By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

While thousands of Americans are dying from a deadly virus originating in China and the nation’s Commander in Chief is working with his team of experts from the heathcare industry, the military especially the medical and engineering units, law enforcement and security agencies, Democratic Party leaders are attempting to continue their pursuit of overthrowing the Trump White House.

In the midst of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California, and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, are demanding a special commission to investigate President Trump’s reaction to COVID-19.

“This is really an absurd bunch of hacks who cannot wait to blame Trump for something — anything they can use to hurt him politically or even jail him,” said former police chief Leonard Fontanez, who also served as a director of hospital security and safety. “Can’t they wait until after the national emergency is over? People are working to save lives, preserve employment for Americans, attempting to prevent businesses from failing and the U.S. economy from going into a serious recession,” Fontanez added.

According to a political strategist, Mike Baker, with the help of the news media the Democrats hope they can finally connive and lie their way into a successful impeachment of Trump. In two separate acts of treachery, the Democrats failed to oust their hated target.

At that time, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the Senate’s vote to acquit President Donald Trump:

“Congratulations to President Trump on the overwhelming vote by the U.S. Senate to acquit him and reject the baseless impeachment charges against him.

“Thankfully, the U.S. Senate rejected this act of tyranny by the Pelosi-Schiff coup cabal that controls the House of Representatives. Today is “Vindication Day” for the President, the rule of law and the Constitution.

“Senate Majority Leader McConnell and the President’s defense team deserve thanks for limiting the damage to our Republic by successfully combating efforts to expand the trial to further abuse President Trump and the rule of law.

“There must be accountability for this unprecedented abuse of power that targeted not only President Trump, but the Constitution. We have little doubt the President’s opponents will corruptly continue to abuse and harass him.

“That’s why Judicial Watch will continue to investigate and pursue its dozens of lawsuits on the Biden-Ukraine scandal, details about Schiff’s misconduct as well the illegal spying on President Trump and other innocent Americans.”

Video – Judicial Watch Investigation of Adam Schiff

Judicial Watch announced recently that Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to dismiss the lawsuit against them for the controversial impeachment-related subpoenas for phone records, including those of Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer. Schiff and the Committee are being represented by the Office of General Counsel for the House of Representatives.

See Video – Click Here

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