Rev. Austin Miles


First here is a brief and true history of sex. In the beginning, God created man, then He created woman. Each had different genitals that distinguished them, as well as providing ecstatic pleasure for them. No one had to teach them how to have sex since it was an act that evolved naturally, as most readers will agree. God made the sex act pleasurable to encourage married couples to have children. This was God’s plan from the beginning.

This is how the world that God created could become populated with life. Let that soak in for a moment. Meanwhile, sex proved to be the ultimate thrill, satisfaction and pleasure. As a result many forgot the reproductive instinct and concentrated solely on the sex. Then, man actually believed that he could find even more pleasure in sex than God intended. Such idiotic thinking.

Men began to pursue sex relentlessly, followed by variations of the sex act in order to, (they mistakenly concluded) enhance the experience. How can something so perfect that God gave us be enhanced? It cannot. It can only become perverted. But man just had to give it a whirl. They decided to try….this is difficult to write…anul sex with their wives and from there it was embraced by the homosexuals, thus the perversions.

This has resulted in the horrible disease called AIDS as well as tearing the inside of the anus and causing what is now called, “The Gay Bowel Syndrome. Now let me be clear. AIDS is not God’s punishment for perversion. It is a biological manifestation. When a man does anul sex with his wife, then goes to the vagina, it mixes bacteria that causes the disease. So AIDS can also strike heterosexual couples.

First of all, what God has given cannot be improved. The anus was never meant to replace the vagina. What is more, thrusting something into the anus can cause tears in the tissue which is extremely painful.

What is more, all these variations actually diminish the full impact of sexual satisfaction. When I was in the entertainment business, my best friend was the most talented man I had ever known. He could have been a movie star but he was too busy chasing women, or I should say, BEING chased by women. He didn’t run too fast.

I once told him he had never had sex in his life. He looked at me strangely. I then mentioned all the women I saw coming and going out of his hotel rooms. For him, sex was like a Chinese meal. Twenty minutes after the meal you are hungry again. I mentioned how when you are with your wife, the woman you love, the sex is fantastic, and after the great climax, you fall asleep in each other’s arms TRULY and completely satisfied. Now THAT is true intimacy. And that is real sex.

However, this is only one part of the history of sex. People are so weak that they cannot be satisfied, so they must try the latest which is…sex with animals. Actually this has been going on for a long time. How often have we heard about farm boys and the sheep. But now it has become mainstream in the most sickening way. Animals, big and small, are being raped by humans. This is so damaging to some animals that it tears their insides and some photos show part of the animals vaginas sticking out of their little butts.

A teen-aged girl in Connecticut was ready to come downstairs to go on a date with her boy friend. When she came down she was horrified to see that little punk raping her dog. Had this writer been there, something sharp would have been grabbed leaving that little bastard with nothing but space between his legs. (don’t get outraged, that is a Biblical Word.)

Zoos throughout the U.S. and Europe now have ‘exotic zoo nights’ where psycho men pay, now get this, from three hundred to almost a thousand dollars to rape the animals of their choice. I kid you not. This is the ultimate perversion and psychological condition that must be stopped. There is no such thing as consensual sex when it comes to animals.

This is rape in its ugliest form and those who do this must be arrested, charged with a felony, and spend at least 20 years in jail. This can be done as proved by this ministry, which managed to have a law established against deliberate harm to any animal resulting in the violator being arrested, charged with a felony and given a year in jail.

After contacting the White House, President Trump picked up on that and not only made it a felony, but with a 20 year jail sentence. This ministry also brought a presentation before Congress to make the import and export of Ivory a crime. The bill passed helping reduce poachers that kill elephants for their tusks.

I ask all readers to help me in this work to help and protect animals. When you read of any animal advocacy organizations asking readers to sign a petition against those who are cruel to animals, SIGN IT. This writer does just that, and I’m asking you to do the same. Please contact these organizations and ask to be put on their mailing list so you can see what is going on and what can be done about it:

Mail@SOSVOV.ORG This is an organization in Uruguay which does a great work to help mistreated animals.

Plus there is ASPCA, the Humane Society, and many others. Please help us. Ask to receive their newsletters.

Remember, God created all creatures–including two-legged ones. It is an offense to God to harm any of His creatures.

Animals have the same nervous system as we have. They experience pain, anxiety, fear, joy, love just the same as we do. Please think about that and become an advocate for animals. It will cost you nothing but a little time.


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