by Lee Duigon

March 2, 2023

What if the government were to offer you five million dollars? Not for anything you did, not for anything that anybody did to you… but just for being you? “You” being any “long-term black resident” of San Francisco?

Wow! That’s a lot of money! Knowing that a multitude of people whom you don’t know, and probably never will, had to work for that money… would you take it?

I’m afraid to find out the answer to that question.

Heck, you don’t know any of those people. Why not take the money? You’ll be a millionaire!

This is the idiocy being contemplated by officials in San Francisco. No one knows exactly how much it would cost, but it’s got to be at least several times greater than the city’s regular municipal budget. But think of how great it’ll make rich white liberals feel about themselves!

The $5 million a head is intended to be “reparations” for slavery—which was formally abolished during the Civil War, which ended 158 years ago and slavery never existed in the state of California anyhow. So people who never kept slaves, never even saw a slave, are to pay this colossal sum of money to people who have never been slaves.

They don’t know where the money’s coming from, it’s profoundly unfair—punishing people for something that they never did—and worse than that, it will corrupt anyone who receives that money. Who has the integrity not to accept it?

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, British publishers are busily rewriting famous best-selling novels to make them acceptable and inoffensive to persons saturated by PC ideology. To that end, they’re rewriting Ian Fleming’s spy novels featuring 007, James Bond. They were also going to rewrite Roald Dahl’s classic children’s books, but energetic public protests scuttled the ploy. So they’ll offer two editions: the original, and the Far Left Stupid rewrites.

The Bond books are B-A-D because they’re full of “sexism, racism, and imperialism” (thank you, Commissar Khrushchev). All the B-A-D stuff has to be taken out… leaving, I suppose, not much of anything.

But you shouldn’t be allowed to read them as written! Some would call that censorship, but these dindles call it Social Justice. Somehow the pro-choice crowd never does anything but take away your choices. We’ve abolished the old-fashioned kind of slavery (except in certain Muslim countries), only to replace it with another kind.

What do these two news bits have in common? Liberals getting in your face and telling you what you can and cannot do—and making you pay for their utopia.

There’s no end to this. Have you noticed we’re now expected to say “they” for “he” or “she,” even though it’s absurdly bad English? Libs the world over are diving head-first onto that bandwagon, and they’ll give you what-for if you don’t join them. Every new silliness that they invent, in their deep idleness, they expect the rest of us to lap it up. If you don’t, you’re a Hater, etc. You cisnormative binary non-intersectional stinker, you!

Why do we let them do this to us? Why have we failed to laugh and razz them out of business? They erase our history and sabotage our future.

How far do they have to go before we’ve had enough?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit, before they take away that choice, too. My articles can also be found at .

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