By Lewis Brackett

February 9, 2023

The roots of the global conspiracy to establish a global ten-region world empire.

The modern New World Order conspiracy began with the American and European robber barons of the nineteenth century. The Rockefeller family seems to be at the center of this effort. For simplicity, I will mention this conspiracy through their name. However all the 30 or so American and European elite families were and are neck deep in this effort.

Woodrow Wilson was a nobody academic elite scholar under the sway of the Rockefellers. Like Obama, he was a charismatic speaker and believer in the NWO cause. The elite brought him forward as a candidate and with their backing, elected him as President. Like all subsequent presidents, he had a “handler” in this case the Rockefeller agent, a “colonel” House who actually ran things. Nixon had his Kissinger, Bushes had their Chaney for example, all Rockefeller men. In 1913, the Elite through Wilson enacted the Federal Reserve Act giving money power to the Elites’ private bank to print $100 dollar bills costing a fraction of one cent then loan them to the government for $100. This scam continues to this day. They also created the income tax to pay for this scam.

Every action through the 20th century was controlled by the elite through their puppet governments in the Western world. The Elite needed to remove the kings of Europe so they could control the resulting weak republican governments. So, behind the scenes they created a world war. Their goal was to create a League of Nations through which they could rule the world.

At the height of the war, they financed the Bolsheviks in Russia and kept them in power by constant funding for decades. By this created threat, they hoped they could use this fear of communism to unite Europe. When the League of Nations failed to achieve their desired global empire, they took other means. The financial crash of 1929 was deliberately created to help them enlarge their monopolies.

They financed Hitler because they needed another world war to establish a United Nations with teeth through which they would control the world. In 1938, Henry Ford sent several tanker ships to Germany to supply the Nazis with the gasoline additive the German air force needed for Hitler to start his war. They certainly did not expect the Nazis’ rapid success.

Back in 1942, the world was divided into ten governing regions shown on their map drawn at the time. This was to be part of their United Nations plan for the post-war world. In the 1970s the Global elite assembled in “The Club of Rome” and redrew this map. In recent years the elite have done their best to scrub this map and most of the records of their meetings from the Internet. However, some, like yours truly, had been paying attention and preserved these maps.

When Mao began his rapid conquest of China in 1949, the world elites’ newspapers praised Mao for being a land reformer, happily reporting that he was replacing the corrupt Chinese warlords. It was all part of the plan to cause fear of communism to unite the Western world under their rule. A generation later, the Rockefeller family sent Kissinger to China in 1971 to get China to open up the world to business so that Chinese slave labor could make cheap products to destroy the American manufacturing base. Years later, the NAFTA pact with Mexico was accomplished to further replace American workers with Mexican workers. This was to make America dependent on foreign sources for everything. The current flood of illegal aliens as well as the encouraged climate of race-baiting is designed to complete the division and destruction of America and her sovereignty, as America is the only serious obstacle for the NWO elite in establishing their World Government. By the way, this Klaus Schwab, Chairperson of the World Economic Forum, is a Rockefeller man and Kissinger disciple.

With the fall of communism, the Elite now fund the Muslim terror/chaos. Today, they are creating famine and plague and chaos towards their goal of their New World Order.

The World Elite today through their several secret societies, such as the Bush’s infamous Yale University Skull and Bones, follow occult practices reenacting ancient pagan rituals. Their Bohemian Grove rituals of today practice the Canaanite Baal worship of ancient pagan gods.
The Masons and Rosicrucian elite, uniting in the Golden Dawn society, also worship pagan deities and seeking out Ascended Masters (demonic spirits/fallen angels).

I was involved in this Rosicrucian occult eerieness for several years before becoming a devout Christian. Yes, I read ALL their books. Through a Masonic friend I read the Masonic books as well! So I know what I am talking about here!

As Jean-Michel Angebert noted:

“Those who induced Germany to embrace the Swastika are not dead. They are still among us, just as they have been in every era, and doubtless will continue to be until the Apocalypse. National Socialism was for them but a means and Hitler was but an instrument . . . That undertaking failed . . . What they (Demonic spirits/fallen angels) are now trying to do is to revive the Myth by other means.”

For weekly updates on the activities of these NWO Elites, see and

With that thought, let’s see how Darwin, Freud,and Marx fit into this story.

The 19th century German Enlightenment

The purpose of Darwinism has been to destroy the morality and ethics of Moses and Jesus; the foundations of the law and order in our society to bring about a barbaric new world order.

Up until the 19th century, central Europe’s morality still had the Christian basis of Martin Luther.

In the 19th century, it became fashionable to question this basis of society. After all, the elite had always done pretty much whatever they wanted. Sadly, the Church was still a pillar of the state rather than being concerned with the salvation of souls. Darwin, Freud, and Marx led the way.

It was said that “we can have morality without God, after we’re a Christian nation.” The basis of morality and virtue comes from the Lawgivers, Moses and Jesus. Remove their influence, and you start to rationalize away basic moral truth. This does not happen suddenly, but over a period of time.

Each generation is more perverse than the last, until you finally reach total social and moral depravity.

The prime movers (among others) of this descent into depravity were Darwin, Freud, and Marx. This is the new paganism, the triune god of this present age.

Darwin and Freud gave man a pseudoscientific rationale to reject God, showing that man was only an animal. Marx showed how this clever animal should be a depraved hungry beast, devouring society with its teeth.

It’s not for nothing that the mantra of Lenin’s communist party was illuminated by the creed “the nature of mass terror must be encouraged”(Nechayev). Lenin maintained that previous revolutions had not been successful because they had not killed enough people.

The greatest lie of socialism is that those who work hard provide for their families must somehow be expected to also support those who aimlessly drift through life demanding to be fed, housed, and catered to. Often violent creatures expressing a murderous rage when their supposed “rights” are interfered with. I reply, “What about the rights of the quiet decent, hardworking people?“ What about the rights of the victims?”

National Socialism was founded on this premise, that the State and leader was God, that there were no “rights” other than were convenient for the state. This descent into depravity had been achieved. In the 19th century, the basis for morality had been driven out of society. In the 20th century, any whim of a leader was the divine word.

As the religious basis of the Nazi elite was Occult militant Hinduism, under which millions of people were not being killed, maimed and tortured. These useless and inconvenient cattle, animals as Darwin and Freud insisted, were merely being sent on to the next incarnation where they might even reappear as something useful. Today’s elite look upon US in the same Darwinian light.

As Hitler purged his society of unwanted genetic misfits, races, and creeds, so today’s elite seek to reduce this more or less human herd of cattle down to the “sustainable level” the Earth can support, the minimum number of serfs needed to service them as Kings and Nobility in their new Feudal Order.

Hegel: Along with the twisted and perverse mantra of Darwin, Freud, and Marx, we have the activist social gospel of another 19th century dim bulb, Hegel. His mantra has totally captivated the intellectual elite. Basically he taught that only great chaos can bring about great change. Thesis/antithesis/synthesis was his mantra.

Two world wars were encouraged, caused to subvert decent government and society towards their unholy Grail of a New World Order. The Nazi military was rebuilt and the later Soviet threat was kept in power by their constant funding. Today the radical bloodthirsty Muslims are encouraged, armed, and fed by this same twisted perverse theology that only maximum chaos, famine, and plagues can achieve their desired New World Order.

Explaining Hegel’s Mantra Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis:

In Hegel’s discipline, a group argues about both positions and comes up with the synthesis, a compromise which now is the New Truth. And of course this New Truth is a lie from the pit of hell! Then someone challenges this New Truth (thesis) with an even more far-out heretical position (antithesis) resulting in a far bolder (synthesis) delusional position and heresy.

So now you know more of “The rest of the story.”
These NWO Elite will indeed achieve their
“Brief kingdom and lasting infamy.”

Read more about this: “Peace prosperity and the coming holocaust” by Dave Hunt, “None dare call it conspiracy” and “None dare call it treason” pub in 1950s. Still available on Amazon Kindle about $8.

Hegelian dialectic by Col. Craig Roberts (Matrix of Evil),

Pastor Mike Online 09-25-12, Change Agents, The Hegelian Dialectic and more!

How Darwin Destroyed Reason: Formal and final causes, A Lecture by Prof. Stephen Clark

Tradition Betrayed: The False Prophets of Modernism

And finally, the Bible’s book of Revelation starting in chapter four. We are seeing the foreshadowing of these Revelation events soon to come upon our world.

© 2023 Lewis Brackett – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lewis Brackett: Lewishb@yahoo.comcom

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