former host on Russia Today television, and Edward Snowden, the former CIA/NSA analyst who traveled through China’s Hong Kong to live in Russia.

If Trump even lifts a finger for either man, it will confirm the claims that Trump was a Russian agent after all. The Deep State, which works with Moscow and Beijing for World Government and wants to destroy the concept of America First, would be ecstatic. The Deep State would respond: “We told you so.”

The way to get back at the CIA is not to reward Assange or Snowden but declassify everything immediately about Obama-gate and expose why the CIA and FBI were silent about Obama’s Russian connections (mostly through Russian agent and Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis) when he took office.

Why Christopher Wray is still FBI director is anybody’s guess. Will he be leaving on cordial terms to spend time with his family, too?

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Fate of America is in Trump’s Hands

By Cliff Kincaid

For President Trump to leave office at this critical time, during a national emergency and constitutional crisis, would turn the country over to Communist China, a course that would guarantee national suicide and/or submergence into a New World Order dominated by America’s enemies. The other reason he should stay in power is that the “election” that gave China Joe Biden the “victory” was fraudulent. Everybody knows it, and most people will admit it.

Plus, China Joe is in no condition to be president, as most people realize, and he would not in any real sense be a chief executive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is already plotting to dump and replace him with Kamala Harris, under the cover of the 25th amendment.

The fact that the Supreme Court, with three Trump nominees, decided not to grant a hearing in the Texas case on the evidence of massive vote fraud is of no consequence. The Court can’t enforce its rulings or non-rulings. If the Court won’t act, Trump must. But will he?

The Supreme Court ruling, however, must have been another wake-up call for Trump. As one of my readers commented, “Trump is surely looking at whoever advised him to pick those three judges!   He seems to have nothing but traitors surrounding him!”

On Sunday’s “Fox & Friends,” Trump said he’s not planning to accept the result of the Electoral College and that “…we’re going to continue to go forward.”

What does that mean? Since Trump has been adamant that he won the election, based on legal votes, how can he surrender the oval office in any case?

There is nothing in the Constitution dictating that what the court says or does is superior to other more-pressing considerations made on national security grounds for the United States by the president, using emergency powers.

This means that Trump can cite massive evidence of fraud in a presidential declaration to nullify the November 3rd presidential election and order a new election with legal votes based on actual people showing up with valid ID. Otherwise, not only would China Joe take power and act as a puppet for his masters in Beijing, subverting American sovereignty in the process, but all future elections will be stolen, causing people to take up arms in revolt and sparking an actual civil war.

I do not want this to happen, but millions of Americans will not become slaves to a China-dominated New World Order.

At this point, Trump can still stop this unfortunate state of affairs by exercising his own executive authority to preserve the rule of law and the Constitution.

“Courts do not decide who the next president of the United States will be,” said former national security adviser Michael Flynn at the MAGA rally in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. “There are paths that are still in play.”

Legal expert Mark Adams says, “President Trump could declare an insurrection under the Insurrection Act because the theft of the election is a rebellion against our country that poses a significant and permanent threat to our government.  While this isn’t an armed invasion or uprising, the rebels are government officials engaged in stealing the election and covering up the theft in order to take over the country like any outside invader or armed rebels.”

In this case, Adams told me during an episode of America’s Survival TV, Trump would use the act to investigate the “insiders” behind the coup, authorizing the military to seize the evidence of election fraud, including the electronic voting machines, and analyze it. A report from the military would then be produced to justify the holding of a new election.

Defying the Court has been done in the past by Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson. They ignored rulings, decisions, and orders made by the Supreme Court because they realized the court was not the dominant branch of government. In short, the president and the courts can agree to disagree. And since the Court cannot enforce its own rulings, that leaves the president with a distinct advantage, for he is the top cop and runs the Department of Justice, an executive agency that enforces laws and presidential orders.

Trump’s problem is his Attorney General Bill Barr, a former CIA operative who has dismissed evidence of massive election fraud and concealed criminal investigations into the China ties of the Biden family while the election campaign was underway. This was revealed by the Wall Street Journal, which noted that “an international financial investigation” into the alleged criminal activities of the Bidens has been going on for at least a year. Barr kept this secret from his boss, the president.

Before Trump nullifies the fraudulent election, either through a proclamation or invoking the Insurrection Act, he should fire Barr because Barr will undoubtedly resign “in protest” anyway. It’s better to show Barr the door and quickly appoint an acting Attorney General who will investigate Barr’s malfeasance in office.

In the case of China Joe, assuming he is not replaced on medical grounds, it’s more insidious than that many seem to realize, since the backers of Kamala Harris will obviously use the revelations about the Bidens’ China business to prepare his ouster from the presidency. He’s just too corrupt to survive in office.

China Joe, assuming he has any cognitive ability left, should realize the predicament he’s in, and divulge the truth about the electoral fraud committed in his name. He should admit the fraud and authorize President Trump to remain in office. In this manner, he might put a damper on the ability of left-wing BLM and Antifa forces to stage violent protests in revolt against another four years for Trump.

From a personal standpoint, Biden should avoid the presidency. He should take care of his family. His son Hunter is in enormous legal trouble, not to mention the years of drug abuse and sexual promiscuity that have plagued his life and career. He desperately needs help.

But it’s Jill Biden who wants Joe in the White House, as she desires the power to promote the Cultural Marxist agenda, as she did when Joe was vice-president under Barack Hussein Obama. One of her pet projects was transgenderism for kids, a cause embraced by Joe himself during a presidential townhall when he talked about 8-year-olds being given the right to change genders. Jill probably told him what to say.

It is Jill Biden who may be the real power behind the throne, in competition with “future” vice-president Kamala Harris, a clever radical in love with the marijuana sub-culture and dedicated to getting as many kids as stoned as possible once the Great Reset gets underway. It’s the Soma of our Brave New World.

​Is this what you want for your children? It will only serve to numb them to the reality of a one-party dictatorship.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. Watch his ASI TV videos before more are censored and the channel terminated.

How Trump Can Remain in Office No Matter What

By Cliff Kincaid

Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed suit to overturn the election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and hand the presidential election over to Donald Trump. But what if that doesn’t work? What if the corrupt Chief Justice John Roberts figures out a way to kill the legal action or avoid what the facts require? What does Trump do then?

Trump and his family and various Republicans have raised tens of millions of dollars to overturn the election fraud. Will all of that money be wasted because Republicans were incapable of guarding against election theft? Trump’s supporters don’t want to be saddled with a “presidential occupant” by the name of Joe Biden whose days are numbered in the oval office because of his rapidly progressing onset of dementia.

Vic Biorseth has the answer, articulated in his “Open Letter to President Trump Recommending Election Nullification,” and published on his Catholic American Thinker web site. Trump must stay in office and nullify the fraudulent results through executive power.

Vic is an ordinary American who served his country in the military and is not happy about the prospect of the backers of China Joe Biden staging a coup and taking control of the executive branch. Appealing to Trump, he writes, “If state governments, the US Congress and the US Supreme Court fail to act to overrule the corrupted and defrauded election results in several if not all American states, then it falls on you to act in your capacity as the chief law enforcement officer in the American government to do so.”

It sounds radical to some, but what would the Courts and the legislative branch do about it? They would, of course, scream and yell. The RINOs like Mitt Romney would act horrified. Former CIA man and Attorney General Bill Barr might resign. Who cares?

In the same way that Lincoln used executive power to hold the country together during the Civil War, Trump can do the same. Let Joe Biden take a trip to California to declare himself president. Let him be president of California, Oregon, and Washington State.

I am on many email lists, including those of Trump, and I have just received another appeal for funds, declaring, “This may be the most important email I ever send you.” Trump goes on to say, “I want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voting irregularities that took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd Election. As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws of the Constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our Election system – which is under attack – but I cannot do it alone. I need YOUR HELP.”

The key phrase is that, “As President, I have no higher duty than to defend the laws of the Constitution of the United States.”

If the Court guts the Paxton lawsuit, does the president’s oath to defend the Constitution suddenly evaporate? No way. That’s when Trump must step up to the plate and declare that his authority is on an equal par with that of the Supreme Court. On that basis, he stays in office and prevents the phony “President-elect” Joe Biden from assuming power.

As Vic Biorseth puts it, “In adjudicating the Marbury v Madison case the Supreme Court established the principle of Judiciary Review, quite properly declaring a legislated law to be unconstitutional, null and no law. The Presidency and the Congress have precisely the same power to nullify anything that is unconstitutional. The fact that they have never done it yet does not mean that they cannot do it.”

Vic Biorseth is not a lawyer but he has common sense and the ability to understand what is at stake. He also knows that the presidency is not to be given away because of massive fraud. He explains, “The Constitution nowhere grants any of the three coequal branches of government any interpretive authority over itself that is in any way superior to the interpretive authority of the other two branches.”

That means Trump’s interpretation of his powers is as valid as any other. And based on the Lincoln precedent, a beloved leader, it is the right one in this case.

Biorseth concludes: “Any time before a fraudulently elected candidate is inaugurated, while you are still President, if the state governments, the Congress and the Supreme Court have failed to overturn this fraudulent election, then, you must overturn it, and let the fur begin to fly. You can nullify it by simply declaring it to be unconstitutional, null and void, thereby establishing a new Constitutional Principle of Presidential Review.”

In his open letter to Trump, he then adds, “You can and should demand that Congress set a new date for a new election, requiring only paper and pencil ballots, only absentee ballots allowed, and with a one-day voting restriction.”

If the Paxton lawsuit fails, because of political considerations, secret pressures, or other factors raised by John Roberts and the liberal judges, this is the only way forward, except for an actual declaration of martial law.

People are not contributing tens of millions of dollars to Trump’s Election Defense Fund just to see him walk away from the oval office if the “High Court” rules against him on spurious grounds. That’s when Trump must exercise his constitutional authority to stay in office until a fair and honest election is held. Anything less would be a dereliction of duty.

Trump must not in the end bow down to the lawyers. He must save the nation no matter what. Otherwise, his legacy will forever be tainted and his voters totally disillusioned.

*Please go to Cliff Kincaid’s YouTube channel and watch his videos on election fraud before more of them are censored.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Trump Must Release the Kraken

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump ordered the GSA to start a “transition” to a Biden Administration after GSA administrator Emily Murphy said she received “threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff, and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely.” So why didn’t Trump order Attorney General Barr or FBI Director Wray to investigate these threats and bring the perpetrators to justice?

Has Trump been president? Or hasn’t he? Isn’t he still in power?

I asked super-lawyer Larry Klayman these questions. He founded Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and said about Trump: “He’s been taking bad advice for four years. He’s been told that he is the chief executive in one area but not in the other area. Trump is the head of the Justice Department.”

Klayman offered to do the job for Trump. All Trump has to do is appoint Klayman as an interim special counsel (who doesn’t need Senate confirmation) and he can investigate and uncover wrongdoing. He’s probably the most aggressive lawyer ever seen on the conservative side.

“Barr is scared of his own shadow,” Klayman observed, “and Barr has done nothing.” He noted that Barr’s special prosecutor in Obama-gate, John Durham, has produced nothing, except for a guilty plea from a low-level FBI official. “Nobody is going to be held accountable.” All of the big crooks are still free.

Meanwhile, another false friend of Trumps, Fox News, is gloating over Trump’s surrender, reporting Biden as saying that the Trump administration’s outreach on the  transition is “sincere.”

“Immediately, we’ve gotten outreach from the national security shop to just across the board,” Biden told Deep State mouthpiece Lester Holt of NBC News. “They’re already working out my ability to get presidential daily briefs, we’re already working out meeting with the COVID team in the White House and how to not only distribute but get from a vaccine being distributed to a person able to get vaccinated, so I think we’re going to not be so far behind the curve as we thought might be in the past,” Biden said. “And I must say the outreach has been sincere — it has not been begrudging so far and I don’t expect it to be.”

Even so, Trump and his sons and other members of the Trump 2020 team are desperately trying to raise money for a legal defense of Trump. But where was the president when his own GSA administrator was being threatened? Where was Barr? Where was Wray? Many Trump supporters are demoralized and think they’re being played for fools.

I wrote the column, “The big steal is underway, but Trump won’t surrender,” and now I’m not so sure.

Trump ally and Bay of Pigs veteran Fran De Varona said, “If the President does not act quickly, Biden will be in the White House in 2021 and our Republic will be destroyed!” That was two weeks ago. All Trump has done is go golfing, pardon a turkey, give a one-minute speech about the stock market, and authorize the transition to Biden.

Now we hear he has pardoned his former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, whose case was still tied up in the courts. His lawyer is Sidney Powell, the same lawyer helping Trump’s legal team. She’s an expert on Justice Department corruption.

A Flynn pardon may be another sign that Trump realizes he’s on the way out and has to act fast.

I hope I’m wrong.

The same forces who targeted Flynn four years ago also targeted Trump, and they are still in charge of the justice system. What a sad state of affairs.

There’s still time, Mr. President. Order Barr and Wray to investigate the threats against your own GSA administrator. Order them to protect Joe Oltmann, the activist who documented a link between Antifa and Dominion Voting Systems. He told me in an interview he had to hire security guards.

Rush Limbaugh says he was disappointed in Sidney Powell’s evidence at the national news conference. Did he not listen to Powell discuss Eric Coomer of Dominion, the guy heard on an Antifa conference call referring to how he rigged the election against Trump? Oltmann revealed all of that. There’s enough evidence here to blow the case wide open.

In the same way the election was stolen in plain sight, the evidence of wrongdoing is out there, in the form of interviews with people like Joe Oltmann. Why do some conservatives persist in saying there’s no evidence of fraud?

Bring Joe Oltmann forward, into the White House if necessary, and let him tell his story. It is harrowing. Let GSA administrator Emily Murphy come forward and tell her story about being threatened. Then let Barr and Wray explain why they are doing nothing.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

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America’s Turkey is the CIA

By Cliff Kincaid

Disgusted with cable news, including Fox, I turned on “Pawn Stars,” where people sell items, sometimes real and sometimes fake. The owners make sure the item is real before they bid on it. They would never buy into the “results” of the 2020 presidential election.

“The whole 2020 election process involved a near complete absence of any chain of custody over ballots, not just in the ‘swing’ states, but in most states, if not all,” notes conservative Catholic writer Vic Biorseth. “It was so rampant as to appear to have been by plan.”

Biorseth’s observation is shared by millions. The whole process stinks. Everybody knows it. Biden won’t even lift a finger to try to give the appearance of a fair and honest process, In his dilapidated mental state, he even bragged during the campaign about having a first-rate voter fraud organization.

I was watching “Pawn Stars” because I needed a break from the propaganda about “President-elect” Joe Biden.That’s a fraudulent term, like the kind of “Stolen Valor” that happens when people claim to be war veterans when they didn’t serve. Biden is impersonating a president, and should never become one.

As Biorseth argued on my ASI TV show, what may be required is the Trumpian nullification of an unconstitutional election, in order to prevent the usurper, Biden, from taking control. That might be the only way for Trump to fulfill his duty to protect the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Remember that Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to keep the nation together and triumph over the confederacy. That made him one of our great presidents.

Interestingly, as I watched “Pawn Stars” to pass some time, I noticed a short quiz, as they went to a commercial, about somebody in the news.Anderson Cooper was the answer to the question of who in the media had been an intern for the CIA. That was news to me.

These CIA-connected people, known as “presstitutes,” are all over the place. They serve the interests of the Deep State.

Digging deeper, I then found a story by Ben Norton about Cooper being the son of oligarch Gloria Vanderbilt, adding that, “A blue-blooded TV anchor coming from money and privilege is one thing, but a top news personality with a background at the Central Intelligence Agency is quite another.” Norton, an honest left-winger who refuses to toe the Democratic Party line, noted that Cooper worked for the CIA “while he was a student at Yale University — an intelligence agency-linked elite bastion where former CIA director George H. W. Bush also studied.”

Tucker Carlson, also known as Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, was born into money, is reportedly worth $30 million, and makes $10 million a year. He poses as a man of the people but it turns out he tried to get a job in the CIA, and failed. Or so they say.

Journalist Sean Davis told Tucker the CIA was involved in the anti-Trump Russia-gate plot. That was a big story. But Tucker now seems uninterested in a possible CIA role in election fraud.

This is strange, since evidence of CIA involvement in many different aspects of American life is beyond dispute. Consider the firm In-Q-Tel, described as the CIA’s venture fund. Did you think the CIA only interfered in foreign countries? This group is described on its own web site as the following:

  • In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999 as the global technological evolution is underway… the internet is widely available, mobile applications are launching, and the digital revolution has arrived. The CIA and government agencies, once innovation leaders, recognized they were missing out on the cutting-edge, innovative, and impactful technologies coming out of Silicon Valley and beyond.

The CIA website advertises its involvement in starting the firm, known as IQT. The CIA said,“On 29 September 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was treated to something different. In many of the nation’s leading newspapers and television news programs a story line had appeared that complimented the Agency for its creativity and openness.” In other words, the news about the CIA start-up was greeted with applause from the press. So much for speaking truth to power.

“IQT accelerates the intelligence and national security community’s access to cutting-edge technology,” it says, in vague high-tech language.Its locations are Washington, D.C., Menlo Park, Boston, London, and Sydney.

I wonder if these technologies might include tampering with elections and electronic voting systems, here and abroad. A reported $15 billion is spent every year on the CIA, including on cyber-warfare.

One of the board members is former CIA Director George J. Tenet, a Clinton appointee held over by the Bush administration. Tenet and then-FBI chief Robert Mueller (remember him?) failed to detect or prevent the 9/11 disaster. Tenet is also the official who told Bush that finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq would be a slam dunk.For that, Bush gave Tenet a presidential Medal of Freedom.

Other board members include a former CIA general counsel and a military officer who advised Barack Hussein Obama.

With the CIA’s fingerprints all over this and other firms, the idea that the agency was involved in election fraud against Trump, whom they hated, has to be considered possible and plausible. But Tucker apparently doesn’t want to consider it.

I grew concerned when he opened a show with a story about the beauty of our national parks. That was feel-good nonsense when we deserved the hard truth about the country being stolen away from the people. Then he trashed lawyer Sidney Powell for refusing to go on his show to reveal evidence of vote fraud. On top of the ratings heap, he wanted more, more, and more. Ratings mean more money and ad revenue for his corporate globalist bosses. He hopes to expand his advertising beyond the firm My Pillow, which makes a great product.

Tucker’s Twitter feed is so uninteresting that it ought to be taken down on the grounds of boredom alone.

A former associate of neo-con Bill Kristol, Tucker turned on Kristol to appear in public as a traditional conservative, with a nod to Trump-style populism. It was an extreme makeover. I fell for the ploy, once thinking that Tucker was the new Trump.

Tucker warned in advance that Trump could lose the election, but now that the vote fraud schemes have been documented, he bails, saying he needs more proof, and that Trump lawyers have to provide it only on his show.

With all these turkeys on the air, the White House on Monday sent out an email asking for input. “Help decide which turkey President Trump pardons tomorrow,” it said. “President Trump will continue the longstanding White House tradition of pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey at a ceremony in the Rose Garden,” we were told. “The turkey who receives his pardon will become America’s official 2020 National Thanksgiving Turkey.”

On this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for our ability to detect frauds and hoaxes. I submit that America’s real turkey is the CIA. Chop its head off, Mr. President. Show us the innards.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Why Joe Biden Cannot be President

By Cliff Kincaid

Military whistleblower Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tony Shaffer tells me on America’s Survival TV that President Trump should never concede an election “victory” to Biden. There’s just too much evidence that the election was stolen, perhaps through electronic voting system shenanigans with the connivance of U.S. intelligence agencies.

On three important issues — illegal drugs that destroy the ability of young people to think, economic destruction caused by Covid-19 lockdowns, and the deliberate murder of the innocent unborn — the Biden agenda is clear. Millions could die.

Out of this will come what has been called the New World Order and is now openly referred to as the Great Reset. Only Trump and his backers stand in the way.

Consider the movement to legalize marijuana and other mind-altering drugs. Originated with money from the likes of Hugh Hefner and billionaire George Soros, it has grown to the point where CNBC’s financial guru, Jim Cramer, is promoting and exploiting the increasing addiction to drugs for profit. This is the Wall Street mentality — money at any cost.

“Cannabis Stocks in 20211,” proclaims one of Cramer’s email messages promoting the marijuana business. “With Joe Biden winning the election,” says Cramer, ignoring the evidence of election fraud, “marijuana legalization becomes more likely. The impact of this election on the cannabis industry is enormous. If you join Real Money now, investing experts will give you the companies you can buy and investing advice on cannabis stocks.” His newsletter is Real Money.In this case, he makes money at the expense of the lives of people, many of them young, addicted to the drug, becoming stoned, and in some cases resorting to violence against others or themselves.

Drug Deaths

Consider the case of Johnny Stack, a young man who committed suicide on November 20, 2019, as a result of cannabis psychosis. He began smoking pot at the age of 14 when it was legalized in Colorado and drug dealers operated in the open, even around and in schools. He then started to “dab” high potency pot, leading to psychotic episodes. His mother Laura describes how all of this culminated in her son jumping off a six-story building in an impulsive act of fear and desperation.

On the other hand, in hailing the election of “President-elect” Biden, Cramer notes that young people voted for Biden because of climate change, a debatable theory, and we can now transform our economy into one operated on the basis of “green energy.” It’s a dangerous fraud, just like the stolen elections.

If Johnny Stack had survived, perhaps he could enlist in one of Joe Biden’s proposed new foreign wars. Odds are that Biden will expand the U.S. military presence in the Middle East, especially in Syria, jeopardizing Trump’s peace deals between various Arab states and Israel. Biden’s recent “national security briefing” included, on his behalf,representatives of two major defense contractors.

In some areas, such as military technology, it makes sense to maintain or increase defense spending. The National Interest reports evidence that Russia and China are outpacing the U.S. in military technology. But more foreign wars on behalf of Muslims who hates us is lunacy.

An honest leftist by the name of Chloe Rafferty notes that Biden, who once wrote a Wall Street Journal article, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order,” has “backed US intervention in the Balkan war, supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, voted for the war on Iraq in 2003 and, as vice president, backed the US intervention in Libya.” Yet, look at how many “progressives” endorsed Biden.

Most conservatives backed the Afghanistan war, in response to 9/11, but continuing to fight this war 19 years later, after it has turned into a futile nation-building exercise, makes no sense. That’s why Trump is trying to get our troops home.

Sounding tough about the Russians and the Chinese, Biden actually favors a global accommodation with both of these adversaries. That means the integration of capitalism with communism, creating a one-world socialist state. In this scenario, China will be the new model for the world and will dominate the Great Reset, after devastating the world with its China virus.

Biden’s Backers

The brilliant researcher Trevor Loudon told me in an ASI TV interview and he documents in his book White House Reds that Biden owes his political career to the Council for a Livable world, a group started by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard. The Council was supported by money from Al Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by Soviet agent Armand Hammer.

If the truth be told, the evidence suggests that Biden is pro-Russian. He vows to pursue unverifiable “arms control” agreements with the Russians.

Biden, of course, is also linked through his son Hunter to the Chinese communists, a story suppressed by Big Tech as people were voting in the U.S. This kind of censorship should be enough to declare the election null and void. No way was it a fair and honest election. The fraudulent elections only make the case for Trump staying in office even more solid.

Meanwhile, as noted by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League, Biden is determined to promote more deaths from abortion.  “Among Biden’s top priorities,” Donohue says, “is to codify into law the Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade. In other words, Biden wants to lock in the right of a woman to abort her child at any moment of pregnancy, for any reason whatsoever, thus blunting any future court challenges.” What’s more, “Biden also wants to get rid of the Hyde Amendment, thus forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions.” This means the grand total of 63 million abortions in the U.S. will accelerate under Biden.

In this context, it is interesting to note that some churches last Sunday were ordered to pray for a “peaceful transition of power” in the United States, when the results have not been certified and legal actions are still underway. In Washington, D.C. this reflected the influence of Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, the seventh Archbishop of Washington who is a pawn of Pope Francis. Gregory hates Trump and denounced him during the campaign. Francis is hoping for a major role in Joe Biden’s “New World Order” and “Great Reset.” Putting his own spin on it, Francis issued an encyclical “Fratelli tutti,” translated as “All Brothers.” It is the Gospel of the one-worlders.

Meanwhile, Biden proposes more economic lockdowns in response to the China virus, a policy that results in more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses.A Biden presidency means a national policy of accelerating the arrest of church goers, as abortion clinics and pot shops keeping operating, killing human beings or altering peoples’ minds so they become numb to what is happening before them.

Oregon just voted to decriminalize all hard drugs, including heroin, LSD, and cocaine. Look for drug injection sites to start popping up all around the country under a Biden presidency. This is the CIA MK-Ultra mind-control project made into official U.S. Government policy.

In Canada, a revolt is underway, as people reject masks, unreliable virus tests, and unproven and risky vaccines. We ought to take a look at what’s happening in our neighbor to the north, as Action4Canada activist Tanya Gaw tells me that people are waking up. She has hired a first-rate lawyer to overturn the restrictions on human rights countenanced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who just recently admitted what Biden has not – that all of this hysteria is designed to usher in a “Great Reset” into global socialism.

Gaw says she knows of no one who has died of Covid-19 but is aware of several suicides and many overdose deaths linked to the lockdowns and social isolation.

A Speech to the Nation

To avoid this fate for America, Trump must remain in power. And there’s a way to do this because, as Trump maintains, with evidence, that the election was stolen from him, and that his campaign and supporters were illegally and unconstitutionally silenced by Big Tech.

The Trump Campaign news conference on Thursday on election fraud, featuring Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, was a good start. Powell hinted at a role in the fraud played by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Some are saying that the president has to eventually do what President Dwight Eisenhower did when he explained to the America people what’s happening behind the scenes with the military industrial complex. These Trump supporters say that Trump must explain in detail the Deep State conspiracy to destroy his presidency and steal the elections. They say he must immediately declassify all evidence of malfeasance.

We are in what may seem like uncharted territory. But in another episode of my television show, geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist considered the possibility of two different presidents, with Trump remaining in the White House and Biden taking the “oath of office” somewhere else, perhaps Sacramento, California. All of this could lead, as incredible as it sounds, to the blue states on the West Coast becoming a base of support for “President Biden.” Most of the rest of the country would stand with Trump.

His recent column, “Two Presidents, Two Narratives,” looks back at the time when we in effect had two presidents. Jefferson Davis was inaugurated in the south and Abraham Lincoln followed suit in the north. Lincoln didn’t think the southern states would ever leave the union. Of course, that led to a bloody civil war, costing 500,000 lives.

Trump has to recognize that staying in power is the only peaceful way to avoid having Biden impose his agenda of death and destruction on the nation as a whole.

Today, Nyquist writes, the United States “is now divided into two camps, governed by diametrically opposing principles. The differences are now so striking, so profound, that it is inconceivable they will long tolerate one another. The violence of last summer is but a foretaste of what we should expect.”

We can expect such violence if Biden doesn’t manage to seize power through fraudulent elections. But fear of the aftermath if Trump stays in the White House is no reason for Trump to vacate the presidency. In the face of the threat from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other communist groups, Trump has every right to stay in power and keep the country together, in the name of national sovereignty. He is wise to purge his administration of traitors and disloyal bureaucrats.

Abolishing Thanksgiving and Christmas

At the same time, as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, Biden is telling people that “if in fact we’re going to have Thanksgiving with anyone,” it should be limited to five or 10 people, who should be socially distanced and wearing masks.  That’s for us commoners. He’ll probably have a mask-free dinner, just like the other hypocritical liberal politicians who preach one thing and practice another.

This advice will only further depress people, already suffering during the China virus lockdowns. The holidays, rather than being a happy time, are traditionally a depressing period for people cut off from their loved ones. In fact, a new book, Surviving the Holidays While Grieving, examines this topic.

With good reason, Senate Republicans refused to endorse House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s so-called Covoid-19 “relief” bill that mainly compensated bankrupt blue states and the marijuana industry. (It had 68 references to the marijuana industry). Pelosi didn’t want to compromise. As a result, we can expect more depression, suicides, and deaths from those being isolated.

Jobs are now being lost and reports indicate that 23 million Americans didn’t have enough to eat last week. Trump has to use every executive measure he has to defeat the lockdowns being imposed by governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and keep the country open.

In this national emergency and constitutional crisis, we need a president who will resist further destruction of the economy and our lives. National survival is at stake.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Joe Biden is a Sore Loser

By Cliff Kincaid

Joe Biden lost the November 3 presidential election but is claiming to be “president-elect” based on stolen votes. People magazine proclaims, “It’s time for America to unite,” featuring Joe Biden and the real presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. But as numerous observers have noted, Biden himself was asked whether he would declare victory only after the results were certified and he replied, “yes.” He’s a big liar. The Big Steal is underway. He doesn’t want to wait for an honest vote count. In any case, under Supreme Court precedent, he can’t win. His fraudulent vote-stealing effort makes any claim to a Biden-Harris victory to be completely false.

Long-time Washington observer David Martin comments that “The perps at the top of this criminal Democrat conspiracy have conned the American body politic into believing that Team Trump must peel away each and every electoral vote that was explicitly won through fraud and/or theft until Biden’s total drops below 270.” In fact, he notes that under Supreme Court precedent, in the landmark case United States v. Throckmorton, “fraud vitiates everything.”

This means, according to the article at the “Darkmoon” website, that when wholesale fraud and corruption and criminality are employed to steal the presidential election, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes. “Hence,” it states, “the prematurely and illegitimately declared Biden victory is now null and void under the law.”

In the midst of this assault on our institutions, Tucker Carlson opened up his Friday night show by talking about the beauty of our national parks. This was a feel-good story that perhaps should have been included at the end of his program. It was almost as if Carlson was throwing in the towel on the Big Steal.

This isn’t the time to visit Yosemite. It’s time to fight and consider revolutionary strategies. Larry Klayman’s new book, It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry, looks at what lies ahead.

Klayman said on my ASI TV program that he is doubtful that the courts will save the Trump presidency.

Citing the Declaration of Independence, Klayman points out that when faced with tyranny, people have the right in theory to abolish that government and form a new one. If the legal actions ultimately fail in the courts because of corruption, he suggests that conservatives create their own alternative government, perhaps installing Trump as the president of a new regime. He points to French patriots forming an alternative to the government of Vichy France in Nazi-occupied France during the Second World War.Charles de Gaulle created that alternative government in London and it became the base of the Free French forces.

His book looks at the never-ending battle against corruption and calls on people to take back the country, after getting away from addictive watching of cable news shows.

It’s on the Internet, as long as it remains relatively free, where people can find the truth, he says. That’s why I relaunched my Internet TV show America’s Survival TV. Left-wing legal groups and organizations tried to censor me over the years but I have come back, seeking supporters and sponsors.  “We don’t hear enough from you, Cliff,” said one commenter. “This is the only platform informed enough to ask the right questions.” We’ve already done five shows and plan many more, with experts and eyewitnesses to the fraud.

Veteran correspondent Martin Arestogui told me in an interview that the situation in America reminds him of what happened in communist Venezuela, when the regime “defeated” the opposition through vote fraud. He covered that fraud and recounted how diplomats acknowledged the fraud but didn’t do anything about it.  Cables from U.S. diplomats given to WikiLeaks discussed allegations that simple changes to Microsoft software and Smartmatic voting systems could change results and outcomes.

In Venezuela, of course, the Marxists ran the regime. Here, the Marxists are trying to steal the government away from the legitimate president and election-winner Donald J. Trump.

Biden is not president-elect and cannot be legally certified as president. That’s the bottom line.

Some Republicans are calling for Sleepy Joe to be given access to intelligence from the Deep State. That’s not justified, since he is not president or even president-elect, but there’s probably nothing wrong with that because Joe can’t comprehend the briefings anyway. Most of the “intelligence” is useless or fed to the CIA by the Chinese and the Russians anyway. The headquarters of the Deep State is in Moscow or Beijing, depending on which leg of the communist apparatus has the best disinformation on any given day.

One of the worst aspects of this attempted coup d’Etat is the cover given to Biden’s phony victory by elements of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis and the Catholic Bishops in the U.S. have congratulated Biden. Worse, the Society of Jesus, known as the Jesuits, have run articles claiming Biden is a legitimate Catholic and that President Trump should concede the election.

Conservative Catholic Ted Flynn of “Signs & Wonders” magazine explained to me in an ASI TV program how many are waking up to the systematic infiltration of the church over the course of decades by communists and homosexuals.

In defeating the Deep state, we defeat the Deep Church and save our Christian nation.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Remember Churchill’s Words to “Never Surrender”

By Cliff Kincaid

Ben Shapiro is a good talker who can win arguments with left-wingers. But his column, headlined, “No Matter the Outcome, the Woke Lost,” is self-defeating. Operating on the basis of the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” he seems to think Trump may have lost but the left lost, too. So we’re all losers? That’s not a good approach as we move forward.

The fact is that Joe Biden lost and President Trump won. That’s what Trump is saying, with evidence, and I believe him.

If Shapiro disagrees, let him prove that Biden won legitimately. Trump has cited the evidence of fraud that we saw with our own eyes, as ballot dumps turned Wisconsin and Michigan against Trump. Other states are falling to Biden under equally mysterious circumstances. What more evidence do we need?

As Biden might say, “Come on, man.”

His bio says that Ben lives with his wife and three children in Los Angeles. As a result, I have to question his common sense. Get out of California, Ben. You are living in occupied territory. We are fighting to keep the rest of America free.

Ben has his place, but he was never pro-Trump. By contrast, Alex Newman is a great young journalist who was sympathetic to Trump and has now published a piece, “Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup.”

The evidence cited in this column is what Ben Shapiro and his sponsors at should be focusing on.

Please, editor Terrence Jeffrey, stop wasting our time with limp-wristed commentary from never-Trumpers during this critical period of time. This is the time to assume that the media-declared Biden “win” is a fraud, and that Trump, who is claiming victory, has been re-elected.

As another Democrat, Bill Clinton, might say, that’s our story, and we’re sticking to it. In this case, however, our side of the story is buttressed by the evidence.  It’s important to operate on the assumption that Trump, as he claims, has been re-elected.

Anybody who depends on the “official” tally, which comes from those opposed to Trump, is a fool or agent of the opposition.

What we have to guard against is the unfortunate tendency of some “conservatives” to sell out, in order to curry favor with their would-be rulers.

Here’s how Alex Newman begins his column: “Reports, videos, and other evidence of rampant and brazen voter fraud from all across the country — especially in jurisdictions controlled by Democrats — continue pouring in faster than the Big Tech giants can censor it and the fake ‘fact-checking’ industry can dishonestly attempt to discredit it.”

Alex is exactly right, and I suggest reading the rest of his article here. Alex is also an expert on the Deep State and the New World Order. He contributed to one of my books exposing Barack Hussein Obama.

We are in a constitutional crisis and the election scandal is part of it.

But even this fraud cannot be viewed in isolation, as it comes after various attempts to take down this president. Vote fraud follows the fake news Russia dossier and the impeachment drive.

We know the FBI and FBI used Russian disinformation against Trump. What’s more, impeachment was designed to accuse Trump of the corruption that Biden and his son were engaged in. We know all of this. So why do we think that the Democrats would conduct an election fairly and honestly?

So please, Ben, don’t question the “outcome.” We already know who won. Don’t be a doubting Ben.

Ben is a young man, and my three sons are young, too. That’s why they have to understand what is really happening here. It is unprecedented. The corruption is more deadly than the China  virus.

One of my readers said to me, “I am 72 years of age. Until the last few years I would never have believed what I’m seeing take place in the country could take place/happen. The road we are on is a bad one indeed, and I’m glad I don’t have many years left to see what appears to be an eventual fall of the nation.”

This is really sad. I don’t agree that the nation is destined to fall.

“People are never going to give up on this country,” Rush Limbaugh just said on his radio show today. Here’s a man facing death’s door. But he has faith in God and America. We pray for his health and the health of our country.

He’s exposing the vote fraud apparatus. He’s not giving up. He’s trying to inspire conservatives to take the fight to the opposition.

Trump has a very good lawyer in his corner, the former U.S. Attorney and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He brought down New York’s Mafia families. He exposed the Hunter Biden laptop and is now out front on the fraud issue.

By contrast, Biden is a weak man, apparently controlled by Obama’s handlers hoping to replace him with Kamala Harris – if they get into the White House.

Standing in their way is President Trump.

As Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Archbishop says, Americans should not lose heart. He tells us, “Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged by the deceptions of the Enemy, even more so in this terrible hour in which the impudence of lying and fraud dares to challenge Heaven.” His messages are read and sometimes Tweeted by Trump.

But perhaps these spiritual messages will now be censored by Twitter as well.

Facing the Nazis, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said “we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

Trump is Churchill in the current struggle. God is on our side. But beyond faith, we have to fight for national and personal survival. Our lives are in danger. It’s that serious.

In order to prepare for the worst, I suggest reading the booklet, “Insurrection and Violence: A Citizen’s Guide,” published by the firm Unconstrained Analytics before the election fraud became so obvious in the last several days.

As Trump moves ahead to save his presidency, we have to understand how the street protests will probably accelerate. The authors warn, “The consequence of citizen inaction, at this perilous moment, is to put at risk the Constitution, our way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The bio for one of the firm’s top officers, Rich Higgins, notes that he “served on the National Security Council in the Trump Administration as the Director for Strategic Planning. He was removed in 2017 after warning of a deep state coup to remove the President.”

You can now be sure that Trump is taking these warnings seriously and understands the nature of the crisis.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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America Is Worse Than Communist Venezuela

By Cliff Kincaid

Using a strange choice of words, Mary Anastasia O’Grady of the Wall Street Journal wrote years ago about how the communist regime in Venezuela held “the trump card” in national elections because the national electoral council uses electronic voting machines, controls the voter registry, and does not allow opposition audits. She added, “Government critics long held that London-based Smartmatic, which used to provide the regime with voting-machine technology, was complicit in its shenanigans.” Now we find out about electronic voting machines in the U.S. which are becoming known for computer “glitches.”

Here, we don’t have a “national electoral council.” But we do have “news” agencies which pick winners and Big Tech organizations that defend election fraud. The Epoch Times is one of the few newspapers which won’t declare a winner until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved. It points out, “State legislatures and the Electoral College are the bodies that certify presidential elections.”

Now we have learned that Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum is connected to the computer “glitches” switching Trump votes to Biden. A report from a neutral source confirms the suspicious nature of this arrangement.

We are no better than communist Venezuela.  In fact, we are in worse shape, since America is supposed to be the leader of the Free World, an example to other countries.

Venezuela has one set of electronic voting machines, and we have another. That’s the difference. Plus, the mail-in voting schemes that President Trump warned about were utilized as well. That makes America’s elections even more suspicious.

In America we have an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” which serves the Deep State. For example, if you go to this video about the election process, from the point of view of an attorney sympathetic to Trump, you will find this claim inserted by Facebook, “Election officials follow strict rules when it comes to ballot counting, handling and reporting.” The source is the “Bipartisan Policy Center.” Sounds impressive. Of course, the claim is false, since there are multiple reports of fraudulent vote counting.

Facebook and Twitter treat the American people like dummies eager for direction from the self-appointed “experts.” It would be ridiculous were it not so serious. Twitter even inserts warning signs on most Trump Tweets about fraud.

Remember Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote? Her group was harassed by the IRS and other federal agencies under Barack Hussein Obama. She testified, “In 2010, I filed two non-profit applications with the IRS, one for True the Vote, and the other for a community group I had also started called King Street Patriots. Since those filings in 2010, my private businesses, my nonprofit organizations, and I personally, have been subjected to more than fifteen instances of audit, inquiry, for investigation by federal agencies, including the IRS, OSHA, ATF, and the FBI.”

She understood from the start that the elections themselves were being targeted. That is why the Obama/Biden Administration came down on her like a ton of bricks.

In regard to mail-in voting in 2020, she had warned in advance:

  • Security measures provided by in-person and absentee voting will be lost, leaving states to rely only on handwriting comparisons, a subjective process that is uncertain at best.
  • Voter rolls are notoriously littered with duplicate, dead, and ineligible names. Tens of millions of ballots will be mailed out to these names, with no way to regulate who actually receives and casts the ballot
  • Vote harvesters (special interest groups that distribute and collect ballots) will swarm to communities of vulnerable populations, specifically the elderly, to capture votes in whatever way serves their purposes.
  • Delivery of paper ballots to and from the voter relies on the USPS and postal workers who have no accountability in the overall process. If ballots aren’t delivered, the voter has no recourse.
  • A massive influx of paper ballots will be impossible for counties to securely manage. Accuracy of the count will be unavoidably compromised.

All of this was predicted and yet the media allowed these questionable practices to proceed and in fact defended them.

Now, commentators such as CNBC’s Jim Cramer cite Chris Christie as someone who is claiming there’s no proof of fraud and that Trump should just get over his “anger.”

It turns out that Christie is the Trump “adviser” who recommended Christopher Wray as Trump’s FBI director. It was Wray who failed to lift a finger to stop the anticipated vote fraud.

Ironically, all of this is occurring as the United States is considering imposing sanctions on certain people in Belarus for supposedly being “involved in falsifying the results” of an election there. For his part, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko looks at what is happening in the U.S. and comments, “The bulwark of democracy. Look what is happening with these elections. This is a disgrace, a mockery of this democracy.”

He’s right. America is a laughing stock. Our system is falling apart, worse than Venezuela and Belarus.

An article about Belarus noted that its president “added that the U.S. elections are being held with serious violations, and the Western countries and the OSCE [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] will be afraid to demand re-elections, as they demand from Belarus.”

He’s right again. The Europeans won’t demand new elections in the U.S. because they hate Trump and want Biden’s New World Order implemented under the rubric of the “Great Reset.”

This scam is global.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Venezuela-style Election Farce

By Cliff Kincaid

America sanctions communists in foreign countries who steal elections. Here, communists commit the fraud and expect to occupy the White House.

The Biden-Harris movement should be considered an army of occupation. President Trump, with more legal votes on election day, should remain in office. Trump has said that he won, and he’s right. We have to protect the president from this coup.

Today’s situation is comparable to the war of 1812, when British forces burned the White House. Later, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in a speech to the U.S. Congress about how the British embassy celebrated that event, would say, “Sorry about that.” People laughed.

We should not be laughing now. They are threatening to burn down our country by taking the White House on the basis of fraudulent votes.

Biden said Saturday night he wanted to bring Americans together, and then proceeded to divide us up, saying, “I’m proud of the coalition we put together, the broadest and most diverse coalition in history. Democrats, Republicans, independents, progressives, moderates, conservatives, young, old, urban, suburban, rural, gay, straight, transgender, white, Latino, Asian, Native American.”

Transgender? Remember it was Biden who promised that 8-year-olds could pick their gender identities with “zero discrimination.” This is demonic. It’s more Cultural Marxism, of the kind that has already devastated our families.

Regarding the election, we already have enough evidence demonstrating that massive fraud took place. People saw it for themselves. The mysterious votes out of nowhere which arrived the early morning after the election and turned several states against Trump constitute the proof we need. This is the kind of thing that happens in Venezuela.

One analyst noted that the U.S. has now become the joke of the world due to the depraved, ignominious, and low-class cheaters carrying out this fraud in front of us. “It was similar to Venezuela,” he noted, “when the governing party halted the vote count when trailing in the night.” At daybreak, he said, “everybody knew that they had come from behind in every state and never looked back!  It is typical to cheat at night.”

Back in 2017 the U.S. Treasury actually sanctioned several communist officials in Venezuela for being “associated with undermining electoral processes, media censorship, or corruption…” The U.S. said that state elections in Venezuela “were marked by numerous irregularities that strongly suggest fraud helped the ruling party unexpectedly win a majority of governorships.”

Are you kidding? That is what is happening here. Censorship? Look at Twitter, Google, and YouTube. Corruption? Look at Hunter Biden’s laptop. Irregularities? Start with Philadelphia and Detroit.

We have photos of “vote counting” facilities in Detroit being boarded up and concealed, in violation of the law. That allowed thousands of votes to be secretly brought on to change election outcomes.

The fraudsters have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, by virtue of the crumbs on their smiling faces. They are laughing at us, the American people, thinking they have pulled off a heist and there’s nothing we can do about it.

In addition to what attorney David Evans has documented in Detroit, anybody with even basic curiosity can find stories like this, many the result of the fraudulent mail-in voting schemes:

  • Butler county Pennsylvania loses untold number of mail-in ballots.
  • Ballots stolen from mail boxes and discarded on roadsides in Washington town.
  • Group claims 400,000 ballots sent to residents who moved out of state or died.
  • Mecklenburg residents receiving double ballots due to labelling glitch.

Regarding those computer “glitches,” the forensic files in this case lead to Langley, Virginia, headquarters of the CIA, whose current and former officials constituted the Deep State base of support for the Biden/Harris ticket. The agency has been implicated by such figures as retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney in a vote fraud scheme using surveillance and hacking technology developed by the NSA.

Those doubting what happened should think back to when Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller filed suit against Russians in the “Internet Research Agency” and other groups alleging interference in the 2016 U.S. elections. It sounded serious and important. The Russians had been caught red-handed!

Then, all of a sudden, the case was dropped against the one Russian company fighting the charges in a U.S. court. The case was dropped because the Russians were seeking documents about what U.S. intelligence agencies know or did about these “crimes.” A news outlet sympathetic to Mueller said his group of lawyers argued that the company’s request to have sensitive new evidence sent to Russia “unreasonably risks the national security interests of the United States.”

The lawsuit, in other words, was just a show. And when the Russians defended themselves and demanded the evidence, Mueller’s boys tucked-tail and ran. Perhaps the Russians were seeking to expose the fact that real election interference comes from U.S. intelligence agencies. Perhaps the same technology that was used to “monitor” what the Russians were doing can be used against the American people.

Is this the “state secret” the U.S. intelligence establishment doesn’t want revealed?

One disturbing report from attorney David Evans concerned the “rather unusual looking” so-called “police officers” that were used to keep observers and Republican challengers from looking inside the vote-counting places. He explained, “I say unusual because their uniforms were not consistent. Some did not have badges and some were not well groomed.”

Who were these people? It’s the same question I asked when I covered the mysterious death of former Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster and a witness in the case was followed and harassed. The witness, Patrick Knowlton, had evidence Foster did not kill himself, as the media and a special prosecutor claimed. Foster had secretive NSA binders before he was found dead.

In the middle of all this stands President Trump, fighting against the Deep State, Big Tech, Big Media, and other forces.

While Trump has an impressive legal team, and they are pursuing actions regarding hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that must be thrown out, one of my readers suggests a legal case to correct the fraud in all states by highlighting the “glitch” that switched thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. The voting systems need to be scrutinized immediately. The role of intelligence agencies in the fraud must be exposed.

Two months ago Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared, in regard to Venezuela, that “conditions for free and fair elections do not exist” and the U.S. would not recognize a scheduled “electoral farce” there.

America’s November 3 election was a farce, and everybody knows it.

One of my readers responds to the effect, “Are you saying that when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, it was an honest election, but now it’s a rigged election?”

The answer is “Darn tootin.” They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016 and didn’t prepare. They did prepare this time.  You’re a sucker if you haven’t figured it out.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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