(Notice:  This article is a reprint originally written in 2006.  With the direction our culture is heading a reprint is deemed appropriate. Why won’t our pastors fight?)

“For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?” –Jeremiah 5:26-31

Despite what the political parties would like you to believe, the problem in America is not the politicians, it is the pulpits. I hate to break the news to you, but most of America’s pulpits are filled with cowardly men. They are a shame to the Christ they claim to serve.

Harsh words, aren’t they? Not the type of thing that will make any friends in this “cheap-grace” culture in which we live. But that’s okay. I’m not looking to make friends.

I am about fed-up with what I see. How did we ever get such man-pleasing leaders? All that our fore-fathers held dear is being destroyed before our very eyes and hardly a peep from the pulpit. They don’t want to hear it. It’s the pulpiteers that I am talking about. They are concerned with being “to harsh”, they tell me that “Jesus is in control,” that they are not “called” to fight evil and that “we should pray for our enemies.”

Where have these guys come from? What we need is a return of the Voice of God thundering through prophets standing in America’s pulpits. Not the prissy Purpose Driven drivel passing as the Gospel today. The feminized-preachers of today cannot hold a candle to those who ushered in The Great Awakening which led to the American Revolution, and the abolition of slavery — two world-changing events spearheaded by the pulpit.

Listen to the message of America’s premiere preachers today. Rick Warrenand his Purpose Driven Life have infiltrated the Church. Over 400,000 pastors have attended his conferences and over 40 million of his books have been sold. Wikipedia tells us “Since September 2002, over 30,000 congregations, corporations, and sports teams across the United States have participated in a “40 Days of Purpose” emphasis. A May 2005 survey of American pastors and ministers conducted by George Barna asked Christian leaders to identify what books were the most influential on their lives and ministries.” The Purpose Driven Life was the most frequent response. Today’s Christians are more familiar with the words of Warren than the Words of Jesus. Thousands of America’s churches have used it in their Bible studies and thousands of preachers preach Warren’s message.

Joel Osteen was voted Most Influential Christian in 2006. His preaching style focuses on “the goodness of God rather than sin.” He is a self-described “Life-coach” and “thinks that there are probably others better qualified, or more gifted for explaining Bible verses. Osteen explains that he tries to teach Biblical principles in a simple way, emphasizing the power of love and a positive attitude.” Wikipedia. “Presently, Osteen and several Lakewood Church team members travel across the nation, presenting programs in large stadiums to a paying public.” He has sold millions of books to millions of feel-good Christians.

While our nation is killing babies, our schools are indoctrinating Christian-kids in Secular Humanism, and “Truth has fallen in the streets,” our preachers are attending church-growth seminars, using ‘self-help’ books to supplement the Bible, and chasing after the butts and bucks. They are fiddling while the nation burns, building their church rather than Christ’s Kingdom.

  • Public schools are destroying the faith of Christian children.
    Legislation is introduced to remove the rights of parents.
     Children are taught they came from apes.
     Millions of children are “medicated” to control their behavior.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Gambling is promoted to pay for schools.
    Precious babies are being murdered in the womb.
     Planned Parenthood kills babies with our tax dollars.
     Judges make laws.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Tolerance trumps Truth.
    Homosexual sodomy is granted legal protection.
     The institution of marriage is crumbling.
     Obama says the Sermon on the Mount justifies gay marriage.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Government has replaced God as defender and provider.
    Faith-based initiatives invite the government into the Church.
     The IRS muzzles the voice of the Church.
     Taxes are levied to do the work of the Church.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • The Church locks arms with compassionate-conservatism.
    Children’s service agencies separate family members.
     Self-help books replace the Bible.
     A Purpose Driven Life is elevated above dying to self.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • G.W. Bush says Christians and Muslims worship the same God.
    The Constitution is ignored.
     Pagans pray to open a session of Congress.
     Our elected officials lie and steal.

…and the pulpits are silent

  • Private property is stolen by government.
    Mother Earth is protected more than Father God is exalted.
     Illegal aliens over-run our borders.
     The entertainment industry celebrates and promotes debauchery.

…and the pulpits are silent

From a bygone era, the sound from the pulpit rumbles throughout the ages.

“Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry? Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die? Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand? Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you DAMNED?” -Leonard Ravenhill

“Churches don’t need new members half so much as they need the old bunch made over. There wouldn’t be so many non-church goers if there were not so many non-going churches. Too many churches are little more than four walls and a roof.” -Billy Sunday

The voice from the pulpit today sings a different song. “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” Jeremiah 5:31. Truth, justice and the American way are a thing of the past.

“None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” Isaiah 59:4.

And tragically, the pulpits are silent.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

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