By Lex Greene

March 16, 2023

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:” – Matthew 12:25

We now have whole generations that were never taught the official national motto of the United States, E Pluribus Unum. The Latin phrase means “Out of many, one”. In other words, the USA is an immigrant nation, not to ever be confused with the illegal foreign invasion of our country we are witnessing today.

One of the limited enumerated sole powers of the US Congress is to “establish a uniform rule of naturalization” found in our Constitution, Article I – Section VIII. Congress has the sole power to create laws governing a uniformed standard means of legal immigration to the USA and Congress has made such laws. Sadly, this is one of many laws our government no longer adheres to…which in the end, will be largely responsible for the fall of the United States of America.

But the issue is much bigger than that. At our Founding, the following key cornerstones were set in place, never to be destroyed.

  1. Our Rights as American Citizens are NOT derived from government. They are “endowed by our Creator”“to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them”
  2. Our national motto – E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one, proposed for the first Great Seal of the United States by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson in 1776. No matter where on earth we come from, upon becoming a legal Citizen of the USA, we all become ONE people, united by one thing alone, FREEDOM.
  3. All governmental power is derived from the People, the legal citizens of the nation. No other source of governmental power exists as the government was created by the People, of the People and for the People, via the U.S. Constitution (circa 1787).
  4. The Federal Government was granted certain limited and carefully defined powers to serve the will of the Citizens. This body is further forbidden the power to infringe upon the People’s Natural Rights as established by the Bill of Rights (circa 1789).
  5. And these combined, are both The Charters of Freedom and the one unifying factor for all Americans, regardless of any race, creed, or color… FREEDOM for ALL is the unifier, once resulting in E Pluribus Unum.

For over 100 years, people from all corners of the globe left their homes in search of freedom and liberty, coming to the United States to become a legal citizen of the freest most prosperous nation ever known to mankind. They came to become ONE with all citizens, with equal Natural Rights as endowed by our Creator, and beyond the reach of any governmental body.

E Pluribus Unum – out of many, ONE people, united by the common cause of freedom, liberty, and justice for all! 247 years ago, every American put the cause of FREDDOM above all else, including life itself.

But by the early 1900s, global Marxist principles were threatening individual freedom and liberty as they wormed its way into our government and began to take root throughout society via public education, college lecture halls and mass media platforms.

In order to enslave a once free people, a government that had spent decades empowering and enriching itself, infringing upon the Natural Rights of all citizens, violating the very laws they passed, in an open assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, generations were no longer taught the foundations of unity. Instead, they were systematically pitted against each other by way of celebrating everything that divides us as a people. Celebrating “diversity” is celebrating that which can and has divided us.

No longer were children raised to know their foundations of freedom, or the one thing that once united all citizens, E Pluribus Unum for the great cause of freedom. No longer were they allowed to celebrate the things that unite all Americans in the common cause of freedom.

Instead, they were raised to hate freedom, favoring Marxist principles of division, pitting themselves against one another over what has become an endless list of carefully crafted divisive issues. No longer was American society assimilating into ONE people with a common cause. No longer is there one common language, much less one unifying common cause.

Instead, it’s every man, every race, every religion, every divisive group for themselves. No more E Pluribus Unum. Now we have the most divided country anywhere on earth, even though unity is the only way out of the utter disaster Marxist democrats and republicans have driven our country into.

Here’s the most important question of the day for every American!

Where does FREEDOM fall on your laundry list of priorities?

If it isn’t at the very top of your individual priorities, then you can go ahead and burn the rest of that list. Without FREEDOM, nothing else you plan for your future is even possible!

If FREEDOM is the top priority in your life, then here’s my second question…

If FREEDOM is your top priority, should you do as little as possible to protect FREEDOM for all…or do everything it takes to preserve FREEDOM for yourself and all future generations?

I don’t know where it started, but I saw a social media post a couple days ago that struck a chord with me. It said…

Bad times create strong men,
And strong men create good times,
Then good times create weak men,
And weak men create bad times

No truer words have ever been spoken, and this is exactly why history never fails to repeat.

The ONLY way for freedom and liberty to survive in the USA or anywhere else on earth, is for good strong men and women to UNIFY in a single common cause, refusing to accept no for an answer. The only single cause to ever unify people from all over the globe and all across the USA is the cause of FREEDOM. The rest of the world knows this… It’s modern Americans who don’t seem to know it.

Because “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:” – Matthew 12:25; and history has shown that this is and always will be an inescapable reality, the American citizens have no choice but to unify for the cause of FREEDOM alone, or nothing else we plan for the future is even possible.

Today, the greatest threat to American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace and tranquility isn’t Russia, China, North Korea, Iran or even all of them combined.

No, the greatest threat to every American today comes from only two places, in two forms…

1. Our totally corrupt, compromised and unconstitutional government occupants
2. The American people who have been so intentionally divided, dumbed down and drugged up, that the cause of FREEDOM isn’t even on most people’s list of priorities at all anymore

Our government is now a horrific threat to freedom and liberty everywhere on earth.

But the American people, who continue to allow it, are an even greater threat. You will never “go-along” enough to “get-along” with the enemies of FREDOM!

Divided, our house will fall. But when people unite, there is nothing they cannot do, including things that should never be allowed in the USA. Just last Friday, the second largest bank failure in U.S. history happened at SVB (Silicone Valley Bank). But before it collapsed, it’s corrupt leadership sold off their stock in the bank, handed out millions in employee bonuses and last, but not least, gave more than $73 million to Black Lives Matter, an avowed Marxist organization that has destroyed cities all across our country.

If that doesn’t grab your attention, maybe this will…


The same companies funding Klaus Schwab’s GLOBAL RESET have also spent $83 billion supporting a Marxist terrorist group that has been violently attacking, looting, and burning cities in the USA for years now.

While you try to decide how important FREEDOM is to you, and what you should be doing about it, remember that the enemies of freedom are working with endless financial backing, most of it coming from you, either in your tax money or in the things you buy from companies working to destroy you!


We either UNITE now or forget it all! Doubt this at your own peril!

We must return to E Pluribus Unum before our entire future is gone forever!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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