By: Devvy
May 23, 2022
This article was originally published on May 14, 2007
My last two columns dealt with the reality of the income tax and traps to replace it called flat tax, fair tax or value added tax. They are just distractions and the wrong discussion. The real issue is the size of government. So few Americans today know that prior to 1913, we didn’t have an income tax to feed the central bank (FED); the first 1040 was issued in 1913. How certain the traitors were at the time that everything would go as planned. There’s no question the events of 1913 were carefully planned and executed: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were clearly never ratified by the required number of states; fraud was committed when they were announced ratified. The Federal Reserve Act was passed the same year. A central bank needs a mechanism to syphon off the wealth of the people (a direct personal income tax, the second plank of the communist manifesto) and the states needed to be deprived of their representation in Washington, DC., in order for the long planned world government to proceed step-by-step, one fraud at a time.
For forty years the tax and spend Democrats ruled Washington, DC, looting the people’s treasury for social programs that are clearly outside their authority under the Constitution. LBJ’s great society jump started this insanity and sadly, my parent’s generation bought into their chains of dependency and have passed this mess to my generation. Their addiction was fed by Congress and the state legislatures for votes. In 1994, people said they wanted change! Clever word smithing and a stable full of carefully polished liars emerged, the “Contract with America” and the “Republican Revolution” were born…. and died. It was all smoke and mirrors. The Republicans took control of Congress in January 1995 – those “smaller government” critters who speak with a forked tongue. None of Clinton’s monstrous, unconstitutional programs or executive orders were over turned under this “Republican Revolution.” Not one unconstitutional or unnecessary cabinet was eliminated. Quite the opposite -government exploded in size and cost with the Republicans out spending the Democrats because the American people were demanding more! more! Hello? Weren’t these the same people who said they wanted less government? Yep, then they turned right around and begged for more big spending as jobs continued to disappear overseas.
Again, the people had enough, allegedly, and a “new,” improved and repackaged Congress was “elected” in November 2006. New lies for old. Of course, this was a clever hoax sold by the “mainstream” media, including cable networks. Congress is compromised of 435 members of the House of Representatives. This “new” Congress brought in about 25 new hucksters who know nothing about constitutional restraints; a few “new” faces with “new” ideas and “vision” for a “new America!” Hooray and bring out the flags, boys – Happy Days Are Here Again! The U.S. Senate sits unlawfully, but again, the only thing there was a few chairs rearranged on the deck of the Titanic. In the four months the tax and spent Democrats have been back in “power,” it’s business as usual. Squabbling, battles between big egos and ignorant fools like Rep. Carolyn McCarthy with her unconstitutional gun legislation. The Democrats who claim to be for the working man (another bald faced lie) have simply picked up where they left off in 1994. Most of the “smaller government” Republicans who took “control” in 1995 and out spent the Democrats are still in office. Their arguments regarding taxes are the same: Democrats chant “tax cuts for the rich,” while the Republicans stick to their mantra that “we must stick with President Bush’s tax cuts because they’re working.”
The working man and woman is drowning, millions know the federal income tax does NOT apply to domestic Americans. Out of desperation, ideas are born for replacements to stop this draining of America’s lifeblood: a fair tax, flat tax, value added tax – anything help us!!! These distractions are designed to keep the American people busy promoting their own destruction; it’s called the herding technique. These alternative taxing schemes are just that and will not solve the problem of the Federal Reserve and a fiat currency. These schemes will continue to feed the banking cartel – which is why this poison is being peddled to desperate Americans. Without the Federal Reserve Banking System, these crooks and liars in Congress would not be able to continue spending BILLIONS of “dollars” everyday when there’s no money in the people’s treasury. Of course, a whole lot of these craven crooks and liars performing this magic of spending money that doesn’t exist are the same bunch who kited checks years ago. For those who might be too young to remember, back in the early 1990s, a major scandal broke about members of Congress writing hot checks. It was reported that roughly 355 members of the House of Representatives had overdrawn their accounts with the House Bank; some 110 came clean. So, you see, writing hot checks is nothing new to these scoundrels. The tragedy is that they are dooming your children and grand babies to a life of serfdom. Do you care?
The real and true discussion needs to be a demand that Congress abolish all these unconstitutional and unnecessary agencies, cabinets and spending. I’ll get to constitutional funding in a minute. Let’s take the Federal Department of Education, a massive failure that continues to drain the people’s pocketbook like spaghetti sieve. The federal Department of Education is unconstitutional. Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to legislate education within the independent, sovereign states who are themselves a “Republican form of government.” This rancid agency designed to socially indoctrinate your child will eat about $67 BILLION dollars this fiscal year – $67 BILLION dollars that doesn’t even exist while the people’s purse – the treasury – is over drawn almost $9 TRILLION dollars. Prior to this facilitator of communism birthed by Jimmy Carter, America had the finest educational system in the world. That can no longer be said and all the worthless paper (Federal Reserve Notes) in the world won’t make it any better. The only solution is to abolish it and turn education back to the states.
Let’s talk about the Environmental Protection Agency. Another unconstitutional cabinet sucking up money like a camel in the Sahara Desert after a long trek. The EPA is not only unconstitutional, but totally unnecessary. It will eat up over $8 BILLION dollars this year – $8 BILLION dollars that doesn’t exist with the people’s purse empty as counterfeit Senator Patty Murray’s head. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security because it isn’t necessary, it’s nothing but a duplicate of a Soviet style operation headed up by an evil man named Michael Chertoff, who cares nothing for the U.S. Constitution. This year the Department of Fatherland Security will blow $35.6 BILLION dollars that don’t exist – it will have to be borrowed; that interest will be slapped on the back of your children and grand babies. Do you care?
Let’s talk about foreign aid:
February 5, 2007
Bush’s Budget Request Would Continue Increase in Foreign Aid
USAID administrator says U.S. aid has nearly tripled since 2000
By Stephen Kaufman/USINFO Staff Writer
“Washington — U.S. foreign assistance could increase 12 percent in fiscal year 2008 from the enacted 2006 fiscal year levels as part of the $2.9 trillion budget plan President Bush has proposed, said Ambassador Randall Tobias. Tobias is director of U.S. foreign assistance and administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. In remarks at the State Department February 5, Tobias said the Bush administration is seeking $20.3 billion for the 2008 fiscal year.”
The U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to steal from the people’s treasury to fund this monstrous rape called “foreign aid” regardless of what country is the recipient, period. Bush wants Congress to spend $2.9 TRILLION dollars next year when there is no money in the treasury; $20 BILLION of it to fund graft and corruption around the world. A trillion dollars this year to fund a ton of unconstitutional spending, i.e., Department of Health and Human Services, research grants and “studies” for things like frog flatulence. Next comes the big hoax of global warming and the destruction to private enterprise; pillaging of the people’s treasury will be beyond anything you can imagine.
The list goes on, hundreds of pages in the so called “budget.” Of course, this doesn’t sit well with roughly two million Americans employed by the federal government in jobs not authorized under the Constitution, but they should not blame me or you for demanding a return to constitutional government. They should blame the whores they keep electing that continue this insanity. Tragically, the day of reckoning is coming as I have warned for years. I encourage you to read the articles below and this new one by Dr. Edwin Vieira, “….a crisis in “homeland security” will be coming to a neighborhood near you sometime soon, in the form of a meltdown of America’s monetary and banking systems.”
The Federal Department of (dumbing down your children) Education, EPA, foreign welfare and Department of “Homeland” Security will blow a whopping $131 BILLION dollars this year alone. Dollars that don’t even exist, but will be borrowed and slapped on your back, your children and grand babies. All unconstitutional, all unnecessary except to provide jobs Congress has NO authority to do; the federal government is not an employment agency except under communism. Add in the raping of the American people to fund the communist UN, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and you’re talking hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from we the people to fund the furtherance of a one world being ordered using violence by mad men. Do you care?
How do we fund the necessary and limited functions of a republican form of government? The same as we did before the non ratified Sixteenth Amendment and the Federal Reserve were put in place in 1913. The way James Madison and the others set it up: tariffs, imposts, duties, excise taxes and reasonable corporate taxes. However, you can’t do this as long as the central bank and all these unconstitutional and unnecessary cabinets remain in place. The American people can continue to allow their lifeblood to seep out until we finally expire or we the people can get on track with the right discussion about taxation. Last week the AP put out a news item titled ‘Revenue Collections Hit Record in April.’ To the casual reader, gee, it looks great! It’s all a carefully crafted illusion using creative bookkeeping to fool the peasants. It is imperative that the American people understand the money trail and why an income tax or these other taxing schemes are not necessary to fund the federal government; see below. Medicare and social security must be funded out, but Congress must also tell the American people the truth about these systems.
The American people must begin demanding an end to this bloated Leviathan called the federal government. If it were up to me, I’d boot the whole damn Congress out of office tomorrow except Ron Paul. He should be America’s next president with Dr. Edwin Vieira as Secretary of the Treasury. Anyone who has done any research knows that the ballot box has been hijacked by high technology (electronic machines) and that no matter how many assurances are given by those who profit from these insidious machines, the end result is the same. Constitutionalists can’t get elected; I know from experience. Here and there one or two get elected because of their districts and population, i.e., Constitution Party candidate Rick Jore’s great win in Montana. The voters sent him to the state house. I have written a million words on vote fraud and yes, Irene, the machines make sure those who get in Congress and stay election after election are those who will tow the line with the money masters and do their bidding.
Call into talk radio when the issue is “lower taxes,” “tax cuts for the rich” and start talking eliminating unconstitutional cabinets and expenditures and returning to a limited form of republican government. America prospered without the EPA, foreign welfare, the Federal Department of Dumbing Down and all these other cabinets and agencies. Remember this: Congress is the federal government. It was created to do what the states individually couldn’t do as it relates to uniformity: war, trade, commerce, copyrights, patents and foreign dealings. The states (colonies) would take care of all business that concerned it’s citizens (domestic) and everything else was left to an independent, self-reliant people under the Tenth Amendment. It worked like magnificently and it can work again. The alternative is utter and complete financial annihilation.
Talk to your friends, people at work over the water cooler (instead of Paris Hilton or the latest sports scores) and at group meetings – wherever people congregate: forget the slick slogans and focus on the true solution- abolishing all but the necessary functions of a limited form of republican government. Call your member of Congress and demand he/she make a commitment to abolish these unconstitutional cabinets, stop this war mongering/nation building, bring home our military from around the world and return to constitutional revenues to run the federal government. To continue talking about taxes without addressing the real issue will produce the same results and we will simply continue to slide into poverty. Everyone wants to get rid of the income tax. It is repulsive that Americans have allowed the federal government to snoop into the most intimate details of their lives via the Internal Robbing Service. The IRS must go, but don’t replace it with another money pipeline to the privately owned Federal Reserve. Return to constitutional limitations on government and no direct taxation the way it was, the way of a free nation and the path to financial independence. Become one voice united.
“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations…This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.” John Adams, letter to H. Niles, February 13, 1818
[Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00]]
© 2007 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Devvy:
Important information:
1. Department of Education must be abolished
2. Why the Environmental Protection Agency must be abolished
3. Why An Income Tax is Not Necessary to Fund the Federal Government
4. Creating jobs to hide the coming financial tsunami
5. Beware alternative taxing schemes
6, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (Call 800-955-0116 and get $50.00 discount while supply last)
7, Why Are Democrats Upset Over the Elections?
8, Does Congress Get What It Deserves?