Part 7: America’s Twilight Years—Less Water, More People, Big Pile Up

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 7: How do you keep adding more people with a finite amount of water?  How do you survive that reality?

As the 20 years of Washington DC’s stupidity plays-out in the final American defeat in Afghanistan during the next week, let us remember why G.W. Bush attacked: to kill bin Laden after 9/11. Well, our Seal Team Six accomplished that mission in 2011. Why didn’t we pull out a day after that event occurred? Why stay there another 10 years? Why lie to the American people who were giving up $6 trillion in tax dollars, their sons and daughters, along with massive amounts of military equipment?

I still wonder how our mainstream media neglected to expose to the American people that 114,000 of our young soldiers committed suicide during their active duty stints or shortly thereafter. Let’s face it: Islam produces mass insanity in its followers and barbaric rituals that  confound the sharpest minds.  THAT must be the most horrific cover-up of the last 20 years.  (Source:

It shows you that our presidents and Congressional members would rather lie to us, pretend to be representing us and simply stand by as our country descends into its twilight years.

Our defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq provide a glimpse of the invasion advancing onto our shores from our open borders with Mexico.  Notice that the Mexican government supports, transports and aides/abetted over one-million illegal aliens thus far this year.  They will gladly help another 1,000,000 illegals for the rest of the year…another 5,000,000 in 2022 if Biden and Congress encourage the invasion perpetually.

It begs the question:  how stupid are Biden and those 535 members of Congress?  Answer:  really, really stupid!

Why? Because we face cataclysmic consequences as to water, energy and resources being totally exhausted within the next two decades.  At current immigration rates, we will see another 35 million people added to the USA by 2030—eight and one-half years from now.  Are you excited about that? How will 35 million refugees improve anything in America?

You might digest this reality facing us by my longtime friend Kathleene Parker, in Albuquerque, NM.  She’s a top notch environmental researcher specialist.  She simply lays out the facts that few want to deal with in DC.

The American Southwest:
Twice the People, Half the Water?

Kathleene, could you tell the American people what to expect with this continuing onslaught of our country?

“I’d be happy to,” she said. “Showing reservoirs, including iconic Lake Mead at Hoover Dam, shrunk to a fraction of their intended size, national news media is reporting that the American Southwest is in the worst 20-year drought in 1,200 years.

“Yet, no one asked why President Biden is hellbent on increasing immigration – which has exploded the U.S. population by an average approaching 30 million a decade over the last three decades – when he can’t ensure adequate water for those here now. The Southwest is the fastest growing region of ours, the third most populated nation and one of the world’s fastest growing developed nations – something else never reported. (All caused by legal-illegal immigration and their birth rates.)

“There are roughly 200 reservoirs along the length of the Colorado River – the primary water source for at least 45 million people in the Colorado River Basin and beyond – that were thought to ensure a 50-year water supply in drought. Yet, by the early 2000s, that 50-year supply was sucked dry!

“At Lake Mead, the water level recently fell below the trigger point for the first-ever federal water emergency. That will mean mandatory water cutoffs, delivering a body blow to the Southwest’s economy and drying up farmland needed to feed the nation’s exploding population. But even that might not stop a collapse of the Colorado River system, a vast network of diversion projects and reservoirs stretching from Wyoming to the Mexican border. Meaning, reservoirs might run dry and diversions might no longer take water into cities of millions!

“Today’s Phoenix, Arizona, was so named when settlers in the 19th century realized that they were building on the ruins of some long-ago civilization – that of the Hohokam – and named their new settlement after the mythical bird that arises from the ashes of another.

“The Four Corner states – Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah – today are dotted with the ruins of the mysterious cliff dwellings and towns of the ancestral Puebloans – the Hohokam, the Anasazi and the Mimbres – who were forced into what we call the Great Abandonment, during the prolonged drought of the late 1200s though the mid-1300s. Hundreds of thousands of people fled what had been relative paradises in Colorado’s Montezuma Valley and on the once-verdant Mesa Verde, in the Gila Mountains of New Mexico and on the high uplands of Arizona, relocating to areas, mostly along the Rio Grande, with somewhat dependable water.

“Lake Mead, the second largest reservoir in North America, is now 35 percent “full,” but since the bottom 20 percent is useless sludge, that means nearly empty, just as the Scripps Institute of Oceanography warned would happen in the 2020s. In California, some reservoirs can no longer generate hydropower, and Lake Powell, just upstream from Lake Mead and the largest reservoir in North America, also flirts with being empty. Yet, Big Media never ask if Biden grasps:

  1. That this might not be drought, but merely a return to far-drier norms than 1960 to 1995, the wettest time in the Southwest in 2000 years.
  2. That there is not “always ‘new’ water” to be found or some miraculous technofix to save us – although, admittedly, more people mean more sewage effluent to process for drinking. Yum!
  3. That the current drought might pale in comparison with what climate change might bring.

“In 1922, the Colorado River Basin states of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California met near Santa Fe to legally divide, or allocate, the Colorado River. But the resulting Colorado River Compact began with an “Oops!” of staggering proportions, as 16-million acre feet were divvied up, even though the river usually carries only 13 m.a.f. (An acre foot is the amount of water it takes to cover an acre of ground with a foot of water.)

“That didn’t matter in a Southwest that at the time supported under 5 million people. But, if immigration continues at the astronomical rates of recent decades, or even increases, the Southwest could see its population double, even as flows on the Colorado will likely average a paltry 7 m.a.f. a year, maybe even as low as 5 m.a.f.

So, twice the people, half the water

“Will that bring our own Great Abandonment, an exodus of 45 million people trying to flee anywhere other than a drought-and-climate-change seared Southwest?

“Are you even aware, Mr. Biden, of that possibility?”

Of course, the answer is: No! He and Congress don’t possess a clue.  Just like Bush drove us into the insanity of Afghanistan and Iraq, 20 years later, they are driving America into her twilight years.

As to this immigration fiasco, Biden and Congress are driving our country over a demographic cliff.  Biden and Congress are simply speeding the process of America descending into the same fate that befell the Romans, British and every other empire.

Will we see our  country continue to degrade and devolve in an even greater mess than it is in 2021?  Are you optimistic or are you scared to death?  Me? I’m scared to death.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 6: America’s Twilight Years—Education, Erasing Cultural Foundation

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 6:  Lowering educational standards, CRT, eroding our foundational principles

“One thing we forget to know is that failed states once had civil, constitutional laws that were put in place.  When these laws don’t work for all that’s when dictatorship arises and injustices hug the land, and prosperities becomes the luxury of the few, not the masses.” — Henry Johnson Jr.

In 2020, Black Lives Matter and Antifa anarchists ruled the streets of many American cities.  One faction celebrated a lifelong known career federal felon.  George Floyd proved himself a model for everything wrong in a human being: drug addict, woman beater, car thief, robberies, passing counterfeit money, porno star, shoplifter, federal prisoner…just an all-around nasty, contemptable human being. No son or daughter would choose to live such a pathetic, dishonorable and deplorable life.

Yet, after his death, his supporters erected statues, changed schools to his name, gave his family $27 million in damages, massive media coverage heralding his extraordinary life…as if he were a national hero.

When in fact, his supporters in BLM rioted, looted, ransacked, killed and destroyed entire city blocks to the tune of over $2 billion.

The other group, Antifa, a bunch of young thugs sought to tear down the foundation of our Republic…and replace it with thuggery and lawlessness.  The mayor of Portland, Oregon supported those anarchists!

What are the signs of a civilization in its descending years?

How do you tell if your country faces the end of its existence?  What are the signs?

1- Too many people too disinterested and/or apathetic in participating or raising their voices when they see things happening that undermine integrity, truth and common sense in their communities.

Right now, top educators in Oregon just signed a bill to do away with academic standards so that minorities would not feel obligated to study, work or achieve basic standards of excellence in math, science, writing, reading, biology, history and other courses.  Those educators didn’t want blacks, browns, Native Americans, or any people of color to feel inferior because they couldn’t meet basic standards.  Instead of raising minorities’ educational skills via tutoring, repeating grades, mandatory study halls, and guided learning—just let them remain functionally illiterate.

Please note: what single word defines all failed societies around the world in 2021?  Answer: illiteracy. You see it in Africa, Mexico, India and all other third world countries.

As you can imagine, back here in America, those millions of functionally illiterate people will not be able to command jobs much higher than a janitor, taxi driver or used car salesman.  They will become our new ‘underclass’ such as the 40 million Americans subsisting on food stamps, welfare housing, and homelessness. They will become the millions of pregnant female teens birthing children on your tax  dollar.  That phenomenon already manifests across America into the millions.

2- Teach your children to hate their country and distrust or hate other people of other skin colors through the Critical Race Theory. I can see no other more ‘perfect method’ for bringing the downfall of America than to educate everyone to hate everyone else for the color of their skin.

This week, at a Loudon Country, Virginia school board meeting, 5th grade teacher Laura Morris criticized being forced to teach CRT and quit right there in the meeting.   If you force enough teachers to quit, you will see entire generations of kids with no educational command of their lives.

3- Teach your kids to distrust and disobey the police…and you will devolve into a lawless society.  That’s what happened with BLM last summer as our mayors, governors and Congressional critters in all those cities DID NOT enforce our laws.  In fact, they made all the police the ‘bad guys’, which in turn encouraged anarchy in our streets.

The reality: crime and killings escalated to horrific levels in most  of the cities that  “defunded the police” last year.  The criminals are enjoying a party of killing and thefts like never before.

While I visited San Francisco in June 2021, I parked the car with two bikes on the roof, two blocks from Fisherman’s Wharf.  Across the street, a crime scene in front of a hotel.  On every parking meter, a sign reads, “If you love it; don’t leave it.”  Well, a guy had walked out to see his SUV BMW with bashed out rear and side windows.  The Asian and Black gangs stake out a guy at each end of the street to watch for cops. The other two drive up to an out-of-state or in-state car with luggage. In 30 seconds, they “smash and grab” anything in the car…and drive away to uncover their license plate, pick up the lookout guy and escape  with  cameras, jewelry, suitcases and anything in the car.

The cops told us NOT to leave our car or the bikes would be gone, and our car would be bashed-in by the thieves.  We left San Francisco for the first time in 40 years without enjoying the city.  By the way, 17 Walgreen’s Drug Stores bankrupted this year from shoplifting in the “City by the Bay.” A sickening 11,000 homeless roam the streets begging for money and drugs. We saw them! It’s sickening!

You might understand that the same thing occurred in Detroit in the 80’s and 90’s.  That’s why 1.2 million Detroiters fled their city to escape the lawlessness.  This past weekend in Chicago, 13 killed and 56 shootings occurred.  It’s so bad, and so many cops have quit, that the criminals rule the city.

4- We have imported over 60 million third world foreigners, both legally and illegally, in the past 50 years that came from countries where “corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries and their citizens operate.”

What happens when we import another 60-90 million foreigners by 2050?  Do you think a bushman from Somalia, Congo, South Africa or Sudan will make a contributing, model citizen in America?  Good luck with that!

If we no longer enforce the rule of law, the criminals can extort businesses, shoplift them out of business, and infiltrate all levels of government.  It’s what happens in a Banana Republic.

So, I ask you? Do you see what I’m seeing?  Do you think we will pull out of it?  Can we bring our country back to where everyone puts their hand over their heart to sing the National Anthem and honor Old Glory?  Can we teach our children the basics with standards, so they are prepared for a very technical world where jobs demand intelligence and excellence?  Can we hire and honor enough police to stop the massive crime wave?  Will enough of us scream at our U.S. Senators to secure our borders?

Or will we see our  country continue to degrade and devolve in an even greater mess than it is in 2021?  Are you optimistic or are you scared to death?  Me? I’m scared to death.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 5: America’s Twilight Years: Catastrophic Climate Destabilization, Loss of the Rule of Law

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 5: Climate change, wildfires, chaos in big cities

In the past week, the Dixie Fire in Northern California burned 432,000 acres by Sunday. By the time you read this column, another 100,000 acres. In other words, we can’t contain it or control it.  Too much heat in the atmosphere and too much kindling on the ground.  It’s so bad that here in Colorado’s mountains while I pedaled through Summit County on Saturday, the gray air permeated everything.  I felt like I was breathing the smoke right off a campfire all day.

Those enormous fires burning throughout the West might be a metaphor for America’s short-term future…its twilight years.

Everything in our country grows bigger by the day as our cities explode with too many people.  Our highways become unmanageable because too many cars and trucks break them down so fast that paving crews cannot keep up.  The air pollution accelerates because there are more people adding to it than this planet can neutralize.

By noon on Sunday, Chicago registered 60-gun fights, eight deaths and one cop killed in their usual weekend shooting spree.  The same gunfights erupt “pop, pop, pop” in New York City, Detroit, Minneapolis, St. Louis and Los Angeles.  So many illiterate, jobless and lawless minority youth, without fathers, now dominate those cities—that the cops cannot keep up with the gunplay.  Gangs shoplift stores out of existence.  We see open defiance of law and order.

We’ve spent $6 trillion for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for the past 20 years while our own cities devolved into war zones that have killed more of our own citizens than our combat soldiers.  How’s that for irony?!

At the same time, you hear from every environmental “climate change” organization that we have to move toward electric cars, solar power and wind power…not a word about the fact that our country imports over 2.5 million immigrants and their birth rates annually…thus making any alternative energy null and void.  It’s a standing joke among average citizens while those 535 Congressional “yahoos” in DC pretend to be doing whatever it is they are doing…virtually nothing of substance.

An adage from my childhood…when the tub overflows, what’s the best way to solve the problem?  Mop the floor or turn off the spigot?  Obviously, you turn off the spigot that’s causing the problem, and then you mop the floor for a solution.  Instead, our Congress keeps the spigot at full bore onto the American landscape.  What does the comedian Jeff Foxworthy say, “If you don’t turn off the spigot, you must be an idiot.”  Mark Twain said it 150 years ago, “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah but I repeat myself.”

What Else Shows America’s Demise?

From a reader, “Hello Frosty.  How’s it going man?  I hope you’re doing good bud.  I was wondering if you could send me the free electronic copy of the “Strange death of America.”  I like to stay informed.  Frosty, I’m a mason in construction.  I’ve been in the trade for 30 years now.  I want you to know that illegal alien employers are committing FELONIES against American workers.  The I-9 form for verification of legal status to work in the United States is a federally mandated law (form) that requires the government to verify the status of all new hires.

“It’s been obvious 20 years ago that the government permits employers to commit FELONIES against American workers.  The government views “those” felonies as less than a parking ticket because the victim is the American worker.  Do you remember before Biden how all we heard about was “the wage gap” and income inequality?  Notice how those talking points are never mentioned anymore?  It’s obvious why.  I’m sick to death of these privileged companies committing FELONIES against me.

“The local ICE office is going to be in for a huge surprise when I and a few of my mason buddies go all up in there and ask to review the I-9 verification process. The American people need to know the TRUTH.  In America, the most closely guarded and censored resource is THE NARRATIVE.  The complete control of the of THE NARRATIVE has got American workers in a headlock.”

In other words, our “paid idiots” in Congress do not, and will not enforce the laws on the books.  They have not and will not enforce the borders…over 1 million illegal migrants already in the first six months of 2021.  But that’s simply an extension since 1990 as they keep pouring into our country with nothing to stop them…and Biden’s inviting them.  According the Yale Report, somewhere between 23 and 25 million of them illegally reside in our country…not to mention millions of their anchor babies!

What This Wave Of Foreigners Are Doing To Our Sociology 

Robert Steward said, “This makes America permanently divided, critical race theory or not. The heritage American majority wants to keep doing what made America functional, but this offends minority groups, and they want to obliterate it.

“Such things are inherent to diversity. When you contain many cultures, you can have no overriding culture; you have, at best, a “cultural envelope” to contain those cultures, which means that you revert to the lowest common denominator of economics, politics, sports, and shopping (including for ethnic food).

“Even more, diversity produces the same tribal conflicts as international politics, but now it happens within our nation, as we see from such diverse places as Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Northern Ireland, and Ethiopia.”

Please note that the U.S. Border Patrol stated last month that they have apprehended illegal migrants from 160 countries.

Now I ask you, how long can we withstand the influx of THAT many cultures, religions and world views?  The projects are 100 million more people by 2050, net gain, added to America.  Do you think your kids stand a chance?  Does anyone alive in 2050 stand a chance at any kind of a survivable existence?  What about their quality of life?  What about the planet’s responses to our enormous abuse that will be further magnified?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This “Racism” and “Woke” Thing is Getting WAY Out of Hand

By Frosty Wooldridge

Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in the Hat” is now a racist book!  That’s like saying if you drink white milk instead of chocolate, you’re a racist.  If you like daytime more than nighttime, you’re a racist.  That’s like saying the reason that Tom Brady won the Superbowl stems from the fact that he enjoys “White Privilege.”  That’s like Coca Cola telling its majority of ‘White” consumers to be “less White.”  That’s like CNN talk show host Black Don Lemon telling us that the biggest terrorists in America are ‘White men’, when in fact, last year, Black Lives Matter rioters burned, looted and killed people to the tune of over $2 billion.

Whatever and whomever continues to push the race narrative in this country, they’re winning.  Virtually every day, you hear that Asian-Americans are being beaten up.  All those gunfights in Chicago are the fault of “White society’s” racism. In the news every night, there is some kind of racial injustice, racial incident and racial prejudice in every corner of America.  It makes anyone wonder why we created a “multicultural” society?  It’s not working!

I must admit that I have been integrated all my life as a service brat, as a college student, as an inner-city teacher, as a hospital medical tech, as a ski instructor, as a dance teacher, and as a gym rat.  I have played with, competed against and tipped beers with every race, creed and color of the rainbow all my life.

But this past summer of 2020 and even in 2021, I find myself almost apologetically walking around minority people.  I’m not sure of myself anymore because I am blamed for just about everything that’s going wrong for minorities.

It makes me wonder if I can order Black Coffee at a restaurant.  Are Brownies off limits?  Are White Castle restaurants that originated in Black dominated Detroit now supposed to be renamed to White Castle restaurants?  What about Chinese Checkers?  Should we call them ‘no gender or race’ checkers?  Should we outlaw Italian sausages because that’s racist?  Should a Black Crow be more deserving than a White Dove?  Should we change White soaps to Black soaps to give equal credence?

What about ‘transgender” DNA males competing against DNA females? Is that nuts or what? Why not have transgender types compete among themselves?  Why don’t all DNA female athletes Boycott all events where a DNA male transgender competes?  That would stop that nonsense, immediately. Oh, that wouldn’t be “woke”!

Last week, the Cherokee Nation demanded that the Jeep Cherokee SUV to be renamed anything other than ‘Cherokee’ because it’s racist.  What about Cracker Barrel Restaurants being too white? Can Black persons eat in them without fear of being ‘less Black’?

Should the United States of America now be called the “Equal States of America”?

Should we install ‘affirmative action white quotas’ in the NFL and NBA to give lesser White athletes equal numbers on the field?  Let’s face it, the NBA is virtually 98 percent Black and a smidgen of White boys who cannot jump.  Blacks dominate the NFL by 9 to 1 over lowly unathletic White players. Do we force equal numbers of Blacks into the NHL which is 99 percent White?  Should we force 50 percent Black fans into NHL games to watch a game that doesn’t interest them, and 50 percent White fans to give Black fans a sense of equality?

Should we allow Black Lives Matter to completely destroy our cities because they have the right to loot any store, or burn any car parking lot and/or kill anyone in their path?

Should we allow Antifa members to continue busting, breaking and burning up any city they choose?  I mean, they haven’t stopped in Portland, Oregon for the past 10 months.  What ever happened to the ‘rule of law’?

Should America become a banana republic where the most violent rise to the surface and the rest of us cower in our homes?  That’s what happened in Mexico, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Columbia and Honduras.  That’s why their citizens are fleeing to America as you read this report.  They sat by while drug cartels, crooked politicians and bad people took over because good people did nothing to stop them.

Right now, President Joe Dementia allows anyone to enter our Southern Border without papers, without medical check-up, without background checks and without invitation.  Come one, come all!  Dump your children, your drugs, your poor, your desperate and anyone who wants to make the journey from their wretched countries.

There’s only one BIG problem:  how many refugees can we support in our country before all our systems collapse?  The United Nations reported that 100 million refugees would love to move to America tomorrow if given a ticket and vias.  There will be mathematical point where we cannot handle the rest of the world’s refugees.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 83 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Even the beloved movie “Grease” cannot withstand the “Woke Invasion” of our country.  John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Clint Eastwood don’t stand a chance because they weren’t perfect in the Woke’s eyes.

And, if we allow our historical statues to be trashed, and if we allow our books to be banned, and if we tear down our “Ethos” to a point that no one in America understands what it is to be an “American”, how will we survive into the future?

We cannot build a future if we fail to respect our past.  We need reminders to our imperfections.  We can only improve ourselves by understanding ourselves via national self-reflections.  We better get the Black-White equation solved or we’re going to tear ourselves apart.  It gets down to respect.  The great science fiction writer Robert Heinlein said, “When the citizens of a country lose respect for one another; that’s when that country begins to fail.”

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 4: America’s Twilight Years—Too Big, Too Much, Too Many

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 4: Cities too big, air too full, highways too crowded.

Have you ever watched the TV program, “My 600 pound life”?  If not, it shows obscenely obese men and women who have eaten themselves into gargantuan bodies from 600 to 800 pounds of rolls hanging all over their frames.  They can barely breathe, walk or live.

Their conditions constitute mental, emotional and physical deterioration of their entire bodily systems.  After watching one episode, I became emotionally distressed over their struggles.  It’s sad beyond comprehension as to how someone ate themselves into such an unforgiving life…an impossibly miserable existence with no escape.

What happens to such people?  For the most part, they suffer diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, crippled knees and ankles, poor circulation, wheelchairs…and eventually, death at an early age.

How did they devolve into such a horrible condition? Answer: they ate more food without being aware of their weight gain.  It crept up slowly, daily, weekly and annually…as they lived horrible lives, and then, died of awful conditions.

America’s Horrible Conditions Gaining Ground

Do you see a parallel here?  Our country enjoyed a manageable population of 194 million back in 1960.  By 1970, we maintained a two-child average per couple.  Our highways worked well, we enjoyed healthy clean air, plenty of water, room to roam and endless freedoms.

But, unbeknownst to 99 percent of Americans, U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy,  Howard Metzenbaum and Jacob Javits pushed through the “1965 Immigration Reform Act” that began the largest population transfer out of the third world and into our first world country that has ever been attempted in the history of humanity.

From an annual  average of 200,000 immigrants, that bill jumped the numbers to 1.0 to 1.2 million annually, net gain, overwhelming our stable population.  Then, without much fanfare over the years, their birth rates added another 900,000 babies, net gain, annually. Subsequently, Congress allowed the unlawful entry of over 25 million illegal migrants to reside within America’s borders.

Our sustainable 194 million population jumped to 300 million by 2006. It jumped another 30 million by 2021, and it’s expected to jump another 100 million by 2050…to reach 440 million.

From 1970 onward, 99 percent of Americans unknowingly blinked while  our cities became gridlocked, packed, poorer, lower wages, immigrants displaced American jobs, toxic-air-polluted skies, ghettoes formed, homelessness accelerated, and our National Parks became overwhelmed and overrun.  We opened our wallets to more taxes to pay for welfare, food stamps and housing for the poor that had been imported.

In the past five decades, we’ve added, net gain, around 3.5 million annually or a total of 130 million more people.  That’s an addition of 9,500 people daily, every day of the year, over and above deaths.

Today, in 2021, like the 600 pound obese people, we’re staggering forward with cities clogged with traffic much like fat peoples’ arteries are clogged with cholesterol and killing them.  Over 40,000 die annually on our clogged highways, at 6 million accidents annually, and 16,400 accidents daily.  Over 100,000 severe injuries occur due to vehicle accidents, annually.  Gasoline, because of higher demand, jumped from 30 cents a gallon in 1965 to $4.00 a gallon today and it’s rising higher as petroleum becomes much harder to find and more expensive to pump. By 2050, as my latest book reports, oil reserves will be exhausted.  We’re looking at $20.00 per gallon in the near-future if it’s available.

On the food front, we changed from sustainable farming methods to toxic Monsanto/Dow Chemical Roundup-ready crops loaded with glyphosates, airplane spraying, and to GMO’s poisoning the DNA of all other crops. We’ve been injecting and/or feeding nine different chemicals into every beef cow and chicken for the past 60 years to make them fatter faster to feed over 1.2 BILLION meals daily.  But what poisons we feed the animals, we eat them, so we eat what they eat.  Thus, cancers now dominate our hospitals.

We’re breathing highly toxic air in our cities where most people live in 2021.  We’re drinking water with anywhere from 1 to 84,000 different chemicals lacing many of our metropolitan systems.  Flint, Michigan is only a harbinger of what’s coming.

We’re carving up the wilderness in America to see more rooftops than treetops.  We’re laying down more asphalt and cement than green grass.  We’re exacerbating the “Sixth Extinction Session” whereby the human race now extinguishes over 100 species off the planet 24/7.

But it’s all going unnoticed.

In my state of Colorado, the city of Denver, at 2.8 million, is projected to reach 4.8 million within 29 years.  Construction cranes dominate the city skyline while the famous Brown Cloud offers everyone poison air 24/7.  We face definite water shortages, horrific traffic and I-70 provides a weekend nightmare for all folks trying to escape the metropolitan insanity on weekends.  Understand this: with that 100 million added people by 2050, 35 of our most populated cities will DOUBLE in size.

This series covers the bare-bones of what we face as our country staggers into its twilight years.

“The Exponential Growth Factor” always ends in collapse of any city, any state and any civilization. Whether it’s the 11 million in the Los Angeles basin or the 8.3 million in New York City…it’s a biological fact that if they keep growing, at some point there will not be enough water or food to sustain all those people.  It’s a guaranteed fact that we will exhaust all oil on this planet by mid-century…sooner or later.

Once we’ve exhausted all our resources, we are SO screwed as our water, food and energy systems breakdown.  Once 330 million people or the projected 440 million cannot procure water/food/energy—will the “civil” in “Civilization” hold?  Answer: nope!  We face barbarism and back to basics of individual and tribal survival.  That’s what’s coming and I document it in my book: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge.  You may receive a free electronic copy at the end of this column.  Why should you care? Because this future remains on course to steamroll over your kids.  We need a national discussion-debate within this decade. We need to change course.

Like the 600 pound obese man or woman you’ve seen on TV, at some point, they cannot save themselves from their self-imposed obesity. They  die.  The same goes for any ‘oversized’ civilization. If we don’t stop mass immigration driving our overpopulation course, your kids don’t stand a chance.

Part 5: Our most cherished American themes will vanish, Catastrophic Climate Destabilization

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  My goal is to start a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization we will bequeath to our children. Every American with kids or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 3: America’s (Likely) Violent-Fractured Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 3: Racial separation, political turmoil

Is the sun setting on America?  Some exceptionally astute historians like Victor Davis Hanson, Richard Heinberg, Peter Turchin and Jack Goldstone say that we are in for one hell of a rough ride in the roaring 2020’s.

What are the signs? 

Racial strife boils into violence at the drop of a hat in our big cities.  African-American gangs in San Francisco, Chicago, LA and New York City openly shoplift products in bags and run from the stores. How much do they steal?  According to crime reports, shoplifters steal $50 billion annually. (Source: ) Over 27 million Americans are regular shoplifters.

Millions of minorities support Black Lives Matter and organizations fund their operations into the millions of dollars to carry them to riot areas where they march, burn and loot entire cities.  They possess no love or affinity to America…except for welfare checks and EBT cards.

To heighten racial tensions, educators around America push for teaching “racism” via Critical Race Theory.  That theory tells every child that he or she is a racist or a victim of racism.  If you teach millions of kids that they are either victims or villains, you will see massive social upheaval as they come of age.

Commissars and Jacobins

Victor Davis Hanson observed: “The critical race theory craze is reaching peak woke, or is already on the downslope. No complex and sophisticated society is sustainable with a Maoist creed of cannibalizing citizens for thought crimes. Commissars do not produce anything or serve anybody, but only monitor thoughts and speech to ascertain the purity of diversity, equity, and inclusion. They are not just a drain on the productive sector but will insidiously destroy it, since their currency is to ensure a timid, obsequiousness and banal orthodoxy.”

Look for racial conflict to accelerate in the 2020’s.

Turchin’s Ages of Discord, published in 2016. Here are the opening sentences of the Turchin/Goldstone essay:

“Almost three decades ago, one of us, Jack Goldstone, published a simple model to determine a country’s vulnerability to political crisis. The model was based on how population changes shifted state, elite and popular behavior. Goldstone argued that, according to this Demographic-Structural Theory, in the 21st century, America was likely to get a populist, America-first leader who would sow a whirlwind of conflict. Then ten years ago, the other of us, Peter Turchin, applied Goldstone’s model to US history, using current data. What emerged was alarming: The US was heading toward the highest level of vulnerability to political crisis seen in this country in over a hundred years. Even before Trump was elected, Turchin published his prediction that the US was headed for the ‘Turbulent Twenties,’ forecasting a period of growing instability in the United States and western Europe.”

We will reap the whirlwind of “multiculturalism” as it grows in numbers and discontent.  We are no longer ‘one” unified civilization, but much like Rome’s fall, we are becoming everyone else’s country.

Read: Civil War II: Coming Breakup of America by Thomas Chittum

America No Longer A Sovereign Country But a Destination

Whereas the US Congress impeached Trump over a phone call, not a peep out of Congress toward President Dementia Biden for inviting an invasion of over 1,000,000 illegal migrants within the last six months. Biden stands in direct violation of his oath of office to serve the U.S. Constitution. (Article IV, Section 4)  Yet, he’s invited growing sex trafficking into our country along with massive amounts of drugs to infect our youth. Not to mention all those millions of people will suck off our welfare systems, ultimately, bankrupting them.

Law and Order Totally Denied

You never knew what a lawless society we’ve developed until you defunded the police.  Last weekend in Chicago, 70 people shot 70 other people and 10 died from their wounds. Much the same in Detroit, St. Louis and Baltimore.  In Austin, Texas, crime rose by 96 percent over 12 months from last year as reported on national news networks.  The mayor of Austin defunded police to the tune of $128,000,000.00 last year. Now, he’s begging to hire 150 new officers with emergency money.

The great science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein…Stranger in a Strange Land, said, “When individuals in a society lose respect for one another and the law, that’s when that society will cease to function.”  We are definitely in that faze in 2021.

We need to change to a more rational “social contract”: These happen to be exactly the sorts of measures that Turchin and Goldstone advised in their article (which someone on the Biden team assuredly read):

“What we need,” the scientists wrote, “is a new social contract that will enable us to get past extreme polarization to find consensus, tip the shares of economic growth back toward workers and improve government funding for public health, education and infrastructure.”

They are not confident that will happen.  Too many people with different mindsets, and again, 65 million foreign-born people, promises too many with different world views and mindsets. The Romans must have been gnashing their teeth as they saw their civilization fall into ruin. Are you gnashing your teeth as you see ours destabilize?

Our People’s Military

Hanson remarked, “Americans during this entire descent in madness sighed, “Well, at least there is the military left.” By that, I think they meant John Brennan had all but wrecked the CIA, while James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page, et al. had weaponized the FBI. But the military was still a bastion of traditional, nonpartisan service, whose prime directive was to defend the country, win any war it was ordered to fight, and to maintain deterrence against opportunistic enemies. The Constitution, 233 years of tradition, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice all reassured America of its wonderful defense forces.

“And now? We are in the process of a massive reeducation and indoctrination campaign. The revamping not only draws scarce resources away from military readiness, but targets, without evidence, the white working class, and defames it as insurrectionary—the very same cohort that disproportionately died in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

Are you seeing much the same as what I am seeing?  Do you think we can survive it?

I’m going to cover more aspects of what we face in Part 4.

Part 4: Disrespect for the Social Contract. Too big, too much.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Leaderless Leader, Non-Existent Borders, Cultural Disintegration

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: Is America Heading Into Its Twilight Years?

As an extensive world traveler, I’ve witnessed failed civilizations.  At 1.38 billion people, India touted as the largest “democracy” in the world, must also be deemed the biggest “failed” country in the world. India defines mass poverty, human overpopulation, human misery and hopelessness in the majority of its citizens.

That country cannot sustain itself, nor can it correct itself. It’s a victim of itself.  It adds 14 million more people to its ranks, net gain, annually. An astounding 2,195 children die of dysentery, diarrhea and other water borne disease EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR!  Why? Because 60 percent of its people do not enjoy access to a toilet. India’s waters suffer intense pollution to the point of no return or  solving. Beggars, homeless and distraught humans stagger into each day for their entire lives.

India’s human population grows SO large, it cannot solve any of its problems.

So, then, look at America’s future.  We remain on course to add 100 million of India’s refugees and other failed African countries’ refugees and more from around the world—by 2050—a short 29 years from now.  We are importing massive poverty, illiteracy and cultural chaos. How do you think that’s going to work out?

And yet, we keep voting into Congress people like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, Omar, Durbin, Hickenlooper, Bennet and other intellectual misfits who keep adding millions to our ranks!

Do you know how Rome fell?  It allowed endless immigration from the Franks, Gauls, Goths, Visa-Goths, Vandals and more.  They came down from the north and simply started their own tribes all over Italy. They joined the military ranks of the Roman Legions…but deserted at will.

My writer friend noted, “We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia, and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered Polio and now COVID. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.

“But where is the glory that once was Rome? America has moved from a relatively free economy to socialism – which has worked so well NOWHERE in the world.

“We’ve gone from a republican government guided by a Constitution to a regime of revolving elites. We have less freedom with each passing year. Like a signpost to the coming reign of terror, the cancel culture is everywhere. We’ve traded the American Revolution for the Cultural Revolution.

“The pathetic creature in the White House, Biden, is an empty vessel filled by his handlers. At the G-7 Summit, his wife, ‘Dr. Jill’ had to lead him like a child. In 1961, when we were young and vigorous, our leader was too. Now a feeble nation is technically led by the oldest man to ever serve in the presidency.”

At this point, one look at our borders shows over 1 million refugees crashed our borders as Biden invited them, and every one of them will suck off our welfare systems until total collapse of those systems.  It’s inevitable because Biden will invite another 1 million illegal refugees by the end of 2021.  That’s a total of over 3.1 million legal and illegal immigrant refugees during this year. How long do you think we can keep this nightmare going when the world adds 83 million new refugees babies annually?  Who have we saved while we become victims ourselves?

Residency Over Citizenship

Victor Davis Hanson said, “In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.”

Citizenship as Mere Residency

In his latest column, Victor Davis Hanson, the author of how California has been invaded by Mexico in his book, Mexifornia, he writes about our southern border being invaded not much differently than Rome’s.

Hanson said, “Two million people are anticipated to cross the southern border, en masse and illegally, over a 12-month period. If that absurdity were to continue, we would be adding the equivalent of a major U.S. city every year. The new arrivals have three things in common: Their first act was to break U.S. law by entering the country. Their second was to break the law by residing here illegally. And their third will be to find false identification or other illegal means to continue breaking the law. One does not arrive as a guest in a foreign country and immediately violate the laws of his host—unless one holds those laws in contempt.

“Arrivals now cross a border that had been virtually closed to illegal immigration by January 2021. In the cynical and immoral logic of illegal immigration (that cares little for the concerns either of would-be legal immigrants or U.S. citizens), arrivals will be dependent upon the state and thus become constituents of progressives who engineered their arrival.

“Yet the issue is not illegal immigration per se. If protests were to continue in Cuba, and 1 million Cubans boated to Miami, the Biden Administration would stop the influx, in terror that so many anti-Communists might tip Florida red forever.”

Last year, British writer Douglas Murray wrote a penetrating book: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.

It’s a VERY scary book because it documents how Europe has destroyed its Western Culture, its languages and its way of life—by its leaders accepting endless immigration for Africa and the Middle East. Those third world people cannot and do not function in first world countries because they lack the intellectual horsepower and advanced educational abilities of highly evolved societies.

Before I die, I will most likely write: The Strange Death of America: Immigration, Identity, Multiculturalism by Frosty Wooldridge.

But like Europe, my book will be too late. We, much like the Romans, drank the “multicultural” poison and ingested the “immigration” beast into our innards.  Right now, we stand at well over 65 million foreign born in America.  (That’s documented at 45 million legal immigrants and well over 20 million illegal migrants.) Once that number reaches 100 million or even 150 million, how do we think we will hold this country together with so many people, languages, cultures and religions pulling in SO many directions?

How will we keep ourselves cohesive when millions of them speak and think in different languages?  When so many practice barbaric rituals and religions?  When so many simply don’t care about laws and/or a sense of being an American?

What will it take to stop America from staggering into the “twilight of her years?”  How will we save our country for our children?  What are your ideas for saving America for future generations? How will you stop our country from following in the footsteps of Rome?

Part 3: The evidence of our demise all around us.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 1: Is America Heading Into Its Twilight Years?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: Changing our culture, racial equation and viability to match Rome’s descent into oblivion

First of all, I am a Baby Boomer and an old man of 74 years.  I watched America trudge through the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq wars.  All of them fraudulent, unnecessary, costly in money and lives, and benefited no Americans other than corporate elites and bankers.  Those wars were based on assumptions and/or outright lies.  All those wars accomplished nothing to benefit America’s freedoms or her/our well-being.

I watched the race riots in Detroit, Michigan in 1968. I was blown away by the Kent State killings.  I had friends die in Vietnam, but not before they wrote me letters about the insanity of our being over there.  I participated in the marches against the Vietnam War.  I watched the Selma March with M.L. King. I served in the U.S. Army.  I realized that our presidents and Congressional representatives lie to us—often and without batting an eyelash.  Too many of our elected officials in Congress are as guilty as those men who lived at Alcatraz. Why? Because they do not solve any of our problems, but in fact, take bribes, and allow all our problems to fester out of control.

Yet, I love America and everything our Constitution represents.

Over the past 50 years, I’ve watched our country change from 87 percent Caucasian, 5 percent Black, 5 percent Hispanic, 3 percent Asian ancestry to over 50 million foreign born immigrants. Soon, we will be a nation of minorities.  Our leaders have literally changed the face of America and our culture into another kind of country the likes of which the world has never seen.  It’s called “multiculturalism” and it’s not working.  We face devastating racial-cultural conflicts both last year and more in the future, i.e., Muslims, Jews and Christians have never and will never mix well.

We’re in the midst of destroying our Western Culture and heritage—the most advanced, rational and positive culture since the Renaissance.  Essentially, we’re in the twilight of America’s years.

Nonetheless, I love America.  With all its warts and callouses, it’s still one of the finest countries that encourages the most freedoms and opportunities of any country on this planet.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa can stomp on our flag all they want, but they couldn’t do that in China without getting their heads decapitated. They are too stupid to understand their dumb luck of being Americans.

Another writer whom I don’t know asked the question, “Is the sun setting on America ?”

He said, “Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality.

“Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 200 years, give or take.”  (Rome fell in 395 AD after existing for 1229 years)

He spoke about France being pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim caliphate as that religion continues to overwhelm and ultimately will conquer Europe by birth rates.  Yes the French and French culture are finished…they are still breathing but they are dead.

If you look at other empires, Great Britain ruled the world in the 19th and 20th centuries.  They made conquests for land and resources their top priority.  But now, they have reached terminal decline. They endure outmoded monarchies where your sperm lottery number makes you a king or a queen with no other validity in the world other than you march around pretending that you’re important—when you are no different than a commoner.  Prince Harry now living in Los Angeles and actually working—proves that fact.

The ancient civilization of China wrought human misery in gobs against the common people by the Ming Dynasty, opium wars and the years of Mao where he slaughtered untold millions. Now, the Chinese are ecologically poisoning themselves into a horrifically nasty future, where millions will die in the 21st century from starvation, water shortages, resource exhaustion and internal conflict.

The writer said, “I was born in 1942, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century – the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the ‘Greatest Generation,’ we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the rising sun to bed. It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.”

Well, it’s been a heck of a ride for my past 50 years, but when we teach our children “Critical Race Theory” to hate one another for each other’s skin color—we’re in trouble.  When we see kids stomping on the American flag, we see separation of patriotism into anarchy.  When we watch black leaders condemning everything white, and white leaders cowering in the corners for fear of being labeled a ‘racist’, that’s when you see America in decline. A country where citizens work at each other’s throats either emotionally or physically, you know we cannot survive.

It’s tragic! As we Baby Boomers die out, who will still be alive to salute Old Glory? Who will honor our laws?  Who will stand up against BLM and Antifa? Who will honor our police?  Who will work to contribute to our civilization?

We’re in trouble, and, I am not optimistic about it turning around.

Part 2: Markers for the decline of America

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

We’re Being Invaded By Our Own President Biden’s Hand

By Frosty Wooldridge

Wednesday night on national news, one of the top broadcasters noted that a United States Border Patrol official reported that 1.0 million, that’s 1,000,000 illegal migrants have passed into the United States since Biden took office.  That’s ONE MILLION illegal entries.

Guess what, Biden buses them and/or he’s flying them into cities around the country in our own military airplanes.  What he’s doing stands in violation of Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the Executive against domestic violence.” Article IV, Section 4 of U.S. Constitution

Additionally, Biden stands in violation of U.S. Code 8, Sections 1324 and 1325.  “It is in violation of Federal Law to transport, house or employ an illegal alien within the borders of the United States…further fines of $2,000.00 per illegal and up to 5 years in prison.”

Biden’s actions stand in direct violation of our laws.  He is liable for impeachment.  He has broken our laws.

“A person, including a group of person, business, organization, or local government, commits a federal felony when she or he: assists an illegal alien she/he should reasonably know is illegally in the United States or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, shelter, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or encourages that illegal alien to remain in the U.S. buy referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer or agent for an employer in any way, or knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.” Federal Law, U.S. Code 8, Section 1324 (a) (1)(A) (iv) (b) (iii)

In other words, Joe Biden knowingly breaks our sacred laws that were passed to protect every citizen within our country.

My question: what happens if another 1,000,000 illegals enter the country in the second six months of this year?  What exactly are we doing to do with THAT many people?  How about next year and the next?   Because if you know they will continue!

Additionally, we import another 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually that we can’t handle, already.

Why in the name of common sense and standards of law are 535 Congressional Critters standing by and watching a sitting president  break our laws without a whisper.

What if this situation continues for the next 3.5 years of Biden’s term?  What about our welfare systems that those millions upon millions of immigrants will be siphoning off?

What about our schools? What about our rule of law? What about our future with unending illegal and legal immigration via Biden’s lawlessness?

You need to start speaking up.  We stand eyeball deep in a Constitutional crisis that could tear our country apart and/or simply break it down into a broken financial system, or collapse our laws into what transpires in Somalia or any other failed state. God help us, but we’re being led my man suffer from dementia and stupidity.

Dear fellow American citizen: WE ARE IN TROUBLE!

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Erasing America’s History Diminishes Our Chances for the Future

Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, crews removed the iconic statue of Lewis & Clark/Sacagawea in the center of Charlottesville, Virginia.  They also removed General Robert E. Lee on his horse. Rioters have toppled statues of Lincoln as a racist, Columbus and even civil rights icons.

If we continue to destroy our history, our younger generations won’t understand how to work toward a more viable future.  We have learned from our mistakes, but our mistakes must be remembered.

If we follow such a path nationally or internationally, Italians will have to destroy the Coliseum because 1,000,000 slaves died in that arena along with 3,000,000 animals. It was a bloody history, but Rome maintains the Coliseum in 2021 and millions have seen it and heard the story.  Egypt would have to destroy the pyramids because slaves built them.  The Great Wall of China would have to be dismantled because slaves labored to bring it into form.

(Frosty Wooldridge in front of Lewis & Clark statue along the Corps of Discovery route in the Columbia River Gorge)

If we fool ourselves into thinking we must erase the individuals who gave us the greatest Constitution in history, we will have to destroy the Founding Fathers. For all their faults, if they didn’t create the U.S. Constitution, Blacks wouldn’t be free,  no one would be free in America in 2021.

It’s time to teach our young our brutal-good-bad-ugly and oftentimes confusing history, so they can understand and make better choices.  Would anyone erase Hitler’s insanity to make themselves feel better? No, we must remember him, so we don’t repeat his actions or follow anyone who does.

Today in America, shallow minds and inane politicians make decisions based on their emotions rather than critical thinking.  Our most powerful instruments for future success as a civilization stem from our bloody history.  If not for our villains, there wouldn’t be our heroes.  Most American children today lack any understanding of their good fortune to be living in America.  They’re also being taught to desecrate Old Glory, our monuments, our Founding Fathers, our Constitution and rule of law.

If, at some point, we allow them to degrade our laws, we’re no better than Somalia, Congo, Sudan and other lawless-failed countries. If we continue to degrade our police and standards, we will most certainly end up like Somalia, et al.

(Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge in front of Fort Clatsop, the winter headquarters of the Lewis & Clark Expedition 1804-1806)

Free speech is a messy business, and freedom of choices causes conflict, along with remembering our history—but we must work toward both in order to gather our civilization toward a better future.  We need to keep the lessons and individuals in the past in mind, so we can make better choices in the future.

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Always Sit: Down Wind of Flowers

By Frosty Wooldridge

Susan Schutz said, “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair.”

Years ago, I backpacked in Nepal, Tibet and other parts of Asia.  I distinctly remember the peace and quietude of the Himalayas and the stunning beauty of Mount Everest, K-2, Mount Dhaulagiri and other 8,000-meter peaks.  At such times, my eyes gifted my soul and body with spiritual feelings never before felt in my life.

Tibetan mountain flowers beckoned me with their colors, scents and ever-present butterflies dancing upon the petals.  Upwind, I saw the flowers, but down wind, their magnetizing scents wafted into my nostrils.  With such a combination of olfactory senses and vision, Mother Nature transported me into a state of well-being I hadn’t reached previously in my life.

(Frosty Wooldridge, bicycling Norway, stopping to inhale the fragrances of flowers along your journey.) Photo by Frosty Wooldridge, ten second delay tripod.)

Years later, I pedaled my bicycle through Holland, Michigan in the springtime when their tulips flowered over hundreds of acres of brilliant colors.  Riding up from the south, I saw them blanketing the fields before me.   Once I “entered” those fields, the tulips gifted me with their special flower aroma.   Once their mesmerizing fragrances hit my brain, a certain combination of bliss carried with me for days afterwards as I made my way up to the top of Michigan.  Of course, along the way, millions of flowers reached out to my eyes and nostrils as I pedaled by them at 12 miles per hour.  As I completed my bicycle journey around the “mitt” of Michigan with the Great Lakes by my side, a mystical aura of flowers made my passage incidental as to the pedaling effort of each glorious mile.

Emerson said, “God laughs in flowers.”

I can attest that a huge smile and a great deal of laughter crosses my face with the advent of flowers on my journeys around the world.  Once in the Brazilian rainforests, I arrived at Falls de d’Iguazú.  Waterfalls exceeding anything I ever saw at Niagara Falls in the USA and Canada—exploded out of the jungle. Toucans with their large beaks flew everywhere.  Unique birds flew right into the waterfalls to feed their young on the inside cliffs.  Butterflies graced the rainforest jungle canopy with unimaginable colors.

At one point, I rolled up on a flower-field replete with yellow-black monarch butterflies dancing on the pink flower petals.  The science fiction writer Robert Heinlein said, “Butterflies are self-propelled flowers.”  He nailed it with that statement.

I watched 10,000 butterflies dancing-pollinating on the flowers as perfumes wafted into my lungs like a magical elixir. On the side of the field, a harpist played enchanting tunes that danced to the movement of the butterflies.  Either he played a song to their dancing on flowers or they danced to his magical fingers playing on the harp’s strings.  I sat down in the midst of Nature’s phenomenal magic.  I felt a certain addiction to the sights, smells and sounds before me.  I learned to sit down-wind of flowers.

Once I learned the magic of sitting down-wind of flowers, a whole new aspect of living via the vibrations of the universe entered my mind.  I share it with you: turn your eyes, mind and spirit toward the highest vibrational frequencies of the Natural World in everything you do each day.  Set your mental and emotional ambiances toward your highest and best.  Years ago, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach said, “You will reach heaven when you reach the perfect speed, Jonathan.”

“What’s that speed?” Jon asked the wise old seagull.

“It’s not the speed of light or the slowness of a butterfly,” Chian said.  “The perfect speed, Jonathan, is being there.”

Years later, on a backpack trip into Chicago Basin in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, I camped out in a field of wildflowers screaming across the tundra at 12,000 feet high in the Rocky Mountains.

My friends and I decided to pitch our tents in a nook blooming with purple-white Columbine flowers.  That night, the campfire’s smoke curled into the ink-black of space toward a starlit sky.  Shooting stars punctured the stillness as if to put an exclamation point on the day.

As I lay back in my tent to fall asleep, the distinct perfume of wildflowers caressed my nostrils, flooded into my lungs and lulled me into aromatic slumber.  To this day, I always sit down-wind of flowers.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

You Always Command Choice in Your Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

Many people drag the past back into the present.  Others make excuses for poor choices.  Still others wave personal responsibility onto circumstances.  Others abandon themselves in favor of the modus operandi of their “shadow” side.

When arrested for drugs in her pockets, one movie starlit said, “These aren’t my pants. I don’t know anything about what’s in the pockets.”  Another fashion model, upon being arrested for speeding said, “This isn’t my car so I’m not sure about the speedometer.”

You may remember as a child if your mother caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, “The devil made me do it, mom.”  In fact, you wanted to satisfy your sweet tooth.

In today’s world, people seek approval and love more than anything in their daily lives.  If they fail to turn in their term paper on time, “I just didn’t have enough hours in the day to get it done” instead of facing the fact that he-she spent the time   absorbed by fleeting pleasures.

Others want to please friends rather than making themselves the most important person in their lives.  They create a “shadow self” through their actions at work and at social gatherings.  Realize this: everyone makes mistakes on their life journey.

(Enjoying outdoor lunch.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

You can “own” your mistake or you can make excuses.  You may make little mistakes that minimally affect you. You might commit huge mistakes that cause you great consequences.

One the greatest lessons my father gave to me:  “Son, if you tell a lie, you must cover it with more lies until one day, you cannot remember how to cover it.  You face exposure, which eventually will undermine friendships and respect from others.  I want you to know this son; you’re going to make mistakes.  Own them. You never have to “cover” the truth. It runs straight and true for your entire life.”

If you “run” a story about your life as an excuse for your current problems, failures or mistakes—take stock of that story.  Own it, better yet, what drives your story and fabrication?  Decide to change it.  You always command a “choice” point in your life.

In other words, you cannot “blame” your boss for your unhappiness in your job.  You cannot blame the job.  You cannot blame your spouse for your frustration.  You cannot blame the kids.  You cannot blame your past.

Instead of obsessing over mistakes, take a long look in the mirror.  Who stares back at you?  What does that face tell you?  In the end, the only relationship that counts must be an authentic one with yourself.

How do you accomplish an authentic relationship?

  • Become scrupulously honest with yourself, with friends, people under you at work and people above you at work.  Honor them as you honor yourself.
  • Realize that you make mistakes through the process of living.  Learn from them, grow from them, move on to your highest and best.
  • Instead of allowing that “shadow” of yourself dictate your choices, stand in your own integrity at all times.  Make choices that benefit your life, your work and your relationships.
  • Instead of excuses or blaming others, stand in your own integrity.  After all, everything in your life ends up with you.

One other thing: maintain your body, mind and spirit in a unified whole.  Physical exercise six days a week for one hour each day.  Eat nutritious foods that maintain your cells with the vibrancy of living. Read a book each day before retiring, and engage classes and learning.  Speak as well as listen to the Great Spirit however you define the “divine” in you.

Finally, on your life journey Portia Nelson said:

Chapter 1: I walked down a street. I spotted a deep hole. I fell into it. I said, “It’s not my fault. I’m lost.”

Chapter 2: I walked down the same street. I spotted the same hole.  I pretended I didn’t see it.  I fell into it.  I said, “I can’t believe I am in the same place. It isn’t my fault.”

Chapter 3: I walked down the same street.  There was a deep hole. I saw it.  I still fell in.  It’s a habit.  My eyes opened.  I know where I am. It is my fault. I climbed out.”

Chapter 4: I walked down the same street. There was a deep hole. I saw it. I walked around it.

Chapter 5:  I walked down a different street.

Walk toward your highest and best by your choices.  How soon can you walk onto a different street?  It’s an easier road to travel. Along the way, wear your own pants and know what’s in your pockets.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Walking Across America for Little Children: Anna Harrington

By Frosty Wooldridge

“For Jane Austen and the readers of Pride and Prejudice, solitary walks express the independence that literally takes the heroine out of the social sphere of the houses and their inhabitants, into a larger, lonelier world where she is free to think: walking articulates both physical and mental freedom…it connects one to the Earth.”  Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking

(Anna Harrington stopping for a rest at the Buffalo Overlook on Route 40 five miles West of Golden, Colorado. She faces the Great Plains on the second third of her walk across America. Catch her on Facebook: Anna’s Walk Across America. Website: )

When you take a walk, especially in the woods, you feel a connection to nature that transforms your energy, quiets your body and soothes your mind.  Walking allows you to enhance your thoughts, feelings and ideas.  Magic follows you on a walk.

But what if you decided during one of your walks to make a greater stroll into the world?  What if you garnered a purpose for your journey?  What if that trek carried you over 3,000 miles across North America?  What if you turned out to be a woman?  What if you walked for the children of the world?

Anna Harrington, 42, of Meridian, Idaho took a walk one day that gave her the courage to walk over 3,400 miles across America.

Harrington launched herself from a beach on the Pacific Ocean in Astoria, Oregon with a goal of Boston, Massachusetts on the Atlantic Ocean.  Her reason: she crusades to raise funds to help Shriner’s Hospitals for Children.

She looked back on the amazing care for her nephew when he developed scoliosis in 2005.  She said, “Shriners medical care doesn’t cost the families anything, but is funded in part by Shriners’ clubs fundraisers, including the Shrine Circus.”

A slim, curly-haired redhead with an infectious smile, Harrington averages 20 miles per day. She wore out one pair of hiking boots at the 1,000-mile mark in Utah.  She wears bush pants and a light pack shirt.  She carries a large water canteen.

My cycling friend and I met her at the Buffalo Herd Overlook in Golden, Colorado on Route 40.  As we snapped pictures of the newborn bison babies, Anna walked up to us, “Could you guys give me directions to get into Golden?”

“Sure,” Mike said.  “Just take that paved road straight down for five miles until you reach a red light.  Take a left.  Ask for more directions.”

“Where you coming from?” I asked.

“The Pacific coast in Oregon,” she said. “I’m headed to the Atlantic.”

“Holy catfish, on foot!” Mike said.  “Wow, that’s way too cool.”

For the next 15 minutes, we took photographs and learned more about her walk across America coast to coast.

“A few years ago, I read somewhere that they were considering the closure of a couple of the Shriners hospitals, and I didn’t want that to happen,” Harrington said.  “So I tried to figure out what I could do to raise money for Shriners. And then I recalled the walk — I’ve always wanted to walk cross-country. So, the two came together.”

The long journey:

“When you’re out there on the road you feel very vulnerable,” she said. “I had no idea what to expect.  I have people come up to me, and they hear my story, hear what I’m doing, and they put me up in their home for a night, prepare me dinner or they get me a room for the night.”

At other times, Harrington breaks out the camping gear she carries in her three-wheeled stroller.  She deals with “female” challenges on the road.  Like in the barren desert of Utah.

“There’s like no tall sage brush, there’s nothing!” she said, chuckling. “I’m like, seriously, I’m getting a tent or something that I can go into.”

Along the route, Harrington expects to visit nine of the 22 Shriners Hospitals in North America. Her next stop: Kansas.

After leaving Denver, she faces the Great Plains.  A thousand miles of nothing but prairie, wheat fields, small towns and the horizon.  She faces burning prairie heat day after day.

“What do you like the most about the walk?” I asked.

“The people,” she said.  “They are so funny, so kind and totally blown away by my journey.”

“Probably inspired to make their own journeys,” I said.

“Everyone faces obstacles in life,” Harrington said.  “Just pull up your shoelaces and get moving.”

Follow Harrington on Facebook: Anna’s Walk Across America

Her website for support:

As she grabbed her cart, she looked back at us with a huge smile on her face.  “Thanks you guys,” she said.

“Safe journey,” we called out.

As I turned to my friend Mike, I couldn’t help but realize that Anna makes the world a better place for children. She inspires other women to pursue their own dreams.  She touches people, encourages them and inspires them by her actions.

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.” — Oprah Winfrey

As you read her story, Anna heads into a bright new day.  She’s out there right now with the wind flying through her hair, her legs striding across the Earth.  She feels connected. She renders her passion for the children of the world.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

We’re Doomed Buffalo Breath: What is That Smell?

By Frosty Wooldridge

“Clean your plate and wash the
dishes before you go to bed.”
—Your mother

I camp in the wilds.  It’s peaceful, aesthetic and spiritual.  It is a communion with nature.  Whether it’s the desert or mountains, I prefer the smell of the wilds.

But wilderness camping has precarious moments.

Sandi and I cranked our way toward Alaska, laboring up mountain grades in the Sawtooth Range of Idaho on Route 75. Late in the day, we came to a river intersecting the highway.

(Ultimate mental, spiritual, physical expression on a bicycle tour.)

“Let’s follow that dirt path down along the river,” she said. “I bet we find a good camp spot.”

“Could be good for a bath and campfire,” I added.  “Let’s do it.”

“I need to adjust my rear derailleur,” Sandi said. “Could you give me a hand with it.”

“If you’ll fix dinner.”

“You rat.”

“I’ll do dishes.”


We followed the trail that looked as if it would reach the river, yet be out of sight of the road.  Two minutes later, we found ourselves in the perfect campsite.  Someone had built a rock fire spit in a clearing with a sandy beach on the river twenty feet away.  Plenty of firewood lay around the area.

“I’ll grab some wood and start the fire,” I said. “I can check your derailleur before it gets dark.”

“Okay, I’m taking a bath.”

We enjoyed a warm night in June, and mosquitoes didn’t seem to be out in force.  Sandi washed up while I started a fire. In a few minutes, flames licked the evening air, lighting up the surrounding trees.  Darkness creeped across the land. I pitched the tent and set up the air mattresses and sleeping bags.  I stripped the panniers off the bikes and set them inside.  With my tool bag in hand, I bent down to check out Sandi’s derailleur.  A stretched cable had thrown it off alignment with the freewheel.  I tightened it and adjusted the derailleur.

“She’ll shift like greased lightning tomorrow,” I said to Sandi as she returned to camp.

“The water is lovely,” she said. “Hurry up and get a bath before it gets dark.  This spot is beautiful.”

“Sure is,” I said as I grabbed my towel and bottle of biodegradable soap.

“I’m making spaghetti, so hurry up.  It’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.”

By the time I returned from the river, the steaming pot of spaghetti wafted through the evening air.  The flames danced light around the entire area.  Sandi poured tomato sauce into a second pan.  Minutes later, we gorged ourselves.

“That’s it for me,” I said, “My tummy’s busting at the seams.”

“We better wash the pans.”

“I’ll do it in the morning,” I said, getting up.

“What about raccoons?”

“Don’t worry about them.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

We doused the fire and crawled into the tent.  One thing about touring through the mountains–my legs were weary.  I fell asleep in seconds.

Next morning, the sky brightened on the eastern horizon. It was one of those layered, surging, blazing red sunrises that got stopped by stratus clouds low to the horizon.  Bursting through the heavens, it brought color to our world.  It burned red on the rippling waters of the river, and contrasted with the lush verdant foliage of the trees.

“Frosty, wake up,” Sandi said, nudging me.

“You smell anything?”

“Yeah, it smells like…….oh no, it’s…a skunk.” I said, squeezing my nose.

“Look outside the flaps,” Sandi said.

“What do you mean me…why me?”

“You’re closer.”

“You and your weird logic,” I groaned, looking out the flap. “You guessed it…we’ve got a big, fat, stinky skunk checking out our campsite.  He’s waddling around the bikes…now he’s headed for the river…now he’s climbing up to the bikes again…whoops, now he’s sniffing the fire pit………now he’s into the saucepan.”

“I told you to wash that thing out.”

“You’re right. I screwed up…..oh good, we’re cool.  There he goes back to the river…….ah good, he’s going into the……oh, oh, oh no, he’s headed over here.  He’s less than twenty feet awy and still coming.  I’m gonna’ be sick.  He’s coming right for our front door.”

“Quick, close the flap,” Sandi whispered.

“If that black and white stink bomb lifts his tail, we’re done.  We can kiss off this trip for the next month.  We won’t be able to ride or buy groceries or anything,” I said. “Nobody will be able to stand us for a month of Sundays. I think we’re doomed.”

“We picked a great spot all right,” Sandi added. “That skunk smells like something died inside of a garbage can.  Stinking stink bomb anyway.  How did we ever get into this one?”

“Dirty dishes,” I admitted. “But how we gonna’ get out of here?”

“See where he is now,” Sandi said.

“What is it with you?” I asked. “Do I look like I have F-O-0-L painted across my forehead?”

“Oh, take a peek.”

“I’m always the one who….” I grumbled, pulling back the flap. “Ohhooooooooo.”

I was nose to nose with the skunk.  I froze.  I couldn’t speak.  I held my breath.  Sandi remained motionless in back of me. The skunk’s beady eyes looked through the netting right into mine.  If it had been Valentine’s Day, we could have kissed.  All the while, her glossy black nose kept sniffing the netting, leaving drool marks across it.  I was paralyzed with fright as I slowly lowered the flap.

“I saw my life pass before my eyes,” I whispered to Sandi.

“You look as if you saw a ghost.”

“I’m amazed she didn’t unload on me.”

“Maybe she got a whiff of your morning buffalo breath and knew she was bested.”

“You’re so kind to me, Sandi.”

“Look out now.  See what’s happening.”

“Oh no, not me, nope, it’s your turn.”

“Okay, let me see,” Sandi said, lifting the tent flap. “I think it’s gone……..nope, it’s over there by the bikes again…oh, there it goes down along the river……….it’s headed along the bank, away from us.”

We waited another five minutes, but the waddling stink bomb vanished into the woods.  Its essence lay in the air like a barnyard full of chickens.  I looked over at Sandi.

“Let’s get our gear packed, and get out of here,” I said.

“Does that mean you’re not gonna’ wash dishes?” she said, smirking.

She was right.  I had broken the rules of the wilderness, and we both nearly paid a heavy price for it.  It’s important to clean dishes and remove all food in a wilderness camp setting. In bear country, food must be hung in a plastic bag 100 yards from camp.  It’s even important to wash our faces and brush our teeth to remove food odor.

We flash-packed the bikes and tore out of there as if possessed with something akin to FEAR. But there’s something different about that kind of feeling.  We didn’t fear for our lives, but we were afraid of being stunk to high heaven. Reaching the highway, we laughed in relief.

“What was it you said about me having ‘buffalo breath’?” I asked Sandi.

“Just kidding,” she said.

We headed north into the Sawtooth Range. It was a lovely day for bicycling through the fresh air of the mountains.  Now, every time I smell a skunk, I remember that morning by the river.

Still can’t figure out how Sandi knows what a buffalo’s breath smells like….

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

There’s a Patience in the Wild: Dogged, Tireless, Persistent

By Frosty Wooldridge

In his epic book, The Call of the Wild, Jack London said, “There’s a patience in the wild: dogged, tireless, persistent—like life itself.” You might like the movie portraying the book with Harrison Ford as the grizzled old man who befriends the dog, Buck.

A couple of years ago, I led a group of 60 to 70-year old’s across America on a coast to coast of the Northern Tier. On the Pacific Ocean of Astoria, Oregon to the Atlantic Ocean of Bar Harbor, Maine. It stretched across 13 states and 4,200 miles of rugged mountains, the vastness of the northern Great Plains, the beauty of the five Great Lakes, and the serendipity of the Catskill Mountain chain. To take such a bicycle journey at our advanced ages, took guts, gumption and true grit. (Some pain relievers, too)

Two of the guys on this journey proved themselves “day riders” for all their lives. But, at over 70, they enjoyed retirement with time to spare. All of us sported gray hair, or no hair, gray beards, high blood pressure, bad knees, sore hips, touch of diabetes, and spare tires around our mid-sections.

But when you overrun the age of 70, your life changes. Your perspectives change. Your understandings of the years, piled up like silage in a silo, remind you that this life is a terminal disease. You’ve used up a good bit of it. You might enjoy a year or ten years, but you’re not sure as you attend a lot of funerals.

But if you’ve lived through those first 70 years, you’ve got a sense of patience that allows you to penetrate life’s challenges with the wisdom of your old age. You know that if you maintain your course with dogged determination, you will ride across that mountain chain, one pass at a time. You will cross the Great Plains one mile at a time. You will glide by the Great Lakes one day at a time.

(New-born bison calves on the Great Plains) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

You also know that by being tireless in your pursuit, the final victory shall come into sight. Sure, your legs hurt, and your high blood pressure gives you a head-throb, but you rest, drink and then, you set out again with dogged determination and tireless resolve. It’s a part of age.

When you hit those Catskill Mountains along the Appalachian Trail, you realize that your persistence brought you this far, to this age, and so, why not present yourself onto the doorstep of life’s ongoing challenges? Really, on your bicycle, you’re absolutely no defined age. You’re living in your “eudemonia” pure and simple.

That’s what I discovered with those grizzled old men that rode with me. Gerry, Robert, Don, Frank! They delighted in their lives as if they were kids. They all knew that their windows of opportunity grew narrower with every sunset. That’s all the more sobering when one of our fathers died at 46 and another one died at 62. It gives you pause when you realize you’ve exceeded those ages already. Yet, you persist in your own choice of courage.

London portrayed it in that courageous dog, Buck. Dog thieves, in 1897, dognapped Buck out of his comfortable California. He found himself shoved onto a train and whisked away to Alaska and harnessed to a dog sled. End of luxury life: beginning of the hard life in the frozen north. (By the way, I cycled to Dawson in the Yukon to stand by Jack London’s cabin where he wrote his stories in the Gold Rush of 1897-98. Tiny log cabin at 100 square feet, potbellied stove, desk, chair and bed, and outhouse.)

Well, should you choose to harness yourself to your touring bicycle for such adventure, you too, face hellacious mountains to cross under your own steam. You will encounter dry, hot, miserable deserts that could sweat you to death, cramp your liquid-starved thighs and even break your will with the heat.

And talk about the liquid-misery of rain, cold, ice, even snow! Nothing like riding into a rainstorm to drench yourself in liquid-wretchedness. You’re soaked, you’re sweating, glasses fogged, and everything in-between. If you’re riding down from Nordkapp, Norway, you face freezing rain for days unending. Sheer liquid torture! Same on the Alaska Highway out of the Yukon. On that road, you might meet up with a grizzly. One thing stands as a certainty on your bike tour: Life lets you know you are alive!

“In this manner, Buck fought forgotten ancestors. They quickened the old life within him, the old tricks which they had stamped into the heredity of the breed were his tricks… And when, on the still cold nights, he pointed his nose at a star and howled long and wolf-like, it was his ancestors, dead and dust, pointing their noses at the stars and howling down through the centuries and through him.”

Like Buck, you choose to move forward. Let’s face it, we humans are animals, too, animals that think. We make choices. In those selections, we create an extraordinary life on two wheels. We never know what’s around the next bend. We never know where we might sleep that night. We devour food with rapacious energy. We never know who or what we will meet in the next sunrise. Isn’t that the “Call of the Wild” in each of us?

We thrust ourselves into the adventure. We engage it with the tenacity of Buck’s courage. With our 70 years of living, we choose our own valor at our own speed.

This coming summer of the “Roaring 20’s” of the 21st century, whether you day-ride or explore across the planet, young or old—let’s all pursue our own creative and expansive lives on our bicycles. Much like Buck in Jack London’s epic novel, a real-life adventure awaits you.

Bicycling Around the World: Tire Tracks for Your Imagination by Frosty Wooldridge, available on “Amazon or call direct: 1 888 519 5121

Rafting the Rolling Thunder: A Journey Through the Grand Canyon

By Frosty Wooldridge, Available on Amazon or call direct: 1 888 519 5121

Losing Your Best Friend: Vacancies of the Heart by Frosty Wooldridge, Available on Amazon or 1 888 519 5121

Zen Between Two Bicycle Wheels: Eat, Pedal, Sleep by Frosty Wooldridge, and ph 1 888 519 5121

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

How To Live A Life Of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, amazon or ph 1 888 519 5121

How to Deal With 21st Century American Women: Co-Creating a Successful Relationship by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph 1 888 519 5121

Motorcycle Adventure to Alaska: Into the Wind  by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph 1 888 519 5121

Losing Your Best Friend: Vacancies of the Heart by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph 1 888 519 5121

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon, or ph 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:


Bear Scare, Or, Is My Hair Standing Up For No Reason?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Adventure is not always comfortable; however, it’s still adventure.  It’s not always safe, either.  Whatever it is, it beats a couch, remote control and the inane, indolent TV any day of the week.

Our first canoe trip of the summer proved green trees, blushing flowers, small wild animals, waterfowl and the delights of paddling around islands, past geese, dragon flies and under blue skies.  Not one mosquito landed on us!  Yeah, right!

When we dipped the canoe into the autumn waters of Shadow Mountain Lake, the first hint of fall flashed before us in golden leaves sprinkling the forest landscape.  For whatever reason, most of the boats of summer ceased their noise and speeding on our September weekend.

We threw our gear into the canoe after unloading it at the dock.  We tossed in sleeping bags, tent, air mattresses, food, water and more camping gear.  Sandi jumped into the front while I slid into the rear seat.  Once again, peaceful, still waters curled past as we dug our paddles into the placid waters of that high mountain lake.  All around, lodge pole pines swept upward along the mountain flanks creating a green theme.  However, reddish brown needles from beetle blight sobered us with millions of dying trees.

It’s distressing that one small insect only uses 1/millionth of the tree for food and cover, but kills 100 percent of the tree.  Makes me wonder why nature developed such a deadly killing beetle machine.

(Sandi watching a gaggle of Canada Geese fly into the air in front of us.)

Nonetheless, as John Muir said, “This grand show is eternal.  It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling, vapor is ever rising.  Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming–on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.”

And Sandi and I in our time, pressed the paddles of the eternal water craft, the canoe, which carried trappers, Indians, Hawaiians, South Americans and, really, most civilizations around the planet use canoes for travel on waterways.

We headed toward our favorite spot to watch the Canada geese and the magnificent pelicans on the west side of the lake.  We pressed our canoe through three islands before us.  As usual, majestic osprey flew past us or watched us go by from their perches in tall dead trees.  Mallard ducks and diving ducks paddled around the islands as we swept past.  A few squirrels, on their own private islands, chattered at us as we neared the shoreline.  Before us, white, purple and yellow mountain daisies greeted us with their own beckoning beauty.

All of it slow, quiet and eternal!  Can’t quite describe the speed of a canoe, however, it’s one that gives a sense of spiritual serenity.  Mental calm!  Cellular rejuvenation!  Jonathan Seagull said it provided the “perfect speed.”  What is THAT speed?  You don’t fly the speed of a jet, nor the slowness of a donkey, “The perfect speed–is being there.”  In a canoe at 9,000 feet in the Rockies on a sunny day is “being there!”

What do you do in that canoe while paddling around the lake?  For sure, you soak up the sky, the sun, the birds and the view.  You fall back into your natural, spiritual speed.  You talk about something, nothing and everything.

A big pelican walked across the water before taking flight to put on an air show for us.  Several Canada geese flew in before skidding to a landing.  Several turtles sunned themselves on dead logs sticking out of the water.

Near dusk, we paddled toward a private lagoon.  We pushed through giant cat tails, through a narrow canal and into our own quiet, magical pond in the wilderness.  Tall pines surrounded us.

We pitched camp, set up our chairs, table and fireplace.  Sandi pulled the tent, sleeping bags and air mattresses out of the bags.  We strapped on our miner’s lamps and warm sweaters.  We stood on a small spit of a clearing that was 30 yards long and 10 yards back from the water. We pitched the tent near the water.  We pulled the canoe onto the land near the tent.   Sandi broke out the Mountain House Mexican vegetarian meal that tasted like a five-star New York restaurant.  We cooked it up and served it with onion flavored soft bagels.  “Oh my God, does this taste good,” I said.

Sandi agreed, “I love this food!”

“Look!” I pointed. “Honkers flying overhead in a chevron formation…just black silhouettes against a starlit sky.”

“Beautiful honey,” Sandi said.

Then gone!  Quiet!

We ate our steaming dinners with a glass of wine in our new wilderness wine glasses.

Winston Abbott said, “Twilight is a time for sharing, a time for remembering, sharing the fragrance of the cooling earth, the shadows of the gathering dusk. Here our two worlds meet and pass, the frantic sounds of man grow dimmer as the light recedes, the unhurried rhythm of the other world swells in volume as the darkness deepens.

“It is not strange that discord has no place in the great symphony of sound, it is not strange that a sense of peace descends upon all living things as the things of substance lose their line and form in the softness of the dark.”

The night air cooled.  While sipping on freshly prepared hot chocolates, we looked up at the night sky to see the Big Dipper, North Star, Little Dipper, Orion and many other magical constellations.  Nothing like sitting up at night to see the universe as the ceiling over your head!  It allows you to see forever.

Sandi rolled over on the big fat mattress Gary gave us many years ago.  It sleeps like a Serta Heavenly bed!  “Night sweetie,” she said.

“Sleep tight,” I said.

As usual, I dropped off to sleep like a rock.  Around 2:00 AM, I heard Sandi unzip the tent to take a bathroom break which is her usual modus operandi.  Moments later, I heard her unzip the tent and crawl back into her sleeping bag.  I dropped off to sleep heaven.

“Harumph! Harumph!” a BIG sound from a BIG animal sounded not far from the tent.

I awoke with a rush of adrenaline that raced through my body like the cars at the Indy 500.  Fear plowed through my mind like Hurricane Katrina.  Whatever it was, it was BIG!  I hadn’t had that kind of fear since I faced a grizzly in Alaska in the 70s.

“Honey,” Sandi whispered.

“Oh my God, it sounds like a bear,” I said.

“Where’s the bear spray?” Sandi asked with her heart pounding out of her chest.  She was scared to death.  I wasn’t too far behind her in my own fear.

“It’s in the plastic box in the vestibule,” I whispered.  “I forgot to put it in the loft in the tent…not smart.”

“Get it,” she said.

“Harumph!  Harumph!” the sound wasn’t 20 feet away and coming closer.

I unzipped the tent. Grabbed my miner’s lamp! Placed it on my head!  Grabbed the plastic box! Grabbed the bear spray!  Shoved my feet into my boots!  Didn’t want to face a damned 350 pound black bear in my stocking feet!

“What are you going to do?” Sandi asked.

“I’m going to face the beast and spray him with a load of this stuff,” I said. “If we’re going to die, we might as well give him a fight. No sense letting him maul us in the tent.”

I unzipped the nylon door, turned on my light, stood up and looked immediately in 360 degrees of direction pointing the bear spray. Not 30 yards away, in the brush, along the lakeside, two big eyes reflected my miner’s lamp.  He crashed through the brush making a lot of sound breaking off branches of small trees.

“Holy mackerel!” I said to Sandi. “It’s big!”

“What is it?” she said.

“I can’t tell,” I said.  “It’s moving away probably 100 feet and going east from here.”

Soon, I couldn’t see its eyes as it vanished into the night.

“I think it’s gone,” I said as I stepped back into the tent.

“My heart is pounding out of my chest,” Sandi said with fear in her voice.  “I first heard it when I took my potty break. I raced back into the tent. I didn’t want to wake you up because I didn’t know what to do.”

“As soon as I heard that first sound,” I said, “that startled me out of a sound sleep.  It’s probably just a black bear making his night rounds.  I think we’re okay now because he’s headed east away from us. Let’s hit the sack.”

“I’m too scared to sleep,” Sandi said.

“Okay,” I said, “stay up until you fall to sleep.”

I dozed off.  Suddenly, at 3:00 AM, that same “Harumph, Harumph” sound startled me out of my sleep.  This time, the breaking of branches added to the fear I felt. The damned thing got closer and closer and seemed to be rattling a lot of tin cans while it busted through the underbrush and trees.

“Honey, it’s coming back,” Sandi said, clutching my arm. “What are you going to do?”

“You get your shoes on and prepare to run like hell,” I said.  “I’ll take the bear spray and fight him off as best I can. If he gets me, at least you’ll be safe. Head toward the lights of some cabin near the lake.”

I unzipped the tent and about peed my pants I was so scared. I stood up and looked in the direction of the sound.  My miner’s lamp lit up the bushes and trees and, there, not 60 feet away, two big eyes headed right toward me without stopping.

“Good God, it’s coming right at us,” I said. “Get your shoes and get ready to run if it attacks.”

I looked at it! It looked at me! Two big eyes reflecting my miner’s lamp! I stood there in the wilderness with my little can of bear spray and wondering if I was going to live through the night.  All my years in the wilderness, and shit, a bear was about to eat me for a late-night snack.  Damn! Where’s my Barker Lounger and remote?  Where’s my safe bedroom in suburbia?  Why didn’t we order a motel?

In it came, steadily, “Harumph, Harumph, Harumph” as it broke down more branches and plowed through bushes. As it got closer, it was less than 40 feet away when it broke through the clearing.  It loomed bigger and bigger, scarier and scarier until my light shined not only on its eyes, but its whole body came into view, all 1,500 pounds of its body!  Because I was expecting a God-awful monster of a bear, my eyes couldn’t believe what it was until my mind switched gears to the sight before me—a magnificent bull moose with a five-foot-wide rack on his head.

“Oh my God,” I yelled to Sandi.  “It’s a vegetarian…we’re saved!”

“What?” she cried out.  “It’s a what…a vegetarian? What are you talking about?”

“It’s a bull moose,” I said. “He’s a vegetarian. He won’t eat us.”

The big guy walked right by the tent not 15 feet away.  He looked at me, I looked at him, and he kept on walking until he vanished into the darkness.

“Oh my God,” I said. “What a magnificent beast!  Sure as heck happy it wasn’t a bear.  Let’s go to sleep.”

“Honey, tell me again why we love camping,” Sandi said.  “I’m scared to death.”

We fell back to sleep, or at least, I fell asleep while Sandi clutched at my sleeping bag and squirmed in closer than ever before.

Next morning, ducks flew overhead, geese honked across the water, mist rose from the lagoon where we had camped. I opened up the fly to see the steam rolling in circles off the water.  A golden aspen bloomed across the way.

“Ah, great to be alive,” I said.  “Let’s fix breakfast.”

We cooked oatmeal, prepared hot chocolate and sliced a few bananas for condiments. Lovely breakfast watching the steam rise off the lake!  A cacophony of squirrels, osprey, crow, robins, geese and ducks made for an amazing breakfast full of wilderness.

That day, the sun rose high in the sky. We paddled to our hearts’ content around the beautiful waters of Shadow Mountain Lake.  Later, we headed the bow of our canoe toward the eastern shore.  Sandi wanted to hike the east side of the lake so we tied up and took a four mile hike along the magic of the wilderness.

Later, as the day faded, we paddled southward toward our take-out. Not a boat on the lake! Quiet! Serene! Lovely!  What a gift for us to sail away on placid waters teaming with birds, fish and vegetarian wildlife!  In our memories–delicious eating by starlight, night sounds, birds, a vegetarian moose on his night rounds and the very special joy we shared with the coming of autumn as we paddled our ancient craft upon the magic of a high mountain lake.

“The summer—no sweeter than ever;
The sunshiny woods all athrill;
The grayling aleap in the river;
The bighorn asleep on the hill.

It’s the great, big broad land way up yonder,
It’s the forests where silence has lease;
It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder;
It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.”

The strong life that never knows harness;
The wilds where the caribou call;
The freshness, the freedom, the farness—
Oh God! How I’m stuck on it all. (Robert Service)

Thank you for joining us on our grand adventures this summer.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Hawk Fluttering in the Sky: Snake Coiled on the Ground

by Frosty Wooldridge

Heading eastbound across southern California, the sun set low in the sky.  MY cycling mate and I looked for a campsite in the rocky terrain east of Joshua Tree National Monument.

“We better find a spot soon,” Sandi said.

“I’m looking, dear,” I said.

Up ahead, we noticed a fluttering hawk, holding his position as the sky effervesced into pink-white thunderheads in the twilight.  Very still! Very quiet!

(Sandi with her touring bike.)

We pedaled the bikes toward the hawk on that lonely highway.  The bird continued its fluttering like a helicopter holding position in order to land.  We pedaled closer, closer—until we rode up to the perfect camp spot 100 feet off the highway behind some big rocks.

“I’m going to check out that hawk,” I told Sandi.

“I’ll get the tent set up,” she said.  “You want pasta for dinner?”

“Sounds great,” I said.  “I’ve got Pesto in my pack.”

Quietly excited, I crept over several 20-ton rocks on my way to get under the hawk.  He kept flutter until, suddenly, he dove straight down.

I hurried over rocks and dirt until I crept up to where I figured he landed.  Before me, not 20 feet away, in a dirt arena surrounded by rocks, the hawk stood in front of a transfixed rattlesnake.  The big bird hopped into the air as it dared the rattler to strike.  And yes, the rattler complied by lunging at the hawk.  Quickly, the snake recoiled into striking position.

The hawk, using his wings and talons, jumped back into the sky toward the head of the snake, toying with him, daring him to strike.  The rattler struck again, but the hawk danced out of the way.  For the next 10 minutes the hawk danced into the air toward the rattler, but avoided the snake’s deadly fangs.

They pirouetted the dance of life and death.  One looked for dinner while the other struggled for life.  One dared death while the other lunged for its life.

I crouched in the rocks transfixed with wonder.  Sometimes, I cannot help but thank the Bicycle Gods for their gifts to me as I travel around this planet on Condor, my iron steed.  Who could serve up a moment like this?  Who could dream it?  Who could imagine it?  I have witnessed dozens of moments like this one.  Each time, I feel tremendous gratitude for this sublime journey on a bicycle.

Before me, the snake struck, and then recoiled.  The hawk hopped up to dare the reptile to strike.  Each time, the snake grew wearier and more fatigued.  Until, as the last rays of the sun slipped below the horizon, the snake made one last strike for its life, but the hawk seized it by the head with his talons.  Seconds later, he pecked it on the head until it died in his clutches.

Moments later, the great hawk flapped his mighty wings with the snake securely gripped in his talons.  The elegant bird took to the sky with dinner for his family.  One life lost to give life to another.  I watched the mighty hawk fly into the sunset for a memory that sticks with me through the years.

Frosty Wooldridge takes a moment from the ride.

This enchanting moment visits me often when I move into Nature.  Without a doubt, Condor carries me into exquisite life-moments that render poetic beauty, life and death struggles, mountain heroics and storms that fulfill my spirit.

Such moments cause me to write this about the Power of Adventure:

“When coyotes howl outside your tent, that may be adventure.  While you’re sweating like a horse in a climb over a 12,000-foot pass, that’s adventure.  When howling headwinds press your lips against your teeth, you face a mighty adventure.  While pushing through a raging rainstorm, adventure drenches you.  But that’s not what makes an adventure. It is your willingness to struggle through it, to present yourself at the doorstep of Nature.  Can any greater joy come from life than living inside the ‘moment’ of an adventure?  It may be a fleeting ‘high’, a stranger that changes your life, an animal that delights you or frightens you, a struggle where you triumphed, or even failed, yet you braved the challenge.  Those moments present you uncommon experiences that give your life eternal expectation.  That’s adventure!”  — Frosty Wooldridge

Excerpt from: Bicycling Around the World: Tire Tracks for Your Imagination by Frosty Wooldridge, on Amazon.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Part 4: These Questions Need To Be Asked Across America—But Aren’t!

By Frosty Wooldridge

This last portion of this series finds several readers demanding that we ask these questions across America.  I don’t blame them!  I am as exasperated and frustrated as all Americans who can’t get a straight answer from the mainstream media, let alone the president of the United States.  Those jokers up there each night on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and FOX only ask the questions from their “high place” of money, power and fame.

They refuse to dig into what’s really happening across America. Let’s face it, Biden’s invitation to over 600,000 illegal migrants in the past six months proves to be an “invited invasion.” Biden’s actions violate Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.  Biden stands in treason of our Constitution.  But the entire U.S. Congress lets him commit those high crimes against the American people.

In May, the U.S. Border Patrol calculated 180,000 illegal migrants jumped our borders. A whopping 172,000 crossed in April.  Another 160,000 crossed in March. That’s not a crisis?  Then, what would you call it?   What if he invites another 180,000 illegal migrants every month for the rest of the year?  What if he continues into 2022?  Exactly who pays for his invasion of our country?  Where do we put them? How do we feed them?

Larry L. asked: Regarding your solicitation of questions for the ‘final’ article in this series, I would respectfully offer:

  1. Why do democrats think that the provisions that were introduced explicitly for the COVID-19 pandemic, for the 2020 (fraudulent) election need to be permanently implemented when COVID-19 is pretty much in America’s rear-view mirror? Do these provisions hold another beneficial advantage for democrats, other than COVID-19 mitigation, or are the democrats planning to unleash another pandemic on us for the midterms and 2024 Presidential race?

2) Given the scope and reach of fraud hinted at by the current legitimate, professional audits, how far back should we go in these audits in order to delegitimize historic election fraud perpetrated by the democrats?

3) What, practically, speaking can be done when election fraud is unequivocally documented?  Can we decertify and seat the legitimate, audited winners, including House, Senate and President?  I don’t want to hear that we’ll learn important lessons for future elections. The electorate want tangible results for the current term!

4) Finally, what is the feasibility of States requiring mandatory election audits BEFORE they release any election results to the lame stream media? For example, audits for Presidential elections would initiate on Nov 4th immediately following tallies. Obviously, the audits would need to be efficient, but I believe they could be if we establish a standard methodology.

Another reader Ken L. asked:  My question…is a Civil War inevitable or are we just going to transgress into full blown Communism?  Personally, I’d like to see treasonous charges, military tribunals and if they are found guilty, hung or face a firing squad.

To answer Ken’s question, I spoke to my brother in Europe, and he said that several high-ranking French generals are preparing for Civil War in France with 50 million Frenchmen against 5 million Muslims. It could well happen this summer.  But it WILL happen at some future date! It’ll begin with a “spark” like the George Floyd event. If America continues on our current path, we face civil war ourselves.  Book on it: Civil War II: Coming Breakup of America by Thomas Chittum.

Carolyn from Mabank, Texas, asked:  I read this about 20 years ago and I think it makes sense. Years ago, all meat producers discovered that if they added growth hormone to their livestock feeds, their animals would increase their weight rapidly.  Those animals include beef, chicken, pork, turkey…every kind of meat except fish.   Not only that, but all the fast-food chains buy that meat, deep fat fry it, add French fries, sugary Cokes and milkshakes, and then you have a vicious cycle, which means huge profits for the meat companies as well as all fast-food chains.

The thing is, the growth hormones in the meat, are consumed by the population, not only by purchasing meats in our grocery stores, but in restaurants.  This makes people develop fat deposits in their bodies as well as makes them hungry all the time so that they end up eating almost constantly….just like those animals do.   “It is all about the money, baby.”   Huge profits by everyone in the food chain at the expense of making the population extremely obese.  But no one cares as long as they are making profits.  (She speaks of Mono Sodium Glutamate or MSG that makes you ‘forever hungry’, so you return to the counter for a second Big Mac.”  From there, your waistline turns into another version of the 600-pound man or woman.)

My question: why have we let 2/3 of our population become so obese and so hopeless that all they can do is keep eating until they suffer cancer, heart attacks and diabetes?  Why should we allow fast food companies to keep doing the same thing to us, instead of providing healthy foods?

Another question: the amount of plastic, metal, glass and paper waste in this country defies understanding. It’s into the trillions of tons ending up in landfills.  Why haven’t we instituted a national 50 cent deposit-return law for every kind of recyclable material to be brought back for responsible recycling?  When will we get really sick of seeing our roadsides, rest areas, lakes, streams and rivers totally trashed?  When will we get sick of motor homes, cars, tractors, machinery and trash being discarded into the woods and/or fields with well over 100 million individual dumping sites in America?  Isn’t every state guilty and every leader in every state guilty of doing nothing to clean it up and/or prevent it?  Again, watch the Netflix documentaries: “Cowspiracy” and “Seaspiracy”.  Those movies will rivet you to your chair as to the destruction of our lands and oceans.

Another question:  I am forever confused as to why all the zealots for mitigating “climate change” cry out to save the planet, but fail to connect the “main driver” of human overpopulation.  Not a peep about that topic anywhere in America!  Are they and are we THAT intellectually vacant?  And since overpopulation constitutes the main driver for climate change, why are we absorbing over 1.5 million people annually into our country to magnify our predicament?

A huge story ran in the Utah papers that the Great Salt Lake faces a bleak future because it’s bone dry. California’s can’t find water for anything, yet they are on course to add 20 million people within three decades.  Arizona starves for water but keeps adding people.  Hoover Dam’s Lake Mead dropped over 140 feet and meteorologists tell us that the current “Exceptional Drought”  will continue into its 5th year in 2021, but expects to extend 10 years beyond 2021.  So, how will we water, feed and sustain another 35 million people added to America by 2031… when virtually all of those 35 million will be immigrants?

Isn’t there any chance that we are becoming too BIG and too COMPLEX of a society?  Aren’t we losing community that ties us together?  Have you noticed all the mass shootings this year?  People suffer from hopelessness and lack of community. They suffer from no sense of connection.  If this continues, you won’t be safe in your own grocery store.  What will another 100 million foreigners mean to our country as we grow ever BIGGER AND MORE COMPLEX?

Why aren’t the top networks asking these questions?  Am I a journalistic fool to bring them up?  Why am I the only writer with these disconcerting facts and projections?  Do we just keep exponentially growing until we copy the Aztecs, Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, Mexicans, Bangladeshi’s and Europe into a very dangerous future?  Is that what we want for our kids?

If we remain on this path, are you optimistic as to the future of your children?  What are you doing about it?

(Please note, my latest book shows what’s coming to your children.  My 30-minute video visually points it all out to you.  Roy Beck’s two videos give you graphic evidence at what’s coming and the ramifications of adding 100 million immigrants. Share it with all your friends. We need a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization we are bequeathing to our children.)

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1-888-519-5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This 60 second video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

These Questions Need To Be Asked Across America, Part 3

By Frosty Wooldridge

As we stumble into 2021 with a conflicted Congress and a slothful president trying to figure out what to do next, countless Americans sit in coffee shops and/or bull sessions across America wondering why our leaders don’t ask pertinent questions about what’s happening to our country. Why aren’t they solving our problems rather than blaming everyone but themselves?

On CBS, Norah O’Donnell reported that the month of May saw another 170,000 refugees rip across our borders, illegally.  They arrived from Central America, but it’s Mexico’s buses that carry them to our border.  Why isn’t anyone questioning the complicity of this invasion as to Mexico’s aiding and abetting the refugees?  An ever better question: when will the refugee invasion stop?  At over 44 million people, can we save all of Central America?  Can they all come to our country for a better life?

With our own crisis of 25 million illegal aliens already here, why is it that our own governors, mayors and city councils have created 530 “sanctuary cities” across America to house, work and protect illegal migrants from being deported?  That kind of behavior stands against our U.S. Constitution.  I mean, those men and women stand in direct defiance of U.S. Code 8, Section 1324, 1325.  It’s illegal to house, transport or employ an illegal alien.  Fines up to $2,000 per illegal hired and up to five years in prison. So, why do those mayors and city councils break our laws, the ones that we must all abide by?

In conjunction with that question, I read reports as to everyone crying about “climate change.”  The Sierra Club wants to solve it.  Nature Conservancy will save all the animals by buying habitat.  Natural Resources Defense Council will protect the land.  They all come up with dozens of solutions, except they NEVER address the MAIN driver of climate change: human overpopulation.  So how do we mitigate it when we remain on course to add another 100 million immigrants within 29 years?  Why aren’t rational minds and scientists, along with NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR and PBS…screaming at the top of their lungs?  Why won’t they expose what we face? Why not educate the American public?

I read a report that our National Parks are being overrun.  Glacier National Park, which I visited last summer, looks like New York’s Grand Central Station all summer long.  You’re bumping into people at every stop.  Parking lots jammed and no chance for a camping spot!  So, why are we absorbing 1.5 million legal and illegal migrants annually to make it worse?   What happens when we import another 100 million people by 2050?  Can you imagine?

Another thing that rips my mind:  today, we’ve got cancers and heart attacks taking out countless Americans.  Yet, we allow DuPont, Bayer, Monsanto and Dow Chemical to spray crops with their deadly poisons that eventually end up in our mouths with the foods we eat.  Roundup’s ‘glyphosates’ have found their way into our wines, mother’s breast milk, and just about everything in the food chain.  That poison is sinking into our ground water.  Why are we allowing that to continue when we KNOW those poisons cause cancer?  Why does it cost more for organic foods than the cheaper poisoned foods?

Another question that kills me:  why haven’t we done anything about the obesity epidemic in America that has 66 percent of Americans overweight, and/or grossly obese? My baby boomer generation is piling up on the rocks.  Our teens are growing “food bellies” as big as 50 year old potbellied men. I don’t see how the hospitals will ever keep up with the enormous medical problems crashing down on them.   I’ve got high school classmates dying left and right because of cancers and heart attacks. They suffer from 50 inch waistlines, arthritis, prostate cancer, heart disease, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, canes & crutches, dementia and Alzheimer’s, and a dozen other medical problems all brought on by eating at McDonald’s, drinking Coca Cola, Wendy’s and Pizza Hut for a lifetime.  Why won’t the junk food chains offer healthy meals?  How tough can it be? Organic…basic foods…plant based…no chemicals…nutrient rich…lots of fiber.   My wife and I eat at “Modern Market” in Colorado, which offers incredibly healthy meals.  Why don’t we see greater efforts to educate the public, especially minorities who are so susceptible to junk food down in the inner cities.

Why hasn’t the 90 minute documentary titled “Cowspiracy” become the number one watched movie in America?  If you haven’t watched it, either get it on Netflix or rent it for $5.00 on IMBD or YouTube.

As to what our children face, watch the 90 minute documentary “Seaspiracy” that shows you the nightmare going on in our oceans.  You must educate yourself to what is actually transpires in our oceans.  Your kids don’t deserve what’s coming at them in the next three decades.

Why oh why are we allowing “Critical Race Theory” to be taught in our schools, military and elsewhere?  I have never seen a ‘theory’ that will divide and destroy our country from within faster than that ‘theory’. It makes all white people guilty of racism and all black people victims of purported ‘white privilege’.  There’s no middle ground. It’s deadly and it must be stopped. Otherwise, we’ll be at each other throats until we eventually see complete anarchy in our streets. We cannot teach our young to hate everyone of a different color.  Am I right or wrong?

What are your questions?  What would you like to see asked in the final  column?  Thank you,

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This 60 second video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

These Questions Need To Be Asked Across America, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

Questions: not being asked, not being discussed, becoming worse by the day. At some point, we will not remain “America” much longer.

If you look at the 535 Congressional critters leading America toward ruin, destruction and civil strife—you must ask questions as to why they are doing it to us.  Let’s ask another set of pertinent questions that need answers from your two U.S. Senators and House Member.

This past weekend, my U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (CO-D), who has done nothing in 10 years as a senator to secure our borders or stop the massive flood of illegal aliens—announced to me in a form letter that he spearheaded S. 348, U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021.  In this act, he gives complete amnesty to all 25 million illegal aliens, all 800,000 DACA students, and all anchor babies (at about 300,000 annually) now and in the future.  He jumped legal immigration to over 2,000,000 (million) annually.

Inevitably, if passed, that will add no less than 47 and as high as 62 million people to the USA by 2031.

The bill will do nothing to stop more illegal immigration. It accelerates illegal migration. Bennet will do nothing to secure the borders.  The bill will do nothing to solve the problems caused by migrants.

In other words, he’s protecting law breakers, indigents and foreigners illegally within our country.  Here’s what it looks like to push for the largest population gain of any country in the history of the world in a 10 year span:

This 60 second video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

He told me in his form letter that this bill would ensure growth in our economy and humane treatment of all ‘undocumented migrants’.   What he didn’t tell me in his letter:  the costs into the TRILLIONS of dollars would be placed on our taxpayer backs.

Why is a man with a Ph.D. as intellectually vacant as a box of nails?  What about common sense somewhere between a toothpick and a blade of grass?  What about a man with a lighthouse with no bulb in his lantern?

And yet, he’s ‘solving’ the illegal alien crisis that he and the rest of Congress created, on purpose, and again, won’t solve it with this act.

Question: why don’t those erudite 535 Congressional geniuses solve the 62,000 homeless, jobless, and starving in LA, or 11,000 homeless in San Francisco or the 6,000 living in tents under bridges in Seattle? Chicago? Detroit? NYC? Miami? Denver?  Why is it that he’s solving all foreigners’ problems and not our problems?

Question: we’ve got over 850 water main breaks daily in the USA. It costs us billions annually for repairs, but we don’t have enough money to repair the entire infrastructure across the USA. Of course, we found $6 trillion to wage war in Iraq for 20 years!  Yet we pay out billions in foreign aid to prop up failed countries.  Why do our leaders to that to us at such horrific costs?  (Source:

Question: with 7 out of 10 African-American babies born out of wedlock, and raised by a single mother who subsists on welfare, and then, the child ends up in the same poverty hole as her mother—why are our leaders solving that problem for our citizens rather than giving away our tax dollars to people who broke over our borders in violations of our laws?  Answer me that one!

Question: whose bright idea was it to implement the “Critical Race Theory” into schools across the land to pit one race against the other, one culture against the other, 40 million African Americans as victims against 290 million other Americans?  And, how do you think that kind of educated anger will work out for anyone?  Anyone got answers to that one?

Question:  we’ve got water scarcity issues in every Western State in 2021.  We’ve got catastrophic climate change facing all of us as to rain, heat, drought, wildfires, arable land, viable forests, animal extinction rates, quality of life issues, toxically polluted skies over our cities, acid rain, gridlocked traffic, and another dozen consequences.  So why is Congress and this president speeding up the chaos by importing another 100 million people into the USA by 2050?  How’s that going to work out for our children?

Question:  as we import millions of skill-less and uneducated people, how will we solve the problems of 38 MILLION Americans subsisting on food stamps today?  That’s right, 38 million Americans subsist by EBT cards. With robotics taking over everything, how will we ever gainfully employ our own citizens as we overwhelm our country with foreigners?  Got any solutions Mr. Biden, Mr. Bennet and the rest of you geniuses?

I’ve got another dozen questions that go deeper.  But the reality is: Biden and Congress govern from day to day. They lack any understanding of the consequences of their actions.  They are winging it with featherless wings!

As they continue to “wing it”, you and your children are going to pay for it.   At some point, we will not remain America much longer.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

These Questions Need To Be Asked Across America

By Frosty Wooldridge

If you look at the 535 Congressional critters leading America toward ruin, destruction and civil strife—you must ask questions as to why they are doing it to us.  Let’s ask a few pertinent questions that need answers from your two U.S. Senators and House Member.  Forget about asking the president any questions.  He couldn’t remember the question if his life depended on it.  If he did, his answer would be the same hot air since 47 years ago when he arrived in DC.

With over 580,000 documented homeless Americans and tens of thousands of homeless veterans, why are we absorbing 178,000 illegal aliens monthly and spending over $60 million a month to house, feed and medically care for them?  Does it make sense to take care of the world’s poor when our own poor struggle in the streets of our cities?

What about Mr. Biden giving Palestine $200 million to buy more weapons to completely rocket and kill Israel?  Why?   Can you think of any reason to empower Iran with more money?  Why would you empower a Muslim enemy that wants to demolish every last Jew in the world?  Any answers for that question Congress and Biden?

Who in their right mind thought that importing documented 68 IQ Somalians who subsist forever on our welfare programs was a good idea?  Congress trashed Lewiston, Maine with Somalians who suffer a bushland-hunter-gatherer culture from 1,000 years ago—but now, they find themselves in a civilization 1000 years more advanced than they can handle.  Whose bright idea was it to flood Minneapolis, Minnesota with 125,000 Somalis who can’t read, write, or work any kind of advanced jobs in America beyond taxi driver or janitor?  Why?  Was there a point to it?  Did it benefit American taxpayers? What about how they scammed EBT cards to over $2 million  in our money?  Anybody have any answers to that one?  You question that 68 IQ statement?  Here’s the source of collective IQ’s of every country in the world.

The lower the IQ, the more barbaric and chaotic the culture.  Somalia doesn’t carry the lowest collective IQ, but pretty close.  (Source)

Who thought it was such a grand idea to bring 300,000 Muslims into Detroit after that religion bombed us in 9/11?  At least, we know that 19 Saudi Muslims ran those planes into the towers.  What was the point to bring an incompatible religion that’s out to defeat all Infidels and “Convert or kill all non-believers?”    How stupid are those people allowing in these third worlder’s with so much violence in their religions?  Do you like an average of 25 honor killings annually in our country according to DHS?  How about over 500,000 female genital mutilations committed on their women?  Where’s the women’s rights groups?  (Source: Feb 2, 2018, DHS report, Edward O’Callaghan, DHS Assistant DA spoke at a press conference on Muslim activities in America.)

Why have we funded $6 trillion in war funds to fight two useless and meaningless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 friggin’  years?  Answer me that one Mr. Biden since you’ve been in Congress for 47 years to make that happen?  Were 7,100 combat deaths worth it? Were the  documented 114,000 serviceman and woman suicides worth it?  (Source)  Yes, that’s right, 114,000 suicides in the last 20 years from those two insane-provoking wars!

What about our $29 trillion debt? Who in the name of common sense and  rational thinking would run up their credit card with that much debt—knowing that when the bill comes in that at some point, we won’t be able to pay it?  Got any answers Congress and Biden?

Why in the name of common sense are we importing 1.5 million of the world’s poor into our country annually?  Why? What’s the  point? What will be the logical result of spreading all those people across our land from 196 countries, half of them failed-states, with 196 world views, religions, cultures and languages?  Anybody figure out how that’s going to end up?

Why have we taught our kids to hate their own country?  What was the point of allowing BLM to burn and  loot our cities with immunity?  Why did we allow a bunch of anarchists to burn and loot Portland, Minneapolis, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago and more?

Why are we tolerating the “Critical Race Theory” to be taught to create White hatred and Black victimization?  How do you think that will end up?  I’ll tell you: total separation of our culture, our way of life, our equality, our peace and tranquility.  Why? What is the point?

We need to answer these questions because if we don’t, we’re heading for the bottom of the toilet faster than a bullet train.

I will cover Part 2 in the next commentary.    Thank you, Frosty

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This Memorial Day: What’s In An Empty Pizza Box?

By Frosty Wooldridge

During Memorial Day Weekend, let’s honor our fallen and those serving on active duty.  It’s a rare luck of fate that each of us enjoys being an American citizen. If you have cycled or traveled across six continents and endless countries, you understand that America remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for the world.

Therefore, this column represents most people in America. It represents our highest and best as human beings.  And I must share with you: we’re going to come through this tempest because we love America, even with its warts and shortfalls.  It’s our only home.  I might add, if you don’t like America, just visit Africa or India or China and/or 50 other third-world countries for a heavy dose of reality. I have, and it’s not pretty out there for billions across the globe.

So, please enjoy this short story of my travels on a bicycle, coast to coast, across America.  It will warm your heart and give you hope, along with a big smile across your face.

This story finds us at the tail-end of our 4,100-mile coast to coast bicycle adventure across the Northern Tier of America by a bunch of 70-year old’s.  When I was young, I didn’t think much about it during my first crossing in 1975, but now that I’m a senior citizen, every day grows more precious and the adventure more meaningful.

As I cruised into Vermont on the tail-end of our bicycle adventure, I lagged behind my friends Gerry and Don by an hour.  We pedaled over hills, hills and more hills.  Because I take a lot of pictures, I often fell back several miles.

It took me 15 minutes to get a great shot of a muskrat paddling across a glass-still pond. Nothing like wildlife animals going about their daily business.  He created a V-wake behind him that cut across the pond. Two diving ducks created circles. When the V-wake intersected with the rippling circles, it created a great photograph.  I love the creative magnificence of Mother Nature.

As for the speed of my bicycle, I call it the “pleasure pace” which means I enjoy every mile. Some call it “Eudemonia”, “Satori”, or “The Perfect Speed.”  It’s the connection of mind, body and spirit coming together to form a natural “high” or “total happiness.”    When you pedal a bicycle through such beauty for eight hours a day, it transforms you and becomes a winsome dance.  I’ve discovered over the years that bicycling pertains more to a spiritual experience than a physical one.  No, I’m not saying it’s a picnic busting over a 12,000-foot pass in the Rocky Mountains, but then, the views more than compensate.  As you can see from the picture, I’d choose the mountains seven days a week.

(Frosty Wooldridge gazing at a sunset over a mountain pass that just took five hours to climb.)

Like all the New England states, Vermont provided such beauty, but suddenly, my rear tire suffered a flat. “Dang,” I muttered to myself. “Those guys will be drinking beers and eating dinner by the time I catch up to them.”

No matter, I stopped near a cable guardrail.  As you can see from the load on my bike “Condor”, I had to pull a lot of gear off the back to get to the wheel.  Just as I pulled the axle from the dropouts, an SUV passed me and honked. I waved.

(Frosty Wooldridge overlooking Niagara Falls and a double rainbow.)

As with all flat tires, I peeled the tire off the rim with my plastic levers. I checked the tube, found the glass chard that cut it, and patched it.  I checked the rim tape for problems, then checked the tire for any other foreign objects and replaced it back onto the rim.  After pumping it up, I dropped my solid axle back into the dropouts, replaced the nuts and aligned it.  Then, I replaced the cables on the cantilever brakes.  All in all, I spent 45 to 50 minutes.

After making sure the bike was roadworthy, I replaced my heavy pack (80 pounds), and bungee-corded it all back onto the rack. At that moment, I pulled my water bottle for a swig to quench my thirst.  As I sat on the piling of the guard rail, that same SUV rolled to a stop across the highway.  A kid jumped out with a pizza box and two cans of lemonade. He ran across the highway toward me.

“My dad said you might like some refreshments,” he said.  “He remembers when he rode his bicycle across the country after finishing college.  He still talks about it. It was the best time of his life. He’s got an 8”X10” photo of him and his buddies celebrating on the Atlantic Ocean right on his desk.  Every day he sees it, that photo, it lights him up.”

“Well thank you,” I said, as I waved to the entire family. “Good for your dad! I bet he’s got lots of stories to tell.”

“Yes sir,” the boy said. “He tells them around the campfire when we go camping. Somehow, he always comes up with a new one that makes us laugh.”

The boy crossed back over the road.  Everyone in the car smiled.  “Safe travels,” the father said.  I waved, “Back at you!”

(My touring bike loaded with gear and an empty pizza box filled with kindness and memories of the goodness of folks around the world.)

They drove off.  I sat there realizing that my two buddies were eating dinner and drinking beers up ahead, but as I sat there munching on the MOST incredible and best tasting pizza of my life. To this day, it will be the greatest pizza that I ever ate. Why?  Because it was given to me on a very hot day in Vermont on a very lonely road. It rewarded me for fixing my flat tire.  It tingled my tastebuds like no other pizza because of the kindness of other human beings.  It was given with love, trust and a sense of connectedness that all of us humans carry in our hearts.

When I finished, I placed the empty pizza box on top of my pack. With the last gulp of lemonade, I flattened the two cans to be recycled when I reached the next town.  I remounted my bike Condor and pedaled east with a big smile across my face and an even bigger one across my spirit.

“Darn,” I muttered to myself. “Sometimes, flat tires are a good thing!”

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” – Bob Kerrey

With that reality, over the years, I have always passed “kindness” forward. I compliment the store clerk about her necklace or earrings.  I thank the waitress for her exemplary service with an extra-large tip.  I salute the passing police officer because he works a dangerous job that maintains our society. I slap a $5 bill into a homeless persons hand at some intersection.  Why? But for the grace of God, that homeless person could be me. I thank a military person for his or her service to our country.  I tell little kids what a great job they are doing as they draw chalk pictures with crayons in the driveway.  I’ve picked up a million pieces of trash across six continents to make the Natural World more beautiful.   It takes almost nothing to smile at anyone passing or giving a kind word.

It’s wrapped up in this quote:  “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” – Barbara De Angelis

Bless you on your own bicycle, walk, hike, canoe, raft or any other manner on your own individual journey.  Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent world bicycle traveler.  And, God bless America and all her citizens. Bless every human being on this planet because every person is doing the best he or she can to make it through this life with kindness in some form or other.

From that journey, I wrote a book: Old Men Bicycle Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age by Frosty Wooldridge.  (If you’re a baby boomer, or anyone hoping to make such an epic ride across America, this books shows you how to do it, A to Z.)

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

How To End Alzheimer’s and Dementia

By Frosty Wooldridge

Two years ago, one of my best friends started grasping for words in the middle of a conversation.  He stumbled, tripped over his tongue…and a few second later, he inserted another word to finish his sentence.

Later, he couldn’t tell which day of the week for our tennis match.  At one meeting, he forgot his tennis shoes.  Later, he couldn’t keep score.  That’s a man who has played tennis for 50 years.

A year into his bout with dementia, also known as Alzheimer’s, he got lost in traffic and couldn’t find his way home.  He was very frustrated when I drove up to guide him to his house.  His wife said that he forgot to tie his shoes and left food out when it should go into the fridge.

“John’s not himself in the last year,” Paula said.  “He gets exasperated when he can’t complete simple tasks.  I need to take him to a doctor.”

John came up to me on one of our pack trips, “Frosty, got to tell you that I wish I had my old self back.  I’m getting worse with memory loss. I can’t do the simplest choirs.”

“Let me see that I can do about your condition,” I said.  “We’ve got to get a handle on this before it gets worse.”

Okay, through all my research for a week, I found out that dementia and Alzheimer’s are pretty much a dead end for most people. No cures that really work. There’s the drug Aricept, but it doesn’t work for many people.  Beyond that, I ran into dead ends.  In just about every research paper, someone who suffers from onset dementia/Alzheimer’s, must live out their ordeal until they die.

Being the tenacious journalist that I am, a visit to the local bookstore gave me a clerk who excitedly walked me over to pick up a book that published in 2020—the first book of its kind that actually offers solutions to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s.  I bought it in a New York Minute!

Today in America, we eat fast foods, junk foods, chemicalized foods, GMO foods, preserved foods, Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew and a host of artificially sweetened sodas along with chips, beer, hard liquor, pizza, very little fiber, TV dinners, and endless “white sugar injected” foods from ketchup to salsa to salad dressing.  We gobble mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), which makes us ‘forever hungry’ for one more burger and fries.

Essentially, as we watch our ‘food bellies’ grow while we eat a “happy meal”, our brains develop “amyloids” which block the synapses from firing in the brain that give you words, recall, memory, critical thinking processes and the ability to function like you did in your teens.

Result: 66 percent of Americans register 20 to 50 pounds overweight and 50 percent of that 66 percent are grossly obese.  We’ve got a health crisis for the Baby Boomer generation that very well may break the entire health-care system in this country. Worse, the younger generation follows into our obesity epidemic.

We’re clouding our blood with trans-fats, cholesterol, GMO’s, endless poisons from Monsanto’s Roundup now in mother’s milk and wines—to massive white sugar infusion by Captain Crunch fed to children from the age of five years.

I discovered out of 60,000 foods offered in major grocery stores, producers of those foods lace 50,000 of those foods with chemicals and sugar and/or synthetic sugars like Sucralose, Aspartame, Dextrose and worse. They inject dyes and chemicals to make their products look more appealing. If it’s in a glass bottle, plastic, package or box—you’re eating more chemicals than you can comprehend.  It’s taking a devastating toll on millions of Americans.

Since I’m a Baby Boomer, I would like to keep my brain intact. I keep my body lean, clean and a moving machine. Calories in—calories out! I drink filtered water. I eat only organic.  I check every “ingredient” label. I exercise two hours daily, six days a week. My wife Sandi, the same!

At the bookstore, the cashier handed me a book published in 2020 by Dr. Dale Bredesen:  The End of Alzheimer’s: The first Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.

I read it in two days. The book dumbfounded me.  Bredesen shows how the Baby Boomer generation, and now the younger generation are galloping over a nutritional cliff.  With all the poisoned foods we’ve been eating and drinking for the past 50 years, our bodies fail us as youth subsides.

With all the junk food, our brains try to protect themselves by forming little “amyloids” that gum up the synapses.

Bredesen spells it out that we are eating ourselves into dementia.  He describes the typical American diet in Chapter 4: How to Eat Yourself into Alzheimer’s.  Another doctor, Dr. Daniel Amen gives 12 points on how to keep your brain healthy. It’s the best 90 minute video you will ever watch: “Keeping your brain and body healthy” by Dr. Daniel Amen:

In Bredesen’s book, he covers the Anti-Alzheimer’s Diet: Ketoflex 12/3, (also in vegetarian) and he offers the finest nutrient pills you can take to help your brain dissolve those “amyloids” in order to bring your synapses back into operation.

Along with his incredible solutions, he shows case after case of men and women returning to normal lives with healthy brains. Mind you, it takes three to six months of very disciplined eating, exercise and nutritional supplements. Note: this is not a one-time fix, and then, you return to your old habits. You will be eating and exercising like this for the rest of your life.

Since I’m writing this three months after my friend John got onto the program, he’s 90 percent better at sentences, words, memory, recall and, most of all, he’s back to the work he loves.  Oh, and he can remember the score on the tennis court—where he usually beats me!

If a loved one of yours suffers from this terrible disease, I hope this column finds distribution around the country to every American whose loved ones suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s.  The brain you save may be your own.  Be well and prosper!

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Critical IQ Theory Versus Critical Race Theory

By Frosty Wooldridge

For all of 2020 and now, 2021, racial tensions flare at the slightest tribal confrontation between White police officers, government officials, academics and Black Americans.

Black Lives Matter stands to burn and loot any city where it deems police as racists or murderers or biased.

To explain the tragedies besetting Blacks in America, Black author Derrick Bell wrote his version of the “critical race theory” back in 1970.  It didn’t take hold until 1989 in the United States. Today it’s being taught in the military, high schools and at Coca Cola’s employment center. They demand that their White employees become “less white.”

Several Black educators state emphatically that if you’re White, you’re a racist from your birth because of the color of your skin.  You are the blame for most Blacks’ failures in America.

Britannica: Critical race theory (CRT), is an intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially Africa Americans.

This statement makes the White race guilty for the Negro race’s general failures as to academic excellence, standard of living equality, job equality, salary equality and social acceptance as equals in this majority White society.

At the same time, we can look at most other minority races living within America thriving such as the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese and other ethnic groups outside of Africa.

Recently, I engaged in a conversation with a man at my recreation center. After 30 years of teaching, he spoke to me about his ideas as to “why” a large percentage of Black people fail in the United States as well as Canada and Europe.  He told me about his “Critical IQ Theory” as to why certain racial groups fail in White societies.

“It all gets down to IQ,” he said. “If you look at degraded societies like most of Africa…such as Somalia, Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Blacks of South Africa, Morocco, Tanzania and more…you will find the average IQ runs around 68 to 70.  Essentially, the lower the collective IQ of a country, the lower its standard of living, educational pursuits, arts, sciences, food availability and sanitation.”

“How so?” I asked.

“For instance, if you visit www.worldpopulationreview , you will find the average IQ’s of every country in the world,” he said.  “Chinese average 106 with 108 in Hong Kong as the highest IQ country, which puts them at the top, and that’s why they are so successful as to engineers, architects, scientists, doctors and IT people…The United States used to be 100, but has dropped to 98 in the past 50 years because of immigration that has allowed much lower IQ’d people from third world countries.”

“What about the IQ’s that run under 70?” I asked.

“That’s the rub in the last two centuries,” he said. “For instance, someone from Somalia with a 68 IQ cannot function in a technological society because they lack the intellectual horsepower to thrive.  They can only accomplish redundant jobs such burger flipper, janitor, auto- assembly line, taxi-driver and other repetitive simple jobs.  If you notice Somalia, they are overpopulated, starving, illiterate and lack any kind of sanitation of a modern society. That includes most African countries.  You might think they could copy Western societies, but they can’t. They are hunter-gatherers.  You might say that most of Africa is an ‘evolutionary disaster’.”

“Does that explain why American Black leaders state that math is ‘racist’,” I asked.

“Pretty much when Blacks cannot handle White academic systems,” he said.  “It stems from a lack of intellectual horsepower, so they are not interested or driven toward math, science or biology.  Mind you, that’s the average.  Some do excel, but then, you have to take into account race mixing that has occurred in America for the past 400 years.”

“Isn’t that a racist statement?” I asked.

“Well, not really,” he said. “It’s a basic factual statistic.  You can look up a book titled, The Bell Curve by  Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray.  It explains the variations in intelligence in American society, (and all countries as to IQ), and warns of some consequences of that variation, and propose social policies for mitigating the worst of the consequences.  It states that every race enjoys a specific IQ parameter.  Leaders need to develop jobs that fit intellectual makeups, because if they fail, the results are simply great inequities in low IQ populations.

“In the end,” he said. “It’s not Blacks’ fault, rather, it’s a biological condition inherited from their origins in Africa. It takes millennia to advance IQ’s of a given tribe.”

I visited , to see for myself.  Sure enough the countries with the lowest average IQ rates were the most failed countries on the planet.

IQ’s of unsuccessful countries:

Haiti—average IQ  68
Gambia—average IQ 66
Gabon—average IQ   64
Equatorial Guinea—average IQ 59

So, where does that leave America?  First of all, after 400 years within the USA, average Black IQ’s run from 75 to 90 depending on location in the country and states. Mississippi runs the lowest IQ’s for Blacks.

New York Times, The Black-White Test Score Gap, Edited by CHRISTOPHER JENCKS and MEREDITH PHILLIPS, 1998

“AFRICAN AMERICANS currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten (figure 1-1), and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites.”

Black failure rates in our cities cause drug addiction, school dropouts, gangs, crime, 7 out of 10 babies born out of wedlock with no fathers, serious consequences as to employment chances and horrible living conditions.  Let’s face it, over 1.0 million African-Americans subsist in our jails.  We need to build better children to become better adults—rather than toss them into jail.

Perhaps, we need all-Black police officers in predominantly Black cities.

We need to engage a national commission of Black educators, businessmen and others to create solutions.  If we don’t, we’ll see more of BLM on the rampage.  At some point, there will be responses by the White Lives Matter groups.  Once that erupts, we’ll suffer riots, burning cities and destruction and respect for our rule of law.  It happened to  Rome; it could happen to us.

At some point, as a society, we must address “Critical IQ Theory” and find ways to educate those with marginal IQ’s.  That Black and/or White combined commission needs to develop programs that educate Blacks  to their highest potential.  Subsequently, we need to create living-wage jobs that give everyone dignity, a decent standard of living and promote their general welfare as contributing members of our society.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Multiculturalism: Splitting Our Country At The Seams

By Frosty Wooldridge

This past Tuesday night, over a dozen Palestinian-Americans, driving cars around Los Angeles with large Palestinian flags, attacked patrons at restaurants as they dined on the sidewalk.

They yelled, “Are you a Jew?”

Two of the patrons at one restaurant answered, “Yes!”  That’s when the anarchists began beating them up and smashing the dinner tables.  Everyone fled…Jewish people and others, to escape the violence.

One of the city council members told a reporter, “They may be having a war between Palestine and Israel, but there’s no reason to bring it here to Los Angeles.”

That war surges into America from every disparate immigrant who fails to leave his country’s problems behind, but brings his country’s culture into America.  It’s called “multiculturalism” and it’s not working whether you travel into Somali-land in Minneapolis, Minnesota…or Muslim-land in Detroit…or Mexico-land in Los Angeles…and/or everybody else’s land in New York City.  While the mainstream media stops any reporting of what’s really going on in Minneapolis or Detroit, the blatant attacks of one ethnic group against another continue to accelerate.  We’ve got “Stop Asian Hate Crimes…Black Lives Matter crimes…Antifa…Boogaloo Boys and dozens of other violent subgroups waiting to rampage through the streets and cities of America.  Why? Because they hold no affinity to America, whatsoever.

One reader spoke to me about the Mexican takeover of the four border state.  She said, “I’m in my 60s and several months ago I moved from Houston to Chicago area, since I’m retired, and be close to family. I’m very familiar with immigration since living & working in Texas I was greatly exposed to it.

“For starters, around 2014 I was sitting in traffic at a busy intersection at a red light, when an 18-year-old Mexican guy rear ended my car because he was speeding & couldn’t stop his car in time. The guy spoke no English, had no driver’s license, no car insurance, was an illegal immigrant & drove a beater car. The police officer noted the skip marks that his car left on the pavement, proving he was speeding. I took him to court twice in Houston.

“Both times he had to have an interpreter since he spoke no English. Both times it was the same White judge (about 45 yrs. old) & he let this guy off the hook totally free. The 2nd time in court was a year later & he still had no car insurance, driver’s license, or legal immigration papers. If I wanted my car repaired, I had to use my money or my car insurance. He wasn’t required to give me even one penny! And to top it off, the judge was super friendly with him, but ignored me – Miss Law-abider!

“Secondly, I was a flight attendant for 14 1/2 years in Houston. I started 13 days before 911 happened. It was Continental Airlines before United. I worked hundreds of flights to Mexico & Canada, where passports were required. I did turns to Mexico & overnights as well. Whenever the airplane was going to spend more than 90 Minutes in Mexico, the crew members were all required to deplane and go through immigration to show our passports to the Mexican officials. Oftentimes we had to also remove our luggage & take it inside for them to inspect. Then when we returned to Houston from Mexico or Canada, the crew members always had to go through Customs & Immigration & have our passports verified & baggage scanned.

“One time around 2013, I had my passport in my purse. We had done a turn to Mexico. Before leaving the gate in Houston, the gate agent checks the flight attendants’ passports. So, I knew I had it prior to leaving the USA. During landing in Houston, my passport was knocked out of my purse & fell down into my Captain’s back pocket of his rollaboard (luggage). I could not clear customs & immigration because I couldn’t present my passport, so I was escorted to the immigration office, right in front of our passengers! Talk about an embarrassing moment! Luckily about 1 1/2 hours later, my Captain came in with my passport in his hand & said he found it in his back pocket of his bag. So, then I was released.

“I personally had many illegal Mexicans on my flights, who had been caught and were being sent back to Mexico. Sadly, there were little children also who were with other illegal children being sent back to Mexico, who had no adults caught with them, as they snuck into Texas. I wonder who paid for their return airplane tickets & often times they had escorts on the plane traveling with them. Who foot that bill? I’m sure somehow the American people did. I’d be shocked if Mexico reimbursed America for bringing back their citizens!

“I also had criminals on board who were escorted by men. The criminals were handcuffed. Again, who pays for their airline tickets? I would imagine Americans like you & me who pay our taxes.

“I don’t know if you’ve heard of Michael Berry of Houston. He’s a Conservative Radio Talk Host. About 10 years ago he was talking on the air about immigration. I called in & they allowed me to speak on his show that day. I explained I was a flight attendant & I was very familiar with that issue, due to my job. I talked about the illegal children as well.

“Living in Houston I saw how illegals were invading the city, prior to Covid last year. And how many refuse to ever truly learn English. They only know enough to barely get by.

“There were many Hispanic apartment complexes and businesses, where I would never go. They want our country & businesses open to them, but they don’t want people who aren’t Hispanic to live in their apartment complexes or visit their businesses. Same with Muslims.

“I welcome anyone into our country (except ISIS people) who is willing to go through the legal system to become an American citizen. To think, I had to show my passport if I was in Mexico for more than 90 Minutes. I was with other crew members and in an airline uniform, and when the main cabin door was opened, the gate agent saw me. But after 90 minutes, I had to prove who I was to Mexican officials. Yet, USA doesn’t require anything.

“But, sadly there is zero reason for anyone nowadays to enter legally, when all they have to do is simply cross the border and we supply their everything’s in life.

“I gratefully appreciate you Frosty!!! God Bless you for your love & devotion to America.”

As you can tell, in a nutshell, this multiculturalism nightmare will only worsen over the next 10 years as another 30 million more people are added to the USA. Dear God, please help us!

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

We’re Riding on the U.S.S. Titanic: Few People Understand Our Dilemma

By Frosty Wooldridge

Last Thursday’s column, May 13, 2021, America Not Prepared for the Future, should have been the highest read column in the United States.  It exposed Biden’s “U.S. Citizenship Act” that would add, at the minimum, another 37 million immigrants to the USA, the highest number of people added to our or any country in 10 years, in the history of the world.  You saw the graph that exposed it.

While I usually receive a dozen emails from my columns each week, I received ZERO responses from that column.  I about fell off my chair when two trickled in three days later.

Did you see this 60 second video depicting what’s coming?  Did you share it with all your networks?  If you didn’t, why didn’t you?  Good God Almighty, it shows that we are a nation about to absorb AT LEAST ANOTHER 62 MILLION PEOPLE WITHIN 10 YEARS.

Here’s the video:  U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country:

Did you see that last bar?  I mean, it spells the death of our civilization because it’s not just 37 million immigrants; it’s a total of 62 million people added to America within 10 years by 2031.

Are Biden and his handlers that out of touch with reality?  Are 535 Congressional critters THAT fatuous to pass it?  If they do and he signs that bill, it will prove the most dangerous legislation ever passed as to our water, energy and resources, i.e, we won’t have any for ourselves.

It reminds me of the R.M.S. Titanic on April 14, 1912, the finest steamship in the world, unsinkable and sailing like crazy at super speed in iceberg-laden waters of the North Atlantic as if it was immune to hitting one.  Well, it hit one, and caused the greatest seagoing catastrophe in the history of the world.

But of course, only those on the Titanic suffered consequences. Most of the rest of the world carried forth as if nothing happened.

Well, I am here to tell you, if this bill passes, it will affect EVERYONE in America…rather adversely…really, really nightmarishly.

Ironically, some complete intellectually deficient nitwit wrote a book, One Billion Americans: The case For Thinking Bigger by Mathew Yglesias, who encourages us to stay number one as the world’s best economy and add 1,000,000,000 people to America.  He received 402 mostly five-star reviews on Amazon and applause from some of the biggest newspapers in the country. I was blown away because it’s the dumbest, most dangerous and insipidly stupid book on the market. But it’s a best seller!  We must be a country loaded with academic idiots!

Here they are:

“Many economics books devote themselves to cataloging the world’s ills, and then end with a curiously short ‘solutions’ chapter that doesn’t really solve most of the problems in the book. One Billion Americans is a novel twist on this model. It . . . dives into a long catalog of solutions. Most of them are very good ideas.”The New York Times Book Review

“An argument that blends demography, economics, and politics . . . The thesis is eminently arguable, but the book is packed full of provocative ideas well worth considering.”Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“Well researched and convincing. This optimistic call to action is worth considering.”Publishers Weekly 

“There are plenty of reasons to question how the U.S. might absorb so many new citizens, but Yglesias makes a provocative case for a new kind of American greatness.”The New York Times The Morning newsletter

One Billion Americans points to the practical changes that the United States can make in order to earn back its inherited position as the leader on the path toward universal freedom and dignity. It warns us all that being the envy of the world is a choice, not a fate.”—Paul Romer, Nobel Prize–winning economist

Those reviews MUST be by people who are completely out of their minds.  Here are two reviews that make sense:

DH wrote, “The basic notion of this book is appallingly conceited. The last thing that anywhere on Earth needs is MORE PEOPLE! And worrying about whether America is “winning”, or can stay “on top forever”, is not only an infantile urge, it also blindly ignores the real challenges facing not just Americans but citizens of every country in the world. This opinion has nothing to do with immigration policy and everything to do with the moral bankruptcy of suggesting that we need to go big or lose whatever bizarre planetary reality show competition he thinks is occurring. We’re all facing an existential crisis, no doubt, but it’s got nothing to do with “not enough Americans”. Get that jingoist garbage out of here so we can actually try to make progress with the real problems: unprecedented loss of biodiversity, deforestation, irreversible resource depletion, and being hopelessly addicted to a globalized fossil fuel economy and an inherently unsustainable and corrupt market run by and for financiers, which exploits human labor and is rapidly grinding the planet into oblivion.

“Oh, also, American culture already produces one of the most disproportionately environmentally destructive societies in the world (the per capita ecological footprint in the US is shameful – we’re “winners” on that graph). So literally the worst thing for all humans, collectively, is for more of them to be American and subscribing to the great consumerist, entitled, selfish, pathological nightmare of a culture that we keep pretending is The Best, while the world crumbles.”

Reviewer Kathleene Parker said, “I deeply regret buying this book. Amazon, shame! I found this book one of the most irresponsible pieces of literature POSSIBLE in an era when, while declaring a climate emergency last fall, 11,700 of the world’s climate scientists stated, without qualification, that we CANNOT SOLVE CLIMATE WITHOUT ADDRESSING POPULATION. That particularly applies in the 3 “carbon giant nations,” China, THE UNITED STATES and India, in that order. Of note, also the world’s THREE MOST POPULATED NATIONS. I should think that Amazon should, morally, since it’s T.V. ads PROFESS CONCERN ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE, put a disclaimer on this book!

“While Big 6 media have done a brilliant job of FALSELY portraying that the U.S. isn’t growing, census data dispute that with consistent INCREASES OF 28 MILLION TO 30 MILLION A DECADE. (Boot up the U.S. Census Bureau’s ‘population clock’ and watch it for a few minutes.) While this author seems unaware, we’re already the world’s 3rd most populated nation and have, at 16.5 metric tons per capita, the highest CARBON FOOTPRINT of any of the three “carbon giant” nations. India is WAY behind at only 1.8 metric tons per capita, and China comes in at a “mere,” by comparison to us, 6.8 metric tons per capita. Do the math! Over 330 million of us already, times that ghastly 16.5 metric tons. That means we’re a near-China equivalent on our environmental hit, carbon wise, to the planet.”

Dear fellow American, we are the U.S.S. Titanic and ALL of us will be affected when our water, energy and resources suffer total exhaustion. We can’t continue on this stupid, insane, idiotic and moronic ‘growth’ path forever.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America Is NOT Prepared for the Future; Nor What’s Coming

By Frosty Wooldridge

Have you, as an American citizen, looked at or even guessed about the future of America?  Do you see a few problems like our $28 trillion national debt?  What about anarchists burning down our cities with impunity?  What about the onslaught at the border at over 172,000 refugees in April according to the U.S. Border Patrol?  What about our racial unrest?  What about our overloaded, traffic jammed and air polluted cities?

If you are worried about the future of your kids, this latest development will really cook your emotions, your sense of right and wrong, and ultimately, this 90 second video will show you the most distressing, if not incomprehensible future for our country.

At this minute, Joe Biden has introduced the “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021” to Congress.  In that bill, he has given full amnesty not to 11 million illegal aliens along with their children, but in fact, according to the Yale Report of 2018, somewhere between 23 to 25 million illegal aliens will gain instant citizenship.

But that’s not even close to the nightmare of the rest of the bill!  That bill will increase the number of legal refugees into America by a factor of “FOUR”!   If you look at this video, Biden’s bill will add 37 million immigrants to this country within the next 10 years.  Just take a look for 90 seconds:

U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country:

Notice the last bar! That’s 37 million refugees from around the world landing on our shores—in a blink of 10 years.  But it doesn’t end there!  If this bill passes, not only will we absorb 37 million refugees, they in turn, in that ten-year period will birth at least 10 million more children among those 37 million—at the minimum.   That gives us 47 million foreigners stomping around our country.  But it doesn’t end there!

According to Dr. Steven Comarota,, we absorb 500,000 illegal aliens annually.  With 10 more years, we are talking at least 5.0 million more bodies added to our country.  Now, we’re up to 52 million added refugees.  Mostly uneducated, unskilled and unprepared to contribute to a first world country.  If you don’t think we face a “Sociological Nightmare”, just look at Israel versus Palestine, or France versus its Middle Eastern refugees or the UK with its accelerating nightmare…or Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Italy and more.

But it doesn’t end there!  In the next 10 years, because of our own “population momentum”, even with 2.03 children per American woman, our country remains on course to add another 1.0 million annually of our own babies, net gain, to jump another 10 million people, ourselves.  So now you’re looking at 62 million AT THE VERY LEAST…added to our country by 2031.

Do I have your attention?  Joe Biden’s U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 boils down to the highest, most dangerous population gain into one country in the history of the world.

Why is it dangerous?  Let’s just look at the “Water Footprint”, which is the amount of water that one American uses in one day on average.  If that refugee arrives from Somalia, they used no more than 5.0 gallons daily. Once they arrive in the USA, their water usage jumps to 80 and as high as 100 gallons daily.  If you take 62,000,000 added people to our country, that’s 6.2 billion gallons of water used daily.  That’s just for starters.  Those 62 million people must be fed. It will take billions and trillions of gallons of irrigation waters to feed those 62 million people.

If you look at our entire 330 million people, and you multiply 100 gallons of water per person, dear reader, we are headed over a demographic and resource cliff.  Just multiply 330 million people X’s 100 gallons each person each day. We don’t possess that MUCH water!

Guess what? We already have seven states with severe water shortages and severe water issues.  Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and, grandfather nightmare of them all, California.

What about the “Ecological Footprint”?   That equates to the amount of land that must be destroyed out of the wilderness to support that human being.  In Africa, it’s .4 or 4/10’s of an acre.  Once they reach America, it jumps to 25.4 acres of land to build roads, fields for crops, housing, cities, etc.  Since we’re projected to grow our population by well over 100 million by 2050, that’s 2.54 billion acres of land that must be cut out of the wilderness turned into pavement, concrete, housing, malls, farms and more.  (Source:

This short essay touches only the top 1 percent of what’s coming. If this bill passes, it will prove the utter and complete destruction of our country, if not our entire civilization.  In a few words, another 62 million people added to our country within 10 years cannot be sustained.  Will those 62 million additions make everything better?  You know the answer!

You need to start screaming, yelling, imploring, beseeching, begging, ordering and making your voice heard to your two senators and House Member.  Because if you don’t, the following videos will show you your children’s future.  It ain’t going to be pretty.

Dear reader, are you asking these questions?  Are you fearful for your children?  What do you think will happen with another 62,000,000 people added in a short 10 years?  Have you got any solutions?  How do you think this scenario will end up in 2050 with that added 100 million people add, net gain, to our country?

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What About the Confusion of Our Leadership in Washington DC?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Our country suffers from so many problems, it’s beyond difficult to find a path leading toward solutions.  In the past three weeks, Sandi and I traveled through four states—Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.  At each tourist spot, we engaged people from all over the country.  Most of them were retired “baby boomers” getting a jump on the summer crowds.

And, believe you me, each summer, our national parks become more of a living nightmare than a communion with Mother Nature.  You must reserve a park entrance pass in advance in order to visit Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.  If you don’t, you will be turned away. In the near future, the same thing will happen in Yosemite, Glacier and Yellowstone.

After visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico with its artistic “Canyon Road”, we traveled over to Sedona, Arizona.  Traffic snarled at every roundabout.  People jammed every restaurant and art gallery.  If you haven’t visited Sedona, it’s a magical ‘mesa paradise’ with red mountains that turn topaz, tan, yellow, bronze and brown with the setting sun.

It’s so popular that people from Phoenix race to Sedona on weekends to escape the heat.  Oak Creek flows down through the canyon with stunning beauty at every angle.  But of course, it’s invaded by cars and people.

And, the problem grows: developers strangle Sedona’s beauty at every chance to turn the area into a “City of Cement.”  Housing and buildings explode out of the desert terrain.  Water grows scarcer.  Quality of life degrades with each new house, added cars, more trucks and crowded hiking trails.  Everything that’s beautiful, as we’ve been visiting for 40 years, has turned into “coyote ugly.”

At each stop, we engaged couples from Vermont, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Georgia, Oregon and California.  They all gave their opinions of the current mess in Washington DC.  Liberals ranted about the conservatives.  They hated Trump.  Except the man is yesterday’s news! Conservatives yelled, “No one in DC is working for the American people…why have we been paying for two-20-year wars in the Middle East at $6 trillion in costs…why are we letting all those illegals invade our borders when we’ve got hundreds of thousands of homeless…why are we spending $60 million a week to feed and house illegal border jumpers when our homeless and veterans need our help….”

While we the little people ‘see’ what’s going on in America, that man in the White House at his latest press conference said when he couldn’t find his mask, “Where am I?”

That’s a poignant question.  If the president of the United States doesn’t know where he is or what he stands for, how can we be confident that he knows where he is taking our country?

Do 535 Congressional Critters and Biden know what they are doing?  I mean, why open the borders to the world’s poor and pay for them, when we stand a mind-numbing $28 trillion in national debt?  Why are we taking care of the rest of the world when we’ve got 1 in 6 children in “food scarcity” in America? (Source: What have we done to solve our racial divisions?  What about the weekly killing spree in Chicago, St. Louis and Detroit?

Why have we wasted $6 trillion the last 20 years in two useless wars that did nothing for our safety or freedoms?  Why? There’s not a rational mind in DC that can answer that question with a reasonable answer.

Why would the president introduce an “infrastructure bill” of $2.2 trillion when only $500,000 billion actually was earmarked for infrastructure and the rest for pork barrel projects?

What did I see in their faces while listening to their complaints?  Answer: utter frustration if not downright exasperation.

Why do those politicians all promise to solve our nation’s problems when they aren’t solving our nation’s problems?  Why do they go to Washington DC to do something, but don’t do anything?

In my State of Colorado, our two senators, Hickenlooper and Bennet, promote open borders, sanctuary cities and open lawlessness. They enhance the MS-13 drug traffickers.  That’s a fact.  My House Member in the past 14 years, Ed Perlmutter, has done NOTHING to solve any of our state’s problems.  Our Governor Polis openly invites illegals into Colorado, but he can’t fix the enormous potholes all over the state’s highways and especially up Vail Pass where you can tear out a wheel in the ruts or bend a rim or lose your life.

And, everywhere we traveled through four states, each city showed staggering growth of roads, buildings, housing, traffic and highways.  High rise cranes outnumbered everything else!  Vail, Colorado is turning into another New York City.  Phoenix, Arizona explodes…when in fact, it lacks water to support its millions of citizens. Moab, Utah cannot build another apartment complex fast enough while the locals cannot afford an apartment with their ‘slave wages’.

Is it possible that we are building a civilization that cannot be sustained at some point?  How will we solve the water supplies that are finite when our population continues expanding without end?  How will we survive when the gasoline reaches $10.00 a gallon?  How can any of our young people afford a house?  Why hasn’t anyone made the connection that you cannot solve “catastrophic climate destabilization” when we’re on course to add 100 million more people to the USA?

Dear reader, are you asking these questions?  Are you fearful for your children?  Have  you got any solutions?  How do you think this scenario will end up in 2050 with that added 100 million people add, net gain, to our country?

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Is This Nation’s Fait Accompli An Acceptance of Our Destruction?

By Frosty Wooldridge

FOX NEWS journalist Tucker Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party’s political ambitions. Let’s say that again for emphasis because it is the secret to the entire immigration debate. Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party’s political initiative. In order to win and maintain power, Democrats plan to change the population of the country.  Mass immigration increases the power of the Democratic Party. Period! That’s the reason Democrats support it. It’s the only reason.”

If you watch Biden’s Executive Orders and his weekly support of open borders, you’re watching the deformation of your country…formerly known as the United States of America.

Writer Dan Short said, “Concepts, ideologies, and irrationality are not the foundations to preserve this nation of absolute miraculous wonder!  As those in this nation, who even if we are acquiescent, just accept the wonder of this nation, never keeping abreast of the danger presently occurring; just know this nation is the only one ever to achieve what this nation did once.

“What has to occur to wake up this nation to the facts of reality? Today the greatest assault on this nation’s very existence is occurring. While our own political apparatus, the government of this country – does not reject this attack – but in collusion with those who would fundamentally transform this nation are assisting.”

This journalist has been writing about our ongoing demise for over 30 years.  I’ve seen it, I’m watching it currently and I am terrified as to the future of our children.

Short continued, “What American can even comprehend the bloviating, the absolute incomprehensible illiteracy, and magnified ignorance displayed on a continuum by our government. Who in this nation when hearing the direction, the concern, the absolute disregard of a world of reality can comprehend this absolute irrational insanity! While chasing concepts beyond what rational or reasonable people would even entertain.”

By 2042, according to the Pew Research Center, European-Americans, the ones that created the U.S. Constitution and the “rule of law” will have dropped from a 90 percent majority to a 49 percent minority.  What then when you look at all the failed societies in the world that are now flooding into our country?

Short nails it, “Is it not incomprehensible that not only is this parrot Biden – who is reading the script, provided by others with the same determination to destroy this nation –that there is a group of nihilists, a cell of communist, the ideologues of this nation’s demise exist with the power to speak on behalf of their design of destruction of this nation. Is this the result of the contamination of the ‘Frankfort School,’ once expelled from Germany with their form of cultural communism in our ‘Ivy League’ … or shall we call them what they are, the American Petri dish of communism … academia?”

There will be a point reached when bedrock Americans will no longer be in charge of America.  You’re watching it in Canada, Europe and Australia.  When you import the third world, you become the third world.  Does that statement make sense to you?  Can you see it happening in your communities as more people refuse to speak English?  Or, celebrate Old Glory?  Or, take part in Christmas and Easter?  Or, enjoy the 4th of July?

You can bet they don’t celebrate in “Somaliland” Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It’s little Somalia now with 120,000 refugees all on welfare and all of them practicing Sharia Law.  Same with Detroit. Look at Los Angeles as it devolves into Mexico el Norte.  Heck, a trip to Miami would show you a totally un-America.

“The problem: the Republicans, who are all that is left to protect this nation,” said Short. “Decided that their form of indirect communism is preferable to the communism of direct application of the Democratic Party. Why cannot they understand that those who do not vote – do so – because they wish not the same message with a different spokesman? They – those who love this nation – reject this message of darkness, this balkanization of our society, this destruction of our ethnicity, the genocide of our nation.”

At this point, most bedrock Americans hope or expect the BLM fiasco to solve itself. But they would be wrong. It’s only going to worsen.  They hope that locations like Somaliland in Minneapolis or Detroit will assimilate. But they would be wrong.  They hope that 20 million Mexicans want to become Americans.  Good luck with that hopeless hope.

Let’s get real.  With continued immigration, our reality will become harsh, and then, much harsher. If we keep voting in the scoundrels that are doing this to our country, we will most certainly see the loss of our country.

“Will we continue to act passively as if we are already defeated?” said Short. 

Should that fait accompli of our nation’s demise in the last 50 years continue?  Should endless immigration continue?  What about your thoughts?

Join: ; ; 

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video. 

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Multicultural America: Are We Becoming a Land of Strangers?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Is Biden purposely flooding America in order to displace us from our own country?

Yesterday, my wife Sandi and I shopped at a Costco store in Denver, Colorado.  It sounded and felt like shopping in different countries with so many languages being spoken and strange modes of dress.

We encountered immigrants from Pakistan, India, Mexico, China, Vietnam, Somalia, China and another half dozen countries.  Since they spoke in their native languages, we felt zero commonality with them.  We felt like strangers in our own community.

Let me speak to this harsh reality:  India adds 14 million net gain annually to its already bloated 1.3 billion people with no end in sight.  China adds 8 million annually, net gain.  Africa, at 1.3 billion expects to hit 2.1 billion within 29 years. In other words, they continue producing more children than they can water, feed or sustain.  Result: they create an endless refugee line of desperate immigrants seeking any country that still offers enough water, food and shelter.

What does that mean to you and your kids?  It means: no end of the line of immigrants.  They won’t stop their endless birth rates, so they use first world counties for infinite immigration to turn our country into the same thing they fled.

Last month, I interviewed on the Ross Kaminiski radio show at in Denver.  I mentioned that the current 1965 Immigration Reform Act injected over 100 million immigrants into our country from 150 countries in the last 45 years.  He said, “So what!”

I said, “We face more fragmentation and fracturing than ever before in the history of the United States.  We’ve got racism raging more than ever with Mexican Mafia invading Los Angeles and pushing African-Americans out.  We’ve got Black Flash Mobs in Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver and Minneapolis knocking down and killing European-Americans.  We’ve got Somalian drug gangs in Wisconsin and Minnesota. We’ve got Muslim ‘honor killings’  and  ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ in America.”

After the George Floyd killing, and now the Danuate Wright kid getting killed, Black Lives Matter may burn, loot and destroy another $2 billion in destruction of our cities.

Kaminiski said something like, “You always face crime and differences no matter where you are in the world.”

“Well,” I said.  “If Biden’s amnesty bill passes the House, instead of 1.1 million immigrants annually, they increased it to 2.0 million legal immigrants annually. That doubles the speed of immigration to overwhelm our society.”

“We can handle another 100 million immigrants and more,” he said.

“But can we double our population from 330 million to the projected 625 million?”  I asked him, “What about quality of life, standard of living, water shortages (already experienced in seven states in 2021), energy, resources and environment?”

“The Earth can handle it, the oceans can handle all the carbon we can pump into them,” Kaminski said.

Last week, I wrote a commentary about Superintendent of schools, Jason Glassman, in Eagle County, Colorado, addressing his plea that Americans become a bi-lingual country. He told me that we must fight racism.

I told him, “Endless immigration not only creates intractable poverty, illiteracy and linguistic chaos, it feeds racism, grows racism and ultimately splits a country into a multicultural quagmire.  Just look at New York City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Houston, Miami and Los Angeles.”

He didn’t like that reality check.

I ask you, with our Congress injecting 100 million more immigrants into this country from 190 third world countries around the globe—what do you think will happen in the next three decades?

Do you think it’s going to be a garden bouquet, melting pot, and gloriously multicultural civilization where everyone sings Kumbaya in 50 different languages?

If my experience in Costco this past weekend indicates our future, I suspect we face becoming a “Nation of Strangers.”  We can expect more separation, more political disparateness, linguistic separation and more cultural fragmentation than anyone understands.

Tell me if Colorado Governor Lamm’s starting point for the “Eight ways to destroy America” doesn’t ring true.

As to turning ourselves into a multi-lingual society, former Governor Richard D. Lamm said in a speech in Washington, DC which I attended, “Here is how they destroyed their countries: first, turn America into a bilingual or multi lingual and bicultural country.  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.  It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.  The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy.  Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

When Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California start suffering from accelerating water shortages because of another 100 million immigrants, how will we speak to those issues with endless language confusion. How will we get onto the same page?

Let me share with you; does Lamm’s speech make sense?  Can you see it as clearly as I see it?  Do you see the future for your children?

Do you understand when folks cannot obtain enough water or food, they degrade to violence? When you mix different races and languages, you mix different worldviews.  How do you think India, China and Pakistan became failed civilizations—so much so—their citizens flee those countries?

Do you think immigrants become as enlightened as our Western republic once they reach our shores?  Do you think they blend into our culture?

Once we face water shortages, gas shortages and more environmental degradation, we Americans, having lost our country to mass immigration, and having become the new minority group by 2042 (that includes European-Americans and African-Americans)—we face irreversible consequences and unsolvable problems.

We could have stopped it.

But instead, you’ve got Ross Kaminski’s’ who don’t know their butts from a hole in the ground and Superintendents like Jason Glassman who think we need to change our English language-speaking country into everybody else’s language.

This whole situation won’t end in a pretty picture.  I am astounded as to why I am virtually the only journalist in the country who possesses the guts to spell it out.    We need hundreds Americans and journalists, along with radio and television people to address what we face by adding 100,000,000 (million) people to our country.

It’s beyond stupid, it’s beyond ludicrous, it’s insane and it’s unsustainable environmentally and sociologically.  Please join these organizations to stop your children from this untenable future: ; ;; ;

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Who Should be Concerned About America? Answer: Everyone Who Wants to Eat

By Frosty Wooldridge

As to our ongoing invasion of our southern border:

First of all, thank each and every one of you who write me with your ideas on what our country faces. Most importantly more and more of you understand what “someone” is doing to our country by flooding it with endless millions of third world immigrants either legally or illegally.  Again, to make this demographic horror clear to you, we remain on course to add 100 million, that’s 100,000,000 more immigrants within the next 29 years. That means we will double the population of our 35 most populated cities. Example: New York City at 8.3 million will grow to l6.6 millions and on down the line.

Each new imported person must be watered, fed, housed, warmed, transported, educated, medicated and much more while we try to maintain any semblance of a balanced environment.  Additionally, their impact on our water, energy and resources jumps to over 30 times greater than the country from which they fled.

The worst part of this entire ordeal: we expend enormous amounts of fossil fuel energy that creates chaos in our biosphere.   Try to ignore this video:

No one is immune: study offers bleak climate change outlook” by Ann Thompson, NBC correspondent. She asked the scientist, “Who should be concerned?”  He said, “Everyone who eats food.”

We lose the foundation of our ethos, culture and language by the importation of more than 100,000 legal immigrants every 30 days without end.  Radio talk show host in Idaho, Zeb Bell, said last week, “My dear friend, Frosty Wooldridge of Golden, Colorado, is and has been right all along. Right on what? Immigration! The United States is no longer a melting pot of foreigners coming to America and blending in with our culture and values, nope, not anymore.

“Now, they come here to establish their culture and their values and their language and their laws. Just last week there was a large editorial in the USA Today that said basically, “We’re too tough on refugees coming here from Syria and other mid-eastern countries, we should relax our standards and welcome them and be more inclusive.”

“President Biden is doing all he can to break our laws, tear apart our borders and welcome any and all to stay here and of course, vote Democratic. Come one, Come all…Come to America. We welcome you!

“I don’t. Right this minute as you’re reading this, illegals are crossing our borders, right now in mosques across America, certain Muslims are planning devious deeds against the United States Right now more unwanted, unskilled, unwarranted refugees are dipping into our resources of welfare and overcrowding our infrastructure.

“You know, I’d laugh if it were funny, but here’s a circus clown turned president, Biden, criticizing and complaining to Russia’s Putin about infringement and crossing Ukraine’s borders.  We have to stop….STOP…these ridiculous numbers of immigrants coming here and bloating to the point of catastrophe, our cities, our infrastructure and our welfare programs.

“The U.S. Titanic is sinking into a sewage pit of chaos! What good is a hand extended in friendship, when all they want is a handout!  A free ride, at the expense of the American taxpayer…YOU AND ME! I’m for a defined quota system of not more than 100,000 immigrants per year and they must be stable, reliable and willing to work and contribute individuals. I don’t want their culture, their language or their laws. This is America, assimilate or get on the next boat back to your homeland. America isn’t your home…it’s mine. When you’ve earned your citizenship and honored our flag and Constitution, then we’ll sit at the same table – not before!”

Mark of Colorado wrote, “I enjoy reading your column because I enjoy your perspective on things.  I would like to recommend to you a man named Alan Watt. He gives outstanding talks that can be downloaded free from his website if you scroll down a bit and the talks are in the left hand column:

“After listening to Alan Watt for almost 10 years now, I can almost predict the future now that I know what the “Agenda” is, i.e., the planned destruction of America through uncontrolled immigration and sending [incompatible] cultures to parts of America that have no business being there (African’s sent to Minnesota to resettle, Muslims taking over Detroit, etc., all planned by the Elite).

“Dumbing down the school system, sending all jobs to Asia, running wars for profit, etc.   ALL Republicans and Democrats have bought into the Agenda for 2 reasons: either they are for the Agenda being good globalists and thieves, or they have been blackmailed and must go along or suffer the consequences.

“Additionally, you must read a book entitled “A Brief History of the Future” by Jacques Attali, one of the “big boys” who wrote a book about 15 years ago called “Winners and Losers in the Coming New World Order” in which he said the new boat people of the 21st century will be Americans going abroad looking for work after their countries are over-run by 3rd world populations (all planned of course, that’s the key to understand, it’s planned and executed by the Elite, whose henchmen include Jacques Attalli, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill & Hillary Clinton, etc.  Just read the review and it will curdle your blood.”

I must say that a few Americans see the writing on the wall.  I will keep sounding the alarm, but you must act by empowering yourself with pure numbers of these organizations who work to reduce all immigration into America. ; ;

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Grinding Predicament of Canada, Australia, Europe and America in the 21st Century: Endless Immigration

By Frosty Wooldridge

As Biden welcomes an invasion of our southern border with Mexico, few people understand the long-term consequences.  Here they are in a nutshell:

The four largest Western countries, America, Canada, Australia and Europe maintain the most responsible birth rates in the world.  The citizens of those countries practice birth control, which brought their birth rates down to 2.0 or less in the past 51 years since 1970.

While Western thinking and intelligent action created stable societies, the rest of the world roared ahead by adding 3.5 billion in those 45 years to reach 7.8 billion, and continues with 83 million, net gain, annually, or 1 billion added every 12 years.  And, no end in sight as humans see a projected 2.2 billion more within 29 years by 2050.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 83 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Annually, 12 million starve to death (4 million children and 8 million adults; United Nations Population Statistics) and at least 2 billion live within the “human misery index” of daily water and food scarcity. Notwithstanding, they keep reproducing without means, end or understanding.

Those folks continue adding 83 million annually, so, in order to save themselves, they export endless millions of their numbers into stable Western countries who chose 2.0 birth rates.  Within the next two decades, demographers project 50 to 100 million refugees searching for a new place to land.

In the meantime, not one world leader addresses it.  Not one Western leader touches the subject. Immigration remains the “last taboo” right up there with the “Earth is flat”; “The sun and universe rotates around the Earth” as spoken by the Pope; and finally, let’s not deal with “global climate change” or the fact that we face complete “Peak Oil energy exhaustion” within 29 years.  If we ignore it, the whole mess will go away.

Answer: not on your life!

Some of us deal with immigration because it not only adds to Canada, America, Europe and Australia’s final horrific population expansions—the added numbers from the Third World, when they reach the First World, they quintuple their use of resources—thus magnifying the carbon footprint, water footprint, resource footprint and energy footprint.  Not by a little, but by an “exponential growth” factor second to none.  Therefore, immigration into the West creates a nightmare.  What might that nightmare mean?  It means the Third World keeps using the First World for a human exhaust vent.  If the West allows immigration, the Third World will continue exploding those 83 million annually.

In the end, the West ultimately faces duplicating the Third World in overpopulation and environmental damage.  It won’t be pretty folks.

My friend, Canadian writer Tim Murray, watching Canada being flooded, wrote, “Once again, someone claims that any focus on immigration to the United States is a meaningless distraction. In effect, I am saying that the annual addition of more than 30 million consumers to the third most populous and industrialized nation on earth is irrelevant. Moreover, since all nations and all global citizens will be subject to an energy contraction, building walls will not insulate us from that impact.

“This stance is not credible. If energy deliveries will contract, it is ever more imperative to contract the number of consumers in America, or at the very least, prevent the US population from growing. Each additional American citizen will reduce the per capita share of non-renewable resources. We may not be able to solve the energy crisis, but surely we can’t stand by and allow that crisis to be accelerated by an indifference to immigration growth.

“We hope to reduce population levels by a grassroots approach, by building a “belief consensus” for population reduction among target groups, like “grandmothers” who are not in the breeding phase of life. But how do you sell birth control to people who look around and see their own communities bulge with immigrants, legal and illegal? How do you tell the Smith’s and the Jones’ that they should not have children when the Sanchez family down the block is having five?

“As one of my critics told me, governments are determined to grow the population by one means or another. If citizens choose not to birth children at a replacement level, then governments will import them. “I prefer to have my own children than to outsource that job to immigrants”, a reader said. This is a natural reaction. If you don’t reduce immigration, you can’t convince people to remain childless in the interest of population control.

“Let’s get real. Controlling migration is the most efficient method of controlling or reducing population growth. “But how does that affect global population levels?” a reader asked. The answer is that open borders are a proven fertility stimulant to those countries, which rely on massive emigration to relieve their population pressures and gain remittance money. The Philippines and Haiti are a case in point. Migration promotes global population growth.”

Canadian Tim Murray puts it into logical perspective.  We cannot and will not survive our current path.  I guarantee it; I witnessed it in my world travels.  Canada, America, Australia and Europe must move this issue to the top of the national conversation—or they eventually face collapse. That’s a fact! We must strive to write, speak and multiply our numbers and message.

This is your watch, so move out and change history toward a viable planet for your children.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

When Stopped by Cops: Don’t Fight or Run from the Law

By Frosty Wooldridge

Over the last several years, a number of really stupid people have been stopped by the police, but then, resisted arrest.  The local juvenile thug in St. Louis robbed a convenience store, got stopped by a cop, and then wrestled with the cop, only to escape, then turn to charge toward the cop with an intent to do bodily harm.  Michael Brown proved to be one stupid kid. Black, White or Brown—don’t run from the law.  It will end badly. Many cops are killed by such people.  Cops kill such lawbreakers.

All in all, our country witnesses a breakdown in respect for the rule of law, personal accountability and personal responsibility. These kids fail to become law abiding, reasonable and productive citizens.

Last year, after a lifetime of crime, federal prison, drug addiction, abuse of women, carjacking’s, selling drugs, porno star and other more disgusting behaviors—George Floyd passed counterfeit bills in Minneapolis, MN for which he was arrested by cops. Instead of complying with officers, he resisted arrest.  Right or wrong, he died for his actions.  Had he complied with officers, he would be in jail today, and/or at least, he would be alive. And, he wouldn’t have caused $2 billion in looting, riots and burning of cities.  But because of a lifetime of stupid, criminal choices, George Floyd put our country through hell.  He’s been eulogized and canonized by Black America, when it fact, he was the worst example of a citizen you could find anywhere in this country.  At least his family is $27 million richer for his life of crime.

This week, Daunte Wright, a 20 year old “hoodlum in the making,” resisted arrest on an outstanding warrant, drove off, got shot, and died.  He bragged on his FB page with what looked like a .45 caliber handgun that he pointed at viewers that visited his site. I watched him dare anyone to mess with him before FB pulled it down.  In other words, this kid modeled after Michael Brown, George Floyd and many other “thugs in the making.”

Come on…Wright is brandishing a .45 caliber handgun on his Facebook page! What would provoke such a violent trajectory?  What was his mother doing to abet such behavior?  Why didn’t his teachers take him to counseling?  What else could happen with an absentee father?

At some point, we need to revamp parenting, school attendance, and respect for the rule of law.  Obviously, Wright’s mother and father failed that child.  While the mother cried at the injustice of Wright’s death, who would cry at the funeral of someone that Wright was destined to kill on his pathway through life as a thug and criminal?  Why didn’t his school see his criminal behavior emerging.  He never received wholesome attention from his peers, parents and relatives.

But The Larger Question Looms Across America

What in the daylights is going on with the way parents bring up their kids?  Why is it “okay” to stomp on the American flag that represents their freedom of choice? Why isn’t there no “Pledge of Allegiance” before starting classes each day?   Why would kids “hate” their country when it’s the most successful and free country with unlimited choices on this planet?  Why did we allow wholesale anarchy last summer from BLM and Antifa—both terrorist and anarchist groups that need to sitting in jail to learn good citizenship?

What’s worse than the Wright case stems from the fact that Black on Black killings continue daily in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, LA and Atlanta as a matter of standard operating procedure. But you don’t see one BLM leader taking proactive action by creating after school classes, or meaningful after school sports, or community involvement.  African-Americans need to choose to create better communities where education is the number one priority.   Instead, who created that giant “death soup kitchen” in our major cities?  Why haven’t they solved it?

You can only blame “White Privilege”, “Racism” and “White Supremacy” for so long.  In the end, Black America needs to pull itself up and move forward with positive actions such as completing educational goals, solid parenting, dedicated employment and good citizenship.

Last month, near my home in Golden, a 21 year old Muslim immigrant killed 11 people via execution in Boulder, Colorado at a King Soopers grocery store.  I’ve shopped there over the years.  This kid enjoyed an incredible life of opportunity in America—only to choose death and mayhem that will see him living in jail for the rest of his life.  In the meantime, he took away 11 peoples’ lives.

This country, you, me and our leaders need to ask ourselves how far down this multicultural  and diversity ‘rabbit hole’ we want to drive our civilization.  How much diversity can we survive?

Is it possible that we need to allow predominantly Black cities to hire only Black cops?  Or, totally Hispanic cities to hire only Hispanic cops?  Or, totally White cities to hire only White cops?

If we did, BLM wouldn’t have any more excuses to burn our cities down, loot our stores and create anarchy in our streets.

It’s something  worth thinking about because what’s happening today: ain’t working!

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridg

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Is Anyone Angry About Biden’s Inviting An Invasion Of Our Borders?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Did the American people vote to make this country the babysitter for the rest of the world?  Did anyone vote to have $60 million allocated per month as reported by “60 Minutes”, for housing and feeding this foreign mob of people?  And, their children?

Those illegal migrants, along with another million legal immigrants annually, migrate to our shores “for a better life.”  Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  They flee suffering, misery, starvation, brutal dictatorships, drug cartels and hopelessness in their own countries in Central and South America.  They ride dinghy’s from Cuba over 90 miles of open ocean to touch down on America soil.  Once they land on our soil, they get the royal treatment of food, housing, EBT cards, cars, utilities and more from our tax dollars.

According to, we taxpayers shell out over $113 billion annually across 15 Federal Agencies in “free stuff” for those legal and illegal migrants.

How long can this invasion of our country go on?   Answer: not much longer.  We’ve got 540,000 certified homeless Americans who are starving, living in the woods and suffering from endless maladies.  We’ve got 80,000 drug overdose deaths annually.  We’re a mind-numbing $28 trillion in national debt.  We’ve got cities overrun with crime such as Chicago, Minneapolis, NYC, Miami, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and LA.  We’ve got 330 million people to feed 990 million meals, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  How much longer can we maintain our society with that kind of demand? Those migrants go from 5 gallons of water usage per day to 80-100 gallons in our country.  They devour our resources at an unprecedented rate of speed.

If we keep this migration onslaught up, we face an added 100 million or even 150 million more people, net gain, in America by 2050.

Here’s the kicker:  in 2021, Central America, where all these people are flooding into our country, originate—houses 181 million people.  Demographic projections show Central America growing to 223 million within 29 years.  That’s 42 million more desperate people that will migrate to America “for a better life” within less than three decades.

Here’s the other kicker:  in 2021, South America, where starvation dominates in Venezuela, Columbia and throughout the region, they house 433 million people.  By 2050, they expect to overpopulate themselves by jumping to 779 million people. That’s a added 346 million people!  (Source:

That’s a total of 488 million more people heading to America “for a better life.”

Do you, fellow American, think we can save all of them?  Some of them? If you do, how?

Here is what one of my readers said, “I’ve written to you several times in the past, but my feelings concerning immigration laws, should be concerned more for the lives and well-being of Texans/US citizens rather than for illegals and all these children!!

“Someone has given these people the money to travel here AND has helped organize this movement to bring these children here! If you notice, it’s all the media and all our elected officials can talk about! Oh, these poor children!

“As far as I am concerned the problem with the children being brought into our country as well as all the other illegals, their health and well-being is not our problem!  Period! These people have let their children be used! We have absolutely no responsibility for any of these people whether young, old or otherwise. It is the problem of THEIR GOVERNMENT and not OUR GOVERNMENT!

“If these illegal immigrants don’t like the way their government operates, then they need to be responsible for changing that! It’s not our problem, folks! Most Americans are fighting back against this tyrannical government and not escaping this tyranny by  illegally entering Mexico or some other country! We don’t send our children to other countries expecting them to deal with it! So, I advocate sending every one of these illegals—-children included—back to where they came from! Then, I advocate the complete closure of our border! Absolutely, no one should be able to enter the country under any circumstances!

“I had told you in a former email that I have seen more and more illegals enter our country for many years, now. I have told you about the Mexican women who illegally entered our country while pregnant knowing full well that once their baby was born here, they would allow the mothers to stay! Just as you have pointed out, we now have many—too many illegal mothers to stay and have more children. This has doubled or tripled our Mexican population since the early 1960s!

“Why was this allowed to happen in the first place? Why has our government been so soft on letting these people stay without worry of deportation? Why weren’t our border control agents doing their job or why hasn’t Texas demanded our border be closed? I disagreed with Trump about his policy to let these families stay who were born here by mothers who illegally entered our country! in our country. This has given rise to our Mexican population.

“After all, it was the pregnant mothers who came here illegally knowing that once her child was born on US soil, she would be permitted to stay here forever! Trump had no idea what life has been like for those who live near the border! In fact, I would like to see Trump, Biden, his wife, sons  and most of all, Kamala, be forced to live in a dusty, dirty little border town and experience what many Texans have had to put up with! Let them experience the fear many families have had to face after living where illegals and drug lords have invaded their homes in the city and their private ranches!

“In my day, it was legal to post signs on the fences that surrounded a ranch and that warned that “trespasses will be shot!” I’ve seen as many as 8 or 10 illegals at a time hiding in the brush on our ranch. We never knew how many were hiding out in the brush,  waiting to steal or assault a ranch owner! This is why so many ranch families have been forced to move into town! Never should any American have to fear illegals or the drug lords! They have no right to be here!

“Our governor is married to a Mexican. I have nothing against anyone who wants to marry a Mexican. But, I suspect this is probably why the governor hasn’t done more than he’s done. He’s been more vocal about his concern for these children. More so than he is for Texans! We need to close all the loopholes of giving these people social security benefits, medical benefits and other benefits they are not entitled to. To give them this is a slap in the face at those who have worked for years and who are entitled to these benefits.   Shutting off all benefits to these people, would probably encourage them to go back to where they came from!  Angry in Texas!”

One hopeful note: Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds said, “We will not take in any immigrants. They are Biden’s problem.”   Every governor of every state needs to repeat that!

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

How Many Millions of Refugees and Immigrants Can America Absorb?

By Frosty Wooldridge

During the month of March 2021, according to the United States Border Patrol, President Joe Biden, with one signature on an Executive Order, allowed 104,000 illegal aliens a free pass into the United States. Busses take them to cities with welfare offices, Section 8 Housing and all the taxpayer goodies you provide with your hard-earned money.

Biden promises amnesty for upwards of 25 million illegal migrants that crashed America’s borders in the past 35 years since the 1986 Amnesty by Ronald Regan.  That single amnesty created an invasion that’s accelerating in 2021.  In addition, he promises 800,000 DACA registrants a free pass into the USA.

Additionally, we accept 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually from other failed countries around the globe.  They, in turn, birth 900,000 babies among themselves annually. (Source: Dr. Steve Camarota,, “Immigrant Birth Rates.”)

Once those 25 million illegal immigrants, and 800,000 DACA’s enjoy citizenship, along with the 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually, they will be able to chain-migrate up to 10 of their immediate family.  When you start looking at the sheer numbers advancing upon our country, you cannot help but ask the pertinent question:

“How many legal and illegal immigrants, along with a growing line of refugees and their children, in addition to their chain-migrated families, can America absorb before collapsing?” you ask. “Can we sustain the projected 100 million by 2050 and another 300 million by 2095?”

This may be the single greatest question of the century for America, Canada, Europe, Australia and all Western civilizations that have created stable civilizations via intelligent birth control.  Because the harsh reality remains: third world countries add 83 million new babies, net gain, annually. Thus, the refugee line grows by enormous numbers.  In fact, the United Nations states that humans add another 1.0 billion of themselves every 12 years.  Right now, our species tops out at 7.8 billion and we add another million every four days.

How Nasty Do You Think It’s Going To Become?

This topic of mass immigration and sustainability should be on the tongues of every person at every diner, restaurant, doughnut shop, city council meeting, TV show, radio show and news casts in America. Our U.S. Congressional people should be addressing it every day.  They should be coming up with answers…but they aren’t, and they won’t.  Here’s what we all face:

Unknown to most countries and people living on this planet, an accelerating birthrate in Africa threatens all Western civilizations in the 21st century. At 1.3 billion in 2021, Africa accelerates toward 2.0 billion by 2050 and 4.0 billion by the end of this century. (Source: “Africa’s Population Projections” by United Nations 2016)

As an example, the average Burundian woman births 6.3 children, double the international fertility rate. Burundians expect to jump from 10 million to 20 million in two decades. Egypt, currently 98 million, expects to reach 160 million by 2050. Ethiopia, at 98 million, expects to double to 210 million by 2060. (Source: UN “Africa’s Population Projections”; Egypt Independent, July 5, 2019, “Egypt’s population to increase 60 million by 2050.”)

Ironically, Egypt imports most of its food to feed its current population in 2021. As the human race adds 1.0 billion more people, net gain, every 12 years, Africa expects to quadruple its population within 79 years. Africans grow so fast; they cannot water, feed, house, educate or sustain the expected 4.0 billion people about to appear on that continent.

Are you understanding this picture?  Do you appreciate that no matter how many immigrants we absorb into America, their home countries keep reproducing 83 million more of hungry, suffering and homeless people, ANNUALLY! They destroy themselves…but in the process of immigrating into America, they ultimately destroy our entire civilization.

But the BIG question remains:  why aren’t our leaders and the average American citizen talking, debating and discussing this impending future?  Why aren’t the top economists, environmentalists and corporate presidents asking questions like, “How will we feed all these millions? How will we maintain a viable environment?  What will we do when water, energy and resources are exhausted?  How will we preserve the wilderness?  What about our quality of life?  Do we want to travel down the same road as China, Mexico or India?  Why would we want to take that path?”

If you dear reader are asking the same questions, how about sending this column out to all your networks. Invite everyone to watch the video and read my book.  We can force a national debate-discussion on what we want to bequeath to our children.

On our current path, it’s going to be a very ugly future for our kids.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Racial and Sexist Divide Intensifies Across America

By Frosty Wooldridge

In Time Magazine this week, it speaks to “white privilege,” “racism,” “systemic white superiority” and a host of ills perpetuated by White America.  If you’re white, you’re pretty much the blame for everything wrong with America.

Time editors reported on how Black students suffered under admissions standards too high for their educational backgrounds.  They lauded Black Lives Matter for that organization’s violence for the betterment of Black Americans.  Those same editors castigated the actress Lori Loughlin for ‘buying’ her two daughters into the finest colleges.  If you watched a video of either of them, you would quickly discover their affinity for bling and glitz over math-science-biology.

The editors reported on Black Americans being cheated in corporate America.  Sexism and racism dominated their reports.  They decried that Black America wasn’t represented in Fortune 500 Magazine’s top leaders.

While Joe Biden allows hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants to crash America’s borders, he’s paid out over $86 million in hotel and food bills. The Times report rocked readers with pictures of 580,466 homeless Americans living in slums in the woods, under bridges and in blue tarp tents in major cities across America.  Time noted that homeless deaths in Wheeling, VA jumped 700 percent this year.  The editors lamented that leaders in each city and state failed to find solutions for America’s homeless.

Without a doubt, 2021 will prove a watershed year as to race, illegal migration, and Covid infections in America.  Or, at least, another watershed year since the 1960’s with Dr. Martin Luther King.

Can we save all those illegal immigrants?  What if the line explodes over 1.0 million as predicted by the U.S. Border Patrol?  One agent said, “If we keep up this rate of refugees, we’ll easily reach over 1,000,000 in 2021.”

The big question for this journalist is:  why aren’t we taking care of our citizens first with that $86 million?   What about housing, food and medical care for them?  Why are we taking care of the rest of the world’s people?  And to what end?  Can we save the estimated 4,000,000 children who die of starvation annually in Africa, India, Indochina and Mexico?  How about an estimated 8,000,000 adult starvation deaths annually, worldwide?

Can we save the 2,195 children under 12 who die every single day of the year in India from diarrhea, dysentery and other water borne disease?  (Source:  In India, diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Diarrheal diseases account for 1 in 9 child deaths worldwide, making diarrhea the second leading cause of death among children under the age of 5. ; )

Can we solve our volatile racial conflict already simmering for the summer season?  Will we survive another BLM season of conquest in our city streets?  Can we drop White culture, Asian culture, Black culture and Latino culture into this big pot of stew to see how it turns out?  How will we be deal with the projected 100 million more legal immigrants added to our country by 2050?

As the late writer Sam Francis wrote: “You cannot separate a culture from the genetic endowments of its founding people; nor can you transfer it to another people.  Individuals may have an affinity for another culture, but as a group, alien populations always revert back to their own cultural mean.”

He continued, “Without (repatriation) deportation of the majority of non-European ancestry peoples, there are only three alternatives: civil war, dictatorial authoritarianism, or secession of regions.” You might add “woke” thinking.

Are those three endings our only choices?  Or, will our Congressional mob come up with some viable solutions to the homeless, race relations, poverty, illiteracy and multiculturalism?

Bet you can’t wait to see what happens to our country in 2021.

Just published March 2021:

America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon, and/or  1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Critical Race Theory: Turning Reality into Something Beyond Understanding

By Frosty Wooldridge

After 245 years since America became a new nation, its greatest internal conflict continues as a ‘tension’ between the Negro race and the Caucasian race. And lately, the Asian race.  White versus Black continues with a vengeance.  No number of laws, equal rights, education or wealth seems to change the racial conflict dynamic not only in the USA, but in Canada, Europe and wherever races intermingle.

In reality, the White race conquered America by force and subdued the existing Red race or native aborigines.  Later, Whites brought Blacks over to enslave them on farms across the country.

Our nation brought aboriginal Africans from their tribal, illiterate and hut-dominated living conditions—into a whole new dynamic of Western thought, architecture and the rule of law.  None of this Western civilization has gone down well with Black Americans.  Their culture was thousands of years behind as to the dynamics of living, food, housing, laws and education.  Additionally, as with any minority race, the majority race practiced discrimination against Africans right up to 2021.

To say the least, America has a mess on its hands.  Thomas Jefferson once said, “We’ve got a wolf by the ears; we cannot keep him, and we can’t let him go.”

Along the way, everyone blames Whites for ‘racism’ and Blacks for not fitting into White civilization.  It’s worse than Joseph Heller’s  “Catch 22” scenario.  If I remember the book correctly, the lead character Yosarian was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.

Today, Blacks and Whites are caught in a cultural battle that can’t be solved.  How do you take two entirely different races with totally different cultures—and smash them together?  Obviously, after 245 years, it’s not working.

We’ve got the Syrian Muslim immigrant Ahmed Alli killing 11 in Boulder, Colorado last week.  Just before that, a White kid shot 8 people in Atlanta.  BLM rioted, looted and killed to the tune of $2 billion last summer. Black on Black killings continue weekly in St. Louis, Chicago and Detroit.  If guns are taken away, people use knives which is now the main choice in the streets of London, United Kingdom.

While we eulogize Dr. Martin Luther King’s peaceful solutions, race relations in America continue to confound the best academics.  Notwithstanding, they’ve come up with a new theory.

Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement made up of civil-rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race, and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice.

CRT is “a social philosophy which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.”

Already the theory falls flat on its face. It’s each individual who maintains personal choices as to race likes or dislikes.

CRT is loosely unified by two common themes:

  • First, that white supremacy exists and maintains power through the law.
  • Second, that transforming the relationship between law and racial power, as well as achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly, are possible.
  • Critics of CRT say that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.

Essentially, the death of career felon and drug addict George Floyd caused a whole new round of debate as to “white privilege” and “racism” in America.

White privilege

White privilege is the notion of myriad social advantages, benefits, and courtesies that come with being a member of the dominant race (i.e., white people). For example, a clerk not following a person around in a store, or people not crossing the street at night to avoid a person, are viewed as white privilege.” (Source:

Cheryl I. Harris and Gloria Ladson-Billings describe this notion of whiteness as property, “whereby whiteness is the ultimate property that whites alone can possess; valuable just like property. In this sense, from the CRT perspective, the white skin that some Americans possess is akin to owning a piece of property, in that it grants privileges to the owner that a renter (in this case, a person of color) would not be afforded. The property functions of whiteness – i.e., rights to disposition; rights to use and enjoyment, reputation, and status property; and the absolute right to property – make the American dream more likely and attainable for whites.”

What this “critical race theory” fails to address: Black privilege abounds in Africa where Africans kill White people for being White, and in fact, several Black political parties want to kick all 4.0 million White Africans off the continent. In Japan, racism abounds in that they won’t allow anyone into their country to settle that’s outside their race.  China does not allow immigration into its lands.

Instead of blaming Blacks or Whites with a theory, perhaps we might deal with our predicament by simply stating the obvious:  two different races from two different continents, now three continents with Asians adding to the American mix, feature cultural, genetic and biological differences that play out against each other.  In other words, races don’t mix well.  You might find some individuals that enjoy deep friendships with different races, but for the most part, people of one race like to live with and be among others of the same race.  That’s not a theory. It’s an observational fact.

You’ll see race segregation all over America.  Hmong’s stay among themselves.  Blacks like the company of other Blacks.  Latinos enjoy other Latinos.  Asians stick with other Asians.  Whites mostly enjoy the company of other Whites. Middle Easterners hang with each other.  Anybody see Jews hanging with Muslims?

We are not alone.  Mexico’s racism runs rampant.  Japan’s racism dominates.  China remains totally racist.  Korea the same!

I do find it odd if not ironic that most races living around the world in horrible conditions they created by their own cultures—line up to migrate to Western countries.  But once there, they practice their cultures without any regard to Western civilization.  They re-create the same conditions they fled.

Are there any solutions?  We’ve tried them all in the past 50 years with very little success.  As we add another 100 million immigrants to America in the next 29 years, we’re just going to stagger, struggle and plunk along with conflicted cultures, languages and growing religious conflict.  America will not be filled with Americans any longer.  Just an incompatible hodgepodge of humans in a minority dominated country!

We’ll find out the hard way that multiculturalism, diversity and race mixing didn’t/don’t/won’t work.  The best we can expect is to respect each person as we would enjoy being respected.  We don’t have to like each other, but we better respect each other as we go home to our own neighborhoods.  This journalist is not at all optimistic as to the outcome in 2050.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Let’s Blame All The White People In America For Everyone’s Problems

By Frosty Wooldridge

You could almost hear a collective sigh of disappointment from the left side of the aisle and the mainstream media last week when that “white supremist guy” taken out of the Boulder, Colorado King Soopers turned out to be a “brown” Syrian Muslim refugee.  He enjoyed the American Dream with total welfare as an immigrant from war-torn Syria, K-12 schooling, sports and on to a job.

Instead of being an “angry white supremist”, Ahmed Alli became a victim of mental illness because of poor treatment by classmates and fellow employees.  Instead of a “hate crime”, he’s a poster child for “mental illness.”  His angry Muslim faith didn’t seem to compute, but he followed the dictates of the Quran, “Convert or kill all non-believers.”

Now, Congress wants to ban guns. They fail to mention that cars kill around 40,000 Americans annually. Also, 80,000 drug overdose deaths via drugs coming over our borders!  And, 114,000 total military suicide deaths from Congresses’ 20 year wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each year, about 1.0 million heart attacks. About another 1.0 million cancer deaths. Who’s to blame? How about Dow Chemical or Monsanto?  Over 2/3 of Americans are fat and 1/3 of them are grossly obese. Should we ban McDonald’s?  More people die in Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis by killing each other over nothing than die in combat in Iraq.  Another 44,000 die of diabetes annually. About 320,000 annually die from drowning in their bathtubs and pools, worldwide.  How do you stop that?

Right now, over 100,000 people have violated our borders in the past two months because of Biden’s proclamation to “come one, come all…because I won’t deport you.”  He invited them to violate our laws.  And, so, they are invading our country by the tens of thousands.

We’ve got somewhere around 700,000 homeless in our country, including thousands of veterans, but you see we just spent $86 million on housing and feeding illegal aliens violating our borders. That price tag will grow as they secure endless welfare. I’ll bet you can’t wait to see them all gain citizenship and lifetime EBT cards.

Since White People dominate this country, isn’t it their fault? Isn’t it all their fault for everyone’s poverty, everyone killing each other, 7 out of 10 Black babies born to single mothers, and everyone suffering from racism, xenophobia, nativism, white privilege, and white supremacy?  Even Tom Brady was charged with “white privilege” for winning the Super Bowl.  Never mind that 90 percent of his team turned out to be Black, and that they all loved him because of his brilliant generalship on the gridiron that garnered all of them a world championship ring that they will cherish forever.

But still, what a scoundrel of a race those ‘white people’ turned out to be on this planet.  Why does anyone want to immigrate to America because it’s so full of nasty white people?

Robert Walters said, “Have they just been waiting for a white person to do something to them so they could label it a “hate crime”? Are Whites the only race that can be charged with “hate crimes”? I know that, according to the national news, Whites are all racist murderers who need to be “canceled”, but, on the local news, most of the “Asian attackers” usually aren’t white. Most of it seems to be through robbery or burglary, due to the fact that the criminals think Asians keep a lot of cash around, or because of some kind of argument happening in one of their shops or businesses.

“Also, I read that there is some thinking that the races in this country are segregating on their own due to all the identity politics and the one-sided views of the national media. You have Blacks screaming “Racist!” with every breath and now Asians seemingly to go along with the idea that. If a White person does something, it HAS to be a “hate crime”.”

What does all of this back-and-forth haranguing add up to in America or really, anywhere in the world where races intermingle?  Why hasn’t it all calmed down since the “Great Society” of 1964 or the Equal Rights Amendment?  Why didn’t it calm down with a Black president, and soon, an Indian-Jamaican female President Harris? Why haven’t Blacks, Asians, Whites and Chinese learned to get along with all of our laws, affirmative action, quotas, integration laws and endless freedoms?

Is the simple answer that all those races either genetically or biologically or tribally…just don’t like to be with each other?   How will we solve that one?

Are you aware that we remain on course to add another 100 million immigrants from all over the world within 29 years?  How do you think that kind of intermingling will turn out?  Can you take a peek into Minneapolis, Minnesota or Miami, Florida for a glimpse of our future?

Do you think it can be ‘fixed’, ‘solved’, ‘remedied’ and finally bring all the races together into one big happy family?  What would you do to solve it?   Or, do you think it can be solved?  Can you please help me write my next column with your ideas?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Boulder, Colorado Muslim Shooter

Frosty Wooldridge

Eleven American citizens, dead!  From 21 to 65, dead.  A 51-year-old police officer and father of seven kids, dead.  Families devastated. Lives ruined.  A community sickened at the deadly rampage of a religion not able to comprehend or engage with 21st century civilized society.

The shooter’s religion has raged with violence since its founder in the 6th century.  The prophet proved himself a madman who beheaded his enemies, be-handed them, raped children and has torn through history with killing as his weapon for conversion to his “peaceful religion” that mandates in his holy book, the Quran, “Convert or kill all non-believers.”

That’s what we have imported into America at four million strong.  They cut their girls with FGM and they honor kill their women here in America in the 21st century.  They produce video films on how to beat their women into submission without leaving marks.  They murder their women without a thought. The United Nations calculated that Muslims Honor Kill 20,000 women annually in Muslim dominated countries.  That means Muslim women stand in fear for their lives, all of their lives.

Whether it’s the Christmas party in San Bernardino, California where 14 died and 22 suffered horrific wounds by a Muslim man and wife team or Fort Hood Army base shootings—it’s in their culture, in their blood and in their way of life.

The mainstream media rolls out the same old fodder, “He was mentally unstable.”

No, Islam teaches violence:  “Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science – the science against which it had vainly struggled – the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.” —(Winston Churchill / 1874-1865)

Voltaire said, “The Koran teaches fear, hatred, contempt for others, murder as a legitimate means for the dissemination and preservation of this satanic doctrine, it talks ill of women, classifies people into classes, calls for blood and ever more blood. Yet, that a camel trader sparks uproar in his tribe, that he wants to make his fellow citizens believe that he talked to the archangel Gabriel; that he boasted about being taken up into heaven and receiving a part of that indigestible book there, which can shake common sense on every page, that to gain respect for this work, he covers his country with fire and iron, that he strangles fathers, drags away daughters, that he leaves the beaten a free choice between death and his faith: now this is certainly something that no-one can excuse, unless he came as a Turk into the world, unless superstition has stifled any natural light of reason in him. ”

I used to live in Boulder. I owned a home there. I’ve shopped at that King Sooper’s.  I passed it in my car last week. Today, I’m just down the road from Boulder in Golden. The shooter was a middle eastern Muslim Syrian immigrant. The fact is: we have imported millions from that culture, that there is no way to keep tabs on all of them. With all such immigrants, DHS top officials guarantee that 5-10 percent of them are on a mission to subdue or terrorize us. Yet, the MSM will make excuses, such as call him mentally ill, and then, any of us will become the next victim of that philosophy. Our country is being seeded with violence from their world…and they are more than happy to bring it to our world. If we continue the mass importation of violent cultures, we will become an even more violent country. Then, we can all become victims in a heartbeat such as a stop at the grocery store, or fast food, or mall, or ball game. We’ve created one horrible mess for our country. We really need to consider a 20 years moratorium of all immigration. Many of our lives depend on it.

My friend Ken said, “Mr. Wooldridge is 100% correct in the effect of allowing Muslim immigrants into our country. Islam is a barbaric religion, and it has no place in a civilized country, and 2) mass shootings can be stopped if we as a country had the courage to do what needs to be done, and I don’t mean gun control. Yes, background checks need to be done but that won’t stop the slaughter. We need to re-instill hope for working Americans. We need to pay our working people more. We need M4A. We need to reduce the wealth inequality gap and take back the stolen wealth the billionaires have siphoned out of our economy.

“We need to reduce our insane spending on war and destruction all over the world. We need to crack down on the immoral anti-life, anti-sex, anti-acceptance religious culture that grips out nation. Do these things, and we can begin to address the cause of this nightmare. In the meantime, we need to pull our polite heads out of our civilized society’s rear-end and begin to treat these killers like they deserve to be treated.

“If we made the consequences of these actions so ugly, so painful, so dreaded that no one would ever commit these actions again, it would stop. I cannot specify what actions against these killers could be done to stop these massacres or I will be kicked off of this forum, but if behaviors that have been taken against human pieces of garbage in the past were re-instated, these killings would stop right now. But if we want to continue to whine about how terrible these things are and wait for our cowards in the Congress to act, well, better get used to it.”

Finally, you must understand that Muslims are not migrating to America to assimilate or become Americans. They are ultimately working at conquest.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

If you’re nodding your head, you’re bearing witness to the destruction of your own country in the 21st century. Brought to you by your own U.S. Congressional members in Washington DC.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Joe Biden WAY Past the Threshold of Senility & Fragility

By Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, Joe Biden tripped not once, not twice, but three times while ascending the staircase to Air Force One.  He might have suffered from mini-strokes. It might have been from exhaustion from his harsh schedule as President of the United States.  His handlers said, “It was the wind.”  In order to preserve his public persona, his aides have kept him away from microphones for any interviews concerning the State of the Union.  He cannot remember names, places or dates.  He mumbles his sentences with…”Well, you know what I mean.”

At 78, his physical fragility shows.  His cognitive abilities rapidly wane. A Time Magazine interview last year made a special note of that reality.  His understanding of current events escapes him beyond what’s happening today.  He simply cannot be in full command of the office of the President of the United States.  Somebody is pulling his strings. Everyone knows it: the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.

During his quest for the White House, Biden invited an illegal migration invasion of our southern border with Mexico.  It is now in full swing.  Last year in February, a total of 9,000 people attempted to cross the border illegally. In February of 2021, the U.S. Border patrol counted 104,000 illegal entries.  Thousands of children crossed over the border.

“The Biden administration has struggled to house a rising number of unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. There were more than 5,000 unaccompanied children in crowded border facilities as of Saturday, according to government data seen by Reuters.” Thomson

A report from Newsmax stated, “Biden is spending $86 billion on hotel rooms for illegal…food…necessities.” (Source: March 21, 2021, Newsmax, “Biden spending $86 billion on hotel rooms for illegals.”)

At the same time, 62,000 homeless Americans subsist in tents on the streets of Los Angeles. Another 11,000 sleep on cardboard mattresses in San Francisco.  About 6,000 homeless in Seattle and a reported 10,000 homeless roam the streets of Denver, Colorado.  Why not buy those Americans $86 million in hotel rooms?

Most of the migrants flee their homes in Central and South America for reasons of poverty, violence, drug cartels and misery.

There’s only one big problem in the short and long run:  the population of Central America stands at 181 million people in 2021.  Projections for 2050 show that Central America will house 223 million people.  The current population in South America in 2021 stands at 443 million.  That numbers will increase to 779 million by 2050.  (Source:

In other words, those folks in Latin America will add another 374 million people that need to be fed, housed, educated, medical care, jobs and transportation.   They cannot do it now, and they will not be able to accomplish anything on that population level in the future.

Exactly how many of those “refugees” and asylum seekers will Congress and our president be able to absorb into the United states within the next 29 years?  How will our taxes be able to support them with all the amenities they need and yet, support our own families?  At what point does our $28 trillion national debt simply explode under our noses?

What happens when Black Lives Matter evolves into Mexican Lives Matter?  What happens when our ‘rule of law’ becomes their ‘law of the most violent’?

Where exactly will we put all those people streaming across our borders? Does anyone in Washington DC comprehend the enormity of our predicament?   Does anyone possess some answers?  Some solutions?

Guess what: there aren’t any solutions and there aren’t any answers if we keep allowing this invasion to continue.

Our presidents and Congresses are simply destroying the foundation and viability of our country.   And, the day is coming when their insane actions will topple our once-successful civilization.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Immigration Is an Act of War: With Violence Delayed

By Frosty Wooldridge

In February 2020, the U.S. Border Patrol calculated 9,000 people crossed America’s southern border under the Trump administration, illegally.  In February 2021, the USBP calculated 104,000 people crossed illegally.  All of them echoed Joe Biden’s welcoming speech of amnesty and open borders.

“United States law enforcement agents encountered more than 100,000 migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in February, which is the highest monthly total since a historic surge in mid-2019 and evidence of a mounting crisis, despite the current administration’s hesitancy to characterize it as such.” (Source: Forbes, March 10, 2021, “More than 100,000 migrants entered the US illegal in February,” Tommy Beer, Forbes staff writer.)

I have visited the border six times in the past 20 years from San Diego to Brownsville, Texas, I witnessed enormous tons of trash, hundreds of ‘lay-up’ areas, stench, garbage, human waste and mountains of plastic containers. My latest trip in 2019 blew my mind as to the ongoing destruction of our desert environment.  If war was declared, our southern border would be called the “Battle of the Bulge.”  And, we’re losing!

Biden exacerbated human trafficking, child abuse, desperate refugees, Covid 19 disease being spread into our country, countless rapes, terrorists, brutality and death from encouraging mass migration out of Central America and Mexico.

I spent time with Dale Seale who said, “Biden ended “safe third country agreements” that the US once had with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. That means that migrants moving north without visas will no longer have to apply for asylum in the country they come from. They can come directly to our country no questions asked.

“Once they’re in the United States, they can qualify for free healthcare, free education, taxpayer stimulus checks, drivers’ licenses, and ultimately citizenship. They will not be deported, and they know it.

“So simply by crossing an international border, a line on a map, these migrants move instantly from poverty to the unimaginable benefits of the world’s most generous welfare state, our country. So, who wouldn’t

make that trip? Huge numbers of people are making that trek.

“In February, last month, customs and federal border agents found more than a 100,000 people trying to enter the United States illegally. Most of them appear to be from Central America.

“A year ago, for context, the number was 9,000. There is no precedent for an increase like that over a month.

“Today we learned that several people arrested at the border are on the FBI’s terror watch list.  We also learned that there are more than 13,000 unaccompanied migrant children in border detention facilities. That’s more than triple the record high under the Trump administration.

“In one border facility in Donna, Texas, there are 720% over capacity.  Just two months into the Biden administration, the border is a disaster. So, they’re telling us the tragedy they created is a sign of hope.

“Hope. Whose hope exactly? Is there anyone in our country, the United States, who sees what is going on at the border believes will improve our country? Of course, no one believes that. But that doesn’t matter because the lives of actual Americans mean nothing to the people in DC making this decision. Your happiness is not a consideration and it’s never even discussed in Washington.

“Instead, the rest of us have a duty to fix problems in other countries that we don’t even understand. Problems that were caused not by the United States, but by other countries centuries ago. So, if anyone has a legacy responsibility for what’s happening in Latin America, if anyone is ultimately responsible for the millions of Latin American immigrants moving north, it is not the United States, it is Spain.

“Maybe the Spanish government could start by sending back the gold now sitting in its central bank. Where do you think that came from? El Salvador might appreciate that.

“The point isn’t to help the United States, in fact it’s to punish the United States. Official Washington agrees with that.

“A surge of desperate illegal immigrants is what you get when you voted for Joe Biden. That’s the message. In fact, they’re telling us the last president is responsible for all you’re seeing right now.

It’s a pretty remarkable claim when you think about it given that the last president was literally elected because everyone else in Washington thought it was racist to have international borders.

“And yet they’re saying it because they have no shame and they’re convinced you’re stupid. And they don’t care about the country they’re supposed to be in charge of. They’ve given up even trying to pretend they’re making life better for American citizens. It’s easier to yell at Americans about making life better for the rest of the world. That’s the appeal of it. It shifts the attention!

“The people in charge don’t apologize for what they’ve done.”

We pay for all of it through our taxes, our language being changed, our schools inundated, our medical facilities overwhelmed.

Will and Ariel Durant wrote in their eleven-volume Story of Civilization, Volume 3: “If Rome had not engulfed so many men of alien blood in so brief a time, if she had passed all these newcomers through her schools instead of her slums, if she had occasionally closed her gates to let assimilation catch up with infiltration, she might have gained new racial and literary vitality from the infusion, and might have remained a Roman Rome, the voice and citadel of the West.”

Writer Don Boys said, “However, they did not do so, and the great Roman Empire crumbled. Rome was no longer Roman because of lack of assimilation, and America and many of the free nations are doing what Durant warned of Rome’s fall. Struck giddy with feel-goodism, we have opened our gates for tribes of uneducated, uncultured, and often uncouth peoples that are quickly transforming America into another nation. America is no longer American. We are seeing the decline and fall of the American Republic!

“Many free nations are making the same mistake as massive hordes of emigrants with alien cultures, languages, religions, etc., are swamping and overwhelming European populations. England is no longer English, France is no longer French, and Germany is no longer German.”

If you’re nodding your head, you’re bearing witness to the destruction of your own country in the 21st century.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Dismantling America’s Culture: Kermit The Frog As a Racist

By Frosty Wooldridge

Dismantling America’s culture, also known as “The American Way,” has been deliberate, steady and ongoing for the past 50 years.  Certain interests started attacking our most cherished events such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween. They want them erased.

Lately, Megan Markle and Oprah Winfrey have made everyone in Great Britain and America total ‘racists’.  Oprah said in an interview that the Baby Boomer generations has to die out to erase racism.  It makes you wonder why over 1.5 million people of color cannot wait to immigrate into America, year after year, decade after decade.

In an explosive interview with Oprah, former Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle inspired millions of young girls around the world with the very important message that no matter how rich, famous, and powerful they are, they will always be oppressed by White people.

“Oppression is inescapable,” said Markle, who is married to a prince and worth millions. “If you are a woman– especially a woman of color, oppression will follow you all the days of your life and you will never really be happy.”

Young girls around the world stood up and cheered at the inspiring message, many of them feeling hope for the first time.

Markle has promised to continue taking her message of hope to girls everywhere until no one is happy or thankful anymore.  “It’s my true calling,” she said.

In the past month, the movie Grease has been called ‘racist’, chauvinistic and misogynistic.  Coca Cola told its White employees to be a “little less white.”  The movie,  “Saturday Night Fever” proved to be a ‘racist’ movie. Soon, Clint Eastwood’s “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” will prove the nastiest anti-woman movie on the planet. I’ve watched it at least 20 times…so I must be a really bad man…ugly, in fact. It’s a wonder that my wife Sandi still loves me!

Nothing escapes the “woke”  crowd when it comes to equality.  We’ve got Kermit and the Muppets as racists.  Pepe-La Pew the skunk is a stinky racist and sexist.

King of the racists today must be Dr. Suess and his “Cat in the Hat” and a dozen other books by America’s new, leading racist.

Portland, Oregon, a racist stronghold, continues as a city under siege by anarchists who want to replace the Constitution…with what…they don’t know. If they lived in China, they would have been executed after the first night of burning, looting and mayhem.

BLM stands for “Bettering Lives by Mindfulness.”  We should not look at the $2 billion costs in burning, looting and mayhem from last summer, and for sure, more this summer at the drop of a hat.

My friend Gerry Nance said, “Listen up Buttercups! As someone who actually grew up watching PePe LePew (and all those “BAD” Saturday morning cartoons), I never saw Pepe as a rapist or promoting rapist culture. HELL, I didn’t even know what a rapist was. I WAS A CHILD!”

Let me impart my CHILDHOOD thoughts:

“The only reason I ever thought the cat tried to get away from Pepe was because she was in fact, A CAT and he was a SKUNK. (For those of you who are biologically/scientifically challenged… Skunks and Cats ARE completely different animals.) Skunks also smelled… bad.

“I distinctly remember watching and thinking: If Pepe catches up with her, she’s going to need a bath. That’s it.


“STOP READING MORE INTO OUR CHILDHOOD CARTOONS, BREAKFAST FOOD ICONS, VEHICLE NAMES, and everything else. No one became a rapist, racist, murderer, animal abuser, or dropper of anvils from watching our vintage Saturday morning cartoons while eating Aunt Jemima pancakes. You are, IN FACT, idiots, looking for attention due to the lack of parental fortitude in YOUR own lives.”

“You are walking, talking, “grown” infants. Screaming when you don’t get your way resulting in showing the world how truly absurd you are.

How about WE THE PEOPLE cancel YOU because WE are offended by your feckless, pansy ass, stupidity!”

My dearest friend Zeb Bell said, “You would think that all the “stupid” had been piled up over the past two months and be ready to be buried…NOPE! Last Thursday, I received an email that stated a private New York City school, the Grace Church School, was telling their students phrases like “Mom and Dad” and “Boys and Girls” should be avoided to be more inclusive!

“This “school” wants language used that “fits” the school’s mission!! (I’m starting to burn again!) Read this quote from this “school” and when finished, do a war dance like I did! Quote – “While we recognize hateful language that promotes racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of discrimination are already addressed in our school handbooks, we also recognize that we can do more than ban hateful language, we can use language to create welcoming and inclusive spaces…now my quote, “what B.S.!!”

“The “school” goes on to say that phrases like “boys and girls” or “Ladies and Gentlemen” should be replaced with words like people or folks…and “Mom and Dad” should be replaced with grownups or folks. The school then say “we have been trying to help families with the right words for years! And of course, this “school” states that “Merry Christmas” should be replaced with a phrase like “Have a Good Break”…this school, by the way, charges over $57,000 a year in tuition!!! This, THIS is the kind of complete lunacy being spewed by left wing ducks that should have their quackery smacked!! I opened over 9,000 performances with “Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen”, I would not change my words then, I definitely will NOT change my words now.

“My Mother and Father were my Mom and Dad, always will be, and my kids refer to us as Mom and Dad, love it and leave it alone! Don’t even start with me on “Merry Christmas”, it will always be “Merry Christmas”. If your feelings are hurt – get a band-aid, I don’t care! This left transition of what’s acceptable is totally wrong and I personally will do all I can to stop it…so…Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Moms and Dads, get ready because “Merry Christmas” is only 9 months away!

A reader wrote, “Well, we are about five months in since the Democrats won full power, now, and the price of gas has soared, our government is bombing people in the Mid-East again, tens of thousands of jobs have been summarily canceled, we have hundreds of thousands of illegals swamping our border again, Coke wants to ban white people, plastic potatoes are suddenly offensive, old cartoons are all racist, and the president is telling us we are allowed to have “small gatherings” on July 4th if we follow his rules. Thank GOD we got rid of that guy who wrote mean tweets.”

For this journalist, the killer “woke” insanity stems from President Joe Dementia signing an executive order to make it legal for DNA male athletes to compete against DNA female athletes because those ‘dudes in dresses’ must be given equality.  How can women stop this insanity?  Answer: all DNA female athletes must Boycott all events with DNA male athletes.  It would stop the absurdity overnight.

If we continue to dismantle our culture at this rate of speed, future men and women won’t know if they are girls or boys, men or women, nuts or nut cases, normal or abnormal, sane or insane.  We’ve already got a transgender ‘dude’ in the cabinet in DC who wears dresses, long hair and is uglier and sillier than a box of toads.  God help all of us if he ever somehow sires offspring.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Watering Down America Into A Conglomeration of Strangers

By Frosty Wooldridge

The philosopher Emanuel Kant said, “The two greatest dividers in a country are language and religion.”

It could be cogently added that “Intermingling races in a country is one of the greatest causes of collapsing a country.”

In the past year, we’ve seen America separated by racial conflict even worse than the 1960’s. Back then, African-Americans marched for civil rights and voting rights. Today, their most prominent organization, Black Lives Matter, burn, loot and riot in major cities across America. Nothing constructive, but everything destructive.

That’s after 400 years of living in this country, we face horrific racial division on multiple levels.

Right now, Biden invites an endless line of refugees that are stampeding our southern border, but another endless line of legal immigrants (nice word for refugees fleeing their own failed countries), continue to pour into America at over 1.2 million annually.

If you import too many, too often, and too much, you discover that they bring their ethos/cultures with them because they can’t get it out of themselves. Case in point:

“For most of my life in this country, Americans, both anecdotally and more officially via the government and media—have operated with an ignorance of how unnecessarily painful and strange America is.” Ayesha A. Siddiqi

This person from the middle east cannot comprehend what Western Societies allow such as women’s rights, animal rights, children rights, religious rights, free speech, dress rights, voting rights and dozens of other ‘rights’ that most Americans accept as the norm.

In an interview in Somalian-dominated Minneapolis, reporter Jesse Waters found that the majority of men questioned wanted to install “Sharia Law” in their community. One problem: Sharia Law diametrically opposes everything in the U.S. Constitution. Where in Somalia, women do not enjoy any rights, freedoms, or voices—those men would like to bring that barbaric culture into America.

Do you wonder if our culture can withstand their culture pounding on our doors to let them in, and then, beat us up with their own “Sharia Law” by using the power of the vote to install their culture upon us and over us?

Even more interesting, why aren’t the feminists screaming about the barbaric acts going on in America today of female genital mutilation and honor killings? Why would they support Somalian House Member Ilhan Omar who married her brother to defraud our immigration laws, commit fraud, and then call the citizens of this country ‘racists’ and she wants to dismantle our government and economic system?

What happens when another 100 Omar’s become elected in the U.S. Senate and House? What do you do when their numbers outnumber your numbers as they change the very foundation of our U.S. Constitution?

Right now, in the most illegal alien dominated state in America, California houses over 70,000 homeless Americans subsisting in nylon tents in the streets under the most incredible and sickening demonstrations of poverty, filth and decay. Yet, with in excess of 4.0 million illegal aliens living in California, Governor Gavin Newsome welcomes more poverty and more third world misery to enclave in Los Angeles and San Francisco—to the detriment of American citizens who need jobs and veterans living on the streets.

How does that work? Why is he allowing it? Why doesn’t someone stop it? How many more illegal aliens can California support before it collapses? How many more prisons can house an endless line of alien criminals? How does Newsome handle all the MS-13 gangs distributing all those drugs to all our kids? Anybody with an ounce of common sense possess any answers as to why our leaders in 540 Sanctuary Cities across America invite this kind of corruption and third world behavior?

According to the CDC, 81,000 Americans died of overdose deaths from fentanyl, opioids, heroin, and other narcotics imported across America’s borders in 2020. Exactly what have the 535 men and women in Congress done about it? Answer: absolutely nothing.

What is Biden doing about it? Answer: he’s accelerating the crisis by opening our borders to endless drug cartels. That man has passed the threshold for senility and dementia…yet he’s allowed to continue while our citizens pay horrific prices in death and destruction of our families.

What can you do? You might want to get on the phone and start screaming into your House member and two U.S. Senator’s ears. Not just about the drugs, but about allowing our nation to become a refugee center for the world’s poor, desperate and unending masses.

Last point: what happens when one of your kids becomes one of those drug death statistics?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This “Racism” and “Woke” Thing is Getting WAY Out of Hand

By Frosty Wooldridge

Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in the Hat” is now a racist book!  That’s like saying if you drink white milk instead of chocolate, you’re a racist.  If you like daytime more than nighttime, you’re a racist.  That’s like saying the reason that Tom Brady won the Superbowl stems from the fact that he enjoys “White Privilege.”  That’s like Coca Cola telling its majority of ‘White” consumers to be “less White.”  That’s like CNN talk show host Black Don Lemon telling us that the biggest terrorists in America are ‘White men’, when in fact, last year, Black Lives Matter rioters burned, looted and killed people to the tune of over $2 billion.

Whatever and whomever continues to push the race narrative in this country, they’re winning.  Virtually every day, you hear that Asian-Americans are being beaten up.  All those gunfights in Chicago are the fault of “White society’s” racism. In the news every night, there is some kind of racial injustice, racial incident and racial prejudice in every corner of America.  It makes anyone wonder why we created a “multicultural” society?  It’s not working!

I must admit that I have been integrated all my life as a service brat, as a college student, as an inner-city teacher, as a hospital medical tech, as a ski instructor, as a dance teacher, and as a gym rat.  I have played with, competed against and tipped beers with every race, creed and color of the rainbow all my life.

But this past summer of 2020 and even in 2021, I find myself almost apologetically walking around minority people.  I’m not sure of myself anymore because I am blamed for just about everything that’s going wrong for minorities.

It makes me wonder if I can order Black Coffee at a restaurant.  Are Brownies off limits?  Are White Castle restaurants that originated in Black dominated Detroit now supposed to be renamed to White Castle restaurants?  What about Chinese Checkers?  Should we call them ‘no gender or race’ checkers?  Should we outlaw Italian sausages because that’s racist?  Should a Black Crow be more deserving than a White Dove?  Should we change White soaps to Black soaps to give equal credence?

What about ‘transgender” DNA males competing against DNA females? Is that nuts or what? Why not have transgender types compete among themselves?  Why don’t all DNA female athletes Boycott all events where a DNA male transgender competes?  That would stop that nonsense, immediately. Oh, that wouldn’t be “woke”!

Last week, the Cherokee Nation demanded that the Jeep Cherokee SUV to be renamed anything other than ‘Cherokee’ because it’s racist.  What about Cracker Barrel Restaurants being too white? Can Black persons eat in them without fear of being ‘less Black’?

Should the United States of America now be called the “Equal States of America”?

Should we install ‘affirmative action white quotas’ in the NFL and NBA to give lesser White athletes equal numbers on the field?  Let’s face it, the NBA is virtually 98 percent Black and a smidgen of White boys who cannot jump.  Blacks dominate the NFL by 9 to 1 over lowly unathletic White players. Do we force equal numbers of Blacks into the NHL which is 99 percent White?  Should we force 50 percent Black fans into NHL games to watch a game that doesn’t interest them, and 50 percent White fans to give Black fans a sense of equality?

Should we allow Black Lives Matter to completely destroy our cities because they have the right to loot any store, or burn any car parking lot and/or kill anyone in their path?

Should we allow Antifa members to continue busting, breaking and burning up any city they choose?  I mean, they haven’t stopped in Portland, Oregon for the past 10 months.  What ever happened to the ‘rule of law’?

Should America become a banana republic where the most violent rise to the surface and the rest of us cower in our homes?  That’s what happened in Mexico, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Columbia and Honduras.  That’s why their citizens are fleeing to America as you read this report.  They sat by while drug cartels, crooked politicians and bad people took over because good people did nothing to stop them.

Right now, President Joe Dementia allows anyone to enter our Southern Border without papers, without medical check-up, without background checks and without invitation.  Come one, come all!  Dump your children, your drugs, your poor, your desperate and anyone who wants to make the journey from their wretched countries.

There’s only one BIG problem:  how many refugees can we support in our country before all our systems collapse?  The United Nations reported that 100 million refugees would love to move to America tomorrow if given a ticket and vias.  There will be mathematical point where we cannot handle the rest of the world’s refugees.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 83 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Even the beloved movie “Grease” cannot withstand the “Woke Invasion” of our country.  John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Clint Eastwood don’t stand a chance because they weren’t perfect in the Woke’s eyes.

And, if we allow our historical statues to be trashed, and if we allow our books to be banned, and if we tear down our “Ethos” to a point that no one in America understands what it is to be an “American”, how will we survive into the future?

We cannot build a future if we fail to respect our past.  We need reminders to our imperfections.  We can only improve ourselves by understanding ourselves via national self-reflections.  We better get the Black-White equation solved or we’re going to tear ourselves apart.  It gets down to respect.  The great science fiction writer Robert Heinlein said, “When the citizens of a country lose respect for one another; that’s when that country begins to fail.”

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Write a Letter to Your Congressional Representatives in DC

By Frosty Wooldridge

For some reason, American voters continue voting Senators and House Members into office with huge paychecks term after term, but those elected officials fail to accomplish anything from year to year and in many cases, from decade to decade.  I personally write my Golden City Council, governor of Colorado, state senators, two U.S. Senators and my House member…regularly.  I like to be a “burr in their saddle” as well as a fountain of suggestions.  Yes, they return a form letter proving that they’re doing a wonderful job, when in fact, they’re not doing any job at all. If they were, we would see positive changes.  But year after year, we don’t.

Nonetheless, you’re invited to use this letter as a template to write your own Senators and House Members.  Add your own suggestions. Inspire them with a barb at the end.  All 535 of need a “burr in their saddles”, because they continue promising solutions when in fact, they are not doing squat to improve our country.

To: Mr. Michael Bennet, U.S. Senate, Colorado

From: Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, CO 80401

Re: Items that need your action across the USA

Dear Mr. Bennet:

This inquiry asks you to take action to benefit Colorado and all citizens of the United States.

  1. What have you done in 10 years to stop massive illegal immigration that’s added somewhere between 20 and 25 million people and their children unlawfully to our country?
  2. What have you done to stop ‘birthright citizenship’ at over 300,000 births a year by illegal migrant woman who cross our borders illegally to birth their child on my tax dollars?
  3. What have you done to stop the 20 year Afghanistan/Iraq Wars that have caused the combat deaths of 7,100 military and 114,000 suicide deaths?
  4. What have you done to stop illegal ‘sanctuary cities’ and Colorado as a ‘sanctuary state’ in your 10 years in Congress?
  5. What have you done to enforce US Code 8, Section 1325, which makes it illegal to hire, house or transport illegal aliens? It’s a $2,000.00 fine per illegal hired and up to 5 years in prison…but it’s not being enforced.
  6. What have you done about reducing the $27 trillion debt you and the rest of Congress gave created by borrowing endlessly?
  7. What have you done about the waste of $6 trillion over 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq?  Why do you keep voting to fund those wars with those soldier suicide rates?  And, the fact that nothing has been accomplished by those wars!
  8. Why haven’t you written bills to solve the homeless problem in Denver, California, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and beyond?  Why haven’t you helped our citizens and veterans rather than illegal migrants?
  9. What have you actually done to obtain funds for repairing and replacing the infrastructure in cities around America, such as roads, bridges, sewer and water systems?
  10. What have you done to improve our inner cities, educational systems in those inner cities?  Couldn’t you have secured that $6 trillion for our citizens?
  11. What have you done to bring home 450,000 military personnel from 700 bases around the world that are doing nothing more than occupying other countries’ space and wasting trillions of our tax dollars?
  12. Why haven’t you introduced a bill to lower legal immigration from its current 1,000,000 annually to less than 100,000 annually because we have over 8 million Americans without jobs?  And the fact that such high immigration levels are going to add 100 million people to reach 440 million by 2050?  Do you realize those numbers are unsustainable as to water, energy and resources?
  13. Why would you want the projected 100,000,000 more people added to America via immigration by 2050, instead of a stable and sustainable population that lives within the carrying capacity of our country?
  14. What have you done about solving ‘climate change’?   What bills have you introduced to solve that problem?
  15. Why haven’t you take action to stop Black Lives Matter from burning, looting and destroying over $2 billion in properties last summer?  How about stopping anarchists such as Antifa as they continue to riot, break and pillage?
  16. Exactly when are you going to do something about the aforementioned points when you haven’t done anything about them in the past 10 year?

Sir, we pay you over $200,000.00 a year for you to solve this nation’s challenges.  Do you think you’ve earned that money?  What have you done to earn that money?    When are you going to earn that money?

If you can’t do the job, why do you keep running for office and promising us that you will improve America when you don’t?

Sir, is it possible that Term Limits of eight years would be more helpful to give us Senators and House members who actually accomplish something in Congress and then, return to their old jobs?

Maybe it’s time to go back to your old job.   Thank you, Frosty Wooldridge

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Killing the Keystone Pipeline: Are We Being Led by Fools or Idiots in Washington DC?

By Frosty Wooldridge

No one wants to see alternative energy become the norm more than this journalist.  We can’t keep burning 100 million barrels of oil 24/7 around the planet and think that’s going to work out well for our biosphere.  We cannot keep burning 20 million barrels of oil in the USA 24/7 without growing consequences.

For that matter, we can’t keep adding another 3.5 million people, driven by mass immigration and their birth rates…annually, either!  If we do, we face this brilliant quote eventually by Isaac Marion:

“The apocalypse didn’t happen overnight. The world didn’t end in a satisfying climax of explosive special effects. It was slow. It was boring. It was one little thing at a time. One building here another factory over there.  A road plowing through the quiet of the woods. [One plastic container tossed into the ocean and then another and another until their numbers reached 5.25 trillion floating or sunk beneath the waves.] One moral compromise, one abandoned ideal, and one more justified injustice. No dramatic wave of destruction sweeping across the world, just scattered spots of rot forming throughout the decades, seemingly isolated incidents until the moment they all merged.” Isaac Marion, The Burning World

Eventually, whether five, ten or thirty years down the road, as our human numbers grow exponentially, all those isolated incidents will “merge” across our country.  But few want to address that horrific future facing your children!

Even with what’s coming, we need to move toward bio-waste energy to utilize our garbage. Visit for a taste of energy without oil.

Until we make the transition, however, oil remains our primary energy in the USA. But Joe “Dementia” Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline with his signature last month.  But what he didn’t understand, nor his handlers, they cost Americans billions in transport fees for that oil that needs to be delivered to the public if we hope to continue operating our civilization.

This information arrives from a University Research Project

We have completed the research on this issue. Please pass this on to those who voted in this kind of thought process. I guess if these same people wanted to stop heating their house, driving their cars, using plastic, and don’t forget eating food – Yes it takes fuel to put food on your table!”

The Keystone Pipeline is 2,147 miles long, and would supply 830,000 barrels of oil per day. Doing the math; A tanker truck can carry 190 barrels of oil. It would take 4,368 trucks per day just to haul that amount of oil.

It would take three days to cover the 2,147 miles. An additional 4,368 trucks would start the trip the second day, and another 4,368 trucks would start the trip on the third day. Needless to say, all these trucks will be returning empty.

Therefore, it would take 26,208 trucks per day to haul what the pipeline could carry in one day.

If the trucks could get six MPG, it would take 157,248 gallons of diesel per day to carry the oil… at $3 per gallon, ( which will now go up) just the diesel cost would be $471,744.00 per day, in addition the drivers’ salaries, and maintenance costs.

If we can ship it by train, they haul a lot more. Each train tanker holds on the average 700 barrels of oil, so it would take over 1,185 cars to haul the oil. The most tankers a train can have is 100 cars and can only run 40 MPH, so it would take a little over 10 trains to travel 900 miles a day.

The end result is 2-1/2 days by train and another 24 hours to unload the train, so it would take almost 40 trains going south from Canada, fully loaded with oil, and 40 more trains running back north empty. In the meantime, you will be needing that many trains in Canada to be loading while the empty trains are headed back, so it would take 120 trains with 100 tankers each to haul the oil.

A tanker ship coming from the Arab countries would take 27 days and hauls two million barrels. Iran will love loaded oil tankers heading to the U.S. and through the Straits of Hormuz. Can we talk about a potential environmental disaster? The Keystone Pipeline is 2,147 miles long, and would supply 830,000 barrels of oil per day. Please tell me again, how canceling the Keystone Pipeline is helping real Americans?”

Don’t you just love the liberal common core math?

Finally, what lame-brain aides in the White House decided to tell Joe Dementia that he needed to kill the Keystone Pipeline?  Who surrounded him with the facts and figures on the positive and negative side of this equation?  What logical reasoning processes did they exhaust before they arrived at Joe’s signature?

Do you realize we suffer a lot of stupid people in Congress and in the White House that are taking our country for a ‘ride’?  I mean, Joe Dementia closes down the oil pipeline only to open up our borders for the human invasion violating our laws.  He celebrates BLM, but won’t honor our borders or our U.S. Constitution.

As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot…and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”  I would add, “Suppose you suffered from dementia…and supposed you were the current president of the United States…ah, but I repeat myself.”

Doesn’t it give you kind of a ‘prickly’ feeling about our future?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What’s It Like In “Woke” America

By Frosty Wooldridge

Today, biological DNA males enjoy legal competition against biological DNA females.  The same goes for those DNA males walking into DNA female bathrooms.  Those same DNA males can out-muscle, out run, out hit, out wrestle and outperform any and all DNA females.

We have come to 2021 with “Woke” America where a DNA male can pretend to be a female via the law.  If that isn’t Orwell’s 1984, I don’t know what is!

As one reader said, “In a time when Hitler 2.0 (Xi Jinping) has appeared on the stage, the US is now led by someone suffering from dementia. Biden dismisses the horrifying genocide going on in China as simply a matter of cultural differences.

“As bad as I think Kamala Harris is, please, Democrats, go ahead and put Biden out to pasture and put in someone who is at least mentally competent.  But perhaps Biden does have command of his faculties and is simply bought and paid for by the Chinese government. Certainly, he’s been appointing a lot of sycophants of that regime to his administration.”

What is going through that man’s mind?  Answer: not much of anything.

“Or, perhaps he’s just reflecting America’s new State Religion, “wokeism.”  Wokeism hates western civilization because of the role white males had in creating it. The modern concept of human rights came about largely as an outgrowth of western civilization. So perhaps fidelity to wokeism requires that one believe human rights are evil, an outgrowth of white supremacism. And therefore, committing human rights atrocities against religious minorities is not something deserving of criticism. That logic would be absurd in light of what happened in Germany in the first half of the 20th century- human rights atrocities committed by a white supremacist. But human reason is not compatible with the religion of wokeism.”

One reader said, “Frosty, those are two separate but definitely related issues. As the jet stream is destroyed, weather becomes more and more unpredictable.  We will keep getting hotter summers and colder winters. There are companies trying to solve the problem of plastic in the oceans, but it is a drop in the bucket. The Davos crowd (the World Economic Forum) hopes to destroy western civilization to the degree that they erase national borders by encouraging and financing immigration from “third world” countries into Europe and the U.S. so that they can create a peasant class out of the world’s population which they can then rule. It isn’t a matter of a rising tide lifts all boats but rather, let’s spread the misery around to all. They have chosen populations that they know will NOT assimilate into European and American societies but will rather divide and weaken them.”

As to mass immigration

If you missed the big Cinco de Mayo celebration in your town….no sweat, you can always take in the big Fourth of July celebration in Mexico City……not. They are not our friends and have never been.

San Antonio, Texas…..Stealth Sanctuary City and New Colony of Mexico.

In effect, by illegal immigration and a high birth rate, Mexico accomplishes several things. It relieves itself of the social and economic pressures of politically needed improvement…. by using immigration north as a relief valve, it makes Texas and southern California, eventually, into Mexican colonies. These former states will vote as Mexican puppets and thus support the romantic homeland. They feel this is a just cause to regain territories conquered from them in the 1840s. This is the aim of racist groups like La Raza.

What do you see in 2021 as it onslaughts America?  I see a president who lacks the intellectual comprehension to understand what it means to live in a ‘fantasy world’.  I see a president who wants our borders overrun to completely displace European-Americans out of the country they (we) created.

If we don’t start standing up, speaking out and voting out such people as Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Omar, Tlaib, Jackson and just about every one of those people who dislike America and American citizens…we’re toast. That’s what I see coming.

What do you see coming in “Woke” America?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America’s Leaders and Citizens Fail To Grasp The Enormity Of Our Predicament

By Frosty Wooldridge

The freezing event in Texas last week stands as a precursor of what’s coming to all of America. The electrical grid crashed. People died. Chaos dominated.  Confusion spread. Anger multiplied.

It’s confounding to this writer that few leaders address it, and the entire mainstream media avoid this issue and even suppress it at all costs.  Here’s a quote by Isaac Marion, author of The Burning World of what we face in future years.  He connects the dots:

“The apocalypse didn’t happen overnight. The world didn’t end in a satisfying climax of explosive special effects. It was slow. It was boring. It was one little thing at a time. One building here another factory over there. [One plastic container tossed into the ocean and then another and another until their numbers reached 5.25 trillion floating or sunk beneath the waves.] One moral compromise, one abandoned ideal, and one more justified injustice. No dramatic wave of destruction sweeping across the world, just scattered spots of rot forming throughout the decades, seemingly isolated incidents until the moment they all merged.”  Isaac Marion, The Burning World

Do you understand that profound last sentence…”seemingly isolated incidents until the moment they all merged”?

Every 30 days, Congress imports another 100,000 legal and illegal immigrants from around the world onto the shores of America. It totals over a million more people added, net gain, annually.  Our elected leaders don’t have a plan on how to take care of them, they don’t understand the long-term ramifications, nor do they propose any solutions.  They just keep jamming them into airplanes, fly them into America and insert them into cities across America.  No clue of the consequences!

What does it mean, when “…they all merged”?   It’s SO apparent to me because I’ve seen the consequences and results when all those seemingly desperate situations all ‘merged’.  Visit India to see it.  Or China.  Or, Mexico City.  Or, Sao Paulo. Or, Rio. Or, LA, New York City, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, etc. I have!

They can’t solve their population problems.  They’ve become victims of their fecundity rates.  Millions, in fact, billions of people live at the bottom rung of the “human misery index.”

And yet, we don’t think it will happen to us here in the USA.

During the freezing event in Texas last week, what a mess!  At only 29 million people, Texas expects to reach 54 million by 2050.  Where are those numbers coming from?  Answer: immigration. That’s just the legal immigration! (Source: Texas‘ population is projected to double by 2050, according to a report from Texas‘ Office of the State Demographer. According to the report, Texas‘ population, currently estimated to be 26,230,098 residents, will grow to 54,446,355 residents by 2050.)

What happens when another 25 million people need electricity in another ice storm in Texas?  What happens when oil is depleted to the point that we cannot transport food to grocery stores?  You may read at least a dozen books on the exhaustion of oil by mid-century.

By 2050, Congress will have added 100 million more legal and illegal immigrants to America. What do you think jumping from 330 million to 440 million will look like?  How does that taste?  How does it feel for your children?  What don’t you understand as to the consequences to our civilization?  To your family members?   (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Fogle/Martin “US Population Projections”,

Since North America features a finite land mass, it also offers a finite water supply, finite energy and finite resources.  What happens when those resources are exhausted?  What do you do when the water tap runs dry or there’s no gas for your tank or you cannot buy a battery because the lead, nickel, rubber, metal and other parts of the battery cannot be accessed?

How will 100 million more people solve that environmental nightmare galloping across the globe:  catastrophic climate destabilization?

That’s what Marion meant when he said, “No dramatic wave of destruction sweeping across the world, just scattered spots of rot forming throughout the decades, seemingly isolated incidents until the moment they all merged.”

Does what you just read scare the heck out of you for your children?  If it does, what are you doing about it?

I present a program that should be seen on every PBS, NPR and 60 Minutes broadcast:  America’s Overpopulation Predicament: and how to change course.  It should be seen by a joint session of Congress.  It needs to be seen by every American citizen.  We need to be educated as to what we are doing to ourselves.

If you’re unsure of what I am addressing, my latest book will really bring it home to you. It publishes in March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge.  It shows what we face, and what we need to do to change course. It should become a  New York Times national best seller in order to educate all Americans and show them what they can do to change course.  You and all of us must force Biden and Congress to stop mass immigration and start preparing for shortages in water, energy, resource, food, and biosphere damage, i.e., climate change.

These three videos need to be seen by every American family in order to educate them as to what they face.  And, then, how to change course.  Please, send these three videos out to every person on your network.  We need to create a national discussion-debate on: “America’s Carrying Capacity Limits…America’s Water Limits…America’s Quality of Life Policy…America’s Resources Limits…America’s Maximum Population Policy.”

Does what you’ve just read make sense?  Because if it does, please help create a national discussion-debate on what kind of a future you want for your children.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Mathematics Is Now A Racist Equation: White Privilege vs Black Privilege

By Frosty Wooldridge

As a former math-science teacher, it perked my ears to hear that the term “mathematics” is America’s newest ‘racist’ equation.  In other words, some pretty higher-ups have equated excellence in math to racism.

From Euclidian geometry to Newton’s calculus, we now find that such intellectual practices are now regarded as racist in America.

Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to Alexandrian Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his textbook on geometry: the Elements. Euclid’s method consists in assuming a small set of intuitively appealing axioms, and deducing many other propositions (theorems) from these.”

In no portion of that definition will you see anything about race, creed, color, gender or ethnic group.  It’s all about your mind.  The last I checked, every race of humanoid on this planet possesses an intellect to varying degrees.  Some folks enjoy high IQ’s like Einstein and others enjoy low IQ’s like a rabbit.  The rest of us are in-between.

Newton’s calculus:  “Modern calculus was developed in 17th-century Europe by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (independently of each other, first publishing around the same time) but elements of it appeared in ancient Greece, then in China and the Middle East, and still later again in medieval Europe and in India.”

At no time in history has any mathematical equation or scientific understanding been termed “racist”, until 2021.

Mathematics and science do not succeed or fail depending on a person’s race.  A person either enjoys the intellect to perform the equations or understand the science—and use it to build a civilization—or they don’t.  For greater understanding, some brilliant mathematical Black geniuses performed equations that got Neil Armstrong to the moon.  Black PhD’s abound in mathematics and sciences at colleges all over the world. Are they racists?

If we allow our civilization to degrade educational standards to create that mythical ‘equity’ so as to pretend to equalize all human beings intellectually within America, we will degrade our society to that of Africa, India or even Mexico.  The lower you drop standards of excellence in education, the faster you degrade your entire society.

It’s been happening since the 1970’s when students didn’t do the work, but were given a passing grade. As they hit the job market, they couldn’t do the work, so entire businesses failed. Or, someone who did do the work had to cover for the ones who polished their nails in class or drank and smoked in the parking lot.  Then, the government instigated “affirmative action” jobs and college diplomas, so much so, many graduates of some colleges couldn’t not read, write or perform simple mathematical problems.  If we allow students to do nothing, to earn nothing, and to not perform—we set them up for lives of frustration, failure and non-participation.

That’s what creates poverty, illiteracy and welfare in America or any country.

After the 55th Super Bowl, Tom Brady was dubbed, “The height of white privilege.”  That statement negated his 30 years of dedication to his chosen profession.  Does that mean other Black quarterbacks who own Super Bowl rings are, “The height of Black privilege”?  How can you degrade someone for their race like that?

What does that make Kansas City Chiefs’ quarterback Patrick Mahomes who is half white and half black?  Do you degrade his mother for being White, but celebrate his father who is Black? Is Mahomes the “height of black and white privilege”?

In this country, every race, color and ethnic group enjoys the highest standard of living in the world.  Each young citizen enjoys K through 12 educational opportunities, more so than anyone in Africa, Mexico, India and much of the third world.

What you do with those opportunities remains up to you.  If you fail to study, you will flunk out. You could become semi-illiterate and at the bottom rung of the job market.  If you don’t eat correctly, you become mal-nourished and obese, which has happened to millions of young Americans of every race.  If you fail to live a moral and ethical life, you will find yourself in the dregs, homeless or in prison, i.e., George Floyd and others like him.

It’s all up to you.  It’s individual choices.  You can be responsible or irresponsible and the results will come back to sit on your shoulders.

Mathematics cannot be ‘racist’, and science cannot be ‘racist’.

However, if you fail to study, if you fail to show up to class, if you fail to do your homework…ultimately you will fail at math and science.  You choose to fail at life.  That’s a personal choice that has to do with you no matter what your color.

Is there “White privilege”?  “Black privilege”?  Ask Tom Brady how hard he worked.  Ask LeBron James how hard he worked.

In mathematics or science, it’s not about the color of your skin, it’s about the content of your work.

How much are you willing to work toward your dreams here in America?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America Is A Nice Prison:  If You Don’t Like It, You Have Choices

By Frosty Wooldridge

With all the craziness in Washington DC by the various senators and House members, it’s like playing a game of Jumanji.  You don’t know what crazy ‘moment’ might pop up next.

From there, you listen to talking heads, pundits, and political experts on both sides of the aisle that give diametrically opposing views of the same statement uttered by Biden or Trump.

As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

That’s truer today than in his time when we actually enjoyed Americans attempting to move our country forward.  Today, we’ve got a  Somalian refugee in the House of Representatives trying to dismantle our political and economic system while she supports installing Islamic Sharia Law in place of our U.S. Constitution. We’ve got a Palestinian in the House from Detroit that demanded Trump be impeached before he was even sworn into office.  We’ve got an African-American woman in California who incited her followers to commit violence, but when Trump called for a “peaceful demonstration” on January 6, 2021, which was recorded on tape, she voted to have him impeached for inciting violence.  At the same time, V.P. Harris not only supported the BLM for burning, looting and mayhem last summer, she said, “They need to keep at it.”  And U.S. Senator Schumer (D-NY) castigated the Supreme Court and threatened them with “…a whirlwind of fury” to do them harm.

You can’t make this stuff up!

From that whole episode, our U.S. Senate acquitted Trump. That was a foregone fact because there was no way 2/3 of the Senate would vote for impeachment.  In other words, it was all ‘theater of the absurd’.  Wasted money, wasted time and wasted our emotions!

Which brings us to George  Orwell’s 1984 book: “There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment,

there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a  picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ”

The reality remains, Joe Biden lied, groped, fondled, sniffed and talked his way via 47 years in DC, into the White House.  It’s all on record and on video tapes.  He lied about his three college degrees. He plagiarized other peoples’ works. He dropped out of two presidential races because he was caught lying and cheating.  He used his VP powers to gift his son Hunter with a $50,000.00 a month board of directors position on a Ukrainian Oil Company board, when Hunter didn’t know an oil rig from an erector set.  Clearly, fraudulent behavior on Joe Biden’s part!  All of it suppressed by the mainstream media, which carries horrific liberal bias and favoritism.

The same goes for Hillary Clinton and her Clinton Foundation that took millions of dollars in bribes for favors while she was Secretary of State in the Obama Administration.  Not to mention her lifetime marriage to a sexual predator!

Okay, and to be fair, Don Trump cheated on his women, cheated on his income taxes, and pretty much was a liar, cheat and adulterer himself. He’s probably on par with Joe Biden.  Both are pathetic individuals.

Of course, when you read about “Camelot” and John F. Kennedy, he committed some really immoral acts in the White House, too, with that 19 year old mistress, Mimi Alford, he kept in waiting. It lasted 18 months and she wrote a book: Once Upon A Secret.

These are verifiable facts.

At the same time, our nation has been turned upside down since the George Floyd event.  This career criminal, high on drugs, passing forged $20 bills, gets caught, and dies while being arrested.  All hell broke loose across the nation.  Black Lives Matter ransacked our country to the tune of over $2 billion in theft, fires and damage. VP Harris supported their anarchy.

In the meantime, if you’re ‘white’, you’re guilty of everything.  After the 55th Super Bowl, Tom Brady was dubbed, “The height of white privilege.”  What does that make Patrick Mahomes who is half white and half black?

At one point last year, the West Africa country of Ghana offered to take all African-Americans back to Africa.  Not one single Black American took them up on the offer.  Why?  If America is a prison, it’s a pretty nice one, because Black Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world.  They enjoy the most creative jobs in music, academics, arts, theater, sports and CEO’s.  They enjoy the freest education K -12 at government expense. They enjoy the most millionaires and billionaires in all of the world combined.  They own BET, the NBA and NFL. They own field and track.

How do we ever make sense out of any of what’s swirling around Washington DC?

If I could pick the two most eloquent and rational speakers on what’s happening to America today, I pick Tucker Carlson and Victor Davis Hanson.  They make sense.  They bring reason.  They engage rational perspective.

Victor Davis Hanson said, “I think one way of looking at it is this woke

movement is like a cancer cell, and without resistance from chemotherapy or an immune system, it gorges itself, and it goes into cells, and it takes them over, and it gets larger. The tumor gets larger and larger, and unless it’s stopped, there’s no logic to cancer….

“I think people realize that there are moments in history where previously sane societies go insane. We had this in 1860… There were crazy times in the 1930’s during the Depression. I came of age as a teenager in the 1960’s, where it was very violent…. We have to realize that we’re now in a period of collective insanity.”

Instead of tearing our country down, instead of blaming all White people, instead of making excuses for failures, instead of burning, looting and rioting, instead of destroying the finest system for mutual benefit in the world—I urge every race, color and ethnic group in America to start supporting your country.  Start in your own home by parenting your kids to become reasonable, educated and contributing members of society.

Participate in your City Council to support parks, recreation centers, sports, schools and after class education.

Run for an office to make your community, state and this nation better. In the end, you benefit future generations.  You immediately benefit your kids.

Because if you support BLM and Antifa, you will find at some point, your freedoms, your choices and your life in a great deal of trouble. We could devolve into what’s already going on in Africa, India and China…or even Mexico.  Why do you think they all want to live in the USA?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

This Impeachment: Criminal Politicians in Congress Undermining Our Laws

By Frosty Wooldridge

For the past four decades, 535 men and women elected to serve our U.S. Constitution failed to not only uphold our laws, but undermined our laws in deference to lawbreakers.  Upon being elected, each one of them swore on a Bible to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Additionally, we see governors, mayors and city council members breaking our laws.  We see U.S. Senators and Congress members defying our laws.  We saw U.S. Attorney Generals ignoring our laws, i.e., former Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.  We saw President Clinton as a sexual predator inside the White House, i.e., Monica Lewinsky.  Even President Biden faces sexual assault charges from his former aide, Tara Reade.

During 2020, House member Maxine Waters, (D-CA) called for violence against republicans.  Senator Charles Schumer, (D-NY) called for violence against the Supreme Court judges.  Vice President Kamala Harris verbally supported more violence by the Black Lives Matters rioters.  House member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) invited more violence against Israel and Jews.

Worse, President Biden promises to give all illegal aliens a free pass into America without warrant.  In reality, Biden proposes to sidestep our U.S. Constitution.

And now, they pontificate as they try to impeach a president who is an ordinary American.

For the past 40 years, U.S. presidents and concurrent Congresses failed to enforce and secure our borders.  Thus, in excess of 25 million illegal aliens jumped our borders to enjoy the fruits of their criminal activities in jobs, anchor babies, housing and welfare.  All funded by our tax dollars!  Additionally, millions of U.S. employers break our laws with impunity from enforcement.

For example, an average of 300,000 pregnant women violate our borders, birth their children on our dollar, and ‘anchor’ themselves in our country with their new U.S. baby.  A total violation of the 14th Amendment!  U.S. citizens pay K through 12  in schools, food stamps, housing, breakfasts and lunches for millions of their children.  We pay with our tax dollars, year after year, decade after decade.  Yet, not one single member of Congress passed a bill to stop it. (Source: Anchor Babies,

Additionally, we see billions upon billions of U.S. dollars sent back to their countries.  We see 1.7 million legal and illegal immigrants, annually, pouring into our country without skills, language or education.  They immediately enjoy welfare for life—but not one member of Congress introduces a bill to stop it.   We see diversity visa holders mowing down our citizens on bike paths in New York City and chain-migration recipients stabbing people in our cities—but you guessed it, Congress avoids its sworn duty: not one member introduces a bill stop it.

We see our tax dollars pay for undeclared wars for 20 years with no end in sight.  We witnessed our national debt expand to its current $28 trillion with no attempt to live within our financial boundaries.

We see individual U.S. Senators do absolutely nothing to enforce our illegal alien employment laws, transport of illegal aliens and housing laws written to stop landlords from renting to illegal aliens.

We see such House members like majority speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), make speeches in the House that make no sense whatsoever stemming from onset dementia, works FOR illegal aliens by stating that, “These [illegal] immigrants are the future of America.”  She’s followed closely by Maxine Waters (D-CA) who supports Islamic Sharia Law in America.  Further lawlessness from Sheila Jackson (D-CA) who shows little initiative to write bills to enhance African-Americans’ ability to work, but she, like Waters, condemns Americans with name-calling.

While few Congressional members secured our borders for the past 40 years, and many of them served in Congress for the past 40 years, they now support 800,000 to as many as 1.8 million illegal alien DACA recipients.  Former President Barack Obama in contravention of our Constitution violated our laws in attempting to give those illegals a free pass into our country of our laws.  Initial cost to U.S. taxpayers: estimated at $26 billion for starters.

Our lawmakers become criminals representing us

As to wars and killing our young soldiers, the majority of Congressional members rubber-stamp every military expense to further two current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: that continue for 20 years—accomplishing nothing. Except $6 trillion spent of our money!   All the while, they authorize our tax dollars for 700 military bases and 450,000 military personnel in 80 countries around the world.  All for what?  For absolutely nothing in our defense! Have you heard of “Empire”?

U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), 88, witnessing her Golden State turn into the poorest and most immigrant-overpopulated state in America—lacks a single clue as to what’s she fostered or allowed to happen to her constituents.  Los Angeles features 62,000 homeless living in tarp tents while San Francisco faces 11,000 homeless, flourishing drug gangs and rampant welfare by illegal aliens.  Yet, Californians vote her back into office decade after decade.

Speaking of California, its own Governor Newsome defied the laws of America by creating a “Sanctuary State” that harbors criminal illegal aliens despite the fact that Kate Steinle suffered death at the hands of a man deported five separate times, but returned to murder that young girl.  Mayors of Los Angeles and San Francisco defend their sanctuary cities to the detriment of taxpayers into the billions for anchor babies, health care for illegals, underground economies created by illegals and schools totally destroyed as to education for American kids.

Shady antics also hold true in Denver, Colorado where sanctuary city proponents Governor Jared Polis and Mayor Michael Hancock harbor criminal alien immigrants against the wishes of law-abiding Americans.

The same holds true in New York City and New York State with Governor Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio defending and harboring criminal aliens against the laws of America.   Chicago Mayor Lightfoot and the Illinois governor defend and harbor criminal alien immigrants.

Over 550 other mayors and city councils, e.g. Minneapolis, Detroit, Boston and Boulder, CO, break our laws—and you now face a country degrading into a third world caldron.  Corruption becomes a mechanism by which third world countries operate.

And now, all those criminals in Congress want to impeach former president Trump for what?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

114,000 Needless Military Suicide Deaths Via Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

By Frosty Wooldridge

This past weekend, my wife Sandi and I watched a documentary of WWII in color.  It covered Hitler’s rise, Mussolini, and the Emperor of Japan. Hirohito.  It covered incredible atrocities from the Auschwitz death camps, 12 of them in Germany and Poland, that killed six million Jewish people by gas, machine gun slaughter and plowing them under.

The documentary covered Japan’s death marches of U.S. soldiers, Guadalcanal, and all the way to the A-bomb being dropped.  The whole series made us pretty sick, disheartened and disgusted at the rise of Hitler and his cohorts.  Those were a bunch of psychopaths, sociopaths…and really sick men.

The names of history popped up in that war: Eisenhower, MacArthur, Halsey, Churchill, Patton, Rommel, Goering, Goebbels, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Roosevelt, Truman, Midway, Battle of the Buldge, Pearl Harbor and probably the ugliest, psychopath, sociopath and most insane man in history—Hitler.   Bombings, missiles rained down on London.  B-29’s dropping endless bombs on Germany. The Luftwaffe, RAF and paratroopers, etc.  Over 40 million civilians died and 20 million military.

Good God in heaven—why do we humans do this thing called ‘war’ to ourselves?

At the same time, from 1965 to 1975, the USA voted to kill 58,220 young U.S. soldiers in Vietnam for 10 years and 2.3 million Vietnamese civilians. Lyndon Baines Johnson based that war on the bogus “Gulf of Tonkin Incident.”  Over 150,000 kids got shot up and tens of thousands suffered suicides, drugs and PTSD. The insanity ended in 1975 at a huge loss of men, women and lives.

But then, 9/11/01 hit us. Bush sent American troops over to Afghanistan to find bin Laden, and shortly thereafter, he sent more troops over to Iraq with his lie of “weapons of mass destruction.” Since that fateful decision, 114,000 American kids in uniform or veterans have committed suicide from their military experience.  Another 7,100 died from combat.  (Source:

The Iraq Health Survey shows that 1.033 million Iraqis have suffered death from the 20-year conflict instigated by G.W. Bush and Congress. That includes soldiers and civilians.

Additionally, 20 percent of military service members who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan — 300,000 in all — report symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression, yet only slightly more than half have sought treatment, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

According to, an average of 22 U.S. soldiers kill themselves daily.  That count has reached as many 40 suicides in one 24-hour period.

With all those deaths by suicide as well as combat deaths, along with $6 trillion in spending debt, what actually have we accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan?  We killed bin Laden in 2011.  But we continue over there with soldiers, bases, guns and planes.  For what?

I remember in the summer of 1968 when I crawled through Boot Camp at Fort Benning, Georgia.  I’ll never forget the concertino wire, low crawl, live bullets screaming over my head during night training sessions, forced 15-mile marches, learning how to kill another human being, machine gun training, grenade throwing and firing a Law.  Also, operating a monster tank and firing it.  I was scared sh*tless 24/7.

I called my mother, “Mom, I’ve made it through four weeks of combat training…I can see that I’m going to get killed in Vietnam.”  I learned to be a platoon leader, squad leader and how to peel potatoes on KP duty.

All these years later, after reading the Pentagon Papers, McNamara’s apology book: The Fog of War, and hundreds of accounts, it was all a lie.  David Halberstam’s book exposed the Vietnam War:  The Best and The Brightest.   Those power brokers in Washington DC perpetrated the war for bankers, stockholders and the Military Industrial Complex corporate heads.  Their bank accounts were more important than soldiers’ lives.

We young men were collateral damage.  Some of us lived and 58,220 of us died. The one thing I learned about war:  you can be strong, fast, tall, short, smart or stupid.  If a bullet has your name on it, you’re gone.  There are no heroes in war—just lucky dudes to make it out in one piece.

Because it’s an “all-volunteer” Army, notice the American public has NO idea that 114,000 kids felt so depressed, so miserable, so lost and so completely insane—they killed themselves. Their families suffered incredible pain. Their wives or girlfriends…totally destroyed.

And yet, those 535 Congressional Critters keep funding those wars and our kids keep dying.  Many of them make money on insider trading for defense contracts they passed. I wonder how many more suicides it’s going to take to finally bring those two wars to an end?

Have you ever wondered why our country continues on this war-path?  Why do we fund 700 bases around the world?  Why do we spend $750 billion annually on wars?  Where has it gotten us?  Were those 114,000 kids’ lives worth losing?  Where’s our common sense, morality and ethics?   Doesn’t the whole thing make you sick?

And, what’s so ironic: Biden is opening our borders to unlimited illegal immigration and granting mass amnesty.  Can you imagine how that’s going to work out?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What’s Really Going On In America?

By Frosty Wooldridge

On social media, you might have seen Captain Jean Luc Picard shaking his head in disgust while uttering, “We spent $738 billion in defense in 2020, but the Capitol Building on January 6th was taken over by the Duck Dynasty and a guy in a deer skin bikini with horns for a hat.”

Now, the people who give out the Nobel Peace Prize want to give the 2021 award to Black Lives Matter organizers and the entire movement.  Notwithstanding, those folks burned, looted and destroyed in excess of $2 billion in property, jobs destroyed, and businesses obliterated in major cities across the country.  In reality, they proved themselves anarchists, terrorists and mindless thugs.

Nonetheless, BLM and Antifa continue their anarchy in Seattle and Chicago.  Where they already burned everything down to the ground, well, they leave those places alone as mementoes of their auspicious work.  But none of the elected officials will stand their ground for the “rule of law” or the U.S. Constitution.  The mayors of Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NYC, Detroit and others—show utter incompetence and cowardice.

The historian Victor Davis Hanson, whom I’ve met in DC, and who wrote the book Mexifornia, which deals with the deformation of California into Mexico el Norte, spoke last night in an interview about the fact that Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer want to change history by changing the facts to meet their popular needs.  While only 200 to 300 criminals stormed the Capitol, they blamed the other 200,000 peaceful demonstrators as “the enemies within America.”

The Black CNN host Don Lemon said, “The real terrorists in America are white men.”

I mean, come on, that makes half the citizens of America who voted for their president, “The enemies within”?  That’s right out of George Orwell’s book: 1984.  It’s called “newspeak.”  It’s about making up history today in order to push for their own agenda tomorrow.

The notorious Nazi Herman Goering (I think it was him) said, “If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

During the interview, Hanson discussed how liberal talk show hosts hammer at the dastardliness of the conservative voting block of white racists and white supremacists. Scarborough, Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd are as guilty as pig poo.  They condemn everyone on the ‘right’ as suffering from ‘white privilege’.

That’s ironic when hundreds of millions of “people of color” around the globe dream about coming to America to live, work and prosper.

Good God! Where do they get this stuff?  I’m a pretty rational, reasonable and a decent human being. I’ve taught in the inner city. I’ve worked with every race, creed and color in my dozen jobs in my lifetime from trucking with United Van Lines to working as a medical tech in a hospital to teaching in the inner city.  I didn’t downgrade any of my co-workers for their race, creed or color.  All of my columns over the past 30 years focused on illegal immigration, and overpopulation.

For that integrity, I am an enemy within…and I’m the r-word, too white and enjoy white privilege.  Except for one reality, I worked hard all my life to make a living.  I’ve been condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center for ‘hate’, when in fact, I’ve always written with the facts as presented.

Yet, the SPLC gets to spew their ‘hate’ and ‘disinformation’ so much so, that I got my head taken off by a guy named Neal Bashor in Golden this past week because I asked all the residents to vote down a new 150 apartment complex because it is SO detrimental to the small city of Golden.   Developers are turning the once small City of Golden into a “City of Cement.”  They are bribing the city council or the planning commission until they’ve got concrete covering every foot of the city.

And that Bashor character got a hold of the SPLC’s hit stuff on me, and ripped me a new one for all my neighbors to see.  Yes, I decried his insults and his bigotry, but I got my rear-end handed to me on a platter. When in fact, I have respected, and I continue to respect all races, colors and ethnic groups because I’ve discovered that everyone on this planet attempts to live a decent and good life.   But trolls like Bashor just love to inflict pain.  Of course, he won’t accuse me face to face because he’s a coward and it’s easy to be ‘brave’ on the Internet where you can bash someone and be safe from responses.  I only hope consummate Karma visits him.

So, there you have it!  We’re becoming a nation being misled, misinformed and totally cannot find a decent news outlet that tells the truth.  How is that?

In the Denver Post this week, they wrote a hit job on ‘hate groups’, and condemned one in Colorado .  (Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform.)  I write for CAIRCO, and I challenged the editors of the DP:

Your article, “17 hate groups operated in Colorado in 2020, Southern Poverty Law Center reports”, February 1, 2021, mistakenly reports Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform as a hate group. It seems that the author didn’t read About Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform or CAIRCO’s website introductory statement before publishing the disinformation. Here is the introductory statement:

“Immigration is the overarching issue that determines every other issue. Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform ( is pro-legal immigrant and pro-legal immigration but at numbers consistent with cultural assimilation and sustainability. CAIRCO upholds America’s Constitutional Republic and the sovereignty of our American nation.”

While you may wish to malign organizations that support enforcement of our immigration laws, journalistic standards would dictate that you present the complete, accurate, and balanced story.

I said that kind of disinformation in the Denver Post sees multiplication factors all over the country in papers like the LA Times, NY Times,  Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the list grows.

When the editors lie and misinform so blatantly, how are we supposed trust them or hope to remain an educated public?  Answer: we can’t.

I invited the DP to interview me, but I said I will record the interview so I cannot be misquoted.  What are your bets that they will take me up on it?

So, what is going on in America?  For certain, you can’t trust the new president.  He’s lied so many times in his life; and now, he can’t even remember or cover his own lies because of his onset dementia.  You can’t trust most members of Congress.  You can’t even trust your elected state and city officials.  If you could, they would have solved all our problems.  Instead, you can’t or won’t, and they stand as the reasons for all our problems.

That’s why we need “term limits.”  A-men!

Do I make sense?  Do I ask the right questions? Am I being fair?  Are you feeling the same feelings that I’m expressing?  Are you as disillusioned as I am?

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Baby Boomer Raging Against Old Age: Enormous Appetite for Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, I stepped into my 74th birthday, same day as Paul Newman’s.  My wife Sandi and I took a hike at 9,000 feet in a dazzling snowstorm on Genesee Mountain near our house. Snow blanketed everything with a magical white blanket.  We ate a quiet dinner by our fireplace that ended with a cupcake with a candle poked into the top of it…to make it easier to blow out and make a simple wish.  “Please God, grant us good health in the coming years and health to all our friends and family.”

As it is, I pray each day for world peace, health for everyone, tranquility for America, and I wish every human being the very best in his or her own journey.  After these 74 years of world travel, I know every human being tries to live as decently as possible.  For the ugly humans in the world, I wish them commensurate Karma.

Because of a life lived with extensive adventures, I never suffered a mid-life crisis.  Every time I hit 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70th year birthdays, I was traveling in some for-off land such as Antarctica or cycling across the Outback or standing on the Wall of China. Each decade brought astounding moments whether scuba diving off the Galapagos Islands or the Great Barrier Reef or riding my bicycle across some continent or around it.

During those years, I became a teacher, United Van Lines truck driver, magazine-writer-photographer, dance teacher, bartender, cardiac catheterization medical tech, safety director, personal trainer, ski instructor, heavy equipment trainer, house painter and roofer.  I raced in 81 triathlons.  Ski bummed. Backpacked into big wilderness regions of Alaska, South America and the Himalayas.  How about 15 bicycle adventures coast to coast across America?  That bicycle trip from Nord Kapp, Norway to Athens, Greece stands tall in my memory.  All those jobs and adventures created 15 published books, and more to come. Yes, I know delicate work and mostly, I know hard work.  In the end, it was that brutally hard labor of moving furniture for United Van Lines at 90 to 100 hours per week that launched me toward my world travels.  And you know what, I am thankful for that opportunity.

With those last five decades, it’s been a blast, but now, I’m tripping into the vicinity of being an old man. It’s an age where nothing works, and everything hurts.  Darnedest feeling to cut loose from the powers of youth where I enjoyed boundless energy, a spirited body and the next high adventure somewhere on this planet!

(This is my Memory Shelf of 55 years of adventures across six continents. Pictures and trinkets collected along the way. Water collected from the snows of Antarctica. Indian vases. Chinese dolls. Japanese cup.  Argentine bolo balls. Bicycling in the Amazon Rainforest.  Pacific-Atlantic water bottles from bike trips across the USA coast to coast. Statue from Greece.  Sandi and Frosty sailing. Backpacking the Grand Canyon.  Boomerang from Australia. Shell from Galapagos Islands. Needles in a packet from 2,500 year old redwood. Bamboo walking stick from Nepal Trekking.  Leaning Tower of Pizza. Bicycling by the Coliseum in Rome. Standing on the Parthenon, Greece. ) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Jack London said it best, “I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.  The function of man/woman is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”

That quote is pegged to my corkboard and I read it every day to infuse my being with its energy.  Several others inspire me, too.  I read them often to keep my mind right.  Poet Jack Gilbert said, we all face “the ruthless furnace of this world.”  You can either navigate the generated heat or you can allow yourself to be cooked.  I chose to work hard, play hard, honor all life and maintain optimal integrity in the “ruthless furnace of this world.”  So far, so good.

On the sobering side of old age, from my high school graduating class in 1965, over 40 have died for various reasons: Vietnam War in the 60’s, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, suicides, drug prescription reactions, car accidents and other reasons. Our class president Billy Canon and his wife Jill died in their 60’s.  The Student Council president Judy died of ovarian cancer in her 40’s.  Our top basketball athlete Scott McClennan died of lung cancer in his 50’s.  How is it that they died so young and the rest of us keep living? Where’s the fairness?  Answer: in this life, there is no fairness. Mostly, it’s the luck of the draw. You can be here today and gone tomorrow…in a blink!

As I look back on my life, I am thankful I didn’t get killed, maimed, Agent Oranged or napalmed in the Vietnam War.  The most thankful day of my life remains my honorable discharge date out of the U.S. Army on June 13, 1971.  I had seen so much death and mutilated bodies…it was constant depression for me. When I visit the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC, I rub my hands over the names of four of my old friends and weep uncontrollably.  They never got to enjoy school, romance, wife, kids, family or fishing on the lake.  Their lives were cut short by politicians, the Military Industrial Complex, liars and bankers. May LBJ, Nixon and Westmoreland rot in hell.

Of course, I married right out of college to a fabulous lady who possessed a totally different lifestyle than me.  So, after three quick years of mutual frustration for both of us, we shook hands and pursued our chosen lives.  She loved elegant hotels and clothes.  I loved tents, sleeping bags and campfires.  Thankfully, we avoided children, so we went our own ways without burdens.  I am happy to say that she lived a highly creative life as a successful artist and art teacher at a college. She finally married the perfect guy for her lifestyle.  I am thankful because everyone deserves to live a happy life.

Late in life, I met and married Sandi, who loves to camp, dance, ski and laugh. A-men! So, as I contemplate this coming year, I’m hoping humanity solves the Covid pandemic. I hope we humans get serious about “catastrophic climate destabilization” i.e., climate change.  I’m looking forward to bicycling the Lewis & Clark Trail from St. Louis, Missouri to Astoria, Oregon some 4,100 miles.  Sandi will ride with me along with a few friends.  As long as I can pedal, I can enjoy great adventures on my bicycle.

And what about you at whatever your age?  I hope you’re having a blast. This life offers incredible opportunities for those of us living in free societies.  I hoping you have discovered your dream, are chasing your dream, have caught your dream,  and living your dream.

Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise said, “Someone once told me that “time” stalks us all our lives.  I’d rather believe that “time” is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.”

Thank you for sharing this birthday reminisce.  May all your birthdays be joyful, with loving family and abundant with health. Hopefully, everything works and nothing hurts!

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America: Not A Nation of Trespassers

By Frosty Wooldridge

Don’t you feel safer today with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in power?  How about Charles Schumer leader of our U.S. Senate? What about the presidency led by Joe Biden?  Have they fulfilled their oaths of office to protect all American citizens…in the last 30 to 47 years serving in Washington DC?

I spoked with veteran INS officer Michael Cutler about our chances for maintaining America’s sovereignty with those three “open borders” advocates now in complete power in Washington DC.

“Our immigration laws were enacted to protect national security, public health, public safety and the jobs and wages of Americans,” said Cutler. “Since taking office, just last week, Biden has issued a flurry of executive orders that would render those vital laws moot, undermines all of those issues that the immigration laws are supposed to protect.“At a time when there is a shortage of hospital beds, COVID-19 vaccines and other health-related resources. A lack of jobs and other resources, it is insane for the incoming president to, in effect, fire the starter’s pistol for a stampede of aliens.”

“What can we expect?” I asked.

“Biden’s immigration policies ignored the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission while undermining the legal immigration system,” said Cutler. “Facts are indeed, “stubborn things!” Being “Pro-Enforcement” is not “Anti-Immigrant.”  Indeed, advocates for immigration anarchy are actually taking an “Anti-Immigrant” position by obfuscating the line that separates lawful immigrants from illegal aliens.  To provide a bit of clarity, while we are indeed a “Nation of immigrants” America is not a nation of trespassers.  The difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a house guest and a burglar.

“Americans must be willing to stand their ground and not be intimidated by the false accusations- far too much hangs in the balance!  We must speak out against mayors and governors who create “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States.”

“Why do our own elected officials who swore on a Bible to defend our country and its laws, instead, help criminals break our laws and enjoy immunity from our laws,” I asked.

“Many people have come to complain that we have become too “Politically Correct” to speak the truth about important issues,” said Cutler.  “My view is that the artful use of language that has been described as examples of political correctness are in fact, examples of Orwellian “Newspeak.”  Having invoked George Orwell, it is appropriate to consider a couple of his brilliant quotes:  “Political language—and with variations this is true of all political parties, from conservatives to anarchists—is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.  In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is an revolutionary act.”

“I addressed the ways that control of language leads to thought control and ultimately a loss of our freedoms in my article for The Social Contract:  “Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Language Censorship

Cutler continued, “The findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission must be the starting point for any discussion about immigration legislation.  That commission determined that a lack of border security, including the visa process, and fraud in the immigration benefits program, enabled terrorists to enter and embed themselves in the United States, as they went about their deadly preparations.”

Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!  Simply stated, the immigration laws were enacted to save lives and protect the jobs of American workers.  In point of fact, our borders and our immigration laws are America’s first line of defense and last line of defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals.

“It is not “Anti-Immigrant” to be “Pro-American,” said Cutler. “It is also not “Anti-Immigrant” to be pro-immigration law enforcement!”

Our armed forces are charged with securing America’s borders externally while the DHS is supposed to secure those same borders from within.  The failures of the DHS to live up to its half of the equation are undermining the efforts, valor and incredible sacrifices of Americas men and women who serve in our military!

“If our government’s failure to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you,” Cutler said. “I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation! All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!”

I’ve known Michael Cutler for 20 years.  He shoots straight.  He tells it like it is!  We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.  What are you doing to make a difference? What actions are you taking?  Are you calling up your two senators?  Are you in contact with your House member?  Do you want to see your own children inherit another 100 million immigrants within 29 years?   Can you share these three videos with everyone in your network?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Curious Feelings About Losing America’s Sovereignty

By Frosty Wooldridge

America’s new president vowed to open the borders, tear down the existing wall, no deportations for violating our laws, and promises to give amnesty for 25 million people who arrived illegally and without invitation. Along with their children!

Without sovereign borders, America is no longer a country. It’s a destination for the world’s refugees.  Note this harsh reality: 100, 200, 300 million refugees would immigrate to America tomorrow if they could. If we continue to be a destination for the world’s refugees—within 20 to 30 years, Americans will become refugees in their own country. That mathematical fact awaits us.

Ironically, during Biden’s 47 years in Congress, he never worked to enforce our immigration laws, nor did he secure our borders.   In fact, along with the majority of his Congressional colleagues on both sides of the aisle, Biden helped the invasion of America by never pushing for E-Verify, enforcing existing laws or dissuading any kind of immigration.  In other words, he spent five decades in Congress giving speeches, but nothing more significant.

Facebook comments rage across the page over our elected officials NOT doing their jobs.

On the one hand, religious people think we need to save the world’s poor.  But they never understand that the world’s poor grow by 83 million, new babies, net gain annually. In reality, there’s no way to save all of them without destroying ourselves.

My friend James Meeley said, “People like Rob and Jeffery will always call those who know the realities “heartless,” while they themselves sacrifice nothing for these “poor souls” they say we care nothing for. They also don’t care how their “bleeding hearts” makes chumps of every person who followed the rules to be an American citizen.

“It’s really easy to sit back and tell people what to do, as they most likely will never have to live with the repercussions of what they ask of the nation, while they spout their bilge about “America’s past and being a land of immigrants.”

“Just like the rest of the elites, who have their gated communities and private security, things most average citizens don’t have, the costs won’t fall on them. They have no answers for what to do with these people who don’t speak the language, don’t know the laws or customs, don’t share the culture, or feel they don’t have any need to give up anything to come here, save their poverty.

“No solutions for how the poorest of the legal citizens here will be hit by such influxes of people, with little or no education or skills for living in such a tech driven world as our has become. No answers for the burdens it will put on our welfare system for the poor already here, which is already stretched to the maximum.

“If you just want our prosperity, without assimilating to what America is, then you shouldn’t come here. Period. Don’t come because your homeland’s government is corrupt. Or you are poor. Or because you think you’ll get a free ride here. Come only if you want to become an American. Totally. Completely.

“And if that isn’t what you want; if you just want better prosperity while you live your life by the customs of your homeland’s culture, then stay where you are and fix your shit hole country. That might mean a civil war. It might mean you’ll die and never get the benefits you are fighting for. But then, such has happened here, as well, with many of our ancestors who had to do the same.

“America doesn’t owe people in foreign lands a “better life” by their ways. That’s up to them to make it where they are. And if they don’t want to do what might be necessary to get it, then it doesn’t really matter that much to them, does it? But wanting that “the easy way,” by breaking our laws, our border, and our system, is not something I’ll ever abide.

“And if guys like Rob and Jeffery don’t like it, the exit door is to your left. Burn your citizenship before you go. Plenty of people who will come here LEGALLY will gladly take your place. You won’t be missed. Being an American citizen isn’t a “right.” It isn’t “owed” to anyone. It’s a privilege. And people better start looking at it that way. Especially those who would just give it to any Juan, Diego, and Hernando. It isn’t some “Crackerjacks” prize, nor should it ever be treated as one!”

And so, the debate rages.  For my own two-cents worth, can we continue as the world’s savior by importing endless masses of refugees? Can we sustain the projected 100 million more of them within 29 years?  Do you honestly want this kind of a future for your children?

If you’ll look at these three very important videos, you will see exactly what I mean.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

If I Became President of the United States: Here’s What I Would Do

By Frosty Wooldridge

Our country stands on the edge of a cliff racially, economically, environmentally, sociologically, culturally and linguistically.  We also face, along with the rest of the world, the greatest threat to our existence as to “catastrophic climate destabilization.”

With all of our horrific problems breathing down our throats, it’s time for our U.S. Congressional critters to put away their childish, immature and openly useless liberal or conservative badges—and work toward the common good of all Americans.  If we’re going to pull our rear-ends out of the mess that we’ve created over the past 50 years, we better get cracking.

First, I would create an annual “Solve America’s Problems” conference of all the finest minds in academics, corporations, environmental experts, climate change specialists, language, cultural, jobs, infrastructure specialists, species extinction experts, economists and dozens of other areas that need ideas—and charge them with solutions to every category that needs be solved.  I would want solutions, not bickering.  I would promote working together rather than competing. I would work those solutions into the national fabric.

Second, I would pull all our troops out of the middle east.  I wouldn’t waste another young man’s or woman’s life in those senseless wars. Aren’t the 114,000 military suicides along with 8,500 combat deaths in the past 20 years reason enough to stop the insanity of Iraq and Afghanistan?  I would decommission 700 military bases in over 80 countries around the world to take our noses out of everyone else’s business.  I would maintain bases that need to protect NATO and other important areas.

Third, I would engage the finest educators’ minds in solutions to our inner cities, rampant poverty, endless pregnancies, life-long welfare recipients, redundant job creation such as vocational technical schools, textiles, manufacturing, transportation and all aspects of American society.  We need to harness minorities with some kind of educational mandates, separate gender schools, orphanages and disciplined educational systems where every student receives and cares about his or her education that will propel them into a reasonable job with livable salaries. I would place a high priority on birth control education in order to stop 7 out of 10 minority children being fatherless.

Fourth, we need to reduce the Defense Department costs from $750 billion annually to $500 billion annually.  We may enjoy the most powerful military in the world, but we’re rotting inside our own country. Let’s spend that $250 billion on our people, their jobs, new schools, new recreation centers and viable options for all American youth.

Fifth, we need to call for a total halt on all legal and illegal immigration into the United States for 20 years.  We need to enforce our laws on the books, U.S. Code 8 , Section 1324, E-Verify and more laws already on the books that stop illegal employers from raping our system with billions in illegal labor that benefits them, but penalizes all American taxpayers.  We need to make it more consequential to break our employment laws.

Sixth, we cannot continue adding to our $27 trillion national debt.  We need to use all the solutions gained from the annual conference to stop growing it, and start reducing it.  We also need to start “workfare” for all “welfare” recipients.  It’s ridiculous to give away EBT cards and government checks with no accountability.  It creates an entire class of indigents and wasted lives.

Seventh, we may never solve our racial fracturing because we haven’t in the 232 years.  We’ve tried everything from the Great Society, WIC, ADC, Affirmative Action to endless attempts to dissolve racial fragmentation in our country.  However, Black and White racism needs to evolve into “respect for one another.”  Whether ‘racism’ is tribal, biological or cultural—we need to find a path forward in peace and respect.  Races historically don’t like each other or spend time with one another. Nonetheless, just like in the NFL, we must play together if our country hopes to survive.  So, at work, sports or in civil society, we need to gravitate toward respect.

Seventh, that “Solve America’s Problems” conference needs to engage solutions as to our greatest crisis in the 21st century: Catastrophic Climate Destabilization.  Some deny it, some don’t care…but it’s coming on faster than anyone understands.  We need to move toward alternative sunlight energy, wave energy, hydro energy, wind energy, thermal energy and personal energy.  If we don’t and the rest of the world doesn’t, all of us face a drastically cruel future.

Eighth, each year, we add 3.1 million people, net gain, virtually by mass immigration in all its forms, on our way to adding 100 million people to our country by 2050.  Those huge numbers cannot be sustained.  It’s called “exponential growth” and it always leads to collapse.  That’s where our entire civilization is headed within 30 years.   Every added person causes more carbon exhaust, more water footprint, more damage to our environment, more damage to our quality of life, more fragmenting of our society, and it solves nothing in an overpopulated world.  It makes everything worse for us.  We need to engage an “American Population Stabilization Policy…American Carrying Capacity Policy…American Quality of Life Policy…American Sustainable Civilization Policy.”  If we fail in this endeavor, we face unrelenting consequences across the board.  If you don’t believe me, just look at Africa, India and China…and/or Mexico.

Ninth, we need to decommission Monsanto, Bayer, Dow Chemical and any other companies that create, produce and distribute all the 84,000 chemicals now poisoning our world.  What they are doing is saturating our world with deadly chemicals.  They are poisoning our water, air and land, along with all the oceans 24/7.  They must be stopped.

Tenth,  we need to de-license all GMO crop companies.  We must return to organic farming with wholesome, organic and non-poisonous foods.

Eleventh,  we need to license fast food joints to serve healthy, wholesome breakfasts, lunches and dinner. Mandatory ratings as to nutritional excellence vs junk food crap.  Additionally, we need to reeducate 66 percent of obese Americans into healthy lifestyles of nutritious foods, snacks and exercise.

Twelfth, we need stop allowing Big Parma companies from producing endless drugs that kill and cripple patients.  Instead of Chemo destroying a person’s entire body and mind, let’s establish clean water, foods and healthy living that doesn’t result in cancer, diabetes or heart attacks.

Thirteenth, I would be open to state-by-state conferences on how to make each one of our 50 states more livable, more educated, solid jobs, more healthy, more loyal to our flag, our pledge of allegiance and taking pride in being an American.

Fourteenth, we desperately need a 50 cent deposit-return law on every piece of plastic, metal and glass sold from every store in the country. We must engage a 100 percent incentive-driven recycling program for tires, cars, metals, toys, and every kind of debris manufactured in the past or present.

Have you got any ideas that could be engaged? Send them my way.

Thank you, and God Bless America.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Blacks Are Superior to Whites: Said Head of Biden’s Civil Rights Division—Kristen Clarke

By Frosty Wooldridge

Joe “Post Turtle” Biden named African-American Kristen Clarke to head the Civil Rights Division of the United States once he becomes president.  She said in an interview that her job was simple: “End hate!”

There’s only one problem: she’s an out and out purveyor of racism.

While at Harvard as the president of the Black Students Association, she explained her views on ‘race science’: “Please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites,” Clarke wrote. “One: Dr Richard King reveals that the core of the human brain is the ‘locus coeruleus,’ which is a structure that is Black, because it contains large amounts of neuro-melanin, which is essential for its operation.

“Two: Black infants sit, crawl and walk sooner than whites. Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin — that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

“Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcified or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent [sic] and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.

“Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”

If what Clarke touted were so, Africa would be the Roman Empire of the 21st century as to intellect, spiritual dominance and physical prowess in all sports.  However, Africa remains a continent of human misery, starvation, conflict between tribes, diseases like AIDS rampaging everywhere and illiteracy as the dominant factor for its failures on the human stage. In reality, Africa is an evolutionary disaster.

In totality of such an outlandish and totally bizarre statement, Clarke’s  nomination should be investigated by the Civil Rights Division for its sheer racist stupidity, lack of mental acuity and dumber than a box of turtles  perched on a line of posts.

If any White person said anything even close to as ‘racist’ as Clarke’s contention of Black superiority, especially intellectual superiority, all hell would break loose with David Muir, Lester Holt, Anderson Cooper, Norah O’Donnell, Scott Pelley, Forrest Whitaker, Robert Siegel, Terry Gross, and Savannah Guthrie throwing conniption fits for weeks on end.

CNN Black host Don Lemon made the most egregious racist statement on national TV…and got away with such racist rhetoric, “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.”

If any White broadcaster had made such a statement about Black Americans, his or her head would be on a platter within minutes after saying such a racist comment.

In his novel, 1984 by George Orwell, he talked about “Newspeak” or the ability of the media, in the hands of the intellectual elites, could change perception, and, in time, reality.

What is the best theme for 1984?

Six Themes of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ that We Need to be Mindful of

  • Totalitarianism: Total Control, Pure Power. …
  • Propaganda Machines. …
  • The Thing Called Love. …
  • Liberty and Censorship. …
  • Language: Doublethink and Newspeak. …
  • Technology: All-seeing Telescreens and a Watchful Eye.

While the media may portray different minorities in a positive light as to financial success, social status and gleaming integration—reality shines a stark spotlight on what’s really happening.  Blacks constitute nearly ½ of the 2.3 million prisoners in American jails.

The ACLU reports:

“One out of every three Black boys born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino boys—compared to one of every 17 white boys.”

As to killings, Detroit, Michigan, dominated by 70 percent Blacks was once known as the “Murder Capitol of America” in the 1980’s & 90’s. That dropped because 1.2  million Whites fled the city. It dropped from 1.85 million to today’s population at 648,000, mostly minorities.  The new murder capitol cities: south side Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis where Blacks remain the majority.

As to academic achievement, Blacks disappoint Kristen Clarke’s contention of intellectual superiority.  In Detroit, before it fell, Blacks flunked out of high school at 78 percent flunk-out or dropout rates as reported by the late anchor Brian Williams. Much the same occurs in Chicago, NYC, Miami and LA.

As to spiritual superiority, 7 out of 10 Black babies arrive without fathers and their single mothers subsist on welfare.

As to Black athletic prowess, Clarke proves herself correct: Muhammed Ali and George Foreman could knock anyone’s brains out.  NFL football players smash each other to smithereens.  And it’s a fact: White boys can’t jump as high as Black players.  (Well, except Larry Bird.)

Finally, Black Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world because they live in America. They also enjoy the most millionaires and billionaires in the world. Most Black Americans enjoy being Americans and all the freedoms that entails.  For the George Floyd’s  and Don Lemon’s of America, “Systemic Victimhood” and/or “Black Privilege” may be the antecedent to “Systemic Racism.”

If President “Post Turtle” Biden’s pick for stopping the hate in this country stands as an example of his wisdom, intellect and political experience, somebody needs to gently pluck him off that fence post and escort him to an assisted living community.

For 2021, buckle your seat belts fellow Americans. It’s going to be a hellishly bumpy ride.  The asylum caravans reported in excess of 10,000, are already making their way to our southern border.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

To All The Frustrated Step-Fathers In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

As a stepfather, I know and understand the trials and tribulations of stepping into an “already created” family by another man. It’s a landmine waiting to be stepped-on by unsuspecting single males.

(Frosty Wooldridge standing in front of a mural in Virginia on his

Coast to coast bicycle adventure.)

As a single male with no children, I stepped into my wife’s family with two boys ages 8 and 11.

You cannot imagine the kinds of challenges that await you as a stepfather. You’ve got to contend with their biological father, good or bad, along with his emotional makeup in the mix. You’ve got to contend with emotions of your new girlfriend as to her relationship with her ex-husband…the father of her children. You also must contend with the fact that they want to be with their father and not so much with you. You must also deal with their young emotions that have been torn to pieces by the divorce.

The one nasty aspect about divorce on children: it breaks up the structure and “security of constancy” in their lives. It leaves them unsure, afraid and insecure. Oftentimes, in acrimonious divorces, the parents pit the children against the other parent. Sometimes, violence dominates, and the children cower in the corners of the house. They also cower in the corners of their minds. They never forget the yelling, screaming, fights and tension.

If alcohol or drugs enter the mix, it’s anybody’s guess as to a very unpleasant ending.  The children pay an even greater trauma for the rest of their lives.

When the biological father of my two stepsons met a new girlfriend, my stepsons wanted me to date her and him to get back with their mother. Also, I carried a ‘high energy’ and optimistic, action personality whereas their father read books, was very quiet man and watched TV. Thus, they contended with a calm biological father as opposed to a mountain climbing, backpacking and wilderness man.

Two decades later, I am thankful to have endured my stepsons’ teens, twenties and thirties. Both are fine men productively living their lives. I am thankful because if those kids had gotten into drugs and alcohol, or crime—I would have had to deal with their mother bailing them out of jail or dealing with their drug addictions.

At the same time, I’ve got a friend who stepped into an “instant” family 20 years ago, and his situation didn’t turn out so well. He poured his guts out to me after a game of tennis last autumn.

“Hey, Frosty, how’d you get through your step kids’ lives in one piece?” he asked.

“In many ways,” I said. “I was just lucky. Both my stepsons are doing  fine.”

“Yeah, well, mine aren’t,” he said.

From there, he launched into a story of one of his step-boys took a hammer to the walls of the house and busted up the drywall. No reason other than emotional turmoil. That same son several years later wanted to kill himself. He screwed off through high school.

“Boy, with that one,” my friend said. “I had to worry about the kid and his mother. She was at her wits end. She breaks down crying all the time.”

In the end, women want a happy family and happy kids, but that doesn’t always happen. Once a family breaks up, the kids ‘break up’ themselves into different emotional compartments. Some become sullen and defeated. Others grin and bear it.

My friend’s greatest frustration as his stepsons grew older: they ignored him. He invited them to go skiing, mountain climbing, rafting and bicycling. They would have nothing to do with him. He had given ten years of his life to show them the best of living, but they simply ignored him until he finally gave up trying. To this day, he regrets having put so much of himself into those kids to receive so little to nothing in return.

To all the stepfathers out there: each of you faces emotional challenges of keeping a balance with your wife or girlfriend with her kids. I’m not sure there are any books to give you suggestions. Additionally, blended families present the greatest challenge on the planet.  Most fail miserably.  Too many variables with too many emotions!  I might write book on this topic.

For those of you who suffer with lazy, criminal, drunk or other negative types of stepsons, you must support your wife’s emotions. Also, do what you can to help them. But at some point, you may want to let go and let them figure out their own lives.

Sometimes, when a child chooses a self-destructive path such as alcohol, massive tattoos all over their bodies, piercing with metal adornments, addictive drugs and low-grade friends—you might want to detach yourself to save your own emotions.

For those men with step-girls for the challenge-package, you have a whole new ball of wax with encounters of parenting. You’ve got to deal with their insecurities, their being really attractive or their being unattractive as to their own self-concepts…and to their situations with boys. You’ve got to deal with their bursting hormones, their relationships, cliques, and a host of other challenges. Good luck with that because it gets really complicated!

Biggest goal for you: keep your body, mind and spirit balanced. If those step-kids don’t want much to do with you, okay, just let them go about their business. Avoid saying anything negative about your stepsons because it will get back to their mother. That will cause negative vibrations. Also, never say anything negative about their biological father. That will come down on your head, big time. Why? Because your stepsons will always side with their biological father.

As long as you keep a positive attitude, they will ‘tolerate’ you during Christmas gatherings before they go off to their biological father’s house and his family.

For you stepfathers who enjoy great relationships with your stepchildren, call yourself lucky. For those of you finding it very challenging, please realize that you cannot ‘change’ your step-kids into liking you. You can’t buy them or bribe them. They may not want to spend time with you. If that’s so, simply do the best you can with them. Remember that you are not in charge of their lives once they step into adulthood. At the same time, you are in charge of how you respond to them and to life.

As I write this heartfelt essay, I am thankful that my stepsons are fine young men. Yes, they possess their own problems as to work, relationships, friends and other life challenges. And, that’s just life playing out in their lives.

In the end, you are in charge of your emotions. Do everything you can to support your life-mate. Honesty, calmness, steady-keel, integrity and loving support will go a long way into enjoying a long-term relationship with your step-children.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Biden As the Post Turtle President of America

By Frosty Wooldridge

Half the people in America scratch their heads in wonderment concerning the Biden Administration.  How did Joe Biden, after 47 years of accomplishing about as much as a chicken scratching in the dirt for worms, ascend to the presidency of the United States?

It brings to mind the story of the “Post Turtle.”  An old Virginia farmer sat in his doctor’s office when the doc asked him his opinion about Joe Biden and his role as our new president.

The farmer said, “Well, ya know, Biden is a ‘Post Turtle.’”

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, “What is a ‘post turtle’?”

The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.”

The doc looked puzzled, so the farmer explained, “Well, you know he didn’t get up there by himself. He doesn’t belong up there. He doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there.  He‘s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there in the first place.”

That my friends, is President Post Turtle Biden.

(This, my friend, is a picture of a Post Turtle.)

As Joe Biden’s senility and onset dementia progress, along with his physical exhaustion and mental confusion—his cabinet will cover for him. No one will expose him, but he will slowly expose himself with each interview in the ensuing months ahead.

Don’t you find it extremely odd that Biden holed-up in his basement for most of his campaign?  Wasn’t it curious that his rallies featured 20 to 50 people?  In several of the rallies this journalist witnessed, the camera crews numbered greater than the audience.

On one particular interview that I watched, he fell asleep.  On The View TV show, he rambled on incoherently, so much so, two of the women turned their eyes and were aghast at his non-sensical babblings.

As I watched the democratic debates leading up to the elections, Tulsi Gabbard, Marianne Williamson, even the gay mayor from Ohio made more sense, spoke more intelligently and appeared more in touch with reality.

As has been his claim for 47 years, Biden repeated his usual four decades of ‘turtling around’ in Congress as his foundation for his credentials to solve America’s problems.

Somehow, somewhere, someone started pulling the levers of power to persuade democrats to vote Joe Biden into the front runner position.

He told the world that every person who was Black must vote for him, or they weren’t Black.  He called Trump a racist, sexist and several other names.

At the same time, Biden’s history showed a man who played four years of varsity sports in high school but avoided the draft with a claim of ‘asthma’.  He lied about having earned three degrees from three different colleges.  He got caught plagiarizing other writers.  He became a blow-hard in Congress who did little during his tenure.  At the same time, in the 1980’s, he didn’t support bussing his kids into the inner city because he didn’t want them to be bussed to “the jungle” meaning those schools were loaded with Blacks.  He supported the KKK clan member U.S. Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.  He avoided a rape accusation, but is still being accused by one of his congressional aides, Tara Reade.

Finally, his most egregious criminal act which will be buried: he used his vice-presidential status to secure a job for his son Hunter Biden in a Ukrainian oil company for $50,000.00 a month.  His son wouldn’t know an oil well from an erector set.

What’s so amazing about all of these documented facts?  Answer: Biden just got elected to the highest office in the land.

Does that mean the majority of the American people voted for a man who will soon be ushered into an Assisted Living Home?

In the coming  months, we may expect some of the most bizarre statements from Biden.  When his speaking becomes too erratic and non-sensible, his handlers will shield him from press conferences, keep him out of the public, and eventually all of them will have to yield to the 25th Amendment and declare him unfit.

But wasn’t that the plan all along?  Someone chose Kamala Harris to be president of the United States.

Right now, in 2021, we accelerate into being a confused nation.  We’ve got 45 million foreign born. We’ve got 25 million illegal border jumpers. Spanish is taking over in the four border states.  We groan under a $26 trillion debt. We allowed 114,000 military veteran suicides in the past 20 years while paying $6 trillion for two useless and insane wars with the Islamic world 10,000 miles away.   We’ve got ½ of our citizens opposed to the other ½ of our citizens.  We’ve got BLM, Antifa, NBA and the NFL standing against our national flag and way of life.  We’re watching our culture, flag and language being shredded into being guilty for being the most successful civilization on Earth.

In 2020, we imported over 1.5 million more third world immigrants on our way to 100 million more of them within 29 years.

How do you think that will work out?  Is it possible that the BLM and/or Antifa will create a ‘better’ America?  Do you think our “post turtle” president will solve all our problems?

For 2021, buckle your seat belts fellow Americans. It’s going to be a hell of a bumpy ride.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America’s Difficult Path Into 2021

By Frosty Wooldridge

As of last night’s results in Georgia, the democratic party will now be able to run roughshod over the other half of our country’s citizens.  It’s a clean sweep of power, money and influence.  The mainstream media made it possible along with the CIA, FBI and corruption of the Deep State that pulls all the levers of power.

At the surface, we see cheering by half the country that doesn’t understand what open borders will mean.  That cheering half of Americans can’t or won’t see the undertow ripping at the foundation of our Constitutional Republic.

As promised, Mr. Biden will create a free-for-all at America’s southern border.  Hundreds of thousands and into the millions of desperate Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans and Asians see a new opportunity to migrate.

But first, let’s look at the success of California’s massive illegal and legal immigrant load.  Its schools now teach in Spanish in the predominantly Latino classrooms.  It’s schools supply gratuitous breakfasts and lunches for something over 1.0 million poverty-stricken students from all over the globe.  Gangs distribute endless drugs to every student ready to get hooked on heroin, fentanyl, smack, cocaine, ecstasy and/or any number of drugs made available.

Additionally, a recent report by Pedro Gonzalez, writer for American Greatness, said, “All politics have consequences. But few political issues are as consequential as immigration because it alone raises that all-important question: “Who are we?” Immigration policy determines whether America exists as a coherent political unit, a home to a people sharing an identity and national destiny, or as “only a geographical expression.”

In other words, once you import multiple languages, cultures and incompatible ethos’, your country becomes an identity-less geographical polyglot.  No identity, no language, no commonality equals no country. 

In 2021, mass immigration isn’t about saving anyone. It’s about power and profit.  Now that Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi hold the reins of power, absolutely, they can import more constituents who will vote them into absolute power.

But the undercurrent today shows extreme consequences on multiple levels in California.  That state features somewhere around 4.0 million illegal aliens.  It’s broke. It’s got 70,000 American homeless living in tents in the streets.  It’s got the largest underground economy in the world with illegals working off the books, not paying taxes, yet using all the welfare, medication, educational and housing benefits meant for American citizens.

Last year, Oakland’s Center for Community Development reported that 52 percent or, a whopping 1.6 million Mexican households in California struggled to afford food, housing and utilities.  California features the highest child poverty rate in the USA.  Of the most poverty-stricken households in that state, a mind-numbing 71 percent are Hispanics.  Worse, Mexicans drop out of school to form the largest illiteracy enclave in America. That’s what they did in Mexico, and are simply repeating that cultural propensity in America.  Very few attend or complete college.

In other words, the more of the third world we import into America, the sooner we create those same conditions in our country.  I’ve asked this question many times: what is the most important aspect of failed countries or cultures or states?  Answer: mass illiteracy.

While you’ll hear from Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Biden, Harris and other democratic elites the wonders and benefits to immigration, none of them ever walks into the trenches of reality.

When you peel away the veneer of Biden, it’s all about numbers, power and profit.

If you look back in history, characters like Machiavelli stated the obvious: People lie.  Biden, Schumer and Pelosi lie with ease, grace and a smile.  In the end, they enjoy self-deception that creates a fractured and fragmented America.

Do you as an American citizen think we can survive another 10 or 20 or 50 different languages being used by millions of immigrants in our country?  Can we survive middle eastern cultures, religions and their languages?  Any chance we will be able to add another 10 to 20 million immigrants onto our food stamp and educational rolls?  How will we make their underground economy sustain our already $26 trillion in national debt?

Finally, what happens when our “Black Lives Matter…Antifa…Boogaloo” gangs turn into “Mexican Lives Matter…Arab Lives Matter…Chinese Lives Matter…Iraqi Lives Matter…Pakistani Lives Matter…Indian Lives Matter…Muslim Lives Matter…and another hundred other ethnic groups marching, burning, looting and raining mayhem down onto the streets of America?”  Forget about American lives mattering!

Are you ready for that eventuality?

If you want to see what Biden-Harris have in store for you, take 30 minutes to watch this video written and narrated by yours truly. It will graphically show you what’s coming at your children.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Problems Biden-Harris and Their Congress Won’t Solve In 2021

By Frosty Wooldridge

We elect our presidents and Congresses to fix, repair and solve our national problems.  As we enter 2021, however, we will discover that they won’t solve any of our major problems in the next 52 weeks.  Why is that?  Answer: they didn’t solve those problems in the past 52 weeks.

What problems need fixing, but won’t get fixed?

First off, we’ve been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years at $6 trillion in spending.  We’ve accomplished nothing to secure our freedoms or ensure our safety.  Both countries remain ‘goat herder’ third world nightmares with no foundation for any kind of civil or 21st century advanced societies.  Yet, the new president and Congress will continue spending something like $4 billion every 30 days to keep those ‘forever wars’…forever.  Note that since those two wars started in 2001, 114,000 active duty and retired military veterans committed suicide.  In other words, we killed more of our own BECAUSE we allowed those wars to cause insanity in our own troops, enough so, that those kids killed themselves.   But you never hear about such an insane number of suicides by the mainstream media.  But you can count on the Military Industrial Complex boys to talk Biden and Congress into continuing those wars.

Second, we’ve been battling to secure our borders for 30 years from the Mexican, Central America and Asian invasion…well, we citizens have asked, begged, protested and marched to secure our borders from an excess of 25 million migrants who have jumped them since 1990.  Have you seen one bill, one president or one Congress stop the onslaught of all those people?  E-Verify?  Enforce US Code 8, Section 1324? Actually guard the borders? Arrest illegal employers?  Nope!  Instead, you pay for their kids, education, housing, food, medical and babies.  Do those people in Congress take that money out of their $180,000.00 a year salaries?  Good luck with your guess.

In fact, Biden expects to grant amnesty to every illegal migrant, and in fact, all of DACA, and then, all of the migrants marching toward our southern border as you read this column.  Instead of solving the problem, Biden promises to enlarge it, expand it and encourage it. Expect more drugs, anchor babies and criminal syndicates to rampage throughout America’s cities and our kids.

Third, since Reagan with his Trickle-Down Economics in the 1980’s, our national debt jumped from $3 trillion to $26 trillion in 2021.  Do you see one single Congressional Critter attempting to pay it down, stop it from growing or solving it for the American taxpayers?  As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and supposed you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

Fourth,  have you traveled to Seattle, Washington with 6,000 people living in tents in the city streets and under bridges?  How about the 11,000 homeless in tents in San Francisco?  What about the 62,000 subsisting in tents Los Angeles?  They leave needles, human waste and trash all over the streets.  Repeat that in Chicago, Miami, Houston, Denver, New York City, etc., with no solution in sight.

On Saturday, January 2, 2021, my wife and I traveled to downtown Denver to see no less than a small portion of the estimated 10,000 homeless slumming it in tarp tents, nylon tents, rags, grocery carts full of junk, debris for blocks on end, needles, human waste, stench of filth, drug-addicted kids lying on the cement, cardboard mattresses and worse…yet the Denver City Council actually won’t do anything to clean up those slums.  I took 50 pictures of what we witnessed. Just sickening beyond comprehension. I did the same in LA on my West Coast bike trip in 2018. You can’t quite get your mind around 62,000 homeless living in the streets…with no solutions by the elected elite like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and/or Gavin Newsome.  They let those conditions continue as they toast their friends at parties in Washington DC.

(City of Denver with 10,000 homeless living in tents. Hundreds of trashed tarp tents and junk line the streets of Denver, Colorado, January 2, 2021) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Fifth, we’ve got a dramatic and nasty racial crisis in America. We’ve got angry Black people burning, looting, rioting and creating mayhem in our streets.  Instead of solving the problems of Blacks, it’s all festering, smoldering, and growing like a boiling caldron with the wood being thrown into the fire.   We tried to solve it with the Great Society, with WIC and ADC and Affirmative Action…along with BET, Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, American Negro College Fund and dozens of other remedies. Result?  Ain’t working folks!

We’ve got 7 out of 10 Black babies born out of wedlock.  We’ve got over 1.0 million Blacks in prisons.  We’ve got massive Black illiteracy in Chicago, NYC, Miami, LA and elsewhere…with no solutions.  Even the Black Caucus can’t solve it or dozens of Blacks in public offices.  If you take a stroll down the streets of Southside Chicago, you’ve got a pretty good chance of being shot by a stray bullet.

Sixth, while we spend $750 billion annually on wars 10,000 miles away, our infrastructure rots, decays and crumbles.  Around 700 water mains break 24/7 in the USA.  “It is estimated that an average of 700 water mains will break in cities and towns across North America in an average day. Corrosion and rot are the main causes of infrastructure breakdowns.”  (Source:

(Over 62,000 homeless Americans live like this in Los Angeles. Filth, trash, tents, human waste, stench, drugs, alcohol, human misery)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Instead of money and jobs to fix them, we fight useless, aimless, inane and insane wars that cost us 114,000 American soldier suicides in the past 20 years.  Something must be seriously wrong with your presidents and Congresses to continue such insane wars. (Source: ,  Veteran suicide will account for more than $221 billion in public costs. Since 2001, more than 114,000 veterans have died by suicide.)

Seventh, while we now have in excess of 12 million unemployed, our Congress imports 120,000 legal immigrants every 30 days.  That’s legal and illegal and they add up to over 1.5 million annually.  Please help me understand the ‘logic’ , ‘reasoning’, ‘rational’ for such stupidity, moronic choices and sheer lunacy of Congress to do that to us.

Why would they do that when our cities suffer insufferable vehicle congestion, their skies polluted with horrific toxic air pollution and everyone faced with being compacted like human sardines in a sardine tin?

Eighth, we’ve suffered massive loss of small businesses from the Covid pandemic, but Congress floods us with 1.5 million immigrants that have to be fed, watered, housed, educated, and medicated while we, the American taxpayers are getting our asses kicked through a financial brick wall.  What are those “idiots” as Mark Twain would say, doing in Washington DC?

Nineth, this report only scratches the surface of our problems. We’re enduring a political, economic, racial, environmental and sociological riptide the likes that have never been experienced before in history.

Wouldn’t it make sense to create a national conference of the finest economic, community, racial, environmental, climate, engineers, immigration, and population experts in this country to come up with solutions?  Why haven’t those people in Washington DC tried such an option?  We need plans, solutions and actions.  Not more horsefeathers!

As we slog our way into 2021, it’s more than frightening that our own elected representatives make our situation worse, not better.  By the end of another 365 days, it will be worse, not better.  Oh, before 2021 is over probably within six months, President Biden will be assigned to an assisted living resort while President Harris takes over and leads us down the same insane path as her predecessors.

As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and supposed you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The End of a Very Nasty, Desperate, Angry Year

By Frosty Wooldridge

The year 2020, just about done and gone, doesn’t excite anyone for the birth of 2021.  We’ve really got multiple messes in our country.  Worse than that, I’m not sure there’s anyone who can repair our problems.

There might be some kind of salvation in the newly released vaccines being distributed to cure Covid, but how do we cure the anger of our youth toward their own country?  How do you change a teenager from stomping on Old Glory?  How do we assuage Black Lives Matter as they march, burn, riot and loot at the drop of a hat?  What do we do to cure our young Antifa anarchists?  How do we cure a $26 trillion national debt?  How do we solve joblessness, hunger, illiteracy in our inner cities, and over 100,000 homeless Americans living in tents in the streets of major cities like LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Denver, Miami and New York City?

If Trump couldn’t solve them, how will a man suffering from senility and dementia solve them?

How do we stop those two “forever wars” when the Military Industrial Complex perpetrates them by bribing or cajoling 535 Congressional Critters to keep funding the mayhem in Afghanistan and Iraq?  Do any of us taxpayers possess a prayer to stop those useless, meaningless and pointless wars?

What about our political divide?  How do the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump all of a sudden support Biden who has insulted half the country with his vitriolic statements?  What happens when half our elected officials despise the other half—and then work against each other?  They get paid enormous salaries, yet get nothing done to solve any of our problems.

Have you noticed that such national leaders as Pelosi, Schumer, Rubio, McConnell, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson, AOC, Somalian Omar, Palestinian Rashida Tlaib and all the rest have not  solved anything in the last two to 40 years they’ve served in Congress?

Do you realize that they will NOT solve all our problems because none of them  works to  solve those problems?  They kick the can down the road, attend gala parties and pretend they lead us toward a better day.  Does that about sum it up?

Why haven’t we, the American people, demanded “Term Limits” of a maximum of 10 years for any elected official?   And, why, for the love of common sense, do voters in those districts re-elect such corruption and criminal activity for up to four decades?  Don’t we understand that the good old boy network manages its criminal activities because we keep voting them back into office?  They party and we pay.

Did anyone who voted for a 47-year career, corrupt, and criminal U.S. Senator who has accomplished absolutely nothing in his ‘forever’ career, think his senility and dementia will improve rather than degrade?

Was that the plan all along?  Didn’t anyone understand that Biden at 78 years of age wouldn’t last six months in that exhaustive job in the White House, and that Harris, the second “Post American President” would take over?  If he doesn’t drop from a heart attack or cancer, he most definitely won’t be able to speak a clear sentence as his age suffers overwhelming stress by an overwhelming job.

Did anyone on the left understand they were electing a living anachronism?  His brain suffers such fog that he doesn’t possess a clue as to what’s happening in average America.

If Trump had been re-elected, the anarchists would have burned our cities.  Instead, Biden will watch them decay, degrade and disintegrate. Have you driven through south side Chicago, Baltimore, Miami, LA, Detroit and other cities where crime, slums, poverty and illiteracy dominate?   I drove through them in this past year. It’s pretty pathetic. It’s so bad, and the problems SO deep, they can’t be solved.

As a former teacher, I wonder how do inner-city teachers survive a week in the projects where guns, shootings, drugs, violence, gangs and poverty dominate?    How do you change that? If any of those leaders possessed the solutions, it would already be solved.  Instead, it’s worse.

In 2021, we might beat the Covid virus, but another one will generate out of the slums of Asia, and begin its scourge across the world.  We humans created “Monster Cities” where hope runs thin and despair runs thick, while reality runs over us like the Titanic.

What can you do?  Answer: just try to do your work.  Honor America because it’s the only country we’ve got.  Support your family.  Engage your community. Volunteer to help other Americans.  Take care of your kids. Give them love, security and hugs.

While the politicians around you continue to lie, cheat, steal and B.S. you about how they are going to improve your life, keep your own even-keel and move forward.  As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.” As true today as it was back in the 1800’s.

As for this American, I mourn the loss of our culture, our ethos, our language, our American way of life, our cohesiveness, and our cities.  And, as I have hammered for 30 years, I mourn the fact that we’ve allowed the entire world to invade our shores via legal immigration at a horrible cost to our national identity. We let our DC criminals do it to us, and they will keep doing it to us.

I am going to speak up, keep writing, and keep exposing what we face. My latest book will publish in February 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge.  It spells out what we face, how bad it’s going to get, and how to change course.  It should be read by every American and all 535 of those scoundrels in Washington DC.  We need to change course like the Titanic should have changed course.

Happy New Year and God bless America.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Follow Your Dreams No Matter What Your Age

By Frosty Wooldridge

At the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, you might consider your life on this planet as an “eternity” of 80 years, give or take.  You may choose any style, any path and any attitude.  You may live large, average or choose a “meek” existence.  It’s up to you.  It’s your choice.  It’s your individual “eternity.”  Once you draw your last breath on this planet, your “moment” is gone forever.

We humans enjoy and/or are cursed with the fact that we know our time on this planet will end.  Other creatures on this globe do not realize their lives carry a departure date.

Mountain man John Muir said it with style as to bears: “Bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink of the same waters.  A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun,  his dwellings are over-domed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with the heart-pulsings like ours, and was poured from the same First Fountain. And whether he at last goes to our stingy heaven or not, he has terrestrial immortality.  His life not long, not short, knows no beginning, no ending. To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

So, what do you choose to do in the last part of your eternity?  What actually enthralled you to the point of fervor, passion and joy during the early parts of your eternity?

Have you watched Paul McCartney?  He’s still playing his guitar and writing music at 75.  What about Mick Jagger?  He’s still dancing across the stage at 77.  What about Betty White at 95?  She’s still entertaining.  What about Danielle Steel?  She’s still writing brilliant novels.   What about President Jimmy Carter at 90? He’s hammering nails and building houses for Habitat for Humanity?  At 104, Olivia de Haviland still participated in the arts until her last breath in 2020.

So, if you’re over 60, 70 or 80, the window of creative opportunity narrows with each sunrise.  Unlike the bear, you know he’s coming…the Grim Reaper.  But, he’s not here yet! Big question:  what new ideas, paintings, events, contests or anything that excited you in your youth can still be realized today?

Like the bear who does not know about his final moment, you may pursue anything your heart desires, which in the end, pushes that “final moment” further into the future.  One of my dear friends, Lindy, watches her 95 year old father play  competitive tennis matches regularly.  My friend, Bob, at 77, swims a mile six days a week.  One friend, John, owns the strict-curl world record at 73 years of age.

I remember A.B. Facey, an Australian, at 88, wrote a book: My Fortunate Life.  No publisher would touch it.  He decided to self-publish his book. In reality, he was an ordinary man. Because it was a memoir of his life as a soldier in WWI to circus performer to cowboy to driller to boxer—his book became a best seller.  Audiences thrilled to his presentations. Colleges gave him honorary doctorates.  At 90, when his eternity ended, Australians celebrated him as one of their greatest heroes.

Another woman, Helen Santmyer, at 88, wrote a New York Times best seller: And Ladies of the Club.

J.K. Rowling, living on welfare, began writing her Harry Potter stories on napkins at a coffee shop in London.  Well, you know the rest of her story as one of the richest self-made millionaires in all of Great Britain.

So where does that leave you as we head into 2021?   Answer: endless possibilities to make a mark in this world.  You don’t need to become famous by volunteering at a childcare center or a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.  You may grab a paintbrush and dab a few colors onto a canvas.  You might take a pottery class that allows you endless creative pursuits. You might take up macramé, photography, jewelry making, guitar, piano, reading, storytelling, and dozens of other vibrant paths.

Or you can sit and wait!  Followed by most, but not recommended!

As for this writer, I suggest a book that I’ve read 23 times and expect to read another 23 times:  Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert.  Her book will fire your imagination, excite your creative mind and inspire you toward passionate living during your eternity.

Whatever you do, 2021 beckons renewal of your creative genius, your fountain of wisdom from your life well-lived.

Go climb a mountain! I will meet you at the top!

“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club” – Jack London

(Frosty Wooldridge, 74, skied to the top of Homestake Peak, 13,209 feet, Colorado, 40 knot winds and 20 below zero at the top, January 15, 2020. What does it feel like?  It feels as grand as summiting Mt. Everest where you can see for 100 miles in all directions.)

Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent bicycle traveler, adventure seeker, still riding through life with his pants on fire. Author of: Living Your Spectacular Life.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Merry Christmas in an Upside-Down World

By Frosty Wooldridge

Merry Christmas to you and yours during these waning days of 2020.  May the birth of Jesus soothe your soul and inspire the days ahead of you.  May your generous love for your family sustain them, bring joy and hope.

For this writer, this year has proven itself an “upside-down” event like nothing ever in my lifetime.  It’s been full of anguish, confusion and tragedy for 300,000 victims of this virus.  It’s brought our entire nation to the brink of despair.  My heart goes out to every person who has lost a loved one…a parent, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, niece, nephew.  It’s difficult to understand this “thing” that has happened to us in 2020.

If anything, I am grateful, thankful and appreciate the positive aspect of this year in America.  Such a dreadful event as we are facing has brought greater appreciation of our families, of our communities and of our good fortunes as Americans.

Perhaps the greatest gift for all of us remains a certain sense that we will work through this virus. We will struggle against great odds, yet remain determined to triumph.  That’s the message of Christ in that He struggled against great odds. He brought a message of hope.  He triumphed on the Cross.  He spoke to His Father and he connected that eternal God-energy to all of us.

In the scheme of things, we each face our own ‘battles’ in this life. We wage against evil in many forms.  Our greatest battle must be within ourselves.  Our fears, our doubts, our regrets and our misgivings.

During this special time of rebirth of a child in a manger, may we rebirth ourselves toward the light and toward a greater understanding of ourselves and life itself.   There’s this connectedness brought by Christ and imparted to all of us.

I’ve been told there are many paths up that mountain to gain an understanding of God.  Whatever path you take, keep at it, effort over time and perseverance over despair.  With such an attitude, your path becomes clearer the higher you travel up toward that summit.

May you share that path with loved ones. May they encourage you while you encourage them.  All in all, time and again, year after year, we each in our own way enjoy the blessings of life, the gift of life and the joy of life.

From my wife Sandi and I, we wish you every heartfelt Christmas gift. The gift of family, friends, children and hope for a better future.

Each night, Sandi and I enjoy dinner by candlelight.  We feel that the ‘flame’ from the candle kindles our hearts, inspires our spirits and creates light in the darkness.

Man loves company – even if it is only that of a small burning candle. Georg C. Lichtenberg

So, this Christmas, light a candle for your family. Say a kind word to a stranger. Pray for better days to come in 2021.  Give yourself and your family the gift of hope.  Take a walk in the wilderness. Laugh as your children unwrap their gifts.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Roosevelt

Merry Christmas from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, Colorado

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Christmas Magic: Moment Frozen in Time Where the Bolt Goes Into the Bottom of the World

By Frosty Wooldridge

This year, 2020, proved a rough one for every one of us. Over 300,000 Americans lost their lives to a “killing machine” virus.  Their loved ones grieved such heavy losses.  We’ve been house-bound like few times in history. On a somber note, historians will record humanity’s folly in the 21st century. Our onslaught with the Natural World, our wars and our foolishness as a cognitive species—will not be allowed much longer.

As a country, we faced horrific upheaval racially, sociologically and ethnically.  We’ve sown the seeds of our own demise since 1965.  We’ve carried on two empty and meaningless wars since 2001.  Those wars cost us thousands of young men and women in combat, but we suffered an astounding 114,000 suicides of active and retired military from the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. (Source:  And the thousands of wounded who survived walk around with plastic legs and arms! Then, what about the mentally wrecked with PTSD? Was it worth it?  What was the point?  Why are our three presidents and elected Congressional leaders so callous and oblivious to those kids’ suicides?  What was the point of wasting $6 trillion?

At some point, we must ask ourselves as a society if we want to continue such carnage of other countries and their lives? We’ve wrecked everything in the gunsights of our weapons all over Africa and the Middle East.  What have we solved?  Answer: absolutely nothing!

But this is Christmas, and I would like to share with you, if you haven’t already read this story from the South Pole, a tale of hope, of kindness and of beauty.  My wife Sandi and I wish you Merry Christmas, with love and warm wishes,  Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge.

Christmas Magic: A Moment Frozen in Time Where the Bolt Goes into the Bottom of the World….

In the morning, a whiteout howled across McMurdo Station, Antarctica with 100 mile per hour winds and minus 80-degree temperatures.  I had been confined to my barracks for two days as a ‘Condition One’ storm worked its way over the icepack before me.

By late evening, the weather turned placid but a biting minus 60-degree temperature kept most people inside.  I, however, bundled into my cold weather gear—insulated boots, heavy mittens, five Thermax layers, fleece, three hats, face protection, along with ski goggles—and headed out the door to ride my bicycle over the ice runway.

Yes, there were bicycles at the scientific station for me to ride.  There was a report of some emperor penguins on the ice.  I HAD to see them no matter what the cold.  I jumped on the bike looking like an over-stuffed bear with all my cold weather gear on.  My breath vaporized as I rode toward the ice-covered ocean.  My lungs burned with each inhalation of polar cold.  About a mile around the cove, the setting sun glinted off the roof of Robert Falcon Scott’s Discovery Hut.  He had died 80 years ago on his last attempt to reach the South Pole.  The Hut had stood on the point of McMurdo Sound since 1902.  It gave mute testimony to the courage those men displayed in their polar adventures.  This was a cold, miserable place.

I rode along a path that led toward the ice pack in the sound.  It’s hard to describe pack-ice, but it’s jumbled-broken ice chards being heaved and smashed into multiple shapes-triangles, domes, squares, tubulars, and wedges—like an Erector Set gone crazy.  However, near the shore, it was reasonably smooth with a thin veneer of snow from the blizzard.

Above me, a gold/purple sky glowed brazenly in its final glory into the crevasses of the Royal Society Range across the sound.  For once, a rare quiet softened the bitter edge of the crystal white desert before me.  One of the glaciers, more than ten miles across at its terminus radiated liquid gold from the setting sun.  Stepping through some shallow snow drifts, I sank knee deep, until I pulled through and gained the edge of the ice.  Even with polar weather gear protecting my body, the numbing cold crept through the air, as if it were trying to find a way into my being.

The bike frame creaked at the cold and the tires made a popping sound on the snow I pedaled over.   The big boots I was wearing made it hard to keep on the pedals. But I persevered and kept moving forward.  Across the ice, I looked through the sunlight and saw four black figures approaching.  I shaded my eves with my gloved hand.  They drew closer, their bodies backlit by the sun on the horizon.  It was a family of Emperor penguins.  I dismounted from my bike.   From our survival classes, I learned to sit down so as not to frighten them.  By appearing smaller than them, they might find me interesting.

Slowly, I lowered myself into the snow, cross-legged, like an Indian chief.  Minute by minute, they waddled closer–straight toward me.  Three big birds, about 80 pounds each kept moving dead-on in my direction.  The smallest followed behind them.

Another minute passed and they were within 30 feet of me.  The lead Emperor carried himself like a king.  His silky black head-color swept down the back of his body and through his tail.  A bright crayon yellow/orange streaked along his beak like a Nike logo.  Under his cheek, soft aspirin-white feathers poured downward, glistening in lanolin.  His wings were black on the outside and mixed with black/white on the front.  He stood at least 40 inches tall and his enormous three-toed feet were a gray reptilian roughness with blunted talons sticking out.  He rolled his head, looking at me in a cockeyed fashion, as if I was the strangest creature he’d ever seen.

I don’t know what made me do it, but I slipped my right hand out of the glove and moved it toward him—slowly.  The rest of the penguins closed in.  The big guy stuck his beak across the palm of my hand and twisted his head, as if to scratch himself against my skin.  I felt glossy feathers against my hand.  He uttered a muffled coo.  The rest of the penguins cooed.  Their mucus membranes slid like liquid soap over their eves every few seconds.  I stared back, wanting to say something to them, but realized I could not speak their language.  However, at that moment, we shared a consciousness of living.

My frozen breath vapors hung in the air briefly before descending as crystals toward the ground.  I battled to keep from bursting with excitement.  Within seconds, one of the other penguins pecked my new friend on the rump.  He drew back.  With that he turned and waddled away.  Following the elders, the little one gave one last look at me, as if be too wanted to scratch my hand, but was afraid, and turned with his friends.  As they retreated, their wings were out, away from their bodies like children trying to catch the wind in their arms.  The baby Emperor was last to go.

My hand turned numb, so I stuck it back into the glove.  As I sat there, I remembered once when a hummingbird landed on my pinky finger—and I remembered the sheer delicacy Nature shared with me that warm spring day in the mountains.  Here, in this frozen wasteland beyond the borders of my imagination where man does not belong, Nature touched me again today with its pulsing heart and living warmth.  I only hope my species learns as much respect for our fellow travelers as they show toward us.

I stood up, tightened my hood and looked for the penguins.  They were gone.  Only the pack ice rumbled toward the horizon.  I turned to my bike.  It’s hard to believe that two rubber tires laced together with spokes and rims—and attached to a metal frame could carry me from the Amazon Jungle, to Death Valley, across the Outback, down the Atacama Desert, over the Andes, across the Rocky Mountains, and on to where the bolt goes into the bottom of the globe.  That simple machine laying in the frozen snow had taken me to far flung places on this planet and it had allowed me magical moments beyond description. That moment with the penguins probably was the best it had ever done by me.  I remounted it and turned toward the barracks.

The ride back didn’t seem so cold.

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler, Antarctica, 1997-98.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What’s The Mystery Of Mexico’s Millions of Poor People?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Why would Mexico with all its natural resources, oil reserves and hardworking people be considered a “failed-country?”   Why would it house the most violent drug cartels in the Western hemisphere?  Why would 15-million of Mexico’s citizens illegally migrate into the United States?  Why does Mexico’s elite do little to correct the inequitable wage norms, educational opportunities and systemic criminal enterprises in their country?  Can systemic corruption be changed toward free enterprise, healthy markets and fairness to all citizens?

At this point with Biden’s leadership, he promised full amnesty to 25 million border violators, their children, DACA and increases in immigration.  Do Americans understand “why” Mexicans flee northward?  Answer: they allowed a corrupt ruling-elite where they have become victims.  Ironically, they flee that situation only to create it over here in America.  Mexican gangs distribute billions in drugs with MS-13 gangs, cheat our education and medical systems, drive illegally without insurance, birth babies on our tax dollars, use our welfare systems, undermine our tax systems with an underground economy, engage in rapes, shoplifting, and burglaries.

My friend Gary Gobel gave his thoughts on the “why” of Mexico. Give us an idea of what we face:

“I was in a discussion with a liberal friend of mine about illegal immigration,” said Gobel. “And she proclaimed there should be open borders!”  “Oh,” I said, “Why’s that?” She said, “People should be free to go as they please and come to this country as they please.” “Really,” I said.  “Well tell me…why do so many Mexicans want to come to the United States?”   She said, “For a better economic future and a better place to live.”  I said, “You mean it’s better here than Mexico?”  She said, “Duh, of course it is.” “Okay,” I said. “Now tell me….why is that?”

“She was a little surprised for a second then she said, “Well, they have a bad economy, no jobs, violence……it’s full of slums.”

“I see,” I mulled that for a second then asked her, “Why is that?”  She said, “I don’t know.”  I said, “When you do, come and talk to me about open borders.”

Mexico is the neighbor of one of the most affluent countries in the world in a rich region. Mexico has two great oceans on either side, ports, natural resources, considerable population and tons of culture and history……yet it’s a sh*t hole.

“Why?” said Gobel.  “How come there is no automobile industry, no airliners produced there, no vibrant maritime shipping industry, a stable government, a history of law and order…why? Well, look at the US, we have all that and while we have violence, criminal activity, corruption and a government that is involved all over the world in political adventurism with our military….we still are a better place to live.”

Mexico uses illegal immigration as an economic and social relief valve.

“By allowing the teaming masses of unemployed, disgruntled or illiterate Mexicans to migrate north, they relieve themselves of some of the political pressure to change. How much more successful would stopping illegal immigration be if our trading partner to the south helped to enforce the border from their side? What if those deported for violating immigration laws were incarcerated upon their return to Mexico for a short stay in jail rather than being immediately free to find another coyote to take them across the Rio Grande? Simple answer is, Mexico likes illegal immigration……a tribute and admission of their failed-state and indictment of their leadership. Why is that?

“Now let’s assume that through mass immigration and the power of the vote, Mexicans succeed through invasion-immigration in making the southern US into Norte Mexico? Do you think it would be the same successful region it is now?  Look at the history of Latin countries. Do you see any of them being on a par with the United States? Answer is a resounding, NO!

“So, while Mexico remains the romantic homeland for many, it is in fact a failed-state, racked by violence, organized crime and a dismal economy for most of its people. So, open borders?  Tell me why we would want it here. As for immigration being good for this country, a small trickle of educated, talented or skilled from around the world that bring something to the competition would be good but, we have all the non-assimilating, uneducated, unskilled and not affiliated migrants we could ever want.

“After World War Two, Truman deported several million Mexicans to make jobs for returning US veterans. Just like you don’t drink your mother’s milk anymore, the days of needing open immigration are gone. We are in a new world with over 330 million US Citizens and over 7.8 billion people on the planet. The immigration being good for this country argument is a flat-out lie.”

Now you know the “rest of the story.”

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Immigration, Resources, Our Civilization: What The Future Looks Like

By Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, you were presented with the most important 30-minute video produced in America that deals with our future. “Immigration, Resources, Civilization” gives you a glimpse into our future.  It’s based on the facts of immigration-driven “exponential growth.”  As the video illustrates to each viewer,  once the numbers land on our country, we too become victims of an immigration “Ponzi Scheme.”

One viewer in Florida responded, “I will share this with everyone.  One of our problems is that most of Americans don’t see what is going on in every urban area across the country.   I lived most of my life in a safe, abundant time.  Miami was a paradise to 1980 when a confluence of immigration-exhaust totally overwhelmed the balance of the area.  It has been in degradation-decline ever since.

“I just signed a contract on a home in North Florida.  I have to get my family out.  I have been active in local politics.  I served four years to an elected office and in 2018 ran for Town Council.  The crooked Democrat election machine flipped my votes and put in their stooge.   The problems of Miami area cannot be fixed.  It will get exponentially-worse and eventually be third world and no resemblance to my Miami.  It will be just like Mexico City or Rio.  The biggest problem: there is no longer local food production.  Like your video shows, they paved over all the farmland that used to feed us.  There is a very long supply chain to feed a region of 13-million people at the end of a 450-mile peninsula.

“Miami and surrounding areas have been deep-well injecting raw sewage.  What could go wrong?  Urban sprawl and rock mines have encroached on the main well-fields.  Soon Miami will not have adequate fresh water.  Everything you highlighted in your video is already unfolding.  Every added human lowers the standard of living for all the future.  Many like myself have been leaving for 30 years.  My own Town has gone from 97% White to 45% in 20 years.  Miami-Dade has about 4% White Americans.  These hoards are not coming to become Americans…they do exactly as you said.  Each group takes over neighborhoods and runs out the Natives.

“Cities consume massive energy input.  With their systems overloaded they will one by one, fail.  Detroit, Philly, Baltimore, Jersey , NYC and Chicago are failed cities.  Many more like Oakland, San Francisco, Portland , and Seattle are on the brink.  The FED will continue inflating in an attempt to keep them running.  It will fail the entire economy. Then what?

“I think rural America and small towns will survive and thrive.  We are Americans.”   Best wishes for the Holidays, John

If you haven’t seen the video, watch it for your children. They walk right into the crosshairs of the future of our country:  This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis. I wrote it and narrated it.  Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced.  Please forward it to all your friends, social media networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video. Thank you, Frosty Wooldridge

Immigration, Resources, and Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Once you see the facts, figures and outcome in this video, it’s not like you can sit around letting this future happen to your children.  You, me and all of us need to take action at the local, state and national levels.  I’ve given you top organizations that work to stop mass immigration: ; ; ; ; ; (please write me with more organizations trying to stop or reduce mass immigration)

What astounds me in 2020, we’ve just added another 1.5- million refugees, and another 1-million of their births.  That’s an added 2.5 million refugees sucking off our welfare rolls.  We’re $26 trillion in debit, but Congress keeps importing them into our country with no end in sight.  Very few Americans understand or comprehend what’s coming.  But its’ coming if we fail to change course.  Every single family, community, city, state and our entire nation will be degraded to a severe point of resource exhaustion, water scarcity, energy depletion, job losses and/or poverty wages, and massive taxes—to pay for that FOR-CERTAIN added 100-million more immigrants by 2050.

For the life of me, I do not understand why the mainstream media suppresses this issue. Their kids face exactly what your kids face within 20 to 30 years when that next 100-million people land on our shores.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What can you do?  Write, call all these outlets.

Names and Addresses of National Media Networks:

60 Minutes

524 West 57th Street
NY, NY 10019

Fox News

1211 Avenue of the Americas
NY, NY  10036
1 888 369 4762

Tucker Carlson
Jesse Waters
Greg Gutfield
Dana Perino
Sandra Smith
Martha MacCallum
Sean Hannity


190 Marietta St. NW
Atlanta, GA  30303


1 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303

Anderson Cooper
Erin Burnett


2100 Crystal Dr.
Arlington, VA 22202


1111 North Capitol St. NE
Washington DC 20002

Face the Nation

2020 M Street NW
DC 20036
202 457 4481

ABC News

47 West 66th Street
NY NY 10023

This Week

Good Morning America

Meet the Press

Lester Holt

Rivers Getting The Snot Pounded Out Of Them Everyday

By Frosty Wooldridge

Daily in America, you hear on the news or read about another environmental problem facing our country, or some other region in the world.  For certain, you know that I write about it because I care about our wilderness, environment and quality of life here in America.

Millions of fishermen and fisherwomen love to toss that lure, or fly, out onto a lake or stream.  Well, I’m with you.  Nothing like watching a trout rise to the fly or feel the tug of a bass grabbing your red & white daredevil!  Beyond that, you enjoy the peace and tranquility of the wilderness experience.

This past week, a journalist at the Denver Post penned a story stating that Colorado adds 80,000 to 100,000 people annually to our population.  If you visited Denver, you would see dozens of sky-derricks hovering over new apartment buildings to absorb the human mob moving to our state. Probably escaping California or the East Coast!

At the same time this week, the New York Times interviewed a man named Kirk Deeter who heads the Trout Unlimited club of Colorado. His club works to keep our lakes and streams stocked with fish.  He point- blank told the Times journalist, “The rivers are getting the living snot pounded out of them every day.”

I can vouch for that. First of all, you’re forced to drive in a 3 to 5 mph line of cars 90 miles long on I-70, just to get into the mountains.  After that ordeal, you line-up on the Blue River, or Platte, with another couple of hundred anglers.  On Sunday, you jump back into a line of cars that crawls back to Denver sometimes taking five hours or more to travel 90 miles. It’s a living nightmare, spoiling any calm you may have enjoyed while fishing and/or camping.  (You cannot beg, borrow or buy a campsite from overcrowding.)

Another story in the Times reported the same thing happening with the rivers in Montana. Packed, stacked, crowded and jammed with anglers!  I’m betting much the same in your state!

They titled the interview, “Trickle-down immigration Ponzi scheme reaches Colorado.”  Brought to you by your U.S. Congress!

They could retitle it, “Trickle-down immigration Ponzi scheme reaches the lower 48 states as we import 1.5 million immigrants annually, along with their added 1 million births of their children—exploding our cities, highways and recreation areas with too many people.

What’s worse: NOBODY will talk about it.  Well, I will.  It took nine months to complete this video:  Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, and Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

I wrote it, narrated it and Tim Walters from Cleveland, Ohio, directed and produced it at Cosmic Corners.

Here is my charge to you:  please watch the video.  It will illustrate what you and your family face if we fail to stop the immigration invasion of our country.  After watching it, if you agree with my thesis and everything you see on the video, please share it across all your networks, your email addresses, your Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Parler and everyone you know.

At some point when enough Americans realize that they are losing their country, we can drive this issue to the forefront of the mainstream media, or, at least create a grassroots revolution to stop all immigration into our country—that’s if we want to survive the 21st century as a viable and sustainable civilization.

If you please, I expect to interview on “60 Minutes…Meet the Press…Face the Nation…NPR…PBS…NBC…CBS…CNN”…and radio shows across America.  Send the link to them and ask them to interview Frosty Wooldridge, and give contact info: .  I need your help to post this link anywhere and everywhere across all media and websites. Do it for your kids.

Thank you for your efforts. As Tiny Tim said, “God bless us one and all.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Post American Presidents: Barack Hussein Obama and Kamilla Harris

By Frosty Wooldridge

Since the 1965 Immigration Reform Act passed Congress 55 years ago, America has been transformed into a different country…no longer itself.  The very core of its European-American foundation rattles with deterioration, conflict and dissension at the slightest provocation.

We no longer enjoy our leaders representing our best interests, but in fact, representing foreign nations such as China, India, Saudi Arabia and Mexico.

Our Congressional critters gave us a $26 trillion national debt while they empowered China to displace our entire manufacturing system—by calling it “free trade”, when in fact, it is “unfair trade” where we buy all their products, and they buy nothing from us.

Our Congressional critters vote for 20-year useless wars that line the pockets of the bankers and themselves, but we bury our soldiers by the thousands via combat, opiate drugs and suicides.

Where once we pledged our allegiance to Old Glory, today, our youth stomp on our flag.  Where we once enjoyed male-female bathrooms, we have strange new “trannies” who are DNA boys pretending they are girls and even get to compete as women in women’s events—and they always win, because in fact, they are DNA males.

We stand by silently while many of our major cities provide enclaves for religions such as Islam to manifest their special “Sharia Law” that counters anything American, while we stand by in silence at female genital mutilation, honor killings and Arabic becoming the dominant language in places like Detroit, Minneapolis and Miami.

While English once dominated America and it maintained the “glue” for all of us to communicate, we now have 800 languages spoken daily in New York City.  Spanish today dominates the four southern borders states.  Our schools teach millions of Mexican kids while we pay for them.

In 40 years, our Congress and presidents have fostered 25 million illegal alien border jumpers to make their new homes in our country in violation of our laws.  We pay for their EBT cards, education and medical care.  We pay for 300,000 anchor babies annually and their mothers.    Do you know that your two senators and House member do not represent you, but in fact, undermine you?  The majority of both houses work against the American people.

Not only that, at the local level, 550 city councils and mayors have created “Sanctuary Cities” to protect those 25 million illegal alien border jumpers from deportation.  And now, with Biden, we’re about to see all of them gain citizenship, voting rights and language rights.

No Longer American Presidents Reside in the White House

But the worst is yet to come!  Barack Hussein Obama was our first  “anchor baby” president.  His mother was an American and his father was, well, we don’t know, but the best we understand was that he was a Kenyan, but some evidence shows Obama’s father was an American communist agitator named Frank Marshall Davis.  Obama looks very much like Davis, but not one hint of similar looks from his purported father from Kenya.

The fact is: we don’t know.  The one hint that tells a ghastly tale about Barack Obama remains his Social Security number that was illegally given to him by his Caucasian grandmother in an office in Connecticut. It starts with 042, but Obama never lived there, so the numbers was given to him from a dead man’s social security number.  You won’t hear a peep about that in the mainstream media.

At the same time, Barack Obama did not grow up in America. He grew up in Africa or Indonesia during his formative years under a stepfather named Barry Soetoro. He actually came back to America to apply for scholarships as a foreign student.  While he pretended to be a Christian in Chicago to build an image, he has admitted on tape to being a Muslim. It’s part of the Quran to lie to advance Islam into any country that religion intends to conquer.  While in the White House, Obama pushed every button for add more Muslims and advantages to Muslims in America. He created a Muslim prayer room in the White House.  He hired Muhammed Magid to be the Sharia Law czar for eight years to advance that especially violent law inside America.

And note, Barack H. Obama spent millions (or somebody’s millions) to completely seal his records from high school, college, travel…everything is under lock and key. He was a pothead and druggie through his teens and twenties. He never studied or applied himself academically. No one remembers him attending Columbia or Harvard. We will not know the truth about Obama until decades later and the freedom of information act.

In other words, Barack Obama proved the ultimate  “Post American President.”  He created the most racial conflict in decades. He bowed to Muslim Kings, which is unheard of in America.  He forwarded Islamic interests and power in America like no other president. He gave Iran billions of dollars for bomb development. He traded four violent Islamic terrorists for a deserter named Bergdahl.  Historians will add to his surreptitious list.

Next month, Biden will be sworn into office, at 78, old, frail, with onset dementia that has been documented in dozens of interviews where his mind wanders, and he cannot finish sentences. Even Time Magazine reported that he leaves off sentences with… ”well, you know what I mean.”  Within six months, Biden will become so exhausted or could suffer a heart attack from the stress and hours of that job, along with six more months of advancing dementia, that Congress will have to enact the 25th Amendment showing that he is incapable of performing the functions of his office.

Everyone knows that President Kamilla Harris will grab the reins of power.  But she’s not an All-American.  She was born from an Indian mother and a Jamaican father. They were not citizens when she arrived here in America.  There is great question whether she is even eligible, but the mainstream media doesn’t care, much like it didn’t vet Obama as to his origins. No one ever followed up on his Social Security card number.  Harris possesses a different worldview from her parents from those two very different countries than America.

Harris will promote unlimited immigration from all third world countries and all their refugees.  That will flood this country with millions of people from Africa, India, China, Mexico and every failed country in the world.  She will promote open borders, citizenship for 25 million illegals, citizenship for 1.3 million DACA recipients, issue laws to defund police, and worst of all, she will use her power to nullify the Second Amendment.

Buckle up! It’s going to be a quickening slide into a fractured, fragmented, linguistically chaotic, multicultural refugee camp much like Los Angeles, that someone said, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

The final point: we are losing America, we are losing ourselves as Americans, and we’re being displaced right up the White House.  And each year, we add another 1,000,000 (million) foreigners to our shores. Can you think of any good reason for that to continue?

Here’s what’s coming to America: Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Why Is Diversity and Multiculturalism Horribly Unworkable?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: The cost of importing the world’s poor, conflict, degrading American culture, displacing Americans from their own country

This proves itself the most important quote for all Americans for the 21st century.  Why? It will become dangerously apparent as we commit “genocide by substitution” from mass immigration.

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing America and most Western countries. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.” [You might add “multiple languages that create linguistic chaos.]

America cannot become the “charity ward” for the world’s desperate people. We cannot degrade our citizens for Mexico or Central America’s poor. We cannot save Africa’s refugees when we suffer 13 million American children living in poverty and 1.5 million homeless. We cannot pay for immigrants’ food, housing and education when we’re $26 trillion in national debt. We cannot save the rest of the world’s people, but by importing them—we will destroy our own society and civilization. Exponential growth cannot be sustained.  The third world’s poor prove that as they explode across the globe and race toward first world countries.  Look at Europe!  It’s headed for the toilet of Islamic and African violence.  We must think about and care about our citizens first, middle and always. It’s time to change the ‘good ole boy’ network of corruption in DC.  If we continue on this current path about to be led by open-borders Biden, by adding another 100 million legal immigrants and millions more refugees, we face collapse into a multicultural-diversity nightmare of overpopulation and sociological chaos.

Pedro de Alvarado, a legal immigrant from Venezuela, gives America a sobering taste of what we face with mass immigration.

Sir, what further points can Americans expect if they continue endless immigration?

“Texas does pride itself as being a Law-And-Order state and has invested significant resources in law enforcement over the years,” said Alvarado. “However, demographic change is starting to throw a wrench into that. As San Antonio has become more Hispanic, crime is slowly creeping back up. Mexican criminal syndicates such as the Jalisco Nueva Generacion’ cartels are setting up shop and have used local gangs to push drugs such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine.

“In my view, criminal activities of the sort will continue if Hispanic immigration continues. [The same holds true in Minneapolis withi Somalian drug gangs. It’s cultural because they lack educational skills to contribute.] We often forget that the Italian mafia was able to maintain its prominence thanks to the large pool of Italian migrants it could constantly recruit from through the early 20th century. That changed when the U.S. decided to clamp down on mass migration in the 1920’s, and the mob had trouble tapping into the Italian community for fresh muscle in the subsequent decades.”

Police Fear Immigrant Reprisals Because They Arrive From Countries Without Law and Order

Alvarado continued, “There was a general sense in 2016 that San Antonio was on the verge of hitting a new crime wave after the city reported 146 homicides, the most since 1995. The Ferguson Effect, in which police hesitated to go after criminals following 2014’s mass riots in Ferguson, Missouri, clearly contributed.

“Homicides spiked in San Antonio, putting the city on track to have one of the deadliest years in decades,” by Emile Eaton, San Antonio Express, August 7, 2020. “The good news was that in 2017—the year I left the city— crime began declining again in San Antonio. But Homicides have begun surging again in 2020, which some criminal experts believe is set to match the homicide records set in the mid-90’s,” said Alvarado.

Alvarado said, “The Black Lives Matter insanity has likely contributed to this upswing, with police less enthusiastic about doing their jobs thanks to the media and pro-criminal politicians constantly attacking them. Even Austin, where I’m living now, is witnessing a similar rise in murder rates. The situation is bad all around.”

As Demographics Change, Democrats Gain Welfare-Recipient Votes

“As the area became less white in the past four decades,” said Alvarado.  “Democrats have gradually gained ground and are now in firm control of the county. This is an undeniable macrotrend in all of Texas’ major urban centers. Increased Latin American migration to the area will likely accelerate its ethnic ghettoization and make it less hospitable for legacy Americans who tend to vote GOP.

“Not coincidentally, San Antonio’s politics have become loonier as the city has become less white. Given its solid Democrat control, its local politicians have made it a point to advance the Left’s agenda. In 2019, the San Antonio City Council blocked Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in San Antonio airport for its alleged “legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior.” The following year the City Council took its Political Correctness to another level by passing a resolution condemning the use of terms such as the “Chinese virus” or the “kung fu virus” to refer to COVID-19 [ San Antonio City Council Approves Resolution Denouncing Use Of ‘Chinese Virus’ to Describe COVID-19, by Joey Palacios, Texas Public Radio, May 9, 2020 at 9:53 AM CDT]. Although this resolution has no real teeth, it’s just another indicator of where the city is heading towards both culturally and politically.”

Alvarado continued, “The city council’s diversity speaks for itself. The municipal body of 11 features a Jewish mayor, 7 Hispanics, one black, and only two white Americans (now that’s what I call meeting a diversity quota!). The composition of the San Antonio city council is likely a preview of what the U.S will look like under a radical diversity regime. Buckle up!”

California better buckle up as it will become America’s first third world state!

“Overall, San Antonio is a nice city with a rich history that makes it uniquely Texan,” said Alvarado. “Unfortunately, the growing Leftist advance and the U.S. Ruling Class’s mass migration fixation will likely turn this otherwise wonderful city into a Third World dumpster. The world has plenty of those to spare.

“Democrats are salivating at the prospect of flipping Texas. With Sun Belt states such as Arizona and Georgia falling to the Democrats’ grasp, adding Texas to the leftist column will put America one major step closer to One-Party rule at the federal level.”

From there, all bets are off.

“For the sake of preserving our Constitutional Republic, the GOP needs to take the National Question seriously. Nothing short of a multi-decade immigration moratorium is needed to protect America from a Third World demographic avalanche.”

As a note from this journalist, we speed toward a world of hurt if we fail to shut down all immigration into the USA. This same sociological/criminal chaos manifests all over the country in every major city.  It benefits NOT one American citizen, whatsoever…but it’s going to harm all of us and our children in the years ahead.


  1. Shut down all immigration into the USA, immediately.
  2. Stop all “anchor baby” birthright citizenship at over 300,000 annually.
  3. Stop all chain-migration into America.
  4. Deport all illegal aliens, their children and relatives.
  5. Stop any attempt by immigrants to pass their own laws in contradiction of the U.S. Constitution.
  6. Rescind E.O. 13166
  7. Demand that all Americans speak English in the public sector, schools taught in English and all business.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

Take action by joining for free:

America: ; ; ;

Canada: ;

United Kingdom: 

Sustainable Population Australia

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Who Said Diversity and Multiculturalism Are So Wonderful?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: Enclaves, change of language, drug gangs gaining strangle holds across America.

“The Great Replacement, or genocide by substitution, is such a huge crime that even its victims cannot believe it. They say to themselves: ‘Of course, it looks very much like it, but it’s not possible, it can’t be true, it would be too enormous, things like that do not happen.’” —Renaud Camus

Fact: by 2042, European-Americans (Caucasians), the dominant ethnic group in America at 90 percent until 1965, will become the new minority in the United States at 49 percent.  Latino-Hispanic-Mexicans will become the new majority.

Every country in the world that features different cultures, languages and ethnic groups, faces endless conflict.

Pedro de Alvarado, a legal immigrant from Venezuela, gives America a sobering taste of what we face with mass immigration.

Sir, what can Americans expect if they continue endless immigration?

“As an immigrant from Venezuela who has lived in the U.S. for over two decades,” said Alvardo. “I’ve witnessed many aspects of America’s demographic shift and what diversity looks like in the various cities I have had the pleasure and displeasure of residing in.  No major city here is now safe from the “Great Replacement, or as R. Camus called it, “genocide by substitution” of the American people by mass immigration.

“The recent elections, eagerly called by the Leftist Mainstream Media for the Black Party, really brought this home.  I’ll start off by saying that I despise “diversity.” Unlike most Americans, I speak Spanish—largely the product of always speaking it at home with family. While I have respect for the language, I do not want it to be widespread usage in the U.S., a country explicitly created by English-speakers.  Countries should not cater to ethnic grievances of foreigners they receive.”

Little known to most Americans, Bill Clinton, via “Executive Order 13166,” made it mandatory that Americans pay for all document translations for over 100 languages of immigrants in America. It costs billions of taxpayer dollars. Further it allows immigrants to maintain their own languages to the detriment of everyone’s wallet.

“Over the years, my work has taken me all over the States. While working in Washington D.C, I got to see firsthand the state of the black community,” said Alvardo. “On any given night I would go out, there was bound to be some sort of incident worthy of a clip on WorldStarHipHop, so I was always on my toes. The stilted careerist attitude of many people living in the Swamp was also a major turn-off. When I found another work opportunity that brought me back to Texas, I was ecstatic. I ended up in San Antonio doing political campaign work in 2016.

“My daily routine in San Antonio consisted of canvassing in for a local Republican candidate. A number of the neighborhoods I canvassed were pretty rough and I could tell they were filled with all sorts of illicit activities. Living in ghettos across the country and abroad has taught me to recognize danger.”

White Texas Turning Brown at Blinding Speed

Alvardo continued, “But such advantages are only temporary as more migrants move in, settle down, and have kids. By the time their progeny is of voting age, these minority communities become more politically active, causing these areas to irreversibly tip. [Against American values, language and cohesiveness] Hence, the importance of passing an immigration moratorium to encourage assimilation and deprive Democrats of an even larger voter pipeline.

“Nevertheless, my interactions with Hispanic Republican and independent-leaning voters were eye-opening. Contrary to the conventional wisdom coming from Conservatism Inc., many Hispanics were not repelled by talks about limiting immigration. In fact, they often brought up the subject before I did. A significant portion of Hispanics live in neighborhoods crawling with illegals, or work in places where illegals are frequently brought to displace American workers. They see firsthand what mass migration looks like. Some even told me how Mexican cartels have blended in with the Hispanic community, causing destabilization.”

So much for diversity being a strength

“Although, I initially enjoyed living in San Antonio, the novelty soon began to wear off,” Alvardo. “I was constantly annoyed by some of the everyday activities dealing with clerks and other workers who possessed sub-par English skills. When I addressed them in English, I would have to repeat myself constantly just to get basic points across. This became a chore and out of frustration, I would revert to speaking in Spanish just to make my interactions go by as quickly as possible.

“Those are the benefits of being bilingual. But most Americans don’t possess those skills—nor should they. This country was founded by those of English stock and while America has drawn its fair share of migrants, albeit with pauses to promote assimilation, there was always a very explicit expectation that they make an earnest effort to learn English. As the months went by, my daily interactions made me feel like I was living in a Spanish-speaking enclave.

“Even worse, were my nocturnal experiences in my predominantly Hispanic neighborhood. On any given night, I could be kept up awake by loud ranchero music and individuals shouting in drunken Spanish for hours on end. There was no regard for productive individuals (such as myself!) who had to wake up early to make a living.”

At this point, Muslims in Detroit and Minneapolis play their five calls to Islamic worship over loudspeakers across the city.  Both Detroit and Minneapolis, once predominately Scandinavians/Europeans are quickly turning into Africa and Baghdad. These are some of the many hidden costs that people must bear under diversity.

Alvardo said, “And I also started noticing a gradual rise in crime. Every other week in my neighborhood, gunshots would ring off or there would be some incident of property crime. Granted, this was not like my experience in D.C., but it still unsettled me. While Hispanic crime is low in comparison to Black crime, (which should be considered a national emergency). Hispanic areas still have noticeable differences in public order when compared to majority white localities.

“San Antonio was pretty dangerous during the 1990s when it was labeled the “Drive-by Shooting Capital of America.” In 1993 alone, there were 1,262 recorded incidents of drive-by shootings [“We Get All Hyped Up. We Do a Drive-by.”, by Audrey Duff, Texas Monthly, October 1994]. On the other hand, Dallas, which was less than ten percent smaller than San Antonio, only had 221 drive-by shootings that same year.”

Today, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and now, Minneapolis rank as the “Shoot-out Cities of America.” They run up into the 3,4 and 5,000 shootings annually.


  1. Shut down all immigration into the USA, immediately.
  2. Stop all “anchor baby” birthright citizenship at over 300,000 annually.
  3. Stop all chain-migration into America.
  4. Deport all illegal aliens, their children and relatives.
  5. Stop any attempt by immigrants to pass their own laws in contradiction of the U.S. Constitution.
  6. Rescind E.O. 13166
  7. Demand that all Americans speak English in the public sector, schools taught in English and all business.

Coming in Part 2: Where it will all end up for Americans.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Mass Immigration into America: The Impact of Biden’s Open Border Policy, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

Joe Biden promised amnesty for 25 million illegal aliens. He promised the tear down all of the Wall separating Mexico with America. He promised amnesty for 800,000 plus DACA illegal aliens.  He promised thousands more work visas into the USA, which adds endless population surges.  He promises to open the borders again to immigration from Muslim countries.

This Part 2 of the interview with energy and resources specialist Dell Erickson of Minneapolis, Minnesota presents a harsh picture of America’s future that Biden expects to render on America.

The sheer numbers will shock you and the consequences make you shrink as to the future for your children.

Mr. Erickson, please give us an idea of what our country faces as Joe Biden opens the borders to unlimited immigration:

“If you often feel you’ve become a stranger in your own country, it’s no longer your country, you’re right,” said Erickson. “American workers, American disadvantaged, the American Nation have lost the support of those Democrats who stood for them. They all come for American jobs –perhaps yours, your daughter’s or son’s, not to be an American.

“Unlike old line Democrats who knew immigration was bad for labor and the disadvantaged, current Democrats use immigration to promote their notion of governments; labor support means foreign immigration. The party coalitions have done a flip-flop, the democrats subsidize and serve industry, hotel, restaurant, agriculture, technology, even the healthcare and education fields.

“Not only is it with governments, but obviously the media, especially TV and TV programming, and advertising. Pandering to specific segments of society, programs portray a narrow Democrat political point of view, literally propaganda mills. TV programs for example, frequently have illegal aliens receiving the care of a citizen while making the viewer feel mean-spirited guilt if you felt differently. The Motion Picture Academy Awards are no longer about excellence or talent or awards unless it first meets the Democrat political point of view.

“Red” people do the only thing they can, vote with the remote or turn it off.  Defunding police or eliminating ICE are other examples. It’s no wonder the top 10 programs viewed each week are football; yet even football has become politicized and as a result support has fallen significantly. A last domestic citizen resort is to move, unable or frightened and unwilling to speak out, they are fleeing from ‘blue’ areas; it’s becoming an outpouring. (Think Detroit, Michigan when it lost 1.2 million white Americans.) As the data illustrates, they will be continually marginalized until they won’t matter; merely enclaves of what were once a people.

“Under the circumstances it cannot be stopped. A nation fundamentally from London, Berlin, and Stockholm is becoming Mexico City, Mogadishu, and Damascus. Indeed, under Biden / Harris Democrats, the immigration numbers document it will worsen, be unstoppable, only until the nation is ripped apart.

“The Biden / Democrat immigration policy is almost all from 2nd and mostly 3rd world nations, with non-Western societies, non-English speaking, non-Judeo-Christian religion, and average IQ’s in the low – mid 90s, some say in the 80s. Because of immigration, the U.S. average IQ has fallen to 97 and is in steady decline. Magnifying the already crumbling living standard, lower IQ implies productivity creating wealth will continue to decline. The lack of intellectual ability is being realized now, notably in schools; the future is bleak; simply picture in your mind the source nations, i.e. Somalia, Ethiopia, Congo, Pakistan, Sudan, etc. The 2000 Census year 2100 projection for White Americans was they would constitute approximately 7% of the population and Black Americans become a footnote in American history at 2100.

“A very dark crystal ball foresees the time the ‘Blue’ masses can –if current protest and riots are any indication, if they don’t get their way perhaps take to the streets. Many states’ government heavy-handed tyrannical response to Covid-19 can be seen as a preparation template for the change.

“The Biden-democrat program is not only remaking the identity of what were Americans, they have the power to change everything, even the form of government. For example, change to what they are familiar with and governments they chose to leave. They often left overpopulated miserable 3rd world socialists’ dictatorships, now only to remake freedom loving Americans one of them.

“Finally, the most important question to be asked has not been:  “what is a sustainable population level for the U.S. and what is immigration’s role in achieving it?” The answer of course is far fewer people if a sustainable population level is the objective. The American natural and ecological environment is suffering; unchecked irreversible catastrophes lie just ahead.

“That immigration driven population growth will end one way or another.”

Yes, Erickson is correct: immigration will end one way or the other. What are you doing to help it end in a positive manner?  Anyone voting to stop all immigration?  Are you raising your voice?  If not, why not? Then, when?  It’s your kids’ future!

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

Take action by joining for free:

America: ; ; ;


United Kingdom: 
  Australia:  Sustainable Population Australia

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America and Canada Drifting Toward A Loss of Identity

By Frosty Wooldridge

With recent events across America, whether it’s a 50-50 split on the presidential election, prolific anarchy in our cities or a racial divide as wide as the Grand Canyon, we’re facing tremendous riffs from our youth, our 45 million immigrants who were not born here, and our economy.

Once a country loses its sense of national identity, whether by thoughtless mass immigration or loss of connection to our American ethos/culture—we face a national unraveling in the months and years ahead.  In other words, if we percolate anarchy or allow cultural upheaval on ever larger scales as seen in the last six months, it portends fragmentation of our blacks vs whites, our young vs old, and our liberals vs conservatives.

The same thing occurs in Canada.  Canadians continually lose their identity by importing dozens of cultural identities via millions of immigrants.  If you remember what happened to India, they suffered such conflict with two different religious sects, that Pakistan separated to create its own country.  If you look at what’s happening in Vancouver, British Columbia today, it’s 65 percent imported Chinese—and they are making Canadian BC into an entirely new state of Chinese BC.

The question may be asked:  what set of ideals, principles, history and national narrative do any natural-born-Americans share with a Somalian, Congolese, Sudanese, Pakistani, Ethiopian, Indian or Chinese national injected into American culture?  How will that work out as enormous numbers of immigrants pour into America from 195 different failed countries and cultures? What happens when their projected numbers reach over 100,000,000?  Do you think it’s possible that we are creating a pathological state of our own demise?

Do we define ourselves like House Member Ilhan Omar from Somalia?  What about Palestinian Rashida Tlaib of Michigan who is a House Member?  Do we define ourselves with “angry-at-everything-American” House Member Maxine Waters?  Do we think America needs to re-define itself to agree with the platform of the Muslim Brotherhood, Black Lives Matter or Antifa?

Where would that take us?  What would be the end result of such a journey down that path? How would we identify with becoming a Muslim State or an Antifa governance?  How would we see ourselves as Americans, while not being a country of Americans?

As we destroy our statues of the past, whether it might be General Robert E. Lee, or Abe Lincoln, or Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin because they weren’t politically correct—do we replace them with “politically correct” statues of Muhammed the Prophet or Gandhi or Mao?   If you import enough immigrants from those persuasions, you will see their heroes become prominent in place of our founders.  That’s the grave danger of mass immigration.  Few see it and fewer still speak up or protest it. Our politicians remain brain-dead to its future ramifications.

For instance, if you observe Iraq, it lacks a national identity. It’s made up of Kurds who violently detest Sunni’s who violently despise Shiites. None of them get along, none of them like each other and all of them together work toward separate states. Yet, they pretend to all be Iraqi’s.

Author Steven A. Cooke made a telling comment, “What does this all have to do with the United States? Quite a lot. When I was in Sulaymaniyah chatting with the Kurdish university students, I remember thinking about how different the outlook among Iraqi Kurds and Iraqi Arabs was from Americans. It was an article of faith for me that even though I came from a distinct region of the United States and had my own distinct family history, I still shared basic ideas about what it meant to be an American with people around the country. Of course, I’ve come to realize that this was a little naive and itself a product of my unique experiences and education, given how people of color, women, immigrants, and others continue to confront injustice. Still, I don’t think I was being too credulous to believe that large numbers of Americans could agree on the founding ethos of the country and the sense that, even if we had not lived up to them, we wanted nevertheless to strive to achieve them.”

What if we continue injecting more and more people who simply cannot comprehend, nor do they desire to become part of the American ethos/culture?  What then? Do we become another Iraq?  How about Canada? Does it become a mass of confusion as to its national identity?  Does anyone in Canada or America want to become the next Sweden where its immigrants this past October called for a separate Islamic State?

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

We better start asking ourselves if we want that future for our new “ethos” or our 21st century “culture.”  Is that what you want, because, let’s face it, that’s exactly what we’re importing into our country: an entirely different, incompatible and unworkable cultural mix that will end up fragmenting us into different “little countries” with no commonality visa vi “The American Dream.”

By your silence, is that what you want for your children?

Because what you read in this commentary—is coming and here’s what it looks like:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

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Change Our Country Toward the Good Rather Than the Ugly

By Frosty Wooldridge

We CAN reform criminals….it’s official.

After six burglary arrests starting at 16 years of age, three car thefts, multiple illegal trespasses, lifelong cocaine and alcohol addiction, committed two violent home invasions, pistol whipped one pregnant woman, three armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money when he was arrested, beating four victims senseless, local porno star, and being arrested 23 times since 1998–George Floyd has not committed a crime in seven months now.  Of course, there are those like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson along with Maxine Waters who wish to name schools after him.

George Flood proved himself a criminal from his youth to his death. He lived a pathetic life that no decent human being would want to revere or duplicate.  He could only be a “role model” for anyone wanting to waste their lives as career criminals.  He got away with his criminal life until life caught up to him. Hint: it wasn’t the knee on his neck, but the drugs in his veins that killed him.

After his death, he continues to wreak havoc on the American people, blacks and whites alike. In his name, BLM and Antifa looted and burned cars, stores, court houses, homes and stoned police to the tune of $1 to 2 billion in damages and theft.  In his name, anarchists ran wild across major cities in 2020.   In his name, a half dozen people lost their lives rioting in the streets.

It’s a curious incident in American history where thousands of youths ran wild against law and order.  They ransacked their own cities and destroyed their own communities.  Essentially, all those anarchists copied how citizens of Mogadishu, Somalia live their lives—in total chaos, violence and illiteracy.

What concerns this journalist: right now, we’ve seen the greatest divide in America that’s occurred since the Detroit riots of 1968.  I lived there at the time! Not pretty for anyone.  African-Americans destroyed Detroit, pure and simple. They accomplished that kind of destructive tribalism that stems from their cultural roots in Africa.  That’s why you don’t see any advanced civilizations in Africa. Over 90 percent of Africans don’t enjoy access to a toilet.  Clean water?  It’s all contaminated.  Diseases? Over 15 million Africans have died of AIDES.  Tribal wars? All the time!

Right now, we’ve got African-American Barack Obama sewing as many seeds of conflict as he did when he became our first “Affirmative Action” president.  He seeded this country with Muslims faster than ever before.  They will continue to make massive gains via installing Sharia Law under Biden.  Those same seeds of anarchy will result in “Little Mogadishu’s” in Detroit, Minneapolis, Lewiston, Maine, Miami and other Islamic enclaves in America. Remember there are 35 confirmed Islamic training camps from Pennsylvania through Michigan through Washington and into California.  They train for only one purpose.

By January 20, 2021, Joe Biden expects to nullify our immigration laws by opening the borders for an endless line of third world immigrants with not a single affinity toward America other than riding the “Golden Ticket” known as our welfare system.  He’s ensuring that millions will chain-migrate their families into our country.  Out of those millions will equate to countless gangs, drugs, anarchists, thieves, crooks, arsonists, shoplifters, rapists and every other kind of low-grade human being on the planet. Why do you think people flee places like Mogadishu, Congo, Sudan, Iraq, Somalia and Pakistan?  Answer: sheer, pure, third world systemic/cultural violence.  What’s the problem? Answer: they bring it to America.

How will we Americans who built this country withstand this massive tidal wave of people?  How will our communities try NOT to become the next Detroit or Minneapolis or Miami or Los Angeles?   How will our children fare in schools where there was an 88 percent dropout rate like Detroit’s school systems before 1.2 million people fled the Motor City?  How will Blacks fare if this country degrades into racial conflict?  Why would BLM want such an ending?

Finally, why would Biden do that to us? Why did Obama do it?  Why did they want to see America fragment into opposing groups?  Some pundits say it’s “The Kalergi Plan” being thrust upon our civilization to fragment all of us into opposing tribes.  Others say there are some very powerful men in high places that want to see the United States of America implode.  Women like House members Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, Maxine Waters and Ilhan Omar from Somalia want to dismantle our political and economic system.  But they don’t possess a clue on how to replace our prosperity with better prosperity.  All of them couldn’t pass 8th grade math tests, but they landed powerful positions in Congress. Can you imagine who voted for them?

How will this all end when Biden/Harris obliterate our free speech? How will it end when they try to kill the 2nd Amendment?  Hint: look at Europe and Canada. The citizens are powerless.  How will it end with another 35 million more foreigners added to our country in the next 10 years?  How’s it going to end with over a hundred different languages and cultures manifesting in our communities across the USA?

And how will it end with the addition of 100 million immigrants? Can you guess?   What can you do? Answer: call your two U.S. Senators and House member and demand they shut down all immigration  into the USA.  If you have a better idea, write me:

This is what’s coming if we don’t stop it. It’s not “If” it’s coming, these numbers WILL manifest if you and I fail to act and get involved.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Multiculturalizing America Into a Land of Strangers

By Frosty Wooldridge

With the coming Biden administration, most liberals and conservatives fail to understand the impact of his promises: he promised to open the borders with Mexico for anyone to cross. He promised to grant amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens.  He promised citizenship to all DACA recipients. He promised to expand the Muslim and Diversity visas to greater numbers.  He promised to expand numerous work visas into the hundreds of thousands.

The question looms large:  with the current crisis of internal terrorists such as BLM, Antifa, Boogaloo and others—how will America hold itself together in the coming years?  How will it survive so many cultural, linguistic, ethnic, religious and world-view divides?   Answer: it won’t!  We are being turned into a “Nation of Strangers” by the people we elected to serve us, but instead, they are serving the rest of the world. 

For example:

Yesterday, my wife Sandi and I shopped at a Costco store in Denver, Colorado. It sounded and felt like shopping in different countries with so many languages being spoken and strange modes of dress.

We encountered immigrants from Pakistan, India, Mexico, China, Vietnam, Somalia, China and another half dozen countries. Since they spoke in their native languages, we felt zero commonality with them. We felt like strangers in our own community.

Let me speak to this harsh reality: India adds 16 million net gain annually to its already bloated 1.3 billion people with no end in sight. China adds 8 to 10 million, net gain, annually. Africa, at 1.1billion expects to hit 2.1 billion within 30 years. In other words, they continue producing more children than they can water, feed, educate or sustain. Result: they create an endless refugee line of desperate immigrants seeking any country that still offers enough water, food and shelter.

What does that mean to you and your kids? It means: no end of the line of immigrants. They won’t stop their endless birth rates, so they use first world counties for infinite immigration to turn our country into the same refugee camps they fled.

I interviewed on the Ross Kaminiski radio show at in Denver. I mentioned that the current 1965 Immigration Reform Act injected over 100 million immigrants into our country from 150 countries in the last 55 years. He said, “So what!”

I said, “Beyond the sheer numbers that will be environmentally devastating to our civilization, we face more fragmentation and fracturing than ever before in the history of the United States. We’ve got racism raging more than ever with responses like BLM and Antifa, along with Mexican Mafia, MS-13 invading Los Angeles and pushing African-Americans out. We’ve got Black Flash Mobs in Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver and Minneapolis knocking down and killing European-Americans. We’ve got Somalian drug gangs in Wisconsin and Minnesota. We’ve got Muslim ‘honor killings’ and ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ in America.”

He said something like, “You always face crime and differences no matter where you are in the world.”

“Well,” I said. “If Biden’s amnesty bills or his executive orders come to fruition, we’ll see 1.1 million immigrants annually that increase to 2.0 million legal immigrants annually. That doubles the speed of immigration to overwhelm our society.”

“We can handle another 100 million immigrants and more,” he said.

“But can we double our population from 319 million to the projected 625 million?” I asked him, “What about quality of life, standard of living, water shortages (already experienced in seven states in 2020 with California leading the nightmare), energy, resources and environment?”

“The Earth can handle it, the oceans can handle all the carbon we can pump into them,” Kaminski said.

Later, I wrote a commentary about Superintendent of Schools, Jason Glassman, in Eagle County, Colorado, addressing his plea that Americans become a bi-lingual country. He told me that we must fight racism.

The philosopher Kant said, “The two great dividers are religion and language.”

I told him, “Endless immigration not only creates intractable poverty, illiteracy and linguistic chaos, it feeds racism, grows racism and ultimately splits a country into a multicultural quagmire. Just look at New York City, Chicago, Houston, Miami and Los Angeles.”

He didn’t like that reality check.

I ask you, with our Congress injecting 100 million more immigrants into this country from 150 third world countries around the globe—what do you think will happen in the next three decades when we jump from 330 million to 440 million people in our country?

Do you think it’s going to be a garden bouquet, melting pot, and gloriously multicultural civilization where everyone sings Kumbaya in 100 different languages?

If my experience in Costco this past weekend indicates our future, I suspect we face becoming a “Nation of Strangers.” We can expect more separation, more political disparateness, linguistic separation and more cultural fragmentation than anyone understands.

Tell me if Colorado Governor Lamm’s starting point for the “Eight ways to destroy America” doesn’t ring true.

As to turning ourselves into a multi-lingual society, former Governor Richard D. Lamm said in a speech in Washington, DC which I attended, “Here is how they destroyed their countries: first, turn America into a bilingual or multilingual and bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, France, UK,  Sweden, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

When Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California start suffering from accelerating water shortages because of another 100 million immigrants, how will we speak to those issues with endless language confusion. How will we get onto the same page?

Let me share with you; does Lamm’s speech make sense? Can you see it as clearly as I see it? Do you see the future for your children?

Do you understand when folks cannot obtain enough water or food, they degrade to violence? When you mix different races and languages, you mix different worldviews. How do you think India, China and Pakistan became failed civilizations—so much so—their citizens flee those countries?

Do you think immigrants become as enlightened as our Western Republic once they reach our shores? Do you think they blend into our culture?

Once we face water shortages, gas shortages and more environmental degradation, we Americans, having lost our country to mass immigration, and having become the new minority group by 2042 (that includes European-Americans and African-Americans)—we face irreversible consequences and unsolvable problems.

We could have stopped it. We could have stopped mass immigration by our actions to stop immigration to the “Ingress Equals Egress” formula.

But instead, you’ve got Ross Kaminski’s’ who don’t know their butts from a hole in the ground and Superintendents like Jason Glassman who think we need to change our English language-speaking country into everybody else’s language.

This whole situation won’t end in a pretty picture. I am astounded as to why I am virtually the only journalist in the country who possesses the guts to spell it out. We need hundreds of Americans and journalists, along with radio and television people to address what we face by adding 100,000,000 (million) people to our country. In a nano-second of time in 30 years!

Do you not think it’s beyond stupid, it’s beyond ludicrous, it’s insane and it’s unsustainable environmentally and sociologically? Please join these organizations to stop your children from this untenable future:;;;;

Call your senators and House member and tell them what you think. You may call for a total shutdown of all immigration. Or, tell them to reduce all legal immigration to “Egress Equals Ingress”, so if 50,000 leave the USA annually, we can allow 50,000 immigrants who are skilled and speak English, and are compatible to our culture: net gain would equal zero: Ph. 1 202 225 0600

Do it for your kids.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Mass Immigration into America: The Coming Impact of Biden’s Open Borders, Part 1

By Frosty Wooldridge

Joe Biden promised amnesty for 25 million illegal aliens. He promised to tear down 400 miles of the Wall separating Mexico with America. He promised amnesty for 800,000 plus DACA illegal aliens. He promised thousands more work visas into the USA, which adds endless population surges. He promises to open the borders again to immigration from Muslim countries.

His promises will flood America with millions more desperate people from all over the world.

This interview with energy and resources specialist Dell Erickson of Minneapolis, Minnesota presents a harsh picture of America’s future that Biden expects to bequeath to Americans and our children.

The sheer numbers will shock you and the consequences will make you shrink as to the future for your children.

Mr. Erickson, please give us an idea of what our country faces as Joe Biden opens the borders to unlimited immigration:

“Immigration in the U.S. is more about the nature of this country and the Powers transforming it,” Erickson said. “It’s all about numbers.”

“I begin with immigration numbers, then immigration policies, and finally representation as the foundation of this Nation. We study the sources of immigration, effects of any Biden amnesty, and mathematically determine the implications for voting and representation, plus redistricting.

“The numbers are current or close approximations. Assumptions are as identified. Also, it is imperative to note that all lawful, amnestied immigrants, and illegal aliens, ‘refugees’, even tourists can have an instant citizen child and the child overtime, can lawfully bring its entire family to the U.S. On average they each bring 3.5 – 5 or more family members. Some 10 – 15. American citizens have no say in the matter.”

Representation in Congress

“Congress (the House) has 435 members,” said Erickson. “Congressional representation determines Federal policies, practices, rules, laws, power and control, and money flows to and from the states. The more representatives of a type, the greater the power. The House is balanced by the Senate. The catchphrase is the House “proposes”, the Senate “disposes”.

“In divided, balanced, situations, as now, the President assumes great power, power that is only restricted by the Constitution and only then if courts contest a matter. Like the President’s political party, the Attorney General is unlikely to contest the President since the AG is of the same political party. Analogously, for the States and municipalities. Others may entertain a lawsuit, but they require standing –and money!”

Changes in representation is called: redistricting.

Current U.S. population:

335,000,000 / 435 = 770,100 population for each representative. Note the dilution.

Immigrants and their children (2019.): 62,000,000 / 770,100 = 80.5 members of congress representing immigrants. House seats are taken from other locations. ~19% of total.

1900 U.S. population: 76,000,000
76,000,000 / 435 = 175,000 per seat.

1800 U.S. population: 5,300,000
5,300,000 / 435 = 12,200 per seat.

Determining additional representatives by immigration sources & numbers.

DACA: 800,000, assume 3.5 family members each = 2,800,000 + 800,000 = 3,600,000 total immigration, one time, not yearly.

DREAM Act-like legislation; assume 2,000,000 and family of 3.5x = 7,000,000 + 2,000,000 = 9,000,000 immigration, one time, not yearly.

Legal annual immigration. 1,000,000 3.5x family = 3,500,000 + 1,000,000 = 4,500,000 per year, every year.

Refugees. 80,000, assume family of 7x = 560,000 + 80,000 = 640,000 per year. If “refugees” at 250,000 (a ‘fair’ number?) then 1,750,000 + 250,000 = 2,000,000 every year.

Illegal aliens. Assume 50% have non-U.S. family and they each have family 4x = 11,000,000 x 4 = 44,000,000 +11,000,000 = 55,000,000 one time, over several years.

H visa family (many types). 500,000 stay per year, assume family 4x = 2,000,000 + 500,000 = 2,500,000 every year.

Student visas. 700,000 who become illegal aliens, assume % illegal overstayers of 45% (315,000), family 4x = 1,260,000 per year + 315,000 = 1,575,000 every year.

Lottery. 85,000, family 4x = 340,000 every year.

Birth Tourist visas. 33,000 per year. Assume family 5x, 165,000 + 33,000 = 198,000 yearly.

Illegal alien birth industry. 300,000 per year. 5x, 1,500,000 + 300,000 = 1,800,000 per year.

TOTAL Biden/Harris amnesty results:

One time, arrive over several years:

3,600,000 -800,000 (already here) = 2,600,000
9,000,000 -2,000,000 (already here) = 7,000,000
55,000,000 -11,000,000 (already here) = 44,000,000

Total: 67,600,000 – 13,800,000 = 53,800,000 new immigrants in-country.

Yearly Additional:
1,000,000 => 4,500,000
250,000 => 2,000,000
500,000 => 2,500,000
315,000 => 1,575,000
85,000 => 340,000
33,000 => 198,000
300,000 => 1,800,000

Total: 12,913,000 per year

You can see from Erickson’s research that our country will become a massive refugee camp. Where the 1,000,000 legal immigrants enjoy entry, it actually turns out to be 4.5 million people as to their offspring.

The 250,000 turns out to be 2.0 million. The 500,000 illegals turns out to be 2.5 million with their birthrates. The 300,000 anchor babies grow to 1.8 million annually with their mothers and further children, year after year.

Biden will accelerate those numbers with his amnesties to the point where we will not be able to water, feed, work, educate, medicate or provide for THAT many people—along with our own citizens.

Do you understand that 335 million people today need over 1 billion meals per day? That’s three square meals a day! What happens when we have to feed 440 million as shown in the video below?

What’s going to happen? As Black, White and Hispanic Americans dwindle, we will see this country become dominated by Kenya, Ethiopia, Damascus, India, China, Pakistan and most other third world countries that flood their citizens into America.

Is that what you want for your children? Because if you do, it’s coming. If you don’t, what are you doing as a citizen to stop it?

“America’s immigration policies have launched us into a risky experiment never tried by a modern-day country,” said Dan Stein, director of the Federation of American Immigration Reform, based in Washington, DC. “What remains to be seen is if this country has the capacity to accommodate and assimilate an unending wave of mass immigration. Failure to do so will result in a balkanized, fragmented, strife-torn, overpopulated, and dysfunctional country.”


Distribute these two videos to all your networks to visually show them what’s coming for their children, too:

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Let’s Take A Break From The Insanity Of This Election: Paradise of New Zealand

By Frosty Wooldridge

Are you totally exhausted mentally, spiritually and physically by this national election? It’s made me so sick, I haven’t watched TV for a week to keep my sanity.  We’ve watched both sides call each other liars, cheats and crooks.  We know that Trump cheated on his income taxes.  We know that Joe Biden stands as corrupt as Al Capone over the Ukraine Oil deal with his son Hunter making millions because of his dad’s VP power.  We know Biden didn’t want his children to go to school in an integrated “jungle” in the 1970’s as to bussing his kids into inner cities.  But Trump gets called a ‘racist’.  Everyone knows Joe suffers from onset dementia and that he won’t last six months in office. So, Kamilla Harris will become the next president, or if she doesn’t because Biden keeps staggering upright, his handlers will pull all the strings.  Essentially, we won’t have a president in the White House—we will have a puppet with heaven knows who is pulling the strings.

Therefore, I will return next Monday with a critical analysis of what happened and what’s going to happen to our country.  In the meantime, enjoy a heartwarming story of human kindness from New Zealand.

“That’s the one thing about adventure,” I said.  “We don’t have any idea what’s ahead, what could happen or who we might meet.  I know one thing…it’s for those of us who pedal the highways of the world with great expectations that we enjoy such extravagant opportunities like shearing sheep on a New Zealand ranch in Heavenly Valley. Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.  Let’s ride!”

In New Zealand, you “Can’t pedal slowly enough” to absorb its magical scenery.  It’s that beautiful. It’s that romantic! It’s an island of massive mountains, gentle people and tremendous wildlife.  Not to mention around 23 million sheep and only four million people!

After having pedaled the North Island, Doug and I met at a youth hostel in Wellington. At 6’4”, he proved a lanky cyclist on a Diamond Back mountain bike.  After graduating from UCLA in physics, he took a bike trip around the world.  I saw his panniers near a bunk in the hostel. At dinner, I saw him sitting at a table, so I walked over to say greet him.

“You traveling alone?” I asked.  “I’m heading south to Invercargill and Stewart Island for the penguins.  If you like, we could ride together.”

“Sure,” he said.  “I’m headed south, too.  If the South Island is as good as the North Island, we’re in for a good time.”

Since I was 13 years older than him, he proved much quieter and easy going.  We found out quickly that we enjoyed each other’s company.  It’s turned out to be a life-time friendship.

After heading down the coast to climb on the 5 million-year-old Moeraki Boulders on Kohekohe Beach, that popped out of the surf south of Pictin. It took Nature about 5.5 million years to create them.  They lay all over the beach. We took pictures of ourselves climbing on them.

Of all my world travels across six continents, I vouch that a bicycle trip through New Zealand proves itself to be one of the most extraordinary with the ocean at your side the whole time.  Whales, seals, sea birds, penguins and so much more entertain you for the entire ride!  At the same time, the Kiwi’s provide such incredible hospitality.

After many days riding, we reached Christchurch for some memorable riding on a “High Wheeler” (Penny Farthing) bicycle.  That same bike, a Columbian, ridden by Thomas Stevens, was the first bicycle to be ridden around the world in 1884 to 1886.  Stevens wrote and illustrated a book on his three years ride:  Bicycling Around the World by Thomas Stevens.  I’ve got a copy and needed a dictionary to read it because of his exquisite use of the English language.

After leaving Christchurch, we headed toward Mt. Cook National Park in the interior where we would see glaciers, snowfields and turquoise lakes.  Along the way, sheep, sheep and more sheep!

After camping out in a paddock surrounded by trees, we got up in the morning to a brilliant sunrise.  Oh, make sure you ride New Zealand from mid-February to May when it’s nicer weather. Otherwise, you will discover what the term “drenched daily” means in the Kiwi dictionary.

We rode through Heavenly Valley.  Glorious mountains, wide valleys, plush green grass and beautiful trees lined the sheep-filled paddocks (pastures).  After heading out, we made five kilometers down the road when we saw a long wooden chute with a line of sheep in a barnyard.

“Hey,” said Doug. “Let’s check out that barn. I think I hear shears humming inside. They might be shearing their sheep.”

“Sounds great,” I said.

We parked the bikes along the fence and walked through the barn door.   Inside, a sweaty, bald guy and his son were bent over some sheep as they sheared them clean to the skin.  An older guy watched the operation.

“How are you doing?” the gray-haired asked.

“We’re just great,” Doug answered.  “Mind if we watch for awhile?”

“Suit yourselves,” the older man said. “You sound like a couple of yanks.”

“Yes sir,” I said. “Doug is from California and I’m from Colorado.”

“I’m Murray and this is James and his son Jack,” he said. “James is the two-time world sheep-shearing champion of Canterbury.”

“Pleasure,” we said.

For the next three hours, we found ourselves in the middle of one of the most fascinating moments of our cycling lives.  Murray invited us to shear the sheep under the tutelage of James.  Talk about back-breaking work!  Doug and I nicked the sheep to draw blood a few times.

(Frosty Wooldridge at 38 years of age on tour in New Zealand. He’s gently holding the sheep before shearing it. Yes, the sheep bleated a few times, shook himself and walked back out to the pasture, sans his winter coat.)

“It happens when the sheep jump at the sound of the shears,” said James.

After we helped stash the wool, sheared a few more sheep, and moved the sheep into the barnyard, the sun began to set.

“You boys want to stay over tonight?” Murray said. “My wife Daphne cooks delicious dinners with great blue berry pies for dessert.”

“Count us in,” Doug said.

After showering up, we dressed for a nice dinner.  As we walked into their elegant dining room with 10 candles burning in the center of the table…a big picture window offered the last rays of the sun setting over the mountains west of us.  We saw paddocks sectioned off on a slopping hill with newly sheared sheep along with other paddocks with sheep ready to be sheared.  They grazed the sheep in different paddocks to keep the grass growing.

After we sat down, Murray cut up a big plate of lamb.  He didn’t know that I was a vegetarian when he blurted out, “I hope you boys aren’t some of those gol-damned vegetarians because we eat mutton here.”

I swallowed…and thinking about being an ambassador for international relations, I said, “We love mutton and all the trimmings.”

“Good,” he said, slamming a big piece of lamb onto my plate.

For sure, I chewed and swallowed with a smile.  Daphne graciously provided us with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and salad.  And, as promised, she brought out one blueberry pie and one apple pie as we finished the main course.

She said, “Now you boys don’t have to be bashful.”

We weren’t. We devoured both pies to her delight!

For the next two days, we learned how to move the sheep by using commands to the sheep dogs.  Those incredibly intelligent canines knew how to round up the main body, catch and chase the stragglers back into the main flock, and then, move the sheep through gates that led to the new paddock with ample grass.  It looked much like an hourglass with the sheep waiting to move through the open gate into the new field, and once there, they began grazing to eventually spread out across the field.  It proved to be poetry in motion.

I can’t remember when I felt so close to the Earth, so close to Nature, and so close to understanding life on such an intimate level.  On that farm, Doug and I touched the very essence of existence.  Barn owls, mice, chickens, rabbits, squirrels, jays and a host of other birds with their songs, their feathers and their flight patterns.

After breakfast on the third day, we saddled up the bikes, gave our profound thanks to Murray and Daphne—and headed down the highway toward Mt. Cook.

As we stood astride our bikes, Murray and Daphne said, “Thank you for spending time with us.  God bless and safe travels.”

“Oh, we are indebted to you for this extraordinary moment on this bicycle tour,” said Doug.  “You two are a treasure to humanity.  Thank you so very much!”

Back on the road:

“That was a heck of an experience,” Doug said.  “Can’t imagine it getting any better than this.”

“That’s the one thing about adventure,” I said.  “We don’t have any idea what’s ahead, what could happen or who we might meet.  I know one thing…it’s for those of us who pedal the highways of the world with great expectations that we enjoy such extravagant opportunities like shearing sheep on a New Zealand ranch in Heavenly Valley. Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.  Let’s ride!”  Excerpt from: Bicycling Around the World: Tire Tracks for Your Imagination by Frosty Wooldridge

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Biden Versus Trump: Here’s What You Will Get

By Frosty Wooldridge

Never have we seen such anarchy in our country as we’ve seen in the past six months with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Never have we seen such disregard for Old Glory. Never have we seen looting, burning and mayhem on the level of 2020.  And, never have we seen governmental agencies breaking the law while creating bogus charges against a sitting president.

Never have we seen so many cities being burned, looted and trashed! Worse than that, those cities enjoy democrat mayors and governors that enable such anarchy in this country.   Never have we seen such racial strife or support of such violence.

For Joe Biden, 47 years in Congress and VP for eight years…not once has he offered bills or created a bill or a discussion to solve America’s problems. In fact, everything he’s done in nearly five decades did nothing for the American people.  He proved with the Boblulinski Report on Tucker Carlson last week, that this is Biden’s most scandalized moment in 2020. If you haven’t heard it, now’s the time.

If you’ve read his platform, he promises to turn our borders into a welcome mat for the world’s refugees.  He will gift amnesty to 25 million illegal aliens from the past and those streaming into our country during his tenure in the White House.  He will give all DACA recipients a free pass into our welfare system.  He will tear down 400 miles of the Wall.

Biden promises to place Muslims at all levels of power in his chain of command if elected president.  The problem: look at the beheadings, fear and terror now going on in Europe as their numbers grow…their terror acts increase exponentially.  Remember that Sharia Law stands in direct confrontation with 21st century Constitutional Law.  That barbaric law does not conform with a free society.

Islam proves ugly, frightening, parasitic, violent and inhumane on multiple levels, i.e. 20,000 honor killings of women annually according to the United Nations report. It advocates for female genital mutilation of girls under nine years of age.  It mandates, “Convert or kill all non-believers” in the Quran.  It’s a beast of a religious-economic-political nightmare for anyone who enjoys women’s rights, children’s rights, animal rights, free speech, choice of religion, choice of dress and choice of spouse. If Biden wins, he will give Islam more power to overwhelm America.

He promises to raise taxes dramatically to pay for healthcare for all, including illegal aliens at 25 million of them according to the 2018 Yale Report.  Biden promises to bring socialism to a new level in America. What does that mean?   Answer: it means that Americans who work, save and produce will be giving their money to those who drop out of school, who fail in personal accountability and responsibility, and who think they are entitled to a “free ride.”  We already pay for 40 million Americans and illegals riding for free on their EBT cards…Electronic Benefits Transfers, i.e., food stamps and freebees for doing nothing.

Biden does not have a plan to stop Covid. If he’s lucky, he might escape dying from it himself.  For certain, at 78 years of age, he’s frail, with onset dementia, often talks in a fog, falls asleep during interviews, and he most likely will become exhausted within three months…and then, Kamilla Harris will assume the presidency.  She’s even more angry at America and more drastic!

Finally, Biden stands as a preeminent pathological liar. He has lied so often in his forever Congressional career that he doesn’t know the truth from a lie.  He’s corrupt, yet pretends integrity. He lies, but espouses truth. He’s pathetic but pretends to unite the American people.  He was a sycophant to Obama and he’s pretty much a bootlicker to money for himself and his family members. If he doesn’t win, BLM and Antifa promise massive violence across the country.  They will have to be crushed by every state’s National Guard.  If not stopped, they could send a death knell upon our Republic.

Donald J. Trump remains self-absorbed, bombastic, Twitter junkie, man-child, probably cheated on his income taxes and continues as the most colorful and outspoken president since Teddy Roosevelt.

At the same time, he’s accomplished more in managing America, created a fantastic economy, and pulled up all races toward better jobs and abundance.  He’s also trashed more of our environmental laws. He does not understand “catastrophic climate destabilization”, but the rest of the world isn’t really doing squat to save the planet from carbon footprint, either. And, we’re way below China and India as to fossil fuel burning.

He stopped massive immigration from terrorist countries out of Africa and the middle east. He has not enforced US Code 8, Section 1324 to stop illegal immigration at its base.  But neither has Congress for 40 years!  In the end, he may be America’s last great hope for stopping the anarchy, mayhem, looting, burning and destruction of the core of American society.

If not, we’re all screwed.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

A Letter to Time Magazine Editors

By Frosty Wooldridge

Have you noticed that Joe Biden intends to open our borders to unlimited illegal and legal immigration?  Have you noticed what’s happening to our country, its quality of life, our culture, our cities and our language?  Have you noticed what’s happening to our children rioting and the rule of law?  Have you noticed the latest lootings and riots in Philadelphia?  Do you think any of it will improve with the current onslaught of immigrants streaming into America?

This past week, Time CEO and publisher Edward Felsenthal promoted “The Great Reset” of America toward a better future.  What he didn’t do: actually deal with what is really happening to us. Why? He sits in his plush leather seat in a plush office in New York City, but doesn’t have a clue as to what’s happening to all of us average Americans.  He then published an article by Ciara Nugent about how we’re going to make it a better future by building better cities.  Both of them would not touch the fact that we remain on course to add 100 million immigrants to our country from a world exploding with more immigrants to-be as the third world adds 83 million new babies, net gain, annually.

None of the top mainstream media will educate Americans as to what’s coming.  Therefore, I responded with two letters. I urge you to make these letters your own and write Time with demands to address our future.  Thank you, Frosty

Dear Time and Edward Felsenthal:

Re: “Before and After” by CEO Edward Felsenthal, Nov 2, 2020. “The Great Reset”

While Felsenthal waxed poetically about America’s “Great Reset”, Time Magazine and its entire staff ignore the most crucial issue of the 21stcentury: America’s immigration predicament in conjunction to humanity’s impending trauma.  America remains on course to add 100 million people within 30 years.  The global population will jump from 7.8 billion to 10 billion.  All of it unsustainable!  Continued worldwide population explosion guarantees massive starvation levels and die-off of humans. Let alone the degradation of the Natural World and species extinction rates off the charts!

And yet, you pretend to solve our national and global environmental problems with inane, unfortunate and insipid solutions such as building more environmentally prudent cities, conservation and cleaner energies.  In reality, you refuse to educate the American people as to what’s really coming at us as we add another 100 million people.  Do you want Americans to remain blind, deaf and dumb to our prospects when 2050 hits?

This is a challenge to you Mr. Felsenthal and Time’s editors: start writing about what we face if we allow another 100 million people to be added to our country. Research and report on water scarcity, energy exhaustion, depleted resources and collapsing environment caused by too many people, too much consumption, too much plastic in the oceans and too many chemicals into the air, land and water.  Give us facts and harsh understandings!  Give us realistic solutions instead of the same ‘pretend solutions’ that you feature weekly in your magazine.  How about talking about “population stabilization policies” and “homeostasis”  and “living within the carrying capacity” of North America in order to ensure future generations a viable civilization? Is that too much to ask?

It’s WAY past time for you to get straight with the American people.

Thank you,

— Frosty Wooldridge

Golden, CO

Dear Time editors:

Re: “Blueprint for the planet” by Ciara Nugent, Nov. 2, 2020, page 86, The Great Reset

Einstein said, “The problems in the world today cannot be solved with the level of thinking that created them.”

Architect Ingels’ “Hedonistic Stupidity” plan for building a livable world ignores the basic reality that 10 billion people cannot be sustained on this planet no matter how much conservation.  All world leaders, and top news media across the planet continue thinking we can survive our exploding human population that will reach 10 billion within 30 years.  We cannot and we will not!

Forgotten or ignored in this equation remains the fact that we will exhaust the world’s NNR by 2050. (Source: Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston)  According to Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson, we accelerate the “Sixth Extinction Session” with our booming numbers and will cause the extinction of 1/3 of all animal life by 2050.  With five trillion pieces of plastic floating and/or submerged in our oceans, we will triple that amount of plastic in 30 years and destroy any semblance of biodiversity for all time. How will the Natural World survive our accumulation of 70,000 chemicals injected into the air, land and water 24/7?  Even if we discovered a non-polluting energy source, we would continue growing until we destroyed any homeostasis on this finite planet.

Why doesn’t Time Magazine and its staff jump off the “same old thinking” and publish more realistic thinkers and writers who bring viable and rational solutions?  Why not educate readers with positive results such as a “U.S. Population Stabilization Policy,” or “U.S. Carrying Capacity Policy” or “A Viable Population Plan for the Future”?

You either publish new ways of thinking or the old ways will create the Darwin Solution. It’s brutal, merciless and effective.

Thank you,

— Frosty Wooldridge

Golden, CO

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Joe Biden’s Promise: “I will work for Amnesty for all undocumented immigrants”

By Frosty Wooldridge

While this nation reels under the Covid pandemic, presidential candidate Joe Biden guarantees another pandemic that threatens America’s future: endless, massive and unrelenting immigration.

While he promises to give amnesty to 11,000,000 illegal alien migrants having violated our laws, he fails to understand that the Yale Report researched a number between 23 and 25 million of them in an exhaustive statement in October 2018.  Thus, when you crunch the numbers, Biden would give 23 to 25 million foreigners instant access to America’s welfare, food, medical, education and housing programs—instead of American citizens.  He would reward lawlessness with extraordinary benefits paid for by your tax dollars.

Biden said, “We owe it to them.”

Exactly why do we owe border jumping criminals anything?  Secondly, how did that work out in 1986 when Reagan provided 3.4 million illegals a free pass?  Answer: he instigated a massive assault on our borders to give us 23 to 25 million in 2020.

What MOST Americans fail to understand remains the fact that those illegal aliens came from a pool of people out of the third world that add 83 million more of themselves annually.  You must ask yourself the question: how can we save the rest of the world at 83 million new-born babies, net gain, annually?  Thirdly, how will that work out for America with another 100 million people to support by 2050?  Fourthly, why are our leaders doing this to us?

Here are some harsh realities expressed by world traveler Gary Gobel when he talked to me about what’s happening in the third world. Mr. Gobel, give us an idea of what they face and what we face:

Gobel said,  “You’re talking about migrations from poverty. It is not out of a lack of concern or any humanity for these people that I take a hard line here. Having lived in Ethiopia and seen real poverty, worked with it and then understanding the drop in the bucket approach that occasional charity and immigration provides to the suffering of large numbers of people, that I have settled on the need to improve the nations that are bastions of poor governments.

UN Population projections for Ethiopia:  “114 million people in 2020 to 171.8 million in 2050. The projected Ethiopian population steadily increased from 83.7 million in 2012 to 133.5 million in 2032 and 171.8 million in 2050, with a doubling time of 83 years in 2050.”  [Note that those same projections show Africa exploding from 1.1 billion people today to 2 billion by 2050.]

Please note that millions starve to death in Africa annually in 2020, and millions more live in refugee camps in the most horrid of conditions.

“The very people that are motivated to take these treks are the ones that could make the most difference in their own nations,” said Gobel.  “Protest, political activism, revolution and out right revolt are the natural activities that remake these nations and migrations are the social and economic relief values that allow the bastions of poor government to continue.”

Gobel continued, “With our 7.8 billion, fast growing world population, the true hope of mankind is to grow the developed world and that requires some human suffering, but it is more like pulling a band-aid off quickly than the suffering that comes from not attacking the real problems.

“In April 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank…….many of the life boats that were launched rowed away while the ship sank….then, after many had drowned or froze in the cold waters, the life boats returned and gathered up the more hearty survivors that were still alive. Was this selfish and heartless? No, the boat crewmen understood the lifeboats would be quickly swamped if they returned to the scene right after the ship sank….they understood that the lifeboats would be overburdened in the desperation.

“That is the danger that this world finds itself in as it has not addressed the issue of uncontrolled population explosion in the undeveloped world….how do you do that without appearing to be cruel people?……not sure, we should discuss that but, I can tell you, that brutal *itch, Mother Nature, can solve this if she steps in……and if we remain inactive, she will.”

Gobel has seen what I have seen throughout the third world.  And yes, Mother Nature proves herself a brutal *itch when it comes to starving humans by the millions when they overrun the carrying capacity of her limited landmasses.

So, if Biden, who runs on ideas and understandings of an 80 year old man, because he’s a breath away from becoming an octogenarian, and we vote him into the White House, he will definitely rain-down Mother Nature on America as he promised to “…tear down the wall and open the southern border.”

Biden also promises to put Muslims, “…into as many levels as possible in my administration.”

Not only does he promise to bring in millions of desperate, poverty-stricken and illiterate refugees, he promised to install the world’s most violent religion right into the White House where it will work to install Sharia Law into every aspect of American Life.  That equates to loss of women’s rights, children’s rights, animal rights, religious rights, spousal choice, dressing rights, FGM, honor killings, four wives per man and another dozen aspects of that profoundly backward and violent religion-economic-political system that contradicts everything we hold dear in Western Society and in the U.S. Constitution.  It’s a fact that Muslims remain pernicious as shown in the beheading of a French teacher last week in Paris…and they grow ever stronger with numbers both in Canada and in the USA.

What does that mean?  Answer: it means we are cutting our own throats with a religion that cuts anyone’s throat if anyone disagrees. They only remain rational when their numbers are small.  Once their numbers dominate, well, just look at Europe today.   A quote out of the Quran:  “Convert or kill all non-believers.”

That’s what Biden expects to bring into America. Little does he realize that Muslims would cut his throat if it suited them or once Biden can’t help them.

Again, the question: do you want this kind of internal conflict for your children?  What have you done to stop it?  Why haven’t you suggested this topic to Meet the Press, Face the Nation, NPR, PBS, CNN and FOX News?  Have you seen this issue being discussed anywhere?  Of course not, because few understand what’s coming.  It’s either nip it in the bud now, or that immigration *itch will kill your children’s future.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What’s in An Empty Pizza Box?

By Frosty Wooldridge

This week, our country continues spiraling into confusion, anger, racial confrontation and presidential combat.  Trump is bombastic and Biden has lost his mind!  One senatorial candidate calls another a villain while the other calls his opponent a crook.  We seem to be pulling apart at the seams.  I have very dear liberal friends and conservative friends who are willing to break up their friendships over who is “right” to run our country.

We’ve got black and white people stomping on Old Glory.  Kids disrespect their country and want to destroy it. Covid continues killing thousands of Americans.  To tell you the truth, I’m sick of watching the evening news.  I’m sick of being stressed.  I see white people afraid to walk by black people.  I’m sick of the bad news.  I’m really sick of Antifa, Boogaloo and BLM.

Therefore, this column represents most people in America. It represents our highest and best as human beings.  And I must share with you: we’re going to come through this tempest because we love America, even with its warts and shortfalls.  It’s our only home.  It’s not like we can move to Africa, India, China or Mexico for a better life.  All of us of every race, color and racial group need to come together.  If we don’t, we could ruin, even destroy the finest civilization ever created on Earth.  I might add, if you don’t like America, just visit Africa or India or China and/or 50 other third world countries for a heavy dose of reality. I have, and it’s not pretty out there for billions across the globe.

So, please enjoy this short story of my travels on a bicycle, coast to coast, across America.  It will warm your heart and give you hope, along with a big smile across your face.

This story finds us at the tail-end of our 4,100-mile coast to coast bicycle adventure by a bunch of 70-year old’s.  When I was young, I didn’t think much about it during my first crossing in 1975, but now that I’m a senior citizen, every day grows more precious and the adventure more meaningful.

As I cruised into Vermont on the tail-end of our bicycle adventure, I lagged behind my friends Gerry and Don by an hour.  We pedaled over hills, hills and more hills.  Because I take a lot of pictures, I often fell back several miles.

It took me 15 minutes to get a great shot of a muskrat paddling across a glass-still pond. Nothing like wildlife going about their daily business.  He created a V-wake behind him that cut across the pond. Two diving ducks created circles. When the V-wake intersected with the rippling circles, it created a great photograph.  I love the creativity of Mother Nature.

As for the speed of my bicycle, I call it the “pleasure pace” which means I enjoy every mile. Some call it “Eudemonia”, “Satori”, or “The Perfect Speed.”  It’s the connection of mind, body and spirit coming together to form a natural “high” or “total happiness.”  When you pedal a bicycle through such beauty for eight hours a day, it transforms you and becomes a winsome dance.  I’ve discovered over the years that bicycling pertains more to a spiritual experience than a physical one.  No, I’m not saying it’s a picnic busting over a 12,000-foot pass in the Rocky Mountains, but then, the views more than compensate.  As you can see from the picture, I’d choose the mountains seven days a week.

(Frosty Wooldridge gazing at a sunset over a mountain pass that just took five hours to climb.)

Like all the New England states, Vermont provided such beauty, but suddenly, my rear tire suffered a flat. “Dang,” I muttered to myself. “Those guys will be drinking beers and eating dinner by the time I catch up to them.”

No matter, I stopped near a cable guardrail.  As you can see from the load on my bike “Condor”, I had to pull a lot of gear off the back to get to the wheel.  Just as I pulled the axle from the dropouts, an SUV passed me and honked. I waved.

(Frosty Wooldridge overlooking Niagara Falls and a double rainbow.)

As with all flat tires, I peeled the tire off the rim with my plastic levers. I checked the tube, found the glass chard that cut it, and patched it.  I checked the rim tape for problems, then checked the tire for any other foreign objects and replaced it back onto the rim.  After pumping it up, I dropped my solid axle back into the dropouts, replaced the nuts and aligned it.  Then, I replaced the cables on the cantilever brakes.  All in all, I spent 45 to 50 minutes.

After making sure the bike was roadworthy, I replaced my heavy pack (80 pounds), and bungee-corded it all back onto the rack. At that moment, I pulled my water bottle for a swig to quench my thirst.  As I sat on the piling of the guard rail, that same SUV rolled to a stop across the highway.  A kid jumped out with a pizza box and two cans of lemonade. He ran across the highway toward me.

“My dad said you might like some refreshments,” he said.  “He remembers when he rode his bicycle across the country after finishing college.  He still talks about it. It was the best time of his life. He’s got an 8”X10” photo of him and his buddies celebrating on the Atlantic Ocean right on his desk.  Every day he sees it, that photo it lights him up.”

“Well thank you,” I said, as I waved to the entire family. “Good for your dad! I bet he’s got lots of stories to tell.”

“Yes sir,” the boy said. “He tells them around the campfire when we go camping. Somehow, he always comes up with a new one that makes us laugh.”

The boy crossed back over the road.  Everyone in the car smiled.  “Safe travels,” the father said.  I waved, “Back at you!”

(My touring bike loaded with gear and an empty pizza box filled with kindness and memories of the goodness of folks around the world.)

They drove off.  I sat there realizing that my two buddies were eating dinner and drinking beers up ahead, but as I sat there munching on the MOST incredible and best tasting pizza of my life, to this day, it will be the greatest pizza that I ever ate. Why?  Because it was given to me on a very hot day in Vermont on a very lonely road. It rewarded me for fixing my flat tire.  It tingled my tastebuds like no other pizza because of the kindness of other human beings.  It was given with love, trust and a sense of connectedness that all of us humans carry in our hearts.

When I finished, I placed the empty pizza box on top of my pack. With the last gulp of lemonade, I flattened the two cans to be recycled when I reached the next town.  I remounted my bike Condor and pedaled east with a big smile across my face and an even bigger one across my spirit.

“Darn,” I muttered to myself. “Sometimes, flat tires are a good thing!”

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” – Bob Kerrey

With that reality, over the years, I have always passed “kindness” forward. I compliment the store clerk about her necklace or earrings.  I thank the waitress for her exemplary service with an extra-large tip.  I salute the passing police officer because he works a dangerous job that maintains our society. I slap a $5 bill into a homeless persons hand at some intersection.  Why? But for the grace of God, that homeless person could be me. I thank a military person for his or her service to our country.  I’ve picked up a million pieces of trash across six continents to make the Natural World more beautiful.  It takes almost nothing to smile at anyone passing or giving a kind word.

It’s wrapped up in this quote:  “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” —Barbara De Angelis

Bless you on your own bicycle, walk, hike, canoe, raft or any other manner on your own individual journey.  —Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent world bicycle traveler.

From that journey, I wrote a book: Old Men Bicycle Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age.  Available on Amazon. Or, 1 888 519 5121

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

A Lifetime of Lies, Corruption and Malfeasance: Joe Biden

By Frosty Wooldridge

President Harry Truman said, “You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.”

After 47 years of lies, corruption and malfeasance, candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden continues to make a mockery of integrity, honesty and decency. He lies so much, he can’t tell the truth from a lie, and he can’t cover them up.  He sniffs little girls’ hair and fondles them. You can see it on many YouTube videos. He can’t keep his hands-off young girls or women.  He’s still facing rape-attempt charges from one of his aides in Congress, Tara Reade in 1993. How many others didn’t speak up?

And the latest revelation: Biden secured a ‘job’ on a Ukrainian Oil Company board for $50,000.00 a month, when Hunter Biden wouldn’t know an oil well from an erector set.  The story broke in the New York Post, but Twitter and Facebook did their best to cover it up.

He owns three homes worth in excess of $5 million. One on Rehobeth Beach, Delaware is worth $3 million.   Yet, he’s never done an honest day’s work in his life. He’s a politician.  Notice one of his colleagues, Nancy Pelosi, 80 years old, smiles about her $125 million in the bank from insider-trading on U.S. defense contracts of a 19 year-long war that she’s supported.  Why? Money!  Same with Diane Feinstein, 87 years old, who must be one of the oldest fossils in Congress. Yet her bank account commands millions of dollars.

Realities of Biden’s lifetime corruption and lying:

JOE BIDEN: “I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class that had a full academic scholarship. Went back to law school, and in fact ended up in the top half of my class.  I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. . . I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, you need 125 credits.”

NEWS ANCHOR: “Biden now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, that he does not have three degrees from college, that he was not named outstanding political science student in college.”

SAM DONALDSON: “Newsweek says Biden went to school on a half scholarship, ended up near the bottom of his class, and won only one degree, not three.”

MORTON KONDRACKE: “Joe Biden ranked 76th in a class of 85 at the University of Syracuse law school.”  Aug 10, 2020

2) ASSOCIATED PRESS on Law School Plagiarism: “Biden Claimed He Was in Top Half of Law Class”:

3) REAL CLEAR POLITICS ON THE FIVE PLAGIARIZED PAGES: “Joe Biden’s Plagiarism Problem,” Real Clear Politics, 7/23/2020:

As a VP for Obama, Biden connected himself with Benghazi where four top Americans were needlessly killed by inept leadership of Obama and Hillary Clinton.

During Obama-Biden, Muslims enjoyed top spots in the White House and even an Islamic prayer room. One top aid, Muhammed Magid, was the Sharia Law advocate under Obama. Obama charged him with bringing Sharia Law into the mainstream in America.

Biden said that when he reaches the White House, “Muslims will fill important posts in my administration.”

Harsh reality and fact:  Islam’s Sharia Law counters everything in Western Culture and diametrically opposes the U.S. Constitution. If implemented, Sharia Law would negate women’s rights, religious rights, children’s rights, animal rights, choice of spouse, choice of dress and essentially turn America back  into a 6th century caliphate. One look at Europe or Canada will give you an idea of Biden’s final gift to America.

If elected, Biden promises to open our borders, tear down the 400 miles of the Mexican-American wall and give amnesty to in excess of 20 million illegal aliens.  That act alone would break our entire welfare, educational and food stamp system.

Ironically, back in the 1980’s, Biden stood against bussing and integration as he supported former KKK clansman and Congressman Robert Byrd.  Biden said, “I don’t want my kids to go to school in a jungle.”  Meaning, he didn’t want them in school with African-Americans.  His hypocrisy sets the benchmark for a politician running for the presidency.

For what it’s worth, he would reach the White House at 78 years of age. He’s old, frail and unable to withstand the rigors of the presidency. He falls asleep in interviews (I’ve seen them), and his dementia shows during his meaningless, and incoherent rambles when answer a question. He always leaves off with, “…well, you know what I mean.”  He left the women on the TV program “The View” aghast with his inane ramblings. The looks on their faces: priceless!

The average age of a male in America stands at 76.5 years.  Because of his age, more than likely, he will die in office so you must understand a vote for Biden really means a vote for Kamilla Harris, a lady who really represents India and Jamaica because her parents were not citizens when they birthed her.  Harris would be indicative of our contentious racial fragmentation in America and actually accelerate it like Obama did.

If you vote for a career, corrupt politician like Biden, you’re voting for a fragmented, fractured, violent, BLM and Antifa future for the United States of America.  It’s that simple and that ugly.

In May 2014, Biden’s youngest son, Hunter, joined the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company whose owner was being investigated in a corruption probe. Hunter Biden received monthly compensation of as much as $50,000 during his approximately five-year tenure. In December 2015, Vice President Biden was among many Western leaders calling for the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, over allegations that he was not rooting out corruption in the country. “My son did nothing wrong,” Biden said in October 2019. “I did nothing wrong.”  (Source: Politico, 55 things you didn’t know about Joe Biden, 3/5/20)

As you can see, he lies so much, he doesn’t know the difference from facts and lies. That’s Joe Biden.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Our Monster Civilization: Slicing and Dicing This Planet

By Frosty Wooldridge

After having finished the 11-part series on “Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants?”, a flood of emails poured into my computer.

“Mr. Wooldridge,” one reader said. “Covid is Nature’s revenge. Humans cannot keep doing what they are doing and expect a picnic from Mother Nature.  Americans may be the most irresponsible people on the planet.  Our consumption rates cannot continue.”

Another email writer said, “Why would someone want to destroy America?  It’s the most successful country in the world.  It’s why over a billion people would migrate here in a nano-second if given the chance.”

Time Magazine’s Indian immigrant staff writer Fareed Zakaria said, “We need to rethink how we live.”  That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy whose country overwhelms Nature with 1.3 billion people on its way to 1.55 billion by 2050.  He escaped to America to escape from India’s horribly overloaded civilization.

Let’s talk about consumption rates:  Americans consume natural resources like 330 million Kansas wheat combines.   We burn 20 million barrels of oil every single day of the year.  We use and waste trillions of gallons of water.  We eat everything in sight.

Globally 90,000,000,000 (billion) animals suffer slaughtering annually.  In the USA, we kill 7 billion chickens annually to feed our citizens. We kill another 800,000 beef cows for meat 24/7.  Over 43 billion animals have been killed for food in the USA already this year.  What does it take to fatten up those cows?  It takes 16 pounds of corn or grain to  put a pound on a beef cow and 2,500 gallons of water for every pound added.  Not only that, cows crap 40 to 50 pounds of manure daily.  It’s insane what it takes to bring a beef cow to market.

What’s the problem?  Animal products provide only 18 percent of calories worldwide yet take up to 80 percent of earth’s farmland.  Those massive farm operations serve as petri dishes for viruses.

“Selection for specific genes in farmed animals has made animals genetically identical,” said Sigal Samuel, agricultural specialist. “That means  that a virus can easily spread from animal to animal without encouraging any genetic variants that might stop it in its tracks.”

From that report, he predicted that Covid won’t be the first or the last pandemic facing humans in the 21st century.  As we add another 3 billion of ourselves by 2050, it’s going to get really cozy as we cram 10 billion of ourselves together on this finite planet. Just what viruses like!

Whether you understand “catastrophic climate destabilization” as I discovered it in Antarctica in 1997-98, we are now watching it burn 5 million acres of land in California, Oregon and Washington State.  We’re seeing 120 degrees in San Diego in late September.  We’re watching our carbon footprint dumping billions of tons of carbon into our oceans along with particles.  We’re seeing the skies over our cities turn yellow-brown with particulate.

Anybody think that’s going to turn out well for our children?  What happens when we add that next 100,000,000 (million) immigrants to America?  How will we feed and water our top 35 cities when they double in population numbers? How’s that going to work out for us?

How much damage are we doing to Nature?  Today, 75 percent of all land has been severely altered by human actions along with 66 percent of the world’s marine environments.  I’ve reported that we kill 100 million sharks annually and have been since 1990.  Any thought about killing the whales and fish stocks via 20-mile-long drift nets behind massive trawlers?

What about pollution?  Have you done anything about the 5,000,000,000,000 (trillion) pieces of plastic now floating or sunk into Earth’s oceans?  How about the 70,000 chemicals that we spew into the air, land and water 24/7?  What about it all landing in the oceans and accumulating?  Have you eaten any radiated fish lately from Japan’s nuclear disaster four years ago?

Scientist Nobel winner Joshua Lederberg said, “Human beings’ continued economic and scientific advancement is the greatest threat to every other plant and animal species, as we crowd them out in our own quest for resources.”

Lederberg added, “We do have one competitor for dominance, and it could ultimately win: viruses.”

With creatures like ourselves, even the stars aren’t safe.  Notice we spend trillions of dollars on spaceships to the moon and Mars as if anyone wants to live on a planetary rock.  Star Trek created great science fiction, but the fact remains, humans are not going anywhere.

Mr. Zakaria offered some of the most ridiculous solutions I have ever read.  He wants America to engage a “carbon tax.”  He promoted more responsible economic development.  What a bunch of malarkey!

None of it will work if we add another 100 million people to our country. That multiplies every consequence we see in America today by a factor of 100 million.  Why is it THAT reality lost on virtually all the experts in this country?

When you read sobering if not depressing information like this, what do you do?  How do you feel?  What kind of actions are you taking in your community?  Are you calling up your TV station to ask for an interview about stopping development that overruns your area?  Have you called your Congress Critter and Senators?   Has anyone given any thought to stopping the main driver: endless legal immigration?  If not now, when, and if not you, then who?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Harshest Realities of America’s Present and Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

When the Founders walked out of Constitution Hall in 1789, a reporter asked Ben Franklin, “What kind of government have you formed for the colonies?” Franklin replied, “A constitutional republic…if you can keep it.”

Our form of government possesses several flaws:  1. It requires an educated citizenry with the ability to think critically. We’re losing that in the United States with over 40 million functionally illiterate Americans and growing by millions of illiterate children in our inner cities.  2. It requires moral/ethical participation by citizens.  We’re losing that because a scant 50 percent vote in national elections and only 20 percent in local elections.  That allows corruption to proliferate.  3.  A Republic needs fresh minds and ideas with new leaders on a regular basis.  We don’t have ‘term limits’ so  our corrupt career politicians create networks of fraud, cheating and unethical/unwarranted wars, welfare fraud on a massive scale, endless illegal immigration, and enormous malfeasance. 4. The Founders didn’t mandate a single unifying language. Thus, we suffer hundreds of different languages and cultures now tearing at the seams of America’s fabric.

Today, in America, our politicians serve two countries.  A reported 550 mayors and city councils serve and protect illegal aliens from Mexico and other countries in what are called “Sanctuary Cities.”  They give immunity to people who violated our borders and live in America contrary to the rule of law.  Our own leaders encourage MS-13 drug distribution by illegals operating in all of our major cities.  Drug addiction and misery visit millions of our young people with no end in sight.

Today, 60,000 homeless live Los Angeles.  Another 11,000 live in tarp tents in San Francisco.  About 6,000 scavenge the streets in Seattle.  Chicago carries another 5,000 homeless while rich Denver features 10,000 homeless lining the streets for handouts.  With all our money and our educated leaders, we can’t solve this national problem. Which, on any given day, reports show 1 million homeless all over the country.

Over 40 million people in America, mostly high school dropouts, drug addicts, alcoholics and inner-city youth—subsist on food stamps also known as EBT cards.  Instead of solving that problem, our leaders feed into it and accelerate it.

While Biden and Trump vie for the presidency, both of them cannot and will not solve our desperate problems.  Both would continue two wars in the Middle East that have cost us $6 trillion in 19 years.  Both would keep the 700 bases in 80 countries—that have no purpose other than wasting tax dollars and keeping our nose up every country’s business.  Neither man would/will solve our $26 trillion national debt.

None of our leaders understands the massive consequences as to fossil fuel burning and population hyper-growth now occurring in the USA, Canada or Mexico.  You won’t hear ONE word about the fact that America will immigrate itself into another added 100 million people within 30 years.  And, the mainstream media remains complicit in keeping the American people in the dark.

How did the “opioid crisis” become so severe and so acute as to kill thousands of American citizens.  Somebody paid somebody in the U.S. Senate and House to make sure no one talked to expose the dangers. Big Pharma pays bribes faster than a vender sells hot dogs at a baseball game.  All that corruption stems from people in high places making sure they enjoy all the money and power while the common citizen pays a severe price.

Unemployment continues because the U.S. Congress continues pumping 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants into our society annually.  It accelerates us into hyper-population growth that destroys our Natural World, grows our metropolitan areas into “Monster Cities” that ultimately create all the crime, disease proliferation, homeless, polluted skies and unsustainable consumption of non-renewable natural resources.  Common sense would tell you that anyone with an IQ over 100 would stop such stupidity.  One look at India, Mexico or China would persuade a reasonable mind to stop exponential growth before it collapses your own civilization.  Because if you don’t, your citizens will ultimately flee such misery…that’s why we have 15 million illegal alien Mexicans in America along with millions of Chinese and Indians. That’s why Canada and Europe face total annihilation from endless immigration out of the third world.

And what about our inner cities like Chicago, St. Louis and Baltimore where kids kill kids, parents kill kids, men kill men, and illiteracy dominates as 7 out of 10 African-American children grow up without a father, with a single mother on welfare.  Anyone attacked that problem?  Of course not!  Those three cities resemble third world killing grounds with so many shoot-outs and killings on a weekly basis.

And now, BLM and Antifa rampage through America’s streets with immunity that has cost taxpayers in excess of $1 billion.  They justify their violence upon the death of George Floyd—a drug addict, car-jacker, woman beater, porno star, welfare fraud, counterfeiter, illiterate and career criminal. Biden and Harris promote the destruction and violence.  Both promote illegal immigration and open borders.  Mayors of major cities promote the anarchy.  And so, we’ll see more of it.

In 2020, our country faces some big messes.  We cannot continue teaching our children to hate our country.  We can’t have Black people rioting and looting, along with plenty of White anarchists.  We need to revamp educational systems for our inner cities.  We need effective leaders pulling together for all of us.  Do you think we can keep our country if we continue on this path?

Solutions to consider:

  1. Vote for term limits for all politicians.  Maximum of 8 years in the U.S. Senate and House.  No more career politicians because you see daily where they have taken us.
  2. Cease useless and unwarranted foreign wars that have no bearing on our safety.
  3. Stop giving China, India, Mexico and other countries all our manufacturing jobs. Employ our workers at a living wage.
  4. Stop adding to the National Debt.  Repay it.
  5. Create a new educational system that teaches low-intellect students how to work redundant jobs and/or jobs that fit their capacities, at a living wage.
  6. Stop all immigration into America.  If we keep on our current path, our country won’t be our country by mid-century.  Ask the Native Americans what happened to them.
  7. Enforce our immigration laws in order to deport all illegal aliens now residing in America. US Code 8; Section 1324. Arrest, prosecute and deport.  Arrest, prosecute and imprison all employers of illegals.
  8. Make English our official national language that must be taught and abided by in all 50 states. Teach our students to honor our country and way of life.
  9. Workfare for all welfare.  Anyone on food stamps, Section 8 housing or ADC or WIC, MUST work community service of some kind.
  10. No more child welfare for welfare mothers with 5, 10, 15 and 20 kids.  It’s a racket and must be stopped. Create orphanages for such children to give them a chance at a better life.
  11. Outlaw all sanctuary cities and arrest their mayors, and prosecute them.
  12. Call for a national forum of our best thinkers to address and solve ALL the problems facing America.  We could spend that next $6 trillion on our own country instead of burning it up in the Middle East.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “It’s a Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it.”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Postscript to the Series: Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Never have SO many E-mails dropped into my mailbox from readers not only in the USA, but all over the world.  It shows the reach of NWV around the globe.  You might want to understand that the same immigration invasion dilemma occurs in Canada, Australia and Europe.  It’s unending and growing.

From a reader in Los Angeles:

I am a socially liberal moderate Dem and I have read your series with interest. Usually I am repelled by anti-immigrant rhetoric because so much of it is mean-spirited (“We don’t want those filthy animals”) or wrong (“They will never assimilate.”)  I thought you generally did a good job of avoiding that.  If you want liberals to take your ideas seriously (and I think you need liberals to start worrying about overpopulation), it’s good to avoid racist talk and go straight for the numbers in relation to the infrastructure.

I have lived in Los Angeles for over 30 years, and while I think our various ethnic groups get along pretty well together, we have far too many people here.  Furthermore, the cost of living at the most basic middle class level has been estimated by economists at around $75K a year.  Nobody working service jobs or for the gig economy is making that kind of money.  It isn’t surprising that people end up on the street. Because immigrants (legal and illegal) end up in the cities, this can only get worse.  It is indeed true that we are developing a system of upper-class whites and minimum wage Hispanic immigrants.  I have noticed with dismay that my own daughter and her friends take for granted that any work involving manual labor is to be done by Hispanics.  White girls work at upscale boutiques, brown girls work at McDonalds.  This isn’t good for anyone.  Thank you for an interesting read.

Another from Australia gave his pointed views:

I am an Australian from Melbourne, and I have listened and read everything you’ve said for many years. I am always impressed with your unique insights as to what has gone wrong with the United States, and the western world in general over the last fifty years. Many thanks for the work you do.

The responsibility for  America’s decline lies with its ruling liberal elite, who have done everything in their power since the 1960’s to destroy the American heritage and culture that built the most prosperous and powerful nation on Earth.

Whether through mass third world immigration, the welfare state, affirmative action , endless wars ,the growing police state , cultural destruction, degeneracy,  etc., the European culture that built the United States is being thrown in the garbage bin.

I don’t see any way back from this disaster. The election of Donald Trump was a con game to make white Americans think that democracy actually works and things will turn around. However, the decline of the United States actually accelerated , and will continue until the country balkanizes and implodes.

It is difficult to say what the real solution is. I believe that American  white people must separate from the rest of the peoples of America and form and defend their own enclaves to survive what is coming. They must stop believing in the liberal democratic system in Washington DC that has ruined the country.

From an Australian perspective the same process of replacement and displacement is happening in my own country. We have a political elite in our capital Canberra who are addicted to mass third world immigration and multiculturalism , as this divides people and lowers our living standards, which suits their corporate paymasters.

The greatest source of third world immigrants comes from our universities who are reliant on an annual intake of some 900,000 foreign students per year to make money.  This is backdoor third world immigration. It is disastrous and so many obscenely paid academics are destroying our country just so they can get rich.

The biggest problem Frosty is that European people don’t work together to protect their culture and heritage.

From Canada:

Canada’s Prime Minister has repeatedly demonstrated that he is a quisling of breath-taking magnitude. For the sake of foolishness such as “Diversity”, he raised Canada’s announced immigration intake to well over 300,000 per year. As a result of underhanded measures, he raised that intake even higher. The Covid Virus Pandemic has been an unplanned disaster. The Trudeau Immigration Virus Pandemic has been a planned disaster. Trudeau’s aim has been to destroy traditional Canada. Trudeau appointed his previous immigration minister (Somali Refugee Ahmed Hussan) to throw acid into the faces of traditional Canada. For example, encouraged by Trudeau, Hussan taunted traditional Canada by boasting that the ridiculous immigration intakes he announced were the “NEW NORMAL”. Encouraged by Trudeau, Canada’s new immigration Minister (Marco Mendicino) has announced equally disastrous immigration targets. It would be poetic justice if Canada’s military dropped Trudeau, Hussan and Mendocino over the biggest black hole in Somalia, The Punjab or China. We’ll be generous : They can have their pick. More drop-offs of other quislings will follow.

That writer spoke about culture and heritage.  While I wrote about it in Part 2 of the series, we face an even greater destructive factor with the sheer unsustainability of another 100 million people.  When you combine the ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘diversity’ factors, it’s a perfect recipe for national suicide.

Question: did you take my template letter in Part 10 and write a letter to all the top media people?  If you didn’t, you’re pretty much like the Australian said, “You don’t work together to protect your culture or heritage.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Our Resource Dilemma?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 10:  Exhaustion of resources, of water, of arable land, of minerals and metals that our civilization depends upon

As this series nears an ending, it portends the termination of the United States as a vibrant, viable and sustainable civilization.  Think India!  It too, faces unsolvable problems with irreversible consequences.  Closer to home, think Mexico.  Same nightmare!  Exponential growth cannot be sustained; it always leads to collapse of any civilization.  Read the book: Collapse: How Societies Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond.  At this point, our leaders take us down a path of total collapse by 2050—a scant 30 years from now.   Thirty years? That’s a blip in time!  Each year increases our dilemma exponentially.  We need to change course NOW, like the Titanic should have!

You might become emotional about it, but the science cannot be denied.  While we’ve enjoyed an amazing 244 years as a free country, and the most vibrant society on this planet—those days cannot continue as resources run out and we overwhelm ourselves with another 100 million immigrants/people/their babies and more babies.

Edward Abbey said it 50 years ago, “A crowded society is a restrictive society; an overcrowded society becomes an authoritarian, repressive and murderous society.”

Look what’s happened to California.  Over 39 million people crowding into the wilderness, traffic gridlock beyond comprehension, polluted air so toxic it poisons every father, mother and child with each breath in Los Angeles 24/7 as well as a total loss of quality of life.  And guess what? They can’t solve their water, energy or forest fire nightmares.

“Whether we accept it or not, this will likely be the century that determines what the optimal human population is for our planet. It will come about in one of two ways: Either we decide to gracefully manage our own numbers, to avoid a collision of every line on civilization’s graph – or Nature will do it for us, in the form of famines, thirst, climate chaos, crashing ecosystems, opportunistic disease such as Covid 19, and wars over dwindling resources that finally cut us down to size.”  ― Alan Weisman, Countdown: Our Last Best Hope for a Future on Earth?

I am only one writer who has visited the starvation, misery and the human overpopulation dilemma around the planet.  Call me a canary in the coal mine, but whatever you do, please understand that what I am sharing isn’t emotional or hysterical.  It’s what’s coming if we don’t change course.  This entire series SHOULD be read by every American across the country, and every leader from the president, governors, senators and down to the mayors of every city. Then, every American should FORCE our leaders into a national discussion-debate on what we must do to change course to avoid our impending collapse by 2050.

Proof?  You want proof?  I read the most profoundly researched book published in 2020: Blip: Humanity’s 300 Year Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston.  There are many others like it dealing with our lack of running water, exhaustion of gasoline, breakdown of the environment and climate, species extinction and a dozen other aspects of our future demise.  Clugston’s book will rock you back on your heels.

Clugston states, “Our persistent and ever-increasing extraction and utilization of non-renewable natural resources—the finite and non-replenishing fossil fuels, metals and minerals that enable our industrial existence—is causing increasingly pervasive global NNR scarcity, which is causing faltering global human prosperity, which is causing increasing global political instability, economic fragility and societal unrest.

“The scenario will intensify during the coming decades and culminate in humanity’s permanent global societal collapse, almost certainly before 2050.”   [If not before] FHW

Clugston synthesizes the quantitative and qualitative evidence produced by hundreds of scientists, scholars, researchers and analysts in the various physical sciences and behavioral sciences that address the origins and evolutions of industrial humanity and human industrialism.

In other words, our country, our species and this planet stand in DEEP doodoo.

“It is through the sheer mass of society, not simply from malevolence, that the rising human tide has become deadly to the rest of life. The collective weight of a bloated humanity has dire ecological and social consequences. Every pressing problem, from poverty and malnutrition to biodiversity loss and climate change, is linked to human numbers and behavior. In aggregate, the prosaic actions of people—eating, manufacturing, polluting, shopping, warring—have made our species the functional equivalent of a geological force, able to affect even the global life support systems and climate in which our species evolved.”  ― Tom Butler, Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot

What can you do?  Where do you start?  Do you want to be the voice of change?  First of all, we need to force attention onto the national stage.  We must do it through social media.  If you have a FB, Twitter, Reddit, or LinkedIn account, you can really publish this information into NPR, PBS, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, OWN and your local newspaper.

Here is a template letter you may customize with your own words. Write a personal letter to their email accounts or on FB, Twitter and LinkedIn:

Dear Martha MacCallum, Anderson Cooper, Meet the Press, Face the Nation, Lester Holt, David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Greg Gutfield, Scott Pelley, Leslie Stahl, Forrest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and dozens more…

While our country grapples with racial upheaval, we need a national discussion-debate on our accelerating human overpopulation numbers.  At 330 million today, demographers show us adding 100 million more people, net gain, driven by legal and illegal immigration, to force us into 440 million people by 2050-60.

It’s unsustainable as to water, energy, arable land and resources.  It’s unsustainable as to “catastrophic climate destabilization” caused by billions of people exhausting carbon into our biosphere.

What can you do in the media? Answer: direct and produce on-going programs with top experts as to what we face and how to change course.  Here are two short videos to show you where we’re headed…and they aren’t pretty.

Finally, what kind of a civilization do you want to hand over to your own children?  Another 100 million people that cannot be sustained? Or, a viable, thriving and sustainable civilization where your children may prosper!

You Name

Martha MacCullum:
60 Minutes:
Tucker Carlson:
Jesse Waters:
Laura Ingraham:
Robert Siegel:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Coming Break Up of America, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part II:  Urban Street Gangs, Growing Militias, Ethnic Enclaves, Bloody Lessons of Tribal Europe, Solutions to this crisis.

After reading the first part of this two-part series on the coming break up of America, you’re probably heartsick or sick to your stomach.  You can feel the invasion quickening in every corner of the country.  It’s not your imagination, either.  This nation-destroying nightmare is happening to you, your friends and your state.  It’s no longer California’s problem; it’s in your community, i.e., Chicago, Detroit, New York, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, LA, Miami and more.

Thomas W. Chittum, author of, “CIVIL WAR II: THE COMING BREAKUP OF AMERICA,” brings concrete historical evidence to the impending conflicts in America.  By looking around, you, the average American, can see this tragedy building.

If you’re not living in California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Miami, Florida, Georgia, New York, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois—you might not see it—but it’s coming and it’s coming fast.

Chittum states, “Street gangs will doubtless form the core of future black and Hispanic urban militias…consider the following…they are well financed by drug trade…they are ethnically oriented…are heavily armed…organized and disciplined…and numerous beyond belief.”

That statement is born out by latest statistics whereby 29 percent of our state and federal prisons are filled with legal and illegal immigrants.

Chittum states, “Their leadership is composed of courageous, industrious and intelligent men because promotion is based on leadership, business acumen and application of ruthless violence.”

When you look at the massive $120 billion annual drug trade infecting this country, it’s evident. “These urban gangs are evolving into serious armies, armies hostile to the established government.”  It’s why 800,000 Californians fled their state last year. In Miami, American citizens fled north.  Detroit is fast becoming Arabic exclusively.  Fremont, California known as ‘Little Kabul’ tips toward an exclusive Middle Eastern in population.  Los Angeles is no longer an American city.

As their numbers grow, police can’t touch them because of “Special Order 40” which gives them immunity from arrest and deportation.  Such Governors as in Maine and Arizona’s Governor directly break immigration laws by passing ordinances encouraging more illegal aliens and giving them sanctuary.  The governor of Minnesota openly encourages massive illegal alien importation.  He’s pushed by meatpacking plant owners who openly hire illegal aliens.  Austin, Minnesota suffers from over 3,000 illegal aliens working in the meatpacking plants.  Citizens are left without jobs while a few people make millions at the top.

Governor Jared Polis of Colorado does nothing to stop illegals in his state.  The mayor of Boulder, Colorado openly encourages illegal aliens with sanctuary laws in his city.  Eight women were raped in 2003 by illegals, but the Boulder council continues supporting their presence in the city with jobs and housing.  Immigration lawyers in Boulder brazenly present classes on how to avoid arrest and deportation for illegals.  It’s astounding our own civic leaders aid, assist and abet this invasion against federal law.

How lethal are these gangs?  In Newsweek, from a Johnstown, Pennsylvania, U.S. Justice Department “Street Gang Symposium”: “Some gangs have access to highly sophisticated personal weapons such as grenades, machine guns, rocket launchers and military explosives.”

“When civil authority breaks down in America,” Chittum states, “our criminal gangs will fill the power vacuum, just exactly as has been the pattern in Third World countries.”

If you think the rampant crime in Bogata, Columbia is far away, think again.  The numbers of gang members in the US proves otherwise.

Chittum quotes another dictator who succeeded: “A revolution is not a bed of roses,” said Fidel Castro.  “A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.”

With over 15 million illegal Mexicans now living on U.S. soil, a dozen cities sport 51 percent foreign born immigrants, over three million Middle Eastern immigrants enclaving against American values—“America, we’ve got a problem.”  One of the aspects of the disintegration of Rome stemmed from its importation of Vandals, Franks and Goths that neither cared about Rome nor gave allegiance.  In the end, they ‘enclaved’ more of their own until they became more powerful, by sheer numbers, than Romans.  The cult of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ being jammed down Americans’ throats by both parties is an example of self-induced national suicide—just like the Romans.  In this case, both Republicans and Democrats wear the same sombrero given to them by Mexico’s leaders south of the border.

In a speech in 2003, former Colorado Governor Lamm said, “My sixth point for America’s downfall would be to include dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties.  I would celebrate diversity over unity.  I would stress differences rather than similarities.  Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other—that is when they are not killing each other.”  A walk down the streets of Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago or New York proves the chilling anti-American sentiment.

Chittum writes about economic collapse.  He talks about how our own Congress ramrods 4.1 million immigrants down our throats annually while outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring jobs to other countries.   How can we ever maintain a decent standard of living by adding 4.1 million people annually into the USA?  Doesn’t anyone ‘get it’ that the reason they are running out of Mexico and China stems from the fact that they can’t feed, work, educate or clothe their own populations that explode out of control?  Why create the same crisis here?

Thousands of companies are moving production out of our country—leaving our people in unemployment lines.  It’s a lose-lose situation for U.S. citizens, especially with affirmative action and illegals taking jobs from qualified Americans.

Chittum talks about phases of Civil War II:  1. Tribalization, or the undermining of the concept of citizenship.  2. The creeping loss of democracy to private, governmental institutions and international bodies.  3. Gradually falling wages.  4. The slow decay of infrastructure in our cities and the abandonment by Americans and their replacement by minorities wedded to welfare and affirmative action. 5. Growing legal and illegal immigration to transform America into a typical Third World country.  6. Massive drive for gun control to cripple military potential from the working class.  7. Cooperation of the mass media to dumb down the population.

Near the end of the book he makes projections that you can see happening right now:

1.Shrinking hourly wage.  2. More immigrants than Americans.  3. Foreigners hold most Federal Debt.              4. Twenty million Third World slums on our borders known as ‘colonias’. 5. Manufacturing jobs moved out of the USA making it impossible for us to make or sell anything to the world.  6. Republican and Democratic politicians refusing to deal with the immigration crisis. Worse, both parties aid and abet it.   7. Growing power of advocates of Aztlan or the reconquest of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas by Mexico.

Our country is in deep trouble and worsening fast. I spent two weeks on the border last spring from El Paso to San Diego.  Immigrants successfully pour over our borders at 500,000 annually according to the U.S. Border Patrol.  One million arrive legally each year.  I saw them loading up in busses.  I saw them squashed 30 to a van.  I saw them crawling through the desert bush with my night vision scope.  I interviewed Border Patrol officers who are hamstrung by Congress.  The illegals they catch, they release on the border only to try again until they succeed.  I saw the safe houses.  I saw the lay-up areas.  I saw the millions of pounds of trash left in the desert.  I saw the invasion firsthand.

What can you do?  Democracy is not a spectator sport.   YOU need to start acting, writing, calling, pushing, shoving and screaming at your mayors, radio stations, newspapers and reps that you’re tired of this invasion.  Demand a 20-year shutdown for all immigration, NOW!  Demand troops on the border.  Demand English as our only language.  Demand no benefits for illegal aliens.  Demand S. 2671 the Clear Act be passed.  Demand no amnesties for illegals.  Demand deportations begin.  Demand the rule of law be followed and employers of illegals be arrested.

Will Chittum’s book prove prophetic?  Will Rome’s history become our history?  It all depends on you.

Click here for [Part 1]

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Coming Break Up of America, Part 1

By Frosty Wooldridge

America faces the most critical juncture in its 244-year history.  This entire BLM and Antifa anarchy must be stopped, or they will continue to be emboldened while our law enforcement and elected officials enable them to continue burning, looting and killing cops.  Indolent Americans sit on their Lazy Boy recliners wielding a remote while their country fractures before their eyes.  It’s been slow for the past 30 years, but it’s quickening in every sector of our country.

Have you noticed more and more people speaking different languages at the supermarket?  Schools?  Movies?  At your local bank?  Have you noticed radio stations and TV crackling with Spanish or other languages in our English-speaking America?  Have you seen more people disrespecting the singing of our national anthem?  Have you noticed our laws being broken such as red lights being run or people fleeing accident scenes where they were the cause?  Have you noticed more trash in your state and national parks, especially in California, Arizona, Texas and Georgia?

Have you noticed more flags being flown from other countries instead of Old Glory?  Did you know that more Mexican flags fly from houses, cars and establishments in California more than the Stars and Stripes?  Have you noticed what has happened to the Golden State?  Texas?  Arizona?  How about Georgia or Miami, Florida?

How about the outright defiance of our laws by our own citizens?  BLM and Antifa continue their anarchy because we fail to stop them.

Have you ever been incredulous about hearing something that sounded so preposterous that it “couldn’t be true?”  Take a second look.

You are watching the “Coming Breakup of America.”  That’s right.  Your country.  It is moving methodically, perversely, steadily and provocatively across our land.  Our Congress, governors and mayors of major cities like New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Detroit and Chicago aid it at the highest levels.  It is a nation-destroying experiment being forced on Americans that will prove more disastrous than 9/11.

Years ago, I read a book, Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America  by Thomas W. Chittum.  This book paints a grim picture of what is happening to our country.  At first, I was incredulous at his supposition.  But halfway through the book, his research was SO profound and SO evident that it became a page-turner.  It provided a sickening look into the methodology and process whereby my own country is being destroyed before my eyes.

“History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen,” said Enoch Powell.

Today, America fights two wars 10,000 miles away while its own borders suffer an invasion so vast, so powerful, so insidiously destructive, yet so subtle–even our own citizens can’t see it.  Not yet, that is. Chittum writes, “America was born in blood.”  He should know because he is a combat hardened Viet Nam veteran.

“Social, political and economic forces are pulling America apart and driving her toward a bloody conflict that may fracture the nation into several different countries,” he said.  “Riots, gangs, militias, exploding crime rates, massive immigration, rising unemployment, falling wages…these fuel the fires of war.”

Notice millions of Americans out of work!

He talks about nations versus empires.  “Empires consist of peoples of different religions, languages, cultures, races and nationalities,” he said.  “Nations are dominated by one group that makes up a majority of the population.  Nations are inherently stable while empires are always unstable.”

If you look around the United States, we were a stable nation before 1965 with a population mostly of European and African citizens and mostly one religion.  Today, we’ve imported 90 million people from areas so incompatible with American culture that we recoil at the horrors of female genital mutilation from Middle Easterners, polygamy of Hmong immigrants, honor killings from Asia, forced 13 year old girls into marriages and hundreds of different languages.  Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco and other cities speak more foreign languages than English.  “If you’ll notice throughout history,” he writes, “multiethnic empires break up in cataclysmic violence.”  The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia are classic examples of multiethnic empires that shattered in tribal violence. Today, France is on the same track of self-destruction with its massive non-assimilating Muslim population. Also, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Kant said, “Language and religion are the great dividers.”

Chittum talks about an unstable, tiered society.  Aristotle said, “The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.”  Average American citizen can see we’re developing a massive underclass of illegal, Third World, uneducated poor that have become our ‘indentured servants.’  They won’t remain down on the farm for long. They are literally overrunning California, Arizona, Florida and Texas by sheer numbers.

America endures 20 million illegal aliens that have no allegiance to our country.  A dozen cities feature more foreign-born immigrants than American citizens.  Spanish-speaking radio stations own the airwaves in Los Angeles.  Miami features Cuban stations.  None have any allegiance to America.

How will it get worse?  If Biden ascends to the White House, he will grant amnesty to that 20 million which will encourage millions more.  There are so many legal aliens that they hide more illegal aliens via ‘ethnic sympathy’.   But what they bring us is as dangerous as any armed invasion.

As their numbers grow, they are aided by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund.  La Raza, another anti-American Mexican organization, works directly for the overthrow of America.  It reaches into the highest levels of our government starting with Alberto Gonzalez.  What does La Raza mean?  “For the Latino race, everything, everyone outside the race, nothing!”  LULAC is another group that supports the ‘Reconquista of Aztlan,’ or, the retaking of the American Southwest back into Mexico.

Notice that Mexican president dictates to our leaders what they will do with his 20 million illegal immigrants in our country. Notice 54 Mexican consulates in our cities around America supporting his people in our country.  Notice voter fraud by illegal aliens now able to throw our local and national elections.

After three chapters, Chittum’s writing sobered me, but I still wasn’t convinced until he offered concrete numbers.  “In California in 1993, 665,229 firearms were sold.  That’s 1,873 per day.  Enough firearms were sold to equip an infantry battalion.”  For the Californians remaining, there’s a lot of frightened people readying themselves for conflict.

“California is odds-on favorite to kick off Civil War II,” Chittum said.

It darn well could commence if/when Trump takes a second term in office.  House member Sandra Cortez called for “radicalization” of the electorate, her people.  She’s calling for violence. Same with House rep Maxine Waters in California.  House member Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, wants to dismantle our systems.

“The instinctive need to be a member of a closely-knit group fighting for common ideals may grow so strong that it becomes inessential what these ideals are,” said Konrad Lorenz.

Illegal Mexican border jumpers separate against being an American.  The 20,000 member “18th Street Gang” in Los Angeles owns the streets.  They coordinate all drug traffic, extortions of businesses, prostitutes and robberies.  Their power, along with MS-13 gangs in 40 American cities, grows by the day.  Over 60 percent of the members are illegal aliens and the other 40 percent are legal immigrants.  Since they possess no working skills in our First World society, they find crime as an easier vocation.  It’s termed ‘Third World Momentum’.   Its corruption is so deep, so wide and so embedded that it’s as intrinsic as the sewer systems in those cities.

How many and how much?  Los Angeles sheriff files register 100,000 gang members.  San Antonio features 5,000 gang members.  Chicago estimates 50,000 members.  MS-13 gangs operate in all major cities to distribute drugs.

For an example, merchants suffer $35 million losses from shoplifting daily in the USA.

So why do our politicians sit and twiddle their thumbs?  Why do they aid and abet by doing nothing?  Can’t they see what’s happening to California?  Texas?  Arizona?  The answer in a nutshell:  No!

Why?  Because Americans, like the proverbial frog being thrown into the pot of water and the stove being turned up to high, will keep adapting until we boil to death.  The same thing happened to the Romans, French, Spanish and every other great nation that tumbled into the dustbin of history. Spain backed into submission by the Madrid train bombing.  France stands on the doorstep of a crisis it won’t be able to contain.

I never thought I would have to fight for my own country inside my own country.  But the time is fast approaching.  Chittum adds that if immigration continues at 4.1 million per year, we won’t have enough Americans to stand up for America.

Part II:  Urban Street Gangs, Growing Militias, Ethnic Enclaves, Bloody Lessons of Tribal Europe, Solutions to this crisis.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Why Are Democrats Promoting Violence and Supporting BLM and Antifa?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Latest financial figures show that Black Lives Matter along with Antifa anarchists tabulated in excess of $1 billion in property damages.  That does not include the executions of police, deaths of citizens during riots and the National Guard being deployed.

The main riots and damages occurred in democrat-dominated cities.  Is anyone putting 2 + 2 together to make a connection?  Why so much sedition and anarchy in cities and states dominated by democrat-governors and mayors? Citizens elected them to uphold “law and order” of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees each citizen peace and safety.

Unfortunately, Ilhan Omar, a Muslim refugee from Somalia in the U.S. House, wants to “…dismantle economic and political systems that oppress us….”  She also wants all Muslims to make Americans “feel uncomfortable” in our own country.  It would prove interesting what how she feels about the ‘oppression’ of her native Somalia where women face rape, murder and abuse as a normal, daily occurrence.  Omar also needs to be brought up on immigration fraud, marrying her brother and making remarks that cross over the ‘sedition’ threshold.

Rashida Tlaib, also a Muslim, wrapped herself inside a Palestinian flag once voters in the overwhelming Muslim district of Detroit, voted into the House.  She’s anti-Semitic and anti-America.  Please understand if Muslims dominated the House and Senate, they would install Sharia Law in a heartbeat and eradicate the U.S. Constitution.

Rep. Maxine Waters, (D-CA) spouts and encourages violence toward republicans in restaurants and public places. She screamed about “impeach 45” before he became president of the United States.

Never let it be said that House member, a bartender with virtually zero academic credentials, Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez from New York, screams to ‘radicalize’ citizens to violence.

Let this moment radicalize you,” radical socialist AOC said as a reaction to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “Let this moment really put everything into stark focus. Because this election has always been about the fight of and for our lives. I need you to be ready.  If Mitch McConnell isn’t going to honor RBG’s final wish, we will. And we have to. We are going to say that nothing is off the table, we are going to push for expansion of the Supreme Court. Let them know they are playing with fire.”

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, after BLM and Antifa created a “CHOP ZONE” in her burned-out city, sluffed it off as kids creating a “summer of love” until several people suffered death by shootings in that ‘zone’ and the businesses sued her in court for dereliction of duty.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey stood by while BLM and Antifa burned multiple blocks in his city with no intervention.

After Ruth Bader Ginsburg died this week, hundreds of rioters descended on House member Lindsey Graham’s home to scream, beat drums and blast horns throughout the night.  The same happened to Senator Mitch McConnell’s home with hundreds of rioters. If not for police, their homes would have been painted, broken glass and even could have suffered arson.

Other anarchists spray-painted some of the Lincoln Memorial. Others have attempted to deface the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument.  If not for police presence, they would have committed drastic damage.

Around the country, anarchists toppled statues from our history because democratic mayors and governors allowed the violence. If those rioters abided by our Constitution, they would have attended city councils, ran for office and changed the statues in a civil manner.

The question is:  who are the parents and teachers of these anarchists? Who brought those kids up to be 21st century hoodlums, rioters, looters and arsonists? How did they take the fairest and most human-centered Constitution in the entire world—and attempt to destroy it? It is the most-copied document in the world and the foundation for all other countries in the world that want freedom for their citizens.

If such anarchists succeed in dismantling it or destroying it through violence…exactly how do the rest of us survive in the hostility and chaos of their actions?  How will we rebuild the commerce and mercantile systems that allow us to function as a civil society?

We face a drastic if not sobering choice in the coming election. If Biden succeeds to the White House, we face open borders without restraints.  We face violence supported by liberal leaders in major cities such as Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and many others. We face dismantling of law and order in our country.

Do you want that kind of a future? Do you want that kind of endless violence?  Or, do you want our U.S. Constitution to be validated by the “rule of law” for every citizen?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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What’s The Worst That Can Happen With A Biden Presidency?

By Frosty Wooldridge

The oncoming presidential election portends a return to our Constitution and the ‘rule of law’ or support for Black Lives Matter, Antifa and continued burning and looting of cities across the country.

I spoke with my long-time friend, journalist Fred Elbel in Denver, Colorado.  He provided me with a critical understanding as to how impactful November 3, 2020 will be on the future of America.  We’ve got a choice between one brash president versus a man suffering from onset dementia and four decades in politics without any positive credits for having accomplished anything.  Why the democratic party voted him to represent them in this presidential election may be the most mysterious moment in American history.  He’s physically frail in that he falls asleep during interviews, ancient at 78, and cannot finish a sentence other than…“You know what I mean….”

If he wins, it wouldn’t be a “Biden Administration” but it would be a “Harris Administration” because Joe Biden may not live out four more years.  Most expect him to be incapacitated in office while being totally incompetent to serve as president of the United States.

Mr. Elbel, why do you think this election will change the course of history for America if Biden steps into the White House?

“This election isn’t simply a contest between Trump and Harris-Biden,” said Elbel. “Nor is it simply a contest between the Democrat and Republican parties. It’s deeper than that. This election is a turning point for America. We will decide whether we will continue as a Constitutional Republic or move dramatically toward socialism. [and open borders for endless immigration]

“If Trump wins, he will continue to nominate Constitutional conservatives to the Supreme Court. He will continue to make America great again and improve economic conditions for working Americans. With a Democrat win, it will be increasingly obvious that Americans are subservient to the state, not the converse.

“Ideally, with a Democrat win, we would return to the Kennedy years – to the golden age of Camelot. But we don’t live in an ideal world. The Democrat party is no longer your parents’ Democratic party. It has been co-opted by radicals with an overtly socialist agenda.

What’s the worst that could happen?

“James Kirkpatrick presents several possibilities in the September 15, 2020 V-Dare article, “Dems Planning To Enslave White America If Trump Loses,” said Elbel.  “I hadn’t expected to see a heading like that for another 20 years when White Americans become a minority in the country that their ancestors founded. But with the escalation of racial conflict and divisive identity politics, things have changed over the course of months.”

Here are possibilities as listed in the article:

Elbel continued, “I would add the virtual abolishment of the Second Amendment. The fact that millions of Americans own firearms will not matter.”

“Any or all of these possibilities could occur, alone or more likely in combination. For example, a Democrat-controlled Senate could abolish the filibuster, then pack the Supreme Court with liberal, non-Constitutionalist justices – which ironically would be allowed under the Constitution.”

Ben Stein brought up another important concern in his September 18, 2020 American Spectator article, Democrats Loathe Our Constitution:

The Democrats no longer respect the Constitution. I can tell this because the Founders said that only a self-restrained, God-fearing people could possibly live under this Constitution. It assumed enough self-discipline among its citizens that they would be self-governing, not ruled by mob or monarch, but ruled with regard for the higher opinion of mankind and of each other to manage an immense continent without being a police state…

The “crushing sense of dread” that my wife and I have felt all day is that the Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schiff/Black Lives Matter administration will tolerate, even applaud, such violence in the streets and neighborhoods of America that they will say they have to create a police state to run the country. Moreover, the violence will be so terrifying, and the leaders/instigators of the violence will be so terrifying that the Biden/Harris/BLM “team” will appoint the BLM leaders and their most insane white adherents to police America…

This is how Bolshevism came to Russia and how National Socialism came to Germany. And now it’s headed to us….

Rush Limbaugh has expressed similar concerns: If Trojan Horse Biden Wins, Marxists Will Rule America Unopposed, September 16, 2020. The entire article is worth reading. Here are a few excerpts:

I think if the Democrats win this election, you can say good-bye to an active and viable two-party system in this country…

I think if the Democrats win, then it’s hello one-party rule, and it is one-party rule of a bunch of Marxists and Leninists and uber-left wing radicals who are not interested in a two-party system. They don’t believe in opposition. There is no legitimate opposition….

I really think this is the future if we lose. I don’t think there’s any question about it. What they’re gonna do, for example, is pack the Supreme Court. They will create states out of Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. That will give them four Democrat senators in perpetuity. We will never win the Senate back. Take a look at California, take a look at New York, and that’s what they want to become of the rest of the country. And that’s what’s at stake in this election….

The American people are being defrauded. They’re being lied to daily over the kind of government the Democrats are gonna have, over the kind of administration the Biden administration will be.

“Americans have much to seriously consider before casting their votes this November,” said Elbel.

The pertinent questions?  Do you want to double legal immigration to 2 million annually into America? Do you want all 20 to 25 million illegal alien migrants to gain citizenship in America?  Do you want to pay for their EBT cards, Section 8 Housing, medical care, childcare and unemployment pay?  Do you want another 100 million immigrants imported into America by 2050 as projected by the U.S. Census Bureau?  Do you want American culture to survive or another 100 different cultures to saturate the American landscape?  Do you realize that a vote for “Biden-Harris” will inundate America with socialism, immigration, BLM, Antifa and continue lawlessness?

For Fred Elbel’s full report, please visit:   What’s the worst that could happen?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Frosty Wooldridge on America’s Immigration Crisis, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: Quality of life, standard of living, species extinctions, planetary balance, eco-systems

“Thank you for joining me, again,” said Mr. Carlson. “We received hundreds of responses from your first visit.  You’ve opened a can of worms for the American people.”

“Well, as a teen, I used to go fishing on Hogback Lake in LeRoy, Michigan, so I know how to open a can of worms,” I said. “When Americans are given the facts, they can use the knowledge to create a national discussion on what kind of a civilization they want to hand over to their kids.  Right now, we’re on the same course as the Titanic.”

Carlson: After watching those two videos, I can’t say as I can argue with you.  Those are some pretty nasty scenarios.  In fact, I would encourage all Americans to watch Roy Beck’s “Immigration off the Charts” video.  There’s no way to escape the facts that we cannot sustain another 100 million immigrants.”  Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

Wooldridge:  You know, Tucker, thank you for being one of the first at the national level to bring these startling realities to all Americans. It doesn’t matter what your race, creed or color is, because you and your children will be in the middle of an ecological-sociological-economic tragedy around the year 2050, if not sooner.  It’s not “if” it’s coming, but “it’s” coming if we don’t change course.

Carlson: You’ve promoted a book by Christopher O. Clugston with a wrenching title: Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism.  In that book, he shows how our entire civilization will collapse because we’ve exhausted all the minerals-metals and NNR’s that allow us to function.  Do you have any follow-up on that?

Wooldridge:  Clugston is the Einstein of knowledge of resources on this planet. He methodically shows that we accelerate on a collision course with the finite-limited resources on this planet by 2050.  At that point, we will have added 100 million people to America and 3 billion more to the planet.  There’s no way to water, feed, house, work or sustain those horrific numbers. His conclusion shows that all our great cities will collapse for want of metals-minerals-water-energy and the like.  Many other experts corroborate Clugston’s findings.

Let me read a paragraph from Clugston’s findings: “Our impending collapse will result from our irreparably and irreversibly impaired global natural environment, specifically, from Earth’s extensively depleted and/or decimated finite and non-replenishing non-renewable natural resource reserves—a circumstance that cannot be remedied.”

Further, “Restoration of our irreversible and irreparably impaired global natural environment will be physically impossible. Through industrialism, humanity set out to accomplish great things; and we have accomplished great things. Unfortunately, we have obviated ourselves in the process.”

Carlson: Reading it gave me a chill about my own family’s future.  So, what other negative aspects do we face as we near 2050?

Wooldridge:  Do you have another three hours?  We humans have proven ourselves very clever creatures, but we lack the long term understanding of living within the carrying capacity of a finite planet, finite fresh water, finite arable land, finite animal kingdom, finite quality of life, and most of all, a delicately balanced biosphere.  When you add billions and billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere over the decades—you’re overloading the planet’s systems.  When you kill off one-third of all animal life by 2050 as the Harvard Professor Edward O. Wilson predicts at current extinction rates—you’re destroying the Web of Life too quickly for Mother Nature to recover or maintain a balance.

When we poison the soils, rivers and oceans 24/7 with 70,000 deadly chemicals—we’re poisoning ourselves.  Notice the cancer rates. Notice the drug usage. Notice the despair and depression.  Notice the enormous amount of obesity in America. Notice the addictions of millions. Notice the heat trends. I’ve said it before that the ocean may look placid on the surface, but a riptide cannot be seen as it traps you, and finally, carries you to your death.  We’ve pretty-much created a terrific riptide called human overpopulation in America and worldwide.

Tucker, do you think we stand a chance of surviving another 100 million people?  Then, why would we choose that path? Why are we letting our leaders take us on this endless growth path? This is a scientific fact: exponential growth always leads to collapse.

Carlson:  I don’t know the answer to your question, but I can see the calamity of another 100 million people trying to scratch out a living in America?  Besides, you’re the expert, not me.

Wooldridge: We had all better become experts if we hope to survive what’s coming.  We need a national discussion-debate with the finest minds in this country and around the world.  We need guys like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos with all their billions to organize conferences that bring solutions.  We need a president in this country that comprehends science, reality and the multiple dilemmas of this ‘monster’ of a civilization we’ve created during the Age of Oil.  Neither of the two major candidates possesses a clue as to what’s coming.  They are stuck in the past or in the here and now, and simply cannot grasp the realities of the future.

Carlson:  This is the most depressing interview I’ve ever conducted. Can you give the audience some hope?

Wooldridge: Tucker, how about you bringing on the top population experts, climate experts, species extinction experts, water experts, energy experts, arable land experts, quality of life experts, energy experts and another dozen specialists each week to educate a really deaf-dumb-blind public as to what we face. And give them 15 minutes or more to explain their expertise on particular subjects. Americans can’t know what they face because the mainstream media suppresses and ignores the facts that I’ve given you in this interview.  Why? Because corporate money-mongers own the MSM, think only of their bank accounts and could care less about the future. It’s totally ‘stupid thinking’ at the highest levels.

Carlson:  Why aren’t more experts and leaders alerting or at least educating the American people?  Why not start bringing solutions that will actually have us changing course?

Wooldridge:  Would you like to see my 90-minute talk-slide show of what’s coming?  It’s titled: “The Coming Overpopulation Crisis Facing America: and what you can do to change course.”  In that program, my audiences’ jaws drop because once they understand what our country is facing, it’s like a tube of squeezed toothpaste—you cannot ‘un-know it’.  We need a national discussion at every city council meeting, governors’ conference, corporation heads, U.S. Senators and all Americans. This topic must be at the center of NPR, PBS, 60 Minutes, CBS, ABC, FOX, CNN and all local stations.

Carlson: Yours has been the most sobering if not depressing interview of my career. I hope you take this message to all the media outlets.

Wooldridge: Well, let’s take action instead of becoming victims of history.  We can change course.  We must change course, now!

Carlson:  Thank you Mr. Wooldridge.  We’ll have you back.  And that’s it for this evening folks….

Please note: This virtual interview was not aired on television.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Frosty Wooldridge on America’s Immigration Crisis

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: The big picture, endless immigration, America’s scant future.

“Thank you for joining me, tonight,” said Mr. Carlson. “With all the challenges facing America in 2020, this one is the least discussed.  I’m glad you’re here to talk about it.”

“It’s a pleasure, sir,” I said.

Carlson: What got you into this overpopulation-immigration topic?

Wooldridge: It all started back in 1970 when I walked down the Red Cedar River at Michigan State University as a senior.  Many booths addressed human overpopulation and growing environmental consequences.  Rachel Carson had published her groundbreaking book, Silent Spring, on how Dow Chemical, Monsanto and Bayer corporations poisoned the world with their crop chemicals like DDT being sprayed, injected and applied to fruits, vegetables, grains and corn.  We had robins dropping out of the trees, as well as Bald Eagles dying from their eggs being contaminated by chemicals.  We banned it, but those companies created other more deadly chemicals like RoundUp to take DDT’s place. They still sell DDT to third world countries in 2020.  I discovered that big corporations chase money over morality.  Profits over ethics.  Death of the Natural World over integrity.

Additionally, Paul Ehrlich published his book, Population Bomb. At the time, humans reached 3.5 billion on the planet in 1970.  He provoked a sense of urgency in my studies and understanding of the world.

Carlson:  What took you over the edge as to your involvement?

Wooldridge:  I became a math-science teacher in 1973 in Denver, Colorado.  It provided me with three months off each summer to explore the world.  As a twenty-something, I traveled on a bicycle to Alaska, across the USA coast to coast, across Europe, the length of South America, and the perimeter of Australia.  I saw the devastation of the rainforests.  I scuba dived the oceans in the 60’s to see such beauty, but over 50 years, I witnessed plastics overwhelming our oceans.  Plastics will prove the worst invention of the human race…especially for all the rest of the world’s marine creatures.

Carlson: What affected you the most during your travels?

Wooldridge: First off, I was a naïve kid riding around the world for the sheer joy of travel on a bicycle.  None of what Carson or Ehrlich wrote about connected with me until I reached China, India and Bangladesh.  By the time I traveled from Hong Kong to Beijing, the stunning enormity of their 1.1 billion population (now 1.4 billion in 2020 and still rising) totally upended my world view.  India, right behind China with 1.3 billion today, well, I watched rivers flowing in plastics, the filthy Ganges and entrenched illiteracy-poverty no one in America can comprehend.  Most people in India still use outhouses or the ground. The “human misery index” cannot be comprehended until you see it firsthand in India or Africa or Indochina.  The filth overruns India on multiple levels as to ground water pollution, air pollution and trashing of the environment.

Carlson:  Why be concerned when all of their problems are on the other side of the world?

Wooldridge:  Because the mainstream media suppresses this information, the American people don’t have a clue as to what’s coming to our country.  While American women and indeed, all Western countries, after Earthday 1970, opted to birth an average of 2.03 children or less, the rest of the third world raged ahead to add 4.2 billion people to the planet to reach 7.7 billion in 2020.  Those same people add 80 million, net gain, annually. They’re staving and living in incomprehensible misery in Africa, India, Indo-China, Mexico and many other third world countries.  Humans cannot keep up with or improve their conditions with mindless and endless growth.  At the same time, we humans are wreaking havoc and destruction on the Natural World.

Carlson: Why is that our problem?

Wooldridge: Because population-refugees are fleeing their overpopulated regions to migrate to Europe, Canada, America and Australia.  The problem grows because we added 130 million from 1970 to 2020, but we will add another 100 million by 2050.  It’s not sustainable.  It’s called “exponential growth” which mimics a cancer cell.  It keeps growing until it kills the host.  Immigration, if allowed to continue into America, and in fact all Western countries that chose stable populations, WILL most certainly collapse all our countries because there’s no way we-they can survive the water, energy, resource and arable land exhaustion coming at us like a runaway locomotive.

Carlson:  Can you gives a visual of what’s coming?

Wooldridge: Yes, I’ve got two videos by Roy Beck of that every American should see.  The first 5-minute video shows how the third world adds 80 million, net gain, annually. That’s births over deaths.  The second shows what our country will look like with another 100 million to reach 440 million and on to 625 million within 80 years.  It’s not going to be a pretty picture for anyone as we continue to savage this planet’s resources with our incredible demands for resources.  Here’s the two videos, Tucker:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

Carlson: Those are very sobering videos, Mr. Wooldridge.  Every American should see them, especially if they have children. What can we do to start preparing ourselves for the end result of another 100 million people added to the USA within 30 years?

Wooldridge: There’s no way to prepare for the impact of another 100 million people.

Carlson: What then?

Wooldridge:  We MUST shut down our borders to all immigration. It’s that simple.  If we allow another 100 million, we’re done!  That many people at our present level of immigration cannot be sustained.  They will, like a cancer cell, collapse our entire civilization.

Secondly, we MUST create a national-international conference for all world leaders annually, including religious leaders, population experts, environmentalists, catastrophic climate destabilization specialists and other top people—to create solutions to save ourselves.

Carlson: How do we help those refugees if we don’t continue immigration?

Wooldridge:  We help them in their own countries with growing crops, water filtration and birth control.  That’s the only thing that will save them.  If they don’t or won’t engage birth control, they will seal their own demise.  It’s that simple and that harsh.

If we don’t stop all immigration, not only can we NOT save them, we won’t be able to save ourselves.  We will face unsolvable problems with irreversible consequences.

Carlson:  I’m going to have you back. Every American needs to understand what we face.

Please note: This virtual interview was not aired on television.  Part 2 of the interview will delve into the intricacies of what America faces if we continue down this immigration path.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Devolving American Citizenship?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 9: With another 100 million immigrants, you get 100 million people from 196 countries with 196 different world views, religions, cultures and languages.  Do you think any of them will be on the same page as American-born citizens?

The single worst bill passed by our U.S. Congress: the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. The late Senator Teddy Kennedy, the perpetrator of the bill, could be named the “Father of the Destruction of America.”

He changed the 200,000 annual quota system of compatible Europeans migrating into America to 1.5 million annually in 2020 from all over the world.  He’s the reason for our adding 130 million people from 196 countries around the globe in the last 55 years.

He brought us millions of the most unskilled, uneducated, and uneducable people from around the planet, and the most incompatible cultures with our American culture.

Do you think that a bushman/tribal hunter-gatherer African Somalian immigrant with an average IQ of 68 can actually function in America’s first world economy and educational system?  Do you think such an immigrant possesses any affinity to American values?  The U.S. Constitution?  How many of them do you think even understand the Constitution let alone read it?  How many leech off the EBT cards?  Answer: hundreds of thousands.

Notice Ilhan Omar, a Somalia refugee that now resides in our House of Representatives. She foments anti-American rhetoric with every news conference. She wants all Muslims to make Americans “feel uncomfortable.”  It’s a bet she has NEVER read our Constitution.  She lacks any education, brain power or affinity for America. She lived on food stamps and scammed the U.S. Immigration System by marrying her brother.  She should be deported for her lawlessness.

Another House member, Rashida Talaib in Michigan despises America and when elected, wrapped herself in a Palestinian flag. Does anyone think Maxine Waters loves America? You can’t make this information up. It’s all on record.

Note that we now face millions in poverty, over 1 million homeless and 40 million on food stamps.  California looks more like a foreign country than an American state.  Los Angeles features over 60,000 poverty-stricken people living in tents in the streets of the city. Another 11,000 live in San Francisco.  With no solutions?  What happens when we import another 100 million third world immigrants that cannot be fed or housed?  And, what is the point?

Once they land on us, they enclave into their own cultures, languages and world views.  We’re talking about 100 million people that do not and cannot assimilate into America.

Can you imagine the fracturing and fragmenting of our national ethos?  What about OUR culture built up over 240 years? What about our cohesive English language being driven into a minority status?  What happens when all their world views compete for local and national offices?  Do you remember what happened to Detroit once Mayor Coleman Young took over in the 1980’s?  Exactly 1.2 million Detroiters fled the city over a 15-year period.  How do I know? Detroit degraded to jungle law. I worked in Detroit for twenty years to see it.

With only 125,000 Somalia’s in “Somaliland” in Minneapolis, Minnesota, they have already trashed the school systems. Americans are fleeing that “African” enclave of Muslim discontent.  What happens when we allow another 50 or 100 cities to be dominated by “Somalilands?”

What happens when Spanish becomes the dominate language?  Anybody see how successful Mexico stands today?  Why do you think 15 million illegal Mexican migrants now call the USA home?  They escaped the failed state of Mexico. What happens when they create the “Failed State of America?”

Does anyone in America understand that Europeans face becoming minorities in their own countries?  Do they understand that the arrogance of the Islamic religion has death-grip on their cultures, language and freedoms?  That barbaric religion maintains a strangle- hold with its political-religious-economic system that counters anything civil or anything about women’s rights, children’s rights, dress choice, spouse choice, freedom of speech, FGM, fatwa, and much worse.

If we continue on this path, and we import that 100 million immigrants by 2050—how do you think the American ethos and our language will survive?  Answer: it won’t.

We will be driven to the lowest common denominator of destroyed educational systems, civic pride, culture, jobs and loss of excellence.  And, how do we feed and house that many more people without destroying our own environment and resources?  Do you want that for your kids?  Do you want it for yourself if you’ll be here in 2050?

Do you think this series hits home?  Can you see it coming?  Have you read, The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray?  How about, The Blackening of Europe by Clare Ellis.

“The Blackening of Europe is a critical analysis of the historical and ideological origins of the European Union, with special regard to the consequences of these developments for the indigenous Europeans who presently risk becoming demographic and political minorities in their own homelands.”

If we import enough refugees from the third world, we will, in turn become the third world ourselves. Demographics dictate destiny. Now do you see why the next 100 million immigrants will determine our society’s fragmented future?

Can you imagine Antifa and Black Lives Matter stomping around your city? Your neighborhood? Have you seen what they’ve done to 50 cities in America?  Thus far, $5 billion in damages as reported by NPR. These anarchists mean business.  Can you imagine enough third world refugees going on the rampage because our food stamp and other welfare systems collapse?  I can see it as clearly as the coming of the dawn.  Why not stop it today by creating a national outcry to cease all immigration?

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future. If you have more solutions, please write me. Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course? If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Running Out of Oil  Guaranteed!

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 8: We will exhaust oil reserves by mid-century. What will power our tractors and move our food for 440 million Americans in 2050? Anybody thinking about the future of our children?  Not really!

Over ten years ago, I read a compelling and sobering book by James Howard Kunstler: The Long Emergency.  He predicted the end of the “Oil Age.” Other top writers, research scientists and experts continually pound on the drums that the human race faces “oil exhaustion” in this century.  One of the very best, Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment With Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston will shock the pants off you if you brought children into the world.  Why? Because they will be right in the middle of their lives when oil and resources face total exhaustion.

“The cheap oil age created an artificial bubble of plentitude for a period not much longer than a human lifetime….so I hazard to assert that as oil ceases to be cheap and the world reserves move toward depletion, we will be left with an enormous population…that the ecology of the earth will not support. The journey back toward non-oil population homeostasis will not be pretty. We will discover the hard way that population hyper growth was simply a side-effect of the oil age. It was a condition, not a problem with a solution. That is what happened and we are stuck with it.” James Howard Kunstler, The Long Emergency

Kunstler warned us nearly two decades ago, but we didn’t listen. Peak Oil and the Hubbert Curve: Marion Hubbert predicted that the United States would run out of oil by 1970.  We did!  Today, we import 7 out of 10 barrels of oil. Someday, the Middle East and South America will exhaust their oil reserves.  Yes, we’ve squeezed the ground for more oil via fracking, but the fact remains, we are on our last oil legs.

Have we planned for the future as we run out of oil?  No!  Have we listened to the experts with all the science on their side?  No!  Our presidents and our U.S Senators along with all our House members lead us into a dead end, blind alley with no chance of survival once oil becomes exhausted.  You won’t hear a peep out of the national media that SHOULD be educating you as to what’s coming—but they don’t and they won’t.  Remember the cigarette “Marlboro Country” lie they continued for decades while 500,000 Americans lost their lives annually to lung cancer?  The national media prove excellent at keeping the general public in the dark.

Oh yes, of course, the mythical Green New Deal will save us.  No! It won’t!  Wind, wave, river and solar cannot generate the amount of energy rendered from oil.  And, there’s nothing on the horizon that will replace the versatility of oil.

Ironically, back in 1970, we featured 200 million Americans.  But then, that nasty little 1965 Immigration Reform Act started adding the next 130 million more people.  Now, it’s adding another 100 million more people by 2050.  Anybody listening?  Anyone raising his or her voice?  No!  You won’t hear a peep out of the national media as to what’s coming, but you can be assured that IT’S coming and, really, coming in the blink of an eye—just thirty short years—and oil will either be gone or it will be SO expensive that a gallon will cost $20.00—IF you can find secure it. (Source: $20 Per Gallon by Chris Steiner)

“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we do this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive? As we both know there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy now, much less for the 9-10 billion expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going. We are involved in a Faustian bargain—selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price has to be paid.” —Walter Youngquist, energy

Pretty sobering, n’est pas?  Do you love your kids?  Guess what? Without you speaking up across America, they will be in the middle of a living nightmare when humans exhaust all their/our oil reserves.

Right now, we burn 20 million barrels of oil 24/7 in the United States.  The world burns 99 million barrels of oil DAILY every day of the year.  That’s about 36 billion barrels annually, give or take.

Today, China adds 27 million new cars, net gain, to their highways annually as they race, like the Kentucky Derby, to surpass the United States.  In his book, Kunstler said that by 2030, China with 1.4 billion people, will be  burning 98 million barrels of oil on its own, annually.  Dear reader: that’s less than 10 years from now.  That means humanity will be burning over 200 million barrels of oil per day.  Can you imagine the environmental havoc it will wreak on this planet?  Talk about catastrophic climate destabilization with the enormous carbon footprint!

You can see by the sheer volume of oil burning that our civilization won’t survive.  When you add the carbon exhaust/footprint, it’s horrendous what kind of pollution we inject into the biosphere.  Our oceans face total acidification. It’s bleaching the reefs. It’s changing the phytoplankton count. It’s wiping out entire ecological marine systems.

About 10 Billion Humans Living On Earth by 2050

As oil diminishes, we humans remain on course by adding 80 million new babies, net gain, annually. That, in turn, by 2050 means another 2 to 3 billion people added to our already bloviated 7.8 billion humans.  Are you seeing a problem here?

In Part 6, one of my readers answered with a solution about the “water problem” we face with another 100 million immigrants added to America.  He said, “We need to add more desalinization plants no matter what the cost.”

That statement stunned me because it wouldn’t solve anything, but it would cause more human growth…and as I’ve stated in this series…exponential growth always leads to collapse.  Therefore, no amount of desalinization of saltwater into fresh water would solve our overpopulation problem.

The only solution that will work, can work or has any chance of working: population stabilization.  Am I wrong?  Do you have a better idea?  Do you think ‘technology’ will save all of humanity as it swarms over the planet?  What about all the other animals that get terminated into extinction during the “Sixth Extinction Session” now rampaging across the planet?

Once again, this Part 8 of this series either depressed you or inspired you with the facts as to what your children face in 2050.  Here’s what it looks like in a 10-minute video with graphs that show WHAT IS coming to America if we don’t stop all immigration.  Why not help them in their own countries?  Don’t you think we need to lead the world in understanding that we can’t keep importing millions of more people into our civilization?  Don’t you think every citizen in American needs to see this video by Roy Beck?  Are you going to pass it around to all your FB friends, Twitter and LinkedIn?  Are you going to write letters to have yours truly be a guest on all the top TV and radio show?  What are you waiting for?

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Running America Out of Water?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 7: We’re on the edge of water scarcity in seven states today, much worse tomorrow with another 100 million immigrants

As we dive deeper into this series, do you feel a sense of alarm?  How scared out of your wits are you?  What about your children who will be caught in the middle of this human tidal wave or better yet, a “Human Katrina?”  And like Katrina, meteorologists warned everyone to get out of New Orleans.  They talked about 150 mile per hour winds that would rip everything to shreds.  It did!

Yet, too many people stayed in their homes, couldn’t get out and/or simply resigned their lives to Mother Nature.  They died.  They had to be saved by brave people.  The carnage?  Unbelievable!

Last year, I traveled to Mexico Beach where a Hurricane Michael barreled through the area and tore buildings off their foundations.  At one resort hotel, the only thing left—a toilet sticking out of the floor tiling while the hotel landed somewhere inland.

(We witnessed a 40 mile swath of destruction along Mexico Beach, Florida from Hurricane Michael. As noted, the only thing left of that hotel was the toilet. If we keep adding immigrants to America, we won’t have enough water to fill a toilet.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Yes, most of us weren’t affected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Michael that hit Mexico Beach.

(We witnessed this kind of destruction from Hurricane Michael in 2019 for 40 miles.  Again, every American faces this kind of a future in shambles if we fail to stop mass immigration of another 100 million people. What are you going to do for your children once you understand the enormity of our predicament?)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

But I’m going to guarantee you this fact right now in the middle of this series: if we don’t stop mass immigration into the United States, EVERY single American of every race, creed and color WILL be drastically affected when we add another 100 million immigrants to our country to reach 440 million around 2050.  There won’t be any escaping to safety because there won’t be ‘safety’ for anyone.

We’re going to talk about entire systems breaking down.

Let’s Start With Water

Over in Africa, India or the Middle East, a person uses less than five gallons per day. When that immigrant sheds his or her misery in his or her overpopulated country, and arrives in America—their water usage explodes to 88 gallons a day at home.

When you multiply that times 330,000,000 Americans in 2020, you see an astronomical  29,304,000,000,000 (trillion) gallons used 24/7.  Let’s add another 100,000,000 immigrants times 88 gallons equates to another 880,000,000 (million) gallons 24/7.

Now let’s look at the cows, pigs, and chickens that must be fed, watered and fattened daily.  A milking dairy cow drinks 30 to 50 gallons of fresh water a day.  American farmers keep 9,000,000 (million) dairy cows to keep your table filled with milk 24/7.   That equals 450,000,000 (million) gallons of water daily to keep you in milk.

Now let’s add another 100,000,000 immigrants who will follow the same practices and uses of dairy products. As you can see, these numbers climb to insane levels.  They’re not sustainable. There’s only a limited amount of rainwater, ground water and fresh water in lakes.

To grow crops, you see HUGE circular irrigation sprayers all over this country. They suck up the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska much faster than it can charge.  That’s happening all over America.  At some point, there will not be enough underground water supplies to irrigate our crops.

We’re not even talking about water usage for pools, products from manufacturing that utilize water by the billions of gallons.

While we’re at it, we’ve got HUGE hog farms, chicken farms and beef farms that dump billions of tons of fecal and urine waste into the ground that ends up in ground water.

Have you notice cities with sprinkler systems? How about the millions of gallons daily for golf courses?

Today, eight states face severe water shortages in 2020. They are: South Carolina, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Washington, Oregon and the granddaddy of all drought areas—California—with 38 million people—and projected to reach 59 million by 2050.

“California’s current water shortage crisis is in the midst of its fourth straight year.  Sever to exceptional drought conditions affected the entire state for two straights months in summer months. More than 38 million Californians live in drought areas. The highest number of people in the United States.”  (Source: USA Today, 9/7/15)

If you think they suffer problems in 2020, I’ll bet they can’t wait to see their state driven up to 58 million by 2050 as projected by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Ironically, 98 percent of their growth stems from legal and illegal immigration.  ( Source:

So, are you thoroughly depressed or is that a burr under your saddle?  Be absolutely certain that this report only touches the surface of what WE ALL FACE if this immigration invasion continues.

As Clint Eastwood once said, “Whiskey’s for drinking, but water is for fighting’.”

If we add another 100 million people to our country, we’re all going to be fighting for water, paying horrendous prices for water, and, at some point, we will not be able to solve our water shortages because there will be too many people and too little water.

As an American journalist, and as a father to two boys, and as a rational/common sense individual—I hope you send this series to all your friends. We NEED a national conversation-debate on changing course for our children. Not ten years down the road when there are an added 35 million more of us.  But today!

Again, remember that a Constitutional Republic is not a spectator form of governance.  It’s up to your to take action.  Write to ABC, NBC, CBS, 60 Minutes (, CNN, NPR, PBS, your local radio and TV stations. Demand they interview top specialists on the many facets of human overpopulation and how it will affect everyone in less than 30 years.  Tell them you want a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization you want to bequeath to your children.

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants by 2050: Roadkill and Traffic Congestion?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 6: Roadkill of millions of vertebrates

In this extremely sobering if not depressing series on adding another 100 million immigrants to America, how about trying on this fact to shake up your sense of emotional stability.

Each second in the 48 contiguous states, according to a study by High Country News, Roadkill Statistics, February 2, 2005, American motorists, high speed boaters, airplanes, trains, tractors and other motors kill 11.4 vertebrate animals every SECOND!   That turns out to be over 1,000,000 (million) animals every day, or a total of 365 million animals suffer death annually for crossing over our paved highways or swimming in their natural habitats. (Note that we’ve added another 35 million people since that study.)

Soberingly, we only feature 330 million Americans, and most of them drive cars—can you think of the death rate worldwide 24/7.  In other words, massive carnage of the animal kingdom around the globe—perhaps into the billions since there are 7.8 billion humans on this planet.

Worse than that, the study shows that it’s probably another 40 million animals slink off into the bush to die without the researchers ever finding out they died. Who dies?  Bison, deer, geese, groundhogs, robins, hummingbirds, elk, bear, dogs, cats, millions of birds of every species, owls, eagles, hawks, rodents, coyotes, cougars, cranes, and hundreds of other innocent species.

What makes me sick stems from the fact that some intellectual ‘giants’ send me information that the human race could be stuck in the middle of Texas with a couple acres extra for each family. They think we could add another 10-20 billion humans without any problems.  As a teacher, I shake my head at the sheer stupidity of such stupidity. In other words, they are SO out of touch with reality that they defend their stupidity.

What they don’t understand:  humans in 2020 cause the “Sixth Extinction Session” now killing off entire species at 24 species per day or over 8,000 annually. Yes, that’s 24 species suffer extinction 24/7.  We kill them, poison them, bulldoze their habitat, shoot them, run them over and just about every other method you can imagine for killing them off the planet.

Here in the USA, the Department of the Interior says that we lose species in America even before they can be listed as endangered.

SDG said, “Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history – and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely, warns a landmark new report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the summary of which was approved at the 7th session of the IPBES Plenary, meeting last week (29 April – 4 May) in Paris.

“The overwhelming evidence of the IPBES Global Assessment, from a wide range of different fields of knowledge, presents an ominous picture,” said IPBES Chair, Sir Robert Watson. “The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.”

“The Report also tells us that it is not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now at every level from local to global,” he said. “Through ‘transformative change’, nature can still be conserved, restored and used sustainably – this is also key to meeting most other global goals. By transformative change, we mean a fundamental, system-wide reorganization across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values.”

But will we?  Can we stop our ‘growth, growth, growth’ paradigm in the USA and worldwide?  Can we stop immigration that drives our growth crisis? Will we? When? Before it’s too late?

Do you ever wonder why MILLIONS of people crave migrating to America?  What caused them so much misery as to want to move out of their home country? Answer: the third world adds 80 million, net gain, more people annually.  They overflow with their own birthrates.  Call them stupid, call them illiterate, call them cultural—but they never figured out that birth control would save them as it has first world countries that add 2.0 children annually per woman—since 1970.

To top it off, the Pope, Hindus, Islam and other ancient religions promote as many children as possible.  In other words, they don’t mind that 4,000,000 children starve to death annually and 8,000,000 adults.  Then, toss in the ‘human misery index’, and you’ve got a whole lot of humanity living in refugee camps. One look at Africa would make you sick to your stomach.  And, if you notice those “feed the children” ads, you see a child or two on the hips of every African woman. (Source: Death rates by the United Nations)

So, without any change in course, America will add 100 million immigrants within 30 years at current immigration and birth rate levels.  That means vehicle congestion will add at least another 100 million cars, trucks, trains, planes, motors and more to our landscape.  Are you ready for the death ‘roadkill’ death rates at that point in time?  Are you ready to sit in gridlock for the rest of your life?

Do we have the right to keep exploding our population knowing that we’re killing off the Natural World and all its creatures at such lightning speed?  Do your children deserve better?  Do the animals deserve better?  Why should we absorb another 100 million immigrants when their numbers will overwhelm our civilization?  Why import them when we KNOW they will add another 80 million of themselves in 2020 and every year after that?   If you’ve got some solutions, please send your ideas my way.  Here are my solutions:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship. Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Anarchy, Looters, Killings, Arson, Shooting Cops: BLM & Antifa Must Be Stopped

By Frosty Wooldridge

A friend of mine said, “This travesty in Kenosha just proved that certain segments of the population are now nothing more than walking weapons, waiting to be used for the agenda against the American people.”

Not only that, but an agenda against Western Civilization!

I don’t know about you, but I am more than sick of lootings, burnings, anarchy, cop killings and total anarchy in various cities around America.  What’s worse, if the excuse continues as to George Floyd or Jacob Blake—I’m sorry but both of them carried lifelong crime rap sheets.  Both did not comply with law enforcement. Both disobeyed orders from the cops.  Both would not be considered ‘model’ American citizens. Both had spent much time behind bars.  Both of them were outright criminals.  They both would be alive today or healthy if they obeyed law enforcement officers.

Just for an update, in the past three weeks, I drove across the USA to the Gettysburg National War Memorial.  My wife and I stood on the same spot where President Lincoln gave his immortal speech on Cemetery Ridge, which stands adjacent to the battlefield.  Even 157 years after November 19, 1863, I cried at the words written from his speech on a plaque.  I remember reciting those eloquent words at my eighth-grade talent contest.  I still remember that speech to this day. “Four score and seven years ago….”

(We stood where President Lincoln stood on November 19, 1863 on Cemetery Ridge at the Gettysburg Battle Field to give his famous speech.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Sandi and I hiked some of the Appalachia Trail starting on Springer Mountain where it heads 2,190 miles to Mt. Katahdin, Maine.  We marveled at the “boot tree” where hundreds of exhausted backpackers over the decades tied their worn-out boot laces together and tossed the boots into an enormous tree at the southern end of the trail. It’s a boot graveyard with happy memories.  We hiked to the highest elevation east of the Mississippi River at Mt. Mitchell at 6684 feet. It’s a beautiful tunnel of green leaves and magnificent beauty.  The first lady to hike it all the way: Emma Gatewood at 67 years of age.

(Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge at the southern end of the Appalachia Trail)

We also visited Jefferson’s Poplar Forest summer home and Monticello. We relished our journey on the Blue Ridge Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah Valley.  We visited President Andrew Jackson’s home along with President Andrew Johnson, both from Tennessee.  Also, George Vanderbilt’s mansion at the Biltmore at 179,000 square feet in Ashville, NC. Unbelievable millions spent on building that architectural wonder to rival Versailles in France or The Hearst Castle in California.

We also visited Grand Old Opry House. Who wouldn’t give their week’s pay to hear Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson sing on stage?  We visited Willie Nelson’s museum. What a fantastic life!   We visited MLK exhibits along with George Washington Carver and Oprah Winfrey. What a legacy from Ray Charles! The list grows for all races, creeds and colors in America.

Our journey showed us that the least Americans can rise to be the most incredible achievements in America—with hard work, integrity, persistence, determination and true grit.

Cops, Laws and Attitude

Okay, to save money, Sandi and I drove a van so we could sleep in the back at night.  At one stop, we pulled into the parking lot of a Baptist Church.  It was on the outskirts of town away from noise and traffic.  It was wide open.  We fluffed up our sleeping bags and air mattresses to quickly fall asleep.

Around 1 a.m., a flashlight shined in our faces and a knock on the window.  I woke up, opened the sliding door to see two police officers.

“Yes sirs,” I said. “What can I do for you?”

“Do you realize you’re on church property and must move?” one said.

“Gosh, this is out in middle of nowhere and we’ll be gone at sunrise,” I said.

“No can do,” he said.  “Do you have license, registration and insurance?”

“Yes sir,” I said, getting over to the glove box.

He checked me out.  I was clean. Haven’t had a traffic ticket in 30 years!

“You’re going to have to move off this lot,” he said.

“Yes sir,” I said. “I’ll be out of here in no time.”

“Thank you for your cooperation,” the first officer said.

As they were about to depart, I said, “Thank you for your service officers.”

They nodded with smiles.

What was the difference with my run-in with the cops and that of George Floyd, Jacob Blake or any other characters resisting arrest or calling cops names or being belligerent and potty-mouthed?  I followed the cops’ commands. I politely said, “Yes sir and no sir” to all their questions. I handed over my identification.

Can  you imagine the difference in America today if Floyd or Blake or other characters would have simply followed the orders of law enforcement?

As to BLM and Antifa—they must be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned before they destroy more cities with looting, burning and killings. This is way beyond Floyd or Blake!  This is sheer, pure anarchy and sedition against the law-abiding citizens of America, Black and White.

The facts remain, no matter how you cut it, Black on Black crime soars 100 to 1 over police shootings of Blacks.  Instead of burning our cities down, BLM and Antifa need to vote, run for office, make peaceful changes and work within the law.  If they lived in China today, they would have already been executed.

If BLM anarchists wanted to improve America, they might start by rebuilding, refurbishing and improving their citizens in Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago. Blacks dominate those towns, but thus far this year more Blacks suffer deaths from other Blacks than any police shootings X’s into the hundreds.  Already Chicago has seen 443 Black homicides by 443 other Black shooters in 2020. That’s 50 percent up at this time from last year.  Whites didn’t do any of those shootings because they’ve fled those cities.

Is it possible that top Black CEO’s, millionaire athletes, governors, mayors, and movie stars might come together to form a plan specifically targeting improvement of Black schools, cities and jobs?  Wouldn’t it be better to pay for recreation centers, educational tutoring, fatherhood classes and a dozen other ideas to solve the inner-city violence?  Wouldn’t it be worth it for all of us to work toward ‘our’ mutual, peaceful and positive future?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Racism Solution: Would This Work in America?

By Frosty Wooldridge


On social media: “To fix the original sin of racism, Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principals: Racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals. The amendment would make unconstitutional racial inequity over a certain threshold, as well as racist ideas by public officials. It would establish and permanently fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA) comprised of formally trained experts on racism and no political appointees. The DOA would be responsible for pre-clearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas.”

Can Black people be forced not to be racist against White people in our free society?  Can White people be forced not to be racist toward Black people?  Can racism be halted by laws?  Thus far, no amount of education, laws or mandates has stopped racism in any country around the world.  Let’s face it; we’re facing a raging mental, physical and emotional conflict over race in America and have been since Whites first stepped onto North America.

Whites destroyed Native Americans with weapons, booze and disease. Whites enslaved millions of Blacks.  The only excuse can be found that humans have been at war with one another and enslaved the conquered since the dawn of time.  America became the first country to outlaw slavery via the U.S. Constitution.

I’ve personally watched racial unrest since 1964.  I watched the Detroit riots.  I watched the Rodney King riots. I watched the aftermath of MLK’s death.  Little has changed emotionally for either race no matter how many laws we invoke on the American people.  White people don’t move into Black neighborhoods and Blacks seldom move into all-White areas. Some say racism is learned. Some say it’s tribal. Others say it’s biological. Whatever it is, it’s not going away any time soon.

Here are some of the responses:

“Unfortunately, our country is following South Africa’s footsteps.  The similarities between our two countries are too many to deny.  A Dutch politician told an African friend of mine, who is a prominent writer in South Africa, that they are the ‘canary’ in the coal mine of Western Civilization.  When I look at how the whites are treated over there, in the country whites built, it is terrifying. I see Balkanization in our future if we continue down this path in America.  If anyone wants to know what’s is happening to whites over there, look up white genocide in South Africa. It’s beyond disturbing.  The raping, the torture lasting for days, the killings…all because they are white.”  (Whites remain in the minority in South Africa.)

One writer said, “All whites are not allowed to have any organizations to help themselves. Whites are the only group in America not allowed a positive group identity.”

Another wrote, “That amendment would give the government one more powerful tool against people of any race.  We cannot erase partiality from our judgment.  We have to work with people. I think the USA is the least racist nation in the world.  We are the most generous and welcoming country on Earth.  That’s why millions of immigrants come here annually and millions more want to come here.”

This man wrote, “This idea is political correctness and identity politics rolled into one never-ending bitch-fest and non-stop victimhood.”

My friend Dave Panzera said, “The most amazing thing about how people approach this is the woeful lack of historical education so many display on this topic. Slavery existed for 200 years on our continent BEFORE the revolutionary war. Our revolution was the national creation and turning point. As just about everyone knows, many of the founders had slaves. Jefferson did and yet this is the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. What has been utterly lost in the years since is the handing down of how and why they (not just Jefferson) wrote and did what they did at our founding. Slavery was a globally accepted and a continuing thing in the time of our founding.”

Jefferson did rail against King George for slavery when he said:

“He [King George III] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur a miserable death in their transportation thither.”

Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, editor (Washington, DC: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Assoc., 1903), Vol. I, p.34.  You can even see in this statement the early essence of the DOI in words. Jefferson was firmly convinced that the nation must move away from slavery.

Mr. Panzera finished with, “I said all of that to say this….We need to live out our constitution as intended for all. Setting up yet more layers of government run by fallible people only sets us up for far more division.”

Whites and Blacks need to find a way to respect each other even though they don’t biologically-culturally-intellectually find any affinity toward each other. It’s either that or more Seattle’s, Portland’s, Detroit’s, Chicago’s, Minneapolis’s, Denver’s, New York City’s—with anarchy, looting, violence, killing, rapes, and social breakdown—pretty much what’s the norm in third world countries like Somalia, Congo, Sudan, Bangladesh….

Do you have any better ideas?  How can we stop the BLM and Antifa from destroying so much property and creating so much lawlessness?  Why aren’t our governors and mayors bringing the law down hard on those anarchists?  Aren’t you as sick of it as I am sick of it?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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It Happened To Elvis Presley: Infidelity & Betrayal

By Frosty Wooldridge

Over the years, one of my friends married a beautiful woman and fathered two boys.  He shared his pride with me as they grew to become men.  I watched their pictures fill the entire front of his refrigerator.  His boys adorned the walls of the living room and his office.

(Sandi and Frosty at Lake Moraine and the Seven Sisters, Alberta, Canada)

Both boys graduated from outstanding universities.  Each earned lucrative jobs in the business world.  Both boys married wonderful college sweethearts who brought children into the world.  They live in wonderful homes in successful neighborhoods.

But last week, my friend informed me that one of his boys continually cheats on his wife over the past five years to a point that his wife set in motion divorce proceedings.  My friend felt deep embarrassment that his son betrayed the mother of his grandchildren.  My friend felt responsibility for his son’s lack of moral integrity.

From a successful life, the cheating husband betrayed his wife, his kids and his friends.  Not only did he create a horrible breach in his own life, but also he created incredible consequences with the married women with whom he initiated sexual affairs.  In the end, he betrayed himself.  He faces child support, broken family, weekend visits with his kids and a total breakdown in the cohesiveness of his children.

“Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

He never thought about that!  I’m reminded about the same events with the legendary singer Elvis Presley.  Before he married Pricilla, Elvis Presley enjoyed a wild and free-flowing bachelor life.  Once he entered the sacred rights of marriage—-society and every woman expects their man to be faithful for life.  To break such a vow, any marriage partner faces ominous consequences.

While everything looked fine on the outside, Elvis Presley lost his bearings.  He lost the daily enjoyment of watching Lisa Marie Presley grow up at Graceland mansion.  He lost his emotional and spiritual connection to his spouse.  He became a weekend father, which fractured his connection with his only offspring.

Shortly after his divorce, Presley gorged himself on fattening foods and endless drugs.  He lost his moral compass.  The negative emotional vibrations he set in motion tore at the moorings of his heart.  He became erratic, obese and forgot words to songs at his concerts.  By the age of 43, he died of a heart attack.  Many said he died of a broken heart.

In American society, some estimates show that half of American men cheat on their wives.  Today, 50 percent of marriages end in divorce courts.  Millions of kids see their mother and father living separate lives.  They lose the structure of their family because their father or mother failed to adhere to the sacred bonds of matrimony.

I wrote a teen novel about the early loss of a parent through death or divorce in my book:  Strike Three! Take Your Base.  The novel shows two paths for the teens facing the loss of a parent.  It’s gut wrenching! Yet, it’s positive.

Where does that leave any of us?  How can we maintain integrity with our spouse and ourselves?  How can we avoid what happened to Elvis Presley or my friend’s son in the not too distant future?

  • If you marry someone, remain honest with him or her.  If you’re not happy with the marriage, then tell them and work it out work. If it cannot be worked out, proceed toward a divorce.  Avoid throwing sexual betrayal into the mix.
  • With children in the arena, make certain to let them know they are safe.  Make certain they know they are loved by both of you.
  • Make certain each of you supports the other spouse with good words, good actions and positive comments about them.
  • While you may feel pain, betrayal, anger, resentment and other negative emotions—understand that life moves forward. You must choose to move with it.  Yes, cry, scream, sob and feel the pain—but choose life and all its opportunities.
  • Above all, choose high vibrational living for you, for your kids and for each day.

In the final analysis, live a life of integrity.  Life will respond with integrity.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Bottled Lightning: Skin Your Knees On Eternity

Frosty Wooldridge

At the beginning of my presentations on “How to Live a Life of Adventure” at high schools, colleges, civic clubs and church groups, my first words exclaim, “I live a spectacular life!”

(Sometimes, you must express that “bottled lightning” with a kiss, a sport, a dance, a job, a moment, or anything in your day to live a spectacular life.)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

After the audience digests such brash words, I invite each person to repeat for himself or herself, “I live a spectacular life!”

They repeat the words, but with unease, consternation and even trepidation.  It’s a bit difficult to make a bold statement on how you live your life should you be living a dull life, average existence and even, a difficult life.  You may face challenges that seem to consume, daunt and defeat you.

So, how do you bottle your internal lightning energy?  How do you go out into life to skin your knees in the face of eternity?

First, your 80 years on this planet constitute your personal eternity.  That means you choose what happens, how it happens and for how long.  You choose to learn as much as you can during your schooling.  You choose to care for your body-temple by your actions or inactions.  You choose to eat, drink and nourish your being with healthy foods and fellowship of friends. You choose to fill your spirit with your own options of connection to the natural world.

Second, harness your youthful exuberance not only in your teen years, but choose to maintain your energies throughout your entire life.  It’s been said, “Life deals you high and low cards, but you play with the hand you’re dealt.  You can bluff your way through or you can play it straight. Either way, you win or lose on your chosen merits, talents, skills, education and actions.

Third, choose your words and thoughts wisely.  Choose your friends with care.  Hang with others that carry their own “bottled lightning.”  For starters, what defines bottled lightning?

Think of the energy that explodes through your body when you work on a project that you love.  It may be working on your car, creating a bookshelf in a woodcraft class, writing a poem or volunteering at a homeless shelter. It might encompass a math class, sports of all kinds, dancing or yoga.  It may be a novel or a Shakespearean play.

Include its concepts into your inner passions, drive and creative living.  You may choose that “bottled lightning” drive throughout your life. Once you feel it, you know it. Once you know it, you own it.  From that point onward, apply it to your work, play and quiet times.

For example: this past spring, I carried my passion for long distance bicycle travel along the West Coast of America. I pedaled nearly 2,000 miles from Canada to Mexico.  Each day, I pedaled up hills and coasted down hills. I traveled through sunshine and rainstorms. I pushed into headwinds and enjoyed tailwinds.  I witnessed stunning sunrises and sunsets.  I met fantastic people and several “otherwise” people.  Each day, I expected great moments.

At one point on the Big Sur south of San Francisco, known for its incredibly rugged mountainous cliffs that tower over the crashing surf—I stopped at a vista point overlooking a lagoon 150 feet below me.  Another traveler yelled out, “They’re spouting!”  I looked down to see a 30-ton Gray whale surface for air.  For an added treat, a calf spouted right alongside its mother.  I snapped several pictures as they played between the seaweed and waves rolling in from the wide Pacific Ocean.

I muttered to myself, “Spectacular!”  Indeed, at that moment, I lived a spectacular life because I took a chance. I pedaled my bike down the West Coast.  I opened myself up to the energies of the universe.  Do you think it’s easy to pedal a bike across a continent?  Is it a cakewalk to ride in a rainstorm?   Answer: a cyclist faces every kind of challenge you can imagine, just like your own life  with your challenges.

In the same high vibrational frequencies, you enjoy the same possibilities in your spectacular life.  It might be travel or raising a child. It might be your Zumba Dance Class or playing the piano.  Discover your “bottled lightning” in your pursuit of happiness.

Now, repeat after me with certitude, enthusiasm and genuine confidence, “I live a spectacular life!”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Your Destiny Sings In Your Ears At the Darnedest Times

By Frosty Wooldridge

Each time I stand up in front of an audience, I invite every person in the room to accept himself or herself unconditionally.

(Spirit of St. Louis with Charles Lindbergh flew over the Atlantic Ocean to fulfill a dream. What dream has your name on it?) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

“You are a one-time miracle of the universe,” I boldly state.  “Accept your height, weight, build, looks, hair, personality, mind, spirit and, well, everything about you.  That’s the first step.”

In this current, high-speed world, loaded with cell phones, glitz and glamour movie stars, along with obnoxious amounts of wealth—it’s easy to look at your own life in comparison.

Hint: delete the word “comparison” from your vocabulary.

You manifest a one-time-only combination of DNA never before seen in the universe and never again to be repeated.  Pretty astounding stuff, don’t you think?

Let’s take it a step further.  No other creature on this planet can do what you do: think, create, choose and manifest anything your mind conceives.

For example, Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.  A one time expression by the only man in the universe who could conceive of and paint such a work of art!  Picasso’s whacky mind created some of the wildest and weirdest paintings on the planet.  The Wright Brothers disobeyed all the pundits to construct a flying machine guaranteed not to fly.  But it flew into the wild blue yonder. Eventually, that first flight found humanity flying to the moon.

Walt Disney created Disneyland, Epcot and Disneyworld.  Susan B. Anthony created the suffragettes.  Jane Goodall studied the gorillas.  Ernest Shackleton attempted to walk to the South Pole in 1914 with no radio assistance or emergency aid.

What’s the one item they all enjoy in the history books?  Answer: they pursued something that burned inside them.  They chased a dream until it became their reality.

Hint:  a dream takes hours of practice before it becomes reality.  Some books say that anyone who wants to master a certain dream must spend 10,000 hours practicing their craft.  A guitarist must practice daily.  A writer must write seven days a week.  An artist must stroke his or her brush on the canvas for 10,000 hours.  A jewelry maker must spend countless hours playing with creative ideas—before coming into the realm of expert or designer.

True story: once a farm boy decided to go to college.  While attending classes, he studied to become a teacher.  All the while, he kept writing in his diary.  He loved to write.  Once he became a teacher, they paid him so poorly that he learned to drive a long haul furniture truck in the summers to make ends meet.

He recorded his travels.  In reality, he wanted to be a writer.

Many of his customers said, “You don’t seem to fit the truck driver mold.  What are you actually trying to do with your life?”

“In reality, I am a writer temporarily driving a truck to chase my dreams of becoming an author of adventure books,” he said.  “I work 70 plus hours a week loading furniture and driving so I can earn enough to get to my real life.”

“That’s not surprising,” his customers said.

During the years that followed, he traveled extensively around the world. He racked up 10,000 hours of travel.  He jotted down notes of his world meanderings. He snapped pictures.  He refined his craft.

When his first travel book published, he broke down in tears of joy.  He laughed. He celebrated. He yelled.  He fulfilled his self-created destiny.

Hints for you to live into your chosen destiny:

—Realize that what you do in your spare time usually gives you a hint to what you really like to do in life.
—Whatever your dream, chase it with daily mental, emotional and physical energy.
—Put in your 10,000 hours with a sense of gusto, passion and flair.
—Get help along the way. Read books from others that share your passion for a particular path: computer programmer, creator of computer games, ski instructor, scuba diver, adventure traveler, parent, scholar, athlete, nurse and 10,000 other avenues that lead to your destiny.

In the end, you make your life. You make your choices. You make your destiny.  Now get out there and make it happen.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Mountains for Breakfast, Sunsets for Dessert, Camping for Your Dreams

Frosty Wooldridge

Last year, a new friend asked me to go on a bicycle journey with him down the West Coast from Canada to Mexico.  The journey encompassed 2,000 miles of the Pacific Ocean, mountains, beaches, seabirds, whales, seals, otters, dolphins and endless beauty.  It included Lewis & Clark’s Camp Clatsop at the mouth of the Columbia River as well as the Hearst Castle and the Golden Gate Bridge.  You know Tony Bennett’s “I left my heart in San Francisco.”  The Monterey Aquarium and Big Sur captivated us along the way.

(Sunset over the Pacific Ocean on the Oregon Coast with three guys sitting in wonder at the beauty before them.)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

The journey itself promised immeasurable visual and other sensory delights beyond the regular workaday world.

“I’m in,” I said.

“Great,” he said.

We touched the Canadian border with high hopes, total excitement and boundless enthusiasm.  Standing astride your bicycles at the beginning of a great adventure must be one of the most sublime miracles of the universe.  Why?  You never know what amazing events might take place in your life on the road.

One thing you may count on during a bicycle trip: tremendous highs and lows from enormous amounts of energy it takes to pedal a bicycle.  You feel “high” during sunny days with tailwinds and “low” when it rains, and/or you face headwinds.  Nonetheless, you understand that you face every aspect of life on the road because you choose it.

You also find yourself in constant contact with a partner or partners that travel the road with you.  While traveling with others, you find yourself face to face with theirs and your foibles, quirks and idiosyncrasies.  Because you’re accustomed to your own habits, you don’t think anything of them.  But when someone comes into daily contact with you on such an emotional level, conflicts may ensue.

On this journey, my friend began making unkind remarks about my character.   He made fun of me in front of other cyclists at campgrounds.  He felt the sign on my bike, “Adventure America”, didn’t fit his idea of what my sign should look like.

After two weeks of embarrassing me in front of others, I asked, and then demanded, that he cease his disparaging remarks.  He complied, but I faced the uneasy feeling that he felt his charges “fit” me.  He angered me so much, that, by the time we arrived in San Francisco, I decided to travel on my own.  He sped off on another road. A month later, I touched the border of Mexico.  Adventure completed!

I tried everything I could to regain the friendship.  But after many failures, I realized that he didn’t respect me.  He wasn’t my friend.  Therefore, I decided he caused me too much emotional anguish, anger and frustration.  I wrote him a nice note, “Thanks for the great adventure we have shared.  Thanks for your friendship.  I am sorry for anything I said or did to make you degrade me on the trip.  But, at this point, I am no longer your friend. I carry no ill will and I will speak only highly of you to others.  Enjoy the rest of your life journey.”

He never replied.  I haven’t seen him since.

Which brings me to the point of “Mountains for breakfast, Sunsets for dessert and Camping for your dreams.”

In this life, you choose your friends because they support you, love you, care about you and like being around you—in spite of your idiosyncrasies.  Because, we’ve all got them. If they don’t, or they can’t come to a point where they stop degrading you—it’s time for you to part ways in a positive manner.  Either talk with them to iron it out or come to positive understandings, or just write a letter and walk away.  Not in anger or revenge, but in order for you to open your life up to more positive relationships.  This includes spouses, in-laws, siblings, parents and co-workers.

In the end, you share the “Dance of Life” with others that like to dance with you.  They share the music of the crickets or the wonder of a white-water stream, and/or sitting around the campfire telling tall tales of adventure.  You enjoy being yourself and they enjoy being themselves.  Together, you can honestly say, “It doesn’t get any better than this!”

Enjoy the coming sunrise; it’s going to be a beauty!

(Frosty Wooldridge standing on top of 14,100 foot Mt. Eolus, Colorado Rocky Mountains)

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Poisoning Our World?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 5:  Poisoning our world at an accelerating rate of speed, soil degradation, ADM, Monsanto, Bayer, Chevron—all manufacture poisons

What happens to the soil when you must feed an added 100 million more people to America?  What happens to irrigation systems?  What happens to ground water when you spray poisons or inject them into the fields? What happens to your health when you eat those poisoned foods from those fields?  What happens when you eat genetically modified foods?

Today, virtually all the fruits you eat suffer from pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, phosphate fertilizers and a litany of other chemicals.  Additionally, do you notice all those ‘perfect’ apples in the produce section of your grocery store?

Each one offers you bastardized DNA or genetically modified organisms.  You consume a piece of ‘food’ whereby its DNA changes your gut bacteria. It changes the way your body digests it.  It modifies the nutrient impact on your own cells.  Additionally, if it’s Monsanto’s GMO corn or soy, it carries Roundup resistant seeds with altered DNA to fight off the poisons sprayed or injected into ground.  We’re talking an experiment so ugly, top science researches offer dozens of books warning all consumers about consumption of those “Frankenstein” foods.

But of course, the FDA, bought off by big Monsanto-Bayer-Dow Chemical and other corporations, won’t educate you about the long- term effects of GMO’s.  Do you remember when cigarette companies like Phillip Morris or Marlboro featured ads with medical doctors and athletes smoking for ‘your’ good health?  They KNEW that cigarettes caused lung cancer. They watched 450,000 victims die annually for decades—without one single ounce of ethics to stop selling to a clueless public.  That continues today!  Guess what?  GMO’s bear down on our health the same way.

Do you read the labels for ‘sugar free’ products?

Sucralose…saccharin…dextrin…and the list goes on with dozens of names to make sure you don’t possess a clue.  High fructose corn syrup stands as the biggest GMO sweetener, lacing hundreds of our food products.  It’s been found to be addictive, fattening and dangerous to your health—but you won’t find any warning labels.  Most Americans don’t read labels of the foods-chemicals they consume.  That’s what the corporations count on!

Along with poisoning humans, all those chemicals being sprayed or injected into our soils also destroy the “nitrogen-fixing bacteria” that allow micro-nutrients to flourish beneath the surface.  Once you ‘kill’ the soil, you kill all the nutrients.  It’s been reported by the FDA that a nutrient value of a plate of spinach in 1950 now requires 49 plates of spinach to equal the same nutrient value.  Why?  Because our soils have been ‘raped’ by factory farming to feed our 330 million people in America.  Can you imagine what it will take with an added 440 million people?

Along with the problems of poisons in our soils, few in our U.S. Congress understand the reality of “ecological footprint” or the amount of acreage it takes to support each added person to the USA.  For example: an Ethiopian in Africa requires .4 or 4/10ths of an acre to survive.  Once we import that refugee to America, he/she now requires 25.4 acres or over 100 times as much acreage to support that person with roads, track housing, schools, malls, ball fields, golf courses, manufacturing plants, food plants and more.  (Source: Ecological footprint,

If we add another 100 million immigrants to manifest in America, we must multiply 100,000,000 X’s 25.4 to equal 2.54 billion acres of land that must be destroyed in order to support THAT many people.

Are you starting to connect the dots to our immigration-population predicament?  Why do you think such poverty grips most of the third world?  They can’t solve it.  They can’t deal with it.  They live in what is known as the “human misery index.”  And, it’s accelerating as humans add 80 million of themselves, net gain, annually to the planet.

Please understand that this series barely touches on the enormity of what we face if we keep importing endless refugees from around the world.  Eventually, we will become unsustainable, ungovernable and our predicament will be unsolvable.  We will exhaust the water, energy and resources to continue.

At this point, if we stop all immigration, we might have a chance to survive or even thrive past 2050.  If we don’t stop this self-terminating invasion, we will most certainly become victims with no escape hatches.

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants? Let’s Talk About National Parks Congestion

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 4:  Total devastation of our national parks, congestion, crushed hiking trails, litter, trash and bad behavior

In no particular order, this series will carry you 30 years into the future of what happened to our country from the endless onslaught of legal and illegal immigration brought to you by your members of Congress.  Again, if Congress refuses to stop mass immigration, you and your children will be caught up in a quagmire of another 100,000,000 people added to the USA by 2050.

As you can imagine, hundreds of frustrated letters pour into my computer after each publication of this series.

Steve Aronfeld wrote, “What we are seeing now in our country is a small taste of what’s coming for America if we don’t control or stop legal or illegal immigration. America will not survive another 100 million immigrants. We are all going to be living a very different life, think Mexico or India. We can see the seeds already affecting us, i.e., gridlocked cities, severe air pollution, crowded schools, illiteracy, horribly entrenched poverty caused by importing people unable to function in our modern society, racial strife off the charts, clashing cultures not to mention clashing religions such as Islam. Not only that, why can’t our leaders understand we cannot sustain those numbers?  Why can’t they see what they are doing to us guarantees our demise as a cohesive country?”

I could repeat a dozen more that would break your heart because you identify with each one of them as the same thing occurs in your community.  With Antifa and BLM burning and looting with no constructive plans other than anarchy—we all face cultural suicide at an accelerating speed. A Constitutional Republic must maintain a majority of morally, ethically based, and responsible citizens in order to thrive.

Our National Parks Being Destroyed and Overwhelmed

For the past week, my wife and I traveled to the Grand Tetons, Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks.

The ecologist John Muir presented the National Parks idea to President Teddy Roosevelt back in 1904 to preserve our incredible Natural World treasures such as Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain National Park, Glacier, Grand Tetons, Great Smokey Mountains and dozens more.  Thank them for their visions.

But what’s happening in 2020 to our parks?  Glacier National Park, which we visited last week, stands as a living nightmare of traffic gridlock, people running around Logan Pass like ants, trash, litter, roadkill and jammed campgrounds.  You won’t find one second of peace and quiet with the Natural World.

What’s astounding stems from the fact that people toss their trash indiscriminately all over the parks.  Those same Americans toss every class of trash along our highways and rest areas.  Soiled baby diapers top the list!  Why would anyone with an IQ over room temperature toss their rolled up soiled baby diapers into a stream or lake—instead of the ample trash cans provided in our national parks?  Answer: we are importing illiterate people into our country, and/or, we are creating our own in schools that fail to teach personal discipline and accountability.

At some point, you or your children will NOT be able to visit the parks. You will be allocated a lottery number that may or may not be picked. It’s already happening in Rocky Mountain National Park near my home.

While visiting Yellowstone, we witnessed two-mile-long lines waiting to get into the park, and you can’t buy a campsite for any money.  When we arrived, we faced an hour waiting line.  Instead, we drove back to the Grand Tetons and rode our bicycles out of the packed parking lots.  That night, we camped, (slept in the car), up on Towogatee Pass to get up at 5:30 a.m., to drive into Yellowstone Park.  By 9 a.m., most of the attractions were overrun with tourists.

You want to see Old Faithful blow?  The parking lot holds probably 1,000 cars, but it’s got another 1,000 waiting.  Just to see Midway Geyser and its colorful pools means a mile or more walk, and pushing past thousands of people on the boardwalks.

And the Grand Canyon sees three million visitors annually, wall to wall cars, wall to wall people and litter.  For certain, last year in Yosemite National Park: it’s a friggin’ living nightmare of car lines and people.  You must reserve a campsite years ahead. Even then, it’s not camping because you might as well be in downtown Los Angeles with people crammed everywhere.

At some point, you, as an American citizen or your kids, you will need to draw lottery tickets just to see your own parks in your lifetime, and you may not draw a lucky number, so you won’t ever see your own parks. That’s all being created by your U.S. Congress and their refusal to rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that keeps dumping 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants, and their birth rates into our country, annually. Aren’t you sick of hearing the tripe, “We’re a nation of immigrants”?  That was then, but today we are already overloaded with 330 million people!

What are you doing about it?  Are you calling or writing your House member or U.S. Senators?  Or, do you hope someone else with take action?  Do realize that a Constitutional Republic is not a citizen spectator form of government?

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

Share these videos all over America: They spell it out graphically about what’s coming:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Mega-Congestion Of Our Highways?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 3:  Packing our cities with cars, trucks, trains, busses, snarled traffic, gridlocked traffic, too many planes, too many boats

After you received a dose of the sociological impact of another 100 million legal immigrants, let’s examine our accelerating congestion on our highways and inside our cities.  What about the skies with 100 million more people flying inside another 10 million airplanes, or using busses and trains?

Again, let me remind you that what’s coming is not “if”!  It’s coming if we don’t stop this immigration insanity.

“We’re a nation of immigrants,” no longer applies. We’re most certainly will become an overcrowded, unsustainable and accelerating nightmare country much like present-day India.

In other words, our U.S. Congress that continually pumps into America over 2.5 million legal and illegal immigrants and their birth rates, annually, will result in our nation jumping from 330 million to 440 million by 2050—a scant 30 years from now.

Have you visited New York City?  Have you seen taxis stacked up for hours in Times Square and Manhattan?  Have you seen people packed onto the sidewalks like sardines?  Have you breathed the toxic air of NYC?  What about the sirens, horns and rail traffic 24/7?  Sound like a nightmare?  Thirty-five of our most populated cities imitate NYC with traffic congestion jamming everyone’s lives six days a week.

If we continue on this immigration path, those 35 of our most populated cities in America expect to DOUBLE their populations within 30 years.  So, New York City jumps from 8.3 million to 16.6 million.  Los Angeles jumps from 11 million to 22 million, and on down the line.  Just try to drive through L.A. traffic and keep your mind!  We’ve created a ‘monster’ of a society, but  we’re allowing it to grow into a “Kraken.”

How will we solve the traffic gridlock?   How will we obtain enough water, food and energy for those cities to water, feed and warm THAT many people?  How will we solve the toxic air pollution choking our lungs and sickening our children?

Look at this reality:  today Americans burn 19 million barrels of oil, 24/7.  According to James Howard Kunstler in his highly researched book, The Long Emergency, he states that in 2020, the world burns 100 million barrels of oil daily.  But by 2050, the Chinese, who are adding 27 million new cars, net gain, to their highways annually, will require 98 million barrels of oil daily, BY THEMSELVES.  Do you see what’s coming?

Even if there was unlimited oil, we’re burning up the skies with carbon exhaust, acid rain and poisoned soils.  Do we want to continue that kind of ecological damage to our planet?

First of all, the Chinese can’t breathe the air they poison in 2020, so just imagine what it will look like by 2050.  Where does that leave us with another 100 million cars to transport our added 100 million population?   Or, how about another 10 million airplanes, buses, trains and heaven knows how many lawn mowers, ATV’s, motorcycles, four-wheel mules, boats, chain saws, power boats and dozens of other machines that use gasoline.

Do you see what our country faces?  Are you connecting the dots?  Again, this isn’t “if” all of this will occur, it’s coming and it’s coming very fast.  We have created a monster of an unsustainable society.  It’s so big at 330 million that if just a few things go wrong, we could collapse into chaos.  Notice when electricity lines breakdown into our big cities: total lawlessness and anarchy.

Right now, annually, we burn over 586 million short tons of coal to produce electricity. That coal poisons our skies with lead, mercury, acids, particles, smog and acid rain.  Can you imagine what it’s going to take to secure electricity for another 100,000,000 million people in the next 30 years?  Can you imagine THAT amount of carbon exhaust raining down on our soils in 2050?  Have you thought about the cost of a gallon of gasoline?  How about $20.00 a gallon?  Yes, as supplies dwindle as we head toward 2050, and demand multiples by another 100 million immigrants, all of us are screwed into a lower standard of living with higher costs and more economic consequences.

In other words, this party that we’ve all enjoyed WILL soon come to an end.  Read the book by Christopher O. Clugston:  Blip: Humanity’s 300 Year Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism.  He shows that by 2050, all our natural non-renewable resources will be exhausted.  He spent 10 years researching the figures for his book and he ‘point blank’ shows that our civilization will collapse because those resources will be exhausted within 30 years.

I told you this series will be sobering if not depressing. Guess what, part 4 will become more depressing with facts, figures and ominous realities we face.

So, what do we do?  Sit around and cry?  Do we repeat what India and China, or Bangladesh did to themselves?  What did they do?  They just kept multiplying like there was no tomorrow…1.4 billion people in China and 1.3 billion in India.  Bangladesh illustrates how miserable a life everyone can live in that country with 161 million people in a landmass less than the size of Iowa.  By 2050, they expect to reach 201 million.  No one in Asia understands what they are doing to themselves.  They’re still adding another 100 million to China and 350 million to India by 2050.

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 millions of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants by 2050: Sociological Mayhem Coming?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: Second most dangerous aspect of importing 100 million immigrants from 196 countries….creating different and multiple America’s.

If you think our current Antifa and BLM anarchy as well as the Covid pandemic threaten America’s survival in 2020, you ain’t seen nothing yet.  This series, week by week, will make it very clear that our country and our kids don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell to keep this civilization functioning.  We must change course and change it very soon, like within two to three years!

Perhaps the greatest tragedy for America stems from hauling slaves over from Africa to pick cotton, tend farms and do all the dirty work of this nation caught up in the Industrial Revolution that started in Great Britain around 1760 to 1840 and beyond.  We took those primitive people out of their tribes as hunter-gatherers, who hadn’t even seen a wheel, and forced them into hard labor and kept them from any form of freedom as we applied it to ourselves through the U.S. Constitution.

Even today, huge numbers of Blacks lack intellectual parity with Whites that keeps a huge percentage of them in welfare lines, illiteracy-prone, fatherless families, 1 million of them in prison, drug addiction, crime, murder, rapes—and so many at the bottom of the employment ladder because over half of them drop out or flunk out of high school.  It’s not their fault; it’s their condition.  Worse, no amount of welfare from the Great Society of 1964 to the present “reparations” thrust will pull, push or shove them into academic excellence or parity in this country.   If all the affirmative action, welfare, ADC, WIC, BET, etc., haven’t done any good in the past 55 years, what exactly do you think will do any good in 2020?

Worse than that, it’s little wonder that Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit and New York City cannot contain or solve the mass murders, rapes and shoplifting that run rampant within inner cities of all the big cities.  I once taught in the ghetto.  It’s impossible with all the gangs, murders, rapes, incest, illiterate parents, fatherless kids, drugs and poverty.  In order to regain my sanity, I fled to a normal, average school system where the kids enjoyed two parents, home and security.

At the same time, the White man slaughtered and imprisoned countless Native Americans via internment camps also named “reservations.”  The Whites introduced all sorts of diseases, stole their lands, forced them into orphanages, introduced booze and pretty much destroyed their cultures and way of life.  Even today, alcohol cripples most Native American tribes along with junk fast foods, EBT cards, soda pop, welfare and their inability to function in the mechanized White man’s society.

It’s not a pretty picture, but that’s what happened.  It’s what’s happening and most likely will continue happening into the distant future.  When a tribe or person loses its ‘reason for living’, it’s very hard if not impossible to extricate oneself from such hopelessness.

Third on this list, we see 15 million illegal Mexicans have migrated unlawfully into America from their miserable conditions in the country below us.  They force us into using Spanish in our schools and in our stores to placate their numbers.  That also allows and even encourages them to maintain separate societies within our nation.  At the same time, something in the range of 100 million Mexican-Americans live within the USA, and soon, according to the Pew Research Center, Mexican-Latino-Hispanics will become the new majority at 51 percent by 2042—a scant 22 years from now.  Whites will become the new minority in a country they once dominated at 90 percent in 1965.  Western Civilization faces extinction as its overtaken by third world people.

But here’s the kicker that will destroy the foundation of America:  by 2050-60, we will have imported 100 million legal immigrants from 196 countries. That means we’re importing 196 different and incompatible “world views” along with THAT many competing cultures, religions and languages.  It’s called “multiculturalism” and it has failed totally in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Do you think we stand a chance of surviving that sociological mayhem exploding all over our country?   Can you imagine what it’s going to be like to educate and create any kind of allegiance to America with people who possess no idea or concern for the U.S. Constitution? Do you see BLM demanding the “Black National Anthem” being played at all sporting events?  Do you think Ilhan Omar, a Somalian refugee now in Congress, understands or cares anything about our way of life or our U.S. Constitution?  What about her side-kick from Detroit, Michigan, the Palestinian Rashida Tlaib? When her tribe voted her into Congress, she wrapped her body in the Palestinian flag.  Does that indicate her love for America?   Both of them would vote to install Sharia Law tomorrow if they enjoyed that kind of power.

Can you imagine trying to educate tribal people with average IQ’s in the 60’s and 70’s?   Can you imagine trying to educate them in English when we don’t have the teachers who can speak the 196 different languages? How do we create jobs for such refugees when automation makes redundant jobs unavailable? How do we inculcate the Muslims that remain on course to bring the entire world under the Islamic caliphate Sharia Law?  Just take a look at Europe!  How do you stop them when they are already using our laws to install their laws de facto Sharia in Minneapolis, Miami, Detroit and New York City?

How do we continue paying for 42 million people on food stamps, free breakfasts and lunches for millions of poverty-stricken immigrants in all our school systems and how in the name of common sense do we survive the cultural mayhem?

Fact: in America, a First World country, we now see 23 to 27 barbaric honor killings by our Muslim immigrants annually and over 500,000 female genital mutilation cases as reported by the Department of Homeland Security on February 2, 2018 by Assistant District Attorney Ed O’Callaghan at a White House Press Conference.  I watched it in total disbelief, but then followed up to see two Muslim doctors and staff in Detroit be arrested and then, they got off Scott-free from their assault and battery on young Muslim girls.  For all we know, they are back at it!  Here, in our First World country, we allow such savages and barbaric practices to proliferate!

If you take a look at Minneapolis, Minnesota, Detroit, Michigan and New York City—you’re watching America divide into “different” America’s right before your eyes. We now see “no go zones” in those cities.  Try walking down the street in “Somaliland” in Minneapolis if you’re a White person. You would be harassed in the daytime and a good chance of getting killed in the night-time.  How do I know?  I have visited those cities in the past year.  It’s friggin’ scary and sickening to see what our Congressional critters have done to our country with unlimited immigration since 1965.  How do you think you would fare in Chicago, Detroit, Miami or Los Angeles?

Just think of the dozens of different cultures and language enclaves those immigrants will form, and then, decide to fight our language, our laws and our culture—in order to install their own.  It’s already rampant in California with many different ‘other’ countries.

My brother Rex who lives in Europe said, “I can unequivocally say, America doesn’t stand a chance of surviving as a viable and cohesive civilization if it continues endless immigration. Every American should read Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe:  Islam, Immigration, Identity.  That book will rip you open to your core.”

Am I weaving the future of America coherently?  Can you see it progressing if you live in a big city?  Or just watch the news?  How far off am I with this thesis?  How long do you think we will survive?

This report will become more sobering, if not depressing in the coming weeks.  Hang on because it’s going to be an ever nastier, treacherous, and accelerating ride into our gloomy future.  And, if we don’t change course, it’s not “if” this is our future, this “will be” our future.

In part three, I will begin offering solutions that must be engaged within the next two to three years.  If not, we will beyond failsafe and simply follow the Romans to repeat history.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants by 2050?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1:  What we face, the ominous results, congestion, quality of life, environment and much more

First of all, this series will distress you.  It will simply present the facts that are headed your way.  You can dismiss them, or, you can take action.  This series will give you action items.  If you and the rest of America ignore the facts, you and your children will become victims of the facts. To put it bluntly, our entire civilization will become a victim of this “self-terminating” experiment with endless legal and illegal immigration.

Secondly, you can complain to the publisher of this series about the harshness of what is being presented.  That won’t change the facts.  The only way to change the facts is by taking action at your local, state and national levels.  By taking action, you can change the outcome for your children.  By not taking action, your children, and in fact, all of America’s children of every race, creed and color will become victims.   This series won’t pull any punches: if we continue on this path, our country will degrade into an unsustainable and collapsing civilization.

Thirdly, it is my intention to create a national discussion-debate on how we can survive as families, as a country and as a civilization as we approach 2050.

Fourth, this series will reach beyond water, energy and resources. It will deal with our oncoming sociological, racial and cultural demise.  As you can see from the current events as to Antifa and BLM, we already face horrific consequences.  Fact: as we import another 100 million immigrants with incompatible world views, cultures, languages and religions, those consequences will worsen to the point of no solution.

Fifth, if you are concerned or disheartened with this series, please write me with your ideas on how I can be more effective in presenting it.  Please give more solutions.  Please show me other effective ideas of changing the future toward a sustainable one for all our children.

America’s Future with 100 Million More Immigrants

Here we go:  at this time, I am presenting the facts.  Right now, in America, we house 330 million people.  Since 1970 at 200 million people, we added roughly 130 million people by immigration and their birth rates.  We’re already in “overshoot”, which means we cannot sustain that many people with our own resources inside our country—so we must import energy, food, materials and goods to keep this monster civilization functioning.

It’s called the “exponential growth factor”.  Unfortunately, exponential growth cannot be sustained indefinitely, which means, it must and will collapse at some point in the future.

What drives it in America?  Since American women have averaged 2.03 children since 1970, it’s not us doing it to ourselves. The MAIN driver for our growth stems from our U.S. Congress adding 100,000 legal immigrants every 30 days or over 1.2 million annually.  Here’s what it looks  like:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

To break it down, our government imports 1.2 million legal immigrants annually.  They in turn, birth 900,000 new babies annually.  That equals to 2.1 million, net gain annually.  In addition, according to with Dr. Steven Camarota, we allow an average of 500,000 illegal migrants into the USA annually.  That now pushes our net gain to 2.6 million immigrants.  Then, add an average of 300,000 anchor babies from those mothers and you’ve now got 2.9 million new arrivals into the United States of America.

At the same time, the world adds 80 million new babies, net gain, annually. So, as you can see, the immigrant line never ends and grows by 80 million desperate humans annually.

Actually, last year, the U.S. Border Patrol estimated 1 million illegals migrated over our borders.  And, anchor babies reached 372,000 in 2019.

In other words, if you take 3.1 to 3.3 million immigrants in all forms annually, we face another 100 million people added to our country by 2050, give or take.

The U.S. Census; ; and Fogel/Martin “US Population Projections” and , all state that the USA will jump from 330 million to 440 million somewhere by 2050- 2060.  In other words, we are in deep doodoo if we fail to change course.

To support this series, if you want a firsthand understanding of the future, please read Christopher O. Clugston’s book: BLIP: Humanity’s 300 Year Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism.  He spells out with facts and graphs that all the resources that allow our civilization to function will be totally depleted by 2050 if not sooner.

“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble, we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we do this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive? As we both know there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy now, much less for the 10 billion expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going. We are involved in a Faustian bargain—selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price has to be paid.” Walter Youngquist, energy expert

That is one hell of a sobering quote. Once oil is exhausted by 2050, what on Earth will we do to feed 10 billion humans?  Got any ideas, solutions, answers?

But those are just the numbers.  What this series will spell out to every American are the environmental, sociological, cultural, language and religious conflicts we face.  It covers species extinction, oil exhaustion, quality of life, standard of living, arable land, gridlocked cities, air polluted skies and much more.

Upon reading this series, please post it to every social media network and your entire network in your state and community.  Again, if we take actions to stop this “exponential growth” madness in the 2020’s, we might stand a chance of saving our civilization.  If we don’t take action, we don’t stand a chance of surviving after 2050.  God help us!

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Our Country: We Better Get Busy Livin’ or Get Busy Dying

By Frosty Wooldridge

As this world turns, each of us faces extraordinary challenges, ordeals, emotional pain, trauma, loss of loved ones and disappointments during our lives.  It goes with the territory of living.  Even at this point with a virus raging around the planet, we need to hold on to “hope.”

At the same time, we have BLM and Antifa anarchists attempting to not only break out country into chaos, but to turn it into a Marxist-Socialist nightmare where force and power supersede law and order.

We’ve got Somalian immigrants in Minnesota declaring:  “Suud Olat, a Somali Muslim, who is running as a democrat in a special election for the Minneapolis City council to represent Ward 6 said, “We Somali Muslims are going to take over!”

They’ve already taken over Detroit, Michigan, Miami, Florida and New York City.  These people mean business and they will take whatever opportunities to engage our U.S. Constitution against us.  As their numbers grow, their power grows along with it.  As that power grows, our country fractures into tribal groups, races and cultural conflict.  All the while MOST Americans don’t possess a clue as to what’s really happening in those Muslim enclaves.  It’s a guaranteed fact that none of those Muslims work for the best interests of America or Americans.  Why? Because they are most certainly NOT Americans or ever want to be! Their religion stands as THE most malignant virus in the world because it cannot be dislodged from their brains or emotions.  Its single mandate:  “Convert or kill all non-believers.” (Quran)

The fact remains: our U.S. Congress continues importing 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants annually.  Around 2050, we’ll see 100 million more immigrants and their offspring changing the entire culture and majority race in this country to make us a nation of minorities from around the world.  If you don’t think we face a seriously conflicted future, you’re not paying attention.

I remember vividly when Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) the lead character in the “Shawshank Redemption” sat in the corner of the prison yard with his friend (Red) Morgan Freeman discussing how Andy got swindled into prison by another man’s deeds.  As they sat there, Andy gave instructions to Morgan Freeman to look him up at his hotel on a beach in Mexico as he worked on an old boat getting it ready for charter fishing for his guests.

The only problem: Andy faced life in prison for ‘killing’ his wife, which, of course, he didn’t do the deed.  And the prison warden held Andy into a stranglehold of his life.  There was no chance for escape to a free life.  But for Andy, “hope” made anything possible.  Andy uttered these iconic words, “It’s time to get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.”  With that statement, he decided to get busy living.

Later, Andy dug his way out of prison, and with brilliance, walked into the banks in Portland, Maine to claim his accrued money that he surreptitiously purloined off the warden as the warden was scamming his slave prison labor.  He outsmarted the warden via the U.S. mail, crawled to freedom and skipped into Mexico. He left evidence of the warden’s evil deeds with the newspaper. The warden committed suicide as the cops came to lock him up.  Morgan Freeman reunited with his friend Andy in Mexico to show that Karma works.  Stephen King’s iconic book and movie will be seen 100 years from now by adoring audiences.  It epitomizes our struggles out of the darkness into the light.

At the same time, each of us enjoys the choices of creative thought, actions and deeds.  Since I have stood astride my bicycle for over 65 years, there’s a deep-seated joy in my soul.  From my Schwinn Wasp and my paper route in my teen years to my fancy road bikes, to my sturdy touring bikes, I’ve enjoyed great energy, tremendous joy and soulful fulfillment via touring around the world on my bicycle.

The one thing about riding a bicycle, especially a touring bicycle, it calls for your best integrity, your true grit that comes from your sterling character.

I am reminded of the great Roman philosopher Epictetus who said, “Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal.  The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths.  Remain steadfast…and one day, you will build something that endures; something worthy of your potential.”

During this tenuous period in the United States, Canada, Europe and the world, let’s all pull together, do our part, build our bodies, strengthen our minds and practice compassion.  Let’s let our actions, our minds and spirits triumph individually and collectively.  May the God bless each and every one of us.

What’s Coming To America Ain’t Pretty

On a very discouraging and disturbing note, in the coming weeks, I am going to write a series that will rock your world, frighten you and make you very distressed about your children’s future. If you’re alive from 2040 to 2050, you’re going to be in the middle of a political, racial, economic and cultural maelstrom that toppled Rome, Spain, Persia and is now toppling Europe, Canada and ourselves.  The series title:  Can America Survive the Next 100 Million Immigrants?  This series will deal with every aspect of your life and that of your children’s lives being impacted by this modern-day invasion.  You might say our leaders are “self-terminating” our country. My goal: to create a national conversation-debate about what we face and how to change course.

At this point, we possess the power to change course. But, if we wait another 10 years, we won’t be able to save ourselves.  If you think we’re fractured and fragmented in 2020, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

If we don’t change course, I guarantee you the future for your children is screwed beyond anything you can imagine.  Are you buckled up because it’s going to be a very rough ride?  If you can’t see what’s coming, this series will spell it out for you.

As it’s been said, “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

Be well for yourself and your family.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Why Do Governors and Mayors Support Anarchists?

By Frosty Wooldridge

The mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, for the past 46 days, watched and supported Antifa and Black Lives Matter anarchists, burn and loot his city.  In the past two days, those criminals attempted to burn and loot the county courthouse.  When President Trump sent in federal agents to defend the city, Mr. Wheeler condemned the president for bringing law and order to Portland. Go figure!

Seattle, Washington’s Mayor Jenny Durkan encouraged and supported Antifa and BLM anarchists to burn and loot that city, and create an ‘autonomous zone’ whereby two people suffered death via shootings. She called it, “A summer of love in our city.”

One look at Minneapolis, Minnesota shows a total war zone. All of it allowed by the mayor and governor of that state!  As those anarchists destroyed the city, their City Council members voted to disband the police department in order to encourage more criminal destruction of that city.  And, that’s what they received—more crime and more destruction.

At this point, New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio has “defunded the police department” by $1 billion.  If you drove down 5th Avenue or into Manhattan, you would see boarded up businesses, smashed glass, spray paint by the hundreds of gallons decorating everything.  Instead of the “Big Apple”, NYC stands as a prime example of a rotten, decayed and worthless fruit.  Gun shootings doubled in the past six weeks.

This year, Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago has seen nightly gun shootings in her city.  She’s seen BLM loot, burn, rob and kill people.  Chicago faces a “Detroit, Michigan” future.  A recent NBC report showed 1,500-gun shootings in Chicago with 373 killed thus far in 2020.  Experts expect the total to exceed 800 to set a new record this year.  In Baltimore, 900 shootings this year and 134 deaths.

In McAllen, Texas, two days ago, a 23-year-old gunned down two police officers answering a domestic abuse charge.  They walked up to the door, knocked on the door, and the guy shot them point blank numerous times.

In other words, U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan enjoy greater safety than American citizens in those violent cities.

In Denver, Colorado, our Mayor Michael Hancock supports illegal aliens in his sanctuary city.  He supports violators of our state and federal laws.  Right on his heels, our Governor Jared Polis also supports our state as a sanctuary for illegal aliens, numbering over 400,000.  They bring drugs, gangs, MS 13, anchor babies, and chaos to our city.  Yet, those elected officials enjoy total immunity from the law.

The prime example of lawlessness and lawless leaders must be the former mayor of Detroit, Michigan, Mr. Coleman Young.  I worked in Detroit for 20 years to watch him and his cronies destroy that city block by block, carjacking by carjacking, business by business, school after school—until 1.2 million Detroiters fled the city. It dropped from 1.85 million to 650,000 today.  What did the federal government do? Congress imported 300,000 Muslims who now enjoy welfare for life, their own caliphate, honor killings, FGM, and a totally separate, parallel society that lacks anything in common or affinity to America. You won’t see a single American flag flown in our new Dearbornistan, Michigan.

With somewhere between 3 and 4 million illegal migrants now living and working in California, Governor Gavin Newsome celebrates their illegality in his sanctuary state, along with House Members Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.  In other words, the corruption knows no end.  The venality runs as deep as the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, i.e., 7 miles deep!  All the while, never mind that 70,000 American citizens and Veterans live in tarp cities on the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In reality, all those mayors and governors violate their oaths of office.  They enable criminals. They are complicit in lawlessness and total disregard for our U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

It’s depressing.  It’s disheartening.  It’s terrible.  It’s what’s driving our country to become like those other third world countries.

At the same time, the majority White population in America is being attacked, degraded and marginalized in favor of BLM and Antifa.

One of my readers said, “I’ve recently drawn the conclusion that ‘white privilege’ is simply a pejorative term for Western Civilization and American Exceptionalism.”

To all the supporters of BLM and/or Antifa, please understand they do not stand for the ‘rule of law’ or the ‘U.S. Constitution’ or the ‘Bill of Rights’ or ‘Free speech’.  If they burned and looted our country to death and total destruction, they have nothing to offer that would create a better future.  It’s pretty disconcerting to this American Patriot.

At least one good thing occurred in my neighborhood this past week. On my daily bicycle ride in these mountains, near sunset, I passed by Exit 254 on I-70, 35 miles west of Denver. On the bridge overlooking both eastbound and westbound lanes, two dozen kids and parents waved Old Glory.  Thousands of motorists, truck drivers and motorcyclists honked, waved and celebrated that someone stood for our flag, our country, our culture, our laws, and our incredible gifts to be American citizens.

(Kids celebrating America, July 14, 2020, Exit 254, Westbound, I-70, Golden, Colorado)

I don’t care if you are black, white, brown, yellow or red—this is your country.  Don’t you think we need to cherish it, preserve it and care for it for future generations?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldrisdge – All Rights Reserved

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What Exactly Is “White Privilege” Anyway?

By Frosty Wooldridge

For some reason in the summer of 2020, every White person in America seems to be the cause of every person of color’s misfortunes.  After one, single, solitary police officer kneed a convicted felon, wife abuser, drug addict, forged money launderer and local porno star George Floyd—the rest of America stands guilty of every sin since Cain murdered Abel.  Every cop stands guilty of everything anyone wants to charge against him or her.

Every White person must assume “White Guilt”, “Systemic Racism”, and “Racial Prejudice.”  Every White person must atone for the sins of the past.

Black Lives Matter wants to burn down every store, every community and every police department in America.  Its partner in anarchy, Antifa, wants to destroy the foundation of law and order in America. These two groups represent 21st century hoodlums, vandals and killers.

If they succeed, our country would resemble Sudan, Congo and Somalia’s current state of war and chaos, which has been their hallmark for generations.  Notice those countries’ are run by “Black Privilege.” Notice they’re illiterate, starving, overpopulated, suffer constant conflict and endless hopelessness.

Here is a video of “White Privilege” that needs to be examined: Buddy Brown explains “White Privilege.”

The irony of this prejudice against White people in America stems from the fact that at 100, 300, 400 million and more, people of color would move to America tomorrow if given a plane ticket.  As Buddy Brown said, “My White privilege came from hard work.”

Well, for anyone reading this column, I grew up using an outhouse until I was seven years old. I started working by age 11.  I picked cucumbers at 2 cents a bushel. I cut hay on a 1949 B John Deere tractor from dawn to dusk. I busted my ass baling hay, running corn silage, and busting 60-pound bales of hay into the barn.  I’ve shoveled more cow manure, chicken crap and pig shit than any inner-city kid ever dreamed about.  I worked my way through high school and college.  I served in the Army. I became a teacher.  I quit teaching because of the horrible wages and became a long-haul truck driver for United Van Lines.  Few jobs equal the brutal hard work of moving furniture 70 to 90 hours a week. After all that work, I’ve written and published 15 books, which was always my goal since my youth.  If you think writing a book is easy—try it! I labor daily on my “keyboard salt mine.”  My 15th book published this month:  Zen Between Two Bicycle Wheels: Eat, Pedal, Sleep. On Amazon. As Buddy Brown stated, you get to reach your dreams through HARD WORK!  That’s my “White Privilege” history!

Yes, this country stands at 90 percent White people and 10 percent Black people.  It’s a fact that Black Americans enjoy the HIGHEST standard of living in the world. Blacks in America, as told by Buddy Brown, enjoy every ‘edge’ for successful lives.  There are more Black millionaires in America than the rest of the world.  More Black sports heroes enjoy more acclaim than anywhere else in the world. More Blacks enjoy college educations and endless opportunities than the rest of the world combined. To be Black in White America remains one of the best gifts imaginable when you look at what’s going in Africa where millions starve to death and die of AIDES.  Anyone ever heard of “Black Privilege”?  I can name you 30 off the top of my head: BET, WIC, ADC, Miss Black America, Blackish on TV, affirmative action, African-American studies, Maxine Waters, quotas, all Black colleges, Oprah, NBA, NFL, EBT cards for unlimited food, Section 8 Housing, free breakfasts and lunches for inner city kids, medical care, SS, anchor babies, ESL and the list goes on and on.

As to the ones in the inner cities, it’s a choice that 60-70 percent of them quit school and join gangs, or remain burger flippers for their lives. Their financial mobility usually ends up in prison.  It’s a choice that 7 out of 10 Black teens get pregnant to end up as single mothers on their “forever trajectory” on welfare paid for by the rest of us who work for a living, obey the law and live civil lives.  All 1 million Blacks in prison chose to break the law. They knew their choices and they took them.

At the same time, I celebrate all Black Americans who remain in school, earn a diploma, obtain a job and work toward their dreams.  I’ve worked with African-Americans all my life in college, in the military, in the hospital, in school and in moving furniture in 48 states.  I’ve respected every single person of every color my entire life.

Does that make me guilty of bias, prejudice, systemic racism, White guilt or White privilege?

What’s my point?  I’ll bet that 99 percent of the White people reading this commentary can say the same thing as to their honorable treatment of Black people and all other Americans of color.  Additionally, we must stop the violence and stupidities of Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  I want those terrorists arrested, prosecuted and jailed.

Yes, we need to fix a few things, and we will, but the fact remains, we are the first country in the world to abolish slavery.  Please note that slavery has encompassed blacks, whites, browns, yellows and every major civilization since the dawn of time. It still goes on today in Africa and the middle east.  We enjoy a Constitution that allows us to move forward peacefully rather the violence now being perpetrated across our country in the past two months.

What can you do?  Can you call your two U.S. Senators and House member and demand they work toward law and order?  Demand that the FBI track down those anarchists and arrest them.  Can you demand that your governor and mayor of your city and state get off their butts and administer the “rule of law” in order to protect businesses and police departments?  Can you support your police because 99 percent of them are decent, good and responsible men and women?  Can you get on Social Media and demand your local and statewide leaders stand their ground against BLM and Antifa?

Because if you don’t, our country faces some nasty outcomes in the current  climate of violence and anarchy.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Liberals Call To End “Cancel Culture” After It Backfires

By Frosty Wooldridge

What separates American culture from say…Somalian culture?  Answer: the rule of law.  What separates American culture from say…Chinese culture?  Answer:  your 1st Amendment rights.   What makes American culture work for all races as opposed to Saudi Arabia?  Answer: free choice of religion, dress and political pick.  What separates American culture from the misery of Mexican culture?  Answer:  over 15 million Mexicans vacated their failing country to illegally enjoy the opportunities of American culture.

In the past two months, Black Lives Matter advocates issued some really nasty statements about America culture.  Yusra Khogali, co-founder of BLM said, “Whites are sub-human genetic defects.”  She demands that Americans “Defund police departments” across this country.  She chooses insurrection against the U.S. Constitution over the rule of law.  Every ‘right’ she denounces stems from that document, but she wants to destroy it in order to bring about another culture such as Somalia, Sudan, Congo or Ethiopia.  Please note that those countries wallow in misery, poverty, illiteracy, starvation, rapes, murders and mayhem for virtually all their citizens.

The “Cancel Culture” movement celebrated by liberals wants to degrade America’s culture to bring it in line with say…India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Bangladesh and/or any other failed states in the world.  In other words, no rule of law applies to leaders or citizens of those countries.  It’s sheer, brute power in those countries.

Ironically, over 1,400 Black on Black murders manifested in Chicago, Washington DC, Atlanta and Baltimore in 2019.  African-American mayors dominate those cities, but spoke not a word over that many killings that have been going on year after year.  But with one police officer killing of George Floyd, now it’s America’s ‘culture’ that must be cancelled.

As to Chicago, a city where I worked in the 1980’s and 1990’s,  U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) said, “Chicago is now the largest outdoor shooting range in America.”  Reporters call it “Chi-raq” because more Black people have been killed in the streets of the city than soldiers in Iraq.  On any given weekend, from 50 to 114 shootings occur with over a dozen deaths, some of them children.  Can African-American Mayor Lori Lightfoot stop the violence?  No!  Instead, she wants to defund the police.

In the past month, Mayor Bill De Blasio of NYC decided to cut his police department by $1 billion.  Because the police and National Guard could not stop the looting and burnings in the past month from BLM and Antifa anarchists, the Big Apple faces total economic breakdown.  Yet, he celebrates “Cancel American Culture.”

Right now, in this country, Antifa filled with zealot anarchists wants to burn down America and then, well, replace it with their style of lawlessness, which as you know, means no law and order.

Can we compare the kind of civilization and culture created in America by the U.S. Constitution with any culture and country in Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, China or India?  Which country would you choose to live your life?  Which country would afford you the ability to become educated, with free choice of job and choice of your life path?  Good luck with that!

Right now, in America the “Thin Blue Line” of law enforcement keeps us just one step ahead of all those countries in Africa.  While a certain percentage of African-Americans curse their existence in America, you will not see a single one of them migrating back to their home continent.  In fact, over 1.5 million immigrants pour into our country annually, year after year, decade after decade.

While you see BLM tearing down monuments to the past, you won’t see them building monuments to the future.  They seem to be in a blind rage over their own historical culture of violence which manifests daily in Africa and other third world countries.

While you see a semi-literate LeBron James making millions, but advocating racism and/or a Colin Kaepernick calling all white people racists—you won’t see either man migrating back to their home continent.

In other words, American culture promotes the most personal opportunities for every race, creed and color on this planet.  It is the most culturally diverse system and the very best that humanity has seen in the bloody history of the human journey.

Yes, the 1st Amendment encourages free expression. And, at times, it’s a messy business to be able to speak your mind.  But would LeBron James or Kaepernick choose Somalia as a choice for home? Because that’s their roots!  Would BLM like to burn and loot in the Congo or Sudan to advocate for equal rights?   First of all, they would be starving to death from lack of food.

At some point, we Americans need to instill in our youth, especially our minorities, the fact that they live in the healthiest, cleanest, with the most personal freedom and politically creative “culture” on this planet.  In other words, it doesn’t get any better than the United States of America.  If a person wants to gripe, instead of burning down the past or looting against the future—try organizing a group of like-thinking persons and change the monuments peacefully.  Stay in school to educate yourself so you won’t become a felon, drug addict, woman abuser and porno star like the late George Floyd.

Instead of growing up illiterate, stay in school to educate yourself and become a meaningful contributor to American culture and society.  It’s a whole lot better to become a UPS or Fed-Ex driver than a felon.  It’s much better to become a sports star who stands up for Old Glory rather than stomping on our national flag.  It’s so much better to get married and come home to your kids and family rather than inhaling or injecting drugs on a street corner.

This is America. You’ve got choices much better than BLM or Antifa. How about taking your anger out by building up America rather than tearing her down?

Does this sound like a better plan?  Can we educate our kids toward a more positive future?  Can we change toward an “American Future” rather than a BLM or Antifa future?  Anybody want to support law enforcement across America rather than “Cancel our culture”?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: As Corrupt as Al Capone

By Frosty Wooldridge

At 80 years of age, suffering from onset dementia, and one of the richest House of Representative members, Nancy Pelosi’s ‘forever career’ in Washington DC spans three decades beyond comprehension.  Her wealth surpasses $124 million dollars.  Her power to impeach any president she wishes extends beyond understanding.  She continues as one of the most corrupt members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

She stands as one of the single greatest mandates for “Term Limits.”  She’s too old, stumbles through the day and possesses no understanding of what’s happening in the streets, towns and cities of America.

On weekends, she enjoys a private military jet flying her back to her mansion in California on your dime, but it’s not a ‘dime’; it’s millions of dollars over the decades to serve her ‘highness’ in the manner to which she is accustomed.

Her support of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars for 19 years, while accomplishing nothing, has made her a fortune with insider trading on defense contracts that keep the money accruing in her bank accounts.  Steve Croft of “60 Minutes” caught her in a lie many years ago as to her insider trading on defense contracts.  She dismissed him and “60 Minutes” didn’t pursue her skullduggery.  She lives in mansions while her 70,000 homeless constituents in California live in tents on the streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles.

While our borders remain open to drug cartels dispensing their deadly products to our young, she sips tea with world leaders.  While she makes certain our main law, US Code 8, Section 1324, which calls for a $2,000.00 fine and up to five years in prison for each illegal alien hired, housed or transported—she accepts any and all ‘gifts’ to make sure the Yale Report of 2018 of 23 to 25 million illegal aliens living and working within the United States—will not be deported.  She supported DACA which is unconstitutional.  She makes sure the American taxpayer pays for all those migrants as to education, EBT cards, Section 8 Housing, medical care and maternity care—all on your wallet.

In her in excess of three decades in Congress, she has never advanced a bill to stop the average of 300,000 ‘anchor babies’ annually from tapping into your wallet to pay for all those babies birthed on our shores by pregnant illegal migrant women.  Can you imagine how much into the hundreds of billions of dollars it has cost you over the past three decades?

She supported shifting our entire manufacturing base over to China which we now owe in excess of $1.5 trillion.  We lose trillions of dollars in ‘free trade’ that is in reality, ‘unfair trade’ that benefits the Chinese, Indians, Mexicans and every other country, but America and our people.

Her children serve on the board of directors of major oil companies and the like for enormous amounts of money that they never earned or were qualified: but mommy’s name carries a lot of weight.

At a news conference where she spoke to Mexican illegal migrants who had jumped our borders, she said, “These are our future Americans.”  All the while, she welcomes illegal aliens numbering over 4,000,000 into her state of California.  She gifts them K-12, free college tuition, affirmative action jobs, helps them maintain their drug distribution networks, aids MS 13 and generally allows them to destroy all educational excellence for legal children of American parents in California.  At the same time, those illegals send $120 billion annually in cash transfers back to their countries. Thus, bleeding America of much needed financial strength.

What confounds the life out of me: why do the people of her district keep voting her into office?  Answer: they vote for the ones that give them the most freebees.  It’s called legal graft, legal aid, legal welfare, legal anything that keeps her in power.

She supported the Mueller Report that possessed no foundation of guilt in President Trump. She wasted millions of dollars and ran that drama out for two years when it should have been finished in three months.  She brought impeachment against Trump when she knew he would never be convicted.  She’s given us a $25 trillion national debt with no way to pay for it until our economic system simply collapses.

Beyond her working with other con-artists in Congress, while manipulating our system and eyeball deep in corruption, I’ve only scratched the surface with this report.

We need a president, Senate Majority leader and enough Americans to demand “Term Limits” for all members of Congress. Maximum of 10 years, period.  They serve long enough to make experienced decisions and bring creative solutions, but short enough to stop the long-term corruption now deeply imbedded in Congress.

How do we get rid of dead weight House and Senate members like Maxine Waters (D-CA) who has done nothing to further America in her ‘forever’ corrupt career as a politician? That includes John Lewis (D-GA); Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Charles Schumer (D-NY), Sheila Jackson (D-CA) and dozens of other dead weight republicans and democrats siphoning off the American taxpayer.

What have you done as a registered voter to bring about “Term Limits” to our U.S. Congress?  Do you possess any other ideas on how to bring integrity to our elected officials?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Internal Terrorists: What American Parents Spawned Them?

By Frosty Wooldridge

As a kid, I grew up mostly with “Andy of Mayberry”; “Father Knows Best” ; “My Three Sons” ;  “Mr. Wilson” ; “Adam 12” and “Captain Kangaroo.”  I pledged my allegiance to Old Glory, sang the Star-Spangled Banner, prayed before each meal giving thanks for my food and attended church on Sundays.  I treated everyone of different colors and faces with respect and integrity.

My siblings and I discovered that we lived in a great country where everyone enjoyed freedom of speech, job choices, higher education and spouses of our own choosing.  My dad said, “Always tell the truth, pick up after yourself and earn your keep.”

How in a very short 30 years has our country’s parents spawned America-hating 20-somethings of every color that terrorize our cities with looting, burnings, killings and outright anarchy? How do they get away with defying the police?  In the most abundant and free civilization on this planet, how did a bunch of thugs from Black Lives Matter and Antifa mangle the ‘rule of law’ as to destroying billions of dollars of property, looting stores and tearing down our historical monuments?

How and why did prominent mayors from major cities in America abdicate their oaths of office to allow anarchy to descend on law-abiding, taxpaying citizens?  The mayors of Minneapolis, Seattle, NYC and others are a bunch of incompetent weasels.  You cannot placate anarchists!  They build nothing. They destroy everything. They need to be jailed.

As this event plays out, we need police, FBI and CIA of every caliber to track down, arrest and prosecute every one of these internal terrorists.  Each one of them needs a severe lesson in citizenship.  Every single one of those terrorists in Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC, Denver, LA, Seattle and in all looted cities needs to be tracked down with video footage and made to pay the price of their terrorism.

First of all, this is our country. We built it. We defended it. We pay for it. We love it. And, we need to preserve it.  I’ll bet that everyone reading this column agrees with a reader who shared his views with me and gave permission to republish his thoughts:

Dear Frosty,

These are very strange and trying times and the following will sound inciteful, but it is reality.  As we approach Independence Day, possibly Americans need to wake up to a reality check.

The rats (dubbed the “deep state” a.k.a. Democrat Party) entrenched themselves in the government and country.   They opened borders and flooded every community of the nation with drugs and troublemakers.  They outsourced our jobs and manufacturing to our enemies for a few pieces of gold. [Notice House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a mega-millionaire because of insider trading on defense contracts.]

The enemy has been invited past the gates by a few Communist traitors.  They adopted the motto “by whatever means necessary” to change the government of the people to a government that controls the people.  However, what the Communists fail to realize is that their motto goes both ways. Its time, as Americans, to apply the same motto back at them – i.e. fight back.

The Democrat/Communist Party is the enemy of the U.S.A. and freedom.  They are using U.S. laws and the Constitutional against citizens to undermine and destroy the country.  An example of this just occurred recently in St. Louis.  If you defend yourself and your home against looting criminals you will be charged as a criminal by a Black Communist Attorney and the real CRIMINALS will not – see what is now occurring to the couple in St. Louis).  What will you do if it is your home next?

The George Floyd riots were the vehicle used to start the removal of police from the nation.  The communists are looting and burning and destroying historic monuments with impunity.  They are not afraid to break our laws to destroy America. It is time to defend the country and restore law and order.  Politicians are terrified to do anything.

All Obama/Soros/Clinton must be removed from this country by “whatever means necessary”.  If a criminal enters your home you have the right to defend yourself, family, and property.

America is OUR home and we have the Constitutional obligation as American citizens to defend her against enemies foreign and domestic.

If the Democrat Party is pushing for Police Departments to be “defunded”, then it’s time for American citizens to form community militias to defend themselves and demand that the Democrat Party be removed from their country – “By whatever means necessary”.

Those persons and corporations funding this behind the curtain need to be deported or imprisoned for attempting to undermine the government of the U.S.A. The last time I checked American citizens were still the MAJORITY.

Are you a citizen American ready to fight for your country?

I’ve known this American from Chicago for two decades. He always gives me excellent feedback on my columns.  He asked the question: are you ready to fight for your country?  What are you doing to stop internal terrorists?  Have you been writing, calling and admonishing your elected representatives? How about your newspapers and local TV shows with feedback?  Have you sat by hoping it will go away?  Do you understand that it won’t go away by wishing it were so?

Please get on your computer, get on the phone,  call your mayors, senators, governors and give them a piece of your mind.  This is your country; care for it; defend it; love it and maintain it.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Anyone Sick of Riots, Burnings, Lootings and Monument Destruction?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Anarchists, Antifa fanatics and Black Lives Matter rioters want to destroy Mount Rushmore, Lincoln Memorial and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial…precisely the men who gave every person of any race the most abundant and opportunity-filled life on this planet: The United States of America.

Anyone want to return to the “rule of law” that allows all of us of every skin color, religion and language, to live decent, ethical and moral lives?

At this point, Minneapolis, Minnesota slides into the morass of a burned out, looted and crime-ridden repeat of Detroit, Michigan.  Chicago has become the new “Murder Capitol of America.” Two weekends ago, 114 minority members shot 114 other minority members and killed 14.  Does anybody want to see that kind of mayhem in their cities?

Yet, the Minneapolis city council members voted to shut down their police department.  How do you think that worked out in Detroit?  Answer: it’s the perfect solution for destroying any semblance of a civilized society.

If the mayor of Seattle, Washington thinks thugs, anarchists and Antifa want to bring a “Summer of Love” into her streets, she’s in for a rude awakening. Already, one killed and another wounded in her “CHOP” section of downtown!

Tearing Down the Past Ensure Ripping Up Our Future

If we allow this current generation of naïve-gullible kids to tear down our monuments from our past, we will not remember or understand what gave us our freedoms.  Why do you think they preserved Birkenau and Auschwitz where millions died in gas chambers during World War II?  Answer: to remember that humanity won’t let that happen again.

Why did we erect a statue of Martin Luther King on the Washington Mall?  Answer: to demonstrate peacefully toward any goal to bring the greater good.

If you’re going to take away our past, you ensure shredding our future.  But if you still want to do it; then, do it by petitioning your city council for replacing statues that you don’t like.  That’s how change works in a civilized society.

Looting, burning, rioting and monument destruction do nothing to preserve the foundation and the basic goodness for all people in America.

Turn Chaos Into Reasoned Action To Preserve America

If mayors and governors continue allowing anarchists of any color to continue to destroy our heritage, our stores, our malls and our statues—it’s very possible to turn our major cities into replications of Detroit, Michigan.  At this point, Minneapolis gallops toward its own demise.  Without functioning police departments, the barbarians at the door will simply become the barbarians in your house or church or synagogue or other place of worship. Those barbarians won’t grow or bring you food, or pay your rent, or take your kids to school. They do nothing for the public good or the “Social Contract” of our society.

Already, huge businesses like Walmart, Kohl’s and Target threaten to vacate Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta and other riot-torn cities.

If you lose the cohesion of jobs, communities and civil responsibilities to Black Lives Matter and Antifa anarchists—you are left with lawlessness.  They only employ thugs to tear things down, not build things up.

Instead of allowing their insanity in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and other big cities, what’s left of the police departments and National Guard need to track down those anarchists, arrest them, prosecute them and throw them in prison to help them understand that this is the most viable, fair and reasoned society in the world. America gives more people of every color and faith, more opportunities than all other countries combined. America features incredible welfare systems to feed and house our children, feed our poor citizens, give medical care and ensure domestic tranquility via police departments across the country. Without the rule of law, we become another Somalia, Congo or Sudan.

Do you see anyone immigrating to those countries?

It’s time for Americans who respect our past, respect our Constitution and respect our country—to stand up, speak out and support our police departments and the rule of law.

If not, we will certainly repeat Detroit, Michigan’s fate across the country. It will not be a pretty ending for anyone.

What about the police?  They must deal with the dregs of society 24/7.  Thousands of thugs, crooks, swindlers, cheats, liars, bank robbers, rapists and killers operate in America around the clock.  Without that thin blue line, you and your family wouldn’t stand a chance.

Sharon Marx wrote in FB:  I live in Littleton, Colorado. If you are a law enforcement officer and need a break, you can come park outside my home.  If you are thirsty, I will bring you a drink. If you are hungry, I will fix you food. If you are hot, I will invite you inside to cool off. If you need additional ammo, just ask. If you need backup, I will stand with you. If you need to cry, I will hug you and let you. If you need to talk, I will listen. If you need to pray, I will kneel with you. If you are wrong, I will tell you. If you are right, I will support you. I only ask that you don’t lose faith in Americans.  We are not all against you.  All lives matter. Take off your sunglasses and see the good people that are here for you. We are not as loud and obnoxious as these whiny media seekers. We are strong and waiting to follow your lead.  God bless you and your family. Thank you for your service.  The vast majority of Americans back the men and women in blue.

Have you called your mayor’s office in your city to encourage him or her to maintain your police department?  Have you called your governor’s office with support of the police to stop all violent rioters and arrest them?  Have you written a letter to the editor demanding that your elected officials honor their oaths of office to preserve the laws of your state and community?  If you haven’t, why haven’t you?  Who do you think will do it for you?  What do you think will happen in your community if you allow the same kind of anarchy that brought Minneapolis and many other cities to their knees?  Do you understand that the worst decision you can make is to think you can do so little that you do nothing at all?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Black Dilemma in America: Culture, Conflict, No Solutions

By Frosty Wooldridge

Since Americans fought for Blacks’ freedom in 1865 with the end of the Civil War, our country spins around and around on the racial conflict merry-go-round.  Each decade, new players ride the spinning wheel from Dred Scott to Harriet Tubman to Martin Luther King to Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton. Oh, and let’s not forget Maxine Waters.

No matter how many Band-Aids and changes to the White Man’s laws to eradicate ‘racism’, the Negro race and the Caucasian race fail to integrate, fail to get along and they fail to accept each other.  It’s biological.  European Americans arrived from sophisticated civilizations while Africans arrived from primal societies from the Dark Continent.  That fact illustrates a major dichotomy in the two races.

Whether you remember the Detroit riots, MLK marches, water cannons, LA riots, Black Panthers, Kaepernick, George Floyd and endless skirmishes in colleges, workplaces, and sports—it’s a sobering fact that Blacks and White simply don’t get along, don’t like each other and/or endure their circumstances in America.

This cultural experiment tests a faulty hypothesis: can people taken out of the jungles of Africa as slaves, become fully integrated as citizens in an overwhelmingly White country?

Historian and writer Ian Duncan said, “The whites were descendants of Europeans who had created a majestic civilization.  The former slaves had been tribal peoples with no written language and virtually no intellectual achievements.  Acting on a policy that was not fair to either group, the government released newly freed black people into a white society that saw them as inferiors.  America has struggled with racial discord ever since.”

Decade after decade, we’ve hoped for the best outcome in this racially and culturally disparate situation.  While most of the Blacks and Whites get along in America, there’s always that “edge” of distrust, as well as feelings of superiority and inferiority that persist in both tribes. One race enjoys superior athletic ability while the other race excels in the intellectual realm.

Whites introduced everything from the Great Society to Affirmative Action.

Duncan said, “They called in National Guard troops to enforce school integration.  They outlawed freedom of association.  Over the protests of parents, they put white children on buses and sent them to black schools and vice-versa.  They tried with money, special programs, relaxed standards, and endless handwringing to close the achievement gap.  To keep white backlash in check they began punishing public and even private statements on race.  They hung up Orwellian public banners that commanded whites to Celebrate Diversity! And Say No to Racism.  Nothing was off limits if it might salvage the experiment.”

Yet, nothing solves inner city Black violence against Blacks, failed schools, illiteracy, crime, gangs, drugs and astounding 7 out of 10 out-of-wedlock Black children arrive into this world without fathers in the USA. In Africa, it’s 9 out of 10.  You might call it an “evolutionary disaster.”

Duncan said, “Through the years, too many black people continue to show an inability to function and prosper in a culture unsuited to them.  Minneapolis degrades into total breakdown.  Detroit is bankrupt, the south side of Chicago is a war zone, and the vast majority of black cities all over America are beset by degeneracy and violence.  And blacks never take responsibility for their failures.  Instead, they lash out in anger and resentment.”

Our reality: nothing changes no matter how many programs or money spent.  Black president Obama couldn’t solve it.  Top Black U.S. Senators and House members haven’t solved it.  Some argue it’s a problem of culture, as if culture creates peoples’ behavior instead of the other way around. Others blame white privilege.

Duncan continued, “But since 1965, when the elites opened Americas doors to the Third World, immigrants from Asia and India, people who are not white, not rich, and not connected have quietly succeeded.  While the children of these people are winning spelling bees and getting top scores on the SAT, black youths are committing half the country’s violent crime, which includes viciously punching random white people on the street for the thrill of it that has nothing to do with poverty.”

Let’s face it, this mixing of races has failed.  I submit not from White culture or White racism. The fundamental problem is that American Black culture has evolved into an un-fixable and crime ridden disaster.  I submit that if you sent any number of Whites into tribes in Africa, they would fail, too.  There’s no way Whites can change to tribal culture any more than Blacks can assimilate into highly organized laws, education and disciplines of White culture.

I remember when I taught in the ghetto for two years: when a child could not perform mathematical problems, they became frustrated, then angry and finally, violent.  They dropped out and joined gangs where they found their identity. Of course, they suffered from illiteracy, which guaranteed a life of poverty in the White man’s world.

As Duncan said, “White people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them.  They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, and the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.”

There’s no question that Black people live in White man’s culture that does not fit their own DNA tribal culture.  No matter what Whites or Blacks do to alleviate the problem, it’s unsolvable.

One unknown writer said, “You can’t legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.  The government can’t give to anybody anything that the government doesn’t first take from somebody else.  When half of the people get the idea that they don’t have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.”

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Why You Can’t Recognize America These Days

By Frosty Wooldridge

Riots in 75 American cities.  Cops being shot sitting in their patrol cars. Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorist groups burning down police precincts.  Police cruisers being set on fire.  Thousands of innocent businesses looted and burned.  Historic monuments desecrated and destroyed.  Citizen-terrorists wrecking Main Street America.

Sound like the America you knew?  Or, is this a brave new America?  Or, is it America at all?

At this point, our country no longer remains our country.  Via endless immigration out of the third world, it’s being given away piece by piece, chunk by chunk and city by city.

Witness the results of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that shoved 100 million people from third world countries down our throats. It’s changed our intelligence, our culture, our language and our sense of loyalty to our country.

Minnesota, the cauldron for the riots, has degraded from less than 1 percent foreign-born in 1965 to 10 percent foreign-born today.  A total of 45 million foreign born now stomp around in our country.  Who represents Minneapolis today?  Somalian Ilhan Omar, not an American, and who has never read the U.S. Constitution, and who committed immigration fraud to gain access to the USA.  Additionally, she said, “I want all Muslims to make Americans uncomfortable.”  Exactly why should we feel uncomfortable in our own country?  Would anyone feel comfortable in her country of Somalia?

“Instead of liberal but non-rioting Scandinavians and Germans, the new immigrants are overwhelmingly African, Asian, and Hispanic. In fact, Minnesota now has a much larger proportion of Asian and African immigrants than the nation as a whole,” said Ann Coulter. (June 10, 2020, Breitbart News.)

And yet, no one thinks immigration means much of anything as long as it’s legal.  What’s going to happen when the next 100 million bedraggled masses hit our shores by 2050?

California; Bow of the USS Titanic

California devolved from the state that elected Ronald Reagan to Governor Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi along with Maxine Waters, who represent and encourage endless illegal migration.

How did all this happen?

You guessed it: endless immigration out of the third world.  Fifty years ago, California enjoyed 85 percent White residents.  They show a scant 37 percent today and dropping fast.  Detroit now stands as Islam’s first caliphate in Dearbornistan, Michigan. To visit there is to visit a country within our country.  It’s the same with “Somaliland” in Minneapolis with 120,000 foreign born African bush people. Arabic writing on store fronts and everywhere. You will not see one American flag being flown in the area.

In 2019, those same bush people scammed over $100,000,000.00 of American taxpayer money via Electronic Benefits Transfers credit cards. A sobering 9.5 out of ten of them subsist on welfare for life.

In big cities where immigrants enclave, they vote for the best democrats who promise the most goodies.  NYC May Di Blasio won 96 percent of the black vote, 87 percent of Hispanics, 70 percent of Asians and 54 percent of the White vote.

As we import more of them, we may expect them to express themselves on the forever welfare rolls, Molotov cocktails, burning police cars, leading marches and stomping on Old Glory.

“We don’t have the figures for the current, ongoing nationwide riots, but a Loyola-Marymount professor recently gushed to the New York Times that compared to the Rodney King riots, these have been “truly multicultural.” If we ever find out, I’ll lay even odds that a lot of the looters standing by with empty suitcases outside the luxury stores were our immigrant fraudsters, otherwise employed stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, Social Security, and food stamp programs,” said Coulter.

Why haven’t Americans figured this immigration invasion out?  What clouds the majority of Americans’ minds?  Doesn’t anyone put two and two together to discover the obvious answer?  How many more riots, flag burnings, Antifa thugs, looting, Black Lives Matter terrorists and cop cars burning will it take?

Are you, an American citizen, excited about the projected 100 million more foreigners imported into America from around the world?  If you are, well, just sit back and watch your country torched in the coming years.

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Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Why Not Separate the Races in America?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 10:  Separate races, violent religions, make a new country

After 400 years of racism in America, and after 400 years of no solutions, and 400 years of no hope for any resolutions, has anyone thought about separating the races in America?  Again, ‘racism’ remains unsolvable because it stems from biological realities over the centuries of humanity’s march toward being modern mankind. It’s tribal.

The former mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, promoted a separate Black nation in America. His son Chokwe Antar Lumumba carries on his father’s wishes to create the Republic of New Afrika in the five southern states of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.  Like his father, tens of thousands of American Blacks support his efforts.

If you remember back to India, the Muslims fought with the Hindus. After they realized they were totally incompatible, the Muslims separated into Pakistan in 1947.  How much conflict does anyone need in order to make intelligent choices.?  Today, the Indians stay in their country and the Muslims stay in Pakistan.  Both countries suffer incredible human misery from being overpopulated, malnourished and culturally somewhere in the Dark Ages.  But they maintain separate countries in order to co-exist.

In 1993, Thomas Chittum, Vietnam veteran penned a stunning book: Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America.  I actually interviewed him on my radio show at the time and wrote several reviews for his book.  What absolutely blows my mind stems from the fact at the speed of it happening across America.

  1. Buxum said, “It’s hard to criticize a book written 20 years ago which made bold predictions that haven’t come to fruition, but are pretty close to the mark. After the LA Riots and the increase in crime in the early 90’s, the idea of America fragmenting along racial lines seemed pretty compelling, but I think the author overestimated the speed at which collapse would take place. In any event, this book is a worthwhile read because many of the predictions concerning a possible collapse and civil war may still come to pass. In addition, the author provides some good information on what to do if things fall apart. It seems to me that we are more likely to move towards a police state and economic collapse, rather than outright civil war, but it is also easy to see the polarization of our country that could confirm the author’s vision in the next 5 to 10 years on account of failed leadership from both political parties.”

The anarchy of the past three weeks shows that Chittum’s predictions remain on track.

In 2003, I wrote a book:  Immigration’s Unarmed Invasion: Deadly Consequences by Frosty Wooldridge.  I based the book on Colorado’s former Governor Richard D. Lamm’s Washington DC speech, “The Eight Ways to Destroy America.”  I’m stunned at how fast his eight points manifest in America today.

In the past month since George Floyd’s death, the Black mayor of Washington DC has denounced the president, created a street “Black Lives Matter Plaza”, and she painted a three block long yellow paint statement as wide as the street, “Black Lives Matter.”

Perhaps, since the inception of America, Whites conquered, slaughtered and placed in internment camps the Native Americans.  Whites stole their land, changed their languages, stole their children and forced them into the ways of the White man. Not a pretty picture.  It’s possible with today’s racial revolution, Whites may be facing ‘cosmic payback’.

Additionally, White brought blacks to America in chains.  They forced them into the White man’s ways of laws, religion, White names, broke up families and lynching’s.  Not a pretty picture!  Notice Blacks have never accustomed themselves to the White man’s ways.  Blacks fill our prisons.  They fill our welfare rolls.  They suffer 7 out of 10 Black births come to a single mother out of wedlock faced with welfare.  They suffer extreme poverty.  They continue in illiteracy because too many simply cannot perform educational tasks of the White man’s schools.

Yes, many Blacks make it as reasonable, contributing adults, but there’s a whole lot of misery in the Black ghettos.  Gangs, drugs, shootings, and Black on Black crime is 100 times worse than police crimes on Blacks.

“We could make the United States an ‘Hispanic Quebec’ without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity.  As Benjamin Schwarz said in the ATLANTIC MONTHLY recently: “The apparent success of our own multi-ethnic and multi-cultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony.  Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.”

Two weeks ago, Muslim students at San Francisco State University charged a student-run Republican voting table.  They knocked it over and threatened to blow up the place.  One Muslim woman vowed to become a bomber martyr.  They did not respect our Republican form of government where each of us is afforded our rights to free speech. Ironically, these are American Muslim student citizens.  Apparently, they didn’t realize that this is America.  No wonder their counterparts in the Middle East only know how to cock a gun or blow themselves up!

Should Blacks create a Black nation for Blacks only?  Could they become a trading partner like Mexico with White America?  Would it be more peaceful?  Could it neutralize racism?  Would they be able to maintain a healthy, viable and sustainable educational and economic system?  If you have other ideas on how to solve racism, please write at  Isn’t about time to solve racism in America?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Ruminations of a Baby Boomer: Do Black Lives Matter To Their Own?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 9: Black lives matter, need to think about race, Chicago endless murders of Blacks on Blacks.

Maybe African-Americans and all White Americans might demonstrate against this latest killing spree in Chicago in just 24 hours: It was all Black on Black killings. This slaughter made the George Floyd killing look like a picnic.

Chicago–18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago, weekend of June 6, 7, 2020.

“We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” said Max Kapustin, the senior research director at the University of Chicago Crime Lab.  As reported by Tom Schuba, Sam Charles, and Matthew Hendrickson Jun 8, 2020.

While Blacks and Whites loot, plunder, riot and set fire to cop cars in our big cities over the George Floyd killing, a ‘usual’ killing spree continues in Chicago with enormous Black on Black killings.  How do understand Blacks killing 18 of themselves in the houses and streets of Chicago, but somehow, it’s business as usual.

First of all, Whites face charges of “White privilege” and “White Guilt” in the current mainstream media party that’s dividing our country into violent camps.  During the George Floyd killing, the other three officers with their knees on George Floyd were Asian, Black and Hispanic.  Exactly how do you bury that reality?  Does that mean there is “Hispanic Guilt, Black Privilege and Asian Superiority”?

The mainstream media buries anything it wants to make sure its narrative runs the current thinking across the nation.  No one wants to deal with the fact that Detroit, Michigan, because of minority violence in their schools, on the streets and in the stores—saw 1.2 million Whites flee for their lives within 20 years.  They left Detroit a ghost town.  I worked in Detroit to see it happen, firsthand.  I faced car jackings at stop lights, graffiti everywhere, trash, burned out cars, shoplifting, burglaries and Black Mayor Coleman Young led the crime wave that destroyed the city.

Now, it’s happening in Chicago.  You don’t dare walk outside in South Chicago. You could catch a stray bullet in a nano-second.  In the city that’s ‘gun free’, there’s shootings and killings 24/7.   It’s just that last weekend marked a mega-killing hour with 18 dead.  No mention of how many more dozens landed in the hospital with gunshot wounds.

So, are Whites guilty of all that killing like that one cop in Minneapolis?  Is there such a thing as “White Privilege”?  Should Whites suffer some kind of guilt for all Black Peoples’ choices as to dropping out of high school, taking drugs, joining gangs that get them throne into prison, or shooting another Black person, or 7 out of 10 single Black girls becoming pregnant out of wedlock?

Here’s a video that all Blacks and Whites might watch to gain greater clarification as to who’s responsible for what:

“Why we should not apologize for our race”

In the end, Blacks may choose to make choices that improve their lives, such as education, nutrition, job choices based on their educational excellence and healthy diet choices.  Blacks may want to respect themselves and choose peace over violence.

The same goes for Whites.  Respect each other and other races.

Finally, who will stand up among the races and take responsibility for personal behavior?  Who will stop the killing spree in Chicago and other big cities?  Doesn’t it sound better to say that “All Lives Matter”?  Doesn’t it sound better that the United States of America matters to all of us?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Savagely Fragmenting America

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 8:  Riots, looting, racial conflict, Antifa

Just as the Constitutional Convention assembled at Constitution Hall to forge the Constitution of the United States in 1787, the founders faced a deeper moral, practical and religious question.  Could they pretend to promote the equality of all men and women, but continue slavery?

Thomas Jefferson said, “We’ve got a wolf by the ears; we can’t let him go, but we can’t hold him.”

Jefferson actually worked to abolish slavery, but the Southern States lived by it, worked by it and mandated it. If not for compromise, the Constitution would never come into being.  Jefferson said, “Future generations will have to deal with the moral plight of slavery.”

Even after 1865 when 500,000 White boys gave their lives to free the slaves, America has grappled with race relations from “separate but equal drinking fountains and restaurants” to All Black Colleges to Affirmative Action to job quotas for minorities to the Great Society to ongoing/cyclical poverty, illiteracy and criminal enterprise. Blacks represent about half of the 2.3 million people in prison, when they only represent 13 percent of the U.S. population.

First Detroit, Michigan faced a Black take-over that led to 1.2 million Whites fleeing the city in the 1980’s and 1990’s.  Blacks created a 78 percent dropout rate in area high schools.  Criminals shoplifted, carjacked, painted everything with graffiti and ransacked the welfare system. I worked for 20 years in Detroit to watch it become a war zone against Whites.

Today, Chicago, Illinois follows in Detroit’s footsteps.  In the past couple of weeks, Minneapolis, Minnesota, replete with 120,000 African immigrants, stands in the crosshairs of total anarchy and long-term racial dissension.

Even before the George Floyd incident, you heard of racial confrontation on a daily basis across the American landscape.  One Black professor stated, “If you’re White, you’re a racist.”   Today, Black Lives Matter has begun a national campaign of violence toward Whites along with Antifa anarchists.

Many Black activists urged total defunding of police departments. In other words, no police, thus no law and order.  That would give criminals a free pass across every city in America.  Every city would turn into another Detroit.

Former presidential candidate Herman Cain told reporters that we should mandate curfews for all peaceful demonstrators. Once anyone breaks the curfew, arrest them as the looters, anarchists and rioters.   It would quickly bring our country back to peace.

But it won’t change our racial conflict.  We indeed, both Black and White Americans, have a wolf by the ears.  And because racism remains a biological reality, there’s no way to solve it.  We’ve seen voter rights, equal rights, the Great Society, ADC, WIC, EBT cards, Section 8 Housing, Affirmative Action, Quotas, Black college scholarships, African-American studies in colleges, and $15.00 an hour at McDonald’s.  Still, Black poverty, crime and illiteracy persist.  Seven out of ten African-American children arrive out of wedlock to a single mother on welfare.  You would not want to live in South Chicago. It’s a killing zone of Black people shooting Black people, daily.

Few realize this, but George Floyd possessed a steady criminal past and he was passing off forged $20.00 bills at the time of his arrest.  In reality, although not his fault to suffer death, he caused his demise.  After his death, obviously mayors must change police tactics, protocols and more to at least give Black criminals a decent arrest, free from death and abuse.

“In the case of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, three of the four charged cops were black. The police department has only a small percentage of white officers. The police chief was black. The city council was black, the mayor was black….yet Obama, who was the president at that time, blamed Gray’s death on racism. Yes, you can say, “huh?”   Every year, dozens of white cops are gunned down by blacks; does that make the perps racist?  Likely, some are racist, and some are not, just like the cops who use deadly force. And just like the American public as a whole, the truth be known.”

The Eight Ways to Destroy America by Governor Richard D. Lamm

“Here is how they destroyed their countries,” Lamm said. “First, turn America into a bilingual or multilingual and bicultural country.  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.  It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.  The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy.  Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

Lamm continued on how to destroy America, “Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal. That there are no cultural differences!  I would make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out of bounds.”

Whether it’s Black Lives Matter or Antifa or the Muslim Brotherhood of America—if we continue on our present-day course of importing in excess of 1.5 million third world immigrants to enter our country annually—we don’t stand a chance of surviving as an intact and peaceful civilization.  Take a week visit to Sweden to see our future.  It’s that simple and that deadly for our children and all future generations—Black, White, Hispanic, Chinese, African, Indian, Native Americans and anyone living in America.

Do you think we will survive an added 100 million immigrants?  Do you think Black Lives Matter really care about White Lives Mattering?  What solutions would you offer to neutralize ‘racism’?  What do you see in the future as to our country’s ability to remain successful?  How would you change it for the better?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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