It felt so good yesterday afternoon!  The Republican National Committee (RNC) called at precisely the wrong time (for them) and the totally right time for me.

They were calling for donations.  In a soft, positive voice, I told the young man that until the Republican Party can pass a program that gets government out of our health care, I don’t have a dime to send them.  I further explained that since the Republicans in Congress have had seven years to figure out how to repeal Obamacare and haven’t been able to, I do not think they are using contributions sent to the RNC to find the brightest candidates.  Rather, it appears to me that the candidates who got and get the most support are those the RNC can manipulate to vote as the RNC wants.

I made one final comment about not having one penny available for Republicans who cannot support our Republican President.  I then thanked the man (calling from Washington, D.C.), told him to have a nice evening and hung up.  I rather doubt they will be calling me back.

The purpose of this article is to tell you of an action I’ve decided to take and it might interest you, also… an action that will help empty the swamp in Washington, D.C, give you your nation back, cost you no money, and take only about an hour of your time.

(By the way, regarding health care and politics:  Until Obamacare — excluding Medicaid and Medicare — government was uninvolved in our health care and the care for a majority of citizens was excellent.  And that’s the problem… the Republicans want government to stay involved for the obvious skimming profit off the top reasons but can only do that if they repeal AND replace Obamacare.  Isn’t that really what this argument is all about?  REPEAL the darned thing and forget replacing it!  Let the marketplace replace it!)

Let’s start with the truth.  For those of you who have difficulty with that, I refer you to the Bible, Timothy 2 Chapter 4 Verse 1 and Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verse 9-12.  They talk about how, in the end times, people who do not seek the Truth (remember, Christ told us HE is the way, the Truth and the life) will be unable to tolerate hearing it and will thus be unable to deal with facts.

I’m talking about both political parties, not just Democrats/liberals/progressives.  Republicans who say they are conservative don’t have a clue what conservative philosophy means… they think it is an ideology rather than a philosophy.  Conservatism is a philosophy based on the principles of seeking truth and facts.  They are constitutionalists who respect the Rule of Law that flows from the Constitution of the United States and their own State Constitution.  People who understand conservatism also understand that the Constitution is like the Bible.  You do not get to pick and choose which parts you like and discard the rest.

To be honest, there are not many people who are conservative.  There are a lot who think they are and even more who say they are.  They are not.

Both political parties have so abused the power we gave them and this article tells you how I intend to help collapse these two corporate entities… yes, both the RNC and the DNC are corporations and can be dissolved.  And that’s what this article is about:  How to remove the power base of these two organizations.  We need to start from the beginning.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) did not always collect money to elect candidates.  We used to find and recruit our own candidates and give our financial support directly to the candidate.

One day the RNC and DNC said “Send your money to us and we’ll find the best candidates for you… candidates who believe what you believe and who will vote to support a platform that will be approved by all Democrats (or Republicans). We’ll make sure candidates have the money they need to get elected.”  State parties said the same.

Political  candidates said “Great idea!”   Availability of funds was more certain and made planning for advertising easier.  Those are good things.  Being indebted to a political party and dependent upon it for re-election funds, however, is not good.

Candidates are under the thumb of those who finance their re-election campaign and the parties have a view of the political world that may be (usually is) quite different from that of candidates and voters.  The easy solution to this problem is term limits which keeps politicians from making a career out of being elected to office.  It was never intended for politics to be anyone’s career!

Voters said, “Great idea!”  Rather than sending money to individual candidates, we sent it (many still send it) to the RNC or the DNC, local, state, and federal.  Instead of going to political meetings, we spend time with our families.  That’s a good thing, right?  It’s a good thing unless the group giving you the time to relax is stealing your country by putting people in office that they, the party, control and those who run the party want to take away your sovereignty and give you one world government.

We enabled those who select our political candidates (for both parties) to select people whose past histories or current temperaments make them susceptible to blackmail… perhaps they have a drug or sex addiction.   It appears the RNC’s and DNC’s number one qualification for candidate selection is “easily manipulated.”  They sought candidates that want the power and public recognition that goes with the title Senator or Congressman, but do not particularly care what they vote for or against.

Both Parties provide political training for candidates when they actually became candidates… after winning a primary, or whatever.  And attending these training classes is how those who run for office learn to obey.  They become “Young Pro-Lifers” or some other groupie name when they graduate.

Why would political parties seek weak candidates who can be manipulated?  Because:  The political parties are the ones doing the manipulating.  The Senator or Congressman each Party works to elect receives what that Senator or Congressman wants:  The apparent public power and status and publicity.  The Parties get what they want:  Control of the Members of Congress and their votes on legislation.  The party controls candidates via the provision of funds required to run future winning campaigns.  The same is true at the state and county levels.  And that defines the “Shadow Government.”

I have known for many years that both political parties are corrupt.  I believed the only way to get rid of the corruption was from inside the party.  I had to remain a Republican to change the Republican Party.

I no longer believe that to be true – and here is what I figured out over the July 4th holiday:  If people remove their names as registered members of any political party, that party’s power is reduced by each name that is removed.  My guess is that if several million registered Republicans changed their voter registration to “Independent,” Obamacare would be repealed very quickly and politicians wouldn’t be worrying about replacement.  Replacement will take care of itself when politicians get penalties of the law out of the way by repealing Obamacare.

“Oh, you can’t do that!  You’ll be empowering the Democrats and we’ll have world government and communism within two years!”

You’re wrong!  My moving my voter registration from Republican to Independent doesn’t change one bit who I can vote for – if I choose to vote for them (and I won’t hold my nose and vote for another non-conservative Republican candidate).  It’s true that I won’t be able to vote in Primaries, but I learned a few years ago that the RNC uses funds to promote one Republican Primary candidate over another — which is against the rules… but who cares about rules?

How do I know this happened?  I know it because one candidate who is from a tiny town and not well known in Colorado and is not personally affluent suddenly began advertising day-after-day on one of the most expensive shows on cable:  Bill O’Reilly’s “The Factor.”  That money had to come from the RNC or other special interests.  So, I’m really not losing anything but my right to participate in a stacked deck.

Here’s my message to Republicans:  Having watched Republican Party behavior since 20 January 2017, I’m fairly sure you earned my rejection by your rejection of my President in violation of the Constitution to which you swore an Oath.

If you, a Republican elected to office, cannot support the President those of us support who make you and the Republican Party possible, I can only say “good bye.”  Let’s remove the word “support” from your dictionary and mine and see who suffers most.  (Hint:  It won’t be me.)

Without the people as voters and contributors, political parties are nothing so I’m going to  begin helping them be nothing!  That is, after all, what they are trying to make us.

I say both parties have abused their voter bases so badly it’s time we take the base away from them.  I am removing my registered support for Republicans for their abuse of President Donald J. Trump.  To them, their egos are more important than the good of their country.  And we’re parting ways because of what appears to be Republican commitment to world government and war as the primary economic drive.  I place more value on human life — ours and theirs — than that.

The Republican Party knows what the people want.  We elected Donald Trump to be our President.  What are establishment Republicans doing?  Every possible thing they can to make our President fail.

Please remember the following names.  They are the anti-Trump Gang of 22 who way back in March 2016 met at The Cloister, a 5-star resort on Sea Island, Georgia.  Republican voters likely don’t expect much better behavior from the first 7 names on this list — ending with neo-conservative expert Karl Rove.  We don’t expect much from Kentucky, Ohio, Nebraska, Michigan, Mexifornia, and certainly not from anyone representing Washington or Oregon.

I hope voters in those states look at this list and remember not to contribute one penny to any who are running for office.  Republican voters probably were pretty surprised at Cotton, Gardner, Scott, Brady, Black, Hensarling, and Price… and Price ends up in Trump’s Cabinet!  These traitors to our Constitution deserve no support.

These are the Republican traitors who are trying to take our President down and, by taking down a lawfully- elected President, they believe they can pull off a bloodless coup.  Remember them when you buy products (you can get along without an Apple).

  • Tim Cook, billionaire Apple CEO
  • Larry Page, billionaire Google co-founder
  • Sean Parker, billionaire Napster creator and Facebook investor
  • Elon Musk, billionaire Tesla Motors and SpaceX founder
  • Arthur Sulzberger, billionaire publisher of The New York Times
  • Philip Anschutz, billionaire businessman and GOP donor
  • Karl Rove
  • Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.)
  • Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)
  • Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.)
  • Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)
  • Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
  • Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)
  • Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.)
  • Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.)
  • Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas)
  • Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)
  • Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)
  • Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.)
  • Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas)
  • Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.)
  • Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.)

Those swamp denizens in Washington, D.C., have caused me to lose trust in my government, in the intelligence agencies that are supposed to keep Americans safe… the FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the rest.  Congress can’t be trusted.  I don’t trust the Department of Justice which hired Robert Mueller to be Special Counsel for the FBI’s Russia investigation.  In turn, Mueller (who has more conflicts of interest in this matter than Bill Cosby has sex charges filed against him) has hired a dozen pro-Hillary/Democrat/Progressive/Socialist attorneys to investigate President Trump.  It appears Jeff Sessions has no control over his Department of Justice.  Which Pandora God is Attorney General Sessions serving?

This is my personal Declaration of Independence.  I no longer believe either political party is salvageable.  I believe the greatest power we the people have at this particular moment in time is to walk away from both political parties.  As for me, as of next week, I will officially be a registered Independent – and I invite you to join me.

Independents have more fun.

© 2017 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

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