June 6, 2017  is the 73rd  anniversary of  a day which should live in history and the minds of all generations of Americans as a true milestone of liberty: D-Day, June 6, 1944 — a day to be emulated by Americans if tyranny again makes it necessary to fight and perhaps die for freedom.

On D-Day, in the largest amphibious landing in history, some 156,00 soldiers, sailors, marines, air corps and coast guard members of America, Britain, Canada, free France, Poland, and other nations, participated in the allied invasion at Normandy, France, to defeat the totalitarian tyranny of  the National Workers Socialist Party (NAZI) of Adolf Hitler,  who had conquered all of Europe.

Those who fought at Normandy on D-Day to preserve freedom from defeat by Hitler’s national socialist fascism, paid a terrible sacrifice. The beaches at Normandy, with NAZI artillery and machine guns established in cross-fire patterns, were, indeed, “killing fields,” prepared for slaughter. The sea ran red with blood. There were more than 10,000 casualties. The beaches designated Omaha, Utah, and Gold were covered by the wounded and dying. Over 4,000 of them, including 2,500 Americans, were killed in action. But by their bravery and sacrifice,  they turned the tide of war in what the late famed historian Stephen Ambrose called “the climatic battle of WWII,” in his book “D-Day: June 6, 1944.”

Hitler was convinced — and had convinced most of the western world — that his Fortress Europe could turn back and defeat any attempt to invade Europe by sea. So confident were the NAZI socialists, that their top generals, including Erwin Rommel, the “Desert Fox” who had gained famed in the Africa campaign, were elsewhere. Rommel himself was on leave in Germany, when the invasion was launched from Great Britain for Normandy — and not Calais, which the Nazi’s thought would be the point of invasion if one were made.

But Hitler was confident his Fortress Europe would defeat any invasion, anywhere.  Rommel, his best fighting general, had overseen the NAZI’s military arrangement of massive armaments all along the coast from Spain to Norway, creating Fortress Europe.

On D-Day, June 6, 1944, there was great doubt the invasion could succeed. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander, actually paused to write a note in his own hand a statement to be made should the battle be lost. General Eisenhower wrote that if the invasion was lost, it was entirely his fault. He made  no excuses, did not the fault of his subordinate officers or the soldiers who fought it, or blame anyone else. (Compare that American leadership in the WWII generation with “red lines” drawn by Commander-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama proscribing use of gas or genocide in Syria, which  turn out to be writ in sand and blowing in the wind; or, the excuses of Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Benghazi.)

After writing that note, Gen. Eisenhower issued a simple order, “OK, let’s go!” American and allied soldiers went. They fought. They died, including 400,000 of Americans in WWII.  But, they conquered, they saved the freedom of America, and the world, from the tyranny of Hilter’s national socialist fascism, NAZIism.

It can truly be said that without the bravery and sacrifice of that WWII generation of Americans, we Americans, would not be free today. We would be but the serfs of socialism under the brand of Hitler’s NAZIism, mouthing political platitudes of social justice being achieved under a messiah, Adolf Hitler.

But the question to ask on the 73rd Anniversary D-Day is, how many Americans will remember D-Day, June 6, 1944, on June 6, 2017? How many of us will remember today that we are the heirs of freedom purchased for us by the blood of the 400,000 members of the WWII Generation who gave their lives for freedom, and the 16-million veterans who served in that war – many of whom are still with us, though we are losing them at the rate of some 1,500 a day?

What of the values of the WWII generation who fought in Europe on D-Day and thereafter, and in the Pacific against Japan, often called the Greatest Generation. They were the children of the Depression and the men and women of WWII, not the children of material comfort and privilege of subsequent generations. They had no “safe zones.”

The late author Michale Novak, in his important book entitled, “On Two Wings—Humble Faith And Common Sense At the Founding Of America,” cites a study done in the late 1950’s on the values of Americans. What the study found was that the Americans whose values were closest to the Founding Fathers’ values was —the American families who had served in WWII.

What is the state of the Founding Fathers values in today’s America, especially after eight years in which progressive liberal President Barack Hussein Obama who openly stated his  intent was to “transform America” away from its traditional values, and into a country modeled on European socialism?

Abraham Lincoln once observed: “Show me what the children are being taught in the schools in America today, and I will show you the kind of government America will have in the next generation.”

What will progressive liberal teachers in the government schools of America teach American children on June 6, 2017, about D-Day, June 6, 1944? Will the children be taught that their freedom has been purchased for them by the courage and bravery of American veterans who fought, some 400,000 whom died, beginning at Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944, so that Americans might be free?

We face today another totalitarian ideology as evil as Hilter’s NAZIism—Islamism. Through such Islamist supremacists as al-Queda and IS (Islamic Snake), they are attempting to rule by terror, genocide, just as Hitler did.

Will we Americans today, and will the next generation, respond to fight to the death to preserve freedom from the tyranny of Islamism as did the WWII generation did to fight to preserve freedom from NAZIism?

May God bless and keep all those who served on D-Day, June 6, 1944, and the entire WWII, as all gave some, and some gave all. May we, as Americans, have the love of God and love of Country of the Greatest Generation that led them to fight and die for freedom if we receive the call, as they did from Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower on D-Day: “Let’s go!”


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