By Frosty Wooldridge

May 20, 2024

“Illegal immigration is outpacing legal immigration, and our government is outsourcing immigration policy to citizens of other nations who are in the country illegally.”

From Biden’s “Parole Program”, “Illegal aliens are given a free pass, and once here, they can sponsor more illegal aliens to enter the United States.”

Turning America into a Third World country appears to be the “Prime Directive” of the Democrat Party. They condoned, supported, encouraged and facilitated over 12,000,000 illegal aliens to enter our country in violation of our laws—in the last 44 months. Joe Biden leads it, DHS Chief A. Mayorkas engineers it, our U.S. Congress does nothing to stop it, and the American people sit by watching it.

Many readers from all over America responded to my last column, May 16, 2024, Import Millions of Third World Refugees into Your Country: You Become a Third World Country.

J.H. said, “They don’t want “we-the-vulnerable” to know that the preponderant majority of these ‘migrants on the terror watch list’ are more than likely Islamic-fascist terrorists who want to do to us what Hamas did to Israel. Our ‘government’ seems to be more interested in protecting evil people than in protecting us. We are living in our own occupied country by foreign invaders.”

J.C. said, “Western countries aren’t “committing suicide.” They’re being deliberately murdered. And the one thing I cannot understand is why none of those commenting on this phenomenon will identify those most responsible. And by “those most responsible” I refer to the traditional enemies of White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestants, specifically Zionist globalist Jews and the Roman Catholic Church, which is now being controlled by Jesuits. More than any other groups, these two groups are the greatest proponents of open borders and unlimited illegal immigration. This fact is easily verified: I can site a petition signed by 1500+ rabbis “in support of welcoming refugees.” And there is more than enough proof of the role being played by the Jesuit controlled Catholic Church in Michelle Malkin’s book Open Borders Inc. Her book is incredibly well documented.”

“As a side note, Alejandro Mayorkas, the Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security, came right out of HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and into Biden’s cabinet. And he keeps telling us that the border is secure. Also, there are an estimated 28 Jews in creepy Joe Biden’s cabinet.

“Can you explain why these two groups are never mentioned by those commenting on the ongoing invasion?”

R.J. said, “I believe that it is too late to rectify the demographics short of violent action. And… unfortunately, that is on the horizon unless something out of the ordinary occurs. Rather I think the only solution is for whites and those others who accept and follow Western culture to “regather” in massive enclaves of their own. I am specifically referencing the theory of the “inland northwest.” Sometimes it is referred to the American Redoubt.”

E.S. said, “OMG! You made it easy to follow, and it’s scaring the pants off me.”

J.S. said, “Once again right on the money. I don’t know what’s going on with folks anymore. Do they just not care or do they not care about the future of the planet let alone their kids etc.

I think that the ultra-extreme P.C. environment has a lot to do with it. In an effort to be good people and do the right thing it has all turned to horse pucky. With all the info you have put out there for the public’s consumption you’d think a little more of it would have stuck. It’s all very sad. Thank you for continuing to try and fix it.”

G.G. said, “If you fail to learn from History, you will be doomed to repeat it’. The Romans hired, and sometimes granted Roman citizenship to, Germanic tribes to help fortify their lengthy borders. In 476, after Rome had been sacked several times, and the Roman citizenry diluted by those from other countries, the Visigoth king, Odoacer, accepted the royal trappings from the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, this event becoming the symbolic end of the once mighty Roman Empire.

“Vestiges of Rome survived in Europe into the Middle Ages, and King Charlemagne of what is now France referred to his territories as the Holy Roman Empire. However, the empire which once ruled the world during the Golden Age under emperors such as Caesar Augustus was gone forever. The Roman Forum, once the marketplace for the world, became grazing land for cattle by the 18th century, prompting Edward Gibbon to write his famous magnum opus, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.”

J.B. said, “You’re writing the horrible truth of what’s happening to America. It’s too late.”

T.K. said, “I live 10 miles from Dearborn, Michigan in Canada. We see it here in Windsor. The Muslims tried to get the call to prayer blasted on loudspeakers, but the mayor refused which is surprising because he is a globalist.”

J.C. said, “Well you’ve gone and done it again, telling the truth to ears that seem to be deaf or just refuse to hear. I am beginning to wonder if the citizens of this country even want this country to survive. You and others are sounding the alarm and some of us try to forward your excellent articles to help but seldom do I even get a return comment. Our government and the current crop of peasants seem to be oblivious to the warnings in plain sight. Has it been educated out of them or is it just there dormant until it’s too late? Survival speech has been outlawed and called hate speech. Their progeny will pay the price.”

If you look around America, you can see what Muslim Barack Obama said, “I’m going to fundamentally change America.”

Dr. Victor Davis Hanson gave a frightening 10 minute speech, “The worst president in my lifetime.”

No question: we are repeating Rome’s history. America is bifurcating. We’re manifesting “tribalism” rather than Americanism. We’re battling 55 million foreign born who don’t share our cultural values. We’re segmenting. We’re CRT’ing. We’re D.E.I. separating. We’ve got “affirmative action” employees in the cockpits of 747 airliners. We’ve got Muslim American Hamas supporters chanting, “Death to America.” We’ve got George Washington’s statue at George Washington University draped into a Muslim headscarf and Palestinian flag. We’ve got another 40 million illegal aliens comprising a new underclass of poverty, multiple languages that equate to incompatible world views, and a total unsuitability with the American Way of Life.

Another four years of Biden would accelerate our demise at Warp Factor Nine. If you don’t think we’re in trouble, you may want to pay more attention.

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