By Lewis Brackett

March 4, 2023

Thing is, many in the Bible Believing Baptist KJV churches have this question. Where is the preaching here? Are great men of God expounding the Word of God to those at this revival? this was how all previous great awakenings happened.

When people who want to be a bank teller go to school, they do not study or handle counterfeit bills. They study the real thing. That way they know a counterfeit when they see it. Lets look at the real thing.

Jonathan Edwards

The great awakenings in the mid to late eighteenth and early to mid nineteenth centuries under men such as Jonathan Edwards had a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Words alone cannot have power, reading his sermons today we see that he preached simple truth.

It was the Holy Spirit that tugged at the hearts of men and women. Edwards stated that the plain text is “infallible and sufficient.” That the Word guides and inspires men. It convinces men of the falleness of their flesh, shows them the power of Christ’s shed blood to forgive their sins, The Holy Spirit should instruct them of the truth of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit should give them light to see and discern truth from error. The Holy Spirit should give the believer charity humility and compassion for all men.

Edwards great sermon “Sinners in the hand of an angry God” is simplicity in elegance. It simply states the certainty of mans finality in hell unless they repent and desire salvation. When he preached that hellfire is already reaching up and licking at their ankles; that the ground under your feet is about ready to collapse sending them into hellfire, men and women desperately held onto the pew before them, cried out at the terror of the abyss, even feeling the heat of the flames on their flesh. Then hastening forward twitching and retching wailing in terror, and falling at the preachers feet. Imploring that the saving power of the Christ save them from this present darkness of their souls. The certainty of the eternal fire.

Yes, confusion did oft reign in the assembly, some questioned this unseemly display, but Edwards solemnly replied that this was a necessary thing.

This was an outpouring if grief at their condition and the desiring for the mercies of God to fall upon them ere their just sentence drag them under into their much deserved condemnation.

God’s Word says:

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. “ -2 Timothy 4:2 KJV. It is the Word that changes men’s hearts, and brings them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Without doctrine, faith is like a ship without a rudder. She wanders wherever the wind blows.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” -2 timothy 2:15.

Without the Word being preached:

Does the “great awakenings” in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries compare with what has been called revivals in our present time? We all remember several brief revivals such as the “laughing revival” a few years ago. Was there any lasting fruit because of them?

See picture of Ashbury revival’s 1905, 1908, 1921, and 1950 all started in February.

Is the Ashbury revival just done in the flesh only being about feelings, that any doctrine is OK? Is it just a spiritual experience? This is where the Baptist KJV churches differ from some other charismatic churches. And yes, just between you and me, Baptists are closet charismatics, we are just the frozen choosers. While I personally do enjoy Some of the New Music that speaks about doctrine, the 7-11 songs (seven words sung eleven times) just build up emotional highs that can lead to accepting whatever loose doctrine the pastor is teaching later in the service. And yes, sadly in my opinion, that seems to be the case in the majority of denominations these days. Where dispensationism is neglected, biblical and doctrinal chaos reigns.

All this leads us KJV Baptists to think that these new revivals are a fleshly ecumenical type deception that leads people away from finding salvation in repentance realizing we are sinners, and accepting, choosing Jesus as Lord and savior.

The difference between repentance and remorse is the difference between heaven and hellfire.

Pastor JD Farag in Hawaii mentioned the Ashbury revival in his prophecy message on JD on Feb 26th.

Paraphrasing and quoting JD starting about minute 25:

This is Dominion theology, which is not about Jesus coming soon, its about Jesus cant be coming yet. A last days revival is a tenant of false prophets and teachings of the NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation and the IHOP, the International House of Prayer. They teach that Jesus cannot come until there is a worldwide revival first. Its about dominion theology and Kingdom now theology .

Basically, Its about what their false teachers call “the seven mountains mandate.”

Without going into lots of stuff, basically they believe that Jesus cannot come back until Christians have taken over the world for Jesus.

It appears from a report that The NAR and IHOP had planned the Ashbury revival well before it began.

This, their Dominion Theology is s like the tower of Babel all over again.

The Ashbury revival appears to be a self fulfilling attempt to create a revival through which dominion of the Earth can take place.

Since Jesus can’t come until there is a revival, lets have a revival.

Yes, like all good preachers, JD does repeat himself a bit. Guess that way you get the message.

Despite all this fuss and deception, Jesus is Still Lord. He is still coming back for us really soon. We, All of us, even faithful believers, have baggage we have accumulated, fussed with, even made a place for in our lives. Isn’t it about time for us to shine some daylight on our sin and confess them before God? He is ever ready to forgive forget and bring us back into close fellowship with Himself. Why walk in doubt, despair, darkness when He has The Light?

If you still don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and savior, find Him today. If you are still sitting on the fence about Jesus, remember that Satan owns the fence! Fence sitters still go to the Eternal Hellfire!

Romans 3:10; 3:23; 5:8; 6:23; 9:8 and 10:9-13 .

© 2023 Lewis Brackett – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lewis Brackett: Lewishb@yahoo.comcom

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