Lies, Fraud, and Computer Glitches

By Cliff Kincaid

Despite the fake news reports, Joe Biden has not yet been certified as president. The official certification of results has to take place in every state. Legislatures can reject the Biden “victory” on the basis of fraud.

It’s “President-elect Joe Biden,” says NBC’s Lester Holt, even though he has not been certified under the Constitution as the winner. All of this is based on a questionable “projection.” It’s non-stop propaganda that somehow doesn’t get flagged by Twitter or YouTube as dubious.

The fraud is evident to anyone following the election returns. As Catholic writer Vic Biorseth notes, “We saw Trump winning handily in all of the swing states, until he hit 95 percent or so at about 1:00 PM EST, when, as if on a signal, every one of the swing states stopped counting for three hours with no explanation of why they stopped.”

Was that signal related to “glitches” in computer voting that gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden? On the Lou Dobbs Fox show on Friday, constitutional attorney Sidney Powell described how special computer programs developed by U.S. intelligence agencies can be used to hack into voting machines and steal or alter votes.

Powell, attorney for Russia-gate victim Michael T. Flynn, said, “They need to investigate the likelihood that 3 percent of the vote total was changed in the pre-election voting ballots that were collected digitally by using the Hammer program and the software program called Scorecard. That would have amounted to a massive change in the vote that would have gone across the country and explains a lot of what we’re seeing.”

She added, “In addition, they ran an algorithm to calculate votes that they might need to come up with Mr. Biden in specific areas. It happened in Michigan where the computer glitch resulted in a change in votes of about 5,500 in favor of President Trump just in one of 47 districts. All of those districts need to be checked for that same QUOTE software glitch END QUOTE that would change the vote for Michigan dramatically. The same thing is happening in other states. We’ve had hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appear solely for Mr. Biden which is statistically impossible as a matter of mathematics. It can all be documented.”

Originally developed by the NSA as the “Hammer” project to monitor terrorist communications, it was acquired by the CIA under the Obama Administration and spawned an application called “Scorecard” to hack into and alter voting systems. Much of the research into this has been provided by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones at the American Report website.

On the Stephen K. Bannon show, before the election, retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney predicted it would be used to take votes away from Trump. He also discussed it on the Brannon Howse radio show.

All of this helps us understand why more than 200 former military leaders put their names on an open letter to President Trump before the election, endorsing him and warning that the Democratic Party was becoming a home “to socialists and Marxists” and threatening “our historic way of life.” McInerney was a signer.

It appears that, in addition to using Big Tech to censor opposition to this emerging Marxist state, the intelligence agencies are using their own version of Big Tech to make sure Biden “won.”

Here are just a few of the false claims sent out on Saturday, November 7, by the media and left-wing special interest groups. None were censored by Twitter, even though Ben is not “officially” the president:

  • President-elect Joe Biden!
  • Joe Biden Declared Winner of 2020 Presidential Election
  • Black People Defeated Trump
  • BREAKING: AP, Fox News Declare Joe Biden Defeats Donald Trump Even as Lawsuits Ramp Up
  • Biden WINS!
  • Joe Biden will be our next President
  • Joe Biden will be our next Commander-in-Chief
  • It’s Official: Joe Biden has won the election.

Of course, there is nothing “official” about it.

Why do these people send out these lies? They do so for the same reason suppression polls showing huge Biden margins prior to the election were released – to demoralize Trump supporters.

But Trump’s people area not giving up. This is “high noon,” says one Trump supporter. He encourages people to write Trump a direct note of strong encouragement to fight until the last legitimate vote is counted. Write to him using this contact form.

A movement called #StopTheSteal is taking off.Janet Levy reports a “Stop the Steal” crowd in Beverly Hills “was pumped up to defend the Constitution and fight for a Trump victory.”

Others are joining one of Trump’s Coalitions here. You can volunteer here. A pro-Trump march on the White House is being talked about.

President Trump notes, “Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process.”

Indeed, pending legal actions involve challenging mail-in ballots that were counted without Republican poll watchers onsite. That makes those ballots illegal. Attorney David Evans has documented how this happened in Detroit, Michigan.

Evans reports, in part: “We made repeated requests to have the waiting challengers be allowed in the room to do their jobs and we were ignored. The one time they came to the door they were arrogant and dismissive. They placed cardboard on the windows so we could not see into the room.”

What’s more, he says, “The Democrats placed rather unusual looking ‘police officers’ to bar the door. I say unusual because their uniforms were not consistent. Some did not have badges and some were not well groomed.”

For his part, Trump is brimming with confidence, noting that Biden is “rushing to falsely pose as the winner…” While Biden has the media, Big Tech, and the CIA in his corner, Trump has the Constitution, the law, and the people.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Stop CIA Interference in Our Elections

By Cliff Kincaid

A few so-called “conservatives” are in the process of surrendering to a Joe Biden “victory.” GOP consultant Karl Rove is touting his own Journal column, “Biden Had No Election Coattails,” which accepts liberal claims that Biden actually won. He’s willing to throw President Trump overboard because he thinks the Democrats will let the Republicans control the Senate.

But common sense tells you that these Senators owe their victories to Trump’s coattails, and that the “voter fraud organization” that Biden talked about openly is sabotaging Trump’s re-election victory. Of course, that was supposed to be another Biden gaffe and what he was supposed to say was that the Democrats had a plan to prevent fraud and “count every vote,” no matter how fraudulent. It was gobbledygook. The slip revealed the real agenda of the Deep State. The same forces dedicated to the destruction of Trump want to install Biden in the White House.

It just doesn’t make sense to believe that Republicans won Senate and congressional races thanks to Trump but that Trump himself lost. What it suggests is a willingness by the Deep State to let Republicans have some election crumbs while the King of the Republicans, Trump, is dethroned. Intelligence agencies such as the CIA, which specialize in manipulating foreign elections, have to be assumed to be interfering in the 2020 presidential election. They have always had it in for Trump, the Washington outsider.

None of this will, of course, will be a topic of concern for CIA-manipulated newspapers such as the Washington Post, whose owner, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, does business with the CIA. Left-wingers know this, but have remained mostly quiet as the billionaire’s links to the CIA grow and their joint intelligence-gathering activities have become more and more concentrated on Americans’ daily lives.

The problem all along for Trump wasn’t Russian interference but CIA interference.  And it turns out that the CIA used Russian disinformation to try to get Trump, in the form of the Russian dossier supplied by the late Senator John McCain to the FBI, the CIA’s accomplice in crime. Rove comes from the John McCain/Mitt Romney wing of the GOP. These are the Republican losers who couldn’t defeat or even call Barack Hussein Obama a Marxist. No wonder Karl Rove is prepared to roll over.

Before Karl Rove accepts the CIA candidate, Joe Biden, as president, he should take a hard and honest look at what we already know about the plot to topple Trump. Rove knows the truth. He can read. He has been a Fox News paid contributor for years and must have been paying attention as news anchors such as Lou Dobbs and Tucker Carlson have been documenting subversion by the Deep State. He knows the Robert Mueller probe into Russia-gate was a bust and that the real scandal is Obamagate.

Everybody also knows, including Rove, that the voter fraud machine depends on mail-in ballots which can’t be traced. They are being manufactured out of thin air and hauled into states like Michigan and Wisconsin to steal the election away from Trump. Rove simply says, “mail-ins have tended to boost the Democrats.”

Rove adds, “Some hanky-panky always goes on, and there are already reports of poll watchers in Philadelphia not being allowed to do their jobs. But stealing hundreds of thousands of votes would require a conspiracy on the scale of a James Bond movie. That isn’t going to happen.”

How does he know? And speaking of James Bond, other maneuvers include manipulation by U.S. intelligence agencies to siphon votes away from Trump. Broadcaster Brannon Howse had done several interviews about this topic.

I used to think, when I arrived in Washington, D.C. 40 years ago, that the CIA was on “our side” and only meddled in foreign countries on behalf of the American people and American interests. I quickly learned that federal agencies, including those involved in intelligence and law enforcement activities, were corrupt, and that their corruption was evident in the domestic affairs of the United States. Names and terms like Ruby Ridge and Waco are examples of what can be done on American soil. The CIA was even brought into the crash of TWA 800 to discredit eyewitnesses to a missile attack.

The growing number of reports of CIA interference in the 2020 elections have to be thoroughly investigated immediately.

We know that a number of former CIA officials put their names on a letter claiming that somehow the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” was linked to Russia. “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant,” Biden said at the presidential debate about what Trump said was in the laptop. Biden went on to say, “…five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him and his good friend, Rudy Giuliani.”

Biden lied, of course, because the former officials had no such evidence, and they admitted it. But the fact that they would nevertheless sign such a letter represents unwarranted interference by the intelligence establishment in America’s domestic affairs.

Trump’s “good friend” Giuliani, who destroyed the Mafia families, is also on the matter of election fraud, which may lead to CIA headquarters in Langley. At the very least, we know Langley is involved in facilitating the Russia-gate attack on Trump. It’s logical to assume they don’t want their fingerprints revealed. Hence, they have to get rid of Trump and install Biden. It’s that simple.

For his part, assuming he seizes power from Trump, Biden’s handlers have declared they intend to rely on such figures as former CIA director Michael Morell, former Obama national security adviser Tom Donilon, former Obama deputy national security adviser Avril Haines, former Deputy NSA Director Chris Inglis, and former deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Robert Cardillo.

Remember that former CIA officials Michael Morell, Michael Hayden and Philip Mudd all denounced Trump before he took office. Former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin even ran against him as an independent presidential candidate.

Why are we the American people tolerating open CIA interference in our national elections?

It should not be a partisan issue. Trump is fighting to restore government by, of, and for the American people. The lines are drawn. It’s a fight to the finish to determine if America’s constitutional system can survive.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*For updates, go to Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Fake Conservatives aka RINOs Are Selling Out Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

As a veteran media critic with many books on media bias, I understand the techniques of mind manipulation and mind control. I learned media criticism from Reed Irvine, founder of the original media watchdog, Accuracy in Media, back in 1969. I worked for him for decades. What continues to surprise me is how some so-called “conservative” publications devise new ways to sell out.

Consider the headline from Thursday’s on-line edition of National Review: “Biden Takes Lead in Georgia, Closes Gap in Pennsylvania as Election Results Trickle In.” All of this parrots the liberal line. (Since then, Pennsylvania is now being counted for Biden). The “results” are treated as legitimate, even though President Trump the night before laid out the evidence of voter fraud. He described what many of us witnessed – how states won by Trump on election night were flipped to Biden in the early morning of Wednesday, November 5. This is fraud.

National Review and Fox (with the notable exceptions of Lou Dobs and Tucker Carlson) are selling out and can be expected to urge Trump to “concede” this fraudulent election to the frail Joe Biden, who is unable to physically function as president. Biden has obvious brain damage.

But conservatives have brain problems of their own if they somehow convince themselves that the “results” being presented in such states as Georgia and Pennsylvania are based on the reality of legal votes.

What’s amazing is that the “conservative” news organs and personalities repeating the “official” results should completely understand that those same results are fraudulent. Even Newsmax, a channel offered as an “alternative” to Fox, runs the “acceptable” results that have been offered up by the other liberal networks. On Fox, Bill Hemmer repeats the liberal line about what results they deem acceptable and gets on shows like Tucker Carlson to be a mouthpiece for what viewers can get elsewhere on CNN and MSNBC.

I saw an anchor on Newsmax declare on Friday morning that Biden will be an illegitimate president if he wins. But he can’t win legitimately and should not be treated as president under any circumstances. Such a fate means America will have descended into the pit of being a banana republic. We will never recover.

Against this onslaught stands President Trump, who went before the nation on Thursday night to describe how the election is being stolen from him.

We know at this point that he can’t depend on his Attorney General Bill Barr, a former CIA analyst who is telling people to go to the FBI with evidence of election fraud. And Trump’s FBI Director Christopher Wray is an absolute embarrassment who should be fired today – immediately – and replaced.  The replacement, though in the capacity of acting director, should announce that whistleblowers from within the Bureau are encouraged to come forward with evidence of corruption by the Deep State. The same applies to CIA Director Gina Haspel. She must go, too.

We desperately need whistleblowers from within the CIA to come forward.

Amazingly, the Lyndon LaRouche organization, once decidedly pro-Marxist in orientation, is producing good television on the election fraud story featuring such people as J. Kirk Wiebe, a former Senior NSA Analyst, discussing how software programs may be involved in stealing votes. The LaRouche organization has a questionable history but Wiebe and other guests have some important insights into what is happening.

Several reports indicate that former NSA/CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery has relevant information about secret intelligence programs, including illegal wiretapping, that are capable of altering or manipulating election information and even vote totals.

In a case brought by attorney Larry Klayman, conservative Judge Richard Leon had ruled that the government had engaged in “almost Orwellian” Big Brother behavior and that mass surveillance carried out by federal agencies had to stop. The term was a reference to the George Orwell novel about a police state, 1984.

It never did stop. And working with Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos and his Amazon Cloud services, the CIA and other federal agencies are expanding their reach.

The Trump campaign is asking for donations to fund a legal defense fund for Trump’s November 3 victory. Legal actions are necessary in some cases. But Biden will be “declared” the winner today, November 6, and the reaction has to be briefings by the president and other top aides laying out the evidence of fraud.

Since most of the media won’t cover them, the White House must record and release these briefings in the form of videos for public consumption.

These should be comparable to the once-daily China virus briefings, this time with real experts on election fraud. Former Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon has been featuring some of them on his “War Room” program. Unfortunately, he has been focusing on whether somehow Trump is going to win Arizona. Meanwhile, Trump is “losing” Georgia and the rest of his discussion is already moot. Events are moving too fast to sit and wait for legal votes to come in for Trump from some state somewhere.

Meantime, go to sources like Renew America, NewsWithViews, and Liberty Sentinel for your reliable information. My own site, America’s Survival, Inc., is running regular updates.

Before the U.S. officially becomes a banana republic, the truth about domestic CIA operations must be told as well. Former CIA officials were against Trump from the start and have been behind Biden.

There used to be a time when the CIA was deployed to safeguard liberty. I once co-hosted the “Crossfire” show on CNN with former CIA official Tom Braden, a liberal who believed in freedom and worked to prevent a complete Soviet takeover of Europe after World War II. You might say he was a member of the Deep State when it was anti-communist.

Liberals like Braden don’t exist anymore. CIA officials, current and former, are now concentrating their strategies of subversion inside the United States itself. One of their most recent efforts is seen in the case of former CIA officer Abigail Spanberger, a member of Congress losing her re-election bid until somehow thousands of votes were “found” to declare her a winner. The CIA’s fingerprints are all over this reversal.

Spanberger’s opponent, Nick Freitas, is an Army veteran opposed to her role in the CIA in using intelligence information to justify Barack Hussein Obama’s Iran deal. Trump withdrew the U.S. from that disastrous “bargain” with a terrorist state.

PJ Media, a generally good source, says U.S. elections have become an embarrassment. It’s much worse than that. They are designed to be an embarrassment. They are designed to demoralize the American people and convince us there is no alternative to the Deep State.

At his Thursday press conference, Trump identified the enemy forces as the Democratic Party, Big Media, Big Tech, and other “powerful special interests.” The latter refers to CIA and FBI operatives in the Deep State, as well as the globalists.

If you are depending on media outlets that will not name the enemy in these terms, you are wasting your time.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

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Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Big Steal Is Underway but Trump Won’t Surrender

By Cliff Kincaid

Fox News and other media keep showing the “popular vote” for president. Twitter should put a warning flag on that but won’t. Our system doesn’t recognize the “popular vote” winner as the winner of the presidential election. Ask Hillary. But so-called “popular votes” are indeed relevant in terms of votes that are being manufactured in states like Georgia and Pennsylvania to “give” Joe Biden the illusion of victory.

It’s sad that Tucker Carlson, whose program was so good prior to the election, had to rely on people like Bill Hemmer after the “results” started coming in. On election night, Carlson was sandwiched in between Chris Wallace and others to comment on how the polls were wrong. But the much more serious malfeasance is the reported theft of elections in such states as Wisconsin and Michigan, where ballots were suddenly discovered and entered into the election systems of those states.

Hemmer and most of the rest of the Fox News crew are wedded to the liberal media narrative that is designed to guarantee a Joe Biden “victory” through phony projections and vote counts. But President Trump has already declared victory based on the reality of what he knows to be happening.

Trump also has a good memory, backed up by actual facts, of how Democrats were stealing presidential elections as far back as 1960, when Democratic Party machines “found” votes for JFK. “You gotta swallow this one,” somebody said to JFK’s opponent, Richard Nixon, to get him to surrender to the fraud.

Trump won’t surrender.

Should we be surprised that the Deep State is working with the Democratic Party to steal the election from President Trump? My home page at America’s Survival, Inc. had run a column by JB Williams back in August predicting the election chaos and election theft. He wrote, “This is about a first time ever universal mail-in election, where millions of votes will pour in through the U.S. mail with no tracking, no way to verify the voter’s eligibility, no way to know who voted, who they voted for or if every legitimate vote was cast and counted properly. In other words, no way to challenge the outcome of this election.”

In fact, however, President Trump is challenging the projected “outcome.”One of his recent Tweets declares, “All of the recent Biden claimed States will be legally challenged by us for Voter Fraud and State Election Fraud. Plenty of proof – just check out the Media. WE WILL WIN! America First!” Twitter, of course, tried to censor the Tweet.

New GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is fighting for Trump. So is Arizona Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally, who points out that the media “got nearly EVERY state wrong.” She adds, “They predicted a blowout, and Republicans showed up in greater numbers than in 2016.” Yet, mysteriously, Trump is on course to lose the presidency? It’s because so-called “popular votes” are being manufactured or discovered to turn states that Trump won against the president.

Regarding her home state, which shows her “losing,” she notes, “Arizona has major implications for the White House and Senate, and this fight is more contentious than ever. Talking heads on TV are counting us out BEFORE votes are counted. Are you serious?”

The only reason the media are projecting her “defeat” is their own skewed “analysis” of the results, including votes not even counted!

And you thought the Biden campaign wanted to count every vote? Don’t believe it. They don’t want to take into account the legitimate and legal votes, only the fake ones that will turn states won by Trump in Biden’s favor.

Major censorship, in addition to vote stealing, is underway, in order to prevent the American people from understanding what is really going on behind the scenes.

One way or another, the results will be disputed, meaning that President Trump has to remain in office, citing the same forces in the coup against him as being behind election theft. Christian broadcaster Brannon Howse has posted extraordinary interviews with various national security experts on how the intelligence agencies can manipulate elections.

Major investigations by the Attorney General should already be underway. But William Barr is a former CIA analyst and his loyalties may lie elsewhere. At the very least, Barr could announce a Special Counsel investigation of the Biden family corruption charges.

President Trump has a team of lawyers challenging the vote theft operations but he could also announce a special group of election experts to conduct a forensic examination of how the votes have been counted and changed. On this basis, so-called “votes” that came out of nowhere have to be rejected.

Veteran investigative reporter John Solomon of Just the News has announced a similar effort.

The same kind of process is used to determine whether a particular document is legitimate. If you have seen episodes of the TV show “Pawn Stars,” where people get money in exchange for rare books or documents or other items, the owners of the shop always insist on evidence of legitimacy. That is called “provenance.”  It means you have to determine who has custody of the documents so that fraud is ruled out.

In the case of many mail-in ballots, which have mysteriously appeared overnight, there is no way they can be verified as legitimate. Hence, they must be rejected.

I came to understand the mechanism of vote fraud years ago by looking at cases of people who “voted” but were registered to vote in abandoned houses and vacant lots. What’s happening now is much worse and on a much larger scale.

After the media and other “official sources” declare Biden the winner, the role of Fox stalwarts such as Lou Dobbs and Tucker Carlson to keep telling the truth will be more important than ever before. You know that President Trump has no intention to concede to the powerful forces of darkness trying yet again to subvert his presidency.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Glenn Greenwald’s Half-Truths About the Intelligence Agencies

By Cliff Kincaid

Glenn Greenwald is making headlines on Fox News about the CIA dominating the American media. The other more significant part of the story is that the CIA is doing Russia’s bidding. That’s why the CIA’s role in facilitating the Russia-supplied dossier on President Trump is being covered-up by CIA Director Gina Haspel.

A true leftist, Greenwald understands that Joe Biden is a front man for U.S. intelligence operations that use organizations like NATO and the United Nations, meddle in the affairs of other countries, and get the U.S. involved in foreign wars. Faced with evidence that Biden and his family were involved in corrupt business dealings with Russia, China, and other countries, he says he couldn’t take it anymore and had to write about them. His proposed article for The Intercept was apparently vetoed.

In a bizarre twist, Greenwald says he resigned from an organization he founded and which was financed by billionaire Iranian-American and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.

All of this sounds heroic, until one recalls that Greenwald collaborated with Edward Snowden, the former CIA contractor and NSA analyst who fled to China and now lives in Russia. The charges against Snowden include violating the Espionage Act, theft of government property (18 U.S.C. 641) and the unauthorized communication of national defense information (18 U.S.C. 793 d).

Snowden gave much of the stolen material to Greenwald.

My 2015 book, Blood on His Hands: The True Story of Edward Snowden, examines how Greenwald may have broken espionage laws by reporting Snowden’s disclosures about the National Security Agency (NSA). But he was never prosecuted.

To be sure, the NSA was caught spying on Americans. But the agency also once did some valuable working catching Russian spies. The Venona program of the U.S. Army’s Signal Intelligence Service, the precursor to the NSA, monitored Soviet messages to intelligence agents in the U.S. That program confirmed the guilt of nuclear spies Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who were executed.

Snowden’s disclosures led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rise of ISIS, and cyber-attacks from China.

Snowden also made it part of his espionage mission to expose how U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies sometimes cooperate. For example, he talked openly, in violation of his secrecy oath, about the U.S. and Israel developing a computer virus to cripple the Iranian nuclear program.

Former Republican Senator Jon Kylcalled Snowden “this generation’s Alger Hiss,” a reference to the former State Department official who was convicted of perjury in 1950 for denying he was a Soviet spy.

Hiss served 44 months in prison. By contrast, Snowden is now being granted Russian citizenship.

Greenwald’s self-serving statements on Fox News ignore the need for a discussion of how enemy intelligence agencies in Russia and China actually operate behind the scenes against America – and sometimes collaborate with the CIA, such as in the case of Trump.

Decades before Russia-gate was concocted as a “scandal” to use against Trump, CIA counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton understood that the headquarters of the Deep State was in Moscow, not Langley. The CIA gave us the phony Sino-Soviet split, which worked to the advantage of China and Russia. It, too, was Russian disinformation.

For his part, Greenwald has worked hand-in-glove with the international Marxist movement against the United States and its allies, including collaborating with Leninist groups such as the International Socialist Organization, and Islamist organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He proudly accepted an award named in honor of Soviet agent and left-wing journalist I.F. Stone.

Greenwald has spoken publicly in favor of “weakening” America, saying that al-Qaeda’s 9/11 terrorist attacks on America were “very minimal in scope compared to the level of deaths that the United States has been bringing to the world for decades—from Vietnam to illegal wars in Central America…” He described Anwar al-Awlaki, the American al-Qaeda leader killed in a drone strike, merely as “someone who the U.S. government hates because he speaks effectively to the Muslim world about the violence that the United States commits regionally, and the responsibility of Muslims to stand up to that violence.” Al-Awlaki inspired the Fort Hood massacre, in which 13 were killed.

An American who is gay and lives in Brazil with his “husband,” Greenwald was in the gay pornography business before going into journalism. He opposes Trump’s America-first policies and the right-wing government of Brazil, headed by Jair Bolsonaro.

But none of this has been highlighted on Fox News. Strange.

Referring to the CIA and other American intelligence agencies, he told Tucker Carlson, “They have infiltrated the means of communication domestically. They do it through leaks, clandestine operations and through lies.”

“You are telling the truth,” said Carlson. But not the whole truth. The remnants of the old KGB collaborated with the CIA and the FBI, such as by spreading the Russian dossier on Trump. As we all know by now, Hillary paid for the Russian propaganda and the late Senator John McCain peddled the document to the FBI.

In his 2015 book, Worthy Fights, Obama CIA Director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta talked openly about an “occasionally candid relationship” he developed with Mikhail Fradkov, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, the SVR. He writes that Fradkov wanted “to share information and collaborate on some common operational activities.” It appears that Panetta complied. He also wrote about a meeting with Alexander Vasilyevich Bortnikov, the head of the secret police, the FSB, which was held in a building that still contained a bust of Vladimir Lenin. Panetta wrote about having dinner and drinks in Moscow with Fradkov and discussing how the U.S. and Russia “could share intelligence on issues of common interest.”

Hence, we have clear-cut evidence of an alliance of intelligence agencies that was set in motion under Obama, whose mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was himself suspected of being a Russian agent. The objective is a New World Order, something Joe Biden wrote openly about in the pages of the Wall Street Journal.

None of this ever got the attention of Glenn Greenwald. Now, all of a sudden, he’s a hero for daring to write a critical article about Biden at a time when it is too late to make a difference. Where has he been?

Greenwald recognizes the roles played by the CIA, NSA, and so forth. But he has a true blind spot about how the Russian intelligence services work. He has his own far-left agenda that Tucker Carlson seems not to grasp.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Perverts and Those Who Protect Them

By Cliff Kincaid

Before Joe Biden committed a major gaffe by urging the eventual abolition of the oil and gas industry, he endorsed the idea of 8-year-old transgenders. This went beyond gaffe status to outright insanity. What’s more, it was part of his appeal to the transgender “community.” In this case, he called for “zero discrimination” against kids who want to parade around like members of the opposite sex. He didn’t rule out these confused kids getting sex-change operations.

Ignoring this form of child abuse, Savannah Guthrie of NBC News asked Trump during a televised town hall about the belief by some of his supporters in “a satanic pedophile ring” operating behind the scenes.

The president said he understands that people are opposed to pedophilia. He could have brought up the evidence of a high-level pedophile network involving Jeffrey Epstein, kicked out of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club by Trump himself for trying to procure young women. Or Trump could have brought up the devilish blood-soaked “spirit cooking” demonstration that came to light four years ago in one of the Hillary campaign emails.

Epstein, a member of such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, was said to have sex videos of America’s elites for blackmail purposes.

Attorney General William Barr has failed to explain how Epstein died in a federal prison when he was supposed to be under close observation.

On “The Evening Edit” show of Elizabeth MacDonald on the Fox Business Network on Tuesday night, viewers were told that the federal U.S. Marshalls Service has been busting human trafficking rings.In operation “Autumn Hope,” the Marshalls recovered 45 missing children.

Whether this is a “Q” conspiracy theory or not, the victims are real. They are just as real as the victims of the China virus.

In another case, .a 10-count indictment charges a priest in the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, Father Michael Zacharias, with human trafficking and coercion. Court documents reveal that “from approximately 1999 to July of 2020, the defendant is accused of engaging in the activity of sex trafficking of a minor victim and using force, fraud, or coercion to sexually traffic other minors and adults.” That’s a period of 21 years.

It appears the FBI has been doing some good work, at least in the Zacharias and other cases, on a local level. But does the FBI’s interest in such matters stop when top Democrats are implicated in alleged wrong-doing? It’s clear that the media, despite what we know about the Epstein and Catholic pedophile networks, do not believe there is something evil or Satanic going on.

Many Catholics are sickened by the role of the Roman Catholic Church, here and abroad, in pedophile rings. The new Catholic film on EWTN, “The Gender Agenda,” looks at homosexual and communist infiltration of the church, including the notorious Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.  The McCarrick case “demands a thorough report as to how such a man with his sexual abuse history could have risen to such positions of power within the Church,” says the film. “The Church has a problem with male-on-male predation by priests.”

“The church is now engaged in a cover-up of the predatory sexual activity and corrupting practices of Theodore McCarrick, who once served as our archbishop, who has now been thrown out of the priesthood,” says one Catholic priest. “But who promoted him? Who protected him? Who he paid off? None of that has been revealed though it is known; it is in a report. But the Powers of Darkness in Rome keep us from knowing and it is not right.”

As a prosecutor and Attorney General in California, Biden running mate Kamala Harris refused to take on sexual abuse by priests.  I interviewed a victim of such abuse, noting that Harris appears to have a two-faced approach to the Catholic Church – one of scorn toward ordinary Catholics who follow traditional church teachings, such as opposition to abortion and homosexuality, and the other of deference to officials of the hierarchy who get caught in cover-ups of sexual abuse of children.

Diverting attention away from this scandal, Pope Francis has just issued an encyclical, Fratelli tutti, described by anti-communist Professor Renato Cristin as representing the theological-political adaptation of the chilling Marxian motto “Proletarians of the world unite.” The encyclical on “fraternity and friendship” attacks the greatest economic system the world has ever known – capitalism. “The fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has demonstrated that not everything can be resolved by market freedom,” says the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He calls for building “the alternative social structures we need,” code for socialism.

What he’s proposing for the world is what Biden seems to want for America – a semi-permanent lockdown, based on the pretext that fighting the China virus requires it.

The pope’s embrace of Marxism helps explain why Democratic Party leaders, including “Catholic” Joe Biden, embrace Pope Francis, and why Republicans are reluctant to take on the Vatican.

This is a time for all Christians to uncover the complete truth about the pedophile rings operating here and abroad, sometimes with the protection of Catholic church officials and sometimes with the connivance of other members of the elite. It’s what Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in 1947 called “Signs of Our Times.” He referred to the emergence of “a counter-church” with “all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content.”

Catholic writer Vic Biorseth argues, “When organized, conspiratorial criminal activity crosses state lines, as do all the organized sexual abuse crimes, predominantly of a homosexual nature, committed by Catholic Clerics of all ranks and systematically covered-up by them, the situation calls for a RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] investigation.”

There is the Deep State, the Swamp, and what Biorseth calls the homosexual cabal now running the Catholic hierarchy. On November 3, they area all backing Biden for president. President Trump stands in the way of their grab for total power.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Murder Plot Against the President

By Cliff Kincaid

Some scoff at the concept of a “Deep State” as a “conspiracy theory.” But nobody knows the truth better than Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, who once questioned why Trump would fight the intelligence agencies, since “they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” The phrase “six ways from Sunday” means in every possible way. Another common formulation is “by any means necessary.”

The U.S. Secret Service intercepted a Ricin-laced letter with the words, “If it doesn’t work, I will find a better recipe,” addressed to President Trump. Pascale Ferrier, a Canadian previously deported from the U.S., was apprehended and charged on September 24 with threatening to kill the president by using the poison. She was arrested with a loaded gun and a knife and had previously tweeted a hashtag supportive of killing Trump.

The Ferrier case seems like the work of a bumbling amateur, although Ricin (and Novichok) are poisons known to be used by the remnants of the Soviet KGB. Assassination plots involving the CIA are usually more sophisticated.

For those inclined to dismiss the idea of hit squads or assassins targeting American figures, consider the mysterious 2010 death of former presidential aide John P. Wheeler, the subject of a new “Unsolved Mysteries” story on Netflix. His body was found at the Cherry Island Landfill in Joe Biden’s state of Delaware.Wheeler, who associated with members of the political and military elite, was said by his wife to have looked “frightened” before his death.  Described as the “Washington Insider Murder,” he was also said to have many “enemies” from his work in the national defense area.

Another Washington insider, Trump Attorney General William Barr,also seems frightened. He disclosed that the probe into Obamagate won’t produce a report until after the election. Obamagate involves how the Obama-Biden Administration used the intelligence agencies to destroy and obstruct the Trump presidency, using material supplied by Russia and paid for by Hillary Clinton.

Investigator Chris Farrell asks why Barr fights Judicial Watch in virtually every Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking records over the Obamagate coup plot. Farrell, who was banned by Fox for criticizing George Soros on the Lou Dobbs show, has also drawn attention to CIA director Gina Haspel’s role in Obamagate.

The FBI is headed by Christopher Wray, who was nominated by Trump but sat on the evidence of corruption in Hunter Biden’s laptop for almost a year. (The FBI has since reportedly interviewed Hunter business associate Tony Bobulinski).

On top of this cover-up, Big Tech has censored evidence of Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s schemes involving China and Ukraine.

The Department of Justice has filed suit against Google, the gatekeeper of the Internet, over exercising monopoly control over how the American people get their news, but the action comes too late to make a real difference on November 3.

Barr’s failures tell us a lot about the power of the Deep State.

Barr, who previously worked for the CIA, had organized support for the FBI sniper who killed Randy Weaver’s wife in the 1992 Ruby Ridge operation. She was killed as she was holding her baby daughter in her arms.

Ruby Ridge is the scandal involving the FBI and ATF assaulting a right-wing figure, a so-called “white supremacist,” living in Idaho who had been set up on a charge of selling an illegal weapon, a sawed-off shotgun.

Wanting to demonstrate their power, federal agencies staged an armed attack on Weaver’s family. Weaver’s 14-year-old son was shot to death by federal Marshalls carrying machine guns. Weaver was found not guilty of assaulting federal officers.

Ruby Ridge was followed by the federal siege of the Waco religious compound on April 19, 1993, when more than eighty men, women and children were shot or burned to death. Federal agencies attacked the compound of a religious cult, the Branch Davidians, on the pretext that children were being abused. They could have apprehended the leader of the religious compound without killing all those people. It was another demonstration of their power.

The Obama and Epstein Cover-Ups

As author Jack Cashill has demonstrated in his book, Unmasking Obama, federal agencies were used in other ways under the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, such as the IRS attacks on conservative and Tea Party groups. Most importantly, the FBI covered-up the evidence of Obama’s debt to communist Frank Marshall Davis and his patron, the old Soviet Union.

Years later, the Jeffrey Epstein scandal remains unresolved, even as the media mock some conservatives for believing in the existence of a high-level pedophile ring. Cindy McCain, who says “We all knew what he [Epstein] was doing,” has endorsed Biden for president. Her husband, who lost a winnable election against Obama in 2008, peddled the phony Hillary-financed Russian dossier to the FBI.

Mitt Romney, the Utah Republican Senator who voted to impeach Trump, ran as the Republican presidential candidate in 2012 and lost to Obama. Trump blames Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan, for moving Fox News to the left, as Ryan joined the board of Fox Corporation in 2019.

My own coverage of Ruby Ridge and Waco, which occurred during the Clinton Administration, were among the major incidents convincing me that important agencies of the federal government were compromised and hopelessly corrupt. Another eye-opening episode was the crash of TWA Flight 800, which resulted in the deaths of 230 passengers and crew on July 17, 1996. Federal “investigators” blamed a fuel tank explosion when eyewitnesses saw missiles hit the plane. The CIA actually produced a video showing the huge nose-less jet ascending like a rocket, an aeronautical impossibility.

In 1993 I covered the strange death of Clinton White House deputy counsel Vincent Foster, a murder labeled a “suicide” in an Independent Counsel investigation led by a Republican named Kenneth Starr and his assistant, prosecutor Brett Kavanaugh. Evidence demonstrated the existence of a shadowy group of operatives who would intimidate a witness, Patrick Knowlton, with information contradicting the government’s story. Foster had access to the secrets of Hillary Clinton and the National Security Agency (NSA).

David Martin’s new book, The Murder of Vince Foster: America’s Would-Be Dreyfus Affair,examines the case, including alleged Foster connections to drug smuggling, the CIA, and organized crime.

Starr later became a Fox News contributor, a supposed expert on the impeachment campaign against Trump, while Kavanaugh was nominated by Trump to the Supreme Court. It was another indication that the Swamp occupies both side of the “partisan divide” and affects both major political parties. Starr, by the way, was a legal counsel for Jeffrey Epstein.

In the Bush Administration, we would learn that federal operatives from the FBI, and perhaps other agencies, would be deployed to frame patriotic American scientists for the post-9/11 anthrax attacks carried out with anthrax stolen from a U.S. lab. One scientist, Steven Hatfill, would collect millions of dollars from the Department of Justice in damages over his harassment, while another, Bruce Ivins, would end up dead after being persecuted by federal agents under the direction of then-FBI Director and future Russia-gate special counsel Robert Mueller.

Former Louisiana state Senator John Milkovich, a Democrat, wrote a book on Robert Mueller, subtitled “Errand boy for the New World Order,” looking at his role in matters such as 9/11, organized crime figure Whitey Bulger, and the crooked bank BCCI.

Mueller keeps emerging at sensitive times in American history, when the federal government wants to perpetuate a certain story line about a delicate national security matter.

What’s absolutely clear is that Trump, a true outsider to Washington, has enemies here and abroad.

Concern about Trump’s physical health and safety accelerated after he was infected by the China virus at the first presidential debate, leading author J.C. Hawkins to speculate that he was infected “by a rogue Secret Service agent or staff member secretly working for The Deep State.”

Various reports had indicated that seven people who attended judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination announcement, held outside at the White House, tested positive for the coronavirus. But former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who also came down with the virus and was hospitalized, said that he had last tested negative ahead of the first presidential debate and was not having any symptoms then.

The Cleveland Clinic, the debate co-host,subsequently acknowledged that 11 people involved in debate preparation tested positive. We still don’t know who they are.

Weeks after this, Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan displayed the anti-Trump “86/45” sign during a TV appearance. The number “86” can be shorthand for killing someone. Whitmer had been on Joe Biden’s short list for vice-presidential candidates.

One does not have to be a “conspiracy theorist” to see a disturbing pattern.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Pope Francis Covers for “Catholic” Joe Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

Anti-communist Professor Renato Cristin commented in a recent interview that Pope Francis is the leader of the global left, a fact confirmed by Francis himself when he embraced so-called homosexual civil unions. The only question is whether Francis is a Marxist masquerading as a Catholic, or whether he has somehow in his own mind synthesized Christianity and Communism into a bizarre philosophy of “Christian communism.” Whatever the case, Francis has become a significant impediment to the restoration of the fundamental values of Judeo-Christian civilization.

Cristin is the author of The Masters of Chaos,  a philosophical book on the situation of Europe and the West, and provides a deep understanding of the mind-set of those seeking to impose socialism on the U.S. and the world.

The United States is today “exposed to a risk it was not prepared for, namely the consolidation of a masked but clearly communist political movement,” he asserts. But how is this possible when a seemingly nice guy like Joe Biden has emerged as the leader of this movement?

A similar question has to be asked about Pope Francis, a nice guy who smiles a lot and seems friendly with people. Cristin comments that “Catholic communism, which is in effect an oxymoron, has become a point of reference for many people throughout the West, forming one of the aspects of neo-communism in circulation today.”

The difference is that Biden, who claims to be Catholic, has obvious mental deficiencies, having been a plagiarist who suffered through brain aneurysms, while Francis is in charge of his mental faculties and knows what he is doing.

Hence, he knows his endorsement of homosexual civil unions is a direct contradiction of what the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith taught in 2003, with the authority of Saint John Paul II. It said that “Catholics are obliged to oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions” and that “Catholic politicians are obliged to do so in a particular way, in keeping with their responsibility as politicians.”

As Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has explained, the Francis declaration in favor of homosexual civil unions is designed to purge traditional Catholics from the church and solidify his power. It also seems designed to provide cover for so-called Catholics looking to vote for the faux Catholic Biden, who approves homosexual marriages and actually married two men in a ceremony at one of his lavish homes.

Can you imagine the sick spectacle of “You may kiss the bride,” as two “husbands” tie the knot? Biden, a Catholic, was there, as if he were the Justice of the Peace. Leaving aside Catholic or religious teaching, common sense and basic science demonstrate that two men can’t reproduce. It is DNA denial of the most basic form. A gay “union” or “marriage,” therefore, is a denial of biological reality. It represents the destruction of humanity.

Yet, Biden’s wife, Jill, tweeted,“Love is love!”

This is the diabolical “gender agenda” that Catholic cable channel EWTN has exposed in a sensational new documentary. Titled, “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing II – The Gender Agenda,” the film “examines the origins and depravity of the so-called Sexual Revolution, with its current emphasis on gender dysphoria and homosexuality…”

The film also reveals how U.S. seminaries were infiltrated by communists, “who helped usher in the sex abuse crisis which has roiled the Catholic Church in modern times.”

The mere fact that a documentary like this can still be aired in the United States is a sign of hope. Another hopeful sign is the nomination of pro-life and pro-family Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Of course, Biden betrays Catholic teaching on other issues as well, most notably preserving the right to life of the innocent unborn.

For his part, Francis is a committed left-wing ideologue whose ascension to the papacy was itself strange, as Pope Benedict was forced out in what seemed like the kind of coup the American intelligence agencies attempted against President Trump. That makes Francis more dangerous than Biden, a pawn of the same global forces Francis is leading.

The other controversial Francis dictate, criticizing the so-called separation of families at the U.S.-Mexico border, was designed to attack President Trump, when Viganò notes “the reality is that the President is confronting human trafficking and the trafficking of minors.”

Viganò adds that “while conservative American bishops are forbidden from intervening in the political debate in support of President Trump, the Vatican allows itself to casually interfere in the elections in favor of his Democratic adversary, in union with the censorship by social and news media of the very serious accusations against the Biden family.”

Those accusations now include reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer containing photos of an underage girl, perhaps a family member. Photos already released show the Biden son sleeping with a drug pipe. A Senate report had previously tied Hunter Biden to individuals engaged in human trafficking and prostitution.

The documents acquired by the committee, it said, “shed light on a much broader array of questionable financial transactions involving Hunter Biden, other members of the Biden family, and their associations with foreign nationals. These foreign nationals have questionable backgrounds that have been identified as being consistent with a range of criminal activities, including but not limited to organized prostitution and/or human trafficking, money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement.”

The report added, “Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an ‘Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.’”

Whether proven true or not, it is not debatable that Joe Biden has taken leave of his senses, especially by abandoning his Catholic roots. He has serious family problems that need his immediate attention. He must answer to the reports of Hunter Biden using access to his father to make business deals with China and Ukraine.

Hunter Biden, a former drug addict discharged from the Navy when he was caught using cocaine, may not understand everything he is doing. But you can bet that Pope Francis and Joe Biden’s handlers do.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Save Us from the Perverts, Liars, and Globalists

By Cliff Kincaid

I have had interactions with two prominent people in the news — former Senator and current presidential candidate Joe Biden and C-SPAN’s Steve Scully. I never met another personality, anti-Trump commentator Jeffrey Toobin, but I covered the occasion when this CNN analyst and staff writer at The New Yorker was honored with an award by the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.

Personally, at least for a time, it appears he was out of the closet, so to speak, on Zoom. He was reportedly caught exposing his genitals on a Zoom call. He was suspended, not fired, and apologized to his wife, family, friends and co-workers. Scully was suspended, not fired, for lying about his social media account being hacked by anti-Trump content. There seems to be a pattern here.

Is this the way Washington works?

Biden, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, refused to allow my testimony against a United Nations treaty, and Scully moderated a debate I had on his network about the International Criminal Court. I thought at the time that Biden was unfair in his proceedings, while Scully was a decent and fair guy, despite having worked for Biden. He almost got the chance to moderate a presidential debate.

Not to pile on the disgraced Jeffrey Toobin, but a description of the gay awards ceremony for Toobin said that he had through “sharp analysis and keen insight” used his influence “to educate viewers about the legal rationale for fair and equal treatment of LGBT Americans and, in doing so, has helped create the political landscape that allowed recent LGBT court victories to be widely understood by the American public.”

Translated into common sense language, this means that Toobin was pro-gay in his coverage and helped sell the public on the homosexual agenda.

A noted plagiarist whose plagiarism has not stopped his campaign for higher office, Biden is openly devoted to the New World Order but that sinister goal has not received sufficient coverage. However, it is as shocking as run-of-the-mill perversion and lying by other Washington figures in the news.

It’s no wonder many Americans have come to the conclusion that the Washington establishment is hopelessly corrupt.

Before we get to the matter of Joe Biden’s globalism, it should be noted that the gay event in honor of Toobin was co-sponsored by Comcast/NBC Universal and CBS News. This was important. It demonstrates that although reporters sometimes talk about one another as “rivals” in the media business, they are really on the same liberal team. Hence, we learn that Kristen Welker of NBC News, the “moderator” of Thursday’s presidential debate, once had her picture taken at a White House event with President Obama. She is proud of her bias. She was picked to moderate a debate anyway.

Since Biden has run for president before, and was a long-time Delaware Senator who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I covered his career over the years, which includes several incidents of plagiarism. Plagiarism involving a journalist is grounds for firing. For Biden, however, it reflects the judgment of others that he can recite whatever is put in front of him. That is someone worth using for other purposes. Hence, he is a puppet.

The Biden plagiarism cases have been well-documented. Still, he was picked as Obama’s vice president and is now running for president. Who’s calling the shots?

His recent astonishing comment about legally approving the idea of transgender 8-year-olds was bizarre but it helps illustrate the influence of those running him and his campaign. Those are the same LGBT activists who honored Toobin. Although these people comprise only one or two percent of the population, they have enormous influence. And they want to impose what a new EWTN film calls the “gender agenda” of destroying biological differences. It is Cultural Marxism.

In foreign affairs, where President Trump has made significant changes in favor of an America-first policy, the stakes are also significant.

Once considered the leading foreign policy “expert” of the Democratic Party, Biden put his name on a plan by Leslie Gelb of the Council on Foreign Relations to get U.S. troops out of Iraq. I covered this at the time. Biden called the plan, only three pages long, the “Biden-Gelb plan.” It was to turn Iraq over to the United Nations and the “international community” and divide the country up.  Biden had been a big supporter of the disastrous U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Biden’s knee-jerk response in support of the U.N. playing a larger role in world affairs was also reflected in his decision to push for Senate ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations, it was written by advocates of world government. I put all of this in writing to Biden on behalf of my group America’s Survival. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t want me to testify against it.

Back in 1992, Biden wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal (assuming that he actually wrote the article) under the headline, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” This can only be understood by taking into account a pamphlet entitled, “Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO,” written by billionaire George Soros. The Soros plan, which is similar to Biden’s, is to make NATO, once an anti-Communist alliance, into a military arm of the U.N.  Soros figured that NATO could take on the military responsibilities of the New World Order until the U.N. was ready to do the job.

Despite all of this being out in the open, the first result when you Google the term “New World Order” is that “The New World Order (NWO) in conspiracy theories is the hypothesis of a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.” This is how Google, the target of an anti-trust lawsuit, controls “news.”

There’s not much “secret” about all of this when Biden is openly writing about strengthening “institutions of collective security.”

You don’t have to be aconspiracy theorist to detect the hidden hand of billionaire George Soros in Biden’s foreign policy views.

Regarding the unfolding Biden scandal, the evidence indicates that Hunter was making money off “Pop” and the “Big Guy” — Joe Biden — was getting some.

But in terms of foreign affairs generally, Soros appears to be the controller. Soros had financially supported Barack Hussein Obama, Biden and other Democrats on the Foreign Relations Committee.

As a result, Biden was the strongest supporter of the United Nations in the entire Congress. He openly supports a New World Order, as articulated by George Soros, with NATO serving as front-line troops until the U.N. is strong enough to play the role of “global peacekeeper.”

By the way, Toobin and Scully may soon return to work, and Biden hopes to be elected president of the United States, where he will do the bidding of George Soros.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Are there Enough Courageous Christians to Save America?

By Cliff Kincaid

Deaths from the China virus number more than 1 million worldwide. Deaths from abortion worldwide number 1 billion. Interestingly, the China virus problem has been used in many states to shut down churches and keep abortion clinics open as “essential businesses.” In effect, the China virus serves as a cover for mass murder and Christian persecution.

In response, a movement called “Let Us Worship” is calling for civil disobedience against governmental authorities in the United States suppressing Christian gatherings. It is led by Christian activist Sean Feucht, who says “I burn to see abortion and Roe v. Wade overturned,” and quotes Mother Teresa as saying, “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”

In regard to abortion, which has claimed 63 million lives in America since Roe v. Wade, the comparison with the China virus is made not to minimize the suffering and lives lost by one evil or another. Rather, the comparison is designed to highlight how the threat of the China virus has diverted our attention from what Thomas W. Jacobson, Executive Director of the Global Life Campaign, has called “the greatest genocide in history.”

“Many Christian leaders are reluctant to talk about abortion,” he says, “but it is the number one cause of death in the United States and worldwide.”

“It is a great tragedy that more than 1 million people have died worldwide this year from the coronavirus pandemic,” Jacobson says. “It is also a great tragedy that about 1 million babies are aborted by choice every month (and this only includes the reported ones).”

He adds, “Look at the massive global efforts every nation is undertaking to protect our lives – the lives of the born.  Should we not undertake an equally great effort to protect babies in the womb and end abortion?”

Taking a religious view, he says, “Covid-19 is a global plague like those recorded or prophesied in the Bible.  This year is 2020, the 100th anniversary of the first government authorizing abortion[the Russian communist regime], and more than 1 billion babies have been sacrificed in one century. I do not know for certain, but if Covid-19 is the beginning of God’s judgments for the slaughter of innocent babies, then either this pandemic or additional plagues or catastrophes may continue, one after another, until we humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and stop murdering babies.”

The Global Life Campaign is trying to provide copies of its Abortion Worldwide Report: 1 Century, 100 Nations, 1 Billion Babies, to “leaders and people of influence in the United States.” These include 130 church denomination headquarters, 40 selected clergy and churches, 60 Christian leaders and ministries, 45 Christian colleges and universities, and 55 pro-life/family organizations.

It is sad that an effort has to be undertaken to provide this report to religious leaders and churches.  But Jacobson cites the case of two Baptist denominations, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the American Baptist Church USA (ABC).  He notes, “The SBC stands firmly for the sanctity of human life and against abortion. But the ABC thinks abortion can be ‘morally acceptable.’”

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris is a member of the ABC. Presidential candidate Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic.

His review of 14 church denominations found the following:

  • Church denominations standing for the sanctity of human life and opposing abortion include the Anglican Church, Assemblies of God, Catholic Church, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, North American Lutheran Church, and the Southern Baptist Convention.
  • Church denominations supporting abortion, include the American Baptist Church USA, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and United Methodist Church.

But the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court gives him hope. “Based on her faith, character, integrity and commitment to the original intent of the Framers of the United States Constitution, President Donald Trump made an exceptionally wise choice in nominating Amy Coney Barrett as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court,” he says. “By her life, family, instruction, legal career and judicial decisions, she represents the most honorable aspects of our nation.”

Former Trump Campaign Deputy Chairman Rick Gates says Trump’s appointment of Barrett has galvanized voters on both sides of the political aisle. But he goes on to say, “The current Trump Administration is going to be assessed on its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and the state of the economy.”

But how many of those voters know about the death toll from abortion and the differences between the two major political parties on the issue? How many know that abortion has taken far more lives than the China virus? What’s more, how many understand that China leads the world in the number of abortions – and that the number from that communist nation alone is now more than 401 million?

Some observers say that if Trump emphasizes his pro-life stand, contrasting that with the Biden/Harris ticket, he could turn the tide.  There are more than 80 million Catholics in the U.S. and Barrett is one of them.

All he has to do is quote Bishop Rick Stika of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee, who says that “abortion is the preeminent issue for the Catholic Church” and that Democratic candidate Joe Biden “supports ending the Hyde Amendment [limiting federal funding of abortion], is against parental choice for education, and wishes to make abortion the law of the land.” Putting the issue in direct and stark terms, he added, “If a person supports or promotes abortion, it is no different than supporting slavery. It is the ultimate abuse against human dignity and the human rights of the baby. It is the ultimate act of child abuse.”

A similar message has come from Father Ed Meeks of Christ the King Catholic Church, who says America is “staring into the abyss” on November 3 and that “Catholic” Joe Biden betrays Catholic teachings on the sanctity of life and marriage.

In a new video, “The Silence That Kills,” an Operation Rescue video calls for protests against Catholic Bishops that do not denounce Joe Biden by name.

Non-Catholics are also speaking out. Black Baptist Minister E.W. Jackson Sr., founder of the S.T.A.N.D. Foundation, sponsors regular conference calls with experts on election issues to bypass Big Tech censorship and bring the truth to millions of Christians. He asks, “Will Christians vote in large enough numbers to counteract ‘ballot harvesting,’ mail-in balloting and other practices that make vote fraud easier?”

At the March for Life in Washington earlier this year, President Trump said, “They are coming after me because I am fighting for you.” He was the first sitting president to appear at the massive pro-life event.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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How Trump Can Outwit the Deep State and Remain in Power

By Cliff Kincaid

If President Trump wins the November election, it will be a miracle. But miracles happen. Former Trump Campaign Deputy Chairman Rick Gates says the “Trump Factor” could be even bigger this year and that the projected “Blue Wave” could end up in ruins.

If not, as the results come in, Trump will have to make the case in a national television address that the intelligence agencies have been misusing federal resources and government power for political purposes. He will have to argue that the election process has been subverted by the use of taxpayer and government resources to keep the Deep State in power. He will have to say that Big Tech companies, under the control of left-wing activists, abused their monopoly power under federal law to destroy the ability of his campaign to participate in a free and fair election.

With Trump, our last freely elected president in power, he will have no choice but to remain in the White House until the gross attacks on our democratic republic and our rights as free Americans come to an end.

These steps are necessary because, in my more than 40 years in Washington, D.C., I have never seen an alignment of forces like this mobilized against a freely elected president. This goes far beyond partisanship to subversion and treason.

The forces and personalities arrayed against Trump include China, Russia, the Vatican, the United Nations, the CIA, the FBI, Wall Street, billionaires such as George Soros and Mike Bloomberg, organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Democratic Party, and some in the Republican Party and the “conservative movement.”

As for the media, even Drudge and most of Fox News have turned against him.

Big Tech has always been an enemy of the president, but the suppression by Facebook and Twitter of New York Post revelations about Hunter Biden using his father to make business deals in China and Ukraine is unprecedented.

Personally, after attending one presidential debate, where various unidentified people were identified as disease-carriers, he has now survived the China virus. Previously, a would-be assassin, who was arrested with a loaded gun and a knife, mailed a letter with Ricin to the president. Pascale Ferrier was arrested with 234 rounds of ammunition at the “Peace Bridge” connecting the U.S. and Canada.

Ricin is a known KGB poison weapon used to kill dissidents in a communist system of government.

Trump is truly a dissident to the corrupt forces, known as the Deep State or the Swamp, dominating Washington, D.C. As to how this has happened, I have come to accept the view of the CIA’s legendary anti-communist mole-hunter James Jesus Angleton. He documented how intelligence officials are lost in a “wilderness of mirrors,” to use intelligence jargon, and outsmarted or even recruited by America’s enemies.

As a result, I concluded the Deep State is dominated by the remnants of the old Soviet KGB and that their headquarters is in Moscow, from which the Russian Revolution continues to spread its “errors,” as described in the Fatima revelations.

Dr. Paul Kengor’s book,  A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, documents how, on the anniversary of Fatima,the Soviets carried out the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of anti-communist Pope John Paul II. Reagan’s CIA director Bill Casey confirmed the Soviet role, in the face of official CIA resistance to the finding.

A fan of Trump, the late Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky understood that Trump had nothing to do with the Russians. His book, Judgment in Moscow, describes how the Soviets/Russians manipulated the left for decades. Suddenly, however, the left “discovered” how Trump was supposed to be a Russian agent.

He told me in an interview shortly before his unexpected death, “For the first time, the left-wing establishment discovered the Russian threat. Previously, they didn’t see any threat. When it was real and we tried to attract the attention of the world to the Russian threat, we were accused of being paranoid and unrealistic and things like that. Now we have proven we were not paranoid. It did exist. Suddenly, the world discovers the Russian threat. That, of course, is a political game.”

In other words, the charges against Trump were disinformation, staged for partisan political purposes. As we know, one of their most successful disinformation themes was the phony Russia-gate dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton and based on Russian sources.

Clearly, the Trump presidency has threatened powerful interests in government, corporations, and the media which are committed to the “convergence” of capitalism and communism through such mechanisms as “free trade” and involvement in global institutions.

Before the dossier disinformation, as I documented in The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse,  was the so-called “Sino-Soviet split,” accepted by Henry Kissinger and the CIA to justify accommodation with the Red Chinese communists. Here, too, the evidence indicates the CIA has been completely infiltrated. Just consider a May 20, 2017, New York Times article about how the Chinese regime “systematically dismantled” CIA spying operations in the country starting in 2010, two years after Obama took power, “killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.” Another fruitless mole hunt took place.

With this background, the idea that former Trump National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn was in any sense a Russian agent was undermined by the contents of his own book, The Field of Fight, arguing that Russia and China are behind an “enemy alliance” of countries and movements trying to destroy the U.S. That’s one of the reasons why he was targeted. He threatened to expose the Deep State’s faulty intelligence on geopolitics.

The search initially launched by Angleton led to such notorious characters as FBI counter intelligence special agent Robert P. Hanssen, a Soviet/Russian mole inside the bureau. His record of treason spanned 22 years, from 1979 to 2001.Robert S. Mueller, the Russia-gate special counsel, became FBI director after Hannsen was caught. Mueller then failed to reform the bureau to catch future spies.

Rep. Devin Nunes, the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was most recently upset with revelations that CIA Director Gina Haspel is stonewalling the release of Obamagate documents. Obamagate is the scandal that involved the previous administration deciding to use the intelligence agencies to undermine the peaceful transfer of power to the Trump Administration. They produced the fake Russian dossier to do that.

Nunes, who wrote the conventional conservative book, Restoring the Republic, in 2010, now seems to understand that restoration is not possible without dismantling the structures and institutions captured by socialist and communist operatives.

These operatives, through favors or blackmail, pull the strings of the major media, in an ongoing intelligence operation that considers many journalists to be “Presstitutes,” or hired hands.

There was in fact a book by that name written by German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who died under mysterious circumstances. He documents how journalists around the world echo the views of government and corporate officials belonging to such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission.

It’s significant that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, apparently armed with blackmail material in the form of videos of powerful people, was a member of both groups. He, too, died under mysterious circumstances. Epstein was found guilty of sex crimes in 2008 but remained a member of the CFR from 1995 through 2009. He was dropped from the rolls for nonpayment of dues and not because of sex crimes.

Cindy McCain, who says “We all knew what he [Epstein] was doing,” has endorsed Joe Biden for president. Her husband, the late Senator John McCain, who lost a winnable election against Obama in 2008, peddled the phony Hillary-financed Russian dossier to the FBI.

In the Flynn case, as you may recall, wiretapped conversations were illegally leaked to CIA mouthpiece and CFR member David Ignatius of The Washington Post.

The Deep State is an entity which overlaps with the military industrial complex that was first identified publicly by another Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower.

Demonstrating the dangers of this cabal, the famous 1964 film “Seven Days in May” included a scenario where the top military brass revolt against their Commander-in-Chief. In the movie, the president wins. In real life, in 2020, we may soon find out.

In contrast to the movie version, the top military brass today are globalists, not nationalists. Many leave military service to serve on the boards of defense contractors. The Project On Government Oversight released a report finding that “from 2008 to the present over 380 high-ranking Department of Defense officials and military officers became lobbyists, board members, executives, or consultants for defense contractors within two years of leaving the Department.”

Hence, they oppose Trump’s decision to end foreign wars and pressure “allies” to spend more of their own money on their defense.

At this late date,intelligence agencies are stonewalling in response to his directive to release all classified documents on Obamagate. As if we needed more proof, it is apparent they don’t answer to Trump.

The opposition to Trump is already talking about his victory on election night being a “Red Mirage” that will dissipate with manufactured and fraudulent mail-in ballots.

In response, Trump will have to declare victory based on legitimate ballots and remain in power. The Supreme Court may be called upon to validate that victory by rejecting the stolen and manufactured votes. His opponents will call for a military coup to overthrow him.

All that Trump will have left is the people.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

DNA Denial and the Rights of the Unborn

By Cliff Kincaid

With pro-abortion media bias all around us, you have to find pro-life messages in unusual places. Watching a rerun of a “Shark Tank” episode, one product was advertised as “Belly Buds” for pregnant women, so the baby in the womb can hear music and voices. You mean a baby is alive? How did the corporate censors let this message slip through?

One of my favorite posters shows an unborn baby inside a tree with the admonition, “Pretend I’m a tree. Save me.” It cuts to the heart of those professing concern for the environment without taking into account whether humans survive in it. After 63 million abortions, perhaps we need a “Human New Deal” for the unborn, recognizing their God-given rights.

The “Green New Deal” is designed for liberals who want to appear compassionate about the earth, not the people who inhabit it. They think stopping cow farts is more important than saving human lives.

We know mothers can feel the movements of life inside them. The father can place his hand on the tummy and feel them as well. It’s no wonder mothers want their babies to hear nice and soothing sounds. There is nothing more beautiful than a mother’s love.

On the other hand, there is nothing more tragic and pathetic than a mother who kills her own children. On Monday, during Judge Barrett’s first day of hearings for the Supreme Court, we saw Democratic Senators desperately try to avoid the issue of the humanity of the unborn.

As California Attorney General, Senator Kamala Harris actually authorized a raid on a pro-life journalist who exposed how abortion has led to the trafficking for profit of aborted baby parts. She has no children of her own but doesn’t want women or men to understand how the abortion industry is an evil institution that specializes in the destruction and sale of human life and human body parts.

How evil can it get?

The Grand Jury report on abortionist Kermit B. Gosnell’s “Women’s Medical Society,” where “really big” abortions were scheduled on Sundays, documented how fetal remains were stored in orange juice cartons and cat-food containers. Rows of jars contained the severed feet of fetuses. On one occasion, Gosnell performed a “Mother’s Day Massacre” on patients bused to his clinic, using an experimental device called a “super coil” consisting of plastic razors to perform abortions.

There is no rationale or excuse for this barbarism. Gosnell went to prison, after being convicted on murder charges, but abortion continues to take the lives of the innocent.

When my wife and I had our first child, the ultrasound images were grainy. They are much clearer now. They clearly show a human being with a beating heart. The Knights of Columbus place ultrasound machines at pro-life pregnancy centers so women have the opportunity to view their unborn children.They want mothers to have the information denied to them by Planned Parenthood and the Big Tech corporate entities.

Senator Kamala Harris once questioned how a nominee for a federal judgeship could belong to the Knights of Columbus.She asked, “Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?” Then she asked, “Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed marriage equality when you joined the organization?”

Harris, who claimed during the vice-presidential debate to be a person of faith,  believes that a baby, unique from the moment of conception because of its DNA, is the property of the mother, in the same way slaves were the property of slave owners.  The term “marriage equality” was made up to deny male/female biological differences in order to justify men marrying other men. Abortionists and the LGBTQ lobby are big backers of the Biden-Harris ticket.

Biden/Harris are DNA deniers who oppose the scientific proof of human life and human differences.

None of the evidence of the humanity of the unborn has anything to do with a particular religious view of when life begins. Instead, it’s a matter of biological science.

President Reagan’s pro-life essay, which was published 10 years after the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand, drew upon moral considerations but also medical and scientific evidence. He noted that 1981 Senate hearings on the beginning of human life brought out the basic issue more clearly than ever before. “The many medical and scientific witnesses who testified disagreed on many things, but not on the scientific evidence that the unborn child is alive, is a distinct individual, or is a member of the human species,” he said.

At the March for Life in 2017, Vice President Mike Pence said, “Life is winning through the steady advance of science that illuminates when life begins, more and more, every day.”

Common sense tells you human life begins at the moment of conception. Science proves it.

In the riveting movie “Unplanned,” based on the real-life story of Planned Parenthood official Abby Johnson, she is brought into witness an abortion for the first time and is alarmed when the baby in the womb tries to escape the instruments of the abortionist.“It was twisting and fighting for its life,” she said, as she watched the extinction of a human life.

The 1988 film, “She’s Having a Baby,” is not explicitly pro-life but is about a young couple, played by Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern, struggling with infertility. The ending packs a pro-life punch. After a very difficult pregnancy, the mother tells her husband, who is in tears, “We have a boy,” and they hug.

Scientifically speaking, “At conception, your baby’s DNA is set and most features are determined, including eye color and blood type,” states the non-political site Can anyone seriously deny it?

Hence, to be pro-abortion is a form of DNA denial at the most basic stage of human development.

The implications, of course, do go beyond science to morality and religion. “Mary was pro-life” is one of my favorite slogans. It should also say, “Mary is pro-life.” She was the handmaiden or servant of God.

We need more women to follow Mary’s example. Based on her life and testimony, including publicly stating her belief in the power of prayer, we can assume Judge Barrett is one of them.

“I would like to thank the many Americans from all walks of life who have reached out with messages of support over the course of my nomination. I believe in the power of prayer, and it has been uplifting to hear that so many people are praying for me,” she said.

God bless America. There is hope for the unborn.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Judge Filled with Love for Humanity

By Cliff Kincaid

A Christian wife and mother with pro-family views, federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an example of how light can survive the darkness of America’s decent into demonic corruption so deep that it includes the dismemberment of live babies to harvest their body parts. As long as America can produce women who love their families and children, there is hope. President Trump’s nomination of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court is enough to consider his legacy one of true conservatism.  It’s now up to the Senate to confirm her.

Introducing Judge Barrett to the nation, Trump said, “Her family is a core part of who Amy is. She opened her home and her heart and adopted two beautiful children from Haiti. Her incredible bond with her youngest child, a son with down syndrome, is a true inspiration. If confirmed Justice Barrett will make history as the first mother of school-aged children ever to serve on the U.S Supreme Court. That’s good. To her children, Emma, Vivian, Tess, John Peter, Liam, Juliet and Benjamin. Thank you for sharing your incredible mom with our country. Thank you very much. Amy Coney Barrett will decide cases based on the text of the constitution as written.”

There is no “right” to abortion in that constitution.

In response, we have seen the reemergence of what columnist Marc H. Rudov once called the “fascist feminists.” These feminists detest women who assume roles as successful wives and mothers and defend the unborn.

The media, always determined to maximize damage to Trump and/or his nominees, have run stories suggesting Barrett is too religious. They cite her membership in a Christian group where women were called handmaidens.  Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, referred to herself as the “handmaid of the Lord,” also translated as “servant of the Lord.”

As the trusted voice of far-left fascist feminism in the nation’s capital, the Washington Post ran a story in 2016 about Trump’s decision to pick Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate that said, “Trump had a problem with women voters. Pence could make it even worse.” What was Pence’s problem? Well, he “has endorsed controversial legislation on abortion and Planned Parenthood.”  That means he wanted to limit or eliminate government funding for both.

Post reporter Katie Zezima neglected to mention that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, was founded by Margaret Sanger, a revolutionary socialist and anti-Christian activist. She reported Democrats “wasted no time pouncing on Pence, whom they described as extreme, anti-woman and anti-gay.” Anti-woman? Pence favors the right to life of unborn women. He supports traditional marriage and human life.

The fascist feminists, like the United Nations, regard abortion, the act of destroying an unborn child, as a human right.

At the debate with Senator Kamala Harris, Pence said, “I’m pro-life. I don’t apologize for it.” He added, “I couldn’t be more proud to serve as vice president to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life.”

Harris has no children of her own but says of her two stepchildren, “They are my endless source of love and pure joy.” Yet, as California Attorney General, with backing from Planned Parenthood, she prosecuted the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for exposing trafficking in aborted baby parts. Videos showed Planned Parenthood executives discussing how much money they charge for each human baby body part from their abortion victims.

“Kamala Harris colluded with Planned Parenthood to attack CMP’s speech and silence our reporting about fetal trafficking,” says David Daleiden of CMP. A video from Catholic Vote exposes how armed agents invaded Daleiden’s home to seize his cameras, computers, and videos.

This is not to say that the Trump Administration has done everything possible on the pro-life issue, or that this is a partisan issue.

Chanting “Hey Hey Ho Ho Fetal Dismemberment Has Got to Go,” Democrats for Life of America (DFLA) joined other pro-lifers in front of the Office of the U.S. Attorney General on October 8 “to protest the DOJ’s silence and lack of action on the documented trafficking of fetal parts.” The DFLA said, “Attorney General Bill Barr has been sitting on evidence of Planned Parenthood’s wrongdoing for far too long. This delay effectively advances the work of suppressing pro-life activism that Vice Presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, set out to do when she illegally seized CMP’s footage. In the meantime, the DOJ has instead prosecuted marginalized Native Americans for selling eagle body parts.”

One of the groups participating in the protest is called Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.

That’s appropriate, since Ronald Reagan once said, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” The death toll from abortion has surpassed 63 million.

One of those survivors, Nick Sandmann, is best known for having been smeared by CNN, the Washington Post, and other media, for wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap on the grounds of the Lincoln Memorial in 2019. Many forget he was there because he had been participating in the annual March for Life. His pro-life activism had a role in motivating the media hate towards him.

The media are filled with hate. Amy Coney Barrett is filled with love. She is an example for America and one of the great hopes for the survival of our nation.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump Is Back in the Fight After Conquering the China Virus

By Cliff Kincaid

Like a conquering hero, President Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center (also known as Bethesda Naval Hospital) on October 5 and entered the White House in dramatic fashion. After recovering from what looked like a nasty cold or flu, the leader of the Free World decided he couldn’t stay in a hospital or a basement. The media wanted him dead. But for many Trump supporters, the circumstances surrounding the nature and timing of his infection remain a mystery. They are, however, grateful that Trump is back in the White House, ready to fight for his presidency.

One wonders if the president was anxious to leave the hospital where anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy checked in with a knee problem and checked out in a body bag. The McCarthy case is one of several mysterious deaths associated with Bethesda.

Or perhaps he was just anxious to get back into the political fight, not only against the Democrats but the Chinese Communists. “Make no mistake,” declared Senator Kelly Loeffler. “China is directly responsible for spreading this deadly virus to our President, First Lady, and countless other people here in America and around the globe.”

One sympathized with the president, in his apparent rush to escape Bethesda, as he was given experimental and potentially dangerous drugs by White House physician Dr. Sean Conley for what looked like cold and flu symptoms.

Conley, who previously served as an emergency doctor for the U.S. Navy, had previously supported Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19. Then, all of a sudden, after Trump gets the disease, he said he and the president had “concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.” This was a strange development.

Trump reportedly became symptomatic on Thursday, October 1. On Friday, October 2, he announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the Coronavirus.  The CDC says, “Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. If you have fever, cough, or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19.” That means he could have gotten the virus on Tuesday, September 29, the day of the debate.

The China virus had reportedly affected him with a fever, mild cough, some nasal congestion and fatigue. These are mostly symptoms of the common cold or flu. So why was he subjected to experimental drugs and procedures? And why was hydroxychloroquine taken off the table?

For the record, the CDC says symptoms of a cold usually peak within 2 to 3 days and can include sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, mucus dripping down your throat (post-nasal drip), watery eyes, and fever (although most people with colds do not have fever). The flu can include some of these factors plus fatigue.

Based on his own experience with the disease, Trump issued a statement comparing coronavirus to the flu. That was significant. But Big Tech companies Twitter and Facebook immediately censored him.

As if we needed more evidence, it should be clear by now that Big Tech and certain political forces are determined to convince the public that COVID-19 is not a flu-like illness. Taking guidance from the World Health Organization, a Chinese puppet, they want people to be scared. By contrast, Trump wanted to reassure people that they can fight and beat the disease, like he did.

At the same time, Dr. Conley does not inspire confidence. For example, on October 3, Conley was asked, “Is there any clarity on how he became infected?” Conley replied, “I’m not going to go into that. As far as his care, it’s irrelevant.” He was then asked when Trump was infected. He replied, “We’re not going to go into that.”

Does he know something he is not sharing? Why didn’t he just say “I don’t know.”

It may be the case that it is difficult at the present time to determine for sure how or when he was infected. On the other hand, it could be a national security matter that is under high-level investigation. In this case, one can understand why the president wants to project an image of strength. In fact, on October 6, Trump reported no symptoms.

The source of the infection is still a mystery. The media are trying to blame Trump personally or those around him. As a result, the White House has issued an “Update on the Health and Safety Precautions taken within the Executive Residence.” But questions persist surrounding the unidentified 11 people who tested positive in connection with preparations for the debate. Were these people in any U.S. Government agencies? Were they outside actors? Foreign agents?

What was also mystifying was why Conley was so evasive about Trump receiving oxygen. Here’s an edited partial transcript of remarks from October 3:

Question: And he has not received any supplemental oxygen?

Dr. Sean Conley: He’s not on oxygen right now. That’s right.

Question: He has not received any at all?

Dr. Sean Conley: He’s not needed any this morning today at all. That’s right. Now he’s…

Question: I’m going to try to pin you down one more time. I know you said there was no oxygen yesterday and today, does that mean he-

Dr. Sean Conley: Yeah, he’s not on oxygen today-

Question: But did he receive any on Thursday?

Dr. Sean Conley: And he’s… What’s today? Saturday?

Question: Today’s Saturday.

Dr. Sean Conley: No, no, Thursday…So Thursday, no oxygen. None at this moment. And yesterday, with the team a while, while we were all here, he was not on oxygen.

Why was he so evasive? Whatever the explanation, it’s not what we should expect from a doctor with supervision over the health and safety of the president of the United States. In this regard, there are matters of concern. In addition to getting a rather common steroid, Trump was given a so-called “investigational cocktail,” REGN-COV2, produced by Regeneron, which describes it as being studied for its “potential” to treat people with COVID-19 and to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. The company says, “REGN-COV2 is an investigational medicine, and its safety and efficacy have not been fully evaluated by any regulatory authority.”

Trump is also being subjected to a five-day course of the drug VEKLURY, also known as Remdesivir. It was given an emergency use authorization for COVID-19 in the United States. The manufacturer, Gilead, warns, “VEKLURY is an investigational drug that has not been approved by the FDA for any use. It is not yet known if VEKLURY is safe and effective for the treatment of COVID-19.” The company warns of possible “hypersensitivity reactions, including infusion-related and anaphylactic reactions…”Anaphylaxis is defined as a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. People can go into shock as a result.

It appears the doctors were using experimental drugs on Trump as if he was in desperate physical condition. Yet he left Bethesda in a rush to get back to the White House and appeared to be in good health after quickly recovering from flu-like symptoms.

Whatever the impact of the drugs, he appears to be in good fighting shape, as he works to save his presidency from the Deep State.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Who Wants President Trump Dead?

By Cliff Kincaid

Cleveland Clinic, the sponsor of the presidential debate, admits that at least 11 positive coronavirus tests can be traced to members of the media or organizers of the event. This is either gross incompetence or malfeasance for a federally-funded organization supposedly specializing in health and welfare.

These mysterious people were “scheduled to work logistics/set-up in the days prior to the event,” the clinic says. Is it too outlandish to suggest that one or more could have been tasked with spreading the virus in such a way as to threaten the life of President Trump?

If there is a lesson the American people have learned about Trump in the more than three years he has been in office, it is that he has challenged the power of the Deep State. Nobody knows this better than Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, who once questioned why Trump would fight the intelligence agencies, since “they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

At a time when Netflix is running “Wormwood,” a drama about the mysterious death of a military biochemist in the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control program, liberals and conservatives have got to agree that the intelligence agencies will stop at nothing to impose their will on those who resist their plans.

To this day, nearly 20 years after the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, the FBI has still not officially figured out who did it, perhaps because the anthrax was stolen from a U.S. lab and used by al Qaeda terrorists. The truth is just to difficult to tell.

The truth is that U.S. intelligence agencies are thoroughly infiltrated by the enemies of the United States, who also happen to be Trump’s enemies.

In the case of Trump’s infection by the China virus, which quite likely emerged from a Medical Deep State-supported Chinese laboratory, the City of Cleveland went into slightly more detail, issuing  a statement about “11 [COVID] cases stemming from pre-debate planning and set-up.” It then added, strangely, that “the majority of cases” involved “out of state residents.”

To add more mystery, the city then said that because these cases “involve people in and out of state, some of whom may be continuing to travel,” it would try to interview and monitor them. They were “interviewed when possible,” which means some could not be located.

The clinic claimed,“It’s important to clarify the 11 people who tested positive never accessed the debate hall. These individuals were either members of the media or were scheduled to work logistics/set-up in the days prior to the event.” But it can just as easily be concluded that these people, whoever they are, had access to surfaces and spaces used by President Trump during the debate.

This is quickly developing into a medical scandal involving the life of the president and the fate of our Republic.

If President Trump is guilty of playing down the severity of the pandemic, as his critics say, in order to keep people as calm as possible about the nature of the virus, the Cleveland Clinic misled the president himself with disastrous consequences for the nation. It had claimed that “guests” at the debate, including the president and First Lady, had a “low risk of exposure” to coronavirus when they have subsequently tested positive.

Despite alternative theories, it seems likely that the president and First lady were infected at that presidential debate on Tuesday, September 29, where those 11 still-unidentified people with the virus were involved in debate preparation. Trump came down with symptoms later in the week and was whisked away to the Bethesda Naval Hospital, a place where some high-profile people such as anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy met their demise. He went in with a knee problem and died of hepatitis.

Like McCarthy, Trump is a sworn enemy of those in charge of the “national security” establishment.

It appears that Trump was in worse shape than previously believed, and that he may have been given a hefty amount of the virus. But by whom? And how?

The FBI has not indicated it is undertaking any kind of investigation into the transmission of this disease. Perhaps the FBI is useless and can’t be trusted anyway. It may be the case that Trump supporters – and Americans in general – have to demand answers as to how the president was poisoned by the China virus.

The media, through their fake news and phony polls, are trying to blame Trump personally for getting sick.  The real issue is that the president has been targeted for personal destruction from the start of his presidency, and that getting the China virus may be how the communist regime and its friends and allies hope to get rid of the leader of the Free World.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters are worried about the White House physician giving the president doses of Remdesivir, an unproven and experimental drug that can have very harmful side effects.

One leftist, an advocate of “Green Power” to save the earth, hopes that Trump’s political future is finished and that Senate Democrats  move to “deny Trump’s corrupt appointment to RBG’s pivotal Supreme Court seat.” That is in fact what Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer is demanding. But rather than being corrupt, the process is legal and constitutional and the nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, is a Christian mother and legal scholar.

This is what Trump’s enemies really fear – the restoration of America as a constitutional republic.

Anti-Trump Pope Francis has just issued “Fratelli Tutti,” a new encyclical on “fraternity and friendship” that attacks the greatest economic system the world has ever known. “The fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has demonstrated that not everything can be resolved by market freedom,” says the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.He calls for building “the alternative social structures we need,” code for socialism.

The Marxist Pontiff ignores the leadership of President Trump, now fighting to survive against the China virus, in assembling private companies to manufacture the equipment and drugs we need to treat and save the victims.

Sinister global forces are thinking Trump is on his death bed and victory is theirs.

The debate itself was held in the Sheila and Eric Samson Pavilion, a part of Case Western Reserve University and the Clinic’s joint Health Education Campus.

The Cleveland Clinic, which was serving as “Health Security Advisor to the Commission on Presidential Debates,” said it had imposed a broad range of risk-mitigation strategies “to help protect everyone within the space” of the actual debate, including:

  • Adding distance between seats.
  • Incorporating personal health screening and safety measures.
  • Implementing disinfectant measures.

But with left-wing activists celebrating President Trump’s positive coronavirus test, and hoping for his political and physical death, it would seem logical to examine what vetting process it undertook to make sure debate “organizers” and even “members of the media” were free of the disease.

Our media, exposed over the last three years as propaganda mouthpieces of the intelligence agencies trying to destroy Trump, are not interested in finding out what truly happened. Instead, it is another opportunity for them to bash the president and his supporters.

On the surface, the debate sponsors seem to have impressive credentials.

James Merlino, MD, was identified as the Chief Clinical Transformation Officer at Cleveland Clinic and Chief Health Security Advisor to the Commission on Presidential Debates for the 2020 General Election.

The Cleveland Clinic claims to be “Leading the Way in Innovative Research for COVID-19 Patients” and says it maintains a “research registry of nearly 23, 000 patients who have been tested for COVID-19 at Cleveland Clinic. These patients, the clinic says, have had positive and negative results.

It looks like the clinic may have been partly responsible for producing two high-profile COVID patients – the president and First Lady.

The Cleveland Clinic, which received $130 million in research funding from the National Institutes of Health in 2019, insisted that “everyone permitted inside the debate hall tested negative for COVID-19 prior to entry,” and that “Individuals traveling with both candidates, including the candidates themselves, had been tested and tested negative by their respective campaigns.”

After first refusing to comment on whether any proof was offered of negative tests, the clinic said it took the word of the campaigns that this was a fact.

The Cleveland Clinic got $199 million in federal coronavirus bailout money, the New York Times reported earlier this year. The paper added, “Last year it had so much money on hand — its $7 billion in cash helped generate $1.2 billion in investment profits —  that it paid investment advisers $28 million to manage the fortune.”

Yet, with all of this money, it still could not assure the health, safety, and security of the first 2020 presidential debate.

Rather than examine this scandal, Trump antagonists in the media like Chris Wallace of Fox News complain that Trump’s family did not wear masks while seated during the debate in Cleveland. But that was a distortion. Members of the family were shown wearing masks when they entered the venue. Once they were in physically distanced seats, some took them off. That was consistent with health guidelines.

The issue is whether Trump’s enemies could have somehow placed the virus in the vicinity of Trump or his family, exposing them to the deadly disease.

To cite the “experts” in the media, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says, “The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person to person, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.”

The words “thought to spread,” and “mainly” are educated guesses.

Although some “experts” say that spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another, one review found a coronavirus can survive on a surface from 2 hours to 9 days. The National Institutes of Health says vaguely, “Viruses can live for a time on surfaces outside the human body.”

The president’s life is still in danger and we know that many people, here and abroad, want him dead. Before it’s too late, we need to uncover what may turn out to be the most diabolical plot in American history. All of those involved in preparing the debate and the debate stage have to be identified and interrogated.

Even while praising his doctors at Bethesda, Trump may understand that his sickness is just the latest attempt by his political enemies to destroy him. We will find out soon if he recovers sufficiently to resume his fight back mode. Many are praying and rooting for him. His enemies are betting that he will retire from the field of battle.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump’s Life Still in Major Jeopardy

By Cliff Kincaid

The big “news” on Saturday was that President Trump is getting better since being diagnosed with a China virus infection. But his treatments are questionable and he was taken to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, also known as Bethesda Naval Hospital, which is the subject of J.C. Hawkins’ controversial book, Betrayal at Bethesda.

It’s a facility hailed by the president and many for first-rate medical care but is also known to be a location where controversial government and political figures can meet their untimely and unexpected ends.

Various reports have attempt to blame the COVID outbreak on Trump aide Hope Hicks, a White House event to announce the Judge Amy Coney Barrett nomination, or Trump not wearing a mask. But Hawkins said he was concerned how Trump, after weeks of an extensive work and travel schedule, had suddenly tested positive and came down with symptoms.

He said he was also surprised by how suddenly Trump was taken away from the White House and noted the case of James Forrestal, the former secretary of defense who supposedly “fell” from a 16th-floor window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 22, 1949. In another mysterious case, anti-communist Senator Joseph McCarthy went into the hospital with a knee injury at five o’clock on a Sunday afternoon and was pronounced dead five days later from acute hepatitis.

In the always controversial case of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, an autopsy was conducted at Bethesda so the government, according to some observers, could make certain claims about the manner of his death and coverup the nature of the plot against the president.

Of special concern to those alarmed about the activities of what has been called the Deep State, McCarthy’s death occurred at a time when the Senator was preparing to investigate the infiltration of the CIA by Soviet and Chinese intelligence operatives. Trump has some of the same enemies.

In Trump’s case, interestingly, the China-made illness comes just about 30 days before the election, as revelations emerge almost every day about the roles played by intelligence agencies such as the FBI and CIA in subverting the Trump presidency.

In one of the latest developments, Trump’s own CIA director, Gina Haspel, is alleged to be blocking release of important documents about the agency’s role in anti-Trump coup plotting. Haspel had worked for Barack Hussein Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan, a one-time communist sympathizer who actually voted for the Communist Party candidate in a national election.  Brennan supported Trump nominating her to the top agency post.

In terms of medical care for Trump, who has recorded a video praising hospital doctors and staff, White House physician Dr. Sean Conley said the president was being given the unproven and experimental drug Remdesivir, which is not approved for COVID or any other condition. Possible side effects can be almost as devastating as the coronavirus.

The physician treating President Trump and first lady Melania Trump, Conley has made some contradictory statements about when the president acquired the disease and was evasive about when Trump started receiving oxygen to help him breathe and avoid some of the lung damage from the China virus.

“My question is what happened in Cleveland, where the debate took place?” Hawkins said. “There are reports that some of the technical crew setting up the debate stage for the broadcast have come down with COVID.  Another report suggests that three members of the press pool have as well.”

Yet, Trump’s opponent, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, claims he tested negative for the virus, despite being in close proximity to Trump.

Hawkins found it significant that all of this is happening during the nomination and confirmation process for Judge Barrett for the Supreme Court. Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer wants to delay the process, citing the coronavirus outbreak. Confirmation of Barrett could swing the Court to a possible 6-3 conservative majority.

Three key Republican Senators have tested positive for the China Virus (Lee, Johnson, Tillis) just this week. He asked, “Is that a coincidence?  Sorry, I simply don’t believe in coincidence.  There’s no such thing.”

He said “My mother always said, ‘Things happen for a reason.’”

He then speculates about sinister forces who may want to see President Trump dead. Such speculation may strike some people as a “conspiracy theory.” But Trump’s first three years in office have featured attacks on him personally and his presidency from U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as some military brass.

Hawkins cited a number of military personnel “who have been very critical and outspoken regarding their Commander-in-Chief.” He called them “traitors” who are in direct violation of Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That provision says, “Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

But Hawkins goes further, wondering if those opposed to Trump could try to gain access to him or his medical treatment, in order to assassinate him.

“With as little as we actually know about the virus and how it is transmitted,” Hawkins asks, “are there ways in which The Deep State can weaponize and target it against certain individuals?  Consider what the Russians have done with various poisons against their political enemies, even to the extent of carrying out black ops in foreign countries.”

Hawkins added, “Certainly, those Deep Staters who want to influence the election and deny a vote on the Barrett nomination before the election would have motive and possible opportunities to do so.”

In the case of Senator McCarthy’s death, Hawkins isn’t the only writer and researcher who asked how he could go into Bethesda with a knee injury and die of hepatitis. Conservative journalist Medford Evans wrote a book, The Assassination of Joe McCarthy, looking at what happened to the Senator after he entered “the dark tower of Bethesda.” He considered the possibility that some poison could have been placed into a drink or in the air, as he was in his hospital bed, in order to incapacitate and ultimately kill him.

The large number of people with access to Trump has also emerged as a major cause of concern for those worried about his recovery.

Hawkins said, “Those of us who’ve been hospitalized can recall the virtual parade of people coming in and out of our hospital rooms:  nurses, doctors, various technicians with equipment, people bringing food, orderlies cleaning, etc. So who will have access to President Trump? Is the Secret Service able to vet and limit access to a select few on such short notice?  Walter Reed is a huge complex with a multitude of possible access points.”

Hawkins said, “This is the same military hospital where I believe James Forrestal and Joseph McCarthy were murdered.  It’s also where President Kennedy’s autopsy was falsified.”

His controversial book was updated earlier this year with a new subtitle, “The Origins of the Modern Deep State & Fake News,” and includes an appendix, “The Deep State Mysterious Death List.” One of these is the official “suicide” of Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster that a prosecutor in the case had said was probably murder.

Hawkins said he is very concerned about the fate of the president.  “Since Donald Trump ran for the presidency, I’ve had a great fear that the Deep State would try to assassinate him,” he said. “In both my books and in columns on my blog, The Forgotten Street, I’ve raised that possibility repeatedly.  In my new book, I note the eerie similarities between President Trump and President Kennedy in terms of their vulnerability to the Deep State.”

The real danger remains a coup, Hawkins believes, “particularly one carried out by treasonous retired and active members of the U.S. military.” He cites a column by Frank De Verona of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association about planning for such a coup.

The column by De Varona, who has met personally with President Trump, warns that “diabolical people” think Trump will win in November and have decided to prevent his second term by “using any means” necessary.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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“Crazy Nancy” Promotes Dope as Treatment for China Virus

By Cliff Kincaid

The China plague has infected the president of the United States and his wife, the First Lady, and our media focus on masks. Even worse, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is claiming that smoking marijuana is a “therapy” for coronavirus.

In defending a COVID-19 relief bill with money and goodies for the dope industry, she actually said about marijuana, “This is a therapy that has proven successful…”

While not referring directly to Pelosi’s belief in marijuana as a treatment for the disease, CNBC’s Jim Cramer referred to “Crazy Nancy” during an interview with the House Speaker but quickly apologized.

It is definitely crazy to claim that marijuana is a treatment for the China virus. Both damage the lungs. Marijuana also damages the brain.

The media and political establishments have lost sight of the real enemy and the treatments. They have closed churches during this pandemic but have allowed pot shops to stay open and spread their own version of poison.

Let’s remember that, during the debate, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden didn’t hold China responsible for spreading the virus, killing Americans, and destroying the U.S. economy. President Trump did so, saying to Biden, “…if you were here, it wouldn’t be 200 [thousand dead], it would be two million people because you were very late on the draw. You didn’t want me to ban China, which was heavily infected. You didn’t want me to ban Europe.”

China produced this virus and let it spread around the world. The deaths can be blamed on China, not Trump. And the economic recession can be blamed on China as well. Yet, Biden said about Trump, “he caused the recession,” a ridiculous assertion.

Domestically, this country is divided between those who want the freedom to decide for themselves, and those who trust the government to decide for them. “Crazy Nancy” Pelosi and most Democrats want a federal mandate that masks be worn by all Americans. President Trump rejects that approach.

At the same time, Pelosi is promoting, under the cover of a COVID-19 federal relief bill, the expansion of the marijuana industry, so more young people can get high, damaging their lungs and brains in the process. Shameful.

Our media focus on masks. Some say they “might” work while others note that masks were not used to contain flu-like illnesses in the past. As such, some see masks as emblematic of government’s attempt to control our behavior for larger purposes, and that eventually the government may seek to order a China virus vaccine of dubious value and benefit.

It’s fascinating that the “pro-choice” crowd that screams “my body my choice” on killing the unborn wants to deny freedom of choice in regard to masks and vaccines.

The controversy boils down to what is called the “argument from authority,” an approach which many students understand from their Philosophy 101 course on how to avoid substance. The “argument from authority” relies on somebody in government or someone having a fancy title. The “argument” is that someone who is smart has decided what we should do and how we should conduct ourselves.

Since some of the “experts” say one thing one day and something else the next, people have come to reject the “experts” and start thinking for themselves.

President Trump has clearly gone through various phases of thinking on whether masks work or not. He has expanded his coronavirus task force to include a skeptic, Dr. Scott Atlas.

Those of us who doubt the efficacy of masks do not have to be obnoxious about it. Instead, I think the proper course of conduct is to wear a mask when in the presence of others who have an unusual fear of the virus or when local authorities or businesses require one. It’s being polite and courteous.

But people on both sides of this dispute have lost sight of the real enemy – China, the source of the virus. We still don’t know if COVID-19 is a variation of a flu virus or something else entirely. It seems to be more contagious than the ordinary flu. Whether masks work or not, China’s direct involvement in distributing this deadly disease is the most important issue after trying to save the lives of and treat those who come down with it.

An updated version of Pelosi’s Heroes Act, the federal COVID-19 relief bill, was approved on Thursday in a vote of 214-207. It still promotes the dope industry.

The stoners and potheads are ecstatic. Our media, however, will ignore the antics of “Crazy Nancy” so they can continue to promote masks and demonize those skeptical of wearing them. They will blame Trump and refuse to confront China.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump Erupts Over Biden’s Phony Catholicism

By Cliff Kincaid

In a Wall Street Journal story about Joe Biden’s alleged Catholicism, one can see a photograph of Biden greeting Pope Francis, as his controversial son Hunter, who was discharged from the Navy after he failed a drug test, is in the background. The headline highlighted “Biden’s Catholicism” when it should have referred to Biden’s pseudo Catholicism. Biden is pro-abortion and pro-homosexual marriage, in contradiction to church teaching.

In the Tuesday night presidential debate, Biden talked about the importance of the Supreme Court, saying, “The point is that the President also is opposed to Roe v. Wade. That’s on the ballot as well and the court…and so that’s also at stake right now.” It was clear from the context that Biden was making a pitch for the votes of those who support abortion on demand, made legal by the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. When President Trump disputed that it was on the ballot and currently before the Court, moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News said, “we’ll come back to Roe v. Wade,” but he never did.

Roe v. Wade has led to more than 60 million abortions in America since 1973. Biden wants to “codify” the ruling so the Court cannot overturn its previous decision. Dennis Howard of the Movement for a Better America has described the death toll from abortion in terms of the equivalent of a nuclear war on U.S. soil.

The Journal reporters, John McCormick and Ken Thomas, failed to mention that the church teaches that abortion is a moral evil. They admitted that, “Until this campaign, he tried to maintain a middle-of-the-road position on abortion rights. Then in June 2019, amid a competitive primary, he said he no longer supported a measure banning federal funding for most abortions, known as the Hyde Amendment.”

A “competitive primary” means that he sold out to the Marxist wing of the Democratic Party, as Biden declared that, “As president, I will codify Roe v. Wade and my Justice Department will do everything in its power to stop the rash of state laws that so blatantly violate a woman’s protected, constitutional right to choose.”

The Journal also mentioned in passing that a Catholic priest in South Carolina, Rev. Robert Morey, refused to give Biden communion over his pro-abortion stance.

“Throughout his career,” the Journal said, “Mr. Biden has said that while his faith informs his beliefs, he has separated it from his duties in public life.” A skeptic might say he does not practice what he preaches, and that he does not take his religion seriously. It is old-fashioned hypocrisy.

The Journal writers did not mention that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a document stating that, “The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family, and because of the number of lives destroyed.” This document, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” is described as a Catholic “teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics.”

While “Catholics for Biden” gets media attention, as if they are legitimate, the group Democrats for Life is ignored and had to pay for a full-page September 20 ad in the New York Times rejecting the extremism on the issue of abortion by the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party.

We are seeing a replay of the coverage of the 2016 campaign when Hillary Clinton escaped serious scrutiny over her extreme position that prohibited any restrictions on the abortion procedure. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party were given a free ride by the press for a policy that suppresses the scientific and medical evidence of the humanity of the unborn child.

This year, however, Biden, the “Irish-Catholic,” as he called himself, openly defies church teachings on abortion and pleads for the votes of those who want to continue the carnage.

He actually said during the debate that people like Trump “look down their nose on people like Irish Catholics, like me, who grow up in Scranton. They look down on people who don’t have money. They look down on people who are of a different faith.”

Trump’s wife Melania is a Catholic who has reportedly promoted Catholic teachings on life from within the White House.

Chris Wallace didn’t want to talk about it, but it’s clear that unborn Americans in Joe Biden’s America will continue to be assigned to destruction. It’s no wonder that Trump, the most pro-life president in American history, would erupt in disgust over how the Bidens are treated favorably by the media.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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CNBC Hires Former Fox Anchor to Bash Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

CNBC has been a good source for stock market updates and “Shark Tank” programs about new products. Its daytime schedule is best known for the antics of Jim Cramer, a booster of pot stocks who also provides analysis of financial markets. On Wednesday, however, former Fox News gay anchor Shepard Smith begins hosting his own Trump-bashing program on CNBC. This marks a definite turn to the left for the business channel.

Dozens of ads have been appearing, trying to convince the CNBC audience that he will provide just the “facts,” even the “truth.” CNBC describes the program as the channel’s nightly newscast “providing deep, non-partisan coverage and perspective on the day’s most important stories.”

But the commentator is best known for his disgust for those who reject his liberal opinions masquerading as news.

The one-hour show, “The News with Shepard Smith,” premiers on September 30 at 7:00 pm EST.

One of the major homosexual power players in the media, Smith was a closeted gay early in his career but then began to talk openly about his lifestyle choices and attended a National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association event in 2014 with other Fox News employees. It later became the Association of LGBTQ Journalists.

But he left Fox News in a controversy as the audience rejected his heavy-handed approach and his ratings lagged far behind the conservative news channel anchors. Described as “often” critical of President Donald Trump, he had completely dropped any pretense of objectivity on his show.

When the far-left Huffington Post in 2016 proclaimed Smith as “the future” of Fox News, many conservatives started looking elsewhere for news and information. However, Smith left Fox News in 2019, having achieved notoriety as the only gay anchor at the channel. His poor ratings took their toll.

Later, he emerged from obscurity and donated $500,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists, in order to protest criticism of the media. “Intimidation and vilification of the press is now a global phenomenon,” Smith said. “We don’t have to look far for evidence of that.”

Hence, Smith apparently believes it is improper for Trump to defend his administration against unfair press criticism by activists posing as journalists.

His decision to join CNBC, a sister network of Trump-hating MSNBC, is regarded as an attempt to inject more bias into a channel the normal CNBC business-oriented audience might not expect or anticipate. It’s comparable to making ESPN, once known for sports, into an arm of Black Lives Matter.

Indeed, the debut of the Shepard Smith show, just weeks before the election, is apparently designed to add one more anti-Trump commentator to the cacophony of anti-Trump voices already in the media, and therefore sway some votes against the president on November 3. The danger for CNBC is that it will lose its edge as a business channel giving objective analysis of the financial markets, driving members of its business audience away.

“Haters are going to hate” is how Shepard Smith, then with Fox News, referred to supporters of Christian clerk Kim Davis when she opposed gay marriage. It was perhaps the most notorious example of his disgust for those rejecting his lifestyle choices.

In fact, Fox News, CNBC, and scores of media organizations have served as sponsors of the Association of LGBTQ Journalists. This is the group that dictates, through an actual “stylebook,” on how to use “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & queer terminology.” Sponsors of the group’s upcoming convention include AARP, CNN, CBS News, Bloomberg, Fox, the Google News Lab, the Democracy Fund, McClatchy, the Facebook Journalism Project, and NBC Universal, parent of CNBC.

But in addition to attacking Christians as “haters,” Smith had complained on the air on Fox News that those turning out in support of Christian clerk Kim Davis and her stand against gay marriage were being “divisive.” He said Davis was surrounded by “grandstanders,” such as the “ridiculous” Mike Huckabee, a presidential candidate and former governor of Arkansas who served as a host of a talk show on the Fox News Channel. His daughter later served as Trump’s press secretary.

On his show about Davis, Smith had mocked her for having been married several times and having kids out of wedlock, not mentioning her religious conversion to Christianity that turned her life around and led to her take a stand against signing the gay marriage licenses. Smith said, “Ms. Davis apparently believes in the sanctity of marriage to the degree that she’s been married a total of four times. In fact, she got pregnant with her third husband’s children while married to her first husband. But fear not: her second husband adopted them.”

Davis was the target of this venom because she had objected on religious liberty grounds to putting her name and government title on licenses for homosexual marriages. She spent six days in jail. Later, she met with Pope Francis during his trip to the United States, a visit arranged by his ambassador to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Vigano. Francis removed Vigano, a traditionalist, from his post and Vigano has emerged as a fierce critic of Francis, declaring in letters that a Deep State with secular and demonic spiritual elements and a “Deep Church” are trying to destroy the Donald J. Trump presidency.

He says, “Presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world.”

CNBC enters into this conflict with a noted proponent of the gay lifestyle who also wants to take down Trump. CNBC has taken sides. This can only hurt ratings.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The “Trump Effect” Is the Republicans’ Only Hope

By Cliff Kincaid

The Wall Street Journal column, “Colorado’s Cory Gardner Struggles to Survive the Trump Effect,” tries to pin the blame on the president for the Republican Senator in Colorado consistently running behind his opponent in his race for reelection. The author, Jillian Kay Melchior, never once mentions that Gardner has been a booster of Colorado’s lethal dope industry and is losing conservative support because of it.

Recognizing that he is losing conservative votes, Gardner has now come out in favor of a quick vote on President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. “He Found His Spine,” proclaimed the conservative website Big League Politics.

Senator Lindsey Graham, often labeled a RINO (Republican in Name Only), is also in jeopardy. He is reportedly leading Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison in the South Carolina Senate race by only one point, 46-45 percent.

The explanation is Graham’s weak conservative credentials. Morning Consult finds that “While Trump has support from 93 percent of Republicans, Graham has support from 84 percent in the same poll —  making him one of the worst-performing GOP incumbents up for re-election this cycle among voters from his own party.”

But the problem is not confined to Gardner and Graham. Other Republicans in Senate contests polling behind Trump are Joni Ernst in Iowa, Steve Daines in Montana, Thom Tillis in North Carolina, and Martha McSally in Arizona.

Contrary to what the Journal’s Melchior says, the “Trump Effect” helps candidates.

In her column on Gardner, published before Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, the Journal’s Melchior wrote that “Mr. Trump, who lost Colorado by five points, has alienated many suburban women and independents,” but Gardner has alienated conservatives opposed to Colorado becoming the headquarters of national marijuana drug trafficking. Gardner has been in the back pocket of the dope business, earning him the label of “pot whore.”

On Facebook, the Melchior column was described as documenting how “Trump’s unpopularity is dragging down his [Gardner’s] re-election effort…” This is nonsense. Gardner is losing not because of Trump but because he, too, is a Republican in Name Only (RINO) taking the “progressive” line on legalization of dope, making him indistinguishable from his Democratic Party opponent, former Governor John Hickenlooper.

Ignoring all of this, she claims that Gardner “is a good candidate and an incumbent with a solid track record” and that “His struggle shows the peril of being a swing-state Republican in the age of Trump.” His problems are of his own making and have nothing to do with Trump. No Republican in good conscience could vote for him. Some might do so, only to say they voted against the Democrat, but Gardner is not a “common sense conservative,” as he likes to describe himself. Common sense does not drive somebody to be a shill for what is now being called “Big Marijuana.” It is Big Tobacco with the replacement of nicotine by THC’s mind-altering qualities.

Jillian Kay Melchior, an editorial page writer at The Wall Street Journal, was a graduate of Hillsdale College and worked for several conservative publications and organizations. But she ignores the social issues that motivate many voters.

Dozens of new anti-drug groups have emerged in recent years. One of them, Smart Colorado, reports, “Since Colorado voters legalized recreational marijuana with Amendment 64 in 2012, Colorado’s youth have served as guinea pigs in a risky experiment,” and that recent data show that “Colorado now ranks first in the nation for past month marijuana use by those 12-17 years old…”

The group warns, “We never foresaw how aggressive and powerful the financial interests behind this new billion-dollar industry would become.” Yet, Gardner is happy with this outcome.

Attorney David Evans, Senior Counsel to Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL), has called Gardner “a pot whore.”

Democrats only need to win four seats to take back the majority in the Senate, and Gardner is a likely goner.

Tragically, Ms. Melchior isn’t alone is being a source of erroneous information.

In his Wall Street Journal column, “GOP Senate Hopefuls Try to Outrun Trump,” GOP “strategist” Karl Rove calls Gardner one of several superior GOP candidates running “energetic, nearly textbook-perfect campaigns.” He, too, ignores Gardner’s debt to the dope lobby.

Gardner gave an interview to a stoner publication, Marijuana Moment, and called  marijuana legalization a “significant success.”

Here’s what their “success” looks like, according to the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) program:

  • Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths in which drivers tested positive for marijuana increased 109 percent while all Colorado traffic deaths increased 31 percent.
  • The yearly number of emergency department visits related to marijuana increased 54 percent after the legalization of recreational marijuana (2013 compared to 2017).
  • Seizures of Colorado marijuana in the U.S. mail system has increased 1,042 percent from an average of 52 parcels (2009-2012) to an average of 594 parcels (2013-2017) during the time recreational marijuana has been legal.

The argument was that legal dope would replace black market activity. But an investigation by public broadcasting found strong evidence of Colorado marijuana products “being exported to other states,” with law enforcement trying “to keep up with the burgeoning black market.”

If Gardner and the RINOS win, it’s because Trump will pull them across the finish line after they decided to vote for Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The “Trump Effect” is their only hope.

Judge Barrett Is the Answer to Ginsburg’s Legacy of Death

By Cliff Kincaid

The late Howard Phillips, chairman of the Conservative Caucus, opposed the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a former general counsel for the ACLU, to the Supreme Court. “Instead of defending the humanity and divinely imparted right to life of pre-born children,” Howard Phillips had warned, “she would simply be another vote for the proposition that our unborn children are less than human and that their lives may be snuffed out without due process of law, and with impunity.”

“Today, we fight for her legacy,” says Democratic Party Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

By any objective assessment, a big part of her legacy was continuing abortion on demand, which has now taken 60 million unborn lives since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. “RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws,” said Rep. Doug Collins, who is also a military chaplain.

But only three Republican Senators voted to oppose the confirmation of this pro-abortion radical back in 1993. The three Senators, in that 96-3 vote, were Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Don Nickles (R-OK), and Bob Smith (R-NH).

Helms called her “a pleasant, intellectual liberal” but denounced her “outrageously simplistic and callous position” in favor of abortion and against the sanctity of human life. He said she spoke of “no qualification whatsoever” in support of abortion, saying it was a matter of “personal autonomy” and “the right to be let alone and to make basic decisions about one’s life’s course.”Helms went on, “Why…in the name of God did someone not ask, ‘But Mrs. Ginsburg, what about the unborn innocent and helpless child’s right to be left alone, that child who is about to be destroyed because of specious reasoning by people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg?’”

Her service to the abortion industry has been ignored by many commentators, including some on Fox News, who want to honor her personal career choices as a feminist. It’s truly terrible that she went through a disease. But she lived a long life and it’s also apparent that she tried to hang on to her seat on the Court for political reasons. She despised Trump.

Her long career stands in contrast to the unborn lives, mostly female, that were snuffed out by abortionists in a painful procedure that she personally sanctioned.

Worldwide, thanks to Ginsburg and others, the U.S. is third in abortions, behind Russia with 218 million and China with 401 million. Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2019, killing 42 million.

The late Phyllis Schlafly noted that Ginsburg was so extreme that she even wanted to write taxpayer funding of abortion into the Constitution.

Ginsburg also found another “right” that was in reality nowhere in the Constitution – gay marriage. Helms saw this coming, too, when he said that Ginsburg during her confirmation hearing that she was “likely to uphold the homosexual agenda.”

But it was mostly left to conservative leaders like Howard Phillips and Phyllis Schlafly — not Senate Republicans — to raise these concerns.

Looking at her confirmation hearing, Phyllis Schlafly asked, “How does it happen that a Supreme Court nominee whose only experience in private law practice was seven years as general counsel to the ACLU came to be praised by almost everyone as a ‘moderate’ and a ‘centrist’”? She answered, “My theory is: This just proves how easily men are fooled by a skirt. They deduced that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is ‘moderate’ because she isn’t a loud-mouthed, frizzy-haired, bra-burning, street demonstrator.”

The failure to recognize the danger of her nomination and legacy is relevant to what the Senate will do as President Trump nominates a successor. The propaganda barrage against the Republicans for moving ahead with Ginsburg’s replacement has already begun. Phillips and Schlafly have passed away, to be replaced by establishment conservative organizations like the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation to recommend judicial nominations.

Will they endorse a strong pick like Judge Barrett? Or will go for some “moderate” nomination, arguing this is the only way to get someone confirmed?

But Amy Coney Barrett was already confirmed by the Senate in a 55-43 vote to be a United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit. That means the vetting process can be shortened considerably. What’s more, Republican Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted for her. So did Democrats Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Tim Kaine of Virginia, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

It’s true that Barrett came under attack by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein because she is a faithful Catholic. But this is the kind of fight Republicans should welcome. It would be interesting to watch the “Catholic” Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden oppose Barrett’s nomination.

For conservatives, Barrett is a woman who could serve as a real role model, in direct contrast to the radical feminism and ACLU activism that Ruth Bader Ginsburg will always be remembered for. This fight will offer the public an alternative to the notion that Ginsburg represents American women.

The oldest of seven children, Barrett and her husband, Jesse, a former federal prosecutor, have seven children, including two adopted Haitian children.

In a story about her life in Louisiana, a local paper noted that “her former New Orleans high school, St. Mary’s Dominican High School, named her their alumna of the year, recognizing Barrett ‘as a woman who instills Christian moral values while urging the practice of ethical behaviors as demonstrated through her dedication to family, public service or career.’”

One can anticipate Barrett being attacked by bigots opposed to her Christianity. For example, she will be attacked for her affiliation with People of Praise, described as a “tight-knit group” of conservative Christians.

Fox News, which was recently caught censoring a discussion of the role of billionaire George Soros in violent crime, ran a story about how Barrett had been “criticized” for her ties to the group when she was nominated by Trump for the Seventh Circuit. But it was the New York Times that led the criticism of Barrett based on her Christianity.

In terms of liberal and left-wing advocacy groups, the so-called Alliance for Justice will lead the opposition. the AFJ has received funding from the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation associated with billionaire investor Warren Buffett and his family, and  the Open Society Foundations associated with atheist George Soros.

Intervening in the unfolding contest, as if he’s the real presidential nominee, former president Barack Hussein Obama says Ginsburg “was a warrior for gender equality —  someone who believed that equal justice under law only had meaning if it applied to every single American.”

But as Howard Phillips testified, her belief in “the extinguishment of innocent unborn human lives, without due process of law,” was not only inconsistent with “the plain language of the Constitution” but with “the revulsion toward abortion which prevailed at the time when our Constitution was drafted and ratified.”

The issue is straight forward and simple: does the Constitution protect our God-given right to life? Ginsburg was on the wrong side of this fundamental question.She did not in fact, believe the Constitution applied to “every single American.”

After 60 million abortions, it’s time to put human life in perspective in contemplating the legacy of “the legendary RBG.” In terms of killing, abortion makes coronavirus look mild by comparison. The abortion industry has spawned serial killers such as abortionist Kermit Gosnell and is so powerful that pro-life citizen journalists like David Daleiden have been investigated and prosecuted by politicians such as Kamala Harris for exposing the sale of aborted baby parts.

Perhaps in the afterlife, Ginsburg will be held accountable for the pain and suffering she inflicted on the innocent unborn. In the meantime, the Court needs a Christian judge willing to be guided by moral values. The choice is clear.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Should the Nation Mourn Ginsburg?

By Cliff Kincaid

The New York Times headline, “As Nation Mourns Ginsburg, Trump Vows Nomination,” has two distortions. First, while many people are sorry to see her passing, the expression of deep sorrow is not something pro-life people would feel about someone whose rulings denied the humanity of the unborn. Second, the Times’ contrast of the “mourning” for Ginsburg with Trump’s vow to nominate a successor is designed to convey the notion that Trump is hard-hearted. But one could argue that “women’s rights,” as taken to an extreme by Ginsburg and other feminists, has been used to sanction the deliberate and savage murder of a human being.

Trump issued a “Proclamation on the Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg” and visited the Supreme Court to pay respects. But Senator Jesse Helms called her “callous” toward the unborn when she was up for a confirmation vote in 1993. His warning wasn’t taken seriously by most fellow Senators. Indeed, he was one of only three to vote against her confirmation. Since then, 30 million abortions have taken place, making a total of more than 60 million since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973.

Ginsburg, known as RBG, is being promoted by the Times as a cult figure, as a result of fighting sexist bias when she was on her career path.She did achieve her dream. The problem is that she denied the American dream to millions of Americans. Many cannot excuse or forgive her.

In her book, The Supremacists, Phyllis Schlafly noted that Ginsburg even endorsed funding of abortions as a constitutional right. That was too extreme for the Supreme Court, which rejected that idea in the 1980 decision, Harris v. McRae.

A major tragedy in the career of Ginsburg is her failure to understand the religious principles that she claimed to be following.

Liberal Fox News commentator Leslie Marshall said that Ginsburg, who was Jewish, “died on one of the holiest days in Judaism, Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. One of the themes of the holiday suggests that very righteous people would die at the end of the year because they were needed until the very end.”

But Thomas Jacobson of the Global Life Campaign notes that while Ginsburg quoted the Torah on the duty to do justice, she contradicted the Torah by supporting “the innocent bloodshed of babies in the womb, violating the justice requirements of the Law of God and the U.S. Constitution.” He added, “In God’s eyes, our greatest national sin may be the innocent bloodshed of more than 61.3 million babies. Can you imagine standing before the Creator, Lawgiver, and Judge of the world and being held to account in part for that? It is our prayer that she did repent before her death, and received mercy and forgiveness from Jesus Christ.”

Randy Engel, the traditionalist Catholic writer and founder and director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, said, “One can always pray for her immortal soul and wish her the same merciful judgement that we all desire from God at our own death. However, I believe that judgement will likely be tempered by the ritual lack of mercy she showed to the millions of unborn children who met their untimely death under Roe v. Wade which Ginsburg faithfully worshipped.”

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, of course, won’t be commenting directly on the Roe v. Wade decision which led to their deaths. The ruling will be treated as a “precedent” of the Court that a judge must address objectively. Yet, a recorded conversation with possible Trump nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett about raising a family and adopting children makes the pro-life case. “What greater thing can you do than raise children?” she says. “That’s where you have your greatest impact in the world.”

A campaign has already been started to portray Barrett as a religious zealot with too many children and too devoted to “Catholic values.”As if that wasn’t enough, the media have “discovered” she belongs to a Christian group, and this has now become a “scandal.”

While commentators praise Ginsburg for her Jewish faith, Christian judges like Barrett,  a Notre Dame Law School alumna and member of the Law School’s faculty since 2002, are being opposed for having pro-life tendencies and favoring adoption over abortion.

Francis Boyle, a law professor at the University of Illinois, goes further, asking, “Has Barrett taken any kind of pledge that’s relevant to her being on the Court? She is being positioned for the Supreme Court to do a job and overturning Roe v. Wade will be part of it.”

He says that when he interviewed with Notre Dame Law School, which describes itself as the nation’s oldest Roman Catholic law school, he was told by the dean that law professors took a required pledge that they had to conduct themselves consistent with Catholic values, “which I took to mean I would not teach, write or advocate in favor of abortion rights.”

But even belonging to a pro-life group is grounds for suspicion. In 2018, Senator Kamala Harris, now the Democratic Party vice-presidential nominee, questioned whether Brian C. Buescher should be seated as a federal district judge because he was a member of the pro-life Catholic group the Knights of Columbus. (He was confirmed 51-40).

“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion,” the Catholic Catechism declares. “This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”

Harris’ running mate, Joseph Biden, claims to be Catholic but was denied communion at a Catholic church in South Carolina over his pro-abortion stance. The 2020 Democratic Party platform declares they believe in “safe and legal abortion” and full federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. It was founded by Margaret Sanger, a revolutionary socialist and anti-Christian activist who favored government programs to eliminate what she called “human weeds.”

Father James Altman, pastor of St. James the Less Catholic Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin, comments, “You cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat. Period. Their party platform absolutely is against everything the Catholic Church teaches. So just stop pretending that you’re Catholic and vote Democrat.  Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell.”

The Altman video, in which he seems to suggest that Catholics who vote Democrat will go to hell, has gone viral.

His popularity with traditional Catholics suggests that attacks on Barrett’s Catholic faith, if she is the nominee, may backfire and drive more Catholics who take their faith seriously into the arms of President Trump.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Make Unborn Babies Great Again

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump said on Monday that he would nominate a justice with “high moral values.” That means someone who believes in the humanity of the innocent unborn. That means someone who is the exact opposite of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the fundamental issue of our time.

There was a time when slavery was the moral issue of our time. The U.S. fought a civil war over ending slavery, even though the Marxist Black Lives Matter is trying to keep a racial civil war going for partisan political purposes.  But BLM has moved on, too. This Marxist group wants to destroy the nuclear family, a process that accelerated with Roe v. Wade in 1973 and was upheld by Ginsburg on several occasions. That decision has left 60 million dead. This is a form of slavery that has made unborn babies into the property of others, subject to whims about when and if they live, or die.

“Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves,” President Ronald Reagan said. “Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide.”

“While we did not agree with many of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s views about the Constitution or the judicial function, we never doubted her industry, dedication, gumption, civility, or patriotism,” said the “conservative” editors of National Review. But it wasn’t patriotic to favor slavery and it is not patriotic to favor the genocide of the unborn.

Being a woman with children and grandchildren, Ginsburg had a special responsibility to recognize and uplift the function of motherhood. Instead, she presided over the buildup of the machinery of death, otherwise known as the abortion industry. The financial power of this industry is what drives the modern Democratic Party and the opposition to Trump.

Stephan Richter, Editor-in-Chief of the Globalist, quoted Ginsburg as saying, “My heritage as a Jew and my occupation as a judge fit together symmetrically. The demand for justice runs through the entirety of Jewish history and Jewish tradition.” He commented, “No single Jew in the US in recent decades spoke so eloquently — and did so much to promote equality for all Americans as she did.”

She didn’t believe in equal rights under the law for the innocent unborn.

She was so pro-abortion that even during her confirmation hearings she refused to recognize the humanity of the unborn. For that reason, Senator Jesse Helms called her “callous.” But he was one of only three Senators to vote against her.

Since that time, 30 million innocent babies – out of that total of 60 million – have died, some through partial birth abortion. In this procedure, the skull is crushed or a vacuum issued to remove and empty the brain. Millionaire abortionist doctor Kermit Gosnell, who was subsequently convicted on murder charges and sentenced to life in prison, would slit the spinal cords of babies he deliberately aborted and kill them outside the womb.

Ginsburg was an example to young women, and a very bad example. She established a legal career that brought fame and fortune to herself but led women to believe that they had property rights over the unborn babies within them, and that they alone could decide their fate.

Now we face the prospect of some Republican Senators, in particular Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, opposing a quick vote on Ginsburg’s successor. This is what happens when women are conditioned to believe that unborn human beings are to be sacrificed on the demonic altar of abortion on demand. We can only hope they watch Abby Johnson’s remarks at the Republican National Convention, regarding how she left Planned Parenthood and became a pro-life activist. She now runs the group, “And Then There Were None,” to get people out of the abortion business. The movie “Unplanned” tells her story.

Women in particular should be in the forefront of the motherhood movement, dedicated to the proposition that all lives matter and all lives are created equal. But the radical feminism that can be found in the writings of Ginsburg has been transformed into a cult following over a women’s so-called “right” to control her own body even when that “right” affects another body and the life of another human being. It is a sickness, reminiscent of a form of child sacrifice common during the pagan era of Moloch worship. The Democratic National Convention of 2016 actually featured a woman boasting of her abortion. The crowd cheered. This is the modern-day Cult of Moloch.

Democrats for Life took out a full-page ad in the New York Times on Sunday “challenging the party’s extreme drift on abortion.” It took the form of a letter to the Democratic National Committee signed by more than 100 current and former elected Democrats urging Joe Biden and the Party to moderate its position on abortion.

Faced with the overwhelming evidence that abortion is a crime against humanity, literally, that has cost the lives of 1 billion people, the “conservatives” at National Review publish pablum about Ginsburg’s “patriotism” and others speak of her “values.” We are told repeatedly that she was a friend of the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

Let’s hope Scalia tried to educate Ginsburg about what real “values” mean. He had an obligation to do so.

When the Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, he said we were experiencing a “judicial Putsch,” or secret power grab. Similar to the abortion ruling, Scalia said this was not only the creation of a “right” that does not exist, but a decision that depends on public ignorance about what is really taking place.  It is our system of checks and balances and self-rule that has been undermined, he said.

The Court has been destroying the Christian foundations of our culture. And now, with President Trump promising a nominee guided by “moral values,” the left-wing legal and media establishment is crying foul and some are worried that real progress toward equal rights under the law can truly be made.

Trump said on Monday that his nominee would “abide by the Constitution” and she should be a “good person” with “very, very high moral values.”

Trump has made some serious mistakes in his presidency, certainly in the area of personnel decisions, but it looks like he is on the right track with his forthcoming Supreme Court nominee.

People are motivated. For Christians, the yard signs and banners, “Jesus is Pro-Life,” and “Unborn Lives Matter, “are increasingly popular. Another popular slogan, borrowed from one of the president’s signature lines, is, “Make Unborn Babies Great Again.”

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump’s Promise to “Fill That Seat” Excites Conservatives

By Cliff Kincaid

The “conservative” who vouched for the honesty and professionalism of Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller has recommended that President Trump NOT appoint a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the election. Fortunately, Trump is ignoring the advice from former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

In a piece for National Review and Fox News, McCarthy called on Trump to refrain from nominating a replacement and instead use the vacancy as an issue in his campaign for president. He said “…the fact that the president has the power to name a replacement for Justice Ginsburg and that Republicans have a majority to get the nomination approved does not necessarily mean that that’s the smart play.”

McCarthy was trying to play the role of “smart” guy – smarter than Trump. It wasn’t convincing.

Trump has wisely rejected this approach, and indicates he will nominate a replacement in the next few days.

McCarthy is the writer who said Robert Mueller was a fine choice as Russia-gate prosecutor. He said, “Bob Mueller is a widely respected former prosecutor, U.S. attorney, high-ranking Justice Department official, and FBI director. He is highly regarded by both parties…He is a straight shooter, by the book, and studiously devoid of flash.”

How did that turn out? McCarthy later changed course, admitting Mueller’s probe was political and designed to destroy Trump. In fact, McCarthy wrote a book about the bad job Mueller did.

McCarthy was wrong about Mueller and he’s wrong about replacing Ginsburg. He is a weak and timid advocate for conservative values.

McCarthy wagered “that a determined Republican effort to replace Ginsburg in the coming weeks would increase the chance that Biden defeats Trump, and that Democrats take the Senate while holding the House. If that happens, Democrats will repeal the filibuster, add four to six seats to the Supreme Court, and pack it with liberal ideologues. Whatever benefit will have been achieved by confirming a Trump nominee will be overwhelmed.”

He argued that, “The best play, particularly if Republicans lack the Senate votes they need anyway, would be to use the vacancy as a core issue in the 2020 campaign.”

It’s hard to know if Republicans have the votes to confirm a replacement. They have a 53-47 margin. If they lose some Republicans, perhaps some Democrats will come over to their side.  If they fail, at least they’ve tried. If they fail, Republican voters will know that Trump tried and that he was betrayed.

But at least Trump would have tried, and this is the course he’s chosen. That means he will nominate a replacement and we will have a hearing in which the real “legacy” of abortion of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be exposed for all to see.

This is more bad advice from Andrew McCarthy, a major writer for conservative publications and a regular on Fox News. He has steered us down the wrong path before.

It appears that after he wrote this column, things changed, and it was updated. It now ends with this: “For now, President Trump is signaling (by tweet) that he intends in short order to announce a nominee to fill the vacancy left by Justice Ginsburg’s passing, and that he will push for Senate consideration. There is a good chance that he won’t get Senate consideration before the election . . . but that the nomination of a solid prospective justice, and the inevitable comparison of the kinds of jurists a Biden administration would appoint, will help the president’s reelection bid.”

So suddenly McCarthy changes from advising Trump to wait on a nomination to admitting that a replacement would “help” the president. This will have to go down as a major flip-flop in the history of policy reversals.

It was “emended,” which means to make corrections and clarifications.

What happened is that McCarthy was trying to guide the process and was completely ignored, so he changed gears.

Now we will be facing an endless series of articles about why Trump should have waited, and why his nominee may go down to defeat anyway. But by making this an issue of right to life versus the culture of death, Trump will win no matter what. It is a fight that has to take place. With more than 60 million abortions already in America since Roe v. Wade in 1973, Americas needs a “reckoning”on the matter of the meaning of life.

All lives matter. This is a real social justice issue.

The death of Ginsburg has made the sanctity of life into THE issue of the 2020 presidential campaign. Trump has wisely seized it.

Here, too, McCarthy misses the point, saying, “For all the Democrats’ hysteria about the purportedly imminent reversal of Roe v. Wade (that never happens), every time a conservative is appointed, the fact is that Republican judicial nominees are forces of stability who favor judicial restraint, enabling Americans to determine democratically how they wish to live.”

He neglects to mention that Roe v. Wade terminated the ability of the American people to decide by inserting a “right” to abortion in U.S. law and the Constitution. It’s not “judicial restraint” to keep that “right” where it does not belong. Roe v. Wade must be overturned.

In short, there is no “right” to terminate the life of another human being. Why can’t a “conservative” like McCarthy state the obvious? And if human life is in jeopardy, why wait?

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Obama is the Power Behind the Biden Teleprompter

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump was accused of going too slow on a coronavirus response. Now he’s accused of going too fast. “Danger of rushing vaccine” screams the headline over the political gossip publication Axios, designed for elites in the Big Tech industry who don’t read too much but want to know what to say and who to censor. Meanwhile, the liberals in the media are in ecstasy over Barack Hussein’ Obama’s new book, A Promised Land.

Mike Allen of Axios says former Obama aides “tell me it’s worth the wait” and that “Obama is a graceful, thoughtful writer who cares about the words — and has two previous bestsellers, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope.”

You may remember that Dreams from My Father concealed the identity of Obama’s Marxist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and was reportedly ghost-written by former communist terrorist and professor Bill Ayers. Jack Cashill tells this story in his new book, Unmasking Obama.

You may also remember a column I wrote about Mike Allen’s conservative father, the great Gary Allen, who wrote a series of books exposing communist personalities and plots. Mike turned his back on his father’s work and has pursued a journalistic career of pandering to the rich, famous, and powerful. Gary Allen exposed people like Henry Kissinger. Mike Allen idolizes Obama.

Cashill’s book Unmasking Obama explains how conservative media and public interest groups worked to uncover and expose a series of Obama scandals, especially his communist ties but also his use of government power against his political enemies.  Hence, the subtitle is, “The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency.”

The print edition for the new Obama book, including two 16-page photo inserts, is $45. You can get Cashill’s book for about half the price and it will fill in the gaps in public knowledge of America’s first Marxist president.

Obama is still important, not only because he’s hawking a new book, but because he’s the power behind the Joe Biden candidacy.

While conservatives note the references by Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris to a planned “Harris Administration,” a Joe Biden victory will in reality be another Obama Administration, a third term for our 44th president. Anybody who gets Democratic Party email messages about the election understands that Obama is the fundraising hook or ploy in most of them. Biden can’t motivate the left, but Obama can.

The latest such message, entitled, “President Obama believes. We do too,” comes from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State. In effect, Obama is raising funds for a presidency that will feature Obama, rather than Biden, as the president, and Harris will continue to function in a subsidiary role. Obama is not going away and is the real power behind the Biden teleprompter.

In effect, the race is between Trump and Obama – not “Sleepy Joe.” Biden’s foreign policy advisers once worked for Obama and gave us the carnage in places like Syria. They are agitating for another Middle East war.

This is not to say that Kamala Harris doesn’t have a legislative agenda. In fact, she is the sponsor of a Senate marijuana legalization bill, the MORE Act, that has a House counterpart that will be voted on shortly. A coalition of thirty groups has just sent a letter in opposition to the MORE Act to House leadership.

Harris says dope brings joy to people. But studies and experts note its addictive qualities. The drug lowers I.Q. and can reduce young people to the level of Antifa thugs acting like cannon fodder for the revolution. Perhaps this is the plan.

In any case, expect the major media, including the outlets like Axios, to ignore all of this, and cheer for legalization of the drug. Many probably “enjoy” the drug themselves. Perhaps this addiction helps explain their fawning coverage of Obama.

Many Republicans ignore the damage caused by the pro-marijuana movement, largely funded by George Soros, because one of their own, Senator Cory Gardner, is running for reelection in Colorado. He is what drug expert David Evans calls a “pot whore” for the marijuana industry, which is exporting the drug nationwide. Marijuana smuggling from Colorado has become a national scandal but Gardner continues to promote the deadly business. He should have stepped aside for a more conservative candidate and is going down to defeat, possibly costing the Republicans their Senate majority.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer apologized for calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy,” a nickname from Trump, but Cramer and Pelosi are both crazy because they promote dope as a legitimate business. Pelosi even claimed dope was a treatment for coronavirus. A study found 68 references in a Pelosi coronavirus relief bill to promoting marijuana.

Perhaps Obama’s “Promised Land” is one of free dope. His presidential pro-marijuana policies, carried out by his Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department, may have stemmed from his own history of heavy marijuana and cocaine use. His mentor Communist Frank Marshall Davis used drugs and produced pornography, among other nefarious activities.

Obama prefers Harris over Biden but will campaign for a Biden victory in November because he knows Biden is an empty suit and that Harris will be his puppet. It will be reminiscent of the dark days when Obama became a pawn of Communist Frank Marshall Davis but had to conceal the role of his puppet master, with the support of the media, as he took power.

After his second term was over, he rushed over to Beijing to confer behind closed doors with Chinese dictator Xi, in what the British Guardian called a meeting of “veteran cadres.”

Promised Land, huh?

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

When We Had a CIA That Worked for America

By Cliff Kincaid

The left-wing Soros-funded National Security Archive has released some documents about the CIA’s good old days, when the agency had anti-communists on its staff and they responded to the orders of a duly elected resident. The documents concern the overthrow of the communist president of Chile in 1973.

Chile was once run by an associate of Fidel Castro. Today, there is a narco-terrorist communist regime in Venezuela and the CIA can’t seem to do anything about it.

The National Security Archive is outraged, of course, by the documents it highlighted on the 50th anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s September 15, 1970,order to overthrow the communist Chilean President Salvador Allende. But I find this document refreshing. “1 in 10 chance, perhaps, but save Chile,” ordered Nixon.

In this case, officials did the right thing, carrying out the president’s orders to thwart the communist advance in South America.  “Not concerned [about] risks involved,” wrote CIA director Richard Helms about the president’s orders and policy. It was successful.

The National Security Archive receives millions of dollars from left-wing foundations, including the Soros-funded Open Society Institute, but also gets money from Dow Jones and the New York Times.It frets that Nixon had “demanded regime change in the South American nation that had become the first in the world to freely elect a Socialist candidate.”

Socialist? He was a Castro puppet. And he seized power with only 36 percent of the vote.

It’s a “Full time job — best men we have,” Nixon had said, arguing for a sustained effort to stop communism in Chile. “Make the economy scream.”  The CIA didn’t have to work too hard. The people didn’t want communism and turned out in the streets to protest. The military responded with a coup against Allende and General Augusto Pinochet took power.

Faced with a popular rebellion against his communist policies, Allende shot himself with an AK-47 assault rifle given to him by Castro.

Pinochet saved Chile from communism, and presided over a transition to a free market economy that produced the greatest prosperity in Chilean history. He led a revolution in Chile that by communist standards was virtually bloodless. Some 3,000 people were killed by the military when they overthrew Salvador Allende. By contrast, in Russia and China, millions were slaughtered.

Pinochet stepped down from power voluntarily and preserved freedom in Chile.

But the Communists and their friends could not forgive Pinochet for saving Chile from communism. A renegade left-wing Spanish prosecutor tried to have Pinochet prosecuted for human rights violations when he visited London for medical treatment.

Consider the CIA today, in regard to Venezuela’s Allende, the late Hugo Chavez, who was succeeded by Nicolás Maduro. President Trump’s proposed replacement, Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido, is another socialist. His Popular Will party is a “progressive” party and a member of the Socialist International. He doesn’t inspire much confidence.

With years to plan Maduro’s demise, but crippled under Barack Hussein Obama, the CIA is in such bad shape they can’t or won’t replace one socialist with another. Guaido, the speaker of the National Assembly, is still on the outside looking in, wondering why the CIA is so incompetent and clamoring for more economic sanctions on the regime. But they haven’t been enough to generate “regime change.”

If any country was ripe for an anti-communist revolution, it is Venezuela. But the CIA can’t pull it off. President Trump should find out why.

Venezuela was once a major oil exporting nation but became an economic basket case under Chavez and Maduro. The regime is more of a national security problem than Iran and is believed to be running guns to terrorists and trafficking cocaine. Indeed, the Department of Justice in March indicted Maduro and other officials, along with two Colombia terrorist leaders, on drug and other charges.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said Maduro and the other defendants “expressly intended to flood the United States with cocaine in order to undermine the health and well being of our nation.”

It’s great for President Trump to be presiding over peace in the Middle East, but what about the security threat a few thousand miles south of our border in Venezuela?

Former CIA officer Brian Latell, author of Castro’s Secrets,once revealed that Hugo Chavez and/or his brother Adan were likely recruited by Castro’s intelligence service and that the Venezuelan intelligence service operates as an “adjunct” of the Cuban DGI.

Yet, current and former CIA officials seem more concerned about Trump. Former CIA officials Michael Morell, Michael Hayden and Philip Mudd all denounced Trump before he took office. Former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin ran against him as an independent presidential candidate.

Obama’s director of the CIA was John Brennan, who voted for the Communist Party (CPUSA) ticket when he was in college but was hired by the CIA anyway and quickly rose through the ranks. He is implicated in the Deep State effort to destroy the Trump presidency.

The disclosures from the National Security Archive remind us of the days when the CIA destabilized communist regimes. Our own anti-communist Trump presidency seems to be their number one target these days. They seem to want to install a socialist regime in Washington, D.C.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Why You Should Cast a Vote Against the Media

By Cliff Kincaid

In comments reminiscent of Hillary’s “deplorables” remark about Trump voters in 2016, a major media figure has gone nuts over those who refuse to buy into the left-wing narratives about climate change, race war, forced vaccinations, and other items on the agenda of Biden for president.

In a newsletter actually headlined, “A screaming, spreading wake-up call,” Jim VandeHei of Axios exhibited a bizarre display of ranting and raving in print against ordinary Americans who support Trump and refuse to believe left-wing drivel about current events. He went through the roof in anger and screamed that they are “refusing to believe scientists or experts about factual news, coronavirus prevention, global warming, vaccines and established truth.”

He added, “Think about the number of educated people in your own life who share fake stories or believe B.S.”

In apocalyptic terror, he proclaimed, “It’s as if God or the galaxy, or whatever you believe in, are screaming for politicians and the public to pop our bubbles and pay attention —  and believe our eyes.”

This temper tantrum was actually distributed by Axios to subscribers to its newsletter. It’s clear VandeHei believes only in himself, as a self-proclaimed arbiter of knowledge and truth. In short, he’s an arrogant elitist. This is typical of our media today.

My reaction to this meltdown, as an analyst and critic of the media for over 40 years, is that VandeHei is one of the prominent people who share those fake stories and the B.S. I’ve seen it all before. He is one of those who excuse the Deep State’s vendetta against Trump. Rather than reason and argue with people, he thinks the voters should just accept whatever the media elites are promoting at the time. Those days are over.

By way of background, you may have noticed that we are in the home stretch to November 3 and the media are increasingly concerned that everything they throw at President Donald J. Trump is not sticking. Even when Trump makes a mistake, such as the interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, most people ignore the faux pas and move on. As a result, billionaire Mike Bloomberg has just committed at least $100 million to Joe Biden in Florida alone. Expect George Soros to also intervene monetarily.

They are worried that Trump voters are standing with the president and swing voters perceive that the mentally frail Joe Biden is not up to the job and that he will be a puppet of radical socialists who will undermine the economic recovery.

These voters understand that while Trump has flaws, he is vastly superior to a rapidly fading front man for the socialist left with obvious mental deficiencies who is inclined, based on advisers’ comments, to get the U.S. into another war.

In the middle of this massive medical cover-up for Joe Biden, Jim VandeHei of  Axios has decided to scream and yell at the American people. They have lost their minds in  a panic over the prospect that Trump will win.

A former reporter for the Washington Post who is now CEO of Axios, a corporate-funded publication, VandeHei writes in such a way as to appeal to America’s elites by treating the common man as an ignoramus.  The corporate-funded outlet went for federal bailout loans during coronavirus but then under fire decided to accept dark money from unseen entities.

One of his alarmist claims is that there is a “racial reckoning” in America “after literally decades of warnings about needed policing and economic reforms.” In other words, despite the trillions spent in a failed “war on poverty,” we need a central government that will spend more, including reparations, to settle down those rioting in the cities and threatening to take their violence into the suburbs.

VandeHei accepts the narrative that the protests and riots over the death of George Floyd, a heavy drug abuser who died after resisting arrest, are legitimate. He deliberately ignores the Marxist and occult roots of Black Lives Matter. Of course, he has to maintain this stance out of respect for the “diversity and inclusion” nonsense. Otherwise, he would, as a white man, be accused of “white privilege” and have to resign.

On so-called “global warming,” an article of faith for those with New Age beliefs, he says “It’s nearly impossible to find a scientist who doesn’t agree that a warming planet has contributed to the wildfires destroying big slices of California, Oregon and Washington.” Here, he ignores the arrests of arsonists and the documented evidence of forest mismanagement by state and local officials.  The “global warming” theory — that rising temperatures have somehow “contributed” to fires — is designed for the liberal politicians such as California Governor Gavin Newsom to excuse their own incompetence.

If we followed his advice, America’s energy independence – achieved under Trump – would be sacrificed on the altar of the Green New Deal. And the forests would continue to burn while homeowners go without power.

He has a throw-away line about believing in vaccines, when people are understandably wary of vaccines that have proven side-effects and benefit Big Pharma benefactors of Axios. He seems ignorant of the flu vaccine that was withdrawn after injuring people. He doesn’t remember the rotavirus vaccine that killed kids. Or the HIV/AIDS vaccine that wasted billions and never arrived.

Finally, VandeHei seizes on a legitimate issue, “a fast-rising China,” explaining that “China grows bigger and more powerful, most recently seizing control of Hong Kong and trying to buy allies at U.S. expense.” He then quotes from the New York Times to the effect that dictator Xi Jinping said that China’s progress in fighting the virus, including reopening schools, has “fully demonstrated the clear superiority of Communist Party leadership and our socialist system.”

Not a word about the origins of the virus in China and the mounting evidence that it was man-made.

If the use of the quotation from the Times is meant to suggest that Xi is right that the Chinese system is superior, then VandeHei is an apologist for tyranny and even more of a dangerous fool than the previous examples suggest. He has to know that, rather than being a top-down system, America has federal, state and local governments, all of which have played a role in containing the impact of the China virus. It may not be as “efficient” as a dictatorship but it is a system that incorporates the will of the people through their elected governments at all levels. Here, people can protest. In China, protesters are imprisoned or shot.

People are not buying the media line that “peaceful protests” involving black and white communists are acceptable and that Trump rallies violate the law and should be banned. 

For me, and most people, the American system, as imperfect as it is, is preferable to China’s.

On the issue of the China virus, the Axios newsletter began with a quote from Anthony Fauci on left-wing MSNBC about not returning to normal until 2021. This is presented as Gospel. At least we know what cable channel Axios editors are watching for their “news.” The public understands that Fauci has lost all of his credibility on the matter of coronavirus because of his flip-flops on such matters as human-to-human conduct and the usefulness of masks. They don’t take Fauci seriously anymore. The media use him to bash Trump.

The “screaming, spreading wake-up call” from VandeHei is instead a wake-up call for the American people, so they can once again get an appreciation of the true nature of the corrupt “news” media. The media are angry that more and more people choose not to pay any attention to them. They remain silent or even encourage efforts by Big Tech to censor Trump voters and Trump himself. But on the ground, at least in my area, I see many “Trump” signs and bumper stickers and none asking for a vote for Biden.

Meanwhile, Trump boat and auto parades with big “Trump” banners and American flags are taking place all over.

VandeHei says open your eyes. We have. He hasn’t. Perhaps his mask is hiding reality.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI

By Cliff Kincaid

Ignoring the nearly 200,000 deaths from the China virus, Conrad Black wrote, “Trump Has Had a Historically Great First Term,” for a website called “American Greatness.” This treatment of President Trump’s first term comes from someone pardoned by Trump for financial fraud. (The case for a pardon was supported by individuals as diverse as Henry Kissinger and Rush Limbaugh). Black wrote a pro-Trump book, Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other.

Despite several domestic and foreign policy successes, including breakthroughs for Middle East peace, Trump’s first term has been tainted. Some setbacks can be blamed on the Deep State, the Democrats and communist revolutionaries in the streets. But that still leaves the China virus. By any objective measure, the China virus is more deadly than the Islamic terrorists responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and the post-9/11 anthrax attacks.

One can argue this is China’s fault. But the China virus occurred on Trump’s watch. It is a major blot on his record. He will forever be remembered as the president in office when the China virus was unleashed on America and the world.

At the same time, one can argue that his 2020 presidential opponent Joe Biden has no clue as to what’s going on, and that Trump, despite his faults, is better than the alternative. But claiming Trump has had a “great” first term on a website on “American greatness” is just wrong.

Black also claims that Richard Nixon, who was forced from office in scandal, had a great first term, for “ending the constant recent anti-war rioting, skyjackings, and assassinations he inherited, withdrawing the United States from Vietnam while conserving a non-Communist government in Saigon, opening relations with China, signing the greatest arms control agreement in world history, starting the de-escalation of the Cold War, ending segregation and the draft, founding the Environmental Protection Agency, and beginning a Middle Eastern peace process.”

I’m not sure what he’s claiming in regard to peace in the Middle East. Israel has fought its enemies and won, but the nation’s survival is still at risk from various Islamic regimes in the region, several backed by Russia.Here, Trump deserves credit for withdrawing then U.S. from the Syrian quagmire and facilitating normal diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain.

Black praises Nixon for “opening relations with China” when that deal, arranged by Henry Kissinger, has clearly backfired. And “withdrawing the United States from Vietnam” was a precursor to the takeover of South Vietnam by the Communists, producing hundreds of thousands of boat people and the genocide in Cambodia.  Nixon’s EPA became a weapon in the hands of radical environmentalists. Trump has wisely cut back on the EPA’s heavy-handed regulation of American business.

Regarding Trump, Black says he “has recognized and gained international support for containment of the geopolitical challenge of China,” but that seems to be a little too late. Trump would have been better-advised to mount a bioterrorism defense against China before the China virus was unleashed. Instead, Trump saw the competition with China as economic and financial in nature. That was part of the China challenge, but now we know it was not the main part. We are likely to discover that China used research funded by the National Institutes of Health to manufacture COVID-19. This is a scandal involving the Medical Deep State.

To make matters worse, in the midst of this pandemic, he tells Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward that he played down the deadly nature of the virus.

When we look back on 2020, we will acknowledge, as we have after so many disasters, that the federal government was not prepared. Part of the reason was that the CIA and FBI were spending their time trying to destabilize the Trump presidency instead of preparing for war from China. These agencies are mostly useless for defending America from its foreign and domestic enemies. They did not understand Chinese communism.

Trump would be wise to advocate their abolition and replace them with a new and accountable structure. Their schemes almost cost him his presidency, and they can be assumed to be busy right now trying to elect Joe Biden.

Don’t forget that, prior to September 11, 2001, the Islamic al Qaeda terrorists were training on American soil, even using American planes to practice their attacks. The CIA and FBI didn’t notice until it was too late and nearly 3,000 people were dead.  The FBI still can’t admit that al Qaeda terrorists stole anthrax from a U.S. lab and sent it through the mail, killing five people, infecting others, and destroying the U.S. economy. The FBI blamed those attacks on a dead American scientist.

Nineteen years later, we still have little confidence in the CIA and FBI. And the cost of the American intelligence establishment has skyrocketed to $60 billion a year. But don’t worry. Under Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, a member of the gay Log Cabin Republicans, the agencies grew more friendly with the LGBTQ “community.” I still can’t see how any of this helps protect America from our enemies.

When the intelligence agencies fail us, the victims of 9/11 and the China virus pay the price. In the case of 9/11, our military was deployed to destroy the terrorist enemy in Afghanistan, and our soldiers are still there, 19 years later. Meanwhile, one head of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, was killed, to be replaced by another, the Egyptian Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is hiding somewhere, probably in Afghanistan, and perhaps being protected by the Russians.

Thousands of American soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and tens of thousands have been wounded, fighting for Muslims that don’t want our help. The cost is several trillion dollars.

We have an intelligence establishment that fails us, and when we are faced with yet another disaster on American soil, our soldiers are called upon to fight the enemy. They are still in Afghanistan 19 years later.

As we struggle to recover from the China virus, and the deaths keep accumulating, China seems to have the upper hand economically and even militarily. The very expensive military-industrial complex won’t save us, either. In fact, their policy of sending more of our soldiers overseas makes no sense at all.

Americans are sick of being betrayed. We are tired of our soldiers fighting abroad and coming home in caskets or as wounded warriors.

The first step in correcting the situation is recognizing the truth about what is happening to us. Our intelligence agencies are not serving the interests of the American people. Our nation is in dire peril.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

President Trump’s Self-Inflicted Wound Could be Fatal

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump gave interviews to Washington Post Watergate reporter Bob Woodward, who helped bring down another Republican president, Richard Nixon. What could go wrong?

Author and attorney John O’Connor comments, “Most tragedies result from hubris, and Trump thought he could schmooze Woodward, whereas Woodward was only intending to print the quotable negative stuff. Trump may have been great for many hours, but any lawyer knows that the opposition does not care about your good testimony, they care about the bad stuff, the mistakes. It was stupid.”

Trump would have been well-advised to read O’Connor’s book, Postgate, which looks at the roles played by a former top FBI official and the CIA in the scandal that brought down Nixon. The book probes the paper’s “strikingly deceptive partisan journalism,” while examining an alternative theory of why the Watergate break-in occurred.

As a former editor at Accuracy in Media, I worked with AIM founder Reed Irvine on the same topic, focusing on a special role played by the CIA in Watergate. At this late date, the real nature of the Watergate scandal is still unresolved.

Trump is now denouncing the new Woodward book, which he says he won’t read, but he should have proceeded with caution in the first place.

Although he is new to Washington, D.C., he should have known that Woodward has made millions writing books that make news because of the startling insider stories that Woodward seems to have a knack for digging up. In Trump’s case, he had Trump’s cooperation.

As Reed Irvine and I wrote at the time, Woodward once admitted that he uses sources, documents, and other means to “figure out” the truth. But his 1987 book, Veil, included an interview with William J. Casey, the CIA director, after Casey had brain surgery and could not speak intelligibly. His hospital room was guarded and Woodward was never admitted to it. Yet, Casey was supposed to have spoken 19 intelligible words in the interview.

Woodward didn’t have to “figure out” anything with Trump. The president granted him interviews.

In Watergate, Woodward and his partner Carl Bernstein had an anonymous “Deep Throat” source, believed by some to be Mark Felt, who was second in command of the FBI at the time. John O’Connor represented Felt and his book Postgate looks at his role.

Reed Irvine and I wrote a series of articles questioning whether Felt was in fact Deep Throat. We argued that Felt was not in a position to supply the information about Watergate that is attributed to Deep Throat in the Woodward/Bernstein book about the scandal. Our conclusion was that the key Watergate sources were somewhere else in the bureaucracy, probably the intelligence community.

Watergate was a template for what is now happening to Trump, and Trump fell into Woodward’s trap.

Using a “scandal” to oust Trump has not worked so far, and the Woodward book may only succeed in making more money for Woodward and his paper. But the interviews Trump gave to Woodward are a sad reminder that he has made some strange decisions that have come back to haunt him.

On the same day the juicy quotes came out, Trump announced some new possible nominations for the Supreme Court at a news conference where reporters pummeled him about the Woodward book.

Tragically, one of Trump’s two appointments, Neil Gorsuch, wrote a decision on LGBTQ “rights” in the Bostick case that makes a mockery of the rule of law and has demoralized conservatives everywhere. I was one of the few who wrote critically of his nomination, noting his membership in a liberal church, questionable testimony, and spotty record.

As I also noted in a previous column, “The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump,” Trump’s list of bad hires includes Neil Gorsuch, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Anthony Scaramucci, and John Bolton, among others. Still, Trump has survived all of them.

Postgate author John O’Conner and others are being featured in the new film, “Plot Against the President,” coming next month, about how the intelligence community targeted Trump in much the same way they may have brought down Nixon.

So far, Trump has survived. But based on the Woodward book and the quotes from Trump about avoiding coronavirus panic, including, “I wanted to always play it down,” the left is armed with another weapon. It is now raising the Watergate question about what Trump knew and when he knew it, regarding the contagious nature of the virus.

By telling Woodward he wanted to avoid panic, Trump has created more of it.  The death toll from the virus, after all, is approaching 200,000 in the U.S. alone, and Trump understands better than most that China bears criminal responsibility for releasing the disease on America and the world. This attack, which is continuing, is worse than 9/11.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The “Diabolical” China VirusIs Worse than 9/11

By Cliff Kincaid

A Wall Street Journal article about coronavirus carries the fascinating headline, “‘Really Diabolical’: Inside the Coronavirus That Outsmarted Science.” The subtitle is equally intriguing and says in part: “SARS-CoV-2 is a wily virus, with mysterious origins and a powerful ability to infect and spread…” But the authors spend most of their time trying, unsuccessfully, to trace the virus to a natural outbreak from bats.

They write, “Taken on its own terms, SARS-CoV-2 is the infectious disease success of the past 100 years. Almost unmatched in the annals of emerging human contagions, it has parlayed a few chance infections into a pandemic of around 27 million confirmed cases so far.”

Here, the death toll is approaching 200,000. Even if these figures are adjusted to reflect the fact that 94 percent of COVID-19 death cases had underlying poor health conditions, it’s more deaths from the China virus than 9/11. And it’s continuing to kill people.

Ironically, the China virus came from a country ruled by a regime that persecutes its own Muslims.

But our media do their best to protect the Red Chinese communist regime from its criminal complicity in what amounts to the use of a virus as a weapon of terror.

The authors of the Journal article do not pursue the obvious conclusion that the “diabolical origins” of coronavirus are in a Chinese lab and its “mysterious origins” are man-made. Instead, they say, “Initially, it was widely believed the virus made its home in bats, which harbor hundreds of different kinds of coronaviruses. But it ventured into new species.” That means it infected human beings, by accident we are led to believe.

One particular doctor is finally named, and he is said to have “shared his findings with experts from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, adding to a growing body of evidence that led China to confirm to the world that the virus was leaping from person to person.” The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is an official body that obviously didn’t do its job as advertised.

Notice the words, “experts,” “growing body of evidence,” and “led China to confirm.”

This is how modern-day journalism attempts to persuade you to accept conclusions that the virus is somehow naturally occurring. That’s what China wants you to believe. Unlike the Islamic perpetrators of 9/11 and the anthrax mailings, the Chinese want to avoid responsibility and retaliation for what they have done to the American people and the world.

The reference to “diabolical” is said to be from Peter Piot, the head of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and a co-discoverer of Ebola, who fell victim to the coronavirus himself in March. “This virus is really diabolical, it came like a thief in the night with an insatiable appetite for victims to devour,” he is quoted as saying.

It doesn’t sound like an ordinary coronavirus. Piot went on, “It behaves unlike any other virus. It spreads through our respiratory system because there are receptors in our noses and throats — but then it goes through your entire body: blood vessels, the heart, every organ could be targeted. It’s crazy.”

Crazy? Not when the origin of the virus is a communist country ruled by mass murderers. This is madness with a purpose.

The biographies of the two Journal reporters indicate they are highly-educated people who have graduated from the finest schools. The end of the article carries the notation: “The Wall Street Journal is examining the causes of the coronavirus catastrophe and the bungled response that followed.”

The bungled response includes the reporting.

For an explanation as to why reporters may be going soft on the Communist regime, consider a separate article in the Journal about how “Chinese authorities haven’t renewed expiring press credentials for at least five reporters working for U.S. media outlets…” and that one of them works for the Journal. For the time being, they are allowed “to continue working with their expired press credentials for now.”

The regime is waiting to see which publications tailor their content to suit the regime.

The real scandal, not covered in this Journal article, continues to be the source of the virus – and China’s role in spreading it. This is by far more important than whether to wear a mask, a subject on which people may differ.

The readers of the article saw through it. One commented, “Mysterious origins? Not a chance. The only winner from COVID appears to be China. Without any use of force, they silenced the Hong Kong protestors and decimated most Western economies. Without a doubt, they have ushered in a new era of biological warfare….”

Another said, “The inevitable conclusion is that this virus was bio-engineered in China and deliberately spread to the rest of the world as a bio-warfare attack.”

Still another wrote, “Interesting article. Also interesting in that it does not mention a word about the Wuhan laboratory with its ‘bat lady’ who studies viruses in bats from the most obscure locations. Not a word about the lax protocols used at that lab either.”

The responses from readers demonstrate that people are extremely skeptical of what they see, read, and hear. They can’t understand why the paper went out of its way to absolve the Chinese communist authorities. The comments also reveal that they have access to other sources of information and they compare and contrast that information with what the Journal is reporting as fact. This is all good news.

Most reasonable and thinking Americans understand the basic fact that the coronavirus came out of China, and that China, and China alone, is responsibility for this killing machine ravaging the world. But less understood is whether American medical expertise was used in an effort to make the virus more dangerous than the ordinary flu.

The facts show that China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In the middle of this scandal is NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, an Obama holdover who publicly affirms his Christian faith but has a long history of collaborating with the officially atheist communist Chinese regime.

In addition to the matter of China engineering the virus, this is an area that deserves more investigative reporting from papers such as the Journal. But telling the complete truth risks permanent expulsion of the paper’s reporters from China and a negative reaction from the Medical Deep State here in the U.S.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The “October Surprise” Confrontation with Russia

By Cliff Kincaid

The positive news of a Russian coronavirus vaccine, the first in the world, comes as a Russian opposition leader was poisoned with a chemical agent called Novichok that can be traced back to the old Soviet days. Clearly, the Russians have some expertise in the areas of germ warfare and bioterrorism.

Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State, says, “The United States is deeply concerned by reported preliminary conclusions from German medical experts that Russian opposition activist Aleksey Navalny was poisoned.” Navalny was sent to Germany for medical treatment.

This has put German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a difficult spot, since she has been proceeding with the $11 billion gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2, making Germany more dependent on Russia for its energy needs. Merkel blames the Russians for the attempted assassination of Navalny, but doesn’t want to cancel cooperation with Russian on the pipeline, which is near completion. President Donald J. Trump, supposedly a Russian agent, has been pressuring Merkel to abandon Nord Stream 2, pay her NATO dues, and buy gas from America.

What’s fascinating is that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a KGB colonel in East Germany and may have supervised the rise of a young German communist youth leader, Angela Merkel, destined to become chancellor of Germany after reunification.

The “October Surprise” is here. Now, less than 60 days before the presidential election, Trump finds himself in the middle of a confrontation involving Germany with Vladimir Putin and Russia. He can stand up to Putin and Merkel at the same time, while exposing the communists on the streets of America with a proposed Nuremberg Initiative to put Putin and his comrades on trial for crimes against humanity.

These extraordinary developments, coming on the eve of America’s 9/11 commemoration, remind us of another poisoning case involving Alexander Litvinenko.  A former KGB officer, he had identified Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current leader of alQaeda, as a Soviet KGB agent. Litvinenko was poisoned in London and killed after he wrote a book, Blowing up Russia, on how Russian agents are behind certain acts of alleged Islamic terrorism.

Ayman Zawahiri, still a Most Wanted Terrorist, was director of al Qaeda’s biological weapons program.

As various experts have argued, the post-9/11 anthrax attacks were never solved by the FBI because the evidence suggests the anthrax was stolen by an al Qaeda operative from a U.S. lab. Admitting this major breach of security was too much for the Deep State to admit. Instead, Robert Mueller’s FBI blamed the attacks on a dead American scientist, Bruce Ivins.

As we remember the lives lost on 9/11, don’t forget that not only couldn’t the CIA and FBI stop the attacks, they couldn’t even stop the al Qaeda terrorists from coming into the U.S. and taking flight training on U.S. soil.

The anthrax letters praised Allah, a tip-off to the identity of the perpetrators, and one of the hijackers was spotted a few days before the assault in a Palm Beach, Florida, pharmacy getting medication for his hands, which had become red and swollen. Another hijacker, who lived and trained as a pilot in Florida where the anthrax attacks began, went to the Holy Cross hospital in Fort Lauderdale complaining of a nasty leg lesion that could have been caused by anthrax. Yet FBI officials dismissed this evidence.

Incredibly, General Kenneth McKenzie, the commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), has just revealed that the U.S. knows where Zawahiri is based. He says, “The home of alQaeda is in eastern Afghanistan right up against the border (with Pakistan), (a) very small presence there, but the global leader [Zawahiri] is there.”

Trump’s promise to withdraw U.S. troops from the nearly 19-year war in Afghanistan depends on neutralizing  Zawahiri. But the Russians may be protecting him. After all, he’s their agent.

The Navalny poisoning continues a trend. As I discussed in a 1995 American Legion Magazine article about Novichok,  the Soviets have long been interested in the use of poisons, Pavel Sudoplatov, deputy director of foreign intelligence of the NKVD (later called KGB), reveals in his book, Special Tasks, the existence of a poison laboratory, called “Lab X” as far back as 1937. The lab developed poisons used to assassinate enemies of Moscow at home and aboard.

After the 2018 Novichok poisoning of military intelligence defector Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England, former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who met his own unfortunate demise on October 27, 2019, in England, said, “If two cruise missiles were to be launched at the Lubyanka, the level of terrorism worldwide would drop by approximately 80 percent.”

Lubyanka is the name for the headquarters of the FSB, formerly the KGB.

As President Trump has said repeatedly, his opposition to Nord Stream 2 has done far more to undermine the Putin regime than anything Biden, Hillary, or Obama ever did over the course of their political careers.

But Trump can go further, without going to war, by promoting the so-called Nuremberg initiative of trials for Communists and their fellow travelers. As Geert Wilders, a critic of radical Islam who wrote the book, Marked for Death, notes, “…although defeated Nazi Germany was subject to de-Nazification, there was no de-Marxification after the fall of communism… And without the public accounting of a trial, people tend to forget how evil communism was.”

Trump could adopt the initiative, challenging Democrats to support a proposal that would, as a by-product, highlight the evil nature of the ideology that is currently driving the violent activities of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups on the streets of American cities. The real communist dupes would be exposed in the process.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Curious Connection Between America’s Foreign Wars and the Enemies Within

By Cliff Kincaid

Let’s understand why a liberal magazine known as The Atlantic would release an anonymously-sourced unsubstantiated story about President Trump allegedly making offensive comments about wounded and fallen soldiers. It has everything to do with misdirection. The magazine knows that Joe Biden’s record on war and peace is scandalous. That means the media have to talk about something else.

Before the story was issued, a liberal outlet released an article, “Joe Biden, don’t let Donald Trump run as the antiwar candidate!” The left was afraid that Trump would run in the last days of the campaign as an anti-war peace candidate and that Biden’s record of support for wars in Iraq, Serbia, Syria, and Libya, would backfire on him.

Under these circumstances, the only option, as we have seen numerous times over the last three years, is to smear Trump with a made-up story. They hope news consumers will be misled and confused.

One possible charge that could stick against Trump is that he may have referred to former Senator and GOP presidential candidate John McCain as a loser. Trump has said something similar about Mitt Romney. They are both losers, in his view, because they both lost winnable races against Barack Hussein Obama. Hence, both McCain, the 2008 candidate, and Romney, the 2012 candidate, are losers. By contrast, Trump is a winner, having defeated Obama’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016.

McCain not only lost to Obama but then turned around and distributed the phony Russia dossier to hurt Trump. The whole story was told by Allan Ryskind in his Washington Times column, “Did Sen. McCain ‘collude’ with Russia?” The long-time Human Events editor noted that McCain secured “opposition research on Mr. Trump from Putin-friendly sources” and didn’t seem to care that “current and ex-Russian intelligence officials and the FSB (formerly the KGB), provided some of the document’s most damning contents.”

Let’s be completely honest. The media never admired McCain for his Vietnam War service and years being held as a POW by the communists. They admired him because he was a “maverick” who frequently took the liberal line. His use of the dossier played right into their hands, perhaps deliberately so.

If the media will peddle a phony dossier based on Russian sources about Trump, there is nothing they won’t say or do. They don’t care about our troops, or the fact that they have been sacrificed by the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Biden Administrations in wars in Iraq, Serbia, Syria, and Libya. What the media care about is destroying Trump.

The war in Afghanistan, launched after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, has raged for nearly 19 years, making it the longest war in American history. More than 2,400 U.S. service members have died in Afghanistan since the U.S.-led invasion in late 2001 to topple the Taliban, which was protecting al Qaeda, while more than 20,000have been wounded in action.

President Trump has been withdrawing U.S. forces and wants them down to as little as 4,000 by the November 3 election. He’s also pulling them out of Iraq, a war Biden vigorously supported and then lied about.

If Trump can be faulted for anything, it’s the failure to clear house at the FBI, which failed to solve the anthrax mailings which occurred after the 9/11 terrorist attacks staged by al Qaeda.

Retired Foreign Service officer and intelligence analyst Kenneth J. Dillon did extensive research on the case and concluded  that then-FBI director Robert Mueller “was responsible for the suicide of the alleged but wrongly accused mailer, Bruce Ivins, as well as for the subsequent cover-up.”

That’s the same Robert Mueller who ran the Russia probe based on the phony dossier.

Dillon’s research indicates that Ivins prepared the anthrax to test vaccines, but the anthrax was sent to various civilian labs, including one infiltrated by an alQaeda operative. The anthrax was transferred to another alQaeda operative, Abderraouf Jdey, and used in the attacks. “There was a very lax attitude in the pre-9/11 era relating to the handling of anthrax,” Dillon says.

Dillon adds that, “The news media have not reported key aspects of the al Qaeda theory of the case, but there have been articles on the putative possession of anthrax by the intending September 11, 2001 hijackers while they were in Florida and on al Qaeda’s biowarfare projects in Afghanistan.”

In his research, Dillon explains that the FBI not only failed to stop 9/11 but  the anthrax attacks as well, and there arose “compelling reasons” for the Bush Administration (and subsequent administrations) “to avoid a reinvestigation of the events of 2001 and specifically what had gone on inside the U.S. Government in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks.” In other words, there was a massive cover-up.

None of this should be that surprising. There were cover-ups before this, including such scandals as the FBI/ATF armed assaults on Randy Weaver’s home and family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and the Waco religious compound in Texas (both are covered in a very good Netflix series).

One can argue that the post 9/11 anthrax terrorist attacks were the result of a real “inside job,” involving stolen anthrax from a U.S. lab, and a cover-up was launched, stemming from the influence of what we today call the “Deep State,” led then by the same Robert Mueller called upon to cover-up malfeasance by the FBI in the Russia-gate matter. It was another scandal that made government “experts” look foolish or worse.

Continuing to send troops to Afghanistan, supposedly to root out terrorists, when the federal government can’t “solve” the mystery of the anthrax attacks, even though they can be traced to al Qaeda operatives on US. soil, makes no sense.

Trump is wise to quickly dismiss the fake news attacks, continue his policies of bringing the troops home, and concentrate on the real enemies that occupy positions of power in both the Deep State and the military-industrial complex.

As news consumers, we have an obligation to see through the propaganda and understand that the anti-Trump attacks are coming from people who have a lot to hide. They are the “national security experts” who have failed to protect our nation and send our young people off to never-ending and no-win wars.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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War is the Big Issue of the Campaign

By Cliff Kincaid

It may be the sleeper issue of the 2020 presidential campaign – trigger-happy Joe Biden’s record of support for the disastrous Iraq War and his repeated lies about his role in starting that war.

But like those offering excuses for Nancy Pelosi going to a beauty parlor that is closed to ordinary people, many “progressives” are prepared to overlook Biden’s war-mongering past because their allegiance to the Democratic Party supersedes their commitment to ending foreign wars.

This came up during the Republican National Convention when Senator Rand Paul said, “Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War, which President Trump has long called the worst geopolitical mistake of our generation. I fear Biden will choose war again. He supported the war in Serbia, Syria, Libya.”

That’s a lot of war.

Even the liberal “fact-checking” website PolitiFact rated Paul’s remarks as “mostly true,” with the caveat that Biden claimed that on one occasion he privately questioned military action.

Biden was essential to the Iraq War going forward.

After President Bush went to war in Iraq, with the strong support of then-Senator Joe Biden, he rewarded former CIA Director George Tenet with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The invasion of Iraq, launched in part on the basis of false information provided by Tenet’s CIA, was justified by the argument that American troops were helping to build a democratic and lasting government in Baghdad that would stabilize the area and reduce the terrorist threat. Instead, the invasion led to Iranian domination of Iraq and the rise of ISIS.

In an article in The American Conservative, Daniel McCarthy wrote, “The Iraq War launched by the Bush administration (with the support of Democrats like Joe Biden, of course) destroyed the Saddam Hussein regime that had kept a check on Iranian power. More than that, it destabilized Iraq, and ultimately Syria as well, in ways that created channels for wider Iranian influence.”

Biden has claimed that the declaration of war on Iraq, titled, “Authorization for the Use of Force,” was not an authorization for President Bush to invade Iraq and go to war. But that’s not the only lie he has told.

CNN reported that, in response to an Iowa voter who expressed concern about Biden’s foreign policy record, the former vice president said that he opposed the Iraq War “from the very moment” it began in 2003. That was another lie. Even CNN noted this lie, in an article, “Biden again dishonestly suggests he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning.” CNN stated, “It’s false that Biden opposed the war from the moment Bush started it in March 2003. Biden repeatedly spoke in favor of the war both before and after it began.”

Incredibly, CNN added that Biden’s campaign had previously said that he “misspoke” when he made a similar claim. Bernie Sanders accused Biden of “rewriting history” over his vote for the war.

The record is clear: Biden lied repeatedly about going to war, and doesn’t seem to know when he lies and when he tells the truth. This is a sign of brain damage.

Biden co-sponsored a resolution supporting the invasion and declared, “I do not believe this is a rush to war. I believe it is a march to peace and security. I believe that failure to overwhelmingly support this resolution is likely to enhance the prospects that war will occur …”

A mini-documentary, “WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War,” explores what the Institute for Public Accuracy calls “Biden’s pivotal role in backing the invasion with disastrous results.” Produced and directed by Mark Weisbrot and narrated by Danny Glover, it examines Biden’s role as the chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 2002. Weisbrot wrote an op-ed for The Guardian, declaring, “[Biden] had a power much greater than his own words. He was able to choose all 18 witnesses in the main Senate hearings on Iraq. And he mainly chose people who supported a pro-war position.”

Weisbrot wrote, “The Iraq War has been a prominent, even decisive issue, in some recent US presidential elections. It played a significant role in the surprise presidential primary victory won by a freshman senator from Illinois named Barack Obama in 2008. His heavily favored Democratic primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, had voted in the US Senate to authorize the war, and Obama didn’t let her forget it during that contest.”

Foreign policy expert Stephen Zunes wrote an article, “Would Joe Biden, Like Hillary Clinton, Lose to Donald Trump Over the Iraq War?.” He argued that Biden’s role in getting the war authorization through the Democratic-controlled Senate has “raised serious questions regarding his electability.”

The “WORTH THE PRICE?” website is still a worthwhile stop for those interested in Biden’s commitment to the military-industrial complex. But it’s too late for the “progressives” to stop Biden from getting the nomination. And we are now learning that Biden’s foreign policy team is laying the groundwork for  another war in Syria if Biden wins in November.

One political operative, Jacob Jeremiah “Jake” Sullivan, is a prominent Democratic foreign policy adviser to Joe Biden and previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign. He claims that, “During his tenure as vice president, Joe Biden led the effort to end the Iraq War,” ignoring his role in authorizing that war.

Sullivan noted that Biden is “the parent of a service member who deployed to Iraq” and “he understands the risks our troops take to keep our country safe. Sending them to fight overseas is not an academic exercise for Joe Biden — it’s deeply personal.”

That was a reference to Beau Biden, an Iraq war veteran who died from brain cancer. Another son, Hunter, was discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine.

As of August 31, 2020, the Pentagon’s casualty report estimates total American deaths in Iraq at 4,431, with 31,994 wounded in action. There have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties and the war has cost the U.S. $2 trillion.

President Trump has been withdrawing U.S. forces and says that the number of troops in Iraq will drop from the current 5,200 down to 3,500.“We’re down to a very small number of soldiers in Iraq now,” Trump said, “We defeated the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria.”

The current US-Iraq Strategic Dialogue is based on the continuing draw down of U.S. forces.

Branko Marcetic, the left-wing author of a book about Biden, Yesterday’s Man, argues that “Biden holds significant responsibility for the bloodshed that has engulfed Iraq and the surrounding region since the invasion.” He notes that Rep. Seth Moulton, who also ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, had called for Biden to admit he was wrong for voting for the war.

What’s more, a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll showed more than 40 percent of participants between eighteen and twenty-nine were less likely to back Biden because of it. That includes millions of men, ages 18 through 25, who are required to register for the Selective Service and a draft to wage war.

There is a push by some “progressives” who support Biden to change the males-only draft registration system to include women. But while women don’t have to currently register for the draft, they can volunteer for the military and go to war in foreign countries.

Like their male counterparts, they can judge Trump’s opposition to never-ending foreign wars with Biden’s lies about his role in making the Iraq War possible.

The conclusion is that Trump is the anti-war candidate.

As Senator Paul said, “President Trump is the first president in a generation to seek to end war rather than start one. He intends to end the war in Afghanistan. He is bringing our men and women home. Madison once wrote, ‘No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continuous warfare.’ I’m proud to finally see a president who agrees with that.”

Conservatives Learn to Fight Back

By Cliff Kincaid

In his great book, Unmasking Obama, Jack Cashill tells the story of those in the alternative media who uncovered a series of scandals involving Barack Hussein Obama, his campaign, and presidency. However, it didn’t help that the Republicans nominated two weak candidates, John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012, who shied away from talking about the scandals (such as that of Obama’s communist mentor).

The truth finally did break through, in dramatic fashion, when Donald J. Trump defeated Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016. Trump had talked about previously taboo topics, such as the questionable suicide finding regarding the death of Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster. Trump called it fishy.

In fact, there was a lot “fishy” with Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill. Trump struck a nerve, putting the Democratic Party on notice that Republicans were done playing Mr. Nice Guy with the opposition forces, including those in the media establishment.

This effort has continued and as a result the numbers of those in the public at large who are receptive to the conservative alternative media, what Jack Cashill calls the “samizdat,” has been growing. The term refers to the underground press during Soviet times. In America it separates the alternative media from the “mainstream media,” a corrupt and political press corps that is sympathetic to and in fact trained by left-wing forces (in academia).

Significantly, Trump has given people the courage to stand up for their views. Of course, this also helps explain the determined efforts by Big Tech to censor these views as the election approaches. Ironically, however, more censorship encourages people to find out what is being censored. People resent being told what to think and say. When Trump is censored by Twitter, people wonder why, and his popularity grows. People have the ability in most circumstances to check the facts for themselves, without resorting to phony official “fact-checkers” that continue to distort and mislead.

Some of those in the alternative media, such as myself, were victims of groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Typically, we were attacked for various phobias, such as alleged “homophobia” or “Islamophobia.” These attacks would then become part of what Google would highlight as defining characteristics of America’s alternative voices. It was a way to intimidate, harass, and censor us. These attacks continue to this day, such as when leftists take on the assignment of targeting a particular conservative journalist or personality. When it crosses the line into cyberstalking, the police can get involved.

Fortunately, a legal group, the FightBack Foundation, has emerged to take the fight on a national level to the those orchestrating the smears. Here’s what the group says on its webpage: “Nick Sandmann. Carter Page. Dr. Simone Gold. All attacked by the radical left media with lies, smears, and fake news. For years, the radical left has attacked anyone who stands in their way. And since no one will challenge them, we will do it. We sue left-wing ‘journalists’ and others who defame lie, smear, and silence conservatives and patriots.”

You may recognize the names on that list as those of the Catholic young man who stood his ground against left-wing agitators, the Trump foreign policy adviser who was smeared in the Russia probe, and the medical doctor fired after offering her expert opinion on the coronavirus.  Another name has been added — Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man charged with various crimes for defending himself against Antifa violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin. A lawyer from the FightBack law firm, John Pierce, was on Tucker Carlson’s Fox show on  Monday night, explaining why he has accepted the case and why Rittenhouse should not have been charged with any crime. His own firm Pierce Bainbridge has issued a statement about the case.

At a news conference on Monday, Trump went to the defense of Rittenhouse, noting that the case is under investigation but that it appeared he was being attacked when he shot his rifle. Tucker Carlson and his guest attorney Pierce went through the actual video of the shootings, demonstrating that Rittenhouse was in fact defending himself.

Carlson is fighting back in his own way and making a difference.

But the battle in the media continues to be difficult, as we have seen when some politicians get media protection when they tell obvious lies, such as that violence is not violence, and more innocent lives are being lost. One of the victims was Aaron Danielson, a Trump supporter and member of the conservative group Patriot Prayer. He was reportedly targeted for murder.

In a message to his supporters, President Trump referred to Joe Biden’s Monday speech, noting, “He went on LIVE TV and REFUSED to condemn (or even mention) radical Left-wing groups like Antifa.” It’s true. It’s also true that Antifa participated in a so-called international battalion trying to establish a Marxist utopia in Syria known as Rojava. When Trump ordered American troops not to get in the middle of Syrian and Turkish troops, some of these Antifa fighters came back to America to wage war on the streets of places like Portland and Kenosha. They should have been caught and arrested at the border.

All of this was confirmed, ironically, by the left-wing Nation magazine, in a story about a U.S. intelligence report, titled “The Syrian Conflict and Its Nexus to the U.S.-based Antifascist Movement.” The magazine was confirming, without understanding its significance, that Antifa is not just a domestic terrorist organization but a global threat. As such, the Department of Justice has every legal justification for investigating its sources of funding and ultimate direction. Trump calls them the people “in the dark shadows.”

The battle we waged to tell the truth about Obama is now underway in regard to exposing the nature and source of the violence and riots in major cities. The “samizdat” movement is back again. Read Jack Cashill’s book to understand how the censors work to prevent the truth about coming out.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Biden’s Backers Planning Another Middle East War

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump departed from his prepared remarks, in accepting the Republican presidential nomination, when he said about the Obama-Biden Administration, “Remember this: They spied on my campaign, and they got caught. Let’s see now what happens.” This was a topic that deserves far more attention from the president in a public forum, perhaps an address from the Oval Office.

Alluding to the military-industrial complex, another major component of the bureaucracy, Trump said, “Unlike previous administrations, I have kept America OUT of new wars — and our troops are coming home.”

History will show that Republican President Dwight Eisenhower originally blew the whistle on the military-industrial complex, and Trump did the same with the Deep State.  Both of these bureaucratic monstrosities have united against Trump.

What the reaction to Trump has proven is that the intelligence community works with the military-industrial complex to get America involved in the affairs of other nations, creating chaos that leads to more wars and therefore more demands for American involvement. Trump has resisted their demands because he knows these wars weaken America and cost the lives of our brave soldiers.

In little-noticed remarks, Biden foreign policy adviser and former Obama official Anthony Blinken said, referring to Syria, “The U.S. is AWOL, we’re not in it. The Russians are in it. The Turks are in it. The Iranians are in it. We’re not. I can tell you this. I can’t guarantee success. I can guarantee that in a Biden administration, we’d at least show up.”

What this means, in practical terms, is military intervention on behalf of the Marxist Kurds, a movement created by a Soviet KGB agent, Abdullah Ocalan, and trying to carve out a new international Antifa nation of Rojava. As I noted last year, “The Obama policy of funding the Marxist PKK is what Trump has effectively stopped with his withdrawal of U.S. forces from northern Syria.” The Obama/Biden policy could plunge us into a military confrontation with NATO member Turkey.

The sentence, “I can’t guarantee success,” is another recipe for another no-win war, coming on the heels of Barack Hussein Obama having ordered his CIA director John Brennan to fund and equip jihadists in Syria, producing a civil war that has already cost more than 500,000 lives. Trump has been trying to extricate America from this dangerous conflagration. Biden wants to get us back in the middle of it.

Under Joe Biden, we can expect more wounded warriors, who will be ordered to fight for one faction of Muslims over another. It is a no-win situation that has no favorable outcome for America.

In other significant remarks at the RNC, Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, said that the post gave him access to information that “made me sick to my stomach.” He was talking about the Deep State and Obama/Biden spying on the Trump campaign.

What we needed to hear from Grenell is what exactly made him sick to his stomach. He couldn’t be confirmed to his post so he had to occupy the position on a temporary basis. What he saw, during that brief period of time, was enough to make him sick.

We know the treason he saw up close must have been nauseating. It is sickening to any American, even on the outside observing this subversion, who respects our form of government. But how bad is it?

The suspicion is that intelligence agencies were using information obtained from secret recordings made by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and that Epstein was himself an intelligence operative. Bill Clinton, an Epstein associate who flew on his private plane, is still so revered in the Democratic Party that he spoke at their convention, just as photos leaked showing him getting a massage from a young woman.

At this late stage, the fourth year of the Trump presidency, we are still waiting for the villains and culprits in the scandal known as Obamagate to be brought to justice. Only one FBI lawyer has been forced to plead guilty to one charge.

Trump’s comment about Obamagate, “Let’s see now what happens,” is simply not acceptable, coming as it does from the president of the United States as he still tries to save our country from the Deep State cabal.

It may make us all sick to our stomachs, but we have a right to know and are entitled to truth and justice. We have already waited too long.

The media smear those who recognize how Washington really works as “Q” conspiracy theorists, and demand that Republicans disavow the notion that there is a high-level conspiracy of corrupt officials and power brokers working to undermine our nation, perhaps using occult forces.

But Christians who take their Bible seriously understand that demonic forces are real. And whether Karl Marx was a Satanist or not, as one new book, The Devil and Karl Marx, discusses in some detail, he was a sick and demented individual who went down in history as a destroyer of nations and architect of mass murder.  He is one of the main forces inspiring death and destruction on America’s streets.

In his letter to President Trump, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, Carlo Maria Viganò, said, “In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness.” He referred to the children of darkness being associated with the Deep State, “which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days…”

What the Trump presidency has proven, in a dramatic manner that has shocked and angered many, is that there is a “Deep State” of U.S. intelligence agencies and other like-minded bureaucrats who didn’t want him to win, and wanted him out of office before he completed his first term. And now we know that they want him out because they are planning to escalate American military involvement in the Middle East, bringing the world to the brink of an apocalypse involving Russia, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. The Blinken phrase “We’d at least show up” is how one of Obama’s former officials justifies returning to this quagmire.

If Obama vice-president Joe Biden wins the presidency, the opportunity for justice for the former Obama officials with blood on their hands is gone. “Let’s see now what happens” will be something we will remember in the future, as we may wonder why Obama and his henchmen escaped accountability. Time is running out.

Some say Trump’s RNC speech was too long. In fact, we need a speech from the president just as long or longer on the subject of the enemies within. It should be televised, in the same way President Eisenhower gave the nation that dramatic warning about the military-industrial complex.

Eisenhower’s speech was his final address from the Oval Office. Let’s hope that a Trump speech on the Deep State is not his farewell address as Biden and the Obama holdovers prepare to take the reins of power and plunge our nation into another war.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Mask is Falling Off Joe Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

The fascinating Joe Biden book, Yesterday’s Man, is written from the perspective of a socialist doubtful that the career politician can usher in a Marxist utopia. The subtitle, “The Case Against Joe Biden,” reflects the failure of the Bernie Sanders campaign and the fact that the hard-core Marxists are now stuck with Obama’s former vice-president, a convicted plagiarist with brain problems,as their 2020 presidential nominee.

Appearing desperate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that she doesn’t want Biden to debate President Trump. She knows something many people suspect.

The selection of Biden as a front man for the socialist cause reminds people of the old saying, “He’ll do anything for the workers except become one.” His political career has included several episodes of plagiarism, demonstrating that he is incapable of original thought and/or serves as a mouthpiece for others.

It’s incredible, when you think about it, that Biden was picked as Barack Hussein Obama’s running mate in 2008, after Biden had already been drummed out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarism.

At the time, New York Times reporters Adam Nagourney and Jeff Zeleny reported that Biden “quit the 1988 presidential race in the face of accusations that he had plagiarized part of a speech from Neil Kinnock, the British Labor Party leader at the time” and that “Shortly afterward, he was found to have suffered two aneurysms.”

The plagiarism has gotten some attention, but the failure during the current campaign to explore the impact of his life-threatening brain aneurysms suggests a far more serious and ongoing medical cover-up.

Were the Times reporters trying to imply that his brain problems accounted for the plagiarism? That didn’t make much sense because it was also discovered that Biden had been found guilty of plagiarism in law school. It also came out that Biden had lifted material from a Bobby Kennedy speech.

Last year, when it was possible that Biden might not get the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, there was some attention devoted to the aneurysms. On one occasion, Biden’s eye filled with blood on live television and questions were raised about his health. Now that he’s the nominee, all of those issues, from the perspective of the media, are not relevant. They want to protect him.

But as children take classes and parents and teachers tell them that they are not supposed to cheat in their studies, how do you explain that they should be honest when somebody guilty of plagiarism is the Democratic Party presidential nominee?

Democrats are ignoring all of this because they know or suspect that either Biden will not last long, assuming he wins in November, and will be forced to step down, or will stay in the White House as a figurehead. Pelosi’s comments against presidential debates reflect a growing realization that Biden will embarrass himself before “victory” is achieved.

In the name of the “united front” strategy, their only hope for taking power, communist Angela Davis is telling the Marxists to vote for Biden because he can be moved in their direction. She made these comments on Russia Today (RT) television. Strangely, those who were determined to portray President Trump as a Russian agent found no significance in Davis’s choice of RT as a mouthpiece for her pro-Biden views.

The moral bankruptcy of the Biden “choice,” from their own perspective, reflects the personal nature of Karl Marx, the scoundrel who inspired international movements for socialism and communism. There are two great books available on Marx’s attraction to Satanism The Devil and Karl Marx, by Professor Paul Kengor, and Was Karl Marx a Satanist?, by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand.

For those curious about whether Marx was a Satanist or devil-worshipper, and the jury is still out on this, the repulsive facts about his personal life are enough to make you sick of the father of communism and the movements he inspired. One of the best books about Marx is by Colin Gumbrell and written back in 1983. He notes that Marx, who supposedly wanted to change people’s lives for the better, “was completely incapable of managing” his own affairs. His wife Jenny and her children “were dragged down with him into abject poverty, misery and squalor.” His daughter Eleanor committed suicide in 1898 and her sister Laura killed herself in 1911.

Gumbrell notes that Marx and his family survived on financial support he received from his wealthy associate, Friedrich Engels, first by borrowing and then by an allowance. Except for Engels’s capital (money), “there might have been no Marxism,” notes Gumbrell.

Similarly, Biden is drawing on support, financial and otherwise, from socialist Bernie Sanders and his “movement.” They unveiled a Biden-Sanders “unity platform,” reminiscent of the “united front” strategy historically used by the communists to take power. “The reason I say that I think Biden has a chance to be the most progressive president since FDR is that is exactly what Joe Biden said to me,” Sanders said on PBS. He was basically saying that Biden was doing his bidding.

The term “progressive” also has foreign policy implications. During the 1980s, Sanders collaborated with Soviet and East German “peace committees” to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe, in order to counter a massive Soviet strategic nuclear advantage. Sanders had openly joined the Soviets’ “nuclear freeze” campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.

The name of Bernie Sanders, a former mayor of Burlington, Vermont, even shows up on a list of speakers at a 1989 communist-front U.S. Peace Council event to “end the Cold War” and “fund human needs.”

Congressional hearings in 1982 demonstrated that the U.S. Peace Council was affiliated with the Soviet-controlled World Peace Council and run by the Communist Party USA. It was part of what the FBI called the Soviet “active measures” apparatus, designed to discredit the U.S. and support communist objectives.

“Bolshevik Bernie,” as analyst Trevor Loudon calls him, spent time on an Israeli kibbutz, or commune, associated with an Israeli political party favorable to the Soviet Union. Members admired Joseph Stalin until his death and celebrated May Day with red flags.

Sanders went on his honeymoon to the former USSR and supported the communist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.

All of this is fascinating, considering that Nancy Pelosi and other Congressional Democrats claim to be concerned about Soviet/Russian influence in our political process.

Perhaps Pelosi can stand in for Joe Biden in those presidential debates.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Purging the Evil Legacy of Karl Marx

By Cliff Kincaid

The shocking new Paul Kengor book, The Devil and Karl Marx, doesn’t carry the same nerve-wracking impact as the much-shorter book with the provocative title, Was Karl Marx a Satanist?, but the message is still the same. The “progressive” ideas let loose on the world by the father of communism are based in the other worldly powers of darkness that Karl Marx personally embraced.

With a presidential election approaching, and with Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden declaring, “I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness,” the Kengor book looks at the actual forces of darkness operating in the world today. His publisher is TAN Books, which is also distributing,  A Catholic Vote for Trump: The Only Choice in 2020 for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents Alike, making the case for the reelection of President Trump.

Interestingly, Biden’s phrase, “I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness,” was the headline about the speech from the Communist People’s World.

The objectives of Karl Marx, who even wrote poetry about the attraction of evil, were to destroy lives and cause human suffering on a massive scale. He was determined to take down the world with him, and he has succeeded to a great degree. America is now his target from the pit of hell.

In contrast to God’s message of love, found in the Christian Gospel, the Communist Manifesto appealed to the worst in people and was a plan to divide and conquer nations through instilling fear, envy and hate. Out of the chaos, Marx argued to the intellectually gullible and power-hungry elites, a world communist system of peace and plenty would emerge.

The result, so far, is more than 100 million dead, with Communist China claiming “credit” for 65 million of those deaths and an additional 400 million dead in China through the abortion genocide (as documented in the Global Life Campaign report about the death toll of aborted babies having reached one billion worldwide.) The slaughter goes on.

The Marxist “success,” from the viewpoint of Satan, is not over, as America goes through a revolutionary phase, unique in our history, and the Democratic Party openly promotes Marxist Black Lives Matter policies of racial hatred and destruction of the traditional family.

In this context, Kengor’s spiritual examination of Marxism is long overdue, in the sense that Was Karl Marx a Satanist? by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was written 44 years ago and needed to be updated. Wurmbrand’s book made a persuasive case that Marx practiced Satanism and had made an actual pact with the devil.Kengor doesn’t quite go that far.

On a personal level, Kengor documents that Marx was a mentally sick individual whose family was infected and affected by his own sins, before he expanded this sickness into the world at large, beginning with the Russian revolution of 1917. A parasite and leech, Marx begged others for living expenses so he could continue to write his incendiary tracts, eventually forcing two of his daughters into a death spiral ending in suicide.

In the current political context, the Kengor book assumes major importance, not only because it confirms much of what Wurmbrand uncovered about the evil nature of Karl Marx personally, but because it identifies the modern-day movements and philosophies, such as LGBTQ ideology, that are Marxist in orientation and outlook. Kengor’s academic treatment of the subject includes original sources and documents.

One section examines Harry Hay, founder of the gay rights movement in America and someone as sick as Marx. A Stalinist and Marxist until the day he died, he defended the participation of NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) in “gay rights” marches. He was under FBI surveillance as an internal security threat but, ironically, the FBI now celebrates its own gay and transgender agents.

Under Barack Hussein Obama, Hay was cited as an “inspiration” by longtime homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, appointed as the nation’s “safe schools czar” at the U.S. Department of Education. Jennings founded, and was the executive director of, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group promoting homosexuality in schools. Jill Biden, the wife of Obama Vice President and 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, gave the keynote address at GLSEN’s annual awards banquet in 2009.

From my perspective, using Kengor’s trenchant analysis, Marxism seems to be the ultimate exercise in the philosophy of hate, in direct opposition to the Ten Commandments of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Marx himself hated God and the humans he created. Similarly, Harry Hay hated God’s plan for humanity as well, for he, too, rejected the idea of the traditional family, leading to much of the sexual confusion and exploitation of adults and children as sex objects we see today. Hay divorced his wife, left his family behind, and embraced occultism.

With this and other examples, Kengor shows that Marxism is not a philosophy to lift people up but to destroy their common humanity, traditional morality, and God-given right to a better life.

What Kengor’s book also shows is that Marxism is a virus that is worse in its human carnage than the China-made coronavirus, still ravaging the world and its people. To paraphrase 2020 Democratic Party vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who said there is no vaccine for racism, there is no vaccine for the virus of Marxism. Kengor’s book and  subsequent column in The American Spectator examine Marx’s racist and anti-Semitic views. But his book as a whole is an analysis of the impact this philosophy of hate has had on people of all religions, ethnic backgrounds, and nationalities.

The only antidote is morally healthy living based on Biblical standards, something increasingly out of fashion in our secularized world. With Christian standards under systematic assault, another imperative is organizing politically to save one’s family and nation.

One chapter in Kengor’s book, “The Specter of the Frankfurt School,” examines the influence of Cultural Marxism. Modern-day Marxists, he notes, are “all about culture and sex.” With sex scandals like that of the Jeffrey Epstein network, possible linked to various intelligence agencies, and the pedophile priest cover-ups crippling the Roman Catholic Church, our nation is facing an unprecedented challenge of moral corruption at the highest levels of American society. Yet, it’s business as usual for many, as Epstein associate Bill Clinton, the former president caught in a sex scandal with a former White House intern, was a featured speaker at the recent Democratic Party national convention.

Kengor explains, “The Frankfurt School protegés were neo-Marxists, a new kind of twentieth-century communist less interested in the economic/class ideas of Marx than a remaking of society through the eradication of traditional norms and institutions.” He added, “Rather than organize the workers and the factories, the peasants and the fields and the farms, they would organize the intellectuals and the academy, the artists and the media and the film industry. These would be the conveyor belts to deliver the fundamental transformation.”

In this regard, an important book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality, has suddenly been dropped by Amazon. The pro-family publisher, MassResistance, reports, “Amazon has determined that a book documenting the health hazards of homosexual behavior is ‘offensive’ and must not be allowed to be published. But in fact, Amazon is a cesspool of pornography and perversion.” It cites various pornographic publications, some targeting young people, that are currently available and which advocate strange, bizarre, and dangerous sexual practices.

Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, one of the most toxic papers on the political scene today and home to occultist Sally Quinn, its former religion writer who was married to long-time executive editor Ben Bradlee. The Post specializes in trying to overthrow conservative Republican presidents, from Nixon to Reagan and Trump.

The made-up “controversy”over a factual book about homosexuality demonstrates how Marxist tendencies are at work in corporate America and put into practice by capitalist billionaires. Bezos was exposed sending a photograph of his genitals to his mistress, a sleazy scandal that resulted in his divorce, leaving behind a wife and children. He is apparently open to different forms of sexual experimentation.

His paper, the Post, which suffers from a similar breach of basic ethical standards,  would describe as “performance art” a “Spirit Cooking” dinner in a 2016 Democratic Party email featuring recipes written in blood and associated with Satanic symbols.

If the phrase “fundamental transformation” from the Kengor book sounds familiar, it was the promise of Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency and helps explain why he is so vocal about electing his former vice president, Joe Biden, this presidential year. Obama’s mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, was a pornographer and sex pervert. Professor Kengor wrote a book about Davis and his influence over Obama.

In a video, “The DNC that Democrats don’t want you to see,” Tucker Carlson highlighted the Cultural Marxism from the Democratic National Convention, including speeches and remarks about transgenderism and the overthrow of capitalism.

In order to understand these trends, Kengor traces the anti-Christian beliefs to Marx and Marxism, especially the cultural manifestation.

Whether Marx was personally a Satanist or not, Marxism drips with evil, as both the Kengor and Wurmbrand books clearly show.

Kengor, who writes frequently about politics and spiritual matters, ends his book with the challenge, “We must battle against and expose the powers of darkness that continue to pervade this modern world.”

Perhaps it is worth noting that a special 40th anniversary version of the film “The Exorcist” is being released and will be available from — of all places — Amazon. If we as a people could hire an exorcist for our nation, it would be worthwhile. It could be a means by which to purge the legacy of Karl Marx.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Cashill’s Unmasking Obama Book is a Warning

By Cliff Kincaid

The lack of coverage in 2008 of the embarrassing facts in Barack Obama’s background, especially his deep personal relationship with a Communist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, stands as a sensational example of how dishonest the national media can be when they are determined to elect somebody. Jack Cashill’s book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, accurately describes Davis as “a bisexual Stalinist pornographer with a taste for underage sex partners.” If this is news to you, consider yourself a victim of the major media organizations that worked diligently to cover-up the truth about our 44th president.

How could the facts about such a notorious presidential mentor be concealed from the American people? Cashill has the story, and I am right in the middle of it. But this scandal is only one of many that Cashill documents and dissects. It is a timely reminder of how scandalous Obama’s eight years in office actually were, raising the question of why he thought he could safely surface again in public, at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, to promote the Joe Biden candidacy.

Indeed, we are going through something similar this presidential year, as the major media work to elect Obama’s former vice president, Joe Biden, and sink Donald J. Trump’s bid for a second president term. Obama’s August 19, 2020, address, at the Democratic National Convention, on behalf of Biden, was the clearest indication yet that Obama is working for a third presidential term. He wants vindication for his failed presidency and wants to use Biden as a front for the ultimate capture of state power for revolutionary purposes.

In addition to saving political face, Obama represents those here and abroad determined to reduce America to the status of third-rate power, unable or unwilling to stop Red China’s advance.

President Trump has said that he wouldn’t have won in 2016 had it not been for Obama’s failed presidency. Cashill’s book is important to understanding why the American people were so desperate for an alternative such as Trump. People were fooled by Obama, his lies, agents and apologists, but they eventually came to understand there was something sinister, even un-American, in the Obama presidency. This was the result not only of Obama’s failed policies but the facts about his real agenda that slowly but surely came to the public’s attention through alternative media, described as “samizdat” by Cashill. This is a reference to the unofficial and frowned-upon journalism that served as a channel for freedom fighters in the old Soviet Union. Indeed, he dedicates the book to his fellow “Lilliputians,” who dared to take on the Gulliver-type powers that be.

It gets to the point, and we have arrived at this point today in the United States, where the “official” outlets for the establishment are not believed anymore, and people are desperate and hungry for “alternative” voices. Hence, the major media and the Big Tech censors will want to destroy the Cashill book and, if that is not successful, censor any mention of it.

This book is an important lesson in the history of journalism and a case study of how the media lie to advance a political agenda. In effect, Cashill has analyzed in detail the nature of “fake news” that targeted the Trump presidency for destruction after failing to elect Hillary Clinton.

While much of the book is a straight forward historical account of the effort to tell the truth about Obama, Cashill emphasizes the ongoing nature of the American samizdat, the forces which fought bravely to expose the Marxist revolutionary forces behind Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. Cashill was very much part of this,as he relates in the beginning how a Trump adviser had called him about the role of former communist terrorist and professor Bill Ayers in writing Obama’s 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father. It was a claim picked up by Trump himself. Trump understood there was something fishy about Obama, Hillary, and the entire crew.

While Trump was attacked for bringing out surprising facts about Obama’s personal background, Cashill explains in detail how Obama’s political enemies — truth tellers in the conservative media and public interest groups — were arrested, harassed, threatened or subpoenaed by various federal agencies “and unknown others.” This reflects support for the Obama presidency in what has become known as the Deep State or permanent bureaucracy. Others, such as myself, were labeled as “extremists” by private organizations with ties to federal agencies. The aim in my case was to isolate me from other “responsible” conservative organizations and dry up my sources of funding.

Of course, this paralleled the effort by U.S. intelligence agencies and globalist organizations to destroy Trump himself once he became president.

The phrase “others unknown” is relevant today, as we continue to see the same forces behind Obama reemerge to put Biden in the Oval Office and take out Trump, once and for all. New names and organizations, many traced back to billionaire George Soros, seem to surface on a regular basis.

In terms of unraveling the major cover-ups of the Obama presidency, while identifying those who worked against great odds to expose Obama’s lies, Cashill’s monumental work is heavily documented and should be required reading in journalism classes. Of course, that won’t happen as long as our major colleges and universities remain as Marxist Madrass as providing cannon fodder for Obama’s Marxist revolution.

Whatever the future holds, the forces of samizdat in America will soldier on, determined to expose and hold responsible those who are working to create a Marxist America.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Kamala Harris Covered-Up Sex Crimes by Pedophile Priests

By Cliff Kincaid

With the Catholic Church seen by some as a criminal enterprise that covered-up sex crimes by pedophile priests, the issue of whether there should be a Department of Justice investigation into allegations of Catholic clerical sex abuse has achieved national attention. But one of the members of the new Democratic Party “Coalition of Conscience,” just created to capture the White House, had no conscience on the matter of justice for victims of Catholic priest sex abuse crimes. Her name is Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ vice-presidential candidate.

Harris for years claimed to be a fighter for “justice for survivors of sexual assault, sex abuse, and rape.” But as district attorney in San Francisco and California Attorney General, Harris never prosecuted any pedophile priest, despite hundreds of potential cases and demands for justice from victims.

Joey Piscitelli, a victim of one of those pedophile priests, told me, “My opinion of Kamala Harris’s ‘Coalition of Conscience’ is that it obviously excludes caring about rape victims of clergy.”

Elizabeth Yore, an international child advocate attorney, says, “Kamala Harris joins the ranks of many big city power hungry prosecutors who placed their own political interests ahead of child victims. Harris cannot claim that she is a warrior for child abuse victims. She chose to side with the powerful Catholic institutions over the suffering children. This is her legacy and those of us who fight for children are not going to let the American public forget that Kamala Harris protected predators at the expense of young vulnerable victims.”

Claiming to be concerned about the problem of pedophile priests and cover-ups through the Catholic bureaucracies across the U.S., the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops authorized a study that was issued in 2004. Estimates are that the sex abuse scandal has cost the church as much as $4 billion in financial settlements to victims.

Harris appears to have a two-faced approach to the Catholic Church – one of scorn toward ordinary Catholics who follow traditional church teachings, such as opposition to abortion, and the other of deference to officials of the hierarchy who get caught in cover-ups of sexual abuse of children in Catholic institutions.

Citing Senator Harris’s treatment of now-U.S. District Judge Brian Buescher during his Senate confirmation hearing, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls Harris “the most openly anti-Catholic bigot to be on a national ticket in modern times.” She questioned how he could belong to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization of almost 2 million practicing Catholic men that is known for its pro-life activities.

On the other hand, her failure to prosecute pedophile priests indicates a deference to the Catholic hierarchy, perhaps stemming from dependence on political campaign donations from lawyers and law firms representing the Catholic Church in sex abuse and other cases.

Harris is a non-Catholic who attended a Baptist Church and Hindu Temple growing up. Her running mate, presidential candidate Joe Biden, is a Catholic who has been accused of sexually assaulting former employee Tara Reade and was denied communion over his pro-abortion stance.

After Biden picked Harris as his running mate, outlets on the right and left have seized upon the documented fact that Kamala Harris’s record as a prosecutor included bowing down to the Catholic hierarchy in California that was determined to protect pedophile priests.

Joey Piscitelli, a Catholic from birth until he was molested by a priest at Salesian High School in Richmond, California, filed suit and received $650,000 awarded by a jury on June 26, 2006.The Catholic Church appealed the verdict and lost.

In a statement to this columnist, Piscitelli cited the facts of his case, saying, “in 2003 I sued the Salesian Order of San Francisco, and Fr. Stephen Whelan, a San Francisco priest, for child molestation, which occurred when I was a kid.Shortly before that, I visited the office of the San Francisco district attorney (DA), who was Terence Hallinan. Hallinan’s team had investigated the Diocese of San Francisco, and had accumulated thousands of documents (files) that they were going to use to prosecute clergy sex molesters and rapists, name those predators, and take action against the diocese for enabling sex abusers for decades.”

However, things changed when Kamala Harris beat Hallinan in the race for DA in late 2003, and she became the new DA in 2004. “Her office then had the files,” he noted. “I wrote Kamala Harris and told her that the rapist who molested me was the current Pastor at a cathedral (Saints Peter and Paul) in San Francisco, in 2003, and I was suing him.I asked her if she had files on him. She ignored me. She ignored everybody who asked her what she was going to do with the files.”

Piscitelli said that he personally protested at her office several times, and passed out flyers condemning her for her inaction about clergy abusers. He added, “I also protested and did events as a SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) leader in San Francisco for years concerning Harris, and her horrendous behavior.”

He explained, “Several newspapers and media reps asked for the files, and petitioned for copies from the court she refused to take any action against any clergy abusers and the diocese of San Francisco for years.” Harris responded to the San Francisco Weekly that she would not release the files, because she was “protecting the victims.”

But Piscitelli explained that when files are released concerning child molestation, the names of the underaged victims are always blacked out, so that the names are not seen by anybody. Only the clergy abusers’ names would be on the files for everybody to see.

“So Kamala Harris is not protecting victims,” he said. “She was protecting and shielding rapists, child molesters, and the Diocese who enabled them.”

Her refusal to prosecute pedophile priests occurred during the time that Harris was the top prosecutor for San Francisco, for approximately 7 years, and during the time she was California State Attorney General, for approximately another 7 years.

“During that tenure,” he said, “she has never prosecuted not even one clergy molester. There are thousands of clergy molestation victims in California. As victims of clergy abuse, we relied upon her as the top prosecutor in California for 14 years, to get us justice, and she betrayed us.”

Asked why Joe Biden would pick here as a running mate, he said, “I imagine that the clergy abuse crisis is not at the top of their priority list.”

It appears Harris was nominated as the vice-presidential candidate because Biden had announced earlier that he would nominate a woman of color to be his running mate.

“I have accumulated a list of 18 accused child molesters who have been placed at one time or another at Salesian High School in Richmond,” he said. “Most were sued, some were convicted.”

CNN, a news agency enthusiastic about the Biden-Harris ticket, confirmed in a major 2019 investigative report that pedophile priests operated at the school for years, and that Piscitelli was one of the victims.

In terms of the personal cost, he said, “I was a devout Catholic until I was sexually abused by a Catholic priest. Shortly after the abuse incidents – there were many – I abandoned Catholicism forever.” He said he turned to earth-centered paganism as an alternative, but now says “I have no religion. The molesters and rapists at my school annihilated that for me.”

In contrast to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing about clergy abusers in California, the next Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, moved aggressively. “I met with Becerra’s team in November 2019, along with other SNAP members about clergy abusers in California,” he said. Shortly after that, he said, Becerra opened up a statewide investigation into clergy abuse in all Dioceses in California , and established an abuse forum on his State of California web page, where victims and concerned citizens can make complaints and offer information online. In addition to that, Becerra ordered the Dioceses NOT to destroy their own clergy abuse files, and to keep and send the files to his office for investigation.

In contrast, the files in the possession of former Attorney General and DA Kamala Harris never surfaced. Reports indicate that San Francisco remains one of the last archdioceses in the nation to provide a list of pedophile priest abusers.

While some Catholic dioceses are going bankrupt, in part because of financial settlements to sexual abuse victims, the U.S. Roman Catholic Church received billions of taxpayer dollars through the coronavirus Paycheck Protection Program designed to help businesses with forgivable loans survive the economic shutdown.

Instead of providing tax dollars to such an institution, there is growing sentiment that the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), a federal law intended to combat organized crime in the U.S., should be used to investigate the U.S. Catholic Church.

The issue is one that the Democratic ticket of Biden-Harris and the Republican ticket of Trump-Pence should not be allowed to avoid.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Congressional Candidate Takes on Soros

Cliff Kincaid

Multiple media outlets attacked Marjorie Taylor Greene, a successful Republican congressional candidate in Georgia. Why? As “a conservative wife, mother, and businesswoman who stands with President Trump and against the left-wing socialists who want to wreck our country,”she dared to call billionaire left-wing money bags George Soros the “enemy of the people.”

In addition to financing Democratic Party politicians and left-wing organizations such as the ACLU, Soros has subsidized a wide array of liberal causes, ranging from abortion rights to gay rights to legalization of dangerous drugs. Even former members of the terrorist Weather Underground, such as Bernardine Dohrn and Linda Evans, have appeared at functions sponsored by his so-called Open Society Institute or accepted its grants.

But Google the name of Marjorie Taylor Greene and you will be bombarded with stories designed to create the impression this Christian woman is a crazy conspiracy theorist. During the campaign, Tucker Carlson highlighted how one of her campaign ads was taken down by YouTube. Nevertheless, she won the nomination with over 57 percent of the vote and received President Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement. She got the support of the people.

One typical charge from an AP story in the New York Post said she “pushes an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who is Jewish, collaborated with the Nazis.”

Many “conservatives” in and out of Congress are scared by these charges and shy away from making them. But as Rep. Louis Gohmert discovered, when he consulted the actual interview and went to the videotape, the theory is not anti-Semitic but true. Soros told the “60 Minutes” show, as Gohmert noted, that, “he had no sense of guilt about the role he played in Nazis’ confiscation of property from the Jewish people during the Holocaust.”

In addition to the usual and expected charges of racism, the media said Marjorie Taylor Greene either backed or believed in something called the QAnon “conspiracy theory,” which apparently has something to do with the idea that sex predators and perhaps Satanists operate at high-levels in American society and the world.

Regarding the latter, the Satanic Temple, an actual organization, is currently offering a “Satanic abortion ritual.” The evil of abortion is considered by many Christians not a “choice” but a modern form of paganistic child sacrifice.

In the matter of child predators, haven’t we learned about Jeffrey Epstein? Or what about:

  • Theodore McCarrick has been identified as the highest-ranking U.S. Catholic leader ever to be removed for sexually abusing a minor and is also accused of sexually abusing seminarians. He was a leading “progressive” in the church who supported homosexual civil unions, a form of marriage, as far back as 2006. Catholic columnist Matt Abbott, who reported on McCarrick’s homosexual activity back in 2005, had told me, “I believe the Church establishment and mainstream media protected him, mainly because he’s a prominent liberal cardinal.”
  • Harry Hay, founder of the modern gay rights movement, was a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
  • Dennis Hastert, the former Republican House Speaker, pleaded guilty to federal charges of lying to the FBI about a money-laundering scheme designed to cover up the case of an innocent child sexually abused by Hastert when he was a high-school wrestling coach.
  • Barack Hussein Obama was closely associated as a young man with a Communist sex pervert, Frank Marshall Davis, his mentor and father figure. Davis, who died in 1987, was a heavy drinker and marijuana user who wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, disclosing that he had sex with children, including a 13-year-old girl. In a poem, Obama wrote about “Pop,” with strange lines about stains and smells on shorts, that Obama biographer David Maraniss confirmed was Davis. Writer Jack Cashill noted the poem has definite “sexual overtones.”

Amy Berg exposed the cover-up of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in her 2006 Oscar-nominated documentary, “Deliver Us from Evil,” and followed with her film, “An Open Secret,” about how pedophiles operate in Hollywood and cover up their crimes. The Boston Globe exposed a series of sex crimes committed by Catholic priests in an award-winning series of articles made into a film, “Spotlight,” available on Netflix.

Despite the abundant evidence of real conspiracies, and the continuing need to expose them, we are told that Marjorie Taylor Greene was a conspiracy theorist, as if the label itself was evidence of unfounded charges.

As I wrote in a recent column, “The Otherworldly Powers of Darkness, Cults, and Sexual Deviancy in Politics,” there are strange people in the world who have political connections and engage in strange practices. That issue surfaced in 2016 in one of the Democratic Party emails about a “Spirit Cooking” dinner of elites involving recipes apparently written in blood. The Washington Post said it was harmless “performance art.”

Sally Quinn, a top religion reporter for the Washington Post, wrote a book about magic, played with a Ouija board, and cast spells on her enemies.  This earned her the title, “Georgetown’s Madame Blavatsky,” a reference to the occult doctrine of Theosophy, associated with one-worlders and a fancy D.C. section of town.

Taking this one step further, an exorcism in Mount Rainier, Maryland, in the Washington, D.C. area, inspired the book by William Peter Blatty and the film, “The Exorcist.” His follow-up book, Legion, was based on Satan’s proclamation, “My name is Legion, for we are many,” in answer to Jesus’ question, “What is your name?”

As I noted recently, there are reportedly six exorcisms being conducted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington at the current time.

Dr. Paul Kengor’s new book, The Devil and Karl Marx, is a heavily documented treatment of the father of communism’s devotion to demonic doctrines of human destruction.

S.J. Taylor’s book, Stalin’s Apologist, disclosed that the Satanist Aleister Crowley staged homosexual rituals with New York Times reporter Walter Duranty in which they chanted “blood and semen.” Duranty wrote a book, I Write as I Please, which summarizes his approach as well as that of the modern media. He covered-up for the communists then in the same way the media fawn over and defend George Soros and the Marxist causes he finances now.

Predictably, such “journalism” caused some Washington Republicans, such as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, to back away from supporting Marjorie Taylor Greene. They refuse to take on the media when they target, misquote, and falsely brand members of their own political party.

President Trump understands what’s going on, even if McCarthy doesn’t. With his presidency on the line, he has to know he can’t back down now. His opponent isn’t Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It’s Soros.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump Thwarts Pelosi’s Pot Pushers

Cliff Kincaid

Using emergency authority granted to him by Congress, President Trump on Saturday issued four China virus relief executive orders to benefit taxpayers, students, renters and homeowners. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got in the way of this assistance because her “Heroes” bill that she insisted on passing through the Senate would have made heroes out of dope dealers and stoners and other clients of the marijuana industry. In a masterstroke, the president bypassed her.

The controversy demonstrates the priorities of the House Speaker, whose son, Paul Pelosi Jr., ran a marijuana legalization company called Freedom Leaf Inc. He left the company in 2018, after speaking of “the powerful benefits of cannabis,” and made several transactions involving company stock. (The company relaunched in 2019 as GL Brands).

At the time that Freedom Leaf named Paul Pelosi Jr. as chairman of the board, the company highlighted the fact that he “is the son of U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.” Pelosi was Minority Leader at the time and became Speaker when the Democrats took control of the House in 2018. A Congressional Cannabis [Marijuana] Caucus was formed to provide the façade of bipartisan support for getting stoned. But she was unable to deliver to Big Marijuana, mostly because of opposition from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans.

The so-called “HEROES” bill, which stands for Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, had an astounding 68 references to cannabis. It even directed that money be used in minority communities so that marijuana businesses can more easily distribute their dope to people of color.

Pelosi was taking a stand, in the name of “values,” by demanding that the federal government help the marijuana industry, in addition to passing mail-in voting schemes to benefit Democrats.

With his executive orders, Trump stopped Pelosi’s gambit by extending direct relief to victims of coronavirus and avoiding federal payments to an industry that is making money by getting people high and more vulnerable to death from coronavirus.

In protesting the so-called HEROES bill, Senate Majority Leader McConnell had said that Pelosi was “agitating for strange, new special interest carve-outs for the marijuana industry and even claiming they are COVID-related.” In regard to the latest “negotiations,” McConnell commented, “She said that, with respect to this virus, marijuana is ‘a therapy that has proven successful.’ You can’t make this up.” McConnell added, “I hope she shares her breakthrough with Dr. Fauci.”

McConnell, of course, was mocking Pelosi’s advocacy of dope as a medical treatment to make people well. Common sense is that inhaling marijuana smoke with mind-altering THC can only worsen the symptoms of the China virus, which strikes the lungs in many cases. A group of anti-drug experts warned that coronavirus harms are severely elevated by marijuana use and signed a statement asking health care professionals to examine in a scientific manner the likely connection between coming down with the China virus and smoking dope.

In terms of lies, Pelosi’s statement about marijuana being a successful therapy was a whopper with serious health consequences and actually risked the lives of Americans.

Some of our media, in a rare development, fact-checked her. After the news conference where she claimed that marijuana “is a therapy that has proven successful,” USA Today noted that she “did not cite any studies or health officials that have said cannabis may be a treatment for the coronavirus.” That’s because there are none. The Washington Times commented, “Mrs. Pelosi did not offer any evidence to corroborate her claim, and no published studies have proven that marijuana is effective at treating COVID-19, the contagious disease caused by the novel coronavirus.”

President Trump got the message from his negotiators that Pelosi was adamant about pot’s supposed health benefits and decided to bypass her with a series of four executive orders on China virus relief assistance.

Pelosi is a big loser, but so is George Soros, the big financial backer of dope legalization who has major influence over the Democratic Party and its policies. Roger Morgan’s new book, Soros: Orchestrating America’s Demise, explains the strategy.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues pushing. “Marijuana should be legalized,” she declared, “and drug consumption should be decriminalized. These are matters of public health.”

Since this has nothing to do with benefiting “public health,” and actually harms public health, what is this all about? One answer is campaign contributions for Democrats (and some Republicans) from the marijuana industry and their pot shops, which have remained open in many states during the pandemic. Another factor is that millions of stoners, drawn from the millennial generation, may turn out to vote for politicians who promise easy access to marijuana. They will vote for legal weed and then demand government help when their mental faculties deteriorate.

Consider the fact that, according to government statistics, 22.2 million people have used marijuana in the past month. They are a potential major voting bloc.

Not surprisingly, the Washington Post is out with a long story defending the hedge fund billionaire, George Soros, and another article casting doubt on President Trump’s executive actions on China virus relief. In the past, it has argued that drug tests threaten privacy and that employers should stop screening for marijuana. This is typical of a paper whose liberalism has degenerated into toxic paranoia, a characteristic of an alternative lifestyle not based in objective reality. Clearly, drug tests are needed at the paper.  Owner Jeff Bezos should order them immediately and set an example by taking the first test himself.

In the name of the public’s right to know, the paper whose slogan is “Democracy dies in darkness” should then release the results.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Otherworldly Powers of Darkness, Cults, and Sexual Deviancyin Politics

By Cliff Kincaid

Citizens for Free Speech is drawing attention to Big Tech censorship of a group of medical experts called America’s Frontline Doctors. But it’s really not the advocacy of hydroxychloroquine by Dr. Stella Immanuel that is the big controversy. She is under attack by the Washington Post and other papers for stating her belief that there are demonic anti-Christian forces in the world today.

The Post, in 2016, dismissed reports that there was a secret link between the Clinton campaign and Satan worship revealed by a Wikileaks email. The reference in the email was to a performance artist “known for her often controversial and dangerous performances,” including a “Spirit Cooking” installation “where the recipes were written on walls in blood.” The Post said. “It might not be everyone’s taste in art, and the footage documenting that 1997 installation is potentially disturbing, but it’s still art.”

Other members of the “mainstream media” joined the chorus, saying it was just a fun dinner and that reports to the contrary were “conspiracy theories.”

But the Post’s longtime religion reporter and Washington insider, elite party planner Sally Quinn, admitted in her book Finding Magic to her belief in the occult, including casting spells on her enemies, reading Tarot cards, and using Ouija Boards. Quinn was married to longtime Post executive editor Ben Bradlee, who once said about the media’s exploitation of the so-called Iran-Contra affair, in an effort to bring down Republican Ronald Reagan’s presidency, “We haven’t had this much fun since Watergate.”

Watergate was the scandal involving “Deep Throat,” an alleged FBI insider, that brought down Republican President Richard Nixon, leading to the American military withdrawal from Vietnam and Southeast Asia, as millions died at the hands of the communists. It turned out that Bradlee’s Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein was a “red diaper baby,” the child of Communist Party parents. Nixon, as a Congressman, had played a role in exposing State Department employee and United Nations founder Alger Hiss as a Soviet agent. The left never forgave him for that.

In the midst of the current effort to bring down another Republican president, Donald J. Trump, many Christians do see a spiritual war.But another taboo subject that involves both major political parties is the fact that Harry Hay, the founder of the modern homosexual rights movement, was a Marxist atheist who tried to find spirituality in his own confused sexual identity and eventually developed the idea that he was a “Radical Faerie” who had male and female traits. A member of the Communist Party USA who wore a dress, he was a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Hay in 1979 issued a call for a “Spiritual Conference for Radical Faeries” that included a poem from the notorious occultist Aleister Crowley. Stuart Timmons, author of The Trouble With Harry Hay, documents Hay’s involvement with Crowley, noting that Hay played the organ for the Los Angeles lodge of Crowley’s Order of the Eastern Temple, a “notorious anti-Christian spiritual group” where “homosexual sex-magic rituals” took place. Crowley regarded himself as the “Beast 666,” the anti-Christ, and the incarnation of Satan.

Speaking of cults, Daniel Flynn, author of Cult City, has explained how the Democratic Party  machine in San Francisco that included communist “preacher” Jim Jones ultimately resulted in the “revolutionary suicide” of 900 people in a commune in Guyana in 1978. Ignoring all of this, Rep. Nancy Pelosi later praised one of Jones’ main supporters, Dr. Carlton Goodlett, as a civil rights activist. FBI documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal the Soviet communist connections of Carlton Goodlett and his political influence in San Francisco.

The way things are going in America, statues of George Washington will be taken down and replaced by those of Harvey Milk, a major figure in the homosexual movement in San Francisco who was murdered by a disgruntled co-worker. Milk was a “gay” man in his 30s who had had a sexual relationship with at least one underage boy. In 2016, Barack Hussein Obama’s Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that a Navy ship would be built and named after Harvey Milk.

Stuart Milk accepted on behalf of his uncle the highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, from Obama in 2009. Photos show him posing with Obama and Joe Biden.

A Harvey Milk sculpture can be found at the San Francisco City Hall.

The “San Francisco Democrats” utilized the political skills of communist preacher Jim Jones and homosexual activist Harvey Milk to identify and mobilize the weak, poor, sexually confused, and vulnerable for Marxist revolutionary purposes. The remnants of the Jones-Milk apparatus facilitated California’s left-ward drift and have been expanded to other states.

Consider Arizona Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema, the first announced self-proclaimed bisexual senator who was photographed criticizing American foreign policy in a pink tutu, clothing associated with a Marxist group called Code Pink. The Washington Post hailed her election, calling her a former Mormon who  was the first person sent to Congress to claim no religion. She refused to take her oath of office on a Holy Bible and recently appeared on the Senate floor wearing what appeared to be a blue wig.

In 2018, the same year Sinema won, radical leftist Democrat Keith Ellison, the Muslim former Congressman and associate of Louis Farrakhan, won the race for Attorney General in Minnesota, after allegations of abuse from an ex-girlfriend. The Nation of Islam believes white people were created by a scientist named Yakub and constitute an inferior race.

Barack Hussein Obama’s relationship with Farrakhan was covered-up through his 8 years of office, only to surface publicly in 2018 when an old2005 photograph of Obama and Farrakhan together was finally published.

On the national level, based on the way the Maoist cultural revolution is proceeding, an effort will be made to turn George Washington into a homosexual (like they have tried to do with Abraham Lincoln, with the gay Republican group called the Log Cabin Republicans sponsoring a “Spirit of Lincoln” dinner.) Indeed, the famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware is now being sold by MAD magazine as Washington Cross-Dressing the Delaware. This was supposed to be funny.

Elsewhere in the humor magazine, in a look at recycled ad slogans, the old Marine slogan, “We’re looking for a few good men,” became the slogan for Grindr, the gay dating app owned by a Chinese company.

But this isn’t so funny. A reported 3.6 million people were using Grindr and their personal information, including HIV status and last HIV testing date, was compromised. The Chinese reportedly sold the company but only after acquiring the personal information of millions of gays and other individuals for possible us in Jeffrey Epstein-style blackmail schemes. In a secretive deal, it was reportedly sold for $620 million to an investor group also with ties to China.

That is truly strange.

In his July 7 speech, “The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the Economic and National Security of the United States,” FBI director Christopher Wray said, “If you are an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data.” He referred to China’s hacking of Equifax, noting how they “made off with the sensitive personal information of 150 million Americans,” and how, in 2014, “China’s hackers stole more than 21 million records from OPM, the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management.”

But he did not mention the use of Grindr by the Chinese. Perhaps this is because gays occupy top positions in the FBI. In fact, the FBI celebrated June as Pride Month for LGBTs and an official image showed Lady Justice in rainbow garb.

The Office of Director of National Intelligence features the rainbow colors and an interview with President Trump’s former Ambassador to Germany and Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Richard Grenell, a former member of Log Cabin Republicans. Grenell says he is now​ working with Stuart Milk of the Harvey Milk Foundation to launch homosexual “decriminalization” campaigns targeting for destruction the Judeo-Christian standards of foreign countries.

When Trump’s former gay Director of National Intelligence is working with somebody who got an award from Obama for gay activism, you know that Trump’s top people have no real understanding of the sinister and powerful political forces they are up against.

Some members of Trump’s conservative Christian base are worried.

Merritt Corrigan, deputy White House liaison at the U.S. Agency for International Development, was so upset with this campaign of homosexual imperialism that she left the agency and blew the whistle in an interview to National File, saying,  “The Department of Defense has refused to sell military equipment – needed in order to combat ISIS and other extremist groups – to certain countries in Africa because they did not have gay marriage. The State Department has attempted to enforce similar ideological conformity in Central American countries who wanted to cooperate with the US on immigration issues, but didn’t want to change their culture to fit the radical left’s social agenda.”

On Twitter, she said, “The United States is losing ground in the battle to garner influence through humanitarian aid because we now refuse to help countries who don’t celebrate sexual deviancy.”

As I noted back when Grenell launched this campaign for sexual deviancy at the United Nations, “…if Trump is pressured to embrace a global ‘right’ to homosexuality, it could not only further undermine his support among conservative Christians, but turn out to be a moral catastrophe for America and the world.”

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Obama, China and The Great Reset

By Cliff Kincaid

In a 2007 address titled, “Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party,” the eminent left-wing historian Gerald Horne made two very important observations about what would take place in our country and world. First, he predicted the rise of Barack Hussein Obama and identified his mentor, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. This was before Obama was elected to his first term. Then Horne predicted the rise of Communist China.

The outcome looks ominous. The establishment journal Foreign Affairs is out with an article that carries the title, “Beware the Guns of August — in Asia.” The author, Kevin Rudd, a former Prime Minister of Australia, says, “The once unthinkable outcome — actual armed conflict between the United States and China — now appears possible for the first time since the end of the Korean War.”

China’s rise was made possible by Obama. After eight years in office, Obama visited with Chinese dictator Xi in China, in a meeting of “veteran cadres,” or communist officials, discussing current events. “Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-U.S. relations during his presidency,” said the Chinse press. It was more evidence, if we needed any, that Obama was a Marxist mole doing the bidding of China while he was in office.

The China virus now provides the springboard for what Obama and now Joe Biden are calling the “transformation” of the United States. Fear of the virus is driving many to accept this version of socialism in America. Trump has not been able to dispel the fear and has 90 days to turn around the perception that he has lost control of events.

If Trump does not succeed, plans will proceed on what globalists at the Rockefeller Foundation, Brookings Institution, World Economic Forum, and IMF are calling “The Great Reset,” a new term for achieving a United Nations-dominated New World Order. 

The Plan

Regarding the future president, Barack Hussein Obama, Horne had said back in 2007, “At some point in the future, a teacher will add to her syllabus Barack’s memoir and instruct her students to read it alongside Frank Marshall Davis’ equally affecting memoir, ‘Living the Blues’ and when that day comes, I’m sure a future student will not only examine critically the Frankenstein monsters that US imperialism created in order to subdue Communist parties but will also be moved to come to this historic and wonderful archive in order to gain insight on what has befallen this complex and intriguing planet on which we reside.” He was speaking at the reception of the Communist Party USA archives at the Tamiment Library at New York University.

What Horne was predicting was not only the Obama presidency but the victory of communism in America – and the world.

But the media were not interested. Even the Drudge Report rejected my paid ads about the Obama-Davis relationship. The fix was in.

Obama, who served two presidential terms, is back in the news, using a John Lewis memorial service to raise the stakes in the political crisis. He suggested a Democratic Party takeover of the presidency and the Congress with changes to Senate rules, leading to statehood for the Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. and the packing of the Supreme Court with more liberal justices. But with the release of the China virus, what Horne had to say about Communist China back in 2007 is worth reviewing.

Kissinger’s China Ploy Backfires

Horne quoted former New York Times columnist William Safire as saying, before Richard Nixon died, that his “opening” to Mao’s China might backfire. “Before Nixon died,” Safire said, “I asked him – on the record – if perhaps we had gone a bit overboard on selling the American public on the political benefits of increased trade with China. That old realist, who had played the China card to exploit the split in the Communist world, replied with some sadness, that he was not as hopeful as he had once been: ‘We may have created a Frankenstein [monster],’ said Nixon.”

Horne understood that all the talk about conflict and divisions in the communist world, including the “collapse” of the Soviet Union, did not slow the advance of communism. Horne said that Nixon, thinking he was exploiting a split in the communist world between Moscow and Beijing, “exchanged one Communist antagonist in Moscow for a far larger, far stronger Communist antagonist in Beijing. Future dictionaries may well illustrate the definition of the phrase ‘Pyrrhic victory’ with a picture of Nixon’s trip to Beijing in 1972.”

All of this is true beyond doubt, as we see in the current headlines.

The idea that the Red Chinese were potential allies was sold by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger under President Nixon and adopted by our intelligence agencies. It was carried forward during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama Administrations and resulted in decades of cooperation with China, even in medical research.

A 1965 communist Chinese publication, “The Polemic on the General Line of the International Communist Movement,” was based on the perceived “differences” between the Chinese and Soviet Communist parties. These differences were real in the mind of a communist, since they always preach and practice ideological “struggle,” but irrelevant in terms of their ultimate goal. This is why former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev would still, in the midst of glasnost and perestroika, declare his goal to be the ultimate triumph of world communism.

The Marxist Dialectic

Our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, features an interview with a former U.S. intelligence agency official who explained how the Sino-Soviet split, a development in the strategy known as Marxist dialectics, deceived U.S. policymakers and weakened the Free World. His perspective was a dissenting view in the CIA and intelligence community bureaucracy.

Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao called Marxist dialectics, the communist ideology of struggle and deception, a spiritual atom bomb, far superior to the real thing. Lenin called it the living soul of Marxism. It was evident in the so-called Sino-Soviet split, under which world communism still remained the ultimate goal.

Unleashing the coronavirus and then claiming to be the world’s savior from it is a example of Marxist dialectics.

Gerald Horne’s 2008 book, Blows Against Empire, includes a chapter on China that has always excited the communists. They understood that China’s goal was always world domination, a fact just recently confirmed by FBI Director Christopher Wray but known for decades to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of communism.

In the Communist Party USA newspaper. Norman Markowitz reviewed the Horne book and wrote that China is too big and too strong to be the target of “containment/encirclement” strategy, as was the case with the Soviet Union. He wrote, “Horne deals with a world in which the U.S. government and military is constantly frustrated by China’s refusal to toe its line, constantly seeking to make its rise anything but peaceful, China works with Iran and Venezuela. China maintains friendly relations with North Korea. While China is presented by U.S. media as an economic and potential military threat, the U.S. can’t really mobilize an economic and military bloc against it in Asia or globally, although it continues to try.”

In his 2008 article, Markowitz predicted that the U.S. would not be able to mobilize an ideological “holy war” against China because of China’s economic progress, power and wealth.  

At this point, according to the “official” statistics, the China virus has infected about 4.7 million Americans and killed more than 157,000. Equally important, government actions at the federal, state, and local levels have decimated the American economy and thrown tens of millions of people out of work. With “The Great Reset,” the power grab goes global, with China taking advantage of the crisis it created.

On foreign policy, freedom in Hong Kong has been lost. The State Department seems preoccupied with China’s claims to the South China sea but it’s doubtful that the American people would support a war with China over these claims.

“Is Taiwan the next Hong Kong,” many are asking.

Increasingly, China looks like a Red Dragon gobbling up the world.

But the U.S. also has advantages, as noted by analyst J.R. Nyquist, such as arable land and considerable food exports, while a Department of Homeland Security report indicates that China is likely unable to replace U.S. soybean exports needed for meat consumption. Nyquist discusses these trends in the context of what is called the solar minimum, a cyclical weakening of the Sun’s electromagnetic field that results in changes in earth’s weather, including a shortened growing season and a significant decrease in world food production in countries like China.

This makes America, the leading food exporting country, a strategic and tempting target for communist control.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Tainted Red Legacy of John Lewis

By Cliff Kincaid

The late Congressman John Lewis will lie in state at the Capitol, “an honor that has been bestowed upon only a few dozen American politicians since the practice began in 1852,” notes Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire. This publication, and countless others, describe Lewis as a civil rights icon, especially because of his participation in the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, known as “Bloody Sunday.” But they ignore his public praise for the black communist Paul Robeson, the actor and singer whose fatal flaws included membership in the Moscow-funded Communist Party, love for Soviet mass murderer Joseph Stalin, and support for the Hitler-Stalin Pact that paved the way for World War II.

President Trump’s “Proclamation on the Death of John Lewis” ordered that “the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff” on various federal properties in his honor.

But does Lewis deserve it?

A politician who had a flirtation with a top Nazi or a figure sympathetic to Nazi Germany would never be accorded such an honor. Yet Lewis heaped much praise on Robeson, (1898-1976), who lied about his membership in the Moscow-funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA), in order to deceive fellow blacks about his real intentions.

Although he avoided confirmation of party membership, his record was clear from his activities, statements, and travels to Russia. A communist to his core, despite being raised in a religious family, he took advantage of the many opportunities America offered to him, including graduating from Rutgers University and Columbia University Law School, and then using his talents to express his love for Soviet Russia and its murderous dictator. He charged America with genocide.

Indeed, Robeson said American blacks would never go to war against Russia because blacks loved Russia so much. The actual statement was, “It is unthinkable that American Negroes could go to war on behalf of those who have oppressed us for generations against the Soviet Union, which in one generation has raised our people to the full dignity of mankind.” Robeson was accused by patriotic whites and blacks of inciting treason with this statement but he never backed away from it.

For his part, Lewis lent his name to Freedomways, a journal financed by communist money from China and the Soviet Union and channeled through the Communist Party USA. All of this was set forth in revelations about SOLO, an FBI operation that infiltrated the Communist Party USA and documented its relationship with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Lewis, chair of SNCC, the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, gave a speech, also published in the form of a 1965 Freedomways article, about Robeson being an “inspirer of youth” and leaving a legacy of “spiritual children,” such as Lewis himself. With pride, Lewis said about Robeson, “He talked and listened to the representatives of the Communist Party.”

Freedomways called Robeson “the great forerunner,” a reference to the path he set for American blacks to follow.

In what can be called the real Russia-gate scandal, the path that was taken by Robeson and his “spiritual children” was based on the Communist Party USA illegally receiving millions of dollars from Moscow in order to stir up racial animosity in the U.S. and create a “Soviet America.”

Years later, Lewis would suddenly find the Russians to be so odious and obnoxious that he would accuse them of supporting Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election. Of course, these charges were based on the phony Trump Russia dossier peddled for partisan purposes by Hillary and the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies.

Lewis told Chuck Todd of NBC News, “I don’t see this President-elect [Donald J. Trump] as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.”

This is the real John Lewis — a partisan Democrat to the end who never disavowed his praise for Paul Robeson and helped make the admirer of Stalin into a hero to black youth.

“We loved America so dearly we were ready to die for her” was one of the patriotic statements attributed to Lewis. By contrast, Lewis hero Paul Robeson and black CPUSA leader William Patterson submitted a “We Charge Genocide” petition against the United States to the United Nations in 1951. Lewis had to know this when he paid tribute to Robeson. His knowledge of Robeson’s service to the Soviet Union was evident in Lewis’s reference to Robeson seeking advice from the CPUSA.

It was John Lewis who coauthored and sponsored the legislation that created the federally-funded Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). Interestingly, it includes an item, “Paul Robeson: An American Communist,” created by the CPUSA and written by party chairman Gus Hall, confirming Robeson’s CPUSA membership.  The identity of Comrade Robeson, Hall said, was with a “socialist USA and the Communist movement.” He was not able to declare his party membership openly, Hall claimed, because of the “extreme repression” of the anti-communism of that period.

Asked by various official committees about his party membership, Robeson would either lie or cite the Fifth Amendment. He took advantage of America’s constitutional protections when it was in his interest to do so.

Today, the CPUSA is out in the open, after having endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for two presidential terms and issuing statements through social media platforms such as Facebook in support of such figures as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It is strongly opposed to Trump and his re-election.

By appearing at the Freedomways event to pay tribute to Robeson, Lewis helped make communism acceptable in the black community. It is a terrible blot on his record that must be remembered as the American flag is lowered to half-staff in his honor. The passing of John Lewis is indeed a tragedy but his legacy, including public praise of the communist liar Robeson, is in a way a tragedy, too.

It’s sad to say, but Lewis actually set back the cause of civil rights by incorporating support for a communist figure and his ideology into a great and noble cause. Lewis’s devotion to “non-violence” was tainted by his praise for Robeson, a Soviet agent and stooge. He doesn’t deserve America’s accolades.

(Note: for a longer version of this article, with references to Barack Hussein Obama and his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, please visit )

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

John Lewis and the “Spiritual Children” of Communism

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump is running out of time to save his presidency. The last thing he wants to do is go down in history as the last Republican president, followed by a socialist one-party state. But these are the stakes, as he replaces his campaign manager, a move that reflects his desperation as the November 3 election approaches.

The Washington Examiner says this effectively means that Trump’s liberal son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is in charge. The paper said, “The president’s senior adviser and son-in-law has attracted the ire of the more conservative wings and the Bannonite, America First cadre of the Trump coalition. They believe he has dragged the president into more liberal positions — pushing through criminal justice reform, for example — while failing to understand the base of ‘deplorables’ who elected Trump in 2016.”

Kushner was a former business partner with George Soros and brought “former” communist Van Jones into the White House to work on “criminal justice reform” and “police reform.” Jones, who had been deeply involved in a Marxist group, Standing Together To Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), had resigned under fire from his White House job in the Obama Administration.

The new “official” Trump campaign manager is Bill Stepien, whose dubious credentials include serving as the national director for John McCain’s failed 2008 presidential campaign. McCain lost to Barack Hussein Obama because he failed to expose Obama’s Marxist and Muslim sympathies.

Joe Biden’s handlers, including Obama, are growing more radical, now proposing to abolish “shareholder capitalism” and “transform” the nation. Analyst Kevin Freeman says about Biden’s call for transformation, an echo of what Obama promised, that “It is a full-on dog-whistle of intention for progressive leftists (aka Marxist Revolutionaries).” He adds, “This is not a mindless statement from a benign old man facing dementia. This is the sole and entire purpose of the left and the intent goes far beyond simply minor course corrections in policy.”

This is the kind of analysis that Trump needs to hear. But many are skeptical that Kushner or Stepien will provide it – or that Trump will act on it. Some cite Trump’s reluctance to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci for his contradictory, misleading and deadly advice about the coronavirus.

How the China virus has become a vehicle for socialism has been revealed by the South African Communist Party, in the new issue of their journal, African Communist, in an article about exercising total government control over peoples’ lives. The title is, “We welcome decisive state power on Covid-19!”

The South African Communists, who rule South Africa through a coalition government led by the African National Congress, make some important observations, such as that the coronavirus gives the state the ability “to restrict travel and other personal freedoms, and still receive widespread social support…”

Under these circumstances, the communists argue, state power can be used to intervene actively in other areas of human life, such as taking direct ownership of various industries.

Here, the virus provides the springboard for what Obama and now Biden are calling the “transformation” of the United States and what is articulated in the “Biden-Sanders Unity Task force Recommendations.” It’s an open alliance with socialists and communists, the same kind of coalition ruling South Africa today.  Not surprisingly, former CPUSA official Angela Davis says she’s backing Biden because he “can be most effectively pressured” by the left. (Interestingly, she made these statements on Russia Today television).

She explained, “Biden is far more likely to take mass [i.e. communist] demands seriously — far more likely — than the current occupant of the White House.” She added, “…we will have to campaign for and vote for Biden.”

At this critical point in history, it’s important to understand how and why John Lewis is being transformed into a “civil rights icon,” even by conservative pundits, and what this means for the election campaign.

Although his civil rights activism gets the attention, he came under the influence of revolutionary forces when he wrote a 1965 article for the publication Freedomways that was entitled, “Paul Robeson: Inspirer of Youth.” It was about the famous black actor and singer who had been a member of the Communist Party USA and admirer of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

“He [Robeson] talked and listened to the representatives of the Communist Party,” wrote Lewis, then national chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). “In many ways,” he wrote, “we of SNCC are Paul Robeson’s spiritual children.”

Freedomways, which was influential in the black community for decades, was subsidized by the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties.

Former CPUSA official Manning Johnson testified in 1949 that that he saw Robeson “a number of times in the headquarters” of the CPUSA and that Robeson was, in fact, a party member. Johnson said Robeson wanted to be “the Black Stalin among Negroes.” Johnson testified, “Paul’s assignment was to work among the intellectuals, the professionals, and artists that the party was seeking to penetrate and influence along Communist lines.”

Freedomways, the communists and their fellow-travelers continued to make inroads in the black community.

It was Lewis, citing bogus claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election,who said that he didn’t see the election of Donald Trump to be “legitimate” and that he would be skipping the presidential inauguration. Before that, Lewis and his Congressional Black Caucus colleagues had claimed in 2010 the N-word had been “shouted” at him by Tea Party members, when no camera recorded anything of the sort. Andrew Breitbart had promised $100,000 to anyone who could prove the epithets had been used.

Until Trump and his aides are ready to tell the complete truth about those posing as crusaders for “social justice,” we will not fully understand how black Americans are being deceived and manipulated into being shock troops for the communist revolution now underway in America.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Conservative Senator with Guts

By Cliff Kincaid

This is a story of two women. One, Senator Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, denounced Black Lives Matter (BLM) as the Marxist organization it is. The other woman, Louise Radnofsky, a sports reporter for the Wall Street Journal, deceived her readers about the Marxist political agenda of Black Lives Matter, calling the group “decentralized.” This claim was then picked up by left-wing groups to defend BLM and attack Loeffler.

In fact, BLM is a group that honors convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur, now living in Communist Cuba. A video shows a BLM co-founder admitting, “We are trained Marxists.”

Marxists are trained not to solve problems but to exploit them, on the road to socialism and communism. They were prepared when George Floyd died. Our cites were still burning when the BLM’s call to defund the police resulted in more black lives being lost as gun violence rose in those same cities.

BLM is in the fore front of a Maoist cultural revolution that few Republican Senators, except for Loeffler, seem to grasp.

Journalists distort the truth all the time. But Radnofsky works for a paper that carries a “conservative” reputation. That makes this case of media distortion and omission significant.

Her story was about Senator Loeffler, a part owner of the WNBA team, the Atlanta Dream, objecting to the league glorifying the BLM movement on team uniforms. She appeared on Fox News and Newsmax TV to denounce the group’s “Marxist principles.”

While other “conservative” Senators were proposing to replace Columbus Day with June teenth, or to handcuff the police through more lawsuits, Loeffler took on the BLM directly. This is the kind of tough woman Trump needs on the ticket with him to salvage his campaign. Women need to know that BLM is not a group that deserves sympathy but scorn for dividing America along racial lines.

Here’s what Radnofsky wrote about BLM:

“Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political movement. Leaders of its official chapters, and throngs of loosely affiliated backers, generally support reallocating police funds to social programs, as well as other overhauls of police department oversight, discipline and practices; many others have also pushed for departments to be completely abolished.”

In fact, BLM’s proposed destruction of “the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” follows the dictates of the book, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, by Karl Marx comrade Friedrich Engels. The Marxists regard the family structure of husband, wife, and children to be a construct of capitalism and in need of complete overthrow. Hence, BLM also affirms “trans” rights, letting men become women, and vice versa. This is DNA denial.

Those interested in restoring the black family in America would be interested in that fact.

The BLM tribute to the terrorist Shakur is one thing. But the Capital Research Center notes that Susan Rosenberg, a board member of Thousand Currents — the group fiscally sponsoring the most organized part of the Black Lives Matter movement, the BLM Global Network Foundation — is a former convicted terrorist. The group posts links to the supporting documents.  The Rosenberg connection helps make the case that BLM is not only Marxist but pro-terrorist.

Radnofsky failed to do the elementary research required of a journalist upholding minimal standards of basic journalism. Perhaps she was afraid to report the facts because she would be criticized for doing so. This reflects the power of what former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss calls the mob-dictated dominant ideology in journalism today.

According to the Journal, this stand against BLM has “made Loeffler an outlier in the sports world, where leagues and franchises have rushed to embrace the antiracist movement in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.”

Loeffler spoke out against the Marxist values of the BLM and suggested that basketball players and everyone unite as Americans behind the American flag — a global symbol of freedom. Her radical proposal was to put a small American flag on the uniforms of WNBA players to show unity.

This has made her an “outlier.” Nonsense.

Of course, the term, “antiracist,” as used by Radnofsky, is deliberately false. The group’s focus on saving the lives of one race of people is itself racist by definition. It is also Marxist and anti-family.

Official factions of the BLM have also been accused of anti-Semitism but never disavowed. Indeed, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has thanked Loeffler for condemning BLM’s anti-Semitism. They said, “ZOA calls on all patriots and people of good conscience to join Sen. Loeffler in calling out the Black Lives Matter political organization for its Jew-hatred and its anti-Israel activities and associations, as well as it’s call to defund police and abolish prisons and the US military, as well as its call to end the nuclear family and asking young children to choose their own gender.”

Radnofsky’s bio says she has a master’s from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism was founded by Joseph Pulitzer (1847–1911), a famous newspaper publisher. “Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together,” Pulitzer wrote, on a plaque inside the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism building. “An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”

Today, it produces journalists who are not living up to his high aspirations. Sadly, this is typical.

To understand how journalism has been “fundamentally transformed,” please read this report, “Saving the World For Socialism: How Soviet Dupe and Fellow Traveler Curtis MacDougall Trained Today’s ‘Progressive’ Journalists.” MacDougall conceived “interpretative reporting,” the name of his textbook, and drove many young journalists to embrace this far-left worldview.

The report is based in part on my own experience in journalism. I saw it from the inside. Senator Loeffler is a victim but is standing up to it.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Get Ready for the “Rainbow Nation” of America

By Cliff Kincaid

It’s “Nelson Mandela International Day,” designated as such by the United Nations, on July 18. Look for Nelson Mandela statues to be erected in place of George Washington. (There’s already one at the U.N.). But in the same way the founding of the U.N. by communist spy Alger Hiss is routinely ignored, we will not be told that Mandela was exposed as a member of the South African Communist Party and that whites are now fleeing the workers’ paradise he created.

Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama’s former Ambassador to South Africa, Patrick Gaspard, who is now the president of the Open Society Foundations of George Soros, has announced a staggering grant of $220 million for black power movements, “placing a bet on their ability to carry today’s momentum toward a better tomorrow.” That’s on top of the admitted $15.2 billon the billionaire hedge fund operator has already provided to various Marxist and “progressive” forces.

Conservatives have focused on the amount of money rather than the credentials of the strategist. It is significant that Patrick Gaspard was Obama’s Ambassador to South Africa, already considered a “Rainbow Nation” where communists rule. A member of Obama’s inner circle, he had served as Director of the White House Office of Political Affairs, the executive director of the Democratic National Committee, the national political director for Obama for America in 2008, and lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Gaspard was confirmed as Ambassador to South Africa by the Senate on August 1, 2013, in a voice vote with no dissent. He served as the U.S. ambassador to South Africa until 2016.

As an eyewitness to what is happening in South Africa, Gaspard understands how a communist regime can take power through the democratic process.  Of course, the communist government there is attracting and exploiting the votes of the majority black population. Whites are facing discrimination and fleeing, being persecuted, and/or being killed. In the U.S., at least for the time being, whites are still a majority.

The key to the Soros/Gaspard strategy is to shame enough whites into joining the communist coalition. These are the “progressive whites” caught up in the George Floyd protests. Through one of the most skillful propaganda campaigns ever launched, the cops in the Floyd case were portrayed as cold-blooded killers when in fact they were confronted with a career criminal high on drugs who was foaming at the mouth and resisting arrest. Evidence in the case, as I document in the column,”The Lies Behind the George Floyd Case,” exonerates the police of the horrendous charges of murder and aiding murder that have been made against them.

The article, “Mandela and Communism,” from the Communist People’s World newspaper, is very important in this context. It was about the South African president Nelson Mandela, exposed as a member of the South African Communist Party after his death, and compares him to Barack Hussein Obama, who concealed his relationship with Communist Party USA figure and mentor Frank Marshall Davis.

Published on December 13, 2013, after Obama’s election to a second term, author Rick Nagin said communist revolutions go through various stages and that, in the U.S., the “Democratic parts of the ruling class” were “still very much needed” for communism to succeed here. Nagin, a veteran Communist Party official, urged support for President Obama and “the Obama coalition,” in order to prevent division in the ranks of the progressives. He said to “win at this stage we need to emulate the steadfastness and political maturity shown by Mandela and the South African Communist Party.”

Obama delivered the 16th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture at the Wanderers Stadium, Johannesburg, July 17, 2018, and said, “I believe in Nelson Mandela’s vision.” He wrote the foreword to the 2010 book, Nelson: Conversations with Myself, by Mandela.

Obama’s key ally in Congress was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “I think Nancy Pelosi, when the history is written, will go down as one of the most effective legislative leaders that this country’s ever seen,” Obama said.

In this context, the name of Dr. Carlton Goodlett is significant. A communist associate of the Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones, whose more than 900 followers committed “revolutionary suicide” in Guyana in 1978,  Goodlett was a Lenin Peace Prize winner and central figure in the Democratic Party in San Francisco. Incredibly, there is a street in San Francisco, Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, named after this communist, where City Hall is located. House Speaker Representative Nancy Pelosi praised Goodlett after his death as a civil rights leader.

Pelosi, of course, is still running the House, while Obama is officially out of office.

President Trump’s real opponent isn’t Joe Biden, but Obama, who operates mostly behind the scenes. Gaspard understands that as long as Trump continues to talk about Biden, rather than Soros and Obama, the strategy to create a “Rainbow Nation” in America may succeed.

“Obama’s victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle,” wrote Marxist activist Frank Chapman, a leading member of the pro-China Freedom Road Socialist Organization who recently showed up in Minneapolis to join the protests. “Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface,” he said. “This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through.”

Obama and Gaspard provide the brains, Soros gives the money, and Chapman and their comrades are the cannon fodder for the street revolution. Biden is their front man.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Lies Behind the George Floyd Case

By Cliff Kincaid

The George Floyd riots that resulted in $500 million worth of damage to Minneapolis were based on a lie. With more evidence now available, one possible verdict is that the drugs in his system contributed to his death, as he was out of control and resisted arrest.

Transcripts of police body camera recordings of the confrontation demonstrate that George Floyd, the so-called “gentle giant,” was foaming at the mouth and so out of control that the police had no alternative but to pin him down with a knee to the neck, an acceptable police procedure when a suspect goes berserk. A legal memorandum in the case, seeking dismissal of the charges, was filed by an attorney for one of the officers and incorporates the facts from the body cameras:  “Floyd had just committed a felony, he was not being cooperative, and appeared to be under the influence of drugs. There was a lengthy struggle to get 6 foot four, 223 pound Floyd into the car.” (Other reports put Floyd’s height at 6 foot six or seven). He was 46 years old.

With new evidence showing the police acted properly, the charges could be dismissed. If they are not, we can anticipate not-guilty verdicts in a fair trial that will be exploited to further feed the fires of racial animosity in the hands of the Black Lives Matter agitators. Or else the trial will be rigged and police will be framed for crimes they didn’t commit, in order to tamp down the potential for more riots.

These are the stakes as the new evidence has emerged, throwing into doubt the charges of murder and aiding murder filed against the four police officers.

A video snippet of the last part of the encounter, the knee on the neck, is what became the excuse for the riots and the current national hysteria over “Black Lives Matter,” whose name conceals a Marxist political agenda that aims to leave Americans defenseless as police departments are defunded. The liberal governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, has imposed draconian restrictions on the movements of ordinary people but failed to protect Minneapolis when it was burning and a police headquarters was abandoned and ransacked. The federal government has rejected his request for a financial bailout.

In a sensitive case like this, at the time of the incident, there was a need for deliberation and calm. But people jumped to erroneous conclusions, in the same way that the Michael Brown “Hands up, don’t shoot” case out of Ferguson, Missouri, turned out to be a case of a young black man high on pot reaching for a police officer’s gun and getting shot and killed in the process.

The George Floyd case became the second go-round for the national effort to ignite a race war in America. It is working, thanks to commentators and politicians who jumped on the anti-police bandwagon. This time, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” has been replaced by “I can’t breathe.” But an objective observer could conclude that he couldn’t breathe because of too many drugs in his system and his delirium when facing arrest. (Floyd family attorney Ben Crump says the presence of drugs in his system when he died is a “red herring” designed to draw attention away from the police conduct).

Regarding the kneeling on Floyd by one officer, after futile efforts were made to get Floyd into the police car, that particular neck restraint was used and “was something taught to officers.” It says that based on Floyd’s actions up to that point, “the officers had no idea what he would do next – hurt himself, hurt the officers, flee, or anything else, but he was not cooperating.” What’s more, it says the force used by officer Derek Chauvin by kneeling was not substantial, in that “there were no physical findings of asphyxia.”

In other words, contrary to what most media have reported, he was not strangled to death by the knee to his neck. The knee was not responsible for his inability to breathe. That was caused by the drugs and his own uncontrollable behavior, as he worked himself into a frenzy. At one point, an officer asks Floyd about foam around his mouth, and he replies, “I was just hooping earlier.” This is a possible reference to taking illegal psychoactive drugs through the rectum. He may have been overdosing, which can cause foaming at the mouth. Or he could have been referring to something else.

What people did not see in the video released to the public was that Floyd, after passing the bad bill, was first spotted in a car “digging underneath the seat, as if reaching for something.” It could have been a gun, drugs, counterfeit bills, or something else. The officers attempted to get Floyd into the squad car and told him multiple times to take a seat. He was said to have repeatedly kicked at the officers.

“Floyd does not take a seat and starts saying he is going to die,” the memo says.  As the strange behavior continues, one officer says, “he’s got to be on something.” Floyd “started to thrash back and forth” and “was hitting his face on the glass in the squad [car] and began to bleed from his mouth.” He got out of the car and officers “ended up bringing Floyd to the ground after the struggle to get him in the car because Floyd was out of control.” One officer finds a pipe, a smoking device for illegal drugs. “He’s got to be on something,” the officer observes. Another sees his eyes shaking, probably a reference to the rapid quivering of the pupils, another sign of drug abuse.

The manager of the store where Floyd passed the funny money concluded that Floyd and his friends seemed “high off stuff.”

During the melee, the police called for an ambulance. They understood Floyd was in a drug-induced state and needed help. But he died before he could be revived.

People could have mourned the tragic death of Floyd, without the anti-police hysteria that resulted in riots and disturbances in major cities. These have now expanded from “police reform” into demands for America’s founding fathers to be demonized and statues of them destroyed. One death, which we now know was caused by extensive drug use, ignited all of this. It sparked a carefully-planned Maoist cultural revolution that includes calls to destroy pictures and statues of “white Jesus.”

Conservatives contributed to this madness, as Sean Hannity of Fox News and politicians such as Senator Ted Cruz immediately condemned the police handling of the incident without waiting to get all the facts. Republican Senator Mitt Romney actually marched with Black Lives Matter in Washington, D.C.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh went so far as to conduct an “exchange” with the black radio host, “Charlamagne Tha God,” to see if black-white racial harmony could be achieved in light of what the police had done to Floyd. The exchange was a disaster. Dialogue was not what they were looking for. They wanted white apologies over “white privilege” and police charged with murder and aiding murder.

Soon after the incident, another video snippet surfaced, appearing to show Floyd scuffling with police in the police car, but few waited for the facts behind that part of the confrontation, either. Now we know he resisted arrest in a drug-induced rage. Then, an autopsy showing Floyd’s heavy drug use and the facts about his criminal record were conveniently overlooked to keep the anti-police narrative going.

“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” said Minneapolis police union president Bob Kroll at the time. He was dismissed, however, as just an apologist for members of his union and the officers he represents. Some called for him to go because he dared to highlight some damaging truths about Floyd, including his four years in prison for aggravated robbery.

In summary, the new evidence shows that George Floyd was being arrested for a legitimate reason, passing counterfeit money, but behaving erratically and was perceived to be high on drugs. His blood tests found evidence of marijuana, fentanyl, and methamphetamine. He was difficult to calm down, apparently because of the drug use, and kept claiming that he couldn’t breathe, a possible sign of hyperventilation caused by the drugs.

But now that exculpatory evidence for the officers has emerged, the judge in the case, Peter Cahill, has imposed a gag order on the attorneys for the police.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

* Cliff Kincaid is president for America’s Survival, Inc.

The Redskins Controversy is All About Demonizing the White Man

By Cliff Kincaid

The name Washington Redskins is a tribute to the ferocity of the Indian tribes. “Hail to the Redskins” is a song to honor the football team and their fighting spirit. But they remind people that the American Indians lost the Indian wars.  And they lost these wars to the white man. That makes the white man the devil. And that means the name has to be changed.

The same goes for removing statues of president Andrew Jackson. As I noted in a recent column, Jackson beat the Indians and moved many, for their own good, to different parts of America. But the fact remains that they were beaten by Army troops protecting white settlers under the guidance of great generals like Jackson. That’s why the Jackson statue has been targeted.

Our Declaration of Independence refers to the “merciless Indian Savages,” supported by the British, which helped spark the American Revolution. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, can’t change that fact. The paper also can’t change the fact that “redskins” is a term the Indians used to describe themselves. What’s more, the paper conducted a poll and found that nine in 10 Native Americans were are not offended by the Washington Redskins name. But the paper insists that people should be offended by it. This is brainwashing designed to instill guilt in white people and hatred of white people. It all has a political purpose.

There’s an old saying, “History Is Written by the Victors,” but the current campaign, now taken to the point of Amazon banning the sale of products with the Redskins’ name and logo, is designed to make us forget about the fact that the Indians lost – to white people. And then to make white people pay for their own victory. That’s called reparations.

The changing of the name to “Washington Warriors,” or whatever they come up with, will only remind people of a time in history when big corporations, some owned by Bezos, appeased the powers of Cultural Marxism in an effort to rewrite American history. That’s the real target – history, not a football team.

But history will continue to show that the white settlers and their descendants created a great nation. In wars, there are winners and losers. The name-changers will never be able to take that away from the American people.

White settlers originally came from Europe to America, beginning on the East coast and moving West. The term “Manifest Destiny” was used to describe this movement of people. Moving Indians away from some land, making treaties with some tribes, and fighting with others, was part of that process. It’s the way history is made. Our founders and presidents also expanded America with purchases of land. They sacrificed a lot and we should all be proud of their accomplishments. But all of this is jeopardy now.

Ironically, by demanding a name change for the Redskins and other teams, the Cultural Marxists are bringing more attention to this period in American history. A logo or a name will come and go but history remains the same. Our challenge is preserving it for those who still seek the truth. Our history is something to be proud of.

Criticism of President Trump’s patriotic speech at Mount Rushmore included the claim that the national memorial was built on stolen Indian land. That claim is made about the entire United States. It is irrational and absurd. The Indians lost the Indian Wars, and that’s that.

Before Mount Rushmore became the subject of such claims under President Trump, socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders visited the memorial, hailing the “great Americans” carved in stone there. That’s before the cultural revolution was unleashed on the streets of America.

All of this is a distraction from the fact that a prominent Democrat, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, falsely claimed to be an Indian to get ahead in her Ivy League career. Claiming to be a fake Indian is the equivalent of fake veterans engaging in “Stolen Valor” by wearing badges and awards they didn’t earn. Warren’s phony claims have led to a web page of “No Fake Indians” memes, including one calling her “Spreading Bull.”

But it’s not a laughing matter. Earlier this year, when she was in the running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, a group of Cherokees sent her a letter saying that “you set a harmful example for these white people stealing Native identity…”

This is a far more serious matter than picking a logo or name for a sports team that is designed to highlight something that is widely viewed as heroic on the part of the Indians. Warren was either ashamed to be white or claimed to be an Indian for purely selfish purposes.

Our media, especially the Bezos-owned Washington Post, would rather focus on a name for a team than the fact that a leading Democrat, who is also a Harvard Law School professor, stole the identity of an Indian to get ahead in life. Warren is still a member in good standing of the Democratic Party and may even be in the running for the vice presidential nomination under Joe Biden.

To add insult to injury, Warren joined Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell in 2014 to lead a “Change the Mascot” campaign. Ironically, Warren joined an effort to demonize “her own people” – that is, white people. America’s European heritage is the real enemy of the “Change the Mascot” and other such campaigns.

The Census Bureau projects that minority groups will outnumber non-Hispanic whites in the United States in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations.

In his book, Brown is the New White, endorsed by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein Obama, Steve Phillips argues for a rainbow strategy of defeating conservatives through a “demographic revolution.” Part of the success lies in generating white guilt, over treatment of the Indians, blacks, and other minorities, and getting just enough “progressive whites” to join with minority voters to take complete control of the federal government – House, Senate, and presidency.

As part of this campaign, Phillips is now urging Congress to pass HR 40, a bill to set the stage for whites to pay reparations to blacks. Reparations to the Indians will likely be the next phase.

After the Redskins capitulate, the agitators will move on to something else. It never ends. The goal is to demonize whitey and make Americans feel guilty and shame over what their ancestors built. The anti-white racists can only succeed if we let them.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Tucker Carlson Is the New Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

A story ran under a headline on Canada Free Press claiming that Tucker Carlson, the independent conservative who just recorded the highest ratings in cable television history, had said President Trump would drop out of the presidential race. That was false. He had simply raised legitimate questions about President Trump’s reelection chances.

The author of the 2018 book, Ship of Fools, about how the failures of the political establishment led to the election of Trump, Carlson is the new voice of the forgotten American. He’s urging Republicans to the return to the themes that got Trump elected.

His book cover shows Democrats, along with Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, being joined by Republicans Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and Never Trumper Bill Kristol, leading the Ship of State to oblivion. The subtitle, “How a Selfish Ruling Class is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution,” has taken on a different meaning, as the ruling class is now orchestrating a revolution against Trump. “Make no mistake,” Trump said at Mount Rushmore, “this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American revolution.”

Canada Free Press is one of those Rah! Rah! Sis! Boom! Bah! outlets which prefer to believe that anything negative about Trump or his campaign is designed to sink his chances in November. Carlson sees things differently. His honesty is what has propelled him to the top of the cable TV charts. He is not a brown noser. If you can believe it, he actually had the audacity to criticize the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. This is why Fox News is under left-wing pressure from advertisers to drop Carlson’s show. As the ratings show, the public is rallying around him and calling for more.

Carlson is willing to “tell it like it is,” even if some of the targets are one-time favorites of his conservative audience.  In response to his criticism, Senators James Lankford and Ron Johnson withdrew a proposal to replace Columbus Day with June teenth. Under fire from Carlson, Senator Mike Braun backed away from a proposal allowing frivolous lawsuits against police.

Carlson is the new Donald Trump, unafraid of what the elites say about him, and willing to take on those who cower in fear of the Big Media. He believes Senate Republicans are weak and afraid to take on important issues such as the cultural revolution being orchestrated by the elites against America. These Republicans curry favor with the likes of Bezos and Zuckerberg and don’t come to the aid of their voters.

Mike Reagan, the eldest son of the former president, quoted the Fox star as saying, “The core appeal of Trump was if things ever started to fall apart, he would defend you. Yes, he was loud and crude. Most bodyguards are. Only a man like Donald Trump was tough enough to fight the creeping authoritarianism of the education cartel and corporate America.”

Reagan added, “Trump voters don’t feel defended today. Conservatives and independents feel beleaguered as the nation descends into chaos.”

In 2016, Reagan noted, Trump had a good message and good campaign staff. “In 2020,” he said, “he’s got a government-paid White House staff and a lavishly funded campaign apparatus that appears to only be effective at blocking attention to the issues that elected Trump.”

Part of the current problem is the influence of Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush. A big man in conservatism, at least at one time, Rove wrote, Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight, but drives the GOP to the left on cultural issues.

The fact that Rove, still a prominent GOP fundraiser, continues to write for the Wall Street Journal and remains a paid contributor to Fox News is an illustration of the problem. Carlson knows Rove is overrated, having quizzed him back in 2016 about Rove’s erroneous prediction that Trump wouldn’t win the presidential election. Rove doesn’t understand the conservative base and what it takes to win.

Rove recently wrote a Wall Street Journal article about troubles in the Trump campaign called  “The Trump Campaign Needs to Hit ‘Reset‘.” But some have been arguing that the “reset” should include dumping Rove as an adviser to Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, and reviewing the performance of Parscale himself.

Ignoring his own role in raising money for failed 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Rove said that Obama had “succeeded in making 2012 a choice election” and that this kind of approach is what Trump needs. But it was Rove who advised Republicans not to call Obama a socialist. “If you say he’s a socialist, they’ll go to defend him,” Rove said. “If you call him a ‘far out left-winger,’ they’ll say, ‘no, no, he’s not.’” Rove said Romney had to remain “focused on the facts and adopt a respectful tone” toward Obama. That strategy ended in failure. As a result, many Republicans were not prepared for what came next.

Several current reports indicate that Rove has not only been advising Trump’s campaign for president but has been visiting the White House. It was a visit reportedly recommended by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY.

It’s in the Senate races that we also find Rove’s influence. Rove has personally been raising money for Arizona Republican Senator Martha McSally, a lackluster candidate who is one of many GOP Senators running for reelection in danger of losing their seats.

Offering advice to Trump, Rove says the president should start campaigning on issues like immigration, energy and trade “before moving on to new topics.” But we are in the midst of a cultural revolution at the same time that Communist China has unleashed a virus on the United States and the world. This is a“new topic” that dwarfs everything else. Trump’s FBI Director Christopher Wray just gave a speech saying China intends on dominating the world. He said “China is engaged in a whole-of-state effort to become the world’s only superpower by any means necessary.”

What’s more, China has been caught smuggling weapons into the U.S. and has links to communist groups in the U.S. engaged in disruptions, riots, and protests. This is not an ordinary campaign or moment in history.

Tucker Carlson’s warning about the stakes in November comes as Democrat Joe Biden promises to “transform” America, a call first made by his former running mate, Barack Hussein Obama. The rhetoric demonstrates that Biden is a shill for the movement that elected Obama. But that’s how Trump can win – by painting Biden as the front man for a Marxist whose socialist transformation of America provoked the backlash that elected Trump in the first place.

If the debate is over socialism, globalism, and reinstating Obama’s China-friendly policies, at least the people will know what lies ahead. We can then prepare ourselves accordingly.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Barack Hussein Obama Is Running for a Third Term

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump’s Independence Day speech at Mount Rushmore was a good first step, but he must now identify the enemy by name – Communist China. We are at war. The China virus has been followed by riots instigated by pro-Chinese groups in our major cities. Meanwhile, China has taken Hong Kong, and its sights are set on the United States. We could drop into their hands like an overripe fruit. Those are the stakes.

Let’s don’t be confused by disinformation in the New York Times and the Washington Post about Trump’s “dark” and “divisive” speech. He didn’t start this war. He is playing defense. The media want him to surrender to the revolutionary mob.

Candidate Joe Biden, a shell of a man with no coherent ideas of his own, is the vessel for our domestic enemies with foreign ties to take control of the federal government and reduce the once-great United States to warring factions unable to stop Red China’s worldwide advance. Biden is promising peace and harmony but he is only a front man for the same forces behind Barack Hussein Obama’s movement for the “fundamental transformation” of America. Obama visited with Chinese President Xi after he left office, in a meeting of “veteran cadres,” or communist officials, discussing current events. “Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-U.S. relations during his presidency,” said the Chinse press.

That was ominous, but our media showed no interest. Yet this helps explain why Trump’s anti-China policies were a trigger, not only for the Russia-gate hoax, but coronavirus and the protests and riots.

One thing is clear: Obama and his people are calling the shots, literally, behind the Biden for President campaign. He wants a third term in office, and he may get it, using Biden as his front man. He will then reinstate his China-friendly policies.

Why, President Trump has to ask, did U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seize a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 assault weapons parts being smuggled into the country? The parts were seized at Express Consignment Operations hub in Louisville, Kentucky, in a parcel described as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. On a separate occasion, more than 5,000 counterfeit driver’s licenses and 2,909 counterfeit IDs were seized there. They also came from China and were headed to New York.

All of this looks like China is outfitting a communist insurgency on American soil. The Red Chinese are already killing our people through exports of fentanyl.

Looking at their political operations, Trump said, “One of their political weapons is cancel culture, driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and to our values and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America.”

Strangely, some Senate Republicans have joined the ranks of the opposition, with Senator Mike Braun endorsing handcuffing the police through frivolous left-wing lawsuits. As Trump said, we must support the police, not weaken them in the face of the communist advance.

Trump said, “The radical ideology attacking our country advances under the banner of social justice, but in truth, it would demolish both justice and society. It would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of a repression, domination, and exclusion. They want to silence us, but we will not be silenced.”

That “radical ideology” is communism.

“In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms,” Trump said, “there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. It’s not going to happen to us.” But it is happening, as the election quickly approaches.

Using the term “far-left fascism” to refer to the self-proclaimed anti-fascists is a smart technique rhetorically on Trump’s part. In fact, however, fascism lies on the same side of the political spectrum as communism, and we saw how a fascist-communist alliance sparked World War II, before these two totalitarian ideologies turned on each other, and America went to war to save Europe. The “Refuse Fascism” group, active in a dozen American cities, is actually a front of the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party.

Political censorship and communist-style mind control are being exercised through academia and the media and much of it is financed by corporate America. This trend is commonly called political correctness and “cancel culture.” In truth, this is Cultural Marxism, an actual movement determined to “make America stink,” with roots in communist thinking.

On an important level, America’s cities are threatened by these communists in the streets who can’t be stopped with ten-year jail terms for toppling statues. They will probably be sprung from jail by left-wing lawyers anyway and given reduced sentences by liberal judges. But our FBI and CIA can expose their ties to Beijing.That would give our law enforcement authorities more legal weapons in order to close these demonstrations down. These are foreign agents, at the very least, and some may be operating at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party.

Analyst Trevor Loudon has done a very good job of analyzing this problem in his latest piece, “‘People’s War:’ Pro-China Communists Claim Credit For ‘Sparking’ US Riots.” He names the names and identifies their foreign connections. He explains, “Developed by Chairman Mao, the ‘people’s war’ was a strategy whereby Maoist insurgents could use attrition and unconventional warfare to defeat much more powerful conventional armies.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently said, “…we are looking carefully at the prospect of foreign influence or foreign interference in all the protest activities (that’s) occurred over the last few weeks.” If they really don’t have that data, let them call Trevor Loudon and consult his KeyWiki online encyclopedia on the left.

If the CIA can’t document the connections of these groups to China, fire the CIA bureaucrat running the agency, Gina Haspel. Trump’s new Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, must clean house at the CIA and come clean on what China is doing, politically and through the provision of weapons.

On Independence Day, we are being greeted with cries of “Happy 4th of July.” But despite the fireworks, it’s not a happy day. Republican Senators James Lankford and Ron Johnson proposed that Columbus Day be replaced by a new federal holiday of June teenth. (They have since backed away from this proposal.) Such a move promises more division, with blacks having their own Independence Day and whites keeping the traditional July 4th. The revolutionary mobs, of course, will not be satisfied, as demands for trillions of dollars in “reparations” will be advanced. A white backlash seems inevitable. That’s why responsible leaders must step forward now, before more damage is done and the situation is irreversible.

Is it too much to ask that “conservative” Senators act to conserve the nation?

Trump stands virtually alone, seemingly unsure of how to proceed, as the enemies of America assemble an arsenal, as we saw in the confiscation of weapons parts in Louisville, that actually includes armaments. These are dangerous times.

Attorney General William Bar, in an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox, discussed in detail how the Chinese are targeting our high-tech industries and stealing technology. He talks about restoring law and order, but is he truly unaware of Chinese political connections to subversive groups behind the riots?

Trump needs our backing, but he must get the people in place who understand and want to defeat the enemy. For his part, Trump has to overhaul his campaign and start identifying the enemy by name. We deserve the truth.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Celebrating American Independence, President Andrew Jackson, and Mt. Rushmore

By Cliff Kincaid

It was a highlight when I received the Andrew Jackson “Champion of Liberty” Award from Howard Phillips and the U.S. Taxpayers Alliance on September 17, 2008. The award was given on the Conservative Caucus 8th annual commemoration of Constitution Day. Today, President Jackson is supposed to be a villain, as communist agitators tried to take down his statue in Lafayette Park near the White House, calling him a “killer” for removing Indians from areas of conflict in the new America to federal safe zones or havens for their own protection. Jackson offered the Indians federal protection and became the legal guardian to a Native American orphan Jackson found in battle.

The agitators didn’t succeed in taking down the statue, since federal police arrived in time to prevent that, but the communists did vandalize it.

Jackson and his supporters founded the modern Democratic Party and his policies on the Indians were considered benevolent at the time. For many years, before it became politically incorrect, there were Jefferson-Jackson Day fundraising dinners, named for Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, which were sponsored by the Democratic Party.

Today, Democratic Party officials and candidates hate Jackson. The former Democratic Party presidential candidate, New Ager Marianne Williamson, had promised to remove the Andrew Jackson painting from the Oval Office, referring to the federal government’s “historic mistreatment of America’s original inhabitants,” citing the Indian Removal Act in 1830. The Indians were removed, but for their own good, to avoid more Indian deaths in the long run.

Indeed, as Robert Remini writes in his book on Jackson, “The Trail of Tears was a terrible price to pay for this legislation but, as Jackson predicted, the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Chocraws, and Seminole tribes are alive today. They were not annihilated like the Yamassee, Mokawks and Pequote, and other eastern tribes.” In his book on Jackson, Sean Wilentz confirms this, writing, “In completing the removal of the Indians to what he considered a safe haven, Jackson may well have spared them the obliteration that had been the fate of many northeastern tribes.”

Her mind clouded by esoteric New Age ideas, Marianne Williamson and other fashionable thinkers must think that the European-Americans who settled in the United States encountered back-to-nature natives at home with Mother Earth. As we (most of us) celebrate American independence, let’s read that sacred document, the Declaration of Independence, especially the section that says:

“He [King George III] has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction, of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

This passage was once labeled “hate speech” by Facebook.

Clearly, the British-backed Indian attacks on the Americans were a factor in the cause of independence. Our founders understood that some of these “savages” were ruthless killers fighting for the British against the American revolutionaries.

An honest rendition of American history shows that Indians hostile to the revolution raided white settlements, murdering men, women, and children. The barbaric practice of scalping was so common by the Indians that some forts had people who specialized in treating scalped heads. One of the scalping treatments was called “pegging.”

The dissertation, “Andrew Jackson and the Indians, 1767-1815,” includes some important hard-to-find information about this period, citing one case in which Indians scalped several settlers, “stripped them naked, roasted their bodies, and ate the men, then took the scalps back through the Chickamauga towns to show off as war trophies.”

Indians Owned Slaves

Another part of relevant history, frequently overlooked, is that Indian tribes owned slaves. One tribe, the Chickasaws, owned over a thousand black slaves, as noted by David S. Reynolds, the author of Waking Giant: America in the Age of Jackson. The Cherokees owned two thousand black slaves. In fact, one Indian expert noted that the so-called “Five Civilized Tribes” — Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole –“were deeply committed to slavery, established their own racialized black codes, immediately reestablished slavery when they arrived in Indian territory, rebuilt their nations with slave labor, crushed slave rebellions, and enthusiastically sided with the Confederacy in the Civil War.”

Although they lost the Indian wars and were on the losing side in the Civil War, they were able to use the American constitutional system on their own behalf. Some tribes went before the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing unsuccessfully (Cherokee Nation v. State of Georgia) that they were independent nations on American soil.  However, in another case, Worcester v. Georgia, the Court ruled that the Cherokees were “a distinct community” exempt from state laws. Jackson was said to have reacted by saying “Justice [John] Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.”

Such a statement demonstrated his grit. Gaining new lands for America, Jackson fought the Indians, the British and the Spanish. As president, he vetoed a national bank under the control of private interests and paid off the national debt. He rooted out corruption and replaced government bureaucrats not serving the people.

In making the case for the Indian Removal Act in his First Annual Message to Congress on December 8,  1829, Jackson asked, “…is it supposed that the wandering savage has a stronger attachment to his home than the settled, civilized Christian?” It sounds harsh, in retrospect, but European-Americans had left their own homelands to start a new life, too. Jackson tried to resolve the Indian Wars in a peaceful manner, negotiating treaties with some tribes, but when others resisted, conflict broke out.

Arguing for a “progressive” solution to the Indian problem, he told Congress, “The waves of population and civilization are rolling to the westward, and we now propose to acquire the countries occupied by the red men of the South and West by a fair exchange, and, at the expense of the United States, to send them to a land where their existence may be prolonged and perhaps made perpetual.” One can argue with the end result, but it was his determination to end the clashes between the white settlers and the Indians, saving many of the Indians in the process.

Author David S. Reynolds notes, “Altogether, over forty-five thousand Indians moved west under Jackson’s policies – with a similar number designated for late removal – at the expense of $68 million of public funds and perhaps around thirteen thousand deaths among the natives.”

Modern Indian Agitation

The term “red men,” used by Jackson and others, is today controversial, just like the “Redskins” name for the Washington, D.C. NFL team, is considered by the Washington Post and its communist allies to be “offensive” these days. But “Redskins” is an acknowledgement of their fighting ability.

Tragically, as with the case of the George Floyd death, the communists are exploiting the “Redskins” controversy and the plight of the Indians, with one Marxist group, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, actually running the incarcerated Leonard Peltier as its 2020 vice presidential candidate. He was a member of the American Indian Movement now serving two consecutive life sentences for the execution-style murders of FBI Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams in 1975. The communists consider Peltier a “political prisoner,” a label he originally acquired through a sophisticated Soviet propaganda campaign on his behalf. The No Parole Peltier Association (NPPA) exists to keep him in prison.

However, the National Congress of American Indians has sought Peltier’s release.

To guard against attempts to alter or destroy Mount Rushmore, also considered “offensive” by some radical Indian groups, Representative Dusty Johnson (R-SD) introduced the Mount Rushmore Protection Act, in order to “prohibit the use of federal funds to alter, change, destroy or remove the likeness, the name of, or any of the faces on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.” Radical Indian groups circulated a meme showing the faces on Mount Rushmore (Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln) being blown to bits. The Democratic Party has said that Mount Rushmore “glorifies white supremacy.”

Democrats didn’t always talk this way about American presidents.

In his foreword to Remini’s book on Jackson, General Wesley K. Clark, a prominent Democrat, called America’s seventh president a great military hero. Although he was not without controversy and had personality flaws, Clark said Jackson’s “military prowess, proved on half a dozen battlefields, makes him one of our greatest generals and strategic force in the shaping of modern America.”

Former Democratic Virginia Senator Jim Webb called Jackson “one of our great presidents,” explaining, “A product of the Scots-Irish migration from war-torn Ulster into the Appalachian Mountains, his father died before he was born. His mother and both brothers died in the Revolutionary War, where he himself became a wounded combat veteran by age 13.” He noted, “On the battlefield he was unbeatable, not only in the Indian Wars, which were brutally fought with heavy casualties on both sides, but also in his classic defense of New Orleans during the War of 1812. His defense of the city (in which he welcomed free blacks as soldiers in his army) dealt the British army its most lopsided defeat until the fall of Singapore in 1942.”

Webb said Jackson “became the very face of the New America, focusing on intense patriotism and the dignity of the common man.” For this reason and others, President Trump has cited Jackson as one of his heroes while visiting the Jackson home The Hermitage in 2017 and giving a speech in his honor. In his remarks, Trump quoted Jackson as saying about the elites in his day, “The rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes.”

Under the Obama administration, however, the Treasury Department recommended that Andrew Jackson’s image be taken off the $20 bill. Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has wisely delayed that change.

Andrew Jackson’s Farewell Address highlighted the plight of the Indians, referring to their “unhappy race” and being “the original dwellers in our land” but now “in a situation where we may well hope that they will share in the blessings of civilization.”  He said their removal had placed them “beyond the reach of injury or oppression.”

He concluded, “I thank God that my life has been spent in a land of liberty and that He has given me a heart to love my country with the affection of a son.”

Let’s hope that when the communists return to Lafayette Square, to threaten once again to topple the Jackson statue, that they will be met with the force of law.

Perhaps President Trump should propose a “Communist Removal Act.” They could be sent to Cuba, where the Black Lives Matter hero, cop-killer Assata Shakur, is living.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Obama’s Transformation of America is Happening Under Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is happening now.  We have communist insurrection in the streets that includes the burning of churches, tearing down of historical monuments, and attacks on businesses, homeowners and police by the revolutionary mob. There is ongoing censorship of conservatives by Big Tech, coming after a Supreme Court decision by a Trump appointee that imposes transgenderism on America. It seems as if Obama is still in charge.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators of Obamagate, including Obama himself, are running free of legal accountability and are now promising a “great awakening” against the white European- Americans (“white supremacists”) who founded our nation. In Obama’s own book, Dreams from My Father, he talks about asking “Frank,” in reality his mentor communist Frank Marshall Davis, for advice when his white grandmother had been accosted by a black panhandler. Davis told Obama that his grandmother was right to be scared and that “She understands that black people have reason to hate.”

Americans are scared, with some seeing a collapse of their country and the lives of their family members in danger. They are waiting for Trump, the “Lone Warrior,” as he calls himself, to take decisive action.

At the same time, there are credible reports that “former” communist Van Jones worked with Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner on the president’s executive order on “police reform.” Jones, who had been deeply involved in a Marxist group, Standing Together To Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), which sent some of its members to Cuba for brainwashing,had resigned under fire from his White House job in the Obama Administration. Blogger Trevor Loudon broke the story of Jones’ communist connections years ago, but the Trump Administration seems not to care. Jones was previously recruited by Kushner to help pass the Trump Administration’s “criminal justice reform” legislation, known to critics as jailbreak legislation.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), one of many Marxist groups currently involved in planning street protests, is ecstatic about the political crisis, noting that, at the present time, “Stability has not been restored. Massive crowds continue to come out into the streets; unions are taking strike action for Black Liberation; and a big cultural moment featured a Black Communist as the hero.”

The PSL has many communist heroes but the latter is apparently a reference to convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur, a role model for Black Lives Matter who was a member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA), a group that worked with the communist terrorist Weather Underground. Also known as Joanne Chesimard, she killed New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster “execution style” by shooting him in the head as he lay wounded by gunfire, according to the State Troopers Association of New Jersey. She was convicted of murder and went to prison, but with the help of the Weather Underground, escaped to Cuba, where she is still being protected by the communist regime.

The BLM website featured this quotation from Shakur: “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

Shakur’s notion of “freedom” is to be found in Cuba, where there is no freedom and the dictatorship controls the movements and activities of its citizens. That seems to be their plan for the U.S.

But some Trump advisers are acting as though Trump is still going to win in November. “We’re going to finish what this president started,” Trump adviser Peter Navarro told Maria Bartiromo on her Fox program, in reference to a second term. But back in 2016, with Trump running for the presidency, Navarro said that Trump, if elected, “will break up the new media conglomerate oligopolies that have gained enormous control over our information, intrude into our personal lives, and in this election, are attempting to unduly influence America’s political process.”

Nothing has happened, except for a Trump executive order with no force of law that followed Twitter’s censorship of him. Meanwhile, with just four months to go before another presidential election, Twitter, Google and Facebook are accelerating their purge of conservative voices.

It seems we are moving beyond the fundamental transformation of America into the post-America phase of planning for the Joe Biden presidency, with Kamala Harris as the reported vice-presidential candidate and the behind-the-scenes power broker. Among other initiatives, Biden is reportedly being urged to consider endorsing marijuana legalization on a nationwide basis, which would make Harris happy. She says pot brings joy to people.

In fairness, it wasn’t all Trump’s fault. His “allies” in the GOP-controlled Senate include a few dunces. Tucker Carlson of Fox made mincemeat of a so-called conservative Republican Senator, Mike Braun of Indiana, over his support of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and an anti-police bill, the “Reforming Qualified Immunity Act,” which makes it easier to sue police. Reactions to Braun’s performance were negative, with such statements as:

  • Senator Braun is washing the feet of BLM. What a coward.
  • The sheer level of stupidity demonstrated by Braun made my brain hurt. This is why we need term limits.
  • As an Indiana republican voter, Braun has lost all of my respect and definitely lost my vote.
  • I see why this guy has never been on TV before. He’s an idiot…
  • Tucker took his own words and absolutely destroyed this clown…

For his part, Trump is supporting the reelection of a Colorado Republican Senator, Cory Gardner, who has been described as a “pot whore” because of his allegiance to the marijuana industry. Trump has said he would sign Gardner’s “states’ rights” legalization of marijuana bill, and Trump has family business interests in marijuana (his son-in-law’s brother, Josh Kushner, for example) and major pot donors and marijuana investors advising him such as billionaire PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel.

Trump’s own reelection is seriously in doubt, partly because his campaign manager Brad Parscale, considered a genius for helping Trump achieve victory over Hillary in 2016, is now consulting “Bush’s Brain,” Karl Rove, a former Bush strategist. Rove was also labeled “Mitt Romney’s brawn” for his role in fundraising for the failed 2012 GOP presidential candidate. Trump himself commented, “[Rove] took hundreds of millions of dollars, spent them on campaigns and didn’t win one race. Man, that is really pathetic. The whole Romney thing is such a disaster because Romney should have won that race.”

A paid Fox contributor still considered the “Party Boss” of the GOP, Rove had urged a “respectful” tone toward Obama and refused to discuss his true Marxist nature.

Romney, of course, is today a Republican Senator from Utah who voted to convict Trump on one of two charges in the impeachment trial and is now marching with the Black Lives Matter mob.

Rove, who had warned that Republicans would lose the White House by nominating Trump for president in 2016, seems not to understand the nature of the Democratic Party and how it has been taken over by Marxist forces. Now, the danger is that he is spreading this ignorance into the Trump campaign and White House.

“Trump has a secret plan” to win, conservative thinker David Horowitz assures us. His latest book, BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win., gives conservatives hope. Trump could start by ordering Attorney General Bill Barr to arrest the ringleaders, not just the street punks, of the communist and Antifa groups devastating our cites. Trevor Loudon tells me that he has a list of the 100 or so leaders of these groups. Interestingly, some of them can be traced back to FBI raids in Chicago back in 2010 that focused on terrorist-linked political networks that spawned Obama’s political career.

Joanne Chesimard, meanwhile, continues to live in Cuba, inspiring Black Lives Matter (and Mitt Romney and Mike Braun).

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Needs a Woman’s Touch to Win

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump is in deep political trouble, and honest conservatives know it. On Sean Hannity’s Town Hall program on Thursday night, Trump highlighted a few honest journalists, mostly at Fox News, but did not mention Tucker Carlson of Fox. Why? It’s because Tucker Carlson has challenged Trump’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, including his excessive dependence on Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the racial violence underway in America.

Some of the headlines from recent Tucker Carlson programs include: President Trump May Lose This Election, Our Leaders Dither as Our Cities Burn, and Where Are Our Republican Leaders When We need Them the Most?

His commentary on Trump losing this November began with the observation, “Not many people are saying it out loud on the right, but the fact is that President Trump could well lose this election.” He said Trump advisers were worried in private about the fact that Trump has been losing ground to Joe Biden when he should have been able to pad a lead over Obama’s very weak and frequently incoherent former vice president.

A massive advertising blitz is behind the David Horowitz book, Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, but many are not so sure that Trump will win. Members of his base are demoralized about the ineffective response to the communist insurrection and some are speaking out, such as the author of the American Thinker article, “Trump promises things won’t happen on his watch that have already happened.” Carol Brown wrote, “Increasing numbers of us are frustrated with the lack of action from the President in the face of madness sweeping across the country.” Such sentiments reflect fear among women voters that Trump can’t or won’t protect their families.

Some are saying there are only two scenarios under which President Trump is reelected this fall: Joe Biden’s complete collapse, mentally and physically, which is possible, or Trump replaces his Vice President Mike Pence with an exciting female conservative candidate, in order to attract the women turned off by Trump’s abrasive and sometimes obnoxious manner.

That candidate, some say, would be someone like Rep. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, the Republican chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues with a 100% lifetime conservative rating who serves on the House Judiciary, House Rules, and House Homeland Security Committees. She recently flew with President Trump on Air Force One to Yuma, Arizona to visit the border wall. Another possibility is Nikki R. Haley, the former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations who served as a member of President Trump’s Cabinet and the National Security Council.

The possibility of Pence stepping down, a dramatic development which could shake up the race, is more likely as the campaign develops because Trump seems content to hang on to his bumbling campaign manager, family friend Brad Parscale, now under the influence of “Bush’s Brain” Karl Rove. It was Parscale who advertised one million reservations for Trump’s Tulsa rally and only 6200 people (officially) showed up. Some diehard Trump fans claim the turnout was twice that, but that would still be a major disappointment. The claim that attendance was affected by teenagers using a Chinese app to reserve tickets to the rally they didn’t intend to use has been debunked by Parscale himself.

With Parscale now consulting Rove, an architect of Mitt Romney’s losing 2012 presidential race, a decision by Pence to leave the campaign makes sense and could be Trump’s only hope of winning. Pence has been supervising the White House Coronavirus Task Force and Trump could ask him to remain in that position. But as we saw in last Friday’s coronavirus briefing, when hostile reporters badgered Pence over the propriety of holding campaign rallies, the vice-president doesn’t have the fire in the belly to take on the opposition. Pence meekly replied that Trump voters had the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble. That’s an indication that Pence could not be counted on to go after Biden’s anticipated female running mate. But a GOP woman on the ticket could do so.

Bluntly speaking, polls indicate that many women are turned off by Trump personally and find him unlikeable. A female candidate who is both articulate and conservative would send a strong message to the country and help Trump politically. Such a candidate could take on Biden’s anticipated female running mate.

The need to strengthen Trump’s conservative Christian base is absolutely essential because of his losses before the Supreme Court, especially the Justice Neil Gorsuch ruling in favor of LGBTQ “rights.” This was Trump’s own appointee delivering one of the worst decisions ever from the Court. It demonstrated that Gorsuch’s “conservative” sponsors, the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, are not to be counted on.

But in a display of being tone deaf to his base, Trump at the Tulsa rally highlighted the nomination of Gorsuch to the Court and was met with boos.

Trump touts the 200 federal judges the Senate has confirmed, but if their decisions are eventually overturned by an arbitrary Supreme Court, as Gorsuch and Chief Justice John Roberts side with the liberals, it is all for naught. This has led to some of the demoralization in the base.

Trump’s weakness is demonstrated by the fact that his campaign is airing ads during Fox News programs, whose viewers he should already have in his pocket. The ads make fun of Biden’s incoherence but offer no Trump vision on how to restore order to America and save our sacred institutions.

Demoralized Trump supporters have written to me in despair over such matters as his constant threats to restore law and order but failure, except in minor circumstances, to do so. Trump couldn’t even protect a historic church from being burned one block from the White House. The rioters returned to vandalize the structure and threaten to take down a Lincoln statue.

Using the Deep State as a scapegoat for Trump’s troubles is wearing thin. Who hired John Bolton? Who hired Rod Rosenstein? Who hired Jeff Sessions? Why did Trump hire so many incompetent people when he made a name for himself on TV by firing incompetent people? Part of the answer is that the so-called conservative establishment that he counted on for good people let him down. Tucker Carlson makes this point on a regular basis. Trump’s own Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, a former chief of staff at the Heritage Foundation, is openly insubordinate, taking issue with using the military to drive communist rioters off our streets.

Attorney General Bill Barr has proven to be another disappointment. Asked recently about the response to the riots, Barr said “The federal government is best positioned to address this kind of violence and lawlessness after it occurs because we don’t have FBI agents walking the beat.”

There was a time when the FBI would place informants in extremist groups to prevent violence from occurring.  Analyst Trevor Loudon, who monitors agitators and instigators, told me, “I don’t think the FBI has had informants in these groups since the Bush years or before…I think they’re flying completely blind here. They have no clue.” Loudon has written about the involvement of pro-China communist groups in the protests and riots.

FBI Director Christopher Wray is another Trump hire and big disappointment.

Tucker Carlson’s warning about a Trump loss in November has captured the attention of Breitbart News, which usually takes Trump’s side, and that is a good thing. Conservatives need to hear his brutally honest message. Trump needs to hear it, too.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Jeffrey Epstein Celebrates Gay Pride from the Grave

By Cliff Kincaid

Jeffrey Epstein’s deep and dark secret is out. He was a gay deceiver. Let’s remember this fact on Stonewall Day, June 26, as Barack Hussein Obama emerges from the shadows to celebrate the anti-police riots at the Mafia-run Stonewall Inn back in 1969.

The latest and best Jeffrey Epstein book, A Convenient Death, by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper, strongly suggests that Epstein was a mastermind of a pedophile network serving the rich and powerful that involved gay blackmail, similar to the Lavender Mafia in the Roman Catholic Church that protects and rewards pedophile and predator priests.

This new book provides the circumstantial evidence that Epstein’s deepest and darkest secret was that he was a practicing homosexual and that, as sick as this may sound, his entourage of young girls provided a cover story that actually made him seem “respectable” to the movers and shakers in New York and Washington, D.C. Billionaires like Bill Gates associated with Epstein after he was convicted of sex crimes.

He may have been bisexual, but the book makes it clear that homosexuality, blackmail, and extortion were behind his initial acquisition of wealth and power. Later, Epstein used the young girls to provide blackmail material on other elites.

The title on the book cover has the word “convenient” separated by a hyphen to appear as “con-venient.” That means Epstein was a con man whose death was also a con, in order to make it appear he killed himself. Part of the con, the book suggests, was his reputation as a man interested in women and young girls. Epstein, one former associate told the authors, was ashamed of being gay and so had sex with women as part of a “supermacho” image he carefully cultivated.

The authors refer to the “Epstein scheme of providing young kids for the sexual pleasure of world elites,” citing a well-informed source. Notice the word “kids” rather than just girls. That’s not a slip. The authors cite a report that Epstein “liked boys.”

Whatever the ultimate truth behind the accounts of hiring young girls as prostitutes, which continue to be the subject of various lawsuits against his estate, the blockbuster revelations of this book begin on page 157 and relate to how Epstein, known to investigators as “the boyfriend,” used his alleged sexual relationship with a major businessman to acquire control over some of his fortune. He then built up his own financial fiefdom that he used to spend money on transhumanist and technocratic schemes, some based at Harvard University.

With the assistance of high-powered lawyers such as Ken Starr, the special prosecutor who “investigated” the Clinton’s but covered-up the murder of Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster, Epstein protected himself and his network, serving only 13 months in a country-club arrangement at a local jail. He had the best lawyers that money could buy, as well as associates in such eminent organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.

The “Convenient Death” book offers evidence that he used sex to acquire power and influence over others through blackmail. The authors cite Epstein’s relationship with a one-time CIA front company and add that Epstein “openly encouraged speculation that he was involved with intelligence agencies.” The implication is that Epstein used these sexual relationships, including homosexuality, to get what the intelligence agencies wanted out of his targets.

Trump is counting on his Attorney General, William P. Barr, to get to the bottom of the corruption. But Barr is a former CIA analyst whose own father had hired Jeffrey Epstein at the Dalton School “to teach the children of Manhattan’s leading families.” A college dropout, Epstein got the job even though he fudged his resume.

Goodman and Halper note that Attorney General Barr has vowed to investigate Epstein’s “co-conspirators” but we can see that nothing much is happening. They write that, “The so-called co-conspirators would remain uncharged and unnamed as of the time of this writing, despite there being ample evidence that Epstein had assistance in carrying out his crimes.” The implication is that people in federal agencies, perhaps some of Epstein’s blackmail targets, are stonewalling an accounting of Epstein’s crimes.

With Attorney General Barr celebrating gay pride at the Department of Justice and Trump’s former gay director of National Intelligence pushing to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism across U.S. spy agencies, we may begin to understand why the Epstein scandal is likely to stay buried with Epstein.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Is The Trump Campaign Burning Down Faster Than America’s Cities?

By Cliff Kincaid

Monday night saw more communists trying to tear down another American monument, this time right in front of the White House. We watched this on TV and the rioters were on the verge of taking down a statue of Andrew Jackson before the police finally showed up. This monument was saved, while many others have fallen. Once again, President Trump threatened action of some kind against the rioters.

Justice for the lawbreakers, we were told, is coming. But many Trump supporters aren’t buying it anymore. They’re sick and tired of the do-nothing approach to the communist revolution in America. Trump will not and cannot win under these circumstances.

On top of this debacle, the Trump rally in Tulsa was a disaster, as campaign manager Brad Parscale advertised that one million people had reserved tickets but only about 6000 or so showed up at the actual rally. They blamed the low turnout on the media. Their fallback face-saving position was that millions of people watched it online.

Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network wasn’t buying it. On his Monday show, he interviewed former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins about the debacle. He said Trumpis behind 9-10 points in most polls and that a campaign shake-up is needed. He said Parscale is “running an empire” and has taken $30-$40 million out of the campaign, “which is unheard of.” In other words, he is getting rich. Indeed, his luxurious lifestyle of fancy homes and cars and a yacht has been the subject of conservative media reports.

Referring to Trump’s remarks at the rally, Rollins said that “There was no message,” adding, “He rattled on for two hours.” He said Trump needs to articulate a vision for dealing with coronavirus, economic collapse, budget deficits, the Democrats, and other substantive matters.

It’s even worse than Rollins indicated.  As noted by this columnist in the article, “Trump Hires ‘Bush’s Brain’ to Lose to Biden,” Parscale is now consulting Karl Rove for advice on how to move forward. Rove blew $300 million on the failed 2012 Mitt Romney for president campaign, after telling the candidate not to brand his opponent, Barack Hussein Obama, a socialist.  Rove is notorious for advising candidates to move to the left.

My website America’s Survival, Inc. is hearing from many Trump supporters who have turned on the president,  with one remarking that Trump “appears to be AWOL on the issues that are threatening to destroy our country…”

This person added, “I feel totally betrayed by him, especially in his apparent weakness in dealing with the military ‘leaders’ who publicly undercut his authority.  This failure to act made him appear weak, and then his constant Tweeted threats against the insurrection taking place, without any follow-up that would show he is unafraid to confront those who would destroy our nation, makes me wonder if he ever actually had any good intentions toward the U.S. I know I am not the only American who feels betrayed, and can now only wonder: If Trump actually wants to lose to Biden, or has grown tired of the battle any POTUS must expect to endure, where does that leave us?”

In response to my column, “The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump,” one asked “why has Trump always surrounded himself, and then continued to hire and appoint (even after being elected President) so many of these scoundrels who have opened him up to valid criminal investigations?”

Another wondered why so many Trump associates have been marched off to prison and abused while associates of former president Obama still are free. Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr promises action, but none is taken, and U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia-gate hoax drag on. He said that Trump “adopted a position of complete passivity when his supporters were singled out and prosecuted…The prosecutors poured on the coals to get those guys screwed, blued and tattooed but more than three years down the pike there sit Barr and Durham unable even to nail the lowlife who swore out false affidavits in the FISA process.”

He said there was a “lightning prosecution” for former Trump adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort but “glacial movement” with regard to the anti-Trump conspirators Hillary Clinton and FBI officials Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and James Comey. This person concluded, “Trump epitomizes that Cold War observation that there’s no advantage to being America’s friend and no penalty for being her enemy. Trump’s epitaph ought to be ‘Somebody should do something about that.’”

Faced with this hope, perhaps a false hope, one person told me that she is “exhausted from fighting,” noting that the Marxists “have total control of media, Hollywood, the Judiciary, and the educational system…They have more people, organizations, and resources than our side.”

Trump was supposed to be their savior. He has failed them.  But don’t forget to send in your financial contribution to Brad Parscale and Karl Rove.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.  Watch my interview with Charles Moscowitz on YouTube about the 2020 election campaign and the survival of America.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

We know President Trump is a target of the Deep State. But that alone doesn’t explain why so many of his former allies, nominees, and appointees have turned against him or his policies. Could it be that the president, who once starred in a TV show about firing incompetent people, has been hiring too many incompetent (or worse) people as president? Or is something else going on? Is somebody or something getting to those around the president?

The list of bad hires includes Neil Gorsuch, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, and John Bolton, among others.

Some of these picks are complicated cases. Former Trump national security adviser Bolton is out with a Trump-bashing book that is the subject of a court case over whether or not it contains classified information. Trump Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo declares Bolton to be “a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people.”

The charge of “traitor” is a serious one. So why did Trump hire him in the first place?  Bolton was a member in good standing of the conservative foreign policy establishment that includes such organizations as the Center for Security Policy, now headed by Fred Fleitz, who served in 2018 as a Deputy Assistant to President Trump and Chief of Staff to National Security Adviser John Bolton.

Suddenly, Bolton turned on Trump.

Another curious case is that of Anthony Scaramucci, who served two weeks as Trump White House Communications Director and is now  a member of the “Right Side” group, whose goal is “Harnessing the Power of Former Trump Supporters to Help Joe Biden Win and Heal America!” It consists of former Trump aides and alums of the George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaigns.

Scaramucci is a nobody. But the same cannot be said about Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, both selected by Trump. Sessions was the Attorney General who recused himself from Russia-gate and enabled Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General, to select Robert Mueller as the Russia-gate special prosecutor. That led to more than two years of investigations that ruined people’s lives and distracted the nation from serious internal and external problems. During the 2016 campaign, Sessions, a Senator from Alabama, was one of the few supporters of Trump from the Republican establishment. Somehow, he fell victim to a plot to bring down Trump.

It turns out that Rosenstein was a member of the special counsel investigation that supposedly looked at the misdeeds of Bill and Hillary Clinton but somehow avoided the evidence of murder in the case of Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster being found dead in Ft. Marcy Park outside Washington, D.C.  The lawyer in charge of that particular probe, part of the Ken Starr investigation, was Brett Kavanaugh, since elevated to the Supreme Court by President Trump. It’s funny how these curious associations keep emerging when one learns more about the way Washington works.

It looks like Washington is being run by a secret cabal that has somehow managed to place its agents in the White House and other federal power centers.

Another name associated with betrayal is Neil Gorsuch, one of Trump’s appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. I was one of the few who wrote critically of his nomination, noting his membership in a liberal church, questionable testimony, and spotty record. As Supreme Court justice, he has written a decision on LGBTQ “rights” in the Bostick case that makes a mockery of the rule of law and has demoralized conservatives everywhere.

Trump picked Gorsuch from a list of “conservative” judges assembled by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, two pillars of the conservative establishment subsidized by the Scaife Foundation, once under the control of solid conservatives.

One of many conservatives endorsing Gorsuch, Robert P. George of Princeton University,had said, “In selecting Gorsuch, President Trump has without question fulfilled his pledge to appoint a justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia — a conservative intellectual leader.” That claim is laughable now. Professor George points to two of his published comments on the case, one of which states that “The Bostock ruling (further) politicizes the judiciary and undermines the very thing courts exist to uphold: the Rule of Law. It will destroy what faith remains in the moral and intellectual integrity of our courts.”

A prominent Catholic legal thinker,he tells me that the LGBTQ ruling resulted in his own “painful astonishment” that Gorsuch “bought a sophistical argument offered to him in the name of textualism.” In other words, Gorsuch made his ruling sound conservative when it is clearly not.

His use of the term “bought” suggests something was offered. By whom? It could have been Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, the same individual who sided with the liberals in the Obamacare decision and the more recent DACA or illegal immigrant case. But if Roberts got to Gorsuch, who was Harvard-trained (and a classmate of Barack Obama’s), who got to Roberts, another Harvard-trained legal mind? Some say he wants to go down in history as a moderating force on the bench who sided with the liberals on critical cases. But we were told he was a “conservative” who would remain true to the law and the Constitution.  What happened to him? Here, we need some real in-depth reporting. Something is rotten and corrupt with the Supreme Court.

In response, Trump asked, “Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?”

But it’s far more than personal animus. With commentators such as Robert P. George calling the Gorsuch decision untenable and an affront to the rule of law, we know something else is at work here. Indeed, the actions of the Supreme Court, in decisions going back to the pro-abortion ruling, Roe v. Wade, to gay marriage and now Bostock, represent mob rule in the legal realm, imposed on America by judges trained in the “best” Ivy League institutions, such as Harvard, which just happens to have been an academic home to the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his money, and young female “assistants.”

My book, The Deep State Wears Black Robes, exposes one aspect of this insidious network that has insinuated itself into the Trump presidency.

These judges wearing black robes are a major part of the cultural revolution still in progress and threatening our way of life. Indeed, to demonstrate the serious nature of this crisis, the reaction of Trump and conservatives in Congress should be to file articles of impeachment against Roberts and Gorsuch, to serve as a lesson to other judges considering betraying America from the bench.

Instead, Trump says he will “be releasing a new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees,” including some from a previous list. This begs the question: if he has already been burned by one name that he accepted from one list, why would he want another list from the same people? Those people are the problem.

Meanwhile, Trump fails to clean house of those currently insubordinate, such as Defense Secretary Mark Esper, a former Chief of Staff at the Heritage Foundation who opposes the use of the Insurrection Act to bring law and order to our burning cities, and pursues his own brand of “diversity and inclusiveness” in the Armed Forces, a discredited holdover policy from Obama/Biden. He is also failing to vigorously support Trump’s policy of withdrawing American troops from NATO deadbeat nations such as Germany.

The cities are burning because FBI Director Christopher Wray, another Trump appointee, failed to authorize his agents to monitor extremist movements that are destroying America. He apparently knows many are linked to former President Obama. In fact, anti-communist blogger Trevor Loudon, reveals that several terror suspects whose homes were raided in Chicago back in 2010 worked for a political movement that sponsored the start of Obama’s political career. Nothing came of the raids and the groups are still active in the streets under such banners as the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

But the failure to oust Harvard-trained Mark Esper is perhaps the most ominous. It suggests Trump fears a coup from the military brass around him. Such a scenario was the subject of the famous film, “Seven Days in May.” In the film, however, the rogue military members are leading a coup against a globalist president. Today, Esper and the brass are the globalists.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’ Survival, Inc.

Democrats Prepare for One-Party State

By Cliff Kincaid

Karl Rove, the de facto head of the Trump 2020 Campaign, has apparently arranged for his old boss, George W. Bush, to campaign for four Republican Senators in danger of losing their seats this November. All four are either out-of-touch with conservatives or outright liberals. They are Senators Susan Collins (Maine), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Martha McSally (Ariz.) and Thom Tillis (N.C.).

The “Save the Senate” move reflects Trump’s declining poll numbers, but the Bush presidency was also a disaster, as the economy was taken down in 2008 by a housing crisis that was used to justify massive federal intervention, leading Bush to declare, “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.” On foreign policy, Bush was known as an advocate of what his father called a “New World Order,” based on American interventions in the Middle East that failed to resolve age-old conflicts but produced thousands of American wounded warriors.

In his retirement, George W. Bush paints pictures of those injured by the wars he started. A book with the paintings, Portraits of Courage Deluxe Signed & Personalized Edition, can be purchased for $350.00.

Of the four Senators, Gardner is the most notorious. Calling himself a “common sense conservative,” Gardner was labeled a “pot whore” by drug policy expert Dave Evans because he does anything the Colorado-based marijuana industry demands of him. Collins is a long-time anti-Trump liberal and McSally is a lackluster female candidate that the Republican establishment has tried twice to make into a Senator.

McSally lost a race for one Senate seat to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema and then was selected to fill the seat of former Senator John McCain when he died. She tried to attract conservative votes when she called CNN’s Manu Raju a “liberal hack.” This led to an appearance on Fox News. She also made a few headlines by questioning Fed chairman Jerome Powell about the central bank using a firm called Black Rock linked to China. Otherwise, she has pursued a “moderate” course.

Tillis called Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch “a fair, independent-minded judge with impeccable qualifications” and added that “He will be an outstanding Supreme Court Justice.” All of this talk has blown up in his face.

Of course, Gorsuch has betrayed conservative voters with his disastrous ruling, backed by Chief Justice John Roberts and the four members of the Court’s liberal bloc, in favor of LGBTQ rights. The ruling overturned state laws and threatens religious liberty across the land, as many conservatives feel betrayed by Trump and those who backed Gorsuch, including such powerhouse “conservative” groups as the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society.

With Trump’s reelection in doubt, Democrats only need to win four seats to take back the Senate, and right now, they claim they are leading in five of the most competitive races. Those races are:

  • Governor Steve Bullock (D) leads Steve Daines (R) 46-39 in Montana.
  • Sara Gideon is leading Susan Collins 47-43 in Maine.
  • Mark Kelly is leading Martha McSally 51-41 in Arizona.
  • Cal Cunningham is leading Thom Tillis 46-44 in North Carolina.
  • John Hickenlooper is leading Cory Gardner 54-36 in Colorado.

With a Senate takeover, while keeping the House under Nancy Pelosi’s speakership, America would have one-party government under President Biden. And with Justices Roberts and Gorsuch voting with the four liberal members of the Court, this would give the left-wing control over all three branches of government. All of Trump’s appointees to other federal court positions would be of little or no value, as any conservative rulings could be overturned on appeal.

Even though most voters believe 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has early dementia, he is leading Trump by big margins, as many as 14 points, in most polls.

While some believe Trump’s decline in the polls is not permanent, and that some surveys underestimate his appeal, there can be no doubt that his presidency is in deep trouble. But what is most worrisome to many conservatives is the acknowledged role being played in his campaign — and the campaigns of Republican Senators and candidates — by former George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove. He is known as someone who likes to appeal to Democrat voters with “moderate” or liberal platitudes and positions. That is guaranteed to make conservatives stay home.

Taking this advice, Trump is pandering to the liberal-left, making favorable comments about the return of anti-cop activist and former football player Colin Kaepernick to the NFL.  “Trump softens on Kaepernick” was one headline. The former player once wore socks depicting police officers as pigs and donated $25,000 donation to an activist group, Assata’s Daughters, named after Assata Shakur/Joanne Chesimard, a cop-killer who fled to Communist Cuba.

In other liberal moves, Trump has endorsed federal legislation to regulate police forces that are normally under the control of local governments. On the matter of riots that have been spreading across the country, Trump threatens to restore law and order but does nothing, except clear out some protesters across the street from the White House who burned a historic church.

Meanwhile, Communist North Korea is starting another crisis with the United States, and Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politburo Member Yang Jiechi in Honolulu, Hawaii “to exchange views on U.S.-China relations.”

“I’m a little upset with China” over the coronavirus, Trump had said. As of June 18, a total of 117,000 people had died in the U.S. because of the disease and the figure could reach 200,000 by October. At the same time, over 40 million Americans have been thrown out of work because of government economic lockdowns designed to prevent the spread of the virus.

The official U.S. State Department release stated that Pompeo stressed “important American interests and the need for fully-reciprocal dealings between the two nations across commercial, security, and diplomatic interactions” and “the need for full transparency and information sharing to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and prevent future outbreaks.”

It’s a little late for this kind of pandering and appeasement. The meeting alone demonstrated American weakness.

Meanwhile, Trump administration U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer was on Capitol Hill, saying it’s unreasonable to expect that the United States could decouple its economy from China’s.

It’s the kind of business as usual approach we would have expected from Obama/Biden and Bush. This is another reason why Trump is in deep trouble.

Trump Campaign Hires Karl Rove aka “Bush’s Brain” to Lose to Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

Karl Rove, also known as “Bush’s Brain,” is now advising the Trump 2020 presidential campaign and promoting Republican Senator Tim Scott’s push for federal “reform” of local police forces. This is a teaching moment. It tells us how Republicans sell out by pushing a “light” version of what the Democrats are pushing. It’s how the Democrats win by losing. They force the GOP to move left.

This is the same Karl Rove who predicted that Donald J. Trump could not win the 2016 presidential election.

Republicans like Karl Rove seem to think that capitulating to the revolutionaries, albeit on a slow-motion basis, is the right way to go. Grass-roots Republican who support Trump don’t agree. One of them wrote to me through my website America’s Survival saying, “I live in a St. Paul, Minnesota, suburb and as I watched Minneapolis burn on Memorial Day weekend, I thought that I was watching what Detroit must have looked like in the 60’s…And yet, there hasn’t been ONE SINGLE Republican or conservative politician who has denounced what has or is currently going on via BLM [Black Lives Matter] or Antifa or whomever these loons are – NOT ONE! I am so sick and tired of the left taking advantage of us with no consequences whatsoever.”

A former George W. Bush strategist, Rove should have retired into oblivion after the Bush presidency exploded into America’s financial meltdown in 2008, ushering in the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. But after the disaster of the Bush presidency, the famous GOP strategist lost $300 million betting on a Mitt Romney victory in 2012. That’s the amount of money Rove sucked out of GOP donors to pour into ads for Romney and against Obama. Rove had advised Romney not to call Obama a socialist because there would be a backlash. Perhaps Romney didn’t need to be persuaded. These days he marches with the Marxist Black Lives Matter group.

In a challenge to Rove’s status as a political power broker in the Republican Party, conservative political consultants Larry Ward and Carter Clews once wrote an article calling  Rove “the political world’s pre-eminent empty-suit analyst” who wasted $300 million that could have been used to defeat Obama, elect real conservatives to Congress, and underwrite the activities of authentic conservative groups. They say Rove’s strategy of moving to the center and the left, in order to appeal to Obama voters, “drove away millions of hardcore conservative activists who form the base of the Republican Party.”

From his perch as a regular Wall Street Journal columnist and Fox News contributor, he has now maneuvered his way into the Trump campaign. His latest column in the Wall Street Journal is about “police reform.”

While the Republicans attempt a pale imitation of Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, the real issue in several cities is not “reform” but a lack of police. Jared Taylor of American Renaissance has pictures of the vandalism and damage to historical monuments in Richmond, Virginia, and was told by one officer, “We were told to hold back. You could have burned every car in the city and we wouldn’t have done anything.” In Seattle, the “new nation” of CHAZ, which is a cop-free zone, is in its 8th day. In Minneapolis, where it all started, a police precinct was burned down.

Police “reform” is simply one step in the agenda to federalize and even internationalize America’s local police. Rather than push back, President Trump keeps repeating “Law and Order,” and his campaign sends messages to his supporters sometimes three or four times a day asking for money.  It’s President Trump’s birthday, they say. Send money. “He works so hard for America.” His son Eric Trump bombards one of his wayward supporters with such messages as, “I’m reading over the list of patriotic supporters who stepped forward to help my father’s Senate allies reach their May [fundraising] goal. Even though my brother, Mitch McConnell, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Karl Rove all reached out MULTIPLE times – you still didn’t help.” The tag line is “We failed.”

Well, many Trump supporters think the president has failed to follow through on his promise to restore “Law and Order.”

“Rove said he is friends with Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, and that Parscale calls him from time to time,” The Hill newspaper reported. Other sources say Rove is helping Trump’s 2020 bid by focusing on voter outreach and swing-state strategy.

Parscale has been criticized for a lavish lifestyle that includes a $2.4 million beachfront mansion, a yacht, and a Ferrari.

For his part, Rove is skilled at blaming others for his own bad advice. After Romney’s defeat, Rove blamed the Romney campaign for not responding aggressively to attacks on the Republican presidential nominee. But his close friend and associate, Ed Gillespie, was a top Romney adviser. Gillespie lost the Virginia Governor’s race in 2017 to Ralph “Blackface” Northam.

“I thought Trump was the man who would take charge of this current situation and shut it down,” said one Trump supporter. “Instead, he has dithered the offensive position away and is forever going to be on defense, with no one having his back. Congressional Republicans are the most worthless excuse for spineless jellyfish there ever were.”

Such voices do not have much clout in Washington, D.C. circles. They do not read Karl Rove’s column in the Wall Street Journal. But they are the voices of those who elected Trump in the first place. They can arm themselves, install security cameras, and stay home in November.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Is The Law and Order President Failing America?

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Conservative Christian broadcaster Brannon Howse told me this week that it doesn’t look like President Trump wants to win the presidential election. “He had better get his act together or else he’s going to lose to a guy that doesn’t even know who his own wife is,” he said. Howse and many other conservatives are frustrated by the (lack of) response of the Trump-Pence Administration to the riots.

Other than clear some protesters and rioters out of Lafayette Park across from the White House, in order to hold up a Bible in front of a burned-out church, Trump has done almost nothing except make threats. He Tweets about restoring law and order but does nothing except protect the White House.

His Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray were blindsided by what is happening. It’s clear they don’t have any clue about the Maoist-style communist revolution underway in America. As a result, Trump is quickly losing support from the conservative side of the political spectrum. One citizen wrote to me through my website America’s Survival saying, “Unfortunately, our fearless leader, Trump, is not fearless and is not a leader. Basically, he’s useless.” Another said the president and Barr were acting like Abbott and Costello, the comedy duo.

But America isn’t laughing, as their lives and businesses and country are increasingly at risk.

Meanwhile, the Maoist-style cultural revolution is going full speed ahead, as one professor has been suspended for not giving black students a day off from final exams in honor of Black Lives Matter, the Marxist group that honors cop-killer Joanne Chesimard.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, a conservative critic of Black Lives Matter and Trump’s response to the revolution, is under attack by Maoists pressuring his advertisers to drop his show one by one. Before too long, he will be off the air, in the same way that “Gone with the Wind” has been dropped by HBO and the shows “Cops” and “Live PD” have been rejected by cable channels and networks.

Anybody who thinks independently of the Maoist mob is being targeted.

The New York Times, sounding like a modern-day version of the People’s World, calls all of this “the growing movement for change.” Change came to the Times, when an editor resigned after he approved a Senator Tom Cotton op-ed for the paper calling for the deployment of troops to restore order.

No dissident voices are permitted in the paper, or society at large, as the Maoists assert control over all sectors of American life.

Millions of people depending on Trump’s Twitter feed for the blunt truth are now getting a lot of empty threats.

As this column is being written, Trump has sent out another “Law and Order” Tweet demanding that the authorities in Washington State and the city of Seattle restore law and order. In defiance, they told him to return to his White House bunker. Trump looks weak.

Trump threatened to restore law and order through the Insurrection Act and when his own Secretary of Defense Mark Esper undercut him, he backed off. Who is in charge anyway? Now, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark A. Milley has in effect denounced Trump for including him in that photo-op in front of the church. Why does Milley still have a job? This seems like a “Seven Days in May” scenario where the top brass revolt against their Commander-in-Chief.

In the movie, the president wins. In real life, who knows?

The Trump 2020 campaign has just sent out an email message from the president personally asking for money that declares, “It’s past time for Democrat Mayors and Governors to get tough. Violent thugs are running rampant – these people are ANARCHISTS. While the Fake News has been inciting hatred and chaos, President Trump is working around the clock to restore LAW AND ORDER in these communities where liberal leadership has FAILED.”

The words “law and order” were placed in all capitals and underlined. But it’s all talk.

It’s absolutely clear that Trump is NOT working around the clock to restore law and order. If so, he would have fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper for insubordination by now. He would have explained to the American people why Attorney General Barr and FBI director Wray were caught unprepared for the riots in Minneapolis and other cities. My friend Trevor Loudon has all the information they don’t have about the communists running this revolution. His article at Epoch Times even documents the involvement of pro-China communist groups.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) has posted a video of its leader Eugene Puryear addressing the 100,000 strong crowd in Philadelphia on Saturday, June 6. “This isn’t a riot,” he said. “It’s an uprising! It’s a rebellion! And successful uprisings and rebellions become REVOLUTIONS.”

Mr. President, please share that video with Mr. Barr and Mr. Wray, will you?

On the Brannon Howse program, I not only questioned Trump’s “leadership” but the tendency by conservatives like Rush Limbaugh to play into the hands of the radicals. He had the black radio host “CharlamagneTha God” on his show to talk about “while privilege.” Another Brannon Howse guest, Alex Newman, went into detail about where this is all heading – federal and even United Nations control of police forces once considered under the jurisdiction of local communities. Senate Republicans seem to be going along with this.

I thank Brannon Howse for doing the programs that need to be done about this unfolding disaster for our country. He’s one of the few commentators honest enough to provide the details that are being withheld from the president by his closest aides. As the author of Marxianity, about left-wing infiltration of the churches, he shows real courage.

Tragically, many conservatives remain mum about Trump’s bluster and ineffective response. They suppress conservative views out-of-sync with their own pro-Trump editorializing. But ordinary people with common sense don’t buy it. They will not excuse Trump for failing to take military action to protect people, their lives and homes.

I saw one story about whether Trump would benefit from the riots. Is this the political calculation in the White House? I’m told he thinks his political rallies will turn things around. It’s true that a backlash is underway. But waiting for a backlash doesn’t justify inaction by federal authorities as lives are lost and property is destroyed.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of Americas Survival, Inc.

Black Lives Matter Means More Moolah and More Race Hatred

By Cliff Kincaid

Black billionaire and New Age thinker Oprah Winfrey is hosting a show on her own network on Tuesday and Wednesday to demand more money for blacks. “What do we want?” the promotional ad says. “What are our demands?” Tune in to find out.  Another black billionaire, Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Robert L. Johnson, has already been on Fox News and CNBC making demands for $14 trillion of slavery reparations for blacks.That’s a lot of moolah.

None of this will contribute to unity in America. It will further divide America by generating a white backlash. Many whites resent special black privileges, such as affirmative action and special college scholarships.

Jared Taylor, author of the book, White Identity, dares to talk about whites as people with special interests of their own, separate from various minority groups, and his website, American Renaissance, is already welcoming new interest and readers in the wake of the black riots.

If President Trump does not condemn the push for reparations, some of his supporters will certainly abandon him. Meanwhile, members of the George Floyd family and their attorney Ben Crump are demanding U.N. intervention in the U.S. criminal justice system over the case. Floyd, a heavy drug user with a criminal record, died in police custody after he was apprehended for allegedly passing counterfeit money.  There is an indication he scuffled with police before being pinned to the street by one officer. Nevertheless, the officers at the scene were fired and face charges in Floyd’s death.

Some GOP Senators such as Mitt Romney are already bending to the mob, by “trying to craft legislation to change police practices and accountability following the deaths of black Americans at the hands of law enforcement,” as Newsmax put it. Yet police training has always been considered a local responsibility.

With demands to defund the police getting traction in some liberal cities, one group, Win without War, is participating in a June 20 “Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival,” while declaring that “The police and the military operate on a shared bedrock of white supremacy that shields them from accountability for their violence and racism.”

Hence, the Armed Forces are the next institution to be defunded.

Democrat Joe Biden has been campaigning for president, mostly from his basement, as the peace candidate, and many people in the polls seem to think he can somehow bring unity to the country. But how? Other synonyms, just so you get the picture, are: cash, bread, cabbage, dough, notes, and wad.

Come on, Mr. and Mrs. America, don’t you want racial harmony in America?

More than half a million dead in a Civil War and $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs is apparently not enough.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports, “The city’s first survey of property damage shows that nearly 1,000 commercial properties in Minneapolis were damaged during the riots, including 52 businesses that were completely destroyed and 30 other locations that sustained severe damage.” The damage was estimated to exceed $500 million.

With this in mind, the idea of having black billionaires like Oprah and Johnson move their homes and businesses to the Minneapolis inner city has been suggested. Perhaps they can hire a few black people now out of work because their businesses were burned down.

Minneapolis is one of America’s most liberal cities, the New York Times tells us.

The Star Tribune reported that a Minneapolis manufacturing company, 7-Sigma Inc., has already decided to leave the city, “with the company’s owner saying he can’t trust public officials who allowed his plant to burn during the recent riots.” About 50 jobs are gone from this business alone.

The Star Tribune said a $37 million affordable housing development was burned to the ground. It was advertised as a six-story project that included 189 apartments, including 38 affordable apartments available to households earning 60 percent or less of area median income. The project was also supposed to includes 8,600 square feet of ground-floor retail space. It’s all up in smoke.

The property is (was) near the Minneapolis Third Police Precinct. That, too, was destroyed. A 23-year-old security guard named Branden Michael Wolfe has been federally charged with aiding and abetting arson at the Third Precinct. He is white. Another white man, 28-year-old Matthew Lee Rupert, has been charged with civil disorder, possession of unregistered explosives and participating in and organizing riots in Minneapolis. He came from Illinois.

Perhaps the subject of white agitators exploiting the death of a black man is something Oprah Winfrey will address in her shows. That’s an interesting racial angle. Or perhaps they can discuss the hate crime hoax case of Jerome Kevin Jackson, a 54-year-old black man behind anti-black racist graffiti on the campus of Salisbury University in Maryland. FBI, Maryland State Police and local law enforcement agencies investigated the incident. They could have been used to crack down on black-on-black violence in Baltimore.

In Chicago, on May 31, there were 18 murders in 24 hours, described by the Chicago Sun-Times as “the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago.”

Oprah Winfrey, whose show was once based in Chicago, has given away some of her money on “philanthropy” but has also spent a significant part of her $2.5 billion fortune on the seven estates she owns. A site devoted to luxury homes says, “…with homes all over the country, from an equestrian estate in Montecito, CA to rural farm property in East Maui, HI and a gorgeous, yet over-the-top $14 million mansion in Telluride, CO, she [Oprah] has plenty of places to call home. However, it’s her large estate in Montecito, often referred to as the Promised Land, where she can most often be found.” This particular home is valued at $90 million.

The RLJ Companies, founded by Robert L. Johnson, is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, with affiliate operations in Charlotte, North Carolina; Little Rock, Arkansas; Los Angeles, California; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Monrovia, Liberia.

Perhaps he will consider moving these businesses to Minneapolis. Come on, Mr. Johnson, put your money where your mouth is.

Needless to say, Oprah isn’t going to have any black conservatives on her special programs on Tuesday, June 9, and Part 2 on Wednesday, June 10 at 9 PM ET. Her guests, “leading figures in the Black community,” will include Stacey Abrams, Ava DuVernay, Keisha Lance Bottoms, David Oyelowo, and Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change, described as the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. It is a spin-off from the Citizen Engagement Laboratory, a group heavily supported by the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundations.

The latter is now calling for Netflix to remove all cop shows from the streaming platform because they “heroize” police. It says “…we know from what’s going on in our country that police are not heroes.”In response to the announcement from the Minneapolis City Council that they plan to defund the Minneapolis Police Department, Robinson issued a statement in agreement and saying that “Policing is a violent institution that must end.”

The long hot summer predicted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation is just getting started. “Nothing short of communist revolution will change society,” says the Progressive Labor Party.

Pay up, kneel down, beg forgiveness, and maybe your life will be saved. The choice is yours, America.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Deep Dark Secrets of the Rich, Famous, and Powerful

By Cliff Kincaid

What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with Epstein six feet under and the FBI unwilling or unable to question his associates.

President Trump was once seen palling around with Epstein but then kicked him out of his exclusive Mar-a-Lago club when he was told Epstein was hitting on young girls. Trump knew when and where to draw the line.

We can’t say the same about 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Joseph R. Biden, Jr., an accused rapist, female hair-sniffer, and admitted plagiarist who is famous for boasting at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting in 2018 about withholding aid to Ukraine to force the firing of a prosecutor. This open display of corruption in foreign policy was not a big deal for the CFR, as many laughed in approval at the story. It was business as usual.

Before we get into Epstein’s high-level connections, through such institutions as the CFR, let’s give currency speculator and hedge fund operator George Soros the benefit of the doubt. I have not found any direct evidence that Soros, a CFR member, was in any way associated with Epstein. Instead, his hedge fund subsidizes the CFR and provides the philosophical foundation for the protests, such as by underwriting Critical Resistance, which was founded by communist Angela Davis to abolish prisons. Davis was a prominent Communist Party USA member. That’s doesn’t bother Soros.

The goal is to abolish the prisons and then defund the police so they can’t arrest the criminals. It illustrates the desire by some people with enormous money and influence to destabilize our society. They want to control us, but they don’t want to be controlled – or exposed. One has to be amazed at the hysteria gripping the country, including Rush Limbaugh, over alleged police racism. The way things are going, the July 4th holiday will be transformed into a national day or mourning.

I submit the elites have something to hide, and this may be a factor in Jeffrey Epstein’s demise and the failure by the media to explore his high-level contacts. His victims describe how their sexual encounters with the rich and famous were taped for blackmail purposes. Do the Russians and the Chinese have those tapes?

Soros mouthpiece Michael Vachon sent an email the other day entitled, “Soros Does Not Pay Protesters,” complaining about conservatives using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms “to spread the now familiar and thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that George Soros and the Open Society Foundations are paying people to protest, in this case over the murder of George Floyd.”

I have not seen any direct evidence of Soros paying protesters. That part may be true but irrelevant. The other part of the story is far more important. Soros, an atheist, is a major funder of the Democratic Party, and much of Soros’s wealth has been put into causes such as abortion rights, gay rights, drug legalization, voting rights for felons, euthanasia and rights for immigrants and prostitutes.

In other words, Soros doesn’t need to directly fund the protests; he finances the groups providing the protesters.

What’s far more significant is the motivation. Rachel Ehrenfeld of the American Center for Democracy described it this way: “Pretending to support an ‘open society,’ Soros uses his philanthropy to ‘change’ or more accurately deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people.” That helps explain why one of my own family members could show up at a protest with a sign saying, “Jesus Died For Black Lives.” She doesn’t understand what Black Lives Matters is all about. The Black Lives Matter group honors the communist terrorist Assata Shakur, who fled to Communist Cuba after killing a New Jersey cop. This betrays their real agenda – slavery for blacks and whites.

Now the question becomes why someone who finances the Marxist destruction of our society should also be a member of a high-class organization such as the Council on Foreign Relations, which also counted Jeffrey Epstein among its prominent members. One answer is that it diverts the attention away from the immorality and rot and corruption in the establishment itself.

Billionaire Bill Gates, a main cog in the coronavirus scare, which has suddenly faded from view, is not listed as a CFR member in the current membership roster. But his wife gave a speech to the organization in 2008 and his foundation has contributed to a CFR “Global Health and Foreign Policy” project. He was a close friend of Epstein and issued a statement trying to excuse that association.

An interesting analysis of what is happening in America can be found in the letter to Trump from former U.S. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Viganò, who said, “It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom…” That has to be the case, since the drug-addled career criminal George Floyd is not worthy of all this attention, as black conservative  Candace Owens has so eloquently noted.

There are conspiracies in the world, some of them operating quite openly, such as international communism. I am a signatory to the “Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism,” designed to hold the communists accountable for killing 100 million people. Part of the appeal states, “Communism did not fall with the Berlin Wall. This ideology is still alive in the world, in states and parties that are openly communist and in political and cultural thought that minimizes and tries to erase the crimes of communism, as if it were a good idea which only happened to coincide with the rise of one brutal regime after another across decades and continents.”

We know that one of the leading lights of the CFR, Alger Hiss, turned out to be a Soviet agent who co-founded he United Nations and worked at the side of President Franklin Roosevelt.

Why is an organization like the CFR still in business? Why would someone like Soros join such an organization? Why would Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates do so? The answer has to be that it is considered a headquarters for those who are running the show but who may have a lot to hide themselves. Since many in the media belong to it, the public is kept in the dark about what happens behind closed doors in the members-only meetings.

Trump was never a member of this club, the CFR, but he may have incriminating information about various members, stemming from the time when he knew Epstein and had commented publicly about Epstein’s attraction to young girls. He has a megaphone, Twitter, now reaching over 81.9 million people. This is why Trump’s Tweets are now being carefully scrutinized and even censored. He knows a lot more than he is telling.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Mao’s Red Guard Conservatives Jump on the Revolutionary Bandwagon

By Cliff Kincaid

Anybody with half a brain tied behind his or her back knows that the country is in a state of mass hypnosis or hysteria.Consider that a broadcaster was forced to resign for saying “All Lives Matter;” the TV show “Cops” has been put on hold, since it might portray police in a favorable light; a Texas Ranger statue was removed from the Dallas airport; and Clemson coach Dabo Swinney was personally attacked for wearing a “Football Matters” shirt.

It appears to those of us who have studied communism that we are living through a version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. His Red Guards would invade private homes looking for those suspected of “bourgeois” tendencies.

This has come about because many people had a knee-jerk reaction when they saw the snippet of a video with a Minneapolis police officer with his knee on the neck of George Floyd. “There are zero legitimate law enforcement justifications for what happened to George Floyd,” said “conservative” Senator Ted Cruz, a Harvard-trained lawyer. That’s the reaction the mob was counting on. People reacted with outrage and disgust. But they didn’t have the whole story. They were not aware of another video showing Floyd scuffling with police. And they were not aware of the autopsy showing Floyd’s heavy drug use and the facts about his criminal record.

Upon reflection, which is too late for the people killed and businesses destroyed in the riots, we know that George Floyd was a heavy drug user and that his death may have been linked to the use of those drugs. What’s more, Larry C. Johnson notes that the police officer’s use of his knee on the side of the neck of Floyd was “a technique he had been trained to use by the Minneapolis Police Department.” That section of the training manual can be read by anyone but few have done so. Johnson concludes that the Minneapolis police officers accused of murdering George Floyd “are being railroaded and are likely to be exonerated once the full evidence is presented.”

The “full evidence,” of course, wasn’t available immediately after the incident, when many politicians and commentators, even some of a conservative persuasion, jumped to conclusions and wanted to look politically correct by blaming the police. Dozens of communist groups, including Antifa, then jumped into action. They saw their opportunity and took it.

Rush Limbaugh, who popularized the saying about using half his brain tied behind his back, left the other half of his brain somewhere else as well when he recently conducted an “exchange” with the same black radio host, “Charlamagne Tha God,” who became famous when he got Joe Biden to say “you ain’t black” if you don’t support him. Limbaugh called the cops in Minneapolis “stupid” and added that George Floyd, who was being put in police custody because a store employee had called about Floyd allegedly passing counterfeit money, “is the essence of innocence.” One of his previous crimes was five years in prison for aggravated assault.

Why a conservative would want to spend one second of valuable air time with someone calling himself “Tha God” is beyond me. He said later the “interview” with Limbaugh about “white privilege” was a waste of time. Limbaugh wasted his time and that of his listeners. What’s worse, Limbaugh whitewashed George Floyd’s criminal record. He played into the hands of the mob.

The time would have been better spent with Candace Owens, a black conservative who has dared to tell the truth about George Floyd’s criminal record and questions why some blacks make such an individual into a martyr.

Limbaugh, fighting to stay alive as he valiantly battles his own health problems, wanted to appear compassionate, someone who wanted to engage in “dialogue” to save black lives after the death of George Floyd. He fell flat on his face. But he’s not alone. I’ve found that some conservative web sites usually eager to publish my columns won’t touch anything I write on the Floyd case. They are embarrassed by the fact that they, like Cruz and Limbaugh, bought into the left-wing narrative.

Compassionate conservatism is not what elected Donald J. Trump. That approach only cedes ground to the left. Instead, appealing to the silent majority and getting people to show some backbone is the way to neutralize the Red Guard protesters attempting to continue Barack Hussein Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Many Americans are mad as hell, but won’t say so publicly, as the rioting and looting that began in Minneapolis has now spread to other cities. If anything, they suspect that Trump is not moving fast enough to put down the communist insurrection.

This kind of “rebellion,” as Mao called it, was being planned by the Red Chinese even as Mao was conducting his own revolution in China. He used the 1968 riots in America over the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. to issue a statement “in Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” and had earlier issued a statement “supporting the American Negroes In Their Just Struggle Against Racial Discrimination by U.S. Imperialism.”

The Communist Party of China newspaper, China Daily, noted that, “In May, 1959, Mao met with visiting African-American civil rights leader W.E.B. Du Bois. On China’s National Day celebration on Oct 1, 1966, Robert Williams, another civil rights leader and a revolutionary, was invited to speak at Tiananmen Rostrum, with Mao standing at his side. In 1971, then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai met in Beijing with Huey Newton, leader of the Black Panther Party.”

W.E.B DuBois praised Stalin, won the Lenin Peace Price, and renounced his American citizenship. Williams had lived in Cuba, China and North Vietnam, and the Black Panthers were notorious for depicting police as pigs.

Despite his reputation as a moderate, Martin Luther King, Jr. paid tribute to Du Bois, who himself joined the Communist Party USA in 1961, at an event sponsored by the Soviet-funded Freedom ways journal in New York City.

Reds have been exploiting blacks for decades.

Indeed, the China Daily article noted how black leaders in the 1960s and ’70s were inspired by Mao and created “many Maoist organizations” on American soil. They still exist and are heavily represented in the protests. The brilliant analyst Trevor Loudon has written extensively about them. He knows far more than the FBI. Indeed, if an FBI agent interested in the truth used an official computer to access Trevor’s KeyWiki website, an encyclopedia of facts about the far-left, he or she would be fired. But the truth is the truth. And the truth is in short supply as “conservatives” jump on the revolutionary bandwagon that has Mao’s fingerprints all over it.

It’s time to support those telling the truth before the truth disappears forever.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Clean Up the Drug Crazed Communist Street Rabble

By Cliff Kincaid

Such notables as Drew Brees and General Mad Dog Mattis sold out to the mob this week. Meanwhile, a 16-year-old girl, Ala’junaye Davis, was killed in Baltimore, shot in the throat in a Democrat-run city whose previous mayor pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy and tax evasion charges in the “Healthy Holly” book fraud scandal. The local paper reports that Baltimore homicides total 135 so far this year, outpacing the 128 recorded at this time last year.

The mob, however, is concerned about the death of George Floyd, a criminal whose carefully hidden autopsy showed traces of meth, fentanyl, marijuana, and heroin.It is not clear what role these drugs played in his death.

With the economy back on track, after re-opening many states, it’s the communist rabble on the streets that poses the most direct threat to the safety and security of the American people. So far, President Trump has depended on the governors to deploy the National Guard.

Tucker Carlson observed on Thursday night that the riots are all about getting rid of Trump. He means that the Democrats running the major cities are allowing the violence to spread so that they can create more chaos that they can blame on Trump.

This strategy helps explain why the dozens of black deaths taking place in our major cities, as a result of black-on-black violence, are of no interest to the those who back or excuse the riots and looters.

Crime victim advocate Tina Trent comments, in a blog post about Atlanta, another Democrat-run city, that black-on-black violence accounts for nearly all killings of black youth

Ignoring the realities of life in the big cities, Drew Brees apologized to the mob for a comment defending the American flag, demonstrating that he is a rich football player with no moral backbone. His opinion, one way or another, is of no lasting consequence. But Mad Dog Mattis is a retired general who is clearly angry over getting fired by Trump. He favored using troops in foreign wars to die on behalf of Muslims, but he doesn’t want American troops deployed to put down a communist insurrection inside the United States.

Mark Esper is the current Defense Secretary and has undermined President Trump by declaring his opposition to using the Insurrection Act to suppress mob violence. Esper’s subversion of the concept of civilian authority over the military is a very serious matter. It is reminiscent of the old movie, “Seven Days in May,” when Burt Lancaster plays a rogue general leading a coup against the president. In the film the president learns of the plot and defeats it.

In real life, Trump defeated a coup led by Barack Hussein Obama’s CIA and is now facing a revolt from Esper over what may be required to clean up the streets.

Another failing in our society is the inability of some major anti-drug groups to take a stand against the riots in society. I am on a list of email exchanges about America’s growing drug problem and some of the organization shave decided to take a stand against the police but not the drugs that drove George Floyd into yet another confrontation with the law. Pictures of some of the “demonstrations” show rioters passing marijuana joints to get high as they get hyped up for another assault on the police.

Attorney David Evans, Senior Counsel to Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL), notes that scientific studies demonstrate a relationship between marijuana and violence. The Weather Underground communist terrorist Bernardine Dohrn once said, “guns and grass are united in the youth underground.” These were the weapons of revolution back then and are still major factors.One has to be blind not to see it.

The use of drugs certainly helps explain the calls to “defund the police” in some cities where liberal governors kept the pot shops open during the lockdown of law-abiding citizens.

But judging by the Department of Justice press conference on Thursday, featuring Attorney General Bill Barr and FBI director Christopher Wray, Trump’s top people seem to have no real understanding of what they are up against. They never once mentioned the word “communist” and did not display any knowledge of the drug use that characterizes some of the protests – and the death of George Floyd himself.

The police in Minneapolis are faced with the drug crisis every day, but the evidence of drugs in George Floyd’s system is denounced as a “red herring” by the lawyers for the family who want to shake down the city for big bucks in their police lawsuit.

The drug problem is so bad in our major cities that TV programs like “Dope” and “Drugs Inc.” are becoming popular. Camera crews follow dealers around the city as they operate open air drug markets. No wonder a 16-year-old girl in Baltimore can be killed in the crossfire.

The failure to deal with the problem by officials in such cities as Baltimore and Minneapolis has now been extended to people like Mad Dog Mattis, who insists that Trump overreacted in a Nazi-like fashion to peaceful demonstrators. It’s the rioters using the Nazi-like tactics. If he can’t see that, he’s as clueless as Joe Biden. One wonders if his lack of real-time intelligence was a factor in America losing wars in the Middle East. If so, his much-vaunted “military service” did not serve America’s interests.

For those serious about saving America, Edwin Vieira, Jr., who has practiced constitutional law, has some very good legal advice. He points out that 10 U.S.C. sec. 253 is the right statute to use, for it authorizes the president to call forth any part of “the militia,” and any part of the Armed Forces (including the National Guard, whether it is called part of “the militia,” or, correctly, State “Troops” under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, which can be employed as a reserve for the regular Army).

He adds, “There is no requirement under Section 253 that some Governor or other State official approve (which is obvious not only from the text itself but also from the statute’s origin as enforcement of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment through Section 5 thereof). There are also some very interesting historical parallels which make Section 253 a particularly appropriate vehicle for suppressing insurrections which state and local officials seem willing to tolerate at the expense of their citizens’ rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.”

On Tucker Carlson’s Thursday night show, former CIA officer Bryan Dean said America is “on fire” and that “violent leftist thugs” are running around the major cities attacking and killing people and vandalizing buildings. He compared the situation to the time when communist groups were waging war against America in the 1960s and 70s.

He said he thinks the Department of Justice and our police forces understand the situation. Some clearly do, such as the Minneapolis police union chief who says that “terrorist” elements had been emerging in the city for some time while the police force was being decimated and denied the ability to confront the threat.

If the DOJ and FBI really understand the problem, they will advise the president about how he has complete constitutional authority to order the immediate deployment of troops in our major cities, if the National Guard doesn’t suffice.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Why No Protests or Riots Over the Death of Jeffrey Epstein?

By Cliff Kincaid

In the Michael Brown case, we were told that a white cop killed a black man for no reason. That was a lie. Brown, high on marijuana, lunged for the cop’s gun and got shot in the process. In the George Floyd case, we were told he was just minding his own business passing counterfeit currency when he was killed with the knee of a white cop on his neck. We now know he was using meth and fentanyl. Protests and riots broke out. Meanwhile, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his network of elites rest in peace.

The medical examiner’s report shows Floyd was using meth and fentanyl, while the Minneapolis police union chief notes Floyd had a long criminal history that included cocaine and robbery. The report indicates that the drugs in his system were a factor in his death. It was truly unfortunate and sad. Perpetrators should not be dying in police custody. But Jeffrey Epstein died in the custody of the police, in this case prison guards, too. Yet, the political left doesn’t seem to want to hold those responsible for his convenient death legally accountable. Does that have something to do with his connections to such institutions as Harvard, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Bill Clinton? Or is it because their 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault and a race war is a distraction?

Some accounts of the George Floyd incident suggest he may have been in custody and escaped from the police car before being cornered by the cops and subdued. All of this will come out in the trial of the police officer. Perhaps the cop ultimately went too far, in using a knee on his neck, but this does not seem to be deliberate murder and it is a police procedure that has been used to keep a potentially violent criminal from attacking the cops. In this case, the cop may have suspected he was high on drugs, some of which can provoke frenzied and aggressive behavior by the perp. Meth can cause people to stop breathing and suffer heart attacks and strokes.  That can mean death, the outcome in this case.

Strangely, there has been no follow-up regarding the death in federal custody of Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile with high-powered connections to those who run our political establishment. The story they want you to believe is that the prison guards were asleep when Epstein hung himself using sheets by constructing a hangman’s noose.

We are supposed to believe that his federal prison guards just didn’t notice that their Big Money inmate was in the process of killing himself with bed sheets.

How convenient for the George Floyd case to now arrive on the scene, to help make us forget about Epstein’s light sentence for child trafficking and the politicians who associated with him and the lawyers popular on the Fox News channel who helped him escape serious penalties in the first place? Some on the left AND the right seem to have an interest in this scandal going away.

The scandalous handling of the Epstein case has been forgotten as our attention has shifted to the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, as marauding bands of communists inspired by Mao kill people, including cops, and lay siege to many of our major Democrat-run cities. Trump’s threat to call out the military to restore order has been undermined by his own Secretary Of Defense.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey Epstein’s murder is the subject of a four-part Netflix series “Filthy Rich” that only touches the surface of his operation of an international child sex trafficking ring. Where are the demonstrations in the streets calling for justice in this case? They don’t happen because they don’t serve the interests of members of the political establishment. There are too many powerful people in America who want the Epstein case buried. Some are connected to Bill Clinton. Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago after learning that he sought a young girl for purposes of prostitution.

America has been played over and over again by the race war agitators eager to burn down America, and it is happening again, for obvious political purposes. The police union chief, Bob Kroll, says Minneapolis has been a hot bed for “terrorist” elements for some time, and that liberal officials have failed to buttress the ranks of the police to deal with the growing problem of lawlessness. He says a request for 400 more officers was rejected by the powers that be, and the money was instead diverted to “community activists with an anti-police agenda.”

Now, jumping into the mix, some outfit called the Minnesota Department of Human Rights is launching an investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department for “discriminatory” actions. That’s typical. The lynching in this case will be of white police officers. The situation on the ground will get worse, as criminals arrested for rioting will be released when a second wave of coronavirus hits.

This railroad of racial “justice” is designed to rev up the black base to get Joe Biden elected president. The Democrats know Biden is uninspiring and barely able to talk coherently and function. He was propped him up before a teleprompter on Tuesday to lecture America for 20 minutes about racism. Here was a guy who co-sponsored every major piece of pro-cop or anti-drug legislation over the last 20 years and now he is sounding like a bleeding-heart liberal who will somehow restore law and order by giving blacks reparations. The deception is carefully coordinated.

Biden is as believable as the claim that Epstein hung himself after jumping off a bunk bed in a heavily guarded jail cell.

None of this seems to matter much anymore, as the Party of Socialism and Liberation is predicting a long hot summer of racial unrest. This communist group is playing into Biden’s hands by changing the subject away from Biden’s sexual behavior and that of Epstein’s close friend Bill Clinton.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Bible Won’t Save Us, Only Brute Force Will

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump emerged from his White House bunker on Monday night to give a short speech and then travel to a burned-out church just a block away. He made sure that the police and the military cleared a path for him. Then he held up a Bible. He should have held up a copy of the Constitution, with the Second Amendment highlighted in red.

The government won’t save you or your property. You have to save yourself.

Millions of Americans don’t have personal body guards, in the form of the Secret Service, and can’t call on the military to use pepper spray and tear gas against rioters down the street.

In the middle of a civil war, Trump holds up a Bible, as if it can repel invaders that vandalized some of our nation’s greatest monuments in Washington, D.C. It was too late. The damage was done.

Trump promised to get tough, but that night the communists were out in force again in many different cities.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News gave an eloquent speech on Monday night, taking “conservative” leaders to task, such as Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and Kay Coles James of the Heritage Foundation, for feeding the fires of rage and failing to advocate action to take out the killers on our streets.

He didn’t spare Trump, saying, “For people who voted for Donald Trump, who support his policies, who have defended him for years against the most absurd kinds of slander, this was a distressing moment.”

What is it going to take for Trump to realize that the liberal mayors and governors don’t want the riots to stop?

“Pride Was a Riot” was the title of an email sent out on Monday by the LGBTQ Victory Fund, dedicated to making sexual perversion mainstream and getting trans candidates elected. The term “pride” now refers to homosexuals demanding their rights, even rioting to do so. The group said, “…remember that the first Pride was a riot. The modern LGBTQ civil rights movement was born when Black and Brown trans women had enough.”

As noted by Carlson, the Fairfax County Democratic Committee in Virginia had released a statement that “Riots are an integral part of this country’s march towards progress.” The rest of the statement was that “When President Obama included the Stonewall Riots in his 2nd inaugural, he didn’t make that decision lightly.”

Barack Hussein Obama celebrated the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar known as the Stonewall Inn in New York City. Several police officers trying to enforce the law at the sleazy establishment were injured by violent homosexuals.

Obama, whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a bi-sexual drug-using communist, said that “…the riots at Stonewall gave way to protests, and protests gave way to a movement, and the movement gave way to a transformation that continues to this day.” They attacked the police and destroyed property. That’s what’s going on now.

So-called “Pride” is in fact a template for the George Floyd riots.

Perhaps the reason Trump hasn’t yet deployed “dominating” force against the rioters and looters is that too many in the Armed Forces and the police forces of the United States are on the other side of this civil war. Just like our intelligence community, those who are supposed to defend us have been infiltrated.

If it were not for the coronavirus, the Pentagon would be physically hosting another “Gay Pride Month” event this month. Which means that ordinary Americans can’t depend on our military or the police to defend us. We certainly can’t depend on governors and mayors.

Prior to his photo-op with the Bible at the burned-out church, Trump gave a few remarks, such as that he will defend the Second Amendment. “I am mobilizing all available federal resources — civilian and military — to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights,” he said.

Those are nice words. But Trump should have gone further, encouraging people to arm themselves and quickly.

Dr. Miguel A. Faria told this columnist, “The destructive riots and looting in Minneapolis, including the burning down of a police station, underscore the need for citizens to be prepare to protect their businesses, homes, and families. Rioters are marauding and destructive thugs who will use any pretext to destroy, rob, and even kill defenseless people. The fact is police cannot be everywhere to protect us. As these violent riots demonstrate, they cannot even protect their own police station! For the protection of businesses as well as home defense, especially during any national emergency, the only reliable method is the firearm, the great equalizer!”

His recently released book, America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements, is an exhaustive look at the forces that are determined to disarm the citizens of America. One of his many insights concerns how liberal politicians and the public health establishment work together to deny our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

We are seeing some strange things in America. The same governors and mayors who locked down law-abiding citizens during coronavirus are now refusing to protect them and their businesses against looters and rioters.

Facing a civil war that is accelerating, Trump cleared the streets around his house and walked to a church to hold up a Bible. That’s not good enough.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Maoist Thugs Target Christians, With Support from Justice Roberts

By Cliff Kincaid

With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors.

Two days later, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. went up in flames as rioters were threatening to attack the White House.  The more than 200-year-old church sits near Lafayette Park, across from the White House, where Secret Service agents and police fought with communist agitators.

It appears that arsonists have better access to churches than the parishioners.

In other anti-Christian actions, graffiti was written on St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York that included BLM, standing for Black Lives Matter, and “F–k F–k” in red letters. In Louisville, Kentucky, professional protesters broke windows in the rectory of the Cathedral of the Assumption. They were then boarded with plywood.

I returned to the disgraceful Roberts ruling after contemplating the Bible readings for May 31, including the Gospel of John 20:19-23, about the disciples of Christ hiding in a room because they were scared of the religious authorities of the day. Suddenly the resurrected Christ appeared and they were given the spirit of God and the authority and power to defeat the demonic forces of the secular world. The rest, as they say, is history, except that many of today’s ministers are hiding in rooms, conducting fake church services over the Internet, some with “spiritual communion,” rather than the real thing. They defend their sanitary “church services” with a camera crew while wondering when the state will decree that they can meet with real people. Many such “virtual” services conclude with requests for online donations for the invisible collection plate. After all, the religious bureaucracy that depends on the state for favors and even grants must be fed.

I watched one “virtual” service over the Internet on Sunday night, with the minister reciting the reading about Jesus appearing to his disciples after rising from the dead and showing them his hands and his side, the evidence of the crucifixion. The reading says, “The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord,and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’”

The minister reading these words didn’t seem to comprehend the significance of telling the story of disciples hiding in a room while he read the Bible from a small room himself, filmed in isolation so it could be presented to his flock through a computer connection.

It’s  fact that many of today’s ministers are afraid to challenge the secular authorities of this era, such as “Lockdown Larry” Hogan, the Republican Governor of Maryland, or Gavin Newsom, the Democrat Governor of California.

A major exception is South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista, California, which challenged Newsom’s lockdown order that resulted in the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling against the First Amendment.

Charles LiMandri, the Chief Litigation Counsel for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, handled the case for the church and its pastor, Bishop Arthur Hodges. He insists it was not a complete dismissal of South Bay Church’s case but was “largely based on the very high standards required for our obtaining an emergency injunction.” LiMandri noted that Roberts’s ruling was “a solo concurring opinion with little to no precedential value.” That is true but the implications of this 5-4 opinion are nonetheless startling. This is a real decision with practical consequences.

The four dissenting justices, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch, said the California restrictions were clearly discriminatory. The dissenting opinion noted, “In response to the COVID–19 health crisis, California has now limited attendance at religious worship services to 25%of building capacity or 100 attendees, whichever is lower. The basic constitutional problem is that comparable secular businesses are not subject to a 25% occupancy cap, including factories, offices, supermarkets, restaurants, retail stores, pharmacies, shopping malls, pet grooming shops, bookstores, florists, hair salons, and cannabis dispensaries.”

That’s right: the secular authorities have determined that marijuana businesses selling dope have more rights than churches. It appears that the stoners are more inclined to vote the way the liberals want them to vote.

The conservative Catholic writer, Vic Biorseth, noted that it was the “conservative” Roberts who approved Obamacare when he changed the nature of the legislation in a controversial court ruling and “illegally adjudicated it into law.” Yet, it was unconstitutional on its face to begin with. “So it doesn’t matter what the law under consideration says, nor does it matter what the Constitution says; all that matters is the balance of the partisan division on the Court and which way the political wind is blowing at any particular moment in time,” commented Biorseth.

The wind in today’s “moment in time” is to close down churches while keeping pot shops, abortion clinics, and liquor stores open. That’s how communist riots in the streets can be termed “unrest” and “peaceful” by the secular press. But when five members of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice, accept this garbage, you know we as a nation are in deep trouble.

Biorseth concludes, “If a purposeful violator of the Constitution who is a sworn officer of the government is not a domestic enemy of America and a traitor, then there is no such thing, and the Constitution itself is without meaning, and America has lost it very purpose for being.”

Those are strong words. But when Roberts joins the four liberal justices to restrict Christian worship in California, can we explain it any other way? And isn’t it a fact that the churches, for the most part, have become slaves to the state, willing and even anxious to please the corrupt authorities?

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Maoist “Rebellions” in America Inspired by China?

By Cliff Kincaid

As patriotic Americans salute our astronauts, in space through a public-private partnership of NASA and SpaceX, we are dismayed by the seeming inability of the government at all levels to keep our citizens safe on the ground. It’s time for Congress to reestablish committees designed to expose internal security problems and examine whether some of these agitators are communist terrorists who find their inspiration in history’s greatest mass murderer, Chairman Mao.

Attorney General William P. Barr warned on Saturday that groups of “outside radicals and agitators” are exploiting the George Floyd situation “to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.” Barr added, “In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized, and driven by anarchistic and far left extremists, using Antifa-like tactics, many of whom travel from out of state to promote the violence.” What he didn’t say is that the FBI, under his jurisdiction, is clueless about who is planning and organizing the chaos.

President Trump said on Sunday that Antifa, a term referring to the latest incarnation of communists active on American soil, will be designated as a terrorist organization. But there are literally dozens of Marxist or radical organizations that are not covered by the “Antifa” designation.

While Barr noted it is a federal crime to cross state lines to incite or participate in violent rioting and said “We will enforce these laws,” the question remains: who or what is he talking about?

Sadly, the FBI doesn’t investigate communist groups on American soil anymore because some of them are integrated into the Democratic Party, whose congressional members do not go through background checks and yet conduct House oversight of America’s intelligence agencies. The Communist Party USA (CPUSA), once aligned with and funded by Moscow, openly supported Barack Hussein Obama for president in 2008 and 2012. Obama’s CIA director John Brennan voted for the CPUSA in college.

The CPUSA says, “We call on our members and friends to join the protests for justice in every way possible and to make justice for George Floyd part of every demonstration going forward.” The Movement for Black Lives calls the riots “rebellions” and is active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.  “We are rising up by every means,” they say.

Some communist groups are still loyal to the memory of Chairman Mao, who said in his Little Red Book, “Every Communist must grasp the truth:‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.’”

Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

For those unfamiliar with Marxist jargon, this means that communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state. This is still the communist mission.

During a time when conservatives find themselves increasingly censored by social media,the communists are able to organize without any hindrance whatsoever. Dan Scavino Jr., who handle social media for President Trump, wrote, “Twitter is targeting the President of the United States 24/7, while turning their heads to protest organizers who are planning, plotting, and communicating their next moves daily on this very platform…” Those protests, of course, quickly turned violent, to the point where the Minnesota governor finally called out the National Guard to restore order after the Democratic Party mayor of Minneapolis refused to act.

The existence of a major communist threat, China, makes some of these organizations devoted to agitation worthy of close scrutiny.

One Maoist group, the Progressive Labor Party, is “a communist organization that fights to smash capitalism and class society in order to establish a communist world!” and operates a newspaper called Challenge, with headlines about “police terror” and the “kkkiller cops.” It has a web site and is also present on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Its “Capitalism is the Virus. Communism is the Cure” video is available on YouTube.

These American Maoists use American freedoms to organize against our institutions and our system of government.

American Maoist Bob Avakian started out with the SDS and the Revolutionary Union before running the Revolutionary Communist Party and setting up his own institute. He has broken ranks with another SDS leader, Mark Rudd, who was a member of the terrorist Weather Underground and has recently signed a letter endorsing “capitalist Democrat” Joe Biden for president. Avakian accuses Rudd of a “reformist accommodation” to the “monstrous system” of American capitalism.

Rudd’s fingerprints were once found in a  Weather Underground bomb factory, a location that included Chinese and Russian pamphlets and books on communist revolution.

It has been dawning on many that China has been interfering in our internal and sovereign affairs.“Today,” President Trump said on Friday, “I will issue a proclamation to better secure our nation’s vital university research and to suspend the entry of certain foreign nationals from China who we have identified as potential security risks.”

Trump should ask his FBI director Christopher Wray to take a hard look at the “potential security risks” in various communist groups on the streets of America and ascertain whether they are operating at the direction of Beijing.

The Congress, or at least the Senate, has a role to play, too. Senators can review the work of the old congressional committees on un-American activities and internal security problems, such as the 1971 hearings on the Progressive Labor Party, the 1973 report on “America’s Maoists” in the Revolutionary Union and the Venceremos Organization, and reports on the Weather Underground and Workers World Party.All of these groups are still around in one form or another.

FBI informant Herbert Philbrick’s 1965 book, Communism and Race in America, is another good place to look. He discusses communist use of front groups and its “dialectical approach” to subversion that emphasizes how anything which creates tension in society “is a part of the path of progress,” from the communist point of view.

Chances are, however, that none of these volumes is in the FBI library.

Before more lives are lost, Senator Marco Rubio, the new acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, can order immediate hearings into what, if anything, FBI director Wray has done about investigating terrorist networks.

If the answer, as expected, is that he considers them legitimate political organizations, he should be fired immediately.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

“Conservative” GOP Senator Labeled as “Pot Whore” by Critics

By Cliff Kincaid

The Soros-funded American Bridge organization notes that Democrats only need to win four seats to take back the majority in the Senate and claims that, right now, Democrats are tied or leading in eight. It says, “Mitch McConnell is in danger of losing his seat, and Democrats are surging in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Montana, North Carolina, and South Carolina.” Colorado is perhaps the most interesting race, as the incumbent Republican Senator, Cory Gardner of Colorado, is running for re-election as a “commonsense conservative” who serves the needs of the marijuana industry and the potheads who depend on it.

Attorney David Evans, Senior Counsel to Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL), stated that “Many of us, including physicians, have communicated with Gardner or his staff over the years to inform them about the damage that marijuana is causing to our public health and safety and our kids. Mothers who have lost children to marijuana addiction or marijuana-related suicide or mental illness have joined us in this effort. Despite knowing the damage that he is causing, Gardner has time and again chosen the pot industry over our health and our kids. I am a conservative and I am ashamed of him. He is a pot whore.”

Those unfamiliar with Gardner’s dependence on the dope industry should take a few moments to review the Politico story, “Cory Gardner’s marijuana problem,” about how the Senator is trying to persuade his Senate Republican colleagues to back his quest for passage of federal marijuana banking legislation. The piece reveals how Gardner is a marijuana zealot, something you would expect from someone with a financial interest in the industry.

The prospect of big money changing hands is what the FBI is now openly warning about in a podcast on corruption in the marijuana industry. The FBI podcast discusses bribes for politicians stemming from expensive licenses to operate pot shops where they grow and sell drugs.

The Politico story, which fails to emphasize in any way the dangers of marijuana, wonders if Gardner can somehow get marijuana banking legislation passed so that the industry can expand its profits and the number of pothead users. That’s how more money is made – addiction. It a product that brings the customers coming back for more.

Gardner’s “Marijuana Moment” is all about passing this legislation so that the Big Marijuana movement, initially backed by Democratic Party donor George Soros, can expand into the Republican Party and back Gardner for re-election this fall. It’s all a pipe dream. Conservatives are deserting Gardner in droves.

Gardner seems unconcerned that House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives was ridiculed for loading up a stimulus bill with 68 pro-cannabis references. The bill, called the Heroes Act, was dead on arrival in the Senate, and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell wondered why the legislation emphasized the “health” of the marijuana industry over the health of American workers thrown out of their jobs by the China virus.

Gardner’s aides are quoted as saying he’s doing his best for the dopers but keeps running into road blocks.

However, there is a ray of light. “Last week,” the article said, “he [Gardner] met with top White House adviser Jared Kushner to tout cannabis banking as a tool for economic recovery, said a friend of Gardner’s and two lobbyists.” Kushner is Trump’s son-in-law and regarded as liberal on marijuana issues.

While cable channels like CNBC hype “pot stocks” as money makers, treating dope as helpful to “economic recovery” sounds like something out of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where the drug Soma was prescribed for the obedient population. it’s how “progressives” recruit hopeless and homeless people into an army of addicts ready to vote for the likes of AOC and Bernie (and even Joe Biden, who is now pro-marijuana).

Is this a viable path forward for Republicans?

Judging by the Politico story, most Republican Senators reject that approach and recognize Gardner as a loser who is desperate to please the marijuana industry so that he can reap the “benefits” in the form of campaign contributions.

The state of Colorado, the base of the Big Marijuana industry, is trending blue, the author tells us, but “blue” is really green, meaning marijuana money and plants to harvest and smoke. This is a case study of how an industry that depends on addicting people to a mind-altering substance can take over a state and make its Democratic Party and even some Republican politicians into mindless slaves.

Gardner campaign spokesman Meghan Graf is quoted in the piece as assuring the dope lobby that Gardner will continue to work to make it easier for marijuana businesses to get easy access to tons of money through the national banking system. In effect, he wants to make it easier to launder drug money, since the drug is still illegal on the federal level.

The Senator seems to have a single-minded focus, even fixation, on pleasing the dope masters in Colorado and nationwide. The National Cannabis Industry Association is based in Colorado, with a government and media relations staff working out of its Capitol Hill office in Washington, D.C.

The false advertising by Gardner, whose Senate re-election website touts him asa “Common Sense Conservative,” is evident. He says he must win this November in order to protect the Republicans’ Senate Majority but the polls show him down by as many as 18 points to his likely Democratic Party opponent, former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper. Gardner is drawing only 36 percent, a reflection of the fact that many conservative Republicans won’t even support him.

Politico reported that Gardner’s campaign declined to make him available for an interview “but encouraged a number of emissaries from the cannabis industry to reach out” to the publication “and make the case for his value as an industry ally.”

In effect, Gardner is pleading with people to support the dope who protects the dope. No wonder Republican Senators are balking at such a pitch.

Gardner must know in his heart and “soul” that he is destined to lose the seat and that he will bounce back next year as a lobbyist for Big Marijuana. That is the only explanation that makes any sense. Like former Republican House Speaker John Boehner, who became a pot lobbyist, Gardner can provide an additional Republican veneer to a movement started by Soros. So Gardner will go through the motions of running for re-election, knowing that his goose is cooked.

The problem for President Trump is that this may guarantee that Trump will lose the state as well, as conservative turn-out is depressed and many decide to eventually escape the cannabis hell-hole of Colorado after not voting for Gardner. It’s just common sense.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit” Is Killing America

By Cliff Kincaid

Journalist Mike Allen’s father, Gary Allen,wrote the great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, describing how Henry Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit” included the abandonment of the free people of the Republic of China on Taiwan. Kissinger’s power play was based on the false hope that China had abandoned communism.

Gary Allen described the Red Chinese as “unquestionably the bloodiest mass murderers in human history,” adding, “Red China practiced a smiling and beguiling diplomacy toward the West, while serving as the world’s major pusher of drugs.”

Things haven’t changed. Today, in addition to the mass murder inflicted on the world by the coronavirus, the Red Chinese are the leading exporters of fentanyl. In addition, Red China backed North Korea’s war of aggression on South Korea. Casualties of the United States during the Korean War included 54,260 dead (of whom 33,665 were battle deaths), 92,134 wounded, and 8,176 listed as missing in action or prisoners of war.

Gary Allen examined how the world and Washington really work. “Gary Allen’s writings conveyed great distrust of the established order,” is how the New York Times put it. “He saw conspiracies in both parties, despised Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger for their internationalism and the ‘establishment media’ for enabling the ‘communist conspiracy.’”

On the other hand, Mike Allen was described in the article as someone with “a boyish and almost star-struck quality toward the assumed order.” He co-founded Axios, launched in January 2017 and based on the belief that “Media is broken, and too often a scam.”

Yet, Axios panders to the elites who have lucrative careers and lord over those who don’t. It was quick to solicit and get a $5 million small business loan under the Paycheck Protection Program designed to save small business. Then, under fire, it returned the loan, saying it found “an alternative source of capital.”

Mike’s father encouraged Mike’s involvement in the Boy Scouts, before the Scouts turned gay/trans and admitted girls, and he came out an Eagle Scout. That’s a fine achievement. I went through the same program and became an Eagle Scout, one of the proudest days of my and my father’s life. It taught me many lessons about truth and honesty.

In my view, Mike Allen should lose his schoolboy crush on the elites and subject the establishment to the scrutiny they deserve. He could start with deciphering Henry Kissinger’s April 3 Wall Street Journal column, in which he declares the U.S. must start “the urgent work of planning for a new epoch.” It’s the same New World Order he has been pushing for decades.

Or perhaps he could ask Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, the China reporter at Axios, to take a look. She has an impressive career, having previously served as a contributing reporter at Foreign Policy magazine, where she wrote about a Beijing-linked billionaire “funding policy research at Washington’s most influential institutions.”

In this very revealing article, she documented how the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) serves as “a registered foreign agent bankrolled by a high-ranking Chinese government official with close ties to a sprawling Chinese Communist Party apparatus that handles influence operations abroad, known as the ‘united front.’” That official is Tung Chee-hwa,the vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a government advisory body.

She examined how the CUSEF has “cooperated” on projects with numerous U.S. institutions, including the Brookings Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Atlantic Council, the Center for American Progress, the East-West Institute, the Carter Center, and the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.

Henry Kissinger just happens to serve as an “honorary adviser” to the CUSEF.

Except for the Foreign Policy magazine account and a story from a Taiwan journalist, noting how the Chinese Communist Party has been “covertly funding certain think tanks in Washington D.C.,” I couldn’t find any other serious journalistic treatments of this threat.

That’s odd.

I did find an excellent report, “China’s Overseas United Front Work: Background and Implications for the United States,” on how China uses “United Front” work to neutralize potential opposition to the policies and authority of the Chinese Communist Party. But this, too, failed to receive any significant media attention.

That’s strange.

By the way, the Center for American Progress was founded by John Podesta, the head of Obama’s first transition team who served as counselor to Obama as president (and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman in 2016). It has been supported by foundations or companies associated with such figures as George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Michael Bloomberg.

Even more importantly, the official Chinese news agency article, “Xi meets Obama, discusses China-U.S. ties,” reveals that, after the election of President Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Obama in Beijing. The British Guardian said that Chinese media “fawned” over Obama and Xi, dubbing the pair “veteran cadres”, a term usually applied to retired Communist officials.

It sounds like a story for Axios reporter Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian.Mike Allen should let her loose on that one. It could lead her back to what President Trump calls Obamagate.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Americans Must Demand Justice in Obamagate

By Cliff Kincaid

As we remember those who served our country, fighting for the great American experiment in self-government and individual liberty, the fate of America’s constitutional republic hangs in the balance. This is not because of the threat posed by China but because of a seeming inability by our criminal justice system to hold lawbreakers and traitors accountable.

“I have a chance to break the Deep State” said President Trump in his interview with Sharyl Attkisson on Sunday. Yet, his Attorney General Bill Barr says he doesn’t see grounds for prosecuting Obama and/or his Vice President Joe Biden for a criminal conspiracy to destroy the Trump presidency.

Attkisson, who was essentially forced out of CBS News for being too tough on the Obama administration,filed suit over illegal government surveillance of her activities.She had dared to report on Operation Fast and Furious, in which the Obama administration shipped guns to Mexico which were later used to kill U.S. border agent Brian Terry.

Attkisson was willing to confront the Deep State before the same forces tried to take down Trump. “You happen to be a victim of the Deep State,” Trump told her during the interview.

By contrast, Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote a May 18, 2017, column about the appointment of Russia-gate prosecutor Robert S. Mueller, saying the former FBI director was “as skilled and upright as they come” and insisted that “A Robert Mueller word-association game would go something like this: integrity, honor, respect, order, discipline, honesty, fairness.”She added that “…nobody doubts Mr. Mueller will lead as professional an investigation as he is capable of conducting.”

I doubted it. I wrote extensively about the fact that Mueller’s FBI bungled the post-9/11 anthrax case and fingered several innocent people. He was sued by an agency whistleblower. He followed up by ordering FBI training materials to ignore the role of the Islamist ideology that inspired the enemy.

Now, Strassel, a member of the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board, is defending Barr, saying in a column, “Biden Will Answer for FBI Abuse,” that it is sufficient to hold Biden, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate,accountable at the ballot box.

The Strassel column is just another indication that, unless ordinary citizens rise up and demand justice, Obama and Biden will not be held accountable for Obamagate. Trying to explain Barr’s decision not to prosecute Obama/Biden, Strassel says that “While their actions may not rise to a ‘crime,’ both men [Biden and Obama] may be guilty of an outrageous abuse of power. Such abuses require political accountability, through elections.” But Obama is not running for anything. He may be pulling the strings behind the Biden for president campaign, but he is not technically on the ballot.

This kind of “abuse of power” involves the attempted destruction of an elected government.In a previous column, “Republicans Don’t Dare Call It Treason,” I quoted various honest liberals and progressives as saying that Obamagate is a scandal that rises to the level of criminal conspiracy and even treason. Somehow, establishment conservative journalists like Strassel can’t see it that way.

The Wall Street Journal is willing to let Biden escape justice because he is being propped up for a presidential run and his puppet masters operate behind-the-scenes.

Her concluding paragraph is another excuse for doing nothing except wait for the elections. She says, “Americans can’t expect or want the Justice Department to settle political disputes through drummed-up criminal investigations. The country has a tried and true way of settling those fights: a vote.”

It is not a “drummed-up criminal investigation” when the evidence shows that the Obama-Biden administration used American intelligence and law enforcement agencies to sabotage the incoming Trump Administration and destroy the career and life of Trump National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn.

We have waited for over three years for the pieces of this puzzle to fall into place. Now that the evidence is emerging, Strassel wants America to wait for elections that the progressives intend to steal through mail-in ballots.

When Strassel and other conservatives like Andrew C. McCarthy praised Mueller, the left-wing forces in this country knew they had a green light to wreck Trump’s presidency with almost two years of legal harassment that failed to turn up any evidence of so-called Russian collusion.

Strassel changed her mind about Mueller over the course of his investigation, but I don’t remember a simple “I’m sorry” coming from her lips, in the form of a column or during her appearances on the Wall Street Journal show on Fox News.

In addition to initially failing to tell the truth about Mueller, and now failing to hold Attorney General Barr accountable for letting Obama/Biden off the hook, Strassel failed to appreciate the nature of the forces trying to take down Trump.

For example, in her column praising Mueller, she said, “In tapping Mr. Mueller as special counsel to look into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has certainly doused the political flames. Democrats were forced to tone down their chant for instant impeachment.”

In fact, it just wetted the appetite of Trump’s enemies to accelerate their campaign to destroy his presidency.

Nevertheless, she developed a reputation as a sophisticated critic of the political left. Her 2019 book, Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America, was described as an examination of how the left “has become dangerously reckless in its obstruction of President Trump.”

For his part, looking for friends anywhere he can find them, President Trump has tweeted about Strassel or retweeted her commentaries about Russia-gate. On April 18, 2019, he tweeted: “Kimberley Strassel should get the Pulitzer. She is a treasure (and I don’t know her) who correctly called the Russia Hoax right from the start!”

Not really, Mr. President. She was wrong from the start about Mueller. She paved the way for Mueller’s legal malpractice.

Attkisson is the one who deserves the Pulitzer.

Now we learn that Mueller’s former prosecutor Andrew Weissmann will headline a virtual fundraiser for the Biden campaign. Strassel wrote about him in her book on the Trump Haters, noting that he had attended Hillary Clinton’s election night party in 2016.

But Strassel thinks the American criminal justice system ought to leave Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden alone.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

China, Not Fauci, Is the Enemy

By Cliff Kincaid

A “conservative” columnist recently called for Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birxto be tried as criminals and imprisoned. This is crazy. American scientists and doctors are not the enemy. China is.And America can respond to this attack of the coronavirus by confiscating Chinese financial assets and property. Much of it is in California. It’s time for action.

Looking back, President Trump followed the advice of Fauci and Birx about locking down the economy, although he left most of this task to the governors of the 50 states. So, logically speaking, the columnist angry with Fauci and Birx should be advocating the jailing of the Commander-in-Chief because he took their advice. Such a course is lunacy. Trump did what made sense at the time.

Medical professionals can and should be second-guessed. There is also a need to investigate the collaboration of the Medical Deep State with China, including the millions of dollars that flowed to the Wuhan lab. But the finger-pointing ignores the ultimate source of the problem – Communist China.

As Americans, we should be united in our hatred and disgust for the Communist Chinese rulers. We should want to make them pay. How? The answer is simple — by seizing their property in the United States. Much of that is in California.

To understand what we have to do, we have to remember how we got there.

In a difficult situation, brought on by China’s release of the virus, Trump was advised on a course of action he was told was necessary to avoid more than two million deaths. When he was looking for how the federal government should respond, he turned to people who have handled other infectious diseases in the past and were on the government payroll. He turned to the government “experts,” Fauci, Birx, and others, in order to delay and contain the spread of the coronavirus. He did what anyone in that position would do. He had very little time, as a result of Chinese lies and cover-ups, to respond.

Fauci and Birx are not perfect, and there is legitimate criticism of the advice they gave to the president. In the past, for example, they both worked on an HIV/AIDS vaccine, a project 23 years in the making but is still a bust. Government decisions have been questionable, on such matters as to whether or not to wear a mask and how long the virus lives and spreads on surfaces or objects. One day, a careful review of their advice and whether it was correct will be done.

But it’s silly to fault President Trump for turning to these people. These expertsare being attacked and threatened with jail time by conservatives upset with the economic damage and dislocation caused by the government response to coronavirus. The critics of Trump, on both the right and left, are losing sight of the real villain – the Chinese authorities.

Even now, despite the brouhaha over a vaccine, our “experts” do not yet completely understand the nature of this virus and its ability to spread and mutate, possibly making a vaccine unlikely or even impossible. Curiously, China destroyed early samples of the virus. We need Fauci and Birx, and many others, involved in finding a solution. Trump would be wise to expand his circle of authorities and go beyond the Medical Deep State. But that doesn’t mean the authorities he relied on initially should be banished to Siberia.

In the meantime, our leaders need to quickly consider a necessary response to the Chinese regime. One approach to China is to sue the corrupt and evil rulers. When it comes to suing the Chinese government, one of the few lawyers I would trust to do so in an aggressive manner is Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. Klayman isn’t content to file Freedom of Information requests; he goes for the jugular. His lawsuit against China demands $20 trillion in damages and he intends to make the Chinese Communists sweat blood in court. He would tie the communist lawyers into knots, which would be something to see. He would humiliate them. And the communists deserve to be humiliated in a public forum.

John Yoo, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and his co-author, Robert J. Delahunty, argue for other measures, such as the imposition of economic sanctions on Chinese officials, general tariffs on Chinese imports, restrictions on Chinese investment in the U.S., and the expropriation of Chinese property in the United States.

“Conceivably,” they argue, “Washington could even cancel Chinese-held treasury debt and using the proceeds to create a trust fund that would compensate Americans harmed by the pandemic.”

Grzegorz Górny, a writer for the global publication Remix, did some digging into the controversy and points out that the U.S. Department of the Treasury clearly has the power to “confiscate Chinese assets in the U.S.”and “freeze all operations using American government obligations which were purchased by China…” The latter is estimated at $1.2 trillion. He concludes, “In one swift move, the U.S. may annul that debt and free itself from the Chinese loop.”

In looking for Chinese investments to expropriate, the place to go is California. “California became the number one recipient of Chinese FDI [foreign direct investment] in recent years, with more than $16 billion in 2016 alone,” notes a report from the Asia Society and the Rhodium Group.“Much of the investment has gone into two important areas – real estate and technology.”Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, the China reporter for Axios, assembled the facts and figures about Chinese aid-and-trade with the United States, confirming that California is “hooked” on China. Of the top 10 states with the highest net trade with China. California is number one by far.

Last September, Democratic Party Governor Gavin Newsom’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) announced the expansion of the China Trade &Investment Network (CTIN), in order to facilitate the state’s trade and investment efforts in China. “The trade relationship between California and China is one of the largest in the world,with two-way trade valued at $177 billion in 2018,” the release said.

Just a few months later China unleashed the virus on the world. That was quite an import.

Incredibly, Newsom made a nearly $1 billion deal to receive surgical masks from China to protect against the  virus. They failed to arrive on time.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Republicans Don’t Dare Call It Treason

By Cliff Kincaid

As more evidence emerges of the role played by former President Barack Hussein Obama in directing Russia-gate, President Donald J. Trump’s “allies” are leaving the field of battle. They seem not to want to hold Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what President Trump calls the “biggest political crime in American history, by far!”

First, Senator Lindsey Graham said he wouldn’t subpoena Obama to testify before his Judiciary Committee about Russia-gate. Then, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA,) stated that House Republicans have not made any criminal referrals for Obama or 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and Obama former Vice President Joe Biden relating to Russia-gate. Finally, Attorney General William Barr said he did not expect criminal probes of either Obama or Biden in the matter.

This is all we need to know about whether top Republicans in the House and Senate, and an Attorney General nominated by Republican President Trump, are serious about getting to the bottom of Russia-gate.

This is so despite the fact that progressive historian Eric Zuesse has written that Obama is in “severe legal jeopardy” because of his role in sabotaging the Trump Administration. He explains, “The biggest crime that a U.S. President can commit is to try to defeat American democracy (the Constitutional functioning of the U.S. Government) itself, either by working with foreign powers to take it over, or else by working internally within America to sabotage democracy for his or her own personal reasons.” In either case, he wrote, it’s treason.

“What we are watching is turning out to be traces of a plot against a government elected by the American people,” said Michael Hudson and Paul Craig Roberts about the role of various Obama officials in sabotaging the Trump Administration. They added, in a story that was published back in 2017, that, “Law requires Trump to arrest those responsible and to put them on trial for treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States.”

Here we are three years later and Graham, Nunes, and now Barr have not done anything to hold Obama personally responsible. They have failed to provide Trump with the legal basis on which to accuse Obama and others with treasonous conduct.

Left-wingers not beholden to the Democratic Party are willing to admit the obvious. Author Branko Marcetic called the targeting of Trump National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn “a case of entrapment” and said the FBI “even used outright false claims to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page…” He concluded that the FBI and various US government agencies engaged in “prosecutorial overreach, entrapment, and the criminalization of foreign policy dissent” in the case of Russia-gate.

Trying to appeal to traditional liberals, he notes, “…the fact that the FBI’s misconduct was aimed at a right-wing government this time should be no reason for Democrats to dismiss the magnitude of the scandal.”

The magnitude of the scandal is what makes it treason. This was a direct assault on the American system of government that we now understand was based on a phony dossier, compiled by a former British spy, based on Russian disinformation.

Nunes wrote a book back in 2010, Restoring the Republic,but he has not followed through in the matter of holding Obama accountable. Graham frequently appears on the Fox News Sean Hannity show, posturing as a conservative, but he won’t call Obama to testify at his upcoming Russia-gate hearings. After Barr said he didn’t anticipate criminal charges against Obama or Biden, the conservative legal analyst, Andrew C. McCarthy, agreed that what Obama and Biden did “simply may not be criminal,” even though the Democrats’ may have  used counterintelligence powers “for partisan political purposes.”

Why the eagerness to let Obama off the hook? These inside-the-beltway politicians and commentators are afraid to use the word “treason.” They are failing the American people and their president.

In truth, Obama’s motives were two-fold. One, he wanted to disrupt the Trump Administration, making it impossible for Trump to govern and deal with real national security problems.Obama knew this would enable our enemies to gain an advantage over us. Second, he was afraid that the Trump Administration would use the resources of the government to investigate Obama’s own mysterious background and identity. As we argued in one of our Obama books, Comrade Obama Unmasked: Marxist Mole in the White House, “The smoking gun evidence of Barack Hussein Obama’s deep personal relationship with suspected Soviet espionage agent and Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis is the real Russia-gate scandal.”

At one of his press briefings, Trump was asked by the Washington Post’s Philip Rucker “What crime, exactly, are you accusing President Obama of committing and do you believe the Justice Department should prosecute him?”

“You know what the crime is,” Trump replied. “The crime is very obvious to everybody.” He added, “All you have to do is read the newspapers — except yours.”

The answer to the question is treason. It’s obvious.

But in this day and age, treason is not talked about.

To cite another example, consider the actions of the Federal Reserve in hiring the notorious firm BlackRock to help purchase billions of dollars in bonds and securities. At a Tuesday hearing, Senator Martha McSally asked chairman Jerome Powell why a firm like BlackRock, which invests in Chinese companies, had been hired for this purpose. He replied, in part: “All large asset managers buy Chinese securities. These are global asset managers — I’m not here to defend or criticize them for that, it’s just not really relevant to the work that we want them to do.”

It’s “not relevant” when a firm does business with a country and regime that unleashed this virus on the world? Why didn’t the Fed require Blackrock to divest from China? That’s precisely what the National Legal and Policy Center has asked the firm to do.

One of McSally’s concerns was whether the profits made by BlackRock would be used to buy more Chinese companies. “Communist China should not be profiting off of unleashing this calamity on the world and that is something that should unite all Americans, even if they work at BlackRock,” she said.

Powell apparently didn’t think that was “relevant.”

She noted that BlackRock’s website has a page titled “Five Myths and realities about investing in China,” and explained, “According to BlackRock, one of the biggest myths about China is that Chinese state-owned enterprises don’t control their economy, and BlackRock even tries to back that up with data — I won’t go into all of it, but it’s ridiculous.”

Speaking of the Chinese, in November of 2017, as Russia-gate was underway, Obama made a trip to Beijing, to have what was described as a “hush-hush” meeting with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. They were described as “veteran cadres,” a term generally applied to retired Chinese Communist Party officials.

In the midst of all of this, a Fox News anchor, Neil Cavuto, is attacking President Trump for using a drug he promoted, hydroxychloroquine, in order to prevent coronavirus. His physician said the drug has potential and the risks are relatively low.

Rather than attack the president, he should be commended for practicing what he preaches. But in this upside-down world, in which Obama is accused of treason, and the Federal Reserve uses a China-friendly company to conduct business, Trump is once again made into a villain – and on a so-called “conservative” news channel.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Blood Brothers: Barack Obama, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump once said about Senator Lindsey Graham that he “would like to stay in the Middle East for the next thousand years with thousands of soldiers and fighting other people’s wars.” This statement is critical to understanding why Senator Graham has announced that he won’t bring Barack Hussein Obama before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain his role in Russia-gate. Graham knows that Obama targeted Trump National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn because Flynn was opposed to the Obama policy of using the CIA to destabilize the Middle East and bring the Muslim Brotherhood and other Jihadist forces to power.

But here’s the kicker: Graham and the late Senator John McCain were blood brothers with Obama in promoting the “Arab spring” uprisings in the Middle East that left 560,000 dead in Syria alone when a civil war ensued. To make matters worse, the Russians won anyway.

This is a real scandal, in contrast to the phony allegations against Trump that Graham friend and collaborator John McCain gave to the FBI in the form of the Steele dossier. What’s more, it was Graham who actually encouraged McCain to go to the FBI with this bogus document, which was based on Russian disinformation.

Any simple Google search discloses many stories about the “secret” operations ordered by Obama and carried out by John Brennan’s CIA that sent arms through Saudi Arabia and Qatar into the hands of “rebels” in the Middle East that turned out to include Jihadists. The New York Times estimated the cost of the CIA program at $1 billion.

So-called “moderate” forces supported by the U.S. even admitted some of their weapons went to groups like al Qaeda and ISIS.

Incredibly, Graham and McCain turned on Obama only when he failed to escalate the wars even further. They had sought 20,000 more U.S. ground troops in Syria and Iraq in 2015.

These “dirty wars,” a major blot on America’s reputation and standing in the world, are critical to understanding Obama’s involvement in the plot to prevent Flynn from serving as Trump’s National Security Adviser. Remember that Obama had fired Flynn from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and then Flynn had campaigned for candidate Trump, who had promised an end to unwinnable foreign wars. This was a direct challenge to Obama’s legacy.

Flynn had been appointed Trump’s National Security Adviser when an illegal leak to the Washington Post made a “scandal” of Flynn’s conversations with the Russian Ambassador. Flynn was forced out, framed by the FBI, and pleaded guilty under pressure to charges of lying. Belated recognition of the set-up has led the Justice Department to now drop the case against him (although a Clinton-appointed federal judge is trying to keep it alive).

Flynn has been unable to explain his side of the story because of the legal assault against him. But according to his writings and previously known public statements, Flynn considered America’s intelligence on the rise of Sunni terrorist groups in the Middle East to be flawed. Citing intelligence from the DIA, the agency he ran, he saw the Obama policies as producing more instability and chaos, even leading to the rise of the Islamic State, or ISIS.In short, Obama’s policy was producing more terrorists.

When Trump ended this disastrous policy in mid-2017, the Washington Post reported the news in a story headlined, “Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow.” This was an attempt to keep Russia-gate, which was then underway, going full-speed ahead, by creating the impression that Trump was doing Moscow’s bidding. Echoing the Post, Lindsey Graham sent out a Tweet, saying that if the story were true and the CIA program was ending, “it would be a complete capitulation to Assad, Russia, and Iran.”

In fact, using the CIA to destabilize the Assad regime in Syria had already backfired by provoking a Russian military response, in the form of intervention on behalf of Syria in 2015. Assad is still in power to this day, consolidating his victory, and so are the Iranian mullahs.

Eventually, Trump made another smart move – withdrawing U.S. military support for the Kurds, a Marxist-led group seeking their own independent state in the region that claimed to be fighting ISIS.

Wisely, Trump left this problem to the Turks, fellow members of NATO, who opposed U.S. support for the Kurds with good reason, since Kurdish groups have been waging war on Turkish civilians for decades. Trump understood that the Turks were the best defense against Syrian and Russian expansionist designs in the region.

At the same news conference where he rejected Graham’s Middle East policies, Trump went on to say, “The people of South Carolina don’t want us to get into a war with Turkey, a NATO member, or with Syria. Let them fight their own wars. They’ve been fighting for a thousand years. Let them fight their own wars.”

Considering this tension between Trump and Graham (and Obama), Graham’s rejection of Trump’s request for Obama to testify at his upcoming Russia-gate hearings makes sense. He knows the truth would backfire on those who were co-conspirators in the Obama/CIA policy that led to so much death and destruction in the Middle East (and which Michael T. Flynn opposed). Clearly, Graham and McCain were on Obama’s side and bear some of the responsibility for the terrible loss of life in the region, not to mention the millions of refugees.

In order to deflect attention away from those “dirty wars,” the Steele dossier was peddled not only by the Democrats but by McCain and Graham to frame Flynn, Trump, and other officials as Russian agents. No matter how pro-Trump Graham today sounds, in his multiple appearances on Sean Hannity’s Fox program, the cold hard facts tell a different story.

Graham, who helped get Russia-gate started, is now going to hold hearings into how Russia-gate got started? That’s a joke. It’s even more laughable now that Graham says he won’t call Obama as a witness.  Clearly, he wants to protect Obama. And by protecting Obama, he hides his bloody hands in Syria and his anti-Trump maneuvers that started Russia-gate in the first place.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Making Heroes Out of Dope Dealers and Stoners

By Cliff Kincaid

The new “Heroes” bill offered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the latest version of the Green New Deal. It makes “heroes” out of dope dealers, with the “green” being marijuana and money.

The $3 trillion bill, considered DOA (Dead on Arrival) in the Senate, is an example of the power of Big Marijuana, which owes its very existence to billionaire George Soros, the founder of the modern drug legalization movement. The Heroes act, supposedly designed to provide relief from the coronavirus, legalizes banking on a federal level by marijuana businesses.

Marijuana trafficking and drug-money laundering are still illegal under federal law. The Heroes act would change that by incorporating a version of the so-called Safe Banking Act (HR 1595) into the legislation.

“Our lobbying team in D.C. has been hard at work on your behalf,” says the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA). “We have been working every angle and are exploring any and all opportunities to provide relief for our industry.”

The lobbying paid off. “On Tuesday,” the group said, “Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi unveiled the newest bill to provide the next stage of coronavirus relief funding and included language that would improve access to banking services and loans for the regulated cannabis industry.”

The “regulated” marijuana industry is a reference to drug operations that have been legalized by some states to generate tax revenue and campaign contributions to left-wing politicians.

Demonstrating the power of this lobbying group, the executive director of the NCIA noted that his industry has been deemed “essential” in most states during the coronavirus crisis.

Passage of the bill would greatly facilitate the use of marijuana, a drug sometimes compared known to Soma in Aldous Huxley’s classic book Brave New World. The drug is used to keep people addicted and complacent while politicians maintain their control over the stoners by promising easy access to cheap dope. One big problem is that the high potency marijuana being sold today is linked to mental illness, and the violence that results from its use has and can affect us all.

To cite just one example, the Islamic Jihadist Boston bombers were marijuana users and traffickers. The Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy has published a ground-breaking analysis of how marijuana is linked to violence, mental illness and jihad.

“Given the known scientific harms of marijuana, which all politicians should be acutely aware of, to aid this illegal business in any manner should be considered an act of treason,” said Roger Morgan, author of Soros: The Drug Lord. Pricking the Bubble of American Supremacy. “The Democratic Party and its leaders have been owned and controlled by George Soros for decades.  Soros drug policies are still in effect.  Too many Republicans have crossed the line as well. Ultimately, the solution is to enforce marijuana laws, the burden of which falls directly on the Commander-In-Chief.”

In a personal account of the human toll, Heidi A. Swan wrote a book about her brother’s life as a homeless drug addict with cannabis-induced psychosis who went to jail eighteen times. The story is called “A Night In Jail” and has been adapted for the stage and made into a short film.Dr. Christine L. Miller helped produce a very informative free educational tool kit to go along with the story that explains how about 12-15 percent of users of low-to-moderate doses of THC, the mind-altering ingredient in marijuana, will have a psychotic experience. However, it says that because today’s marijuana is much stronger, “more people are at risk to experience psychosis and schizophrenia.”

Tucker Carlson’s Fox program on Tuesday night noted that, in addition to promising “safe banking” for drug dealers, the Heroes bill directs that money be used in minority communities so that marijuana businesses can more easily distribute their dope to people of color. “Democrats would like to see more drug sales in minority neighborhoods,” he said. He counted an astounding 68 references to cannabis, another name for marijuana, in the legislation.

Playing the role of fact-checker, I used the “find” feature on my computer and confirmed Carlson’s claim about 68 references in the bill to cannabis. This is all being done under the cover of fighting a virus. Yet, smoking dope makes one more likely to get sick after getting exposed to the virus, which causes lung damage in many people.

Scott Chipman, Vice President of Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana, said, “The leadership in the House is using their COVID funding request to pay back and buy the loyalty of pot drug dealer donors. They hide behind the idea of ‘social justice’ in supporting assistance to ethnic drug dealers to set up drug dealing marijuana businesses in ‘under-served’ ethnic communities. These are the very communities that have been, and are, most negatively impacted by drug dealing and drug addiction. This would not be assistance to these communities, it would be abuse.”

On CNBC, which is owned by Comcast, commentator Jim Cramer has become a big booster of pot stocks. His motivation appears financial, as his newsletter regularly features such headlines as “Top 5 Cannabis Companies to Buy.” He’s now quoted as saying that marijuana stocks “need Democrats to show up with some wins in the November election.”

The power of Big Marijuana is so great that Dwight K.Blake, Editor-in-Chief of American Marijuana, reports that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has changed his anti-drug position and is now counted as a supporter of marijuana legalization.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Dirty Wars Behind Obamagate

By Cliff Kincaid

“Obamagate” is the name being given to Barack Hussein Obama’s role in the Michael Flynn case, in which Flynn was framed for wrongdoing then cleared by Trump’s Attorney General William Barr.  But why was Flynn targeted?

Flynn, a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and a retired Lieutenant General, opposed the Obama policy, carried out by John Brennan’s CIA, of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic terrorists in the Middle East. He understood that the proxy war the Obama administration had waged in the Middle East had produced debacles that in Syria alone cost 560,000 lives and created millions of refugees.

Unfortunately, Flynn had made himself a target. On December 10, 2015, almost a year before President-elect Donald Trump named him as White House national security adviser, he had appeared in Moscow as the premier Russian propaganda channel, RT (Russia Today), held a conference marking its 10th anniversary as an outlet for Kremlin propaganda. Flynn’s appearance at the RT event, where he sat next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a special gala celebration dinner, was alarming to those concerned about how the propaganda channel, known as KGB-TV, uses Americans and other foreigners to spread Kremlin propaganda.

Flynn’s attendance at the RT dinner suggested to some observers that this retired officer, who attained a three-star rank during a 33-year Army career, viewed Russia as a potential U.S. ally in the war on terror. Ironically, he had written in his book, The Field of Fight, about how the Russian intelligence services had been involved in supporting radical Islam.

I was alarmed by Flynn’s participation at that RT event and first broke the story in 2015.

By going to such an event, Flynn had made himself a convenient target. It’s understandable, therefore, why Flynn’s conversations with the Russians, including Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, would draw attention. But Washington Post columnist David Ignatius crossed a dangerous line when he used top-secret surveillance intercepts of communications between Flynn and Kislyak to generate the controversy that Obama and his aides wanted. Ignatius quoted “a senior U.S. government official” as the source of the information about Flynn.

Flynn was forced out of his new position on the grounds that he forgot to tell Vice President Mike Pence about elements of the conversations he had with Kislyak. All of this was transformed into a “scandal,” resulting in Flynn being framed by the FBI on charges of lying. He pleaded guilty under pressure.

Obamagate is more than Obama’s knowledge of what his people were doing to Flynn. The conversations with Kislyak were viewed by Obama and his people as a smokescreen designed to change the subject from the disasters in the Middle East that Flynn was exposing. The real issue, as Flynn had talked about publicly since he left the DIA in 2014, was the evidence of a U.S. role under Barack Obama and his CIA director John Brennan in facilitating an increase of radical Islam in the Middle East. He has cited the evidence contained in a DIA document, declassified and publicly released by Judicial Watch. Trump ended the disastrous Obama policy in mid-2017.

What happened to Flynn was truly an amazing diversion since Obama’s CIA director Brennan should never have received a security clearance. As CIA director, Brennan told a congressional forum that even voting communist, as he once did, was not a bar to employment at the agency. Brennan had voted for a Moscow-line Communist Party.

The media knew that the Obama administration helped to produce the humanitarian disasters in the Middle East. They ran a few stories about CIA arms shipments to terrorists in the region through countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar but did not highlight the criminal nature of the policy. And when Flynn got into a position of power and was able to do something about exposing these dirty wars, he became the target. They used Russia as the pretext to go after him.

The purpose of the leak was to stop Flynn before he could take action to reform the U.S. intelligence community. That’s obvious when you consider that Ignatius is considered a mouthpiece for the CIA. In a major new development, Judicial Watch just recently released documents showing extensive communications between Ignatius and an Obama holdover official in the Department of Defense. The owner of the Post, Jeff Bezos, does business with the intelligence community through Amazon Web Services.

Looking back, we can safely conclude that Russia-gate was designed to divert the public’s attention away from Obama’s involvement — and the involvement of the CIA — in supporting terrorism in the Middle East. That policy had been approved by Obama and carried out by Brennan.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Defeating Nazis But Helping the New Nazis

By Cliff Kincaid

On the day commemorating the Nazi defeat in Europe, the new Nazis, the Chinese Communists, march ahead, making money from suffering, misery, and death. They are tightening the screws on America, as the bodies pile up and millions lose their jobs. President Trump is promising a better year in 2021, assuming he can win re-election.

Meanwhile, Americans fight among themselves, unsure of what the virus actually is or what it can do, and questioning the government’s response. Both sides lose sight of the real enemy in Beijing which unleased the virus on America and figures to come out on top of the New World Order.

Bloomberg reports that sales of medical gear likely aided China’s April export numbers. In other words, the Communist regime was profiting from the death it inflicted on the world through the release of the coronavirus. Do we need any more evidence that this is a bloodthirsty and Nazi-like regime whose insatiable quest for power has to be countered and stopped?

President Trump says about coronavirus: “This is really the worst attack we’ve ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center. There’s never been an attack like this. And it should have never happened. It could have been stopped at the source — it could have been stopped in China. It should have been stopped right at the source, and it wasn’t.”

So why is the Trump Administration apparently going forward with a trade deal with the enemy?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the top trade negotiators for the U.S. and China talked on the phone Friday, “pledging to create favorable conditions for the phase one trade deal…” But Trump contradicted that later on, saying he has doubts. Can’t we figure out who the enemy is? Do we need more proof?

When he says coronavirus was worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11, he’s right. The difference is that in those cases Democrats and Republicans joined together to face the threat. In the case of coronavirus, Trump (and a few of his allies) have been the only ones willing, until now, to put pressure on China for killing our people with the coronavirus. He’s called it the “invisible enemy” but it has a face and name – Chinese dictator Xi Jinping and his Red Guard wannabes. Worse yet, the Red Chinese used money from our own National Institutes of Health to manufacture this and other deadly viruses in the notorious Wuhan lab. Our top federal doctors should lose their jobs over this alone.

Have we become paper tigers in the face of this danger, content to squabble with the Beijing bureaucrats about how many soybeans they’ll buy from America’s farmers?

On a day when President Trump and first lady Melania Trump commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in Europe, the U.S. is dickering with the Chinese communists, who have killed and poisoned tens of thousands of our people, about agricultural products. We look ridiculous.

Why on earth would the U.S. proceed with a trade deal with such a foe? Instead, of talking trade deals, the U.S. should be going on a war footing so that we can eventually take revenge on the butchers of Beijing. Trump could and should use his emergency powers, including the Defense Production Act, to quietly assemble our own stable of dangerous germs as a deterrent to Beijing’s further aggression.

If we don’t wake up and quickly, the Reds will mow us down like those demonstrators for liberty in Tiananmen Square.

We are facing a determined adversary every bit as threatening in its potential military power as Nazi Germany. This is a regime that has killed millions more than the Nazis ever did. Most of them were inside China. But we are now seeing the bodies pile up around the world, and they all carry the body bag sticker, “Made in China.”

How many deaths will it take for America to recognize Red China as our enemy? Are we prepared to sit back and get hit again, with another virus attack? Will we then tolerate 50-60 million unemployed and another hundred thousand dead?

Yesterday the White House held a National Day of Prayer to ask for Divine help and guidance. God’s help is always needed. But this is not the time to be loving our enemies. This is the time to mount an aggressive defense against future attacks and to convince the Red Chinese authorities that we are prepared to unleash hell on them unless they close down not only their grotesque wet markets but their dangerous bio weapon labs.

America was the major player in defeating the Nazis. Are we up to the current task?

The Reds lied about the nature of the virus and covered-up its release from China into the U.S. and the world. This was calculating on their part. They know what it is capable of and don’t want us to know. One thing we do know is that the latest study from a respected independent body of public health experts in Hong Kong proves the virus is far more contagious than the ordinary flu and previous  viruses. It could mean the virus was engineered to be more lethal and debilitating.

Faced with this threat, President Trump couldn’t take a chance. This finding demonstrates that he was right to acquiesce to demands to close down sectors of the economy. It could have killed millions in America, rather than just tens of thousands. It also can mean, however, that he is taking a risk in approving the reopening of the economy as long as the virus lingers and we don’t really know who has it.

China has us where it wants us. Let’s don’t dicker about soybeans when our survival is still on the line.

Cut through the social media censorship and demand that the politicians name the enemy and propose a strategy for victory over that enemy. The life you save may be your own. Don’t go to your grave without doing everything possible to avoid the Chinese digging America’s grave. It’s time to act.

A Chinese Pattern Emerges: First Fentanyl, Now Coronavirus

By Cliff Kincaid

There are people in China and America, some with connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who are upset with reports that the coronavirus is linked to the lab. They want to blame President Trump for a plague unleashed by China. But it turns out there are many controversial labs in Wuhan. Some “study” viruses. Some produce fentanyl.

A fascinating article in the Los Angeles Times reveals that before Wuhan became known for a virus killing tens of thousands of people, it was the main source of fentanyl,described as the deadliest drug to ever hit U.S. streets, which is also killing tens of thousands of people. Datelined Mexico City, the Los Angeles Times article began, “For drug traffickers interested in getting in on the fentanyl business, all roads once led to Wuhan.” It reported, “Vendors there shipped huge quantities around the world. The biggest customers were Mexican drug cartels, which have embraced fentanyl in recent years because it is cheaper and easier to produce than heroin.”

“The Chinese government is the world’s largest drug dealer,” says Senator Tom Cotton. “China has allowed fentanyl and other synthetic opioids to pour into the United States for years, killing tens of thousands of Americans.”Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer agrees, saying, “We must hold China, currently the world’s largest producer of illicit fentanyl, accountable for its role in the trade of this deadly drug.” Their Fentanyl Sanctions Act was included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020.

But now we find our nation engulfed in another made-in-China health crisis.

Despite promises from Chinese authorities to crack down on the drug trafficking, nothing much has changed. The January 2020 DEA report, Fentanyl Flow to the United States, says, “Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States.”

Another piece of the puzzle may be found in a 2012 news story that is haunting in its implications for U.S.-China “cooperation” in general and medical and scientific research in particular.

An African businessman dealing with China by the name of Ojukwu Emma was interviewed by NPR back in 2012 and said, “We find it difficult because of the language barrier. They are not like us. The culture, everything is very different, you understand?.” He went on to say, “The Chinese believe when they cheat people they are clever. They are not feeling like it’s cheating. But they feel it’s clever, you understand.”

This helps explain their lies about coronavirus.

After Barack Hussein Obama was out of office, the Washington Post finally offered some relatively even-handed coverage of the Obama Administration, reporting that back in May 2016“a group of national health experts issued an urgent plea in a private letter to high-level officials in the Obama administration” about the fact that thousands of Americans were dying from overdoses of fentanyl. These experts said the administration needed to take immediate action because the epidemic had been escalating for three years. “The [Obama] administration considered the request but did not act on it,” the paper said.

Under Obama, in 2015, the U.S. death rate rose for the first time in a decade. Deaths from drug overdoses were a major factor.

The worst drug crisis in U.S. history did not get the attention it deserved until President Trump declared opioids a public health emergency in October 2017. Figures show that drug overdose deaths overall rose from 38,329 in 2010 to 70,237 in 2017, followed by a significant decrease in 2018 to 67,367 deaths. Progress is finally being made.

Jesse LeBlanc, a concerned citizen and retired mechanical engineer with a home in Colorado, where legal marijuana has devastated the state, commented, “From my observations and knowing a bit of history, the Opium Wars between the British and Chinese almost perfectly illustrate what is going on today between the Chinese and the West. Basically, the Chinese are using the same playbook that the British used during this time period, and they may also be trying to get a bit of revenge for almost a century of humiliation.”

Ironically, The Private Life of Chairman Mao, a book written by his physician, documents the communist dictator’s addiction to sleeping pills and barbiturates. The book exposes Mao as a degenerate and philanderer with homosexual tendencies and genital herpes who engaged in orgies. A man “devoid of human feeling, incapable of love,” he nevertheless was a dedicated communist with an understanding of Marxist dialectics and knew how to “unleash the energies of the people” through socialism.

Revenge is one way to describe what is happening to America. Another word for it is war.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Smoking Gun in the China Virus Caper

By Cliff Kincaid

Running for president in 1980, Ronald Reagan was asked for his opinion on the so-called Sino-Soviet split. “They were allies and the only argument that caused their split was an argument over how best to destroy us,” he said of China and the Soviet Union. President Reagan understood Marxist dialectics, a way of writing and talking that confuses non-communists but always works out to the benefit of the communists. Such thinking is evident in media stories about the “accidental” nature of where and how the China virus came to be. You are not permitted to believe that the Communist Chinese would deliberately infect the world.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence said last week that the Intelligence Community “concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not man made or genetically modified.” Our intelligence agencies have gotten it wrong before. Did they get this one wrong, too?

In order to understand how Communists deceive our intelligence agencies, consider the truth of Reagan’s statement that the Sino-Soviet split was a polemical argument. In fact, a 1965 communist Chinese publication, “The Polemic on the General Line of the International Communist Movement,” is based on the perceived “differences” between the Chinese and Soviet Communist parties. These differences were real in the mind of a communist, since they always preach and practice ideological “struggle,” but irrelevant in terms of their ultimate goal. This is why former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev would still, in the midst of glasnost and perestroika, declare his goal to be the ultimate triumph of world communism.

Our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, features an interview with a former U.S. intelligence agency official who explained how the Sino-Soviet split deceived U.S. policymakers and weakened the Free World. His perspective was a dissenting view in the CIA and intelligence community bureaucracy.

The idea that the Red Chinese were potential allies was sold by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger under President Nixon and adopted by our intelligence agencies. It was carried forward during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama Administrations and resulted in decades of cooperation with China, even in medical research.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is directly implicated in the controversial research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where dangerous experiments were conducted, since it was an official “partner” of the WIV. Harvard biochemist Dr. Charles Lieber, arrested and charged in January with being an agent of China, was backed by the NIH and several Pentagon agencies, including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Office of Naval Research, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

This background is necessary to understand the choices we are now being offered by our media and said to be based on findings from own intelligence services – that the virus accidentally escaped from a market selling animals or accidentally escaped from a laboratory working on viruses. We are told by some that the idea of it being a bioweapon is not worthy of consideration. After all, where is the “smoking gun” to prove somebody actually engineered a virus that has killed thousands of people?

But the smoking gun is for all to see – the nature of communism, and the nature of the Red Chinese regime.

What do we know about the Chinese Reds? We know they lie, cheat, and steal in global relations with the U.S. We know the greatest mass murderer in history, Mao, is on their currency. We know they run labor camps full of political dissidents. We know they starve children to death in orphanages. We know that through their one-child per family policy they conducted forced abortions on mothers and forcibly inserted birth control devices into women. They lead the world in abortions, with a total of over 401 million (1956-2018). An officially atheist regime, we know they persecute Christians.

For some reason, despite China’s history of killing hundreds of millions of its own people, it is now supposed to be off-limits to think the regime would deliberately or intentionally release a virus to kill or poison their own people as well as people around the world. But even the liberal media now concede China lied about the release and nature of the virus, and permitted their own infected people to travel the globe before the rest of the world caught on. All of this is assumed to be “accidental?”

We know China’s intent. The only questions at this point are whether people like NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci knew what was going on, and how many millions of dollars their agencies and departments shipped over there for dangerous virus research. In short, what do they know about the nature of this “novel coronavirus” that the public hasn’t been told? What makes it more contagious and lethal than most strains of flu? With talk of a second wave of infections, the death toll could mount into millions of deaths worldwide. They have to be grilled for answers. They have to be called before Congress now.

The carnage caused by the virus raises another issue. Henry Kissinger, as Secretary of State under Nixon, not only was the architect of the policy of cooperating with the Chinese regime but shared the goal of reducing the world’s population. The report, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200) was completed on December 10, 1974 under Kissinger’s direction. The idea was to use foreign aid to reduce the number of people in the world. The use of “climate change” to accomplish the same goal, since people (in the West) live extravagant lifestyles and leave “carbon footprints,” has since taken precedence. But a dangerous virus has served a similar purpose.

At one time, the Roman Catholic Church was a force for the “culture of life” in the world. Anti-communist Pope John Paul II had declared the 1994 U.N. International Conference on Population and Development the “snare of the devil” that functioned to promote a “culture of death” and’ “conspiracy against life.”

The Soviet KGB tried but failed to kill Pope John Paul II. He survived but was never the same, in terms of leadership of the church, and a pope in his mold,Benedict XVI, was forced to step down, to make way for the current Pope Francis, a follower of “Mother Earth” who has actually praised China’s “great commitment” to contain the coronavirus.

Henry Kissinger’s April 3 Wall Street Journal column, “The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order,” never once mentions China’s role in the pandemic and instead declares that, “No country, not even the U.S., can in a purely national effort overcome the virus” and that only “a global collaborative vision and program” will suffice.

Congress should ignore this globalist nonsense, expose the pro-China policy which made this catastrophe possible, and make sure we are on guard against another such attack. We should remember the words of the great anti-communist Fred Schwarz in his 1972 book, “You can trust the communists to be communists.”

Those in the U.S. political, medical and scientific establishments who worked with China on these deadly experiments have to be brought to justice.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Advice for the Church: Better Call Saul

By Cliff Kincaid

A local pastor is walking dozens of miles to raise funds for the poor and hungry, many of whom have been created by the government’s COVID-19 economic lockdown. That’s a nice thing to do. But his own church in the Washington, D.C. area remains essentially closed, except for “private” displays of Christianity. Some of his parishioners entered into the church to fill the pews with pictures of the people who used to be there. That’s sad.

It is America 2020 and the police are showing up to arrest ministers of the Gospel – at least the few willing to challenge the modern-day Caesar.

Early Christians were willing to be imprisoned and killed for their faith. A popular Netflix show, “Better Call Saul,” is about a lawyer who represented a drug dealer. The early church has their own Saul. In the Acts of the Apostles, we learn about a persecutor of the early church named Saul who had a Damascus Road conversion after experiencing Christ and was also known as Paul the Apostle. The reading is that “something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again.”

With scales on their eyes, today’s Christians for the most part seem afraid to challenge secular authorities and various “executive orders” about how they should worship. They have resorted to drive-in or drive-by “worship services,” so they don’t get out of their cars. This is a dramatic perversion of Christ’s directive to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Caesar, the State, should not dictate to the churches. The State does not own the churches. But many Christians today act as if the government is in charge.

This country was born in a revolution over global taxes imposed by the King of England, as well as rejection of an official state-imposed national religion. Freedom of religion and of the press was supposed to be guaranteed in our First Amendment. Yet, as a result of the coronavirus, freedom of the press has been guaranteed and freedom of religion has not. Most pastors, preachers, and priests acquiesce to their government masters and their demands for empty pews.

On the national level, unfortunately, our elected representatives go along with the emergence of this totalitarian state.  Attorney General William Barr has issued a memo on “Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights,” which is too little too late. Our God-given rights are not to be sacrificed on the altar of what unelected “health experts” have to say abut how we live our lives.

We need more than a memo, Mr. Barr.

Conservative media fret over the Deep State’s frame-up of Lt. General Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security advisor, and that was truly an outrage. But the rights of the people in general have been stripped away, too, for months. What they did to Flynn they are doing to all of us, in a much quicker time frame. As Elon Musk has commented, they have taken away our freedom and subjected us to a form of house arrest. He calls it “fascist.” It’s also communistic.

“FREE AMERICA NOW” he says. It’s time for our religious leaders to follow his example.

“Better Call Saul” is advice they should be given and take.

In the story of Saul, we are told that a light from heaven flashed and a voice said to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul asked, “Who are you, sir?” The voice replied, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. But rise; go into the city, and you will be told what to do.”William Barclay’s Daily Study Bible refers to this passage as “the most famous conversion story in history.” Barclay explains, “We must try as far as we can to enter into Paul’s mind. When we do, we will see that this is not a sudden conversion but a sudden surrender.” Eventually, the scales fell from his eyes.

Grass-roots Christians are crying out for leadership.  President Trump recommends various on-line services every Sunday but this is really no substitute for the ability of people to worship at a church or synagogue of their choice.

At various locations around the country, pastors are rebelling in the name of Jesus Christ. Some are recommending that their parishioners practice social distancing and even to wear masks when they come to church. But that is not good enough for the mostly liberal governors in whose states they live and their police forces which arrive with citations and arrest warrants.

We are seeing persecution of the Christian Church in America and too many conservative Christians are silent. Many pastors and preachers act like chickens, afraid of the secular authorities, and then act like sheep on the way to the slaughter.

Today, many pastors, preachers, and priests have been too quick to surrender to the State. They are blinded by the legal-sounding razzle-dazzle of “emergencies” and “executive orders,” with no basis in the Constitution. In Washington State, the situation is so bizarre that local authorities are providing beer and cigarettes (and until recently marijuana) to keep addicts in quarantine.

Marijuana has become the Soma of Brave New World, in order to keep the people satisfied.

For those who didn’t read the Aldous Huxley classic, Spark Notes provides this information: “Soma is a drug that is handed out for free to all the citizens of the World State. In small doses, soma makes people feel good. In large doses, it creates pleasant hallucinations and a sense of timelessness.”

I’m not saying our ministers are dope fiends. But if termination of religious services is not the tipping point, what about the cancellation of elections?

“The Democratic Presidential Primary rescheduled for June 23, 2020 has been cancelled” proclaims the New York State Board of Elections. A left-wing progressive group, the Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA), is protesting this decision as an exercise in one-man rule by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. But where is the rest of America? Where are Republicans and independents rising up in protest?

Since our media enjoy protected status under various emergency or executive orders, they could care less. They will continue to swoon over Cuomo, who is assuming the role of pastor and care-giver. Never mind the state law which relegated the elderly to coronavirus death camps known as nursing homes.

It’s time for America’s religious leaders to come out of the closet and gather together to save freedom — and lives — in America. What will it take for the scales to fall from their eyes? The freedom they save may be their own.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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NIH Director in the Middle of China Virus Scandal

By Cliff Kincaid

Most of the media were too busy covering the phony Russia-gate story to notice how China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since the media ignored the threat, they are now charging President Trump with ignoring the threat and peddling “conspiracy theories” about it. This is how the fake news media deceive the American people on a matter of life and death.

Evidence shows that the Trump Administration for at least two years has been urging the FBI and the NIH to crack down on Chinese exploitation and theft of sensitive U.S. Government research.

A Harvard biochemist who claimed backing from the NIH has already been charged in a scheme to benefit China.

True to form, our media have treated news of a suspension of NIH funds to the Eco Health Alliance, an American group working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as a “conspiracy theory” led by President Trump. Since news about the suspension of funds was leaked to Matthew Boyle of Breitbart News, a series of stories alleging this is all a “conspiracy theory” involving Trump have appeared in the following left-wing publications: Politico, New York Magazine, Business Insider, Talking Points Memo,  and Raw Story.

This is how reporters justify (to themselves) ignoring the scandal that was developing right under their noses. They would rather run interference for the Chinese regime than inform the American people about controversial research that may have spawned the Chinese release of the coronavirus.

In the middle of this scandal is NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, an Obama holdover who publicly affirms his Christian faith but has a long history of collaborating with the communist Chinese regime.

This is what the media really fear – disclosure of evidence that the Chinese conducted dangerous virus experiments with the help of the Obama Administration.

Here’s the background: Collins had served as an advisor on healthcare to Barack Hussein Obama during his 2008 campaign and on his transition team. After he was appointed by Obama as NIH Director in 2009, he began the process of deep cooperation with China, This led to the  U.S.-China Program for Biomedical Research, which provided financial awards for U.S. and Chinese “collaborating investigators” and sent millions of dollars  through the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), whose director is Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.

Collins appears in a 2010 report that includes a photograph with Professor Chen Yiyu, President of the National Science Foundation of China, signing a memorandum of understanding for joint medical research involving diseases “severely threatening mankind’s lives.” Another story and photo showed Collins exchanging gifts with Chinese Minister of Health Chen Zhu during a visit to Beijing, saying they worked “to strengthen the already robust research collaborations between the two countries” and “promote innovation and strategic medical research.”

On October 14, 2010, Collins and a delegation paid a visit to Peking University (PKU) Health Science Center, as a story indicates that the participants expressed a hope for “a more extensive partnership on scientific research, academic exchange, and personnel training in future…”

Collins had been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Science for leading the Human Genome Project, whose purpose was to understand DNA in order to fight disease. That veered out of control when the Chinese component spawned genetically-engineered babies.

His continued directorship of the NIH came into doubt after Donald J. Trump was elected president. Pro-life groups such as the Charlotte Lozier Institute attacked Collins for his “support of human embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and the creation of ethically-questionable human-animal chimeras.” More than 40 conservative Republicans wrote to the president in May 2017 urging him to fire Collins because of his support for human embryonic stem cell research.

Nevertheless, Collins was retained as NIH Director at the urging of Senator Roy Blunt and other “moderate” GOP members of the Senate and House. That was a big mistake. Collins’ ongoing relationship with the Chinese medical and scientific establishment finally got him into trouble in 2019 when Blunt arranged an April 11 Senate hearing on oversight of the NIH budget.

At the hearing, Blunt described a Chinese government program to recruit National Institutes of Health-funded researchers, in order to “steal intellectual property” and “establish shadow laboratories in China,” and to “help the Chinese government obtain confidential information about NIH research grants.” He referred to how China’s Thousand Talents Plan (TTP), a program controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, was threatening “the integrity of the NIH system.”

Meanwhile, a subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held a hearing on November 19, 2019. Senator Rob Portman revealed the problem was so serious that “…we learned that Thousand Talents Plan members worked at National Labs on sensitive research and maintained security clearances.”

In fact, the Senate subcommittee released a report, Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans, which said, “NIH has attempted to address the threats presented by foreign talent recruitment plans like the TTP, but significant gaps in grant integrity efforts remain unaddressed. These gaps have made it difficult for NIH to engage in proactive efforts to prevent foreign exploitation of U.S.-funded research.”

On January 20, 2020, as the coronavirus was spreading inside the United States, the Department of Justice announced that a Harvard University professor and two Chinese nationals had been charged with crimes in several “China-related cases.” Dr. Charles Lieber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was described as a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan between 2012 and 2017. But the complaint says Lieber lied to federal investigators about his involvement with the Thousand Talents Plan.

Lieber’s “sponsors,” as identified on his web site, include the National Institutes of Health, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, and MITRE, a think tank.

As the Trump Administration was trying to get Collins to pay more attention to the problem, he acknowledged under questioning by Senator Blunt at the April 2019 Senate hearing that there were “egregious instances where our funding of grants in this country is being taken advantage of by individuals who are not following the appropriate rules.” He said the FBI was investigating “vigorously” and that some of the information about the problem was classified.

Collins told Blunt that investigations of NIH-funded foreign scientists were ongoing at more than 55 U.S. institutions. (see the  video of the hearing and the Collins testimony at the 40 minute and 59 seconds mark). In a letter, he said “This kind of inappropriate influence is not limited to biomedical research; it has been a significant issue for defense and energy research for some time.”

It looks like a classic case of Americans supplying the rope the communists needed to hang us. Whether it was released accidentally or intentionally, the rope in this case was a virus that destroyed millions of lives and our economy.

Obama/Biden Financed China’s Virus Experiments

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump is not a doctor and has never claimed to be one. He defers to the doctors and scientists. But has that been a mistake? It turns out that one of the country’s most prominent medical and scientific organizations, the federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been funding investigations in China’s most controversial and insecure lab of dangerous viruses in China.

This scandal is far more serious than the president’s personal opinions about the use of sunlight and disinfectants to fight coronavirus.

Presumably, the money was for the purpose of understanding dangerous viruses and stopping their spread. But something went horribly wrong. The bodies are piling up all around us and the U.S. has entered an economic depression as a result.

This story is unfolding as Trump is reportedly contemplating ending his daily White House briefings because of the hostile treatment he receives from the press. That’s an understandable reaction. But the briefings have been helpful. Consider that on April 17, at one of those briefings, Trump was asked about a federal grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015, the lab linked to controversial virus and animal experiments. The question was posed by Emerald Robinson,the White House Correspondent for Newsmax TV. “When did you hear the grant was made?” Trump responded, after confirming the grant. “2015? Who was president then? I wonder.” He said the Trump Administration would cut off the money.

My own digging led to a 2013 grant for the study of “infectious diseases” in China provided by the NIH and National Science Foundation. Dr. Zhengli Shi, Director of Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was an investigator. This is the famous “bat woman” who denies her lab was the source of the coronavirus.

A reporter with good sources who has been critical of China, Josh Rogin of the Washington Post disclosed State Department cables in 2018 that warned of safety issues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and “a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.” Rogin added, “The Chinese researchers at WIV were receiving assistance from the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch and other U.S. organizations, but the Chinese requested additional help. The cables argued that the United States should give the Wuhan lab further support, mainly because its research on bat coronaviruses was important but also dangerous.”

The ”other organizations” appear to be a reference to the international “partners” of the WIV listed on the Chinese organization’s own website: University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, and the National Institutes of Health.

The question of “further support” for the controversial Chinese lab was presented in terms of concern by State Department or U.S. embassy officials. But why was the support provided in the first place? It is entirely possible, even probable, that American expertise made it possible for the Chinese to run their dangerous disease research. After all, the Chinese are known for stealing intellectual property.

The key question all along is one that should be directed to NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins: Why was the NIH underwriting Chinese research into dangerous viruses, knowing about the risks and dangers?

Understanding that this matter is political dynamite which could backfire on Joe Biden or any other Democratic Party presidential nominee, a left-wing so-called “fact-checking” website, Snopes, examined the issueand confirmed that a grant was made through a U.S.-based organization, the EcoHealth Alliance, and that the funds came from the NIH. Snopes added, “While a portion of these grants funded research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), this lab did not receive all $3.7 million.”

The scandal, of course, is why tax dollars were flowing into the WIV in the first place and without adequate oversight.

The NIH money was provided to the WIV apparently because Dr. Collins and others thought China would cooperate with the U.S. in stopping such threats. But China and its front, the World Health Organization, initially covered-up the spread of the coronavirus. What’s more, China let residents of Wuhan travel around the world, including to the United States, spreading the disease.

Snopes’ well-known left-wing bias helps us understand why it gave the media reports about the $3.7 million in grants a “mixture” rating of truth and falsity, rather than declare the main charge absolutely true and give Trump credit for responding in the way he did. It wants to get the Obama/Biden Administration off the hook for complicity in a scandal involving scientific and medical research that may have led to sickening and killing millions of people. It doesn’t want to justify the Trump Administration’s anti-China stance and cut-off of $400 million annually to the WHO.

Trump doesn’t get off the hook completely. He bowed to Collins’ supporters in Congress, including Democrats and some top Republicans, and kept him in the NIH post. Collins is an Obama holdover (since 2009) who was so cozy with the Chinese that, during a 2010 trip to China, he signed scientific agreements with them and also played a song for them on the guitar. The bizarre spectacle was captured in the story, “Music and science strengthen US-China relations.”

One could argue that the communists played Collins like a violin.

Although Congressional investigations are needed, the basic facts are already clear: American tax dollars and expertise were provided under the cover of U.S.-China “cooperation” and could have made the virus and its release possible. The NIH and Director Collins have a lot to explain and answer for.

Saving the Planet as People Perish

By Cliff Kincaid

“With Crisis Comes Opportunity” is how the organization Voices for the Earth Summit sees the death and destruction from the coronavirus. “This global pandemic is one of the greatest tragedies of our time, but it is also revealing opportunities that have not been so clearly seen before,” it says. “We are awakening to the fact that our current systems are not working, they are failing both humanity and the planet.”

This time they mean it – the New World Order can finally be implemented. Or so they think. They can use two global crises at one – the virus and so-called climate change. “Earth Day,” on Wednesday April 22, is a great opportunity for them. Expect the same kind of propaganda that was broadcast on Saturday night, in support of the U.N.’s World Health Organization.

On cue, Time magazine has published former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev’s column, “When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together,” urging an emergency special session of the U.N. General Assembly, with “revising the entire global agenda” as the main topic, leading “toward a new consciousness, a new civilization.”

But the former Soviet president, considered a “reformer” by our media, had declared his commitment to a one-world communist state, even during the period of Glasnost and Perestroika, saying on November 2, 1987, “We are moving towards a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.”

We always knew the left would exploit the virus but their “vision” of the New World Order is now coming into clear focus. They think China’s mass murder is not the time to hold China responsible for death and suffering, but to save Mother Earth from greenhouse gases. They think this will usher in a global one-world socialist state, a development that could find China as the head of the New World Order and Russia serving as the world’s gas pump, with American energy independence a thing of the past. These are the stakes.

One online Earth Day event on April 22, featuring “former” communist Van Jones, is sponsored by the Pachamama Alliance and is designed to demonstrate “Resilience and Possibility in These Times.”The online gathering will help “regenerate our planet and social institutions” and that we can look forward to a “future of sustainability and justice.”

Standing in the way is the Trump Administration and spontaneous and growing protests of Americans who want their country and its free enterprise system restored to economic and financial health. They are condemned by the major media as hicks and hayseeds but they understand that the globalists have been trying for decades to cut American down to size. They won’t stand for it. America will reopen in the face of the global assault.

With Obama’s former Vice President Joe Biden hoping to ride this wave of death and destruction into the White House, you may remember that Van Jones was supposed to be a key figure in Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. He had been deeply involved in a Marxist group, Standing Together To Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), which sent some of its members to Cuba. In Cuba, thanks to the U.N., they were working on “Pig Power” to run a modern economy, based on using excrement from pigs eating “high off the hog.”

Van Jones was appointed “Green Jobs Czar” in March 2009 at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, an important job, established within the Executive Office of the President, and designed to coordinate “federal environmental efforts” and work closely with agencies and other White House offices in the development of environmental policies and initiatives.

In the end, however, thanks to White House Reds author Trevor Loudon, who was sniffing around the Obama White House, Jones was forced to resign because the investigation of his communist connections was getting too close for comfort for Obama and his inner circle. Sacking Jones was a way for the White House and the major media, just beginning to take an interest in the story, to move on. It was apparent that Jones was thrown “under the bus” because too many of Obama’s close associates, including adviser Valerie Jarrett, were implicated in his hiring. Jarrett had said that “we” had recruited Jones. Obama himself obviously approved the decision to bring him aboard.

His involvement with the Pachamama Alliance is significant.

You may recall that a major controversy developed when a video showed Pope Francis blessing a statue of Pachamama, a “goddess” revered by some indigenous people holding on to their pagan traditions and considered a female fertility figure representing Mother Earth.

Traditional Catholics who regard Pope Francis as a heretic believe such pagan displays are a violation of the First Commandment prohibition of idols.

Seizing the moment, the Pachamama Alliance declares, “When society emerges on the other side of this [coronavirus] challenge, we will be forever changed. We can’t go back to the way things were. We need a new way forward. Knowing this, what can we do to be ready to not just rebuild our world, but to build a sustainable, thriving, and just world?”

Also taking advantage of the situation, the Committees for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS) understands that “systemic disaster or shock can open possibilities for social change not available in the US during normal times” and that “the Covid-19 pandemic is such a crisis.” The Marxist group thinks the left can exploit the crisis in order to promote pet projects such as socialized medicine, also known as single payer health care, or a Green New Deal program of heavy-handed socialist control of the economy and massive new taxes.

The CCDS, as well as other left-wing and Marxist groups, believe time and attention must also be devoted to whitewashing Communist China of its role in releasing and spreading the virus.

Another group with Marxist roots, the Lyndon LaRouche movement, issued a press release through its Schiller Institute “regarding the vicious anti-China campaign being promulgated in the West, especially in the United States,” over China’s role in coronavirus. The group was founded by the late Lyndon LaRouche, who served prison time on financial fraud charges and was considered the intellectual author of the 9/11 truth movement because he started questioning whether Muslims had staged the attacks right after they occurred. LaRouche started out as a Marxist and, in a 1976 lecture, titled, “What Only Communists Know,” declared his desire to bring into being “a new Marxist international…” This is their moment.

The Schiller Institute press release said that his widow, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, was invited by China in 2017 to attend an International Conference on China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative. It said that during her trip she appeared on a Chinese English Language dialog show, “Dialogue with Yang Rui.”

One can occasionally find members of the LaRouche movement on street corners selling literature and claiming to be defending President Trump.

But a Schiller Institute document, which calls for a “World Health System,” reveals that their objective is precisely the same as some other far-left groups – strengthening the World Health Organization and creating new socialist structures for the world. The document declares, “This global pandemic emphatically requires a global response, as reservoirs of the virus in any part of the world could cause resurgences for years. It requires a World Health System covering every part of the planet.”

Zepp-LaRouche defends the U.N.s World Health Organization, which initially claimed the virus was harmless to humans, and declares, “China is not an aggressive force.”

Not surprisingly, the United Nations has embraced an “unprecedented all-day digital Earth Day” on April 22, with another group with a50th Anniversary Global Advisory Committee that includes Lisa Jackson, Obama’s former EPA Administrator and current Vice President of Environment Policy and Social Initiatives at Apple; John Kerry, Obama’s former U.S. Secretary of State; and David Levy, Vice President of US Government and Non profits at Amazon Web Services. (Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, has announced that he will be committing $10 billion to fight climate change.)

UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a “message for International Mother Earth Day,” saying, “We must act decisively to protect our planet from both the coronavirus and the existential threat of climate disruption.  The current crisis is an unprecedented wake-up call.  We need to turn the recovery into a real opportunity to do things right for the future.”

Offering various “green” initiatives, while saying that “Greenhouse gases, just like viruses, do not respect national boundaries,” the release was issued in the form of a “demand” for a new “Green Economy.”

Guterres is a former head of the Socialist International, a worldwide group with “consultative status” with the United Nations that promises“ Progressive politics for a fairer world.”

If you think Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is a tyrant, wait until Donald J. Trump is deposed and a world government dictator arrives on the scene.

Living and Dying in Bill Gates’ Fish Bowl

By Cliff Kincaid

As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fish bowl for study and observation. Many of us will get sick. Many won’t survive.

Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the recipient of an academic award from Chinese communist authorities, has emerged in recent weeks as an “expert” on coronavirus when just a few months ago the media were starting to pay attention to his sleazy involvement with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Even the New York Times was on to the story, digging up photos of Gates and Epstein at his mansion. One of Epstein’s associates had been placed at the Gates Foundation.

Epstein was among a group of global elites who shared an atheist belief that scientific advances could help them live forever artificially. It’s not exactly clear what Epstein, Gates, and others were contemplating. But Gates’ relationship began after Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.

More recently, Gates has emerged as a Trump critic and big backer of the U.N.’s World Health Organization. But to almost everyone except those blinded by their hatred of President Trump, it is becoming painfully obvious that both Red China and the World Health Organization (WHO) are implicated in what John West, executive director of the Asian Century Institute, calls “the greatest disaster and blunder the world has seen since the Second World War” – the release of the coronavirus and attempts to cover-up its lethal nature and killing potential.

The use of the term “blunder” assumes the virus leaked out of China, or a lab, by accident. That’s not necessarily the case. In any event, West writes that, “The COVID 19 crisis has highlighted the bankruptcy of China’s authoritarian governance which not only greatly facilitates cover-ups and fake narratives, but in that process evidently puts the health of the world’s population at risk.” He suggests pursuing the Australian government proposal for an independent international inquiry “on the origin and handling of the COVID 19 crisis, including the role of the WHO…”

While there is some merit to this idea, what is also required is a serious examination of those in the global elite class who have made it possible for China to conduct human biological experiments that threaten our humanity and survival. As I recently noted in a column titled, “A Frankenstein Monster Devouring the World,” the Human Genome Project opened the door to a Communist Frankenstein project of human genetic modification and manipulation when a Chinese scientist went public in November 2018 with the news that he had created the world’s first genetically-altered babies. The Chinese authorities were not prepared for this public admission at that time and sent the scientist to prison for speaking out of turn.

As we know, there was a Nazi Germany government plan to eliminate its “unfit” members and create a master race. Between 1939 and 1945 the Nazis systemically murdered as many as two hundred thousand mentally ill or handicapped people. These were, of course, a small part of the Nazi “race purification” campaign that eventually took the lives of six million Jews.

The Chinese Reds are the new Nazis, deciding what constitutes “life unworthy of life.” This may sound harsh, but the fact is that they can easily spare millions of their own people while millions more will also die around the world. We are seeing the impact all around us, as millions get sick or die and an economic depression has taken root as power-hungry local and state governments take control of our personal lives.

As the entire world suffers as a result of China’s malfeasance, this actually appears on the website of the Bill Gates Foundation office in China: “We are working to support China as it takes on a more active international role, leveraging its policy, experience, resources and know-how in health and development for the benefit of the world’s poorest, especially those living in the Sub-Saharan African region.”

The U.N.’s World Health Organization, which originally claimed the virus was harmless to humans, says 3.3 million people in Africa could die from COVID-19, and 1.2 billion could become infected.

Despite what has become painfully obvious to observers such as John West and many others, Gates remains in China’s cheering section. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the world on February 20 that President Xi Jinping wrote a letter in reply to Bill Gates, “thanking him and the Foundation for their support for China’s fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and calling for enhanced international coordination and concerted efforts against the outbreak.”

This was in response to the Gates Foundation on January 27committing $5 million in “emergency funding to support China’s fight against COVID-19,” and later pledging up to $100 million for China. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “In his recent letter to President Xi, Bill Gates commended the Chinese government and people for the strong epidemic response and expressed firm support to China in prevailing over the outbreak.”

This is simply incredible, even criminal. China releases the virus, covers it up, and then claims it is under control, which it wasn’t. How is this supposed to be praiseworthy or exemplary?

The virus eliminates people though suffering and death, while the Gates China office previously was working with the U.N. to cut back on the number of people in Africa actually being born. The Gates Foundation invested in Levoplant, a three-year contraceptive implant made up of hormone-releasing silicon rods that are inserted under the skin. The rods are manufactured by Shanghai Dahua Pharmaceutical Co. and the device quickly got preliminary approval from the WHO. Side effects include changes in menstrual bleeding, headaches, dizziness, nervousness, weight gain, nausea, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, cervical inflammation, itching of the external genitals, and breast tenderness.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has introduced Levoplant throughout Africa, offering it free of charge. According to one doctor, there is a pressing “need to control the country’s increasing population due to scarce resources and non-existent social services.” In other words, rather than encourage people through free enterprise to develop their own resources and take care of themselves, and to develop responsible governments, it’s better that they weren’t born in the first place.

This is the U.N. agenda – population control and reduction. It has come to America.

One gets the impression from the global elites that they believe that there are just too many of us, and that we are getting in the way of their plans by exercising our rights.

Indeed, another global elitist, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, has announced that Americans who use the social media platform to organize protests in favor of reopening their businesses, thereby violating government guidelines, will be banned.

Our rights and our lives are at stake.

China Goes GaGa Over Pro-U.N. “One World” Program

By Cliff Kincaid

In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.N. agency that paved the way for the coronavirus global pandemic, a group calling itself Global Citizen sponsored a bizarre “international broadcast”on Saturday in collaboration with a singer named Lady Gaga that featured “the world’s leading musicians, comedians and humanitarians.” This was a classic case of misdirection away from the main source of the problem – the United Nations, which backed Communist China’s brutal forced abortion policies before its World Health Organization repeated Chinese propaganda about the coronavirus not being transmissible between people.

“It was the biggest celebrity gathering so far during the pandemic,” gushed Mike Allen of Axios.

While there were some inspiring performances, such as the rendition of the song “The Prayer,” the association of the broadcast with the U.N.’s World Health Organization tainted the entire extravaganza.

As corpses accumulate in the modern-day killing fields, the WHO stands accused of covering-up for the Chinese communist handlers of this virus, who allowed it to escape, on purpose or by accident.

As Mick Jagger and other performers sang their songs, the reality was that millions are getting sick or dying because of this global institution’s criminal negligence in the case of coronavirus. It is another dark chapter in the history of an organization whose co-founder, State Department official Alger Hiss, was a Soviet spy, while a U.N. Secretary General, Kurt Waldheim, was exposed as a Nazi war criminal, Today, it functions mostly as a front for China, whose founder, Mao Zedong, is the greatest mass murderer in human history.

A co-sponsor of the “One World: Together At Home” entertainment event was the China-based Alibaba Group, a company linked to the regime and co-founded by a member of the Communist Party of China, which provided Internet streaming services.

As celebrities praised the nurses and doctors on the front lines, a very worthwhile endeavor, WHO’s blatant lie about the harmless nature of coronavirus was never mentioned, even though it has led to killing fields on a massive scale as mostly poor and elderly souls suffering from cough, shortness of breath, and fever succumb to the deadly disease. They are dying alone in many cases without their families.

As of this writing, the pandemic has resulted in more than 2.3 million cases of coronavirus and more than 160,000 deaths. Europe’s COVID-19 death toll has passed 100,000and China has “revised” its own death toll 50 percent upward.

Since the evidence shows the WHO facilitated the pandemic, one would expect the discredited organization to be completely defunded by the world community. But only President Trump has moved to do so.

In fact, the “One World: Together AtHome” global special on all three broadcast networks (and MSNBC) was designed to promote even more money for the agency, under the name of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, and health care workers.

In addition to $127 million in reported commitments in support of healthcare workers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate partners and “philanthropists” are said to have made separate commitments to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization. These are said to be coming from Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Rockefeller Fund, among others.

Former Republican First Lady Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and the current socialist U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, made appearances on the broadcast, filmed from their homes or offices. The hosts were comedians Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Jimmy Fallon.

The media partners behind this Global Citizen organization included Comcast NBC Universal, iHeart Radio, Live Nation Entertainment, MSNBC, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation. The actual broadcast was backed by another group of media outlets and Big Tech companies, including the British Guardian,  ABC, CBS, Amazon Prime Video, Roku, NBC, Bloomberg Media, Facebook, Apple, Yahoo!, Twitter, and YouTube.

In addition to a message from New Age guru Oprah Winfrey, Bill and Melinda Gates made appearances, after Bill Gates had bashed President Trump for suspending some funding of the World Health Organization (WHO). A software developer with no scientific expertise but whose money talks, Gates declared, “Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds.”

It seems far more dangerous to continue funding a corrupt organization whose monstrous dereliction of duty has killed thousands.

It is obvious that the involvement of Gates and other personalities in the Global Citizen event is the first shot in the international effort to stop President Trump from holding the World Health Organization responsible for letting the China virus get out of control. The broadcast is also more evidence, if more was needed, that the United Nations is at the center of a planned “New World Order” of population control and reduction.

We know the China virus is hitting older adults the hardest, but the nature of the disease is still an open question as major media and Big Tech organizations label as “conspiracies” or “false” stories about the virus coming from a Chinese lab. Yet, eminent French scientist Dr. Luc Montagnier says there are elements of HIV virus attached to the coronavirus and that it was engineered in a laboratory as part of an HIV/AIDS vaccine experiment. This would help explain its ability to spread quickly and perhaps mutate, making a coronavirus vaccine difficult if not impossible. After all, despite the best efforts of Dr. Anthony Fauci, there is still no HIV/AIDS vaccine.

If Montagnier is correct, China may have been using viruses from animals to develop an HIV/AIDS vaccine breakthrough. If so, it backfired.

With a crying need for real investigative reporting into the origin of this pandemic, Facebook blocked a New York Post column by China expert Steven Mosher that linked the virus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China. Facebook’s “expert,” cited as an authority and used to justify blocking the article, had worked with WIV lab researchers. It’s no wonder Facebook co-sponsored the Global Citizen propaganda program.

Left-wing celebrities who are working with WHO may be sincere and well-motivated. But they are in the dark, perhaps deliberately so, about the nature of the U.N. By contrast, people like Michelle Obama had to know precisely what the U.N. is all about. Her husband, the former president, was a big U.N. booster and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in a special meeting back in 2017.“Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-US relations during his presidency,” said the China news agency.

As congressional investigations into China’s role get underway, let’s hope that Obama’s “efforts” are scrutinized, along with the activities of U.S. agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, still listed as a partner with the WIV. At the same time, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “memorandum of understanding”  with the WHO must be disclosed and examined as well. We also need all the details surrounding the Chinese nationals who were caught by the FBI smuggling biological materials into China.

No amount of singing and dancing from the entertainment elite should detract us from what political leaders should be doing — identifying those who made this mass murder possible and putting them and their collaborators in prison.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Americans Revolt Against Outlaw Socialist Governors

By Cliff Kincaid

In contrast to phony George Soros-financed “protests” for “progressive” policies, real grassroots movements have been emerging in America targeting tyrannical governors and demanding the return of our God-given rights of freedom of assembly and speech. What is happening is reminiscent of the Tea Party protests that emerged under President Barack Hussein Obama and made his socialized medicine policies into a teaching moment for the nation about the threat of socialism.

Here we are years later and the socialist threat has been made into a frightening reality by liberal governors who claim to be protecting our health and welfare by shutting down free enterprise and suppressing basic rights. They seem to think they can use this crisis to buttress the government sector while making themselves look good and leaving the private sector in ruins.

The latest state to feel the heat from citizens is Maryland, where a liberal Republican Governor, Larry Hogan, has ordered the wearing of masks in stores. Hogan’s executive order defines what is and what is not acceptable to wear.

“Reopen Maryland” is a group of Maryland citizens who contend that “far less disruptive means of managing the disease can be employed” than the draconian measures now being used. They have scheduled a protest for noon Saturday in Annapolis, Maryland. Responses to the group include:

  • We need those in office to follow our Constitution, we are not slaves to the State!
  • I am an attorney in Baltimore. I will be at the protest…I will fight for anyone cited, criminally penalized, or facing bankruptcy due to these measures. The Governor must take measures to reopen the Maryland economy, not encourage isolation and fear.
  • More people are suffering economically now than from the actual virus! Maryland has now been aligned with other states and they’re combining these numbers to fuel the fire! Stop the nonsense!

In neighboring Virginia, groups such as Re Open Virginia, End The Lock down VA and Virginians Against Excessive Quarantine, have emerged to fight for freedom. One protester held a sign, “My body. My choice to work.” In Raleigh, North Carolina, a similar movement emerged, but protests were labeled by authorities a “nonessential activity.” One citizen responded, “You cannot place the First Amendment on a list of banned items. That’s not how it works, guys!”

The “Magasota” movement in Minnesota is another such uprising and has been turned into demands for the state’s liberal governor to open up the economy so that people don’t have to stand in line at food banks or starve to death. On Friday, a “Liberate Minnesota” protest is being held to protest Governor Tim Walz’s executive orders locking down the state.“Minnesota citizens now is the time to demand Governor Walz and our state legislators end this lock down! Thousands of lives are being destroyed right now. Small businesses are shuttering by the thousands across our state, and families and retirees are watching their life’s work be destroyed in front of their eyes,” the organizers of the protest said.

On Wednesday, “Operation Gridlock” was held in Michigan, to protest Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s arbitrary shelter-in-place rulings and edicts.  The governor issued an order declaring that “all individuals currently living within the State of Michigan are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence.”

Nevertheless, citizens got in their cars and trucks and drove to Lansing to circle the Michigan Capitol Building. Drone photography captured the magnificent scene, as thousands showed up. Organizers said, “Our radical Governor needs to treat us like adults (a/k/a taxpayers who fund her JOB) who are aware that we need to take steps to stay healthy.  Apparently, she missed that being healthy INCLUDES having a JOB, opening your business SOON and keeping our Constitutional rights.”

A photograph showed a demonstrator with a “Heil Whitmer” sign. Others carried signs saying “Stop the Tyranny” and “End the Lockdown.”

Tucker Carlson illustrated the danger of the socialist buffoonery on his Fox News program by interviewing New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who said he didn’t think about the Bill of Rights before arresting people going to church, synagogues, or state parks. This totalitarian mindset seems to come naturally from these power-hungry politicians, who never have to suffer themselves.

Americans understand the danger of a spreading virus but also the danger of government run amuck. They want to protect the vulnerable, including the sick but also healthy people losing their jobs. They want the politicians to devote some time to thinking their way out of a lockdown that threatens to downgrade the status of the United States into a banana republic without bananas.

They remember the saying of Lord Acton, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

On the national level, President Trump is thinking of these Americans, while navigating his way through the interference of busybody health “experts” with high government salaries and permanent jobs. Taking the lead, Trump’s guidelines for “Opening Up America Again” are a way to prod irresponsible governors into thinking of their citizens as free people and not just pawns on a chessboard to be manipulated into accepting government handouts or poverty. Trump has the power under emergency statutes to force the country to be opened on a national basis, but he has decided to let governors have the opportunity to move forward first.

The protests we are seeing develop across the country are evidence that grassroots Americans will be there to make this happen. They don’t want to see America turned into China as a result of the China virus.

Our media, which are deemed “essential” businesses, mock these ordinary Americans while continuing to pull down paid handsome salaries and ordering food to go.

In another major development, local sheriffs are joining the resistance to tyranny. In a release from Michigan, they stated, “As Sheriffs of Michigan’s 101st House district, comprised of Leelanau, Benzie, Manistee, and Mason Counties, we write today to inform the public of our respective counties of our opposition to some of Governor Whitmer’s executive orders. While we understand her desire to protect the public, we question some restrictions that she has imposed as overstepping her executive authority. She has created a vague framework of emergency laws that only confuse Michigan citizens.”

They added, “As a result, we will not have strict enforcement of these orders. We will deal with every case as an individual situation and apply common sense in assessing the apparent violation.”

As they understand, common sense is in short supply among the tyrannical governors who don’t even have to set foot inside the “essential” liquor stores and pot shops to get drunk with power.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Getting Back to Work and Back to Church

By Cliff Kincaid

The Washington Post claims “constitutional experts” have “no idea” where President Trump got the idea that emergency powers give him the total authority to reopen the U.S. economy. It took me less than one minute to find a report from a liberal group, the Brennan Center, which noted that “the president has significant discretion to declare a national emergency” and “there are no statutory limitations, beyond the word ‘emergency’ itself, on what type of event qualifies.”

Does an economic depression constitute a special event requiring emergency action?  Do food shortages constitute a special event requiring emergency action? You betcha.

Trump declared a national emergency on March 13, under the National Emergencies Act, relating to the coronavirus. The Brennan Center found 123 statutory powers that are available to the president when he declares a national emergency.

The problem in America is not Trump but outlaw governors and mayors who have, in the case of Greenville, Mississippi, banned drive-in church services.

Critics of Trump who assert his claim of total authority is hogwash are ignoring what scholars call the “Emergency Law Regime.” Trump didn’t make this up. It’s been on the books for decades. Congress gave the president these powers. They are what political science professor Clinton Rossiter called the “Constitutional Dictatorship,” which is also the name of his 1948 book.

Presidents of the past using these powers have been swooned over by the liberals. One was Abraham Lincoln, who didn’t even have emergency powers granted by Congress. He simply exercised raw power. Another was FDR.

With the prospect of food shortages, in addition to massive unemployment, it’s very easy to see how President Trump can use these emergency powers to control and expand the national economy, including interstate commerce. On Tuesday, he said he would rather work with the governors than order them around. But he made it clear he has the ultimate authority, and he’s right.

The liberal media are promoting the notion that Trump, if he acts to save jobs and the economy, would be a dictator or King. It seems the Post and its “experts” would rather leave the national economy in the hands of liberal governors who have closed down churches while keeping potheads addicted to marijuana they get from the “essential businesses” selling the dope. Liberal governors want people to remain in a fog, drunk or stoned, and not go to church. That makes them more susceptible to mindlessly accepting anti-Trump propaganda.

President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus without Congressional approval in 1861. But he’s a beloved president because he rescued the nation. Trump can rescue the nation without exercising Lincoln-like powers. He can use the emergency powers Congress gave him. These also include the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.

Trump has not acted like a dictator. He has followed the law.

By contrast, some governors and mayors are acting like tyrants by ordering churches closed down and church members arrested or fined. But the liberal media don’t utter a peep. They would, however, probably scream to high heaven if the governors in their states shut down their pot shops and liquor stores.  These journalists, of course, have been designated as employees of “essential businesses” in the states, despite their open disdain for our constitutional system and the legitimate election of Donald J. Trump as president.

Trump has depended on the governors to exercise such power properly. Clearly, however, many governors have gone far beyond what is necessary. Trump can and should assert control over these outlaw governors. Many Americans would welcome federal intervention under these circumstances. They want to get back to work and get back to church.

Congress has never revoked national emergency powers, and it’s unlikely they would intervene, in voting to override an emergency declaration, to stop Trump from getting Americans back to work. Instead, Democrats will obstruct the legislative process of helping those forced out of their jobs through government action. As we have already seen, they are trying to use this crisis to add extreme left-wing agenda items, such as fraudulent mail-in voting, to financial stimulus legislation.

Trump, under current circumstances, is simply contemplating a decision to allow private businesses that have been closed down by government to get back to work. There’s no legal basis on which to challenge his executive authority. In fact, he’s trying to restore a system of free enterprise, one of our birthrights as Americans.

Congress passed the Defense Production Act (DPA), under which Trump has ordered General Motors to make ventilators. This is acceptable, proper, and necessary. Nobody disputes the president’s authority in this case. In fact, Democrats asked for it.

The DPA, according to the Congressional Research Service, “confers upon the President a broad set of authorities to influence domestic industry in the interest of national defense.” Once again, we see wide latitude given to the president. Since the law refers explicitly to “production,” it is easy to see how it could be used to justify a presidential decision to get the United States back to work. Trump would simply have to justify the decision as critical to the national security posture of the United States and in the “national interest.” Various sections of the Defense Production Act, such as “Strengthening domestic capability,” are open-ended.

One of the objectives as mandated by the Congress in the Federal Reserve Act is promoting maximum employment. The president can and should declare that to be his objective as well. It’s difficult to see how the “progressives” would argue with that, unless of course it serves them politically to have people out of work, miserable, and starving. If that’s the case, then they are consciously serving the interests of the country which spawned the virus, Communist China.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Knows Starvation is Not an Option for America

By Cliff Kincaid

With food shortages looming, President Trump is moving to reopen the U.S. economy. This has to be done, and anybody who wants America to survive as a superpower, rather than a banana republic, knows it.

Trump realizes that if the advice of the health “experts” is followed to its logical conclusion, bananas won’t even be available on our dinner tables. The “experts” want to eradicate a disease even if it means eradicating the people who might get it. That is unacceptable. America can do better.

In the name of saving the nation from coronavirus, the health “experts” have jeopardized our food supply, as one of the largest pork processing facilities in the U.S., representing four to five percent of U.S. pork production, has closed in South Dakota.

Kenneth M. Sullivan, president and chief executive officer, for Smithfield Foods, said, “The closure of this facility, combined with a growing list of other protein plants that have shuttered across our industry, is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply. It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running. These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation’s livestock farmers. These farmers have nowhere to send their animals.”

Let’s face it: the lockdown never really made sense, as food production and supplies had to continue for the sake of the many. Now, even that is in jeopardy, which is why Trump has to act.

Under the scenario being pushed by the liberal media opponents of Trump, the economy will be destroyed to the point where people will be dying of starvation rather than the virus. In fact, America may face the worst of two bad options – more deaths from the virus, and more deaths from food shortages and starvation.

In the fact of this threat, which New York Governor Andrew Cuomo understands, he assembled a group of governors to reopen their economies on their terms. But that’s not good enough. There has to be a plan for the entire nation.

Trump’s bold action is bad news for Trump’s opponents in the Democratic Party, who are counting on chaos to elect Joe Biden in November. Left-wing writer Jeff Faux fears that Trump will run for reelection “as champion of the people’s need to get back to work” while Democrats will be cast as obstructionists.

Faux, a Trump critic and well-known writer on economics, understands that Trump has the upper hand against the presumed Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden, whose “age is showing,” has “little charisma, often misspeaks and is not a strong debater.” In short, Biden will look weak, and Trump will look strong.

Appropriately enough, the Jeff Faux piece appears in a publication called “The Globalist.” From the start, Trump has threatened the global dreams of the “progressives” that are turning into nightmares for the American people. Their coddling and buildup of China has put us in this precarious position.

The president declared at his Monday briefing that he could and would, if necessary, override state and local officials who stand in the way of reopening America and keeping food on the dinner table. The media acted alarmed by the prospect that Trump would use the same kind of executive authority used in the past by such presidents as Abraham Lincoln and FDR. But these are extraordinary times and America’s existence as a nation based on the concept of economic and political freedom hangs in the balance.

Trump promised to provide legal justification for his actions, but it is not really necessary. A famous book in political science, Constitutional Dictatorship by Clinton Rossiter, provides the framework. The word “dictatorship” sounds ominous, but the fact is that, under national emergency declarations, the president has the complete and total authority to save the nation from an external or internal threat. Trump has to act and he knows it. He has all the emergency powers he needs. They were given to him by Congress.

Rossiter, an American historian and political scientist at Cornell University, was an acknowledged expert on the Constitution who wrote 20 books. Lincoln used emergency powers to win the Civil War and FDR used them to wage World War II and rebuild America’s industrial capacity.

We are today involved in our own civil war, in terms of a polarized electorate, but the real danger, as Trump knows, is that the source of the coronavirus, Communist China, stands to gain geopolitically if America goes down the drain.

At the Monday briefing, crazed liberal reporters confronted Trump, with one asking what he was doing about China, if indeed China had covered-up the nature of the virus when it emerged last year. Everybody knows that China lies and cheats, and that it did so in this case, using the U.N.’s World Health Organization as a front.

Trump replied that he didn’t have to tell her, and that she would be the last to know anyway. The reply was an indication that things are happening behind-the-scenes that many of us don’t know about. For obvious reasons, Trump will not discuss publicly at this time what has to be done about the China threat. The immediate need is to save the Republic.

We do know the situation is dire and the president is acting to avert a catastrophe.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Dr. Fauci and Dr.Birx Have a Record of Medical Failure

By Cliff Kincaid

The Washington Post has been a joke for a long time, at least since the days when it won a Pulitzer Prize in 1981 for a story about a child heroin addict who turned out not to exist. The paper is now filled, on a daily basis, with poison pen “analysis,” backed by phony “fact-checkers,” criticizing almost anything President Trump says or does. Somehow, basic facts that may impact the coronavirus story, such as the federal record of failure in the development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine, escape mention.

President Clinton in May 1997 had announced a “comprehensive AIDS vaccine research initiative” that has failed. To repeat: 23 years later, the project has failed. To emphasize this fact is not to disparage the efforts that were made. Instead, it is relevant information that might help us understand if the current push for a coronavirus vaccine, strongly backed by the United Nations, makes any medical sense at all. Perhaps money for a coronavirus vaccine can be spent more effectively somewhere else. Perhaps vitamin therapy, nutritional supplements, and other alternative treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine should be used on a massive scale immediately.

In a major breakthrough in this regard,  Governor Kristi Noem announced that South Dakota will become the first state to conduct a full clinical trial on hydroxychloroquine, to understand its role in treating and potentially preventing coronavirus.

In the same way that HIV/AIDS may have been misunderstood by the “experts,” the jury is still out on the nature of the China virus. But such information is critical to understanding whether a vaccine is even possible and whether fast-tracking a risky vaccine is wise. In addition to the failure of the HIV/AIDS vaccine experiment, the swine flu vaccine scandal of the 1970s demonstrates how government vaccination programs can go horribly wrong.

The Post ran a story about Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, who specialized in HIV/AIDS vaccine research, referring to them as having “worked together at the dawn of the AIDS crisis.” It said Birx and Fauci are still “on a continuing search for a cure and vaccine,” a backdoor way of acknowledging that the vaccine project has failed. But the paper won’t say that in a direct or factual way.

Fauci and Birx are clearly knowledgeable but they are not infallible. Their records are not beyond reproach. But because they carry the label of doctors and “scientists,” they seem to be immune from serious criticism. It’s time for that to change.

The paper is defending Fauci’s record as an “infectious disease specialist” but his comments about the nature of the China virus have varied, depending on which program he has been on. And there have been a lot of such programs. On Greg Kelly’s show on January 21, he said, “But this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” This followed the WHO’s claim on January 14 that coronavirus could not be spread person to person. It cited China as the source of that information.

Fauci told the NBC Today show as late as February 29 that “there is no need to change anything that you are doing on a day-by-day basis.”

One thing we do know is that Fauci has been a reliable contact of the U.N.’s World Health Organization, having signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the WHO’s Dr. Tedros in 2018. The “understanding” seemed to be that Fauci would rely on the WHO, a China front,or China itself, for information on virus outbreaks and pandemics originating in China. That was a big mistake.

Ignoring his pattern of misleading statements, the Post claims that Fauci “developed a reputation as a skilled public health expert while combating the AIDS crisis in the 1980s.” He was certainly “skilled” in public relations. But in fact, the federal government’s HIV/AIDS vaccine initiative has been a failure. The American people have a right to know that these “experts” can be wrong.

As recently as 2014, Fauci was writing scientific papers about how an HIV/AIDS vaccine “remains essential” and that “recent advances in vaccinology offer new promise for an effective HIV vaccine.” But HIV/AIDS vaccines have repeatedly failed. The latest failure was funded by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The $100 million experiment was 10 years in the making.

Fauci has served as director of the NIAID at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 1984, the year scientists claim to have identified and isolated HIV. Controversy continues to surround this “discovery.” Recently, during a daily White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, Fauci talked about alleged “health disparities,” in terms of the numbers and backgrounds of people getting sick and dying from the coronavirus, and asserted he saw something similar when HIV/AIDS struck LGBTQ people.

“During that time, there was extraordinary stigma, particularly against the gay community,” Fauci said. “And it was only when the world realized how the gay community responded to this outbreak with incredible courage and dignity and strength and activism — I think that really changed some of the stigma against the gay community, very much so.”

His comments ignore the fact that life-threatening and deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS emerged in the gay community because of the manner in which they have sex. To this day, male homosexuals are still far more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. The book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality, speaks about the power of the LGBTQ lobby and “unprecedented censorship” in the medical profession and scientific establishment about how the gay lifestyle spreads the disease.

This is still a taboo subject for many but the story needs to be told. Fauci won’t tell it, apparently because he thinks it somehow contributes to the “stigma.” Yet, smokers are regularly shamed into quitting because they use tobacco, rather than marijuana. Indeed, the government funds programs to discourage smoking but not gay sex.

Other so-called “disparities” consist of federal funding that has favored AIDS over other diseases. Indeed, a group called the FAIR Foundation was formed in order to point out that AIDS was getting a greater  share of the federal research budget, even though it is killing a fraction of Americans each year when compared with diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Typically, the flu kills far more people than AIDS.

In 2017, for example, 5,698 people died of AIDS. But 55,000 died of the flu. It was number eight on the list of leading causes of death. The figures show that HIV disease has not been among the 15 leading causes of death since 1997.

Strangely, the biography of Dr. Birx says she “helped lead one of the most influential HIV vaccine trials in history (known as RV 144 or the Thai trial), which provided the first supporting evidence of any vaccine’s potential effectiveness in preventing HIV infection.” But that was 10 years ago and note the use of the word “potential.” At this date, there is still no HIV/AIDS vaccine.

A history of failed HIV/ADS vaccine efforts notes, “Factors that led the U.S. government to take action included vocal activism by people infected with HIV and their allies as well as persistent efforts by advocates in the scientific world.” In other words, the gay community and people like Fauci and Birx rushed into development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

Some might review this failed project and nevertheless conclude that at least they tried to help people. But the fact is that the gay community lobbied for a quick-fix vaccine that failed to materialize when it can be argued that the “Medical Deep State” should have been spending their time (and our money)on projects to solve other health problems affecting many more people, such as the flu.

Consider that while billions were wasted on an HIV/AIDS vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says current flu vaccines reduce the risk of getting the flu by only 40% and 60% among the overall population “during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to the flu vaccine.” This caveat means that effectiveness also depends on the nature of the flu and which vaccine was produced for which year.

All of this proves that the scientific “authorities” need oversight and fact-checkers. The American people should not leave their health in the hands of bureaucratic “experts” who have wasted billions on failed vaccine experiments and played politics with disease.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Investigating the Sources of Evil in the World

By Cliff Kincaid

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Catholic who accepts and promotes abortion, says the death toll in his state from the coronavirus pandemic has surpassed“the same evil that we saw on 9/11.” It is also the same evil as abortion. “Make Unborn Babies Great Again” was one of the signs at the March for Life but Cuomo doesn’t seem to care about those victims. In fact, he signed into law a bill allowing babies born alive as a result of a botched abortion to die without medical help. “No public official in America is more pro-abortion than New York Governor Andrew Cuomo,” says Bill Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.

Before coronavirus, evil was already all around us.And it will remain with us.

As we celebrate Easter with empty pews and confront the “invisible enemy,” in the form of a virus, there are reportedly six exorcisms being conducted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington at the current time. The pagans and secular humanists scoff at such reports. But signs of demonic possession can be measured. They include a colossal amount of strength that is not natural, the ability to speak in languages the possessed don’t know, sometimes in the form of ancient languages the possessed couldn’t possibly learn, and knowledge of unconfessed sins by the possessed person who reveals them to those participating in the exorcism.

An exorcism in Mount Rainier, Maryland, in the Washington, D.C. area,  inspired the book by William Peter Blatty and the film, “The Exorcist.”  Blatty also wrote Legion, a book about demons based on Satan’s  proclamation, “My name is Legion, for we are many,” in answer to Jesus’ question, “What is your name?”

Despite Cuomo’s own blindness to the sin of abortion, a modern form of paganistic child sacrifice, the “same evil that we saw on 9/11” is an interesting choice of words that is made more relevant because of the fact that the FBI has still failed to resolve the question of who carried out the post-9/11 anthrax attacks on America. They killed five Americans, poisoned others, and resulted in billions of dollars of economic damage.

For those unfamiliar with FBI incompetence in the anthrax case, consider using some of your stay-at-home time during the economic lockdown to watch the Clint Eastwood movie, “Richard Jewell,” about how the FBI (and the media) framed an innocent man in the 1996 Olympic Park bombing case. The same FBI pattern of deception was employed in the post-9/11 anthrax letters case. The FBI had a “profile” that led them in the wrong direction.

The anthrax letters, which were mailed to American media organizations and two senators, featured the phrases “Death to America,” “Death to Israel,” and “Allah is God.” These were indications that an Islamic extremist had written them. At least one of the 9/11 hijackers had a lesion, possibly from anthrax exposure.

But the FBI dismissed these obvious leads as a diversion intended to falsely blame radical Islam and focus attention away from the real perpetrator, supposedly a right-winger with a military background.

Playing down the threat of jihadist bioterrorism is something that U.S. intelligence agencies, led by the FBI, did in the case of the anthrax attacks. The FBI director at the time was Robert Mueller, who later became the Russia-gate special prosecutor pursuing Trump. In 2010, the FBI officially tried to close the case by blaming the anthrax attacks on a dead man, U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins.

Mueller was the “errand boy for the New World Order,” in the words of author and former Louisiana state Senator John Milkovich. From 9/11 to organized crime figure Whitey Bulger to the crooked bank BCCI, the Milkovich book examines a series of FBI cover-ups and scandals. Unfortunately, FBI Director Christopher Wray has not cleaned out the rot.

The FBI’s mishandling of the anthrax case is relevant because of the need to investigate the source of the coronavirus, Communist China, and whether the fingerprints of the regime are on the release of the deadly disease. On January 28, as the coronavirus virus was spreading to the United States and Europe, the Department of Justice announced that Dr. Charles Lieber, the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and two Chinese nationals had been charged in connection with aiding Communist China.

An affidavit in the case reveals that an FBI agent from an FBI Counter intelligence Squad in the Boston Field Office has responsibilities that include “investigating violations of federal criminal laws relating to espionage and theft of trade secrets…”

Our media, led by the New York Times, have insisted that it is unacceptable conspiracy thinking to label the virus a bioweapon from China. This was the same paper which, in the aftermath of the anthrax attacks, fingered an innocent man, Dr. Steven Hatfill, as the culprit.

Fortunately, there are specialized publications, such as Defense One, that have looked at the evidence of China’s role in controversial biological work. It ran an article last August that carried the ominous headline, “Weaponizing Biotech: How China’s Military Is Preparing for a ‘New Domain of Warfare.’” Among other revelations is that China published a book, War for Biological Dominance, emphasizing the impact of biology on future warfare. This makes official U.S. “Medical Deep State” involvement with China and its Wuhan Institute of Virology a matter of utmost concern.

As Americans, if only from the viewpoint of national survival, we have an obligation to put a name and a face to evil in the world today. It’s not an exercise in futility because, on the occasion of Easter, Christians are faced with the reality of evil in the world and the victory of Christ over it. Many Catholic priests on Saturday are saying the exorcism prayer, also known as the original Prayer to Saint Michael written by Pope Leo XIII. Of course, they need to remove the evil in their midst that has taken the form of sexual predators.

Cuomo referred to the “silent killer,” the virus, adding, “There was no explosion but it was a silent explosion that just ripples through society with this same randomness, same evil that we saw on 9/11.” But the evil can be traced, in the case of 9/11, to Islamic terrorists, and in the case of the coronavirus, to Communist China.

Islamic terrorism and communism are two of the major threats to America and the world today. They are in fact evil.

President Trump said on Friday that he would have an announcement next week on possible funding cuts to the China-front World Health Organization. This is a good step forward. But we also need a special commission, with independence from the FBI, to investigate the actual Chinese role in the release of the coronavirus. At the same time, let’s reopen the anthrax case. Remember that, in 2002, then-Rep. Mike Pence wrote a letter asking why international links weren’t being probed in the anthrax mailings.

To refuse to admit, in advance, that evil stems from terrorist regimes and terrorist groups, is not professional journalism. It is moral blindness, exercised in the name of political correctness. These reporters are refusing to identify the sources of evil in the world. Perhaps they need to get back to church.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Bill Gates Worships at the Altar of China

By Cliff Kincaid

Bill Gates, who is worth more than $100 billion, made his money through Microsoft computer software programs. How did he become an expert on diseases and bioterrorism? Why was he on the Fox News Sunday program telling Americans how to live? Why was he on CNBC on Thursday discussing when to reopen the economy? Why does he write columns for the Washington Post telling our elected officials what to say and do? Who does he think he is?

His wealth doesn’t make him an expert on anything except computer software programs.

With 17.6 million Americans now out of work as a result of the coronavirus shutdown, famous investor Michael Burry describes Gates as “someone with influence who will not feel economic pain dictating to the masses without influence how their economic pain is worth it.” He made this comment in the context of urging President Trump to reopen the economy.

While Burry is correct about Gates’ insulation from the people, the fact is that Gates has access to the corridors of power, especially on a global level. We would be fools not to listen to what Gates has to say. But it is also necessary to document Gates’ sympathy for — and ties to — China. It’s significant that, in regard to the coronavirus and the response, Chinese dictator Xi has sent Gates a letter thanking him for his financial support for China. In 2017 Gates was given one of China’s highest academic honors.

Gates was on Fox News Sunday and CNBC, and writing for the Post, because money talks. He buys influence and advisers. For that reason, we also have to pay attention to him. He doesn’t mind his own business and concentrate on ways to improve software products. Instead, he makes our lives and business his business.

What is he saying, exactly, about the nature of the coronavirus and where it came from? And what is he NOT saying? The answers display a disturbing pro-China bias on Gates’ part.

During a discussion on Reddit, he failed to hold China responsible for claiming, through the World Health Organization, that the disease could not be transmitted between humans. In fact, he praised China for its response and declared the name shouldn’t be “Chinese virus.” He apparently found that offensive.

With Gates now assuming an adversary posture on the matter of opening up the U.S. economy, President Trump must keep in mind Gates’ ties to China as his administration makes decisions in the critical days ahead. For that matter, Trump must also understand that Dr. Anthony Fauci once signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” with the Chinese- front World Health Organization, pledging cooperation. This helps account for the slow response to the virus from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control. They were fooled, just as Gates has been fooled.

The Fox moderator, Chris Wallace, said he sat down with Gates “to discuss what we need to do now” regarding coronavirus. Wallace referred to Gates’ “famous TED talk five years ago,” where he warned about another pandemic and “laid out a lot of the things that we’re starting to do now, like research and development on new tests and R&D on vaccines.” Wallace added, “But so many countries around the world, including the U.S. back in 2015, largely ignored your warnings. Why do you think that was?”

Like the gloom-and-doomers who have been predicting market crashes every few years, Gates has been warning of escaping viruses and pandemics. This has become his niche market. Of course, such predictions are not unique. Government and private organizations occasionally make similar predictions. The difference is that Gates is a billionaire and commands attention because of that fact alone. In addition, he focuses almost exclusively on vaccines as the solution to various public health problems. He strongly promoted an HIV/AIDS vaccine, which has been a failure.

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Bill Gates is worth listening to. What’s fascinating is what he had said regarding the next virus threat. He said, “So next time, we might not be so lucky. You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they’re infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market. The source of the virus could be a natural epidemic like Ebola, or it could be bioterrorism. So there are things that would literally make things a thousand times worse.”

The term “bioterrorism” implies a deliberate attempt by a nation or group to sicken and poison people. Who or what might these be? Gates didn’t say. The likely villains are Islamic terrorist groups and countries like China that are now developing biological weapons. Yet, Gates supports China and the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO), which acted on behalf of China to cover-up the deadly nature of the coronavirus.

Interestingly, Gates was quoted in 2017 as saying that bioterrorism could kill more people than nuclear war, but that Western governments were not ready to deal with it.

Indeed, my February 27, 2017, column, “Trump Should ‘Drain the Swamp’ at the FBI Before Terror Strikes Again,” noted Gates’ remarks at the Munich Security Conference that “most of the things we need to do to protect against a naturally occurring pandemic are the same things we must prepare for an intentional biological attack.” This was an interesting remark. Once again, he is raising the prospect of nations and/or terrorists using biological weapons. But he didn’t name names.

Clearly, Gates is concerned about bioterrorism. But so was the Trump Administration. Trump in 2018 signed the National Biodefense Strategy, which noted, “Multiple nations have pursued clandestine biological weapons programs and a number of terrorist groups have sought to acquire biological weapons.”

Chris Wallace didn’t ask Gates about bioterrorism in the context of the China coronavirus. That’s because the media have shied away from this topic. They don’t want to be accused of racism against Chinese people, even though in this case the communist regime is at fault.

Gates is sympathetic to China and his company Microsoft is a corporate member and “patron” of the National Committee on United States China Relations.He left the board of Microsoft earlier this year.

His Gates Foundation openly declares, “Since the inauguration of our China office in 2007, we have been focused on unlocking that potential [as a catalyst for development worldwide] in a way that benefits China and the rest of the world. In working towards this goal, we continue to support China in overcoming domestic challenges, leverage China’s growing innovation capacity to supply high-quality, affordable health products to those in need, and assist China in becoming a stronger partner for global health and development.”

Observers of what’s been happening recently, as the U.S. and other nations scramble to get the necessary supplies for a medical response to coronavirus, recognize these statements from the Gates Foundation as the kind of pro-China propaganda that got us into our current predicament.

Its 12-page report, “Our Foundation in China,”actually shows young people in communist uniforms, the Chinese “young pioneers,” getting vaccinations from friendly nurses.

He comes across as reasonable. But Gates has some scary ideas, based on a globalist worldview that sees the Communist Chinese dictatorship as the model for the world. These ideas threaten American liberty and the American way of life. Who in the media will speak truth to power and challenge Bill Gates?

As President Trump reopens the U.S. economy, the basis for our military strength, he should be prepared to expose Gates for what he is.The truth should be told.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Developing a Vaccine for Media Bias

By Cliff Kincaid

H.G. Wells’ book, War of the Worlds, shows the aliens dying at the end, after almost destroying planet earth, when germs poison them. In real life, human beings are being killed by germs in the form of the coronavirus and the major media. One poisons your body, the other poisons your mind.

“We were all praying for a miracle,” says Gene Barry in the 1953 movie version of the book, as church bells ring in the distance. The movie narrator explains, “The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere to which we have long since become immune. Once they had breathed our air, germs which no longer affect us began to kill them.”

Over the course of decades, I co-authored several books with Reed Irvine, founder of Accuracy in Media, with such titles as Profiles of Deception and The News Manipulators. Media bias is like a coronavirus spreading around the world. Media are like modern germs. President Trump is our vaccine.

At one time, I thought the media would eventually correct their mistakes, in order to avoid embarrassment. Yet, they get worse, day by day, and even continue to claim that they provide “All the News That’s Fit to Print.” A newspaper with the slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness” wants to censor President Trump’s daily press briefings.

To his credit, President Trump uses his coronavirus task force briefings not only to bring us good news about the war against the invisible enemy but to identify the enemy that is sitting right in front of him (and us) in the briefing room. He understands that the media today function as the equivalent of Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally during World War II.

In this war, Trump has tried to rally the nation to victory while praising the first line of defense, consisting of doctors, nurses, first responders, soldiers, and others. At the same time, he takes on those in the media who want to undermine the war effort. He knows their poisonous approach has disastrous consequences.

On Monday, Trump made mince-meat of various reporters who, in a series of gotcha moments, seized upon another report out of the bureaucracy about supposed problems in the medical supply chains involving coronavirus tests. It turns out, under questioning, that the reporters didn’t know the name of the bureaucrat and only reluctantly, under questioning, admitted the bureaucrat came out of the bowels of the Obama bureaucracy. These reporters don’t even read beyond the headlines.

“I wish we had a fair media in this country,” the president said. His own questioning made the reporters look foolish. He called one, Jonathan Karl of ABC, “third-rate.”

Reporters claim they are trying to assure accountability from government. But they go into these briefings with information based on headlines and no facts. They asked about an Inspector General report written by a bureaucrat whose name they didn’t know. Jonathan Karl looked unprepared as he tried to supply basic biographical information about the bureaucrat.

Trump pressed them, in dramatic fashion, because he knows that the title “Inspector General” sounds impressive but can be a mask for politically-motivated actions.  That’s why he fired the Inspector General for the so-called intelligence community.

In this case, Trump got reinforcements, as Admiral Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary for health, responded, “I don’t know the inspector general. I don’t know that person. I’ll tell you one thing I have a problem with: If there was such a problem that she knew about or he knew about on March 23 and 24, why did I find out about the test [problem] from them on the news media at 8 o’clock this morning?”

In other words, the report was old news and released for political purposes. Even worse, the bureaucratic reluctance to share information about a potential problem may have cost lives. Instead, the information went to the news media, to serve as ammunition against Trump.

Our media, by and large, don’t want to solve anything. They could be on their death beds from the virus and still spew out poison toward the Commander-in-Chief. They work in conjunction with bureaucrats left over from the previous administration who also want to make Trump look bad. This problem is as bad as the virus itself.

As a professional media analyst, I used to spend many hours a week watching the news, in order to document their malpractice. I have finally come to realize that the procedure of media monitoring is itself hazardous to one’s health. Nothing is to be gained from watching Lester Holt, except for the feel-good story at the very end of the broadcast. I’ve noticed how the feel-good stories never involve anything the Trump Administration has done in the current crisis to save lives.

Today, I watch the White House briefings, with some lively give-and-take, and Tucker Carlson’s independently-minded Fox News program.

It is better to spend my time comparing and contrasting different sources of information, doing my own research, and then reporting my findings at my own website, America’s Survival, Inc.  I recommend this approach to my fellow Americans. A vaccine for media bias is free and available now. It is called critical thinking.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Red Chinese Lied, Americans Died, and Americans Prayed

By Cliff Kincaid

When FDR waged World War II, he could mobilize the entire country. President Trump faces an assortment of enemies, here and abroad. These include China, source of the virus; Russia, which is driving American oil producers out of business through overproduction of cheap oil; a toxic anti-American media culture; and a Democratic Party that wants to undermine Trump through investigations and make him (and the country) fail.

Another factor is that FDR could mobilize American industrial power. We are now learning that much of that power was outsourced to China. It is sad and tragic that the once-great United States made decisions over the course of the last 40 years that facilitated the build-up of China into an industrial and economic superpower. Henry Kissinger began the policy of appeasing China and it was implemented through its ascension to the World Trade Organization. China became a Frankenstein monster devouring the world.

Coming into office, Trump recognized this problem and sought through various policies to rectify the situation. As I see it, the China virus was revenge for Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods. Otherwise, China and its handmaidens in the World Health Organization would have quickly alerted the world to the nature of this beast. They lied and Americans died.

Although opinions differ, the consensus of the various medical experts is that this is a highly contagious disease, with symptoms in severe cases much worse than the flu, lung damage worse than the flu, and a death rate overall that may be much worse than seasonal flu.

President Trump had no alternative but to defer to these authorities. But he has to suspect, based on its contagious and deadly nature, that the virus may have been engineered. China has a bioweapons program that has been documented by such authorities as former Soviet scientist Ken Alibek and analyst Eric Croddy. Nobody with a serious mind assumes it was just a coincidence that the virus came out of a region with a Chinese lab conducting secret research.

Our enemies seem to have us where they want us – our people are dying and the economy is collapsing. China is betting that it will come out on top of the world. Then, the old Sino/Soviet split will be exposed as another great deception. Russia will dominate the oil markets and have Europe under its control.

In the middle of all of this, President Trump is attempting to rally the nation. He is stuck with a medical bureaucracy that relied on China for misinformation about the virus and a media that plays gotcha at daily press briefings. He understands the gravity of the situation but is obviously limited by what he can say publicly about the threat. As I argued in a recent column, the invisible enemy has a name.

To his credit, Trump has broken with the “experts” to facilitate public access to various alternative drugs and treatments. This could be the development that helps America turn the corner in the weeks ahead.

While FDR could rally the nation into war production for the United States military, which was deployed abroad, today’s threat is so great that the military is being diverted into domestic uses and purposes. America’s military and National Guard are building hospitals and taking care of patients. Meanwhile, Navy ships are being infected with the virus and the Pentagon is warning that the spread of the virus could affect U.S. military readiness and our ability to deter our enemies from further strikes.

This is yet another problem that Trump has to take into account as he navigates the difficult path of safeguarding America’s survival.

At the same time, the globalists opposed to his election and candidacy are continuing the drumbeat of opposing the only way — through America-first policies –that we have of escaping the morass we found ourselves in.

Consider that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs has published another anti-Trump article, “’America First’ Is a Dangerous Fantasy in a Pandemic: Foreign Aid and Global Leadership Will Be Integral to Any Solution,” which endorses the same mistakes that got us into this mess in the first place. The article is by former Obama official Philip H. Gordon.

The use of a CFR publication to attack Trump is not unexpected. This is the organization that boasted Soviet spy Alger Hiss, a founder of the United Nations, as a prominent member.

This article ignores China’s lies, as well as the fact that the World Health Organization told the world on January 14 that the virus could not be transmitted between people. On January 21, relying on Chinese and WHO’s data, Dr. Anthony Fauci told TV host Greg Kelly that “this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” Dr. Deborah Birx admits China gave the U.S. “incomplete data” about the virus. That’s a polite way of saying the Red Chinese lied so Americans died.

In the face of this mass murder, socialist U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres demands a “global cease fire,” adding, “The virus does not care about nationality or ethnicity, faction or faith. It attacks all, relentlessly.” But China is directly implicated in the genocide.

Former Obama officials are ignoring the role of China in this worldwide meltdown for an obvious reason: Barack Hussein Obama was an acolyte of global Marxism and actually met with Chinese dictator Xi in November 2017 during a meeting described by the British Guardian as a chat between two “veteran cadres.” They were “all smiles.”

A Russian media organ took note as well, saying the term “veteran cadres” is “generally used to refer to retired Chinese Communist Party officials.” It was a tip-off that Obama was serving the communist cause all the time he was serving as president of the United States.

It’s the case we were making in our three books on Obama, including Red Star Rising: The Making of Barack Hussein Obama and the Transformation of America.

Trump is facing a difficult fight that is made worse by the actions of publicity-seeking governors who complain about delivery of supplies while closing churches and keeping abortion clinics, liquor stores, and pot shops open.

The only thing worse is the conduct of certain reporters at the daily press briefings, as they attempt to bring down a president trying hard to save lives.

Whatever executive orders may remain in place, the people of the various states are not going to wait long to return in numbers to the closed churches,even risking their lives in a desperate attempt to appeal to God to save their nation. Many Americans are praying now more than ever. They are praying for their president.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

How Trump is Taming the Bureaucracy and Saving Lives

By Cliff Kincaid

From the start of the crisis, President Trump has been trying to figure out — and cut through — the bureaucracy. His latest victory is the decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to accept 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate and one million doses of chloroquine phosphate for possible use in treating patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or for use in clinical trials. Trump understands that America cannot wait for a possible vaccine and that patients and their doctors need the freedom now to try alternative treatments.

In this context, the tragic death of former Senator Tom Coburn is a reminder that the federal health care bureaucracy has been characterized by slow-moving efforts that are sometimes marked by corruption or incompetence. His sad passing is an occasion for remembering that, as a Senator and medical doctor, he released a major study, “CDC Off Center,” about how the federal agency wasted hundreds of millions of tax dollars and has been ineffective in controlling disease. A case in point is the billions wasted on more than 30 years of research into an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

A strong conservative, Coburn was willing to challenge the bureaucracy and expose its malfeasance. He exposed what critics have called the “Medical Deep State.”

We saw the bureaucracy in action in 2014, when the Obama Administration failed to impose a travel ban and prevent disease carriers with the deadly Ebola virus from coming into the United States. The Obama administration actually allowed a carrier of Ebola from Africa, where it originated, into the United States, where he infected two nurses, one of whom had been allowed by the Centers for Disease Control to travel on a plane. He died. The CDC says the outbreak ended with more than 28,600 cases and 11,325 deaths. In the U.S., however, we were fortunate to escape a major outbreak.

Obama’s CDC director, Dr. Tom Frieden, actually wrote an article, “Why I don’t support a travel ban to combat Ebola outbreak.” He is now a leading medical “expert” at the Council on Foreign Relations, a major source of anti-Trump commentaries.

My coverage of this disease at the time questioned why Obama opposed a common-sense ban on travel to the U.S. by people from Ebola-infected countries. He also kept the southern border wide open. Simply put, Obama viewed restrictions on African travel to the U.S. as racist. He was giving black Africa special access to the U.S., and putting their interests ahead of America’s.

On another level, it seemed as if Obama, a globalist, didn’t mind if people in the U.S. were to become infected. In his mind, there would be more pressure to find a “cure,” or at least a vaccine. But who knew how many would die in the process? At the time, we didn’t know. It could have been hundreds, or thousands, or more.

A poll from The Washington Post and ABC News showed that 67 percent of people supported a travel ban.

To make matters worse, Obama appointed Ron Klain, an Obama insider and Joe Biden chief-of-staff, as his “Ebola Czar.” He had no experience in the health field. He is now a leading critic of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus but outlets like CNBC fail to note that he worked for a president who knowingly permitted Ebola to take root on American soil.

In regard to coronavirus, Trump has broken decisively with the Obama policy and has forced the health care bureaucracy to come over to his way of thinking. His ban on travel from China, where the virus originated, has saved countless lives. In effect, Trump has been taming the bureaucracy to put America and Americans first.

I believe the president’s decision to accelerate the use of anti-malaria drugs to treat coronavirus reflects his skepticism of the bureaucracy’s heavy emphasis on vaccines to “solve” the problem of infectious disease. The failed development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine demonstrates that the Medical Deep State cannot be trusted and relied on in this case.

Since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1981, more than 700,000 American lives have been lost to HIV.  President Trump’s plan, “Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America,” emphasizes drugs as treatments for HIV/AIDS. He promises hope – not false hope.

In the case of Ebola, the CDC quickly announced human testing of an “investigational vaccine to prevent Ebola virus disease” and a so-called “fast-tracking” process was underway. It looked like the CDC was much faster in approving human trials of a vaccine than in stopping Ebola from coming into the U.S. in the first place. Ultimately, however, the first FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of Ebola wasn’t announced until the end of 2019. But questions remain and it has not been licensed for widespread use. It was another false hope that took too many years to develop through the bureaucracy. It was years too late.

Hundreds of people got neurological disorders and several dozen died from a swine flu vaccine before it was withdrawn in 1976. The CDC Director at that time, Dr. David J. Sencer, was fired. Yet, the CDC museum is named after him.In addition to the 1976 swine flu debacle, there were several vaccine scandals involving children during the Clinton administration. A hepatitis B vaccine was withdrawn because it contained a toxic substance, and a vaccine against diarrhea was withdrawn because it, too, was dangerous to children.

As the feds scramble for another risky and mandatory vaccine, in the case of coronavirus, remember that Congress pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which created a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, for a reason. Vaccines can be dangerous and backfire.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons argues that “we need the right to try” alternative drugs and treatments, such as the anti-malarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. The group notes that an early version of these drugs may have been a key factor in General George Washington’s victory over the British in the Revolutionary War.

In the spirit of George Washington, President Trump is meeting the challenge.

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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One-Worlders Exploit Pandemic for Global Government

By Cliff Kincaid

Since “climate change” has not ushered in world government, the global health crisis will have to do. Hence, Greta Thunberg has announced it’s “extremely likely” she has had coronavirus. She wasn’t tested but quickly recovered, she says. Now, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics.

“Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus” is the British Guardian headline over a story about the former Labor prime minister.

Globalist organizations led by the World Federalists are leading the charge. This year, however, they think the timing is on their side. Their “UN2020”  movement is taking advantage of this year being the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. They believe the coronavirus can be exploited to get the nations of the world united behind the push for “another, better path for humanity.”

Their “plan of action,” as set forth in a draft of their “People’s Declaration,” is unfolding mostly behind-the-scenes as the 75th anniversary of the United Nations “provides a much-needed opportunity for system-wide stocktaking, strengthening and renewal.”

The World Federalists are sometimes regarded as small and without much influence, but the fact is that prominent personalities such as Walter Cronkite, the former CBS Evening News anchorman, were world federalists. What’s more, President Clinton and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton endorsed the group’s activities during the time of the Clinton Administration.

Former Clinton official Strobe Talbott wrote a book, The Great Experiment, describing his own background in the pro-world government World Federalist Movement and naming a network of friends and close associates that included billionaire leftist hedge fund operator George Soros. The purpose of Talbott’s book was to promote “global governance,” aeuphemism for world government, and was defined in the subtitle as “The Quest for a Global Nation.”

With a pandemic sweeping the globe, they think this is their time to strike. A draft of their declaration urges mechanisms such as an “Independent Commission on Global Governance” or a “United Nations Parliamentary Assembly” to be pushed by sympathetic governments.

“Far quicker than most of us could have imagined, a world-encompassing health crisis…has shaken the global order to its core,” it says, adding that “…no longer can we behave as if our current institutions are sufficient to secure our future…To meet growing demands, a revitalized UN system would need a reliable source of funding.”

Entitled “Humanity at a Crossroads: global governance at a time of global uncertainty,”  the document calls for consideration of proposals such as an international carbon tax, a fossil fuel consumption tax, a global tax on select mineral resource extraction or usage, a minimum international corporate tax, a financial transaction tax, and “other fiscal policy options.”

But here’s their bottom line, in their own words: “A global tax body to enforce these options should also be considered.”

My 1997 book, Global Taxes for World Government, available for free at my America’s Survival website, describes this movement.

On Capitol Hill, Senator Edward J. Markey, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been joined by other liberals in calling on President Donald Trump to introduce a United Nations Security Council resolution that declares pandemics a clear threat to international peace and security. As part of this resolution, they want to “Mandate that, in the event of a declared health emergency, all countries ensure on-the-ground access by World Health Organization (WHO) officials, as well as require that all countries transparently disseminate timely public health information to the WHO and to their own people.”

Of course, the U.N.s World Health Organization has been widely accused of a pro-China bias and stalling on the declaration of a public health emergency surrounding coronavirus. Equally significant, its director general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a member of the “High-Level Task Force for Innovative Financing for Health Systems,”  a group which recommended global taxes for the U.N. They call them “solidarity levies” on airline tickets, tobacco and currency transactions.

Tedros’s praise for President Trump, saying he is doing a “great job” in fighting the pandemic, is a recognition of reality. Tedros understands that Trump’s leadership has more than compensated for the lack of expertise from the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control. Tedros’ job is on the line, as an online petition with 563,013 signatures as of Thursday afternoon is urging his resignation.

Whether that resignation comes or not, it will be important for President Trump to continue to resist calls for more globalism to fix the problems caused by globalism.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Frankenstein Monster Devouring the World

By Cliff Kincaid

In another Trump-bashing piece in the Washington Post, a professor noted, in passing, that “several Chinese labs participated more than 20 years ago in the human genome project,” as if this were a good thing. In fact, the Human Genome Project (HGP) opened the door to a Communist Frankenstein project of human genetic modification and manipulation. The Chinese Reds are the new Nazis.

If there is anything to be learned from this disaster, it is that America must become self-sufficient in terms of medicine and medical production capabilities and avoid entanglements with China. President Trump was moving in the direction of America-first policies before the Chinese unleashed their virus on the world.

Assuming that President Trump (with the reluctant support of Congressional Democrats) can save our nation from an economic apocalypse, it will be necessary for America to remain on guard against even more Chinese biological threats. And one of the most significant is Chinese communist scientific and genetic manipulation of what it means to be human. “China is fast becoming the world capital of controversial science,” notes one report.

A Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, went public in November 2018 with this dangerous effort, declaring that he had created the world’s first genetically-altered babies. The communist authorities were caught off-guard by this unauthorized disclosure. In a show-trial, the regime sentenced the scientist to three years in prison for practicing illegal medicine.

Though presented as an effort to identify hereditary illnesses, we can easily see how the project could be used to produce a “master race.”

China certainly seems to think it’s superior to the West. “Made in China 2025” is a state-led industrial strategy intended to make China the dominant power in high-tech manufacturing. At the same time, its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was launched in 2013 and is designed as a global infrastructure development project focused on Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Italy,now leading the world in Chinese virus deaths, was the first big European economy to join China’s enormous BRI project.  As a visitor to Italy earlier this year, I can vouch for the fact that Chinese were flooding into the country.

Our own taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched the Human Genome Project (HGP) in 1990 and it was completed, with Chinese “cooperation,” in April 2003. It is described as “the ability, for the first time, to read nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.” The project cost was $2.7 billion.

The International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium included the Beijing Genomics Institute/Human Genome Center and its Institute of Genetics.

It would have been far wiser to invest the HGP money in rectifying the actual basis for human disease and conditions, such as dirty water, infections, and bad dietary habits. Instead, however, a decision was made to allow the Medical Deep State to practice genetic engineering, in cooperation with China.

As President Trump puts the U.S. on a war footing to confront this threat, public Interest attorney Larry Klayman, as well as the Berman law group, have filed suits against China for covering up the release of the virus, causing human suffering and thousands of deaths.

But the Chinese are moving forward, asserting that their “socialist market economy” is superior to ours. President Trump sees the danger for our own economy. “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself,” he notes.

After saving the U.S. economy (if he ever gets Democratic Party support), he will have to investigate how the NIH and CDC enabled China’s biomedical industry to progress to the point where it has become a Frankenstein monster threatening the world.

Incredibly, the CDC’s website still touts “collaboration” with the regime. The CDC and the government of China “have collaborated for the past 30 years addressing public health priorities affecting the U.S., China, and the world,” the CDC website proclaims. The CDC says it has three employees in the country and 11 “locally employed” individuals assisting the office.

One CDC document asserts, “With a population of nearly 1.4 billion and 50% of the world’s livestock, China’s ecology poses a risk for emerging, re-emerging, and novel diseases that could threaten China, the U.S., and the rest of the world. Moreover, the world’s growing network of air travel routes dramatically increases the risk for infections to rapidly spread, and for potential pandemics that can cause illness, death, and costly disruption to global trade.”

All of this foreshadowed what has happened in China and the rest of the world with the virus outbreak. But according to published reports, China informed the CDC and the U.N.’s China-friendly World Health Organization (WHO) about the mysterious cases of “pneumonia” on December 31, 2019, three weeks after the first case was documented. It took several more weeks, until January 30, before the WHO alerted the world to a public health emergency. China refused offers of CDC personnel to investigate the nature of the disease, indicating a nefarious reason for the cover-up.

It looks like the “cooperation” with China has been a one-way street. The Medical Deep State has helped create a monster.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Invisible Enemy Has a Name

By Cliff Kincaid

After having unleashed the Chinese coronavirus on the United States and the world, China is now attempting to demonstrate that it has a superior system to deal with the crisis – communism. The elites running the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) seem to be impressed.

The intellectual fools at the CFR are promoting the Chinese narrative that China is now trying to save the world from a virus it unleashed.

“As Washington falters” in its response to the coronavirus, say the authors of an article in the CFR journal Foreign Affairs, “Beijing is moving quickly and adeptly to take advantage of the opening created by U.S. mistakes, filling the vacuum to position itself as the global leader in pandemic response. It is working to tout its own system, provide material assistance to other countries, and even organize other governments.”

Its “own system” is communism, supported in the past by naive capitalist powers, led by the kind of people who run the CFR. In calling for years to lessen our dependence on China, President Trump broke with the thinking of the CFR.

One of the authors of the CFR article, not surprisingly, is a former Obama official, and the other is an official of the liberal Brookings Institution. They are trying to use the crisis created by China to attack how the Trump Administration is responding. But this is the time, as Rep. Jim Banks argues, for the U.S. to demand reparations from the Chinese regime. One way to squeeze the money out of Beijing is to hike the existing tariffs on their products.

Let China pay through tariffs for the economic stimulus for the American people being considered by Congress. Call it “The China Coronavirus Victims Relief Act.”

The CFR article, carried under the subtitle, “China Is Maneuvering for International Leadership as the United States Falters,” notes that that China “helped create the very crisis now afflicting much of the world.” This is the key to understanding the problem. It is not Trump’s fault.

As Commander-in-Chief, Trump has used the agencies and powers available to him. Most importantly, he has kept our attention on the source of the problem, China, even while calling the virus an “invisible enemy.” He hasn’t shied way from calling the virus a name incorporating its country of origin. This is basic honesty and accuracy.

The coauthors of the CFR article admit China mishandled the virus. They note, “The virus was first detected in November 2019 in the city of Wuhan, but officials didn’t disclose it for months and even punished the doctors who first reported it, squandering precious time and delaying by at least five weeks measures that would educate the public, halt travel, and enable widespread testing.”

Then, however, they pivot away from holding Beijing accountable for these crimes against humanity to nitpick Trump for saying certain things about the virus. They object to his tone and his Tweets. They seem to think we can still deal with China as if it were a responsible member of the international community.

What they really fear is growing exposure of the role that the elites in the CFR and other high-level organizations played in building up China’s Communist dictatorship.

Bill Gertz’s book, The China Threat, explained how CFR godfather Henry Kissinger “played the key role” in the talks that led President Nixon in 1972 to establish informal ties with China, which ultimately led to formal diplomatic relations in 1979. Kissinger insisted that China had abandoned communism, and was no longer a threat.

Meanwhile, a political and economic analyst by the name of Tom Luongo has written a revealing article, “Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell on the U.S.,” asserting that the war over oil prices involving Russia and Saudi Arabia is really directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin against the United States. All of a sudden, America’s energy independence is in jeopardy, as our shale oil industries face bankruptcy because of falling oil prices.

The unleashing of the Chinese virus and the Russian attack on oil prices look like a coordinated campaign.

An article in the Beijing Review, “An Evolving Partnership,” notes that China and Russia signed a joint statement on “the foundation for bilateral ties” in 1992, and established a “partnership of strategic coordination” in 1996. In 2001, China and Russia signed the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. Then, in February 2013, China and Russia signed a joint statement to “deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination,” thereby “bringing bilateral relationship to an unprecedented level.”

This was a surprise to those who accepted the fantasy that the so-called Sino-Soviet split was real. In our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, a former U.S. intelligence agency official explained how the Sino-Soviet split deceived U.S. policymakers and weakened the Free World. But his perspective was a dissenting view in the CIA and intelligence community bureaucracy.

Unleashing the virus and then claiming to be the world’s savior from it is a prime example of Marxist dialectics.

Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao called Marxist dialectics, the communist ideology of struggle and deception, a spiritual atom bomb, far superior to the real thing. Lenin called it the living soul of Marxism.

Fighting back, at least rhetorically, Trump’s National Security Council (NSC) said in a statement that, “The Chinese Communist Party’s decision to expel journalists from China and Hong Kong is yet another step toward depriving the Chinese people and the world of access to true information about China.” That includes information about the origin of the coronavirus. The NSC also said, “The United States calls on China’s leaders to refocus their efforts from expelling journalists and spreading disinformation to joining all nations in stopping the Wuhan coronavirus.”

But the CFR journal seems to want to move in another direction. “Ultimately,” the CFR article declares, “the coronavirus might even serve as a wake-up call, spurring progress on other global challenges requiring U.S.-Chinese cooperation, such as climate change.” Incredibly, as China spreads both the virus and disinformation, America’s elites are calling for MORE U.S.-China cooperation, as if the communists in Beijing can be trusted and believed.

President Trump, meanwhile, has invoked the wartime Defense Production Act and has put the U.S. on a war footing. We know the name of the invisible enemy.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Coronavirus, China’s Lies, and Bioweapons Research

By Cliff Kincaid

Americans are trying to stay safe, as government attempts to contain the spread of the coronavirus. As this unfolds, let’s hope that our “intelligence agencies” are taking an objective and honest look at where this virus came from – and whether other diseases are being planned for America and the world. A recent case of alleged “academic espionage” involving China raises the specter of American involvement in Chinese medical and/or biological warfare research.

In making the charge that the Chinese coronavirus originated in the United States, the Chinese have taken a page out of the old Soviet playbook. As concern about AIDS was growing in the 1980s, the Soviet Union launched a disinformation campaign charging that an American military laboratory had developed the virus that caused HIV/AIDS.

The Soviets were lying in order to cover-up their own biological weapons program. Is this what inspires the Chinese lies?

The Soviet campaign included a Pravda cartoon showing an American military officer receiving a vial with the AIDS virus in exchange for providing cash to a doctor in a lab coat. Dead bodies are on the ground around them.

In one of the most notorious examples of Communist disinformation appearing in the U.S. media, then-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather picked up this story. He reported in a matter-of-fact way, in a newscast on March 30, 1987, that a Soviet publication had charged that an American military laboratory had developed the virus that caused the AIDS epidemic. He did not accompany this charge with any comment from the Pentagon or the State Department.

The liberal anchorman had fallen for a Soviet ploy to use the AIDS charge against the U.S. as a way to divert attention from the Soviet program to develop Ebola and other viruses as weapons.

This story had been exposed as Soviet disinformation even before Rather aired it. Former KGB officer Oleg Gordievsky later admitted the Soviet KGB role in spreading the AIDS charge against the U.S. in his book, KGB —The Inside Story, calling the charge a “fabrication” that “also took in some of the Western media.”

In the end, the Soviets had placed the charge in over 200 publications, as well as radio broadcasts, in 25 different languages. This is the model the Chinese are using to divert attention away from them.

The Soviet campaign was so effective that the Wilson Center featured a discussion, “The AIDS Conspiracy: KGB and Stasi Disinformation,” looking back at how the Soviets ran the campaign in association with the East Germany intelligence service. A subsequent report goes into substantial detail.

The reason we should revisit this controversy is to understand why the Chinese communists are using the same kind of disinformation today. The motives behind the Soviet campaign involved far more than just smearing the United States. The Soviet campaign was designed to distract attention from its own biological weapons program. Ken Alibek, deputy chief of the main Soviet biological weapons laboratory, disclosed in his book, Biohazard, that the Soviets had explored AIDS as a weapon but concluded it was too unstable for use. However, he said they did add smallpox to their arsenal. The Soviets tried to cover up a biological weapons disaster at their own Army biological research facility at Sverdlovsk, blaming the deaths on tainted meat.

Similarly, it is reasonable to assume that the Chinese disinformation attacking the U.S. Army as the source of the coronavirus is designed to divert public attention from what has been going on behind-the-scenes in Chinese labs. Alibek’s book describes outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in China in the 1980s that were caused by an accident in a lab “where Chinese scientists were weaponizing viral diseases.”

In an interesting development, on January 28, as the coronavirus virus was spreading to the United States and Europe, the Department of Justice announced that Dr. Charles Lieber, the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and two Chinese nationals had been charged in connection with aiding Communist China. (Lieber and his lawyers declined comment).

Lieber has his own Lieber Research Group at Harvard. The web page says, “The Lieber group is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale, harnessing the unique physical properties of novel nanomaterials to push scientific boundaries in biology and medicine.”

What’s fascinating are the “sponsors” listed on the bottom of the page. They include the National Institutes of Health, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, and MITRE, a “research and development” center claiming to be “solving problems for a safer world.”

One of the Chinese nationals, according to the DOJ news release,is alleged to have tried to smuggle vials of biological material in his socks that he obtained from the Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.Another Chinese national, Yanqing Ye, was identified as a Lieutenant of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the armed forces of the People’s Republic of China and member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

We are being told by our media and their “fact-checkers” that none of this has anything to do with the coronavirus.

But the sensational allegations in this reported case of “academic espionage” are that Lieber, who became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China, was getting paid big bucks to establish a research lab at WUT. What’s more, the DOJ said that Lieber has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD).

At a time when Congress seems eager to pile more billions of dollars on the NIH, in order to fight coronavirus, shouldn’t this scandal be investigated to find out where in fact the money has been going, for what purpose, and to whom? Has American expertise been tapped to make China’s secret labs and to engineer viruses to sicken and kill the people of the United States and the world?

Note that a separate entity, the secretive and controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology, has international “partners” that include the NIH and Harvard.

Is there an American connection to coronavirus after all?

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

American Guinea Pigs in a Chinese Lab

By Cliff Kincaid

“This a global problem that will require global solutions, not more ignorant, nationalist fear-mongering.” So says a writer with an outfit called Popular Resistance about the coronavirus and President Trump’s response. In the midst of this Marxist drivel, President Trump offers a calm answer to a pandemic – protect our people and defend our borders.

The European Socialists, who have implemented open borders and hate the concept of national sovereignty, were caught off-guard. They are irate that Trump is closing America to their infected people and travelers. The Chinese, meanwhile, are angry that they are being blamed for a virus that emerged from their country – and perhaps from their lab.

It looks like key Trump White House personnel are coming to the conclusion that the Chinese communist authorities have their fingerprints all over this deadly disease.

AP reports that Trump’s national security adviser, Robert C. O’Brien, declared at a Heritage Foundation event that “this outbreak in Wuhan was covered up.” O’Brien, the author of a book critical of the foreign policy of Barack Hussein Obama, added that the communist regime’s cover-up “probably cost the world community two months” in responding.

In terms of the “outbreak,” the director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, Kelvin Droegemeier, asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to “rapidly” look into the origins of the virus.

The words “outbreak” and “cover-up” suggest that, in this growing crisis, something other than a natural occurrence of a virus emerging from somewhere in a food market is happening. The sending of the Droegemeier letter raises questions about Chinese claims about the origin of the virus.

In his talk to the nation on Wednesday night, President Trump accurately described the threat as a “foreign virus.” China doesn’t like that. This, too, suggests that the White House doesn’t buy all of the propaganda about the disease being an unfortunate and accidental development that just happens to have come out of a region in China with a top-secret bio lab.

Yet many news organizations are following the Chinese communist line that this is somehow a “global” problem that has nothing to do with China. Commentators are actually criticizing those who accurately describe the disease as the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan virus.”

Some are saying that the virus is a flu-like disease that will dissipate when the weather gets warmer. Others are not so sure. The Droegemeier letter to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine notes the publication of a study claiming that the novel coronavirus has elements of HIV, the virus causing AIDS. While the paper was “widely-disputed” and withdrawn, he says we are all entitled to answers about the origin and nature of the virus.

As part of this review, Droegemeier could examine the published studies on the Communist Chinese chemical and biological warfare capabilities. A good place to start is Eric Croddy’s report, “China’s Role in the Chemical and Biological Disarmament Regimes.” Among other disclosures, he cites a Soviet defector, Ken Alibek, as saying that Soviet scientists concluded that outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in China in the 1980s were caused by an accident in a lab “where Chinese scientists were weaponizing viral diseases.”

At the time of the publication of this paper, 2002, China didn’t even have a maximum containment (Biosafety Level 4) lab. Such a Biosafety Level 4 lab is now in place in Wuhan, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This is the place where the virus originated and the cover-up began. Nature magazine reports it is just one of five or more such labs scheduled to be built in China. The magazine quotes its own experts as saying that the SARS virus “has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times…”

SARS is another virus that somehow “appeared” in China and spread. Perhaps it’s time to question how these viruses are “escaping” or “appearing” in China. But skepticism is in short supply at the major media outlets eager to find fault with Trump.

The Washington Post ran a story claiming that various “experts” have debunked the “fringe theory linking China’s coronavirus to weapons research.” But that’s not what the experts were actually quoted as saying. The paper said that Milton Leitenberg, an expert on chemical weapons at the University of Maryland, “had discussed the possibility that weapons development at the Wuhan lab could have led to the coronavirus outbreak in a private email chain but that no one had found convincing evidence to support the theory.” One wonders what form “convincing evidence” would have to take. And how is this possible considering this is a communist regime known for lying, cheating and cover-ups?

Leitenberg then added “Of course, if they are doing bio weaponry, it is covert,” and reportedly said it was “unlikely” the Chinese were making such weapons at that lab.

So the theory that the virus came out of the lab has not been debunked. If it was a natural occurrence, why the cover-up? The Post doesn’t want to blame China because its culprit, for this and dozens of other perceived problems, is always Donald J. Trump. It wants to blame Trump for the impact of the Chinese virus without investigating why this keeps happening.

The Trump’s Administration’s failures in confronting the virus consist almost entirely in the reaction of the Medical Deep State, including the Centers for Disease Control, in quickly developing quick and easy testing procedures for the virus. Trump relied on these “professionals” and they were clearly not prepared.  Perhaps they had a naïve view of the communist regime and never imagined that a disease of this kind would emerge from China.

Trump’s trade adviser, Peter Navarro, wrote in his 2006 book, The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won, that China was a “disease incubator” because of its pollution problems. Now we fear that disease may have been turned into a weapon.

As citizens in a still-free society, we don’t have to wait for the “experts.” Common sense dictates there are just too many coincidences surrounding the appearance of this virus in a region with a controversial lab. Indeed, one doesn’t have to be an “expert” to come to the obvious conclusion that China is experimenting with these weapons and that the communists are treating us like guinea pigs.

Even before this virus is contained, our country has to get back to the business of containing China itself. Our survival as a nation depends on it.

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump Has Been Sabotaged by the Medical Deep State

By Cliff Kincaid

The Chinese virus has been treated as just a natural occurrence or unfortunate incident that necessitates that we have to cede more power over our lives to what critics have long called the Medical Deep State. Under pressure from a foreign threat, President Trump has relied on these health care “professionals.” But the result has been stories from the Washington Post about “How the Trump administration lost control of the coronavirus crisis” and the New York Times about how “The Coronavirus Is Coming for Trump’s Presidency.” This is the new narrative designed to bring down Trump.

The President has another option: put the military in charge of the coronavirus response and move quickly to a war footing with Communist China, the source of the outbreak.

Financially, in a major blow to the U.S. capitalist system and the world economy, more than $6 trillion in wealth in global stock markets was erased in one week over fears that the virus has been mishandled and the disease is spreading. China has been hit hard, too, but is able to recover more quickly because its economy and population are under the tight control of the communist dictatorship. It has more than enough people to sacrifice in a war with the West.

Conservative writers such as Matt Margolis note that President Trump was quick to ban travel with China, despite opposition from the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO). This was a decisive step. But the U.N. agency had also failed to act quickly to label coronavirus an international health emergency, and U.S. agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) botched the approval and roll-out of reliable tests for the disease. These testing failures have facilitated the spread of the disease and have been seized upon by the media as evidence of Trump Administration incompetence.

At the same time, basic skepticism about the nature of the mystery illness has been suppressed, in the name of stopping “conspiracy theories,” as new developments raise more suspicion over the source and timing of an “outbreak” that is almost certain to become a pandemic, cause a recession, and threaten President Trump’s reelection effort. The deadly disease originated in a region also known for the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology, which conducts “research” on viruses that include SARS and the deadly and incurable HIV.

It looks like Trump was set up. “Now Trump Needs the Deep State to Fight Coronavirus,” gloated an online headline over an article by Ronald Klain, Obama’s Ebola czar. He insisted that Trump had to “work closely with foreign leaders and global institutions” in order to confront “a global-health security challenge.” But the WHO’s record is checkered at best. It now stands accused of conducting unethical vaccine experiments on 720,000 children in Africa without parental consent.

On March 3, we learned that the world’s first experimental coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccine was“administered” to People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Chen Wei and 6 other Communist Party members. A photograph showed the communists getting the vaccine in front of a flag with a communist hammer and sickle.

It seems strange that the Chinese have developed a vaccine so quickly, after our own “public health professionals” have been telling President Trump that it will take many months, even a year, to get a reliable vaccine approved. China has also patented an anti-viral drug created by an American firm that is being used experimentally to treat the disease.

What’s also fascinating is that the photo was posted by Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and “expert” on “global health governance.” Incredibly, he has just written an article for the CFR journal Foreign Affairs saying that the nature of the coronavirus crisis justifies more military-to-military exchanges between the Chinese PLA and the Pentagon. This is how, he claims, we can reduce mistrust between the two nations. He is also very concerned about “conspiracy theories,” including a scientific paper that the virus’s protein sequence included elements of HIV, the deadly virus causing AIDS.

For publicizing this theory, he noted, one website was banned from Twitter.

The globalist point of view is that we should accept what the public health professionals in China and the U.S. are saying. Anything to the contrary has to be tagged as a conspiracy theory and countered by information from the U.N.’s WHO. Indeed, WHO executive director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has thanked Google, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and other companies “for their efforts to direct users” to the WHO “and other credible sources of information.” A petition labels Tedros a tool of China and faults the WHO’s initial failure to declare the virus a public health emergency. It calls for his resignation.

Even the CFR health expert, Yanzhong Huang, went on to say, “The [Chinese] government’s actions have lent credibility to the thesis that the coronavirus accidentally escaped a laboratory.” He noted, “In February, China appointed Major General Chen Wei, China’s top biowarfare expert, as head of the BSL-4 laboratory at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Because of Chen’s background, the appointment fueled suspicions about the virus’s possible connection to the BSL-4 lab.”This is the same general getting the vaccine.

Interestingly, after the Chinese admitted the virus was on the loose, the PLA announced that it had sent in a total of 2600 “medical personnel” to deal with the epidemic. It looks like a case of the PLA protecting military secrets, perhaps a bioweapon.

Another so-called public health professional, former Obama CDC Director Tom Frieden, has now joined the CFR as Senior Fellow for Global Health. He is president and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative that received $225 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gates Philanthropy Partners, which is funded with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation (named for the founder and CEO of Facebook and his wife). Frieden’s goal is “adequate funding for global public health.”

In a statement on the bill signed by Trump that sends $8.3 billion more to the public health professionals, he said that Congress should “protect the United States through global partnerships that will tamp down COVID-19 and make the world safer from the next epidemic.” That implies more cooperation with the U.N. and China.

The group’s Senior Vice President, Amanda McClelland, participated in a  National Press Club event “to provide guidelines for journalists on responsible, proactive coverage of coronavirus.” One of the other participants was Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases and the original spokesperson for the CDC’s response to the coronavirus crisis.

Rosenstein’s Sister

Suspicions about the “responsible” nature of the advice were raised when Messonnier warned early on that “It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen anymore but rather more of a question of exactly when this will happen.” This took President Trump by surprise since the “professionals” had been assuring him that everything was under control and that COVID-19 was a flu-like virus that would be contained.

Then it came out that Messonnier was former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s sister.Recall that when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, Rosenstein was in charge and eventually appointed former FBI director Bob Mueller as Russia-gate prosecutor. Muller’s reign as FBI director was characterized by a failure to pursue evidence demonstrating that al-Qaeda was responsible for the post-9/11 anthrax attacks.

At this point in the crisis over coronavirus, it is not too late to consult the report issued by former Senator Tom Coburn M.D., “CDC Off Center,” about how the federal agency wasted hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts and has been ineffective in controlling disease. A case in point is the billions wasted on more than 30 years of research into an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

Even before Trump was elected, a group called CDC Spider, for CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research, had emerged, alleging that the federal agency is too cozy with corporate and special interests and outside parties. One of the complaints was that domestic staff resources were taken away from domestic priorities to work on global health issues.

As a result of this globalist perspective, the federal National Institutes of Health became a “partner” with the Wuhan Institute of  Virology. This kind of “cooperation,” now being touted as the solution to the crisis, did not stop the crisis from developing in the first place.

Coronavirus looks like a military threat, even an Act of War inflicted by China on the United States and the world. With President Trump’s approval, military medical leaders could now take the lead in solving the crisis. Emergency measures are needed.

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Chinese Reds Set a Trap for Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump is in a difficult situation. If he were to disclose circumstantial evidence that the coronavirus virus is a Chinese bioweapon, there would be calls for retaliation against the Communist regime. Such a declaration could lead to more fear, the threat of war, and perhaps a global economic collapse. As it is, the virus is causing a market meltdown. He does not want to contribute to a panic and further collapse.

Politically, his reelection hangs in the balance.

Aside from Senator Tom Cotton, China experts such as Steven Mosher and Gordon Chang, and the newspaper The Epoch Times, few people in politics or the media are asking the hard questions about whether the virus is a weapon of war.

But the evidence is available for those who take the time to review the facts.

Also known as COVID-19, it is considered by many at this point to be just another mystery disease like the flu-like virus SARS, which also originated in China. But the number of deaths from the coronavirus has already surpassed the fatalities from the SARS outbreak. It appears to have a higher mortality rate than the flu.

What’s more, a controversial but disputed scientific report indicates that the coronavirus has elements of HIV, the virus causing AIDS. This suggests it was engineered.

The Wuhan Institute of Virologyis located in the city where the virus is said to have originated. The institute claims to be committed to “effectively improving our [China’s] defense and resilience towards biological wars and terrorist attacks.” Hence, it has a military orientation.

The official Chinese propaganda organ, Xinhuanet, ran a story headlined, “China slams conspiracy theories about COVID-19 virus.” At a so-called news briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said, “The WHO [U.N.’s World Health Organization] has said repeatedly there is no evidence that COVID-19 was engineered in a laboratory or created by the manufacture of biological weapons.” But nearly everyone agrees that China’s role in the outbreak has been characterized by lies and cover-ups. And the WHO’s role in “containing” the virus has been widely viewed as deferential to China. The U.N. bureaucracy moved too slowly.

Yet the WHO admits, “Any infectious agents or toxic chemical could in theory be engineered for deliberate use as a weapon.”

The official Chinese line at first was that the virus came from wildlife and it closed the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan city on January 1 for “environmental sanitation and disinfection.” Later, a Chinese outlet claimed the virus came from a “patient zero” character who emerged out of nowhere last November.

To add more mystery, last October the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a fictional coronavirus pandemic exercise called Event 201 with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these epidemics becomes global — a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences,” the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security said. Gatesis a big funder of the U.N., its World Health Organization, and HIV/AIDS vaccine research.

While some so-called “experts” are claiming the Trump Administration is unprepared, Trump is relying on these same experts to contain and solve the problem. The Wuhan Institute of Virology maintains partnerships with such governmental organizations as the National Institutes of Health in the United States and the WHO.

What’s more, several of the Chinese lab directors were educated in the United States and specialize in emerging diseases and genetic engineering. Research fields include “HIV, influenza virus, hepatitis virus, tumor virus and zoonotic virus and virus replication and antiviral drugs etc.” This sounds impressive but the lab is an integral part of the Chinese Communist medical establishment and subservient to the state.

In another strange development, American biopharmaceutical company Gilead had applied for a Chinese patent on the use of the antiviral drug Remdesivir against coronaviruses back in 2016. The Wuhan Institute of Virology had also applied for its own Chinese patent on a copy of the drug.

It appears that China was considering the idea that profits could be made from a cornavirus outbreak and that it was trying to profit from the work already done by an American company. A compromise is reportedly being talked about so that pharmaceutical companies in both countries can make billions.

Even if we assume the leak of the virus was accidental and not deliberate, the world is still at the mercy of China, where it originated, and thousands if not millions could die. This makes China complicit in what are called crimes against humanity.

Commentators trying to play down the threat ignore the fact that scandals of this kind involving China have already occurred. One of the most notorious cases was contaminated Chinese-made heparin, a blood-thinning agent, which claimed at least 81 lives in the United States in 2007 and 2008.

The 2014 report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission found that Baxter International, Inc., the U.S. company selling the heparin product, “relied on a long and complex supply chain for the active ingredient that led back to China. Somewhere in that upstream supply chain, someone deliberately inserted over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, a counterfeit and toxic ingredient, for crude heparin.” The commission declared that the absence of checks and balances in China’s system “makes it difficult to hold manufacturers and officials accountable” and that China “never accepted that the contaminated drug caused the deaths associated with Baxter’s products in the United States.”

In regard to the coronavirus, the American liberal media line echo the official Chinese government claim that “experts” dismiss the idea that it was created by scientists and that any views to the contrary are conspiracies. Yet, in the case of SARS, it was later acknowledged that the virus had “escaped” from another Chinese lab. Our media do not want to hold China responsible for what emerged from their own territory.

The Trump Administration has appointed an HIV/AIDS expert, Dr. Deborah L. Birx, as the Coronavirus Response Coordinator. “She has developed and patented vaccines, including leading one of the most influential HIV vaccine trials in history,” the White House noted. Dr. Birx was originally confirmed under President Obama as director of the U.S. Global HIV/AIDS Office.

These credentials seem impressive. But HIV/AIDS vaccines have been in human trials since President Clinton in 1987 promised to make the creation and use of an AIDS vaccine “a national mission.” Today, however, there is no vaccine available that will prevent HIV infection or treat those who have HIV or AIDS. Billions of dollars have been wasted on failed HIV/AIDS vaccine research.

The Democrats in Congress are now rushing to pour billions of more taxpayer dollars into development of a potentially risky coronavirus vaccine, when it should be holding hearings on American involvement with the Chinese military-industrial-medical complex and whether sanctions should be imposed on the communist regime for threatening global health.

With a coronavirus vaccine under development that could make billions of dollars for Chinese or American companies, the nature of the virus takes on immense importance. If it indeed has elements of HIV, the “solution” to what appears to be shaping up as a pandemic could be a mandatory and potentially dangerous vaccine. Scientific papers openly discuss the prospect of a “coronavirus-based HIV multigene vaccine.”

All of this could do even more harm, as some vaccines rushed into production have backfired. A scientific paper by attorney Walter Kyle documented how contaminated polio vaccines may have led to cancers and AIDS in humans.

Keep an eye on those “experts,” Mr. President.

Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Fight the Coronavirus by Defunding the United Nations

By Cliff Kincaid

A left-wing businessman who claimed in 2017 that President Trump isn’t pro-anything except “essentially white nationalism” was on business channel CNBC on Tuesday trying to assign partial blame for the spread of the coronavirus to President Trump. Such absurd charges increase panic, leading to a possible economic recession. This may be the Democrats’ only hope to defeat Trump and elect a socialist or a left-wing billionaire.

What we know is that Trump is being blamed for a dangerous disease which came out of China that a pro-China United Nations bureaucracy failed to take seriously enough.

The United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) was first alerted to the patients in China with the virus on December 31, 2019. But it took weeks before any action was taken, until the end of January 2020, a delay which led some public health experts to assert that the U.N. bureaucracy was far too “deferential” to China. That has clearly been the case.

Without taking China off the hook entirely, the CNBC guest asserted, without evidence, that Trump had dismantled the global health disease infrastructure. Nobody discussed the pathetic response of the U.N. bureaucracy, the World Health Organization (WHO), and how China mishandled the outbreak and silenced whistleblowers.

As the disease spreads to more victims, causing suffering and death, the U.N. bureaucracy continues to use political correctness as a response. “We must be guided by solidarity, not stigma,” the director general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned on Saturday. “The greatest enemy we face is not the virus itself; it’s the stigma that turns us against each other.”

He wants to maintain “solidarity” with China rather than hold its communist rulers responsible for what is shaping up as a crime against humanity.

At this point, the possibility that the virus may have originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, cannot be ruled out. Chinese government claims about the virus originating in a food market can’t be accepted at face value.

A review of the official records reveals that the blame for any lackluster response lies with China and the World Health Organization. On January 22, an emergency committee of the WHO did not declare the coronavirus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). According to the official notes, “the members of the Emergency Committee expressed divergent views on whether this event constitutes a PHEIC or not.”  The committee failed to confront China and said it “welcomed the efforts made by China to investigate and contain the current outbreak.”

It soon became apparent that China was lying or engaged in a cover-up.  Its Communist rulers were afraid of the economic cost and consequences to revealing the truth and didn’t want to look incompetent in the eyes of the world. They thought that last-minute tough measures, including rounding up disease carriers, would impress people.

Not waiting for China to come clean, the White House had announced on January 29 the formation of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force, which is meeting on a daily basis. It wasn’t until January 30, after China released new information about the spread of the disease,that the WHO declared the virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. But the group said the declaration “should be seen in the spirit of support and appreciation for China, its people, and the actions China has taken on the frontlines of this outbreak, with transparency, and, it is to be hoped, with success.” This statement went on, “In line with the need for global solidarity, the Committee felt that a global coordinated effort is needed to enhance preparedness in other regions of the world that may need additional support for that.”

One day later, on January 31, 2020, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex M. Azar II declared coronavirus a public health emergency (PHE) for the United States. A press briefing was held on January 31.

After its initial unsatisfactory response, a WHO emergency committee acknowledged that “it is still possible to interrupt virus spread, provided that countries put in place strong measures to detect disease early, isolate and treat cases, trace contacts, and promote social distancing measures commensurate with the risk.”

So-called “social distancing measures” include restricting the entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus. That’s what Trump did. In fact, the CDC notes that the U.S. government has taken “unprecedented steps with respect to travel in response to the growing public health threat…”

But if the WHO had acted sooner, more people could have been spared, and a global pandemic might have been avoided. The number of cases has surpassed 80,000 in 37 countries.

Those who hate Trump and love China want to ignore the possibility that the virus could be a man-made weapon or leaked from a laboratory. But the Trump Administration is prepared. Trump in 2018 signed the National Biodefense Strategy, drawing on lessons learned from biological incidents that include the 2001 anthrax attacks, the 2009 influenza pandemic, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak, the 2014 West Africa Ebola epidemic, and the Zika virus outbreak.

In truth, the post-9/11 anthrax attacks were blamed on an American scientist when the evidence suggests a plot by al Qaeda involving the theft of killer bacteria from a U.S. weapons lab. Russia-gate prosecutor Robert S. Mueller, then-FBI director, was part of a sophisticated cover-up.

The Trump Administration document declares, “Multiple nations have pursued clandestine biological weapons programs and a number of terrorist groups have sought to acquire biological weapons. In many countries around the world, pathogens are stored in laboratories that lack appropriate biosecurity measures where they could be diverted by actors who wish to do harm.”

Dr. Tedros, the former Minister of Health in Ethiopia now running the WHO, says, “We need a WHO that is efficiently managed, adequately resourced and results driven, with a strong focus on transparency, accountability and value for money.” We now have evidence that the money being spent on the WHO should be redirected into American agencies, including the Pentagon. The additional money requested by the Trump Administration for this crisis should be taken out of the U.N. budget.

The WHO failed to respond quickly and properly to the epidemic. Perhaps, as a matter of social justice, the WHO headquarters ought to be relocated to the coronavirus epicenter of Wuhan City, China. Let’s see if that gets them moving more quickly to save their jobs.

Unless the Trump Administration makes a clean break with the U.N. over this developing scandal, we can anticipate a proposal for a global tax to finance the “global health infrastructure” that the Trump critics claim he has decimated. It turns out that Dr. Tedros was a member of the “High-Level Task Force for Innovative Financing for Health Systems,”  a group which recommended global taxes for the U.N. They call them “solidarity levies” on airline tickets, tobacco and currency transactions. They probably want some of the money “in solidarity” to go to China.

Expect more hysteria that is designed to divert our attention from the source of the disease – Communist China. Trump’s critics don’t want lives saved; they want lives destroyed.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Bernie Revolution

By Cliff Kincaid

Michael Bloomberg’s fellow Democrats didn’t want to talk about how he has made his billions through an extremely successful computer program that analyzes global financial markets. His Bloomberg terminals represent innovations in financial technology that emerged in 1982 and have made him a billionaire. He has generated wealth for many people.

But he didn’t grasp the socialist hatred for successful people.

Led by a fake Indian, Senator Elizabeth Warren, his opponents used the politics of personal destruction against the only one on the stage who had started a business.

“I can’t think of a way that would make it easier for Donald Trump to get re-elected than listening to this conversation,” said Bloomberg about the socialist tone of the debate. “We’re not going to throw out capitalism…Other countries tried that. It was called communism, and it just didn’t work.”

He was even asked by one of the moderators if as a billionaire he should exist. “I can’t speak for all billionaires,” he said. “All I know is I’ve been very lucky, made a lot of money, and I’m giving it all away to make this country better. And a good chunk of it goes to the Democratic Party, as well.”

It looks like he has failed to buy the party. But there are many more contests to go. And he still has billions to spend.

His other zinger was directed at Senator Bernie Sanders, whose honeymoon was in the old Soviet Union. “What a wonderful country we have,” said Bloomberg. “The best-known socialist in the country happens to be a millionaire with three houses.”

While Bloomberg makes computer products that are useful to people, especially investors, Sanders is a professional politician who peaches hatred of business people who make it big in society. He attacks billionaires but is selective in his outrage. Billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, who manipulates and exchanges currencies, has escaped his wrath. Convicted of insider trading in France, his currency manipulations against the Bank of England damaged the British Pound and hurt the investments of ordinary people. With much of his wealth in the hands of tax-exempt foundations, he now says he supports Sanders’ proposal for higher taxes on the “wealthy.”

Bloomberg was supposed to be different. He actually worked hard and produced useful products. At the University of Maryland last year, in a commencement address, Bloomberg described how he started out on Wall Street and got fired. But he had an idea for what became the computerized Bloomberg terminals. “I had to build a new computer from parts you could just go buy from Radio Shack,” he said. “I had to write the code to run it. And I had to string telephone lines across the country to connect them, creating the first intranet. There were a million reasons why people told me: you can’t. But I sucked it up and assembled a small, young team that believed in the idea, and together we said: we will. And we did.”

Bloomberg’s main problem is that his money has gone to his head, convincing him that being a billionaire qualifies him to manage the affairs of the United States and the world. Through his massive financial “contributions,” he has major influence over such elite organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. He works closely with the United Nations and funds groups such as Planned Parenthood. He opposes Second Amendment rights and says, “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.” His wealth has led to a demand for power over others.

As we saw in Las Vegas, Bloomberg is not a socialist. But he has become something similar — a technocrat. These are people who believe their superior financial standing — and alleged superior intelligence — should qualify them as managers of our future. Like many technocrats, they admire Communist China’s method of controlling people. “Xi Jinping is not a dictator,” says the candidate.

A truly frightening aspect to this attitude is what has occurred in Bloomberg’s news operation.

Bloomberg, who is worth over $60 billion, is not on the “Bloomberg Billionaires Index,” distributed by Michael Bloomberg’s news service. Out of deference to his status as the billionaire owner of the Bloomberg news service, his subordinates in the organization have left him off a factual listing of billionaires in America and around the world. That’s because Bloomberg News declares that its editorial policy is to not cover Michael Bloomberg, the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg L.P.

This is a dishonest approach to politics and makes his “journalist” employees into propagandists.

Before the Vegas debate, Bloomberg released a plan for Wall Street that included a financial transactions tax. He thought this would protect him from socialist attacks on his wealth. Instead, his fellow Democrats went after him on personal grounds.

Today, he’s under personal attack for comments about women and minorities, while his Wall Street tax has been exposed as affecting the stock trades of small investors with IRAs, Mutual Funds and pensions. It is also a back-door approach to a global tax. Indeed, a global financial transactions tax has been under discussion for many years among left-wing groups promoting more foreign aid or “action” on climate change. (Sanders also favors such a tax).

Bloomberg is a pathetic figure who could have rallied voters under a banner of capitalism and freedom. Instead, he is trying to make a socialist political party into a personal vehicle for a power grab. His “mini” nature is not his height but his own mythical status as a great political thinker. Still, on many issues, he and Bolshevik Bernie see eye to eye.

Whatever the future holds, he will undoubtedly pledge millions or even billions to the Democratic Party.

Antony Sutton wrote about this kind of relationship in his classic 1974 book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, documenting a link between certain financial and banking interests and the Bolshevik cause. This year, the target is America, and Bloomberg is apparently counting on backing from China, having collaborated with Beijing on an event titled the “New Economy Forum.”

In the same way that Barack Hussein Obama emerged as the favorite of Wall Street interests in 2008, Sanders could become their perfect front man in 2020. Such a scenario may require the same kind of financial meltdown that happened just six weeks before the 2008 presidential election. China could make that happen.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Is Mayor Pete a Dangerous Security Risk?

By Cliff Kincaid

Facing a serious health problem but with millions of Americans praying for him, Rush Limbaugh has demonstrated that he is still in the game, as he declared the other day on his radio show that “America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage president.” He was referring to Pete Buttigieg, the clean-cut Harvard grad who smoked pot in college, turned gay, married another man in church, and leads a small town in Indiana.

Out of nowhere, he has emerged on the national scene as a potential president – the first openly gay president. Buttigieg won in Iowa and came in second in New Hampshire. He has many of Barack Hussein Obama’s donors.

Injecting a note of common sense into this picture, Limbaugh summarized the attitude of many Americans by saying, “…they’re looking at Mayor Pete — a 37-year-old gay guy, mayor of South Bend, loves to kiss his husband on the debate stage — and they’re saying, ‘Okay. How’s this gonna look, a 37-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage next to Mr. Man, Donald Trump? What’s gonna happen there?’”

Limbaugh has a knack for saying things that tens of millions of Americans think. This has nothing to do with one’s “sexual orientation.” Most people are tired of the homosexual agenda being forced on America. They don’t want to see two men kissing, on a presidential debate stage and especially not in the Oval Office.

But there is something else that figures into the equation. Buttigieg says the HIV/AIDS epidemic “disproportionately” affects gay men, ignoring the scientific evidence that their dangerous sexual practices dramatically increase the odds of getting sick and dying from AIDS and other diseases.

With this possible health care problem lurking in the background of Buttigieg’s candidacy, President Trump said he would have no problem voting for a gay president. Trump can’t “figure out what to do with me,” Buttigieg says.

Limbaugh is not speechless, however. He understands that Americans are tolerant people who don’t want their children exposed to lifestyles that are dangerous. This fact about homosexuality is reflected in Trump’s own 2021 budget, calling for $716 million for the second year of a multiyear initiative to eliminate HIV in America, a $450 million increase compared to the 2020 enacted level. ​Male homosexuals are at the greatest risk of getting HIV/AIDS because of the way they have sexual relations.

In addition to HIV/AIDS, new data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) demonstrates that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are at increased risk for extra genital sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea in the throat or rectum.

By any objective measure, syphilis, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) make the coronavirus look relatively minor. The CDC estimates that more than 20 million new STDs occur annually in the United States, contributing to 110 million cases. Our media are careful not to recommend any lifestyle choices that would make getting these diseases less likely. They won’t warn against the dangerous sexual practices outlined in the book The HealthHazards of Homosexuality.

In an article about the dangers of STDs, an epidemiologist for the U.S. Army Public Health Command noted in an article that “Social ‘hook up’ networks and mobile applications allow for easy ways to meet new people, but it’s not always safe and can lead to high-risk activities.” In the case of Buttigieg, who met his “husband” on one of those “mobile applications,” the danger takes on national security concerns. One such dating app, Grindr, is owned by a Communist Chinese firm. The Reuters news agency reported that the Chinese owners “gave some Beijing-based engineers access to personal information of millions of Americans such as private messages and HIV status, according to eight former employees, prompting U.S. officials to ask it to sell the dating app for the gay community.”

Buttigieg says he didn’t meet his “husband” on Grindr but on another app. Asked by a gay magazine, “If it was Grindr, would you tell me?” He replied, “Probably not. But it was Hinge.” This is described as the dating app designed to be deleted. In any case, it looks like secrets were shared. But who had access to them?

It looks like much damage has already been done through acquisition of sensitive files on self-proclaimed gay, bi, trans, and queer people through Grindr – and perhaps other apps. It was Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan who conceived a “CIA Diversity and Inclusion Strategy” to hire “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals.” Buttigieg says he was a Naval Intelligence Officer who served in Afghanistan. But some of his military service documents are said to be “redacted.”

Questions about Mayor Pete’s personal lifestyle — and demands for the complete release of his military and medical records — are in order. Limbaugh has only touched the surface of a blockbuster issue for Mayor Pete. He is a presumed security risk who must prove that his sensitive personal data has not already fallen into the hands of the Chinese communists or Russian intelligence services.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Revolution Will Be Subsidized by Bloomberg

By Cliff Kincaid

The apparent disagreements among the “centrist” and “radical” Democratic presidential candidates are not significant or substantial. In the end, they will unite and depend on Mike Bloomberg’s billions of dollars to take down President Trump. Mr. “Stop-and-Frisk” has already pledged $2 billion or more to do so. This makes Trump beatable.

If you don’t think money matters, look at Bloomberg’s rise in the polls based on millions of dollars of commercials alone.

Bloomberg is not a socialist but a technocrat prepared to usher in a socialist state. He wants to bring “Stop-and-Frisk” to all of us, on a nationwide basis. This means getting shoved up against a wall and losing our economic, political, and personal freedoms.

For his part, Bernie Sanders objects to Bloomberg buying an election. But he is referring to Bloomberg taking the Democratic presidential nomination away from him. You can bet that Bernie will not object to Bloomberg and/or George Soros buying the White House for the Democratic Party and its eventual nominee by running hundreds of millions of dollars of negative ads against Trump. These can make the difference.

At the current time, according to the publication Axios, “Amid record-high stock markets and record-low joblessness, Trump trails almost every 2020 Democrat nationally, and is in a statistical tie in swing-state polls.” This means that Trump needs every vote he can get.

In this context, there are growing numbers of people inclined to vote for Trump who are very concerned about the forces of Cultural Marxism. Also known as political correctness, Cultural Marxism is a societal sickness that permeates the media and which even includes such spectacles as a half-time NFL Super Bowl show featuring scantily clad pole dancers.This moral meltdown is just as much of  a threat to America’s future as an economic collapse.

Opposition to this Marxist cultural agenda is what caused many traditional Democratic voters, especially from the working class, to vote for Trump. They are sick of the sexual minorities and hedonists dictating how we are supposed to think and act. They would like to return to the days when kids are raised by moms and dads to be boys and girls.

We witnessed these insidious forces in action on Tuesday when national media featured the news that a famous NBA basketball star declared that he has accepted his 12-year-old boy as a girl. The announcement first came on the television show hosted by popular entertainer Ellen DeGeneres, a lesbian who has been “married” to another woman. The NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt featured a long segment on this development, presenting the parents as enlightened people with the best interests of their “transgender” son/daughter at heart. An expert called it a “teaching moment” for the nation.

You are supposed to accept homosexual/transgender rights and abortion rights, while embracing the legalization of mind-altering marijuana and giving up your gun rights. This lunacy is Cultural Marxism today.  Bloomberg’s billions can bring it about.

Historically, Cultural Marxism originated with an Italian communist named Antonio Gramsci, who devised ways for Marxism to infiltrate and subvert Western culture, especially traditional Christian values. Various books, such as The Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci, explain this strategy in detail. The book is a collection of Gramsci essays translated by Carl Marzani, a publisher and Soviet KGB agent whose publishing house was subsidized by the KGB. He introduced Gramsci’s writings to the United States in the mid-1950s.

It just so happens that Pete Buttigieg’s father was a Gramsci scholar.

At this critical juncture, author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon’s forthcoming book, White House Reds: Communists, Socialists & Security Risks Running for US President, 2020, examines the backgrounds of Buttigieg and the other Democratic Party candidates in detail. He notes, “Presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders are currently fierce rivals in the race for the Democratic party nomination. However, not so many years ago Bernie Sanders was Pete Buttigieg’s ‘socialist’ hero.” He cites an essay the teenage Pete Buttigieg wrote in 2000 for the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum’s annual “Profiles in Courage” essay Competition.

Loudon comments, “In his essay the teenage Pete Buttigieg showed a good understanding of American politics and of the socialist project. No doubt aided by many conversations with his Marxist father around the dinner table.”

Loudon notes, “Both Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders have a long association with the small ‘c’ communists of Democratic Socialists of America. Pete Buttigieg worked closely with local Marxists while serving as Mayor of South Bend Indiana. How then, can Pete Buttigieg claim to be the ‘moderate’ in the race?” Loudon’s important book, now available for pre-order, exposes Pete’s links to the “South Bend socialists” and other anti-American and anti-Israel causes.

In another significant development, Buttigieg, a pothead at Harvard, has emerged as an advocate of decriminalizing drugs such as heroin and LSD.

His campaign is a prime example of how Cultural Marxism distorts our understanding of what’s happening politically. We are constantly told he is a “centrist” or “moderate.” These are lies. Loudon documents how all of the Democratic presidential candidates are security risks based on various degrees of Marxist associations and loony left skeletons in their closets.

It really doesn’t matter if Bernie or Pete gets the nomination because they both have a deep understanding of how the forces that Gramsci wrote about are coalescing in the Democratic Party and attempting to complete the job that Barack Hussein Obama started. They can’t be underestimated, especially because of the billions of dollars backing them.

Keep in mind that Bloomberg is not just an isolated billionaire. He is a member of such high-level organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. (His firm is a corporate member of the CFR). His website advertises his speech at the “One Planet Summit,” co-hosted by the United Nations, on the need to restructure global financial architecture, in the name of stopping climate change, and deindustrializing America.

In an authoritarian display, the 20,000 employees in his media business have been prohibited from writing a negative word about his candidacy.

Looking at the presidential race and the current popular figures, Trevor Loudon asks, “Is Pete Buttigieg rally just a well-meaning liberal Democrat who just wants the best for America? Or is he his father’s son? Is he actually a ‘stealth socialist’ who has honed the art of appearing to be whatever he needs to be to further his cause in any given situation?”

For his part, Buttigieg says, “I don’t think Trump can figure out what to do with me.” It’s not only because Mayor Pete is a closet socialist but an open gay.

This is a conundrum because Trump was pictured during the 2016 campaign holding up a rainbow flag inscribed with the phrase “LGBT for Trump.” To the dismay of his conservative supporters, he has followed through, as the Trump Administration is leading a pro-gay global diplomacy effort through the U.N. that is led by Trump’s gay Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell. Christian nations are being told by this “conservative” Administration that they have to legalize and celebrate the homosexual lifestyle.

If he doesn’t forcefully challenge the homosexual cabal eating away the moral fabric of the nation, Trump will make himself vulnerable to defeat in the 2020 election. It is his potential Achilles heel. He has to abandon the LGBT movement for the sake of the nation and his own re-election.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Globalists Panic as Trump Survives and Virus Spreads

By Cliff Kincaid

In the span of just one week, at the Davos World Economic Forum, two globalists sounded the alarm about President Trump’s America, declaring we are living in “revolutionary” times. This means another panic has set in, as Bolshevik Bernie is positioned to capture the Democratic presidential nomination and go down to another defeat, in much the same way that socialist Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign imploded in Britain.

First, the future King of England, Prince Charles, said at Davos, in order to combat “climate change” and move forward, “we need nothing short of a paradigm shift, one that inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.” Then, atheist billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros took the stage at Davos, declaring war on President Trump and claiming we are living in a “revolutionary moment.”

This is not just talk. Soros is known as the hedge fund operator who broke the Bank of England through currency manipulation and short-selling. He makes money by undermining national economies, causing dislocation and human suffering. He is a fan of the European Union and told Davos that Boris Johnson’s victory in Britain in the Brexit election was a “crushing defeat” for the globalists.  He also took aim at nationalists Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Matteo Salvini in Italy.

Charles and Soros sounded like revolutionaries in a state of panic over plans for their New World Order. Of course, we are now witnessing the emergence of another infectious disease, a new Corona virus, which originated in China and may have passed from animals to humans. In addition to the spread of the disease and the possibility of hundreds or thousands of deaths, financial and oil markets are threatened. Airlines and travel stocks are falling. This may just be the crisis the globalists need.

This comesas America’s first Marxist president, Barack Hussein Obama, is reportedly concerned that Bernie has not hidden his Marxist side well enough and has been far too open about his own authoritarian, or totalitarian, plans for America. They fear that after Trump survives impeachment, he may be, in the words of Vice President Mike Pence, “unstoppable.” Sanders is perceived as easy pickings for the Trump machine.

Obama was much smarter than Sanders. His counted on his friends in the media to conceal his involvement with the Democratic Socialists of America and a top operative of the Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis.  But Sanders doesn’t have many friends in the media. Fearful of losing to Trump, the Democratic establishment, including CNN, has mobilized against Sanders. Groups representing Sanders and Elizabeth Warren issued a statement declaring that “The progressive movement has the chance of a lifetime to defeat Donald Trump and elect a truly transformational progressive President of the United States, but it won’t happen if we fight each other instead of working together to win.”

Nevertheless, pressure is mounting on Warren to pull out. Her latest embarrassment came when a father who saved his money to put his daughter through college without debt wondered why he should be punished for his thrift under Warren’s debt-relief plan for deadbeats.

If Sanders’ candidacy is not derailed and the Democrats are stuck with him, another strategy may be used – economic disruption. In his Davos speech, Soros even suggested an economic crash is coming, saying, “…an overheated economy can’t be kept boiling for too long. If all this had happened closer to the elections, it would have assured his [Trump’s] reelection. His problem is that the elections are still 10 months away and in a revolutionary situation, that is a lifetime.”

The implication is that certain forces operating throughout the world, some perhaps in mysterious and unregulated hedge funds, could intervene to crash the economy, jeopardizing Trump’s victory.

The Marxists used to be the experts in exploiting human suffering for the purposes of sparking revolution. But hedge funds can do far better than the Marxists. There is money to be made when the world economy takes a downturn.

On the offensive, Trump used his Davos speech to call his critics the “perennial prophets of doom” and “foolish fortune-tellers,” noting their record of phony predictions: “They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the ’70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s.  These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.”

Their “climate action” plan now depends on a mystical sense of nature being sacred and somehow under the control of man (and a global super-state) through Green New Deal-type schemes. In many ways, it is a return to paganism and a primitive style of living.

Joan Veon’s book, Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince, notes that he was greatly influenced by the South African-born mystic Laurens van der Post, later exposed as a liar, fraud, and pedophile. [Click here to read Late Joan Vion’s Articles]

Veon also says Charles was a convert to James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis, a belief based on the Greek goddess Gaia, the Earth Mother. One chapter of Al Gore’s book, Earth in the Balance, writes sympathetically about the pagan tradition of worshipping a goddess of the earth, and complains that Christianity wiped out this tradition.

According to these elites, there are too many of us, and we have too much economic and political freedom to improve our lives and our standard of living. Capitalism and Christianity are incompatible with their New World Order.

Interestingly, one version of the global warming (now climate change) theory originated with marijuana advocate Carl Sagan, who was also an astronomer. Before he came to believe the Earth was inhabited by a spirit called Gaia, Sagan was writing about the virtues of dope and “the cannabis experience.” He explained, “I do not consider myself a religious person in the usual sense, but there is a religious aspect to some highs. The heightened sensitivity in all areas gives me a feeling of communion with my surroundings, both animate and inanimate.”

The U.N.’s Environmental Sabbath program advised kids to hold hands around a tree and meditate. The purpose, through dope or meditation, is to become “one” with trees, rocks, and dirt.

Elites like Prince Charles can be viewed as fools or worse, but it’s clear that Soros, with his hold on the Democratic Party and tens of billions to spend, is serious. His associates in the Council on Foreign Relations have made clear their intentions, for the  new issue of their journal Foreign Affairs is out, with a lead article, “The Twilight of America’s Financial Empire,” objecting to how the United States uses financial power for the benefit of America. The January/February 2020 issue is devoted to “Global Capitalism” and one gets the impression that the elites are hoping for a crash, in order to take America down a notchor two (and undermine the Trump economy).

Another article, “The Starving State,” which is subtitled, “Why Capitalism’s Salvation Depends on Taxation,” represents another desperate attempt to destroy economic growth with higher and higher rates of taxation. Co-author Joseph Stiglitz is an adviser to the Democratic Party and was an adviser to the ill-fated Jeremy Corbyn campaign in Britain. Stiglitz, an advocate of nationalizing U.S. banks, is a member of the Socialist International Commission on Global Financial Issues. He wrote the book, Making Globalization Work, in which he argues for a variety of global tax schemes that would cost American taxpayers billions of dollars.

Trump is their enemy because he stands in the way of their global socialist model.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Impeachment Trial: Getting Trump (and the Clintons) Off the Hook

By Cliff Kincaid

In one of the biggest blunders of the Trump presidency, it has been decided that two of Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers should be on the team defending President Trump against impeachment. This time, the anti-Trump headlines can’t be blamed on liberal media bias.  “Alan Dershowitz, marred by ties to Jeffrey Epstein, will defend Trump at impeachment trial” was the Los Angeles Times headline.

Dershowitz, who is knowledgeable and media-savvy, is aHarvard Law Professor Emeritus. The Washington Post noted that he is a friend and supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton who voted for her in 2016 and even contributed money to her campaign. He voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice before turning on him over his treatment of Israel. A more complete analysis of his donations, according to, reveals thousands of dollars over the years to mostly Democratic Party candidates such as Ted Kennedy, Elizabeth Warren, John Kerry, and Al Franken.

There is no doubt that Trump has an excellent case to make against impeachment and that the Senate won’t convict him. The strange part of the story is why his defense team not only includes liberal Democrat Dershowitz but the “Republican” lawyer who botched the impeachment case against Bill Clinton, Kenneth Starr. He is a Fox News contributor who served as Independent Counsel investigating the Clintons from 1994 to 1999. He failed to pursue the most serious charges, including a cover-up surrounding the 1993 death of Deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster.

Strangely, both defended billionaire pedophile Epstein, a high-level friend of the rich and powerful whose alleged suicide in prison has been openly questioned and even ridiculed. Asked why he defended Epstein, Starrreplied, “I was very happy to respond to the needs of a client of the firm.” The comments were made after a 2015 National Press Club event on “the future of higher education and the calling of faith-based institutions.”

Starr served as president of Baylor University, a private Christian University, only to be fired for allegedly ignoring sexual assault issues on campus. Some stories refer to him as the “disgraced” former Baylor University president. But none of that bothered Fox News, which hired him as a legal analyst.

As Independent Counsel, Starr nailed Clinton on lying about his affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. But he and his successor as Independent Counsel, Robert Ray, failed to bring charges against the Clintons on other more serious scandals. Ray,who changed his voter registration from Democrat to independent before taking the job, claimed that he didn’t have enough evidence to proceed with prosecution.

Ray, who is also on the Trump impeachment defense team, rubber-stamped Starr’s conclusion, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide where his body was found in Ft. Marcy Park. In Travelgate, he failed to hold Hillary Clinton responsible for ordering the unjustified firing of seven career White House travel office employees with unblemished reputations. Billy Dale, head of the travel office, commented, “I am disappointed by Robert Ray’s decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton and others in the Travelgate affair. Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to have me thrown in jail to cover up their corrupt efforts to give the Travel Office’s business to their friends. Unsurprisingly, a jury found me innocent of all of Hillary Clinton’s charges in record time.”

In Filegate, the Clintons were not held accountable for the improper acquisition of more than nine hundred FBI files, mostly on Republicans of previous administrations.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch commented at the time, “Judicial Watch has serious differences with Independent Counsel Ray, who should have indicted Mrs. Clinton and others in both Travelgate and Filegate.”

Foster researcher Hugh Turley comments on the curious developments in the Trump impeachment case, as lawyers who failed to hold the Clintons accountable for serious wrong-doing are now supposed to be defending Trump. He notes, “Robert Ray, who replaced Starr as Independent Counsel, is also on the Trump team.Starr was also on the Jeffrey Epstein defense team.   And Dershowitz, another member of Trump’s defense, was associated with Epstein.As you know, Bill Clinton was linked to Epstein. Starr only appeared to be Clinton’s enemy while he actually covered up the murder of Vince Foster.”

This sounds like a “conspiracy theory” to those who have not bothered to investigate the curious circumstances surrounding Foster’s demise. But Turley, with John H. Clarke and Patrick Knowlton, co-authored the final 20 pages of Ken Starr’s report on Foster’s death. The U.S. Court of Appeals that appointed Starr as Independent Counsel ordered Starr, over his objection, to include their analysis in his report. That analysis, on their website,, contradicts Starr’s suicide-in-the-park finding.

Foster, like Epstein, was the man who knew too much.

As we note in our special report, The Deep State Wears Black Robes, “He [Foster] had knowledge of various Clinton scandals, including Travelgate, the Waco tragedy, and possibly some illegal activities involving national security. His secretary testified he had access to mysterious binders associated with the NSA, the agency that conducts mass surveillance, ostensibly for the purpose of monitoring terrorists and foreign agents.”

Accuracy in Media founder Reed Irvine and I wrote at the time that while President Clinton was charged by Starr with perjury and obstruction of justice surrounding a sex scandal, there were much greater abuses of power and illegal activity for which he should have been removed from office. We were voices in the wilderness.

It’s mighty suspicious that Trump has been maneuvered into hiring people who either voted for Hillary or failed to hold her and her husband responsible for serious misdeeds. It not only looks bad but suggests that defending Trump may be useful to some in preventing the president from getting to the bottom of the Clinton scandals. After all, such an investigation could lead back to Trump’s attorneys.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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A Narco-Nation of Potheads, Courtesy of George Soros

By Cliff Kincaid

Billionaire George Soros was named “Philanthropist of the Year” by Inside Philanthropy magazine for his “…fight for academic freedom in Central Europe, and his resistance to the rising tide of authoritarianism worldwide.”  The former is a reference to gender studies programs and the latter concerns his ongoing campaign to undermine existing governments, causing chaos that makes more money for hedge fund currency manipulators and short-sellers like himself.

In the United States, he is best known for almost single-handedly creating a narco-nation through legalization of marijuana, causing human suffering and environmental devastation on a scale most people do not yet comprehend.

With the nation focused on the opioid danger, and President Trump accusing China of pumping fentanyl into the veins of American victims through Mexico, the marijuana problem has gotten less attention. Indeed, liberal politicians and prosecutors, some of them getting Soros money, are treating the dope as a harmless substance and even a money-maker for local and state governments.

For one of the most sensational examples of a notorious pothead, consider Aaron Hernandez, the former NFL star who became a convicted killer and then killed himself in prison. The subject of a new Netflix series, “Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez,”he was a chronic marijuana user throughout college and his NFL career who experienced brain damage from the drug. The case proves a direct link between marijuana, mental illness, and violence.

In California, legal dope was supposed to displace illegal dope. But illicit cannabis cultivation sites are proliferating, offering a cheaper product than the government-approved variety. The Siskiyou County (California) Board of Supervisors voted on a new Declaration of Local Emergency that refers to illegal growers being responsible for “hundreds of pervasive fire hazards, insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides, fertilizers, trash, and unsanitary conditions which severely impact health, safety and quality of life for countless county residents…”

It’s in Barack Hussein Obama’s state of Illinois that we see some of the recent damage being done.

Illinois last year became the first state to legalize the marijuana business through legislation rather than by referendum and placing excise and sales taxes on the “product.” We can already see the predictable result — marijuana-related emergency room visits are on the rise.The local ABC-TV station in Chicago quotes doctors as saying the most common symptoms of the new potheads in Illinois are restlessness, heart palpitations and anxiety, but that “In some cases we are seeing full on psychosis, agitation, hallucinations.”

Incredibly, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton was one of the first in line to purchase the dope. She bought clementine-flavored marijuana edible gummies and paid with cash.The scene was captured by CNN as she was pictured among hundreds of early-morning customers at a Chicago marijuana dispensary. She probably went to the front of the line, but some people waited hours in order to buy their “recreational marijuana” and get “high.”

David E. Smith of the Illinois Family Institute comments, “Not only have lawmakers failed to do their due diligence before passing this marijuana law, but they also failed to heed the compelling research that indicates how regular use of marijuana affects young people, including an increased risk of psychiatric illnesses and a permanent loss of IQ points.”

In fact, this is the plan – dumb people down so they ruin their lives and then have to be dependent on the state for the rest of their lives. The potheads are fast becoming an important new constituency for the socialist-minded.

Before they actually navigate their way to the polls, they can relieve their pain by employing another “hemp” product – CBD or cannabidiol.  CBD is being hawked all over, even on the Rush Limbaugh show, and is being advertised as a treatment for “muscle soreness” and “everyday discomfort.” But many complaints have been filed with the FDA over the false medical claims made about CBD.

Dr. Kenneth Finn comments, “These products are everywhere, but there is little scientific evidence to support the hype that surrounds them.” He says unregulated CBD products hitting the market might be contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, rodenticides, insecticides, molds, E. coli, or fungus.

Official dope distribution is supposed to fill a financial gap. In Illinois, the sixth-biggest state, by population, Politico reporter Theodoric Meyer reports that it has seen its credit rating cut to near-junk status in the decade since the financial crisis. “Its bonds are now considered as risky as those of Russia and Romania,” he notes. “Its pension system is in worse shape than that of almost any other state.”

Writers Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner note that the population of Illinois dropped by 100,000 people between 2010 and 2018 and few of the state’s counties have been spared. “That means that 93 of the state’s 102 counties have shrunk since 2010,” they note. Adam Schuster, Director of Budget and Tax Research at the group, Illinois Policy, reports that 36 percent of the money the state allocates to education will be diverted away from teachers and students to meet required pension payments for retirees.

Former Illinois pension chief Marc Levine is quoted as saying a federal bailout may be required, making this a matter affecting all taxpayers, not just the saps remaining in Illinois.

The “progressive” politicians have virtually bankrupted the state, forcing thousands to flee, and have turned to the cruel exploitation of potheads as a sure-fire money-maker to stave off the final countdown to fiscal oblivion. But legalized dope means more wards of the state who need government help.

Now this is going national. “Once a politically dangerous subject,” notes Trevor Hughes of USA Today, “legal marijuana has become something of a de facto platform plank for the 2020 Democratic candidates: All support either legalizing or decriminalizing its use, and the differences lie in how far the candidates are willing to take it.”

Since 22.2 million people have used marijuana in the past month, this is fertile ground for votes. In a bid for votes, candidate Pete Buttigieg actually toured a “cannabis dispensary” in Las Vegas while commenting that he smoked dope a “handful of times a long time ago.”

President Trump, on the other hand, can just say no. He lost his brother to alcoholism and should consider speaking out against the Soros-funded marijuana craze before more lives are ruined and lost. His Surgeon General, Vice Adm. Jerome M. Adams, is already speaking out about the health risks of marijuana use. He needs the backing of his president.

Roger Morgan, author of Soros: The Drug Lord. Pricking the Bubble of American Supremacy,notes the elevated levels of mental illness, addiction, suicides, traffic deaths and the unseen mental and physical defects to babies and future generations from the use of marijuana and other mind-altering drugs.  He adds, “America can never be great again if a major percentage of its young people are brain damaged, mentally ill, addicted or dead.”​

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Can Hedge Funds Topple Trump?

Cliff Kincaid

President Donald J. Trump has a good conservative record, especially in regard to the courts, and he has strengthened the Armed Forces. His rallies are packed with supporters. But as we enter 2020,even some conservative Republicans in Congress seem scared to death. Debt is piling up and the Federal Reserve is propping up the economy through emergency loans.Some are asking: can hedge funds crash the economy?

George Soros isn’t the only donor to the Democratic Party who ran a hedge fund. A Democratic presidential candidate, San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer, is a hedge fund manager who reportedly ran an offshore company advertised as a tax shelter.  One of the Democratic Party’s top donors, his fund invested in fossil fuel projects but he is now running on the dangers of “climate change” caused by fossil fuels.

Hedge funds can cause an economic downturn by targeting companies, countries and currencies with short selling strategies.

With the debt and deficits high, such a threat is real. Conservative Republican Rep. Chip Roy refused to vote for the new $1.4 trillion spending bill, a “compromise” with House Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats, saying, “This bill borrows, and it borrows at a time when we can’t afford to borrow another penny. Our nation is $23 trillion in debt, now racking up more than $100 million of debt per hour.”

As part of the deal with the Democrats, Trump agreed to demands for paid maternity and family leave for 2.1 million federal workers, and his daughter Ivanka is pushing a similar nanny-state program for the nation as a whole, which could cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The Eagle Forum group founded by the late Phyllis Schlafly, a Trump supporter, called these plans a form of federal baby-sitting.

Always eager to up the ante, we can expect liberal politicians to propose legislation to guarantee paid vacations and holidays, in addition to debt relief and student loan forgiveness.

“In many ways,” says Frank Lasée, President of the Heartland Institute, “America is at a crossroads. Will our nation embrace a European-style welfare state, complete with cradle-to-grave entitlements and the taxes that go with them? Or will Americans demand more freedom in the form of less taxes, more school choice, and less oversight from Washington, D.C. bureaucrats? I am hopeful the latter will triumph.”

He cites the dangers in the Green New Deal and the Medicare for All plans. Another danger was documented in the book Wizards of Wall Street by businessman Zubi Diamond. An African immigrant who came to America and became a successful businessman, Diamond says that George Soros and other hedge fund short sellers can undermine nations, their economies and currencies, and the global financial system as a whole.

While Trump recognizes the socialist menace, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that since his inauguration in January of 2017, Trump has signed legislation into law that will ultimately add $4.1 trillion to the national debt from 2017 to 2029.Setting a record, the Department of the Treasury reports that the federal government spent a record $1,163,090,000,000 in the first three months of fiscal 2020.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is intervening with tens of billions of dollars in bailouts in an “interbank lending liquidity crisis.” Is this traceable to hedge fund speculators and currency manipulators betting behind-the-scenes on the decline of the U.S. economy?

To stave off this possibility, Trump has signed a “phase-one” trade deal with Communist China, promising relief for America’s farmers and manufacturers. In addition, the Trump Administration is preparing a new tax cut proposal.

In another move, Trump bowed to Pelosi and Big Labor in securing passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement on trade by inserting pro-United Nations elements into the pact. As a result, the USMCA establishes a regional North American bureaucracy, under the auspices of the U.N.’s International Labor Organization, to manipulate and enforce labor standards between the three countries.  The deal undermines Trump’s proclaimed opposition to globalism and enables the Democrats to claim they improved the agreement to benefit workers.

The good news is that Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) has reintroduced his bill, H.R. 204, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, to halt all involvement of the United States with the United Nations. Trump could endorse the bill and rally conservatives behind it.

While the economy is strong, Trump’s social and cultural agenda has achieved mixed results.

On abortion, Trump has pleased conservative Christians. During the campaign Trump posted an eloquent 600-word statement that notes that he did not always hold the pro-life position, “but I had a significant personal experience that brought the precious gift of life into perspective for me.” He previously had said that “what happened is friends of mine years ago were going to have a child, and it was going to be aborted. And it wasn’t aborted. And that child today is a total superstar, a great, great child.”

This kind of conversion is desperately needed on homosexual rights. Trump Ambassador Richard Grenell led an embarrassing effort at the U.N. to force Christian nations into accepting homosexual rights.  It’s only a matter of time before conservative Christians take note of what Grenell is doing in the name of Trump. They won’t be happy.

At the same time, many members of the old “Just Say No” anti-drug Reagan coalition are increasingly frustrated by the Trump Administration’s failure to take action against Big Marijuana and the phony claims from the related “hemp” industry about the supposed medical benefits of CBD.

Apetitionasks SenatorMike Crapo, chairman of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, to continue his valiant effort to stop the marijuana industry from getting access to the national banking systemin order to launder its profits.

With the “progressives” taking advantage of every opportunity to broaden their anti-Trump coalition, including through an orchestrated impeachment campaign, the Trump Administration has some golden opportunities to reassemble powerful elements of the old Reagan Coalition.

From the perspective of the Trump campaign, a possible economic downturn, brought on by hedge fund short-sellers, should make expanding the base a matter of utmost urgency.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Another CIA Face for Anti-Trump Resistance

Cliff Kincaid

A so-called “former CIA analyst” is leading House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s effort to stop President Trump from taking further military action against Iran’s top terrorist leaders. Her name is Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and she says that she “participated in countless conversations on how to respond to Qassem Soleimani’s violent campaigns across the region.” In other words, she’s all talk, no action.

Now that Trump has acted, authorizing the killing of this terror master, the Pelosi argument is that Trump must be stopped and Iran’s other top terrorist leaders must be saved, so they can scheme against America in comfort and security. Slotkin is the CIA face for this effort. Pelosi is counting on people to think the title “CIA analyst” carries some credibility.

This is a twofer for Pelosi. A CIA analyst sparked impeachment, and another CIA analyst will now save Iran from Trump.

Pelosi has announced that a War Powers Resolution in the House to tie Trump’s hands will be led by Congresswoman Slotkin, whose bio says, “She was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be a Middle East analyst and went on to devote her career to protecting the United States from national security threats. In her role at the CIA, Rep. Slotkin worked alongside the U.S. military during three tours in Iraq as a militia expert.”

Being an analyst and actually protecting the U.S. from national security threats are two different things. Iraq was liberated by American troops but the Bush and Obama Administrations looked the other way as Shia Iran expanded into Iraq and took control. That, in turn, sparked the creation of ISIS, a Sunni group and al Qaeda off-shoot. That is what got us into the current mess. It’s another problem inherited by Trump. He took care of ISIS. Now Iran is the main problem.

Regarding Soleimani (also spelled Suleimani), Slotkin seems to understand what has happened. Her Twitter account declares, “I watched friends and colleagues get hurt or killed by Iranian rockets, mortars and explosive devices that were provided to Iraqi proxies and used against U.S. forces under Soleimani’s guidance. We watched as his power increased and he brought strength and capability to groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, and to smaller cells around the Middle East and the world, with devastating consequences.”

The operative term is “watched.” Suleimani traveled throughout the region, flying in and out of international airports, and the CIA watched. It looks like Trump finally acted on the intelligence that the CIA or some other agency had provided about his whereabouts. Until Trump, our other leaders just “watched.”

This Iranian carried the title of “General” but he was really just a terrorist kingpin, no different than the thugs who run Mexican drug cartels and murder anyone who gets in their way. He answered to the Iranian Ayatollah, the phony man of God whose religious regime took over the country when the pathetic President Jimmy Carter abandoned the pro-Western Shah of Iran.

Slotkin said, “If you worked on the Middle East over the past 20 years, you dealt with the growing organization and sophistication of Soleimani’s covert and overt military activities, which have contributed to significant destabilization across the region.”

What she is saying is that CIA paper-pushers and scribblers have been watching this develop for 20 years and the threat has grown to the point where Iraq has been lost to Iran and the entire region has been destabilized.  Along the way the Bush and Barack Hussein Obama Administrations did nothing about Iran’s growing power and influence, making the one-time “liberation” of Iraq into another debacle that cost our nation trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.

It has been one intelligence and policy failure on top of another.

Of course, the problem was exacerbated by Obama’s official policy of giving the Iranians billions of dollars and lifting sanctions, allowing the regime precious time to develop a nuclear weapon. Trump reversed all of this.

In the words of former Obama CIA Director David Petraeus, “Suleimani was the architect and operational commander of the Iranian effort to solidify control of the so-called Shia crescent, stretching from Iran to Iraq through Syria into southern Lebanon. He is responsible for providing explosives, projectiles, and arms and other munitions that killed well over 600 American soldiers and many more of our coalition and Iraqi partners just in Iraq, as well as in many other countries such as Syria.”

Until Trump acted, Slotkin added, “What always kept both Democratic and Republican presidents from targeting Soleimani himself was the simple question: Was the strike worth the likely retaliation, and the potential to pull us into protracted conflict?” This was the rationale for more watching and doing nothing.

Let’s understand that Iran is waging a war on American troops and the people in the region and America’s leaders did nothing about the architect of that mayhem until Trump. And because American leaders did nothing, the media now echo the cries of analysts that Iran is too powerful to do anything about and that we can still do nothing because they promise to hit us. All we can do is wait for their development of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

This is the kind of CIA “analysis” that makes an objective observer wonder if the agency is worth saving. Perhaps we need intelligence agencies that act to protect Americans rather than sit back and watch.

Fortunately, America has a friend in the Middle East called Israel and this nation understands the threat far better than Slotkin and her fellow CIA analysts because its own survival is at stake. The threat grows day by day. Senior Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards commander Gholamali Abuhamzeh says that “Some 35 U.S. targets in the region, as well as Tel Aviv, are within our reach.”

With Slotkin and the House of Representatives threatening to tie Trump’s hands, it’s time for Israel to take the lead. Pelosi’s War Powers Resolution won’t apply to Israel.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Israel Should Get Ready to Obliterate Tehran

Cliff Kincaid

Obama’s CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus told Foreign Policy magazine that Iranian general and top terrorist leader Qassem Suleimani was “responsible for providing explosives, projectiles, and arms and other munitions that killed well over 600 American soldiers and many more of our coalition and Iraqi partners just in Iraq, as well as in many other countries such as Syria.” So why did it take so long for the U.S. to kill him?

We are seeing stories about how Iran may retaliate against America over his death. But why did Obama fail to retaliate over the deaths his own CIA director has documented?

Once again, our media have assumed a knee-jerk posture against Trump, blaming him for taking long-overdue action. He inherited the problem of Iran. Obama’s pro-Muslim approach was to appease Iran and pay them off.  Trump ended that policy.

By questioning what Iran may do, our media take the side of Iran, ignoring what this fanatical religious regime has already done to hundreds of our servicemembers. In addition to the more than 600 dead cited previously, we have evidence that, on October 23, 1983, ​Iran ordered and carried out the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 241 American military personnel. The CIA got a warning about what was going to happen but failed to provide it to military authorities in time.

In short, Iran has already carried out numerous acts of war against the U.S.

But our media don’t care about American dead. They worry about the survival of the Iranian regime as its crimes are exposed. They want the Iranians to have a nuclear bomb to counter our friend and ally Israel.

Suleimani headed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. A State Department fact sheet issued in April 2019 gave a more detailed account of the deaths attributed to this organization. It said, “The Iranian regime is responsible for the deaths of at least 603 American service members in Iraq since 2003. This accounts for 17% of all deaths of U.S. personnel in Iraq from 2003 to 2011, and is in addition to the many thousands of Iraqis killed by the IRGC’s proxies.”

As we saw in the Petraeus quote cited earlier, these facts aren’t disputed. Indeed, the media know for a fact that Soleimani was a terrorist killer. They’re just upset that Trump finally took action to terminate him. They know this exposes Obama’s lack of action. So their present course is to warn of Iranian retaliation against America over something America should have done many years ago.

In a knee-jerk fashion, the left is mobilizing against Trump’s decision to kill an anti-American terrorist leader. Protests have been planned in American cities by such communist-front groups as the ANSWER Coalition, headed by veteran Marxist operative Brian Becker.

We know whose side he’s on. But his Marxist “analysis” will be repeated in a different form by the major media in the weeks and months ahead as the machinery of the United Nations will be brought to bear on the Trump Administration. Agnès Callamard, the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial killing, has said the attack violated international human rights law. That’s right: the “human rights” of this terrorist killer of more than 600 Americans were somehow violated because he was held accountable for his crimes!

If the U.N. and its International Criminal Court had any credibility, they would have already charged and prosecuted the Iranian regime for crimes against humanity. But we know whose side they’re on.

If the U.N. persists in making this an issue, Trump should up the ante by announcing a complete and total withdrawal of the United States from the world body. The U.N. wouldn’t survive without our money. This bloated organization, with a $67.8 billion pension fund for the benefit of its own bureaucrats, should survive on its own – and somewhere else.

There is a danger of retaliation from Iran. But that’s why American taxpayers spend over $80 billion a year on 17 intelligence and law enforcement agencies. As we have seen over the last three years, some of these intelligence agencies would rather investigate Trump than protect the American people from real threats. If Americans get hit here or abroad, it’s because these agencies are not doing their job. It’s because they hire people with left-wing political agendas and waste money and resources.

Anybody who has confidence in the FBI should watch the Clint Eastwood film, “Richard Jewell,” about how the Bureau fingered the wrong man for a terrorist bombing. (Our media didn’t like the movie because it made the FBI-enablers in the media look bad.)

Tragically, with the history of intelligence failures, including 9/11, we have to accept the possibility that the Iranian regime will hit America, that the intelligence agencies will fail to protect our people, and that the media will then blame Trump.

If Iran does hit our people again, as a result of incompetence by the intelligence community, Trump should ignore the U.S. Congress and the U.N. and instead turn to his friend Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and urge the Israelis to obliterate the Iranian regime in Tehran. By promising Israel military support, Trump avoids a no-win war that would bog down America. Israel will not wage a no-win war in the region because its survival depends on total victory. That’s the better option for Trump. The left will scream but the region and the world will be better off.

Whatever the future holds, a dangerous terrorist kingpin has been eliminated from the face of the earth, and justice has been served. The world is a better place. It will be even better when Suleimani is joined in hell by his revolutionary comrades.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Let’s Win the War at Home in 2020

Cliff Kincaid

The year 2020 opens with a booming economy and a culture still in rapid decline. One of the leading associates of dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein says she is being protected from arrest and prosecution because she has dirt on powerful people. Epstein belonged to several influential organizations, including the Council on Foreign Relations, and rubbed elbows with such notables as Bill Gates.

In Louisiana, a Boy Scout leader was arrested on more than 500 counts of child pornography, while a married couple has been indicted on a total of 150 counts, including rape and child pornography. The wife was a school teacher and the husband was a former law enforcement official.

Meanwhile, a top education official in New York City has been arrested for trying to have sex with an underage boy.

These are just a few of the recent stories about the sickness that pervades our society.

On Capitol Hill, Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the head of the House Armed Services Committee, said he wants to reverse President Trump’s ban on mentally-confused transgenders in the military. On the campaign trail, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren listed millionaire Ed Buck, an accused sexual predator, on a list of her endorsers. Buck had been a donor to the campaigns of Barack Hussein Obama and Adam Schiff, now chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Profiteering from Addiction

On Thursday’s Fox Business Network, the sad spectacle of people waiting in line for up to three hours to buy legal marijuana in Illinois and get high was turned by host Charles Payne into a money-making opportunity.  The issue was buying “pot stocks.” Not one word was said about the addictive qualities of the dope and the evidence that heavy use of marijuana is linked to brain damage, mental illness, and even violence.

At a time when our society is still cleaning up the human wreckage from opioid abuse, do we really want or need a $50-billion pot industry that exploits vulnerable people?

On Glenn Beck’s show, the topic was Psychic Nikki, psychic to the stars, and her predictions for 2020. It’s really not so funny when America’s Judeo-Christian foundations have been shaken to their core by the growing acceptance of such dangerous New Age and occultic nonsense.

“There was a time when America had a firm moral foundation,” notes Devvy Kidd, in a column on “Satan’s Pimps” that is required reading. She’s correct that there was a time when the Ten Commandments were paramount to the way Americans lived their lives. That was a time when the public right to pray was protected in the public schools.

Today, she points out, kids are exposed to drag queens and prostitutes – in schools and public libraries. She says Walmart, Amazon and Target are selling books for children as young as 5 to summon demons. One book is described as just a “parody.”

In real life, two Satanic organizations are openly competing for influence, with one claiming to be more pro-abortion and pro-trans than the other, while seeking the establishment of After School Satan Clubs.

Gay Satanists

Commenting on the presidential race, Devvy Kidd notes the following of “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, who is “married” to another man.  “Mayor Petey is Satan’s pimp,” she says.

This sounds harsh because the candidate appears so likeable. But how else do you describe a candidate who advertises a “lifestyle” that is banned in the Bible as an abomination and openly embraced by Satanists. “Gay people are turning to Satan,” notes one chapter of a Satanist group. This is a major trend.

With social and cultural decay all around us, encouraged by the major media, it’s no wonder socialism is being accepted by more and more people. The plan has always been to destroy the traditional family and make its members more dependent on the state.

Powerful financial forces are behind this plan. Consider that “Mayor Pete” pulled in a $24.7 million fundraising haul in the fourth quarter. That was more than Joe Biden.

Obama was labeled America’s first gay president by Newsweek, even though it was never firmly established that he was gay or bisexual. In Buttigieg, you have a real gay, one who is gay, proud, and “Christian.”

This is a major breakthrough for America on the road to Sodom and Gomorrah.

If you thought they only wanted tolerance and to be left alone, think again. You can’t really hide from it anymore. One of CNN’s openly gay anchors, Anderson Cooper, spoke about his mother and male sex organs during live coverage of New Year’s Eve in Time Square. “CNN hosts Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen downed shots during New Year’s Eve coverage in Times Square while a reporter jumped into a bath of rum with a drag queen mermaid,” said the Daily Mail.

The American people in 2020 will be exposed on a constant basis to degenerates who think it’s funny and trendy to talk dirty and flaunt their own perverted and corrupt lifestyles.

Catching Predators

The power of the homosexual lobby is such that it has infected the Trump Administration, as Ambassadors Richard Grenell and Kelly Craft have started lecturing Christian countries and other members of the U.N. about changing laws to accommodate the needs of the George Soros-funded LGBTQ community. Some of these countries have been devastated by HIV/AIDS.

Here, with criminal justice reform letting more criminals back out on the streets, those of us who want to protect children might want to make sure there are no perverts in our own neighborhoods eager to kidnap and abuse them.

The National Sex Offender Public Website exists to help people search the latest information from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and numerous Indian tribes. The evidence shows that 861,837 registered sex offenders are in the United States.

My search of the Maryland Sex Offenders Registry found 10 convicted sex offenders living in my zip code.

Churches Are Part of the Problem

Many churches are either AWOL about what’s happening around us or embracing the decadence.

Buttigieg wouldn’t be in this position were it not for his Episcopal Church, which ordains lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender clergy and married him and his “husband.” He left the Catholic Church, which claims to follow the Bible but which continues to tolerate a gay Mafia that escapes accountability for many of its crimes.

Still, many follow Pope Francis, who was grabbed in St. Peter’s Square by a woman who must have considered him to be like Jesus Christ. The story from the Bible says the cloak of Jesus was touched by a desperate woman in need of physical and spiritual healing. Jesus told her, “your faith has made you well; go in peace.”

By contrast, Pope Francis slapped her hand and pulled away. A religious leader who promotes an earth-centered religion and complains about capitalism, he apparently wanted her to hug a tree and meditate.

It’s not reassuring to cite moral problems and corruption by the elites, including religious leaders. But it is just as much of a war as the attacks on our embassy in Baghdad. We have to take sides and take action.

Devvy Kidd goes through the many horrors of modern America, including abortion, and  we’ve just learned that there were 42 million deaths from abortion worldwide in 2019. The “mainstream media,” run by people such as Jeff Bezos of the Washington Post, who was caught in a sex scandal of his own, do not make this genocide of the unborn into an issue at all.

President Trump deserves credit for engaging in what the Center for Family & Human Rights calls “pro-life diplomacy.” But the U.S. is still mostly isolated. “In the plenary session of the [U.N.] General Assembly,” notes its report, “the U.S. received support from up to fifteen countries in 2019, a significant increase from only one in 2018.  Even so, more than 100 other countries coalesced against U.S. pro-life amendments alongside the [pro-abortion] Europeans, an increase from some eighty last year.”

The U.N. is a losing cause – except for the bureaucrats. The U.N. pension fund is now worth $67.8 billion, thanks in large part to the world body’s biggest contributor, the U.S. taxpayer.

What Trump Can Do

Trump deserves support for his pro-life campaign and effort to restore sanity to the Armed Forces on the matter of “transgenderism.”  But the misguided and even dangerous approach on homosexuality taken by the U.S. Mission to the U.N. has to be ended before more damage is done to America’s standing in the world.

While taking action on vaping, he has failed to stop the tide of drug legalization that will further corrupt the young and do absolutely nothing to end black market marijuana (which is cheaper than buying dope at the government-sanctioned stores).

With no pushback, Buttigieg is now proposing decriminalization of all drugs, including cocaine and LSD. The madness gets worse by the day.

As some “experts” tempt Trump to attack Iran and start another costly no-win war, let’s remind the president that there is a war at home that is far more important. With the right leadership, it’s winnable.

That leadership should begin with “Evangelicals for Trump,” which is holding a January 3 news conference.

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Return of the Homosexual Imperialists

Cliff Kincaid

It’s one thing to defend President Trump against false witness by the magazine Christianity Today. It’s another matter to rationalize or excuse how certain Trump officials are using the United Nations and the State Department to attack Christian nations.

The controversial event  occurred just a few days before Christmas, when Trump’s U.S. Ambassador to Germany, longtime homosexual activist Richard Grenell, went to the United Nations to promote what he called a global initiative to force all U.N. members to approve homosexual conduct. He was joined in this demand by Trump’s U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Kelly Craft, who  lectured the 69 countries which have laws making homosexuality illegal. She told them that “human dignity” requires that every country on the face of the earth embrace the practice of homosexuality.

This is the kind of homosexual imperialism that evangelical Christians objected to from the Obama Administration. Christians in foreign countries saw the attack as unwarranted interference in their internal affairs and subversion of Biblical values.

The event featuring Grenell and Craft was hosted by the U.S. Mission to the U.N. and included a representative of the Harvey Milk Foundation, named for the first openly gay politician in California.

The George Soros-funded Open Society Foundations began a major global campaign to promote homosexuality in 2009, under the name of the “New Beginning” initiative, and it continues through “Funders for LGBTQ Issues.” This network claims that over a 40-year period, almost 800 different institutional grant-makers and foundations have provided more than $771 million to 6,000 different organizations working in 117 countries to promote legalization of homosexuality.

One of the original proposals was “Encouraging U.S. diplomatic engagement on international LGBT issues as legitimate human rights concerns.”

But at a time when Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual exploitation of young women is still in the news and his collaborators are being sought by law enforcement, the decision by these Trump officials to continue the Obama policy of associating with the global homosexual movement carries special risks. Years ago, a group called the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) was discovered to have ties to the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Under pressure, ILGA expelled NAMBLA and two other pedophile groups.

Harry Hay, the communist founder of the modern gay rights movement, was a supporter of NAMBLA, while Harvey Milk, who became a gay activist icon after he was assassinated at the age of 33, was fond of teenage homosexual lovers and was accused of being a homosexual predator.

A major Democratic Party donor, gay activist Terry Bean has been arrested on charges relating to a sex abuse case involving a teenager. Bean was a co-founder of the major homosexual lobby, the Human Rights Campaign.

Homosexual Imperialism

Many nations objected to the homosexual imperialism of Barack Hussein Obama, with Ugandan Christian minister Martin Ssempa saying, “Sodomy is neither the change we want nor can believe in. In a video titled “Straight Nation Uprising,” based on his new book by the same name, he calls for “African resistance” to “Euro-American LGBT Aggression” on sexual matters.

Grenell and Craft have justified their campaign by noting that Trump said his administration would be “working with other nations to stop criminalizing of homosexuality.” But there is no evidence that the president wanted to browbeat some of America’s friends and allies at the U.N. into accepting and promoting the homosexual lifestyle. It seems certain that the president was concerned about people being physically injured for their self-proclaimed sexual orientation.

What happened at the U.N. was a major public spectacle designed to shame Christian nations into recognizing and approving homosexuality. It appears to be a case of Grenell hijacking U.S. foreign policy for the benefit of his friends in gay groups such as the Log Cabin Republicans. A foreign affairs advisor to Mitt Romney during his 2012 presidential campaign, Grenell has a same-sex partner and claims to be a Christian.

Craft was reportedly recommended for her post by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. She and her husband, Joe Craft, donated about $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee.

What they apparently don’t appreciate is that countries with a Christian or Muslim orientation have resisted putting government approval on homosexual conduct for many reasons, including public health. Indeed, in the modern era, the so-called “criminalization” of homosexuality is designed to discourage dangerous high-risk practices which spread AIDS and other diseases. AIDS is devastating Africa in particular.

Ambassador Attacks Christian Zambia

The Obama policy that is being continued by Trump officials Grenell and Craft has already led to a major deterioration of diplomatic relations with the African nation of Zambia. Indeed, a major scandal erupted when the U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, Daniel Foote, attacked the conservative Christian country of Zambia (96 percent Christian) over a court case involving the sentencing of two homosexuals.

Incredibly, Foote’s official U.S. Government statement seemed to imply that Zambia was obligated to promote homosexuality because it received American foreign aid. Foote said “Zambia is one of the largest per-capita recipients of U.S. assistance in the world, at $500 million each year.  In these countries where we contribute resources, this includes partnering in areas of mutual interest, and holding the recipient government accountable for its responsibilities under this partnership.”

Zambian President Edgar Lungu reportedly called President Trump to complain about what U.S. officials were doing. He  told Sky News, “We are saying no to homosexuality. When you are tying it to aid, if that is how you are going to bring your aid, then I’m afraid the West can leave us alone in our poverty. And we’ll continue scrounging and struggling.”

The Trump Administration has now withdrawn Foote, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, from his post.

Clean House at the United Nations

Unless corrective action is taken quickly, the next move by major Soros-supported groups such as the Council for Global Equality and OutRight Action International will be to have the U.N. declare homosexual activity an international human right.

Such a move would put Trump on the spot. His supporters like what he has done in the areas of economics, anti-abortion policy, and national defense. But many of these same people do not want the government to approve homosexual conduct.

Damage to America’s standing in the world — as a country that respects the sovereignty of nations — has already been done. But if Trump is pressured to embrace a global “right” to homosexuality, it could not only further undermine his support among conservative Christians but turn out to be a moral catastrophe for America and the world.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Fake Christians Open Fire on Pro-Christian Trump

Cliff Kincaid

The large number of Democratic Party presidential candidates has become a running joke. But the unexpected strength of 37-year-old South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a Harvard graduate who calls himself a “gay dude in Mike Pence’s Indiana,” is a significant achievement, even for a political party that depends on identity politics. More importantly, Buttigieg claims to be a gay Christian, despite the Biblical scriptures that condemn same-sex conduct. He was “married” to another man in an Episcopal Church.

Other candidates can only hope to match his personal lifestyle by pandering for votes from other elements of the LGBTQ community.

In response to PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor, last Thursday’s Democratic Party presidential debate showed Senator Elizabeth Warren appealing to “transgenders,” or people who want to dress or act like members of the opposite sex. It used to be considered a mental problem. Warren said, “The transgender community has been marginalized in every way possible.”

This pandering, combined with hated for the rich and successful, is the Marxist way to total power. No segment of the population is too strange or weird to ignore.

While ex-felons are now being given the right to vote in many states, adding to the progressive ranks, another Democratic Party constituency, potheads, is growing in numbers and strength. Those who survive the health problems associated with marijuana and vaping can be easily herded to the polls. Soon, heroin users will be promised free needles.

Another constituency has now emerged – the fake Christians. Their targets are the Christians who take scripture seriously.


The Brannon Howse book, Marxianity, is the best analysis of how acceptance of sinful conduct such as homosexuality has spread in the churches. “The truth is,” he says, “only Biblically-based theology and lifestyle can be rightly called Christianity. The new option — the imposter — must be called something else. And that something else is what I decided to call Marxianity.”

The Catholic Church, already infected with a gay Mafia and led by Marxist Pope Francis, has lost much of its institutional credibility, and most practicing Catholics know it.  But these traditional Catholics are finding a voice in such publications as Catholic Family News and The Remnant.  Many of them regard the Roman Catholic Church bureaucracy under Francis to be a phantom or false church working with the U.N. for global socialism.

The case of Pete Buttigieg, who was raised Catholic but turned Episcopalian, is a prime example of the left-ward drift into what activist Pete LaBarbera calls “fake Christianity.”  The case is solid, notes LaBarbera:  Buttigieg quotes Scripture even as he defies it with his very public, and very fake, “marriage” to another man (See in the Bible: Matthew 19:4-6; Romans 1: 24-27; Jude 7; 1 Timothy 1:8-10; Leviticus 18:22).

He served in the military but less well-known is the fact that he is the son of the late professor Joseph Buttigieg, who lectured at the University of Notre Dame about the politics of Antonio Gramsci, the leader of the faction of the world communist movement that emphasized communist infiltration of Western culture. This, too, is significant, since many people assume Catholics are automatically opposed to Marxism.

That used to be the case, especially under Pope John Paul II, but the direction of the church under Pope Francis is not only toward collaboration with liberals, radicals, environmentalists, and communists but Islam.  Indeed, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar have proposed a World Day of Fraternity to the U.N., to be recognized on February 4, to be followed by a World Summit on Human Fraternity.

The earth-centered “theology” of Pope Francis has also become a topic of major concern. It holds that God and the earth are one, and that man’s salvation does not require the mediation of a risen Jesus Christ and obedience to the Ten Commandments. Instead, man’s “religious duty” is to stop climate change through world government.

On the surface, the sheer number of Democratic presidential candidates seems overwhelming and confusing. And a Marxist magazine called Jacobin is selling a book, Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden,  asserting that Biden was the architect of the party’s “rightward turn.” But don’t be fooled. As I noted in a recent column, the far-left accepts the idea of Biden as a front man for the forces of subversion and socialism, and he is still the favorite to get the nomination.

Biden, who claims to be Catholic and favors same-sex “marriage,” has moved so far left on abortion that he was denied communion at a Catholic Church in South Carolina. That demonstrated the continued influence and backbone of priests who uphold Catholic doctrine, which forbids abortion, just as it condemns same-sex behavior as intrinsically disordered and contrary to the natural law.

Targeting Christians

With the controversy over Christianity Today’s call in an article by Mark Galli for Trump’s removal from office, we can see Christian conservatives are being told they have an obligation to remove Trump, a pro-Christian president, over a phone call he made about foreign aid to Ukraine. Trump had called for an investigation of corruption on the part of Joe Biden’s son.

Brannon Howse comments that what most Americans and Christians may not know is that back in 2010 Galli wrote an article that can only be described as heretical and blasphemous. That article, “Divine Drama Queen,” described God as a “crazy uncle” with emotional problems. The article was actually removed because of its blasphemous tone.

But Galli suddenly has become a leading Christian thinker and a media celebrity because of his anti-Trump editorial. Clearly, he was seen by the media as someone who could undermine Christian support for Trump.

In the same way, the March for Life MAGA (“Make America Great Again”) cap-wearing Catholic Christian teenagers from Covington, Kentucky, were depicted by the media as extremists harassing a Native American beating a drum. That also turned out to be fake news and a total hoax. These pro-life students were attacked because they represent hope for America and its traditional Christian values.

The Christianity Today editorial was obviously timed to hurt Trump’s credibility with Christian voters at a time when his presidency is reeling from impeachment. But as Dr. James Dobson noted, “While Christianity Today is making its case for impeachment, I hope the editors will now tell us who they support for president among the Democrat field. That should tell us the rest of the story.”

The “rest of the story” is whether someone like Mark Galli of Christianity Today would have the sufficient knowledge of scripture and the courage to describe Pete Buttigieg’s religious orientation as fake Christianity.

In contrast to the matter of whether Trump’s phone call about Ukraine was right or wrong, the issue of homosexual behavior and the Bible is not debatable. The scriptures are clear.

Robert Gagnon, author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice, notes that Christianity has always taught that marriage involves a man and a woman and that homosexuality is prohibited in the Bible because it is unnatural and sinful. In this regard, it is interesting to note that a lesbian pastor from the Episcopal Church of Pete Buttigieg has been confirmed as the new head of the National Abortion Federation, the association of “abortion providers.”

This is “Christianity Today” for far too many people who claim to be Christians. It’s the spiritual battleground for the next presidential election.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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A Socialist Victory Using Biden’s Face and Bloomberg’s Money

Cliff Kincaid

As President Trump fights off one attack after another, a well-funded left-wing “progressive” movement called “40 million strong” is laying the political groundwork for storming the ballot box in 2020, just as they did in 2018, when they gave Democrats control of the House and paved the way for impeachment. Meanwhile, most Republicans, including those in the media, on Capitol Hill, and even in the Trump campaign, don’t seem to understand what’s coming.

The Rush Limbaugh radio show on Wednesday featured a fascinating interview with the clueless House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, who was confident in trying to explain how Trump won the presidency in 2016, lost the House in 2018, but will somehow win the presidency again in 2020.. McCarthy said, “…if you want to know why President Trump will win [in 2020,] there are 8.5 million people who voted for this president in 2016 who did not show up in 2018. Had they showed up — we know who they are, where they live — we’d have 28 more seats today. We’d be in the majority by 10.”

Limbaugh wasn’t entirely convinced and responded, “…I don’t doubt that’s true, but I have a tough time understanding why. If you vote for Trump in 2016, you’re voting for him for specific reasons…and you know that he’s going to need some help to do it. And you don’t show up two years later to give him some people to help?”

McCarthy claimed “They follow him. They don’t follow the party,” and added, “…they will show up for him now.” He insisted, in regard to impeachment, the Democrats are “making a fatal flaw” because “they have intensified the [Republican] base.” He doesn’t understand that impeachment is also an organizing tool of the left.

Indeed, House Speaker Pelosi’s reluctance to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate is already the subject of a new left-wing campaign, directed against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, accusing him of rigging the system “in favor of a corrupt and bigoted administration.” They organized this new phase of impeachment, just before Christmas, as part of what Marxists historically call “Permanent Revolution.” It was Barack Hussein’s Obama’s strategy.

Same Old Song

Conservative media have to be honest with themselves. Bolstered by Sean Hannity of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh on the campaign trail in 2018, it is apparent that Trump was convinced that talking about illegal immigration and the economy would save his House majority and get conservatives out to the polls. Instead, he lost the House and has now been impeached.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale recently briefed reporters about how the campaign has identified these nearly 8-9 million voters who didn’t vote Republican in 2018 but can be convinced to vote for Trump and the Republicans on November 3,  2020. The key, he said, is contacting these people through social media. At the same time, Parscale claimed that Google has prohibited the Trump campaign from targeting sympathetic voters, and Twitter has banned political advertising completely. He called this censorship a clear case of “voter suppression.”

If this is the case, then why hasn’t Trump followed through on his promise to break up the social media companies? The answer may lie in the fact that Trump backer Peter Thiel, a gay libertarian billionaire and member of the board of Facebook, is said to be trying to make sure that Facebook continues to play  the role of honest and fair broker of information as the 2020 presidential campaign approaches. So far, Facebook is continuing to run some pro-Trump ads.

It’s not known, however, how much influence Thiel actually has on Facebook, and whether the social media’s advertising policy will eventually change to benefit the Democrats.

If Facebook bans Trump’s ads, which he used to achieve victory in 2016, the Trump 2020 campaign could be in deep trouble.

The New Majority

In fact, Republicans are already in deep trouble. While Republicans tell themselves that everything will be fine in 2020, one of the left-wing’s favorite websites, Organizing Upgrade, has outlined the plan to turn 40 million “disengaged non-voters,” including millennials, into voters for “structural change” – socialism. One version of this strategy is sometimes called “Brown is the New White,” since it is based on using illegal aliens from south of the border as the linchpin for the “new majority.”

All of this sounds ambitious. But remember that about 100 million eligible voters didn’t vote in 2016. Many of these people are seen as cannon fodder for the revolution, since they are open to voting for candidates promising things like college debt relief, more welfare, cash payments of various kinds, green jobs, jail break legislation, and so on.

At the same time, as McCarthy noted in his Rush Limbaugh interview, “Michael Bloomberg gave the them [the Democrats] more than $110 million” in 2018. That apparently took the Republicans by surprise. But in 2020, Bloomberg, a billionaire, figures to spend even more, taking away Trump’s so-called “money advantage” in fundraising.

It looks like Bloomberg is emerging as the real financial power behind the Democratic Party, in a case of a billionaire financing a political party whose debates feature Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders bashing billionaires. His current spending is on promoting his own campaign. But that can quickly change, as he demonstrated in 2018, when his advertising was used to elect other Democrats.

The left-wing Organizing Upgrade website notes that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, “the two candidates with the most progressive visions,” have already surpassed the party’s centrist standard-bearer, Joe Biden, in terms of polling numbers. This means the socialists are already in control of the party.

Even if Biden gets the nomination, the left-wingers say they will work for “maximum unity” behind him, in order to defeat Trump in the general election. The socialists in the U.S. don’t want to follow the lead of the Labor Party in Britain and its loony left nominee, Jeremy Corbyn, who went down to a big defeat. Biden’s “moderate” face will conceal the work of the communists active on the street level, social media will expand censorship of the GOP, and Bloomberg’s money will pound Trump and the Republicans on the national and state levels. It’s a strategy for socialist victory.

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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How Clinton and Obama Disarmed and Abandoned Ukraine

Cliff Kincaid

If Ukraine had kept and modernized the nuclear weapons it had inherited from the old Soviet Union, it is entirely possible that Russia would never have invaded in 2014. Those weapons could have been transformed into a deterrent to Russian aggression. But President Bill Clinton signed an agreement to send the weapons to Russia.

These facts have been conveniently ignored in the current hysteria over how, why, and when President Trump armed Ukraine against Russia. History shows that Clinton disarmed Ukraine through a flawed international agreement with Russia and then, when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, President Barack Hussein Obama failed to send the Ukrainians the arms they needed to defend themselves. It was Trump who rescued Ukraine from the Clinton/Obama policies.

Hillary Clinton accuses many people of being Russian agents, but it was her husband President Clinton who engineered the disarmament of Ukraine in the so-called Budapest Memorandum.  It was an executive agreement and not a treaty, meaning that Congress had not approved it. It was signed by Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United States, and Britain on December 5, 1994, and marked Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a non-nuclear weapons state.

Not surprisingly, our “fake news” media failed to use the recent 25th anniversary of the Budapest Memorandum to educate the American people about how Ukraine was set-up by Deep State actors in the Clinton and Obama Administrations to lose its nuclear weapons and then be invaded and occupied by Russia.

In exchange for Ukraine removing its strategic nuclear weapons and sending them to Russia, the Budapest Memorandum confirmed that the United States, Britain and Russia “reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations…”

The document was submitted to the United Nations Security Council, in accordance with globalist thinking, as if the U.N. would have a role of some kind in protecting Ukraine.

The last nuclear weapon was removed from Ukraine in June 1996 and transferred to Russia. Finally, under Obama, Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. It was another Obama foreign policy failure that has to be blamed on President Trump.

Playing Politics

Despite these foreign policy blunders, in the face of Trump’s actual arming of Ukraine against the Russian threat, the left-wing and well-funded National Security Archive has released a special report, “Nuclear Weapons and Ukraine,” treating the removal of Ukraine’s nuclear weapons as a great example of nuclear disarmament. The group sings the praises of the congressional legislation known as Nunn-Lugar, named for a Democratic Senator, Sam Nunn, and a Republican Senator, Dick Lugar. It was formally called the Cooperative Threat Reduction program.

At the time, Ukraine had some 1,900 strategic nuclear weapons, the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal at the time.

In 2012, two years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Obama had declared the Nunn-Lugar legislation a success, saying, “…it was Dick who took me on my first foreign trip as a Senator — to Russia and Ukraine and Azerbaijan.  We were there to see the Cooperative Threat Reduction program [Nunn-Lugar] in action.” During that trip abroad, in a strange development, Russian authorities detained Obama and Lugar, threatened to search their plane, and examined their passports.

A frequent traveler to Russia and the old Soviet Union, the late Indiana Senator Dick Lugar was one of the most left-wing Republican U.S. senators on foreign policy issues, having proudly accepted campaign contributions from the pro-world government group, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS). He was Obama’s mentor on foreign policy and gave the Democrat bipartisan cover for his globalist policies.

Speaking at the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Symposium being held at the National War College, Obama noted that in the audience, “We’re joined by some of our Russian friends today.”  Obama went on, “Let’s work with Russia as an equal partner.  Let’s continue the work that’s so important to the security of both our countries.  And I’m optimistic that we can.”

It sounds like Russian collusion.

Obama concluded that speech by saying, “Missile by missile, warhead by warhead, shell by shell, we’re putting a bygone era behind us.  Inspired by Sam Nunn and Dick Lugar, we’re moving closer to the future we seek.  A future where these weapons never threaten our children again.  A future where we know the security and peace of a world without nuclear weapons.”

This was complete bunk, of course, but that is the globalist mind-set. It resulted in Ukraine being invaded and occupied, 13,000 deaths in the war so far, and Democrats gearing up for impeachment of Trump over policies that Democratic presidents put in place.

Today, former Senator Nunn sits on the board of the organization he co-founded, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), working for a “safer world.”  His fellow board members and advisers include billionaire Warren E. Buffett, Ted Turner, former California Governor Jerry Brown, Admiral Michael G. Mullen, USN (Ret.), and Igor S. Ivanov, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Russia. Funders include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Canada Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, the U.S. Russia Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

The National Security Archive has been funded by George Soros (the Open Society Institute), the Rockefellers, and foundations associated with the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Barbra Streisand.

Another Scam

The Nunn-Lugar program was supposed to provide financial assistance for the purpose of dismantling or safely storing the weapons in the old Soviet nuclear arsenal. But that’s not how it worked out. Citing various reports from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the American Foreign Policy Council charged that Nunn-Lugar funds in the billions of dollars had been “used mainly to destroy obsolete weapons that Moscow will replace with high-tech arms currently under development” and that Nunn-Lugar funds “have been diverted to fund some of this development.”

It said Nunn-Lugar money had:

  • Been diverted to fund development of weapons of mass destruction.
  • Paid Russian nuclear scientists working on weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons testing and nerve agent research, and
  • Helped Russian plants continue to manufacture high-tech weapons.

In short, Nunn-Lugar funds, which were designed for the “demilitarization of the former Soviet Union,” were used to underwrite a Russian defense build-up.

Trying to rewrite history to favor Obama and Clinton, the National Security Archive, based at George Washington University, said the countries had “successfully eliminated the world’s third largest nuclear weapons force in the 1990s – the ICBMs, strategic bombers, and nuclear warheads left in Ukraine when the Soviet Union dissolved in December 1991…” The group released “declassified documents” about the negotiations that only served to illustrate the inner workings of the bureaucrats in the Clinton Administration who made a flawed agreement that was violated by Russia and benefited the Kremlin.

Not Worth the Paper It’s Printed On

In a moment of candor, their report goes on to say that the Budapest Memorandum had “provided security assurances to Ukraine – assurances that Russia subsequently violated…” (emphasis added).

This is the key point that makes claims of “success” totally bogus.

If Ukraine had kept those nuclear weapons and had used them as a deterrent against Russia, perhaps Russian President Vladimir Putin might have had second thoughts about invading Ukraine in 2014. But Obama — and many Republicans – had treated the Budapest Memorandum as something that might actually deter Russia.

The National Security Archive goes on to say that “the consolidation of the Soviet nuclear legacy in Russia directly served Russia’s security interests.” That’s another way of saying it left Ukraine defenseless and basically became a jobs program for Russian scientists working to modernize Moscow’s nuclear arsenal.

This is not something to be celebrated. It should be investigated and those on the U.S. side who negotiated this debacle should be held accountable. But that would expose the failures of those in the Deep State now after Trump’s scalp because he has raised concerns about corruption in the former Soviet republic involving Joe Biden’s son.

Bypassing Congress

Legally, Clinton did not submit the Budapest Memorandum as a treaty and the document was therefore never ratified by Congress. But as analyst Lyle Denniston notes, while the Obama Administration acted as if the document was in fact legally binding, the Budapest Memorandum “did not include any promises [from the U.S. and Britain] about how they would defend that nation if its territory were actually to be invaded.” Russia must have seen it that way, too. It was an invitation to invade Ukraine after the weapons were transferred to Russia. This is how the Clinton/Obama tag team operation betrayed a country now seen by Democrats as an indispensable ally.

While the Obama Administration may have considered the Clinton executive agreement legally binding, the fact is that it did nothing to implement its so-called security guarantees. And the United Nations, of course, was completely worthless in terms of protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine.

Academic scholar Mariana Budjeryn notes, “Using new archival records, this examination of Ukraine’s search for security guarantees in the early 1990s reveals that, ironically, the threat of border revisionism by Russia was the single gravest concern of Ukraine’s leadership when surrendering the nuclear arsenal.” In other words, Ukraine sensed that their withdrawal would invite Russian aggression.

It would have been better to let the weapons decay in Ukraine than financially underwrite the process of paying Russia to take or dismantle them.  Another alternative would have been to use American personnel to help safeguard the material. After all, Ukraine had access to the weapons.  But pressure from Washington forced them to capitulate to a deal that benefited Russia.

Once again, it was a case of Russian collusion.

The leaders of Ukraine saw they were being cornered and a trap was being set. Obama failed to help the nation get out of the trap set by Clinton.

But our media insist that it’s Trump’s fault that Ukraine is vulnerable to Russian aggression because he asked the country to investigate corruption that involved Joe Biden’s son. Meanwhile, Trump gave the Ukrainians the weapons Obama denied them.

The impeachment of Trump over Ukraine is what the professional magicians call misdirection.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Mayor Pete and Jeffrey Epstein: Spawn of the Sexual Revolution

Cliff Kincaid

The Culture Wars are mostly over, and the sexual revolutionaries have won. But they are not proclaiming total victory. They want a gay president in the White House, in order to complete Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. With their eyes on the prize, they want to mandate through executive order a risky HIV/AIDS vaccine.  But such a vaccine could backfire and spread the disease to more people.

One of the political winners in the cultural revolution is Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, Mayor who “married” another man and is leading the polls in Iowa, which holds its first-in-the-nation caucus February 3, 2020. He is one of the top fundraisers among Democratic candidates, assembling what the New York Times calls “a nationwide network of donors that is anchored by many wealthy and well-connected figures in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political circles.” These are many of the same people who propelled Barack Hussein Obama into the White House in 2008.

On the cutting edge of Marxist cultural revolution, Buttigieg promises to fund a cure for HIV/AIDS and update the U.S. passport program to include a third, non-binary gender option, “X”. His 18-page gay rights campaign document cites the United Nations as a possible legal basis for intervening in family life and protecting “intersex infants and children” from those who believe in traditional genders.

His late father Joseph Buttigieg was a Notre Dame professor and expert on the ideology of Antonio Gramsci, an Italian communist dedicated to overthrowing Western civilization and Biblical values. Like father, like son.

Mayor Pete’s disadvantage is that many black voters active in the Democratic Party are resisting his candidacy, in part over the gay issue.

Another Sexual Pioneer

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire pedophile with high-level contacts in politics and the media, was also interested in children as sexual objects and devoted much of his work to fighting AIDS. He told one of his alleged victims, 15-year-old Jennifer Araoz, that he was “a big AIDS activist.” Whether Epstein was HIV positive or not has not been answered.

We do know that he was a “transhumanist” who wanted to live forever and saw AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases as obstacles in his way. He supported the Elton John AIDS Foundation for the purpose of combatting HIV resistance to drugs,  a follow-up to the Epstein-funded Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University which helped John Hopkins University “develop a database to predict the effect of drugs on the HIV virus and notably HIV resistance.” The purpose is to develop potential HIV treatments and cures.

It’s clear this was a subject he had a personal interest in.

Since the discovery of HIV, an estimated 36 million people worldwide have died of AIDS-related illnesses. An estimated 700,000 Americans have lost their lives to HIV since 1981.

Epstein and Clinton

The obvious answer to AIDS, both here and abroad, is sexual abstinence outside of traditional marriage. But that wasn’t a viable option for womanizer Bill Clinton, who, as president, launched an emergency program to create an AIDS vaccine, calling it “a national mission.”   As a result, HIV/AIDS vaccines have been in human trials in the U.S., some of them funded by the U.S. Government, and other areas of the world. Since HIV/AIDS was first recognized in the United States in 1981, the U.S. Government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on HIV/AIDS and an AIDS vaccine without a cure being found.

Today, three experimental vaccines are said to be entering the last stages of testing and the “experts” say an HIV vaccine could be ready for widespread use in 2021.

Interestingly, it is reported that Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane took Clinton to tour AIDS “prevention and treatment” project sites in Africa in 2002. Epstein was described by  Clinton in a statement as someone with “an in-depth knowledge of 21st-century science” and committed to “citizen service and combating HIV/AIDS.”

It is significant that billionaire Bill Gates, who met several times with Epstein, is funding and promoting an HIV/AIDS vaccine and was photographed at a so-called “Billionaire’s Dinner” sponsored by the Edge, a group that included Epstein as a member.

Dazed and Confused

Buttigieg’s path to be coming a sexual revolutionary was different than Epstein’s. It is not clear why Buttigieg left the Catholic Church, where a gay Mafia targeted young boys for sexual abuse. But we do know that he went to Harvard, smoked dope, and eventually joined an Episcopal church, where he married another man. He says God created him as a practicing and proud homosexual.

The HIV/AIDS epidemic “disproportionately” affects gay men, he say, ignoring the scientific evidence that dangerous sexual practices, such as those outlined in the book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality, dramatically increase the odds of getting sick and dying from AIDS and other diseases.

But with the support of the Association of LGBTQ Journalists, a group funded by most major media organizations, he seems to be counting on the “fake news media” to carry him to victory. Hard questions about Mayor Pete’s personal lifestyle — and demands for the release of his medical records — are considered totally out of bounds.

For example, the article by Don Boys, “Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How ‘Gay’ Are You?,” was widely denounced for examining the homosexual lifestyle in graphic terms.

For his part, Buttigieg has been silent about the homosexual lifestyle he champions that is responsible for most of the HIV cases in the U.S. Of the 38,739 new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. in 2017, 70 percent were gay and bisexual men.

Medical Freedom

Rather than change their behavior, the homosexuals want a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine to enable them to continue to engage in dangerous and promiscuous sexual activity. Buttigieg’s campaign document declares that “we must continue searching for a cure and a preventive vaccine” for HIV/AIDS but is silent about making the AIDS shot mandatory. Clearly, he doesn’t want to scare people. However, government experts speak in the medical and scientific journals about the need for such a vaccine to be compulsory in order to be effective. Another brutally honest paper, “Anticipating HIV Vaccines: Sketching an Agenda for Public Health Ethics and Policy in the United States,” notes, “If individuals perceive a significant protective effect of an HIV vaccine, they may be more willing to engage in risky behaviors.” That’s precisely why the gay lobby wants the vaccine. Such a vaccine gives a green light to the sexual practices which gave us the AIDS epidemic in the first place.

You don’t have to be an “anti-vaxxer” to recognize the dangers. Millions could be infected before they realize the government and Big Pharma have made a deadly mistake. An AIDS vaccine will have a form of AIDS or HIV in it, and the government will not be able to guarantee in advance that it is safe or effective. That’s why a federal program exists to compensate victims of vaccines.

The Swine Flu vaccine scandal of the 1970s is an example of what can happen. Hundreds pf people came down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, after getting the flu shot. A rotavirus vaccine for children was withdrawn from the U.S. market in 1999 for safety reasons. Research conducted by attorney Walter Kyle indicates that contaminated polio vaccines may have led to cancers and some cases of AIDS in humans.

Blackmail Material

Whatever the origin of AIDS, the sexual revolution has been facilitated by sexual practices being spread by the use of mobile dating apps. Buttigieg says he met his husband on a dating app, a revelation that sounds innocent enough until you discover that another popular app, Grindr, which also appeals to gays, was owned by a Chinese company. In this case, the scandal, which involves potential blackmail, has gotten some media attention.

It apparently dawned on some U.S. “intelligence” officials that the Chinese Communist Party could obtain “compromising photos and messages from some of America’s most powerful men — some openly gay, and some closeted,” as columnist  Isaac Stone Fish put it. His column, which appeared in the Washington Post, even suggested that Chinese communist security forces “could leak compromising photos of gay American generals” and “send male honeypots to targets in the American national security apparatus.”

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) ordered the sale of Grindr on national security grounds but the transaction doesn’t have be consummated until June 2020. Two Senate Democrats got involved on behalf of the LGBTQ movement, saying 3.6 million people were using Grindr and that their personal information, including HIV status and last HIV testing date, could be compromised.

Of course, forcing the Chinese to sell their stake in the company does not eliminate the problem. They can still hack into Grindr and other apps for blackmail material, and probably already have done so.

Buttigieg, a military veteran, should be concerned about all of this. Yet, he seems more concerned about homosexuals being able to conceal their HIV status when they have sex with other gays. He was on a CNN LGBT Town Hall program saying he wants to do away with laws throughout the country which make it illegal to knowingly give someone HIV. The argument is that such laws stigmatize HIV/AIDS carriers and that the disease isn’t an automatic death sentence anymore because of AIDS drugs.

Criminalizing Christianity

Faced with a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine for their children, parents with common sense will figure out that their children can easily avoid the disease they are supposedly being “protected” against through changes in behavior and lifestyle. That is a much safer option than having a dangerous and potentially lethal foreign substance injected into their bloodstream.

But that means teaching kids about traditional morality and avoiding the homosexual lifestyle, and that’s something that the homosexual cabal behind Buttigieg will not tolerate. And since Buttigieg says that he opposes religious and personal exemptions to vaccines, that means parents will go to jail for refusing to have their children injected with an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

Jeffrey Epstein and Pete Buttigieg are very different people. But the AIDS epidemic which has left so many dead and dying can be traced back to the sexual revolution that sparked their political interests and careers. Epstein, a member of exclusive organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, died under mysterious circumstances, while Buttigieg seems to have the inside track among the rich and powerful to be president.

Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Fishy Death of Jeffrey Epstein

Cliff Kincaid

The late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia is what has interested the media. But his own blog, which is still active even after his death, suggests what he and his fellow elites were really interested in. He called it “cutting edge science.” It is how the global elites intend to manage our lives. They already claim credit for “rewriting our global culture.”

“Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member,” his website proclaimed. “Mr. Epstein is also an active member of the Edge Organization.”

You can’t get higher-up than Epstein. This is the crème de la crème of the American establishment. But as Patrick Wood, Editor of Technocracy News & Trends, notes, “He had no visible or logical means of creating wealth, although he spent a fortune on various pet projects.”

Wood comments that Epstein was definitely NOT like “the typical member” of the Trilateral Commission (TC) or Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). “He had no compelling outward qualifications as far as I can tell, but if you think about the TC and CFR as being potentially useful for nefarious purposes, then Epstein was the blackmailer and his secret and real profession was sex trafficking and pedophilia,” Wood adds, “It has been alleged that every room in his mansions had hidden cameras that filmed everything and everyone, and that the videos taken were stored offsite in a still-undisclosed location. These will never be released because they implicate so many of the global elite.”

These are serious concerns, and there is no guilt by association. But Epstein’s mysterious death, at this juncture in history, is extremely significant. Attorney General William Barr tells AP that Epstein’s “suicide” was the result of “a perfect storm of screw-ups.” But in the same way that then-candidate Donald J. Trump had brought up the case of the mysterious death of former Clinton aide Vincent Foster, calling it “fishy,” there are too many outstanding questions about the Epstein death. Like Foster, he is a man who knew too much.

Blaming two federal prison guards for his “suicide” cannot be accepted at face value.

A quick look into one of Epstein’s affiliated groups, the Edge organization, reveals a “Billionaires’ Dinner” with photos of Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon and the Washington Post; Jeffrey Epstein; and many others. “Guests have included the leading third culture intellectuals of our time, dining and conversing with the founders of Amazon, AOL, eBay, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, PayPal, Space X, Skype, Twitter,” says the website. “It is a remarkable gathering of outstanding minds — the people that are rewriting our global culture.”

This new global order is based on Scientism, a philosophy attractive to the global elites which holds that a small group of powerful people will manage the future through technocracy. Some of these people believe in “transhumanism,” the use of science and technology to enhance human mental and physical characteristics, creating a virtual super-race of humans.

Epstein, for example, “planned on using his own semen to impregnate the chosen ones and thus improve the human race,” notes Wood. “Epstein also planned to cryonically freeze his head and his penis, so that future science could bring him back to life to live forever.”

In this way, Epstein believed that he would, personally, be resurrected and experience a form of eternal life.

Life and Death Among the Elites

While this kind of approach sounds fantastic, the fact is that Epstein, a college dropout, was highly regarded by such elite organizations such as the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Harvard University.  As reported by the Harvard Crimson, “He cultivated cozy friendships with top Harvard administrators including a former University president” and pledged a $30 million donation to Harvard to fund the University’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. “Our work is about understanding the past, managing the present, and helping to build the future,” it says.

Epstein was accepted into the “Chairman’s Circle” of the CFR’s top donors but the group’s president, Richard Haass, has tried to distance himself from Epstein after his death. However, the Trilateral Commission, whose membership is by invitation only, has not said anything publicly about his involvement with the organization.

Research into the agenda of these organizations is as important as finding out those who were rubbing elbows (or other body parts) with Epstein or the young girls in his harem.  How could someone with enormous wealth, obtained through mysterious circumstances, reach the pinnacle of power. Was it because of his keen intellect?

The Trilateral Commission’s goal has always been the “deeper integration and greater globalization” of the world’s economies but asserts that such a process has been jeopardized by “populism and nationalism.” That’s a reference to the election of Donald J. Trump as U.S. President and the Brexit process of leaving the European Union in Britain. In the words of the Trilateral Commission, the future of humanity is threatened.

The Trilateral Commission Summer 2019 report, “Democracies Under Stress” reflects the current political thinking of the global elite who invited Epstein  to join their “prestigious” organizations and attend their “dinners.” It states, “All of this [stress] is occurring at a time when Beijing is offering the world what many see as a viable alternative to democracy.”

The “many” is not defined. But speaking for themselves, in terms of the “many,” these global elites apparently see the U.S. experiment in constitutional self-government as less efficient than China’s rule by the communist elite.

This report from the Trilateral Commission features two pictures of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a prominent member of the North American Group. One shows Kissinger with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who fooled the West with Glasnost and Perestroika while pursuing the goal of world communism with the support of “socialists” and environmentalists in the West. Former top Jimmy Carter adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski also “played an important role in the formation” of the Trilateral Commission and served as its first director from 1973 to 1976. By the way, his daughter is Mika Brzezinski, a host on the Trump-hating MSNBC cable channel. She is married to co-host Joe Scarborough. Both are members of the CFR.

Media organizations represented by Trilateral Commission members include NBC News, Bloomberg, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. Clearly, they, too, play a major role in shaping the culture.

Secrets and Cover-Ups

The heavy media presence in the organization explains why commission meetings and reports are not examined critically or even covered. Hence, we can assume one is invited to join such an organization, “by invitation only,” and stay involved, based on favorable coverage, or non-coverage, of what this organization actually does. That virtually guarantees that “whistleblowers” will never come forward with inside information about their plans.

But Patrick Wood, who co-authored the book, Trilaterals Over Washington, has watched the activities of the organization for many years and says there is no doubt that China has always been the key to the plans of the TC. He notes that Kissinger started the relationship with China under President Nixon and then Brzezinski completed most of the communist country’s integration into the global economy under President Carter. The goal has been to develop an elaborate scheme of social engineering, a technocracy, which will be used to bring into being an anticipated new worldwide utopian system.

In the elite view, an authoritarian system of governance such as China would allow technocracy to thrive much more quickly than in Western democracies, or in our Constitutional Republic. Indeed, China now leads the world in video surveillance firms that feature facial and voice recognition capabilities. The regime’s “social credit” system of regulating the personal lives of citizens has already achieved some notoriety. Here, a softer version of the “social credit” approach has been adopted by social media which collect personal information about users and control the news and information available to the people.

But America seems to be going the Chinese route. Amazon’s “Rekognition” program promises “Facial Recognition with Artificial Intelligence.”

Amazon does extensive work for the CIA and has just filed suit challenging the awarding of the Pentagon’s $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure or JEDI cloud-computing contract to Microsoft. Bill Gates, Microsoft’s co-founder, was photographed at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 2011.

What the future holds is being left up to those who associated with Jeffrey Epstein.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Coup Plotters Risk War With Russia

Cliff Kincaid*

In what was called a “strong message” to President Trump, the House of Representatives earlier this year passed the “NATO Support Act” by a vote of 357 to 22.  That’s the template for what follows impeachment – voting Ukraine into NATO, provoking Russia, and sending American soldiers off to fight and die in another corrupt foreign country.

The people testifying against Trump are part of the same group of bureaucratic losers who have mishandled our foreign policy for decades.

Consider the opening statement on impeachment before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence by George P. Kent, the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State. He declared his admiration for foreign born bureaucrats opposing Trump and added, “…they are the 21st century heirs of two giants of 20th century U.S. national security policy who were born abroad: my former professor Zbigniew Brzezinski; and his fellow immigrant Henry Kissinger.”

Let’s recall that Kissinger, the architect of America’s Vietnam defeat, had insisted in 2009 that President Obama could create a New World Order and that he had a good foreign policy team. He made these comments on CNBC during a “celebration” of 30 years of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China. Kissinger is perhaps best known for convincing President Nixon to establish diplomatic ties with China after insisting that China had abandoned communism, and was no longer a threat.

That doesn’t seem to have worked out so well.

It just so happens that George Kent’s professor, the late former top Carter Administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski, served an administration that achieved notoriety for abandoning Iran to the Iranian ayatollahs and Nicaragua to the communist Sandinistas.

Those policies didn’t work out so well, either.

They had wanted Trump to continue the Obama policies of supporting the Syrian Kurds, most of whom are associated with the Marxist-Leninist PKK terrorist organization. Trump rejected the advice of leaving American troops in the middle of a confrontation with the Turkish Armed Forces. In this case, Trump sided with a NATO member. Still, that didn’t satisfy the Trump critics.

“American Betrayal” screamed NBC News foreign correspondent Richard Engel, in a special Sunday night show on Trump-hating MSNBC. His main witness to this “betrayal” was a Kurdish terrorist wanted for his crimes in Turkey.

Having failed to get the U.S. into a war with Turkey, the foreign policy bureaucrats have turned their attention to Ukraine.

In the name of saving Ukraine, which was invaded by Russia under a Democratic President, Barack Hussein Obama, the Democrats are trying to impeach a president who has done far more than Obama in providing defensive weapons and loans.

Looking at the controversy objectively, it is clear that Trump was asking that Ukrainian authorities investigate the corruption that was making the country weak in the face of the Russian threat. It just so happens that some of the corruption involved Joe Biden’s son. Trump didn’t think their political status should exempt them from scrutiny.

The Obama Administration not only failed to provide Ukraine the weapons the country needed for self-defense but was complicit in draining financial resources away from a major Ukrainian gas company to the Biden family. With good reason, Trump found fault with that approach. He couldn’t remain silent in the face of the evidence.

Rather than be impeached over this, Trump should be given an award for helping Ukraine get its fiscal and financial house in order. The Trump pressure campaign is just what that country — and American taxpayers — needed.

By making policy over Ukraine into an impeachable offense, Rep. Adam Schiff, a congressional sponsor of the recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation dinner, is making Ukraine’s membership in NATO – and a possible war with Russia – almost inevitable. He understands the stakes, declaring in a Los Angeles Times column,  “The heart of the [NATO] alliance — known as Article 5 — is the readiness to come to the aid of any member state if it is attacked.” That’s why it’s significant that one of his key witnesses, the aforementioned State Department official George P. Kent, said, “Ultimately, Ukraine is on a path to become a full security partner of the United States within NATO. ”

These bureaucrats and congressional liberals want American soldiers to fight and die on behalf of Ukraine against Russia, in a war that could go nuclear. But Trump’s interest in the Ukrainian role in opposing his candidacy for president is something else that must be thoroughly investigated by Congress before NATO membership for Ukraine is even considered.

Practically speaking, NATO membership would be an obvious provocation inviting more Russian aggression, at a time when NATO is weak and most of its members can’t or won’t pay for their own defense. What Trump has been saying about the NATO deadbeats is entirely factual. He has questioned the value of NATO when only five of its 29 members actually pay their way. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted down an amendment from Senator Rand Paul demanding that NATO members spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on defense, which the alliance agreed to in 2014.

On October 22, without any fanfare or even much coverage, the U.S. Senate voted 91-2 to accept tiny Macedonia as a member, expanding NATO to 30 members. The only two “no” votes came from Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee.

The Democrats’ impeachment campaign, which is destined to fail in the Senate, is likely to be followed up by congressional demands for NATO membership for Ukraine. Emulating the debate over the NATO Support Act, most Republicans are likely to go along with the Democrats, in order to demonstrate their toughness. American troops will then be called on to sacrifice their lives for another corrupt country, part of which is already under Russian occupation, that can’t defend itself.

Many Americans might be surprised to learn that 300 American soldiers have already been in Ukraine training its military, in a dangerous deployment authorized by Barack Hussein Obama back in 2015. Trump’s America-First base of support would be outraged if they knew and would want Trump to bring the troops home. Trump supporters might say that a corrupt Ukraine whose government opposed Trump’s election is not worth one more American dollar and certainly not one American soldier’s life.

For their part, the coup plotters know that a war with Russia will cost many lives and damage the U.S. and world economies. It is a cynical and dangerous ploy that is unfolding before our eyes.  But they are prepared to risk war with Russia for the chance to deny Trump a second term.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Trump Vs. Schiff, Soros and Socialism

Cliff Kincaid

Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was given a prestigious seat on the Congressional Host Committee for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation “Triumph of Liberty” dinner last Friday in Washington, D.C. This makes Schiff look like a tough anti-communist as he proceeds with the impeachment of President Trump this week.

But analyst Trevor Loudon has a long entry on Rep. Schiff in his Keywiki database, documenting his connections to left-wing labor unions with a socialist bent, George Soros-funded groups, and the pro-Communist Chinese Committee of 100.  He says the latter essentially runs “influence operations” for the communist Chinese regime.

The impeachment drive is taking place at a time when the Trump administration is attempting to confront China over its unfair trading practices and drive for tech dominance.

What’s surprising to some observers is that the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation would accept Schiff as a sponsor of the event. Republicans, who comprised the majority of congressional dinner sponsors, say Schiff’s process to remove Trump has been unfair and secretive. Indeed, many conservatives call it a Soviet-style process, with one critic saying Schiff is going “full Stalin” in his zeal to destroy Trump.

The Ukraine Connection

In leading the effort to impeach and remove Trump from office, Schiff is focusing on Trump’s alleged improper call to Ukraine’s president about investigating corruption charges against potential rival Joe Biden’s son. Trump had also wanted to know if Ukraine had a role in devising the phony “Trump Dossier” used to justify surveillance of the president and his aides.

The call was revealed by an anti-Trump “whistleblower” from the CIA whose identity is being protected by Schiff, the major media, and the social media companies. Trump released a transcript of the phone call and suggests treasonous behavior on the part of “Shifty Schiff.”

As the process has unfolded, Schiff “expressed regret” for lying about having no prior contact with the CIA “whistleblower” behind the impeachment. “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” he said on September 17. But a member of his staff had in fact spoken to the CIA analyst.

Before the current impeachment drive, Schiff was also a leading maker of false claims of Russian “collusion” against President Trump. There was “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight,” Schiff had said about Trump and Russia. But Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no such collusion.

A Controversial Pick

The November 8 “Triumph of Liberty” dinner recognized Joachim Wilhelm Gauck, a German politician and former pastor in East Germany, with the Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom, named for the Democratic and Republican presidents most associated with anti-communism. However, Gauck was also the recipient of the Open Society Prize from the controversial Central European University, an institution founded by billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros. CEU founder Soros, who supports Marxist and left-wing causes and candidates in the U.S., said that Gauck “has spent his life ensuring that people who suffered under communism were not forgotten and that the crimes of the Stasi [East German secret police] did not go unpunished.”

In fact, leaders of the Stasi such as Markus Wolf escaped prison time, following a conscious decision by Western elites not to hold Nuremberg-style trials of the communists that could have resulted in the death penalty. As a result, Vladimir Putin, a former Soviet KGB colonel stationed in East Germany, became president of Russia, and Germany has been ruled since 2005 by Angela Merkel, a communist youth activist in East Germany who, as Chancellor, made Germany more dependent on Russian oil and gas by terminating Germany’s nuclear energy program. She also welcomed the Muslim invasion of Europe, leading to more Islamic terrorism.

These and other developments help explain why the subtitle of the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Buovsky’s massive book, Judgment in Moscow, refers to Soviet crimes and “western complicity.” He called for Nuremberg-style trials for the communists.

“The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation long has studied the possibility of putting communism on trial before the world court of public opinion,” says Dr. Lee Edwards, the co-founder and chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. “Perhaps, as an homage to Vladimir Bukovsky, it is time to begin planning such a historic event.”

It’s about time.

Schiff Vs. Trump

Trump continues to highlight the cause of anti-communism. One day before the “Triumph of Liberty” dinner, Trump hosted an event to commemorate the victims of communism and issued a statement on the matter.

But Trump’s disgust for the “anti-communist” Schiff on national security grounds is well-known. He had told reporters in Washington on October 28 that the White House didn’t notify the House Intelligence Committee about the raid that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder of ISIS, because of concern that the information would be leaked by Schiff. Trump said, “…I think Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington.”

Bukovsky’s Judgment in Moscow discusses how  some of Schiff’s congressional associates or former colleagues in Congress tried to undermine President Ronald Reagan’s anti-communist foreign policy, in order to benefit the Soviet Union and install a communist regime in Nicaragua. He cites a secret document showing ties between the Soviet Communist Party and the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua.

In this regard, Trevor Loudon notes that the second-ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, Jim Himes of Connecticut, traveled to pro-Soviet Nicaragua in the late 1980s to research his undergraduate thesis “The Sandinista Defense Committees and the Transformation of Political Culture in Nicaragua.” Loudon asserts that Himes “essentially whitewashed” the civilian spy networks for the Marxist-Leninist regime.

“Luckily for Jim Himes,” commented Loudon, “there are no security background checks required to serve on the House Intelligence Committee. In fact, security background checks are not required to serve on any congressional committee — even those with access to sensitive classified material.”

It’s clear that, before ultimate victory over communism can be achieved, an official Nuremberg Trial for the communists and their fellow travelers in the West must be held. But that might expose the Marxists in Congress that anti-communist President Reagan had publicly expressed so much concern about. In fact, Reagan had reminisced about the days when Congress had a committee (the House Committee on Un-American Activities) that would investigate even its own members if communist involvement was suspected.

Communism Never Died

The real Russia scandal, as explained by Bukovsky in his book, is that both major political parties have acted as though communist leaders, first in the Soviet Union and then China, could be reasoned with, and that Western aid and trade would transform communist dictatorships into responsible members of the international order. He explained how the last Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev, had a plan to change the face of Soviet communism and integrate the world through regional blocs such as the European Union into international socialist structures. Gorbachev used demands for U.N. global action against “global warming” as a means to bring that about.

In a speech titled, “October and Perestroika: The Revolution Continues,” Gorbachev had openly declared his commitment to a one-world communist state, saying on November 2, 1987, “We are moving towards a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.”

Yet, the George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service, named for the former president, the first President Bush, was given to Gorbachev in 2001. The award was given at the time in honor of Gorbachev supposedly finding “common ground” on such matters as human rights and arms control and presiding over the transition to a “democratic Russia.” A big ceremony was held at the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library.

President George W. Bush had said about Russian President and former KGB colonel Vladimir Putin, “I looked the man in the eye … I was able to get a sense of his soul.”

Western leaders, including both American Presidents Bush, had wanted to believe that communism was dead, or dying, and that the world could come together as one, in favor of what the first President Bush called a New World Order.

By contrast, Trump has rejected that approach, most notably in his “The future does not belong to globalists” speech at the U.N.

Based on an analysis of their programs and events, it seems clear that the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has not done an adequate job of explaining how Gorbachev’s policies of Perestroika and Glasnost were designed to fool the west and duped Democrats and Republicans. The group has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Scaife Foundations, whose late founder, Dick Scaife, was a stanch anti-communist who recognized the nature of the communist enemy. He would be disappointed in the failure to pursue a strategy of victory over communism.

It’s time not only for the Victims of Communism Memorial foundation to join the call for Nuremberg Trials for communism, as Bukovsky recommended, but endorse the formation of new congressional committees on un-American activities and internal security.

In this context, the fact that members of the Bush administration are prominent figures in the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation may help explain the failure to address what communist defector Anatoliy Golitsyn had called in his book, “The Perestroika Deception.”  These Bush officials are associated with globalist organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, the latter implicated in Bukovsky’s book in facilitating Gorbachev’s schemes and plans. The CFR was tainted by having communist spy Alger Hiss as a prominent member and has recently been asked to explain how and why convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein joined the organization.

The mission of the Victims of Communism group was compromised from the beginning, owing to the fact that it was authorized by a Congressional Act signed by President Bill Clinton and had to take practical measures not to offend establishment Democrats or Republicans. But history shows that Congressional Democrats had terminated the House Internal Security Committee, the successor to the House Committee on Un-American Activities, and its Senate counterpart. There is no way to escape this critical fact.

Fighting Communism with Socialism

In another indication of left-wing drift that makes accountability for socialists and communists difficult, the Victims of Communism group features Carl Gershman, a socialist, on its advisory council. Gershman is the long-time president of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a federally-funded entity which spends $180 million a year on “democracy assistance” in foreign countries.

President Ronald Reagan had started the NED program in 1983 and figured it would maintain an anti-communist bent. But so-called non-communist socialists who support globalism and American intervention in foreign countries quickly took charge. Many of them are commonly called “neoconservatives.” Until Trump ran for office and was elected, they were part of the Republican coalition. Today, many are Never-Trumpers.

For his part, Gershman  was chairman of the Young People’s Socialist League and Executive Director of Social Democrats, U.S.A., an offshoot of the U.S. Socialist Party. He once sought “to transform the Democratic party into the Social Democratic party” and was quoted as saying, “Our goal as socialists is to create political structure in America which is equivalent to a social democratic party.” They seem to operate on the assumption, also embraced by the CIA since the end of World War II, that “democratic socialism” was “the most effective bulwark against totalitarianism,” in the words of liberal historian Arthur Schlesinger.

In August, Gershman, speaking in Ukraine, said the National Endowment for Democracy “has made support for democracy in Ukraine one of its chief priorities.” He previously wrote an extraordinary September 26, 2013, article in the Washington Post that called Ukraine “the biggest prize” in a confrontation with Russia and suggested that Russian President Putin’s days in power could be numbered.

Trump, who has sought better relations with Russia and wants to avoid a military confrontation over Ukraine, seems to think the NED is meddling in the affairs of other countries. His budget office proposed a major reduction in the NED budget. But Democrats  joined Republicans such as Senator Lindsey Graham in pronouncing the proposal “dead on arrival.”

Irritating Trump and his supporters, the National Endowment for Democracy earlier this year honored the late Senator John McCain, a major Trump critic, with a posthumous presentation of NED’s Democracy Service Medal.  McCain had turned the “Trump Dossier” over to the FBI at the suggestion of his close friend, Senator Lindsey Graham.

Graham has come under strong criticism for failing to follow through on his promise to use his Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate the Deep State operatives trying to remove Trump. Lou Dobbs of Fox calls Graham a fraud.

As a result, Trump, the most anti-communist president since Reagan, is facing impeachment and possible removal from office.

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