Do you suffer from bad knees, hips rusted out, painful shoulders, bone on bone joints, Alzheimer’s, MS, MD, PTSD, TBI and a host of other maladies of the baby-boomer generation?

You hear conversations about it, but much of the time, you’re not sure because of so much controversy in the news.  These days, you cannot trust much of the news because of incredible bias by reporters, TV talk show hosts and dozens of other different filters.

That’s why I’m writing this column in order to give countless Americans a chance to understand Stem Cell Therapy.  At this point, doctors find that this therapy gives all of us the most advanced form of healing yet discovered on the planet.  Even better, we utilize our own stem cells from a simple procedure in a doctor’s office.

First, a bit of history.  I’ve been a top-notch athlete all my life.  I’ve played 20 different sports such as racquetball, tennis, including 30 years of triathlons, skiing, mountain climbing, weight-lifting, bicycling and much more.  I’ve pounded my body, especially my knees, hips and shoulders.

When I reached 60 years of age, I played racquetball one day with the same vigor as a 21-year-old. Unfortunately, my right knee suffered an injury that never healed.  It became worse and worse.  When I alpine skied, it hurt. When I played tennis, it hurt.  When I bicycled, it froze up and hurt.  On one of my last cross continent bicycle rides in 2016, it hurt daily, it froze up and wouldn’t heal. I figured my athletic days faced an abrupt ending.

When I returned home to Denver, a local pro football star, Mark Schlareth of the Denver Broncos, spoke on TV about a clinic in town that performed Stem Cell Therapy.  He vouched for his renewed shoulders, hips and knees.  He promised that all his pain vanished, and he had returned to a normal life.  No more pills to quell the pain!  He said, “This procedure is quick, easy and gave me back my life.”

I scheduled a free consultation the next week.  If it worked for him, it might work for me.

At 9:00 a.m., I reported to the  office.  One of the foremost medical doctors in the country, who has spoken on Ted Talks about regenerative medicine, Dr. Michael Cantor, met with me.  He took X-rays of my knee.  He showed where I had damaged the meniscus.  He educated me as to why it wouldn’t heal because of my age and the lack of blood flow.

“If I’m going to spend $6,000.00 out of pocket,” I said. “What percentage chance do I have for healing?”

Dr. Cantor said, “You will enjoy 99 percent healing that will give you back your knee, so you can bicycle, ski and backpack without pain.  Essentially, your own stem cells will repair your knee.”

“Let’s do it,” I said.

The next Monday, I walked into the office.  They took a sample of my blood to refine it into “platelet rich plasma.”  Then, they took a syringe of my bone marrow out of my sacrum area.  It took 30 seconds of slight discomfort.

From that point, they spun all the stem cells into a concentrated mass, and mixed it with the PRP, which took 30 minutes.  Dr. Cantor walked back into the clinic room with a syringe.

He said, “This is all you. I am reinjecting your stem cells back into your knee with the PRP, which enhances your healing at the highest level.  Those stem cells will work on your knee for the next 12 to 14 months.  You will start feeling the difference in the coming months.  Some notice a difference in days and others within several months, depending on their injury.”

I walked out of the office 90 minutes later and drove home.

What are stem cells?  They equate to a re-construction, remodeling and rejuvenating work-crew that heals your damaged parts.  Like, if you cut your finger, stem cells go to the cut finger and begin reconstructing it back to new.  If you break a bone, the stem cells repair it.

Within two months, I didn’t feel much change.  But in the third month, my knee stopped hurting.  I followed the physical therapist’s exercise protocol by pushing the stem cells to heal the knee to the demands of my athletic pursuits.  Most people enjoy the pain stopping, but I wanted to return to my athletic career.

By month five, I began skiing, biking and heavy workouts in the gym. My knee performed fabulously. In the summer of 2017, I pedaled my bicycle 4,500 miles across the USA from Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbor, Maine—at the age of 70.  My book about the ride published in January 2019: Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age.

What else do stem cells accomplish?  The research shows that stem cell therapy now finds incredible advancements in healing or dramatically improving COPD, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, PTSD, LUPUS,  Crohns, TBI, arthritis and many more maladies.  Some studies show it works on cancer.

They obtain your own stem cells from your own bone marrow, or, they obtain it from your own fat cells through mini-liposuction.  They can also harvest stem cells from the umbilical cord of a new born baby. After the baby arrives, they cut the umbilical cord and place it into a sterile package for processing.  Once it’s certified, you can use it with all its very young stem cells for maximum healing.

You might watch this nine-part series which interviews numerous doctors who perform the procedure across the USA.  Over 100 clinics now operate.  This series presents you with all the information you need to make some choices for your health and those of your loved ones:

The Healing Miracle: the truth about stem cells by Jeff Hayes Films

Also, in Florida, Dr. Kristen Comella works on stem cell face lifts, joints, skin, PD, MD, MS, and much more.

Another clinic with Dr. Tami Maragelia in Seattle, Washington.

In California, Dr. Mark Berman, plastic surgeon and face lift expert who performs stem cell face lifts.

You can find clinics in Michigan, New York, Denver, Atlanta, Dallas and many more states.

You can call them for a consultation over the phone.  Watch the Jeff Hayes series first, so you can glean all you need to know and create questions for the clinics.

Finally, stem cell therapy offers baby-boomers a new lease on life, a wonderful method for avoiding chronic pain, dementia and many other diseases of old age.  Stem cell therapy provides the greatest advancement in human health renewal, ever, in the history of the world.

Take advantage of it; I did, and I am eternally grateful. I was so thankful to be able to pedal my bike across the continent that I began crying at different moments last summer because my mind felt grateful for the miracle of stem cell healing.  What am I doing this week?  Going bump skiing in the Rocky Mountains!  This summer, bicycling the Continental Divide from Mexico to Canada.  This kid doesn’t waste a second with my healthy knees and the open road beckoning with adventure.

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