Though it has been nearly 70 years since the GOP has had a brokered convention, the establishment is leaking and screaming that they may do just that. All this is due to the surge and popularity of Donald Trump. Of course, we all know the race and primaries aren’t over yet and Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are trying their hardest.

Numbers are changing all the time but according to NPR Trump currently has 319-226 in a delegate count over Cruz. Rubio has 110 and John Kasich 25.

…So, the brokered convention rumors are pushed on the people like a deadly octopus intending to squeeze the voice and freedom out of the GOP voters. All this because of Trump’s popularity with the people.

Magically, the desperate establishment pulls their sterile and ‘dead to the world’ trump card out of the hat – Mitt Romney. You know, the one who Trump endorsed back in 2012 when he was running for President. Many millions have heard the speech of Romney thanking and complimenting Trump. How, the ‘Judas’ trail turns from support to betrayal and lies.

We have watched the pretend ‘non interest of a run’ by Mitt Romney if Trump prevails. Suddenly he is acting if there is a brokered convention and no other option to get rid of Trump, Mitt would comply as a candidate. He will throw himself under the GOP bus and reluctantly become a presidential candidate. Aren’t you all shocked? We the people never anticipated that the GOP would actually consider a rule change, brokered convention or pulling Pee Wee Herman out of their card deck…sorry, my bad, I meant stiff-Mitt Romney, but they are.

So, assuming Trump wins most of the delegates and his dreaded supporters build to millions more and the GOP pulls a brokered convention? What will the majority of people and Trump do? For the good of the country and winning against Hillary will all get behind whom the GOP picks – perhaps stiff-Romney? I say, No No and triple No.

If the GOP pulls the dreaded brokered convention, mega millions of us will place the GOP behind Obama and Hillary – the anti America, voter and freedom attackers where they belong. I predict it will be a suicide blow to the GOP. The angry and fragile list of millions will be all right but not the supporter part. I predict this will finally launch the insurant class – the independent ticket right behind a Donald Trump win. Bring it oh arrogant ones and see what happens.

Having never in my conservative media life as a former conservative national radio host for 16 years and a commentator, voted for any President but a Republican, I will leave and go Independent. If the voting will of the people is violated I will be the first to lead the charge in a massive revolt. Everyone must search their heart and vote for whom they feel will best serve America at this unique and troubled time. Get mad at me…hate me…put me on another bad list, but I am proudly voting for Donald Trump whatever party he runs on. GOP, are you planning to live or die? America won’t be controlled and violated anymore!

2016 Dr. Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

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