By Lex Greene

May 6, 2024

If the elections were held in a free, fair, and transparent fashion today, Trump would take back the Oval Office in a historic landslide victory with voters from all demographics and past party affiliations.

That’s exactly why the Democrat Party, corrupt Soros prosecutors, their fake news media, censored social media platforms, federal agencies and billions funneling in from around the globe via ACT BLUE, will do anything to prevent Trump from even appearing on the ballot… They are all set to lose big in 2024, they all know it, and they have to do something extraordinary, illegal, and unconstitutional to stop it.

They are like rotten kids playing a board game, when one figures out that they are about to lose the game, they just toss the board game over, knocking all of the pieces to the ground, so that nobody can win.

But so long as Trump can avoid a bullet, or a lawless conviction based on utter lies and corrupt political persecutions by Soros leftwing extremists in the prosecutor offices, and we can secure lawful elections, he will become the next President of the United States, backed by more than 100 million pissed off Americans from every walk of life.

“The People” have finally had enough! Americans are finally waking up to the reality that anti-American leftwing extremists have pushed our country to the brink of total collapse, civil war, financial ruin, and no matter how they might feel about “Trump’s mean tweets,” he’s the only shot we have to turn our country away from the proverbial cliff.

But in order to do that, Trump’s pick for Vice President is the BIGGEST decision of his life, and ours.

Trump can only serve one more four-year term. Four years won’t be enough to save this country from Nazi Klaus Schwab, his maniacal WEF, and the hundreds of anti-American corporations financing the Nazi “Global Reset.”

As a result, who Trump ultimately chooses as his VP running mate is of critical importance. Political operators on both sides of the battle know this, and people on both sides are working around the clock to “advise” Trump on who his VP pick should be. Everyone has an opinion, most of them completely uneducated on the fight ahead, and totally incompetent to offer any good advice.

First, there are two competing schools of thought on the matter.

  1. Trump should pick someone opposite of himself, in order to gain support from voters who don’t like Trump’s sometimes brash personality, someone who will temper Trump’s right-leaning policy promises.
  2. Trump must pick someone just like him, in order to not be undermined at every step, like he was by Mike Pence in his first term, and set the table for eight more years of leadership following Trump’s short four-year administration. Keep the train on track for Trump’s four years, and eight more years after that.

I’m firmly in the second camp, knowing that the global nazi left will use anyone and anything to undermine any agenda to Make America Great Again, including horrific VP picks like Pence! Trump is the face of the MAGA movement, but make no mistake, every American who wants America to return to the roots of its unparallelled greatness, is their ultimate target.

I have been asked numerous times if I would support anyone but Trump in 2024, and the answer is no. Not because I’m a Trump friend, I’ve never met the man. Not because I’m a Trump fan, I’m not a fan of any politician or politics in general. They are ALL just public servants to me, none of them worthy of God-like status.

The situation in our country today is so dire that only someone with the financial ability to withstand the lawfare storm and a steel spine has any chance of turning the tide. They also have to be firmly committed to “Making America Great Again” by upholding, defending, and enforcing ALL protections of the people found in the Charters of Freedom.

As of today, I cannot name anyone who meets these critical conditions, but Trump. Therefore, Trump has my support.

Now, the same goes for his ultimate VP pick. The person Trump picks must be an exact duplicate of himself, otherwise, even once elected, Trump will not be able to do what his supporters want him to do.

Some of the Names Floated

  • Tim Scott, R-S.C. (needed to gain control of the Senate)
  • J.D. Vance, R-Ohio (Needed to gain control of the Senate)
  • Marco Rubio, R-Fla. (Needed to gain control of the Senate, and not eligible)
  • Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y. (Needed to gain control of the House)
  • South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (Needed at the State level)
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (Needed at the State level)
  • Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders (Needed at the State level)
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (Needed at the State level)
  • former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (a Klaus Schwab WEF grad and lifelong Democrat)
  • Carson (far too weak)
  • Vivek Ramaswamy (A Klaus Schwab WEF grad and not eligible)

So, on the above laundry list of potential VPs being floated by people who don’t really support Trump, there’s no one on the list that fits the bill for me, after a great deal of research. Trump will need “conservative” Republican control of both congressional chambers to be effective in his next term. We cannot afford to remove anyone from Congress who is even remotely aligned with Trump, if we can avoid it.

Two on the list are not even eligible, both Rubio and Ramaswamy are “anchor baby” Americans under 14th Amendment “naturalization” statutes, and two, Gabbard and Ramaswamy are Klaus Schwab WEF grads. The Natural Born Citizen requirement in Article II applies to both President and Vice President and at a time when the Democrat Party is working to allow all “illegal aliens” in the country to vote in our elections, alter our electoral college and voting districts, 15-million new in just the past three years. We MUST uphold Article II requirements for the Oval Office.

After scouring the current political field for the best possible VP pick for Trump 24, I landed on just one name…


First, his name is NOT being floated by any of the “advisers” determined to undermine Trump just in case he gets elected again, as “advisers” did with Pence in 2016. But in addition, I have watched his performance in the House and the man is decent, honorable, and has a steel backbone in confronting the pervasive evil oozing from the dying democrat party, and calling things what they really are in broad daylight.

He’s likely the strongest Trump (America) supporter in Congress today, for the same reasons I am. Further, he’s not just another damned British Common Law lawyer, his degree is in finance and marketing. He understands the foundations of America’s financial stability and economic strengths needed to save the country from Marxists and Communists currently in charge of the DNC and federal juggernaut.

Like Trump, he’s an unapologetic AMERICA FIRST leader and a take-no-prisoners style of freedom fighter, who deeply believes that America’s greatness comes from its free people, not government. He’s extremely intelligent and well-spoken. He can lead the nation after Trump completes a second term.

NOTICE…I made no mention of the color of his skin. That’s because, like Martin Luther King, I judge a man on the strength of his character, not the color of his skin. We need leaders with a strong character and a steel spine. Donalds meets those qualifications with ease.

Therefore, my personal recommendation to Trump is to choose Byron Donalds as his 2024 running mate.

Truly… I cannot name anyone else as of today!

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