By Lee Duigon

February 9, 2023

Our side seems to have a morale problem. It’s understandable—but it’s also just what Far Left Crazy wants. A demoralized enemy is beaten before the battle starts.

Victor Davis Hanson is a conservative commentator whom I respect. But when I read his piece, “Anarchy, American Style”, it knocked me for a loop.

He seemed to be throwing in the towel. Like, “Game over, man!” The Far Left radicals of the 1960s are now The Establishment. They’ve got a choke-hold on practically everything: our schools and colleges, “woke” corporations, our nooze media, the entertainment industry, our major cities, our minor cities, even some of our churches—you name it, they control it. They steal elections. They crush all opposition. And they abuse, insult, and demonize the rest of us. To Hillary Clinton we’re “deplorables.” To SloJo Biden, we’re “the dregs.” They’re constantly doing it and constantly getting away with it.

Did I mention that they’ve got the FBI and Justice Dept., too?

And then along comes the Grammy Awards, this week, and racks up 12.4 million viewers. Joy Reid exults: “The culture wars are over, and the Left won!”. Yessireebob, “total defeat” for conservatism. For America. What a rebound from last year’s Grammy debacle, a lousy 8.8 million views. The ratings don’t lie, Pancho! America is ripe and ready for Satanism, transgender, grooming little kids for sex, a drag queen on every street corner…

As Plato once said of sea monsters, “Perhaps the stories are not true.”

Those 12.4 million views are a misrepresentation. Yes, it was better than last year. But in 2020 the Grammies racked up 18.7 million viewers. Compared to that, 12.4 million is the kind of disaster that causes real-world businesses to bottom out.

So what they’re bragging about, the basis for their claims to victory, is nothing but a big finagle, another illustration of how statistics can be made to lie.

Did I mention that Disney’s stock is down by 44 percent? Not looking too good for “Groomers ‘R’ Us,” is it? A few more quarters like that and it’s sayonara, baby.

Leftids have worked hard, worked maniacally, to get to where they are today—gotta give ‘em that. But they have a glaring vulnerability: They think normal people agree with them and want what they’re selling. (Can I sell you 50 shares of Disney stock?)

They think we want their deluxe fun-pak! They think we want our children sterilized and fed to drag queens. They think we want non-existent national borders. And while we’re at it, we’ll be only too pleased to give up our cars, gas stoves, private home ownership, free speech, religion, and anything else they can lay their sweaty little hands on.

We know by now who is the enemy and what we have to do. Destroy the teachers’ unions. Chase the snakes out of our business. If they’re selling it, don’t buy it! You really should be able to get by without “Gay Day” at the old ballpark. Homeschool our children: without “public education,” the Far Left dies.

Nothing will ever convince these fanatics that they’re wrong. Don’t bother convincing them: beat them! And do it before they cook up another pandemic for us, and steal another national election.

Victor, Victor—live up to your name! We need all hands on deck. Stop crying the blues and help us give Democrats something to cry about.

Remember: they think they’re winning… and it’s just a lie, an illusion. Let them believe in it. We can’t afford to.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Pop in for a visit, make a liberal unhappy. My articles can so be found at .

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