By Jeffery Dover

January 14, 2023

The short answer is that it means “GOP”.  It means “Republican voters lose.”  It means that the GOP has no intention of representing its voters.  It means that given power, it will always find a way of making that power worthless to the voters.

We’ve just seen it played out yet once again.  The House of Representatives had a clear opportunity to put a conservative in the position of Speaker.

But wait!  What if that happened?  Such a person might bring all sorts of embarrassing legislation up for a vote.  They might well present bills to balance the budget or build the wall or maybe to repeal the most recent, 4,000-page, $1.7 Trillion “omnibus” spending bill meant to finish off our struggling economy.  They might also suggest that government agency budgets be zero-based, presented for approval annually instead of getting automatic COLA increases every year.  They might introduce a bill outlawing “mail-in” ballots or perhaps worst of all, attempt to change House rules disallowing riders to bills.  What if they sought to make “executive orders” or “shutdowns” illegal?  All sorts of things, unseemly to Big Wasteful Authoritarian Government, might be presented for a vote for all to see.  The Establishment RINOs won’t permit any of that to happen.  Their job is to “Protect and Expand” big government and its authority.  They should wear blazers with “Protect and Expand” emblems sewed onto the breast.  It’s better for them to have a Democrat take the Speaker seat.  However, if a Republican must fill that position, it has to be a confirmed RINO…and that’s what we Americans got.

Let’s go back.  G. H. W. Bush’s “read my lips — no new taxes” brought us eight years of Clintons.  Whew!  No chance of conservative action on the part of the GOP.  All was well, until Newt Gingrich came along and brought the GOP a congressional majority.  Ouch!  Panic time!  There was risk that they would have to perform!  But not to worry, a Democrat president assured a veto of anything conservative, that is, any sensible, honest, egalitarian and proper legislation for the people and the nation.  For his part, the apparently naive Gingrich, was later purged.

The year 2000 brought Republican George W. Bush to the White House.  Putting his eight years in perspective, know that Bush calls Bill Clinton his “brother by another mother.”[1] Vengeful Democrats, still stinging from Clinton’s impeachment and the recent, narrow loss of the White House for Gore, planned impeachment for Bush (sound familiar?).  However, 9/11 and the upsurge of support for Bush cancelled any thoughts of impeachment.  For his part, Bush and his congress – mostly with a GOP majority – did nothing but further expand government and its powers with DHS and The Patriot Act.  That was in addition to massive spending increases and the overheated economy leading up to the 2008 banking debacle.  The porous border with Mexico remained porous.  The activities of all the intelligence agencies were consolidated under the control of a single “Director of National intelligence”.  That person alone controls what the White House and congress learn about what those agencies discover.  That person decides what they learn — and what they do not learn.

Did the GOP candidates all campaign on more massive spending and expanding the size and scope of the federal government?  Did they campaign on promising to concentrate even more power in Washington and in fewer hands?

Bush’s terms at an end, we got Obama.  But how?  How did this unknown senator from Illinois win the presidency over the well-known Republican senator John McCain?  Perhaps it was because McCain was well known that Obama won.  However, it seems more likely that McCain simply didn’t want the job.  Perhaps the GOP didn’t want the job.  Why not?  National Healthcare Insurance had been a topic for a while.  It was not a popular issue with GOP voters who saw it as financially ruinous, a system which would collapse under its own weight.  Yet it seems the ruling Establishment wanted it, yet another way to take down the US, moving it toward Great Reset goals.  Solution?  Let the Democrats bring it (while the GOP pretends to oppose it).  In that way, the party could continue to pretend that it stood with its voters, knowing the Democrat majority would win the day.

In any case, McCain waged a very lackluster campaign, refusing to take Obama and his party to task for their history of waste and dysfunction, claiming that he was afraid he would appear to be “racist”.  That was a pretty shallow defense, especially given that it was a US presidential campaign.  Even if people actually believed that attacking a political opponent during a campaign based on factual circumstances constituted “racism”, did McCain think that he would be alienating a huge part of the Republican voting base?  Absurd!  Obama got ninety-five percent of the Black vote in 2008.[2]  Certainly, the GOP would have anticipated that.[2] Obama took the presidency in 2008 along with a Democrat congressional majority.  In March of 2010, they passed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

The 2010 mid-term election brought a GOP majority in the House which remained through Obama’s presidency.  The GOP also controlled the senate for Obama’s last two years.  They denied him nothing and stood by as Obama’s administration further ripped up the Middle East by destabilizing the governments of Libya, Syria and Egypt, fomenting more war, death, mass emigrations and spending approved by the GOP House, that body led by its RINO Speaker, John Boehner.  Ditto Ryan, who succeeded Boehner, and the GOP senate’s McConnell.

In the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney ran as the GOP candidate.  Just as bad as McCain’s campaign, Romney made little of all of Obama’s many faults as a president.  Following his defeat, his son Tagg said that Romney never wanted the office, that he would have been thrilled if someone else had won the nomination.[3] That begs the question, again, did the GOP want to win?  Romney must have told them that he didn’t want the office.  Why else would he have waged a campaign when he could simply have stepped down and let another win it?  It would seem that the GOP thought that another would win it, so threw support to Romney or simply recruited him to lose.  Lose he did.

All the spending, all the non-essential warring and 9/11 itself, followed by successive GOP campaign failures which looked almost purposeful, cast deep suspicion on the GOP.  Who is running it?  How can it do the things it is doing and the things it is not doing?  Then Donald Trump.

A sensible voting public, now skeptical of GOP political figures, grew increasingly enthusiastic about electing Donald Trump.  He told us that Obama’s “managed decline” – a Great Reset goal for the USA – had to stop and that there was no reason for it in the first place.  He substantiated what the people what they knew to be true about the media and how they lie about, distort and invent “news”.  In short, Trump went against every Great Reset goal which had been put in place for more than thirty years by the “permanent ruling class” – career politicians and the Deep State leadership the rulers empowered.  Big influential corporations were put on notice that they needed to repatriate their manufacturing and sourcing to the USA, that jobs were being lost to China and numerous other foreign countries with cheap and even slave labor.  His rallies drew tens of thousands of people.

Trump went on to a landslide victory, although the dour Hillary Clinton claimed that she had won the “popular vote”, a specious claim seeing as her rallies drew many thousands fewer than Trump’s tens of thousands.   According to The Gateway Pundit,[4] only a dozen of her rallies drew more than 1,000 people…yet she claimed that she won the “popular vote”. (Where did those votes come from?  An underestimated amount of the necessary fraud prior to 2020 when they finally got the fraud right?).

Understanding that the RNC did not want Trump as the candidate, giving him scanty support even following his primary victory, did they care if Hillary Clinton won?  Was Ted Cruz the stuff to beat Hillary Clinton?  Carly Fiorina?  Would Cruz have drawn tens of thousands to rallies?  With the GOP voters so jazzed about Trump, why wasn’t the GOP just as jazzed?  The obvious answer is that the GOP and its voters have very different ideas about how they want the nation governed.  It looked as if the GOP would have been just as happy with a Hillary Clinton victory.  Why would the Party be totally behind Romney, a bland candidate who excited no one, but shun a candidate like Trump?

The “why” appears to be what seemed to happening all along.  They were fearful of having a congressional majority and a president ready to sign conservative legislation.  It’s all well and good to be the majority for Republicans as long as there is a Democrat in the White House.  The problem for them is that when they have both congress and the presidency, now they have to perform.  The pressure is on them to prove to their voters that they stand for what they claim to stand for. However, as we saw and are seeing at present, “performing” is not what they want.

With Trump in office, they had a president ready to repeal Obamacare and secure the border.  He also wanted to end DACA and the visa lottery.  He wanted out of the Middle East.  He wanted smaller government, curtailed spending and he wouldn’t stop attacking the fake news Establishment.  His MAGA and “America First” were totally anti-globalist, anti-Great Reset.  At one point he said that NATO was obsolete, which it is.  Of course, the media and some Republicans claimed those things were “isolationism”.  Nonsense.  Because one focuses on one’s own nation and people in no way excludes bilateral relations with other nations.

As he settled into his office, his party and its members of congress denied him everything.  He and his voters got nothing.  Establishment forces accused him of all kinds of things he never did and never was, impeached him, and went against him in every way.  He beat them all.  That is, until January 6, 2021.  That’s when the GOP permanent ruling class put the final nail into the coffin of his presidency, handing us Biden/Harris.

There had been reason to believe on many counts that the election was fraudulent.  Much as it had been in 2016 for Clinton’s campaign, it was for Biden with few turning out for his rallies compared to Trump’s many thousands.  Mere appearances aside, Trump and others had much real evidence.  Following the election, Trump took his evidence to three different courts where the suits were thrown out, without the evidence ever having been presented and examined in court.

When Pence certified the vote despite his own president’s evidence, a president of his own party, Pence sidestepped the evidence, handing the office to Biden.  In doing so, he claimed that it was his thinking that the Founders wouldn’t have wanted a president decided this way.  With that rationale given for ignoring evidence of voter fraud, he was pre-empting the Supreme Court.  Determining what the Founders would have wanted is the job of the Supreme Court, not the vice president.

Had Pence sent the votes back to the states, as in 2000 the Democrats would have filed suit.  It would have gone to the Supreme Court, which would finally and necessarily have had to examine Trump’s evidence of massive voter fraud.  The GOP’s ruling class power in this situation – Pence, McConnell, McCarthy, probably in league with Pelosi and Schumer[5], couldn’t take that risk.  Hence, the certification, taking the Supreme Court out of the equation.

What it all seems to add up to is this: The GOP itself is a fraud.  That is, that it is their job to derail us, the conservatives, the sensible.  Their mission is to blunt the power of our numbers, or at least, that is what they have steadfastly done.  Are they just inept?  Is it mere “coincidence”?  They pretend that they stand for the things we want, our vision for the country, for our lives, for individual responsibility and so forth.  Yet it’s obvious at this point that their actions as a party say otherwise.  Where their voters want to go is not where they intend to take us, as a nation.

Things were ok for the GOP earlier in the new century.  The people believed.  They swallowed 9/11.  They increasingly voted Republican, expecting great things which never materialized.  With what happened during Trump’s presidency and the light it shed on the ruse — the falsehood that they represent conservative interests — it’s not difficult to believe that the GOP now had to find a way to defeat the majorities they were getting.  It was getting too hot for them.

View this in the context of the Great Reset/New World Order where the USA has to change.  It must be made ready for international rule.  Yet sensible voters, the sort who supported Trump, “MAGA” and “America First”, are the majority.  Those voters would never support such a goal away from our founding principles, nor could such a goal be stated by elected members of government.  Thus, for the powers driving toward that Reset to continue on their path, the power of that majority must be denied, as we have seen it denied.  But those powers must also retain enough credibility to prevent the people from abandoning them, creating another party to actually represent them. In order to lose the power, the power threatening to end their drive toward Reset goals, it seems that voter fraud in both 2020 and 2022 was their chosen route.

Senator Josh Hawley seems to understand and perhaps wants something different.  Could that something be a political fighting force for the American people?  On November 12, 2022, following the mid-term election, Hawley tweeted “The old party is dead.  Time to bury it. Build something new.”  Build something new, for sure.  Would rather he had included “build something true.”

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