Democrats aren’t even subtle anymore about the abortion agenda.  The lying magic deck of cards thrown out year after year to the public includes the crying scream fests of – Defending the rights of women, equality and the personal hard choice between a woman and her Doctor, I don’t want Government on my body.  Now the deceptive and lying rights cloak has morphed into DEM Politician after Politician going from chapter to chapter through the Hitlerian playbook of Genocide.

We have just seen Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran and supportive DEMOCRATS try to get a late term abortion bill passed but failed this time, in part due to the video of Tran being questioned about the bill which went viral.  It essentially allows 3rd trimester abortions, even the 9th month for any mental health reason or baby isn’t perfect and maybe has a disability or disease.  You really can’t blame Tran however since her inspiration,  Governor Cuomo of New York passed a late term abortion law into existence already.  Governor is so proud of himself and this new law he can hardly deal with the adrenaline high.

He says that New York is now leading with the most aggressive women’s equality platform.  His legacy is painted already and he is now the fourth person of the Trinity regarding women’s rights.

What Governor Cuomo have really done is make murder and genocide the law in New York.  We all know women have always had rights, rights are part of our country and Constitution.  However, when any group of people or leaders decide that only certain people get rights and those in the way of their agenda must die, there are no rights, just Nazi Germany again and organized and funded Genocide.  Naturally, Cuomo and most liberal DEMOCRATS don’t call it genocide and murder, but women’s rights and fairness.

Cuomo and all those who voted such an UN Constitutional and vial law into place that promotes actual murder of 9-month-old babies, should be arrested for conspiracy to commit murder in my view.

Is there polite conversation left in a country where late term abortions for almost any reason have been voted into place?  Why shouldn’t there be a movement now to kill off annoying and stress inducing toddlers?  No…wait a minute.  Why am I giving the Democrats any more ideas?

We must call evil for what it is and fight like never before to define life the way God does not politicians do.  This isn’t Republican or Democrat but survival, real rights and our future.

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