The Endless Third World Invasion Of The United States
You can be in the country illegally, you can have an extensive criminal history, you can have multiple criminal convictions for serious offenses, and there is nothing that we can do to touch you. — Chris Crane, president of the ICE Council, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents’ union
A country isn’t sovereign if we can’t control who comes in and who’s allowed to come in. — Phyllis Schlafly
Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. — Thomas Sowell
57 percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program. — Michael Snyder
To hell with sovereignty, justice and the safety of America’s citizenry. Open borders allow cheap labor for American corporations, especially Koch Industries. Libertarians Charles and David Koch bequeath massive election donations to many Republicans, and now to some Democrats, to keep our southern border a sieve. Enriching Republican coffers allows Koch Industries to be able to hire cheap foreign labor, whether legal or illegal.
Tucker Carlson recently had a six-minute segment exposing the Koch brothers. They consider controlling the border as racist, the notion of “America first” as fascist, and that drugs should be legalized, but what he didn’t tell you was that these Libertarians are devout pro-aborts, and heavily fund organizations promoting a new Constitutional Convention. Link and Link. Statesmen like the 55 delegates who attended the 1787 Convention would be impossible to find today. Amnesty remains the Koch brothers’ top priority, anathema to America’s citizenry and job security. The Koch brothers hold views that have no resemblance whatsoever to what most conservative Constitutionalists believe.
Criminal Invasion
Our Senate Republicans are now weaker than Barack Obama was on the border. The criminal element, including child sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, drug cartels, terrorists and third world country diseases, long ago eliminated in America, are just collateral damage to those who profit from illegal aliens.
Department of Homeland Security documents produced for the House Oversight Committee revealed that in October of 2018, the Customs and Border Patrol’s Office of Intelligence tracked one caravan with approximately 8,000 migrants who arrived just south of California by December of 2018 and established that 660 of the migrants had U.S. criminal convictions, and at least three are murderers.
President Trump declared a national emergency in February of this year to divert funds from the Pentagon to build a border wall, yet the Democrats are fighting him at every turn. Congress also refuses to change the dangerous asylum laws attracting these migrants. New voters…draining the country’s taxpayers dry and spreading new diseases.
Third World Diseases in America
It’s not just mumps, measles, scabies, the flu, strep throat, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, different viruses, polio, Chagas disease, tuberculosis along with the possibility of typhus that border agents have to deal with, now it is the deadly Ebola virus from African illegals. They made their way to the U.S. via Ecuador. Hundreds of illegals from the Ebola ridden Congo and Angola have been dumped in San Antonio, Texas with 350 more on the way. They made it across the Rio Grande River more than two weeks ago.
After being placed in San Antonio, the illegal immigrants are bussed to a destination of their choice by local charities who spend “roughly $14,000 a week on bus tickets. Interim Assistant City Manager Dr. Colleen Bridger said another 2,300 from the Congo and Angola will be coming to San Antonio and it’s overwhelming the city. When she asked Portland, Oregon to take some of them, they refused, saying they were already overwhelmed.
The World Health Organization said one in four Ebola infections in the Congo are going undetected and that the country is experiencing the second-worst Ebola epidemic on record. Yet, we are transferring these illegals throughout our country. Ebola spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
The virus may linger in men’s semen for more than two years; a new study suggests, but none of these Congo illegals are tested for disease.
Even if Ebola isn’t an issue, there’s plenty of other contagious diseases from other parts of the world that are almost unheard of in the U.S. And right now, immigration agents are so overwhelmed with the sheer number of migrants that it’s difficult for them to conduct full-blown medical screenings.
The situation underscores the need for the federal government to put proper medical screenings in place to ensure that no one slips through the border undetected with a contagious health condition.
During European immigration to the U.S. through Ellis Island, if anyone was ill, they were quarantined for 40 days. Back then, if it was a spreadable disease, they were sent back to their country of origin to protect America’s citizens. Ellis Island was opened in 1892, and shut in 1954.
Legal immigrants receive medical examinations before they can enter the country, but not the illegals flooding our border and pleading asylum. In Texas, 550 African migrants were just caught and the Texas DHS head says they aren’t being screened for Ebola.
Who Funded the Trip?
Why isn’t the media asking who funded the airline trips for these people, and the food and necessities for this long trek from the Congo? Who is organizing these massive cross-continent trips aimed at helping hundreds of refugees to cross over our border, and if they are legitimate arrivals, why is there no medical vetting before they make the trip?
They didn’t swim across the Atlantic, that’s for sure.
Watch this French speaking Swiss journalist asking the Congolese illegals how they got here and who paid for it, despite the fact they have rolls of hundred dollar bills in their pockets. They would not answer him as you can see in this five-minute video.
Note that these Congolese are saying, “Now we’re here, give us money to survive.” They are given a paper telling them not to cooperate with ICE, that they are the police from the government. Portland, Maine is being repopulated with these illegals and can’t accept more, and California has a massive health crisis.
Los Angeles, California
Typhus, and even bubonic plague are showing up in Los Angeles. Why? In October of 2017, former California Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill that made all of California a sanctuary state. According to the California Hospital Association, in 2014 health care for illegal aliens cost state taxpayers well over $1 billion a year, and five years later it’s even worse. Eighty-four hospitals across California have already been forced to close because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens. Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona have a crises equally as dire. The Texas Governor recently ordered 1,000 National Guard troops to the border.
Trash is a growing problem for residents in Los Angeles and as the garbage piles up, so do the rats, fueling concerns about flea-borne typhus.
But the real problem is illegal alien homelessness and the trash and excrement from them living on the streets. Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, told NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches. Greenwood believes she contracted typhus from fleas in her office at City Hall East. Fleas often live on rats, which congregate in the many heaps of trash that are visible across the city of LA, and are a breeding ground for typhus. Last year set a new record for the number of typhus cases, 124 in LA County for the year, according to the California Department of Public Health, and this does not even consider the health risks from mountains of human feces in San Francisco.
Dr. Drew Pinsky predicts a major infectious disease epidemic in filthy Los Angeles this summer, putting at risk thousands of lives. Even the New York Times admits these Democrat run cities are unlivable.
Acting Homeland Security Secretary McAleenan
Tom Homan said he was glad when President Trump tweeted that the ICE agency would begin “removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the U.S.” He said, “I’ve been pushing for months for ICE to conduct a nationwide deportation operation like the one the president has announced, to include family units that have been given their due process rights at great taxpayer expense and have been ordered removed by a federal judge.”
Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) claims Trump’s pledge to begin “removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States” is being received with skepticism by former and current Trump supporters who have been alienated or disappointed by Trump’s numerous broken campaign promises on immigration. They believe Trump’s tweet is also new posturing designed to pressure Democrats into joining the Trump-Kushner-Graham Amnesty deal for millions of illegals about which ALIPAC is working to warn Americans.
Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan accused McAleenan of resisting ICE and leaking about upcoming raids to the media prior to their taking place. The nationwide operation was aimed at over 2,000 who have defied orders of removal and are remaining in the country illegally. The Washington Post and other media have reported that McAleenan doesn’t support the operation.
Five officials who spoke with the Washington Examiner confirmed McAleenan’s decision to go rogue and stymie the operation was what prompted the White House to call off the operation. They said ICE was set to begin raids with court-ordered removals in 10 cities, including Houston, Chicago, Miami and Los Angeles. Trump now says Congress has two weeks to reach a solution. Good luck with that!
One official claimed McAleenan “cares more about what liberals, the media, and ‘Never Trumpers’ in Congress think of him than achieving the express mission of his department.”
McAleenan needs to hear, “You’re fired.”
Illegals have access to more benefits than American citizens and military…
Easy Access and Benefits for Illegals
“News reports have indicated that Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been allowing migrants to board flights using a ‘Form I-862, Notice to Appear,’ which informs a released illegal alien of when to appear in court and is not one of the 15 forms of identification TSA accepts for air travel,” the conservative lawmakers wrote in a letter to DHS. “The safety and security of the American public should always be our priority.”
The Center for Immigration Studies states that the cost in 2018 per illegal alien was $69,570, or $69.6 billion per million illegal immigrants. I would guess there are 60 million or more now in our country, how much is that costing us? The American taxpayer is being raped by lawbreakers.
Democratic presidential candidate Kirstin Gillibrand wants to expand Social Security to people living in the United States illegally. She is an immigration hawk and wants illegals to have the same rights as citizens.
Nancy Pelosi has actually thanked the parents of “Dreamers” for illegally bringing their children to America.
Since an illegal immigrant under former President Obama’s executive action can now get a Social Security number, the immigrant road map is clear, they may receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) without ever having paid taxes. The EITC is the one that is responsible for billions in fraudulent refunds.
Judicial Watch reports that transgender illegal aliens get special treatment and hormone therapy, which isn’t cheap, under a policy started by Obama and continued by Trump’s Border Czar. ICE gives transgender illegal aliens their own detention center in New Mexico that offers hair and makeup classes, a recreation area, gym, television rooms, a lab and pharmacy.
Just this month, the New York State Assembly passed a bill that would allow illegal immigrants in America to obtain driver’s licenses.
The Supreme Court has ruled that an immigrant living in the U.S. illegally who had a gun, a crime, can’t be prosecuted if he didn’t know he was in the country illegally. Huh? In a 7-2 decision the justices said in a crime where the status of a person is the “crucial element” to the offense, the government must prove the person was aware of that. Otherwise, it might just be an innocent mistake. The ruling could affect thousands of previous convictions.
Top all this off, with the National Review’s defense of birthright citizenship. Neo-con founder William F. Buckley was a CFR member, a Yale Skull and Bonesman, and a CIA Agent, so this is not surprising, although there is nothing in the 14th amendment that guarantees birthright citizenship. The anchor baby scam was invented 35 years ago by liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the children born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens. Unconstitutional poppycock.
Laws are meaningless if there are no consequences or deterrence for violating them.
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