A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation’s great historic documents together in one volume, so I decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country’s greatest historical documents, but we did it.

So, in honor of Independence Day, we are again making this great compilation of documents available to my readers. You can have these historic documents at your fingertips in one beautifully bound, easy-to-read format. These are the documents that gave birth to the greatest free nation on earth. Nowhere else that we know of can you find these documents–complete in one volume–under one title. We call this magnificent collection THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

Notable freedomists such as Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore and former Congressman Ron Paul have copies of this monumental compilation. Even the State Supreme Court of Tennessee ordered several copies. Pastors, teachers, high school and college students, law and history students, and homeschoolers have found THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS immensely valuable to the study of American history and civics.

Included in this remarkable volume are documents such as The Mayflower Compact, The First Thanksgiving Proclamation, the complete text of Patrick Henry’s immortal “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech, the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, George Washington’s Farewell Address, Ronald Reagan’s First and Second Inaugural Addresses, and so on.

We have also included several letters written between John and Abigail Adams. Do you remember the poem about Paul Revere’s ride? Well, it, too, is included in this compilation. Also included is the letter written from within the Alamo by William Barret Travis to the people of Texas. Of course, the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights are also there.

As you read through these documents, you will feel the pride and patriotism swelling in your heart. The “Spirit of ’76” will again come alive in your soul. And when your children read it, they, too, will experience the feeling of what freedom meant to our forebears–maybe for the first time. Sadly, most schools–even most private and Christian schools–do not require the reading of these wonderful documents.

This giant compilation includes more than 50 documents, over 170 full-sized pages complete with a spiral ring binding for easy copying, and a professionally designed color cover. This volume is a must-read for every American patriot. For the price of a couple of pizzas, you can have the great documents of American history delivered to your door.

No, we have not gone up on the price, in spite of increased postage and shipping costs. The price remains $35 for a single copy, or $25 each if you purchase two or more, plus $5 each for shipping (domestic shipping only–international rates vary). Simply mail your check or money order to:

Chuck Baldwin Live
P.O. Box 10
Kila, MT 59920

We also take credit cards. Obviously, this is the fastest way to obtain your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. To order by credit card online or to learn more about THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, click here.

This is a limited printing, so order now before our supply runs out.

Former Constitution Party Presidential candidate, the late Howard Phillips, said, “THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS is must-reading for every American. It is essential that this volume be placed in every home in the country. I read my copy daily. We require our homeschooled children to study THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.”

Do not look for this volume in stores or online; it can only be purchased here. A retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel thought he could find these documents by simply going to the Internet. After searching several days without success, he ordered two copies of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. He told my secretary, “Tell Chuck he’s right. You can’t find these anywhere else in one volume. I tried.”

Here are some other personal testimonials of people who have purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS:

“We bought 7 copies for our children; what a gift.”

Post Falls, Idaho

“My boss is having me order 12 of the Freedom Documents.”

Clearwater, Florida

“Been stressing the importance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights to my children, and this is a treasured gift that’s worth more than money can buy.”

Granbury, Texas

“I ordered several last year and gave as Christmas gifts. THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS are amazing! Thank you!”

Smithfield, Kentucky

“Thank you, Dr. Baldwin, for compiling this fantastic collection of documents. They evidence the founding of our country, and our country is the embodiment of freedom, or it once was. I have purchased copies for our children, copies for our closest friends and copies for the children of our closest friends. I will give copies to clients, and when graduation season comes around again, they will be presents for seniors going away from home. Again, thank you! Besides the Bible, this is the best book I have read in a long time.”

Austin, Texas

“I have begun reading through my copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. I must admit, I was somewhat skeptical of the price before purchase, but now that I am reading it, I understand what a bargain it is! Priceless!”


“THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS could save our country, if we can get enough people to order it.”

Mansfield, Texas

“I just wanted to say that I received my order and they are great! This is by far the best collection I have seen. I am a disabled Vet and would like to order 5 more to send to my children.”

Oakhurst, Oklahoma

“Good job. I’ll give my extra copy to my old high school.”

Fargo, North Dakota

“I am a deacon in our church and hope to use these books as teaching aids. Please send four copies.”

Ocala, Florida

“I have just started homeschooling my 12-year-old, and this is a perfect resource.”

Redlands, California

I believe you will be just as pleased to receive your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS as were these folks.

So, in honor of Independence Day, don’t just shoot off fireworks; give yourself and your loved ones a gift that will educate the mind and inspire the heart as to what those fireworks are all about–a gift that will last a lifetime.

Plus, the reason we issue these documents in a hard-copy version only is because it may not be that long before these great documents are electronically banned from online sources. There may come a time when a hard-copy is all that will be available and all that can be individually preserved. At that point, how much would this compilation of documents be worth to you and your family?

© 2016 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserve

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